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Pembahasan Soal Reading Prediction

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PEMBAHASAN SOAL READING PREDICTION memberikan tanda bahwa sebelumnya mereka telah

menggunakan alat-alat tersebut untuk berburu.

 1. With which of the following is the passage  6. Which of the following could best substitute for
primarily concerned? the word "remains" in line 17?
(A) Migration from Siberia to Alaska  (A) Bones
(B) Techniques used to hunt mammoths  (B) Drawings
(C) The prehistory of humans  (C) Footprints
(D) The relationship between man and mammoth in  (D) Spear points
the Explanation :
New World Kata „remains‟ memiliki makna yang sama dengan
Explanation : „bones‟
Teks tersebut secara uumum berkenaan dengan masa  7. The word "seemingly" in line 23 is closest in
dimana manusia dan mammoths hidup di dunia baru meaning to
dan kemungkinan keterlibatan manusia dalam  (A) tremendously
kepunahan mammoth. Pilihan A dan B tidak  (B) apparently
dijelaskan secara spesifik, sementara pilihan C terlalu  (C) formerly
umum.  (D) obviously
 2. The word "implements" in line 4 is closest in Explanation :
meaning to Kata seemingly memiliki makna yang serupa dengan
 (A) tools apparently.
 (B) ornaments  8. The passage supports which of the following
 (C) houses conclusions about mammoths?
 (D) carvings  (A) Humans hunted them to extinction.
Explanation ;  (B) The freezing temperatures of the Ice Age
Kata implements pada line 4 memiliki makna yang destroyed their food supply.
serupa dengan tools.  (C) The cause of their extinction is not definitely
 3. The phrase "these early migrants" in line 6 known.
refers to  (D) Competition with mastodons caused them to
 (A) mammoths become extinct.
 (B) humans Explanation :
 (C) dogs Kalimat Although they were cunning hunters, human
 (D) mastodons were still widely scattered and not very numerous
Explanation : (line 25-26) .......memberikan kesimpulan bahwa
Kalimat a late stage in the prehistory of humans (line keberadaan manusaikan belum pasti menjadi
3) menjadi penanda bahwa kata migrants (line 6) penyebab punahnya mammoths, yang berarti bahwa
merujuk pada humans. kepunahan mereka belum jelas diketahui alasannya.
 4. Where were the imperial mammoths the  9. The word "cunning" in line 25 is closest in
dominant type of mammoth? meaning to
 (A) In Alaska  (A) clever
 (B) In the central portion of North America  (B) determined
 (C) In the southern part of North America  (C) efficient
 (D) In South America  (D) cautious
Explanation : Explanation :
Kalimat ... the imperial mammoths of the south (line Kata cunning memiliki makna yang serupa dengan
3) menjelaskan bahwa tipe mammoths ini dapat clever
ditemukan di bagian selatan.  10. Which of the following is NOT true about
 5. It can be inferred that when humans crossed prehistoric humans at the time of the mammoths'
into the New World, they extinction?
 (A) had previously hunted mammoths in Siberia  (A) They were relatively few in number.
 (B) had never seen mammoths before  (B) They knew how to use bows and arrows.
 (C) brought mammoths with them from the Old  (C) They were concentrated in a small area.
World  (D) They were skilled hunters.
 (D) soon learned to use dogs to hunt mammoths Explanation :
Explanation : Pilihan A : ...... human were still widely scattered and
An era when polished stone implements and bows not very numerous (Line 26)
and arrows were already being uesd (line 4-5)
Pilihan B : An era when polished stone implements Dalam teks dijelaskan bahwa rekaman penting
and bows and arrows were already being uesd (Line pertama dibuat tahun 1923 di Chicago ( .....was made
4-5) in Chicago in 1923 by King Oliver's Creole Jazz
Pilhan C : tidak disebutkan dalam teks Band,... Line 7-8)
Pilihan D : Although they were cunning hunters,  16. According to the passage, Louis Armstrong
(Line 25) was a member of which of the following'
 11. Which of the following types of elephants  (A) The Original Dixieland Band
does the author discuss in the most detail in the  (B) Fate Marable's riverboat band
passage?  (C) King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band
 (A) The mastodon  (D) The Wolverines
 (B) The mammoth  Explanation :
 (C) The Indian elephant Louis Armstrong termasuk ke dalam grup band King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band (Line 8-9)
 (D) The African elephant  17. The word "steady" in line 17 is closest in
Explanation : meaning to
Di paragraph 2 dijelaskan dengan rinci berkenaan  (A) constant
dengan mammoths (mention exact location and  (B) basic
evidence of human hunting)  (C) urgent
Questions 12-23  (D) happy
Explanation :
 12. What is the main topic of this passage Steady memiliki makna yang sama dengan constant
 (A) The early history of jazz  18. According to the passage, which of the
 (B) The music of World War I following instruments helped provide the beat for
 (C) The relationship of melody and rhythm in jazz Dixieland jazz?
 (D) The New York recording industry in the  (A) The cornet
1920's  (B) The piano
Explanation :  (C) The trombone
Secara garis besar, topik yang dibahas dalam teks  (D) The clarinet
tersebut adalah jazz dan sejarahnya/asal mulanya Explanation :
(that year they recorded the first phonograph record ...which included piano, bass, and drum (Line 18)
identified as jazz line 5-6)  19. Duke Ellington is given as an example of a
 13. The word "idiom" in line 2 is closest in bandleader who
meaning to  (A) could not read music
 (A) slang  (B) did not value improvisation
 (B) tempo  (C) discouraged solo performances
 (C) tune  (D) used written arrangements
 (D) style Explanation :
Explanation : ....Even bandleaders such as Duke Eliingto who
Idiom memiliki makna yang serupa dengan style. provided his musicians with written arrangements....
 14. The musicians who made the earliest jazz (Line 20-22)
recordings were originally from  20. Which of the following phrases would be
 (A) New Orleans LEAST likely to be applied to Dixieland jazz'
 (B) Chicago  (A) Relatively complex
 (C) New York  (B) Highly improvisational
 (D) Mississippi  (C) Rhythmic and melodic
Explanation :  (D) Carefully planned
 A number of white musicians came to Chicago Explanation :
from New Pilihan
Orleans playing an idiom they have learned ... (Line : Line 15
 15. When was the first important recording by Pilihan
: Line 20
black jazz musicians made? B
 (A) In 1917
 (B) In 1923 Pilihan
: Line 15-17
 (C) In the late 1920's C
 (D) In the early 1930's Pilihan : tidak
Explanation :
D disebutkan Pilihan
 21. According to the passage, who were the C
Wolverines? Pilihan
 (A) A band that played in large dance halls : Line 6-7 (They are all middle class)
 (B) A New York group
 (C) A Swing band  26. Approximately how many cars use Franklin
 (D) A small group Street daily?
Explanation :  (A) 2,000
Line 25 merujuk pada Wolverines sebagai contoh  (B) 8,000
dari a small Chicago jazz band.  (C) 16,000
 22. The author provides the most detailed  (D) 20,000
description of early jazz music in the  Explanation :
 (A) first paragraph Line 10-11 menjelaskan bahwa Flanklin Street
 (B) second paragraph memiliki lebih darai 16.000 mobil perhari
 (C) third paragraph  27. All of the following are direct results of heavy
 (D) fourth paragraph traffic
Explanation : EXCEPT
Penulis memaparkan hal-hal rinci berkenaan dengan  (A) increased amounts of trash
gambaran dari early jazz di paragraph ke 3  (B) greater danger to residents
 23. The paragraph following this one most likely  (C) more pollution
deals with  (D) more vibrations
 (A) the music of small bands Explanation :
 (B) the Swing era Berdasarakan line 13-16, sampah adalah efek
 (C) music that influenced Dixieland Jazz sekunder dari kepadatan lalu lintas
 (D) other forms of music popular in the 1920's  28. The author's main purpose in the second
Explanation : paragraph is to
Kalimat terakhir dari teks mengindikasikan bahwa  (A) discuss the problems of trash disposal
era berikutnya dari jazz adalah the swing era,  (B) point out the disadvantages of heavy traffic
sehingga ini masuk akal jika paragraf selanjutnya  (C) propose an alternate system of transportation
akan membahas tentang era tersebut.  (D) suggest ways to cope with trafflc problems
Questions 24-33 Explanation :
Maksud utama dari penulis dalam paragraf ini adalah
 24. The word "astounding" in line 1 is closest in untuk membahas dampak dari kepadatan lalu lintas di
meaning to Franklin Street.
 (A) startling  29. On which street is there the most social
 (B) disappointing interaction?
 (C) dubious  (A) Octavia Street
 (D) alternative  (B) Gough Street
Explanation :  (C) Franklin Street
Kata Astounding memiliki makna yang sama dengan  (D) There is no significant social interaction on
startling. any of the three streets.
 25. The three streets mentioned in this passage are Explanation :
different in that Paragraph ketiga menjelaskan tentang bagaimana
 (A) they are in different cities para penghuni octavia street berinteraksi, mereka
 (B) the residents are of different ethnic memiliki bih banyak teman di blok mereka jika
backgrounds dibanding Franklin dan Gough Street.
 (C) they have varying amounts of traffic  30. The word "chatted" in line 23 is closest in
 (D) the income levels of the residents vary meaning to
considerably  (A) joked
Explanation :  (B) talked
 (C) argued
Plihan  (D) walked
: Line 4-5 (all three are in San Fransisco
A Explanation :
Pilihan : Line 5-6 (They all have the same Kata chatted bermakna talked (secara informal)
B ethnic)
 31. Which of the following is NOT a statement  36. It can be inferred from the passage that in
you would expect from a resident of Gough Street? 1952, Carson's book Under the Sea Wind
 (A) People on this street are unhappy because the  (A) was outdated
neighborhood is deteriorating.  (B) became more popular than her other books
 (B) People on this street think mostly of  (C) was praised by critics
themselves.  (D) sold many copies
 (C) People on this street have more and more Explanation :
space for which they feel responsible. Berdasarkan line 7-8, ketika under the sea wind
 (D) A number of people are preparing to leave this pertama kali dipublikasikan “ it received excellent
street. reviews but sales were poor until it was reissued in
Explanation : 1952.
Pilihan Jawaban A, B, dan D, sudah disebutkan  37. Which of the following was NOT mentioned
dengan jelas di paragraf 4. Pilihan Jawaban C in the passage as a source of information for The Sea
bermakna sebaliknya dengan apa yang tertulis di Around Us?
lines 16-17 (increase trafific reduces the amount of (A) Printed matter
teritory for which residents feel responsible) (B) Talks with experts
 32. In what order does the author present detailed (C) A research expedition
discussions of the three streets?  (D) Letters from scientists
 (A) LIGHT, MEDIUM, HEAVY Explanation :
 (B) HEAVY, MEDIUM, LIGHT Tidak ada penjelasan bahwa Rachel Carson terlibat
 (C) HEAVY, LIGHT, MEDIUM dalam ekspedisi penelitian, pilihan jawaban yang lain
(D) LIGHT, HEAVY, MEDIUM ada di line 12-13.
Explanation :  38. Which of the following words or phrases is
Di paragraf 1 disebutkan bahwa Franklin (HEAVY), LEAST accurate in describing The Sea Around Us?
octavia (LIGHT), and Gough (MEDIUM) (A) Highly technical
 33. The passage mainly discusses Rachel Carson's  (B) Poetic
work  (C) Fascinating
 (A) as a researcher  (D) Well-researched
 (B) at college Explanation :
 (C) at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Carson „realized the limitations of her non-technical
 (D) as a writer readers” (line 14-15), yang menyiratkan bahwa
Explanation : bukunya tidak begitu teknikal. It did have a poetic
Teks diatas berfokus pada hasil karya Rachel Carson quality (line 11), and it was fascinating (line 9), and
dan karir dia sebagai penulis well-researched (line 12-14)
Questions 34-41  39. The word "reckless" in line 18 is closest in
meaning to
 34. According to the passage, what did Carson  (A) unnecessary
primarily study at Johns Hopkins University?  (B) limited
 (A) Oceanography  (C) continuous
 (B) History (D) irresponsible
 (C) Literature Explanation :
 (D) Zoology Kata reckless memiliki makna yang serupa dengan
Explanation : irresponsible
Line 2-3 menjelaskan bahwa Carson belajar zoology  40. According to the passage, Silent Spring is
di John Hopkins University primarily
 35. When she published her first book, Carson  (A) an attack on the use of chemical preservatives
was closest to the age of in food
 (A) 26  (B) a discussion of the hazards insects pose to the
 (B) 29 food supply
 (C) 34 (C) a warning about the dangers of
 (D) 45 misusing insecticides
Explanation :  (D) an illustration of the benefits of the chemical
Carson lahir di tahun 1907 (line 1) dan industry
mempublikasikan Under the Sea Wind di tahun Explanation :
1941(line 6-7), sehinga dari tahun tersebut
hitungannya adalah 34 tahun.
Line 17-18 menyatakan bahwa buku silent spring  (C) changes from place to place
“proved how much harm was done by reckless use of  (D) includes all types of natural resources
insectisides.” Explanation :
 41. The word "flawed" in line 22 is closest in Berdasarkan line 9-10, „economists lebih dari non-
meaning to economists dalam hal land.
(A) faulty  46. The word "arable" in line 11 is closest in
 (B) deceptive meaning to
 (C) logical  (A) dry
 (D) offensive  (B) fertile
Explanation :  (C) developed
Kata flawed memiliki makna yang serupa dengan  (D) open
faulty  Explanation :
Questions 42-50 Kata arable bermakna mampu dilestarikan, sehingga
memiliki makna yang sama dengan fertile
 42. Why does the author of the passage mention  47. The phrase "the latter" in line 15 refers to
the report of the President's Science Advisory  (A) economists
Committee (lines 23-24)?  (B) non-economists
 (A) To provide an example of government  (C) capital goods
propaganda  (D) consumer goods
 (B) To support Carson's ideas Explanation :
 (C) To indicate a growing government concern Latter digunakan untuk merujuk pada konsep/hal
with the environment kedua yang disebutkan sebelumnya, yang disitu
 (D) To validate the chemical industry's claims merujuk pada consumer goods.
Explanation :  48. Which of the following could be considered a
Crason‟s work „was vindicated‟ by the report (Line capital good as defined in the passage?
23), menyiratkan bahwa buku tersebut menyalahi  (A) A railroad
klaim indrustry kimia dan mendukung idenya.  (B) Money
 43. What is the author's main purpose in writing  (C) A coal deposit
this passage?  (D) Human skills
 (A) To explain the concept of labor Explanation :
 (B) To criticize certain uses of capital Capital good termasuk transporting (Line 13, seperti
 (C) To contrast capital goods and consumer goods railroad, pilihan B disebutkan dengan spesifik bukan
 (D) To define economic resources tipe capital (Line 17-28), pilihan C dan D adalah
Explanation : contoh dari land bukan capital.
Teks tersebut berkenaan dengan dua pembagian  49. The word "heading" in line 24 is closest in
utama dan sumber daya utama ekomi, sumber daya meaning to
alat dan sumberdaya manusia. Pilihan A, B,C adalah  (A) direction
bahasan rinci namun tidak utama.  (B) practice
 44. In lines 3-4, the author uses the expression  (C) category
"This obviously covers a lot of ground ... " to indicate  (D) utility
that Explanation :
 (A) the factories and farms discussed in the Kata heading yang digunakan memiliki makna yang
passage are very large serupa dengan category
 (B) economic resources will be discussed in great  50. The skills of all the following could be
depth considered examples of labor, as defined in the
 (C) the topic of economic resources is a broad one passage, EXCEPT
 (D) land is an important concept in economics  (A) artists and scientists
Explanation :  (B) workers who produce services, not goods
Ungkapan tersebut digunakan untuk menyatakan  (C) office workers
bahwa sumber daya ekonomi adalah topik yang luas.  (D) entrepreneurs
 45. When non-economists use the term "land," its Explanation :
definition Paragraf ketiga menjelaskan bahwa istilah labor
 (A) is much more general than when economists merujuk pada semua talenta manusia kecuali
use it enterpreneurial skill, yang merupakan kategori yang
 (B) is much more restrictive than when berbeda.
economists use it

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