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Food Science and Quality Management ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online) Vol.49, 2016

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ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online)
Vol.49, 2016

Assessment of Livestock Production Constraints and Technology

Need Identification of Pastoral and Mixed Crop-Livestock
Production System in Malle and Benatsemay Districts of South
Omo Zone Southern Ethiopia
Bizuayehu Ayele* Mekete Girma Tegegn Tesfaye/Dr./ Yidnekachewu Alemayehu
Southern Agricultural Research Institute, Jinka Agricultural Research Center Livestock Research Process ,P. O.
Box 96 Jinka, Ethiopia

The study was conducted in Malle and Benatsemay Districts of South Omo Zone with the objectives of assessing
livestock production system constraints and appropriate technology need identifications through better
understandings of the existing condition in specific agro-ecology for the study area. A total of 80 pastoral and
agro pastorals were participated on key informants’ group discussion 20 participants in each selected PAs.
According to the key informants’ discussion with in each group we had summarized the consensus ideas of the
participants in group discussion. Despite of these there were some common and serious constraints on the
aspects of livestock production system in each study Pas such as shortage of feed/due to high No of livestock and
their trampling indigenous forage seed sources are lost/,Shortage of water animal diseases/long distance
traveling for water and feed searching/, Storage and processing material problem for dairy products, Poor genetic
makeup of the breed, high environmental temperature, poultry disease/bacterial, viral and parasitic, honey
quality and productivity problem and toxic honey bee forages, seasonal price fluctuation, lack of market
information and brokers problem and others constraints were identified during problem assessment study.
According to discussion male house hold headed make decision in disposal of large and small animals but, all
family members are responsible for disposal of their products.
Keywords: constraints, livestock, pastoral and agro-pastorals, South Omo

Livestock is an important economic sector in Ethiopia which contributes to economic development. Ethiopia
holds the largest livestock population in Africa, estimated at about 55.0 million heads of cattle, 27.3 million
sheep, and 28 million goats, 1.1 million camels , 51.3 million chicken, 1.96 million horses 6.95 million donkey
and 0.36 million mules (CSA, 2014).).Livestock contribute up to 20% to Ethiopian GDP and Lively hood of 60-
70% of the population. However, the productivity of the livestock resources and the benefits obtained from the
sector does not commensurate with the high livestock population. Dairy sector is a major contributor to
economic development, especially among the developing countries.
Therefore it is imperative, identification of prevailing situation and understanding of the existing
livestock production system constraints and opportunities for further research in the area and to devise
appropriate development interventions. Therefore this study is initiated with objective of assess constraints and
opportunities in livestock production systems; understand pastoral and agro pastorals indigenous technical
knowledge, identifying users technology need, post-harvest handling and marketing system.

Materials and Methodology

General information of the study area
South Omo Zone
South Omo Zone is one of the 13 administrative zones found in SNNPRS which covers an area of 25530 km2
and is located 4.43’-6.46’ N and 35.79-36.06’E, and has a human population estimated 472977. The population
density of the zone is 21 persons per km2 it’s bordering with Gamo Gofa Zone, Keffa Zone and Konta and
Basketo special Woreda in north, Kenya in south, konso and Derashe special woredas in east and Sudan & bench
magi Zone in west.
The Zone is divided into 8 woredas and 1 city administration. Generally the altitude of the zone ranges
between 360 m.a.s.l and 3500 ma.s.l. The traditional agro-ecologies Dega,woina dega, kola and semi-arid cover
0.5, 5.1,60, and 34.4 percent respectively of the total area. Rainfail pattern in the area is both unimodal and
bimodal. The mean annual rainfaill ranges between 400 and 1600 mm. the mean annual temperature ranges
between 10.1 and ›27.5oc.
The zone has a huge animal resource with an estimate of about 906,442 cattle, 497,092 sheep, 846,611
goats, 311 camels, 453,366 chickens, 322,599 bee colonies and 87510 equines. Whereas Maize, Sorghum,
Barley, Wheat, Teff, Godore, Millet, Cassava, Haricot bean and field pea are the major crops grow in the area.
Regarding the land use the proportion of cultivated land, grazing land, forest land, cultivated land and

Food Science and Quality Management
ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online)
Vol.49, 2016

non-cultivable land and others are 11.22, 29.25, 12, 55, 15.69, 10.85, and 20.42 percent respectively.
There are 16 different ethnic groups found in 8 woredas. Except the Ari ethnic group which covers 2 of
the 8 woredas and a farming system of sedentary farming. The rest of the ethnic groups having a farming system
of pastoral and semi-pastoral type.

Malle woreda
Malle woreda is one of the eight wordas found in south omo zone which covers an area of 1432 km2 and has
human population estimated 102870. The population density of the woreda is 66 persons per km2. The woreda is
divided in to 23 rural and 1 urban PA. Generally, the altitude of the woreda ranges between 600-1500 m.a.s.l. Its
astronomical locations are 5.080N -6.010N latitudinaly and 36.30E -370E longitudinaly. There are two major
agro ecologies namely kola and woynadega 85% and 15% found in the woreda respectively. The mean annual
RF ranges between 800-1200mm and the mean annual temperature ranges between18-350c.
The woreda has an animal resources with an estimated of about 324,652 cattle,81,181 sheep,452,943
goats,213,456 poultry local and improved,12,256 equines,2870 dogs, 3028 cats and 267216 bee colonies.
The average land holding of the woreda ranges from 0.15-2.1 hectare. There is only one ethnic
group/Malle/ and their farming system is mixed crop- livestock production system.
The major crops and their yields of the woreda described in table one below.
Table1:- major crop types and their yields in malle woreda
Types of crops Area coverage /Ha/ Yield/qt/
Haricot bean 183.875 1576.97
Maize 6267 228718.19
Teff 362 4184.84
Sorghum 6526.25 205673.34
Finger millet 195.625 298
Seasame 7132.825 55903.07
Sunflower 12.9 129.4
Ground nut 89.875 1258.25
Cassava 20.25 3280.5
36 360
Coffe 373.39 2173.13
Sources: malle woreda agricultural and rural development office

Benatsemay woreda
Benatsemay woreda is one of the eight wordas found in south omo zone which covers an area of 2923 km2 and
has human population estimated 67797. The population density of the woreda is 20 persons per km2. The woreda
is divided in to 29 rural and 2 urban PA. Generally, the altitude of the woreda ranges between 600-1500 m.a.s.l.
Its astronomical locations are 5.010N -5.730N latitudinal and 36.380E -37.070E longitudinally. There are three
major agro ecologies namely bereha, kola and woynadega 5%, 81.3and 13.7% found in the woreda respectively.
The mean annual RF ranges between 800-1300mm and the mean annual temperature ranges between18-380c.
The woreda has an animal resources with an estimated of about 459,779 cattle,146,868 sheep,741,237
goats,97205 poultry local and improved,28877 equines, and 32500 bee colonies.
The average land holding of the woreda ranges from 0.15-2.1 hectare. There are two ethnic
group/Bena and Tsemay/ and their farming system is mixed crop- livestock production system.
The major crops and their yields of the woreda described in table two below.
Table2:- major crop types and their yields in Benatsemay woreda
Types of crops Area coverage /Ha/ Yield/qt/
Haricot bean 1616.625 12933
Maize 3498.34 82959.19
Teff 557.875 4676.72
Sorghum 4610.5 86036.5
Finger millet 855.75 6846
Seasame 256.65 1335.6
Sunflower 59 354
Ground nut 10.5 84
Cassava 2.5 87.5
10 100
Coffe 21.84 103.75
Sources: Benatsemay woreda agricultural and rural development office

Food Science and Quality Management
ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online)
Vol.49, 2016

Sampling procedures and methods of data collection

The study was conducted by a multidisciplinary team of researchers and development workers comprising of
animal breeder, animal health, animal socioeconomics and honey bee researchers as well as animal experts and
DAs from each selected woredas.
Before starting of the study, the study team made short discussion with Zone Department of
Agricultural and rural development in order to select representative woredas and to gather some basic
information’s about south omo zone particularly on livestock production system. Accordingly, Malle and
benatsemay woredas were selected. After the team made discussion with the zone the one of the team went to
woreda to select representative kebeles as well as to gather relevant information’s from different stock holders
such as respective woredas agricultural rural development office, marketing and cooperative office, rural youth
employment generation office. The study team confirmed that the staff of malle and Benatsemay woreda ARD
office had selected each representative kebeles such as koybe and Benete as well as Alduba and Luka
Discussion was made to get information with regard to the important preliminary conditions for the
study such as assignment of experts for the study team, the representatives of the PA, selection of the informant
farmers and awareness created to the farmers of the selected PA and also to the PA administration and
development agents working there. A total of 80 informant pastoralist and agro pastorals of extension groups
representing each sub PAs/gott/,religious leaders, clan leaders, mix of variable ages and both sexes with different
wealth status were selected in collaboration with four selected PA’s administration and development agents of
the woreda.
The discussion was conducted in each kebele comprising of 20 male and female, 20 males and
females, 20 males and females and 20 males and females for formal group discussion participants were selected
from Luka, Alduba, Koybe and Beneta respectively. Primary data were collected through discussion between the
disciplinary based team and the corresponding farmers/agro pastoralists group.The discussion was guided by the
check list prepared by multidisciplinary team at regional level and issues raised during discussion were
incorporated. Up on completion of group level discussion, information particularly livestock production and
production related constraints identified by the group of farmers/agro pastoralists/ was summarized. Then, all
informant farmers/agro pastoralists were summarized series of constraints had been briefed to them and then
they ranked the problems by consensus in order of their importance. Following the field study disciplinary based
data organization and report writing were under taken. Finally, the whole findings were produced in the report
separately with in each PA.

Data analysis
Description and summarization of the key informants group discussion and primary data organization,
interpretation of each the study PA.
Results and Discussions
Animal production
Luka kebele
Herd composition
The types of livestock found in Luka PA of Benatsemay woreda are cattle, sheep, goat and donkey. The local
livestock breeds are dominant in the study area which is not crossed with any other improved breeds. The type of
goat breed in the area is Woito Guji local breeds and the black head somale sheep breeds were found. The milk
productivity of local breeds is very low but, they can able to resist shortage of feed and diseases than improved
breeds. Although the breed preference of the dairy cattle is exotic, they have the question of adaptability and
productivity problem in their local environment due to harsh environmental condition and their susceptibility to
different diseases.
Purpose of keeping live stock
Livestock of the PA are kept for multipurpose. The reasons of livestock rising are for consumption at house hold
level, to generate income through selling the products and live animals. The main live stock products include
milk, meat, butter, hide and skin. Among those butter and live animals are for income generation, milk for home
consumption and hide and skin for bed and dressing purpose. Oxen mainly used for ploughing purpose.
Breeding management
The mating system in the area is natural that means breed freely in uncontrolled mating. Artificial insemination
technology is not introduced to the area. The average age of heifer that gives birth for the first time is three years.
The calving interval is ranges from 1-1.5 years and the lactation length ranges from 5-7 months which is
comparable with the study report (Bizuayehu A.,2015) average lactation length was 5.62±3.4 months and
(CSA,2015) reported at national level.

Food Science and Quality Management
ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online)
Vol.49, 2016

Livestock husbandry practices

Feeds and feeding
The major sources livestock feed in Luka PA are mainly natural pasture, grazing, browses and crop residues. The
sources of water for animals are river and pipe water. As the discussion of pastoralists revealed, the main seasons
which they face sever feed and water shortage during December to February due to absence of grasses on natural
grazing land and drying of rivers. There is hay making practices from crop residues during crop harvesting
period. Even though there is some practice of crop residue treatment with urea, but they didn’t get any benefit
from it. They provide mostly crop residues for fattening animals, for weak animals and for milking cows.
Supplementation is practiced during pre-weaning for the calves by giving crop residues. Supplementation
activities start after weaning for weak calves, kids and lambs. All family members are responsible for feeding
and grazing of small and large animals in Luka PA. There is no improved forages usage and sources in the area.
Accordingly there is no habit of purchasing livestock feed in the area when they faced feed shortage.
Decision making
Informants are asked to prioritize the decision on the use and disposal of livestock and their products. According
to discussion male house hold headed make decision in disposal of large and small animals but, all family
members are responsible for disposal of their products.
The pastorals are asked to describe housing system of large and small ruminants. Accordingly, there is no special
house constructed for their large and small animals. They make fences without roof around their house for their
small ruminants and around the grazing site for large ruminants.
Animal production constraints and opportunities
According to discussion with informants the major constraints for dairy, meat and equine production of the area
in order of importance are mentioned as follows.
• Shortage of feed/due to high No of livestock and their trampling
indigenous forage seed sources are lost/
• Shortage of water
• Animal diseases/long distance traveling for water and feed searching/
• Storage and processing material problem for dairy products
• Poor genetic makeup of the breed
• High environmental temperature
The informants suggested that introduction of improved forage varieties and other improved livestock production
technologies to solve the above mentioned constraints in the PA.
Poultry production
Local chiken breeds are pre- dominant and have more resistance to disease. There are also some exotic breeds in
the area, but they are susceptible to disease and harsh environmental conditions. The local chiken lay up to 20
eggs at sexual maturity and the number of hatches per a year is three times. According to the informants only
half of the hatched chicken survives to adulthood.
The purpose of rearing poultry and poultry products is for income generation and for home
consumption. Most of the time females have highest role in production, marketing and use of poultry and their
products. The extension service such as provision of improved breeds, provision of technical assistance on
production system and veterinary services are available.
Housing and feeding
The house is constructed separately for egg laying and for chicken. Chicken feeding is in extensive way of
scavenging and the owners offer for their chicken some grains of maize and sorghum in the morning and water
in the afternoon.
Poultry production constraints
Main poultry production constraints in the area are categorized in the order of their importance as follows
• poultry disease/bacterial, viral and parasitic
• feed shortage
• predators
• postharvest handling problem due to high temperature/egg/
• cannibalism
There are both blackish and reddish types of honey bee races in the area. Mainly blackish honey bee races have
aggressive behavior in active season than reddish honey bee races. The size of blackish honey bee races is
smaller than reddish one. The swarming tendency of honey bee races in the area is medium. But, the reddish
honey bee races swarm frequently as compared to blackish honey bee races. When the absconding behavior is
assessed, the informants said all honey bee races abscond highly when the weather condition is unfavorable.

Food Science and Quality Management
ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online)
Vol.49, 2016

Honey bee management and productivity

There is no colony multiplication, queen rearing and supplementary bee feeding practice in the area. There is no
improved hone production technologies most pastoralists use traditional hives and there is no honey bee hunting
practices and bee wax collection exercise.
Most of the time honey bee rearing, honey processing and storage are performed by male. There
cultural harvesting tools for honey is locally called” kuisi/qill/”.
There is no cultivated honey bee forages in Luka PA but, natural forests and shrubs such as locally
named as “Dile”, Muguri”, Zimba,”Girar”, are the major sources of honey bee forages.
Different extension services such as training, new technologies/improved hive/are available but, the
dwellers of the PA didn’t use the service.
Productivity of blackish honey bee races is more productive than reddish honey bee races. They
harvest honey two times a year and average hone yield is 6-7 kg per hive.
Honey bee production constraints
• Honey quality problem/the operation is performed during night/
• Toxic plants locally /”Lola”,Tentele”/
• Pest and predators
• Storage material problem
Livestock health
Major diseases of large and small ruminants
There are a number of diseases and parasites that cause reduction in productivity and death of live animals.
The main diseases of livestock that occur in the Luka PA related to season, spp, age and sex are the
following table3.
Disease type Spp affected season age sex Vaccination Prevalence
Common CCPP Caprine Dry All age Both Two times per
diseases and season groups year
parasites Mange Caprine, ovine Both dry All aged Both -
and bovine & rainy groups
Trypanosomes Bovine Both dry All age Both -
& rainy groups
Tick Caprine, ovine Both dry All age Both -
and bovine & rainy groups
Outbreaks Black leg Bovine Rainy All age Both When the
outbreak happen Once a
Anthrax Bovine Both dry All age Both When the
and rainy groups outbreak happen Rare
Livestock health services and ethno veterinary practices
According to the informants there is an animal health post and technician for the treatments of their livestock.
Sometimes there is shortage of veterinary drugs, vaccine and biological.
In the Luka PA livestock diseases are treated traditionally by the pastoralists. Some of traditional
treatments are:-
Black leg- by branding with hot metal and slitting the infected part of the sick animals
using knife.
Ecto-parasite/lice/- washing the body of calves by grinding and mixing leaf of the tree
locally named as “kulale” with water.
Retained placenta – by drenching the mixture of the local tree known as “silvini” with
1.1 poultry disease control methods
The main poultry diseases in the Luka PA are cholera, Newcastle diseases, external parasites/lice/.
Traditional treatment techniques that are functional to hill some of the above cases are by smoking the house of
chicken of poultry by burning the grass locally called /”welkenta” and burning highly infested poultry house
completely. They also use modern disease control methods like treating with tetracycline for cholera.
Apiculture diseases and control mechanisms
According to the informants, there is no disease associated with honey bees in the area. But the following
problems associated with pests, predators and toxic plants/chemicals/are encountered:
• Pests and predators/”zeriko”,chilo”, lizards
• Toxic plants/”lola, kentele”/
• Some chemicals applied for agro industrial purpose/cotton farm at woitto/
The degree of infestation and damaged by toxic plants especially”lola and kentele”/local name/ is very

Food Science and Quality Management
ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online)
Vol.49, 2016

high. There is some means of control and prevention method for the above pests which is by smoking bee hives
Marketing of live stock
Pastoralists of luqa PA sell their live animals to both primary and secondary market at woito and keyafer,the
capital town of Benatsemay woreda. They also sell livestock products to both consumers and secondary sellers in
the local market. Livestock products such as butter, honey,egg, are mainly sold in the local market of the area.
Unlike others, milk and hide and skinare not sold. They use milk for home consumption and hides and skins for
bed and dressing respectively. The major actors in the market chain are traders, hotel, retailers, whole sellers and
some organized group on business. Marketing of apicultural products/honey/ mostly performed by male. Male
has also major role in selling of live animals and disposal of income. The price of livestock and their products
vary from season to season. Accordingly during dry season the price of honey/crude honey/ and butter are
increased. Also the price of poultry and their products and butter are increased during festivity. Whereas during
dry season the price of live animals is decreased.
There is no available marketing infrastructure and services as well as market information system in the
area. Also there is no marketing practice of none-stinging bees’ honey in the area.
Livestock marketing constraints
The major constraints in livestock marketing are
quality problem/honey/
seasonal price fluctuation
lack of market information
brokers problem
General constraints and challenges in livestock production, management and marketing in Luka PA.
The major constraints and challenges in livestock production, management and marketing in accordance of their
importance are listed as follows:
Shortage of water
Shortage of feeds and grazing land
Livestock diseases
Lack of awareness
Lack of management
Poor genetic makeup
According to the focus group discussion, they provided/suggested possible solutions for the above constraints.
These are:-
Long distance traveling for search of water and digging of sand to get water.
Taking their animals to the place where grazing land is available and increasing of crop production to
get enough crop residues
Treating their animals at health center and traditional disease treatment practice
Getting awareness through mass media and mobile
Introduction of highly productive breeds

Animal production
Alduba kebele
Herd composition
The types of animals found in Luka PA of Benatsemay woreda are cattle, sheep, goat and donkey. The local
livestock breeds are dominant in the study area which is not crossed with any other improved breeds but, there
are some Boran and jersey cattle breeds are found in the area. The type of goat breed in the area is Woito Guji
and local sheep breeds are found. The milk productivity of local breeds is very low but, they can able to resist
shortage of feed and diseases than improved breeds. Although the breed preference of the dairy cattle is exotic,
they have the question of adaptability and productivity problem in their local environment due to harsh
environmental condition and their susceptibility to different diseases.
Purpose of keeping livestock
Animals of the PA are kept for multipurpose. The reasons of animals rising are for consumption at house hold
level, to generate income through selling the products and live animals. The main livestock products include
milk, meat, butter, hide and skin. Among those butter and live animals are for income generation, milk for home
consumption and hide and skin for bed and dressing purpose. Oxen mainly used for ploughing purpose.

Breeding management
The mating system in the area is natural that means breed freely in uncontrolled mating and Artificial
insemination even if that much not effective . The average age of heifer that gives birth for the first time is four

Food Science and Quality Management
ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online)
Vol.49, 2016

years. The calving interval is ranges from 1-1.5 years and the lactation length ranges from 8-12 months.
Livestock husbandry practices
Feeds and feeding
The major sources livestock feed in Alduba PA are mainly natural pasture, grazing, browses and crop residues.
They get the sources of water for their animals by digging the sand around the river. As discussion of pastoralists
revealed, the main seasons which they face sever feed and water shortage during December to March due to
absence of grasses on natural grazing land and drying of rivers. There is hay making practices from crop residues
during crop harvesting period. There is no practice of crop residue treatment with urea in the area. They provide
mostly crop residues for ploughing oxen, for weak animals and for milking cows. Supplementation is practiced
during pre-weaning for the calves by giving crop residues. Supplementation activities starts after weaning for
weak calves, kids and lambs supplementary feeds locally named as “gojo”, “bereza”, “ara”, “aregeniya” etc .
Although all family members are responsible for feeding and grazing of small and large animals in Alduba PA
but, males are mostly responsible. There is improved forages usage and sources in the area such as elephant
grass, lucinea and desho grass. They use those improved forages for ploughing oxen, for weak animals and for
milking cows. There is no habit of purchasing livestock feed in the area when they face feed shortage, they take
from their neighbors those who have enough animal feed.
Decision making
Informants are asked to prioritize the decision on the use and disposal of livestock and their products. According
to discussion male house hold headed make decision in disposal of large and small animals but, females are
responsible for disposal of their products such as egg and butter.
The pastorals are asked to describe housing system of large and small ruminants. Accordingly, there is no special
house constructed for their large and small animals. They make fences without roof around their house for their
small ruminants and calves and around the grazing site for large ruminants.
Animal production constraints and opportunities
According to discussion with informants the major constraints for dairy, meat and equine production of the area
in order of importance are mentioned as follows.
• Shortage of feed
• Shortage of water
• Animal diseases
• Poor genetic makeup of the breed
• High environmental temperature
The informants suggested that introduction of improved livestock production technologies to solve the
above mentioned constraints in the PA.
Poultry production
Local chiken breeds are pre- dominant and have more resistance to disease. There are also some exotic breeds in
the area, but they are susceptible to disease and harsh environmental conditions. The local chiken lay up to 7-12
eggs at sexual maturity and the number of hatches per a year is 3-4 times. According to the informants the
number of chicken that survive to adulthood depends on the management the owner and the mothering property
of the hen.
The purpose of rearing poultry and poultry products is for income generation and for home
consumption and especially egg for a medical purpose/for anemia in children, for wound treatment, for common
cold treatment/. Most of the time females have highest role in production, marketing and use of poultry and their
products. The extension service such as provision of improved breeds, provision of technical assistance on
production system and veterinary services are available.
Housing and feeding
The house is constructed only for night time from locally available materials. chiken feeding is in extensive way
of scavenging and the owners offer for their chicken some grains of maize, sorghum and sunflower in the
morning and water in the afternoon.
Poultry production constraints
Main poultry production constraints in the area are categorized in the order of their importance as follows
• poultry disease/bacterial, viral and parasite/
• predators
• postharvest handling problem due to high temperature/egg/

There are both blackish and reddish types of honey bee races in the area. Mainly, blackish honey bee races have
aggressive behavior in active season than reddish honey bee races. The size of blackish honey bee races is

Food Science and Quality Management
ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online)
Vol.49, 2016

smaller than reddish one. The swarming tendency of honey bee races in the area is medium. But, the reddish
honey bee races swarm frequently as compared to blackish honey bee races. When the absconding behavior is
assessed, the informants said all honey bee races abscond medium when the weather condition is unfavorable.
Honey bee management and productivity
There is no colony multiplication, queen rearing and supplementary bee feeding practice in the area. There is no
improved honey production technologies most pastoralists use traditional hives and there is no honey bee
hunting practices and bee wax collection exercise.
Most of the time honey bee rearing, honey processing and storage are performed by male and
sometimes selling of honey is by women. There cultural harvesting tools for honey is locally called”
kuisi/qill/”and plastic material/bath/.
There is no cultivated honey bee forages in Alduba PA, but natural forests and shrubs locally named as
“Dile”, Ara”, Busunta,”Rodo, “Zergo and Turna”, are the major sources of honey bee forages.
Different extension services such as training, new technologies/improved hive/are available but, the
dwellers of the PA didn’t use the service.
Productivity of blackish honey bee race is higher than reddish honey bee races. They harvest honey
two times a year and average hone yield is 8-10 kg per hive per ayear.
Honey bee production constraints

• Honey quality problem/the operation is performed during night/

• Toxic plants locally /”kera”, arke” dumi”/
• Pest and predators/monkey/
• Storage material problem/Gourd is easily broken/
• Shortage of materials to make traditional hives/grass, appropriate wood/
Livestock health
Major diseases of large and small ruminants
There are a number of diseases and parasites that cause reduction in productivity and death of live animals.
The main diseases of livestock that occur in the Alduba PA related to season, spp, age and sex
are the following table4.
Disease Spp affected season age sex Vaccination Prevalence
type program

Common CCPP Caprine Mostly All age Both

diseases and rainy groups
parasites season
Mange Caprine, ovine and Both dry & All aged Both -
bovine rainy groups
Diarrhea Shoat Both dry & All age Both -
rainy groups
Tick Caprine, ovine and Both dry & All age Both -
bovine rainy groups
Outbreaks Black leg Bovine Rainy All age Both When the
outbreak Two times a
happen year/rare/
Anthrax Bovine Both dry All age Both When the Two times a
and rainy groups outbreak year/rare/
Livestock health services and ethno veterinary practices
According to the informants there is an animal health post and technician for the treatments of their livestock but
it is far away from the pastoralists’ residence. Sometimes there is also shortage of veterinary drugs, vaccine and
In the Alduba PA livestock diseases are treated traditionally by the pastoralists. Some of traditional
treatments are:-
Black leg- by branding with hot metal and slitting the infected part of the sick animals
using knife and also by drenching the mixture of choko/local tree/ and water .
Eye disease – by drenching the mixture of grinded ginger
Fever – by drenching the mixture of local tree known as “gedek”and water
Poultry disease control methods
The main poultry diseases in the Alduba PA are cholera, Diarrhea and external parasites/lice/. Traditional
treatment techniques that are functional to hill some of the above cases are by ointting butter, food oil and
kerosene on the infested area of the chicken especially for lice infestation. They also use modern disease control

Food Science and Quality Management
ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online)
Vol.49, 2016

methods like treating with tetracycline for cholera.

Apiculture diseases and control mechanisms
According to the informants, there is no disease associated with honey bees in the area. But the following
problems associated with pests, predators and toxic plants/chemicals/are encountered.
• Pests and predators- lizards,monkey, ant, small hive betel
• Toxic plants- /”kera”, arke” dumi”/
The degree of infestation and damaged by toxic plants especially”kera” /local name/ is very high.
There is some means of control and prevention method for the above pests which is -*smoking bee hives
Marketing of live stock
Pastoralists of Alduba PA sell their live animals to both primary and secondary market at Alduba, kako and
keyafer,the capital town of Benatsemay woreda. They also sell livestock products to both consumers and
secondary sellers in the local market. Livestock products such as butter, honey,egg, are mainly sold in the local
market of the area. Unlike others, milk and hide and skin are not sold. They use milk for home consumption and
hides and skins for bed and dressing respectively. The major actors in the market chain are traders, pastoralists of
the PA, retailers, and whole sellers. Marketing of apicultural products/honey/ mostly performed by male and
females are rarely participate. Male has also major role in selling of live animals and disposal of income but
females have roles in marketing of poultry and their products. The price of livestock and their products vary
from season to season. Accordingly, during dry season the price of honey/crude honey/ and butter are increased.
Also the price of poultry and their products and butter are increased during festivity. Whereas, during dry season
the price of live animals are decreased.
According to the informants, there is available marketing infrastructure and services as well as they get
market information from different traders and neighbors. There is some marketing practice of none-stinging
bees’ honey in the area but it is currently rare.
Livestock marketing constraints
The major constraints in livestock marketing in the area are:
quality problem/honey/
lack of awareness
seasonal price fluctuation
brokers problem
General constraints and challenges in livestock production, management and marketing in Alduba PA
The major constraints and challenges in livestock production, management and marketing in accordance of their
importance are listed as follows:
Livestock diseases
Shortage of water
Shortage of feeds and grazing land
Lack of awareness
According to the focus group discussion, they suggested possible solutions for the above constraints. These are:-
Long distance traveling for search of water and digging of sand to get water.
Taking their animals to the place where grazing land is available and by preparing hay
Treating their animals at health center and traditional disease treatment practice
Getting awareness creation
Animal production
Beneta kebele
Herd composition
The types of animals found in Beneta PA of Benatsemay woreda are cattle, sheep, goat and donkey. The local
livestock breeds are dominant in the study area which are not crossed with any other improved breeds but, there
are some Boran breeds are found in the area. According to the group discussion there is difference in production
and productivity and in size between local and Boran breeds. The type of goat breed in the area is Woito Guji
and local sheep breeds are found. The milk productivity of local breeds are very low but, they can able to resist
shortage of feed and diseases than improved breeds. Although the breed preference of the dairy cattle is exotic,
but they hesitate the adaptability and productivity in their local environment due to harsh environmental
condition and their susceptibility to different diseases.

Purpose of keeping livestock

Animals of the PA are kept for multipurpose. The reasons of animals raising are for consumption at house hold
level, to generate income through selling the products and live animals. The main livestock products include
milk, meat, butter, hide and skin. Among those butter and live animals are for income generation, milk for home
consumption and there is also selling practice in hide and skin. Oxen mainly used for ploughing purpose.

Food Science and Quality Management
ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online)
Vol.49, 2016

Breeding management
The mating system in the area is bull service that means locally selected bull for mating purpose and Artificial
insemination that started recently. The average age of heifer that give birth for the first time ranges from 3-6
years and the calving interval is 1 years. Also the lactation length ranges from 8-12 months.
Livestock husbandry practices
Feeds and feeding
The major sources livestock feed in Beneta PA are mainly natural pasture, grazing/paddocking and tethering/,
browses and crop residues. They get sources of water for their animals from spring and river. As discussion of
pastoralists revealed, the main seasons which they face sever feed shortage during dry season. due to absence of
grasses on natural grazing land. There is hay making practices from crop residues during crop harvesting period.
There is no practice of crop residue treatment with urea in the area. They provide mostly crop residues for
ploughing oxen, and for milking cows. There is no supplement feeding practice during weaning period but they
allow to go grazing area with their mothers. Although all family members are responsible for feeding and
grazing of small and large animals in Beneta PA but,males are mostly responsible. There is no improved forages
usage in the area. There is no habit of purchasing livestock feed in the area when they face feed shortage.
Decision making
Informants are asked to prioritize the decision on the use and disposal of livestock and their products. According
to discussion male house hold headed make decision in disposal of large animals, small animals, butter and
honey but, females are responsible for disposal only for poultry and their products such as egg.
The pastorals are asked to describe housing system of large and small ruminants. Accordingly, there is no special
house constructed for their large and small animals. They make fences without roof around their house for their
small and large ruminants.
Animal production constraints and opportunities
According to discussion with informants the major constraints for dairy, meat and equine production of the area
in order of importance are mentioned as follows.
• Shortage of feed/for fattening/
• Shortage of water
• Animal diseases
• Poor genetic makeup of the breed
• High environmental temperature
• Post-harvest handling and storage problem
• Management problem/equine/
The informants suggested that preparing excess amount of feed before fattening practice started and tethering
their animals in some shelter area and providing water. Providing some soil that used as amole salt to solve the
above mentioned constraints in the PA.
2. Poultry production
Local chiken breeds are pre- dominant and have more resistance to disease. There are also some exotic breeds in
the area, but they are susceptible to disease and harsh environmental conditions. The local chiken lay up to 7-10
eggs at sexual maturity and the number of hatches per a year is 4 times. According to the informantsthe number
of chicken that survive to adulthoodis not known but, it depends on the management the owner and the
mothering property of the hen.
The purpose of rearing poultry and poultry products are for income generation and for home
consumption. Most of the time females have highest role in production, marketing and use of poultry and their
products. The extension service such as provision of improved breeds, provision of technical assistance on
production system and veterinary services are available.
Housing and feeding
The house is constructed only for night time from locally available materials. when the sick hen found in the
flock they keep out of the house. chiken feeding is in extensive way of scavenging and the owners offer for their
chicken some grains of maize, sorghum and sunflower in the morning and water in the afternoon.
Poultry production constraints
Main poultry production constraints in the area are categorized in the order of their importance as follows
• poultry disease/bacterial, viral and parasite/
• predators
• postharvest handling problem due to high temperature/egg/
• market price fluctuation
There are both blackish and reddish types of honey bee races in the area, but blackish is more. Mainly, blackish

Food Science and Quality Management
ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online)
Vol.49, 2016

honey bee races have aggressive behavior in active season than reddish honey bee races. The size of blackish
honey bee races is smaller than reddish one. The swarming tendency of honey bee races in the area is medium.
When the absconding behavior is assessed, the informants said all honey bee races abscond medium when the
weather condition is unfavorable.
Honey bee management and productivity
There is no colony multiplication, queen rearing and supplementary bee feeding practice in the area. There is
some improved honey production technologies which are used by some agro pastoralists. But most pastoralists
use traditional hives and there is no honey bee hunting and bee wax collection practices in the area.
Most of the time honey bee rearing, honey processing and storage are performed by male. There
cultural harvesting tools for honey is locally called ” kuisi/qill/”,plastic material/bath/ and oil container/USA
korkoro/.There is no cultivated honey bee forages in Beneta PA, but natural forests and some crop types locally
named as “Girar”, kakayo”, lemo,”turo, “paro, gero, maize,sorghum, and sunflower”, are the major sources of
honey bee forages.
Different extension services such as training, new technologies/improved hive/are available.
Productivity of blackish honey bee race is higher than reddish honey bee races. They harvest honey
two times a year and average hone yield is 20 kg per hive per ayear depends on the size of hive.
Honey bee production constraints

• Honey quality problem/when honey mix with bee brood during harvesting /
• Toxic plants locally /”Nim”, foreze”/
• Pest and predators/kemecha/
• Storage material problem/Gourd is easily broken/
• Death of honey bee when they harvest using excessive fire
• Hanging of bee hives on long tree which is difficult to harvest easily.
Livestock health
major diseases of large and small ruminants
There are a number of diseases and parasites that cause reduction in productivity and death of live animals.
The main diseases of livestock that occur in the Alduba PA related to season, spp, age and sex are the
following table5.
Disease Spp affected season age sex Vaccination Prevalence
type program

Common CCPP Caprine Mostly All age Both

diseases rainy groups
and season
parasites Mange Caprine, ovine Both dry & All aged Both -
and bovine rainy groups
Diarrhea Shoat Both dry & All age Both -
rainy groups
Tick Caprine, ovine Both dry & All age Both -
and bovine rainy groups
Outbreaks Black leg Bovine Rainy All age Both When the
outbreak Two times a
happen year/rare/
Anthrax Bovine Both dry All age Both When the Two times a
and rainy groups outbreak year/rare/
PPR Goat Rainy All age both Depends on
season groups provision
FMD Bovine Both rainy All aged both If outbreak
and dry group occurs

Livestock health services and ethno-veterinary practices

According to the informants there is an animal health post and technician for the treatments of their livestock.
There is shortage of veterinary drugs, vaccine and biologicals.
In the Beneta PA livestock diseases are treated traditionally by the agro- pastoralists. Some of
traditional treatments are:-
Black leg- by branding with hot metal and slitting the infected part of the sick animals

Food Science and Quality Management
ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online)
Vol.49, 2016

using knife and also by drenching the mixture of choko/local tree/ and water .
Eye disease – by drenching the mixture of grinded ginger
Fever – by drenching the mixture of local tree known as “gedek” and water
Mastitis- “gushungulo” smoking with Powdered black material from the roof of house.
Black leg- by drenching the mixture of “chorahe” with hot water and honey
Tick- spraying the mixture of “bangze”
Poultry disease control methods
The main poultry diseases in the Beneta PA are cholera, Diarrhea, new castle and external parasites/lice/.
Traditional treatment techniques that are functional to hill some of the above cases are by ointting butter, food oil
and kerosene on the infested area of the chicken especially for lice infestation, by drenching the mixture of
locally known as “Morea” with water and also use lemon to prevent lung disease . They also use modern disease
control methods like treating with tetracycline for cholera.
Apiculture diseases and control mechanisms
According to the informants, there is no disease associated with honey bees in the area. But the following
problems associated with pests, predators and toxic plants/chemicals/are encountered.
• Pests and predators- ant, “Kemecha”
• Toxic plants- /Nim/
The degree of infestation and damaged by toxic plants especially ”Nim” /local name/ is very high.
There is some means of control and prevention method for the above pests and toxic plants which is smoking bee
hives frequently and suspended the hives fire away from Nim trees.
Marketing of live stock
Agro pastoralists of Beneta PA sell their live animals to both primary and secondary market at Beneta, kako and
Bala. They also sell livestock products to both consumers and secondary sellers in the local market. Livestock
products such as butter, honey,egg, hide and skin are mainly sold in the local market of the area. Unlike, are not
sold. They use milk for home consumption.The major actors in the market chain are traders, agro pastoralists of
the PA, retailers, whole sellers. Marketing of apicultural products/honey/ mostly performed by male and females
are rarely participate. Male has also major role in selling of live animals and disposal of income but females have
roles in marketing of poultry and their products. The price of livestock and their products vary from season to
season. Accordingly, during dry season the price of honey/crude honey/ and butter are increased. Also the price
of poultry and their products and butter are increased during festivity. Whereas, the price of goat is mostly
increase atdry seasons because the selling practice is through measuring of their weight.
According to the informants, there is some marketing infrastructure and services as well as they get
market information from different traders and neighbors. There is some marketing practice of none-stinging
bees’ honey in the area but it is currently rare.
Livestock marketing constraints
The major constraints in livestock marketing in the area are:
quality problem/honey/
lack of awareness
seasonal price fluctuation
brokers problem
lack of road access – due to this some fatten animals death on the journey
General constraints and challenges in livestock production, management and marketing in Beneta PA
The major constraints and challenges in livestock production, management and marketing in accordance of their
importance are listed as follows:
Livestock diseases
Shortage of feeds and grazing land
Low market price
Shortage of water
According to the focus group discussion, they suggested possible solutions for the above constraints. These are:-
Treating their animals at health center and traditional disease treatment practice
Reserved grazing land privately and use paddocking with tethering and collecting crop residues when
crop harvesting season come up
Digging spring
Conclusion and Recommendations
The current problem identification and technology need assessment study indicate that in all the study agro
ecology key informants conclude that there are very serious problems which are related to all livestock
production sub-sectors leads to low production and productivity of the pastoralist and agro pastoralists income.
Production and productivity of livestock production system in the study area reduced due to poor management
system such as feeding, watering, housing, health caring, etc. The availability and quality of feed, disease and

Food Science and Quality Management
ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online)
Vol.49, 2016

parasites, lack of improved dairy breed, recurrent drought due to variability in rainfall, poor veterinary service
delivery, pests and predators, toxic plants, lack of awareness, brokers problem on market aspects, lack of milk
and milk product market channel and lack of skill in processing of milk and milk product are most important
constraints to the livestock production systems even if the diversified opportunities for livestock production
system to the study area. From the current study it recommended that, the sustainable, participatory and practical
trainings shall be provided for pastoral communities and agricultural extension workers should be capacitated to
solve the problems through modifying their indigenous knowledge. There is poor livestock and their product
marketing channel in the study area therefore, government and NGO give in attention in formal livestock and
their product market channel and introduction in marketing value chain system. Introduction of different feed
improvement interventions, modern veterinary service delivery system and dry cattle breed improvement
through introducing appropriate strategies to the study area, improved breed bulls center establishment and cross
heifer distribution need also attention to the study area for better productivity and to improve reproductive
performance of locally existing livestock.

Admasu Terefe, 2010. Pastoralists perceptions on range-livestock management practices and rangeland
assessment in Hamer and Benna-Tsemay Districts of South Omo Zone. An MSc. Thesis Presented to
the School of Graduate Studies of Alemaya University, Ethiopia. 159p.
Bizuayehu Ayele, Denbela Hidosa. 2015, Assessment on Dairy Production, Post-Harvest Handling and
Marketing Systems in Hamer Woreda of South Omo Zone
CSA (Central Statistical Authority) 2008/09. Agricultural Sample Survey of (2008/09). Volume IV. Report On
Land Utilization (Private Peasant Holdings, Meher Season) Addis Ababa, FDRE


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