Credit Card Documentation
Credit Card Documentation
Credit Card Documentation
Mandatory Documents:
Other Documents:
Application Form
Chip Maintenance fee will be charged as per Bank’s Schedule of Charges as mentioned in summary box.
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Your name, as you would like it to appear on the card.
Limit one letter per box. A maximum of 19 characters are allowed.
Provide space between first and last name.
Passport Number
Father’s/Husband’s Name
Father’s/Husband’s CNIC
Nationality 1
Nationality 2
Resident 1
Resident 2
Educational/Professional Qualification
Residential Address
Postal Code
Telephone Res
Mobile No.
Office Address
Company Name
Company Address
Telephone No.1
Telephone No. 2
Nearest Landmark
Salaried Self-Employed
If Salaried
Employer’s Name
Designation Grade/Rank
Date of Joining
If Self-Employed
Type of Business
Name of Company/Firm
If Yes, NTN
Bill Payment
Bill Generation Date 24th 28th
Banking Details
Remitting Bank
Account Title
Account No.
Bank Name
Account Title
Account No.
I instruct MCB Bank Limited to make automatic monthly deduction(s) from my account stated in the application and pay
such deducted proceeds to settle the outstanding full/minimum amount to the mentioned MCB Visa Credit Card Account.
MCB is authorized to obtain and read copies of my MCB Visa Credit Card monthly statement of accounts and accordingly
effect monthly debits to my identified account in payment for the goods/services billed as purchased by me and/or the
holders of my MCB Visa Credit Card, Supplementary Cards and/or in payment for cash advances billed to me using MCB
Visa Credit Card and/or in payment for any other charges/costs/expenses billed to me by the MCB Visa Credit Card centre
pursuant to the applicable Terms and Conditions of my card membership.
Based on my selection, I would like the full/minimum amount deducted as indicated in the applicable MCB Visa Credit
Card monthly statement of account.
In case of Foreign Currency Account- The FCY account tagged to the MCB Visa Credit Card will be debited by equivalent
PKR at the prevailing market rate to settle the outstanding full/minimum amount of the MCB Visa Credit Card.
I hereby authorize MCB Bank Ltd. (the “Bank”) to mark lien on my Roshan Digital Account (mentioned in the Auto Debit
Authority) in order to hold funds as per allowed credit card limit.
I further authorize bank to adjust my credit card’s full outstanding balance from the above mentioned account which is
marked under lien in case sufficient funds are not available to auto debit from my Roshan Digital Account for a consecutive
period of 03 months.
I hereby acknowledge and confirm that the I have fully read and understood all the terms, conditions, information,
declaration(s) as provided in all the documents accompanying the Account Opening Form , including but not limited to the
Terms and Conditions, Summary Box and the Declaration Form.
Additionally, in so far as any Supplementary card Member(s) is concerned, It shall be my/Supplementary card Member(s)’
responsibility to read and understand these documents and ensure compliance with the same.
111 000 622 /MCBBankPk Over 1350 Branches & ATMs
MCB Bank Limited
MCB Visa Credit Card
(Roshan Digital Account)
By signing below, I am requesting/applying for the issuance of a Credit Card/Supplemenatry Credit Card, as per the
Bank’s policy(ies)/ procedure(s), and/or for its renewal and replacement, until its cancellation by me or revocation of it
by the Bank.
I hereby acknowledge that on acceptance of my Application I shall be provided with a package containing the Card(s)
and detailed Terms and Conditions pertaining to the use of the Card(s). It shall be my/ Supplementary Cardmember(s)’s
responsibility to read and understand the Terms and Conditions and comply with the same.
I hereby further agree that signing on the back of the Card(s) and/or using the Card(s) will signify my acceptance to all
such Terms and Conditions and I will thereafter be bound by the same. In the event that I do not agree with such Terms
and Conditions, I will immediately cut the Card(s) in half and return both halves to the Bank in accordance with the
Terms and Conditions, along with immediate notification of the same to the Bank/ Bank’s call centre. I hereby
acknowledge and agree that in the event the Bank fails to provide me with the Terms and Conditions with the package,
it shall be my sole responsibility to inform the Bank of the same and request for the Terms and Conditions before signing
on the back of the card(s)/ using the card(s), failing which it shall be deemed that I have read and understood and
acceped the Terms and Conditions through the use of the Bank’s website and made myself fully aware of the same. I
further acknowledge that I have been made aware by the Bank that the Terms and Conditions are also provided on the
I do hereby authorize the Bank and third parties duly appointed by it to acquire, verify, exchange disclose or share with
proper security measure any information regarding myslef or pertaining to Supplmentary Applicant(s)/ Supplementary
Card Member, submitted with this Application or provided seperately, with any person or institution, including my/our
banker(s), employers as the Bank may deem fit. This authorization would extend to information regarding my place of
residence, work and or reference, for the purpose of verification of any information pertaining to processing of my/
Supplementary Application, as well as to any purposes related to my Credit Card/ Supplementary Credit Card, as the
Bank may deem appropriate.
I confirm that I have read and understood the schedule of charges giving details of the charges and fees applicable, as
provided to me. I confirm that I shall be responsible for the payment of all charges and liabilities accrued towards me in
accordance with the schedule of charges, as appearing in my statements of account, including those of the
Supplementary Card Member(s). I acknowledge that the applicable charges and fees in the schedule of charges are
subject to change/ variation at the discretion of the Bank, which may be notified to me by the Bank in any manner it
deems fit. In the event that I continue to use the Card(s) after receipt of such notification by me, I shall be deemed to
have acknowledged, un-conditionally accepeted and agreed to the notified amended schedule of charges.
I confirm that all information stated herein and/ or in any attachment hereto or otherwise provided to the Bank by me is
true and accurate in all material respects. I will inform the Bank immediately in writing or through its call centre in case
of change in any of the details provided in the Application Form or otherwise, regarding myself and Supplementary Card
Member, including but not limited to name, address, contact numbers etc. I further confirm that in event that my
signatures herein below differs materially from the signature in my Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC), the
Bank is authorized to rely on my signatures as appended on this Application or on any agreement and/or other
communication signed or proposed to be signed by me in the manner specified herein below. In case of change in
signature I shall provide an undertaking to the bank for acceptance of all communication with the changed CNIC.
I hereby undertake to setlle my credit card timely through designated payment channels only, however in caseof
default/delayed payment the authorized Bank Staff may conatact/ follow up for payment. It shall be my sole
responsibility to ask the identity of the staff before handing over payment to authorized bank staff to settle my dues and
I will not make paymnet to any unauthorized person, The Bank therefore doesn’t assume any responsibility for theft, loss
or any other unforseen circumstances during the transit of these funds beyond the obligatory vigilance extended.
I agree that the Bank shall be liable to make any deductions in respect of government taxes or federal excise duties or
any such charges that may be applicable from time to time, from any payment made by the Bank to any merchant and/or
for services provided by any such merchant to me.In case of any liability imposed upon and/or accrued to the Bank, due
to such non-deduction, the same shall be recovered by the Bank from me as a valid charge and liability and may be
debited from my card account.
I agree that the Bank may block usage of the Card/Supplementary Card, or cancel the Card/Supplementary Card, if I
commit default in respect of any other financial facility(ies) availed from the Bank.
I hereby declare and undertake that any financing facility currently availed by me or availed by me in the future, either
in my own name or in the name of my family members, from other banks through Credit Cards, including such financing
facility from the Bank will be in good faith without negligence in accordance with the Prudential Regulations of the State
Bank of Pakistan and any other law, rules and regulations in pursuance thereof (along with any
alterations/amendments/modifications thereof). I shall further provide any documentation or personal details including
renewed copy of CNIC/Passport to you as and when requested by the Bank in respect of my credit details.
I accept that the Bank has the right to decline/ reject my Application or extend its processing period without furnishing
any reason and to retain all supporting documents submitted for the processing of this Application. This decision shall
not be challenged by me.
The Bank shall, from time to time, send me the Terms and Conditions of other facilities and I shall only be eligible to avail
any such facilities once I have read the governing Terms and Conditions and fully accepted them.
I hereby declare and undertake that no drawings/withdrawals from my Credit Card account shall be used for the
subscription of an initial public offering.
I hereby authorize the Bank to deliver my basic or Supplementary Credit Card on my mailing preferance to any of my
blood relatives or family members able to provide their CNIC No./ CNIC copy.
I further declare that my signatures shall be viewed as my consent to all the Terms and Conditions mentioned in the
Application Form
Details of Credit Cards (Clean) limits being availed from other banks/DFIs:
Sr. # Name of the Bank / DFI Approved Limit
Details of Credit Cards (Secured) limits being availed from other banks/DFIs:
Sr. # Name of the Bank / DFI Approved Limit
Details of Personal Loan (Clean) limits being availed from other banks/DFIs:
Sr. # Name of the Bank / DFI Approved Limit Amount Outstanding On
Application date
Details of Personal Loan (Secured) limits being availed from other banks/DFIs:
Sr. # Name of the Bank / DFI Approved Limit Amount Outstanding On
Application date
Details of other facilities if any (Clean & Secured) being availed from other banks/DFIs:
Sr. # Name of the Bank / DFI Approved Nature (Clean / Current
Limit Secured) Outstanding
Name of Applicant: ____________________
CNIC # _____________________________
MCB Bank Limited
The Manager
MCB Bank Limited
Dear Sir,
I/We hereby authorize you to earmark or set apart a sum of Rs. ___________________________ from my/our
_______________________ account with you. The said amount will stand charges as security against advances
made by you to Mr./Messrs ______________________ From time to time and will remain so charged until
I/We further agree and undertake that I/we shall have no right whatsoever to withdraw in part are full the amount
so charged in my/our account, in event of default of Mr./Messrs _________________ you are hereby authorized
to appropriate this amount against moneys owed to you without further reference to me/us.
Your Faithfully
MCB Bank Limited
Summary Box
The card will expire after 3 years from the date of issuance and
renewed automatically with 5 years valid expiry.
Insurance Coverage
The following Insurance coverage is available under MCB Credit
Credit Security
In case of an accidental death,termianl illness or death, the outstanding
balance on your MCB Visa is insured for payments and costs a
nominal percentage of your outstanding balance.
You can only avail credit security at a time. MCB Bank is only acting
as a third party distributor and is not responsible in any manner,
whatsoever, to the customer, his/her beneficiary/ies or any third
party. All MCB applications are processed and approved by
insurance provider as per their underwriting guidelines. MCB is not
responsible for the processing and approval of these applications in
anyway, whatsoever.
Undertaking: I hereby agree this Summary Box after reading,
understanding and accepting the terms and conditions herein
above, I further agree that rates contained herein are subject to
change as per Schedule of Charges.