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EOY Year 4

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End-of-the-Year Test - Grade 4

Addition, Subtraction, Patterns, and Graphs

1. Subtract. Check by adding.

5,200 − 2,677 − 543 Add to check:

2. a. Round the prices to the nearest dollar. Use the rounded prices to estimate the total bill.
crackers $1.28, cheese $8.92, jam $3.77, butter $9.34.

b. Now, use the exact prices (not rounded prices). Mrs. Wood buys the items listed above
and pays with $30. What is her change?

3. Estimate the cost of buying five notebooks for
$0.87 each and two pencil cases for $1.24 each.

4. Calculate in the right order.

a. 3 × (4 + 6) = ______ b. 3 × 3 + 8 ÷ 4 = ______ c. 20 × 3 + 80 ÷ 1 = ______

100 – 4 × 4 = ______ (7 – 3) × 3 + 2 = ______ 15 + 2 × (8 – 6) = _______

5. Circle the number sentence that fits the problem. Then solve for x.

a. Alice had $35. Then she earned more b. Eric gave 24 of the cookies he had baked to
money (x). Now she has $92. a friend and now he has 37 cookies left.

$35 + x = $92 OR $35 + $92 = x 37 – 24 = x OR x – 24 = 37

x = ________ x = ________

6. a. Continue this pattern for four more numbers:

2,000 1,750 1,500 1,250

b. Write a list of six numbers that follows this pattern: Start at 200, and add 300 each time.

7. These numbers are the students' quiz scores. 2 5 8 7 6 6 7 10 10 4 7 7 8 6 8 5 9 9 8 6 6 5 7 9

Make a frequency table and a bar graph.
Quiz score Frequency

8. Write an addition or a subtraction with an unknown (x or ?). Solve it. The bar model can help.

Rubber boots used to cost $27.95 but now the

price is $21.45. How much is the discount?



Large Numbers and Place Value

9. Subtract from whole thousands.

a. 2,000 − 1 = ______ b. 5,000 − 20 = ______ c. 6,000 − 300 = ______

10. Write the numbers in the normal form.

a. 800 thousand 50

b. 25 thousand 4 hundred 7

11. Find the missing numbers.

a. 30,550 = 50 + __________ + 500 b. 809,100 = 800,000 + 100 + ________

c. 725,608 = 20,000 + 700,000 + 8 + __________ + 5,000

12. Compare, writing < , > , or = between the numbers.

a. 54,500 55,400 b. 108,882 108,828 c. 71,600 61,700

13. Write the numbers in order from the smallest to the greatest.
217,200 227,712 27,200 227,200

14. Round the numbers as the dashed line indicates (to the underlined digit).

a. 43 6,102 ≈ b. 89 ,756 ≈ c. 27,5 29 ≈

15. Round to the nearest ten thousand.

a. 426,889 ≈ b. 495,304 ≈ c. 7,345 ≈

16. Calculate. Line up all of the place value units carefully.

a. 476,708 + 24,392 + 563 b. 405,112 − 81,424

Multi-Digit Multiplication

17. Multiply, and find the missing factors.

a. 70 × 3 = ______ b. 6 × 800 = _______ c. 40 × 80 = _______

d. _______ × 3 = 360 e. 50 × _______ = 4,000 f. ________ × 300 = 21,000

18. Ed earns $20 per hour.

a. How much will he earn in an 8-hour workday? _________________________________________

b. How much will he earn in a 40-hour workweek? _______________________________________

c. How many days will he need to work in order to earn at least $600? ________________________

19. Multiply. Estimate the answer on the line.

a. 5 × 196 b. 35 × 38 c. 7 × 3,188 d. 89 × 22

≈ ___________ ≈ ___________ ≈ ___________ ≈ ___________

20. Write the area of the whole rectangle as a SUM of the areas of the smaller rectangles. Lastly, add
to find the total area.

Area = 8 × 127

= ___ × ______ + ___ × ___ + ___ × ___

21. Solve the problems. Write a number sentence or several for each problem.

a. Find the change, if Sally buys 26 shirts

for $14 each, and pays with $400.



Estimate: ___________________________

b. How many minutes are there in a day (24 hours)?



c. One side of a square is 375 cm.

What is its perimeter?



d. Bicycles that cost $277 were discounted by $58.

A store bought eight. What was the total cost?



Time and Measuring

22. Measure the lines below to the nearest eighth of an inch and also in centimeters and millimeters.

a. ________ in. or ______ cm ______ mm

b. ________ in. or ______ cm ______ mm

23. How much time passes from 10:54 a.m. till 5:06 p.m.?

24. Luis kept track of how long it took him to do

his homework:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sunday
1 h 45 min 50 min 1 h 15 min 2 h 15 min 55 min

How much time did he spend with homework in total?


25. A teacher started her workday at 7:00 am, and stopped it at 3:35 pm.
But in between, she had a 45-minute lunch break, and another break
of 20 minutes. How many hours/minutes did she actually work?

26. Convert between the different measuring units.

a. b. c.
6 lb = __________ oz 5 gal = _________ qt 4 ft 2 in. = _____________ in.

2 lb 11 oz = ___________ oz 2 qt = _________ cups 7 yd = ___________ ft

27. Convert between the different measuring units.

a. b. c.
2 kg = ___________ g 5 L 200 ml = __________ ml 8 cm 2 mm = __________ mm

11 kg 600 g = ___________ g 3 m = __________ cm 10 km = _____________ m

28. George jogs daily on a track through the woods that is 3 km 800 m long.
What is the total distance he runs in four days?

29. Alice drank 350 ml of a 2-liter bottle of water.

How much is left?

30. The long sides of a rectangle measure 5 ft 6 in,

and the short sides are 3 ft 4 in.

What is the perimeter? ______ ft ________ in

Division and Factors

31. Divide. Check each problem by multiplying.

a. 567 ÷ 9 Check: b. 8,564 ÷ 4 Check:

32. Solve.

a. 47 ÷ 5 = ______ R ___ b. 25 ÷ 3 = ______ R ___ c. 57 ÷ 9 = ______ R ___

33. Solve.

a. Amy put 48 photographs into an online photo album.

On each page she could fit nine photos.
How many photos were on the last page?

How many pages were full?

b. You bought a 50-foot roll of chain-link fence that cost $150.

Then you sold 12 feet of it to your neighbor.
How much did your neighbor pay?

34. Solve.

a. Joe had saved $264. He spent 3/8 of that to b. Mary packed 117 muffins into bags of six.
buy a camera. How much did the camera cost? How many bags does Mary need for them?

35. Mark an X if the number is divisible by the given numbers.

divisible divisible divisible divisible divisible divisible divisible divisible divisible divisible
number by 1 by 2 by 3 by 4 by 5 by 6 by 7 by 8 by 9 by 10

36. Fill in.

a. Is 5 a factor of 60? b. Is 7 a divisor of 43?

______, because ____ × ____ = ________. ______, because ____ ÷ ____ = _____________.

c. Is 96 divisible by 4? d. Is 34 a multiple of 7?

______, because _________________________. ______, because _________________________.

37. List three prime numbers.

38. Find all the factors of the given numbers.

a. 56 b. 78

factors: factors:


39. Measure this angle.

40. Draw here an angle of 65°.

41. Draw here any obtuse triangle,
and measure its angles.

42. Write an addition sentence about

the angle measures. Use an unknown (x)
for one angle measure.

Then solve it.



43. Sketch here any rectangle. Then draw a diagonal

line in it (a line from corner to corner).
What kind of triangles are formed?

44. Sketch here two line segments that

are perpendicular to each other.

45. Draw as many different
symmetry lines as you
can into these shapes.

46. This picture shows the floor of a room with a carpet on the floor.
The room itself measures 28 feet by 12 feet. The carpet is 6 ft
by 10 ft. Find the area of floor outside the carpet (not including
the carpet).

Fractions and Decimals

47. Write an addition to match the picture:

48. Erica did 1/4 of a puzzle, and Mom did another fourth of it.
How much of the puzzle is still left to do?

49. Add and subtract. Give your final answer as a whole number or as a mixed number if possible.

4 3 1 2 6 2
a. + = b. 1 − = c. 3 +2 =
5 5 6 6 8 8

50. Split the existing pieces.

Fill in the missing parts.
a. Each piece is split b. Each piece is split
into 2 new ones. into ____ new ones.

4 6
= =
5 9

51. Write the equivalent fractions.

2 3 9 1 1
a. = b. = c. = d. =
3 15 5 6 12 3 9

52. Compare the fractions.

2 3 6 7 11 11 1 5
a. b. c. d.
3 8 5 8 12 10 3 12

5 7 65
53. Write these fractions in order, from the smallest to the greatest: , ,
4 10 100

54. A recipe calls for 3/4 cup of flour. If you triple

the recipe, how much flour do you need?

55. Fill in.

3 2 2
a. =3× b. 4 × = c. 7 × =
8 5 12

56. Mark on the number line the following decimals: 0.55 0.08 0.27 0.80

57. Write the fractions and mixed numbers as decimals.

3 9 9 45
a. b. 3 c. d. 7
10 10 100 100

58. Write the decimals as fractions or mixed numbers.

a. 0.6 b. 6.7 c. 0.21 d. 5.05

59. Compare.

a. 0.17 0.2 b. 1.6 1.56 c. 13.09 13.9 d. 9.80 9.8

60. Add and subtract.

a. 7.81 + 5.2 b. 6.1 − 2.36


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