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Spinal Interneurons Lyandysha

Viktorovna Zholudeva
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Spinal Interneurons
Plasticity after Spinal Cord Injury
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Spinal Interneurons
Plasticity after Spinal Cord Injury

Edited by
Lyandysha Viktorovna Zholudeva
Gladstone Institutes, University of California, San Francisco, CA,
United States

Michael Aron Lane

Drexel University, College of Medicine, Department of Neurobiology &
Anatomy, and the Marion Murray Spinal Cord Research Center
Philadelphia, PA, United States
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Dedication to Marion Murray
(1937e2018): a leader in spinal
cord injury research and a
pioneer in advancing CNS

We dedicate this body of work to Dr. Marion

Murray, PhD, Professor Emeritus in the
Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy
at Drexel University, Philadelphia, who
passed away on September 9, 2018.
Together with Dr. Michael Goldberger, a
close friend and collaborator, Dr. Marion
Murray established the Spinal Cord
Research Center (SCRC), now the Marion
Murray SCRC, at Drexel University. She led
the research activities of the Center for over
30 years, served as Principal Investigator of
an exceptional NIH Program Project to
create one of the most prominent, world-
renowned, research centers. She inspired
and mentored countless students, fellows
and faculty, published more than 150 sci-
entific articles and reviews, and established
a tradition of excellence that continues to
thrive in the current Department of
Neurobiology which we are part of.
An exemplary scientific leader, Marion
fearlessly and passionately tackled
vi Dedication

challenging problems of spinal cord injury

to improve human health becoming part
of the legacy of women in science over
several generations. She had a “Big Pic-
ture” vision coupled with skepticism over
established dogma in science, and taught
us constructive criticismdbe it in pub-
lishing papers or grant applicationsd
driving the Center to the highest of
standards in research and mentoring.
She pioneered research in spinal cord plas-
ticity at a time when neuroscientists were
skeptical about axonal sprouting and the
neuroplastic potential of the injured spinal
cord. This book highlights how much the
field now readily accepts the ideas that
Marion helped to lay the foundation for. We
are extremely grateful for having had the
chance to interact with her at Drexel, which
contributed to how this book wasdeveloped.
We hope that this book will not only serve
as a memory to Marion’s legacy but would
have been a volume she kept on her office
bookshelf, frequently read, and shared
with her students as she often did with her
other books.
We miss you, Marion.
Lyandysha V. Zholudeva and Michael A. Lane

List of contributors xiii

Preface xvii

Section I
Spinal interneurons e motor and sensory neuronal
1. The neuronal cell types of the spinal cord
Stephanie C. Koch and Ariel J. Levine
Introduction 3
History of research on spinal cord neurons 4
Classification systems for spinal cord interneuron cell types 5
The dorsal horn neurons of the spinal cord 10
The ventral horn neurons of the spinal cord 16
Future directions for understanding spinal cord neuron types 19

2. Identified interneurons contributing to locomotion in

Erik Z. Li, Leonardo D. Garcia-Ramirez, Ngoc T.B. Ha and
Kimberly J. Dougherty
Introduction 35
Organization of spinal locomotor interneurons 37
Spinal interneurons with locomotor functions 41
Transcription factor code to identify interneuron populations 42
Interneurons in a locomotor framework 49
Plasticity of interneurons following spinal cord injury 53
Future perspectives 56

3. Decoding touch: peripheral and spinal processing

Mark A. Gradwell, Manon Bohic and Victoria E. Abraira
Introduction 69
Part I: detecting touch 70
What do cutaneous sensory neurons look like? 70

viii Contents

The incredible heterogeneity of somatosensory neurons 71

A quick sense of touch: Ab fibers 71
Touch encoding by skin sensory neurons: an integrative view 78
Part II: processing touch information in the spinal cord 81
Touching the spinal cord: LTMR inputs to the dorsal horn 85
The middlemen: neurons of the dorsal horn 86
The spinal circuits of touch 92
LTMR circuits, what do they do? 96
Touch influences the way we move and recover from spinal
cord injury 97
Future challenges and direction in unraveling spinal LTMR circuits 101

4. Spinal interneurons and pain: identity and functional

organization of dorsal horn neurons in acute
and persistent pain
Myung-chul Noh, Suh Jin Lee, Cynthia M. Arokiaraj and
Rebecca P. Seal
Introduction 117
Molecular organization of the dorsal horn 118
Acute pain signaling 122
Spinal mechanisms of chronic pain 129
Conclusions 145

5. Cholinergic spinal interneurons

Patricia E. Phelps and Alexa Marie Tierno
Introduction 159
Cholinergic dorsal horn interneurons 159
Central canal cluster cells within lamina X 163
Partition cells in the intermediate gray matter 165
Conclusions 167

6. Spinal interneurons, motor synergies, and modularity

Simon F. Giszter, Trevor S. Smith and Andrey P. Borisyuk
Introduction 172
The comparative neuroethology and evolutionary perspective
on synergy 173
Neuromechanics perspectives on motor synergies 178
Neuroengineering with spinal interneuron systems 189
Discussion and conclusions 194
Contents ix

Section II
Spinal interneurons e a role in injury and disease
7. Propriospinal neurons as relay pathways from brain to
spinal cord
Alfredo Sandoval, Jr., Zhigang He and Bo Chen
Introduction 207
Direct and indirect pathways from the brain to spinal cord
motor neurons 208
Spinal interneurons propagate locomotor commands from
supraspinal locomotor regions 210
Dormant relay pathways after SCI: formation of
maladaptive plasticity in injured spinal cord 214
Therapeutic strategies for SCI: utilizing spinal interneurons 218
Concluding remarks 220

8. Changes in motor outputs after spinal cord injury

Amr A. Mahrous, Owen Shelton, Derin Birch and
Vicki Tysseling
Introduction 227
Mechanisms of motor outputs following injury 229
Changes in motor neuron excitability 229
Unregulated sensory inputs after injury 232
Changes in genetically identified spinal interneurons after injury 233
Excitationeinhibition balance in spinal interneurons 238
Concluding remarks 241

9. Spinal interneurons and breathing

Margo L. Randelman, Lyandysha V. Zholudeva,
Steven A. Crone and Michael A. Lane
Introduction 251
Spinal respiratory networks 252
Phrenic motor circuit 254
Intercostal motor circuitry 259
Abdominal motor circuitry 261
SpINs and their role in neuroplasticity 261
Future perspectives 265
x Contents

10. Spinal interneuronal control of the lower urinary tract

Jaclyn H. DeFinis and Shaoping Hou
Introduction 277
Spinal interneurons and micturition 278
Distribution of spinal interneurons involved in micturition
reflex circuitry 279
Role of spinal interneurons in micturition function 283
Plasticity of spinal interneurons following SCI 284
Targeting interneurons for LUT therapeutics 287
Concluding remarks 289

11. Spinal interneurons and autonomic dysreflexia after

Felicia M. Michael and Alexander G. Rabchevsky
Introductiondcharacteristics of spinal cord interneurons 297
Properties of interneurons related to autonomic function 298
Role of interneurons in autonomic dysfunction after spinal
cord injury 299
Autonomic interneuronal plasticity in relation to autonomic
dysreflexia after spinal cord injury 301
Conclusion 304

12. Human spinal networks: motor control, autonomic

regulation, and somatic-visceral neuromodulation
Yury Gerasimenko, Claudia Angeli and Susan Harkema
Introduction 311
The discovery of complex human spinal cord circuitry 312
The role of sensory processing in control of human locomotion 316
Neuromodulation for motor control 319
Translation to therapeutics and future directions 329

13. Spinal interneurons post-injury: emergence of a

different perspective on spinal cord injury
Bau Pham and V. Reggie Edgerton
Introduction 343
Role of spinal networks in coordinating movements 344
Progress in spinal stimulation facilitating recovery of
locomotor function 352
Mechanisms of recovery of locomotor function 353
Dynamics of spinal networks 355
Voluntary control becoming independent of original long
descending axons after a “complete” spinal injury 357
Contents xi

Is sensory-driven recovery of locomotion assignable to specific

sensory receptor types? 358
Is central pattern generation a contributing factor to the recovery
of organ systems following paralysis? 359

14. A “Unified Theory” of spinal interneurons and

activity-based rehabilitation after spinal cord injury
David S.K. Magnuson
Introduction 367
Supporting evidence from the cat model 368
Supporting evidence from the bipedal rat model 369
Supporting evidence from the contused rat model 370
Some clinical evidence: the chronically injured spinal cord can
respond to load-related afferent input 374
Whence cometh the weakness? 375
In summary: the Unified Theory 376

15. Spinal interneurons and cell transplantation

Ashley Tucker, Miriam Aceves, Jessica C. Butts and
Jennifer N. Dulin
Introduction 381
Neural transplantation: lessons learned from preclinical models 382
Differentiation and transplantation of human spinal cord
neurons 396
Conclusion: the future of clinical transplantation approaches
for SCI 403

16. Spinal interneurons and cellular engineering

Nicholas White and Shelly Sakiyama-Elbert
Introduction 423
Delivery of genetic material 425
Genomic integration methods 425
Conditional gene expression 429
Neuromodulation through optogenetic, sonogenetic, or
chemogenetic means 431
Conclusion 436

Index 445
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List of contributors

Victoria E. Abraira, Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Rutgers, The

State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ, United States; W.M. Keck Center
for Collaborative Neuroscience, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey,
Piscataway, NJ, United States
Miriam Aceves, Department of Biology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX,
United States; Texas A&M Institute for Neuroscience, Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX, United States
Claudia Angeli, Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center, University of Louis-
ville, Louisville, KY, United States; Department of Bioengineering, University of
Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States; Frazier Rehabilitation Institute, Univer-
sity of Louisville Health, Louisville, KY, United States
Cynthia M. Arokiaraj, Department of Neurobiology, Pittsburgh Center for Pain
Research, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, University of Pittsburgh School
of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Derin Birch, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL,
United States
Manon Bohic, Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ, United States; W.M. Keck Center for
Collaborative Neuroscience, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscat-
away, NJ, United States
Andrey P. Borisyuk, Neurobiology and Anatomy, Marion Murray Spinal Cord
Research Center, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United
States; Joint Neuroengineering Initiative, College of Medicine and School of
Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, Drexel University, Phila-
delphia, PA, United States
Jessica C. Butts, Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of
Medicine, Houston, TX, United States
Bo Chen, Department of Neuroscience, Cell Biology, & Anatomy, The University of
Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, United States
Steven A. Crone, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Divisions of Pedi-
atric Neurosurgery and Developmental Biology, Cincinnati, OH, United States;
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Cin-
cinnati, OH, United States

xiv List of contributors

Jaclyn H. DeFinis, Marion Murray Spinal Cord Research Center, Department of

Neurobiology & Anatomy, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia,
PA, United States
Kimberly J. Dougherty, Marion Murray Spinal Cord Research Center, Department of
Neurobiology and Anatomy, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia,
PA, United States
Jennifer N. Dulin, Department of Biology, Texas A&M University, College Station,
TX, United States; Texas A&M Institute for Neuroscience, Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX, United States
V. Reggie Edgerton, Rancho Research Institute, Los Amigos National Rehabilitation
Center, Downy, CA, United States; USC Neurorestoration Center, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States; Institut Guttmann. Hospital
de Neurorehabilitació, Institut Universitari adscrit a la Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona, Barcelona, Badalona, Spain
Leonardo D. Garcia-Ramirez, Marion Murray Spinal Cord Research Center,
Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Drexel University College of Medicine,
Philadelphia, PA, United States
Yury Gerasimenko, Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center, University of
Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States; Department of Physiology, University of
Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States; Pavlov Institute of Physiology of Russian
Academy of Science, St. Petersburg, Russia
Simon F. Giszter, Neurobiology and Anatomy, Marion Murray Spinal Cord Research
Center, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United States;
Joint Neuroengineering Initiative, College of Medicine and School of Biomedical
Engineering, Science and Health Systems, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA,
United States
Mark A. Gradwell, Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ, United States; W.M. Keck Center for
Collaborative Neuroscience, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscat-
away, NJ, United States
Ngoc T.B. Ha, Marion Murray Spinal Cord Research Center, Department of Neuro-
biology and Anatomy, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA,
United States
Susan Harkema, Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center, University of
Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States; Frazier Rehabilitation Institute, Univer-
sity of Louisville Health, Louisville, KY, United States; Department of Neurosur-
gery, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States
Zhigang He, F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston,
MA, United States; Departments of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
MA, United States
Shaoping Hou, Marion Murray Spinal Cord Research Center, Department of Neuro-
biology & Anatomy, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA,
United States
List of contributors xv

Stephanie C. Koch, Department of Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology,

Division of Biosciences, University College of London, London, United Kingdom
Michael A. Lane, Drexel University, Department of Neurobiology and Marion Murray
Spinal Cord Research Center, Philadelphia, PA, United States
Suh Jin Lee, Department of Neurobiology, Pittsburgh Center for Pain Research, Center
for the Neural Basis of Cognition, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Ariel J. Levine, Spinal Circuits and Plasticity Unit, National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Stroke, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States
Erik Z. Li, Marion Murray Spinal Cord Research Center, Department of Neurobiology
and Anatomy, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United
David S.K. Magnuson, Department of Neurological Surgery, Kentucky Spinal Cord
Injury Research Center, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States
Amr A. Mahrous, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago,
IL, United States
Felicia M. Michael, Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center, University of
Kentucky, Lexington, KY, United States; Department of Physiology, University of
Kentucky, Lexington, KY, United States
Myung-chul Noh, Department of Neurobiology, Pittsburgh Center for Pain Research,
Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, University of Pittsburgh School of
Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Bau Pham, Department of Bioengineering, University of California, Los Angeles, CA,
United States
Patricia E. Phelps, UCLA, Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology, Los
Angeles, CA, United States
Alexander G. Rabchevsky, Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center, University
of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, United States; Department of Physiology, University
of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, United States
Margo L. Randelman, Drexel University, Department of Neurobiology and Marion
Murray Spinal Cord Research Center, Philadelphia, PA, United States
Shelly Sakiyama-Elbert, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas
at Austin, Austin, TX, United States
Alfredo Sandoval, Jr., Department of Neuroscience, Cell Biology, & Anatomy, The
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, United States
Rebecca P. Seal, Department of Neurobiology, Pittsburgh Center for Pain Research,
Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, University of Pittsburgh School of
Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Owen Shelton, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL,
United States
xvi List of contributors

Trevor S. Smith, Neurobiology and Anatomy, Marion Murray Spinal Cord Research
Center, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United States;
Joint Neuroengineering Initiative, College of Medicine and School of Biomedical
Engineering, Science and Health Systems, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA,
United States
Alexa Marie Tierno, UCLA, Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology, Los
Angeles, CA, United States
Ashley Tucker, Department of Biology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX,
United States; Texas A&M Institute for Neuroscience, Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX, United States
Vicki Tysseling, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL,
United States
Nicholas White, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas at
Austin, Austin, TX, United States
Lyandysha V. Zholudeva, Gladstone Institutes, University of California San Francisco,
San Francisco, CA, United States

Spinal interneurons have long been recognized as essential components in all

spinal networks. They are also now quickly becoming identified as key elements
of plasticity with injury or disease, capable of altering their connections and their
activity to facilitatedor at times hinderdfunctional recovery. This book pro-
vides a thorough overview of what is presently known about spinal interneurons
in the intact and injured spinal cord, presented by leading scientists and clinical
Preclinical studies of spinal cord neurobiology have recognized their
importance in motor, sensory, and autonomic activity since the early work of
Santiago Ramon y Cajal and Sir Charles Sherrington. One of the first dedicated
texts to the topic of interneuronsd“the Interneuron,” edited by Mary A. B.
Brazierdfollowed a symposium on the topic at UCLA in 1967. This text
highlighted the growing interest in spinal interneurons, as scientists recognized
their importance. In 1968, G. Adrian Horridge wrote in his book titled
Interneurons; “What any man or animal perceives or does, and all human con-
ceptions, are restricted by the limitations of interneurons.” The present book now
reveals the remarkable advances that have been made in this field over the past
50 years, which we hope makes a worthy addition to texts on the subject of
“Spinal Interneurons.”
As highlighted in the first section of this book, advances in genetic, molec-
ular, electrophysiological, and anatomical assays, with considerations for
comparative neurobiology and cross-species differences, continue to reshape our
understanding of how spinal interneurons are integrated within and between
spinal networks. Ongoing research and characterization of spinal interneurons in
developmental neurobiology, computational neuroscience and modeling, sys-
tems neuroscience, neurophysiology, and neuroanatomy is expanding the
breadth of our knowledge at rapid rates. With these advances also comes the
appreciation that the number of identifiable spinal interneurons far surpasses
what we had recognized only a decade ago.
As they are essential to function in the intact spinal cord, they are also integral
to function after spinal cord injury and disease, as discussed in the second part of
this book. Importantly, compromise of the spinal networks with either traumatic
injury or degenerative disease rarely results in a total loss of cells or connectivity,
and spared neural substrates can contribute to extensive plasticity. Even with the
most severe of traumatic spinal cord injuries (e.g., complete spinal transection),

xviii Preface

spared spinal networks below the level of injury (that lose inputs from the brain)
retain the capacity to be activated and functional. The injured spinal cord is now
widely recognized as comprising a “new anatomy,” rich in interneuronal net-
works. Although ongoing preclinical and clinical research still aims to better
define this new anatomy, there is already widespread recognition that spinal
interneurons are crucial components for postinjury function, and as such,
represent important therapeutic targets. Their altered neurophysiological func-
tion and synaptic connectivity after injury has led to widespread effort to
manipulate them with therapeutic intervention, and as described in this book,
there has been some considerable success. In fact, spinal interneurons are now
often seen as “the gateway to neuroplasticity”dboth beneficial and
maladaptivedfollowing injury and disease.
The contributions in this book, from some of the world’s leaders in spinal
interneurons, highlight our current understanding of this highly molecularly,
anatomically, and functionally diverse population of cells. Yet it’s clear that this
is just the tip of the iceberg. We hope that the information here helps to guide
increased research effort, harnessing an ever-expanding toolkit for character-
izing spinal interneurons and their neuroplastic potential. With a greater un-
derstanding of human health and spinal neurobiology, there is hope that novel
therapeutic targets will be identified, and that new and improved strategies will
be developed for treating spinal cord injury or disease.

Lyandysha Viktorovna Zholudeva, PhD

Michael Aron Lane, PhD
Section I

Spinal interneurons e motor

and sensory neuronal
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Another random document with
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ecstatic condition in which the hallucinations may be connected with
sentiments of religion, love, fear, or other emotions. One shows an
attitude of menace or an expression of fear; in another the
expression is of beatitude or saintly happiness: to this expression
perhaps succeeds one of intense joy; to this, one of passion and
lubricity. Throughout all the changing phases of attitude and
expression the patient has the other concomitants of the true ecstatic
state, such as want of volition and insensibility.

DIAGNOSIS.—A cataleptic may also be an ecstatic or the reverse; but

not a few cases are on record in the history of which, on the one
hand, an individual has been subject over a long period to cataleptic
seizures without the recurrence of ecstasy, or, on the other hand, to
fits of ecstasy without a single attack of true catalepsy. Cataleptic
attacks usually occur with more suddenness than ecstasy; the
cataleptic may suddenly become rigid and statuesque—the ecstatic
gradually, although it may be somewhat rapidly, passes step by step
into a visionary state. In catalepsy and ecstasy the expression of the
patient differs. One of the striking features of ecstasy is not simply
the absorbed and abstracted, but also the radiant, expression of
countenance. In catalepsy the expression is more likely to be vacant
or at least negative. In ecstasy waxen flexibility is not present. The
muscles can act in obedience to the will, and the trunk and limbs do
not maintain the positions in which they are placed for any unusual
time. In genuine catalepsy the consciousness is so suspended or
altered that the period of the seizure afterward remains a blank in the
memory of the patient. In ecstasy, however, the visions and fancies
present during the fit can afterward be recalled, and are frequently
recounted by the individual.

DURATION, COURSE, PROGNOSIS.—Nothing need be said as to

duration, course, prognosis, etc. of ecstasy. The remarks made in
considering hysteria, hystero-epilepsy, etc. fully cover these matters.

TREATMENT.—With reference to the treatment of ecstasy little need be

said. It must, in part at least, be directed to rousing and changing the
dormant or dreamy condition of the individual. As it is the mind or the
volitional nature which is chiefly affected, the use of agents which
either directly or reflexly exert a powerful impression on the cerebral
centres is indicated. Thus, in all ages harsh measures have received
more or less applause in the treatment of ecstasy. The cold douche
or shower-bath, the plunge-bath, the hot iron, painful electric
currents, scourging, and beating have all had their advocates. Flint6
gives details of a case in which burning with a heated hammer was
employed for three weeks, the patient eventually recovering, either
because of, or in spite of, the treatment. Chambers believes in the
forcible repression of ecstatic and emotional exhibitions. “In Unst, the
most northerly of the Shetland Islands,” he says, “an epidemic of
convulsive fits occurring in sermon-time began to prevail in several
parish churches. At one of these, Northmaven, the disease was cut
short by a rough fellow of a Turk who carried out a troublesome
patient and tossed her into a wet ditch. Nobody else caught it. From
what scandalous scenes Europe might have been saved had the first
dancer on St. John's Eve been tossed into a wet ditch!”
6 Loc. cit.

Trance, Lethargy, and Morbid Somnolence.

Trance may be defined as a derangement of the nervous system

characterized by general muscular immobility, complete mental
inertia, and insensibility to surroundings. The condition of a patient in
a state of trance has been frequently, and not inaptly, compared to
that of a hibernating animal. Trance may last for minutes, hours,
days, weeks, or even months. Astonishing stories, some true, others
—and these the greater number—false, frequently find their way into
newspapers. A recent story is that of a hystero-cataleptic young
woman of Nebraska who is reported to have been for seventy days
in a state of trance, during which she was to all appearance lifeless
with the exception of respiration and pulsation. She said that she
was unconscious during the whole time of her protracted trance, but,
although she exerted her utmost power to evince her consciousness,
she could not move a muscle. Such cases like the Welsh fasting girl
either live or seem to live for a long time on little or no food;
doubtless food is often taken secretly.

In an interesting case which, so far as I know, has never been put

upon record in any medical publication, attacks of catalepsy or of
trance, or of both, occurred three times at long intervals during the
life of this individual. The first time was while held in the arms of his
mother preparatory to receiving the baptismal rite: the clergyman
and others observed that the infant changed appearance and
suddenly became rigid. It was feared that he was dying; the
ceremonies were stopped, but in response to efforts after a time he
came back to a normal state. When about sixteen years of age,
while at school, he was accidentally wounded; it was necessary to
probe for the ball, and while this was being done he again passed
into a trance-like condition. Many years later, while in good health, a
prosperous and well-known citizen, he suddenly again fell into an
unconscious condition, and was believed to be dead. So marked
were the appearances of death that after numerous efforts to
resuscitate him preparations were made for his funeral. The
knowledge of his previous attacks, however, induced his friends and
relatives to defer his interment and continue their efforts. He finally
revived just as they were about to give up in despair.

Aëtius, according to Laycock,7 mentions hysteric death as being very

common in his day, and asserts that real death may supervene
without any of the ordinary symptoms. The eyes preserve their
brightness and the color of the skin remains vivid. Good cites the
case of a woman whose funeral was postponed to ascertain the
cause of her death, and whom the first touch of the scalpel brought
to her senses. Authors and travellers have described wonderful
cases of trance which have been observed in Persia and in India. A
Persian youth is recorded to have possessed the power to restrain
his breath for two days; and fakirs in India are said sometimes to
have allowed themselves to be buried alive for weeks. Doubtless, a
little Caucasian light let in upon some of these stories might dissolve
them, as the esoteric Buddhism of Madame Blavatzsky has been
dissipated into thin air by a hard-headed English investigator.
According to Diogenes,8 Empedocles, a celebrated disciple of
Pythagoras, obtained great fame by curing a female supposed to be
dead, but whom he discovered to be suffering from hysteria. He
termed the affection under which she labored apnoë, and maintained
that a female might live in an apparently lifeless state for thirty days.
7 Op. cit.

8 Quoted by Laycock.

Landouzy has reported an interesting instance of lethargy produced

by the application of a magnet to a patient suffering from hysteria
major. The attacks of hysterical sleep are often preceded by
convulsive phenomena, and, according to Briquet, are often ushered
in by epileptoid signs, such as whistling inspiration, movements of
deglutition, frothing, and transient rigidity of the limbs. Richer reports
a remarkable case of Plendlers of Vienna, in which a young girl, after
a series of violent hysterical attacks, fell apparently dead.
Preparations were made to bury her, when she was found to be
living, having been in a state of lethargy. Among cases observed in
Salpêtrière the duration of lethargy has been from two to eight days.
Sometimes, in cases of grave hysteria, attacks of lethargy
complicated with general or partial contractures and epileptoid
phenomena have been observed. The presence of neuro-muscular
hyperexcitability is of diagnostic value in determining the nature of
such cases; if present, we have probably to deal with phenomena of
hysterical lethargy. This symptom may, of course, pass unperceived.
A woman came under observation a short time since, being then far
gone in pregnancy. About a month before delivery she had a very
marked hysterical outbreak, in which she so simulated apoplexy as
to make it almost impossible to decide what was the matter with her.
She had apparently lost sensation, her breathing was stertorous, her
pulse labored, and she had divergent strabismus. In the course of
half an hour the symptoms passed off.

In trance, as in ecstasy, the patient may remain motionless and

apparently unconscious of all surroundings; but in the former the
visionary state, the radiant expression, and the statuesque positions
are not necessarily present. In trance, as stated by Wilks, the
patients may lie like an animal hibernating for days together, without
eating or drinking, and apparently insensible to all objects around
them. In ecstasy the mind, under certain limitations, is active; it is
concentrated upon some object of interest, admiration, or adoration.
Conditions of trance, as a rule, last longer than those of ecstasy.

Beard's9 theory of trance is that it is “a functional disease of the

nervous system in which the cerebral activity is concentrated in
some limited region of the brain, with suspension of the activity of the
rest of the brain, and consequent loss of volition. Like other
functional nervous diseases, it may be induced either physically or
psychically—that is, by all the influences that act on the nervous
system or on the mind; more frequently the latter, sometimes both
9 Quoted by Crothers in Quarterly Journal of Inebriety, January, 1880.

T. D. Crothers10 has contributed some papers upon the subject of the

trance state in inebriety. He gives the clinical history of some cases
of inebriety which presented the phenomena of cerebral automatism
or trance. He concludes that loss of memory and consciousness may
come on in inebriety and the patient give little or no evidence of his
actual condition. His conclusions are, that when the trance state is
established beyond doubt the individual is irresponsible for his acts
during this period. The study of the trance state in affections of such
definite origin and positive pathology as inebriety helps to throw light
upon its occurrence and explanation in cases of hysteria.
10 “Cerebral Trance; or, Loss of Consciousness and Memory in Inebriety,” Quarterly
Journal of Inebriety, January, 1880; and The Trance State in Inebriety: its Medico-
Legal Relations; with an Introduction on the Nature and Character of the Trance
State, by George M. Beard, M.D., a paper read before the New York Medico-Legal
Society, November 2, 1881, Hartford, Conn., 1882.

Dana11 reports about fifty cases of prolonged morbid somnolence.

Nearly all those reported previous to 1878 are cases of what has
been termed trance-like sleep or lethargy. In 1878, Gelineau called
attention to a disease which he termed narcolepsy. Dana has seen
five cases, and reports two others from notes furnished by Putzel of
New York. Some of the cases collected are both interesting and
remarkable. Dana calls attention to the distinction made by Briquet
between prolonged hysteria and lethargy. In lethargy the condition of
unconsciousness is generally more profound, the reflexes are
abolished, and the patient cannot be aroused. A patient may even
have periods of sleep within the lethargy.
11 “Morbid Drowsiness and Somnolence,” Journ. of Nervous and Mental Disease, vol.
xi., No. 2, April 18, 1884.

Dana excludes from his cases of prolonged somnolence those cases

of drowsiness due to ordinary causes, as old age, diseased blood-
vessels, cerebral malnutrition, or inflammation; various toxæmiæ, as
malaria, uræmia, colæmia, and syphilis; dyspepsia, diabetes,
obesity, insolation, cerebral anæmia and hyperæmia, cerebral
tumors and cranial injuries, exhausting diseases, and the sleeping
sickness of Africa.

He found that the prolonged somnolence shows itself in very

different ways. Sometimes the patient suffers from simply a great
prolongation of natural sleep; sometimes from a constant, persistent
drowsiness, which he is often obliged to yield to; sometimes from
frequent brief attacks of somnolence, not being drowsy in the
intermission; sometimes from single or repeated prolonged lethargic
attacks; finally, sometimes from periodical attacks of profound
somnolence or lethargy which last for days, weeks, or months.

He says that most cases of functional morbid somnolence are

closely related to the epileptic or hysterical diathesis; but a class of
cases is met with in which no history or evidence of epilepsy or
hysteria can be adduced, and though they may be called epileptoid
or hysteroid, these designations are simply makeshifts; the patients
seem to be the victims of a special morbid hypnosis. Possibly they
have a cerebral hyperæmia or anæmia.
Under the name of morbid somnolence a case has been reported by
P. J. Cremen.12 The patient was a man fifty-five years old, who was
admitted to the hospital under the care of Cremen. He said he had
recently returned from America, where he had taken a drink which
had affected his head. He went to bed, and the next morning was
found in a deep sleep, from which he could not be aroused. He
presented the appearance of a person in a sound sleep or under the
influence of anæsthetics. All ordinary measures were unavailing to
awaken him from his trance-like condition. He was completely
analgesic over the entire surface of the body. He would not eat or
drink when simply directed, but when the drinking-cup was placed in
his hand he drank, and when bread or meat was given he ate.
Subsequently he was seen eating while in the somnolent state with
the eyes closed; but after a time he would stop, and had to be urged
to commence again. Evidently, tactile sensibility was not lost. The
muscular sense appeared to be diminished. The superficial reflexes
were abolished, the knee-jerks exaggerated; ankle clonus was
absent. Smell and taste were obtunded. Hearing was retained. The
state of muscular rigidity during the somnolence was remarkable. He
was placed between two chairs, the tip of the shoulder resting upon
one chair, the heel of the left foot on the other, and the right leg bent
at a right angle to the trunk. A weight of forty pounds was then
supported on the rigid chest without causing the slightest yielding or
movement from the position described until muscular relaxation took
place. He often remained in this state for four or five days at a time
or longer. He could be aroused by a strong magneto-electric current.
In the intervals between the attacks he was sometimes bright and
cheerful, at others gloomy and depressed. When requested to walk,
he would do so in a perfectly straight line, from which he would not
deviate for obstacles. When told to walk around a table, however, or
other obstacle, he would do so. He would try to do anything that he
was told, even to standing on his head. The somnolent or hypnotic
state could be induced at will by closing the eyelids and pressing the
eyeballs for about two minutes. Of the genuineness of the
phenomena Cremen had no doubt; he believed that the somnolence
partook, in some degree, of the nature of that which has been
designated narcolepsy. This case in many respects is similar to
cases of catalepsy and automatism at command. A very similar case
has been reported in the article on Catalepsy.
12 Brit. Med. Journ., Dec. 12, 1885.

Self-concentration in those of robust minds differs rather in degree

than in essence from ecstasy or trance and allied conditions in the
weak and hysterical. “Archimedes,” says Clymer, “engrossed with a
problem in geometry, feels no hunger and is deaf to the tumult of the
soldiers in a captured town; Socrates, occupied with his own
thoughts, stands twenty-four hours immovable in one spot exposed
to the burning rays of the sun.” Goethe, Blake, and others are on
record as having the power to call up images at will. Francis Galton13
in a recent work advocates the cultivation of this power of the
reproduction at will of mental imagery. Clarke14 records many
wonderful instances of pseudopia. In what does the ecstatic differ
from these except in that the mental status of the individual is
different, and that the object of mental concentration is of a special
character, consonant with the person's ideas, training, and
13 Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development, Francis Galton, F. R. S., New
York, 1883.

14 Vision, a Study of False Sight, by Edward H. Clarke, M.D., Boston, 1878.

In brown study or reverie, according to Laycock, the eye is fixed by a

muscular action analogous to that of the cataleptic; and not the eye
only, for a limb or the whole body will remain in the same position for
many minutes, the senses themselves being in deep abstraction
from surrounding objects.


Stigmatization (from the Greek στιγμα, a small puncture) is a

symptom or appearance which usually presents itself in the form of
bloody or blood-like markings on the palms of the hands, the backs
of the feet, and the left side, the positions in which Christ was
lacerated by the nails and the spear at the crucifixion. In some cases
the stigmata are found in scattered points on various parts of the
body, sometimes upon the forehead at the position of the lacerations
produced by the crown of thorns. In various ages it has been claimed
by Catholics that cases of genuine stigmatization have occurred. It is
not, however, a matter of Catholic faith, the claim being simply that it
is a genuine experience which has some supernatural significance.
Hammond15 has an interesting chapter on the subject of
stigmatization, of which I have made use, and Clymer's16 article,
already referred to, gives the details of several of the most
interesting historical cases. Space will not permit more than a glance
at this subject. A case of stigmatization is not necessarily one of
hysteria, but the phenomena of simulated, and possibly of genuine,
stigmatization usually occur among the hysterical.
15 On Certain Conditions of Nervous Derangement, New York, 1881.

16 Op. cit.

According to Garres, the first to exhibit stigmatization was Saint

Francis of Assisium, who was born in 1186 and died in 1236. In 1224
he was marked, and in memory of the event the 17th of September
was set apart as the Feast of the Holy Stigmata by Pope Benedict
XI. The story of this occurrence is of a highly emotional and
sensational character. Christine de Stumbele, born in 1242, a few
miles from Cologne, is another of the famous hystero-cataleptics and
ecstatics who were the victims of numerous stigmata. These were
irregular as to position and to times of appearance. On one
occasion, for instance, she had wounds on each foot from which the
blood flowed freely; a little later, on the same occasion, she was
wounded on the knee, and to the wondering priest who was
ministering to her at this time she showed hot nails of hideous
shapes. She was not only a case of ecstasy and stigmatization, but a
filthy creature withal, who covered herself and others with
excrement, which they had the foolishness to believe came from the
hand of the devil. Veronica Giuliani, another ecstatic, who conversed
with Christ and the Virgin Mary, received the stigmata during one of
her prayers, and was canonized in 1839. Imbert-Gourbeyre gives a
list of 145 persons who have received stigmata, besides 8 now living
known to him. He details one American case, that of a young French

Two of the most extraordinary recent cases are those of Palma

d'Oria and Louise Lateau. These have become stock cases in books
and dissertations on the subject under consideration, and therefore
the briefest accounts of them will be all that is required. Palma in
1871 was sixty-six years old, humpbacked, thin, small, and with light
expressive eyes. It is important to note that she had seen Louisa
Lateau in ecstasy. Wonderful accounts are given of her
performances—eating the Host in the presence of the priest; having
visions of the devil with a little horn on his forehead; on another
occasion Jesus Christ himself bringing to her the communion; seeing
the Host flying through the air before entering her mouth. After the
communion, usually when others were not present, the
stigmatization occurred. Bleedings from the forehead or near it, and
hemorrhagic spots on various parts of the body of various shapes,
as of hearts and of the cross, appeared. Examination of the skin
subsequently showed it to be intact, except that she had a hole in
the cranium, which Hammond suggests was of syphilitic origin.
Plates are given in the work of the credulous Imbert-Gourbeyre
representing these figures.

In most respects the most celebrated of all cases of stigmatization is

that of Louise Lateau—celebrated because of the investigations
which have been made of her case; because of the amount of
literature, theological, scientific, and medical, which has been
devoted to her; because of the conflict of opinions even among
medical observers in regard to the true explanation of the
phenomena she exhibited. Louise Lateau was a Belgian peasant-
girl, born January 30, 1850. Her parents were poor. She suffered the
hardships of her class, and was as badly nourished and educated as
a poor Belgian peasant-girl is likely to be. During the cholera
epidemic of 1866 she nursed kindly and patiently many of the
victims. In 1867 she became weak, pale, and neuralgic, and
sometimes spat blood. On Friday, April 24, 1868, she for the first
time noticed blood immediately below the left breast; the following
Friday it appeared at the same place, and also on the back of the left
foot; later, it oozed from the left side and both feet, from the palms
and backs of the hands, and from the forehead. Some weeks after
this she began to exhibit the phenomena of ecstasy; and
subsequently for months and years, regularly on every Friday, she
had a recurrence of the stigmata and ecstasy, with accompanying
phenomena, sometimes varying a little in detail. Some of the
accounts given by Lefevre and others of her seizures are beautiful
descriptions of attacks of ecstasy. She stated that during her attacks
she had a distinct vision of the whole scene of the crucifixion.

Numerous experiments, some of them cruel in character, were

performed to test the genuineness of her conditions of
unconsciousness and insensibility. Sight, hearing, and touch were
tested. The mucous membrane of the nose was tickled; strong
hartshorn was applied to the nostrils; she was pricked and stabbed
with needles, pins, and even penknives; painful currents of electricity
were used. To none of these did she respond. During her attacks her
pulse was thready, ranging from 120° to 130° and upward;
respiration sometimes could be scarcely detected, and sometimes
fell as low as 10; body-heat was also much diminished. She
recollected everything which passed during the attack. Different from
Palma d'Oria, the examination of her skin revealed certain
appearances. Between Saturday and Thursday oval spots and
patches of rosy hue were to be seen on the backs and palms of the
hands and on the backs and soles of the feet. They were very much
in appearance as if the epidermis were thinned or scraped. The
marks on the forehead were not permanent; the chest was only
examined during the ecstasy. Before the bleedings blebs began to
rise at the position of the spots. The bleeding commonly began in the
night between Thursday and Friday. From the forehead of the girl
blood sometimes oozed from minute points, which looked as if they
had been made by microscopic leeches.
As regards the phenomena presented by Louise Lateau, various
hypotheses have been advanced; the chief, however, are the three
following: (1) The theological view—namely, that the stigmata were
genuine miraculous performances, the blood flowing by supernatural
command. (2) The view that the stigmata were genuine pathological
phenomena, vaso-motor in character—that the bleedings were in
some way similar to attacks of purpura hemorrhagica or to
hæmidrosis or bloody sweat. (3) The view that the stigmata were
produced by deceit—that in all probability, in order to excite the
sympathy and astonishment which are so dear to the hysterical
mind, the girl in some way caused the bleedings. The carefully
detailed accounts of the phenomena seem to lend the strongest
support to the last view.

A good test was employed for the detection of simulated

stigmatization in the following case,17 which came under the care of
Mr. Henry Lee at St. George's Hospital, London. An unmarried
seamstress aged sixteen had on the outside of her right leg above
the ankle a discolored patch, from which she said that every month
for two years there had been a discharge of about a tablespoonful of
blood. The patch was covered with minute red spots resembling flea-
bites. Fresh red spots and effusion of blood were seen at succeeding
visits. Lee ordered a sheet of lead to be applied over the bleeding
surface, to be secured by a starched bandage. On the next visit,
when the dressings were removed, a few spots and a little blood
were found, but the sheet of lead was pierced with holes large
enough to admit a needle. When asked how this had happened the
girl was silent, and was discharged as a convicted impostor. In
Lefevre's experiment with Louise Lateau he placed a leather glove
upon one hand, tying and sealing it at the wrists; but it is easily to be
seen why this test was not as thorough as that with the lead.
17 British Medical Journal, vol. i., 1871, p. 479.

Another case of ecstasy with stigmatization is cited by Bourneville

and Hammond from Magnus Huss of Stockholm—a servant-girl
twenty-three years old who was subject to convulsions, and also to
hemorrhages, which usually came on as the result of great emotional
disturbance. In her case examination showed no cicatrices. The
hemorrhages occurred from the scalp, the eyes, the face around the
eyes, the left ear, and the stomach. Her menstruation went on
regularly during the attacks: sometimes she had ecchymoses and
apparent bruises on the left half of the body, the limbs of which were
semi-paralyzed for short periods. The attacks occurred with
convulsions and unconsciousness, which usually lasted about half
an hour, and from which she awakened as if from a long sleep.

Autographic Women.

Certain peculiar phenomena have been described under the head of

femmes autographiques, or the autographic women, and are worthy
of note. Dujardin-Beaumetz18 in a case of well-marked hysteria with
loss of general sensibility reports that he was able to write or trace
with a needle or pointed instrument on the skin. Within a space thus
traced the skin was elevated in a white patch or plate. After some
five minutes the line would show itself more and more in relief, until it
attained from one and a half to two millimeters in thickness. It would
remain from three to six, and sometimes twelve, hours. He varied the
experiments in many ways, executing upon the skin designs, tables,
and names of from ten to fifteen letters. He detected in the centre of
some of the spaces traced a marked elevation of temperature,
sometimes appreciable to the hand. This woman was known by the
name of femme diche, or the autographic woman.
18 Bull. et Mém. Société médicale de Hôpital de Paris, 1880, 12, xvi. 197-202.

Dujardin-Beaumetz held that the phenomena were vaso-motor. The

red lines traced readily admit of this explanation. The white space in
relief, however, was not so easily explained. He had observed
among hysterical women, under the influence of pressure, irritation,
or the application of magnets, the appearance of patches of urticaria.
One of the common tricks of the Spiritualists is to have the name of a
spirit that has been called up appear upon the bared arm of the
medium. Among friends and private patients, and among the
hysterical patients in the wards of the Philadelphia Hospital, I have
successfully performed experiments similar to those reported by
Dujardin-Beaumetz. Such phenomena are by no means confined to
cases of hysteria. One of my most striking successes in an attempt
at skin-writing was in the case of a male physician of a peculiarly
clear and pale complexion. Certain peculiar conditions of the skin will
allow this to be done with facility. The similarity of this class of
phenomena to that of the stigmata will at once appear evident. Such
phenomena occur among the hysterical with a tendency to vaso-
motor deficiency of control.

Fasting Saints and Fasting Girls.

The wonderful saints who starved themselves or lived on

sacramental bread are almost a multitude. Saint Joseph, Saint
Catherine of Sienna, Saint Rose of Lima, Saint Collete, Saint Peter
of Alcantara are of the number. In modern and even in recent times
not a few of these cases have become widely known. Margaret
Weiss, about whom a book was written in 1542, is said to have done
without food and drink for three years. She suffered from pains and
contractures. She passed neither urine nor feces; at least, such are
the accounts which have come down to us.

Sarah Jacob, the Welsh fasting girl, has shared with Louise Lateau
popular and medical notoriety. When about ten years old she
suffered from various hysterical and hystero-epileptic symptoms. The
quantity of food she took gradually dwindled; on October 10, 1867, it
was said that she ceased to take any food whatever, and so
continued till the day of her death, more than two years later. She
had many visitors, pilgrims from far and near, who often left money
or gifts. The vicar of her neighborhood came to believe in her, and an
investigation was suggested. At one investigation, not very rigidly
conducted, nothing was discovered. After a time she was visited by
Fowler of London, who decided that the case was one of hysteria
with simulation, probably associated with the power or habit of long
fasting. Trained nurses were sent from Guy's Hospital to conduct the
second watching. Under the watching the girl died, starved to death.
The father was afterward condemned to imprisonment and hard
labor for twelve months, the mother for six months. In Brooklyn a few
years since one Molly Fancher, a similar case, attracted much
attention, and was written about and commented upon by the press.


INTRODUCTION.—The term neurasthenia, signifying nervous

weakness, and not rarely paraphrased by nervous exhaustion,
indicates by its very derivation that it denotes not a distinct disease,
but a condition of the body. The relations of the nervous system to
the functions of organic and animal life are so intimate that almost all
forms of exhaustion might well be discussed under the present
heading. A further difficulty in attempting to decide the exact
limitations of this article is to be found in the fact that hysteria,
insanity, chorea, and various other nervous diseases are very closely
connected with nervous exhaustion. Indeed, many of the cases
which are considered by authorities as instances of neurasthenia
would be more appropriately classed with one or other of the
especial diseases. Thus, the nervous fears discussed in such detail
by George M. Beard in his work upon neurasthenia plainly belong
with the monomaniacal insanities, and, although they usually are
associated with nervous depression, may coexist with great physical
and mental power.

Further, very many chronic diseases produce neurasthenia. It has

not been many years since general debility was a common
inscription upon records of diagnosis. In very many cases the
general debility afflicted the diagnostic powers or zeal of the
physician rather than the body of the patient, and it is to be feared
that neurasthenia not rarely at present replaces it. Malarial
poisoning, chronic Bright's disease, chronic diarrhœa, lithæmia, and
various other affections may be readily overlooked, and patient and
physician satisfied with the diagnosis of neurasthenia; indeed, in my
own experience in a very considerable proportion of the cases which
had been diagnosed as nervous exhaustion the patient was really
suffering from definite disease.
The folly of attempting to make neurasthenia a distinct affection is
strongly brought out whenever it is attempted to give sharp
diagnostic differences between it and other diseases. As examples
may be noted the flat contradictions which exist in the different
diagnostic tables given in the elaborate work of the late George M.

It is necessary, therefore, in the outset, to recognize that

neurasthenia is a bodily condition which is very frequently associated
with various chronic disorders, or not rarely coexists with perverted
functional activity of the nervous centres, which perverted nerve-
functions may, however, exist independently of any perceptible
neurasthenia, and are not simply the outcomes of the neurasthenia.
Under these circumstances an apology for devoting an article in this
work to the consideration of neurasthenia may seem necessary to
readers. The justification of the present discussion is to be found in
the facts that neurasthenia often exists without the presence of
definite disease, and that still more frequently it is a bodily condition
which dominates in its therapeutic importance the manifestations of
perverted functions, so that the patient is to be treated for it rather
than for the disease with which it is associated.

ETIOLOGY.—There are various chronic diseases which may lead

directly to nervous exhaustion. Neurasthenia may, moreover, be the
result of disease which is long past; neglected diarrhœas, bleeding
piles, and other affections with exhausting discharges, when they
have been cured, may leave behind them conditions whose source
and nature it is most important to recognize.

Overwork, excessive mental emotion, need only to be alluded to as

capable of producing a pure neurasthenia. As Samuel Jackson was
accustomed to say, in his lectures at the University of Pennsylvania
thirty years ago, “Whenever the expenditure of nerve-force is greater
than the daily income, physical bankruptcy sooner or later results.” It
is to be remembered that the nerve-capital of persons differs almost
as widely as does their moneyed capital. There are numerous
families many of whose members are neurasthenics from birth—i.e.
who are born with less power of creating nervous energy than is
necessary to meet the requirements of the ordinary duties of life.
There is every grade of natural endowment between the most feeble
person, scarcely able to produce more nervous energy than is
necessary for breathing, eating, and drinking, and the organism that
is capable of enduring incessant toil. The development of
neurasthenia is therefore not so much the result of a strain which is
absolutely great as of a strain which is excessive in its relations to
the organism which has to bear it.

SYMPTOMS.—The onset of neurasthenia is always gradual, although

at times the condition appears to develop with great suddenness.
Under these circumstances, however, the explosion has been
preceded by a long train of more or less overlooked phenomena:
thus, in a case that just now occurs to me a gentleman had long
suffered from the premonitory symptoms of neurasthenia, to which
he had paid but little attention until he was one day seized with
violent vertigo, accompanied by such prostration of strength that he
had to be taken home from the street in a carriage. The symptoms
vary very much according to the portion of the nervous system which
is especially affected, and also to some extent according to the
etiology of the attack. Nervous exhaustion may in the beginning
affect the whole of the nervous system, or it may be at first purely
local and coexist with general nervous strength. Many cases of
spermatorrhœa are instances of the local form of neurasthenia, the
sexual centres being primarily affected; but as in these cases,
sooner or later, the whole of the nervous system becomes
implicated, so in other forms of the disorder the exhaustion, at first
local, finally, if neglected, implicates the whole organism. There are
not rarely cases of brain exhaustion in which the symptoms are at
first purely local. Almost always the cause of a local neurasthenia is
excessive use of the part; thus, cerebral asthenia is usually the result
of mental overwork, sexual asthenia of sexual excesses, etc. When
to the intellectual fatigue is added the depressing effects of
excessive anxiety or allied emotions, the symptoms usually from the
first are more general. The exhaustion may affect chiefly a single
function of the brain. As an instance may be cited the case of a
postal clerk now under my care, who has been accustomed to
distribute five to eight thousand letters every day from a general
mass into three hundred pigeon-holes representing as many post-
office districts scattered over a large territory. As soon as the
address is read there must be an instantaneous automatic
recognition of the district to which the letter goes. It is at this place
where, in the case now under consideration, the symptoms manifest
themselves. Reading the address fails to produce immediate
recognition of the locality to which the letter is to be assigned. Asked
in what district such a post-office is, the clerk answers instantly, but
seeing the address himself he hesitates, and sometimes balks so
that he can distribute only about one-third as many letters as when in
health. As in most cases of local nerve exhaustion, in this patient
some evidences of general implication exist, there being decided
disturbance of the sexual organs.

Another form of local neurasthenia which is frequently associated

with brain exhaustion is that of writer's cramp. I have repeatedly
seen it come on as the herald of a general breakdown; but under
such circumstances the symptoms have usually not been those of
typical writer's cramp: there have usually been not so much marked
spasms as loss of power and distress in the arm on attempting to

In pure brain exhaustion loss of the disposition to work is usually the

first symptom, the sufferer finding that it constantly requires a more
and more painful effort of the will to perform the allotted task. The
basis of this difficulty is largely loss of the power of fixing the
attention, and this by and by is accompanied with weakness of the
memory. Disturbances of sleep are frequent. Various abnormal
sensations in the head are complained of. In most cases there is not
absolute headache, but a feeling of weight or fulness or an
indescribable distress, usually aggravated by mental effort.

It is true that in some cases of very dangerous brain-tire cerebration

is performed with extraordinary vigor and ease; the power of work is
for the time markedly increased, and even the quality of the product
may be raised; the patient may even glory in a wild intellectual
exaltation, a sense of mental power, with an almost uncontrollable
brain activity. It is probable, however, that these cases are not
instances of pure neurasthenia, but that there is an active congestion
of the cortical gray matter. It is certain that they are very prone to end
in serious organic brain trouble. In some cases of cerebral asthenia
there are disturbances of the special senses, tinnitus aurium, flashes
of light, and even the seeing of visions. Under these circumstances it
is again probable that active congestion of the affected centres

Severe cerebral neurasthenia may be associated with good spirits,

but usually there is marked depression, and this perversion of
function may finally go on to decided melancholy. The will-power, as
all other functional activities of the brain, is prone to be weakened;
morbid fears may finally develop themselves; and at last that which
was at the beginning a simple brain exhaustion may end in
hypochondriasis or insanity. In my own experience such ending is
very rare unless there have been from the beginning marked
symptoms of hypochondriasis or melancholy; in other words, unless
there be the inborn tendency to distinct mental disorders, cerebral
neurasthenia rarely produces them, but in a person who inherits
such tendency the brain exhaustion may become an exciting cause
of insanity.

The symptoms of brain-tire may be very largely existing in the

individual who still has muscular strength and is capable of enduring
much physical labor; but in most cases, sooner or later, the more
general symptoms of neurasthenia manifest themselves.

Amongst the earliest of these symptoms may be disorder of the

special senses. For reasons which are not very evident it is the eye
which is generally affected. Although existing deafness is often
greatly intensified by the coming on of nervous exhaustion, I cannot
remember ever to have seen severe deafness entirely neurasthenic.
The nature of the optical trouble is to be recognized by the fact that
vision is at first good, but fails when the eye is steadily used for a few

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