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CLASS XII Competency Focused Practice Questions Chemistry (Volume 1)

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Chemistry (Volume 1) | Grade 12

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12

Assessments are an important tool that help gauge learning. They provide valuable feedback
about the effectiveness of instructional methods; about what students have actually understood
and also provide actionable insights. The National Education Policy, 2020 has outlined the
importance of competency-based assessments in classrooms as a means to reform curriculum
and pedagogical methodologies. The policy emphasizes on the development of higher order skills
such as analysis, critical thinking and problem solving through classroom instructions and aligned
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has been collaborating with Educational Initiatives
(Ei) in the area of assessment. Through resources like the Essential Concepts document and A-
Question-A-Day (AQAD), high quality questions and concepts critical to learning have been shared
with schools and teachers.
Continuing with the vision to ensure that every student is learning with understanding, Question
Booklets have been created for subjects for Grade 10th and 12th. These booklets contain
competency-based items, designed specifically to test conceptual understanding and application
of concepts.
Process of creating competency-based items
All items in these booklets are aligned to the NCERT curriculum and have been created keeping
in mind the learning outcomes that are important for students to understand and master. Items
are a mix of Free Response Questions (FRQs) and Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs). In case of
MCQs, the options (correct answer and distractors) are specifically created to test for
understanding and capturing specific errors/misconceptions that students may harbour. Each
incorrect option can thereby inform teachers on specific gaps that may exist in student learning.
In case of subjective questions, each question also has a detailed scoring rubric to guide
evaluation of students’ responses.
Each item has been reviewed by experts, to check for appropriateness of the item, validity of the
item, conceptual correctness, language accuracy and other nuances.
How can these item booklets be used?
There are 245 questions in this booklet.
The purpose of these item booklets is to provide samples of high-quality competency-based items
to teachers. The items can be used to–
• get an understanding of what good competency-based questions could look like

• give exposure to students to competency-based items

• assist in classroom teaching and learning

• get inspiration to create more such competency-based items

Students can also use this document to understand different kinds of questions and practice
specific concepts and competencies. There will be further additions in the future to provide
competency focused questions on all chapters.
Please write back to us to give your feedback.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12


1. Chapter: Solutions ............................................................................................................... 1

Answer Key & Marking Scheme ........................................................................................... 1
2. Chapter: Electrochemistry ................................................................................................... 2
Answer Key: Electrochemistry ............................................................................................. 4
3. Chapter: Chemical Kinetics .................................................................................................. 6
Answer Key and Marking Scheme ........................................................................................ 6
4. Chapter: Surface Chemistry ................................................................................................. 7
Answer Key and Marking Scheme ........................................................................................ 9
5. Chapter: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements ................................. 11
Answer Key and Marking Scheme ...................................................................................... 17
6. Chapter: The p-Block Elements .......................................................................................... 20
Answer Key and Marking Scheme ...................................................................................... 29
7. Chapter: The d-and f-Block Elements................................................................................. 34
Answer Key and Marking Scheme ...................................................................................... 42
8. Chapter: Coordination Compounds ................................................................................... 46
Answer Key and Marking Scheme ...................................................................................... 51
9. Chapter: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes ............................................................................... 58
Answer Key and Marking Scheme ...................................................................................... 67
10. Chapter: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers .............................................................................. 72
Answer Key and Marking Scheme ...................................................................................... 78
11. Chapter: Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids ........................................................... 83
Answer Key and Marking Scheme ...................................................................................... 85
12. Chapter: Amines ................................................................................................................ 86
Answer Key and Marking Scheme ...................................................................................... 96
13. Chapter: Biomolecules ..................................................................................................... 104
Answer Key and Marking Scheme .................................................................................... 113
14. Chapter: Polymers ........................................................................................................... 118
Answer Key and Marking Scheme .................................................................................... 122
15. Chapter: Chemistry in Everyday Life ................................................................................ 124
Answer Key and Marking Scheme .................................................................................... 129

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12

1. Chapter: Solutions

Q.No Question Marks

Free Response Questions/Subjective Questions

Q.1 The equivalent mass of KMnO4 in acidic medium is less than that in neutral 2
medium. Explain.

Answer Key & Marking Scheme

Q.No Answers Marks

Molar mass of KMnO4 = 158
Q.1 2
MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e- Mn+2 + 4H2O

In acidic medium,

No. of electrons gained = 5

Equivalent mass of KMnO4 = Molecular mass/no. of electrons gained =158/5 =


In neutral medium,

2KMnO4 + H2O +3e- 2MnO2 + 2KOH + 3[O]

No. of electrons gained = 3

Equivalent mass of KMnO4 = Molecular mass/no. of electrons gained = 158/3 =


Thus, the equivalent mass of KMnO4 in acidic medium is less than that in neutral

[Give 1 mark each for the calculation of equivalent weight in acidic and neutral

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 1

2. Chapter: Electrochemistry

Q.No Question Marks

Free Response Questions/Subjective Questions

Calculate the emf of the cell given below at STP:
Q.2 2

E°(B+|B) = 0.80 V, E°(A+2|A) = -2.37 V

Q.3 Look at the diagram and answer the questions that follow: 5

(i) Identify the ion(s) moving towards the cathode. Give a reason for your choice.
(ii) What is the expected product at the anode? Write the reaction(s) occuring at
the anode.
(iii) Write the net reaction of the process seen in the above diagram.
(iv) State the laws that govern the above process.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 2

Q.4 Look at the diagram and answer the questions that follow: 5

The electrodes used in the cell are made up of platinum.

(i) What are the product(s) formed at the cathode for the given setup? What
factors did you consider to determine the products of electrolysis in the cell given

(ii) What is the nature and function of the electrodes seen here?

(iii) Write the electrode reactions if the electrolyte is changed to molten sodium

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 3

Answer Key: Electrochemistry

Q.No Answers Marks

Q.2 The reaction is: 2

A(s) + 2B+(1×10-3M) A+2(0.4 M) + 2B(s)

Substituting the values in Nernst equation,

E = E° -(0.059/2) log[A+2/[B+]2]

= 0.80-(-2.37)-(0.059/2)log (0.4/(10- 3)2)

= 3.17-0.1652

= 3.0047 V

[ Give 1 mark for the correct substitution and 1 mark for the correct answer]

Q.3 (i) The ions moving towards the cathode are Na+. The electrolyte is molten 5
sodium chloride, so only one cation (Na+) is present in the reaction medium.

[Give 0.5 marks for correctly identified ion and 0.5 marks for the reason.]

(ii) The product expected at the anode is chlorine.

The anode reaction is :

Cl– → ½ Cl2 (g) + e-

[Give 0.5 mark for the correctly identified product formed at the anode and 0.5
marks for the anode reaction.]

(iii) The net reaction for the process is:

2NaCl → 2Na + Cl2 (g)

[Give 1 mark for the correct reaction]

(iv) The above process is governed by the Faraday's law of electrolysis. They are
as follows:

1. The amount of chemical reaction which occurs at any electrode during

electrolysis by a current is proportional to the quantity of electricity passed
through the electrolyte.

2. The amounts of different substances liberated by the same quantity of

electricity passing through the electrolytic solution are proportional to their
chemical equivalent weights.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 4

[Give 1 mark for each correct law.]

Q.4 (i) The product formed at the cathode for the above reaction is sodium 5
hydroxide(NaOH) and hydrogen(H2).

(a) The products of electrolysis depend on the different oxidising and reducing
species present in the electrolytic cell and their standard electrode potentials.

(b) Nature of the electrode used.

[Give 0.5 marks for each correctly mentioned products.Give 1 mark for each
correctly mentioned points. The students may write the answer in their own

(ii) The nature of the electrodes are inert. The electrodes do not participate in
the chemical reaction but acts only as source or sink for electrons.

[Give 0.5 marks for identifying the nature of the electrode and 0.5 marks for
writing the function of the electrode.]

(iii) The electrode reactions if the electrolyte is molten NaCl are:

Cathode reaction: Na+ + e– → Na

Anode reaction: Cl– →½Cl2 + e-

[Give 0.5 mark for each correct reaction. ]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 5


Q.No Question Marks

Multiple Choice Question

Q.5 Which of the following is the unit of the rate constant for a zero order reaction? 1

A. s-1
B. mol L-1
C. mol L-1 s-1
D. L mol-1 s-1

Q.6 Which of the following graphs represents a zero order rate of reaction? 1

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

Answer Key and Marking Scheme

Q.No Answers Marks

Q.5 C. mol L-1 s-1 1

Q.6 C. C 1

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 6


Q.No Question Marks

Multiple Choice Question

In the following question, two statements are given, one in Assertion (A) and the
Q.7 1
other Reason (R). Examine the statements carefully and mark the correct answer
according to the instructions given below:

Assertion (A): Cataphoresis of sewage water helps in sewage disposal.

Reason (R): Al+3 ion is used to clean muddy water.

A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C. (A) is correct, (R) is wrong
D. Both (A) and (R) are wrong

Free Response Questions/Subjective Questions

Q.8 Shweta was conducting an experiment in the chemistry lab. She took two similar 2
glasses- one filled with cold water and one filled with hot water. In each of the
glasses, she added the same amount of ink and noted her observations after 10-
20 seconds.
She observed the following results in these glasses:

(i) Which of the two glasses is filled with hot water?

(ii) Why does the ink mix differently in the two cases?

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 7

Q.9 The graph below shows the physical adsorption of nitrogen gas over the charcoal 4
surfaces at two different temperatures T1 and T2. The quantity of the charcoal
surface in both cases is 1 g.

(i) Which of the temperature is the higher? Give two reasons.

(ii) What is the mass of nitrogen gas adsorbed at temperatures T1 and T2 on the
surfaces of 1 g Charcoal for a pressure of 1 atm?

Q.10 In an enzyme-catalyzed reaction: 3

(i) How will the rate of the reaction change by changing the concentration of
substrate? Show graphically.
(ii) Explain the reason behind the competitive inhibition during the enzyme-
catalyzed reaction.

Q.11 Compare the effectiveness of the coagulation of Al(OH)3 sol in the presence 2
of K3PO4 and the coagulation of Al(OH)3 sol in the presence of NaCl. Also, state
the reason behind the difference between the two cases.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 8

Answer Key and Marking Scheme

Q.No Answers Marks

Q.7 B. Both (A) and (R) correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) 1

Q.8 (i) Glass 1 2

(ii) Since Glass 1 is filled with hot water, the speed of Brownian motion in hot
water is higher than that in cold water which makes it difficult for ink particles to
settle at the base and coagulate.

Q.9 (i) T2 is the highest [1] 4

- because in physical adsorption higher the temperature lower will be the

adsorption. [0.5]

- Compare the adsorption, at P= 1 atm at T1 adsorption is higher (5 units) than

T2 (2 units only) [0.5]

- At T1, Mass of nitrogen gas:

=> log x/m = log K + (1/n) log p

=> log x/1 = 5

=> x = 100000 units

- At T2, Mass of nitrogen gas:

=> log x/m = log K + (1/n) log p

=> log x/1 = 2

=> x = 100 units

Q.10 (i) Rate of reaction in enzyme-catalyzed reaction: 3

- With the increase in the concentration of substrate, more enzymes can link with
substrate molecules, and the rate increases [0.5]

- Once all enzymes are used up, the rate can't increase further and becomes
constant. [0.5]

Graph: [1]

Give 1 mark if the basic pattern of the graph is the same even without values. But
labelling of axes should be there

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 9

(ii) Reason for competitive inhibition:

- When the inhibitor molecules are very similar to the substrate, the enzyme
molecules can't distinguish among them and this leads to the competition [0.5]

- This prevents the formation of enzyme-substrate complexes. Therefore, fewer

substrate molecules can bind to the enzymes so the reaction rate is decreased.

Q.11 - Compared to NaCl, K3PO4 is more effective for the coagulation of Al(OH)3 sol. 1


- As per the Hardy-Schulze rule, for a positively charged sol (Al(OH)3 sol) anion
with the maximum charge would be the most effective for coagulation.

Hence, K3PO4 (with 3 units of -ve charge) is more effective than NaCl (with 1 unit
of -ve charge)

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 10


Q.No Question Marks

Multiple Choice Question

Which of the arrangement of the following metals gives the correct increasing
Q.12 1
order of their electrode potentials?

A. Zn< Ni< Al< Pb

B. K< Li< Na< Ca
C. Na< Al < Zn< Sn
D. Al< Cr< Mg< Fe

Q.13 Supriti noted down some advantages of crushing of an ore, as follows: 1

I) the speed of the metallurgical process is enhanced.

II) lesser amount of chemicals is needed if the ores are crushed.

III) the process occurs at a lower temperature.

IV) with a small amount of crushed ore, the yield of products is higher.

Which of the options are LIKELY to be the most appropriate reasons for crushing
of an ore?

A. Only I) and II)

B. Only II) and III)
C. Only I), III) and IV)
D. Only I), II), and IV)

A mixture of two ores of transition metals, A and B are passed over a conveyer
Q.14 1
belt. The following inferences were drawn from the given diagram.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 11

(I) Metal A has unpaired electrons in its atomic state while metal B has paired

(II) Metal B create an induced magnetic field in a direction opposite to the

externally applied magnetic field.

(III) Metal A create an induced magnetic field in a direction opposite to the

externally applied magnetic field.

(IV) Metal A is diamagnetic but metal B is paramagnetic in nature

Which of the options given below identifies the correct inference(s)?

A. Both (I) and (IV) are correct.

B. Both (I) and (II) are correct.
C. Both (II) and (III) are correct.
D. Both (II) and (IV) are correct.

Q.15 Two statements are given below - one labelled Assertion (A) and the other 1
labelled Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Arkel Method for Refining is a type of vapour phase refining.

Reason (R): This method is useful for producing semiconductors and other
metals of high purity.

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C. (A) is true but (R) is false
D. (A) is false but (R) is true

Two statements are given below - one labelled Assertion (A) and the other
Q.16 1
labelled Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Negative value of ΔG is favoured by an increase in entropy change.

Reason (R): Formation of products in a chemical reaction, results in a positive

value of ΔG.

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C. (A) is true but (R) is false
D. (A) is false but (R) is true

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 12

Free Response Questions/Subjective Questions
Answer the following questions with respect to Hall-Heroult’s process where
Q.17 2
alumina is mixed with calcium fluoride.

(a) Among the ions that migrate towards the cathode which has the lowest
reduction potential? Is it discharged at the cathode?

(b) 'In Hall-Heroult’s process the anode has to be replaced from time to time.'

Justify the above statement with supporting equation(s).

Look at the image and answer the questions that follow:
Q.18 2

(a) Which of the following ore(s) can be concentrated by the above method?

Kaolinite, Siderite, Sphalerite, Copper glance

(b) What is the function of pine oil in this method of concentration?

The reduction of metals from their oxide is guided by the following graph.
Q.19 2

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 13

(a) In the graph seen above the (Mg, MgO) line is a straight line with a bent. What
is the reason for this bent in the straight line?

(b) What inference can be drawn from points B and C on the graph?
A certain form of iron is used for casting railway sleepers. This form of iron is a
Q.20 3
little hard and brittle.

(a) Which form of iron are we discussing and how is it produced?

(b) Name the forms of iron that can be made using the form of iron mentioned
in (a)?
A sample of a dye of a flower consists of three components a,b,and c. The sample
Q.21 2
is dissolved in a suitable solvent and the solution is then poured into the
apparatus shown below that contains a solid stationary phase.

Arrange the three components of the dye in the increasing order of their affinity
for the stationary phase. Give a reason for your answer.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 14

(a) In the electro-refining of copper, the electrolyte is an acidified solution of
Q.22 3
copper sulphate. What will be the observation in the electrolyte's colour with
the reaction's progress?

(b) Four strips of pure copper, after the purification process, are placed in four
different colourless salt solutions of NaNO3, ZnSO4, AgCl, and HgCl2. Which of the
solution(s) will not show any observable change?
(a) Identify the process of concentration shown in the image given below:
Q.23 3

(b) What is the principle of this process?

(c) Identify A and B.

Rishaan subjected oxides of two metals M and N to a reduction in the presence
Q.24 3
of coke. Metal M was obtained after the process but he could not get metal N by
heating in the presence of coke.

(a) In the Gibbs energy (ΔG-) vs T plots which element occupies the highest
position among M, N, and coke?

(b) Which of the metals, M and N is MOST LIKELY to be Cu and the Mg?

(c) In a solution containing metals M and N which is expected to get deposited?

Mithai wanted to create a cathode ray tube. She required an extremely pure
Q.25 4
sample of gold.

(a) Suggest the most suitable way of benefaction that can be followed to get a
cleaner sample of the metal from the gold block that she had.

(b) Identify/name the solution and state the reaction condition that may be used
to dress the ore.

(c) Represent the above reaction with the help of a chemical equation.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 15

An iron block and a zinc block are connected with a wire. The whole setup is
Q.26 2
submerged in water. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions
that follow:

(a) Which metal block will undergo corrosion in the given setup?

(b) Which metal block acts as the cathode?

A metal Y is used to manufacture electrical wires. Hence, metal Y of high-purity
Q.27 5
metal is needed as a small amount of impurities may change the conductivity of
the wire. So, metal Y is refined using the method shown below:

(a) What is the anode and cathode made up of?

(b) What can be the most suitable electrolyte for the process?

(c) What is substance X? Describe it.

(d) How can we utilize substance 'X' to make this process cost-effective?

(e) Name an alloy formed only by this metal, with another metal that can be
refined by this process

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 16

Answer Key and Marking Scheme

Q.No Answers Marks

Q.12 C. Na< Al < Zn< Sn 1

Q.13 D. Only I), II), and IV) 1

Q.14 B. Both (I) and (II) are correct. 1

Q.15 C. (A) is true but (R) is false 1

Q.16 C. (A) is true but (R) is false 1

Q.17 (i) Ca+2 ion has the lowest reduction potential. No, it is not discharged at the 2
[Give 0.5 marks for each correct answer]
(ii) The above statement is justified by the following reactions:

C(s) + O2– (melt) → CO(g) + 2e–

C(s) + 2O2– (melt) → CO2 (g) + 4e–

[Give 0.5 marks for each correct equation.]

Q.18 (a) The ore(s) that can be concentrated by the above method are copper glance 2
and Sphalerite.

[Give 1 mark for the correct answer.]

(b) The mineral particles are preferentially wetted by pine oil rather than in
water while the gangue particles are wetted by water. This helps in the
concentration of the mineral ore.

[Give 1 mark for the correct answer.]

(a) (Mg, MgO) plot is a straight line except when some phase change occurs. The
Q.19 2
temperature at which such change occurs is indicated by an increase in the slope
on the positive side.

[Give 1 mark for each correct answer.]

(b) From points B and C, we can infer that ZnO can be reduced to Zn by carbon
monoxide and carbon dioxide.

[Give 1 mark for each correct answer.]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 17

(a) Cast iron is used to cast railway sleepers. It is made by melting pig iron with
Q.20 3
scrap iron and coke using hot air blast.

[Give 1 mark for each correct answer]

(b) The other two forms of iron that can be made from cast iron is wrought iron
and alloy steel.

[Give 1 mark for each correct answer]

The components in the increasing order of their affinity for the stationary phase
Q.21 2
Component c< Component b< Component a

This is because a component which has a greater affinity for the stationary phase
takes a longer time to travel through it than a component that has less affinity
for the stationary phase.

[Give 1 mark for the correct order and 1 mark for the reason.]

Q.22 (a) In the electrolytic refining of copper anodes are of impure copper and pure 3
copper strips are taken as cathode. The colour of the electrolyte is blue due to
the presence of Cu+2ions. The colour of the electrolyte in this process remains
blue due to there is a continuous flow of Cu+2 from anode after impure copper
ions in the solution.

[Give 2 marks for the correct explanation]

(b) Two solutions will not show any observable change. They are AgCl and HgCl2.

Q.23 (a) This is an image of hydraulic washing. 3

[Give 1 mark the correct answer.]

(b) The principle of this process of concentration is gravity separation.

[Give 1 mark the correct answer.]

(c) A is gangue particles and B is the concentrated ore particles.

[Give 1 mark the correct answer.]

(a) Metal M occupies the highest position in the Gibbs energy (ΔG-) vs T plots
Q.24 3
among these three elements.

[Give 1 mark for the correct answer.]

(b) Metal M is most likely to be Cu and metal N is most likely to be Mg.

[Give 1 mark for the correct answer.]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 18

(c) In a solution containing metals M and N, metal M is expected to be deposited.

[Give 1 mark for the correct answer.]

Q.25 (a) The most suitable method of benefaction that can be followed is Leaching. 4

[Give 1 mark for identifying the correct process.]

(b) The solution needed to carry out the process is either sodium cyanide or
potassium cyanide in the presence of excess of air or oxygen.

[Give 1 mark for any of the two solutions and 1 mark for the reaction conditions.]

(c) 4Au + 8CN- (aq) + 2H2O(aq) + O2(g) 4[Au(CN)2]- (aq) +4OH-

[Give 1 mark for the correctly balanced equation.]

Q.26 (a) Zinc block 2

(b) Iron block

(a)Give 0.5 marks each for the correct answer. No marks if copper is not
Q.27 5

- The cathode is made up of pure copper.

- The anode with an impure block of copper.

(b)The most suitable solvent is acidified copper sulphate solution.

[Give 1 mark for the correct answer. No marks if ‘acidified’ is missing.]


- Substance X is anode mud. [0.5 marks]

- Some impurities from the impure block of copper get dissolved in the acid while
some remain insoluble. The insoluble impurities get collected at the bottom of
the anode as anode mud. [0.5 marks]

(d) Recovery of the impurities like antimony, selenium, tellurium, silver, gold and
platinum helps in meeting the cost of refining.

(e) The alloy is brass.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 19


Q.No Question Marks

Multiple Choice Question

Q.28 Which one of the following effects does V2O5 have on the equilibrium of the 1
following reaction?

A. It speeds up the forward reaction.

B. It slows down the reverse reaction.
C. It increases the value of Kp.
D. It increases the concentration of the product at equilibrium.

Q.29 The image shows the flow diagram for the formation of sulfuric acid through 1
contact process.

Which of the following explains the use of heat exchangers in the converter in
stage 2?

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 20

(i) To warm the incoming gas

(ii) To avoid overheating the catalyst

(iii) To supply more SO3 at equilibrium

(iv) To speed up the reaction

A. Only ii
B. Only i and ii
C. Only iii and iv
D. All of them

Q.30 Which of the following rows correctly shows the effect of plunging a similar red- 1
iron hot rod into different hydrogen halides?

Rows HI HBr HCl

decomposes decomposes
A unaffected
completely completely

decomposes slightly
B unaffected
completely decomposes

C unaffected unaffected

decomposes slightly
D unaffected
completely decomposes

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

Q.31 The graph below shows the first two ionization enthalpies of four elements A, 1
B, C, and D (the letters are not their chemical symbols). These elements are the
first two elements of groups 15 and 16. Which element is Oxygen?

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 21

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

Q.32 Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about halogens? 1

(P) I2 is less reactive than ICl.

(Q) Both ClI3 and ClBr can be prepared by direct combination of halogens.

(R) The angle between two adjacent Br-F bonds (bond angle) in BrF3 is 900.

A. P and Q only
B. P and R only
C. Q and R only
D. P only

Q.33 The burning of a match stick is based on the chemistry and the reaction 1
involved with phosphorous.

Which of the following correctly maps out the parts of the matchbox with the
type of phosphorus used?

A. A- Red phosphorous; B- Red phosphorous

B. A- Some other chemical; B- Red phosphorous
C. A- White phosphorous; B- Red phosphorous
D. A- Red phosphorous; B- some other chemical

Q.34 The standard enthalpy changes of formation of HCl and HI are -92 and +26 1
kJmol-1. Which of the following statements is the most important in explaining
this difference?

A. The activation energy for the decomposition of HI is smaller than that for
B. The bond energy of H-I is smaller than that of H-Cl.
C. The bond energy of I-I is smaller than that of Cl-Cl.
D. The acidic nature of HI is greater than that of HCl.

Q.35 Which of the following halide ions can be oxidised by F2? 1

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 22

Cl-, Br-, I-

A. only Cl-
B. only I-
C. only Br- and I-
D. all- Cl-, Br-, I-

Q.36 Which of the following reactions of halide with another halide ion from a salt 1
solution is/are possible?

(i) bromine + iodide ions

(ii) iodine + chloride ions

(iii) chlorine + iodide ions

A. i only
B. iii only
C. i and iii only
D. all- i, ii, and iii

The table below shows a reactant and a product from different redox reactions
involving halogens and their compounds.

Reactant Product

A 2Cl− Cl2

B Cl− ClO−

C ClO3− Cl2

D ClO− ClO3−

Q.37 Which conversion of reactant to product involves the greatest change in 1

oxidation state?

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

Q.38 How many of the changes in the table are examples of oxidation? 1

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 23

D. 4

Q.39 Which of the following is the BEST way to identify the presence of iodine in an 1
aqueous solution?

A. Adding hexane to form a purple layer.

B. Adding hexane to form an orange layer
C. Adding acidified silver nitrate solution to form a yellow precipitate which
is soluble in concentrated ammonia
D. Adding acidified silver nitrate solution to form a yellow precipitate which
is insoluble in concentrated ammonia

Free Response Questions/Subjective Questions

White phosphorous consists of discrete tetrahedral P4 molecules as shown
Q.40 2

When phosphorous is heated in an inert atmosphere, a polymeric chain of

tetrahedral P4 is formed as red phosphorous.
(i) How does each phosphorous atom in a polymeric chain of tetrahedral
maintain the same bond order as that in a discrete white phosphorous?
(ii) What could be the reason behind the lower reactivity of red phosphorous
than white phosphorous?

Q.41 (i) Explain with the help of chemical reactions why Phosphine is important for 4
producing signals in sea?

(ii) The presence of phosphine on Venus is a controversial topic with scientific

communities on both sides. However, if phosphine exists on Venus, then
explain why Phosphine can accumulate on Venus but not on Earth.

Q.42 Heating halogen halides to same temperature has the following effects. 2
-HI decomposes.
-HBr shows some evidence of decomposition.
-HCl is unaffected.
What do you think the effect of heating would be on HF? Explain your answer.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 24

Q.43 The table below shows the gas(es) produced when solid halides of an element 3
A reacts with H2S04 and H3PO4.

(i) Why does conc. H2S04 produce Br2 gas on reacting with solid halide while
conc. H3PO4 does not?

(ii) Why does conc. H2S04 not produce any chlorine gas (Cl2) or fluorine (F2)
when it reacts with solid chloride or solid fluoride respectively?

Q.44 The table below shows the equation and description of reactions of hydrogen 3
and the halogens.

Astatine (At) lies below iodine at the bottom of group 17. Based on the above
table, write down:

(i) the equation for its reaction with hydrogen

(ii) thermal stability of its hydride. Also give reasons behind your answer.

Q.45 Alika found an unknown solid compound in a chemistry lab. She made a 2
hypothesis that the compound is potassium bromide. How should she test her
hypothesis and get a positive result if her hypothesis is correct?

Q.46 Sulphur is a group VI element whose highest oxidation number is +6. Which 0.5
halogen, X can be used to form SX6 and why?

Q.47 The below table shows the nine most plentiful components of the atmosphere 2
by mass. Over 98% is nitrogen and oxygen, but the noble gas argon comes third,
making up over half the residue.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 25

Source: The molecular world, by Charlie Harding, Rob Janes and David Johnson

The discovery of the noble gases was initiated when, in 1892, Lord Rayleigh
noted that atmospheric nitrogen obtained by the removal of oxygen, CO2 and
water vapour from air was slightly denser (1.2572 g/litre) than chemically
prepared nitrogen (1.2505 g/litre). Which undiscovered element do you think
was mainly responsible for this discrepancy? Why?

Q.48 Answer the following: 2

(i) Noble gases have very high ionisation energy yet it decreases down the
group. Why?
(ii) Why do melting point and boiling point increase down the group for noble

Q.49 The table below shows standard enthalpies of formation of some noble gas 4
compounds at room temperature.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 26

(i) Out of XeF4 and XeO4, which one is thermodynamically unstable at room
temperature and why?
(ii) Can KrF2 be made by the combination of krypton and F2 gases at room
temperature? Why?
(iii) Observe the below reaction at room temperature:
XeF6(s) + 3H2O(l) = XeO3(aq) + 6HF(aq)
Is Xenon fluoride an oxidising agent or a reducing agent? Support your answer.

Q.50 (i) Sodium chloride and sodium iodide are both compounds which contain 3
halide ions. Silver nitrate solution may be used to differentiate between
solutions of sodium chloride and sodium iodide. Write the observations that
would be expected in both cases.

(ii) Chlorine produces a range of oxoacids, including chloric(I) acid, HOCl, and
chloric (VII) acid, HClO4. Which amongst them is the strongest acid?

Q.51 The table below shows the boiling point of some of the compounds: 2

(i) Explain why the boiling point of HI is higher than that of HBr.
(ii) Why H2O has a higher boiling temperature than HF?

Q.52 Once NO2 is present in the atmosphere, it is photochemically decomposed 2

which leads to the formation of ozone molecule and a chain reaction. Write
down all the reactions in this chain.

Q.53 (i) Explain why traces of sulfur dioxide are emitted from oil burning furnaces? 2
(ii) Write an equation to show how one of the following substances could be
used to reduce the sulfur dioxide in part a: CaCl2, CaSO4, Ca(OH)2.

Q.54 When chlorine gas reacts with cold and dilute sodium hydroxide, they form A, 2
B, and water as products. But, when the chlorine gas reacts with hot and conc.
sodium hydroxide, they form A, C, and water as products.

(a) Identify A, B, and C.

(b) Which among A, B, and C has the highest positive oxidation number of the
central atom.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 27

Q.55 There are three important variables that are required to catch fire: oxygen, fuel, 2
and heat.
The working of a matchbox depends upon a very basic reaction involved with
phosphorous. Explain how a match stick catches fire using the three variables
mentioned above.

Q.56 (i) Complete the following reactions: 2

N2O3 + H2O ----->
N2O5 + H2O ------>
(ii) With reference to the above reactions, explain which of the oxides is more

Q.57 (i) In order to obtain metallic silver from its nitrate, why can we not use 2
orthophosphoric acid(H3PO4)?

(ii) It is found that platinum spokes used in bikes or cycles do not corrode in the
presence of air or moisture. Justify.

Q.58 Why do the precipitates of AgCl and AgBr dissolve in ammonia? Explain with the 2
help of reactions.

Q.59 David has a solution that contains bromide ions. He goes inside a lab and carries 2
out these steps:
Step 1: bubbles chlorine gas through a sample of the solution. The mixture
changes colour.
Step 2: adds cyclohexane to the mixture and then shakes the mixture and allows
the layers to seperate.
(i) Write the ionic reaction for step 1.
(ii) What will be the final color of cyclohexane layer in step 2?

Q.60 Chlorine is toxic to humans. This toxicity does not prevent the large scale use of 3
chlorine in water plants.
(i) Give one reason why water is treated with chlorine.
(ii) Explain why the toxicity of chlorine does not prevent this use.
(iii) Write an equation for the reaction of chlorine with cold water.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 28

Answer Key and Marking Scheme

Q.No Answers Marks

Q.28 A. It speeds up the forward reaction. 1

Q.29 B. Only i and ii 1

Q.30 B. B 1

Q.31 C. C 1

Q.32 D. P only 1

Q.33 D. A- Red phosphorous; B- Some other chemical 1

Q.34 B. The bond energy of H-I is smaller than that of H-Cl. 1

Q.35 D. all- Cl-, Br-, I- 1

Q.36 C. i and iii only 1

Q.37 C. C 1

Q.38 C. 3 1

Q.39 A. Adding hexane to form a purple layer. 1

Q.40 (i) When the white phosphorus is heated, one of the bonds between two atoms 2
in a discrete tetrahedral is broken. This enables the phosphorous to form a chain
of tetrahedral, maintaining the same bond order for each atom

(ii) Red phosphorus has a polymeric structure which makes it extra stable [0.5]

- Unlike white phosphorous, its bond angle is higher than that of white
phosphorous which causes less strain and makes it more stable [0.5]

Q.41 (i) Signals are produced as a part of two stage reaction. In stage 1, calcium 4
phosphide reacts with water to give Phosphine. Also, calcium carbide reacts with
water to give acetylene gas.
- Ca3P2+6H2O→2PH3+3Ca(OH)2 [1]
- CaC2 + 2H2O→C2H2 + Ca(OH)2 [1]
- In stage 2, due to impurities of P2H4 present in phosphine, it reacts with oxygen
in a combustion reaction and burns up. [0.5]
- The heat obtained in this process also burns acetylene, due to which it seems
like the ocean is on fire. [0.5]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 29

(ii) Phosphine reacts quickly with oxygen to give an acid. [0.5]
- PH3 + O2 ----> H3PO4
- On Venus, oxygen is absent so Phosphine can be accumulated. [0.5]

Q.42 - HF is also unaffected [1] 2

- HF has the strongest bond in the group. Since, HCl is unaffected, HF will
definitely be unaffected as it requires more energy to break HF bond [1]

Q.43 (i) When H2S04 reacts with solid bromide, it produces HBr(g). However, as H2S04 3
is a powerful oxidising agent it oxidises HBr to Br2. [1]

-Conc. H3PO4 on the other hand is not a strong oxidising agent and hence does
not oxidise HBr(g) to Br2. [1]

(ii) Concentrated sulfuric acid is not a strong enough oxidizing agent to oxidize
fluoride or chloride. In terms of the halide ions, unlike bromides and iodides,
fluorides and chlorides are not strong enough reducing agents to reduce the
sulfuric acid.

Q.44 (i) H2(g) + At2(g) gives as 2HAt(g) 3

(In i give marks if equilibrium sign is shown in reaction)

(ii) Hydrogen astatine will be the least thermally stable in group 17. [1]

- This is because the astatine atom is the largest atom, so the overlap of its outer
shell with a hydrogen atom gives a much longer bond length than with the other
smaller halogen atoms. The longer the bond, the weaker it is, and the less energy
required to break it. [1]

Q.45 - In a beaker add some amount of the unknown solid compound. 2

- Add a few drops of conc. sulfuric acid to it.

- If a reddish-brown gas is seen, it means Br2 is being released. If this does not
happen then her hypothesis is wrong [1]

- She can infer that conc. sulfuric acid gives hydrogen bromide in the first stage
of the reaction. Since HBr decomposes easily with strong oxidising agent, HBr
changes to Br2 quickly. [1]

Note give full marks if students uses AgNO3 in place of conc. sulfuric acid and
writes formation of pale yellow solid.

Q.46 - Fluorine [1] 2

- Fluorine is small in size, has high electronegativity and hence it can oxidise the
metal to its highest oxidation state. [1]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 30

Q.47 Argon 2


- Of the noble gases, argon is the most abundant. Its molar mass (40) is also
higher than that of N2 (28), so the presence of argon in nitrogen tends to raise
the density. [1]

Q.48 (i) As we go down the group, the distance between electrons and nucleus 2
increases which increases polarizability down the group. Hence the electron
cloud is loosely bond [1]

(ii) The induced dipole-induced dipole interactions that hold the atoms together,
increase with polarizability. Thus, the melting and boiling temperatures increase
down the group as the ionization energy decreases. [1]

Q.49 (i) XeO4; because ΔHf- is positive for XeO4. It will decompose even at room 4

(ii) No; The positive value of ΔHf- suggests not; formation from the standard
states Kr(g) and F2(g) is thermodynamically unfavourable at room temperature

(iii) Oxidising agent [1]

- The XeO3 further decomposes at room temperature to give Xenon atom.

Thereby, XeF6 finally changes to Xe (change in oxidation number from positive to
zero) [1]

Q.50 - With sodium chloride, it will give white precipitate 3

- With sodium iodide it will give yellow precipitate

(ii) chloric(VII) acid [1]

- because it (almost) completely dissociates to release H+ ions. [1]

Q.51 (i) (Iodine/HI) has more number of electron shells. So, more energy is needed to 2
separate molecules with a stronger London force.

(ii) Water forms (up to) two hydrogen bonds (per molecule) but HF forms only

Q.52 (i) NO2 ---> NO + O [0.5] 2

(ii) O + O2 ----> O3 [0.5]

(iii) NO + O3 ----> NO2 +O2 [0.5]

(iv) NO2 ---> NO + O ( and the steps continue to form photochemical smog) [0.5]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 31

Q.53 (i) Oil is an example of fossil fuels. Most fossil fuels contain sulfur as impurities. 2
When sulfur reacts with oxygen, it forms sulfur dioxide. [1]

(ii) Lime water can be used.

Ca(OH)2 + SO2 ----> CaSO3 + H2O

CaSO3 + H2O + SO2 (excess) ----> Ca(HSO3)2 [1]

Q.54 (a) A- NaCl; B - NaOCl ; C- NaClO3 2

(b) NaClO3 has the highest positive oxidation number on Cl as +5

Q.55 Working on a matchstick fire: 2

- Generation of heat: When a matchstick is rubbed on the side part of a matchbox

coated with red phosphorus, the friction breaks the polymeric nature of red
phosphorus and makes it unstable, causing it to react with oxygen and
generating heat. [1]

- Fuel- The tip of the match stick is highly inflammable in nature when exposed
to heat and it acts as a fuel. [0.5]

- When the heat generated due to the friction, and fuel meet in the presence of
oxygen, we get fire [0.5]

Q.56 (i) N2O3 + H2O -----> 2HNO2 2

N2O5 + H2O ------> 2HNO3

(ii) N2O5 is more acidic as it gives a strong nitric acid when reacted with water

Q.57 (i) Orthophosphoric acid (H3PO4) is a strong oxidizing agent and it can't reduce 2

(ii) Platinum has very high ionization energy and is one of the inert metals, hence
it does not react with moisture or air.

Q.58 - The precipitates of AgCl and AgBr dissolve in ammonia because they react with 2
it to form soluble complex salt containing Ag(NH3)2+ (aq.) [1]

=> AgCl(s) + 2NH3(aq.) ----> Ag(NH3)2+ (aq.) + Cl- (aq.) [0.5]

=> AgBr(s) + 2NH3(aq.) ----> Ag(NH3)2+ (aq.) + Br- (aq.) [0.5]

Q.59 (i) Cl2 (aq.) + 2Br- (aq.) ----> 2Cl- (aq.) + Br2 (aq.) 2

(ii) Cyclohexane forms a layer on the top of water. Cyclohexane layer will be
brown in colour due to bromine molecules.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 32

Q.60 (i) Any one from: 3

- to sterilise / disinfect water

- to destroy / kill microorganisms / bacteria / microbes / pathogens

Don't give marks if they write

- to purify water

- to clean water from germs

(ii) The (health) benefit outweighs the risk. Once it has done its job, little of it

- used in (very) dilute concentrations / small amounts / low doses

(iii) Any one:

Cl2 + H2O → HClO + HCl


Cl2 + H2O → 2H+ + ClO– + Cl–


2Cl2 + 2H2O → 4HCl + O2

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 33


Q.No Question Marks

Multiple Choice Question

Q.61 Two elements X and Y have electronic configurations as follows: 1

X= 3d5 4s1; Y= 5d10 6s2

Which of the following statements is correct about X and Y?

A. They both have a high enthalpy of atomization.

B. X is a misch metal but Y is not.
C. Both are transition elements.
D. X is a hard metal but Y is not.

Q.62 Pt is used as a catalyst in the preparation of SO3 by direct combination of SO2 and 1
O2 at 450°C. In the reaction Pt is used as catalyst which_______

A. Increases the yield of SO3

B. Absorbs the SO2 and O2 molecules
C. Decreases the activation energy
D. Adsorbs the SO2 molecule selectively

Q.63 In which of the following oxometal anions does the metal NOT exhibit an 1
oxidation state equal to its group number?

A. CrO42-
B. MnO4-
C. Cr2O72-
D. MnO42-

Q.64 Manav poured some potassium chromate in a test tube for qualitative analysis. 1
The yellow solution of potassium chromate soon turned orange in colour. Manav
realised that this happened because the test tube was not clean and contained
a few drops of some liquid.

Which of the following were the liquid drops most likely to be?

A. Drops of hydrochloric acid

B. Drops of methyl orange
C. Drops of naoh solution
D. Drops of water.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 34

Q.65 A transition element 'X' is placed in the first series of transition elements. It has 1
the following characteristics:

i) It is a coinage metal.

ii) It has a positive reduction potential.

ii) It does not react with HCl but reacts with Nitric acid.

Which of the following is element X likely to be?

A. Zinc
B. Iron
C. Copper
D. Chromium

Q.66 Which of the following characteristics make transition elements good catalysts? 1

P) their tendency to form reaction intermediates with the reactants, thereby

reducing the activation energy

Q) their ability to have multiple oxidation states

R) their ability to form complex compounds

A. only P
B. only Q
C. only Q and R
D. all - P, Q and R

Q.67 Given below is an image showing a specific property of transition metals. 1

Which property of transition metals is shown in the image?

A. Catalytic action
B. Formation of alloy
C. Coloured complex formation
D. Interstitial compound formation

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 35

Q.68 Priya listed 4 uses of KMnO4 as follows: 1

P) It is used in volumetric analysis.

Q) It is used in the Chromyl Chloride test to detect Cl- ion.

R) It is used as a germicide.

S) It is used in Baeyer's test, the test for unsaturated hydrocarbon.

Which of the uses are CORRECTLY listed by Priya?

A. Only P. R, and S
B. Only Q, R, and S
C. Only S and R
D. Only P and Q

Q.69 Two important compounds of transition element Chromium are 1

K2Cr2O7 and K2CrO4. Compound K2Cr2O7 is orange in colour and K2CrO4 is yellow
in colour. The colour observed is because Chromium ion in these compounds;

A. Contain completely filled d-orbitals.

B. Contain empty d-orbitals
C. Undergo d-d transition of electrons.
D. Undergo charge transfer between oxide ion and itself.

The bond angle between the atoms of a chromate ion is

Q.70 1
A. 109.5°
B. 108°
C. 110°
D. 94°

The following reactions occur in an acidic medium. Which of the following

Q.71 1
options gives the correct pOH value?

Reaction 1: MnO-4 ---> MnO2

Reaction 2: MnO-4 ----> Mn+2

Reaction 1 Reaction 2

L High High

M Low High

N Low Low

O High Low

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 36

A. L
B. M
C. N
D. O

Which of the given options gives the correct magnetic properties of the given
Q.72 1

[At no. of:

La = 57

Ce = 58

Yb = 70

Lu = 71]

A. Both La and La+3 is paramagnetic in nature.

B. Both La+3 and Lu+3 are repelled by the applied magnetic field.
C. Ce+2 is diamagnetic in nature.
D. Yb+2 has a magnetic moment of 2.76 BM.

Two statements are given below - one labelled Assertion (A) and the other
Q.73 1
labelled Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Ce4+ ion is a good analytical reagent.

Reason (R): Ce4+ has a stable electronic configuration.

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C. (A) is true but (R) is false
D. (A) is false but (R) is true.

Two statements are given below - one labelled Assertion (A) and the other
Q.74 1
labelled Reason (R).

Assertion (A): The atomic density of copper is less than that of chromium.

Reason (R): The atomic mass of copper is more than that of chromium.

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C. (A) is true but (R) is false

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 37

D. (A) is false but (R) is true.

Free Response Questions/Subjective Questions

The standard electrode potential E0 (M2+/M) for three metals X, Y, and Z are as
Q.75 2

-1.18 V -0.91V -0.44V

Which metal out of X, Y, and Z will be the most stable in the M2+ state? Give
Q.76 The preparation of potassium dichromate is a stepwise process, as shown below. 2
Step I - 4FeCr2O4 + 16NaOH + 7O2 ---> 8Na2CrO4 + 2Fe2O3 + 8H2O
Step II - 2Na2CrO4 + H2SO4 ---> Na2Cr2O7 + Na2SO4 + H2O
Step III - Na2Cr2O7 + 2KCl ---> K2Cr2O7 + 2NaCl
(a) What process should be used to remove impurities from sodium chromate
solution, after step I?
(b) What makes the reaction in step III possible?

Q.77 Why is mercury liquid at room temperature even though it is a metal? Give 2

Q.78 A bottle contains compound 'A', which is the ammonical solution of nitrate salt 3
of a transition element. A chemical compound 'B', containing carbonyl functional
group is taken in a test tube. When compound 'A' is added in test tube containing
compound ' 'B' in basic medium. the wall of test tube B developes a shiny coating
on it. Based on this information, answer the following questions;
i) Write the formula and name of the compound present in bottle A.
ii) Which carbonyl compound in test tube B gives a silver mirror formation on
heating with compound A.
iii) Write a general chemical reaction taking place between chemical A and B.
The melting points of three elements J, K, and L were recorded. These three
Q.79 2
elements are from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd transition series (not necessarily in the order).
All of them have half-filled d orbital.

The melting point of J is more than K and melting point of K is more than L.

Which element is expected to have valence electrons in 5f orbitals and why?

Q.80 a) Complete the table given below. 5

[Note: X (At. No.: 48) and Y(At. No.: 40)]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 38

Element Electronic configuration Tensile Shows colour in
of only the valence shell strength aqueous
in the atomic state (High/Low) solution(yes/No)

b) Give a reason for your choice of tensile strength and colour in aq. solution.
Complete the table given below:
Q.81 2

Properties Actinoids Lanthanoids

Magnetic properties (Higher/Lower)

The action of boiling water

The ionic radii of certain elements of the 3rd transition series are tabulated
Q.82 2

Element Ionic radii

X+3 87 pm

Y+3 106 pm

Z+3 95 pm

a) Arrange the elements in the decreasing order of atomic number.

b) Define the phenomenon seen in this table.

The structure of two different samples of the same metal is shown below:
Q.83 2

Complete the table with respect to the samples given above with the given

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 39

[1668°C, 3160°C, chemically reactive, chemically inert]

Sample I Sample II

Melting point

Chemical reactivity

Substance D is used for the bleaching of wool, cotton, silk and other textile fibres
Q.84 2
and for the decolourisation of oils. It is dark purple in colour and is almost
insoluble in water. The shape of the molecule is tetrahedral.

a) Calculate the magnetic moment of this substance.

b) What is the magnetic nature of the compound D?

c) What is the bond angle of the central metal atom with the other atoms?
Look at the image given below and answer the questions that follow:
Q.85 2

a) Define the process seen here.

b) If the melting point of substance P is 1023°C, the melting point of Q should be

more or less than 1023°C?
Oxide of a metal D in the lanthanoid series is used as phosphors in television
Q.86 4
screens and similar fluorescing surfaces.

a) State the valency of element D and the formula of its oxide in terms of ‘D’.

b) What will the pH range of its aqueous solution be?

c) What role does it play in the petroleum industry?

The graph below shows the first, second and third ionisation energies of a set of
Q.87 2

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 40

In the graph, we can see a deviation in the fifth element in the trend for second
ionisation energy and a deviation in the sixth element in the trend for third
ionisation energy. Identify the elements and explain why the deviation occurs.
Q.88 Read the information given below on a transition metal M and answer the 3
question that follows.

P) The M2+ state has d4 configuration, where n = 4.

Q) The crystal field splitting for M ion is given below

(a) Is M2+ ion reducing or oxidising in nature? Explain.

(b) Identify the metal ion.

Q.89 Shown below is a step-wise process for the formation of an orange-coloured 4

crystalline compound C. Identify the compound C and write the chemical
reactions to show the formation of compounds A, B, and C.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 41

Answer Key and Marking Scheme

Q.No Answers Marks

Q.61 D. X is a hard metal but Y is not. 1

Q.62 C. Decreases the activation energy 1

Q.63 D. MnO42- 1

Q.64 A. Drops of hydrochloric acid 1

Q.65 D. Chromium 1

Q.66 D. All - P, Q and R 1

Q.67 B. formation of alloy 1

Q.68 A. Only P. R, and S 1

Q.69 D. Undergo charge transfer between oxide ion and itself. 1

Q.70 A. 109.5° 1

Q.71 B. M 1

Q.72 B. Both La+3 and Lu+3 are repelled by the applied magnetic field. 1

Q.73 B. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) 1

Q.74 D. (A) is false but (R) is true. 1

- Metal X will be most stable in M2+state. [1]
Q.75 2
- The given electrode potential of metal X is

M2+/M = -1.18 V

which is the least reduction potential among the three metals. It suggests metal
X will undergo the reduction process very slowly hence it will show more stability
at X2+state or M2+state. [1]
Q.76 (a) Filtration 2

(b) Sodium dichromate is more soluble than potassium dichromate

• The hardness of metals depends upon the strength of metallic bonds in it

Q.77 2
which in turn depends upon the number of unpaired electrons, which overlap
to form covalent bonds.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 42

• The greater the number of unpaired d-electrons, the greater the number of
covalent bonds, and hence greater the strength of bonds.
• Mercury is in group 12, period 6. Its electronic configuration is [Xe]4f145d106s2.
Due to the absence of unpaired electrons and covalent bonds, mercury is very
soft and is a liquid.

• [Give 0.5 marks for the first two points. Give 0.5 marks each for the correct
position of mercury in the periodic table and its correct electronic
configuration respectively. Students may write the answer in their own words.]

Q.78 i) 3

formula of compound present in bottle A is [Ag(NH3)2] NO3

Name of the compound is diammine silvernitrate or Tollen's reagent

ii) Compound present in test tube B containing Aldehyde functional group gives
silver mirror formation.

iii) RCHO + [Ag(NH3)2] NO3 + NaOH

---heat--- RCOO- + Ag(s) + NH3 + H2O

Q.79 Element J is expected to valence electrons in the 5f orbitals. The melting point of 2
the element J is the highest among the three. So, it is expected to belong to the
3rd transition series with the valence electrons in 5f orbitals.

[1 marks for correctly identifying the element + 1 mark for the correct reason]

Q.80 a) 5

Element Electronic configuration Tensile Shows colour in

of only the valence shell strength aqueous
in the atomic state (High/Low) solution(yes/No)

X 5s2,4d10 Low No

Y 5s2,4d2 High Yes

[Give 0.5 marks for each correctly filled blank]

b) The presence of unpaired electrons leads to strong metallic bonds in the

transition elements. Element U has no unpaired electron in it so it has low tensile
strength.Element V can form metallic bonds due to the presence of unpaired

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 43

The elements with completely filled or completely empty d-orbitals are
colourless. So, aqueous solutions of element U are expected to be colourless
while that of element V is expected to show some colour.

[1+1 for each reason]

Q.81 Properties Actinoids Lanthanoids 2

Magnetic properties Lower Higher


The action of boiling gives a mixture of gives a mixture of

water oxide and hydride hydroxides and hydrogen

[0.5 marks for each correct answer]

Q.82 a) The elements in decreasing order of atomic number are: 2


b) The overall decrease in atomic and ionic radii from lanthanum to lutetium (the
lanthanoid contraction) is a unique feature in the chemistry of the lanthanoids.
This is called 'Lanthanoid contraction.'
Q.83 Sample I Sample II 2

Melting point 3160°C 1668°C

Chemical reactivity chemically inert chemically reactive

[0.5 marks for each correct answer]

Q.84 a) The central atom in this compound is Mn+2 and the compound is D is KMnO4. 2

The number of valence electrons in Mn in KMnO4 is 0 as its electronic

configuration is [Ar]4s03d0.

So, its magnetic moment is 0. [1]

b) The magnetic moment of D is diamagnetic in nature. [0.5]

c) The bond angle of the central metal atom with the other atoms is 109° [0.5]

Q.85 a) The process seen here is alloying. The process of formation of homogeneous 2
solid solutions in which the atoms of one metal are distributed randomly among
the atoms of the other is called alloying. [1]

b) The melting point of Q will be more than P. [1]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 44

Q.86 a) 4
- The valency of element D is 3. [1]
- The formula of its oxide is D2O3. [1]
b) The range of pH of the aqueous solution of this element D is from 7 to 14.

c) The element is employed as a catalyst in petroleum cracking.

The element that shows deviation in the trend for the second ionisation energy
Q.87 2
is Manganese.

The element that shows deviation in the trend for the third ionisation energy is
Iron. [0.5+0.5]

The deviation occurs because Mn2+ ion and Fe3+ have 3d5 configuration which is
more stable than the configuration of Cr2+ and Mn3+ ions. [1]
Q.88 (a) It is evident from the crystal field splitting that the configuration of M changes 3
from d4 to t2g3 and eg1. (1)

Since the half-filled t2g3 level is more stable, the M2+ ion will furnish one electron
and will act as a reducing agent. (1)

(b) Metal ion M has n=4 and d4 configuration. Its electronic configuration will be

As its oxidation state is +2, therefore metal ion is likely to be Cr2+.

The above given process is depicting the preparation of potassium dichromate.

Q.89 4
The unknown compound ‘C’ is Potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7)

Stepwise chemical equations involved are as follows

4FeCr2O4 + 16NaOH + 7O2 ----> 8Na2CrO4 + 2Fe2O3 + 8H2O

Compound A is Na2CrO4

2Na2CrO4 + H2SO4 ----------> Na2Cr2O7 + Na2SO4 + H2O

Compound B is Na2Cr2O7

Na2Cr2O7 + 2KCl -----------> K2Cr2O7 + 2NaCl

Compound C is K2Cr2O7

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 45


Q.No Question Marks

Multiple Choice Question

Q.90 A co-ordination compound Pentaaminechloridocobalt(III)sulfate is dissolved in 1

water. When a few drops of chemical 'A' is added to the solution, it gives white

Identify chemical 'A'.

A. AgCl
B. AgNO3
C. BaSO4
D. BaCl2

Q.91 How many ions will be produced by the complex compound [Cr(en)3]Cl3 when it 1
is dissolved in water?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 7
D. 10

Q.92 In the complex compound Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 oxidation states of counter ion Fe and 1
central metal ion Fe respectively are;


Q.93 When a co-ordination compound is dissolved in water it produces three moles 1

of potassium ion as cation and one mole co-ordination entity as anion.The
central metal ion Fe in entity is surrounded by three didentate anionic ligands.

What is the oxidation state of Fe ion in the compound?

C. 0
D. I

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 46

Q.94 In an octahedral coordination entity the metal ion is surrounded by 6 F- ions. If 1
crystal field splitting energy for this complex is Δ0 and electron pairing energy is
P then which of the following expression is correct about the complex?

A. Δ0 = P
B. Δ0 < P
C. Δ0 > P
D. Δ0 ≥ P

Q.95 [M(AA)X2Y2] is a type of a co-ordinate compound in which M= metal ion, AA= 1

didentate ligand, X= monodentate ligand, and Y=monodentate ligand.

Which of the following isomerisms does this compound exhibit?

A. Co-ordination isomerism
B. Linkage isomerism
C. Geometrical isomerism
D. Optical isomerism

Q.96 As per the Crystal field theory, which of the following is correct about the 1
repulsion between ligands and dxy, dyz, dzx orbitals in tetrahedral complexes?

A. It is more than that in octahedral complexes

B. It is less than that in octahedral complexes
C. It is the same as in octahedral complexes
D. It is zero

Q.97 Which of the following coordination compounds is diamagnetic, has 0 unpaired 1

electrons and has an octahedral geometry?

[Atomic number: Mn - 25, Ni - 28, Fe - 26, Cu - 29]

A. [MnCl6]-3
B. [Ni(CN)4]-2
C. [Fe(CN)6]-4
D. [CuCl4]-2

Free Response Questions/Subjective Questions

Q.98 In an experiment Test Tube 'A' contains FeSO4(NH4)2SO4.6H2O solution and test 2
tube 'B' contains K3[Fe(C2O4)3] solution. On adding few drops of KSCN in the two
test tubes, solution of one of the test tubes turns into red.
i) Identify which out of two solutions in the test tubes 'A' or 'B' turns into red?
ii) Give reason why does one solution give red colour precipitate with KSCN but
other solution does not show any change.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 47

Q.99 [Ni(CN)4]2-, when kept in magnetic field, is weakly repelled where as [Co(F)6]3-is 4
weakly attracted in the magnetic field. Justify with the help of orbital
(Atomic number of Ni =28, Co = 27)

Q.100 There are two samples solutions of complex compounds kept in two test tubes, 2
A and B. Test tube 'A' contains the solution of [Co(NH3)3Cl3 ] complex, and test
tube 'B' contains the solution of complex [CoCl2(en)2]+.
If plane polarised light is allowed to pass through these solutions, which sample
out of A and B can rotate plane polarised light and why?

Q.101 Given below is a reaction of the formation of a complex MLn. 2

[M(H2O)n] + nL ------> MLn + nH2O

Write overall stability constant βn expression for it.

If βn for the above reaction is 2.1x1013, find out the over all dissociation constant
of the complex.

Q.102 One mole of an isomer of complex [Cr(H2O)6]Cl3 when treated with 3

AgNO3 produces 2 moles of a white precipitate of AgCl. Write the formula of this
isomer of the complex and show how the metal-ligand bonding differs in the
two isomers though both are octahedral.

Q.103 A complex [Co(a)4(b)2]Br is octahedral in shape. The oxidation state of Co is +3. 2

When this complex is treated with AgNO3 it gives one mole yellow precipitate
of AgBr.
Based on the above information show, what is the denticity and charge on the
ligands a and b. Give reason for it.

Q.104 A coordination complex compound of Cr+3 is homoleptic and optically active. 3

Draw the structures of optical isomers of the compound if the general formula
of the complex is [M(AA)3]3+where M= Cr and (AA) = didentate ligand.

Q.105 Heteroleptic complexes with co-ordination number 6 show geometrical 4

isomerism. A complex [MA3B3]shows geometrical isomerism. If central metal
ion M has +3 oxidation state. then

1. Predict the denticity and charge on ligands A & B in the given complex.

2. Draw the structure of two geometrical isomers of the complex and name
Q.106 Coordination compounds are of great importance in medicinal chemistry. 1
Explain how EDTA complex of calcium is useful in saving lives from hazardous
lead metal?

Q.107 [Co(NH3)6]3+and [Co(H2O)6]2+ are two octahedral complexes of Co. 3

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 48

(i) Which one of them will have LESS crystal field splitting energy?
(ii) Which factor influences splitting of d orbitals in these two complexes?

Q.108 Extraction of Silver from its ore Ag2S involves several steps. In one of the steps, 3
NaCN is added to the solution.
i) Explain the reason why NaCN is added to the solution?
ii)Why Zn metal is used to recover the Ag metal?
Explain with the help of chemical reactions.

Q.109 The image given below shows bonding in a carbonyl compound. 5

Answer the following questions to describe the bonding in the metal carbonyl.

i) What type of bond is formed by the donation of a lone pair of electrons of CO

to central metal ion?

ii) What type of interaction between metal and CO ligands creates a synergic

iii) How is Δ0 value affected by the interaction of CO ligands and metal ion in
metal carbonyl?

Q.110 (i) Give a reason why all salts of sodium and potassium are white in colour. 3
(ii) What will be the formula of Cr+3 complex with H2O and Cl- as ligands if its
molar conductivity is similar to salt with the formula AB2. [A is the metal and B
is the non-metal].

Q.111 (a) Mrs.Dey is a goldsmith. She got an order to make a silver bangle. Write down 4
the equations of the reaction that is most likely to be carried out by her workers
in her workshop to extract the required silver from its sulphide ore.

(b) Write the distribution of the electrons in the central metal ion of the
coodination complex formed after extraction of silver. Justify your answer.

Q.112 In an unknown complex [M(X)4], the oxidation state of central metal is zero i.e.M 2
(0). If in an experiment metal M is found to be Ni then predict whether the
ligand X in the formula is CO or CN to give a stable complex. Justify your answer
and predict the shape of the molecule.

Q.113 When AgNO3 solution is added into the solution of a co-ordination compound 2
PdCl2.4NH3, it produces 2 moles of AgCl precipitate.

On the basis of the information above, designate the following:

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 49

- coordination entity

- counter ions

- coordination number of central metal ion

- the oxidation number of Pd

Q.114 (i) A co-ordination compound [Co(x)6]3- shows d2sp3 hybridisation. Identify the 3
nature of ligand x as weak or strong.
(ii) Explain how does the presence of ligand x affect crystal field splitting
energy Δ0 and pairing energy P.
(atomic number of Cobalt is 27)

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 50

Answer Key and Marking Scheme

Q.No Answers Marks

Q.90 D. BaCl2 1

Q.91 B. 4 1

Q.92 B. III, II 1

Q.93 B. III 1

Q.94 B. Δ0 < P 1

Q.95 D. Optical isomerism 1

Q.96 A. It is more than that in octahedral complexes 1

Q.97 C. [Fe(CN)6]-4 1

Q.98 i) Solution of FeSO4(NH4)2SO4.6H2O in Test Tube 'A' will turn into red. [1] 2
ii) FeSO4(NH4)2SO4.6H2O solution in Test Tube 'A' is a double salt and it ionises
fully in aqueous solution.The Fe2+ions in solution reacts with KSCN and give red
colour due to formation of FeSCN2+ complex. [0.5]

- But K3[Fe(C2O4)3] is a complex. It cannot ionise fully in aqueous solution.The

Fe2+ion remain intact in sphere. Therefore it does not react with KSCN to give
red colour. [0.5]
Q.99 - In [Ni(CN)4]2- oxidation state of Ni is +2 and its configuration is [Ar] 4s03d8 4

- four CN ligands are strong ligands which allow pairing of electrons in 3d-
orbitals and donate pair of electrons in next empty d s p2 orbitals. [1]

- since there is no unpaired electrons in it, it is diamagnetic and thus weakly

repelled in the magnetic field. [1]

- At the same time in [Co(F)6]3-central atom Co is in +3 state.

27Co - [Ar]4s03d6

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 51

- F is a weak ligand which does not allow pairing of electrons in 'd' orbitals of
Co3+ [1]

- Presence of 4 unpaired e-in 'd' orbital makes it para magnetic .Thus complex
is weakly attracted towards magnetic field. [1]

(Note: Cut 1 marks each if images are not shown)

Q.100 - Sample solution [CoCl2(en)2] in test tube B can rotate plane polarised 2
light. (1)

- The spatial arrangement of two didentate ligands ethylene diamine and two Cl
monodentate ligands around the metal ion is such that it makes the molecule
unsymmetrical. such molecules are optically active i.e.they can rotate plane
polarised light. (1)

Q.101 βn = [ MLn] / [M(H2O)n] [Ln] 2

over all dissociation constant (D.C.)is reciprocal of stability constant(βn)

Dissociation constant = 1/βn

D.C. = 1/2.1x1013


D.C. = 4.7x10-14

Q.102 The formula of the isomer is [Cr(H2O)5Cl]Cl2 3

since two mole AgCl is produced hence 2 chloro groups are present as primary

In complex [Cr(H2O)6]Cl3 six aqua ligands make direct bond with Cr metal ion
thus complex is octahedral. (1)

Whereas in complex [Cr(H2O)5Cl]Cl2.H2O only 5 aqua and one Cl ligands make

direct bond with metal. This complex is also octahedral. The remaining one aqua
is present as water of crystallisation. (1)

Q.103 Any complex with 6 monodentate ligands is octahedral in shape. 2

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 52

The complex [Co (a)4 b2] Br is octahedral in shape hence ligands a and b are
monodentate. (1)

In any complex the sum of charges on ligands and counter ions shows oxidation
state of metal ion which is +3 in Co.


Br has -1 charge because 1 mole AgBr is formed.

Since both a and b ligands are monodentate it is clear b has charge-1 and charge
on a is 0

x+(0) + (-1x2) +-1= 0

x = +3

Thus we can say charge on

ligand a = 0 and b = -1 (1)

Q.104 - Since complex has 3 didentate ligands there must be 6 donor atoms present 3
around the central metal M (1)

Six donor atoms around the metal ion suggest complex is octahedral. (1)

The optical isomers are:

d-isomer l-isomer (1)

Q.105 1. Since oxidation state of metal ion M is +3, therefore the charge on one of the 4
ligands is 1 and the other will have charge =0

while writing the formula the neutral ligand is written before anionic ligand.

Also coordination number is 6 so there are 6 monodentate ligands.


Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 53

Ligands Denticity Charge

A monodentate 0

B monodentate -1

2. Two geometrical isomers are

1. facial isomer (fac)

2. Meridional isomer(mer)

Q.106 - EDTA makes Lead substituted complex with poisonous lead in the body which 1
can be easily excreted by the body. (1)

fig: EDTA complex of lead

(fig. is optional)

Where (M= Pb, ligand= EDTA)

Q.107 (i) Complex [Co(H2O)6]2+will have less crystal field splitting. 3

(ii) The d orbital splitting here is more influenced by the charge on metal ion.

For the similar metal ion complexes, the higher is the charge on metal ion more
is the splitting energyΔ0 . Similarly lower is the charge on metal ion less is crystal
field splitting. (1)

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 54

- In complex [Co(NH3)6]3+oxidation state of Co is +3 but in complex
[Co(H2O)6]2+ the oxidation state of Co is +2. Therefore [Co(H2O)6] will have less
crystal field splitting. (1)

Q.108 i) NaCN forms a complex with the ore Ag2S of Ag. 3

Ag2S + NaCN ----> Na[Ag(CN)2] + Na2S (1)

It is easier to obtain Ag from ionic complex Na[Ag(CN)2] than from simple

covalent compounds.

ii)To obtain metal Ag in precipitate form Zn metal is added into the solution
which helps in the displacement of Ag from the complex. (1)

Na[Ag(CN)2] + Zn ------>

Na2[Zn(CN)4] + Ag (ppt.) (1)

Q.109 i) The donation of a lone pair of electrons from ligand CO to metal ion forms σ 5

ii) In metal carbonyl the CO to Metal bond C → M is a sigma (σ) bond. There is
also an overlapping of electrons from filled metal d orbitals into empty
antibonding orbital of CO.This results into formation of a π bond and called back
bonding. [1]

- The M → C bond strengthens the bond between CO and the metal and this
type of bonding creates a synergic effect. [1]

(iii) Δ0 value that is crystal field splitting energy increases in metal carbonyl. [1]

- The ligand CO is capable of accepting an appreciable amount of electron

density from the metal atom into its vacant π*orbital. Due to this
interaction Δ0 increases. [1]

Q.110 (i) The colour of a salt arises due to two main factors: 3
1. Influence of ligands present in a salt.
2. Presence of incomplete d-subshells.

- Both potassium and sodium lack incomplete d-orbitals. So, when light falls on
such complexes no excitation of electrons occurs to higher energy levels to
absorb or emit light of a certain wavelength. Hence, such salts are white in

[Give 0.5 mark each for points 1 and 2, and 1 mark for the explanation]

(ii) A complex having molar conductivity similar to AB2 should release 3 ions in
the solution. Thus, the probable formula of the complex will be:

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 55

[Cr(H2O)5Cl]Cl2 [Cr(H2O)Cl]+2 + 2Cl-

[Give 1 mark for the correct formula]

Q.111 (a) The ore of silver is Silver sulphide(Ag2S).The reactions that are most likely to 4
be carried out in the workshop by Mrs. Dey are:

Ag2S+ 2NaCN 2Na[Ag(CN)2] + Na2S

2Na[Ag(CN)2] +Zn Na2[Zn(CN)4] + 2Ag

[Give 1 mark for each correct equation. No marks to be awarded if the equations
are not balanced.]

(b) Zinc forms a tetrahedral complex in this case. As Zn+2 has 10 electrons in its
d-shell so pairing of electrons occur and the distribution of the electrons is e4t6 .

[Give 1 for correct distribution of electrons and 1 mark for the correct reason.]

Q.112 In the complex [Ni(X)4] , unknown ligand X is CO. it is because- 2

i) ligand CO is neutral which justifies zero oxidation state of Ni in the complex.


ii) Complex [Ni(CO)4]is tetrahedral. It can be justified as

Ni(0) - [Ar]4s2 3d8

since carbonyl is strong ligand therefore

Ni(0) -[Ar]4s0 3d10

hence 4 CO ligands will occupy four sp3 hybrid orbitals thus complex is
tetrahedral. (1)

Q.113 - In any complex compound co-ordination entity is that part which contains 2
ligands and metal ion together in a sphere. Thus

- Coordination entity- [Pd(NH3)4]2+ [0.5]

- Counter ions are ionisable part which takes part in reaction hence

counter ions are 2 Chloride ions or 2 Cl- [0.5]

- The number of attacking sites used by ligands around the metal ion represent
coordination number

Hence coordination number is = 4 [0.5]

- Oxidation number of Pd = +2 [0.5]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 56

Q.114 (i) 3

- In complex d2sp3 , (n-1)d or inner d is involved in hybridisation therefore ligand

X is a strong ligand. [1]


- In any octahedral complex 'd' orbitals split as t2g< eg

where t2g is lower in energy than eg. (0.5)

- Central atom Co is in +3 state. The 6 electrons in d orbitals pair up due to strong

ligand x (0.5)

- Thus d- orbital configuration in complex is t2g6 eg0 (0.5)

- pairing of electrons in lower 'd' i.e. t2g shows pairing energy is lower
than Δ0 i.e. Δ0 > P . (0.5)

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 57


Q.No Question Marks

Multiple Choice Question

Q.115 Three graphs P, Q and R have been drawn to represent the relative rates of 1
hydrolysis reactions for primary, secondary, and tertiary haloalkanes.

Which of the following correctly identifies the graphs that represent SN1 and
SN2 reactions?

Option SN1 reaction SN2 reaction

W graph P graph Q

X graph Q graph P

Y graph R graph Q

Z graph Q graph R

A. W
B. X
C. Y
D. Z

Q.116 Given below are four haloalkane compounds. 1

tert-bromobutane, tert-iodobutane, iodobutane, bromobutane

Which of them would be the most easily undergo SN1 and SN2 reactions?

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 58

Option SN1 reaction SN2 reaction

P tert-iodobutane iodobutane

Q tert-bromobutane bromobutane

R iodobutane tert-iodobutane

S bromobutane tert-bromobutane

A. P
B. Q
C. R
D. S

Q.117 The table below shows some of the features of SN1 and SN2 reaction 1

Rows SN1 SN2

A first order kinetics 2nd order kinetics

B reaction favoured by any type of reaction favoured by a non-bulky

nucleophile nucleophile

C reaction favoured by a good reaction not favoured by a good

leaving group leaving group

D stereochemistry: racemization stereochemistry: inversion

Which of the rows shows an INCORRECT feature for at least one of the

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

Q.118 Which of the following will be the major product formed in the reaction below? 1

CH3 - CH2 - CH = CH2 + HBr ----> ?

A. CH3 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2Br

B. CH3 - CH2 - CHBr - CH3
C. CH3 - CHBr - CH = CH2
D. CH3 - CH = CH - CH2Br

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 59

Q.119 Which of the following molecules exhibits optical isomerism? 1

A. 3-iodopentane
B. 2-iodo-2-methylpropane
C. 1,3-diiodopropane
D. 2-iodobutane

Q.120 The image below shows the ball and stick model of 4 different compounds. 1

How many of the above compounds is/are optically active?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Q.121 Which of the following compounds will be hydrolysed most rapidly under similar 1
reaction conditions?

A. 1-chloropropane
B. 1-chlorobutane
C. 2-chloro-2-methylpropane
D. 2-chlorobutane

As per the Fittig reaction, when 2 moles of chlorobenzene reacts with metals
such as sodium in the presence of dry ether, it gives diphenyl.

Q.122 Observe the given reaction. 1

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 60

Which of the following products will be formed as P?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Q.123 Observe the given reaction. 1

Which of the following products will be formed as P?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Free Response Questions/Subjective Questions

Q.124 The image below shows different stages for a SN1 reaction. 2

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 61

Which out of the two stages, X and Y, will be slower and why?

Q.125 (i) Consider the reaction between bromopropane and I- ions. 4

CH3CH2CH2Br + I- ----> CH3CH2CH2I + Br-
The reaction is carried out in a propanone solvent. The rate law for this reaction
is found to be Rate = k[CH3CH2CH2Br]x [I-]y Which mechanism does this reaction
follow, SN1 or SN2? Justify your answer.

(ii) What will be the rate equation for the reaction (CH3)3CBr with I- ? Justify.
Q.126 The table below gives data about four different gaseous compounds. 3

Chemical Atmospheric lifetime Boiling

Formula (approx. years) point (°C)

P CCl3F 45 24

Q CCl2F2 114 -29.8

R CClF2CClF2 300 3.5

S CF4 50,000 -46

(The atmospheric lifetime of a compound is an estimate of the average time it

takes for that compound to leave the atmosphere.)
(i) State one problem caused by compound Q in the atmosphere.
(ii) Which two out of the four compounds are more suitable to be used as
a refrigerant in refrigerators and why?

Q.127 For each of the following combinations of reagents and conditions, suggest 3
whether substitution or elimination will predominate. Justify your answer.
(p) heating CH3CH2CH2Br with aqueous NaOH
(q) heating (CH3)3CBr with NaOH in ethanol
(r) heating (CH3)2CHBr with (CH3)3CO-K+

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 62

Q.128 Show the reaction mechanism for the reaction of tertiary butylbromide with 2

Q.129 But-1-ene undergoes electrophilic addition reaction in the presence of HBr. 4

(i) Write the name of all the products formed in the reaction.
(ii) Which will be the major product formed and why?

Q.130 When 1-bromo-2methylpropane is heated with aqueous alkali, it gives 2- 3

methylpropan-1-ol. Nanda suggested the following mechanism for this

Identify three mistakes in the mechanism shown by Nanda.

Q.131 Do any of the possible structures of C5H11Cl show stereoisomerism? If no, then 2
explain why. If yes, draw the 3D diagram of the enantiomers.

Q.132 1-bromobutane is prepared from 1-butanol as per the reaction below. 3

C4H9OH + NaBr + H2SO4 ---> C4H9Br + NaHSO4 + H2O

Given below are the different stages in the preparation.

(1) heating the reactants for around 50 minutes in the apparatus shown in figure

(2) distilling the reaction mixture to obtain the product 1-bromobutane in the
apparatus shown in figure 2

(3) weighing the distillate obtained

(a) Explain why the reactants are heated for 50 minutes in stage 1.

(b) What is the function of condensor in stage 1 and in stage 2? How does it help
the reaction?

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 63

Q.133 In the reaction below, 3

(i) Identify P and Q.

(ii) Which of them is the major product and why?

Q.134 The image below shows two competing routes or reactions when a haloalkane 4
reacts with water in the presence of alcohol. The major products under each of
the routes are shown.

(i) Explain the mechanism for both these reactions.

(ii) Which out of two reactions will predominate? Give reasons.

Q.135 Haloalkanes are important compound which are produced at scale for industrial 2
purpose. To increase the efficiency and reduce the cost of production, scientists
use different combinations of reactants and reaction conditions.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 64

You are given two different compounds that can be used to make C2H5Cl as
shown below.

Which out of two reactants will you choose and why?

Q.136 Study the reaction below and answer the questions that follow: 3
CH3Cl + NaI CH3I + NaCl
(i) How can we increase the rate of the forward reaction?
(ii) If methyl fluoride is to be prepared by the above process, state the
(iii) Arrange methyl iodide, methyl fluoride and methyl chloride in the
decreasing order of their dipole moment.

Q.137 An organic compound with the formula C6H5Br reacts with CuCN to form 3
compound ‘P’ and CuBr in presence of pyridine at 475 K. Compound P on
reaction with dil. HCl forms compound ‘Q’ which reacts with methyl alcohol
produces a sweet smelling compound ‘R’.

Write the chemical reaction showing the above conversions.

Q.138 Give a reason why vinyl halides generally do not undergo nucleophilic 1
substitution reactions.

Q.139 To prepare a Grignard reagent, Udita mixes magnesium metal in dry ether with 1
the compound shown below.
CH3 - CHOH - CH2 - CH2Br
Will she obtain the Grignard reagent? Justify your answer.

Q.140 The table below shows the effect of aqueous silver nitrate on bromine 3
containing compounds at room temperature.

Sodium bromide 1 - bromobutane

pale yellow precipitate appears no reaction at first;faint precipitate appears

immediately after several minutes

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 65

(i) Why does silver nitrate produce no immediate precipitate with 1-
(ii) Suggest a reason why a precipitate appears after several minutes.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 66

Answer Key and Marking Scheme

Q.No Answers Marks

Q.115 D. Z 1

Q.116 A. P 1

Q.117 C. C 1

Q.118 B. CH3 - CH2 - CHBr - CH3 1

Q.119 D. 2-iodobutane 1

Q.120 A. 1 1

Q.121 C. 2-chloro-2-methylpropane 1

Q.122 C. 3 1

Q.123 C. 3 1

Q.124 (i) X will be slower [1] 2

- X involves breaking of C-Br bond to form a carbocation [0.5]

- the carbocation is very unstable and reactive so the second step will be fast

Q.125 (i) SN2 [1] 4

- because in SN2 reaction the incoming nucleophile (I-) interacts with the
substrate (bromopropane) causing the C - Br bond to break and a new C - I bond
to form. These two processes occur simultaneously in a single step without the
formation of any intermediate. The rate of reaction is determined by the
concentrations of both the reactants. [1]

(ii) Rate = k[(CH3)3CBr] given by SN1 [1]

- because SN1 is a two step mechanism in which there is an intermediate carbon

cation formed. The rate of reaction is determined only by the concentration of
bromopropane. [1]

Q.126 (i) CCl2F2 decomposes under UV light to give free radical chlorine which reacts 3
with ozone and destroys the ozone layer.

(ii) Compounds Q and S; [1]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 67

- It is very important that the refrigerant has a low boiling point, so that it turns
into gas easily when it absorbs heat. [1]

Q.127 (p) Substitution; In polar solvent, substitution predominates for primary 3

haloalkanes with OH ions [1]

(b) Elimination; In a less polar solvent like alcohol, elimination predominates for
tertiary haloalkanes with OH ions [1]

(c) Elimination; elimination predominates due to steric effect as the base used
is bulky group [1]

Q.128 The mechanism involves an initial ionisation of the halogenoalkane to form a 2



- This is followed by a very rapid attack by ammonia on the carbocation formed:


Q.129 (i) 2-bromobutane and 1-bromobutane 4

(ii)2-bromobutane [1]

- During the reaction, intermediate primary and secondary carbocations are

formed. [0.5]

- Secondary carbocations are energetically more stable than primary

carbocations due to positive inductive effect. [1]

- The secondary carbocation will be formed in preference to the primary

carbocation – hence, the major product will be 2-bromobutane not 1-
bromobutane. [0.5]

(give marks if they explain using equations instead of text to explain)

Q.130 1 mark each for the following: 3

- C-Br dipole is reversed

- OH- to C arrow is reversed

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 68

- lone pair of electrons is missing from OH-

Q.131 - Yes; 2

structure of enantiomers:

Q.132 (a) This substitution reaction is very slow in nature and hence takes a long time. 3

(accept any other valid answer)

(b) 1 mark each for the following:

- In stage 1, it condenses vapours and returns liquid to the flask thus allowing
the reaction mixture to be heated at the boiling point without any loss of the

- In stage 2, it condenses vapours of the product that is distilling out.

Q.133 (i) 3

(ii) Q is the major product [1]

- Due to the steric effect of the bromine group, substitution at the ortho position
is hindered and preferably occurs at the para position.

(give marks if they mention less repulsion instead of steric)

Q.134 (i) - For reaction 1, water can behave as a nucleophile and donate a lone pair 4
(from oxygen) and attack (positive) carbon (originally attached to Cl)
carbocation [1]

- For reaction 2, water behave as a base and accepts a hydrogen ion/proton.

This leads to elimination of HCl from the reactant. [1]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 69

(ii) Reaction 2 [1]


- Tertiary carbocation formed during intermediate stage is stabilized by the

electron density from three alkyl groups [0.5]

- To avoid bulky group effect, elimination reaction dominates over substitution

reaction [0.5]

Q.135 - C2H4 2

- By reaction 2, a single product is obtained.

- Whereas by reaction 1, a mixture of mono, di and tri-substituted products are

formed. This reduces efficiency and increases cost of production.

(Accept any other correct answer)

Q.136 (i) The rate of the reaction can be improved by precipitating NaCl in dry acetone. 3
(ii) The reactants needed to prepare methyl fluoride is methyl chloride or methyl
bromide and any metallic fluoride such as AgF, Hg2F2 , CoF2 or SbF3.

(iii) The decreasing order of their dipole moment is:

methyl fluoride> methyl chloride > methyl iodide.

[Give 1 mark for each correct answer. Marks should be granted if the answer is
written correctly in own words.]
Q.137 The chemical reactions showing the conversions are: 3
Formation of P:

Compound 'P' is cyanobenzene.

Formation of Q:

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 70

Compound 'Q' is benzoic acid.

Formation of R:

Compound 'R' is Acetophenone.

[Give 1 mark for each correct conversion]

Q.138 Vinyl halides generally do not undergo nuclepohilic substitution reactions. This 1
is because the partial double bond character of the C-Cl bond makes it difficult
to break.

Q.139 - She will not obtain the Grignard reagent. [0.5] 1

- As the Grignard reagent is formed it will immediately be protonated by the

alcoholic group in the compound X. [0.5]

Q.140 (i) The C-Br bond in 1-bromobutane is covalent in nature, therefore it does not 3
produce Br ions immediately.

(ii) Bromine is more electronegative than carbon, so the C-Br bond is polar

- The partial positive charge on carbon attracts nucleophiles with their lone pairs
of electrons. [0.5]

- Water molecules from silver nitrate attack the partial positive carbon, and a
substitution reaction takes place, releasing bromine ions after some time. [1]

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Q.No Question Marks

Multiple Choice Question

Q.141 The pKa of phenol is lower than that of ____________ which is a _______ acid 1
than phenol.

A. ethanol, weaker
B. o-cresol, stronger
C. m-nitrophenol, weaker
D. p-nitrophenol, stronger

Q.142 Methoxy methane on treatment with excess hydrogen iodide yields 1

A. methanol as the only product.

B. an equimolar mixture of methyl iodide and methanol
C. methyl iodide as the only product
D. methanol as the major product with a little methyl iodide

Q.143 Anupam tabulated the time required for the reaction of different halogen 1
halides with diethyl ether as follows:

Halogen halide HW HX HY

Time 1min 1min, 45sec 51 sec

Which of the following options correctly identifies the halide ions?

A. W = I-, X = Br-, Y = Cl-

B. W = Cl-, X = I-, Y = Br-
C. W = I-, X = Cl-, Y = Br-
D. W = Br-, X = Cl-, Y = I-

Q.144 The table below shows the number of hyperconjugation structures of three 1

Carbocations No. of hyperconjugation structures

P 3

Q 9

R 6

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 72

Which of the following gives the correct arrangement for the increasing order
of acidity of the alcohols derived from the respective carbocations?

A. R<Q<P
B. Q< R< P
C. Q<P<R
D. P < R <Q

Q.145 Which of the compounds is expected to have the lowest pH? 1





A. S
B. T
C. U
D. V

Two statements are given below - one labelled Assertion (A) and the other
Q.146 1
labelled Reason (R).

Assertion (A): The carbon–oxygen bond length in phenol is slightly less than that
in methanol.

Reason (R): The hybridised state of carbon to which oxygen is attached sp3 in

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C. (A) is true but (R) is false
D. (A) is false but (R) is true

Q.147 Two statements are given below - one labelled Assertion (A) and the other 1
labelled Reason (R).

Assertion (A): The addition of diborane to alkene followed by treatment with

alkaline H2O2 yields alcohols.

Reason (R): Hydroboration is an addition reaction, where a C-C pi bond is

broken, and two new single bonds to C are formed.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 73

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C. (A) is true but (R) is false
D. (A) is false but (R) is true

Q.148 On oxidation, an alcohol gave a product X which reduced Tollens' reagent. 1

Which of the following could the alcohols be?

P) CH3 - CH2 - CH2OH

Q) CH3 - CH2 -CHOH - CH3

R) CH3 - CH2 - C (CH3)2 - OH

A. only P
B. only P or Q
C. only Q or R
D. any of P, Q or R

Q.149 Identify the electrophile in the following reaction. 1

A. CCl3
B. :CCl2
C. CHCl2

Free Response Questions/Subjective Questions

Q.150 2-Methyl-but-2-ene [(CH3)2 - C = CH - CH3] is reacted with water in the presence 4

of an acid catalyst.
(a) Predict and write the structures of the major and minor products formed in
the reaction.
(b) Give the reaction mechanism to explain the formation of the major product.

Q.151 Neha knows that aldehydes react with a Grignard reagent to give a secondary 3
alcohol as the final product. She carried out the reaction sequence shown below
to prepare 2,5-dihydroxyheptane.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 74

She was surprised to find that she did not obtain the final product she expected.
(a) Give the possible reason for the expected final product not being formed.
(b) Write the structures of the two final products Neha would have obtained.

Q.152 Phenol reacts with dil. HNO3 at low temperature. The products are separated 3
into two beakers. Zainab and Christine recorded the boiling of the compounds
as given in the tables below:

Christine's readings:

Beaker Boiling point

1 489 K

2 387 K

Zainab's readings:

Beaker Boiling point

1 387 K

2 489 K

If beaker 1 contains p-nitrophenol and beaker 2 o-nitrophenol, identify the

student whose data collection is correct. Give a reason for your answer.
Q.153 Anupam wanted to prepare alcohol using methyl magnesium bromide. He took 5
three different compounds P, Q, and R.

-Compound P forms an alcohol with molecular formula C2H6O.

-Compounds Q and R are isomers with the molecular formula C3H6O.

-Compound Q does not form any silver mirror with Tollen's reagent.

(a) Give the IUPAC name of compound P.

(b) Give the IUPAC names of the compounds formed from Q and R.

(c) Write the reaction showing the formation of the primary and tertiary

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 75

(d) Name the mechanism of the reaction of compound R with methyl
magnesium bromide. Show the step for the formation of a secondary alcohol.

Q.154 Complete the table by comparing between Benzyl alcohol and Phenol: 2

Benzyl Phenol

Hybridisation of the C-atom to which oxygen is

attached to

C-O-H bond angle is 1090 because

Q.155 Susmita tabulated the graph given below showing the variation of bond angles 4
of three compounds.

The compounds taken by Susmita are ethanol, phenol, and diethyl ether.

Look at the image and answer the questions that follow:

(a) Which compounds are most LIKELY to be D, E, F?

(b) Arrange the compounds in the decreasing order of C-O bond length.

(c) Complete the table:

Compound D E F

percentage of s-character

Q.156 Propene is subjected to two different reactions: 4

(i) reaction with water followed by acidic hydrolysis
(ii) reaction with diborane followed by oxidation with hydrogen peroxide in
aqueous sodium hydroxide
State the following about the products formed in the two reactions:
(a) the molecular formulae
(b) the functional group present in the molecules
(c) the difference between the two products

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 76

Q.157 To prepare n-propyl ethyl ether, Kavita heats a mixture of n-propyl alcohol and 2
ethyl alcohol in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid.
Is this a good method to prepare the product? Give reasons to your answer.

Q.158 Write the structure of all the products formed when n-propyl alcohol is heated 3
with ethyl alcohol in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid.

Q.159 2-phenyl-2-hexanol can be prepared by reacting a Grignard reagent and a 4


Write the structures of:

(i) the two Grignard reagents that can be used
(ii) the two ketones that can be used

Q.160 An alcohol has the formula C5H11OH. 3

Draw the structural formulae of any one of its isomers that is:
(i) a primary alcohol and has a IUPAC name based on propane
(ii) a secondary alcohol and has a IUPAC name based on butane
(iii) a tertiary alcohol

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 77

Answer Key and Marking Scheme

Q.No Answers Marks

Q.141 A. ethanol, weaker 1

Q.142 C. methyl iodide as the only product 1

Q.143 D. W = Br-, X = Cl-, Y = I- 1

Q.144 B. Q< R< P 1

Q.145 C. U 1

Q.146 C. (A) is true but (R) is false 1

Q.147 A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) 1

Q.148 A. only P 1

Q.149 B. :CCl2 1

Q.150 (a) 1 mark each for the correct structures as: 4

(b) 0.5 marks each for the following:

- The reaction takes place in 3 steps.

- In the 1st step, the C3 carbon atom is protonated in preference to C2 to form

the more stable carbocation C2.

- In the 2nd step, the carbocation undergoes nucleophilic attack by water.

- In the third step, deprotonation occurs to give the alcohols shown in (a) as the
major and minor products

Q.151 (a) The Grignard reagent reacts with the alcohol group on the molecule Y to 3
form the hydrocarbon.

(b) 1 mark each for the following:

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 78

Q.152 p-nitrophenol is expected to have a higher boiling point than o-nitrophenol. So, 3
Christine has recorded correct data. [1]

- o-nitrophenol shows intramolecular hydrogen bonding thus it is expected to

have a lower boiling point in comparison to p-nitrophenol. [1]

- p-nitrophenol shows extensive intermolecular bonding and so it has a higher

boiling point due to the association of the molecules. [1]
Q.153 (a) Methanal. 5
[Give 0.5 marks for the correct answer]

(b) The IUPAC name of the compound obtained from Q is 2-methylpropan-2-ol

and from R is 2-Butanol.

[Give 0.5 marks for each correct answer]

(c) Primary alcohol

Tertiary alcohol

[Give 1 mark for each correct equation]

(d) The first step of the reaction is the nucleophilic addition of Grignard reagent
to the carbonyl group to form an adduct.

Secondary alcohol formation

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 79

[Give 0.5 mark for naming the mechanism and 1 mark for the correct equation.]

Q.154 Benzyl alcohol Phenol 2

Hybridisation of the C- sp3 sp2

atom to which oxygen
is attached to

C-O-H bond angle is the compounds with of the partial double bond
1090 because sp3 hybridisation have character on account of the
a bond angle of 109° unshared electron pair of
oxygen with the benzene

[Give 0.5 marks for each correctly mentioned points]

Q.155 (a) D: ethanol 4

E: phenol

F: diethyl ether

[0.5 marks for each correct answer]

(b) The decreasing order of the C-O bond length is :

Diethyl ether ∼ ethanol > phenol. [1]


Compound D E F

percentage of s-character 25% 33% 25%

[0.5 marks for each correct answer]

Q.156 (a) The molecular formulae will be the same, C3H8O. 4

(b) Both the products contain the -OH or alcohol group.

(c) 1 mark each for the following:

- Reaction with water will produce propan-2-ol.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 80

- Reaction with diborane will produce propan-1-ol

Q.157 This is not a good method for the preparation of n-propyl ethyl ether. 2

The reaction will produce a mixture of three different ethers which would be
difficult to separate.

Q.158 CH3- CH2 - O - CH2 - CH3 3

CH3- CH2 - O - CH2 - CH2 - CH3

CH3- CH2 - CH2 - O - CH2 - CH2 - CH3

Q.159 (i) 1 mark each for the following: 4

(ii) 1 mark each for the following:

Q.160 3



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Q.No Question Marks

Free Response Questions/Subjective Questions

Q.161 The image I below shows the Cannizzaro reaction using: 4

(i) formaldehyde

(ii) benzaldehyde

(iii) a mixture of benzaldehyde and formaldehyde.

Image II shows the reaction mechanism of the reaction.

(a) Give a possible explanation why sodium benzoate and methanol are not
formed in the crossed Cannizzaro reaction.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 83

(b) Can 2,2-dimethylpropanal (CH3)3 - C - CHO undergo Cannizzaro reaction?
Give a reason for your answer.
Q.162 An organic compound with the molecular formula C9H10O: 5
(i) forms the 2,4-DNP derivative.
(ii) does not reduce Tollens’ reagent.
(iii) forms iodoform when reacted with sodium hypoiodite.
(iv) gives 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid on oxidation.
Determine the compound's structure and illustrate how you utilized provided
information to identify it.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 84

Answer Key and Marking Scheme

Q.No Answers Marks

Q.161 (a) 1 mark each for the following: 4

- In benzaldehyde the carbocation is less electrophilic than in formaldehyde due
to resonance with the ring electrons.

- The initial nucleophilic addition of hydroxide anion is therefore faster on

formaldehyde than on benzaldehyde.

- The aldehyde that undergoes nucleophilic attack by OH- is converted to the sodium salt
of the acid and the other aldehyde to the alcohol.


- Yes [0.5]

- It does not have an alpha hydrogen atom. [0.5]

(No marks to be awarded if reason is not given.)

Q.162 5

Since it forms a 2,4-DNP derivative, it contains a carbonyl group and must be an

aldehyde or a ketone.

Since it does not reduce Tollens' reagent, it cannot be an aldehyde and is

therefore a ketone.

Since it gives the iodoform reaction, it must have a methyl group linked to the
carbonyl carbon atom and is, therefore, a methyl ketone.

0.5 marks each for the following:

- Since it gives 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid on oxidation, it is a 1,2-substituted

benzene derivative.

- using the molecular formula together with the points above, we arrive at the
structure of the compound

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Q.No Question Mark


Multiple Choice Question

Q.163 The reaction of an arene diazonium chloride with aniline in an acidic medium 1
gives a coloured compound.

Which of the following occurs during the reaction?

A. Benzene ring is replaced.

B. Nitrogen is displaced.
C. Diazo group is retained.
D. Amino group is displaced.

Q.164 Which of the following is TRUE about the solubility of Ethylamine and Aniline? 1

A. Aniline is soluble in HCl.

B. Both are insoluble in HCl.
C. Both are soluble in water.
D. Ethylamine is insoluble in water.

Q.165 During an activity session, the teacher kept some pieces of papers in a box in 1
which the names of chemicals were written. The teacher then asked 4 groups
of students to select the appropriate pieces of paper with names of chemicals
used to prepare para nitro aniline. The 4 groups have selected pieces of paper
as follows;

Group-1 Conc. H2SO4, Conc.HNO3 , Acetic anhydride, Aniline.

Group-2 Aniline, Conc.H2SO4 and Con. HNO3 .

Group-3 Conc.HNO3 with Pyridine, Aniline

Group-4 Conc. HNO3, Conc. H2SO4, Aniline, Acetyl Chloride.

Which group or groups of students have selected it appropriately.

A. Group1 and 4
B. Group 3 and 4
C. Group3
D. Group 1

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 86

Q.166 The same volume of three isomeric amines are boiled and the time taken for 1
vapourisation of the entire volume is noted in the table given below:

Amine Time taken to vapourise(in secs)

Amine F 30

Amine G 49

Amine H 100

Which of the following statements is most likely to be TRUE about these three

A. The expected molar mass of amine G and H are different

B. Amine F is most likely to be a primary amine
C. Amine G is most likely to be a secondary amine
D. The expected molar mass of amine F is greater than that of amine H

Q.167 Two statements are given below - one labelled Assertion (A) and the other 1
labelled Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Aniline cannot be prepared by the Gabriel phthalimide synthesis.

Reason (R): Aryl halides do not undergo nucleophilic substitution.

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both A and R are true, and R is a correct explanation of A.

B. Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true, but R is false.
D. A is false, but R is true.

Q.168 Aniline on heating with chloroform and alcoholic KOH gives a foul-smelling 1

Making which of the following changes in the reaction would still produce a foul-
smelling product?

P) replacing aniline with ethylamine

Q) replacing chloroform with carbon tetrachloride

R) replacing alcoholic KOH with alcoholic NaOH

A. only P
B. only R
C. only Q and R
D. only P and R

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 87

Benzylamine is formed when ______________ is treated with sodium amalgam
Q.169 1
in the presence of ethanol.

A. benzonitrile
B. aniline
C. nitrobenzene
D. benzylcyanide

Which of the options correctly identifies the amount of ammonia and alkyl
Q.170 1
halide used in the reaction and the type of amine obtained?

Amount of ammonia used Amine formed

L Equimolar ratio of Secondary amine is the minor and tertiary

ammonia and alkyl halide amine is the major product

M Large excess of ammonia Quaternary ammonium salt as the only


N Large excess of ammonia Primary amine as the major product

O Equimolar ratio of Combination of all three types of amines

ammonia and alkyl halide in equimolar concentration

A. L
B. M
C. N
D. O

The graphs below show the solubility of a primary, a secondary and a tertiary
Q.171 1
aliphatic amine I, J, and K in water, at the same temperature. The number of
carbon atoms in each of the compounds is three. Amine I is the tertiary amine,
amine J is the primary amine, and amine K is the secondary amine.

Which of the graphs identifies the three amines correctly?

A. P
B. Q
C. R

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 88

D. S

Two statements are given below - one labelled Assertion (A) and the other
Q.172 1
labelled Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Besides ortho and para nitroaniline, nitration of aniline in an

acidic medium also gives the meta derivative.

Reason (R): In acidic medium aniline gets protonated forming anilinium ion.

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C. (A) is true but (R) is false
D. (A) is false but (R) is true

Two statements are given below - one labelled Assertion (A) and the other
Q.173 1
labelled Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Cyanobenzene cannot be prepared from chlorobenzene by

nucleophilic substitution.

Reason (R): The cyano group can directly be introduced in a benzene ring by

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C. (A) is true but (R) is false
D. (A) is false but (R) is true

Two statements are given below - one labelled Assertion (A) and the other
Q.174 1
labelled Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Propyl amine on reaction with nitrous acid forms aliphatic
diazonium salts.

Reason (R): Aliphatic diazonium salts are stable at 273-278 K.

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C. (A) is true but (R) is false
D. (A) is false but (R) is true

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 89

Which of the following sets have all the compounds with a pKb value more than
Q.175 1

A. N, N-dimethylaniline, methylamine, ethanamine.

B. aniline, N, N-dimethylaniline, N-methylaniline
C. N,N-Dimethylmethanamine, Ethanamine, N, N-Diethylethanamine
D. N-Diethylethanamine, ethanamine, Methanamine

Q.176 Two isomers, n- C4H9NH2 and (C2H5)2NH have molar mass of 73 each. 1

Which of the following is correct about their boiling points?

A. The boiling point of n- C4H9NH2 is higher than that of (C2H5)2NH.

B. The boiling point of (C2H5)2NH is higher than that of n- C4H9NH2.
C. Both the amines will have the same boiling point.
D. The boiling point of both the amines will be lower than that of water.

Q.177 Aryl diazonium salts undergo reductive removal of the diazonium group in 1
presence of weak acids.

Which of the following products will be formed during this process?

A. Chlorobenzene
B. Phenol
C. Benzene cyanide
D. Benzene

Q.178 Benzene sulphonyl chloride is a chemical which can be used to identify the class 1
of an Amine. When an amine 'A' reacts with benzene sulphonyl chloride it gives
precipitate of sulphonamides which is soluble in alkali. The amine A is;

A. N-Ethylethanamine
B. N,N-Diethylethanamine
C. Ethanamine
D. N-Methylbenzenamine

Q.179 2-Methyl butanamide on reacting with Br2 in alkaline medium gives an amine. 1
Which of the following is a correct characteristic of that amine?

A. It is optically active.
B. It is a secondary amine.
C. It can form a stable diazonium salt.
D. It has one carbon atom more than the amide.

Free Response Questions/Subjective Questions

Consider two unknown primary amine compounds A and B, one of which is
Q.180 4
aromatic and the other is aliphatic amine. Compound A reacts with NaNO2 in

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 90

HCl to give a useful diazonium compound. But amine B on reaction with NaNO2
and HCl produces ethanol.

(a) Which of the two amines is aromatic and why?

(b) Give evidence to identify the amine B.

Q.181 You are given three compounds of nitrogen having the general formula NH2-X. 2
If X= C6H6, CH3 or H, which of the three compounds will be protonated MOST
easily in water? Justify your answer.

Q.182 Which out of H-NH2 and CH3-NH2 has higher pKb value? Illustrate the 3
ionisation of these compounds in aqueous medium and write their
Kb expression to justify your answer.

Q.183 Two beakers 'A' and 'B' contain aqueous solutions of methyl amine. It is 4
observed that beaker A contains more OH- than beaker 'B'

Prove which of the two solutions will have higher pKb value and why?

Q.184 There are 5 reagent bottles containing NaNO2, HCl, Phenol, Aniline and NaOH 3
separately in them. The teacher asked Amit to make an orange dye using
suitable chemicals out of the five reagents given.
(a)Write the chemical equations and the conditions for the steps involved in the
preparation of the orange dye.
(b) Name the type of reaction of the step in which phenol reacts.

Q.185 (a) Why are quarternary ammonium salts used in detergents? Explain it by 3
giving one example.
(b) Write the chemical reaction involved in the Ammonolysis process of
preparation of quarternary ammonium salt.

Q.186 During an activity period, the teacher asked the students to write the chemical 3
reactions involved in the conversion of compound Cl-(CH2)4-Cl into hexane-1,6
diamine. She also suggested students to use chemicals such as reducing agents,
alcohol, cyano compounds etc as per the requirements.
She then asked them to report their findings by answering the following:
i) Write the chemical reaction taking place in first step of the conversion.
ii) Identify the type of reaction. Justify.
iii) Show the chemical reaction for the formation of the final product.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 91

Q.187 p-chlorobenzene diazonium chloride and p-methyl benzenediazonium chloride 2
are taken in separate beakers. Now phenol and a few drops of NaOH is added
to both the beakers.
Which of the two para-substituted diazonium compounds will couple
preferentially with phenol to give a coloured dye? Explain why.

Q.188 Primary and secondary amines undergo acylation reaction in the presence of a 3
stronger base than the amine.

(a) What would happen if a stronger base is not used for the acylation reaction?
(b) Can we use anhydrous AlCl3 in place of a strong base? Justify your answer by
writing the reaction.

Q.189 (a) When benzene diazonium chloride is treated with fluoroboric acid it gives a 5
compound 'X'.
Identify compound X.
(b) When compound 'X' is heated alone or with NaNO2 in the presence of Cu it
releases N2 gas.
What are the other two products produced when compound 'X' is:
i) heated alone?
ii) heated with NaNO2?
Write the chemical equations involved in each of the reactions.
Anusrita was measuring the pKb of of two compounds A and B. She recorded
Q.190 3
her observations in the following table:


pKb = 4.70 pKb = 9.38

Which test tube is expected to contain benzylamine and which is expected to

contain aniline? Give a reason for your choice.
One of the ways of producing ethylamine from chloroethane is by adding
Q.191 4
ammonia to it. It is a nucleophilic reaction.

(a) What reaction mechanism does this reaction follow?

(b) Why is this not a very common method to prepare amines?

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 92

(c) Between tertiary and quaternary amines, which will have a greater bond
angle ? Justify your answer.
(a) Arrange the following in the increasing order of pKb.
Q.192 3
Aniline, 2-methylaniline, 3-methylaniline, 4-methylaniline.

(b) Give a reason for your arrangement.

Q.193 (a) Identify the type of amines M,N, and O in the flowchart below: 3

(b) Give one example of each type of amine.

For a school project work Mrs. Roy asked her students to dye a white hanky.
Q.194 5
Ritama and Baivavi took the help of their chemistry teacher for the
project. Ritama dyed her white hanky yellow in colour, and Baibavi dyed it

The yellow colour was formed by preparing a compound X and immediately

adding aniline to it.

The orange colour was formed by preparing compound X and immediately

adding phenol to it.

The students saw compound X was readily soluble in cold water.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 93

(a) Can an aqueous solution of compound X conduct electricity? Give a reason
for your answer.

(b) Write the equation showing the formation of compound X.

(c) Why is aniline or phenol added immediately to compound X as soon as it is


(id Write balanced equations showing the formation of the yellow and orange

Q.195 Of the two compounds P and Q given below, which one is more likely to be 2
acidic in nature? Justify your answer.

Q.196 While studying about diazotisation of amines and their reactions, students 2
carried out the following two processes P and Q in the laboratory to prepare
orange-coloured dye.
P) aniline + dilute HCl + NaNO2 + ice _____30 minutes __ > X _______+ phenol_____>
Q) aniline + dilute HCl + NaNO2 _____30 minutes ____
> X _______+ phenol_____>
Which of the two processes is likely to produce the orange-coloured dye in
higher yield? Justify your answer.

Q.197 Krishna took three amines U, V, and W. The three amines were added to 5
Hinsberg’s reagent. The products were added to aq. NaOH and the observations
were tabulated as follows:

Amines Observations after the addition of the

products formed to aq.NaOH solutions

U The product is soluble in aq.NaOH.

V The product is insoluble in aq.NaOH

W The product is insoluble in aq.NaOH

(a) What is Hinsberg’s reagent? Name another reagent that can replace this one.

(b) Which of the amine(s) have the structural formula of R-NH-R?

(c) What does the solubility of the products formed in aq. alkali imply?

(d) Which of the following amines may be prepared by the Gabriel phthalimide
process? Give a reason.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 94

Propanamide reacts with bromine in an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide
Q.198 2
to form a compound G.

a) What is the geometry of compound G and the hybridisation of the N-atom in

compound G?

b) What is the IUPAC name of the compound G?

Q.199 An amine M reacts with sulphuric acid at 473 K to form compound N. 3

Amine M cannot be prepared by the Gabriel phthalimide synthesis. It
is the simplest amine of its type.

a) Identify M and write its IUPAC name.

b) If electricity is passed through an aqueous solution of compound N

and a bulb is connected to this circuit what will be your observation
and why?
Q.200 Prapti takes some aniline in a container. She adds to it, a mixture of sodium 2
nitrite and hydrochloric acid at 40°C. She leaves the mixture beside an open
window on a hot and sunny day.
What will be the change in the composition of the reaction mixture? Why?
Aradhya prepares chlorobenzene from benzene diazonium chloride by two
Q.201 2

With the same input of the reactant the output in method I is 25cc of
chlorobenzene and in method II 30cc of chlorobenzene is produced.

a) State the reactants used in method I and II.

b) What is the reason for the observation?

Q.202 Which of these (R)4N+Cl- or (R)3N is more basic? Give reason. 2

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 95

Answer Key and Marking Scheme

Q.No Answers Marks

Q.163 C. Diazo group is retained. 1

Q.164 A. Aniline is soluble in HCl. 1

Q.165 A. Group1 and 4 1

Q.166 C. Amine G is most likely to be a secondary amine 1

Q.167 C. A is true, but R is false. 1

Q.168 D. only P and R 1

Q.169 A. benzonitrile 1

Q.170 C. N 1

Q.171 D. S 1

Q.172 A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) 1

Q.173 C. (A) is true but (R) is false 1

Q.174 C. (A) is true but (R) is false 1

Q.175 B. aniline, N, N-dimethylaniline, N-methylaniline 1

Q.176 A. The boiling point of n- C4H9NH2 is higher than that of (C2H5)2NH. 1

Q.177 D. Benzene 1

Q.178 C. Ethanamine 1

Q.179 A. It is optically active. 1

Q.180 (a)Compound A is an aromatic compound as it reacts with NaNO2 and HCl to 4

give Diazonium salt.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 96

(b) Aliphatic amines give unstable diazonium compound on diazotization i.e. on
reaction with NaNO2 and HCl. The unstable Diazonium compound decomposes
to give corresponding alcohol (with the release of N2(g).)

Since alcohol is ethanol so the amine is Ethanamine (C2H5NH2)

Q.181 - In C6H5-NH2, the unshared pair of electrons on nitrogen is conjugated with the 2
benzene ring making it less available for protonation than in ammonia. [1]

The CH3 group is an electron releasing group. This makes the unshared pair of
electrons on N more available and a stronger proton acceptor than ammonia.

Hence CH3NH2 gets protonated most easily.

(The equation is only for reference.)

Q.182 The two Amines are 3

H-NH2 and CH3-NH2.

pKb value of H-NH2 is higher.

We know -

pKb = - log Kb

H-NH2 will ionise as follows;

H-NH2 + H2O > NH4+ + OH-

Since the lone pair of electrons on N in Ammonia accepts proton slowly in

aqueous medium hence less OH- ion will be available so less Kb therefore more

In the same way

Methanamine ionises
CH3-NH2 + H2O >CH3NH3++ OH-

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 97

The methyl group is an electron releasing group. So the higher electron density
on nitrogen makes it a stronger proton acceptor. Thus it furnishes more OH- ion
and shows comparatively higher Kb. Therefore its pKb value is less.

Q.183 Presence of more OH- ions shows solution 'A' is more basic. 4

we know that higher the concentration of OH- higher is the Kb i.e.dissociation

constant. [1]

The reaction can be represented as;

CH3-NH2 + H2O ____> CH3NH3+ + OH- [1 mark]

(Here Kc= Kb i.e dissociation constant of base in aqueous solution.)

But pKb and Kb are related as

pKb = -log Kb [1]

Thus we can say pKb value of solution 'B' is higher because it has less
concentration of OH-. [1]

Q.184 (a) 3

(i) 0.5 marks each for writing the formula of aniline and benzenediazonium
chloride and 0.5 marks for mentioning the temperature:

(ii)0.5 marks each for writing the formula of phenol and p-hdroxyazobenzene

(b) electrophilic substitution

Q.185 Quarternary ammonium salts, which have one of the R= long hydrocarbon 3
chain, are used in detergents because they can serve as surfactants.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 98

The molecules of these salts have a polar and a non-polar end. The non-polar
end is soluble in oil(dirt) and the polar end is soluble in water. Thus it helps in
the cleaning process.

ex .
(1 mark each for the explanation and the example)
Preparation :
R-X + NH3 > RNH2
Compound A is Alkanamine.(RNH2)
RNH2 + 3R-X ____> R4N+X (detergent) (1)

Q.186 Conversion given is; 3

Cl-(CH2)4-Cl _____> H2N-CH2(CH2)4-CH2NH2

i) At first chloro compound will be converted into cyano compound.So first step
Cl-(CH2)-Cl + KCN(alc.) > NC-(CH2)4-CN (1)

ii) This reaction is called Nucleophilic substitution reaction because nucleophile

CN- replaces Cl ion. (1)

iii) Final product hexane-1,6-diamine is obtained by reduction of dicyano

compound obtained in first step using reducing agent Ni or Pt or LiAlH4

NC-(CH2)-CN + H2(g) -----Pt_____>

H2N-CH2-(CH2)4-CH2-NH2 (1)

Q.187 - The formation of the coloured dye is an Electrophilic substitution reaction in 2

which, the diazonium compound is the electrophile and phenol is the substrate.

Since the chloro group is an electron withdrawing group, it increases the

positivity on N2+ ion hence p-chlorobenzene diazonium cation is a stronger

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 99

electrophile than the p-methyl benzenediazonium cation as the methyl group is
an electron releasing group.

So, p- chlorobenzene diazonium chloride couples preferentially with phenol to

form a coloured dye. [1]

Q.188 (a) 3

- In the reaction, the corresponding amide is formed with the release of acid
HCl. This acid is neutralised by the stronger base present in the reaction thus
equilibrium will shift in forward direction [1]

- If a stronger base is not used then the HCl formed in the reaction will be
neutralised by aniline itself and this will make the reaction to stop after a point.

(b) No, we cannot use anhydrous AlCl3 in place of a base because AlCl3 is a Lewis
acid and amines are Lewis bases. They both will react to give the corresponding
salt and not amide.

Q.189 (a) Compound X is benzenediazonium fluoro 5

(b) (i) When compound X is heated alone it gives fluorobenzene and boron
trifluoride with the release of N2 gas.

[Give 0.5 marks each for mentioning the two products and 1 mark for the correct

ii) When compound X is heated with NaNO2 in presence of Cu metal it gives

Nitrobenzene and sodium fluoroborate with the release of N2 gas.

(b) (ii)

[Give 0.5 marks each for mentioning the two products and 1 mark for the correct

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 100

Q.190 -Test tube A contains benzylamine. [1] 3

-The lone pair of electrons on N-atom of aniline is conjugated with and is

delocalised over the benzene ring and hence is less available for protonation. [1

- in aralkylamines, the lone pair of electrons on the N-atom is not conjugated

with the benzene ring and therefore is not delocalized. Hence, the lone pair of
electrons on the N-atom in aralkylamines is more readily available for
protonation than that on the N-atom of aniline. [1]

(No marks to be awarded if a reason is not given.)

Q.191 (a) The reaction mechanism followed is SN2. [1] 4

(b) Ammonolysis has the disadvantage of yielding a mixture of primary,
secondary and tertiary amines and also a quaternary ammonium salt. [1]

(c) Quaternary amines have greater bond angle than tertiary amines.
Quaternary amines are sp3 hybridized, have a tetrahedral shape, and have a
bond angle of 109.5o. Due to the presence of unshared pair of electrons, the
bond angle is less than 109.5° in the case of triethylamine.

[1 mark for the correct bond angle and 1 mark for the reason.]

Q.192 (a) 4-methylaniline < 3-methylaninline < aniline < 2-methylaniline. [1] 3

(b) The methyl group is an electron-releasing group. Its effect is more at the p-
position than at the meta position. So, 4-methylaniline is more basic than 3-
methylaniline. The basic nature of 2-methyl aniline is expected to be more than
aniline because of the +I-effect of the -CH3 group. But it is less than aniline due
to the steric effect of the -CH3 and the -NH2 group in close proximity. The basic
nature of 3-methyl aniline will be more than aniline because of the +I-effect of
the -CH3 group. The more basic the nature, the lower the pKb value.

[2 marks for correct reason]

Q.193 (i) Test tube M = Secondary amine 3

Test tube N= Tertiary amine

Test tube O = Primary amine

[0.5 marks for each correct answers]

(ii) Any correct example for each type of amine.

[0.5 marks for each correct answers]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 101

Q.194 (a) Aq. solution of compound X can conduct electricity due to the presence of 5
ions in it. [1]

(b) C6H5NH2 + NaNO2 +2HCl -------> C6H5N2+Cl- (compound X)+ NaCl + 2H2O


(c) Due to its instability, the benzene diazonium chloride salt is not generally
stored and is used immediately after its preparation. [1]


C6H5N2+Cl- + C6H5NH2

-------> C6H5N=NC6H5-NH2 (yellow dye)+ Cl- + H2O [1]

C6H5N2+Cl- + C6H5OH

-----> C6H5N=NC6H5-OH (orange dye)+ Cl- + H2O [1]

Q.195 The sulphonyl group is a stronger electron-withdrawing group compared to the 2

carbonyl group which makes the H atom attached to the N atom more acidic in
nature. Hence P is more likely to be acidic in nature than Q.

Q.196 The orange-coloured dye will be produced in larger amounts by process P. [1] 2

The diazonium salt X is unstable at higher temperatures and hence should

should be prepared at low temperature or used immediately. [1]

Q.197 (a) Benzene sulphonyl chloride (C6H5SO2Cl), which is also known as Hinsberg’s 5
reagent. Benzene sulphonyl chloride is replaced by p-toluene sulphonyl
chloride. [0.5+0.5]
(b) Amine V and W have the structural formula of R-NH-R. [0.5+0.5]

(c) The hydrogen attached to nitrogen in the product formed after the amine U
reacts with Heisenberg’s reagent is strongly acidic due to the presence of a
strong electron-withdrawing sulphonyl group. Hence, it is soluble in aq.NaOH.

Amine V and W do not contain any hydrogen atom attached to the nitrogen
atom in the product formed are not acidic and hence insoluble in aq.NaOH.

Amine U may be prepared by the Gabriel phthalimide process. [2]

(d) Amine U is soluble in aq. NaOH. So, it is a primary amine. Gabriel synthesis is
used for the preparation of primary amines. [0.5+0.5]

Q.198 a) 0.5 marks each for the following: 2

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 102

- The geometry is pyramidal.

- the hybridisation of the N-atom in compound G is sp3 .

b) The IUPAC name of compound G is Ethanamine.

Q.199 a) Amine M is aniline and its IUPAC name is phenylamine. [0.5+0.5] 3

b) If electricity is passed through an aqueous solution of compound N and a bulb

is connected to this circuit then the bulb will not glow. This is because
compound N forms a zwitter ion in the reaction medium. Zwitter ions do not
conduct electricity as it is a neutral ion with both positive and negative charges
in the same molecule. [1+1]

Q.200 When a mixture of sodium nitrite with hydrochloric acid at 40°C is added to 2
aniline, benzene diazonium chloride is formed. This compound decomposes at
high temperatures. [1]

Since Prapti leaves this reaction mixture beside an open window on a hot and
sunny day the temperature will be above 10°C and the diazonium compound
decomposes to phenol. [1]

Q.201 a) The reactants are: 2

Method I Method II

Reactant benzene diazonium chloride benzene diazonium chloride+

+ Cu in HCl. cuprous chloride in HCl


b) The copper in method II is in +1 state with complete 3d10 electronic

configuration. This favours the forward reaction and hence the yield is more.

Q.202 (R)3N is more basic as in this N has a lone pair of electron which it can 2
donate.Thus it can acts as Lewis base. [1mark]

On the other hand in (R)4N+Cl- the lone pair of N is already protonated. Hence
it is less basic. [1]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 103


Q.No Question Marks

Multiple Choice Question

Q.203 Shown below is the chain structure of an unknown compound A. 1

Which of the following statements is true for compound A?

A. Compound A is neutral.
B. Compound A is basic in nature.
C. Compound A is acidic in nature.
D. Compound A is ammonium salt.

Assertion (A): Vitamins A and K reduce excess body fat in humans.

Q.204 1
Reason (R): Vitamins A and K are fat soluble.

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are the true and Reason (R) is a correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
B. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are the true but Reason (R) is not a
correct explanation of Assertion (A).
C. Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
D. Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.

Assertion (A): Sucrose and Fructose can not give positive Tollen's test
Q.205 1
Reason (R): Sucrose and Fructose do not contain an aldehyde group.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 104

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are the true and Reason (R) is a correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
B. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are the true but Reason (R) is not a
correct explanation of Assertion (A).
C. Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.
D. Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.

Q.206 Which of the following statements is/are correct? 1

(i) Amongst Lysine, Histidine and Serine, Lysine is the most basic in nature.

(ii) All non-essential amino acids are basic in nature.

(iii) Adding acids such as lemon juice into meat protein does not denature the
primary structure yet tenderize meat.

A. i only
B. iii only
C. i and iii only
D. all- i, ii, and iii

Q.207 Given below are two statements labeled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). 1

Assertion (A): All amino acids are solid at 20°C.

Reason (R): Amino acids can form zwitter ions. The ionic nature of the zwitter
ions gives amino acids relatively strong intermolecular forces of attraction.

Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true but R is false.
D. A is false but R is true.

Q.208 Which is the structure of a zwitter ion of an amino acid? 1

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 105

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

Q.209 The structure of aspartic acid is shown in the image below. 1

Which of the following structures is the form of aspartic acid in solution at pH


A. A
B. B

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 106

C. C
D. D

Q.210 Which of the following statements is/are correct proteins or enzymes when 1
they are subjected to physical changes as specified?

(i) The sequence of amino acids in the peptide changes in a protein when the
pH of its environment is changed.

(ii) Most enzymes stop working above about 50°C.

(iii) Albumen, a globular protein found in egg whites, sets into an insoluble white
solid when the egg white is heated.

A. iii only
B. i and ii only
C. ii and iii only
D. all- i, ii, iii

Q.211 The following image shows the structure of DNA, with the letters indicating the 1
bases present.

Which structure of DNA is represented above?

A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. Quarternary

Free Response Questions/Subjective Questions

Q.212 Complete the following reactions. 2



Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 107

Q.213 Electrophoresis is used for DNA fingerprinting in forensic science. 3

The diagram below shows an electrophoresis apparatus used to separate

different amino acids.

The mixture of the amino acids* consisted of glycine, lysine and glutamic acid
at pH 7 (at which the amino acids are neither acidic nor alkaline). When an
electric field is applied to this mixture and left for a certain period of time, the
mixture separates as shown below.

Identify the amino acids that would be found in spots labelled D, E and F. Give
a reason to support your answer.

[Molecular formulae:

Glycine: H2N- CH2 - COOH

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 108

Lysine: H2N-(CH2)4 - CH(NH2) - COOH

Glutamic acid: HOOC-CH2-CH2 - CH(NH2) - COOH]

Q.214 The amino acid alanine, CH3CH(NH2)COOH, reacts with glycine, H2NCH2CO2H. 2
Show how this produces two dipeptides with different structures.

Q.215 How many possible sequences of tripeptides can be formed from the three 4
amino acids Gly, Ala, and Ser, if each tripeptides contains all three amino acids?
Also write down the name of all sequences of these tripeptides.

Q.216 Amino acids can act as buffers, stabilising the pH of a solution if excess acid or 2
alkali is added. Show this with the help of reactions of acids with a acid (H+) and
a base (OH-).

Q.217 Due to the formation of zwitter ions by amino acids, they show many of the 3
typical reactions of amines and carboxylic acids like esterification, and acylation

Based on this, complete the following reactions:



Q.218 The image below shows a small part of single strand of DNA. The DNA continues 4
bond at X and Y.


Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 109

The image below shows two other bases, cytosin and adenine which are also
found in a DNA.

(i) Which of these two bases pairs with the guanine in first image when two
seperate strands of DNA form a double helix?
(ii) Explain how the base that you have selected in i, forms a base pair with

Q.219 The structure of the amino acid alanine is shown below. 2

Draw the structure of the organic products formed when alanine reacts with:

(i) CH3OH in the presence of small amount of conc. H2SO4

(ii) Na2CO3

Q.220 Shown below is the tripeptide formed by three amino acids A, B, C. 2

(i) Is it possible to get the original amino acids from this structure? If yes, how?
(ii) What will be the structure of the amino acid B in the aqueous solution?

Q.221 (i) Draw the structure of product, P in the below reaction. 2

(ii) Draw the dipeptide formed by two molecules of serine.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 110

Q.222 The image shows the steps to synthesize an unknown amino acid X. 4

(i)Name the reagent used in step 3. What is the necessary condition for this
reaction to take place? Name the mechanism.
(ii) At room temperature, the amino acid X exists as a solid. Draw the structure
of the solid amino acid.
(iii) With reference to your answer to part (ii), explain why the melting point of
the amino acid X is higher than the melting point of CH3CH2CH(OH)COOH

Q.223 Peptides can be hydrolysed into individual amino acids, for example: 2

(i) How many water molecules would be required to hydrolyse a peptide made
from 'n' amino acid molecules?

(ii) Write down the hydrolysis equation for Ala-Ser-Gly.

* Note the formula for Gly (Glycine) is H2N-CH2-COOH

Mr. Chatterjee was having pain in his joints. The shape of one his canines and
Q.224 4
some of his toes got deformed a bit. He visited the doctor. Along with the
medications he was asked to take ample amounts of milk, and eggs. He was also
asked to take cod liver oil capsules. The doctor asked Mr. Chatterjee to expose
himself to sufficient sunlight every day.

(a) What is the most probable disease that Mr. Chatterjee is suffering from?

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 111

(b) Mr. Chatterjee found one morning the milk had curdled. What could be a
probable reason for his observation? Explain the observation.

(c) How can exposure to sunlight help in improving the health condition of Mr.
Q.225 (a) Amongst the following amino acids, which is the most basic in nature? Why? 3

Amino acid Side chain

Glycine H

Lysine H2N-(CH2)4

Serine HO - CH2

(b) How do acids such as lemon juice tenderise the meat while using it in a

Q.226 A zwitter ion is a dipolar ion in aqueous solution. 2

Of p-aminobenzene sulphonic acid and p-nitroaniline, which will give rise to a

zwitter ion in aqueous solution? Explain why.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 112

Answer Key and Marking Scheme

Q.No Answers Marks

Q.203 B. Compound A is basic in nature. 1

Q.204 D. Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true. 1

Q.205 C. Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true. 1

Q.206 B. iii only 1

Q.207 A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. 1

Q.208 D. D 1

Q.209 D. D 1

Q.210 C. ii and iii only 1

Q.211 A. Primary 1

Q.212 (i) 2


Q.213 - At pH 7, glutamic acid carries an extra negative charge and moves towards the 3
positive electrode – it is responsible for spot D.

- At pH 7, glycine carries one of each type of charge, so it is attracted equally to

both electrodes and does not move – it is responsible for spot E.

- At pH 7, lysine carries an extra positive charge, and hence moves towards the
negative electrode – it is responsible for spot F.

Q.214 First way: 2

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 113

Second way:

Q.215 - Total number = 6 [1] 4

- 6 sequences: Gly-Ala-Ser, Gly-Ser-Ala, Ala-Gly-Ser, Ala-Ser-Gly, Ser-Ala-Gly,


(give 0.5 marks for each correct combination)

Q.216 Reaction of amino acid with an acid: 2

Reaction of amino acid with a base:

Q.217 3


Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 114


Q.218 (i) cytosin 4

(ii) For hydrogen bonding to happen, cytosin's top N–H forms hydrogen bonds
to lone pair on O of guanine [1]

- The lone pair of electrons on N bonds to H–N of guanine [1]

-A lone pair of electrons on O bonds to lower H–N of guanine [1]

[give marks if they show it by diagram instead of text]

Q.219 2



Q.220 (i) yes, through hydrolysis reaction 2

don't give marks for hydration


Q.221 2


Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 115


Q.222 (i) 4

- Reagent: ammonia or NH3 [0.5]

- Conditions: excess (ammonia) [0.5]

[ignore concentrated]

- Name of mechanism: Nucleophilic substitution [1]


(iii) Due to presence of ionic bonding in X

Q.223 (i) n-1 [1] 2


Q.224 (a) Mr. Chatterjee is suffering from osteomalacia. 4

[Give 1 mark for the correct answer.]

(b) If the pH of milk is increased it curdles.

The change in pH leads to breaking of the hydrogen bond and salt bridges in the
protein molecules of milk. Thus the proteins in milk get denatured and the milk

[Give 1 mark for each correct answer. Students may write the answer in their
own words.]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 116

(c) Vitamin D helps in treating osteomalacia. It can be produced below the skin
by irradiation of sterols with the UV rays present in sunlight. Thus, exposure to
sunlight helps in improving the health condition

[Give 1 mark for each correct structure. Students may write the answer in their
own words.]

Q.225 (a) Lysine 3

- It has one more amine group which makes it basic.

(b) Acidic ingredients in the marinade, like lemon juice, will tenderise meat by
denaturing or unwinding the long protein in the meat by breaking apart the
amino acids.

Q.226 - Out of p-aminobenzene sulphonic acid and p-nitroaniline, it is p- 2

aminobenzene sulphonic acid which will give rise to a zwitter ion in aqueous
solution. [1]

- In aqueous solution the lone pair of electrons on the N-atom in amino

group accepts a proton from sulphonic group and zwitter ion is formed. [1]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 117


Q.No Question Marks

Multiple Choice Question

Q.227 Which of the following monomers will be best suited for preparing a polymer 1
used for manufacturing non-stick cookware?

A. ethene
B. acrylonitrile
C. tetrafluoroethene
D. terephthalic acid

Q.228 Two different polymers are made from the same monomer unit. Polymer 1 is 1
used to make flexible pipes while polymer 2 is used to make dustbins.

Choose the option which correctly matches each polymer to the reaction
condition which is appropriate for its preparation.

Polymer 1 Polymer 2

L High temperature, low pressure Low temperature, high pressure

M High temperature, low pressure Low temperature, low pressure

N High temperature, high pressure Low temperature, low pressure

O Low temperature, low pressure High temperature, low pressure

A. L
B. M
C. N
D. O

Q.229 Which of the options correctly identifies the characteristics of the polymer 1
formed from the monomer unit given below.

Is it a natural Is it non- Is it manufactured from urea

polymer? biodegradable? and formaldehyde?

P √ √ √

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 118

Q × × ×

R √ × √

S × √ √

A. P
B. Q
C. R
D. S

Q.230 Which of the following objects are generally made from polymers prepared by 1
the free radical mechanism of polymerisation?

A. Buckets
B. Conveyor belts
C. Non-stick utensils
D. Bristles for brushes

Q.231 Two statements are given below - one labelled Assertion (A) and the other 1
labelled Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Condensation polymerisation generally involves a repetitive

condensation reaction between two bi-functional or trifunctional mono-meric

Reason (R): Condensation polymerisation may result in the loss of some simple
molecules such as water, alcohol, hydrogen chloride, etc.,

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C. (A) is true but (R) is false
D. (A) is false but (R) is true

Q.232 Two statements are given below - one labelled Assertion (A) and the other 1
labelled Reason (R).

Assertion (A): The growth of the polymer chain during their synthesis is
dependent upon the availability of the monomers in the reaction mixture.

Reason (R): The rate of the reaction of the monomers depends only on the
temperature of the reaction mixture.

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 119

C. (A) is true but (R) is false
D. (A) is false but (R) is true

Free Response Questions/Subjective Questions

Q.233 Piyush stretched a rubber band and then released it. He saw the rubber revert 2
to its original shape. When he applied a bit more force the rubber band
Give an explanation for both these observations.

Q.234 Give one example of the polymers G, H, and I from the flowchart given below: 3

Q.235 Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: 5
Plastic waste can accumulate in the ecosystem. It happens due to the
accumulation of marine litter, fragments or microparticles of plastics, and non-
biodegradable fishing nets, plastic products, etc. Ingestion of these wastes or
getting trapped in the waste causes the death of animals.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 120

Microplastics and microbeads of plastics can enter the human body from
cosmetic and body care products.

These plastics are made from polymers that are quite resistant to
environmental degradation processes and are thus responsible for the
accumulation of polymeric solid waste materials.

Biodegradable plastics and polymers were first introduced in the 1980s.

Biodegradable plastics can be synthetic or natural polymers. Biodegradation
takes place through the action of enzymes and/or chemical deterioration
associated with living organisms. These polymers contain functional groups
similar to the functional groups present in biopolymers.

(a) Name the class of biodegradable polymers. What is the similarity of this
polymer with the biopolymers?

(b) Name a copolymer that is biodegradable and write an equation showing its
formation. State any two of its uses.

(c) State the advantage of the polymer described in (b) over the polymers seen
in the image.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 121

Answer Key and Marking Scheme

Q.No Answers Marks

Q.227 C. tetrafluoroethene 1

Q.228 C. N 1

Q.229 B. Q 1

Q.230 B. Conveyor belts 1

Q.231 B. Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) 1

Q.232 C. (A) is true but (R) is false 1

Q.233 - Rubber is a polymer that has a few ‘crosslinks’ which help the polymer to 2
retract to its original position after a small force that is applied is released. [1]

- The polymer chains are held together by the weak intermolecular forces that
help in the stretching of rubber. But when stretched beyond a limit, these weak
forces break and the rubber band snaps. [1]

0.5 marks each for any two examples of each type of polymer:
Q.234 3
G: cellulose, starch or any other correct example of a natural polymer.

H: cellulose acetate or rayon, cellulose nitrate or any other correct example of

a semi-synthetic polymer

I: polythene, nylon 6,6 or any correct example of synthetic polymer

Q.235 (a) 5

- Aliphatic polyester. [0.5 marks]

- The similarity of this polymer with the biopolymer is that, these polymers
contain functional groups similar to the functional groups present in
biopolymers. [0.5 marks]

(b) A copolymer that is biodegradable is Poly β-hydroxybutyrate – co-β-hydroxy

valerate (PHBV). (1 mark)

Equation showing its formation is:

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 122

(1 Mark)

Some of its uses are:

• In speciality packaging
• Orthopaedic devices
• In the controlled release of drugs.

(0.5 mark each for any 2 uses. Marks to be awarded for any other correct

(c) - These solid wastes seen in the image cause acute environmental problems
and remain undegraded for quite a long time. [0.5 marks]

- The PHBV polymer undergoes bacterial degradation in the environment. [0.5


Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 123


Q.No Question Marks

Multiple Choice Question

Q.236 Riya was cleaning her tiffin box after returning home. She used a liquid for the 1
purpose. Which of the following is MOST LIKELY to be present in the liquid used
by Riya?

A. Glycerol ester of stearic acid and sodium hydroxide

B. Stearic acid and polyethylene glycol
C. Sodium stearate and glycerol
D. Soap and calcium chloride

Q.237 Aparna is a baker. She is preparing a cake for her customer's birthday. The cake 1
will take at least a day or two to reach her customer. Apart from flour, baking
soda and other ingredients, she added salt of propionic acid and alitame. The
probable reason for the last two additions is:

Salt of propionic acid alitame

P To defer the expiry of the cake The customer is diabetic and has
asked for restricted sweetness in the

Q To make the cake soft and fluffy As a taste enhancer

R To defer the expiry of the cake The customer is non-diabetic and

has asked for extra sweetness in the

S The customer is non-diabetic and To maintain the decoration of the

has asked for extra sweetness in cake till it reaches the customer
the cake

A. P
B. Q
C. S
D. R

Which of the following options correctly fills up the blanks?

Q.238 1

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 124

A. A: the shape of the receptor changed, B: the receptor receives a chemical
messenger, C: the structure of the receptor remained deformed after the
messenger leaves.
B. A: the receptor receives a chemical messenger, B: the shape of the
receptor changes after attachment of the messenger, C: the receptor
regains structure after removal of a chemical messenger.
C. A: the receptor receives a chemical messenger, B: the shape of the
receptor changes after attachment of the messenger, C: the structure of
the receptor remained deformed after the messenger leaves
D. A: the receptor receives a chemical messenger, B: the shape of the
receptor changes after attachment of the messenger, C: the structure of
the receptor remained deformed after the messenger leaves

Compound T binds itself to a certain point of a cell membrane. The positive end
Q.239 1
of compound T is attracted to the negative end of the cell membrane. Which of
the following identifies compound T, the point on the cell membrane, and the
interaction between them correctly?

Compound A certain point on the cell Type of interaction

T membrane

L Substrate Active site Van der Waal’s interaction

M Enzyme Allosteric site Hydrogen bonding

N Inhibitor Allosteric site Hydrogen bonding

O Enzyme Active site Dipole-dipole interaction

A. L
B. M
C. N

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 125

D. O

Q.240 Prantik plotted the graph showing the rate of activity of an enzyme on a 1
substrate over a certain range of temperatures

Four students interpreted the graph as follows:

Student Interpretation

I the rate of the reaction is inversely proportional to the concentration

of the substrate.

J the rate of the reaction is inversely proportional to the rise in


K the rate of the reaction is independent of the rise in temperature.

L the rate of the reaction first increases and then decreases with the
rise in temperature.

Which of the student(s) made the correct inference?

A. Only student I
B. Both students J and K
C. Only student J
D. Only student L

Q.241 Two statements are given below - one labelled Assertion (A) and the other 1
labelled Reason (R).

Assertion (A): The competitive inhibitors compete with the natural substrate for
their attachment on the allosteric sites of enzymes.

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 126

Reason (R): An enzyme and an inhibitor have a strong covalent bond between

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C. (A) is true but (R) is false
D. (A) is false but (R) is true

Q.242 Two statements are given below - one labelled Assertion (A) and the other 1
labelled Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Blockage of nose when a person catches cold is because of


Reason (R): Histamines relax the muscles in the walls of the fine blood vessels.

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C. (A) is true but (R) is false
D. (A) is false but (R) is true

Free Response Questions/Subjective Questions

Q.243 The people from the forest department injected a tiger as it entered a village in 4
search of food. The tiger fell asleep and was carried back to the forest. The
injection contained compound H.

(a) To which specific class of compound does compound H belong-

barbituatrates or tranquillizers? Give a reason.

(b) Explain the mode of action of this drug.

Q.244 Vimla was administered a specific medication after her C-section. Sudipto 2
checked the composition of the medicine and found that one of the ingredients
was obtained from poppy seeds.

(a) What could be the reason for this specific medication being given to Vimla
after the C-section?

(b) Name any two possible effects of this drug if administered in wrong

Q.245 (a) State the phenomenon observed in the given image and give a reason for it. 4

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 127

(b) Which alkali is likely to be used in the saponification process to manufacture
soaps for pediatric uses? Give a reason. Write the saponification reaction for
this type of soap.

(c) How is the glycerol from the saponification reaction above to be extracted?

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 128

Answer Key and Marking Scheme

Q.No Answers Marks

Q.236 B. Stearic acid and polyethylene glycol 1

Q.237 C. S 1

Q.238 B. A: the receptor receives a chemical messenger, B: the shape of the receptor 1
changes after attachment of the messenger, C: the receptor regains structure
after removal of a chemical messenger.

Q.239 D. O 1

Q.240 D. Only student L 1

Q.241 D. (A) is false but (R) is true 1

Q.242 B. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) 1

Q.243 (a) - Compound H belongs to the barbiturates. [1] 4

-This is because barbituarates are hyptonic drugs which induce drowsiness or

But tranquilizers only reduce anxiety without inducing sleep. [1]

(b) -This drug inhibits the enzyme which catalyses the dehydration of the
neurotransmitter noradrenaline. [1]

-If the enzyme is inhibited, this important neurotransimitter is slowly

metabolised and counteracts the effect of depression. [1]

Q.244 (a) -The medicine relieves post-operative pain [0.5] 2

-The medicine induces sleep. [0.5]

(b) 0.5 marks each for any two of the following effects:

- stupor

- coma

- convulsions

- ultimately death.

Q.245 (a) - When a beam of light is passed through the soap solution the phenomenon 4
observed is the scattering of light. [0.5]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 129

- This is because the soap solution is colloidal in nature. The beam of light strikes
the soap particles and this results in the scattering of the light beam. [1]

(b) Potassium hydroxide should be used to manufacture soaps for pediatric

uses. [1]

This is because potassium soaps are soft on the skin.

The reaction for saponification is:

[0.5 marks for the correct name of the alkali;0.5 marks for the reason;1 mark for
the reaction]

(c) The glycerol is extracted from the solution by fractional distillation.

[0.5 marks for the correct name of the process]

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 130

Competency Focused Practice Questions | Chemistry | Grade 12 131
As Per Revised
CBSE Curriculum
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