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Daily Warm Ups 5th Grade - PPTX (PDFDrive)

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Warm Ups
Common Core Aligned

5th grade
By: Maneuvering the Middle
Ideas for
Daily Warm Ups or Exit Tickets

Option 1: On one page print and copy the four weekly

warm ups (front and back) for each student.

Option 2: Each day give students a warm up slip as

they enter. Go over and collect warm ups or glue into
interactive notebook when completed.

Option 3: Print the entire set for students and staple

into booklet form. Direct them on a daily basis which
warm up you would like them to complete.

Option 4: Display pdf file on projector, have students

record work and answers in journal.

Option 5: Display pdf on interactive whiteboard. Use

whiteboard features to work problems as a class.

Option 6: Each day give students an exit ticket to

formatively assess understanding.
Warm Ups 1-16
4th Grade Review
Warm Up CCSS
1, 9 4.OA.1 – interpret multiplication problems
4.OA.2 – multiply & divide with word problems
4.OA.3 – solve multistep word problems
4.NBT.6 – find whole number quotients
2, 10 4.OA.4 – factor pairs, prime & composite numbers
4.OA.2 – multiply & divide with word problems
3, 11 4.OA.5 – generate patterns
4.NBT.1 – apply concepts of place value
4.NBT.2 – expanded form of numbers
4.NBT.3 – round whole numbers
4, 12 4.NBT.2 – compare two numbers
4.NBT.4 – fluently add and subtract whole numbers
4.NF.1 – equivalent fractions with visual models
5, 13 4.G.1 – draw angles
4.NF.5 – express fractions w/ equivalent fractions
4.NF.6 – use decimal notation for fractions
4.MD.1 – convert measurement within a system
6, 14 4.NBT.5 – multiply whole numbers
4.NF.2 – compare two fractions
7, 15 4.MD.4 – make a line plot
4.G.2 – classify 2d figures
4.G.3 – recognize lines of symmetry
8, 16 4.MD.3 – apply area and perimeter formulas
4.OA.2 – multiply & divide with word problems
Name___________________________________  Date _______________________ Pd ____ 1  
1.  Evaluate the following expressions: 2.  Write the numeric expression:

a. 16 × 7 b. 48 ÷ 3 a.  35 is 7 times as many as 5

b.  22 is 11 times as many as 2

3. Michael is planning a birthday party. He would like to invite 12 friends and estimates that each
person will eat 2 slices of pizza. About how many slices of pizza does Michael need for the
birthday party?

Name___________________________________  Date _______________________ Pd ____ 2  

1. List the factor pairs: 2.  Circle the prime numbers, box the
composite numbers:
a. 15 b. 60
3  18 2 10 5 19 21

30  31 42 8 16 54 7

3. Beth is shopping for school supplies. She purchases 7 spirals that are $2 each, as well as two
packs of markers for $3 each. How much will Beth spend on these supplies?
Name___________________________________  Date _______________________ Pd ____ 3  
1.  Determine the missing number and the 2.  Evaluate the following expressions:
a. 200 ÷ 20 =
a. 2, 5, ___, 11, 14, ___ rule:

b. 50 ÷ 5 =
b. 15, ___, 11, 9, ___ rule:

c. What pattern do you notice?

3.  Write each number in expanded form: 4.  Round each number to the tens place:

a.  57 = a.  4,532

b.  182 = b.  785

Name___________________________________  Date _______________________ Pd ____ 4  

1. Use <, >, or = to compare the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a.  357 ____ 362 a. 169 b. 206

+74 −97

b.  1,817 ____ 1,789

c.  749 ___ 519

3.  What fractional part does each picture represent? Are these fractions equivalent? How do you
Name___________________________________  Date _______________________ Pd ____ 5  
1.  Find an equivalent fraction with a 2.  Find the decimal equivalent of each
denominator of 100. fraction:
7 37
a. = a. =
10 100

b. 3 b. 2
= =
10 10

3.  Convert each measurement to its 4.  Sketch and label an acute, right, and
equivalent: obtuse angle.

a.  1 foot = __________ inches

b.  36 inches = __________ feet

Name___________________________________  Date _______________________ Pd ____ 6  

1. Use <, >, or = to compare the following: 2.  Solve the following:
2 2
a.  ____ a. 329 b. 124
3 5
×4 ×8

b. Explain your thinking:

3.  Draw a picture to represent a fraction equivalent to the following:

Name___________________________________  Date _______________________ Pd ____ 7  
1.  Circle the shapes with at least one set of 2.  Draw the line of symmetry in the following
parallel lines: shapes:

3.  Use the following data to create a line plot:

1 1 1 3 1 3
, , , , ,
4 2 2 4 2 4

Name___________________________________  Date _______________________ Pd ____ 8  

1. Find the perimeter of the following shape: 2. Find the area of the following shape:

13feet 15inches

6feet 8inches

3. A box of cookies contains 48 cookies. Sam and his three friends have decided to split them
evenly. How much cookies will each person receive?
Name___________________________________  Date _______________________ Pd ____ 9  
1.  Evaluate the following expressions: 2.  Write the numeric expression:

a. 26 × 6 b. 68 ÷ 4 a.  8 times as many as 6 is 48

b.  100 is 20 times as many as 5

3. Maddie is training for a race at school. She runs between 1 and 2 miles each day of the week.
Estimate how many miles Maddie will run this week.

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 10  

1. List the factor pairs: 2.  Circle the prime numbers, box the
composite numbers:
a. 21 b. 52
3  17 18 10 2 23 30

20 33 42 57 16 75 45

3. Will and his best friend decide to purchase a video game and controller together. The video
game is $27 and the controller is $23. How much will each person have to pay?
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 11  
1.  Determine the missing number and the 2.  Evaluate the following expressions:
a. 700 ÷ 70 =
a. 1, 5, ___, 13, 17, ___ rule:

b. 80 ÷ 8 =
b. 18, ___, 28, 33, ___ rule:

c. What pattern do you notice?

3.  Write each number in expanded form: 4.  Round each number to the hundreds place:

a.  68= a.  7,549

b.  103= b.  171

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 12  

1. Use <, >, or = to compare the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a.  0.13 ____ 0.17 a. 538 b. 482

+39 −47

b.  0.24 ____ 0.14

c.  482 ___ 488

3.  What fractional part does each picture represent? Are these fractions equivalent? How do you
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 13  
1.  Find an equivalent fraction with a 2.  Find the decimal equivalent of each
denominator of 100. fraction:
9 6
a. = a. =
10 10

b. 4
= b. 72 =
10 100

3.  Convert each measurement to its 4.  Sketch and label a point, line, and ray:

a.  120 seconds = __________ minutes

b.  1 meter = __________ centimeters

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 14  

1. Use <, >, or = to compare the following: 2.  Solve the following:
3 2
a.  ____ a. 233 b. 190
4 4
×5 ×3

b. Explain your thinking:

3.  Draw a picture to represent a fraction equivalent to the following:

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 15  
1.  Angle A is 19o and angle B is 45o. What is 2.  The sum of two angles is 90o, one angle is
the sum of the two angles? Is the new angle 38o. What is the measure of the other angle? Is
acute, obtuse or right? the other angle acute, obtuse or right?

3.  Use the following data to create a line plot:

1 2 1 4 2 5
, , , , ,
5 5 5 5 5 5

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 16  

1. Find the perimeter of the following shape: 2. Find the area of the following shape:

25meters 11cm

6meters 11cm

3. Jackson has been saving his allowance and now has $43. He plans to purchase a new game for
$17. How much will Jackson has left over?
Warm Ups 17-56
5th Grade Aligned
Warm Up CCSS
17-20 5.NBT.1 – place value representation
5.NBT.3a – read & write decimals in expanded form
5.NBT.4 – round decimals
21-24 5.NBT.3b – compare two decimals
5.NBT.2 – use patterns and powers of 10
5.NBT.7 – add, subtract, multiply, divide decimals
25-28 5.OA.1 – evaluate expressions
5.OA.2 – write expressions
5.OA.3 – generate two numerical patterns
29-32 5.NBT.5 – multiply multi-digit whole numbers
5.NBT.6 – divide multi-digit whole numbers
33-36 5.NBT.7 – add, subtract, multiply, divide decimals

37-40 5.NF.1 – add & subtract fractions

5.NF.2 – add & subtract fractions w/word problems
41-44 5.NF.1 – add & subtract fractions
5.NF.2 – add & subtract fractions w/word problems
45-48 5.NF.3 – interpret fractions as division
5.NF.4a – use visual fraction models
49-52 5.NF.4b – find the area of a rectangle w/fraction lengths
5.NF.6 – word problems w/multiplying fractions
53-56 5.NF.4b – find the area of a rectangle w/fraction lengths
5.NF.6 – word problems w/multiplying fractions
Warm Ups 57-96
5th Grade Aligned
Warm Up CCSS
57-60 5.NF.5a – interpret multiplication as scaling
5.NF.5b – explain multiplying fractions & products
5.NF.6 – word problems w/multiplying fractions
61-64 5.NF.7a – division of fraction by whole
5.NF.7b – division of whole by fraction
5.NF.7c – word problems w/dividing fractions
65-68 5.NF.7a – division of fraction by whole
5.NF.7b – division of whole by fraction
5.NF.7c – word problems w/dividing fractions
69-72 Spiral all NF concepts

73-76 5.MD.1 – convert among standard measurement

5.MD.2 – make and interpret line plots
77-80 5.MD.3a – volume measures w/unit cubes
5.MD.3b – volume as unit cubes
5.MD.4 – measure volume w/unit cubes
81-84 5.MD.5a – find volume of rectangular prism
5.MD.5b – apply formulas to find volume
85-88 5.MD.5c – volume as additive
5.G.1 – graph and define points on the coordinate plane
89-92 5.G.1 – graph and define points on the coordinate plane
5.G.2 – represent real world problems on a graph
93-96 5.G.3 – understand attributes of 2d figures
5.G.4 – classify 2d figures
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 17  
1.  Write each number in expanded form: 2.  In the number 4,538.72, what number is in
each place value:

a.  37.8 = ______ + _______ + _______ a.  Tens _______

b.  Thousands ________

b.  573 = ______ + _______ + _______ c.  Tenths ________

3.  In the number 3,865: 4.  Round each number to the hundreds place:

a.  The value of the 8 is ______ times as much a.  7,884

as the value of the 6.

b.  326
b.  The value of the 5 is ______ times as much
as the value of the 6.

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 18  

1.  Write each number in expanded form: 2.  In the number 6,331.97, what number is in
each place value:

a.  5.41 = ______ + _______ + _______ a.  Ones _______

b.  Hundreds ________

b.  121 = ______ + _______ + _______ c.  Hundredths ________

3.  In the number 5,391: 4.  Round each number to the ones place:

a.  The values of the 5 is ______ times as much a.  674.29

as the values of the 9.

b.  5001.1
b.  The value of the 1 is ______ times as much
as the value of the 9.
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 19  
1.  Write each number in expanded form: 2.  In the number 6,911.73, what number is in
each place value:
a.  6.287 =
a.  Hundredths _______
_______ + _______ + _______ + _______
b.  Thousands ________

b.  8.91 = ______ + _______ + _______ c.  Tenths ________

3.  In the number 584, how is the value of the 4.  Round each number to the tenths place:
8 related to the value of the 4?

a.  737.45

b.  98.003

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 20  

1.  Write each number in expanded form: 2.  In the number 2,009.83, what number is in
each place value:
a. 2.109 =
_______ + _______ + _______ + _______ a.  Tenths _______

b.  Hundreds ________

a. 64.10 =
_______ + _______ + _______ + _______ c.  Hundredths ________

3.  In the number 4.56, how is the value of the 4.  Round each number to the hundredths
6 related to the value of the 5? place:

a.  994.042

b.  6.349
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 21  
1.  Complete the pattern below: 2. Use <, >, or = to compare the following:

a.  4x2 = _______ a.  459.23 _______ 459.32

b.  40x2 = _______ b.  34.589 _______ 34.586

c.  400x2 = _______ c.  671.02 _______ 67.104

d.  4000x2 = _______

3.  Solve the following: 4. Solve the following:

a.  538.21 a. 295.26

+39.07 −49.51

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 22  

1.  Complete the pattern below: 2. Use <, >, or = to compare the following:

a.  50x3 = _______ a.  5.982 _______ 5.980

b.  5x3 = _______ b.  659.831 _______ 695.831

c.  .5x3 = _______ c.  111.101 _______ 111.001

d.  .05x3 = _______

3.  Solve the following: 4. Solve the following:

a.  48.206 a. 5.907

+6.07 −4.061
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 23  
1.  Complete the pattern below: 2. Use <, >, or = to compare the following:

a.  .8x5 = _______ a.  108.062 _______ 108.62

b.  8x5 = _______ b.  9.766 _______ 9.676

c.  80x5 = _______ c.  329.136 _______ 328.136

d.  800x5 = _______

3.  Solve the following: 4. Solve the following:

a.  413 a. 3 1206


Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 24  

1.  Complete the pattern below: 2. Use <, >, or = to compare the following:

a.  .01x4 = _______ a.  198.094 _______ 189.904

b.  .1x4 = _______ b.  3.489 _______ 3.489

c.  1x4 = _______ c.  721.956 _______ 721.965

d.  10x4 = _______

3.  Solve the following: 4. Solve the following:

a.  53 a. 4 644
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 25  
1.  Solve the following: 3.  Find the missing numbers:

5 + (3⋅ 7) − 8 a.  x: 0, ___, 4, 6, ___

b.  y: 5, ___, 7,8, ___

c.  Place the numbers in the table below and

graph the ordered pairs.

x y
2. Chelsea is 4 years older than Sarah. Sarah is
16. Write an expression to represent the age of 0 5

4 7
6 8

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 26  

1.  Solve the following: 3.  Find the missing numbers:

(4⋅ 9) − 8 + 2 a.  x: ___, 3, 5, 7, ___

b.  y: 3, ___, 5, 6, ___

c.  Place the numbers in the table below and

graph the ordered pairs.

2.  Write an expression to represent:

x y
a. 4 times the sum of 8 and 7
5 5
b. the product of 7 and 3 less 9 7 6
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 27  
1.  Solve the following: 3.  Find the missing numbers:

9 + (15 ÷ 3) + 6 a.  x: 2, ___, 4, 5, ___

b.  y: 0, 1, 2, 3, ___

c.  Place the numbers in the table below and

graph the ordered pairs.

x y
2. A package of cookies includes 36 chocolate
chip cookies. Peter is going to split these 2 0
cookies with 3 of his friends. Write an
expression to represent situation. 1
4 2
5 3

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 28  

1.  Solve the following: 3.  Find the missing numbers:

(5⋅ 9) − (6 ÷ 2) a.  x: ___, 3, 5, ___

b.  y: 0, ___, 6, 9

c.  Place the numbers in the table below and

graph the ordered pairs.

2.  Write an expression to represent:

x y
a. the sum of 7 and 11, divided by 3
5 6
b. the product of 19 and 3, less 6
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 29  
1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 281 b. 64 a. 8 552 b. 12 408

×9 ×13

3.  New Year’s party hats come in sets of 6. Stephanie estimates that she will have 36 guests.
How many sets of party hats will she need to purchase?

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 30  

1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 576 b. 24 a. 3 639 b. 15 375

×8 ×17

3.  A recipe calls for 2 cups of sugar for each batch of cookies. Maddie would like to triple her
recipe. How many cups of sugar will she need?
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 31  
1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 374 b. 29 a. 5 1640 b. 22 2948

×5 ×12

3.  A bulk shipment of rice arrives in a 54 pound bag. Each serving is 2 cups, how many servings
are in the bag?

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 32  

1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 338 b. 51 a. 7 448 b. 18 1116

×3 ×10

3.  An employee at the grocery store worked 60 hours over a 2 week period. Each week she
worked 5 days. If she worked the same number of hours a day, how many hours did she work each
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 33  
1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 250 b. 6.8 a. 8 40.8 b. 1.6 416

×.9 ×11

3.  A seamstress is making dance costumes. Each costume requires 2.5 yards of material and
she needs to make 9 costumes. How many yards of material should she order?

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 34  

1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 382 b. 1.8 a. 6 49.2 b. 1.4 86.8

×.2 ×13

3.  Mark is 4.85 feet tall, Matthew is 0.25 feet taller than Mark. How tall is Matthew?
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 35  
1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 7.14 b. 3.3 a. 9 8.100 b. 2.5 62.5

×2 ×1.5

3.  Mrs. Robinson purchases 3 pounds of chicken at $2.87 per pound. How much will Mrs.
Robinson spend on chicken?

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 36  

1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 2.91 b. 62 a. 4 32.4 b. .12 72

×.6 ×.27

3.  Two products are listed on sale this week. Brand A is priced at $8.67 and brand B is priced
at $10.91. How much more is brand B than brand A?
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 37  
1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 1 b. 1 a. 1 b.
2 3 2 5
1 2 1 3
+ + − −
4 5 8 4

3.  Tim plans to dig a trench that is of a yard long. He measures his work and realizes he still
1 6
has of yard to go. How much of the trench has he dug so far?

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 38  

1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 1 b. 3 a. 7 b. 2
6 5 8 3
3 1 3 3
+ + − −
4 2 4 8

3 1
3.  At a birthday party, of the chocolate cake and of the white cake was eaten. How
5 3
much total cake was eaten?
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 39  
1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 4 b.
7 a. 9 b.
5 10 10 4
1 3 3 1
+ + − −
3 4 5 6

3 2
3.  Laura is making a recipe that calls for cups of white sugar and cups of brown sugar.
4 3
How many cups of sugar is needed to make the recipe?

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 40  

1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 5 b. 1 a. 3 b. 5
6 2 5 6
1 5 1 2
+ + − −
3 8 4 3

3.  Jackson is building a mailbox in his woodshop class. He measures two boards, one is 2
1 2
feet long. The other is feet shorter. What is the length of the shorter board?
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 41  
1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 1 b. 1 a. 2 b.
2 4 5 3
2 3 3 5
1 1 1 1
+1 +2 −3 −
4 5 8 3

3.  Johnny takes his puppy Rover for a walk in the park each day after school. The park is in
3 1
the shape of a rectangle with a length of miles and a width of miles. How many miles will
4 3
they travel if they walk around the park once?

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 42  

1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 4 5 b. 2 a. 5 7 b. 1
2 6
6 5 8 3
3 7 1 1
+ +1 −2 −
4 10 4 6

3.  Nick studied for his math test for of an hour on Wednesday. On Thursday, he studied
1 5
for of an hour. What fractional part of an hour did Nick study on both Wednesday and
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 43  
1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 4 b.
5 a. 7 b.
2 7 8 7
7 6 8 4
1 3 1 1
+1 + −2 −
2 4 4 2

1 2
3. Maryann goes shopping in the a candy store. She purchases 1 pounds of rock candy,
6 3
pounds of liquorish, and the rest are caramel chunks. If the total weight of the candy is 4 pounds,
how many pounds of caramel chucks did she purchase?

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 44  

1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. b. 1 a. 10 b. 1
9 4 6
7 5
1 5 3 4
+2 +2 −3 −
6 7 8 5

3.  Mr. Langley is painting the exterior of his house. He uses 7 gallons of paint for the
2 2
surface and 2 gallons of paint for the trim. He estimated that he would use 11 gallons of paint.
How many gallons of paint was he away from his estimation?
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 45  
1.  Write a fraction to represent the situation: 2. Write a fraction to represent the situation:

a.  7 people want to share 16 pounds of candy a.  8 pounds of apples shared by 3 people

b.  between what two whole numbers is this b.  between what two whole numbers is this
fraction found: fraction found:

_______ and _______ _______ and _______

3. Use the model below to complete the equation:

3× =

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 46  

1.  Write a fraction to represent the situation: 2. Write a fraction to represent the situation:

a.  25 pounds of mulch shared by 6 people a.  3 people want to share 40 pounds of flour

b.  between what two whole numbers is this b.  between what two whole numbers is this
fraction found: fraction found:

_______ and _______ _______ and _______

3. Use the model below to complete the equation:

× =
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 47  
1.  Write a fraction to represent the situation: 2. Write a fraction to represent the situation:

a.  11 people want to share 90 pounds of beef a.  14 pounds of produce shared by 3 people

b.  between what two whole numbers is this b.  between what two whole numbers is this
fraction found: fraction found:

_______ and _______ _______ and _______

3. Use the model below to complete the equation:

3× =

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 48  

1.  Write a fraction to represent the situation: 2. Write a fraction to represent the situation:

a.  30 pounds of pumpkins shared by 7 people a.  9 people want to share 50 pounds of sugar

b.  between what two whole numbers is this b.  between what two whole numbers is this
fraction found: fraction found:

_______ and _______ _______ and _______

3. Use the model below to complete the equation:

× =
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 49  
1.  Solve the following: 1
2. A square tiles measures of a foot on
a. 1 × 5 = each side. What is the area of the tile?
2 6

b. 1 × 5 =
5 8

3. Use the model below to write an equation representing the multiplication of fractions.

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 50  

1.  Solve the following: 2
2. A recipe calls for cups of sugar for one
a. 2 × 6 = batch of cookies. Sarah decides to triple the
3 7 recipe, how many cups of sugar does she need?

b. 1 × 1 =
4 3

3. Use the model below to write an equation representing the multiplication of fractions.
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 51  
1.  Solve the following: 3
2. Paul ordered of a pound of coffee. He
4 1
a. 1 × 8 = would like to share of it with a friend. How
2 9 2
many pounds of coffee will each person

b. 5 × 2 =
6 9

3. Use the model below to write an equation representing the multiplication of fractions.

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 52  

1.  Solve the following: 1
2. A recipe calls for cups of sugar for one
a. 2 × 3 = batch of cookies. Sarah decides to half the
9 4 recipe, how many cups of sugar does she need?

b. 1 × 4 =
8 7

3. Use the model below to write an equation representing the multiplication of fractions.
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 53  
1.  Solve the following: 2.  McKenna baked 48 cupcakes. She then gave
1 2 1 of them away. How many cupcakes did she
a. 1 × =
2 5 6
give away?

1 2
3. Draw a model to represent × , then solve.
2 3

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 54  

1.  Solve the following: 1
2. Jude has 2 pounds of sour gummies. He
1 6 4 2
a. 2 × = disobeys his mom and eats of it. How many
6 7 3
pounds of sour gummies did he eat?

3. Draw a model to represent

3 1 , then solve.
5 3
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 55  
1.  Solve the following: 4
2. James rides his bike miles each day.
3 1 5
a. 1 × = How many miles will he travel over a period of 6
4 5

1 2
3. Draw a model to represent × , then solve.
3 3

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 56  

1.  Solve the following: 2. A local organic store orders a delivery of
2 3 1
a. 2 × = flour. The flour is is packaged in bags of 1
3 4 2
pounds. If 18 bags arrived, how many pounds of
flour were delivered?

3. Draw a model to represent

3 1 , then solve.
4 4
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 57  
1. Use <, >, or = to complete the inequality 3. Estimate the missing side using
a. 10 × 10

8 in
b. box the number above that determines which x in
inequality to use
10 in 5 in

2. Use <, >, or = to complete the inequality

a. 5 × 5

b. box the number above that determines which

inequality to use

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 58  

1. Use <, >, or = to complete the inequality 3. Estimate the missing side using
a. ×8 8
9 in
b. box the number above that determines which 3 in
inequality to use
12 in x in

2. Use <, >, or = to complete the inequality

a. 6 × 6

b. box the number above that determines which

inequality to use
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 59  
1. Use <, >, or = to complete the inequality 3. Estimate the missing side using
a. 9 × 9

15 cm
5 cm
b. box the number above that determines which
inequality to use
x cm 3 cm

2. Use <, >, or = to complete the inequality

a. 4 × 4

b. box the number above that determines which

inequality to use

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 60  

1. Use <, >, or = to complete the inequality 3. Estimate the missing side using
a. 12 × 12

x ft
3 ft
b. box the number above that determines which
inequality to use
2 ft 6 ft

2. Use <, >, or = to complete the inequality

a. × 20 20

b. box the number above that determines which

inequality to use
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 61  
1. Complete the steps to solve the problem: 3
2.  Matt would like to share of a pound of
3 4
÷3= chocolate with his three friends. How many
pounds of chocolate will each of the four people
a.  Change the whole number to a fraction receive?

a.  Write the problem as division

b.  Rewrite the problem as multiplication

b.  Rewrite the problem as multiplication

c.  Reduce and solve

c.  Reduce and solve

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 62  

1. Complete the steps to solve the problem: 3
2.  After dinner there is of a pizza left.
4 The next day Julie and Jennifer decide to split it.
5 How much pizza will each get?
a.  Change the whole number to a fraction
a.  Write the problem as division

b.  Rewrite the problem as multiplication

b.  Rewrite the problem as multiplication

c.  Reduce and solve

c.  Reduce and solve
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 63  
1. Complete the steps to solve the problem: 3
2.  How many cup servings are in 4 cups of
2 4
5÷ = peanuts?

a.  Change the whole number to a fraction a.  Write the problem as division

b.  Rewrite the problem as multiplication

b.  Rewrite the problem as multiplication

c.  Reduce and solve

c.  Reduce and solve

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 64  

1. Complete the steps to solve the problem: 2.  A tub of yogurt contains 12 ounces. The
1 4
7÷ = nutrition label states that a serving is of a
2 5
ounce. How many servings are in the tub of
a.  Change the whole number to a fraction yogurt?

a.  Write the problem as division

b.  Rewrite the problem as multiplication

b.  Rewrite the problem as multiplication

c.  Reduce and solve

c.  Reduce and solve

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 65  
1.  Solve the following: 5
3.  A shipment of tons of product is
2 8
a. 4÷ = delivered to three warehouses. If it is
distributed equally, how many tons will each
warehouse receive?

a.  Write the problem as division

2.  Solve the following:

b.  Rewrite the problem as multiplication
a. ÷6=

c.  Reduce and solve

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 66  

1.  Solve the following: 1
3. How many cup servings are in 8 cups of
1 popcorn?

a.  Write the problem as division

b.  Rewrite the problem as multiplication

2.  Solve the following:

a. 2 ÷ 2 =
c.  Reduce and solve
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 67  
1.  Solve the following: 5
3.  My sister and I are going to split of a
a. 9 ÷
6 pizza. How much will each of us get?

a.  Write the problem as division

b.  Rewrite the problem as multiplication

2.  Solve the following:

a. ÷14 =
8 c.  Reduce and solve

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 68  

1.  Solve the following: 3
3.  How many cup servings are in 10 cups
3 of trail mix?
a. ÷2=

a.  Write the problem as division

b.  Rewrite the problem as multiplication

2.  Solve the following:

a. 8 ÷ 4 =
c.  Reduce and solve
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 69  
1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:
3 5 3 3
a. 2 b. 7 a. 2 × = b. 2÷ =
7 6 5 5
1 3
+ −2
2 4

3. Find the perimeter of the following object:

1 inches

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 70  

1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:
1 2 3 1
a. 4 5 b. 5 a. × = b. ÷4=
9 3 3 7 2
5 2
+1 −1
6 3

3.  Isaac ran 10 miles in his cross country meet on Saturday. On Sunday, he went for a short
1 5
4 mile run. How much further did Isaac run on Saturday than Sunday?
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 71  
1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:
1 1 1 2
a. 3 b. 8 a. 2 × = b. ÷4=
6 3 2 7
1 3
+2 −3
2 8

3.  During a fuel shortage 18 gallons of gas, will be divided into gas cans. Each gas can holds
gallons. How many gas cans will be filled?

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 72  

1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:
3 3 2 6
a. 5 5 b. 2 a. × = b. 8÷ =
8 4 10 3 7
5 5
+3 −2
8 8

3.  Find the area of the following object:

5 feet

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 73  
1. Convert each measurement to its 2.  Taylor measures a brick to weigh 4050
equivalent: grams. How many kilograms does the brick
a.  1 gallon = __________ cups

b.  72 inches = __________ feet

3.  Use the following data to create a line plot:

1 2 1 4 2 5
, , , , ,
5 5 5 5 5 5

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 74  

1. Convert each measurement to its 2.  Hunter walks 1.5 kilometers to work each
equivalent: day. How many meters does he walk?

a.  12 cups = __________ quarts

b.  36 inches = __________ yards

3.  During a science experiment Charlie tracks

the lengths od multiple worms over a period of
time. On the last day, he creates a line plot to
display his data. Based on the data below,
how many worms are longer than 1 inches? x x x
2 x x x x
0 1 1 3 4
4 4 2 4 4
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 75  
1. Convert each measurement to its 2.  A container of lemonade holds 12 gallons.
equivalent: If each person will receive 2 cups of lemonade,
how many servings does the container hold?
a.  3780 milliliters = __________ liters

b.  2 weeks = __________ hours

3.  During a science experiment Charlie tracks

the lengths od multiple worms over a period of
time. On the last day, he creates a line plot to
display his data. Based on the data below, x
x x x
what is the median length of worm? x x x
0 1 1 3 4
4 4 2 4 4

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 76  

1. Convert each measurement to its 2.  From goal line to goal line a football field
equivalent: measures 100 yards. How many feet does it
a.  360 minutes = __________ days

b.  18 yards = __________ feet

3.  During a science experiment Charlie tracks

the lengths od multiple worms over a period of
time. On the last day, he creates a line plot to
display his data. If all of the lengths were
x x
Redistributed equally, what would be the length x x x
x x x x
of the worms?
0 1 1 3 4
4 4 2 4 4
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 77  
1.  Find the volume of the figure below. Each 2.  Sketch a rectangular prism with a volume
cube represents 1 inch cubed. of 12 cubic feet.

3. Find the volume of the figure below. Each 4.  Sketch a rectangular prism with a volume
cube represents 1 centimeter cubed. of 8 cubic feet.

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 78  

1.  Find the volume of the figure below. Each 2.  Sketch a rectangular prism with a volume
cube represents 1 foot cubed. of 18 cubic feet.

3. Find the volume of the figure below. Each 4.  Sketch a rectangular prism with a volume
cube represents 1 centimeter cubed. Of 6 cubic feet.
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 79  
1.  Find the volume of the figure below. Each 2.  Sketch a rectangular prism with a volume
cube represents 1 inch cubed. of 10 cubic feet.

3. Find the volume of the figure below. Each 4.  Sketch a rectangular prism with a volume
cube represents 1 centimeter cubed. Of 16 cubic feet.

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 80  

1.  Find the volume of the figure below. Each 2.  Sketch a rectangular prism with a volume
cube represents 1 foot cubed. Of 27 cubic feet.

3. Find the volume of the figure below. Each 4.  Sketch a rectangular prism with a volume
cube represents 1 centimeter cubed. Of 9 cubic feet.
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 81  
1.  A rectangular prism has the following 2.  Find the volume of the package below.

5inches 14in

How many 1 inch cubes will fill the prism above?

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 82  

1.  A rectangular prism has the following 2.  A pool has a depth of 10 feet and a width
measurements: of 14 feet. If it holds 1120 cubic feet of water,
what is the length of the pool?
(draw a picture to help)


How many 1 inch cubes will fill the base of the
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 83  
1.  Mr. Jones’ class collected tissue boxes. 2.  A refrigerator box measures 9 feet by 5
The class brought in a total of 20 boxes. If the feet by 5 feet. Sam decides to fill the box up
tissue box dimensions are listed below, how halfway with trash. How much space will the
much space will Mr. Jones need? trash take up?
(draw a picture to help)



Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 84  

1.  A sandbox is being built at a nearby 2.  A game cube has a side length of 4 inches.
elementary school. The sandbox will be filled to What is the volume of the cube?
the brim with sand. (draw a picture to help)


If each bag of sand holds 10 cubic feet of sand,

how many bags are necessary?
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 85  
1.  A candy company has two different sized 2.  Label the following on the graph below:
products. What is the combined volume of the
two different sized products? a.  Origin – place a point and label it A

b.  (3, 5) – place a point and label it B

8in c.  (7, 2) – place a point and label it C


2in 3in
2in 5in

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 86  

1.  A local community is building a swimming 2.  List the following coordinates from the
pool that measures 20 ft by 10 ft by 10 ft. They graph:
also have a kiddie pool that is 4 ft by 5 ft by 2 ft.
How much water is needed to fill both pools? a.  A (___, ___)

b.  B (___, ___)

c.  C (___, ___)

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 87  
1.  Two different shoes come in different 2.  Use the graph below:
sized boxes. The kids shoe box measures 6 in
by 5 in by 8 in. The mens shoe box measures 10 a. Begin at point D, move 5 units to the left on
in by 5 in by 12 in. What is the combined volume the ____ axis, then 1 units down on the ____
of both a kids shoe box and a mens shoe box? axis. Which point do you reach?

b. Point ____ has an y-coordinate of 0



Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 88  

1.  A cereal box is available in two different 2.  Use the graph below:
sizes. The large is shown below. The small box
has dimensions that are half the large. How a.  Begin at point A, move 4 units to the right
much cereal will both boxes hold? on the ____ axis, then 3 units up on the ____
axis. Which point do you reach?

b. Point ____ has an x-coordinate of 0

Cereal 12in

4in B


Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 89  
1.  Use the graph below: 2.  Use the graph below:

a.  Begin at point E, move 3 units to the left

on the ____ axis, then ____ units up on the
108 y-axis to reach point A.
84 b. Point ____ has both an x and y coordinate of
72 the same value

48 D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a.  6 feet represents _____ inches
b.  What does the ordered pair (3, 36)

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 90  

1.  Use the graph below: 2.  Use the graph below:

a.  Find two points that have a x-coordinate with

120 the same value
b.  The ordered pair (7,0) represents ____ point

48 D
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
feet C A
a.  108 inches represents ____ feet
b.  What does the ordered pair (6, 72)
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 91  
1.  Use the graph below: 2.  Use the graph below:

a.  Describe how you would get from point C

to point D.
96 b. The ordered pair (0, 0) has a special name
84 called the ______________

48 D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a. Sally needs 50 eggs to dye for an Egg
Hunt, how many cartons will she need to
b. _____ cartons will hold 96 eggs F E

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 92  

1.  Use the graph below: 2.  Use the graph below:

a.  Horizontal movement means you will travel

120 along the ____ axis
b. Vertical movement means you will travel
along the ____ axis

48 D
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
cartons C A
a.  What does the ordered pair (1, 12)

b. For 20 eggs, how many cartons are needed? F E

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 93  
1. Name the figures below:

2.  Using the pictures above, answer the following questions:

a.  How many figures have only right angles? ______

b.  How many figures are classified as a rectangle? ______

c.  How many figures have three vertices? ______

d.  This figure has no vertices ___________

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 94  

1.  Review the vocabulary below:

a. A _____________ is a special rectangle because it has four congruent sides and four right

b.  A _____________ is a figure with at least one set of parallel sides.

c.  A rhombus is also considered a ________________ because it has four sides.

d. This is a general term for a figure with two sets of opposite sides parallel ______________

2. List two PARALLELOGRAMS below: 3.  All of the following shapes are considered

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 95  
1. Box all of the parallelograms, circle the triangles.

2.  Who am I?

a.  I have four right angles and all congruent sides ________________

b.  I have three sides and one right angle ________________

c.  I have a regular polygon with no sides ________________

d.  I have only one set of parallel sides ________________

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 96  

1.  Complete the graphic organizer:

2. Use appropriate vocabulary to describe the 3.  All of the following shapes are considered
attributes of a rectangle:
Warm Ups 97-107
5th Grade Spiral Review
Warm Up CCSS
97 5.NBT.1 – place value representation
5.NBT.3a – read & write decimals in expanded form
5.NBT.4 – round decimals
98 5.NBT.3b – compare two decimals
5.NBT.2 – use patterns and powers of 10
5.NBT.7 – add, subtract, multiply, divide decimals
99 5.OA.1 – evaluate expressions
5.OA.2 – write expressions
5.OA.3 – generate two numerical patterns
100 5.NBT.5 – multiply multi-digit whole numbers
5.NBT.6 – divide multi-digit whole numbers
101 5.NBT.5 – multiply multi-digit whole numbers
5.NBT.6 – divide multi-digit whole numbers
102 5.NBT.7 – add, subtract, multiply, divide decimals

103 5.NF.1 – add & subtract fractions

5.NF.2 – add & subtract fractions w/word problems
104 5.NF.3 – interpret fractions as division
5.NF.4a – use visual fraction models
105 5.NF.4b – find the area of a rectangle w/fraction lengths
5.NF.6 – word problems w/multiplying fractions
106 5.NF.5a – interpret multiplication as scaling
5.NF.5b – explain multiplying fractions & products
5.NF.6 – word problems w/multiplying fractions
107 5.NF.7a – division of fraction by whole
5.NF.7b – division of whole by fraction
5.NF.7c – word problems w/dividing fractions
Warm Ups 108-120
5th Grade Spiral Review
Warm Up CCSS
108 Spiral all NF concepts

109 5.MD.3a – volume measures w/unit cubes

5.MD.3b – volume as unit cubes
5.MD.4 – measure volume w/unit cubes
110 5.MD.1 – convert among standard measurement
5.MD.2 – make and interpret line plots
111 5.MD.5a – find volume of a rectangular prism
5.MD.5b – apply formulas to find volume
112 5.MD.5c – volume as additive
5.G.1 – graph and define points on the coordinate plane
113 5.G.1 – graph and define points on the coordinate plane
5.G.2 – represent real world problems on graph
114 5.G.3 – understand attributes of 2d figures
5.G.4 – classify 2d figures
115 Spiral all NF concepts

116 5.G.3 – understand attributes of 2d figures

5.G.4 – classify 2d figures
117 5.NF.7a – division of fraction by whole
5.NF.7b – division of whole by fraction
5.NF.7c – word problems w/dividing fractions
118 5.NF.5a – interpret multiplication as scaling
5.NF.5b – explain multiplying fractions & products
5.NF.6 – word problems w/multiplying fractions
119 5.NBT.7 – add, subtract, multiply, divide decimals

120 5.NF.4b – find the area of rectangle w/fraction lengths

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 97  
1.  Write each number in expanded form: 2.  In the number 4,783.25 what number is in
each place value:
a.  6.458 =
a.  Hundredths _______
_______ + _______ + _______ + _______
b.  Thousands ________

b.  7.31 = ______ + _______ + _______ c.  Tenths ________

3.  In the number 439, how is the value of the 4.  Round each number to the tenths place:
3 related to the value of the 9?

a.  757.92

b.  87.003

Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 98  

1.  Complete the pattern below: 2. Use <, >, or = to compare the following:

a.  .01x7 = _______ a.  198.094 _______ 189.904

b.  .1x7 = _______ b.  2.776 _______ 2.767

c.  1x7 = _______ c.  554.956 _______ 554.965

d.  10x7 = _______

3.  Solve the following: 4. Solve the following:

a.  40.258 a. 6.807

+8.17 −4.062
Name__________________________________  Date ______________________ Pd ____ 99  
1.  Solve the following: 3.  Find the missing numbers:

8 + (21 ÷ 3) − 5 a.  x: 0, ___, 4, 6, ___

b.  y: 0, 1, 2, 3, ___

c.  Place the numbers in the table below and

graph the ordered pairs.

x y
2. A package of cookies includes 54 chocolate
chip cookies. Peter is going to split these 0 0
cookies with 4 of his friends. Write an
expression to represent situation. 1
4 2
6 3

Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 100  

1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 546 b. 76 a. 6 744 b. 13 598

×7 ×12

3.  A recipe calls for 2 cups of milk for each batch of pancakes. Jamie would like to triple her
recipe. How many cups of milk will she need?
Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 101  
1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 346 b. 41 a. 4 748 b. 18 936

×5 ×14

3.  A bulk shipment of mulch weighs 126 pounds. Each lawn will receive 6 pounds of mulch, how
many lawns will receive mulch?

Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 102  

1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 2.91 b. 62 a. 7 43.4 b. .14 3.92

×.5 ×.19

3.  Two products are listed on sale this week. Brand A is priced at $15.89 and brand B is priced
at $17.37. How much more is brand B than brand A?
Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 103  
1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:
7 2 5 1
a. b. 3 a. b. 6
8 3 8 6
1 2 1 3
+ +2 − −1
4 5 4 4

3.  Tim plans to dig a trench that is 1 of a yard long. He measures his work and realizes he still
1 6
has of yard to go. How much of the trench has he dug so far?

Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 104  

1.  Write a fraction to represent the situation: 2. Write a fraction to represent the situation:

a.  25 pounds of rice shared by 3 people a.  5 people want to share 66 pounds of flour

b.  between what two whole numbers is this b.  between what two whole numbers is this
fraction found: fraction found:

_______ and _______ _______ and _______

3. Use the model below to complete the equation:

× =
Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 105  
1.  Solve the following: 7
2. Sam ordered of a pound of coffee. He
8 1
a. 1 × 6 = would like to share of it with a friend. How
2 7 2
many pounds of coffee will each person

b. 5 × 3 =
6 9

3. Use the model below to write an equation representing the multiplication of fractions.

Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 106  

1. Use <, >, or = to complete the inequality 3. Estimate the missing side using
a. ×8 8
9 in
b. box the number above that determines which x in
inequality to use
12 in 4 in

2. Use <, >, or = to complete the inequality

a. 6 ×

b. box the number above that determines which

inequality to use
Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 107  
1. Complete the steps to solve the problem: 5
2.  Matt would like to share of a pound of
3 8
÷6= chocolate with his three friends. How many
pounds of chocolate will each of the four people
a.  Change the whole number to a fraction receive?

a.  Write the problem as division

b.  Rewrite the problem as multiplication

b.  Rewrite the problem as multiplication

c.  Reduce and solve

c.  Reduce and solve

Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 108  

1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:
1 2 7 1
a. 4 4 b. 5 a. × = b. ÷6=
9 3 5 12 2
5 2
+2 −1
6 3

3.  Isaac ran 8 miles in his cross country meet on Saturday. On Sunday, he went for a short
1 5
2 mile run. How much further did Isaac run on Saturday than Sunday?
Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 109  
1.  Find the volume of the figure below. Each 2.  Sketch a rectangular prism with a volume
cube represents 1 foot cubed. of 8 cubic feet.

3. Find the volume of the figure below. Each 4.  Sketch a rectangular prism with a volume
cube represents 1 centimeter cubed. of12 cubic feet.

Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 110  

1. Convert each measurement to its 2.  Hunter walks 2.1 kilometers to work each
equivalent: day. How many meters does he walk?

a.  18 cups = __________ quarts

b.  72 inches = __________ yards

3.  During a science experiment Charlie tracks

the lengths od multiple worms over a period of
time. On the last day, he creates a line plot to
display his data. Based on the data below,
1inches? x
how many worms are longer than x x x
2 x x x x
0 1 1 3 4
4 4 2 4 4
Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 111  
1.  A rectangular prism has the following 2.  A pool has a depth of 12 feet and a width
measurements: of 14 feet. If it holds 1680 cubic feet of water,
what is the length of the pool?
(draw a picture to help)


How many 1 inch cubes will fill the base of the

Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 112  

1.  A candy company has two different sized 2.  Use the graph below:
products. What is the combined volume of the
two different sized products? a.  Label the origin point A
b.  Label (5, 8) point B
c.  Label point C anywhere on the horizontal
7in d.  Label point D four units below point B and
two units to the left of point B

2in 3in
2in 6in
Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 113  
1.  Use the graph below: 2.  Use the graph below:

a.  Begin at point D, move 2 units to the left

on the ____ axis, then ____ units down on the
108 y-axis to reach point A.
84 b. Point ____ has both an x and y coordinate of
the same value

48 D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a.  3 dozen represents _____ cookies
b.  What does the ordered pair (8, 96)

Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 114  

1.  Review the vocabulary below:

a. A _____________ is a special rectangle because it has four congruent sides and four right

b.  A _____________ is a figure with four sides

c.  A rhombus is also considered a ________________ because it has four sides.

d. This is a general term for a figure with two sets of opposite sides parallel ______________

2.  List two QUADRILATERALS below: 3.  All of the following shapes are considered

Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 115  
1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:
1 6
a. 5 5 b. 2 a. 3 × 2 = b. 8÷ =
8 4 13 3 7
7 5
+3 −1
8 8

3.  Find the area of the following object:

4 feet


Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 116  

1.  Complete the graphic organizer:

2. Use appropriate vocabulary to describe the 3.  All of the following shapes are considered
attributes of a square:
Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 117  
1.  Solve the following: 5
3.  A shipment of tons of product is
3 8
a. 6 ÷ = delivered to three warehouses. If it is
distributed equally, how many tons will each
warehouse receive?

a.  Write the problem as division

2.  Solve the following:

b.  Rewrite the problem as multiplication
a. ÷9=

c.  Reduce and solve

Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 118  

1. Use <, >, or = to complete the inequality 3. Estimate the missing side using
9 9
a. 9 ×

x ft
3 ft
b. box the number above that determines which
inequality to use
2 ft 8 ft

2. Use <, >, or = to complete the inequality

a. × 20 20

b. box the number above that determines which

inequality to use
Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 119  
1.  Solve the following: 2.  Solve the following:

a. 430 b. 7.2 a. 8 74.4 b. 1.6 416

×.9 ×11

3.  A seamstress is making dance costumes. Each costume requires 3.5 yards of material and
she needs to make 8 costumes. How many yards of material should she order?

Name_________________________________  Date _____________________ Pd ____ 120  

1.  Solve the following: 1
2. A recipe calls for cups of sugar for one
a. 2 × 5 = batch of cookies. Sarah decides to half the
7 6 recipe, how many cups of sugar does she need?

b. 1 × 4 =
8 7

3. Use the model below to write an equation representing the multiplication of fractions.
Answer Key 1-30
Warm Up 1 Warm Up 2 Warm Up 3 Warm Up 4 Warm Up 5
1a. 112 1a. 1x15, 3x5 1a. 8, 17 add 3 1a. < 1b. > 1c. > 1a. 70/100
1b. 16 1b. 1x60, 2x30, 1b. 13, 7 sub 2 2a. 243 1b. 30/100
2a. 35=7x5 3x20, 4x15, 2a. 10 2b. 10 2b. 109 2a. 0.37 2b. 0.2
2b. 22=11x2 5x12, 6x10 3a. 50+7 3. yes, 1/2 3a. 12 3b. 3
3. 24 slices 2. prime – 3,2,5, 3b. 100+80+2 4. answers vary
19, 31, 7 4a. 4530
3. $20 4b. 790

Warm Up 6 Warm Up 7 Warm Up 8 Warm Up 9 Warm Up 10

1a. > 1.  rectangle, 1. 38 feet 1a. 156 1a. 1x21, 3x7
1b. 2 out of 3 is rhombus 2. 120 in sq 1b. 17 1b. 1x52, 2x26,
a larger piece 2. answers 3. 12 cookies 2a. 48=8x6 4x13
2a. 1316 sketched 2b. 100=20x5 2. prime – 3, 17,
2b. 992 3. answers 3. between 7 2, 23
3. answers vary sketched and 14 miles 3. $25 each

Warm Up 11 Warm Up 12 Warm Up 13 Warm Up 14 Warm Up 15

1a. 9, 21 add 4 1a. < 1b. > 1c. < 1a. 90/100 1a. > 1.  64o, acute
1b. 23, 38 add 5 2a. 577 1b. 40/100 2a. 1165 2.  52o, acute
2a. 10 2b. 10 2b. 435 2a. 0.6 2b. 0.72 2b. 570 3.  answers
3a. 60+8 3. no, different 3a. 2 3b. 100 3. answers sketched
3b. 100+3 sizes 4. answers sketched
4a. 7500 4b. 200 sketched
Warm Up 16 Warm Up 17 Warm Up 18 Warm Up 19 Warm Up 20
1.  62 meters 1a. 30+7+.8 1a. 5+.4+.01 1a. 6+.2+.08+. 1a. 2+.1+.01+
2.  121 cm sq 1b. 500+70+3 1b. 100+20+1 007 .009
3.  $26 2a. 3 2b. 4 2c. 7 2a. 1 2b. 3 2c. 7 1b. 8+.9+.01 1b. 60+4+.1+.00
3a. 10 3b. 1/10 3a. 100 3b. 1/10 2a. 3 2b. 6 2c. 1 2a. 8 2b. 0 2c. 3
4a. 7900 4b. 300 4a. 674 4b. 5001 3. answers vary 3. answers vary
4a. 737.5 4b. 98 4a. 994.04
4b. 6.35

Warm Up 21 Warm Up 22 Warm Up 23 Warm Up 24 Warm Up 25

1a. 8 1b. 80 1a. 150 1b. 15 1a. 4 1b. 40 1a. 0.04 1b. 0.4 1.  18
1c. 800 1d. 8000 1c. 1.5 1d. 0.15 1c. 400 1d. 4000 1c. 4 1d. 40 2.  C=16+4
2a.< 2b. > 2c. > 2a.> 2b. < 2c. > 2a.< 2b.> 2c.> 2a.> 2b. = 2c. < 3.  x-2,8 y-6,9
3a. 577.28 3a. 54.276 3a. 2476 3a. 583 answers
4a. 245.75 4a. 1.846 4a. 402 4a. 161 graphed

Warm Up 26 Warm Up 27 Warm up 28 Warm Up 29 Warm Up 30

1.  30 1.  18 1.  42 1a. 2529 1b. 832 1a. 4608 1b. 408
2a. 4(8+7) 2.  36/4 2a. (7+11)/3 2a. 69 2b. 34 2a. 213 2b. 25
2b. (7x3)-9 3.  x-3, 6 y-4 2b. (19x3)-6 3. 6 hats 3. 6 cups
3. x-1, 9 y-4, 7 answers 3. x-1, 7 y-3
Answers graphed answers
graphed graphed
Answer Key 31-65
Warm Up 31 Warm Up 32 Warm Up 33 Warm Up 34 Warm Up 35
1a. 1870 1b. 348 1a. 1014 1b. 510 1a. 150 1b. 74.8 1a. 76.4 1b. 23.4 1a. 14.28
2a. 328 2b. 134 2a. 64 2b. 62 2a. 5.1 2b. 260 2a. 8.2 2b. 62 1b. 4.95
3. 27 servings 3. 6 hours 3. 22.5 yards 3. 5.1 feet 2a. 0.9 2b. 25
3. $8.61
Warm Up 36 Warm Up 37 Warm Up 38 Warm Up 39 Warm Up 40
1a. 1.746 1a. 3/4 1b. 11/15 1a. 11/12 1a. 1 2/15 1a. 1 1/6
1b. 16.74 2a. 3/8 2b. 1/20 1b. 1 1/10 1b. 1 9/20 1b. 1 1/8
2a. 8.1 2b. 600 3. 1/2 yards 2a. 1/8 2b. 7/24 2a.3/10 2b. 7/12 2a. 7/20
3. $2.24 3. 14/15 cake 3. 1 5/12 cups 2b. 1/6
3. 2 1/6 feet
Warm Up 41 Warm Up 42 Warm Up 43 Warm Up 44 Warm Up 45
1a. 3 and 3/4 1a. 5 7/12 1a. 4 1/4 1a. 11 1/6 1a. 16/7
1b. 6 and 8/15 1b. 4 1/10 1b. 8 7/12 1b. 6 6/7 1b. 2 and 3
2a. 2 and 13/24 2a. 3 5/8 2a. 6 5/8 2a. 6 5/8 2a. 8/3
2b. 3 and 7/15 2b. 6 1/6 2b. 7 1/4 2b. 5 2/5 2b. 2 and 3
1 3
3. 2 and 1/6 mi 3. 13/20 hours 3. 2 1/6 pounds 3. 5/6 gallons 3. 3 × 2 = 2
Warm Up 46 Warm Up 47 Warm Up 48 Warm Up 49 Warm Up 50
1a. 25/6 1a. 90/11 1a. 30/7 1a. 5/12 1a. 4/7
1b. 4 and 5 1b. 8 and 9 1b. 4 and 5 1b. 1/8 1b. 1/12
2a. 40/3 2a. 14/3 2a. 50/9 2. 1/4 2. 2 cups
2b. 13 and 14 2b. 4 and 5 2b. 5 and 6 3. 1 × 2 = 2 3. 1 × 1 = 1
2 8 3 9 2 8 3 3 9 2 4 8
3. 4 × 5 = 5 3. 3 × 4 = 4 3. 4 × 3 = 3
Warm Up 51 Warm Up 52 Warm Up 53 Warm Up 54 Warm Up 55
1a. 4/9 1a. 1/6 1a. 3/5 1a. 1 6/7 1a. 7/20
1b. 5/27 1b. 1/14 2. 3 2. 1 1/2 2. 4 4/5
2. 3/8 2. 1/8 3. 1 × 2 = 1 3. 3 × 1 = 1 3. 1 × 2 = 2
2 3 3 5 3 5 3 3 9
3. 3 × 1 = 3 3. 2 × 3 = 6 or 1
4 4 16 3 4 12 2

Warm Up 56 Warm Up 57 Warm Up 58 Warm Up 59 Warm Up 60

1a. 2 1.  >, fraction 1.  <, fraction 1.  <, fraction 1.  >, fraction
2. 27 2.  <, fraction 2.  <, fraction 2.  >, fraction 2.  >, fraction
3. 3 × 1 = 3 3.  4 3.  4 3.  9 3.  9
4 4 16

Warm Up 61 Warm Up 62 Warm Up 63 Warm Up 64 Warm Up 65

1.  1/7 1.  2/15 1.  7 1/2 1.  14 1a. 10
2.  1/4 2.  3/16 2.  5 1/3 2.  15 2a. 1/16
3. 5/24
Answer Key 66-98
Warm Up 66 Warm Up 67 Warm Up 68 Warm Up 69 Warm Up 70
1a. 1/54 1a. 10 1/2 1a. 3/20 1a. 2 13/14 1a. 6 7/8
2a. 7 2a. 1/16 2a. 20 1b. 5 1/12 1b. 3 2/3
3. 24 3. 5/16 3. 13 1/3 2a. 1 1/5 2a. 2/7
2b. 3 1/3 2b. 1/8
3. 5 1/0 inches 3. 5 9/10 miles
Warm Up 71 Warm Up 72 Warm Up 73 Warm Up 74 Warm Up 75
1a. 5 2/3 1a. 9 1/4 1a. 16 1b. 6 1a. 3 1b. 3 1a. 3.78 1b. 336
1b. 4 5/8 1b. 1/8 2. 4.05kg 2. 1500 meters 2. 96 servings
2a. 1 1/6 2a. 1/5 3. answers 3. 5 3. 3/4
2b. 1/14 2b. 9 1/3 graphed
3. 27 gas cans 3. 10 2/3 ft sq
Warm Up 76 Warm Up 77 Warm Up 78 Warm Up 79 Warm Up 80
1a. 1/4 1b. 54 1.  6 1.  10 1.  12 1.  8
2. 300 feet 2.  sketch 2.  sketch 2.  Sketch 2.  Sketch
3. 3/4 3.  9 3.  9 3.  6 3.  8
4.  sketch 4.  sketch 4.  sketch 4.  sketch
Warm Up 81 Warm Up 82 Warm Up 83 Warm Up 84 Warm Up 85
1.  250 in cubed 1.  330 in cubed 1.  1680 boxes 1.  4 bags 1.  92 in cubed
2.  252 in cubed 2.  8 ft 2.  112.5 ft 2.  64 in cubed 2.  answers
cubed sketched

Warm up 86 Warm Up 87 Warm Up 88 Warm Up 89 Warm Up 90

1. 2040 ft cubed 1.  840 in cubed 1. 432 in cubed 1a. 72 1a. 9
2a. (2,4) 2a. x, y, F 2a. x, y, B 1b. 3 feet, 36 1b. 6 feet, 72
2b. (6,7) 2b. C 2b. E inches inches
2c. (0,5) 2a. x, 3 2b. F 2a. B&D 2b. E
Warm Up 91 Warm Up 92 Warm Up 93 Warm Up 94 Warm Up 95
1a. 5 cartons 1a. 1 carton, 12 1.  shapes 1a. square 1.  shapes
1b. 8 eggs named 1b. trapezoid circled
2a. 6 right, 5 up 1b. 2 2a. 2 2b. 2 1c.quadrilateral 2a. square
2b. origin 2a. x 2b. y 2c. 2 2d. circle 1d. parallel 2b. rt triangle
2. answers vary 2c. circle
3. quadrilateral 2d. trapezoid
Warm Up 96 Warm Up 97 Warm Up 98
1. quadrilateral 1a. 6+.4+.05+ 1a. 0.07 1b. 0.7
.008 1c. 7 1.d 70
trapezoid parallelogram 1b. 7+.3+.01 2a.> 2b. > 2c. <
2a. 5 2b. 4 3a. 48.428
2. 4 congruent 90o rhombus rectangle 2c. 3 4a. 2.745
angles, opposite sides 3. 10 times
parallel square greater
3. polygons 4a. 757.9 4b. 87
Answer Key 99-120
Warm Up 99 Warm Up 100 Warm Up 101 Warm Up 102 Warm Up 103
1.  10 1a. 3822 1b. 912 1a. 1730 1b. 574 1a. 1.455 1a. 5/8
2.  54/5 2a. 124 2b. 46 2a. 187 2b. 52 1b. 11.78 1b. 1 4/5
3.  x-2,8 y-4 3. 6 cups 3. 21 lawns 2a. 6.2 2b. 28 2a. 3/8
3. $1.48 2b. 4 5/12
3. 1/2
Warm Up 104 Warm Up 105 Warm Up 106 Warm Up 107 Warm Up 108
1a. 25/3 1a. 3/7 1a. <, fraction 1.  1/8 1a. 7 5/18
1b. 8 and 9 1b. 5/18 2a. <, fraction 2.  5/24 1b. 3 2/3
2a. 66/5 2. 7/16 3. 3 2a. 7/30
2b. 13 and 14 3. 3 × 1 = 3 2b. 1/12
4 4 16
3. 4 × 3 = 12 3. 5 7/10
5 5

Warm Up 109 Warm Up 110 Warm Up 111 Warm Up 112 Warm Up 113
1.  6 1a. 4.5 1.  624 in cubed 1.  100 in cubed 1a. 36
2.  answers 1b. 2 2.  10 feet 2. answers 1b. 8 dozen, 96
sketched 2. 2100 meters sketched cookies
3.  7 3. 5 2a. x, 6
4.  answers 2b. F
Warm Up 114 Warm Up 115 Warm Up 116
1a. square quadrilateral
1a. 9 1/2 1.
1b. quadrilateral 1b. 5/8
1c. quadrilateral 2a. 2/13 trapezoid parallelogram
1d. parallelogram 2b. 9 1/3
2. answers vary rhombus rectangle
3. 9 1/13 ft 2. 4 right angels,
3. quad or
cubed 4 congruent sides, two
parallelogram square
sets of parallel lines
3. polygon
Warm Up 117 Warm Up 118 Warm Up 119 Warm Up 120 The End J
1a. 10 1a. >, fraction 1a. 387 1a. 5/21
2a. 1/24 2a. >, fraction 1b. 79.2 1b. 1/14
3. 5/24 3. 12 2a. 9.3 2. 1/8
2b. 260 3. 2 × 3 = 1
3 4 2
3. 28 yards
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