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Information Guide On Final Exams and Degree Certificate

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Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences

Information Guide on Final Exams and Degree Certificate

For the following master programmes:

Management and Leadership
Regional and Environmental Economics

2021 Spring

How can Students get the Leaving Certificate? ...................................................................................... 3

What are the criteria to be eligible to take the Final Exams? .................................................................. 3
What is the deadline to complete the Final Exam? ................................................................................. 3
How can Students apply for the Final Exam period using the Neptun system? ...................................... 4
How can Students revoke their application from the exam period? ........................................................ 4
What can Students expect during the Final Exams?................................................................................ 4
What if Students fail on the Final Exam? ................................................................................................ 4
How and when should Students send the oral presentation? ................................................................... 5
Is it necessary to have the thesis bound? ................................................................................................. 5
When and how can Students get the degree certificate? ......................................................................... 5
How degree certificate result is calculated? ............................................................................................ 5
What other tasks must Students complete? ............................................................................................. 6
How can Students settle their payments? ................................................................................................ 6
What kind of language exam is required to receive the certificate? ........................................................ 7
Deadlines ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Request for duplicate of Degree and Diploma Supplement (if original is lost or damaged) ................... 8
Request for copy of Degree/Diploma Supplement .................................................................................. 8
Request for copy of the Degree with a digital signature ......................................................................... 9
Request for Decorative Diploma ............................................................................................................. 9
Degree verification .................................................................................................................................. 9
Related Fees .................................................................................................................................. 10

How can Students get the Leaving Certificate?
According to the Code of Studies (CoS) of BME:

The University issues a leaving certificate (absolutorium) to all students who have completed
the academic and exam requirements defined in the curriculum. Students are eligible to take the
Final Exam if all the requirements for receiving the leaving certificate (absolutorium) have been
met at least 3 days prior to the date of the final exam therefore Students shall complete their
normal exams in time, in order to have all result (signature, grades, exam results) entered into
Neptun system.
The University may issue a leaving certificate to students who

a) have obtained at least fifty per cent of the credits required to obtain a degree certificate at the
University, in subjects defined in the recommended curriculum of the particular programme
(training) or
b) in case of joint trainings organised based on inter-institutional agreements, have obtained at
least one-third of the credits required to obtain a degree certificate at the University, in subjects
defined in the recommended curriculum of the particular programme (training).

If a student has fulfilled the criteria required to receive a leaving certificate, the University
issues the leaving certificate within twenty days following the date of such fulfilment.

What are the criteria to be eligible to take the Final Exams?

1. Students are eligible to take the Final Exam if all the requirements for receiving the leaving
certificate (absolutorium) have been met at least 3 days prior to the date of the final exam.
2. Students will not be eligible to take the Final Exam if they have unsettled payment obligations
toward the University, or any unsettled payments displayed in Neptun system.

3. Students will not be eligible to take the Final Exam if they failed to return any equipment
(e.g. library books) owned by the University and previously given to them for use.

What is the deadline to complete the Final Exam?

The Final Examination shall serve to verify and evaluate the knowledge, skills and abilities
required for obtaining the degree certificate. The Students shall also attest that they are capable
of applying the knowledge acquired.
Based on the Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education (Nftv.) and the BME CoS, the
deadline for completing the Final Exam is as follows:

The Final Examination may be taken in the exam period after the Leaving Certificate
(absolutorium) was obtained both within the framework of the student’s legal status and after

its expiry within a period of two years in any given exam period in accordance with valid
academic requirements.

After the expiration of the second year following the issue of the Leaving Certificate
(absolutorium) students may take their final examinations if the programme owner approves
the master thesis subject as currently relevant. If the topic is deemed to be obsolete, the
applicant must write a new master thesis.

Final Examinations may not be taken after the end of the fifth year following the termination
of the student’s legal status.

How can Students apply for the Final Exam period using the Neptun system?
Students can apply to the Final Exam period announced by the Faculty by navigating to the
Administration, Final exams tab on the Neptun system.

Once the period has been selected, click on the + icon (options), then select the Apply/Modify
Application option. If the application was successful, students will receive a confirmation text
from Neptun system in a new message box reading: “Your application for the final exam period
was successful.” If the application is successful, the selected period will appear in bold text and
a green checkmark will be shown in the column titled “applied.”
The deadlines for application is collected under the section Deadlines, page 7.

How can Students revoke their application from the exam period?
Students can revoke their application in Neptun system within the application period.

What can Students expect during the Final Exams?

Expect a complex oral exam comprised of exam topics from two different subjects (one from
each) and the degree thesis defense, all on the same day in front of the Final Examination Board.

The sections of the exam (defence and subject exams) are independent of each other, the results
or failure in one section have no effect on the process or outcome of the other. Every member
of the Board or any examiner has the right to ask questions of the one taking the exam. The
Board will evaluate the performance of the examined in a closed discussion, the results of the
exam will be announced by the chairman of the committee. The Final Exam is successful if a
passing grade is achieved in all sections of the exam. A successful exam cannot be improved
upon. The exam is considered failed if a passing grade is not received in any one of the sections.

What if Students fail on the Final Exam?

A thesis graded as failed by the Final Examination Board may be repeated once by submitting
a master thesis. If a new master thesis is submitted, the earliest time for taking another Final
Examination is the next Final Examinations period.

The criteria and deadline for preparing and submitting a new master thesis will be specified by
the Dean of the faculty in charge of the programme, based on the opinion of the head of the
Department organising the finals.

If only one of the exams in the Final Examination subjects was unsuccessful, the examinee only
has to sit a retake exam in that subject. There is an option for a repeated retake exam after an
unsuccessful retake exam. After that there are no other options available for retakes. Failed first
or repeated retake exams in a subject cannot be repeated within two months of the failed exam.

How and when should Students send the oral presentation?

Students are required to do a maximum10 minute-long research based oral presentation as part
of the thesis defence in front of the Final Examination Board.

During the oral presentations, you should present the main parts of the thesis project and reflect
on the questions posed by the reviewer. Oral presentations are often enhanced by a slideshow.
The slideshow should be made up of 5-7 slides, easy to read, concise points, and result-oriented
content. If you prepare a slideshow, it must be submitted at the end of the day before the final
exam via Moodle.

Is it necessary to have the thesis bound?

Thesis works will be handled digitally and are not required in bound form.

When and how can Students get the degree certificate?

Students can pick up the certificate personally or via proxy at the CAO during office hours with
the ticket titled “Certificate matters for graduates”. The diploma supplement can be collected
together with the certificate.
Students not wish to take advantage of the option of collecting it at the CAO will receive their
certificate during the ceremony hosted by the Rector’s Office, Department of International
Academic Affairs. The dates of the degree ceremonies can be expected in February or July in a
given year. Invitations to the ceremony will be handed out by the Rector’s Office, Department
of International Academic Affairs. Degree certificates are signed by the Dean or a Vice-Dean
chosen by the Dean.

How degree certificate result is calculated?

The following formulas must be used for the calculation of the degree certificate result:

where GPA is the cumulative grade point average for the whole of the study period, while the
AGS is the average of the grades of the subjects of the Final Examinations and T is the grade
given for the master thesis.

The classification of the degree certificate must be calculated by using the degree certificate
result, rounded up to two decimals, as follows:
a) excellent, if the grade is at least 4.50,
b) good, if the grade is at least 3.50, but less than 4.50
c) satisfactory, if the grade is at least 2.50, but less than 3.50,
d) pass, if the grade is at least 2.00, but less than 2.50.

The degree certificate is classified as excellent with distinction, if the examinees

a) have an excellent grade in all subjects of the Final Examination,
b) their thesis received an excellent grade in the finals,

c) all their comprehensive exam results, required for the degree certificate (if any) were graded
excellent and
d) their cumulative grade point average for the whole study period is at least 4.25.

What other tasks must Students complete?

1. Verification of term data

After the completion of their final term, students have to make sure to verify that all their results
(signatures, grades, exam results) have been entered into Neptun system. If they find anything
missing, the relevant department have to be contacted in order to have them entered in.
2. Verification of personal information

Students can verify their personal information on Neptun system by navigating to My Data,
Personal Information, as well as the Qualifications and Languages tabs in the Previous
Qualifications page. Prior to the Final Exam period the associates will check the information
against the documents listed in the student’s personal material, and will contact them if any
discrepancies occur. In order to insure contact it is imperative that all contact information
(phone number, email) be up to date.

How can Students settle their payments?

Students can check their unsettled payments under the Finances, Payment and the Payments
and Payback tabs in Neptun system by selecting All terms in the Terms dropdown menu, the
Active option in the Status menu, and clicking the List button. Please be sure to follow the
notifications, as well as all payment requests from the library and other departments of BME
(e.g. dormitories).

What kind of language exam is required to receive the certificate?
Requirements for degree certificate are a successful Final Exam, as well as the completion of
the language exam specified in the training and outcome requirements. Students must possess
a B2 type English language exam. If Students completed their undergraduate studies in English,
this requirement does not apply to them.

The exact dates of application for the Final exam periods will be disclosed to students in a
message via Neptun system and email.

Deadline for submitting the master thesis is 14 May, 2021 (Friday). Students will be
informed about the platform later.

The Final Exam period is between 2 June (Wednesday) – 2 July, 2021 (Friday). The Final
Exam, itself can be expected between the 14 (Monday) and 18 June, 2021 (Friday).

Application to Final Exam period in Neptun system is going to start from 26 April, 2021,
8:00 CEST and end 21 May, 2021, 23:59 CEST.

Degree related tasks

Students who successfully finished their studies at BME GTK have a few tasks at hand after
their final exams and even after they received their diploma.

Request for duplicate of Degree and Diploma Supplement (if original is lost or damaged)
Degree, Diploma Supplement duplicates can only be requested if the original documents have
been lost or damaged. Student will have to make a statement about why they need a duplicate.
In order to receive a duplicate of Degree/Diploma Supplement, Students have to submit
the ‘E027 Request for a certificate’ request in the Neptun system, with the filled and
scanned order form attached. In the answer, Students will receive all the necessary information
on the fees and things to do.
The duplicates will be manufactured with the same content, but in the current format.
The fee for a duplicate is 6000 HUF to be paid through the Neptun system.
The manufacturing of duplicates takes about 3-4 weeks.
If a Student can’t login to the Neptun system – forgot the Neptun system code/password please
write to
Receiving a duplicate of Degree/Diploma Supplement is possible in person or with
authorization at CAO during opening hours. The Students will receive all information in the
request decision!
Order form for Degree Duplicate and the Order form for Diploma Supplement Duplicate can
be downloaded from here.

Request for copy of Degree/Diploma Supplement

In order to receive a duplicate of the Degree/Diploma Supplement, Students have to submit
the ‘E027 Request for a certificate’ request in the Neptun system, with the filled and
scanned order form attached. Degree and Diploma Supplement copies can only be made from
the originals!
The manufacturing of the Degree /Diploma Supplement copies is fee bound, and has to be paid
through the Neptun system. After paying the fee in the Neptun system, Students will be called
in to the CAO during opening hours in the decision on the request. Please do not come in for
the copies before the acceptance of the submitted request! When coming to pick up the new
documents, please bring the original order forms and the original documents!
The fee for the Diploma Supplement copy is 1000 HUF/copy in one language and 2000
HUF/copy in Hungarian and English.
Order form for copy of Degree and the Order form for copy of Diploma Supplement can be
downloaded from here.

Request for copy of the Degree with a digital signature
To request a Degree Copy with a digital signature, Student have to submit the ‘E027 Request
for a certificate’ request in the Neptun system and choose Copy of Diploma, and in the
comments, a remark has to be written, that the Student requires the copy with a digital signature.
Diploma Supplement with digital signatures can not be requested!

Request for Decorative Diploma

Due to the COVID measures, the ordering of a Decorative Diploma is not possible for an
indefinite period. Thank you for understanding!
Normally, the Senate of the University decided to give a special, decorative Diploma to those
students who graduated at any faculty and training programme and order this kind of certificate
in advance at the Student's request.
Information on the decorative Diploma:
 Size: 315×420 mm (landscape format);
 Material: white or cream coloured creative paper;
 Student will receive their Diploma in a cylindrical box;
 It costs 15.000 HUF, which has to be paid via bank transfer at the time of the order;
o Issuing the decorative Diploma takes ca. 4 weeks. Student will receive an e-mail
about the date when it is ready;
o Student can receive it in person or with authorization at CAO during opening
hours, after drawing a number for “Degree certificate matters for graduated
Contact information for ordering the decorative Diploma:
Central Academic Office, building R, ground floor, room no. 6 during opening hours (Mo-Th:
12:00-15:30; Fr: 8:30-12:00).
 Tünde Kiss, +36(1)463-2244;

Degree verification
If a Student needs her/his issued BME Diploma to be verified, for example for a job, it has to
be requested through e-mail at
Please note, that if a third party (e.g.: workplace) asks to verify a diploma they have to have a
written authorization from the Student.


Official copy of Diploma 250 HUF/copy +2 000 HUF fee stamp

Official copy of Diploma (Hungarian and 500 HUF/copy +2 000 HUF fee stamp

Official copy of Diploma Supplement 1 000 HUF/copy

Official copy of Diploma Supplement 2 000 HUF/copy

(Hungarian and English)

Certificate of Final Exam in Hungarian 500 HUF

Certificate of Final Exam in English 1 000 HUF

Authentication of black index book 900 HUF

Diploma duplicate 6 000 HUF/copy +2 000 HUF fee stamp

Diploma Supplement duplicate 6 000 HUF

Decorative Diploma 15 000 HUF


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