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OMEGAlpes, an Open-Source Optimisation Model Generation
Tool to Support Energy Stakeholders at District Scale
Sacha Hodencq 1, * , Mathieu Brugeron 1 , Jaume Fitó 2 , Lou Morriet 1 , Benoit Delinchant 1
and Frédéric Wurtz 1

1 University Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, G2Elab, F-38000 Grenoble, France; (M.B.); (L.M.); (B.D.); (F.W.)
2 Laboratoire Optimisation de la Conception et Ingénierie de l’Environnement (LOCIE), CNRS UMR
5271—Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Polytech Annecy-Chambéry, Campus Scientifique, Savoie Technolac,
CEDEX, 73376 Le Bourget-Du-Lac, France;
* Correspondence:

Abstract: Energy modelling is key in order to face the challenges of energy transition. There is a
wide variety of modelling tools, depending on their purpose or study phase. This article summarises
their main characteristics and highlights ones that are relevant when it comes to the preliminary
design of energy studies at district scale. It introduces OMEGAlpes, a multi-carrier energy modelling
tool to support stakeholders in the preliminary design of district-scale energy systems. OMEGAlpes
is a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model generation tool for optimisation. It aims at
making energy models accessible and understandable through its open-source development and the
 integration of energy stakeholders and their areas of responsibility into the models. A library of use
 cases developed with OMEGAlpes is presented and enables the presentation of past, current, and
Citation: Hodencq, S.; Brugeron, M.; future development with the tool, opening the way for future developments and collaborations.
Fitó, J.; Morriet, L.; Delinchant, B.;
Wurtz, F. OMEGAlpes, an Keywords: energy modelling; MILP optimisation; district scale; open-source; stakeholders; use cases
Open-Source Optimisation Model
Generation Tool to Support Energy
Stakeholders at District Scale.
Energies 2021, 14, 5928. https:// 1. Introduction
The current reality of global warming invites us to rethink and reshape our human
activities. Energy consumption of human activities accounts for more than 70% of green-
Academic Editor: Patrick Phelan
house gases (GHG) emissions worldwide [1]. Energy policies are now recommended with
pillars such as energy sufficiency, efficiency, and the development of renewable energy
Received: 30 July 2021
Accepted: 10 September 2021
sources to replace fossil fuels [2]. These worldwide challenges manifest themselves at local
Published: 18 September 2021
scales, especially in urban districts. Districts consume more than half of the global primary
energy, on one hand. On the other hand, they could be the new place for energy production,
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
with the development of low-carbon and decentralised renewable energies, as well as the
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
increase in energy recovery potential. At such scale, energy consumption is cross-sectoral,
published maps and institutional affil- with energy needs such as heating that can be met by electricity, gas, or direct heat use.
iations. This multi-energy contribution can come from various sources and networks. Moreover,
the development of renewable energy sources brings about new challenges, such as inter-
mittency. The design and management of multi-energy systems at district scales becomes
crucial to face these challenges. Work at district scale also requires taking into account
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
historical and new energy projects stakeholders in the transition process; supporting these
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
actors in the process of designing energy systems that include more variable and diffuse
This article is an open access article
sources is also of prime importance [3,4].
distributed under the terms and Energy modelling tools can play the role of decision support for energy stakeholders
conditions of the Creative Commons by accompanying them in learning about, sizing, and operating local energy systems. There
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// exists a wide range of energy modelling tools with various modelling capabilities. The accessibility of these tools for energy stakeholders is dependent on their openness, their
4.0/). user friendliness, and their consideration of social aspects.

Energies 2021, 14, 5928.

Energies 2021, 14, 5928 2 of 30

The aim of this article is to underline the challenges of energy modelling at district scale
and to present the tool OMEGAlpes as well as its associated use cases library. OMEGAlpes
is an optimisation tool developed to easily generate multi-carrier energy system models
in order to support stakeholders in the first steps of system studies. The tool includes
well-suited characteristics for preliminary energy system design phases, with a compromise
between computational time and degree of modelling detail, as well as a semantics close
to human understanding that enables optimisation based on energy, exergy, or specific
stakeholders’ criteria. Moreover, open-source principles have been applied in the tool
development, and energy stakeholders can be integrated in the modelling. Finally, all
the use cases developed with OMEGAlpes are gathered in a library and can be accessed,
modified, and reused online. This allows both the models to be brought to society and
society to be considered in the models.
This paper is structured as follows. First, we explore the energy modelling tools’
characteristics based on literature reviews, beginning with the importance of energy system
preliminary design. Then, we introduce the OMEGAlpes framework characteristics and
structure. We finally present the use cases library associated with the tool that allows for
the understanding, accessibility, and reproducibility of the studies.

2. Energy Modelling Tools Characteristics

2.1. Definition and Variety of Energy Modelling Tool
There is a very wide range of energy modelling tools [5–7]. As underlined by Chang
et al. [7], reviews focused on various aspects of energy modelling tools, such as their
characteristics and challenges with descriptive overviews; their practical applications and
effectiveness; and their policy relevance and transparency. Previous literature enabled the
identification of the main characteristics that should be investigated when developing or
choosing an energy modelling tool. We propose a way of considering these characteristics
in order of significance, from most to least discriminating. It enables the identification of a
relevant energy modelling tool for a given purpose.
1. Modelling and analytical approach [6–12].
2. Space and time scale and resolution [3,6–8,12].
3. Sector coupling [3,6,7,9–11].
4. Level of accessibility and openness [5–7,11–13].
5. User friendliness and training requirements of the modelling tools [6,7,10].
6. Social aspects and policy relevance [7,12–15].
These main characteristics are discussed in the following sub-sections, with a focus
on early design phases of district energy modelling. The literature also underlines other
characteristics such as the technical capabilities of the modelling tools [5,9], with questions
regarding flexibility features [6], model coupling, uncertainty analysis [7], computational
time [3,11], and technological granularity [12]. General concept characteristics are also
underlined, such as the flexible level of accuracy, the modelling language type, and the
abstraction level [5,9]. Finally, some authors insist on the importance of accurate modelling
of district heating [3,7,10].

2.2. From Study Phase to Modelling and Analytical Approach

2.2.1. Energy System Study Phases
Properly identifying the aim and the phase of the study in which an energy modelling
tool is intended to be used is a first step before considering modelling approaches. Energy
system design, as with any design, includes various phases that can be defined as study,
concept, definition, and development [16]. Fernandez et al. [17] point out that at the very
start of the design process, in a phase that we call preliminary design, there is obviously
low knowledge about the system to design and therefore high uncertainties. At the same
time, there is the greatest scope for action, so this is where decisions have the most impact
on the study goals. This preliminary design phase includes a high degree of freedom, while
being the most cost-influencing step of the design process [18], as underlined in the fields
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 3 of 30

of architecture [19], aeronautics [16], and power electronics [20]. It is therefore important
to explore the widest range of possibilities with relevant modelling and decision support
tools. This exploration will allow for making the right choices in the initial phases. It
becomes even more relevant if integrating as early as possible aspects usually decided very
late in the design cycle, such as the optimal management strategy. This is of particular
importance when considering both environmental and financial costs at stake for district-
scale energy systems. Thus, preliminary design will be one of the focuses of the rest of this
literature review.

2.2.2. Modelling Approach

Energy modelling tools can first be differentiated by considering their purpose and
modelling approach. Energy modelling approaches are generally separated into scenario,
operation, and planning [8,9]: scenario approaches are used to determine a range of de-
sired future situations according to a given objective such as GHG emissions reduction;
operation approaches determine the technical (and potentially economic, social, or en-
vironmental) feasibility of such scenarios; and planning approaches take into account
long-term evolutions [10].

2.2.3. Analytical Approaches

The variety of energy modelling tools brings about a diversity of analytical approaches,
which can be differentiated between simulation, optimisation, and equilibrium models [7];
power systems and electricity market models; and qualitative and mixed methods scenar-
ios [21]. Setting macroeconomic approaches aside, we focus on simulation and optimisation
models. Simulation models are often used to approximate a physical system’s actual be-
haviour and evolution [9]. The operation of the system is imposed by a given set of
parameters. Simulation models are quite common, including, for instance, dynamic ther-
mal simulation used for energy modelling in buildings [22,23] and the use of tools such as
Citysim [24] or the DIMOSIM platform [25]. Optimisation models describe the physical
system as an optimisation problem, that is to say, as optimisation variables subject to
constraints and aiming for a given objective function to minimise. The general purpose of
optimisation models is to determine the operation and/or the sizing of an energy system.
A multitude of potential solutions to the optimisation problem are explored, with respect
to the constraints and objective.
When it comes to choosing the analytical approach in preliminary design, one should
consider that the model parameters will be highly uncertain. Generally speaking, the
more complex the model, the more precise its characteristics will have to be, and therefore
the greater its uncertainty. As illustrated in Figure 1, potential errors in the performance
of the system will therefore result from both the lack of accuracy of the model and the
data uncertainties, which increase with the complexity of the model [26]. As a result,
macroscopic models whose physical complexity is not too high should be favoured in
preliminary design. At the same time, the models should be capable of handling the variety
of possible solutions due to the large number of degrees of freedom, in order to translate the
functioning of the system while limiting the parameterisation of the model and therefore
its total uncertainty.
Energies 2021, 14,
Energies 2021, 14, 5928
of 30

Figure 1.
vs.complexity in in
complexity design phases.
design Source:
phases. authors
Source: fromfrom
authors Trčka et[26].
Trčka al. [26].

Simulation is
Simulation is by
basedon onthe thedefinition
definition of of study
study scenarios.
scenarios. ThisThis implies
implies po-
tentially time-consuming
time-consuming negotiations
negotiations between
between the the different
different solutions
solutions studied
studied andanda de- a
dependency on a priori determined management instructions
pendency on a priori determined management instructions without any degree of free- without any degree of
dom. Simulation
Simulation often
often forces
forces repeated
repeated trial
trial andanderror
while optimisation
enables exploring a wide range of decision variables at the same
enables exploring a wide range of decision variables at the same time. Optimisation, then,time. Optimisation,
then, seems
seems more more
suitablesuitable for goal-seeking
for goal-seeking withinwithin
systemssystems [11,28],
[11,28], especially
especially in earlyin
early design
design phasesphases
wherewhere a lot ofa studied
lot of studied
are stillare still possible.
possible. Special Special
should be paid to ensuring democratic process with optimisation models:
be paid to ensuring democratic process with optimisation models: Lund et al. [29] under- Lund et al. [29]
underline that if optimisation and simulation modelling approaches
line that if optimisation and simulation modelling approaches can actually be used can actually be usedto-
together, simulation is well-suited for democratic decision-making,
gether, simulation is well-suited for democratic decision-making, while optimisation risks while optimisation
risks imposing
imposing a unique
a unique expertexpert solution.
Various optimisation methods can be used in energy modelling. These include heuris-
Various optimisation methods can be used in energy modelling. These include heu-
tic methods with genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimisation; stochastic optimisa-
ristic methods with genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimisation; stochastic opti-
tion; and distributed optimisation for consensus problem using game theory. Linear and
misation; and distributed optimisation for consensus problem using game theory. Linear
quadratic programming can also be employed, as well as Mixed-Integer Linear Program-
and quadratic programming can also be employed, as well as Mixed-Integer Linear Pro-
ming (MILP) [30,31]. MILP combines several interests compared to other optimisation
gramming (MILP) [30,31]. MILP combines several interests compared to other optimisa-
methods. First, many systems, such as storages, present finite states that binaries better
tion methods. First, many systems, such as storages, present finite states that binaries bet-
enable expressing compared to Linear Programming (LP) [6,8]. During the preliminary de-
ter enable expressing compared to Linear Programming (LP) [6,8]. During the preliminary
sign, a lot of variables are not set yet, which entails a lot of optimisation variables especially
design, a lot of variables are not set yet, which entails a lot of optimisation variables espe-
at high temporal resolution. At the same time, the modelling includes linear flows, such as
cially at high temporal resolution. At the same time, the modelling includes linear flows,
energy and finance. MILP optimisation can lead to the global optimum more quickly than
such as energy and finance. MILP optimisation can lead to the global optimum more
other methods for such energy optimisation problems [9,31]. However, MILP may require
quickly than other methods
data pre-processing such as for such energy
piecewise optimisation
linearisation, problems
depending [9,31].
on the However,
modelling MILP
detail of
may require data pre-processing such as piecewise linearisation, depending
the technical system representation [32]. LP and MILP are used in a variety of frameworks. on the mod-
elling detailexamples
Respective of the technical
includesystem representation
URBS [33], MODEST [34], [32].and
LP and MILP are
MESSAGE [35]used in a and
for LP; variety
of frameworks. Respective examples
Ehub Modeling Tool [36] and DER Cam [37] for MILP. include URBS [33], MODEST [34], and MESSAGE
[35] for LP; and the Ehub Modeling Tool [36] and DER Cam [37] for MILP.
2.3. Space and Time Scale and Resolution
2.3. Space
2.3.1. and Time Scale
Geographical Scaleand Resolution
Geographical Scale
of existing energy modelling tools focus on large energy systems [6], allowing
for wide-scale energyenergy
Most of existing scenarios. This includes
modelling toolson
tools focus such as Balmorel
large [38], TIMES
energy systems [39,40],
[6], allowing
and PyPSA [41]. At such regional or continental scales, technical specifications are
for wide-scale energy scenarios. This includes tools such as Balmorel [38], TIMES [39,40],often
aggregated and do not represent individual plants or energy system components [7].
and PyPSA [41]. At such regional or continental scales, technical specifications are often In
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 5 of 30

contrast, district-scale energy systems bring about new challenges with the development of
local energy sources, such as energy systems stability and flexibility strategies on both the
production and demand sides [8]. Platforms such as Reopt [42] or Artelys Crystal Energy
Planner [43] offer MILP optimisation modelling at local scales.

2.3.2. Temporal Resolution and Horizon

In the context of energy transition, capturing the actual dynamics of the modelled
system is essential [7]. High temporal resolutions enable taking into account renewable
energy sources as well as load variability. Large time horizons are also necessary to
include both daily and seasonal energy dependencies. These temporal accuracies are
especially relevant for energy systems, including their storage and flexibility strategies.
However, a compromise has to be found between high temporal accuracy and acceptable
computational time. Period reduction techniques from heuristic approaches, iterative
approaches, and grouping algorithms [44] can be used in order to abide by this compromise.
Temporal resolution and horizon also depend on the modelling approach: while single
year consideration can be sufficient for operational analysis, multi-year outlooks will be
needed for planning approaches [45].

2.4. Sector Coupling

Traditionally, energy models only represent a single energy carrier, especially power
systems [6], without considering sector coupling [11]. This reflects the current situation
of energy systems that operate according to a very sectoral logic. Each energy carrier
is associated with a specific energy chain, with its own networks and actors that are
not very interconnected. However, cross-sector integration is thought to be essential to
modelling viable sustainable energy systems, including higher shares of renewable energy
sources [46,47]. Cross-sector interactions bring about synergies that can offer new flexibility
and storage potentials, through conversions such as power to heat or power to gas. One
could note that sector coupling goes from considering multi-carrier energy systems to
integrating mobility issues or even to integrating diet and waste management.

2.5. Open Energy Modelling

While historical and current mainstream approaches in energy modelling are propri-
etary solutions and lack transparency, open energy modelling is a promising emergence [48].
A growing number of energy modellers put into practice open-source principles and gather
in communities such as the open energy modelling initiative [49,50], whose wiki identifies
open models [51]. Various levels of openness can be differentiated, from transparency with
datasets and model documentation available, to open development with available code
and data as well as open-source development principles [52]. “Open” here refers to models,
code, and data that can be freely accessed, used, modified, and shared by anyone for any
purpose [53]. While closed models prevent easy review [54], model comparison [13,15], or
third-party contributions [27], open energy modelling has many advantages.
First, the need for adaptation and extension to new contexts entailed by the fight
against climate change is facilitated by open-source: specific features can easily be added
and discussed transparently [5,12,55]. Collaboration is improved between energy stake-
holders that can share both method and quantitative work [9,52,56], thus limiting parallel
efforts. The models are accessible with lowered barriers for adoption relative to conven-
tional proprietary solutions [55], both in terms of finance and access to knowledge. Then,
the outcomes of energy systems studies are used to shape energy policies and affect the pub-
lic. Thus, transparency and openness are needed for the affected stakeholders to participate
in the decision-making process [14] and have recently been requested by institutions such
as the European Union [57] or the UNESCO [58]. Furthermore, they can provide public
reliability to scientific expertise in the field and enable public engagement [59], which
has been identified as key in the success of energy transition projects [60]. Finally, open
energy modelling practices enable improving scientific quality through natural exchange
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 6 of 30

of knowledge and eased peer-review, thus limiting errors [56], biases [52], or even fraud.
The open energy modelling tools are highly maintainable [55] as well as continuously
improved [5]. With respect to proprietary software, their source code remains available
over time, and they can meet high standards [9]. As Oberle et al. point out, such tools are
“on the right road to achieving a competing level of accuracy, while also providing a much
higher level of transparency” [12].
Open energy modelling faces challenges such as lack of awareness and practical
knowledge on these issues, lock-in to proprietary software, and institutions’ inertia [48].
In the academic world, open-source principles of early and regular release can go against
usual practices. Some may fear for their reputation or for the time they spend on support,
even if experience suggests collaboration interests outweigh this issue [52]. Organisations
can also tend to withhold information and ideas, in order to create their own unique and
closed models and to receive certain funding. Open energy modelling would need further
evolution in policy and scientific practices in order to develop and become the norm.

2.6. User Friendliness and Accessibility

Another issue that comes with open energy modelling is information overload, iden-
tified by Cao et al. [61]: making all the code and data available may make the models
very tough to understand and use. User friendliness then becomes another desirable
characteristic of energy modelling tools, indicating whether the tool can be easily handled
and understood, for instance, through a graphical interface [6,10,62]. Documentation to
associate with versioned open-source code helps in understanding the tool, as well as
tutorials and beginner examples, in addition to execution environments. Hülk et al. [63]
also offer factsheets to present frameworks, models, and scenarios in a clear, concise, and
understandable way. Means of synchronous or asynchronous socialisation (e.g., forums),
if used by a sufficiently broad community, make it possible to capture and disseminate
both explicit and tacit knowledge [64]. Ferrari et al., identify six user-friendly tools, among
which three are free to use and none are open-source [62].
Making models semantically close to the energy stakeholders’ one is also a way to
make the understanding of energy modelling tools accessible. To do so, the choice of
the level of abstraction is key. Low level of abstraction will be the closest to physical
electronic circuits: it will consist of machine language with binaries. It can be noted that
the higher the level of abstraction, the easier the energy model will be to formalise for a
user and to understand for someone who would retrieve his work. High-level language,
such as object-oriented programming, will make the models understandable and facilitate
their use [5]. In particular, using Python enables taking advantage of a modern scripting
language including object-oriented capabilities as well as a wide range of functions widely
used in energy modelling [9]. It also facilitates model identification, extraction, and external
use [48]. Model-based formulation goes further, differentiating the model used by the
modellers and stakeholders from the one used by the solver algorithm, and simplifying
the formulation of complex problems by coming closer to human understanding [65].
However, the translation from high to machine abstraction level alone might be insufficient,
especially for energy non-experts. Libraries of prebuilt models with high-level language
can be developed. The model assembling is then simplified, since the modeller can use
prebuilt bricks, instead of developing the whole system. Such practices are developed in
model generation tools and enable capitalising on and reusing studies formulations. The
library can be completed internally or externally, in order to answer the stakeholders’ needs.
The model capitalisation is then simplified by object-oriented programming inheritance,
assembling new bricks from existing ones with specific functionalities. For instance, a
lead-acid battery brick can inherit from a generic storage brick. Figure 2 illustrates these
abstraction levels and their accessibility to various stakeholders. Here we differentiate
three kinds of stakeholders: actor who is involved in the energy system design, user of
the energy modelling tool, and developer of the tool. A stakeholder can cumulate various
roles. Actors can also become users or developers, depending on the accessibility and
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 7 of 30

user-friendliness of the energy modelling tool. The terms actors and stakeholders will be
indifferently used in the rest of the article.

Figure 2. Abstraction levels of models with respect to stakeholders’ understanding.

These practices are of particular interest for MILP problems formulation. However,
this facilitation of formalisation can lead to a biased understanding of the modelling by the
user, who will not necessarily be aware of the content of the models. Moreover, the higher
the semantic level of formulation, the more transcriptions will be necessary to present the
problem to the machine solver.

2.7. Including Social Aspects

Including social aspects in energy modelling tools has been identified as one of the
current challenges of the domain [21], even if socio-technical considerations become more
developed [7]. On the one hand, social aspects can be considered through the modelling of
social issues, as offered by the QTDIAN toolbox from the European SENTINEL project [66].
On the other hand, social aspects can be integrated through the involvement of stakeholders
in the design process. Some authors argue that this involvement is necessary, considering
the impact energy systems design has on society [14,29]. Such an involvement could
improve the models’ relevancy and legitimacy [7]. Robbie Morrison defends the idea
of an open system analysis community [50], including civil society organisations and
public authorities in order to select future views through energy scenarios specifications,
as well as an open energy modelling community to provide model frameworks and
workflow support.
The modelling of social aspects such as policy constraints [15] or stakeholders’ objec-
tives and area of responsibility can help negotiation phases in a multi-stakeholder design
process [67]. Since energy modelling and policy making influence each other, transdisci-
plinary models and practices as well as transparency are needed to develop common and
useful tools for society [68].

2.8. Energy Modelling Tool Choice for Preliminary Design at District Scale
Considering this literature overview regarding energy modelling tools’ characteristics,
several points of interest can be underlined when it comes to the preliminary design of an
energy system at district scale. Macroscopic optimisation models should be opted for in
order to assess a variety of variables while keeping uncertainties low. MILP optimisation
model generation tools seem relevant for such a task. High temporal resolution and
multi-carrier energy systems should be features of the tool. The energy modelling tool
should abide by open-source principles, thus benefitting from their numerous advantages
as well as making the tool accessible to energy stakeholders. The involvement of these
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 8 of 30

stakeholders can be fostered by the tool’s user-friendliness, with an abstraction level close
to human understanding, as well as by its documentation, graphical interface, and support.
Finally, the modelling of social constraints and objectives represents a relevant additional
feature in order to bridge the gap between energy modelling and policy making. These
characteristics are presented in Figure 3 in a significance order: each choice at one level will
close possibilities afterwards and will allow the tools to be differentiated from one another.
The levels in this figure correspond to the previous sub-sections.

Figure 3. Energy modelling tool characteristics, with OMEGAlpes characteristics in bold blue. Source: authors.

Considering these characteristics, several modelling frameworks can be contemplated

for the preliminary design of an energy system. OSeMOSYS [69] and Energy Scope TD [11]
are open-source modelling tools using MILP optimisation and integrating sector coupling,
and they respectively study long-term wide-scale projects and urban- to national-scale
systems. At district scale, oemof [5], ficus [70], and rivus [71] can be used. Rivus is
well-adapted to optimise the costs of distribution networks, while ficus is developed for
capacity-expansion planning and unit commitment of a factory’s distributed energy supply
system. Oemof and its internal library solph offer an open-source model generator as
well as a generic data model. Efforts are made on model coupling and transparent and
collaborative development. Ficus, rivus, and oemof use the GNU-GPL 3.0 copyleft licence,
while OSeMOSYS, Calliope [72] and Energy Scope are developed with the Apache 2.0
permissive licence. While copyleft licences contribute to open-source practices dissemina-
tion, permissive licences can enable collaborations with a wider range of stakeholders. If
some of the presented energy modelling tools develop user-friendly features and graphical
interface, none currently include social aspects in the modelling.
We present OMEGAlpes, an open-source MILP generator that supports energy stake-
holders in the preliminary design of district-scale energy systems. OMEGAlpes includes
the various identified characteristics and invites the energy stakeholders into the modelling
process. It does this firstly through a fully transparent and open energy modelling process;
secondly, through its semantic and prebuilt models close to human understanding and
graphical representation; and finally, by modelling actors’ constraints, objectives, and areas
of responsibility. As a result, the optimisation models can become negotiation objects, and
their solutions are not unique and definitive but subject to discussion among the energy
project modellers and stakeholders.
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 9 of 30

3. OMEGAlpes, an Open-Source Optimisation Tool for District-Scale

Energy Stakeholders
3.1. General Description and Main Characteristics
OMEGAlpes stands for Optimisation ModEls Generation for Energy Systems. Fol-
lowing up on the previously identified energy modelling tool characteristics, OMEGAlpes
features are presented hereinafter:
1. OMEGAlpes modelling is intended to support stakeholders in the preliminary design
of energy systems. It is a MILP optimisation model generation tool used for energy
system operation and focuses on macroscopic representation of energy balances in
order to not increase the potential error in performance prediction (see Section 2.2.3).
2. OMEGAlpes explores building- to district-scale energy systems. Time steps are
generally hours but can be adjusted from minutes to days. The time horizon can be
adjusted from days to years.
3. OMEGAlpes is a multi-carrier energy modelling tool. The two mainly used energy
vectors are electricity and heat, but gas is also usable.
4. OMEGAlpes is developed in the freely available scripting language Python with the
Apache 2.0 licence [73], a permissive open-source licence only requiring attribution
to the source code authors. OMEGAlpes source code is available on a Gitlab reposi-
tory [74] and its documentation on the readthedocs website [75]. OMEGAlpes leaves
the choice of solver to the user through the PuLP package [76]: the use of open-source
solvers does not limit the accessibility to professionals or academic users [7], while the
possibility of using proprietary solvers can greatly improve the tool performance, as
open-source solvers are often outperformed by commercial ones [77]. A factsheet pre-
senting OMEGAlpes is available in the Open Energy Platform factsheets library [78].
5. The semantics of OMEGAlpes is thought to be close to that of the energy stakeholders,
with pre-built energy units representing consumption, production, storage units, or
assembled units such as conversion or reversible units. Operational constraints and
objectives are available in these units. They were developed both in collaboration
with stakeholders on actual projects and to explore research questions, and they are
continuously improved and completed. A graphical representation is associated with
the energy units and enabled developing the first version of a graphical interface
enabling users to directly generate an OMEGAlpes script. In addition to its online
documentation, OMEGAlpes provides a use cases library (named omegalpes_examples
in the Gitlab repository), including beginner examples as well as article study cases,
and provides Jupyter Notebooks (hereinafter referred to simply as notebooks) in order
to easily grasp the tool modelling principles and functionalities. These notebooks can
directly be used and modified online via the Mybinder [79] public service. This use
cases library is detailed in Section 4.2.
6. OMEGAlpes includes an actor package, modelling the energy stakeholders’ objectives,
constraints, and responsibility scope. The energy and actors’ models can be quickly
adapted to the stakeholders’ needs. This, in addition to its openness and abstraction
level, makes its models relevant for negotiation support. Currently, OMEGAlpes is
indirectly used for policy support in the manner of Chang et al. [7]: models are used
for negotiation and advice in a waste heat recovery project with a local laboratory
involved in the modelling, as well as the local public authority and district heating
network operator. The French Agency for ecological transition (ADEME) has also
assessed the OMEGAlpes tool, its methods, and its use cases.
Regarding its other general characteristics, OMEGAlpes includes unit and integration
tests in order to ensure OMEGAlpes source code behaves as intended, which is particularly
relevant for collaborative development.
OMEGAlpes is a decision support tool for the design of district-scale and multi-carrier
energy systems. It couples MILP optimisation general capabilities with energy and exergy
modelling. It also includes the stakeholders (which we also call actors) in the preliminary
design studies. To do so, the tool provides an energy system representation close to the
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 10 of 30

actors’ understanding, with a range of functionalities adapted to the field technical reality.
These functionalities are fully accessible and usable thanks to open-source development
features, as well as a capitalisation process that is continuously improved and completed
based on studies. Moreover, it enables considering the actors’ constraints and areas of
responsibility. Thus, models can be used as negotiation supports between stakeholder, users
and developers. A presentation of OMEGAlpes general structure is showed in Figure 4. A
complete OMEGAlpes UML (Unified Modelling Language) diagram describing the tool
structure is available in Appendix A. Details regarding the energy package, including the
exergy module as well as the actor package, are provided in the sections hereinafter.

Figure 4. OMEGAlpes principle diagram including public and field. Source: authors.

3.2. Energy Modelling in OMEGAlpes

3.2.1. Energy Library
In this section, we focus only on the technical aspects of energy optimisation at
district scale by describing the process from the optimisation problem’s definition to its
mathematical solving. Here, the aim is to represent the energy flows balance by modelling
the energy system, related specific constraints, and associated objectives that translate
the study goals. The OMEGAlpes modelling process is based on a macroscopic approach
considering the energy flows exchanged between the different elements of the energy
system. The energy model is developed using object-oriented programming based on the
principle of technical bricks. Thus, the code associated with an element is grouped within
the same EnergyUnit class as the classes that inherit from it. They are divided into five kind
of energy units:
• Production unit (ProductionUnit), to model, for example, a windmill or a solar power
• Consumption unit (ConsumptionUnit), to model, for example, a dwelling or a domestic
electrical appliance.
• Storage unit (StorageUnit), to model, for example, a solar water tank or batteries.
• Reversible unit (ReversibleUnit), to model energy systems which can non-simultaneously
produce and consume energy, such as electrical machines.
• Conversion unit (ConversionUnit), from one energy vector to another, for example a
heat pump.
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 11 of 30

ProductionUnit, ConsumptionUnit and StorageUnit are considered as mono-energy

vectors and can support a unique energy source from heat, electricity, or gas. Their power-
flow type and direction are defined with the object EPole. One should note that the terms
“production” and “consumption” are used here with regards to considered study scope
and sector. For example, the windmill could be considered as a conversion unit from
wind mechanical energy to electricity. ReversibleUnit and ConversionUnit can support
multiple energy vectors (for example, thermal to electric). This representation allows the
user to integrate each of the elements constitutive of an energy system. Various kinds
of EnergyUnit class are modelled and include their own set of constraints and available
objective functions. This enables the user to specify an energy unit type and related input
parameters depending on his needs. For example, FixedEnergyUnit type needs an energy
profile as an input, and ShiftableEnergyUnit type needs a time profile that can be shifted
on a given horizon. Constraints and objectives also inherit from dedicated classes of
the general package. Constraint types will be detailed in the actor package sub-section
(see Section 3.3.2). Once again, please refer to Appendix A for a comprehensive vision of
OMEGAlpes structure.
Energy units are linked together using energy nodes (EnergyNode). Each energy node
must ensure energy balance between the units connected to it, as well as the connection of
a single energy carrier. Thus, the energy optimisation problem at the district scale is built
on two levels: at the first level, by modelling the energy system through a set of energy
units representative of its constituent elements; and at the second one, by ascertaining the
energy balance through intermediary energy nodes. The energy model is only an abstract
overlay to assist the user but does not allow the problem to be solved, i.e., optimised. To
do so, it is necessary to translate the model for the solver to run it. The PuLP package
enables this translation [76]. The chosen solver then gives the results of the optimisation
problem, which are then provided to the user in the pot-processing phase. In addition to
the energy-modelling possibilities that have been presented, the tool provides additional
options for technical evaluation through the exergy library, described hereinafter.

3.2.2. Exergy Library

Energy analysis alone can be insufficient to assess the quality of energy streams in
a system or to offer optimal ways to transform energy [80]. The exergy module serves
the primary purpose of determining exergy destruction within a unit. The package uses
three main classes as pillars: ‘ElectricalExergy’, ‘ThermalExergy’, and ‘ExergyDestruction’.
The first two identify, respectively, the electrical or thermal flows interacting with an
energy unit, and they determine the corresponding exergy flow accordingly. Then, the
“ExergyDestruction” module reads the exergy flows assessed for the unit and applies an
exergy balance to determine its exergy destruction.
• The module ‘ElectricalExergy’ determines the exergy flow associated with an input,
output, or accumulation of electricity in a consumption, production, or storage unit,
• The module ‘ThermalExergy’ determines the exergy flow associated with an input,
output, or accumulation of heat in a consumption, production, or storage unit, respec-
• The module named ‘ExergyDestruction’ allows determining exergy destruction within
a unit and enabling that magnitude as an optimisation objective. This module requires
an exergy efficiency (‘exergy_eff ’) and the dead state temperature (‘temp_ref ’) to be
specified for exergy analysis. In the case of thermal storage units, their temperature
level (‘temp_heat’) is also required. The dead state temperature (‘temp_ref ’) defaults to
20 ◦ C, as in the case for the “ThermalExergy” module. Users can change this value, but
must be aware that all units in the study must have the same ‘temp_ref ’, for the sake
of thermodynamic consistency. The module also requires that the exergy flow of the
unit have been determined pre-emptively, by the means of either “ElectricalExergy”
or “ThermalExergy”.
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 12 of 30

Users should be aware of a few methodological simplifications within the exergy

module. Firstly, it is not intended for assessing the following forms of exergy: chemical,
potential, and kinetic. A second simplification concerns the assessment of thermal exergy.
Namely, the exergy of transferred heat depends strongly on temperature levels. Despite
that, the exergy module assesses thermal exergy assuming that temperature levels remain
constant. Lastly, users should be aware that the term “ExergyDestruction” assessed within
the module aggregates two concepts: losses of energy (and thus of exergy) from the unit to
its surroundings and thermodynamic irreversibility within the unit itself. Experts in exergy
analysis typically call the former ‘exergy losses’, the latter ‘exergy destruction’, and ‘irre-
versibility’ the aggregate thereof. Regardless, the exergy module assesses only the aggregate.
This simplification is acceptable; energy planners focus mainly on overall efficiency, and
do not need the details on the sources of irreversibility. The exergy library documentation
describes the module thoroughly, by detailing the choices for each specific EnergyUnit.

3.3. Actor Package

3.3.1. Contributions of the Actor Logic to the Energy Modelling Layer
OMEGAlpes offers a library of models associated with the “multi-actor” approach
through the actor package [67]. An explicit actor model aims to differentiate technical issues
from stakeholder-induced issues and to differentiate the decisions made by the stakeholders.
This model does not attempt to model the actors as such but is restricted to the constraints
and objectives carried by the actors that influence the project framework. This is a matter
of being able to differentiate the technical part of the model from the part associated
with the actors. When modelling, this approach can lead stakeholders to question what
is technical and what is related to actor’s choices. It also helps to provide additional
insights in stakeholder negotiations by identifying whether the issues are technical or actor-
related. Negotiation can then be facilitated by the fact that decisions are associated with
their stakeholders, and their influence on the project can be assessed. The modelling logic
behind the actor package is debatable, especially as, by refining the technical considerations,
it is possible to take it into account on the energy layer. However, we are convinced that
bringing stakeholders into the modelling loop can facilitate the technical refinement of the
energy model and can help decision-making and negotiations between stakeholders.

3.3.2. Actor Classes, Constraints Typing, and Related Objectives

The Actor class is defined as an abstract class, i.e., not specific to a particular actor,
and has generic methods for adding or removing constraints and goals. Regarding the
constraints, a distinction is made between:
• definition constraints (DefinitionConstraint), used to calculate quantities or to repre-
sent physical phenomena (e.g., storage state of charge) considered a priori as non-
• technical constraints (TechnicalConstraint), used to represent technical issues (e.g.,
operating power of a production unit) considered a priori as non-negotiable unless
technical changes are made;
• actor-specific constraints, ActorConstraint and ActorDynamicConstraint, used to model
constraints that are due to actor decisions (e.g., minimal level of energy consumption
over a period).
Those constraints are exclusive, and only actor-specific constraints are a priori nego-
tiable as decided by the stakeholders themselves. Actors modelling includes additional
objectives. In OMEGAlpes, a weight can be added to an objective in order to give more
importance to one or more objectives compared to the others.

3.3.3. Actor Categories

Three typical categories of actors have been identified: regulators, operators, and
developers. The first formulate the rules and procedures, while the other two must respect
them. This distinction was used to define the tree structure of the actor package.
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 13 of 30

• Regulators do not operate any particular energy unit but influence the energy sys-
tem with regard to grid and/or resource regulation. Their decisions can affect all
energy units.
• Operators can only influence—with respect to constraints and objectives—the units
within their area of responsibility, as defined in the following sub-section. Based on
a typology of operator actors, we have developed the following classes: Consumer,
Producer, Prosumer, and Supplier.
• Developers are modelled by the ProjectDeveloper class. It is derived from the Actor
class in order to add objectives and constraints that are specific to the actors carrying
out the project.

3.3.4. The Principle of the Actors’ Area of Responsibility

In order to link the energy units to the actors, an area of responsibility is defined
for each actor in the model. These are the energy units they operate (for the operating
stakeholders) or build (for the developers). From a modelling point of view, this notion of
area of responsibility limits the constraints and objectives of the stakeholders, which can
only be applied to the area of responsibility of the latter.

3.4. OMEGAlpes Features for Meta-Analysis of the Energy System Optimisation Problem
3.4.1. Algorithms for Identifying Incompatible Constraints: lpfics
A method for identifying constraints when the problem is infeasible has been de-
veloped. This method is implemented in the lpfics package (i.e., linear problems: find
infeasible constraint sets [81]). This package relies on constraints typing in two ways. The
first one directly gives the infeasible constraint set and thus offers an additional degree of
negotiation according to the types of the identified constraints, as the constraints’ names,
types, and formulations are provided. The other approach is to identify the constraints
according to their typology. For this purpose, the constraints are separated upstream into
sub-groups according to their type.

3.4.2. Calculation and Representation of Pareto Fronts

Pareto fronts can be used in negotiation processes to assess two antagonistic objectives.
OMEGAlpes integrates a feature that calculates and plots Pareto fronts. The use of MILP
modelling requires the formulation of single objectives to be provided to MILP solvers.
As a result, obtaining Pareto fronts requires using the weighting method, known as an
effective approach [82].

3.4.3. Graphical Representation and Interface

We offer a graphical representation to show the model of the technical system. We
differentiate the energy units in several ways. A first differentiation is the energy vector:
yellow for gas, red for heat, blue for cold, and purple for electricity. A second differentiation
is the type of energy unit, represented by a symbol: a triangle with a fixed bar below the
triangle if the consumption is fixed or an arrow if consumption is variable. A third
differentiation refines the energy unit type with the place and direction of this symbol:
towards the unit for energy consumption, outwards for production, two butterfly-shaped
triangles for storage, etc. Arrows represent the power flows, and the energy nodes are
represented by circles. It is also important to represent the constraints and objectives
associated with the technical system being modelled: they are shown in rectangles. Figure 5
presents a sample of the graphical representation. The complete graphical representation
convention is available in OMEGAlpes documentation [75].
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 14 of 30

Figure 5. Sample of OMEGAlpes graphical representation.

A graphical interface facilitates access to the modelling to allow the model to be

represented as a medium for exchange between stakeholders. Thus, the OMEGAlpes-Web
graphical interface has been developed to provide a modelling tool. The graphical interface
allows a user to generate a model from the OMEGAlpes model library, first graphically
and then in Python code. It is based on the graphical representation elements presented
above [83]. For the moment, only a small part of OMEGAlpes has been developed, mainly
the parts of the energy package presented hereinbefore. Moreover, it is necessary to launch
the python file by oneself to obtain an optimised solution.

4. Presentation of OMEGAlpes Functionalities: The Example of Waste Heat Recovery

4.1. Description of the Energy System of the Waste Heat Recovery Project Example
In order to present OMEGAlpes functionalities and principles in an intuitive way, we
have chosen a case study that is simple with regards to the energy aspects of the system,
but which may include a certain technical and social complexity. The objective of this
case study is both to show the detailed definition of an energy model for a district energy
system and to put into perspective OMEGAlpes’ additional capabilities.
The case study consists of the recovery of waste heat from an electro-intensive indus-
trial actor. Waste heat, also called excess heat, can be defined as dissipated heat that is
not the purpose of a given system [84]. Waste heat recovery interests and challenges are
discussed in Section 5.2.1. This example enables presenting a relevant use of the exergy
and actors’ functionalities. The energy units can be separated into three zones:
• The first zone contains the industrial actor (EII).
• The second zone contains the district heating network operator (DHNO).
• The third zone contains the distribution electricity network operator (DENO).
Table 1 presents the different energy units engaged in this use case.

Table 1. Presentation of the energy units in the use case and their related zones.

Industrial Thermal Supplier Electricity Supplier Recovery System

Electricity production
Heat production (EIIout ) Heat production (DHNin )
(DENin ) Thermal storage (TS)
Electricity consumption (EIIin ) Heat consumption
Electricity consumption Heat pump (HP)
Heat dissipation (DISS) (DHNout )
(DENout )

In the industrial zone, heat production represents the waste heat dissipated in order to
maintain its industrial processes, and electricity consumption represents the EII’s electricity
consumption resulting from its industrial activities. Then, heat dissipation represents the
waste heat dissipated during the industrial processes that is not recovered and therefore is
rejected into a river.
In the district heating network zone, heat production represents all the thermal power
plants connected to the district heating network, and heat consumption represents the
district heat consumption.
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 15 of 30

In the electricity supplier zone, electricity production represents the electricity imports
coming from the power grid, and electricity consumption represents the electricity exports
provided to the EII and the heat pump from the grid.
The waste heat recovery system is constituted by two energy units. The heat pump
enables supplying heat from the industrial waste heat to the district heating network by
increasing the waste heat temperature to the network one. The thermal storage compensates
for the temporal and thermal power mismatches between the waste heat and the district
heat consumption.
Figure 6 presents a scheme of the use case.

Heat Power

river I

Recovered Heat • Local Heat


Industrial Process
Recovery System 1
Electric Industrial river
Supplier Zone Zone Recovery Zone ! Thermal Supplier Zone
------------------- _________________._________________________________________________________________________________
Figure 6. Thermal scheme of the waste heat recovery use case.

In the next sub-section, the energy model of the use case will be detailed, considering
the total energy balances. Then, the use case modelling using the tool OMEGAlpes is de-
veloped. Finally, applications of the additional packages and functionalities are presented
in order to highlight the related additional options

4.2. Waste Heat Recovery Energy Model

4.2.1. OMEGAlpes Optimisation Process Modelling
OMEGAlpes energy modelling for the use case of waste heat recovery is performed
considering several simplifying hypotheses and is supported by model equations. All
those pieces of information, as well as detailed code and results, are available in the related
notebook specifically edited for this article (see the Supplementary Materials section). The
aim of this section is to present OMEGAlpes modelling principles rather than an exhaustive
description of its source code.
OMEGAlpes provides to the user the opportunity to integrate all the energy balance
equations by using the system of energy units. First, the modelling process consists
of defining the energy units corresponding to each energy system. Table 2 shows this
modelling association between energy systems and OMEGAlpes energy units.
The EII system is represented by an ElectricaltoThermalConversionUnit that links the
EIIout waste heat of the industrial zone to the EIIin electrical consumption. The dissipation
(DISS) is represented by a VariableConsumptionUnit that is connected to the EIIout waste
heat of the industrial zone.
The DHN includes heat production and heat consumption, which are respectively
represented by a VariableProductionUnit and a FixedConsumptionUnit. Indeed, HS is an
adjusting variable in the heat balance and needs to be variable in order to fulfil the heat
needs of the network.
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 16 of 30

ES represents the pseudo-infinite electric grid. That is why it is represented by a

VariableReversibleUnit that can both import and export power.
HP is represented by a HeatPump that converts low temperature waste heat into
network temperature heat. TS is represented by a StorageUnit whose capacity can be an
optimisation variable or a fixed parameter, depending on the aim of study. In the sizing
phase, capacity is considered as an optimisation variable. In the energy management phase,
capacity is considered as known and provided as a parameter.

Table 2. Correspondence between energy systems and energy units.

Zone Energy System 1 Energy Unit Energy Type

EIIin Electricity
Industrial EIIout Heat
DISS VariableConsumptionUnit Heat
HS VariableProductionUnit Heat
District heating network
DHC FixedConsumptionUnit Heat
Electric supplier ES VariableReversibleUnit Electricity
HPin,heat HeatPump Heat
Recovery system
TS StorageUnit Heat
1 With HS being the district heating network Heat Supply, DHC the District Heat Consumption, and ES the Electricity Supplier.

In order to respect the energy balances of the units that have been defined in the
previous section, it is necessary to define the connection elements between the energy units.
As explained earlier, this connection is made possible through the use of energy nodes,
which connect a set of units to each other. Table 3 lists all the energy nodes necessary for
the modelling of the case study and the associated energy units.

Table 3. List of energy nodes to define the energy balances to model the case study.

Energy Node Connected Energy Units

Electricity node ES, EIIin , HPin , elec
EII node EIIout , DISS,
Recovery node HPin heat, TS
DHN node HPout , HS, DHC

Figure 7 represents the OMEGAlpes model using the OMEGAlpes graphic convention,
including energy units and nodes symbols, energy carriers colours, and the main constraints
and objective.

4.2.2. Objective Function

In order to complete the modelling of the optimisation problem representing the case
study, it is necessary to define the objective functions that can be associated with it. Two
main objective functions can be implemented for this case:
• Minimising the output of heat generation plants.
• Minimising the size of storage.
In the purely technical scenario presented here, only the objective of minimising
production is retained corresponding to an operation study phase, but we will see later
that it is possible to envisage a Pareto study that compromises between minimising storage
size and minimising production.
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 17 of 30

Figure 7. OMEGAlpes graphical representation of the waste heat recovery use case, including the main constraints
and objective.

4.2.3. Applying OMEGAlpes Pareto, lpfics, and Exergy Functionalities to the Use Case
After focusing on the technical aspects of the use case, this sub-section describes
additional features and packages. They provide more ways to study the optimisation
problem (Pareto and lpfics features) or to provide more optimisation options considering
both social and technical aspects (respectively, actor package and exergy module).
As introduced in the presentation of the OMEGAlpes tool, it is possible to carry out a
Pareto study between two objectives, in this case minimising the heat supplier production
on the network at the same time as the size of the thermal storage. The size of the storage
is directly related to its capacity and so to the heat recovery potential, but it is also directly
related to its capital expenditures. It is therefore possible to draw a Pareto front between
these two antagonistic objectives, which can be of use for compromise and negotiation on
the system design.
lpfics is a package that can be used when the optimisation problem is facing infeasibil-
ity issues. As explained in the section on lpfics (Section 3.4.1), it is possible to obtain access
to a set of constraints in which there are one or several infeasible constraints. An example
of its use for the waste heat recovery use case is detailed in the corresponding notebook.
The exergy module enriches the technical aspects of the energy model by imple-
menting exergy concepts into the energy units. In the case study, this translates into the
evaluation of the exergy destruction of each of the thermal units, which are the dissipation
(DISS), the thermal storage (TS), the heat pump (HP), the heat generation plants (HS), and
the district heat consumption (DHC). By associating a class of calculation for exergy and
exergy destruction with each of them, it becomes possible to evaluate the exergy destroyed
and thus to consider this evaluation as an additional objective of the optimisation problem
of this case study. Such an objective often offers a unique solution with respect to energy
objectives. Moreover, the economic notions that can be considered, based on the cost of
energy, can be applied in the same way to exergy, thus giving an exergo-economic evalua-
tion. This makes it possible to provide a wider range of technical assessments with energy,
economic, exergy, and exergo-economic concepts [80].
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 18 of 30

4.2.4. Modelling Actors in the Waste Heat Recovery Use Case

Based on technical considerations, the energy modelling of the case study can lead to
a certain distance from the realities of the stakeholders. For this case study, we will present
scenarios highlighting the possibilities of technical understanding from stakeholders, along
with the potential for negotiations and decision-making that the package allows to be
highlighted. Of course, these choices are only examples among the possible actors to be
modelled in this use case. As a first step, the number of actors, their types, and their areas
of responsibility should be defined. Table 4 provides a description of these actors. It shows
that the heat pump and thermal storage are not distributed in the areas of responsibility
of the actors. This raises the question: how to enable the evaluation of the choice of
the actor responsible for the recovery system? This brings about two primary scenarios,
corresponding to the EII and the DHNO that are responsible for the recovery system.

Table 4. List of actors present in the case study with their respective areas of responsibility.

Actors Actor Type Area of Responsibility

Energy Units EIIin , EIIout , DISS
EII Prosumer
Energy Nodes Electricity Node, EII Node
Heat grid Energy Units HS, DHC
DHNO operators Energy Nodes DHN Node

In order to evaluate the two scenarios, the technical aspects of the model must be
reconsidered. We now assume that the areas dedicated to thermal storage are of different
sizes depending on the actor, with the DHNO having access to wider areas. This results in
the consideration of a maximum thermal storage capacity that differs depending on which
actor is responsible for it. Furthermore, as shown in Table 5, the placement of the storage
system may differ depending on who is responsible.

Table 5. Modifications of the energy model depending on the scenario.

Scenario Maximal Thermal Capacity Energy Node Modifications

EII capamax
EI I None
max TS either linked to recovery node
or DHN node

For the case study, we propose changing the location of the thermal storage from the
EII node to the DHN node. Finally, the maximum thermal storage capacity as well as the
objective will be considered via actors’ constraints and actors’ objectives and are discussed
as such.
Afterwards, we can introduce notions of regulations through a RegulatorActor. This
allows the user to define specific actor constraints, such as a maximum energy dissipation
or maximum GHG emissions threshold. This has the effect of enriching the energy model
by considering regulatory aspects from the point of view of constraints and objectives.
Finally, the actor package allows to consider constraints applied by one actor to another.
For example, if we refer to the notions of start-up and shutdown times of production plants,
we can assume that the DHNO actor would accept heat injections in the network only
if it exceeds a duration ∆Tmin , considering the start-up times and a safety margin. This
constraint is then added at the EII’s heat injection level and can widen the scope for
negotiation. Indeed, there are cases in which this constraint leads to the non-injection
of heat production whose duration is close to the duration ∆Tmin . From this point of
view, it becomes possible to bring about additional negotiation elements and to consider a
re-evaluation of the minimum injection duration.
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 19 of 30

With these different examples, we wanted to show to what extent it is possible to

enrich the technical aspects of the model with this actor approach. We remind the reader
that this list is not exhaustive, but that it is intended to highlight a range of situations that
are representative of the options possible with the actor package.

5. Use Cases Library

5.1. Use Cases Library Description and Interests
The development of OMEGAlpes has been based on actual and theoretical case studies,
which have allowed the enrichment of the library of energy models and development of
new functionalities. This section introduces OMEGAlpes’ use cases library, presenting
the history of the development of the tool and the areas of interest. The capitalisation of
use cases makes it possible to keep track of the whole history of the analysis, describing
not only the results but also how they were obtained [64]. While the articles provide an
understanding of the use cases, the notebooks allow users to go further. The notebooks
can be accessed and used at any time by any reader. The notebooks include code as well
as details that cannot be presented in the linked article, such as the origin of the data,
the modelling methods, etc. Notebooks can serve as collaborative objects thanks to their
intermediate level of complexity compared to the framework source code or complete
documentation. In addition, other notebooks are available to serve as tutorials for the use
of the tool. The objective is to provide a library of examples as educational as possible in
order to provide a maximum understanding of the modelling possibilities of OMEGAlpes.
The case studies have been classified according to two fields: waste heat recovery
and energy autonomy, mainly consisting of PV self-consumption. Table 6 presents these
case studies with their associated publications and specifications. In the actors column,
LNCMI stands for French National Laboratory for High Magnetic Fields, which is an
electro-intensive laboratory. The CCIAG is the Grenoble district heating network operator.
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 20 of 30

Table 6. OMEGAlpes use cases library including article references and languages, source code, notebooks, space and time scale and resolution, developments, and research objective.

Article Source Functionalities

Use Case
Reference Code 1 Notebook 2 Actors Space and Time Development Research Objective

Prototype of OMEGAlpes Development of energy planning decisions for an

District scale
[85] LNMCI CCIAG Year study Energy package—differentiation electro-intensive consumer, subject to economic,
EN social, and environmental constraints
Hourly time steps of energy vectors and objectives
District scale Methodology of data-driven modelling of an
[86] LNMCI CCIAG 6 months study Shiftable energy unit
EN existing load profile in order to build archetypes
Hourly time steps
District scale Heat pump class Evaluation of energy
[8] LNMCI CCIAG Two weeks study flexibility for building
EN Thermal
10 min time step Modelling of buildings heating
Technical, economic, and environmental
[87] LNMCI CCIAG District scale - consequences of the evolution of research
FR One year study
infrastructure, from component to district scale
District scale 4E (energy, exergy, economy, and exergo-economy)
Waste heat [80] LNMCI CCIAG One year study
EN UCE1 NB1 Exergy module
recovery Hourly time step methodology description and evaluation

District scale Evaluation of different technical criteria and their

[88] LNMCI CCIAG One year study Exergy module possible impact on the design of a waste heat
EN recovery system
Hourly time step

Exergy module, Evaluation of flexibility and temperature

District scale
[89] LNMCI CCIAG One year study energy planning management strategies to improve waste heat
EN recovery energy- and
Weekly resolution modification exergy-wise
District scale Multi-objective optimisation for the design of a
[90] LNMCI CCIAG One year study Exergy module, actor package waste heat recovery system by means of
7 weeks planning multi-actor technical and economic analysis
District scale Open science Describing and discussing open and collaborative
[91] LNMCI CCIAG 2 weeks horizon, hourly
FR considerations—LNCMI notebook platforms
Presenting a transferable workflow to make open
[92] Open energy
LNMCI CCIAG - energy modelling principles and
EN modelling process
advantages accessible
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 21 of 30

Table 6. Cont.

Article Source Functionalities

Use Case
Reference Code 1 Notebook 2 Actors Space and Time Development Research Objective

Producer Building scale

[27] Consumer First presentation of OMEGAlpes with a simple
UCE2 NB2 One day study Energy and actor package
EN Supplier self-consumption example
Prosumer 5 min time-step

Building scale Offering a method to help stakeholders to

[67] UCE3 NB3 Prosumer
Energy self- [EN] Supplier One day study Actor package formalise their constraints and objectives and to
consumption Half-hourly time step negotiate in the design process
Building scale
Prosumer Development of a conflicting constraint
FR UCE4 NB4 Consumer One day study Actor, lpfics
identification algorithm for optimisation problems
Half-hourly time step
Building scale Offering an open and reproducible use case of PV
[64] Open science
- NB5 4 days study self-consumption, taking into account energy and
EN consideration
Hourly time step environmental indicators
1 Please refer to the use case example list in the Supplementary Materials section; 2 Please refer to the notebook list in the in the Supplementary Materials section.
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 22 of 30

5.2. Waste Heat Recovery Use Case

5.2.1. Interest of the Use Cases Field
One of the main interesting points regarding waste heat recovery lies in its positive
impact on energy transitions thanks to reduction of GHG emissions. Waste heat represents
an important and underexploited potential low-carbon heat source. However, waste heat
recovery brings about many challenges. In the design phase, technical challenges include
modelling accuracy of district heating, location, temperature management between source
and consumption, and the permanence of the heat potential [93]. Waste heat recovery
projects include many stakeholders such as industry, local authorities, and district heating
network operators. These actors’ negotiation can have a great influence on the results of
the possible energy optimisation.
Regarding OMEGAlpes development, an actual waste heat recovery project is under
study with the support of the stakeholders, whose presence allows for greater access to
data and a better level of technical knowledge. This link with the stakeholders and the field
reality enables considering their energy context, including changes in tariffs, new schedules
for consumption profiles, or the study of different cooling systems and associated outlet
temperatures. On the one hand, stakeholders benefit from OMEGAlpes both through
technical decision support from its results and through the formalisation of their actual
constraints and objectives. On the other hand, the development of the tool is enriched
with new and updated pre-built units as well as functionalities coming directly from the
field. As waste heat recovery involves various energy carriers, and particularly thermal
power with various temperature levels, it has allowed exergy analysis to be carried out
and exergy indicators to be developed. Their relevancy is tested with stakeholders. Finally,
this case study can present modelling issues including uncertainties and access to energy
profiles, modelling both prospective and existing units with sufficient accuracy, and the
management of the storage unit.

5.2.2. History of the Use Cases and Publications

Initially, this type of case study made it possible to develop the multi-vector aspects
of the tool. It also allowed the energy library to be expanded, while refining the models
of the energy units, such as the storage units, with the notion of charge cycle. Units
such as the HeatPump, derived from the ConversionUnit, were implemented. Then, the
exergy aspects were developed in collaboration with the LOCIE thermal laboratory and
applied in the evaluation of the LNCMI waste heat recovery project. This collaboration
continued with the study of an additional actual use case, focusing on a wider area with a
variety of energy systems including solar PV, solar thermal, waste heat recovery, power
grid, batteries, and heat pumps for the energy supply of a mixed district [94,95]. This
collaborative development was made possible thanks to open science logic, which is an
incentive for inter-laboratory collaborations and thus for envisaging enriching energy
modelling tools.

5.3. Energy Self-Consumption Use Cases

5.3.1. Interest of the Use Cases Field
As waste heat recovery use cases, energy self-consumption use cases perfectly fit
into energy transitions. They enables increasing the share of renewable energies covering
our energy consumption, thereby reducing the constraints on distribution networks as
well as grid losses. Moreover, they can lead to energy sufficiency behaviour by making
prosumers aware of their consumption. A need for comparable studies has also been
identified in this field [96], while new a European regulation [97] defining citizen energy
collectives has brought interest to collective self-consumption. Most of the use cases in
the OMEGAlpes library are theoretical and have enabled the development and testing of
OMEGAlpes functionalities. They put into perspective the negotiation possibilities offered
by the OMEGAlpes tool. The actor package has been developed in collaboration with
the social science laboratory PACTE, based on field studies in the domain. This type of
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 23 of 30

case study benefits from a great diversity in its implementation, with flexibility studies
on consumption, battery pack sizing, or incentives at the actor level. In the preliminary
studies, many sizing choices are preponderant and may depend on the actors. An actual
preliminary design of an autonomous energy system was an opportunity to consider
technical elements that had not been considered yet, which allowed the implementation of
new classes such as AssemblyUnit and ReversibleUnit.

5.3.2. History of the Use Cases and Publications

Firstly, the various published works provided the occasion to develop the notebook
library in order to allow their sharing and their reproducibility according to the logic
of open science. The ONIRI project has allowed the collaboration with a French artist
collective that, due to its needs, has enriched the OMEGAlpes technical library. In addition,
this project allowed the development of a notebook accessible to a non-technical public.
Finally, with the ORUCE project, one of its research goals was to develop open energy
modelling at district scale, for instance, by offering an Open Energy Platform factsheet [98]
at such scale.

6. Outcome, Perspectives and Conclusions

6.1. Outcome
In this sub-section, the authors would like to underline the main outcomes of the
article, in order to highlight the article’s points of interest. Through reading this article,
the authors first would like the readers to consider the importance of the accessibility of
energy modelling tools for democratic decision support. OMEGAlpes development and
use offered a way to implement this accessibility, mainly through open-source development
as well as actors’ consideration through their modelling and a choice of relevant abstraction
level. Readers can go further in their understanding of the tool by accessing a library
of use cases, detailed for various applications and research questions. The use cases are
designed to be understandable, usable, and appropriated at will. Ultimately, one can
consider exchanging with the OMEGAlpes development team for collaboration, either for
a use of the tool or for development of their own project.

6.2. Perspectives
This work includes several perspectives. First, regarding OMEGAlpes itself, improve-
ments consistent with the reviewed literature could include firstly a better modelling of
district heating, based on an actual local waste heat recovery project, and the inclusion of
exergy post-treatments in the tool. These improvements could also include an update of
the graphical interface in order to make it up to date with the tool’s latest functionalities
and enable online model solving. An economy package is also in development, in order
to go further in economics considerations than those presently considered with existing
economic parameters. Uncertainty calculation and management is an additional potential
improvement for the tool.
Current work also focuses on the development of an open and collaborative digital
platform in order to foster user interaction and collaboration based on complete open
energy modelling processes in use cases. The public of this platform would range from
fellow researchers to local authorities, engineering offices, and citizen collectives. This
platform would enable bringing the use cases and associated energy models to society,
in addition to bringing society into models through actor package development. Use
cases will be further developed, including both current use cases such as photovoltaic self-
consumption and waste heat recovery and new ones exploring maters of energy sufficiency
and autonomy. These use cases will bring new collaborations with an engineer’s office
for collective self-consumption. The tool is also going to be put to good use for teaching
materials in engineering and architecture schools.
Finally, on the topic of collaboration, an additional perspective on OMEGAlpes con-
cerns its link with other energy modelling tools. This can be established through hard or
Energies 2021, 14, 5928 24 of 30

soft model coupling [Chang2021], as well as through collaboration with external teams of
energy modellers. OMEGAlpes’ developer team tried to develop relevant functionalities
for district scale energy projects, such as actors and exergy considerations. The question
of integrating such functionalities into an existing open energy modelling framework via
collaboration and contribution, thus putting into practice open science principles, still
needs to be explored.

6.3. Conclusions
This article presented OMEGAlpes, an open-source model generation tool for district-
scale energy systems’ preliminary design using MILP optimisation. After reviewing the
main characteristics of the energy modelling tool, the article introduced the key features
of OMEGAlpes as well as their use in a simplified waste heat recovery example. The
range of use cases and associated research fields explored with OMEGAlpes was also
presented. OMEGAlpes’ open development with the source code documentation and
Gitlab, as well as the use cases library, enabled collaborations with laboratories from
various fields including electrical engineering, heat, and social sciences. Common work
is also lead with engineering schools, engineering offices, local authorities, and energy
system operators. These collaborations bring about a connection to the field reality and
OMEGAlpes’ continuous improvement.
With this article, we offer understanding of OMEGAlpes’ method and use cases
library with respect to existing energy modelling tool. From energy project actors to
energy modelling tool developers, we believe OMEGAlpes’ method, library, use, and
development can support negotiations in energy projects at district scale. Taking into
account the stakeholders in the design of energy projects could thus favour local energy

Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at

.3390/en14185928/s1, the source code and notebook linked to this article, as well as the use cases
code and notebooks from the OMEGAlpes examples.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.B., B.D., J.F., S.H., L.M. and F.W.; Methodology, J.F.,
S.H. and L.M.; Software, M.B., J.F., S.H. and L.M.; Validation, B.D., J.F., S.H., L.M. and F.W.; Formal
Analysis, J.F., S.H. and L.M.; Investigation, J.F., S.H. and L.M.; Resources, B.D. and F.W.; Data
Curation, J.F., S.H. and L.M.; Writing—Original Draft Preparation, M.B, S.H., J.F. and L.M.; Writing—
Review and Editing, M.B. and S.H.; Visualization, M.B. and S.H.; Supervision, B.D. and F.W.; Project
Administration, B.D. and F.W.; Funding Acquisition, B.D. and F.W. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The authors are grateful to the ADEME (the French Agency for Environment and Energy
Management) for their financial support through the RETHINE project (Réseaux Electriques et
THermiques InterconNEctés). This work has been partially supported by the CDP Eco-SESA receiving
fund from the French National Research Agency in the framework of the “Investissements d’avenir”
program (ANR-15-IDEX-02).
Acknowledgments: The authors first would like to thank Camille Pajot for all the work she carried
out in the development of OMEGAlpes. They also want to thank the openmod community for the
rewarding online and face to face exchanges.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Management) for their financial support through the RETHINE project (Réseaux Electriques et
THermiques InterconNEctés). This work has been partially supported by the CDP Eco-SESA receiv-
ing fund from the French National Research Agency in the framework of the “Investissements
d’avenir” program (ANR-15-IDEX-02).

Energies 2021, 14, 5928 Acknowledgments: The authors first would like to thank Camille Pajot for all the work she carried25 of 30
out in the development of OMEGAlpes. They also want to thank the openmod community for the
rewarding online and face to face exchanges.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A. Comprehensive OMEGAlpes UML Diagrams
Appendix A. Comprehensive OMEGAlpes UML Diagrams

Figure A1. Energy package UML diagram.

Figure A1. Energy package UML diagram.

Figure A2. Actor package UML diagram.

Energies 2021, 14, 5928 26 of 30

Figure A3. General package UML diagram.

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