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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of San Carlos City
J.V. Ledesma Avenue, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
Tel. # (034) 312 – 5842 Fax # (034) 729 – 4248 Email Address:

(based on DepEd Order No. 30 s. 2017)

This belongs to:

Name of Student-Trainee


Track/ Strand/ Section


Agency / Company / Cooperative

School Year

This Work Immersion Portfolio will serve as a workbook for the students who will take up the
course/subject Work Immersion in Senior High School. The framework is based on DepEd Order No.
30 s. 2017, entitled Guidelines for Work Immersion.

This workbook will essentially foster in-depth learning of the world of work and assessment
of student’s performance during work immersion.

Furthermore, the purpose of this portfolio includes but is not limited to the following:

For Student-Trainees:
 The portfolio will be used as a source of motivation and guide for work immersion.
 This will serve as a documentation and approval of lessons learned.
 This will provide feedback of their performance level.
 This will pave the way in preparation for real job application.

 This contains regulations and conditions regarding contract between school and
 This is an information about curriculum and record of lessons learned.
 This is a record of student-trainees performance for assessment.

Agency / Company:
 This contains introduction of company in general.
 This enumerates training rules and regulations for training inside the agency/company.
 This provides feedback to and from student-trainees.

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Grade: 12 No. of Hours: 80 hours

Pre-requisite: Should have taken at least 4 Specialized Subjects
Course Description:
Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High School
student has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s
postsecondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar
with work-related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.
Specifically, the students can: (i) gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the guidance of
industry experts and workers; (ii) appreciate the importance and application of the principles and
theories taught in school; (iii) enhance their technical knowledge and skills; (iv) enrich their skills in
communications and human relations; (v) develop good working habits, attitudes, appreciation, and
respect for work. These prepare them to meet the needs and challenges of employment or higher
education after graduation.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Learner

In this course, the learners are expected to:
1. Attend Pre and Post Immersion Activities.
2. Report to the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor during actual
3. Perform the duties and tasks as indicated in the prescribed template for work
immersion list of tasks/activities; and
4. Prepare the documentations and reports required in the curriculum and by the
Partner Institution.

The Work Immersion Teacher and the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor will
jointly assess the learner’s performance following the DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 Policy Guidelines
on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.

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Name : Kwynjeal M. Pendon
Date of Birth : January 23, 2006
Place of Birth : San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
Parent’s / Guardian’s Name : Ma. Donna M. Pendon

Postal Address : Dosermanos Barangay 3, San Carlos City

E-mail Address :

Cellphone Number : 09630141123

Religion : Seventh Day Adventist

Health Issues / Allergies : N/A

Hobbies / Past Time Activities : Watching k-drama, singing, playing ukelele
Skills / Talents : Singing, and drawing
Insert 2 x 2 Picture
Extra-curricular Activities in School: Majorette in JLNHS Marching Band
Support group / home companions: N/A
List your favorites: F o o d s

One word or object that describes yourself: Hardworking

How do you feel about school: Tiring, but it the way to my dreams.

What is your most memorable subject / class? Why? : Math, because its my favorite subject and it teach me
how to solve mathematics problems.

What are your plans after Senior High School? : Study at the University that I dreamed of

What is your career path? : Nursing

What is your philosophy in life? : Live your life to the fullest

Do you have plans to go abroad? If yes, where, and why? : Yes, I want to work abroad because the

Salary there is twice than the salary here in the Philippines

What are your dreams and ambitions? : My dream is to become a registered nurse

And my ambition is to be a successful business woman

How do you plan to achieve your ambitions and goals in life? : Work hard

What are your expectations and apprehensions for work immersion? : It’ll be difficult because I don’t

work experience

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region VI – Western Visayas

Division of San Carlos City


J.V. Ledesma Avenue, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
Tel. # (034) 312 – 5842 Fax # (034) 729 – 4248 Email Address:



Sir / Madame:
This is to request permission from your good office to please allow a Senior High School - Grade 12 student,
to undergo a 80 hours of WORK IMMERSION in your company/agency to acquire industrial ORIENTATION. The
training period will start immediately upon your acceptance of the bearer under the terms and conditions as
stipulated in the duly accomplished memorandum of agreement hereto attached for your confirmation.
Moreover, a student evaluation is provided where a student is to be assessed on his/her performance,
attitude, and behaviors to be attested by the supervisor. The Immersion Teacher and Trainer handling each field of
specialization from our school will visit your establishment from time to time to find out how the student perform
in the working area.
Thank you very much for your usual cooperation and assistance extended to the school.

Sir / Madame:
This is to introduce, KWYNJEAL M. PENDON, who is a grade 12 Senior High School student enrolled in our
school under the K to 12 programs with Strand in HUMSS, and to further endorse (his/her) application with your
company to undergo WORK IMMERSION for 80 hours as a requirement of the curriculum for graduation. We believe
that schools must link up with industry to update, upgrade and make the education of our youth more relevant to
the actual needs of the industry. It is in this regard that we request you to give such opportunities to our students
by allowing them to do part time work with your company. Together with this letter is an Acceptance Form.
We request that said form be accomplished and returned to this office upon acceptance of our student in
your company. We are confident that given the opportunity, our student will be an asset to your company.
Thank you for the favorable action and we look forward to a more fruitful linkage with you

Very Truly Yours,

Work Immersion Teacher



School Head

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Before we immerse ourselves into the workplace, we will first understand the
immersion process, proper work ethics, workplace safety, confidentiality, and effective
conflict resolution and teamwork skills, as agreed in the DepEd Order No. 30 s. 2017. Also,
we need to hone our skills in writing a resume, filling of application forms, and complying

Learner’s Activity

1. Attending the pre-immersion orientation.

2. As one to join the workforce in the future, you will need to do, prepare,
and secure the following:
 Resume
 Essay on how to conduct oneself inside the company establishment during

the immersion period.

 Application letter
 Clearance documents such as
o Medical certificate
o Barangay Clearance
o Police Clearance
o Mayor’s Clearance
 Certificates for required trainings and seminars.
 Job Interview Skills Training

You will also prepare and accomplish own portfolio and update it from time to
time because at the end of the work immersion you will need to present this portfolio.
Make sure to attach needed documents, answer reflection leaf and paste pictures.
Happy working

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ACTIVITY 1 | The Worker

Work is on your way. Are you prepared to work? Do you have the
potential, character, talents, and skills to take up the vigor of being a
worker? What should you possess to become a good worker? How will
you prepare for work immersion?

Work immersion is an opportunity for students to gain

practical experience in a particular industry or field. It is a chance to
apply classroom learning to real-life situations and develop new
skills that can be valuable in the workplace. Firstly, it is important to
research the company or organization where you will be doing your
work immersion. This includes understanding their values, mission,
and goals. Researching the work place will help you understand what
their expectations are for their employees and how you can
contribute to their overall success. Secondly, practicing your skills
that you deem to be necessary for preparing for work immersion. As
im going to hopefully work at a hospital I can practice your
communication skills because I expect to converse a lot with the staff,
the people and the patients in the hospital. Finally, having a positive
attitude and being open to learning new things is essential to
preparing for work immersion. As I may encounter new challenges
and situations that you have never experienced before or expected,
but being open-minded and willing to learn from mistakes can help
me understand what the reality of the work itself.


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After the pre-immersion orientation, list the Do’s and Don’ts employed in the workplace
you are assigned.
1. Be in office before the exact time of time in 1. Be late
2. Dress formally 2. Not asking permission if you’re going to go out
3. Be kind 3. Bad attitude
4. Be honest with everyone 4. Loud/ Noise
5. Ask questions 5. Shy


1. Do you agree with the company’s policy guidelines, rules, and agreement? Support your
- Yes. I agree with the company policy guidelines, rules and agreements due to the
fact that most of these rules and regulations are in the interests of the company, the safety
of the staff. And the safety of the people

2. Was there a rule that you think is not acceptable to you? Why?


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ACTIVITY 3 | Situational Analysis


Suppose you work in a police station or a law firm and signed a

confidentiality agreement regarding all their cases at hand, suddenly your friend
who was a suspect to a crime asked you for some documents that are in your office’s
possession that may help him in his case. How would you deal with the situation?

-Inform my friend that I cannot provide any confidential

documents. or information related to ongoing cases. Even if my friend is
a suspect in a crime, providing confidential information could is a breach
of the confidentiality agreement that I signed. If ever my friend persists
and tries to pressure you to provide the documents, it may be necessary
to involve your supervisor or legal counsel. They can provide guidance
on how to handle the situation and may be able to provide alternative
solutions that do not violate the confidentiality agreement.

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ACTIVITY 4 | Conflict Resolution

Did you ever experience disagreement and conflict with co-workers? How
did you handle the situation? How would you rate your skills in handling
differences of opinion? Please give an example that illustrates that skill.

-I’ve experienced disagreement and conflict with co-

workers, I’ve handle it calmly. I’d rate myself perfectly because
I handle it peacefully and no harm or big trouble happened, like
for example me and my co-worker did not agree on each other’s
idea but then I calmly spoke to him/her and state my opinion
and listen to his/her opinion also.

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Please attach your resume here.

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Place your application letter here

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Give the process and fees required for a BARANGAY CLEARANCE. Also attach your BARANGAY

I. Steps in securing barangay clearance

1. Go to the Barangay Hall of your Barangay

2. Ask the Office in Charge or the available officials there
3. Fill out the application paper that is given to you
4. Pay for the Barangay Clearance fee

II. Attach Barangay Clearance


Give the process and fees required for a POLICE CLEARANCE. Also attach your POLICE

I. Steps in securing Police Clearance

1. Sign up for an account using the link NPCS

2. Schedule an appointment date online
3. Pay the Police Clearance fee
4. Go to the Police Station of your city

5. Verify Police Clearance online

II. Attach Police Clearance

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Give the process and fees required for a MEDICAL CERTIFICATE. Also attach your MEDICAL

I. Steps in securing Medical Certificate

1. Go to the clinic
2. Doctor will check your height, weight and blood
The Doctor will ask if you have illnesses
If all done, the Doctor will sign the medical certificate

Please attach your MEDICAL CERTIFICATE here.

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A job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job

applicant and a representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether
the applicant should be hired. How you answer questions during job interview can
have a big impact on you being hired or accepted as a work immerse. Jot down
questions that you have come across during your first dialogue with the partner-
industry work supervisor or head of office you will be assigned.

Questions that I have come across during the interview:

 Can you please introduce yourself?
 What are your skills?
 Why should we hire you?
 If ever you are asked to clean the office, would you do that?

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Page 1717

Here are some questions that you may encounter during an interview. Try answering them.

Interpersonal Skills
1. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
Ans: My strength is that I am a hardworking person, and my weakness is I’m having a
doubt in doing something which limit my capacities and decisions in ife.
2. What do you do when you know you are right, and your boss disagrees with you? Give
me an example.
Ans: If ever I encounter that situation, I will respectfully accept his decision but also
I will politely introduce my idea especially if I know that it is right. Like for
example, the company is going down and I have an idea to save the company but
then my boss disagrees with it then I will accept it but if there’s any chance to cite
or say my opinions I will do my best to convince him/her to agree with my idea.
3. If your colleagues had an opportunity to tell us primary strength what would that be?
And your primary weakness-what would that be?
Ans: If my colleagues have an opportunity to tell you my primary strength it’ll be
having positive thinking, and my primary weakness will be my temper.
4. As a component of this position, you may have to work on a team on certain projects.
Describe when you’ve worked on a team before and what, in your opinion, constitutes
an effective team? What do you expect from others on the team and what do you need
from others on the team?
Ans: To constitute effective team everyone should be active, cooperates and
shows respect to each others. I expect to others that they will cooperate to me and
so I will cooperate with them also.
5. What do you do when others resist or reject your ideas or actions?
Ans: If others resist or reject my ideas or actions I will ask him/ her why they reject
my ideas and for me to understand their decisions.

1. Suppose you are in a situation where deadlines and priorities change frequently and
rapidly. How would you handle it?
Ans: I will handle it calmly and make sure that It’ll be submitted or done on time.
2. How do you know when you are stressed? What do you do to de-stress?
Ans: I know whe im stress if theres a lot comes through my mind and I can decide
carefully and for me to de-stressed I relax myself through eating ice cream.
3. Tell me about a time when you were a part of a great team. What was your part in
making the team effective?
Ans: There’s time where I am part of the great team, it was a group reporting and I
am the leader and it goes successful and I managed them very well,

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio

4. Suppose your supervisor asked you to get information for them that you know is
confidential and he/she should not have access to. What would you do?
Ans: Even though he/she is our supervisor I will respectfully tell her/him that it is
not allowed to spread so I will not tell him/her the information.
5. Describe a time when you performed a task outside your perceived responsibilities.
What was the task? Why did you perceive it to be outside your responsibilities? What
was the outcome?
Ans: There was a time when I was working on a group project, and one of my
teammates got sick and couldn’t contribute the project anymore. The task
completing their part of the project fell upon me, even though it was not initially
my responsibility. I perceived it to be outside my responsibilities because I had
already finished my own assigned task. The outcome was good. It was challenging,
but I managed to complete it successfully and on time

Creative Thinking
1. What’s the best book you’ve read in the last year? Please take a minute and tell us what
liked about it.
Ans: In the last year, one of the book I read was “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle.
What I really like about this book is how it explores the concept of living in the present
moment and the freedom it can bring to our lives.
2. What was the most creative thing you did in your last job?
Ans: I did not have job experience but I do some creative thing by myself like creating
an origami by myself but it’s not like a normal or traditional origami.
3. What is your interpretation of “success?”
Ans: For me, success is about setting meaningful goals and working towards them
with passion and perseverance.
4. Describe an ideal work environment or “the perfect job.”
Ans: In my opinion, an ideal work environment would be one that fosters creativity,
collaboration, and personal growth.
5. In what way(s) do you express your personality in the workplace?
Ans: I actively engage in team discussion, offer my ideas, and listen attentively to
others prespective.

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio

1. How would you describe an ideal supervisor?
Ans: For me, an ideal supervisor communicates clearly and effectively.
2. What strengths did you rely on in your last position to make you successful in your work?
Ans: I am skilled at managing my time efficiently and prioritizing tasks effectively.
3. As a supervisor, it is essential to motivate employees in your area. Sometimes this must
be done using non-monetary means. Please describe some creative ways you have
motivated and recognized employees in the past non-monetarily.
Ans: I have no experience of being supervisor
4. Explain, step by step, how you have coached an employee who had performance problems.
Ans: I have no experience of being supervisor
5. If you had to describe your own leadership style as directive, delegating, or coaching,
which would you choose? Please explain why giving examples.
Ans: I think I would choose directive, I believed in myself that I am good at

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio

Optional Situational Questions: Please explain how you would handle the following situations:
1. You observe two of your employees arguing in a central location in the office.
Ans: I observe two of my employees arguing in a central location in the office, I
would approach them calmly and respectfully. I would acknowledge the situation
and ask if they would be open to discussing the issue in a private meeting room.
2. One of your employees comes to you complaining about another employee and insisting
they should no longer work together.
Ans: I will first hear their reasons why do they like to separate to each other.
3. One of your employees comes to you to complain that he/she has a more demanding
workload than another employee and wants the workload to be shifted.
Ans: I will equally divide the works to the other employee so that there would be
no workload.

1. Could you share with us a recent accomplishment of which you are most proud?
Ans: The recent accomplishment I am most proud is that be the one of the honor
student in my classroom.
2. Tell us a bit about your work background, and then give us a description of how you
think it relates to our current opening.
I am passionate about computers that is why I got interested to apply here.
3. Why have you applied for this position?
Ans: Because I know that if I apply here there would be many responsibilities and
opportunities when I work there.
4. What skill set do you think you would bring to this position?
Ans: Communication skills
5. Tell me about your present or last job. Why did you choose it? Why did you/do you
want to leave?
Ans: So far I did not experience a job.
6. What was your primary contribution/achievement? Biggest challenge?
Ans: The biggest challenge I’ve face is being a shy type person
7. What are your short-term and long-term goals?
Ans: My short-term goal is to finish the unfinished book I read last month and my
long-term goal to be a successful woman.
8. In what areas would you like to develop further? What are your plans to do that?
Ans: I would like to develop my communication skills to do that I will boost my social
9. What are some positive aspects of your last employment/employer? What are some
negative aspects?
Ans: The positive aspect is that I have the opportunity to expand my knowledge and
skills through academic lessons and real-world application while the negative aspect

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio

is that sometimes, there may be a heavy workload that requires effective time
management and prioritization.
10. What do you know about our company?
Ans: I barely know that your company is open in any aspect as long as you’re a
hardworking person.
11. Why should we hire you?
Ans: You should hire me because I know that I can give an impact in your company.
12. After learning about this opportunity, what made you take the next step and apply for the
Ans: I will adapt the skills I’ve learned and seek for more.
13. If you are the successful applicant, how would you expect to be different after a year
in this position?
Ans: I am filled with new opportunities and ideas.
14. Now that you have learned about our company and the position you are applying
for, what hesitation or reluctance would you have in accepting this job if we offer it to
Ans: It could be hard but I will face it to move forward.

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio


ACTIVITY 12 | Mock Job Interview

During the conduct of the mock job interview, do you think you did well?

No, because I got nervous and I don’t know how to answer the question and I got
pressured .

What are the areas that you think you are good at and areas that needed to be improved?

The areas that I think I am good at is the communicating skills and the areas that is

needed to be improved is intertain people and practice to know more about using different languages.

Are you more confident now to answer during job interview?

Yes, and I’d answered all the questions very well

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio

Dear student you are now nearing your immersion proper. Before the immersion
proper please ensure that you have a signed parent’s permit and kindly attach your
insurance policy here.

ACTIVITY 13 | Attach Insurance Policy here

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio

ACTIVITY 14 | Parents’ Consent Form

A parent’s consent form is a document signed by parents or legal

guardians that grants permission for a student to undergo Work Immersion.

Attach Parents Permit here.

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio

I. Objectives: Appreciating management processes by observing, identifying, and describing
the following:
1. Nature of the business
2. Description of the products/services
3. Target clientele
4. Organizational structure
5. Company rules and regulations
ACTIVITY 15 | Profile of the Company/Establishment

Sample Company Profile

Urban Explorers Tours is a leading provider of immersive and enriching city tourism
experiences. Founded in 2010, our company is dedicated to showcasing the vibrant culture, history,
and attractions of urban destinations worldwide. We offer a wide range of guided tours, walking
tours, and cultural experiences designed to inspire exploration, foster connections, and create
lasting memories for our customers.

Write description and profile of your work immersion area. Please include pictures.

The City Tourism Office in San Carlos City Hall has a clean and peaceful environment with friendly
staffs and employees.

Vision: To be the premier provider of exceptional urban tourism experience in the Carlos City ,recognized
for the commitment to authenticity, Innovation and sustainability.
Mission: To inspire exploration, foster connections, and create lasting
Memories through immersive and enriching city tours to the people of
the city.
Objectives: Provide unforgettable guided tours and travel
Core Values: We are committed to providing genuine and immersive
Experiences that captures and essence of city and its culture.

Insert Company Picture

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ACTIVITY 16 | Organizational Chart

An organizational chart is a graphic representation of the structure of an organization,

showing the relationships of the positions or jobs within it.
Attach or draw the organizational chart of the office or establishment you are assigned for work immersion.
Below is a sample.

Sample Organizational Chart

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ACTIVITY 17 | Company Rules and Regulation

Describe briefly and/or insert or paste here.

 Working Hours

Observe your working hours faithfully. Arrive punctually at your work area, ready to begin the
day’s work, and do not leave before dismissal time.

 Time Records

Keep daily time records, and make only true and correct entries in your time records.

 Leaves and Absences

All leaves, whether with or without pay, are subject to prior authorization. If, for any reason, you
cannot report for work, send word to your supervisor as soon possible, either by telephone or by
personal messenger, informing him of the reason for your absence and indicating, if possible, how
soon you can report back to work. Such notification does not mean automatic approval of the
leave. Secure formal approval for your leave not later than the day you return to work.

 Behavior

In the performance of your duties, and in your working relations with others, observe
the basic rules of courtesy and good behavior. Give due regard to the well-being of
others regardless of position and rank.

 Confidential Matters

If you are in custody of confidential records, safeguard any information in such records as well as
those conveyed to you in confidence.

 Responsibility for Funds or Property

Exercise care and diligence in handling Office funds and property entrusted to your custody by virtue
of your position or by direct authorization or assignment. Likewise, respect each other’s personal

 Various Employee Activities

Exercise discretion should you engage in individual or group employee activities in the Office.

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I am fully aware of the duties and responsibilities I will undertake through the
Work Immersion Program with the cooperating company
through the request of

I recognize the authority of my cooperating company which I may be placed and submit
myself to all the Rules and Regulations that may be imposed upon myself following the duties.

I renounce and waive any claim against the cooperating company and
for any injury that I may sustain/suffer,
personal/financial in the performance of my duties/function.

Name of Student-Trainee:


And I, the trainee’s parent and/or legal guardian, allow my son/daughter to undergo
WorkImmersion for 80 hours starting on March 4,2024 until March15
,2024 at City Tourism in City Hall in partial fulfilment of the requirements for Senior High
School K-12 Program.
It is understood that he/she abides by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the
Supervisor/Staff-in-Charge for his/her welfare and safety.

I fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of

in case of any untoward incident that may happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the
Name of Student-Trainee: Kwynjeal M. Pendon

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ACTIVITY 18 | Work Immersion Task/s Activities

Attach signed
Annex C
List of Tasks/Activities to be done during Work Immersion (may change according to track/strand)
Name of Student Kwynjeal M. Pendon Grade & Section 12-Magnesium
School Name Julio Ledesma National High School Immersion Site City Hall
Track ACADEMIC Strand/Specialization HUMSS
Duration of Work Immersion 80 Hours

School Partnerships Focal Estelle Baguio Contact Number

Work Immersion Teacher Mary Gracey S. Dela Torre Contact Number

The student:
 Be at the workplace 10-15 minutes before
the time.
 Follow instructions carefully from the
direct supervisor. 7:30 AM 8:00 AM
 Observe and follow rules and
regulations of the workplace / industry.
ETHICS  Know and perform your duties and
responsibilities accordingly.
 Observe a n d p r a c t i c e
confidentiality in the
workplace/industry; and observe and
practice working with the team.
 Do exactly as directed by your
immediate supervisor.
 Be observant of the dos and don’ts of the
SAFETY IN workplace.
THE /Industry; and
WORKPLAC  Know and practice your
bounds/limits as per instruction by your
E immediate supervisor.
 Be observant and respectful of the
different cultures and practices of your
clients, supervisors, and co- workers.

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AND  ALWAYS respect people in authority, co-
PRACTICES workers, and clients; and
 Think before talking about culture and
 File and arrange documents as per
instruction by the immediate supervisor;
 Encode the data gathered from survey as
DOCUMENT directed.
S by the immediate supervisor.
 Present portfolio with the week diary
 Compare and contrast school and work
EVALUATING application of skills, knowledge and
THE WORK attitudes.
IMMERSION  Write an updated resume reflecting
your Work Immersion experience; and
 Reflect and write about your Work
Immersion experience.

Students shall not be given other activities outside of those previously agreed upon, which
are anchored on the stated competencies.

Certified True and Correct:


Student’s Signature Over Printed Parent’s Signature Over Printed Name


Work Immersion Teacher’s Signature Industry Supervisor’s Signature Over

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ACTIVITY 19 | Report on Activities Performed

State the work functions delegated unto you and how you accomplished it.


March 4, 2024 Help tourist to sign in the log book

March 5, 2024 Entertain Tourist

March 12,2024 Sign Paper in the receiving table

March 13, 2024 Arrange the Papers

March 14, 2024 Cutting papers

Attach documents or pictures

ACTIVITY 20 | Business Flow Chart

A business flow chart shows the steps that make up a business process, along with who’s responsible for each
step. They are useful for analyzing current processes, planning improvements, and crystallizing communication between
process participants.

Task: Draw a diagram of the company or institution’s business flow chart where you are assigned. Do ask permission from
head of office before doing so.

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ACTIVITY 21 | Civil Service Form No. 48


Attached signed DTR.


For the Month of: For the Month of:

Time In Time No. of Time In Time No. of
Date Remarks Date Remarks
Out Hours Out Hours
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 7;30AM 11:43 4 12:20 5:47

5 7:30AM 11:40 5 12:10 5:50

6 7:25AM 11: 45 6 12:20 5:35

7 7:14AM 11: 30 7 12:20 5:46

8 7:26AM 11:48 8 12:25 5:45

9 9
10 10
11 7:17AM 11:34 11 12:20 5:34

12 7: 28AM 11:45 12 12:23 5:22

13 7:13AM 11:34 13 12:29 5:14

14 7:38AM 11:37 14 12:34 5:28

15 7:34AM 11:40 15 12:38 5:37

16 16
17 17
18 18
19 19
20 20
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 Over Printed Name of Work Immersion Teacher25 Partner Institution’s Supervisor
26 Student-Trainee 26
27 27
28 28
29 29
30 30
31 31
SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 33
ACTIVITY 22 |Daily Task Record / Daily Journal

A daily task record is a work log that summarizes how an employee spent his time on the job.
Through a daily work log, an employee can create a mental picture of what comprises his day and
how he uses his time. It is also helpful in understanding how productive an employee is during a
particular period of the workday.

Accomplish your daily task record.

Department: ITCSO City Hall Area: ITCSO

Date of Tracking Started: 03/04/2024 Date of Tracking Ended: 03/15/2024


LOG IN LOGBOOK 8:15 11:45








Kwynjeal M. Pendon
Name and Signature of Student-Trainee

Noted: Jennifer S. Paran

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 34

Name and Signature of Supervisor

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 34

ACTIVITY 23 | Work Performance Artefacts

Attach photos, illustrations, and other evidence (e.g. certificates of awards received)
of performed hands-on skills that include knowledge of work and quality of work done.

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 35

ACTIVITY 24 | Personal Traits 1

Attach photo, illustrations, and other evidence (e.g. certificates of awards received) of good
personality traits demonstrated during the work immersion which is based on pleasing appearance,
courtesy, conduct, industriousness, and reliability.

ACTIVITY 25 | Personal Traits 2

Attach photo, illustrations, and other evidence (e.g. certificates of awards received) of good
personality traits demonstrated during the work immersion which is based on sociability, drive and
leadership, mental maturity, and stress tolerance.
ACTIVITY 26 | Other Related Tasks

Other related tasks mean taking on tasks outside your role but is
based on the company given competencies to the students.

Attach or write an account of other related tasks.

We were task to assist tourist to log in the logbook, entertain

tourist and go o offices like BAC offce,LGU office, and Receiving

table to sign the papers..

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 37

ACTIVITY 27 | Post- Immersion

Dear students you are now on the final stretch of your work immersion course. At this
juncture you need to revisit the things that have been done in the past few days. What are the
events that are memorable to you, what are the key learning’s that you have achieved and lastly you
need to evaluate if the experienced gave you more confidence to face what lies ahead.

Make a collage of your work experience.

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 39

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 39
Echoes and Ponder



The work immersion experience in the tourism industry provided me with

valuable sight ,practice skills and memorable experiences. I gained deeper

understanding of the inner workings of the tourism sectors and developed essential

competencies in customer service, teamwork, and adaptability . I am grateful for the

opportunity to contribute to San Carlos Tours and look forward to applying my

learnings in future endeavors in the tourism industry.

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 39



SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 40



The highlights of my work immersion in the City Tourism at the City Hall were definitely

the hands on experience that I got participate in. One of my favorite experience was

entertaining the tourist, practicing my communication skills and using different language

depends on the tourist dialect and its was eye opening to see how complex and precise the

procedure was. I also had the opportunity to interact with the staff and tourist, which a really

rewarding experience, It helped the human side of the tourism staff and appreciate the

importance of empathy and communicate when working with the tourist people. Overall, my

work immersion experience at the city tourism helped me develop a lot of valuable skills that

will be useful in my future career. It taught me the importance of the teamwork,

communication, and adaptability, and gave me a deeper appreciation for the tourism industry.

I’m really grateful for the opportunity to have participated in the program, I’m excited to see

how it will impact my future growth both personally and professionally.

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 38



How did the experience change me as a person, and how will it help me in the future.

Immersing myself in the tourism industry exposed me to

people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Interacting with tourists
from different countries and learning about their customs, traditions,
and beliefs has broadened my perspective and increased my cultural
awareness. This experience has made me more open-minded,
empathetic, and respectful of cultural differences, which will be
invaluable in my future interactions with people from diverse
backgrounds and working in tourism requires effective communication
with tourists, colleagues, and other stakeholders. Through my
immersion experience, I have honed my communication skills by
interacting with tourists, providing information, addressing inquiries,
and resolving issues. These improved communication skills will be
beneficial in any future career path I choose, as effective
communication is essential in almost every profession. Overall, the
experience of work immersion in the tourism industry has equipped
me with valuable skills, knowledge, and perspectives that will benefit
me in my future career endeavors. It has transformed me into a more
culturally aware, communicative, customer-focused, adaptable, and
solution-oriented individual, laying a solid foundation for success in
any professional path I choose to pursue.

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio



SHS Work Immersion Portfolio



SHS Work Immersion Portfolio

The Work Immersion Teacher and the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor will jointly assess the learners’
performance following the DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 (Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K TO 12 Basic
Education Program).
The Work Immersion Teacher shall then issue the Final Grade (from DepEd Order No. 30, S. 2017, Section 8. Page 11 of 11).
Performance Assessment Form
Objectives: Understanding work immersion by discussing:
A. Expected Behaviour – Work ethics, Safety in the workplace, workplace rights and responsibilities, confidentiality
in the workplace, effective conflict resolution and teamwork skills.
B. Appreciating the importance of credentials by writing a resume, filling out application forms, secure clearances,
job interview skills training
Performance Indicator:
(10) - Excellent (9) - Very Good (8) - Good (7) - Fair, (6) - Poor Performance
*To be rated by the Work Immersion Teacher and should be indicated in the Written Works 1

Activity Performance Rating Rate

Competency Task/Output/Artefact
10 9 8 7 6 WI Teacher

A. (example)

Work ethics 1 The Worker (Essay)

Safety in the workplace

2 Do’s & Don’ts

Confidentiality in the Confidentiality in the

workplace Workplace

Effective conflict
4 Conflict Resolution


Writing a resume 5 Sample Resume

Filling out application forms

6 Application Letter

7 Barangay, Police,

Secure clearances 8 Mayor’s Clearance,

8 Medical Certificate


Job interview skills 11 Job Interview

12 Insurance Policy
Other documents
13 Parent’s Consent

Perfect Score: 130 Total Raw Score

Descriptor Average = Total Raw

Score / No. of activities

Feedback of Work Immersion Teacher:

Name and Signature of Work Immersion Teacher

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio

A. Objectives: Appreciating management processes by observing, identifying, and describing the following:
1. Nature of the business.
2. Description of the products/services.
3. Target clientele.
4. Organizational structure.
5. Company rules and regulations
Skills Indicator: (10) - Excellent (9) - Very Good (8) - Good (7) - Fair (6) - Poor Performance
*To be rated by the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor and Work Immersion Teacher, to be indicated in
the Performance Task 1
Performance Rating Rate
Competency No. Task/Output/Artefact Supervisor Teacher
10 9 8 7 6
60% 40%
Nature of the Written narrative on
business company profile
Pictures of products /
Description of
services or written
the products /
14 narrative on activities
Target Business profile
Organizational Organizational chart
Company rules Company handbook or
& regulations list of rules & regulations
Perfect Score: 50 Total Raw Score
Descriptor Average = Total Raw Score/
Ex. 10/ Excellent
no. of activities

What went well?

What needs to be improved?

Feedback of Supervisor:

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Feedback of Work Immersion Teacher:


Name and Signature of Immersion Teacher

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio


B. Objectives: Appreciating business processes by observing and participating in Safety / Production

/ Maintenance / Quality Control / Quality Assurance / Customer Satisfaction / Housekeeping / Hygiene and
Skills Indicator: (10) - Excellent (9) - Very Good (8) - Good (7) - Fair (6) - Poor Performance
*To be rated by the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor and Work Immersion Teacher, indicated in the
Performance Task 2
Performance Rating Rate
Activity Performance
Competency No. Task/Output/Artefact Supervisor Teacher
10 9 8 7 6
60% 40%
Safety / Written narrative on business
Production / processes of the
Maintenance / 17 company (may contain
Quality Control photos & charts)
/ Quality
Written report on activities
Assurance /
18 performed
Satisfaction /
Housekeeping /
19 Business process flow chart
Hygiene and
Perfect Score: 30 Total Raw Score:
Descriptor Average = Total Raw Score/ no. of activities

What went well?

What needs to be improved?

Feedback of Supervisor:

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Feedback of Work Immersion Teacher:


Name and Signature of Immersion Teacher

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio


C. Objectives: Applying skills learned and proper values acquired in school.

Skills Indicator: (10) - Excellent (9) - Very Good (8) - Good (7) - Fair (6) - Poor Performance
To be rated by the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor and Work Immersion Teacher, to be indicated
in the Performance Task 3
Performance Rating Rate
Competency No. Task/Output/Artefact 10 9 8 7 6 Supervisor Teacher
60% 40%

20 Daily Time Record

Daily Task Record or Daily
Applying 21
skills learned Diary/ Journal
and proper Photos, illustrations of performed
values hands-on skills.
acquired in Work Performance (includes
school knowledge and quality of work)
Personal Traits 1 (based on
23 pleasing appearance,
courtesy, conduct,
industriousness, and

Personal Trait 2 (based on

sociability, drive and leadership,
mental maturity and stress
25 Other related tasks
Perfect Score: 60 Total Raw Score
Descriptor Average = Total Raw Score / no. of activities

What went well?

What needs to be improved?

Feedback of Supervisor:

Name and Signature of Supervisor

Feedback of Work Immersion Teacher:


Name and Signature of Immersion Teacher

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio


A. Objectives: Evaluating the Work Immersion Experience

Skills Indicator: (10) - Excellent (9) - Very Good (8) - Good (7) - Fair (6) - Poor Performance

*To be rated by the Work Immersion Teacher and should be indicated in the Written Works 2
Competency Activity Task/Output/Artefact Performance Rating Rate
No. 10 9 8 7 6 Teacher

Presenting a portfolio with Accomplished forms,

entries Collage

Comparing school and

Accomplishment Report
work application of skills,
27 and/or Weekly diary (issues
knowledge, and
faced & resolutions)
Writing an updated
28 Updated Resume
Work Immersion
Reflecting on Highlights
30 Reflections
Completion Certificate
Perfect Score: 40 Total Raw Score
Descriptor Average = Total Raw Score/ no. of activities

What went well?


What needs to be improved?

Feedback of Supervisor:


Name and Signature of Immersion Teacher

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio

CABIGAS, Marie Emerald A. Work Immersion Portfolio. Alubijid National Comprehensive
High School. Department of Education. Misamis Oriental

HADEN, Jeff. Most Common Job Interview Questions and

Answers. Accessed Sept. 16, 2018


SHS Work Immersion Portfolio

Preface . . . . . . . . 2
Work Immersion . . . . . . . 3

1. Student Information Sheet. . . . . . 4

2. Request for Work Immersion . . . . . 5

3. Pre-Immersion . . . . . . . 6

4. Activity 1. The Worker . . . . . . 7

5. Activity 2. Dos and Don’ts . . . . . . 8

6. Activity 3. Confidentiality in the Workplace . . . 9

7. Activity 4. Conflict Resolution . . . . . 10

8. Activity 5. Resume . . . . . . . 11

9. Activity 6. Application Letter . . . . . 12

10. Activity 7. Barangay Clearance . . . . . 13

11. Activity 8. Police Clearance. . . . . . 14

12. Activity 9. Mayor’s Clearance . . . . . 15

13. Activity 10. Medical Clearance . . . . . 16

14. Activity 11. Job Interview . . . . . . 17

15. Mock Job Interview . . . . . . . 18

16. Activity 12. Mock Job Interview . . . . . 20

17. Activity 13. Insurance Policy . . . . . 21

18. Activity 14. Parent’s Consent Form . . . . 22

19. Activity 15. Profile of the Company . . . . 23

20. Activity 16. Organizational Chart . . . . . 24

21. Activity 17. Company Rules and Regulation . . . 25

22. Activity 18. Work Immersion Task/Activities . . . 26

23. Activity 19. Report on Activities Performed . . . 27

24. Activity 20. Business Flow Chart . . . . . 28

25. Activity 21. Daily Time Record . . . . . 29

26. Activity 22. Daily Task Record . . . . . 30

27. Activity 23. Work Performance Artefacts. . . . 31

28. Activity 24. Personal Traits 1 . . . . . 32

29. Activity 25. Personal Traits 2 . . . . . 32

30. Activity 26. Other Related Tasks . . . . . 33

31. Activity 27. Post-Immersion . . . . . 34

32. Activity 28. Accomplishment Report . . . . 35

33. Activity 29. My Updated Resume . . . . . 36

34. Activity 30. Work Immersion Highlights . . . . 37

35. Activity 31. My Reflections. . . . . . 38

36. Completion Certificate . . . . . . 39

37. Collage of My Senior High Experience . . . . 40

38. Assessment: Pre-Immersion . . . . . 41

39. Assessment: Immersion Proper . . . . . 42 - 44

40. Assessment Post-Immersion . . . . . 45

41. References . . . . . . . . 46

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 47

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