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Advances in Applied Energy 4 (2021) 100063

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A modeler’s guide to handle complexity in energy systems optimization

Leander Kotzur a,f,∗, Lars Nolting d,f, Maximilian Hoffmann a,f, Theresa Groß a,f,
Andreas Smolenko c,f, Jan Priesmann d,f, Henrik Büsing c,f, Robin Beer a,f, Felix Kullmann a,f,
Bismark Singh b, Aaron Praktiknjo d,f, Detlef Stolten a,e,f, Martin Robinius a,f
Institute of Techno-economic Systems Analysis (IEK-3), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Wilhelm-Johnen-Str., D-52428, Germany
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Nürnberg (FAU), Department of Mathematics, Cauerstr. 11, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Institute for Advanced Simulation – Jülich Supercomputing Centre (IAS-JSC), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Wilhelm-Johnen-Str., D-52428, Germany
Chair for Energy System Economics (FCN-ESE), Institute for Future Energy Consumer Needs and Behavior, E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen University,
Mathieustrasse 10, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Chair of fuel cells, RWTH Aachen University, c/o Institute of Techno-economic Systems Analysis (IEK-3) , Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Wilhelm-Johnen-Str.,
D-52428, Germany
JARA-ENERGY, Jülich Aachen Research Alliance, 52425 Jülich, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Determining environmentally- and economically-optimal energy systems designs and operations is complex. In
Energy system optimization particular, the integration of weather-dependent renewable energy technologies into energy system optimization
MILP models presents new challenges to computational tractability that cannot only be solved by advancements in
computational resources. In consequence, energy system modelers must tackle the complexity of their models
by applying various methods to manipulate the underlying data and model structure, with the ultimate goal of
Capacity expansion
Aggregation finding optimal solutions. As which complexity reduction method is suitable for which research question is often
unclear, herein we review different approaches for handling complexity. We first analyze the determinants of
complexity and note that many drivers of complexity could be avoided a priori with a tailored model design. Sec-
ond, we conduct a review of systematic complexity reduction methods for energy system optimization models,
which can range from simple linearization performed by modelers to sophisticated multi-level approaches com-
bining aggregation and decomposition methods. Based on this overview, we develop a guide for energy system
modelers who encounter computational limitations.

1. Introduction systems [6], while limited resources and time stress efficient solution
processes of those [7].
1.1. Energy systems optimization For the case of the energy sector, the concept to determine necessary
future capacities using simple scenario-based models dates back to the
The design and operation of energy systems with minimal envi- 1950s [8]. Simultaneously, the first concepts for achieving profitabil-
ronmental and economic impacts is highly complex, as energy supply ity of energy trades such as peak-load pricing [9-11] have their origin
and demand must be spatially- and temporally-balanced, with an ever- in the same decade. During the 1960s and 1970s, the rapidly growing
increasing set of generation units, storage technologies, transmission op- energy demand, as well as an advancing liberation of the energy mar-
tions, and load management alternatives. The analytical solving of these ket [5, 6], drove the development of more complex models in order to
problems is no longer feasible, and instead requires the use of mathemat- maintain the security of supply at every point in time and stay prof-
ical energy system optimization models (ESOMs) to identify the optimal itable despite an increasing number of market competitors. As a result,
design and operation [1]. the first optimization-based models such as BESOM [12] emerged dur-
The theoretical limitation to the application of such optimization ing this period. During the 1980s, environmental awareness and tech-
models is our ability to structure them in the form of a mathematical nological advances first led to the consideration of renewable energy
program [2]. These programs have a broad range of applications; for sources [13]. As many renewable energy sources are both, intermittent
instance, to determine train routes and schedules [3], production plan- and non-dispatchable, their consideration led to a third major develop-
ning [4], emergency logistics [5] or, as previously mentioned, energy ment of energy system modeling, namely the consideration of a finite

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L. Kotzur).
Received 26 July 2021; Received in revised form 13 August 2021; Accepted 13 August 2021
Available online 18 August 2021
2666-7924/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
L. Kotzur, L. Nolting, M. Hoffmann et al. Advances in Applied Energy 4 (2021) 100063

number of regions as well as multiple discrete time steps in order to As a result, the developmental frequency of new CPUs has been lev-
capture various demand and supply situations. eling flat in recent years, as is displayed in Fig. 1. Instead, the increased
In the realm of energy system their application can be distinguished number of logical cores keeps transistor counts going.
between top-down ESOMs approaches that address economic, political,
and social aspects, which directly drive the evolution of energy systems 1.4. Computational limitations of optimization solvers
[14], and bottom-up ESOMs that focus on detailed technological mod-
eling and specific system design. Well-known representatives of this To take advantage of theoretical CPU power, this in return leads
group are e.g. LEAP [15], EFOM [16], BESOM [12], MARKAL [17], to the necessity of decomposing the optimization problem into discrete
MESSAGE [14, 18], IKARUS [6], PERSEUS [19], TIMES [20-23] and, parts that can be either processed independently or which must com-
recently, DESOD [24], DER-CAM [25], CALLIOPE [26], OEMOF [27], municate minimal data between themselves.
URBS [28], PYPSA [29] and FINE [30], while an overview of their type Nevertheless, the majority of the commercially-available optimiza-
and application can be found in Appendix Table 5. A broader review of tion solvers are not capable of exploiting these parallelized resources
the scope and applications of bottom-up ESOMs is given by Groissböck on larger scales. While an increase from one to four CPUs enables a
[31], Lopion et al. [6], and Ringkjøb et al. [32]. significant reduction in the computational runtime [46], Rehfeldt et al.
[47] show that in some instances of large-scale energy system models,
the reduction of computational runtime stagnates at around eight com-
1.2. Increasing energy system complexity putational threads. Similar observations have also been made for the
general benchmarking of Mixed Integer Linear Programs, where no com-
The quality and availability of the data required to parameterize putational runtime improvement can be observed from 4 to 12 threads
these models are steadily improving, but the amount of input data re- [48].
quired directly impacts the size of the related optimization problem and Therefore, today’s supercomputers with a huge amount of cores, e.g.,
with it the requirement for processing resources and finding an optimal JUWELS with 122,768 cores or Sunway TaihuLight with 10,649,600, are
solution within a reasonable timeframe [33]. The non-linearities of the not capable of efficiently tackling this mathematical complexity, and
objective or constraint functions, or a large number of system variables the advancements in computational resources cannot be accessed for
and uncertainties, can even risk the identification of a feasible solution ESOMs.
In particular, this makes the integration of renewable energy tech- 1.5. Objective and structure of the paper
nologies into the bottom-up ESOMs challenging due to their often perva-
sive nonlinear structures and an increased requirement for spatiotempo- As a result of the constraint exploitation potential of computational
ral resolution [35-38]. In addition to the required increase in the gran- resources, methods to efficiently tackle and reduce the complexity of ES-
ularity of the ESOMs, an increase in the connectivity of the different OMs are being continuously developed by the energy system research
energy sectors must be considered, which is often referred to as ‘sector- community. These can be either simple qualitative evaluations to iden-
coupling’ [39-41]. As an example, the electricity sector becomes strongly tify irrelevant parts of the system models or sophisticated machine learn-
linked to the heat sector via heat pumps and other power-to-heat tech- ing methods that systematically reduce the data input of energy system
nologies. This coupling enables the construction of low-carbon energy models.
systems with renewable electricity supply, but increases the intricacy Historically, many different complexity management methods have
of these systems and significantly threatens their viability, let alone the been individually introduced and benchmarked, with first attempts to
solvability of their corresponding models [32]. Thereby, data availabil- compare different complexity reduction methods with respect to accu-
ity is improving, allowing for much more accurate model representa- racy and computational impact, either for dispatch [49] or transmission
tions. E.g., hourly weather data is available for multiple decades across expansion models [50].
continental scales which represents huge amounts of data and decision Nevertheless, to the knowledge of the authors, a holistic and com-
which cannot be properly managed by simple mathematical programs. prehensive overview of complexity management methods does not exist,
Thus, settling for sub-optimal or merely feasible energy system de- and therefore this work reviews, evaluates, and qualitatively compares
sign solutions will be the rule rather than the exception if there is no the methods to each other. Thereby, we want to guide modelers who
development towards better computational tractability to solve energy encounter computational limitations and identify research gaps to lay a
system models within an acceptable timeframe. foundation for the future development of methods to reduce complexity.
The article is structured according to the process of system modeling:
First, Section 2 provides an overview of what constitutes energy system
1.3. Development of computational resources optimization models and describes their complexity. Then, Section 3 dis-
cusses methods to systematically reduce or manage the complexity of
While one would expect that no major improvements in the solving energy system models. Section 4 introduces possibilities to decompose
of algorithms would be required in light of Moore’s Law and the corre- the resulting mathematical optimization models. The main conclusions
sponding increasing availability of computer resources over the last few will then be drawn in Section 5.
decades [42], the computational tractability of mathematical programs
remains greatly limited [43]. 2. Determinants of complexity
This is caused by resource development: According to Moore’s Law,
the number of transistors on a chip doubles approximately every two Complexity is not an end in itself, although we can sometimes per-
years. While a larger number of transistors increases the processor’s ceive it differently in the research community. Thus, it is important to
power, which is measured in floating point operations per second first understand what drives and determines the complexity of an energy
(FLOP/s), the increased transistor density leads to greater power dis- system and its respective model.
sipation. Therefore, in Section 2.1, we define energy systems from a system-
Power dissipation is not only dependent on the density of transis- theoretical perspective, identify energy system modeling as the process
tors but is also a function of the third power of processor clock fre- of depicting these in Section 2.2, compare different approaches to defin-
quency [44]. Therefore, packing many processors with a smaller clock ing and measuring their complexity in Section 2.3, and finally derive
frequency onto a CPU significantly reduces the energy dissipation while conclusions about the dimensions and drivers of complexity in energy
being capable of holding the theoretical CPU’s power constant. system modeling in Section 2.4.

L. Kotzur, L. Nolting, M. Hoffmann et al. Advances in Applied Energy 4 (2021) 100063

Fig. 1. Development of transistor counts, fre-

quency, and number of logical cores, based on
Rupp [45].

Fig. 2. Definition of an energy system in a hier-

archy of system levels with their interaction. An
example can be a building energy supply system as
system, which is embedded into a district supply
system as macrosystem, while single components
such as a heatpump are subsystems with different
technology components in themselves.

2.1. Definition of energy systems from a system-theoretical point of view a macrosystem. Fig. 2 summarizes the findings of this definition and
provides an overview of the hierarchical structure of different system
Bertalanffy [51] defines systems as complexes of interacting ele- levels.
ments that cannot be described by their elements alone. Today, this Based on, energy systems can be defined as special types of systems.
property is referred to as emergence. Laughlin [52] specifies that by Table 1 demonstrates the key aspects of two sample energy systems.
looking at the individual elements of systems, the overall system’s be- Using the terminology introduced, we can state that system B serves
havior is in many cases not recognizable [52]. Meadows et al. [53] ex- as a macrosystem to system A, and vice versa system A is a subsystem
pand on existing definitions of systems with the dimension of a system’s of system B. Additionally, we can see that both systems comprise sub-
purpose. In a technical environment, systems are defined as a “set of systems, modules, and components.
interrelated elements considered in a defined context as a whole and
separated from their environment” (DIN IEC 60,050–351, DIN German 2.2. Models to depict energy systems
Institute for Standardization, 2014). This settles the existence of a de-
fined system boundary and holism. As experiments on energy systems themselves are not possible, or
The existence of system boundaries results in a system hierarchy: only possible at a very high cost, energy system models are frequently
systems can be part of other systems. Basic elements form a first sys- used tools to analyze system behavior [55], while different types and
tem, a so-called sub-system, which in turn is part of a larger system, a categorizations of energy system models can be defined [6, 56, 57]. In
super-system [53] [54]. Skyttner [54] introduces a fairly rigorous and the scientific context, energy system models must be purposeful, repeat-
thus well transferable definition of different levels of hierarchy: parts able, unbiased, and make a novel contribution [58].
build units that form components, which can be summarized as modules In general, a model is a simplified representation of reality for a
that in turn build a subsystem as part of a system that is embedded in specific purpose. It, therefore, possesses three central properties [59]:

L. Kotzur, L. Nolting, M. Hoffmann et al. Advances in Applied Energy 4 (2021) 100063

Table 1
Key aspects of two sample energy systems from a system-theoretical perspective.

Energy system Heat supply of a building (A) Energy supply of a country (B)

System boundaries Building’s exterior walls State borders

Purpose of the system Meeting the heating needs of building users Meeting all energy needs of the country’s
System elements (excerpt) Technical components: heat supply, pipes, heat Technical components: power plants, electrical grid,
storage(s), heatpump, walls, windows, doors, etc. storage, etc.
Agents: inhabitants, guests, etc. Agents: consumers, producers, financiers, etc.

Fig. 3. Illustration of the modeling process as a selected and simplified representation of the reality. For the example of designing a building supply system, the
possible grid supply options such as a heating network of the district system as macrosystem need to be considered in a model depiction at the system boundary,
while certain subsystems such as the heatpump are simplified to single elements with a described behavior, e.g., the coefficient of performance.

1 Representation: a model replicates a part of reality. The first two principles are much in line with the main character-
2 Simplification: a model does not replicate all properties of the orig- istics of complexity, as described in the economic management litera-
inal. Rather, it is designed to replicate only those that the modeler ture [69]. Here, complexity is characterized by variety (i.e., the amount
deems relevant. and kinds of elements in a system), connectivity (i.e., the amount and
3 Pragmatism: a model has a purpose dictating what part of reality it kinds of relationships between the elements), and dynamics (i.e., unpre-
represents and how this is achieved. dictability). To handle complexity, three basic concepts are outlined in
the management literature [70]:
Overall, energy system models try to serve a purpose, i.e., derive
a specific decision by representing the most relevant parts of the an- 1 Complexity reduction: reduce existing complexity by reducing the
alyzed systems and introducing necessary simplifications. Thus, the number of existing parts, variants, and processes, i.e., the number
model seeks to depict the emergent behavior of the energy system un- of variables and interdependencies in the system.
der investigation, i.e., output variables and their dependence on external 2 Complexity control: efficient control of unavoidable complexity
circumstances in the form of input variables, as is illustrated in Fig. 3. through appropriate measures, i.e., appropriate anticipation of dy-
3 Complexity avoidance: avoid an increase in complexity beyond what
2.3. Complexity in energy systems and energy system models is necessary.

In the following, we assess what drives the complexity of the original It becomes clear that the definitions of complexity are very well
system and its simplifying model, whereby the definitions of measures transferrable to energy systems per se, whereas the measures to manage
for complexity are introduced. complexity mainly refer to energy system models and thus to the third
In general, concepts for a formal description of complexity have question by Lloyd [67]. Therefore, we must distinguish the complexity
been derived from system theory [60], mathematics, and the natural of the underlying energy system and modeling complexity.
sciences [61-64]. More recently, there have been various attempts to
define complexity [65, 66]. To this day, however, no concise and com- 2.3.1. Complexity in energy systems
prehensive definition of the concept has been established. Rather, defini- Based on complex system theory, the main characteristics of complex
tions of complexity are highly context-dependent and driven by certain systems can be transferred to energy systems [58, 68, 71]:
use cases. Given the sheer amount of different definitions and measures,
Lloyd [67] opened a ‘non-exhaustive list’ that comprises over 40 differ- 1 The existence of agents in the system;
ent ways to describe complexity. This accords to the findings of Mitchell 2 Networks that link different agents and physical components;
[68] (p. 301) that show that researchers focusing on complexity widely 3 Dynamics in the sense of changes in time that might include feedback
agree that we cannot yet characterize the phenomenon of complexity in mechanisms;
a rigorous way. 4 Self-organization, meaning autonomous adaptation towards external
According to the physicist Lloyd [67], three prevailing questions gov- changes;
ern scientific concepts of complexity: 5 Path-dependency, including lock-in effects;
6 Emergence that describes an emerging behavior in the system’s
• How hard is it to describe the system? macro structure;
• What is its inherent degree of organization? 7 Co-evolution regarding co-existence and interdependence with other
• How hard is it to create a model? systems;

L. Kotzur, L. Nolting, M. Hoffmann et al. Advances in Applied Energy 4 (2021) 100063

Table 2 2.4. Accuracy and complexity in energy system modeling

Algorithmic complexity classes to describe how runtime or memory growth with
the size of the input data (excerpt). As a result of the insights summarized above and in accordance with
Constant Logarithmic Linear Polynomial Exponential the findings by De Carolis et al. [80], we can conclude that there ex-
ists a trade-off between accuracy and complexity within energy system
Big O notation O(1) O(log n) O(n) O(na ) O(2n )
models: the more the modeler abstracts from the real system, the more
the model strays from reality and the less its behavior reflects the real
system’s complexity. However, system theory also shows that it is some-
8 Learning and adaption based on experimentation that leads to im-
times sufficient to reflect the emergent behavior of complex systems and
proved functionality of the system.
it is not always necessary, or sometimes even impossible, to reproduce
This list, in combination with the overview on definitions and mea- this behavior by depicting all of a system’s elements [52]. We can fur-
sures for complexity, allows two main conclusions to be drawn: first, ther conclude that modelers must indeed resist the temptation to con-
energy systems must be regarded as complex systems; second, the pre- centrate exclusively on computational complexity. It is also important
vailing complexity of energy systems is currently increasing as their va- to bear in mind the underlying system’s complexity drivers, as they will
riety, connectivity, and dynamics grow. ultimately govern the complexity of the analysis. Here, the choice of
system boundaries, depth of modeling, and the level of detail of the de-
2.3.2. Complexity in energy system models picted interdependencies determine the complexity and accuracy of the
According to Billings [72], the identification of relevant systems to model.
model, i.e., the definition of system boundaries and relevant interdepen- The trade-off between complexity and accuracy has been analyzed,
dencies between input and output variables, is a part of system theory. e.g., by Bale et al. [81], leading to the conclusion that it also influences
As is introduced above, models simplify and depict real systems. Thus, the communicability of results to a non-scientific audience (for instance
we conclude that as the complexity of energy systems increases, the policy-makers). Additionally, studies from different fields of research
complexity of energy system models that are intended to reflect their have recently focused on the trade-off between the accuracy and com-
emergent behavior must also increase in turn. plexity of models [49] and did not find a general superiority of more
Focusing on energy system models, the third question raised by Lloyd complex models, as in cases of overfitting in the case of poor-quality
[67] becomes particularly important: how hard is it to create a model? input data [82, 83]. Another direction of research has focused on identi-
The way this question is formulated leads to the conclusion that not only fying optimal solutions within the trade-off between computation time
must the process of solving the model be considered but also the entire (as a proxy for complexity) and model accuracy [84]. Finally, Brooks
process, starting with collecting the necessary input data, followed by and Tobias [85] claim that there is a scarcity of research focusing on
defining, implementing, and running the model and finishing with an choosing the best-fitting models in terms of performance to depict the
interpretation of results. underlying system. They introduce four measures to quantify model per-
Based on our synthesis regarding system theory and complexity re- formance: the quality of results, the future usability of the model, the
search, we can now distinguish three different levels of complexity that verification and validation of model results, and the required resources.
are relevant to energy system modeling: It is thus imperative to identify those areas in which the trade-off
is particularly favorable and those elements that considerably increase
1 The complexity of the energy system itself (the left side of Fig. 3);
the complexity of a model without markedly increasing the accuracy of
2 The complexity of the part of the energy system to be investigated,
its results. In other words, it is necessary to: (1) identify the complexity
i.e., the scope of the analysis (center of Fig. 3); and
drivers of energy system models; and (2) choose the right level of com-
3 The resulting computational complexity of the model (right side of
plexity for the present scope of analysis. For the latter task, a tension
Fig. 3).
arises between the claim for complexity by Stirling [86] and the call
While it is hard to find ubiquitous and quantitative measures for for reductionism and ‘parsimony’ in energy system models by De Carolis
the first two types of complexity, it is more straightforward to measure et al. [80].
the emergent computational complexity of the model. For the latter,
we can distinguish two different approaches: hardware-dependent mea-
3. Methods for complexity reduction
sures such as runtime and memory usage emergent in the level of com-
plexity [73], or hardware-independent measures for algorithmic com-
While the complexity of the energy system itself cannot be influ-
plexity in the sense of Big-O-notations, also referred to as Bachmann-
enced, and that of the modeling process depends on the expertise of
Landau notation or asymptotic notation [74]. This measures the com-
the modeler, computational complexity can be systematically altered and
plexity of a given problem by means of the fastest formulation of a so-
lution algorithm based on computer models such as the (deterministic)
The dimensions to reduce complexity of ESOMs are illustrated in
Turing Machine (Turing, 1937). Using this notation, algorithms can be
Section 3.1, while the subsequent sections (Section 3.2, Section 3.3,
classified by complexity [75, 76]. These classes provide upper limits to
Section 3.4, and Section 3.5) describe possibilities for reducing these.
the increase in algorithmic complexity with the size of the input data,
as is illustrated in Table 1.
Table 2 3.1. Dimensions to reduce complexity
Furthermore, algorithms can be divided into the categories of ef-
ficiently solvable (e.g., O(n2 )) and inefficiently solvable (e.g., O(2n )) As discussed in Section 2, a general definition of complexity dimen-
problem classes [77, 78], where the latter class is often referred to as sions is challenging. From a mathematical point of view, however, three
‘intractable’ or NP-hard problems. Another class is defined as ‘advanta- basic factors have a direct impact on computational complexity, as is
geously parallelizable’ problems [79]. The solution to problems of this illustrated in Fig. 4: The total size of the optimization model, the opti-
class can be significantly simplified by implementing a shared mem- mization problem class, and the connectivity within the model.
ory. Overall, the algorithmic complexity definition has the advantage The scope, spatial resolution, and temporal resolution of the ESOM
of being independent of constantly improving hardware performance. determine the model size and thus the size of the matrix as a combi-
However, this only provides upper limits for the scalability of the algo- nation of constraints and variables: It can be influenced by the number
rithm with the size of the input data and therefore does not allow for of considered time steps, sometimes referred to as time slices or snap-
valid comparisons across the complexity classes. shots [38], in operation or investment decisions to account for their

L. Kotzur, L. Nolting, M. Hoffmann et al. Advances in Applied Energy 4 (2021) 100063

Fig. 4. Complexity dimensions expressed by sketching the objective and constraint matrix. The ‘model size’ depicts the general number of variables and constraints.
The ‘problem class’ is derived from the type of variables (continuous, binary, or integer) and the type of constraints (linear, nonlinear). The ‘connectivity’ describes
the linkage between the variables and constraints.

dynamic behavior. Its cardinality is determined by the temporal reso- makes it hard to decouple parts of it, making it challenging to solve
lution, e.g., sub-minutely [87], sub-hourly [88, 89], or, in most cases, different parts within a parallelized computer infrastructure. For single-
hourly [18], and the observation period can range from a number of core performance, this is challenging to generalize: As Tejada-Arango
typical days to a time series spanning decades [37]. We discuss the pos- et al. [105] show, implementing operational characteristics comes with
sibilities for reducing the temporal scale in Section 3.2. Likewise, the a trade-off between compactness (i.e., increasing the model size) and
spatial and technological resolution directly affects the model size and, tightness (i.e., the similarity between the solution search space of the
respectively, the size of the network. In particular, a high number of MILP and the relaxed LP) [106]. They find that ramping constraints in
spatially-distributed nodes is required for optimal grid design [30, 37, particular positively impact the solving time by increasing the tightness.
90, 91], but also for an adequate consideration of renewable supply Otherwise, as in the case of dispatch models, the weak connectivity is
technologies [92]. The options to lower the spatial scale of ESOMs will often neglected by temporally decoupling the model in favor of being
be framed in Section 3.3. Nevertheless, even single node ESOMs can able to solve a large-scale network for different time steps in a parallel
result in large-scale optimization problems if a high resolution of tech- computer infrastructure [83]. For a more limited model scope, how-
nology types and sectors is considered [93, 94], as if technical solutions ever, it is possible to include dynamic time-coupling [107]. The options
for heating, cooling, electricity, and industrial processes are regarded si- to tackle this connectivity from a modeler’s perspective are discussed
multaneously, resulting in large networks. However, the latter strongly in Section 3.5 and lead to the possibility of solving and decomposing
depend on the system’s scope and the research question, wherefore no ESOMs, as described in Section 4.
systematic complexity reduction methods currently exist to the authors’ With the help of this definition of the computational complexity of
knowledge. ESOMs, we can now describe how the original complexity drivers of
To achieve large-scale ESOMs, Linear Programs (LPs) are primarily energy systems, published by Bale et al. [58], relate to the computation
used as a problem class [37, 40], which combine linear constraints with of their virtual representatives in Table 1.
a continuous variable set. Their convex nature combines with histori- Table 3
cally significant efforts to develop efficient solving algorithms with poly-
nomial solving time. As discussed above, they are especially required 3.2. Temporal aggregation
to design large-scale, bottom-up energy systems supplied by renewable
power [14]. Recent works have also shown that convex Quadratic Pro- As introduced above, the temporal complexity of ESOMs is spanned
grams (QP) are suitable for this problem scale [95]. Specific Mixed- by the temporal resolution and the considered time horizon [38]:
Integer Linear Programs (MILPs) with a small amount of binary or in-
teger variables for the technology choices [30, 90, 91, 96-99] allow for • A long time horizon is crucial for the generation of expansion-
the optimization of larger networks for a few time steps. Yet, every bi- planning models to appropriately capture transformation pathways
nary or integer variable leads to a cut in the solution space, resulting in [6], technical learning rates [108], or other long-term effects such as
a non-convexity and an np-hard problem. Nonlinear performance func- economic, social, or environmental processes that gain importance
tions, e.g., the part-load efficiency of a fuel cell, determine a non-convex at different time scales [109].
set of operational states, and with it, a non-convex optimization prob- • In contrast, a high temporal resolution is crucial for considering the
lem, usually resulting in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs (MINLPs). rising share of highly intermittent renewable energy sources, e.g., in
This problem class is computationally-intensive, which limits the size cost-optimal unit commitments [18, 110].
of the considered systems and/or the temporal observation time. Of-
ten, they are simplified to a MILP by either modelers [100] or by the The basic idea of temporal aggregation is to represent the time series
solving algorithm itself [101]. The systematic simplification of technol- of demands, supplies, or residual loads with a large number of time steps
ogy models by avoiding nonlinearities or discontinuities and the related by a smaller number of time steps [38]. This is achieved either by the
non-convexity of the program is habitually performed by modelers and direct reduction of the temporal resolution, as discussed in Section 3.2.1,
will be discussed in Section 3.4. or by representing time series with a reduced number of typical periods,
The connectivity of an energy system model is indicated by the explained in Section 3.2.2. The general concept of these two approaches
density of the constraint matrix for the linear case. An energy system is highlighted in Fig. 5.
with strong spatio-temporal linking expressed by dense transmission
networks, operational dynamics such as states of storages, or invest- 3.2.1. Decreasing the temporal resolution
ment dynamics, leads to high connectivity. For example, the modeling The simplest way to reduce the overall number of time steps is to
of a hierarchical order of time grids [102] [90] [103] [104] leads to decrease the temporal resolution directly. As is illustrated in the upper
a small model size but has a strong linkage within the model, which part of Fig. 5, this can either be done in a regular manner, referred to

L. Kotzur, L. Nolting, M. Hoffmann et al. Advances in Applied Energy 4 (2021) 100063

Table 3
A holistic list of complexity drivers in energy systems and their assumed impact in computational representations.

Complexity drivers in energy systems Drivers for computational complexity

Agents in the system Increased model size (more nodes to depict) and more complex problem class to
depict behavior
Networks that link different agents and physical components Increased model size (more connections to depict)
Dynamics in the sense of changes in time that might include feedback mechanisms Increased model connectivity and increased model size to resolve those dynamics,
maybe even the need for a more complex problem class due to non-linearities
Self-organization, meaning autonomous adaption to external changes Increased connectivity of the model, perhaps even the need for a more complex
problem class due to non-linearities, model size due to complex behavior
Path dependency including lock-in effects Increased connectivity of the model and the need for a more complex problem class
due to non-convexity
Emergence behavior of the system’s macrostructure More complex problem class due to non-linearities
Co-evolution regarding co-existence and interdependence with other systems Increased model size (need to depict interactions with macrosystems)
Learning and adaption based on experimentation that leads to improved system Increased model dynamics and a more complex problem class due to non-linearities

dissimilarity matrix, which is illustrated in Fig. 6. Each row can be in-

terpreted as a hyper-dimensional candidate point for the clustering pro-
Clustering algorithms generally strive to maximize the intra-cluster
similarity of candidate points while maximizing inter-cluster dissimilar-
ity by allocating data points to different clusters [114]. In the realm of
time series clustering, this means that “homogeneous time series data
are grouped based on a certain similarity measure” [115]. The cluster
centers or selected data points are then chosen as representatives or
“typical periods” [116-118].
While one of the first cluster method applied was fuzzy c-means
clustering [119], the most common cluster methods use Euclidian dis-
tance as a metric, k-means or Ward’s [120], hierarchical greedy clus-
tering algorithms with either medoids (e.g., existing typical periods) or
means (e.g., synthesized typical periods) as representatives, or the MILP
formulation of the k-medoid algorithm [121], which searches for repre-
sentative days that minimize the distance to all of the other data points
of the respective cluster [116, 118, 122, 123].
Fig. 5. Overview of the possibilities for reducing the temporal complexity in an Recently, new clustering algorithms were introduced and tested on
discretized time space. energy system models that take temporal shifts into account for a certain
bias along the time axis, such as the k-shape algorithm, which was intro-
duced [124] and applied to the thermal energy demands of university
as down-sampling, or in an irregular manner, based on the similarity of
buildings [125] and electricity prices [126].
adjacent time steps, called segmentation.
Other publications have focused on daily duration curves as candi-
For down-sampling, a predefined number of adjacent time steps is
dates for clustering and removing intra-day order [30, 127]. Another
taken and represented by its mean, e.g., by taking the average of every
method is to directly approximate certain values in a yearly duration
two time steps. This leads to an underestimation of the time series’ vari-
curve and find a combination of daily duration curves whose linear com-
ance of the raw input data and can have a severe impact on the result
bination minimizes the error to the original duration curve [35, 128,
of energy system optimization models, such as for systems with a high
129]. This method is also capable of taking the fluctuation and variance
share of renewable energy. Here the necessary capacities to be built are
of duration curves into account [130]. However, these methods widely
underestimated [37], or the self-consumption rate of energy systems, in-
neglect the intra-daily order of typical days and therefore may fail to
cluding feed-in from photovoltaic and battery storage are overestimated
model the intra-day dynamics.
[36, 87], and also counts for feed-in from wind turbines [110].
Moreover, the issue of an appropriate number of clusters is the sub-
A more advanced method is segmentation, the merging of adjacent
ject of current research. Although a vast number of clustering indicators
time steps based on their mutual similarity. This approach leads to ir-
[115] such as, for example, the silhouette score [131, 132] and distor-
regular new time step lengths, as highlighted by the green bars in the
tion sum ratios between homogeneously distributed data samples and
upper part of Fig. 5. Numerous approaches exist [38]: Some favor par-
real samples [133, 134] exist and have been applied as indicators for
titional clustering [111] or agglomerative clustering [112] under the
a sufficient number of typical periods [111, 135], no set of indicators
constraint that only adjacent time steps are to be clustered, while other
has proven to be superior over all of the others. A reason for this could
approaches include MILP optimizations to merge adjacent time steps
be that many input time series describe continuous phenomena, which
while minimizing the deviation from the original time series [113].
means that the sample points are not well-separated from each other,
and so the clustering error simply monotonically decreases with an in-
3.2.2. Decreasing the number of periods creasing number of typical periods [111, 136].
The concept of typical periods is that not only might adjacent time Last but not least, it is to highlight that clustered periods do not
steps within a series be similar, but also entire periods within the time respect the chronology of typical periods and therefore require alterna-
series. This is illustrated in the lower part of Fig. 5, where periods 1 and tive description of dynamics between the periods, e.g., for the consid-
2 are merged based on their comparable profiles. eration of seasonal storages. Some solutions exist [104, 137] but they
The similarity between different periods is achieved by cutting nor- are challenging to implement and can alter the results of the analysis
malized input time series into typical periods and aligning them in a [138] wherefore proper validations are required.

L. Kotzur, L. Nolting, M. Hoffmann et al. Advances in Applied Energy 4 (2021) 100063

Fig. 6. Dimensionality reduction step to transform a set of normalized time series to candidate periods in a dissimilarity matrix which is used as basis for the
clustering process.

3.2.3. Extreme periods gated time series, searching for the most robust energy system by creat-
The design of energy systems strongly depends on extreme periods, ing multiple scenarios and systematic approaches based on aggregated
which are crucial to operational feasibility and surplus capacities, as input data to define the upper and lower bounds for the objective of
well as the operational costs for which the prevalence of the different fully-resolved energy system optimization
typical periods is important [139].
A common method is to define days containing the peak or minimum
value of a certain attribute as an extreme period, e.g., maximum demand 3.3. Spatial aggregation
days or minimum supply days with respect to solar or wind energy pro-
duction [117, 118, 140]. Moreover, other authors have noted that not The spatial complexity of energy system models is determined by
only are single extreme values of interest for the robustness of optimiza- two aspects, namely the spatial resolution, hence the number of defined
tions, but also cumulative extreme values, such as days with cumulative model regions, and the representation of these, i.e., the number of tech-
peak demand [141, 142]. Apart from that, typical days can also be con- nologies or agents per model region. Fundamentally, we define model
sidered an extreme period if they contain the peak or minimal demand regions as geometries containing energy system components. These re-
within a season [143]. Finally, it is worth noting that other heuristics gions are connected to other regions by inter-regional connections, re-
have also been proposed that focus on maintaining a certain variance ferred to as a network or grid. Additionally, the spatially-distributed en-
or gradient within a clustered time series [122] or by directly importing ergy system components within regions are connected. However, these
them into the optimization problem of the clustering algorithm [139]. intra-regional connections are generally assumed to be copper plates,
Recently, other methods have proposed tackling the problem of un- such that the data of all energy components for each region are gener-
derestimating the variance of time series with respect to clustering in ally simply aggregated [50]. Given different research questions and the
general. Some add iteratively feasible time steps if the operation of an resulting requirements concerning the level-of-detail of these energy sys-
energy system optimized for an aggregated time series is not feasible for tems, spatial resolution and representation varies significantly and thus
operation with the original time series [144] while others use synthe- requires the spatial aggregation of the available energy system data.
sized variations [18, 142, 145] in time series and simulate the operation Spatial aggregation generally comprises both the grouping of regions
of energy systems designed for one scenario with all of the others [142], with similar properties on the one side [151] and the representation of
or re-run the optimization, including the most expensive time steps from the regions’ information, such as time series within defined regions, us-
the first optimization run [145, 146]. ing aggregate functions on the other [152], as is seen in Fig. 7. Thus,
Moreover, aggregation methods have been introduced that define the grouping determines how to aggregate the network, whereas the
the upper and lower bounds of the original optimization problem and representation determines how to aggregate the technologies within the
try to arrive at the solution by iteratively increasing the number of time newly created regions. Therefore, aggregation functions are required to
steps [147-150]. represent the data of the initial set of regions for the newly reduced re-
All things considered, three main directions can be identified in the gion set. These aggregate functions range from simple representations
development of more robust results from energy system optimizations: with a sum, mean, min, or max [153], to more advanced functions such
Heuristic approaches that focus on preserving the important character- as median, mode, and rank [153], to complex aggregation functions in
istics of the original time series by directly preserving it in the aggre- the form of algorithms, such as network reduction algorithms, as de-
scribed by Hörsch and Brown [154].

L. Kotzur, L. Nolting, M. Hoffmann et al. Advances in Applied Energy 4 (2021) 100063

Fig. 7. Difference between the aggregation of a network of nodes and different technologies inside a modeled node.

So far, the grouping was primarily based on administrative bound- In contrast, for connected systems, aggregation results in information
aries, with current energy systems analysis studies with a European loss due to representation inside every region, and because of the balanc-
scope mostly being based on national regions, with national time series ing effects between different regions that can lead to an underestimation
of hourly temporal resolution [32]. The scope of these studies ranges of data variabilities. In particular, the copper plate assumption for intra-
from electricity-only scenarios [155] to sector-coupled ones [92, 156, regional connections results in an externalization of costs. These could
157]. be either explicitly additionally accounted for [160] or neglected [154].
Initial studies have been conducted to analyze the impact of spa- An alternative would be to internalize them using respective representa-
tial aggregation on energy systems analysis based on grid constraints tion functions. On the supply side, the spatial distribution of renewable
[154, 158, 159]. Whereas Hörsch and Brown [154] derive a clustered energy sources with many different turbine designs – on- or offshore,
equivalent network with the help of k-means based on the geometric optimized for full-load hours or maximal generation - and Photovoltaic
distance of load and conventional generation, Svendsen [159] clusters system configurations – orientation and inclination – require sufficient
based on calculated power transfer distribution factors, while Fazlollahi representation as well, for example by clustering similar capacity factor
et al. [160] cluster based on demand patterns. time series inside every grouped region. All in all, the information loss
Furthermore, Scaramuzzino et al. [161] analyzed a grouping based that is relevant for the energy system optimization must be systemati-
on NUTS3 regions using multiple indicators to identify similar regions cally identified and minimized.
in terms of energy potential indicators, such as onshore wind energy and
photovoltaics, as well as non-energy related indicators, such as GDP and 3.4. Reduction of the level of detail in modeling system behavior
population density. On the other hand, Siala et al. [162] analyzed group-
ings based on highly resolved renewable energy potential and demand The mathematical description of the system operation determines
data. On the demand side, clustering algorithms to represent similar the resulting problem class of the ESOM. While accurate modeling would
spatially-distributed buildings [38] or industrial sites can lead to higher in general lead to a MINLP, the technical characteristics – that in reality
quality energy demand representations. Another example is the aggre- would limit flexibility in the operation or the choice of the technical
gation of municipalities [163] that is used to determine a representative components – are simplified or omitted, leading to an MILP or even an
set of municipalities that can each obtain its individual energy supply LP.
design. Fig. 8 summarizes the different existing spatial aggregation ap- Some of the general simplifications can be generalized for ESOMs
plications in different layers but also frames the research gap of defining and are grouped into four categories:
spatial aggregation in terms of a holistic consideration of all layers that 1) Constraints that are continuous nonlinear (e.g., specific investment
are relevant for energy system design and operation. costs that decrease with the unit size) can be linearized using dif-
The impact of spatial aggregation on computational complexity was ferent linearization methods that are not mathematically equivalent
noted by Cao et al. [50]. The results show a significant dependence on to the original equation but rather an approximation with a linear
the number of regions for both computational indicators and the ob- formulation [101, 165].
tained solution in terms of aggregated costs. This motivates further in- 2) Non-continuous constraints, such as either-or, if-then-else constraints,
vestigation of spatial aggregation techniques to determine an appropri- absolute value or minimum value functions can be linearly imple-
ate number and selection of regions as a function of the complexity of mented in optimization models using the so-called Big-M method
the subsequent energy system optimization. Nevertheless, it is important [166-169] and natively result in an MILP, as the Big-M method adds
to distinguish between an aggregation in an integrated ESOMs context a binary variable and a sufficiently large arbitrary value M to the
[154, 162], in contrast to an aggregation of independent entities that model.
become separately optimized [163, 164]. For the latter, only a linear 3) Multi-dimensional functions of the form f(x1 ,x2 ) (e.g., efficiencies that
computational complexity reduction can be achieved relative to the ag- depend on the realized size of a generation unit and the operational
gregation rate, but their representation can be more easily achieved, as load level) can be linearly implemented by fixing all but one variable
the connection between the candidates does not need to be considered. to predefined values and precomputing the results [165].

L. Kotzur, L. Nolting, M. Hoffmann et al. Advances in Applied Energy 4 (2021) 100063

Fig. 8. Illustration of different spatial layers that should be considered in the spatial definition of energy system models.

Table 4
Categories of nonlinear and non-continuous constraints in energy system optimization models and respective linearization methods.

Resulting Assessment of the computational

Type Example in ESMs Linearization Method Problem burden References

Continuous Specific investment costs Binary Steps / SOS Type MILP High: Adds multiple binary [165]
1 variables
Piecewise-Linear MILP High: Adds multiple binary [165]
Function / variables [101]
SOS Type 2
Intercept slope MILP Medium: Adds a single binary [171]
Constant Value LP Low: Nonlinearities are omitted [172]
and no binary variables are added
Non-continuous Minimum loads Big-M MILP Medium: Adds a single binary [173]
Nested function Efficiency depends on Precomputing with MILP Low: Simplified representation by [165]
the load and unit size binary steps the discretization of continuous
nonlinear relationships without
adding binary variables
Integer product Total load of unit group Substitution MILP Low: Simplified representation [170]
using discretization without
adding binary variables

4) Finally, products that multiply a continuous with an integer variable cess, as illustrated in Fig. 9. The PLDE depends on the load level of the
can be substituted by a continuous variable and post-processed to conversion unit, making the relationship a continuous nonlinear func-
the original variables [170]. tion.
This nonlinearity can be approximated using various methods. The
Table 2 displays a summary of some linearization methods and use of a single constant value (e.g., the PLDE at full load) is based on
the resulting problem formulation for the four types of nonlinear con- the simplified assumption that no part load dependency exists, result-
straints, while their application is discussed in the following section for ing in a simple LP formulation. This is the most trivial but also least
operation and investment modeling in ESOMs. complex way of linearizing PLDE, and is commonly performed in en-
Table 4 ergy systems analysis [174, 175]. Binary steps and piecewise-linear ap-
We discuss the implications of operation modeling in proximations introduce binary variables [176]. An intercept-slope only
Section 3.4.1 and investment modeling in Section 3.4.2. adds one binary variable per unit to the model; however, it can only
be applied to certain bounded functions. The more sections the original
3.4.1. Level of detail in the operation of system components function is divided into the more accurate and the more complex the
Energy conversion, transmission, or storage units underlie several approximation becomes. Special ordered sets (SOS) of Type 1 or Type
technical restrictions. Common technical restrictions applied in energy 2 can be used to implement binary step or piecewise linear approxima-
system models include part-load-dependent efficiencies (PLDE), mini- tions [177]. New approaches consider even piecewise quadratic approx-
mum part loads, start-up and shut-down costs, minimum down- and imations of the PLDE, resulting in Mixed Integer Quadratic Constrained
up-times, as well as ramping rates [49]. The PLDE is the relationship Programs (MIQCP), but could not be proven to outperform conventional
between the output and input energy during an energy conversion pro- MILP formulations [178].

L. Kotzur, L. Nolting, M. Hoffmann et al. Advances in Applied Energy 4 (2021) 100063

dynamic constraints. Costs for ramping up or down require the already

introduced binary variables in the case where they are to be distin-
guished from start-up and shut-down costs.
In addition to the technical complexity, with an increasing amount
of deregulated electricity markets, there is also an increased effort in
mathematical modeling of related sociatal systems, see, e.g., [182], such
as competitive equilibrium in electricity markets to predict the market
clearing price (MCP) and respecting its related uncertainty in systems
operation [183].

3.4.2. Level of detail in investment cost modeling

Additional to the operational constraints of the systems, Fig. 11 illus-
trates the challenge to model the choice and scaling of the technologies.
The choice of technology unit available on the market, including
their related price and performance, would introduce many single bi-
nary or integer variables [100, 144, 184, 185]. This is computationally
challenging, but closest to reality. Especially in small-scale energy sys-
tem models, in which only a small discrete number of components has to
be chosen for achieving cost-optimality, discrete investment decisions,
which is also referred to as “lumpy investments” [20, 186] can have
a considerable impact on the cost-optimality. Further, this also applies
to investments with fixed and size-independent cost contributions, e.g.
development expenses.
Aggregated energy system models on a global or national scale do
not require this detail, as they rely on abstract perspectives of the system
Fig. 9. Possibilities for modeling the input-output performance operation of an and often model technology scaling with continuous linear cost functions
energy system technology and the resulting mathematical program type.
[40, 93, 187, 188].
Nevertheless, the consideration of learning effects in macroeconomic
models determines nonlinear cost curves that reduce the specific costs of
a technology with an increase in its capacity. These are especially com-
mon in national or global energy assessment models with small tempo-
ral resolutions [189]. To combine those with bottom-up approaches, this
non-linearity can be linearly approximated piecewise [170]. In contrast,
another possibility for aggregated energy system models is to introduce
a convex quadratic cost term that increases the specific investment cost
for higher capacities [95]. The idea is that small capacities can be ex-
ploited at low cost, e.g., wind turbine locations, but the higher the ca-
pacities become, the more challenging and cost-intensive will be the
deployment. An advantage is that it does not significantly increase the
computational complexity in comparison to a linear approach due to its
Fig. 10. Typical dynamic constraints of a technology operation and their math- convex solutions space.
ematical program type. For the design of local energy systems, it is common to approxi-
mate the technology investment with a cost share related to their exis-
tence (intercept) and cost share related to the scale (slope) [25, 99, 190,
Conversion units usually only run above a minimum load, e.g., for 191], resulting in an MILP. The choice of efficiency measures, e.g., in
turbines or engines of 20% to 50% of their rated power [179]. This dis- the building envelope, constitutes binary variables [25, 192]. While the
tinction of the load being above or below the minimum load is modeled Intercept-Slope approach already respects economies of scale for a small
with a binary variable [173] in combination with the Big-M method and range, it still has high estimation errors for larger ranges of the technol-
is also illustrated in Fig. 9. ogy scale, such as CHP units. Those nonlinear cost functions require also
The starting up or shutting down of a unit can cause additional fuel piecewise linear approximations [141, 165, 167, 193], generating more
and depreciation costs [179]. To add these costs to the cost function binary variables but providing a sufficient degree of accuracy.
of an optimization problem, binary variables for the unit status start-
up and shut-down must be introduced in addition to the aforementioned 3.5. Simplification of system dynamics and connectivity
binary variables for the on and off statuses. To set the cost, the informa-
tion on the change in the operating state between two consecutive time Another option to manipulate the complexity of the model is by ne-
steps is required [180]. This is realized by connecting the binary vari- glecting or reducing its dynamics or intrinsic connectivity between dif-
ables through dynamic constraints. Some units must remain shut down ferent decision variables.
for a minimum downtime or kept running for a minimum uptime. This One approach to decreasing the connectivity of the model compo-
additional required information on the unit’s status from previous time- nents is to separate the decisions for the technology choice, sizing and
steps entails a dynamic constraint, as is shown in [106] and illustrated operation, as is visualized in Fig. 12. This can either be done fully sep-
in Fig. 10. arated in an iterative manner, such that in the top layer a genetic opti-
The rate with which a unit alters its load can be restricted by upper mization algorithm defines the design of the energy system, and a bot-
and lower ramping limits due to technological constraints. In addition, tom layer wherein either a simulation [93, 192, 194, 195] or separate
ramping up and down can impose costs for which an additional con- operation optimization [196-200] defines the operation.
tinuous variable is introduced that is added to the cost function [181]. Another alternative is to simplify the operation model in the design
Restricting the load alternation between consecutive time steps requires layers, e.g., by fixing the impedance in transmission expansion models

L. Kotzur, L. Nolting, M. Hoffmann et al. Advances in Applied Energy 4 (2021) 100063

Fig. 11. Constituted mathematical program type depending on the chosen investment cost model.

Fig. 13. Classification of modeling approaches for capturing expansion and in-
vestment dynamics across a long time horizon based on Lichtenböhmer et al.
[205] and Lopion et al. [6].

ical model are known at any time step. Accordingly, perfect-foresight

approaches are capable of finding a cost-minimal transformation path-
way across all expansion phases [189]. In contrast, myopic approaches
Fig. 12. Decision layers influencing the total energy system design. assume limited knowledge about the future, meaning that optimization
in each expansion phase is based on the results of the previous expan-
sion phases and the constraints of the current expansion phase only.
in the first stage [201, 202] or by aggregating the time resolution of In that way, myopic models more appropriately capture shortsighted
the operational model to determine a design and then validating and decision-making under real economic conditions [6, 189, 204].
fine-tuning it with full temporal resolution [127, 149, 203]. Apart from the extreme cases of approaches, i.e., strictly perfect fore-
Another possibility is to separate decisions within each of the layers. sight models and completely myopic models, a number of mixed ap-
For the case of capacity expansion, i.e., models applied for determining proaches also exist for energy system design. One example is the rolling
the design of the energy system, the connectivity between consecutive horizon [188, 206-208]. A rolling horizon splits the full observed in-
transformation phases can be implemented using two fundamentally dif- terval into several smaller intervals and matches the first value of an
ferent modeling approaches: A perfect-foresight and a myopic approach, interval with the last value of the previous iteration. Thereby, the en-
the latter also being known to be limited or restricted foresight [6]. tire time horizon is split into expansion phases, but in such a way that
These are illustrated in Fig. 13, but can also be transferred to operation the temporal subsets overlap. Thus, the overlapping time subsets are
modeling. linked to each other in a myopic manner, while the optimization within
Perfect-foresight is based on complete information about the past each subset is run with perfect foresight, which enables the model to
and future requirements for the energy system model. This means that consider limited foresight [205] while drastically reducing the compu-
the past and future constraints of all expansion phases in the mathemat- tational burden compared to a perfect-foresight approach [206]. This

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raises the question, however, of optimal interval lengths for the trade-
off between complexity and accuracy.
The same applies to operation modeling, where models are distin-
guished into models with decoupled time steps, rolling horizon models,
and perfect foresight models. Models with decoupled time steps imple-
ment small operational characteristics of technical components, as many
of such characteristics would result in coupled time steps. These mod-
els are commonly used to assess network loads [143]. Models applying
rolling horizons can implement most of the operational characteristics of
technical components mentioned above. The main difference to models
using perfect foresight is the representation of long-term storage. While
approaches that use a rolling horizon must pass storage values from one
period to the next (cf. [208]), approaches rely on a perfect foresight Fig. 14. Sketch of the arrow head shape of the constraint matrix for an efficienct
model for long-term storage with a consistent variable. decomposition.
Nevertheless, the separation of the different model elements has re-
cently consisted of manual decomposition purposely performed by mod-
elers in order to reduce the complexity or natively due to a limited model One example is the temporal decomposition, where for each time
scope. Although these methods will converge on a solution for their un- segment we obtain a smaller problem, as is shown in Section 3.5. The
derlying ESOMs, it is not natively global and must be subsequently vali- linking variables and constraints ensure that the states at the end of one
dated. In consequence, exact decomposition methods that also quantify time segment are the same as those at the beginning of the next.
the error could be advantageous. As a further example for the usage of decomposition methods within
energy system optimization, Stursberg [223] applied the Benders de-
composition to the convex formulated capacity expansion problem with
4. Solving and decomposition methods
an improved approach for cut generation.
It is important to know what makes a problem difficult to solve,
despite the use of modern computing hardware.
Until the 1990s, optimization problems were divided into linear and
4.2. Solving and decomposition methods for non-convex optimization
non-linear types. This trend changed due to significant work by Rock-
afeller [209] and optimization problems are therefore now viewed as
The presence of integer variables in an optimization problem is typ-
convex or non-convex. Non-convex problems are significantly harder to
ically enough to make it non-convex. Non-convex problems can be ei-
solve than convex ones; this is because any local optimal solution to a
ther MIPs or MINLPs. MIPs are solved by iteratively solving multiple
convex problem is guaranteed to also be a globally optimal solution.
LPs, while MINLPs are first converted into either multiple NLPs or MIPs
When sufficient computing resources are available, modelers can use
that are then broken down further, for instance as proposed by Goder-
decomposition methods to exploit parallel computing for both convex
bauer et al. [100] for the case of an energy system. More generally, we
and non-convex optimization classes.
iteratively relax (by “branching”) and enforce constraints (by “bound-
ing”) on the original problem, the first algorithms of this type dating
4.1. Solving and decomposition methods for convex optimization back to the 1960s [224-226]. Relaxations enlarge the feasible set of the
MIP without excluding the feasible points of the original problem. In the
Typical convex optimization problems are linear or certain types of best case scenario, they provide a problem that is easier to solve and for
quadratic problems; the standard algorithms for these two classes are which an optimal solution can be obtained faster than the true problem,
the simplex algorithm or interior point methods and the simple interior which allows the user to derive a lower (upper) bound for a minimiza-
point methods, respectively. tion (maximization) objective. The efficiency of branching procedures
Linear programs can ordinarily be very efficiently solved by commer- depends on two strategic decisions concerning (i) the selection of the
cial solvers. Nevertheless, for large scale problems it can become neces- branching variable; and (ii) the selection of the next node that must be
sary to breake the original problem into smaller parts that are coupled solved. Several studies attend to these decisions and evaluate them (e.g.,
via a so-called coupling or the linking of variables and constraints. This [227-229]), while this theoretical work is well-reflected in commercial
is called decomposition while the most common decomposition meth- solvers.
ods for convex optimization problems are Lagrangian relaxation [210], Decomposition methods can be employed within branch and bound
Benders decomposition [211], and Alternating Direction Method of Mul- algorithms as well. The generalized Benders decomposition method pro-
tipliers (ADMM) [212]. When implemented in parallel [213, 214] sig- posed by Benders [211] and extended by Geoffrion [230] with an outer
nificant reductions in the compute time can result [215]. approximation algorithm by Duran & Grossmann [231] has been an im-
Although the idea exist, to automatically decompose optimization mensely popular method to date for solving optimization problems. As
programs, an efficient decomposition requires that the work be divided an additional step in the branch-and-bound algorithms, it is also possi-
into, at best, equally-sized work packages. Finding an optimal decom- ble to generate so-called cutting planes and add them as new constraints
position is generally not possible in polynomial time [216, 217], and in order to cut off infeasible solutions [101, 232].
so in solving these problems one resorts to heuristics and approxima- In the context of energy system optimization, decomposition meth-
tions. An example is the Generic Column Generation [218] that au- ods such as nested Benders decomposition are mainly used in stochastic
tomatically detects those structures by comprising an arrowhead and scenario analyses intended to account for the uncertainties in power
bordered detector via graph partitioning using hmetis [219], as shown generation unit commitment [233], wind power investment decisions
in Fig. 14. Other graph partitioning frameworks are those of Chaco [234], or sustainable energy hub designs [235]. Other use cases of de-
[220] and Scotch [221]. This decomposed problem may then be fed into composition methods are the solving of large-scaled, multi-period MILP
a structure-exploiting algorithm such as Parallel Interior Point Solver problems in the context of electric power infrastructure planning and
(PIPS) [47, 222]. However, generating this block structure automati- optimal power flow taking transmission constraints into account, see,
cally takes for large problems significant compute time, wherefore a the e.g., [236-238]. More examples of the decomposition methods for en-
structure identification is most often done by the modelers themselves. ergy optimization can be found in [239].

L. Kotzur, L. Nolting, M. Hoffmann et al. Advances in Applied Energy 4 (2021) 100063

5. Conclusions Advancements in computational resources have lately been achieved

through an increase of the number of cores while the calculation fre-
Based on the review of complexity drivers in energy systems opti- quency stagnates. In consequence, modern software must be paral-
mization models (ESOM), we derive a qualitative guide to support mod- lelized, meaning that the optimization model must be decomposed. This
elers in their modeling. has until now not been automatically possible with any free or com-
Complexity goes beyond computational complexity: The entire pro- mercial optimization solver at larger scales. In consequence, exact de-
cess of including the necessary input data, followed by defining, im- composition methods must be tailored to the model which is time
plementing, and running the model and interpreting the results is com- consuming while the computational improvements are strongly related
plex and must be communicated. The plain result “42″ is not sufficient. to the connectivity of your model. Heuristic decompositions can do the
Therefore, consciously define the ESOM’s superstructure and start job as well but are not necessarily globally optimal.
with a coarse, simple model to identify the necessary determinants to an- Last, based on this guide and review, some major research gaps were
swer your research question, and then increase the level of detail where identified:
necessary. In general, a model design based on data availability should
• A holistically-quantified cross-impact analysis of complexity reduc-
be avoided and instead choosen by the research goal.
tion methods, including model simplifications, aggregation methods,
A high temporal-spatial resolution and temporal-spatial scope gains
and heuristic decompositions for different energy models is open.
importance with a higher share of renewable energy sources and directly
In particular, the impact of systematic avoidance binaries and non-
impacts the size of the ESOM and its calculation time. Therefore, a sys-
linearities in larger energy system models must be quantified.
tematic reduction of the size of the model is recommended. Simple
• To the authors’ knowledge, no methods that aggregate the entire
down-sampling approaches on the temporal scale allow one to quickly
optimization model based on its abstract mathematical description
identify the relevance of the chosen temporal resolution. If this is given,
exist, although such methods could significantly accelerate the find-
superior time series aggregation by clustering typical periods are gain-
ing of start solutions in optimization solvers or support the bounding
ing popularity but can require significant adaptations to the model for-
mulation, e.g., for respecting the chronology of periods. Similar counts
• Lastly, improvements in the solving algorithms are required in order
for the spatial resolution: Aggregating based on neighboring administra-
to more easily exploit modern parallel computing infrastructure.
tive regions can result in quick computational gains; nevertheless, the
impact of the underlying copper plate assumptions inside each region
Declaration of Competing Interest
must be evaluated. Holistic aggregation schemes simultaneously based
on grid structures, renewable potential, and demand are challenging to
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
implement due to the heterogeneous data types but will be relevant in
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
future to evaluate the spatial scope.
the work reported in this paper.
Technical and economic relationships are natively non-linear or non-
continuous. Still, the majority of the reviewed ESOMs are linear and con-
tinuous, resulting in convex optimization models that have polyno-
mial solving times. In consequence, binary variables should be avoided
The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Federal Min-
and equations linearized where possible. For instance, a technology with
istry for Economic Affairs and Energy of Germany for the project METIS
a negligible cost contribution does not need a piecewise linear cost func-
(project number 03ET4064).
tion. Mixed-integer linear models or non-convex non-linear programs
are np-hard, constituting an exponential solving time which strongly
Authors contribution
limits their application for renewable energies in combination with stor-
age and transmission technologies.
Conceptualization, L.K., M.R.; Validation, A.P., D.S., M.R.; Investi-
In order to still achieve feasible system designs and operations, the
gation, L.K, L.N., M.H., T.G., A.S., J.P., H.B., R.B., F.K., B.S.; Writing
errors must be quantified. This can either be done by a benchmark
–Original Draft, L.K, L.N., M.H., T.G., A.S., J.P., H.B., R.B., F.K., B.S.;
model or by more advanced error-bounding and multi-stage approaches
Writing –Review & Editing, L.K, M.H., B.S., M.R.; Funding Acquisition,
that evaluate the error due to aggregation or model simplifications. As
A.P., D.S., M.R.; Resources, A.P., D.S.; Supervision, L.K., A.P., D.S., M.R.
conservative estimators, upper bounds can even guarantee feasibility of
the original problem. Nevertheless, the latter are challenging to imple-
ment and often specific to the simplification.

Table 5

L. Kotzur, L. Nolting, M. Hoffmann et al. Advances in Applied Energy 4 (2021) 100063

Table 5
Overview to some bottom-up energy systems optimization frameworks. For a more detailed overview of their capabilities, it is referred to Groissböck [31], Lopion
et al. [6], and Ringkjøb et al. [32].

Name Type Applications Reference

LEAP - Long-range Energy Alternatives Annual time-step simulation for a mid- to long-term Different scales: Cities, states, national (e.g., [15]
Planning system planning horizon. Philippines) and global applications.
EFOM - Energy Flow Optimization Model LP of a national or multinational technology network European Union with each country as single node. [16]
to supply the consumer demand.
BESOM - Brookhaven energy system Single time step dispatch and planning optimization of National energy system of the United States. [12]
optimization model a technology network to supply electric and
non-electric demands.
MARKAL - MARKet and Allocation Optimization of dispatch and long term planning of Different scales: Community, state, national and [17]
energy systems with a set of representative time slices. global.
MESSAGE - Model for Energy Supply Gams-based LP used for capacity expansion planning A historically grown model used for different [14, 18]
Strategy Alternatives and their General and scenario analyses applications from capacity expansion to
Environmental Impact macroeconomic and climate impacts of energy supply
and demand,
IKARUS - Instrumente für LP optimization for planning and dispatch of a National supply system of Germany. [6]
Kilmagas-Reduktionsstrategien national supply system with myopic-foresight and an
operation in typical days.
PERSEUS - Programme-package for GAMS based dispatch optimization. Germany and Europe. [19]
Emission Reduction Strategies in Energy
Use and Supply-Certificate Trading
TIMES - The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM GAMS based LP modeling framework based on time International and national energy systems around the [20-23]
System slices for energy system design. globe with adaptions to local systems.
DESOD - Distributed Energy System C# based MILP used for district planning. Capacity expansion planning of an energy system for a [24]
Optimal Design residential and commercial district comprising heat
and electricity.
DER-CAM - Distributed Energy Resources GAMS based MILP microgrid planning framework with Different microgrid systems around the globe. [25]
Customer Adoption Model a dispatch based on typical days.
CALLIOPE (No acronym, c.f. [32]) Python based LP modeling framework. Applied to Europe, Great Britain, Italy, South Africa, [26]
China, Kenya, Cambridge and Bangalore.
OEMOF - Open Energy Modeling Python based MILP modeling framework for planning Different regional energy systems from single sites to [27]
Framework and dispatch of energy systems. municipalities or states, especially located in Germany.
URBS (No acronym, c.f. [32]) Python based LP framework for capacity expansion Its usage has been adapted from neighbourhoods to [28]
planning and unit commitment. continents.
PYPSA - Python for Power System Python based software for LP optimization and power Power grids across the globe while the its application [29]
Analysis flow simulation of large scale power system networks. to the European power grid is probably the most
popular one.
FINE - Framework for Integrated Energy Python based MILP energy systems modeling Applied to European and German heat, gas and [30]
System Assessment framework that can be applied to different spatial and electricity networks as well as district systems.
temporal scales.

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