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Testing and Verification of Neural Network Based Safet 2020 Information and

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Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

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Testing and verification of neural-network-based safety-critical control

software: A systematic literature review
Jin Zhang a,b, Jingyue Li a,∗
Computer Science Department, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
School of Information Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Context: Neural Network (NN) algorithms have been successfully adopted in a number of Safety-Critical Cyber-
Software testing and verification Physical Systems (SCCPSs). Testing and Verification (T&V) of NN-based control software in safety-critical do-
Neural network mains are gaining interest and attention from both software engineering and safety engineering researchers and
Safety-critical control software
Systematic literature review
Objective: With the increase in studies on the T&V of NN-based control software in safety-critical domains, it is
important to systematically review the state-of-the-art T&V methodologies, to classify approaches and tools that
are invented, and to identify challenges and gaps for future studies.
Method: By searching the six most relevant digital libraries, we retrieved 950 papers on the T&V of NN-based
Safety-Critical Control Software (SCCS). Then we filtered the papers based on the predefined inclusion and ex-
clusion criteria and applied snowballing to identify new relevant papers.
Results: To reach our result, we selected 83 primary papers published between 2011 and 2018, applied the the-
matic analysis approach for analyzing the data extracted from the selected papers, presented the classification of
approaches, and identified challenges.
Conclusion: The approaches were categorized into five high-order themes, namely, assuring robustness of NNs,
improving the failure resilience of NNs, measuring and ensuring test completeness, assuring safety properties of
NN-based control software, and improving the interpretability of NNs. From the industry perspective, improv-
ing the interpretability of NNs is a crucial need in safety-critical applications. We also investigated nine safety
integrity properties within four major safety lifecycle phases to investigate the achievement level of T&V goals
in IEC 61508-3. Results show that correctness, completeness, freedom from intrinsic faults, and fault tolerance
have drawn most attention from the research community. However, little effort has been invested in achieving re-
peatability, and no reviewed study focused on precisely defined testing configuration or defense against common
cause failure.

1. Introduction sidered the most viable approach to meet the complexity requirements
of Safety-Critical Control Softwares (SCCSs) [2,3]. In this study, we re-
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are systems involving networks of fer to NN-based SCCS as SCCS that heavily use NNs (e.g., to implement
embedded systems and strong human-machine interactions [1]. Safety- controller). For example, in the transportation industry, deep-learning-
critical CPSs (SCCPSs) are a type of CPSs that highlights the severe non- based NNs have been widely used to developing self-driving cars [4] and
functional constraints (e.g., safety and dependability). The failure of SC- collision avoidance systems [5]. It is also worth noting that several safety
CPSs could result in loss of life or significant damage (e.g., property and incidents caused by autonomous vehicles have been presented in media,
environmental damage). Typical applications of SCCPSs are in nuclear e.g., Uber car’s fatal incident [6], Tesla’s fatal Autopilot crash [7], and
systems, aircraft flight control systems, automotive systems, smart grids, Google’s self-driving car crash [8]. In addition to the safety incidents
and healthcare systems. caused by failures of the autonomous system, security breaches of au-
In the last few years, advances in Neural Networks (NNs) have tonomous vehicles can potentially lead to safety issues, e.g., a demo
boosted the development and deployment of SCCPSs. The NN is con- showed that autonomous vehicles can be remotely controlled and hi-
jacked [9]. How can we ensure that an SCCS containing NN technology

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J. Zhang), (J. Li).
Received 20 April 2019; Received in revised form 5 December 2019; Accepted 6 March 2020
Available online 7 March 2020
0950-5849/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license. (
J. Zhang and J. Li Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

will behave correctly and consistently when system failures or malicious very similar features compared to CPSs, since they are all systems used
attacks occur? to monitor and control the physical world with embedded sensor and ac-
Increasing interest in the migration of Industrial Control Systems tuator networks. In general, CPSs are perceived as the new generation
(ICSs) towards SCCPSs has encouraged research in the area of safety of embedded control systems, which can involve IoTs and ICSs [21,22].
analysis of SCCPSs. Kriaa et al. [10] surveyed existing approaches for In this SLR, we adopted the CPS conceptual model in Griffor et al.
an integrated safety and security analysis of ICSs. The approaches cover [23] as a high-level abstraction of CPSs to describe the different per-
both the design stage and the operational stage of the system lifecycle. spectives of CPSs and the potential interactions of devices and systems
Some approaches (such as [11,12]) are aimed at combining safety and in a system of systems (SoS) as shown in Fig. 1. From the perspective
security techniques into a single methodology. Others (such as [13,14]) of unit level, a CPS at least includes one or several controllers, many
are trying to align safety and security techniques. These approaches are actuators, and sensors. A CPS can also be a system consisting of one or
either generic, which consider both safety and security at a very high more cyber-physical devices. From the SoS perspective, a CPS is com-
level, or model-based, which build upon the formal or semi-formal rep- posed of multiple systems that include multiple devices. In general, a
resentation of the system’s functions. CPS must contain the decision flow (from controller to actuators), in-
There are many studies that focus on the T&V of NNs in the past formation flow (from sensors to controller), and action flow (actuators
decade. Several review articles [15–18] on this topic have been pub- impacting the physical state of the physical world).
lished. Studies [15,19] have reviewed methods focusing on verification In the context of SCCPS, safety and performance are dependent on
and validation of NNs for aerospace systems. Studies [17,18] are limited the system (to be more specific, the controller of the system) making
in automotive applications. None of these review articles have applied the right decision according to the measurement of the sensors, and
the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) [20] approach. operating the actuators to take the right action at the right time. Thus,
Recently there has been more concern about Artificial Intelligence verification of the process of decision-making is vital for a SCCPS.
(AI) safety. The state-of-the-art advancements in the T&V of NN-based
SCCS are increasingly important; hence, there is a need to have a thor- 2.2. Modern neural networks
ough understanding of present studies to incentivize further discussion.
This study aimed to summarize the current research on T&V methods The concept of “neural network” was first proposed in 1943 by War-
for NN-based control software in SCCPSs. We have systematically ren McCullough and Walter Pitts [24], and Frank Rosenblatt in 1957
identified and reviewed 83 papers focusing on the T&V of NN-based designed the first trainable neural network called “the Perceptron” [25].
SCCSs and synthesized the data extracted from those papers to answer A perceptron is a simple binary classification algorithm with only one
three research questions. layer and output decision of “0” or “1.” By the 1980s, neural nets with
more than one layer were proposed to solve more complex problems,
• RQ1 What are the profiles of the studies focusing on testing and
i.e., multilayer perceptron (MLP). In this SLR, we regard multilayer NNs
verifying NN-based SCCSs?
that emerged after the 1980s as modern NNs.
• RQ2 What approaches and associated tools have been proposed to
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is the general name of computing
test and verify NN-based SCCSs?
systems designed to mimic how the human brain processes information
• RQ3 What are the limitations of current studies with respect to test-
[26]. An ANN is composed of a collection of interconnected computa-
ing and verifying NN-based SCCSs?
tion nodes (namely “artificial neurons”), which are organized in lay-
To our best knowledge, our study is the first SLR on testing and veri- ers. Depending on the directions of the signal flow, an ANN can have
fying NN-based control software in SCCPSs. The results of these research feed-forward or feedback architectures. Fig. 2 shows a simplified feed-
questions can help researchers identify the research gaps in this area, forward ANN architecture with multiple hidden layers. Each artificial
and help industrial practitioners choose proper verification and certifi- neuron has weighted inputs, an activation function, and one output.
cation methods. The weights of the interconnections are adjusted based on the learning
The main contributions of this work are: rules. There are three main models of learning rules, which are unsu-
pervised learning, supervised learning, and reinforcement learning. The
• We made a classification of T&V approaches in both academia and
choice of learning rules corresponds to the particular learning task. The
industry for NN-based SCCSs.
common activation functions contain sigmoid, hyperbolic tangent, ra-
• We identified and proposed challenges for advancing state-of-the-art
dial bases function (RBF), and piece-wise linear transfer function, such
T&V for NN-based SCCSs.
as Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) [27]. In a word, an ANN can be defined
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we by three factors: the interconnection structure between different layers,
define terminologies related to NN-based SCCPSs and summarize related activation function type, and procedure for updating the weights.
work from academia and industry. Section 3 describes the SLR process Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP [28]) represents a class of feed-
and the review protocol. The results of the research questions are re- forward ANN. An MLP consists of an input layer, one or several hidden
ported in Section 4. Section 5 discusses the industry practice of T&V of layers, and an output layer. Each neuron of MLP in one layer is fully
NN-based SCCSs, and the threats to validity of our study. Section 6 con- connected with every node in the following layer. An MLP employs a
cludes the study. back-propagation technique (which belongs to supervised learning) for
2. Background Convolutional Neural Network (CNN [29]) is a special type of
multi-layer NN with one or more convolutional layers. A convolutional
In this section, we first introduce terminology related to CPSs and layer includes “several feature maps with different weight vectors. A se-
modern NNs and show how NN algorithms have been used in SCCPSs. quential implementation of a feature map would scan the input image with
Then, we present the current state of practice of T&V of SCCSs. a single unit that has a local receptive field, and store the states of this
unit at corresponding locations in the feature map. This operation is equiv-
2.1. Cyber-physical systems alent to a convolution, followed by an additive bias and squashing func-
tion, hence the name convolutional network”[29]. CNNs are superior for
As defined in Rajkumar et al. [1], “cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are processing two-dimensional data (particular camera images) because of
physical and engineered systems whose operations are monitored, coordi- the convolution operations, which are capable of detecting features in
nated, controlled and integrated by a computing and communication core.” images. CNNs are now widely applied to develop partially-autonomous
Several other systems, such as Internet of Things (IoTs) and ICSs have and fully-autonomous vehicles.
J. Zhang and J. Li Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

Fig. 1. CPS conceptual model.

grated data development with standard software development to high-

light the importance of data-driven in DNN development. Falcini et al.
[32] also summarized that the DNN’s functional behavior depends on
both its architecture and its learning outcome through training.

2.3. The trends of using NN algorithm in SCCPSs

From 1940s automated range finders (developed by Norbert Wiener

for anti-aircraft guns) [164] to today’s self-driving cars, AI, especially
NN algorithms, is widely applied in both civilian (e.g., autonomous cars)
and military domains (e.g., military drones). Boosted by the advances of
AI, state-of-the-art CPSs can plan and execute more and more complex
operations with less human interaction. Here we present the applica-
Fig. 2. A simplified feed-forward ANN architecture. tions of NNs in the following four representative SCCPSs.

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs [30]) represent an ANN with mul-

tiple hidden layers between the input and output layers. DNNs (e.g., a 2.3.1. Autonomous cars
MLP with more than three layers or a CNN) differ from shallow NNs For automobile, the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) pro-
(e.g., a three-layer MLP) in the number of layers, the activation func- posed six levels of autonomous driving [33]. A level 0 vehicle has no
tions that can be employed, and the arrangement of the hidden layer. autonomous capabilities, and the human driver is responsible for all
Compared to shallow NNs, DNNs can be trained more in-depth to find aspects of the driving task. For level 5 vehicle, the driving tasks are
patterns with high performance even for complex nonlinear relation- only managed by the autonomous driving system. When developing
ships. autonomous vehicles targeting a high level of autonomy, one indus-
An NN could be trained offline or online. An NN trained offline try trend is to use DNNs to implement vehicle control algorithms. The
means it only learns during development. After training, the weights deep-learning-based approach enables vehicles to learn meaningful road
of the NN will be fixed and the NN will act deterministically. Therefore features from raw input data automatically and then output driving ac-
static verification methods could be possible. In contrast, online training tions. The so-called end-to-end learning approach can be applied to re-
will allow the NN to keep learning and evolving during operation, which solve complex real-world driving tasks. When using deep-learning-based
requires run-time verification methods. In some applications, such as the approaches, the first step is to use a large number of training data sets
Intelligent Flight Control System developed by NASA [15], both offline (images or other sensor data) to train a DNN. Then a simulator is used to
and online training strategies are employed to meet the system require- evaluate the performance of the trained network. After that, the DNN-
ments. based autonomous vehicle will be able to “execute recognition, predic-
NNs are fundamentally different with algorithmic programs, but a tion, and planning” driving tasks in diverse conditions [10]. Nowadays,
formal development methodology can still be derived for an NN system. CNNs are the most widely adopted deep-learning model for fully au-
Development process of an NN system can include six phases [31]: tonomous vehicles [5–8]. NVIDIA introduced an AI supercomputer for
autonomy [34]. The development flow using NVIDIA DRIVE PX includes
1. Formulation of requirements and goals;
four stages: 1) data acquisition to train the DNN, 2) deployment of the
2. Selection of training and test data sets;
output of a DNN in a car, 3) autonomous application development, and
3. Selection of the NN architecture;
4) testing in-vehicle or with simulation.
4. Training of the network;
One essential characteristic of deep-learning-based autonomy is that
5. Testing of the network; and
the decision-making part of the vehicle is almost a black box. This means
6. Acceptance and use by the customer.
that in most cases, we as human drivers must trust the decisions made
Like [31], Falcini et al. introduced a similar development lifecycle by the deep-learning algorithms without knowing exactly why and how
for DNNs in automotive software [32] and proposed a W-model inte- the decisions are made.
J. Zhang and J. Li Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

2.3.2. Industrial control systems as “an argument that the safety requirements for an item are complete
Industrial Control System (ICS) is the general term for control sys- and satisfied by evidence compiled from work products of the safety
tems, also called Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) activities during development” [46].
systems. ICSs make decisions based on the specific control law (such as The development of suitable approaches, which can verify the sys-
lookup table and non-linear mathematical model) formulated by human tem behavior and misbehavior of a SCCPS is always challenging. Not
designers. In contrast to the classical design procedure of control law, to mention that the architecture of NNs (especially DNNs) makes it
reinforcement-learning-based approaches learn the control law simply even harder to decipher how the algorithmic decisions were made.
from the interaction between the controller and the process, and then The current version of IEC 61508 is not applicable for the verifi-
incrementally improving control behavior. Such approaches and NNs cation of NN-based SCCSs because AI technologies are not recom-
have been used in process control two decades ago [35]. Concerning mended there. The latest version of ISO 26262 and its extension,
the recent progress in AI and the success of DNNs in making complex ISO/PAS 21448, which is also known as safety of the intended func-
decisions, there are high expectations for the application of DNNs in tionality (SOTIF) [47], will likely provide a way to handle the de-
ICSs. For instance, DNNs and reinforcement learning can be combined velopment of autonomous vehicles. However, SOTIF will only pro-
to develop continuous control [36]. Spielberg et al. extended the work vide guidelines associated with SAE Level 0–2 autonomous vehicles
in Lillicrap et al. [36] to design control policy for process control [37]. [48], which are not ready for the verification of NN-based autonomous
Even though the proposed approach in Spielberg et al. [37] is only tested vehicles.
on linear systems, it shows a practical solution for applying DNNs in In practice, in order to reduce test and validation costs, high-fidelity
non-linear ICSs. simulation is a commonly used approach in the automotive domain.
The purpose of using a simulator is to predict the behavior of an au-
2.3.3. Smart grid systems tonomous car in a mimicked environment. NVIDIA and Apollo dis-
The smart grid is designed as the next generation of electric power tributed their high-fidelity simulation platforms for testing autonomous
system, dependent on information communications technology (ICT). vehicles. CARLA [49] and Udacity’s Self-Driving Car Simulator [50] are
There is tremendous initiative of research activities in automated smart two popular open-source simulators for autonomous driving research
grid applications, such as FLISR (which is a smart grid multi-agent and testing.
automation architecture based on decentralized intelligent decision-
making nodes) [38]. NNs have been considered for solving many pattern
3. Research method
recognition and optimization problems, such as fault diagnosis [39], and
control and estimation of flux, speed [2], and economical electricity dis-
We conducted our SLR by following the SLR guidelines in Kitchen-
tribution to consumers. MLP is one of the most commonly used topology
ham and Charters [20] as well as consulting other relevant guidelines
in power electronics and motor drives [2].
in Petersen et al. [51] and Shahin et al. [52], Nguyen et al. [53]. Our
review protocol consisted of four parts: 1) search strategy, 2) inclusion
2.3.4. Healthcare
and exclusion criteria, 3) selection process, and 4) data extraction and
Medical devices is another emerging area where research and in-
dustry practitioners are seeking to integrate AI technologies to improve
accuracy and automation. ANNs and other machine learning approaches
have been proposed to improve the control algorithms for diabetes treat- 3.1. Search strategy
ment in recent decades [40,41]. In 2017, an AI-powered device for auto-
mated and continuous delivery of basal insulin (named MiniMed 670G Based on guidelines provided in Kitchenham and Charters [20], we
system [42]) was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. use the Population, Intervention, Outcome, Context (PIOC) criteria to
In the same year, it was reported that GE Healthcare had integrated formulate search terms. In this SLR,
the NVIDIA AI platform into their computerized tomography scanner to
improve speed and accuracy for the detection of liver and kidney le- • The population should be an application area (e.g., general CPS) or
sions [43]. Using deep learning solutions, such as CNNs, in the medical specific CPS (e.g., self-driving car).
computing field has proven to be effective since CNNs have excellent • The intervention is methodology, tools and technology that address
performance in object recognition and localization in medical images system/component testing or verification.
[44]. • The outcome is the improved safety or functional safety of CPSs.
• The context is the NN-based SCCPSs in which the T&V take place.
2.4. Testing and verification of safety-critical control software
Fig. 3 shows the search terms formulated based on the PIOC crite-
ria. We first used these search terms to run a series of trial searches
IEC 61508 and ISO 26262 are two standards highly relevant to the
and verify the relevance of the resulting papers. We then revised the
T&V of SCCS. IEC 61508 is an international standard concerning Func-
search string to form the final search terms. The final search terms were
tional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related
composed of synonyms and related terms.
systems. It defines four safety integrity levels (SILs) for safety-critical
We executed automated searches in six digital libraries, namely, Sco-
systems [45]. The higher the SIL level a SCCPS requires, the more time
pus, IEEE Xplore, Compendex EI, ACM Digital library, SpringerLink, and
and effort for verification are needed. In IEC 61508, formal methods
Web of Science (ISI).
are highly recommended techniques for verifying high SIL systems. Be-
cause formal methods can be used to construct the specification and
provide a mathematical proof that the system matches some formal re- 3.2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
quirements, this is quite a strong commitment for the correctness of a
system. Table 1 presents our inclusion and exclusion criteria. We set three
ISO 26262, titled Road vehicles – functional safety, is an international inclusion criteria to restrict the application domain, context, and out-
standard for the functional safety of electrical and/or electronic systems come type. We excluded papers that were not peer-reviewed, such as
in production automobiles [46]. Besides using classical safety analysis keynotes, books, and dissertations, and papers not written in English.
methods such as Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Failure Mode and Effects It should be clarified that, unlike most other SLR studies, we did not
Analysis (FMEA), ISO 26262 explicitly states that the production of a directly exclude short papers (less than six pages), work-in-progress pa-
safety case is mandated to assure system safety. It defines a safety case pers, and pre-print papers. The reason is that this research area is far
J. Zhang and J. Li Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

Fig. 3. Search terms.

Table 1
Inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Inclusion criteria

I1 The paper must have a context in SCCPSs, either in general or in a specific application domain
I2 The paper must be aimed at testing/verification approaches for NN-based SCCSs
I3 The paper must be aimed at modern neural networks

Exclusion criteria

E1 Papers not peer-reviewed

E2 Not written in English
E3 Full-text is not available
E4 Not relevant to modern neural networks

Stage 3: Further filtered the papers by reading abstracts and found

105 potential papers with high relevance to the research goal of our
Stage 4: Read the introduction and conclusion to decide on selec-
tion. We recorded the reasons for exclusion for each excluded paper. We
excluded the papers that were irrelevant, or whose full texts were not
available. Furthermore, we critically examined the quality of primary
studies to exclude those that lacked sufficient information. We ended
up with 27 papers.
Stage 5: Read full text of the selected studies from the fourth stage,
applied snowballing by scanning the reference of the selected papers.
The snowballing process can be implemented in two directions: back-
wards (which means scanning the references of a selected paper and
find any other relevant papers published before the selected paper), and
forwards (which means checking if any other relevant paper was pub-
lished after the selected paper and cited the selected paper). In our SLR,
we adapted mainly backward snowballing to include additional papers.
To limit the scope of the snowballing, we covered only references pub-
lished between 2011 and 2018. From snowballing, we found 56 new
relevant papers.
Finally, we selected 83 papers as primary studies for detailed analy-
sis. We listed all of the selected studies in Appendix A. The first author
conducted the selection process with face-to-face discussions with the
second author. The second author performed a cross-check of each step
Fig. 4. Search process.
and read all the final selected papers to confirm the selection of the

from mature, so many initial thoughts or in-progress papers are still 3.4. Data extraction and synthesis
valuable to review.
Data Extraction: We extracted two kinds of information from the
3.3. Selection process selected papers. To answer RQ1, we extracted information for statistical
analysis, e.g., publication year and research type. To answer RQ2 and
We used the inclusion and exclusion criteria to filter the papers in RQ3, we collected information to identify key features (such as research
the following steps. We covered papers from January 2011 to November goal, technique and tools, major contribution and limitation) of T&V
2018. Fig. 4 shows the whole search and filtering process. approaches.
Stage 1: Ran the search string on the six digital libraries and re- Synthesis: We used descriptive statistics to analyze the data for an-
trieved 1046 papers. After removing those duplicated papers, we had swering RQ1. To answer RQ2 and RQ3, we analyzed the data using the
950 papers. qualitative analysis method by following the five steps of thematic anal-
Stage 2: Excluded studies by reading title and keywords. If it was not ysis [54]: 1) extracting data, 2) coding data, 3) translating codes into
excluded simply by reading titles and keywords, the paper was kept for themes, 4) creating a model of higher-order themes, and 5) assessing
further investigation. At the end of this stage, we selected 254 papers. the trustworthiness of the synthesis.
J. Zhang and J. Li Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

Table 3
Distribution of application domains of the se-
lected studies.

Application domain No. of studies

General SCCPSs 59
Automotive CPSs 13
Autonomous aerial systems 5
Robot system 5
Health care 1

a combination of several conditions. The six research types (i.e., evalu-

ation research, solution proposal, validation research, philosophical pa-
pers, opinion papers, and experience papers) correspond to R1-R6, re-
spectively. For example, both evaluation research (corresponding to R1)
Fig. 5. Publication year and types of selected papers. and validation research (corresponding to R4) must present empirical
evaluation. The difference between evaluation and validation research is
Table 2 that validation is not used in practice (e.g., experimental or simulation-
Research type classification (T = True, F = False, ● = irrelevant based approaches), whereas evaluation studies should be conducted in a
or not applicable, R1–R6 refer to rules). real-world context. Solution proposal means that it has to propose a new
solution that may or may not be used in practice. We found that eval-
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
uation and validation research are the majority of the selected papers,
Conditions corresponding to 31.3% (26 papers) and 61.4% (51 papers) of the se-
Used in practice T ● T F F F lected papers, respectively. The low percentage of the solution proposal
Novel solution ● T F ● F F
(6 papers) was not surprising because a majority of the reviewed papers
Empirical evaluation T F F T F F
Conceptual framework ● ● ● ● T F presented and demonstrated their T&V approaches through academic
Opinion about something F F F F F T and industrial case studies, simulation, and controlled experiments. The
Authors’ experience ● ● T ● F F other three types of research papers (i.e., philosophical papers, opinion
√ papers, and experience papers) do not exist in selected studies because
Evaluation research ● ● ● ● ●
√ we only included papers that aimed at testing/verification approaches
Solution proposal ● ● ● ● ●

Validation research ● ● ● ● ● (refer to inclusion criteria I2).

Philosophical papers ● ● ● ● ● Application domains: We analyzed the application domain of se-

Opinion papers ● ● ● ● ● lected studies to provide useful information for researchers and prac-

Experience papers ● ● ● ● ●
titioners who are interested in the domain-specific aspects of the ap-
Note: Reprinted from [51],Copyright 2015 by the Elsevier. proaches. The results are shown in Table 3. We found that considerable
effort is now being put into using NN algorithms to accomplish control
logic for general purpose (59 papers, 71.1%), automotive CPSs, such as
4. Result autonomous vehicles (13 papers, 15.7), and autonomous aerial systems,
such as airborne collision avoidance systems for unmanned aircrafts (5
4.1. RQ1. What are the profiles of the studies focusing on testing and papers, 6%).
verifying NN-based SCCSs?
4.2. RQ2. What approaches and associated tools have been proposed to
Studies distributions: Fig. 5 shows the distribution of selected pa- test and verify NN-based SCCSs?
pers based on publication year and the types of work. There has been
68 papers (81.9%) published since 2016, indicating that researchers are As 4 of the 83 papers focused mainly on high-level ideas and con-
paying more attention to the T&V of NN-based SCCSs. Conference was cepts without presenting detailed approaches or tools, we did not in-
the most popular publication type with 48 papers (57.8%), followed by clude them to answer RQ2. For the remaining 79 out of 83 (95.2%)
pre-print (25 papers, 30.1%), workshop (6 papers, 7.2%), and journal papers, we applied the thematic analysis approach [54] and identified
(4 papers, 4.8%). five high-order themes and some sub-themes. Some papers contain more
We also investigated the geographic distribution of the reviewed than one themes. In order to balance the accuracy and the simplicity of
studies. It allowed us to identify which countries are leading the research categorization, we decided to assign each study only one category based
in this domain. We considered a study to be conducted in one country on its major contribution. Table 4 presents the themes, sub-themes, and
if the affiliation of at least one author is in that country. Moreover, the the corresponding papers. Fig. 6 compares the interests difference of
involvement of industry would be an indicator of industry’s interest in academia and industry for the five identified themes.
this domain. We classified the reviewed papers as industry if at least
one author came from industry or the study used real-world industrial 4.2.1. CA1: Assuring robustness of NNs
systems to test/verify the proposed approach. A paper would be cate- One high-order theme of the studies is to assure the robustness of
gorized as academia if all authors came from academia. It shows that NNs. Robustness of an NN is its ability to cope with erroneous inputs.
researchers based in the USA have been involved in the most primary The erroneous inputs can be an adversarial example (i.e., an input that
studies for testing or verification of NN-based SCCSs with 56 publica- adds small perturbation intentionally to mislead classification of an NN),
tions, followed by the researchers based in Germany and the UK with 10 or benign but wrong input data. Methods under this theme can be further
and 9 publications, respectively. It is worth noting that 47 of 83 (56.6%) classified into four sub-themes.
publications have involvement from industry. Studies focusing on understanding the characteristics and impacts of ad-
Research types: We classified the selected papers based on the cri- versarial examples Some studies tried to identify the characteristics and
teria proposed by Kai et al. [51] (See Table 2). According to Table 2, the impacts of adversarial examples. The study [56] found the character-
research type of the paper is governed by rules (i.e., R1-R6). Each rule is istics, such as the linear nature, of adversarial examples. The study
J. Zhang and J. Li Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

Table 4
A classification of approaches to test and verify NN-based SCCSs.

Themes Sub-themes Papers #

Assuring robustness of Understanding the characteristics and impacts of adversarial examples [55–61] 17
NNs Detect adversarial examples [62–67]
Mitigate impact of adversarial examples [68,69]
Improving robustness of NNs through using adversarial examples [70,71]
Improving failure [72–82] 11
resilience of NNs
Measuring and [83–89] 7
ensuring test
Assuring safety [90–102] 13
properties of NN-based
Improving Understand how a specific decision is made [103–121]
interpretability of NNs Facilitate understanding of the internal logic of NNs [122–127] 31
Visualizing internal layers of NNs to help identify errors in NNs [128–133]

regions first and then verified whether the candidates were safe using
counter-examples as a proof.
Studies focusing on methods to mitigate impact of adversarial examples
Papemot et al. [68] adopted defensive distillation as a defense strat-
egy to train DNN-based classifiers against adversarial examples. How-
ever, several powerful attacks have been proposed to defeat defensive
distillation and have demonstrated that defensive distillation does not
actually eliminate adversarial examples [60]. Papemot et al. [69] revis-
ited defensive distillation and proposed a more effective way to defend
against three recently discovered attack strategies, i.e., the Fast Gradi-
ent Method (FGM) [56], the Jacobian Saliency Map Approach (JSMA)
[135], and the AdaDelta optimization strategy (AdaDelta) [60].
Studies focusing on increasing robustness of NNs through using adversar-
ial examples. In studies [70,71], the authors proposed methods to lever-
age adversarial training (e.g., generating a large amount of adversarial
Fig. 6. Comparing the interests difference of academia and industry. examples and then training the NN not to be fooled by these adversarial
examples) to increase the robustness of NNs.

4.2.2. CA2: Improving failure resilience of NNs

[58] measured the impact of adversarial examples by counting their Studies under this theme focused on improving the resilience of NNs,
frequencies and severities. Nguyen et al. [55] found that a CNN trained so that the NN-based CPSs are more tolerant of possible hardware and
on ImageNet [134] is vulnerable to adversarial examples generated software failures.
through Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) or gradient ascent. Studies [74,76,77] investigated error detection and mitigation mech-
A few other studies, such as [57,59–61], tried to understand the char- anisms, while studies [75,79] focused on understanding error propaga-
acteristics of robust NNs. Cisse et al. [59] introduced a particular form tion in DNN accelerators. Vialatte et al.[74] demonstrated that faulty
of DNN, namely Parseval Networks, that is intrinsically robust to adver- computations can be addressed by increasing the size of NNs. Santos
sarial noise. Gu et al. [61] concluded that some training strategies, for et al. [76] proposed an algorithm-based fault tolerance (ABFT) strategy
example, training using adversarial examples or imposing contractive to detect and correct radiation-induced errors. In [77], a binary clas-
penalty layer by layer, are robust to certain structures of adversarial ex- sification algorithm based on temporal and stereo inconsistencies was
amples (e.g., inputs corrupted by Gaussian additive noises or blurring). applied to identify errors caused by single frame object detectors. Li
Higher-confidence adversarial examples (i.e., adversarial instances that et al. [75] developed a general-purpose GPU (GPGPU) fault injection
are extremely easy to classify into the wrong category) were used to tool [136] to investigate error propagation patterns in twelve GPGPU
evaluate the robustness of the state-of-the-art NN in Carlini and Wagner applications. Later, Li et al. revealed that the error resilience of DNN ac-
[60] and the robot-vision system in Melis et al. [57]. celerators depends on “the data types, values, data reuse, and the types of
Studies focusing on methods to detect adversarial examples Detecting ad- layers in the design [80]”. Based on this finding, they devised guidelines
versarial examples that are already inserted into training or testing data for designing resilient DNN systems and proposed two DNN protection
set are the primary targets of [62,64–67]. Wicker et al. [62,66] for- techniques, namely Symptom-based Error Detectors (SED) and Selective
mulated the adversarial examples detection as a two-player stochas- Latch Hardening (SLH) to mitigate soft errors that are typically caused
tic game and used the Monte Carlo Tree Search to identify adversarial by high-energy particles in hardware systems [137].
examples. Reuben [64] applied density estimates, and Bayesian uncer- Mhamdi et al. explored error propagation mechanism in an NN [78],
tainty estimates to detect adversarial samples. Xu et al. [65] proposed and they theoretically and empirically proved that the key parame-
a feature squeezing framework to detect adversarial examples, which ters that can be used to estimate the robustness of an NN are: “Lip-
are generated by seven state-of-the-art methods. According to [65], an schitz coefficient of the activation function, distribution of large synaptic
advantage of feature squeezing is that it did not change the underly- weights, and depth of the network”. The study [80] characterized the faults
ing model. Therefore, it can easily be integrated with other defenses propagation through an open-source autonomous vehicle control soft-
methods. Metzen et al. [67] embedded DNNs with a subnetwork (called ware (i.e., openpilot) to assess the failure resilience of the system. The
“detector”) to detect adversarial perturbations. The Deepsafe presented Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) [138] hazard analysis tech-
in Gopinath et al. [63] used clustering technology to find candidate-safe nique was used to guide fault injection. Existing work in Rubaiyat et al.
J. Zhang and J. Li Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

[80] showed that STPA is suited for an in-depth identification of unsafe can verify real-world MLPs automatically. As an extended experiment
scenarios, and thus, the fault injection space was reduced. analysis of results of [92], Pulina and Tacchella [90] compared the per-
Based on the diversified redundancy strategies, the study [81] de- formance (e.g., competition-style and scalability) of state-of-the-art Sat-
veloped diverse networks in the context of different training data sets, isfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers [143], and demonstrated that
different network parameters, and different classification mechanisms scalability and fine-grained abstractions remain challenges for realistic
to strengthen the fault tolerance of the DNN architecture. size networks. The studies [91,97] verified the “feed-forward NNs with
Studies [72,73] tried to improve computation efficiency without piece-wise linear activation functions” by encoding verification problems
compromising error resilience. Studies [72,73] also predicted the error into solving a linear approximation exploring network behavior in a
resilience of DNN accelerators to make reconfigurable NN accelerators. SMT solver.
The study [72] demonstrated a more accurate neuron resilience assign- The next generation of collision avoidance systems for unmanned air-
ment than the state-of-the-art techniques and provided the possibility crafts (ACAS Xu) adopted DNNs to compress large score table [5]. Julian
of moving parts of the neuron computations to unreliable hardware at et al. [95] explored the performance of ACAS Xu by measuring a set of
the given quality constraint. Zhang et al. [73] proposed a framework to safety and performance metrics. A simulation in study [95] shows that
increase efficiency of computation by approximating the computation the system based on DNNs performed as correctly as the original large
of certain less critical neurons. Daftry et al. [82] provided an interesting score table but with better performance. Reluplex [97] had successfully
idea about “how to enable a robot to know when it does not know?” The been used to verify the safety property of a DNN for the prototype of
idea of [82] is to utilize the resulting features of the controller, which ACAS Xu. Although the outcomes of Reluplex [97] are limited to veri-
are learned from a CNN to predict the failure of the controller, and then fying the correctness of NNs with specific type of activation functions
let the system self-evaluate and decide whether to execute or discard an (i.e., ReLUs and max-pooling layers), the study sheds a light on which
action. types of NN architectures are easier to verify, and thus paves the way
for verifying real-world DNN-based controllers.
4.2.3. CA3: Measuring and ensuring test completeness The method proposed in studies [99,100] verified that Binarized
The approaches and tools under this theme aim to ensure good cover- Neural Networks (BNNs) are efficient and scalable to moderate-sized
age when testing NNs. The testing approaches include black-box testing BNNs. Study [99] represented BNNs as boolean formulas, and then ver-
(i.e., focusing on whether the tests cover all possible usage scenarios), ified the robustness of BNNs against adversarial perturbations. In study
white-box testing (i.e., focusing on whether the tests cover every neuron [100], BNNs and their input-output specifications were transferred into
in the NN), and metamorphic testing, which focuses on both test case equivalence hardware circuits. The equivalence hardware circuits con-
generation and result verification [139]. sist of a BNN structure module and a BNN property module. The authors
O’Kelly et al.[83] proposed methods to ensure good usage cover- of [100] then applied a SAT solver to verify the properties (e.g., “simul-
age through first making a formal Scenario Description Language (SDL) taneously classify an image as a priority road sign and as a stop sign
to create driving scenarios, and then translating the scenarios to a with high confidence”) of the BNN in order to identify the risk behavior
specification-guided automatic test generation tool named S-TALIRO to of the BNN.
generate and run the tests. Raj et al. [86] proved the possibility of speed- When verifying a SCCS, one of the fundamental concerns is to make
ing up the generation of new and interesting counterexamples by intro- sure that the SCCS will never violate a safety property. An example of
ducing fuzzing patterns obtained from an unrelated DNN on a different a safety property is that the system should never reach an unsafe re-
image database, although the proposed method provides no guarantee gion. The main ideas of studies under this sub-theme are to calculate
of test completeness. the output reachable set of MLPs, such as in studies [94,96], or DNNs
DeepXplore [84] first introduced neuron coverage as a testing metric in study [93], to verify if unsafe regions will be reached. Xiang et al.
for DNNs, and then used multiple different DNNs with similar function- [96] proposed a layer-by-layer approach to compute the output reach-
ality to identify erroneous corner cases. Compared to [84], DeepTest able set assisted by polyhedron computation tools. The safety verifica-
[85] and DLFuzz [89] aimed at maximizing the neuron coverage with- tion of a ReLU MLP is turned into checking if a non-empty intersection
out requiring multiple DNNs. The study [85] employed metamorphic exists between the output reachable set and the unsafe regions. In a
relations to identify erroneous behaviors. The study [89] proposed a later work of Xiang et al. [94], they introduced maximum sensitivity to
differential fuzzing testing framework to generate adversarial inputs. perform a simulation-based reachable set estimation with few restric-
However, methods proposed in Pei et al. [84], Tian et al. [85], Guo et al. tions on the activation functions. By combining local search and linear
[89] cannot guarantee the generation of test cases that can precisely programming problems, Dutta et al. [93] developed an output bound
reflect real-world cases (e.g., driving scenes in various weather condi- searching approach for DNNs with ReLU activation functions, which is
tions when taking a DNN-based autonomous driving system). DeepRoad implemented in a tool called SHERLOCK to check whether the unsafe
[88] employed Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based techniques region is reached. Study [98] focused on the safety verification of image
and metamorphic testing to synthesize diverse real driving scenes, and classification decisions. In [98], Huang et al. employed discretization to
to test inconsistent behaviors in DNN-based autonomous driving sys- enable a finite exhaustive search for adversarial misclassifications. If no
tems. In contrast to earlier works, DeepGauge [87] argued that the test- misclassifications are found in all layers after the exhaustive search, the
ing criteria for traditional software are no longer applicable for DNNs. NN is regarded as safe.
Ma et al. [87] proposed neuron-level and layer-level coverage criteria The idea of [101] was to formulate the formal verification of tempo-
for testing DNNs and for measuring the testing quality. ral logic properties of a CPS with Machine Learning (ML) components as
the falsification problem (finding a counterexample that does not satisfy
4.2.4. CA4: Assuring safety property of NN-based SCCPSs system specification). The study [101] adopted an ML analyzer to ab-
Formal verification can provide a mathematical proof that a system stract the feature space of ML components (which approximately repre-
satisfies some desired safety properties (e.g., the system should always sents the ML classifiers). The identified misclassifying features are then
stay within some allowed region, namely a safe region). Formal verifi- used to drive the process of falsification. The introduction of the ML
cation usually presents NNs as models and then apply a model checker, analyzer narrowed down the searching space for counterexamples and
such as Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solvers (e.g., Chaff [140], SATO established a connection between the ML component and the rest of the
[141], GRASP [142]) to verify the safety property. Pulina et al. [92] de- system.
veloped NeVer (“Ne”ural networks “Ver”ifier), which solves Boolean Another direction to make sure the system will not violate safety
combinations of linear arithmetic constraints, to verify safe regions of properties is to use run-time monitoring. The study [102] envisioned
MLPs. Through adopting an abstraction-refinement mechanism, NeVer an approach named WISEML, which combines reinforcement learning
J. Zhang and J. Li Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

and run-time monitoring technique, to detect invariants violations. The from NN models has later been applied for interpretability. Some studies
purpose of this work was to create a safety envelope around the NN- compressed information (e.g., decision rules) from deep learning models
based SCCPSs. into transparent models such as decision trees [122,131] and gradient
boosting trees [123] to mimic the performance of models. Others tended
4.2.5. CA5: Improving interpretability of NNs to explain the inner mechanisms of NN models through analyzing the
NNs have proved to be effective ways to generalize the relationship feature space. Study [126] distilled the relationship between input fea-
between inputs and outputs. As the models of NNs are learned from tures and model predictions (outputs of the model) as a feature shape
training data sets without human intervention, the relationship between to evaluate the feature contribution to the model.
the inputs and outputs of NNs is like a black box. Due to the black-box Another attempt to produce global interpretability is to reveal the
nature of NNs, it is difficult for people to understand and explain how an features learned by each neuron. For example, in Nguyen et al. [127],
NN works. Studies under this theme focus on facilitating the understand- the authors leveraged deep generator networks to synthesized the input
ing on how NNs generate outputs from inputs. Studies in this theme can (i.e., image) that highly activates a neuron. Dong et al. [110] adopted an
be classified into the following three sub-themes, which can be over- attentive encoder-decoder network to learn interpretable features, and
lapped. However, this can be a way to capture the different motivations then proposed an algorithm called prediction difference maximization to
for the interpretability of NNs. interpret the features learned by each neuron.
Studies focusing on understanding how a specific decision is made This One interesting work [119] used an additional NN module that is
line of work mainly focuses on providing explanations for individual pre- fit for relational reasoning to reason the relations between the input
dictions (also defined as local interpretability). One study is called Lo- and response of the NN models. There is also another promising line of
cal Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME) [129]. LIME can work (e.g., [109,114]) that combined local and global interpretability
approximate the original NN model locally to provide an explanation to explain NN models.
for a specific prediction of interest. The problem of LIME is that it as- Studies focusing on visualizing internal layers of NNs to help identify
sumes the local linearity of the classification boundary, which is not errors in NNs In study [128], activities, such as the operation of the clas-
true for most complex NNs. The creators of LIME later extended their sifier and the function of intermesdiate feature layers within the CNN
work by introducing high-precision rules (i.e., if-then rules), which they model, were visualized by using a multi-layered deconvolutional net-
called anchors [104]. The study [130] developed an explanation sys- work (named DeconvNet). These visualizations are useful to interpret
tem named LEMNA for security applications and Recurrent Neural Net- model problems. Unlike [128], which visually depicted neurons in a
works (RNNs). LEMNA can locally approximate a non-linear classifica- convolutional layer, the study [107] visualized neurons in a fully con-
tion boundary and handle feature dependency problems and therefore nected layer. Zhou et al. [112] proposed Class Activation Mapping (CAM)
is able to provide a high fidelity explanation. for CNNs to visualize the discriminative object parts on any given im-
In the case of an image classifier, it is also common to use gradient age. Fong and Vedaldi [111] highlighted the most responsible part of
measurements to estimate the importance value of each pixel for the an image for a decision by perturbing meaningful images. DarkSight
final classification. DeepLIFT [115], Integrated Gradients [105], and [125] combined the ideas of model distillation and visualization to vi-
more recently, SmoothGrad [120] fall into this category. The study sualize the prediction of an NN model. Thiagarajan et al. [132] built a
[121] proposed a unified framework, SHapley Additive exPlanations TreeView representation via feature-space partitioning to interpret the
(SHAP), by integrating six existing methods (LIME [122], DeepLIFT prediction of an NN. Mahendran et al. [133] reconstructed semantic in-
[115], Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation, Shapley regression values, formation (images) in each layer of CNNs by using information from the
Shapley sampling values, and Quantitative Input Influence) to measure image representation.
feature importance.
Several approaches attempted to decompose the classification deci- 4.3. RQ3. What are the limitations of current research with respect to
sion (output) into the contributions of individual components of an input testing and verifying NN-based SCCSs?
based on specific local decomposition rules (i.e., Pixel-Wise decomposi-
tion [106,116], and deep Taylor decomposition [108]). Analyzing failure modes and how the system reacts to failures are
Szegedy et al. [103] investigated the semantic meaning of individual crucial parts of the safety analysis, especially in safety-critical domains.
units and the stability of DNNs while small perturbations were added to When testing and verifying the safety of NN-based SCCPSs, we need to
the input. They pointed out that the individual neurons did not contain rethink how to perform failure mode and effect analysis, how to analyze
the semantic information, while the entire space of activations does. inter-dependencies between sub-systems of SCCPSs, and how to analyze
They also experimentally proved that the same small perturbation of the resilience of the system. We need to ensure that even if some of the
input can cause different DNN models (e.g., trained with different hy- system’s hardware or software do not behave as expected, the system
perparameters) to generate wrong predictions. can sense the risk, avoid the risk before the incident, and mitigate the
There are several methods for improving local explanations for risk effectively when an incident happens. Looking into T&V activities
NN models compared to the above-mentioned approaches. The study through software development, the ideal situation is that we would find
[113] argued that explanation approaches for NN models should pro- appropriate T&V methods to verify whether the design and implemen-
vide sound theoretical support. Ross et al. [118] presented their idea as tation are consistent with the requirements, construct complete test cri-
“Right for the right reasons,” which means that the output of NN models teria and test oracle, and generate test data and test any objects (such as
should be right with the right explanation. In Ross et al. [118], incorrect code modules, data structures) that are necessary for the correct devel-
explanations for particular inputs can be identified, and NN models can opment of software [144]. Unfortunately, the fact is that complete T&V
be guided to learn alternate explanations. Both [113,117] made efforts is hard to guarantee. In order to investigate the gap between industry
on real-time explanations since their approaches can generate accurate needs for T&V of NN-based SCCPS and state-of-the-art T&V methods, we
explanations quickly enough. performed a mapping of identified approaches to the relevant standard.
Studies focusing on facilitating understanding of the internal logic of NNs.
Studies in this sub-theme are also known as global interpretability. To 4.3.1. Mapping of reviewed approaches to the software safety lifecycles in
help interpret how NN models work, model distillation is used in Frosst IEC 61508
and Hinton [122], Che et al. [123], Hinton et al. [124], Tan et al. [126]. An increased interest in the application of NNs within safety-critical
The initial intention of distillation was to reduce the computational cost. domains has encouraged research in the area of T&V of NN-based SCCSs.
For example, Hinton et al. [124] distilled a collection of DNN models Research institutions and industry T&V practitioners are working on
into a single model to facilitate deployment. The knowledge distilled different aspects of this problem. However, we have not found strong
J. Zhang and J. Li Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

Table 5
A mapping of reviewed approaches to IEC 61508 safety lifecycle.

Phase Property Relevant primary studies Category Remaining challenges

Software Completeness None N/A

architecture design Correctness [95] CA4 Training process of NN-based algorithm is
Freedom from intrinsic [56,58,59,61,65,67–71] CA1 ❶ Limited to specific model classes, or tasks (e.g., image
faults classifier), or small size NNs [58]; ❷ Not immune to
adversarial adaptation [65]; ❸ Lack of understanding on
how system can be free from different kinds of attacks
other than adversarial examples.
Understand- ability [103–133] CA5 ❶ Limited to specific model classes, or tasks (e.g., image
classifier), or small size NN models [122]; ❷ Not able to
provide real-time explanations; ❸ Lack of evaluation
method for the explanation of NNs.
Verifiable and testable [83] CA3 ❶ Lack of integrated computer- aided toolchains to
design support the verification activities; ❷ Limited to specific
models, tasks or NN size.
[91] CA4 ❶ Limited to specific NN architectures (i.e., piece-wise
linear activation functions), need better understanding of
NN architectures; ❷ Trade-off between efficient
verification and linear approximation of the NN behavior
is not studied sufficiently.
Fault tolerance [73,74,78,81,82] CA2 ❶ Decouple the fault tolerance from the classification
performance [74]; ❷ Lack of studies on unexpected
environmental failures.
Defense against common None N/A
cause failure
Software module testing Completeness [60,71] CA1 Lack of comprehensive criteria to evaluate testing
and integration adequacy.
[84–89] CA3 Low fidelity of testing cases compared with real-world
cases [85].
Correctness [55,57,60,62–64,66] CA1 ❶ Vulnerable to the variation of adversarial examples; ❷
Limited to specific NN model classes or tasks.
[77] CA2 Insufficient validation of input raw data.
Repeatability [83–85] CA3 Testing cases generated by automated tools may be
Precisely defined testing None N/A
Programm- able Completeness None N/A
electronics integration
(hardware and software)
Correctness [72,75,76,79] CA2 Insufficient testing of hardware accelerator.
Repeatability None N/A
Precisely defined testing None N/A
Software verification Completeness [94,96] CA4 ❶ Limited to specific NN models; ❷ Lack of scalability.
Correctness [80] CA2 ❶ Automatic generation of complete testing scenarios
[90,92,93,97–101] CA4 ❶ Scalability and computational performance need to
improve; ❷ SMT encoding for large-scale NN model; ❸
Lack of model-agnostic verification methods; ❹
Automatic generation of feature space abstractions [101].
Repeatability None N/A
Precisely defined testing None N/A

connections between those potentially useful methods for T&V of NNs In Table 5, we mapped existing T&V methods for NN-based SCCSs
and relevant safety standards (such as IEC 61508 [45] and ISO 26262 (column 3 and column 4) into relevant properties (column 2) of four
[46]). major T&V phases (column 1) in the software safety lifecycles of IEC
We hereby adopt IEC 61508 [45] as a reference standard to exe- 61508-3. For column 5 in Table 5, we summarized the remaining chal-
cute the mapping analysis since ISO 26262 [46] is the adaptation of lenges in testing and verifying NN-based SCCSs based on reviewed pa-
IEC 61508 [45]. We found that the major T&V activities listed in the pers. The overviews of these remaining challenges can potentially in-
software safety lifecycles of IEC 61508-3 (including evaluation of soft- spire researchers to look for a focus in the future.
ware architecture design, software module testing and integration, pro-
grammable electronics integration, and software verification) are still 4.3.2. Limitations and suggestions for testing and verifying NN-based
valid when conducting T&V for NN-based SCCSs. But for most of them, SCCSs
new techniques/measures for supporting the T&V of NN-based software In Table 5, we show the limitations and gaps of state-of-the-art T&V
are demanded. Therefore, we decided to employ safety integrity prop- approaches for NN-based SCCSs. In this section, we will take two T&V
erties (which are explained in IEC 61508-3 Annex C and Annex F of IEC phases (evaluation of software architecture design and software mod-
61508-7) as indicators to justify to what extent these desirable prop- ule testing and integration) as examples to provide detailed analysis
erties have been achieved by the state-of-the-art methods for T&V of of identified limitations and corresponding suggestions on the basis of
NN-based SCCSs. The detailed mapping information can be found in required safety integrity properties. For the other two T&V phases (pro-
Table 5. grammable electronics integration and software verification), only sum-
J. Zhang and J. Li Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

maries of limitations and suggestions will be presented to avoid dupli- Fault tolerance. Fault tolerance implies that the architec-
cation. ture design can assure the safe behavior of the software whenever in-
ternal or external errors occur. To achieve fault tolerance, features like Evaluation of software architecture design. The top three prop- failure detection and failure impact mitigation of both internal and ex-
erties that have been addressed are: simplicity and understandability (31 ternal errors should be included in the design. Existing methods showed
papers), freedom from intrinsic design faults (10 papers), and fault toler- that unexpected environmental failures are hard to detect and miti-
ance (5 papers). Correctness with respect to software safety requirements gate. Besides, many of the proposed approaches in this category have
specification (1 paper) and verifiable and testable design have drawn little not yet been evaluated in the real-world. Some studies formulated ap-
attention (2 papers) for reviewed studies. There are two properties, i.e., proximated computational models to represent real-world systems (e.g.,
completeness with respect to software safety requirements specification and [73]). The study [82] did not use any test oracle when executing system
Defense against common cause failure from external events, which have not flight tests. Some studies used simulation models to verify the perfor-
been addressed in reviewed papers. mance of the original NN (e.g., [74]). They are not able to prove the Completeness with respect to software safety requirements fidelity of the model compared with the real-world system.
specification. No study contributes to the achievement of completeness, Defense against common cause failure from external events.
which requires the architecture design to be able to address all the safety Software common cause failure is a type of concurrent failure of two
needs and constraints. The achievement of completeness depends on the or more modules in the software, which is caused by software design
achievement of other properties, such as fully understanding the behav- defects and triggered by external events such as time, unexpected in-
ior of NN models. The design and deployment of NN-based SCCSs are in put data, or hardware abnormalities [145]. Many safety critical systems
its infancy stage. When NN-based SCCS design becomes more practical, adopt redundant architectures (meaning two or more independent sub-
more studies may address this topic. systems have identical functions to back-up each other) to prevent a Correctness with respect to software safety requirements spec- single point of failure. However, redundant architectures are vulnerable
ification. To achieve correctness, software architecture design needs considering common cause failure. In the context of NN-based SCCSs, it
to respond to the specified software safety requirements appropriately. is common to employ multiple NNs with similar architectures in order
Study [95] reported their successful design of a DNN-based compres- to improve the accuracy of prediction. If a common cause failure occurs
sion algorithm for aircraft collision avoidance systems. Even though in this kind of software design, the prediction might be totally wrong,
they demonstrated that the DNN-based algorithm preserves the required and thus the control software might make the wrong decision. DeepX-
safety performance, the training process is still time-consuming. plore, reported in Pei et al. [84], used more than two different DNNs Freedom from intrinsic design faults. Intrinsic design faults with the same functionality to automatically generate a test case. If all
can be interpreted as failures derived from the design itself. State-of-the- the DNNs in DeepXplore are affected by common cause failure, such as
art NNs have proved to be vulnerable to adversarial perturbations due if a sensor failure causes all the DNNs to make the same misclassifica-
to some intriguing properties of NNs [56]. Most of the studies in this cat- tion, then it will not be able to generate the corresponding test case.
egory were aimed at understanding, detecting, and mitigating adversar- No method is found in reviewed papers that can identify common cause
ial examples. Study [98] reported that their approach could generalize failure modes and defend against such failures. In order to effectively
well on several state-of-the-art NNs to find adversarial examples suc- defend against common cause failure, designers need to inspect the com-
cessfully. However, the verification process of founded features is time- pleteness and correctness of the safety requirements specification, trace
consuming, especially for larger images. In this sense, the scalability and the implementation of the safety requirements specification, and make
computational performance of adversarial robustness are expected to be a thorough T&V plan to reveal the common cause failure modes in the
addressed in the future. In addition, adversarial robustness does not im- early stage.
ply that the NN model is truly free from intrinsic design faults. How to
assure freedom from interferences (e.g., signal-noise ratio degradation)
other than adversarial perturbations is a research gap that needs to be Software module testing and integration. The top two properties
filled. that have been addressed are: completeness of testing and integration with Understandability. This property can be interpreted as respect to the design specifications (9 papers) and correctness of testing and
the predictability of system behavior, even in erroneous and failure sit- integration with respect to the design specifications (8 papers). Repeatability
uations. In this category, studies focusing on providing explanations for has drawn little attention (3 papers) from the reviewed studies. There is
individual prediction (e.g., [103]) and on visualizing internal layers of one property, precisely defined testing configuration, which has not been
NN (e.g., [128–130]) are not meaningful for safety assurance. Studies addressed in the reviewed papers. This property aims to evaluate the
focusing on facilitating understanding of the internal logic of NNs (such precision of T&V procedures, which is not in the scope of our selected
as presenting NNs as decision trees [122]) could be a solution to im- papers. Therefore, we will not give more explanation on this property.
prove the understandability of NN-based architecture design. However, Completeness of testing and integration with respect to the de-
this line of work is rare, and most methods are only applied to small- sign specifications. We observed some efforts that tried to find a sys-
scale DNNs with image input, or specific NN models. Besides, assuming tematic way to generate testing cases (e.g., [85,88]) to measure testing
the explanation of NN is available, confirming the correctness of the ex- quality (e.g., [87]) or to connect different T&V stages in the develop-
planation is still a challenge. Interpretability of NNs is undoubtedly a ment of SCCSs (e.g., [146]). As analyzed in Section 4.2, we can infer that
crucial need in safety-critical applications. Methods in this line should an NN-based control software is instinctually different in design work-
capable of explaining different types of sensor data (e.g., image, text, flow and software development compared to the design of traditional
and point data) and both local and global decisions. control software. We suggest that the testing criteria should thoroughly Verifiable and testable design. The evaluation metrics of align with the software design. To be more specific, the instinctive fea-
verifiable and testable design may be derived from modularity, sim- tures of NN-based softwares (e.g., NN model’s architectural details and
plicity, provability, and so on. We observed that existing verifiable and the working mechanism of NNs) should be carefully considered when
testable designs are limited to specific NN architectures (e.g., [91]) or setting the testing criteria. That is testing criteria should be defined com-
specific tasks (e.g., [83]). There is no standard procedure for determin- prehensively and explicitly under the consideration of not only test case
ing which type of NNs will be easier to verify. Ehlers [91] argued that coverage but also the robustness of NN-based system performance (for
NNs that adopt piece-wise linear activation functions are easier to ver- instance, test how an NN will respond when input data change slightly)
ify, but their method still need to face the conflict between efficient and the features of training data sets, such as the data density issue
verification and accuracy of linear approximation for the NN behavior. mentioned in Ashmore and Hill [147].
J. Zhang and J. Li Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296 Correctness of testing and integration with respect to the de- 5.1. Industry practice
sign specifications. Several studies (e.g., [55,62,63]) reported that their
methods are vulnerable to the variation of adversarial examples. An- Our findings on the research questions (RQ1 to RQ3) mainly re-
other common limitation is that most methods are model-specific, mean- flected the academic efforts addressing T&V of NN-based SCCPSs. NN-
ing that they can only apply to a single type or class of NN model. To based applications have drawn a lot of attention from industry prac-
achieve correctness of testing and integration, the module testing task titioners. Taking the automotive industry as an example, several car
should be completed, which means the testing should cover both NN makers (e.g., GM, BMW, and Tesla) and some high technology compa-
models and external input. However, few studies focused on the valida- nies (e.g., Waymo and Baidu) are leading the revolution in autonomous
tion of input data. One study [77] identified that sufficient validation of driving safety.
input raw data remains a challenge. Repeatability. The complexity and un-interpretable fea- 5.1.1. Safety of the intended functionality
ture of NNs make manual testing almost infeasible. In order to be able At the beginning of this year, ISO/PAS 21448:2019 [47] was pub-
to generate consistent results from testing repeatedly, some studies were lished. It listed recommended methods for deriving verification and val-
dedicated to achieving automatic test execution or even automatic test idation activities (See ISO/PAS 21448:2019 Table 4). In Table 6, we
generation. We found three papers (i.e., [83–85]) addressing automatic highlighted six of the recommended methods, which shared similar ver-
test generation. However, generating test cases automatically is still a ification interests with existing academic efforts.
challenge. For instance, studies [84,85] claimed that the test cases gen-
erated by an automated testing tool may not cover all real-world cases. 5.1.2. Safety reports
In 2018, three companies (Waymo, General Motor, and Baidu
Apollo) published their annual safety reports. As a pioneer in the de- Programmable electronics integration. The major limitation of velopment of self-driving cars, Waymo proposed the “Safety by Design”
this line of work is insufficient testing for hardware accelerators. NN- [150] approach, which entails the processes and techniques they used to
based SCCPSs requires typically high-performance computing systems, face safety challenges of a level 4 autonomous car on the road. For the
such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Some industry participants cybersecurity consideration, Waymo adopted Google’s security frame-
have provided specialized hardware accelerators to accelerate NN-based work [151] as the foundation. After that, General Motor (GM) released
computations. For example, Google deployed a DNN accelerator (called their safety report [152] for Cruise AV (also level 4). GM’s safety process
Tensor Processing Unit) in its data centers for DNN applications [148]. combined conventional system validation (such as vehicle performance
NVIDIA introduced an automotive supercomputing platform named tests, fault injection testing, intrusive testing, and simulation-based soft-
DRIVE PX 2 [34], which now has been used by over 370 companies and ware validation) with SOTIF validation through iterative design. Baidu
research institutions in the automotive industry [149]. However, little adopted the Responsibility-Sensitive Safety model [153] proposed by
research effort has been put into the T&V of the reliability of using hard- Mobileye [154] (an Intel company) to design the safety process for the
ware accelerators for NN applications. We found seven studies (i.e. [72– Apollo Pilot for a passenger car (level 3).
77,79]) addressing the evaluation of the error resilience of hardware In addition, we noticed that Tesla started releasing quarterly safety
accelerators. However, the testing is limited to specific type errors (e.g., data since October 2018 [155]. It seemed that Tesla has a completely
radiation-induced soft errors, which are presented in Schorn et al. [72], different approach to self-driving cars than other companies. Accord-
Santos et al. [76], Li et al. [79]). The mitigation method proposed in San- ing to TESLA NEWS [156], AutoPilot will rely for its self-driving func-
tos et al. [76] (called ABFT: Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance) can only tion on cameras, not on LIDAR; the AutoPilot software is trained online
protect portions of the accelerator (e.g., sgemm kernels, which is one (which means that the NN keeps learning and evolving during opera-
kind of matrix multiplication kernels). The study [77] identified errors tion). The Autopilot’s safety features are continuously evolved and en-
made by single frame object detectors, but the result showed that the hanced through understanding real-world driving data from every Tesla.
method is not capable of detecting all mistakes. The studies [72,79] in- Referring to these safety reports of existing autonomous cars, we
vestigated the propagation characteristic of soft errors in the DNN sys- should be aware that when testing DNN-based control software (the
tem, but they used a DNN simulator instead of a real DNN accelerator core part of autonomous vehicles), black-box system level testing (by
for fault injection. observing inputs and its corresponding outputs, e.g., closed course test-
ing and real-world driving) is still the leading method. More systematic
T&V criteria and approaches are needed for more complete and reliable Software verification. In general, there is a lack of a comprehen- testing results.
sive and standardized framework for verifying the safety of NN-based
SCCSs. Formal verification procedures are highly demanding. The com- 5.2. Comparison with related work
mon limitation of formal verification approaches is the scalability issues.
Most proposed methods are limited to a specific NN structure and size 5.2.1. Verification and validation of NNs
(e.g., [91,92,97,99,100]). The study [92] reported that their approaches Taylor et al. [15] conducted a survey on the Verification and Val-
can only verify small-scale systems (i.e., the layer of NN is 3 and the idation (V&V) of NNs used in safety-critical domains in 2003. Study
maximum amount of input neurons is 64). One approach reported in [15] is the closest work we found, although they did not adopt an SLR
Narodytska et al. [99] can verify medium size NNs. The verification of approach. Our study covered new studies from 2011 to 2018. The au-
large-scale NNs is still a challenge. Another limitation is that proposed thors of [15] also made a classification of methods for the V&V of NNs.
approaches are not robust to NN variations. For example, verification They grouped the methods into five traditional V&V technique cate-
methods in studies [91,97] are only adapted to specific network types gories, namely, automated testing and testing data generation methods,
and sizes. run-time monitoring, formal methods, cross validation, and visualiza-
tion. In contrast to [15], our study adopted a thematic analysis approach
[54] and identified five themes based on the research goals of the se-
5. Discussion lected studies. We thought it was better to classify the proposed T&V
methods of NNs based on their aims rather than on the traditional tech-
In this section, we first discuss industry practices for T&V of NN- nique categories since many traditional V&V techniques are no longer
based SCCPSs. Then, we compare this SLR with related works. At the effective for verifying NNs in many cases. New methods and tools should
end of this section, we present the threats to the validity of our study. be explored and developed without being limited by the traditional V&V
J. Zhang and J. Li Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

Table 6
Shared verification interests of ISO/PAS 21448 and academic efforts.

ISO/PAS 21448 Academic efforts

Analysis of triggering events CA1: Assuring robustness of NNs

Analysis of sensors design and their known potential limitations CA2: Improving failure resilience of NNs
Analysis of environmental conditions and operational use cases CA3: Measuring and ensuring test completeness
Analysis of boundary values CA4: Assuring safety property of NN-based SCCPSs
Analysis of algorithms and their decision paths CA5: Improving interpretability of NNs
Analysis of system architecture CA1–CA5

categories. Another difference is our study specialized more in the T&V 5.3.1. Search strategy
of modern NNs, such as MLP and DNN, whereas the study [15] provided The most possible threat in this step is missing or excluding relevant
more in-depth analysis of V&V methodologies for NNs used in flight papers. To mitigate this threat, we used six of the most relevant digital
control system, such as Pre-Trained Neural Network (PTNN) and Online libraries to retrieve papers. Additionally, we employed two strategies to
Learning Neural Network (OLNN). Our study and [15] have some com- mitigate potential limitations in the search terms: 1) adopted an PIOC
mon findings. For example, one category, named Visualization in Taylor criteria to ensure the coverage of search terms; and 2) improved search
et al. [15], falls into our category CA5 Improving interpretability of NNs. terms iteratively. Further, we conducted an extensive snowballing pro-
cess on references of the selected papers to identify related papers. The
search keywords were cross-checked and agreed on by both authors.
5.2.2. Surveys of security, safety, and productivity for deep learning (DL)
systems development
Hains et al. [16] surveyed existing work on “attacks against DL sys-
5.3.2. Study selection
tems; testing, training, and monitoring DL systems for safety; and the verifi-
Researchers’ subjective judgment could be a threat to the study se-
cation of DL systems.” Our study and [16] shared a similar motivation.
lection. We strictly followed the pre-defined review protocol to mitigate
The critical difference between our SLR and [16] are threefold: 1) We
this threat. For example, we started recording the inclusion and exclu-
conducted our literature review on 83 selected papers based on specific
sion reasons from the 3rd stage. We validated the inclusion and exclu-
SLR guidelines, while they used an ad hoc literature review (ALR) ap-
sion criteria with two authors on the basis of the pilot search. Further-
proach and reviewed only 21 primary papers. 2) They only focused on
more, the second author performed a cross-check of all selected papers.
DL systems, whereas our scope covered modern NN-based software sys-
Any paper that raised doubts about its inclusion or exclusion decision
tems, which embodies DL-based software systems. 3) They inferred that
was discussed between the first and second authors. For example, the
formal methods and automation verification are the two promising re-
“smart grid” is included in the search term, but no relevant papers were
search directions based on the reviewed works. In contrast, we focused
found after the 3rd stage. Then, we conducted a snowballing search to
more on safety issues, and found more categories to be addressed for
identify papers that presented how to use NNs in smart grids. We found
safety purposes.
out that AI is mainly used to solve the economically relevant problems
[159] of the smart grid system (e.g., prediction of energy usage and
5.2.3. Surveys of certification of AI technologies in automotive efficient use of resources). AI is not involved in the safety-critical appli-
Falcini et al. [17,18] reviewed the existing standards in the auto- cations (e.g., decision making on optimal provision of power) of smart
motive industry and pointed out the related applicability issues of au- grids. Therefore, there were no relevant papers addressing safety anal-
tomotive software development standards to deep learning. Although ysis or testing/verification (refer to Inclusion criteria I2).
our SLR takes the automotive industry as an example, we are concerned
with SCCPSs in general. This concern is reflected in the distribution of
the selected papers (only 13 of the 83 selected papers are oriented to 5.3.3. Data extraction
automotive CPSs). The first author was responsible for designing the data extraction
form and conducting the data extraction from selected papers. In order
to avoid the first author’s bias in data extraction, the two authors con-
5.2.4. SLR of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI)
tinuously discussed the data extraction issues. The extracted data were
There are two very recent SLRs, Adadi and Berrada [157] and
verified by the second author.
Hohman et al. [158], on the interpretation of artificial intelligence.
Both [157,158] employed similar commonly accepted guidelines to con-
duct their SLRs. The fundamental difference between our study and
5.3.4. Data synthesis
[157,158] is the scope. Adadi and Berrada [157] reviewed 381 papers on
Data analysis outcomes could vary with different researchers. To re-
existing XAI approaches from interdisciplinary perspectives. As reported
duce the subjective impact on data synthesis, besides strictly following
in Hohman et al. [158], the scope of their SLR is visualization and vi-
the thematic synthesis steps [54], the data synthesis was first agreed
sual analytics for deep learning. The study [158] focused on studies that
on by both authors. We disseminated our preliminary findings to two
adopted visual analytics to explain NN decisions. Our study has a more
internal research groups at our university (i.e., the autonomous vehi-
comprehensive coverage of T&V approaches that were employed to not
cle lab and autonomous ships lab) and presented at a Ph.D. seminar on
only interpret NN behaviors but also to assure the robustness of NNs, to
IoT, Machine Learning, Security, and Privacy for comments and feed-
improve the failure resilience of NNs, to ensure test completeness, and to
back. In summary, the audiences agreed with our research design and
assure the safety property of NN-based SCCPSs. In a summary, our SLR
results, and they thought that the mapping of reviewed approaches to
tried to provide an overview of key aspects related to T&V activities for
the IEC61508 is a valuable attempt. Several researchers working in for-
NN-based SCCSs.
mal verification and safety verification thought that safety cases would
be a promising direction to address the challenges of T&V of NN-based
5.3. Threats to validity SCCSs. One suggestion is adding information about self-driving car sim-
ulators. Based on these comments and feedback, we revised our paper
In this section, we discuss some threats to the validity of our study. accordingly.
J. Zhang and J. Li Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

6. Conclusion and future work peatability. No reviewed study focused on precisely defined testing
configuration and defense against common cause failure, which are
In this paper, we have presented the results of a Systematic Litera- extremely crucial for assuring the safety of a production-ready NN-
ture Review (SLR) of existing approaches and practices on T&V meth- based SCCS [160].
ods for neural-network-based safety critical control software (NN-based 6. It is common to combine standard testing techniques with formal
SCCS). The motivation of this study was to provide an overview of the verification when testing and verifying large-scale, complex safety-
state-of-the-art T&V of safety-critical NN-based SCCSs and to shed some critical software [15,144]. As explained in Section 4.3, we found
light on potential research directions. Based on pre-defined inclusion that an increasing concern of the reviewed works is the integration
and exclusion criteria, we selected 83 papers that were published be- of different T&V techniques in a systematic manner to gain assurance
tween 2011 and 2018. A systematic analysis and synthesis of the data for the whole lifecycle of the NN-based control software.
extracted from the papers and comprehensive reviews of industry prac-
This SLR is just a starting point in our studies to test and verify
tices (e.g., technical reports, standards, and white papers) related to our
NN-based SCCPSs. In the future, we will focus on improving the inter-
RQs were performed. Results of the study show that:
pretability of NNs. To be more specific, we plan to develop a method
1. The research on T&V of NN-based SCCSs is gaining interest and at- for explaining why an NN model is more (or less) robust than other
tention from both software engineering and safety engineering re- models. It can guide software designers to design an NN model with
searchers/practitioners according to the impressive upward trend in an appropriate robustness level, which will greatly support safety by
the number of papers on T&V of NN-based SCCSs (See Fig. 5). Most design.
of the reviewed papers (68/83, 81.9%) have been published in the
last three years. Declaration of Competing Interest
2. The approaches and tools reported for the T&V of NN-based con-
trol software have been applied to a wide variety of safety-critical The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
domains, among which “automotive CPSs” has received the most at- interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
tention. the work reported in this paper.
3. The approaches can be classified into five high-order themes,
namely, assuring robustness of NNs, improving failure resilience Acknowledgments
of NNs, measuring and ensuring test completeness, assuring safety
properties of NN-based SCCPSs, and improving interpretability of The authors would like to thank Weifeng Liu for commenting on
NNs. and improving this paper. This work is supported by the Safety, au-
4. The activities listed in the software safety lifecycles of IEC 61508- tonomy, remote control and operations of industrial transport systems
3 are still valid when conducting safety verification for NN-based (SAREPTA) project, which is financed by the Norwegian Research Coun-
control software. However, most of the activities need new tech- cil with grant no. 267860. This work is also supported by the Man-
niques/measures to deal with the new characteristics of NNs. agement of safety and security risks for cyber-physical systems project,
5. Four safety integrity properties within the four major safety lifecy- which is financed by the Norwegian University of Technolgy in collabo-
cle phases, namely, correctness, completeness, freedom from intrin- ration with the Technical University of Denmark, grant no. IE-053-2017.
sic faults, and fault tolerance, have drawn the most attention from
the research community. Little effort has been put on achieving re- Appendix A. Selected studies (sorted based on publication year)
J. Zhang and J. Li
S_ID Author(s) Year Title Publication venue

[92] Pulina, L. and A. Tacchella 2011 NeVer: a tool for artificial neural networks Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
[90] Pulina, L. and A. Tacchella 2012 Challenging SMT solvers to verify neural networks AI Communications
[107] Simonyan, K., A. Vedaldi and A. 2013 Deep inside convolutional networks: Visualising arXiv preprint
Zisserman image classification models and saliency maps
[103] Szegedy, C., W. Zaremba, I. Sutskever, 2013 Intriguing properties of neural networks arXiv preprint
J. Bruna, D. Erhan, I. Goodfellow and
R. Fergus
[56] Goodfellow, I. J., J. Shlens and C. 2014 Explaining and Harnessing Adversarial Examples International Conference on Learning
Szegedy Representations (ICLR)
[61] Gu, S. and L. Rigazio 2014 Towards deep neural network architectures robust International Conference on Learning
to adversarial examples Representations (ICLR)
[128] Zeiler, M. D. and R. Fergus 2014 Visualizing and understanding convolutional European conference on computer vision
[73] Zhang, Q., T. Wang, Y. Tian, F. Yuan 2015 ApproxANN: an approximate computing Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference
and Q. Xu framework for artificial neural network & Exhibition
[123] Che, Z., S. Purushotham, R. Khemani 2015 Distilling knowledge from deep networks with arXiv preprint
and Y. Liu applications to healthcare domain
[124] Hinton, G., O. Vinyals and J. Dean 2015 Distilling the knowledge in a neural network arXiv preprint
[55] Nguyen, A., J. Yosinski and J. Clune 2015 Deep neural networks are easily fooled: High IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
confidence predictions for unrecognizable images Recognition (CVPR)
[116] Bach, S., A. Binder, G. Montavon, F. 2015 On pixel-wise explanations for non-linear PloS one
Klauschen, K.-R. Müller and W. Samek classifier decisions by layer-wise relevance
[161] Scheibler, K., L. Winterer, R. Wimmer 2015 Towards Verification of Artificial Neural Networks Workshop on Methods and Description Languages
and B. Becker for Modeling and Verification of Circuits and
Systems (MBMV)
[71] Shaham, U., Y. Yamada and S. 2015 Understanding adversarial training: Increasing arXiv preprint
Negahban local stability of neural nets through robust
[133] Mahendran, A. and A. Vedaldi 2015 Understanding deep image representations by IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern
inverting them recognition

Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

[106] Bach, S., A. Binder, K.-R. Müller and 2016 Controlling explanatory heatmap resolution and IEEE International Conference on Image
W. Samek semantics via decomposition depth Processing (ICIP)
[68] Papernot, N., P. McDaniel, X. Wu, S. 2016 Distillation as a defense to adversarial IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy
Jha and A. Swami perturbations against deep neural networks
[70] Zheng, S., Y. Song, T. Leung and I. 2016 Improving the robustness of deep neural IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern
Goodfellow networks via stability training recognition
[82] Daftry, S., S. Zeng, J. A. Bagnell and M. 2016 Introspective perception: Learning to predict IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Hebert failures in vision systems Robots and Systems (IROS)
(continued on next page)
J. Zhang and J. Li
S_ID Author(s) Year Title Publication venue

[112] Zhou, B., A. Khosla, A. Lapedriza, A. 2016 Learning deep features for discriminative IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern
Oliva and A. Torralba localization recognition
[58] Bastani, O., Y. Ioannou, L. 2016 Measuring neural net robustness with constraints Advances in neural information processing
Lampropoulos, D. Vytiniotis, A. Nori systems
and A. Criminisi
[115] Shrikumar, A., P. Greenside, A. 2016 Not just a black box: Interpretable deep learning arXiv Preprint
Shcherbina and A. Kundaje by propagating activation differences
[95] Julian, K. D., J. Lopez, J. S. Brush, M. P. 2016 Policy compression for aircraft collision avoidance IEEE/AIAA international conference on Digital
Owen and M. J. Kochenderfer systems Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)
[127] Nguyen, A., A. Dosovitskiy, J. Yosinski, 2016 Synthesizing the preferred inputs for neurons in Advances in Neural Information Processing
T. Brox and J. Clune neural networks via deep generator networks Systems
[132] Thiagarajan, J. J., B. Kailkhura, P. 2016 TreeView: Peeking into deep neural networks via arXiv preprint
Sattigeri and K. N. Ramamurthy feature-space partitioning
[75] Li, G., K. Pattabiraman, C.-Y. Cher and 2016 Understanding error propagation in GPGPU International Conference on High Performance
P. Bose applications Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
[129] Ribeiro, M. T., S. Singh and C. Guestrin 2016 Why should i trust you?: Explaining the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on
predictions of any classifier Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
[105] Sundararajan, M., A. Taly and Q. Yan 2017 Axiomatic attribution for deep networks International Conference on Machine Learning
[83] O’Kelly, M., H. Abbas and R. 2017 Computer-aided design for safe autonomous Resilience Week (RWS)
Mangharam vehicles
[101] Tommaso DreossiAlexandre DonzSanjit 2017 Compositional Falsification of Cyber-Physical NASA Formal Methods
A. Seshia Systems with Machine Learning Components
[85] Tian, Y., K. Pei, S. Jana and B. Ray 2017 DeepTest: Automated testing of arXiv preprint
deep-neural-network-driven autonomous cars
[64] Reuben, F., R. R. Curtin, S. Saurabh and 2017 Detecting Adversarial Samples from Artifacts arXiv preprint
A. B. Gardner
[122] Frosst, N. and G. Hinton 2017 Distilling a Neural Network Into a Soft Decision arXiv preprint
[84] Pei, K., Y. Cao, J. Yang and S. Jana 2017 DeepXplore: Automated Whitebox Testing of Deep ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
Learning Systems (SOSP)

Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

[63] Gopinath, D., G. Katz, C. S. Pasareanu 2017 Deepsafe: A data-driven approach for checking arXiv preprint
and C. Barrett adversarial robustness in neural networks
[108] Montavon, G., S. Lapuschkin, A. Binder, 2017 Explaining nonlinear classification decisions with Pattern Recognition
W. Samek and K.-R. Müller deep Taylor decomposition
[76] Santos, F. F. d., L. Draghetti, L. Weigel, 2017 Evaluation and Mitigation of Soft-Errors in Neural IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable
L. Carro, P. Navaux and P. Rech Network-Based Object Detection in Three GPU Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W)
(continued on next page)
J. Zhang and J. Li
S_ID Author(s) Year Title Publication venue

[69] Papernot, N. and P. McDaniel 2017 Extending defensive distillation arXiv preprint
[91] Ehlers, R. 2017 Formal verification of piece-wise linear International Symposium on Automated
feed-forward neural networks Technology for Verification and Analysis
[77] Manikandasriram, S. R., C. Anderson, 2017 Failing to learn: autonomously identifying arXiv preprint
R. Vasudevan and M. perception failures for self-driving cars
[65] Xu, W., D. Evans and Y. Qi 2017 Feature squeezing: Detecting adversarial Network and Distributed Systems Security
examples in deep neural networks Symposium (NDSS)
[110] Dong, Y., H. Su, J. Zhu and B. Zhang 2017 Improving interpretability of deep neural IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
networks with semantic information Recognition
[131] Bastani, O., C. Kim and H. Bastani 2017 Interpretability via model extraction arXiv preprint
[111] Fong, R. C. and A. Vedaldi 2017 Interpretable explanations of black boxes by IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
meaningful perturbation
[57] Melis, M., A. Demontis, B. Biggio, G. 2017 Is Deep Learning Safe for Robot Vision? IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
Brown, G. Fumera and F. Roli Adversarial Examples Against the iCub Humanoid Workshops (ICCVW)
[146] Vishnukumar, H. J., B. Butting, C. 2017 Machine learning and deep neural network - Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys)
Muller and E. Sax artificial intelligence core for lab and real-world
test and validation for ADAS and autonomous
vehicles: AI for efficient and quality test and
[78] Mhamdi, E. M. E., R. Guerraoui and S. 2017 On the Robustness of a Neural Network IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems
Rouault (SRDS)
[67] Metzen, J. H., T. Genewein, V. Fischer 2017 On detecting adversarial perturbations International Conference on Learning
and B. Bischoff Representations (ICLR)
[93] Dutta, S., S. Jha, S. Sanakaranarayanan 2017 Output range analysis for deep neural networks arXiv preprint
and A. Tiwari
[59] Cisse, M., P. Bojanowski, E. Grave, Y. 2017 Parseval networks: Improving robustness to arXiv preprint
Dauphin and N. Usunier adversarial examples
[96] Xiang, W., H.-D. Tran and T. T. Johnson 2017 Reachable set computation and safety verification arXiv preprint
for neural networks with ReLU activations
[97] Katz, G., C. Barrett, D. L. Dill, K. Julian 2017 Reluplex: An efficient SMT solver for verifying International Conference on Computer Aided
and M. J. Kochenderfer deep neural networks Verification (CAV)
[117] Dabkowski, P. and Y. Gal 2017 Real time image saliency for black box classifiers Advances in Neural Information Processing
Systems (NIPS)
[118] Ross, A. S., M. C. Hughes and F. 2017 Right for the right reasons: Training differentiable arXiv preprint
Doshi-Velez models by constraining their explanations
[74] Vialatte, J.-C. and F. Leduc-Primeau 2017 A Study of Deep Learning Robustness Against arXiv preprint
Computation Failures

Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) 106296

[119] Santoro, A., D. Raposo, D. G. Barrett, 2017 A simple neural network module for relational Advances in Neural Information Processing
M. Malinowski, R. Pascanu, P. Battaglia reasoning Systems (NIPS)
and T. Lillicrap
[98] Huang, X. W., M. Kwiatkowska, S. 2017 Safety Verification of Deep Neural Networks International Conference on Computer Aided
Wang and M. Wu Verification
[120] Smilkov, Daniel and Thorat, Nikhil and 2017 Smoothgrad: removing noise by adding noise arXiv preprint
Kim, Been and Viégas, Fernanda and
Wattenberg, Martin
[60] Carlini, N. and D. Wagner 2017 Towards Evaluating the Robustness of Neural IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP)
[162] Katz, G., C. Barrett, D. L. Dill, K. Julian 2017 Towards proving the adversarial robustness of arXiv Preprint
and M. J. Kochenderfer deep neural networks
[79] Li, G., S. K. S. Hari, M. Sullivan, T. Tsai, 2017 Understanding error propagation in deep learning International Conference for High Performance
K. Pattabiraman, J. Emer and S. W. neural network (DNN) accelerators and Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
Keckler applications
(continued on next page)
J. Zhang and J. Li
S_ID Author(s) Year Title Publication venue

[121] Lundberg, S. M. and S.-I. Lee 2017 A unified approach to interpreting model Advances in Neural Information Processing
predictions Systems (NIPS)
[99] Narodytska, N., S. P. Kasiviswanathan, 2017 Verifying properties of binarized deep neural arXiv preprint
L. Ryzhyk, M. Sagiv and T. Walsh networks
[86] Raj, S., S. K. Jha, A. Ramanathan and L. 2017 Work-in-progress: testing autonomous International Conference on Embedded Software
L. Pullum cyber-physical systems using fuzzing features (EMSOFT)
from convolutional neural networks
[72] Schorn, C., A. Guntoro and G. Ascheid 2018 Accurate neuron resilience prediction for a Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference
flexible reliability management in neural network & Exhibition (DATE)
[104] Ribeiro, M. T., S. Singh and C. Guestrin 2018 Anchors: High-precision model-agnostic AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
[87] Ma, L., F. Juefei-Xu, F. Zhang, J. Sun, M. 2018 DeepGauge: multi-granularity testing criteria for ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated
Xue, B. Li, C. Chen, T. Su, L. Li and Y. deep learning systems Software Engineering
[88] Zhang, M., Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, C. Liu 2018 DeepRoad: GAN-based metamorphic testing and ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated
and S. Khurshid input validation framework for autonomous Software Engineering
driving systems.
[89] Guo, J., Y. Jiang, Y. Zhao, Q. Chen and 2018 DLFuzz: differential fuzzing testing of deep ACM Joint Meeting on European Software
J. Sun learning systems Engineering Conference and Symposium on the
Foundations of Software Engineering
[80] Rubaiyat, A. H. M., Q. Yongming and 2018 Experimental Resilience Assessment of An arXiv preprint
H. Alemzadeh Open-Source Driving Agent
[81] Rhazali, K., B. Lussier, W. Schön and S. 2018 Fault Tolerant Deep Neural Networks for IFAC-PapersOnLine
Geronimi Detection of Unrecognizable Situations
[66] Wicker, M., X. Huang and M. 2018 Feature-guided black-box safety testing of deep International Conference on Tools and Algorithms
Kwiatkowska neural networks for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
[109] Linsley, D., D. Scheibler, S. Eberhardt 2018 Global-and-local attention networks for visual arXiv preprint
and T. Serre recognition
[62] Wu, M., M. Wicker, W. Ruan, X. Huang 2018 A Game-Based Approximate Verification of Deep arXiv preprint
and M. Kwiatkowska Neural Networks with Provable Guarantees
[125] Xu, K., D. H. Park, C. Yi and C. Sutton 2018 Interpreting Deep Classifier by Visual Distillation arXiv preprint
of Dark Knowledge
[102] Mallozzi, P., P. Pelliccione and C. 2018 Keeping intelligence under control. International Workshop on Software Engineering
Menghi for Cognitive Services

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[114] Guidotti, R., A. Monreale, S. Ruggieri, 2018 Local rule-based explanations of black box arXiv preprint
D. Pedreschi, F. Turini and F. Giannotti decision systems
[130] Guo, W., D. Mu, J. Xu, P. Su, G. Wang 2018 LEMNA: Explaining Deep Learning based Security ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and
and X. Xing Applications Communications Security
[126] Tan, S., R. Caruana, G. Hooker, P. Koch 2018 Learning Global Additive Explanations for Neural arXiv preprint
and A. Gordo Nets Using Model Distillation
[113] Dumitru, M. A. K.-R. M., E. B. K. S. D. 2018 Learning how to explain neural networks: International Conference on Learning
Pieter, J. Kindermans and K. T. Schütt Patternnet and patternattribution Representations (ICLR)
[94] Xiang, W., H. D. Tran and T. T. Johnson 2018 Output Reachable Set Estimation and Verification IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and
for Multilayer Neural Networks Learning Systems
[163] Kuper, L., G. Katz, J. Gottschlich, K. 2018 Toward scalable verification for safety-critical arXiv preprint
Julian, C. Barrett and M. Kochenderfer deep networks
[100] Cheng, C.-H., G. Nührenberg and H. 2018 Verification of binarized neural networks arXiv preprint
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