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Class Viii WKST Ict 2024-25

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Class: VIII Subject: ICT

Accelerated Resource Pack

This resource pack is designed to cater early sitters for grade VIII. The teachers are
advised to deliver the topic(s) before utilizing the resources attached below. The resources
in the form of worksheets are related to the domains taught at grade VI-VIII in line with the
Single National Curriculum (SNC). They are given here to aid the teacher in engaging the
students for early sitting session. In addition to the course content, these worksheets also
act as a guideline, hence they are not an exhaustive resource for the special section. The
domains covered are:
1. ICT Fundamentals
2. Digital Skills
3. Algorithmic Thinking and Problem Solving
4. Programming
5. Digital Citizenship
6. Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age
Based on the primary knowledge in the above domains, the worksheets attached here are
a mix and match of existing knowledge in the textbooks and some related concepts
outside the books. The teacher is encouraged to shuffle/tailor them as per their needs to
effectively engage the class and gauge their knowledge at the same time. Moreover, the
teacher can develop their own resource material for relevant topics for student
engagement during the early sitting session.

Note: The worksheets consist of MCQs, Fill in the blanks, True/False, Match the columns,
as well as a short question at the end.
Class: VIII Subject: ICT
Worksheet # 1
Name: __________________________ Sec: ________

Choose the best answer:

1. What does ICT stand for?
a) Information and Communication Technology
b) International Computing Techniques
c) Integrated Communication Technology
d) Internet and Communication Technology
2. Which of the following is NOT a basic component of a computer system?
a) Monitor
b) Keyboard
c) Mouse
d) Router
3. Which software is used to create documents, presentations, and spreadsheets?
a) Microsoft Word
b) Adobe Photoshop
c) Microsoft Excel
d) Notepad
4. What is the primary function of an operating system?
a) Manage hardware resources
b) Create documents
c) Edit images
d) Play games
5. What is the purpose of a web browser?
a) To compose emails
b) To access and view websites
c) To create spreadsheets
d) To play music
6. Which of the following is a type of computer network?
a) Spreadsheet
b) Internet
c) Word Processor
d) Presentation
7. Which device is used to input data into a computer?
a) Printer
b) Monitor
c) Keyboard
d) Speaker
8. What does URL stand for?
a) Uniform Resource Locator
b) Universal Resource Language
c) Uniform Reference Language
d) Universal Reference Locator
9. What is the function of a firewall?
a) Protects computer systems from unauthorized access
b) Prints documents
c) Plays videos
d) Creates presentations
10. Which of the following is an example of cloud computing service?
a) Google Drive
b) Microsoft Word
c) Adobe Photoshop
d) Windows Media Player

What is the primary function of a computer's CPU?






Class: VIII Subject: ICT
Worksheet # 2
Name: __________________________ Sec: ________

Fill in the blanks:

1. The process of encoding data into a format that prevents unauthorized access is

called _______.

2. An organized collection of data that can be easily accessed, managed, and

updated is known as a _______.

3. A _______ is a set of instructions that tells a computer how to perform specific


4. The ability to effectively search for and evaluate information online is known as

_______ literacy.

5. _______ is the practice of protecting computer systems, networks, and data from

digital attacks.

6. A _______ is a small piece of software designed to add functionality to a web


7. The process of converting analog signals into digital signals is called _______.

8. _______ refers to the set of rules and principles governing the use of digital

technologies and data.

9. A _______ is a malicious software program designed to cause damage to a

computer system.

10. The process of copying files from a computer to a remote server over the internet is

called _______.
Describe the purpose of input and output devices also list any three 3 examples of

each type









Class: VIII Subject: ICT
Worksheet # 3
Name: __________________________ Sec: ________

Mark as True/False:

1. Algorithms are step-by-step instructions for solving a problem or completing a task.


2. Algorithms always produce the correct solution to a problem. _______

3. Algorithmic thinking involves breaking down a problem into smaller, more

manageable parts. _______

4. Trial and error is a valid approach to algorithmic problem-solving. _______

5. Flowcharts are a visual representation of an algorithm. _______

6. In algorithmic thinking, it is important to consider the efficiency of a solution. ______

7. Recursion is a programming technique where a function calls itself in order to solve

a problem. _______

8. Algorithms are only used in computer science and have no real-world applications.


9. Algorithms are always written in programming languages such as Python or Java.


10. One characteristic of a good algorithm is that it is easily understandable by others.

Why a file extension is important in naming a file.






Class: VIII Subject: ICT
Worksheet # 4
Name: __________________________ Sec: ________

Match Column A (terms) with Column B (their corresponding definitions).

Ser Column A Ser Column B

1. Python a. Markup language used for creating web pages.
A programming language designed for educational
2. Scratch b.
purposes, featuring a turtle graphics environment.
A high-level programming language known for its simplicity
3. JavaScript c.
and readability.
4. HTML d. A scripting language commonly used for web development.
A visual programming language for creating animations and
5. Logo e.

Define "email" and discuss its importance as a communication tool.






Class: VIII Subject: ICT
Worksheet # 5
Name: __________________________ Sec: ________

Choose the best answer:

1. What does the term "phishing" refer to in cybersecurity?
a) A technique used by hackers to gain unauthorized access to a system
b) A method of sending unsolicited emails to gather sensitive information
c) Using strong passwords to protect accounts
d) Encrypting data to prevent unauthorized access
2. Which of the following is an example of a strong password?
a) Password123
b) 123456
c) P@ssw0rd!
d) Username
3. What is the purpose of antivirus software?
a) To encrypt sensitive data
b) To detect and remove malware from a computer system
c) To block access to certain websites
d) To speed up internet connections
4. Which of the following is a common type of malware?
a) Firewalls
b) Cookies
c) Spyware
d) Search engines
5. What is the primary function of a firewall in cybersecurity?
a) To scan for viruses on a computer
b) To prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network
c) To encrypt data transmissions
d) To store passwords securely
6. Which of the following is NOT a safe practice for online behavior?
a) Sharing passwords with friends
b) Downloading files from unknown sources
c) Using secure websites for online transactions
d) Being cautious of suspicious emails
7. What is the purpose of two-factor authentication?
a) To create a stronger password
b) To allow access to multiple devices simultaneously
c) To provide an extra layer of security by requiring additional verification
beyond a password
d) To prevent internet access during specific hours
8. What does the term "encryption" mean in cybersecurity?
a) Making data unreadable to unauthorized users by encoding it
b) Deleting all data from a device
c) Backing up data to an external hard drive
d) Installing security patches on software
9. Which of the following is an example of personal information that should not be
shared online?
a) Name and age
b) Home address and phone number
c) Favorite color
d) School name
10. What is the purpose of regularly updating software and operating systems?
a) To slow down the computer's performance
b) To change the appearance of the user interface
c) To fix security vulnerabilities and bugs
d) To increase the cost of software maintenance
Describe the basic components of a computer network.






Class: VIII Subject: ICT
Worksheet # 6
Name: __________________________ Sec: ________

Fill in the blanks:

1. ___________ is a technique used by hackers to trick individuals into revealing

sensitive information such as passwords or credit card numbers.

2. A strong password should include a combination of ___________ letters, numbers,

and special characters.

3. ___________ software is designed to detect and remove malicious software from

computer systems.

4. ___________ is a type of malware designed to secretly observe and collect

information about users without their knowledge.

5. A ___________ is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming

and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.

6. It is important to avoid ___________ emails or messages from unknown or

suspicious sources as they may contain malware or phishing attempts.

7. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to

provide ___________ pieces of information to verify their identity.

8. ___________ is the process of encoding information to make it unreadable to

unauthorized users.

9. Personal information such as ___________ and address should not be shared

freely online to protect privacy and security.

10. Regularly updating ___________ and operating systems helps to patch security

vulnerabilities and protect against cyber threats.

How modem is different from router. Support your answer by giving suitable







Class: VIII Subject: ICT
Worksheet # 7
Name: __________________________ Sec: ________

Fill in the blanks:

1. __________ refers to the physical components of a computer system, such as the

central processing unit (CPU), monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

2. __________ is a set of instructions that tells the computer what to do. It includes

applications like word processors, spreadsheets, and web browsers.

3. An __________ is software that manages computer hardware resources and

provides common services for computer programs. Examples include Windows,

macOS, and Linux.

4. __________ are used to enter data and commands into the computer. Examples

include keyboards, mice, touchscreens, and scanners.

5. __________ display or present information processed by the computer. Examples

include monitors, printers, and speakers.

6. The __________ is the primary component of a computer that performs most of the

processing inside the computer. It executes instructions stored in software


7. __________ are used to store data and programs permanently or temporarily.

Examples include hard disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), USB flash

drives, and memory cards.

8. The __________ is the main circuit board of a computer. It connects and allows

communication between all the other components of the computer, such as the

CPU, memory, and storage devices.

Describe the significance of an antivirus program?






Class: VIII Subject: ICT
Worksheet # 8
Name: __________________________ Sec: ________

Choose the best answer:

1. What is an algorithm?
a) A type of computer virus
b) A sequence of steps to solve a problem
c) A type of computer hardware
d) A type of software application
2. Which of the following best describes the purpose of an algorithm?
a) To create graphics for websites
b) To organize files on a computer
c) To solve a specific problem or perform a task
d) To enhance computer security
3. What is the first step in developing an algorithm?
a) Testing
b) Planning
c) Coding
d) Implementing
4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good algorithm?
a) Efficiency
b) Simplicity
c) Complexity
d) Accuracy
5. What does the term "pseudocode" refer to?
a) Code that is written in a programming language
b) A step-by-step description of how to solve a problem, using simple English
c) Code that contains errors
d) A type of computer virus
6. Which of the following is an example of a loop structure in an algorithm?
a) Step-by-step instructions
b) Decision-making statements
c) Repeating a set of instructions until a condition is met
d) Assigning values to variables
7. What is the purpose of a flowchart in algorithm development?
a) To represent the sequence of steps in an algorithm visually
b) To execute the algorithm automatically
c) To debug errors in the algorithm
d) To convert pseudocode into code
8. Which of the following is an advantage of using algorithms?
a) They can only solve simple problems
b) They can solve problems more quickly than humans
c) They are only applicable to mathematical problems
d) They require no planning or organization
9. What does the term "decoding" mean in the context of algorithms?
a) Breaking a code or encryption
b) Writing code for a program
c) Organizing data in a specific way
d) Executing an algorithm
10. What is meant by "computational thinking"?
a) The process of breaking down a complex problem into smaller, more
manageable parts
b) The process of repairing computers
c) The process of writing code for a program
d) The process of performing mathematical calculations
What is "social media" and discuss its impact on communication and society.






Class: VII Subject: ICT
Worksheet # 9
Name: __________________________ Sec: ________

Fill in the blanks:

1. Scratch is a __________ programming language developed by MIT for creating

interactive stories, games, and animations.

2. In Scratch, each block represents a specific __________ or action that can be

combined to create programs.

3. The stage area in Scratch is where you see the __________ of your program come

to life.

4. The __________ panel in Scratch allows you to choose and arrange blocks to

create your program.

5. To move a sprite in Scratch, you can use the "__________" block and specify how

many steps you want it to move.

6. The "__________" block in Scratch is used to repeat a set of actions a certain

number of times.

7. The "__________" block in Scratch is used to make a decision based on a

condition, such as whether a sprite is touching a certain color or another sprite.

8. To create a new sprite in Scratch, you can choose one from the library or upload

your own __________.

9. The "__________" block in Scratch is used to wait for a certain amount of time

before proceeding with the next action.

10. Scratch encourages __________ thinking by allowing users to break down complex

tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

Explain the concept of "Search Engine Optimization" (SEO) and its relevance to







Class: VIII Subject: ICT
Worksheet # 10
Name: __________________________ Sec: ________

Mark as True/False:

1. Using a strong, unique password for each online account is an important part of

cyber security. _______

2. Clicking on links or attachments in emails from unknown senders is safe as long as

the email looks legitimate. _______

3. It's okay to share personal information, such as your home address or phone

number, on social media platforms if your account is set to private. _______

4. Regularly updating software and operating systems helps protect against cyber

threats. _______

5. Cyber bullying is not a serious issue and doesn't require attention from authorities.


6. It's safe to use public Wi-Fi networks for online banking and shopping without any

security precautions. _______

7. Phishing is a technique used by cyber criminals to trick individuals into revealing

personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. _______

8. Cyber security only applies to computers and doesn't concern smartphones or

tablets. _______

9. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to

provide two different forms of identification before accessing an account. _______

10. It's important to back up important files regularly to protect against data loss caused

by cyber-attacks or hardware failures. _______

What is meant by the term "digital footprint," and why is it important to manage it?






Class: VIII Subject: ICT
Worksheet # 11
Name: __________________________ Sec: ________

Write True/False:

1. The Internet is the same as the World Wide Web. _______

2. Microsoft Word is an example of spreadsheet software. _______

3. "Ctrl + C" is the shortcut key for copying selected text in most computer

applications. _______

4. Google Drive is an example of cloud storage. _______

5. Phishing is a type of cyber-attack where attackers impersonate legitimate entities to

trick individuals into revealing sensitive information. _______

6. JPEG and PNG are types of image file formats. _______

7. HTML is a programming language used for creating and structuring web pages.


8. RAM stands for Read-Only Memory and is used to permanently store data on a

computer. _______

9. A URL is an acronym for Universal Resource Locator, and it specifies the address

of a web page on the Internet. _______

10. "Ctrl + Z" is the shortcut key for undoing the previous action in most computer

applications. _______
What is the importance of software updates, and how are they typically installed?






Class: VIII Subject: ICT
Worksheet # 12
Name: __________________________ Sec: ________

Match Column A (terms) with Column B (their corresponding definitions).

Ser Column A Ser Column B
1. E-commerce a. A company in its early stages of development, typically
founded by one or a few individuals with a unique
business idea.
2. Digital b.
Buying and selling goods or services over the internet.
3. Start-up c. Systems that facilitate the electronic transfer of money,
enabling online transactions.
4. Social Media d. Using digital channels such as websites, social media,
Influencer and email to promote and sell products or services.
5. Online e. Individuals who have built a significant following on
Payment platforms like Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok and can
Systems influence the purchasing decisions of their audience.

What is meant by the term "spam" in the context of emails, and how can it be managed






Class: VIII Subject: ICT
Worksheet # 13
Name: __________________________ Sec: ________

Choose the best answer:

1. Which of the following is an example of a digital skill?
a) Riding a bicycle
b) Typing on a keyboard
c) Cooking a meal
d) Playing a musical instrument
2. What is the purpose of digital literacy?
a) To read printed books
b) To understand and use technology effectively
c) To learn about ancient history
d) To become a professional athlete
3. Which of the following tasks requires digital skills?
a) Watering plants in a garden
b) Sending an email
c) Drawing with crayons
d) Washing dishes
4. Which software is commonly used for creating presentations?
a) Adobe Photoshop
b) Microsoft PowerPoint
c) Google Chrome
d) Mozilla Firefox
5. What does "Ctrl + C" do on a computer?
a) Opens a new tab in a web browser
b) Copies selected text or item
c) Deletes the selected text or item
d) Closes the current window
6. Which of the following is an example of a digital communication tool?
a) Pencil
b) Telephone
c) Bicycle
d) Soccer ball
7. What does a web browser allow you to do?
a) Cook recipes
b) Watch movies
c) Browse the internet
d) Play video games
8. Which of the following is an important aspect of online safety?
a) Sharing passwords with friends
b) Clicking on links in suspicious emails
c) Using strong and unique passwords
d) Providing personal information to strangers
9. What does the term "spam" refer to in the context of digital communication?
a) Canned meat
b) Unwanted or irrelevant messages sent over the internet
c) A type of computer virus
d) Short messages sent via mobile phones
10. Which of the following is a digital skill used for organizing and analyzing data?
a) Drawing pictures
b) Writing stories
c) Creating spreadsheets
d) Playing video games

What is the function of a computer's operating system, and name two examples?






Class: VIII Subject: ICT
Worksheet # 14
Name: __________________________ Sec: ________

Fill in the blanks:

1. Digital citizenship refers to the responsible _______________ behavior when using


2. It's important to respect others' _______________ and opinions when

communicating online.

3. Cyberbullying is a form of _______________ that occurs online and can have

serious consequences.

4. Being mindful of the information you share online helps protect your

_______________ and privacy.

5. _______________ involves using technology to create, share, and distribute

content online.

6. Giving credit to the original creator of a work when using it in your own projects

demonstrates _______________.

7. It's essential to _______________ yourself against online threats such as viruses,

scams, and phishing attempts.

8. Digital citizenship includes understanding and following _______________

guidelines and rules when using digital resources.

9. Being a responsible digital citizen means contributing positively to

_______________ communities and online discussions.

10. Always think before you _______________ online to avoid spreading false

information or rumors.

Explain the major difference between web page and a website?






Class: VIII Subject: ICT
Worksheet # 15
Name: __________________________ Sec: ________

Fill in the blanks:

1. Programming is the process of giving __________ to a computer to perform

specific tasks or solve problems.

2. A __________ is a set of instructions that tells the computer what to do.

3. The process of finding and correcting errors in a program is called __________.

4. A __________ is a named storage location in a computer's memory used to store

data during the execution of a program.

5. A __________ is a named block of code that performs a specific task.

6. The process of breaking down a complex problem into smaller, more manageable

parts is called __________.

7. __________ is the process of writing code for a program using a programming


8. A __________ is a program that translates code written in a high-level

programming language into machine code that the computer can understand and


9. A __________ is a symbol or word in a programming language that has a

predefined meaning and is used to construct code.

10. In programming, a __________ is a set of rules that govern the structure and

syntax of valid code in a particular language.

What is the purpose of a computer's RAM (Random Access Memory), and how does

it differ from a computer's hard drive?.







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