38. Give instances of sales of immovable property in the Survey has been done for the fair market
locality on a separate sheet, indicating the name and rates and rate of land found Rs.3000 To
address of the property, registration No., sale price and 3500 per sq. ft
area of land sold
39. Land rate adopted in this valuation Rs.3200/-
40. If sale instances are not available or not relied upon, As per local survey.
the basis of arriving at the land rate
Cost of Construction :
Part II - Valuation
Here the registered valuer should discuss in detail his approach to valuation of the property and indicate how the
value has been arrived at, supported by necessary calculations.
Place Signature of registered valuer
3861- 1966)
7. Walls 230 mm
(vii)No. of geysers:1 1
type of construction
of paving:
Signature of registered valuer
Note: Necessary modifications in this Annexure may be made to suit the property under valuation.