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The Cognitive Neurosciences


Fourth Edition

Michael S. Gazzaniga, Editor-in-Chief

Section Editors: Emilio Bizzi

Alfonso Caramazza
Leo M. Chalupa
Scott T. Grafton
Todd F. Heatherton
Christof Koch
Joseph E. LeDoux
Steven J. Luck
George R. Mangun
J. Anthony Movshon
Helen Neville
Elizabeth A. Phelps
Pasko Rakic
Daniel L. Schacter
Mriganka Sur
Brian A. Wandell

© 2009 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The cognitive neurosciences/edited by Michael S. Gazzaniga.

—4th ed.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-262-01341-3 (hardcover : alk. paper)
1. Cognitive neuroscience. I. Gazzaniga, Michael S.
[DNLM: 1. Brain—physiology. 2. Mental Processes—
physiology. 3. Neurosciences. WL 300 C6766 2009]
QP360.5.N4986 2009
612.8′2—dc22 2009000145

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
For Charlotte Smylie Gazzaniga with deep appreciation and gratitude

Preface xv


Introduction Pasko Rakic and Leo M. Chalupa 3

1 Development of the Primate Cerebral Cortex Pasko Rakic,

Jon I. Arellano, and Joshua Breunig 7

2 Early Development of Neuronal Circuitry of the Human Prefrontal Cortex

Ivica Kostović and Miloš Judaš 29

3 The Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Uniqueness

Todd M. Preuss 49

4 Unraveling the Role of Neuronal Activity in the Formation of Eye-Specific

Connections Leo M. Chalupa and Andrew D. Huberman 67

5 Brain Changes Underlying the Development of Cognitive Control and Reasoning

Silvia A. Bunge, Allyson P. Mackey, and Kirstie J. Whitaker 73


Introduction Helen Neville and Mriganka Sur 89

6 Patterning and Plasticity of Maps in the Mammalian Visual Pathway

Sam Horng and Mriganka Sur 91

contents vii
7 Synaptic Plasticity and Spatial Representations in the Hippocampus
Jonathan R. Whitlock and Edvard I. Moser 109

8 Visual Cortical Plasticity and Perceptual Learning Wu Li and

Charles D. Gilbert 129

9 Characterizing and Modulating Neuroplasticity of the Adult Human Brain

Alvaro Pascual-Leone 141

10 Exercising Your Brain: Training-Related Brain Plasticity Daphne Bavelier,

C. Shawn Green, and Matthew W. G. Dye 153

11 Profiles of Development and Plasticity in Human Neurocognition

Courtney Stevens and Helen Neville 165


Introduction Steven J. Luck and George R. Mangun 185

12 Attention: Theoretical and Psychological Perspectives Anne Treisman 189

13 Mechanisms of Selective Attention in the Human Visual System:

Evidence from Neuroimaging Sabine Kastner, Stephanie A. McMains,
and Diane M. Beck 205

14 The Frontoparietal Attention Network Maurizio Corbetta,

Chad M. Sylvester, and Gordon L. Shulman 219

15 Spatiotemporal Analysis of Visual Attention Jens-Max Hopf,

Hans-Jochen Heinze, Mircea A. Schoenfeld, and Steven A. Hillyard 235

16 Integration of Conflict Detection and Attentional Control Mechanisms:

Combined ERP and fMRI Studies George R. Mangun, Clifford D. Saron,
and Bong J. Walsh 251

17 A Right Perisylvian Neural Network for Human Spatial Orienting

Hans-Otto Karnath 259

18 Spatial Deficits and Selective Attention Lynn C. Robertson 269

19 The Effect of Attention on the Responses of Individual Visual Neurons

John H. R. Maunsell 281

20 Selective Attention Through Selective Neuronal Synchronization

Thilo Womelsdorf and Pascal Fries 289

viii contents

Introduction J. Anthony Movshon and Brian A. Wandell 305

21 Grandmother Cells, Symmetry, and Invariance: How the Term Arose and
What the Facts Suggest Horace Barlow 309

22 Olfaction: From Percept to Molecule Yaara Yeshurun, Hadas Lapid,

Rafi Haddad, Shani Gelstien, Anat Arzi, Lee Sela, Aharon Weisbrod,
Rehan Khan, and Noam Sobel 321

23 Auditory Masking with Complex Stimuli Virginia M. Richards and

Gerald Kidd, Jr. 343

24 Insights into Human Auditory Processing Gained from Perceptual Learning

Beverly A. Wright and Yuxuan Zhang 353

25 Auditory Object Analysis Timothy D. Griffiths, Sukhbinder Kumar,

Katharina von Kriegstein, Tobias Overath, Klaas E. Stephan, and
Karl J. Friston 367

26 The Cone Photoreceptor Mosaic in Normal and Defective Color Vision

Joseph Carroll, Geunyoung Yoon, and David R. Williams 383

27 Bayesian Approaches to Color Vision David H. Brainard 395

28 Wiring of Receptive Fields and Functional Maps in Primary Visual Cortex

Dario L. Ringach 409

29 Encoding and Decoding with Neural Populations in the Primate Cortex

Eyal Seidemann, Yuzhi Chen, and Wilson S. Geisler 419

30 Perceptual Filling-in: From Experimental Data to Neural Network Modeling

Rainer Goebel and Peter De Weerd 435

31 Neural Transformation of Object Information by Ventral Pathway

Visual Cortex Charles E. Connor, Anitha Pasupathy, Scott Brincat, and
Yukako Yamane 455

32 The Cognitive and Neural Development of Face Recognition in Humans

Elinor McKone, Kate Crookes, and Nancy Kanwisher 467

33 Roles of Visual Area MT in Depth Perception

Gregory C. DeAngelis 483

34 Multisensory Integration for Heading Perception in Macaque Visual Cortex

Dora E. Angelaki, Yong Gu, and Gregory C. DeAngelis 499

35 Visual Stability during Saccadic Eye Movements Concetta Morrone and

David Burr 511

36 Optimal Estimation in Sensory Systems Eero P. Simoncelli 525

contents ix

Introduction Scott T. Grafton and Emilio Bizzi 539

37 Neurobiology of Coordinate Transformations Emilio Bizzi and

Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi 541

38 Basal Ganglia and Cerebellar Circuits with the Cerebral Cortex

Richard P. Dum and Peter L. Strick 553

39 The Basal Ganglia and Cognition Ann M. Graybiel and

Jonathan W. Mink 565

40 Computational Neuroanatomy of Voluntary Motor Control

Reza Shadmehr and John W. Krakauer 587

41 Forward Models and State Estimation in Posterior Parietal Cortex

Grant H. Mulliken and Richard A. Andersen 599

42 Parallels between Sensory and Motor Information Processing

Emanuel Todorov 613

43 The Mirror Neuron System: A Motor-Based Mechanism for Action and

Intention Understanding Giacomo Rizzolatti, Leonardo Fogassi, and
Vittorio Gallese 625

44 Relative Hierarchies and the Representation of Action Scott T. Grafton,

L. Aziz-Zadeh, and R. B. Ivry 641


Introduction Daniel L. Schacter 655

45 Comparative Analysis of the Cortical Afferents, Intrinsic Projections, and

Interconnections of the Parahippocampal Region in Monkeys and Rats
Wendy A. Suzuki 659

46 Medial Temporal Lobe Function and Human Memory Yael Shrager and
Larry R. Squire 675

47 Reconsolidation: A Possible Bridge between Cognitive and Neuroscientific Views

of Memory Karim Nader 691

48 The Dynamic Interplay between Cognitive Control and Memory

Elizabeth A. Race, Brice A. Kuhl, David Badre, and
Anthony D. Wagner 705

49 Phases of Influence: How Emotion Modulates the Formation and Retrieval of

Declarative Memories Elizabeth A. Kensinger 725

x contents
50 Individual Differences in the Engagement of the Cortex during an Episodic
Memory Task Michael B. Miller 739

51 Constructive Memory and the Simulation of Future Events

Daniel L. Schacter, Donna Rose Addis, and Randy L. Buckner 751


Introduction Alfonso Caramazza 765

52 The Cortical Organization of Phonological Processing

Gregory Hickok 767

53 Morphological Processes in Language Production Kevin A. Shapiro and

Alfonso Caramazza 777

54 Ventral and Dorsal Contributions to Word Reading Laurent Cohen and

Stanislas Dehaene 789

55 The Neural Basis of Syntactic Processing David Caplan 805

56 Semantic Unification Peter Hagoort, Giosuè Baggio, and

Roel M. Willems 819

57 Early Language Acquisition: Neural Substrates and Theoretical Models

Patricia K. Kuhl 837

58 Genetics of Language Franck Ramus and Simon E. Fisher 855

59 The Biology and Evolution of Language: “Deep Homology” and the Evolution
of Innovation W. Tecumseh Fitch 873


Introduction Todd F. Heatherton and Joseph E. LeDoux 887

60 Ontogeny of Infant Fear Learning and the Amygdala Regina M. Sullivan,

Stephanie Moriceau, Charlis Raineki, and Tania L. Roth 889

61 Emotional Reaction and Action: From Threat Processing to

Goal-Directed Behavior Joseph E. LeDoux, Daniela Schiller, and
Christopher Cain 905

62 Interactions of Emotion and Attention in Perception Patrik Vuilleumier and

Tobias Brosch 925

63 Context Effects and the Amygdala Paul J. Whalen and

F. Caroline Davis 935

contents xi
64 Neurogenetic Studies of Variability in Human Emotion
Ahmad R. Hariri 945

65 Components of a Social Brain Jason P. Mitchell and

Todd F. Heatherton 953

66 The Neural Basis of Emotion Regulation: Making Emotion Work for You and
Not Against You Jennifer S. Beer 961

67 Sharing the Emotions of Others: The Neural Bases of Empathy

Tania Singer and Susanne Leiberg 973

68 The Cognitive Neuroscience of Moral Judgment Joshua D. Greene 987


Introduction Elizabeth A. Phelps 1003

69 Prefrontal Substrate of Human Relational Reasoning

Barbara J. Knowlton and Keith J. Holyoak 1005

70 Decision Making and Prefrontal Executive Function

Christopher Summerfield and Etienne Koechlin 1019

71 Circuits in Mind: The Neural Foundations for Object Concepts

Alex Martin 1031

72 Semantic Cognition: Its Nature, Its Development, and Its Neural Basis
James L. McClelland, Timothy T. Rogers, Karalyn Patterson,
Katia Dilkina, and Matthew Lambon Ralph 1047

73 Two Views of Brain Function Marcus E. Raichle 1067

74 The Neuroeconomics of Simple Goal-Directed Choice (Circa 2008)

Antonio Rangel 1075

75 Neuroeconomics and the Study of Valuation Paul W. Glimcher 1085

76 Emotion and Decision Making Elizabeth A. Phelps and

Mauricio R. Delgado 1093


Introduction Christof Koch 1107

77 Comparing the Major Theories of Consciousness Ned Block 1111

78 Recovery of Consciousness after Brain Injury: An Integrative Research Paradigm

for the Cognitive Neuroscience of Consciousness
Nicholas D. Schiff 1123

xii contents
79 The Neurobiology of Consciousness Christof Koch 1137

80 Visual Awareness Geraint Rees 1151

81 The Role of Feedback in Visual Attention and Awareness

Stephen L. Macknik and Susana Martinez-Conde 1165

82 Emotion and Consciousness Michael Koenigs and

Ralph Adolphs 1181

83 Volition and the Function of Consciousness Hakwan Lau 1191

84 Toward a Theory of Consciousness Giulio Tononi and

David Balduzzi 1201


85 Mapping Cognitive Neuroscience: Two-Dimensional Perspectives on Twenty

Years of Cognitive Neuroscience Research John T. Bruer 1221

86 Reflections on the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language

Sheila E. Blumstein 1235

87 Why the Imagery Debate Won’t Go Away Stephen M. Kosslyn,

William L. Thompson, and Giorgio Ganis 1241

88 Looking Toward the Future: Perspectives on Examining the Architecture and

Function of the Human Brain as a Complex System Michael S. Gazzaniga,
Karl W. Doron, and Chadd M. Funk 1247

89 The Landscape of Cognitive Neuroscience: Challenges, Rewards, and

New Perspectives Elissa M. Aminoff, Daniela Balslev, Paola Borroni,
Ronald E. Bryan, Elizabeth F. Chua, Jasmin Cloutier, Emily S. Cross,
Trafton Drew, Chadd M. Funk, Ricardo Gil-da-Costa, Scott A. Guerin,
Julie L. Hall, Kerry E. Jordan, Ayelet N. Landau, Istvan Molnar-Szakacs,
Leila Montaser-Kouhsari, Jonas K. Olofsson, Susanne Quadflieg,
Leah H. Somerville, Jocelyn L. Sy, Lucina Q. Uddin, and
Makiko Yamada 1255

Contributors 1263

Index 1269

contents xiii
It has been 20 years since we first met in Squaw Valley to assess the state of cognitive
neuroscience. We have held this meeting three times before and each meeting had its own
signature. When the first meeting concluded, we knew we had a vibrant, young field on
our hands. As the years passed, our knowledge deepened and slowly and gradually new
ideas emerged. With the fourth meeting cognitive neuroscience is busting out all over.
Fundamental stances are changing and new ideas are emerging. Everything from the view
that individual neurons change their functional role through time to claims that our moral
decisions can be tracked in the brain are indicants of the range and excitement of cognitive
neuroscience. Fresh air sweeps in and reinvigorates us on the view that we will some day
figure out how the brain works its magic and produces the human mind.
It is always in the first two sessions that one finds the contrast in approaches to studying
the brain so markedly different. The development and evolution section talks about a
dynamic growth pattern that becomes specific and fixed. At the same time those interested
in plasticity see the neuronal systems always changing and the dynamics seen in develop-
ment as continuing for the life of the brain. In our most recent meeting the reports on
brain plasticity were more bold than ever before.
The attention session featured a new emphasis on the interactions between reafferent
top-down and feed-forward, bottom-up attentional processes. Benefiting from ever-
impressive technological advances, the elucidation of attentional mechanisms is proceeding
at a dizzying pace. It is refreshing to note that in addition to providing a more compre-
hensive picture of attentional processes, this exciting new empirical evidence has also veri-
fied many central tenets of some of the most longstanding and influential theories in the
cognitive neuroscience of attention.
In the motor session, the boundaries of the motor system continued to be pushed
further into the realm of cognition. Some have demonstrated the existence of motor-related
areas in the parietal lobe that are involved in representing goals of oneself and of others,
providing a link for how we may intuitively translate the actions of others into a model
of their mental processes. Separate research indicates that areas once thought to have
only motor roles actually contain circuits related to executive and limbic function, further
complicating the distinction between cognition and motor processes. Perhaps above
all else, the work of the motor section suggests that we might be wise to relieve ourselves
of the need to make stark distinctions between these two phenomena, at least in higher
Memory research is, paradoxically, providing great insight into how humans imagine
future events. Moreover, new models of reconsolidation and retrieval are emerging,
and exciting evidence of individual differences in cortical activation patterns during epi-
sodical retrieval are forcing a careful reevaluation of central tenets of functional imaging
The perception session demonstrated the vast potential of Bayesian modeling to provide
beneficial descriptions of how the brain performs various functions. But Bayesian modeling

preface xv
does not hold a monopoly; other theoretical and methodological pioneers are dramatically
enhancing our understanding of vision, quite literally from the level of the retina to large-
scale networks that connect distributed regions of the cortex. Keeping pace with advances
in vision science are exciting findings across the modalities of audition, olfaction, and ves-
tibular function.
Next, we turned our attention to language (and secretly hoped that a few lectures would
pass without mention of the word “Bayesian”). The understanding of specific components
of language processing is expanding, while exciting parallel studies are examining the genes
that may wire our brain in a way that enables language acquisition. But even as we move
toward an understanding of how genes and experience sculpt the human brain into a
speaking device, the question of who exactly is doing the speaking arises. Fittingly, we
transitioned into the session on executive function, where we came across a surprising
answer to this question. There does not appear to be a need for a “top” in top-down
control; instead, various regions for self-regulation and cognitive control have been identi-
fied and their interactions have been modeled in ways that leave the mythical homunculus
homeless. As if this were not profound enough, we also learned about an exciting new
characterization of resting brain activity, a remarkable advance that has too many implica-
tions to list.
Over a week removed from our introduction to theory of mind in the motor session,
the emotion and social neuroscience section further demystified the rapidly expanding
science of the social brain. New ideas on how our emotions and sense of self inform the
ways in which we think about and reflexively understand others continue to evolve, while
evidence for the genetic basis of individual variation in affect and, astoundingly, for dif-
ferences in BOLD activity related to this genetic variation has further shaped the current
models of how the emotional brain develops and operates.
As it always does, the conference ended with a bang, featuring two days’ worth of lively
discussion on the topic of consciousness. An exciting novel mechanism for how the brain
generates the baseline activity necessary to sustain conscious experience was comple-
mented by a bold theoretical attempt to make the problem of qualia a bit more tractable.
Between these extremes, others reported suggestive new evidence about the neural basis
of visual conscious experience. This session also served as a reminder of how far we had
come during those three weeks in Squaw Valley, as topics such as action, emotion, lan-
guage, and executive function reemerged in the context of examining how such varied
processing contributes to the content of conscious experience.
After three weeks of such intense stimulation, it is a testament to the amazing progress
unveiled that one somehow leaves Tahoe reinvigorated and enthusiastic to get back into
the lab. The past 20 years have seen advances that we could never have anticipated, and,
incredibly, the next five or ten hold the potential to continue this exponential progress.
The Summer Institute at Tahoe reveals simultaneously the exciting new ideas in the field
and the bright minds that are vigorously attacking the persisting mysteries of cognitive
neuroscience. It also exposes a talented group of graduate and postdoctoral students to the
wonderful breadth and depth of the field. Scanning the room of eager young minds
hanging onto the words of the various leaders of the field is truly a sight to behold. It is
exhilarating to witness the handing of the baton from one generation to the next. One can
only pause, take it all in, smile, and then get back to paying attention to the lecture because
the next big idea presented might knock you right out of your seat!
Needless to say, complex events and publications like this work well only if there are
dedicated people involved. First, the MIT Press continues to be exceptionally supportive
in carrying out high-quality production in a timely manner. Once again my daughter,
Marin Gazzaniga, managed the ebb and flow of the manuscripts, playing both good cop
and bad cop as the manuscripts moved between authors, section editors, and ultimately
the publisher. Marin is a brilliant playwright, actress, and writer in her own right, and all
of those skills are required in herding academics to a common goal.

xvi preface
The actual event at Lake Tahoe was managed from the beginning by my assistant, Jayne
Rosenblatt. She is always good humored and incredibly dedicated and runs complex events
seemingly effortlessly. Finally, these books don’t just happen. Peggy Gordon brings it all
together into print with a steady hand and professionalism.
Warm thanks and congratulations to all. We will see you all again in five years.

Michael S. Gazzaniga
The Sage Center for the Study of Mind
University of California, Santa Barbara

preface xvii
Chapter 1 rakic, arellano,
and breunig 7

2 kostović and judaš 29

3 preuss 49

4 chalupa and huberman 67

5 bunge, mackey, and

whitaker 73
pasko rakic and leo m. chalupa

In the 15 years since the first edition of The Cognitive Neuro-

sciences we have witnessed immense advances in the under-
standing of the intricacies of human cognitive abilities. As
evident from the many articles in this as well as previous
editions of this popular reference book, the progress that has
been made can to a large extent be linked with studies of the
cerebral cortex using very sophisticated noninvasive imaging
methods in human subjects. These methods allow examina-
tion of human-specific cognitive functions directly in living
people as they develop, as they are perturbed, and as they
decline (e.g., Gazzaniga, 2008). It is thus somewhat para-
doxical that during this very same time period the major
advances in our understanding of the cellular and molecular
mechanisms of cortical development and the models of
evolutionary elaborations have derived almost entirely from
studies of rodent brains.
Although basic principles of cortical development are
probably similar in all species, the modifications of develop-
mental events during evolution produce not only quantita-
tive changes (e.g., the number of neurons; expansion in
surface, timing, and sequence of cellular events; increase
in number of synapses, etc.), but also many qualitative
changes (e.g., the elaboration of new types of neurons and
glia, and most importantly additions of novel specialized
cytoarchitectonic areas associated with corresponding new
pathways and patterns of connectivity). It has become
evident that even essential genes that are responsible for
survival of the species give different phenotypes in the
mouse and human (Liao & Zhang, 2008). Furthermore,
the timing and duration of cell genesis, the composition of
the ventricular zone, and the ratios of cell proliferation,
versus programmed cell death occurring in the enlarged
subventricular and marginal zones of the embryonic cere-
bral cortex, suggest not only a slower development, but also

rakic and chalupa: introduction 3

expanded, diversified, and novel roles of these transitional frontal and parietal cortices and using the most advanced
layers in primates including human (Bystron, Blakemore, & neuroimaging methods and conceptual approaches, this
Rakic, 2008). It is for this reason that the first three chapters chapter aptly demonstrates the power of the developmental
in this volume are dedicated to the development and evolu- approach in linking brain mechanisms with higher cognitive
tion of the cerebral cortex with a particular emphasis on functions.
humans and nonhuman primates. Collectively, these studies may help in understanding
The first chapter, by Rakic, Arellano, and Breunig, is the biological bases of the high level of cognitive ability
dedicated to the prenatal development of the primate that is achieved during primate evolution culminating in
neocortex. It emphasizes the developmental features that humans. However, from a practical perspective, the findings
are prominent and essential for the formation of the large obtained from studies on human and nonhuman primates
and convoluted cerebral cortex. For example, there are may be essential for the design of psychiatric drug therapies,
marked species-specific differences in the timing and since, for example, the capacity for regeneration has
sequence of divergence of neural stem and radial glial diminished during vertebrate evolution, and the absence
cell lines as well as in the levels of their differentiation of neurogenesis in the primate cerebral cortex (Bhardwaj
and longevity. There are also subclasses of neural stem et al., 2006) indicates that overcoming the brain’s resistance
cells that produce interneurons for the neocortex as well to the acquisition of functionally competent new neurons
as for the association thalamic nuclei not detectable in will require an understanding of why neurogenesis ceases
rodents (Letinic & Rakic, 2001; Letinic, Zonku, & Rakic, at the end of specific developmental time windows and
2002). These neurons may be involved in human-specific why there are regional variations in this phenomenon
language and cognitive functions that do not exist in non- (Rakic, 2002, 2006). Another difference is the existence of
primate species. distinct types of interneurons in the human brain that are
The second chapter, by Kostović and Judaš, describes the not detectable in rodent species (e.g., DeFelipe, Alonso-
early development of neuronal circuitry of the human pre- Nanclares, & Arellano, 2002). In addition, a subclass of
frontal cortex, which is most elaborated and enlarged in interneurons of the thalamic association nuclei that origi-
humans, and arguably does not exist in nonprimate species. nate in the ganglionic eminence are not detectable in
These studies are helped by the increase in resolution of the rodents (Letinic & Rakic, 2001). Likewise, unlike in rodents,
MRI to the degree that one can visualize normal and pos- in which interneurons arise from the ganglionic eminences,
sible abnormal columns in the human fetal neocortex (e.g., in primates these originate in large numbers in the enlarged
McKinstry et al., 2002). subventricular zone (Letinic et al., 2002; Petanjek, Duj-
The third chapter, by Preuss, which deals with evolution- movic, Kostovic, & Esclapez, 2008). These neurons may
ary aspects of cortical development in the hominoids, pro- be involved in human-specific disorders such as schizo-
vides a compelling account of recent evidence documenting phrenia that do not occur spontaneously in nonprimate
unique features in the organization of the human brain. species. Thus modifications in the expression pattern of
These new insights have been derived by using new tech- transcription factors in the human forebrain may underlie
nologies, in combination with more established techniques, species-specific programs for the generation of specific
to assess different aspects of the relation between structure classes of cortical neurons that may be differentially affected
and function in the brain, ranging from neuronal morphol- in genetic and acquired neurological disorders (Lewis, 2000).
ogy to connectional pathways. These novel evolutionary traits may be more vulnerable to
The fourth chapter, by Chalupa and Huberman, is con- genetic mutations and environmental insults, and could
cerned with unraveling the role of neuronal activity in the be implicated in disorders of higher brain functions, such
formation of eye-specific connections in nonhuman pri- as autism, developmental dyslexia, Alzheimer’s disease, and
mates. It deals with the development, competition, and schizophrenia. Designs of new drugs and replacement
plasticity of the projections of the two eyes to the lateral therapies need to take into consideration these species-
geniculate nucleus and the formation of the ocular domi- specific distinctions.
nance columns in the primary visual cortex. Their work
challenges the widely held notion that neuronal activity,
in particular the retinal waves of activity, plays an instruc-
tional role in the formation of eye-specific retinogeniculate Bhardwaj, R. D., Curtis, M. A., Spalding, K. L., Buchholz,
projections. B. A., Fink, D., Bjork-Eriksson, T., et al. (2006). Neocortical
neurogenesis in humans is restricted to development. Proc. Natl.
The fifth chapter, by Bunge, Mackey, and Whitaker, deals
Acad. Sci. USA, 103, 12564–12568.
with human brain changes underlying improved cognitive Bystron, I., Blakemore, C., & Rakic, P. (2008). Development
abilities during childhood and adolescence, with a particular of the human cerebral cortex: Boulder Committee revisited. Nat.
emphasis on fluid reasoning. Focusing primarily on pre- Rev. Neurosci., 9, 110–122.

4 development and evolution

DeFelipe, J., Alonso-Nanclares, L., & Arellano, J. I. (2002). McKinstry, R. C., Mathur, A., Miller, J. H., Ozcan, A.,
Microstructure of the neocortex: Comparative aspects. J. Snyder, A. Z., Schefft, G. L., et al. (2002). Radial organization
Neurocytol., 31, 299–316. of developing preterm human cerebral cortex revealed by
Gazzaniga, M. S. (2008). Human: The science behind what makes us noninvasive water diffusion anisotropy MRI. Cereb. Cortex, 12,
unique. New York: HarperCollins. 1237–1243.
Letinic, K., & Rakic, P. (2001). Telencephalic origin of human Petanjek, Z., Dujmovic, A., Kostovic, I., & Esclapez, M. (2008).
thalamic GABAergic neurons. Nat. Neurosci., 4, 931–936. Distinct origin of GABAergic neurons in forebrain of man, non-
Letinic, K., Zoncu, R., & Rakic, P. (2002). Origin of human primates and lower mammals. Collegium Anthropologicum,
GABAergic neurons in the human neocortex. Nature, 417, 32, Suppl. 1, 9–17.
645–649. Rakic, P. (2002). Neurogenesis in adult primate neocortex: An
Lewis, D. A. (2000). GABAergic local circuit neurons and pre- evaluation of the evidence. Nat. Rev. Neurosci., 3, 65–71.
frontal cortical dysfunction in schizophrenia. Brain Res. Brain Res. Rakic, P. (2006). Neuroscience: No more cortical neurons for you.
Rev., 31, 270–276. Science, 313, 928–929.
Liao, B. Y., & Zhang, J. (2008). Null mutations in human and
mouse orthologs frequently result in different phenotypes. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 105, 6987–6992.

rakic and chalupa: introduction 5

1 Development of the
Primate Cerebral Cortex
pasko rakic, jon i. arellano, and joshua breunig

abstract The cerebral cortex is the crowning achievement of the variations of body mass of the different mammalian
evolution and the biological substrate of human cognitive abilities. species. Conversely, our current knowledge indicates that
Although the basic principles of cortical development in all there are significant qualitative and quantitative changes in
mammals are similar, the modifications of developmental events
during evolution produce not only quantitative but also qualitative
the structure of the neocortex between species, in the size of
changes. Human cerebral cortex, as in the other species, is orga- cells, in the proportion of neurons to glia, in the ratio of
nized as a map in which specific cell classes are positioned into a excitatory projection cells to inhibitory interneurons, in the
radial, laminar, and areal array that depends on the sequential appearance of new types of neurons, in the specific organiza-
production and phenotypic specification of those cells and the tion of connections, and, most importantly, in the addition
directed migration from their place of origin to their distant final
of novel highly specialized cortical areas associated with cor-
destination. The long and curvilinear migration pathways in the
fetal human cerebrum depend critically on the stable radial glial respondingly new axonal pathways and patterns of synaptic
scaffolding. After neurons assume their proper areal and laminar connectivity that can certainly have a profound effect on the
position, they attach locally and develop numerous proximal and functional capacity of the cerebral cortex. In spite of these
long-distance connections that involve specific adhesion molecules, differences, the small size, high fertility rate, and low cost of
neurotransmitters, and receptors. However, the final pattern of
maintenance have converted mice into an unexcelled model
synaptic connections is selected through functional validation and
selective elimination of the initially overproduced neurons, axons, for experimental research on neuroscience and particularly
and synapses. In this review, the development of the cerebral cortex on basic cortical organization (Rakic, 2000).
is described in the context of the radial unit hypothesis, the postu- The study of the cortical development of mammals sug-
late of an embryonic protomap, and the concept of competitive gests that even small differences in the timing and duration
neural interactions that ultimately create a substrate for the highest of the genesis of neural cells and changes in the composition
cognitive functions.
and the ratios of cell proliferation and programmed cell
death in the transient embryonic zones of the developing
There is probably no disagreement among biologists that the forebrain can be responsible for the evolutionary expansion
cerebral cortex is the part of the brain that most distinctively of the neocortex and the concomitant appearance of novel
sets us apart from any other species and that the principles functions in cognitive processing of information (Bystron,
governing its development may hold the key to explaining Blakemore, & Rakic, 2008). Although genetically humans
our cognitive capacity, intelligence, and creativity (e.g., are surprisingly similar to other mammals, the uniqueness
Gazzaniga, 2008). Perhaps the most prominent feature of of the human cognitive potential, which is an output of corti-
the cerebral cortex in all species, and particularly in pri- cal function, must have some genetic basis. Since the molec-
mates, is its parcellation into distinct laminar, radial, and ular structure and function of neurotransmitters, receptors,
areal domains (Eccles, 1984; Mountcastle, 1997; Goldman- and ion channels do not change substantially over the phy-
Rakic, 1987; Rakic, 1988; Szentagothai, 1978). Although logenetic scale, the secret to the success of Homo sapiens is
the surface of the neocortex has expanded a thousandfold probably mainly due to an increased number of neurons,
during phylogeny, its thickness and its basic cytoarchitec- more elaborated connections, functional specialization, and
tonic organization appear to be changed comparatively introduction of new cortical areas. Even the so-called essen-
less. However, this morphological similarity of cortical tial genes, which are considered responsible for survival of
architecture in histological sections in all mammals may be the individual, give different phenotypes in different species,
misleading, since it might invite us to think in terms of a and about 20% of the mouse orthologs of human-essential
canonical cortex that only varies in size in accordance with genes are nonessential in mice (Liao & Zhang, 2008). It is
therefore apparent that neither the genetic, the cellular,
pasko rakic, jon i. arellano, and joshua breunig Department nor most importantly, the circuitry basis of human cortical
of Neurobiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, uniqueness can be deciphered by studying exclusively
Connecticut rodents, much as one cannot expect to understand the origin

rakic, arellano, and breunig: development of the primate cerebral cortex 7

of the mushroom body of insects by studying the primate primates including human continue to add neurons well
association cortex. However, for logistic, ethical, and finan- after birth (Rakic, 1973; Rakic & Nowakowski, 1981;
cial reasons, the easiest approach to understanding general Kornack & Rakic 1999, 2001b).
mammalian features is to study the mouse, and the closest In spite of comprehensive search in the adult monkey
we can come to elucidating primate-specific cortical devel- neocortex, no additional neurons are added during the
opment with the modern molecular and cell biological animal’s 30-year life span (Rakic, 1985; Kornack & Rakic
methods is to analyze its development in the monkey, and 2001a; Koketsu, Mikami, Miyamoto, & Hisatsune, 2003).
specifically in Old World monkeys such as the macaque, The claim of new neurons arriving to the prefrontal, pari-
which are much more similar to the human species than etal, and temporal association cortices in adult macaques
their relatives the New World monkeys. For the preceding could not be confirmed (reviewed in Breunig, Arellano,
reasons the present review is based on the comparative et al., 2007; Rakic, 2002, 2006), and additional techniques
studies of neocortical development in the mouse, macaque, such as the analysis of incorporation of C14 has provided
and human. It is limited to the early developmental events further evidence that all neurons of the human neocortex
that lead to the formation of cellular constituents and their are generated before birth (Bhardwaj et al., 2006), indicating
basic connectivity. The final tuning of synaptic connections that for the highest cognitive functions we use and depend
and their modifications by experience is described in other on the same set of neurons throughout our entire life span
communications in this volume. (Rakic, 1985, 2006).

Onset and span of cortical neurogenesis Place of origin

The mammalian cerebral cortex is a laminated structure The presence of mitotic figures near the lumen of the cere-
composed of a bewildering diversity of neurons arranged in bral cavity of the embryonic human cerebrum and their
distinct cytoarchitectonic fields. It is well established, but paucity and/or absence in the cortical plate itself led to the
nevertheless always fascinating, that none of these neurons hypothesis that cortical neurons are produced in the germi-
are generated in the cortex itself. Classical studies of neuro- nal matrix situated at the ventricular surface (His, 1904), an
genesis based on the distribution of mitotic figures and idea that was substantiated by the labeling of dividing cells
deployment of migrating neurons in the cerebral wall in the in mice (Angevine & Sidman, 1961), monkeys (Rakic, 1974),
human fetus suggested that all cortical neurons in the human and humans (Rakic & Sidman, 1968; Letinic, Zoncu, &
are likely to be generated mostly before birth (e.g., Poliakov, Rakic, 2002). In the last decade, studies in rodents have
1959, 1965; reviewed in Sidman & Rakic, 1973, 1982; established two sources of origin of cortical neurons: the
Rakic 2002; Bystron et al., 2008). However, the precise data germinal regions of the dorsal telencephalon give rise to
on the onset and termination of corticogenesis could not be cortical projection neurons that migrate radially to their final
established with the classical histological techniques alone position in the cortex, while the ganglionic eminences in the
(e.g., Conel, 1939), a limitation that was overlooked with the ventral telencephalon give rise to virtually all GABAergic
introduction of tritiated thymidine and BrdU incorporation cortical interneurons (e.g., Lavdas, Grigoriou, Pachnis, &
as markers of DNA synthesis to label dividing cells (Breunig, Parnevelas, 1999; Marin & Rubenstein, 2001), which
Arellano, Macklis, & Rakic, 2007). These new methods migrate tangentially via the marginal and intermediate zones
allowed a systematic study of neuronogenesis, and it was to the cortex (Ang, Haydar, Gluncic, & Rakic, 2003). This
established that the neocortex receives the first neurons at model has been observed in rodents and carnivores (ferrets;
∼E10 in mice, and ∼E33 in macaque and human (reviewed Anderson, Kaznowski, Horn, Rubenstein, & McConnell,
in Bystron et al., 2008). These studies also showed that there 2002; Poluch & Juliano, 2007), but also in avians such as
does not exist a pattern between species for the timing of chickens (Cobos, Puelles, & Martinez, 2001), and a similar
neuronal genesis, and while in mice neurons are generated population of tangentially migrating neurons has been
in the second half of gestation (between E10 and the end of observed in the human using classical histological material
gestation at E18.5), in the macaque monkey and human, (Rakic, 1975). However, in what appears to be a significant
neurons are produced much earlier, mostly during the species-specific difference, neocortical inhibitory interneu-
middle of gestation in monkeys and during the first half in rons in primates, including human, originate not only in
humans (between E33 and E100 in monkeys and E33 and the ganglionic eminences in the ventral telencephalon,
E120 in humans, figure 1.5) (Rakic, 1974, 1988, 2002; but also in the ventricular zone and in the enormously
Rakic & Sidman, 1968; Sidman & Rakic, 1973, 1982). This enlarged subventricular zone of the dorsal telencephalon
early neocortical genesis stands in contrast to that of the (Letinic et al., 2002; Rakic & Zecevic, 2003; Petanjek,
cerebellum, olfactory bulb, and hippocampus, which in Berger, & Esclapez, 2008; Petanjek, Dujmovic, Kostovic, &
the mouse terminate their development postnatally, and in Esclapez, 2009) and quantitative data from Letinic and

8 development and evolution

colleagues (2002) indicated that about two-thirds of the rise to a daughter cell which either directly or as a dedicated
cortical GABAergic interneurons might have a dorsal telen- neuronal progenitor goes through several rounds of division
cephalic origin in humans. to produce bipolar migrating neurons that will migrate up
Proliferative cells in the ventricular zone are organized as the radial process of the mother cell (Rakic, 2003). Current
a pseudostratified epithelium in which precursor cells divide state-of the-art methods including in utero electroporation
asynchronously; their nuclei move away from the ventricular and conditional mouse genetics, which both allow for rapid
surface to replicate their DNA and then move back to the and powerful gain- and loss-of-function studies, are begin-
surface to undergo another mitotic cycle (reviewed in ning to unravel the complex molecular interplay between
Sidman & Rakic, 1973; Rakic, 1988). Early silver impregna- these cell types in the developing cortex. A complete com-
tion methods revealed a distinct population of elongated, pendium of newly identified signaling pathways is beyond
nonneuronal cells in the fetal human brain, which were the scope of this chapter, but a few findings deserve mention.
initially called epithelial cells or fetal glia (Rakic, 2003). For example, it has been demonstrated that the protein
Later electron microscopic and immunohistochemical Numb is a crucial player in maintaining the adhesiveness of
studies using glial acidic fibrillary protein (GFAP) in human radial glia in the ventricular zone (VZ), preventing prema-
and nonhuman primates confirmed their glial nature (Levitt, ture detachment and subsequent astrogliogenesis (Rasin
Cooper, & Rakic, 1981) and justified the use of the term et al., 2007). In contrast, Notch functions cell-autonomously
“radial glial cells” (RGC; Rakic, 1988). The distal end-feet to maintain the radial glial cell fate while the proneural
of the radial glial cells form the pial surface of the fetal genes antagonize Notch signaling to promote neuronal dif-
cerebrum (Rakic, 1972). A variety of antigens, such as ferentiation and subsequent migration (Breunig, Silbereis,
vimentine, brain-lipid-binding protein (BLBP), the astrocyte Vaccarino, Sestan, & Rakic, 2007; Mizutani, Yoon, Dang,
specific glutamate transporters (GLAST), and RC1, RC2 Tokunaga, & Gaiano, 2007; Shimojo, Ohtsuka, & Kageyama,
have been used to characterize their glial nature (e.g., 2008; Ge et al., 2006). More precisely, in an example of the
Bystron et al., 2008). exquisite balance of structure and function, it has been shown
Radial glia is particularly prominent in the embryonic that the daughter neuronal cell stimulates Notch signaling
primate cerebrum, where a subset of GFAP positive cells in the radial glial mother cell to maintain the neurogenic VZ
transiently stops dividing (Schmechel & Rakic, 1979). niche and migratory scaffold (Yoon et al., 2008).
However, it has become now clear that the RGC can gener-
ate both neuronal progenitors and neurons (Cameron & Transient embryonic zones
Rakic, 1991; Malatesta, Hartfuss, & Gotz, 2000; Malatesta
et al., 2003; Hartfuss, Galli, Heins, & Gotz, 2001; Noctor, The formation of the adult cortex is the end product of a
Flint, Weissman, Dammerman, & Kriegstein, 2001; Noctor series of morphogenetic steps that are initiated in the pro-
et al., 2002; Tamamaki, Nakamura, Okamoto, & Kaneko, liferative epithelium at the surface of the lateral cerebral
2001; Fishell & Kriegstein, 2003; Tramontin, Garcia- ventricles. Initial cellular events, such as the proliferation,
Verdugo, Lim, & Alvarez-Buylla, 2003, Gal et al., 2006). migration, aggregation, and selective death of some of the
The dividing RGC generate successive neuronal clones that generated cells, as well as the subsequent outgrowth of axons
migrate along the elongated parental process into the cortical and dendrites, and the establishment of neuronal connec-
plate or populate the subventricular zone (SVZ) where they tions, proceed in an orderly fashion in each species accord-
divide again before entering a postmitotic state and migrate ing to a species-specific timetable that is regulated by
to the overlying cortex. In addition, they generate inter- differential gene expression. During embryonic and fetal
mediate progenitors that continue to divide (Levitt et al., stages, the telencephalic wall consists of several cellular
1981; Gal et al., 2006). The SVZ was previously thought to layers that do not exist in the mature brain. These layers, or
generate mainly glia (Altman & Bayer, 1990). However, zones, were recognized by a committee appointed by the
it is now well established that this zone is multipotential and American Association of Anatomists (Boulder Committee,
also generates projection neurons and interneurons, as well 1970) based on the data from the dissertation on human
as various types of glial cells in all species studied, although brain development by the senior author of the present
the proportion is different between species (Letinic et al., chapter (P.R.). The committee recommendations for the
2002; reviewed in Bystron et al., 2008). Thus, in rodents and names of the transient embryonic cellular compartments,
in primates, early divergence of basic cell types has been termed zones, have been adopted as a generic description
revealed using the retroviral gene transfer method, which for fundamental developmental events for the entire verte-
enables the study of cell lineages in the developing mam- brate central nervous system. However, in the past four
malian telencephalon (Luskin, Pearlman, & Sanes, 1988; decades, the development of new techniques, particularly
Cameron & Rakic, 1991; Kornack & Rakic, 1995). It genetic tools for fate mapping and gain and loss of function
appears that in the primate, the radial glial mother cell gives of targeted genes, have contributed largely to elucidate the

rakic, arellano, and breunig: development of the primate cerebral cortex 9

genetic regulation of the developmental processes in various scattered throughout the subcortical white matter, which
species. In particular, the focus has been set on the patterns are known as interstitial neurons (Kostovic & Rakic, 1980;
of expression of transcription factors that seem to exquisitely Luskin & Shatz, 1985; Chun & Shatz, 1989). A comparison
influence regional differentiation and regulate broad aspects among various species indicates that the size and role of this
of mitotic activity, fate choice, migration, and differentiation transient zone increases during mammalian evolution and
(Gleeson & Walsh, 2000; Ge et al., 2006; Guillemot, 2007; culminates in parallel with the developing of association
Mizutani et al., 2007; Molyneaux, Arlotta, Menezes, & areas of the human fetal cortex concomitantly with the
Macklis, 2007; Rasin et al., 2007). Recent studies have enlargement of the cortico-cortical fiber systems (Kostovic
revealed new types of transient neurons and proliferative & Rakic, 1990; Kostovic & Goldman-Rakic, 1983). The
cells outside the classical neuroepithelium, new routes of regional differences in the size, pattern, and resolution of the
cellular migration, and additional cellular compartments subplate zone correlate also with the pattern and elaboration
(Bielle et al., 2005; Bystron, Rakic, Molnar, & Blakemore, of cerebral convolutions (Goldman-Rakic & Rakic, 1984).
2006; Carney, Bystron, Lopez-Bendito, & Molnar, 2007; Another transient layer that forms between the neuroepithe-
Smart, Dehay, Giroud, Berland, & Kennedy, 2002; Zecevic, lium and the pial surface of the dorsal telencephalon that
Chen, & Filipovic, 2005). As a consequence, a revision of was not mentioned in the Boulder Committee is the preplate
the Boulder Committee model that incorporates that new that has been widely used and is included in the new schema.
knowledge has recently been proposed (reviewed in Bystron Finally, cell divisions outside the classical proliferative zones
et al., 2008). In figure 1.1 top, the summary diagram from have been included (Bystron et al., 2008).
the original Boulder model is reproduced, and at the bottom
the new drawing that incorporates new cell types and Neuronal cell migration
cellular zones is shown (Bystron et al., 2008).
Although most of the transient embryonic zones defined Since all cortical neurons originate near the ventricular
by the Boulder Committee were described in the classical surface of the cerebral vesicle, they must all move to their
literature (e.g., His, 1904), the subplate zone (SP) has final positions in the cortex, which develops in the outer
been recognized as a separate entity only relatively recently regions of the cerebral wall, just below the pia. After their
(figure 1.2) (Kostovic & Molliver, 1974; reviewed in last division, postmitotic cells become polarized, extending
Kostovic & Rakic, 1990). This zone consists of early gener- the leading processes toward the pia and then translocating
ated neurons scattered among numerous axons, dendrites, the nucleus and surrounding cytoplasm within that process
glial fibers, and migrating neurons. Although it has been (Rakic, 1971, 1972). The extension of the leading process
suggested that the subplate zone provides an opportunity and nuclear translocation are inseparable cellular events.
for interactions between incoming afferent fibers and early Initially, while the cerebral wall is relatively thin, the tip of
generated neurons, the significance of these transient con- the leading process can reach the cortical plate, and the
tacts is not fully understood. Another suggestion was that nucleus needs to move only a short distance in both the small
the subplate zone serves as a cellular substrate for com- rodent cerebrum as well as in the human at comparably
petition among the initial contingent of cortical afferents and early embryonic stages (Sidman & Rakic, 1973; Nadarajah,
that this competition serves to regulate their distribution to Alifragis, Wong, & Parnavelas, 2003). However, during the
appropriate regions of the overlying cortical plate (Rakic, subsequent course of corticogenesis, the cerebral hemi-
1976b, 1977; Kostovic & Rakic, 1984; McConnell, Ghosh, spheres enlarge and the length of the migratory pathway
& Shatz, 1994). increases, particularly in the large primate cerebrum in
Subsequent autoradiographic, electron microscopic, and which, during midgestation, a massive migration of neurons
histochemical studies revealed that the axons observed in occurs concomitantly with the rapid growth of the cerebral
the subplate zone originate sequentially from the brain stem, wall. This magnitude of cell movement is perhaps the reason
basal forebrain, thalamus, and the ipsi- and contralateral that neuronal cell migration was first observed in human
cerebral hemispheres (figure 1.2) (Kostovic & Rakic, 1990). embryos (His, 1874). When this large increase in length
More recently, the subplate has been shown to be important occurs, bipolar migrating neurons do not span the entire
for the formation of functional architecture in the cortex width of the cerebral wall (reviewed in Sidman & Rakic,
such as ocular dominance columns in the visual cortex 1982; Rakic, 1988, 1990). Subsequent time-lapse imaging
and also for ensuring the proper formation and streng- studies in the mouse forebrain have shown that this way of
thening of synapses in this area (Kanold, Kara, Reid, & migration, termed somal translocation, occurs in all cells
Shatz, 2003). After a variable and partially overlapping irrespective of the length of the migratory pathway (Rakic,
period, these diverse fiber systems enter the cortical plate, 1971, 1972; Nadarajah et al., 2003).
the subplate zone disappears, and most of these subplate In the early 1970s it was discovered that postmitotic
neurons eventually degenerate, leaving only a vestige of cells neurons find their way to the cortex by following the

10 development and evolution

Figure 1.1 The original Boulder Committee’s (1970) diagram zone; SVZ, subventricular zone; MZ, marginal zone; CP, cortical
(top) and revised version reprinted from Bystron et al. (2008). plate; SPZ, subplate; IZ, intermediate zone; (SG), subpial
Abbreviations in the original diagram (top): V, ventricular zone; granular layer (part of the MZ). The lower panels correspond
M, marginal zone; I, intermediate zone; S, subventricular zone; to the following approximate ages (for the lateral part of the
CP, cortical plate. Abbreviations in the updated diagram (bottom): dorsal telencephalon): A′, E30; B′, E31–32; C′, E45; D′, E55; E′,
VZ, ventricular zone; PP, preplate; SP/IZ, subplate/intermediate 14 GW.

rakic, arellano, and breunig: development of the primate cerebral cortex 11

Figure 1.2 Cytological organization of the primate cerebral from the ventricular surface (bottom) to the pial surface (top):
wall during the first half of gestation. (A) The cerebral vesicle of ventricular zone (V); subventricular zone (SV); intermediate zone
60–65-day-old monkey fetuses is still smooth and lacks the charac- (I); subplate zone (SP); cortical plate (CP); and marginal zone (M).
teristic convolutions that will emerge in the second half of gestation. Note the presence of spindle-shaped migrating neurons moving
(B) Coronal section across the occipital lobe at the level indicated along the elongated radial glial fibers, which span the full thickness
by a vertical dashed line in A. The lateral cerebral ventricle at this of the cerebral wall. The early afferents originating from the brain
age is still relatively large, and only the incipient calcarine fissure stem, thalamus, and other cortical areas invade the cerebral wall
(CF) marks the position of the prospective visual cortex. (C) A block and accumulate initially in the subplate zone, where they make
of the tissue dissected from the upper bank of the calcarine fissure. transient synapses before entering the overlying cortical plate.
At this early stage one can recognize six transient embryonic zones (From Rakic, 1995b.)

elongated shafts of radial glial cells (figure 1.3 and Rakic, Committee, 1970), it attracted renewed attention after
1972). Radial glial cells are particularly prominent in the characterization of the migration through the rostral
primates including human, whose fibers span all the length migratory stream from the postnatal ventricular zone to
of the convoluted cerebral hemispheres at the late stages the olfactory bulb (Menezes & Luskin, 1994; Lois &
of corticogenesis (Rakic, 1976b; deAzevedo 2003). While Alvarez-Buylla, 1994) and from the ganglionic eminence
moving along the glial surface, migrating neurons remain to the dorsal neocortex (De Carlos, Lopez-Mascaraque, &
preferentially attached to curvilinear glial fibers, a finding Valverde, 1996; Tamamaki, Fujimori, & Takauji, 1997).
which suggested a “gliophilic” mode of migration (Rakic, Studies in rodents also suggested a more widespread dis-
1985, 1990) that may be mediated by heterotypic adhesion persion of clonally related cortical cells (reviewed in Rakic,
molecules (Rakic, Cameron, & Komuro, 1994). As many as 1995a; Tan et al., 1998; Reid, Liang, & Walsh, 1995).
30 migrating GFAP-negative neurons have been observed Although in rodents most of tangentially migrating cells in
migrating along a single GFAP-positive radial glial fascicle the dorsal neocortex are inhibitory GABAergic interneurons
in the human forebrain during midgestation (Rakic, 2003). (reviewed in Marin & Rubenstein, 2001) there are also a
However, some postmitotic cells do not obey glial con- number of migrating oligodendrocytes (He, Ingraham,
straints and move along tangentially oriented axonal fasci- Rising, Goderie, & Temple, 2001).
cles (e.g., black horizontally oriented cells aligned with It should be underscored, however, that clonal analysis in
thalamic radiation (TR in figure 1.3). We suggested the term the convoluted primate cortex revealed that the majority
“neurophilic” to characterize the mode of migration of this of migrating cells, both projection cells and interneurons,
cell class (Rakic, 1985, 1990). Although lateral dispersion of obey the radial constraints imposed by the radial glial scaf-
postmitotic neurons was initially observed in Golgi-stained folding (Kornack & Rakic, 1995; see also Rakic, 2007, and
preparations (e.g., figure 1A of the report of the Boulder the following section on the radial unit hypothesis). Also,

12 development and evolution

Figure 1.3 A three-dimensional illustration of the basic develop- form a radial stack of cells that share a common site of origin but
mental events and types of cell-cell interactions occurring during are generated at different times. For example, neurons produced
the early stages of corticogenesis, before formation of the final between E40 and E100 in radial unit 3 follow the same radial
pattern of cortical connections. This cartoon emphasizes radial glial fascicle and form ontogenetic column 3. Although some cells,
migration, a predominant mode of neuronal movement which, presumably neurophilic in the nature of their surface affinities,
in primates, underlies the elaborate columnar organization of may detach from the cohort and move laterally, guided by an
the neocortex. After their last division, cohorts of migrating axonal bundle (e.g., horizontally oriented, black cell leaving radial
neurons (MN) first traverse the intermediate zone (IZ) and then the unit 3 and horizontally oriented fibers), most postmitotic cells
subplate zone (SP), where they have an opportunity to interact with are gliophilic; that is, they have an affinity for the glial surface
“waiting” afferents arriving sequentially from the nucleus basalis and strictly obey constraints imposed by transient radial glial scaf-
and monoamine subcortical centers (NB, MA), from the thalamic folding (RG). This cellular arrangement preserves the relationships
radiation (TR), and from several ipsilateral and contralateral between the proliferative mosaic of the ventricular zone (VZ) and
cortico-cortical bundles (CC). After the newly generated neurons the corresponding protomap within the SP and CP, even though
bypass the earlier generated ones that are situated in the deep the cortical surface in primates shifts considerably during the
cortical layers, they settle at the interface between the developing massive cerebral growth encountered in midgestation. (For details
cortical plate (CP) and the marginal zone (MZ), and eventually see Rakic, 1988.)

rakic, arellano, and breunig: development of the primate cerebral cortex 13

lineage analysis of transcription factors specific for either formation of a microtubule network that surrounds the
dorsal or ventral neocortex progenitor cells suggested that nucleus—the so-called perinuclear cage—and establishes
the majority of interneurons in the human cortex are derived a physical link between centrioles and nuclear membrane
from the VZ/SVZ of the dorsal neocortex (Letinic et al., (Rakic, 1971; Gregory, Edmondson, Hatten, & Mason,
2002; Petanjek et al., 2009; Petanjek et al., 2008). This 1988; Rivas & Hatten, 1995; Rakic et al., 1996; Solecki
finding strongly suggests that the primate cortex may confer et al., 2004; Higginbotham & Gleeson, 2007; Tsai,
species-specific differences in basic developmental events Bremner, & Vallee, 2007; reviewed in Baudoin, Alvarez,
compared to other mammalian species. Gaspar & Metin, 2008). A similar mechanism has been
Considerable progress has been made in understanding described in cells of the subventricular zone that migrate
the molecular mechanisms behind neuronal migration and tangentially to the olfactory bulb in the postnatal brain
the physical displacement of the cell perikarya during somal (Schaar & McConnell, 2005) and, more recently, in radially
translocation across the densely packed tissue. Initially, migrating cortical neurons (Tsai et al., 2007). Together,
based on an observation in situ, it was proposed that a single these results suggest that the actin-myosin cytoskeleton
pair of binding, complementary molecules with gliophilic might control nuclear movements in neurons exhibiting
properties can account for the recognition of glial guides multiple (radial and tangential) modes of migration (Baudoin
(Rakic, 1981). However, in recent decades many classes of et al., 2008).
recognition and adhesion molecules have been discovered A simple model of selective molecular components
and are being tested (e.g., Cameron and Rakic, 1994; involved in cell migration is provided on the diagram in
Anton, Cameron, & Rakic, 1996; Hatten & Mason, 1990; figure 1.4. The initial discovery of the glial-guided radial
Schachner et al., 1985; reviewed in Hatten, 2002). The migration in primates led to the proposal of the radial unit
subject is too large to be reviewed in detail here. However, hypothesis (Rakic, 1988), which has served as a useful working
it is important to mention that voltage- and ligand-gated ion model for research on the cellular and molecular mecha-
channels on the leading process and cell soma of migrating nisms involved in normal and abnormal cortical develop-
neurons regulate the influx of calcium ions into migrating ment and evolution and will be summarized in the next
neurons (Komuro & Rakic, 1992, 1993, 1996; Rakic & section.
Komuro, 1995). Calcium fluctuations, in turn, may trigger
polymerization of cytoskeletal and contractile proteins essen- Radial unit hypothesis
tial for cell motility and translocation of the nucleus and
surrounding cytoplasm. The radial unit hypothesis of cortical development postu-
It was clear that translocation of nucleus requires cytoskel- lates that the embryonic cortical plate forms from vertically
etal rearrangement (Rivas & Hatten, 1995; Rakic, Knyihar- oriented cohorts of neurons generated at the same site in the
Csillik, & Csillik, 1996), and a host of molecules involved proliferative ventricular zone, called proliferative units,
in this complex process have been identified. For example, which consist of radially deployed progenitors in different
Doublecortin and Lis1 have been shown to be involved phases of the cell cycle (Rakic, 1978). Thus each radial unit
in cytoskeleton dynamics during neuronal migration consists of several clones (polyclones) that produce postmi-
(Gleeson, Lin, Flanagan, & Walsh, 1999; reviewed in Feng totic neurons, which migrate to the cortex following glial
& Walsh, 2001), and their mutation in humans has been fascicles spanning the fetal cerebral wall and forming onto-
implicated in certain brain abnormalities such as Double genetic columns (Rakic, 1988). After arriving at the cortical
Cortex (des Portes et al., 1998; Gleeson et al., 1998) and plate, the later-generated cells bypass earlier-generated ones
Lissencephaly Type I (Hattori, Adachi, Tsujimoto, Arai, & and settle in an inside-out gradient of neurogenesis (Rakic,
Inoue, 1994). Together these studies indicate that neuronal 1974). Thus the two-dimensional positional information of
migration is a multifaceted developmental event, involving the proliferative units in the ventricular zone is transformed
cell-to-cell recognition, differential adhesion, transmem- into a three-dimensional cortical architecture: the x- and
brane signaling, and intracytoplasmic structural changes y-axis position of the cells is provided by their site of origin,
(Rakic et al., 1994). whereas the z-axis position is provided by their time of origin
Nuclear movement during both radial and tangential (figure 1.3).
migration is a saltatory, two-step process alternating between The radial unit hypothesis relies on the proposal that
resting and dynamic phases (Ang et al., 2003; Solecki, neurons comprising a given radial column are clonally
Model, Gaetz, Kapoor, & Hatten, 2004; Tsai & Gleeson, related, and this idea could be tested experimentally with
2005). This process is evolutionarily conserved and involves the aid of the retroviral gene transfer method for in
a microtubule organizing center called centrosome that vivo analysis of cell lineages in the mammalian brain
controls microtubule polymerization (Bornens, 2002). In (Sanes, 1989). Use of this approach suggested that most
radially migrating neurons, the centrosome controls the progenitors originating in the same site of the ventricular

14 development and evolution

Figure 1.4 Model of a proposed cascade of cellular and molecu-
lar events that take place during the migration of postmitotic cells
in the developing cerebral wall. After their last mitotic division in
the ventricular zone, migrating cells extend a leading process (LP)
that follows the contours of the radial glial fiber (RG) as it spans
the expanding cerebral wall. The cytoskeleton within the LP and
trailing process (TP) contains microtubules (MT) and actinlike con-
tractile proteins (AC) that are involved in translocation of the cell
nucleus (N) and the surrounding cytoplasm within the leading
process until the cell enters the cortical plate. This system, main-
tained in vitro in slice preparations or imprint culture provides an
opportunity to examine the role of the various molecules that are
engaged in the recognition, adhesion, transmembrane signaling,
and motility that underlie directed neuronal migration. The
voltage-gated (N-type) and ligand-gated (NMDA-type) receptors/
channels are thought to control calcium influx, which serve as mes-
sengers for execution of this movement. Abbreviations: AM, homo-
typic adhesion molecule; EAA, excitatory amino acid; EF, end foot
of the radial glial fiber; Gly, glycine; LP, leading process; MT,
microtubule; N, cell nucleus; TP, trailing process; RG, radial glial
fiber; RM(g) gliophilic recognition molecule; TP, tyrosine phos-
phorylation. (Modified from Rakic, Cameron, & Komuro, 1994.)

even in the large and highly convoluted cerebrum, radial

deployment of many clones is remarkably well preserved
(Kornack & Rakic, 1995).
The radial unit hypothesis provides a conceptual frame to
understand how changes in the dynamics of proliferation,
migration, and survival of newly generated cells in the pro-
liferative regions translates into changes in the thickness
or surface area of the cortex during individual development
and evolution (Rakic, 1988, 1995b). The study of this
developmental mechanism has been done mainly using
transgenic mice and retroviral approaches in nonhuman
primates (e.g., Kornack & Rakic, 1995; Kuida et al., 1996,
1998; Zhong, Feder, Jiang, Jan, & Jan, 1996; Haydar, Kuan,
Flavell, & Rakic, 1999). Based on these data on the time of
cell origin and cell proliferation kinetics, we proposed that
the number of cortical cells and the size and morphology of
the cortex depends on the mode of mitotic division (sym-
metric versus asymmetric), the duration of the cell cycle, and
the degree of programmed cell death in the proliferative
zones (Rakic, 1988, 1995b), as is described in the next
section. Since most genes involved in cell production and
fate determination seem to be preserved during evolution,
zone remain radially deployed in the cortex (Luskin et al., one might expect that the control of neuronal number
1988; Kornack & Rakic, 1995; Tan et al., 1998; see, and differentiation would be basically similar in all species
however, Reid et al., 1995). Furthermore, a number of (R. Williams & Herrup, 1988).
studies in chimeric and transgenic mice have provided
evidence that a majority of postmitotic, clonally related Determinants of cortical size
neurons move and remain radially distributed in the cortex
(e.g., Nakatsuji, Kadokawa, & Suemori, 1991; Soriano, The size of the cortex varies greatly among mammals,
Dumesnil, Auladell, Cohen-Tannoudji, & Sotelo, 1995; but it is enormously enlarged in primates. This growth
reviewed in Rakic, 1995a). The use of the retroviral gene has not been homogeneous and has consisted in a great
transfer method in the embryonic primate brain showed that increase in surface area and a little increase in thickness

rakic, arellano, and breunig: development of the primate cerebral cortex 15

(the surface area of the human cortex is a thousandfold one can predict that the cell production period in humans
larger than that of the mouse, but its thickness is only will be about two weeks longer than in macaques, but should
about two or three times that of the mouse cortex). This enlarge the cortical thickness by only 10% to 15%, a result
asymmetric growth seems to be related to the anatomical which is actually observed (Rakic, 1995b). Thus, as illus-
and functional structure of the neocortex that has been trated in figure 1.5, even a small delay in the onset of
described as formed by iterative units (named radial the second phase of corticogenesis results in an order-
columns, cortical columns, or cortical modules), consisting of-magnitude larger cortical surface because of the increas-
in a columnar array of neurons that share a common basic ing number of founder cells at the ventricular zone. This
scheme of intrinsic and extrinsic connectivity and subserve has been observed in mice expressing higher levels of β-
the same function (Mountcastle, 1997; Szenthagothai, catenin that enhance the number of founder cells and can
1978; Goldman-Rakic, 1987). The larger the cortex in lead to the formation of ectopias as well as an expanded
a given species, the larger the number of participating cortical plate that begins to form convolutions (Chenn &
columnar units (Rakic, 1978, 1995b). The liberal use of Walsh, 2002, 2003).
the broad and undefined term “cortical column” has In addition, the number of cortical neurons will depend
caused considerable confusion in the literature, since there on the degree of survival of the generated cells, and thus one
is not a unique anatomical or functional columnar unit mechanism that regulates the number of cells produced in
that applies to all cortical areas or species (Rakic, Ayoub, the ventricular zone is programmed cell death (PCD) or
Dominguez, & Breunig, in press). In spite of this heterogene- apoptosis. Although PCD has been considered a major
ity, there is consensus concerning the idea that the cortex is factor contributing to the formation of the vertebrate brain
composed of an array of columnar units of operation. (Glucksmann, 1952), contemporary research has focused
Under this perspective, it seems that the addition of new mainly on the histogenetic cell death involved in the elimina-
functions to the cortex does not require a substantial increase tion of inappropriate axonal connections at the later stages
in the thickness of the cortex, namely, in the number of of development (e.g., Rakic & Riley, 1983a, 1983b; Oppen-
components within the cortical units of operation (in spite of heim, 1991). However, the discovery of several classes of
a very likely increase in their complexity), but would mainly genes involved in apoptosis, which were initially identified
correspond with the addition of new columnar units, which in invertebrates, created the opportunity to study this phe-
ultimately would contribute to the forming of new cortical nomenon in the mammalian cerebrum. For example, a
regions and functional domains. In this respect, the radial family of enzymes called caspases has been shown to play
unit hypothesis provides a mechanistic explanation of the an important role in apoptosis in a variety of organs and
large expansion of cortical surface without a concomitant tissues (Ellis & Horvitz, 1991). We have demonstrated that
significant increase in thickness during phylogenetic and in mouse embryos deficient in caspase 9 and 3, fewer cells
ontogenetic cortical development (Rakic, 1988). It also shows are eliminated than in their littermates (Kuida et al., 1996,
how the genes controlling the number of founder cells in the 1998). Reduction of apoptosis in the knockout mice for these
mosaic of proliferative units at the ventricular surface set a caspases results in the formation of supernumerary founder
limit on the size of the cortical surface during the develop- cells in the cerebral ventricular zone. As a consequence,
ment of the individual, as well as during the evolution of these mice form ectopic cells in the intermediate zone as well
mammalian species (Rakic, 1995b). For example, a relatively as a larger cortical plate with more radial units. Correspond-
small change in the timing of developmental cellular events ingly, diminishment of the clearance rate of apoptotic cells
could have large functional consequences: a minor increase in transgenic mice lacking a receptor crucial for the recogni-
in the length of the cell cycle or the magnitude of cell death tion of dying cells results in enlarged proliferative zones that
in the ventricular zone could result in a large increase in lead to the formation of ectopias as well as an expanded
the number of founder cells that form proliferative units cortical plate that begins to form convolutions (Haydar
(Rakic, 1988). Since proliferation in the ventricular zone et al., 1999).
initially proceeds exponentially because of the prevalence In both cases, by increase of the founder population or by
of symmetrical divisions, an additional round of mitotic reduction of apoptosis, the result is a larger cortical sheet
cycles during this phase doubles the number of founder that begins to buckle and forms incipient convolutions,
cells and, consequently, the number of ontogenetic radial without significant change in thickness of the developing
columns (figure 1.5 and Rakic, 1995b). According to this cortical plate (Haydar et al., 1999; Chenn & Walsh, 2002).
model, fewer than four extra rounds of symmetrical cell This result is a good example of how the mutation of a
divisions in the ventricular zone before the onset of cortico- few key genes that control the reduction of cells could
genesis can account for a tenfold difference in the cortical result in the expansion of the cortex and the appearance of
surface area. Since the mode of cell division changes to pre- convolutions during the evolution of the cerebral cortex
dominantly asymmetrical after the onset of corticogenesis, (Rakic, 1995b).

16 development and evolution

Figure 1.5 (A) Schematic model of symmetrical cell divisions divide. Postmitotic neurons migrate rapidly across the intermediate
that predominate before E40. At this early embryonic age, the zone (IZ) and become arranged vertically in the cortical plate (CP)
cerebral wall consists of only the ventricular zone (VZ), where all in reverse order of their arrival (1, 2, 3, and 4). (C ) Diagrammatic
the cells are proliferating, and the marginal zone (M), into which representation of the time of neuron origin in the macaque monkey.
some cells extend radial processes. Symmetric division produces The data were obtained from 3H-thymidine autoradiographic
two progenitors (P) during each cycle and causes rapid horizontal analyses (from Rakic, 1995b). (D) Estimate of the time of neuron
lateral spread. (B) Model of asymmetrical or stem division that origin in the human neocortex based on the number of mitotic
becomes predominant in the monkey embryo after E40. During figures within the ventricular zone, supravital DNA synthesis in
each asymmetrical division a progenitor (P) produces one postmi- slice preparations of fetal tissue, and the presence of migrating
totic neuron that leaves the ventricular zone and another progeni- neurons in the intermediate zone of the human fetal cerebrum.
tor that remains within the proliferative zone and continues to (From Rakic, 1995b.)

rakic, arellano, and breunig: development of the primate cerebral cortex 17

Protomap hypothesis Heath, Davis, & Kriegstein, 1995; Lidow & Rakic, 1994).
Postmitotic cells not only become committed to a neuronal
A major challenge to students of the cerebral cortex is how fate but also become restricted in their repertoire of possible
individual and species-specific cytoarchitectonic areas have fates (McConnell, 1988). Numerous studies in which the
emerged from the initially seemingly uniform ventricular cytology of postmitotic cells has been examined (e.g.,
zone and cortical plate. Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors Schwartz, Rakic, & Goldman-Rakic, 1991; LoTurco et al.,
have been suggested. One attractive model, known as the 1995) and/or manipulated by a variety of methods such as
tabula rasa hypothesis, is that all cortical neurons are equipo- spontaneous mutations (e.g., Caviness & Rakic, 1978: Rakic,
tent and that laminar and areal differences are induced 1995b), ionizing radiation (Algan & Rakic, 1997), retroviral
by extrinsic influences exerted via thalamic afferents gene transfer labeling (Parnavelas, Barfield, Franke, &
(Creutzfeldt, 1977). However, there was also considerable Luskin, 1991), transgenic inserts (Kuida et al., 1996), and
evidence that the cells generated within the embryonic cere- heterochronic transplantations (McConnell, 1988; McCon-
bral wall contained some intrinsic information about their nell & Kaznowski, 1991) all indicate that certain class-
prospective species-specific cortical organization. The proto- specific cell attributes are expressed before the migrating
map hypothesis was proposed as an empirical generalization in neurons arrive at the cortical plate and become synaptically
an attempt to reconcile available experimental and descrip- connected. Remarkably, neurotransmitter secretion is unnec-
tive data in this field (Rakic, 1988). It was based on the fact essary for proper brain formation (Verhage et al., 2000). In
that all ontogenetic columns are mixtures of several clones addition, retroviral tracing experiments and some clonal
and are not equal in each prospective cytoarchitectonic area analyses suggest that the ventricular zone is comprised of a
(footnote 13 in Rakic, 1988). The protomap model suggests heterogeneous population of cells, and that cell lineage con-
that the basic pattern of cytoarchitectonic areas emerges tributes substantially to the cell fate determination of neurons
through synergistic, interdependent interactions between (Acklin & van der Kooy, 1993; Parnavelas et al., 1991;
developmental programs intrinsic to cortical neurons and Kornack & Rakic, 1995; B. Williams & Price, 1995; Kuan,
extrinsic signals supplied by specific inputs from subcortical Elliott, Flavell, & Rakic, 1997). Emerging observations
structures. According to this hypothesis, neurons in the confirm and extend these findings both within the cortex,
embryonic cortical plate—indeed even in the proliferative in migrating interneurons, and later postnatally (Rakic
ventricular zone where they originate—set up a primordial et al., in press; Merkle, Mirzadeh, & Alvarez-Buylla, 2007;
map that preferentially attracts appropriate afferents and has Batista-Brito, Machold, Klein, & Fishell, 2008).
a capacity to respond to this input in a specific manner. The These findings raise the question of whether laminar and
prefix proto was introduced to emphasize the primordial, areal identities of cortical plate cells provide cues or chemo-
provisionary, and essentially malleable character of the map, tactic attractants for incoming afferent axons. Data from
which is subject to considerable modification by the extrinsic axonal tracing indicate that afferent connections from sub-
influences exerted at later stages (Rakic, 1988). cortical structures and other cortical regions find their way
The initial indication that developmental events in the to the specific regions of the cortical plate either directly or
proliferative ventricular zone foreshadow prospective by way of the subplate zone or both (Kostovic & Rakic,
regional differences in the overlying cerebral mantle comes 1984, 1990; De Carlos & O’Leary, 1992; McConnell et al.,
from the observation that the neurogenesis of the primary 1994; Agmon, Yang, Jones, & O’Dowd, 1995; Catalano,
visual cortex, which contains more neurons per radial unit Robertson, & Killackey, 1996; Richards, Koester, Tuttle, &
than the adjacent areas, lasts longer (Rakic, 1976a). Further- O’Leary, 1997), suggesting the existence of region-specific
more, it has also been demonstrated that the mitotic index attractants for pathfinding and target recognition. In
in the ventricular region subjacent to this area is higher support of this idea the development of correct topological
than in adjacent regions (Dehay, Giroud, Berland, Smart, connections in anophthalmic mice and in early enucleated
& Kennedy, 1993). In addition, initial establishment of animals indicates that basic connections and chemoarchitec-
cytoarchitectural and functional features specific to the visual tonic characteristics can form in the absence of information
cortex, such as the ocular dominance columns, form inde- from the periphery (e.g., Kaiserman-Abramof, Graybiel, &
pendently of thalamic inputs to this area (Crowley & Katz, Nauta, 1980; Olavarria & van Sluyters, 1984; Rakic, 1988;
2000). Therefore, certain region-specific differences in the Kennedy & DeHay, 1988; Kuljis & Rakic, 1990; Rakic
production of the ventricular zone can be detected even & Lidow, 1995; Miyashita-Lin, Hevner, Wassarman,
before neurons arrive at the cortex (Rakic, 1988; Kennedy Martinez, & Rubenstein, 1999).
& Dehay, 1993; Algan & Rakic, 1997). In addition, several The gradients or region-specific distribution of various
lines of evidence indicate that, during the final cell division, morphoregulatory molecules (or both) in the embryonic
one or both daughter cells start to express a variety of cerebral wall (e.g., Arimatsu et al., 1992; Levitt, Barbe, &
neuron-class-specific signaling molecules (LoTurco, Owens, Eagleson, 1997; Ferri & Levitt, 1993; Porteus, Bulfone,

18 development and evolution

Ciaranello, & Rubenstein, 1991; Bulfone et al., 1993; peaks after birth and lasts at least 3–4 years, and in the
Cohen-Tannoudji, Babinet, & Wassef, 1994; Emerling & human it lasts 15–19 years.
Lander, 1994; Donoghue & Rakic, 1999; Sestan, Rakic, & Detailed studies in the rhesus monkey showed that both
Donoghue, 2001; Bishop, Goudreau, & O’Leary, 2000) or neurons and their axons are overproduced in the cerebral
layer-specific expression of POU-homeodomain genes (e.g., cortex during well-delineated stages of development. For
Frantz, Bohner, Akers, & McConnell, 1994; Meissirel, example, there are about 40% more neurons in the monkey
Wikler, Chalupa, & Rakic, 1997) may also contribute to the visual cortex during the second half of pregnancy than in
formation of specified axonal pathways. For example, elec- the adult. Furthermore, a newborn monkey has almost 200
troporation of FGF8 applied before beginning of formation million callosal axons compared to less than 50 million in
of thalamic connections has shown that morphoregulatory the adult (LaMantia & Rakic, 1990). The axons are lost
molecules can shift the anterior/posterior areal boundaries at the rate of about 8 million per day or 50 per second during
in the developing neocortex (Fukuchi-Shimogori & Grove, the first three weeks after birth. Thereafter, they are lost at
2001). Thus tangentially and radially distinct landmarks an estimated rate of half a million per day or 5 per second
in the postmitotic cells facilitate axonal pathfinding and until the adult value is reached. Similar magnitude of elimi-
target recognition that eventually lead to parcellation of the nation of callosal axons has been reported for other mam-
cerebral cortex. malian species (e.g., Berbel & Innocenti, 1988). The
It should be underscored that although the embryonic functional significance of this loss of axons is not fully under-
cerebral wall exhibits gradients of several morphoregulatory stood, but the prevailing hypothesis has been that activity-
molecules, as well as other specific area-specific molecular dependent stabilization plays a critical role.
differences, the protomap within the embryonic cerebrum In the rhesus monkey, during the first two to three months
provides only a set of species-specific genetic instructions and of postnatal life, synaptic density increases rapidly and
biological constraints. The precise position of interareal reaches a peak that is about two times higher than in the
borders, the overall size of each cytoarchitectonic area, and adult. This synaptic density well above the adult level lasts
the details of their cellular and synaptic characteristics in throughout infancy and adolescence. We have calculated
the adult cerebral cortex are achieved through a cascade of that about 1.8 × 1011 synapses are lost in the visual cortex of
reciprocal interactions between cortical neurons and the a single cerebral hemisphere during puberty in the monkey
cues they receive from afferents arriving from a variety of (Bourgeois & Rakic, 1993). The magnitude of this decline
extracortical sources (Rakic, 1988). Such afferents may is stunning when expressed as loss of about 2500 synapses
serve to coordinate and adjust the ratio of various cell classes per second during this period. Since other areas, including
with the subcortical structures, as has been shown in the association cortices, simultaneously undergo comparable
primary visual system (Meissirel et al., 1997; Rakic, Suner, synaptic loss, more than 30,000 synapses per second are
& Williams, 1991; Kennedy & Dehay, 1993; Rakic & deleted from the entire cortical mantle during monkey ado-
Lidow, 1995). In summary, the concept of the cortical lescence (Bourgeois & Rakic, 1993). In the human, in whom
protomap includes the role of both intrinsic and extrinsic this period of life last about three times longer but the cortex
determinants in shaping the final pattern and relative sizes is ten times larger, the synapses may be lost at the rate of
of the cytoarchitectonic areas. 100,000 per second.
The decline in synaptic density is due primarily to elimi-
Initial formation of synaptic connections nation of excitatory junctions located on dendritic spines,
while inhibitory synapses on dendritic shafts remain rela-
Acquiring areal and laminar positions and phenotypes com- tively constant. Other results showed that the density of
prises only the first and most fundamental steps in the forma- major neurotransmitter receptors in the cortex also reaches
tion of species-specific cortical development. However, an a maximum level between two and four months of age and
equally important next step is the formation of synaptic then declines to the adult level during the period of sexual
connections. It is a very large subject, is studied by most maturation (Lidow, Goldman-Rakic, & Rakic, 1991). These
developmental neurobiologists, and by itself deserves more findings revealed an unusual coordination between bio-
than a short section. It is in part covered in the subsequent chemical and structural differentiation and indicated that
chapters, and it is only briefly reviewed here to emphasize these events may be related to maturation of function.
that in primates, and particularly in the human, it is a pro- The prolonged phase of postnatal development in pri-
longed process that involves overproduction of cells, axons, mates provides unparalleled opportunity for competitive
and synapses and their later elimination in response to activity-driven stabilization among initially supernumerary
environmental influences. This process is often called neu- inter- and intracortical connections. The formation of the
roplasticity, and we consider it as a phase of the normal final pattern of cortical connections is achieved through
course of brain development. In the macaque monkey it dynamic interactions that involve at least two well-defined

rakic, arellano, and breunig: development of the primate cerebral cortex 19

steps. In the first step, one set of axons project to the target Kostovic, & van der Loos, 1973; Zecevic, 1998). This stage
structure guided by prespecified short-lived molecular corresponds approximately to the level of cortical develop-
markers, without regard to specific location on the individual ment found in the monkey fetus between E40 and E54,
neurons or their parts (Easter, Purves, Rakic, & Spitzer, depending on the region.
1985). In the second step, which is activity dependent, syn-
aptic connections are sorted out and remain on only selec- Stage II Primary condensation of the cortical plate (through
tive sets of neurons or their dendrites. Our experimental approximately the 10th and 11th fetal weeks). At this stage
studies of the formation of binocular vision in primates the cortical plate increases in thickness, becomes more
provide a dramatic example of this biphasic development compact, and is clearly demarcated from the fiber-rich part
and support the hypothesis that competitive interactions of the intermediate zone, which seems to have fewer cells
between two or more populations of neurons play a signifi- per unit volume, indicating that the first major wave of
cant role in the elimination of the axons and segregation of migration is almost spent (figure 1.6). The end of this stage
their synapses (Rakic, 1976a, 1977, 1981). corresponds approximately to the E55–E59 period in the
This phase of cortical development has a profound signifi- monkey when the majority of neurons of layers 5 and 6 are
cance for understanding development of human cognitive generated in most regions of the cortex (Sidman & Rakic,
abilities. Some implications are obvious. For example, our 1982; Marin-Padilla, 1988).
educational system, which postpones disciplined intellectual
learning until later stages in life, may not be biologically Stage III Bilaminate cortical plate (most pronounced during
optimal, as the first 15 years may be the most important the 11th to the 13th fetal week). The uniform and compact
formative phase as far as synaptic stabilization is concerned. cortical plate of the second stage becomes subdivided into
It is well known that high-level professional musicians or an inner zone occupied mainly by cells with relatively large,
athletes can be created only at a specific critical age, and somewhat widely spaced oval nuclei and an outer zone of
there is no reason why other cognitive skills essential for cells with densely packed, darker, bipolar nuclei (figure 1.6).
human intellectual abilities are not set up also at this time. This heterogeneity results from the more advanced matura-
Our data provide biological support for intensive targeted tion of the deep-lying neurons that had arrived at the cortical
intellectual training that starts in childhood if we expect plate during earlier developmental stages, plus the addition
optimal results. of a new wave of somas of immature neurons that take up
more superficial positions. This period is also characterized
Timing of cortical genesis in the human by the appearance of the cell-sparse, fiber-rich subplate zone
situated below the cortical plate. This transient embryonic
Since our ultimate goal is understanding the development of zone in the human fetus is particularly wide in the regions
the neocortex in humans, the comparison of selected cellular subjacent to the association areas (Kostovic & Rakic, 1990).
features of the human cortex at different prenatal stages with The third stage corresponds roughly to the level of develop-
that of the macaque monkey may help to determine the ment achieved in the monkey between E59 and E64.
corresponding time and sequence of developmental events
in these species. This determination is essential if we want Stage IV Secondary condensation (from the 13th to the
to apply the findings obtained from experimental animals 15th fetal week). During this period of gestation, the ven-
to the understanding of human cortical development tricular zone becomes progressively thinner, while the
(e.g., Chalupa & Wefers, 2000). To this end, Poliakov’s com- subventricular zone remains relatively wide (figure 1.6). The
prehensive histological studies of cortical development in cortical plate again becomes homogeneous in appearance
human fetuses, published originally in the Russian literature and resembles, in a sense, a thickened version of Stage II.
(e.g., Poliakov, 1959, 1965) have been reviewed in more The reason for this change may be that, in Stage IV, most
detail elsewhere (Sidman & Rakic, 1982), but are presented of the young neurons in the cortex become considerably
here summarized in figure 1.6 and compared with the timing larger as they differentiate, while relatively few new imma-
of corresponding events in the macaque monkey. ture neurons enter the cortical plate. The result is a more
uniform appearance. At the end of this stage, an accumula-
Stage I Initial formation of the cortical plate (from approxi- tion of large cells appears below the cortical plate, and the
mately the 6th to the 10th fetal weeks). During the 7th subplate zone enlarges further (Kostovic & Rakic, 1990).
fetal week, postmitotic cells begin to migrate from the ven- Depending on the cortical region, this stage appears in the
tricular zone outward to form a new accumulation of cells monkey between E64 and E75.
at the junction of the intermediate and marginal zones. By
the middle of this period, synapses of unknown origin Stage V Prolonged stage of cortical maturation (from the
are present above and below the cortical plate (Molliver, 16th fetal week continuing well into the postnatal period).

20 development and evolution

Figure 1.6 (A) Semidiagrammatic drawings of the human cere- the drawing. In addition, in the last three stages the subplate
bral wall at various gestational ages listed in fetal weeks below each zone, situated below the cortical plate, appears (Kostovic & Rakic,
column. The stages refer specifically to an arbitrarily chosen corti- 1990). (B) The curve below the drawing schematically indicates
cal area situated midway along the lateral surface of the hemisphere waves of cell migration to the neocortex assessed by the density of
(detailed in Sidman & Rakic, 1982). Because there is a gradient of migrating neurons in the intermediate zone. Abbreviations: CP,
maturation, as many as three of five stages of cortical development cortical plate; Im, intermediate zone; I.Im and O.Im, inner and
may be observed in different regions of the neocortex in the same outer intermediate zones, respectively; Mg, marginal zone; PL,
fetal brain. In the three columns on the right, the intermediate zone plexiform layer; SGL, subpial granular layer; SP, subplate zone;
is not drawn in full because the thickness of the cerebral wall has SV, subventricular zone; V, ventricular zone; wks, age in fetal
increased markedly compared with earlier stages and cannot fit into weeks. (From Rakic, 1988.)

rakic, arellano, and breunig: development of the primate cerebral cortex 21

Morphological data are inadequate to determine for how • There is a pronounced gradient of maturation across the
long neurons continue to migrate to the human neocortex large hemispheres in primates (Donoghue & Rakic, 1999)
after 16 weeks or how many do so, and hence the line at that is much less visible in species with smaller forebrains,
the right side of the curve is dotted in figure 1.6B. By and especially in species with marked altricial growth strate-
the fifth month, relatively few neuronal precursors seem gies, such as mice and rats, that exhibit a short and fast brain
to be proliferating in the reduced ventricular zone of development.
the human cerebral hemispheres. However, the interneu- • Radial glial cells are particularly prominent in the
rons, which continue to be generated in the subventricular embryonic primate cerebrum; they start expressing GFAP
zone and ganglionic eminence, are still being added to at the very start of corticogenesis (Levitt & Rakic, 1980;
the cortex between the 20th and 25th weeks of gestation Levitt et al., 1981), and a subset of them transiently stop
(Letinic et al., 2002). A comparison of the autoradio- dividing (Schmechel & Rakic, 1979).
graphic results in the monkey (Rakic, 1974, 1977) with • The primate SVZ is dramatically enlarged and exhibits
comparable stages in human (Rakic & Sidman, 1968; much more complexity in cellular organization in primates
Marin-Padilla, 1988; Kostovic & Rakic, 1990) indicates than in other species (Smart et al., 2002; Bystron et al.,
that most neurons of the human neocortex are generated 2008). Another related feature is the appearance, in mid-
before the beginning of the third trimester of gestation. gestation in human (∼22 weeks) and monkey (∼E72), of a
Toward term, the ventricular zone disappears, the subplate band of tangentially orientated axons that divides the SVZ
zone dissolves, and as the intermediate zone transforms into inner and outer sublayers in some parts of the cortex
into the white matter, only a vestige of the subplate cells (Bystron et al., 2008).
remain as interstitial neurons (Kostovic & Rakic, 1980). • A subpial granular layer has been described in humans
It should be emphasized that during neurogenesis and that has not been observed in rodents. This is a long-known
after completion of neurogenesis, glial cells are generated feature of human development (e.g., Brun, 1965) that is
and migrate across the cerebral wall. This phenomenon however systematically ignored at the present time.
is particularly pronounced in the human forebrain where • The reported differences in the developmental processes
glial cells including oligos largely outnumber neurons. between species are reflected in the final cellular output, and,
After all cortical neurons have been generated and attained for example, the proportion of GABAergic interneurons
their final positions, their differentiation, including the exhibits a marked difference between rodents and primates:
formation of synapses, proceeds for a long time and GABAergic interneurons represent approximately 15% of
reaches a peak only during the second postnatal year. The the total population of neurons in the rat neocortex (Beaul-
subject of synaptogenesis in the cerebral cortex of both ieu, 1993; Micheva & Beaulieu, 1995; Meinecke & Peters,
macaque monkeys and humans was reviewed in the second 1987), whereas in the primates and the human, this propor-
edition of this volume (Bourgeois, Goldman-Rakic, & tion reaches 20% in the visual cortex and up to 25% in other
Rakic, 2000) and not much new research has been done in cortical areas (Hendry, Schwark, Jones, & Yan, 1987;
this area since. Beaulieu, Kisvarday, Somogyi, Cynader, & Cowey, 1992;
Del Rio & DeFelipe, 1996). In addition, some GABAergic
The human factor cell types like the double-bouquet cells are absent in rodents
but can be detected in carnivores and are much more abun-
As mentioned before, traditional research on the cerebral dant and well developed in primates and more specifically
cortex of mammals has recognized the quantitative differ- in humans (Yanez et al., 2005). Double-bouquet interneu-
ences (e.g., in the period of neurogenesis, number of pro- rons are characterized by the presence of a long and narrow
genitors, and duration of the cell cycle) that simply relate to descending bundle of axons that are distributed following
the expansion of the forebrain, and particularly the great a microcolumnar pattern in the neocortex. The axons
increase in size of cerebral cortex in primates, although other of double-bouquet cells establish hundreds of synapses
unique human characteristics have been neglected, perhaps with a narrow column of tissue, and therefore they have
because so few investigators work on the development of the been proposed as key elements in the microcolumnar orga-
human cerebrum. In this chapter we have exposed in some nization of the cortex, acting on pyramidal cells from differ-
detail those differences, giving some insight on their possible ent layers within the minicolumns (DeFelipe, Hendry,
contribution to the specification of the human cortical fea- Hashikawa, Molinari, & Jones, 1990; Jones, 2000; Yanez
tures. To finish this chapter, we would like to summarize et al., 2005).
those differences—and some others not mentioned before—
that we think might contribute to establishing the differences Regarding excitatory neurons, differences have been
in the cognitive potential of the primate, and specifically of reported in the size and pattern of arborization of projection
the human, cortex. neurons: pyramidal cells from the human prefrontal cortex

22 development and evolution

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28 development and evolution

2 Early Development of
Neuronal Circuitry of the
Human Prefrontal Cortex
ivica kostović and miloš judaš

abstract The early development of cortical circuitry provides its complexity (Goldman-Rakic, 1987), life-long maturation
the biological substrate for human cognitive and psychological (Chugani, Phelps, & Mazziotta, 1987; Fuster, 2002; Giedd
maturation. Neuronal circuitry of the human frontal cortex appears et al., 1999; Goldman-Rakic, 1987; Huttenlocher &
around the eighth postconceptional week (8 PCW) with two synap-
tic strata, engagement of fetal neurons, and spontaneous activity. Dabholkar, 1997; Kostović, Petanjek, Delalle, & Judaš,
Midfetal and late-fetal cortex show transient lamination, differen- 1992; Petanjek, Judaš, Kostović, & Uylings, 2008; Sowell
tiation of subplate, deep synaptogenesis, and growth of thalamo- et al., 2004) and the existence of human-specific functions
cortical afferents. Cortical interaction with thalamic afferents (Preuss, 2004; Werker & Vouloumanos, 2001).
occurs around 24 PCW. Late preterm and neonatal periods are Which component of the prefrontal cortical circuitry
characterized by growth of cortico-cortical fibers and resolution of
transient circuitry. During early infancy (2–6 months) rapid synap-
develops already in utero, that is, before birth? And, knowing
togenesis coincides with reorganization of cortico-cortical path- that typical prefrontal executive functions develop post-
ways. Initial environmentally driven “cognitive” circuitry consists natally, what would be its functional roles during fetal life?
of increased number of synapses, differentiated layer V pyramids, In other words, what functions may the prefrontal cortex
“dormant” layer III pyramids and appearance of inhibitory subserve before the onset of cognition, during the so-called
neurons. Full maturity of layer III pyramids, local circuitry neurons
precognition period of life? One would also like to pinpoint
and maximal number of synapses is not achieved until 12–24
months when circuitry is layer III “centered” and socially driven. qualitative and quantitative features of the maturational
In summary, endogeneous and sensory-driven circuitry develops status of prefrontal circuitry at the end of the first post-
during prenatal life, initial “cognitive” circuitry appears in late natal year: what level of maturation of prefrontal cortex is
infancy, and maximal number of synapses and full maturity of layer required for the onset of cognition and language?
III develop during early childhood.
In this review, we summarize the data available on early
development of human frontal lobe circuitry, describe new
In revealing the neurobiological basis of cognitive and psy- data on neurogenetic events obtained with neuroimaging
chological development in humans, neuroscientists mostly and fine neurohistological studies, and propose structural
depend on close correspondence between structural, func- criteria for delineation of phases in prefrontal circuitry deve-
tional, and behavioral features during specific phases of lopment. We cover the period from the appearance of the
development (Casey, Giedd, & Thomas, 2000; Casey, cortical plate and establishment of first cortical synaptic con-
Tottenham, Liston, & Durston, 2005; Hammock & Levitt, tacts (at 8 PCW) to the third year of life when pyramidal
2006; Kagan & Baird, 2004; Levitt, 2003). Because the neurons of layer III attain size and complexity greater than
neural circuitry that underlies cognitive development is those of layer V pyramidal neurons, and language and
expected to be simpler in the developing than in the cognition are already well established (see table 2.1). The
adult brain, the developmental approach should provide following frontal cortical regions will be described: dorsola-
an easier analysis of principal elements of the neuronal teral, dorsomedial, orbitomedial, precingulate (area 32), and
circuitry: synapses, presynaptic axons, and postsynaptic anterior cingulate (area 24).
It is difficult to correlate structure and function in the Development of neuronal circuitry of the human prefrontal
developing neuronal circuitry of the frontal lobe because of cortex during the early fetal period

ivica kostović and miloš judaš Croatian Institute for Brain Structural Organization The first cortical cells appear
Research, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, in the neocortical preplate or primordial plexiform layer
Croatia (Bystron, Rakic, Molnar, & Blakemore, 2006; Bystron,

kostović and judaš: human prefrontal functions before cognition 29

Table 2.1
Early development of human frontal lobe circuitry
Period Age Range Description of Circuitry Type of Circuitry Type of Activity
Embryonic 6–7 PCW Nonsynaptic preplate network Oscillating, spontaneous Endogenous
Early fetal 8–14 PCW Two synaptic strata, in SP and Transient spontaneous Endogenous + brain
MZ; monoaminergic afferents; modulated by stem and cholinergic
regional differences monoamines basal forebrain
Midfetal and 15–23 PCW Transient lamination, prominent Transient spontaneous, Endogenous
late fetal SP, and deep synaptogenesis modulated by extrinsic
thalamic afferents
Early preterm 24–32 PCW The peak of SP, thalamic afferents Transient circuitry and Sensory-sensitive
in CP permanent asynchrony (EEG),
thalamocortical afferents experience
coexist independent
Late preterm 33–35 PCW Synaptogenesis in CP, pyramidal Coexistence of increasingly Sensory-sensitive
differentiation, cytoarchitectonic permanent and transient synchrony (EEG),
belts circuitry experience expectant
Neonatal 1–2 months Long afferents within the target; Permanent circuitry with Sensory-driven, layer V
layer V pyramids differentiation; transient elements centered
ubiquitous layer IV
Early infancy 2–6 months Reorganization of corticocortical Permanent circuitry with Sensory-driven;
pathways; rapid synaptogenesis resolving transient columnar processing
and spinogenesis elements
Late infancy 7–12 months Long connectivity established; Initial “cognitive” circuitry Environmentally driven;
layer III pyramids “dormant”, extrinsic-intrinsic
areal differentiation; through local circuitry
Early childhood 12–24 months Maturity of layer III pyramids and Cognitive Socially driven; layer III
local circuits; maximal centered
PCW, postconceptional weeks; SP, subplate; MZ, marginal zone; CP, cortical plate.

Blakemore, & Rakic, 2008; Zecevic & Milosevic, 1997) Importantly, the early fetal cerebral wall (telencephalic
(figure 2.1A). Soon thereafter, the formation of the cortical pallium) shows early regional differences in the thickness
plate (CP) at 8 PCW (figure 2.1B) marks the transition from and appearance of MZ, CP, and SP across mediolateral,
embryonic to fetal period and prefrontal neocortical anlage rostrocaudal, and dorsoventral extent. Dorsal fetal pallium,
is now composed of three architectonic zones: marginal zone as a forerunner of neocortex, displays thicker and condensed
(MZ), CP, and the presubplate, PSP (Bystron et al., 2008; CP, narrow MZ, and wider PSP. The CP becomes thinner
Kostović & Rakic, 1990). These zones contain two main toward the interhemispheric fissure where dorsal pallium
classes of neurons, radially oriented postmigratory neurons continues into the medial pallium. The pallium of the cortical
within the CP and randomly oriented and early maturing limbus (hem) is thin and convoluted with wide MZ, thin and
neurons located above and below the CP, that is, in the MZ convoluted CP, and almost invisible PSP. The CP is initially
and PSP, respectively (Bystron et al., 2008; Kostović, 1990; not developed in the hippocampal anlage. This early regional
Marin-Padilla, 1983; Meyer, Schaaps, Moreau, & Goffinet, specification probably reflects the activity of intrinsic pat-
2000; Verney, Lebrand, & Gaspar, 2002; Zecevic & terning mechanisms (Rakic, 1988, 2006) whereby patterning
Milosevic, 1997). centers generate, across the dorsal telencephalon, graded
Between 13 and 14 PCW (the end of the early fetal expression of transcription factors acting on cortical proge-
period, figure 2.1C ), the deep part of the hitherto densely nitor cells (Grove & Fukuchi-Shimogori, 2003; O’Leary,
packed CP transforms into a wider lamina that appears Chou, & Sahara, 2007). Thus the frontal telencephalon
pale in Nissl-stained preparations and merges with PSP, becomes specified by specific transcription factors, such as
thus forming a new, prominent, and transient zone—the the basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), expressed in the
subplate zone (SP) (Kostović & Rakic, 1990; Kostović & ventricular zone of the rostral (anterior) telencephalon.
Judaš, 2007). This marks the onset of the typical midfetal Although this early patterning of the cortical protomap
lamination pattern. (Rakic, 1988) occurs in humans probably during the second

30 development and evolution

7.5 PCW 8.5 PCW 12.5 PCW


10.1 mm

16.3 mm
3.4 mm
GE th


15 PCW 28 PaCW 33 PCW

SP caud
24.9 mm

35.6 mm
35.8 mm

3M 9M 3Y
40.9 mm

55.2 mm

51.5 mm
Figure 2.1 Development of cytoarchitectonic layers in the Abbreviations for this and subsequent figures: caud, caudate
prefrontal cortex from the embryonic phase (before the appearance nucleus; CC, corpus callosum; CP, cortical plate; GE, ganglionic
of the cortical plate) to the third year, that is, at 7.5 postconcep- eminence; IZ, intermediate zone; limb, limbic (hippocampal
tional weeks (PCW) (A), 8.5 PCW (B), 12.5 PCW (C ), 15 PCW (D), pallium); MZ, marginal zone; put, putamen; PSP, presubplate; SP,
28 PCW (E ), 33 PCW (F ), 3 months (G ), 9 months (H ), and 3 subplate zone; SPF, the subplate in formation (the “second” corti-
years (I ). All layers in prenatal phases are transient, and their cal plate); SVZ, subventricular zone; SVZf, subventricular fibrillar
laminar changes reflect neurogenetic events: proliferation, migra- zone; th, thalamus; VZ, ventricular zone; WM, white matter.
tion, differentiation, ingrowth of afferent pathways, and areal Roman numerals (I–VI) correspond to permanent cortical layers;
differentiation. double arrows point to the external capsule.

month of embryonic life—that is, even before the formation for superficial (associative) layer III are not born yet.
of the cortical plate—the specification of cortical areas Molecular specification of early cortical neurons was
continues during the fetal period, and thalamic input proven using different markers for GABA (Bystron et al.,
seems to have a significant role in the final differentiation of 2006, 2008; Zecevic & Milosevic, 1997; Rakic & Zecevic,
cortical areas. 2003) and reelin (Meyer & Goffinet, 1998; Rakic & Zecevic,
2003). For studying early cortical development in a clinical
Neurogenetic Events Major neurogenetic events are setting it is very important that early transient proliferative,
production of young postmitotic neurons in the ventricular migratory, and synaptic zones were successfully visualized
zone and their migration through the intermediate zone by in vivo, in utero imaging around 13 PCW ( Judaš et al.,
(figure 2.6). Comparison with data in monkey (Rakic, 1988, 2005; Kostović, Judaš, Škrablin-Kučić, Štern-Padovan, &
2006) shows that in the early fetal period, neurons destined Radoš, 2006).

kostović and judaš: human prefrontal functions before cognition 31

Neuronal Circuitry and Functional Organization The spontaneous endogeneous oscillations that do not depend on
neuronal circuitry of the early prefrontal cortex consists of a sensory input. These results suggest that, long before the
small number of synapses, dendrites of postmigratory onset of cognition, the prefrontal cortex of early human
neurons, and presynaptic axons arising from modulatory fetuses has neuronal circuitry involved in spontaneous
extrathalamic subcortical systems. As described for the endogeneous activity.
midlateral telencephalic wall (Molliver, Kostović, & van der
Loos, 1973) and the anterior cingulate cortex (Kostović & Development of neuronal circuitry in the human prefrontal
Krmpotić, 1976) of human fetuses, early synapses display cortex during the midfetal and late fetal period
bilaminar distribution and are located above and below the
cortical plate. Such bilaminar distribution of early synapses Structural Organization Transient fetal lamination of
was also demonstrated in equivalent stages (embryonic day the prefrontal cortex (figure 2.1D) is characterized by
60) of fetal rhesus monkeys (Bourgeois, Goldman-Rakic, & prominent SP (Kostović & Rakic, 1990; Kostović & Judaš,
Rakic, 1994). 2007), thick and consolidated CP, and the presence of
In the developing human cortex, prospective postsynaptic transient sublayers in the MZ (Kostović, Jovanov-Milošević,
elements for the early synapses were revealed by Golgi Krsnik, Petanjek, & Judaš, 2004/2005). The SP contains an
impregnations (Mrzljak, Uylings, Kostović, & van Eden, abundant extracellular matrix (Kostović, Judaš, Radoš, &
1988; Mrzljak, Uylings, van Eden, & Judaš, 1990; Mrzljak, Hrabač, 2002), “waiting” thalamocortical fibers (Kostović &
Uylings, Kostović, & van Eden, 1992) and electron micros- Goldman-Rakic, 1983; Kostović & Rakic, 1984, 1990;
copy (Kostović & Rakic, 1990), the most likely candidates Rakic, 1977), and relatively mature polymorphic neurons of
being neurons of the subplate zone (Kostović & Molliver, quite variable morphology (Kostović, 1990; Mrzljak et al.,
1974; Kostović & Rakic, 1990). However, radially oriented 1988, 1990, 1992). Transient midfetal zones are easily
neurons of the immature cortical plate also extend their visualized by both in vitro (Kostović et al., 2002) and in vivo
dendrites in the marginal zone (Marin-Padilla, 1983; MR imaging (Kostović, Judaš, et al., 2006). The most
Molliver et al., 1973; Mrzljak et al., 1988) and the pres- prominent transient zone is the SP, easily delineated on MRI
ubplate (Kostović & Rakic, 1990; Kostović & Judaš, 2007; scans owing to the presence of abundant and hydrophyllic
Mrzljak et al., 1988) and thus represent putative postsynaptic extracellular matrix (Kostović et al., 2002).
sites for at least some synapses. During the midfetal and late fetal period the prefrontal
There is substantial evidence for the presence of pre- cortical areas, as cytoarchitectonically defined in the adult
synaptic axons within early synaptic strata of the human brain by Brodmann (1909) or von Economo and Koskinas
cerebral cortex. Modulatory afferents arrive early from the (1925), still do not display two defining features, that is, gra-
monoaminergic brainstem tegmentum (Nobin & Björklund, nular layer IV and large pyramidal neurons in sublayer IIIC.
1973; Zecevic & Verney, 1995) and cholinergic basal fore- At the beginning of this period, layer III neurons are not
brain (Kostović, 1986). Although thalamocortical axons even born. In addition, the prominent SP determines the
are still in the stage of pathway selection, their involvement lamination pattern, which is very different from that of the
in the early circuitry cannot be excluded (Allendoerfer & postnatal cortex.
Shatz, 1994; Kostović & Judaš, 2002, 2007; Molliver et al., However, architectonic differences between major pre-
1973). Short presynaptic input is also provided by subplate frontal cortical regions (dorsolateral, orbitomedial, and orbi-
neurons that express glutamate and GABA (Antonini & tolateral) are already visible on Nissl-stained histological
Shatz, 1990), as well as several neuropeptides (Allendoerfer sections. Transient fetal zones display regional differences
& Shatz, 1994; Delalle, Evers, Kostović, & Uylings, 1997; on in vitro MR images of formalin-fixed brains (Kostović,
Kostović, Štfulj-Fučić, Mrzljak, Jukić, & Delalle, 1991). Judaš, et al., 2002) as well as on in vivo, in utero MR images
(Kostović, Judaš, et al., 2006). The dorsolateral prefrontal
Functional Organization At this early age, supra- region shows two characteristic features: very thick SP and
granular neurons involved in long cortico-cortical networking tangential waves of migratory neurons in the superficial part
necessary for cognitive functions are not born yet. There are of the SP, just below the CP.
no imaging or functional recording studies of the early
human prefrontal cortex. Therefore, we have to rely on Neurogenetic Events During the midfetal period,
experimental studies in animals with similar patterns of neurons and glial cells are continuously produced in
circuitry organization. These studies indicate that subplate ventricular and subventricular zones (Rakic, 1988, 2006).
cells communicate with both nonsynaptic (Albrieux, Platel, The subventricular zone is highly developed in the primate
Dupuis, Villaz, & Moody, 2004; Dupont, Hanganu, Kilb, brain and seems to be the source of interneurons and glial
Hirsch, & Luhmann, 2006; Voigt, Opitz, & DeLima, 2001) cells (Bystron et al., 2008; Rakic, 2006). The overall increase
and synaptic contacts (Friauf & Shatz, 1991) and produce in the number of mitotic cycles seems to represent the

32 development and evolution

cellular basis of prefrontal cortex expansion during human accelerated after 18 PCW, and expression of specific genes
evolution and development (Rakic, 2006). seems to be required for proper targeting of their axons
As neurons are continuously produced, they also continue (Chen, Rašin, Kwan, & Šestan, 2005). Second, corticospinal
to migrate through the intermediate zone and SP. Neurons fibers originating in the human frontal motor region arrive
migrating during the midfetal period are destined to supra- at the spinal cord already at 24 PCW (Eyre, 2007; Eyre,
granular layers and probably correspond to prospective Miller, Clowry, Conway, & Watts, 2000).
pyramidal neurons of layer III that give rise to associative
and commissural cortical pathways (Schwartz, Rakic, & Neuronal Circuitry and Function The most
Goldman-Rakic, 1991). The major pattern of migration of differentiated neurons in the midfetal frontal cortex are
principal, pyramidal neurons is radial migration along radial polymorphic SP neurons and Cajal-Retzius cells of the MZ.
glial cells (Rakic, 2006). This mechanism is particularly The number of synapses has increased in the SP and MZ,
important for the thick cerebral wall of the midfetal pri- and transient circuitry of the SP displays remarkable
mate and human brain where neurons have to travel for complexity. There is electron microscopy evidence that SP
a long distance from the site of origin in the ventricular- neurons are postsynaptic elements, since synapses are readily
subventricular zones to their final destination in superficial found on their proximal dendrites and cell bodies (Kostović
cortical layers. For example, in the midfetal human prefron- & Rakic, 1990). The vast majority of synapses are asymmetric
tal cortex, radially migrating neurons have to traverse 5 to and therefore probably excitatory. Subplate neurons display
9 mm thick SP. As seen on Nissl-stained histological sections, a striking variety of neuronal morphologies (Mrzljak et al.,
massive waves of migratory neurons, together with rows of 1988, 1990).
glial cells, form a transient sublayer within the superficial SP As shown in rhesus monkeys (Meinecke & Rakic, 1992)
(figure 2.1D) of the human prefrontal cortex, which was first and carnivores (Antonini & Shatz, 1990), many SP neurons
noted by von Economo and Koskinas (1925). synthesize GABA, while approximately 60% of SP neurons
During the midfetal period, the growth of subcortico- may synthesize glutamate (Antonini & Shatz, 1990). Pre-
cortical and cortico-subcortical projection pathways reaches synaptic elements for SP circuitry originate from monoami-
its peak intensity. Thalamocortical pathways grow through nergic and cholinergic afferents and other SP neurons, while
the intermediate zone during the pathway selection stage thalamic axons and axons of neurons residing in the CP
(figure 2.2A), and through the SP during the regional may represent an additional presynaptic input (Allendoerfer
target selection stage. The major input for the prefrontal & Shatz, 1994). As a rule, GABAergic neurons coexpress
cortex may be traced by selective histochemical staining various neuropeptides (Allendoerfer & Shatz, 1994; Delalle
of growing fiber tracts (Kostović & Goldman-Rakic, 1983) et al., 1997; Kostović, Štfulj-Fučić, Mrzljak, Jukić, & Delalle,
(see also figures 2.3A, 2.3B). The growth of thalamocortical 1991).
pathways partially overlaps with continuous growth of To summarize, rich presynaptic input from modulatory,
afferent fibers from basal forebrain in the external capsule. nonsensory sources impinges upon a complex, transient
Fibers from the amygdala were not directly visualized, population of neurons. Intrinsic neurons are interconnected.
but this nuclear complex matures very early (Nikolić & Thus one network communicates with external input while
Kostović, 1986), and it is very likely that projection to the other network is endogenous and very likely oscillatory.
orbitomedial cortex matures in parallel with thalamic
projection. Development of prefrontal neuronal circuitry in
Cortico-subcortical pathways from the prefrontal cortex early preterm infants
are more difficult to trace in the human brain. In the rhesus
monkey, developing corticostriatal projections are in spatial The early preterm period is important for human devel-
register with striatal cytoarchitectonic and AChE-rich units opment because preterm infants older than 24 PCW
(Goldman-Rakic, 1981). In the human striatum, these units can survive and thus become exposed to interaction with
develop during midgestation, indicating that midgestation environment. In addition, sensory stimulation is possible
represents a developmental window for growth and estab- even in utero.
lishment of human prefrontal corticostriatal pathways
(Vukšić, Radoš, & Kostović, 2008). Structural Organization The prefrontal cortical regions
The growth of other subcortical efferent pathways—for gradually differentiate while transient fetal zones change
example, long corticopontine and corticospinal axons of their appearance and thickness. An initial lamination appears
layer V pyramidal neurons—is less well known. Two lines in the middle of the CP (figure 2.1E). The SP is at its
of evidence suggest that subcortical efferent pathways may developmental peak (Kostović, Lukinović, et al., 1989;
have reached their target structures/levels. First, micro- Kostović & Rakic, 1990) and shows regional variations
tubule maturation in cell bodies of prefrontal layer V is in thickness. The cytoarchitectonic immaturity of the

kostović and judaš: human prefrontal functions before cognition 33

18 PCW 23 PCW 26 PCW


24.2 mm

33.1 mm

29.8 mm


28 PCW 32 PCW
41.3 mm

SP 43.9 mm

Figure 2.2 Laminar shifts, regional and areal differences in ace- 24 PCW, AChE-reactive fibers gradually penetrate into the cortical
tylcholinesterase (AChE) histochemical staining in the human pre- plate, as illustrated in 26 PCW specimen (C). There is a parallel
frontal cortex at different developmental phases. At 18 PCW (A), decrease in staining of the subplate zone. At 28 PCW (D), strong
AChE-reactive fibers originating in the basal forebrain, external AChE reactivity is present in the cortical plate (arrowheads).
capsule system (EXT), and thalamocortical/internal capsule system Gradual decrease in the overall AChE-staining is observed at 32
gradually invade the subplate. At 23 PCW (B), AChE-reactive PCW (E). Double arrows point to the external capsule, that is, the
fibers accumulate transiently in the superficial part of the SP. After deep border of the subplate zone.

early preterm prefrontal cortex is also visible in the MZ, structural data on laminar, regional, and radial organization
which has several sublayers and contains well-developed show transient patterns of organization of prefrontal cortex
but transient subpial granular layer (Kostović et al., 2004/ in preterm infant.
Transient lamination of the prefrontal cortex in human Neurogenetic Events The proliferative zones (ven-
preterms was well documented by acetylcholinesterase tricular and subventricular) in preterm infants gradually
(AChE) histochemistry (Kostović, 1990). There is a transient cease to produce neurons. However, the bulging of the
columnar arrangement (figure 2.2D) of the strong AChE- ventricular zone, the so-called ganglionic eminence, remains
staining in the prefrontal cortex, with regionally characteris- thick and voluminous. According to the evidence obtained
tic distribution (Kostović, 1990). The differences between in primates (Bystron et al., 2008; Rakic, 2006) after 24 PCW
orbital, lateral, dorsolateral, and orbitomedial cortex became this zone produces predominantly glial precursors. In
more obvious and roughly correspond to the incipient gyral our Golgi studies (Mrzljak et al., 1988, 1990) we have
landmarks (Kostović, Petanjek, et al., 1992). In summary, seen many migratory neurons in early preterm infants.

34 development and evolution


20.6 mm

27.1 mm
CC caud


Figure 2.3 The subplate (SP) is characterized by an abundant immunostaining for fibronectin (B). Note gradients of extracellular
extracellular matrix, as demonstrated by PAS-Alcian Blue histo- matrix and fibronectin concentration within the “waiting” com-
chemical staining (A). The subplate extracellular matrix also con- partment of the subplate zone.
tains a high amount of axonal guidance molecules, as shown by

Therefore, it is possible that in the prefrontal pallium detected by infrared monitoring (Fitzgerald, 2005). It is
neurogenesis and migration last several weeks longer than not known whether information from primary cortex in
in primary cortical areas. early preterms is conveyed further to prefrontal cortical
While there is cessation of proliferative processes, both areas. This seems to be unlikely because of the immaturity
pyramidal and nonpyramidal neurons continue to differen- of cortico-cortical pathways. Thus the prefrontal cortex
tiate. SP neurons continue to grow (Mrzljak et al., 1992) and in early preterms receives predominantly nonsensory
express different neuropeptides such as NPY (Delalle et al., information via mediodorsal-prefrontal projection. Thalamic
1997) and somatostatin (Kostović, Štfulj-Fučić, et al., 1991), axons in early preterm infants make synapses with cells in
as well as GABA. The distribution of synapses changes signi- both SP and CP (Kostović & Jovanov-Milošević, 2006;
ficantly after 24 PCW: synapses begin to appear within the Kostović & Judaš, 2006, 2007).
deep portion of the CP and bilaminar pattern of synaptic The contact of thalamocortical axons with subplate
distribution gradually disappears. The number of synapses neurons is a powerful activator of transient endogeneous
in the deep cortex (SP plus deep CP) is higher than in the cortical circuitry. The initial contact with cortical plate cells
superficial cortex (superficial CP plus MZ). is a forerunner of extrinsic circuitry. Prolonged coexistence
The predominance of deep synapses in early preterms and of these two types of circuitry, the extrinsic and transient
deep-to-superficial synaptogenesis after 28 PCW are struc- intrinsic, is the salient feature of cortical development in
tural factors important for generation of cortical dipole (from humans (Kostović & Judaš, 2006, 2007). The gradual
surface to intermediate zone) and changing surface posi- changes in organization of transient and “permanent”
tive potentials (Molliver, 1967). According to our studies circuitry may form the basic framework for changing
(Kostović & Goldman-Rakic, 1983; Kostović & Judaš, EEG (Vanhatalo & Kaila, 2006). Slow activity transients
2002; Kostović & Rakic, 1984, 1990) the most intense (SAT) are generated as early as 24 PCW (Tolonen, Palva,
neurogenetic process in the preterm cerebrum is growth of Andersson, & Vanhatalo, 2007; Vanhatalo & Kaila, 2006),
projection and callosal pathways. transform at 30 PCW, and disappear after birth (Vanhatalo
& Kaila, 2006). Excitatory extrinsic cholinergic input to the
Functional Organization The main feature dis- SP also originates in the basal forebrain. Subplate neurons
tinguishing preterm cortex from midfetal and late fetal are glutamatergic (Antonini & Shatz, 1990) and GABAergic
cortex (figures 2.1B, 2.1C, 2.1D) is the presence of strong (Meinecke & Rakic, 1992) or GABA-peptidergic neurons
thalamic input from mediodorsal nucleus (Kostović & (Allendoerfer & Shatz, 1994). There is significant increase in
Goldman-Rakic, 1983). In the primary sensory areas, the number of peptidergic neurons in preterm infants (Delalle
thalamic input is anatomical basis for evoked potentials et al., 1997).
(for a review of literature, see Kostović & Jovanov- While functional relationship between thalamic axons,
Milošević, 2006). After 24 PCW, thalamic afferents subplate neurons, and cortical plate neurons in primary
establish synaptic contacts with CP neurons (Molliver et al., cortical areas was clearly demonstrated in experimental
1973). In the somatosensory cortex of preterm infants, pain studies in carnivores (Allendoerfer & Shatz, 1994) and
stimuli from the skin may provoke cortical response as rodents (Hanganu, Kilb, & Luhmann, 2002), the prefrontal

kostović and judaš: human prefrontal functions before cognition 35

circuitry at this early age was not studied in monkeys, six-layered cortical plate was described as Grundtypus by
which may serve as a possible model for human circuitry. Brodmann (1909). In this six-layered pattern (figure 2.1F )
It would be of particular interest to reveal interaction of one can distinguish individual layers, but cell sizes, morpho-
“extrinsic” and “intrinsic” circuits at synaptic and trans- logy, and aggregation within these layers are significantly
mitter levels and correlate this with cortical potentials different from those in the postnatal cortex. First, layer III
(Khazipov & Luhmann, 2006; Tolonen et al., 2007). In early pyramidal neurons are small, and characteristic sublayer
preterm infants “intrinsic” transient circuitry of the SP may IIIc cannot be delineated. Second, layer IV is densely gra-
still be the main generator of spontaneous, endogeneous nular (figure 2.1F ), and this granularity continues into
oscillations (Vanhatalo & Kaila, 2006) and spontaneous premotor and primary motor cortex of the frontal lobe.
activity transients (Tolonen et al.). The transient circuitry Therefore, the criterion of layer IV granularity (agranular–
of the SP in the frontal lobe may have output to caudate dysgranular–granular) cannot be used to delineate frontal
nucleus (Goldman-Rakic, 1981) and contribute to genera- cortical areas as in the adult brain. Third, layer VI is wide
tion of movements in the preterm infant. and very cellular with gradual transition toward the SP.
One of the most intriguing questions is when in the human Fourth, layer I contains numerous large neurons, many of
prefrontal cortex GABAergic neurons became inhibitory. In which show characteristics of Cajal-Retzius cells on Golgi
experimental studies GABA was shown to act as excitatory preparations. The most obvious sign of immaturity is the
transmitter during early phases of cortical development presence of the SP, which can be demonstrated with some
(Vanhatalo & Kaila, 2006) due to the immaturity of KCC simple staining techniques such as PAS-Alcian Blue staining
transporter (Vanhatalo et al., 2005). The switch to excitatory (Kostović, Judaš, et al., 2002).
function occurs relatively late in the rat, at the age corres- However, the SP gradually diminishes in size after 32–35
ponding to neonatal period in humans. PCW. The substrate for the gradual diminishment of the
Very little is known about connections of prefrontal subplate on MR images is the decrease in the amount of
cortex with basal ganglia and brain stem. In the nonhuman extracellular matrix and other growth-related guidance
primates, corticostriatal pathways terminate in full register molecules. The decrease in thickness and signal intensity of
with striatal cytoarchitectonic compartments at embryonic the SP is the hallmark of cerebral cortex on MR images
day 105 (Goldman-Rakic, 1981). In humans, striatal cell in the preterm infant (Kostović, Judaš, et al., 2002). The
islands and AChE patches appear at 10 PCW and become ingrowth of long cortico-cortical pathways into the layers of
maximally developed between 28 and 32 PCW (Graybiel the CP is another important factor in diminishment of the
& Ragsdale, 1978; Letinić & Kostović, 1996; Vukšić SP. Parallel to the decrease in the size of the SP there is
et al., 2008). The efferent pathways from the frontal development of corona radiata composed of thalamocortical
cortex form the Muratoff ’s fascicle (Petrides & Pandya, and other projection fibers. The corona radiata fibers form
2007), and this fiber system seems to be the source of segment III of von Monakow (1905) and continue in gyral
afferents to well-developed moduli in the human fetal white matter, but tight connection of the gyral white matter
putamen. In the context of transitory cortical circuitry and with cortical layers is interrupted by existence of the SP.
connections, it is interesting that the first general, variable
movements appear during the preterm infant period Neurogenetic Events Data on neuronal proliferation in
(Hadders-Algra, 2007). nonhuman primates (Rakic, 1988, 2006) obtained in stages
comparable to human development (Kostović & Rakic,
Development of neuronal circuitry of the human prefrontal 1990) indicate that we cannot expect production of new
cortex during the last two months of gestation neurons in the prefrontal cortex of the late preterm infant.
The notable size of proliferative ventricular-subventricular
Structural Organization During the last two months of zones and ganglionic eminence are most likely related to
gestation, the frontal cortex and related subcortical proliferation of astroglia and oligodendroglia. The presence
nuclei grow rapidly. All primary gyri and sulci are of areas of immature cells around the anterior horn of lateral
recognizable at the cortical surface (figure 2.1F ), as ventricles, which are characteristic for frontal lobe, probably
demonstrated by in vivo MR imaging, which, in comparison reflect waves of cells on the way to more superficial cortical
to postmortem material, provides a more accurate picture layers. It is also very likely that some late-arriving neurons
of convolutional development. still migrate because the migratory radial route is longer in
However, in classical neuroanatomical studies it was prefrontal cortex than in other cortical regions.
not fully appreciated that at this age laminar and areal cyto- Growth of dendrites is a significant event in preterm infant
architectonic organization remains surprisingly immature. (Mrzljak et al., 1988, 1990). This phase of differentiation
For example, the transient SP is still interposed between is influenced by glutamatergic thalamic afferents (Mrzljak
growing white matter and six-layered cortical plate. The et al., 1988, 1990) and is described as a second phase of

36 development and evolution

dendritic differentiation in the prefrontal cortex (Petanjek 1995). The prefrontal cortex is cytoarchitectonically
et al., 2008). Parallel to this event there is initial development immature, and the main reason for this immaturity is that
of characteristic dendritic orientation in nonpyramidal, local granular layer IV, a main recipient of thalamocortical input,
circuitry neurons (Mrzljak et al., 1988; Kostović, Judaš, & remains well developed in all frontal areas (i.e., in both
Petanjek, 2008). The most robust neurogenetic event in the prospective granular and prospective dysgranular areas). In
preterm infant is growth of long cortico-cortical pathways. layer I (the former fetal marginal zone) there is concentration
Callosal fibers are in the phase of growth around ventricles of neurons, and well-developed Cajal-Retzius cells are still
(Kostović, Judaš, et al., 2002) and show significant increase present (Krmpotić-Nemanić, Kostović, Vidić, Nemanić, &
in number, described as exuberance (Chalupa & Killackey, Kostović-Knežević, 1987).
1989; Innocenti & Price, 2005). The newborn cortex has immature laminar organization
There is no reliable chemical marker for direct demon- with prominent layer IV, dense layer II, absence of magno-
stration of long cortico-cortical associative fibers. The DT pyramidality of layer IIIc, and wide transition between
tractography demonstrated preliminary results without iden- layer VI and the white matter—cytoarchitectonic remnants
tifying source(s) of associative pathways described in adult of the subplate zone (figure 2.4). The precise delineation of
prefrontal cortex (Petrides & Pandya, 2007). The conven- dysgranular areas (Broca’s area 44, posterior orbital cortex)
tional MRI shows periventricular zone rich in extracellular from prefrontal granular areas is not possible on the basis of
matrix ( Judaš et al., 2005), which corresponds to axonal cytoarchitectonic criteria ( Judaš & Cepanec, 2007).
strata containing long associative fascicles such as fronto-
occipital and superior longitudinal medial fasciculus Neurogenetic Events The neonatal period is dominated
described by von Monakow (1905) in developing fetal and by dendritic differentiation (figure 2.5), growth and
child brain. In addition, fiber bundles that contain efferent reorganization of callosal fibers, and growth of short cortico-
associative pathways from the rostral prefrontal cortex cortical fibers. Dendritic development is evident in all classes
(Petrides & Pandya, 2007), such as external capsule and cin- of neurons (Mrzljak et al., 1990). At birth, layer V pyramidal
gulate fasciculus, are well developed in the preterm infant. neurons have larger and more complex dendritic trees than
those of layer IIIC (Petanjek et al., 2008). Pyramidal neurons
Functional Organization There is further maturation of of layers V and III display the first phase of spinogenesis and
evoked and event-related potentials: the gradual appearance intense growth of basal dendrites. Interneurons of layer IV
of synchronous EEG activity and slow activity transients develop characteristic phenotypes and can be distinguished.
become less frequent. Analysis of general movements that The supragranular layers contain double-bouquet neurons,
depend on transient circuitry (Hadders-Algra, 2007) shows basket neurons, and multipolar and bitufted nonpyramidal
characteristic “writhing” general movements (Hadders- neurons (Mrzljak et al., 1990).
Algra, 2007). Because of the significant synaptogenesis in It is interesting that subplate neurons show continuous
superficial layers of the cortical plate, cortical dipole switches dendritic growth (Mrzljak et al., 1988, 1990, 1992). The
from predominantly deep to predominantly superficial growth of short cortico-cortical pathways was not directly
generation of electrical activity (Molliver, 1967). Accordingly, demonstrated in the human prefrontal cortex, but in the
preterm infants show surface-negative cortical potentials human visual cortex DiI tracing demonstrated growth of
that change to surface-positive potentials during the early short cortical pathways during corresponding phases
postnatal period. of development (Burkhalter, 1993). Synaptogenesis is quan-
As stated for early preterm infants, the significance of titatively significant neurogenetic event in the neonatal
sensory input for maturation of the prefrontal cortex is cortex, and there is rapid increase in the formation of
not known. In experiments performed in monkey fetuses synapses (Huttenlocher & Dabholkar, 1997; Kostović, Judaš,
delivered 3 months before the term and exposed to normal Petanjek, & Šimić, 1995).
light, intense visual stimulation did not affect the rate of
synaptic production (Bourgeois, Jastreboff, & Rakic, 1989). Functional Organization During the neonatal period,
Accordingly, one can assume that fetal afferent input to thalamocortical circuitry is established and there is a substrate
prefrontal cortex before the birth will not affect the rate of for interaction with other brain regions and sensory
synaptic production. environment. This process is very important for shaping of
fine connectivity within the cortical columns (Penn & Shatz,
Neonatal period 1999). During the neonatal period, the anatomical substrate
of electrical activity is rapidly changing because of exponential
Structural Organization The development of gyri and increase in the number of synapses, deep synaptic activa-
sulci continues with formation of tertiary convolutional tion, retraction of exuberant callosal axons (Chalupa &
pattern (Armstrong, Schleicher, Omran, Curtis, & Zilles, Killackey, 1989; Innocenti & Price, 2005), and ingrowth of

kostović and judaš: human prefrontal functions before cognition 37




Figure 2.4 Transient subplate neurons are present in the neurons are seen extending from deep cortical layer VI through
postnatal human cerebral cortex, as revealed by MAP2- the SP into the core of the gyral white matter (WM).
immunohistochemistry of the middle frontal gyrus. MAP2-positive

Figure 2.5 Development of dendritic arborizations of layers III and V pyramidal neurons, as revealed by computerized Neurolucida
reconstructions. (After Petanjek et al., 2008, with permission of Oxford University Press.)

38 development and evolution

cortico-cortical fibers. As a consequence the cortical dipole connections, retraction of exuberant callosal projections,
changes and the cortical surface response becames development of dendrites of both pyramidal and inhibitory
predominantly positive (Novak, Kurtzberg, Kreuzer, & neurons, explosive synaptogenesis, naturally occurring
Vaughan, 1989). The EEG shows more continuous activity cell death, and incipient myelogenesis (figure 2.6). The
(Dreyfus-Brisac, 1979). Slow activity transients may be still growth of short cortico-cortical connections continues at
present in the full-term newborn (Vanhatalo et al., 2005; least until the 6th postnatal month, but may continue even
Vanhatalo & Kaila, 2006). This phenomenon, together with after this period (Burkhalter, 1993). The retraction of
prolonged existence of transient circuitry and immaturity of exuberant axons occurs before the 6th postnatal month
cortico-cortical connectivity, points to the overall functional (Innocenti & Price, 2005), which is in agreement with
immaturity of the cortex. Supragranular local circuitry experimental results in monkey (Chalupa & Killackey, 1989;
neurons have nonmyelinated axons and immature dendritic LaMantia & Rakic, 1990). In the newborn monkey there are
arborizations (Mrzljak et al., 1990). This immaturity of 3.5 times more callosal axons than in the adult (LaMantia
neuronal circuitry correlates well with immaturity of the & Rakic, 1990). Synaptic density increases rapidly during
psychological basis for recruiting and sustaining attention to the first postnatal year (Huttenlocher & Dabholkar, 1997).
a stimulus that is guided primarily by its physical features Similar results were obtained in counting of spines in the
(Kagan & Baird, 2004). human prefrontal cortex (Kostović, Petanjek, et al., 1992).
After the 7th postnatal month, the growth of cortico-cortical
Infancy pathways subsides, and predominant neurogenetic events
are synaptogenesis, dendritogenesis, and myelogenesis.
Structural Organization The laminar and areal
differentiation shows substantial differences between early Functional Organization It is not known how the
(2–3 months) and late infancy (7–12 months). In the early prefrontal cortex participates in behavior of infants during
infant cortex (figure 2.1G) granular layer IV is present the first postnatal months. The first novel phase of behavior
throughout polar, orbital, medial, and dorsolateral prefrontal with clear involvement of the prefrontal cortex is goal-
cortex (Kostović, 1990), as well as in the fronto-opercular directed behavior (Kostović, Judaš, et al., 1995) demonstrated
region ( Judaš & Cepanec, 2007). In the late infant cortex in the human version of the delayed response test (Diamond
(figure 2.1H ) dysgranular areas of posterior orbital and & Goldman-Rakic, 1989) where engagement of prefrontal
fronto-opercular cerebral cortex may be delineated with cortex may be demonstrated between 7 and 10 months of
greater confidence. Accordingly, Amunts, Schleicher, postnatal age. It is obvious that this complex behavior
Ditterich, and Zilles (2003) found left-right asymmetry in depends on a new level of cortico-cortical and intrinsic
Broca’s region (Brodmann’s areas 44 and 45) in 1-year-old cortical circuitry organization. The construction and shaping
infants. The other difference between early and late infancy of this circuitry lasts almost a year and may be divided into
is the presence of transient subplate. In early infants early (2–3 months) and late phases (4th month onward).
(2–3 months) the subplate is visible as transitional layer Both phases are characterized by transitional patterns
situated between layer VI and white matter core of of cortical organization. These phases correspond to two
frontal gyri (Kostović, Petanjek, et al., 1992). The presence transitions described for psychological development during
of transient subplate elements obscures measurements the first year (Kagan & Baird, 2004). During the early
of cortical thickness on MRI scans (Giedd et al., 1999; infancy phase (2–3 postnatal months) there is a rapid
Sowell et al., 2004). Further structural differences between increase in number of synapses and growth of short
early and late infant brain are related to the maturation cortico-cortical pathways (Burkhalter, 1993; Huttenlocher
of pyramidal neurons of layers V and III (figure 2.5). & Dabholkar, 1997; Kostović, Petanjek, et al., 1992). In
Progressive differentiation of pyramidal neurons continues addition, there is a rapid dendritic development of pyra-
in infancy in both supragranular and infragranular layers midal neurons (Petanjek et al., 2008).
(Mrzljak et al., 1988, 1990, 1992; Petanjek et al., 2008). During the first postnatal months some subplate neurons
During the first postnatal month, the extent of dendritic continue to grow and maintain transient circuitry. Some
differentiation is similar in pyramidal neurons of layers III authors consider transient subplate circuitry as a framework
and V. However, after the third month, layer IIIC pyramidal for general movements during the neonatal period and early
cells display a seemingly “dormant” period with no significant infancy (Hadders-Algra, 2007). However, participation in
overall dendritic growth from 3 to 16 months (Petanjek other transient phenomena cannot be excluded. It is not
et al., 2008). known whether subplate resolution is related to retraction of
callosal and long associative fibers that entered this zone but
Neurogenetic Events During infancy there is con- never reached cortical plate layers. It is also not known what
tinuing growth of short cortico-cortical and intracortical is the contribution of these pathways to transient cortical

kostović and judaš: human prefrontal functions before cognition 39

SP 20-28 PCW


26-28 PCW

Figure 2.6 Growth of corpus callosum fibers through complex of intermingling with thalamocortical fibers. Abbreviations: cp,
guidance zones and decision points. Numbers denote eight sequen- cortical plate; cpn, cortical plate neuron; l.III, developing layer III;
tial decision points in the ipsilateral hemisphere, at the hemispheric m, migrating neuron; SP, subplate; spn, subplate neuron.
midline, and in the opposite hemisphere. Asterisks indicate areas

circuitry. Although the pruning of exuberant callosal connec- driven and as marking the onset of characteristic executive
tions in the human brain occurs during the first six months function with resolution of spatiotemporal relationships.
of postnatal life, the moderate reduction in size of the corpus As stated earlier, the maturation of layer III neurons
callosum was noted already in preterm infants (Innocenti & displays a “dormant” period between the 3rd and 15th
Price, 2005). postnatal months (Petanjek et al., 2008). According to
We proposed that the subplate exists as a cytoarchitectonic these data, the differentiation of associative neurons of layer
entity during growth of long cortico-cortical pathways and IIIC speeds up after the 15th month, during the period of
that some subplate circuitry elements exist also during the intensified social interaction.
late transitional phase of growth of short cortico-cortical The development of subplate peptidergic neurons follows
connectivity pathways (Kostović & Rakic, 1990; Kostović, a similar time schedule. In the newborn, NPY and somatosta-
1990; Kostović, Petanjek, et al., 1992). This late phase of tin neurons are important constituents of the subplate (Delalle
transient circuitry is resolved between 7 and 10 months of et al., 1997; Kostović, Štfulj-Fučić, et al., 1991). However, by
postnatal life when cortico-cortical connectivity is established 6 months, their number decreases, and this low number is
and when prefrontal cortex exhibits first executive func- maintained during childhood (Delalle et al., 1997).
tions (Diamond & Goldman-Rakic, 1989; Fuster, 2002; Modulatory pathways from basal forebrain and brain
Goldman-Rakic, 1987). This finding suggests that the dis- stem change their transient fetal pattern during early infancy
appearance of transient circuitry (which existed in parallel (Kostović, Škavić, & Strinović, 1988; Brown, Crane, &
with permanent circuitry elements since 24 PCW) should Goldman, 1979). However, important developmental shifts
precede the onset of goal-directed behavior and ability to in their density and distribution occur during childhood and
retrieve schemas from past events that are no longer in the adolescence (Brown et al., 1979).
perceptual field. We describe this new cognitive phase, which There is a correlation between synaptogenesis (Hut-
develops after the 7th postnatal month, as environmentally tenlocher & Dabholkar, 1997), formation of dendritic spines

40 development and evolution

(Kostović, Petanjek, et al., 1992; Petanjek et al., 2008), and dendritic trees and growth of fine, distal dendrites is another
elaboration of dendrites in layer V and III pyramidal neurons major histogenetic event in both pyramidal and nonpyrami-
(Petanjek et al., 2008). This indicates that in the early cogni- dal neurons during the second year of life. It seems likely
tive phase the main event in the formation of prefrontal that these new postsynaptic sites participate in establishment
neuronal circuitry is differentiation of pyramidal neurons of late-maturing intracortical circuitry.
and their synaptic connections. The prefrontal cortex of the rhesus monkey contains 13
In conclusion, the circuitry of the early cognitive phase different classes of neurons that constrain the propagation
(7–12 months) is characterized by finalization of growth of of pyramidal cell excitation in different projections including
short cortico-cortical pathways, rapid growth of layer V local circuits (Lewis, Hashimoto, & Volk, 2005; Lund &
pyramidal dendrites (Petanjek et al., 2008), initial differen- Lewis, 1993).
tiation of inhibitory neurons, especially double-bouquet The process of myelinization involves also predominantly
interneurons (Mrzljak et al., 1990), and the disappearance long cortico-cortical pathways. Some long cortico-cortical
of the subplate. pathways such as corpus callosum mature as late as 10 years
of life (Yakovlev & Lecours, 1967). The most interesting is
Early childhood: The second year myelinization of intracortical fibers that form the final, fifth
segment of the cortical white matter (von Monakow, 1905)
Structural Organization During the second year, areal described as radii. The intracortical portion of myelinated
specification of the prefrontal cortex is in its final phase but fibers cannot yet be demonstrated with conventional MR
not yet completed. Two main cytoarchitectonic features of imaging and was described in classical myeloarchitectonic
the prefrontal cortex, magnopyramidality of layer IIIC and studies (von Monakow, 1905; Yakovlev & Lecours, 1967).
granularity of layer IV, help to distinguish dorsolateral,
dorsolateral-medial, polar, orbital, medial, and precingulate Functional Organization During the second year, new
areas. At the beginning of the second year layer IIIC cognitive functions gradually develop (Kagan & Baird,
pyramidal neurons are still in the “dormant” period 2004). These new competences are largely integrated in the
characteristic of infancy (Petanjek et al., 2008). However, prefrontal cortex: production of meaningful speech, the
the maturation of their cytoskeleton advanced significantly capacity to infer selected mental states in others (theory of
when compared with findings in early infancy ( Jovanov- mind), the first signs of conscious awareness, and feeling of
Milošević, Petrović, Judaš, & Kostović, 2008). the self (Kagan & Baird, 2004; Werker & Vouloumanos,
At the end of the second year (figure 2.1I ), layer IIIC 2001).
pyramidal neurons become larger than those in layer V and The maturational shift that is most likely to underlie these
dorsolateral prefrontal areas acquire magnopyramidal complex environment-brain interactions is related to intrin-
appearance (figure 2.5). Around the second birthday, den- sic cortical circuitry. First, it concerns the level of differen-
drites of layer IIIC pyramidal neurons enter the second tiation of layer IIIC pyramidal neurons achieved around
phase of significant elongation. In contrast to the biphasic the second birthday. Second, it is related to differentiation
pattern of growth of layer III pyramidal neurons, pyramidal of GABAergic inhibitory interneurons: double-bouquet,
neurons of layer V projection neurons show a linear pattern calretinin-containing neurons; chandelier, parvalbumin-
of development confined to infancy. containing neurons; and wide-arbor basket, parvalbumin-
containing neurons. Activation of interneurons serves to
Neurogenetic Events Three main neurogenetic events constrain the propagation of pyramidal cell excitation in
characterize early childhood: (1) synaptogenesis, (2) den- local and long-range as well as intrinsic and associative
dritic differentiation of both pyramidal and nonpyramidal projections.
local circuitry neurons, and (3) myelogenesis (figure 2.7). The The increased number of postsynaptic (Mrzljak et al.,
formation of synapses is progressive and more intense during 1990; Petanjek et al., 2008) and presynaptic intrinsic ele-
the second year of life (Huttenlocher & Dabholkar, 1997; ments (Anderson, Classey, Conde, Lund, & Lewis, 1995)
Kostović, Petanjek, et al., 1992; Petanjek et al., 2008). The between 2 and 2.5 years corresponds to peak density of
number of dendritic spines reaches its maximum at 2.5 years dendritic spines and synapses observed in this period. This
of life (Kostović, Petanjek, et al., 1992; Petanjek et al., 2008). correspondence was shown in studies of synaptogenesis (Hut-
The differentiation of dendrites in layer IIIC neurons shows tenlocher & Dabholkar, 1997) and spinogenesis (Kostović,
a similar trend: after a yearlong “dormant” period, pyramidal Petanjek, et al., 1992; Kostović, Judaš, & Petanjek, 2008;
neurons display a second period of dendritic growth at the Petanjek et al., 2008). It seems that this second cognitive
end of the second year (Petanjek et al., 2008). phase requires the presence of supernumerary synapses in
Based on quantitative parameters described for human order to selectively stabilize functional circuitries through
prefrontal cortex (discussed earlier), the differentiation of interaction with different environmental cues.

kostović and judaš: human prefrontal functions before cognition 41

Figure 2.7 Simplified graphic representation of timing and intensity of neurogenetic events and different types of interaction with envi-
ronment. Note the differences in intensity of neurogenetic events during prenatal and postnatal development.

Overview of the developmental phases of prefrontal synaptic circuitry involves postsynaptic elements situated in
circuitry during the first 2 years of life characteristic bilaminar distribution above and below the
cortical plate (figure 2.8A). This phase is endogeneous and
The data presented systematically in previous paragraphs nonsensory driven. The crucial event in the development
clearly suggest that development of prefrontal circuitry of fetal circuitry occurs after 13 PCW when cortical plate
begins during the early fetal life, in parallel with develop- loosens and new prominent subplate zone develops. This
ment of regions destined for motor and sensory functions typical fetal circuitry consists of (1) postsynaptic elements:
(Kostović & Rakic, 1990). well-differentiated GABAergic and glutamatergic subplate
These early circuits are oscillatory, endogeneous, and very neurons, Cajal-Retzius cells of the marginal zone, and basal
likely based on nonsynaptic contacts because we did not see and apical arborizations of quite immature pyramidal
synapses before the formation of the cortical plate. The first neurons; (2) presynaptic elements: short and long axons of

42 development and evolution

glutamatergic and GABAergic subplate neurons; and (3) conveyed through mediodorsal nucleus, but activation of
modulatory elements: afferents from monoaminergic brain cortex is expected in this period.
stem neurons and cholinergic neurons from rostral cell In late preterm infants cortico-cortical, commissural
groups of the basal forebrain. fibers of the corpus callosum and long associative pathways
Thalamic afferents from mediodorsal nucleus project establish the first cortico-cortical network. These connec-
heavily to the subplate zone. The phase of typical fetal tions also display transient exuberancy like corpus callosum
lamination lasts until 21–23 PCW (figure 2.8B) when (Innocenti & Price, 2005). However, many commissural
thalamocortical fibers accumulate below the cortical axons and associative pathways do not necessarily make
plate. This phase we describe as endogeneous due to the synapses at this stage. The overall number of synapses
fact that frontal cortex cannot receive extrinsic inputs is relatively small in comparison to postnatal stages
because primary cortical regions are not yet driven by (Bourgeois et al., 1994; Huttenlocher & Dabholkar, 1997;
sensory inputs. Kostović, Petanjek, et al., 1992; Petanjek et al., 2008;
In contrast to the rich synaptic and transmitter organiza- Rakic, 2006).
tion of the subplate zone with its GABA and glutamatergic The synchronous appearance of EEG suggests a cer-
cell networks (Meinecke & Rakic, 1992; Allendoerfer & tain degree of cortical integration (Albrieux et al., 2004;
Shatz, 1994) triggered by cholinergic and monoaminergic Khazipov & Luhmann, 2006; Kostović, Judaš, et al., 1995;
input (Dupont et al., 2006; Molliver, 1967; Zecevic & Tolonen et al., 2007; Vanhatalo & Kaila, 2006; Vanhatalo
Verney, 1995), the cortical plate is immature and does not et al., 2005). Efferent pathways to subcortical targets (Eyre,
contain synaptic contacts (Molliver et al., 1973). The pyra- 2007; Eyre et al., 2000) and striatum (Goldman-Rakic, 1981;
midal neurons show the initial phase of maturation (Mrzljak Kostović, 1984; Vukšić et al., 2008) set up the stage for later
et al., 1988, 1990, 1992) by both qualitative and quantitative involvement in executive functions.
criteria. Nonpyramidal neurons of the cortical plate are The circuitry in the preterm period is different from neo-
immature (Mrzljak et al., 1988) because they are born after natal because long associative pathways are still growing,
18 PCW. elaborate transient subplate circuitry coexists with perma-
The next phase of circuitry development occurs at age nent connectivity of cortical layers (thalamocortical circui-
corresponding to preterm birth after 24 PCW (figure 2.8C ) try), and areal differentiation is in its initial stage. During the
and is characterized by penetration of CP by thalamocorti- neonatal period cortex becomes accessible to environmental
cal fibers from mediodorsal nucleus (Kostović & Goldman- sensory inputs. Accordingly, thalamocortical circuitry drives
Rakic, 1983). It is not known what kind of information is cortical activity in sensory cortical areas.




CP call
motor neuron


tegm (ma)

tegm (ma)

tegm (ma) TH

Figure 2.8 The reconstruction of neuronal connections in preterm infant cortex at 34 PCW (C). (After Kostović &
the human fetal frontal cortex. At 10 PCW (A), early modulatory Judaš, 2007, with permission of Elsevier Science Publishers.)
afferents are present in transient fetal subplate (SP) and marginal Abbreviations: BF, basal forebrain; TH, thalamus; tegm (ma), teg-
zone (MZ). In the midfetal cortex at 24 PCW (B), thalamocortical mental monoaminergic afferents. Black squares depict GABAergic
afferents and SP neurons are dominant elements of deep transient subplate neurons, and white circles depict GABAergic neurons
cortical circuitry. The relocation of afferents from SP into the of the cortical plate. Glutamatergic neurons are depicted as
CP with subsequent synaptogenesis are illustrated for early diamond shapes.

kostović and judaš: human prefrontal functions before cognition 43

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kostović and judaš: human prefrontal functions before cognition 47

3 The Cognitive Neuroscience of
Human Uniqueness
todd m. preuss

abstract Until recently, neuroscientists have lacked powerful stimulation—require the use of invasive, and often terminal,
means for studying the human brain, and so have relied on studies experimental procedures. Given this fact, neuroscientific
of nonhuman species for understanding human brain organization. research has tended to focus on nonhuman species. To be
Moreover, the Darwin-Huxley claim that the human mind and
brain, while highly developed, are qualitatively similar to those of
sure, neuroscience has maintained a tradition of human
other species encouraged the concentration of research in a very research, beginning with clinical neurology and strength-
few “model” nonhuman species. Several recent developments chal- ened today by the availability of a suite of remarkable non-
lenge the traditional model-animal research paradigm and provide invasive imaging tools. Nonetheless, there remains an
the foundations of a new neuroscience. First, evolutionary biologists important gap between human and nonhuman studies: the
now understand that living species cannot be arrayed along a
techniques available for studying animals permit much more
single, unbroken sequence of phylogenetic development: species
can differ qualitatively. Second, neuroscientists are documenting detailed investigations involving finer levels of organization,
remarkable variations in the organization of cerebral cortex and and the use of model animals facilitates better experimental
other brain regions across mammals. Third, new noninvasive design. The result is that many of our ideas about human
methods from histology, neuroimaging, and genomics are making brain organization are actually inferences drawn from studies
the human brain accessible for direct, detailed study as never
of nonhuman species.
before. Finally, these same methods are being used to directly
compare humans to other species (including chimpanzees, the What is the scientific basis for making inferences about
species most closely related to humans), providing the foundations human brain organization from the study of nonhuman
of a new and richly detailed account of how the human brain both species? The answer, seemingly, is the principle of evolution,
resembles and differs from that of other species. which asserts that there was continuity between the human
species and other animals through Earth history. We rightly
honor Charles Darwin for having the profound insight that
Evolution isn’t what it used to be all animals are descended from one (or a few) progenitor
species and providing the evidence necessary to convince
What distinguishes the human brain from that of other scientists of the truth of that insight (Darwin, 1859). But
animals? This is one of the most profound questions that neu- Darwin did more than that. Darwin viewed the forces of
roscience confronts, yet surprisingly it has not attracted a evolution—mainly natural selection—as means of improve-
great deal of empirical investigation, nor have the answers ment, so that those species that have been subjected to
offered heretofore been particularly revealing. Humans have more selection are better species. In this way, Darwin
big brains relative to body size—that much is agreed upon— provided a naturalistic explanation of the Great Chain of
but what is different about the contents of those big brains? Being (scala naturae), the idea that life forms can be arranged
We should perhaps start by asking why, despite the great along a linear scale from the simple and base to the complex
advances made in neurosciences over the past few decades, and refined. The concept of a scale of being long predated
we have so little solid information about how the human Darwin, having its origins (in the Western tradition, at least)
brain differs from and resembles that of other animals. One in Aristotelian philosophy (Lovejoy, 1964). (Some pre-
reason, clearly, is that neuroscientists have had relatively Darwinian versions of the scale of being go beyond the
limited means for studying humans, compared to the means merely human, extending through the grades of angels up to
available for studying nonhuman species. The most powerful the Almighty.) Darwin took the metaphysical Great Chain
methods at our disposal for studying brains—genetic ma- of Being, which seems very strange to most of us today, and
nipulations, tracer injections, microelectrode recording and turned it into something familiar—the phylogenetic scale
(Richards, 1987, 1992). Accordingly, depictions of evolution-
todd m. preuss Division of Neuroscience and Center for ary history from the 1860s through the 1960s commonly
Behavioral Neuroscience, Yerkes Primate Research Center, Emory represented evolution as a process of ascent, with Man at the
University, Atlanta, Georgia top (figures 3.1A, 3.2A, 3.2B). Although some historians have

preuss: the cognitive neuroscience of human uniqueness 49

Figure 3.1 Changing views of evolutionary history, contrasting with respect to time, and one locates primates or humans merely
(A) an early phylogenetic tree from Ernst Haeckel (1874, 1879), an from the shape of the tree. The tree is drawn with the present-day
early supporter of Darwin, and (B) a modern phylogeny of mammals time horizontal to the right, but the direction of the time axis is
from recent comparative molecular studies, based on Murphy and arbitrary. Note that I have translated some of the German terms
colleagues (2001). In Haeckel’s tree (A), the course of evolution is for various primate groups differently than in the original English
upward, and it culminates in humans. Other species are relegated edition of Haeckel’s work (Haeckel, 1879) to better conform to
to side branches. The modern tree (B) has no orientation, except modern usage.

credited Darwin with the idea that evolution has no direction organisms they infest. Furthermore, evolutionary history has
or orientation, it is clear from even a casual reading of proven to be anything but an unblemished chronicle of
Darwin (see especially Darwin, 1871) that he firmly believed progressive improvement: cosmic collisions and tectonic
in the phylogenetic scale, and that human beings are at the upheavals repeatedly shuffled the deck.
top—that we are the most advanced form of animal life. There is another important transformation in the way
Darwin’s work marks the beginning of evolutionary evolutionary biologists came to view the history of life,
biology, but like other branches of science, evolutionary and like the study of adaptation, this transformation was
biology underwent revolutionary changes during the 20th ultimately rooted in another of Darwin’s profound insights.
century, resulting in a worldview that Darwin would proba- The sole figure in the Origin of Species (Darwin, 1859) depicts
bly have found at once very familiar and very strange. evolution as a branching process, with ancestral lineages
Detailed studies of evolutionary mechanisms made it clear splitting to form multiple daughter species. Early evolution-
that adaptation is a local process, fitting populations to their ists did not recognize any contradiction between the phylo-
particular circumstances. Adaptation does not necessarily genetic scale and the phylogenetic tree; as a result, early
involve increased complexity; in fact, it often results in sim- trees typically had a narrow, vertical orientation (figures
plification or loss of structures and functional capacities, as 3.1A; 3.2A, 3.2B). The contradictions became clear, however,
in the case of many parasitic organisms. Yet parasites are when the lack of a unitary direction to evolutionary history
arguably just as well adapted to their circumstances as the was appreciated. If every lineage is shaped by selection

50 development and evolution

Figure 3.2 Changing views of primate evolution, contrasting the considered living forms like tree shrews, lemurs, monkeys, and apes
vertical, human-oriented trees of (A) Grafton Elliot Smith (1924) to be the living embodiments of grades of organization or stages of
and (B) W. E. Le Gros Clark (1959), with (C ) a modern branching evolution leading to humans. Modern trees (such as C; modified
diagram of the primate order, based primarily on Fleagle (1999). from Preuss, Cáceres, Oldham, & Geschwind, 2004) place all living
Elliot Smith and Le Gros Clark were both neuroanatomists and forms on the present-day time horizon, and again, the direction of
primatologists, and their views were enormously influential in the time axis is arbitrary. Furthermore, there are many equivalent
shaping our understanding of primate evolutionary history and ways of arraying modern groups along the current time horizon,
primate brain evolution (Preuss, 1993, 2007a, 2007b). In their trees, since tree branches can be rotated around any of the internal nodes.
like Haeckel’s tree (figure 3.1A), evolution is a progression toward Humans, therefore, can be placed at the top of the list, the bottom
a human apex. In Elliot Smith (A), even living members of the of the list, or somewhere in between (as shown in C ). LCA, last
primate order, like New World and Old World monkeys, are treated common ancestor.
as though they were extinct side branches. Le Gros Clark (B)

preuss: the cognitive neuroscience of human uniqueness 51

pressures specific to its circumstances, then the main axis but not with other mammals (unless, like cats, with their
of the tree can be understood to represent time, rather forward-facing eyes, they evolved them independently).
than also serving as an index of advancement. With this Finally, every species will have features that evolved in its
recognition, evolutionary trees have become much wider own lineage after that lineage branched off from the line
and more rectangular, emphasizing that evolutionary leading to its closest relatives. These are its species-specific
history is a matter of diversification through time (figures features. Thus every species can be regarded as a mosaic of
3.1B, 3.2C ). characteristics, some that are shared with other species and
There has been at least one more important change in some that are specific to it.
evolutionists’ view of life. Darwin emphasized the continuity
of life, and asserted that discontinuities between humans and Model-animal versus comparative approaches
our closest living relatives would invalidate the theory of to neuroscience
evolution. Accordingly, he proposed a research program
that encouraged scientists to seek in nonhuman species sim- When it comes to the issue of how the brains of different
plified rudiments of characteristics that are well developed species resemble and differ from one another, there is no
in humans (Darwin, 1871). Huxley (1863) took a similar question that the majority of neuroscientists would stand with
approach to the brain. For modern evolutionists, by con- Darwin. Most neuroscientists study nonhuman species, and,
trast, continuity is seen in strictly historical terms: species are moreover, most research effort is concentrated on one of the
understood to be connected by the continuity of generations standard model animals, such as Drosophila, C. elegans, rats,
through time. Any set of living species can, however, differ mice, or macaque monkeys. The emphasis on studies of
in ways that encompass no living intermediates. We know, model animals, which comes to us from the biomedical
for example, that cetaceans (whales and dolphins) were thor- research tradition and from experimental psychology, is
oughly transformed by evolution from terrestrial quadru- predicated on the assumption that there are major or basic
peds (related to modern sheep and cows) to fishlike aquatic features of organization that are widely shared across animals,
forms through a series of intermediate forms, replacing, step and that the differences, whatever they are, are relatively
by step, anatomical features suited for terrestrial life with minor and unimportant (Logan, 2001, 2005; Preuss, 2000a).
features suited to aquatic life. We know this because there Of course, propagandists for different model species argue
happens to be a spectacular fossil record documenting the endlessly about why their model is the best—highlighting the
extinct intermediate forms (Gingerich, Haq, Zalmout, Khan, fact that species do, after all, differ—but the assumption that
& Malkani, 2001; Thewissen, Williams, Roe, & Hussain, we can get at the basics by studying a few species is rarely
2001). But there are no modern intermediate forms, no array questioned. Neuroscientists working in the zoological tradi-
of living species that spans the gap between the aquatic tion tend to take a broader, more comparative view (e.g.,
cetaceans and their terrestrial kin. Thus there is no reason Striedter, 2005), but that approach has been marginalized in
to maintain the narrow interpretation of continuity promul- the neurosciences as the model-animal paradigm has become
gated by Darwin and Huxley, and no reason to insist that the accepted approach to biomedicine. Most neuroscientists
every aspect of the human brain or mind be present in simply take generality for granted, in effect treating it as a
some lesser form in other species (see also Penn, Holyoak, & property of the models themselves. Modern publications
Povinelli, 2008). In the light of modern evidence about reporting results in rats or mice typically do not even identify
evolutionary change, we can see that Darwin and Huxley the species in the title. Common model animals like fruit flies,
confounded two different kinds of continuity. rats, and mice are no longer treated as subjects so much as
One of the most important aspects of the modern standardized reagents (Logan, 2002, 2005).
understanding of evolution, therefore, is the change in how The assumption of generality, and the resulting concentra-
biologists view the similarities and differences among tion of research effort in a few model species, seemed until
animals. If you are troubled by the term “human unique- recently to rest on a solid empirical foundation. Brain orga-
ness” in the title of this essay, you’re in good company— nization was regarded as evolutionarily conservative, at least
Darwin, with his emphasis on continuity, would have been across mammals. Mammalian brains might vary in size, and
troubled, too. But modern evolutionary biology regards each possibly also in degree of “differentiation” (a term meaning
species as a unique outcome of evolutionary history. To be quite different things to different people), but the internal
sure, any two species will share some features in common, organization of the brain, especially at the level of the local
by virtue of being descended from a common ancestor. But cellular architecture and local connectivity, was understood
as one restricts comparisons to closer and closer relatives, to be largely invariant. Cortex, in particular, was said to
the set of shared features will become more limited. Humans exhibit a “basic uniformity” across species (Rockel, Hiorns,
have forward-facing eyes and nails, rather than claws, on & Powell, 1980; see also Creutzfeldt, 1977; Mountcastle,
our fingertips; we share these features with other primates, 1978; Phillips, Zeki, & Barlow, 1983; Szentagothai, 1975).

52 development and evolution

During the 1970s, however, evidence began to accumulate (figure 3.2C ). The lineage most closely related to humans is
indicating that at least the larger-scale organization of the chimpanzee-bonobo clade, with which we shared a
cerebral cortex was not so uniform across species: different common ancestor about 6–8 million years ago. If we take
mammalian groups evolved different complements of cor- evolutionary biology seriously, we should expect that homi-
tical areas (e.g., Allman, 1977; Kaas, 1977; see also Allman, noids, as a group, possess brain characteristics that are
1999; Kaas, 2007). As comparative studies of connectivity absent in Old World monkeys (and vice versa), and that each
have advanced, it has become evident that the way cortical hominoid species—humans included—should possess brain
areas are organized into functional networks can vary mark- features lacking in the other species.
edly across species (reviewed by Preuss, 2007a, 2007b). In
recent years, too, the empirical basis for the claim of basic Human brain specializations: New methods,
uniformity at local levels of organization has collapsed, with new discoveries
variations in cell phenotypes, local connectivity, laminar
organization, and modular organization proving to be What, then, do we know about how human brains differ
ubiquitous. Even among closely related mammalian species, from those of chimpanzees and other hominoids? Until
there can be marked differences at these finer levels of recently, one could answer this question quite succinctly: not
cortical organization (for reviews, see DeFelipe et al., 2007; much. One fact that is undisputed is that humans have very
DeFelipe, Alonso-Nanclares, & Arellano, 2002; Elston, 2007; large brains, even when body size is factored out: humans
Hof & Sherwood, 2005, 2007; Preuss, 1995, 2001; Sherwood are only slightly larger than chimpanzees in average adult
& Hof, 2007). body size, but human brains average around 1,200–1,300
The implications of these results for the practice of neu- cubic centimeters (cc), compared to a little less than 400 cc
roscience and for our understanding of the human brain are for chimpanzees (de Sousa & Wood, 2007; Kaas & Preuss,
profound. Since brains are diverse, any attempt to discover 2008). Most of this increase occurred during the last 2 million
general or shared features of organization requires com- years, after the genus Homo evolved from Australopithecus-like
parative studies—generalizing from just a few “standard” ancestors, embarking on a lifestyle that involved reliance on
species just will not do. If we can acknowledge the pitfalls stone tools and a diet that included an important component
of extrapolating results from one mouse strain to another, of animal flesh.
or from mice to rats (Cantallops & Routtenberg, 2000; Beyond these facts, there have been few points of general
McNamara, Namgung, & Routtenberg, 1996; Rekart, agreement. Since certain human brain functions appear to
Sandoval, & Routtenberg, 2007), should we not be at least be highly lateralized compared to nonhuman primates
as mindful of the pitfalls of extrapolating from mice to (Corballis, 2007), it’s natural to suppose that the well-
humans? Evolutionary biology provides standards and documented anatomical asymmetries of the human brain,
methods for rigorous comparative studies, methods that such as the larger extent of the planum temporale in the left
have been adopted in many areas of biology—comparative hemisphere than in the right (Geschwind & Levitsky, 1968),
genomics, for example, which would be impossible without must also be human-specific. Apes, however, possess at least
the analytic tools of modern phylogenetics—but these some of the asymmetries seen in humans, including the asym-
methods are still unknown to most neuroscientists. metry of the planum temporale (e.g., Gannon, Holloway,
No less problematic than the concentration of so much Broadfield, & Braun, 1998; Hopkins, Marino, Rilling, &
research in so few species is the limited research directly MacGregor, 1998). This is a surprising result, since the
comparing humans to other species. If one accepts the planum is involved in language and is sometimes identified
modern view of evolution, then it is clear there must be ways with Wernicke’s area. Do humans, with our greatly enlarged
that humans are like other animals and ways that we are brains, possess cortical areas in addition to those present in
distinctive. How can we identify and distinguish these simi- apes and other nonhuman primates? It seems plausible that
larities and differences except by means of comparative they do—certainly Brodmann (1909) and others (e.g., Crick
studies of humans and other animals? Furthermore, if we & Jones, 1993) have supposed that humans must possess new
want to understand in detail what is distinctively human areas to support new, human-specific brain functions.
about our brains, the most informative approach is to Modern cortical mapping studies, however, suggest mainly
compare humans to the animals that are most closely related commonalities in the complement of cortical areas in humans
to us: the other hominoids. The primate superfamily Homi- and macaques (Petrides & Pandya, 1994), the latter being the
noidea consists of humans, chimpanzee, bonobos, gorillas, most widely studied nonhuman primates. There is evidence,
orangutans, and gibbons: Collectively, this group of lineages furthermore, that nonhuman primates possess homologues
(or “clade”) is the sister group of Old World monkeys (the of Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas (Preuss, 2000b), which sug-
clade that includes macaque monkeys), the two groups gests that the evolution of new human functions did not nec-
sharing a common ancestor about 25 million years ago essarily require the addition of new cortical areas. In settling

preuss: the cognitive neuroscience of human uniqueness 53

the general question of new areas, however, we remain ham- of tissue archives, so studies can make use of tissue harvested
strung by the lack of modern, comprehensive brain maps for from individuals who die of natural causes, and need not
humans and other hominoids—the state-of-the-art chimpan- rely entirely on tissue obtained from terminal experiments.
zee cortical map is nearly 60 years old (P. Bailey, Bonin, & What we have learned using these techniques, in the
McCulloch, 1950). At present, there is not even unanimity context of comparative studies, is that hominoids and
about whether the evolutionary expansion of the human humans possess specialized neuronal phenotypes and spe-
brain involved the disproportionate expansion of the associa- cialized columnar, modular, and laminar arrangements
tion cortex or whether expansion was more nearly global (see of nerve cells (Hof & Sherwood, 2007; Preuss, 2004a;
the review of Rilling, 2006), although I feel the evidence Sherwood & Hof, 2007). A particularly dramatic example is
strongly supports the former view (Preuss, 2004b). Other, no the discovery of a distinctive class of large, spindle-shaped
less fundamental, aspects of human brain organization have neurons in layer 5 of anterior cingulate and frontoinsular
received even less attention. In some cases, like the local cel- cortex, termed “spindle cells” (Nimchinsky et al., 1999) or
lular and histological organization of the brain, the lack of “von Economo neurons” (Allman, Watson, Tetreault, &
attention probably reflects simple indifference: if cortical Hakeem, 2005). These are present in humans and other
organization is uniform across species, as has been supposed, hominoids (except gibbons), but are much larger and more
why waste one’s time looking for differences? In other cases, numerous in humans. They are absent in other primate and
the lack of attention probably reflects the lack of appropriate most other mammalian species examined to date. In a clear
techniques: if studying brain connectivity requires invasive case of convergent evolution, however, large spindle-shaped
and terminal procedures, then you cannot study connectivity cells are present in homologous regions of some large-
in humans, nor can you do so in other hominoids, which are brained cetaceans (Hof & Van Der Gucht, 2007). It has been
also off-limits for invasive neuroscience research. proposed that spindle cells evolved to facilitate rapid trans-
Fortunately, the development of new methodologies, com- mission of emotion- and reward-relevant information in
bined with new ways of thinking, has begun to transform our large-brained, highly social hominoids and cetaceans (Allman
understanding of the human brain. For the sake of discus- et al.; Watson & Allman, 2007).
sion, I will group the methodologies into three categories— Many additional neuronal and neuritic specializations
comparative histology, comparative neuroimaging, and have been described in hominoids. These include an addi-
comparative genomics. Although seemingly a very disparate tional distinctive class of layer 5 pyramidal cell in anterior
group of techniques, they have in common the quality that cingulate cortex, specialized by virtue of expressing cal-
they do not require invasive and terminal experimental retinin, a calcium-binding protein expressed only in inter-
procedures, and for this reason they can all be used to study neurons in most mammalian groups (Hof, Nimchinsky, Perl,
humans directly and to compare humans to chimpanzees or & Erwin, 2001). Raghanti and colleagues have described
to just about any other species. It is their noninvasive char- hominoid specializations of the density and morphologies of
acter that makes these techniques so extraordinarily valuable serotonergic (Raghanti et al., 2008b) and cholinergic fibers
for understanding human brain specializations. (Raghanti et al., 2008a) in frontal cortex, including areas 9
and 32.
Comparative Histology One does not normally associate There have been fewer comparative studies of the micro-
the word “histology” with “new,” but in fact there is much architecture of human language cortex than one might
that is new in histology, and it has contributed some of the have supposed. Although apes and humans apparently have
most remarkable recent discoveries about hominoid and similar morphological asymmetries in Wernicke’s area, there
human brains. Histology today has at its disposal a fantastic appear to be asymmetries at finer levels of organization.
set of tools for localizing specific molecules within the Buxhoeveden, Casanova, and their colleagues report that
brain—antibodies, lectins, riboprobes, as well as conventional the spacing of cellular columns in cortical area Tpt, located
histochemical stains—and because specific molecules tend on the planum temporale, is asymmetrical in humans, being
to be associated with specific cell compartments, cell types, wider on the left than the right, but not in chimpanzees
laminae, modules, and areas, these tools make possible a and macaques (Buxhoeveden, Switala, Litaker, Roy, &
molecular dissection of brain structure. In addition, there Casanova, 2001).
are new stereological methods for counting cells and other While we would expect to find changes in brain regions
elements in the brain that constitute a major advance over that support functions known to have changed in human
traditional counting methods (Schmitz & Hof, 2005; West, evolution, it is significant that the changes are widespread
1999). Finally, there are new storage solutions that are far and include regions not conventionally thought to be
superior to formalin for maintaining the long-term viability evolutionarily “advanced.” Thus the spindle cells and the
of tissue for molecular analysis (Hoffman & Le, 2004). morphological specializations of serotonergic and choliner-
Modern cryopreservative solution greatly enhances the value gic fibers noted above are present in limbic cortex (areas 24

54 development and evolution

and 32). Nor are specializations necessarily limited to cortex: regional organization of the brain, and so provide insight
the basal forebrain magnocellular neurons of New World into the evolution of the higher-order organization of the
and Old World monkeys express the peptide galanin in brain. As with the histological techniques, the imaging
the cytoplasm, whereas those of apes and humans do not; techniques are noninvasive, and so make it possible to
moreover, the basal forebrain of hominoids, but not compare humans and nonhuman primates on something
monkeys, exhibits plexus of galanin-containing processes like a level playing field.
of extrinsic origin (Benzing, Kordower, & Mufson, 1993; The earliest applications of comparative imaging involved
Kordower & Mufson, 1990). structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans (usually
Currently, we know about as little about the cognitive and T1-weighted scans) to study morphometry—quantifying the
behavioral specializations of humans as we do about human sizes and proportions of the different cerebral lobes across
brain specializations (Subiaul, Barth, Okamoto-Barth, & species (Rilling & Insel, 1999b; Rilling & Seligman, 2002;
Povinelli, 2007) and thus should be alert to the possibility Semendeferi & Damasio, 2000; Semendeferi, Damasio,
that specializations will turn up in places we do not expect, Frank, & Van Hoesen, 1997; Semendeferi, Lu, Schenker, &
including sensory systems. A case in point: In 1999, my Damasio, 2002), the size of the cerebellum (MacLeod, Zilles,
laboratory discovered, quite by accident, that the histology Schleicher, Rilling, & Gibson, 2003; Marino, Rilling, Lin, &
of human primary visual cortex (area V1) differs strikingly Ridgway, 2000), the sizes of white matter structures (Rilling
from that of apes or any monkey species that has been exam- & Insel, 1999a; Schenker, Desgouttes, & Semendeferi, 2005;
ined (Preuss, Qi, & Kaas, 1999). We documented a distinc- Schoenemann, Sheehan, & Glotzer, 2005), and patterns of
tive modular organization of human layer 4A, with cell interhemispheric asymmetries (Gilissen, 2001; Hopkins
bodies and neurites that label with SMI-32 and MAP2 anti- et al., 1998). In principle, there is little in this morphometric
bodies (markers for neurofilaments and microtubules, respec- work that could not have been done with standard histologi-
tively) distributed in a meshlike arrangement, with the mesh cal methods: sectioning and staining brains, and then taking
surrounding unlabeled territories. Subsequently, we found measurements on the sections. In practice, however, MRI
that the mesh is densely immunoreactive for Cat-301 (figure morphometrics offers many advantages: it can make use of
3.3), an antibody considered a selective marker for elements live individuals, and even when fixed brains are scanned,
of the magnocellular (M) pathway of the visual system, and data acquisition and analysis are much faster and less labor
that the intervening territories contain small cells that strongly intensive than with histological material, and the fixed
express calbindin, a calcium-binding protein (Preuss & brains remain intact after examination so they can be put to
Coleman, 2002). We have speculated that the cortical pro- other uses. The result is that MRI facilitates study of a wider
cessing of motion and contrast information, which is medi- range of species than would be practical were the same
ated by the M pathway, was modified in human evolution; questions to be addressed histologically.
additional evidence for such changes comes from studies of As noted earlier, the lack of information about brain con-
higher-order visual areas (discussed later). Whether or not nectivity in species such as humans and chimpanzees that
this particular functional interpretation is correct, the struc- cannot be studied with invasive tracing techniques has been
ture of layer 4A of humans is very different from that of other one of the greatest obstacles to understanding brain organi-
primates. No other primate examined to date possesses zation in those species. The situation has improved consider-
patches of strong labeling in layer 4A with SMI-32, or MAP2, ably in recent years with the introduction of diffusion-tensor
or Cat-301. Like humans, chimpanzees display dense cal- imaging (DTI) (Conturo et al., 1999; Mori & van Zijl,
bindin expression in layer 4A, but calbindin is distributed 2002; Mori & Zhang, 2006; Ramnani, Behrens, Penny, &
homogenously in chimpanzees rather than in the patchy Matthews, 2004). DTI measures the aggregate direction and
manner characteristic of humans. In Old World and New magnitude of water diffusion in brain voxels. Since water
World monkeys, layer 4A is calbindin poor, although some tends to diffuse along, rather than across, the hydrophobic
other layers express it strongly. As it happens, this is just one myelin sheaths of axons, the direction of water diffusion
example of many variations in the organization of the primary reflects the direction of fibers in a voxel. With this informa-
visual cortex, variations that distinguish humans from other tion, it is possible to reconstruct fiber tracts through the
hominoids, hominoids from macaque monkeys, and different white matter between regions of interest in the brain. Com-
monkey species from each other (Preuss, 2004a). pared to traditional chemical techniques, DTI has signifi-
cant limitations: its spatial resolution is too coarse to track
Comparative Neuroimaging The foregoing discussion from neuron to neuron; it does not work well in gray matter,
illustrates the power of histological techniques to resolve where fiber coherence is low; and it is vulnerable to false
differences in the microarchitecture of the brain between positives and false negatives. While studies designed to
even very closely related species. New neuroimaging evaluate what DTI can and cannot reliably determine are
techniques make it possible to compare the connectivity and continuing, it is apparent that, at least for certain pathways,

preuss: the cognitive neuroscience of human uniqueness 55

56 development and evolution
Figure 3.3 Evolutionary modification of human primary visual between the four taxa are represented by the branching diagram
cortex according to Preuss and Coleman (2002). (A–C) Human at the bottom of the figure. The ancestors of all four groups prob-
primary visual cortex labeled for nonphosphorylated neurofila- ably possessed a cytochrome-oxidase-dense band in layer 4A, a
ments with the SMI-32 antibody (A), an antibody to MAP2 (B), and band subsequently lost in hominoid evolution, as it is absent in Pan
antibody Cat-301 (C), which labels the proteoglycan-rich extracel- and Homo, as indicated by the black arrow. This difference may
lular matrix. All three preparations show the distinctive compart- reflect the reduction or loss of projections to layer 4A from the
mental pattern of human layer 4A. Scale = 500 microns. (D) parvocellular layers of the lateral geniculate nucleus. Calbindin
Comparative analysis of evolutionary changes in layer 4A and 4B immunoreactivity is weak in layer 4A in Saimiri and Macaca, but
of hominoid and human primary visual cortex. Sections from a strong in Pan and Homo, as indicated by the black arrow, suggesting
New World monkey (Saimiri, squirrel monkey), an Old World that increased calbindin expression in this layer is a hominoid spe-
monkey (Macaca), and two hominoids (Pan, chimpanzee; Homo, cialization. (Hominoids also show much stronger staining of the
human), were labeled with four different preparations: cytochrome cortex superficial to layer 4A, as indicated by the asterisk in Pan.)
oxidase (cyt. ox.), antibodies for calbindin, the SMI-32 antibody for The distinctive, patchy compartmentation of human layer 4A can
nonphosphorylated neurofilaments, and the Cat-301 antibody for be seen in the calbindin, SMI-32, and Cat-301 preparations, as
extracellular matrix proteoglycan. The evolutionary relationships denoted by the white arrows in Homo.

accurate reconstructions can be obtained (e.g., Behrens, Functional MRI is now routine in humans, but the need to
Berg, Jbabdi, Rushworth, & Woolrich, 2007; Conturo prevent head movement in the scanner has meant that its
et al., 1999; Dauguet et al., 2007; Parker et al., 2002; application in nonhuman primates has largely been restricted
Schmahmann et al., 2007). to macaque monkeys, which can be physically restrained.
The advantage of DTI, of course, is that it can be used to Although many macaque studies have employed these
study connectivity noninvasively, so it can be used with animals in the role of human models, some workers have
humans, chimpanzees, and other primates. It can even be made a point of documenting differences between humans
used with fixed brains, which makes a wide variety of species and macaques. These studies have identified macaque-
accessible for connectivity studies for the first time (e.g., human differences in the responsiveness of contrast- and
Kaufman, Ahrens, Laidlaw, Zhang, & Allman, 2005). motion-related regions of the dorsal extrastriate visual cortex
Some of the first comparative studies undertaken with DTI and posterior parietal cortex (Denys et al., 2004; Orban,
have compared humans and macaque monkeys, examining Claeys, et al., 2006; Orban et al., 2003; Orban, Van Essen,
thalamocortical (Croxson et al., 2005), corticopontine & Vanduffel, 2004; Tootell et al., 1997; Vanduffel et al.,
(Ramnani et al., 2006), and prefrontal cortex (Croxson et 2002), the differences being sufficient to complicate the inter-
al.) connectivity. Recently, Rilling and colleagues published pretation of human-macaque homologies (Sereno & Tootell,
the first comparative study of humans, chimpanzees, and 2005) and to suggest that humans possess areas macaques
macaques, focusing on the arcuate fasciculus (AF), a lack (Orban, Claeys, et al.).
white matter tract that in humans interconnects Broca’s It is unlikely that we will soon have fMRI studies of awake,
and Wernicke’s areas (Geschwind, 1970; Glasser & Rilling, behaving chimpanzees, as imaging equipment is no match
2008). Rilling and colleagues (2008) tracked pathways for these enormously powerful animals. Yet it is possible
between the posterior superior temporal lobe (Wernicke’s to do functional scanning in chimpanzees, using a modifica-
area) and inferior frontal cortex (Broca’s area) in all three tion of the 18F-fluroodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET technique.
species, but only chimpanzees and humans were found to In this approach, originally developed for macaques, the
have a distinct AF. Moreover, only in humans did the AF experimenter provides the animal with the FDG at the
consistently include fibers tracking to the middle temporal start of testing session, and then, after the level of FDG
gyrus, in addition to the fibers between Broca’s and plateaus (45–60 minutes), the animal is anesthetized and
Wernicke’s areas (figure 3.4). Functional imaging studies in PET scanned. This technique was recently used to compare
humans (reviewed by Glasser & Rilling, 2008) indicate that awake, resting-state brain activity in humans and chimpan-
the cortex of the middle temporal gyrus is involved in rep- zees (Rilling et al., 2007). The results demonstrated com-
resenting word meaning. Noting evidence that inferotempo- monalities between species: both exhibited activation in
ral visual cortex appears to be situated more posteriorly and medial frontal and posteromedial cortices, components of
inferiorly in humans than in macaques, Rilling and col- the “default-mode” network thought to be involved in
leagues suggest that the cortex of the middle temporal gyrus emotion-laden recollection and mental self-projection (e.g.,
was enlarged and modified in human evolution, and may Buckner & Carroll, 2007; Buckner & Vincent, 2007; Gusnard
constitute an evolutionary novelty. & Raichle, 2001; Raichle & Snyder, 2007). Humans, but not
In addition to comparative structural neuroimaging, it is chimpanzees, however, also showed activation of lateral
possible to do comparative functional imaging, using func- cortical regions in the left hemisphere associated with
tional MRI (fMRI) or positron-emission tomography (PET). language and conceptual representation.

preuss: the cognitive neuroscience of human uniqueness 57


Figure 3.4 Evolution of the human arcuate fasciculus (AF), which tions with the temporal cortex below the superior temporal sulcus
interconnects frontal and temporal language areas, based on the (STS), including area 21, a region where word meaning is repre-
comparative diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI) results of Rilling and sented. Chimpanzees have very few fibers in the AF that extend to
colleagues (2008). (A) Average tractography results from the left the cortex inferior to the STS. Macaques do not have
hemispheres from 10 humans, three chimpanzees, and two a definite AF: fibers traveling between the posterior inferior
macaque monkeys. (B) Schematic representation of the results frontal cortex and posterior temporal lobe take a more ventral
shown in A, representing the cortical endpoints of the tracts in route, passing deep to the insula, and include few if any fibers with
terms of Brodmann’s areas. Both humans and chimpanzees have endpoints inferior to the STS. (See color plate 1.)
a distinct AF, although in humans the AF includes strong connec-

Although fMRI scanning of awake chimpanzees currently (Vincent et al., 2007), and possibly the same can be done
seems impractical, it may be valuable do fMRI scanning of with chimpanzees. This technique would provide a valuable
anesthetized chimpanzees. Although cortical activity is addition to DTI as a source of information for exploring the
reduced with light anesthesia, it is not eliminated. Patterns evolution of human brain networks.
of regional coactivation that reflect patterns of anatomical
connectivity can be ascertained using so-called functional Comparative Genomics In recent years, few branches
connectivity MRI (fcMRI), even under light anesthesia of science have so firmly captured the public imagination—

58 development and evolution

and that of scientists, too—as the field of comparative ferences between these species are mainly the result of
genomics, particularly as it pertains to the genetic differences evolutionary changes in gene expression. Whole-genome
that distinguish human beings from chimpanzees. The story sequencing projects have paved the way for comparative
line is compelling: humans and chimpanzees are nearly studies of gene expression by providing the information
identical genetically—98–99% similar, apparently (King & required to make gene microarrays. Microarrays are com-
Wilson, 1975; Marks, 2002)—so that differences in brain prised of probes representing a significant fraction of the
size, language ability, and “intelligence” would seem to be genes in the genome. Messenger RNA extracted from tissue
the consequences of a small set of genetic changes. With is labeled with a fluorescent marker, and the amount of
advances in the technical means for sequencing nucleic acids mRNA bound to specific probe sequences provides an index
and with the accumulation of knowledge about the gene of the strength of expression of specific genes in the tissue
sequences of humans, chimpanzees, and other mammals sample. In this way, gene expression in homologous tissues
from the various genome projects, we are now in a position can be compared across species. A number of such studies
to identify the genetic specializations of human beings. have now been carried out (Cáceres et al., 2003; Enard,
These specializations turn out to be far more extensive than Khaitovich, et al., 2002; Khaitovich et al., 2005; Uddin
expected, and include not only changes in gene sequences et al., 2004; see also Gu & Gu, 2003; Hsieh, Chu, Wolfinger,
and gene expression, but also rearrangements, duplications, & Gibson, 2003), and, as with the high-throughput sequence
and losses of blocks of DNA. studies, they suggest that hundreds of genes underwent
Many of the gene-sequence differences that distinguish expression changes in human evolution (Preuss et al., 2004).
humans from other animals are the result of random substi- Evolutionary changes in promoter sites and transcription
tutions (genetic drift), so it is necessary to cull these from the factors that could account for these expression changes are
list of sequence differences to identify those that were likely areas of active investigation (e.g., Donaldson & Gottgens,
to have been produced by natural selection. The culling is 2006; Hammock & Young, 2005; Heissig et al., 2005; Pollard,
done statistically: genes under selection are expected to have Salama, King, et al., 2006; Rockman et al., 2005; Spiteri
ratios of nonsynonymous-to-synonymous sequence changes et al., 2007; Vernes et al., 2007). Understanding the func-
(i.e., nucleotide substitutions that produce amino-acid sub- tional significance of the changes has been challenging,
stitutions versus those that do not) greater than expected by owing in part to the variety of functional classes of genes
chance. Among the genes that appear to have undergone involved. Recently, Oldham, Horvath, and Geschwind
positive selection in the human lineage are those for FOXP2 (2006) addressed this issue using network-analytic approach.
(forkhead box P2) (Enard, Przeworski, et al., 2002), MCH1 They identified several sets of gene-coexpression “modules”
(microcephalin) (Evans et al., 2005), and ASPM (abnormal common to humans and chimpanzees, along with a cortical
spindlelike microcephaly associated) (Mekel-Bobrov et al., module comprising multiple genes involved in energy metab-
2005). FOXP2 is of special interest because mutations of the olism that was present in humans but nearly absent in chim-
gene are associated with language disorder, while specific panzees. Related to the latter module also were a number
mutations of MCH1 and ASPM are associated with micro- of genes involved in synapse formation and function.
cephaly. The suggestion, then, is that selection on these These microarray studies have several limitations. One
genes is related to the evolution of language (FOXP2) and is that the microarrays used were constructed with gene
increased brain size (MCH1, ASPM). Complementary to sequences from humans, and sequence differences between
these single-gene studies, geneticists have also used high- humans and the other species examined bias the results
throughput approaches (i.e., bioinformatic methods for (Hsieh et al., 2003; Preuss et al., 2004). Human-chimpanzee
comparing thousands of genes in genomic databases), iden- sequence differences can be corrected for, but comparisons
tifying hundreds of DNA elements likely to have undergone with more distantly related species are problematic. New
sequence changes as the result of positive or negative selec- techniques for quantifying gene expression using mass
tion (Arbiza, Dopazo, & Dopazo, 2006; Bustamante et al., resequencing should overcome these problems. Another
2005; Clark et al., 2003; Harris & Meyer, 2006). Some of limitation is that expression studies to date have been
selection-modified sequences are protein-coding genes, while restricted to comparisons of adult brain tissues. Presumably,
others are regulatory elements. Relaxation of selection pres- some of the most important differences between humans and
sure has also been a factor in human genetic evolution, nonhuman primates, including increased brain size, reflect
resulting, for example, in the transformation of numerous changes in gene expression occurring in early development.
olfactory receptor genes into nonfunctional pseudogenes Identifying these will require comparing fetal tissues from
(reviewed by Roquier & Giorgi, 2007). humans and apes, and availability of needed materials is
King and Wilson (1975), noting the ∼1% difference in problematic.
protein-coding gene sequences between humans and chim- Identifying sequences and expression changes is just
panzees, suggested that the anatomical and behavioral dif- the first step in relating genetic to phenotypic changes:

preuss: the cognitive neuroscience of human uniqueness 59

if we want to know how genetic changes are affecting (Christopherson et al., 2005; Susman et al., 2007), and thus
human phenotypes, we have to determine where and increased expression in human cortex suggests evolutionary
how those genes are acting in humans compared to changes in synaptic turnover or plasticity. Thrombospon-
other primates. This is where expression studies have an dins are, however, expressed by a variety of brain cell types
advantage over sequence studies. In sequence studies, (neurons, glia, endothelial cells) and mediate many functions
one can know that a particular gene was selected for in in addition to synaptogenesis. Cáceres and colleagues exam-
human evolution, but since most genes are expressed in ined the expression of THBS4 protein in frontopolar cortex,
multiple tissues and cell types, one does not know which and found the THBS4 protein is distributed much more
tissue or tissues were the targets of selection. Expression densely within the cortical neuropil (where synapses are
studies compare RNA samples from homologous tissues concentrated) of humans than in other species (figure 3.5).
from different species, so they can provide starting points This finding is consistent with a link between changes in
for comparative studies of those tissues. In one of the thrombospondin expression and synaptic dynamics in
first attempts to do so, Cáceres and colleagues (Cáceres, human evolution, but it is far from proof. Additional study
Suwyn, Maddox, Thomas, & Preuss, 2007) compared is required, but now we have a good idea where to look.
the expression of THBS4 (thrombospondin 4) in frontal Through studies like these, we can use our rapidly growing
cortex of humans, chimps, and macaques. Experimental knowledge of changes in any gene sequence or expression
studies in rodents and cell culture suggest that thrombos- level to drive “phenotype discovery” at the cell and tissue
pondin proteins stimulate neurons to make synapses levels (Preuss et al., 2004).

Figure 3.5 Increased expression of the thrombospondin 4 protein levels in frontal cortex from three individual humans (Hs),
(THBS4) gene and protein in human brain evolution, according to compared to three chimpanzees (Pt) and three rhesus macaques
Cáceres, Suwyn, Maddox, Thomas, and Preuss (2007). (A) Microar- (Macaca mulatta, Mm). Tubulin (TUBB) served as a loading control.
ray analysis of THBS4 mRNA levels in different brain regions of (C) Immunocytochemistry for THBS4 in sections for frontopolar
humans (Hs, Homo sapiens) and chimpanzees (Pt, Pan troglodytes). cortex yielded much denser labeling of humans than of chimpan-
Expression levels were significantly higher in human frontal cortex zees or macaques. The difference was especially strong in the neu-
(FCx), temporal cortex (TCx), anterior cingulate cortex (ACCx), ropil space surrounding neuronal somas. Scales are 50 microns in
and caudate (Cd). (B) Western blots showing higher levels of THBS4 the upper panel and 250 microns in the lower panel.

60 development and evolution

Phenotype discovery would not be an important matter if other animals. We have just begun the work of identifying
it really were the case that the differences between humans the shared and distinctive features of the human brain. The
and chimpanzees come down to just a few key genes. Recent powerful noninvasive neuroscientific methods that have
studies, however, indicate that the genetic differences between recently become available provide us with the means to
humans and chimpanzees have been substantially under- pursue this project, for not only do they make the inner
stated (Cohen, 2007c), and the actual difference in total workings of the human brain more accessible to us, but they
DNA sequence is closer to 4% than 1% (Britten, 2002; also make it possible for us to compare humans and other
Varki & Altheide, 2005). The increase reflects the discovery species as never before.
that multiple duplications and deletions of DNA blocks The advent of our modern understanding of the evolu-
occurred independently in human and chimpanzee evolu- tionary relationship between humans and other animals,
tion ( J. Bailey & Eichler, 2006; Cheng et al., 2005; Sikela, and the development of these new investigative techniques,
2006). This implies, perhaps surprisingly, that humans have should prompt a reevaluation of neuroscientific research
genes that chimpanzees do not have, and vice versa (Eichler strategies and resource allocation. The science we have built,
et al., 2001; Hayakawa et al., 2005; Johnson et al., 2001; centered on the model-animal paradigm and supported by
Popesco et al., 2006; Sikela, 2006; Varki & Altheide, 2005). biomedical funding agencies, is in important respects the
Moreover, these differences are just part of a much larger set wrong kind of science for elucidating the structure, func-
of macromolecular difference between humans and non- tions, and diseases of the human brain. If we want to under-
human primates. For example, humans and nonhuman stand how humans resemble and differ from other animals—a
primates have different complements of expressed, but goal that is central not only to the broad intellectual program
untranslated, RNAs, molecules that are thought to regulate of neuroscience but also critical for advancing its biomedical
mRNA translation (Berezikov et al., 2006; Pollard, Salama, goals—then we need rigorous comparative studies, studies
Lambert, et al., 2006; Zhang, Peng, Wang, & Su, 2007). that involve more species than just the anointed few models
Humans also exhibit specializations in the way the multiple (Preuss, 2000a, 2006). I am not suggesting that we abandon
domains of protein-coding genes are spliced to form expressed our model species, but rather that those species are not
proteins (Calarco et al., 2007). Finally, there are human spe- enough.
cializations of the posttranslational modifications of proteins, If our goal is to understand humans, the nonhuman species
specializations that may be especially relevant to infectious we can least afford to do without are the great apes, and most
and neurodegenerative disease (Brooks, 2004; Gearing, especially chimpanzees. As the examples cited in this essay
Tigges, Mori, & Mirra, 1996; Varki, 2006; Walker, Rosen, & demonstrate, the strategy of comparing humans and chim-
LeVine, 2008). There is thus a myriad of macromolecular panzees, our closest relatives, is a critical component of any
differences between humans and other species, the functional research program that would make specific and well-founded
and phenotypic significance of which awaits elucidation. The claims about the human brain or other aspects of human
large number of genetic differences between humans and biology. Tragically, just at the point in time that we have
chimpanzees is all the more impressive when one considers acquired the technical means to carry out these comparisons,
how little reliable empirical evidence we have about the psy- in the form of noninvasive neuroscience technologies, we are
chological, neurobiological, and other phenotypic differences on the brink of losing the other essential resource: the chim-
between humans and chimpanzees (e.g., Gagneux & Varki, panzees. Wild chimpanzee populations are on a path to
2001; Gibbs, Collard, & Wood, 2002; Varki et al., 1998). extinction. Nevertheless, the National Institutes of Health,
which holds a large fraction of the chimpanzees resident in
Conclusions the United States, has decided to no longer support the
propagation of their captive chimpanzees, resulting in the
As neuroscientists, the species we would most like to under- eventual elimination of its colonies (Cohen, 2007a, 2007b).
stand, and most need to understand, is our own. Our disci- Remaining zoo populations are likely too small to be sustain-
pline, however, rests largely on a foundation of studies in able. Unless we take rapid action to maintain these uniquely
nonhuman species, and a very small set of nonhuman species valuable animals and do so in a way that makes them acces-
at that. That strategy might have seemed reasonable when sible to benign, noninvasive research, our ability to under-
one could seriously maintain that the important features of stand what makes us human will be forever diminished.
brains were basically the same across species and when we
lacked the means to study the human brain directly in much acknowledgments The author is grateful to acknowledge
detail. The situation has now changed. We know that evolu- the support of the James S. McDonnell Foundation ( JSMF
21002093), the Yerkes National Primate Research Center under
tion produced a diversity of brain organizations and that the NIH/NRCC grant RR00165, and the Center for Behavioral
human brain, like that of every other species, possesses Neuroscience under the STC program of the National Science
species-specific features in addition to features shared with Foundation (IBN-9876754).

preuss: the cognitive neuroscience of human uniqueness 61

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66 development and evolution

4 Unraveling the Role of Neuronal
Activity in the Formation of
Eye-Specific Connections
leo m. chalupa and andrew d. huberman

abstract Since the pioneering studies of Wiesel and Hubel on neural activity plays an instructive role in the formation of
the development and plasticity of ocular dominance columns in the eye-specific visual projections. We then review recent studies
visual cortex, it has been widely thought that correlated discharges that tested directly whether patterns of neural activity in fact
of neighboring retinal ganglion cells play an instructive role in the
formation of segregated eye-specific domains in the mammalian provide the instructive cues required for the segregation of
visual system. Here we review the relevant evidence and conclude eye-specific projections to the dLGN. This chapter is an
that while correlated retinal discharges are required for the forma- update of a chapter on this topic that we authored for the
tion of segregated eye-specific projections in the visual cortex, there third edition of The Cognitive Neurosciences (Chalupa & Huber-
is reason to doubt that this is also the case at the level of the dorsal man, 2004). We have also offered re-cent reviews of the role
lateral geniculate. More likely, molecular cues play a key role in
the stereotypic pattern of segregated retinogeniculate projections
of activity in the formation of eye-specific projections in
that characterize different species. As yet, the role of activity and other publications (Chalupa, 2007; Huberman, Feller, &
the identity of the molecular cues involved in this process remain Chapman, 2008).
to be firmly established.
Formation of ocular dominance columns
Since the latter half of the last century, the formation of
That neuronal activity has an influence on the development
eye-specific projections has served as a model system for
of visual system connections stems from the pioneering
exploring the development and plasticity of neural circuits.
studies of Wiesel and Hubel. Their work showed that closure
Early in development, retinal ganglion cell (RGC) pro-
of one eye during a critical period in postnatal life rendered
jections to the dorsal lateral geniculate (dLGN) (Rakic,
that eye permanently incapable of driving cortical cells
1976; Linden, Guillery, & Cucchiaro, 1981; Shatz, 1983;
(Wiesel & Hubel, 1965a, 1965b). Subsequently it was shown
Godement, Salaun, & Imbert, 1984) and dLGN projections
that this physiological effect was accompanied by a marked
to V1 (Hubel, Wiesel, & LeVay, 1977; LeVay, Stryker, &
reduction in the amount of cortical territory innervated by
Shatz, 1978; LeVay, Wiesel, & Hubel, 1980; Rakic, 1976)
geniculocortical axons representing the deprived eye and a
are intermingled. Subsequently, they segregate into non-
dramatic expansion of the geniculocortical axons represent-
overlapping eye-specific territories, and this process is
ing the nondeprived eye (Hubel et al., 1977; Shatz & Stryker,
believed to require neuronal activity. Indeed, the precise
1978). These deprivation studies demonstrated that activity-
pattern of neural activity, as opposed to the mere presence
mediated competition between axons representing the two
of action potential, has been hypothesized to “instruct” the
eyes allocates postsynaptic space in V1.
segregation process by engaging well-established synaptic
Transneuronal tracing of retinal-dLGN-V1 connections
plasticity mechanisms (Crair, 1999; Feller, 1999; Stellwagen
has been used to assess the formation of ocular dominance
& Shatz, 2002; Torborg, Hansen, & Feller, 2005).
columns (ODCs) during early development. Monocular
Here, we provide a brief historical account of the experi-
injections of transneuronal tracers indicated that axons rep-
mental evidence that gave rise to the idea that patterned
resenting the two eyes start out overlapped (Hubel et al.,
1977; LeVay et al., 1978, 1980; Rakic, 1976) before gradu-
leo m. chalupa Department of Ophthalmology and Vision ally segregating into ODCs. This finding supported a
Science, School of Medicine and Department of Neurobiology,
role for retinal activity in ODC segregation in that abo-
Physiology and Behavior, College of Biological Sciences, University
of California, Davis, California lishing action potentials in both eyes with intraocular injec-
andrew d. huberman Department of Neurobiology, Stanford tions of tetrodotoxin (TTX) prevented the emergence of
University School of Medicine, Stanford, California ODCs in the visual cortex (Stryker & Harris, 1986). Thus

chalupa and huberman: formation of eye-specific connections 67

the generally accepted model was that, early in develop- case in other species using a variety of tracing methods
ment, projections representing the two eyes overlapped (mouse: Godement et al., 1984; ferret: Linden et al., 1981;
in V1, and the formation of separate left- and right-eye Huberman, Stellwagen, & Chapman, 2002; Huberman et
ODCs reflected activity-mediated competition between the al., 2003; cat: Shatz, 1983). Rakic (1981) also showed that
two eyes. fetal monocular enucleation results in the maintenance of a
The notion that activity-mediated events drive the initial widespread projection from the remaining eye to the dLGN
formation of ODCs was first challenged by Crowley and the visual cortex, demonstrating the importance of pre-
and Katz (1999). These investigators removed both eyes of natal binocular interactions in this process. Similar results
postnatal ferrets weeks before geniculocortical axons have been obtained following monocular enucleation in the
invade V1, and then after allowing the animals to survive fetal cat (Chalupa & Williams, 1984; Shook & Chalupa,
into adulthood, injected anterograde tracers into one or the 1986).
other putative eye-specific layer in the dLGN. Surprisingly, The cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying bin-
they found patches of label that resembled normal ODCs in ocular competitive interactions were not directly addressed
these animals. Obviously, the formation of ODCs could in these studies, but generalizing from the literature dealing
not be due to retinal activity. The authors thus concluded with the plasticity of cortical ODCs, it was reasonable to
that formation of ODCs “relies primarily on activity- assume that prenatal binocular competition is also activity
independent cues, rather than on specific patterns of corre- mediated. To test this idea, Shatz and Stryker (1988) infused
lated activity” (Crowley & Katz, 1999). In a subsequent TTX into the brain of fetal cats before retinal segregation
study, these investigators used the same tracing method to of retinogeniculate axons occurred. This procedure caused
demonstrate that ODCs are present in the ferret cortex very the projections of the two eyes to remain widespread and
shortly after geniculocortical axons innervate layer IV and overlapping in the dLGN. An obvious implication of this
are refractory to early imbalances in retinal activity (Crowley study was that retinal ganglion cells are capable of discharg-
& Katz, 2000). The results of these studies implied that the ing action potentials even before these cells can be activated
“overlap” of eye-specific dLGN inputs to V1 seen in the by light.
earlier transneuronal experiments was spurious, reflecting This capability was demonstrated by recording action
leakage of transneuronal tracer into opposite-eye layers potentials from retinal ganglion cells in embryonic rats
in the dLGN. The results of Crowley and Katz therefore (Galli & Maffei, 1988). These experiments showed that
raised doubt as to whether activity plays a role in the initial neighboring ganglion cells exhibit correlated discharges
formation of ODCs. (Maffei & Galli-Resta, 1990). Subsequent in vitro patch-
Almost a decade after their publication, the studies clamp recordings documented the ontogeny of excitable
of Crowley and Katz (1999, 2000) remain controversial. membrane properties in retinal ganglion cells from the fetal
Some have argued that patches of label they observed in cat (Skaliora, Scobey, & Chalupa, 1993; Skaliora, Robinson,
V1 may not represent ODCs because eye removal early in Scobey, & Chalupa, 1995) and rat (Wang, Ratto, Bisti, &
life alters dLGN layering (reviewed in Huberman et al., Chalupa, 1997). The introduction of in vitro multielectrode-
2008). Moreover, a recent study has shown that altering array recordings (Meister, Wong, Baylor, & Shatz, 1991)
spontaneous retinal activity in the first postnatal week and optical recording of intracellular calcium allowed for
permanently disrupts patterning of ODCs and binocular simultaneous recording of hundreds of retinal cells (Feller,
receptive fields in V1 of the ferret (Huberman, Speer, & Wellis, Stellwagen, Werblin, & Shatz, 1996; Wong, Meister,
Chapman, 2006). That study traced ODCs using transneu- & Shatz, 1993). These studies revealed that the spontaneous
ronal methods in adulthood, when spillover is less of a bursts of correlated ganglion cell activity propagate across
concern. Now, resolution of whether ODCs form precisely the developing retina in a wavelike manner. Such retinal
from the outset or through refinement will require develop- waves have been now reported in many species, including
mental studies with tracers not prone to spillover that are chick, turtle, mouse, rabbit, rat, ferret, and cat (reviewed in
capable of demonstrating eye-specific labeling patterns Wong, 1999), suggesting that they are a ubiquitous feature
within layer IV of the visual cortex. of retinal development. Based on their specific spatial and
temporal properties, retinal waves have been hypothesized
Formation of eye-specific inputs to the dLGN to play an essential role in the segregation of left- and right-
eye inputs to the dLGN (Feller, 1999; Sengpiel & Kind,
Rakic (1976) pioneered the exploration of the prenatal visual 2002; Cohen-Corey, 2002), the establishment of retinotopic
system and was the first to show that in the embryonic order in the superior colliculus (Butts & Rokshar, 2001), and
macaque monkey the projections of the two eyes are the segregation of On and Off ganglion cell projections to
initially overlapped in the dLGN before segregating into the dLGN (Wong & Oakley, 1996). There is substantial
eye-specific layers. Subsequently, this was found to be the evidence that waves are involved in retinotopic refinement

68 development and evolution

in the SC (McLaughlin, Torborg, Feller, & O’Leary, 2003), blocking the activity of these neurons or significantly chang-
dLGN (Grubb, Rossi, Changeux, & Thompson, 2003), and ing their overall levels of activity (Huberman et al., 2003).
V1 (Cang et al., 2005), and, as mentioned previously, normal This strategy was applied to newborn ferrets. In this
waves are needed for ODC development (Huberman et al., species retinogeniculate projections are extensively over-
2006). Whether waves drive eye-specific segregation in the lapped at birth, segregating gradually to attain their adultlike
dLGN, however, remains controversial. state by postnatal day 10 (P10) (Linden et al., 1981; Penn
How might retinal waves drive eye-specific segregation? et al., 1998; Huberman et al., 2002, 2003). Binocular injec-
Eye-specific segregation is thought to occur because the tions of the immunotoxin were made on the day of birth (P0),
correlated discharges of spatially adjacent ganglion cells in and within 48 hours this procedure resulted in elimination
one eye are better capable of depolarizing neurons in the of approximately 80% of the starburst amacrine cells. To
dLGN than the inputs stemming from the two eyes. In assess the effects of this manipulation on the firing patterns
accordance with Hebbs postulate (Hebb, 1949), coactive of these neurons, whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were
inputs are preferentially stabilized relative to temporally made from morphologically identified P2–P10 retinal gan-
uncorrelated inputs (Bi & Poo, 2001; Zhang & Poo, 2001). glion cells. These recordings showed that ganglion cells were
Three lines of evidence have been invoked in support in fact spontaneously active in the cholinergic-cell-depleted
for this “fire together wire together” idea. First, the occur- retinas. However, their discharge properties were markedly
rence of waves coincides with the segregation of initially aberrant; some cells fired spikes very infrequently compared
overlapping retinal projections (mouse: Muir-Robinson, to those in normal retinas, while others manifested a firing
Hwang, & Feller, 2002; ferret: Penn, Riquelme, Feller, & frequency that was much higher than normal. Importantly,
Shatz, 1998; Huberman et al., 2002, 2003). Second, abolish- while the discharges of individual cells were abnormal, the
ing all retinal activity prevents the formation of eye-specific overall firing rate of the sample of cells recorded was not
projection patterns (Muir-Robinson et al.; Penn et al.; statistically different from normal in the immunotoxin treated
Huberman et al., 2002, 2003). Third, inducing an imbalance retinas (see figure 3 in Huberman et al., 2003).
in the overall activity levels of the two eyes causes the To test directly whether correlated discharges were per-
more active eye to innervate more dLGN territory at the turbed by starburst amacrine cell depletion, dual patch-
expense of the less active eye (Penn et al.; Stellwagen & clamp recordings were made from neighboring ganglion
Shatz, 2002). cells (less than 25 μm apart). In the normal P2–P10 retinas,
Still, the direct testing of the idea that correlated retinal all ganglion cells showed highly correlated spiking and mem-
ganglion cell discharges per se are essential for the formation brane potential activity, irrespective of cell class (Huberman
of eye-specific projections requires that one perturb the cor- et al., 2003; Liets, Olshausen, Wang, & Chalupa, 2003). By
related activity of adjacent retinal ganglion cells without contrast, not a single ganglion cell pair in the immunotoxin
impacting the overall discharge levels of these neurons. The treated retinas showed any significant correlated activity,
studies that blocked retinal waves did so by abolishing all and this was the case for every retina examined from P2
ganglion-cell discharges (Penn et al., 1998; Muir-Robinson to P10. These electrophysiological findings demonstrated
et al., 2002; Huberman et al., 2002), and the studies that unequivocally that depletion of starburst amacrine cells
altered the balance of waves in the two eyes either signifi- rapidly eliminated the correlated discharges of neighboring
cantly increased or decreased the frequency of ganglion-cell retinal ganglion cells, without significantly altering the
action potentials (Penn et al.; Stellwagen & Shatz, 2002). overall activity levels of these neurons.
Thus it has remained an open question whether the changes Did elimination of correlated ganglion-cell activity
in eye-specific projections observed in these experiments disrupt the segregation of left- and right-eye retinogeniculate
were due to altering the pattern, as opposed to the level, of projections? To answer this question, we examined the
spontaneous retinal activity. pattern of retinogeniculate connections in normal develop-
The first opportunity to address this issue was provided ing ferrets age P2 and P10 and compared these to P10
by the manufacture of a novel immunotoxin designed to animals that received intraocular injections of the choliner-
selectively target cholinergic neurons (Gunhan, Choudary, gic immunotoxin on P0. As mentioned earlier, an injection
Landerholm, & Chalupa, 2002). Although the cellular basis of immunotoxin on P0 eliminated the correlated firing of
of retinal waves remains unclear, it is known that during the neighboring ganglion cells by P2, an age when binocular
developmental phase when eye-specific segregation is occur- retinogeniculate inputs are still intermingled extensively.
ring, spontaneous discharges of retinal ganglion cells are Remarkably, in ferrets injected with immunotoxin, normal
caused by acetylcholine released by starburst amacrine cells eye-specific segregation of retinogeniculate connections still
(Feller et al., 1996; Zhou & Zhou, 2000). Immunotoxin formed. Indeed, quantitative comparison of the extent of
depletion of starburst amacrine cells should thus disrupt the overlap for left- and right-eye axons indicated that the degree
correlated discharges of ganglion cells without completely and pattern of segregation was the same for control and

chalupa and huberman: formation of eye-specific connections 69

experimental P10 animals. These results showed for the presence of retinal waves in the fetal macaque retina. To
first time that correlated activity of neighboring ganglion address this issue, we used multielectrode arrays to record
cells is not required for the segregation of eye-specific the activity from isolated retinas obtained from fetal monkeys
retinogeniculate projections. of known gestational age (Warland, Huberman, & Chalupa,
2006). Before E55 the fetal monkey retina was found to be
The ongoing quest for understanding the role of essentially silent, with only a few cells manifesting occasional
retinal waves discharges. This finding means that the specific ingrowth
of retinogeniculate axons into regions destined to form mag-
Using mutant mice in which the β2 subunit of the nicotinic nocellular and parvocellular layers, which occurs prior to
acetylsholine receptor is eliminated, Torborg and colleagues E55 (Meissirel, Wikler, Chalupa, & Rakic, 1997), is very
(2005) showed that retinal waves as well as eye-specific unlikely to depend on retinal activity. Retinal waves of
dLGN segregation are both perturbed. They concluded activity were found to be prevalent at E60, which is more
that a specific parameter of retinal activity—the amount of than a week before segregation of retinogeniculate projec-
RGC bursting > 10 Hz—is the key element that instructs tions is first observed. Moreover, the incidence of retinal
eye-specific segregation. However, a recent study has shown waves decreased progressively during the period when
that retinal waves are in fact present in β2 mutant mice eye-specific projections become established (E69–E76).
(Chao, Warland, Ballesteros, van der List, & Chalupa, 2008). These findings in the fetal macaque monkey differ from the
Indeed, these mutants manifest robust waves of retinal results obtained in other species where retinal wave activity
activity, but eye-specific inputs to the dLGN fail to form has been reported to be robust throughout the period
normally. when segregated retinogeniculate projections are formed,
Another approach we employed to test the relevance of with such activity declining after this developmental event
retinal waves to the formation of segregated retinogeniculate becomes established (mouse: Demas et al., 2003; Torborg
projections was to assess these two phenomena in the fetal et al., 2005; ferret: Meister et al., 1991; Wong, Meister, &
macaque monkey. In the species commonly used for studies Shatz, 1993; Feller et al., 1996). Thus, while the multiarray
of the developing visual system, such as the ferret and even recordings from fetal monkey retina do not rule out the
more so the mouse, the time period during which connec- possibility that retinal activity plays a role in the formation
tions in the visual system are made and refined is relatively of segregated retinogeniculate projections, they do indicate
brief. By contrast, the developmental period when brain that retinal waves are most prominent at a much earlier
connections become established is much more protracted in time in development than the period when eye-specific
the macaque monkey, so we reasoned that the salient fea- inputs are being established.
tures of visual system development could be more dispersed, What accounts for the stereotyped pattern of eye-specific
making it more likely that key events could be temporally layers in the dLGN? Such stereotypy is difficult to reconcile
dissociated from each other. with an activity-based mechanism. Indeed, a purely activity-
As a first step we sought to accurately discern the time dependent sorting should result in randomly distri-
period during which eye-specific retino-dLGN projections buted patterns of right- and left-eye inputs to the dLGN
are established in the fetal macaque monkey (Huberman, (Huberman et al., 2002; Muir-Robinson et al., 2002). Thus
Dehay, Berland, Chalupa, & Kennedy, 2005). This involved some bias for one or the other layer by the two eyes must
making intraocular injections of different tracers in each exist (Sanes & Yamagata, 1999). Activity-dependent propo-
eye of fetal monkeys of known gestational ages. Subsequently, nents have speculated that the stereotyped pattern of layer-
the extent of the binocular overlap within the developing ing in the dLGN reflects the earlier arrival of contralateral-eye
dLGN was quantified using confocal microscopy and versus ipsilateral-eye axons. The use of sensitive anatomical
image analysis software. This study showed that about 100 tracers indicates, however, that axons from both eyes are
days before birth at embryonic day 69 (E69), the projections present throughout the dLGN from very early times (Penn
from the two eyes were extensively intermingled in the et al., 1998; Huberman et al., 2002, 2003).
dLGN. At E84 segregation of left and right eye axons was Two recent studies (one in mouse and one in ferret) have
found to be essentially complete, with the six eye-specific shown that ephrin-As shape the formation of eye-specific
domains that characterize the mature macaque dLGN zones (Huberman, Murray, Warland, Feldheim, & Chapman,
clearly apparent. Thus the segregation of eye-specific inputs 2005; Pfeiffenberger et al., 2005; Pfeiffenberger, Yamada, &
occurs during a remarkably early and relatively brief in utero Feldheim, 2006). This makes sense given that ephrin-A
period in the macaque, taking about 14 days in a 165-day receptors, EphAs, are expressed in a gradient across the
gestation period. nasal temporal axis of the retina and that each eye-specific
Next, we determined whether the developmental period layer receives input from retinal ganglion cells in the nasal
when eye-specific projections are formed relates to the or temporal-retina.

70 development and evolution

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transmission in the propagation of spontaneous retinal waves.
regulate axon refinement are currently under way in several
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resolution. (2003). Abnormal functional organization in the dorsal lateral
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72 development and evolution

5 Brain Changes Underlying the
Development of Cognitive
Control and Reasoning
silvia a. bunge, allyson p. mackey, and kirstie j. whitaker

abstract What precisely is changing over time in a child’s brain We begin this chapter with a brief summary of changes
leading to improved control over his or her thoughts and behavior? in brain structure, focusing primarily on prefrontal and
This chapter investigates neural mechanisms that develop through parietal cortices, the brain regions that have been most
childhood and adolescence and underlie changes in working
memory, cognitive control, and reasoning. The effects of age and
closely associated with goal-directed behavior. We then
experience on specific cognitive functions are discussed with respect provide an overview of functional brain imaging studies
to functional brain imaging studies, highlighting the importance of focusing on age-related changes in working memory, cogni-
interactions between prefrontal and parietal cortices in cognitive tive control, and fluid reasoning over childhood and adoles-
control and high-level cognition. cence. Because working memory and cognitive control
development have been discussed extensively elsewhere
(Munakata, Casey, & Diamond, 2004; Rubia & Smith, 2004;
What precisely is changing over time in a child’s brain, Casey et al., 2005; Bunge & Wright, 2007), a relatively
leading to improved control over his or her thoughts and greater emphasis is placed on recent studies focusing on the
behavior? Throughout childhood and adolescence, we development of fluid reasoning.
improve at organizing our thoughts, working toward long-
term goals, ignoring irrelevant information that could dis-
tract us from these goals, and controlling our impulses—in
Structural brain development
other words, we exhibit improvements in executive function or The brain undergoes major structural and functional changes
cognitive control (Diamond, 2002; Zelazo, Craik, & Booth, over childhood and adolescence that may, in part, explain
2004; Casey, Tottenham, Liston, & Durston, 2005). By the changes in behavior and cognition. As explained in chapter
same token, we exhibit increased facility over this age range 2, by Kostović and Judaš, rapid changes occur at the
in tackling novel problems and reasoning about the world— neuronal level in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in the first
a capacity referred to as fluid reasoning (Cattell & Bernard, few years of life, followed by slower, protracted changes
1971). Both the capacity to consciously control our thoughts through adolescence (Petanjek, Judas, Kostovic, & Uylings,
and actions and the capacity to reason effectively rely on 2008). While brain changes at the cellular level can be exam-
working memory, or the ability to keep relevant information in ined only in postmortem brain tissue, advances in neuroim-
mind as needed to carry out an immediate goal. aging techniques have made it possible to study gross
Neuroscientific research is being conducted to better anatomical development in vivo. Structural magnetic reso-
understand the changes in brain structure and function that nance imaging (MRI) methods make it possible to quantify
underlie improved cognitive control and fluid reasoning age-related changes in cortical thickness (Sowell et al.,
during child and adolescent development. More specifically, 2007), in the volume of specific brain structures (Gogtay
researchers seek to determine how the neural mechanisms et al., 2006), and in the thickness and coherence of white
underlying specific cognitive functions change with age, how matter tracts connecting distant brain regions to one another
they differ among individuals, and how they are affected by (Giedd et al., 1999; Klingberg, Vaidya, Gabrieli, Moseley,
experience. & Hedehus, 1999).
Cortical thickness follows an inverted U-shaped pattern
silvia a. bunge Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute and over development. Up to middle childhood (ages 8 to 12),
Department of Psychology, University of California at Berkeley, increased thickness of the gray matter at the surface of the
Berkeley, California
allyson p. mackey and kirstie j. whitaker Helen Wills
brain reflects increased density of neurons and dendrites.
Neuroscience Institute, University of California at Berkeley, Thereafter, decreased gray matter thickness reflects the
Berkeley, California pruning of excess dendrites and neurons, as well as increased

bunge, mackey, and whitaker: brain changes and cognitive development 73

myelination of axonal projections to these neurons (Giedd, memory improves, children likewise improve on tests of
2004). cognitive control and fluid reasoning.
The developmental trajectory of changes in cortical Working memory for different types of information is
thickness varies across brain structures. In PFC and mediated by interactions between domain-specific brain
parietal cortex, gray matter volume peaks around age regions and regions in PFC and parietal cortex (D’Esposito,
10–12 (Giedd, 2004). Thereafter, gray matter loss occurs 2007). It is the integration and refinement of these working
at different rates in different subregions of the PFC, and memory circuits that underlies age improvements in the
it is considered one index of the time course of maturation maintenance and manipulation of mental representations.
of a region (Sowell et al., 2003). Within the PFC, gray In the next subsection, we provide a brief overview of fMRI
matter reduction is completed earliest in the orbitofrontal studies examining age-related changes in working memory.
cortex, followed by the ventrolateral PFC (VLPFC) and
then by the dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC) and rostrolateral Visuospatial Working Memory Most fMRI studies on
PFC (RLPFC) (Gogtay et al., 2004; O’Donnell, Noseworthy, working memory development have focused on the ability to
Levine, & Dennis, 2005). Differences in maturational time keep in mind a series of spatial locations (Casey et al., 1995;
course between prefrontal subregions could help account Thomas et al., 1999; Klingberg, Forssberg, & Westerberg,
for differences in the rate of development of distinct cog- 2002a; Kwon, Reiss, & Menon, 2002; Scherf, Sweeney, &
nitive control processes (Bunge & Zelazo, 2006; Crone et al., Luna, 2006). The superior frontal sulcus (SFS) and the
2006). intraparietal sulcus (IPS), which have been strongly implicated
Developmental changes in interregional connectivity have in adult visuospatial working memory, are increasingly
been studied with an MRI-based method known as diffusion engaged throughout childhood (Klingberg et al., 2002a;
tensor imaging (DTI). Research using DTI has shown that Kwon et al.). Across children, the level of fractional anisotropy
strengthening of frontal-parietal networks is associated with in the frontoparietal white matter surrounding the SFS and
improved performance on working memory tasks (Olesen, IPS is positively correlated with visuospatial working memory
Nagy, Westerberg, & Klingberg, 2003; Nagy, Westerberg, scores (Nagy et al., 2004). Further, the coherence of these
& Klingberg, 2004). An age-related increase in frontostriatal white matter tracts in the left hemisphere is greater among
tract coherence has also been associated with more efficient children (age 8–18 years) who exhibit the greatest activation
recruitment of cognitive control (Liston et al., 2006). in these regions (Olesen et al., 2003). Thus the brain network
In summary, both cortical pruning within prefrontal and underlying effective visuospatial working memory is
parietal regions and increased neuronal connectivity within strengthened over development.
and between these and other regions are likely to underlie At a microscopic level, the increased engagement of
improvements in cognitive control and fluid reasoning SFS and IPS during a blood-oxygenation-level dependent
during development. The relationships between behavioral (BOLD) fMRI visuospatial working memory task could
improvements and changes in brain structure and brain be dependent on one or more cellular changes: neuronal
function have been explored in recent studies of working pruning, increased myelination, and/or the strengthening
memory, as described in the next section. of synaptic connections within or between brain regions.
Klingberg and colleagues used computational methods to
Working memory development determine which of these processes are likely to support
the development of visuospatial working memory (Edin,
Working memory is the brain’s “mental blackboard,” allow- Macoveanu, Olesen, Tegner, & Klingberg, 2007). Their
ing information—either sensory inputs or memories—to be computational model of BOLD activation found that
held in mind and manipulated (Miller, Galanter, & Pribram, strengthened synaptic connectivity within and between brain
1960; Goldman-Rakic, 1992). Considered a central compo- regions was the most likely candidate for increase in activa-
nent of human cognition, the maturation of working memory tion in these regions between childhood and adulthood.
is critical for the development of language comprehension, Just as core working memory networks are strengthened
mental calculation, cognitive control, and fluid reasoning. over childhood and adolescence, supporting networks that
Although children as young as 5 years do not differ from are not used by adults for working memory are weakened
adults in sensorimotor tasks, performance on tasks that rely over this age range. Using a spatial working memory para-
on the retention and manipulation of information, such as digm involving saccadic eye movements, Luna and col-
spatial memory span and Tower of London, improves over leagues showed that increased recruitment of core regions
childhood (Luciana & Nelson, 1998). Children’s perfor- in DLPFC in the left hemisphere and parietal regions was
mance is critically moderated by task difficulty: their accu- accompanied by a weakening and eventual dismissal of
racy rapidly declines as the demands of the task become a childhood compensatory circuit involving ventromedial
more rigorous and they make more errors. As working PFC (Scherf et al., 2006). A qualitative shift was observed

74 development and evolution

in comparing children aged 10–13 and adolescents aged groups engaged highly overlapping sets of brain regions,
14–17. Comparing adolescents to adults, the changes were indicating that the core working memory network was already
more quantitative, evincing refinement of the visuospatial in place by middle childhood. However, there was a positive
working memory network. This movement away from the correlation across participants between task accuracy and
childhood circuit to the more mature adult network is a level of activation in left ventrolateral PFC (VLPFC), bilateral
common theme in developmental cognitive neuroscience, DLPFC, and bilateral superior parietal cortex.
and it is further discussed in this chapter’s section on cogni-
tive control development. Manipulation of Information in Working Memory
This study of nonspatial working memory (Crone et al.,
Nonspatial Working Memory In addition to the fMRI 2006) also included a manipulation condition, in which
studies of visuospatial working memory development, we participants were asked to reverse the order of the items in
would like to highlight a study on the development of non- their head. Children aged 8–12 were disproportionately
spatial working memory, in which children aged 8–12, impaired relative to adolescents and adults on this
adolescents aged 13–17, and young adults were asked to manipulation condition relative to the pure maintenance
remember a series of three nameable objects (figure 5.1A; condition. Further, children failed to engage right DLPFC
Crone, Wendelken, Donohue, van Leijenhorst, & Bunge, and bilateral superior parietal cortex, regions linked with
2006) . We consider first the pure maintenance condition of working memory manipulation, for this purpose. A qualitative
this study, in which participants were asked to verbally rehearse shift in the circuitry underlying manipulation was observed
the items in the order in which they were presented. All three from middle childhood onward, such that adolescents and

Figure 5.1 Development of nonspatial working memory and nance, whereas backward trials required manipulation in addition
working memory manipulation. (A) Subjects were asked to remem- to maintenance. (B) Group-averaged time courses for activation in
ber three nameable objects, presented for 750 ms each and sepa- the right DLPFC during the delay period show that adults
rated by a 250-ms fixation cross. After the last object the instruction and adolescents recruited this region more strongly during the
“forward” or “backward” directed the participant to either men- harder manipulations trials, whereas children showed the same
tally rehearse or reorder these objects during the 6,000-ms delay. activation in DLPFC for both “forward” and “backward” tasks.
Finally a probe object was presented and participants indicated (Reprinted with permission from Crone, Wendelken, Donohue,
with a button press whether it was first, second, or third object in van Leijenhorst, & Bunge, 2006, copyright © 2006, National
the memorized sequence. Forward trials required pure mainte- Academy of Sciences, USA.)

bunge, mackey, and whitaker: brain changes and cognitive development 75

adults engaged an additional mechanism relative to children Cognitive Control Development: Changes in
aged 8–12. Time-series correlational analyses showed that, One or More Neural Circuits? A key question in
for adults, right DLPFC was functionally correlated with developmental research has been whether age-related
bilateral parietal and premotor cortices during manipulation. changes in cognitive control are associated with the
In children, by contrast, right DLPFC activation during development of a single mechanism, such as the capacity to
manipulation was correlated with regions that have not store or process information (Case, 1992; Dempster, 1993),
been associated previously with this function (unpublished or with a set of mechanisms (Welsh, Butters, Hughes, Mohs,
analyses). Thus the brain network underlying manipulation & Heyman, 1991). Behavioral studies suggest that some of
in adults was not yet engaged by children aged 8–12. these abilities may mature at different rates. For example,
Importantly, it is not the case that children failed to engage the ability to inhibit a motoric response matures earlier than
these brain regions during task performance. Indeed, the ability to inhibit a response when the task additionally
children engaged DLPFC and parietal cortex at encoding requires selective attention (van den Wildenberg & van der
and retrieval of items in working memory; they simply failed Molen, 2004). Likewise, the ability to switch between task
to sufficiently engage the circuitry that supports manipulation rules develops earlier than the ability to keep a difficult rule
at the time when it was required to reverse the order of online (Crone, Wendelken, Donohue, Honomichi, & Bunge,
objects in working memory (figure 5.1B). 2004). Recent advances using structural equation modeling
indicate that working memory, task switching, and response
These investigations have shown how the development of inhibition are separable latent constructs with distinct
PFC and parietal cortex, as well as the connections between developmental trajectories (Brocki & Bohlin, 2004; Huizinga,
them, contributes to increased ability to maintain and Dolan, & van der Molen, 2006). Thus behavioral research
manipulate information online. In turn, an increase in provides hints that different cognitive control functions may
working memory capacity contributes to improvements in a have separable neurodevelopmental trajectories.
variety of cognitive functions, including cognitive control In a recent study of cognitive network development, Fair,
and fluid reasoning. Dosenbach, and colleagues (2007) show that, initially, the
strongest connections between frontoparietal gray matter
Cognitive control development
are anatomically close together. As these regions mature,
One of the most obvious ways in which children mature however, the connections become more functionally rele-
behaviorally is that they become increasingly able to ignore vant and reach further afield, presumably to engage the most
irrelevant and distracting information and control their effective network for cognitive control (figure 5.2).
impulses while working toward specific goals. The terms The protracted myelination of the white matter tracts
executive function and cognitive control refer to mental processes connecting the regions necessary for cognitive control over
associated with the control of thought and action. Thus far, childhood and adolescence (Spear, 2007) may explain the
developmental research on cognitive control has been con- compensatory network required for children to complete
cerned with conscious, deliberate forms of control. Putative these tasks. If long-range projections are not sufficiently
cognitive control functions are listed in box 5.1. insulated by the myelin sheath, they will be unable to com-
municate with the functionally relevant networks utilized
by the adult brain. Eventually, during adolescence, the
myelination is sufficient to allow a transition from the local,
Box 5.1 Cognitive Control Functions compensatory mechanism to a more diffuse, adult, effective
1. Selectively attending to relevant information (selective system.
attention) and ignoring distracting stimuli or thoughts In the following sections, we highlight a few of the many
(interference suppression/resolution) brain-imaging studies that have examined neurodevelop-
2. Selecting between competing response tendencies
mental changes in cognitive control.
(response selection) and inhibiting inappropriate response ten-
dencies (response inhibition)
3. Using contextual information to identify currently Response selection and inhibition As noted previously, improve-
relevant information and appropriate responses (rule/task-set ments in working memory manipulation—a form of cogni-
representation) tive control—are associated with an increase in lateral PFC
4. Reorganizing information currently held in working activation with age (Crone et al., 2004). For some cognitive
memory (manipulation, updating) control tasks, however, maturation is instead associated with
5. Flexibly switching between tasks and performing two
tasks concurrently (task-switching, dual-task performance) a decrease in lateral PFC recruitment. For example, a large
6. Monitoring one’s own actions and the consequences of study involving participants between 8 and 27 years of age
these actions (performance monitoring, error/feedback processing) by Luna and colleagues (Velanova, Wheeler, & Luna, 2008)
examined functional maturational changes associated with

76 development and evolution

choices and inhibit inappropriate response tendencies (see
Munakata, Casey, & Diamond, 2004, and Bunge & Wright,
2007, for reviews). These studies have made use of a variety
of paradigms, including the well-known Stroop (Adleman,
et al., 2002; Schroeter, Zysset, Wahl, & von Cramon, 2004;
Marsh et al., 2006), go-no-go (Rubia, Smith, Taylor, &
Brammer, 2007; Rubia et al., 2001; Bunge, Dudukovic,
Thomason, Vaidya, & Gabrieli, 2002; Durston et al., 2002;
Tamm, Menon, & Reiss, 2002; Booth et al., 2003; Lamm,
Zelazo, & Lewis, 2006), and flanker tasks (Bunge et al.;
Lamm et al.; Rubia et al., 2006). In task-switching para-
digms, the currently relevant task rule changes without
warning, and it is necessary to suppress the response to the
previous rule and also to retrieve the new rule from memory
(Crone et al., 2004). These studies indicate that overlapping
but distinct circuits involving regions of PFC, parietal cortex,
and basal ganglia are involved in various cognitive control
tasks (Rubia, et al., 2001).

Performance monitoring Luna and colleagues used the antisac-

cade task to examine not only the development of response
inhibition, but also the development of performance moni-
toring (Velanova et al., 2008). The dorsal anterior cingulate
cortex (dACC), known to play a central role in performance
monitoring (Ford, Goltz, Brown, & Everling, 2005; Polli
Figure 5.2 Development of distinct cognitive control networks et al., 2005), was more strongly engaged on error trials in
through childhood and adolescence. Regions previously identified adults than in children or adolescents (figure 5.3). Increased
as pertaining to putative task control were analyzed for pairwise performance monitoring, supported by dACC, is likely to
temporal BOLD correlations in (A) children and (B) adults. Right- contribute to the observed improvements in inhibitory cog-
side ROIs are displayed on the right of each graph and anterior nitive control with age.
ROIs at the top of each graph. Whereas adults demonstrate two
separate control networks, children show a connection between In summary, cognitive control is considered to comprise
them. Their networks are connected by a bridge between the a variety of different putative processes, and a few studies
anterior PFC and DLPFC, and the dACC and medial superior have made attempts to compare the developmental time
frontal cortex were incorporated into the frontoparietal network. course of specific control processes (e.g., Bunge et al., 2002;
In addition, children lacked connections between the DLPFC and Crone et al., 2006; Rubia et al., 2006). However, it remains
the IPS and inferior parietal lobule. The two separate networks
seen in adults are proposed to interpret cues, implement top-down
to be seen if these different behavioral abilities are in fact
control, and process bottom-up feedback, but use different mecha- different underlying neural substrates and if they develop
nisms and over different temporal scales. (Reprinted with permis- over separable trajectories. Further work must be under-
sion from Fair et al., 2007, copyright © 2007 National Academy taken to determine the relative independence and interac-
of Sciences, USA.) tions of the many cognitive control capabilities throughout
performance on an antisaccade task. In this response inhibi-
tion task, participants must move their eyes away from a Fluid reasoning development
visual stimulus that appears suddenly on the screen, resisting
the urge to look toward it. The researchers observed an Fluid reasoning is the capacity to think logically and
age-related shift away from reliance on DLPFC, toward solve problems in novel situations (Cattell & Bernard, 1971).
posterior parietal regions (figure 5.2). Consistent with other The concept of fluid reasoning is integral to theories of
work, this finding indicates a shift away from childhood human intelligence (Horn & Cattell, 1967; Cattell, 1987;
compensatory mechanisms toward the more effective adult Horn, 1988; Carroll, 1997; McArdle & Woodcock 1998;
networks. Gray, Chabris, & Braver, 2003). Compared to crystallized,
In addition to this antisaccade study, a number of other or knowledge-based, abilities it is thought to have a stronger
brain-imaging studies have focused on age-related improve- neurobiological and genetic component, leading to the belief
ments in the ability to select between competing response that it is less dependent on experience. However, some

bunge, mackey, and whitaker: brain changes and cognitive development 77

Figure 5.3 Development of response inhibition and performance between activity during error and correct trials but also that adults
monitoring. Velanova, Wheeler, and colleagues (2008) demon- exhibit greater differential activity than adolescents and children.
strated that dACC showed significantly greater modulation during For each age group, black asterisks mark the time point showing
error versus correct trials in an antisaccade task. The task required mean maximal peak activity for error trials, and gray asterisks mark
subjects to inhibit the prepotent tendency to look toward the stimu- the time point showing mean maximal differences between error
lus and look in the opposite direction. The time course of activation and correct trials. (Reprinted with permission from Velanova,
within the dACC, illustrated here, not only shows the difference Wheeler, & Luna, 2008, copyright Oxford University Press.)

evidence suggests that it is indeed sensitive to cultural and his colleagues showed children pictorial problems of
environmental influences (Flynn, 2007). the form “A is to B as C is to . . . ?” and asked them to find
The development of reasoning ability is central to under- the D term among a set of pictures, he found that children
standing cognitive development as a whole, because it serves often chose items that were perceptually or semantically
as scaffolding for many other cognitive functions (Cattell, related to the C item (Piaget, Montangero, & Billeter, 1977).
1987; Blair, 2006). Fluid reasoning has been identified as a Sternberg and colleagues found similar limitations in young
leading indicator of changes in crystallized abilities (McArdle, children’s analogical reasoning, observing an overreliance
2001). It strongly predicts changes in quantitative ability on lower-order relations during analogical problem solving
(Ferrer & McArdle, 2004) and reading (Ferrer et al., 2007) (Sternberg & Nigro, 1980; Sternberg & Downing, 1982).
among children aged 5 to 10. Fluid reasoning ability even It has been argued that children as young as 3 years old
predicts performance through college and in cognitively can solve simple analogies as long as they are familiar
demanding occupations (Gottfredson, 1997). with the objects involved and understand the relevant
One form of fluid reasoning is relational reasoning: the relations (Goswami, 1989), but improvements in analogical
ability to consider relationships between multiple distinct reasoning are observed throughout childhood and
mental representations (Gentner, 1983; Hummel & Holyoak, adolescence (Sternberg & Rifkin, 1979; Richland, Morrison,
1997). Analogical reasoning, more specifically, involves & Holyoak, 2006).
abstracting a relationship between familiar items and apply- Fluid reasoning ability seems to be a distinct cognitive
ing it to novel representations (Gentner, 1988; Goswami, function, rising and falling at its own rate across the life span
1989). In other words, forming analogies allows us to deter- (Cattell, 1987). It follows a different developmental trajec-
mine general principles from specific examples and to estab- tory than crystallized abilities, supporting the idea that
lish connections between previously unrelated pieces of these are separable cognitive functions (Horn, 1991; Schaie,
information. Analogical thought is an important means by 1996; McGrew, 1997). Fluid reasoning capacity increases
which cognition develops (Goswami, 1989; R. Brown & very rapidly until late adolescence and early adulthood,
Marsden, 1990). For example, children use analogies to peaking at around age 22 and declining thereafter (McArdle,
learn new words and concepts by association with previously Ferrer-Caja, Hamagami, & Woodcock, 2002).
learned information (Gentner, 1983).
Assessing Reasoning Ability One of the most commonly
When Does Reasoning Ability Develop? Historically, used measures of fluid reasoning ability is the Raven’s
theories of reasoning development focused on children’s Progressive Matrices test (RPM), a classic visuospatial task
limitations. Piaget claimed that, before the stage of formal that can be administered to both children and adults (Raven,
operations around age 11, children are not capable of 1941). This test is considered an excellent measure of fluid
mentally representing the relations necessary to solve reasoning ability (Kline, 1993) and of intellectual ability
analogies (Inhelder & Piaget, 1958). When Piaget and overall (Wechsler & Stone, 1945).

78 development and evolution

Figure 5.4 Sample problem similar to Raven’s Progressive Figure 5.5 Sample visual analogy problem. On this type of
Matrices. (A) Zero-relational problem (REL-0) that requires only problem, subjects must consider the relationship between the top
perceptual matching (Answer: 2). (B) One-relational problem two images and choose the image that completes the bottom
(REL-1) that involves consideration of change in either the vertical analogy (Answer: 3; 2 is the semantic lure).
or horizontal direction (Answer: 1). (C ) Two-relational problem
(REL-2) that requires attention to change in both the vertical and
horizontal directions (Answer: 3). brain areas most compromised by the disease. Patients with
frontal-variant FTD make errors on analogical reasoning
As illustrated in figure 5.4, the RPM includes zero- problems related to limited working memory and trouble
relational (REL-0), one-relational (REL-1), and two- inhibiting inappropriate responses. In contrast, patients with
relational (REL-2) problems. REL-0 problems require only temporal-variant FTD are profoundly impaired on analogical
perceptual matching. REL-1 problems require subjects to reasoning problems as a result of semantic memory loss
consider either vertical or horizontal changes (or spatial rela- (Morrison et al., 2004). Another study of patients with
tions) across figures in a 3 × 3 grid to infer the missing piece prefrontal damage revealed that these patients have a
in the bottom right corner. REL-2 problems require subjects specific deficit in relational integration as compared to
to process changes in both the horizontal and vertical direc- patients with anterior temporal lobe damage, who are more
tions simultaneously in order to choose the missing piece. impaired on tests of episodic and semantic memory (Waltz
These problems are the most difficult because they require et al., 1999).
the integration of two visuospatial relations. Imaging research has narrowed down the region in PFC
Analogical reasoning can be assessed behaviorally and responsible for relational integration to the most anterior
in an MRI scanner with propositional analogy problems part of lateral PFC (RLPFC). Functional MRI studies of
involving either words or pictures of nameable objects. The reasoning, including the RPM task (Prabhakaran, Smith,
visual analogy task used in a recent fMRI study from our Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli, 1997; Christoff et al., 2001;
laboratory (Wright, Matlen, Baym, Ferrer, & Bunge, 2008) Kroger et al., 2002) and a verbal propositional analogy task
requires children to select which of four pictures completes (Bunge, Wendelken, Badre, & Wagner, 2005), have impli-
an analogy. The answer choices for these problems include cated RLPFC in problems that require joint consideration
perceptual and semantic lures (figure 5.5). of multiple relations. The other lateral PFC regions play
roles in reasoning that are not specifically associated with
Neural Correlates of Fluid Reasoning Brain regions relational complexity. DLPFC may support reasoning by
important for fluid reasoning have been identified through organizing representations in working memory, selecting
studies of patients with impaired reasoning ability and between competing response alternatives, and monitoring
neuroimaging studies of healthy adults. Research on patients performance (Christoff et al.). Depending on the nature of
in the early stages of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) has the task, different brain regions contribute to fluid reasoning.
shown that reasoning is differentially affected based on the Left VLPFC (Broca’s area) supports reasoning by retrieving

bunge, mackey, and whitaker: brain changes and cognitive development 79

semantic relations on propositional analogy problems (Bunge functional neuroimaging is essential to understand how
et al.; Wright et al., 2008). Likewise, hippocampus and pari- changes in brain function lead to changes in behavior. This
etal cortex may play a role in reasoning by representing section highlights the first two fMRI studies of reasoning
individual relations in visuospatial tasks involving relational ability in children.
integration, including Raven’s Progressive Matrices (Crone
et al., 2009) and transitive inference problems (Wendelken Visual analogies In the first study, our laboratory (Wright
& Bunge, under review). et al., 2008) presented children aged 6–13 and young adults
Parietal cortex is consistently engaged in high-level cogni- with visual analogy problems (figure 5.5). Children were
tive tasks like the RPM (Gray et al., 2003) and shares strong capable of identifying analogous relationships between
connections with PFC (Petrides & Pandya, 1984; Fuster, pairs of images, but made disproportionately more mistakes
2002). A study of individual differences in reasoning ability than adults on the analogy problems relative to 1-relational
in adults showed that stronger prefrontal and parietal recruit- problems that required them to select from several images
ment on a difficult working memory task is associated with the one that was most semantically related to a cue image
better fluid reasoning, as measured by an RPM-type task (figure 5.5A).
(Gray et al.). The level of activation in left lateral PFC and In left VLPFC, a region involved in the effortful retrieval
bilateral parietal cortex accounted for more than 99.9% of of individual semantic relations between items (see, for
the relationship between fluid intelligence and working example, Badre & Wagner, 2007), no consistent differences
memory performance in these adults. were observed between children and adults (Wright et al.,
Taken together, the preceding studies suggest that matu- 2008). However, older children did engage this region more
ration of RLPFC should lead to improvements in relational strongly than younger children, indicating that left VLPFC
processing, while maturation of Broca’s area, hippocampus, contributes increasingly to controlled semantic retrieval
and parietal cortex should lead to better reasoning through between the ages of 6 and 13.
improved representation of individual verbal and visuospa- In bilateral RLPFC, the time-course analyses provided
tial relations. strong evidence for an immature activation profile in chil-
dren (figure 5.6). The peak of activation in RLPFC occurred
How Does the Brain Change to Allow for Improvements at least 4 seconds later for children than for adults, despite
in Reasoning Ability? The neuroimaging research minimal differences in response times between the groups.
described thus far has identified brain regions that contribute In fact, for children, RLPFC activation peaked after the
to reasoning in adults. However, researchers are just now motor cortex activation associated with the behavioral
beginning to track how these regions develop during response. Overall, consistent with a model whereby rela-
childhood and how this development leads to improved tively more rostral PFC matures later than caudal PFC
fluid reasoning ability. As noted earlier in this chapter, (Bunge & Zelazo, 2006), larger differences between children
in the section on structural brain development, DLPFC, and adults were observed in RLPFC than in VLPFC.
RLPFC, and parietal cortex develop relatively slowly: Changes in the function of RLPFC over childhood and
cortical gray matter loss continues through the early twenties adolescence may contribute to improvements in reasoning
(Giedd, 2004). A study by Shaw and colleagues showed ability, and individual differences in RLPFC functioning
that the trajectory of changes in cortical thickness in may explain, at least in part, why some people have a greater
several prefrontal regions differed across children with capacity for fluid reasoning than others.
superior, high, and average intelligence (Shaw et al., 2006).
Surprisingly, children with superior intelligence exhibited Raven’s Progressive Matrices In the second study, our labora-
a delayed peak of cortical thickness in anterior PFC relative tory (Crone et al., 2009) presented children aged 8–12 and
to the other groups, around age 11 as opposed to age 7–8 young adults with problems adapted from the Raven’s Pro-
in children of average intelligence. The precise significance gressive Matrices (figure 5.4). Behaviorally, children made a
of this intriguing finding is as yet unclear. In particular, the disproportionate number of errors on the REL-2 problems
role of environmental factors has not been explored; in this relative to REL-1 problems, and their response times on the
study sample, IQ was correlated with socioeconomic factors. REL-2 problems did not differ from those of adults. This
However, this finding indicates that cognitive ability is related finding suggests that children selected responses for these
to the particular time course of cortical maturation in frontal difficult problems before adequately considering both dimen-
regions, rather than the size of a given region at a specific sions of relational change.
age. This finding speaks to the unique insights that can be In adults, RLPFC activation was greater for REL-2 prob-
gained from longitudinal studies of brain development. lems than for REL-1 problems. While children also recruited
While structural imaging has provided critical insight into RLPFC, they did not exhibit sustained preferential recruit-
the neural changes that underlie reasoning development, ment of RLPFC for REL-2 problems as compared with

80 development and evolution

Figure 5.6 RLPFC regions of interest and time courses. On the after trial onset for both children and adults. Bilaterally, the peak
left side of this image, the right and left RLPFC regions of interest of activation occurs about 4 seconds later in children than in adults,
are shown in a sagittal view. The right side displays time courses and these regions even appear deactivated during the first few
from these regions from baseline at 2 seconds through 18 seconds seconds of stimulus presentation.

REL-1 problems. Together with the response time data, this different patterns of activation suggesting functional imma-
finding suggests that the children were more likely to treat turity (Wright et al., 2008; Crone et al., 2009).
the REL-2 problems similarly to REL-1 problems, consider-
ing only a single dimension of change. Activation of RLPFC Conclusions
associated with the REL-2 problems increases with age, indi-
cating that development of RLPFC integration mechanism A growing literature indicates that the increased recruitment
occurs, at least in part, over the age range (8–12 years) that of task-related regions in prefrontal and parietal regions
was studied. Unlike RLPFC, the inferior parietal lobule was contribute to improvements in goal-directed behavior over
sensitive to the number of relations in adults and showed an middle childhood and adolescence. The pattern of develop-
immature pattern of activation in children. In summary, this mental changes in brain activation has been generally char-
study provides evidence that the development of reasoning acterized as a shift from diffuse to focal activation (Durston,
is associated with functional changes in RLPFC in response Davidson, et al., 2006) and from posterior to anterior activa-
to relational integration. tion (Rubia et al., 2007; T. Brown et al., 2005). Differences
In summary, fluid reasoning ability comes online early in can be either quantitative, with one age group engaging a
childhood but continues to develop through adolescence region more strongly or extensively than another, or qualita-
and even into adulthood. Intelligence in adults is related to tive, with a shift in reliance on one set of brain regions to
connectivity between PFC and parietal cortex (Shaw et al., another, or both (T. Brown et al., 2005; T. Brown, Petersen,
2006). Structural neuroimaging studies (Giedd, 2004) have & Schlagger, 2006; Rubia et al., 2007; Scherf et al., 2006;
shown that development of these regions, PFC and parietal Badre & Wagner, 2007). Importantly, the precise pattern of
cortex, follows a prolonged developmental time course change observed depends on the task, the ages being exam-
that matches behavioral data on reasoning in childhood ined, and the brain region in question. By further character-
(Richland et al., 2006). Initial functional neuroimaging izing neurodevelopmental changes in cognitive control
studies have shown that children recruit brain regions similar processes within subjects and across a range of tasks, we hope
to those that adults use to solve analogy problems, but with to better understand the development of the human mind.

bunge, mackey, and whitaker: brain changes and cognitive development 81

Current and Future Directions By around age 12, the Finally, a better understanding of neurodevelopmental
ability to hold goal-relevant information in mind and use it changes in healthy children will lead to insights into the
to select appropriate actions is already adequate, although reasons for impoverished goal-directed behavior in a
not fully mature. It is of great interest to track brain function number of neurodevelopmental disorders, such as attention-
associated with working memory and cognitive control deficit/hyperactivity disorder (Vaidya et al., 2005; Durston,
earlier in childhood, when these abilities are first acquired. Mulder, et al., 2006) and Tourette syndrome (Peterson,
Optical imaging studies can be conducted from infancy Pine, Cohen, & Brook, 2001; Baym, Corbett, Wright, &
onward, although the spatiotemporal resolution of this Bunge, 2008).
method is suboptimal. It is now possible to acquire fMRI
data in children as young as four years of age (Cantlon
et al., 2006), although not without challenges like head REFERENCES
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to which observed age differences in brain activation reflect developmental fMRI study of the Stroop color-word task.
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bunge, mackey, and whitaker: brain changes and cognitive development 85

Chapter 6 horng and sur 91

7 whitlock and moser 109

8 li and gilbert 129

9 pascual-leone 141

10 bavelier, green, and dye 153

11 stevens and neville 165

helen neville and mriganka sur

Plasticity—the ability of the brain to change adaptively

during learning and memory or in response to changes in
the environment—is one of the most remarkable features
of higher brain function. Five years ago, in the third edition
of The Cognitive Neurosciences, researchers described many
new mechanisms at multiple levels of the neuraxis that
produce and regulate neuroplasticity. These included the
genesis of new neurons and glia throughout life, and the
role of adult stem cells in plasticity. The papers comprising
the plasticity section in 2004 were all conducted in non-
human animals. Over the last five years animal studies of
neuroplasticity have continued apace. Additionally, a bur-
geoning literature on human neuroplasticity has emerged.
The papers in the current section on plasticity describe both
animal and human research and have several themes in
common. Several point to the key role of attention in neuro-
plasticity and also to the malleable nature of attention
itself. Several also describe the two sides of plasticity: the
systems that are most changeable by environmental input
are both more enhanceable and more vulnerable to deficit.
Another theme that was repeated and that is important
to reiterate is that different functions and related brain
systems display different degrees and time periods of maximal
plasticity, whereas others display equivalent plasticity
throughout life. An exciting new development is the recogni-
tion of the key role that genes and molecules play in neuro-
plasticity. Allelic variation within several specific genes is a
major determinant of the degree to which neuroplasticity is
evident in both animals and humans. Furthermore, plasticity
is manifested through molecular mechanisms that transduce
electrical activity in the brain into changes in the weights of
synapses or into patterns of synaptic contact and network
connections. While these mechanisms have been studied
extensively in animal models of developmental or adult

neville and sur: introduction 89

plasticity, they have clear implications for understanding ticity often involves an interplay between top-down and
neuroplasticity in the human brain. bottom-up processing, such that neuronal responses are
Topographic projections, or maps, are fundamental for often dynamically influenced by the nature of the task being
representing and analyzing sensory information in the brain. performed or the context in which a stimulus appears. The
In chapter 6, Horng and Sur describe guidance and pattern- efficient encoding of behaviorally relevant stimuli within a
ing molecules that underlie the formation of retinotopic dynamic cortical network is a manifestation of the plasticity
maps in the visual pathway. Such maps form a scaffold of seen in perceptual learning.
connections that is subsequently refined by activity-depen- In chapter 9, Pasqual-Leone describes neuroplasticity in
dent plasticity. Target molecules themselves can be altered studies of sighted and blind individuals and those who have
to induce “rewiring” of inputs from the retina to the auditory sustained brain damage. Employing transcranial magnetic
pathway in ferrets and mice. The auditory cortex, when stimulation of different frequencies, he can enhance and
driven by vision, develops key features of the visual cortex decrease neuroplasticity. Furthermore these studies can dif-
such as visual-orientation-selective cells and maps, demon- ferentiate the neural changes that are necessary for improve-
strating that the nature of input activity during development ment in behavior from those changes that are not, and from
is crucial for creating networks that process the input. Finally, changes that instead are harmful. He also describes several
the projection from the two eyes to primary visual cortex genetic polymorphisms that constrain the neuroplasticity in
forms another model system in which molecular mecha- these populations.
nisms that refine cortical connections are being rapidly In chapter 10, Bavelier, Green, and Dye describe the
discovered. remarkable enhancements in several cognitive functions in
In chapter 7, Whitlock and Moser describe mechanisms individuals who engage in fast-action video games. They
of plasticity in a brain region that is critical for the formation propose that such activity results in Bayesian learning—that
of episodic memory and that has been studied extensively in is, enhanced learning in the course of optimizing the rewards
the adult animal brain: the CA1 region of the rat hippocam- associated with success in video gaming. They discuss the
pus. They describe the link between long-term synaptic different ways that harnessing the factors that are important
potentiation and behavior, and show how synaptic plasticity in these effects could benefit educational programs and per-
supports the formation of place cells in the rat’s hippocam- formance in the workplace.
pus. More generally, place cells are part of neural networks In chapter 11, Stevens and Neville describe the different
which have different states that can aid in the storage or recall profiles of neuroplasticity and the two sides of neuroplasticity
of representations or memories. in the human visual, auditory, language, and attentional
In chapter 8, Li and Gilbert describe plasticity in the systems. These studies have been conducted on individuals
primary visual cortex of adult primates as a correlate with visual or auditory deprivation and of children of
of perceptual learning. Even early sensory cortical areas different ages. They also describe their recent studies of
retain the capacity for synaptic and network changes, so interventions that target the most plastic and vulnerable
that repeated perceptual experiences and familiarity elicit brain systems in children with or at risk for neurocognitive
enhanced sensitivity to specific stimulus features. Such plas- deficits.

90 plasticity
6 Patterning and Plasticity of Maps in
the Mammalian Visual Pathway
sam horng and mriganka sur

abstract Maps at successive stages of the visual system, and in by genetic programs, electrical activity, and experience-
particular visual cortex, organize salient stimulus features into dependent modulation of stimulus input.
complex cortical networks. Retinotopic maps and ocular domi- During development, the formation of a retinotopic map
nance domains arise during development using a molecular
program that specifies the rough topographic order of projections.
requires that axons responsive to neighboring positions in
Genetic mutations in mice have identified guidance and patterning visual space maintain their relative positions as they inner-
cues that mediate this organization of maps and may lead to the vate their target. This process involves graded patterns of
creation of new maps. Spontaneous activity produced in the retina guidance receptors expressed across the population of axons
refines the precision of the maps before eye opening, and patterned and matched to a complementary gradient of ligands on the
activity after eye opening drives further refinement and mainte-
target cells. The genetic patterning of guidance cues confers
nance. For ocular dominance, the cortex has a critical period for
synaptic plasticity during which it is especially responsive to changes a rough order and spatial efficiency to the retinotopic map.
in input. During this time, changes in eye-specific drive lead to However, further retinotopic precision and ocular domi-
Hebbian and homeostatic changes in the cortical network. This nance segregation depend upon patterns of spontaneous
potential for plasticity represents a functional reorganization in activity in the retina and experience-driven input. Changes
response to changing demands from the outside world and allows
in the level or pattern of activity can alter the structure and
the organism to adapt to its environment.
function of the retinotopic map in early development and of
ocular dominance regions in later development and adult-
hood. Ocular dominance plasticity occurs in response to
A critical function of the brain is to provide an orderly changes in competitive input between the eyes, and a variety
and efficient neural representation of salient sensory stimuli of molecular pathways, many of which reflect the matura-
from the outside world. In the mammalian visual pathway, tional state of the circuit, have been implicated in this
representations of light reflectance in visual space are process. Thus the developmental context shapes the extent
relayed from the retina as a topographic map to the thala- to which changes induced by competitive input between the
mus and superior colliculus. Along this pathway, projections eyes occur. Here, genetic programs of development interact
from the two eyes are kept in parallel. Retinotopic and with activity- and experience-dependent input to mediate
eye-specific information from the thalamus are transferred map refinement and plasticity.
to the primary visual cortex, where additional stimulus
features are extracted. The mechanisms by which visual The formation of the visual pathway during
stimulus feature maps are established and modified in early development
response to experience are an active area of research, as
these mechanisms are central to specifying the organiza- Regionalization of Visual Pathway Centers
tional details of the visual pathway and the functional char- Functional pathways of the brain arise out of genetic
acteristics of vision. programs of early development, which establish structural
In this chapter, we will review the processes of retinotopic regions and wire them together (Rakic, 1988; O’Leary,
mapping and cortical plasticity in the mammalian brain. 1989; Job & Tan, 2003; Sur & Rubenstein, 2005). During
Molecular mechanisms of these phenomena have been embryogenesis, sources of diffusible molecules, called
studied most extensively in the mouse, a model for which signaling centers, induce regional and graded patterns
genetic manipulations are available. What we currently of gene expression in the anterior neural tube. These
know of these mechanisms illustrates how circuits are shaped patterns translate into structurally parcellated and func-
tionally differentiated brain regions, including those
sam horng and mriganka sur Department of Brain and Cognitive devoted to processing incoming visual stimuli (Figdor &
Sciences, The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, MIT, Stern, 1993; Rubenstein, Martinez, Shimamura, & Puelles,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 1994; Rubenstein, Shimamura, Martinez, & Puelles, 1998;

horng and sur: patterning and plasticity of maps in mammalian visual pathway 91
Ragsdale & Grove, 2001; Nakagawa & O’Leary, 2002; expressing axons to the proper decussation site for optic
Grove & Fukuchi-Shimogori, 2003; Shimogori, Banuchi, chiasm formation (Erskine et al., 2000; Ringstedt et al., 2000;
Ng, Strauss, & Grove, 2004). Plump et al., 2002), and ephrin-B2 expression at the optic
In the mouse, centers of the visual pathway are established chiasm steers EphB1-receptor-expressing ventrotemporal
in this way: neuromeres P2 and P3 of the diencephalon dif- axons ipsilaterally (Williams et al., 2003; Lee, Petros, &
ferentiate into the dorsal and ventral thalamus, respectively, Mason, 2008). Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) have been
and around E13.5, lateral nuclei cluster to form the dorsal implicated in optic chiasm crossing and tectal targeting
and ventral subdivisions of the lateral geniculate nucleus (Hehr, Hocking, & McFarlane, 2005). Additionally, tradi-
(LGN) ( Jones, 1985; Tuttle, Braisted, Richards, & O’Leary, tional morphogens influence retinal ganglion cell pathfinding
1998). From E11 to E19, area 17 of posterior cortex differ- (Charron & Tessier-Lavigne, 2005): FGF-2 repels RGC
entiates in response to cortical gradients of FGF8, Wnts, growth cones along the optic tract (Webber, Hyakutake, &
BMP, and Shh to form the primary visual cortex (V1) (Dehay McFarlane, 2003), BMP7 promotes axonal outgrowth at the
& Kennedy, 2007). How continuous gradients of gene optic disk (Carri, Bengtsson, Charette, & Ebendal, 1998;
expression throughout the neural tube are translated into Bovolenta, 2005), and Shh exhibits concentration-dependent
boundary-delimited regions of functionally specific identities attractive or repulsive effects in the retina and optic chiasm,
is not yet known; moreover, region-specific gene expression respectively (Trousse, Marti, Gruss, Torres, & Bovolenta,
has not yet been reported (Nakagawa & O’Leary, 2001; 2001; Kolpak, Zhang, & Bao, 2005). Less is known about the
Jones & Rubenstein, 2004). specific cues mediating ganglion cell ingrowth to the LGN
and geniculocortical targeting to area 17, or V1.
Targeting and Retinotopic Wiring The visual pathway However, molecules that contribute to the topographic
is wired (figure 6.1A) when roughly one-third of the ganglion ordering of projections have been investigated in the LGN
cell axons from the retina project to the dorsal and ventral and V1, as well as the SC. The spatial position of visual
subdivisions (LGNd, LGNv) of the LGN while the remaining stimuli is inverted through the lens and encoded on a sheet
two-thirds target the superior colliculus (SC) in the brain of retinal ganglion cells. This topographic map gets pro-
stem ( Jones, 1985; Tuttle et al., 1998). Axonal pathfinding to jected into the LGN and V1, as well as the SC. Because axon
fugal (i.e., thalamic) and collicular targets begins around guidance cues must not only flag targets but also confer
E15–16 and peaks at E19 (Colello & Guillery, 1990; Figdor information about the relative topography of neighboring
& Stern, 1993; Tuttle et al., 1998; Inoue et al., 2000; Gurung axons, positional cues are needed to maintain the retinotopic
& Fritzsch, 2004; Guido, 2008). In the mouse, axons from order of the projecting pathway. To avoid employing an
the ventrotemporal retina project ipsilaterally while the rest infinitely large number of distinct positional cues, a gradient
of the axons project contralaterally, with contralateral of one molecule along the sheet of axons may be matched
innervation to the thalamus occurring earlier (E15–16) than to a complementary gradient of its binding partner in the
ipsilateral targeting (P0–2) (Dräger & Olsen, 1980; Godement, target (Sperry, 1963). This “chemoaffinity” model has been
Salaun, & Imbert, 1984). Connections between the LGN confirmed with the discovery of a number of different
(in this review, LGN is used to denote LGNd) and V1, both receptor-ligand gradients expressed in projecting axons and
in the feedforward geniculocortical direction and in the target cells along the visual pathway.
feedback corticogeniculate pathway, emerge around E14 The most comprehensively studied of these graded
(Zhou et al., 2003). mapping molecules are the ephrin ligands and Eph family
Elucidating the mechanisms of retinotopic targeting and of tyrosine kinase receptors (figure 6.1B). The contribution
mapping has become a comprehensive field of study (figure of ephrinA-EphA receptor interactions to topographic
6.1B). Molecular mechanisms of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) mapping was first described in the optic tectum, where
guidance have been extensively studied in Xenopus, zebra- low-to-high ephrin-A2/A5 expression along the anterior-
fish, chick, and mouse models. Much of this work has focused posterior axis was found to interact with a complimentary
on guidance to the optic disk, dessucation at the optic chiasm, high-to-low EphA3 receptor gradient in terminals of the
and topographic map formation at the optic tectum, or SC temporal-nasal axis of retina (Nakamoto et al., 1996;
(Inatani, 2005; Mann, Harris, & Holt, 2004). In the retina, Feldheim et al., 1998, 2000; Hansen, Dallal, & Flanagan,
laminin and netrin repulse DCC receptor-expressing RGC 2004; Bolz et al., 2004). Interactions between ephrin-A and
axons out of the optic head and into the optic nerve (Hopker, EphA receptors were initially thought to be repulsive, though
Shewan, Tessier-Lavigne, Poo, & Holt, 1999). Along the subsequent studies revealed a concentration-dependent
optic nerve, a repulsive semaphorin 5a sheath maintains the transition from attraction to repulsion: with low ephrin-A
integrity of an interior axon pathway (Shewan, Dwivedy, concentrations causing axonal attraction and high levels
Anderson, & Holt, 2002; Oster, Bodecker, He, & Sretavan, causing repulsion (Hansen et al., 2004). The ability of one
2003). Slit1- and slit2-expressing cells guide repulsed robo- ligand-receptor system to both attract and repel allows for

92 plasticity
Figure 6.1 (A) Representation of the rodent visual pathway. embryogenesis by Zic2 and EphB1 expression. Conversely, the
Retinal ganglion cells project to the LGN, which in turn projects contralateral retina is characterized by Isl2 expression. Retinal
to the primary visual cortex (V1). A central region of the visual ganglion cells express DCC and are repulsed out of the optic
field is represented by both eyes along the pathway (ipsilateral, red; head by laminin and netrin. Factors, such as semaphoring-5a,
contralateral, blue). Contralateral and ipsilateral retinal ganglion keep retinal axons on course in the optic tract, where ipsilateral
cell terminals representing this binocular region are segregated axons are repulsed by ephrin-B2 while contralateral axons
in the LGN (red, ipsilateral zone; blue, contralateral zone). Genicu- decussate. High temporal to low nasal gradients of EphA receptor
locortical fibers representing this region converge onto a binocular and ten_m3 expression in retinal axons likely influence terminal
zone located in the lateral half of V1 (red, binocular zone; blue, zones onto gradients of ephrin-A in the LGN. Ipsilateral axons
monocular zone). (B) Schematic representation illustrating retino- terminate in a dorsomedial core of the LGN, segregated from
topic map organization at each stage of the visual pathway and surrounding contralateral axons. Activity-dependent refinement
known guidance cues contributing to patterning. The visual field is necessary for proper eye-specific segregation. While ephrin-A
can be divided into two Cartesian axes, azimuth and elevation. gradients shape retinotopic termination zones, ten_m3 specifically
For clarity, the azimuthal map on the left is diagrammed onto influences ipsilateral targeting. Geniculocortical axons innervate
the visual pathway of the right hemisphere. The elevation map V1. Ipsilateral inputs and corresponding contralateral fibers con-
on the right is diagrammed onto the pathway of the left hemi- verge in the lateral binocular zone, while contralateral inputs
sphere. In reality, both axes of visual space are represented representing regions not detected by the ipsilateral eye terminate
concurrently in both hemispheres. The ganglion cell sheet of in the medial monocular zone. Loss of ephrin-As leads to the
the retina is divided into a contralaterally projecting region and disorganization of cortical maps only on the azimuthal axis, sug-
an ipsilaterally projecting region. The ipsilateral retina originates gesting that other, unidentified factors contribute to the mapping
from the ventrotemporal quadrant and is characterized in late of elevation. (See color plate 2.)

horng and sur: patterning and plasticity of maps in mammalian visual pathway 93
the target to be filled more parsimoniously than with perception. In mice, ipsilateral projections form a dorsal
separate attractant and repulsant molecules. core in the LGN (LGNd) and are flanked laterally by
High lateral-to-medial gradients of ephrin-A2/A5 are also contralateral terminals representing matched areas of
present in the mouse and ferret LGN and direct topography visual space. These axons intermix when projecting to layer
of high levels of EphA5/A6 expression from the contralat- IV cells of the binocular zone, a V1 subregion bounded
eral nasal projections and low levels in the ipsilateral tem- medially by a monocular zone of contralateral input (figure
poral projections (Huberman, Murray, Warland, Feldheim, 6.1A,B). In mammals with more complex visual systems,
& Chapman, 2005). Loss and ectopic gain of ephrin-A2, 3 such as the ferret, cat, primate, and human, eye-specific
and 5 lead to disruptions of the topographic map in both the domains form a map of ocular dominance stripes in V1
LGN and V1: loss produces a medial shift in V1, in addition (figure 6.3). Whether eye-specific domains are influenced
to internal disorganization, while lateral overexpression by positional cues in addition to activity dependent processes
leads to a compression of V1, suggesting that EphA- of terminal segregation has only recently begun to be
expressing geniculocortical axons respond to a high medial explored. Developmental time course studies in the mouse
to low lateral gradient of ephrinA (Cang et al., 2005). High show that early (P0–P5) ipsilateral axons are diffusely targeted
dorsal EphB receptor expression in retina responds to to the dorsal-medial portion of the LGN and progressively
low ventral ephrin-B expression in the tectum, and EphB- become more strictly confined to a central core by P28
ephrinB gradients are speculated to similarly organize (Jaubert-Miazza et al., 2005). Although activity-dependent
distinct axes in the LGN and V1 (Hindges, McLaughlin, processes to be discussed later contribute to the refinement
Genoud, Henkemeyer, & O’Leary, 2002; McLaughlin, of ocular domains in the LGN (Shatz, 1983; Shatz & Stryker,
Hindges, Yates, & O’Leary 2003). The role of potential 1988; Pfeiffenberger et al., 2005), the initial ingrowth of
cis and trans mediated interactions among ephrin and Eph ipsilateral axons shows a bias toward the binocular region
receptors from countergradients expressed on axons of the in the central part of the dorsal half of the LGN, and eye-
same area have yet to be explored (Luo & Flanagan, 2007). specific guidance cues likely instruct this initial positioning
Finally, additional graded positional cues have been identi- (Godement et al., 1984). The presence of functional markers,
fied in the retinotectal map. Repulsive guidance molecule Isl2 and Zic2, during late embryogenesis (E13–E17), for
(RGM), a novel membrane-associated glycoprotein expressed contralaterally and ipsilaterally projecting retinal ganglion
in the posterior tectum, repulses temporal axons in vitro cells, respectively, suggests that the two populations have
(Monnier et al., 2002), while engrailed-2 (En-2), a homeodo- distinct differentiation programs and potentially respond
main transcription factor, is secreted by the posterior tectum, to unique cues in their target (Herrera et al., 2003; Pak,
is endocytosed into axons, and attracts nasal axons while Hindges, Lim, Pfaff, & O’Leary, 2004). Loss of ten_m3, a
repelling temporal axons (Brunet et al., 2005). A high-to-low homophilic binding protein expressed strongly on ipsilaterally
gradient of Wnt3 in the medial-lateral axis of the optic projecting axons, leads to the selective ventral expansion of
tectum mediates patterning via ventral-dorsal differences in ipsilateral axons and no disruption in contralateral axons
Ryk receptor expression (Schmitt et al., 2006), and a Wnt in the LGN (Leamey, Glendining, et al., 2007; Leamey,
signaling inhibitor, SFRP1, interacts with RGC receptor Merlin, et al., 2007). Therefore, ten_m3 and potentially
Fz2, to steer axons along the optic tract en route to the other unknown cues may contribute to the formation of
tectum (Rodriguez et al., 2005). eye-specific domains. Mechanisms of how corresponding
Experiments in which half of retinal ganglion cells are ipsilateral and contralateral axons are coordinated and
ablated or a disordered set of cells gain EphA expression aligned to form binocular maps are poorly understood.
reveal that retinotectal axons persistently fill their target
(Brown et al., 2000; Feldheim et al., 2000). Thus it is the Other Feature Maps and the Formation of New
relative level of positional information rather than absolute Maps In mice and other mammals, additional stimulus
signaling that determines the topography of retinal axons. features are encoded in the visual pathway at the cortical
Some limiting factor, whether from the axon-axon interac- level. Cells in V1 are selective for orientation, spatial
tion or target-derived cues, may ensure that target filling frequency, and the direction of visual stimuli. In carnivores
occurs (Luo & Flanagan, 2007). Loss of L1CAM leads to and primates, these cells are organized into selectivity maps
incomplete filling of the tectum, and this molecule may have of their own. For example, multiple stripes converging
such a role (Demyanenko & Maness, 2003). around a pinwheel center on the cortical surface represent
graded regions of different orientation selectivity. Within
Eye-Specific Domains A second fundamental organiza- these orientation-selective regions, directionally selective
tional feature of the visual pathway is its segregation into subregions are present. Using a layout that maximizes
eye-specific domains. Maintaining parallel channels for map continuity and cortical coverage (Swindale, Shoham,
eye-specific input allows for stereoscopic vision, or depth Grinvald, Bonhoeffer, & Hübener, 2000), multiple feature

94 plasticity
maps are superimposed and organized in systematic fashion, LGN cells may play a role (Tavazoie & Reid, 2000). Differ-
with regions of high gradients from different maps spatially ent feature maps in V1 appear to be guided by independent
segregated from one another (Yu, Farley, Jin, & Sur, 2005). mechanisms. Loss of the direction-selective map leaves the
That is, while individual, adjacent neurons respond best to orientation map intact, and monocular enucleation to elimi-
different values of the same feature, the way in which these nate the ocular dominance map does not interfere with the
features are mapped varies systematically. The critical formation of the remaining V1 feature maps (Farley, Yu, Jin,
parameter is the rate of change of each feature across the & Sur, 2007). However, the relative positioning of different
same set of neurons: at locations where one feature changes maps in V1 is responsive to alterations in a given map,
rapidly, other features change little. as monocular enucleation leads to the coordinated reorga-
Mechanisms of map formation for these additional stimu- nization of the remaining map dimensions (Farley et al.,
lus features are not well understood, although the role of 2007). Therefore, while the formation of stimulus-specific
intrinsic genetic programs of patterning and activity- maps or networks likely relies on unique developmental
dependent input may differ depending on the specific feature mechanisms, whether they be genetically determined or
map (White & Fitzpatrick, 2007). Whereas the retinotopic instructed by activity, the detailed organization of each map
and eye-specific maps are patterned roughly before birth and its structural and spatial coordination with other maps
and eye opening, the orientation map is detectable only by is a key feature of activity-dependent cortical organization.
the time of eye opening in the ferret (Chapman, Stryker, & Because of the independent origin of individual maps (and
Bonhoeffer, 1996; White, Coppola, & Fitzpatrick, 2001; response features), the appearance of new maps in evolution
Coppola & White, 2004), and the direction-selective map may have depended on unique events and developmental
appears 1–2 weeks later (Li, Fitzpatrick, & White, 2006). processes for a given map. However, there may be general
Therefore, the formation of these maps likely depends criti- properties in neural circuits that allow for the introduction
cally on developmental processes coincident with patterned of a novel map. Novel maps may arise potentially through
input into the cortex. the duplication and subsequent functional divergence of an
The formation of orientation maps coincides with a period existing map, or the addition of a novel input into an existing
during which axonal connections in V1, especially long- region and subsequent reorganization of cortical circuitry
range horizontal inhibitory projections in layer 2/3, prolifer- into a new map. An example of the former is the induction
ate (Bosking et al., 2002). Orientation tuning has been of duplicate barrel cortices by ectopic posterior cortical
hypothesized to arise from feedforward patterns of thalamo- FGF8 expression (Fukuchi-Shimogori & Grove, 2001). An
cortical connectivity (Ferster & Miller, 2000) and to be example of novel input leading to the introduction of a new
shaped by intracortical connections (Somers, Nelson, & Sur, map includes the implantation of a third eye leading to
1995) and balanced inhibition (Marino et al., 2005). The triple ocular dominance stripes in the tectum of the frog
maturation of this supragranular inhibitory network may (Constantine-Paton & Law, 1978), rewired retinal input to
contribute to the appearance of orientation tuning and orga- the MGN driving retinotopic maps to form in primary audi-
nization of tuned cells into selective domains. Mice deficient tory cortex (A1) (Sur, Garraghty, & Roe, 1988), and ten_m3
in Arc, an activity-dependent cytoskeletal-associated protein mutation in mouse leading to a medial expansion of ipsilat-
implicated in the synapse-specific modulation of AMPA eral input to V1 and the de novo formation of cortical ocular
receptor number, show weaknesses in orientation tuning in dominance stripes (C. Leamey, personal communication).
V1 (Wang et al., 2006). Dark-reared animals exhibit a delay
in the formation of the orientation map, while binocularly Rewiring vision into the auditory pathway
lid-sutured animals have a near complete degradation of the
map (White et al., 2001), suggesting that low levels of non- After neonatal surgical ablation of the inferior colliculus (IC),
patterned activity have a greater disruptive effect than the retinal ganglion cells are rerouted to target the auditory
absence of input. Therefore, unknown intrinsic properties of thalamus and subsequently induce the auditory pathway to
the cortex instruct the formation of the orientation map in process visual information (figure 6.2). This experimental
the weeks after eye opening and induce the map even in the paradigm allows us to investigate the role of novel input in
absence of vision. However, the orientation map is suscep- producing retinotopic and feature maps, and to screen for
tible to disruption in response to disorganized activity. unknown guidance cues involved in wiring together sensory
In contrast to orientation maps, a 2-week period following pathways. The normal auditory pathway comprises cochlear
eye opening is both necessary and sufficient for the forma- afferents projecting to the inferior colliculus (IC), which sends
tion of direction-selective maps (Li et al., 2006). Thus the fibers along the brachium of the IC (BIC) to the medial
direction-selective map is induced by changes in either the geniculate nucleus (MGN) in the thalamus, which then inner-
cortex or LGN that are driven by activity. Sharpening of vates the primary auditory cortex (A1; figure 6.2A). Using
retinotopic tuning and decreases in the response latency of hamsters, Schneider discovered that retinal afferents form

horng and sur: patterning and plasticity of maps in mammalian visual pathway 95
96 plasticity
Figure 6.2 Primary visual and auditory pathways in normal and specific terminals within MGv lamellae. (Adapted from Sur &
rewired mice: anatomical and physiological consequences of rewir- Leamey, 2001.) (D) Orientation maps are present in normal V1 and
ing. (A) The visual pathway in ferrets and mice begins with retinal rewired A1 of ferrets using optical imaging of intrinsic signals. The
projections to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and superior col- animal is stimulated with gratings of different orientations, while
liculus (SC). The LGN projects in turn to the primary visual cortex hemodynamic changes in red wavelength light reflectance caused
(V1). The auditory pathway traces from the cochlea to the cochlear by increases in oxygen consumption are detected from the cortex
nucleus (CN) and then to the inferior colliculus (IC). From IC, con- with a digital camera. The orientation preference map is calculated
nections are made with the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN), by computing a vector average of the response signal at each pixel.
which projects to the primary auditory cortex (A1). (B) Ablation of Color bar: color coding representing different orientations. Scale
the IC in neonatal animals induces retinal afferents to innervate the bar: 0.5 mm. (E ) Retrograde tracers reveal the pattern of horizontal
MGN and drive the auditory cortex to process visual information. connections in superficial layers of normal V1, normal A1, and
(C ) Retinogeniculate axons of normal ferrets project to eye-specific rewired A1 of ferrets. Distribution of horizontal connections in
regions of the LGN (horizontal plane), while IC afferents project to rewired A1 more closely resembles that of normal V1 than normal
the ventral subdivision (MGv) of the MGN (coronal plane) and A1 and potentially contributes to the refinement of orientation
innervate lamellae parallel to the lateral-medial axis. Rewired audi- mapping in rewired A1. Scale bars: 500 μm. (Adapted from Sharma,
tory fibers innervate the MGv along adjacent, nonoverlapping eye- Angelucci, & Sur, 2000.) (See color plate 3.)

novel connections to the ventral MGN (MGv) when the IC In the cortex of rewired ferrets, cells in A1 respond to
is ablated after birth (figure 6.2B; Schneider, 1973; Kalil & visual field stimulation and form a functional retinotopic
Schneider, 1975; Frost, 1982; Frost & Metin, 1985). This map of visual space (Roe et al., 1990). However, the thala-
“rewiring” paradigm has subsequently been demonstrated mocortical axons transmitting this information retain their
and studied in the ferret and mouse models (Sur et al., 1988; pattern of elongated projections along the anteroposterior
Roe, Pallas, Hahm, & Sur, 1990; Roe, Pallas, Kwon, & Sur, axis of A1, which typically correspond to isofrequency bands
1992; Lyckman et al., 2001; Newton, Ellsworth, Miyakawa, (Pallas, Roe, & Sur, 1990). In order to create the functional
Tonegawa, & Sur, 2004; Ellsworth, Lyckman, Feldheim, map of focal retinotopic representations, either a refinement
Flanagan, & Sur, 2005). of these elongated inputs by a reorganized intracortical
On receiving retinal ganglion cell input, the MGN adopts inhibitory network or a difference in drive along the projec-
some of the anatomic and physiologic features of the tion itself is required (Sur, Pallas, & Roe, 1990). Consistent
normal LGN (figure 6.2C ). Rewired MGN neurons of the with the first possibility, calbindin-immunoreactive GAB-
ferret exhibit center-surround visual receptive fields (Roe, Aergic neurons of rewired A1 have more elongated axonal
Garraghty, Esguerra, & Sur, 1993), topographic ordering arbors (Gao, Wormington, Newman, & Pallas, 2000). Thus,
(Roe, Hahm, & Sur, 1991), and eye-specific segregation despite persistent structural features of A1 and thalamocorti-
(Angelucci, Clasca, Bricolo, Cramer, & Sur, 1997). The cal input, functional retinotopy can be driven by novel pat-
potential to form ordered retinotopic and ocular dominance terns of activity.
regions in MGN indicates that common patterning cues In the ferret, rewired A1 acquires novel maps of orienta-
exist between the LGN and MGN. Experiments in ephrin tion selectivity with pinwheels and orientation domains
A2/A5 double knockout mice reveal that surgically induced (figure 6.2D), similar in general to maps in normal V1
rewiring is enhanced (Lyckman et al., 2001), with ipsilateral (Sharma et al., 2000; Rao, Toth, & Sur, 1997). In rewired
projections especially increased, as they originate from the A1, orientation maps are less organized, although intrinsic
temporal retina and express the highest levels of EphA horizontal connections of superficial layer pyramidal neurons
receptor (Ellsworth et al., 2005). Loss of innervation to the are clustered and bridge distantly located domains of the
MGN somehow makes this nucleus permissive to retinal same orientation preference, as in V1 (figure 6.2E; Sharma
axon ingrowth, and a gene-screening process between the et al., 2000). This pattern of intracortical connectivity is in
normal and rewired MGN may facilitate the discovery of contrast to horizontal connections in normal A1, where hori-
tropic or repulsive agents regulating retinal axon affinity for zontal connections are limited to isofrequency domains of
different sensory nuclei of the thalamus. the tonotopic map and stretch along these bands. Such reor-
Nonetheless, certain morphological aspects of rewired ganization of horizontal connections driven by visual activity
MGN are resistant to change (figure 6.2C ). In ferrets, retinal is likely related to changes in the inhibitory circuits of rewired
axon terminations are elongated along the typical isofre- A1, and it suggests that coordinated activity-dependent
quency axis, or lamellae, of the MGN as opposed to more changes in inhibitory and excitatory networks of at least the
focal, isotropic distributions in the LGN (Pallas, Hahm, superficial cortical layers are a prominent feature of cortical
& Sur, 1994). In addition, eye-specific clusters are smaller map organization and plasticity.
and cruder than the eye-specific layers of LGN (Angelucci Finally, the rewired auditory pathway is sufficient to
et al., 1997). instruct visually mediated behavior. After training to

horng and sur: patterning and plasticity of maps in mammalian visual pathway 97
distinguish a left visual hemifield stimulus from an audi- ments form a strong contribution to the integrity of the reti-
tory stimulus, ferrets with a unilaterally rewired left notopic and eye-specific maps (Pfeiffenberger et al., 2005;
hemisphere are able to accurately perceive a right visual Pfeiffenberger, Yamada, & Feldheim, 2006; Cang et al.,
hemifield stimulus as visual even after left LGN ablation 2008). The nob mutant mouse, which acquires an abnormal
(von Melchner, Pallas, & Sur, 2000). After left LGN onset of high-frequency waves after eye opening, develops
ablation, the ferrets also possess diminished yet intact normal eye-specific segregation before eye opening, because
spatial acuity in the right hemifield. Subsequent ablation early spontaneous waves are intact. After the onset of abnor-
of the rewired A1 abolishes the animals’ ability to distinguish mal high-frequency waves, eye-specific inputs desegregate
a right hemifield stimulus presented as visual. Thus rewired because of potentially synchronized firing between the eyes
A1 is sufficient and necessary in the absence of ipsilateral (Demas et al., 2006). Similarly, fish exposed to the synchro-
visual pathway input to detect a visual percept in trained nized stimuli of strobe illumination lose eye-specific segrega-
ferrets. In mice, direct subcortical projections from the tion (Schmidt & Eisele, 1985). The most straightforward
MGN to the amygdala are involved in rapid fear condition- mechanism for these data involves the strengthening of cor-
ing to an auditory cue (Rogan & LeDoux, 1995; Doran & related inputs and weakening and subsequent pruning of
LeDoux, 1999; Newton et al., 2004). Because of an indirect noncorrelated inputs (Hebb, 1949; Zhang & Poo, 2001). In
pathway from the LGN through V1 and the perirhinal retinogeniculate synapses, bidirectional changes in synaptic
cortex to the amygdala, a fear conditioning to a visual cue strength depend on the relative timing between optic tract
requires many more training sessions (Heldt, Sudin, Willott, stimulation and LGN depolarization (Butts, Kanold, &
& Falls, 2000). In rewired mice, the acquisition time of a Shatz, 2007).
fear conditioning to a visual cue is accelerated and resembles Specifically how decorrelated axon terminals are elimi-
that of a normal mouse in response to an auditory cue nated and persisting synapses strengthened is not well
(Newton et al., 2004). understood, though canonical immunologic signaling mole-
cules may be involved in synaptic pruning. Loss of Class
Activity-dependent refinement of visual maps I MHC proteins, neuronal pentraxins, and the C1qb com-
ponent of the complement cascade leads to persistently
Although topography of the retinotopic map and eye- enlarged and desegregated ipsilateral zones in the LGN
specific domains are roughly established by programmed (Huh et al., 2000; Bjartmar et al., 2006; Stevens et al.,
guidance and patterning cues, activity plays a critical role in 2007). These molecules are hypothesized to tag weak
the refinement and maturation of these maps. Single cells in synapses for pruning during activity-dependent refinement.
the mouse LGN receive weak input from one to two dozen Notably, these manipulations do not affect the basic topo-
retinal ganglion cells, which occupy 30% of the cell surface, graphic organization of the retinotopic map and eye-
in the first postnatal week, and then begin to prune these specific domains. Conversely, ephrin-A mutants alone
connections down to one to three strong monocular inputs contain topographically disorganized, yet tightly refined,
that occupy 1–5% of the cell surface (Chen & Regher, 2000; retinotectal terminals (Frisen et al., 1998; Feldheim et al.,
Jaubert-Miazza et al., 2005; Guido, 2008). Ipsilateral pro- 2000).
jections to the LGN are also diffuse and widespread during In the mouse, retinotopic maps in V1 require patterned
this first week, occupying nearly 60% of the nucleus area. input for normal maturation. During the first 10 days after
By the time of eye opening (P12–P14), the ipsilateral zone eye opening (P13–P23), normal activity brings eye-specific
occupies only 10% of the LGN ( Jaubert-Miazza et al., 2005; maps to adult levels of responsiveness and precision in
Guido, 2008). receptive field organization (Smith & Tractenberg, 2007).
Both the retinotopic and eye-specific pruning of synapses The contralateral eye develops more precociously in
is affected by altering spontaneous activity caused by cholin- map precision and magnitude, while the ipsilateral eye lags
ergic waves that sweep across the retina (Meister, Wong, behind by roughly 5 days. When the contralateral eye
Baylor, & Shatz, 1991; Wong, Meister, & Shatz, 1993). is deprived, both contralateral and ipsilateral maps are
Blockade of retinal electrical activity with TTX (Harris, delayed in retinotopic precision; when the contralateral
1980) or loss of retinal waves by genetic loss of the β2 nAchR eye is removed or silenced, precision of the ipsilateral
(Rossi et al., 2001; McLaughlin, Torborg, Feller, & O’Leary, maps is accelerated; when the contralateral eye is removed
2003; Grubb, Rossi, Changeux, & Thompson, 2003; Chan- and ipsilateral eye deprived, the ipsilateral map precision
drasekaran, Plas, Gonzalez, & Crair, 2005) causes terminals is delayed. These data suggest that competing patterned
to remain desegregated and diffuse. Combined ephrinA and inputs from both eyes is necessary for normal map refine-
β2 nAchR mutants lead to additive defects in retinotopic ment. Isolated patterned input accelerates map refinement,
organization in the LGN and V1 along the elevation axis in perhaps because of a lack of noise from the contralateral
visual space, demonstrating that activity-dependent refine- eye. The effects of binocular deprivation, or ipsilateral

98 plasticity
removal plus contralateral deprivation, were not examined ocular dominance map has become a paradigmatic model
in this study. of activity-driven reorganization in network structure and
In addition to Hebbian pruning and strengthening of function (figure 6.3A).
feedforward inputs, changes due to activity that contribute
to map refinement potentially involve additional develop- Structural and Functional Changes in Response
mental processes, including the remodeling of excitatory to Lid Suture Within the binocular zone of V1 in
connections, the maturation of inhibitory circuits, and the mammals, neurons particularly in the superficial and deep
timed expression of L-type Ca2+ channels. Excitatory syn-
apses in the LGN initially contain NMDA receptors but
increase their proportion of AMPA receptors as synaptic
elimination proceeds (Chen & Regehr, 2000; X. Liu &
Chen, 2008). Networks of GABAergic interneurons in the
LGN also appear at P5 and mature by P14 (Ziburkus, Lo,
& Guido, 2003; Jaubert-Miazza et al., 2005). L-type Ca2+
channels are expressed in excitatory LGN synapses before
eye opening and are necessary for eye-specific segregation
and CRE-mediated gene transcription (Cork, Namkung,
Shin, & Mize, 2001; Pham, Rubenstein, Silva, Storm, &
Stryker, 2001; Jaubert-Miazza et al., 2005).
In sum, mechanisms of map refinement in response to
activity likely involve a number of different processes that
contribute to the functional maturation of the circuit, includ-
ing the selection and elimination of synapses, the modulation
of synaptic strength, and the structural formation of inhibi-
tory networks. Activity may also in turn influence the actions
of guidance cues; activity blockade prevents ephrinA-
mediated repulsion because of disruptions in cAMP signal-
ing (Nicol et al., 2007).

Ocular dominance plasticity

Once a functional map is refined, ongoing patterns of
activity contribute to the maintenance and alteration of
this map in response to experience. The potential for plastic-
ity is of particular interest for understanding how neural
circuits adapt their structure and function to accommodate
changing demands in the environment. Plasticity in the V1

Figure 6.3 Ocular dominance anatomy and plasticity in V1.

(A) Contralateral and ipsilateral fibers are segregated in the LGN
but converge onto binocular cells in V1. (B) When one eye is
deprived of input for a brief period during the critical period, or for
a longer period during adulthood, binocular cells in V1 become
more strongly driven by the nondeprived eye. Ocular dominance
plasticity reflects both structural and functional changes of synapses.
(C) The cellular and molecular mechanisms of ocular dominance
plasticity are an active area of investigation. Processes known to play
a critical role include signal transduction pathways downstream of
the mGluR and NMDARs, and activity-dependent changes in
AMPAR content at synapses, mRNA transcription, and protein
translation. GABAergic inhibition is involved in inducing the criti-
cal period of ocular dominance plasticity, and extracellular matrix
factors and perineuronal nets surrounding inhibitory interneurons
have been implicated in constraining plasticity. (See color plate 4.)

horng and sur: patterning and plasticity of maps in mammalian visual pathway 99
layers of cortex are driven by both eyes, though neurons in administration of BDNF to dark-reared animals leads to the
layer 4 of carnivores and primates are primarily driven by induction of a critical period (Gianfranceschi et al., 2003).
one eye (Hubel & Wiesel, 1963; Stryker & Harris, 1986). Mice lacking polysialic acid also experience premature
When an imbalance of input occurs after lid suturing one maturation of inhibitory networks and a precocious critical
eye for several days (monocular deprivation, or MD), a period (Di Cristo et al., 2007). GAD65 knockout mice, which
series of structural and functional changes leads to the lack axonal GABA synthesis and subsequent inhibitory
weakening of the deprived eye input and the strengthening transmission, do not experience a critical period unless
of nondeprived eye input (figure 6.3B ). The mechanisms induced with benzodiazepine drug infusion at any age
underlying these changes (figure 6.3C ) shed light on core (Hensch et al., 1998; Fagiolini & Hensch, 2000). Therefore,
principles of plasticity in the developing brain in response to tonic GABA release is sufficient to mature an intracortical
experience. Before functional shifts are apparent, spine inhibitory network and induce critical period plasticity. The
motility increases (Majewska & Sur, 2003; Oray, Majewska, process by which the critical period closes and why critical
& Sur, 2004), followed by transient pruning of spines period induction is a one-time event are not understood.
(Mataga, Mizuguchi, & Hensch, 2004; Oray et al.). Although the critical period occurs once during develop-
Electrophysiological and optical imaging techniques reveal ment, longer periods of MD (7 to 10 days in the mouse) are
that deprived-eye connections are weakened first, while able to trigger ocular dominance plasticity in adulthood
supragranular horizontal connections are remodeled (Sawtell et al., 2003; Hofer, Mrsic-Flogel, Bonhoeffer, &
(Trachtenberg, Trepel, & Stryker, 2000; Trachtenberg & Hübener, 2006; Fischer, Aleem, Zhou, & Pham, 2007).
Stryker, 2001; W. Lee et al., 2006). Strengthening of This form of plasticity is thought to differ mechanistically
nondeprived eye connections follows (Frenkel & Bear, 2004), from that experienced during the critical period, as non-
and finally, layer IV geniculocortical axons representing the deprived-eye connections are strengthened more rapidly
nondeprived eye grow and expand their terminals at the and deprived-eye connections remain stable (Kaneko, Stell-
expense of shrinking deprived-eye terminals (Antonioni & wagen, Malenka, & Stryker, 2008). Previous experiences
Stryker, 1996; Antonioni, Fagiolini, & Stryker, 1999). The with MD, either in the critical period or in adulthood, facili-
chronology of these events has been best characterized for tate plasticity in response to short MD later in life (Hofer et
the developmental “critical period” in mouse, though al.; Frenkel & Bear, 2004), suggesting that a functionally
differences in structural and physiological response may exist suppressed anatomical trace has been laid. Ocular domi-
for MD during adulthood or under different paradigms of nance plasticity may also be induced in adulthood after a
development, such as dark rearing ( Jiang, Treviño, & 10-day period of visual deprivation, and this process mimics
Kirkwood, 2007). The developmental context under which the time course of plasticity present during the critical period
MD is applied can make a qualitative and quantitative (He, Hodos, & Quinlan, 2006; Frenkel & Bear, 2004).
difference in the ocular dominance plasticity observed and Therefore, even the apparent closure of critical period plas-
likely involves different cellular and network mechanisms. ticity may be reactivated by a brief loss of visual input.

Critical Periods and the Developmental Context of Hebbian and Homeostatic Mechanisms of
Plasticity The ability to induce and reverse ocular Plasticity Spike-timing-dependent activity has been
dominance plasticity was initially thought to exist only during demonstrated to lead to strengthening or weakening of
a “critical period” in development, a time approximately 10 geniculocortical and intracortical synapses in V1 (Frégnac
days after eye opening during which short MD (a few days & Shulz, 1999; Meliza & Dan, 2006). Long-term depression
in the mouse) leads to a robust shift in ocular dominance (LTD) of deprived-eye inputs occurs in vivo after MD and
toward the nondeprived eye (Hubel & Wiesel, 1970; Gordon has been proposed to precipitate the eventual reduction in
& Stryker, 1996). This “critical period” is delayed by roughly deprived-eye synapses (Heynen et al., 2003; Frenkel & Bear,
three weeks in dark-reared animals (Cynader, Berman, & 2004). Decreases in the threshold for LTD after dark rearing
Hein, 1976; Fagiolini, Pizzorusso, Berardi, Domenici, & (as a result of decreases in NR2A/NR2B ratio of subunit
Maffei, 1994; G. Mower, 1991), suggesting that the cortex composition in NMDA receptors) are posited to mediate the
must reach a maturational state that is facilitated by a period reactivation of plasticity (He et al., 2006). In hippocampal
of patterned vision. This maturational state has been shown neurons, AMPA receptors are added to synapses during
to involve the development of an inhibitory network that long-term potentiation (LTP) and removed during LTD
depends on BDNF produced in response to neural drive (Manilow & Malenka, 2002), a mechanism that may act as
(Hensch, 2005). Overexpression of BDNF leads to a the substrate for altering synaptic strength in visual cortex
precocious start of the critical period and premature due to altered visual experience. Group 1 metabotropic
development of inhibitory cells in the cortex (Huang et al., glutamate receptors have been identified as inducers of
1999; Hanover, Huang, Tonegawa, & Stryker, 1999), while LTD, and loss of mGlur5 blocks ocular dominance plasticity

100 plasticity
(Dölen et al., 2007). Gene transcription and protein synthesis Hensch, 2005). Gap junctions between parvalbumin-
downstream of synaptic events is necessary for ocular expressing inhibitory cells would also allow for tightly
dominance plasticity. Blocking cortical protein synthesis coupled inputs to drive networks of inhibitory cells more
while preserving LTD effectively prevents ocular dominance strongly and facilitate discriminative responsiveness of pyra-
shifts (Taha & Stryker, 2002). Loss of the cAMP responsive midal cells (Galarreta & Hestrin, 2001; Hensch, 2005).
element, CREB, a protein that promotes CRE-mediated Endocannabinoid signaling on presynaptic terminals of layer
gene transcription, prevents ocular dominance shifts (A. 2/3 are necessary for plasticity, and these synapses may
Mower, Liao, Nestler, Neve, & Ramoa, 2002). Upstream modulate the drive from the supragranular inhibitory
Ca2+-sensitive signaling kinases, including ERK, PKA, and network (C. Liu, Heynen, Shuler, & Bear, 2008).
CamKIIα, are also necessary for OD plasticity, and these
likely activate a number of functional cascades that lead Structural Plasticity and Permissive Changes in
to gene transcription and structural modifications to the Extracellular Matrix Increasing evidence supports
synapse (Di Cristo et al., 2001; Taha & Stryker, 2002; the role of proteases and perineuronal nets (PNN) of
Berardi, Pizzorusso, Ratto, & Maffei, 2003; Suzuki, al-Noori, extracellular matrix in regulating the ability of cortex
Butt, & Pham, 2004; Gomez, Alam, Smith, Horne, & to respond to MD. Degradation of chondroitin-sulfate
Dell’Acqua, 2002; Chierzi, Ratto, Verma, & Fawcett 2005; proteoglycans (CSPGs) leads to the reactivation of ocular
Taha & Stryker, 2005). The extent to which LTD and LTP dominance plasticity in adult cortex (Pizzorusso et al., 2002,
are necessary for ocular dominance shifts is uncertain, 2006). The protease tissue plasminogen activator (tPA),
however. In mice lacking the protein phosphatase, which cleaves extracellular matrix and other molecules, is
calcineurin, LTD is blocked, but ocular dominance plasticity expressed during juvenile MD and is necessary for functional
remains intact (Yang et al., 2005). plasticity in the adult (Mataga, Nagai, & Hensch, 2002;
Although Hebbian mechanisms are likely to contribute to Müller & Greisinger, 1998). Application of tPA enhances
ocular dominance plasticity in which poorly driven synapses spine motility, and loss of tPA prevents the loss of superficial
from the deprived eye are pruned and synapses from the spines after 4 days of MD (Oray et al., 2004; Mataga
nondeprived eye are strengthened (Katz & Shatz, 1996), et al., 2004). Extracellular matrix could have a restrictive
additional cellular and network mechanisms likely affect the effect on ocular dominance plasticity by constraining spine
response of the cortex to MD. Homeostatic processes that motility and axonal growth or by imposing structurally
work to preserve a certain level of cortical drive are known mature functional elements onto intracortical inhibitory
to operate in neuronal development (Turrigiano & Nelson, cells. Parvalbumin-expressing GABAergic cells become
2004) and may contribute to the ability of binocular neurons ensheathed in PNNs as the cortex matures (Härtig et al.,
to undergo ocular dominance plasticity after deprivation 2001); degradation of PNNs may reduce the efficacy of
(Desai, Cudmore, Nelson, & Turrigiano, 2002; Mrsic-Flogel inhibitory input by altering the ionic or chemical milieu and
et al., 2007). Nondeprived inputs strengthen only after allow for plasticity. Mice lacking myelination factors Nogo-
deprived inputs are weakened (Frenkel & Bear, 2004), and 66 receptor and Nogo-A/B exhibit ocular dominance
pathways of synaptic scaling, the global (or cellwide) modu- plasticity after brief MD in adulthood as well as a prolonged
lation of synapses, may be operating. TNFα, a glial secreted critical period (McGee, Yang, Fischer, Daw, & Strittmatter,
cytokine which acts as a positive scaling factor by increasing 2005), suggesting that extracellular factors strongly constrain
synaptic GluR1 and mEPSC amplitudes, is necessary for plasticity.
scaling up synaptic strength in vitro (Stellwagen, Beattie,
Seo, & Malenka, 2005; Stellwagen & Malenka, 2006) and Gene Screens for Novel Plasticity Factors The use of
for the increase in amplitude of nondeprived inputs after gene microarrays to screen for differences in cortical gene
MD (Kaneko et al., 2008). Arc, a negative scaling factor that expression under different conditions has facilitated the
increases AMPAR endocytosis (Chowdhury et al., 2006; discovery of novel pathways and functional molecules
Rial Verde, Lee-Osbourne, Worley, Malinow, & Cline, involved in ocular dominance plasticity. A screen comparing
2006), may also influence ocular dominance plasticity the expression of normal and MD cortex at different ages
(McCurry, Tropea, Wang, & Sur, 2007). revealed common and age-specific pathways modulated by
Inhibitory networks may provide an additional circuit MD (Madjan & Shatz, 2006). A comparison of V1 at different
mechanism for modulating input strength during MD. ages and with MD cortex showed an upregulation of actin-
Somatic inhibition on excitatory pyramidal cells would stabilizing genes, including the calcium sensor, cardiac
allow for instructive gating of precisely correlated inputs by troponin C, and myelinating factors, which were reversed
preventing the backpropagation, as well as subsequent with MD (Lyckman et al., 2008). Comparisons of dark-
strengthening, of imprecisely timed inputs (Bi & Poo, 2001; reared with normal V1 found a reduction in genes with a
Song, Miller, & Abbott, 2000; Pouille & Scanziani, 2001; role in functional inhibition, reflecting a maturational delay,

horng and sur: patterning and plasticity of maps in mammalian visual pathway 101
while MD and normal V1 comparisons identified a number synapses links retinal waves to activity-dependent refinement.
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horng and sur: patterning and plasticity of maps in mammalian visual pathway 107
7 Synaptic Plasticity and Spatial
Representations in the Hippocampus
jonathan r. whitlock and edvard i. moser

abstract How does the brain acquire and remember new that there must be a mechanism by which a postsynaptic
experiences? It is believed that synaptic plasticity, the process by neuron (cell “B”) can stabilize its connections with a nearby
which synaptic connections are strengthened or weakened, is a key presynaptic neuron (cell “A”) when it activates the post-
mechanism for information storage in the central nervous system.
Long-term potentiation (LTP), the long-lasting enhancement of
synaptic cell strongly enough.
excitatory synaptic transmission, and long-term depression (LTD), It was not until approximately 20 years after Hebb’s
the persistent depression of synaptic responsiveness, are exp- seminal work that the first efforts were made that would
erimental models of synaptic plasticity thought to reveal how successfully demonstrate the physical reality of long-lasting,
synapses are modified during learning. In this chapter we focus on activity-dependent modifications at synapses. Prior to the
the properties of LTP and LTD that make them attractive func-
discovery of long-term potentiation (LTP), researchers had
tional models for memory and review key findings from studies
that demonstrate a link between LTP and behavior. We then sought and failed to elicit long-term synaptic modifications
discuss how synaptic modifications can affect spatial representa- in spinal pathways, where the observed enhancements were
tions expressed by hippocampal place cells, which have been used very short-lived (Eccles & McIntyre, 1953), and in the neo-
as tools for understanding how synaptic changes are implemented cortex, whose extensively intricate neuroanatomy proved
in neural networks. We conclude the chapter by discussing how
too complex to isolate responses from single synapses. It was
attractor states in neural networks can aid in the storage and recall
of many representations involving more than just space, and in the hippocampus, whose straightforward laminar archi-
how LTP may help fine-tune shifts between attractor states during tecture made easy the study of monosynaptic responses
behavior. (figure 7.1A), where LTP was discovered by Terje Lømo
and Tim Bliss (Bliss & Lømo, 1973). The initial characteriza-
tion was made in the dentate gyrus, the first of the three
Synaptic modifications as a means for memory: major subfields in the trisynaptic circuit of the hippocampus
The realization of an idea (figure 7.1A). Bliss and Lømo used a stimulating electrode to
deliver brief pulses of minute electrical current to the perforant
The idea that memory traces are stored as changes in path (PP, figure 7.1A), the largest direct input from the neo-
synaptic efficacy is anything but new. Since the late 19th cortex to the hippocampus. A recording electrode was placed
century, when the Spanish neuroanatomist Santiago in the dentate gyrus (DG), the subregion of the hippocampus
Ramón y Cajal first observed spinelike structures lining that receives the largest perforant path input, to record field
the dendrites of cortical pyramidal cells, the idea has excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSPs) evoked in response to
existed that the connections between nerve cells provide electrical stimulation. A fEPSP is a transient voltage deflec-
an anatomical substrate for memory. This idea was formal- tion recorded at the tip of an extracellular recording elec-
ized by Donald Hebb in his 1949 work The Organization trode when ions flow into or out of the dendrites of large
of Behavior, in which he formulated his famous postulate that populations of cells (see traces at top of figure 7.1B; the
is still one of the most quoted phrases in neuroscience: responses are negative-going in this case because positive
“When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite a cell current is flowing away from the electrode). It was found that
B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, the amplitude of dentate fEPSPs, taken as a measure of syn-
some growth process or metabolic change takes place in aptic strength, showed substantial increases lasting for several
one or both cells such that A’s efficiency, as one of the hours in response to brief (10-second) episodes of tetanic
cells firing B, is increased” (Hebb, 1949). Hebb recognized (15 Hz) stimulation applied to the perforant path, and that
the enhancements were only expressed in the pathways that
received the tetanus (figure 7.1B). The fact that a brief stimu-
jonathan r. whitlock and edvard i. moser Kavli Institute for
Systems Neuroscience and Centre for the Biology of Memory, lus could induce changes that were (1) long lasting and (2)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, input specific in a structure that was known to be involved
Norway in memory formation (Scoville & Milner, 1957) immediately

whitlock and moser: ltp and spatial representations 109

Figure 7.1 Anatomy of the hippocampal formation and a dem- atory pathways, Experimental Brain Research, 13, 222–238, © 1971.)
onstration of hippocampal LTP. (A) A drawing of the rabbit brain (B) Example of an LTP experiment in the anaesthetized rabbit in
(below) demonstrating the location of the hippocampus, oriented which fEPSP amplitude served as the measure of synaptic strength
so that the anterior is facing left, and posterior is facing right. The (traces shown at top). The responses were obtained (left) before
long axis of the hippocampus extends from the septum (S) to the conditioning and (right) 2.5 hr after the 4th simulating train. On
temporal cortex (T). Shown above is an enlarged cross section of the graph (below), fEPSP response amplitude is plotted on the y-
the hippocampus detailing the trisynaptic connectivity between the axis; values are expressed as a percentage of the prestimulation
different subregions and the placement of stimulating (Stim) and baseline; enhancements were specific to the pathway that received
recording (Rec) electrodes by Bliss and Lømo. Abbreviations: ento, the conditioning stimulation (“experimental pathway,” black dots).
entorhinal cortex; pp, perforant path; DG, dentate gyrus; mf, Arrows indicate time of tetanization. (Modified with permission
mossy fiber pathway; CA3, CA1, cornu ammonis fields of the from T. Bliss & T. Lømo, Long-lasting potentiation of synaptic
hippocampus; Sch, Schaffer collateral pathway. (Modified with transmission in the dentate area of the anaesthetized rabbit follow-
kind permission of Springer Science+Business Media and from ing stimulation of the perforant path. Journal of Physiology, 232[2],
P. Andersen et al., Lamellar organization of hippocampal excit- 331–356, © 1973, Blackwell Publishing.)
suggested LTP as a possible model for understanding contribute to the fast excitatory postsynaptic response by
memory at the neural level. allowing positively charged ions to flow into the postsynaptic
Some years after the discovery of LTP, other labs managed compartment upon binding glutamate. Different classes
to reproduce the effect, and LTP was reliably induced in of receptors are named for their most potent chemical
hippocampal slices (Andersen, Sundberg, Sveen, & Wig- agonists; in this chapter we will focus on AMPA (α-
strom, 1977), paving the way for detailed studies of the amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole proprionate) recep-
underlying cellular mechanisms. Long-term potentiation tors and NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate) receptors (figure
was found to exist in a number of forms and in a number of 7.2A). In the mature brain, AMPA receptors primarily
brain areas, and the complementary phenomenon of long- conduct Na+ ions and mediate the initial and largest com-
term depression (LTD) was discovered. Input-specific LTD was ponent of fEPSPs, while NMDA receptors have the unique
first characterized in area CA1 of the hippocampus, where property of allowing Ca2+ to flow into the postsynaptic
it was found that longer (15-minute) periods of more modest cell in addition to Na+. The contribution of NMDA recep-
stimulation (1 Hz) produced a long-lasting, nonpathological tors to basal synaptic transmission is highly variable because,
decrease in the slope of fEPSPs (Dudek & Bear, 1992; under resting physiological conditions, their ion pores are
Mulkey & Malenka, 1992). The possible involvement of blocked by Mg2+ ions which prevent current flow. However,
LTP and LTD in memory formation has made synaptic during periods of heightened stimulation, the amount
plasticity one of the most studied phenomena in the brain, of positive charge flowing in through AMPA receptors
with thousands of studies over the years aimed at elucidating depolarizes the postsynaptic spine sufficiently to remove
the cellular mechanisms for the induction, expression, and the Mg2+ block and allow Ca2+ to enter the postsynaptic
maintenance of LTP and LTD. terminal through the NMDA receptor (middle panel,
figure 7.2A) (Mayer, Westbrook, & Guthrie, 1984; Nowak,
LTP and LTD: A short overview of cellular Bregestovski, Ascher, Herbet, & Prochiantz, 1984). The
mechanisms NMDA receptor thus satisfies the requirement of Hebb’s
coincidence detector, with its activation requiring concurrent
Because of its anatomical simplicity and accessibility, presynaptic glutamate release and postsynaptic depolariza-
the vast majority of studies exploring the biological mecha- tion. The amount of Ca2+ passing through the NMDA
nisms of LTP and LTD have been performed in the hippo- receptor varies depending on the magnitude of pre-
campus, particularly at the synapses where axons from and postsynaptic coactivation and ultimately determines
cornu ammonis 3 (CA3) pyramidal cells contact the den- whether synaptic connections will be strengthened or
drites of pyramidal cells in CA1 via the Schaffer collateral weakened (Cummings, Mulkey, Nicoll, & Malenka, 1996;
pathway (figure 7.1A). In these experiments, commonly for review, see Lisman, 1985; Madison, Malenka, &
performed in hippocampal slices, Schaffer collaterals are Nicoll, 1991; Malenka & Nicoll, 1999). The most commonly
stimulated and fEPSPs are recorded from the apical den- studied forms of LTP and LTD are NMDA receptor
drites of CA1 pyramidal cells. A common protocol for induc- dependent.
ing LTP in CA1 is the application of multiple trains of What are the physical and chemical changes that bring
high-frequency stimulation (HFS), typically 100 Hz, while about the strengthening and weakening of synapses? The
low-frequency stimulation (LFS), consisting of 1 Hz stimula- induction of LTP requires large influxes of Ca2+ in the post-
tion, is commonly used to elicit NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic terminal that trigger the activation of protein kinases,
LTD. The existing data suggest that many of the properties enzymes that add a phosphate group to specific proteins and
of Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses are common to synapses modify their function, and whose enzymatic activity can long
throughout the neocortex, so in the following paragraphs outlast the changes in Ca2+ concentration that triggered them
we will describe the mechanisms for the best characterized (figure 7.2A right panel, figure 7.2B). The phosphorylation
and most common forms of LTP and LTD at synapses in of synaptic and structural substrates, such as AMPA recep-
area CA1. tors and synaptic scaffolding proteins, plays a critical role in
The key requirement for Hebb-like synaptic modifications the induction and expression of LTP (see Browning, Huganir,
is the coincident activation of pre- and postsynaptic neurons; & Greengard, 1985; Soderling & Derkach, 2000, for review).
that is, cells must fire together to wire together. How, In addition to the phosphorylation of AMPA receptors
then, does one cell know when another cell is driving already at synapses, new AMPA receptors are also inserted
it to fire? Fast excitatory synaptic transmission at Schaffer in the postsynaptic membrane (figure 7.2A, right panel)
collateral-CA1 synapses, along with most synapses in the (Hayashi et al., 2000; Heynen, Quinlan, Bae, & Bear, 2000;
central nervous system, is mediated primarily by glutamate- Shi et al., 1999; see Malinow, Mainen, & Hayashi, 2000, for
gated ion channels (i.e., glutamate receptors) embedded in review), leading to larger amplitude fEPSPs with faster onsets,
the postsynaptic cell membrane. Glutamate receptors while on the presynaptic side more glutamate is released

whitlock and moser: ltp and spatial representations 111



Figure 7.2 Postsynaptic calcium entry is the key for inducing LTP Glutamate release into the synaptic cleft (3) is also enhanced. (B) A
and LTD. (A) The NMDA receptor is activated by coincident pre- large, brief increase in postsynaptic calcium, induced here by high-
and postsynaptic activity. (left) During synaptic transmission, gluta- frequency stimulation (HFS), favors the activation of protein kinases
mate is released into the synaptic cleft and acts on AMPA and and results in LTP, while small, sustained Ca2+ elevations during
NMDA receptors, though NMDA receptors are blocked by Mg2+ low-frequency stimulation (LFS) favor the activation of protein
ions at negative (resting) membrane potentials; (middle) if glutamate phosphatases, resulting in the dephosphorylation of synaptic pro-
release coincides with sufficient postsynaptic depolarization, the teins and LTD. (C) Long-term changes in synaptic strength can be
Mg2+ block is removed and Ca2+ enters the postsynaptic neuron explained as a function of the amount of calcium flowing into the
through NMDA receptors; (right) postsynaptic kinases initiate synap- postsynaptic neuron via NMDA receptors. (Modified with permis-
tic potentiation by (1) phosphorylating AMPA receptors already at sion from M. Bear, B. Connors, & M. Paradiso, Neuroscience: Exploring
the synapse, and (2) driving additional AMPA receptors to synapses. the brain, 3rd edition, © 2007, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.)

into the synaptic cleft (Bliss, Errington, & Lynch, 1990; Bliss, baseline if protein synthesis inhibitors are applied within the
Errington, Lynch, & Williams, 1990; Dolphin, Errington, & first couple of hours following conditioning stimulation (Frey,
Bliss, 1982). Structural changes, such as the growth of new Krug, Reymann, & Matthies, 1988; Krug, Lossner, & Ott,
spines and the enlargement or splitting of synapses in two, 1984; Stanton & Sarvey, 1984; see Kelleher, Govindarajan,
have also been observed following LTP induction (Abraham & Tonegawa, 2004, for review).
& Williams, 2003; Chen, Rex, Casale, Gall, & Lynch, 2007; In the case of LTD, small increases in Ca2+ arising from
Nagerl, Eberhorn, Cambridge, & Bonhoeffer, 2004; see weak synaptic stimulation favor the activation of protein
Yuste & Bonhoeffer, 2001, for review). LTP lasting several phosphatases that dephosphorylate synaptic proteins includ-
hours or days (sometimes referred to as L-LTP) requires the ing glutamate receptors (figure 7.2B) (Mulkey, Endo,
synthesis of new proteins, and will gradually decay back to Shenolikar, & Malenka, 1994; Mulkey, Herron, & Malenka,

112 plasticity
1993). Contrary to LTP, LTD results in the removal and First, induction is rapid and long lasting. Changes in syn-
eventual degradation of AMPA receptors, NMDA receptors, aptic strength can be induced following very brief trains of
and structural synaptic proteins (Ehlers, 2000; Heynen et al., high-frequency stimulation (Douglas & Goddard, 1975), and
2000; Colledge et al., 2003), as well as the retraction of exist- the resulting potentiation can last anywhere from several
ing spines (Nagerl et al., 2004; Zhou, Homma, & Poo, 2004). minutes to perhaps the entire lifetime of an animal (Abraham,
Despite the fact that LTD involves the destruction of some Logan, Greenwood, & Dragunow, 2002; Barnes, 1979).
preexisting proteins, long-lasting LTD (i.e., L-LTD), like L- These properties allow information learned from very brief
LTP, also depends on the synthesis of new proteins—in fact, episodes to be remembered for a lifetime, such as to not stick
recent experiments have shown that proteins synthesized one’s finger in a light socket.
in response to L-LTP induction at one set of synapses can Second, LTP provides a cellular mechanism for associa-
also be used to sustain L-LTD at nearby synapses on the tion of inputs to different synapses of a cell. This is indirectly
same cell (Sajikumar & Frey, 2004). For a lengthier descrip- apparent from the fact that the probability of inducing LTP
tion of the mechanisms of LTP and LTD we recommend increases with the number of stimulated afferents, a phe-
reviews by Bliss and Collingridge (1993), Malenka and Bear nomenon referred to as cooperativity (McNaughton, Douglas,
(2004), and Malinow and Malenka (2002). & Goddard, 1978). Weak stimulation will only affect a small
proportion of synapses and is less likely to induce a post-
Properties of LTP and LTD that are relevant for synaptic change, whereas a strong stimulus will affect more
memory formation synapses and increase the likelihood of inducing a long-
lasting change in the postsynaptic response (figure 7.3, left).
Many of the physiological properties of LTP and LTD Transiently increasing the stimulation intensity during the
are homologous to the characteristics of behavioral delivery of a tetanus will lead to the recruitment of additional
memory expressed at the level of the whole animal, such afferents and cause potentiation of synapses that would not
as rapid induction (enabling fast learning) and longevity have been coactivated during a weaker stimulation. In this
(allowing some memories to last a lifetime). While LTP and sense, “cooperativity” is a form of associative synaptic poten-
LTD are generally accepted as the leading cellular mecha- tiation (discussed in the next paragraph).
nisms for learning and memory, it should be noted that A more direct illustration of associativity involves the obser-
certain aspects of memory do not necessarily translate vation that when both weak and strong inputs are stimulated
directly from changes at synapses, but more likely emerge at together, the weak input will show LTP, whereas if the
the level of the neural network in which the synaptic modi- weak input is stimulated alone, no LTP will be seen (figure
fications are embedded (Hebb, 1949; Marr, 1971). The 7.3, middle) (Barrionuevo & Brown, 1983; Levy & Steward,
functional features exhibited by LTP and LTD are exactly 1979). Associativity is relevant to learning and memory
the type that would be useful in enabling neural networks to because it allows neurons to associate arbitrary patterns
rapidly acquire and store large amounts of information of activity from distinct neural pathways that may relay
during behavior. information regarding distinct but related events. This

Figure 7.3 LTP exhibits physiological properties that make it a pathways results in the long-term strengthening of the weak
tenable cellular substrate for memory. Cooperativity (left) describes pathway. (right) LTP is input specific because only those synapses
the property whereby a weak tetanus that activates relatively few active at the time of the tetanus express potentiation; inactive inputs
afferents will not induce a change in the synaptic response, whereas do not share in the potentiation. Cooperativity, associativity, and
coactivating many inputs with sufficiently strong stimulation will input specificity apply similarly to LTD. (Modified with permission
induce a change. Associativity (middle) describes the property from R. Nicoll, J. Kauer, & R. Malenka, The current excitement
whereby the concurrent simulation of weak and strong convergent in long-term potentiation, Neuron, 1, 97–103, © 1988, Cell Press.)

whitlock and moser: ltp and spatial representations 113

phenomenon is epitomized by recent experiments showing Anterograde Alteration Studies in recent years have
that two populations of synapses given either weak or strong demonstrated unequivocally that many of the mechanisms
stimulation both express a biochemical “plasticity tag” necessary for the induction and maintenance of LTP are also
that allows them to capture “plasticity-related proteins” necessary for the acquisition and maintenance of memory
synthesized specifically in response to the strong stimulation (though there are arguments rebutting the notion that LTP
(Frey & Morris, 1997). This process, known as synaptic tagging, is involved in memory; see Shors & Matzel, 1997, for review).
allows weakly stimulated synapses to sequester and utilize the The basic assumption of the anterograde alteration strategy
same proteins as strongly stimulated synapses and express holds that, if learning new information requires the induction
long-lasting LTP as though they had received strong of LTP, then blocking LTP prior to learning should prevent
stimulation. memory formation. One of the first pharmacological studies
The property of NMDA receptor-dependent LTP and linking LTP induction to spatial learning involved infusing
LTD perhaps most relevant to memory formation is input the selective NMDA receptor antagonist APV into the lateral
specificity, where only the synaptic pathways that receive ventricles of rats prior to learning the Morris water maze task,
conditioning stimulation show a change in synaptic strength; in which animals learn to swim through opaque water to
other synapses on the same postsynaptic cell that do not find a submerged escape platform using visual cues outside
receive stimulation do not express plasticity (figure 7.3, right) the water tank as guides (figure 7.4A) (Morris, Anderson,
(Andersen et al., 1977; Bliss & Lømo, 1973; Dudek & Bear, Lynch, & Baudry, 1986). At first the animals swim randomly
1992). This property is relevant to learning and memory for through the maze until they happen to find the platform,
two reasons: (1) because it ensures that only the particular but they eventually learn to swim directly to the correct
synapses that were activated by an experience will store location. In the study by Morris and colleagues, rats treated
information relevant to that experience (of what use is LTP with a dose of APV sufficient to block LTP induction in vivo
as a memory mechanism if one event results in the nonspe- were impaired at learning the water maze task and showed
cific potentiation of all the synapses in your brain?), and (2) no preference for the target quadrant after the platform was
because the information storage capacity of a neuron is removed, whereas animals treated with the inactive isoform
much greater when information is encoded at individual of the drug performed the same as saline-treated controls
synapses rather than as a change in a property of the entire (figure 7.4B). Furthermore, subsequent work showed that the
cell (such as whole-cell excitability). extent of the spatial learning deficit correlated with the
degree of LTP impairment as the dose of APV was increased
Studies of LTP and LTD in behaving animals (Butcher, Davis, & Morris, 1990). Some criticisms raised
against these pharmacological studies, however, were that
The functional properties of LTP and LTD are suggestive APV infusions caused sensory and motor deficits unrelated
of an involvement in memory processes, but how can this be to learning (Abraham & Kairiss, 1988; Caramanos &
tested in behaving animals? Over the years, researchers have Shapiro, 1994; Shors & Matzel, 1997) and that animals
proposed different strategies for testing a necessary and suf- given pretraining in different mazes were able to learn
ficient role for synaptic modification in behavioral learning new platform locations even when NMDA receptors were
(Martin, Grimwood, & Morris, 2000; Neves, Cooke, & Bliss, blocked (Bannerman, Good, Butcher, Ramsay, & Morris,
2008; Stevens, 1998). Anterograde alteration and retrograde altera- 1995; Saucier & Cain, 1995). These concerns were addressed
tion approaches, historically the most common, seek to by a follow-up study demonstrating that direct hippocampal
describe correlations between synaptic plasticity and behav- infusions of APV caused a delay-dependent impairment
ioral memory by manipulating various mechanisms of LTP in rapidly acquired spatial learning that could not be
or LTD before or after learning and characterizing the explained by interference from drug side effects (Steele &
ensuing changes in learning or memory maintenance; the Morris, 1999).
goal of the detection strategy is to determine whether LTP- or An essential role for NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic
LTD-like changes are induced naturally as a consequence plasticity in spatial memory was further demonstrated
of learning; and mimicry, the most technically challenging through the use of mice with a regionally restricted, postna-
and hitherto unrealized approach, would seek to engineer a tal genetic deletion of the obligatory NMDA receptor subunit
memory of an experience that never actually occurred by NR1 (Tsien, Huerta, & Tonegawa, 1996). This study repre-
tweaking just the relevant synaptic weights (Neves et al., sented an important technological advance over previous
2008). Successfully installing an “artificial” memory in this studies using knockout mice because the spatial and tempo-
manner would provide the ultimate proof that changes in ral restrictions of the genetic deletion ruled out compensa-
synaptic weight are sufficient for memory storage, but tory side effects during development as a possible explanation
because this has not yet happened we shall focus instead on for any learning deficits. It was found that deleting the NR1
the first three strategies. gene exclusively in CA1 pyramidal cells led to the specific

114 plasticity

Figure 7.4 The Morris water maze is one of the most common Animals injected with saline (left) spent the greatest amount of time
behavioral tests of spatial learning and memory. (A) In the task, an in the target quadrant (which earlier had the escape platform),
animal is placed in a pool filled with opaque water and must locate whereas animals treated with the NMDA receptor antagonist
a submerged escape platform. At the start of training the animal’s D,L-APV (middle) showed no preference for the target quadrant.
swim path is typically long and circuitous. After several training Animals injected with the inactive L-isomer of APV (right) showed
trials the rat learns the platform location and will swim straight to normal spatial memory similar to the saline-injected group. (Modi-
it during a test trial. (Modified with permission from M. Bear, B. fied with permission from Morris, Anderson, Lynch, & Baudry,
Connors, & M. Paradiso, Neuroscience: Exploring the brain, 3rd edition, Selective impairment of learning and blockade of long-term
© 2007, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.) (B) Shown at top are the potentiation by an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist,
swim trajectories of animals tested in the Morris water maze after AP5, Nature, 319, 774–776, © 1986, Nature [Nature Publishing
having been given different drug treatments prior to training. Group].)

whitlock and moser: ltp and spatial representations 115

ablation of LTP in CA1, while LTP in the dentate gyrus was NMDA receptor antagonist after learning but before LTP
unaffected. Furthermore, CA1-knockout mice showed no induction expressed normal spatial memory, suggesting
place preference for the target quadrant in the test phase of that the memory impairments were generated specifically as
the Morris water maze task. Subsequent studies have refined a consequence of the artificial manipulation of synaptic
the temporal resolution of genetic manipulations even more weights.
through the use of genetically modified transcription factors In addition to the electrophysiological approach, research-
that can be reversibly activated or inactivated over the ers have used pharmacological agents to block specific
course of a few days by interacting with innocuous drugs kinases necessary for LTP induction and maintenance to
administered in the animals’ food (Mansuy et al., 1998; disrupt memory. For example, infusing inhibitors of calcium/
Mayford & Kandel, 1999). calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) or protein kinase
NMDA receptor activation is also necessary for the acqui- C (PKC), enzymes critical for the establishment of LTP, into
sition of associative Pavlovian learning tasks, such as contex- the hippocampus of rats soon after inhibitory avoidance
tual fear conditioning, where animals learn to associate a training was found to cause full retrograde amnesia in
particular context with a foot shock, and cued fear condi- animals tested 24 hours later (Paratcha et al., 2000; Wolfman
tioning, in which animals learn that the presentation of an et al., 1994). It is not known whether the amnesia was caused
auditory tone predicts an imminent foot shock (see Maren, by a reversal of LTP in these studies, but more recent work
2001, for review). Similarly, inhibitory avoidance training, a has reported a parallel erasure of LTP and hippocampus-
single-trial learning paradigm in which animals learn to dependent spatial memory. Pastalkova and colleagues
avoid the shock-associated compartment of a conditioning infused an inhibitor of the zeta isoform of protein kinase M
apparatus, depends on NMDA receptor activation (Izqui- (PKMζ), an enzyme whose constitutive activity is necessary
erdo et al., 1992; Jerusalinsky et al., 1992). A totally different for the maintenance of long-term hippocampal LTP in vivo
approach to assess the role of LTP in learning and memory (figure 7.5B) (Pastalkova et al., 2006). The fact that the drug
is to drive LTP in a hippocampal pathway to saturation simply reversed preexisting LTP without apparently affect-
prior to learning (McNaughton, Barnes, Rao, Baldwin, & ing synaptic transmission or subsequent LTP induction in
Rasmussen, 1986; Moser, Krobert, Moser, & Morris, 1998). any other way made it ideal for testing the importance of
The hypothesis is that, if information is stored as increases LTP in long-term memory maintenance. In the study, rats
in synaptic weights, then saturating LTP at hippocampal learned to associate a particular area on a rotating platform
synapses should impair subsequent learning. To achieve this with a mild foot shock, and acquired a robust avoidance
purpose, the investigators implanted multiple stimulating response after just a few training trials. Infusing the PKMζ
electrodes into the perforant path and applied several trains inhibitor into the hippocampus 24 hours after training eradi-
of HFS to drive LTP in the dentate gyrus to asymptote. cated the avoidance response (figure 7.5C ), and, shockingly,
Animals in which LTP was truly saturated were impaired at had the same effect when rats were treated 1 month after
learning the Morris water maze, whereas other animals in learning. The results challenged the view that protein kinases
which as little as 10% residual LTP could be induced were play only a time-limited role in LTP and memory formation,
able to learn normally (Moser et al.). This observation sug- and that lifelong memories are eventually stored indepen-
gests that even a very small capacity for LTP is sufficient for dently of the hippocampus.
the hippocampus to store spatial information.
Detection Before it can be accepted that learning and
Retrograde Alteration Another strategy for assessing LTP modify synapses in the same way, it must be demon-
the involvement of LTP in memory is to compromise the strated that learning causes detectable changes in synaptic
expression or maintenance of LTP after learning. This strength that (1) resemble and (2) occlude LTP. There are a
strategy is predicated on the assumption that, if information growing number of studies which report learning-related
is stored as distributed modifications in synaptic connections, enhancements in synaptic responses in areas of the brain
then memory should be susceptible to disruption by appropriate to the type of information learned. We will
manipulations that alter or erase the pattern of synaptic briefly elaborate on a few of the studies demonstrating long-
weights (figure 7.5A). A successful example comes from a lasting synaptic modifications occurring as a result of
follow-up study to the 1998 work by Moser and colleagues, learning.
where the approach was to induce LTP in the dentate gyrus Some of the clearest electrophysiological evidence linking
after animals were trained in the Morris water maze to neocortical LTP and learning has come from studies using
compromise the learning-induced pattern of synaptic weights skill learning in rats, where the animals were trained to reach
(Brun, Ytterbo, Morris, Moser, & Moser, 2001). Indeed, through a small window and retrieve a food pellet with their
posttraining LTP induction impaired the rats’ memory of forepaw. When recordings were later conducted on brain
the platform location. A separate group of animals given an slices prepared from trained animals, it was found that fEPSPs

116 plasticity

Figure 7.5 Disrupting the pattern of synaptic weights in a amnesia. (Modified with permission from Brun et al., Retrograde
network results in a loss of the information stored across the syn- amnesia for spatial memory induced by NMDA receptor-mediated
apses. (A) A hypothetical distribution of synaptic enhancements long-term potentiation, Journal of Neuroscience, 21(1), 356–362, ©
induced in a network by learning; lines are neuronal processes 2001, Society for Neuroscience.) (B) Robust LTP induced in the
which intersect at synapses represented as circles; black circles are dentate gyrus in vivo can be rapidly reversed 22 hours later by
synapses potentiated by recent learning, gray circles are synapses intrahippocampal infusion of the selective PKMζ antagonist “zeta
already potentiated from an unrelated event; white circles are inhibitory peptide,” or ZIP. (C ) In parallel with the reversal of LTP,
unpotentiated synapses. (top right) Randomly potentiating irrelevant intrahippocampal infusions of ZIP caused abrupt and complete
synapses with high-frequency stimulation (HFS) after learning amnesia in a place-avoidance task in rats tested either 24 hours or
scrambles the pattern of learning-induced synaptic weights and 1 month after training. The avoidance memory of saline-infused
disrupts memory storage; this is the experimental strategy used by animals remained intact. (Modified with permission from Pastalkova
Brun, Ytterbo, Morris, Moser, and Moser (2001). (top left) The et al., Storage of spatial information by the maintenance mecha-
reversal of learning-related synaptic enhancements should erase the nism of LTP, Science, 313, 1141–1144, © 2006, American Associa-
information stored across the connections and cause retrograde tion for the Advancement of Science.)

in the primary motor cortex (M1) corresponding to the pre- gesting that learning had elevated the synapses in motor
ferred reaching paw were substantially larger than fEPSPs cortex closer to their ceiling for LTP expression and, concur-
from the hemisphere for the untrained paw (i.e., the rently, left more space for synaptic depression. The partial
“untrained” hemisphere) (figure 7.6A) (Rioult-Pedotti, Fried- reduction, or “occlusion,” of LTP by learning suggests that
man, Hess, & Donoghue, 1998). Follow-up studies investi- skill learning and LTP engage a common neural mechanism.
gated the impact of skill learning on subsequent LTP and More recent work has shown that the synaptic modification
LTD and revealed a marked reduction in the amount of LTP range shifts upward to accommodate the synaptic enhance-
and an enhancement in the magnitude of LTD in the ments a few weeks after learning, thereby restoring the capac-
“trained” portion of cortex (figure 7.6B) (Monfils & Teskey, ity of the connections to express their previous levels of LTP
2004; Rioult-Pedotti, Friedman, & Donoghue, 2000), sug- and LTD (Rioult-Pedotti, Donoghue, & Dunaevsky, 2007).

whitlock and moser: ltp and spatial representations 117



Figure 7.6 Learning induces synaptic enhancements that American Association for the Advancement of Science.) (C ) In vivo
occlude LTP in brain areas relevant to the type of information recording experiments in rats revealed that single-trial inhibitory
learned. (A) Learning a new motor skill enhanced fEPSP amplitude avoidance (IA) training led to fEPSP enhancements in a subpopula-
specifically in the forelimb region of primary motor cortex (M1) tion of recording electrodes in the hippocampus of trained animals
corresponding to the preferred reaching paw in trained rats; no relative to controls (who walked through the training apparatus
enhancements were observed in the same area of M1 in untrained without receiving a foot shock, i.e., the “Walk through” group).
control animals. (Modified with permission from Rioult-Pedotti, Data were collected 2 hours after conditioning. (D) Electrodes
Friedman, Hess, & Donoghue, Strengthening of horizontal cortical showing fEPSP enhancements upon IA training reached LTP
connections following skill learning, Nature Neuroscience, 1(3), 230– saturation more rapidly and showed less LTP in response to
234, © 1998, Nature [Nature Publishing Group].) (B) The fEPSP repeated trains of HFS, demonstrating that this form of learning
enhancements associated with skill learning resulted in the partial mimicked and occluded hippocampal LTP in vivo. (Modified with
occlusion of LTP in M1 in the “reaching” hemisphere compared permission from Whitlock, Heynen, Shuler, & Bear, Learning
to the “nonreaching” hemisphere in trained rats. (Modified with induces long-term potentiation in the hippocampus, Science, 313,
permission from Rioult-Pedotti, Friedman, & Donoghue, Learn- 1093–1097, © 2006, American Association for the Advancement
ing-induced LTP in neocortex, Science, 290, 533–536, © 2000, of Science.)

Studies in the amygdala have also yielded strong evidence 1990s showed that repeatedly pairing a tone with a foot
linking LTP and memory formation. Because of its well- shock resulted in the strengthening of auditory thalamic
characterized anatomical connectivity, the amygdala has inputs to the amygdala and increases in the amplitude of
allowed neuroscientists the opportunity to directly investi- auditory-evoked responses when animals were replayed the
gate associative synaptic plasticity between distinct inputs tone after conditioning (McKernan & Shinnick-Gallagher,
following associative learning. One of the most common 1997; Rogan, Staubli, & LeDoux, 1997). Thus the initially
experimental approaches has been to use Pavlovian fear- weak tone representation became potentiated through its
conditioning paradigms in which the aversive, fear-evoking association with the foot shock. Similar to LTP, it was
stimulus of a foot shock (the US) is paired with a novel found that this form of learning resulted in the delivery of
environmental cue, such as a tone (the CS). Research in the AMPA receptors to amygdalar synapses and that blocking

118 plasticity
the synaptic delivery of AMPA receptors prevented the for- How does LTP influence hippocampal receptive fields?
mation of the fear memory (Rumpel, LeDoux, Zador, &
Malinow, 2005). If changes in synaptic transmission ultimately result in modi-
In addition to the amygdala, several studies have demon- fied behavior, then they must change the way in which the
strated learning-specific, LTP-like changes in the synaptic brain structures that mediate those behaviors communicate
expression and phosphorylation of AMPA receptors in the with one another. A mechanistic understanding of how LTP
hippocampus following tasks such as contextual fear condi- contributes to behavior therefore requires a description of
tioning, where animals learn to fear a context as opposed how changes in synaptic strength affect representations in
to a discrete tone, and inhibitory avoidance training neural networks. A well-studied experimental tool for under-
(Shukla, Kim, Blundell, & Powell, 2007; Matsuo, Reijmers, standing neural representations has been hippocampal place
& Mayford, 2008; Cammarota, Bernabeu, Levi De Stein, cells, first characterized in area CA1, which discharge only
Izquierdo, & Medina, 1998; Bevilaqua, Medina, Izquierdo, when an animal occupies a particular spatial location, the
& Cammarota, 2005; Whitlock, Heynen, Shuler, & Bear, “place field” (O’Keefe & Dostrovsky, 1971). Neighboring
2006). Many of the downstream biochemical cascades place cells express distinct but overlapping place fields such
initiated by inhibitory avoidance training are the same as that the entire surface of a recording environment is com-
those seen following LTP induction in the hippocampus pletely represented by a group of cells (O’Keefe, 1976). The
(for review, see Izquierdo et al., 2006). Electrophysiological spatial representations of place cells are extremely specific,
experiments have further confirmed the occurrence of with the cells firing at entirely unrelated locations from one
LTP-like modification of hippocampal synapses following recording environment to the next (O’Keefe & Conway,
various learning tasks. In one such study, Sacchetti and col- 1978), and can be incredibly stable, maintaining the same
leagues showed that hippocampal slices obtained from rats firing field locations for as long as the cells are identifiable
after contextual fear conditioning showed fEPSP enhance- (Thompson & Best, 1990). More recent advances in record-
ments that partially occluded subsequent LTP, suggesting ing technology have enabled researchers to simultaneously
that contextual learning and LTP shared a common expres- record the activity of large ensembles of place cells (>100) as
sion mechanism (Sacchetti et al., 2001, 2002). LTP-like new map representations emerged during exploration of a
enhancements in synaptic transmission have also been novel environment (Wilson & McNaughton, 1993). Because
recorded in area CA1 following trace eyeblink conditioning, the concerted activity of large groups of cells in the hippo-
a form of hippocampal-dependent associative learning. campus will completely cover any environment encountered
Enhanced fEPSP responses were reported following this by an animal, it has been hypothesized that the hippocam-
task in hippocampal slices prepared from trained rabbits pus provides the neural substrate for an integrative “cogni-
(Power, Thompson, Moyer, & Disterhoft, 1997), as well as tive map,” which provides “an objective spatial framework
in the intact hippocampus of freely behaving mice (Gruart, within which the items and events of an organism’s experi-
Munoz, & Delgado-Garcia, 2006). Some of the most con- ence are located and interrelated” (O’Keefe & Nadel, 1978).
clusive evidence demonstrating learning-induced LTP in the The remarkable spatial specificity and stability of place cells
hippocampus comes from recent in vivo recording experi- make them ideal candidates for contributing to a spatial
ments in rats that were given inhibitory avoidance training memory system. Long-term potentiation is thought to fit into
(Whitlock et al., 2006). Multielectrode arrays were chroni- this framework by providing a synapse-specific mechanism
cally implanted to record fEPSPs at several sites in the hip- enabling the long-lasting storage of spatial representations
pocampus of awake, behaving animals before and after for a potentially very large number of environments. In this
inhibitory avoidance training. The training caused abrupt section we review studies that have begun to establish a link
and long-lasting (>3 hr) enhancements of evoked fEPSPs in between LTP and place cell representations.
a subpopulation of the recording electrodes in trained One of the earliest studies demonstrating a mechanistic
animals relative to controls (figure 7.6C ). Additional experi- relationship between LTP and place fields used mice carry-
ments demonstrated that electrodes showing training-related ing a CA1-specific deletion of the gene encoding the NMDA
fEPSP enhancements expressed less subsequent LTP in receptor subunit NR1 (McHugh, Blum, Tsien, Tonegawa,
response to HFS than neighboring electrodes that were not & Wilson, 1996). In parallel with the previously mentioned
enhanced by training—that is, the learning-related enhance- impairments in LTP and spatial learning in these mice, the
ments partially occluded subsequent LTP (figure 7.6D). This authors found that the firing fields of CA1 place cells exhib-
demonstration of learning-induced fEPSP enhancements ited somewhat reduced spatial specificity, although the place
that occlude LTP in vivo provided long-awaited evidence fields did not disappear entirely (i.e., they were broader and
that the strengthening of hippocampal synapses is a natural had less well-defined boundaries than control animals; figure
physiological occurrence following some forms of associative 7.7A). Place cells with overlapping place fields also showed
learning. reduced covariance of firing, implying a reduced capacity

whitlock and moser: ltp and spatial representations 119


Figure 7.7 Genetic deletion of the obligatory NR1 subunit of the mice, Cell, 87, 1339–1349, © 1996, Cell Press.) (B) The firing fields
NMDA receptor alters place cell properties without preventing the of CA1 place cells in CA3-specific NR1 knockout mice differed
expression of place fields per se. (A) Examples of direction- from controls only during specific environmental manipulations.
specific CA1 place cell activity from CA1-specific NR1 knockout There were no differences in place field properties when four out
mice and control mice running on a one-dimensional linear track; of four distal cues were present in the recording arena (“full cue”
the panels show the firing rates of cells as a function of the location condition); however, when mice were returned to the arena with
of the animals on the track. In this example, the cells were virtually only one of four cues present (“partial cue”), CA3 knockout mice
silent when the animals traversed the track in the upward direction, expressed significantly smaller CA1 place fields and had lower
but fired in a spatially restricted manner as the animals ran back firing rates than controls. These experiments suggested a functional
down. Place fields in CA1 knockout mice were stable but signifi- role for CA3 in pattern completion. (Modified with permission
cantly larger than in controls. (Modified with permission from from Nakazawa et al., Requirement for hippocampal CA3 NMDA
McHugh, Blum, Tsien, Tonegawa, & Wilson, Impaired hippocam- receptors in associative memory recall, Science, 297, 211–218, ©
pal representation of space in CA1-specific NMDAR1 knockout 2002, American Association for the Advancement of Science.)

for coordinating ensemble codes for spatial location across role of NMDA receptors in induction and maintenance of
cells. Considerable sparing of place-specific firing was also spatial representations (Kentros et al., 1998). They found
seen in mice with a specific deletion of the NR1 subunit in that injecting rats with a selective NMDA-receptor antago-
the CA3 subfield (Nakazawa et al., 2002). In these animals, nist prevented the maintenance of new place fields acquired
the sharpness of firing fields in CA1 was not reduced at all. in novel environments when animals were reexposed to the
Impaired spatial firing appeared only under conditions environments a day later. The drug treatment did not affect
where a substantial fraction of the landmarks in the environ- preexisting place fields in a familiar environment, and new
ment were removed (figure 7.7B). Further insight was place fields were expressed instantaneously as animals
obtained in a study by Kentros and colleagues, where the explored a novel environment. These observations, together
authors used a pharmacological approach to compare the with the spared spatial firing observed in the NR1 knockout

120 plasticity
mice, suggest that the mechanism for the expression of 1987). This multiplicity of the hippocampal spatial map
place fields per se is NMDA-receptor independent. NMDA contrasts strongly with the universal nature of representa-
receptors may instead be necessary for maintaining place tions one synapse upstream, in the superficial layers of
fields in fixed locations across different experiences in the the medial entorhinal cortex, which interfaces most of
environment. the external sensory information from the cortex to the
NMDA receptor activation is also necessary for hippocampus and back (Fyhn, Molden, Witter, Moser,
experience-dependent changes in place cell discharge pro- & Moser, 2004). The key cell type among the entorhinal
perties, as revealed by experiments in which rats repeatedly inputs to the hippocampus is the grid cell, which fires at
traversed the length of a linear track. This behavior was sharply defined locations like place cells in the hippocampus
associated with the asymmetric, backward expansion of but differs from such cells in that each cell has multiple
CA1 place fields relative to the rat’s direction of motion, firing locations and that the firing locations of each cell
which was hypothesized to aid in predicting elements form a tessellating triangular pattern across the entire envi-
of upcoming spatial sequences before they actually occurred ronment available to the animal (Hafting, Fyhn, Molden,
(Mehta, Barnes, & McNaughton, 1997; Mehta, Quirk, & Moser, & Moser, 2005). Different grid cells have nonover-
Wilson, 2000). This form of behaviorally driven receptive lapping firing fields; that is, the grids are offset relative to
field plasticity was hypothesized to arise from LTP-like syn- each other (Hafting et al., 2005), but the grids of different
aptic enhancements between cells in CA3 and CA1 and, colocalized cells keep a constant spatial relationship between
indeed, the effect was blocked in animals injected with different environments, implying that a single spatial map
NMDA receptor antagonists (Ekstrom, Meltzer, McNaugh- may be used in all behavioral contexts, very much unlike the
ton, & Barnes, 2001). In addition to studies demonstrating recruitment of discrete and apparently nonoverlapping rep-
a permissive role for NMDA-receptor activation in place cell resentations in the hippocampus (Fyhn, Hafting, Treves,
plasticity, evidence supporting an instructive role for LTP in Moser, & Moser, 2007). These observations, taken as a
driving changes in place representations comes from a study whole, suggest that self-location is maintained and perhaps
by Dragoi and colleagues. It was found that inducing LTP generated in entorhinal cortex (McNaughton, Battaglia,
in the hippocampus caused remapping of place cell firing Jensen, Moser, & Moser, 2006), whereas the role of the hip-
fields in familiar environments, including the creation of new pocampus is to differentiate between places and experiences
fields, the disappearance of others, and changes in the direc- associated with places, and to associate each of them to the
tional preferences of others (Dragoi, Harris, & Buzsaki, particular features of each environment. Such a regional
2003). Additional work revealed that contextual fear condi- differentiation would be consistent with a critical role for the
tioning, which itself induces LTP-like enhancements of hip- hippocampus in memory for individual episodes.
pocampal fEPSPs (Sacchetti et al., 2001, 2002), also results But how are associative memories encoded and retrieved
in the partial remapping of place fields in CA1 (Moita, Rosis, in the place cell system? It is commonly believed that memo-
Zhou, LeDoux, & Blair, 2004), suggesting that synaptic plas- ries are encoded at the level of neural ensembles and that the
ticity and place field plasticity are merely different aspects of ensembles are implemented in neural attractor networks
a common mechanism engaged by the hippocampus during (Amit, Gutfreund, & Sompolinsky, 1985, 1987; Hopfield,
associative contextual learning. 1982). An attractor network has one or several preferred
positions or volumes in the space of network states, such that
Synaptic plasticity and attractor dynamics in when the system is started from any location outside the pre-
neural networks ferred positions, it will evolve until it reaches one of the
attractor basins (figure 7.8A). It will then stay there until the
Place cells are thought to be part of a hippocampal system system receives new input. These properties allow stored
for storage of episodic memories with a spatial component memories (the preferred positions of the system) to be recalled
(S. Leutgeb et al., 2005; S. Leutgeb, J. K. Leutgeb, Moser, from degraded versions of the original input (positions that
& Moser, 2005). Several studies over the years have revealed are slightly different from the preferred positions). Storing
that place cells encode more than just space, including different places and episodes as discrete states in such a
odors, textures, temporal sequences, and prior events network keeps memories separate and avoids memory inter-
(Hampson, Heyser, & Deadwyler, 1993; Moita et al., ference. Attractor networks could, in principle, be hardwired,
2004; Wood, Dudchenko, & Eichenbaum, 1999; Wood, but for the hippocampus, as well as any other memory-
Dudchenko, Robitsek, & Eichenbaum, 2000; Young, Fox, storing system, this is quite unlikely considering that thou-
& Eichenbaum, 1994), and the place cell network is known sands of new memories are formed in the system each day. It
to support a number of discrete and graded representations is more likely that representations evolve over time, with new
in the same environment (Bostock, Muller, & Kubie, 1991; states being formed each time a new event is experienced.
J. Leutgeb et al., 2005; Markus et al., 1995; Muller & Kubie, The formation of hippocampal attractor states is thought to

whitlock and moser: ltp and spatial representations 121


Figure 7.8 Patterns of activity in cell assemblies with attractor cells participating in the representation (“complete” patterns shown
dynamics. (A) Ambiguous patterns tend to converge to a familiar in the middle of “Attractor 1” and “Attractor 2”). (C ) Attractor
matching pattern (i.e., pattern completion) and, simultaneously, networks are thought to aid in disambiguating similar patterns of
diverge away from interfering patterns (i.e., pattern separation). input by favoring sharp transitions between network states as inputs
This nonlinear process can be illustrated with an illusion using an are changed gradually, as in the study by Wills, Lever, Cacucci,
ambiguous visual object. The perceived image in A will tend to Burgess, and O’Keefe (2005). It was found that spatial maps in
fluctuate between two familiar images (a chalice on the left, or two the hippocampus snapped sharply from a “square-environment”
kissing faces on the right), instead of stabilizing on the ambiguous representation to a “circle-environment” representation as a record-
white object in the middle. (B) The presence of attractor states in a ing enclosure was gradually “morphed” from one shape to the
neural network favors the emergence of familiar patterns even when other. (Modified with permission from S. Leutgeb, J. K. Leutgeb,
the initial input is severely degraded. Activating just a few cells in Moser, & Moser, Place cells, spatial maps and the population code
an attractor network (“partial” representations with just one or two for memory, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 15, 738–746, © 2005,
black dots on the left and right examples in “Attractor 1” and Elsevier Ltd.)
“Attractor 2”) is sufficient to restore the full ensemble activity of

be based on LTP- and LTD-like synaptic modifications representations during progressive equal-step transforma-
between the cells that participate in the individual represen- tion of the recording environment, using so-called morph
tations and between these ensembles and external signals boxes. Recording in CA1, Wills and colleagues trained rats
providing information about the features of the environment in a square and a circular version of a box with flexible walls
or episode for which a representation is generated. until place cell representations in the two environments were
Unfortunately, there is limited direct experimental evi- very different (Wills, Lever, Cacucci, Burgess, & O’Keefe,
dence for LTP and LTD in attractor dynamics. Several 2005). The rats were then exposed to several intermediate
recent studies have suggested that the hippocampus has shapes. A sharp transition from squarelike representations to
attractor properties, however. For example, place cells keep circlelike representations was observed near the middle
their location of firing after removal of a significant subset between the familiar shapes, as predicted if the network had
of the landmarks that defined the original training environ- discrete attractor-based representations corresponding to
ment—for example, when a cue card is removed or the lights the trained shapes (figure 7.8C ). Parallel work by Leutgeb
are turned off (Muller & Kubie, 1987; O’Keefe & Conway, and colleagues showed that the representations are not
1978; Quirk, Muller, & Kubie, 1990). The persistence of always discrete ( J. Leutgeb et al., 2005). Under conditions
the place fields suggests that representations can be where the spatial reference frame is constant, place cells in
activated even under severely degraded input conditions CA3 and CA1 assimilate gradual or moderate changes in
(as schematized in figure 7.8B). However, such experiments the environment into the preexisting representations. It was
do not rule out the possibility that firing is controlled observed that stable states can be attained along the entire
by subtle cues that are still present in the deprived continuum between two preestablished representations,
version of the environment. In response to this concern, as long as the spatial environment remains unchanged.
more recent experiments have measured hippocampal place Adding the dimension of time, this ability to represent

122 plasticity
continua may allow hippocampal networks to encode and mation storage and recall. The available data suggest that
retrieve sequential inputs as uninterrupted episodes. The the question is no longer whether LTP is involved in memory,
existence of both discrete and continuous representations but how. A major challenge for future research will be to
and their dependence on the exact experience in the envi- determine more exactly how LTP and LTD contribute to
ronment are consistent with the existence of attractors in the dynamic representation in the heavily interconnected
hippocampus, but the attractors must be dynamic, implying neural networks of the hippocampus and elsewhere. The
a possible role for LTP and LTD in their formation and evidence for attractors is indirect, and we do not know, for
maintenance. example, what numbers of cells are involved in each repre-
Where should we begin the study of synaptic plasticity in sentation, whether there are multiple representations, and,
hippocampal attractor dynamics? Theoretical models have if there are, whether and how they overlap and interact. The
pointed to the neural architecture of CA3 as a good candi- mechanisms for maintaining and separating discrete repre-
date (Marr, 1971; McNaughton & Morris, 1987). The dense sentations, as well as the processes by which new information
and modifiable recurrent circuitry of this system (Amaral & is assimilated into existing network states, are not known.
Witter, 1989; Lorente de Nó, 1934) and the sparse firing LTP and LTD, as well as more short-term plasticity pro-
of the pyramidal cells in this area (Barnes, McNaughton, cesses, are likely to play major functions in these processes,
Mizumori, Leonard, & Lin, 1990; S. Leutgeb, J. K. Leutgeb, but how these functions are implemented in the network
Treves, Moser, & Moser, 2004) are properties that would be remains an enigma.
expected if the system were to form rapid distinguishable
representations that could be recalled in the presence of
considerable noise. Widespread collaterals interconnect REFERENCES
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whitlock and moser: ltp and spatial representations 127

8 Visual Cortical Plasticity and
Perceptual Learning
wu li and charles d. gilbert

abstract Plasticity is an integral property of a functioning brain review, Jones, 1994). As for the rule governing wiring and
throughout life. In the visual system, cortical plasticity is engaged rewiring between neurons, Donald Hebb theoretically pos-
for encoding the geometric regularities of the visual environment
tulated that neurons are wired together if they fire together
early in life, as well as for functionally adaptive changes in response
to lesions and neurodegenerative diseases. In addition to the pli- (Hebb, 1949). This Hebbian rule of synaptic plasticity has
ability during postnatal maturation and during the restoration of been widely adopted into physiological, psychophysical, and
disrupted functions, the visual system also maintains remarkable computational studies of learning and memory. At the
plasticity for encoding the specific shapes of figures to which we system and behavior levels, Jerzy Konorski (1948) distin-
become familiar. This is known as perceptual learning, and it is guished plasticity from excitability as an independent prop-
important for rapid recognition of the learned shapes in complex
environments and for enhanced sensitivity to delicate nuances of erty of the brain whereby “certain permanent functional
the learned stimulus features. Moreover, the visual system also transformations arise in particular systems of neurons as the
exhibits fast functional switching capabilities, whereby response result of appropriate stimuli.” On top of these earlier insight-
properties of neurons are dynamically adjusted by top-down influ- ful reasoning and speculations, the last half century has wit-
ences for efficient processing of behaviorally relevant stimuli. The nessed the advances of our understanding of cortical plasticity
dynamic nature of neuronal responses is tightly coupled with the
long-term plasticity seen in perceptual learning, as repeated per-
in various respects, from different perspectives, and using a
forming of the same perceptual task, and therefore, repetitive variety of approaches. This chapter focuses on the cortical
invoking of top-down influences specific to the task, can potentiate plasticity in the visual system.
the dynamic changes useful for solving the perceptual tasks, leading Processing of visual information in the brain is distributed
to encoding and retrieving of the implicit memory formed during among more than 30 cortical areas (Van Essen, Anderson,
perceptual learning.
& Felleman, 1992). These functionally specialized and hier-
archically organized areas are interwired by feedforward
Our brain needs to constantly adapt to the environment and and feedback connections, forming partially segregated
to assimilate knowledge about the external world by main- modules and pathways for processing different attributes of
taining a certain degree of functional and architectural mal- visual stimuli. On the one hand, this specific connectivity has
leability. This notion has been appreciated for centuries. been genetically determined or innately hardwired for medi-
The idea that our perceptual and cognitive functions can be ating both stimulus-driven bottom-up process and behavior-
shaped by an individual’s experience was originally expressed driven top-down influences. On the other hand, accumulated
by philosophers such as John Locke, who asserted that the evidence has revealed that visual experience can modify the
human mind at birth is like a blank slate, and that all ideas preexisting functionality and connectivity of the visual system
and knowledge are derived from individual’s experiences throughout life.
(Locke, 1689/1995). The earliest psychological inference
and definition of cortical plasticity were made by William Plasticity in postnatal development
James (1890/1950), who compared the formation of habits
and skills to the plastic changes of materials, and attributed Early Development The maturation process of the
behavioral changes to the plasticity of the brain. One of the visual system continues well into postnatal periods in terms
most influential speculations about the neuronal substrates of both circuitry and functionality. The neural circuitry
of cortical plasticity was vividly drawn by Santiago Ramón within a cortical area, such as the primary visual cortex (area
y Cajal (1911), who proposed that changes in connections V1), comprises two types of connections (for reviews see
between neurons are responsible for our ability to learn (see Gilbert, 1983; Callaway, 1998). The vertical connections,
which link neurons across different cortical layers that
wu li Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China represent the same visual field location, are responsible for
charles d. gilbert The Rockefeller University, New York, New processing local simple stimulus attributes. The horizontal
York connections, which extend parallel to the cortical surface

li and gilbert: visual cortical plasticity and perceptual learning 129

and tend to link cells with nonoverlapping receptive fields different brain functions and different species, the onset and
(RFs), are involved in integrating information over a large closure of the critical period can be different. For example,
area in the visual field (for review see Gilbert, 1992). in humans the critical period for susceptibility of stereopsis
Anatomical studies have shown that the vertical connections begins soon after birth and extends into childhood for at
in human V1 develop prenatally, but the development of the least 4–5 years (Fawcett, Wang, & Birch, 2005). Since the
horizontal connections is much later and is asynchronous heightened plasticity is maintained only within a finite period
within different cortical layers (Callaway & Katz, 1990; of postnatal development, it leads to the conjecture that the
Burkhalter, Bernardo, & Charles, 1993). In the middle (the response properties of neurons and the functional architec-
input) layers, the horizontal connections propagate rapidly ture of the cortex become fixed in adulthood. As we will
only after birth and become more adultlike in about two see in the other sections of this chapter, this idea has been
months. The horizontal connections in the superficial (the challenged in the last couple of decades.
output) layers develop at an even later age, emerging after
birth and reaching mature form after more than one year. Late Maturation An extreme case of late maturation of
The anisotropy of development and maturation of local some visual functions is seen in the perceptual ability
circuits in V1 suggests that different visual functions emerge to link discrete contour elements into a global coherent
at different stages of development and that postnatal visual contour within a complex background (for a
experience could be important for the maturation of cortical demonstration of visual contours, see figure 8.1). This
circuitry and visual functions. Recent studies have provided process, known as contour integration, is an important
compelling evidence that early visual experience can intermediate step in object recognition. According to the
influence the maturation of neural circuitry by shaping Gestalt rule of “good continuation,” our visual system has
axonal and dendritic structures, regulating synapse forma- built-in apparatus to link contour elements that are arranged
tion and elimination, and altering synaptic transmission (for along smooth and continuous paths (Wertheimer, 1923).
review see Fox & Wong, 2005). These experience-dependent Recent studies have suggested that the long-range horizontal
changes during postnatal development can be observed at connections in V1, which link neurons with similar preference
different levels of the visual pathway, including the visual for contour orientations, are ideally suited for mediating
cortex, the lateral geniculate nucleus, and even the retina. contour integration, both in terms of its orientation specificity
The susceptibility of functional architecture of visual and its spatial extent (W. Li & Gilbert, 2002; Stettler, Das,
cortex to anomalous visual experience was first discovered Bennett, & Gilbert, 2002; W. Li, Piech, & Gilbert, 2006).
by Hubel and Wiesel (Wiesel & Hubel, 1963; Hubel & Moreover, this hardwired connectivity ecologically coincides
Wiesel, 1970, 1977). In the normal developmental condi- with the geometries and regularities of natural scene
tion, the visual input to area V1 from the two eyes is bal- images that are rich in collinear and cocircular contours
anced. This balance can be disrupted by depriving an animal (Geisler, Perry, Super, & Gallogly, 2001; Sigman, Cecchi,
of the visual input from one eye within a period of several Gilbert, & Magnasco, 2001), suggesting an evolutionary and
months after birth, resulting in an enlargement in represen- developmental impact on the formation and maturation
tation of the normal eye and shrinkage in the representation of the circuitry. As mentioned previously, the horizontal
of the deprived eye. The time window within which a brain connections in V1 do not become adultlike until late infancy
function is highly susceptible to experience-dependent modi- (Burkhalter et al., 1993). Moreover, it has been shown that
fications is referred to as the critical period. Depending on the ability of children to detect visual contours camouflaged

Figure 8.1 Contour integration. Within a complex background, (compare A with B); and the same array of collinear lines appears
those discrete line segments following the Gestalt law of continuity less salient when they are spaced further apart (compare B with C).
are easily grouped together, forming a visual contour. A contour (From W. Li, Piech, & Gilbert, 2008.)
consisting of more collinear lines is more salient than a shorter one

130 plasticity
in a complex background improves with age and does not (LPZ), and silences neurons within that cortical region (figure
approximate the adult’s level until adolescence (Kovacs, 8.2B). After the lesion, continuous plastic changes in V1
Kozma, Feher, & Benedek, 1999). Surface segmentation, have been observed within a period of time ranging from
another important intermediate level visual function, also minutes to months (for example, see Gilbert & Wiesel, 1992).
matures at a late age comparable to contour integration Within minutes after the lesion, a remarkable increase in
(Sireteanu & Rieth, 1992). Similar to contour integration, RF sizes occurs for V1 neurons whose RFs are located near
the process of partitioning visual images into segregated the boundary of the retinal scotoma. A couple of months
surfaces relies heavily on integration of information across a after the retinal injury, the size of the LPZ dramatically
large visual field area. The late maturation of contour- shrinks (figure 8.2C): neurons within the original cortical
integration and surface-segmentation capabilities suggests LPZ regain responsiveness by shifting their RFs outside the
that natural scene geometries and regularities continue to retinal scotoma. This plastic change is not simply a con-
shape neural circuitry as well as response properties of visual sequence of a rearrangement of thalamocortical afferents;
neurons during a very long period of time after birth. but rather, it is cortically mediated through the long-range
horizontal connections intrinsic to V1 (Gilbert & Wiesel,
Plasticity in response to lesions 1992; Darian-Smith & Gilbert, 1995; Calford, Wright,
Metha, & Taglianetti, 2003).
The closure of critical periods does not necessarily mean Even for the intact visual system in adults, a dramatic
that the neural connections and circuits in the adult brain change in visual experiences by itself can cause a large-scale
have been completely fixed. Abnormal experiences like functional reorganization of the visual cortex. V1 neurons
injuries and neurodegenerative diseases during adulthood in a cerebral hemisphere are driven by inputs from the
can also trigger marked plastic reactions in the central contralateral visual field. After monkeys wore special spec-
nervous system. tacles for several months to reverse their left and right visual
field, some V1 cells begin to respond to stimuli presented in
Lesion Experiments Pronounced changes were first both hemifields (Sugita, 1996).
reported in the spinal cord of adult animals after an injury
to the periphery nerves (Devor & Wall, 1978, 1981). Neurodegenerative Diseases Similar to the retinal lesion
Subsequently, striking reorganization in adult primary experiments, macular degeneration (MD) has also been
sensory cortices has also been widely demonstrated, including
the somatosensory cortex in response to deafferentation of
sensory input from a skin area (Rasmusson, 1982; Merzenich
et al., 1983a, 1983b, 1984; Calford & Tweedale, 1988; Pons
et al., 1991; Weiss, Miltner, Liepert, Meissner, & Taub,
2004), the primary auditory cortex in response to restricted
cochlear lesions (Robertson & Irvine, 1989; Rajan, Irvine,
Wise, & Heil, 1993), and the primary visual cortex in
response to lesions on the retina (Kaas et al., 1990; Heinen
& Skavenski, 1991; Chino, Kaas, Smith, Langston, & Cheng,
1992; Gilbert & Wiesel, 1992; Schmid, Rosa, Calford, &
Ambler, 1996; Eysel et al., 1999; Calford et al., 2000;
Giannikopoulos & Eysel, 2006). All these lesion-induced
plastic changes have comparable effects in the relevant
cortical regions: the cortical territory devoted to representing
the deafferented region on the sensory surface (the skin, the
cochlea, or the retina) becomes responsive to adjacent
sensory surfaces spared from the lesion, a process referred
to as cortical reorganization.
Here we use retinal lesions as an example. The retina is
mapped point-by-point onto the primary visual cortex, gen-
erating a two-dimensional topographic map called the reti- Figure 8.2 Reorganization of V1 in response to retinal lesion. A
notopic map. A restricted lesion on the retina destroys the retinal scotoma produced by focal laser lesion (A, the small gray
area) creates a silent region in V1 (B, the gray area). During recov-
photoreceptors within a small area (figure 8.2A). This retinal ery (C ), neurons within the cortical scotoma regain responsiveness
scotoma cuts off visual input to the corresponding retino- to visual input from the retinal area surrounding the laser-induced
topic region in V1, known as the lesion projection zone scotoma. (Adapted from Gilbert, 1992.)

li and gilbert: visual cortical plasticity and perceptual learning 131

reported to cause large-scale reorganization of the visual by a unified memory system—the medial temporal lobe;
cortex, including area V1 (Baker, Peli, Knouf, & Kanwisher, and the implicit or nondeclarative form of memory
2005). Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision distributed in different cortical areas or brain structures.
loss in old people. It results from a deterioration of the Perceptual learning falls within the category of implicit
macula, the central area of the retina that offers the highest memory. It is the unconscious acquisition of improved
spatial resolutions in visual processing. Damage to the ability with practice in simple perceptual tasks, as
macula results in deprivation of visual input to the V1 regions demonstrated in many visual tasks, such as discrimination
representing the central visual field. It has been shown of spatial resolution (McKee & Westheimer, 1978; Poggio,
that in MD patients the cortical regions that normally Fahle, & Edelman, 1992; Saarinen & Levi, 1995; Crist,
respond to central visual stimuli are strongly activated Kapadia, Westheimer, & Gilbert, 1997), orientation (Vogels
by peripheral stimuli (Baker et al., 2005; but see Masuda, & Orban, 1985; Shiu & Pashler, 1992; Schoups, Vogels,
Dumoulin, Nakadomari, & Wandell, 2008, which argued Qian, & Orban, 2001), direction of motion (Ball &
that the responses seen in the cortical scotoma of MD Sekuler, 1982), depth (Fendick & Westheimer, 1983; Rama-
patients could largely result from top-down influences chandran & Braddick, 1973), texture (Karni & Sagi, 1991),
mediated by feedback connections from higher cortical the waveform of sinusoidal stimuli (Fiorentini & Berardi,
areas). 1980), and contrast (Yu, Klein, & Levi, 2004). Perceptual
In addition to retinal damages, an fMRI study has shown training leads to a substantial decrease in the threshold
significant cortical reorganization in V1 of an adult patient for discriminating subtle changes in the trained stimulus
who suffered from a stroke that destroyed the input fibers to attributes; it also facilitates detection of familiar shapes
V1 corresponding to the upper-left visual field (Dilks, embedded in an array of similar distracters (Wang, Cavanagh,
Serences, Rosenau, Yantis, & McCloskey, 2007). Behavioral & Green, 1994; Ellison & Walsh, 1998; Sigman & Gilbert,
tests showed that this patient perceived stimuli located in the 2000; Sireteanu & Rettenbach, 2000).
intact lower-left visual field as being elongated upward into An indication of the possible cortical loci of perceptual
the blind upper-left visual field. Correspondingly, fMRI learning comes from a large number of psychophysical
experiments confirmed that the deprived V1 region origi- observations that the learning effect is usually specific to the
nally representing the blind visual-field area had reorganized trained visual field location and to simple stimulus attributes
to be responsive to the intact visual-field area. This study (for review see Gilbert, Sigman, & Crist, 2001). There is little
provides convincing evidence in support of cortical reorga- transfer or interference of learning between the trained and
nization and its impact on visual perception during recovery untrained visual-field locations, and between different
of lost visual functions. stimuli. For example, training human subjects to discrimi-
Although visual cortex is specialized in processing visual nate the differences in orientation of an orientated stimulus
information, in extreme cases like complete sight loss, visual improves discrimination performance that is only restricted
cortical areas can also be recruited to process other sensory to the trained location and the trained orientation (Schoups,
information such as enhancing auditory and tactile process- Vogels, & Orban, 1995). Specificity of perceptual learning
ing, or even recruited to process higher-order cognitive tasks suggests that learning-induced changes involve early visual
(for reviews see Burton, 2003; Pascual-Leone, Amedi, Fregni, cortex like V1, where the visual field is topographically
& Merabet, 2005). mapped at a fine scale and neurons are selective for simple
stimulus attributes like orientation. However, some studies
Perceptual learning argue that the improved performance could simply be a
consequence of retuning the readout connections between
Psychophysics Learning-induced modification of per- the decision stage and the visual cortex, namely, a refine-
ception had already been noticed in the 19th century by ment of the decision criteria (Dosher & Lu, 1998; R. Li, Levi,
Herrmann von Helmholtz, who made an incisive observa- & Klein, 2004; Yu et al., 2004). A dichotomy of learning
tion that “the judgment of the senses may be modified mechanisms has also been proposed, whereby some training
by experience and by training derived under various mainly enhances sensory processing while the other mainly
circumstances, and may be adapted to the new conditions. improves decision making (Adini, Wilkonsky, Haspel,
Thus, persons may learn in some measure to utilize details Tsodyks, & Sagi, 2004). Despite a lack of general consensus
of the sensation which otherwise would escape notice about the cortical loci where the plastic changes take place,
and not contribute to obtaining any idea of the object” physiological and imaging studies have shed light on neural
(Helmholtz, 1866, page 5). Studies within the last couple of mechanisms of perceptual learning.
decades have identified two distinct classes of long-term
learning and memory (for review see Squire, Stark, & Clark, Cortical Recruitment Cortical plasticity associated with
2004): the explicit or declarative form of memory mediated perceptual learning was first demonstrated in the

132 plasticity
somatosensory and auditory systems. The observed changes to the left or to the right with respect to the vertical. In
are analogous to the cortical reorganization observed in detection tasks, either a target presented alone near its
the primary somatosensory and auditory cortices in response contrast detection threshold or a target embedded in a
to peripheral lesions. For example, training monkeys to background of noise or distracters needs to be identified
perform a tactile frequency discrimination task using a as present or absent. Instead of getting more neurons
restricted skin area induces remarkable reorganization of involved by recruiting, other potential mechanisms to
the primary somatosensory cortex, leading to a significant improve performance on these tasks are to increase neuronal
increase in the size and complexity of the territory selectivity for the stimulus attribute that is relevant to the
representing the trained skin area (Recanzone, Merzenich, discrimination task, or to enhance signal-to-noise ratio by
& Jenkins, 1992; Recanzone, Merzenich, Jenkins, Grajski, selectively boosting neuronal responsiveness to the familiar
& Dinse, 1992). Similarly, training on an acoustic frequency target, or to achieve automatization and accelerated
discrimination task dramatically increases the cortical processing speed by shifting cortical representation of the
territory representing the trained frequencies in the primary learned stimulus from higher to lower cortical areas. Neural
auditory cortex (Recanzone, Schreiner, & Merzenich, 1993). correlates in all these respects have been found in visual
This mechanism has been referred to as cortical recruitment, cortical areas, including V1—the first stage of cortical visual
whereby a larger cortical region and thus a greater number processing.
of neurons are recruited to encode the trained stimuli.
Nonetheless, it is still a matter of debate whether the cortical Increased neuronal selectivity in discrimination learning Simple dis-
recruitment is directly responsible for the improved dis- crimination tasks, such as orientation discrimination, only
crimination ability, as the recruitment seems unnecessary involve processing of a basic stimulus attribute. It has been
for enhanced performance on acoustic frequency discrimi- shown that training monkeys on orientation discrimination
nation (Brown, Irvine, & Park, 2004). Moreover, over- selectively sharpens orientation-tuning functions of those V1
representation of the familiar frequencies in the auditory neurons whose RFs are at the trained visual field location
cortex could even be detrimental to discrimination of the and whose preferred orientations are close to the trained
overrepresented frequencies (Han, Kover, Insanally, orientation (Schoups et al., 2001; but see Ghose, Yang, &
Semerdjian, & Bao, 2007). Maunsell, 2002). Similar and stronger effects have also
In the visual system, an fMRI study has shown that prac- been observed in area V4, an intermediate stage in the
ticing a coherent-motion detection task, in which a small visual pathway responsible for object recognition (Yang &
proportion of randomly positioned dots move in the same Maunsell, 2004; Raiguel, Vogels, Mysore, & Orban, 2006).
direction among randomly moving dots, causes a significant The theoretical interpretations of these observations are
enlargement of the cortical territory representing the trained mixed. Intuitively, a sharpening of the orientation-tuning
stimulus in area MT, a cortical area involved in motion curve around the trained orientation would result in an
processing (Vaina, Belliveau, Roziers, & Zeffiro, 1998). increase in neuronal selectivity for the trained orientation,
However, cortical recruitment associated with perceptual which would in turn benefit the discrimination task. This
training has never been documented so far in early visual idea is supported by a computational study (Teich & Qian,
areas (for an attempt to search for such a change in V1, see 2003). Conversely, a modeling study argues that a sharpen-
Crist, Li, & Gilbert, 2001). The lack of transfer or interfer- ing of original tuning curves actually causes a general loss of
ence of learning across visual field locations and between information content conveyed by neuronal responses (Series,
visual stimuli also argues against cortical recruitment as an Latham, & Pouget, 2004).
effective mechanism of visual perceptual learning, because Unlike discrimination of a simple stimulus attribute, some
recruiting by “robbing” adjacent cortical regions would discrimination tasks require lateral integration of contextual
inevitably interfere with processing of other stimuli. However, information. The visual percept of a stimulus, as well as
studies in search of the neural basis of perceptual learning responses of visual neurons to the stimulus, can be modified
have shown some other cortical changes that can better by the global stimulus context within which the stimulus is
account for the observed learning effects. displayed (for reviews see Gilbert, 1998; Albright & Stoner,
2002; Allman, Miezin, & McGuinness, 1985). This phenom-
Neuronal Mechanisms The visual stimuli and tasks used enon, known as contextual modulation, takes place through-
for studies of perceptual learning can be roughly put into out visual cortical areas along the visual pathways,
two categories: visual discrimination and visual detection or representing a general lateral integrative mechanism of
identification. In discrimination tasks, observers need to visual processing. Contextual interactions seen in V1 indi-
discriminate a subtle change in stimulus with respect to a cate that V1 neurons are selective for more complex features
reference dimension or attribute, such as an orientation in visual scenes in addition to simple stimulus attributes
discrimination task, to judge whether a line is slightly tilted like contour orientation. It has been shown that extensive

li and gilbert: visual cortical plasticity and perceptual learning 133

well: neuronal selectivity was stronger for stimuli presented at
the trained orientation than for rotated versions of the same
stimuli (Logothetis et al., 1995; Freedman et al., 2006).

Enhanced neuronal responsiveness and shifted cortical representation A

sharpening of neuronal selectivity seen in training on dis-
crimination of delicate changes in the related stimulus
attributes implies that fewer cells would respond to the
stimulus, leading to an overall decrease in neuronal
activity. This speculation has been supported by some
imaging studies: training on orientation discrimination
(Schiltz et al., 1999) and contrast discrimination (Mukai
et al., 2007) reduces activation in visual cortical areas. This
Figure 8.3 Perceptual learning modifies contextual influences in
is in contrast with training on detection of low-saliency
V1. (A) The stimulus paradigm. The three horizontal parallel lines
indicate the task stimulus. Monkeys were trained to determine targets that are presented near the contrast detection thresh-
whether the middle line was closer to the upper or the lower old or are camouflaged within a noisy background. Neuro-
flanker. After training monkeys on this bisection discrimination nal responsiveness is usually enhanced specifically to the
task, responses of single V1 neurons to another stimulus, the test familiar target when the intensity or signal-to-noise ratio of
stimulus, were recorded when the animal either performed the the target is low.
trained bisection task, or simply maintained its fixation at the fixa-
tion point (FP). The test stimulus consisted of two lines, an opti- In a study that trained monkeys to detect visual contours
mally oriented line fixed in the center of the receptive field (denoted embedded in a complex background, striking parallel
by the gray square), and a second parallel line (indicated by “s”) changes were observed in response properties of V1 neurons
placed at different locations on either side of the RF (see the car- and the behavioral performance of the animals (W. Li,
toons at the bottom of B). (B) The normalized responses of a typical Piech, & Gilbert, 2008). As illustrated in figure 8.1, visual
V1 cell to the test stimulus as a function of the position of line “s.”
When the animal was performing the simple fixation task, placing
saliency of the embedded contour increases with the number
“s” on either side of the RF slightly suppressed neuronal responses of collinear lines forming the contour. For monkeys that
relative to the responses at position 0 deg, where the two test lines have never been trained on the detection task, V1 neuronal
were superimposed in the RF center. In contrast, when the animal responses are independent of the presence and length of the
was performing the bisection task, the weak contextual inhibition embedded contours, regardless of whether or not the animals’
was changed into strong facilitation. (Adapted from Crist, Li, &
attention is directed to the target location (figure 8.4A).
Gilbert, 2001.) (See color plate 5.)
During the training, the animals’ ability to detect the cam-
training of monkeys in a three-line bisection discrimination ouflaged contours increases gradually. Correspondingly,
task greatly enhances the animals’ discrimination ability and contour-related neuronal responses, which are closely cor-
markedly modifies contextual influences on V1 responses related with the animals’ performance on contour detection,
(Crist et al., 2001). The latter is characterized by an increase are built up in V1 (figure 8.4B). Analyses based on signal
in the modulatory strength of contextual lines and, in some detection theory indicate that responses of individual V1
cases, a reversal of the modulatory effect from inhibition to neurons in well-trained animals are predictive of the animals’
facilitation (figure 8.3). That is, V1 neurons become more performance in the contour detection task (see also W. Li et
sensitive with training to positional displacement of parallel al., 2006). Moreover, the learning effects are specific to the
lines, an ability that is important in bisection discrimination. trained retinotopic location in terms of both the behavioral
This change was present only in the trained retinotopic area and neuronal responses. These findings highlight the impor-
while the monkey was doing the trained bisection task, sug- tance of a specific combination of stimulus and task, or a
gesting that both encoding and retrieving the learned infor- specific interaction between the bottom-up and top-down
mation require task-specific top-down influences. processes, in inducing learning-associated cortical changes.
While training on discrimination of simple stimuli can In fact, the same set of interactions is important in the
sharpen neuronal selectivity in early visual areas, learning to retrieving process, since doing a task irrelevant to contour
discriminate among complex shapes can enhance shape detection significantly reduces neuronal responses to the
selectivity of neurons in the inferior temporal cortex (area embedded contours in the trained animals (figure 8.4C ).
IT), the last stage in cortical processing of visual objects Furthermore, a complete removal of any potential forms of
(Logothetis, Pauls, & Poggio, 1995; Kobatake, Wang, & top-down influences with anesthesia, which largely spares
Tanaka, 1998; Freedman, Riesenhuber, Poggio, & Miller, neuronal selectivity for basic stimulus attributes, completely
2006). This enhancement shows orientation dependency as abolishes the contour-related responses in V1 (figure 8.4D).

134 plasticity
Figure 8.4 Learning- and task-dependent changes in V1 associ- mation in V1 responses. (B) Over the course of training the animals
ated with training on contour detection. Shown here are averaged on contour detection, a late response component associated with
population neuronal responses to visual contours consisting of 1, 3, contour saliency emerges—the longer the contours, the stronger
5, 7, and 9 collinear lines embedded in an array of randomly ori- the neuronal responses. (C) In trained animals the contour-related
ented lines (for example see figure 8.1). Time 0 indicates stimulus V1 responses are much weakened when the animals perform tasks
onset. (A) Neuronal responses in V1 of untrained monkeys are that are irrelevant to contour detection. (D) Contour-related
independent of contour lengths (the six peristimulus time histo- responses disappear in the trained V1 region under anesthesia.
grams are superimposed), indicating the absence of contour infor- (Adapted from Li, Piech, & Gilbert, 2008.) (See color plate 6.)

Similar to contour integration, the detection of a & Newsome, 1994; but see Law & Gold, 2008, which
difference in texture between a small area and a large area argues that learning-associated improvement in detection
surrounding it involves the horizontal integrative mecha- of coherent motion does not involve changes in MT, but
nisms. A study showed that a single session of training on rather it largely relies on the stage that makes perceptual
such a surface segmentation task increases fMRI signals in decisions).
early visual areas (Schwartz, Maquet, & Frith, 2002). A Visual search can be taken as a special detection task in
further study has shown that the maximal increases occur which a target is camouflaged in an array of similar distract-
in the first couple of weeks of training before the subjects’ ers. Increased neuronal responsiveness in V1 has been
detection performance reaches a plateau (Yotsumoto, reported to be associated with animals’ familiarity with the
Watanabe, & Sasaki, 2008). With prolonged training, the target (Lee, Yang, Romero, & Mumford, 2002). In addition
elevated fMRI signals drop back to the levels before training. to heightened activity in early visual areas, learning to search
This result is opposite to the electrophysiological finding for a simple geometric shape within distractors causes a
that for monkeys extensively trained on contour detection, concomitant decrease in fMRI signals in higher visual areas
the learning-induced neuronal responses in V1 are retained involved in shape processing (Sigman et al., 2005). This
(W. Li et al., 2008). finding suggests that extensive training can shift cortical rep-
Training on detection of an isolated target near contrast resentation of the learned shape from higher to lower visual
threshold can also selectively boost activity in early areas for more efficient and less effortful processing. This
visual cortex. After training human subjects to detect a idea is further supported by the evidence that extensive
near-threshold grating patch, the fMRI signals in V1 training on a perceptual task significantly reduces activity in
are significantly increased for the trained orientation the frontoparietal cortical network for attentional control
(Furmanski, Schluppeck, & Engel, 2004). Enhancement (Pollmann & Maertens, 2005; Sigman et al., 2005; Mukai
of neuronal responsiveness associated with detection et al., 2007).
training has also been demonstrated in higher cortical
areas along the visual processing streams. For instance, Temporal code In addition to the firing rates, changes in
training monkeys to identify natural scene images that are temporal response properties of neurons have also been
degraded by noise specifically enhances V4 neuronal suggested to be related to perceptual learning. In the
responses to those familiar and degraded pictures (Rainer, primary somatosensory cortex, neuronal responses become
Lee, & Logothetis, 2004). In detection of coherent more coherent with training on tactile frequency discrimina-
motion of dynamic random dots, an improvement in tion. This change correlates better with the improved
monkeys’ performance is correlated by enhanced neuronal discrimination ability than does cortical recruitment
responses in areas MT and MST (Zohary, Celebrini, Britten, (Recanzone, Merzenich, & Schreiner, 1992). Likewise, in

li and gilbert: visual cortical plasticity and perceptual learning 135

the primary auditory cortex, neuronal responses become with training exhibit similar task dependency. As mentioned
more phase-locked to the trained and behavior-relevant earlier (figure 8.4), when a naïve monkey is passively exposed
acoustic pulses (Bao, Chang, Woods, & Merzenich, 2004). to the embedded visual contours, no change in V1 responses
In the early visual areas of cats, gamma oscillations— is observed. Most importantly, the same is true when the
an indication of response synchrony between neurons animal attends to the target location but does a task irrele-
(Singer, 1999)—are increased for a behaviorally relevant vant to contour detection, indicating that spatial attention
visual stimulus on which the cats are trained (Salazar, by itself cannot differentiate neuronal responses to contours
Kayser, & Konig, 2004). An enhancement of coherence and of different lengths. The contour-related responses emerge
synchrony in neuronal responses may reflect plastic changes and get strengthened only when the animal starts learning
at synaptic levels. the contour detection task. These findings suggest that top-
down influences are not limited to spatial attention, but
Task-specific top-down influences can convey much more information, including information
about specific perceptual tasks.
Psychophysical studies reveal that perceptual learning usually Task-dependent modification of neuronal responses
does not happen simply by repeated passive exposure to a has been clearly demonstrated by a physiological study
stimulus. For the same visual stimulus, a subject’s per- (W. Li, Piech, & Gilbert, 2004) in which monkeys
formance on discrimination of a stimulus attribute can were trained to perform either a bisection or a vernier dis-
be improved only if the attribute is attended and used in crimination task with an identical set of stimulus patterns
the perceptual task (Shiu & Pashler, 1992; Ahissar & (figure 8.5). Neuronal responses in V1 are strongly modu-
Hochstein, 1993; Saffell & Matthews, 2003). Moreover, lated by the stimulus attribute relevant to the immediate
the improvement does not generalize to discrimination of task, but they are little affected by the other task-irrelevant
the other stimulus attributes of the same stimulus. Task attribute.
specificity of perceptual learning indicates that top-down Taken together, accumulated evidence indicates that V1
influences play an important role in encoding the learned neurons take on novel response properties related to the
information. Changes in neuronal response properties perceptual task over the course of perceptual learning.

Figure 8.5 Task-specific top-down influences on V1 responses. misaligned with the central line to either side (the cartoons at the
(A) Monkeys were trained to do two different discrimination tasks bottom of C). The animal was cued to perform either a bisection
with identical stimulus patterns at the same visual field location. task based on the three side-by-side lines or a vernier task based on
The stimuli consisted of five simultaneously presented lines: an the three end-to-end lines, using the same set of five-line stimuli.
optimally oriented line fixed in the RF center and flanked by four (B) Responses of a V1 cell were examined as a function of the posi-
additional lines surrounding the RF. In different trials, the arrange- tion of the two side flankers s1 and s2 when the animal either per-
ment of the two side flankers (s1, s2) was randomly assigned from formed the bisection task, in which s1 and s2 were task-relevant;
a set of five different configurations (illustrated in the cartoons at or performed the vernier task, in which the same s1 and s2 were
the bottom of B, labeled from −2 to +2). Each configuration differs task-irrelevant. (C) Responses of a V1 cell were examined as a func-
from the others in the separation between the three side-by-side tion of the position of the two end flankers e1 and e2 when the
lines (in condition 0 the three lines were equidistant; in the other animal either performed the vernier task, in which e1 and e2 were
conditions either s1 or s2 was closer to the central line). In the same task-relevant; or performed the bisection task, in which the same
trials, the two end-flankers (e1, e2) were also independently assigned e1 and e2 were task-irrelevant (Adapted from W. Li, Piech, &
a random configuration from a set of predefined arrangements, Gilbert, 2004.) (See color plate 7.)
such that the end flankers were collinear with each other but

136 plasticity
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140 plasticity
9 Characterizing and Modulating
Neuroplasticity of the Adult
Human Brain
alvaro pascual-leone

abstract Neurons are highly specialized structures, are resistant be widely dispersed anatomically but are structurally inter-
to change, but are engaged in distributed networks that do dynami- connected, and that can be functionally integrated to serve
cally change over the lifespan. Changes in functional connectivity,
a specific behavioral role. Such nodes can be conceptualized
for example by shifts in synaptic strength, can be followed by more
stable structural changes. Therefore, the brain is continuously as operators that contribute a given computation indepen-
undergoing plastic remodeling. Plasticity is not an occasional state dent of the input (“metamodal brain”; see Pascual-Leone &
of the nervous system but is the normal ongoing state of the nervous Hamilton, 2001). However, the computations at each node
system throughout the lifespan. It is not possible to understand might also be defined by the inputs themselves. Inputs shift
normal psychological function or the manifestations or conse- depending on the integration of a node in a distributed
quences of disease without invoking the concept of brain plasticity.
The challenge is to understand the mechanisms and consequences neural network, and the layered and reticular structure of
of plasticity in order to modulate them, suppressing some and the cortex with rich reafferent loops provides the substrate
enhancing others, in order to promote adaptive brain changes. for rapid modulation of the engaged network nodes. Depend-
Behavioral, neurostimulation, and targeted neuropharmacological ing on behavioral demands, neuronal assemblies can be
interventions can modulate plasticity and promote desirable out- integrated into different functional networks by shifts in
comes for a given individual.
weighting of connections (functional and effective connectiv-
ity). Indeed, timing of interactions between elements of a
network, beyond integrity of structural connections, might
Human behavior is molded by environmental changes and be a critical binding principle for the functional establish-
pressures, physiological modifications, and experiences. The ment of given network action and behavioral output. Such
brain, as the source of human behavior, must thus have the notions of dedicated, but multifocal, networks, which
capacity to dynamically change in response to shifting affer- can dynamically shift depending on demands for a given
ent inputs and efferent demands. However, individual behavioral output, provide a current resolution to the long-
neurons are highly complex and exquisitely optimized cel- standing dispute between localizationists and equipotential
lular elements, and their capacity for change and modifica- theorists. Function comes to be identified with a certain
tion is necessarily very limited. Fortunately, these stable pattern of activation of specific, spatially distributed, but
cellular elements are engaged into neural networks that interconnected neuronal assemblies in a specific time window
assure functional stability while providing a substrate for and temporal order. In such distributed networks, specific
rapid adaptation to shifting demands. Dynamically chang- nodes may be critical for a given behavioral outcome.
ing neural networks might thus be considered evolution’s Knowledge of such instances is clinically useful to explain
invention to enable the nervous system to escape the restric- findings in patients and localize their lesions, but it provides
tions of its own genome (and its highly specialized cellular an oversimplified conceptualization of brain-behavior rela-
specification) and adapt fluidly and promptly to environ- tions. In the setting of dynamically plastic neural networks,
mental pressures, physiological changes, and experiences. behavior following an insult is never simply the result of the
Therefore, representation of function in the brain may be lesion, but rather the consequence of how the rest of the
best conceptualized by the notion of distributed neural net- brain is capable of sustaining function following a given
works, a series of assemblies of neurons (nodes) that might lesion. Neural plasticity can confer no perceptible change in
the behavioral output of the brain, cannot lead to changes
alvaro pascual-leone Berenson-Allen Center for Noninvasive demonstrated only under special testing conditions, and
Brain Stimulation, Department of Neurology, Beth Israel Deaconess cannot cause behavioral changes that constitute symptoms
Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts of disease. There may be loss of a previously acquired

pascual-leone: neuroplasticity of the adult human brain 141

behavioral capacity, release of behaviors normally sup- SMA and of M1 ipsilateral to the moving hand. Conversely,
pressed in the uninjured brain, takeover of lost function by increasing excitability in the contralateral M1 (by applica-
neighboring systems (albeit perhaps incompletely or by tion of fast rTMS; Valero-Cabre et al., 2007, 2005) is associ-
means of different strategies and computations), or emer- ated with a decrease in activation of rostral SMA.
gence of new behaviors that may prove adaptive or mal- Lee and colleagues (2003), combining TMS and positron
adaptive for the individual. emission tomography (PET), have revealed the shifts in
Therefore, plasticity is not an occasional state of the cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical connectivity under-
nervous system; instead, it is the normal ongoing state of the lying the changes in cortical activation patterns that are
nervous system throughout the life span. A full, coherent associated with sustained behavior in the face of focal corti-
account of any motor, sensory, or cognitive theory has to cal disruption (figure 9.1B). Following repetitive TMS
build into its framework the fact that the nervous system (rTMS), motor performance remained unchanged while
undergoes continuous changes in response to modifications task-dependent increases in regional cerebral blood flow
in its input afferents and output targets. It is not possible to (rCBF) were seen during movement in the directly stimu-
understand normal psychological function or the manifesta- lated M1 and the dorsal premotor cortex. Analyses of
tions or consequences of disease without invoking the concept effective connectivity showed that after rTMS there is a
of brain plasticity. However, plasticity at the neural level remodeling of the motor system, with increased movement-
does not speak to the question of behavioral change and related connectivity from the SMA and premotor cortex to
certainly does not necessarily imply functional recovery or sites in primary sensorimotor cortex.
even functional change. The challenge we face is to learn Thus, in the face of an imposed disruption of focal brain
enough about the mechanisms of plasticity and the mapping activity, performance of a relatively simple task can be
relations between brain activity and behavior to be able to maintained by rapid operational remapping of repre-
guide them, suppressing changes that may lead to undesir- sentations, recruitment of additional brain areas, and task-
able behaviors while accelerating or enhancing those that related changes in cortico-cortical and cortico-muscular
result in a behavioral benefit for the subject or patient. coherence (Chen et al., 2003; Lee et al., 2003; Oliviero,
Strens, Di Lazzaro, Tonali, & Brown, 2003; Strens,
Activity across neural networks changes dynamically Fogelson, Shanahan, Rothwell, & Brown, 2003). However,
to preserve behavior under other circumstances, modulation of activity in
a focal node of a distributed neural network can give rise to
As long as an output pathway to manifest the behavior is changes in behavior in a controlled and specific manner. For
preserved (even if alternate pathways need to be unmasked example, a right parietal lesion can result in spatial neglect
or facilitated), changes in the activity across a distributed (the failure to explore contralesional space), yet remarkably,
neural network may be able to establish new patterns of the neglect symptoms can completely and abruptly disap-
brain activation and sustain function, even in the face of a pear following a second lesion to the left frontal cortex (Vuil-
focal insult. leumier, Hester, Assal, & Regli, 1996) (figure 9.2A). Such a
This dynamic changing capacity of neural networks is paradoxical effect of a brain lesion (Kapur, 1996), resulting
illustrated by the following experiment (Pascual-Leone, in a behavioral improvement, is consistent with animal
Amedi, Fregni, & Merabet, 2005). Normal subjects were studies by Sprague (Sprague, 1966) and later Payne and
asked to open and close their fist deliberately at a self-paced Lomber (Payne, Lomber, Geeraerts, van der Gucht, & Van-
rhythm of approximately one movement every second while denbussche, 1996). Given reciprocal interhemispheric inhi-
lying in an fMRI scanner. As compared with rest, during bition and the proposed link to attentional performance,
movement there was a significant activation of the primary suppression of one parietal cortex may lead to contralateral
motor cortex (M1) contralateral to the moving hand and of neglect, but at the same time, the disinhibition of structures
the rostral supplementary motor cortex (SMA) (figure 9.1A). involved in interhemispheric competition might lead to a
If motor cortex activity is modified by repetitive transcranial functional release in the opposite hemisphere, which could
magnetic stimulation (TMS), the pattern of brain activation result in a measurable ipsilateral behavioral enhancement.
changes while behavioral integrity is maintained (figure Indeed, Hilgetag, Theoret, and Pascual-Leone (2001) pro-
9.1A). Slow, repetitive TMS (rTMS) suppresses activity in vided experimental support for such notions. Normal sub-
the targeted cortical area (Valero-Cabre, Payne, & Pascual- jects had to detect small rectangular stimuli briefly presented
Leone, 2007; Valero-Cabre, Payne, Rushmore, Lomber, & on a computer monitor either unilaterally in the left or right
Pascual-Leone, 2005). After slow rTMS has been applied to periphery, or bilaterally in both. Spatial detection perfor-
the contralateral M1, the subjects are able to sustain behav- mance was tested before and immediately after a 10-minute,
ior, but they reveal an increased activation of the rostral 1-Hz rTMS train to (a) right parietal cortex; (b) left parietal

142 plasticity
Figure 9.1 (A) Brain activation in fMRI while subjects performed (20 Hz, 90% of motor threshold intensity, 1,600 stimuli; bottom row)
the same rhythmic hand movement (under careful kinematic results in a decrease in activation of rostral SMA. (See color plate
control) before and after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimula- 8.) (B) Areas of the brain showing differential movement-related
tion (rTMS) of the contralateral motor cortex. Following sham responses and coupling after rTMS. Circle, square, and triangle
rTMS (top row) there is no change in the significant activation of symbols indicate sites in primary motor cortex (open symbols) that
the motor cortex (M1) contralateral to the moving hand and of the are more strongly coupled to activity in sensorimotor cortex (SM1),
rostral supplementary motor cortex (SMA). After M1 activity is dorsal premotor cortex (PMd), and supplementary motor cortex
suppressed using 1-Hz rTMS (1,600 stimuli, 90% of motor thresh- (SMA) during a finger movement task after rTMS. X marks the site
old intensity; middle row), there is an increased activation of the of stimulation with 1-Hz rTMS. (B) modified from Lee and col-
rostral SMA and of M1 ipsilateral to the moving hand. Increasing leagues (2003).
excitability in the contralateral M1 using high-frequency rTMS

cortex; (c) right primary motor cortex; and (d) sham stimula- not correct, for it implies, for example, that a lesion to the
tion. Hilgetag and colleagues observed a clear extinction brain will always lead to a loss rather than enhancement of
phenomenon for stimuli presented contralaterally to the function. In fact, we have seen that this view is challenged
stimulated hemisphere (right or left parietal cortex). However, by the conceptualization of the brain as endowed with
the deficit was accompanied by increased detection for dynamic plasticity.
unilateral stimuli presented on the side of the stimulated However, the scope of possible dynamic changes across a
hemisphere compared to baseline (figure 9.2B). None of given neural network is defined by existing connections.
the control stimulation sites had any effect on the detection Genetically controlled aspects of brain development define
performance. These insights can be translated to parietal- neuronal elements and initial patterns of connectivity. Given
damaged patients with neglect, in whom rTMS to the such initial, genetically determined, individually different
undamaged (frequently left) hemisphere can alleviate brain substrates, the same events will result in diverse con-
hemi-inattention symptoms (Brighina et al., 2003; Oliveri sequences as plastic brain mechanisms act upon individually
et al., 1999). distinct neural substrates. Similarly, within each individual,
Therefore, activity in neural networks is dynamically differences across neural networks (e.g., visual system, audi-
modulated, and this fact can be illustrated by the neuro- tory system, or language system) will also condition the range
physiological adaptations to focal brain disruptions or lesions. of plastic modification (Bavelier & Neville, 2002; Neville &
Behavioral outcome, however, does not map in a fixed Bavelier, 2002). Plastic changes across brain systems vary as
manner to changes in activity in distributed networks. Thus a function of differences in patterns of existing connections
changes in network activity can give rise to no behavioral and in molecular and genetically controlled factors across
change, behavioral improvements, or losses. The frequently brain systems that define the range, magnitude, stability, and
held notion that the brain optimizes behavior is therefore chronometry of plasticity.

pascual-leone: neuroplasticity of the adult human brain 143

Figure 9.2 (A) Findings of neglect in house-drawing and line- guided by the subject’s own anatomical MRI using a frameless
cancellation tasks (left panel) due to a right parietal stroke (open arrow). stereotaxic system (top right). There was a decrease in contralateral
The signs of neglect acutely resolved (right panel) as a consequence performance (neglect) but an even greater increase in performance
of a second stroke in the left, frontal cortex (filled arrow). (Modified ipsilateral to the parietal rTMS location (bottom). This summed
from Vuilleumier, Hester, Assal, & Regli, [1996].) (B) Impact of up to a significant decrease in bilateral stimuli, where subjects
image-guided rTMS to the right parietal cortex on a visual stimulus neglected the contralateral stimulus and responded as if only the
detection task. During the task subjects were presented with care- ipsilateral one had been presented (extinction of double simultane-
fully titrated visual stimuli on the right, left, or bilateral side of a ous stimulation). (B modified from Hilgetag, Theoret, & Pascual-
computer monitor (top left) and had to respond by pressing the Leone, [2001]). (See color plate 9.)
appropriate response button (right, left, or both). TMS was applied

Dynamic network changes can be followed by more metronome gave a tempo of 60 beats per minute for which
stable plastic changes the subjects were asked to aim, as they performed the exer-
cise under auditory feedback. Subjects were studied on five
Rapid, ongoing changes in neural networks in response to consecutive days, and each day they had a two-hour practice
environmental influences (for example, by dynamic shifts in session followed by a test. The test consisted of the execution
the strength of preexisting connections across distributed of 20 repetitions of the five-finger exercise. The number of
neural networks, changes in task-related cortico-cortical sequence errors decreased, and the duration, accuracy, and
and cortico-subcortical coherence, or modifications of the variability of the intervals between key pushes (as marked by
mapping between behavior and neural activity) may be the metronome beats) improved significantly over the course
followed by the establishment of new connections through of the five days. Before the first practice session on the first
dendritic growth and arborization resulting in structural day of the experiment and daily thereafter, we used TMS to
changes and establishment of new pathways. map the motor cortical areas targeting long finger flexor and
These two steps of plasticity are illustrated by the follow- extensor muscles bilaterally. As the subjects’ performance
ing experiment (Pascual-Leone et al., 1995). Normal subjects improved, the threshold for TMS activation of the finger
were taught to perform with one hand a five-finger exercise flexor and extensor muscles decreased steadily. Even consid-
on a piano keyboard connected to a computer through a ering this change in threshold, the size of the cortical repre-
musical interface. They were instructed to perform the sentation for both muscle groups increased significantly
sequence of finger movements fluently, without pauses, and (figure 9.3A, Week 1). Remarkably, this increase in size of
without skipping any keys, while paying particular attention the cortical output maps could be demonstrated only when
to keeping the interval between the individual key presses the cortical mapping studies were conducted shortly after
constant and the duration of each key press the same. A the practice session, but no longer the next day, after a night

144 plasticity
Figure 9.3 (A) Cortical output maps for the finger flexors during exercise (black bars) in control subjects and subjects with a val-
acquisition of a five-finger movement exercise on a piano. There 66met polymorphism for BDNF (left side). Following exercise,
are marked changes of the output maps for finger flexors of the control subjects had significantly larger representations than at
trained hand over the five weeks of daily practice (Monday to baseline, whereas subjects with a Met allele did not show a signifi-
Friday). Note that there are two distinct processes in action, one cant change. This difference is further illustrated by the representa-
accounting for the rapid modulation of the maps from Mondays to tive motor maps from control and Val-Met polymorphism subjects
Fridays and the other responsible for the slow and more discrete superimposed onto a composite brain MRI image of the cortex
changes in Monday maps over time. (Modified from Pascual- (right side). Sites from which TMS evoked criterium responses in the
Leone, 1996; Pascual-Leone et al., 1995.) (B) Histogram displaying target muscle are marked in green; negative sites are marked in
the size of the cortical output maps before (gray bars) and after red. (Modified from Kleim et al., 2006.) (See color plate 10.)

of sleep and before the next day’s practice session. Interest- (before the first practice session of that week in Group 1) and
ingly, even such initial steps of experience- and practice- on Fridays (after the last practice session for the week in
related plasticity seem critically regulated by genetic factors. Group 1). In the group that continued practicing (Group 1),
Kleim and colleagues (2006) used TMS to map cortical the cortical output maps obtained on Fridays showed an
motor output and show that training-dependent changes in initial peak and eventually a slow decrease in size despite
motor-evoked potentials and motor map organization are continued performance improvement. However, the maps
reduced in subjects with a val66met polymorphism in the obtained on Mondays, before the practice session and fol-
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene, as com- lowing the weekend rest, showed a small change from base-
pared to subjects without the polymorphism (figure 9.3B). line with a tendency to increase in size over the course of
Once a near-perfect level of performance was reached at the study. In Group 2, the maps returned to baseline after
the end of a week of daily practice, subjects continued daily the first week of follow-up and remained stable thereafter.
practice of the same piano exercise during the following four This experiment illustrates two distinct phases of
weeks (Group 1) or stopped practicing (Group 2) (Pascual- modulation of motor output maps. The rapid time course in
Leone, 1996). During the four weeks of follow-up (figure the initial modulation of the motor outputs, by which a
9.3A, Weeks 2–5), cortical output maps for finger flexor and certain region of motor cortex can reversibly increase its
extensor muscles were obtained in all subjects on Mondays influence on a motoneuron pool, is most compatible with

pascual-leone: neuroplasticity of the adult human brain 145

the unmasking of previously existing connections. Support-
ing this notion, the initial changes are quite transient:
demonstrable after practice, but returning to baseline after
a weekend rest. As the task becomes overlearned over the
course of five weeks, the pattern of cortical activation for
optimal task performance changes as other neural structures
take a more leading role in task performance. Flexible, short-
term modulation of existing pathways represents a first and
necessary step leading up to longer-term structural changes
in the intracortical and subcortical networks as skills become
overlearned and automatic. A growing number of neuro-
imaging studies have suggested a similar two-step process
(Grafton et al., 1992; Jenkins, Brooks, Nixon, Frackowiak,
& Passingham, 1994; Karni et al., 1995, 1998; Seitz, Roland,
Bohm, Greitz, & Stone, 1990), and animal studies support
the notion of different processes involved, over time, in early
acquisition and later consolidation of skill learning (Kleim
et al., 2004).

Two complementary mechanisms control plasticity Figure 9.4 A schematic diagram of the conceptualization
of plasticity as the balance of plasticity-enhancing and plasticity-
limiting mechanisms, which are dependent on different
As indicated in the preceding section, dynamic network
changes can lead to more stable plastic changes, which
involve synaptic plasticity as well as dendritic arborization
and network remodeling. Such changes might be conceptu- that enhance current flow through the receptors. In parallel,
alized as the result of a balance between two complimentary signaling from adhesion receptors, particularly integrins,
mechanisms—one promoting and the other limiting plastic- and modulatory receptors, particularly BDNF, induces the
ity (figure 9.4). Both these mechanisms are critical in assur- rapid polymerization of actin and the formation of a new
ing that appropriate synapses are formed and unnecessary cytoskeleton. This polymerization of actin filaments consoli-
synapses are pruned in order to optimize functional systems dates the new dendritic spine morphology and thus the LTP.
necessary for cognition and behavior. Though the molecular Despite the complexity of such a process and the numerous
mechanisms that contribute to plasticity are numerous molecules involved, BDNF appears to be the most potent
and complex, the plasticity-promoting mechanism appears enhancer of plasticity discovered thus far, playing a critical
to be critically dependent on the neurotrophin BDNF role in LTP consolidation across multiple brain regions.
(brain-derived neurotrophic factor) (Lu, 2003), while genes BDNF has been shown to facilitate LTP in the visual cortex
within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Class I (Akaneya, Tsumoto, Kinoshita, & Hatanaka, 1997) and the
appear to be involved in the plasticity-limiting mechanism hippocampus (Korte et al., 1995). At CA1 synapses, a weak
(Boulanger, Huh, & Shatz, 2001; Huh et al., 2000). tetanic stimulation, which in and of itself would only induce
At the synaptic level, mechanisms of long-term potentia- short-term potentiation of low magnitude, leads to strong
tion (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) involve a series LTP when paired with BDNF (Figurov, Pozzo-Miller, Olafs-
of induction and consolidation steps that are dependent on son, Wang, & Lu, 1996). During motor training, BDNF
various structural changes and can be modified, increased, levels are elevated within motor cortex (Klintsova, Dickson,
or suppressed by distinct modulatory influences (Lynch, Yoshida, & Greenough, 2004), and human subjects who
Rex, & Gall, 2007). LTP is initiated by the influx of calcium have a single nucleotide polymorphism in the BDNF gene
through glutamate receptors in the postsynaptic density. (val66met) show reduced experience-dependent plasticity
Calcium-activated kinases and proteinases disassemble the of the motor cortex following a voluntary motor task (Kleim
cytoskeleton, made up of actin filaments cross-linked by et al., 2006).
spectrin and other proteins, that normally maintains the In contrast, adenosine (Arai, Kessler, & Lynch, 1990) and
shape of the dendritic spines. Thus the spine becomes ligands for integrins (Staubli, Vanderklish, & Lynch, 1990)
rounder and shorter, effectively enlarging the surface of the block LTP when applied immediately after theta burst stim-
postsynaptic density, which can then accept a greater number ulation because of the disruption of actin polymerization and
of glutamate receptors and provide better access to proteins LTP consolidation. Along these lines, a blind screen for

146 plasticity
genes involved in normal developmental activity-dependent the auditory system induced by abnormal cochlear input
remodeling of neuronal connectivity revealed a region of (Bartels, Staal, & Albers, 2007). Schizophrenia, depression,
DNA better known for its role in immune functioning, posttraumatic stress disorder, and attention-deficit/
namely Class I major histocompatibility complex (Class hyperactivity disorder are all conditions that may, in part,
I MHC) (Corriveau, Huh, & Shatz, 1998). More recent represent disorders of brain plasticity (Frost et al., 2004;
studies suggest that MHC Class I genes are an integral part Hayley, Poulter, Merali, & Anisman, 2005; Rapoport &
of an experience-dependent plasticity-limiting pathway Gogtay, 2008). Drug addiction and perhaps addictive
(Syken, Grandpre, Kanold, & Shatz, 2006). Such negative behaviors in general are argued to represent examples of
modulators of synaptic plasticity are needed. Establishing pathology as the consequence of plasticity (Kalivas &
and strengthening new synapses is an important part of O’Brien, 2008; Kauer & Malenka, 2007). Alzheimer’s
developmental plasticity, but this has to be coupled with disease appears to be linked to abnormal synaptic plasticity
normal regressive events including activity-dependent syn- that may in fact constitute a crucial initial step in the patho-
aptic weakening and elimination of inappropriate connec- genesis of the disease (Selkoe, 2008). Autism may be another
tions. Without these regressive events, superfluous synapses example of plasticity-mediated pathology: genetic factors
may persist and may impair normal neural development. may lead to a predisposition such that developmentally
Therefore, different modulators, including BDNF on the mediated plasticity (possibly in itself controlled by abnormal
one side and adenosine or MHC Class I genes on the other, regulators) results in pathological complex behaviors affect-
serve complimentary functions that lead to the development ing social interactions, language acquisition, or sensory pro-
and rapid modulation of functional circuits across the whole cessing (Morrow et al., 2008).
brain. Such dynamic systems do harbor potential dangers, Therefore, human behavior and the manifestations of
and disruption of these pathways or their relative balance human disease are ultimately heavily defined by brain plas-
may lead to severe pathological states. However, these oppos- ticity. An initial, genetically determined neural substrate is
ing pathways offer the opportunity for interventions and thus modified during development and environmental interac-
for guiding plasticity for the benefit of individual subjects. tions by plasticity. The processes of neural plasticity them-
selves can be normal, but may act upon an abnormal nervous
Plasticity as the cause of disease system as a consequence of genetic or specific environmental
factors. Alternatively, the mechanisms of plasticity them-
Focal hand dystonia (Quartarone, Siebner, & Rothwell, selves may be abnormal, potentially compounding the
2006) may be a good example of pathological consequences consequences of an abnormal substrate on the basis of a
of plasticity that can be promoted by suitable genetic predis- genetically determined “starting point” or environmental
positions, such as DYT-1 or others. Importantly, though, the insult. In any case, interventions to guide behavior or treat
mere induction of certain plastic changes is not sufficient to pathological symptomatology might be more immediate in
lead to disability. Similar plastic changes can be documented their behavioral repercussions and thus more effective if
in patients with focal dystonia and proficient musicians aimed at modulating plasticity than if intent on addressing
(Quartarone et al., 2006; Rosenkranz, Williamon, & Roth- underlying genetic predispositions.
well, 2007). Furthermore, musicians can develop focal hand Fragile X syndrome provides a suitable illustration for
dystonia (Chamagne, 2003), and the underlying pathophysi- such notions (Bear, Dolen, Osterweil, & Nagarajan, 2008;
ology appears to be slightly different than in other forms of O’Donnell & Warren, 2002; Penagarikano, Mulle, &
dystonia, such as writer’s cramp (Rosenkranz et al., 2008). Warren, 2007). The genetic mutation responsible for fragile
Perhaps “faulty” practice or excessive demand in the pres- X syndrome, FMR1, leads to the absence of the en-
ence of certain predisposing factors may result in unwanted coded protein FMRP, which appears to play an important
cortical rearrangement and lead to disease. It seems clear, role in synaptic plasticity by regulating metabotropic-
though, that plastic changes in the brain do not speak to glutamate-receptor-dependent LTD. Thus in the absence
behavioral impact. Similar changes can be associated with of FMRP there is excessive experience-dependent LTD.
behavioral advantages (as in the professional musicians) Mouse models of fragile X syndrome have also demon-
or neurological disability (as in the case of focal dystonia), strated impairments in LTP, possibly as a result of immature
presumably on the basis of modulatory influences from development of dendritic spines. However, the application
distributed neural activity. of BDNF to slices from FMR1 knockout mice fully restores
Chronic, neuropathic pain syndromes have also been LTP to normal levels (Lauterborn et al., 2007), and thus it
argued to represent “pathological” consequences of plastic- might be possible to normalize cognitive function and behav-
ity (Flor, 2008; Fregni, Pascual-Leone, & Freedman, 2007; ior in patients with fragile X by pharmacologically “normal-
Zhuo, 2008). Tinnitus may be the result of plasticity in izing” the affected mechanisms of plasticity.

pascual-leone: neuroplasticity of the adult human brain 147

Plasticity as an opportunity for intervention attempt to control perilesional activity, reduce oxygen and
glucose demands in the penumbra of the stroke, and thus
The plastic nature of the brain provides, following injury, limit the extension of the lesion. However, after an acute
a risk of maladaptive change and perpetuation of deficits, phase, and once the injury is stable, input to the perilesional
but also an opportunity for intervention and overcoming area would seem to be best as excitatory in nature to
of symptoms. Following brain injury, behavior (regardless maximize the capability of the preserved neurons in the
of whether normal or manifesting injury-related deficits) injured tissue to drive behavioral output. If so, following
remains the consequence of the functioning of the entire the acute phase, we might expect a shift of interhemis-
brain, and thus the consequence of a plastic nervous system. pheric (and many intrahemispheric) interactions from
Ultimately, symptoms are not the manifestation of the inhibitory to excitatory. Should such a shift fail to take
injured brain region, but rather the expression of plastic place, the resulting functional outcome may be undesirable,
changes in the rest of the brain. Following an insult, cortico- with limited behavioral restoration, in part owing to per-
cortical and cortico-subcortico-cortical interactions will shift sistent inhibitory inputs from the intact to the damaged
weights across the involved neural network, aiming to adapt hemisphere. In fact, some neuroimaging studies demon-
to the functional disruption and establish a suitable brain strate that long-term, persistent activation of the ipsilateral
activation map for a desired behavioral result. Different cortex during motor tasks is associated with poor motor
mechanisms, which may proceed partly in parallel but outcomes, whereas a good motor recovery is associated
which have variable time frames, are likely involved. with a decrease in activity in the unaffected area and
Initial plastic changes aim to minimize damage. Dysfunc- an increase in the affected primary sensorimotor cortex
tional, but not damaged, neuronal elements may recover activity (Fregni & Pascual-Leone, 2006; Rossini et al.,
from the postinjury shock and penumbra processes. Partially 2007; Ward & Cohen, 2004). If so, neuromodulatory
damaged neural elements may be able to be repaired rela- approaches targeting the intact hemisphere may be useful to
tively quickly after the insult as well, thus contributing to limit injury and promote recovery after a stroke. For instance,
early functional improvement. Subsequent processes, once suppression of the ipsilateral motor cortex through slow
the final damage has been established, involve relearning rTMS may enhance motor performance in patients stable
(rather than recovery) and may, as we have discussed, follow following the acute phase of a stroke (figure 9.5). In patients
a two-step process: initial unmasking and strengthening 1–2 months after a stroke, Mansur and colleagues (2005)
of existing neural pathways, and eventually the establish- applied 0.5 Hz rTMS for 10 min to the unaffected hemi-
ment of new structural changes. At all these stages of sphere to suppress cortical activity and thus release the
plastic adaptation, neurostimulation and targeted neuro- damaged hemisphere from potentially excessive transcallo-
pharmacological interventions may be able to guide the sal inhibition. The results of this study support the notion
neural processes and promote adaptive, desirable outcomes that the overactivity of the unaffected hemisphere (ipsilateral
for a given individual. hemisphere) may hinder hand-function recovery, and neu-
Consider, for example, the recovery of hand motor romodulation can be an interventional tool to accelerate this
function following a stroke (Alonso-Alonso, Fregni, & recovery. However, Werhahn, Conforto, Kadom, Hallett,
Pascual-Leone, 2007; Cramer & Riley, 2008; Di Filippo et and Cohen (2003) conducted a similar study to evaluate the
al., 2008; Nudo, 2006). After stroke, there is an increase in modulation effects of 1 Hz rTMS of the unaffected hemi-
the excitability of the unaffected hemisphere, presumably sphere on the paretic hand and found different results. In
owing to reduced transcallosal inhibition from the damaged that study, 1 Hz rTMS of the unaffected hemisphere did not
hemisphere and increased use of the intact hemisphere. affect the finger tapping in the paretic hand in a small sample
For example, in patients with acute cortical stroke, intracor- of five patients more than one year after a stroke. The time
tical inhibition is decreased and intracortical facilitation since the brain insult is likely to be a critical variable to
increased in the unaffected hemisphere (Liepert, Storch, consider.
Fritsch, & Weiller, 2000). Furthermore, the interhemispheric Of course, the alternative neuromodulatory approach,
inhibitory drive from the unaffected to the affected motor directly aimed at enhancing excitability of the damaged
cortex in the process of voluntary movement generation is hemisphere perilesionally, can also be entertained. Khedr,
abnormal (Murase, Duque, Mazzocchio, & Cohen, 2004), Ahmed, Fathy, and Rothwell (2005) have reported extremely
and this imbalance of excitability between the hemispheres encouraging results along these lines. Similar principles of
is inversely correlated with the time since the stroke (Shimizu neuromodulation can be applied to the recovery of nonmo-
et al., 2002). tor strokes and other focal brain lesions as illustrated by
Acutely after a stroke, increased inhibitory input from studies on the effects of cortical stimulation on neglect dis-
the undamaged to the damaged hemisphere makes concep- cussed earlier (Brighina et al., 2003; Hilgetag et al., 2001;
tual sense if one considers it a manifestation of a neural Oliveri et al., 1999) or the experience with aphasia (Martin

148 plasticity
Figure 9.5 (A) Histogram illustrates the significant improvement patients with acute ischemic strokes undergoing 10 days of daily
in performance of the Purdue Pegboard task in stroke patients (on sessions of real or sham, fast rTMS over the affected motor cortex.
average 12 months after the stroke) following real (but not sham) Disability scales (Barthel Index and NIH Stroke Scale) measured
slow-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) before rTMS, at the end of the last rTMS session, and 10 days later
to the unaffected hemisphere to decrease interhemispheric inhibi- show that real rTMS (filled symbols) improved patients’ scores sig-
tion of the lesioned hemisphere and improve motor function. nificantly more than sham (open symbols). (Modified from Khedr,
(Modified from Mansur et al., 2005.) (B) Serial assessments in Ahmed, Fathy, & Rothwell, 2005.)

et al., 2004; Naeser et al., 2005). However, challenges for ipsilateral or enhances excitability in the M1 contralateral
such approaches remain, as our understanding of the various to a training hand might result in varying degrees of
issues involved and how to optimize and individualize the improvement in motor function in healthy humans.
neuromodulatory interventions is still rather sketchy. In any Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
case, neuromodulatory approaches based on brain stimula- applied over M1 to increase its excitability before or during
tion techniques are certainly not the only potential avenues practice can lead to improvements in implicit motor learning
to guide plasticity with therapeutic intent. Behavioral inter- as measured with the serial reaction time task (Nitsche et al.,
ventions, including technology-supported approaches, such 2003), performance of a visuomotor coordination task (Antal
as robotic or computerized task training, as well as pharma- et al., 2004) and a sequential finger movement task (Vines,
cological methods, might be equally effective. Nair, & Schlaug, 2006), and performance of the Jebsen
A most intriguing question to consider is the possibility Taylor Hand function test (JTT) (Boggio et al., 2006). Simi-
of similarly modulating plasticity in the attempt to promote larly, the application of 1-Hz rTMS to suppress excitability
functional gains in normal subjects (Canli et al., 2007; de of M1 ipsilateral to a training hand results in improvements
Jongh, Bolt, Schermer, & Olivier, 2008; Farah et al., 2004; in motor sequence learning (Kobayashi, Hutchinson,
Lanni et al., 2008). Might it, for example, be possible to Théoret, Schlaug, & Pascual-Leone, 2004). However such
promote skill acquisition or verbal or nonverbal learning effects might be task and condition specific. For example,
by enhancing certain plastic processes and suppressing learning of a more complex finger tracking task was not
others? This type of question raises important ethical issues, modified by the same 1 Hz rTMS to suppress excitability of
but also offers the potential for interventions that might be M1 ipsilateral to a training hand (Carey, Fregni, & Pascual-
applicable in educational settings and translationally to Leone, 2006), and the beneficial effects of anodal tDCS to
patients. For example, consistent with the findings in the contralateral hand in the JTT were limited to the non-
recovery of hand motor function after a stroke, noninvasive dominant hand in young healthy adults and the elderly
cortical stimulation that suppresses excitability in the M1 (Boggio et al., 2006).

pascual-leone: neuroplasticity of the adult human brain 149

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152 plasticity
10 Exercising Your Brain:
Training-Related Brain Plasticity
daphne bavelier, c. shawn green, and matthew w. g. dye

abstract Learning and brain plasticity are fundamental The second obstacle is that while brain plasticity is typi-
properties of the nervous system, and they hold considerable cally adaptive and beneficial, it can also be maladaptive,
promise when it comes to learning a second language faster, dramatically so at times, as when expert string musicians
maintaining our perceptual and cognitive skills as we age, or
recovering lost functions after brain injury. Learning is critically
suffer from dystonia or motor weaknesses in their fingers as
dependent on experience and the environment that the learner a result of extensive practice with their instruments.
has to face. A central question then concerns the types of experi- Finally, and subsumed in the first two obstacles, is the
ence that favor learning and brain plasticity. Existing research fact that we are still missing the recipe for successful brain
identifies three main challenges in the field. First, not all improve- plasticity intervention at the practical level. Our current
ments in performance are durable enough to be relevant. Second,
understanding of the causal relationship between one type
the conditions that optimize learning during the acquisition
phase are not necessarily those that optimize retention. Third, of training experience and the functional changes it induces
learning is typically highly specific, showing little transfer from the through brain plasticity is still very much incomplete.
trained task to even closely related tasks. Against these limiting However, progress is being made in each of these areas.
factors, the emergence of complex learning environments provides In particular, research in recent years has revealed the
promising new avenues when it comes to optimizing learning in
potential benefits of what are sometimes termed complex
real-world settings.
learning environments. These appear to promote behavior-
ally beneficial plastic changes at a more general level than
previously seen. This chapter provides an overview of these
The ability to learn is fundamentally important to the sur-
recent advances.
vival of all animals. Brain plasticity, together with the learn-
ing it enables, therefore embodies a pivotal evolutionary
force. The human species appears remarkable in this respect, Specificity of learning
as more than a century of research has demonstrated that
In the field of learning, transfer of learning from the trained
humans possess the ability to acquire virtually any skill given
task to even other very similar tasks is generally the exception
appropriate training. Yet, while the exceptional capacity of
rather than the rule. This fact is well documented in the field
humans to learn should certainly reassure those seeking to
“perceptual learning” literature. For instance, Fiorentini and
design educational or rehabilitative training programs, there
Berardi (1980) trained subjects to discriminate between two
are still several key obstacles that need to be overcome before
complex gratings that differed only in the relative spatial
these programs can reach their full potential.
phase of the two component sinusoids (figure 10.1A). Perfor-
The first is that brain plasticity is typically highly specific.
mance on this task improved very rapidly over the course of
While individuals trained on a task will improve on that very
a single training session and remained consistently high when
task, other tasks, even closely related ones, often show little
subjects were tested on two subsequent days. However, when
or no improvement. Obviously, this obstacle potentially
the gratings were rotated by 90 degrees or the spatial fre-
limits the benefits of learning-based interventions, be they
quency was doubled, no evidence of transfer was observed
educational or clinical. After all, it is of little use to improve
(figure 10.1B). Specificity has also been demonstrated in the
the performance of a stroke patient on a visual motion task
discrimination of oriented texture objects, where learning is
in the laboratory if this same training will not allow her to
specific to the location and orientation of the trained stimuli
effectively see moving cars as she tries to safely cross the
(Karni & Sagi, 1991), in the discrimination of dot motion
direction, where the learning is specific to the direction and
speed of the trained stimuli (Ball & Sekuler, 1982; Saffell &
daphne bavelier and matthew w. g. dye Department of Matthews, 2003), and in some types of hyperacuity tasks,
Brain and Cognitive Sciences, University of Rochester, Rochester,
New York
where in addition to being specific for location and orienta-
c. shawn green Department of Psychology, University of tion, learning can even be specific for the trained eye (Fahle,
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 2004).

bavelier, green, and dye: training-related brain plasticity 153

specific learning. Furmanski and Engel (2000) trained sub-
jects to name backward masked images of common objects
over 5 days. Recognition thresholds decreased by up to 20%;
however, little transfer was seen when a new set of objects
was used. Thus learning did not proceed through general
enhancement of vision or by learning the visual context in
which the objects were presented but rather at an object-
specific level.
Specificity of learning is not just a feature of training-
induced brain plasticity. Plasticity as a result of altered expe-
rience, even early in life, also leads to surprisingly specific
functional changes. For example, individuals born deaf do
not exhibit a general enhancement of vision; they exhibit
comparable performance to hearing individuals on a range
of visual psychophysical thresholds, be it for brightness
discrimination, visual flicker, different aspects of contrast
sensitivity, or direction and velocity of motion (Bosworth &
Dobkins, 2002; Brozinsky & Bavelier, 2004; Finney &
Dobkins, 2001). Instead, enhanced performance has been
Figure 10.1 (A) Schematic illustration of the stimulus gratings to
be discriminated in Fiorentini and Berardi (1980). (B) Subjects’
reported only under specific conditions, such as processing
performance on the vertical gratings improved steadily as training of the visual periphery or motion processing, and mainly
proceeded. Yet, when the gratings were abruptly rotated by 90 under conditions of attention. A review of the literature
degrees halfway through the session, performance dropped back to indicates that the changes documented after early deafness
pretraining levels, illustrating the high specificity of the learning. are best captured in terms of a change in the spatial distribu-
tion of visual spatial attention, whereby deaf individuals
Similar examples of specificity can also be found in the exhibit enhanced peripheral attention compared to hearing
motor domain (Bachman, 1961; Rieser, Pick, Ashmead, & individuals, with little to no changes in other aspects of vision
Garing, 1995). For example, participants trained to aim at or visuospatial attention (Bavelier, Dye, & Hauser, 2006).
a target with their aiming hand visible demonstrate increases
in the speed and accuracy of their aiming movements. Enhanced performance through practice:
However, these improvements do not transfer to conditions Is it always learning?
in which the aiming hand is not visible (Proteau, 1992). In
prism adaptation studies, subjects wear goggles that displace Establishing the presence of experience-dependent learning
the visual world laterally, thus requiring a recalibration of effects is not always straightforward. At least two main classes
the motor system to bring it back in alignment with the of effects may masquerade as experience-dependent learn-
nondisplaced real world. In this literature there is evidence ing effects—transient effects and effects caused by hidden or
for learning that is specific to the trained limb (Martin, unmeasured variables.
Goodkin, Bastian, & Thach, 1996), to the start and end Many types of transient effects may indeed be causally
position of the learned movement, and to the action related to the training intervention; however, they are
performed (Redding, Rossetti, & Wallace, 2005; Redding & not considered true learning effects because they last for
Wallace, 2006). only a few minutes following the cessation of training. An
Specificity of learning is also a feature of more cognitive excellent example is the so-called Mozart effect, wherein
learning. For instance, Pashler and Baylis (1991) trained listening to only 10 minutes of a Mozart sonata was reported
subjects to associate one of three keys with visually presented to lead to significant performance increases on the Stanford
symbols (left key = P or 2, middle key = V or 8, right key = Binet IQ spatial-reasoning task (Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky,
K or 7). Over the course of multiple training blocks, partici- 1993). Unfortunately, in addition to proving difficult to rep-
pant reaction time decreased significantly. However, when licate consistently (Fudin & Lembessis, 2004; McCutcheon,
new symbols were added that needed to be mapped to the 2000; Rauscher et al., 1997; Steele, Brown, & Stoecker,
same keys in addition to the learned symbols (left key = P, 1999), the validity of this enhancement as a true learning
2, F, 9; middle key = V, 8, D, 3; right key = K, 7, J, 4), no effect has been questioned, as any positive effects last
evidence of transfer was evident. In fact, reaction times to only a few minutes. The source of the effect has instead
the previously learned symbols increased to pretraining been attributed to short-term arousal or mood changes, as
levels. Similarly, studies of object recognition point to highly several studies have indicated that the type of music further

154 plasticity
indeed be fleeting rather than constituting true learned
aggression effects (Carnagey & Anderson, 2005; Carnagey,
Anderson, & Bushman, 2007).
The second class of effects that may masquerade as expe-
rience-dependent learning consists of effects caused by
hidden or unmeasured variables that are unrelated to the
experience of interest. While these effects may represent
learning, they do not represent experience-dependent learn-
ing. For instance, it is well documented that individuals who
have an active interest taken in their performance tend to
improve more than individuals who have no such interest
taken—an effect often dubbed the Hawthorne effect (Lied
& Karzandjian, 1998). This effect can lead to powerful
improvements in performance that have little to do with the
Figure 10.2 Participants’ performance on the letter-number
specific cognitive training regimen being studied, but instead
sequencing test (a measure of working memory skills) and the reflect social and motivational factors that influence perfor-
paper folding and cutting test (a measure of visuospatial construc- mance. In the same vein, the mere presence of mental or
tive skills). Participants were tested shortly after listening to either physical stimulation may lead to performance changes in
an up-tempo sonata of Mozart in a major key, which conveyed groups that are chronically understimulated (as may be the
a mood of happiness, or a slow-tempo adagio of Albinoni in
case with the institutionalized elderly), which again would
a minor key, which conveyed a mood of sadness. Participants
performed better on both tests after listening to the Mozart not be considered experience-dependent learning as it is not
piece compared to the Albinoni piece. This work illustrates that dependent on the type of experience.
the “Mozart effect” has little to do with learning per se. Rather, A related issue arises when researchers attempt to infer the
music listening seems to affect performance for better or for presence of experience-dependent learning by examining
worse on a wide variety of tests by changing arousal and mood just
behavioral differences in groups that perform various activi-
before testing. Asterisks denote statistical significance. (Adapted
from Schellenberg, Nakata, Hunter, & Tomato, 2007, figure 2; ties as part of their everyday lives (for instance, athletes, musi-
Thompson, Schellenberg, & Husain, 2001, figure 1.) cians, or video game players). The obvious concern here is
population bias—in other words, inherent differences in abil-
influences performance. For example, pop music such as ities may lead to the differences in the activities experienced,
“Country House” by Blur led to a greater spatial IQ enhance- rather than the other way around. For example, individuals
ment than a piece by Mozart (Schellenberg & Hallam, born with superior hand-eye coordination may be quite suc-
2005). Further confirming the arousal-mood hypothesis, lis- cessful at baseball and thus preferentially tend to play base-
tening to a high-tempo piece by Mozart was found to lead ball, while individuals born with poor hand-eye coordination
to better verbal IQ measures than listening to a slower piece may tend to avoid playing baseball. A hypothetical study that
by Albinoni (figure 10.2; Schellenberg, Nakata, Hunter, & examined differences in hand-eye coordination between
Tomato, 2007). baseball players and nonplayers may observe a difference in
Along the same line, studies that have examined the hand-eye coordination, but it would be erroneous to link
impact of playing violent video games on aggressive behav- baseball experience to superior hand-eye coordination when
ior may suffer from the same weakness, as the tests used to a population bias was truly at the root of the effect.
assess changes in the dependent variables of interest (behav- Training studies aiming to establish experience-dependent
ior, cognition, affect, etc.) are typically given within minutes learning should therefore demonstrate (1) benefits that go
of the end of exposure to the violent video games. Given that beyond the temporary arousal or mood changes an experi-
violent video games are known to trigger a host of transient ence can induce, and (2) a clear causal link between the
physiological changes associated with increased arousal and specific training experience and learning. The effect of train-
stress (i.e., “fight-or-flight” responses), it is important to dem- ing should be measured at least a full day after completion
onstrate that any changes in behavior or cognition are not of training to ensure that it is a robust learning effect. As
likewise transient in nature. It is interesting to note that while illustrated by the Mozart effect, training participants for
several recent papers in this field have reported changes in 20 minutes and immediately showing changes in measures
aggressive cognition and affect as well as desensitization to of their performance does not mean that a long-lasting
violence immediately following 30 minutes of exposure to alteration of performance has taken place. Furthermore, to
violent video games, the same studies failed to find a signifi- establish a definitive causal link between a given form of
cant relationship between these variables and being a regular experience and any enhancement in skills, it is necessary not
player of violent video games, suggesting that the effects may only to train nonexperts on the experience in question and

bavelier, green, and dye: training-related brain plasticity 155

to observe the effects of this training, but also to control for children (3–4 years old) who were given 6 months of musical
the source of this improvement. Training studies should keyboard lessons. Significantly larger improvements in
include a group that controls for test-retest effects (i.e., how spatiotemporal reasoning were noted in the keyboard-
much improvement can be expected simply from repeating trained children than in two control groups—one a com-
a test) and, just as importantly, for psychological and moti- puter training and the other a no-training group (see also
vational effects. Control groups that are passive, that are only Hetland, 2000). Finally, it has also been suggested that music
pre- and posttested but not asked to train or only asked to training enhances mathematical ability and verbal memory
train at a low level of difficulty on the same task as the (Gardiner, Fox, Knowles, & Jefferey, 1996; Graziano, Peter-
experimental group, may not be ideal as such studies fail to son, & Shaw, 1999; Ho, Cheung, & Chan, 2003). These
differentiate the contribution of motivational factors such as studies demonstrate a causal effect of music playing on a
being challenged by the training episode versus true cognitive range of cognitive skills during development. Although the
exercising on performance changes. Finally, evaluation of motor component of music lessons is likely to be a key factor,
the efficiency of training critically depends on the choice of it remains unknown whether different musical activities
outcome measures. Outcome measures closely related to the (string playing, keyboard playing, or singing) differ in alter-
training experience are more likely to show robust improve- ing cognition. Similarly, it is not clear whether these differ-
ments given the specificity of learning discussed earlier. Yet ences remain into adulthood and whether they can be
it is critical to show transfer to new tasks within the same induced through music playing in adulthood.
domain if one is interested in enhancing skills in a cognitive In the athletic domain, Kiomourtzoglou, Kourtessis,
domain rather than performance on a given specific labora- Michalopoulou, and Derri (1998) compared athletes with
tory test. For example, training on a version of a Stroop task expertise in various sports (basketball, volleyball, and water
is likely to result in reduced Stroop interference. To what polo) on a number of measures of perception and cognition.
extent does this improvement reflect a generalized improve- Expert athletes demonstrated enhancements (compared to
ment in executive skills? Various kinds of transfer and gen- novices) in skills that are intuitively important to performance
eralization tests that also measure executive skills, but do not in their given sports. Basketball players exhibited superior
do so in the same context or using the same stimuli as the selective attention and hand-eye coordination, volleyball
Stroop task, would have to be evaluated before concluding players outperformed novices at estimating the speed and
that the training regimen leads to be an improvement in direction of a moving object, and water polo players had
executive skills (see Schmidt & Bjork, 1992, for an excellent
review of this issue).

Complex learning environments and general learning

Against a backdrop of highly specific learning, a few training
regimens have recently come under close scrutiny, as they
seem to induce learning that is much more general than
previously thought possible. These learning paradigms are
typically more complex than simple laboratory manipula-
tions and correspond to real-life experiences such as musical
training, athletic training, and action video game playing.
In the musical domain for instance, Schellenberg (2004)
assessed the effect of music lessons on IQ. A large sample
of children was randomly assigned to one of four groups.
Two groups received music training (keyboard or vocal),
one control group received drama training, and the
Figure 10.3 A large sample of children was randomly assigned
final group received no training. The primary measures of
to one of four groups. Two groups received music training (key-
interest were scores on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for board or vocal), a first control group received drama training, and
Children (WISC-III) before and after training. While IQ a second control group received no training. The primary measures
scores increased for children in all groups, the largest of interest were scores on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Chil-
increases were observed in the two music training groups. dren (WISC-III) obtained before and after training. Children in the
music groups showed greater improvements between pre- and post-
This effect held in all but two of the twelve subtests of the
assessment than the two control groups. This study demonstrates
full IQ scale, indicating a widespread beneficial effect a causal effect of music lessons on a range of cognitive skills during
on cognition (figure 10.3). Rauscher and colleagues (1997) development. Asterisks denote statistical significance. (Data replot-
monitored the spatiotemporal reasoning skills of young ted from Schellenberg, 2006.)

156 plasticity
faster visual reaction times and better spatial orienting abili- Playing action video games improves fundamental prop-
ties. Lum, Enns, and Pratt (2002), McAuliffe (2004), and erties of vision (Green & Bavelier, 2007; Li, Polat, Makous,
Nougier, Azemar, and Stein (1992) observed similar sports- & Bavelier, in press). One visual ability often diminished
related differences in a Posner cuing task, while Kida, Oda, in patients with poor vision, such as amblyopes or older
and Matsumura (2005) demonstrated that trained baseball adults (Bonneh, Sagi, & Polat, 2007), is the ability to read
players respond faster than novices in a go-no-go task (press small print, with letters appearing unstable and jumbled.
the button if you see color A, do not press the button if you The tendency for the resolvability of letters to be adversely
see color B), but interestingly show no enhancements in affected by near neighbors, termed crowding, is typically
simple reaction time tasks (press a button when a light turns evaluated by asking subjects to identify the orientation of a
on). Unfortunately, no training studies are available at this letter flanked by distractors, and by determining the smallest
point to establish a causal link between these performance distance between target and distractors at which subjects can
enhancements and the specific physical activity under inves- still correctly identify the target (figure 10.4A). Individuals
tigation. The possibility that aerobic exercise of any sort may with better vision can tolerate distractors being brought
enhance cognitive abilities has received much attention lately nearer to the target while still maintaining high-accuracy
with respect to aging. Consistently positive results have been performance. To establish the causal effect of action video
reported in many cross-sectional studies comparing older game playing on this visual skill, a training study was carried
adults who normally exercise with those who do not. Enhance- out whereby subjects were randomly assigned to one of
ments have been documented in tasks as varied as dual- two training groups: an action video games trained group
task performance or executive attention/distractor rejection (e.g., Unreal Tournament,) or a control trained group (e.g.,
(for recent reviews see Colcombe et al., 2003; Hillman, Erick- Tetris). Each group was tested pre- and post-training on the
son, & Kramer, 2008; Kramer & Erickson, 2007). More crowding task. Participants trained on the action game
training studies are needed to unambiguously establish the improved significantly more than those trained on the
causal effect of aerobic exercise on perception and cognition. control game (figure 10.4B). The inclusion of a control game
Yet, taken together, studies of the effect of athletic training group allows us to measure any possible improvements due
and exercise on perception and cognition are tantalizing, and to test-retest (i.e., familiarity with the task) or to Hawthorne-
they have prompted renewed interest for demonstrating a like effects (Lied & Karzandjian, 1998). Finally, the control
causal link between the physical nature of the training games were chosen to be as pleasurable and engrossing as
regimen and enhancement of cognitive skills. the experimental training games in order to minimize differ-
Perhaps the most popular training regimen over the past ences in arousal across groups. Critically, posttraining evalu-
decade has been video games. The possibility that percep- ation was always performed at least a day after the completion
tual and cognitive abilities are enhanced in video game of the training phase.
players has raised much attention (for a review, see Green Playing action video games was also shown to enhance
& Bavelier, 2006b). Indeed, the variety of different skills and several different aspects of visual selective attention. Action
the degree to which they are modified in video game players game training improves the ability of young adults to search
appears remarkable. These include improved hand-eye their visual environment for a prespecified target, to monitor
coordination (Griffith, Voloschin, Gibb, & Bailey, 1983), moving objects in a complex visual scene, and to process a
increased processing in the periphery (Green & Bavelier, fast-paced stream of visual information (Feng, Spence, &
2006c), enhanced mental rotation skills (Sims & Mayer, Pratt, 2007; Green & Bavelier, 2003, 2006c, 2006d). In one
2002), greater divided attention abilities (Greenfield, DeWin- such experiment, the efficiency with which attention is dis-
stanley, Kilpatrick, & Kaye, 1994), faster reaction times tributed across the visual field was measured with a visual
(Castel, Pratt, & Drummond, 2005), and even job-specific search task called the Useful Field of View paradigm (Ball,
skills such as laparoscopic manipulation (Rosser, Lynch, Beard, Roenker, Miller, & Griggs, 1988). This task is akin to
Cuddihy, Gentile, & Merrell, 2007) and airplane piloting looking for a set of keys on a cluttered desk. Subjects are
procedures (Gopher, Weil, & Bareket, 1994). Although asked to localize a briefly presented peripheral target in a
intriguing, this literature has little to say about learning per field of distracting objects; accuracy of performance is
se unless the causal effect of game playing is unambiguously recorded (figure 10.5A). Training on an action video game
established. So far, only a few studies have established a for just 10 hours improved performance on that task by about
causal link between video game play and long-lasting changes 30%, an improvement which is greatly in excess of that
in performance. Among these is a series of studies that which can be induced by training on a control game (figure
provide compelling evidence that playing action video 10.5B). In a related study, Feng and colleagues (2007) showed
games—such as first-person perspective shooter games— that performance on the Useful Field of View task differs
promotes widespread changes ranging from early sensory across gender, with males showing an advantage. Yet, after
functions to higher cognitive functions in adults. 10 hours of action game training, this gender difference was

bavelier, green, and dye: training-related brain plasticity 157

Figure 10.4 (A) Participants were presented with a display con-
taining three vertically aligned T ’s and asked to determine whether
the central T was upright or inverted. Crowding thresholds were
measured by determining the smallest distance between the target
and the distractors at which participants could still perform this
discrimination task with 79% accuracy. Enhanced performance on
this task results in participants being able to process more densely
packed letters, as illustrated here. Participants were trained either
on an action video game hypothesized to enhance their visual reso-
lution or on a control video game. (B) The crowding thresholds
were measured at three different eccentricities (central vision, 10 Figure 10.5 (A) Illustration of the Useful Field of View Task as
degrees, and 25 degrees). This procedure allowed testing of central adapted by Green and Bavelier (2003). Participants viewed a briefly
vision, often thought to have optimal performance, as well as flashed display containing one target, a filled triangle, embedded
peripheral locations, allowing one to test generalization of learning in a circle of distractors. They were asked to report the location of
at untrained locations. The action game training group improved the target by indicating along which of the main eight directions
significantly more than the control group at all three eccentricities the target was presented. Half of the participants were trained on
tested, reflecting generalization of learning at untrained locations an action video game hypothesized to enhance their visual atten-
and greater plasticity than previously thought in central vision. tion, while the other half were trained on a control game. (B)
Asterisks denote statistical significance. Percent correct target localization was measured at each of the
three eccentricities tested (10, 20, and 30 degrees of visual angle)
reduced, as well as the oft-documented difference in mental before and after training. The action game training group improved
more from pre- to post-training tests than the control game training
rotation skills between males and females (Feng et al., 2007). group. This was even the case at 30 degrees of visual angle, an
In addition to basic visual skills and selective attention, eccentricity seldom used in video gaming, establishing generaliza-
action game playing has also been linked to better perfor- tion of learning to untrained locations. Asterisks denote statistical
mance on dual tasks (Green & Bavelier, 2006a), task switch- significance.
ing (Green & Bavelier, 2006a), and decision-making processes
(Green, Pouget, & Bavelier, 2007). A training regimen training regimens discussed earlier are responsible for the
that promotes robust changes in such a wide range of skills enhancement in learning and learning transfer. This point
demonstrates that efficient learning transfer can occur given is important both theoretically, in terms of designing models
the appropriate training. of human learning and behavior, and practically, for those
seeking to devise effective rehabilitation programs to ame-
Determinants of learning and learning transfer liorate specific deficits.
The ultimate goal is to see the learner flexibly acquire new
A major challenge for future work is to pinpoint which knowledge, while using prior knowledge to constrain and
factors, or combination of factors, inherent to the complex accelerate learning. Models of complex human learning,

158 plasticity
such as those derived from connectionism or machine learn- A key factor in ensuring flexible learning is high variabil-
ing, provide some clues about the factors that facilitate ity. Variability is important both at the level of the exemplars
bottom-up learning based upon the statistics of the input. to be learned and the context in which they appear (Schmidt
Recently, the framework of Bayesian inference has been & Bjork, 1992). For example, subjects learn to recognize
proposed to provide a good first-order model of how subjects objects in a more flexible way if the objects are presented in
learn to optimize behavior in dynamic complex tasks, be a highly variable context (Brady & Kersten, 2003). High
they perceptual or cognitive in nature (Courville, Daw, & contextual variability ensures that subjects learn to ignore
Touretzky, 2006; Ernst & Banks, 2002; Orbán, Fiser, Aslin, the specifics of the objects, such as are brought about by
& Lengyel, 2008; Tenenbaum, Griffiths, & Kemp, 2006). changes in view, lighting, camouflage, or shape, and rather
Another key feature of recent advances has been the realiza- learn to extract more general principles about object cate-
tion that actions and the feedback they provide about the gory. Statistical approaches such as mutual information
next step to be computed can greatly reduce the computa- show that subjects implicitly develop knowledge of the frag-
tional load of a task, as well as facilitate learning and gener- ments or chunks that carry information about the categories
alization (Ballard, Hayhoe, Pook, & Rao, 1997; Taagten, to be learned (Hegdé, Bart, & Kersten, 2008; Orbán et al.,
2005). Finally, symbolic cognitive architectures such as 2008). A key issue then arises as to when these informative
SOAR and ACT-R provide insights into how knowledge fragments allow for learning that generalizes as compared to
representations should be structured to explain the acquisi- learning that is item specific. Work on object classification
tion of abstract systems of knowledge, and possibly transfer and artificial grammar learning shows that low input vari-
of knowledge across these systems (Anderson et al., 2004; ability induces learning at levels of representation that are
Lehman, Laird, & Rosenbloom, 1998). Based on this variety specific to the items being learned, and thus too rigid to
of theoretical approaches, one can begin to identify charac- generalize to new stimuli. High variability is crucial in ensur-
teristics inherent to complex training regimens that seem ing that the newly learned informative fragments be at levels
more likely to be at the root of general learning. These of representation that can flexibly recombine (Gomez, 2002;
include, but are not limited to, (1) level of representation, (2) Onnis, Monaghan, Christiansen, & Chater, 2004; Reeler,
task difficulty, (3) goals, action, and feedback, and (4) motiva- Newport, & Aslin, 2008). Research on the video game Tetris
tion and arousal. and its effect on mental rotation illustrates this point well.
Even though mental rotation is at a premium in Tetris,
Levels of Representation Learning is more likely to expert Tetris players have been found to exhibit mental
be flexible and general if it occurs at the level of richly rotation capacities similar to those of naïve subjects, except
structured representations that contribute to a wide array of when tested on Tetris or Tetris-like shapes (Sims & Mayer,
behaviors, rather than if it changes neural networks whose 2002). The use of a limited number of shapes in Tetris allows
functions are highly specialized. The field of perceptual the learner to memorize spatial configurations and moves
learning has identified task difficulty as one of the main (Destefano & Gray, 2007). This approach allows for the
factors controlling the level of representation at which development of excellent expertise at the game itself, but
learning occurs. In their reverse hierarchy theory of what is learned in this low-variability game is less likely to
perceptual learning, Ahissar and Hochstein (2004) generalize to other environments. By this view, an efficient
hypothesize that learning is a top-down guided process, scheme to enforce mental rotation learning would be to use
where learning occurs at the highest level of representation a highly variable set of objects preventing learning of specific
that is sufficient for the given task. Easy tasks can be learned configurations.
at a reasonably high level of representation that may be
shared with many other tasks, allowing for sizable learning Task Difficulty The proposal that task difficulty
transfer. When tasks become exceedingly difficult—at least controls the type and rate of learning is implicit in all theories
in the perceptual domain, such as in Vernier acuity tasks of learning. The perceptual learning literature nicely
near the hyperacuity range—lower levels of representation illustrates the impact of manipulating task difficulty
with better signal-to-noise ratios are required for adequate appropriately (Sireteanu & Rettenbach, 1995, 2000). In
task performance. In such cases, only tasks that make use of particular, when it comes to promoting learning transfer,
this low-level neural network, down to the specific retinal harder tasks are at a disadvantage. For example, in a task
location and stimulus orientation, will benefit. Although the where participants had to view arrays of oriented lines and
reverse hierarchy theory was developed to account for determine which contained a single oddly oriented line, task
perceptual learning effects, it aligns well with the more difficulty was manipulated by limiting exposure time (Ahissar
general proposal that transfer of learned knowledge to & Hochstein, 1997). With practice, the minimal exposure
different tasks and contexts will be more likely when learning time that could be tolerated by the participants decreased
and inference operate at higher levels of representation. substantially. Interestingly, when the task was started at a

bavelier, green, and dye: training-related brain plasticity 159

difficult level (short exposure times), learning was slow and and predicted outcome of the action (Sutton & Barto, 1998).
specific for the trained orientation and location. When the Learning is thus critically under the control of the expected
task was made easier by starting with long exposure times, value, or reward, that the learner ascribes to a future
learning progressed quickly and transferred to novel event or action and the actual value received as the event
orientations. Other conditions that made the task more or action unfolds.
difficult, such as using small differences in orientation Although clearly critical for learning, the exact role that
between target and nontarget lines or greater visual feedback plays in learning is a subject of much debate. There
eccentricity, also led to the same effect. In the same vein, are numerous examples demonstrating that feedback is nec-
Liu and Weinshall (2000) demonstrated that learning an essary for learning (Herzog & Fahle, 1997; Seitz, Nanez,
easy motion-direction discrimination (9 degrees of motion Holloway, Tsushima, & Watanabe, 2006). Yet many coun-
direction) transferred substantially to novel orientations, terexamples also exist (Amitay, Irwin, & Moore, 2006; Ball
whereas Ball and Sekuler (1982) had previously reported no & Sekuler, 1987; Fahle, Edelman, & Poggio, 1995; Karni &
such transfer using the same task but with a greater degree Sagi, 1991). The extent to which these are counterexamples
of difficulty (3 degrees of motion direction). Similarly, albeit is complicated by the fact that, even when experimenter-
with barn owls rather than human subjects, Linkenhoker generated explicit feedback is not provided, if above-
and Knudsen (2002) demonstrated that adult barn owls threshold stimuli are employed subjects will nevertheless
could adjust to sizable shifts in visual experience (brought have varying degrees of confidence that their response was
about by prism goggles) when the shifts were made in small correct. Such internally generated confidence judgments
enough increments. In contrast, large shifts led to no learning could themselves act as feedback signals (Mollon & Danilova,
in these adult barn owls. 1996). An added complication stems from the finding that
This is not to say that efficient learning will occur through the type of feedback that optimizes learning during perfor-
exposure of the learner to situations that are easy to master. mance acquisition is not necessarily that which optimizes
In fact, easy tasks that typically require the reenactment of learning in the long run (Schmidt & Bjork, 1992). For
already mastered skills lead to little to no learning (Olesen, example, during the learning of a complex arm movement,
Westerberg, & Klingberg, 2004). Intuitively the task diffi- subjects provided with feedback about their movement-time
culty should be set such that the learner can gain some sat- error after every trial learned faster than those provided with
isfaction from his or her performance. In other words, it the same feedback but in a summary form every 15 trials.
should be challenging enough to avoid boredom and lack of Yet upon retesting two days later, those provided with feed-
interest, but not too hard to allow for sizable positive feed- back every 15 trials showed greater accuracy and thus better
back. This balance may be understood more formally as performance on the task than those provided with feedback
choosing the task difficulty that allows the learner to opti- every trial (Schmidt, Young, Swinnen, & Shapiro, 1989).
mize over time the amount of reward gained from doing the Whether feedback frequency systematically affects skill
task. Strikingly, the video game industry may have focused acquisition differently than skill retention remains to be
in on the conditions for generalized learning by using vari- firmly established; yet such findings certainly call for caution
able entry level, and therefore allowing each learner to enter in considering the roles of feedback in learning.
the learning task at the proper level of challenge, and by While most major theories of learning require that some
implementing incremental increases in task difficulty as the type of learning signal be present (often in the form of an
game progresses. In our own work on video game training error signal), they do not necessarily require that the feed-
we have acknowledged these principles explicitly by pro- back be explicit, nor do they require that feedback be given
gressing players to the next level of difficulty during training on a trial-to-trial basis. There are many algorithms that can
only when they have demonstrated sufficient mastery of their learn quite efficiently when feedback is only given after a
current level. This is not to say that the type of game is series of actions have been completed (Walsh, Nouri, &
unimportant, rather that an appropriate training regimen Littman, 2007). This is analogous to the situation that com-
must also be administered in an appropriate manner. monly occurs in action video games, where feedback (typi-
cally in the form of killing an opponent or dying) only
Goals, Action, and Feedback A productive view of becomes available at the conclusion of a very complicated
learning holds that it derives from the need to minimize pattern of actions. How best to solve this credit assignment
“surprise,” or the difference between the anticipated problem, as well as how this affects the generality of what is
outcome of an event or action and its actual outcome learned, is a topic of ongoing research (Fu & Anderson,
(Courville et al., 2006; Schultz, Dayan, & Montague, 1997). 2008; Ponzi, 2008). Interestingly, complex learning environ-
In that framework, actions provide an opportunity for ments with the variety of actions they encompass allow for
learners to evaluate their internal representations and error signals that are varied both in nature and in time scale,
fine-tune them if a discrepancy is noted between the actual a feature that may facilitate flexible learning.

160 plasticity
The importance of reward in learning is already sup- represent a salient difference between traditional learning
ported by neurophysiology studies that show that the paradigms and video game play. In the same vein, although
brain systems thought to convey the utility of reward, again with barn owls, Bergan, Ro, Ro, & Knudsen (2005)
such as the ventral tegmental area and the nucleus observed that adult owls who were forced to hunt (an activity
basilis, play a large role in producing plastic changes that involves motivation and arousal) while wearing displac-
in sensory areas. In particular, when specific auditory ing prisms demonstrated significant learning compared to
tones are paired with stimulation of either of these adult owls who wore the prisms for the same period of time,
structures, the area of primary auditory cortex that but who were fed dead prey. The latter failed to adapt to
represents the given tone increases dramatically in size (Bao, the displacing prism.
Chan, & Merzenich, 2001; Kilgard & Merzenich, 1998).
Interestingly, at least some of the brain areas known Conclusions
to be sensitive to reward have been shown to be extremely
active when individuals play action video games. For The field of experience-dependent plasticity is rapidly
instance, Koepp and colleagues (1998) demonstrated that expanding, thanks in part to new technologies. Cognitive
roughly the same amount of dopamine is released in the training on handheld devices and job-related training in
basal ganglia when playing an action video game as when immersive environments are now within the reach of
methamphetamines are injected intravenously. Determining most institutions, if not individuals. This trend is exciting
the exact role of reward-processing areas in the promotion because the most successful interventions, when it comes
of learning and neural plasticity will continue to be an area to ameliorating deficits in patients or enhancing skills in
of active research. an educational context, rely on complex training regimens.
These regimens require the simultaneous use of perceptual,
Motivation and Arousal Motivation is a critical attentional, memory, and motor skills to trigger learning
component of most major theories of learning, with that goes beyond the specifics of the training regimen
motivation level being posited to depend highly on an itself. New technologies are perfectly positioned to enhance
individual’s internal belief about her ability to meet the the development of such complex learning environments.
current challenge. Vygotsky’s (1978) concept of a zone of For all the excitement, challenges lie ahead. First among
proximal development matches well with the skill-learning these is developing an understanding of which ingredients
literature discussed previously. According to this theory, should be included in training regimens in order to
motivation is highest and learning is most efficient when promote widespread learning. Studies of the neural bases
tasks are made just slightly more difficult than can be of arousal, motivation, and reward processing hold promise
matched by the individual’s current ability. Tasks that are in that respect. Second, although the type of improvement
much too difficult or much too easy will lead to lower levels desired is usually clear, as when educators or rehabilitation
of motivation and thus substantially reduced learning. This therapists state their goals for a student or a patient, identify-
is not to say that learning will never occur if the task is too ing the cognitive component of a training regimen aimed
difficult or too easy (Amitay et al., 2006; Seitz & Watanabe, at realizing those goals is not always so straightforward.
2003; Watanabe, Nanez, & Sasake, 2001), but learning rate At first glance, playing action video games does not appear
should be at a maximum when the task is challenging, yet to be a mind-enhancing activity. Yet it seems to generate
still doable. beneficial effects for perception, attention, and decision
Like motivation, arousal is a key component of many making beyond what one may have expected. In contrast,
learning theories. The Yerkes-Dodson law predicts that the game Tetris clearly requires mental rotation, and yet it
learning is a U-shaped function of arousal level (Yerkes does not lead to a general benefit in mental rotation skill.
& Dodson, 1908). Training paradigms that lead to low Cognitive analysis is needed to determine the level of repre-
levels of arousal will tend to lead to low amounts of sentation at which the learning is most likely to occur given
learning, as will training paradigms that lead to excessively the nature of the training regimen. We are understanding
high levels of arousal (Frankenhaeuser & Gardell, 1976). more about the conditions necessary to develop interven-
Between these extremes there is an arousal level that tions that will lead to generalizable learning effects, and
leads to a maximum amount of learning, which no doubt these hold promise for benefiting individuals and the societ-
differs greatly between individuals. Interestingly, video ies within which they live.
games are known to elicit both the autonomic responses
acknowledgments This research was supported by grants to
(Hebert, Beland, Dionne-Fournelle, Crete, & Lupien,
DB from the National Institutes of Health (EY016880 and
2005; Segal & Dietz, 1991; Shosnik, Chatterton, Swisher, & CD04418) and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-07-1-0937).
Park, 2000) and neurophysiological responses (Koepp et al., We also thank Bjorn Hubert-Wallander for help in figure prepara-
1998) that are characteristic of arousal. These responses tion and manuscript preparation.

bavelier, green, and dye: training-related brain plasticity 161

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164 plasticity
11 Profiles of Development and
Plasticity in Human
courtney stevens and helen neville

abstract We describe changes in neural organization and related ent regions. The prolonged developmental time course and
aspects of processing after naturally occurring alterations in audi- considerable pruning of connections are considered major
tory, visual, and language experience. The results highlight the forces that permit and constrain human neuroplasticity.
considerable differences in the degree and time periods of neuro-
plasticity displayed by different subsystems within vision, hearing,
Recently an additional factor that appears to be important
language, and attention. We also describe results showing the two has been identified. The occurrence of polymorphisms in
sides of neuroplasticity, that is, the capability for enhancement and some genes is widespread in humans and rhesus monkeys
the vulnerability to deficit. Finally we describe several intervention but apparently not in other primate species. Polymorphisms
studies in which we have targeted systems that display more provide the capability for environmental modification of the
neuroplasticity and show significant improvements in cognitive
effects of gene expression (gene × environment interactions),
function and related aspects of brain organization.
and such effects have been observed in rhesus monkeys
and humans (Suomi, 2003, 2004, 2006; Sheese, Voelker,
Rothbart, & Posner, 2007; Bakermans-Kranenberg, Van
Extensive research on animals has elucidated both genetic Ijzendoom, Pijlman, Mesman, & Femmie, 2008).
and environmental factors that constrain and shape neuro- For several years we have employed psychophysics, elec-
plasticity (Hunt et al., 2005; Garel, Huffman, & Rubenstein, trophysiological (ERP), and magnetic resonance imaging
2003; Bishop et al., 1999; Bishop, 2003). Such research, (MRI) techniques to study the development and plasticity
together with noninvasive neuroimaging and genetic of the human brain. We have studied deaf and blind indi-
sequencing techniques, has guided a burgeoning literature viduals, people who learned their first or second spoken or
characterizing the nature, time course, and mechanisms of signed language at different ages, and children of different
neuroplasticity in humans (Pascual-Leone, Amedi, Fregni, & ages and of different cognitive capabilities. As detailed in the
Merabet, 2005; Bavelier & Neville, 2002; Movshon & Blake- sections that follow, in each of the brain systems examined
more, 1974). Electron microscopic studies of synapses and in this research—including those important in vision, audi-
neuroimaging studies of metabolism and of gray and white tion, language, and attention—we observe the following
matter development in the human brain reveal a generally characteristics:
prolonged postnatal development that nonetheless displays
• Different brain systems and subsystems and related
considerable regional variability in time course (Chugani,
Phelps, & Mazziotta, 1987; Huttenlocher & Dabholkar, sensory and cognitive abilities display different degrees
1997; Neville, 1998; Webb, Monk, & Nelson, 2001). In and time periods (“profiles”) of neuroplasticity. These
general, development across brain regions follows a hierar- may depend on the variable time periods of development
chical progression in which primary sensory areas mature and redundant connectivity displayed by different brain
before parietal, prefrontal, and association regions impor- regions.
• Neuroplasticity within a system acts as a double-edged
tant for higher-order cognition (Giedd et al., 1999; Gogtay
et al., 2004). Within each region there is a pattern of promi- sword, conferring the possibility for either enhancement or
nent overproduction of synapses, dendrites, and gray matter deficit.
• Multiple mechanisms both support and constrain modi-
that is subsequently pruned back to about 50% of the
maximum value, which is reached at different ages in differ- fiability across different brain systems and subsystems.
In the sections that follow, we describe our research on
courtney stevens Willamette University, Salem, Oregon neuroplasticity within vision, audition, language, and atten-
helen neville Department of Psychology, University of Oregon, tion. In each section, we note different profiles of plasticity
Eugene, Oregon observed in the system, situations in which enhancements

stevens and neville: development and plasticity in human neurocognition 165

versus deficits are observed, and likely mechanisms contrib- some individuals with specific reading disorder, or dyslexia,
uting to these different profiles of plasticity. A final section have lower sensitivity to detecting coherent motion in
describes our preliminary studies testing the hypothesis, random-dot kinetograms despite showing normal thresholds
raised by this basic research on human neuroplasticity, that for detecting coherent form in similar arrays of static line
interventions that target the most plastic, and thus potentially segments (Cornelissen, Richardson, Mason, Fowler, &
vulnerable, neurocognitive systems can protect and enhance Stein, 1995; Everatt, Bradshaw, & Hibbard, 1999; Hansen,
children with, or at risk for, developmental deficits. Stein, Orde, Winter, & Talcott, 2001; Talcott, Hansen,
Assoku, & Stein, 2000). Dyslexic individuals also show higher
Vision thresholds for detecting changes in the speed of motion flow
fields (Demb, Boynton, Best, & Heeger, 1998), as well as
In a number of studies we observe that some, but not all, higher critical flicker fusion thresholds for monochromatic,
aspects of visual function are enhanced in deaf adults. but not isoluminant, color stimuli when tested with a para-
Those aspects of vision showing the greatest changes are digm using identical task structure to assess each visual
mediated by structures along the dorsal visual pathway that pathway (Sperling, Lu, Manis, & Seidenberg, 2003). In addi-
have been shown to be important in the representation of tion, there are reports that dyslexic individuals show deficits
the peripheral visual fields, as well as in motion process- in pattern contrast sensitivity for high-contrast, low-spatial
ing. By contrast, aspects of processing mediated by the frequency gratings (Lovegrove, Martin, & Slaghuis, 1986).
ventral visual pathway, including color perception and pro- The behavioral evidence for a visual deficit in dyslexia
cessing within the central visual field, are not altered (Baizer, has been corroborated by recent neuroimaging studies
Ungerleider, & Desimone, 1991; Bavelier et al., 2001; showing decreased (Demb et al., 1998) or even nonsignifi-
Corbetta, Miezin, Dobmeyer, Shulman, & Petersen, 1990; cant (Eden et al., 1996) activations in motion-sensitive areas
Livingstone & Hubel, 1988; Merigan, 1989; Merigan & MT/MST of dyslexic individuals, though no differences are
Maunsell, 1990; Schiller & Malpeli, 1978; Ungerleider & observed during stationary pattern processing (Eden et al.).
Mishkin, 1982; Ungerleider & Haxby, 1994; Zeki et al., These results are parallel and opposite to those described
1991). For example, congenitally deaf individuals have supe- previously showing improved behavioral performance and
rior motion detection compared with hearing individuals for increased MT/MST activation in response to motion stimuli
peripheral, but not central, visual stimuli (Neville, Schmidt, in congenitally deaf adults.
& Kutas, 1983; Neville & Lawson, 1987b; Stevens & Neville, Taken together, these data suggest that the dorsal visual
2006). These behavioral improvements are accompanied by pathway may exhibit a greater degree of neuroplasticity than
increases in the amplitudes of early event-related potentials the ventral visual pathway, rendering it capable of either
(ERPs) and increased functional magnetic resonance imaging enhancement (as is the case following congenital deafness)
(fMRI) activation in motion-sensitive middle temporal (MT) or deficit (as is the case in some individuals with some devel-
and middle superior temporal (MST) areas of the dorsal opmental disorders). However, the two literatures have
visual pathway (Bavelier et al., 2000, 2001; Neville et al., developed largely in parallel, and different tasks have been
1983; Neville & Lawson, 1987b). used to assess dorsal and ventral visual pathway function in
In a study comparing ERPs to isoluminant color stimuli each literature. To address this limitation, in a recent study
(designed to activate the ventral pathway) and motion stimuli we used the same tasks to assess visual function in both dys-
(designed to activate the dorsal pathway), no differences lexic adults and congenitally deaf adults, as well as matched
were observed between hearing and congenitally deaf indi- controls (Stevens & Neville, 2006). We observed that whereas
viduals in ERPs to color stimuli. In contrast, ERPs to motion neither deaf nor dyslexic adults differ from matched controls
were significantly larger and distributed more anteriorly in on a central visual field contrast sensitivity task (figure 11.1A),
deaf than in hearing subjects. These differences were only on a peripheral motion detection task, deaf adults show
observed for stimuli presented in the peripheral visual field enhancements whereas dyslexic adults show deficits on the
(Armstrong, Hillyard, Neville, & Mitchell, 2002). These same task (figure 11.1B). These findings help bridge the two
results are consistent with the hypothesis that early auditory literatures and suggest that the dorsal and ventral pathways
deprivation has more pronounced effects on the functions of show different profiles of neuroplasticity.
the dorsal than the ventral visual pathway. A parallel litera- A number of mechanisms may render the dorsal pathway
ture on developmental disorders suggests that the dorsal more developmentally labile, either to enhancement or
visual pathway might also be more vulnerable to deficit in deficit, including subsystem differences in rate of maturation,
certain developmental disorders, including autism, Williams extent and timing of redundant connectivity, and presence
and fragile X syndromes, and reading or language impair- of chemicals and receptors known to be important in plastic-
ments (Atkinson, 1992; Atkinson et al., 1997; Eden et al., ity. For example, anatomical studies suggest that connec-
1996). For example, a number of studies indicate that at least tions within the regions of the visual system that represent

166 plasticity
A 1981; Hollants-Gilhuijs, Ruijter, & Spekreijse, 1998a, 1998b;
Packer, Hendrickson, & Curcio, 1990). Further, in develop-
mental studies using the color and motion stimuli described
previously and in Armstrong and colleagues (2002), we
observed that while children aged 6–19 years show responses
to color stimuli that are very similar to adults, their ERPs to
the motion stimuli are delayed in latency relative to those
for adults (Coch, Skendzel, Grossi, & Neville, 2005; Mitchell
& Neville, 2004). Together, these anatomical, chemical, and
developmental mechanisms could render the dorsal pathway
more modifiable by experience and more likely to display
either enhanced or deficient processing.
B In addition to enhanced dorsal pathway functioning we
have recently observed that deaf (but not hearing) partici-
pants recruit a large, additional network of supplementary
cortical areas when processing far peripheral relative to
central flickering visual stimuli (Scott, Dow, & Neville, 2003,
see figure 11.2). These include contralateral primary audi-
tory cortex (figure 11.2). Studies of a mouse model of
congenital deafness suggest that altered subcortical-cortical
connectivity could account for such changes (Hunt et al.,
2005). In deaf but not hearing mice the retina projects to
the medial (auditory) geniculate nucleus as well as the lateral
(visual) geniculate nucleus. In our study of deaf humans we
also observe significant increases in anterior, primary visual
Figure 11.1 Performance on two visual tasks for deaf participants
(gray bars) and dyslexic participants (white bars) relative to matched cortex and regions associated with multisensory integration
control groups. The zero line represents performance of the respec- (STS), motion processing (MT/MT+), and attention (poste-
tive control groups. (A) On a central visual field contrast sensitivity rior parietal and anterior cingulate regions) (Dow, Scott,
task, neither deaf nor dyslexic participants differed from matched Stevens, & Neville, 2006; Scott et al., 2003; Scott, Dow,
controls. (B) On a peripheral visual field motion detection task, deaf
Stevens, & Neville, under review). In a separate study, we
participants showed enhancements (P < .001) and dyslexic partici-
pants showed deficits (P < .01) relative to matched controls. (Data used structural equation modeling to estimate the strength
from Stevens & Neville, 2006.) of cortical connections between early visual areas (V1/V2),
area MT/MST, and part of the posterior parietal cortex
the central visual field are more strongly genetically speci- (PPC) (Bavelier et al., 2000). During attention to the center
fied, whereas connections within the portions of the visual the connectivity was comparable across groups, but during
system that represent the visual periphery contain redundant the attend-periphery condition the effective connectivity
connections that can be shaped by experience over a longer between MT/MST and PPC was increased in the deaf
developmental time course (Chalupa & Dreher, 1991). A as compared with the hearing subjects. The findings of
molecular difference has also been observed between the two increased activation and effective connectivity between
visual pathways. In cats and monkeys the dorsal pathway visual areas and areas important in attention suggest that
has a greater concentration of the Cat-301 antigen, a the enhanced responsiveness to peripheral motion in deaf
molecule hypothesized to play a role in stabilizing synaptic individuals may be in part linked to increases in attention
connections by means of experience-dependent plasticity (see next section for further discussion).
(DeYoe, Hockfield, Garren, & Van Essen, 1990; Hockfield,
1983). Moreover, recent anatomical studies in nonhuman Audition
primates (Falchier, Clavagnier, Barone, & Kennedy, 2002;
Rockland & Ojima, 2003) and neuroimaging studies of To test whether the specificity of plasticity observed in the
humans (Eckert et al., 2008) report cross-modal connections visual system generalizes to other sensory systems, we have
between primary auditory cortex and the portion of primary conducted studies of the effects of visual deprivation on the
visual cortex that represents the periphery (anterior calca- development of the auditory system. Although less is known
rine sulcus). In addition there is considerable, though not about the organization of the auditory system, as in the
unequivocal, evidence indicating that the dorsal pathway visual system there are large (magno) cells in the medial
matures more slowly than the ventral pathway (Hickey, geniculate nucleus that conduct faster than the smaller

stevens and neville: development and plasticity in human neurocognition 167

Figure 11.2 Deaf and hearing participants completed a visual visual stimuli presented in two distinct experiments (45–56° versus
retinotopy experiment that included mapping of far peripheral 11–23° and 11–15° versus 2–7°). Significant clusters included con-
visual space. The data show regions where activation was greater tralateral auditory cortex, STS, MT, anterior visual cortex, IPS,
in deaf versus hearing participants in response to more peripheral and anterior cingulate. (See color plate 11.)

(parvo) cells, and recent evidence suggests that there may be McArthur, 2004; Tallal & Piercy, 1974; Tallal, 1975, 1976).
dorsal and ventral auditory processing streams with different In a study of children with specific language impairment
functional specializations (Rauschecker, 1998). Furthermore, (SLI), we observed that auditory ERPs were smaller (i.e.,
animal and human studies of blindness have reported more refractory) than in controls at short interstimulus inter-
changes in the parietal cortex (i.e., dorsal pathway) as a vals (Neville, Coffey, Holcomb, & Tallal, 1993). This finding
result of visual deprivation (Hyvarinen & Linnankoski, 1981; suggests that in audition, as in vision, neural subsystems that
Pascual-Leone et al., 2005; Weeks et al., 2000). display more neuroplasticity show both greater potential for
To determine whether similar patterns of plasticity occur enhancement and also greater vulnerability to deficit under
following auditory and visual deprivation, we developed an other conditions.
auditory paradigm similar to one of the visual paradigms The mechanisms that give rise to greater modifiability of
employed in our studies of deaf adults. Participants detected rapid auditory processing are as yet unknown. However,
infrequent pitch changes in a series of tones that were as mentioned earlier, some changes might be greater for
preceded by different interstimulus intervals (Röder, Rösler, magnocellular layers of the medial geniculate nucleus. For
Hennighausen, & Näcker, 1996). Congenitally blind partici- example, magno cells in both the lateral and medial genicu-
pants were faster at detecting the target and displayed ERPs late nucleus are smaller than normal in dyslexia (Galaburda
that were less refractory, that is, recovered amplitude faster & Livingstone, 1993; Galaburda, Menard, & Rosen, 1994).
than normally sighted participants. These results parallel Rapid auditory processing, including the recovery cycles of
those of our study showing faster amplitude recovery of neurons, might also engage aspects of attention to a greater
the visual ERP in deaf than in hearing participants (Neville degree than other aspects of auditory processing. In the case
et al., 1983) and suggest that rapid auditory and visual of congenital blindness, changes in auditory processing may
processing may show specific enhancements following be facilitated by compensatory reorganization. A number of
sensory deprivation. studies have confirmed that visual areas are functionally
Similar to the two sides of plasticity observed in the involved in nonvisual tasks in congenitally blind adults
dorsal visual pathway, the refractory period for rapidly pre- (Cohen, Weeks, Celnik, & Hallett, 1999; Sedato et al., 1996).
sented acoustic information, which is enhanced in the blind, More recently, studies have reported highly differentiated
shows deficits in many developmental disorders (Bishop & auditory language processing in primary visual cortex in

168 plasticity
congenitally blind humans (Burton et al., 2002; Röder, Stock, We conducted a series of ERP studies to develop a neural
Bien, Neville, & Rösler, 2002). Thus aspects of auditory pro- index of one aspect of phonological processing: speech
cessing that either depend upon or can recruit multimodal, segmentation. By 100 ms after word onset, syllables at the
attentional, or normally visual regions may show greater beginning of a word elicit a larger negativity than acousti-
degrees of neuroplasticity. Parallel studies of animals have cally similar syllables in the middle of the word (Sanders &
revealed information about mechanisms underlying this type Neville, 2003a). This effect has been demonstrated with
of change. For example, in blind mole rats, normally tran- natural speech and with synthesized nonsense speech in
sient, weak connections between the ear and primary visual which only newly learned lexical information could be used
cortex become stabilized and strong (Bavelier & Neville, for segmentation (Sanders, Newport, & Neville, 2002). The
2002; Cooper, Herbin, & Nevo, 1993; Doron & Wollberg, early segmentation ERP effect resembles the effect of tem-
1994; Heil, Bronchti, Wollberg, & Scheich, 1991). porally selective attention, which allows for the preferential
processing of information presented at specific time points
Language in rapidly changing streams, and it has also been shown to
modulate early (100 ms) auditory ERPs (Lange, Rösler, &
It is reasonable to hypothesize that the same principles that Röder, 2003; Lange & Röder, 2005; Sanders & Astheimer,
characterize neuroplasticity of sensory systems—including in press). Thus the neural mechanisms of speech segmenta-
different profiles, degrees, and mechanisms of plasticity— tion may rely on the deployment of temporally selective
also characterize language. Here, we focus on the subsys- attention during speech perception to aid in processing the
tems of language examined in our studies of neuroplasticity, most relevant rapid acoustic changes.
including those supporting semantics, syntax, and speech To the extent that language is made up of distinct neural
segmentation. subsystems, it is possible that, as in vision and audition, these
Several ERP and fMRI studies have described the non- subsystems show different profiles of neuroplasticity. In
identical neural systems that mediate semantic and syntactic support of this hypothesis, behavioral studies of language
processing. For example, semantic violations in sentences proficiency in second-language learners document that pho-
elicit a bilateral negative potential that is largest around nology and syntax are particularly vulnerable following
400 ms following the semantic violation (Kutas & Hillyard, delays in second-language acquisition ( Johnson & Newport,
1980; Neville, Nicol, Barss, Forster, & Garrett, 1991; 1989). In several studies, we have examined whether delays
Newman, Ullman, Pancheva, Waligura, & Neville, 2007). In in second-language exposure are also associated with differ-
contrast, syntactic violations elicit a biphasic response con- ences in the neural mechanisms underlying these different
sisting of an early, left-lateralized anterior negativity (LAN) language subsystems. In one study, we compared the ERP
followed by a later, bilateral positivity, peaking over poste- responses to semantic and syntactic errors in English among
rior sites ∼600 ms after the violation (P600; Friederici, 2002; Chinese/English bilinguals who were first exposed to English
Neville et al., 1991). The LAN is hypothesized to index more at different ages (Weber-Fox & Neville, 1996). Accuracy in
automatic aspects of the processing of syntactic structure and judging the grammaticality of the different types of syntactic
the P600 to index later, more controlled processing of syntax sentences and their associated ERPs were affected by delays
associated with attempts to recover the meaning of syn- in second-language exposure as short as 4–6 years. By com-
tactically anomalous sentences. These neurophysiological parison, the N400 response and the behavioral accuracy in
markers of language processing show a degree of biological detecting semantic anomalies were altered only in subjects
invariance as they are also observed when deaf and hearing who were exposed to English after 11–13 years of age. In
native signers process American Sign Language (ASL) studies of the effects of delayed second-language acquisition
(Capek, 2004; Capek et al., under review). While spoken and on indices of speech segmentation, second-language learners
signed language processing share a number of modality- who were exposed to their second language late in life (>14
independent neural substrates, there is also specialization years) show a delay in the ERP measure of speech segmenta-
based on language modality. The processing of ASL, for tion when processing their second language (Sanders &
example, is associated with additional and/or greater recruit- Neville, 2003b).
ment of right-hemisphere structures, perhaps owing to the Many deaf children are born to hearing parents and,
use of spatial location and motion in syntactic processing in because of their limited access to the spoken language that
ASL (Capek et al., 2004; Neville et al., 1998). In support of surrounds them, do not have full access to a first language
this hypothesis, we have recently shown that syntactic vio- until exposed to a signed language, which often occurs very
lations in ASL elicit a more bilateral anterior negativity late in development. Behavioral studies of deaf individuals
for violations of spatial syntax, whereas a left-lateralized with delayed exposure to sign language indicate that with
anterior negativity is observed for other classes of syntactic increasing age of acquisition, proficiency in sign language
violations in ASL (Capek et al., under review). decreases (Mayberry & Eichen, 1991; Mayberry, 1993;

stevens and neville: development and plasticity in human neurocognition 169

Mayberry, Lock, & Kazmi, 2002; Mayberry, 2003). Recently, example, when monkeys are provided with extensive expo-
studies have examined the effects of this delayed first- sure to auditory and tactile stimuli, experience-dependent
language acquisition on brain organization. We employed expansions in associated auditory or somatosensory cortical
fMRI to examine whether congenitally deaf individuals who areas occur, but only when attention is directed toward those
learned ASL later in life showed a different neural organiza- stimuli in order to make behaviorally relevant discrimina-
tion for ASL. In this study, we demonstrated that whereas tions (Recanzone, Jenkins, Hradek, & Merzenich, 1992;
the right angular gyrus is active when native signers process Recanzone, Schreiner, & Merzenich, 1993). Mere exposure
ASL, it is not in individuals who acquired ASL after puberty is not enough. These data strongly suggest that attention is
(Newman, Bavelier, Corina, Jezzard, & Neville, 2002). important in enabling neuroplasticity. Given this suggestion,
Employing ERPs, we have also studied groups of deaf as well as the central role of attention in learning more
individuals who acquired ASL either from birth, from 2 to generally, we have conducted several studies on the
10 years, or between 11 and 21 years of age (Capek, 2004; development and neuroplasticity of attention.
Capek et al., in preparation). In all three groups of partici- In these studies, we examined the effects of sustained,
pants, the N400 index of semantic processing displays the selective attention on neural processing employing the “Hill-
same amplitude, latency, and cortical distribution. However, yard principle,” that is, while keeping the physical stimuli,
the early anterior negativity thought to index more auto- arousal levels, and task demands constant. For example,
matic aspects of syntactic processing is only evident in those competing streams of stimuli are presented (e.g., two differ-
who acquired ASL before the age of 10 years. These data ent trains of auditory stimuli delivered to different ears), with
suggest that, in contrast to semantic processing, aspects of participants alternating attention to one stream at a time in
syntactic processing are subject to maturational constraints order to detect rare target events. By comparing neural
that render them more vulnerable following delays in either activity to the same physical stimuli when attended versus
first- or second-language acquisition. ignored, the effects of selective attention can be ascertained.
Several lines of evidence suggest that language proficiency Studies with fMRI revealed that selective attention modu-
might be a key factor in predicting the variability observed lates the magnitude and extent of cortical activation in the
in the neural substrates of syntax. For example, we have relevant processing areas (Corbetta et al., 1990). Comple-
observed that the neural response to syntactic violations also mentary studies using the ERP methodology have clarified
differs among monolingual native English speakers who vary the time course of attentional modulation. These studies
in language proficiency. Specifically, adults who score lower revealed that in adults, selective attention amplifies the
on standardized tests of grammatical knowledge show a less sensorineural response by 50–100% during the first 100 ms
left-lateralized and more prolonged ERP response to gram- of processing (Hillyard, Hink, Schwent, & Picton, 1973;
matical violations (Pakulak, Hyde, Jackobs, & Neville, 2007; Hillyard, Di Russo, & Martinez, 2003; Luck, Woodman, &
Pakulak & Neville, under review). In developmental studies Vogel, 2000; Mangun & Hillyard, 1990). This early atten-
as well, the neural response to known and unknown words tional modulation is in part domain general in that it is
and to syntactic anomalies is more strongly predicted by observed across multiple sensory modalities and in selection
a child’s language proficiency than by chronological age based on spatial, temporal, or other stimulus attributes.
(Adamson, Mills, Appelbaum, & Neville, 1998; Adamson- Moreover, in between-group and change-over-time com-
Harris, Mills, & Neville, 2000; Mills, Coffey-Corina, & parisons, ERPs can separately index processes of signal
Neville, 1993, 1997). Furthermore, the development of enhancement (ERP amplitude gains for attended stimuli)
neural systems important for syntactic processing shows a and distractor suppression (amplitude reductions for unat-
longer time course than systems important for semantic tended stimuli).
processing (Hahne, Eckstein, & Friederici, 2004; Sabourin, In a number of studies, we have documented that neuro-
Pakulak, Paulsen, Fanning, & Neville, 2007; and unpub- plasticity in the early neural mechanisms of selective
lished observations from data in our laboratory), again sug- attention, as in other neural systems, shows considerable
gesting that systems with a longer developmental time course specificity. In the case of adults born deaf, employing ERPs
may be more modifiable during development. and fMRI, we observed enhancements of attention that
were specific to the peripheral, but not central, visual field
Attention (Bavelier et al., 2000, 2001; Neville & Lawson, 1987b). In
parallel studies of auditory spatial attention among congeni-
As noted previously, many of the changes in vision, audition, tally blind adults, we have observed similar specificity. When
and language observed in studies of neuroplasticity may attending to central auditory space, blind and sighted
depend at least in part on selective attention. The impor- participants displayed similar localization abilities and ERP
tance of selective attention for certain types of adult neuro- attention effects. In contrast, in the periphery, blind partici-
plasticity is strongly supported by animal research. For pants were superior to sighted controls at localizing sounds

170 plasticity
in peripheral auditory space, and ERPs revealed a sharper through 300 ms in children age 3–5. These data suggest that
tuning of early spatial attention mechanisms (the N1 atten- with sufficient attentional cues, children as young as three
tion effect) (Röder et al., 1999). In a recent study of adults years of age are able to attend selectively to an auditory
blinded later in life, we observed possible limits on the time stream and that doing so alters neural activity within 100 ms
periods during which these early mechanisms of attention of processing.
are enhanced (Fieger, Röder, Teder-Sälejärvi, Hillyard, & We have employed this paradigm to examine the timing
Neville, 2006). Whereas adults blinded later in life showed and mechanisms of selective auditory attention in children
similar behavioral improvements in peripheral auditory with specific language impairment (SLI) aged six to eight
attention, these improvements were mediated by changes in years and typically developing (TD) control children matched
the tuning of later ERP indices of attention, several hundred for age, gender, nonverbal IQ, and socioeconomic status
milliseconds after stimulus onset (i.e., P300). There were (SES) (Stevens, Sanders, & Neville, 2006). As shown in figure
no group differences in the early (N1) attention effects. If 11.3A,C, by 100 ms, typically developing children in this
the early neural mechanisms of selective attention can be study showed an amplification of the sensorineural response
enhanced after altered experience, it is possible that, as with to attended as compared to unattended stimuli, just as
other systems that display a high degree of neuroplasticity, observed in our larger samples of typically developing chil-
attention may be particularly vulnerable during develop- dren. In contrast, children with SLI showed no evidence of
ment. In line with this hypothesis, recent behavioral studies sensorineural modulation with attention, despite behavioral
suggest that children at risk for school failure, including performance indicating that they were performing the task
those with poor language or reading abilities or from lower as directed (figure 11.3B,D). Moreover, the group differences
socioeconomic backgrounds, exhibit deficits in aspects of were specific to signal enhancement (figure 11.4, left).
attention including filtering and noise exclusion (Atkinson, In a related line of research, we examined the neural
1991; Cherry, 1981; Farah et al., 2006; Lipina, Martelli, mechanisms of selective attention in children from different
Vuelta, & Colombo, 2005; Noble, Norman, & Farah, 2005; socioeconomic backgrounds. Previous behavioral studies
Sperling, Lu, Manis, & Seidenberg, 2005; Stevens, Sanders, indicated that children from lower socioeconomic back-
Andersson, & Neville, 2006; Ziegler, Pech-Georgel, George, grounds experience difficulty with selective attention, par-
Alanio, & Lorenzi, 2005). These attentional deficits span ticularly in tasks of executive function and tasks that require
linguistic and nonlinguistic domains within the auditory and filtering irrelevant information or suppressing prepotent
visual modalities, suggesting that the deficits are both domain responses (Farah et al., 2006; Lupien, King, Meaney, &
general and pansensory. In order to determine whether McEwen, 2001; Mezzacappa, 2004; Noble et al., 2005;
these attentional deficits can be traced to the earliest effects Noble, McCandliss, & Farah, 2007). Using the same
of attention on sensorineural processing, we have recently selective auditory attention ERP task described earlier, we
used ERPs to examine the neural mechanisms of selective observed differences in the neural mechanisms of selective
attention in typically developing, young children and in attention in children from different socioeconomic back-
groups of children at risk for school failure. grounds (Stevens, Lauinger, & Neville, in press). Specifically,
These studies were modeled after those we and others children whose mothers had lower levels of education
have used with adults (Hillyard et al., 1973; Neville & (no college experience) showed reduced effects of selective
Lawson, 1987a; Röder et al., 1999; Woods, 1990). The task attention on neural processing compared to children whose
was designed to be difficult enough to demand focused selec- mothers had higher levels of education (at least some college)
tive attention, while keeping the physical stimuli, arousal (figure 11.5). These differences were related specifically to a
levels, and task demands constant. Two different children’s reduced ability to filter irrelevant information (i.e., to sup-
stories were presented concurrently from speakers to the left press the response to ignored sounds) (figure 11.4, right) and
and right of the participant. Participants were asked to could not be accounted for by differences in receptive lan-
attend to one story and ignore the other. Superimposed on guage skill. Thus the mechanism implicated in attention
the stories were probe stimuli to which ERPs were recorded. deficits in children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds
Adults tested with this paradigm showed typical N1 atten- (i.e., distractor suppression) was not the same as the mecha-
tion effects (Coch, Sanders, & Neville, 2005). Children, who nism implicated in children with SLI, who showed a deficit
showed a different ERP morphology to the probe stimuli, in signal enhancement of stimuli in the attended channel
also showed early attentional modulation within the first (Stevens, Sanders, & Neville, 2006). Similar results have
100 ms of processing. This attentional modulation was an been reported by other research groups (D’Angiulli,
amplification of the broad positivity occurring in this time Herdman, Stapells, & Hertzman, 2008). Taken together,
window. In a later study (Sanders, Stevens, Coch, & Neville, these studies point to the two sides of the plasticity of early
2006), we found that this attention effect was complete by mechanisms of attention, which show both enhancements
200 ms in older children age 6–8 years but prolonged and vulnerabilities in different populations.

stevens and neville: development and plasticity in human neurocognition 171



Figure 11.3 Grand average event-related potentials (ERPs) broadly distributed effect and (D) in children with specific language
for attended and unattended stimuli (A) in typically developing impairment no modulation with attention. (Data from Stevens,
children (P = .001) and (B) in children with specific language Sanders, & Neville, 2006. Image reproduced with permission from
impairment (P > 0.4). Voltage map of the attention effect (Attended- Brain Research.)
Unattended) shows (C ) in typically developing children a large,

Figure 11.4 Mean amplitude of the ERP from 100 to 200 ms of panel shows data from children from higher versus lower socioeco-
responses to unattended and attended probes. Error bars represent nomic backgrounds. Children from different socioeconomic back-
standard error of the mean. Left panel shows data from typically grounds did not differ in the magnitude of response to attended
developing children (TD) and children with specific language stimuli. However, children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds
impairment (SLI). The two groups did not differ in the magnitude showed a larger response (i.e., poorer filtering) to unattended stimuli
of response to unattended stimuli. However, typically developing compared to children from higher socioeconomic backgrounds.
children showed a larger amplitude response (i.e., better signal (Data from Stevens, Sanders, & Neville, 2006, Brain Research, and
enhancement) than children with SLI to attended stimuli. Right Stevens, Lauinger, & Neville, in press, Developmental Science.)

Several mechanisms might underlie the plasticity of (Coull, Frith, Frackowiak, & Grasby, 1996; Raz & Buhle,
attention. Whereas the research described previously 2006; Shipp, 2004). These components of attention depend
focused on sustained, selective attention, research in cogni- upon different neural substrates and neurotransmitters
tive science and cognitive neuroscience has also identified (Bush, Luu, & Posner, 2000; Gomes, Molholm, Christodou-
several different subsystems, or components of attention lou, Ritter, & Cowan, 2000; Posner & Petersen, 1990) and

172 plasticity
Figure 11.5 Grand average evoked potentials for attended and was significantly larger in children from higher socioeconomic
unattended stimuli in children from higher socioeconomic back- backgrounds (P = .001). (Data from Stevens, Lauinger, & Neville,
grounds (upper panel) and lower socioeconomic backgrounds in press, Developmental Science.)
(lower panel). The effect of attention on sensorineural processing

mature along different timetables (Andersson & Hugdahl, (Bakermans-Kranenberg et al., 2008; Sheese et al., 2007;
1987; Doyle, 1973; Geffen & Wale, 1979; Hiscock & unpublished observations from our lab).
Kinsbourne, 1980; Pearson & Lane, 1991; Rueda, Fan,
et al., 2004; Rueda, Posner, Rothbart, & Davis-Stober, Interventions
2004; Schul, Townsend, & Stiles, 2003). Sustained, selective
attention shows a particularly long time course of develop- As described in the preceding section, selective attention
ment. The abilities both to selectively attend to relevant influences early sensory processing across a number of
stimuli and to successfully ignore irrelevant stimuli improve domains. In our most recent research, we have been inves-
progressively with increasing age across childhood (Cherry, tigating the possibility that attention itself might be trainable,
1981; Geffen & Sexton, 1978; Geffen & Wale, 1979; Hiscock and that this training can impact processing in a number of
& Kinsbourne, 1980; Lane & Pearson, 1982; Maccoby & different domains. Indeed, in his seminal work Principles of
Konrad, 1966; Sexton & Geffen, 1979; Zukier & Hagen, Psychology, William James raised the idea of attention training
1978). Further, there is some evidence that background for children, proposing that this would be “the education par
noise creates greater interference effects for younger excellence” ( James, 1890, italics in original). While James went
children than for adolescents or adults (Elliott, 1979; on to say that such an education is difficult to define and
Ridderinkhof & van der Stelt, 2000). In a review of both bring about, attention training has recently been imple-
behavioral and ERP studies of the development of selective mented in curricula for preschool and school-age children
attention, Ridderinkhof and van der Stelt (2000) proposed (Bodrova & Leong, 2007; Chenault, Thomson, Abbot, &
that the abilities to select among competing stimuli and to Berninger, 2006; Diamond, Barnett, Thomas, & Munro,
preferentially process more relevant information are essen- 2007; Rueda et al., 2005). These programs are associated
tially available in very young children, but that the speed with improvements in behavioral and neurophysiological
and efficiency of these behaviors and the systems contribut- indices of attention, as well as in measures of academic
ing to these abilities improve as children develop. Addition- outcomes and nonverbal intelligence. Furthermore, one
ally, since the key sources of selective attention within the program showed that attention training translated to
parietal and frontal lobes constitute parts of the dorsal increased benefits of a subsequent remedial writing interven-
pathway, similar chemical and anatomical factors noted in tion for adolescents with dyslexia (Chenault et al., 2006).
the section on vision may contribute to the plasticity of atten- Recent proposals suggest that some interventions designed
tion in a similar way. In addition, recent evidence suggests to improve language skills might also target or train selective
that there are considerable genetic effects on attention attention (Gillam, 1999; Gillam, Loeb, & Friel-Patti, 2001;
(Bell et al., 2008; Fan, Fossella, Sommer, Wu, & Posner, Gillam, Crofford, Gale, & Hoffman, 2001; Hari & Renvall,
2003; Posner, Rothbart, & Sheese, 2007; Rueda, Rothbart, 2001). We have tested this hypothesis in a series of interven-
McCandliss, Saccamanno, & Posner, 2005) and that these tion studies. In this research, we have documented changes
may also be modified by environmental input epigenetically in the neural mechanisms of selective attention following

stevens and neville: development and plasticity in human neurocognition 173

training in typically developing children, as well as children either on track in preliteracy skills or at risk for reading
with language impairment or at risk for reading failure failure. They were studied at the beginning of and following
(Stevens, Coch, Sanders, & Neville, 2008; Stevens, Harn, et the first semester of kindergarten (Stevens, Currin, et al.,
al., in press). In all cases, increases in the effects of attention 2008; Stevens, Harn, et al., in press). The at-risk group
on sensorineural processing were accompanied by behav- also received supplemental instruction with a previously
ioral changes in other domains that were also targeted by validated reading intervention (Simmons, Kame’enui,
the training programs, including language and preliteracy Stoolmiller, Coyne, & Harn, 2003; Simmons et al., 2007).
skills. These data suggest that modifications in behavior can Behaviorally, the at-risk group showed improved per-
arise alongside changes in the early neural mechanisms of formance on several preliteracy measures, raising their
attention. performance close to the on-track group by the end of the
In one study, we examined whether six weeks of year. At the start of kindergarten, the at-risk group displayed
high-intensity (100 min/day) training with a computerized reduced effects of attention on sensorineural processing
intervention program designed to improve language skills compared to the on-track group. Following training, this
would also influence neural mechanisms of selective auditory difference between groups disappeared, with the at-risk
attention previously shown to be deficient in children with group showing increased effects of attention on sensorineu-
SLI (Stevens, Coch, et al., 2008). Before and after training ral processing (figure 11.7).
(or a comparable delay period for a no-treatment control Functional MRI data from the same kindergarten chil-
group), children completed standardized language assess- dren further supported the role of attentional changes in
ments and the ERP measure of selective auditory attention successful language or reading interventions (Yamada et al.,
described earlier. Relative to the no-treatment control group, 2008; Yamada, Stevens, Harn, Chard, & Neville, under
both children with SLI and typically developing children review). Hemodynamic responses to visually presented letters
receiving training showed increases in standardized mea- or false-font stimuli (presented in separate blocks) were
sures of receptive language. In addition, children receiving examined. Participants indicated when the same letter or
training showed larger increases in the effects of attention false-font stimulus was repeated in two successive trials (i.e.,
on neural processing following training relative to the control a 1-back task). Consistent with previous research on reading-
group, and these changes were specific to changes in signal related networks in fluent readers, adults recruited a left
enhancement of attended stimuli (figure 11.6). temporoparietal region during this task (figure 11.8A). At the
In a second study, we examined the neural mechanisms start of kindergarten, on-track children recruited bilateral
of selective attention in kindergarten children who were temporoparietal regions, whereas children at risk for reading

Figure 11.6 ERP responses to attended and ignored auditory during the 100–200-ms time window. Following training, both
stimuli in typically developing (TD) children and children with children with SLI (P < .05) and typically developing children (P <
specific language impairment (SLI) before and after six weeks of .1) showed evidence of increased effects of attention on sensorineu-
daily, 100-minute computerized language training. Grand average ral processing. These changes were larger than those made in a
evoked potentials for attended and unattended stimuli are collapsed no-treatment control group (P < .01), who showed no change in
across linguistic and nonlinguistic probes. Voltage maps show mag- the effects of attention on sensorineural processing when retested
nitude and distribution of the attention effect (attended-unattended) after a comparable time period (P = .96).

174 plasticity
Figure 11.7 Grand average ERP waveforms from the selective Intervention (ERI). Voltage map indicates the magnitude and dis-
auditory attention paradigm show the effects of attention on sen- tribution of the attention effect (Attended-Unattended). Changes
sorineural processing in kindergarten children of diverse early in the effects of attention differed from pretest to posttest in the two
reading ability across the first semester of kindergarten. Top row groups (P < .05), with the OT group showing no change (P = .92)
shows data from pretest, and bottom row shows data from posttest and the AR group showing a significant increase in the attention
for five-year-old kindergarten children on track (OT) in early effect (P < .01). At pretest, the OT group tended to have a larger
literacy skills or at risk (AR) for reading difficulty. The OT group attention effect than the AR group (P = .06). At posttest, the AR
received eight weeks of kindergarten between pretest and posttest. group had a nonsignificantly larger attention effect than the OT
The AR group received eight weeks of kindergarten with 45 group (P = .17). (See color plate 12.)
minutes of daily, supplemental instruction with the Early Reading

Figure 11.8 Functional MRI activations for letter > false font activation. (C) Following one semester of kindergarten and, for
while performing a 1-back task in adults and kindergarten children children in the at-risk group, daily supplemental instruction with
of diverse reading ability across the first semester of formal reading the Early Reading Intervention, on-track children showed left-lat-
instruction. (A) Adults performing the task displayed activation in eralized activation in temporoparietal regions, and at-risk children
classic left temporoparietal regions. (B) In contrast, at the beginning showed bilateral temporoparietal activation and large activation of
of kindergarten, children on track in early literacy skills (upper frontal regions, including the ACC. The left hemisphere is dis-
panel) showed bilateral temporoparietal activation, and children at played on the left. In the upper left corner are example stimuli.
risk for reading difficulty (lower panel) showed no regions of greater (See color plate 13.)

stevens and neville: development and plasticity in human neurocognition 175

failure did not show greater recruitment of any brain regions long allele of the serotonin transporter gene and the 7 repeat
for letters versus false-font stimuli (figure 11.8B). Following allele of the DRD4 gene are associated with increased
3 months of kindergarten and, for children at risk for reading rates of ADHD and reduction of our ERP attention effects
failure, supplemental reading instruction, both groups (Bell et al.; Fan et al.; Parasuraman, Greenwood, Kumar,
showed changes in reading circuits toward more adultlike & Fosella, 2005; Rueda et al., 2005; Savitz, Solmes, &
patterns, though the at-risk group showed a less mature Ramesar, 2006). However, recent studies suggest that such
pattern of activation (figure 11.8C ). Interestingly, following genetic effects display plasticity that is dependent on and
a semester of kindergarten, the at-risk group showed greater modified by environmental input including parenting
activation than the on-track group of supplemental frontal quality, parental interventions, and small group interven-
regions, including the anterior cingulate cortex (figure 11.8). tions (Bakermans-Kranenberg & Van Ijzendoom, 2006;
This suggested that changes in the neural circuits for reading Bakermans-Kranenberg et al., 2008; Sheese et al., 2007; and
in response to intervention also involved the recruitment of our unpublished observations). Thus gene × environment
additional neural resources related to attention. interactions and epigenetic mechanisms similar to those
In a related line of research, we have also begun studies operating in animal studies (Kondo et al., 2008; Suomi,
that train parents of children from lower socioeconomic 2003, 2006) likely play a role in determining the different
backgrounds. Across eight weekly, small-group sessions, profiles of human neuroplasticity as well.
parents learn evidence-based strategies to improve commu-
nication with their children, promote children’s critical Conclusions
thinking skills, and decrease family stress. We have com-
pared the pre- to posttraining changes in this group of The research described in this chapter has illustrated the
parents and their children to changes in a matched control variable degrees and time periods of neuroplasticity in the
group randomly assigned not to receive the intervention. To human brain and likely mechanisms whereby experience
date the parent training appears very promising (Fanning, influences different subsystems within perceptual and cogni-
2007; Fanning, Paulsen, Sundborg, & Neville, 2008; tive domains. Additionally, this research has highlighted the
Fanning, Sohlberg, & Neville, under review). Relative to the bidirectional nature of plasticity—those aspects of neural
control group, parents in the intervention group show larger processing and related cognitive functioning that show the
decreases in self-reported stress related to parenting chal- greatest capability for enhancement also display the greatest
lenges. When interacting with their children, their language susceptibility to deficits under different conditions. Research-
becomes more child directed (e.g., they allow more oppor- ers are entering an exciting frontier of neuroplasticity
tunities for the child to talk and to guide the interaction). In research that takes the results of basic research on the
addition, there are large changes in the children themselves. profiles and mechanisms of neuroplasticity as a point of
Children whose parents completed the training show large departure in the development of training and intervention
and significant increases in standardized measures of lan- programs. Our growing understanding of the limits and
guage, nonverbal IQ , memory, and attention compared to mechanisms of plasticity contributes to a basic understand-
children whose parents are randomly assigned not to receive ing of human brain development and function and can also
the intervention. We are continuing to assess the parent- inform and guide efforts to harness neuroplasticity both to
training program by looking at the effects of the training on optimize and to protect the malleable and vulnerable aspects
attention and language-related ERPs. We are following chil- of human development.
dren longitudinally to see whether improvements persist and
generalize school performance. In addition, we are adapting acknowledgments We thank our many collaborators in the
research reported here. Supported by grants from NIH NIDCD
the parent-training program to include a stronger focus on (DC000481, DC000128) and Department of Education IES
developing children’s attention and self-regulation skills. (R305B070018).
Finally, recent studies have linked variability in polymor-
phisms of genes that influence the production, metabolism,
and transport of neurotransmitters important in attention to REFERENCES
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(2006). Vulnerability and plasticity of selective auditory attention in letter processing across the kindergarten year: A longitudinal fMRI study.
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143–152. Ziegler, J. C., Pech-Georgel, C., George, F., Alanio, F. X., &
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ology of social conflict. Ann. NY Acad. Sci., 1008, 132–139. guage learning impairment. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102(39),
Suomi, S. (2004). How gene-environment interactions can 14110–14115.
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Barcia-Coll, E. L. Bearer, & R. M. Lerner (Eds.), Nature and attention under distracting conditions. Child Dev., 49, 870–873.

stevens and neville: development and plasticity in human neurocognition 181

Chapter 12 treisman 189

13 kastner, mcmains,
and beck 205

14 corbetta, sylvester,
and shulman 219

15 hopf, heinze, schoenfeld,

and hillyard 235

16 mangun, saron, and walsh 251

17 karnath 259

18 robertson 269

19 maunsell 281

20 womelsdorf and fries 289

steven j. luck and george r. mangun

The term “attention” has a broad set of meanings in

everyday language, but they are all related in some way to
the concept of focusing mental processes. Focusing on one
task to the exclusion of others is often called “concentration”
in everyday language. This kind of attention is typically
studied under the heading of executive control. A good
example is the Stroop task, in which the challenge is to
perform a relatively unpracticed task (saying the name of a
color) while suppressing interference from a highly practiced
task (reading a word). This variety of attention is discussed
in part IX, on higher cognitive functions (chapters 69–76).
Focusing on one source of sensory inputs to the exclusion
of others is termed selective attention or, as a shorthand,
simply “selection.” A good example is the visual search task,
in which the challenge is to find a target object while
suppressing interference from distractor objects that may
be perceptually similar to the target. This is the variety of
attention that is the focus of this section. Although selective
attention plays a key role in many sensory modalities, the
largest body of work has been in the visual system because
our detailed knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of
this sensory system provides solid footing for the study of the
more ephemeral topic of attention. Visual attention is there-
fore the main focus of the chapters in this section.
Perhaps the most fundamental distinction in the study of
attention is between the control of attention and the imple-
mentation of attention. Attentional control processes are
responsible for taking general task instructions (e.g., find a
grapefruit on the left side of this photograph) and converting
these into a bias toward an appropriate set of features (e.g.,
colors, shapes, locations, etc.). Once a set of potentially rel-
evant features, objects, or locations has been found, atten-
tional implementation processes are responsible for ensuring
that these features, objects, or locations receive preferential

luck and mangun: introduction 185

processing. In the context of the classic spotlight metaphor, dence between right-hemisphere areas that are involved in
control processes are responsible for directing the attentional attentional control and left-hemisphere areas that are
beam, and attention is implemented by means of the illumi- involved in language and imitation. Chapter 14 by Corbetta,
nation of objects by the beam. Sylvester, and Shulman complements this, describing how
As discussed in Treisman’s chapter on the basic behav- attentional control networks receive information from sub-
ioral phenomena of attention, early research on attention cortical systems involved in affect and motivation and how
focused on the implementation of attention (chapter 12). different dorsal and ventral frontal-parietal networks are
This research initially asked whether attention operates involved in the control of sensory and motor systems.
at an early, perceptual stage or a late, postperceptual stage, Mangun, Saron, and Walsh describe how frontal and
but cognitive neuroscience research has shown that these parietal attentional control networks interact with frontal
are not mutually exclusive alternatives. Instead, attention cortical systems, such as the anterior cingulate cortex, that
can operate at different stages depending on the nature of are involved in conflict detection, error monitoring, and
the stimuli and task. Moreover, recent research has moved online behavioral adjustments (chapter 16).
beyond coarse distinctions between perceptual and post- Research on the control of attention has also focused on
perceptual stages and is now examining how attention oper- the elementary “units” of selection. That is, does attention
ates in different ways within the dozens of different areas of select spatial locations, nonspatial features, or whole objects?
the visual processing pathway. This new research is reviewed As reviewed in Treisman’s chapter, this topic has been the
by Kastner, McMains, and Beck in chapter 13, on neuro- source of much dispute in the cognitive literature for more
imaging research, and by Maunsell in chapter 19, on single- than two decades, but cognitive neuroscience research has
unit recordings. shown that these are not mutually exclusive alternatives.
Research on the implementation of attention has also Attention can be allocated to the features of objects, to
become more precise in identifying the nature of attentional the locations occupied by objects, and directly to the
modulations of visual sensory responses. Two major princi- objects themselves. This finding can be seen in neuro-
ples have now been supported by many forms of converging imaging studies (as described by Beck and Kastner and
evidence. First, attentional selection depends strongly on by Corbetta et al.), in single-unit studies (as described
the degree of competition. As described in the chapters by by Maunsell), and in ERP studies (as described by Hopf
Kastner, McMains, and Beck and by Maunsell, attention et al.). Perhaps the most impressive evidence, however,
has its strongest effects when task-irrelevant information comes from the lesion patients described by Robertson in
competes with the processing of task-relevant information. chapter 18. When spatial processing is severely disrupted
For example, attention effects are often observed to increase in these patients, it is still possible to see clear evidence
as information moves into higher stages of the visual process- of intact feature-based and object-based attention.
ing pathway, where receptive fields are larger and are Now that we have reviewed the major themes discussed
therefore likely to contain task-irrelevant objects as well as by the chapters in this section, we would like to highlight
task-relevant objects. A second major principle is that atten- three areas in which substantial progress has been made
tion often operates as a gain control, increasing the effective since the last edition of this book. First, although we have
contrast for attended stimuli without changing sensory known for decades that a broad set of frontal, parietal, and
tuning curves. This point has been made most clearly in the subcortical areas play a role in the control of attention, the
psychophysical and single-unit studies reviewed by Maunsell chapters in this section provide a much more detailed
and in the event-related potential (ERP) studies reviewed in description of how these areas work both independently and
chapter 15 by Hopf, Heinze, Schoenfeld, and Hillyard. We in concert to control attention. New research is also looking
are also now beginning to understand how these effects may at the microcircuitry of attention, revealing how different
arise from the microcircuitry and temporal dynamics of subclasses of neurons within an area are modulated by the
visual cortex, as reviewed in chapter 20 by Womelsdorf and operation of attention.
Fries on the role of neural synchronization in attention. Second, the new research described in this section is
The control of attention is also described in considerable beginning to reveal the details of how frontal and parietal
detail in this section. Much of this work takes place within areas can control the operation of attention within sensory
the concept of a network of frontal, parietal, and superior areas. Top-down control signals have now been measured
temporal areas that control the operation of attention. The in a broad variety of attention tasks, and stimulation tech-
chapters in this section make the case for specializations in niques have been used to show that activity within control
attentional control within these interconnected brain regions. areas can directly modulate sensory responses within visual
In chapter 17, Karnath describes the detailed anatomy of a cortex. A major unknown, however, is how these signals lead
network of areas surrounding the Sylvian fissure involved in to the changes in neural synchrony that now appear to play
the control of attention, noting an interesting correspon- an important role in the implementation of selection.

186 attention
Finally, the chapters in this section describe new insights the operation of feature-based attention sometimes precedes
into the allocation of attention to nonspatial features, such and guides the allocation of space-based attention. We
as color and direction of motion. Recent studies have shown expect that the next five years will lead to new insights into
that attention can be directed to specific feature values across how these different varieties of attention work together in
the visual field, and not just at attended locations. Indeed, the service of perception and behavior.

luck and mangun: introduction 187

12 Attention: Theoretical and
Psychological Perspectives
anne treisman

abstract This chapter reviews research on attention using example, does attention select the relevant stimuli early or
behavioral and psychological methods. It attempts to illustrate late in perceptual processing? The answer typically proves
what was learned through these tools alone and what is gained to be “both or all the above.” Simplistic questions have
when tools from cognitive neuroscience are added. The psychologi-
cal approaches defined many of the theoretical issues, such as
evolved into attempts to specify when each answer applies
the nature of the overloads that make attention necessary, the level and why. I select eight such issues to discuss here, using
of selection, the method of selection (enhancement of attended mostly psychological methods and bringing in neural evi-
stimuli or suppression of unattended ones), the targets of selection dence where it can decide questions that otherwise could not
(locations, objects, or attributes), the ways in which attention is be answered. I also introduce many experimental paradigms
controlled, and the role of attention in solving the feature-binding
that have been used to study attention. The goal has been
problem. Psychology also developed many of the paradigms
used to probe the underlying mechanisms that are now being con- to “bottle” the wide range of everyday phenomena encom-
firmed by converging evidence from brain imaging and from passed by the label “attention” and bring them into the
studies of brain-damaged patients. Theories of attention have controlled conditions necessary for scientific study.
evolved from the early sequential “pipeline” model of processing
to a more flexible and interactive model with parallel streams spe-
cializing in different forms of perceptual analysis, iterative cycles of Why is attention limited?
processing, and reentry to earlier levels. Attentional selection takes
many forms and applies at many levels. We learn as much from As the gorilla example that opened this chapter suggests,
exploring the constraints on flexibility—what cannot be done—as attention seems to be severely limited. Other examples
from discovering what can. abound, as we show in later sections. We typically see only
four items in a brief visual flash (Woodworth, 1938). We can
follow the content of only one auditory message at a time
While watching a movie of a basketball game and counting (Broadbent, 1958). We can track only four moving circles
the passes made by one of the teams, participants completely among other identical circles moving in random directions
miss seeing a large black gorilla walk through the game, even (Pylyshyn & Storm, 1988). Why do these limits arise? There
though it is clearly visible if attended to (Simons & Chabris, are three general ideas about their nature, and all could play
1999; see also Neisser & Becklen, 1975). Why should we still a part.
be interested in purely psychological studies like this one? If,
as Minsky said, the mind is what the brain does, then that Structural Interference One hypothesis is that limits
is what, as psychologists, we are interested in, and it would arise only when two concurrent tasks use the same specialized
be foolish not to use the tools from neuroscience. However, subsystems. Proponents compared the interference between
brain-imaging data and findings with neurological patients tasks that seemed likely to share common mechanisms and
depend critically for their interpretation on the designs of tasks that did not—for example, both were speech shadowing
the behavioral tasks being performed. We can directly or one was piano playing (Allport, Antonis, & Reynolds,
observe actions, or we can measure brain activation, but by 1972), both were visual or one was auditory (Treisman &
putting them together we further constrain the possible theo- Davies, 1973), both used verbal rehearsal or one used
ries. This chapter is intended to set the scene, both histori- imagery (Brooks, 1968). The results clearly showed more
cally and conceptually, for the subsequent chapters exploring interference between tasks that were more similar. When
neuroscientific approaches to attention in more detail. they were sufficiently different, they were sometimes
The traditional questions in attention research mostly combined without impairment.
started as di- or trichotomies: “Is it x, or y, or z?” For Different attributes like color, motion, and shape are
processed by at least partially separate systems (e.g.,
anne treisman Psychology Department, Princeton University, Corbetta, Miezin, Dobmeyer, Shulman, & Petersen, 1991).
Princeton, New Jersey Thus the structural interference view predicts little difficulty

treisman: attention: theoretical and psychological perspectives 189

in registering different properties of the same object, and this Pupil response
is what is found. Interference may still arise at the response Letter
level if the different attributes evoke conflicting responses, as identification
in the task of naming the colored inks in which different 70 0.7
color names are written (Stroop, 1935). The reason why
attention is ineffective in tasks like the Stroop may be that
60 0.6
the brain is forced to use whatever discriminative systems it
has available unless these are fully occupied with other stimuli

Pupillary dilation (mm)

(Treisman, 1969). 50 0.5

Percent failure
Certain stimuli may have privileged access to attention,
bypassing the structural limits: In a dichotic listening
40 0.4
task, participants’ own names sometimes broke through
from the unattended message (Moray, 1959). Emotional
stimuli, like a snake (Ohman, Flykt, & Esteves, 2001) or an 30 0.3
angry face, are more likely to be seen than neutral stimuli
(Eastwood, Smilek, & Merikle, 2001; for a review see 0.2
Vuilleumier, 2005). The advantage extends also to guns and
other nonevolutionary stimuli, suggesting that attention can
be drawn to learned categories of fearful stimuli (Blanchette, 10 0.1
2006). Emotional stimuli may directly activate a separate
pathway to the ventral prefrontal cortex and the amygdala 0 0
(e.g., Yamasaki, LaBar, & McCarthy, 2002), although,
contrary to some prior claims, some attentional resources Listen Report
are still needed for their detection (Pessoa, Kastner, & Time (sec)
Ungerleider, 2002).
Figure 12.1 A measure of perceptual deficit and the pupillary
response to a digit-transformation task. Black symbols show percent
General Resources There are also more general limits to missed letters in a rapid visual sequence while participants listened
attention. Kahneman (1973) argued for a limited pool of to four digits, adding one to each and reporting the results (at rate
resources or “effort.” He showed that a secondary task of 1 per second). Errors increase with each extra digit at intake;
(monitoring a stream of visual letters) was impaired when they are highest at the time when participants are doing the mental
combined with a primary task of adding one to each of a addition; and they decrease as each transformed digit is reported.
Open symbols show the size of the pupil, reflecting the amount of
string of auditory digits, although these two tasks are unlikely effort or resources being used. Note that the pupil index has about
to share the same brain systems. Kahneman used the size of a 2-second lag behind the mental processing. (Modified with
the pupil as an online index of effort, having previously permission from Kahneman, 1973.)
shown that it correlates closely with difficulty across a wide
range of tasks. Interference with visual letter detection was
maximal when the memory load was highest and effort, as difficult). Discriminating phonology is unlikely to involve
indexed by the pupil, was at a peak (see figure 12.1). area MT, yet fMRI activation to the irrelevant dots was
Purely psychological studies are handicapped in deter- reduced during the more difficult word task. Thus attention
mining what information is extracted from unattended mes- limits appear between two very different forms of visual
sages by the fact that observable responses are needed as perception. However, when auditory words replaced the
evidence, so that limits could arise from our inability to carry visual ones, task difficulty in the auditory word task had no
out simultaneous actions or to remember stimuli that we did impact on visual activation of area MT. Psychological tests
in fact observe. Brain imaging allows us to monitor the provided converging evidence: With visual words, the diffi-
incidental processing of unattended stimuli as they are pre- cult task reduced the motion aftereffect generated by the
sented, and it may give us more sensitive indications of irrelevant dots, whereas with auditory words it was unaf-
where the limits arise. Results have cast additional doubt on fected. Resources are at least partly shared across very
claims that only structural interference matters. Rees, Frith, different tasks within vision, suggesting resource limits
and Lavie (1997) observed fMRI activity in area MT pro- rather than structural interference within the visual modal-
duced by irrelevant moving dots surrounding a central, task- ity, but may be separate across different modalities. An inter-
relevant word. Two tasks differing in difficulty were used to esting exception concerns spatial coding, where a shared
assess the effects of load in processing the central word: case representation of space may create some overlap in resources
discrimination (easy) or detecting a bisyllabic word (more (e.g., Spence & Driver, 1996).

190 attention
Behavioral Coherence The premotor theory of two separately located colored ovals increased the fMRI
attention suggests that attention is simply a preparation for activation produced by either a house or a face stimulus that
response, selecting the goal of an intended action (Rizzolatti, shared the same location.
Riggio, Dascola, & Umilta, 1987). Attention is facilitated A number of findings also favor object selection. When
when the actions afforded by the stimulus are compatible overlapping objects share the same general location, like the
with the response required (e.g., Craighero, Fadiga, basketball game and the gorilla described earlier, attention
Rizzolatti, & Umilta, 1999; Tucker & Ellis, 1998). Hand can still be very efficient. Selection may be guided by proper-
location can facilitate detection of targets near the hand ties of the attended object, perhaps a color or a range of
(Reed, Grubb, & Steele, 2006). Spatial attention normally spatial frequencies, or simply by the collinearity and spatial
follows a saccadic eye movement and can be triggered by continuity of its contours. Attention spreads more easily
subliminal stimulation of neurons that control that saccade within than between objects (Duncan, 1984; Egly, Driver, &
(Moore & Armstrong, 2003). Attentional systems differ for Rafal, 1994; Tipper & Behrmann, 1996; see figure 12.2).
space that is within reach and space that is beyond it Patients with neglect due to parietal damage who are
(Ladavas, 2002). Actions may themselves affect the way oblivious to the left side of space often also neglect the left
attention is deployed. If a salient target like a unique color side of objects (e.g., Halligan & Marshall, 1994). A dramatic
need only be detected, it “pops out” of the display; but if the
goal is to touch the object, focused attention is required
(Song & Nakayama, 2006). Although motor performance
clearly interacts with attention, it seems unlikely that intended
actions are the only limits to attention. Even when we
passively watch stimuli go by (e.g., at the movies), we do
select a subset of the information that reaches the senses.

When Limits Disappear Attention limits are typically

found in unpracticed tasks, but most attention-demanding
tasks can, with extensive practice, be automatized—made
independent of attention. Search for target letters among
other random letters initially demands attention and gives
steep slopes of latencies against display size. But after weeks
of practice with consistent target-distractor mapping, the
slopes become flat (Schneider & Shiffrin, 1977). Two verbal
tasks that are both similar and demanding (reading for
comprehension and writing to dictation) can initially be Figure 12.2 Three experiments suggesting that attention is
done only in alternation, but after weeks of practice, they allocated to perceptual objects. (A) Two examples of stimuli used
in the experiment. Only one was presented on any trial. Partici-
are efficiently combined (Spelke, Hirst, & Neisser, 1976). pants were better at making two decisions on a single object (e.g.,
The only remaining constraint is between tasks that required the orientation and texture of the line) than on two objects (e.g.,
combining words in sentences, for example, deciding whether the orientation of the line and the gap side of the rectangle), even
the passage makes sense semantically. Theories of attention though the two objects share the same location. (From Duncan,
limits must also account for how these limits can, in many 1984, with permission.) (B) Two bars are presented, and one end
of one bar brightens temporarily. Then a target (indicated by the
cases, disappear with practice. black area) is presented either at the cued end of the cued object,
or at the opposite end (as in the example shown), or in the other
What does attention select? object at the same spatial distance from the cue. Responses are
fastest at the cued end, but they are also faster at the other end of
Traditionally the debate has centered on three possible goals the cued object than in the other object, indicating that a within-
object shift of attention is faster than a between-objects shift. (Modi-
of selection—locations, objects, and attributes. To these,
fied with permission from Egly, Driver, & Rafal, 1994.) (C)
we can add selection of scale and selection of moments of Schematic illustration of the impact of left-sided neglect in the
time. The answer again seems to be “all the above.” Spatial rotating objects experiment. When shown two objects, neglect
selection is implied when facilitation spreads to separate, patients with right parietal damage often see the one on the right
unrelated objects in the neighborhood of an attended and fail to see the one on the left. If they watch the objects rotate,
however, they may continue to neglect the one that was originally
target, shown by behavioral improvement (Hoffman &
on the left, even when it moves into the right field, suggesting that
Nelson, 1981), ERPs (Mangun & Hillyard, 1988), and fMRI attention is allocated to the object rather than to its location. The
activation (Downing, Liu, & Kanwisher, 2001). For example, shaded area reflects the part of the display neglected by the patients.
Downing and colleagues showed that attending to one of (Modified with permission from Tipper & Behrmann, 1996.)

treisman: attention: theoretical and psychological perspectives 191

demonstration of object-based selection with no distinguish- Selection of scale with hierarchically organized stimuli
ing properties involves tracking a subset of identical moving (e.g., global letters made of local letters) shows many similar
dots (Pylyshyn & Storm, 1988). Participants are shown, for attentional phenomena. For example, it can take time to
example, eight identical dots, of which four briefly brighten, reset attention from one level to another (Ward, 1982), and
indicating that they are the targets. All eight dots then performance at one level deteriorates when attention is
move on random, independent paths, and participants cued to the other (Bulakowski, Bressler, & Whitney, 2007).
attempt to track the four targets. Selection here must be Navon (1977) found faster responses to the global level
based exclusively on spatiotemporal continuity, since after (“global precedence”), although this preference is modulated
the initial cues nothing else differentiates targets from dis- by the density and size of the local elements (Kimchi, 1992).
tractors. Scholl, Pylyshyn, and Feldman (2001) further Ivry and Robertson (1998) suggest that the attentional bias
defined what counts as a selectable object, showing that the is relative rather than absolute, selecting the higher or the
ends of lines whose other ends are to be ignored are impos- lower spatial frequencies in any given display. They link it
sible to track. Pylyshyn proposed that selection is maintained to a cerebral asymmetry favoring higher frequencies in
through preattentive indices (FINSTs) attached to the cued the left hemisphere and lower in the right. Data from neu-
targets. These give direct access to the objects to which they rological patients support this specialization (Robertson &
are attached, and finding them should therefore not need Lamb, 1991).
attention. However, the task is clearly subject to attention Finally selection of moments in time is demonstrated
limits, showing a decrement with dual tasks (Treisman, by comparing performance with and without a temporal
1993). Wilson and I showed that tracking was impaired warning. In Posner’s typology of attention, measured by his
when participants were also asked to note changes in binding Attention Network Test (ANT; Fan, McCandliss, Sommer,
of color and texture in the borders around the display. Raz, & Posner, 2002), this is one of the three components
Attributes may also be units of attentional selection. For of attention—alerting, orienting, and executive control.
example, we may attend to motion and ignore color and Alerting, cued by a temporal warning, considerably speeds
shape (Corbetta et al., 1991). However, selection of one reaction times.
attribute within an object is often less efficient than other
forms of selection. There is a strong bias to attend to objects How does attention select?
as wholes. The Stroop task illustrates a failure to reject a
word while attending to its color. Can we further narrow Does attention enhance relevant items, inhibit irrelevant
attention to select a particular feature within an attri- items, or change the tuning of selected neurons? This ques-
bute (e.g., red within the attribute of color)? Serences and tion is difficult to answer because it is unclear what the
Boynton (2007) showed that facilitation of a particular baseline should be. We cannot be in a state of no attentional
feature could spread across the visual field, even in the deployment. The alternatives to focused attention are inat-
absence of a stimulus. Observers can track one feature of an tention (i.e., focused attention to another object) or divided
object as it changes over time, so long as the changes are attention to two or more objects, which allows only a relative
gradual (Blaser, Pylyshyn, & Holcombe, 2000). However, measure of facilitation. Probing unattended objects behav-
they could track two changing features at once only if these iorally is self-defeating, although an indirect measure of
characterized the same object. Again feature selection was reduced interference can suggest inhibition. Another solu-
mediated by attention to an object as a whole. tion is to use neural measures of response to unattended
When irrelevant attributes produce no behavioral inter- stimuli.
ference with the relevant task, brain imaging is needed to
test whether they are truly suppressed. O’Craven, Downing, Facilitation Focused attention is generally found to
and Kanwisher (1999) used overlapping face and place facilitate the processing of selected signals relative to the
stimuli and asked participants to report either the direction divided attention baseline, improving the accuracy or latency
of the moving picture or the location (slightly shifted from of response (Posner, 1980). There is some disagreement
center) of the static one. The picture with the relevant about the form the facilitation takes—an increase in signal-
attribute produced increased activation in the brain area to-noise ratio, a narrower tuning to sharpen discrimination,
specialized for its (irrelevant) category—PPA for houses and or a shift in criterion (see chapter 19 by Maunsell, this
FFA for faces. Selection of one attribute here also resulted volume, for evidence from neural recordings). Prinzmetal,
in enhanced attention to the object as a whole. The picture Nwachuku, Bodanski, Blumenfeld, and Shimizu (1997) and
that emerges is that attention can be biased to select any of Prinzmetal, Amiri, Allen, and Edwards (1998) investigated
the three candidates, locations, objects, and attributes, but the phenomenology of attention, showing that it reduces
that object selection either takes precedence over feature the variance but leaves the perceived intensity unchanged.
selection or mediates it. Signal detection theory separates effects on sensitivity (d ′)

192 attention
and on decision criteria. Shaw (1984) found that in detection (Posner & Snyder, 1975). Probe items in search get slightly
of luminance increments, attention load affected only slower responses when they appear in locations previously
the criterion, but in a letter localization task it also affected occupied by nontarget items (Cepeda, Cave, Bichot, & Kim,
d ′. However, Hawkins and colleagues (1990) found that 1998; Klein & MacInnes, 1999). In the Marking Paradigm
spatial cuing affected both d ′ and criterion in a luminance (Watson & Humphreys, 1997), a subset of distractors is
detection task. shown in advance of the full search display. This procedure
A related question, best answered with neural measures, eliminates their contribution to search latencies, producing
is whether attention produces a multiplicative effect on the efficient feature search of just the items that appear in the
signal (gain control) or simply changes the baseline activity final display instead of what would otherwise be a slower
on which the signal is superimposed. Hillyard, Vogel, and search for a conjunction target.
Luck (1998) concluded that the gain control model fits best Functional MRI measures offer more direct evidence
in early spatial selection. But there is also evidence in some of inhibition, suggesting that attention to a stimulus at the
conditions for changes in baseline activity (Kastner, Pinsk, fovea strongly suppresses baseline activity in brain areas
De Weerd, Desimone, & Ungerleider, 1999; Chawla, Rees, responding to other spatial locations (Smith, Singh, &
& Friston, 1999). Greenlee, 2000). Event-related potential (ERP) differences
between attended and unattended items show both inhibi-
Inhibition Whether inhibition is invoked in an attention tion of irrelevant items (shown in the P1 ERP component)
task may depend on how distracting the irrelevant stimuli and facilitation of relevant ones (shown in the N1 compo-
would otherwise be. More active suppression is needed when nent) (Luck et al., 1994). When participants must bind
the target and distractors are superimposed rather than spa- features to identify the target, both a P1 and an N1 are
tially separated. Participants name one of two superimposed shown, whereas when the presence of a color is sufficient,
pictures more slowly when the currently relevant picture was only the N1 (facilitation) effect remains (Luck & Hillyard,
the irrelevant one on the previous trial, suggesting that it was 1995). Again, inhibition is used only when distractors would
inhibited when it was irrelevant and the inhibition then had otherwise cause interference.
to be removed (Tipper, 1985). Thus this negative priming
paradigm may show aftereffects of inhibition. A reduction Changes of Tuning or Selectivity Receptive field
in Stroop interference demonstrates the online inhibition of sizes can change, shrinking with attention to give finer
an irrelevant object, not just the aftereffects of inattention selectivity (Moran & Desimone, 1985). Selectivity to
(Wühr & Frings, 2008; see figure 12.3). particular features can also be sharpened. For example,
Inhibition may also be used to prevent rechecking the when participants attended to the direction in which objects
same locations or stimuli that have already proved fruitless. were rotated, the selectivity of fMRI in area LOC to
Thus responses are slower at locations that have previously orientation differences was increased relative to when they
received attention, an effect known as inhibition of return attended to the color of a central dot (Murray & Wojciulik,
2004). (Again, see chapter 19 by Maunsell for evidence from
neural recordings.)

Does attention act early or late?
In the early days of attention research, information process-
ing was seen as a pipeline of successive stages, the output of
each becoming the input of the next, with information of
xxxx green increasing complexity abstracted at each level. Attention
could potentially select between outputs at any level to deter-
mine which should be passed on to the next. This model has
been replaced by a more interactive system with reentry to
early levels and extensive lateral communication between
separate parallel streams of analysis, dealing with different
Figure 12.3 The task is to name the color of the square shape types of information—“what?” in the ventral versus “where?”
(which was yellow). Stroop interference is greater from the word in the dorsal areas (Ungerleider & Mishkin, 1982), or objects
“green” inside the relevant object than it is if the word is presented and events for conscious representation in the ventral
in the background where the O’s are shown, and it is reduced
further when presented in the irrelevant red circle, where the X ’s pathway and the online control of actions in the dorsal
are shown in the figure. (Modified with permission from Wühr & pathway (Milner & Goodale, 1995). Within each pathway,
Frings, 2008.) selection can occur at various levels, depending on the task,

treisman: attention: theoretical and psychological perspectives 193

Figure 12.4 The reverse hierarchy theory. An initial fast-forward sweep through the visual hierarchy yields early access to high-level
properties from large receptive fields. This can be followed by reentry to earlier areas, as required by the task. (Reprinted from Hochstein
& Ahissar, 2002.)

the load, and the degree to which concurrent tasks engage In the so-called psychological refractory period, attention
the same subsystems. A recent framework that captures limits seem to arise late. When separate speeded responses
this flexibility is the reverse hierarchy theory of Hochstein are required to two stimuli presented in close succession, the
and Ahissar (2002), in which an initial feedforward sweep response to the second is typically delayed, reflecting an
through the sequence of visual areas takes place automati- attentional bottleneck (Welford, 1952). Pashler (1993, 1994)
cally, followed by optional controlled processing that may used evidence of underadditivity of factors contributing to
return to lower areas as required by the task (see figure 12.4). the two reaction times to locate the point at which overlap
Access to awareness is initially at the highest levels of repre- in processing becomes impossible. He found convincing evi-
sentation where receptive fields are large and discrimination dence that the bottleneck arises not in perception but in
is categorical. central decision and response selection (see figure 12.5). The
Without assuming that the two must be correlated in a fact that attention limits can and sometimes do arise at late
fixed order, we can still ask about either the level or the time stages does not refute the claim that they can also act early.
at which selection is made. The early-late dichotomy was A coherent account relates the level of selection to the
actually always a “straw” question. Proponents of early level at which the potential overload occurs. If perception is
selection did not deny that selection could also occur late. demanding, selection needs to be early, whereas if the per-
The real question was “Can attention act early (Broadbent, ceptual load is low, early selection may be not only unneces-
1958), or is all perceptual processing automatic, with atten- sary but actually impossible. Lavie and Tsal (1994) and
tion selecting only at the level of memory and response?” Lavie (1995) showed that interference from a flanking dis-
(Deutsch & Deutsch, 1963). On one hand, proponents of late tractor decreased, and, by inference, early selection effi-
selection argued that attention limits are determined by deci- ciency increased, as the attended task became more difficult
sion effects alone: More stimuli lead to increased uncertainty (see figure 12.6). But if the load arises in the control systems
and increased chances that noise will exceed a response cri- that direct attention, high load may reduce the efficiency of
terion (e.g., Bundesen, 1990; Kinchla, 1974; Palmer, 1995). early selection and increase the effects of irrelevant stimuli.
On the other hand, behavioral tests showed that selection Using a dual task where participants were to remember the
based on properties that are processed early (simple physical order of four digits, presented either in random orders (high
characteristics like location, color, auditory pitch) was more working memory load) or in a fixed regular order (low load),
efficient than selection based on properties presumably pro- while classifying famous names printed over irrelevant dis-
cessed only later (semantic content, abstract categories). This tractor faces, de Fockert, Rees, Frith, and Lavie (2001) found
conclusion was true even when the load on responses and that incongruent faces produced more interference in the
memory was minimized (e.g., Treisman & Riley, 1969). high load condition, presumably because working memory

194 attention
Figure 12.5 Psychological refractory period (A) Objective stages of mental processing: A, perceptual processing; B, central
sequence of events (S1, stimulus 1; R1, response 1; SOA, stimulus decision time; C, response programming time. Stage B forms a
onset asynchrony). (B) Observed reaction time to second stimulus bottleneck where two separate decisions cannot overlap with each
is delayed as the interval between the tasks is reduced. The slope other. Other stages can operate in parallel. (From Pashler, 1994,
approaches −1, indicating that (on average) the second response with permission.)
cannot be produced until a certain time after S1. (C ) Hypothesized

involves the same frontal lobe executive system as attentional evidence, such as priming, interference, or emotional
selection. Brain imaging provided converging evidence: responses, and direct neural measures of responses to
Activation in the fusiform face area was higher when working unattended stimuli.
memory load was high, making selection inefficient. Patients with unilateral neglect due to a right parietal
lesion often show indirect evidence that they have identified
Implicit Processing In distinguishing the level at which stimuli that they are unable to report (e.g., McGlinchey-
selection is made, we must also distinguish implicit processing Berroth, 1997). There are also many instances of implicit
from explicit accessibility. In the 1960s and 1970s, it was perception in normal participants. When participants judged
often assumed that perceptual processing was fully reflected the relative length of the arms of a cross, an additional unex-
in conscious experience and that behavioral responses were pected stimulus was often simply not seen (Mack & Rock,
a reliable guide to the information available. This assumption 1998). Yet a subsequent word-completion task showed
was challenged by an early finding (Corteen & Dunn, 1974): priming from visual words to which the participant was
Shock-associated words in an unattended message produced “inattentionally blind” (see figure 12.7). A smiling face and
a galvanic skin response without also being consciously the participant’s own name were among other stimuli that
detected. Since then, other examples of implicit processing were also detected, presumably because of their subjective
have been documented, using both indirect behavioral importance. Implicit processing of surprising complexity and

treisman: attention: theoretical and psychological perspectives 195

High perceptual load High memory load A. Judge which arm is longer. B. Word completion task.


Memory set 8796

Mask ****

Selective attention task
Time C. Judge which arm is longer.
Response probe
* *

Figure 12.6 Two forms of attention load with different effects on

performance. The task is to find the X or Z in the foveal letter string
or single letter. On the left, the irrelevant flanking Z causes more
interference when the relevant task involves a single letter (low load)
relative to a string. On the right, there is always just one central
letter, but there is an additional memory task with either a high
load (4 random digits to remember) or a low load (4 digits in
sequential order, e.g., 6789). Interference from the irrelevant
flanker is higher in this case when the load on working memory is
Figure 12.7 Inattentional blindness. (A, B) An experiment
high. The reason suggested is that the control of attention depends
showing implicit processing of unattended words. On the first three
on the same areas as working memory. (Modified with permission
trials participants are shown only a plus sign and they judge which
from Lavie & DeFockert, 2003.)
arm is longer. On the fourth trial a word appears in one of the
quadrants and is often not seen. However, in a subsequent word-
persistence was shown in a negative priming experiment completion task participants are more likely to respond with the
unseen word, showing implicit priming from an unattended and
(DeSchepper & Treisman, 1996). We found a slight delay in
undetected word. (C ) A similar experiment in which the unex-
responding to novel, previously unattended nonsense shapes pected stimulus is a face. The smiling face is much more likely to
when they subsequently became relevant, even though be seen than the scrambled one or than a sad face, showing effects
explicit recognition memory was at chance (see figure 12.8). of meaning and emotion on implicit processing of unattended
This negative priming, which sometimes lasted for days or stimuli. (Modified from Mack & Rock, 1998.)
weeks, was established in a single trial and was specific enough
to discriminate between 260 different unfamiliar shapes. decreased activation to the repeated scenes in the parahip-
Neural measures can show implicit processing even when pocampal place area. Adaptation to specific scenes implies
behavioral responses do not. The attentional blink is shown that representations were formed and matched across trials
when rapid serial visual presentation of two targets embed- despite never reaching conscious awareness. Again the fMRI
ded in a string of distractors results in a reduced probability effect was weaker than when the scenes received full atten-
of detecting the second target within the following few items, tion, suggesting some reduction in early processing when
as if the first occupies attention for several hundred millisec- attention is focused elsewhere.
onds, blocking processing of the second (Shapiro & Raymond, Neural changes can specify the timing of attention effects.
1994; see figure 12.9). Yet unexpected words presented Functional MRI activation and single-unit changes occur-
during this “attentional blink” triggered an N400 ERP com- ring in anticipation of the stimulus have proved that atten-
ponent, implying that they were identified at least to the level tion can affect the baseline activity in specialized extrastriate
of semantic analysis (Luck, Vogel, & Shapiro, 1996). Yi, areas even before the stimulus is presented—“early” indeed!
Woodman, Widders, Marois, and Chun (2004) presented a (Chawla et al., 1999; Hopfinger, Buonocore, & Mangun,
sequence of faces in the center and places in the surround. 2000; Kastner & Ungerleider, 2000). Early attenuation of
While attempting to detect a one-back repetition of a face, unattended stimuli also appeared in ERP responses as early
participants failed to notice repetitions of the unattended as 70–100 ms after stimulus onset (Van Voorhis & Hillyard,
places, suggesting early selection. However, fMRI showed 1977). Anatomically low-level effects in an fMRI study

196 attention
showed attention effects as early in the ascending visual connections. However, combined with temporal evidence
pathways as the lateral geniculate (O’Connor, Fukui, Pinsk, from ERPs and single-neuron recordings, both reflecting
& Kastner, 2002). Because of the multiple connections back early cortical activity, the occurrence of early, short-latency
from higher areas and the low temporal resolution of fMRI, attentional modulation is now clearly established.
it is ambiguous here whether attention affects a first pass Implicit processing of unattended items complicates the
through the visual hierarchy or acts only through reentrant attentional story, suggesting that attention can block access
to consciousness without blocking all forms of perceptual
processing. The fact that this result can occur does not imply
that it always does. The perceptual load was low in most
experiments that showed implicit effects, and when it was
raised, the implicit effects disappeared (Neumann & Deschep-
per, 1992; Rees et al., 1997). But we still need to explain why
attention should limit conscious access when the perceptual
load is low. Interference may be greater from consciously
perceived objects than from implicitly distinguished stimuli.
The role of attention in feature binding
The visual system comprises many specialized areas coding
different aspects of the scene. This modularity poses the
binding problem—to specify how the information is recom-
red bined in the correct conjunctions—red shirt and blue
white pants rather than an illusory blue shirt. Behavioral results
(Treisman & Gelade, 1980) suggest that we bind features by
Figure 12.8 Negative priming. Participants judge whether the focusing attention on each object in turn. Evidence includes
green shape on the left matches the white shape on the right while findings that when attention is prevented, binding errors or
ignoring the red shape on the left. They have no explicit memory illusory conjunctions are frequently perceived (Treisman &
for the unattended shapes, yet when one reappears as the shape to Schmidt, 1982); a spatial precue helps detection of a conjunc-
be attended, responses are slightly slowed, as though it had previ- tion much more than of a feature target (Treisman, 1988);
ously been inhibited or labeled “irrelevant” and the label had to
be cleared when the shape became relevant. This negative priming boundaries between groups defined only by conjunctions are
effect can last across hundreds of intervening trials and days or hard to detect, whereas those between features are easy
weeks of delay. (After DeSchepper & Treisman, 1996.) (Treisman & Gelade, 1980); visual search depends on focused

Figure 12.9 The attentional blink. (A) Participants monitor a bined tasks, T2 is very likely to be missed if it occurs within a few
rapid visual sequence for two different targets. For example, T1 hundred milliseconds of T1, suggesting that detecting a first target
might be a white letter in a black string, and T2 might be a letter makes the participant refractory to detecting a second for the next
X. (B) The open circles give the detection rates when participants few hundred milliseconds. (From Shapiro & Raymond, 1994, with
do both tasks, and the black circles show performance on T2 in the permission.)
control condition in which they ignore the first target. In the com-

treisman: attention: theoretical and psychological perspectives 197

attention when the target is defined only by a conjunction However, these are of questionable relevance, since the
of features (e.g., a green T among green X ’s and brown T ’s), theory suggests that feature discrimination can also require
whereas search for either of two disjunctive features (e.g., focused attention when discriminability is low.
blue or curved) among the same distractors allows parallel
search. In some cases, conjunction search for a known target How is attention controlled?
with salient features can bypass the serial check, suggesting
an additional mode of selection through feature grouping Attention can be “captured” “bottom-up” by salient sensory
and guidance (Nakayama & Silverman, 1986; Treisman & events, particularly when they signal the onset of a new
Sato, 1990; Wolfe, Cave, & Franzel, 1989). object (Yantis & Jonides, 1996). It may be attracted by events
The theory was generally interpreted as predicting paral- with emotional significance. But attention can also be en-
lel search whenever a unique feature is available to mediate dogenously controlled. Two general accounts have been
performance. This conclusion was correct, but the interpre- proposed. One suggests a specialized attention network, con-
tation of “feature” as “any unidimensional difference” was trolling perceptual processing from the outside by amplifying
not. When target and distractors differ on a single dimen- relevant signals and/or attenuating irrelevant ones (Mesulam,
sion, so that both activate the same detectors to different 1981; Posner & Dehaene, 1994). The existence of such a
degrees, they can produce a wide range of search rates control system is supported by several fMRI studies.
(Treisman & Gormican, 1988). Features are defined relative D’Esposito and colleagues (1995) found that the dorsolateral
to a background: they are properties that activate neural prefrontal cortex and the anterior cingulate were activated
detectors not also activated by surrounding elements. Con- only when two tasks were performed concurrently and not
verging tests include the following: Features are elements for either alone. Hopfinger and colleagues (2000), Corbetta,
that can migrate to form illusory conjunctions, that mediate Kincade, Ollinger, McAvoy, and Shulman (2000), and
effective grouping and boundary detection, and that can be Kastner and Ungerleider (2000) identify a network of areas,
separately attended. Neural evidence from single units may including FEF, SPL, SEF, IPL and MFG, involved in the
also confirm candidates derived from behavioral criteria. external control of attention. Corbetta and colleagues addi-
There is evidence that new feature detectors can be estab- tionally distinguish between voluntary control of attention in
lished through learning (e.g., Freedman, Riesenhuber, advance of the stimulus and the reorienting of attention
Poggio, & Miller, 2002). when a target has been detected. The former seems to be
Support for feature integration theory came from a pat- controlled by the intraparietal sulcus, and the latter by the
ient studied by Robertson, Treisman, Friedman-Hill, and right temporoparietal junction (Corbetta et al.).
Grabowecky (1997). RM had bilateral parietal damage An alternative account sees selection as the emergent
from two successive strokes, showing the classic symptoms outcome of competition between neighboring objects within
of Balint’s syndrome: a failure to localize visual stimuli receptive fields. Reynolds, Chelazzi, and Desimone (1999)
and an inability to see more than one object at a time— showed competitive interactions between single units in
simultanagnosia. The theory predicted that he should also monkey ventral areas. The biased competition theory
have difficulty binding features, since doing so requires (Desimone & Duncan, 1995) combines the two accounts:
focused attention to their shared location. Even with long top-down inputs from the control network bias the competi-
exposures, when two letters were present, RM frequently tion by adding to local activation of one of the competing
saw the shape of one letter in the color of another. He was objects. Different brain systems responding to the same
unable to search for conjunction targets, although, despite object cooperate, ensuring that one object becomes domi-
his severe simultanagnosia, he had no difficulty with feature nant across multiple areas. It is not clear that purely behav-
search, detecting the presence of red in a display of blue ioral evidence could distinguish biased competition from
letters, or a Q among O’s, with very few errors. structural interference, which makes similar predictions
Further evidence from neuroimaging (Corbetta, Shulman, about the specificity of interference. Thus the supporting
Miezin, & Petersen, 1995) showed that the same parietal evidence is mainly neural. Functional MRI studies showed
areas were active in spatial attention switching and in weaker activation when four pictures were shown together
binding, but not in feature search. Transcranial magnetic for 250 ms than when they were shown successively for
stimulation (TMS) to the parietal lobes selectively disrupts 250 ms each (Kastner & Ungerleider, 2000). Differences in
conjunction but not feature search (Ashbridge, Walsh, & stimulus duration were subsequently eliminated by present-
Cowey, 1997). Luck and Hillyard (1995) showed ERP ing one picture in the upper visual field, either alone or
suppression specific to conjunction search. Recent studies together with three others in the lower field (Kastner et al.,
comparing conjunction search with difficult feature search 2001). The added pictures reduced the activation produced
gave mixed results (Donner et al., 2002; Leonards, Sunaert, by the target, but when attention was directed to the upper
Van Hecke, & Orban, 2000; Wojciulik & Kanwisher, 1999). picture, full activation was restored. Competition arises

198 attention
mainly within receptive fields. Since these increase in size
with the level in the hierarchy, the further apart the stimuli, Until
the higher the level of processing at which they compete “Same” or
(Kastner et al.). However, there may also be attention limits “Different”
outside the classical receptive field. The early ERP effects of
attention reflect selection between stimuli in different visual
hemifields and therefore hemispheres of the brain (Van 300ms Time
Voorhis & Hillyard, 1977). Another issue for the biased
competition theory is to specify how local neurons “know”
whether their activity is produced by parts of the same 500ms
object, which should cooperate, or by different objects that
should compete. This “knowledge” may require substantial Figure 12.10 Implicit priming from the mean size of the pre-
top-down control of local competition. viewed display. The task is to judge whether the two circles in the
final display are the same size or different. Participants respond a
little faster if one or both matches the mean size of the preceding
Focused versus distributed attention prime display, and faster even than when they match one of the
presented sizes. It seems that participants automatically compute
There is a paradox in attention research: Many studies show the mean size of an array of circles. (Experiment described in
sharp limits such that only three or four objects can be Chong & Treisman, 2001.)
tracked through space (Pylyshyn & Storm, 1988) or identi-
fied at a glance (Woodworth, 1938); change detection in an is needed, statistical processing and parallel feature detection
alternating pair of otherwise identical scenes is surprisingly may provide sufficient information about most redundant
difficult (Rensink, O’Regan, & Clark, 1997); and accurate natural scenes.
binding depends on focused attention. Yet natural scenes
can be rapidly and effortlessly monitored for semantic targets How does attention relate to consciousness?
(Potter, 1975). While doing an attention-demanding task
at the fovea, participants failed to discriminate which side Some theories equate attention and consciousness. This
of a peripheral circle was red, yet they easily detected approach is probably misleading. Not everything that
an unknown animal target in a peripheral natural scene receives attention reaches awareness. We look at an ambigu-
(Li, VanRullen, Koch, & Perona, 2002). This finding raises ous figure and experience only one interpretation. We may
the question whether attention limits apply primarily to attend to a spatial location and show implicit priming without
simplified laboratory stimuli, while in the natural world becoming aware that anything was there (Marcel, 1983a).
information is easily absorbed and understood. Can these Attention can facilitate unconscious perception in blindsight
contradictions be resolved? patients (Kentridge, Heywood, & Weiskrantz, 2004) and in
Using natural scenes, Oliva and Torralba (2006) showed normal participants (Kentridge, Nijboer, & Heywood, 2008).
that the gist can be inferred from a combination of statistical Attention limits appear even in unconscious perception:
properties. Chong and Treisman (2003) suggested that the Kahneman and Chajczyk (1983) found “dilution” of inter-
global deployment of attention generates a statistical mode ference when a neutral word was presented together with
of processing. We confirmed a finding by Ariely (2001) that the irrelevant color name in a Stroop color-naming task.
observers can accurately estimate the mean size of elements Bahrami, Lavie, and Rees (2007) found that load effects in
and showed that such estimating happens automatically a foveal task modulated V1 activation produced by unseen
when attention is distributed over the display (see figure pictures of tools in the periphery.
12.10). Combining these findings with the idea that the Thus attention is not sufficient to ensure consciousness. Is
parallel intake of sets of diagnostic features could mediate it necessary? Can we be conscious of something that was not
detection of familiar objects even before those features are attended? There is an ambiguity here. I can be conscious of
bound may resolve the paradox (Treisman, 2006). Partici- an unattended voice, without identifying the words that are
pants, shown rapid sequences of natural scenes, were able spoken. Am I conscious of the stimulus? We are probably
to detect target animals quite well, while often being unable never conscious of every property, even of fully attended
to specify which animal or where in the picture it appeared stimuli—for example, that this cat is smaller than the Eiffel
(Evans & Treisman, 2005). If two successive targets had to tower. We become explicitly aware of just a small fraction
be identified, a severe attentional blink was incurred, but of the possible propositions that could be formulated about
when the targets could simply be detected, the blink disap- an object or event that we are observing. With unattended
peared. If features must be bound to identify or locate a objects, we lose those aspects for which capacity was over-
target, focused attention is required, but when only the gist loaded, but we may retain some information.

treisman: attention: theoretical and psychological perspectives 199

no overlap of contours (Di Lollo, Enns, & Rensink, 2000;
see figure 12.11). When the reentry check is made, only
the mask remains, and it replaces the target in conscious
Combined Display
(45 ms) experience. Related evidence comes by using TMS to V1 to
erase the stimulus before the reentry check can be made,
around 80 ms after onset (Walsh & Cowey, 1998; Lamme &
Roelfsema, 2000).

Psychological studies posed many of the relevant questions,
outlined possible mechanisms, and developed experimental
Trailing Mask paradigms to capture different aspects of what is meant by
attention. The data provide constraints, ruling out many
possible accounts. Neuroscience has added powerful tools to
cast votes on issues that remained controversial, or some-
times to reframe the questions in ways that more closely
match the way the brain functions.
Some suggest that attention acts primarily through biases
Figure 12.11 Object substitution masking. The display contains on intrinsic competitive local interactions. Others see it
up to 16 rings, half of which have a vertical bar across the bottom. arising primarily or only at the decision level, following
The target is singled out by four dots, as shown, which also serve parallel perceptual processing. Still others (myself included)
as the mask. Observers indicate whether the target contains the suggest that conscious perception, detailed localization, and
vertical bar. The sequence begins with a combined display of the
target, mask, and distractors for 45 ms and continues with a display binding of features may depend on focused attention through
of the mask alone for durations of 0, 45, 90, 135, or 180 ms. The reentrant pathways. An initial rapid pass through the visual
four dots produce no masking if they end with the display, but if hierarchy provides the global framework and gist of the
they continue after it disappears, they render the stimulus that they scene and may prime target objects through the features that
surround invisible. The suggestion is that visual processing will not are detected. Attention is then focused back to early areas
reach conscious awareness unless a reentry check confirms the
information extracted on a first pass through the visual system. In
to allow a serial check of the initial rough bindings and to
the case illustrated, the dots remain alone in the location of one of form the representations that are consciously experienced.
the Q’s and are substituted for it in conscious perception, whereas The impact of neuroscience is obvious in these develop-
in the other locations there are no alternative stimuli to compete. ments, but so is the ingenious and careful use of psychologi-
(From Di Lollo, Enns, & Rensink, 2000.) cal paradigms to tease apart the mechanisms controlling our
perception and action.
Attention, then, seems to be neither necessary nor suffi- acknowledgments The work was supported by NIH grant
cient for conscious awareness, although the two are normally number 2RO1 MH 058383-04A1; by the Israeli Binational Science
highly correlated. What is necessary for conscious experi- Foundation, grant number 1000274; and by NIH grant R01
ence? The idea of reentry is much in the air these days. MH62331.
Several authors propose that the initial registration of
stimuli consists of a rapid feedforward sweep through the
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204 attention
13 Mechanisms of Selective Attention
in the Human Visual System:
Evidence from Neuroimaging
sabine kastner, stephanie a. mcmains, and diane m. beck

abstract In this chapter, we review evidence from functional The two most common behavioral paradigms employed
brain imaging revealing that attention operates at various process- to study visual attention are the spatial cuing paradigm
ing levels within the visual system including the lateral geniculate that probes attention to a single location or stimulus
nucleus of the thalamus and the striate and extrastriate cortex.
Attention modulates visual processing by enhancing neural (Posner, 1980) and the visual search task that probes atten-
responses to attended stimuli, attenuating responses to ignored tion in the presence of distracters (Treisman & Gelade, 1980;
stimuli, and increasing baseline activity in the absence of visual Wolfe, Cave, & Franzel, 1989). In the spatial cuing para-
stimulation. These mechanisms operate dynamically on spatial digm, subjects are instructed to maintain fixation and to
locations, entire objects, or particular features, which constitute the direct attention covertly, that is, without shifting their gaze,
units of selection. At intermediate cortical processing stages such
as areas V4 and MT, the filtering of unwanted information is
to a peripheral target location, which is indicated by a cue.
achieved by resolving competitive interactions among multiple After a variable delay, a target stimulus, which subjects are
simultaneously present stimuli. Together, these mechanisms required to detect, is presented briefly. On some trials,
allow us to select relevant information from the cluttered visual known as valid trials, the target appears at the cued (i.e.,
world in which we live to guide behavior. attended) location, and on other trials, known as invalid
trials, the target appears at an uncued (i.e., unattended) loca-
tion. The typically observed response difference in detecting
Natural visual scenes are cluttered and contain many differ- stimuli on valid and invalid trials is thought to reflect the
ent objects. However, the capacity of the visual system to effects of attention on selected locations in space. In visual
process information about multiple objects at any given search tasks, subjects are given an array of stimuli (e.g.,
moment in time is limited (e.g., Broadbent, 1958). Hence, circles of different colors) and asked to report if a particular
attentional mechanisms are needed to select relevant infor- target stimulus (e.g., a red circle) is present in the array.
mation and to filter out irrelevant information from cluttered Several factors affect performance in this task, such as the
visual scenes. Selective visual attention is a broad term that number of features that the target shares with other elements
refers to a variety of different behavioral phenomena. Direct- in the array. If the target (e.g., red circle) has a unique
ing attention to a spatial location has been shown to improve feature, such as being a different color from the distracters
the accuracy and speed of subjects’ responses to target stimuli (e.g., green circles), the search is completed quickly, regard-
that occur in that location (Posner, 1980). Attention also less of the number of elements in the array. This phenome-
increases the perceptual sensitivity for the discrimination non is known as pop-out or efficient search. For other search
of target stimuli (Lu & Dosher, 1998), increases contrast arrays, where the target is defined by a conjunction of fea-
sensitivity (Cameron, Tai, & Carrasco, 2002; Carrasco, tures (e.g., red horizontal line) that are shared by the distract-
Marie Giordano, & McElree, 2004), reduces the interference ers (e.g., red vertical and green horizontal lines), search time
caused by distracters (Shiu & Pashler, 1995), and improves increases as a function of the number of elements in the
acuity (Carrasco, Loula, & Ho, 2006; Yeshurun & Carrasco, array. This phenomenon is known as inefficient search, and
1998). the increase in search times is thought to reflect a serial
search through the array for the target. However, under
some circumstances, only a subset of the array needs to be
sabine kastner and stephanie a. mcmains Department of
searched. Simple features, such as color, can be used to guide
Psychology, Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton University,
Princeton, New Jersey search to just those elements that share a particular target
diane m. beck Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, feature (Wolfe et al., 1989). Visual search tasks have a clearer
Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois relationship than spatial cuing paradigms with our everyday

kastner, mcmains, and beck: neuroimaging of visual system 205

experience, where we typically face cluttered scenes with
many objects that exceed our processing capacity. In this
chapter, we will outline the neural basis that underlies atten-
tional operations in these two tasks in the visual system, as
they have been studied in humans using functional brain
imaging and in nonhuman primates using electrophysiologi-
cal techniques.

The units of selection

Attention is a highly flexible mechanism that can operate on
regions of space, such as attending to a park on the right side
of the road as you walk by, on particular features of an
object, such as attending to the green leaves on a tree, or on
entire objects, such as attending to the entire tree. Since the
neural mechanisms mediating space-, object-, and feature-
based attention have different characteristics, we will discuss
each of them separately.
Figure 13.1 Attentional response enhancement, suppression,
Space-Based Attention The spatial cuing paradigm is and increases in baseline activity in the LGN and in visual cortex.
an example of a space-based selection process. In a typical Group analysis (n = 4). Time series of fMRI signals in the LGN and
fMRI study, the effects of space-based selection on neural visual cortex were combined across left and right hemispheres.
responses have been investigated by presenting simple stimuli Activity in visual cortex was pooled across areas V1, V2, V3/VP,
V4, TEO, V3A, and MT/MST. (A, D) Attentional enhancement.
that activate the visual system well, such as flickering During directed attention to the stimuli (gray curves), responses
checkerboards to the left or right visual hemifield, while to both the high-contrast stimulus (100%, solid curves) and low-
subjects directed attention to the stimulus (attended condition) contrast stimulus (5%, dashed curves) were enhanced relative to an
or away from the stimulus (unattended condition) (e.g., unattended condition (black curves). (B, E) Attentional suppression.
O’Connor, Fukui, Pinsk, & Kastner, 2002). In the unattended During an attentionally demanding “hard” fixation task (black
curves), responses evoked by both the high-contrast stimulus (100%,
condition, attention was directed away from the stimulus by
solid curves) and low-contrast stimulus (10%, dashed curves) were
having subjects count letters at fixation. The letter-counting attenuated relative to an easy attention task at fixation (gray curves).
task ensured proper fixation and effectively prevented (C, F) Baseline increases. Baseline activity was elevated during
subjects from covertly attending to the checkerboard stimuli. directed attention to the periphery of the visual hemifield in expec-
In the attended condition, subjects were instructed to covertly tation of the stimulus onset; the beginning of the expectation period
is indicated by the dashed vertical line. Gray vertical lines indicate
direct attention to the checkerboard stimulus and to detect
the beginning of checkerboard presentation periods. (From
luminance changes that occurred randomly in time at a O’Connor, Fukui, Pinsk, & Kastner, 2002.)
peripheral stimulus location. Relative to the unattended
condition, the mean fMRI signals evoked by a high-contrast
checkerboard stimulus increased significantly in the attended neural responses to an attended stimulus relative to those
condition in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and in evoked by the same stimulus when ignored. Attentional
visual cortex (figure 13.1A,D). In particular, attentional response enhancement may be a neural correlate for
response enhancement was found in striate cortex, as well behavioral attention effects such as increased accuracy and
as in each extrastriate area along the ventral and dorsal response speed or improved target discriminability (e.g.,
pathways (figure 13.2A). Similar attentional response Posner, 1980; Lu & Dosher, 1998).
enhancement was obtained with activity evoked by a low- Spatial attention affects not only the processing of the
contrast checkerboard stimulus (figure 13.1A,D). Notably, selected information, but also the processing of the unat-
these attention effects were shown to be spatially specific in tended information, which is typically the vast majority of
other studies, in which identical stimuli were presented incoming information. The neural fate of unattended stimuli
simultaneously to the right and left of fixation, while subjects was investigated in an fMRI experiment in which the atten-
were instructed to direct attention covertly to one or the tional load of a task at fixation was varied (O’Connor et al.,
other side (Brefczynski & DeYoe, 1999; Heinze et al., 1994; 2002). According to attentional load theory (Lavie & Tsal,
O’Connor et al.; Tootell et al., 1998). Taken together, these 1994), the degree to which ignored stimuli are processed is
findings suggest that selective attention facilitates visual determined by the amount of attentional capacity that is not
processing at thalamic and cortical stages by enhancing dedicated to the selection process. This account predicts that

206 attention
dence that the enhancement of activity at an attended loca-
tion and the suppression of activity at unattended locations
operate in a push-pull fashion and thus represent codepen-
dent mechanisms (Pinsk, Doniger, & Kastner, 2004; Schwartz
et al., 2005).
An important component of the Posner task is the cuing
period during which subjects deploy attention to a location
in space at which visual stimuli are expected to occur. A
neural correlate of cue-related activity has been found in
physiology studies demonstrating that spontaneous (baseline)
firing rates were 30–40% higher for neurons in areas V2 and
V4 when the animal was cued to attend covertly to a location
within the neuron’s receptive field (RF) before the stimulus
was presented there—that is, in the absence of visual stimu-
lation (Lee, Williford, & Maunsell, 2007; Luck, Chelazzi,
Hillyard, & Desimone, 1997; but see McAdams & Maunsell,
1999). This increased baseline activity has been interpreted
as a direct demonstration of a top-down signal that feeds
back from higher-order to lower-order areas. In the latter
areas, this feedback signal appears to bias neurons represent-
ing the attended location, thereby favoring stimuli that will
Figure 13.2 Attentional response modulation in the visual appear there at the expense of those appearing at unat-
system. Attention effects that were obtained in the experiments pre- tended locations.
sented in figure 13.1 were quantified by defining several indices: (A) To investigate attention-related baseline increases in the
attentional enhancement index (AEI), (B) attentional suppression human visual system in the absence of visual stimulation,
index (ASI), (C ) baseline modulation index (BMI). For all indices,
larger values indicate larger effects of attention. Index values were
fMRI activity was measured while subjects were cued to
computed for each subject based on normalized and averaged covertly direct attention to the periphery of the left or right
signals obtained in the different attention conditions and are pre- visual hemifield and to expect the onset of a stimulus
sented as averaged index values from four subjects (for index defini- (Kastner, Pinsk, De Weerd, Desimone, & Ungerleider, 1999;
tions, see O’Connor et al., 2002). In visual cortex, attention effects O’Connor et al., 2002; Sylvester, Shulman, Jack, &
increased from early to later processing stages. Attention effects in
Corbetta, 2007). The expectation period, during which sub-
the LGN were larger than in V1. Vertical bars indicate standard
error of the mean across subjects. (From O’Connor et al., 2002.) jects were attending to the periphery without receiving visual
input, was followed by attended presentations of a high-
neural responses to unattended stimuli should be attenuated contrast checkerboard. During the attended presentations,
depending on the attentional load necessary to process the subjects counted the occurrences of luminance changes.
attended stimulus. This idea was tested by using the check- Relative to the preceding blank period in which subjects
erboard paradigm described earlier while subjects performed maintained fixation at the center of the screen and did not
either an easy (low-load) attention task or a hard (high-load) attend to the periphery, fMRI signals increased during the
attention task at fixation and ignored the peripheral check- expectation period in the LGN and the striate and extrastri-
erboard stimuli. Relative to the easy-task condition, mean ate cortex (figures 13.1C,F, 13.2C ). This elevation of baseline
fMRI signals evoked by the high-contrast and by the low- activity was followed by a further response increase evoked
contrast stimuli decreased significantly in the hard-task by the visual stimuli (figure 13.1C ).
condition across the visual system with the smallest effects Similar to response modulation, the magnitude of increases
in early visual cortex and the largest effects in LGN and in baseline activity depends on several variables, including
extrastriate cortex (figure 13.1B,E). Taken together, these the expected task difficulty (Ress, Backus, & Heeger, 2000)
findings suggest that neural activity evoked by ignored or the expected presence or absence of distracter stimuli
stimuli is attenuated at several stages of visual processing as (Serences, Yantis, Culberson, & Awh, 2004). Early studies
a function of the load of attentional resources engaged else- have found evidence that baseline increases are feature spe-
where (O’Connor et al., 2002; Rees, Frith, & Lavie, 1997; cific; that is, they are stronger during the expectation of a
Schwartz et al., 2005). Attentional-load-dependent suppres- preferred compared to a nonpreferred stimulus feature in
sion of unattended stimuli may be a neural correlate for areas that preferentially process a particular stimulus feature
behavioral effects such as reduction of interference caused (e.g., color in area V4 or motion in area MT) (Chawla, Rees,
by distracters (Shiu & Pashler, 1995). Further, there is evi- & Friston, 1999; Shulman et al., 1999). However, more

kastner, mcmains, and beck: neuroimaging of visual system 207

recent studies have not confirmed these initial findings retical accounts of selective attention (Crick, 1984; Sherman
(McMains, Fehd, Emmanouli, & Kastner, 2007), and there- & Guillery, 2001).
fore the feature specificity of baseline increases is still an
open question. The baseline increases found in human visual Object-Based Attention In addition to selecting
cortex may be subserved by increases in spontaneous firing regions of space, attention can also be directed to entire
rate similar to those found in the single-cell recording studies objects. Object-based attention signals have been investigated
(Luck et al., 1997), but summed over large populations of in human neuroimaging studies, in which subjects were
neurons. The increases evoked by directing attention to a asked to attend to a particular feature of an object, while
target location in anticipation of a behaviorally relevant signals evoked by the unattended features of the attended
stimulus at that attended location are thus likely to reflect object were measured (McMains et al., 2007; O’Craven,
a top-down feedback bias in favor of a preferred stimulus Downing, & Kanwisher, 1999). In one such study, Kanwisher
at an attended location. and colleagues used stimuli that consisted of overlapping
images of houses and faces (O’Craven et al., 1999; figure
Comparison of space-based attention effects across the visual 13.3A). On any given trial, one of those images moved.
system With fMRI, neural responses can be investigated Subjects attended to and performed a task on either the
at the population level and across a wide range of different house, the face, or the motion, resulting in increased activity
processing stages, allowing for quantitative comparisons of in regions specialized for processing the attended feature or
attentional modulatory effects across the visual system. For object, that is, the fusiform face area, parahippocampal
example, the attention effects of enhancement, suppression, place area, or MT, respectively. Interestingly, activity also
and baseline increases described in the last section can be spread to the unattended feature of the attended stimulus.
quantified in each visual area by calculating an index value. For instance, when the face stimuli were moving and subjects
Large index values indicate large effects of attention (for attended to the faces, increased activity was observed in MT
further details, see O’Connor et al., 2002). As shown in figure as compared to when subjects attended to stationary house
13.2, the magnitude of all attention effects increased from stimuli (figure 13.3B). Thus attentional biasing signals appear
early to more advanced processing stages along both the to spread to the unattended features of the attended object,
ventral and dorsal pathways of visual cortex (figure 13.2A–C; resulting in enhanced signals in regions specialized for
Cook & Maunsell, 2002; Kastner, De Weerd, Desimone, & processing the unattended feature. These studies demonstrate
Ungerleider, 1998; Martinez et al., 1999; Mehta, Ulbert, & that processing can be biased in favor of an attended object,
Schroeder, 2000). This finding is consistent with the idea that with all features of the attended object receiving some
attention operates through top-down signals that are trans- amount of enhanced processing. In addition, when attention
mitted via corticocortical feedback connections in a hierar- is directed to only a portion of an object, attention has been
chical fashion. Thereby, areas at advanced levels of visual found to spread throughout the entire object (Muller &
cortical processing are more strongly controlled by atten- Kleinschmidt, 2003; Roelfsema et al., 1998). In a physiology
tional mechanisms than are early processing levels. This idea study by Roelfsema and colleagues, monkeys were presented
is supported by single-cell recording studies, which have with two curved lines, one of which was the target curve.
shown that attentional effects in area TE of inferior temporal Small changes in the stimulus close to fixation determined
cortex have a latency of approximately 150 ms (Chelazzi, which line was the target, while neuronal responses were
Duncan, Miller, & Desimone, 1998), whereas attentional measured in V1 neurons with RFs centered over distant
effects in V1 have a longer latency, approximately 230 ms points on one of the lines. Responses were increased when
(Roelfsema, Lamme, & Spekreijse, 1998). According to this the line segment in the RF was part of the target curve
account, one would predict smaller attention effects in the compared to when it was part of the distractor curve.
LGN than in striate cortex. Surprisingly, it was found that Together, these results suggest that when attention is directed
all attention effects tended to be larger in the LGN than in to an object, all features of the attended object are enhanced
striate cortex (figure 13.2A–C ). This finding raises the possi- along with the entire spatial extent of the attended object.
bility that attentional modulation in the LGN may not be These findings may provide a neural correlate for classical
exclusively attributable to corticothalamic feedback from behavioral studies showing that subjects perform worse
striate cortex, but may also reflect additional modulatory at reporting two attributes that belong to different objects
influences from other sources. In addition to corticothalamic as compared to two attributes belonging to the same
feedback projections from V1, the LGN receives inputs from object (Duncan, 1984).
the superior colliculus, which is part of a distributed network
of areas controlling eye movements, and the thalamic reticu- Feature-Based Selection In addition to biasing
lar nucleus (TRN), which has long been implicated in theo- processing in favor of a spatial location or an entire object,

208 attention
Figure 13.3 Object-based attention in visual cortex. (A) Example fusiform face area (FFA) and the parahippocampal place area (PPA).
stimulus from experiment 2 of the study by O’Craven, Downing, Solid lines represent activity when subjects attended to the static
and Kanwisher (1999) demonstrating object-based attention. The stimulus, and dotted lines represent trials during which subjects
stimuli consisted of overlapping house and face stimuli. On each attended to the moving stimulus. Activity was higher in the FFA
trial either the house or the face stimulus moved while subjects per- when “faceness” was the irrelevant property of the attended object
formed a consecutive repetition-detection task on either the direc- (Attend Moving, Face Moving) than when it was a property of the
tion of motion of the moving stimuli or the position of the stationary unattended object (Attend Moving, House Moving). The response
object, which was offset slightly from trial to trial. (B) Averaged pattern of the PPA was identical for “houseness.” (Modified figure
fMRI signals (n = 4), computed as percent signal change, for the 42.1, Freiwald & Kanwisher, 2004.)

attention can also bias processing in favor of a particular feature, including enhanced activity in the posterior fusiform
stimulus attribute, or feature. In experiments investigating gyrus for attention to shape, area V4 for attention to color,
feature-based attention, stimuli are typically composed of and area MT for attention to motion.
multiple stimulus features (e.g., colored shapes moving in Feature-based attention mechanisms have also been
different directions), and subjects are cued to attend to a investigated in the presence of distracters. The observation
particular feature dimension (e.g., the color red) while that neural responses to a selected feature increase regardless
ignoring the other dimensions. In monkey physiology studies, of where the animal attends has led to the hypothesis that
neural responses increased when the feature in the RF feature-based attention may operate globally throughout the
matched the cued feature regardless of where the animal visual field (Bichot, Rossi, & Desimone, 2005; Martinez-
was attending. Feature-based attention effects have been Trujillo & Treue, 2004; McAdams & Maunsell, 2000; Saenz,
observed in area V4 for several feature dimensions (for a Buracas, & Boynton, 2002; Serences & Boynton, 2007). If
review see Maunsell & Treue, 2006) including color (Motter, one considers a visual search task where subjects are looking
1994), luminance (Motter, 1994), and orientation (Haenny, for a red circle in an array of colored shapes, it will certainly
Maunsell, & Schiller, 1988), and in MT for direction of be advantageous from a computational point of view to
motion (Martinez-Trujillo & Treue, 2004; Treue & Martinez- increase neural responses to any red items, thereby marking
Trujillo, 1999). In addition, the temporal characteristics of the candidate target stimuli and restricting the remaining
feature-based and space-based attention were investigated in search to the subset of red shapes to ultimately find the circle.
area V4 (Hayden & Gallant, 2005). Feature-based attention This approach is opposed to space- and object-based atten-
effects were found to be sustained throughout the visual tion, which are both inherently tied to a spatial location.
evoked responses, whereas space-based attention effects were This hypothesis has been tested in a physiology study where
more transient, peaking in the later portion of the response. monkeys performed a visual search task (Bichot et al., 2005).
These findings suggest that space- and feature-based attention Neuronal responses were enhanced when the stimulus inside
effects rely on different neural mechanisms. the RF was the same color or shape as the target stimulus.
In human neuroimaging studies, where activity is mea- This result occurred throughout the search period, regard-
sured at the level of entire areas within neural networks, less of where the monkey was attending.
researchers have taken advantage of the functional special- A similar effect has been observed in humans in an experi-
ization of visual cortex in studying feature-based attention mental design with two stimuli, one presented in each visual
(Beauchamp, Cox, & DeYoe, 1997; Buechel et al., 1998; hemifield (Saenz et al., 2002). The attended stimulus con-
Clark et al., 1997; Corbetta, Miezin, Dobmeyer, Shulman, sisted of two overlapping dot patterns, one moving upward
& Petersen, 1991; McMains et al., 2007; O’Craven, Rosen, and the other moving downward. The stimulus in the unat-
Kwong, Treisman, & Savoy, 1997; Serences & Boynton, tended hemifield always moved in the same direction (e.g.,
2007; Sohn, Chong, Papathomas, & Vidnyanszky, 2005). In downward). Functional MRI signals were measured in the
one such study, Corbetta and colleagues investigated atten- retinotopic representation of the unattended stimulus while
tion to shape, color, or speed and observed enhanced activity subjects alternated between attending to the same direction
in visual regions specialized for processing the attended as the distracter (i.e., downward) or to the opposite direction

kastner, mcmains, and beck: neuroimaging of visual system 209

(i.e., upward). As in the physiology studies, signals evoked by these among multiple stimuli have been found in several
the distracter stimulus were greater in V1, V2, V3, V3A, visual areas in the monkey brain, including V2, V4, MT,
V4, and MT when it matched the attended direction. In MST, and IT (Miller et al.; Recanzone et al.; Reynolds
addition, it has been shown that enhanced responses to the et al.; Snowden et al.), and have been interpreted as the
attended feature spread to regions of the visual field that are neural substrate of an ongoing competition among multiple
not stimulated (Serences & Boynton, 2007). Taken together, simultaneously present stimuli for representation in visual
these results suggest a mechanism for feature-based attention cortex.
that operates globally and biases processing throughout the In the human brain, evidence for neural competition has
visual field by enhancing the population response to attended been found using an fMRI paradigm (Beck & Kastner, 2005,
features. This type of global attention mechanism might be 2007; Kastner et al., 2001), in which four colorful and pat-
important in guiding spatial attention to regions of the visual terned visual stimuli that optimally activate ventral visual
field that contain behaviorally relevant stimuli and may be cortex were presented in four nearby locations to the periph-
one of the mechanisms that underlie guided visual search ery of the visual field, while subjects maintained fixation
(Wolfe et al., 1989). (figure 13.4A). Critically, these stimuli were presented under
two different presentation conditions, sequential and simul-
Summary Mechanisms for the selection of behaviorally taneous. In the sequential presentation condition, each
relevant information operate flexibly in the visual system on stimulus was presented alone in one of the four locations,
spatial locations, features of objects, or entire objects by one after the other. In the simultaneous presentation condi-
enhancing responses evoked by attended stimuli, by tion, the same four stimuli appeared simultaneously in
suppressing responses evoked by unattended stimuli, and the four locations. Thus, integrated over time, the physical
by increasing neural baseline activity to facilitate the stimulation parameters were identical in each of the four
processing of expected stimuli. These different effects of locations in the two presentation conditions. However,
attention provide a framework for the neural basis of simple competitive interactions among stimuli could take place only
attentional operations such as orienting to a spatial location, in the simultaneous and not in the sequential presentation
as tested in the spatial cuing paradigm. In the next section, condition.
we will explore the effects of attention when multiple stimuli Consistent with the physiology literature, simultaneous
are present, such as in visual search tasks. presentations evoked weaker responses than sequential pre-
sentations in areas V1, V2/VP, V4, TEO, V3A, and MT.
Selection among multiple competing objects The response differences were smallest in V1 and increased
in magnitude toward ventral extrastriate areas V4 (figure
One of the key aspects of the visual search paradigm, and 13.4D) and TEO, and dorsal extrastriate areas V3A and
indeed what makes it relevant to our everyday behavior, is MT. In other words, the suppressive interactions among the
that a target must be found among a field of other objects. four stimuli scaled with the increasing RF sizes across visual
The defining role of selective attention in this case is to cortex, consistent with the idea that the stimuli were compet-
mediate the selection of a subset of the available information ing for representation at the level of the RF.
for further processing. As such, in order to understand selec- The idea that suppressive interactions are scaled to RF
tive attention, it is necessary to understand first how the size was tested directly by varying the spatial separation
brain processes multiple stimuli simultaneously present in among the stimuli (Kastner et al., 2001). If stimuli are com-
the visual field. peting at the level of the RF, then increasing the spatial
separation among stimuli should decrease the level of com-
Neural Basis of Competition A large body of evidence petition within the RF, and decreasing the array size should
from both single-cell physiology and neuroimaging suggests increase competitive interactions in areas with smaller RFs.
that multiple stimuli present at the same time within a In keeping with both of these predictions, suppressive inter-
neuron’s RF are not processed independently, but interact actions were twice as strong in V1 and V2 with a 2 × 2°
with each other in a mutually suppressive way. In physiology display as compared to those induced with a 4 × 4° display,
studies (Miller, Gochin, & Gross, 1993; Recanzone, Wurtz, and separating the stimuli in the 2 × 2° display by 4° abol-
& Schwarz, 1997; Reynolds, Chelazzi, & Desimone, 1999; ished suppressive interactions in V2 and reduced them in
Snowden, Treue, Erickson, & Andersen, 1991), the responses V4, but did not affect them in TEO. Separating the stimuli
to paired stimuli were found to be smaller than the sum of by 6° led to a further reduction of suppression effects in V4,
the responses evoked by each stimulus individually. In but again had no effect in TEO. Taken together, monkey
particular, the response evoked by a pair of stimuli was a physiology and human brain imaging studies have begun to
weighted average of the individual responses (Luck et al., establish a neural basis for competitive representations of
1997; Reynolds et al.). Suppressive interactions such as stimuli in the visual system.

210 attention
It is important to note that the suppressive (competitive)
interactions across visual cortex discussed thus far occurred
automatically and in the absence of attentional allocation
to the stimuli. In fact, in these paradigms, participants
were engaged in an attention-demanding task at fixation.
Thus neural competition would appear to be pervasive in
the representation of cluttered visual scenes. In order to
overcome this less than optimal representation of objects
within a visual scene, there need to be mechanisms by which
this ongoing competition among multiple stimuli can be
resolved. The allocation of top-down attention is one such

Top-Down Influences on Competition Single-cell

recording studies have shown that spatially directed attention
represents one top-down mechanism that can bias the
competition among multiple stimuli in favor of the attended
stimulus by modulating competitive interactions. When a
monkey directed attention to one of two competing stimuli
within an RF, the responses in extrastriate areas V2, V4, and
MT to the pair of stimuli were as large as those to that
stimulus presented alone (Recanzone & Wurtz, 2000;
Reynolds et al., 1999). A similar mechanism appears to
operate in the human visual cortex. Kastner and colleagues
(1998) studied the effects of spatially directed attention on
multiple competing visual stimuli in a variation of the
paradigm described earlier. In addition to the two different
Figure 13.4 Top-down and bottom-up biases in resolving neural presentation conditions, sequential and simultaneous, two
competition in visual cortex. In three experiments, competitive
interactions among stimuli were assessed in the presence of different attentional conditions were tested, attended and
top-down and bottom-up biases. Competition was measured by unattended. During the unattended condition, attention
comparing fMRI responses to four stimuli presented either simul- was directed away from the peripheral visual display by
taneously (potentially competing; SIM) or sequentially (noncom- having subjects count letters at fixation. In the attended
peting; SEQ). (A) In the study investigating top-down attention condition, subjects were instructed to attend covertly to the
biases (Kastner, De Weerd, Desimone, & Ungerleider, 1998), the
four stimuli were complex colored images. In the attended condi-
peripheral stimulus location in the display closest to fixation
tions, subjects monitored the lower left location for the appearance and to count the occurrences of a target stimulus. Directing
of a target stimulus, whereas in the unattended condition they attention to this location led to greater activity increases
ignored the colorful stimuli and instead detected targets at fixation. for simultaneously presented stimuli than for sequentially
(B) In the bottom-up pop-out study (Beck & Kastner, 2005), the presented stimuli in areas V4 and TEO, but not in early
stimuli were four Gabor patches that either all differed in color and
visual areas such as V1 (figure 13.4D). Like the competition
orientation (heterogeneous condition; not shown) or in which one
Gabor differed in color and orientation from the rest (pop-out effects, the magnitude of the attentional effects scaled with
condition; shown here without color). (C ) In the illusory contour RF size, with the strongest reduction of suppression occurring
study (McMains & Kastner, 2007), four “Pacman” images were in ventral extrastriate areas V4 and TEO (see also Bles,
aligned to form an illusory square (shown) or rotated such that no Schwarzbach, De Weerd, Goebel, & Jansma, 2006). It is
square was perceived. (D–F ) Dashed curves indicate activity evoked
important to note that the stage at which these attention
by sequential presentations and solid curves indicate activity evoked
by simultaneous presentations for attention (D), pop-out (E), and mechanisms will operate in the visual system is flexibly
illusory contour (F) studies. Black lines represent the conditions in determined by the spatial scale of the displays, similar to the
which a top-down or bottom-up bias was probed, and gray lines spatial scaling of competition mechanisms to RF size. For
represent conditions during which stimuli were competing without example, targets in displays of large spatial scale will engage
any bias. For all three studies, competition was partially overcome areas with larger RFs and will shift the locus of attentional
in V4 when a bias was present (black curves), resulting in smaller
differences in responses evoked by sequential and simultaneous selection to more anterior extrastriate areas relative to
presentations (dashed and solid curves). These effects were smaller targets in displays of smaller spatial scale (Buffalo, Bertini,
(F) or nonexistent in V1 (D, E). Ungerleider, & Desimone, 2005; Hopf et al., 2006). Together,
these findings support the idea that directed attention

kastner, mcmains, and beck: neuroimaging of visual system 211

enhances information processing of stimuli at the attended in a single item dominating the response of the neuron.
location by counteracting suppression induced by nearby However, as described in the section “The units of selection,”
stimuli. This may be an important mechanism by which attention not only selects a location or feature, but can also
unwanted information is filtered out from nearby distracters. select whole objects, including all the features that comprise
the object. The existence of object-based selection argues
Bottom-Up Influences on Competition Related to against competition among the features within an object and
Visual Salience Top-down attention, however, is not instead argues for mechanisms that bind the features of an
the only mechanism that can resolve competition in object together across multiple areas prior to competition
visual cortex. Properties of the stimulus—that is, bottom- among objects. Indeed, there are a number of factors that
up stimulus-driven mechanisms—have also been shown to are thought to influence how the components of a scene are
modulate competition (Beck & Kastner, 2005, 2007; structured into larger units such as objects and groups of
McMains & Kastner, 2007; Reynolds & Desimone, 2003). objects. The first of these principles of perceptual organization
For example, Beck and Kastner (2005) found that competition were proposed by the Gestalt psychologists (e.g., Wertheimer,
could be influenced by visual salience, a bottom-up stimulus- 1923; Rubin, 1958). For instance, visual stimuli may be
driven mechanism that does not depend on the focus of perceptually grouped according to their similarity, proximity,
attention. Instead of the complex images used in the previous common fate (Wertheimer, 1923), and other stimulus
studies, in which the sequential/simultaneous paradigm was properties (Palmer & Rock, 1994; Palmer, 1992), thereby
investigated, they used four Gabor patches of different colors linking elements of a scene that are likely to belong together,
and orientations. These Gabor patches could be presented segmenting the scene into a more limited number of
in two display contexts: pop-out displays, in which a single objectlike perceptual units. There is growing evidence that
item differed from the others in color and orientation (figure some forms of perceptual organization do not require top-
13.4B), and heterogeneous displays, in which all items down control, but rather represent automatic bottom-up
differed from each other in both dimensions. As has been processes (Altmann, Bulthoff, & Kourtzi, 2003; Driver,
shown with the heterogeneous displays used in previous Baylis, & Rafal, 1992; Duncan, 1984; Kastner, De Weerd,
experiments, the heterogeneous displays produced robust & Ungerleider, 2000; Lamy, Segal, & Ruderman, 2006;
suppressive interactions among multiple stimuli in areas Marcus & Van Essen, 2002; C. Moore & Egeth, 1997; Qiu,
V2/VP and V4 (figure 13.4E ). However, this suppression Sugihara, & von der Heydt, 2007; Russell & Driver, 2005;
was eliminated when the same stimuli were presented in but see also Ben-Av, Sagi, & Braun, 1992; Han, Jiang,
the context of pop-out displays, consistent with the prediction Mao, Humphreys, & Gu, 2005; Mack, Tang, Tuma, Kahn,
that visual salience can bias competitive interactions among & Rock, 1992; Roelfsema, 2006). Therefore, perceptual
multiple stimuli in intermediate processing areas (figure organization principles may represent bottom-up stimulus-
13.4E ). driven processes by which features within an object are
As in previous studies, no evidence of competitive interac- grouped, allowing competition to occur among objects and
tions was found in area V1, presumably because of the small not among features within an object (Desimone & Duncan,
RF sizes in that area. However, an effect of display context 1995). According to this view, any principle of perceptual
was evident in this early visual area: simultaneously pre- organization that produces a bottom-up bias may modulate
sented pop-out displays evoked more activity than any of competition.
the other three conditions, consistent with both physiology Evidence in favor of this prediction was found in a series
studies and computational models suggesting that pop- of studies that used variants of the sequential/simultaneous
out may be computed as early as in area V1 (Kastner, fMRI paradigm to investigate effects of perceptual organiza-
Nothdurft, & Pigarev, 1999; Knierim & Van Essen, 1992; tion on competition. In one study, suppressive interactions
Li, 1999; Nothdurft, Gallant, & Van Essen, 1999). Taken among four identical items (homogeneous display) were
together, these data suggest that V1 may be the source of compared to those induced by four stimuli that differed in
the signal that biases neural competition in extrastriate both color and orientation (heterogeneous display). Because
cortex when salient stimuli are present in the visual scene, identical or similar items that are present in nearby locations
a finding which further distinguishes this bottom-up bias tend to form perceptual groups by the Gestalt principle of
from top-down biases that are thought to have their similarity, the prediction was tested that competitive interac-
source in frontoparietal cortex (Kastner et al.; T. Moore tions should be minimal with identical stimuli in the display
& Armstrong, 2003). (homogeneous condition) as compared to the heterogeneous
condition. In accordance with previous data, simultaneous
Bottom-Up Influences on Competition Related to presentation of four heterogeneous visual stimuli evoked sig-
Scene Segmentation Both top-down attention and nificantly less activity in areas V2, VP, and V4 than the same
bottom-up visual salience constitute a spatial bias that results stimuli presented sequentially. However, when the four

212 attention
stimuli were identical, the suppression was considerably perspective is consistent with effects of Gestalt grouping and
reduced relative to the heterogeneous conditions. This result figure-ground segmentation found in early visual cortex
suggests that grouping by similarity represents a bottom-up (Kapadia, Ito, Gilbert, & Westheimer, 1995; Kastner et al.,
bias that may influence or even determine the amount of 2000; Lamme, 1995; Nothdurft et al., 1999; Qiu et al., 2007;
competition among items. Zhou, Friedman, & von der Heydt, 2000). Alternatively, the
Although grouping is arguably the most well-known of the degree to which perceptual organization occurs may be a
perceptual organization processes, there are a number of consequence of competitive interactions. As mentioned, the
other processes critical to our ability to segment and orga- response of V4 neurons to a pair of stimuli is best described
nize a scene. Before objects can be grouped together, the as a weighted average of the responses to the two stimuli
visual system must decide what regions in the scene consti- when presented alone (Luck et al., 1997; Reynolds et al.,
tute potential objects; that is, it must segment figure from 2000). If the two stimuli that comprise the pair are identical,
ground (Rubin, 1958). Further complicating this process is as in the grouping-by-similarity study, then the weighted-
the fact that some potential objects may be partially occluded average model would predict that the response to the pair
from view, requiring the visual system to infer the presence should be indistinguishable from the response to each of the
of objects on the basis of the information present in the individual stimuli (Reynolds et al.). Thus there may not be
scene; that is, it must rely on visual interpolation mecha- any need to appeal to additional grouping mechanisms to
nisms (Palmer, 1999). Both of these processes were probed explain these findings. Instead, the reduced competition
in a second study (McMains & Kastner, 2007), using the present in the displays with identical items, relative to the
Kanizsa illusion (Kanizsa, 1976). In the Kanizsa illusion, one with different stimuli, may simply be the result of the
four circular “Pacman” items, also called inducers, are averaging procedure performed by the neurons in areas such
aligned to form an illusory square (figure 13.4C ) that is per- as V4. If less competition is evoked by items that are per-
ceived as a single foreground element with the inducers lying ceptually organized, then there is no need to select or filter
behind it. When the four inducers are rotated inward, the any one of them, and instead the items are processed as a
illusion occurs as a result of the assignment of the group. Importantly, these are not mutually exclusive possi-
L-shaped borders to a common object, but does not occur bilities. Further, it is unlikely that these interactions can be
when they are rotated outward. Based on the hypothesis that explained by a unified neural mechanism. Rather, the variety
the degree of perceptual organization in a visual display of perceptual organization principles may rely on a variety
should determine the degree of competition, it was predicted of underlying neural processes.
that when the four inducers were rotated inward giving rise
to the illusion and were thus part of a single object, they Relation of Bottom-Up and Top-Down Mechanisms
should not compete with each other. Alternatively, if the The studies described thus far suggest that both top-
four inducers were rotated outward, thereby disrupting the down and bottom-up processes can bias competitive
illusion, they would be treated as four separate objects, interactions in visual cortex. How might these processes
which compete for neural representation independently. As interact? Evidence comes from a physiology study (Qiu
predicted, the competitive interactions were significantly et al., 2007) in which the effects of attention on image
reduced across visual cortex when the four inducers formed segmentation processes were probed in V2 neurons. Neurons
a single foreground object, but not when they were rotated in V2 have previously been found to integrate contextual
outward representing four separate items (figure 13.4F ). information from beyond their small RFs in order to signal
Thus far, a number of perceptual organization processes, when a border in their RF belongs to an attended object, an
such as grouping by the Gestalt factor of similarity and effect termed border ownership (Zhou et al., 2000). Consistent
figure-ground segmentation and visual interpolation pro- with previous studies (Driver et al., 1992; Kastner et al.,
cesses related to illusory contour formation, have been shown 2000; Lamy, Segal, & Ruderman, 2006; C. Moore & Egeth,
to affect the outcome of competitive interactions, thereby 1997), V2 neurons signaled border ownership for both
suggesting that any form of perceptual organization might attended and unattended figures, suggesting that attention is
influence the ongoing competition (Beck & Kastner, 2007; not necessary for figure-ground segmentation (Qiu et al.).
McMains & Kastner, 2007). When the interaction of attention and border ownership was
The relationship between perceptual organization princi- investigated, the magnitudes of the attention effects were
ples and competition can be interpreted in at least two ways. found to be predicted by the neurons’ border ownership
Competition may be influenced by mechanisms that mediate responses, such that attention effects were larger when the
perceptual organization from elsewhere in the cortex. These object that owned the border in the RF was attended to
mechanisms could boost the activity related to the set compared to when a different figure of equal distance away
of stimuli as it enters V4, effectively counteracting any com- from the RF was attended to (figure 13.5E ). These results
petition that may have occurred between stimuli. Such a were interpreted using a novel framework, the “interface

kastner, mcmains, and beck: neuroimaging of visual system 213

may be a useful novel framework for the interpretation of a
number of empirical findings in the attention field.

Summary One of the primary roles of attention is to

select a small set of items among many, as when searching
for an object in a cluttered visual scene. The need for such
a mechanism becomes clearer when we consider the mutually
suppressive interactions among multiple stimuli in visual
cortex. Directed attention has been shown to bias this
competition in favor of an attended stimulus, thus restoring
a more optimal representation of that stimulus. Similarly,
competitive interactions can be modulated by bottom-up
Figure 13.5 Responses of neurons influenced by border owner-
ship and attention. (A–D) Example stimuli for the different experi-
factors such as salience and factors related to perceptual
mental conditions. Asterisks indicate the location of attention, and organization. Although these bottom-up factors represent
the ellipses symbolize the RF of the neuron that was recorded from. qualitatively different biases from top-down directed
(A–B) The right figure was in front, with the nonpreferred side of attention, it also appears that the two factors interact
the object in the RF. (C–D) The left figure was in front, with the to organize and ultimately select relevant aspects of a
preferred side of the object in the RF. (E ) Firing rates as a function
visual scene.
of time for the population of neurons influenced by border owner-
ship and attention for each of two monkeys. The solid lines repre-
sent preferred border ownership, and dashed lines indicate Conclusion
nonpreferred border ownership; gray indicates attention to the left
side, and black indicates attention to the right side. Attention effects
Evidence from functional brain imaging reveals that atten-
were always greater when the animals attended to the left, that is,
to the preferred object side (A > B and C > D). However, attention tion operates at various processing levels within the human
effects were largest when the animals attended to the preferred visual system and beyond. These attention mechanisms
object side (left) and the border in the RF was “owned” by the appear to be controlled by a distributed network of higher-
object on the left (C ). (Modified from figure 5 of Qiu, Sugihara, & order areas in frontal and parietal cortex, which generate
von der Heydt, 2007.) top-down signals that are transmitted by way of feedback
connections to the visual system (see chapter 14 by Corbetta,
hypothesis of attention.” This hypothesis suggests that Sylvester, & Shulman). Together, these widely distributed
the correlation between border ownership responses and brain systems cooperate to mediate the selection of behav-
attentional effects may be explained by assuming that the iorally relevant information that can be further utilized in
same circuits underlie both processes and that the circuit other cognitive networks to ultimately guide goal-directed
that mediates border ownership provides an interface for action.
attentional mechanisms. Thus top-down mechanisms might
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14 The Frontoparietal
Attention Network
maurizio corbetta, chad m. sylvester, and gordon l. shulman

abstract This chapter is concerned with the attentional mecha- constitute a dorsal frontoparietal attention network that performs
nisms that ensure that behavior is directed toward important stimuli this final integration step. While this network operates irre-
in the environment. We review the evidence for a coherent neural spective of the criteria used to select stimuli (e.g., location,
network in dorsal parietal and frontal cortex that sends top-down
signals, reflecting both the location and features of task-relevant
features) or responses (e.g., effector), subregions may show
objects, that bias processing in sensory regions such as occipital specializations for particular attributes, as we will discuss.
cortex. Top-down signals for location aid selection of an object by We will also briefly review the coordination of this network
changing neural activity throughout an occipital retinotopic map, with other networks involved in assessing value, generating
not just at the attended location, resulting in a relative increase in and maintaining goals, accessing information in working
activity at that location in the map. The overall behavioral goals
memory, and retrieving information from long-term memory
that determine which objects are selected are not set within the
frontoparietal network, but reflect the interaction of networks (figure 14.1).
involved in reward, memory, and executive control. These net-
works may provide inputs to dorsal frontoparietal regions that are The dorsal frontoparietal attention network
transformed into biasing signals.
Definition: Functional Connectivity and Anticipatory
Signals While the involvement of different brain regions
“Attention” broadly refers to a set of mechanisms that allow in different functions is not controversial, it may not seem
people to selectively perceive and respond to events that are justified to segregate sets of regions into coherent brain
relevant to their behavioral goals. Because of the importance networks, such as a dorsal frontoparietal network. However,
of this function for many aspects of human behavior, discus- an important development over the last decade has been the
sions of attention crop up in treatments of such diverse topics refinement of physiological techniques for identifying related
as language, memory, emotion, perception, and motor sets of brain regions. One such technique, called functional
control. Here we concentrate on the selection of objects in connectivity magnetic resonance imaging (fcMRI), measures
the environment for action. Chapter 13 in this book (Kastner, the temporal correlation of the blood-oxygenation-level
McMains, & Beck) discussed how attending to an object dependent (BOLD) signal across multiple regions (Biswal,
biases sensory evoked activity in sensory cortex and how Yetkin, Haughton, & Hyde, 1995). Related regions show
these biases are thought to result in selective processing of strong low-frequency (< 0.1 Hz) correlations over time, even
the object (Desimone & Duncan, 1995). when the subject is lying at rest with no task or stimulation
Because complex goal-directed behaviors reflect the inter- (resting-state fcMRI). The origin of these correlations is still
action of many different brain systems, it is not possible to controversial, but they are thought to reflect both anatomical
speak of a single attentional control system. Different brain and functional factors. Several studies in the last five years
networks may be recruited when formulating behavioral have identified a number of resting-state networks that
goals, assessing those goals with respect to current knowl- correspond to regions that are coactivated when subjects
edge of the environment, retrieving relevant information perform a task (Damoiseaux et al., 2006; Fox, Corbetta,
from memory, and integrating all of these influences into Snyder, Vincent, & Raichle, 2006; Fox et al., 2005; Fransson,
specific biasing signals that can be sent down to sensory and 2005; Greicius, Krasnow, Reiss, & Menon, 2003; Hampson,
motor systems (hence the term “top-down” biases). In this Peterson, Skudlarski, Gatenby, & Gore, 2002). Relevant to
review, we suggest that a set of dorsal frontoparietal regions this discussion is the strong correlation between the frontal
eye field (FEF) at the intersection of superior frontal sulcus
and precentral sulcus, and regions within the intraparietal
maurizio corbetta, chad m. sylvester, and gordon l.
shulman Departments of Neurology, Radiology, and Anatomy sulcus (IPS). IPS and FEF represent the core regions of
and Neurobiology, Washington University School of Medicine, the dorsal attention network (figure 14.2). These regions
St. Louis, Missouri show spontaneous correlation also with visual areas like

corbetta, sylvester, and shulman: the frontoparietal attention network 219

Figure 14.1 (A) Control and data-processing networks. Flat map ACC: anterior cingulate; DLPFC: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex;
of right hemisphere on which regions and different networks AI-FO: anterior insula–frontal operculum. Green: reward value
involved in control are superimposed. Dark blue: dorsal frontopa- network. OFC: orbitofrontal cortex; ventral striatum (not shown).
rietal attention network. IPS: intraparietal sulcus; FEF: frontal eye (B) Wire diagram. Dorsal attention network feeds top-down and
field. Orange: sensory visual areas. Purple: Long-term memory receives bottom-up biases to/from sensory cortices for stimulus and
retrieval network. RSPC: retrosplenial cortex; Parahip: parahip- response selection. Other networks bias sensory processing via
pocampus; Hipp: hippocampus. Azure: executive control network. interaction with dorsal attention network. (See color plate 14.).

MT+ and V7. Other networks involved in regulation of Perhaps the most direct method for observing sensory
attention are shown in figure 14.2 and will not be further biases in isolation is to provide subjects with a cue telling
considered in this chapter. A right-hemisphere-dominant them to attend to a specific location in space or a
ventral frontoparietal attention network, with core regions visual feature and to measure the resulting physiological
in right temporoparietal junction and ventral frontal cortex, signals prior to the onset of a target stimulus (Corbetta,
is involved in stimulus-driven reorienting and resetting task- Kincade, Ollinger, McAvoy, & Shulman, 2000; Hopfinger,
relevant networks; its physiological properties have been Buonocore, & Mangun, 2000; Kastner, Pinsk, De Weerd,
recently reviewed (Corbetta, Patel, & Shulman, 2008). A Desimone, & Ungerleider, 1999; N. Muller, Bartelt, Donner,
bilateral “default” network is consistently deactivated during Villringer, & Brandt, 2003; Serences, Yantis, Culberson, &
goal-directed behavior (Mazoyer et al., 2001; Raichle et al., Awh, 2004; Sylvester, Shulman, Jack, & Corbetta, 2007).
2001; Shulman et al., 1997) and may be important in filtering Cuing experiments in humans have routinely observed pre-
information from internal task-irrelevant processes. paratory or endogenous activations—that is, activations not

220 attention
Figure 14.2 Functional connectivity by fMRI (fcMRI) defines roughly reproduce the default network, possibly indicating a push-
separate dorsal and ventral networks. (A) Dorsal attention and pull relationship between the two networks. (B) Ventral attention
default networks. The map indicates regions that showed signifi- network. Five ventral regions (R TPJ, R VFC, R MFG, R PrCe)
cant positive correlations with three (red) or four (yellow) of the were used as seeds for an FC analysis. Regions showing consistent
seed regions in the dorsal attention network (IPS, FEF, V7, MT+). positive correlations largely reproduce the ventral network, but
The dorsal network is largely reproduced in the resting state FC negative correlations in default regions are not observed. The pos-
maps. Regions that show significant negative correlations with terior MFG near the inferior frontal sulcus appears to be connected
three (green) or four (blue) of the seed regions are also shown and to both networks. (He et al., 2007.) (See color plate 15.)

driven by a sensory stimulus—in dorsal parietal regions of activations in parietal and other regions predict performance
IPS, extending medially into superior parietal lobule, and in on subsequent targets (Pessoa & Padmala, 2005; Sapir,
dorsal precentral sulcus at the intersection with the superior d’Avossa, McAvoy, Shulman, & Corbetta, 2005). Finally,
frontal sulcus (FEF; figure 14.3A). As noted earlier, these purely endogenous activations in dorsal frontoparietal
regions also show strong resting-state fcMRI. Dorsal fronto- regions are spatially selective, with greater activity following
parietal activations are observed whether the cue stimulus is a cue in contralateral FEF and IPS (Sylvester et al.), as
visual (Corbetta et al., 2000; Hopfinger et al.; Kastner et al.) expected if these regions control the spatial selection of
or auditory (Sylvester et al.) and are sustained as attention is information.
maintained over extended durations (Corbetta, Kincade, & In some studies of spatial cuing, endogenous cue-related
Shulman, 2002). Subtle but consistent topographic differ- responses in dorsal frontoparietal regions are accompanied
ences have been reported between regions that encode a cue by spatially selective endogenous activation of retinotopic
and maintain attention (Woldorff et al., 2004). Preparatory occipital cortex (Kastner et al., 1999; Sylvester et al., 2007),

corbetta, sylvester, and shulman: the frontoparietal attention network 221

222 attention
Figure 14.3 (A) Frontoparietal areas and visual cortex modulated response magnitude of anticipatory activity in left visual cortex for
by anticipatory signal for spatial attention. Areas with spatially directing spatial attention to left or right visual location. Note
selective preparatory signals following an auditory cue directing slightly higher activity for contralateral attention (right trials), but
attention to a left or right location. MFG/IFS: middle frontal also strong overlap in the two populations of trials. Therefore
gyrus/inferior frontal sulcus; FEF: frontal eye field; IPS: intrapari- readout of activity from only attended visual cortex does not
etal sulcus; Fov: foveal region of V1–V3; SFG: superior frontal provide a good prediction of the locus of spatial attention. Middle:
gyrus. BOLD signal time series following spatial auditory cues show same for right visual cortex. Bottom: the difference in activity
anticipatory signals that are stronger for cue directing attention to between left and right visual cortex provides a strong trial-to-trial
contralateral visual field locations. (See color plate 16.) (B) Relative prediction of the locus of spatial attention by subtracting out
activity predicts locus of attention in visual cortex. Top: single-trial common noise in the two maps. (From Sylvester et al., 2007.)

but not in other studies (Corbetta, Tansy et al., 2005; figure physical threshold for detection of a low-contrast stimulus
14.3A). Although the reasons for this variation are not well presented within the movement field of the stimulated site
understood, it may reflect the degree to which selection of in FEF (Moore & Fallah, 2001). In humans, Ruff and
an object or stimulus is limited by perceptual factors, which colleagues showed that TMS of human FEF produced
may be associated with endogenous modulation of visual BOLD activation in peripheral V1–V4, independently of
cortex, as opposed to factors related to memory or stimulus- whether a stimulus was present (Ruff et al., 2006; figure
response translation. 14.4A). Correspondingly, stimulation enhanced the perceived
Therefore dorsal frontal and parietal regions in IPS and contrast of peripheral stimuli. These studies show that
FEF that are coactivated by cues to attend to a visual object activity in FEF can produce the physiological changes in
form a distinct network in resting-state fcMRI studies (Fox occipital cortex and the changes in behavioral performance
et al., 2006, 2005) and can be considered a separate func- that are expected for a brain region involved in top-down
tional network. Interestingly, consistent with the activation control of spatial attention.
results, this network is not correlated under resting condi- However, these results were not obtained under physio-
tions with regions in the occipital lobe, except for human logical conditions, and more importantly they do not dem-
MT+. The interaction of dorsal frontoparietal cortex with onstrate an asymmetry in the interaction between occipital
occipital cortex is highly task contingent. In a later section, and dorsal frontoparietal regions. A recent study using
we discuss a possible mechanism for flexibly changing the Granger causality analysis meets both these objections
effects of signals in one area (e.g., FEF) on those in another (Bressler, Tang, Sylvester, Shulman, & Corbetta, 2008). The
(e.g., V4). These human imaging studies of preparatory and authors compared the degree to which endogenous pre-
resting-state activity in dorsal frontoparietal regions in paratory signals in occipital cortex temporally predicted
humans are complemented by monkey single-unit studies signals in dorsal frontoparietal regions over and above
showing anticipatory signals for spatial attention in FEF the prediction based on the dorsal frontoparietal regions
(Kodaka, Mikami, & Kubota, 1997) and LIP (Bisley & themselves, and vice versa. They found that signals in dorsal
Goldberg, 2003), as well as resting-state functional connec- frontoparietal regions strongly predicted occipital signals
tivity between FEF and LIP in anesthetized monkeys (top-down direction), and this prediction was significantly
(Vincent et al., 2007). greater than that from occipital signals to dorsal frontopari-
etal signals (bottom-up direction). In fact, the latter predict-
Causality of Top-Down Biases from Dorsal ability did not exceed a baseline level of predictability
Attention Network onto Visual Cortex Physiological between any two voxels in the brain. These results support
studies are generally correlational, demonstrating a the hypothesis that under physiological conditions, following
relationship between a spatial or temporal pattern of neural a cue to attend to a location, dorsal frontoparietal regions
activity and some task or behavioral parameters. Although modulate occipital regions (figure 14.1).
cues to attend can produce endogenous signals in both dorsal
frontoparietal and sensory cortex, and these signals may be Topographic Organization of Maps in Dorsal
predictive of behavioral performance, these results do not Attention Network To understand how control is
imply a causal influence of control regions on data-processing implemented, a helpful hint is the functional organization of
regions. Several recent studies, however, have provided an area or system, that is, the parameters that are coded in
evidence for this proposition. Moore and colleagues showed the pattern of neural activity. Recent studies have begun to
in monkey that stimulation of R FEF modulated sensory- detail the organization of the spatially selective neurons in
evoked activity in V4 neurons whose receptive fields matched frontal and parietal cortex that may be the source of top-
the movement field of the stimulated FEF site (Moore & down biases to visual cortex. Human parietal and frontal
Armstrong, 2003). Stimulation also changed the psycho- cortex appears to contain topographic maps of contralateral

corbetta, sylvester, and shulman: the frontoparietal attention network 223

Figure 14.4 (A) Top-down activation of visual cortex from Left: “Control” area pIPS top-down modulates visual area V3A.
frontal eye field. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation The strength of top-down control trial-by-trial correlates
(rTMS) of right FEF causes bilateral activation in peripheral reti- with higher accuracy on a difficult visual discrimination task. Right:
notopic visual cortex (V1–V4) (dotted white line) and correspond- During anticipatory spatial attention the strength of top-down
ing deactivation in foveal representation (dotted black line). influences is stronger from control to visual areas than bottom-up
(Courtesy of Ruff & Driver; Ruff et al., 2006.) (B) Granger causality influences from visual areas to control areas. (From Bressler, Tang,
of BOLD signal time series during anticipatory spatial attention. Sylvester, Shulman, & Corbetta, 2008.) (See color plate 17.)

visual space. The initial report of a single topographic map location are relevant to the current task and, as such, have
of the contralateral hemifield in human parietal cortex by been biased by preparatory activity. Selection is therefore
Sereno, Pitzalis, and Martinez (2001) has been followed by based on the magnitude of an object’s activation relative to
several studies that have found multiple maps (Hagler, the activation of all other objects in the scene. A single-unit
Riecke, & Sereno, 2007; Schluppeck, Glimcher, & Heeger, study in area LIP (Bisley & Goldberg, 2003), a likely homo-
2005; Silver, Ress, & Heeger, 2005), including a report of logue of human IPS regions, supports the idea that selection
five contiguous maps along IPS (Swisher, Halko, Merabet, is based on the activity in one spatially selective set of neurons
McMains, & Somers, 2007). Unlike early retinotopic occipital relative to that of another. The duration for which a monkey
cortex, some of these regions may also show substantial attended to the location of a flashed distracter object, pre-
nontopographic activations to ipsilateral stimuli (Jack et al., sented in the opposite hemifield from an attended target
2007). In the animal single-unit literature, the evidence for location, was predicted from the duration for which LIP
topographic maps in parietal areas such as LIP is inconsistent activity from the neurons responding to the distracter loca-
(Ben Hamed, Duhamel, Bremmer, & Graf, 2001; Platt & tion was greater than the activity from neurons responding
Glimcher, 1998), although a recent monkey fMRI study to the target location. In other words, the locus of attention
reported clear evidence for a hemifield map in both in frontoparietal control regions may be coded by a differ-
hemispheres (Gaurav Patel, Larry Snyder, and Maurizio ence signal between the level of anticipatory activity at the
Corbetta, personal communication). attended location versus unattended locations in different
Models of spatial selection propose that objects in a scene parts of the map.
are represented in a topographically organized “salience”
map and that the most activated object or location in Mechanisms: Coding the Locus of Attention
the map is selected as part of a “winner-take-all” process Based on Relative Activity Within a Map The
(Koch & Ullman, 1985; Wolfe, 1994). The salience of importance of relative rather than absolute activity extends
an object in the map is partly determined by its sensory to top-down biases in visual cortex, where attending to a
properties (e.g., high contrast) and by whether its features or location changes activity not only at the attended location

224 attention
of the retinotopic visual map but also throughout the map. well as the predictability of the locus of attention, increased
While preparatory increases are observed at the attended over the same period, reflecting the larger signal decreases
location in an occipital retinotopic map (Hopfinger et al., at the homotopic uncued location (Sylvester et al., 2007).
2000; Kastner et al., 1999; N. Muller et al., 2003; Serences, Therefore, the maintenance of attention may be reflected
Yantis, et al., 2004; Sylvester et al., 2007), preparatory in the sustained magnitude of a relative signal, not an
decreases are observed at unattended locations in the map absolute signal.
(Silver, Ress, & Heeger, 2007; Sylvester, Jack, Corbetta, & Finally, the mapwide distribution of preparatory activity
Shulman, 2008). in retinotopic cortex reflects not simply the location of the
Mapwide changes in occipital areas support the hypothe- attended object, but also the computational demands of the
sis that the operative spatial signal determining the locus of task. Serences, Yantis, and colleagues (2004) demonstrated
attention and salience is relative, such as a difference signal, that when subjects expected a target stimulus to be sur-
but more direct evidence has recently been reported. Most rounded by closely spaced distracter objects, preparatory
studies of attentional modulations compare the activations signals increased, even when task difficulty remained con-
from an object when it is attended versus unattended. The stant. However, the relationship between the additional pre-
assumption is that the two situations are analogous to when paratory signal at the attended location and the suppression
attended and unattended objects are simultaneously present. of distractor information at nontarget locations was unclear.
However, this assumption is only correct when the activa- A recent study (Sylvester et al., 2008) has shown that prepa-
tions from the two objects are uncorrelated over time. In ratory activity at nontarget locations depends on whether
fact, a recent fMRI study has shown that preparatory signals noise at those locations can adversely affect performance.
between homotopic locations of occipital retinotopic maps, Sylvester and colleagues compared mapwide changes in
as well as between left and right IPS and FEF, are highly activity when subjects performed a coarse orientation dis-
correlated over trials (Sylvester et al., 2007). Correlated crimination on a low-contrast, near-threshold Gabor patch
activity is significant but less strong at nonhomotopic loca- and an equally difficult but fine orientation discrimination
tions (e.g., between fovea and periphery) or across separate on a high-contrast, suprathreshold Gabor patch. The loca-
areas (e.g., between FEF and V3A). Correlated neural activ- tion of the Gabor was cued, and expected contrast was
ity across separate parts of V1 following stimulus presenta- blocked, allowing subjects to optimally adjust the distribution
tion has also been reported (Chen, Geisler, & Seidemann, of attention to both the attended location and the nature of
2006), suggesting that the BOLD correlations reflect neural the discrimination. In the low-contrast condition, perfor-
rather than or in addition to hemodynamic factors. While mance was partly limited by noise at nontarget locations
the neural causes of the BOLD correlations are not known, that created spurious false alarms, but in the high-contrast
they might reflect nonspatial signals that carry information condition, performance was only limited by noise at the
about the upcoming stimulus features or task or overall target location. Even though the spatial distribution of the
changes in arousal. As a result of the correlated signal, the task stimulus was identical in the two conditions, preparatory
absolute BOLD signal at the attended location in occipital signal decreases at nontarget locations in retinotopic occipital
and dorsal frontoparietal cortex is only a moderate trial-to- maps were greater when subjects expected a low-contrast
trial predictor of the direction of attention. Predictability in than high-contrast Gabor, reflecting the need to suppress
both occipital and dorsal frontoparietal areas is greatly noise at these locations and “mark” the target location by
improved by subtracting out the common “noise,” that is, creating a steep target-nontarget location gradient. No effects
taking the difference between activity at the attended loca- of expected contrast were observed at the cued location.
tion in the map and the homotopic location in the opposite How are these task-dependent changes in the mapwide
hemisphere (Sestieri et al., 2008; Sylvester et al., 2007; figure distribution of preparatory signals controlled? Sylvester
14.3B). The biological relevance of the difference signal is and colleagues (2008) reported that regions in FEF and IFS
demonstrated by the fact that performance for subsequent (inferior frontal sulcus), but not IPS, showed additive effects
targets is better predicted in V3A by the magnitude of the of expected target location and contrast, with greater activa-
difference signal than by the magnitude of the absolute tions when contralateral locations were cued but also when
signal at the attended location. low-contrast stimuli were expected at either contralateral or
The importance of relative rather than absolute signal ipsilateral locations. The additive contrast and cue location
levels qualifies the association of sustained BOLD activity signals in FEF and IFS were combined to produce the inter-
with the maintenance of attention (Silver, Ress, & Heeger, acting, mapwide changes observed in retinotopic occipital
2007). In one fMRI study, while the absolute signal at cortex, although the manner in which this process occurred
the cued location in occipital retinotopic maps decreased was unclear. Interestingly, stimulation of FEF by TMS, in
over the course of the cue period, the difference between the absence of a visual stimulus, decreases activity in por-
the signal at that location and at the homotopic location, as tions of early visual cortex corresponding to the central

corbetta, sylvester, and shulman: the frontoparietal attention network 225

visual field (Ruff et al., 2006), which also showed the largest at the potential saccade location (Moore & Fallah, 2001;
decreases in Sylvester and colleagues (2008). J. Muller, Philiastides, & Newsome, 2005). The coincidence
In conclusion, these studies emphasize that selection of an of neural systems for spatial attention and eye movements is
object at a location in the visual field involves a mapwide not complete, however; at the level of single cells in FEF,
modulation of topographic sensory representation, and that visual and visuomovement cells respond during covert target
spatial sensory bias at the attended location arises from an selection while purely motor cells are either silent or even
interaction of biasing signals at both attended and unat- inhibited (Thompson, Biscoe, & Sato, 2005). Therefore, a
tended locations. Within dorsal frontoparietal areas, spatial reasonable conclusion is that spatial attention and eye
biases coexist with nonspatial (feature) biases that seem to movement mechanisms are functionally (even causally)
independently modulate activity in visual areas prior to related but that dissociations can occur both psychologically
stimulus presentation. The presence of correlated noise, and neurally (Awh, Armstrong, & Moore, 2006).
especially among homologous locations of a map (e.g., left The link between spatial attention and eye movements
and right upper visual field) or regions of a network (e.g., left provides a potential explanation for the prominent role
and right FEF) may reflect spontaneous oscillatory activity that interhemispheric interactions play in the allocation of
that is strongest between regions in visual cortex that are attention in both visual cortex and frontoparietal regions. As
connected through the corpus callosum. In the next section earlier discussed, in both control and sensory areas the locus
we link these interhemispheric interactions in spatial selec- of spatial attention is best described by a relative balance of
tion to the functional relationship that exists between spatial activity between attended and unattended parts of a topo-
attention and the control of eye movements. graphic map, especially between homologous regions in dif-
ferent hemispheres (e.g., left and right upper visual field, or
Mechanisms: Relationship to Eye Movements and left and right FEF). If directing attention is akin to planning
Feature-Based Selection While spatial selection can be an eye movement, then it would be sensible to have mecha-
controlled independently of eye movements (Klein, 1980), it nisms that prevent the simultaneous activation of oculo-
is striking that the same set of brain regions, including IPS motor neurons in opposite directions. These would ensure
and FEF (and superior colliculus subcortically), have been behavioral coherence as subjects explore the environment.
implicated in both processes (Beauchamp, Petit, Ellmore, An inhibitory mechanism that prevents reexploration of pre-
Ingeholm, & Haxby, 2001; Bisley & Goldberg, 2003; Bruce viously attended locations or objects is well described and is
& Goldberg, 1985; Bushnell, Goldberg, & Robinson, 1981; also linked to eye movements (inhibition of return). Here we
Corbetta et al., 1998; Corbetta, Miezin, Shulman, & propose that a similar mechanism may be operative during
Petersen, 1993; Luna et al., 1998; Nobre et al., 1997; Perry the anticipatory deployment of attention to a location and
& Zeki, 2000; Petit, Clark, Ingeholm, & Haxby, 1997; the subsequent readout of sensory information. By using a
Snyder, Batista, & Andersen, 1997; Sweeney et al., 1996). subtraction strategy between homologous regions for coding
Moreover, many studies have suggested that both processes the locus of attention, the brain prevents the generation of
are linked (Hoffman & Subramaniam, 1995; Kowler, eye movements and selection of stimuli in opposite locations.
Anderson, Dosher, & Blaser, 1995; Kustov & Robinson, It will be interesting to evaluate whether similar subtractive
1996; Sheliga, Riggio, & Rizzolatti, 1994; Shepherd, Findlay, strategies are operational even when competing locations
& Hockey, 1986; but see Klein, 1980), leading to “premotor” are in the same visual field or along the vertical axis.
(Rizzolatti, Riggio, Dascola, & Umiltá, 1987) accounts of The important link between attention and eye movements
spatial selection. The basic idea is that the allocation of does not completely explain the broad and flexible range of
spatial attention in the visual field, as well as the related selection mechanisms that are implemented in the dorsal
effects on behavioral performance and evoked responses in frontoparietal attention network. Selection of visual infor-
sensory cortex (see chapter 13), depend on the preparation mation is based on many properties besides spatial location.
of an eye movement plan to foveate the target. Since most People can efficiently search for an object defined by a very
experiments of spatial attention are conducted while subjects large number of different features (e.g., red, motion in a
maintain fixation, these oculomotor plans are “covert” and particular direction) in the presence of complete spatial
do not lead to an actual eye movement. Conversely, the uncertainty (Wolfe, 1994). Consistent with this observation,
preparation of an eye movement plan leads to an anticipa- feature-specific modulations of sensory activity have been
tory shift of spatial attention. This idea has been more reported throughout the visual field, not just at the currently
recently supported by electrical microstimulation studies in attended location, both in single-unit and imaging studies
oculomotor regions (FEF and superior colliculus) showing (Martinez-Trujillo & Treue, 2004; Saenz, Buracas, &
that stimulation with electricity below the level necessary to Boynton, 2002; Treue & Trujillo, 1999). Objects containing
produce an overt eye movement still produces changes in the primed features, however, attract shifts of attention
visual field sensitivity consistent with a shift of spatial attention (Folk, Remington, & Johnston, 1992; Serences et al., 2005),

226 attention
suggesting that feature-based selection may operate in part areas such as FEF, whether attention is switched between
by biasing sensory activity to an object, which evokes shifts stimuli in different locations (Yantis et al., 2002), between
of spatial attention or eye movements to the object (Shih & superimposed objects (Serences, Schwarzbach, Courtney,
Sperling, 1996). This interaction suggests important links Golay, & Yantis, 2004), between stimuli in different modali-
between or within brain regions involved in feature-based ties (Shomstein & Yantis, 2004), or between superimposed
selection and overt or covert spatial selection. random-dot arrays with different visual features (Liu,
Accordingly, feature-selective selection signals have been Slotnick, Serences, & Yantis, 2003). Switch signals have
found in parietal and FEF cortex. Fast-latency single-unit been hypothesized to enable networks to “settle” into a state
responses to a particular color, for example, have been appropriate to the newly attended object (Serences & Yantis,
reported in FEF following extended experience with targets 2006).
defined by that color in multiobject displays (Bichot, Schall,
& Thompson, 1996). Imaging studies have reported dorsal Establishing goals in frontoparietal network
frontoparietal activity during cuing of features in addition to
spatial location (Shulman et al., 1999). Explicit comparisons In the laboratory, instructions to direct selective attention
of the activations to cues for location and color indicate are provided by symbolic or nonsymbolic cues (arrows,
common activity in many dorsal frontoparietal regions, but symbols, sensory cues, etc). In real life, however, selective
also activations in subregions that are greater for location attention is controlled by a complex combination of signals
than color (Giesbrecht, Woldorff, Song, & Mangun, 2003; (goals, desires, memories), which sit in the background of
Slagter et al., 2007). Similarly, studies comparing motion and awareness while guiding behavior and are generated in dis-
color cues have reported dorsal frontoparietal activations tributed brain systems that interact with the frontoparietal
that are greater for motion than color (Mangun & Fannon, network.
2007; Shulman, D’Avossa, Tansy, & Corbetta, 2002), and Several classes of internal signals can drive selective atten-
Mangun and colleagues have suggested that the location- tion. If we take the simple case of “reaching for a cup in the
selective regions are similar to the motion-selective regions cupboard to drink some water,” orienting to the cupboard
(Mangun, Fannon, Geng, & Saron, 2009). These studies and selecting the appropriate action to reach for the cup
indicate that preparing to select a visual attribute activates engages over time the frontoparietal dorsal attention
dorsal frontoparietal regions that generalize across visual network. But this preparatory activity reflects the interaction
dimensions as well as subregions that show specificity for of the dorsal network with other neural systems. For instance,
some dimensions. Finally, during sustained attention to a this behavior is motivated by an error signal in the hypo-
visual stimulus, feature-specific attentional modulations—for thalamus indicating a mismatch in the concentration of
example, modulations that are specific to a particular direc- blood (or osmolarity), which we subjectively perceive as
tion of motion—have been reported in parietal cortex and thirst. The overall organization of the behavior (“reach for
FEF, in addition to retinotopic occipital cortex, using multi- the cup in the cupboard”) may be built from learned pat-
voxel classification techniques (Serences & Boynton, 2007). terns that can be loaded in working memory. Signals from
While feature-based and location-based selection can be long-term memory indicate the kitchen’s layout and the
coordinated, as in the case of visual search discussed previ- position of the cups in the cupboard. Therefore a network
ously, feature-based selection need not drive an oculomotor controlling spatial attention and target selection should
mechanism. Selection by hierarchical scale is one example in interact over time with other neural systems monitoring the
which eye movements do not aid changes in selection, yet internal milieu and expected reward, working memory, and
preparatory activations are observed in IPS, with larger pre- long-term memory. The actual sequence of activity is cur-
paratory activations during selection of local scales in left rently unknown because of the lack of suitable methods for
than right IPS (Weissman & Woldorff, 2005). Therefore, tracking the temporal evolution of neural activity in distrib-
while eye movements, feature-based selection, and object- uted neural networks. However, the available evidence does
based selection sometimes operate in a coordinated fashion, show that the spatial attention system is jointly activated with
premotor theories that explain selection of task-relevant other cognitive systems (working memory/executive control;
visual stimuli solely in terms of the signals that drive or are reward; long-term memory) under conditions in which these
observed within oculomotor mechanisms remain incomplete. systems provide inputs for the spatial selection of objects and
Dorsal frontoparietal regions include both oculomotor-based responses. This idea is presented in figure 14.1, and some of
and non-oculomotor-based selection mechanisms. the evidence is presented in the following sections.
Finally, some transient neural signals appear to generalize
across virtually any change in selection criteria. Transient Reward/Value Signals and the Limbic System
“switch” signals are observed most strongly in medial pari- Neurons in areas involved in the control of spatial attention
etal areas such as precuneus, rather than IPS, and in frontal and eye movements carry information about the amount of

corbetta, sylvester, and shulman: the frontoparietal attention network 227

reward a monkey receives for making an instructed eye than satiety. Single-unit studies have also demonstrated
movement. Platt and Glimcher found that the activity of reward-related modulations in posterior cingulate neurons
neurons in the lateral intraparietal (LIP) area coded not only of macaques. Activity was correlated positively and nega-
the position of the visual stimulus or intended eye movement tively, in different neurons, with the size of a reward and was
but also the probability that a particular eye movement also affected by the omission of an expected reward (McCoy,
response would yield a fruit juice reward and the expected Crowley, Haghighian, Dean, & Platt, 2003).
amount of the reward (Platt & Glimcher, 1999). Moreover,
when animals were left to make their own decision on where Task Sets, Prefrontal-Cingular Circuits, and Working
to look, neuronal activity varied with the probability and Memory Task sets and working-memory signals also guide
size of an upcoming fruit juice reward. Reward-related stimulus selection. Informally, a task set specifies the types
modulations have also been observed in several areas of stimuli that should be mapped onto particular responses,
connected to LIP like superior colliculus (Dorris & Munoz, although more formal definitions have been developed
1998) and prefrontal cortex (Gold & Shadlen, 2003). To the (Logan & Gordon, 2001). A task set can be open ended, such
extent that LIP and related areas contain salience maps as “get a cup in a cupboard for drinking,” or more
indicating locations that are likely targets for eye movements constrained, like “get a red cup among green and blue cups.”
or shifts of attention, the salience map includes information Experimental evidence indicates that prefrontal cortex,
concerning the expected value of the eye movement. through its widespread connection with other brain areas,
While activity in the dorsal attention network combines plays a critical role in generating, maintaining, and applying
information about expected value and the physical location a task set. Patients with prefrontal lesions have problems
or attributes of the object that can guide a shift of attention carrying out complex behaviors, especially when they require
or eye movement, other neural systems code only reward multiple steps, and are prone to distraction by irrelevant
information. Reward-related signals involve a distributed environmental stimuli (Fuster, 1985; Stuss & Benson, 1986).
network of brain stem and cortical regions including Neurons in prefrontal cortex respond to cues that instruct a
sensory-motor and limbic regions. Two recent reports task, maintain this information throughout a temporal delay
showed that neurons in orbitofrontal cortex coded the value in the absence of sensory stimulation, and can prospectively
of two possible choices independently of their physical code for the relevant response (Miller & Cohen, 2001). Pre-
attributes or locations, unlike LIP (Padoa-Schioppa & frontal cortex is especially important when cues guiding
Assad, 2006, 2008). Other regions that have been proposed behavior must be flexibly changed over time (Rossi, Bichot,
within the limbic system as the putative source of motiva- Desimone, & Ungerleider, 2007).
tional/reward signals are the nucleus accumbens and related Task sets that are represented in prefrontal cortex
frontal connections, amygdala, and anterior and posterior may determine the particular stimulus-response linkages or
cingulate cortex. sensory biases established by the dorsal attention network.
The posterior cingulate, in particular, is strongly con- A distinction between orienting and executive networks
nected bidirectionally with both limbic areas and sensory was originally proposed in a seminal review by Posner
parietal areas, and may funnel limbic influences onto regions and Petersen (1990). Recent studies have provided more
involved in visuospatial attention, as originally proposed by evidence for a functional separation of task control and
Marsel Mesulam (1981). Several human brain-imaging stimulus selection systems. In a large fMRI meta-analysis,
experiments have manipulated spatial attention and reward. Dosenbach and colleagues isolated two different puta-
In one study subjects directed attention based on central tive control networks: an anterior cingulofrontal oper-
cues, and in different blocks won or lost money depending culum (ACC/FO) network and a frontoparietal network
on whether their response to visual targets was faster or (Dosenbach et al., 2007, 2006). The ACC/FO network was
slower than following a neutral cue (Small et al., 2005). defined based on the presence across studies of three puta-
Posterior cingulate, anterior cingulate, orbitofrontal, and tive control signals: (1) a sustained signal maintained through-
parahippocampal cortex were modulated by the interaction out a block of trials (typically 30–50 seconds), possibly
of attention-based facilitation of performance and reward. representing a “sustained” set signal for the task at hand; (2)
In a second study, subjects were asked to direct spatial atten- a transient signal at the beginning and end of a block of
tion based on central cues to identify target stimuli that were trials, possibly representing the loading and unloading of
either food or nonfood items (Mohanty, Gitelman, Small, & task parameters; and (3) a transient signal generated by an
Mesulam, 2008). In one session subjects were hungry, error, possibly underlying error correction and on-line
whereas in another session they were satiated. Activity in adjustments. The co-localization of these three signals across
orbitofrontal cortex, posterior cingulate, and regions of the a large number of different tasks to the same cingular-
dorsal attention system (IPS) was more correlated with per- opercular regions supports the hypothesis that these regions
formance benefits due to spatial attention during hunger form a functional network involved in some aspect of high-

228 attention
level control. Moreover, the same regions formed a network Long-Term Memory and Hippocampus Long-term
in a resting-state fcMRI study that was distinct from a fron- memory signals also guide spatial orienting under ecological
toparietal network. Dosenbach and colleagues suggested conditions. Once a goal is established, prior knowledge
that the latter network, which only partially overlapped the about the surrounding environment guides the execution
dorsal frontoparietal network involved in stimulus selection, of complex behavior in a nearly effortless manner. In
was involved in moment-to-moment task adjustments. While reaching for a cup, we direct attention to the location of
the functional analysis of the cingulo-opercular network is the cabinet based on prior knowledge about the layout of
just beginning and its role in behavioral performance is not the kitchen as well as the location of a particular cup in the
well understood, these results support a functional subdivi- cabinet.
sion between a dorsal frontoparietal attention network and Behavioral studies have shown that implicit memory
a high-level ACC/FO network that maintains an abstract derived from previous exposure to a particular stimulus con-
specification of a task. figuration can facilitate performance during visual search of
During task performance, task information is thought to a target among distractors. These results indicate influences
be maintained in “working memory,” a short-term storage of long-term memory on orienting as we move and act in
in which information can be easily manipulated and accessed. the environment (Chun & Jiang, 2003). There is also evi-
The neural structures underlying visual working memory dence that semantic knowledge, such as the association of a
have been investigated under conditions in which this word with an object, can facilitate the detection of that
task information is highly constrained and specific (e.g., the object (Moores, Laiti, & Chelazzi, 2003).
position of each cup in the cupboard), with parietal regions A recent study showed that attention can be directed
showing load-dependent activity and a correlation of to specific objects in a visual scene based on memory and
this activity with memory performance (Marois, Chun, that the frontoparietal attention network is recruited
& Gore, 2004; Todd, Fougnie, & Marois, 2005; Vogel, when attention is guided by memory similarly to the way
McCollough, & Machizawa, 2005). Early studies showed a in which it is guided by explicit visual cues (Summerfield,
substantial overlap of frontoparietal regions involved in Lepsien, Gitelman, Mesulam, & Nobre, 2006). Summerfield
maintaining spatial attention at a location and maintaining and colleagues asked subjects to learn the location of a
spatial working memory (Cabeza & Nyberg, 1997; Corbetta, target object in several visual scenes. The next day they
Kincade, & Shulman, 2002), with behavioral results were asked to detect the same target object in previously
clearly showing that one is important for the other (Awh & learned or novel scenes. Performance was facilitated
Jonides, 2001). when subjects knew where to look based on prior experi-
More recent studies by Nobre and colleagues indicate ence or a visual cue. Interestingly, the time course of this
overlapping mechanisms for orienting to objects in spatial memory-based facilitation was quite rapid (∼100 ms), con-
working memory and orienting to objects in the environ- sistent with an automatic deployment of attention. The
ment (Lepsien, Griffin, Devlin, & Nobre, 2005; Nobre et al., frontoparietal attention network was recruited similarly in
2004). In a “pre-cue” environment condition, a cue directed the memory and visual cuing conditions, whereas in the
attention to a location before the onset of an array. In a memory condition additional regions related to memory
working-memory “retro-cue” condition, subjects loaded the retrieval were engaged (parahippocampal, retrosplenial,
same array into working memory, and then saw a cue indi- hippocampus). Interestingly, the degree of hippocampus
cating a location in the array. In both cases subjects decided activation across subjects correlated with the strength of
whether a test object was present in the stimulus array. the spatial facilitation in the memory condition, consistent
Both pre- and retro-cues facilitated the identification of with a large literature in rats associating the hippocampus
objects that were respectively presented in the visual field and related structures to spatial memory (O’Keefe, Burgess,
or in working memory, and correspondingly, the standard Donnett, Jeffery, & Maguire, 1998; Wilson & Tonegawa,
frontoparietal network was also recruited in both conditions. 1997).
However, in addition, “retro-cues” activated to a greater
degree medial and lateral prefrontal cortex, while “pre-cues” Physiological mechanisms for top-down influences and
activated visual cortex prior to stimulus presentation. selection of visual objects
Prefrontal activation precedes posterior activation in the
memory condition (Lepsien et al.). These findings suggest, The preceding evidence indicates that the dorsal frontopa-
as in the case of reward and motivational signals discussed rietal attention network for stimulus selection is recruited
earlier, that prefrontal regions putatively involved in under different task conditions, and that correspondingly
working memory coactivate with the dorsal frontoparietal different neural systems are coactivated with that network.
network when spatial attention is directed to a memory Although coactivation does not imply a functional interac-
representation. tion, it seems likely that distributed networks underlying

corbetta, sylvester, and shulman: the frontoparietal attention network 229

reward, executive control, working memory, and long-term Conclusions
memory all influence the biasing signals sent from the dorsal
frontoparietal network to sensory cortex. There is now consensus in cognitive neuroscience that
The issue of communication between distributed neural dorsal frontoparietal areas are the sources of top-down
networks is a fundamental problem in neuroscience that is biases onto data-processing areas in sensory cortices. The
particularly important in discussions of attention. While most important anticipatory signal that these areas provide
there are several potential mechanisms for linking separate is information about the upcoming target location, but there
distant neuronal populations, one recent idea is that infor- is growing evidence for other “object”- or “identity”-related
mation is best transmitted from one group of neurons to signals being coded in these regions, perhaps in conjunction
another; that is, neural activity in one group of neurons with other parts of prefrontal cortex. Perhaps the most
most strongly affects activity in a second group of neurons important problem for the future is to find ways to visualize
when their neural activity is synchronized or coherent (Fries, and thus understand how these intermediate control regions
2005; see also chapter 20 by Womelsdorf and Fries). There- interact with other systems involved in coding value/reward,
fore, synchronization could be a powerful mechanism for long-term memory, and goals. Solving this problem will
controlling whether signals from sensory areas are sent to necessarily require higher temporal resolution methods
higher-order areas, that is, whether an object is selected. coupled with methods like fMRI that provide enough spatial
There is now a substantial and growing body of evidence resolution to monitor neural activity at the level of single
that rhythmic synchronization is not epiphenomenal. A areas. Another important goal will be to find the computa-
number of studies have investigated local neuronal synchro- tions or the set of transformations to which these regions
nization and demonstrated its relation to, for example, contribute, given the generality of their recruitment in many
selective attention (Bichot, Rossi, & Desimone, 2005; forms of selection. Will higher specificity emerge when pop-
Engel, Fries, & Singer, 2001; Taylor, Mandon, Freiwald, & ulation-level activity from these areas is monitored at higher
Kreiter, 2005; Womelsdorf, Fries, Mitra, & Desimone, 2006) temporal/spatial resolution? The difficulty of these prob-
and working-memory maintenance (Howard et al., 2003; lems, however, should not preclude us from using functional
Pesaran, Pezaris, Sahani, Mitra, & Andersen, 2002). anatomical models like the one presented here and else-
Local neuronal synchronization in parietal, frontal, and where (Corbetta et al., 2008; Corbetta & Shulman, 2002)
occipital cortex during visual attention to a stimulus has to begin understanding human brain diseases. A network
been reported at both low (8–15 Hz) and high (40–80 Hz) approach to the study of disorders of attention has in fact
frequency. A number of EEG/MEG studies in healthy sub- already yielded critical information (Corbetta, Kincade,
jects have shown anticipatory decreases in alpha/beta power Lewis, Snyder, & Sapir, 2005; Posner, Walker, Friedrich, &
over parieto-occipital cortex before stimulus presentation Rafal, 1984) that will be used in the near future to improve
that predicts subsequent visual discrimination (Babiloni, human health.
Vecchio, Miriello, Romani, & Rossini, 2006; Sauseng et al.,
2005; Thut, Nietzel, Brandt, & Pascual-Leone, 2006). Inter-
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234 attention
15 Spatiotemporal Analysis of
Visual Attention
jens-max hopf, hans-jochen heinze, mircea a. schoenfeld,
and steven a. hillyard

abstract The fact that perception of a visual event can be change in component latencies or scalp topographies,
improved by focusing attention upon its spatial location has been suggesting that spatial attention operates by simply control-
documented in numerous experiments going back more than a ling the gain of visual input during early processing stages
century. It is also well established that visual attention can be
selectively allocated to nonspatial stimulus features or to entire
(Hillyard, Vogel, & Luck, 1998); such a sensory gain control
objects as integrated feature ensembles. In the quest to identify the mechanism is consistent with observations from single-unit
neural mechanisms that underlie this perceptual selectivity in recordings in monkeys (Lee, Williford, & Maunsell, 2007;
human observers, neuroimaging methods, including noninvasive Luck, Chelazzi, Hillyard, & Desimone, 1997; Maunsell &
recordings of event-related potentials (ERPs) and event-related Cook, 2002). The earliest consistent ERP modulations
magnetic fields (ERMFs), have provided valuable insights. Con-
produced by spatial attention were found to be amplitude
tributions from the ERP and ERMF methodologies have been
particularly important for revealing the time course and rapid enhancements of the initial positive (P1) and subsequent
coordination of the underlying selection processes. The ever- negative (N1) components of the ERP elicited at latencies
expanding body of research in this field has made it abundantly of around 80–100 ms and 130–200 ms, respectively (see
clear that visual attention does not rely upon a unitary neural figure 15.1). While these two components were generally
mechanism, but instead that multiple selection processes cooperate
modulated in tandem, there is increasing evidence that they
in a flexible manner to guarantee the adaptability of attention to a
wide range of circumstances. Here we outline some of the princi- reflect different aspects of attentional selection (reviewed in
ples underlying the flexible coordination of space-, feature-, and Hopfinger et al.), with the initial P1 modulation reflecting
object-based selection processes that have emerged from recent location selection per se and the subsequent N1-modulation
studies, with particular emphasis on the contributions of ERP and reflecting discriminative processing of the stimulus within
ERMF recordings in human observers. the focus of attention (Hopf, Vogel, Woodman, Heinze, &
Luck, 2002; Vogel & Luck, 2000). The amplitudes of
both the P1 and N1 components have been found to covary
Spatial attention with the amount of processing resources that are voluntarily
allocated to a spatial location (Handy & Mangun, 1997,
Event-related potential (ERP) recordings have shown how 2000; Mangun & Hillyard, 1990). Moreover, reflexive ori-
spatial attention influences sensory processing in the visual enting to the location of a nonpredictive cue was found to
cortex when attention is directed to briefly flashed stimuli in enhance the P1 amplitude to a subsequent co-localized
one visual field while equivalent stimuli in the opposite field target, suggesting that at least initially the same modulatory
are ignored (for reviews see Hillyard & Anllo-Vento, 1998; processes of location selection are engaged during voluntary
Hopfinger, Luck, & Hillyard, 2004; Luck, Woodman, & and reflexive orienting (Hopfinger & Mangun, 1998, 2001;
Vogel, 2000; Mangun, 1995). The general finding has been Hopfinger & Ries, 2005).
that attended stimuli elicit enlarged early ERP components
in the visual cortex during the interval 80–200 ms after The Profile of the Spatial Focus of Attention The
stimulus onset relative to unattended stimuli. These ampli- focus of spatial attention has been likened to a spotlight
tude enhancements typically occur without a significant (Posner, 1980), a zoom lens (Eriksen & Yeh, 1985), or a
Gaussian gradient (Downing & Pinker, 1985; Shulman,
Wilson, & Sheehy, 1985), which enhances processing of
jens-max hopf, hans-jochen heinze, and mircea a. visual stimuli within a circumscribed region of space. While
schoenfeld Department of Neurology, Otto von Guericke
there is general agreement that the size of this attended
University; Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg,
Germany region may be adjusted voluntarily, it has long been debated
steven a. hillyard Department of Neuroscience, University of whether the spotlight of spatial attention has a unitary
California, San Diego, California “beam” or whether it can be divided flexibly to disparate

hopf et al.: spatiotemporal analysis of visual attention 235

streams of symbols that were spatially interleaved with two
irrelevant streams, each flickering at a different rate. By
recording the amplitude of the frequency-tagged steady-
state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) to each of the streams,
the allocation of attention among the four stimulus positions
could be determined. It was found that attending to two
spatially separated streams produced enhancement of
the SSVEP elicited at those locations but not at an inter-
posed location, indicating that attention had been effec-
tively divided into two separate beams. Similar results were
obtained by McMains and colleagues (McMains & Somers,
2004, 2005) in an fMRI study where subjects attended to
two out of five rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) streams
of characters, two in each visual quadrant and one at fixation.
They observed BOLD enhancements in cortical regions that
corresponded retinotopically with the location of the attended
streams together with a lack of enhancement in regions
corresponding to a spatially interposed distracter stream.
Taken together, these physiological studies provide strong
evidence that spatial attention may be divided flexibly to
noncontiguous zones of the visual field when stimuli are
continuously present, as is generally the case in the natural
The concept of a unitary spotlight or zoom lens may be
inadequate to describe the spatial distribution of attention
even when only one location is attended. The spatial profile
of attention is typically envisioned as a simple gradient of
Figure 15.1 ERPs recorded in a typical version of Posner’s enhanced sensory processing that falls off gradually from
location-cuing paradigm. A small central cue informed subjects of the center (Downing & Pinker, 1985; Handy, Kingstone, &
the most probable visual field where the target bar would appear.
The subject’s task was to perform a demanding length discrimina- Mangun, 1996; Henderson & Macquistan, 1993). Some
tion of the bar. On 75% of the trials the target appeared in the evidence from both ERP and single-unit recordings is con-
cued VF (valid condition), whereas on 25% of the trials the target sistent with such a profile (Connor, Gallant, Preddie, &
appeared in the uncued VF (invalid condition). Below are ERP Van Essen, 1996; Connor, Preddie, Gallant, & Van Essen,
waveforms elicited by valid (dotted) and invalid targets presented 1997; Eimer, 1997a). However, it has been repeatedly
to the same visual field (waveforms collapsed over left and right VF
targets). The ERP response to the attended targets shows a promi-
observed that measures of sensory processing may actually
nent amplitude enhancement of the P1 as well as the N1 compo- be reduced instead of enhanced in the near vicinity of a
nent without any significant change in latency. (Adapted from target item (Bahcall & Kowler, 1999; Cave & Zimmerman,
Mangun & Hillyard, 1991.) 1997; Cutzu & Tsotsos, 2003; Mounts, 2000; Müller,
Mollenhauer, Rosler, & Kleinschmidt, 2005), suggesting that
locations (Awh & Pashler, 2000; Castiello & Umilta, 1992; a simple gradient may not represent an accurate picture.
Hahn & Kramer, 1998; Juola, Bouwhuis, Cooper, & Warner, Computational models of visual spatial attention such as
1991; Kramer & Hahn, 1995; Posner, 1980). Evidence the Selective Tuning Model (Tsotsos, 2005) have made the
consistent with the unitary spotlight hypothesis has come explicit prediction of a suppressive zone surrounding the
from ERP studies in which target arrays were briefly flashed focus of attention. In line with this idea, recent physiological
and hence not continuously visible (Eimer, 1999, 2000; studies have reported observing a more complex center-
Heinze, Luck, et al., 1994). Under conditions where both surround structure. For example, Hopf and colleagues (2006)
attended and unattended stimuli were continuously present, used MEG recordings to investigate the spatial profile of the
however, studies using both electrophysiological (Müller, focus of attention during visual search for a pop-out target.
Malinowski, Gruber, & Hillyard, 2003) and hemodynamic The ERMF response to a probe stimulus presented at varying
(McMains & Somers, 2004, 2005) measures of attention have distances from the target served as a measure of attentional
found evidence that the spotlight of spatial attention may be allocation (figure 15.2A). This probe-evoked cortical response
divided. Müller, Malinowski, and colleagues (2003) required was enhanced at the target location but was significantly
subjects to attend to two continuously flickering RSVP reduced for probes adjacent to the target (figure 15.2B),

236 attention
Figure 15.2 (A) Stimuli used in the study of Hopf and colleagues probe distances (ERMF responses were collapsed across equivalent
(2006). Subjects searched for a unique red C (shown in black) that probe distances toward the horizontal and vertical meridian). A
randomly appeared at one of nine item locations in the right lower substantial reduction of the probe response was observed when
visual quadrant. On 50% of the trials a small white ring (the probe) attention was focused next to the probe (PD1) relative to when
was presented at the center position 250 ms after search frame attention was focused at the probe’s location (PD0) or two to four
onset (frame-probe, or FP, trials). On the remaining trials no probe items away (PD2–PD4). This narrow zone of sensory attenuation
appeared (frame-only, or FO, trials). On trials with a probe, the surrounding the target is further illustrated in the bar graph showing
target could appear either at the probe’s location (probe-distance the average size of the probe-related ERMF response between 130
0, or PD0, shown on the middle left) or at a location one through and 150 ms. A source localization analysis of the surround attenu-
four items away from the probe (PD1–PD4) (the situation for PD3 ation effect (PD1-minus-PD4 difference) is shown in the lower
is illustrated on the middle right). The relative timing of search- right, which revealed strongest modulations in early visual cortex
frame and probe presentation is shown below. (B) ERMF response areas and smaller effects in lateral and dorsal extrastriate areas.
to the probe (FP-minus-FO difference waves) for the five different (Adapted from Hopf et al., 2006.)

suggesting that the attended location was surrounded combined analyses have revealed that the amplitude
by a narrow zone of relative inhibition. The spatial distribu- modulations of the P1 and N1 components produced by
tion of attention around a search target thus appears to spatial attention in the interval 80–200 ms take place in
resemble a Mexican hat profile rather than a simple mono- extrastriate cortical areas of both the dorsal and ventral
tonic gradient. Such a profile may be advantageous in atten- streams (Di Russo, Martinez, & Hillyard, 2003; Heinze,
uating the most deleterious noise directly adjacent to the Mangun et al., 1994; Hopf et al., 2002; Mangun, Buonocore,
target. Studies using ERPs (Slotnick, Hopfinger, Klein, & Girelli, & Jha, 1998; Martinez et al., 1999; Noesselt et al.,
Sutter, 2002; Slotnick, Schwarzbach, & Yantis, 2003) and 2002; Woldorff et al., 1997). Notably, in none of these studies
fMRI (Müller & Kleinschmidt, 2004) have provided con- were modulatory effects due to attention observed in the
verging evidence and have shown further that surround initial feedforward sweep of processing in the primary visual
inhibition may also arise under conditions of sustained cortex, which is reflected in the early ERP/ERMF component
focusing. known as C1 (50–80 ms) (Aine, Supek, & George, 1995;
Clark, Fan, & Hillyard, 1995; Clark & Hillyard, 1996; Di
Locus of Spatial Selection in the Visual System Russo, Martinez, Sereno, Pitzalis, & Hillyard, 2002; Foxe &
To specify the anatomical locus of spatial selection in the Simpson, 2002; Olson, Chun, & Allison, 2001). Instead,
visual pathways, recordings of the early sensory ERP/ERMF modulations of V1 activity caused by attention were found
components have been combined with functional brain- to appear after a considerable delay, at latencies of around
imaging methods that provide high spatial resolution. These 150–250 ms, well after the onset of modulatory effects in

hopf et al.: spatiotemporal analysis of visual attention 237

extrastriate areas that were reflected in the P1 component feature tend to pop out and may be detected and attended
(Di Russo et al., 2003; Martinez, Di Russo, Anllo-Vento, rapidly, targets that are defined by a conjunction of two or
Sereno, et al., 2001; Mehta, Ulbert, & Schroeder, 2000a, more features are typically detected with longer latencies
2000b; Noesselt et al.). These observations are compatible that increase as a function of the number of distracters in
with the hypothesis that the delayed attention effects in the display. Some theoretical accounts have proposed that
V1 reflect feedback activity originating in higher-level search for a feature conjunction involves the serial focusing
extrastriate areas. This hypothesis is in line with findings of attention on each of the display items (Treisman, 1988),
from single-unit recordings in monkey primary visual cortex while others have argued for a parallel processing of the
(Motter, 1993; Roelfsema, Lamme, & Spekreijse, 1998; multiple object features (Bundesen, 1990; Wolfe, Cave, &
Roelfsema, Tolboom, & Khayat, 2007) and with recent Franzel, 1989). This question has been investigated in ERP
proposals that link the operation of attention with recurrent studies by Woodman and Luck (1999, 2003), which provided
processing and the sustained integration of information strong support for serial search models. Woodman and Luck
across hierarchical levels in visual cortex (Gilbert & Sigman, utilized an ERP component called the N2pc, which is a
2007; Lamme & Roelfsema, 2000; Shipp, 2007). Along these negative deflection elicited between 180 and 350 ms after
lines Bullier and colleagues (Bullier, 2001a, 2001b) have search display onset over the posterior cortex contralateral
suggested that area V1 (and V2) function as an active to the target position. The N2pc is well documented to
“blackboard” that serves to integrate and refine visual reflect shifts of attention toward the location of the target
processing in higher-level areas by means of feedback (Hopf et al., 2000; Hopf, Boelmans, Schoenfeld, Luck, &
modulations. Such a refinement may require the persistence Heinze, 2004; Luck, Girelli, McDermott, & Ford, 1997;
of an unbiased and detailed representation of the visual Luck & Hillyard, 1994a, 1994b) and therefore can serve as
input for at least a short while, until feedback modulatory an “online” measure for tracking rapid spatial shifts of
influences reenter V1/V2. attention. The experimental approach of Woodman and
However, fMRI studies have shown that cue-related Luck (1999) was to present search displays with two potential
anticipatory modulation of neural activity does takes target items in opposing visual fields, and then bias search
place in striate cortex (Kastner, Pinsk, De Weerd, Desimone, order by introducing bottom-up preferences to focus first on
& Ungerleider, 1999; Serences, Yantis, Culberson, & the nontarget item. It was found that the N2pc first appeared
Awh, 2004; Silver, Ress, & Heeger, 2007) as well as in mul- over the hemisphere contralateral to the nontarget item and
tiple extrastriate areas (Chawla, Rees, & Friston, 1999; then switched hemispheres as attention was focused upon
Hopfinger, Buonocore, & Mangun, 2000; Müller, Bartelt, the target item, suggesting a serial deployment of attention.
Donner, Villringer, & Brandt, 2003) prior to the arrival of A further experiment ruled out the possibility that the two
the attended stimuli. This anticipatory “biasing” of V1 activ- potential targets were attended in parallel but with different
ity could in principle serve as a mechanism that allows time courses (Woodman & Luck, 2003), thereby providing
attention to influence the initial feedforward sweep of pro- unequivocal evidence for the serial allocation of spatial
cessing. Consistent with this idea, a recent study by Kelly, attention during visual search.
Gomez-Ramirez, & Foxe (2008) reported that the visual
ERP to a target stimulus presented at a cued location showed Feature-based selection
an early amplitude increase in the latency range of the C1
component (57–80 ms), which was localized to the vicinity Beginning with the groundbreaking studies of Corbetta,
of primary visual cortex. The task design of this experiment Miezin, Dobmeyer, Shulman, & Petersen (1990, 1991), it
differed from those of previous studies in that detection of a has been well established that paying attention to nonspatial
low-contrast pattern was required, and this target occurred stimulus features results in enhanced neural activity in
at a predictable time after an initial cue. If this early ERP the cortical areas specialized to process those features
modulation does represent an influence of attention over the (Liu, Slotnick, Serences, & Yantis, 2003; O’Craven, Rosen,
initial evoked activity in area V1, it would appear that both Kwong, Treisman, & Savoy, 1997; Saenz, Baracas, &
feedforward and feedback mechanisms in primary visual Boynton, 2002; Schoenfeld et al., 2007). For example, a
cortex may be subject to attentional control. recent study that combined fMRI and neuromagnetic
recordings (Schoenfeld et al., 2007) found that a moving
The Role of Spatial Selection in Visual Search In stimulus elicited an enhanced neural response in the motion-
visual search the allocation of spatial attention is strategically sensitive area MT when movement was relevant, whereas a
different from that seen in cuing tasks, as it is usually color-change stimulus produced greater activity in the color-
contingent on the prior decoding of the target-defining selective area V4/V8 when color was attended. Paying
feature(s), which then serve to guide spatial focusing (Wolfe attention to nonspatial visual features such as color, motion,
& Horowitz, 2004). Whereas targets having a single unique orientation, or spatial frequency is associated with a class of

238 attention
ERPs known as the selection negativities or selection positivities, in a mixed display that was presented to one visual field. In
which are typically enlarged in response to stimuli having some studies the display was a field of intermingled horizon-
the attended feature value (Anllo-Vento, Luck, & Hillyard, tally and vertically moving dots, and in other studies it was
1998; Baas, Kenemans, & Mangun, 2002; Eimer, 1997b; intermingled red and green dots. The general finding was
Harter & Aine, 1984; Kenemans, Lijffijt, Camfferman, & that a larger BOLD signal was elicited in the visual cortex
Verbaten, 2002; Martinez, Di Russo, Anllo-Vento, & by the attended than the unattended feature value even for
Hillyard, 2001; Wijers, Mulder, Okita, Mulder, & Scheffers, stimuli presented to the visual field opposite to where atten-
1989). These feature-selective modulations generally occur tion was being directed, thereby supporting the concept of
at longer latencies (120–300 ms) than the initial effects of “global feature-based attention.” A further demonstration
spatial attention, but their timing can vary in a flexible that feature-selective attention is not location bound has
manner depending upon feature discriminability and task recently been provided in a study of SSVEPs in humans
demands. For example, Schoenfeld and colleagues (2007) (Müller et al., 2006). Müller and colleagues presented sub-
found that ERMF and ERP modulations associated with jects with superimposed random dot arrays of two colors that
selection between feature dimensions (color versus motion) flickered at different rates (7.0 and 11.7 Hz) while changing
occurred with earlier onset than the modulations typically position randomly. The frequency-tagged SSVEP to each
reported for selection within a feature dimension (e.g., one color could therefore be measured independently under con-
color versus another color). ditions where location could not be used as a basis for selec-
In an early ERP investigation, Hillyard and Münte (1984) tion. It was found that the color-specific SSVEP was
obtained evidence that selection of a relevant stimulus color enhanced when that color was attended versus when the
did not take place outside the spatial focus of attention. In other color was attended (figure 15.3), indicating again that
their design, red and blue bars were flashed in random order attention can select specific color values independently of
to both the right and left visual fields, and one color in one their particular location.
field was designated as relevant. It was found that all stimuli These demonstrations of global feature-based attention
in the attended field elicited the enhanced P1/N1 compo- appear to conflict with the original finding of Hillyard and
nents characteristic of spatial attention, whereas stimuli Münte (1984) that color selection was suppressed outside the
of the attended color only elicited an enlarged selection focus of spatial attention. A critical difference in experimen-
negativity in the attended field. This result (confirmed by tal design that may explain these disparate results, however,
Anllo-Vento & Hillyard, 1996) suggested that nonspatial is that Hillyard and Münte presented stimuli briefly and
feature selection was hierarchically dependent upon the intermittently, while all the studies that observed global
prior selection of location, a notion in line with psychophysi- feature selection presented the stimuli continuously. This
cal experiments showing that location selection has priority difference suggests that the attended feature must actually
in visual attention (e.g., Cave & Pashler, 1995; Treisman & be present in the display in order for global feature selection
Gelade, 1980; Tsal & Lamy, 2000). to override spatial selection.
In contrast to the conclusions of Hillyard and Münte Evidence that the relative priority of location- and feature-
(1984), however, subsequent studies using a variety of meth- based selection may be flexibly adjusted according to task
odologies have found that paying attention to a nonspatial demands comes from ERP/MEG recordings in a visual
stimulus feature does enhance neural responses to that search task (Hopf et al., 2004). Subjects searched for a simple
feature even outside the spatial focus of attention. In single- color-orientation conjunction among distracters, half of
unit recordings from the motion-selective area MT in which shared an orientation feature with the target and half
the monkey, for example, Treue and Martinez-Trujillo of which did not (figure 15.4A). It was found that a lateral-
(Martinez-Trujillo & Treue, 2004; Treue & Martinez- ized brain response indicating the presence of the relevant
Trujillo, 1999) found that cells tuned to an attended direc- orientation feature preceded the N2pc response indicating
tion of motion showed enhanced firing even when attention the spatial localization of the conjunction target by about
was directed to that direction of motion outside the cell’s 30 ms (figure 15.4B). These observations were taken to indi-
receptive field. The degree of enhancement increased as a cate that visual search involves a short phase of parallel,
function of the similarity between the attended motion direc- location-independent feature selection that occurs prior to
tion and the cell’s directional preference in a multiplicative the localization and selection of the target—a sequence of
way, leading to the proposal that attention operates by operations proposed by many influential theories of visual
increasing the “feature-similarity gain” within the visual search (Cave, 1999; Treisman & Sato, 1990; Wolfe & Bennet,
cortex (see also Maunsell & Treue, 2006; McAdams & 1997).
Maunsell, 1999; Motter, 1994). Analogous observations Single-unit recording studies in monkeys (Bichot, Rossi,
were made using fMRI in human observers (Saenz et al., & Desimone, 2005) have provided additional evidence for
2002, 2003). These observers attended to one feature value parallel feature selection in visual search. Monkeys were

hopf et al.: spatiotemporal analysis of visual attention 239

Figure 15.3 (A) Stimulus display in study by Müller et al. (2006), coherent motion (targets) of the attended-color dots, which occurred
which consisted of 75 red dots (flickering at 7.0 Hz) intermingled on 32% of the trials. (B) SSVEPs from an occipital electrode elicited
with 75 blue dots (flickering at 11.67 Hz) within a 5 degree circle. by the red and blue dot populations when attended and unat-
Each dot changed its position in a random direction by 0.08 degrees tended, on trials without targets. Color-selective attention increased
every 1–3 frames of screen refresh (i.e., every 14.3–42.9 ms). On SSVEP amplitudes by an average of 30–40%. (Adapted from
each trial (lasting 4.1 s) subjects were cued to attend to the red or Müller et al., 2006.)
blue dots and to discriminate occasional 586-ms periods of 75%

trained to search for a target defined by its color or form (or This evidence for parallel, additive feature enhancement is
a combination of both) among many colored items of various consistent with the mechanism proposed by “guided search”
forms. Search was performed under free gaze conditions, theories (Wolfe et al., 1989) to account for the rapid identi-
and the cell-firing responses in area V4 were analyzed during fication of feature conjunction targets.
intermediate fixations along the search path toward the These physiological studies in monkeys and humans
target, but before the target was fixated. It was observed that show that the time course and priority order of feature- and
cell firing increased whenever a change in fixation brought location-based attention effects can be flexibly adjusted
a distracter that possessed one of the target’s defining fea- depending on task demands and the particular selection
tures into the cell’s receptive field. These results showed that operations that are required. The selection of nonspatial
any item with a relevant feature was highlighted in area V4 features is frequently delayed relative to the selection of
even before ultimate target identification; this adds to the locations but can be considerably accelerated for simple
ERP/MEG evidence that attention to features acts in a selections between feature dimensions. Moreover, feature
“global” way prior to target selection in visual search. selection may precede the selection of location in visual
A recent SSVEP study in humans (Andersen, Hillyard, & search tasks where the decoding of features is given priority
Müller, 2008) obtained evidence that the multiple features to guide the subsequent spatial focusing of attention. In the
of an attended stimulus are selected and facilitated in a par- next section we describe how such task-dependent flexibility
allel, additive fashion. Subjects viewed a display containing also applies to the relation between feature- and object-
150 red and 150 blue bars, with half of each color oriented based selection operations.
horizontally and half vertically, all of which were randomly
intermixed and moving unpredictably. On each trial sub- Object-based selection
jects were cued to attend to one of these four types of bars,
each of which flickered at a different rate and thus elicited A large body of psychophysical research indicates that atten-
its own frequency-tagged SSVEP. It was found that SSVEP tion can select entire objects for preferential processing
amplitudes were largest to the bars of the attended color (Driver, Davis, Russell, Turatto, & Freeman, 2001; Duncan
orientation, intermediate to the bars having one of the two & Nimmo-Smith, 1996; Egly, Driver, & Rafal, 1994; Scholl,
attended features, and smallest to the bars that lacked either 2001), which is not surprising given the ecological relevance
attended feature. Most importantly, the SSVEP amplitude of the multitudinous objects in the environment. It is impor-
to the attended conjunction stimulus was equal to the sum tant to realize, however, that object-based attention is a
of the amplitudes for the individual feature enhancements. heterogeneous concept, and it is debated whether elemen-

240 attention
Figure 15.4 (A) Stimuli from the study of Hopf, Boelmans, The location of RODs was varied relative to the location of the
Schoenfeld, Luck, and Heinze (2004). Search frames consisted of target item, such that RODs appeared (i) on the target side only,
distinctively colored C’s (red and green, shown as black and dashed, (ii) on the nontarget side only, (iii) on both sides, or (iv) on neither
respectively), one presented in the left and one in the right visual side (control condition). (B) ERP responses elicited by LVF targets.
field, surrounded by blue distracter Cs on each side. The red C Waveforms of the different ROD-distributions (i–iii, solid tracings)
served as target for half of the trial blocks and the green C for the are separately overlaid with the control condition (iv, dashed trac-
other half. Subjects had to discriminate the orientation of the target ings). The topographical maps show the distribution of the corre-
C (here the red C, shown in black, in the left VF), whose gap always sponding voltage difference. The arrows highlight an enhanced
varied left-right. In contrast, distracters of one visual field were negativity between ∼140 and 300 ms that appears contralateral to
either oriented left-right, as was the target (relevant orientation the location of the RODs independent of the target’s location in
distracters, RODs), or up-down (irrelevant orientation distracters). the left VF.

tary perceptual groupings (grouped array representations) or unconfounded by spatial attention, since the two rotating
more abstract (spatially invariant) forms of representation dot displays are superimposed. When attention was directed
serve as the objects of attention (Kramer, Weber, & Watson, endogenously to one of the surfaces, observers could judge
1997; Luck & Vecera, 2002; Mozer & Vecera, 2005; the direction of a brief translation of that surface and a
Vecera, 1997; Vecera & Farah, 1994; Weber, Kramer, & second translation of the same surface much more accu-
Miller, 1997). Another problem for isolating the neural rately than translations of the uncued surface. Paralleling
mechanisms of object-based attention is that it appears far this perceptual selection, ERP recordings showed that
from trivial to rule out contributions from location- and occipital P1 and N1 (N200) components elicited by transla-
feature-based mechanisms. tions of the unattended surface were suppressed relative to
Valdes-Sosa and colleagues (Pinilla, Cobo, Torres, & those of the attended surface. This finding was taken to
Valdes-Sosa, 2001; Valdes-Sosa, Bobes, Rodriguez, & indicate that attention favors processing of the attended
Pinilla, 1998) developed an elegant paradigm for studying surface by attenuating the object representation of the
object-based attention, which involves the competitive selec- unattended surface. A subsequent study (Rodriguez &
tion of perceived surfaces formed by moving dot arrays. The Valdes-Sosa, 2006) carried out current source localization of
stimuli were two counterrotating random dot arrays that the ERP modulation reflecting this motion-based surface
gave the impression of two superimposed surfaces rotating selection and found that the associated N200 component
in opposite directions. This paradigm offers the opportunity was generated in part in human MT+, which corresponds
to investigate the neural basis of object (surface) selection to recent findings from a neurophysiological study of surface

hopf et al.: spatiotemporal analysis of visual attention 241

segmentation in monkey MT (Wannig, Rodriguez, & Recent ERP studies using variations of the Egly paradigm
Freiwald, 2007). (He, Fan, Zhou, & Chen, 2004; Martinez, Ramanathan,
Reynolds, Alborzian, and Stoner (2003) replicated the Foxe, Javitt, & Hillyard, 2007; Martinez, Teder-Salejarvi, &
findings of Valdes-Sosa’s group and showed in addition Hillyard, 2007; Martinez et al., 2006) have revealed that
that a brief translation of one of the surfaces was an modulations due to object-based selection have important
effective exogenous cue that automatically engaged atten- similarities to those seen during space-based selection. For
tion to that surface, resulting in superior detection of a example, in a combined ERP/fMRI study Martinez and col-
second translation of the same surface. In an ERP study leagues (2006) presented subjects with a display consisting of
of this paradigm, Khoe, Mitchell, Reynolds, and Hillyard two bar-shaped objects oriented either horizontally or verti-
(2005) found that when the first and second translations cally (figure 15.5) while continuous sequences of stimuli (brief
were of the same surface (relative to different surfaces), the corner offsets) were presented one at a time in random order
second translation was discriminated more accurately and at both ends of both bars. On each run the corner offsets at
elicited an N1 component of greater amplitude. It was one end of one bar were cued to be attended while stimuli at
concluded that object-based surface selection can be initi- the other three locations were ignored. It was found (figure
ated by purely exogenous cuing, resulting in a stronger rep- 15.6) that unattended corner offsets produced a larger ampli-
resentation of the cued surface in the visual pathways. A tude N1 component (but not the P1 component) when they
further study (Mitchell, Stoner, & Reynolds, 2004) showed belonged to the attended bar versus when they belonged to
that cuing (translating) one of the rotating surfaces resulted the unattended bar (see He et al., 2004, for a similar observa-
in a sustained dominance for the eye viewing that cued tion). Although this object-mediated N1 effect (at 160–200 ms)
surface when the surfaces were switched to dichoptic viewing was smaller than the N1 enhancement to attended-location
(one surface to each eye) immediately after the cue. This stimuli in the same latency range, both effects showed very
binocular rivalry/ocular dominance effect was presumably similar posterior-contralateral scalp distributions. Further-
mediated by the object-based selection of the surface, which more, electric source analysis (confirmed by fMRI in parallel
was conveyed to a neural representation with eye-of-origin experiments) revealed that both the object-based and
information in visual cortex. This interpretation was con- location-based N1 enhancements were generated in the same
firmed in an ERP study of this paradigm (Khoe, Mitchell, area of the lateral occipital cortex (LOC)—a cortical region
Reynolds, & Hillyard, 2008). As in the original study, sub- that has been strongly implicated as being critically involved
jects were impaired at comparing the first and second trans- in the initial segmentation and encoding of objects (e.g.,
lations when they belonged to different surfaces, and this Grill-Spector, 2003). Similar effects were obtained even
impairment was greater when the surfaces were viewed when using objects defined by illusory contours (Martinez,
dichoptically (in rivalry). The P1 component (110–160 ms) Teder-Salejarvi, et al., 2007) and objects of different shapes
in the ERP elicited by the second translation of the same (Martinez, Ramanathan, et al., 2007). These ERP experi-
surface was larger than in the ERP elicited by the different ments and a recent fMRI study (Müller & Kleinschmidt,
surface during dichoptic but not monocular viewing condi- 2003) provide evidence that object-selective attention shares
tions. A larger cuing effect was also found for the subsequent a common neural mechanism with spatial attention that
N1 (160–220 ms) during rivalry than during monocular facilitates the sensory processing of stimuli within the bound-
viewing. It was concluded that surface selection can occur aries of an attended object. These findings support the view
at an earlier level of processing when the cued and uncued that spatial attention directed to one part of an object spreads
surfaces are presented to the separate eyes (for similar results throughout its boundaries and strengthens the sensory repre-
see Mishra & Hillyard, 2008). sentation of the entire object (Vecera & Farah, 1994; Weber
An important line of evidence that attention operates in et al., 1997). This selective enhancement of attended object
an object-based framework comes from the seminal para- representations, particularly in area LOC, may reinforce
digm developed by Egly and colleagues (1994). This design their perceptual integrality and underlie the performance
is an extension of Posner’s classical cuing paradigm, in which benefits manifested in the same-object advantage.
a comparison is made between validly and invalidly cued A major question regarding the neural mechanisms of
locations that belong either to the same or to separate object-based attention is how the different features of an
objects. A typical observation indicating the operation of object, which may be represented in widely dispersed corti-
object-based attention has been that performance costs at an cal areas, are bound together to form a unified percept. One
invalidly cued location were significantly reduced when this approach to this “binding problem” comes from Duncan’s
location belonged to the cued object versus to the uncued “integrated competition model” (Duncan, Humphreys, &
object. Importantly, the Egly type of paradigm provides a Ward, 1997). According to this model, directing attention to
framework for investigating the relationship between space- one of an object’s features produces a competitive advantage
based and object-based attention. for the object in the neural module encoding that feature,

242 attention
Figure 15.5 Experimental design in study by Martinez and col- quadrants with ISIs of 400–600 ms. Subjects responded to detec-
leagues (2006). During each run, either two horizontal or two verti- tions of targets in the attended quadrant, which occurred with a
cal bars were presented continuously on the screen. Subjects were probability of 0.2. In the example shown, the upper left quadrant
cued by a pair of arrows near fixation to attend covertly to one of was attended; thus the unattended lower left quadrant belonged to
the four visual quadrants. Stimuli were brief (100 ms) offsets of the the attended object when the bars were vertical but not when the
corners of the bars, leaving either a concave (standard) or convex bars were horizontal.
(target) edge. Corner offsets occurred in random order in all four

which is then transmitted to the modules encoding the other defining details might have been spatially selected. To verify
features of the object. The resulting activation of the entire a mechanism of object-based selection, it is important to
network of specialized modules underlies the binding of fea- eliminate potential contributions from other possible refer-
tures into an integrated perceptual object. A key prediction ence frames. In this respect, a convincing behavioral demon-
of the integrated competition model is that directing atten- stration of object-based attention that eliminated all possible
tion to one feature of an object will result in the activation alternative explanations was carried out by Blaser, Pylyshyn,
of its other features, including those that are irrelevant to the & Holcombe (2000). Subjects had to track the identity of one
task at hand. Such an effect was demonstrated in an fMRI of two spatially superimposed Gabor patches, which continu-
study by O’Craven, Downing, & Kanwisher (1999), who ously changed along feature dimensions of orientation, color,
presented subjects with superimposed transparent pictures and spatial frequency. This approach not only eliminated the
of houses and faces, with one moving and the other being possibility of location-based selection, but also ruled out fea-
stationary. On different runs subjects selectively attended to tural identity as a basis for tracking the target. The observa-
houses, to faces, or to stimulus motion itself. It was found tion that subjects were still able to track the identity of the
that neural activity was increased not only in the critical area Gabor patch over time confirmed that visual attention had
specific to the attended stimulus feature (the fusiform face been directed to an object-based representation.
area for faces; the parahippocampal place area for houses; The key finding of O’Craven and colleagues (1999) was
area MT+ for motion), but also in the area encoding the that directing attention to one feature of an object activated
task-irrelevant feature of the attended object. These data the neural representations of its other features, including
provided strong support for object-based selection in the those not relevant to the current task. Given the low time
context of the integrated competition model. resolution of fMRI, however, it was not possible to deter-
While the study of O’Craven and colleagues was elegantly mine whether the activation of irrelevant features occurs
designed, it remains possible that location cues played some rapidly enough to participate in the feature-binding process
role, as the objects were not perfectly overlapping and target- that underlies the perception of the integrated object. This

hopf et al.: spatiotemporal analysis of visual attention 243

Figure 15.6 Grand average ERPs to nontarget stimuli in the obtained by subtracting the unattended from unattended ampli-
four quadrants in the study of Martinez and colleagues (2006). tudes; the object attention difference was obtained by subtracting
Overlapped waveforms are ERPs to stimuli when attended (solid the unattended-location/unattended-object amplitude from the
lines), when unattended but belonging to the attended object unattended-location/attended-object amplitude. Note the similar-
(dotted lines), and when unattended and belonging to the unat- ity between the object and spatial attention topographies. Increas-
tended object (dashed lines). For each quadrant, voltage maps of ing darkness on maps indicates increased negativity. Contour
attention related difference waves in the latency range of the N1 intervals are 0.05 μV for the object attention maps and 0.15 μV
(160–196 ms) are shown: the spatial attention difference was for the spatial attention maps.

244 attention
Figure 15.7 (A) Experimental design of study by Schoenfeld and waveforms, formed by subtracting responses when the CC belonged
colleagues (2003). On each trial a random half of the dots on the to the unattended dots minus when the CC belonged to the at-
screen moved left and half right for 300 ms. Subjects were cued to tended dots. Note that the attention-produced enhancement of the
attend to either the left- or right-moving dots and reported occa- irrelevant color feature lags the initial sensory response to color by
sional targets of higher velocity. On a random basis, either the 30–50 ms. (C ) The neural generators of this increased color signal
left- or right-moving dots could change color (CC) to red or remain at 220–300 ms were localized to the ventral occipital cortex (area
white. (B) The sensory effect of color is shown in the dotted ERMF V4v), known to be a specialized module for color processing
and ERP waveforms: these are difference waves formed by sub- (McKeefry & Zeki, 1997). This localization was confirmed by
tracting responses to the no CC condition from the condition where BOLD signal activations (irregular areas on brain slices) in a paral-
the CC belonged to the unattended dots. The attention-related lel experiment using the same design with fMRI.
activation of the irrelevant color feature is represented by the solid

hopf et al.: spatiotemporal analysis of visual attention 245

question was investigated in a study that combined record- logical recordings, as well as by functional brain imaging.
ings of ERPs and MEG with fMRI in a task where subjects All three aspects of attention turn out to involve multiple
attended to multifeature objects formed by arrays of dots on selection operations, which are coordinated on a tight
a video screen (Schoenfeld et al., 2003). On each trial half temporal scale of a few tens of milliseconds in early visual
of the dots on the screen moved to the left and half to the processing. We have seen that the temporal priority of those
right, producing the perception of two transparent surfaces selection operations may change flexibly depending on the
moving in opposite directions (figure 15.7A). On each trial particular requirements of visual decoding, task demands,
subjects were cued to attend to either the left-moving or the and experimental instructions. The selection of features may
right-moving surface, and on a random basis one of the precede the selection of locations or objects in visual search,
surfaces underwent an irrelevant color change (white to red). but object-based selection may take priority under other
When physically identical trials with the attended versus conditions. Moreover, the neural mechanisms that underlie
unattended surface changing color were compared, increased each of the different forms of attention may be deployed in
fMRI activation was found in the color-specific region of a flexible manner. For example, spatial attention involves
the fusiform gyrus area V4v. More importantly, the ERP biasing mechanisms that can be adjusted to select stimuli at
and MEG recordings showed enhanced amplitudes at single or multiple locations, or at even more complex spatial
220–240 ms after stimulus onset on trials when the attended arrays. Finally, by highlighting the ways in which space-,
surface was colored (figure 15.7B), and the neural generators feature- and object-based attention interact, it has become
of this activity were localized to the same V4v site (figure evident that there may not be a strict demarcation line.
15.7C ). This attention-related amplification of the color Space-based attention was found to facilitate object-based
signal occurred about 40–50 ms after the initial arrival of attention, which in turn promoted the selection of the
color-specific input to area V4. It was concluded that this object’s features. Given the enormity of the task of control-
amplification of an irrelevant feature of an attended object ling the order of information flow in human vision, this
occurs rapidly enough to participate in the feature-binding multiplicity, flexibility, and interdependence of attentional
process that underlies the perceptual unity of the attended operations does not come as a surprise.
object. These results fit nicely with Duncan’s (Duncan et al.,
1997) integrated competition model and provide specific
information about the time scale of its operation.
An observation complementary to that of Schoenfeld and Aine, C. J., Supek, S., & George, J. S. (1995). Temporal dynamics
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parameters and selective attention. Int. J. Neurosci., 80, 79–104.
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correlates of hierarchical feature selection. Percept. Psychophys., 58,
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was of the neuron’s preferred color, while a relative suppres- electrophysiology. Hum. Brain Mapp., 6, 216–238.
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J. Exp. Psychol. Hum. Percept. Perform., 26, 834–846.
preferred color. Both effects appeared rapidly, with a delay
Baas, J. M., Kenemans, J. L., & Mangun, G. R. (2002). Selective
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irrelevant features bound into the attended object, which Bichot, N. P., Rossi, A. F., & Desimone, R. (2005). Parallel and
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250 attention
16 Integration of Conflict Detection
and Attentional Control
Mechanisms: Combined ERP and
fMRI Studies
george r. mangun, clifford d. saron, and bong j. walsh

abstract Attention involves powerful top-down mechanisms and the resultant influence at a “site” of action, such as
for the control of information processing in the brain, including within the perceptual system, outline the push-pull between
specialized systems in the frontal and parietal cortex. These net-
top-down and bottom-up information (e.g., Posner &
works for attentional control are sensitive to momentary goals,
enabling flexibility in behavior under changing conditions. One Petersen, 1990; Serences et al., 2005). The concept that
such influence is that which arises when competing inputs or attention involves the interactions of neural systems that
responses are in conflict. A prominent system for conflict detection, generate attentional control signals with other systems that are
cognitive control, and behavioral adjustment involves the anterior influenced by those signals remains at the core of most
cingulate cortex and dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex. Here we current models of voluntary (goal-directed) attention (e.g.,
describe how these attentional and conflict-resolution systems inter-
act, and provide a synthesis and model of how these interactions Bundesen, Habekost, & Kyllingsbaek, 2005).
support information processing. We show that conflict detected in Research in animals, patients with neurological dysfunc-
the anterior cingulate system influences the activity of the frontal- tion, and healthy human subjects using electromagnetic
parietal attention network to modulate attentional selection. As a recording, neuronal stimulation, deactivation, neuroimag-
result, when conditions lead to uncertainty that could be detrimen- ing, and transcranial magnetic stimulation suggests that
tal to successful performance, the brain combines information to
strategically alter performance on a moment-to-moment basis.
voluntary control of visual attention involves a complex
network of widely distributed areas, including superior frontal
cortex, posterior parietal cortex, posterior-superior temporal
Visual selective attention is a powerful cognitive ability that cortex, and thalamic and midbrain structures (e.g., Bisley &
aids in the perception of the world around us (see Treisman, Goldberg, 2006; Bushnell, Goldberg, & Robinson, 1981;
chapter 12 in this volume). Directing spatial attention to a Corbetta, Kincade, Ollinger, McAvoy, & Shulman, 2000;
location in the visual field facilitates processing of stimuli Thiebaut de Schotten et al., 2005; Goldberg & Bruce, 1985;
appearing at the attended location: reaction times (RT) are Hopf & Mangun, 2000; Hopfinger, Buonocore, & Mangun,
faster and discrimination accuracy is enhanced for events at 2000; Hung, Driver, & Walsh, 2005; Knight, Grabowecky,
attended versus unattended locations (e.g., Luck et al., 1994). & Scabini, 1995; McAlonan, Cavanaugh, & Wurtz, 2006;
In line with this observed RT pattern, neural responses to Mesulam, 1981; Miller, 2000; Rorden, Fruhmann Berger,
attended and ignored stimuli are modulated (see Maunsell, & Karnath, 2006). In humans, the functional anatomy of this
chapter 19) to provide a competitive advantage for attention attentional control network has been identified by combining
events (see Kastner, McMains, and Beck, chapter 13). event-related fMRI methods with tasks that temporally sepa-
rate preparatory attentional control from target-related
Attentional control activity. For example, using spatial cuing paradigms, it has
been possible to demonstrate activity in a frontal-parietal
Models of attention have distinguished between top-down attention system related to top-down attentional control
and bottom-up influences on the focus of attention. In one (e.g., Corbetta et al., 2000; Hopfinger et al., 2000; Kastner,
prominent framework, the “sources” of attentional control Pinsk, De Weerd, Desimone, & Ungerleider, 1999) and
to distinguish this activity from activity in visual cortex and
george r. mangun, clifford d. saron, and bong j. walsh Center the motor system (see Corbetta, Sylvester, & Shulman,
for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, California chapter 14).

mangun, saron, and walsh: conflict and attentional control 251

The frontal-parietal attention network has been observed (DLPFC), an area widely implicated in executive control
to be active in attentional control for covert spatial attention processes (D’Esposito et al., 1995; Miller & Cohen, 2001).
(Corbetta et al., 2000, 2005; Corbetta & Shulman, 2002; Both a dissociation and a possible functional interaction
Giesbrecht, Woldorff, Song, & Mangun, 2003; Hopfinger between these interconnected brain regions have been dem-
et al., 2000; Kastner et al., 1999; Lepsien, Griffin, Devlin, onstrated. MacDonald, Cohen, Stenger, and Carter (2000)
& Nobre, 2005; Sapir, d’Avossa, McAvoy, Shulman, & showed that the activity in DLPFC but not ACC increased
Corbetta, 2005; Slagter et al., 2007), overt spatial attention when a “color-naming” cue (as compared with a “word-
(Astafiev et al., 2003), visual search (Shulman et al., 2003), reading” cue) was presented during a delayed Stroop task,
nonspatial feature-based attention (e.g., Giesbrecht et al., whereas ACC but not DLPFC activity increased in response
2003; Shulman, d’Avossa, Tansy, & Corbetta, 2002), global to the presentation of the incongruent stimulus (compared
and local levels of hierarchical stimuli (Weissman, Mangun, to a congruent stimulus). The idea supported by such find-
& Woldorff, 2002; Weissman, Woldorff, Hazlett, & Mangun, ings is that the conflict-generated activity in ACC could
2002; Weissman, Giesbrecht, Song, Mangun, & Woldorff, signal the need for increased cognitive control that would be
2003), and orienting attention to internal mental representa- exerted by DLPFC.
tions (Lepsien & Nobre, 2006). Highly similar regions of A study from Carter and colleagues provided more direct
superior frontal and parietal cortex appear to be activated evidence for this neural model by demonstrating “next-trial
across studies. However, it has been proposed that atten- effects” in DLPFC: High-conflict trials resulted in increased
tional control networks might also involve specialization, ACC activity on the current trial (trial N), leading to increased
with a subset of the attention network being highly special- DLPFC activity for the subsequent trial (trial N + 1), and this
ized for the control of spatial attention in comparison to non- corresponded with improved behavioral performance (fewer
spatial attention (Giesbrecht et al., 2003; Slagter et al., 2007). errors) on those subsequent trials (Kerns et al., 2004). Evi-
dence for a causal relationship between DLPFC activity and
Conflict and cognitive control attentional selection in perceptual processing comes from
the report by Egner and Hirsch (2005), who used a modified
Voluntary attentional control is part of the larger domain of Strooplike task containing the names and faces of famous
executive control that includes a variety of high-level functions persons (actors and politicians). They reported that when
(e.g., Baddeley, 1996). A key component of executive control subjects were categorizing faces, the activity in the fusiform
involves monitoring task performance and adjusting strate- face area (FFA) was enhanced for trials following a high-
gies appropriately (Gratton, Coles, & Donchin, 1992). A conflict trial, and that there was also increased functional
prominent model in this regard is the conflict-control model by connectivity between the DLPFC and the FFA under such
Carter and Cohen and their colleagues (e.g., Botvinick, conditions. These results fit nicely with the conflict-control
Braver, Barch, Carter, & Cohen, 2001; Carter et al., 1998). model, which proposes that ACC activity is related to the
The conflict-control model focuses heavily on the role of detection of conflict, which then signals the need for increased
executive control systems in overcoming prepotent responses cognitive control that is implemented by the DLPFC.
that generate response conflict during task performance. Further, the pattern of Egner and Hirsch suggests that
Such is the case in the Stroop task, for example, where color DLPFC activity is correlated with the results of selective
names (e.g., RED) written in different ink colors (e.g., green attention in perceptual systems.
ink) are presented and the subject is required to name the
ink color (Stroop, 1935). The incompatible information in Conflict and attentional control systems
the color name leads to interference and response conflict.
As a result, when an incompatible trial is presented (trial N ), Interrelationships between the ACC-DLPFC conflict-control
on the subsequent trial (trial N + 1) an increase in executive system and the frontal-parietal attentional control system
control leads to a decrease in the errors produced by incom- might explain how conflict detection ultimately leads to selec-
patible information and an overall slowing in responding. tive stimulus processing. For example, Casey and colleagues
This pattern of results is a cornerstone of contemporary (2000) provided evidence that incompatible trials may lead
research on executive control when response conflict is to increased attentional control in tasks where selective atten-
present in a task. tion to targets relative to distracters might minimize interfer-
The conflict-control model proposes that the anterior cin- ence from irrelevant or incompatible information. They
gulate cortex (ACC) monitors the amount of response con- were able to demonstrate that superior frontal and superior
flict on a given trial, temporarily increasing the strength of parietal cortex (attentional control network) was activated
executive control when conflict is detected (Carter et al., when successive incompatible trials were presented. The idea
1998). The conflict-control model further posits an interac- suggested by this research is that selective attention was
tion between the ACC and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex engaged to focus attention on the relevant input and suppress

252 attention
distracter information, much in the way suggested by Egner
and Hirsch (2005). Using event-related fMRI, Weissman,
Mangun, and Woldorff (2002) demonstrated similar activa-
tions in the frontal-parietal attention network to attention-
directing cues and subsequent targets containing incompatible
local and global information. This type of information
can be interpreted as evidence that during the incompatible
trials, the voluntary attention system was engaged to focus
attention on the information at the relevant level (global
or local) and suppress the irrelevant, distracting information.
Together these studies suggest a close association between
the conflict-control system (ACC-DLPFC) and attentional
control networks (frontal-parietal network). However, there
is less direct evidence that increased conflict leads to
modulations of activity in the frontal-parietal attentional
Figure 16.1 (A) Stimulus sequence. Subjects received a cue that
control network. To demonstrate such a relationship, it directed attention to left or right, or to neither side (neutral cues).
would be necessary to show that increased conflict leading Following a cue-to-target stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), targets
to activity in the ACC on a trial (trial N) would lead to were presented. Targets were circular Gabor gratings (1.5° diam-
increased activity in the frontal-parietal attention network eter, located bilaterally 5.4° from fixation in the upper left and right
visual fields), each of which could be horizontal or vertical in ori-
on the subsequent trial (trial N + 1). Further, such effects
entation. Subjects had to discriminate the grating orientation at the
should be strongly correlated with attentional selectivity attended location. (B) Sample cue types. The length of each line
demonstrated behaviorally and in selective stimulus process- ranged from 1.1° to 1.7°, depending on the type of cue. Neutral
ing in visual cortex. cues (to which subjects did not shift attention) were similar to attend
cues, except the vertical lines were of equal length (1.1°) and had
short (0.2°) horizontal lines on the top and bottom of each vertical
Integrating brain networks for conflict processing line to distinguish them from attend cues. Subjects were instructed
and attention to shift attention to the hemifield indicated by the cue (shift left if
left line is longer, shift right if right line is longer). They were told
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), it was to respond with a button press indicating if the gratings of the
investigated whether the ACC conflict-detection system subsequent target were vertical or horizontal.
interacts with the frontal-parietal attentional control system
when spatial cuing leads to conflicts in attentional orienting whether the target in the attended field was horizontal or
(Walsh, 2008). The working hypothesis was that conflict in vertical (attended and unattended targets could both be the
one trial should result in adjustments in frontal-parietal top- same orientation or each be different orientations).
down attentional control to reduce conflict in a subsequent As has been observed in numerous prior studies that have
trial. used signal-processing methods to decompose cue from
The paradigm was a hybrid of those used in conflict- target activity (e.g., Ollinger, Shulman, & Corbetta, 2001;
controls studies and those typical of spatial attention studies Woldorff et al., 2004) in studies of spatial attention (e.g.,
(figure 16.1). Cues consisting of two vertical lines directed the Corbetta et al., 2000; Hopfinger et al., 2000; see Corbetta
subjects’ covert spatial attention (100% instructive) to either et al., chapter 14, this volume, for a review), the frontal-
the right or the left visual in order to discriminate the features parietal attentional control system was activated in response
of an upcoming target. The longer of the two lines in the cue to the attention-directing cues (collapsed across level of con-
indicated that spatial attention should be directed to the flict) (figure 16.2A), but not to targets. In addition, in visual
hemifield on the side of the longer line. The amount of con- cortical regions, in response to cues, there was a significant
flict generated by the cues was systematically manipulated activation of the visual cortex contralateral to the direction
by varying the difference in length of two lines (see figure attention was cued (left versus right) (figure 16.2B). Targets
16.1B), in line with evidence that requiring near-threshold- also activated visual cortex, and these sensory-evoked activa-
level perceptual judgments can result in the generation of tions were modulated by the direction of covert spatial atten-
conflict (Szmalec et al., 2008). As a result, low, medium, and tion such that responses to the bilateral targets were larger
high conflict-generating cues were created. Bilateral targets on the hemisphere contralateral to the attended hemifield
(200 ms duration) followed the cues after a delay period (not shown in figures). Therefore, independent of cue con-
(1500 ms), and these targets were then masked at offset by flict, the frontal-parietal attentional control network was
pattern masks (300 ms duration). Subjects were required to activated when subjects acted on the cue instructions, and
respond by pressing one of two buttons with their right hand this activation led to changes in visual cortex.

mangun, saron, and walsh: conflict and attentional control 253

Figure 16.2 (A) Frontal-parietal attentional control network
defined by the attend-cue versus neutral-cue contrast, collapsed
over cue-left and cue-right and levels of conflict. Attentional control
activity was observed in bilateral frontal eye fields (FEF), bilateral
posterior parietal cortex in and around the intraparietal sulcus
(IPS), and the superior frontal gyrus in the left hemisphere (LSFG).
(B) Increased baseline activity in visual cortex time-locked to the
attention cues. The contrast is for cue-left versus cue-right, where
activity is greatest in the visual extrastriate visual cortex contralat-
eral to the cued hemifield. That is, cues directing attention to the
right hemifield resulted in increased activity in left extrastriate
visual cortex (LEVC), whereas cues to the left resulted in increased
activity in the right extrastriate visual cortex (REVC).

The goal in this work was to investigate whether difference Figure 16.3 (A) Activity in dorsal anterior cingulate cortex
in conflict in attentional orienting (a function of cue discrim- (dACC) related to cue-induced conflict (contrast between high- and
inability) led to systematic changes in the frontal-parietal low-conflict cue trials—see figure 16.1B). (B) Within the dACC
control regions. This line of argument, however, is depen- region of interest (ROI) shown in A, there was a parametric increase
in fMRI BOLD signal (plotted as beta values) as function of increas-
dent on the paradigm and cue discriminability manipulation
ing cue-related conflict.
resulting in conflict that activates the ACC and triggers
cognitive control. To establish this relationship, it is impor-
tant to demonstrate that the cue manipulation resulted in right lateral parietal cortex, and left anterior insula (figure
standard effects on behavior and brain activity (e.g., Kerns 16.3). Within the dACC region identified by the contrast,
et al., 2004). Analysis of the reaction times (RT) and accuracy the amplitudes of BOLD signals were observed to be para-
to detect targets at the cued locations were broken down as metrically related to degree of conflict engendered by the
a function of whether the trial was preceded by a high versus cues (i.e., as a function of cue discriminability). These find-
low conflict trial (defined by whether the cue was high versus ings were in line with numerous prior studies of the role of
low conflict in the preceding trial). Reaction times were faster the ACC in conflict detection and indicate that the cue
( p < .001) and accuracy was higher ( p < .005) for detecting manipulation was effective in activating the ACC (Botvinick,
targets when preceded by high-conflict trials versus low- Nystrom, Fissell, Carter, & Cohen, 1999; MacDonald et al.,
conflict trials. Thus the expected pattern of improved speed 2000; Liston, Matalon, Hare, Davidson, & Casey, 2006).
and accuracy of behavioral responses in trials following high Finally, electrophysiology measures have previously been
versus low conflict trials was observed in this spatial cuing related to conflict detection and should therefore be elicited
paradigm. This behavioral signature suggests that conflict in the present hybrid design. Studies using ERP have identi-
resulted in increased attentional control that was manifest as fied an anterior midline negativity (referred to as the N2
improvements in behavior (e.g., Kerns et al., 2004). component) that is generated in the ACC and increases in
Next, whole-brain voxel-wise analyses of the fMRI BOLD amplitude to stimuli that are more likely to induce conflict
responses were conducted to determine whether the observed (van Veen & Carter, 2002a, 2002b; Donkers & van Boxtel,
behavioral adjustments were mediated by the well-known 2004; Szmalec et al., 2008). In a subset of the same subjects
mechanisms involving the ACC. Activity associated with tested in the fMRI study, ERPs were recorded from 128
high-conflict cues compared to activity associated with low- channels as they performed the task shown in figure 16.1
conflict attend cues was found to include the dorsal anterior (Walsh, 2008). As expected, the amplitude of the N2 com-
cingulate cortex (dACC), as well as small regions of DLPFC, ponent of the evoked potential at frontocentral electrode

254 attention
cues to neutral cues were used as regions of interest (ROIs).
The hemodynamic responses in these regions of interest
could then be investigated as a function of attention or
conflict in the current trial (trial N ) and the next trial (trial
N + 1). These results are shown in figure 16.5 for the dACC,
the FEF, and the intraparietal cortex. Two main findings
can be highlighted.
First, as described earlier, contrasts related to attention
revealed activity in the frontal-parietal network but not the
dACC, whereas contrasts related to conflict affected the
dACC but not the frontal-parietal network (figure 16.5).
This pattern draws the distinction between the dACC that
is sensitive to cue conflict (e.g., Kerns et al., 2004) and the
frontal-parietal network that is sensitive to attentional control
(e.g., Corbetta et al., 2000; Hopfinger et al., 2000).
The second finding is the pattern of attention and conflict
in the dACC and the frontal-parietal network for trial N
versus trial N + 1. This can be observed in figure 16.5 by
observing the time courses of the hemodynamic responses.
The key finding is that although cue conflict does not result
in fMRI BOLD signal changes in the frontal-parietal network
for trial N, in response to trial N + 1 (following a high-conflict
cue) this network shows a robust response. This pattern
shows that high (versus low) cue conflict on one trial leads
to increased activity in the frontal-parietal network on the
next trial. This pattern is consistent with that observed in
behavior where target performance was improved on trials
that followed a high-cue-conflict trial (described earlier).

Figure 16.4 (A) Grand average ERPs to cues as a function of Conclusions

conflict, recorded from midline central scalp electrode site Cz.
Negative voltage is plotted upward, and cue onset is the upright The results of these fMRI and ERP studies support the idea
bar at time zero. High-conflict cue ERPs are plotted in red. The
that conflict-monitoring networks and attentional-control
box indicates the N2 component, peaking at approximately 360 ms
from cue onset. The N2 is significantly greater in amplitude for networks interact to modulate spatial attention to improve
high-conflict cues. (B) Scalp topography at the peak of the N2 performance. High attentional cue conflict in one trial
response showing the midline central scalp maximum of the (trial N) generated high ACC activity in that trial, and then
response (blue colors). The nose is at the top of the figure of the led to increased frontal-parietal activity in the next trial
scalp, and left is on the left of the image. The small red circles are
(trial N + 1). Such a pattern of results establishes a long-
the locations of the electrodes. (See color plate 18.)
hypothesized relationship between conflict and control
mechanisms and selective attention (e.g., Casey et al., 2000).
sites reflected the degree of conflict engendered by the cues. Stated more generally, a performance-monitoring system
The N2 was larger in response to high-conflict cues (high > that detects conflict related to orienting attention appears to
low conflict cue: FCz/Cz, p < .02) (figure 16.4). signal attentional control systems to exert greater control
over the focus of attention (Botvinick et al., 2001; Kerns
Conflict Induces Modulations of the Frontal- et al., 2004; Egner & Hirsch, 2005; Liston et al., 2006). The
Parietal Control Network The behavioral, fMRI, interactions of these systems are diagrammed in figure 16.6,
and ERP data provided evidence that changes in cue which shows how conflict signals the need for attentional
discriminability resulted in conflict that activated the control that leads to changes in behavior.
dACC, affecting performance on the next trial. If activity in The neural substrates for such interactions between
the dACC triggers increased attentional control, we conflict and attention systems have been reported. The
might expect to observe those changes on the next trial in ACC has been shown to project directly to both frontal eye
the frontal-parietal attention network. To investigate this fields (FEF) (Huerta, Krubitzer, & Kass, 1987; Stanton,
question, the activations identified by contrasts of attention Bruce, & Goldberg, 1993) and posterior parietal cortex

mangun, saron, and walsh: conflict and attentional control 255

Figure 16.5 Hemodynamic responses from dorsal anterior cin- dACC. (B) Time courses for high-conflict cues minus low-conflict
gulate cortex (dACC), frontal eye fields (FEF), and the intraparietal cues (the effects of conflict) show that for the current trial (trial N )
sulcus (IPS) in parietal cortex. The plots represent differences in the dACC was active while the FEF and IPS were not. In contrast,
percent signal change computed by subtracting two conditions. (A) however, the reverse pattern was true for trial N + 1 where a
Time courses for attend cues minus neutral cues (the effects of hemodynamic response is observed that is delayed, being time-
attentional control) show activity in the FEF and IPS but not in the locked to trial N + 1 in the FEF and IPS (but not dACC).

(Pandya, Van Hoesen, & Mesulam, 1981; Selemon & able, raising the possibility that for attentional conflict, inter-
Goldman-Rakic, 1988), critical elements of the frontal- actions between ACC and the frontal-parietal attention
parietal attentional control network. Given this connectivity, network were not mediated by the DLPFC; this must remain
and the results obtained in the experiments described in a hypothesis for future investigation.
this chapter, one might speculate that the ACC projects The present formulation can be considered in relation to
directly to structures in the frontal-parietal attention network other models of cortical control systems. One such model is
critical to modulating attentional control. the recent proposal regarding the interaction of cortical net-
Prior research in cognitive control has established a rela- works in default-mode processing and cognitive control.
tionship between the ACC and the dorsolateral prefrontal Dosenbach, Fair, Cohen, Schlagger, and Petersen (2008)
cortex (DLPFC) where conflict resulting in ACC activation proposed a model in which a frontal-parietal system is
triggered DLPFC activity that was related to changes in involved in top-down control processes that meet moment-
performance (e.g., Kerns et al., 2004). In the studies reported to-moment demands, while a cingulate-opercular system
in this chapter, no such DLPFC involvement was measur- (involving ACC, anterior prefrontal cortex, and inferior

256 attention
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Fannon, and Dorothee Heipertz for their collaboration, advice, and information. Nat. Neurosci., 8(12), 1784–1790.
assistance. Supported by NIMH R01 MH55714 to GRM and NEI Giesbrecht, B., Woldorff, M. G., Song, A. W., & Mangun,
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258 attention
17 A Right Perisylvian
Neural Network for Human
Spatial Orienting
hans-otto karnath

abstract Homologous neural networks seem to exist in the on the contralesional, left side. When searching for targets,
human left and right hemispheres tightly linking cortical regions copying, or reading, for example, they concentrate their
straddling the sylvian fissure. White matter fiber bundles connect exploratory movements predominantly on the right side of
the inferior parietal lobule with the ventrolateral frontal cortex,
ventrolateral frontal cortex with superior/middle temporal cortex,
space (Heilman, Watson, Valenstein, & Damasio, 1983;
and superior/middle temporal cortex with the inferior parietal Behrmann, Watt, Black, & Barton, 1997; Karnath,
lobule. It is argued that these perisylvian networks serve different Niemeier, & Dichgans, 1998). The question thus arises
cognitive functions, a representation for language and praxis in the whether the development of these different functions in the
left hemisphere and a representation for processes involved in human left and right hemispheres corresponds with different
spatial orienting in the right. The tight perisylvian anatomical con-
anatomical representations. Or is it possible that homolo-
nectivity between superior/middle temporal, inferior parietal, and
ventrolateral frontal cortices might explain why lesions at these gous neural structures serve as correlates for language and
distant cortical sites around the sylvian fissure in the human right praxis in the left and for spatial orientation in the right
hemisphere can lead to the same disturbance of orienting behavior, hemisphere?
namely, to spatial neglect. Three major cortical areas have been described as neural
correlates of spatial neglect in the human right hemisphere.
A first study by Heilman and coworkers (1983) revealed the
In recent years it has been shown that functional and right inferior parietal lobule (IPL) and the temporoparietal
structural lateralization of the brain is more widespread junction (TPJ). Subsequent studies reported comparable
among vertebrates than previously believed. Nevertheless, observations (e.g., Vallar & Perani, 1986; Mort et al., 2003).
it is still appropriate that many motor, sensory, and visual, Lesions located in the right ventrolateral frontal cortex were
but also cognitive, functions show bihemispheric representa- also observed to correlate with spatial neglect (Vallar &
tions in the human and nonhuman primate. Only a few Perani, 1986; Husain & Kennard, 1996; Committeri et al.,
(so-called higher) cognitive functions have obvious asym- 2007). Finally, several studies have revealed the right supe-
metrical representations. Among them are language, praxis, rior temporal cortex and adjacent insula as being critically
and spatial orienting. While an elaborate representation related to the disorder (Karnath, Ferber, & Himmelbach,
for language and praxis has evolved in the human left 2001; Karnath, Fruhmann-Berger, Küker, & Rorden, 2004;
hemisphere, a neural system involved in spatial orienting Buxbaum et al., 2004; Corbetta, Kincade, Lewis, Snyder, &
is dominantly represented in the right hemisphere. Conse- Sapir, 2005; Committeri et al., 2007; Sarri, Greenwood,
quently, locally corresponding damage to one of the two Kalra, & Driver, 2009).
hemispheres leads to different symptoms. While the domi- Interestingly, a similar pattern of perisylvian correlates
nant disorders in neurological patients with left hemisphere has been observed in the human left hemisphere when stroke
involvement are aphasia and apraxia, patients with right patients suffer from aphasia. Early analyses (e.g., Kertesz,
hemisphere damage typically show spatial neglect. This term Harlock, & Coates, 1979; Poeck, de Bleser, Graf von
describes a spontaneous deviation of the eyes and the head Keyserlingk, 1984), as well as more recent studies of cortical
toward the ipsilesional, right side (Fruhmann-Berger & lesion localization in neurological patients with disorders in
Karnath, 2005; Fruhmann-Berger, Pross, Ilg, & Karnath, language comprehension and/or speech production (e.g.,
2006). Patients with such a disorder disregard objects located Kreisler et al., 2000; Dronkers, Wilkins, Van Valin, Redfern,
& Jaeger, 2004; Borovsky, Saygin, Bates, & Dronkers, 2007),
hans-otto karnath Center for Neurology, University of revealed involvement of the ventrolateral frontal cortex,
Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany superior and middle temporal gyri, insula, and IPL. These

karnath: a right perisylvian neural network for human spatial orienting 259
findings are supported by electrical mapping of the human Dense perisylvian white matter connectivity
cortex during surgery in awake patients as well as functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in healthy subjects. A Beyond traditional axonal-tract-tracing and myelin-staining
recent meta-analysis of 129 fMRI studies on phonological, techniques, the development of diffusion-based imaging—
semantic, and syntactic processing revealed activation in for example, diffusion tensor and diffusion spectrum imaging
distributed areas predominantly involving left middle and (DTI/DSI)—has opened new opportunities for identifying
inferior dorsolateral frontal, superior and middle temporal, long-range white matter pathways. By combining the find-
and inferior parietal cortices (Vigneau et al., 2006). These ings from DSI and from histological tract tracing, Schmah-
sites correspond very well with those in which intraoperative mann and colleagues separated ten long, bidirectional
cortical stimulation evoked disturbances of language pro- association fiber bundles in the monkey brain (Schmahmann
cesses, such as anomia, alexia, or speech arrest (e.g., & Pandya, 2006; Schmahmann et al., 2007). Anatomical
Boatman, 2004; Duffau et al., 2005; Sanai, Mirzadeh, & homologies have been described in the human with the aid
Berger, 2008). of diffusion-based imaging in vivo (e.g., Catani, Howard,
These perisylvian brain areas in the human left hemi- Pajevic, & Jones, 2002; Catani, Jones, & ffytche, 2005;
sphere do not appear to represent language processes solely. Catani et al., 2007; Makris et al., 2005, 2007; Mori, Wakana,
Recent analyses of lesion localization in patients suffering van Zijl, & Nagae-Poetscher, 2005; Upadhyay, Hallock,
from apraxia suggested that they are also involved in the Ducros, Kim, & Ronen, 2008) and myelin staining postmor-
organization of motor actions (Goldenberg & Karnath 2006; tem (Bürgel et al., 2006). In the following, the focus will be
Goldenberg, Hermsdörfer, Glindeman, Rorden, & Karnath, on those pathways that connect the perisylvian cortical
2007). Stroke patients with either disturbed pantomime of areas—that is, the superior/middle temporal, inferior pari-
tool use or with disturbed imitation of finger postures typi- etal, and dorsolateral frontal cortices—where damage has
cally showed damage of the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) been shown to provoke spatial neglect in the case of right
and adjacent portions of the insula, while disturbed imitation brain lesions and aphasia and/or apraxia after left hemi-
of hand postures was associated with posterior lesions affect- sphere involvement.
ing the IPL and TPJ. This close anatomical relationship In the monkey and human, the superior longitudinal fas-
between the representation of praxis on the one hand and ciculus (SFL) is the major cortical association fiber pathway
language on the other led to the assumption that these left linking parietal and frontal cortices. It is subdivided into
perisylvian areas might represent an observation/execution different, separable components (Petrides & Pandya 1984;
matching system providing the bridge from “doing” to Makris et al., 2005; Schmahmann et al., 2007). One part—
“communicating” (Rizzolatti & Arbib, 1998; Iacoboni & the SLF I—is situated dorsally of the perisylvian network
Wilson, 2006). Its development was seen as a consequence area, connecting the superior parietal lobule with dorsal
of the fact that before speech appearance the precursors of premotor areas. Two further subcomponents connect the
these areas in the monkey were endowed with a mechanism IPL with premotor and prefrontal cortices. The SLF II links
for recognizing actions made by others. This mechanism was the IPL and intraparietal sulcus with the posterior and caudal
seen as the neural prerequisite for the development of inter- prefrontal cortex, while the SLF III connects the rostral IPL
individual communication and finally of speech (Rizzolatti with the ventral part of premotor and prefrontal cortex. A
& Arbib, 1998). further fiber tract that is separable from these connections
Thus it seems as if very similar anatomical cortical areas stems from the caudal part of the superior/middle temporal
straddling the sylvian fissure are involved in representing gyrus (STG/MTG), arches around the caudal end of the
language and praxis in the human left hemisphere and sylvian fissure, and extends to the lateral prefrontal cortex
spatial orienting in the right hemisphere. Recent anatomical along with the SLF II fibers. This latter fiber tract is termed
studies have revealed that a dense white matter connectivity the arcuate fasciculus (AF) and has been described in humans
exists specifically between these perisylvian cortical areas. In (Burdach, 1819–26; Dejerine & Dejerine-Klumpke, 1895;
the following sections, it will be argued that intimately inter- Catani et al., 2002, 2005; Makris et al., 2005; Vernooij
connected homologous perisylvian networks have evolved in et al., 2007; Upadhyay et al., 2008) as well as in the monkey
the human left and right hemispheres serving for different (Petrides & Pandya, 1988; Schmahmann et al., 2007). Some
cognitive functions, a representation for language and praxis disagreement exists related to whether or not this fiber
in the left hemisphere and a representation for spatial orient- bundle is regarded as a fourth subdivision of the SLF (SLF
ing in the right hemisphere. Further, it will be argued that IV; Makris et al., 2005; Vernooij et al., 2007), a stand-alone
for these cognitive processes the functioning of the perisyl- connection adjacent to the SLF (Schmahmann et al., 2007),
vian cortical areas is critical, not the mere disconnection of or only part, namely, the long segment (discussed later), of
their white matter interconnections. a three-way AF structure (Catani et al., 2005).

260 attention
A fiber bundle situated in close proximity to the SLF II The MdLF is a fiber bundle that runs within the white
and the AF is the superior occipitofrontal fasciculus (SOF), matter of the superior temporal gyrus extending from the
also termed the (superior) fronto-occipital fasciculus ([S]FOF) IPL to the temporal pole. Although there is no common
by some authors. The SOF forms the medial border of the agreement yet, it appears as if the EmC corresponds with
corticospinal tract and separates it from the lateral ventricles. the bundle termed “inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus (IOF)”
The fibers run parallel to the dorsolateral margin of the [also “inferior frontooccipital fasciculus (IFOF)”] by other
lateral ventricles below the corpus callosum. Some of its authors (Nieuwenhuys, Voogd, & van Huijzen, 1988; Catani
fibers intermingle with SLF II and AF fibers. Different from et al., 2002; Kier, Staib, Davis, & Bronen, 2004; Wakana,
expectations based on its labeling, the SOF connects not Jiang, Nagae-Poetscher, van Zijl, & Mori, 2004; Bürgel
only occipital but also inferior parietal with frontal lobe et al., 2006).
areas. In the monkey as well as in humans, this long associa- For clarification it should be pointed out that Catani and
tion bundle bidirectionally extends from the IPL and dorso- colleagues used a different terminology when they investi-
medial parastriate occipital cortex to caudal, dorsal, and gated the long perisylvian association fibers of the human
medial frontal lobe areas (Catani et al., 2002; Bürgel et al., left hemisphere (Catani et al., 2002, 2005, 2007). The SLF
2006; Makris et al., 2007; Schmahmann et al., 2007). and AF historically have been regarded as a single fiber
Two further, ventrally located fiber bundles contribute to bundle in the human (Burdach, 1819–26; Dejerine &
the perisylvian network focused on in this chapter, namely, Dejerine-Klumpke, 1895). The terms “superior longitudinal
the strong pathway running through the extreme capsule fasciculus” and “arcuate fasciculus” thus often were and
(EmC) and the middle longitudinal fasciculus (MdLF). Both still are used interchangeably by some authors, including
bundles have been described in monkeys (Seltzer & Pandya, Catani and coworkers. However, despite the different termi-
1984; Schmahmann & Pandya, 2006; Schmahmann et al., nology, Catani and colleagues (2005) also found a long
2007; Petrides & Pandya, 2007) as well as in humans (Makris and two shorter segments between the superior/middle tem-
& Pandya, 2009; Makris et al., 2009). The EmC is situated poral, inferior parietal, and lateral frontal cortices (figure
between the claustrum and the insular cortex interconnect- 17.1A). Tractography reconstruction for a group of 11
ing the inferior frontal and orbitofrontal gyri with the healthy subjects revealed a direct connection between the
midportion of the superior temporal region. It further left rentrolateral frontal and the superior/middle temporal
continues caudally toward the occipital cortex and toward cortex—that is, between Broca’s and Wernicke’s language
the IPL, flanking here another fiber pathway, namely areas. In addition, two shorter pathways were found con-
the MdLF (Makris & Pandya, 2009; Makris et al., 2009). necting superior/middle temporal with the inferior parietal

(A) (B)

Figure 17.1 Averaged tractography reconstruction for fiber con- from the superior/middle temporal to the inferior parietal cortex
nections between the superior/middle temporal, inferior parietal, is shown in yellow. The anterior segment running from the inferior
and lateral frontal cortices by using a two-region-of-interest parietal to the lateral frontal cortex is shown in green. IPL, inferior
approach in (A) the human left hemisphere (Catani, Jones, & parietal lobule; LFC, lateral frontal cortex; STC, superior temporal
ffytche, 2005) and (B) the human right hemisphere (Gharabaghi cortex; MTC, middle temporal cortex. (With modifications from
et al., 2009). A long connection was observed linking superior/ Catani et al., 2005, and from Gharabaghi et al., 2009.) (See color
middle temporal and lateral frontal cortices (shown in red). Two plate 19.)
shorter pathways also were found. The posterior segment running

karnath: a right perisylvian neural network for human spatial orienting 261
cortex (“posterior segment”) and the inferior parietal with rior/middle temporal with the inferior parietal cortex and
the dorsolateral frontal cortex (“anterior segment”). There an anterior segment running from the inferior parietal to
is no doubt that the long connection between the superior/ the dorsolateral frontal cortex. In contrast, they found the
middle temporal and inferior frontal cortex represents the long, direct segment between the superior/middle temporal
fiber bundle that has been termed AF in the work of other and the lateral frontal cortices in only about 40% of
groups (Petrides & Pandya, 1988; Makris et al., 2005; their individuals, while this segment was present in all
Schmahmann et al., 2007; Upadhyay et al., 2008). The subjects (100%) studied by Gharabaghi and colleagues
“anterior segment” between the inferior parietal and inferior (2009). Likewise, some studies observed largely symmetrical
frontal cortex most probably represents the fiber bundle(s) conditions between the human hemispheres for volume,
that have been termed SLF II—maybe in combination with bundle density, and location of the left- and right-sided
the SLF III and/or SOF. The “posterior segment” between AF and SLF (Makris et al., 2005; Bürgel et al., 2006;
the superior temporal and inferior parietal cortex had been Upadhyay et al., 2008), while discrepant observations
assumed to represent the MdLF (Schmahmann et al., 2007). have also been reported (Powell et al., 2006; Vernooij et al.,
However, the recent work by Makris et al. (2009) in the 2007; Glasser & Rilling, 2008). Possible reasons for the dis-
human rather argues that the MdLF is distinct from and crepancy between these studies can be attributed to differ-
located medial to the SLF-AF fibers. ences in fiber tracking methods, in the choice of the seeding
To analyze the perisylvian connectivity between the ROIs, and/or the composition of subject samples. Future
superior/middle temporal, inferior parietal, and lateral studies will have to clarify this issue. However, beyond the
frontal cortices in the human right hemisphere, Gharabaghi discrepant observations regarding the long, dorsally located
and coworkers (2009) investigated 12 right-handed male direct connection via the AF, it is undisputed that the supe-
subjects without neurological deficits by using the same rior/middle temporal, lateral frontal, and inferior parietal
procedure that Catani and colleagues (2005) applied for the cortices show dense direct (via the EmC/IOF) as well as
left hemisphere analysis. Figure 17.1B shows the averaged indirect interconnectivity.
tractography reconstruction obtained from this DTI analy- To summarize the hitherto existing findings from tract-
sis. It revealed a pattern of fiber connections that largely tracing, myelin-staining, and diffusion-based imaging tech-
corresponded to the one demonstrated by Catani and col- niques, a dense perisylvian network seems to exist in both
leagues (2005) in the human left hemisphere (figure 17.1A). hemispheres connecting the inferior parietal lobule with
While Gharabaghi and coworkers were conducting this the ventrolateral frontal cortex (via SLF II, SLF III, SOF),
analysis, Catani and colleagues published a study (Catani ventrolateral frontal cortex with superior/middle temporal
et al., 2007) in which they also had analyzed the perisylvian cortex (via AF, EmC/IOF), and superior temporal cortex
connectivity in the human right hemisphere. In line with with the inferior parietal lobule (via MdLF, EmC/IOF).
the findings illustrated in figure 17.1B, they found an indirect Figure 17.2 illustrates these tightly connected perisylvian
connection with a posterior segment connecting the supe- neural networks.

Figure 17.2 Sketch of the perisylvian neural network linking the EmC/IOF). SLF II/III, subcomponents II/III of the superior
inferior parietal lobule with the ventrolateral frontal cortex (via SLF longitudinal fasciculus; SOF, superior occipitofrontal fasciculus;
II, SLF III, SOF), ventrolateral frontal cortex with superior/middle AF, arcuate fasciculus; IOF, inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus;
temporal cortex and insula (via AF, EmC/IOF), and superior EmC, extreme capsule; MdLF, middle longitudinal fasciculus.
temporal cortex with the inferior parietal lobule (via MdLF,

262 attention
Functional role of the perisylvian network array) that closely resembled the clinical procedure employed
in the human right hemisphere to detect spatial neglect in stroke patients. The authors
observed significant activation associated with visual explo-
There is no disagreement that the perisylvian network in the ration located at the TPJ, the midportion of the STG, and
human left hemisphere is involved in language processes the IFG.
(e.g., Frey, Campbell, Pike, & Petrides, 2008; Saur et al., Thus observations deriving from different techniques con-
2008; Catani & Mesulam, 2008; Makris & Pandya, 2009). verge to suggest that the densely interconnected perisylvian
In contrast, the functional involvement of the right hemi- neural system in the human right hemisphere (figure 17.2)
sphere perisylvian network is less clear. Catani and col- represents the anatomical basis of processes that are involved
leagues suggested that the perisylvian network in the human in spatial orientation, provoking spatial neglect in the case
right hemisphere might represent—as in the human left of damage. The tight anatomical connectivity between supe-
hemisphere—a network involved in language functions rior/middle temporal, inferior parietal, and ventrolateral
(Catani et al., 2007, p. 17166). In this chapter, a different frontal cortices might explain why lesions at these distant
view is suggested. The perisylvian pathways between the cortical sites around the sylvian fissure in the human right
right IPL, ventrolateral frontal, and superior/middle hemisphere can lead to the same disturbance of orienting
temporal cortices and insula connect those areas which have behavior, namely, to spatial neglect.
repeatedly been associated with spatial neglect in the case of
brain damage (Heilman et al., 1983; Vallar & Perani, 1986; Spatial neglect—A disconnection syndrome?
Mort et al., 2003; Karnath et al., 2001, 2004; Committeri
et al., 2007; Sarri et al., 2009). In contrast, aphasia is only Beginning with the seminal work of Dejerine and his wife
extremely rarely associated with lesion of these right hemi- (Dejerine & Dejerine-Klumpke, 1895) on the human cortical
sphere perisylvian areas (as rarely as spatial neglect is pathways, several authors developed the idea that some neu-
observed after left hemisphere damage). Thus it is proposed rological conditions might result from the disconnection of
that the perisylvian network in the human right hemisphere one area of the brain from another. Among them, Geschwind
represents the anatomical basis for processes involved in (1965) put forward the view that several neuropsychological
spatial orienting and exploration. disorders could best be interpreted as resulting from inter-
Supporting evidence for this hypothesis has been reported ruption of specific cortical association pathways. With respect
from transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), electrical to spatial neglect, Mesulam and Geschwind (1978) suggested
mapping of the human cortex during neurosurgery, and that this disorder—among other disorders of attention and
fMRI in healthy subjects. Using TMS, Ellison, Schindler, emotion—results from disruption of neural connections
Pattison, and Milner (2004) induced “virtual lesions” at the between limbic structures and neocortex. Mesulam (1981,
right STG and right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in 1985) further evolved this concept, suggesting that an inter-
healthy subjects. They observed a specific impairment connected network between posterior parietal, frontal, and
induced by TMS over the right STG for serial feature search cingulate cortices as well as the reticular formation is involved
(termed “hard feature search task”). In contrast, TMS over in spatial neglect. A disconnection hypothesis has also been
the right PPC resulted in increased reaction times during put forward by Watson, Heilman, Miller, and King (1974)
“hard conjunction search.” Gharabaghi, Fruhmann-Berger, and Watson, Miller, and Heilman (1978) when observing
Tatagiba, and Karnath (2006) observed that intraoperative that spatial neglect can be evoked in the monkey by a lesion
inactivation of the middle portion of the STG in human in the mesencephalic reticular formation.
leads to disturbed serial visual search. Using the same tech- More recently, some authors have revived the concept to
nique Thiebaut de Schotten and colleagues (2005) found view spatial neglect as a “disconnection syndrome” (Catani,
that inactivating regions in the right IPL or at the caudal 2006; Bartolomeo, Thiebaut de Schotten, & Doricchi, 2007;
and the middle parts of the STG leads to deficits in the per- He et al., 2007). Bartolomeo and colleagues proposed that
ception of line length. long-lasting signs of spatial neglect result from frontoparietal
Evidence for the involvement of superior temporal, infe- intrahemispheric and from interhemispheric disconnection.
rior parietal, and lateral frontal areas in processes of spatial They suggested that “a particular form of disconnection
orienting has also been obtained from fMRI experiments in might have greater predictive value than the localization of
healthy subjects. In a cued spatial-attention task, Hopfinger, gray matter lesions concerning the patients’ deficits and dis-
Buonocore, and Mangun (2000) found bilateral activation abilities” (Bartolomeo et al., 2007, p. 2484). Intrahemispheri-
in these cortical areas correlated with covert attentional cally, they related disconnection of the SLF (Thiebaut de
shifts in the horizontal dimension of space. Himmelbach, Schotten et al., 2005, 2008; Bartolomeo et al., 2007) but also
Erb, and Karnath (2006) investigated active visual explora- of the IOF (Urbanski et al., 2008) to spatial neglect. Using
tion in healthy subjects, using a task (visual search in a letter DTI tractography, He and colleagues found damage to the

karnath: a right perisylvian neural network for human spatial orienting 263
SLF and AF in five patients with severe spatial neglect but best be interpreted as a “disconnection syndrome” (Mesulam
not in five patients with mild cases. Furthermore, the analysis & Geschwind, 1978; Watson et al., 1974; Watson, Miller, &
of interregional functional connectivity, based on coherent Heilman, 1978; Catani, 2006; Bartolomeo et al., 2007; He
fluctuations of fMRI signals, suggested that not only ana- et al., 2007), one may conclude that their data argue more
tomically but also functionally disrupted connectivity in against than in favor of such a hypothesis. In fact, their
dorsal and ventral attention networks might constitute a criti- analysis revealed that between 89.1% and 96.6% of the
cal mechanism underlying the pathophysiology of spatial lesion area in spatial neglect affected brain structures other
neglect (He et al., 2007). than the perisylvian white matter fiber tracts, namely, corti-
To investigate the possible impact of damage to white cal and subcortical gray matter structures such as the supe-
matter association fibers for the genesis of spatial neglect, rior temporal, inferior parietal, inferior frontal, and insular
Karnath, Rorden, and Ticini (2009) analyzed lesion location cortices, as well as the putamen and caudate nucleus
in a large seven-year sample of 140 right-hemispheric stroke (Karnath et al., 2009). Damage to these gray matter struc-
patients. This large number of stroke patients allowed the tures in the right hemisphere thus appears to be a strong
authors not only to study a representative sample of subjects predictor of spatial neglect.
with spatial neglect, but also to perform a statistical voxel- Another aspect arguing against the view of spatial neglect
wise lesion-behavior mapping (VLBM) analysis (e.g., Bates as a white matter disconnection syndrome in the traditional
et al., 2003; Rorden, Karnath, & Bonilha, 2007) to estimate sense is the perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI) results
which brain regions are more frequently compromised in obtained in patients with subcortical infarcts. Perfusion-
neglect patients relative to patients without neglect. Karnath weighted imaging is an MR technique that allows the iden-
and coworkers (2009) studied the patients’ white matter con- tification of brain regions that are receiving enough blood
nectivity by using a new method that combines a statistical supply to remain structurally intact but not enough to func-
VLBM approach with the histological maps of the human tion normally. By using this technique, several studies showed
white matter fiber tracts provided by the stereotaxic proba- that left- or right-sided subcortical lesions—including selec-
bilistic atlas developed by the Jülich group (Amunts & Zilles, tive white matter strokes—cause spatial neglect only if the
2001; Zilles, Schleicher, Palomero-Gallagher, & Amunts, subcortical damage provokes additional malperfusion of cor-
2002). In contrast to the reference brain of the Talairach tical gray matter structures in the ipsilesional hemisphere
and Tournoux atlas (Talairach & Tournoux, 1988) or the (Demeurisse, Hublet, Paternot, Colson, & Serniclaes, 1997;
MNI single-subject or group templates (Evans et al., 1992; Hillis et al., 2002, 2005). Without this malfunction of cortical
Collins, Neelin, Peters, & Evans, 1994), the Jülich probabi- structures, subcortical brain lesions did not provoke distur-
listic atlas is based on the analysis of the cytoarchitecture in bances of spatial orienting. Thus it seems that damage to
a sample of 10 different human postmortem brains. It thus subcortical white matter connectivity alone does not provoke
provides information on the location and intersubject vari- spatial neglect but rather requires additional malfunction of
ability of brain structures, illustrating for each voxel of the cortical gray matter structures.
MNI reference space the relative frequency with which a
certain structure was present in 10 normal human brains. Conclusions
Using a modified myelin-staining technique, Bürgel and col-
leagues (2006) were able to distinguish 10 individual white Homologous perisylvian neural networks seem to exist in
matter fiber tracts for this atlas at microscopic resolution. the human left and right hemispheres composed of tightly
The analysis of the 140 right-hemisphere stroke patients connected cortical areas straddling the sylvian fissure (cf.
revealed that 7.0% of the right SLF, 8.2% of the IOF, 12.7% figure 17.2). It is suggested that the neural network consisting
of the SOF, and only 0.6% of the uncinate fasciculus of superior/middle temporal, inferior parietal, and ventro-
were significantly more affected in patients with spatial lateral frontal cortices in the human right hemisphere rep-
neglect than in those not showing the disorder (figure 17.3). resents the anatomical basis for processes involved in spatial
The authors concluded that damage of right perisylvian orienting. Neurons of these regions provide us with redun-
white matter connections is a typical finding in patients with dant information about the position and motion of our body
spatial neglect. However, the proportion of involvement of in space. They seem to play an essential role in adjus-
each of the fiber bundles was very low. When the authors ting body position relative to external space (Karnath &
analyzed how much of the lesion area in neglect patients Dieterich, 2006). Damage to this perisylvian system in the
overlapped with all of the perisylvian white matter connec- right hemisphere may provoke spatial neglect. In the human
tions, they found an overlap between 3.4% and 10.9% left hemisphere, a similar perisylvian network seems to exist
(Karnath et al., 2009). but is serving different functions, namely, language and
Although the study by Karnath and coworkers (2009) praxis. This functional specialization of left and right peri-
cannot finally decide whether or not spatial neglect should sylvian networks is still not observed in the nonhuman

264 attention
Figure 17.3 Overlap of the statistical VLBM lesion map (the fiber tract was present (e.g., yellow color indicates that the fiber
brain territory significantly more affected in 78 patients with spatial tract was present in that voxel in seven out of ten postmortem
neglect than in 62 stroke patients without this disorder) with the brains). The pink contour demarks the area of the fiber tracts
probabilistic, cytoarchitectonic maps of the white matter associa- affected by the statistical lesion map. (A) Overlap illustrated for
tion fiber tracts from the Jülich atlas. The statistical lesion map is perisylvian fiber tracts SFL, superior longitudinal fasciculus; IOF,
illustrated in homogeneous brown color. The color coding of the inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus; and SOF, superior occipitofron-
Jülich atlas from 1 (dark blue, observed in 1 postmortem brain) to tal fasciculus. (B) Overlap illustrated for fiber tracts CT, corticospi-
10 (red, overlap in all ten postmortem brains) represents the abso- nal tract; AR, acoustic radiation; and UF, uncinate fascicle. (From
lute frequency for which in each voxel of the brain a respective Karnath et al., 2009.) (See color plate 20.)
primate. Here, lesions of this perisylvian system in both Catani, M., Jones, D. K., & Ffytche, D. H. (2005). Perisylvian
hemispheres induce disturbed exploration and orientation language networks of the human brain. Ann. Neurol., 57, 8–16.
Catani, M., & Mesulam, M. (2008). The arcuate fasciculus and
toward the respective contralateral side (e.g., Luh, Butter, &
the disconnection theme in language and aphasia: History and
Buchtel, 1986; Watson, Valenstein, Day, & Heilman, 1994; current state. Cortex, 44, 953–961.
Wardak, Olivier, & Duhamel, 2002, 2004). Hence the phy- Collins, D. L., Neelin, P., Peters, T. M., & Evans, A. C. (1994).
logenetic transition from monkey to human brain seems to Automatic 3D intersubject registration of MR volumetric data
be a restriction of a formerly bilateral function represented in standardized Talairach space. J. Comput. Assist. Tomogr., 18,
within right- and left-sided perisylvian networks to the right 192–205.
Committeri, G., Pitzalis, S., Galati, G., Patria, F., Pelle, G.,
hemisphere (Karnath et al., 2001). It appears as if this later- Sabatini, U., et al. (2007). Neural bases of personal and extrap-
alization of spatial orientation to the right hemisphere ersonal neglect in humans. Brain, 130, 431–441.
network parallels the emergence of an elaborate representa- Corbetta, M., Kincade, M. J., Lewis, C., Snyder, A. Z., & Sapir,
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ministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF-Verbundprojekt nerveux. Paris: Rueff et Cie.
“Räumliche Orientierung” 01GW0641) and the Deutsche For- Demeurisse, G., Hublet, C., Paternot, J., Colson, C., &
schungsgemeinschaft (SFB 550-A4). I would like to thank Bianca Serniclaes, W. (1997). Pathogenesis of subcortical visuo-
de Haan and Marc Himmelbach for their discussion and helpful spatial neglect: A HMPAO SPECT study. Neuropsychologia, 35,
comments on the manuscript. 731–735.
Dronkers, N. F., Wilkins, D. P., Van Valin, R. D., Jr., Redfern,
B. B., & Jaeger, J. J. (2004). Lesion analysis of the brain areas
involved in language comprehension. Cognition, 92, 145–177.
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268 attention
18 Spatial Deficits and
Selective Attention
lynn c. robertson

abstract The focus of this chapter is on spatial deficits that spatial representations and their interactions with perception
produce a complete or partial loss of spatial awareness of the visual and other attention mechanisms.
world after damage to the dorsal pathway of the human brain. Not
surprisingly, when spatial awareness is deficient, controlling spatial
attention is also compromised. Yet even with complete loss of The loss of perceptual space
spatial information of the external world, object-based and feature-
based processes continue to influence what is seen. Nevertheless, I will begin by classifying spatial deficits in behavioral
features may be inaccurately bound to form abnormal rates of neurology into three general classes: complete (there is no
illusory conjunctions even under free viewing conditions. There there there), partial (only a portion is there), and scrambled
also is emerging evidence from priming studies that conjunctions
(here when it should be there). Complete, or nearly com-
are bound late in processing whereas features are coded early. How
the multiple spatial representations in the brain may interact to plete, loss of a mental spatial map can be observed in Balint’s
influence selection is also discussed. syndrome (Balint, 1909; Holmes & Horax, 1919; Rafal,
1997), partial loss can be observed in unilateral neglect
(Heilman, Watson, & Valenstein, 1994; Bartolomea &
The influential 18th-century philosopher Immanuel Kant Chokron, 2001), and scrambling is seen in integrative
claimed that space and time were the two necessary mental agnosia, where stimuli are processed piecemeal, producing
concepts supporting all other human experience. A mental a fragmented percept of parts with little overall coherence
representation of space separates sensory experience occur- (Riddoch & Humphreys, 1987a). Although any of these can
ring at the same time into different entities that are spatially be observed in more than one modality, the deficits appear
segregated yet related to one another, while a mental repre- most often or at least are more obvious in vision.
sentation of time separates sequentially presented informa- All three types of spatial loss have been associated with
tion into segmented events. Kant himself wrote, “We never (although not necessarily limited to) posterior damage of
can imagine or make a representation to ourselves of the the human brain, with complete and partial loss more preva-
nonexistence of space.” lent after dorsal damage (although see Karnath, Ferber, &
Although it is very nearly impossible to imagine a world Himmelback, 2001), whereas spatial scrambling is more
in which space does not exist, there are individuals with prevalent after ventral damage. Complete loss occurs after
damage to certain brain areas who must contend with the bilateral dorsal damage, and partial loss occurs after unilat-
loss of spatial perception on a daily basis. These are neuro- eral damage. Also, partial loss and scrambling are more
logical patients who have suffered unilateral damage to likely to occur after right than eft hemisphere damage
parietal (and/or less often frontal or superior temporal) (Heilman et al., 1994; Ivry & Robertson, 1998; Mesulam,
areas, producing unilateral neglect, and those with bilateral 1981). The common denominator for complete and partial
parietal damage, which can produce a complete loss of loss is damage to the parietal lobe, but the areas involved
spatial information beyond a person’s own body (Balint’s are different depending on the nature of the spatial deficits.
syndrome). Studies of such individuals have shown that In fact, several researchers have suggested that the critical
certain perceptual experiences remain relatively intact, but areas that produce unilateral neglect (a partial loss of space)
others are altered or lost altogether. Contrary to Kant’s are centered in the temporal-parietal junction and the
claims, a mental representation of space is not necessary inferior parietal lobe (e.g., Heilman et al., 1994; Mort
for all perceptual phenomena, and the exceptions provide et al., 2003, but see Karnath, chapter 17 in this volume).
insights into the cognitive and neurobiological bases of Conversely, a recent review of this literature has made
a compelling argument for unilateral neglect as a
lynn c. robertson Veterans Administration Research, Depart- disconnection syndrome. When lesions include the white
ment of Psychology, and Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, matter tracts that connect posterior regions to the fron-
University of California, Berkeley, California tal lobe, neglect is more severe and more likely to be

robertson: spatial deficits and selective attention 269

chronic (Bartolomeo, Thiebaut de Schotten, & Doricchi, parallel rectangles on a screen and cued an end of one of
2007). the rectangles randomly on each trial (see Treisman, this
Conversely, the common denominator in Balint’s syn- volume, figure 12.2). The cue was followed by a target, and
drome appears to be the angular gyrus and dorsal occipital response time to detect the target was recorded. Importantly,
association cortex bilaterally (Rizzo & Vecera, 2002; Rafal, the distance between the cue and the target in the same
2001; L. Robertson, 2004). Although there are far fewer rectangle was the same as the distance between the cue and
cases of patients with Balint’s than with neglect, all cases of the target in the opposite rectangle. Responses were faster
Balint’s syndrome reported in the literature have included when the target appeared within the cued rectangle than
damage to these areas. The same areas were also implicated when it appeared in the other rectangle (this difference is
in a postmortem study by Hof, Bouras, Constantinidis, and the object-based effect). Recently, Alice Albrecht, Alexandra
Morrison (1989) examining the brains of a group of Alzheim- List, and I (2008) showed that this object-based effect
er’s patients who showed signs of Balint’s syndrome during depends on whether the rectangles are perceived as objects
life (an occurrence rate of about 6%). He found more plaques or holes in a surface. We presented the same type of displays
and tangles in the dorsal occipital association cortex and stereoscopically (figure 18.1), so that the rectangles were
angular gyrus (areas 19 and 39) than in any other portion of either seen as objects in front of a homogeneous surface
the visual brain. Accordingly, Balint’s syndrome is not simply or as two holes through that surface. We found object-based
the bilateral version of unilateral neglect. Although lesions effects that were very similar in magnitude to that reported
in unilateral neglect may extend into these areas on occa- by Egly and colleagues, but only when the rectangles were
sion, they are not the central areas implicated in the neglect perceived as objects. When the rectangles were perceived as
syndrome. holes, the object-based effect disappeared. Importantly these
findings were not due to differences in perceived depth of
Consequences of complete spatial loss and attention the two rectangles. In a second study we split the background
into individuated regions, and now the object-based effect
Obviously, spatial attention will be disrupted if the spatial reemerged (figures 18.1 and 18.2).
map that guides it is damaged or lost. When the computa- Object-based attention also has been studied in the fMRI
tions needed to construct this spatial map are compromised, literature. For instance, O’Craven, Downing, & Kanwisher
spatial attention deficits will be one major consequence. (1999) showed two objects (a house and face) in the center
Thus Balint’s syndrome presents an opportunity to study
how deficits in spatial attention affect other perceptual and
cognitive abilities. It also permits the study of how spatial Holes O bjects
maps support and interact with other perceptual phenom-
ena. Intuitively, it seems that no meaningful percept would

be possible without a spatial framework in which to individu-


ate one entity from another or to guide selective attention

within a visual display. Yet studies of cases of Balint’s syn-
drome demonstrate that although the patients are function-
ally blind, they continue to experience a rather complex
perceptual world in which features and objects rise to the
level of perceptual awareness but their locations and spatial
relationships to each other are unknown (Rafal, 2001). The
result is a chaotic perceptual world, but not an absent one
as Kant might maintain.

Balint’s Syndrome and Object-Based Attention There

is a great deal of evidence that attention can select objects
and locations (see Treisman, chapter 12, this volume) but
that these may be independent. In one of the first behavioral
studies of object-based attention, Duncan (1984) showed that
reporting values on two dimensions (orientation and texture)
Figure 18.1 Example of hole and object stimuli with completed
was faster when the two were on the same object rather than
(top) and split (bottom) backgrounds. Shadows are included here
when they were on separate objects. Several other studies only to illustrate the depth that was perceived by the participants
have shown that objects modulate spatial attention. For when wearing the stereogoggles. They were not present in the
example, Egly, Driver, and Rafal (1994) presented two actual experiment.

270 attention
Figure 18.2 Object-based effects (reaction time difference the background was split and when it was completed (top). Mean
between the two invalid conditions—between minus within) for reaction time for each invalid condition (bottom). The effects were
rectangles perceived as holes and those perceived as objects when significant for all but the completed background/holes condition.

of the screen. The two objects were superimposed and can be large, small, simple, or complex). This new object is
appeared transparent. On each trial either the house or the then perceived for a time, until another object takes its place.
face moved slightly. While making judgments about the The computations needed to individuate objects or to define
motion, there was more activity in ventral areas of the brain their locations are absent, and the objects that attract atten-
that respond to houses (parahippocampal place area) when tion can come from anywhere in the visual scene. Although
the houses moved and more activity in the areas of the brain patients can move their eyes in any given direction on
that respond to faces (fusiform face area) when faces moved. command, they only rarely do so unless instructed by the
Attentional selection for motion (a feature that drives differ- observer. They suffer from what Balint (1909) called a
ent areas of the brain than houses or faces) incorporated the “pseudo paralysis of gaze.” It is as if the one object they do
object that was moving as well. see fills their entire visual field. Consistently, RM, the Balint’s
If object- and space-based attention utilize different neural patient whom we studied for several years in my laboratory,
systems, complete loss of space with Balint’s syndrome reported that the size of objects did not appear as they
should attract attention to objects, but there should be little should be.
or no knowledge of where they are located, and this result The fact that an object as a whole can be perceived at all
is what occurs. Individuals with this problem see only one when spatial deficits are nearly complete is very strong evi-
object at any given moment (known as simultanagnosia), but dence for an object-based system that is separate from a
they can be at chance in locating it. Neither reaching, point- space-based one. However, when the spatial map that indi-
ing, nor verbally reporting where the object is located is viduates objects is absent, voluntary movement of attention
accurate. Even spatial judgments such as saying whether the between objects is also a problem. It is as if there is a lineup
object is toward the top or bottom of the screen when they of objects that compete for object selection when spatial
are several inches apart or toward the patient’s own head or information is gone.
feet can be near chance levels. In addition, an object in a
visual display will automatically and seemingly randomly Balint’s Syndrome and Feature-Based Attention
attract attention with no control over how long the object Feature-based attention is also well supported in the
remains in view or what object will take its place. The one perceptual literature. It too is thought to be separate from
object that is seen abruptly disappears and is replaced by space-based as well as object-based attention. Indeed,
another object (which need not be in the line of sight and attending to a feature in one location makes it difficult to

robertson: spatial deficits and selective attention 271

ignore the same feature simultaneously presented in another blue ones. We asked RM to report how many circles were
location. For example, Saenz, Buracas, and Boynton (2002) green and/or red. When there was only 1 red or 1 green
measured fMRI activity in motion- and color-sensitive areas circle, he correctly reported there was one 90% of the time
of the human brain and found that attending to a particular (7% omissions). When there were 2 colored circles, with 1
direction of motion or a particular color in one location green and 1 red, he correctly reported there were two 83%
modulated activity for the same features presented in distant of the time (7% omissions). However, the most interesting
locations. In the motion study, they presented a set of dots finding was when the 2 circles were both green or both red;
with half the dots moving upward and half moving his accuracy rate dropped to 10%, reporting he saw only
downward, and directed attention to either the upward or one (3% omissions). Afterward we asked him to simply
downward movement during a block of trials. The speed of report how many circles he saw in each display and what
the attended dots varied slightly from trial to trial. The the colors were. He reported all the colors that were present
interwoven dots were presented in one visual field throughout on each trial but said he saw only 1 circle of all three colors.
a block of trials, and participants were told that they should For example, when shown a display with 1 red among 8
pay attention to that side and to ignore the other side. The blue, he reported seeing 1 red and 1 blue circle, which was
ignored side contained a set of dots that all moved either the same response he gave when shown a display with 2 red
upward or downward. Thus they were either moving in the circles among 7 blue. When shown a display with 1 red, 1
same direction as the attended motion or in the opposite blue, and 7 green, he easily named the 3 colors but said there
direction. When the movement in the ignored field was the was only one of each. Subsequently, when asked if there was
same as the selected movement in the attended field, activity more blue on the page, he said no.
in motion-sensitive areas in the hemisphere contralateral to The undamaged portions of RM’s brain encoded basic
the ignored side was greater than when the motion was features in the visual scene but not their location or their
different. The same pattern occurred in the color condition relative magnitude. The result was a chaotic perceptual
in color-sensitive areas. An attended feature produced more world in which objects appeared and disappeared without
activity in areas specialized for that feature whether spatial warning, and features coded by specialized neural popula-
attention was oriented to the stimulus location or not (also tions were not bound to a location. The result was a high
see Hopf, Schoenfeld, & Heinze, 2005). In other words, the rate of illusory conjunctions (see Treisman, chapter 12). In
feature was attended whether it was on the attended or the absence of space, binding the wrong color, size, or
ignored side. Spatial attention did not interact with feature motion with the object of attention is prominent (Bernstein
attention. & Robertson, 1998; Friedman-Hill, Robertson, & Treisman,
If spatial and feature attention are separate, feature- 1995; Humphreys, Cinel, Wolfe, Olson, & Klempen, 2000;
based attention should be present in patients with complete L. Robertson et al., 1997).
spatial deficits, and this is the case. For instance, a red Consistently, visually searching for a target that was
circle presented among blue and yellow circles of about the the conjunction of two features was severely compromised
same luminance attracted the attention of the Balint’s patient (presumably due to RM’s binding problem). He was
RM. Although features were not detected as rapidly or as very poor at reporting the presence or absence of a red
accurately as for normal observers, the number of distractors X among only 3 distractors (e.g., red O and 2 green X ’s)
in the display did not affect performance (L. Robertson, and was extremely frustrated by the task. More tellingly,
Treisman, Friedman-Hill, & Grabowecky, 1997). In other when the red X was absent from the display (e.g., two red
words, features did not “pop out” as rapidly as for normal O’s and 2 green X ’s), he reported that the target was present
observers, but they did continue to pop out. Importantly, 38% of the time (L. Robertson et al., 1997). This high
when we asked RM where the feature was located, he was false alarm rate was especially revealing when compared to
at chance, and he was reluctant to make a judgment, saying his 4% miss rate when the target was present. When asked
things like “You know I don’t know where it is.” This if he was reporting what he actually saw, assured us that
response occurred even when it remained on the screen until he was.
he responded. RM’s description of his visual experiences in everyday life
We also wondered whether he saw only one feature at a was consistent with a binding problem as well. For example,
time, similar to his simultanagnosia for objects, but this did he reported he saw a house on his street moving sideways.
not seem to be the case. Marcia Grabowecky and I showed It is quite possible that the motion from a passing car was
RM a series of displays containing 9 colored circles arranged detected and then bound incorrectly with the object of his
in a 3 × 3 matrix. He was shown 180 of these matrices, 60 attention (the house).
containing one red or one green circle among 8 blue circles,
60 containing 2 red or 2 green circles among 7 blue ones, Implicit Spatial Maps Any task that engages spatial
and 60 containing one red and one green circle among 7 attention obviously will be disrupted when the spatial map

272 attention
that guides it is damaged. Other studies with Balint’s patients confusion. Further research is needed to sort out which of
have corroborated this conclusion. For instance, utilizing a these accounts is more plausible.
cue to attend to a given location in anticipation of an
upcoming target (Posner, 1980) is all but impossible (L. Consequences of partial spatial loss and attention
Robertson & Rafal, 2000), and shifting attention from local
to global levels of a display is disrupted as well. Partial spatial loss is much more frequent than Balint’s syn-
Nevertheless, exogenous spatial orienting appears to be drome, and as a result more is known about how syndromes
intact, and priming measures have shown that shape at a such as unilateral neglect affect perception and attention. In
global level of a hierarchically structured pattern is implicitly addition to the many scientific papers on the subject, there
represented even when it is not perceived (Egly, Robertson, are several books and chapters that discuss the symptoms,
Rafal, & Grabowecky, 1995; Karnath, Ferber, Rorden, & diagnosis, rehabilitation, and/or natural course of recovery
Driver, 2000). In addition, priming studies have shown that over time (see DeRenzi, 1982; Driver, Veuilleumier, &
implicit spatial information is present in Balint’s patients Husain, 2004; Karnath, Milner, & Valler, 2002; Heilman,
(Kim & Robertson, 2001; L. Robertson et al., 1997). For Watson, & Valenstein, 2003; I. Robertson & Halligan, 1999).
example RM read the word “up” faster when it was in the Although the neuroanatomical damage that produces uni-
upper part of a rectangle than the word “down” in the same lateral visual neglect is thought to be more anterior than that
location and vice versa, while he was at chance in reporting found in Balint’s syndrome (see L. Robertson, 2004), the two
the word’s location. This result leads to the question of why spatial problems can produce similar spatial attention defi-
these spatial maps are not accessible after damage to bilat- cits that can affect perception in similar ways, but obviously
eral occipital-parietal areas. more severely on the contralesional than ipsilesional side for
There is ample evidence from neurobiological studies for neglect.
the existence of multiple spatial maps throughout the visual Studies of patients with unilateral visual neglect have
cortex. Topographical tuning of visual neural responses in shown that feature search, although longer on the neglected
animals and fMRI BOLD responses in humans have been than unneglected side, remains relatively intact. The differ-
mapped from the fine spatial resolution of V1 to the rough ence in search rate for features on the contralesional and
spatial resolution of the parietal lobes, as well as in posterior ipsilesional sides for patients with neglect is not a result of
temporal lobes and the frontal eye fields (Anderson, the fact that a normally parallel search turns into a serial
Batista, Snyder, Buneo, & Cohen, 2000; Colby & Goldberg, search, since adding distractors on the neglected side does
1999; Desimone & Duncan, 1995; Graziano & Gross, 1994; not change response time or accuracy of feature detection
Grill-Spector & Malach, 2004; Laeng, Brennen, & Espeseth, (Brooks, Wong, & Robertson, 2005; Esterman, McGlinchey-
2002; Silver, Ress, & Heeger, 2005; Wandell, Brewer, & Berroth, & Milberg, 2000). Conversely, searching for the
Dougherty, 2005). Gross and Graziano (1995) argued that conjunction of two features (requiring binding and endoge-
the parietal lobe functions as a selection hub and noted its nous control of attention) is either not initiated on the
strong connections to several other areas of the brain that neglected side or substantially delayed (often taking a minute
contain topographical maps. Basically, the suggestion is that or more to begin). Most importantly, the time required to
the parietal lobe is the gatekeeper in a network of spatial make a decision about the presence or absence of a target
maps that decides which spatial map to access for the task on the contralesional side increases as the number of distrac-
at hand. The loss of parietal functioning would deny access tors increases (Eglin, Robertson, & Knight, 1989; Esterman,
to remaining spatial maps through disconnection. et al.; Laeng et al., 2002; Pavolovskya, Ring, Groswasser, &
Another possibility is that parietal functions integrate Hochstein, 2002; Riddoch & Humphreys, 1987b). These
spatial information from other areas that contain topograph- findings demonstrate that not all information on the
ical information, which then emerges into what Treisman neglected side fails to attract attention. Features that are
(1988) called a “master map of locations,” and it is this map coded independent of spatial awareness continue to pop out,
that guides voluntary spatial attention (L. Robertson, 2003). while conjunctions that require controlled spatial attention
It is also this map that allows for the perception of a unified do not.
spatial world. In this scenario, the loss of parietal function Illusory conjunctions are also more likely on the neglected
directly damages the master map and consequently the nec- side of space in cases of unilateral neglect (Cohen & Rafal,
essary spatial information for object individuation, feature 1991), similar to Balint’s syndrome, but of course limited to
colocation, perceptual organization, and of course the vol- the contralesional side. The most apparent problem in both
untary control of spatial attention. The hypothesis is that syndromes is a deficit in spatial attention, and this fact
spatial information that feeds into the computation of the led to the idea that Balint’s syndrome was the bilateral
master map stays below the level of spatial awareness even version of unilateral neglect. However, this seems not to be
in normal perception to attenuate the possibility of spatial the case, as there are important differences between the two

robertson: spatial deficits and selective attention 273

Figure 18.3 Example of object-based neglect in drawing of a chair next to a fireplace.

syndromes other than their bilateral/unilateral incarnation. were complete line drawings of objects followed 50 minutes
For instance, between 50% and 80% of patients with uni- later by probes that were either new or from the prime list.
lateral neglect also show evidence of object-based neglect The probes varied in the number of line segments used to
(figure 18.3), while patients with Balint’s syndrome see draw each object (from sparse to dense) and were presented
nothing but objects, even if only one at a time. Their where the stimuli were clearly visible. Fragmentation thresh-
commonality in disrupting spatial attention does not affect old was measured and defined as the number of fragments
object-based attention in a common way. Also, neglect often that were necessary for the patients to identify the probe.
disrupts the very concept of space on the neglected side. Thresholds for primes that were not detected at all were
Patients with neglect act as if that side does not exist, while lower for old than for new objects and closer to primes that
patients with Balint’s syndrome know there is a space out had been seen during the prime phase (although still signifi-
there; they just cannot see it. This observation leads to the cantly higher).
possibility that one syndrome represents direct damage to Findings such as these show that undetected objects are
spatial selection, whereas the other represents the loss of a processed up to and including semantic knowledge and
master spatial map on which selection relies. suggest that visual objects are bound as a whole before atten-
tion is engaged. They have been used to argue that attention
Implicit Processing and Neglect There has been much simply acts to modulate information, boosting these preat-
interest in what gets processed outside the focus of attention, tentively bound items above some threshold for awareness.
both in normal observers and in patients with attentional However, as the next section will show, this is not always
disorders. The case of unilateral neglect presents a situation the case. Attention does have a role to play in addition to
in which the effects of spatial awareness can be studied in the modulation.
same individual by comparing performance when stimuli are
presented on the ipsilesional and contralesional sides of Implicit Processing, Binding, and Attention The
the visual field. It also provides an opportunity to explore the evidence for implicit representations of objects as a whole in
level at which perceptual processing takes place when the the neglected field is consistent with results of studies with
very existence of a sensory event in neglected space is absent. normal observers. For instance, using psychophysical
As with studies of Balint’s syndrome, priming methods measures, Breitmeyer, Ogmen, Ramon, and Chen (2005)
have shown that a great deal of visual information exists varied the time between a shape and mask and examined
below the level of awareness in the neglected field. For priming effects for wholes and parts. In one case the shapes
instance, an undetected line drawing of a baseball bat pre- were “invisible,” and in the other case they were “visible.”
sented on the neglected side speeds the ability to determine The prime shapes were a square and diamond with one
whether the letter string “baseball” is a word or not being shown on each trial followed by a mask that was
(McGlinchey-Berroth, Milbert, Verfaellie, Alexander, & either congruent or incongruent in shape with the prime
Kilduff, 1993). The semantics of the undetected object (the (figure 18.4). The primes were either wholes (had connected
baseball bat) primes the word decision response. contours) or parts (e.g., corners). The primes were shown for
Priming from undetected objects in the neglected field can 13 ms followed by a mask 40 or 200 ms latter. At 40 ms
be observed even after almost an hour delay between the participants were unable to identify the primes any better
prime and probe. Vuilleumier, Schwartz, Clarke, Husain, than chance, but at 200 ms, accuracy in discriminating the
and Driver (2002) showed primes on the neglected side that primes was about 95%. This difference in accuracy was

274 attention
Figure 18.4 Example of stimuli used by Breitmeyer, Ogmen, Ramon, and Chen (2005) to study preattentive binding of parts into

about the same whether the primes were wholes or parts. the combination of feature and shape (i.e., conjunctions),
But the most interesting finding was that congruency between there was no evidence to support conjunction priming in the
the prime and mask influenced reaction times to report invisible condition, whereas priming was evident in the
whether the mask was a square or a diamond even in the visible condition.
40-ms condition where the primes were invisible. Whether These results are also consistent with other behavioral
the primes were wholes or corners, responses to the mask findings reported by Lavie (1997) examining the effects of
shape in the congruent conditions were faster than those in focused and distributed attention on feature and conjunction
the incongruent conditions. The results are consistent with processing using a flanker task. Three colored shapes were
an implicit holistic representation of the prime. However, arranged horizontally across the screen with a target appear-
there was a difference between priming by wholes and parts ing either in the same location on every trial (focused atten-
that depended on visibility, with the congruency effects tion) or in one of the three locations (divided attention).
being larger for wholes than parts when the primes were When participants were focused on a location throughout
invisible, but the reverse when they were visible. At the the trial, congruency between the target and flanker features
preattentive level, shape representations were stronger when (color or shape) influenced response time, with incongruent
the primes were wholes than when they were parts, while features causing more interference than congruent features.
the reverse was true when they were visible. These results However, flankers that contained the combination of the
suggest that more processing was needed in perceptually two target features were no more influential than the fea-
binding the corners into a square when the primes were tures alone. Conversely, when attention was divided across
visible, possibly because of their weaker representation at the the display, both incongruent feature and incongruent
preattentive level. conjunction flankers interfered with response time. Together
A more recent study by Tapia, Breitmeyer, and Schooner these studies suggest that shapes may be bound preatten-
(in press) used a similar design to investigate effects of target/ tively, but that features that are properties of a shape (see
mask congruency in binding color and shape and found no Treisman, 1996) such as color require spatial attention to be
evidence for preattentive binding in this case. The primes correctly bound.
were again square or diamond shapes, but now all had con- Tom Van Vleet and I recently pursued this issue by study-
necting contours, and the “parts” were shape and color. The ing three patients with left neglect resulting from right hemi-
shapes were either blue or green on each trial, and the mask sphere stroke in the middle cerebral artery distribution. In
was congruent with either the color, the shape, both, or a priming study we presented feature or conjunction displays
neither. When participants were instructed to respond to the as primes in the periphery followed by probes presented at
color only or shape only, prime visibility did not affect fixation. Using a staircase procedure, we first determined
the degree of priming. However, when they responded to how long a search display had to be presented (threshold

robertson: spatial deficits and selective attention 275

Figure 18.5 Example of stimuli used by VanVleet and Robertson in a study of patients with unilateral left neglect/extinction. Dark
items in the figures were actually “blue,” white items were actually “red,” and the gray circle probe was actually “yellow.”

presentation time, TPT) to produce a high (75%) or low The studies in normal observers also suggest that there is a
(25%) probability of target detection for each patient for difference between preattentive binding of features such
features on the one hand and conjunctions on the other as color and shape and preattentive binding of parts into
(figure 18.5). In this way, we equated for detection of features shape. Top-down control is involved in binding depending
and conjunctions at two levels of difficulty: one in which on what is to be bound. The visual system appears to work
targets were detected most of the time and another in which independent of spatial awareness when integrating parts
they were missed most of the time. We then used the result- into whole shapes but seems to require spatial attention to
ing TPTs in a priming stage of the experiment, showing the bind across separated feature maps. It has been suggested
primes (the same feature and conjunction displays) at the that the neural signal involved in binding produces increased
estimated high and low detection TPTs, randomly presented gamma band responses in the EEG (Womelsdorf & Fries,
throughout a block of trials. The prime was followed 500 ms chapter 20, this volume). Consistently, Landau, Esterman,
later by a single colored shape in the center of the screen, Robertson, Bentin, and Prinzmetal (2007) showed that vol-
and the patient was asked to respond yes or no as rapidly as untary spatial attention produced greater induced gamma
possible whether it was a red triangle or not. Priming effects than did automatic spatial orienting. Likewise, increased
were calculated by subtracting responses to the red triangle BOLD activity in the fusiform face area has been observed
when the prime was neutral from when it was either a when a cue predicts the location of an upcoming target
feature or conjunction target. Priming effects were greater face but not when the same cue is unpredictive (Esterman
for the conjunction condition when the target was more et al., 2008). Voluntary attention seems to increase the per-
often visible (high TPT) than when it was more often invisi- ceptual fidelity of the target, while involuntary does not
ble (low TPT). Conversely, although there was significant (Prinzmetal, McCool, & Park, 2005).
priming in the feature condition, it did not differ for high
and low TPT (figure 18.6). Follow-up studies demonstrated Feature Integration Theory (FIT) Revisited According
that neither the differences in the number of red and blue to feature integration theory as it was originally proposed
items in the feature and conjunction displays shown in figure by Treisman and Gelade (1980), the reason spatial attention
18.5 nor the color differences between the right and left sides was engaged in conjunction search but not feature
of the display could account for these effects. search was the binding requirements in detecting a
The evidence from normal observers and patients with conjunction target among multiple items with similar
unilateral neglect converges to support the conclusion that features. Some investigators have argued that it is not
features coded by specialized neural populations are inte- the binding requirements per se but rather differences in
grated through spatial attentional control and that parietal difficulty (some call it saliency) between targets embedded in
functions are critical. Features themselves prime a subse- the two types of search displays. When difficulty is high,
quent response whether or not they are likely to be detected. more top-down mechanisms that control attention must be

276 attention
The related question is whether the typical differences in
difficulty between feature and conjunction search are a suf-
ficient explanation or whether something else is required,
namely, a binding process. The study of neglect described
earlier equated search difficulty at a high and low detection
threshold, yet found differences in priming between feature
and conjunction displays. There is also fMRI evidence that
binding can be separated from search difficulty. Donner and
colleagues (2002) presented normal participants with con-
junction and feature search displays, with the feature search
being either the same as or different from the conjunction
search in difficulty. Consistent with a difficulty component
for search, they found more parietal and frontal activity for
both the hard-feature and conjunction-search tasks than for
the easy-search task. Nonetheless, they also found an area of
activation that could not be explained by difficulty. Activity
at the junction of the posterior inferior parietal sulcus and
dorsal occipital lobe was more pronounced with conjunction
search than with hard-feature search even though behavior-
ally they were equally difficult. These findings are consistent
with a feature-binding mechanism that is engaged in con-
junction search but not feature search. They also support
FIT in that parietal activity increases whenever a serial
search is initiated, but parietal functions are also involved
when feature integration is required. The findings are also
consistent with previous results using PET to examine the
neurobiology of conjunction and feature search. For instance,
Corbetta, Shulman, Miezin, and Petersen (1995) showed
search displays and varied the task to look for either a feature
(motion or color) or the conjunction of motion and color.
They found increased activity in both posterior temporal
and superior parietal lobes when participants responded to
the conjunction of motion and color but only temporal acti-
vation when they responded to only motion or only color.

Even when the representation of external space disappears
completely with damage to both parietal lobes, anatomically
intact areas outside these regions continue to respond to
objects and object parts as well as basic features encoded
Figure 18.6 Differences in reaction time to respond to the central by specialized neural populations (e.g., color, size, motion).
target as a function of prime type (respective search prime minus However, the locations of these objects and their surface
neutral prime conditions) for three different patients.
features may not be accurately bound together in percep-
tion. Studies of the interaction between spatial maps, atten-
tion, and binding with patients who suffer spatial loss (both
engaged than when difficulty is low, and when more top- complete and partial) have contributed to a better under-
down attentional control is needed, parietal activity will standing of the neural systems involved in the perception of
be higher. There is general agreement that dorsal frontal- a normally unified spatial world. They also support a role
parietal attentional systems are activated under most for this spatial map in guiding spatial attention and in per-
conditions when top-down attentional control is needed to ceiving properly bound features. These studies have also
perform a task. clarified what a patient with spatial loss may and may not

robertson: spatial deficits and selective attention 277

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robertson: spatial deficits and selective attention 279

19 The Effect of Attention
on the Responses of Individual
Visual Neurons
john h. r. maunsell

abstract Performance on sensory tasks depends not only on the neurons in the sensory epithelia, and broad fiber tracts
quality of the sensory signals that are available, but also on the convey the results to more central structures that carry out
aspects of the sensory signals that the subject attends to. Recordings further parallel computations. The brain uses parallel hard-
from individual neurons in trained, behaving monkeys have shown
that attention to particular visual stimuli alters the way that those
ware throughout. Even the simplest behavioral response
stimuli are represented in cerebral cortex. The primary effect of depends on the concerted activity of thousands of motor
attention appears to be a gain change, which increases the responses neurons.
of neurons that represent attended stimuli while decreasing the It seems ironic that while computer engineers strive to
responses of other neurons. This gain change affects responses to make the serial hardware at the heart of a computer emulate
all stimuli proportionately, without affecting the selectivity of
parallel behaviors, the brain, with a low-level architecture
neurons or the stimulus that they prefer. This effect alone can
explain much of the improvement in behavioral performance that that seems to be the embodiment of parallel processing,
is conferred by attention. completes tasks in a largely serial way. Unlike a multitasking
computer, people and animals generally do one thing during
any brief interval. While certain vegetative functions can
One of the most useful features of a personal computer is its operate autonomously and in parallel, the higher function
ability to multitask. A computer can simultaneously input of the central nervous system seems to be largely limited to
text for a document, check the spelling and grammar of one task at a time.
recently entered words and phrases, copy the text to disk, There are physical constraints on what a single organism
check for updates to its software, put up reminders about can do at one time, but no aspect of body design would
appointments, and do dozens of other important chores. prevent a person from, say, doing completely independent
However, in its low-level hardware, the computer is a serial tasks with each hand. Nevertheless, the brain does most tasks
device. All its tasks are accomplished by a central processing one at a time. This serial nature of the brain is often described
unit (or a few central processing units) stepping rapidly in terms of attention. Attention determines which sensory
through a sequence of instructions. For the most part, paral- signals control behavior. We attend to one item or group
lel processing in a computer is an illusion created by a at a time and shift attention from one subject to another
central processing unit doing one task at a time, but switch- to accomplish our goals. Thus attention is a key player
ing between dozens of different tasks so rapidly that the user in the brain’s serial processing of tasks, and it limits the
does not notice. Much of the effort in computer design rate at which information can be processed. For example,
during the last few decades has been directed at making the evidence from split-brain patients suggests that visual search
hardware of computers more genuinely parallel by adding goes faster when each cerebral hemisphere employs an
more central processing units and by delegating minor tasks independent focus of attention (Luck, Hillyard, Mangun, &
to peripheral devices. Gazzaniga, 1989).
In contrast to a computer, the neurons and synapses What is attention, and how does it affect the processing
that make up the hardware of the brain process information of sensory signals in the brain? Some of the most detailed
in a massively parallel way. Sensory signals are collected information about the role of attention in controlling sensory
and analyzed simultaneously by hundreds of millions of processing has come from studies of the visual system. Here
we will focus on findings from studies that examine how
john h. r. maunsell Department of Neurobiology, Harvard attention affects some of the low-level hardware that sup-
Medical School, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Boston, ports behaviors: the responses of individual units of visual
Massachusetts cerebral cortex in monkeys.

maunsell: attention and neuronal responses 281

How severe is the attentional bottleneck? demands. Attention might be directed equally to two loca-
tions or with different weight to each location depending on
Before considering how attention affects neuronal signals, it reward probabilities (e.g., Mangun & Hillyard, 1990) or the
is useful to consider how much attention affects behavioral complexity of the task being performed at one location
responses. Attention is often viewed as a bottleneck through (Lavie & Tsal, 1994; Lavie, 1995). Because the relative
which only a small fraction of sensory signals can pass to amount of attention directed to different stimuli is flexible,
reach a stage where they are fully processed. Articles describ- behavioral performance may be either severely limited by
ing experiments on attention often note that the brain can attention or hardly affected, depending on the stimuli, task,
only process a tiny fraction of the welter of sensory informa- instructions, and reward expectations.
tion that it receives, and they suggest that attention is the Correspondingly, the effects of attention on neuronal
mechanism by which the brain selects the most important signals can depend on the task a subject performs. Single-
signals. Such statements evoke the common experience of unit studies of attention in the monkey visual system have
arriving home with no recollection of the drive from work. shown that changes in the relative amount of attention allo-
However, an inability to produce details of a recent experi- cated to different locations are reflected in the strength of
ence may have little to do with attention. Brains do not have neuronal responses to visual stimuli (Spitzer, Desimone, &
the capacity to record every sensory experience. A failure to Moran, 1988; Spitzer & Richmond, 1991; Basso & Wurtz,
recollect events is as likely to reflect the limits of memory, 1998; Platt & Glimcher, 1999; Ikeda & Hikosaka, 2003;
recall, or report as it is the limits of attention at the time Boudreau, Williford, & Maunsell, 2006).
those events occurred. A recent study has shown that when task difficulty is
When attention is studied with methods designed to isolate increased, the amount that spatial attention changes neuro-
it from memory and other factors, the magnitude of its nal responses also increases (Boudreau et al., 2006). In this
effects varies considerably. In tasks that involve searching experiment, a monkey’s attention was directed either to a
for a stimulus that is hidden among similar distractors, atten- stimulus inside the receptive field of a neuron being recorded
tion can impose a severe bottleneck on sensory processing in area V4 or to a second stimulus in the opposite hemifield.
(Verghese & Pelli, 1992). However, most neurophysiological Responses were typically stronger when attention was
studies of attention do not explore such challenging situa- directed to the receptive field stimulus than when attention
tions. Instead, many studies of attention to sensory stimuli was directed to the other stimulus. However, the difference
use designs related to the Posner paradigm (Posner, 1980), in response depended on whether the animal was doing an
where the behavioral consequences of attention are typically easy or difficult version of the task. When the animal shifted
moderate changes in thresholds or reaction times. Even its attention between the two locations in order to detect a
within the controlled conditions of the Posner paradigm, 90° change in orientation, responses were modulated rela-
attention may have widely varying effects depending on task tively little (median 7%, figure 19.1A). In interleaved trials

A easy mode B difficult mode

40 40
median = 7% median = 24%

of neurons

0 0
0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0
attentional modulation attentional modulation
(attended / unattended) (attended / unattended)

Figure 19.1 Attentional modulation of neuronal responses is change of 90°). (B) When the same neurons were tested during
affected by task difficulty. (A) When animals shifted their attention interleaved trials when animals were doing a much more difficult
between a stimulus in the receptive field of a V4 neuron and a detection (orientation change of ∼10°), the median modulation was
distant stimulus, the median modulation across all neurons tested much greater, 24%. (Data from Boudreau, Williford, & Maunsell,
was only 7% when the task was easy (detecting an orientation 2006.)

282 attention
in which the animal was attending to one location or the that are large enough to hold two stimuli that are sufficiently
other to detect a much smaller change in orientation (∼10°), well separated that a subject can direct attention to one or
the locus of attention affected responses much more (median the other. If one stimulus is a preferred stimulus for the
modulation 24%, figure 19.1B). neuron and the other is a nonpreferred stimulus, shifting
The amount of attentional modulation of neuronal attention between them can produce two- or threefold
responses that is observed should be expected to depend on changes in neuronal response (Moran & Desimone, 1985;
details of the task design. On one hand, because most experi- Motter, 1994; Luck, Chelazzi, Hillyard, & Desimone, 1997;
ments do not push subjects to the limit of their performance, Treue & Maunsell, 1999).
the magnitude of the attentional modulation of neuronal Whether this stronger modulation reflects a different
responses measured in most experiments is almost certainly mechanism than that engaged when a single stimulus is in
more modest than it might be. On the other hand, we are the receptive field is an important question that remains to
rarely pushed to the limits of our abilities in everyday life, be addressed. To date, no experiment has measured atten-
so the results reported may be representative of the operat- tional modulations with one and two stimuli in the receptive
ing range of attention in typical situations. field under comparable conditions. It remains possible that
the greater modulation with two stimuli is only apparent,
How much does attention change the strength because measurements made with that configuration
of sensory responses? compare responses with attention to a preferred stimulus
with responses with attention to a nonpreferred stimulus.
Because attentional modulation depends on task conditions, With a single stimulus in the receptive field, the comparison
there can be no veridical answer to the question of how is instead between responses with attention to a preferred
much attention alters neuronal responses in different parts stimulus and with responses to a neutral stimulus (one well
of visually responsive cerebral cortex. Some general observa- outside the receptive field that cannot affect responses
tions are possible, however. First, most studies of attentional directly). Additionally, measurements with two stimuli inside
modulation of single units describe moderate modulations of a receptive field require closely spaced stimuli, which make
rate of firing in all parts of monkey visual cortex, averaging the task more difficult. This extra difficulty may contribute
10–50% (see Maunsell & Cook, 2002). Directing attention to the stronger attentional modulation in this condition.
toward or away from a stimulus is rarely seen to turn neurons More information about the role of attention with cluttered
on or off. Functional imaging studies of attentional mod- visual displays will fill an important lacuna in our under-
ulation of neural activity in corresponding regions of standing of attentional modulation. It is possible that the
human visual cortex have found stronger modulations than relatively sparse displays used in most experiments produce
those described for single units in monkeys (Kanwisher & modest neuronal modulation compared with that occurring
Wojciulik, 2000; Pessoa, Kastner, & Ungerleider, 2003). in natural viewing conditions. For example, it has been
However, EEG and local field potential recordings from reported that the responses of neurons in inferotemporal
human visual cortex typically find moderate effects that are cortex are virtually all-or-none depending on whether
more in keeping with the results from monkey single-unit monkeys notice a target in a cluttered scene (Sheinberg &
recording (Hillyard & Anllo-Vento, 1998; Yoshor, Ghose, Logothetis, 2001), but comparisons were not made using
Bosking, Sun, & Maunsell, 2007), suggesting that the differ- equivalent retinal stimulation in the two conditions.
ence may depend more on the indirect measure of neuronal While attention typically has modest effects on neuronal
activity used in functional imaging, rather than a species rate of firing in laboratory experiments, attention has other
difference. Overall, attention seems to act much more like a effects on neuronal response. Attention can also modulate
moderate filter for sensory representations, rather than a the amount of synchrony or gamma power in neuro-
gate, at least in the relatively reduced visual displays that are nal activity, both in monkey microelectrode recordings
used in most experiments. (Steinmetz et al., 2000; Fries, Reynolds, Rorie, & Desimone,
The amount of attentional modulation can depend on 2001; Taylor, Mandon, Freiwald, & Kreiter, 2005; Fries,
stimulus configurations, and some arrangements of visual Womelsdorf, Oostenveld, & Desimone, 2008) and human
stimuli consistently produce stronger attentional modula- macroelectrode recordings (see Gruber, Müller, Keil, &
tions. Most single-unit studies of attention compare neuronal Elbert, 1999; Müller, Gruber, & Keil, 2000; Müller
responses to a given stimulus while attention is directed & Gruber, 2001; Jensen, Kaiser, & Lachaux, 2007; Wyart
toward or away from that stimulus. However, shifting atten- & Tallon-Baudry, 2008). Changes in gamma-band activity
tion between two stimuli that are both within a neuron’s have been correlated with the behavioral signatures of
receptive field can produce stronger modulations. Neurons attention (Womelsdorf, Fries, Mitra, & Desimone, 2006).
in later stages of visual cortex generally have receptive fields While these changes in gamma oscillations or synchrony are

maunsell: attention and neuronal responses 283

modest, such changes could in principle provide a powerful 1.0 attend in
mechanism for attention to affect sensory processing (see attend out
Womelsdorf & Fries, chapter 20 in this volume and Tiesinga,
Fellous, Salinas, Jose, & Sejnowski, 2004; Boergers, Epstein,
& Kopell, 2005; Tiesinga, Fellous, & Sejnowski, 2008). V4
sample 0.5
Does attention affect the selectivity of visual neurons? response

Beyond changing the strength of neuronal responses, atten-

tion might also improve behavioral performance by chang-
ing the selectivity of neurons. All sensory neurons are selective 0.0
for certain stimuli. Selectivity for continuous dimensions -90° -60° -30° 0° 30° 60° 90°
(e.g., orientation, color, stereoscopic depth) is usually orientation relative to preferred
described by tuning curves that plot the strength of a neu-
ron’s response to different stimulus values. Narrow tuning Figure 19.2 Average orientation tuning of neurons in area V4
with and without attention directed to the stimulus. The orientation
curves correspond to high selectivity, while broad tuning tuning of 262 individual V4 neurons was measured twice: once
curves correspond to low selectivity. How the width of with the animal attending to the stimulus to report its orientation
tuning in neuronal populations translates to behavioral per- and once with the animal’s attention directed elsewhere. Each
formance is a poorly understood and complex subject (see neuron’s tuning curves were normalized to a maximum response
Pouget, Deneve, & Ducom, 1999; Butts & Goldman, 2006), of 1.0 and shifted to align their preferred orientations. Values from
both tuning curves were then averaged across cells. Overall,
but tuning width is likely to be an important factor in deter-
responses were about 30% stronger when the animal was attending
mining behavioral performance. For example, the width of to the stimulus in the receptive field (amplitude of the function
orientation tuning curves might be thought of as the “graini- fitting the response with attention directed to the receptive field,
ness” of the brain’s representation of orientation. By narrow- 0.60; with attention directed elsewhere, 0.45). However, width of
ing tuning curves, attention might improve discrimination the tuning curve was unaffected by attention (the width of the fitted
functions in both cases was 37°). Horizontal lines mark average
of different stimulus dimensions.
spontaneous activity for attended (solid) and unattended conditions
Given the potential advantages of changing neuronal (dashed). (Data replotted from McAdams & Maunsell, 1999a.)
selectivity, it is notable that single-unit studies have found
little evidence for such changes. When orientation tuning
curves were measured for neurons in area V4 in monkey without affecting the width of tuning curves (see Troyer,
visual cortex, attention scaled the entire tuning curve Krukowski, Priebe, & Miller, 1998). This similarity is intrigu-
to stronger responses without changing the breadth of ing because the behavioral advantages conferred by atten-
tuning (Spitzer et al., 1988; McAdams & Maunsell, 1999a). tion, faster responses, and better discrimination are similar
Figure 19.2 shows average orientation tuning curves from a to the behavioral consequences of higher stimulus contrast.
sample of V4 neurons. The solid points are average responses Thus attention might produce better behavioral perfor-
to different orientations of a receptive field stimulus when mance by effectively increasing the relative intensity of
attention was directed to the stimulus. The open points are behaviorally relevant stimuli at the level of the cortical
responses to the same stimuli when attention was directed representation.
elsewhere. Attention scaled the orientation tuning curve ver- The similarity between the effects of attention and stimu-
tically by about 30%, but it did not change the width of lus contrast on cortical responses was reinforced by studies
orientation tuning. that examined how attention affects neuronal tuning curves
Similar experiments have shown that attention to a for contrast. Most neurons in early stages of visual cortex
moving stimulus does not affect the breadth of direction have sigmoidal tuning curves for contrast. They are insensi-
tuning for neurons in monkey middle temporal area (MT), tive to very low contrasts (lower saturation), produce increas-
even when attention is directed to a specific direction (Treue ingly strong responses over a middle range of contrasts
& Martinez-Trujillo, 1999). Recordings of event-related (rising phase), and then show relatively little change in
potentials in humans have likewise seen that spatial attention response as contrast is increased through the highest values
increases the amplitude of response waveforms with little (upper saturation). Studies of the effects of attention on
change in their waveform, latency, or distribution across the contrast response functions in both area V4 (Reynolds,
scalp (Mangun & Hillyard, 1987, 1990). Pasternak, & Desimone, 2000) and MT (Martinez-Trujillo
A proportional scaling of tuning curves by attention is & Treue, 2002) reported that attention had the greatest
reminiscent of the effects of changing stimulus contrast or effect on responses to low contrasts, as if it added a fixed
intensity, which similarly increases or decreases responses proportion of contrast to stimuli at the attended location

284 attention
and thereby shifted the contrast tuning curve toward their receptive field. Calculations showed that this increase
lower values. in response would improve the median neuron’s smallest
However, the effect these reports described was distinct discriminable orientation (for a peripheral stimulus) from
from that described for orientation or direction tuning 26.5° to 20.4°, by virtue of improved signal-to-noise.
curves, where attention scaled responses proportionally. If This study also considered whether attention might have
attention scaled contrast tuning curves proportionally, its a more dramatic effect on signal-to-noise by reducing the
greatest effect would have been at the highest contrasts, variance directly, but found no evidence for an effect on
where responses are strongest. A subsequent study of the variance beyond that expected from changing the strength
effect of attention on contrast response functions has called of the response. Recently, however, Mitchell, Sundberg, &
the earlier conclusions into question. Williford and Maunsell Reynolds (2007) reexamined the effects of attention in V4
(2006) reexamined the effects of attention on contrast tuning by classifying neurons as broad-spiking (putative pyramidal
curves in V4 and found they could not distinguish whether cells) and narrow-spiking (putative inhibitory interneurons)
effects were strongest at low contrast or high contrast. based on the duration of their action potentials. Although
Because most neurons in V4 do not show strong saturation attention seemed to have proportional effects on the rate
at high contrast, models describing effects primarily at high of firing of these two cell types, there was a difference in
and low contrast are both able to fit the data well. As noted its effects on the variance of their responses. Attention did
in that report, while each of the three studies of the effects not affect the relationship between response rate and
of attention on contrast tuning curves favored one or the response variance for the broad-spiking neurons, but for the
other model, none ruled out the alternative model as an narrow-spiking neurons there was additional variance when
acceptable description. a stimulus was unattended. The effect was small and
Thus it remains possible that attention does not have a appeared only at high rates of firing, and the responses of
special effect on stimuli of low contrast, but instead has a narrow-spiking neurons to attended stimuli had no less vari-
single effect on all neuronal tuning curves: a simple propor- ance than broad-spiking neurons showed for attended or
tional scaling of responses to all stimuli, without change in unattended stimuli. It is not clear what benefits arise from
the breadth of tuning or the preferred stimulus. It should be increasing the variance of responses of one class of cells to
possible to resolve this question by examining neurons with unattended stimuli.
strongly saturating tuning curves and collecting sufficiently This unexpected effect of attention on the variance of the
precise data to see whether attention has proportionally responses of narrow-spiking neurons leads to a more general
greater effects at low contrasts. question about attention and neuronal signal-to-noise. If
attention to a stimulus can produce better signal-to-noise
How does attentional modulation of neuronal through either stronger responses or less variance, why
responses improve behavior? would the brain ever want to decrease the signal-to-noise of
neuronal responses? One explanation is the cost of high rates
What is accomplished by modulating the strength of neuro- of firing. Metabolic expense is a considerable factor for the
nal responses? One obvious suggestion is that stronger brain, which consumes an inordinate amount of the body’s
responses can have a better signal-to-noise ratio. Sensory energy (Attwell & Laughlin, 2001; Lennie, 2003). It may not
neurons give variable responses. They produce different be practical to maintain the higher rates of firing to achieve
numbers of spikes in response to different presentations of higher signal-to-noise. Alternatively, the answer may instead
the same stimulus. For most neurons throughout visual cere- depend on how neuronal signals translate into target detec-
bral cortex, the variance in the number of spikes approxi- tion and false alarms. Most of the higher signal-to-noise that
mates the mean number of spikes for the response, as is true attention achieves is gained through making neurons more
for a Poisson process (Softky & Koch, 1993; Shadlen & sensitive. When the response of a neuron is enhanced by
Newsome, 1998). If the signal-to-noise ratio of a response is attention, it will give the same response to some nonpre-
defined as the mean response (signal) divided by the standard ferred stimuli that it would give to a preferred stimulus when
deviation of the response (noise), then signal-to-noise is its response is not enhanced. Enhanced responses to nonpre-
expected to improve systematically as responses are made ferred stimuli could be interpreted as false alarms about the
stronger, because the standard deviation is the square root presence of a preferred stimulus. When you search for red
of the variance, and it therefore remains proportional to the stimuli, it may be acceptable, or even adaptive, to have false
square root of the mean response. alarms from red-preferring neurons, but false alarms from
In a study of the effects of attention on the responses to red-preferring neurons are more likely to be maladaptive
different orientations in V4 (McAdams & Maunsell, 1999b), when searching for other colors.
neurons were found to respond an average of 30% more It has been suggested that attention increases the
strongly when attention was directed toward the stimulus in sensitivity of neurons according to how closely their response

maunsell: attention and neuronal responses 285

properties match the current target of attention (Treue & existing approaches. For example, we still lack information
Martinez-Trujillo, 1999). For example, if a subject were on the specificity of attentional modulation in different
hunting for red targets in a particular portion of the visual areas of visual cortex. Does attention modulate the activity
field, the responses of neurons with receptive fields overlap- of all neurons with receptive fields overlapping an attended
ping the attended location would be enhanced regardless of location? Or, if attention is directed to a location to recog-
their stimulus preference, and the responses of neurons that nize a face, are neurons in areas specialized for motion pro-
preferred red would be enhanced regardless of the location cessing excluded from its effects? Other questions will require
of their receptive fields. Neurons that both preferred red and approaches that have been used in studies of attention
had a receptive field at the attended location would receive only infrequently. These include exploring whether atten-
the benefits of both effects and would have responses that tion depends on particular neurotransmitters or neuronal
were more strongly enhanced than any other neurons. circuits. It will be important to know whether attention
While this appealing suggestion is consistent with physio- is a specialized neural system, or if instead it represents just
logical data (see Maunsell & Treue, 2006), it does not address another type of signal that is intermixed with the bottom-
the question of why attention modulates neuronal responses up inputs that make up the core of sensory information
by the amount that it does: what is the right amount of processing. Finally, there are conceptual challenges to under-
attentional modulation? It is obvious that extreme modula- standing attention and its role in sensory processing. It has
tion would be unhelpful. If attention has no effects on neu- been noted that the type of attention we have considered
ronal activity, then there could be no behavioral effect of here is formally indistinguishable from what has been
attention. Conversely, if attention acted like a gate that called reward expectation in other lines of experiments that
silenced neurons representing unattended attributes while are largely separate from studies of attention (see Sparks,
activating neurons that represented attended stimuli, it 1999; Roesch & Olson, 2003; Maunsell, 2004). Clarifying
might produce the equivalent of hallucinations. It is safe to definitions, terminology, and concepts may play as impor-
assume that the observed modulations have been optimized, tant a role in understanding attention as additional experi-
but optimized for what? mental data.
An insightful answer to this question was recently pro-
vided by Navalpakkam and Itti (2007), who noted that acknowledgments This work was supported by the National
enhancing the responses of neurons with properties that Institutes of Health (R01 EY05911). JHRM is an investigator with
the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
match the target of attention may not be optimal if the visual
field contains many distracters that are similar to the target.
In a computational study, they showed that in many cases
optimal performance is achieved by modulating the sensitiv-
ity of neurons not based on how well they respond to the Attwell, D., & Laughlin, S. (2001). An energy budget for signal-
target, but based instead on how well they differentiate the ing in the grey matter of the brain. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab.,
21, 1133–1145.
target from distracters. In many situations, the neurons that Basso, M. A., & Wurtz, R. H. (1998). Modulation of neuronal
best differentiate target from distracter will prefer neither. activity in superior colliculus by changes in target probability.
Consistent with this finding, in psychophysical studies with J. Neurosci., 18, 7518–7534.
human subjects performing a search for lines of a particular Boergers, C., Epstein, S., & Kopell, N. (2005). Background
orientation, these investigators found evidence for greatest gamma rhythmicity and attention in cortical local circuits: A
computational study. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102, 7002–7007.
improvement in sensitivity for an orientation that was neither
Boudreau, C. E., Williford, T. H., & Maunsell, J. H. R. (2006).
the target orientation nor the distracter orientation. Neuro- Effects of task difficulty and target likelihood in area V4 of
physiological recording from single units should be able to macaque monkeys. J. Neurophysiol. 96, 2377–2387.
provide a direct test of this proposal. Because it provides a Butts, D. A., & Goldman, M. S. (2006). Tuning curves, neuronal
specific prediction for the amount of modulation that each variability, and sensory coding. PLoS Biol., 4, e92.
Fries, P., Reynolds, J. H., Rorie, A. E., & Desimone,
neuron should receive, it may help explain the substantial
R. (2001). Modulation of oscillatory neuronal synchronization
differences in neuronal modulation seen within and between by selective visual attention. Science, 291, 1560–1563.
cortical areas (see Maunsell & Cook, 2002). Fries, P., Womelsdorf, T., Oostenveld, R., & Desimone,
R. (2008). The effects of visual stimulation and selective visual
Concluding comments attention on rhythmic neuronal synchronization in macaque
area V4. J. Neurosci., 28, 4823–4835.
Gruber, T., Müller, M. M., Keil, A., & Elbert, T. (1999).
There are many important questions about the neuronal Selective visual-spatial attention alters induced gamma
underpinnings of attention that remain unanswered. Some band responses in the human EEG. Clin. Neurophysiol., 110,
of these are straightforward and can be answered using 2074–2085.

286 attention
Hillyard, S. A., & Anllo-Vento, L. (1998). Event-related brain Müller, M. M., Gruber, T., & Keil, A. (2000). Modulation of
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288 attention
20 Selective Attention
Through Selective
Neuronal Synchronization
thilo womelsdorf and pascal fries

abstract Selective attention relies on the dynamic restructuring (2) modulates the impact of selective local neuronal
of cortical information flow in order to prioritize neuronal com- groups conveying relevant information within functionally
munication from those neuronal groups conveying information specialized brain areas, and (3) controls long-range interac-
about behaviorally relevant information, while reducing the influ-
ence from groups encoding irrelevant and distracting information.
tions among neuronal groups from distant brain areas
Electrophysiological evidence suggests that such selective neuronal (Maunsell & Treue, 2006; Mitchell, Sundberg, & Reynolds,
communication is instantiated and sustained through selective 2007; Reynolds & Chelazzi, 2004; Womelsdorf & Fries,
neuronal synchronization of rhythmic gamma-band activity 2007).
within and between neuronal groups: Attentionally modulated For all these levels of neuronal interactions, converging
synchronization patterns evolve rapidly, are evident even before
evidence suggests that the selective modulation of interac-
sensory inputs arrive, follow closely subjective readiness to process
information in time, can be sustained for prolonged time periods, tions critically relies on selective synchronization. Neuronal
and carry specific information about top-down selected sensory synchronization is typically oscillatory in nature; that is,
features and motor aspects. These functional implications of neurons fire and pause together in a common rhythm. When
selective synchronization patterns are complemented by recent synchronization is rhythmic, it is often addressed as coher-
insights about the mechanistic consequences of rhythmic synchro-
ence, and we will use these terms interchangeably. This
nization, showing that selective neuronal interactions are subserved
by neuronal synchronization that is selective in space, time, and rhythmic synchronization can influence neuronal interac-
frequency. tions in several ways: (1) Spikes that are synchronized will
have a larger impact on a target neuron than spikes that are
not synchronized (Azouz & Gray, 2003; Salinas & Sejnowski,
2001). (2) Local inhibition that is rhythmically synchronized
Top-down attention is the key mechanism to restructure leaves periods without inhibition, while nonsynchronized
cortical information flow in order to prioritize processing inhibition will prevent local network activity continuously
of behaviorally relevant over irrelevant and distracting (Tiesinga, Fellous, Salinas, Jose, & Sejnowski, 2004). (3)
information (Gilbert & Sigman, 2007). The behavioral Rhythmic synchronization of a local group of neurons will
consequences of attentional restructuring of information modulate the impact of input to that group, and therefore
flow are manifold. Attended sensory inputs are processed the impact of rhythmic input will depend on the synchroni-
more rapidly and accurately and with higher spatial resolu- zation between input and target (Womelsdorf et al., 2007).
tion and sensitivity for fine changes, while nonattended These mechanisms are at work on all levels of attentional
information appears lower in contrast and is sometimes not selection: At the level of microcircuits, inhibitory interneu-
perceived at all (Carrasco, Ling, & Read, 2004; Simons & ron networks have been shown to impose rhythmic synchro-
Rensink, 2005). nization capable of effectively controlling the gain of the
These functional consequences of attention require neuronal spiking output (Bartos, Vida, & Jonas, 2007;
temporally dynamic and selective changes of neuronal Tiesinga, Fellous, & Sejnowski, 2008). At the level of local
interactions spanning multiple levels of neuronal informa- neuronal groups, attention is known to selectively synchro-
tion processing: Attentional selection (1) modulates inter- nize the responses of those neurons conveying information
actions among single neurons within cortical microcircuits, about the attended feature or location (Womelsdorf & Fries,
2007). And the coherent output from these local neuronal
thilo womelsdorf and pascal fries Donders Institute for Brain, groups has been shown to selectively synchronize over long-
Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen, range connections with task-relevant neuronal groups in
Nijmegen, The Netherlands distant brain regions (Buschman & Miller, 2007; Saalmann,

womelsdorf and fries: selective attention 289

Pigarev, & Vidyasagar, 2007; Schoffelen, Oostenveld, & nal groups coding for irrelevant inputs. This finding suggests
Fries, 2005; Sejnowski & Paulsen, 2006). that distributed groups that process “attended” inputs also
These empirical insights suggest that mechanisms under- interact effectively, establishing selective neuronal commu-
lying neuronal synchronization could be the primary target nication structures on top of the existing infrastructure of
of selective attention. In particular, top-down attention may anatomical connections (figure 20.1A): Interactions among
act by biasing rhythmic synchronization to establish and neurons conveying information about attended locations
sustain a selective neuronal communication structure (Fries, or features are rendered effective, while anatomical con-
2005). In the following, we begin by outlining this concep- nections between neuronal groups activated by distracting
tual framework for selective attention through selective syn- information are rendered ineffective.
chronization. We then survey basic insights from empirical Beyond the temporal dynamics of attentional selection, its
and theoretical studies suggesting that rhythmic synchroni- spatial selectivity in restructuring cortical information flow
zation is particularly suited to control the selective routing is particularly evident across successive processing stages in
of neuronal information flow, and we review how attention visual cortex. Neurons at the highest visual processing stage
recruits these mechanisms across all levels of cortical in inferior temporal (IT) cortex have receptive fields that
processing. span much of a visual field and respond selectively to complex
objects composed of simpler visual features. Part of this
Attentional selection as a dynamic instantiation of a selectivity arises from their broad and convergent anatomical
selective neuronal communication structure input from neurons in earlier processing stages having smaller
receptive fields and simpler tuning properties. During natural
During natural sensation, top-down control is dynamically vision, the large receptive field of an IT neuron will typically
established during ongoing processing. Experimentally, contain multiple objects. However, when attention is directed
top-down signals are set by task instructions, as well as by to only one of those objects, the IT neuron response is biased
instructional cues defining relevant and irrelevant sensory toward the response that would be obtained if only the
features of the input stream during task performance. In attended object were presented (Chelazzi, Miller, Duncan,
typical paradigms of selective attention, the sensory input is & Desimone, 1993; Moran & Desimone, 1985; Sejnowski &
kept identical across trials with variations only in covert Paulsen, 2006; Sheinberg & Logothetis, 2001).
attention to different aspects of that input. In such tasks, Such dynamic biasing of responses in IT cortex could be
neuronal responses are modulated with rapid temporal achieved by selective enhancement (suppression) of the
dynamics and high spatial selectivity throughout the cerebral impact of those afferent inputs from neurons in earlier visual
cortex (figure 20.1A). areas coding for the attended (nonattended) input (Reynolds,
The temporal dynamics of attentional selection are illus- Chelazzi, & Desimone, 1999). However, the mechanisms
trated by recent evidence of a rapid onset of selective neu- underlying this up- and down-modulation of input gain for
ronal response modulation in cortical areas as far apart as subsets of converging connections are only poorly under-
frontal cortex and primary visual cortices in the macaque stood, but likely entail a selective increase of temporally
brain (Khayat, Spekreijse, & Roelfsema, 2006; Monosov, precise and coincident inputs from neurons that are acti-
Trageser, & Thompson, 2008). In these studies, monkeys vated by attended input in earlier areas. This relevance of
were instructed to detect a predefined target stimulus in spike timing is suggested by fine-grained attentional modula-
visual displays to guide saccadic eye movement. In frontal tion of precise neuronal synchronization within area V4
and parietal cortex, attentional selection occurred within the (Bichot, Rossi, & Desimone, 2005; Taylor, Mandon,
first 120 ms following the sensory onset of target and dis- Freiwald, & Kreiter, 2005; Womelsdorf, Fries, Mitra, &
tracter stimuli, allowing prediction of the spatial focus of Desimone, 2006). Enhanced synchronization of the spiking
attention (Gottlieb, 2002; Monosov et al.). Already about output among neuronal groups that are activated by attended
30 ms later, top-down information changes neuronal sensory input (Fries, Womelsdorf, Oostenveld, & Desimone,
responses at the earliest visual cortical processing stage in 2008) results in enhanced coincident arrival of their spikes
primary visual cortex (Khayat et al.; Roelfsema, Tolboom, at their postsynaptic target neurons in area IT. Temporally
& Khayat, 2007), causing a response enhancement for coincident input is highly effective in driving neuronal activ-
stimuli overlapping with the attentional target stimulus. ity (Azouz & Gray, 2003; Salinas & Sejnowski, 2001; Ties-
These findings demonstrate that top-down control restruc- inga et al., 2008). It is therefore likely that selective
tures cortical activity to sensory inputs across distant cortical synchronization within area V4 underlies attentional biasing
sites on a rapid time scale. Attention amplifies almost instan- within IT cortex and could thus underlie effective spatial
taneously (i.e., with the sensory response latency) the influ- routing of information flow within visual cortex.
ence of local groups of neurons conveying behaviorally Please note that neuronal synchronization is in principle
relevant information and attenuates the influence of neuro- independent of firing rate, in terms of both metrics

290 attention

Mutual interaction

0 0.2 0.4

Phase relation

“Bad” phase

effective interactions Neuronal Neuronal

ineffective interactions Groups Action Potentials

C c(AB) for ( [ 1 + 2 ] - [ 3 + 4 ] ) / 2
A A c(AB) for ( [ 1 + 3 ] - [ 2 + 4 ] ) / 2
+ + + - 0.08
+ Trials with “Good”

phase relations

? Power
1 2
3 4 0.04
- Trials with “Bad” A A
phase relations - + - -
B C B C 0
10 20 60 100 140
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 20.1 Selective synchronization renders neuronal interac- (black and dark gray groups), or in antiphase (black and light gray
tions among subsets of neuronal groups effective. (A) Anatomical groups). The plot on the right shows that mutual interactions
connectivity (sketched as lines) provides a rich infrastructure for (upper axis, correlation of the power of the LFP and the neuronal
neuronal communication among neuronal groups (circles) through- spiking response between neuronal groups) are high during periods
out the cortex. With selective attention, only a small subset of these of in-phase synchronization and lower otherwise. (C) The trial-by-
connections are rendered effective (solid lines). Interactions among trial interaction pattern between neuronal groups (A to B and A to
groups conveying irrelevant information (light gray circles) for the C) is predicted by the pattern of synchronization: If AB synchro-
task at hand are rendered less effective (dashed lines). (B) Illustra- nizes at a good phase, their interaction is strongest, irrespective of
tion of the hypothesized role of selective synchronization for selec- whether A synchronizes with C at good or bad phase relations in
tive communication among three neuronal groups (circles). the same trials. Thus the spatial pattern of mutual interactions can
Rhythmic activity (local field potential, or LFP, oscillations with be predicted by the phase of synchronization among rhythmically
spikes in troughs) provide briefly recurring time windows of activated neuronal groups. (Panels in B and C adapted from
maximum excitability (LFP troughs), which are either in phase Womelsdorf et al., 2007.)

and physiology. The different metrics used for quantifying Synchronization is a neuronal population phenomenon,
synchronization are typically normalized for firing rate. and it is often very difficult to assess it with recordings from
Physiologically, there are examples where enhanced firing isolated single units. Correspondingly, many studies of neu-
rates are associated with strongly reduced synchronization, ronal synchronization use recordings of multiunit activity
for example, the stimulus-induced alpha-band desyn- and/or of the local field potential (LFP). The LFP reflects the
chronization in the superficial layers of monkey V4 (Fries summed transmembrane currents of neurons within a few
et al., 2008). Neuronal gamma-band synchronization typi- hundred micrometers of tissue. Since synchronized currents
cally emerges when neuronal groups are activated, and sum up much more efficiently than unsynchronized currents,
therefore it is in most cases associated with increased the LFP primarily reflects synchronized synaptic activity.
firing rates. However, firing rates and gamma-band syn- Changes in LFP power typically correlate very well with
chronization can also be dissociated from each other, changes in direct measures of neuronal synchronization.
and this pattern can be found primarily when firing Rhythmic synchronization within a neuronal group not
rate changes are driven not by changes in bottom-up input only increases its impact on postsynaptic target neurons in
(e.g., stimulus changes) but rather by changes in top-down a feedforward manner. It also rhythmically modulates the
input (e.g., attention or stimulus selection) (Fries, Schröder, group’s ability to communicate, such that rhythmic synchro-
Roelfsema, Singer, & Engel, 2002; Womelsdorf et al., nization between two neuronal groups likely subserves their
2006). interaction, because rhythmic inhibition within the two

womelsdorf and fries: selective attention 291

groups is coordinated and mutual inputs are optimally timed. strength of AB could be inferred from the phase of gamma-
We capture these implications in the framework of selective band synchronization between group A and group B, being
attention through selective synchronization (Fries, 2005). rather unaffected by the phase of synchronization of group
A with group C (figure 20.1C ). This finding was evident for
Selective attention through selective synchronization triplets of neuronal groups spatially separated by as little as
650 μm, illustrating a high spatial resolution and specificity
Local neuronal groups frequently engage in periods of rhyth- of the influence of precise phase synchronization between
mic synchronization. During activated states, rhythmic syn- neuronal groups on the efficacy of neuronal interaction.
chronization is typically evident in the gamma frequency Importantly, additional analysis supported a mechanistic
band (30–90 Hz) (Engel, Konig, Gray, & Singer, 1990; Gray, role for the phase of synchronization between rhythmic
Konig, Engel, & Singer, 1989; Hoogenboom, Schoffelen, activities to modulate the effective interaction strength
Oostenveld, Parkes, & Fries, 2006). In vitro experiments and (Womelsdorf et al.). In particular, precise phase synchroniza-
computational studies suggest that gamma-band synchroni- tion preceded higher amplitude covariations in time by a few
zation emerges from the interplay of excitatory drive and milliseconds, arguing for a causal influence of precise phase
rhythmic inhibition imposed by interneuron networks (Bartos synchronization to trigger neuronal interactions. Taken
et al., 2007; Börgers, Epstein, & Kopell, 2005; Börgers & together, these results provide the most direct evidence avail-
Kopell, 2003; Buia & Tiesinga, 2006). Interneurons impose able so far to suggest a critical mechanistic role of selective
synchronized inhibition onto the local network (Bartos et al.; synchronization for neuronal interactions. They demonstrate
Hasenstaub et al., 2005; Vida, Bartos, & Jonas, 2006). The that synchronization patterns can shape neuronal interac-
brief time periods between inhibition provide time windows tions with high specificity in time, space, and frequency.
for effective neuronal interactions with other neuronal Importantly, these same characteristics of selective neuro-
groups, because they reflect enhanced postsynaptic sensitiv- nal interactions are the key elements underlying selective
ity to input from other neuronal groups, as well as maximal attention. Attentional selection dynamically evolves at a
excitability for generating spiking output to other neuronal rapid time scale and with high spatial resolution by enhanc-
groups (Azouz, 2005; Azouz & Gray, 2003; Fries, Nikolic, ing (reducing) the effective connectivity among neuronal
& Singer, 2007; Tiesinga et al., 2008). As a consequence, groups conveying task relevant (irrelevant) information.
when two neuronal groups open their temporal windows for Such dynamic restructuring of neuronal interactions could
interaction at the same time, they will be more likely to be accomplished through mechanisms evoking selective syn-
mutually influence each other (Womelsdorf et al., 2007). The chronization patterns within interneuron networks. Selective
consequences for selective neuronal communication are changes of precise synchronization in local neuronal groups
illustrated in figure 20.1B: If the rhythmic synchronization are capable of modulating in a self-emergent manner selec-
within neuronal groups is precisely synchronized between tive interaction patterns across neuronal groups (Börgers &
the two groups, they are maximally likely to interact. By the Kopell, 2008; Mishra, Fellous, & Sejnowski, 2006; Tiesinga
same token, if rhythmic activity within neuronal groups is et al., 2008).
uncorrelated between groups or synchronizes consistently The outlined scheme of selective attention implemented
out of phase, their interaction is curtailed (figure 20.1B). as selective neuronal synchronization comprises explicit
This scenario entails that the pattern of synchronization assumptions that selective attention affects interneuron net-
between neuronal groups flexibly structures the pattern of works and synchronization patterns during task perfor-
interactions between neuronal groups (figure 20.1C ). Consis- mance. In the following we survey the available insights on
tent with this hypothesis, the interaction pattern of one neu- interneuron networks and review the emerging signatures of
ronal group (A) with two other groups (B and C) can be attentional modulation of selective synchronization patterns
predicted by their pattern of precise synchronization (figure in macaque cortex.
20.1C). This result has recently been demonstrated for inter-
actions of triplets of neuronal groups from within and between Synchronization in interneuron networks and
areas in awake cat and monkey visual cortex (Womelsdorf et their attentional modulation
al., 2007). This study measured the trial-by-trial changes in
correlated amplitude fluctuation and changes in precise syn- Interneurons comprise about a fifth of the neuron popula-
chronization between pair AB and pair AC, using the tion, but despite their ubiquitous presence, their functional
spontaneous variation of neuronal activity during constant roles underlying cortical computations or cognitive processes
visual stimulation. The strength of amplitude covariation— are far from understood (Markram et al., 2004). However,
that is, the covariation of power in the LFP and/or multiunit a central role for the control of local cortical network activity
spiking responses—was considered the measure of mutual has been suggested for a large class of interneurons (primar-
interaction strength. The results showed that the interaction ily of the basket cell type) (Buzsaki, 2006). These neurons

292 attention
target perisomatic regions of principal cells and are thereby Despite the prominent computational role of interneuron
capable of determining the impact of synaptic inputs arriv- activity for selective communication, there are only sparse
ing at sites distal to a cell’s soma. Such perisomatic connec- insights into their implications in selective information pro-
tivity could therefore critically control the input gain of cessing during cognitive task performance. The basic predic-
principal cells across a large population of principal cells tion from the preceding models is that interneurons are
(Buzsaki, Kaila, & Raichle, 2007; Cobb, Buhl, Halasy, strongly attentionally modulated. Consistent with this pre-
Paulsen, & Somogyi, 1995; Markram, Wang, & Tsodyks, supposition, a recent study by Mitchell, Sundberg, and
1998; Rudolph, Pospischil, Timofeev, & Destexhe, 2007; Reynolds (2007) reports a clear attentional modulation of
Tiesinga, Fellous, et al., 2004). As described in the previous putative interneurons in visual area V4 during a selective
paragraph, the inhibitory synaptic influence is inherently attention task requiring monkeys to track moving grating
rhythmic at high frequencies, carrying stronger gamma- stimuli (Mitchell et al.). Putative interneurons showed similar
band power than pyramidal cells (Bartos et al., 2007; Hasen- relative increases in firing rate and greater increases in reli-
staub et al., 2005). ability compared to putative pyramidal neurons. However,
The prominent role of these high-frequency inputs in tests of more refined predictions about the relative modula-
shaping the spiking output of principal cells has recently tion of synchronization and the phase relation of spiking
been demonstrated directly in visual cortex of the awake cat. responses of inhibitory and excitatory neuron types still need
It was shown that the spiking of principal cells is indeed to be conducted (Buia & Tiesinga, 2008).
preceded by brief periods of reduced inhibition (Rudolph
et al., 2007; see also figure 8 of Hasenstaub et al., 2005). Selective modulation of synchronization during
Taken together, these findings suggest that interneurons are attentional processing
the source of rhythmic inhibition onto a local group of
neurons synchronizing the discharge of pyramidal cells to Direct evidence for the functional significance of selective
the time windows between inhibition. synchronization within local neuronal groups for attentional
In the context of selective attention, interneuron networks selection has been obtained from recordings in macaque
could be activated by various possible sources. They may be visual cortical area V4 (Womelsdorf & Fries, 2007). One
activated by transient and spatially specific neuromodula- consistent result across studies is that spatial attention
tory inputs (Lin, Gervasoni, & Nicolelis, 2006; Rodriguez, enhances gamma-band synchronization within neuronal
Kallenbach, Singer, & Munk, 2004). Alternatively, selective groups that have receptive fields overlapping the attended
attention could target local interneuron networks directly by location (Fries, Reynolds, Rorie, & Desimone, 2001; Taylor
way of top-down inputs from neurons in upstream areas et al., 2005; Womelsdorf et al., 2006). The enhanced rhyth-
(Buia & Tiesinga, 2008; Mishra et al., 2006; Tiesinga et al., mic synchronization is strongly evident within the LFP
2008). In these models, selective synchronization emerges signal, which is a compound signal of activity within a local
either by depolarizing selective subsets of interneurons (Buia neuronal group, and is likewise reflected in more precise
& Tiesinga, 2008; Tiesinga & Sejnowski, 2004) or by biasing synchronization of neuronal spiking responses to the LFP.
the phase of rhythmic activity in a more global inhibitory Importantly, the synchronization among the spiking output
interneuron pool (Mishra et al., 2006). In either case, rhyth- from neurons coding for the attended location is also
mic inhibition controls the spiking responses of groups of enhanced compared to the spiking output of neurons acti-
excitatory neurons, enhancing the impact of neurons spiking vated by a nonattended distracter stimulus (figure 20.2)
synchronously within the periods of disinhibition, while (Fries et al., 2008). These attentional effects on spike-to-spike
actively reducing the impact of neurons spiking asynchro- synchronization imply that the postsynaptic targets receive
nously to this rhythm. This suppressive influence on excit- more coherent input from the neuronal groups that convey
atory neurons, which are activated by distracting feedforward behaviorally relevant information.
input, reflects the critical ingredient for the concept of selec-
tive attention through selective synchronization: Attention Functional Implications of Selective Gamma-Band
not only enhances synchronization of already more coherent Synchronization In addition to the described attentional
activity representing attended stimuli, but also actively sup- effect, recent studies demonstrated that the precision of local
presses the synchronization and impact of groups of neurons synchronization in visual area V4 is closely related to task
receiving strong, albeit distracting, inputs, because they performance, including behavioral accuracy and the time to
arrive at nonoptimal phase relations to the noninhibited detect behaviorally relevant stimulus changes (Taylor et al.,
periods in the target group. The computational feasibility of 2005; Womelsdorf et al., 2006). This conclusion was derived
both facilitatory and suppressive aspects and the critical role from an error analysis of the pattern of synchronization in
of the timing of inhibitory circuits have recently received area V4 (Taylor et al.). In this study, the spatial focus
direct support (Börgers & Kopell, 2008). of attention could be inferred from the pattern of

womelsdorf and fries: selective attention 293

Pre-Stimulation Sustained
Baseline Stimulation
A x10-4 x10-4
D x10 -5

Relative Power
1.4 10
2 2
1 1
0.6 5
2 10 18 28 52 76 100 2 10 18 28 52 76 100
0.2 0.06 0.2 0.1

0.1 0.05
0.1 0.03

2 10 18 28 52 76 100 2 10 18 28 52 76 100

C F0.3 0.05


0.03 0.1 0.02


2 10 18 28 52 76 100 2 10 18 28 52 76 100
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Attention outside the RF Attention inside the RF
Figure 20.2 The pattern of attentional modulation of synchroni- (gray lines) the receptive field location of the recorded neuronal
zation in macaque visual area V4 before and during sensory stimu- groups in blocks of trials. (D–F) Attentional modulation of the
lation. (A–C ) Attentional modulation of relative LFP power (A), neuronal response during stimulation with an attended/ignored
spike-to-LFP coherence (B), and spike-to-spike coherence (C ) across moving grating. Same format as in A–C. Horizontal gray bars
low and high frequencies during the baseline period of a spatial denote frequencies with significant attentional effects. (Adapted
attention task. Monkeys either attended (dark lines) or ignored from Fries, Womelsdorf, Oostenveld, & Desimone, 2008.)

synchronization measured through epidural electrodes. gamma band. Notably, the correlation of gamma-band
Gamma-band synchronization was not only stronger for synchronization with the speed of change detection
correct trials than for miss trials, but additionally, the degree showed high spatial selectivity: Neurons activated by an
of synchronization predicted whether the monkey was unattended stimulus engaged in lower synchronization
paying attention to the distracter. Thus this study when the monkeys were particularly fast in responding
demonstrated that gamma-band synchronization reflects the to the stimulus change at locations outside their receptive
actual allocation of attention rather than merely the field. This finding rules out a possible influence of globally
attentional cuing itself. Furthermore, another recent study increased synchronization during states of enhanced alertness
demonstrated that the precision of stimulus-induced gamma- and arousal (Herculano-Houzel, Munk, Neuenschwander,
band synchronization predicts how rapidly a stimulus change & Singer, 1999; Munk, Roelfsema, Konig, Engel, & Singer,
can be reported behaviorally. When monkeys were spatially 1996; Rodriguez et al., 2004). And it argues for a fine-
cued to select one of two stimuli in order to detect a color grained influence of synchronization to modulate the
change of the attended stimulus, the speed of change effective transmission of information about the stimulus
detection could be partly predicted by the strength of change to postsynaptic target areas concerned with the
gamma-band synchronization shortly before the stimulus planning and execution of responses.
change actually occurred (Womelsdorf et al., 2006). These behavioral correlates of gamma-band synchroniza-
Importantly, the reaction times to the stimulus change could tion during selective attention tasks are complemented by
not be predicted at times before the stimulus change by a variety of correlational results linking enhanced gamma-
overall firing rates, nor by synchronization outside the band synchronization to efficient task performance in various

294 attention
paradigms involving attentional processing. For example, in In macaque visual cortical area V4, neurons synchronized
memory-related structures the strength of gamma-band syn- their spiking responses to the LFP in the gamma band more
chronization has been linked to the successful encoding and precisely when monkeys expected a target stimulus at the
retrieval of information (Montgomery & Buzsaki, 2007; Sed- receptive field location of the respective neuronal group
erberg et al., 2006; Sederberg, Kahana, Howard, Donner, (figure 20.2B). This modulation was evident even though
& Madsen, 2003; Sederberg et al., 2007). rhythmic activity proceeded at far lower levels in the absence
of sensory stimulation compared to synchronization strength
Selective Gamma-Band Coherence Beyond Visual during high-contrast sensory drive. Lower overall strength,
Cortex These results of selective gamma-band synchroni- and correspondingly lower signal-to-noise ratio, may account
zation with selective spatial attention are supported by a for the lack of significant gamma-band modulation of LFP
growing number of converging findings from human EEG power or spike-to-spike synchronization during the prestim-
and MEG studies (Doesburg, Roggeveen, Kitajo, & Ward, ulus period when compared to attentional modulation
2008; Fan et al., 2007; Gruber, Müller, Keil, & Elbert, 1999; during stimulation (figure 20.2).
Landau, Esterman, Robertson, Bentin, & Prinzmetal, 2007; During preparatory periods, and thus in the absence
Wyart & Tallon-Baudry, 2008). Importantly, attention of strong excitatory drive to the local network, rhythmic
modulates gamma-band synchronization beyond sensory activity is dominated by frequencies lower than the gamma
visual cortex. It has been reported for auditory cortex band. In the described study from macaque V4, prestimulus
(Kaiser, Hertrich, Ackermann, & Lutzenberger, 2006; periods were characterized by alpha-band peaks of
Tiitinen et al., 1993) and more recently in somatosensory local rhythmic synchronization when monkeys attended
cortex. Spatial attention for tactile discrimination at either away from the receptive location of the neuronal group.
the right or left index finger in humans enhanced stimulus- Figure 20.2B,C demonstrates reduced locking of neuronal
induced gamma-band synchronization in primary somato- spiking in the alpha band to the LFP and to spiking output
sensory cortex when measured with MEG (Bauer, Oostenveld, of nearby neurons (figure 20.2B,C ). This finding is in general
Peeters, & Fries, 2006; Hauck, Lorenz, & Engel, 2007). agreement with various studies demonstrating reduced
Similar topographies and dynamics of gamma-band alpha-band activity during attentional processing (Bauer
synchronization were shown to correlate with the actual et al., 2006; Pesaran, Pezaris, Sahani, Mitra, & Andersen,
perception of somatosensory induced pain (Gross, Schnitzler, 2002; Rihs, Michel, & Thut, 2007; Worden, Foxe, Wang,
Timmermann, & Ploner, 2007). Importantly, enhanced & Simpson, 2000; Wyart & Tallon-Baudry, 2008). Interest-
oscillatory dynamics in the gamma band during tactile ingly, human EEG studies extend this finding by showing
perception is not restricted to the somatosensory cortex that the degree of alpha-frequency desynchronization
(Ohara, Crone, Weiss, & Lenz, 2006). In recent intracranial during prestimulus intervals of visuospatial attention tasks
recordings in humans, synchronization was modulated indicates how fast a forthcoming target stimulus is processed
across somatosensory cortex, medial prefrontal, and insular ( Jin, O’Halloran, Plon, Sandman, & Potkin, 2006; Sauseng
regions when subjects had to direct attention to painful et al., 2006; Thut, Nietzel, Brandt, & Pascual-Leone, 2006).
tactile stimulation (Ohara et al.). For example, reaction times to a peripherally cued target
stimulus are partially predicted by the lateralization of
Spatially Specific Synchronization Patterns During alpha activity in the one-second period before target ap-
Preparatory Attentional States The described gamma- pearance (Thut et al.). While this predictive effect was
band modulation of rhythmic activity is most prominent based predominantly on reduced alpha-band responses
during activated states. However, attentional top-down over the hemisphere processing the attended position,
control biases neuronal responses in sensory cortices already recent studies suggest that alpha-band oscillations are
before sensory inputs impinge on the neuronal network selectively enhanced within local neuronal groups process-
(Fries, Reynolds, et al., 2001; Fries et al., 2008; Luck, ing distracting information, that is, at unattended loca-
Chelazzi, Hillyard, & Desimone, 1997). In many attention tions (Kelly, Lalor, Reilly, & Foxe, 2006; Rihs et al.;
studies, the instructional cue period is followed by a temporal Yamagishi et al., 2003). These findings suggest that
delay void of sensory stimulation. During these preparatory rhythmic alpha-band synchronization may play an active
periods, top-down signals set the stage for efficient processing role in preventing the signaling of stimulus information.
of expected stimulus information, rendering local neuronal According to this hypothesis, attention is thought to up-
groups ready to enhance the representation of attended regulate alpha-band activity of neuronal groups expected
sensory inputs. Intriguingly, the described preparatory to process distracting stimulus information, rather than
bias is evident in selective synchronization patterns in the to down-regulate local alpha-band synchronization for
gamma band and in rhythmic synchronization at lower neuronal groups processing attended stimulus features and
frequencies. locations.

womelsdorf and fries: selective attention 295

Synchronization Patterns Reflecting Temporal monkeys were cued to detect deviant sensory stimuli in
Expectancies of Target Processing The previous either an auditory or visual input stream to receive a reward.
paragraph surveyed evidence for an influence of spatially Auditory and visual stimuli alternated, and both stimulus
specific expectancy of target and distracter stimuli on streams followed a noisy 1.55-Hz rhythm. This low-
synchronization patterns in visual cortex. In addition to frequency rhythm of sensory inputs entrained neuronal
spatially selective expectancy, the expectation of the responses in early visual cortex, such that responses to indi-
occurrence of behaviorally relevant target events is known vidual stimuli in the visual stream added to the entrained
to influence neuronal synchronization patterns and firing response. Attention to the visual stream amplified the
rates in parietal and frontal cortex (Ghose & Maunsell, entrainment (figure 20.3A), but the most prominent atten-
2002; Janssen & Shadlen, 2005; Riehle, 2005; Schoffelen tional effect was evident in the phase of the 1.55-Hz entrain-
et al., 2005). Attentional modulation of neuronal firing ment in the superficial layers of visual cortex: This
rates in extrastriate visual area MT is strongest around entrainment was always determined by the stimulus stream
the time point at which the subjective anticipation for that was attended; that is, it switched by half a cycle when
a target change, given that it had not occurred before in attention switched from the visual to the auditory stream
the trial (i.e., the hazard rate), is maximal (Ghose & (figure 20.3B), which had a phase opposite to the visual
Maunsell, 2002). In premotor and motor cortex, the hazard stream. Importantly, low-frequency fluctuations in the LFP
rate is smoothly reflected in the strength of synchronization likely reflect fluctuations in neuronal excitability. With atten-
(Riehle, 2005; Schoffelen et al.). Importantly, enhanced tion to the visual (auditory) input stream, the phase corre-
readiness to respond to attended sensory changes is thereby sponding to maximal (minimal) neuronal excitability
functionally closely linked to long-range synchronization occurred around the average time when the target informa-
of motor cortex with spinal motor units suggesting a direct tion was most likely to reach visual cortex. Consistent with
mechanistic influence of synchronization on the speed a functional role of the entrained delta phase, the authors
to respond to behaviorally relevant sensory events reported the strongest attentional enhancement of gamma-
(Schoffelen et al.). band synchronization in the LFP and spiking activity around
An influence of temporal expectancy on synchronization this time (figure 20.3C,D), and showed that the detection of
in early sensory cortices has recently been demonstrated in deviant visual stimuli was fastest (slowest) when the delta
recordings in primary visual cortex of macaques (Lakatos, phase at stimulus onset corresponded to maximal (minimal)
Karmos, Metha, Ulbert, & Schroeder, 2008). In this study, neuronal excitability (figure 20.3E ).

A 13 dB
B 40
AV mean delta phase reaction time
% of trials


27 40
11 0 20-49
delta phase sorted sweeps

-pi 0 pi
5 delta phase (rad)
40-69 max prestim.
C Gamma amplitude
(AV-AA)/AA delta
1 0.2
61 0

-300 ms -25 ms 80-109

(AV-AA, μV) 100-9
0.25 min prestim.
-800 -400 0 time(ms) 400 120-29
-0.25 -pi 0 pi 300 350 450
Visual Auditory Auditory -300 ms -25 ms (ms)
phase (rad)
stim. stim. stim.

Figure 20.3 (A) Entrainment of synchronization from delta- to (1.55 Hz) phase at the time of visual stimulus onset when attention
gamma-band frequencies in supragranular layers of the primary was directed to the visual (upper panel) and auditory (lower panel)
visual cortex during an auditory-visual change detection task. (B) modality across recording sessions. (D, E ) Modulation of gamma
Time-frequency spectrograms during attention to the visual (upper band amplitude of the LFP (D) and multiunit activity (E ) before
panel) and auditory (bottom panel) input stream, aligned to the and at visual stimulus onset. Positive values indicate enhancement
onset time of the visual stimulus. The task cued monkeys to detect with visual versus auditory attention. (F ) Reaction times (x-axis) to
infrequent deviant stimuli in either the auditory (white noise tones) the visual target stimulus sorted into groups of trials according to
or visual (red light flashes) input stream. Visual (auditory) stimuli the prestimulus delta phase (at 0 ms to stimulus onset) (y-axis).
were onset at a regular interval of 650 ms ± 150 ms indicated below Solid/dashed horizontal lines indicate the group of trials corre-
the time axis (mean stimulus rate, 1.55 Hz). (C ) Entrainment of sponding to maximum/minimum delta amplitudes. (Adapted from
delta-frequency phase in visual cortex measured as the delta Lakatos, Karmos, Metha, Ulbert, & Schroeder, 2008.)

296 attention
The described results suggest that top-down information of neurons tuned to the attended stimulus feature (Bichot,
selectively modulates excitability in early sensory cortices Rossi, & Disimone, 2005). In this study, spiking responses
through changes in the phase of rhythmic entrainment in and LFPs were recorded from neuronal groups in macaque
these areas. The exact frequency band underlying excitabil- visual area V4 while monkeys searched in multistimulus
ity modulations may extend from the low delta band directly displays for a target stimulus defined either by color, shape,
imposed by the stimulus structure in the described study to or both. When monkeys searched, for example, for a red
the theta band around 4–8 Hz. This suggestion may be stimulus by shifting their gaze across stimuli on the display,
derived from the time-frequency evolution of LFP power in the nonfoveal receptive fields of the recorded neurons could
the theta band and its attentional modulation, shown in either encompass nontarget stimuli (e.g., of blue color) or the
figure 20.3A. Intriguingly, similar to the effect of delta phase (red) target stimulus prior to the time when the monkey
on the gamma-band response demonstrated directly in the detected the target. The authors found that neurons syn-
discussed study (figure 20.3B), previous studies have linked chronized to the LFP more strongly in response to their
the phase of rhythmic activity in the theta band to the preferred stimulus feature when it was the attended search
strength of high-frequency gamma-band synchronization in target feature rather than a distracter feature.
rodent hippocampus and over large regions in the human Thus attention enhanced synchronization of the responses
cortex (Canolty et al., 2006; Csicsvari, Jamieson, Wise, & of the neurons that shared a preference for the attended
Buzsaki, 2003). An additional hint suggesting a functional target feature—and irrespective of the spatial location of
relevance of low-frequency phase fluctuations can be found attention (Bichot et al., 2005). This feature-based modula-
in a recent study in rodents demonstrating that neuronal tion was also evident during a conjunction search task
spiking responses in rodent prefrontal cortex phase-lock to involving targets that were defined by two features: When
theta-band activity in the hippocampus during task epochs monkeys searched for a target stimulus with a particular
requiring spatial decisions in a working memory context orientation and color (e.g., a red horizontal bar), neurons
( Jones & Wilson, 2005). In macaque visual cortex, the phase with preference to one of these features enhanced their neu-
of theta-band synchronization has been directly linked to ronal synchronization (Bichot et al.). This enhancement was
selective maintenance of task-related information (Lee, observed not only in response to the color-shape-defined
Simpson, Logothetis, & Rainer, 2005). Taken together, the conjunction target, but also in response to distracters sharing
emerging evidence demonstrates (1) that top-down, task- one feature with the target (e.g., red color). This latter finding
related information modulates low-frequency rhythmic corresponds well with the behavioral consequences of
activity, (2) that the phase of this rhythmic activity can be increased difficulty and search time needed for conjunction-
functionally related to task performance, and (3) that the defined targets.
phase of low-frequency activity shapes the strength of gamma- This study shows that feature salience is indexed not
band synchronization in response to sensory inputs. As such, only by changes in firing rates as has been shown before
the pattern of selective synchronization in the gamma band (Martinez-Trujillo & Treue, 2004; Treue & Martinez-
described in the previous paragraphs could be tightly linked Trujillo, 1999; Wannig, Rodriguez, & Freiwald, 2007), but
to underlying, selective low-frequency activity modulations. also by selectively synchronizing neuronal responses depend-
Whether both are coupled in an obligatory way, or whether ing on the similarity between neuronal feature preferences
the comodulation may be triggered by specific task demands, and the attended stimulus feature. The mechanisms behind
will be an interesting subject for future research. this selective influence of featural top-down information
could be based on a similar spatial weighting of interneuron
Feature-Selective Modulation of Rhythmic Synchroni- network activity as implicated for spatial selection. Neuronal
zation The preceding sections discussed evidence for tuning to many basic sensory features is organized in regu-
selective neuronal synchronization patterns evolving with larly arranged local maps. Correspondingly, the tuning of
space-based attentional selection of sensory inputs. However, groups of neurons measured with the LFP is locally highly
in addition to spatial selection, attention frequently pro- selective. Importantly, neuronal stimulus preference is sys-
ceeds only on top-down information about the behaviorally tematically related to the strength of neuronal synchroniza-
relevant sensory feature and independent of the exact spatial tion in the gamma frequency band. This relationship has
location at which input impinges on sensory cortices. Such been demonstrated for stimulus orientation and spatial fre-
feature-based attention is known to modulate the responses quency (Frien, Eckhorn, Bauer, Woelbern, & Gabriel, 2000;
of neurons that are tuned to the attended feature such as a Gray, Engel, Konig, & Singer, 1990; Kayser & König, 2004;
particular motion direction or the color of a visual stimulus Kreiter & Singer, 1996; Siegel & König, 2003), the speed
(Maunsell & Treue, 2006). and direction of visual motion (Liu & Newsome, 2006), and
Importantly, a recent study demonstrated that attention the spatial motor intentions and movement directions
to a particular feature selectively synchronizes the responses (Scherberger & Andersen, 2007; Scherberger, Jarvis, &

womelsdorf and fries: selective attention 297

Andersen, 2005). These findings show that rhythmic (cf. figure 20.1). However, attentional processing relies on
synchronization conveys feature-selective information. effective interactions between local subsets of neuronal
Feature-based attention appears to recruit this property with groups from distant cortical regions. So far, only a few
high spatial resolution by modulating which neurons syn- studies have investigated these inter-areal interaction pat-
chronize to the local rhythmic activity. terns during task epochs with selective attention (Engel,
Fries, & Singer, 2001; Varela, Lachaux, Rodriguez, &
Taken together, the previous subsections surveyed the Martinerie, 2001; Womelsdorf & Fries, 2007). The emerging
accumulating evidence demonstrating selective neuronal evidence from these studies points toward a critical role of
synchronization patterns that evolve with selective spatial rhythmic long-range synchronization in frequencies both
and feature-based attention within sensory cortices. Only a within and below the gamma band, including prominently
few studies have extended these insights to ultimately reveal a beta band that spans frequencies from 15 Hz to 30 Hz.
how synchronization patterns within sensory areas are related Early studies in awake cats demonstrated transiently
to selective neuronal interaction patterns between different enhanced beta-frequency synchronization among visual cor-
visual areas and between visual and higher-order cortical tical and premotor regions, and between visual cortex and
areas during task performance. Recent evidence shows that thalamus during nonselective states of expectancy of a behav-
such dynamic inter-areal interaction patterns are evident in iorally relevant stimulus (in, e.g., go-no-go tasks) (Roelfsema,
long-range synchronization patterns between cortical areas. Engel, König, & Singer, 1997; von Stein, Chiang, & König,
2000; Wrobel, Ghazaryan, Bekisz, Bogdan, & Kaminski,
Selective inter-areal synchronization during 2007). Recent studies in the macaque monkey have extended
attentional processing these findings by showing that frontoparietal and intrapari-
etal interactions between areas are accompanied by synchro-
In the preceding sections, selective synchronization patterns nization at high beta frequencies (20–35 Hz) during task
evolved for local neuronal groups in sensory cortices and epochs requiring searching for and selecting behaviorally
were evident primarily within a confined gamma frequency relevant visual stimuli (Buschman & Miller, 2007; Saalmann
band. These findings critically support a functional role for et al., 2007). Figure 20.4 illustrates findings from a visual
gamma-band synchronization for the selective restructuring search task requiring monkeys to detect a search target that
of neuronal communication during attentional processing is either salient and pops out among distracting stimuli

A B Peri-Saccade Inter-trial interval

Bottom-up Search Bottom-up Search

Rea ime
Bottom-up toTop-down
Cue 0.05

Top-down Search
Top-down Search

20 40 60
Rea ime

10 30 50 70
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 20.4 Selective modulation of long-range synchronization saccade to the target stimulus position as soon as they found it. (B)
between frontal and parietal cortex during visual search. (A) Sketch The authors measured the coherence of the LFP activity of neuro-
of two visual search tasks used by Buschman and Miller (2007). A nal groups in the frontal eye field and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex)
cue instructed monkeys about the orientation and color of a bar and parietal area LIP. The line plots on the right show the coher-
that was the later search target in a multistimulus display during a ence (y-axis) for different frequency bands (x-axis) in the bottom-up
bottom-up search task (both target color and orientation were and top-down tasks, along with the coherence difference across
unique, upper panels) and during a top-down search task (target tasks (solid line in inset). The results show that attentional demand
shared color or orientation with distracting stimuli, bottom panels). modulated long-range frontoparietal coherence at different fre-
Monkeys covertly attended the multistimulus array and made a quency bands. (Adapted from Buschman & Miller, 2007.)

298 attention
(“bottom-up search”) or that is nonsalient because it shares neuronal integration of information across distributed
features with distracting stimuli (Buschman & Miller, 2007). cortical areas. However, further studies need to elucidate
In contrast to bottom-up salient targets, the nonsalient target the properties of particular frequency bands and their
stimuli were detected more slowly, indicating that they characteristic recruitment during specific tasks (Kopell,
require attentive search through the stimuli in the display Ermentrout, Whittington, & Traub, 2000).
before they are successfully detected (“top-down search”).
Paralleling the difference in behavioral demands, the authors Concluding remarks
found a selective synchronization pattern among the LFPs
in frontal and parietal cortex. While attentive “top-down Selective attention describes a central top-down process that
search” enhanced specifically rhythmic synchronization at restructures neuronal activity patterns to establish a selective
20–35 Hz compared to the “bottom-up” search, the stimulus representation of behavioral relevance. The surveyed evi-
driven “bottom-up” search resulted in stronger inter-areal dence suggests that attention achieves this functional role by
synchronization in the gamma-frequency band (figure selectively synchronizing those neuronal groups conveying
20.4B). The pattern of results is most likely due to relative task-relevant information. Attentionally modulated synchro-
differences in task demands in both search modes and was nization patterns evolve rapidly, are evident even before
unaffected by differences in reaction times. Therefore these sensory inputs arrive, follow closely subjective readiness to
findings suggest that inter-areal communication during process information in time, can be sustained for prolonged
attentional top-down control is conveyed particularly through time periods, and carry specific information about top-down
rhythmic synchronization in a high beta band, either in selected sensory features and motor aspects.
addition to or separate from the frequency of rhythmic inter- In addition to these functional characteristics, insights into
actions underlying bottom-up feedforward signaling. the physiological origins of synchronization have begun to
Consistent with a functional role for top-down-mediated shed light on the mechanistic underpinning of selective neu-
long-range neuronal communication, various experimental ronal interaction patterns at all spatial scales of cortical pro-
paradigms demanding attentive processing have shown cessing: At the level of single neurons and local microcircuits,
long-range synchronization in a broad beta band, although studies are deciphering the role of inhibitory interneuron
mostly at frequencies below 25 Hz. The following provide a networks, how precise timing information is conveyed and
few examples of beta-band modulation in recent studies sustained even at high oscillation frequencies, and how
using very different task paradigms: Variations in reaction rhythmic synchronization among interneurons is actively
times and readiness to respond to a sensory-change event made robust against external influences (Bartos et al., 2007;
induced corresponding fine-grained variations of motor- Vida et al., 2006). These insights are integrated at the
spinal coherence in the beta band (Schoffelen et al., 2005). network level in models demonstrating how selective syn-
Somatosensory and motor cortex synchronize in the beta chronization patterns evolve in a self-organized way (Börgers
band during sensorimotor integration (Brovelli et al., 2004). & Kopell, 2008; Tiesinga et al., 2008).
Selective working memory maintenance in a delayed match- Acknowledging those basic physiological processes under-
to-sample task results in stronger coherence in the beta lying the dynamic generation of selective synchronization
band between higher visual areas in humans (Tallon-Baudry, seems to be pivotal to further elucidation of the mechanistic
Bertrand, & Fischer, 2001) and locally predicts performance working principles of selective attention in the brain.
in a similar task in the monkey (Tallon-Baudry, Mandon,
Freiwald, & Kreiter, 2004). The failure to detect a target acknowledgments This work was supported by the Human
stimulus in a rapid stream of stimuli in the attentional Frontier Science Program Organization, the Volkswagen Foun-
dation, the European Science Foundation’s European Young
blink paradigm is associated with reduced frontoparietal and Investigator Award program (PF), and the Netherlands Organiza-
frontotemporal beta-band synchronization (Gross et al., tion for Scientific Research (PF and TW).
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302 attention
Chapter 21 barlow 309

22 yeshurun, lapid, haddad,

gelstien, arzi, sela,
weisbrod, khan, and sobel 321

23 richards and kidd 343

24 wright and zhang 353

25 griffiths, kumar, von

kriegstein, overath,
stephan, friston 367

26 carroll, yoon,
and williams 383

27 brainard 395

28 ringach 409

29 seidemann, chen,
and geisler 419

30 goebel and de weerd 435

31 connor, pasupathy,
brincat, and yamane 455

32 mckone, crookes,
and kanwisher 467

33 deangelis 483

34 angelaki, gu,
and deangelis 499

35 morrone and burr 511

36 simoncelli 525
j. anthony movshon and brian a. wandell

This is the fourth edition of The Cognitive Neurosciences. With

each succeeding edition comes the same question: Why does
a volume on cognition include sensation and perception—
and a double dose at that? The answers to these questions
lie in the chapters of this section.
For more than a century, there has been a systematic
quest to understand what and how physical information is
captured by the nervous system. A great gift of 20th-century
neuroscience is a set of beautiful and definitive experiments
that explain much about this peripheral encoding. Through
the use of illusions and demonstrations, introductory text-
books rightly emphasize that these peripheral signals must
be interpreted for their biological significance. For example,
the signals encoded in the retina do not measure the distance
to a predator; the signals encoded in the auditory nerve do
not specify the significance of a sound. Rather, as Helmholtz
taught us, the brain uses the receptor signals to make infer-
ences about information. The ongoing work in sensation and
perception has shifted to focus on questions about the brain’s
computational circuitry: What are the computations per-
formed on raw sense data by the sensory systems? What
quantities of interest are extracted by these computations?
What neural circuits perform them, and how do these cir-
cuits work?
Science is frequently imprisoned by technology, and neu-
roscience is no exception. Our view of brain function has
been conditioned and distorted by the methods that we have
available. In sensory neuroscience, the dominant technique
for most of the last quarter-century has been single-unit
recording. Unit recording experiments offer unparalleled
access to the details of neural computation and allow us
to measure activity at a fundamental computational scale
of the system. But the resolution of unit recording comes at
a cost. Brain function depends on the organization and trans-

movshon and wandell: introduction 305

mission of information over distances far larger than a single for its contributions to visual motion perception, and gives
electrode can sense, and we have had a difficult time obtain- an account that combines unit recording and behavioral
ing a view of the nervous system’s actions at long spatial analysis to demonstrate that MT also plays a key role in the
scales. Our view is expanding on the basis of new methods perception of depth. Angelaki and colleagues remind us that
for measuring neural signals at multiple length scales. There visual signals are processed in combination with information
are noninvasive methods to measure the spatial organization from other senses, and describes a series of experiments
of cone photoreceptors in the living human eye and new showing the coordinated role that vestibular and visual
methods to measure spatially resolved activity in the human signals play in representing information about motion
brain. Techniques for studying cells now measure dozens of through the world in areas that used to be considered
cells at once and can even track important activation-related “purely” visual. There are intimate links between sensory
signals from local clusters of thousands of neurons. These and motor systems, none closer than the link between the
advances all provide valuable information about the way in visual system and the oculomotor system. Morrone and Burr
which sensory signals are encoded by populations of neurons review behavioral and functional imaging work, addressing
and how these signals are interpreted within the brain. The the ways in which these systems work together to compute
new measurements are accompanied by developments in our stable perceptual experience from a highly unstable
computational principles and tools that help us to understand retinal signal.
how the nervous system extracts biologically relevant events Many researchers now seek to take data from the unit
from a complex array of environmental signals. The chapters level and generalize it into a form that can be used to account
in this section show how the combination of new measure- directly for behavior. Ringach reexamines the specificity of
ments and analytic methods are being combined to create a neuronal response in the most-studied of all sensory areas—
deeper understanding of how the nervous system represents V1—and shows unexpected relationships between that
biologically relevant sensory events. specificity and the cortex’s functional architecture. Seide-
The topics in this section span vision, audition, olfaction, mann and colleagues also start with the familiar visual rep-
analysis, and theory. The reader will find a wide array of resentation in V1 but use optical imaging techniques to ask
techniques, including anatomy, electrophysiology, optical about population activity on a scale of millimeters rather
imaging, neuroimaging, behavior, and computation. The than microns. Drawing on his recordings, on simultaneous
close connection between computation and methods is nicely behavioral measurement, on knowledge from unit work, and
illustrated in the chapters concerned with peripheral encod- on the theory of encoding and representation, he constructs
ing. Brainard considers how one might make unexpected an account of simple visual performance.
inferences about object color from the encoding by the The revolution in functional MRI, enabling scientists
three types of cones; Carroll, Yoon, and Williams analyze to make spatially resolved measurements of the awake-
the information contained in the cone spatial mosaic. The behaving human brain, has also played an important role
computational analysis of neural encoding is fundamental in sensation and perception. The chapters by McKone,
across sensation. Yeshurun and colleagues describe how Griffiths, and Goebel and their colleagues describe ap-
psychophysical and computation methods are used to proaches to interpreting signals in human visual cortex.
understand the organization of olfaction. Richards and Taking a developmental approach, McKone and colleagues
Kidd introduce the reader to questions about how the audi- seek to understand how the pathways that are needed to
tory system disentangles sounds in a complex environment. recognize and interpret faces develop. Griffiths and col-
Two theoretical chapters, by Simoncelli and Barlow, con- leagues apply computational methods to understanding the
sider approaches to analyzing information in sensory arrays. structure of sounds and then further considers ideas about
Simoncelli offers a modern approach that builds on the how the responses spread across cortex might interpret these
fundamental work of important pioneers; Barlow, one of sounds. Goebel and De Weerd examine the process of image
these pioneers, gives us a historical perspective and puts his interpolation (filling-in) in visual cortex. Notions of interpre-
current thinking in that context. tation are often connected with neural plasticity (see Section
Much important work remains to be done at the single- II), which also plays a major role in sensory processing.
neuron level, and each of the chapters by Connor and col- Wright and Zhang document a series of behavioral studies
leagues, DeAngelis, and Angelaki and colleagues offers a showing how auditory information processing depends on
snapshot of the state of the art. Connor and colleagues show training and experience, suggesting that much of the cortical
how the rigorous application of quantitative analysis methods machinery studied by others can adapt its function to suit
can begin to offer an account of the transformation of infor- the needs of the organism.
mation about visual sensory elements in V1 into a more Taken together, these contributions show that sensation
subtle and sophisticated representation of object features in and perception are intertwined with cognition in two funda-
temporal cortex. DeAngelis considers area MT, best known mental ways. First, the work in sensation and perception

306 sensation and perception

crosses borders between many fields, integrating work in information that is available to the brain. These are limits
behavior, neuroscience, and computation. This field offers that influence the thoughts we have, the decisions we make,
an excellent testing ground to evaluate many of the tech- and the emotions we experience. Perception provides three
niques that will be needed as we develop the field of cogni- dimensions of color and three dimensions of space; there are
tive neuroscience. Second, the chapters in this section show molecules whose smell evokes pleasure or disgust. Sensation
clearly that the information that sensory and perceptual and perception serve the needs of cognition; cognition, in
pathways provide to cognition sets critical bounds on the turn, works within the bounds set by perception.

movshon and wandell: introduction 307

21 Grandmother Cells, Symmetry,
and Invariance: How the Term
Arose and What the Facts Suggest
horace barlow

abstract By the late 1960s, recording from sensory pathways visual cortex. Although this idea of a hierarchy has not
had shown that single neurons can be much more sensitive, selec- completely crashed, it has had a bumpy ride and never speci-
tive, and reliable than had previously been recognized. The term fied a functional goal that the supposed hierarchy might help
grandmother cell started as a fanciful name for a high-level neuron
that might enable us to experience complex perceptions and to achieve.
discriminate among them. The concept included invariance of The second part of this chapter briefly considers some
response for changes in some variables as well as selectivity of objections to the idea of a hierarchy, but we rapidly encoun-
response for others, together with the idea that these cells are ter the fact that the cortex contains vastly more neurons
created by processing at a hierarchy of levels. This chapter first representing each location in the visual field than the retina
outlines the discoveries that eventually led to the general accep-
tance that such cells really exist. It then discusses hierarchical pro-
or LGN, and the need for this vast excess has not been
cessing, the evolution of the cortex, and ideas about the new explained by any current computational model. This makes
behavioral faculties that evolved with it. Finally it points to the one suspect that the cortex performs computations that are
enormous, unaccounted for number of neurons in the cortex and different from those of earlier stages in the visual pathway
suggests that this plays a major role in enhancing our ability to or other parts of the brain, which adds a new slant to the
exploit symmetry and invariance in our environment.
problem. To help decide what these new computations
might be, in the third part I look at the problem from a
broader perspective, consulting other academic disciplines,
The term grandmother cell suggests that there are particular and this leads to the idea that the cortex uses the symmetry
neurons in the visual cortex that are activated by the sight and invariance present in its input to generate a more eco-
of one’s grandmother, and it implies that such neurons play nomical, sparser, representation of the environment.
an important part in generating high-level perceptions and
discriminating between them. The term was introduced in A brief history
1969 by Jerry Lettvin (see Barlow 1995), and in the first part
of this chapter, I shall present a brief history of the facts as Charles Gross deserves at least as much credit as anyone
they have been discovered since then. In the early years, else for the actual experiments on which claims about
many people thought that it was just a catchy term for an grandmother cells rest, and in his essay “Genealogy of
implausible idea that would lead nowhere, but by now, it is the Grandmother Cell” (Gross, 2002), he tells how Jerzy
clear that neurons fitting this definition really exist and that Konorski’s neuropsychological studies of visual agnosia,
advances in understanding their neurophysiology will con- with evidence of the functional hierarchy of neurons in the
stitute real progress in understanding the brain, particularly visual cortex from Hubel and Wiesel, further helped by Jerry
the conscious, thinking parts of it. Lettvin’s fertile imagination, may have guided his labora-
Even before Lettvin had coined the term, Konorski (1967) tory toward these discoveries. Gross gave the definition
had championed the idea that what he called gnostic neurons shown in box 21.1, and this will be adopted as an initial
were the end result of a hierarchical series of transformations working definition, since it coincides well with most people’s
along the lines that Hubel and Wiesel (1962, 1965) had sug- usage. However, one of the main points of the grandmother
gested from the results of their single-unit recordings in the cell idea is that the cells’ responses are largely unaffected
by changes of grandma’s position, pose, clothing, facial
horace barlow Department of Physiology, Development and expression, and so on. Invariance has got lost in box 21.1’s
Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United definition, but it is at least as important a property as selec-
Kingdom tivity is.

barlow: grandmother cells, symmetry, and invariance 309

Box 21.1 Definition of Grandmother Cells by Box 21.2 Lettvin’s Story Illustrating the
Charles Gross (2002) Grandmother Cell Concept
A “grandmother cell” is a hypothetical neuron that responds In the distant Ural mountains lives my second cousin,
only to a highly complex, specific, and meaningful stimulus, Akakhi Akakievitch, a great if unknown neurosurgeon. Con-
such as the image of one’s grandmother. vinced that ideas are contained in specific cells, he had
decided to find those concerned with a most primitive and
ubiquitous substance—mother. Starting with geese and
bears . . . he progressed to Trotskyites under death sentence
Konorski (1903–1973) was a psychologist who had worked in Siberia. . . . He located some 18,000 neurons clustered
with Pavlov and is best known for making the distinction in von Seelendonck’s area . . . that responded uniquely only
between what are now termed operant conditioning and to the animal’s mother, however displayed . . . animate or
Pavlovian conditioning. He was also a clinical neurologist and stuffed . . . offered by caricature, photograph, or abstrac-
tion . . . etc., etc.
was particularly interested in disturbances in the under-
standing and production of speech. In some patients, the
disturbance is confined to a specific category of objects; for
instance, one patient might confuse the names of small The story went on for many more paragraphs and ended
human-made objects (figure 21.1, line a), with little or no up with poor Akakhi, on the threshold of a Nobel Prize,
evidence of confusions within categories sketched on other having to start all over again with grandmother cells because,
lines, whereas another patient’s problems might be confined for reasons that are beyond me, mother cells with such
to animate objects (figure 21.1, line f ). Konorski suggested properties would be politically unacceptable. (With his per-
this is because the relevant part of the cortex is subdivided mission, Lettvin’s letter was reproduced in full in an appen-
spatially into distinct regions that he called gnostic fields, so dix in Barlow, 1995.) Note particularly the last two lines of
local damage could affect one category without affecting Lettvin’s story, emphasizing the invariance of the selectivity
others. For future reference, note the bottom line (figure of the postulated neurons for many types of change in the
21.1, line i), suggesting there is a gnostic field that specializes stimulus.
in body parts. It must surely have been the experimental results obtained
Konorski was aware of the work of Hubel and Wiesel by recording the activities of neurons in sensory pathways
(1962, 1965) on the selective sensitivity of individual neurons that gave Jerry Lettvin the idea that a complex concept
in the visual cortex, and when they suggested that these could be represented by the firing of a single neuron, for by
neurons are arranged in a functional hierarchy, he took this the late 1960s, this work had shown that single neurons were
up and proposed that his gnostic fields are populated by much more sensitive, reliable, and selective in their responses
gnostic neurons, whose job it is to respond to images of particu- than had previously been supposed. The facts and argu-
lar objects within the semiological category for the gnostic ments that led to this conclusion can be found in my review
field they are located in. For example, in the “small human- (Barlow, 1972), but three points about this early work deserve
made objects” gnostic field, he thought that some neurons attention.
might respond when a key was shown to the patient and First, a lot of the early research came from outside the
others when a pair of spectacles was shown and that these field of vertebrate neurophysiology, for example, work on
different responses would enable them to be distinguished insects and crustaceans (Wiersma, Waterman, & Bush, 1961;
and appropriately named by the patient. Hartline, 1949; Reichardt, 1961). Second, the field was
Gross reviewed The Integrative Action of the Brain (Konorski, fertilized by ideas from different, apparently unrelated,
1967) and was mightily impressed by it, so he started testing fields; I was myself much influenced by the idea of innate
Konorski’s ideas in his lab, where he was recording from releasing factors and fixed action patterns from ethology
neurons in monkey inferotemporal cortex. Gross’s lab was and by the importance of signal-to-noise ratios from signal
then at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where detection theory and feature detectors from early work on
Jerry Lettvin daily preached his inspired views in his own pattern recognition and computer vision. Third, the work
imaginative style. I was once accused of inventing grand- of Lettvin and his colleagues on the frog visual system
mother cells and wrote to Jerry Lettvin to ask whether he (Lettvin, Maturana, McCulloch, & Pitts, 1959), though not
was the real hero (or villain). He immediately confessed, reported with enough detail to satisfy some of their col-
explaining that in 1969, he had had to take over a lecture leagues, was certainly effective in spreading the important
course at short notice and wanted to illustrate how a neuron message that single neurons respond reliably, and in some
might represent a rather complex concept. He therefore cases invariantly, to complex and meaningful features in the
prepared the story sketched in box 21.2. visual field.

310 sensation and perception

Figure 21.1 Konorski’s gnostic fields and neurons. Clinical evi- suggested that single gnostic neurons within each gnostic field
dence suggests that aphasia is sometimes partial, affecting the responded selectively to different items within the semiological
ability to name or recognize objects in specific semiological catego- category of that gnostic field. This is very similar to Lettvin’s pro-
ries, such as small human-made objects (line a), facial expression posal (see box 21.2) but does not emphasize the invariance of their
(line e), or body parts (line i). When Hubel and Wiesel (1962, 1965) responses. (From Konorski, 1967; Gross, 2002.)
put forward the hierarchical view of cortical processing, Konorski

MIT lies across the Charles River from Hubel and patterns makes them, in some respects, like precortical
Wiesel’s lab at Harvard Medical School, from which the grandmother cells.
evidence for a hierarchical functional organization in the Most people who have recorded from neurons in sensory
cortex had emerged. Hubel and Wiesel (1959) had discov- pathways will have experienced the long periods of intense
ered that neurons in V1 are selective for the orientation of frustration that occur when you know that your electrode is
visual stimuli, and I shall make a digression here to illustrate near a cell, because you detect its action potentials when it
how difficult it was to make that step. This is based partly fires spontaneously, but you are unable to find the visual
on my own experience somewhat later, when I was working stimulus, nicknamed its “trigger-feature,” that reliably excites
with Bill Levick on retinal ganglion cells in the rabbit (Barlow, it. In such cases, one frequently relieves one’s frustration by
Hill, & Levick, 1964); these fall into many different catego- moving on to another neuron in the hope that one will find
ries whose high degree of selectivity for different, specific its trigger feature more easily, but in the following quotation,

barlow: grandmother cells, symmetry, and invariance 311

David Hubel describes how he and Torsten Wiesel persisted range that was actually used and why these were selected.
and were rewarded. One wonders whether they ever heeded Lettvin’s voice and
They had initially assumed, like others before them, that tried a real grandmother!
a uniform field of light would stimulate most cells in visual The neurophysiological world was slow to repeat these
cortex, but they did not find any significant responses to such experiments, but more papers from Gross’s own lab (Gross,
general changes of illumination. They therefore started pro- Bender, & Rocha-Miranda, 1969; Gross, Rocha-Miranda,
jecting small dark or light spots onto a screen, because these & Bender, 1972; Desimone, Albright, Gross, & Bruce, 1984),
are very effective stimuli for retinal ganglion cells and LGN from Perrett, Rolls, and Caan (1982) in Oxford, and from
neurons, so they at least knew that the inputs to the cortical Yamane, Kaji, and Kawano (1988) in Japan convinced most
neurons would be strongly active. What happened next is of us that neurons are to be found in monkey inferotemporal
described by David Hubel in box 21.3. cortex (and elsewhere) that respond better to monkey-like
Gross and his colleagues, exploring a new part of the faces than to other visual stimuli (“better” here means simply
cortex, were in an even more unpromising position, and it that more spikes were produced during the few hundred
might have been in some desperation that they resorted to milliseconds following the stimulus). These responses can be
testing responses to objects for which Konorski had postu- produced from a wide range of positions in the visual field
lated “gnostic neurons.” When they tried items for the “body and over a wide range of distances, so they show consider-
parts” category (figure 21.1, line f), they obtained results such able invariance for retinal image position and size while
as those shown in figure 21.2, and many examples of neurons remaining selective for pattern. Different neurons varied a
selective for the view of a monkey face were also found. great deal in how selective they were for the pose or orienta-
These amazing results initially evoked much skepticism, tion of the stimulus, and they responded to both monkey and
and many reasons for disbelieving them were advanced: human faces. In some cases, it seemed clear that a good
Perhaps the view of another monkey’s face or hand aroused response was reserved for a particular human individual’s
the interest of the monkey whose cells were being probed, face, among a dozen or so tested, regardless of pose, position,
and this general excitement spread to the particular cell and distance. It also came to be appreciated that faces are
being recorded from. Without actually being present and peculiarly important for monkeys, and Perrett’s work in par-
observing many responses to many different stimuli, one can ticular (Perrett, Heitanen, Oram, & Benson, 1992) showed
certainly be forgiven for being skeptical and cautious, for that some cells were responsive to aspects of the image pre-
there is an almost infinite range of stimuli that could have sented that had special behavioral significance, such as the
been tested, and there is real difficulty in describing the direction of a monkey’s gaze.
One extraordinary development was the finding of face
cells in humans (Kreiman, Koch, & Fried, 2000; Quiroga,
Box 21.3 David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel Reddy, Kreiman, Koch, & Fried, 2005). Single neurons
Discover Orientational Selectivity (Hubel, 1988) were recorded from the medial-temporal regions of patients
whose brains were being explored in order to shed light on
After about five hours of struggle, we suddenly had the
the origins of their epileptic attacks, and the researcher
impression that the glass with the dot was occasionally pro-
ducing a response, but the response seemed to have nothing reported neurons that were responsive not only to images of
to do with the dot. Eventually we caught on: it was the the actresses Jennifer Aniston and Halle Berry, but also, in
sharp but faint shadow cast by the edge of the glass as we one instance, to the written name. It is amazing how this
slid it into the slot that was doing the trick. We soon con- finding echoes the spirit of Lettvin’s imaginary neurons that
vinced ourselves that the edge worked only when its shadow
“responded uniquely only to the animal’s mother, however
was swept across one small part of the retina and that the
sweeping had to be done with the edge in one particular displayed . . . animate or stuffed . . . offered by caricature,
orientation. . . . photograph, or abstraction.” One particularly wants to know
The discovery was just the beginning. . . . how the experimenters selected the range of stimuli that
were tested. How did they happen to have available the

Figure 21.2 Examples of shapes used to stimulate a group TE unit apparently having a very complex trigger feature. The stimuli are
arranged from left to right in order of increasing ability to drive the neuron from none (1) or little (2 and 3) to maximum (6). (From Gross,
Rocha-Miranda, & Bender, 1972.)

312 sensation and perception

picture of the right actress when testing a particular neuron? of Haxby and colleagues (2001). However the fact that the
Although there are, inevitably, unanswered questions about object identification problem can be solved by using infor-
such work, done under such very restrictive conditions, these mation segregated on a coarse scale and is interfered with
results illustrate beautifully the property of selectivity for one by the coarse-scale interference of microstimulation by no
characteristic of the stimulus (personal identity) while main- means disproves the idea that the brain depends upon face-
taining invariance for others (e.g. whether this identity is selective single neurons to recognize and discriminate
conveyed by a photograph or in writing). between faces.
Turning back to Gross’s definition, we can see that he If the brain only uses the coarse-scale information revealed
was perhaps overly modest, for by 2002, the existence of by fMRI, what part of the brain performs the complex sta-
neurons that are very like “grandmother cells” was no longer tistical computation that Haxby and colleagues (2001) had
hypothetical. We can also see that Gross was unfortunate to do on the fMRI data to get their result? But even though
in adopting the prototypical name Lettvin had chosen for it can be interpreted in misleading ways, the fact that the
explaining the concept of a class of cells that were selectively coarse-scale localization of activity provides information for
sensitive to “highly complex, specific, and meaningful object identification remains important.
stimuli”; no one has ever reported cells whose trigger feature Kanwisher and colleagues (1997) also realized that fMRI
was actually “grandmother.” The term is flippant, incom- scanning might open an opportunity for serious analysis of
plete, and not quite accurate, but it is widely understood, grandmother cells in monkeys, for it could perhaps tell neu-
and I shall stick with it. rophysiologists precisely where to place their electrodes to
Although by the new millennium, the mere existence of obtain a high yield of face-selective cells and thus make sys-
grandmother cells could not seriously be doubted, their tematic examination of their varied properties possible, and
reported properties were very variable, and although they perhaps it could also reveal the significance of there being
were known to be widely distributed, they were not thought several face-selective patches. Although such examination is
to occur anywhere with high density. Furthermore, their still in its early stages, the technique is showing enormous
functional roles and how they were wired up to produce promise.
their selective sensitivities and invariant responses remained In the first experiments in which they guided their record-
unknown. But this was about to change. ing electrode not just to the general region where previous
The first important finding was that significant fMRI investigators had found face cells, but to the region in a
responses occur at several positions in scans of humans specific monkey where fMRI had revealed face-specific
viewing whole faces but not fragmented faces or nonface activity, Tsao and colleagues found 97% of neurons (out of
objects (Puce, Allison, Gore, & McCarthy, 1995; Kanwisher, about 400 recorded from) that showed greater response to
McDermott, & Chun, 1997). Apparently one of these face- pictures of whole faces than to nonface objects or to frag-
sensitive patches, as they are called, the fusiform face area, mented face images (Tsao, Freiwald, Tootell, & Livingston,
even yields significant blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) 2006; Tsao, 2006). This compares with a figure no higher
fMRI responses when the subject just thinks of faces than 30% (and often much lower) for previous investigators
(O’Craven & Kanwisher, 2000). Tsao, Freiwald, Knutsen, who were not using fMRI guidance. Figure 21.3 shows three
Mandeville, and Tootell (2003) showed that rhesus monkeys prominent face patches in the temporal lobe of a macaque,
also have several face-selective patches, and detailed statisti- together with BOLD responses from a face patch as a
cal analysis of the BOLD responses in different cortical posi- function of time when stimulated by faces alternated with
tions to different stimulus objects showed that the pattern of hands or other nonface objects. The third part of the figure
activation produced by a stimulus object contained sufficient compares the healthy responses to the faces with the insig-
information to determine which of the objects was a face. nificant or even weakly negative responses to all nonface
This is an intriguing finding that replicates similar analy- objects, with the exception of an apple and a clock, which
ses of human fMRI results (Haxby et al., 2001; Spiridon & gave weak but significant positive responses that need no
Kanwisher, 2002). It shows that much information about further comment.
the nature of a stimulus object can be derived from the dis- It is interesting that the face stimuli that were used in these
tribution of activity in the cortex on the coarse spatial experiments were pictures of human faces, all presented in
scale of voxels provided by the fMRI scans. It has also been full-face, erect view. As might be expected, the monkeys’
shown that microstimulation in regions that are rich in face- cortical neurons actually preferred monkey faces, consis-
selective neurons interferes with the correct categorization tently giving larger responses to them than to human faces.
of noise-perturbed face images by awake, behaving monkeys They also gave weak responses to a very crude face cartoon
(Afraz, Kiani, & Esteki, 2006). Since microstimulation is when it was erect but not when it was inverted, as shown in
thought to act on a spatial scale considerably coarser than the bottom two lines in figure 21.3, and this was important,
that available to single neurons, this result fits in with that for it made possible a later, more detailed analysis of the

barlow: grandmother cells, symmetry, and invariance 313

Many hypotheses about the nature of the selectivity were
explored, and there is a lot of information against which one
can test one’s own individual theory of face recognition, but
I think it is fair to say that clear models do not emerge, either
for what the middle face patch and other face patches do or
for how they may do it.
The good news, then, is that we have a system in which
the pattern selectivity and invariance of face cells can be
explored. The analysis of how neural mechanisms determine
their selectivity for some features and invariance for others
has not been solved, but it is on its way.

Cortex: Hierarchy, origin, and new behavior

Hubel and Wiesel’s hierarchical proposal has been impor-
tant for all our thinking about cortical function and is, for
instance, a central feature both of the anatomical scheme of
Felleman and van Essen (1991) and of the computational
view of Riesenhuber and Poggio (1994), but it has also been
criticized on a number of grounds. For example, hypercom-
plex cells are thought to be the same as what are now termed
end-stopped neurons, and the details of the anatomical evidence
do not coincide with the physiological evidence as nicely as
Hubel and Wiesel would probably have liked; for instance,
V1 has both simple and complex cells, which should not be
the case, according to their scheme, if V1 is a single stage in
the hierarchy. There is also good evidence that complex cells
receive a direct input from the LGN, which again does not
fit the suggested scheme exactly.
The agreed arrangement of the interconnected areas in
the cortex is not obviously that of a hierarchy, for there is no
“top area,” and if one area connects directly to another, there
is almost always a direct connection in the reverse direction
Figure 21.3 (A) Three patches of face-selective fMRI activation as well. The term also introduces inappropriate implications
(yellow regions) in the macaque temporal lobe. (B) Time course from its everyday use to describe hierarchies of command in
from the face patches. Blood flows to these regions increase only the army or of decision making in a commercial business,
when the monkey views faces. (C) Average response across 182 cells in which there are often very different numbers at different
from the middle face patch of one monkey to 96 different images.
levels—one boss, many workers, for example—and the flow
The first 16 images are faces. (D) Responses of a face cell to
repeated presentations of an upright and an inverted cartoon face. of command may be strictly unidirectional and may strictly
Each dot represents an action potential. (From Tsao, 2006.) (See avoid skipping levels. Also, the details often turn out to be dif-
color plate 21.) ferent from those that were originally suggested; for example,
there are orientationally selective ganglion cells in the retina
basis for the pattern-selective properties of these neurons, (Levick, 1967), whereas this type of selectivity was initially not
using partial and complete face cartoons with graded feature thought to occur before the primary visual cortex.
properties. This part of their work is obviously based on a These may all be minor quibbles, but there is one fact
good knowledge of the face recognition literature, and the suggesting that if there is a cortical hierarchy, it involves new
results are clearly described and thoroughly analyzed. The methods or new principles not employed at earlier levels in
overall impression that is given is that different neurons the visual pathway. This is shown by doing counts of neurons
respond to different snippets of information about faces, at different levels in the visual pathway, for there is a large,
sometimes to single features such as iris size, sometimes to abrupt rise on entering the cortex. Figure 21.4 shows the
combinations of features. Whole faces usually give large numbers of neurons in the precortical visual pathway and
responses, though these are never as large as the sum of the various parts of the cortex of the macaque. The main
responses to individual features. message stands out bold and clear: There is an enormous

314 sensation and perception

Figure 21.4 Estimated numbers of cells at various levels in the times the number of LGN neurons, and for the whole visual cortex
visual pathway of a macaque monkey. Note that the scale is loga- (nearly 800 million neurons), it is almost 600 times. (From Barlow,
rithmic and that there are 55 times as many granule cells as LGN 1981; adapted from Chow, Blum, & Blum, 1950.)
neurons. If one takes all the 250 million neurons in V1, this is 180

increase in the number of neurons involved in vision as the The actual number of nerve fibers running in parallel
messages are passed from the LGN neurons to the granule from retina to LGN is not far from the number required for
cells in layer 4 of the primary visual cortex. The actual there to be one pathway per resolvable element of the optical
figures are interesting. Reading from the chart, this first stage image falling on the retina or one pathway per cone, pro-
of increase is by a factor of about 55, from 1.4 million to 75 vided that one confines one’s attention to the foveal part of
million. If one includes all the 250 million neurons in V1, the pathway and takes into account that the image in the
the factor increases to 180, and for the whole visual cortex near periphery is undersampled (i.e., it has fewer nerve fibers
(nearly 800 million neurons), the number of neurons is serving it than the quality of the image deserves). The
almost 600 times the number of LGN neurons. approximate agreement in the fovea means that with these
That really establishes the point that the cortex has very cautions, the number of nerve fibers in the optic nerve
many more cells at its disposal than do precortical levels, but roughly coincides with the number of degrees of freedom in
the numbers in figure 21.4 represent averages over the whole the copy of the image that the optic nerve passes to the brain.
visual field. It is estimated that in the foveal region, the Why, then, does the cortex need up to 10,000 times that
density of neurons in V1 per unit solid angle of the visual number of neurons to perform its computations? The fact
field is 10,000 times the density of input fibers from the LGN that we think we understand the limiting factors of foveal
(Hawken & Parker, 1991). This compares with the average vision makes the huge numbers of neurons that are available
over the whole visual field of 180 times, given above. The in that part of the cortex even more impressive. Is there
difference results from the fact that the cortical representa- something about the computations it does that we have
tion of the fovea has much more than its fair share of neurons, missed or paid insufficient attention to?
even after taking account of the overrepresentation of the The next part of this chapter discusses this problem in
fovea in the input from the LGN. The number of neurons light of the new behavior that the new part of the mamma-
available for computations on the input from the fovea is lian brain, the cerebral cortex, is thought to have brought
truly phenomenal. about. Although this evidence is not very satisfying for a
Detailed accounting for the numbers shown in the left modern neurophysiologist, it is one of the few sources that
part of figure 21.4 is complicated by the fact that rods and can give useful hints about these new functions.
cones behave differently, and the pattern of convergence The cerebral cortex first appeared in the forebrain of
and then divergence is very different at the fovea and in the mammals while dinosaurs were the dominant large, terres-
periphery. Many of these matters are not relevant here, but trial vertebrates. Before mammals, the vertebrate forebrain
there is one point that makes sense physically, and this is had been dominated by its olfactory input, and in fact, olfac-
worth pointing out, lest the obvious message conveyed above tion is the only sensory modality that still has a direct input
be overshadowed by these complications. to the cortex; all the others pass through the thalamus. These

barlow: grandmother cells, symmetry, and invariance 315

facts led G. Elliot Smith (1924) to suggest the following story and verbs for those in this sentence, then allow that individu-
of the evolution of the cortex. After the demise of the dino- als collect and remember associations that are observed to
saurs, mammals extended their range to different habitats, be true, and you have a population with many shared beliefs
including forest trees. Here, they had to become more reliant that can, together with a system of intricately linked mutual
on vision, and their good sense of smell, which had served benefits, make a civilized society possible.
them well when they were living on the ground, was no Neither of these gives much idea of the actual operation
longer as useful, for the informative scents of soil and under- cortical neurons perform, but Herrick’s third one-liner
growth would simply have been blown away. This, he said, was “cortex is the organ of correlation.” The ability to
freed up resources that could be used for the construction, detect associations underlies the other two, for “Fanny likes
maintenance, and further evolution of the forebrain. At the bananas” proclaims that you have noticed a correlation
time, it was far from clear what these resources might be, between Fanny, the individual, and her manifestation of
but recent discoveries in olfaction suggest an intriguing behavior that shows a liking for bananas; furthermore, most
possibility. of the facts in those filing cabinets of Herrick’s first one-liner
Consider these three facts: (1) In the mouse, more than are not just the means and current values of a host of vari-
1200 genes are involved in coding for all the different olfac- ables, but also evidence for associations among them, most
tory receptor molecules; (2) each receptor cell’s axon finds of them weightier than that just mentioned.
its way to a glomerulus that also receives axons from other
receptor cells in the neighborhood containing the same type Correlation, symmetry, and invariance
of receptor molecule, and Singer, Shepherd, and Greer
(1995) concluded that this molecule must have a role in axon Herrick did not specify exactly what he meant by calling
guidance, as well as in olfactory reception; and (3) in modern the cortex the organ of correlation. He might have just
primates, many genes for olfactory receptors are not meant that it detects the similarity between patterns in the
expressed in the olfactory mucosa. These three facts point external world and patterns held as templates in the brain.
to the possibility that these genes have retained an axon- If a receptive field with a particular pattern of spatial sensi-
guiding role and that this has helped the cortex to resolve tivity, say a Gabor function, calculates the point-by-point
its axon-guiding problems. As was emphasized earlier, cortex linear sum of sensitivity times luminance over its field, it
is characterized by having a vast number of neurons inter- becomes a matched detector for that same spatial pattern in
connecting its different parts, so it faces this axon-guiding an image falling on it. Such a matched detector can give the
problem on an unparalleled scale. highest possible signal-to-noise ratio for detecting a precisely
Whether or not there is any truth in this notion, what one known stimulus pattern, and some of the properties of bio-
really wants to know about is how their enlarging cortex logical feature detectors can be well modeled in this way.
allowed mammals to enlarge their behavioral repertoire: Such models have two serious problems, however: They do
What could they do with a cortex that they could not do not show the invariance of response for position, illumina-
without it? Unfortunately, most of the suggested answers to tion, pose, or size that is typical of biological pattern recogni-
this question are useless, because they depend upon words tion, and they do not form a good basis for hierarchical
or phrases—such as voluntary actions, free will, or conscious- models, because the result of doing two (or more) template
ness—that we do not understand. In contrast, C. J. Herrick matching operations in sequence can be expressed as a single
(1926, 1928), a founding father of comparative neuroanat- template matching operation. There are ways of ameliorat-
omy in the United States, penned three one-liners that were ing these problems (see Heeger, 1992; Carandini, Heeger,
astonishingly prescient. & Movshon, 1997; Simoncelli & Heeger, 1998; Rust, Mante,
First, he said that cortex contained the “filing cabinets of Simoncelli, & Movshon, 2006), but there is also a more
the central executive.” He was mainly suggesting that cortex radical solution.
is the store-place of memory, but perhaps he was also antici- An “organ of correlation” should be able to reveal more
pating the idea that determining, storing, and making use of about an image than which templates best match its different
the statistics of the environment are crucially important for parts. Autocorrelation is an operation that is related to
everything we do, especially for those things that primates, template matching but differs from it in that it compares
and particularly humans, do better than other animals or parts of an image with other parts of the same image rather
computers. than with a fixed template. This has been used to follow
Second, he called cortex the “organ of civilisation.” Here the motion of planetary atmospheres (Luz, Berry, &
again, he anticipates understanding of the fact that civiliza- Roos-Serote, 2008), and it allows the symmetries in sensory
tion is possible because humans are adept at assimilating, messages to be actively sought out.
disseminating, and using little associative facts, such as The most appropriate definition of symmetry that we
“Fanny likes bananas.” Substitute other, less trivial nouns have found is “the property of remaining invariant under

316 sensation and perception

certain changes” (Merriam-Webster online dictionary). For image that leave certain parts of it unchanged. Rotation,
example, a circular object has circular symmetry because it translation, and reflection were mentioned above, and there
does not change when you rotate it about its center, and a are many other tasks in perception that can be easily framed
line or edge has translational symmetry because it does not in terms of symmetry and invariance. For example, when a
change when you move it in the direction of its orientation. small region in an image moves, the pixel values of all points
In popular usage, the word symmetry most often refers to in the small region are displaced through the same distance
bilateral, or mirror, symmetry, meaning that if one half of and direction and are also delayed in time, so the displaced
an image is flipped over, it will exactly match the other half and undisplaced small regions of the image have spatiotem-
onto which it has been flipped, provided that the axis of the poral displacement symmetry; this is the symmetry involved
flipping has the right position and orientation (i.e., if it is the in motion detection. Similarly, the binocular disparity that
mirror axis). gives rise to stereoscopic depth perception occurs when a
The responses of retinal ganglion cells to image contrast small region of one eye’s image is displaced horizontally rela-
are little changed by altering the mean level of illumina- tive to its position in the other eye’s image, and this is the sym-
tion. One might call this “contrast symmetry” or “invariance metry involved in stereoscopy. It is an interesting exercise to
to mean illumination,” but note that such changes of mean go through the features in images that the Gestalt school
illumination are passively experienced, not actively sought pointed to as promoting grouping or segregation, asking,
out. It is not like rotating an object and finding its appear- “How are symmetry and invariance involved here?” In most
ance unchanged, for that involves the active application of cases, it is not hard to see that there is a connection, though it
the “certain changes.” is sometimes hard to find exactly the right words to express it.
A way to bring out the importance of symmetry is to point We need to consider with particular care Adelson and
out that it tells you how to find more of the same; it tells you Movshon’s (1982) plaid paradigm, for this is perhaps the
that if symmetry is present and you apply the changes for only perceptual phenomenon that has not only been shown
which invariance holds, you will find more evidence of the to be generated in the cortex (Movshon, Adelson, Gizzi, &
same type, to be likely from the same object. Take displace- Newsome, 1985) but for which there is also a neurophysio-
ment symmetry, which is closely related to translational sym- logical model that works (Rust et al., 2006).
metry; it is present if you move across an image through a To generate a plaid, two moving gratings that have dif-
specified distance and direction and find that the region at ferent spatial frequencies, orientations, contrasts, and veloci-
which you arrive has properties similar to those of the region ties are superimposed. Sometimes you see just what you
from which you departed. That can easily be tested for by might expect, namely, two different gratings, each moving
rotating the eye through the specified distance and direction, in its own direction. However, if the two gratings are not
when any small patches over the whole image that are too different from each other, you often experience some-
unchanged by the eye movement must have the specified thing new, namely, a single plaid rather than two separate
symmetry. However it is obvious that at only three saccades gratings, and its direction of movement is obviously different
per second, the eye cannot quickly determine the displace- from that of either of the original gratings. In the second of
ment symmetries that are present in a whole scene using this the three papers cited above, the authors reported finding
method. neurons in area MT of macaques that showed the type of
From what we know about the brain’s computing powers, directional selectivity required to signal the direction of the
it is hard to think of any simple alternative to the following plaids. By contrast, in V1 itself, they found no such neurons,
brute force general scheme for detecting symmetries: Deter- only ones that had the type of directional tuning expected
mine the properties, such as luminance, color, and texture, for signaling the motion of each component by itself.
of each small region, using a limited number of local char- In the third paper, Rust and colleagues (2006) show how
acteristics; transmit their values to all the neighboring regions the plaid type of directional selectivity can be generated by
for which displacement symmetry might exist; and test the appropriate interactions among inputs from primary visual
similarities of the received values with those in the receiving cortex (V1) that have the normal directional tuning of V1
small regions. At first, this might seem absurdly extravagant neurons and cover a wide range of optimal directions and
in the use of neurons and likely to require far too many of velocities. Both the input neurons from V1 to MT and the
them, but recall that in the foveal region of V1, there are neurons in MT itself had linear/nonlinear characteristics
some 10,000 cortical neurons per input fiber from the LGN. and normalization processes based on previous evidence
There are a lot of neurons available for the task, but I do (Heeger, 1992; Carandini et al., 1997). If symmetry and
not think that the evidence is yet available to make even a invariance are important in understanding what cortex does,
crude estimate of whether there are enough. they should also help us to understand this remarkable
From the definition, it is clear that searching for symmetry sequence of observations, experiments, and modeling, and I
is the same as searching for ordered modifications to the think they do.

barlow: grandmother cells, symmetry, and invariance 317

The merging could be described as the ability to perceive Such economy has long been thought desirable for sensory
the true direction of motion of a textured region in an image, systems and perception (Attneave, 1954; Barlow, 1959;
invariantly for differences of texture. This new description Watanabe, 1960); in particular, it can make possible a
does not much help one to understand the mechanism— sparser representation of a scene. The advantages that this
indeed, it does not even hint at the intersection of constraints brings for improving the reliability and sensitivity of learning
idea that Adelson and Movshon (1982) pointed to as the key and economy of metabolic costs are explained elsewhere
to how it must be done. Nor does it enable one to predict (Olshausen & Field, 1997; Gardner-Medwin & Barlow,
the interactions Rust and colleagues (2006) discovered or the 2001; Attwell & Laughlin, 2001; Lennie, 2003).
model by which they explained them. On the other hand, it The importance of symmetry in perception and in psy-
does neatly summarize the functional role of the merging chology at all levels needs more attention. At one extreme,
mechanism, and it points to two other merits of using invari- rhetoric often uses analogy to strengthen a case, and that
ant symmetries as the “words” that a neuron signals, rather depends upon recognizing the symmetry between two argu-
than other more or less arbitrary features. ments, one already accepted and the case for acceptance of
The region where the merging occurs is MT (Movshon the other supposedly being strengthened by the postulated
et al., 1985), which receives input largely from V1 and trans- symmetry. At the other extreme, we have the starburst ama-
mits output largely to MST. These three areas are all strongly crines of the retina, which are believed to be the means by
responsive to motion and often strongly selective for its which knowledge of the image at one point is transmitted
direction, but the V1 neurons give potentially misleading to another point to provide evidence for spatiotemporal dis-
information, because the velocity vector to which they placement symmetry, the symmetry underlying motion
respond best is not invariant for the spatial frequency com- detection (Vaney & Taylor, 2002; Euler, Detwiler, & Dent,
position (i.e., texture) of the stimulus. MT corrects for this 2002).
lack of invariance, and one can see why it is needed by Symmetry appears to be something that is widely exploited
looking at the properties of neurons in MST. These respond by the brain, and it probably has a role in the mechanisms
maximally to motions in different directions in different underlying grandmother cells and face detection. This
parts of their receptive fields, and the patterns of motion that carries the immediate lesson that it is at least as important
fulfill the requirements all over the receptive field are the to define and puzzle over the invariances of grandmother
patterns of motion, called optic flow, that occur when an cells’ responses as it is to study their pattern selectivity.
observer moves through a textured environment. Now with
optic flow, the textures of different parts of the scene are Conclusions
likely to be very different, so direct information from V1 to
MST would often be misleading. The invariance for texture Neurons that respond to “a highly complex, specific, and
differences of the MT neurons would not only avoid this, meaningful stimulus” (Gross, 2002) exist and can now be
but also allow these neurons to combine information appro- recorded from and studied reliably. But grandmothers are
priately from a larger number of V1 neurons, thus improv- not among the specific stimuli to which they respond, and
ing the reliability and signal-to-noise ratio of the messages their ability to respond invariantly is as important as their
from MT neurons. pattern selectivity.
It requires the concepts of symmetry and invariance to An abrupt change in the anatomy of the visual pathway
understand this neat and economical system, and these con- occurs as it enters the cerebral cortex. The total number of
cepts might also be needed to explain how the model of Rust neurons in V1 over the whole visual field is about 250 times
and colleagues (2006) is set up in the monkey’s area MT. the total number of LGN neurons, and if one considers
The constraints on patterns of apparent motion in the image the foveal region alone, there appear to be 10,000 cortical
that result from geometric optics and a single observing neurons per LGN afferent. If cortical computations require
instrument moving through a structured three-dimensional this number of neurons, they are likely to be accomplishing
environment are constantly present in the inputs to a mon- more than we currently expect of them. Although the idea
key’s eye. Could the monkey’s visual cortex seek out the of grandmother cells must have been based largely on the
symmetries and invariances that result from these constraints recognition that subcortical single neurons are much more
and use them to adjust the parameters of a genetically pattern selective and reliable than had previously been sup-
prewired skeleton of the model? Einstein plucked his scien- posed, it could be misleading to assume that the cortex can
tific laws from the confusing and sometimes contradictory do no more than subcortical mechanisms.
evidence of contemporary physicists, and we generally Most cortical models have been based on the summed
accept that his genius lay in his cerebral cortex. Why should cross-product of the pattern of activity in a group of input
not monkey cortex be using a touch of Einstein’s genius to messages with the pattern of sensitivity of a receptive field,
generate an economical model of its motion environment? which thus acts as a weighting function or template. So far,

318 sensation and perception

this has failed to provide an adequate model of the selectivity Euler, T., Detwiler, P. B., & Denk, W. (2002). Directionally
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320 sensation and perception

22 Olfaction: From Percept
to Molecule
yaara yeshurun, hadas lapid, rafi haddad, shani gelstien, anat arzi,
lee sela, aharon weisbrod, rehan khan, and noam sobel

abstract Despite major progress in elucidating the anatomical the correct moment will leap several feet into the air, catch-
and molecular foundations of olfaction, the rules underlying the ing the fly between his clapped paws (figure 22.1).
link between the olfactory stimulus and the olfactory percept Observing this marvelous demonstration of sensory sub-
remain unknown. We argue that this lack is a reflection of visual
primacy in human perception and thinking, primacy that has pre-
stitution (audition for vision) is a lesson to us in our studies
vented the development of a perception-based approach to study- of olfaction. We humans are visual animals, and this has
ing olfactory coding. With this in mind, in this chapter, we first shaped not only how we negotiate the world around us, but
provide a tutorial on the organization of the mammalian olfactory also how we think about it. Vision dominates our conscious
system and then describe our recent efforts to generate a percep- perception. We intuitively think that information about the
tion-based olfactory metric. The primary olfactory perceptual axis
outside world that is naturally provided to us through vision
revealed by this effort was odorant pleasantness. We found that
pleasantness is a perceptual representation of the physical axis that is inherently visual information. This is not necessarily true,
best explains the variance in molecular odorant structure. That the however, as is so powerfully shown in Diesel’s fly hunting.
most important dimension in olfactory perception should be the In other words, all distal senses have evolved to maximize
best correlate of the most discriminating physicochemical measures the amount and types of information they can extract from
suggests that, as with other senses, the olfactory system has evolved
the environment. It follows from this that if we pay careful
to exploit a fundamental regularity in the physical world. In this
respect, olfactory pleasantness can be likened to visual color and attention to our sensory perceptions in each domain, we can
auditory pitch. Finally, we review our use of this olfactory metric learn much about how that domain is physically organized
in predicting odor perception in humans and odorant-induced in the world around us, and in our brain. This simple truth
neural activity in the olfactory system of nonhuman animals. was elegantly stated by Helmholtz (1878): “Thus, even if in
their qualities our sensations are only signs whose specific
nature depends completely upon our make-up or organiza-
Our lab has a pet cat named Diesel. We found Diesel at the tion, they are not to be discarded as empty appearances.
age of about four weeks, when he was suffering from severe They are still signs of something—something existing or
feline herpes that had invaded both his eyes. Despite signifi- something taking place—and given them we can determine
cant veterinary efforts, both his eyes had to be removed, and the laws of these objects or these events. And that is some-
Diesel has since been a blind cat. That said, any naïve visitor thing of the greatest importance!”
to our lab will not notice Diesel’s blindness. Diesel runs and Neurobiologists have internalized this lesson for vision
jumps around the lab following an internal spatial mental and audition but not for olfaction. In vision, we learned that
map he has constructed, and he negotiates changes in this what appears to us as perceptually similar in color is in fact
landscape, such as a chair that has been moved, with surpris- similar in the physical dimension of wavelength; and in audi-
ing speed, thanks to rapid processing of information from tion, we learned that what appears to us as perceptually
his whiskers, which are always a step in front of him when similar in pitch is in fact similar in the physical dimension
he is in motion. However, the most astonishing aspect of of frequency. We further learned that the physical dimen-
Diesel’s behavioral repertoire is his ability to catch flies in sions of wavelength and frequency are represented at various
flight. Diesel will identify the sound of a fly seemingly despite stages of the nervous system. But what physical dimension
any level of background noise, will follow the fly seemingly is common to similarly smelling odors? And how is this
tracking the fly with his eyes (which are not there), and at dimension represented in the brain? These questions remain
unanswered. In this chapter, we will first provide a basic
tutorial on the organization of the mammalian olfactory
yaara yeshurun, hadas lapid, rafi haddad, shani gelstien, anat
arzi, lee sela, aharon weisbrod, rehan khan, and noam system and then describe our initial efforts to generate a
sobel Department of Neurobiology, Weizmann Institute of perception-based approach for probing the neurobiology of
Science, Rehovot, Israel olfaction.

yeshurun et al.: olfaction: from percept to molecule 321

Figure 22.1 Diesel, a blind cat, aged six months, hunts flies in
flight using audition only. Here, Diesel jumps to swat at the slightly
moving hand of coauthor N.S.

The olfactory system

What is an odor? Any volatile (molecular weight < 294
daltons) molecular species with surface activity, low polarity,
some water solubility, high vapor pressure, and a high lipo-
philicity will probably be detectable and discriminable by
the mammalian olfactory system (Ohloff, 1986). Nobody
knows exactly how many discrete odorants this amounts to.
Estimates have ranged from thousands to tens of thousands Figure 22.2 Olfaction in humans and other animals. Top panel:
to hundreds of thousands, yet we know of no computed Detection thresholds across species. The data are amassed from
studies by Laska and colleagues (1999) and are for detection of the
theoretical upper limit to this number. The human olfactory fox odor TMT, n-propionic acid, and the two steroidal compounds
system can detect these molecules with astonishing sensitiv- androstenol and androstenone. The two shades of gray distinguish
ity, outperforming analytical instruments (Cain, 1977) and the units in which results were reported, dark gray in log concentra-
performing on par with monkeys (Laska, Trolp, & Teubner, tion of the vapor, and light gray in log concentration of the odorant
1999) (figure 22.2). The transformation from molecule to liquid. The extent of the lines reflects the reported variance across
studies. The important point illustrated is that each species excels
percept occurs along an hierarchically organized system that at detecting particular odorants. For example, humans outperform
in mammals is summarized as follows: Following transduc- rats and monkeys at detecting n-propionic acid. That said, one
tion at olfactory receptor neurons in the olfactory epithe- must keep in mind the limitation of comparing across studies that
lium, odor information is projected ipsilaterally via the used different methods of delivery and statistical criteria. Bottom
olfactory nerve to the olfactory bulb. Following bulbar pro- panel: Human subject’s path following a scent trail, as compared to
a dog’s path. Left: Path of a dog following the scent trail of a pheas-
cessing, the signal is projected ipsilaterally via the lateral
ant dragged through a field (scent trail in yellow, dog’s path in red)
olfactory tract to primary olfactory cortex within the ventral (Gibbons, 1986). Right: Path of a human following a scent trail of
portions of the temporal lobe (figure 22.3). chocolate essential oil through a field (scent trail in yellow, human’s
In this manner, olfaction differs from the distal senses path in red). (The background trees were pasted in for esthetics and
of vision and audition, where peripheral input projects are part of the data.) (From Porter & Sobel, 2005.) (See color plate
to contralateral cortex initially via a thalamic relay. In
contrast, olfactory information projects to the thalamus
from primary olfactory cortex. Additional primary olfactory
cortex projections relay odor information to multiple brain
regions, including what has been referred to as secondary
olfactory cortex in the orbitofrontal region and flavor
integration regions in the insula (Small & Prescott, 2005).

322 sensation and perception

Figure 22.4 Different nostrils convey different olfactory informa-
tion to the brain. (A), Magnetic resonance image of the nasal pas-
sages. The swollen (*) and relaxed (#) turbinates, outlined in white,
result in an occluded right nostril (red arrow) and a clearer left
nostril (green arrow). (B), The size of the response in the olfactory
nerve (large or small) as a function of the interaction between
airflow rate and odorant sorption (Mozell & Jagodowicz, 1973). (C ),
On each of 10 trials, subjects were asked to smell an identical
mixture of 50% octane and 50% L-carvone using either the left or
right nostril. They were then given each individual odorant com-
ponent to smell separately and judged the composition of the
mixture by marking the line. Using the high-flow-rate nostril
(green), the average judgment was that the mixture consisted of
55% L-carvone and 45% octane. Using the low-flow-rate nostril
(red), the judgment was that it consisted of 61% octane and 39%
L-carvone (t (19)43.74, p = 0.001). (From Sobel et al., 1999.) (See
color plate 24.)

The above is a unilateral description of what is a bilateral

system. As in other distal senses, mammals have two olfac-
tory systems, a left and a right nostril, each connected
to their respective epithelia, bulbs, and cortices. Also as in
other distal senses, there is an asymmetry of input across
sides, whereby the left and right nostril are tuned to slightly
Figure 22.3 Structure of the human olfactory system. The human different aspects of the olfactory content (Sobel, Khan,
olfactory system can be segregated into three primary compart- Saltman, Sullivan, & Gabrieli, 1999). Whereas this asym-
ments: (bottom) epithelium, (middle) bulb, and (top) cortex. Olfac- metry may contribute to spatial localization of odors (Porter,
tory epithelium: Each olfactory sensory neuron expresses on Anand, Johnson, Khan, & Sobel, 2005; Rajan, Clement, &
olfactory receptor gene. Like receptor project to one or a small
Bhalla, 2006; Porter et al., 2007), any contribution of this
number of glomeruli. Organization of the olfactory bulb: Glomer-
uli receive input from olfactory sensory neurons and cortical olfac- sensory offset to olfactory discrimination remains unknown
tory regions. Mitral and tufted cell dendrites contact receptor axons (figure 22.4).
within glomeruli. The axons of the mitral and tufted cells project Airborne chemicals are concurrently transduced by at
widely to higher brain structures. Lateral processing in the olfactory least two additional mammalian neural subsystems: the
bulb occurs across two types of interneurons: periglomerular cells vomeronasal system (Halpern, 1987; Meredith, 1991;
and granule cells. A sagittal view of the human head. The olfactory
epithelium is in green, bulb in blue, and primary cortex in pink. Keverne, 1999; Dulac, 2000), the trigeminal system (Doty,
(Drawing courtesy of Christina Zelano.) (See color plate 23.) 1995; Hummel, 2000; Hummel & Livermore, 2002), and
possibly the Grüneberg organ, a septal subsystem of the
main olfactory system (Roppolo, Ribaud, Jungo, Luscher, &
Rodriguez, 2006; Storan & Key, 2006). However, to main-
tain a manageable scope in this chapter, we will focus on the
main olfactory system only. We will first briefly summarize

yeshurun et al.: olfaction: from percept to molecule 323

the structure and events at each of the olfactory anatomical various enzymatic processes (Lewis & Dahl, 1995) but also
processing stages; then we will review the current under- directly affects olfaction by selectively modulating the
standing of how odor is encoded within this neuronal passage of odorants to the receptors and possibly by further
infrastructure. modulating the later removal of odorants from the receptors
(deactivation) (Lewis & Dahl, 1995). In addition to the
Olfactory epithelium passive mucosal effect on olfaction, the mucosa contains
an odorant-binding protein that assists in actively transfer-
For a molecule to be transduced into a neural signal, it ring hydrophobic odorants across the largely hydrophilic
must reach olfactory receptors within the olfactory epithelia. mucosa (Pevsner, Trifiletti, Strittmatter, Sklar, & Snyder,
The human epithelia are located bilaterally about 7 cm 1985; Pelosi, 2001).
up the nasal passage, lining the cribriform plate and extend- The olfactory receptor cells are bipolar neurons that are
ing to the nasal turbinates (Clerico, To, & Lanza, 2003). unique in at least two ways: (1) They constantly regene-
These turbinates are convoluted to increase the surface rate from the basal cell layer (Graziadei, Levine, & Monti
area of the epithelium to about 1–10 cm2 in humans (Moran, Graziadei, 1979; Graziadei & Monti Graziadei, 1983), with
Rowley, Jafek, & Lovel, 1982) and 170 cm2 in some dogs a typical life span in mammals ranging from a month to a
(Moulton, 1977). An odorant molecule may reach the year (Hinds, Hinds, & Mcnelly, 1984; Mackay-Sim & Kittel,
epithelium in three different ways. The first is by diffusion 1991), and (2) they are in direct contact with the external
from an area of higher concentration (the environment) environment. This direct link of the brain to the outside
to an area of lower concentration (the nares). The second world has been postulated as a path of entry for pathogens
is by a process termed retronasal olfaction (Hornung & Enns, from the environment directly to the brain (Roberts, 1986).
1986), whereby an odorant enters the mouth in food or Humans have about six million receptor cells in each epi-
drink and propagates back up the throat into the nose. thelium (Moran et al., 1982). Each of these olfactory recep-
The third and most common route by which a molecule tor neurons sends one dendrite into the mucus layer,
reaches the olfactory epithelium is transportation by either terminating in an olfactory knob that contains between
ongoing nasal inhalation or a sniff—a vigorous contraction 3 and 50 nonmotile olfactory cilia, each about 5 μm long
of the diaphragm leading to rapid nasal airflow (often (Morrison & Costanzo, 1990, 1992). It is these cilia that
exceeding 100 liters per minute in humans) (figure 22.5). contain the site of olfactory transduction. Various lines of
Sniffs are a rapidly modulated mechanism of sensory evidence suggested that this transduction was similar to
acquisition that profoundly influence patterns of neural transduction of light in retinal rods and cones. Doron Lancet
activity throughout the olfactory system and have a signifi- and colleagues found that odorants induce activation of
cant impact on the olfactory percept (Kepecs, Uchida, & adenylate cyclase (Pace, Hanski, Salomon, & Lancet, 1985),
Mainen, 2006, 2007; Mainland & Sobel, 2006; Schoenfeld and Nakumara and Gold (1987) found a cyclic nucleotide–
& Cleland, 2006). gated conductance in olfactory receptor cilia. Randy Reed
The epithelium consists of many cell types (Carr, Farbman, and colleagues later found this adenylate cyclase to be
Colletti, & Morgan, 1991; Huard, Youngentob, Goldstein, olfactory-specific (Bakalyar & Reed, 1990) and activated by
Lauskin, & Schwob, 1998), but most fall into four primary an olfactory-specific G protein ( Jones & Reed, 1989). In
categories: olfactory receptor cells, sustentacular or sup- 1991, Linda Buck and Richard Axel culminated this line of
porting cells, basal cells, and duct cells of Bowman’s glands. research by identifying a large multigene family that encodes
The latter are the secretory source of a mucus layer that the olfactory receptors. The olfactory receptors indeed
lines the olfactory epithelium. This mucus layer plays a belonged to the family of G-protein-coupled receptors of the
role in immune function (Getchell & Getchell, 1991) and seven-helix type, that, surprisingly, contained around 1000

Figure 22.5 Airflow visualization using Schlieren imaging in smelled. As this image clearly depicts, sensation is an active process,
dogs (Settles, 2001) and humans (Porter & Sobel, 2005). Left panel: and olfaction is a good case in point. Remaining panels: Imaging of
Before sniffing inward, dogs may also sniff outward in a lateral the human nose clearly reveals an asymmetry in airflow into each
trajectory distributing particles so that they can be inhaled and nostril.

324 sensation and perception

different olfactory receptor genes, the largest known gene olfactory receptor neurons that join to form the olfactory
family in the mammalian genome (Buck & Axel, 1991). This nerve, pass through the cribriform plate, and synapse at the
work has generated the following current view of olfactory olfactory bulb.
transduction: When an odorant molecule binds to an olfac-
tory receptor, it triggers the activation of the specific olfac- Olfactory bulb
tory G-protein Golf that releases a subunit Gαolf that stimulates
adenylyl cyclase III. Adenylyl cyclase III increases intracel- The mammalian olfactory bulb consists of six cellular layers,
lular cAMP, which opens a cyclic nucleotide–gated cation which are, from superficial to deep, the (1) olfactory nerve
channel, depolarizing the cell and ultimately resulting in an layer, (2) glomerular layer, (3) external plexiform layer, (4)
action potential in the sensory neuron (figure 22.6). John mitral cell layer, (5) internal plexiform layer, and (6) granule
Ngai and colleagues demonstrated that blocking this cascade cell layer (Kratskin & Belluzzi, 2003). These layers are
causes anosmia—a total loss of olfaction (Brunet, Gold, & arranged in a concentric manner reminiscent of an onion
Ngai, 1996). (Shepherd, 1972; Greer, Stewart, Kauer, & Shepherd, 1981).
A second transduction cascade has also been suggested The bulb contains functional elements primarily consisting
whereby activation of the G-protein and phospholipase C of an input neuron, an interneuron, and an output neuron.
lead to the production of IP3, which directly opens calcium The inputs are from two sources: peripheral input from the
channels that depolarize the cell (Boekhoff, Tareilus, Strot- olfactory receptors and centrifugal inputs from cortical
mann, & Breer, 1990). Following transduction, odorant- olfactory regions (see figure 22.3). These centrifugal inputs
induced action potentials propagate down the axons of are very extensive, are from various olfactory regions, and,

Figure 22.6 Odorant molecules bind to olfactory receptors (R) ways. Ca+ stimulates Cl channels, allowing Cl ions to exit the
embedded within the olfactory epithelium. The binding causes the cell (intracellular Cl concentration is greater than extracellular
associated G-protein complex to release its two subunits (α and β). concentration). This ion exchange further depolarizes the mem-
The α subunit stimulates the integral membrane protein adenylyl brane. Calcium also inhibits the transduction by combining with
cyclase (AC III), which in turn increases the concentration of Ca+-binding protein (CBP) that closes the CNG channels, ending
cAMP. Cyclic-gated nucleotide (CNG) channels open with cAMP, signal transduction. Signal termination is also mediated by a variety
leading to membrane depolarization; if there is sufficient depolar- of protein kinases (PKA, GRK, PKC) that phosphorylate the olfac-
ization an action potential is generated in the sensory axon. The tory receptor and by β-arrestin-2 (BARR-2) interacting with the
βγ complex released from the G protein stimulates phospholipase olfactory receptor. Odorant-binding proteins (OBP) in the nasal
C (PLC) leading to higher intracellular inositol triphosphate (IP3) mucosa may increase odorant solubility and/or receptor-binding
and diacylglycerol (DAG). IP3 opens Ca++ channels, allowing affinity, aiding transduction, or may assist in odorant clearance,
Ca+ to enter the neuron. The Ca+ ions have multiple effector path- aiding signal termination. (Image after Buck, 1996.)

yeshurun et al.: olfaction: from percept to molecule 325

although not yet fully understood, are thought to play a sig- temporal and frontal lobes and continues onto the dorsome-
nificant role in olfaction (Gray & Skinner, 1988; Singer, dial aspect of the temporal lobe. Piriform cortex is three-
Kim, Zochocoski, 2007). The peripheral input consists of layered allocortex, with a superficial plexiform layer I and
axons of olfactory receptor neurons. These project pyramidal cells densely packed in layer II and less so in layer
unbranched from the epithelium to the olfactory nerve layer III. Projections from the bulb synapse onto dendrites of
of the bulb, where they terminate in spherical neuropil struc- pyramidal cells within layer I of piriform cortex. Caudally,
tures 50–200 μm in diameter, called glomeruli. These form piriform cortex fuses into the anterior cortical nucleus of the
the glomerular layer, which is one or two glomeruli thick. amygdala. Olfactory bulb projections terminate densely on
In humans, each olfactory bulb contains approximately the periamygdaloid cortex, which inhabits the medial surface
8000 glomeruli (Meisami, Mikhail, Baim, & Bhatnagar, of the amygdala, and less so on the rostral portions of the
1998), and in a striking case of neural convergence, all the entorhinal cortex. The entorhinal cortex is the only portion
axons of same olfactory receptors converge to one glomeru- of primary olfactory cortex that is six-layered and is thus
lus. (Convergence is even greater in macrosmatic mammals.) considered transitional between olfactory allocortex and
Within the glomeruli, the receptor axons contact dendrites neocortex. The entire cortical complex that forms primary
of either mitral or tufted output neurons and periglomerular olfactory cortex is extensively interconnected by association
interneurons. The bulb is the site of extensive olfactory pro- fibers projecting across regions to synapse at layer I and
cessing modulated by interneurons consisting of short-axon within regions traversing the three cortical layers (Shipley,
cells, inhibitory periglomerular cells, and inhibitory axonless 1995). Furthermore, as was previously noted, the primary
granule cells. Granule cells make inhibitory dendrodendritic olfactory cortical regions project extensive centrifugal input
reciprocal synaptic connections with mitral and tufted cells. back to the olfactory bulb (Carmichael et al., 1994). Beyond
Periglomerular cells project a primary dendrite into glom- these primary regions, olfactory information is projected
eruli, where they synapse with sensory axons, and additional throughout the brain, most prominently to orbitofrontal gyri
dendrites make inhibitory dendrodendritic synapses with and the insular cortex.
mitral and tufted cells. The mitral and tufted cell axons join As can be appreciated by both the sheer area and the
to form the lateral olfactory tract, which is the output from diversity of cortical real estate that is considered primary
the bulb to primary olfactory cortex in the ventral portions olfactory cortex, this definition is far from functional. The
of the temporal lobe (see figure 22.3). Similar to the olfactory term primary typically connotes basic functional roles such
epithelium, the olfactory bulb is characterized by relatively as early feature extraction, yet as can be expected, a region
high levels of neurogenesis (Pagano et al., 2000; Bedard & comprising piriform cortex, the amygdala, and the entor-
Parent, 2004), mainly in the glomerular layer (Ninkovic, hinal cortex is involved in far more complex sensory pro-
Mori, & Gotz, 2007). cessing than mere early feature extraction. It is for this
reason that this definition is nearing abandonment
Olfactory cortex (Haberly, 2001; Sobel, Johnson, Mainland, & Yousem,
2003). Indeed, in a thorough review of central olfactory
By current definition, primary olfactory cortex consists of all structures, Cleland and Linster (2003) simply shifted the
brain regions that receive direct input from the mitral definition by referring to the classical primary olfactory
and tufted cell axons of the olfactory bulb (Allison, 1954; structures as secondary olfactory structures, noting that as
Price, 1973, 1987, 1990; de Olmos, Hardy, & Heimer, 1978; Haberly (2001) suggested, the definition of mammalian
Carmichael, Clugnet, & Price, 1994; Shipley, 1995; Haberly, primary olfactory cortex may better fit the olfactory bulb
2001). These make up most of the paleocortex, including (by than piriform cortex.
order along the olfactory tract) the anterior olfactory cortex
(also referred to as the anterior olfactory nucleus [Brunjes, Illig, Odor encoding: From molecule to percept
& Meyer, 2005]), the ventral tenia tecta, the anterior hip-
pocampal continuation and indiusium griseum, the olfactory The anatomy described above consists of three primary
tubercle, the piriform cortex, the anterior cortical nucleus of compartments: epithelium, bulb, and cortex (see figure 22.3).
the amygdala, the periamygdaloid cortex, and the rostral Some aspect of odor encoding occurs at each one of these
entorhinal cortex (Carmichael et al., 1994). In rodents, the processing stages, and it is the combination of activity
anterior olfactory cortex may play a role in interhemispheric across these regions that gives rise to the complex percept of
communication between olfactory bulbs (Cleland & Linster, odor.
2003), but in humans, both the anterior olfactory cortex and As noted earlier, the number of discrete odorants that
the olfactory tubercle are poorly defined. Piriform cortex, mammals can discriminate is unknown. That said, there is
the largest component of primary olfactory cortex in uniform agreement that it is more than 1000 (the estimated
mammals, lies along the olfactory tract at the junction of upper limit number of mammalian olfactory receptor types),

326 sensation and perception

and therefore odorants are probably not encoded in a Spatial coding
simple one-receptor-to-one-odorant scheme. There are
several lines of evidence suggesting that each olfactory recep- Several lines of evidence point to spatial encoding in odor
tor neuron expresses only one (Nef et al., 1992; Strotmann, discrimination. This spatial coding may take form at the
Wanner, Krieger, Raming, & Breer, 1992; Ressler, Sullivan, level of the epithelium, at the level of the bulb, and perhaps
& Buck, 1993; Vassar, Ngai, & Axel, 1993; Chess, Simon, at the level of cortex. The olfactory epithelium is spatially
Cedar, & Axel, 1994) or two (Goldman, Van der Goes van segregated into four zones roughly along the longitudinal
Naters, Lessing, Warr, & Carlson, 2005) types of olfactory axis of the cribriform plate (Buck, 1996). Although some
receptors. Furthermore, each individual receptor neuron olfactory receptors are randomly represented across these
will respond to multiple odorants, and a given odorant four zones (Strotmann et al., 1992, 2000; Sullivan, Adamson,
will activate several different olfactory receptor types (Sicard Ressler, Kozak, & Buck, 1996), most neurons that express a
& Holley, 1984; Firestein, Picco, & Menini, 1993; Raming given olfactory receptor type are restricted to one of the four
et al., 1993; Sato, Hirono, Tonoike, & Takebayashi, 1994; zones, where they are interspersed with other receptors in
Krautwurst, Yan, & Reedy 1998; Zhao et al., 1998; Malnic, a seemingly unordered manner (Ressler et al., 1993; Vassar
Hirono, Sato, & Buck, 1999). Thus odor encoding may be et al., 1993; Strotmann et al., 1994). Thus a rudimentary
the result of a combinatorial scheme in which different spatial map of odor identity is generated across these four
receptors respond to different molecular aspects of an zones of the epithelium (Mustaparta, 1971; Moulton, 1976;
odorant and a given odorant is then represented by the Thommesen & Doving, 1977; Mackay-Sim, Shaman, &
subset of receptors that it activates (Axel, 1995; Buck, 1996; Moulton, 1982; Edwards, Mather, & Dodd, 1988; Kent
Mombaerts, 1999; Firestein, 2001). Such a scheme would & Mozell, 1992; Scott, Shannon, Charpentier, Davis, &
enable the encoding of a very large number of different Kaplan, 1997; Scott & Brierley, 1999). Whereas the epithe-
odorants within what is potentially a 1000-dimensional lium may offer crude spatial ordering, the nature of conver-
space. gence from epithelium to bulb (Miyamichi, Serizawa,
Under the assumption that this is indeed the manner in Kimura, & Sakano, 2005) enables a much more detailed
which the peripheral olfactory system initially transduces spatial map of odor at the bulbar level (figure 22.7). Receptor
odorants, one may ask how this high-dimensional informa- neurons expressing the same type of receptor typically con-
tion is organized by the brain to enable odor discrimination. verge onto two individual glomeruli in the bulb, one on the
Some unique principles may apply to odor encoding. First, lateral surface and one on the medial surface, in a manner
odor coding appears to be synthetic (Wilson & Stevenson, that is symmetrical between bulbs and similar across indi-
2006; Stevenson & Wilson, 2007). Most environmentally viduals within a species (Ressler, Sullivan, & Buck, 1994;
relevant odorants are complex mixtures of molecules yet are Vassar et al., 1994; Mombaerts et al., 1996; Tsuboi et al.,
processed as a whole. Indeed, the identification of specific 1999). Thus a strict relationship is maintained whereby a
odorant molecules or molecular features is far less behavior- single receptor type is represented by a two glomeruli. Con-
ally relevant than is the ability to distinguish the complex sidering that different receptors may be sensitive to different
odor of a ripened fruit or of a predator from background aspects of odor molecules (termed odotopes or pharmacophores),
odors. Anterior piriform cortex may play a role in this a given odorant may then be represented by a spatial pattern
process, as it acts as a filter that is driven most strongly by of glomerular activity (Lancet, Greer, Kauer, & Shapherd,
changing stimuli, providing a potential mechanism for olfac- 1982; Shepherd, 1985; Johnson & Leon, 2007). Further-
tory figure-ground segmentation and selective reading of more, lateral inhibition between glomeruli may serve to
olfactory bulb output (Kadohisa & Wilson, 2006a). Consis- further sharpen this glomerular spatial map of odor (Mori &
tent with this, mammals are quite bad at determining the Shepherd, 1994; Yokoi, Mori, & Nakanishi, 1995). Several
composition of mixtures when the number of components lines of evidence support this notion of odor maps on the
reaches four or higher (Livermore & Laing, 1996; Linster & olfactory bulb, including 2-deoxyglucose uptake (Stewart,
Smith, 1997). Second, in comparison to vision and audition, Kauer, & Shepherd, 1979; Jourdan, Duveau, Astic, &
odor transduction is relatively slower, because molecules Holley, 1980; Johnson, Woo, & Leon, 1998; Johnson, Woo,
must sorb across the mucosa, a process that takes about Hingco, Pham, & Leon, 1999; Johnson & Leon, 2000a,
150 ms (Firestein & Werblin, 1989). That the neural sub- 2000b), electrophysiology (Shepherd, 1985; Mori & Yoshi-
strates of olfaction do not have to fire continuously to keep hara, 1995), gene expression (Guthrie, Anderson, Leon, &
up with peripheral transduction (in contrast to vision and Gall, 1993; Guthrie & Gall, 1995; Johnson, Woo, Duong,
audition) may enable the system to use the temporal encod- Nguyen, & Leon, 1995; Sallaz & Jourdan, 1996; Inaki,
ing domain to encode complex odorant features. The brain Takahashi, Nagayama, & Mori, 2002), and optical imaging
can then combine temporal encoding with spatial encoding (Kauer, 1988; Rubin & Katz, 1999; Uchida, Takahashi,
in the construction of odor space. Tanifuji, & Mori 2000; Meister & Bonhoeffer, 2001).

yeshurun et al.: olfaction: from percept to molecule 327

resented primarily in posterior piriform cortex. Although
these findings suggest some relationship between the spatial
organization of piriform cortex and odor input, rules under-
lying this organization remain unknown. Finally, work using
single-cell recordings in monkeys found a high degree of
odorant-specific responses at an even later stage of olfactory
processing, namely, prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortex
(Tanabe, Iino, Oshima, & Takagi, 1974; Rolls, Critchley, &
Treves, 1996). Taken together, these findings suggest that
odor identity may be spatially encoded at the level of cortex,
but additional studies are needed to fully address this
Under the assumption of spatial mapping of odor at the
olfactory epithelium, bulb, and cortex, a key question is what
is the metric of smell that governs olfactory perception and
hence this map. To date, scientists have been probing for
this metric by systematically varying known aspects of
molecular odorant structure while imaging the glomerular
layer of the bulb. On the basis of work on the I7 receptor in
mice and rats (Ivic, Zhang, Zhang, Yoon, & Firestein, 2002),
the most commonly probed structural axis is that of carbon
chain length. For example, Johnson and colleagues (1999),
using 2-deoxyglucose uptake, and Rubin and Katz (1999),
Uchida and colleagues (2000), and Meister and Bonhoeffer
(2001), using optical imaging, all stimulated with an homolo-
gous series of n-aliphatic aldehydes varying in carbon chain
Figure 22.7 Spatial mapping from epithelium to bulb. Top panel:
Color-coded zonal distribution of receptor types in the olfactory length as a possible odor metric. They found that each indi-
epithelijm and their projection pattern to glomeruli in the olfactory vidual odorant could be represented by a unique spatial
bulb (Miyamichi et al., 2005). Bottom panel: Patterns of 2DG activa- distribution of glomerular activity and that the difference
tion on the surface of the rat olfactory bulb as a reflection of between these unique distributions or maps was greater for
odorant identity. For detailed maps, see odorants that differed by increased length of carbon chain.
.edu/. (See color plate 25.)
In other words, odorants that differed by one carbon in
chain length produced similar glomerular maps, and odor-
If a rudimentary spatial map of odorant identity is formed ants that differed by several carbons produced increasingly
at the level of the epithelium and then sharpened at the different glomerular maps. Johnson and Leon (2000a, 2000b)
level of bulb, one may ask whether this map is maintained defined clusters of glomeruli with similar response specifici-
at the level of cortex. Early anatomical studies suggested ties as glomerular modules and found that in addition to
that the topography of projections from bulb to cortex carbon chain length, modular glomerular maps also encode
was disordered and that cortical representation did not for hydrocarbon branch structure and oxygen-containing
maintain the spatial ordering of bulbar representation (Price functional group. These glomerular module maps were suf-
& Sprich, 1975). However, several functional studies point ficiently consistent to allow Johnson and colleagues (2002) to
to spatial axes of representation in primary olfactory cortex. predict both odorant structure based on patterns of glumeru-
Optical recording of activity in the rat cortex suggest that lar activity and patterns of glomerular activity in response to
the piriform cortex is divided in to several functionally het- novel odorants. The optical imaging studies also found that
erogeneous regions (Litaudon, Datiche, & Cattarelli, 1997). higher odorant intensities activated increased overall
Electrophysiological recordings suggest piriform cortex has numbers of glomeruli, thus producing a somewhat smeared,
at least four spatial receptive fields specialized for odors yet retained, odorant identity map. This increased recruit-
delivered to the ipsilateral nostril, contralateral nostril, either ment of glomeruli with increased odorant concentration was
nostril, or both nostrils (Wilson, 1997, 2001). Furthermore, not always seen with 2-deoxyglucose uptake.
a converging finding across rats (Kadohisa & Wilson, 2006b) Although the emerging picture of spatial odor encoding
and humans (Gottfried, Winston, & Dolan, 2006) suggests a at all levels of the olfactory system is quite convincing, this
dissociation whereby odorant structure is represented pri- view does have some significant caveats. First, as noted by
marily in anterior piriform cortex, and odor quality is rep- Laurent (2002), even if the current view of encoding at the

328 sensation and perception

bulb is correct, this is not spatial encoding per se. In audition tions occur in both the olfactory bulb and in primary olfac-
and vision, spatial ordering in the neural system represents tory cortex in a correlated manner (Eeckman & Freeman,
spatial ordering in the physical world. For example, neigh- 1990) and are present in rodents (Adrian, 1942; Ueki &
boring locations on the basilar membrane encode for Domino, 1961; Bressler & Freeman, 1980; Ketchum &
neighboring frequencies. This was not the case in the afore- Haberly, 1993; Protopapas & Bower, 2001) and perhaps
mentioned studies of activity in the olfactory bulb (Luo & in humans (Hughes, Hendrix, Wetzel, & Johnston, 1969;
Flanagan, 2007). Second, extensive lesions both at the level Sobel et al., 1998). Although it is clear that these oscillations
of olfactory bulb (Hudson & Distel, 1987; Lu & Slotnick, are key to the process of olfaction, the exact functional sig-
1998; Slotnick & Bodyak, 2002) and at the level of the olfac- nificance of these patterns remains unclear. Several research-
tory cortex (Slotnick & Berman, 1980; Slotnick & Risser, ers have suggested that the γ frequencies, coupled with the
1990; Slotnick & Schoonover, 1993) do little to distort olfac- exceedingly large number of backprojecting pyramidal
tory perception. If this perception were strongly linked to axons from anterior piriform cortex to the bulb, categorize
spatial representation within this neural architecture, one olfactory stimuli in an increasingly specific fashion over
would expect these lesions to have far greater impact. Third, successive sniff cycles (Bressler, 1990; Freeman & Barrie,
odor discrimination can be achieved at a rate that precedes 1994; Bhalla & Bower, 1997). Consistent with this, single-cell
full development of bulbar spatial maps (Wesson, Carey, recording revealed that ensemble activity of mitral cells in
Verhagen, & Wachowiak, 2008). Finally, patterns of activity the olfactory bulb contains information at different time-
throughout the olfactory system in general, and specifically scales that could be separately exploited by downstream
in the olfactory bulb, are constantly modified through expe- brain centers to make odor discriminations (Bathellier, Buhl,
rience (Kauer, 1974; Meredith & Moulton, 1978; Di Prisco Accolla, & Carleton, 2008). Although temporal ordering of
& Freeman, 1985; Harrison & Scott, 1986; Wellis, Scott, & neural activity is a well-described encoding strategy in the
Harrison, 1989; Eeckman & Freeman, 1990). Pure spatial olfactory system of insects (Laurent, 2002), the suggestion of
mapping is an encoding scheme that would probably not temporal coding in the mammalian system was met with
lend itself to rearrangement within short time frames. By hesitation by a field that has been dominated by the notion
contrast, temporal encoding of information, namely, encod- of spatial encoding. That said, studies by Hartwig Spors
ing of odor within the temporal order of neural activity, may (Spors & Grinvald, 2002; Spors, Wachowiak, Cohen, &
be far more plastic on short time scales and conceivably less Friedrich, 2006) begins to bridge the gap between these two
susceptible to anatomically restricted lesions. schools (Friedrich, 2002). Spors and Grinvald (2002) com-
bined optical imaging with voltage-sensitive dyes to obtain
Temporal coding high spatial (10–20 μm) and temporal (50–200 Hz) resolu-
tion measurements from the olfactory bulbs of rodents.
Olfactory behavior and therefore neural activity within the Using these methods the authors found odorant-specific
olfactory system are marked by rhythmic events. Since the glomerular modules of activity similar to those previously
pioneering work of Adrian (1942) and Freeman (1960), it has described with optical imaging. However, the added tempo-
been known that two particular frequency domains domi- ral resolution revealed a highly dynamic spatial representa-
nate activity throughout the olfactory system. The first is the tion across the glomeruli that was constantly modified both
slow θ rhythm (typically 3–12 Hz) related to sniffing, and the within a sniff and across consecutive sniffs (figure 22.8). In
second is the γ rhythm (typically 30–100 Hz), an odor-related other words, odor was represented by a combined spatio-
oscillation that rides on the respiratory wave. These oscilla- temporal pattern of activity. This notion is consistent with

Figure 22.8 Temporal development of odor-induced activity. onset, and the late response is data obtained 300–500 ms following
Data from Spors and Grinvald (2002) showing the temporal devel- stimulation. The spatial pattern of response is clearly modified over
opment of the bulbar response to the odorant ethylbutyrate. The time. (See color plate 26.)
early response is data obtained 150–300 ms following stimulus

yeshurun et al.: olfaction: from percept to molecule 329

measurements obtained in cortex as well (Rennaker, Chen, to “extremely” representative) 160 odorants (144 monomo-
Ruyle, Sloan, & Wilson, 2007). The brain may then read lecular species and 16 mixtures) against each of the 146
this spatiotemporal pattern as a sequence of discreet spatio- verbal descriptors (Dravnieks, 1985). Dravnieks had demon-
temporal events like frames in a movie (Hopfield & Brody, strated that this type of data was stable across a large pool
2001; Friedrich, 2002). By contrast, these successive repre- of subjects and across a large geographic span (Dravnieks,
sentations may represent stages of an ongoing computation 1982). Using the data in the atlas, we applied principal
in the bulb, in which case “time” is a computational variable components analysis (PCA), a well-established method for
in the construction of the odor representation at the bulbar dimension reduction that generates an orthogonal basis set
level (Bhalla & Bower, 1997; Friedrich & Laurent, 2001). In for the profile space in which each successive dimension has
both cases, the temporal information on odor may be carried the maximal possible variance. In simple terms, PCA gener-
by the intrinsic oscillations whereby it would alter the phase ates a new set of features, each of which is a weighted linear
of activity in a specific manner (Hopfield, 1995). combination of the input feature space, such that the new
In addition to directly participating in encoding of odorant features are (1) orthogonal and (2) ordered so that the first
content, the rapid oscillations may reflect the organization new feature is the single feature that captures the most
of network activity (Wilson & Bower, 1992; Protopapas & variability among the objects in the feature space, the second
Bower, 2001). Specifically, current source density analysis is the single feature that captures most of the remaining
suggests that each γ oscillation decomposes each inspiratory variability, and so on. Thus the first principal component
cycle into temporal bins of about 20-ms duration (Ketchum (PC), the first new feature or dimension, is the “best” one-
& Haberly, 1993). Haberly (1998) suggested that the olfac- dimensional reflection of the data, the first and second PCs
tory system uses these temporal bins to pair afferent input are the “best” two-dimensional reflection, and so on. Figure
from the olfactory bulb with intrinsically generated associa- 22.9A shows the percentage of the variance in the perceptual
tional activity and inhibition in piriform cortex in order to feature space explained by each of the first 10 PCs. As can
subserve this region’s primary function as odor association be seen, the effective dimensionality of the odor profile space
cortex (Haberly, 1985, 2001). was much smaller than 146, with the first two dimensions or
PCs accounting for 40.1% of the total variance in the odor
Odor encoding: From percept to molecule profiles and the first four accounting for 54%. Using these
four PCs that explained more than half of the variance, we
Although it is quite clear that odor is reflected in unique generated a subspace into which we projected the 144 odor-
spatial and temporal patterns of neural activity in the olfac- ants (figure 22.9B ). In other words, by applying PCA, we
tory system, odor encoding is far from understood. This is reduced the 146-dimensional feature space into a relatively
primarily evident in what remains the key unanswered ques- low-dimensional perceptual space.
tion in olfaction: There is not a perfumer or scientist who To test whether the space formed from the odor profile
can predict the odor of a novel physicochemical structure or data can be thought of as a perceptual space, we tested
predict the physicochemical structure of a novel smell. In whether distances in the space reflected perceptual odor
our view, olfactory coding has not been solved because the similarity. We pseudo-randomly selected nine odorants that
stimulus space is poorly understood. To probe neural coding span the space (figure 22.9B ) and then compared pairwise
in vision and audition, neurobiologists varied stimuli along perceptual similarity between all odorant pairs to pairwise
known primary perceptual axes such as color and pitch that Euclidean distances within the space. Euclidian distance in
were clearly linked to physical dimensions of wavelength and the space was a powerful predictor of odor perceptual simi-
frequency, but what is a primary axis of olfactory percep- larity (figure 22.9C ). In a second experiment, we tested our
tion? And to what physical dimension might it be linked? perceptual space using an implicit similarity task. Using a
It is these two questions that we recently set out to ask, subset of five odorants from the nine previously used, we
and we went about this by shifting from the typical approach presented subjects with a forced choice speeded reaction
of “from molecule to percept” to one “from percept to time task in which subjects were presented with two odorants
molecule.” in succession and required to indicate as quickly as possible
whether they were the same or different. In such tasks, the
Constructing a perception-based odor space time to respond correctly is expected to be longer for more
similar odorants and shorter for more dissimilar odorants
To build a perception-based odor space, Rehan Khan and (Wise & Cain, 2000; Abraham et al., 2004; Khan &
colleagues in our lab (Khan et al., 2007) used a previously Sobel, 2004; Rinberg, Koulakov, & Gelperin, 2006). As we
published data set known as Dravnieks’ Atlas of Odor Character expected, subjects took longer to make correct judgments
Profiles, in which approximately 150 experts (perfumers and for more similar odorant pairs than for dissimilar odorant
olfactory scientists) ranked (from 0 to 5, reflecting “absent” pairs (figure 22.9D ), where similarity was derived from our

330 sensation and perception

Figure 22.9 Olfactory perceptual space. (A) The proportion of tophenone, amyl acetate, ethyl butyrate, eugenol, guaiacol) are in
variance in perceptual descriptions is explained by each of the PCs further enlarged circles. (C ) For the nine odorants, the correlation
(starting at 0.3), and the cumulative variance is explained (starting between explicit perceived similarity ratings and PCA-based dis-
at 0.05). (B) The 144 odorants projected into a two-dimensional tance for all pairwise comparisons. Odorants closer in the percep-
space made of the first and second PCs. The nine odorants used tual space were perceived as more similar. (D) Reaction time for
in experiment 1 (acetophenone (AC), amyl acetate (AA), diphenyl correct trials in a forced choice same-different task using five of the
oxide (DP), ethyl butyrate (EB), eugenol (EU), guaiacol (GU), hep- nine odorants. Error bars reflect SE. The reaction time was longer
tanal (HP), hexanoic acid (HX), and phenyl ethanol (PEA) are in for odorant pairs that were closer in PCA-based space, thus provid-
enlarged circles, and the five odorants used in experiment 2 (ace- ing an implicit validation of the perceptual space.

perceptual space. Thus in both explicit and implicit similar- uum from unpleasant to pleasant, also referred to as perceptual
ity tasks, our derived perceptual space corresponded to sub- valence or hedonic tone). To test this intuitive label, in a separate
jects’ judgments of similarity. Odorants near each other in experiment, we asked subjects to rank the pleasantness of
our space were perceived as similar, and odorants distant the odorants, and then compared the difference in pleasant-
from one another were perceived as dissimilar. ness to distances along PC1. The two measures were strongly
Having validated the space, we set out to identify its prin- correlated (figure 22.10B ), indicating that our intuitive label
cipal axis. A first indication to the identity of PC1 is in the of pleasantness for PC1 was valid.
descriptors that flank it, that were SWEET, PERFUMERY, Our characterization of the first PC as pleasantness is in
AROMATIC, FLORAL, and LIGHT on one end and agreement with previous research (Richardson & Zucco,
SICKENING, PUTRID-FOUL-DECAYED, RANCID, 1989). Pleasantness is the primary perceptual aspect humans
SHARP-PUNGENT-ACID, and SWEATY at the other use to discriminate odorants (Schiffman, 1974; Godinot
(figure 22.10A ). An intuitive name for an axis spanning these & Sicard, 1995) or combine them into groups (Berglund,
descriptors is perceptual pleasantness (we use the term pleasantness Berglund, Engen, & Ekman, 1973; Schiffman, Robinson,
for the sake of simplicity, yet we are referring to the contin- & Erickson, 1977). Pleasant and unpleasant odorants are

yeshurun et al.: olfaction: from percept to molecule 331

Figure 22.10 Identifying pleasantness as the first PC of percep- the figure. (B) For the nine odorants, the correlation between the
tion. (A) The five descriptors that flanked each end of PC1 of per- pairwise difference in pleasantness and the pairwise distance along
ception. We should stress that here we show the five extreme the first PC. Distance along the first PC was a strong predictor of
descriptors only to help give a sense of the PC. This does not reflect difference in pleasantness.
a cutoff in any stage of the analysis, but only an esthetic cutoff for

evaluated at different speeds (Bensafi et al., 2002) and by accounted for approximately 70% of the variance. Figure
dissociable neural substrates, as evidenced in both electro- 22.11B shows the five descriptors that anchored the first PC
physiological recordings (Kobal, Hummel, & Vantoller, of the space. The full names of these physicochemical
1992; AlaouiIsmaili, Rubin, Rada, Dittmar, & Vernet- descriptors are listed in the legend of figure 22.11.
Maury, 1997; Pause & Krauel, 2000; Masago, Shimomura, Characterizing the primary dimensions of the PCA space
Iwanaga, & Katsuura, 2001) and functional neuroimaging of the physicochemical descriptors is more challenging than
studies (Zald & Pardo, 1997; Royet et al., 2000; Gottfried, the task for the perceptual space, because of both the set size
Deichmann, Winston, & Dolan, 2002; Anderson et al., 2003; and the variety of descriptors involved. Nevertheless, giving
Rolls, Kringelbach, & de Araujo, 2003; Grabenhorst, Rolls, them a coherent general character is possible and useful for
Margot, da Silva, & Velazco, 2007). Finally, studies with providing a sense of what information they might capture.
newborns suggest that at least some aspects of olfactory The first physicochemical PC was weighted at one end by
pleasantness may be innate (Steiner, 1979; Soussignan factors that are reasonable proxies for molecular size or
Schaal, Marlier, & Jiang, 1997). Thus our findings are con- weight: the sum of the atomic van der Waals volumes is
sistent with the view that “it is clearly the hedonic meaning essentially a crude count of atoms, as is the count of the
of odor that dominates odor perception” (Engen, 1982). number of nonhydrogen atoms and the self-returning walk
count of order one for nonhydrogen atoms (which is actually
Building a physicochemical molecular descriptor space identical to a count of the nonhydrogen atoms). The char-
acterization of these descriptors as indices of “weight” is
Having identified the primary perceptual axis of olfaction, borne out by a very high weighting that “molecular weight”
we set out to ask whether any physicochemical dimension itself has on this side of the first PC.
may be linked with it. Using structural chemistry software At the other end of the dimension are a series of topologi-
(Dragon), we obtained 1514 physicochemical descriptors for cal descriptors that vary with the “extent” of a molecule. In
each type of odorant. These descriptors were of many types, fact, all five of the descriptors are average eigenvectors
for example, atom counts, functional group counts, counts of distance or adjacency matrices, normalized in slightly
of types of bonds, molecular weights, topological descriptors, different ways: average eigenvector coefficient sum from
and so on. We then used the same PCA procedure to reduce electronegativity-weighted distance matrix, and average
the dimensionality of the physicochemical space. Applying eigenvector coefficient sum from Z-weighted distance matrix
PCA revealed that the effective dimensionality of the space (Barysz matrix), average eigenvector coefficient sum from
of descriptors was much lower than the apparent dimension- mass-weighted distance matrix, and average eigenvector
ality of 1514. Figure 22.11A shows the percent variance coefficient sum from distance matrix, average eigenvector
explained by each of the first 10 PCs. The first PC accounted coefficient sum from adjacency matrix. Each of these mea-
for approximately 32% of the variance, and the first 10 sures increases as the denseness of the atomic connections

332 sensation and perception

Figure 22.11 Reducing dimensionality of physicochemical space. returning walk count of order 01 (number of non-H atoms,
(A) The proportion of variance in physicochemical descriptors is nSK); VEe2, average eigenvector coefficient sum from electro-
explained by each of the PCs (starting at 0.32), and the cumulative negativity weighted distance matrix; VEZ2, average eignvector
variance is explained (starting at 0.01). (B) The five descriptors that coefficient sum from z-weighted distance matrix (Barysz matrix);
weighted most heavily at the ends of PC1 of physicochemical space. Vem2, average eigenvector coefficient sum from mass weighted
The descriptors are as follows: Sv, sum of atomic van der Waals distance matrix; VEA2, average eigenvector coefficient sum from
volumes (scaled on carbon atom); Xu, Xu index; X0v, pleasantness adjacency matrix; VED2, average eigenvector coefficient sum from
connectivity index; nSK, number of non-H atoms; SRW01, self- distance matrix.

increases, that is, as the number of atoms is packed more ception should be the best correlate of the most discriminat-
closely together. In combination, then, these two extremes ing physicochemical measures suggests that, as with other
anchor a dimension that characterizes the amount and senses, the olfactory system has evolved to exploit a funda-
distribution of mass within a molecule. Thus the first PC mental regularity in the physical world.
can be thought of as a measure of the “compactness” of a Having established that the physicochemical space maps
molecule. onto the perceptual space, we next built linear predictive
models through a cross-validation procedure. We then split
Building a model from physical to perceptual space the Dravnieks data in half, modeled one half, and used this
to predict PC1 of the other half. We repeated this 1000 times
We used the same procedure to construct two spaces: a and obtained a modest but significant prediction of PC1
perceptual space that was derived from an initially high- (odorant pleasantness) based on physicochemical attributes
dimensional odor descriptor space and a physicochemical (figure 22.12B ). To test the generality of this finding, we
space that was derived from an initially high-dimensional predicted the pleasantness of 104 odorants that we had never
molecular descriptor space. Both spaces were constructed smelled before and that were not used by Dravnieks or us at
by using PCA, which generates ordered sets of orthogonal any stage. We then obtained these odorants and collected
axes, constructed to maximize the variance they capture pleasantness estimates from three culturally diverse groups
in the original feature space. Because the axes are orth- of subjects (Americans in Berkeley, California, in the United
ogonal by construction, that is, uncorrelated using a linear States; Israeli Jews in Rehovot in Israel; and rural Israeli
Pearson correlation statistic, we can compare them Muslim Arabs in the village of Dir El Asad in the Northern
independently. Galali in Israel), each tested with more than 20 odorants. In
For each of the first four perceptual PCs, we asked whether each case, we obtained a similarly accurate and significant
they were correlated with any of the first seven physico- prediction of odorant pleasantness based on odorant struc-
chemical PCs. Strikingly, we noted that the strongest corre- ture (figure 22.13).
lation that we observed was between the first perceptual PC
and the first physicochemical PC (figure 22.12A ). In other Using odor space to predict neural activity in the
words, the single optimal axis for explaining the variance in olfactory system
the physicochemical data was the best predictor of the single
optimal axis for explaining the variance in the perceptual PC1 of physicochemical structure, or compactness, is a
data. That the most important dimension in olfactory per- single axis. However, it is multidimensional in the sense

yeshurun et al.: olfaction: from percept to molecule 333

Figure 22.12 Relating physicochemical space to perceptual first PC of perception and the first PC of physicochemical space.
space. (A) The correlation between the first to fourth (descending This correlation was significantly larger than all other correlations.
in the figure) perceptual PC and each of the first seven physico- (B) For the 144 odorants, the correlation between their actual first
chemical PCs for the 144 odorants. Error bars reflect the SE from perceptual PC value and the value our model predicted from their
1000 bootstrap replicates. The best correlation was between the physicochemical data (r = 0.59; F(1, 136) = 10.62; p = 0.0001).

Figure 22.13 Cross-cultural validation. Twenty-seven odorous subjects: Americans (23 subjects), Arab Israelis (22 subjects), and
molecules not commonly used in olfactory studies and not previ- Jewish Israelis (20 subjects). In all cases, our predictions of odorant
ously tested by us were presented to three cultural groups of naïve pleasantness were similar and significant.

that more than 1500 known features contributed to it Given that we have generated an olfactory metric, we can
with known weights. In other words, we can represent reanalyze previously collected data by reordering the studied
each odorant as a single value reflecting its compactness odorants using the above described vector-type representa-
(its PC1 score), or we can represent each odorant as a tion. With this in mind, Rafi Haddad and colleagues in our
vector of more than 1500 values (although PC1 was gener- lab revisited nine previously published data sets as well as
ated with 1514 values, Dragon software will generate up one novel data set for which we knew the odorants used but
to 1664 values). When using the former approach, the did not know the neural response (Haddad et al., 2008). We
distance between two odorants is the difference in PC1 found that our novel metric was always better at accounting
values. When using the latter approach, one can com- for neural responses than the specific metric used in each
pute the distance between any two odorants by the square study (e.g., carbon chain length). Moreover, this single metric
root of the sum of squares of the differences between was applicable across studies that used different olfactory
descriptors. neurons, different model systems, and different neuronal

334 sensation and perception

Figure 22.14 Correlation plots for unrelated data sets. The In the C and D data sets, the r value was positive as long as the
graphs demonstrate the ability of the multidimensional olfactory response pattern similarity was between 0 to 1, and it was either
metric to predict neural activity in the olfactory system. Graphs A negative or low when the response pattern similarity was negative
and B are from data set reporting RN responses (the similarity was (the right part of the red line). (A) Hallem et al. data set. (B) Sato
the measured Pearson correlation and thus can range from 1 to et al. data set. (C ) Sachse et al. data set (D) Leon and Johonson
−1). Graphs C and D are from data sets reporting GLO responses. data set. (See color plate 27.)

response measurement techniques and odorants varying and joined others (Engen, 1982) in observing that pleasant-
along different feature types. In other words, our approach ness is the principal perceptual aspect of olfaction. We
enabled us to use odorant structure to predict olfactory next reduced the dimensionality of physicochemical pro-
perception in human subjects (Khan et al., 2007) and perties, and identified a primary axis of physicochemical
odor-induced neural activity in nonhuman animals (Haddad structure. We found that 144 molecules were similarly
et al., 2008) (figure 22.14). ordered by these two independently obtained principal
axes: one for perception and one for physicochemical struc-
Conclusions ture. In other words, when measures useful to chemists
with no a priori connection to any particular percepts
Although the neuroanatomy of the olfactory system is were analyzed, those physicochemical measures that were
well described and the molecular mechanisms of olfactory best at discriminating a set of molecules were found to be
transduction are well understood, overall coding of olfac- precisely those that were most correlated with the perception
tion remains a mystery, in the sense previously noted of olfactory pleasantness. It is in identification of this pri-
whereby an olfactory percept cannot be predicted from vileged link that we add to the work of Schiffman, Amoore,
an olfactory stimulus structure. Our recent efforts have, in Dravnieks, and others, who together laid the groundwork
our view, made a step in this direction. However, this for this approach between the early 1950s and the late 1970s
remains an initial step in what is a long path. To reiterate, (Amoore, 1963; Laffort & Dravnieks, 1973; Schiffman,
we first reduced the dimensionality of olfactory perception 1974).

yeshurun et al.: olfaction: from percept to molecule 335

As this link between physicochemical organization and Laurent, 1999; Herz & von Clef, 2001; Djordjevic et al.,
perceptual organization is a key concept in this chapter, we 2008), expectation (de Araujo, Rolls, Velazco, Margot, &
think that it worth reiterating more plainly: Imagine that you Cayeux, 2005; Zelano et al., 2005), multisensory conver-
were given 1514 physicochemical descriptors (but no per- gence (Haberly, 2001; Gottfried & Dolan, 2003; Rolls,
ceptual descriptors) for each of 144 molecules, about which 2004), conditioning (Stevenson, Borakes, & Prescott, 1998;
you were told nothing else, not even their names, and were Li, Howard, Parrish, & Gottfried, 2008), and various top-
instructed to order these descriptors on a single axis that best down state-dependent modulatory influences (Pager, 1983;
captures the variance observed in the full set of molecular Critchley & Rolls, 1996; Kay & Freeman, 1998; Murakami,
descriptors. Now imagine that having produced such an Kashiwadani, Kirino, & Mori, 2005). For example, an unfa-
axis, you were to arrange all of your 144 odorants on it, those miliar odor will smell sweeter after pairing with sweet taste
with the lowest scores at one end and those with the highest (Stevenson et al., 1998), a cherry odor may smell smoky fol-
scores at the other. Now imagine that you walk down your lowing previous association with a smoky odor (Stevenson,
line and smell the odorants in turn. What we have found is 2001a, 2001b), and the same test odor will smell more pleas-
that the odorants at one end of your line will smell relatively ant when labeled “cheddar cheese” than when labeled “body
unpleasant and those at the other will smell relatively odor” (de Araujo et al., 2005). Experience-dependent neural
pleasant. representations of odor quality may be rapidly updated
That perceptual pleasantness is a reflection of optimal through perceptual experience, such as prolonged exposure
physicochemical discrimination might at first appear at odds to a target odorant (Li, Luxenberg, Parrish & Gottfried,
with the notion that olfactory pleasantness is variable across 2006), aversive conditioning (Li et al., 2008), or congruent
both individuals and cultures (Moncrieff, 1966; Pangborn, semantic information (Gottfried & Dolan, 2003).
1975; Wysocki, Pierce, & Gilbert, 1991; Ayabe-Kanamura The dynamics of this plastic aspect of olfactory perception
et al., 1998), as well as malleable within individuals over will obviously not be reflected in physicochemical structure.
time (Cain & Johnson, 1978; Hudson, 1999; Stevenson & However, a portion of olfactory perception is innate and
Repacholi, 2003). In our own cross-cultural experiments, we hard-wired (Blanchard et al., 1989; Zangrossi & File, 1992;
found that judgments of pleasantness were less culturally Dielenberg, Hunt, & McGregor, 2001; Dielenberg &
variable than one might expect. We propose that the notion McGregor, 2001), and our results concern this portion.
of large cultural variability in pleasantness may be over- Innately, the olfactory system evolved to maximize discrimi-
stated, owing to the salience of exceptions to the rule. Those nation between molecules, and as with other senses, its per-
cases in which one person finds an odorant pleasant and ceptual organization has evolved to reflect the axis of
another finds the same odorant unpleasant are in such con- maximal variance in stimulus space. Thus in perceiving
trast to our usual experience (“How in the world can you pleasantness, the olfactory system may be understood to be
find THAT smell to be pleasant?”), that they attain increased a programmed widely tuned discriminator of molecules
salience in our view of olfaction. Whereas it is true that these rather than a haphazard or arbitrary translator of molecular
exceptions exist, there is nevertheless overwhelming agree- properties. In other words, what is on one hand surprising
ment on gross olfactory pleasantness. Individuals may differ is on the other hand inevitable.
in the extent to which they find one perfume more pleasant
than another or one rotting substance more disagreeable
than another, but rarely will they find the rotting odor decid-
edly pleasant or the perfume decidedly unpleasant. Abraham, N. M., Spors, H., Carleton, A., Margrie, T. W.,
Kuner, T., & Schaefer, A. T. (2004). Maintaining accuracy at
This is not to say that all of olfactory perception is common
the expense of speed: Stimulus similarity defines odor discrimi-
or innate. As in other senses, the perception of odor and of nation time in mice. Neuron, 44, 865–876.
pleasantness is a complex process involving both innately Adrian, E. D. (1942). Olfactory reactions in the brain of the hedge-
tuned and learned components. The olfactory system is hog. J. Physiol., 100, 459–473.
known for plasticity at multiple levels (Graziadei et al., 1979; AlaouiIsmaili, O., Robin, O., Rada, H., Dittmar, A., &
VernetMaury, E. (1997). Basic emotions evoked by odorants:
Wilson, Best, & Sullivan, 2004; Barkai, 2005; Mandairon,
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342 sensation and perception

23 Auditory Masking with
Complex Stimuli
virginia m. richards and gerald kidd, jr.

abstract The detection of a target sound embedded in a chaotic incomplete description of auditory masking. Tanner began
acoustical environment is a basic yet poorly understood component with Licklider’s (1951) description of masking: “Masking is
of auditory perception. This chapter reviews three aspects of such thus the opposite of analysis; it represents the inability of
auditory masking, building toward the important problem of the
perception of hearing a speech signal in the presence of competing
the auditory mechanism to separate the tonal stimulation
speech sounds. First, the history of psychoacoustic masking experi- into components and discriminate between the presence
ments and the development of energy-based models to account for or absence of one of them” (Tanner, 1958, p. 191; Licklider,
the resulting data are described. Then experiments and models of 1951, p. 1005). This definition reflects the fact that the
the detection of a tonal signal masked by randomly drawn maskers, auditory system represents sounds tonotopically, such that
an example of informational masking, are described. Informational
the different frequencies of impinging sounds are encoded
masking experiments such as these are important because they
reveal masking phenomena that are mediated more centrally than and represented by different populations of neurons. The
the masking associated with traditional masking studies. Finally, the failure of analysis noted by Licklider, then, essentially equates
roles of peripheral and central masking for the detection of speech masking with limitations in the frequency resolution of the
masked by other speech sounds are discussed. auditory system. When the signal and masker share common
frequencies, the overlap of signal and masker energy makes
the detection of the signal difficult because the shared energy
Imagine the following: You and a friend are standing on the is represented by the same population of neurons. Tanner
corner of 34th and Chestnut Streets in Philadelphia, awaiting noted that when the frequency of the tone to be detected is
a bus to take you to Monks, a local pub known for Belgian- not fixed but chosen at random, the detectability of the
style beers. It is just after 5:00 p.m., and the traffic is heavy. signal decreases (Tanner & Norman, 1954). It is unlikely that
And as it happens, a garbage truck is clearing public trash this reduction in sensitivity reflects a failure of analysis at the
bins along Chestnut Street. Needless to say, you have to yell auditory periphery. Should this decline in sensitivity be con-
to be heard over the din of activity. This is an example of sidered a form of masking? Tanner further pondered the
masking.1 To communicate your message acoustically, you detection of a tone of known frequency masked either by
must broadcast your signal at a high intensity. Sound pres- another tone or by Gaussian (white) noise. Should masking
sure waves superimpose, or add, in space, and what enters be defined independently of the properties of the masker?
the ear is the accumulation of the sound in the environment. Regardless of whether the frequency of the tone to be
In enclosed environments—a classroom, for example— detected is uncertain or the characteristics of the masker are
superposition includes not just the noise of students, audio- varied, the end result is the same: A listener’s ability to detect
visual equipment, and so on, but also the sounds reflected the signal changes. Should all of these examples be described
off of walls, chalkboards, tables, and other surfaces. It is as by using the single term masking?
though we live in an acoustical hall of mirrors. The auditory Tanner’s point might be described in a slightly different
system has adapted to this din, allowing the segregation of way: As the sound stream is processed by the ascending
a target sound away from the masking sounds. Efforts to auditory pathway, what information is lost and where in the
understand this fundamental aspect of auditory perception processing is it lost? With regard to what masking tells us
form the basis of modern research in auditory masking. about the auditory system, the question becomes: How is it
In 1958, Tanner suggested that the intuitive sense of that biological systems effortlessly detect and follow an
masking conveyed in the scenario described above is a vastly ongoing target sound under the pressure of multiple acousti-
cal distracters? While not directly addressed in the current
chapter, it is important to appreciate that for many individ-
virginia m. richards Department of Psychology, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania uals with compromised auditory capabilities, there is a
gerald kidd, jr. Department of Speech, Language and Hearing decline in the ability to detect a target sound in the presence
Sciences, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts of other sounds especially when the listening situation is

richards and kidd: auditory masking with complex stimuli 343

complex and uncertain. Presumably, when a more complete another tone of different frequency. They described their
understanding of masking is achieved, advances in prosthetic results in terms of the amount of masking. The amount of
devices such as hearing aids will follow. masking is the increase in sound pressure level that is required
In the current chapter, the answers to the complex ques- to detect a target tone (the signal) in the presence of a second
tion Tanner posed are not wholly addressed. Rather, the tone (the masker) compared to the detectabililty of the target
goal is to provide an update, asking: What are the peripheral tone in quiet. Figure 23.1 shows the results of a similar
and central constraints that yield auditory masking? Follow- experiment by Egan and Hake (1950). Although the results
ing the tradition in which Tanner worked, this chapter con- of Egan and Hake (1950) and those of Wegel and Lane (1924)
siders psychophysical data in which quantitative models are quite similar, Egan and Hake’s data are displayed because
associated with signal detection theory (cf. Green & Swets, they are less influenced by factors such as auditory “beats”
1974) are used to link the physical description of sounds with that distort the masking pattern. In this experiment, a nar-
behavioral measurements. Thus, the scientific questions that rowband noise masker was centered at 410 Hz, and the
are addressed are: (1) What are the peripheral constraints amount of masking, in dB, was plotted as a function of the
for the detection of a target among distracters? (2) What is signal frequency. The three functions are for three different
known of the central constraints for the detection of a target masker levels: 40, 60, and 80 dB sound pressure level. Wegel
among distracters? and (3) Given the large amount of and Lane’s and Egan and Hake’s results revealed several
masking associated with central processing, how does this important features of auditory masking. First, they found
affect our ability to recognize a target speech sound among that when the masker is distant in frequency from the signal,
competing speech? These questions are addressed in there is little masking. Consistent with the tonotopic organi-
sequence, with an emphasis on the latter two. zation of the auditory system, it is only when the masker is
near in frequency to the signal that masking occurs. Second,
Traditional masking studies: Energetic masking when the masker level is increased, the signal level too
must be increased to maintain equal detectability. Third,
Wegel and Lane (1924) provided empirical estimates of when the masker has a frequency lower than the signal fre-
detection thresholds for a signal tone that is masked by quency, there is more masking than occurs for the converse

Figure 23.1 The amount of masking for a tonal signal masked by a narrowband noise centered at 410 Hz is plotted as a function of
signal frequency. The level of the narrowband noise was 40, 60, and 80 dB sound pressure level. (From Egan & Hake, 1950.)

344 sensation and perception

situation; for example, to detect a midfrequency signal, a periphery is often referred to as energetic masking, a term coined
low-frequency masker produces more interference than by Pollack (1975) as a contrast to informational masking.
a high-frequency masker does. Fourth, they found that as
the frequency of the masker increased, the frequency range Informational masking: Simultaneous multitone maskers
over which the masker interfered with signal detectability
increased. This work and many other related studies have Different from energetic masking, central masking, or infor-
provided psychoacoustical evidence corresponding to the mational masking, occurs when there is an elevation of thresh-
frequency selectivity that is found at the level of the basilar old due to stimulus uncertainty (cf. Leek, Brown, & Dorman,
membrane within the cochlea as well as suggesting the poten- 1991; Neff, 1995). An alternative description is that infor-
tial that the transduction chain includes nonlinearities. mational masking is the amount of masking above and
Fletcher (1940) provided early estimates of the effective beyond energetic masking or the masking that occurs even
bandwidth of interaction at the auditory periphery. In one when there is insufficient interaction between the signal and
of his experiments, the task was to detect a tone added to a masker at the auditory periphery to explain the results (see
noise masker. The bandwidth of the masker, which was Durlach et al., 2003a, for a discussion).
centered at the signal frequency, was systematically broad- One means of inducing informational masking is to use
ened. The idea was that as the noise bandwidth increased, maskers composed of several tones, with the frequencies of
the detectability of the added tone should decrease. This is the tones chosen at random on each presentation. This pro-
because the masker power passed through the internal band- cedure was introduced by Neff and Green (1987). The signal
pass filter2 (currently referred to as the auditory filter) would to be detected was fixed in frequency (e.g., 1000 Hz), and
increase with increasing masker bandwidth, causing more the number of tones that composed the masker ranged, in
and more masking of the signal tone. Once the bandwidth different blocks, from 1 to 100. Critically, the frequencies of
exceeded the bandwidth of the internal filter, no further the masker tones were drawn at random prior to each stimu-
increase in masking would be expected. As such, when the lus presentation, creating masker uncertainty. To under-
bandwidth of the masker increased, Fletcher expected the stand the difficulty that this task poses, imagine trying to hear
detectability of the added tone to first decrease and then level a 1000-Hz tone embedded in a masker, but the masker’s
off. This prediction held true, allowing Fletcher to estimate timbre varies vastly from presentation to presentation. As a
the bandwidth of the effective internal filter. simple example, the masker might shift randomly from a
Subsequent work has refined the assumptions upon which piano to an oboe to an organ from trial to trial. There is
Fletcher’s model was based, and this contemporary model is little basis for comparison among the sounds, making it dif-
referred to as the power spectrum model of masking. By this model, ficult to detect the added tone. This is the core of informa-
for the detection of a tone added to any masker, noise or tional masking: Under pressures of masker variation, listeners
otherwise, a listener monitors the output of the single audi- fail to selectively attend to the known signal frequency.
tory filter. Work by Patterson and colleagues and Moore and An empirical example relating the amount of informa-
colleagues (e.g., Patterson, 1976; Patterson, Nimmo-Smith, tional masking to the number of masker tones composing
Weber, & Milroy, 1982; Glasberg & Moore, 1990; Moore, the masker is shown in figure 23.2 (Neff & Green, 1987).
1995; Unoki, Irino, Glasberg, Moore, & Patterson, 2006) has Two aspects of this graph deserve note. First, even when the
provided computational/psychophysical approaches that masker was a single sinusoid (one masker component),
allow for the estimation not only of the bandwidth but also thresholds were on average 20 dB higher than those when
the shape of auditory filters. The assumptions associated with no masker was present. Second, thresholds were highest
the power spectrum model of masking include the following: when the masker was composed of 10–30 or so components.
(1) Listeners monitor the output of a single auditory filter, the With regard to understanding this function, it should be
filter with the highest signal-to-noise ratio; (2) the auditory noted that energetic masking is expected to increase as the
system can be modeled as a set of contiguous overlapping number of tones increases. This reflects the statistics of the
bandpass (and notably, nonlinear) filters2; (3) listeners detect masker. The more masking tones there are, the more likely
the added tone at a constant signal-to-noise ratio; and (4) it is that one or more of the masker tones’ frequency will be
there is variance in the listener’s auditory/decision-making close to the signal frequency. With regard to the nonmono-
system. The last assumption groups together all possible ticity of the function, Oh and Lutfi (1998) have developed a
sources of error, including neural jitter, uncertainty regard- model that captures this general shape. As a brief descrip-
ing the true characteristics of the signal to be detected, varia- tion, their model suggests that the more variance there is at
tions in motivation, and so on. The resulting estimates of the output of each auditory filter, computed across trials, the
auditory filter characteristics provide a convenient psycho- larger is the amount of informational masking. When there
physical tool for studying peripheral interactions. The are few masker components or many masker components,
masking associated with limitations in analysis at the auditory the variance in any one auditory filter is modest.

richards and kidd: auditory masking with complex stimuli 345

heavily on information in the region of the signal, whereas
listeners with poorer sensitivity tend to integrate information
from frequency regions that are distant from the signal
frequency (e.g., Alexander & Lutfi, 2004; Oh & Lutfi, 1998;
Richards, Tang, & Kidd, 2002; Richards & Neff, 2004;
Tang & Richards, 2003). Drawing a rough parallel with
Treisman and colleagues’ feature integration theory (e.g.,
Triesman & Gelade, 1980), one potential description is
as follows. When the masker is composed of relatively
few masker tones (say, 10), the masker tones and the signal
are separately analyzed at the auditory periphery, yielding
several tones with common characteristics or features.
Because the auditory system cannot distinguish an increase
from 10 tones (masker alone) to 11 tones (masker plus signal),
the signal is very difficult to detect. By this notion, introduc-
ing differences in the characteristics of the signal compared
to the masker components ought to allow the signal to be
segregated from the masker, thereby releasing masking. In
Figure 23.2 Amount of masking is plotted as a function of
the number of tones comprising the masker. The dashed line is fact, this result has been obtained (e.g., Neff, 1995; Kidd,
the amount of masking for Gaussian noise. (From Neff & Green, Mason, & Arbogast, 2002; Durlach et al., 2003b). For
1987.) example, if the signal to be detected starts shortly after the
masker or is a frequency glide rather than a simple tone,
An additional common finding in informational masking then informational masking is substantially reduced. At
experiments is large individual differences in levels of present, the relationship between the amounts of release
performance. In many instances, the range in the amount from informational masking due to changes in the charac-
of masking approaches 50–60 dB (Neff & Dethlefs, 1995). teristics of the signal versus the masker (and masker compo-
This range represents approximately one-half of the nents) is not well understood.
dynamic range of the auditory system, which, depending The amount of informational masking can also be reduced
on the way in which it is computed, typically is greater by providing listeners with a cue that reduces stimulus uncer-
than 100 dB. Currently, the reasons for this enormous tainty. Several types of cues have been tested: signal cues,
range of performance across individual subjects are poorly masker cues, and signal-plus-masker cues (e.g., Richards &
understood. Neff, 2004; Richards, Huang, & Kidd, 2004). These cues
Even when individual differences are noted, it is clear are exact replicates of the stimuli tested on each trial. A
that random multitone maskers are tremendously effective signal cue reminds the listener of the signal’s frequency
maskers of tonal signals. Additionally, it is apparent that thereby reducing signal-frequency uncertainty. The avail-
informational masking reflects limitations in central process- able data indicate that when signal cues are tested, listeners
ing. As a result of the large amount of masking, modest tend to rely on or heavily weight the region near the signal
changes in cognitive processing can be reliably probed. For frequency (Richards & Neff, 2004). Similarly, masker cues
this reason, researchers have come to ask, in essence, how would be expected to reduce masker frequency uncertainty,
informational masking can be reduced, or released. To answer while signal-plus-masker cues would be expected to reduce
this question, it is critical that tools exist to separate periph- uncertainty for both. Note that masker and signal-plus-
eral from central processing (cf. Brungart, Chang, Simpson, masker cues reduce stimulus uncertainty nearly equally, so
& Wang, 2006). they might be expected to provide approximately equal
With regard to potential means of releasing informational amounts of release from masking. The data, however, which
masking, an initial step is to recognize that informational are discussed below, indicate otherwise.
masking must surely reflect, to a significant degree, the audi- Richards and colleagues (Richards & Neff, 2004;
tory system’s grouping together of the signal and masker. Richards et al., 2004) have completed several experiments
That is, the signal and masker are, to a large degree, per- examining the efficacy of different cue types in their ability
ceived as emanating from a single sound source. The factors to release informational masking. Richards and Neff exam-
that are associated with this grouping mechanism contribute ined the impact of providing a cue, both signal and masker
to the failure of the auditory system to “hear out,” or poten- cues, before the detection trial. The signal, when present,
tially selectively attend to, the signal tone. Consistent with was either a 1000-Hz tone or a randomly drawn tone for
this result is that listeners with superior sensitivity rely most each signal trial, depending on the condition that was tested.

346 sensation and perception

The masker was composed of six tones whose frequencies mational masking for pretrial cues versus posttrial cues. The
were randomly drawn. Masked thresholds (signal level logic is as follows. If a masker cue is effective in releasing
required for a d ′ of approximately 1) were estimated both informational masking, regardless of whether it precedes or
with and without pretrial cues, and data collection was follows a trial, it would suggest that the release from informa-
blocked to allow listeners to take full advantage of the cue. tion masking reflects a reduction in uncertainty. In contrast,
Listeners were highly trained and were provided with feed- if the pretrial cue is much more effective than the posttrial
back following each trial. cue then, for the masker-only cue at least, there would be
First consider the results with a signal cue. Regardless of support for the hypothesis of auditory enhancement. By the
whether the signal frequency was fixed or random, thresh- same token, a signal-plus-masker cue should also reduce
olds were lower (superior sensitivity) when a cue preceded a uncertainty and thus should release informational masking
trial than when there was no cue. Moreover, cued thresholds but would not produce auditory enhancement. Figure 23.3
were only slightly poorer when the signal frequency was shows the results of two informational masking experiments
random than when it was fixed. Surprisingly, there was no that examine these predictions (Richards et al., 2004). First
correlation between the informational masking threshold consider the open symbols to the left. The open square
and the amount of release from informational masking. That shows the average value of d ′ for a signal of fixed frequency
is, although there were substantial individual differences in and fixed level when a masker cue preceded each trial. The
the amount of informational masking, the release from infor- open circle (hidden by the solid symbols) shows d ′ for the
mational masking provided by the signal cue was approxi- same signal but with a preview of the signal-plus-masker
mately equal across listeners. stimulus. The masker cue provides substantially more release
Next consider the results with a masker cue. A preview of from masking than the signal-plus-masker cue does, consis-
the masker provides information as to which frequency tent with the idea that the detection of something new (i.e.,
regions (masker tones) not to pay attention to on the subse- when the following trial has a signal) is enhanced by the
quent trial. The results indicated that a masker cue was as auditory system.
effective as the signal cue in releasing informational masking. Second, consider the open symbols to the right in figure
In one direct comparison, both signal and masker cues pro- 23.3. In this case, the cue followed the detection trial. As
vided 10–15 dB of release from informational masking. such, it is the signal-plus-masker cue that provides something
Additional data showed that the benefit of both signal and “new” to be detected (i.e., a masker trial followed by a signal-
masker cues lasts a substantial length of time. For example, plus-masker cue). The values of d ′ for the signal-plus-masker
delays between the cue and the trial ranging from 50 to and masker posttrial cues are approximately the same.
500 ms were equally effective. To summarize, the results of Moreover, the values of d ′ are approximately intermediate
Richards and Neff (2004) indicated that a preview of either between the values that were obtained for the pretrial cues.
the signal or the masker can provide a substantial release
from informational masking. However, neither a signal nor
a masker cue fully released informational masking. It was
estimated that on average, approximately 30 dB of informa-
tional masking still remained.
The fact that a preview of the masker allows a release
from informational masking is consistent with the phenom-
enon of auditory enhancement, which in turn is consistent
with the general finding that the auditory system is adept at
detecting when something “new” is added to the sound
stream (i.e., the introduction of new sound sources). Audi-
tory enhancement is a term that describes the fact that the
detection of a signal can be enhanced when energy “flanking”
the signal frequency precedes the signal (e.g., Viemeister,
1980; Viemeister & Bacon, 1982; Wright, McFadden, &
Champlain, 1993). Whether cueing effects in informational
masking experiments reflect the same mechanisms as for Figure 23.3 The index of detectability, d ′, is plotted for two
the auditory enhancement reported in these studies remains informational masking experiments. For one experiment, the signal
to be determined. However, the results that are considered frequency was fixed (open symbols), and for the other, the signal
frequency was random (solid symbols). The cue was either a copy
next suggest that they do contribute. of the masker (square) or signal-plus-masker (circle), and the
The importance to the auditory system of “new” informa- cue was presented either before or after the trial (abscissa). (From
tion can be evaluated by measuring the release from infor- Richards et al., 2002.)

richards and kidd: auditory masking with complex stimuli 347

Across several experiments, data such as these indicate that ognition studies in the presence of noise was straightforward:
a preview of the masker provides substantial release from The noise obscured or covered up portions of the speech
informational masking, while the three remaining cue con- sounds, and this loss of information had effects on intelligibil-
ditions (pretrial signal-plus-masker, posttrial masker, and ity that were quite predictable. High-frequency noise, for
signal-plus-masker) provide approximately equal, but less, example, might mask the high-frequency parts of a word
release from informational masking. This result suggests that such as the fricative consonant /s/. In such a case, the errors
the larger release from informational masking does not that would occur were likely to be errors involving the
simply reflect the temporal introduction of a “new” sound; masked speech sound. In fact, the errors that occur from
pretrial masker cues and posttrial signal-plus-masker cues energetic masking can be accounted for by articulation index
introduce an equal number of “new” sounds to be detected. theory (French & Steinberg, 1947), which predicts how intel-
This result contrasts with visual search studies in which ligible a speech signal will be on the basis of the signal-
pretrial and posttrial cues can be equally effective (cf. to-noise ratio in a number of frequency bands (cf. Allen,
Kinchla, Chen, & Evert, 1995), potentially a situation in 2005). However, in contrast to the rather straightforward
which the cue effectively reduces uncertainty. effects of noise (and some other types of energetic maskers)
Next consider the solid symbols in figure 22.3. In this on speech intelligibility, sounds that produce informational
case, the signal frequency was random but of the same level masking—especially other talkers that are similar to the
as for the conditions described above. When the signal fre- talker one wants to listen to—produce interference that
quency is random, all four types of cues (masker and signal- might be difficult to predict and may have effects that are
plus-masker by pretrial and posttrial positions) are equally less straightforward than simple noise masking. The speech
effective. signal itself is complex and time-varying with frequency
Clearly, cues do provide a release from informational components that often change from moment to moment.
masking, but the pattern of results is complex. The dominant When there are multiple sources of speech occurring simul-
advantage of a masker cue is restricted to situations in which taneously, the extent to which they overlap acoustically—
the signal frequency is known and the cue precedes the detec- and subsequently in the neural representations in the auditory
tion trial, at least for the temporal parameters tested by system—also may vary from moment to moment. This time-
Richards and colleagues. These results are not wholly con- varying overlap of the frequency spectra of multiple speech
sistent with the hypothesis that the release from informa- signals means that quantifying the amount of energetic
tional masking associated with a masker pretrial cue reflects masking that is present can be challenging, especially in
the auditory systems ability to detect a new sound source. natural listening situations.
Nor are they consistent with the notion that masker and It has long been appreciated that the effect of one speech
signal-plus-masker cues simply reduce uncertainty. signal on the intelligibility of another speech signal can go
These results and others indicate the complexity of forms well beyond energetic masking. Broadbent (1952) provided
of masking that occur even for relatively simple psycho- an early and clever demonstration of this. In his study, a
acoustic tasks. Indeed, informational masking is likely to be target sentence was broken up into individual words, and
very prevalent in many psychoacoustic tasks. For example, irrelevant words from another talker were interspersed in
Lutfi (1990) estimated that even for the traditional task of between the target words. Thus the words from the two
detecting a tone added to Gaussian noise, some 20% of the talkers alternated in time. No energetic masking occurred
total masking is informational masking. Next, we discuss the because the target and masker words did not overlap.
ways in which research concerning informational masking However, significant interference was observed in subjects’
contributes to an understanding of masking in a far more ability to report the target speech. Broadbent considered this
complex environment: the recognition of target speech result to reflect a failure of selective attention. However, not
sounds in the presence of competing utterances. all possible intervening sounds produce this type of informa-
tional masking. Recently, Kidd, Best, and Mason (2008)
Informational masking and speech recognition demonstrated that playing bursts of noise or time-reversed
masker speech in between the target speech has only minor
The acoustic signals that we use to communicate with most effects on intelligibility. Thus the meaningfulness of the
frequently are speech sounds. Other sounds may interfere masker speech and its similarity to the target speech are
with our ability to understand speech, and this interference crucial for producing informational masking.
may also be considered in terms of energetic and informa- Carhart, Tillman, and Greetis (1969) concluded that some
tional masking. Early studies of the masking of speech— types of maskers—specifically, modulated noise or speech—
similar to the early studies of the masking of tones mentioned produced masking of target speech that went beyond ener-
above—often used Gaussian noise or filtered Gaussian noise getic masking. They found that combining these complex
as a masker. The interpretation of the results of speech rec- maskers produced masking that could not be reconciled with

348 sensation and perception

the individual effects of each masker separately and termed by Bolia, Nelson, Ericson, and Simpson (2000) and are
the extra masking perceptual masking. To account for this referred to as the coordinate response measure (CRM). The
extra masking, they speculated that more than one process CRM is a closed-set speech identification test in which the
was necessary and noted other examples involving the observer must report certain key words that are colors and
masking of simpler stimuli in which “excess additivity” was numbers. As shown in figure 23.4, these recorded sentences
observed. Although the terms energetic and informational masking were first given a gradual high-frequency emphasis, then
were not introduced until later (Pollack, 1975), these speech filtered into 1/3-octave bands, half-wave rectified and low-
masking results—similar to the multitone masking results pass filtered. This process extracts the amplitude envelope
above—seemed to require the actions of separate mecha- within each band. These envelope functions are then used
nisms, one peripheral and the other central. Furthermore, to modulate pure-tone carriers corresponding to the center
the central factors contributing to masking likely involve frequencies of each of the bands. Only a few such envelope-
multiple processes. Even though each may be considered a modulated carrier tones need to be combined to form intel-
type of informational masking, there is a need to understand ligible speech. Thus a target sentence and a masker sentence
and distinguish among these processes (cf. Kidd, Mason, may be composed of mutually exclusive frequency bands,
Richards, Gallun, & Durlach, 2008). but each retains a high degree of intelligibility.
As was described above, one means for demonstrating Figure 23.5 shows two such sets of bands for two different
masking effects in speech recognition in the absence of sentences. These magnitude spectra, which are averaged
any peripheral overlap of target and masker was devised over the length of each sentence, are characterized by sets
by Broadbent (1952) using the alternating-word paradigm. of very narrow frequency bands that overlap only many
A more recent experiment used signal processing to achieve decibels below the peaks. The effect of this processing is to
similar, if not as complete, isolation of informational masking render highly intelligible target and masker sentences into
in speech identification. This study by Arbogast and col- sets of narrow frequency bands that interact minimally with
leagues (2002) will be discussed in some detail because it respect to energetic masking. This latter assertion was sup-
illustrates clearly the distinction between energetic and infor- ported by a control condition in which one of the sentences
mational masking of speech, and the stimuli resulting from was replaced by sets of matched narrow bands of noise (not
the signal processing they employed provide some interest- shown in figure 23.5; see Arbogast et al., 2002). The differ-
ing parallels to the multitone masking stimuli discussed ence in the amount of masking produced by processed
above. speech and by the noise control was taken to be an estimate
Figure 23.4 illustrates the steps in processing target and of the amount of informational masking produced by the
masker speech. The speech materials used were developed speech. Figure 23.6 illustrates this result.

Figure 23.4 A schematic illustration of the steps in processing the rectifying the filtered speech, (4) low-pass filtering of the rectified
target and/or masker speech into sets of narrow bands. The various waveforms to extract the envelopes, and (5) multiplying the enve-
stages include (left to right): (1) gradual high-frequency emphasis, lope functions with pure-tone carriers centered in each frequency
(2) filtering the speech into one-third-octave bands, (3) half-wave band. (Adapted from Arbogast, 2003.)

richards and kidd: auditory masking with complex stimuli 349

100 8−band Target
6−band Masker


Level (dB SPL)






0.2 0.5 1 2 5
Frequency (kHz)

Figure 23.5 Magnitude spectra of target (black) and masker (gray) speech processed as shown in figure 23.4 into mutually exclusive
frequency bands.

target and masker were both played from the same loud-
0 0o speaker, which was located directly in front of the listener
90o (0° spatial separation). The lower of the two points in each
case indicates a threshold that is obtained when the target
Target to Masker Ratio (dB)

was presented from a loudspeaker directly in front of the

listener while the masker was presented from a second loud-
−15 speaker located directly to the right of the listener (referred
to as a spatial separation of 90°).
−20 There are two main points to be made regarding the
design of this experiment and the results shown in figure
23.6. First, the goal in the processing of speech in this case
is very similar to the goal in the design of the multitone
masking experiment discussed above. The masker energy is
−35 positioned in frequency regions that are remote from the
target energy to reduce the peripheral overlap of excitation
Different Different
of the two minimizing energetic masking. The assumption
Band Band
Sentence Noise is that a large proportion of the masking that occurs is infor-
mational masking that is not due to peripheral overlap of
Figure 23.6 These are a portion of the results from Arbogast and
excitation. For both types of maskers—multitone and mul-
colleagues (2002) replotted to emphasize the difference between
energetic (different band noise) and informational (different band tiband speech—control conditions have been examined that
sentence) maskers. The values plotted are the level of the target support this interpretation (for the multitone masker, see
relative to the level of the masker at speech reception threshold Durlach et al., 2005). In the present case, the different band
(50% correct identification). noise is the energetic masking control for the different band
sentence masker and the difference in masking each pro-
The data plotted in this figure are group mean speech duces is an estimate of the amount of informational masking.
reception thresholds that indicate the level of the target rela- In this case, there are two comparisons: one when the target
tive to the level of the masker that allowed the listeners to and masker are colocated and the second when they are
correctly identify the key words in the target 50% of the time spatially separated. From figure 23.6, the former comparison
(chance performance is 3% correct). The two values on the (circles) yields about 22 dB of informational masking, while
left side of the graph represent the thresholds for the speech the latter (triangles) yields about 7 dB. Second, when large
masker (called different band sentence because the frequency amounts of informational masking are produced, stimulus
bands of the masker sentence are different from those of the manipulations that cause or strengthen the perceptual seg-
target sentence), while the two values on the right side of the regation of the target from the masker reduce the observed
graph represent the thresholds for the noise masker control masking. In figure 23.6, it is obvious that spatially separating
(called different band noise). For each masker, the higher of the the speech target and speech masker produced a large
two points indicates a threshold that is obtained when the decrease in the amount of masking (approximately 18.4 dB)

350 sensation and perception

primarily through a reduction in informational masking. pletely attenuate a 849-Hz tone but would pass a 851-Hz tone
Although some energetic masking release could be produced without attenuation. Instead, filters have “skirts” such that there
is a gradual change in attenuation as a function of frequency
by spatial separation of sources, the control condition of
from unattenuated to fully attenuated. Realistic filters also alter
multiband noise (right side of figure) indicates that this the phase of tones that pass through the filter, a phase shift that
was a minor factor in the experiment. This prominent depends on the frequency of the tone. Finally, nonlinear filters,
role of perceptual segregation in reducing informational which are used to describe the auditory periphery, might not
masking, but not energetic masking, has been reported in have unity gain. Depending on the intensity of the incoming
several other studies (cf. Neff, 1995; Kidd, Mason, Rohtla, sound, the filter might amplify the sound.
There are many examples of filters in everyday life. The
& Deliwala, 1998; Freyman, Helfer, McCall, & Clifton, telephone, for example, does not pass all frequencies; low
1999). and high frequencies are vastly attenuated. Our auditory system
provides another example: Try as one might, the system
Concluding comments does not pass/represent very high frequencies (e.g., above
20 kHz or so).
The study of masking over the past century has provided
important information regarding the functional organiza-
tion of the auditory system. Consistent with this history, in
recent years, studies of informational masking have provided Alexander, J. M., & Lutfi, R. A. (2004). Information masking
a potent tool for an understanding of the relative contribu- in hearing-impaired and normal-hearing listeners: Sensation
level and decision weights. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 116, 2234–
tions of peripheral and central processing in auditory per-
ception. The ultimate goal is clear: to more fully understand Allen, J. B. (2005). Consonant recognition and the articulation
why we hear what we hear in the cluttered acoustical environ- index. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 117, 2212–2223.
ment. While the psychoacoustics research summarized Arbogast, T. L. (2003). The effect of spatial separation on informational
above is incomplete—there are many fundamental ques- and energetic masking of speech in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired
listeners. Doctoral dissertation, Boston University.
tions to be answered, including a comprehensive answer to
Arbogast, T. L., Mason, C. R., & Kidd, G., Jr. (2002). The effect
that posed by Tanner (1958)—studies of masking continue of spatial separation on informational and energetic masking of
to offer a framework in which questions regarding the cogni- speech. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 112, 2086–2098.
tion of hearing can be addressed. Bolia, R. S., Nelson, W. T., Ericson, M. A., & Simpson, B. D.
(2000). A speech corpus for multitalker communications research.
acknowledgments We acknowledge the assistance of Rong J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 107, 1065–1066.
Huang and Christine Mason in preparing this chapter. This work Broadbent, D. E. (1952). Failures of attention in selective listening.
was supported by grants RO1 DC02012 and RO1 DC04545 from J. Exp. Psychol., 44, 428–433.
the National Institutes of Health and grant FA9950-50-1-2005 Brungart, D. S., Chang, P. S., Simpson, B. D., & Wang, D.
from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. (2006). Isolating the energetic component of speech-on-speech
masking with ideal time-frequency segregation. J. Acoust. Soc.
Am., 120, 4007–4018.
Carhart, R., Tillman, T. W., & Greetis, E. (1969). Perceptual
masking in multiple sound backgrounds. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 45,
1. It might happen that you are wearing a new rain hat with a 694–703.
wide brim. This hat leads to reflections of the sounds as they Durlach, N. I., Mason, C. R., Gallun, F. J., Shinn-Cunningham,
enter your ear, reflections that you have not experienced before. B., Colburn, H. S., & Kidd, G., Jr. (2005). Inforrmational
Alternatively, an impending head cold might clog your right masking for simultaneous nonspeech stimuli: Psychometric
Eustachian tube, providing an imbalance in the sounds trans- functions for fixed and randomly mixed maskers. J. Acoust. Soc.
mitted by your right and left ears. These challenges, which point Am., 118, 2482–2497.
to the efficiency with which the auditory system recalibrates, are Durlach, N. I., Mason, C. R., Kidd, G., Jr., Aborgast, T. L.,
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2. A bandpass filter is a device that allows a range of frequencies informational masking. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 113, 2984–2987.
to pass but attenuates, or rejects, other frequencies. As an illus- Durlach, N. I., Mason, C. R., Shinn-Cunningham, B. G.,
trative concept, a bandpass filter centered at 1000 Hz with a Arbogast, T. L., Colburn, H. S., & Kidd, G., Jr. (2003b).
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352 sensation and perception

24 Insights into Human Auditory
Processing Gained from
Perceptual Learning
beverly a. wright and yuxuan zhang

abstract Many auditory skills improve with practice, indicating To help establish the principles of auditory learning, we
malleability of the underlying neural system. Here we consider the and others have focused our investigations on basic auditory
effect of training on the human perception of basic sound attributes skills and simple training regimens. In such cases, during
such as frequency, intensity, and duration. We first compare learn-
ing patterns across multiple tasks, in each of which listeners dis-
training, listeners are asked to discriminate between small
criminate changes in a different sound attribute. These patterns variations in only one attribute of a relatively simple sound,
differ markedly for different tasks and sometimes even for different such as to determine which of two tones has a higher fre-
stimuli within the same task, in terms of both how performance quency or a longer duration. Establishing the learning
changes over training sessions and how learning generalizes to patterns under these circumstances forms a baseline for
untrained conditions. The differences suggest that training on dif-
interpreting improvements on more complex tasks and with
ferent tasks affects different neural processes. We then describe in
more detail sets of training experiments on auditory-timing and more complex training regimens. Suggesting that this is a
spatial-hearing skills and make inferences about the underlying reasonable approach, we have recently seen that phenom-
neural processes affected by the training. Finally, we speculate ena we first observed in learning on simple auditory tasks
about the neural underpinnings of auditory learning. This chapter occur on speech-perception tasks as well. Similar reasoning
thus illustrates that the examination of auditory learning can
has also guided a large number of investigations in the visual
provide unique insights into the human perception and neural
processing of sounds. system (Rust & Movshon, 2005).
In this chapter, we begin with a brief review of differences
across different trained tasks in the pattern of performance
improvement resulting from training and argue that these
A remarkable and often unrecognized characteristic of differences constitute evidence for the involvement of differ-
human perceptual abilities is that they can be improved with ent neural processes in these different cases. We then con-
practice. Such perceptual learning indicates that the under- sider in more detail the learning patterns on auditory
lying neural processes are malleable. Investigations of the temporal and spatial tasks to illustrate how these patterns
circumstances that yield this learning and of the patterns can be used to make inferences about the particular neural
with which this learning occurs have both theoretical and processes that were modified through training. We conclude
practical value. On the theoretical side, this information with a brief discussion of the neural bases of auditory learn-
provides insight into the architecture and plasticity of the ing itself.
neural processes that govern perceptual performance. On
the practical side, it can guide the development of more Evidence that different neural processes contribute to
effective and efficient perceptual training regimens to aid learning on different auditory tasks
individuals with perceptual disorders as well as others who
desire enhanced perceptual skills. To date, perceptual learn- The behavioral evidence that auditory learning involves dif-
ing has been examined primarily in the visual system. Here, ferent neural processes on different tasks arises primarily
we instead describe select aspects of perceptual learning in from examination of three aspects of the learning patterns:
the auditory system. learning on the trained condition, across-task generalization,
and across-stimulus generalization. This evidence rests on
the basic assumption that the pattern of learning and gen-
beverly a. wright and yuxuan zhang Department of
Communication Sciences and Disorders and Interdepartmental eralization is determined by the particular neural circuitry
Neuroscience Program, Northwestern University, Evanston, that is being modified as well as by the particular type of
Illinois modification that is occurring (e.g., Hochstein & Ahissar,

wright and zhang: human auditory processing and perceptual learning 353
2002; Karni & Sagi, 1991). Given this assumption, differ-
ences in learning and generalization patterns across different
tasks suggest that training on different tasks induced the
same modifications in different neural circuitry, different
modifications in the same circuitry, or different modifica-
tions in different circuitry. We typically cannot distinguish
among these three types of differences at the behavioral
level. Therefore we use the phrase different neural processes to
refer to all three possibilities.

Learning on the Trained Condition One indication

that training on different tasks affects different neural
processes is that the pattern of learning on the trained
condition differs across tasks. The specific assumption here Figure 24.1 Different effects of multiple-hour training on five
is that the pattern of learning during the training itself differs basic auditory tasks. Each bar shows the effect size of an analysis
across different trained conditions only if different neural of covariance conducted on the posttraining thresholds for a given
processes are affected by the training. Such differences are task, with the pretraining thresholds as the covariate. Asterisks
indicate that the listeners who practiced 6–10 hours on that task
evident in several aspects of learning on the trained condition,
(n = 6–20) had significantly lower posttraining thresholds (better
including the time frame of learning, the shape of the performance) than did controls (n = 6–16) who participated only in
learning curve, the pattern of performance within each pretraining and posttraining tests but received no intervening train-
training session, and the amount of daily training required ing; n.s. indicates that the posttraining thresholds did not differ
to yield improvement across sessions. significantly between the groups. Results are shown for frequency,
First, the time frame of learning differs markedly across temporal-interval, interaural-level-difference (ILD), interaural-
time-difference (ITD), and intensity discrimination.
different tasks. In perhaps the clearest demonstration of such
differences, we trained five different groups of listeners each
on a different basic auditory discrimination task, using similar and stimulus complexity (Watson, 1980), the current cases
training and testing regimens in all five cases. In addition, illustrate that it can differ markedly even among tasks with
in three of the five cases, we used the same standard stimulus, similar levels of complexity. Rapid improvements on percep-
against which all discrimination comparisons were made. tual tasks have been attributed to cognitive processes such
Despite these similarities, the time frame of learning differed as familiarization with the testing procedure and recognition
across the tasks (figure 24.1). For the discrimination of the of the sound attribute that is key to performing the task, while
sound intensity of brief tone pips (Wright & Fitzgerald, 2005) more gradual improvements have been attributed to changes
and of interaural time differences (a sound localization cue) in the perceptual systems themselves (e.g., Recanzone,
in longer pure tones (Wright & Fitzgerald, 2001), learning Schreiner, & Merzenich, 1993; Robinson & Summerfield,
appeared to be complete following an approximately two- 1996; Wright & Fitzgerald, 2001). However, this interpreta-
hour pretraining test, because listeners who received an addi- tion should be treated with caution because of evidence that
tional 6–10 hours of training showed no more improvement perceptual changes can occur quite early in training (e.g.,
than controls who participated only in pretraining and Fiorentini & Berardi, 1980; Ortiz & Wright, 2009; Rubin,
posttraining tests. In contrast, for the discrimination of the Nakayama, & Shapley, 1997).
frequency of (Wright & Sabin, 2007), and temporal interval Second, even when the time frame of learning is similar,
between (Wright, Buonomano, Mahncke, & Merzenich, in some cases, the shape of the learning curve differs across
1997), brief tone pips and of interaural level differences tasks. For example, of the three tasks described above for
(a sound-localization cue) in longer pure tones (Wright & which learning continued over multiple daily sessions, the
Fitzgerald, 2001), the listeners who received the multiple- learning curves had different shapes (figure 24.2A). For
hour training improved more than controls did. In general, temporal-interval and interaural-level-difference discrimina-
learning on auditory tasks appears to be complete after times tion, the learning rate was most rapid over the first three
ranging from less than approximately 20 minutes (e.g., days of training and slower thereafter. In contrast, for fre-
interaural-time-difference discrimination) (Ortiz & Wright, quency discrimination, the learning rate was approximately
2009) to more than 20 hours (e.g., learning of tone sequences) constant across the 10 training days. Further, even on the
(Leek & Watson, 1984, 1988) (for a review, see Watson, same task, the learning curve sometimes differs in shape for
1980). Interestingly, while there is some indication that the different trained stimuli. For instance, for interaural-level-
amount of training that is needed to reach asymptotic per- difference discrimination, learning was initially rapid and
formance on auditory tasks increases with increases in task then slowed for a pure-tone stimulus but occurred at an

354 sensation and perception

that listeners who improved on either temporal-interval or

Frequency A frequency discrimination across multiple daily training ses-
sions showed no systematic improvement in performance
within each session (Wright & Sabin, 2007). That is, the
0.9 improvement appeared to occur between, rather than within,
sessions. However, we have seen different within-session
0.8 patterns for other tasks. For example, although listeners
improved across sessions on the detection of a brief tone that
0.7 was presented immediately before a masking noise (back-
ward masking), their performance tended to worsen from
0.6 the beginning to the end of each training session (unpub-
ILD tone lished data). That the within-session performance patterns
0.5 differ across tasks, despite across-session improvements in all
Interval cases, is consistent with the idea that there are at least two
distinct stages of perceptual learning. One, acquisition, is the
2 4 6 8 10
period during which the task is actually practiced. The other,
consolidation, is the period during which performance sta-

1.0 B bilizes or further improves without additional practice, pre-

sumably through the transfer of what has been learned
ILD AM during acquisition from short- to long-term memory. The
0.9 different within-session patterns suggest that the mechanisms
that are involved in the acquisition stage are task dependent
0.8 but nevertheless all are able to lead to consolidation.
Fourth, a related observation is that the amount of train-
ing in each daily session that is required to yield improve-
ment across sessions differs for different tasks and possibly
even for different stimuli (Wright & Sabin, 2007). We trained
four groups of listeners, two on frequency discrimination
(figure 24.3A) and two on temporal-interval discrimination
ILD tone
(figure 24.3C ), each for six days, with the same standard
stimulus. For each task, one group was trained for 360 trials
2 4 6 8 10
per day, and the other group was trained for 900 trials per
day. The listeners who were trained on temporal-interval
discrimination showed similar improvements regardless of
Figure 24.2 Different learning-curve shapes for different trained the amount of daily training (figure 24.3D). In contrast, for
tasks and for different trained stimuli on the same task. Mean frequency discrimination, only the listeners who were trained
thresholds for each training session, normalized as a percentage of for 900 trials per day improved (figure 24.3B). Thus at least
the first-session performance, for frequency (A, solid circles) and for the particular standard stimulus that we used, learning
temporal-interval (A, open diamonds) discrimination with the same
pair of brief tone pips and for interaural-level-difference (ILD) dis-
on frequency discrimination required more trials of training
crimination with a longer pure tone (A, B, open squares) and an per day than did learning on temporal-interval discrimina-
amplitude-modulated (AM) tone (B, solid triangles). Each symbol tion. Note, however, that performance on frequency dis-
represents the average of 6–10 trained listeners. crimination with a different standard stimulus improved
over eight 350-trial sessions (Roth, Amir, Alaluf, Buchsens-
approximately constant rate for a sinusoidally amplitude panner, & Kishon-Rabin, 2003), suggesting that the amount
modulated stimulus (figure 24.2B). Similarly, for the dis- of daily training required for learning may be stimulus
crimination of the fundamental frequency of harmonic com- dependent as well as task dependent (Wright & Sabin, 2007).
plexes, the slope of the learning curve was significantly In the context of the two learning stages, these results suggest
steeper when the individual harmonics could be resolved by that different amounts of training during acquisition are
the peripheral auditory system than when they could not required to trigger consolidation for different tasks and even
(Grimault, Micheyl, Carlyon, & Collet, 2002). for different stimuli.
Third, in addition to the differences in across-session
improvement, the pattern of performance within each train- Across-Task Generalization Another line of evidence
ing session also differs across tasks. We recently reported that auditory training affects different neural processes for

wright and zhang: human auditory processing and perceptual learning 355
Frequency Discrimination Temporal-Interval Discrimination
A Standard Comparison C Standard Comparison


t t

Time Time

B p<0.01 D
Adjusted Learning Curve Slope

Adjusted Learning Curve Slope

(covariate: pretest threshold)

(covariate: pretest threshold)


-0.1 n.s.


360 900 360 900
Number of Trials per Day Number of Trials per Day

Figure 24.3 Different amounts of daily training required for from zero for listeners who practiced 360 trials per day for six days
learning across multiple sessions on frequency (A, B ) and temporal- (open triangles; n = 7), indicating no improvement across training
interval (C, D ) discrimination. (A) Schematic diagram of the fre- sessions. In contrast, the slopes of listeners who practiced 900 trials
quency discrimination task. Listeners discriminated between per day (solid squares; n = 8) differed significantly from zero and
standard (left) and comparison (right) stimuli that differed from were negative ( p < 0.01), indicating across-session improvement.
each other only in frequency. (B) Rate of across-session improve- (C, D) Same as A and B but for the temporal-interval discrimination
ment on frequency discrimination indicated by the slopes of task. For this task, the slopes were significantly different from
regression lines fitted, for each listener (symbols), to the daily zero and were negative, regardless of whether the listeners prac-
thresholds versus the log of the training session number. Individual ticed 360 (open triangles; n = 6, p < 0.001) or 900 (solid squares; n
differences were taken into account by adjusting the slopes based = 6, p < 0.0001) trials per day for six days, indicating improvement
on pretraining thresholds (ANCOVA). The box plots indicate the across training sessions in both cases. (Figure adapted from Wright
median and quartile values. The slopes did not differ significantly & Sabin, 2007.)

different trained tasks is that training on one task rarely leads (Mossbridge, Fitzgerald, O’Connor, & Wright, 2006), or
to performance improvements on other tasks (Wright & frequency and temporal-interval discrimination (unpub-
Zhang, 2009). The specific assumption here is that learning lished data). It also did not generalize, in the one direction
generalizes from a trained to an untrained task if and only that was tested, from interaural-level-difference to interau-
if the practice on the trained task modifies neural processes ral-time-difference discrimination (Wright & Fitzgerald,
that also govern performance on the untrained one. 2001), from amplitude-modulation rate to rippled-noise
Therefore a failure to generalize across tasks suggests that (figure 24.4) (Fitzgerald & Wright, 2005) or temporal-
different neural processes are modified through training on interval (van Wassenhove & Nagarajan, 2007) discrimina-
those tasks. tion, or from amplitude-modulation rate discrimination to
There are a number of examples of a lack of across-task amplitude-modulation detection (figure 24.4) (Fitzgerald &
generalization on basic auditory skills. Following multiple- Wright, 2005). The lack of across-task generalization has
session training, learning did not generalize in either direc- also been observed following a single session of training. For
tion between frequency and amplitude-modulation rate example, a brief period of training on sound-intensity or visual-
discrimination (figure 24.4) (Fitzgerald & Wright, 2005; contrast discrimination did not lead to better performance
Grimault, Micheyl, Carlyon, Bacon, & Collet, 2003), asyn- on frequency discrimination, though the same period of
chrony detection and order discrimination at sound onset training on frequency discrimination did (Hawkey, Amitay,

356 sensation and perception

Across-Stimulus Generalization A third line of evidence
that practice on different auditory tasks influences different
neural processes is that the pattern of generalization to
the trained task with untrained stimuli differs across tasks.
Similar to the assumption about across-task generalization,
the assumption here is that learning on a trained task
generalizes from a trained stimulus to an untrained one if
and only if training modifies neural processes that govern
performance with both stimuli. Therefore different patterns
of across-stimulus generalization for different trained tasks
indicate that the training affected neural processes with
different tuning characteristics for each task.
Differences in the across-stimulus generalization patterns
are apparent in two forms of comparison across tasks. First,
Figure 24.4 Lack of across-task generalization following learning the generalization results for a given sound attribute differ
on amplitude-modulation rate discrimination. The mean threshold across tasks. Across-stimulus generalization to three different
values on a set of conditions tested before and after nine 720-trial stimulus attributes has been examined on multiple tasks.
daily training sessions on a single amplitude modulation rate dis- These attributes are frequency, timing, and modality. For
crimination condition. Trained listeners (n = 9; squares) improved
significantly more than controls did (triangles) between the pre-
each of these attributes, learning generalized to stimuli with
training (n = 9; open symbols) and posttraining (solid symbols) tests untrained values of that attribute for some tasks but not for
on the trained condition (left column) but not on pure-tone fre- others. Generalization across frequencies has been reported
quency discrimination, rippled-noise discrimination, or amplitude for pure-tone frequency (Amitay, Hawkey, & Moore, 2005;
modulation detection. The parameters for each condition are Delhommeau, Micheyl, & Jouvent, 2005; Demany & Semal,
marked on the abscissas. The box indicates significantly more
2002; Irvine, Martin, Klimkeit, & Smith, 2000) and tempo-
improvement in the trained listeners than in controls ( p < 0.05).
(Figure adapted from Fitzgerald & Wright, 2005.) ral-interval (Karmarkar & Buonomano, 2003; Wright et al.,
1997) discrimination. However, learning was specific to the
& Moore, 2004). Further, though listeners who received a trained frequency for interaural-level-difference discrimina-
single session of practice on temporal-interval or interaural- tion with pure tones (Wright & Fitzgerald, 2001) and
level-difference discrimination showed better performance tone detection in quiet (Zwislocki, Maire, Feldman, &
on interaural-time-difference discrimination on the follow- Rubin, 1958) and to the trained tone pair for asynchrony
ing day than naïve listeners did, this improvement was sig- detection and order discrimination (Mossbridge et al., 2006;
nificantly smaller than that shown by listeners who were Mossbridge, Scissors, & Wright, 2008). In terms of timing,
trained on interaural-time-difference discrimination itself learning generalized at least partially to stimuli with
(Ortiz & Wright, 2009). The need for practice on the target untrained durations (Delhommeau et al., 2005) or temporal
task to obtain learning on that task has been taken as evi- intervals (Wright & Fitzgerald, 2005) for frequency discrimi-
dence that the particular neural processes that are to be nation but was specific to the trained interval for temporal-
modified by training are selected via top-down influences, interval discrimination (Karmarkar & Buonomano, 2003;
for example, through attention to the particular sound attri- Wright et al., 1997) and for the detection of short tones in
bute that is key to performing the target task (Hochstein & same-duration gated noise (Tucker, Williams, & Jeffress,
Ahissar, 2002). 1968). Finally, for modality, learning on temporal-interval
It should be noted that learning occasionally does general- discrimination generalized from the auditory system to
ize across tasks, but so far, the across-task generalization has motor performance (Meegan, Aslin, & Jacobs, 2000) and
been observed only in one direction. To date, the clearest from the somatosensory to the auditory system (Nagarajan,
instance of such unidirectional generalization is that learning Blake, Wright, Byl, & Merzenich, 1998), but there is some
generalized from asynchrony detection to order discrimina- indication that learning on asynchrony detection does not
tion at sound offset but not vice versa (Mossbridge, Scissors, generalize across modalities (Virsu, Oksanen-Hennah,
& Wright, 2008) (see the section “Relative-Timing Tasks” Vedenpaa, Jaatinen, & Lahti-Nuuttila, 2008). Second, the
below). Similarly, a comparison between two other investiga- across-stimulus generalization pattern differs across tasks
tions suggests that learning on pure-tone frequency discrimi- when the comparison is made relative to the respective
nation generalized to fundamental-frequency discrimination trained sound attribute of those tasks. Learning generalized
(Grimault et al., 2002) but not the reverse (Demany & Semal, across different values of the trained attribute for some tasks
2002). In these cases, training on the different tasks might but not others. For example, learning generalized to
have engaged different but related neural processes. untrained frequencies for frequency discrimination (Amitay

wright and zhang: human auditory processing and perceptual learning 357
et al., 2005; Delhommeau et al., 2005; Demany & Semal,
2002; Irvine et al., 2000) and to an untrained standard inte-
raural-level-difference value for interaural-level-difference
discrimination (Wright & Fitzgerald, 2001) but not to
untrained temporal intervals for temporal-interval discrimi-
nation (Karmarkar & Buonomano, 2003; Wright et al.,
1997). The differences in across-stimulus generalization
pattern for different trained tasks have been used to make
inferences about the tuning characteristics of the neural cir-
cuitry that was modified by training (see below).

Characteristics of auditory processing revealed by

perceptual-learning patterns
Here, we provide a systematic examination of the effect of
perceptual training on each of two selected aspects of audi-
Figure 24.5 Learning and generalization on auditory tempo-
tory perception, and the characteristics of the neural pro-
ral-interval discrimination. The mean threshold values on five
cessing that can be inferred from those results. These temporal-interval discrimination conditions tested before (open
inferences are made based on the assumptions described in bars) and after (solid bars) ten 900-trial daily training sessions on a
the preceding sections. Note that these inferences apply only single temporal-interval discrimination condition. The conditions
to the subset of neural processes that was affected by the are marked on the abscissa by the temporal interval (in millisec-
onds) and the tone frequency (in kilohertz) of the standard stimulus.
training, though many may be potentially engaged while
Thresholds differed significantly between the pretraining and post-
performing the trained condition. training tests for the trained condition (100 ms at 1 kHz), indicating
that training led to learning. For the remaining conditions, the
Temporal Tasks A critical role of the auditory system is thresholds differed significantly between the pretraining and post-
to encode the duration of and the temporal relationship training tests only for the untrained frequency (100 ms at 4 kHz)
between events. Here, we present two sets of experiments in but not for the untrained temporal intervals (50, 200, or 500 ms at
which we used perceptual learning patterns to gain insights 1 kHz). Thus the learning generalized across frequency but was
specific to the trained temporal interval. Results are shown only
into the neural processes underlying these auditory-timing for listeners who improved significantly across the training sessions
abilities. (n = 11 out of 14 tested for three conditions: 100 and 200 ms at
1 kHz and 100 ms at 4 kHz; n = 5 out of 6 tested for the remaining
Temporal-interval discrimination In one set of experiments, we two conditions: 50 and 500 ms at 1 kHz). (Figure from Wright,
examined learning on a temporal-interval discrimination Buonomano, Mahncke, & Merzenich, 1997.)
task. In the first experiment (Wright et al., 1997), we trained
listeners to discriminate deviations from a standard temporal ization pattern and also reported generalization to an
interval of 100 ms, marked by two brief 1-kHz tone pips, untrained marker type (a continuous tone versus tone pips)
during multiple daily sessions. Nearly all of these listeners at the trained interval.
showed significant learning during the training phase. This We subsequently trained another group of observers
learning generalized to an untrained condition that differed on temporal-interval discrimination in the somatosensory
from the trained one only in the frequency of the stimulus system (Nagarajan et al., 1998). Parallel to the pattern
(4 kHz versus 1 kHz) but did not generalize to untrained observed in the auditory system, trained observers improved
conditions that differed from the trained one only in the their performance on the trained condition, and this learn-
duration of the temporal interval (50, 200, or 500 ms versus ing generalized to untrained positions on the trained hand
100 ms) (figure 24.5). After the original experiment, we and to the untrained hand but was largely specific to the
administered to a control group the pretraining and post- trained temporal interval. Most interestingly, training in the
training tests but not the multiple-day training. The controls somatosensory system generalized to the auditory system but
did not show any improvement, and a between-group only for the trained interval. Interval-specific generalization
comparison of the trained listeners and controls yielded the of interval-discrimination learning across systems has also
same conclusions as were reached for the trained listeners been observed from auditory to motor performance (a motor
alone (Wright & Fitzgerald, 2005). Thus the learning on tapping task) (Meegan et al., 2000).
auditory temporal-interval discrimination was specific to the Taken together, these results indicate that the neural
trained interval but generalized across stimulus frequency. modifications induced by the training paradigms that were
Karmarkar and Buonomano (2003) replicated this general- used in these experiments influence auditory and somato-

358 sensation and perception

sensory as well as motor performance on temporal-interval 0.25 and 4 kHz), to an untrained temporal position (sound
discrimination with a variety of marker conditions but only onset versus offset), or to the untrained task (asynchrony
for a specific interval. These characteristics reveal a neural versus order). However, for asynchrony detection at sound
process that encodes temporal intervals in interval-specific offset (figure 24.6D), while the training-induced learning was
channels and that is possibly located beyond the primary still specific to the trained tone pair, it did generalize both
sensory or motor cortices. to the untrained temporal position (sound onset) and to the
untrained task (order).
Relative-timing tasks In another set of experiments, we exam- These patterns of learning and generalization provide
ined learning on two relative-timing tasks: asynchrony detec- insights into the neural processing of relative-timing tasks
tion and order discrimination. In an asynchrony-detection (Mossbridge et al., 2006, 2008). That performance improved
task, the object is to determine whether different compo- with training for both asynchrony detection and order dis-
nents of a complex sound start or end at the same time crimination at both sound onset and offset indicates that the
(synchronously) or at different times (asynchronously). This neural processes underlying relative-timing judgments are
ability helps listeners to separate multiple auditory events. malleable. More interestingly, the lack of mutual generaliza-
For order-discrimination, the task is to determine the order tion across tasks and across temporal positions suggests that
in which different components of a complex sound start or the training on the four conditions affected different neural
end. This ability helps listeners to distinguish, for example, processes. However, these neural processes appear to be
words (e.g., “pat” and “tap”) and musical melodies (e.g., related, as is suggested by the unidirectional generalization
ascending versus descending scales) perception. of learning from asynchrony detection at sound offset to the
In the first experiment (Mossbridge et al., 2006), we remaining three cases. One possible form of this relationship
trained one group of listeners on asynchrony detection and is that performance on each task, at each temporal position,
another group on order discrimination using standard stimuli is governed by a specified neural process and that there is a
composed of 0.25- and 4-kHz tones, with the crucial infor- unidirectional dependency among these processes. Another
mation presented at sound onset (figure 24.6A–C ). We used possibility is that while performance on asynchrony detec-
the same multiple-hour training paradigm for both groups. tion at sound offset is governed by a general relative-timing
Controls, who did not receive the training, improved between mechanism, performance on the other three conditions can
the pretraining and posttraining tests on the trained condi- be affected by both the global mechanism and the condition-
tions as well as on a variety of related untrained conditions, specific mechanisms and that the training on those three
indicating that exposure to the pretraining test itself led to conditions modified the specific ones. Regardless of the rela-
learning. However, both trained groups improved more tionship, the neural processes underlying learning in all four
than controls did on their respective trained conditions, training groups appear to be tuned to specific frequency
demonstrating that the multiple-hour training induced addi- pairs.
tional learning beyond that resulting from exposure to the
pretraining test. This training-induced learning did not gen- Spatial Tasks Another key role of the auditory system is
eralize to untrained tone pairs (e.g., 0.5 and 1.5, 0.75 and to encode the spatial location of sound sources. The two
1.25 versus 0.25 and 4 kHz), to an untrained temporal posi- primary cues to sound-source position on the horizontal
tion (sound offset versus onset), or to the other, untrained, plane are interaural level differences (ILDs) and interaural
task (asynchrony versus order or vice versa). time differences (ITDs). These cues arise because the sound
We later trained two new groups of listeners on the same from a given source can reach the two ears at different times
tasks at sound offset (Mossbridge et al., 2008), using the same or with different levels, depending on the frequency content
standard stimuli as in the original investigation (figures and position of the source. We have examined the effect of
24.6A, 24.6D, and 24.6E ). Unlike at sound onset, at sound training on the ability of listeners to detect small variations
offset the control listeners in large part showed no improve- in ILDs and ITDs in a series of experiments. We use the
ment between the pretraining and posttraining tests. Also results to make inferences about the neural processing of
different from sound onset, and more important in the these two sound localization cues.
present context, the generalization patterns differed between In our first investigation of this issue (Wright & Fitzgerald,
the asynchrony and order tasks. Both groups who were 2001), we trained two groups of listeners for multiple sessions:
trained at sound offset improved more than controls did on one on ILD discrimination with a high-frequency (4 kHz)
their respective trained conditions, demonstrating training- tone and the other on ITD discrimination with a low-
induced learning. For order discrimination at sound offset frequency (0.5 kHz) tone. We used different stimulus fre-
(figure 24.6E ), as for both tasks at sound onset (figures 24.6B quencies for the two cues because ILDs are known to be
and 24.6C ), the training-induced learning did not generalize most effective at high frequencies and ITDs are known to
to untrained tone pairs (0.5 and 1.5, 0.75 and 1.25 versus be most effective at low frequencies. To manipulate the two

wright and zhang: human auditory processing and perceptual learning 359



Figure 24.6 Learning and generalization on auditory asynchrony posttraining (filled symbols) tests on the trained condition (left
detection (B, D) and temporal-order discrimination (C, E). (A) Sche- column). However, the generalization pattern differed across the
matic diagrams of the signal and standard stimuli used in the four trained conditions. In three cases (B, C, E ), the learning attributable
relative-timing conditions. Each stimulus consisted of two tones. to the multiple-hour training was specific to the trained condition.
The duration of the higher-frequency tone was fixed at 500 ms. In the fourth case (D), the learning generalized to all conditions
The frequencies of the tones depended on the condition parameters. tested with the trained frequency pair and therefore spread
(B–E) The mean threshold values on a set of relative-timing con- more broadly than learning for the other trained conditions did.
ditions tested before and after six to eight 720-trial daily training The parameters for each condition are marked on the abscissas
sessions on a single condition: asynchrony-detection (B ) or tempo- (n = 6–18 for each group in each condition). Boxes indicate con-
ral-order-discrimination (C ) at sound onset or asynchrony-detection ditions on which trained listeners learned significantly more
(D) or temporal-order-discrimination (E ) at sound offset. In all four than controls did (p < 0.05). (Figure adapted from Mossbridge,
cases, trained listeners (squares) improved significantly more than Fitzgerald, O’Connor, & Wright, 2006; Mossbridge, Scissors, &
controls (triangles) between the pretraining (open symbols) and Wright, 2008.)

360 sensation and perception

cues separately, we presented the sounds over headphones. Trained

The listener’s task was to discriminate changes in the lateral

position of the sound image that were caused by changes in
one of the two cues; therefore the task is referred to as ILD
or ITD discrimination depending on the cue manipulated.
The multiple-hour training had markedly different effects on
ILD and ITD discrimination (figure 24.7) (Wright & Fitzger-
ald, 2001). Control listeners, who participated only in
approximately 2-hour pretraining and posttraining tests, Trained
improved on both cues, indicating that exposure to the pre-
training test itself contributed to improvements on these
tasks. However, while the listeners who received multiple-
hour training on ILD discrimination improved more than
the controls did, the listeners who were trained on ITD dis-
crimination did not. Thus under this training regimen, per-
formance on ILD but not ITD discrimination continued to
improve during the multiple hours of training following the
pretest. In addition, the training-induced learning on ILD
discrimination did not affect ITD discrimination. The dif-
ferent time frames of learning on ILD and ITD discrimina-
tion and the lack of influence of ILD training on ITD
performance suggest differential neural processing of high- Figure 24.7 Learning and generalization on auditory interaural-
level-difference (ILD) or interaural-time-difference (ITD) discrimi-
frequency ILDs and low-frequency ITDs. Further, the train- nation with pure tones. The mean threshold values, expressed
ing-induced learning on ILD discrimination generalized to as z-scores, on a set of conditions tested before and after nine
ILD discrimination with an untrained standard location (off- 720-trial daily sessions on a single condition, either interaural-
center versus midline) but not to untrained sound frequencies level-difference (top) or interaural-time-difference (bottom) dis-
(6 and 0.5 kHz versus 4 kHz). This pattern of across-stimulus crimination. The parameters and number of listeners for each
condition are marked on the abscissa. Trained listeners (squares)
generalization suggests that the multihour training on ILD
who practiced ILD discrimination improved significantly more
discrimination modified neural circuitry that encodes sounds than controls (triangles) between the pretraining (open symbols)
of a specific frequency but from a variety of locations. and posttraining (solid symbols) tests on the trained condition (top,
In a follow-up experiment, we tested whether the observed left column). This learning generalized to an untrained condition
difference between the learning patterns on ILD and ITD with a different standard ILD value (6 dB) but not to any other
untrained condition. In contrast, for the ITD-training experiment,
discrimination resulted from the difference between the two
both the trained listeners and controls improved, and there was no
cues (ILD versus ITD) or from the difference in stimulus between-group difference in any condition tested, either trained
frequency (4 kHz versus 0.5 kHz) (Zhang & Wright, 2007). (bottom, fifth column) or untrained. Boxes indicate significant dif-
To do so, we trained another group of listeners on ITD dis- ferences in improvement between trained listeners and controls
crimination at the same high frequency as the one we had (p < 0.05). (Figure adapted from Wright & Fitzgerald, 2001.)
previously used for ILD-discrimination training (4 kHz).
However, because at high sound frequencies (>1.5 kHz) at 4 kHz was due to the different stimulus types (pure
humans are not sensitive to ITDs in pure tones, we ampli- versus SAM tones) rather than the different cues (ILD versus
tude-modulated the 4-kHz tone with a sinusoid of 0.3 kHz ITD) (Zhang & Wright, in review). In this experiment, we
(a SAM tone), a stimulus that had been reported to yield trained a new group of listeners on ILD discrimination
ITD sensitivity (Henning & Ashton, 1981). In this investiga- with the same SAM tone that we had used to train high-
tion, the controls improved between the pretraining and frequency ITD discrimination. Once again, controls
posttraining tests, and the trained listeners did not improve improved between the pretraining and posttraining tests.
more than the controls did. This learning pattern is similar However, the majority of the trained listeners improved
to what we had observed for ITD discrimination at 0.5 kHz more than controls. Thus multihour training induced addi-
but different from that for ILD discrimination at 4 kHz, tional learning in ILD, but not ITD, discrimination, even
thereby ruling out the contribution of stimulus frequency for the same stimulus. These results suggest differential plas-
to the observed difference in learning of ILD and ITD ticity in the processing of the two cues regardless of stimulus
discrimination. frequency or type.
Most recently, we tested the possibility that the difference Notably, the detailed pattern of the training results for
in the training results for ILD and ITD discrimination ILD discrimination also differed between the pure tone and

wright and zhang: human auditory processing and perceptual learning 361
the SAM tone (Zhang & Wright, in review). There were processes. Here we speculate about the actual neural under-
three such differences. First, the training-induced learning pinnings of auditory learning on the basis of behavioral and
on ILD discrimination with the SAM tone generalized to physiological data from the auditory as well as other sensory
untrained SAM tones with different carrier frequencies and systems.
modulation rates but not to pure tones, even when those We propose that in most cases, for auditory learning to
tones had the same frequency as the trained carrier or mod- occur on a given condition, a neural process that limits the
ulation rate. Thus within the trained stimulus type, learning performance on that condition has to be selected and placed
for the SAM tone generalized across frequency, while that in a modification-prone state (sensitized). Sufficient stimula-
for the pure tone did not. Second, the amount of learning tion of the sensitized process results in modifications that
could be predicted on the basis of the starting thresholds lead to behavioral improvement. We further suggest that the
for ILD learning with the pure tone but not with the SAM selection and sensitization of the targeted process occurs
tone. Third, the learning curve was more linear for the SAM through top-down influences such as attention or reward.
tone than for the pure tone. These differences suggest that These influences are typically and optimally provided by
training affects differentially the processing of ILDs in performance of the target condition rather than simply
amplitude-modulated stimuli and pure tones, even at the through the bottom-up stimulation received from stimulus
same frequency. exposures. A role for top-down influences in perceptual
Finally, we investigated the extent to which the rapid learning has been proposed previously for visual learning
improvement that we observed on ITD discrimination (Ahissar & Hochstein, 2004; Gilbert & Sigman, 2007; Seitz
results from learning of the trained stimulus, the lateraliza- & Watanabe, 2005). The primary behavioral evidence for
tion task, or other factors that are collectively classified as this involvement, both here and in other sensory systems,
the procedure (Ortiz & Wright, 2009). Toward this end, we comes from the observations that learning on one task rarely
trained three groups of listeners for a single session, each on generalizes to other tasks, even when the same stimuli are
a different condition, and tested all of them the next day on employed, and from the different learning and generaliza-
a target ITD-discrimination condition. The three trained tion patterns for different tasks performed with the same
conditions shared different elements with the target ITD stimuli. The idea that sufficient stimulation of the sensitized
condition, forming a hierarchy of similarity. One group of process is required to achieve learning comes in part from
listeners was trained on a temporal-interval discrimination the demonstration that improvement across days on an audi-
condition that shared with the target condition only the tory task requires a sufficient amount of training per day
general, procedural aspects. These listeners had lower (Wright & Sabin, 2007). It also echoes a recent proposal,
thresholds on the target ITD condition than naïve listeners arising from a literature review, that a “learning threshold”
did, suggesting procedure learning. Another group of must be surpassed, through any of a variety of means, for
listeners was trained on an ILD-discrimination condition improvement to occur (Seitz & Dinse, 2007). Note that this
that shared with the target condition both the procedure proposed requirement for learning provides one means for
and the lateralization task but not the stimulus. The ITD- preserving the necessary balance between stability and plas-
discrimination thresholds of the ILD-trained listeners were ticity in the nervous system.
similar to those of the interval-trained listeners, implying We also suggest that the processes that are selected and
that there was little additional improvement that was attrib- sensitized during auditory training differ across tasks and
utable to task learning. The third group was trained on the can shift over the course of training. These ideas are sup-
target ITD condition itself. These listeners had lower ITD ported by evidence from neurophysiology and imaging that
thresholds than the ILD-trained listeners did, suggesting that the neural changes that accompany perceptual learning
the additional improvement resulted from stimulus learning. occur at multiple stages of the nervous system, including
Thus rapid improvements on ITD discrimination appear to primary sensory cortices (Clapp, Kirk, Hamm, Shepherd, &
result primarily from learning of the procedure and the Teyler, 2005; Furmanski, Schluppeck, & Engel, 2004; Li,
stimulus, implying that a single session of training can affect Piech, & Gilbert, 2008; Pourtois, Rauss, Vuilleumier, &
at least two types of neural processes. Schwartz, 2008) as well as associative (Law & Gold, 2008)
and frontal (Krigolson, Pierce, Holroyd, & Tanaka, 2008)
Neural underpinnings of perceptual learning cortices, particularly those involved in attention (Mukai
et al., 2007). There are also reports of global reorganization
Up to this point, we have documented the large variation in spanning multiple stages of processing (Schiltz, Bodart,
learning patterns across auditory tasks, argued that this Michel, & Crommelinck, 2001; Sigman et al., 2005; Vaina,
variation suggests that different neural processes are involved Belliveau, des Roziers, & Zeffiro, 1998; van Wassenhove &
in learning on these tasks, and illustrated how these learning Nagarajan, 2007). These ideas receive further support from
patterns can be used to make inferences about the affected evidence that different sites are affected at different time

362 sensation and perception

points in training (Atienza, Cantero, & Dominguez-Marin, when fitted to behavioral data, suggest that in some cases,
2002; Gottselig, Brandeis, Hofer-Tinguely, Borbely, & perceptual learning results from an enhancement of the
Achermann, 2004; Karni et al., 1998; Petersen, van Mier, signal representation, while in others, it results from a reduc-
Fiez, & Raichle, 1998) and that changes in primary cortex tion in noise (Dosher & Lu, 1998; Gold, Bennett, & Sekuler,
that occur during learning can reverse after learning is com- 1999; Lu, Chu, Dosher, & Lee, 2005).
plete, leaving the cortex in its original state (Yotsumoto,
Watanabe, & Sasaki, 2008). Behavioral data have also been Conclusion
used to argue that a variety of different sites are affected by
perceptual training. These arguments are based on the prac- Training induces improvements in a variety of basic audi-
tice of matching generalization patterns to the tuning func- tory skills in humans but does so with different dynamics and
tions at different processing levels. For example, in the visual generalization patterns. These differences support the idea
system, the specificity of learning to basic stimulus attributes that perceptual training on different skills affects different
has been taken as evidence for modifications in early stages neural processes. Detailed examinations of the patterns of
of the visual system, because the neurons at those stages are learning and generalization provide information about the
tuned to those attributes (Ahissar & Hochstein, 2004; Fahle, characteristics of the neural processes that are affected by
2004; Karni & Sagi, 1991; Poggio, Fahle, & Edelman, 1992). the training. Thus perceptual training can be used as a
Similarly, broader generalization has been attributed to noninvasive tool to probe into the neural substrates of sound
modifications in later visual-processing stages in which perception. A greater understanding of the rules and mecha-
neural tuning is also less selective (Ahissar & Hochstein, nisms of auditory learning can also guide the development
2004). However, it has been noted that both generalization of training regimens to improve auditory skills.
patterns also could result from modifications in a common
central site that interprets the sensory information obtained REFERENCES
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wright and zhang: human auditory processing and perceptual learning 365
25 Auditory Object Analysis
timothy d. griffiths, sukhbinder kumar, katharina von kriegstein,
tobias overath, klaas e. stephan, and karl j. friston

abstract The question addressed in this chapter is how the audi- for the creation of images (brain representations corres-
tory system allows us to represent the elements of the acoustic ponding to an object) with two or more spatial dimensions
world? The term auditory object is widely used in the literature but in the form of arrays of neural activity that preserve spatial
in a number of different ways. We consider different aspects of
object analysis and the ways in which these can be approached by
relationships from the retina to the cortex. In the auditory
using experimental techniques such as functional imaging. Func- system, the concept of an image is most often used to refer
tional imaging allows us to map networks for the abstraction of to a brain representation with dimensions of frequency and
perceived objects and generalization across objects. This funda- time or derivations of these such as spectral ripple density
mental aspect of auditory perception involves high-level cortical related to frequency (Chi, Ru, & Shamma, 2005) and ampli-
mechanisms in the lateral temporal lobe. Systems identification
tude modulation (Chi et al., 2005) or forms of autocorrela-
techniques based on Bayesian model selection in individual subjects
allow the testing of specific models that explain the activity of the tion (Patterson, 2000) related to time. If we accept the
networks that are mapped. existence of images with a temporal dimension, then the
concepts of auditory objects and auditory images can be
considered in a way comparable to how the visual system is
considered. The idea was first proposed by Kubovy and
The concept of auditory object Van Valkenburg (2001), who suggested that auditory
objects can be considered as existence regions within
In the acoustic world, we experience a number of different frequency-time space that have borders with the rest of the
things that form the natural sound scene. The problem con- sound scene.
sidered here is how the brain abstracts representations of A second issue about the concept of auditory object analy-
these things, or objects, as a basis for perception. The com- sis (which is also relevant to visual object analysis) is the
putation required for this process is formidable, given the cognitive level to which it should be extended. Consider
richness of our sound experience that is entirely based on the situation in which you hear someone making the
two pressure waveforms arriving at the ears. The problem vowel sound /a/ at a pitch of 110 Hz and intensity of
is a key issue for what has become known as auditory scene 75 dB on the left side of the room. That situation requires
analysis (Bregman, 1990). sensory analysis of the spectrotemporal structure of the
In contrast to the concept of visual objects, the concept sound. It also requires categorical perception to allow the
of auditory object is controversial for a number of reasons sound to be distinguished from other sounds. Sounds from
(Griffiths & Warren, 2004). At the level of the stimulus, it is which it has to be distinguished might be from another class
more difficult to examine the sound pressure waveform that (e.g., a telephone ringing at the same pitch, intensity, and
enters the cochlea and “see” different objects in the same location) or the same class (e.g., another person making
way that we “see” objects in the visual input to the retina. the vowel sound /a/ at a different pitch, intensity, or spatial
However, in the auditory system and in the visual system, location). We can appreciate that we are listening to the
objects can be understood in terms of the images they same type of sound if we hear it at 80 Hz or 65 dB or on
produce during the processing of sense data. The idea that the right side of the room. We can appreciate that similarity
objects are mental events that result from the creation of even if we do not speak a relevant language to allow us to
images from sense data goes back to Kant and Berkeley recognize or name the vowel. At another level of analysis,
(Russell, 1945). In the visual system, there is good evidence the sound must enter a form of echoic memory store (to
allow comparison with sounds that might immediately
timothy d. griffiths and sukhbinder kumar Institute of follow it) and might enter an anterograde memory store that
Neuroscience, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne; allows comparison with sounds heard over days or weeks.
Wellcome Centre for Imaging Neuroscience, University College,
At a further level of analysis, we might call the sound a voice,
London, United Kingdom
katharina von kriegstein, tobias overath, klaas e. stephan, and or my voice, the vowel “a,” or (if we have absolute pitch)
karl j. friston Wellcome Centre for Imaging Neuroscience, “A2.” The term object analysis might therefore be applied
University College, London, United Kingdom to (1) the perception of a coherent whole, the essence of

griffiths et al.: auditory object analysis 367

which can be perceived even when cues such as pitch or Natural stimuli for the investigation of auditory
intensity are changed; (2) categorical analysis; (3) encoding object analysis
into working memory; (4) encoding into anterograde
memory; or (5) association with a label during semantic A reasonable starting point for the analysis of auditory
analysis. We prefer to apply the term object analysis to the first objects is the use of sampled natural stimuli. These have
stage and will emphasize it in the current chapter, but a been used in behavioral experiments that use the technique
number of workers would argue for an obligatory require- of multidimensional scaling (MDS) (Caclin, McAdams,
ment for auditory objects, or objects in general, to have an Smith, & Winsberg, 2005; Grey, 1977). This involves pair-
associated label. The key point, however, is that a number wise judgments of the degree of difference between sounds
of stages of analysis are required to assess the nature of an that are then arranged in an n-dimensional space, where the
auditory object and that even the first stage above requires degree of dissimilarity between sounds is represented by the
considerable computational work to derive a representation degree of physical separation. The best fit for a given number
of particular sounds that is independent of basic cues such of dimensions is determined by minimizing the normalized
as pitch or intensity. Clinically, the distinction of preseman- sum of squares error for the fits that can be expressed as a
tic and semantic processing stages of object analysis is stress factor. Figure 25.1 shows musical instruments placed
relevant to the existence of apperceptive and associative in a three-dimensional Euclidian space using the technique.
forms of auditory agnosia, respectively (Griffiths, Bamiou, & The technique is not dependent on any assumptions about
Warren, in press). what causes them to sound different. However, the dimen-
A third controversial aspect of auditory object analysis sions disclosed by MDS can be examined to determine
is whether the concept should be applied to particular whether the dimension corresponds to any systematic varia-
individual sounds that can be distinguished from others tion of acoustic properties. For musical sounds with the same
as argued above or to sequences of sounds that are grouped: pitch, the dimensions of timbre space have been argued to
auditory streams. Bregman (1990) explicitly rejects the correspond to the spectrum of the sound (characterized by
concept of auditory object in favor of the auditory stream, a the spectral centroid), the temporal envelope (attack and
sequence of grouped sounds, as the fundamental unit of decay), and changes in spectral centroid over time. Recent
auditory perception. Others equate auditory objects with work (Caclin et al., 2005) has also emphasized the relevance
streams (Shamma, 2008). There is a problem, however, with of the fine-spectral structure.
considering streams as auditory objects corresponding to
a single percept derived from analysis over longer periods Synthetic manipulation of natural stimuli to
of time. Streams are sequences of sounds that are grouped investigate auditory object analysis
by perceptual properties such as pitch, timbre, or position
(Moore & Gockel, 2002), where these perceptual properties An alternative and complementary approach to sampling
all have complex relationships to the acoustic structure. natural sounds is to alter natural sound objects systematically
This makes a description of the stream as the most funda- using algorithms that obey natural principles. Figure 25.2
mental unit of analysis leading to perception problematic, shows how this approach can be applied to sounds produced
when the stream itself comprises elements that are perceived by natural resonant sources (a human voice, a French horn,
individually. Whether streams are regarded as objects, and a bullfrog). Natural resonant sources usually produce
streams of objects, or something else, however, it is an a fundamental frequency and a series of harmonics at
important level of perceptual organization that will also be integer multiples of the harmonic frequency; the sound has
considered here. a number of components when considered in the spectral
In this chapter we will consider different ways in which domain. These components are filtered by the resonant cavi-
auditory object analysis can be approached, with an empha- ties within the source, which has the effect of producing
sis on human neuroimaging. We will develop an approach peaks or formants in the spectrum. Figure 25.2 shows
that allows an understanding of how we assess objects as modeled auditory images (Griffiths, Buchel, Frackowiak, &
perceptual wholes that can be distinguished from others and Patterson, 1998) for the three types of sound, where the
generalized. We will also consider the encoding and retrieval activity within the fibers of the auditory nerve (arranged in
of sequences of objects. Functional neuroimaging data dem- increasing frequency order on the vertical axis), undergoes
onstrate that such auditory object analysis requires distri- a form of autocorrelation (shown on the horizontal axis),
buted networks in the temporal lobe distinct from early as might be used in the auditory system to achieve time
mechanisms for the representation of spectrotemporal sti- stabilisation of the auditory image. The vertical ridge at a
mulus structure and perceived pitch in the superior temporal time delay of 6.8 ms corresponds to the temporal regularity
plane. We now have tools to tease out the detailed functional within these stimuli, which all have the same pitch (147 Hz).
organization of the networks for object analysis. The formant peaks can be seen as horizontal bands of

368 sensation and perception

Figure 25.1 Multidimensional scaling to disclose the perceptual relationships between natural stimuli (Menon et al., 2002).

Figure 25.2 Resonator scale stimuli (von Kriegstein et al., 2007).

griffiths et al.: auditory object analysis 369

vision that allow the same face to be perceived regardless
of angle or illumination. The use of synthesis allows the
systematic manipulation of dimensions identified by MDS
in a more straightforward way than using sampled stimuli.
Consider the top row of stimuli in figure 25.3. This shows
the spectral representation of successive sounds in which the
fine structure alternates between harmonic sounds (with an
associated pitch) and noise. A common spectral envelope is
Figure 25.3 Spectral envelope stimuli (Warren et al., 2005). applied to the sounds and listening to the stimuli establishes
that there is an essential “sameness” despite the very differ-
ent spectral structure. A similar mechanism allows us to
activity at particular frequencies that are seen at the right perceive the same vowel sound whether it is voiced or whis-
of each figure in the form of a mean spectral activity pered. The sounds in figure 25.3 could be vowels but not
pattern. The two columns show the auditory image for any that you might have heard, and the use of stimuli at this
sounds emitted by large sources on the left and small sources level allows an assessment of mechanisms relevant to gener-
on the right. When the sound source gets smaller, the alization across different fine structure without any semantic
formant peaks move to a higher frequency, as shown by association. The lower row of figure 25.3 shows the situation
the position of the black arrow, corresponding to one of the in which the spectral envelope changes from one sound to
formants. Notice that this can happen without changing the next. This is perceived as a changing object over and
the pitch. Behavioral experiments (Smith, Patterson, Turner, above the changing fine structure. Measurements of brain
Kawahara, & Irino, 2005) demonstrate that in the case of activity in response to the lower stimulus compared with the
voices, humans judge the size of auditory objects using upper stimulus allows inference about mechanisms for the
the acoustic effect of resonator size to a greater extent than abstraction of object identity over and above the analysis of
changes in pitch. the fine spectrotemporal structure.
We have used an algorithm called STRAIGHT
(Kawahara & Irino, 2004) to modify the acoustic correlates Stimuli based on sequences of objects
of resonator size (figure 25.2). Perceptually this produces a
different type of object change from the instrument changes A number of behavioral studies have examined sequential
in figure 25.1, where the perceived object remains in the grouping based on pitch since the original demonstration
same class. Unlike pitch change, change of resonator size of this in a paradigm introduced by van Noorden (1975).
does not generally occur within one source (with some inter- The studies demonstrate that in a sequence of the form A-
esting exceptions, such as stags that drop their larynges when B-A-A-B-A, where A and B are different pitch values,
calling during the rutting season (Fitch & Reby, 2001)). Size sequential grouping will occur (we hear “horse” based on
changes are generally perceived as object changes when they sequentially grouped A-B-A triplets rather than “morse”
can be detected, which makes sense ethologically. Other based on segregated A and B streams) when the pitch separa-
experimental manipulations of natural objects that have tion between the high and the low pitch is not large and the
been used to assess object analysis experimentally include rate of presentation of individual notes is not high (Bregman,
morphing or mixing techniques similar to those used in 1990). Sequential grouping of sounds (the opposite of which,
vision (e.g., Zatorre, Bouffard, & Belin, 2004). segregation, is called streaming) can be achieved on the basis
of a number of perceptual properties, including pitch, in the
Synthetic stimuli for the investigation of auditory majority of experiments in addition to timbre and position
object analysis in space (Moore & Gockel, 2002).
In the natural world, we do not hear deterministic
Work based on MDS has identified a key spectral dimension sequences; we hear stochastic sequences with varying degrees
that determines the differences between objects. Figure of predictability. Figure 25.4 shows synthetic pitch sequences
25.3 shows synthetic stimuli that have been used in imag- based on pitch trajectories that are derived from power
ing experiments to reveal mechanisms for the analysis spectra that are related to the frequency, f, by the function
of perceived changes in objects related to the spectral f −n. For any given value of n, families of pitch sequences with
envelope, regardless of changes in the fine spectral structure. similar statistical properties can be constructed on the basis
The work is an example of an approach that might be of power spectra with that value of n: different exemplars are
called prototimbre based on the systematic manipulation of created by the use of different random-phase spectra. When
timbral dimensions (see Griffiths, 2008, for further exam- n = 0 (top part of figure 25.4), the power spectrum is
ples). The work seeks mechanisms comparable to those in flat, and the pitch trajectory created corresponds to fixed-

370 sensation and perception

1993), but the important property used in our experiments
is the relationship between n and the information contained
in a sequence. Specifically, we hypothesized that computa-
tionally efficient mechanisms for the encoding of sequences
of sound would use less computational resource as the amount
of information in sequence decreased. These sounds are
ethological in that they contain a global contour, on which
smaller excursions are imposed as occurs in a variety of
natural stimuli. Sampling of natural acoustic patterns dem-
onstrates a similar balance: Music and speech have trajecto-
ries for pitch and other perceptual properties corresponding
to f −n power spectra, where n = 1 (Voss & Clarke, 1975).

Strategies for the brain measurement of auditory

object analysis
A number of techniques can be used to assess brain pro-
cesses related to auditory object analysis, from single-unit
approaches to measurements reflecting ensemble electrical
activity in MEG and EEG experiments and approaches
based on the BOLD response in fMRI (considered in the
next section), which reflects blood flow changes in response
to neuronal ensemble activity as indexed by local field
potentials (Logothetis, Pauls, Augath, Trinath, & Oelter-
mann, 2001). Similar principles might be applied to all of
the techniques to allow inference about object analysis. At
the level of single units, a helpful approach has been to
characterise the selectivity of units to particular types of
natural objects by establishing a profile of responses to
different exemplars (Tian, Reser, Durham, Kustov, &
Rauschecker, 2001; Kikuchi, Horwitz, & Mishkin, 2007).
The approach has suggested a gradient of object selectivity
within the superior temporal lobe with more selective
responses toward the anterior temporal pole. At the level
of ensemble activity, responses to natural classes of stimuli
Figure 25.4 Fractal pitch stimuli with varying information
might also be sought as in the case of imaging studies of
content used to probe for sequence encoding mechanisms (see text). voices considered in the next section, and there are now
The pitch trajectories were derived from power spectra with the also fMRI techniques available to establish the mapping of
form f −n, where the value of the exponent n is given with each different exemplars within the same human cortical areas
figure. Pitch number refers to a pitch scale spanning two octaves, (see below). In the case of both single-unit and ensemble
where each octave is divided into 10 equal log divisions. Low
activity, a critical issue for natural stimuli is whether the
exponents (top) produce unpredictable pitch sequences with a large
amount of information, while high exponents produce redundant responses are true object responses that reflect abstraction
sequences containing less information. of object properties rather than a simple representation
of particular spectrotemporal features. Another critical
amplitude random-phase noise. In such a waveform, succes- issue for natural stimuli is whether the representation is
sive pitch values cannot be predicted by the preceding pitch, at the level of the “coherent whole” that is perceived or at
so each pitch value contains a lot of information. In contrast, the level of the associated semantic label. Definition of
as n tends to a large value, the pitch waveform tends to a sine responses that are specific to object analysis could be achieved
wave in which successive pitch values can be accurately pre- with any technique by defining responses that occur for
dicted by the preceding pitch, and individual pitch values (or between-object acoustic change (such as /a/ to /e/) but not
sequences of a given length) do not contain a large amount for within-object acoustic change (such as /a/ at a different
of information. These stimuli are called fractal pitch sequences level or pitch). That approach utilizes the phenomenon of
because of their scaling properties (Schmuckler & Gilden, object constancy to define object-specific mechanisms.

griffiths et al.: auditory object analysis 371

Univariate analysis of fMRI data: Single objects strated bilateral responses in the superior part of the superior
temporal sulcus (STS). Figure 25.6 shows a mapping of
Functional imaging that assesses the BOLD response during changes in the BOLD response when subjects listen to varia-
object analysis using mass-voxel-wise univariate statistics has tion in the size and type of resonator using stimuli shown in
used a number of different stimuli, including natural sounds, figure 25.2. During this experiment, subjects perceived suc-
synthetically manipulated natural sounds, and synthetic cessions of different-sized voices, French horns, or bullfrogs
sounds. Figure 25.5 shows an example of an experiment in (von Kriegstein, Smith, Patterson, Ives, & Griffiths, 2007).
which a response to a category of natural sound was sought Perception of object change within categories produced in
(Belin, Zatorre, Lafaille, Ahad, & Pike, 2000). In this experi- this way was associated with bilateral increases in the BOLD
ment, the BOLD response during the perception of voices signal in the superior temporal gyrus: this experiment also
(both speech and nonspeech sounds) was contrasted with provided evidence for more specific change in the left pos-
responses to nonvocal environmental sounds and demon- terior superior temporal gyrus for changes in the size of
voices. The experiment demonstrated that very similar
regions respond to changes in category as to changes in reso-
nator size. The data can be interpreted in terms of generic
mechanisms for the analysis of object change, whether this
corresponds to a change in resonator size or a change in the
class of sound.
In the resonator-size changes or category changes (von
Kriegstein et al., 2007), there are associated changes in the
spectral and temporal structure of the stimulus. Figure 25.7
shows an experiment in which the basis for the analysis of
Figure 25.5 Activation during passive listening to voices (Belin spectral envelope in generic acoustic objects (without associ-
et al., 2000). The numbers refer to planes defined in millimeters in ated meaning) is assessed (Warren, Jennings, & Griffiths,
Talairach space (Talairach & Tournoux, 1988). (See color plate 28.) 2005). The figure shows mapping within the superior tem-

Figure 25.6 Activation due to passive listening to changing resonator scale and sound class in the three types of harmonic sounds shown
in figure 25.2 (von Kriegstein et al., 2007). (See color plate 29.)

372 sensation and perception



Figure 25.7 Activation due to passive listening to changing spectral envelope (Warren et al., 2005). HG, Heschl’s gyrus; PT, planum
temporale; PP, planum polare; STS, superior temporal sulcus. (See color plate 30.)

poral plane (in red) corresponding to whether or not the perties beyond the representation of spectrotemporal struc-
sounds were associated with pitch. That mapping occurs in ture. We consider later how the responsible system for
lateral Heschl’s gyrus (HG) in a region previously demon- spectral envelope analysis might be determined explicitly
strated to increase activity as a function of pitch salience by using dynamic causal models of functional auditory
(Patterson, Uppenkamp, Johnsrude, & Griffiths, 2002; architectures.
Penagos, Melcher, & Oxenham, 2004). The key contrast in
figure 25.7 (in blue) is between changing spectral envelope Univariate analysis of fMRI data: Sequences
and fixed spectral envelope in series of objects with continu- of objects
ously varying fine-spectral structure (shown in figure 25.3):
an argument can be made that this contrast identifies areas Figure 25.8 shows an experiment in which the encoding of
involved in the “abstraction” of spectral envelope relevant sequences of objects was assessed: specifically, the encoding
to object analysis over and above the analysis of the fine- of the fractal-pitch sequences similar to the examples in
spectral structure. The contrast shows bilateral activation in figure 25.4. The information content of a pitch series was
the superior temporal plane in the planum temporale (PT), systematically varied by changing the exponent, n, determin-
posterior to the pitch mechanisms, and predominantly right- ing a power spectrum with the form f −n from which the pitch
lateralised activation in the STS. series was derived. The experiment was carried out as an
These studies all highlight a critical role in object analysis explicit search for mechanisms for the encoding of auditory
for temporal lobe areas beyond the primary and secondary sequences. It was predicted that computationally efficient
cortices in HG in the superior temporal plane. The areas encoding mechanisms should use less computational resource
are likely to be involved in the abstraction of object pro- (measured indirectly by using the BOLD response) for more

griffiths et al.: auditory object analysis 373

Figure 25.8 Activation as a function of information content of in Heschl’s gyrus (HG). Numbers in parentheses are Talairach
pitch sequences during the encoding of pitch sequences. A signifi- coordinates in millimeters where the BOLD values were measured.
cant effect of pitch-sequence information content (which decreases (See color plate 31.)
as n increases) is shown in the planum temporale (PT) but not

redundant sequences containing less information. Such a Multivariate analysis of fMRI data
relationship was demonstrated in two experiments in the PT,
bilaterally, but not in the primary and secondary auditory There has been considerable interest in techniques to
cortices in HG. The work is consistent with the suggestion demonstrate different spatial distributions of BOLD activity
(Griffiths & Warren, 2002) that the PT represents a “com- in response to sensory stimulation, which can be achieved
putational hub” responsible for the encoding of acoustic by the use of multivariate statistical methods. For a descrip-
stimuli, and suggests overlapping substrates for the abstrac- tion of this approach to visual data, see Haynes and Rees
tion of object features as in figure 25.7 and the encoding of (2006). The technique has the potential resolution to allow
sequences of objects. In contradistinction, figure 25.9 shows fMRI characterization of different responses within the same
a contrast to demonstrate areas involved in the retrieval of cortical areas that correspond to the perception of different
auditory sequences in the second experiment during a one- individual auditory objects. The interpretation of such map-
back task where subjects were required to compare succes- pings would be subject to the same issues discussed above in
sive pitch sequences. The contrast demonstrates bilateral terms of whether spectrotemporal structure or a correlate of
frontal activity including activity in the frontal operculum the perceived object is represented.
which in the right hemisphere is similar to that occurring
during working memory tasks for melodic pitch sequences Analysis of categorical processing using fMRI
(Zatorre, Evans, & Meyer, 1994). Unlike encoding, the activ-
ity associated with retrieval was not affected by the infor- Categorical response to changes in objects can be assessed
mation content of the stimulus. This can be interpreted in by using the technique of repetition suppression that has
terms of the retrieval process requiring a symbolic level of been developed for the analysis of visual fMRI data (Grill-
processing that is not yoked to the complexity of the acoustic Spector, Henson, & Martin, 2006). Previous work suggested
stimulus in the same way as encoding. categorical mechanisms for visual representation based on

374 sensation and perception

Figure 25.9 Contrast to demonstrate activation associated with pitch-sequence retrieval in an active listening task. (See color plate 32.)

BOLD responses to exemplars from the same category of sequences of objects. In particular, a key role for the PT
that decrease with repeated presentation, regardless of other is demonstrated in these studies consistent with the idea that
(category-independent) stimulus changes. The technique this is an important “computational hub” concerned with
allows categorical mechanisms to be sought even when dif- auditory encoding. The term hub implies connection to other
ferent neuronal ensembles tuned to different categories are nodes of analysis and a flow of information: There is a need
located in the same region. Recent visual neurophysiological for the identification of specific systems for object analysis
work (Sawamura, Orban, & Vogels, 2006) demonstrates cor- that might use similar nodes in different ways. Specifically,
relates of the phenomenon at the single-unit level. Models different aspects of object analysis might be subserved by
that might explain the phenomenon at the neuronal ensem- different patterns of connectivity between nodes. In this
ble level are developed in Grill-Spector et al., (2006). A section, we consider the application of this approach to one
recent study applied a related approach to mapping of an aspect of object analysis, spectral envelope analysis, address-
auditory continuum between two phonemes (Raizada & Pol- ing the question of how PT and the other nodes within the
drack, 2007). That study demonstrated responses that right-hemisphere network for spectral envelope analysis are
changed across phoneme boundaries in areas beyond the effectively connected.
temporal lobe, but the technique could also be applied to We use an approach called dynamic causal model-
shifts between objects at a presemantic level that might be ing (DCM) (Friston, Harrison, & Penny, 2003), together
analyzed in temporal lobe areas. with Bayesian model selection (Penny, Stephan, Mechelli, &
Friston, 2004), to test different models for auditory object
Effective connectivity analysis of fMRI data analysis. The approach identifies effective connectivity
between areas (the causal influence of activity in one area
The conventional analyses considered in figures 25.5 to 25.9 on the activity in another) and the modulatory effect of
demonstrate considerable overlap in the networks of activity task (or any other experimentally controlled manipulation)
that are involved in the analysis of objects assessed using on effective connectivity. DCM belongs to a family of
different types of stimulus manipulation and in the analysis models of effective connectivity such as structural equation

griffiths et al.: auditory object analysis 375

modeling (SEM) (McIntosh & Gonzalez-Lima, 1994), mul- of the system, modulatory parameters that model the change
tivariate autoregression (Harrison, Penny, & Friston, 2003), in endogenous connection strength induced by the external
or Granger causality (Goebel, Roebroeck, Kim, & Formis- experimental input, and a third set of parameters that model
ano, 2003). DCM has a number of advantages (discussed in the direct influence of an exogenous stimulus on a given
Friston et al., 2003; Stephan, 2004). A major advantage is region. The conventional GLM analysis is based on the
the way in which DCM can be used to carry out a systematic assumption that any exogenous stimulus has a direct influ-
comparison of competing models that might explain a ence on a region and therefore it is the third set of parame-
regional pattern of BOLD activity. ters that form the primary focus of traditional GLM analyses.
The basic idea behind dynamic causal modeling can be DCM, therefore, can also be regarded as a generalization of
summarized as follows. A cognitive or motor task in the the GLM in which coupling parameters between regions are
brain is accomplished by interaction between a number of allowed to be nonzero.
nodes. This interaction is at the level of neural activity and Once the model has been specified, it has to be estimated
therefore takes place at the millisecond time scale. DCM from the measurements. There are, however, some natural
models these neuronal interactions. However, except for constraints on the model; for example, the neural activity of
invasive recording studies (e.g., Moran et al., 2008), we a region cannot diverge to infinity. One framework for esti-
cannot directly observe neuronal activity, but only some mating the parameters with prior constraints is Bayesian
consequence of it, such as a hemodynamic BOLD signal or statistics, in which a parameter is treated as a random
an EEG signal measured at scalp sensors. For this reason, variable that is completely characterized by its probability
DCM combines a model of neuronal dynamics with a density (distribution) function. The prior constraints about
biophysical forward model that explains how the hidden the parameters are specified in terms of a (prior) density
neuronal activity translates into a measured signal (Kiebel, function. Bayesian estimation procedures estimate the
David, & Friston, 2006; Friston, Mechelli, Turner, & Price, parameters in terms of their posterior density function.
2000; Stephan, Weiskopf, Drysdale, Robinson, & Friston, For fMRI, DCM is based on a bilinear model of neural
2007). The incorporation of the biophysical model allows population dynamics that is combined with a hemodynamic
inferences to be made from coarsely sampled BOLD time model (Buxton, Wong, & Frank, 1998; Friston et al., 2000),
series about neuronal events occurring at a much finer time describing the transformation of neural activity into pre-
scale. With respect to auditory functional MRI, many exper- dicted BOLD responses. The neural dynamics are modeled
iments, including our experiment on spectral envelope anal- by the following bilinear differential equation
ysis above, are based on “sparse” designs to avoid the effect m
of simultaneous scanner noise on the effects of interest. = Az + ∑ u j B ( j ) z + Cu (1)
Despite the sampling rate for “sparse” BOLD time series dt j =1

approaching 0.1 Hz, plausible models of dynamic neural where z is the state vector (with one state variable per region),
interactions at the millisecond level can still be disambigu- t is continuous time, and uj is the jth input (i.e., some experi-
ated, given the fMRI data. This is because the forward mentally controlled manipulation). This state equation rep-
model predicts, given the known experimental inputs, what resents the strength of connections between the modeled
the BOLD signal should look like at any future time point, regions (the endogenous A matrix), the modulation of these
including the times when BOLD measurements were taken; connections as a function of experimental manipulations
the sampling frequency (repetition time) is irrelevant. (e.g., changes in task; the modulatory or bilinear B (1) . . . B (m)
Like any model, DCM comprises variables (that may or matrices), and the strengths of direct inputs (e.g., sensory
may not be measurable) and parameters that are estimated stimuli, the exogenous C matrix). These parameters corre-
from the measurements. The model that is used in DCM spond to the rate constants of the modeled neurophysiologi-
has three types of variables: input variables (the same as cal processes. Combining the neural and hemodynamic
those used in conventional analyses based on the general model into a joint forward model, DCM uses a Bayesian
linear model, or GLM), encoding the experimental manipu- estimation scheme to determine the posterior density of the
lation; output variables that are the regional hemodynamic parameters. Under Gaussian assumptions, this density can
responses from each of the regions considered in the model; be characterized in terms of its maximum a posteriori esti-
and state variables. State variables describe the “hidden” mate and its posterior covariance. The parameters of the
(unobserved) states of the system and represent the neural neural and hemodynamic model are fitted such that the
activity and biophysical variables (e.g., blood flow) that modeled BOLD signals are as similar as possible to the
transform neural activity into a hemodynamic response. observed BOLD responses. This allows one to understand
DCM uses three different sets of parameters: endogenous and make statistical inferences about regional BOLD
parameters that model the baseline connection strengths responses in terms of the connectivity at the underlying
between the regions in the absence of any external excitation neural level.

376 sensation and perception

We used DCM in this way to identify the system for object temporal lobe. A critical question is whether analysis in PT
analysis in the case of spectral envelope analysis shown in and STS occurs in a serial fashion, based on connections
figure 25.7 (Kumar, Stephan, Warren, Friston, & Griffiths, from HG to PT and from PT to STS, or whether the analysis
2007). In that experiment, activation during sound percep- is based on parallel processing due to connections from HG
tion was seen in the primary and secondary areas in HG and to both PT and STS. The analysis also addressed how con-
association cortex in the PT. A contrast to show activity nection strengths between elements of this cortical network
corresponding to the perception of object change identified are modulated during the spectral envelope analysis.
bilateral activity in PT and right-lateralized activity in STS. To test these hypotheses, two broad categories of models,
DCM was used to identify the system that explains the serial and parallel, were specified (figure 25.10). All the
pattern of activity in HG, PT, and the STS in the right models specified were based on the conventional assumption

Figure 25.10 Serial and parallel models for spectral envelope of spectral envelope (Kumar et al., 2007). HG, Heschl’s gyrus; PT,
analysis in the right hemisphere. The triangle in the pathway planum temporale; STS, superior temporal sulcus.
between two regions indicates the modulatory effect of extraction

griffiths et al.: auditory object analysis 377

that there is a direct or exogenous effect of the sound input subject, the optimal model for a group of subjects can be
on the activity within the primary auditory cortex within determined by the group Bayes factor (GBF), which is equal
HG. In the serial models, auditory inputs entering HG reach to the product of the Bayes factors for each individual
STS via PT and thus processing in STS depends on inputs subject.
from PT. In contrast, in the parallel models, HG connects Figure 25.11 shows the evidence for the models, deter-
to both PT and STS enabling parallel processing in PT and mined separately by using AIC and BIC, in a group of
STS. In total, 70 models were fitted to the data (16 of which eight subjects. Model 1 is the optimal model to explain the
are shown in figure 25.10) and compared by using Bayesian data. The parameters for this model specify a serial model
model selection. It should be noted that the DCM approach with connectivity (HG → PT → STS) and modulation of
developed below might yield a “best” model that is not a connection from HG to PT during the analysis of spectral
“true” model if the set of models tested does not include the envelope. Table 25.1 shows the group Bayes factor (minimum
latter. It is critical in DCM, therefore, to consider all possible of the two values computed using AIC and BIC) for model
models in a systematic and inclusive way. Even for a simple 1 with respect to the other 15 models. All the values are
serial and parallel comparison for three areas, as here, there greater than 150, corresponding to strong evidence in
are a large number of models when all the possible forward favor of model 1 (Raftery, 1995). Estimates were derived
and back projections and the possible sites of modulatory for the endogenous and modulatory connection strengths
effect are taken into account. (tables 25.2 and 25.3) of the optimal model and the posterior
A general problem that arises in any modeling exercise is probabilities that the parameter estimates were greater
to decide, given a measured data set, which of several com- than zero.
peting models is the optimal. A number of criteria for select- In anatomical terms, effective connectivity could be direct
ing the optimal model have been proposed in the modelling or could occur via a relay, but there must be a structural
literature (Burnham & Anderson, 2004). The optimal crite- mediation. Data about anatomical connections between
rion is the model evidence, defined as the probability p ( y⎪m) human auditory areas are lacking; there are data showing
of obtaining the data y given a particular model m (Raftery, connections between HG and PT (Tardif & Clarke, 2001),
1995). Critically, the model evidence takes into account not but we are not aware of any data on connections from PT
only the relative fit of competing models but also their rela- to STS predicted by the model. The basis for the modulatory
tive complexity, determined by the number of free parame- connection deserves comment. This suggests a change in
ters. This is important because there is a tradeoff between the connection strength between HG and PT during spectral
the fit of a model and how well it might generalize—in other envelope analysis. This model predicts a selective sensitiza-
words, how well it explains different data sets generated from tion of PT to HG afferents that occurs specifically during
the same underlying process. As the number of free para- spectral envelope analysis. In this way, HG acts like a
meters is increased, model fit increases, whereas beyond a “hidden node” in the system that is not demonstrated
certain point, the ability of the model to generalize decreases. in univariate tests for increased activity during spectral
The reason for this is overfitting: An increasingly complex envelope abstraction but does have a causal influence on
model will, at some point, start to fit noise that is specific to activity in PT during that process.
one data set and thus become less applicable to multiple The model has limitations and should not be regarded as
realizations of the same underlying generative process. a general synthesis of all aspects of object analysis. Broadly,
Because the model evidence cannot always be derived the existence of a serial model is in accord with the concept
analytically, two commonly used approximations to it are of a single pathway for auditory object analysis and supports
Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian informa- the concept of PT as a critical “computational hub” (Griffiths
tion criterion (BIC) (Penny et al., 2004). These approxima- & Warren, 2002) at the interface between the abstraction of
tions do not necessarily give identical results because BIC auditory object properties and further analysis in distinct
favors simpler models, whereas AIC is biased toward more higher centers for object analysis that also carry out semantic
complex models. A general convention is that if two models level processing. It should be emphasized that the approach
(say, m1 and m2) are to be compared, then a decision is made taken here addresses the simplest level of perceptual analysis
only when AIC and BIC concur. In either case, the relative when the subject is required to attend to the sounds but does
evidence of one model as compared to another is determined not carry out any object-relevant task or semantic level
by the Bayes factor: analysis. It will be of considerable interest to examine the
effects of task and semantic analysis on connectivity patterns.
p ( y m1 )
BF12 = (2) A number of questions arise, including whether these levels
p ( y m2 )
of processing are associated with modulation at later stages
where BF12 is the Bayes factor of model 1 with respect to 2. of the system (the connection between PT and STS) or
Following the selection of a best model for each individual additional back connections.

378 sensation and perception

Figure 25.11 Evidence for different models. Plots of probabilities data, assuming that each model is, a priori, equally likely (Kumar
p ( y⎪m) for 16 of the models assessed using dynamic causal model- et al., 2007). AIC, Akaike information criterion; BIC, Bayes’ infor-
ing. The probabilities have been normalized so that they sum to 1. mation criterion.
The probabilities represent the probability of the model, given the

Conclusions here demonstrates that the fundamental level of abstraction

of the salient features that define objects, and generalization
The analysis of auditory objects involves a number of differ- between them requires specific mechanisms in the superior
ent cognitive stages and the term is often used without preci- lateral temporal lobe. Systems identification techniques
sion. This synthesis has emphasized functional MRI, but allow the analysis of specific networks for object perception
similar approaches can allow inference about stages of object and have the potential to disambiguate different aspects of
analysis using a number of other techniques, including auditory object analysis that might use the same computa-
single-unit recording, EEG, and MEG. The work described tional nodes in different ways.

griffiths et al.: auditory object analysis 379

Table 25.1 acknowledgments T.D.G., S.K., T.O., K.E.S., and K.J.F. are
Group Bayes’ factor for the optimal model (serial model 1) supported by the Wellcome Trust (U.K.) and KvK was supported
by the VW Foundation (Germany) and is supported by the
Model 1 Versus Group Bayes Factor Wellcome Trust (U.K.). The ideas developed here were informed
2 8.65 × 103 by argument with the contributors to a Novartis Foundation
3 4.40 × 102 discussion meeting on auditory objects in London in 2007. The
acosutic size experiments were acquired in collaboration with
4 1.06 × 107 R. D. Patterson. J. D. Warren (Dementia Research Centre, Uni-
5 5.57 × 103 versity College London) acquired the imaging data related to
6 7.76 × 104 spectral envelope analysis and was involved in the development of
a number of the ideas described here.
7 8.03 × 104
8 3.68 × 103
9 4.12 × 102 REFERENCES
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griffiths et al.: auditory object analysis 381

26 The Cone Photoreceptor
Mosaic in Normal and
Defective Color Vision
joseph carroll, geunyoung yoon, and david r. williams

abstract Visual experience is initiated by photons captured in function. As we move outward from the center of the fovea
the photoreceptors. The arrangement of these photoreceptors— (where peak cone density occurs), cone density falls off pre-
their topography—limits how we see and sets the stage for how the cipitously until the ora serrata, where there is a significant
circuitry in the retina and brain operates. Four different classes of
cells are interleaved in the photoreceptor layer of the retina: the
elevation in cone density (R. W. Williams, 1991).
rods and three spectral subtypes of cone that form the basis for Using adaptive optics to image the foveal cone mosaic,
trichromatic color vision, the long-, middle-, and short-wavelength- Putnam and colleagues (2005) observed that the location of
sensitive cones (L, M, and S, respectively). A great deal is under- peak cone density does not correspond to the preferred
stood about how the presence of three spectral cone types limits retinal locus of fixation; thus there remains ambiguity about
color perception; however, until recently, considerably less had
the difference between the anatomical fovea and the “func-
been known about the spatial arrangement of these cone types and
how their topography influenced visual experience. Recently, new tional” fovea. Shown in figure 26.2 are data from three
methods have been developed that enable us to measure the spatial subjects, showing the location of peak cone density with
arrangement of cone photoreceptors in the living human eye. respect to the retinal locus of fixation on individual psycho-
These new measurements have produced surprising results that physical trials. While fixation is in general very accurate, as
answer some questions about color appearance but raise many
is shown by the tight cluster of fixation points, there is a
others. In this chapter, we review the current understanding of the
cone mosaic in normal and defective color vision, emphasizing systematic deviation from the location of peak cone density.
recent results derived from adaptive optics retinal imaging. If visual acuity is reciprocally related to cone spacing near
the fovea (cf. Green, 1970; Marcos & Navarro, 1997), acuity
would have declined by an average of 8% for the subjects
in figure 26.2 at the center of fixation compared with the
Photoreceptor mosaic in normal color vision
anatomic center of the fovea. This is a relatively small loss
A wealth of histological data are available describing the in acuity that would be difficult to measure, owing to blur-
overall topography of the human photoreceptor mosaic. ring by the eye’s optics, which reduces foveal visual acuity
The most comprehensive data come from Curcio, Sloan, below the cone Nyquist frequency (Marcos & Navarro,
Kalina, and Hendrickson (1990), who showed that while 1997). Recent work using adaptive optics to image the cone
there are gross topographical features of the mosaic that are mosaic of individuals with red-green color vision defects
common across different retinas, there is also considerable reveals severely disrupted mosaics but normal visual acuity
variability. For example, as is shown in figure 26.1, the rela- measured with a letter target (Carroll, Neitz, Hofer, Neitz,
tive rod:cone density varies dramatically across the retina, & Williams, 2004). This further illustrates the insensitivity of
and this general feature is well preserved in all human retina standard acuity measures and advocates using interference
that have been studied to date. However, Curcio and col- fringe stimuli that are immune to optical blur to probe the
leagues (1990) found that the peak foveal cone density varied absolute relationship between the cone mosaic and visual
by at least a factor of 3, though since the data were obtained acuity.
on postmortem tissue, it was not possible to determine The human foveal cone mosaic is an efficiently packed
whether such differences had any practical impact on visual mosaic, with the locations of cone centers forming a trian-
gular array. Interleaved within the overall cone mosaic are
the three spectral cone submosaics (short-, middle-, and
joseph carroll Department of Ophthalmology, Medical College
of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin long-wavelength-sensitive; S, M, and L). Since only one
geunyoung yoon and david r. williams Center for Visual spectral type of cone occupies any given location within the
Science, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York cone mosaic, there is an apparent confound as to how the

carroll, yoon, and williams: cone photoreceptor mosaic in normal and defective color vision 383
Figure 26.1 Nonuniform distribution of rods and cones in the
human retina. Plot of photoreceptor density as a function of retinal
eccentricity. The top panels show ex vivo images of the photorecep-
tor mosaic from Curcio, Sloan, Kalina, and Hendrickson (1990).
The leftmost image is from the all-cone fovea; the remaining panels
contain both rods (smaller cells) and cones (larger cells). While rod
density increases dramatically in the peripheral retina, rod diame-
ter remains relatively constant (about 2 μm). Conversely, the cone
photoreceptors increase from about 2 μm in diameter at the fovea
to about 8 μm at about 10 degrees eccentricity, after which point
they remain relatively constant (Samy & Hirsch, 1989). (Modified
from Webvision (, with permis-
sion.) (See color plate 33.)
Figure 26.2 The area of highest cone density is not always used
for fixation. Shown are retinal montages of the foveal cone mosaic
visual system is able to reliably extract color information at for three subjects. The black square represents the foveal center of
all spatial locations within an image. As such, the precise each subject, as defined by the location of peak cone density. The
dashed black line is the isodensity contour line representing a 5%
arrangement of these spectral subtypes has been of great increase in cone spacing, and the solid black line is the isodensity
interest, and we discuss the S, M, and L cone mosaics contour line representing a 15% increase in cone spacing. Red dots
below. are individual fixation locations. Scale bar is 50 μm. (Reproduced
from Putnam et al., 2005, with permission.) (See color plate 34.)
S Cone Mosaic: Structural Organization The S cones
can easily be distinguished from L and M cones by interleaved among the L/M mosaic near the fovea but
morphological and histochemical features (Ahnelt & Kolb, becomes regularly arranged at more peripheral locations. A
2000; Cornish, Hendrickson, & Provis, 2004; de Monasterio, number of questions surrounding the S cone mosaic remain,
Schein, & McCrane, 1981; Szel, Diamanstein, & Rohlich, such as why the arrangement of the mosaic is different in
1988). They are more cylindrical in shape (Curcio et al., nonhuman primates, what the variability is across subjects,
1991), have distinct neural circuitry (Mariani, 1984) and and what molecular mechanisms govern the nonuniform
synaptic structure (Ahnelt & Kolb, 2000), and contain a placement of S cones within the human retina.
photopigment that is distinct from that found in the L/M
cones (Bowmaker & Dartnall, 1980; Nathans, Thomas, & S Cone Mosaic: Functional Consequences It has long
Hogness, 1986). The S cones are relatively sparse throughout been believed that the S cone mosaic is sparser than the
the human retina (averaging about 6–8% of the total cone other L and M cones because the retinal image quality that
population), with peak density (usually about 10% of the is available to the S cones is reduced by the eye’s chromatic
local cone number) occurring near 1-degree eccentricity aberration (Packer & Williams, 2003; D. R. Williams et al.,
(Curcio et al., 1991). An interesting feature of the S cone 1981a, 1981b; Yellott, Wandell, & Cornsweet, 1984),
submosaic is that the very central fovea is lacking S cones although this interpretation is controversial. McLellan,
(König, 1894; Willmer & Wright, 1945; D. R. Williams, Marcos, Prieto, and Burns (2002) concluded that when
MacLeod, & Hayhoe, 1981a, 1981b). The extent of this S monochromatic aberrations are taken into account,
cone free zone is about 20 degrees of arc in diameter, though chromatic aberration does not, in the average eye, degrade
the size and even existence of this area are variable across the retinal image quality of the S cones. However, there is
individuals. In humans, the S cone mosaic is randomly theoretical and experimental evidence that the role of

384 sensation and perception

average lower than the 550-nm MTF up to 60 cycles per
degree (cpd). Similar conclusions follow from calculations of
the overall contrast of the retinal image in white light for
each of the three cone classes (Packer & Williams, 2003).
We performed a psychophysical experiment to verify the
MTFs. The same subjects matched the perceived contrast
of two gratings of equal luminance. In each half of a 1.5-
degree visual field, a sinusoidal grating with the same spatial
frequency was simultaneously viewed in a split field with
440-nm and 550-nm light with paralyzed accommodation.
The subject maximized contrast of a 15 cpd sinusoidal
grating in the 550-nm half of the field. Contrast matching
of the 550-nm grating to the 440-nm grating with 50%
contrast was subjectively performed at each of five different
spatial frequencies presented in random order. At each
experimental condition, four trials were conducted for both
horizontal and vertical gratings and were averaged.
Figures 26.3C and 26.3D show the ratios of the MTF at
550 nm to those at 440 nm and the contrast of the 440-nm
Figure 26.3 Chromatic aberration degrades the retinal image grating to the matched contrast of the 550-nm grating. If the
quality of the S cone submosaic. (A, B) Modulation transfer func- contrast of the 440-nm grating were decreased by chromatic
tions at 440 nm (solid line) and 550 nm (dashed line) computed with aberration, this ratio would be larger than 1 because subjects
the measured aberrations for a 3-mm (A) and 6-mm (B) pupil. Nine
wavefront measurements were made on each eye, and the average
would need to reduce the contrast of the 550-nm grating to
modulation transfer function (MTF) was calculated. The average match that of the 440-nm grating blurred by chromatic
root mean square wavefront errors (from second to fifth order aberration. In agreement with the ratios computed from the
without defocus) for the 3- and 6-mm pupil size were 0.2 ± 0.11 μm MTFs, the subjective contrast of the 440-nm grating was
and 0.82 ± 0.23 μm (mean ± standard deviation), respectively. The decreased by a factor of approximately 3 (6-mm pupil) and
amount of defocus was adjusted for each subject to maximize the
4 (3-mm pupil) on average compared to the 550-nm grating.
modulation transfer of a 550-nm grating with a 15 cycle/degree
spatial frequency. To compute the MTF of a 440-nm grating, we All five subjects reported a reduction in subjective contrast
added 1.0 diopter of defocus induced by longitudinal chromatic of the 440-nm grating at all spatial frequencies. Because
aberration when the eye was focused at 550 nm. The Nyquist 440-nm and 550-nm gratings differ in color, it was conceiv-
limit for the S cones is shown as a vertical line at 10 cycles/degree. able that neural factors, rather than chromatic aberration,
(C, D) Solid lines show the ratio of the MTF at 550 nm to that at
were responsible for the selective subjective blur of short-
440 nm for 3- and 6-mm pupils, respectively. The symbols show
matching data from the psychophysical experiment. They repre- wavelength gratings. Therefore the experiment was repeated
sent the ratio of the fixed contrast (50%) of the 440-nm grating to in two subjects with 540-nm and 420-nm gratings chosen to
the contrast of the 550-nm grating that matched it in subjective minimize differential activation of L and M cones. More-
contrast. The error bars in the experimental data represent ±1 over, differential S cone contribution was greatly reduced by
standard error. superimposing the gratings on a steady violet background.
With this method, both sides of the field appeared blue, with
chromatic aberration does, in fact, substantially degrade the almost no discernable color difference. Nonetheless, a large
retinal image quality available to S cones. reduction in contrast of the 420-nm grating relative to the
We calculated modulation transfer functions (MTFs) from 540-nm grating persisted, consistent with a largely optical
the wavefront aberrations of five normal subjects measured rather than a neural effect. Our experimental and theoreti-
with a conventional Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor. cal results both confirm that the eye’s chromatic aberration
Figures 26.3A and 26.3B show the average of the horizontal causes a substantial decrease in retinal image quality even
and vertical MTFs. For both pupil sizes, retinal image quality when the eye’s wavefront aberration contains large amounts
at 550 nm is significantly better than that at 440-nm grating of higher-order aberrations. Contrary to the conclusions of
across all spatial frequencies. The difference between the McLellan and colleagues (2002), the blur produced by chro-
MTFs for 440 nm and 550 nm is smaller for a larger pupil, matic aberration is substantial despite the diluting effect of
indicating that the impact of chromatic aberration becomes the monochromatic aberrations, consistent with the widely
less dominant when the magnitude of the monochromatic accepted explanation for the sparseness of the S cone sub-
aberrations increases with an increase in pupil size. However, mosaic. At 1-degree eccentricity, the S cone mosaic has a
the MTF at 440 nm remains approximately three times on Nyquist limit that is approximately 4.1 times less than that

carroll, yoon, and williams: cone photoreceptor mosaic in normal and defective color vision 385
of the M/L cones (Curcio et al., 1991; Hofer, Carroll, Neitz, the peripheral retina, reaching nearly an all L cone mosaic
Neitz, & Williams, 2005; Roorda & Williams, 1999). For a at the edge of the retina (M. Neitz, Balding, McMahon,
3-mm pupil, the spatial bandwidth of the 550-nm MTF is Sjoberg, & Neitz, 2006). Shown in figure 26.4 is a topo-
about 3.2 times greater than that for the 440-nm MTF, graphical map of L-to-M mRNA, revealing the dramatic
showing that the relationship between optical quality and and systematic variation across the retina.
sampling is not very different for the S cones and the M and As was mentioned above, numerous indirect studies have
L cones. suggested that there are on average about twice as many L
cones as M in the human retina, with large intersubject vari-
L and M Cone Mosaic: Structural Organization There ability. Direct information on the numbers and locations of
is no antibody that can distinguish L cones from M cones; L, M, and S cones obtained with spatially localized retinal
this is because the photopigments they contain are 96% densitometry in 10 living human subjects reveals the extent
identical (Nathans, Thomas, & Hogness, 1986). As such, of this variability in L-to-M cone ratio across individuals
much of what we know about the L/M submosaic has come with normal color vision to be over a 40-fold range (Hofer
from indirect measurements of the retina. Recent direct et al., 2005). Shown in figure 26.5 are pseudo-colored images
work using adaptive optics and molecular analyses has for of the human cone mosaic, showing the remarkable varia-
the most part confirmed previous results, though it has tion in L-to-M cone ratio. Also evident from these images is
uncovered surprising levels of variation within this mosaic. the fact that the L and M cone submosaics are randomly
Given that they make up about 95% of the total cone interleaved.
population and thus drive the majority of our visual activity,
there has been considerable interest in the L and M cones, L and M Cone Mosaic: Functional Consequences In the
both in their relative numbers (Carroll, Neitz, & Neitz, 2002; face of the dramatic intersubject and intrasubject variation
DeVries, 1946; Dobkins, Thiele, & Albright, 2000; Jacobs in the L-to-M cone mosaic, questions arise regarding the
& Neitz, 1993; Kremers et al., 2000; Pokorny, Smith, & behavioral consequence of such variability. The fundamental
Wesner, 1991; Roorda & Williams, 1999; Rushton & Baker, experiment in color vision, color matching with spatially
1964) and in their topographical arrangement through- uniform fields, is very sensitive to the spectral absorptance
out the mosaic (Balding, Sjoberg, Neitz, & Neitz, 1998; of the cone photopigments but invariant with respect to the
Bowmaker, Parry, & Mollon, 2003; Deeb, Diller, Williams, local ratio of cone types. Thus both across observers and
& Dacey, 2000; Hagstrom, Neitz, & Neitz, 1998; Knau, across visual field position for a single observer, color matches
Jägle, & Sharpe, 2001; Mollon & Bowmaker, 1992; Packer, will be preserved despite variations in the ratios of cone
Williams, & Bensinger, 1996; Roorda, Metha, Lennie, & types. There are pronounced deficits in L/M color vision in
Williams, 2001). For many years, scientists used indirect the periphery compared to the central retina (Gordon &
measures to assess the homogeneity of these ratios across the Abramov, 1977; Mullen, 1991); however, this has more to
retina and across observers. With the advent of adaptive do with postreceptoral sampling than with L/M numerosity.
optics, it has become possible to examine the L/M mosaic Even the variation in L-to-M ratio between subjects has
noninvasively and directly. What is now clear is that in been shown to have little consequence for color vision,
humans with normal color vision, there are on average two despite previous hypotheses (cf. Cicerone, 1987). For
L cones for every M cone, there is variability in the relative example, Miyahara, Pokorny, Smith, Baron, and Baron
numbers of L and M cones between people, and the ratio of (1998) showed that in two female carriers of a red/green
L to M cones is not completely uniform across an individual color vision defect, despite a dramatic skew in their L-to-M
retina. cone ratio, their red/green color vision was completely
While most studies suggest that the ratio of L to M cones normal. J. Neitz, Carroll, Yamauchi, Neitz, and Williams
is probably constant across the central retina, the evidence (2002) used the flicker photometric ERG to probe L-to-M
for this is somewhat inferential. In fact, direct evidence from ratio in over 60 individuals and showed that that wavelength
adaptive optics and retinal densitometry has shown that in of unique yellow (the presumed null point of the red-green
at least one individual, the relative numerosity of L and M system) did not change across subjects, suggesting a
cones is not homogenous across the central retina (Hofer postreceptoral normalization mechanism that compensates
et al., 2005). However, there are other, larger-scale inhomo- for any biases in L-to-M cone ratio. The reality is that
geneities in the primate L/M mosaic. There is a nasal- the human visual system is quite resilient to variation at the
temporal asymmetry in the local L-to-M cone ratio in retinal level, though this is obviously dependent on the
macaque retina, though whether this asymmetry is a promi- sensitivity of the test used to probe color vision.
nent feature of human retinae is not clear. Data from mRNA The fact that the three cone submosiacs each sample the
analysis and cone isolating mfERG of human retina reveal retinal image at a lower rate than the overall mosaic makes
that the relative L-to-M cone ratio increases significantly in the retina susceptible to aliasing at lower spatial frequencies

386 sensation and perception

Figure 26.4 The L-to-M cone ratio is not constant across the produce the same absolute amounts of mRNA. Horizontal and
retina. The lower right panel shows a topographical map of the vertical meridian slices show the dramatic increase in percent of L
percent of L-opsin mRNA in a human donor retina. The propor- as a function of eccentricity. (Reproduced from Neitz et al., 2006,
tion of L-opsin to M-opsin mRNA is directly related to the relative with permission.) (See color plate 35.)
numbers of L and M cones at a locus, assuming that L and M cones

achromatic gratings seen through the S cones (D. R.

Williams & Collier, 1983) and the L and M cones (D. R.
Williams, Sekiguchi, Haake, Brainard, & Packer, 1991).
However, submosaic aliasing is fleeting and subtle in visual
experience, contrary to the predictions of simple sampling
and interpolation models. This suggests that the visual system
must have a more sophisticated mechanism to expunge sub-
mosaic aliasing from visual experience. Brainard, Williams,
Figure 26.5 Intersubject variation in L-to-M cone ratio. False
color images showing the arrangement of L (red), M (green), and and Hofer (2008) have suggested that well-known features
S (blue) cones in the retinas for three human subjects. The identity of human color and spatial vision may play a role in reduc-
of each cone as L, M, or S was inferred from retinal densitometry ing submosaic aliasing. Specifically, the spatial bandwidth
measurements obtained with an adaptive optics fundus camera. of postreceptoral chromatic mechanisms is lower than that
The proportion of S cones does not vary significantly between of the achromatic mechanism (Mullen, 1985; Poirson &
subjects; however, the L-to-M cone ratio can vary by a factor of
40 across individuals with normal color vision. Scale bar is 5 Wandell, 1993), and this difference persists even when
arcmin. (See color plate 36.) optical blurring and chromatic aberration are eliminated
with laser interferometry (Sekiguchi, Williams, & Brainard,
than would be expected from a monochrome mosaic with 1993a, 1993b). This difference reduces submosaic aliasing
the same total number of cones. The aliases that are pro- by suppressing chromatic interpretations of high spatial fre-
duced by the cone submosaics exposed to luminance pat- quencies in the retinal image. There is additional evidence
terns would be expected to be strongly chromatic. It is for spatial averaging of color information with suprathresh-
possible to observe submosaic aliasing with high-frequency old stimuli (Cao & Shevell, 2005), collectively referred to as

carroll, yoon, and williams: cone photoreceptor mosaic in normal and defective color vision 387
assimilation, that is qualitatively similar to the reduced spatial ment of the photopigment, the substitution of a polar, neutral
bandwidth for chromatic mechanisms assessed at detection amino acid for a positively charged one would be expected
threshold. It is possible that assimilation effects occur because to compromise the function of the photopigment. The father
of the need to protect against submosaic aliasing, though a manifests as tritanopic on all color vision tests, whereas the
quantitative model of the benefits assimilation could provide daughter made mild tritan errors on only a small subset of
has yet to be made. color vision tests. Interestingly, the father reports that it has
only been in recent years that he has noticed difficulties with
Cone topography in inherited color vision deficiencies discriminating between some colors such as orange-yellow
and pink, while the daughter reports never having any color
There are a number of instances in which normal color dis- discrimination problems. We used adaptive optics ophthal-
crimination is impaired, and there is now a detailed under- moscopy to obtain high-resolution images of the cone mosaic
standing of the molecular mechanisms underlying these of both individuals combined with retinal densitometry to
defects. Nearly all inherited color vision defects have their identify S cones in the mosaic. Surprisingly, while normal
origin in a disruption of normal cone photopigment expres- S cone density was reported for the daughter (4.9%, or 2224
sion; either a cone pigment is absent or a mutant pigment is cones/mm2), no evidence for S cones was observed in the
expressed. Until recently, little attention had been given to father, though the overall cone density was within normal
the residual photoreceptor mosaic of these individuals. limits for both individuals. Since S cones normally occupy a
Results using adaptive optics retinal imaging have stimu- small minority of the total cone population and since cone
lated a reevaluation of the ideas about what the appearance density is so variable across normal individuals (Curcio
of these mosaics might be. Here, we review the four major et al., 1990; Gao & Hollyfield, 1992), it is not surprising that
types of inherited color deficiencies and discuss what has the cone density of the father appeared normal despite the
been revealed about the accompanying cone photoreceptor apparent absence of S cones.
mosaic. One feature of the cone mosaic that can be exploited to
study subtle disruptions in the packing geometry of the cone
Tritanopia Tritan color vision deficiency is an inherited mosaic is the spatial regularity. The spatial regularity of the
autosomal dominant abnormality of S cone function (Wright, mosaic can be assessed by using a number of metrics (Cook,
1952). The disorder is reported to exhibit incomplete 1996; Rodieck, 1991); one of the more intuitive ones is the
penetrance, meaning that individuals with the same Voronoi analysis (Curcio & Sloan, 1992; Pum, Ahnelt, &
underlying mutation manifest different degrees of color Grasl, 1990). With this analysis, individual cones are repre-
vision impairment (Cole, Henry, & Nathan, 1966; Kalmus, sented as points in a two-dimensional plane. For each cell,
1955; Miyake, Yagasaki, & Ichikawa, 1985; Pokorny, Smith, a Voronoi domain is constructed by defining points in the
& Went, 1981; Went & Pronk, 1985). Four different amino plane that are closer to that cell than any other cell in the
acid substitutions in the S cone photopigment have been mosaic. The number of sides of the resultant polygon reflects
associated with tritanopia, which is only slightly more rare the packing geometry of the local mosaic. In a perfectly
than autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP) regular mosaic with triangular packing, each cell would have
(Gunther, Neitz, & Neitz, 2006; Weitz et al., 1992; Weitz, a hexagonal Voronoi domain. Shown in figure 26.6A is the
Went, & Nathans, 1992). Each substitution occurs at an Voronoi analysis of a normal human cone mosaic and that
amino acid position that lies in one of the transmembrane of the tritan father mosaic. The polygons are color coded
alpha helices of the protein and is therefore expected to according to the number of sides they have, with green
interfere with folding, processing, or stability of the encoded indicating six sides. While the majorities are green (indicat-
opsin. ing a largely triangular mosaic), there are many fractures in
In adRP, rod photopigment mutations are associated with the regularity of the mosaic. These disruptions have been
degeneration of the associated photoreceptors. This is due hypothesized to correlate with the location of S cones in the
in part to the fact that the photopigment plays such an mosaic (Pum et al., 1990); however, compelling evidence for
important structural role in maintaining the integrity of the this is lacking. Nevertheless, the father’s mosaic was signifi-
outer segment, comprising nearly 90% of the protein in the cantly more irregular than normal (figure 26.6C ), while the
outer segment. To investigate whether there is S cone degen- daughter’s mosaic was indistinguishable from normal (figure
eration in autosomal dominant tritan defects, Baraas and 26.6B). The disparate S cone mosaics in these two subjects
colleagues (2007) examined two related tritan subjects (a are consistent with their distinct behavioral phenotypes, the
57-year-old male and his 34-year-old daughter) both hetero- increased irregularity in the father’s mosaic likely being a
zygous for a novel mutation in their S-opsin gene. The remnant of the degeneration of the S cones in his mosaic.
mutation resulted in a substitution of glutamine for arginine The work reported by Baraas and colleagues (2007) pro-
at position 283 (R283Q). Given the sensitive microenviron- vides the first anatomical evidence that tritan phenotypes

388 sensation and perception


Figure 26.6 Regularity of the human cone mosaic. Voronoi disruptions in the hexagonal packing of the foveal mosaic. Despite
domain associated with each cone photoreceptor in a patch of the fact that the father and the daughter carried the same hetero-
retina from (A) a normal trichromat, (B) a 34-year-old female with zygous mutation in their S-opsin genes (predicting a tritan pheno-
a mild tritan defect, and (C ) a 57-year-old male with a severe tritan type), the regularity of the father’s mosaic was significantly
defect. The color code indicates the number of sides on each disrupted, while the daughter’s was indistinguishable from normal.
Voronoi polygon (magenta = 4, cyan = 5, green = 6, yellow = 7, Scale bar is 50 μm. (Reproduced from Baraas et al., 2007, with
red = 8, purple = 9). Large regions of six-sided polygons indicate permission.) (See color plate 37.)
a regular triangular lattice, whereas other colors mark points of

associated with S-opsin mutations can be associated with the (Sakmar, 2002). This mutation was first observed in blue
loss of S cones. This suggests a mechanism in which the cone monochromacy (Nathans et al., 1989) where it was
mutations produce their effects by reducing the viability of shown to directly disrupt photopigment function (Kazmi,
the S cones (similar to the mechanism in adRP), and hetero- Sakmar, & Ostrer, 1997). Mutating the corresponding
zygotes that express both the normal and mutant S opsins cysteine residue in human rhodopsin (position 187) causes
will exhibit trichromatic color vision that can be indistin- autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (Richards, Scott,
guishable from normal until the S cones succumb to the & Sieving, 1995).
toxicity of the mutant opsin. The two different causes of red/green color vision defects
might be expected to have different retinal phenotypes. It is
Red/Green Color Vision Deficiency The most common thought that all photoreceptors that are destined to become
form of inherited color vision deficiency is one that affects L or M cones will express either the first or second gene
the red-green (L-M cone) system. Among individuals of in the X-chromosome array (Hayashi, Motulsky, & Deeb,
Western European ancestry, about 7–10% of males have a 1999). In the case of gene rearrangements, all photorecep-
red-green color vision defect. The incidence in females is tors are expected to express a gene that encodes a functional
much lower (approximately 0.4%) because the defects are pigment, though these would all be of the same spectral type.
inherited as X-linked recessive traits, though approximately However, in the case of inactivating mutations, a fraction of
15% of females are carriers of a red-green defect. The the photoreceptors will express a pigment that is not func-
general genetic causes of red-green color vision deficiency tional and, in fact, may be deleterious to the viability of the
involve a disruption of the L/M gene array on the X- cell. Recently, it was discovered that there are different
chromosome. The most common cause is rearrangement of retinal phenotypes among red-green color-blind individuals.
the L/M genes resulting either in the deletion of all but one Carroll, Porter, Neitz, Williams, and Neitz (2005) found that
visual pigment gene or in the production of a gene array in in individuals having either a single-gene array or an array
which the first two genes both encode a pigment of the same in which the first two genes both encode a pigment of the
spectral class (Deeb et al., 1992; Jagla, Jägle, Hayashi, same spectral class, the cone mosaic is normal in appear-
Sharpe, & Deeb, 2002; Nathans, Piantanida, Eddy, Shows, ance. In contrast, in individuals in whom one of the genes
& Hogness, 1986; M. Neitz et al., 2004; Ueyama et al., in the array encodes a pigment with an inactivating muta-
2003). The second general cause is the introduction of an tion, dramatic loss of healthy cones is observed, consistent
inactivating mutation in either the first or second gene in the with the hypothesis that cells expressing the mutant pigment
array. The most prevalent inactivating mutation results degenerated (Carroll et al., 2004). Shown in figure 26.7 are
in the substitution of arginine for cysteine at position 203 adaptive optics images from individuals with color vision
(C203R) in the L/M pigment (Bollinger, Bialozynski, Neitz, defects caused by photopigment mutations.
& Neitz, 2001; M. Neitz et al., 2004; Winderickx et al., Besides a reduction in color discrimination, the disrupted
1992). Cysteine 203 forms an essential disulfide bond mosaics (sometimes having 60% fewer cones than normal)
being highly conserved among G-protein-coupled receptors might also be expected to confer a reduction in spatial vision.

carroll, yoon, and williams: cone photoreceptor mosaic in normal and defective color vision 389
further highlights the limiting effect these aberrations can
have on our normal visual activity.

Blue Cone Monochromacy Blue cone monochromacy

(BCM) is a condition in which L and M cone function is
absent (Pokorny, Smith, & Verriest, 1979). This is caused
by either a deletion of essential DNA elements needed
for normal transcription of the pigment genes or a deletion
of all but one of the X-chromosome visual pigment genes
with the one remaining gene containing a missense mutation
(Ayyagari et al., 2000; Nathans et al., 1989, 1993). Affected
C D individuals have very poor acuity, myopia, nystagmus,
poor color discrimination, and minimally detectable ERG
Owing to the X-linked nature of the condition, female
carriers are spared from a full manifestation of the associated
defects but can show abnormal cone ERG amplitudes
(Berson, Sandberg, Maguire, Bromley, & Roderick, 1986).
Using adaptive optics, Carroll and colleagues (2005) imaged
the photoreceptor mosaic of a BCM carrier and found a
mosaic that had 60% fewer cones than normal, with foveal
Figure 26.7 Images of the cone mosaic from individuals with cones that were larger in diameter than normal (see figure
different cone opsin mutations. Images are from 1-degree temporal 26.7). As a result of X-inactivation, on average half of the
retina from (A) a normal trichromat, (B) a blue-cone monochromat L/M cones will express a gene from a normal L/M array,
carrier (Carroll, Porter, Neitz, Williams, & Neitz, 2005), (C ) a pro-
tanope male (Carroll et al., 2007), and (D) a deuteranope male
while the other half will attempt to express a gene from the
(Carroll, Neitz, Hofer, Neitz, & Williams, 2004). The density of array harboring the BCM mutation. The loss of cones is
cones in the BCM carrier (B) is reduced significantly (21,684 cones/ believed to reflect the fact that those cones that were unable
mm2 for the BCM carrier retina, compared with an average normal to express a photopigment gene degenerated early in devel-
density at this retinal eccentricity of 55,184 cones/mm2), though opment. The preliminary observations in the BCM carrier
the mosaic appears continuously packed (the cells are slightly larger
predict that an affected male would have a completely dis-
in diameter). The density of the cones in the males with red/green
defects is also reduced, though the appearance of the mosaic is rupted cone mosaic, with only about 5–10% of the normal
quite different, with numerous punctate gaps in the cone mosaic. cone complement. No adaptive optics data on BCM males
Sale bar is 50 μm. are available; however, indirect data from optical coherence
tomography suggests that there is an alteration of the outer
However, clinical tests of visual acuity and visual field sensi- segment of the photoreceptors and an alteration in the area
tivity are completely normal in these individuals. To dem- of the somata of the photoreceptors in males with BCM
onstrate that the dark areas in the retinal images indeed (Barthelmes et al., 2006). Future work to compare these
correspond to nonfunctional cones, Makous and colleagues complementary imaging modalities should yield valuable
(2006) used adaptive optics to deliver small stimuli to the information about the origin of the disrupted OCT signal in
retina. By using adaptive optics to correct for the eye’s aber- these BCM males.
rations, it is possible to confine a majority of the energy of
the spot to an area of retina about the size of a single cone Rod Monochromacy Rod monochromacy is a rare
aperture. They found a marked reduction in sensitivity that disorder (approximately 1 in 30,000) typically characterized
was almost exactly proportional to the amount of retinal by a lack of color discrimination, photophobia, reduced
mosaic occupied by dark spaces. Thus the absence of a clini- acuity, visual nystagmus, and nondetectable cone electro-
cal deficit likely reflects redundancy in the stimuli used in retinograms (see Hess, Sharpe, & Nordby, 1990, for thorough
the diagnostic tests, which causes correlated responses even reviews). Complete achromatopsia has been linked to
in neurons whose sensitivities do not overlap. For example, numerous mutations in CNGA3 and CNGB3 (which encode
the smallest spots used in clinical perimetry subtend 0.11 the α- and β-subunits, respectively of the cone cyclic-
degrees. Even without optical spread, the image of such a nucleotide gated channel), as well as GNAT2, which encodes
spot covers some 150 cones at the center of the fovea of an the α-subunit of the cone G-protein transducin. To account
average retina. Nevertheless, the fact that a visual deficit is for the apparent absence of cone function, Galezowski (1868)
apparent only when bypassing the eye’s optical aberrations first proposed a rod-only theory in which the cones of the

390 sensation and perception

retina are malformed or completely absent and visual a first step toward developing a genotype-phenotype map in
function takes place entirely in the rod photoreceptors. rod monochromacy, Carroll, Choi, and Williams (2008)
Subsequent histological studies partially discounted this obtained the first images of the photoreceptor mosaic from
theory, but the result is an inconsistent picture of the a living rod monochromat for whom the genetic cause of the
photoreceptor mosaic of the achromat. Larsen (1921) disease was known. As is shown in figure 26.8, clear images
reported scarce, malformed retinal cones in the fovea and of the photoreceptor mosaic were obtained; however, they
normal peripheral cones in the retina of a 29-year-old were not normal in appearance. The rod monochromat had
female. Harrison, Hoefnagel, and Hayward (1960) found a disrupted photoreceptor mosaic, and the cells in the mosaic
imperfectly shaped and reduced numbers of cones throughout were comparable to rod diameters, not cone diameters, con-
the retina of a 19-year-old male. In the retina of a 69-year- sistent with the hypothesis that this retina is largely (if not
old female, Falls, Wolter, and Alpern (1965) observed normal completely) devoid of healthy cone photoreceptors. While
numbers of odd-shaped foveal cones and scarce numbers in the appearance of the photoreceptor mosaic in rod mono-
the periphery. Most recently, Glickstein and Heath (1975) chromacy might seem trivial, given that new gene therapies
found no evidence of cones in the fovea and reduced numbers are on the horizon that promise restoration of cone function
of cones elsewhere in the retina of an 85-year-old male. in rod monochromats (Alexander et al., 2007; Komaromy
Nishiguchi, Sandberg, Gorji, Berson, and Dryja (2005) et al., 2007), it seems especially relevant to consider the
found significant phenotypic variation among rod mono- photoreceptor substrate with which any such therapy would
chromats—specifically that some had small amounts of have to work. Even beyond the photoreceptors, it has been
remaining cone function. It seems likely that this would be shown that the retinal circuitry remodels in response to
at least partly driven by the underlying genetic variation. As photoreceptor degeneration (see Jones & Marc, 2005, for a



Figure 26.8 The retina of the rod monochromat is highly chromat. Images are from 2.5 degrees (A, B) and 4 degrees (C, D)
unusual. (A, C ) Images from a 28-year-old normal male, who had temporal retina. The size and density of the visible cells were typical
been imaged as part of a number of unrelated studies over the for rod, not cone, photoreceptors. Scale bar is 20 μm. (Reproduced
course of 3 months. (B, D) Images from a 28-year-old rod mono- from Carroll, Choi, & Williams 2008, with permission.)

carroll, yoon, and williams: cone photoreceptor mosaic in normal and defective color vision 391
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394 sensation and perception

27 Bayesian Approaches to
Color Vision
david h. brainard

abstract Visual perception is difficult because image formation The color signal is given as the wavelength-by-wavelength
and sensory transduction lose information about the physical scene: product of the illuminant power and the object’s surface
Many different scenes lead to the same image data. Understanding
reflectance function, where the latter specifies the fraction of
how the brain copes with this information loss, so that our percepts
provide a useful representation of the world around us, is a central incident light reflected from the object. Thus the color signal
problem in cognitive neuroscience. In the case of color vision, the confounds object properties with those of the illuminant. To
nature of the information loss is well understood. First, the light provide a representation of object reflectance that is stable
reflected to the eye confounds illuminant properties with those of across changes of illuminant, the visual system must process
objects. Second, spectral and spatial sampling by the cone photo- the color signal to separate the physical effects of illuminant
receptors further reduces the available information. To provide a
stable representation of object color, the brain must compensate and object surface.
by combining the directly available information with assumptions The postreceptoral visual system does not have direct
about which scene configurations are likely to occur. This chapter access to the color signal. Rather, this spectrum is encoded
reviews how Bayesian decision theory can model how this happens by the joint responses of the retinal mosaic of cone photore-
and discusses two Bayesian models that have been effective in ceptors. There are three classes of cones, each characterized
accounting for color appearance.
by a distinct spectral sensitivity (figure 27.1B). These are
often referred to as the L, M, and S cones.
Each individual cone codes information about light as a
Visual perception is difficult. One pervasive reason for this scalar quantity, the rate at which its photopigment is isomer-
difficulty is that image formation and sensory transduction ized. This rate confounds the overall intensity of the color
lose information about the physical scene, so many different signal with its relative spectrum. Thus two physically distinct
scenes could have caused the same image data. Color vision color signals can produce the same isomerization rate in all
presents an opportunity to understand how the brain copes three classes of cones (figure 27.1C ). Moreover, there is at
with this information loss, because our understanding of the most one cone at each retinal location. To obtain even trichro-
information loss and the scene parameters of perceptual matic information about the spectrum of the color signal, the
interest is well developed. In this sense, color provides a visual system must combine information from cones at differ-
model system for developing and testing theories that may ent retinal locations; sampling of the image by the retinal
have more general applicability. Of course, color perception mosaic confounds spatial and chromatic image structure.
is an important aspect of our perceptual experience, and This brief review illustrates a series of stages in which
understanding how it arises is also interesting in its own information about object spectral properties is lost: The
right. This chapter provides an introduction to Bayesian color signal confounds object reflectance with the spectral
modeling of human color vision and reviews two lines of power distribution of the illuminant; the retina as a whole
work where the approach has been fruitful. contains only three classes of univariate cones, so the color
signal’s full spectrum is represented by at most three numbers;
Fundamentals of color vision and at each retinal location, there is only one cone. Each of
these stages of information loss produces ambiguity about
The visual system assigns a color to essentially all viewed the scene being viewed.
objects. The information available about an object’s color is How does the visual system resolve ambiguity to extract
carried by the spectrum of the light reflected from it, as illus- a perceptually useful representation of object color? Since
trated by figure 27.1A. This spectrum, which we refer to as the cone responses do not completely determine the reflec-
the color signal, is specified by its power at each wavelength. tance properties of the object, some additional constraints
must be imposed. Here, we apply Bayesian analysis as a
david h. brainard Department of Psychology, University of framework to express these constraints and develop models
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania of color perception.

brainard: bayesian approaches to color vision 395

Figure 27.1 Information loss in color vision. (A) Color vision
A I (λ)
begins when light reflects from an object to the eye and is imaged
on the retina. The color signal reaching each location of the retina
is characterized by its spectrum, which is the amount of power
at each wavelength. (B) The spectral sensitivities of the L, M, and
S cones. The isomerization rate of photopigment is determined
by multiplying the incident power of the color signal at each
wavelength by the photopigment’s spectral sensitivity and summing
S(λ) over wavelength. (C ) Two physically distinct spectra that produce
the same isomerization rates in the human L, M, and S cones

C(λ) = I (λ)S(λ)
language of probability distributions. These two types of
information are then combined via Bayes’ rule to produce
a posterior distribution that expresses what is known about
the scene. A specific estimate of the scene configuration can
B then be extracted from the posterior, for example, by taking
its mean.
An example serves to illustrate the key ideas. Imagine a
toy universe containing only one wavelength of light and one
spatial location. An illuminant impinging on a surface is
specified by an intensity i, and the object surface reflectance
is specified by a single number s. We refer to these as the
scene parameters, as fixing their values specifies the physical
scene. The color signal here reduces to a single number, c =
is. If an eye with a single photoreceptor images the scene,
we can model its response r by the equation r = c + n, where
n is additive noise. We then ask, “What do the image data r
tell us about the values of the scene parameters?” Within the
framework of Bayesian analysis, this is given by the likelihood,
written p(r⎪i, s). For any scene parameters, the likelihood tells
C us how probable any observed response r is. Figure 27.2A
illustrates the likelihood for our example, for the case r = 1.
When the image data are held fixed, the likelihood is a func-
tion of the scene parameters.
Two features of the likelihood are worth note. First, some
pairs (i, s) lead to higher likelihood than others. This means
that the image data provide some information about the
scene parameters. Second, the likelihood function has a ridge
of equal values along the hyperbola is = 1. The fact that the
likelihood is equal along this ridge indicates that the image
data provide incomplete information; there are multiple
scene configurations that the image data do not distinguish.
Because the image data do not uniquely determine the
scene parameters, some other principle must be invoked to
resolve the ambiguity. The prescription provided by the
Bayesian principles Bayesian approach is to specify the statistical properties of
the scene parameters. In our toy universe, for example, it
Basic ideas Bayesian statistics provides a general form- might be that not all illuminant intensities occur with equal
ulation that allows image data to be combined with prior probability. This fact can be expressed as a prior probability
assumptions to provide a reasonable estimate of the physical distribution over the scene parameters (figure 27.2B). Here,
scene configuration. Both the information provided by the the prior has a ridge parallel to the s dimension, indicating
data and the prior assumptions are expressed in the common that all values of s are equally likely. But along the i dimen-

396 sensation and perception

Figure 27.2 Simple example of Bayesian analysis. (A) Likelihood
A function for simple example. The likelihood function p(r⎪i, s) is
plotted as a function of (i, s) for the case in which r = 1. Values
of i and s are assumed to be constrained between 0 and 4. (B)
Prior for simple example. The prior probability distribution
p(i, s) is plotted, showing a prior where illuminant values are
more likely near i = 2 but that is silent about surface reflectance s.
(C ) The posterior is given by the pointwise product of the likelihood
and the prior and then is normalized. The resulting p(i⎪s, r) is
shown for the likelihood in panel A and the prior in panel B. For
additional discussion of this example, see Brainard and Freeman

sion, there is a concentration of illuminant probability in the

vicinity of i = 2. The prior is a function of the same scene
parameters as the likelihood.
B Bayes’ rule says that to combine the prior and likelihood
into the posterior, all that is necessary is to multiply the two
functions point by point and normalize the result so that the
total probability is unity (Gelman, Carlin, Stern, & Rubin,
2004). The result of this operation for our example is illus-
trated by figure 27.2C. The use of multiplication makes
intuitive sense: the posterior has high values when both the
prior and the likelihood are high and goes to zero if either
the prior or the likelihood is zero. The posterior is often
written in the form p(i, s⎪r). In the case shown, the posterior
has an unambiguous peak, even though both the likelihood
and the prior are individually ambiguous about the scene
parameters. Often, the scene parameters are estimated by
the maximum or as the mean of the posterior; other methods
are also available (Blackwell & Girschick, 1954; Brainard &
Freeman, 1997; Maloney, 2002).

Bayesian models Bayesian analysis provides a framework

for generating models that may be applied to specific
perceptual phenomena. The task of the modeler is to express
C the content of interest as a likelihood and prior and then
to link the resulting estimate of the scene parameters to
perception. The framework is useful to the extent that it
consistently generates models that describe, predict, and
clarify empirical data.
The first part of Bayesian modeling is to specify the
likelihood, which amounts to understanding the process by
which scene parameters determine image data. For vision,
the likelihood is in essence a description of how light flows
through a scene to produce the retinal image, how the retinal
image is sampled by the photoreceptor mosaic, and how
precise the photoreceptor responses are. In the case of color,
these factors are well understood (Wyszecki & Stiles, 1982;
Kaiser & Boynton, 1996; Wandell, 1995), which means that
generating the likelihood portion of a Bayesian model is
The second part of Bayesian modeling is to specify the
prior. In cases in which the likelihood is well constrained,

brainard: bayesian approaches to color vision 397

the prior carries the critical content of the model. One way Evans, & Newhall, 1957; McCann, McKee, & Taylor, 1976;
to obtain a prior is to examine statistical regularities in the Arend & Reeves, 1986; see Katz, 1935; Brainard, 2004;
natural environment and to choose a prior that captures Gilchrist, 2006).
these regularities. The idea is that evolution and develop- A few empirical generalizations are easy to state. First, the
ment have optimized visual processing for the environment data confirm the introspective conclusion that human vision
in which we operate and that statistical regularities in the often exhibits excellent color constancy: Object color appear-
environment are likely to be deeply embedded in visual ance changes less than would be predicted by the corre-
processing (see Helmholtz, 1910; Attneave, 1954; Shepard, sponding change in reflected light (Arend & Reeves, 1986;
1987, 1992; Adelson & Pentland, 1996; Mamassian, Landy, Brainard, Brunt, & Speigle, 1997; Brainard, 1998). Second,
& Maloney, 2002; Weiss, Simoncelli, & Adelson, 2002; color constancy is not perfect: Object color appearance does
Geisler & Kersten, 2002; Maloney, 2002; see also Knill & change somewhat with the illuminant. Third, factors other
Richards, 1996; Rao, Olshausen, & Lewicki, 2002). than the illuminant affect object color appearance. A par-
Often, not enough is known about natural scene statistics ticularly important factor is the surface reflectances of
to completely determine a prior. In this case, one strategy is other nearby objects in the scene (Kraft & Brainard, 1999;
to choose a parametric form for the prior that is broadly Gilchrist, 2006).
consistent with available measurements and then to use Given that the above general facts are well established, it
psychophysical data to constrain these parameters. We seems clear that our goal should not be to generate further
(Brainard et al., 2006; Brainard, Williams, & Hofer, 2008) broad confirmations. Rather, we should seek models that
and others (e.g., Mamassian & Landy, 2001; Stocker & accurately predict the color appearance of any object when
Simoncelli, 2006) have found that this hybrid approach leads it is viewed in an arbitrary scene. This is not an easy task,
to effective models and allows good progress to be made with as a combinatorial explosion prevents enumeration and
the Bayesian approach even as we seek improved methods direct study of all possible scenes. It is therefore critical to
for measuring and specifying priors. build models that not only fit extant data but also embody
We defer to the discussion a number of important issues principles that make it likely that they will generalize well
related to the selection of priors in Bayesian models of per- (see Wyszecki & Stiles, 1982, pp. 584–586; see also Krantz,
ception. Such discussion is more cogent in the context of the 1968; Brainard & Wandell, 1992).
specific models reviewed in this chapter. Different approaches to developing models of color
The final step in developing a Bayesian model of percep- appearance may be distinguished by the nature of the core
tion is to link the output of the Bayesian calculation, which principles they embody, and how these might enable gener-
is typically an estimate of scene parameters extracted from alization. Mechanistic models are constrained by abstracted
the posterior, to a measurement of human performance. properties of neurons in the visual pathways (Stiles, 1967).
Often, the linking hypothesis involves the assumption that Examples of such abstractions include chromatic adaptation
that goal of perception is to provide an explicit representa- (von Kries, 1902) and contrast coding (Wallach, 1948; Land,
tion of one of the scene parameters. For example, color 1986). These models will generalize well if the mechanisms
appearance is often taken to be a perceptual correlate of that are revealed by simple stimuli continue to operate unal-
object surface reflectance. Given this idea, a natural linking tered for more complex images.
hypothesis for object color appearance is that two objects, A second modeling approach tackles generalization
viewed in different scenes, will have the same color appear- directly and involves explicitly formulating and testing rules
ance when a Bayesian estimation algorithm returns the same of combination. An example would be additive prediction
estimate of surface reflectance for each (Brainard, Kraft, & of the action of the superposition of two scenes on an object’s
Longère, 2003). color appearance from measurements of the effect of each
scene alone (Brainard & Wandell, 1992). A complement to
Color constancy this approach is to identify grouping and segmentation prin-
ciples that allow the decomposition of complex scenes into
In daily life, it is common to refer to objects as having a color separate and simpler regions and then to study effects of
appearance: “the red apple,” “the blue house,” “the green context within such regions and to consider how they inter-
car.” Although this is effortless, it is also remarkable. The act (Gilchrist et al., 1999; Adelson, 1999).
color signal that is reflected from any object varies with the A third approach is computational (Marr, 1982; Barrow &
illumination, so a stable percept must involve postreceptoral Tenenbaum, 1978). Here, the guiding hypothesis is that
processing. The stability of object color appearance is called perceptual representations may be understood as biological
color constancy. Both color constancy and its close cousin, approximations to well-defined information processing tasks.
lightness constancy, have long been the target of experimen- The use of Bayesian algorithms to model perception is an
tal investigation (e.g., Helson & Jeffers, 1940; Burnham, example of this approach. It will generalize well if the under-

398 sensation and perception

lying hypothesis is correct: As one moves to richer and richer histogram of weights corresponding to an ensemble of sur-
stimulus configurations, what must be updated is the modeled faces and fit this with a multivariate normal distribution
likelihood and prior, but no new idea is required. (figure 27.3C) (Brainard & Freeman, 1997). Doing so allows
us to compute the prior probability of any surface reflectance
A Bayesian model of human color constancy sj(λ). The same approach can be used to determine prior
probabilities for illuminants i(λ).
Here, we outline a Bayesian model of color appearance. The Delahunt and Brainard (2004b) conducted experiments in
first step is to define the likelihood function. This is based which observers were asked to judge the appearance of a test
on the following imaging model (Brainard & Freeman, 1997; patch embedded in the simulated images of 17 scenes.
Brainard et al., 2006). A collection of flat matte objects is lit Images of four of the scenes are shown in figure 27.4A, the
by a single spatially uniform and diffuse illuminant. The jth location of the test patch being indicated by the black rect-
object is characterized by its surface reflectance sj (λ), which angle in each image. Observers adjusted the chromaticity of
specifies the fraction of incident light reflected at each wave- the test patch until it appeared achromatic. Psychophysical
length λ. The illuminant is characterized by its spectral measurements of this sort establish the chromaticity of the
power distribution i(λ), which provides light power at each achromatic locus at the test patch location within each image,
wavelength. The color signal reflected from the jth object to and this provides an excellent first-order characterization of
the eye at each wavelength is simply cj(λ) = i(λ) sj(λ). For this how scene context affects the color of any object (Speigle &
example, we assume that the spatial scale of each object is Brainard, 1999). Across the set of scenes, both the illuminant
large enough that we may neglect the fine structure of the and the surface reflectance of the background surface were
interleaved retinal mosaic, so the information obtained from varied. Figure 27.4B plots the chromaticity of the illuminant
the color signal reflected from each object is the isomeriza- for each example scene (large open circles) along with the
tion rates of the L, M, and S cones. These are easily com- achromatic loci (large solid circles). For three of the scenes,
puted from cj(λ) and the known spectral sensitivities of each the chromaticity of the achromatic locus is near to that of
cone class. the illuminant. These are the scenes in which only the illu-
The isomerization rates arising from a given cj(λ) will be minant varied, and this pattern indicates good color con-
perturbed by noise, which can be modeled as additive and stancy (see Delahunt & Brainard, 2004b; Brainard et al.,
normally distributed. Given the surface reflectances sj(λ) of 2006). For the fourth scene, in which the background reflec-
N objects in the scene and the illuminant spectral power tance was also manipulated, the achromatic locus is far from
distribution i(λ), the likelihood may then be computed as a the illuminant chromaticity; constancy was poor under this
multivariate normal distribution with dimension 3N, whose manipulation.
mean is given by the mean isomerization of the L, M, and Brainard and colleagues (2006) used the general form of
S cones for each object and whose covariance matrix repre- likelihood and prior described above and implemented a
sents the additive noise. As with the simple example of figure variant of Brainard and Freeman’s (1997) Bayesian algo-
27.2, this likelihood function leads to an underdetermined rithm that estimates the chromaticity of the scene illuminant
estimation problem. from image data. They used a prior for surfaces that cap-
To specify a prior distribution for color constancy, we tured the structure of a large set of measured reflectances (as
start with separate distributions over surface reflectance in figure 27.3) and explored a parametric set of illuminant
functions and illuminant spectral power distributions. The priors, all based on the CIE linear model for daylight. Brain-
same general form is used for both and is illustrated for ard and colleagues (2006) then used the Bayesian algorithm
surfaces in figure 27.3. Following a number authors to estimate the illuminant chromaticities for the same 17
(Cohen, 1964; Buchsbaum, 1980; Maloney & Wandell, scenes studied by Delahunt and Brainard (2004b). To link
1986; see also Maloney, 1986; Jaaskelainen, Parkkinen, & the illuminant estimates to the measured achromatic loci,
Toyooka, 1990), we first assume that each surface reflec- they interpreted the achromatic loci as representing the
tance function sj(λ) may be approximated within a three- chromaticity of light reflected from a fixed achromatic
dimensional linear model. This means that we can write surface. This allowed mapping of estimated illuminant chro-
sj(λ) = w1j s1(λ) + w2j s2(λ) +w3j s3(λ), where the three basis func- maticities to predictions of the achromatic loci (Brainard
tions si(λ) are held fixed (see figures 27.3A and 27.3B). The et al., 2006).
basis functions can be determined by applying principle Figure 27.4B shows the predictions derived in this fashion
components analysis to a large set of measured surface (small open circles). The prediction for the leftmost image is
reflectance functions. guaranteed to be correct because this datum was used to
Within the three-dimensional model, each surface is spec- infer the reflectance of the achromatic surface. The predic-
ified by its triplet of weights w1j, w2j, w3j. To induce a prior tions for the other three scenes, and indeed for the entire
distribution over surfaces, we measure the three-dimensional collection of 17 images (see Brainard et al., 2006), are good.

brainard: bayesian approaches to color vision 399


Figure 27.3 Prior over surface reflectance. (A) Three basis generate the linear model, and its approximation (dashed curve)
functions of a linear model for surfaces. The basis functions were within the model shown in panel A. (C ) Distribution of model
obtained through analysis of the principle components of a collec- weights for the 462 surface reflectance functions in the data set used
tion of 462 measured surface reflectance functions (Newhall, Nick- to generate the linear model. Each panel shows the histogram for
erson, & Judd, 1943; Nickerson, 1957). (B) A measured surface one basis function. The solid curves are a normal approximation.
reflectance function (solid curve) from the same data set used to (After Brainard & Freeman, 1997; see their figure 4.)

400 sensation and perception


B 0.52






0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26

Figure 27.4 Color constancy performance. (A) Images of 4 of 17 the CIE u ′v ′ chromaticity diagram. This is a standard color repre-
simulated scenes used to compare human performance and a sentation that preserves information about the relative responses of
model derived from a Bayesian illuminant estimation algorithm. the L, M, and S cones but not about intensity. Large open circles
Each scene has the same spatial structure. In the first three images, show the scene illuminants, with the color key as indicated beneath
from left to right, the illuminant varies. In the rightmost image, the images in panel A. Large solid circles show the achromatic loci
the illuminant is the same as that in the second image, but the measured by observers who adjusted a test patch at the location
background surface has been changed so that the light reflected indicated by the black rectangle in each image. The small
from it matches that reflected from the background surface in the open circles show the model’s predictions of the achromatic loci.
leftmost image. (Reproduced from Brainard et al., 2006, figure 1.) (Reproduced from figure 7 of Brainard et al., 2006.) (See color plate
(B) Illuminants, achromatic loci, and model predictions plotted in 38.)

Of importance is that the agreement occurs both for cases a full spectral representation of the color signal to the trichro-
in which the observers showed good constancy and cases in matic representation provided by the L, M, and S cones. It
which constancy was poor. assumed, however, that the responses of all three cone classes
were available at each spatial location. This is intuitively
Bayes and the cone mosaic reasonable if the spatial scale of the image of various objects
is large in comparison to the spacing between cones. None-
The treatment of color constancy above addresses the infor- theless, it would be more satisfying to have a theory of how
mation loss caused by the interaction of surfaces and illumi- information from cones is combined across space to provide
nants in the formation of the image and the reduction from a representation that is effectively trichromatic at such spatial

brainard: bayesian approaches to color vision 401

scales. To develop such a theory, we can again turn to a A
Bayesian analysis.
As with the color constancy case, developing a Bayesian
model requires specifying the likelihood and prior. We begin
by deciding what scene parameters need to be estimated.
Here, we take these to be an ideal image, which we conceive
of as the isomerization rates of the L, M, and S cones at each
image location, before optical blur or retinal sampling. From
the ideal image, we can compute the mean isomerization B
rate for each of the actual cones in the interleaved mosaic.
The computation incorporates effects of blurring by the
eye’s optics as well as the location and type of each individual
cone. We then use an approximation of additive normal
noise to convert the mean isomerization to the likelihood
To develop an appropriate prior, we rely on a few well-
established observations about natural images. First, within C
a cone class, images vary slowly over space. This is often
expressed by the observation that the energy in natural
images falls off as 1/f, where f is spatial frequency (Field,
1987). Alternatively, the same fact may be described as a
strong correlation between image values at nearby locations
within each cone class (Pratt, 1978). Second, at any given
location, there are high correlations between the isomeriza-
tion rates of the L, M, and S cones (Burton & Moorehead,
Figure 27.5 Trichromatic reconstruction. (A) Small patch of
1987; Ruderman, Cronin, & Chiao, 1998). This correlation
sinusoidal isochromatic grating. (B) The intensity of each colored
occurs because typical color signals are spectrally broadband spot represents the isomerization rate of a cone. The class of each
and vary slowly with wavelength, because the spectral sen- cone is indicated by whether it is plotted in red (L), green (M), or
sitivities of cones are themselves broad, and because the blue (S). (C ) The isochromatic grating as reconstructed by the
spectral sensitivities of different cone classes overlap. We Bayesian algorithm. The grating shown corresponds to a spatial
instantiate these strong spatial and spectral correlations in frequency of 6 cycles per degree presented at about 1 degree of
eccentricity for a human observer; the mosaic is of observer AP
our prior by using a multivariate normal distribution whose of Hofer and colleagues (2005). Brainard and colleagues (2008)
covariance matrix is separable in space and color. This provide additional reconstruction examples that show similarly
allows expression of the appropriate correlations (Brainard, veridical performance for low-spatial-frequency isoluminant grat-
1994; Brainard et al., 2008). The use of a normal prior does ings and for an additional mosaic. (See color plate 39.)
not describe all of the regularities of natural images, but is
strong enough to enable an effective algorithm.
Combining the likelihood and prior described above
allows an estimate (Brainard, 1994; Brainard et al., 2008) of Figure 27.6 Small spot experiment. (A) Schematic of five indi-
vidual observer cone mosaics. Red, green, and blue circles show
the ideal image from the isomerization rates of cones in the
locations of L, M, and S cones. Mosaics represent approximately
mosaic. Figure 27.5 illustrates estimator performance for a 12 by 12 feet of visual angle at 1 degree of eccentricity. (Repro-
low spatial frequency stimulus. For such stimuli, the estima- duced from Brainard et al., 2008, figure 2 (top panel).) (B) Data
tor returns near veridical estimates of the ideal image. This from Hofer and colleagues (2005) for 550-nm spots. Observers
justifies the typical assumption that the fine structure of the named each small spot that they saw and judged namable. The
available names were red, orange, yellow, yellow-green, green,
interleaved mosaic may be neglected for most treatments of
blue-green, purple, and white. For each observer, the histogram
color vision. shows the proportion of each color named used, with the color code
It is possible to present stimuli that cause individuals with corresponding to the name. Note that the white region of the bars
different cone mosaics to have distinguishable perceptions. represents the proportion of white responses. Not all observers used
Hofer, Singer, and Williams (2005) used adaptive optics to all available names. (Reproduced from figure 11 of Brainard et al.,
present very small flashed monochromatic spots to observers 2008.) (C) Predictions from the Bayesian model, obtained as
described in the text, for the experimental conditions correspond-
whose chromatic topography had also been mapped. Figure ing to the data in B. (Reproduced from figure 11 of Brainard et al.,
27.6 summarizes the results of these experiments. The top 2008), which also shows data and predictions for 500-nm and 600-
row (A) shows mosaics for five individual observers. The nm spots.) (See color plate 40.)

402 sensation and perception


brainard: bayesian approaches to color vision 403

A B mosaic, it must rely on the prior to resolve the spectral ambi-
guity. The prior had a mean of CIE daylight illuminant D65,
and the resulting estimate is correspondingly a bluish white.
The right-hand panels of figure 27.7 (B and D) show a
second mosaic with the same spatial arrangement of cones.
In this mosaic, however, the central L cone is surrounded
by a set of M cones. We again simulated stimulating only
the central L cone and obtained the algorithm’s estimate.
Here, the resulting spot is red. This occurs because the M
cones near to the central L cone add information about the
spectral composition of the ideal image that was not avail-
C D able in the all L cone mosaic. These M cones have isomeri-
zation rates of zero, indicating that there is no middle
wavelength light at their locations. Because the prior includes
a specification of strong spatial correlations within each color
plane, the zero M cone responses say that had an M cone
been present at the central location, it too would have had
a small response. Putting this together with the large observed
L cone response leads to an estimate of a spot with more
Figure 27.7 Small spot intuitions. (A) A mosaic consisting only of power in the long wavelengths than in the middle wave-
L cones. The white spot in the center indicates a single cone whose
lengths, and the result appears red.
stimulation was simulated. (B) This mosaic is identical to the one
shown in panel A, with the exception that the cones surrounding Although the actual individual mosaics are more complex
the central L cone have been changed to M cones. (C) Model than the examples shown in figure 27.7, the same intuitions
output when the central cone in panel A is stimulated. The result apply. In mosaics in which there are large regions of homo-
is a bluish-white spot. As described by Brainard and colleagues geneous cone types, the reconstructed spots will have to rely
(2008), a windowing procedure was applied to model output here
more on the prior mean and will tend to be “white” rather
and in panel D to reduce visible ringing in the reconstruction. (D)
Model output when the central cone in panel B is stimulated. The than a more saturated color. The detailed modeling results
result is a reddish spot. (Reproduced from figure 7 of Brainard shown in figure 27.6 play this and related intuitions out in
et al., 2008.) (See color plate 41.) detail.

second row (B) shows histograms of the aggregate naming Discussion

behavior of each observer. There is large individual
variation. Of particular note is that individuals with extreme The work reviewed here links color appearance to the per-
L-to-M cone ratios tended to see more flashes as “white” formance of Bayesian algorithms. The first model (Brainard
than did individuals with more equal cone ratios. et al., 2006) accounts for both successes and failures of
We simulated the experiment of Hofer and colleagues human color constancy. The second model (Brainard et al.,
(2005) and obtained reconstructed spots for each simulated 2008) explains how the visual system integrates information
flash. These were then mapped to color names through their from individual cones in the retinal mosaic to provide a
chromaticities. Figure 27.6C shows the predicted naming seamless trichromatic percept under normal viewing condi-
histograms for each observer. The predictions capture the tions. This model successfully predicts the color appearance
broad patterns of the data well. In particular, the fact that of spots that are small enough to stimulate single cones.
highly asymmetric mosaics lead to more flashes named The two models have important common features. First,
“white” is a salient feature of the predictions, just as it is with the modeling begins with an analysis of information loss
the data. between the scene parameters and the responses of the
Figure 27.7 provides intuition about the model’s predic- cones. Second, the core of each model is the specification of
tions. First consider the left-hand panels (A and C ). These a prior distribution over the scene parameters of interest.
show a mosaic consisting only of L cones and the Bayesian The prior acts to resolve the ambiguity about the scene
estimate of the ideal image when only the central L cone is parameters that remains after the image data have spoken.
stimulated. A mosaic consisting of only L cones is completely Given that the likelihood is well constrained, it is the prior
monochromatic, and its responses provide no information that provides the content of each model. In both cases, the
about the relative spectral composition of the stimulus. When general parametric form of the prior was determined through
the Bayesian algorithm is applied to data provided by such a an analysis of naturally occurring scenes. The particular

404 sensation and perception

priors used to model the data were then tuned by compari- Although the Bayesian approach has the appealing fea-
son of model predictions to the data (see Brainard et al., tures described above, it will not provide a complete account
2006, 2008). of vision when employed alone. First, the approach is silent
The Bayesian approach leads to parsimonious models about mechanism. The way in which the models are imple-
that account for a performance across a wide range of condi- mented on a digital computer need not speak to how equiva-
tions. Consider the color constancy example. Many studies lent performance is achieved by the nervous system. The
of color constancy vary only the illumination, while the sur- value of a Bayesian model in understanding mechanism is
faces in the scene are held fixed (e.g., McCann, McKee, & indirect. The model tells us what input-output relationship
Taylor, 1976; Arend & Reeves, 1986; Brainard & Wandell, any mechanistic model must satisfy.
1992; Hansen, Walter, & Gegenfurtner, 2007). Under these One common misconception about Bayesian models is
conditions, many computational models can predict the that because the likelihood and prior are clearly separated
generally good constancy that is observed (Buchsbaum, in the formulation, this separation should be expected in the
1980; Land, 1986; Brainard & Freeman, 1997). When the physiological representation. That this is not necessary is
surfaces in the scene are covaried with the illuminant, con- easily grasped if one considers that there is a simple linear
stancy is a more challenging computational problem that receptive field interpretation of the Bayesian model of
can differentiate between models (Maloney & Wandell, trichromatic image reconstruction. For any choice of prior
1986; Brainard & Wandell, 1986; Brainard & Freeman, distribution, the appropriate transformation from cone
1997; Kraft & Brainard, 1999). The model presented here responses to the estimated ideal image may be accomplished
accounts for performance when the illuminant is varied by weighted sums that link cone responses to each estimated
alone and when both illuminant and scene surfaces are L, M, or S value (Brainard et al., 2008). In a neural imple-
covaried. This feature emerged as a consequence of the mentation of this sort, the properties of the likelihood and
interaction of a reasonable prior with the likelihood, as prior are jointly and implicitly encoded in the specific values
implemented through Bayes rule. A similar parsimony char- of the weights; neither the likelihood nor the prior appears
acterizes the account of small spot colors. explicitly.
The Bayesian approach provides a clear generalization An often-asked question that arises in the context of
path. Both models presented here have to date undergone Bayesian models is “Where did the priors come from?” If
only preliminary tests against data, and it is likely that condi- we view the role of the prior in a Bayesian model as specify-
tions can be found that produce model failures. For example, ing how the visual system resolves the ambiguity in the likeli-
a few classic and more numerous recent studies of color hood, then it becomes clear that this question is not really
and lightness constancy have sought to generalize to about the priors. Rather, the question is really “How did
stimulus conditions beyond diffusely illuminated flat matte evolution and development shape the visual system so that
surfaces (Hochberg & Beck, 1954; Gilchrist, 1980; Nishida it operates effectively in the natural environment?” This is
& Shinya, 1998; Bloj, Kersten, & Hurlbert, 1999; Yang & an excellent question but one that applies to any model that
Maloney, 2001; Boyaci, Maloney, & Hersh, 2003; Boyaci, correctly describes stable adult performance. The current
Doerschner, & Maloney, 2004; Doerschner, Boyaci, & absence of an answer is not a weakness that is specific to the
Maloney, 2004; Delahunt & Brainard, 2004a; Ripamonti Bayesian approach. Indeed, one appeal of the Bayesian
et al., 2004; Motoyoshi, Nishida, Sharan, & Adelson, 2007; approach is that the prior is represented explicitly. Thus the
Xiao & Brainard, 2008; see also Fleming, Dror, & Adelson, prior that is used in a successful model converts the raw
2003). It is not surprising that experiments of this sort reveal experimental data to a form that can be compared to mea-
phenomena that cannot be accounted for by the Bayesian surements of the statistics of the natural environment (see
constancy model presented above, since that model is based Brainard et al., 2006). When the derived prior matches the
on a likelihood and prior that do not allow for spatially environmental statistics, the Bayesian model provides a
varying illumination, objects and scenes that vary in three quantitative link between behavioral performance and the
dimensions or for objects with geometrically complex surface statistics of the environment. When there is a mismatch
reflectance functions. On the other hand, the Bayesian pre- between the derived prior and environmental statistics,
scription tells us that to build more general models, it may the modeling emphasizes that our understanding remains
be sufficient to generalize the likelihoods and priors. This is incomplete.
less daunting than developing models de novo. Recently, Finally, we close by noting there are interesting and
models that may be conceived as generalizing the likelihood important factors that the Bayesian approach, as elaborated
function to account for directional illumination and varia- here, does not include. Because information processing con-
tion in object pose have been reported (Boyaci et al., 2003; sumes energy, for example, there may be tradeoffs between
Bloj et al., 2004; Boyaci, Doerschner, & Maloney, 2006). optimal estimation and efficient processing. A number of

brainard: bayesian approaches to color vision 405

analyses interpret mechanisms of early color vision as effi- Boyaci, H., Doerschner, K., & Maloney, L. T. (2006). Cues to
cient solutions to information transmission and representa- an equivalent lighting model. J. Vis., 6, 106–118.
Boyaci, H., Maloney, L. T., & Hersh, S. (2003). The effect of
tion (Buchsbaum & Gottschalk, 1983; Derrico & Buchsbaum,
perceived surface orientation on perceived surface albedo in
1990; Atick, 1992; van Hateren, 1993; Ruderman et al., binocularly viewed scenes. J. Vis., 3, 541–553.
1998; Parraga, Brelstaff, Troscianko, & Moorehead, 1998; Brainard, D. H. (1994). Bayesian method for reconstructing color images
von der Twer & MacLeod, 2001; Parraga, Troscianko, from trichromatic samples. Paper presented at the 47th Annual IS&T
& Tolhurst, 2002; Lee, Wachtler, & Sejnowski, 2002; Meeting, Rochester, NY.
Doi, Inui, Lee, Wachtler, & Sejnowski, 2003; Caywood, Brainard, D. H. (1998). Color constancy in the nearly natural
image: 2. Achromatic loci. J. Opt. Soc. Am. [A], 15, 307–325.
Willmore, & Tolhurst, 2004; Wachtler, Doi, Lee, & Brainard, D. H. (2004). Color constancy. In L. Chalupa &
Sejnowski, 2007). Although this work shares with the Bayes- J. Werner (Eds.), The visual neurosciences (Vol. 1, pp. 948–961).
ian models presented here an emphasis on the statistics of Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
the ensemble of natural scenes, it differs in its emphasis. The Brainard, D. H., Brunt, W. A., & Speigle, J. M. (1997). Color
Bayesian models presented in this chapter focus on veridi- constancy in the nearly natural image: 1. Asymmetric matches.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. [A], 14, 2091–2110.
cality rather than efficiency of representation. Moreover, Brainard, D. H., & Freeman, W. T. (1997). Bayesian color con-
additional insight is likely to be obtained when both veridi- stancy. J. Opt. Soc. Am. [A], 14, 1393–1411.
cality and precision of representation are considered together Brainard, D. H., Kraft, J. M., & Longère, P. (2003). Color con-
(see Stocker & Simoncelli, 2006; Abrams, Hillis, & Brainard, stancy: Developing empirical tests of computational models. In
2007; Hillis & Brainard, 2007). R. Mausfeld & D. Heyer (Eds.), Colour perception: Mind and the
physical world (pp. 307–334). Oxford, UK: Oxford University
acknowledgments This work was supported by NIH RO1
Brainard, D. H., Longere, P., Delahunt, P. B., Freeman, W. T.,
EY10016. I thank S. Allred, J. Nachmias, and B. Wandell for
Kraft, J. M., & Xiao, B. (2006). Bayesian model of human color
helpful comments on the manuscript.
constancy. J. Vis., 6, 1267–1281.
Brainard, D. H., & Wandell, B. A. (1986). Analysis of the retinex
theory of color vision. J. Opt. Soc. Am. [A], 3, 1651–1661.
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408 sensation and perception

28 Wiring of Receptive Fields and
Functional Maps in
Primary Visual Cortex
dario l. ringach

abstract This chapter deals with the question of how receptive & Lamantia, 1992; Swindale, 1991). This chapter deals pri-
fields and cortical maps are wired before the onset of the classical marily with the early establishment of the circuit. We want
critical period. In particular, we ask how simple-cell receptive fields to know how receptive fields and cortical maps are wired
may arise without an intermediate phase of overlap between ON
and OFF subregions and without the need for correlated spontane-
before the onset of the critical period. The reason this ques-
ous activity in the developing thalamus. We discuss one possible tion is a critical piece of the puzzle of V1 development is
solution, the statistical connectivity hypothesis, which postulates clarified by a summary of some experimental findings.
that initial wiring of the cortex is highly constrained by the spatial In their pioneering studies of visual cortex, Hubel and
arrangement of the retinal ganglion cell mosaic and their coverage Wiesel (1963) demonstrated that kittens lacking normal
ratios. We examine a recently confirmed prediction of the theory:
visual experience have cells that are tuned for orientation.
that orientation bandwidth must depend on the location of neurons
within the orientation map. Finally, the theory is shown to predict They also found that orientation-tuned cells cluster into
the existence of orientation scotomas: At any given retinal location, populations of similar preference, suggesting the presence of
not all orientations can be represented equally well by neurons in an early orientation map in these young animals (Hubel &
primary visual cortex. Wiesel, 1963). These early cortical responses were also found
to be heavily dominated by contralateral input (Crair et al.,
1998; Fregnac & Imbert, 1978; Movshon & Van Sluyters,
Wiring of receptive fields and functional maps in 1981).
primary visual cortex Recent studies using intrinsic imaging of cortical activity
in combination with single-unit electrophysiology have con-
To fully understand the development and the adult organi- firmed and refined these classical findings, showing that in
zation of primary visual cortex, there are three separate kittens, orientation maps and ocular dominance columns
questions that must be addressed. First, we need to discover are already present by two weeks of age (Crair et al., 1998;
the mechanisms that are responsible for wiring receptive Crair, Horton, Antonini, & Stryker, 2001). Furthermore,
fields and cortical maps at the earliest stages of development there are no obvious differences in the development of ocular
(Albus & Wolf, 1984; Hubel & Wiesel, 1963; Sherk & dominance and orientation maps of normal and binocularly
Stryker, 1976). Second, we need a description of how activ- deprived animals up to the third postnatal week, demon-
ity-dependent processes maintain, modify, or refine these strating that normal visual stimulation is not necessary for
initial structures during the critical period (Crair, Gillespie, the early wiring of receptive fields and maps (Crair et al.,
& Stryker, 1998; Crowley & Katz, 2002; Katz & Crowley, 1998, 2001).
2002; Miller, Erwin, & Kayser, 1999; Swindale, 1996). An important finding is that receptive fields with segre-
Third, we need to understand which features of the resulting gated ON and OFF subregions, which are characteristic of
receptive fields and cortical maps are vital for normal visual simple cells, are observed in the thalamo-recipient layers 4
processing and which may arise as an epiphenomenon of and 6 as soon as the cortex becomes visually responsive
developmental processes and wiring constraints (Adams & (Albus & Wolf, 1984; Blakemore & Van Sluyters, 1975;
Horton, 2003; Chklovskii & Koulakov, 2000; Horton & Braastad & Heggelund, 1985; Hubel & Wiesel, 1963; Sherk
Adams, 2005; Koulakov & Chklovskii, 2001; Purves, Riddle, & Stryker, 1976). Furthermore, the ratio between the
numbers of simple and complex cells in the first weeks of
dario l. ringach Department of Neurobiology and Psychology, development remains approximately constant and does not
Jules Stein Eye Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, differ from that in the adult (Albus & Wolf, 1984; Braastad
University of California, Los Angeles, California & Heggelund, 1985).

ringach: wiring of receptive fields and functional maps in primary visual cortex 409
These data are difficult to reconcile with the notion that perhaps this is done by different molecular markers specify-
simple-cell receptive fields develop from a set of heavily ing the locations where each input type is allowed to create
overlapping ON/OFF inputs (Linsker, 1986; Miller, 1994; synaptic contacts on the target neuron, thereby generating
Reid & Alonso, 1995). If this were the case, one would have nonoverlapping ON/OFF subregions.
predicted (1) an initial prevalence of receptive fields with Molecular guidance has been shown to be involved in the
overlapping ON/OFF receptive fields with a progressive establishment of a coarse retinotopy and in retinogeniculate
spatial segregation of subregions during development and laminar segregation (Cang, Kaneko, Yamada, Woods, &
(2) an increase in the ratio of simple to complex cells during Stryker, 2005; Huberman, 2007), yet its role in guiding
this developmental process. Instead, the available data indi- connectivity at the fine spatial scales required to shape the
cate that salient features of the adult cortical organization, structure of the subregions in individual receptive fields has
including the subregion segregation of simple cells, orienta- never been demonstrated and appears unlikely. For example,
tion, and ocular dominance maps, manifest themselves at it is difficult to conceive how different simple cells, on the
the earliest stages of cortical development, well before the same orientation column, could coordinate the expression
onset of the critical period. of markers so that all their receptive fields develop similar
We are thus faced with the challenge of explaining how orientation preferences.
receptive fields and cortical maps are wired initially. A Molecular patterning has also been proposed as underly-
couple of hypotheses have been considered so far. One pos- ing the generation of ocular dominance columns (Crowley
sibility is that the presence of structured spontaneous activity & Katz, 1999; Hubener & Bonhoeffer, 1999; Katz &
in the developing thalamus could drive the initial thalamo- Crowley, 2002). This may be a more appealing possibility,
cortical wiring (Miller, 1994; Miller et al., 1999). Such cor- owing to the larger spatial scales involved, but we should
relation-based models predict a specific pattern of activity: consider that functional maps are related in specific ways.
Thalamic cell pairs having the same center sign (either ON/ In the cat, for example, orientation pinwheels tend to align
ON or OFF/OFF) should be more correlated than cells with with the centers of ocular dominance domains (Bartfeld &
different center signs at small distances (on the scale of a Grinvald, 1992; Grinvald, Frostig, Siegel, & Bartfeld, 1991),
subregion width); an opposite pattern, in which same-sign and peaks of low/high spatial frequency domains tend to
cells are less correlated than opposite sign pairs, should be align with the pinwheel centers (Everson, 1998, Issa, Trepel,
observed at larger separations. This pattern of spontaneous & Stryker, 2000). Envisioning how molecular guidance by
activity and a synaptic connectivity rule by which “neurons itself could simultaneously explain the development of corti-
that fire together, wire together” ensure the emergence of cal maps (retinotopy, ocular dominance, orientation, spatial
segregated ON/OFF subregions (simple-cell receptive fields) frequency) and their relationships appears to be a rather
from overlapping ON/OFF inputs. To guarantee the peri- difficult task indeed.
odicity of orientation columns, an additional mechanism Arguably, these considerations weaken the case for spon-
that leads nearby cells to develop similar receptive fields and taneous activity in the developing thalamus and molecular
cells at large separations to develop different receptive fields guidance as explanations for the early establishment of the
must be invoked. cortical architecture. While it is premature to rule out their
Recent measurements of spontaneous activity in the involvement altogether, one cannot help but wonder whether
developing thalamus, however, have failed to corroborate there are any other wiring mechanisms that have not been
the predicted pattern of correlations (Ohshiro & Weliky, considered.
2006; Weliky & Katz, 1999). Instead of the predicted The proposal that I would like to discuss here was born out
Mexican hat profile, one observes a Gaussian falloff of cor- of the realization that the common assumption that simple
relation for same-sign receptive fields and zero correlation cells develop from a set of overlapping ON/OFF receptive
for different-sign pairs at all distances. Under these condi- fields is not supported by the available data. Thus asking
tions, the model fails to develop segregated ON/OFF sub- how simple cells arise from overlapping inputs is not the right
regions. These ideas could still be rescued by invoking a question to pursue. The relevant question is how the subre-
more complex “split constraint” that conserves the synaptic gions of simple cells could be wired without going through a
strength of ON and OFF center cells separately during developmental phase of substantial ON/OFF overlap.
development. However, its biological implementation is The answer to this question, I propose, is that receptive
hard to imagine (Ohshiro & Weliky, 2006). fields of LGN afferents are not expected to have a high
A second possibility is that molecular cues, involved in degree of overlap in the first place (Ringach, 2004, 2007).
axonal guidance/patterning, help to establish the initial cor- This assertion is based on the known statistics of retinal
tical architecture (Crowley & Katz, 2000; Katz & Crowley, ganglion cell mosaics, the degree of overlap of their receptive
2002). If thalamic afferents carrying signals from overlap- fields (coverage ratios), and the fact that LGN cells are domi-
ping ON/OFF-center receptive fields are to be sorted, nated by a single ganglion cell input (thereby reflecting the

410 sensation and perception

spatial statistics of the RGC mosaic and their receptive fields) of inputs from a relatively small number of spatially dis-
(Chichilnisky & Kalmar, 2002; Cleland & Lee, 1985; Usrey, placed ON- and OFF-center LGN afferents (Gilbert, 1977;
Reppas, & Reid, 1999; Wassle, Boycott, & Illing, 1981). In Heggelund, 1986).
other words, the solution to the problem of simple-cell wiring If, as postulated, the local distribution of RGC receptive
might rest on the recognition that the problem does not fields is responsible for inducing orientation tuning in the
actually exist. cortex, then it must be the case that V1 cells with different
At first, this might appear to be a trivial observation, but orientation preferences must get their input from RGC with
it turns out to be one with profound implications. In a formal receptive fields that do not overlap significantly (otherwise,
development of these ideas, I have shown that they not only the resulting preferred orientations would be similar) (figure
lead to an explanation for how simple-cell receptive fields 28.1B). This predicts the presence of orientations scotomas: At
emerge early during development, but also provide an any given retinal location, and when input is restricted to
account for statistics of monosynaptic connections between one type of ganglion cells, not all orientations can be repre-
the thalamus and cortex, the relationships between various sented equally well by V1 receptive fields. This is because
cortical maps, and the dependence of neuronal selectivity the RGC mosaic imposes severe constraints on the receptive
across the functional architecture of the cortex. In the fields that can be constructed at each location.
remainder of this chapter, we review some of these results Experimental evidence for the existence of orientation
at the conceptual level and highlight some curious predic- scotomas would be of high significance, as it would not only
tions of the model. confirm the model’s prediction but also invalidate the classic
view of the cortical hypercolumn as a population of neurons
Statistical connectivity theory with overlapping receptive fields tuned for possible orienta-
tions preferences. The finding that large orientation differ-
The working hypothesis behind the proposal is that the ences between nearby cells are accompanied by large jumps
blueprint for the formation of simple-cell receptive fields in in the retinotopic location is consistent with the predic-
V1, the feature maps in the cortex and several of their tion (Das & Gilbert, 1997), but we must note that this
mutual relationships, resides in the layout of the retinal gan- result remains highly controversial (Bosking, Crowley, &
glion cell mosaics in the contralateral eye combined with a Fitzpatrick, 2002; Buzas, Volgushev, Eysel, & Kisvarday,
simple statistical connectivity scheme between the thalamus 2003). Future studies using in vivo two-photon imaging
and the cortex. (Ohki, Chung, Ch’ng, Kara, & Reid, 2005; Ohki et al.,
The notion that the structure of the RGC mosaic could 2006) along with precise receptive field mapping procedures
influence the development of receptive fields in the cortex could potentially settle this issue.
was first formulated by Wassle, Boycott, & Illing, (1981, The existence of orientation scotomas could potentially
p. 192) and considered by Soodak (1987). These investiga- be tested psychophysically. One such attempt was performed
tors noted that nearest neighbors on the X-cell RGC mosaic by Zanker and Braitenberg (1996), who measured perfor-
tend to be of opposite sign, thus generating ON/OFF pairs mance in an orientation discrimination task using very small
in close proximity. The spatial statistics of the RGC mosaic lines of different lengths at various eccentricities. They noted
are reflected in the LGN, as thalamic cells are driven mostly that when detection performance is expressed in terms of the
by one input. If cortical cells were to pool in space a small cortical size of the line (by taking into account the average
number of nearby thalamic afferents representing neighbor- human magnification factor), all data points collapse into a
ing RGC inputs, the result would be the sum of slightly dis- single curve, as is typical of many psychophysical tasks
placed ON and OFF Gaussian receptive fields. This would (Rovamo & Virsu, 1979; Watson, 1987).
generate a simple-cell receptive field with a preference for Notably, it was found that performance levels of 60–80%
orientation (figure 28.1A). can be achieved with stimuli that cover merely 0.2–0.3 mm
It should now be apparent that this idea provides a way of cortical territory. Because these are smaller than the size
out of the puzzle of simple-cell wiring early in development, of an entire orientation cycle (about 1 mm in primates), they
as it explains both the reason for a lack of overlapping ON/ decided to use such small stimuli to map biases in orientation
OFF inputs and how a simple (isotropic) pooling of afferent discrimination performance at different retinal locations.
inputs can generate orientation-tuned cells. The model also This attempt was only partially successful; in individual ses-
predicts that individual subregion widths should be compa- sions, they obtained orientation biases that appeared to
rable to the width of the receptive field center of LGN resemble orientation maps as measured by optical means.
afferents, as has been found experimentally (Alonso, Usrey, Unfortunately, these maps could not be consistently repro-
& Reid, 2001; Hubel & Wiesel, 1959, 1962). Furthermore, duced from one experimental session to the next. An obvious
the model is consistent with the notion that simple-cell difficulty with their experiment (which the authors acknowl-
receptive fields in layer 4 are initially formed by summation edged) was the lack of control over eye movements and the

ringach: wiring of receptive fields and functional maps in primary visual cortex 411
Figure 28.1 Conceptual description of statistical connectivity adjacent ON/OFF subregions are shown to the right. (B) Two
and some of its consequences. (A) The theory posits that the dis- consequences of statistical connectivity can be inferred from this
tribution of ON-center (plus signs) and OFF-center (triangles) simple diagram. First, to obtain receptive fields with substantially
retinal ganglion cells receptive fields, along with a moderate cover- different orientation, one must move to a different retinal location
age ratio (the solid disks indicate 1 standard deviation of the recep- (orientation scotomas). Second, there should be a tendency for
tive field center), and the isotropic sampling of incoming afferents overlapping simple-cell receptive fields to have the same sign within
(dashed circle) are responsible for the establishment of the early the overlap area. (C, D) The theory is consistent with the statistics
cortical architecture. In this example, sampling from the afferents of thalamocortical connectivity. Both the sign rule and the distribu-
within the indicated area would generate a receptive field with tion of receptive field overlap is explained by the model.

ability to repeatedly stimulate the exact same retinal location simple cells (Hubel & Wiesel, 1962). However, this interpre-
across experimental sessions. We are currently attempting to tation rests on the assumption that the cortex receives affer-
perform similar psychophysical experiments while carefully ents from a large number of overlapping ON and OFF
monitoring eye movements. geniculate receptive fields, which, as was discussed above,
Another success of statistical connectivity is in explaining is incorrect.
the probability and strength of monosynaptic connections Statistical connectivity offers an explanation for the appar-
from thalamus to cortex. In particular, the model replicates ent precision of thalamocortical wiring (figure 28.1C). In the
the sign rule of connectivity (Alonso et al., 2001; Reid & model, an ON subregion of a simple-cell results in the event
Alonso, 1995). This refers to the finding that the probability that an ON-center rather than OFF-center geniculate cell
of a monosynaptic connection is highest when the geniculate dominates that location of visual space. As a consequence,
receptive field overlaps a simple-cell subregion of the same one would expect a tendency for ON subregions to avoid
signature (either ON or OFF), while the probability of “inap- OFF inputs. The reason is simply that there are no OFF
propriate” connections between receptive fields of opposite inputs to avoid at that location. A similar analysis is to plot
signature is much lower. These data have been interpreted the distribution of the correlation coefficient between the
as supporting the existence of precise rules of synaptic con- spatial receptive field of thalamic afferents and overlap-
nectivity in accordance with the classic wiring scheme for ping cortical receptive fields for cases in which cells were

412 sensation and perception

connected or not. The model replicates two salient proper- (Bartfeld & Grinvald, 1992; Hubener, Shoham, Grinvald, &
ties of these data: (1) Connected receptive fields have higher Bonhoeffer, 1997).
overlap indices than nonconnected pairs, and (2) the overlap The relationship between orientation selectivity and the
index in the nonconnected case has a positive mean. The location of neurons within the map has been the subject of
latter one is of high significance, as it indicates that one several studies. While the subthreshold tuning of cells con-
cannot experimentally find pairs with high negative correla- forms with the prediction of the statistical connectivity model
tion (whether connected or not). The only possible explana- with broader tuning seen near pinwheel locations (Marino
tion is that such pairs are nonexistent. et al., 2005), the tuning of spike responses has been described
Statistical connectivity also predicts orientation columns. as being invariant across the map (Maldonado, Godecke,
That is, even if cells in the same column sample independently Gray, & Bonhoeffer, 1997; Marino et al., 2005). We decided
from the LGN afferents with some probability of connection, to take another look at this question using a novel technique
there is a tendency for them to have the same orientation (Nauhaus & Ringach, 2007). The method involves measur-
preference (Ringach, 2004). This statistical sampling gener- ing the orientation map with optical means and then
ates a diversity of the relative phase of the receptive fields, recording from multiple neurons with a micromachined
spanning the entire range from even symmetric to odd electrode array. Briefly, we obtained the orientation map on
symmetric reception fields (DeAngelis, Ghose, Ohzawa, & a cortical patch of V1 using optical imaging (Bonhoeffer &
Freeman, 1999). However, the model predicts that overlap- Grinvald, 1991; Grinvald & Hildesheim, 2004) (figure
ping subregions of simple-cell receptive fields must agree in 28.2A). Subsequent to the acquisition of the orientation
sign (figure 28.1B ). This observation leads to another testable maps, we implanted a 10 × 10 electrode array with grid
prediction of the model: different ON or OFF afferents from spacing of 400 mm on the same cortical patch. Finally, we
the LGN dominate the cortical input at different locations, measured the orientation tuning of neuronal responses
generating a spatial-phase map on the cortex. Recent data across the array using reverse correlation in the orientation
confirmed this prediction in cat cortex ( Jin et al., 2008), with domain, where the stimulus consists of a rapid sequence
similar organizations described previously in ferrets (Zahs & of gratings at random orientation (Ringach, Hawken, &
Stryker, 1988) and minks (McConnell & Levay, 1984). Shapley, 1997). The average orientation-triggered response,
at the optimal time delay, generates an orientation tuning
Statistical connectivity and cortical maps curve (figure 28.2B). A Gaussian fit to each tuning curve
provides an estimate of the preferred orientation, θ0, and
Statistical connectivity generates not only simple-cell recep- tuning width, Δθ.
tive fields and orientations columns, but orientation maps The position of the array with respect to the orientation
as well (Ringach, 2007; Soodak, 1987). Detailed computer map is estimated by searching for the location that yields the
simulations have revealed several other important conse- maximum agreement between the preferred orientations
quences of statistical connectivity (Ringach, 2007). First, the measured optically and those measured from the electrode
theory predicts that the local magnification factor should array. The outcome of this computation in one experiment
be directly related to local fluctuations in the density of is shown in the scatterplot of figure 28.2C, along with the
the RGC mosaic. That is, fluctuations in the density of estimated location of the array in figure 28.2A. The location
RGCs around its mean value, on a small spatial scale, should of the array on the surface of the cortex is determined by
induce a parallel fluctuation in the local cortical magnifica- just three parameters: two for its translation and one for its
tion factor. The existence of fluctuations in the local rotation. Because the number of parameters is small in
magnification factor could potentially be tested by using in comparison with the number of electrodes, the optimization
vivo two-photon imaging along with careful receptive field problem is greatly overdetermined and robust to noise.
mapping. Second, statistical connectivity predicts that the Once the array location has been estimated, we computed
orientation tuning width of individual cells should depend a measure of homogeneity in orientation preference for the
on their location within the orientation map. As we discuss neighborhood surrounding each electrode. We define a local
below, we have recently obtained new data confirming this homogeneity index at a cortical point by computing the
relationship. Third, it predicts the existence of spatial fre- magnitude of a vector sum. The vector angles are deter-
quency maps and a tendency for preference for extreme mined by the orientations in the map, and the magnitudes
spatial frequencies (high or low) to align with orientation are defined by a spatial two-dimensioned Gaussian window
pinwheels, as reported experimentally (Issa et al., 2000). centered at the given cortical point. The local homogeneity
Fourth, it predicts the existence of clustered regions of index is bounded between 0 and 1. It is high in regions
broad selectivity (identified as putative cytochrome-oxidase that exhibit similar preferences for orientation, such as iso-
blobs) and a tendency for pinwheels to lie preferentially orientation domains, and low in regions where the prefer-
in interblob regions, which is supported by extant data ences for orientation are diverse, such as near pinwheel

ringach: wiring of receptive fields and functional maps in primary visual cortex 413
Figure 28.2 Orientation tuning bandwidth and local map struc- The scatterplot illustrates the optimal correlation in one instance.
ture. (A) Example of an orientation preference map in macaque (D) A local homogeneity index was defined to capture the diversity
visual cortex along with the recovered location of the microelec- of orientation preferences around each cortical point. The example
trode array. (B) Reverse correlation in the orientation domain illustrates two locations with a low homogeneity index of 0.1
(Ringach et al., 1997) was used to measure the tuning curves at attained near a pinwheel and a location with a high index of 0.6
each electrode site simultaneously. The example here shows the in an iso-orientation domain. (E ) Spatial distribution of the local
average spike rate triggered to the presentation of each orientation homogeneity index for the same patch of cortex as the one shown
in a rapid stimulus sequence, yielding a preferred orientation, θ0, in panel D. (F ) Isolation of single units. Only units that could be
and tuning width, Δθ. (C ) The estimated location of the array (solid very well isolated, as is typical of the principal component analysis
dots in panel A) was estimated by finding the optimal translation/ here, were used in our analyses of tuning bandwidth and local map
rotation parameters for which the preferred orientations as mea- structure. (See color plate 42.)
sured via reverse correlation matched those measured optically.

centers (figure 28.2E ). Using this method, we found that Testing statistical connectivity
orientation tuning width and homogeneity index are nega-
tively correlated in both monkeys (r = −0.56, p = 0.00001) The status of statistical connectivity as a viable working
and cats (r = −0.56, p = 0.00005) (figure 28.2E), as predicted hypothesis for the early wiring of receptive field and cortical
by the model. maps derives from the fact that it is an extremely simple
It should be emphasized that statistical connectivity is concept that can explain a large set of data, including the
not the only possible explanation for this trend. One likely structure and emergence of simple receptive fields, the rela-
contribution to this relationship comes from the fact that the tionship between cortical maps, and the dependence of
tuning properties of the local environment of a cell is likely neuronal selectivity across functional maps.
to determine the tuning of the intracortical feedback signal There are many predictions that remain to be tested. A
and, in turn, the tuning of the cell (Marino et al., 2005; particularly interesting one is the existence of orientation
McLaughlin, Shapley, & Shelley, 2003; Schummers, Marino, scotomas. However, there are other ways to test the theory
& Sur, 2002). These two explanations are not mutually directly. If the theory is correct, given the structure of
exclusive. the RGC mosaic in the contralateral eye, one should be able

414 sensation and perception

to predict the structure of the orientation map in the cortex. limitations of statistical connectivity to other species that
A positive result would unequivocally show a relationship lack functional maps can be expected to be an instructive
between these two structures. exercise.
One way to proceed is to image cortical maps while As a final observation, I would like to submit the notion
recording in the LGN from a location with receptive fields that statistical connectivity offers a potential explanation
that provide input to the imaged cortical region (Reid & for the evolutionary emergence of simple-cell receptive
Alonso, 1995). Injection of a retrograde label and subse- fields. Given that edgelike filters are a crucial element in
quent recovery could allow the reconstruction of the RGC the representation of natural images (Bell & Sejnowski,
mosaic at the same location (Wassle, Boycott, & Illing, 1981). 1997; Olshausen & Field, 1996; Simoncelli & Olshausen,
Careful measurement of the magnification factor is neces- 2001), one may ask what evolutionary path could have led
sary to relate the RGC structure to the spatial scale of the to the appearance of simple-cell receptive fields in so many
orientation map. Ideally, such an experiment should be per- diverse species. Statistical connectivity suggests a simple
formed in animals in which the ipsilateral eye has been recipe with only two ingredients: ON/OFF center cells
enucleated and the animal has been reared with only mon- with appropriate coverage ratios and simple spatial summa-
ocular input, as input from the ipsilateral eye can change the tion of the output of such neurons. Then the emergence of
original structure of the orientation maps (Crair et al., 1998; simple-cell receptive fields appears almost unavoidable, and
Farley, Yu, Jin, & Sur, 2007). their explicit signaling of object boundaries could have
endowed organisms with a survival advantage. Such a route
Concluding remarks to the development of simple-cell receptive fields seems sen-
sible, and it does not require the evolution of precise con-
In this chapter, I have tried to emphasize some important nectivity rules or the prior development of complex patterns
puzzles that remain unanswered about the early develop- of spontaneous activity and the learning rules that are
ment of the visual system. I explained how in an effort to required to implement them.
address these issues, in particular the rapid emergence of
simple cells, we were led to a simple idea about how con-
straints imposed by the distribution of RGCs could establish REFERENCES
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ringach: wiring of receptive fields and functional maps in primary visual cortex 417
29 Encoding and Decoding with
Neural Populations in the
Primate Cortex
eyal seidemann, yuzhi chen, and wilson s. geisler

abstract Environmental stimuli are encoded by large neural requirements of the task? Addressing such questions is one of
populations in sensory cortical areas and subsequently decoded the key challenges facing systems neuroscience.
into motor plans by large neural populations in motor cortical
Over the past several decades, the primary approach to
areas. Furthermore, large populations of neurons are likely to
exhibit new emergent properties that are difficult or impossible to addressing these questions has been single-neuron electro-
infer from the activity of single neurons, recorded one at a time. physiology in combination with measurement of the stimuli
Thus, to understand encoding and decoding in the cortex, it is and/or behavioral responses. While much has been learned
essential to measure and analyze neural population responses, by using this approach, it will be difficult, if not impossible,
ideally in behaving subjects. In this chapter we review recent prog- to fully understand how neural circuits in the mammalian
ress in experimental techniques for measuring simultaneously the
activity of large neural populations; we discuss several important cortex encode and decode information on the basis of single-
emergent properties of neural population responses; and we unit electrophysiology. The reason is simply that large popu-
describe a Bayesian ideal observer framework that, when applied lations of neurons are likely to exhibit new and fundamentally
to simultaneous measurements of neural population responses and different emergent properties that might not be evident from
behavioral performance, can be used to rigorously explore encod- recordings of individual neurons, one at a time. Therefore
ing and decoding strategies at the level of neural populations.
we believe that it is important to shift the focus from single
neurons to populations of neurons by directly measuring the
properties of neural population responses, ideally in behav-
Sensory stimuli are encoded by large populations of neurons ing subjects. In addition, to understand the implications of
in sensory cortical areas and later decoded into motor plans these properties, it is necessary to develop a theoretical
that are implemented by large populations of neurons in framework that would allow a rigorous exploration of possi-
motor cortical areas (figure 29.1). The specific encoding and ble encoding and decoding strategies at the level of neural
decoding circuits that are implemented in the cortex are populations. In this chapter, we describe recent progress
undoubtedly shaped by a number of factors, including the along these two lines of research.
natural tasks that the organism performs, the properties of The main focus in this review is on the primary visual
the sensory stimuli and musculature that are relevant to cortex (V1) of primates, because this sensory area is arguably
performing those tasks, the biophysical and anatomical the best understood in terms of its anatomy, neuronal
properties of neurons, and the available space and metabolic response properties, and functional organization (de Valois
resources. & de Valois, 1988; Hubel & Weisel, 1977). However, most
These considerations raise many fundamental questions. of the results and theoretical considerations described below
For example, what are the number and identity of neurons in are likely to apply to other cortical areas and species. To
a given cortical area that contribute to a behavioral response? illustrate some of the general experimental and theoretical
What aspects of the stimulus or behavior are represented in issues that are relevant for understanding population coding
the signals from these neurons, and how are they encoded in and decoding, we discuss some of our measurements with
the neural response? How are these signals combined over voltage-sensitive dye imaging (VSDI) in V1, because these
space and time to mediate behavior? Are these encoding and measurements forced us to think generally about the expected
decoding algorithms fixed, or do they depend on the specific response properties of large populations of neurons. Two
goals of this chapter are to stimulate more research on popu-
eyal seidemann, yuzhi chen, and wilson s. geisler Department lation encoding and decoding and to emphasize the impor-
of Psychology and Center for Perceptual Systems, University of tance of using multiple complementary techniques to
Texas, Austin, Texas measure neural population activity.

seidemann, chen, and geisler: encoding and decoding with neural populations in primate cortex 419
mation, even if this could lead to improved performance. It
is also possible that the organism uses some irrelevant (poten-
tially performance-degrading) properties. Thus a second
important goal is to determine which properties of the popu-
lation responses the organism uses to perform a given task.
Finally, a third important goal is to determine how these
properties of the population responses are translated by sub-
Figure 29.1 Schematic representation of processing stages in sequent circuits into behavioral responses. Here we define
perceptual tasks. The solid lines indicate the measurements that are the actual code for a task as those specific properties of the
the focus of this review. population responses that the organism does use in perform-
ing the task, we define the actual encoder for the task as those
We begin this review by describing a computational frame- specific neural mechanisms that translate the sensory stimu-
work that can be used to explore possible population encod- lus into the actual code, and we define the actual decoder for
ing and decoding mechanisms. We then describe the the task as the specific subsequent neural mechanisms that
advantages and disadvantages of some of the experimental translates the actual code into perceptual decisions and
tools currently available for monitoring population responses motor plans (see figure 29.1).
in vivo. We next discuss key properties of population responses For any given task and set of neural constraints (e.g., some
in the primate cortex. We end with a general discussion that fixed number of neurons with specified anatomical and bio-
includes open questions and future research directions. physical limits), there is an optimal encoder that translates the
sensory stimuli into the neural population code that carries
Theoretical framework for studying population the most information relevant to performing the task. Simi-
encoding and decoding larly, for any given task and population code, there is an
optimal decoder. The concepts and mathematics of ideal
The responses of the neural population in a given sensory observer theory can be used to derive both optimal encoders
cortical area contain a certain amount of information that and decoders. Determining the optimal encoder and decoder
is potentially available to support performance in a given can be very useful in the quest to identify the actual encoder
task. This information could be characterized, in principle, and decoder, because the exercise generally leads to a deep
by measuring the statistical relationship between relevant understanding of the computational requirements of the task
environmental stimuli and response properties of the neural and often provides principled (and sometimes unexpected)
population at the given stage. Further, this information can hypotheses for the neural mechanisms.
be quantified, in principle, by deriving the ideal Bayesian Although much has been learned and much remains
observer (for the given task) that has complete knowledge of to be learned about encoding mechanisms in sensory areas
the statistical relationship between environmental stimuli (e.g., Geisler, 2008; Simoncelli & Olshausen, 2001), because
and the population response. An ideal observer is a theoreti- of space limitations the focus in this chapter is on evaluating
cal device that performs a task optimally given the available possible decoding mechanisms based on measured neural
input signals, knowledge of the prior probabilities of different population responses in sensory areas.
possible stimuli, and knowledge of the cost and benefits of To further illustrate these ideas, consider a thought experi-
the possible stimulus-response outcomes (Geisler, 1989; ment in which an organism is required to discriminate
Green & Swets, 1966). The performance of the ideal Bayes- between two barely discriminable stimuli. Assume that all the
ian observer is the appropriate measure of the neural infor- sensory information relevant for performance in this task
mation potentially available for specific tasks, and it is the passes through a single cortical area and that, as experiment-
measure we will use here.1 ers, we have precise access to the responses of all neurons in
Not all response properties of a neural population might this area, to the stimulus, and to the behavioral response of
be relevant for a given task (i.e., would improve the ideal the subject. In this case, the Bayesian framework outlined
observer’s performance); therefore one important goal is to above allows us to determine how to perform the task opti-
determine which properties of the population’s responses mally based on these neural signals and to determine the
carry information relevant to a given task and which do not. behavioral sensitivity that could be supported by this optimal
On the other hand, there may be relevant response proper- decoder. Because we have access to all the neural signals that
ties that the organism does not use to perform a given task are available for the organism to perform the task, the optimal
because of limitations of the decoding mechanisms. For decoder must do as well as, or better than, the organism.
example, subsequent stages might be unable to select The ideal Bayesian observer analysis provides several key
responses from an individual neuron (or arbitrary subset of benefits. Equal performance of the ideal observer and the
neurons) in the population or use precise spike-timing infor- organism implies that the organism is using all the relevant

420 sensation and perception

neural information and is employing an optimal decoder; it microns between electrodes, due to electrode density limita-
also implies that subsequent processing stages are effectively tions). Therefore it is limited to recording a tiny fraction of
noiseless. Significantly better performance for the ideal the neurons in several square millimeters. This technique
observer implies that the organism is using either a subopti- may also suffer from sampling biases (e.g., bias toward
mal code, a suboptimal decoder or both. (Note that a decoder neurons with large cell bodies and therefore large spikes, bias
could be suboptimal because it implements the wrong algo- against very selective neurons with very low spontaneous
rithm and/or because it introduces neural noise.) If the rate). The spatial sampling of this technique could poten-
optimal decoder is significantly more sensitive than the tially be improved by also recording multiunit activity and
organism, one can explore the range of possible codes and local field potentials from each electrode, but the quantita-
decoders that could still account for the subject’s perfor- tive relationship between these measurements and the activ-
mance, assuming noiseless subsequent processing stages. To ity of single units still needs to be explored.
determine what aspects of the neural responses are essential VSDI has recently been adapted for studies in alert,
in order to explain the performance of the organism, one behaving primates (Seidemann, Arieli, Grinvald, & Slovin,
can measure the consequences of ignoring some aspects of 2002; Slovin, Arieli, Hildesheim, & Grinvald, 2002). In this
the neural signals on the performance of the ideal observer. technique, voltage-sensitive fluorescence dyes are applied
For example, one can evaluate the importance of the precise topically to the surface of the cortex (for a review, see
timing of spikes by integrating over a temporal window that Grinvald & Hildesheim, 2004). The dyes bind nonselectively
can be gradually increased to determine when the ideal to cellular membranes. In the membrane, the dye molecules
observer’s performance falls short of the subject’s. Similarly, transduce, essentially instantaneously and linearly, changes
one can evaluate the importance of individual neurons by in membrane potential into fluorescence signals. The dye
only considering the summed response from pools of m signals therefore represent the summed changes in mem-
neighboring neurons for various values of m. Any suboptimal brane potentials in cell bodies, axons, and dendrites in the
code that reduces the sensitivity of the optimal decoder to a superficial cortical layers. The main advantages of this tech-
level that is lower than the sensitivity of the organism can be nique are its millisecond temporal resolution and its large
rejected. More generally, any combination of code and field of view (typically 1–2 cm2). As will be discussed below,
decoder that falls short of the subject’s performance can be this large field of view is necessary in order to cover the entire
rejected as a possible mechanism used by the organism. region within a given cortical area that is activated even by
While the above thought experiment clearly cannot be a small localized stimulus (figure 29.2). The main limitation
achieved in the primate cortex by any single currently avail- of this technique is its spatial resolution. Because dendrites
able technique (see discussion), we demonstrate below that and axons of cortical neurons spread horizontally over
this framework can still be useful when applied in conjunc- several hundred microns, signals collected by each imaging
tion with existing neurophysiological methods. pixel combine responses from large numbers of neurons and
neural elements in a nonselective manner. This nonselective
Current techniques for measuring neural population summation could significantly degrade the VSDI signals
responses in vivo relative to the actual neural code. A second limitation is that
the signals are restricted to the superficial cortical layers
Currently available techniques for monitoring responses of (approximately the top 500 μm). However, the superficial
neural populations fall far short of fulfilling our thought layers contain many apical dendrites of neurons whose cell
experiment. Here, we briefly review the advantages and bodies are located in deeper layers. Finally, VSDI signals in
limitations of three techniques that seem particularly prom- vivo are weak and contaminated by various sources of noise.
ising for studying population coding in the primate cortex: However, our recent results discussed below, suggest that
multielectrode recording, optical imaging with voltage sensi- most of the nonneural sources of noise can be removed reli-
tive dyes, and two-photon imaging of calcium-indicator ably (Chen, Geisler, & Seidemann, 2006, 2008).
signals in multiple single cortical neurons. Two-photon imaging of calcium-indicator signals is an
Large arrays of microelectrodes for extracellular record- exciting new addition to the arsenal of tools that are
ings from multiple single cortical neurons are an impor- available for studying population responses in vivo (Kerr
tant emerging technique (e.g., Churchland, Yu, Sahani, et al., 2007; Ohki, Chung, Ch’ng, Kara, & Reid, 2005;
& Shenoy, 2007; Kelly et al., 2007; Nauhaus, Benucci, Stosiek, Garaschuk, Holthoff, & Konnerth, 2003; for a
Carandini, & Ringach, 2008; Nicolelis & Ribeiro, 2002). recent review, see Kerr & Denk, 2008). This is the only
The advantages of this technique are submillisecond tempo- technique that allows measuring the activity of all the
ral resolution and access to spiking activity at the single- neurons in a small region simultaneously, with single-neuron
neuron level. The main disadvantage is that it samples the resolution. Because changes in the calcium signal are rela-
activity fairly coarsely over space (typically a few hundred tively slow, inferring activity at the level of single spikes

seidemann, chen, and geisler: encoding and decoding with neural populations in primate cortex 421
Figure 29.2 Expected spread of activity in the visual cortex in dashed, and gray circles in panel C represent the outline (at ±2sst)
response to a small localized visual stimulus. (A) Cranial window of Gabor patches with sst of 0.05°, 0.25°, and 0.45°, respectively.
over V1 in the left hemisphere of one monkey. The cortical vascu- The corresponding arcs in panel B indicate the expected spread of
lature is seen through a transparent artificial dura (Arieli, Grinvald, activity in response to the three stimuli in a narrow strip of cortex
& Slovin, 2002). A typical region of interest of 8 × 8 mm2 with its along the representation of 2.5° eccentricity (see text for additional
anterior border running along the V1/V2 border is indicated by details). (D) Expected spread of cortical activity sR as a function of
the black square. (B) Expanded view of the cortical vasculature in stimulus size sst. The dashed horizontal line indicates the minimal
the 8 × 8 mm2 region of interest. (C ) Representation of the lower spread, which corresponds to the average V1 receptive field size
right visual field with a fixation crosshair in the top left. The shaded (srf of 0.25 degree) multiplied by the CMF at this eccentricity
wedge region is the approximate portion of the visual field that is (4 mm/degree). The oblique dashed line shows the expected spread
represented in the patch in panel B. The mapping from visual space of cortical activity based solely on the CMF.
to the cortex is indicated in panels C and B, respectively. The solid,

can be challenging, particularly when firing rates are above from the representation of the fovea toward the periphery
a few hertz. Also, because this is a scanning technique, there (increasing the eccentricity), receptive fields (RFs) of
is an inherent tradeoff between frame rate and field of view. V1 neurons become larger, and the cortical magnification
At high frame rates, the technique is currently limited to factor (CMF), the distance in cortex that corresponds to a
recording several dozen neurons within a fraction of a square given distance in visual space, decreases, both changing
millimeter. Finally, as with VSDI, this technique is currently approximately by a power law (Tootell, Switkes, Silverman,
limited to recording from the superficial cortical layers. & Hamilton, 1988; Van Essen, Newsome, & Maunsell, 1984;
Overall, this is a promising new technique, but more work Yang, Heeger, & Seidemann, 2007). This patch of cortex
is necessary before it will be applicable to alert, behaving represents a wedged-shaped region in visual space (shaded
primates. region in figure 29.2C ), extending approximately from an
These techniques promise new and exciting discoveries in eccentricity of 1.5 degrees to 3.5 degrees (degrees of visual
the coming years. Given their limitations, however, we angle) and representing directions about the visual axis
believe that to address questions of encoding and decoding between 270 and 310 degrees (angular degrees). Here, we
by populations of neurons, it will be necessary to use comple- consider the population response in a narrow vertical strip
mentary techniques and to develop quantitative understand- that is centered on the cortical representation of 2.5 degrees
ing of the relationship between measurements provided by eccentricity, where the CMF is approximately 4 mm/degree.
these and other techniques. RFs of V1 neurons have an envelope that is approximately
a two-dimensional Gaussian, with a space constant srf that is
Properties of population responses in the on average around 0.25 degree at this eccentricity (Nienborg,
primate cortex—mean response Bridge, Parker, & Cumming, 2004; Palmer, Cheng, &
Seidemann, 2007). The dashed circle in figure 29.2C shows
Here, we focus on three key properties of the mean popula- a typical RF with diameter of 1 degree (4 × srf).
tion response—spatial spread, sparseness, and temporal The expected spatial profile of the population response in
dynamics—using the primary visual cortex (V1) as an V1 can be obtained by filtering (convolving) the retinotopic
example. projection of the stimulus to the cortex with the average RF
expressed in millimeters of cortex (under linearity assump-
Spatial Spread of the Population Response Consider tions, which are approximately true for small localized
the spread of activity in a small patch of 8 × 8 mm2 cortex on stimuli). Specifically, if the stimulus has a Gaussian envelope
the dorsal portion of macaque V1 (figure 29.2). V1 contains (e.g., Gabor patch), the expected spread of activity in the
a topographic map of visual space, with disproportional cortex would also be a Gaussian with a space constant sR
representation of the center of gaze (fovea). As one moves given by

422 sensation and perception

to 2 mm. The response is elongated, owing to the anisotropy
σ R = (σ st ⋅ CMF )2 + (σ rf ⋅ CMF )
in the retinotopical map in this region of V1 (Tootell et al.,
where sst is the space constant of the Gabor patch. Thus the 1988; Van Essen et al., 1984; Yang et al., 2007). Although
spread of the cortical response depends on the size of the response amplitude depends strongly on target contrast, the
stimulus and on the size of the average RF. spatial profile of the response does not (Chen, Geisler, &
Figure 29.2B shows the expected extent of cortical activity Seidemann, 2006). The white ellipse shows the ±2sR contour
in response to the stimuli with Gaussian envelopes indicated based on the fitted VSDI response. The black ellipse shows
by the circles in figure 29.2C (plotted at diameter of 4 × sst). the ±2sR contour that is expected on the basis of the stimulus
Finally, figure 29.2D shows sR as a function of sst. For small size and the approximate CMF and average RF size in this
stimuli, sR asymptotes at srf × CMF = 1 mm. This simple area. The predicted sR is approximately 30% smaller than
analysis therefore shows that the smallest activated area in the observed sR. This difference is expected because of the
this region of V1 has a diameter of about 4 mm (see Mc- subthreshold contribution to the VSD signal and because of
Ilwain, 1986, for a related discussion). scatter in receptive centers and sizes. The relatively small
In the analysis above, we made several simplifying assump- difference between the predicted spread of spiking activity
tions. In reality, the spread is likely to be higher, because at and the observed VSDI spread suggests a close relationship
any given location in V1, the RF centers are significantly between VSDI signals and spiking population responses.
scattered (DeAngelis, Ghose, Ohzawa, & Freeman, 1999). The theoretical and experimental results that are dis-
In addition, because there is a wide range of RF sizes at cussed in this section indicate that even the most localized
each V1 location, with neurons with larger RFs selective to sensory stimulus activates millions of neurons in a region
lower spatial frequencies (De Valois, Albrecht, & Thorell, encompassing multiple square millimeters in sensory cortex.
1982), the extent of the cortical spread is likely to depend Next we consider how neurons in this large population are
on the spatial frequency of the stimulus. Nevertheless, even likely to respond to small localized stimuli.
for the stimulus that produces the smallest spread, the
response is still likely to encompass multiple square millime- Sparseness of Population Responses V1 neurons are
ters in V1. tuned to multiple stimulus dimensions, including position,
So far, we have considered the expected spread of spiking size, orientation, spatial frequency, temporal frequency,
activity in V1 based on retinotopy and average receptive stereoscopic depth, wavelength, and motion direction (de
field size. Figure 29.3A shows the spread of VSDI signals in Valois & de Valois, 1988; DeAngelis et al., 1999; Geisler &
a similar patch of macaque V1 in response to a small Gabor Albrecht, 1997). Intuitively, because V1 neurons are tuned
stimulus (sst = 0.33 degrees). As expected, activity spreads across multiple dimensions, any small localized stimulus will
over a wide region and is well fitted by a two-dimensional activate strongly only a small fraction of the neurons in the
Gaussian with space constants that are on the order of 1.5 population.

Figure 29.3 Spatiotemporal properties of V1 population response to targets at different contrasts after subtraction of the average
to a small Gabor target (sst of 0.33 degree) as measured by VSDI response in target absent trials. (C ) Response latency as a function
in one experiment. (A) Spatial profile of response amplitude to the of response amplitude for 25% (gray) and 7% (black) target con-
Gabor target at 25% contrast. Response amplitude is computed as trasts. Time courses were averaged in regions with similar response
the average amplitude in a 200-ms-long temporal interval following amplitude and fitted with sigmoidal function. To obtain regions
target onset. The white ellipse indicates the contour of a two- with similar response amplitude, the fitted two-dimensional
dimensional Gaussian fit to the evoked response (at 2-standard- Gaussian was divided into 10 elliptical annuli containing response
deviations). The black ellipse indicates the 2-standard-deviation amplitudes within 10 quantiles (e.g., the second innermost annulus
contour of the expected region of spiking activity (see text). The contains location with response between 80% and 90% of Rmax).
square shows a 1 × 1 mm2 region centered at the most sensitive Latency is time to half maximum. Lines show best fit linear
location. (B) Time courses of average VSDI signals in response regression.

seidemann, chen, and geisler: encoding and decoding with neural populations in primate cortex 423
Figure 29.4 Interactions between tuning width, number of stim- panels B and C but for five independent stimulus dimensions. (F )
ulus dimensions to which neurons are selective, and sparseness of Quantitative relationship between baseline and stimulus-evoked
the population response, based on a hypothetical population of response of single neurons and multiunits measured in macaque
neurons. (A) Gaussian tuning curve of one neuron across one V1. The scatterplot shows the equivalent number of selective single
stimulus dimension. Neurons in the population are assumed to units, NS, that can account for the multiunit response evoked by an
have the same tuning curve properties across all stimulus dimen- optimal Gabor patch versus the expected total number of single
sions and to uniformly cover the full stimulus range. (B) Frequency units, NT, that contribute to the baseline multiunit response. Gray
histogram of the relative response amplitude to a random stimulus circles represent single units; black circles represent multiple units.
assuming that neurons are tuned to one stimulus dimension. (C ) The solid curve is the fit to the observed multiunit data with a satu-
Percentage of the total stimulus-evoked response contributed rating function. (See Palmer, Cheng, & Seidemann, 2007, for addi-
by neurons in the different bins in panel B. (D and E ) Same as tional details.)

This section considers the relationship between neural The distribution is bimodal, with more than 50% of the
tuning width, the number of stimulus dimensions that are neurons responding at less than 10% of their maximal
represented by the population, and the sparseness of the response (Rmax) but a significant fraction of neurons respond-
response within the population. For simplicity, we ignore the ing at more than 90% of Rmax. From this distribution, we can
specific details of the tuning properties of V1 neurons and also determine the percentage of the total stimulus-evoked
consider a hypothetical population of neurons tuned uni- population response contributed by neurons at each of the
formly across n stimulus dimensions. Figure 29.4A shows a 10 response quantiles (figure 29.4C). In this case, about 30%
Gaussian tuning curve of one neuron across one circular of the total evoked response is contributed by the most active
stimulus dimension (such as orientation) with 2s equal to neurons, and the percentage of the total response decreases
one-sixth of the full range, a value that is comparable to the monotonically with decreasing mean response. Finally, we
average orientation tuning width in V1 (Geisler & Albrecht, can compute w1, the ratio of the average stimulus-evoked
1997). Assume for the moment that this is the only stimulus response to Rmax. In this case, w1 is about 0.2. (More gener-
dimension along which the neurons in the population are ally, this ratio is given by wn = w 1n, where n is the number of
tuned and that the neurons uniformly cover the full stimulus independent stimulus dimensions.)
range. Given the tuning curve, we can determine the frac- The picture changes dramatically if we consider five stim-
tion of neurons in the population that are expected to ulus dimensions (figures 29.4D and 29.4E ). Now more than
respond at any level of activity to a random stimulus. Figure 99.9% of the neurons in the population fall in the lowest
29.4B shows a frequency histogram of the expected propor- amplitude quantile, and the proportion of neurons in the
tion of the population at each of 10 response-level quantiles. highest quantile is less than 10−6. Similarly, when we con-

424 sensation and perception

sider the percentage of the total stimulus-evoked response expected relationship between the mean and the variance of
across the population, almost half of the response is contrib- the response in large populations of neurons?
uted by the neurons in the lowest quantile, and less than As was noted in the previous section, the vast majority of
8% of the response is contributed by neurons responding the neurons in the population are expected to produce a very
above 50% of their Rmax. Finally, in this case, w5 is equal to weak response to any given stimulus. V1 neurons, however,
w 15 ≅ 3 × 10−4. In other words, a population of 10,000 have a significant baseline or spontaneous response even in
neurons is expected to produce a stimulus-evoked response the absence of any sensory stimulus. Because all the neurons
that is equivalent to only three neurons firing at their Rmax. in the population contribute to the baseline response, the
These theoretical considerations are qualitatively consis- variability in the population response is likely to be domi-
tent with findings from a recent study in which we compared nated by the variability of the baseline response, which is,
the responses of single and multiple units in V1 to small by definition, stimulus independent (for additional details,
Gabor patches (figure 29.4F; see also Palmer et al., 2007). see Chen et al., 2008). These considerations have two impor-
When the baseline of the multiunit activity is consistent with tant implications. First, they imply that additive noise is
as many as 100 single neurons, the stimulus-evoked response expected in any technique that measures the responses of
is consistent, on average, with only four to five neurons firing large populations of cortical neurons. Second, they imply
at their maximal rate, indicating that most of the neurons that any decoding mechanism that pools indiscriminately
that are contributing to the multiunit signal are only weakly the activity of a large number of neurons is likely to encoun-
responding to the stimulus. ter a largely stimulus-independent additive noise.
Figure 29.5A shows the mean and standard deviation of
Dynamics of the Population Response The large field of the VSDI signals as a function of stimulus contrast. Consis-
view and high temporal resolution of VSDI allow precise tent with the theoretical considerations discussed above, the
measurement of the spatiotemporal dynamics of the variability of the population response is contrast indepen-
population response. Figure 29.3B shows the time course of dent and additive (see also Arieli, Sterkin, Grinvald, &
the VSD response, at the center of the active region, to a Aertsen, 1996; Chen et al., 2006).
Gabor patch at different contrasts. As the contrast is lowered, Two additional factors specific to VSDI may contribute
response amplitude drops and response latency increases. to the additive nature of the observed variability. First, VSDI
Similar interactions between stimulus contrast and response signals are likely to contain a significant contribution from
latency have been observed in single-unit electrophysiology subthreshold synaptic activity. Intracellular measurements
(e.g., Albrecht, Geisler, Frazor, & Crane, 2002). in anesthetized cats suggest that the variability at the level
The spatiotemporal dynamics of the average stimulus- of the membrane voltage may be relatively stimulus inde-
evoked response are illustrated in figure 29.3C. For a given pendent or even decrease with increasing target contrast
contrast, response latency is almost constant across space. (Priebe & Ferster, 2008). Second, it is possible that nonneu-
For example, the latency of the response to the 25% contrast ral sources of noise dominate VSDI measurements. This is
Gabor patch at the peak location was only 5.7 ms faster than unlikely because VSDI signals in anesthetized cat are highly
the latency several millimeters away at a region with response correlated with intracellular measurements from single
amplitudes that are only 20–30% of the peak response. neurons and with local field potentials recorded simultane-
Although response amplitude and latency strongly depend ously, and are also correlated with spiking activity in the
on target contrast, this rapid spatial spread appears to be same area (Arieli et al., 1996; Grinvald et al., 1999). In addi-
similar at the two contrasts (for additional details, see Chen, tion, our results (discussed below) demonstrate that the
Geisler, & Seidemann, 2008). VSDI measurements are exceedingly sensitive in simple
visual detection tasks, suggesting that nonneural sources of
Properties of population responses in the noise are unlikely to be large.
primate cortex: Response variability In summary, simple theoretical considerations predict
that large populations of neurons should exhibit variability
We now describe several key properties of the response vari- that is approximately additive and not multiplicative, con-
ability of neural populations as measured by VSDI in V1 and sistent with VSDI results. Additional measurements using
discuss possible reasons why these properties are markedly complementary techniques should be used to verify this
different from those measured at the single neuron level. important prediction.

Additive Versus Multiplicative Noise In single cortical Spatial Correlations in the Population Response The
neurons, the variance of the spike count during a short magnitude and extent of spatial correlations in response
interval is proportional to the mean (Geisler & Albrecht, variability can have a large impact on the improvement in
1997; Tolhurst, Movshon, & Dean, 1983). What is the performance that can be attained by pooling responses over

seidemann, chen, and geisler: encoding and decoding with neural populations in primate cortex 425
Figure 29.5 Statistical properties of population response vari- neurons in each pool (see Chen, Geisler, & Seidemann, 2006). The
ability as measured by VSDI. A, mean (circles) and standard devia- value of the pairwise correlation is indicated near each curve. The
tion (asterisks) of response amplitude as a function of stimulus dashed vertical line is the approximate number of neurons contrib-
contrast averaged across eight VSDI experiments. Error bars indi- uting to each location. The dashed horizontal line is the predicted
cate the standard error of the mean. The mean response as a correlation in VSDI for two locations that are 0.25 mm apart. C,
function of contrast is fitted with a Naka-Rashton function; the Average correlation between two locations in one VSDI experi-
standard deviation as a function of contrast is fitted with linear ment as a function of the separation between the locations. D,
regression. The slope of the regression is not significantly different Average temporal correlations between responses in two frames as
from zero (i.e., stimulus-independent additive noise). B, Expected a function of their separation in time. Smooth curves are exponen-
correlations between the summed activity in two pools of neurons tial fits.
with uniform pairwise correlations, as a function of the number of

large populations of neurons (e.g., Abbott & Dayan, 1999; Significant correlations can be observed even at distances
Averbeck, Latham, & Pouget, 2006; Johnson, 1980; Snippe exceeding 4 mm.
& Koenderink, 1992; Sompolinsky, Yoon, Kang, & Shamir, The strong correlations at the level of the pool could
2001). Extracellular recording studies have measured the contribute to the additive nature of the variability in popula-
correlations in spiking activity between pairs of nearby tion responses. At the level of the pool, the variance is domi-
cortical neurons (e.g., Bair, Zohary, & Newsome, 2001; nated by weak correlated noise between pairs of neurons,
Gawne & Richmond, 1993; Lee, Port, Kruse, & Georgopoulos, which may be relatively stimulus-independent (but see Kohn
1998; Romo, Hernandez, Zainos, & Salinas, 2003; Zohary, & Smith, 2005).
Shadlen, & Newsome, 1994). These studies report low but
highly significant correlations between pairs of neurons that Temporal Correlations in the Population Response
are recorded from the same electrode. More recent studies Temporal correlations are an important property of neural
with multiple electrodes suggest that these correlations decay population responses with significant consequences for
over space but remain significant even at distances of multiple possible decoding mechanisms. Figure 29.5D shows the
millimeters (Kohn & Smith, 2005). Pearson correlation between the amplitude of the VSDI
Simple theoretical considerations suggest that in large signals in two frames as a function of their separation in time
neural populations, average correlations should be signifi- (Chen et al., 2008). The correlations are high for short
cantly higher than in pairs of single neurons (figure 29.5B). intervals and fall off exponentially with a time constant of
The reason is that in large pools of neurons, sources of noise approximately 100 ms. The temporal correlations are similar
that are independent across the pool are averaged out while in target-present and target-absent trials, consistent with the
leaving the weak correlated noise unaffected; this leads to additive nature of the variability in VSDI responses. The
much higher correlations between the pooled responses. For additive variability and long-lasting temporal correlations
example, if we assume a uniform pairwise correlation are consistent with findings from VSDI experiments in the
between neurons in two pools, pairwise correlations that are visual cortex of anesthetized cat (Arieli et al., 1996).
undetectable (e.g., r = 10−3; solid curve, figure 29.5B) could Significant temporal correlations have been observed in
lead to exceedingly high correlations between the pools for single-unit recordings from primate visual cortex (Osborne,
large numbers of neurons. In other words, given reasonable Bialek, & Lisberger, 2004; Uka & DeAngelis, 2003).
assumptions about the number of neurons contributing to There are more subtle questions regarding the nature of
each location in VSDI experiments, much higher correla- the spatiotemporal correlations that we have not discussed
tions than are observed for pairs of single neurons are here and should be addressed by future research. For
expected. example, are there higher-order correlations at the level of
As predicted, the correlations in the VSDI signals are very pools of neurons? In the retina, the observed correlations
high between nearby locations and fall off exponentially with can be explained remarkably well if we assume only pairwise
space constants that are on the order of 2 mm (figure 29.5C ). correlations between neighboring retinal ganglion cells

426 sensation and perception

(Schneidman, Berry, Segev, & Bialek, 2006; Shlens et al., describe the optimal strategy for decoding population
2006). Whether this also holds in the cortex remains to be responses over time, ignoring the spatial dimension by aver-
seen. Second, it is important to determine the effect of the aging the responses over a small region. This approach is
stimulus, the behavioral state of the subject, and the specific reasonable because in this task the spatial responses are
demands of the task on the structure of the correlations. Our largely independent of time and the temporal responses are
preliminary results suggest that at the level of large pools of largely independent of space (e.g., figure 29.3C ).
neurons, the spatiotemporal correlations and the magnitude
of the variability are relatively constant. More work using Spatial Decoding of Neural Population Responses
different complementary techniques is necessary to fully What is the form of an ideal Bayesian observer that performs
address this issue. the detection task using only the VSDI signals from the
monkey’s V1? We have already characterized the stimulus-
Exploring possible decoding mechanisms evoked response (figure 29.3) and the variability (figure 29.5).
Given that the spatial profiles of the stimulus-evoked response
Earlier, we presented the rationale for using the ideal Bayes- at different contrasts are scaled versions of each other and
ian observer as a framework for exploring possible decoding that the variability is additive Gaussian noise with significant
mechanisms. Here, we demonstrate this approach using our spatial correlations, the ideal observer should use a linear
own VSDI study in V1 of monkeys that were trained to summation rule of the form
perform a reaction-time detection task near the perceptual n
threshold (figure 29.6) (Chen et al., 2006, 2008). x pooled = ∑ wi xi (1)
Our goal was to derive the ideal Bayesian decoder for i =1

detecting the target from the monkey’s VSDI signals and to where wi is the weight given to response xi from site i (Chen
compare its performance with that of several suboptimal et al., 2006; Duda, Hart, & Stork, 2001). This pooled
decoders and with the performance of the monkey. For response is the decision variable that is used to determine
simplicity, we first describe the optimal strategy for spatial whether the target is present or absent on a given trial. The
decoding, ignoring the temporal dimension by averaging optimal set of weights, w = 〈w1, ... , wn〉, is given by
the VSDI signals over a short temporal interval. We then
w = Σ −1 s (2)
where Σ −1 is the inverse of the response covariance matrix
Σ and s is the mean difference in response between the
target-present and target-absent trials (Chen et al., 2006;
Duda et al., 2001).
An equivalent way to obtain the optimal set of weights is
to derive a whitening or decorrelation spatial filter that, when
convolved with the population response, produces variability
that is independent over space. Figure 29.7A shows a one-
dimensional slice through the whitening filter matched to the
properties of the spatial correlations in the VSDI signals
(figure 29.5C ). This filter has a sharp positive peak and a
small negative trough. By applying this filter to the fitted
response profile (figure 29.3A), we obtained the linear weights
used by the optimal spatial decoder (figure 29.7B) (Chen
et al., 2006).
The optimal weights contain a central positive region and
a larger negative surround. The reason these weights have
a center-surround structure is that the spatial correlations
fall off more slowly over space than the signal does. Because
Figure 29.6 Visual detection task. Monkeys were required to variability in the surround, where stimulus-evoked signals
detect a low-contrast Gabor patch that appeared at a known loca- are weak or absent, is still highly correlated with variability
tion in half of the trials. The target appeared 300 ms after the in the center, the optimal strategy is to estimate the common
dimming of the fixation point. The monkey indicated detection by
noise from the surround and subtract it from the center.
making a saccadic eye movement to the target location when it was
detected but no later than 600 ms after target onset. The monkey The detection sensitivity of the optimal decoder can be
indicated target absence by maintaining fixation for 1.5 s after fixa- determined by measuring its performance in the detection
tion point dimming. task (Chen et al., 2006). We can also evaluate the detection

seidemann, chen, and geisler: encoding and decoding with neural populations in primate cortex 427
Figure 29.7 Optimal spatial pooling of VSDI responses in a Optimal weights for pooling the population responses over space.
detection task. (A) A one-dimensional cut through a two-dimen- (C ) Average difference in percent correct between the performance
sional spatial decorrelation (whitening) filter that removes the of the optimal and four suboptimal spatial pooling rules and the
spatial correlations in the population responses (figure 29.5C ). (B) performance of the monkey in eight VSDI experiments.

sensitivity of other previously proposed spatial pooling rules; simply consider the time course in a 1 × 1 mm2 region
for example, a rule that gives equal weight to all locations centered on the most sensitive location. This optimal decoder
(average rule, analogous to the rule used by Shadlen, Britten, evaluates V1 responses and decides, on a moment-by-
Newsome, and Movshon (1996)) or a rule that weights each moment basis, whether and when sufficient evidence that
location based on its sensitivity (weighted d ′, analogous to the target is present has accumulated.
the rule used by Geisler and Albrecht (1997)). Similarly, we To optimally decode neural population responses over
can evaluate pooling rules that consider only a small region time, temporal correlations in the population responses must
such as the location with the peak average response or the first be removed. Analogous to space, temporal correlations
location with the highest sensitivity (maximal d ′). can be removed by a decorrelation filter that, when con-
Figure 29.7C shows the average difference in performance volved with the responses in single trials, produces responses
of the optimal and four suboptimal pooling rules from the that are independent across frames. To be biologically plau-
performance of the monkey in eight VSDI experiments. sible, however, this filter must be causal; that is, the output
This figure shows two surprising results. First, the optimal of the filter at time t must depend only on the response up
rule does significantly better than the monkey, demonstrat- to time t. The whitening filter is shown in figure 29.8A; it
ing the sensitivity of the VSDI technique and showing that has a sharp positive peak, immediately followed by a smaller
there are more signals in V1 than the monkey uses. Second, and slightly longer-lasting negative peak. Such a filter could
the two rules that pool over a large area with positive weights be implemented biologically with rapid excitation followed
(average and weighted d ′) perform significantly worse than by time-lagged inhibition. The whitening operation empha-
the monkey, while the two rules that consider only a single sizes the response onset (and offset) relative to the sustained
location perform comparably to the monkey. response (figure 29.8B). In other words, there is more infor-
The rules that pool over a large area with positive weights mation per unit time in the initial rising edge of the response
perform poorly, owing to the spatial correlations (figure than in the sustained response. This occurs because the
29.5C ). Because the pool contains both highly sensitive and response onset contains high temporal frequencies and most
weakly sensitive neurons, averaging these together reduces of the power in the correlated noise is in the low temporal
signal without reducing the correlated noise. Thus when the frequencies.
noise is highly correlated, pooling over a small area may be The optimal temporal decoder takes the whitened VSDI
better than pooling with positive weights over a larger area, signal in single trials and computes the dynamic posterior
even if the larger area contains signals. The only way to probability of each possible stimulus, given the observed
improve performance beyond the performance of a rule responses (Chen et al., 2008). It then reports “target present”
such as maximal d ′ is to use negative weights to cancel some if the posterior probability for target presence exceeds a fixed
of the noise. Importantly, rules that rely on a single-site criterion (the horizontal line in figure 29.8C ) that is selected
perform poorly if the site is significantly smaller than 0.25 × to maximize accuracy. The optimal temporal pooling model
0.25 mm2. With smaller sites, independent noise dominates performed more accurately than the monkey (figure 29.8D).
the response, leading to reduced performance. In addition, the “reaction times” of the optimal temporal
pooling model (the time at which the posterior probability
Temporal Decoding of Neural Population Responses for target presence reached the criterion) were much faster,
Next, consider the optimal Bayesian temporal decoder for on average, than the monkey’s reaction times (figure 29.8E ).
detecting the target from V1 population responses in a These results indicate that population responses provide
reaction time task. Here we ignore the spatial dimension and reliable information that could guide behavior even in brief

428 sensation and perception

Figure 29.8 Optimal temporal pooling of neural population posterior probability. (D) Fraction of trials in which the observer
responses in a reaction-time detection task. (A) A causal temporal (monkey: triangles, ideal temporal decoder: circles) reported that
whitening filter that removes the temporal correlations in the popu- the target was present as a function of target contrast in the same
lation responses (figure 29.5D). (B) Normalized fitted time course experiment as in panel C. The curves indicate best-fit Weibull func-
of the response at 5% target contrast in one VSDI experiment tions. The numbers are the stimulus contrasts required for an
before (solid curve) and after (dashed curve) whitening using the accuracy of 75% correct. (E ) Average and standard deviation of
filter in A. (C ) Posterior probability of target presence as a function reaction time of monkey (triangles) and ideal observer (circles) as a
of time averaged across all trials and plotted separately for each function of target contrast. The reaction time of the ideal observer
possible target contrast, including contrast zero (target absent). The was taken as the time the posterior probability for target presence
horizontal black line indicates the position of the criterion on the exceeded the threshold.

temporal intervals (∼100 ms). The mean and the variance of of temporal correlations cannot be entirely overcome by
both the ideal observer’s and the monkey’s reaction times optimal pooling. Finally, note that the performance of the
increase with decreasing target contrast, but at a faster rate optimal temporal decoder (and running integrator decoder)
for the monkey than for the ideal observer (figure 29.8E). can be improved further by combining signals over space
As with spatial pooling, one advantage of deriving the using the optimal spatial pooling rule rather than averaging
optimal decoder is that it can serve as a benchmark to which the signals in a 1.0-mm2 region (Chen et al., 2008).
suboptimal models can be compared. We evaluated the per-
formance of a simple model in which the VSDI responses Discussion
are summed until a fixed threshold is reached. This model
performs significantly worse than the monkey. We also eval- This chapter began with two central claims that are relevant
uated an optimally shaped “running integrator” model that to the goal of understanding encoding and decoding by
integrates the whitened responses over a window of about neural populations in the mammalian cortex. First, emer-
100 ms. Because most of the information in our task was gent properties in large neural populations make it essential
concentrated in the rising edge of the response and because to augment single-neuron recording with techniques that
the temporal profiles of the response at different contrasts measure the responses of large populations of neurons simul-
differ only in latency and amplitude, this running integrator taneously. Second, in formulating and testing hypotheses for
model performed almost as well as the ideal observer. population encoding/decoding, it can be highly beneficial
Note that the ideal observer would have performed much to derive and evaluate optimal encoding and decoding strat-
better had the responses been statistically independent over egies. To illustrate the first claim, we reviewed some emer-
time, demonstrating that in our task, the detrimental effect gent properties that have been observed in V1: widespread

seidemann, chen, and geisler: encoding and decoding with neural populations in primate cortex 429
responses even from maximally localized stimuli, highly Sources of Correlated Noise Another important
sparse representations with most of the population response emergent property in V1 is the widespread and large
arising from weakly responding neurons, rapid response spatial and temporal correlations in the variability of the
dynamics over large areas of cortex, additive but not multi- population response. These correlations can have profound
plicative population noise, and large spatial and temporal consequences for decoding, and they are entirely expected
noise correlations. To illustrate the second claim, we when a large number of neural inputs, having weakly
described the optimal decoding strategy for VSDI signals correlated noise, are summed. Thus, it is important to
recorded from behaving monkeys in a reaction-time detec- identify and characterize the sources responsible for the
tion task and how this optimal decoder provides insight into small correlated noise that is shared between the neurons in
specific questions about neural decoding. a population. For example, it is possible that weak correlated
Although progress is being made, the rigorous study of noise must always be present, owing to the inevitable sharing
population responses in sensory and motor areas of the of inputs between neurons. If so, then every time a large
cortex is just beginning; indeed, the results obtained to date amount of convergence is required in a neural circuit, there
raise more questions than they answer. Next we discuss some will be the need for a decorrelating mechanism that can
of the relevant issues. cancel most of the correlated noise.

Weakly Versus Strongly Responding Neurons An Decoding a Neural Population Response with a
important emergent property of large population responses Neural Population In the description of optimal and
in V1 is the dominance of relatively weakly responding suboptimal candidate decoders, we were not explicit about
neurons in the total population activity (figure 29.4). An how they might be implemented. In all likelihood, the
open question is whether the weakly responding neurons decoding of population responses is implemented with
are ignored or used by subsequent decoding mechanisms. another neural population. In fact, it is likely that, at every
It is not uncommon from the perspective of single-neuron step along a sensorimotor pathway (from sensory encoding,
electrophysiology to assume that those neurons that are to decision computation, all the way to the activation of
most sensitive to a stimulus are the ones that carry most of muscle fibers), the stimulus and/or motor response is
the information used by the brain, but this need not be the represented by the activity of a large neural population,
case. For example, magnocellular neurons in the LGN are because that is the obvious way to obtain robust behavior
much more sensitive to contrast than are parvocellular without ever requiring any specific neuron to be as robust
neurons, and hence one might expect them to dominate as the behavior.
performance in contrast detection, but in fact, the much
more numerous but weaker responding parvocellular Decoding Population Responses in Different Cortical
neurons dominate in most contrast detection tasks (Merigan, Areas Given the similarities in neural anatomy across the
Katz, & Maunsell, 1991). cortex, it is quite possible that in all sensory and motor areas
To further illustrate the potential significance of weakly (as in V1), even the most localized inputs are encoded by
responding neurons, consider the study of choice proba- population activity that extends over at least several square
bility (trial-by-trial correlations between neural and behav- millimeters. However, there may also be some substantial
ioral variability) at the single-neuron level. If a large pool differences in the properties of population responses across
of weakly responding neurons were contributing as much areas. For example, it is possible that early sensory areas
to a subject’s choice as a small pool of strongly responding contain a more sparse representation than higher sensory
neurons, recording from a single strongly responding areas because they must represent many stimulus dimensions
neuron could easily yield a measurable correlation with within the same area. This could have important conse-
behavior, whereas recording from a single weakly respond- quences for the properties of population responses and hence
ing neuron could easily yield no measurable correlation. for subsequent decoding.
Obviously, it would be a mistake to interpret the lack of
correlation in the weakly responding neuron as evidence Decoding Population Responses in Different Tasks The
against a major role for the weakly responding neurons in ideal Bayesian spatial decoder developed for our detection
the subject’s choice. task (figure 29.7B) can be extended to other detection
These considerations provide an additional illustration of and discrimination tasks. As long as the variability is
a central theme of this chapter: that effects that are very consistent with an additive Gaussian noise, the optimal
weak at the single-neuron level could have a dominant role weights are given by equation 2. Because the variability is
at the level of the pool. Therefore a general conclusion is additive, the only factor that determines the task-dependent
that one should be cautious when making predictions based component of the optimal weights is the difference in the
on single-unit measurements. mean response between the two stimulus conditions, s.

430 sensation and perception

Recall that the correlated noise is dominated by low spatial range spatial correlations. However, even in this case,
frequencies (figure 29.5C); therefore the whitening operation temporal whitening with time lagged inhibition would still
of the ideal observer amounts to high-pass filtering of s. be beneficial for minimizing the impact of the temporal
Figure 29.9 illustrates the expected impact of this whitening correlation.
operation on the optimal weights for three detection tasks
and one discrimination task. The upper row in figure 29.9 Feedback Within and Across Populations The role of
shows the stimuli; the middle row shows s, the difference in feedback in encoding and decoding by populations of
the mean hypothetical responses for each task; and the neurons is still largely unknown. Feedback can play an
bottom row the optimal weights. In the detection tasks important role in optimizing encoding of sensory stimuli for
(figures 29.9A–29.9C ), the difference in response to the the specific demands of the task (e.g., Li, Piech, & Gilbert,
stimulus and blank is dominated by low spatial frequencies; 2004). Feedback can also play an active role in the decoding
therefore the optimal weights are strongly affected by the process through dynamic interactions between the encoding
whitening operation. On the other hand, in the discrimination and decoding stages. One potential signature of feedback
task (figure 29.9D ), the difference in response to the two effects could be delayed modulations of the stimulus-evoked
oriented stimuli is dominated by high spatial frequencies responses and/or the response variability. In our reaction-
(i.e., comparable to the spatial frequency of orientation time detection task, however, both the evoked response and
columns in macaque V1). In this case, the whitening the response variability were relatively constant throughout
operation has little impact on the optimal weights because stimulus presentation, suggesting that feedback does not play
the subtraction in s, by itself, is sufficient to remove the long- a strong role in this task.

Figure 29.9 Optimal linear weights in three different perceptual population responses in the middle panel. (D) top panel: response
tasks based on hypothetical population responses. (A) Detection of to the horizontal Gabor in panel B minus the response to the verti-
a low-contrast square. (B) Detection of a low-contrast horizontal cal Gabor in panel C. The orientation-selective response was
Gabor patch. (C ) Detection of a low-contrast vertical Gabor patch. modeled as a high-spatial-frequency activation pattern (2.5 cycles/
(D) Discrimination between the Gabor patches in panels B and C. mm) with amplitude that is 10% of the amplitude of the Gaussian
(A–C ) top panel: stimulus; middle panel: hypothetical response in envelope of the population response. (D) bottom panel: optimal
an 8 × 8 mm2 patch of cortex; bottom panel: optimal linear weights linear weights for discriminating between the Gabor patches at the
obtained by applying the whitening filter in figure 29.7A to the two orientations.

seidemann, chen, and geisler: encoding and decoding with neural populations in primate cortex 431
Identifying the Actual Neural Code and Decoder The Conclusions
goal of an ideal observer analysis is to determine how
population responses should be pooled over space and time This chapter reviewed recent progress in understanding
to perform a specific task optimally. As was discussed before, neural population coding in the mammalian cortex. This
this approach can, in principle, be used to reject possible research area is clearly in its infancy. Making further prog-
combinations of codes and decoders if their sensitivity falls ress will necessitate improving existing techniques, as well as
significantly short of the subject’s sensitivity. The fact that developing new techniques, for monitoring and manipulat-
the ideal observer does better than the monkeys in our ing neural population responses in behaving subjects. It is
detection task shows that in this task, there is no need to unlikely that any single technique will provide access to the
assume an actual code with a finer spatial and/or temporal real-time activity of all the neurons in a given cortical area
resolutions than the one provided by VSDI. An important that could potentially contribute to behavior. Therefore it is
goal for future research is to determine whether this holds important to develop a quantitative understanding of the
in other tasks. For example, it is possible that in an orientation relationships between the measurements of neural popula-
discrimination task, an ideal observer using VSDI signals tions obtained with different techniques at different spatial
from V1 would perform significantly worse than the subject, scales. Analyzing simultaneous measurements of population
owing to the coarse spatial pooling that is inherent to this responses and behavioral performance, within a Bayesian
technique. ideal-observer framework, is a powerful approach for
The finding that an ideal observer performs significantly addressing fundamental issues of population encoding and
better than the subject does not necessarily imply that the decoding.
subject is using a suboptimal decoding strategy. Population
responses could be pooled by using the optimal pooling acknowledgments We thank W. Bosking, C. Michelson, C.
Palmer, and Z. Yang for discussions, and T. Cakic for technical
strategy but be degraded by subsequent sources of noise. For
support. This work was supported by National Eye Institute Grants
a more complete discussion of why the monkeys might EY-016454 and EY-016752 to E. Seidemann and EY-02688 to W. S.
perform suboptimally in our detection task, see Chen and Geisler and by a Sloan Foundation Fellowship to E. Seidemann.
colleagues (2006, 2008).
Ultimately, the goal of this line of research is to determine
what are the actual code and actual decoder used by the observer. NOTE
We are a long way from being able to address this question 1. Note that this measure of information is related to, but differs
even in the simplest perceptual and motor tasks. Next, we from, traditional measures in information theory (Cover &
briefly mention two approaches that could be used to address Thomas, 2006). For example, Shannon information (mutual
information) is appropriate for characterizing the potential bit
these questions.
rate of information transfer through a noisy channel when the
One potential approach is to examine the trial-by-trial goal is input reconstruction, but mutual information is not
covariations between neural and behavioral responses monotonically related to the trial-by-trial accuracy of an
(choice probability). Previous studies of neural and behav- ideal observer in a discrimination or classification task (Geisler,
ioral performances near psychophysical threshold demon- Albrecht, Salvi, & Saunders, 1991). Fisher information can be
monotonically related to the performance of the ideal observer,
strated weak but significant covariation between the
although the ideal observer provides the more general
activity of single neurons and behavioral responses (e.g., measure.
Britten, Newsome, Shadlen, Celebrini, & Movshon, 1996;
Cook & Maunsell, 2002; Palmer et al., 2007; Purushotha-
man & Bradley, 2005). If such correlations can be measured REFERENCES
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434 sensation and perception

30 Perceptual Filling-in:
From Experimental Data to
Neural Network Modeling
rainer goebel and peter de weerd

abstract Recognizing objects, performing goal-directed actions, Reconstructive processes contributing to

and navigating the environment are capabilities that crucially
depend on the ability to correctly segregate and perceive surfaces.
surface perception
Surface perception results from computations that involve multiple
processing levels in the visual system. The nature of these com- The Problem of Surface Perception
putations has been a matter of persistent debate. The contribution
of this chapter to this debate is threefold. In the first part A brief theoretical background The question how surfaces are
(“Reconstructive Processes Contributing to Surface Perception”), represented follows from the normalization of the visual
an overview is given of empirical studies that inform and constrain image by antagonistic filters in retina and LGN (Grossberg,
computational models of surface reconstruction. In the second 2003a). Normalization leads to a strong emphasis on discon-
part (“A Computational Model for Modal Texture Filling-in”),
empirically supported principles of surface perception and known tinuities in the light distribution on the retina and a severe
architecture of early visual areas are used to build a computational loss of signal related to regions of homogenous stimulation.
model of neural activity corresponding to visual filling-in of Although that loss is not complete (see the section entitled
surface texture in early visual areas. The model explicitly simulates “Features of Early Visual System Compatible with Active
subthreshold and suprathreshold activity and therefore generates Interpolation”), it raises the question how the vivid experi-
predictions not only for the activity distributions of spiking neurons,
but also for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The
ence of surfaces arises in the visual system. This has remained
third part, “Insights, Limitations, and Future Research Directions,” a matter of intense debate (Pessoa & Neumann, 1998; Pessoa,
provides a discussion of the main insights following from the Thompson, & Noë, 1998; Komatsu, 2006), and three classes
modeling results. The model demonstrates the consequences of of mechanisms can be distinguished.
subthreshold neural spread of the BOLD signal for the activity According to active interpolation theory, surface reconstruc-
distribution obtained with stimuli typically used to investigate per-
tion involves active interpolation of surface features from a
ceptual filling-in, and it provides insight into the divergent data
from human fMRI and neurophysiological experiments in animals. surface’s edges inward. The neural substrate of surface-
The model’s architecture, in which surface-related activity in low- related spreading activation is hypothesized to exist in early
level regions is validated by recurrent loops involving higher-order visual areas that are retinotopically organized. In this view,
areas, is in line with theories of conscious perception. Limitations boundary representations initiate and contain the spreading
of the model will be discussed, and future research directions will of surface information (Walls, 1954; Gerrits, de Haan, &
be proposed.
Vendrik, 1966; Gerrits & Vendrik, 1970; Grossberg, 2003a).
First, contour interpolation mechanisms use local disconti-
nuities to construct boundary representations. Second,
surface interpolation mechanisms use measurements close
to the contours as seeding points for the spread of surface
feature, and inhibitory signals emanating from boundary
representations contain spreading activity within a surface’s
rainer goebel Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, cortical projection. Computational models that incorporate
Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Maastricht University, an interaction between boundary and surface-related mech-
Maastricht, The Netherlands; Netherlands Institute for anisms perform well in explaining a wide range of visual
Neuroscience (NIN), an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy
illusions (Grimson, 1982; Grossberg, 1987a, 1987b, 1997,
of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
peter de weerd Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, 2003a, 2003b; Todorovic, 1987; Grossberg & Todorovic,
Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Maastricht University, 1988; Arrington, 1994; Gove, Grossberg, & Mingolla, 1995;
Maastricht, The Netherlands Grossberg & Raizada, 2000; Raizada & Grossberg, 2001).

goebel and de weerd: perceptual filling-in 435

Second, multiscale spatial frequency filtering theory suggests filling-in within as little as 80 ms. By contrast, when the
that surface representations can be derived directly image is stabilized by using a strategy of maintained fixation
from low-spatial-frequency information (McCourt, 1982; away from a figure (Troxler, 1804), perceptual filling-in of
Stromeyer et al., 1984; Purves, Shimpi, & Lotto, 1999; the figure by the background can take many seconds, the
Blakeslee, Pasieka, & McCourt, 2005, Blakeslee & McCourt, length of the delay depending on the exact stimulus con-
2008; Dakin & Bex, 2003). This theory is compatible with a ditions (e.g., De Weerd et al., 1998). This delayed type of
correlate of surface perception in retinotopic visual areas. filling-in has been demonstrated for color, brightness,
However, because low spatial frequencies are processed and (dynamic) texture (Ramachandran & Gregory, 1991;
prior to higher ones, surface representations might emerge Spillmann & Kurtenbach, 1992; Ramachandran, Gregory,
before the completion of precise boundary representations, & Aiken, 1993; Fujita, 1993).
which require processing of high spatial frequencies (Hughes, The different onset time of filling-in in the different
Nozawa, & Kitterle, 1996). paradigms fits with the active interpolation model, in
Third, and in contrast to the previous two proposals, which boundary construction precedes surface filling-in, so
Denett (1991) proposed a symbolic encoding theory in which the spreading activation related to surface filling-in can be
surface qualities are not encoded in retinotopic areas but contained by inhibition from boundary representations.
are encoded implicitly (symbolically) as a lack of discontin- According to this model, in the brief periods in between
uities in between identified surface boundaries. No activity saccades during which an observer’s eyes rest on a specific
is expected in lower visual areas corresponding to the point of interest during normal vision, surface interpolation
perceived aspects of surfaces, and surface encoding might takes place within roughly 100 ms of the completion of
take place entirely at a higher, nonretinotopic level in boundary representations (the exact time interval depending
the visual system, where surface representations might be on surface size). An absence of retinal input within the con-
an integral aspect of object representations (Desimone fines of a cortical surface representation would not affect
& Ungerleider, 1989; Wang, Tanaka, & Tanifuji, 1996; the cortical interpolation mechanisms, hence the quasi-
Biederman, 2000; Haxby et al., 2001; Kayaert, Biederman, instantaneous filling-in of the blind spot (Fiorani, Rosa,
& Vogels, 2003). Gattass, & Rocha-Miranda, 1992; Komatsu & Murakami,
We take the viewpoint that the perceptual quality of sur- 1994; Matsumoto & Komatsu, 2005) and retinal scotomas
faces is at least partly reconstructed from local cues in the (Murakami, Komatsu, & Kinoshita, 1997). However, when
retinal image, and in this first part of the chapter, we review the image is stabilized on the retina by artificial means or
evidence that is directly relevant for the active interpolation maintained fixation, the ensuing filling-in of a figure by the
theory. However, evidence for active interpolation does not background is delayed by a time period that corresponds to
exclude contributions of low-spatial-frequency filtering and the time for figure boundary mechanisms to adapt (Clarke,
of feedback from high-level areas. 1957). After a release from inhibition resulting from adapta-
tion, surface feature from the background is interpolated
Experimental paradigms Two types of paradigm have been into the area previously occupied by the figure (Tremere,
used to investigate whether active interpolation mechanisms Pinaud, & De Weerd, 2003).
exist (for a review, see Martinez-Conde, 2006). One approach
is to directly study the perception of surfaces under normal Definitions of filling-in and adaptation Perceptual filling-in refers to
viewing conditions, in intact or damaged visual systems the spreading of surface feature across a region in the visual
(Bender & Teuber, 1946; Sergent, 1988), and to test whether field where that feature is physically absent. The term filling-
surface perception would be associated with a (relatively) in does not always aptly describe the percept, as in some
fast-spreading mechanism. An alternative approach entails paradigms, feature mixing can be experienced (e.g., Hsieh
the use of image stabilization, which produces filling-in illu- & Tse, 2006) rather than one region becoming filled in by
sions that (despite their delay from stimulus onset) are another. We use the term filling-in with that caveat in mind.
believed to yield insight into mechanisms of normal surface Furthermore, the term filling-in is used to refer to the percep-
perception. When the image is stabilized artificially (e.g., tual phenomenon, and the term interpolation or spreading activa-
using contact lenses), perceptual filling-in of the stabilized tion to refer to the underlying neural mechanism.
images occurs within a few hundred milliseconds. This has The term adaptation in a Troxler paradigm is likely to be
been demonstrated for color as well as brightness (Riggs & related to more than the adaptation of local boundary rep-
Ratliff, 1952; Ditchburn & Ginsborg, 1962; Riggs, Ratliff, resentations and includes more global mechanisms that
Cornsweet, & Cornsweet, 1953; Gerrits et al., 1966, Yarbus, process the organization of visual scenes and that determine
1967). Taking advantage of the near-perfect stabilization of which image areas are labeled as figure and background. Nev-
entopic images, Coppola and Purves (1996) demonstrated ertheless, for the purpose of computational modeling, the

436 sensation and perception

concept of adaptation will be linked with the weakening of ized by different functional properties. Relevant for the
boundary representations over time, and the concept of present review is that V1 blobs (Friedman, Zhou, & von der
filling-in will be linked with inward flow of background Heydt, 2002; Roe, Lu, & Hung, 2005) and V2 thin stripes
feature into the former figure region. (Roe & Ts’o, 1995; Ts’o, Roe, & Gilbert, 2001; Wang, Xiao,
& Feldman, 2007) contain neurons that are well stimulated
Features of Early Visual System Compatible with by large chromatic and achromatic homogenous surfaces
Active Interpolation overlaying their receptive fields (RFs). Other studies that did
not link recording sites to anatomical compartments con-
A possible anatomical basis for boundary and surface processing mecha- firmed the presence of responses to homogenous surfaces in
nisms in V1, V2, and V4 An essential aspect of active inter- monkey V1 (Kayama, Riso, Bartlett, & Doty, 1979; Maguire
polation models of surface perception is the distinction & Baizer, 1982; Kinoshita & Komatsu, 2001; Huang &
between networks that analyze boundaries and networks Paradiso, 2008) and in cat area 17 (Bonhoeffer, Kim,
that produce surfaces (Walls, 1954; Gerrits & Vendrik, 1970; Malonek, Shoham, & Grinvald, 1995; Shoham, Hübener,
Grossberg, 1987a, 1987b, 2003a). This distinction is loosely Schulze, Grinvald, & Bonhoeffer, 1997). By contrast, V1
based upon functional differences between anatomically defined com- interblob and V2 interstripe regions contain neurons that
partments in V1, V2, and V4. By using cytochrome oxidase show preferential responses to chromatic and achromatic
staining, V1 can be subdivided into regions of dense staining oriented lines and edges (Blasdel, Lund, & Fitzpatrick,
(blobs) and less dense staining (interblobs). Blobs in V1 1985; DeYoe & Van Essen, 1988; Blasdel, Obermayer, &
project to thin stripes in V2, and interblobs in V1 project to Kiorpes, 1995; Fitzpatrick, Lund, & Blasdel, 1985; Hubel &
interstripes as well as thick stripes in V2 (Livingstone & Livingstone, 1987, 1990; Bartfeld & Grinvald, 1992; Blasdel,
Hubel, 1983; Roe & Ts’o, 1995; Sincich & Horton, 2005) 1992; Yabuta & Callaway, 1998a; Landisman & Ts’o, 2002;
(figure 30.1A). Interestingly, V2 thin stripes and interstripes Lu & Roe, 2008). Furthermore, V1 interblobs, as well as V2
project to separate domains in V4 (Nakamura, Gattass, thick stripes and interstripes contribute to the analysis of
Desimone, & Ungerleider, 1993; Yoshioka & Dow, 1996; local motion and stereo cues (DeYoe & Van Essen, 1988),
Xiao, Zych, & Felleman, 1999). The data suggest the exis- but the contribution of these cues to surface segregation and
tence of two processing streams within early to midlevel interpolation falls outside the scope of this chapter (Grimson,
visual cortex. Both arise from a mix of parvocellular (P) and 1982; Buckley, Frisby, & Mayhew, 1989; Frisby et al., 1995;
magnocellular (M) thalamic inputs arriving in layers 4Cb Treue, Andersen, Ando, & Hildreth, 1995; Hillis, Watt,
and 4Ca of V1, respectively (Blasdel & Lund, 1983; Nealey Landy, & Banks, 2004). On the basis of anatomy and physi-
& Maunsell, 1994). Furthermore, although feedforward con- ological data with stimuli defined by luminance and color,
nectivity is predominantly specific within the two streams, we suggest that there are separate (but interacting) process-
feedback (Livingstone & Hubel, 1983; Roe & Ts’o, 1999; ing streams for contour and surface processing, extending
Angelucci et al., 2002; Xiao & Felleman, 2004; Angelucci & from V1 and V2 into V4.
Bressloff, 2006), as well as lateral connectivity (Gilbert &
Wiesel, 1989, McGuire, Gilbert, Rivlin, & Wiesel, 1991; A possible anatomical basis for spreading activation: Retinotopy and
Lund, Yoshioka, & Levitt, 1993; Malach, Tootell, & lateral connectivity Early visual cortex shows retinotopic orga-
Malonek, 1994; Yoshioka, Blasdel, Levitt, & Lund, 1996; nization (Gattass, Gross, & Sandell, 1981; Gattass, Sousa, &
Yabuta & Callaway, 1998b) shows a mix of specificity and Gross, 1988; Sereno et al., 1995) and therefore provides a
cross-stream connectivity, with the best specificity in layer substrate for isomorphic spreading activation, while the lack
III and less specificity outside (Ts’o & Gilbert, 1988; Farias, of retinotopy in higher-order cortex (beyond V4) limits its
Gattass, Piñon, & Ungerleider, 1997; Shipp & Zeki, 2002). contribution to isomorphic representations. In retinotopic
Hence the hypothesized processing streams in early visual areas, both feedback and lateral connectivity could contrib-
cortex are strongly interconnected, and their signals likely ute to spreading. However, psychophysical estimates of the
interact. speed of spreading activation fit better with the transmission
Because of the mixing of P and M inputs in V1, the per- speed of lateral connectivity (0.2 m/s or 10–30 ms/degree)
ceptual contribution of different compartments in early than with feedback, which is an order of magnitude faster
visual areas cannot be inferred from the functional proper- (for review, see Angelluci & Bresloff, 2006). We therefore
ties of P and M cells, and early proposals that attempted to suggest that the speed of surface-related spreading activation is set
assign discrete functions such as shape, color, and motion to by properties of lateral connectivity.
different anatomical compartments have proven incorrect Further, cortical compartments with differentiable func-
(for a review, see Sincich & Horton, 2005). Nevertheless, the tions are intertwined in each retinotopic map, often at a sub-
anatomically defined compartments tend to be character- millimeter scale (figure 30.1A). This implies that functional

goebel and de weerd: perceptual filling-in 437

A papers (von der Heydt, Peterhans, & Baumgartner, 1984;
Peterhans & von der Heydt, 1989; von der Heydt &
Peterhans, 1989; Heider, Meskanaite, & Peterhans, 2000)
indicated that V2 interstripe neurons integrate local mea-
surements into neural signals that are relevant for contour
perception, while such integration is absent in V1. Similarly,
Roe and colleagues (2005) demonstrated that the activity of
V2 interstripe neurons reflects the brightness percept in the
Craik O’Brian Cornsweet (COC) stimulus (figure 30.1B),
while V1 blob neurons do not. Hung, Ramsden, Chen, and
Roe (2001) reported related data for the cat. The presence of
activity in V2 more closely linked to perception than in V1
does not imply that processing takes place in a purely feed-
forward manner. Instead, recurrent feedforward/feedback loops are
thought to validate local analysis in low-level areas by a more
global analysis of the visual scene in higher-level areas.
A strong candidate for sending feedback relevant for
surface perception to areas V1 and V2 is area V4, which
maintains a segregation of processing streams emanating
B from V1 and V2 (Nakamura et al., 1993; Yoshioka & Dow,
1996; Xiao et al., 1999). V4 neurons have RFs with large
surrounds (Desimone & Schein, 1987; Schein & Desimone,
1990), and they display complex stimulus selectivity, which
suggests a role both in global aspects of boundary construc-
tion and figure-ground segregation (Pasupathy & Connor,
2002) and in the encoding of more complex aspects of sur-
faces, such as statistics of low-level features (Hanazawa &
Komatsu, 2001; Tanabe, Doi, Umeda, & Fujita, 2005) that
can help to determine perceived depth, slant, and curvature.
V4 is therefore well placed to be involved in feedback that
Figure 30.1 Cytochrome oxidase staining in V1 and V2, and is relevant for both contour and surface networks in V1 and
Craik O’Brian Cornsweet stimulus. (A) Results from cytochrome V2. First, with respect to contour processing, a recurrent
oxidase staining in V1 (bottom half) and V2 (top half) reveal dif- loop involving V1, V2, and V4 may help to construct bound-
ferent anatomical subcompartments. Darker regions in V1 are aries from local discontinuities and may assign special status
blobs, lighter regions in V1 are interblobs. In V2, a striped pattern
to boundaries belonging to the foreground (border owner-
of staining can be discerned, consisting of thin stripes (arrows), thick
stripes (brackets), and interstripes (least densely stained). (Repro- ship), based on occlusion cues, stereo cues, and others (Zhou,
duced from Sincich & Horton, 2005.) (B) Brightness illusion in the Friedman, & von der Heydt, 2000; Qiu & von der Heydt,
Craik O’Brian Cornsweet stimulus. The illusory brightness differ- 2005). Second, with respect to surface processing, feedback
ence in the stimulus (on the left) is determined by the luminance at from V4 that takes boundary status into account may deter-
the edges of each patch. This can be appreciated by blocking the mine whether a spreading process within boundary repre-
edges from view (on the right). Thin stripes (A) may play an impor-
tant role in the perception of brightness spread as induced in the sentations produces a “visible” surface or not (see the third
Craik O’Brian Cornsweet stimulus (see text). part of the chapter). Although the processing levels in the
model proposed in the second part of the chapter are limited
clusters that are involved in spreading of surface properties to areas V1, V2, and V4, areas other than V4 are likely to
are mixed with others that are involved in other functions. provide relevant feedback to V1 and V2 (e.g., see Hupe,
This has important implications for human functional mag- James, Girard, & Bullier, 2001; Hupé et al., 2001).
netic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies, in which signal from In summary, the strongest evidence for surface-related
neighboring clusters is pooled. This can make it difficult to spreading processes points to thin-stripe modules in V2.
link fMRI activity with specific neural computations during Although a contribution of V1 to surface representation
surface perception. is likely, we hypothesize that spreading activation directly
relevant for surface perception takes place predominantly
Recurrent loops in a hierarchical system Within each stream, in V2 thin stripes and related modules in higher-order
there is evidence for hierarchical processing. A series of seminal extrastriate cortex (V4). The spreading is hypothesized to be

438 sensation and perception

contained by inhibitory processes related to boundary rep- Weerd, 2006), possibly related to boundary adaptation. In
resentations in interstripe modules in V2 and related modules line with findings with the COC stimulus (Roe et al., 2005),
in V4. Feedback from area V4 to V2 and V1 is hypothesized there were no activity increases in V1 neurons with RFs over
to be instrumental for boundary representation and segrega- the gray square, suggesting that V1 does not represent the
tion as well as for the gating of spreading activity that leads perceptual quality of texture surfaces. Weil, Watkins, and
to “visible” surfaces. Rees (2008) reported a reduction in fMRI activity in the V1
and V2 representations of a small, flickering target, while
Evidence for Active Interpolation Theory in Early subjects reported filling-in of the target by surrounding
Visual Areas dynamic texture.
Direct measurements of neural spread related to surface
Explicit activity related to surfaces Huang and Paradiso (2008) perception by recording from multiple electrodes in a sur-
observed that monkey V1 neurons respond to large homog- face’s cortical representation have not yet been performed.
enous luminance surfaces overlapping with their RFs. However, several psychophysical studies managed to
Other studies combining single-unit recording and optical visualize spread of brightness (Paradiso & Nakayama, 1991;
imaging demonstrated surface-related activity for COC Paradiso & Hahn, 1996) and texture (Motoyoshi, 1999).
stimuli in monkey V1 and V2 (Roe et al., 2005) and in cat Estimates of the speed of brightness spread based on psycho-
areas 17 and 18 (Hung et al., 2001). These studies indicated physical data have been on the order of 50 ms/degree in the
that perceptual attributes of luminance-defined surfaces COC stimulus (Davey, Maddess, & Srinivasan, 1998), and
were encoded in extrastriate cortex. Interestingly, Perna, 10 ms/degree in the brightness-masking paradigm (Paradiso
Tosetti, Montanaro, and Morrone (2005), using fMRI in & Nakayama, 1991).
human subjects, failed to find any correlate of perceived The data show strong neurophysiological support for neu-
brightness in the COC illusion in lower-order visual areas. ronal correlates of brightness, color, and texture spreading
Mendola, Conner, Sharma, Bahekar, and Lemieux (2006) in extrastriate areas. At the same time, support from fMRI
found nonretinotopic deactivation during static brightness studies is weak. One of the goals of our modeling effort is to
filling-in in V1. achieve a better understanding of the divergences between
Several neurophysiological recording studies found neural fMRI and neurophysiological techniques.
correlates of brightness induction in single neurons of monkey
V1 (Kinoshita & Komatsu, 2001) or cat area 17 (Rossi & Importance of boundary representations in controlling spread The
Paradiso, 1996, 1999), although a recent fMRI study failed role of boundary representations in controlling surface
to replicate these findings in human subjects (Cornelissen, feature spread finds support in a number of studies. The
Wade, Vladusich, Dougherty, & Wandell, 2006; see the third optical recording data from Roe and colleagues (2005) in V2
part of the chapter). Neural responses related to color filling- and a similar study in the cat (Hung et al., 2001) confirm the
in across the blind spot have been demonstrated in monkey importance of surface information at boundaries in deter-
V1 (Murakami et al., 1997; Matsumoto & Komatsu, 2005; mining surface percepts. Furthermore, a psychophysical
Komatsu, Kinoshita, & Murakami, 2000), and using fMRI, study from Salmela and Laurinen (2007) suggests that bright-
Sasaki and Watanabe (2004) found a correlate of neon color ness spread is facilitated when edges are sharp and that the
spreading in human V1. blurring of edges prevents brightness spread. Hence full
Using texture stimuli in a Troxler fading paradigm (figure boundary representations including sufficiently high spatial
30.2A), De Weerd, Gattass, Desimone, and Ungerleider frequencies (Marr, 1982; Morrone & Burr, 1988) might be
(1995) demonstrated increased responses in monkey V2 and required to induce and contain brightness spread within a
V3 neurons whose RFs overlapped with a gray square figure region, and blurred boundaries might not permit ade-
surrounded by texture after several seconds of maintained quate surface representation. Other studies using figures on a
fixation away from the square (figure 30.2B). When the texture background in a Troxler paradigm confirmed the
response increase in monkey extrastriate neurons reached a importance of local differences at the border (De Weerd
level that was indistinguishable from activity obtained when et al., 1998; Stürzel & Spillmann, 2001; Yokota & Yokota,
the RFs were filled physically with the background, human 2004, 2005; Welchman & Harris, 2001); larger differences
subjects perceived filling-in under the same stimulus condi- tending to prolong the “survival” of the figure (and thus
tions (figure 30.2C ). Furthermore, the time delay before delaying the initiation of perceptual filling-in). Furthermore,
filling-in of a gray figure by surrounding texture during blurring facilitates perceptual filling-in of a figure with its
maintained fixation away from the figure depended on the background (Zhang & von der Heydt, 1995; Friedman, Zhu,
projection area in retinotopically organized visual areas (De & von der Heydt, 1999; von der Heydt, Friedman, & Zhou,
Weerd, Desimone, & Ungerleiter, 1998) and was related to 2003), except when stimuli are placed too peripherally for
adaptation of an inhibitory signal (Tremere et al., 2003; De blurring to have an effect (Welchman & Harris, 2001, 2003).

goebel and de weerd: perceptual filling-in 439



2.4o 4o
20 No



5.6o 12.8o


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (Sec)

Direct evidence for the primacy of boundary representa- in area 17–18 pairs and was weaker in area 17–17 pairs.
tions comes from recording study in the cat (Hung, Ramsden, Further, the reduction of inhibition observed in neurons
& Roe, 2007), in which responses from simultaneously with RFs in a figure surrounded by dynamic texture during
recorded cell pairs were compared, one RF being over a Troxler fading (De Weerd, 2006) suggests that boundary
surface boundary and another inside the surface. They adaptation permits the recorded neurons to become driven
observed a border-to-surface shift in the relative timing of by excitatory input from the texture background. This is
spiking activity for both real and illusory (COC) brightness in agreement with the role of boundary representations in
contrast stimuli. Interestingly, the difference between bound- controlling neural spreading activation related to surface
ary and surface-related signals was observed predominantly perception.

440 sensation and perception

Figure 30.2 Stimulus used to induce Troxler fading and associ- increased neural activity in V2/V3 and perceptual filling-in (from
ated neuronal responses. (A) Dynamic texture stimulus with gray De Weerd et al.,1995). Average activity in stimulus conditions with
figure used by De Weerd and colleagues (1995, 1998) to induce a gray square over or inside the RF (solid curve) and in conditions
perceptual filling-in of the figure by the textured surround. The in which the square, and thus the RF were physically filled with
picture shows a single frame of the dynamic texture stimulus. The texture (heavy dotted curve) in subsets of V2 and V3 neurons with
homogeneous region in the center was approximately equilumi- significant activity increases. Fine dots show baseline activity
nous with the average luminance of the surrounding dynamic recorded without a stimulus. Square size is shown at the top of the
texture and with the gray background upon which the texture was panels. The horizontal line on top of each abscissa indicates the
presented (23 cd/m2). Since the position of the line elements was 12-s stimulus presentation time, preceded and followed by a 1-s
randomized in each frame of the movie, playing the movie (at period in which activity was recorded in the absence of a stimulus.
20 Hz) created a stimulus with continuously jittering line elements Human observers reported filling-in for the same stimuli as were
on the dark texture background. The small white square corre- used during physiological recordings in the monkey in a time range
sponds to the position of the fixation point (Fix). The illustration is indicated by the shaded zones. Activity increases were statistically
approximately to scale except for the fixation spot, which is exag- evaluated in 93 V2/V3 neurons that were recorded in all square
gerated in size for purposes of illustration. (B) Response from a size conditions, using paired t-tests (two-tailed, p < 0.05), in which
single monkey V3 neuron with RF centered over the peripheral firing rates in a 2.5-s interval starting 1.5 s after stimulus onset were
gray square (4 degrees) surrounded by texture, during passive fixa- compared with the rates in the last 2.5 s of stimulus presentation.
tion of a fixation spot away from the square (from Spillmann & De For cells that initially responded similarly in the square and no-
Weerd, 2003). The stimulus and square size shown in panel A was square conditions, there was less opportunity to show an activity
used, in which humans start to perceive filling-in approximately increase. This was particularly true at square sizes of 3.2 degrees
6–10 s after stimulus onset. A recording trial started with the col- and smaller (which were also not as conspicuous to human subjects
lection of 1 s of baseline activity in absence of a stimulus. Stimulus as the larger square), for which we found significant activity
presentation is indicated by the solid bar at the bottom of the graph. increases in only 12% of V2/V3 cells. For larger square sizes, sig-
The cell’s RF straddled the square’s edges, causing a brief onset nificant activity increases were found for about one-third of V2
response. The top panel shows the cumulative histogram demon- neurons and about half of V3 neurons. Thus different numbers of
strating increased activity toward the end of stimulus presentation. neurons and trials (up to 20 trials per condition per neuron) were
Activity is expressed as spikes per second, calculated in bins of included in the different histograms at different square sizes. The
100 ms. Individual response traces for the individual trials are inhibition during presentation of the largest square in the early part
shown below the cumulative histogram. Each small vertical mark of the response (1–4 s after stimulus onset) was predictive for the
indicates an action potential (at high firing rates the vertical marks magnitude of response increases in the late part of the response for
tend to blend). Individual trials show discrete episodes of increased smaller square sizes. This suggests that adaptation of inhibition
activity, which were more likely to occur toward the end of each may be a permissive factor for the observed response increases in
trial. The histogram only includes trials in which the monkey main- the recordings with RF over the square (De Weerd, 2006).
tained fixation till the end of the trial. (C ) Correlation between

Surface spreading processes are controlled not only by in V1, V2, and V4. Second, spread of surface properties
boundary representations, but also by more global aspects occurs via lateral connectivity in the surface representation
of the stimulus. Data from Troxler paradigms suggest system. Third, recurrent loops within hierarchically
that factors that determine figure-ground assignment organized border and surface processing streams determine
(Sakaguchi, 2001, 2006; De Weerd et al., 1998; Hamburger, the perceptual outcome of spreading activation. Fourth,
Prior, Sarris, & Spillmann, 2006; Hsieh & Tse, 2006) and spread of surface feature is contained by inhibitory signal
statistics of the textures themselves (Hindi Attar, Hamburger, from the boundary system, and adaptation of inhibition is a
Rosenholtz, Götzl, & Spillmann, 2007; Sagakuchi, 2006) permissive factor for new spreading activation across surface
play an important role in determining the outcome of the boundaries.
spread of visual surface features. Rather than focusing on luminance and color stimuli
Overall, the data suggest that boundary representations (e.g., Grossberg, 2003a; Neumann, Pessoa, & Hanson, 2001),
control spreading activation, both by initiating and contain- the present model aims to simulate texture filling-in in a
ing spread in normal vision and by permitting new spread Troxler paradigm, in which a figure is “invaded” by the
when boundaries adapt during stabilized vision. background following figure boundary adaptation. We will
not consider initial spreading events at stimulus onset. We
Empirical Basis of a Computational Model of Surface aim to increase understanding of divergent results from
Filling-in According to our interpretation of the data, fMRI and spiking data in filling-in studies, to study implica-
four principles of visual system organization can be used tions of anatomical intertwining of boundary and surface
to guide the modeling of perceptual filling-in. First, surface processing streams for the fMRI activity distribution, and to
representation is accomplished by separate but interacting increase insight into the contribution of recurrent loops to
boundary and surface mechanisms that are intertwined surface perception.

goebel and de weerd: perceptual filling-in 441

A computational model for modal texture filling-in

Structural Assumptions and Architecture of the

Neural Network Model

Properties of elementary, single processing units A single process-

ing unit in the neural network is not related to a single
neuron but represents a whole cortical column (Goebel,
1993). Cortical columns can be considered the building
blocks of neural coding within brain areas (e.g., Hubel &
Wiesel, 1959, 1962). A single processing element in our
network is called a cortical column unit (CCU). The dynamics
of a single CCU is described by the following standard dif-
ference equations:
neti ( t ) = ∑ wija a j
j =1

ai ( t ) = (1 − r ) ai ( t − 1) + τσ ( neti ( t ) + bi )
where wij is the weight from unit j to unit i, ai(t) is the average
spike output of unit i at time t, neti(t) is the net input (excit-
atory minus inhibitory input) for unit i at time t, bi is a bias
term, and s(x) is the logistic (sigmoidal) function. The value
t (0 < t ≤ 1) determines how strongly the activation value
(average spiking activity) at the last time point (t − 1) is influ-
encing the activity at the current time point t.

Global architecture of the neural network model Our large-scale

recurrent neural network model (figure 30.3) incorporates
retinotopically organized, rectangular sheets representing areas
V1, V2, and V4. To distinguish simplified Model regions
from related visual areas, the modeled regions are denoted
as Model-<area> or M-<area>. At present, the network pro- Figure 30.3 Architecture of the model. The model retina (M-
Retina, 80 × 80 units) is the source of two streams specialized for
cesses only luminance-defined input, and no distinction is
boundary processing and surface processing, respectively, extend-
made between parvocellular and magnocellular processing. ing along three modeled areas, M-V1 (interblobs, blobs), M-V2
The luminance input to the model retina (M-Retina) is (interstripes, thin stripes), and M-V4. The connection pattern from
encoded as a spatiotemporal pattern across a single rectan- M-Retina to M-V1 implements cortical magnification. Receptive
gular input sheet. Although we demonstrate processing with field sizes of the retinotopically organized areas M-V1, M-V2, and
a network of 80 × 80 M-Retina units, the network can be M-V4 increases with increasing distance from M-Retina as indi-
cated by the increasing size of the depicted units (circles). At each
scaled programmatically to any desired size. Details of the position, a number of different feature cells (hypercolumn) analyze
model architecture and its operation are provided at http:// a small, topologically corresponding, region at a lower level. As indicated by icons within the depicted units, the boundary-
A CCU in M-V1 integrates activity from a small retinal processing system detects oriented lines and end-stops, while the
patch forming classical (afferent) RFs. The sampling size of surface processing system contains units for luminance/brightness
detection (M-V1/M-V2) and texture units (M-V4). Lateral and
retinal patches increases from central to peripheral regions recurrent connections produce dynamic interactions within and
so that the overall connection pattern from M-Retina to between the boundary- and surface-processing systems. These con-
M-V1 reproduces cortical magnification (e.g., Sereno et al., nections include inhibitory synapses from each unit in the boundary-
1995). By further convergence, units in M-V2 and M-V4 processing system to topologically corresponding units in the
hierarchically integrate responses from lower levels, creating surface-processing system to prevent suprathreshold lateral spread
in the surface system.
larger RFs (figure 30.3). Lateral connections within M-V1, M-
V2, and M-V4 as well as top-down connections from higher
visual areas (M-V4 → M-V2; M-V2 → M-V1) implement
contextual effects from outside the classical RF.

442 sensation and perception

An important feature of the model is the definition of two ancies between spiking and BOLD data, spiking and the
parallel, interacting streams, a boundary-processing system and a other components of BOLD must be modeled separately in
surface-processing system, within each of the three relevant an environment that permits a comparison with matching
hierarchical levels. The boundary-processing subparts of empirical data (Goebel & Horwitz, 2008). To compare
M-V1 (interblob), M-V2 (interstripe), and M-V4 contain modeled activity distributions with empirical data, modeled
four orientation units at each position. The boundary pro- hypercolumns can be linked to topographically matching
cessing subparts of M-V1 (interblobs), M-V2 (interstripes), voxels obtained from structural brain scans and retinotopic
and M-V4 also contain at each position 4 × 2 units with RFs mapping in human subjects, thereby establishing a common
detecting oriented line endings in two directions (bipolar representational space for simulated and measured data.
“end-stop” units). For better visibility, units that code the Thanks to these network-to-brain (NB) links, predicted data
same feature are shown as two-dimensional layers, separated (e.g., fMRI signal) can be analyzed by using the same analy-
from layers coding other features (see figures 30.3 and 30.6). sis tools as are used for the measured data (e.g., General
A single feature map contains 30 × 30 units (see figure 30.6). Linear Model, Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis). As an illustra-
For an anatomically more correct arrangement and to visu- tion, figure 30.4 shows NB links as established between
alize modeled aggregate fMRI activity, different layers can M-V1 and topographically corresponding visual cortex of a
also be stacked behind each other. A single set of feature subject.
detectors for the same small retinal position is referred to as To enable a direct comparison of modeled synaptic activ-
a hypercolumn. The surface-processing subparts of M-V1 ity and spiking activity, the activity state of a unit is visualized
(blobs), M-V2 (thin stripes), and M-V4 contain units for the in three ways using either the integrated synaptic activity
representation of surface features. In the case of homoge- netiabs, the average spike output level ai, or the simulated fMRI
neous surface material, a unit in the surface-processing data yi. Note that netiabs is different from the standard “netto”
system represents luminance-related activity pooled from a input net, since it calculates the sum of the absolute activity
small area of M-Retina. In the case of textured surfaces (e.g., arriving via excitatory and inhibitory synapses at unit i:
a large field of small, randomly placed vertical lines), a M-V4 net abs
i =⎪Σwijexaj⎪+⎪Σwijinhaj⎪. To create simulated proto-
texture unit responds to a small surface patch if it contains fMRI data in neuronal timing, the integrated synaptic input
a few elements at a preferred orientation. V4 contains texture signal of a unit and the average spike output level is inte-
units for a continuous range of orientations and texture grated as
element densities, but here we have included only layers in
the model to demonstrate texture filling-in for vertically ai fMRI = λ netiabs + (1 − λ ) ai
aligned texture elements. The model permits lateral spread- The weighting constant is set to a value of l = 0.8, thereby
ing of different features at the same time in different M-areas biasing the fMRI signal to reflect the synaptic rather than
(e.g., Ramachandran & Gregory, 1991). Further, recurrent the spiking activity. The ultimately predicted fMRI output
connections produce dynamic interactions within and between value yi is obtained by convolving a hemodynamic response
the boundary-processing and surface-processing systems function HRF(x) with the predicted proto-fMRI data aifMRI:
that determine the perceptual outcome of surface-related
spreading processes. yi = HRF ( ai fMRI )
The interaction between boundary and surface systems is For the HRF function, a single-gamma function (Boynton,
modeled by the inhibitory connection of units in the contour Engel, Glover, & Heeger, 1996) or a two-gamma function
processing system onto topologically corresponding units in (Friston et al., 1998) may be chosen in our model
the surface processing system. Boundary adaptation in the environment.
Troxler paradigm is modeled by a negative self-recurrent
connection, causing activity in contour units to gradually Simulation Studies
decay over time. This decay reduces the inhibitory effect on
the surface processing system eventually permitting active Mapping a gray figure in a dynamic noise texture background
lateral spreading. These interactions occur simultaneously at Prior to any fMRI investigation of perceptual filling-in
multiple levels. of a figure by its surrounding background in a Troxler
paradigm, it is essential to demonstrate that fMRI has
Network-brain links to visualize spiking and fMRI activity BOLD the spatial resolution to distinguish the two surfaces. As
data reflect (suprathreshold) spiking activity, hemodynamic is shown in figure 30.5, De Weerd, Karni, Kastner,
spread, and neural spread of subthreshold neural activity Ungerleider, and Jezzard (1997) reported a failure in distin-
(Logothetis, Pauls, Augath, Trinath, & Oeltermann, guishing fMRI activity obtained in V1 with a full-field
2001; Logothetis & Wandell, 2004; Oelterman, Augath, & dynamic texture from activity obtained with a texture con-
Logothetis, 2007; Maier et al., 2008). To investigate discrep- taining a square figure, with figures as large as 6 × 6 at 7.2

goebel and de weerd: perceptual filling-in 443

Figure 30.4 Selected network-brain (NB) links connecting corti- cortex as identified by a fMRI retinotopic mapping experiment. (A)
cal column units from one layer of the boundary processing system Top view depicting the cortex mesh in a folded state. (B) Lateral
(interblobs) and one layer of the surface processing system (blobs) view depicting the cortex mesh in an inflated view. Note that NB
of M-V1 to a left hemisphere cortex mesh of a subject. Colored links originating from the same retinotopic position of the bound-
lines indicate NB links from foveal (red) to increasingly peripheral ary-processing M-V1 layer and surface-processing M-V1 layer are
(orange, yellow, green, blue) locations within the model layers and connected to the same position at the cortex mesh. (See color
corresponding regions within the calcarine sulcus of the subject’s plate 43.)

degrees of eccentricity (corresponding to about 10 mm in The simulated, passive spread of fMRI may reveal the spread
V1). This was surprising, because estimates of spatial resolu- of subthreshold synaptic activity into modeled cortical regions
tion on the order of 2 mm had been reported around the where spiking activity is absent (for discussion, see the third
same time (e.g., Engel et al., 1994; Engel, Glover, & Wandell, part of the chapter). As expected, there was also significant
1997). On the basis of our own findings, we have suggested spread of modeled fMRI signal from a stimulated figure
that spatial resolution was much lower (Gaussian point representation into an empty background representation
spread of 7 mm at HWHM; De Weerd et al., 1997). The (Fig-On-Back-Off; figures 30.6E and 30.6F ) beyond the
data from De Weerd and colleagues (1997) were obtained activity distribution defined by spiking activity (figures 30.6G
by using a 1.5T scanner and surface coil, but in recent years, and 30.6H ).
we have confirmed their observations using a 3T scanner
(unpublished data). Perceptual filling-in of a gray figure by a dynamic noise texture
To investigate this phenomenon, we conducted a simple background The lateral spreading described in the previous
simulation study in which we presented either a rectangular section does not lead to spiking activity in surface-processing
figure made of dynamic texture on an “empty” background units within the representation of a homogenous figure sur-
(Fig-On-Back-Off) or the inverse stimulus with an empty rounded by texture. Hence the modeled fMRI spread is not
rectangular figure on a dynamic texture background (Fig- a correlate of perceptual filling-in but rather a phenomenon
Off-Back-On). The figure was varied in size, and the result- that presents an obstacle to measure a fMRI correlate of
ing activity levels in the background and figure are shown perceptual filling-in. Here, we model filling-in of a figure by
in figure 30.6 (active voxels in white). Modeled fMRI signal surrounding fine-grained dynamic noise. Prior to filling-in,
is shown in M-V2, but it is reasonable to expect similar inhibitory influences from the boundary-processing system
limitations in spatial resolution in other extrastriate areas. are thought to contain spiking activity within surface bound-
Modeled fMRI activity for a small empty figure on a texture aries. Figure 30.7A shows spiking activity during this state in
background was as high in the figure as in the background boundary and surface systems in M-V1 and M-V2 (activity
representation (figure 30.6A). Only for a large empty square, in white), during the presentation of a homogenous figure
the fMRI signal revealed a gradual fall-off of activity from on a dynamic noise background to the M-Retina. Figure
the texture toward the center of the empty figure (figure 30.7B shows fMRI activity for the same system state in
30.6B). Modeled spiking activity, however, was elevated only boundary and surface systems of M-V2. The figure is suffi-
in the background representation and did not invade the ciently large to prevent the inflow of passive fMRI activity
representation of the empty figure (figures 30.6C and 30.6D). from the background to reach the middle of the figure rep-

444 sensation and perception

Figure 30.5 Empirical data from a single subject illustrating limi-
tations in fMRI resolution using 1.5 Tesla Signa Horizon Echospeed
system. Similar data were obtained from a second subject, and data
in both subjects were replicable across sessions. Functional scans
were obtained with a gradient echo EPI sequence (BOLD images),
using a 64 × 64 matrix, a FOV of 14–16 cm, coronal slices with
Thk = 4 mm, TE = 40 ms, and TR = 4 s. Functional data were
overlaid on high-resolution structural scans of the same person’s
brain. Structural scans were obtained by using 3D-SPGR, a 512 ×
384 × 128 matrix, with TE = 5 ms, TR = 24 ms, and a flip angle
of 45 degrees. The testing of the effects of interest resulted in
Wilkinson’s maps, which were converted into z-maps. Single voxels
were considered significant when the corresponding z-score
exceeded 3.07. The coronal slice shown was positioned 16 mm
anterior from the occipital pole. Dynamic texture stimuli (see figure
30.1A) were equiluminant with the background (24 cd/m2). (A–C )
fMRI signal as a function of time (A) during two block designs (B,C ).
In the first design (B2), two 30-s blocks of presentation of 4 degree
square at 7.2 degrees eccentricity in lower left quadrant were inter-
leaved with three 30-s periods of gray background. In the second
design (C2), two 30-s blocks of presentation of a textured back-
ground were alternated with three 30-s periods of presentation of
a gray 4-degree square at 7.2 degrees eccentricity. An initial period
of baseline measurement without stimulus was discarded from
analysis. Fixation spot (where subjects performed a demanding T/
L discrimination task) is indicated at the top right of each stimulus
panel. When the square was defined by dynamic texture on a gray
background (B2), significant activity (black plot in A) was found in
a large number of voxels in the upper bank of the calcarine sulcus
(B1) using a regressor corresponding to the timing of the texture
square in the block design in panel B2. When a full texture back-
ground was shown in blocks with or without a gray square (C2),
there was no significant activity (C1) for the regressor correspond-
ing to the physical filling-in of the gray square with texture (C2).
The gray plot in panel A shows activity in the region of interest
(ROI) defined by the response to the textured square (ROI is shown
as a dashed oval in C1) during data from the block design shown
in C2. For the design in C2, the data suggest spread of fMRI signal ensuing perceptual filling-in of the figure representation by
from the background texture into the gray figure. (F–H ) Same activity from the background. Adaptation of the boundary
conventions as in panels A–C, but the square size was 6 degrees.
The gray plot in panel F shows a small, transient response to physi-
units is implemented by self-recurring inhibitory connec-
cal filling-in of the texture (design H2) that did not lead to signifi- tions. This causes an increase in net excitation of units within
cant activity in H1 (based on regressor corresponding to design surface modules in the figure representation closest to the
H2).The fMRI signal in designs C2 and H2 inside the figure rep- boundary. After some time, the units reach their threshold,
resentation was not due to perceptual filling-in, as the signal was producing spiking activity. Because of the excitatory lateral
present from the beginning of stimulation (gray plot in panels A
connections within the surface-processing system, units
and F ). Based on data in block designs showing a texture square
on a gray background alternated with a gray background (as in B2 farther inward in the figure representation start to receive
and G2), we found (averaged over subjects) activated regions of additional excitatory input from their spiking neighbors,
158, 230, and 267 mm2 for square sizes of 1, 4, and 6 degrees, which leads to spiking activity also in these units. Because of
respectively, while based on retinotopy (Sereno et al., 1995), acti- this evolving chain reaction, spiking activity quickly spreads
vated regions of approximately 3, 45, and 110 mm2 were expected.
inward until all units within the figure representation exhibit
Averaged over subjects and conditions, a Gaussian filter of 7 mm
(HWHM) was required to simulate the blurring of expected signal increased spiking activity. At this stage, the activity level of
by fMRI. (See color plate 44.) units within the former figure representation is comparable
to the activity level that would have occurred had texture
stimulus without a figure been presented. This activity state
in the M2 surface-processing system is the modeled correlate
resentation and thus allows for the possibility to measure an of perceptual filling-in.
fMRI signal related to perceptual filling-in exceeding fMRI
signal related to passive spread. Figure 30.7C shows fMRI Perceptual filling-in of a homogenous figure by a dynamic, coarse texture
activity associated with adaptation of boundary units and background Many studies of perceptual filling-in use coarse

goebel and de weerd: perceptual filling-in 445

Fig-Off-Back-On Fig-On-Back-Off
fMRI signal


Figure 30.6 Simulation of spiking activity and fMRI signals the Fig-Off-Back-On condition show inflow from texture back-
when an “empty” square is surrounded by dynamic texture (Fig- ground into the figure representation (A, B), and only for the larger
Off-Back-On) or vice versa (Fig-On-Back-Off). As indicated by red square (B) the interior is spared (shown in dark). Predicted spiking
outlines, stimuli were presented with a small square (5 × 5 rectan- data (C, D) show a perfect representation of the square, without
gle; A, C, E, G) or a large square (9 × 9 rectangle; B, D, F, H ). Each noticeable inflow from the background. The predicted fMRI data
panel shows the activity state of the same layer from the surface- in the Fig-On-Back-Off condition show outflow of fMRI activity
processing system of M-V2. The lateral connectivity pattern of from the representation of the texture square into the empty back-
each unit within this layer is shown in G. The activity state of a ground (E, F ), while such outflow is unnoticeable for spiking data
processing unit is indicated by a black-to-white color range corre- (G, H ). (See color plate 45.)
sponding to weak-to-strong activity. The predicted fMRI data in

texture backgrounds (e.g., De Weerd et al., 1998; Hindi are the same as those described for fine-grained textures,
Attar et al., 2007). For textures, especially when they are but they now involve interactions between boundary-
coarse, it can be asked what information is actually spread- and surface-processing systems within both M-V4 and
ing during filling-in and how it is computed. In the first part M-V2 (for details, see
of the chapter, we reviewed evidence suggesting that V4 finn/index.html). In addition, a recurrent loop involving the
neurons encode global statistics of texture patches, such as two M-areas is required to produce spreading activity in
overall brightness, brightness, gradients, and texture density either area. Before active neuronal spreading has occurred,
(Hanazawa & Komatsu, 2001; Tanabe et al., 2005). Similar inhibition from units in the boundary-processing system
statistical operations on multiple elements within a RF have of M-V4 is strong enough to prevent lateral spreading
been reported for V2 neurons (Anzai, Peng, & Van Essen, within the surface-processing system of M-V4, and the same
2007), but unless textures consist of fine elements that are holds in M-V2. After boundary adaptation, active spread-
very densely packed, RFs of neurons in V2 might be too ing within M-V4 and M-V2 may occur, but the activity
small to produce reliable estimates of texture statistics. Corti- levels in units within the surface-processing systems of
cal areas at a level higher than V4 probably would produce M-V4 and M-V2 are codependent. More specifically, lateral
statistical estimates that are insufficiently local to guide subthreshold inputs to units in the M-V4 surface module
spreading processes in lower-order, retinotopic visual areas. inside the representation of the homogenous figure must
Hence in our model, we assume that M-V4 has a special be supplemented with feedforward subthreshold input from
role in estimating global texture statistics and that these units in M-V2 surface module at corresponding retinotopic
statistics are the kind of information that spreads during locations. Similarly, lateral subthreshold inputs to units in
perceptual filling-in. the M-V2 surface module inside the representation of the
The computational processes that lead to spreading homogenous figure must be supplemented by feedback sub-
activation in figure representations in retinotopic maps threshold input from units in the M-V4 surface module at

446 sensation and perception

into the model’s global architecture were (1) the presence of
three levels of processing (M-V1, M-V2, and M-V4), (2)
separate but interacting boundary- and surface-processing
streams, (3) lateral connectivity within each module at each
level, (4) recurrent connectivity between levels within
modules, and (5) a specific strength of recurrent inhibition
within the units of the boundary-processing system.
Below, we highlight three insights that follow from our
modeling effort. First, we discuss consequences of the sensi-
tivity of the fMRI signal to subthreshold neural activation
for experiments on perceptual filling-in, for the notion of
point spread, and for the comparability of fMRI and neuro-
nal recording experiments. Second, we consider conse-
quences of the inhomogeneity of cortex for the interpretation
of fMRI data on perceptual filling-in. Third, we emphasize
that the perceptual consequences of the recurrent loops in
our model are in agreement with recent views on visual
awareness and “conscious” perception.
Figure 30.7 Filling-in simulation for an “empty” square sur-
rounded by a fine noise texture. Average spiking or fMRI activity Insights from Modeling the Sensitivity of fMRI to
in relevant layers of the model is indicated on a dark-to-light scale Subthreshold Neural Activation The explicit computa-
(corresponding to low-to-high activity). (A) Initial spiking activity tion and visualization of average spiking activity and
state after presenting the stimulus at M-Retina (left hand, large predicted fMRI data has proven valuable to understand the
sheet). The boundary processing systems in M-V1 and M-V2
detect the borders separating the background from the central
difficulty of mapping a homogenous figure surrounded by
hole. The surface-processing system in M-V1 and M-V2 responds dynamic texture in retinotopic areas with fMRI. In the
strongly to the texture background, revealing the empty square modeled data, we observed that a homogenous figure can
representation by an absence of activity. (B) fMRI activity in easily be detected in the distribution of spiking activity
boundary and surface systems, with some spreading of fMRI signal while remaining undetectable in the distribution of fMRI
into the figure representation in the surface system. (C ) fMRI activ-
activity. Our model thus reconciles the spiking results of De
ity showing adaptation of boundary representations and ensuing
active spreading in the surface system of M-V2. In panels B and C, Weerd and colleagues (1995) with the fMRI data from De
only layers of M-V2 are shown, since the activity state in other Weerd and colleagues (1997). Both studies investigated
layers do not change substantially. neural activity in the cortical representation of homogenous
figures surrounded by texture. The former study found
corresponding retinotopic locations. This results in a recur- low spiking activity inside homogenous figures (prior to
rent loop, which leads to spreading of spiking activity from perceptual filling-in), whereas the latter study suggested that
the texture surround into the figure within both M-V2 and unless very large figures were used, the fMRI signal in the
M-V4. figure representation was high from stimulus onset on,
By building appropriate structural assumptions into irrespective of whether the figure was present or not. Our
the recurrent M-V2/M-V4 loop, it could be possible to model might help to reconcile other, apparently conflicting
model effects of surface properties on perceptual filling- results from fMRI studies and spike recording studies in
in during Troxler paradigms (e.g., see Hindi Attar et al., animals that investigated the same phenomena across species
2007). We focused on the contribution of recurrent loops to (e.g., compare Kaas, Collins, & Chino, 2003, with Smirnakis
the interpolation of coarse texture, but such loops likely play et al., 2005; and see Tolias, Smirnakis, Augath, Trinath,
a role in interpolation of other surface features. For particu- & Logothetis, 2001; Maier et al., 2008). Note that while
lar features, such as brightness and color, recurrent loops spiking data can be dissociated from fMRI signal, local field
that are relevant for surface interpolation might involve potentials (LFPs) are more robustly linked to the fMRI
M-V1. signal, as both LFPs and fMRI signal are thought to reflect
predominantly (subthreshold) synaptic activity from large
Insights, limitations, and future research directions neuronal populations (Logothetis et al., 2001; Maier et al.,
A Summary of Assumptions and Insights The main Our data also illustrate that estimates of fMRI spatial
empirically based, structural assumptions that were built resolution, which have been reported to be as low as 1.8 mm

goebel and de weerd: perceptual filling-in 447

HWHM of Gaussian point spread (Engel et al., 1994, 1997), cortex (Sereno et al., 1995), well below the 3 × 3 mm voxel
are often uninformative with respect to the prediction of size that is used for functional scanning. It cannot be excluded
fMRI activity distributions for stationary figures in a context that reduced activation associated with adaptation to the
of other stimuli. In fMRI studies that estimate spatial resolu- (boundaries of) the flickering target dominated increased
tion, slowly moving dynamic checkerboard stimuli are used, signal related to perceptual filling-in. In the work of
presented isolated on a homogenous background. The iso- Cornelissen and colleagues (2006), the failure to confirm a
lated nature and the slow motion of these stimuli could limit correlate of brightness induction might have been due to a
the neural spread of subthreshold activity and reveal pre- combination of insufficient spatial and temporal resolution
dominantly hemodynamic spread, thereby leading to the to resolve antiphase brightness modulations (1 Hz) in
suggestion of excellent spatial resolution. However, complex abutting cortical representations. On the basis of these
stimuli composed of several parts that perceptually group considerations, we suggest that our model can be an
together, or perceptually fill in, and involving prolonged important tool in the design of appropriate stimuli for fMRI
stimulation at constant locations may increase the subthresh- experiments on perceptual filling-in. For example, on the
old inputs to neurons with RFs in between stimulus parts. basis of simulations, we know that to empirically demonstrate
This can lead to an effective fMRI spatial resolution (point- filling-in of a gray figure by surrounding dynamic texture
spread of spiking, hemodynamic, and subthreshold neural with fMRI, an active interpolation signal must exceed the
spread combined) that may be much lower than expected. passive neural spread of fMRI activity from the texture into
Under these conditions, estimates have been reported on the the cortical representation of the figure. Our model suggests
order of 7 mm (De Weerd et al., 1997; Cornelissen et al., that this problem may be avoided only when using very large
2006). The sensitivity of fMRI signal to subthreshold neural figure sizes. Overlay of simulated fMRI activity distributions
activation makes fMRI point spread dependent on stimulus in sheets of units representing boundary- and surface-
design and renders the notion of a generally applicable esti- processing systems in a M-area that respects retinotopy and
mate of fMRI point spread obsolete. cortical magnification can be helpful to precisely assess the
possibility of discerning activity specifically related to
Insights from Modeling Subvoxel Specialization of perceptual filling-in. In our model, coming to this assessment
Visual Cortex The subvoxel specialization among and is facilitated by NB-links that can map simulated activity
within compartments of early visual cortex, combined with distributions onto a flat map of a human subject’s cortex in
physical limits on temporal and spatial resolution, renders which empirical data can later be collected.
an fMRI correlate of surface-related spreading activity
difficult to detect. At the neuronal level, spreading activity Insights from Modeling Recurrent Connections
related to surface encoding (e.g., in V2) is present only in Between M-V2 and M-V4 The recurrent neural network
small subsets of neurons that are intertwined with other model may offer a new account of modal and amodal
neurons that do not participate in the spreading or might be completion/filling-in. First, the implementation of a recurrent
involved in other functions. Moreover, boundary-related loop between surface modules in M-V2 and M-V4 (see the
effects that might intuitively be considered local might spread second part of the chapter) is important for understanding
into the representation of the figure because of the sensitivity what defines modal (“real”) surface percepts. We suggest that
of fMRI to passive spread of subthreshold activity. Hence modal completion or filling-in of a figure by its background
decreased responses to boundaries could contribute to the requires spiking activity in figure representations in V2 and
overall activity measured from the figure representation. If V4 comparable to the activity that would be observed in the
this signal decrease is relatively strong, it might outweigh any absence of a figure on the background. Therefore only when
activity increases associated with surface-related spreading, active spreading occurs in V2 and V4 via spiking activity,
and one might conclude incorrectly that surface interpolation the system has made a “decision” to consider the internally
is associated with a decrease in activation. Thus even in represented surface as “real.” In this state, spiking neurons
studying filling-in of large stimuli, the effective spatial in V2 and spiking neurons in higher visual areas (e.g., V4)
resolution of fMRI might be insufficient to detect a weak form functional circuits jointly representing the content of
correlate of filling-in and might instead reveal the stronger the filled-in percept. Although we only modeled spreading
boundary adaptation effect that passively spreads into the in the Troxler paradigm, we suggest that a “spreading” of
figure representation (Mendola et al., 2006, Perna et al., the “real/visible” status of a surface also takes place during
2005). The study from Weil and colleagues (2008) in which normal perception when there is a direct physical basis for
filling-in of a flickering target was associated with a decreased the perceived surface, in which case recurrent processing
fMRI signal also suffered from these limitations: The 1.2 × might modulate bottom-up surface-related activity and the
1.2 degree target at 8.75 degrees of eccentricity used in that associated surface percept. Our discussion of modal
study corresponds approximately to 1.3 × 1.3 mm of V1 completion/filling-in is in line with theories of conscious

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goebel and de weerd: perceptual filling-in 453

31 Neural Transformation of
Object Information by Ventral
Pathway Visual Cortex
charles e. connor, anitha pasupathy, scott brincat, and yukako yamane

abstract Object perception is a critical aspect of cognition, and monkeys. The second-order and more difficult question is
is essential to understanding the world we inhabit. It is also one of what computational mechanisms underlie the transfor-
the brain’s most remarkable computational abilities, considering mations between coding stages. Preliminary analyses of
the enormously complex, variable mapping between retinal images
and physical objects. Retinal images are transformed into mental recurrent network mechanisms supporting the V4-to-IT
representations of objects by the ventral pathway of visual cortex. transformation are described here.
The vast dimensionality of the retinal image is compressed into a
compact representation of object part configurations. This explicit Retinal signals must be transformed to support
representation of configural structure may serve as the basis for
recognition, evaluation, and physical interaction with objects. object vision
Two factors make the original retinal representation of
objects unsuitable to support object perception. One factor
We live in a world of objects, and that world is familiar and is high dimensionality. The retinal representation is essen-
comprehensible only because we are so good at recognizing tially a megapixel spatial map of local contrast that replicates
and understanding those objects. Object perception is com- the form of the optical image. A million-dimensional signal
putationally difficult because of the high dimensionality of cannot be directly accessed by other brain regions to
the retinal input (on the order of 106 channels) and the guide behavior and cannot be stored in memory. This high-
extreme variability in input patterns produced by any given dimensional pixel map must be transformed into a tractable,
object (depending on position, distance, orientation, light- explicit code for useful object information. As will be described
ing, etc.). The brain must transform this complex, variable below, the ventral pathway achieves this by recoding large
retinal input into compact, stable representations of useful regions of the pixel map as object boundary fragments char-
object information. This transformation is carried out by the acterized by geometric derivatives. Entire objects are repre-
ventral pathway of visual cortex (Ungerleider & Mishkin, sented as spatial configurations of boundary fragments.
1982; Felleman & Van Essen, 1991), which splits off from The other factor is variability. Any given object produces
the rest of the visual hierarchy at the connection between a potentially infinite range of retinal input patterns. This is
areas V2 and V4. Beyond V4, object information is pro- due to the continually shifting relationship between the input
cessed through a posterior-to-anterior series of stages in infe- spatial reference frame of the eye and the signal source refer-
rior occipital and temporal cortex. ence frame of the object. The variable mapping between eye
The first-order question about the ventral pathway trans- images and objects makes the retinal representation far too
formation is how object information is encoded at each unstable for cognitive access and memory storage. As will be
stage. This chapter describes the current understanding of described below, the ventral pathway derives a more stable
object shape coding in area V4 and inferotemporal cortex representation by transforming spatial information from eye
(IT) based on neurophysiological studies in macaque coordinates into a reference frame that is at least partially
defined by the object itself.
charles e. connor Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Maryland Object boundary fragments are summarized by
anitha pasupathy University of Washington, Seattle,
Washington geometric derivatives
scott brincat Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston,
Massachusetts The retinal response patterns produced by natural images
yukako yamane Riken Brain Science Institute, Saitama, Japan are far from random. (Most random pixel patterns look like

connor, pasupathy, brincat, and yamane: neural transformation of object information 455
television snow.) They are dominated by local correlations (Pasupathy & Connor, 1999). Average neural responses of
that are determined by the structure of objects in our world, three V4 neurons are plotted in figures 31.1B–31.1D. Darker
which in turn reflect the constraints of physics, material backgrounds correspond to higher response rates (see gray-
properties, biological growth processes, and artifactual con- scale). The neurons in figures 31.1B and 31.1C exemplify
struction. Because of these constraints, object boundaries are tuning in the orientation/curvature domain. The figure
relatively smooth and continuous on a local level, producing 31.1B neuron responds to sharp convex curvature oriented
smooth, continuous contrast boundaries in the retinal image. (pointing) toward the left and upper left. The figure 31.1C
This creates an opportunity for massive compression of the neuron responds to shallow convex curvature oriented
pixel map representation. The highly correlated pixel values toward the right and lower right. Figure 31.1D exemplifies
along regions of smooth, continuous contrast can be rede- V4 neurons tuned for orientation at zero curvature, respond-
scribed in terms of contrast boundary derivatives. For ing to all stimuli with a nearly flat component at the preferred
example, an image region that contains a long, vertical con- orientation. Curvature/orientation tuning reflects a further
trast edge comprises many pixel values but can be rede- compression of object boundary information. Larger bound-
scribed with a single slope or orientation value. The visual ary fragments that were originally represented by many com-
system exploits this opportunity in primary visual cortex ponent orientation signals in V1 can be summarized with a
(V1) with neurons that are tuned for orientation (and spatial single hill of activity in the V4 curvature/orientation domain.
frequency) of local contrast regions (Hubel & Wiesel, 1959,
1965, 1968). These tuning functions provide a basis set for Objects are represented as spatial configurations of
representing local orientation. Every point in visual space is boundary fragments
represented by V1 neurons with a range of orientation-
tuning peaks, and the local hill of activity among these The boundary fragments encoded by V4 neurons are large
neurons encodes local contrast orientation. Computational enough to constitute a basis set for structural or parts-based
studies have demonstrated that this is an optimal scheme for shape representation. According to structural shape-coding
compressing fragments of natural images (Olshausen & theories (Biederman, 1987; Marr & Nishihara, 1978; Milner,
Field, 1996; Vinje & Gallant, 2000). 1974; Selfridge, 1959; Sutherland, 1968), objects are repre-
At successive processing stages in visual cortex, further sented as spatial configurations of common parts. Structural
compression is achieved by neurons with progressively larger coding schemes have several advantages. First, they have a
receptive fields (RFs) that summarize larger image regions. comparatively low dimensionality; an object that was origi-
In parafoveal V4, RFs encompass several degrees of visual nally represented by 104–106 pixels could be redescribed as
angle (Gattas, Sousa, & Gross, 1988). On this larger scale, a configuration of parts numbering in the 101–102 range.
contrast boundaries more frequently undergo orientation Second, structural coding is highly generative, owing to the
changes within the RF and therefore can no longer be effec- combinatorial explosion of part configurations, and there-
tively summarized with a single first-order derivative. fore has the capacity for representing a virtual infinity of
However, owing to the continuity and relative smoothness objects with a finite set of neural signals. Third, to the extent
of natural objects, these larger boundary regions can be to which the spatial reference frame is defined by the object
summarized with a combination of first- and second-order itself, structural representations can be stable across views.
derivatives. Orientation often changes at a relatively con- Fourth, explicit structural information could be used not
stant rate that can be represented with a single second-order only for recognition, but also for physical evaluation and
derivative: curvature. Convex or positive curvature (protru- guidance of physical interactions with objects. Structural
sion of the boundary away from the object interior) ranges coding also seems consistent with our linguistic tendency to
from near zero (flat, infinite radius) to shallow to sharp. At describe objects as configurations of parts.
the limit of sharpness, curvature becomes infinite (zero These theoretical considerations and the figure 31.1 neu-
radius) and is perceived as a discontinuity in orientation (a rophysiological result suggest that V4 instantiates a struc-
point or angle). Concave curvature (indentation into the tural object representation based on boundary fragments. A
object interior) likewise ranges from shallow to infinite. critical prediction of this hypothesis is that neurons maintain
Visual cortex exploits this larger-scale structural regularity parts-level selectivity across different global shape contexts.
by explicitly representing curvature and orientation of con- This prediction conflicts with the standard, intuitive notion
trast boundary fragments in area V4. Just as V1 encodes tiny that ventral pathway neurons are selective for a single range
boundary fragments with a basis set of orientation tuning of stimulus shapes, centered on a “best stimulus” that evokes
functions, V4 encodes larger boundary fragments with a basis the strongest response and defines the information conveyed
set of tuning functions in the curvature/orientation domain. by that neuron. According to structural theories, the same
The tuning domain has been sampled in V4 neural recording neuron should respond strongly to an infinite variety
experiments with the kind of stimuli plotted in figure 31.1A of stimulus shapes as long as they contain the parts-level

456 sensation and perception

A Convexity: Convex Outline Concave
Curvature: Sharp Smooth Sharp Smooth Sharp Smooth
Acuteness: 45 90 135 180 135 90 45 45 90 135 180 135 90 45 45 90 135 180 135 90 45

Contour feature orientation 135

B 90 40
Contour feature orientation

Response rate (spikes/sec)

180 30

270 20


C 90 30
Contour feature orientation

Response rate (spikes/sec)

315 10


D 75
Contour feature orientation

Response rate (spikes/sec)

300 10

30 0

Figure 31.1 V4 neural tuning in the orientation/curvature repetitions) of a V4 neuron to each stimulus is indicated by back-
domain. (A) Stimulus set comprising multiple levels of convex, ground color behind each stimulus (black corresponds to 40 spikes
outline, and concave boundary curvature at eight orientations. per second; see the scale bar at right). This neuron is tuned along
Spike activity of well-isolated individual neurons was recorded from both the curvature dimension (for sharp convexity) and the orienta-
lower visual field representations in V4 of rhesus macaque monkeys tion dimension (around 135 degrees, which here means sharp con-
performing a fixation task to stabilize eye position. Stimuli were vexities pointing toward the upper left). (C ) Average responses of
flashed in the neuron’s RF for 500 ms each in random order. The another V4 neuron tuned for shallow curvature oriented toward
stimulus was at full illumination within the RF perimeter and the right (0 degrees). (D) Average responses of another V4 neuron
gradually faded to the background color outside the RF (only part tuned for orientation and zero curvature, like most lower-level
of the fading is shown in these stimulus icons; the circular boundar- neurons. (From Pasupathy & Connor (1999). Used with permission
ies were not part of the stimuli). (B) Average response (across five from Journal of Neurophysiology.)
Figure 31.2 Responses of a V4 neuron to stimuli constructed by concave curvature facing downward (270 degrees) adjacent to
factorial combination of boundary fragments. Average responses sharp convex curvature facing to the lower left (225 degrees). This
across five repetitions are indicated by the background color for tuning for local boundary structure remained consistent across wide
each stimulus. (The circular background was not part of the display.) variations in global stimulus shape. (From Pasupathy & Connor
This neuron was tuned for boundary fragments consisting of shallow (2001). Used with permission from Journal of Neurophysiology.)

structure encoded by that neuron. This counterintuitive pre- support complete structural shape representations (Pasupa-
diction has been confirmed in experiments exemplified by thy & Connor, 2002).
figure 31.2 (Pasupathy & Connor, 2001). For these experi- Configural coding of object structure becomes even more
ments, a large set of stimuli was constructed by factorial explicit at the next processing stage in posterior IT (PIT).
combination of boundary fragments, so any given fragment Neurons in PIT are tuned for spatial configurations of mul-
appeared in a diverse set of global shapes. Each stimulus was tiple V4-like boundary fragments (Brincat & Connor, 2004).
presented entirely within the V4 neuron’s RF, providing a The stimulus responses of the figure 31.3 example neuron
strong test of consistency across global shape, since other (figures 31.3A and 31.3B) reflect combined tuning for the
parts of the shape could directly influence responses. This boundary fragments diagrammed in the figure 31.3C tuning
neuron responded to shapes that contained broad concave model. The best-fit model for this cell comprised tuning for
curvature facing downward adjacent to sharp convexities two sharp concavities (labeled A and B) oriented toward the
pointing to the lower left (see the stimuli labeled 1 and 2; lower left and lower right, respectively, and positioned to the
either feature alone evoked weaker responses, as in stimuli left of object center, combined with flat or shallow curvature
3–8). As can be seen in figure 31.2, this local structure facing to the right and positioned to the right of object center
evoked strong responses across wide variations in global (labeled C). The model includes an inhibitory term corre-
stimulus shape. Thus V4 neurons encode parts-level, not sponding to the concavity labeled D. Figure 31.3D illustrates
global, shape. Analysis at the neural population level has how these boundary fragment sensitivities interact to deter-
demonstrated that these boundary fragment signals could mine neural responses.

458 sensation and perception

R elative
S hape pos ition 20
* A 0

* * 20
B A B 10


* A B 10

D 30
A B 10
R es pons e = 6.1A + 5.2B + 0.0C + 35.2A B C
− 21.4D + 0.2 0

R es pons e rate
(s pikes /s )


Figure 31.3 PIT neural tuning for boundary fragment configura- (A–C ) and one inhibitory tuning region (D). The equation at the
tions. (A) Average responses of a PIT neuron to stimuli constructed bottom shows that the strongest response factor was the combined
by factorial combination of boundary fragments. In this primary presence of all three excitatory boundary fragments. (D) Example
test, local curvature values were held constant. (B) Tuning for local stimuli showing the interactive effects of boundary fragments near
curvature, tested with two representative shapes from the primary the tuning peaks. In each case, the left bar in the histogram indi-
test. (C ) Response model. The boundary fragment tuning dimen- cates observed response ± standard error, and the right bar indi-
sions for this model are orientation, curvature (mapped to a scale cates the response predicted by the model. (From Brincat & Connor
from −1.0 to 1.0), and XY position relative to stimulus center of (2004). Originally published in Nature Neuroscience.)
mass. The best-fit model comprised three excitatory tuning regions

This kind of explicit single-neuron signal for configura- natural objects could be explainable in terms of structural
tions of disjoint parts is not envisioned in standard theories. components (Fujita, Tanaka, Ito, & Cheng, 1992; Perrett,
One potential advantage of such signals is further com- Rolls, & Caan, 1982; Sigala & Logothetis, 2002; Tanaka,
pression of the object representation into a smaller number Saito, Fukada, & Moriya, 1991; Tsunoda, Yamane,
of more complex components. This would be particularly Nishizaki, & Tanifuji, 2001; Wang, Fujita, & Murayama,
efficient if PIT neurons emphasize statistically common 2000).
part configurations. At this scale, encompassing complete Single-neuron configuration signals might also enhance
shapes, there is no simple geometric constraint on boundary the cognitive accessibility of configural structure, supporting
structure, but common part configurations are bound to our ability to evaluate the physical potential of objects and
occur, owing to ecological factors. While this has not been interact with them in an accurate and intelligent manner.
investigated rigorously, it can be observed at an anecdotal Finally, configural shape signals might also provide a basis
level. The responses of the same example neuron to photo- for further integration, leading to global shape sensitivity at
graphic stimuli (figure 31.4) illustrate how tuning for bound- higher processing stages. This might be especially true for
ary fragment configurations might relate to common shape highly familiar or behaviorally relevant object categories
structures in natural object categories. In this case, the that require maximally efficient processing, at the cost of
neuron responded to a leftward-facing quadruped (the dedicated neurons with extremely narrow selectivity. For
polar bear), presumably owing to its combined sensitivity generic object representation, representation in terms of
to opposed concavities on the left and broad curvature on component part configurations could be the optimal com-
the right. This is not to say that the neuron by itself signals promise between flexibility and efficiency.
the presence of quadrupeds. Rather, this neuron efficiently One critical result from these PIT studies is the demon-
captures a common shape motif that would help to define stration of spatial tuning in an object-centered reference
quadrupeds as well as other object categories that have the frame. This is a central prediction of structural shape-coding
same component structure. Other studies in more anterior theories (Biederman, 1987; Marr & Nishihara, 1978). Trans-
parts of inferotemporal cortex suggest that responses to formation from retinotopic to object-centered coordinates

connor, pasupathy, brincat, and yamane: neural transformation of object information 459
Figure 31.4 Responses of the same PIT neuron as in figure 31.3 to photographic stimuli. In each case, the average response to the pho-
tograph is indicated by the color of the background square (see scale bar at right).

achieves stability across changes in object position on the ple octaves. However, the spatial reference frame does not
retina. Relative position signals in an object-centered refer- appear to rotate with the object, since shape tuning is not
ence frame provide the configural information that is consistent across rotated versions of the same stimulus. This
required to distinguish different arrangements of the same is exemplified in figure 31.3A, in which substantially rotated
parts. PIT neurons exhibit clear tuning for boundary frag- versions of the high-response shapes evoke no response
ment position with respect to object center. This is empha- whatsoever. Thus the theoretical prediction of a stable refer-
sized for the example neuron in figure 31.5, by showing the ence frame completely defined by the object is only partially
average response to stimuli containing the double-concavity confirmed at this level in the ventral pathway. Generaliza-
configuration to the left of object center (top, strong tion across object rotation could be achieved in some other
responses) versus to the right (bottom, minimal responses). way, possibly by learning associations between different
Figure 31.3A includes many stimuli with the same configura- object views (Vetter, Hurlbert, & Poggio, 1995; Edelman &
tion in other object-centered positions (e.g., top or bottom) Poggio, 1991).
that likewise evoke little or no response. Control experiments
(not shown) demonstrate that this tuning is consistent across Three-dimensional object shape is represented in
retinotopic positions (within the PIT RF), so spatial tuning terms of surface fragments
is much more acute in object-centered coordinates than in
retinotopic coordinates. The results described above relate to two-dimensional
Thus PIT neurons provide the kind of relative position object boundary shape. Objects produce two-dimensional
information critical for parts-based structural coding. In contrast boundaries in the retinal image; therefore it
addition to being centered on the object, the PIT reference would be reasonable if two-dimensional boundary rep-
frame probably scales with object size, given that PIT tuning resentation were the primary mode for object vision. In
functions (and tuning functions at higher stages in the ventral physical reality, however, objects are three-dimensional, and
pathway; Ito, Tamura, Fujita, & Tanaka, 1995) exhibit classical theories (Biederman, 1987; Marr & Nishihara,
remarkable consistency across size changes spanning multi- 1978) posit explicit representation of three-dimensional

460 sensation and perception

Predicted and
Example stimuli observed responses

Response rate (spikes/s)

Preferred 20
object-relative position

Non-preferred 20
object-relative position
0 500
Post-stimulus time (ms)
Figure 31.5 PIT tuning for object-centered position. Average is high, as shown by the peristimulus-time response histogram at
responses of the same example neuron to two subsets of the stimuli the right. In the bottom row, the double concavity configuration is
in figure 31.3. In the top row, the opposed concavity configuration positioned to the right of object center, and the average response
is positioned to the left of object center, and the average response is low.

object structure, based on three-dimensional spatial con- the three-dimensional shape information encoded by the
figurations of three-dimensional parts. This is a particul- neuron. The best-fit model for this cell (figure 31.7) cap-
arly strong prediction, given the computational difficulty tured both the forward-facing ridge near the front of the
of extracting three-dimensional structure from two- object and the shallow concave dorsal surface behind it that
dimensional retinal images and the higher-dimensional characterized high-response stimuli. The response model
neural coding that is required to represent three- was highly nonlinear; predicted (and observed) responses
dimensional structure. In contrast, current computational were substantial only for stimuli with both surface fragments.
vision models favor direct processing of two-dimensional The result shown here typifies three-dimensional shape
images with no explicit representation of three-dimensional tuning observed for a substantial fraction of CIT/AIT cells.
object structure (Fei-Fei, Fergus, & Perona, 2006; Lowe, These neurons were tuned for three-dimensional spatial
2004; Moghaddam & Pentland, 1997; Murase & Nayar, configurations of multiple surface fragments defined by their
1995; Riesenhuber & Poggio, 1999; Turk & Pentland, 1991; surface curvatures and three-dimensional orientations.
Weber, Welling, & Perona, 2000). These observations support the classic hypothesis that three-
The three-dimensional structural coding hypothesis dimensional shapes are represented as structural configura-
has not been directly tested, owing to the experimental tions of three-dimensional parts.
difficulty of exploring the virtually infinite domain of In contrast to these findings regarding biological object
three-dimensional object shape. In a recent attempt to vision, recent computational systems for object recognition
overcome this obstacle, Yamane and colleagues (2008) have been most successful with nonstructural processing of
used an evolutionary morphing strategy to sample three- two-dimensional image information (Fei-Fei et al., 2006;
dimensional object shape (figure 31.6). Neurons in central Lowe, 2004; Moghaddam & Pentland, 1997; Murase
and anterior IT (CIT/AIT) were studied by first measuring & Nayar, 1995; Riesenhuber & Poggio, 1999; Turk &
their responses to an initial generation of 50 random three- Pentland, 1991; Weber et al., 2000). This makes sense, given
dimensional shapes (figure 31.6, generation 1). The second the computational expense of inferring and encoding
stimulus generation included partially morphed descen- three-dimensional structure. It may be that even in the
dants of higher-response stimuli from the first generation. brain, rapid object recognition depends on two-dimensional
This process was iterated across 8–10 generations, pro- processing (Hung, Kreiman, Poggio, & DiCarlo, 2005;
ducing extensive sampling of stimuli in the high- and inter- Serre, Oliva, & Poggio, 2007) and neural coding of three-
mediate-response range of the cell. High-response stimuli dimensional structure instead supports other aspects of
were typically characterized by some shared local shape object vision requiring detailed structural knowledge. Com-
structure. In this case, the most noticeable shared structure paring similar objects within a recognized class, evaluating
is a ridge near the front of the shape facing out of the image the functionality and utility of unfamiliar objects, anticipat-
plane. ing physical events, and guiding physical interactions with
When sampling was sufficiently complete, the response objects are all likely to require detailed knowledge of three-
pattern could be used to constrain a quantitative model of dimensional structure.

connor, pasupathy, brincat, and yamane: neural transformation of object information 461
generation 1 generation 2

generation 3 generation 4

generation 5 generation 6

generation 7 generation 8

0 sp/sec 45

462 sensation and perception

Figure 31.6 An evolutionary three-dimensional shape-morphing the neuron’s average response (see the scale bar, lower right). Sub-
experiment. The first stimulus generation was created by randomly sequent stimulus generations included partially morphed descen-
perturbing control points defining a topologically spherical spline dants of stimuli from previous generations. Ancestor stimuli were
mesh. Stimuli were rendered in three dimensions with shading cues drawn in equal proportions from higher, intermediate, and lower
(visible here) and corresponding stereoscopic (binocular disparity) response-level ranges. The end result was extensive sampling
cues. Stimuli were flashed at the center of gaze, and responses were around the peak, shoulders, and boundaries of the neuron’s shape-
recorded from a single neuron in AIT of a monkey performing a tuning range. (From Yamane et al. (2008). Originally published in
fixation task. For each stimulus, the background gray level denotes Nature Neuroscience.)

Boundary fragment configurations are derived by integration provides a selective, explicit signal for the
recurrent network processing overall configuration. In contrast, more linear summation
of fragment information produces ambiguous signals
The results described above suggest that the ventral pathway associated with many different fragments or fragment
encodes objects as spatial configurations of boundary frag- combinations.
ments. If so, this begs the more difficult question of how such Fine-scale temporal analysis shows that PIT responses
configural information is derived. A direct answer to this initially reflect linear summation, with nonlinear informa-
question would require comprehensive measurement of tion emerging more gradually (Brincat & Connor, 2006). In
neural network activity across multiple processing stages, many cases, this is observable in the responses of individual
which is not currently possible. But one indirect approach neurons. The PIT neuron represented in figure 31.8 was
to inferring underlying network mechanisms is fine-scale sensitive to concave boundary fragments oriented toward
temporal analysis of neural responses. If shape information the upper left (135 degrees) and concave fragments oriented
is derived by time-consuming network processes, the evolu- toward the lower right (315 degrees). The average temporal
tion of that information across time (following stimulus onset) response profiles (solid gray histograms) for stimuli contain-
may be observable in the neural responses. As will be detailed ing only the 315-degree concavity (top row) or only the
below, the evolution of configural shape signals in PIT is 135-degree concavity (middle row) are phasic, confined to a
observable in this way. window between 100 and 200 ms following stimulus onset.
The figure 31.3 PIT neuron exemplifies supralinear The response profile for stimuli containing both of these
integration of information across boundary fragments. As fragments (bottom row) includes an initial phasic spike in the
the equation in figure 31.3C reflects, responses produced 100- to 200-ms window that closely approximates the sum
by individual fragments were low (factors A, B, and C of the individual fragment responses (represented by the
have coefficients below 7 spikes per second), while responses dark gray curve, which shows the predicted linear sum based
to fragment combinations were high (factor ABC has a on a temporal response model). For these stimuli, however,
large coefficient of 35 spikes per second). This nonlinear the response persists throughout the entire 500-ms stimulus

Response = 0.4A+0.0B+49.0AB+0.0
1 180 1 1
Minimum curvature

Angle on YZ plane

Relative Y position

Relative Y position

0 0 0

–1 00 –1 –1
–1 0 1 180 360 –1 0 1 –1 0 1
Maximum curvature Angle on XY plane (deg) Relative X position Relative Z position

Figure 31.7 AIT neural tuning for three-dimensional surface The surface normal orientation points toward the viewer (near 0
fragment configuration. Each stimulus was defined in terms of its on the YZ-plane). The position is toward the front of the object
constituent surface fragments. Surface fragments were character- (near 1 on the Z-axis). The surface region on a high response
ized in terms of their XYZ position relative to object center, three- stimulus (at right) corresponding to this Gaussian function is tinted
dimensional orientation, and three-dimensional surface curvature gray. The other Gaussian tuning region (black) defines shallow
(maximum and minimum cross-sectional curvature). Response pat- concave surfaces with normals pointing upward (near 90 degrees
terns were fit with multiple Gaussian tuning functions in the posi- on the XY- and YZ-planes) positioned near object center. The
tion/orientation/curvature domain. The best-fit model for this cell response equation at the top indicates low responses to stimuli with
was based on two Gaussian tuning regions (black and gray circles, only one surface fragment or the other (A or B) but high responses
describing 1.0 standard deviation boundaries). The gray tuning for the combination (AB). (From Yamane et al. (2008). Originally
region defines surface fragments with sharp convex maximum cur- published in Nature Neuroscience.)
vature (near 1) and flat minimum curvature (near 0), that is, a ridge.

connor, pasupathy, brincat, and yamane: neural transformation of object information 463
Predicted and
Example stimuli observed responses


Response rate (spikes/s)

Fragment 0

selectivity 20



0 500
Post-stimulus time (ms)

Figure 31.8 Time course of linear and nonlinear boundary frag- degrees. Bottom row, Average response to stimuli containing both
ment responses for a PIT neuron. Top row, Average response to concavities. The total predicted response (black curve), predicted
stimuli containing a concavity oriented toward 315 degrees. The linear response due to individual fragment terms (dark gray curve),
time course of observed response (gray histogram) and response and predicted nonlinear response due to the fragment combination
predicted by a temporal model (black curve) are shown. The gray term (light gray curve) are shown. (Adapted from Neuron (Brincat
box indicates the stimulus presentation period. Middle row, Average & Connor, 2006) with permission from Elsevier.)
response to stimuli containing a concavity oriented toward 135

presentation. Thus beyond 200 ms following stimulus onset, Newsome, 1985; Rodman & Albright, 1989; Pack,
this neuron exhibits highly nonlinear integration and conveys Berezovskii, & Born, 2001; Smith, Majaj, & Movshon, 2005).
an explicit signal for the necklike configuration of two In both cases, it could be that some kind of recurrent network
opposed concavities. processing is required to generate unambiguous signals
This example reflects a general trend in PIT for linear based on integration across multiple stimulus components.
boundary fragment responses to evolve more quickly, There are, however, alternative interpretations that cannot
peaking around 120 ms after stimulus onset (figure 31.9A; be ruled out at this point. For example, selectivity for com-
the black curve summarizes linear response strength across bined inputs might be produced by a static threshold non-
a sample of 89 PIT neurons). In contrast, nonlinear response linearity and could be temporarily masked by transient onset
strength evolved more gradually, peaking 180 ms after responses.
onset (figure 31.9A, gray curve). These trends were partly
due to single-neuron tuning transitions as in figure 31.8 Summary: Configural representation of object structure
(figure 31.9B, thin curves) and partly due to differential
response profiles of consistently linear neurons (figure 31.9B, The findings reviewed above suggest at least a partial expla-
thick black curve) versus consistently nonlinear neurons nation of how the ventral visual pathway achieves compact,
(figure 31.9B, thick gray curve). This overall pattern is stable representation of useful object information. In area
consistent with a fairly simple neural network model V4, object boundary fragments are summarized in terms of
in which neurons vary in the relative strength of V4-like their first- and second-order derivatives (orientation and cur-
boundary fragment inputs and recurrent inputs (recurrent vature), greatly reducing the dimensionality of the retinal
excitatory inputs from cells with similar configuration response pattern. At the next processing stage in PIT, con-
tuning, recurrent inhibitory inputs from cells with dissimilar figurations of multiple fragments are represented (further
tuning) (Brincat & Connor, 2006; Salinas & Abbott, 1996). reducing dimensionality) in an object-centered reference
Neurons with stronger V4 inputs respond quickly and in a frame (producing stability across changes in retinal position).
more linear fashion, while neurons with stronger recurrent Recent results in more anterior regions of inferotemporal
connectivity respond more slowly and in a more nonlinear cortex suggest that this configural coding scheme generalizes
fashion. The 60-ms delay for part configuration signals in to three-dimensional shape representation in terms of object
PIT is consistent with a remarkably similar delay for pattern surface fragments. Considering the processing time that is
motion signals in area MT (Movshon, Adelson, Gizzi, & required to perfect these configural representations (on the

464 sensation and perception


Mean response components






0 100 200 300 400 500
Post-stimulus time (ms)

Figure 31.9 The average time course of linear and nonlinear into neurons with consistently linear responses across time (thick
response components in PIT. (A) Normalized linear (black curve) black curve), neurons with consistently nonlinear responses (thick
and nonlinear (gray curve) response strength averaged across tem- gray curve), and linear (thin black curve) and nonlinear (thin gray
poral models fit to responses of 89 PIT neurons. Dots with corre- curve) model components for neurons that transitioned across time.
sponding colors indicate the estimated onset and peak (90% (Adapted from Neuron (Brincat & Connor, 2006) with permission
maximum) times for linear and nonlinear responses. (B) The same from Elsevier.)
linear and nonlinear response strength averages are partitioned

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466 sensation and perception

32 The Cognitive and Neural
Development of Face
Recognition in Humans
elinor mckone, kate crookes, and nancy kanwisher

abstract Conventional wisdom has long held that face recogni- recognition get wired up during development in the first
tion develops very slowly throughout infancy, childhood, and ado- place?
lescence, with perceptual experience as the primary engine of this Our review of the available evidence supports a view of
development. However, striking new findings from just the last few
years have overturned much of this traditional view by demonstrat-
the development of face recognition that is dramatically dif-
ing genetic influences on the face recognition system as well as ferent from the one suggested by the first studies in the field.
impressive face discrimination abilities that are present in newborns Twenty years ago, the standard theory was that core aspects
and in monkeys that were reared without ever seeing a face. Nev- of the ability to discriminate faces were not present until 10
ertheless, experience does play a role, for example, in narrowing years of age, and their emergence and eventual maturity
the range of facial subtypes for which discrimination is possible and
were determined primarily by experience (Carey & Diamond,
perhaps in increasing discrimination abilities within that range.
Here we first describe the cognitive and neural characteristics of 1977; Carey, Diamond, & Woods, 1980). This position has
the adult system for face recognition, and then we chart the devel- been overturned by recent findings that demonstrate striking
opment of this system over infancy and childhood. This review abilities even in neonates and by mounting evidence of
identifies a fascinating new puzzle to be targeted in future research: genetic contributions.
All qualitative aspects of adult face recognition measured behavior-
We organize our review by age group. Throughout, we
ally are present very early in development (by 4 years of age; all
that have been tested are also present in infancy), yet functional ask how the available data address the following fundamen-
magnetic resonance imaging and event-related potential evidence tal theoretical questions:
shows very late maturity of face-selective neural responses (with the
1. What are the inherited genetic contributions to the
fusiform face area increasing substantially in volume between age
7 years and adulthood). specification of the adult system for processing facial identity
2. What is derived from experience?
Introduction 3. How exactly do genes and/or experience work sepa-
rately or together across the course of development to
One of the most impressive skills of the human visual produce the adult system?
system is our ability to identify a specific individual from
a brief glance at their face, thus distinguishing that indi- The perception of face identity in adulthood
vidual from hundreds of other people we know, despite
the wide variations in the appearance of each face as it We begin with a characterization of the end state of develop-
changes in viewpoint, lighting, emotional expression, and ment: the cognitive and neural basis of the perception of
hairstyle. Though many mysteries remain, important facial identity in adults. Note that this is a major topic in its
insights have been gleaned over the last two decades about own right, with much internal theoretical debate. However,
the cognitive and neural mechanisms that enable humans to facilitate our present interest in the developmental course of
to recognize faces. Here, we address an even more difficult face recognition, we focus on empirical phenomena, espe-
and fundamental question: How does the machinery of face cially those that are well established in adults and have sub-
sequently been tested in development.
elinor mckone and kate crookes Department of Psychology,
Core Behavioral Properties of Face Identity Perception
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
nancy kanwisher McGovern Institute for Brain Research and in Adult Humans Basic properties of face identification in
Department of Brain and Cognitive Science, Massachusetts adults are as follows. Identification is more accurate when
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts faces are upright than when they are inverted (i.e., upside

mckone, crookes, and kanwisher: development of face recognition in humans 467

down) on both memory and perceptual tasks, and the McKone, & Nakayama, 2006). All these holistic effects are
inversion decrement is substantially larger for faces than for specific to upright faces; they are not found for inverted or
nonface objects (the disproportionate inversion effect; Yin, 1969; scrambled faces (Young et al., 1987; Tanaka & Sengco,
see also Robbins & McKone, 2007). Generalization from a 1997; Robbins & McKone, 2003; Martini et al., 2006) and
single image of a novel face in one viewpoint to an image in are weak or absent for objects, including objects of expertise
another is relatively poor, albeit better from the three-quarter (for reviews, see McKone, Kanwisher, & Duchaine, 2007;
view to front or profile views than between the more distinct Robbins & McKone, 2007).
profile and front views (the three-quarter view advantage; Finally, other behavioral phenomena have been taken to
Logie, Baddeley, & Woodhead, 1987). For familiar faces, indicate coding within a perceptual “face-space,” defined as
performance on memory tasks relies more strongly on a multidimensional space in which each individual face is
inner face regions than on external regions that include coded as a point by its value on underlying dimensions
hair; for unfamiliar faces, the pattern is reversed (inner describing different aspects of facial structure and for
versus outer features effects; Ellis, Sheperd, & Davies, 1979). which the “average” face lies at the center of the space
Finally, identification of own-race faces is better than (Valentine, 1991). These phenomena include distinctiveness
identification of other-race faces (the other-race effect; Meissner effects, in which performance is better for distinctive faces
& Brigham, 2001). Note that the first two properties (i.e., the than for typical faces on old-new recognition tasks but the
disproportionate inversion effect and the three-quarter view pattern is reversed on face versus nonface classification tasks
advantage) derive directly from perceptual processing, but (Valentine & Bruce, 1986), and adaptation aftereffects, in which,
the last two are known to derive at least partly from deliberate for example, adaptation to expanded faces make a physically
task strategies (e.g., reliance on hair for novel faces if normal face appear contracted (Webster & MacLin, 1999)
distinctive hair is present; Duchaine & Weidenfeld, 2003) or and adaptation to “anti-Bill” (the physical opposite of Bill in
social and attentional factors (other-race effect; Bernstein, face space) makes the average face appear like Bill (Leopold,
Young, & Hugenberg, 2007). O’Toole, Vetter, & Blanz, 2001).
Additional experimental findings can be grouped under
the heading of phenomena that have motivated the concept Neurophysiology and Functional Magnetic Resonance
of holistic/configural processing. Holistic/configural processing Imaging in Adult Monkeys Adult monkeys show cortical
is defined (e.g., Tanaka & Farah, 1993; Maurer, Lewis, & mechanisms specialized for face perception. Strongly face-
Mondloch, 2005) as (1) a strong integration at the perceptual selective responses from single neurons (“face cells”) are well
level of information from all regions of the face (so that alter- established in the temporal lobes of macaques (Desimone,
ing one region leads to changes in the percept of other Albright, Gross, & Bruce, 1984; Foldiak, Xiao, Keysers,
regions), which (2) codes the exact spacing between face Edwards, & Perrett, 2004), and face-selective cortical regions
features (and, more controversially, exact feature shape as have been reported in macaques using functional magnetic
well; Yovel & Duchaine, 2006), and (3) is strongly sensitive resonance imaging (fMRI) (Tsao, Freiwald, Knutsen,
to face inversion. Relevant phenomena are as follows. Sub- Mandeville, & Tootell, 2003; Pinsk, DeSimone, Moore,
jects find it harder to identify one half of a combination face Gross, & Kastner, 2005). Tsao, Freiwald, Tootell, and
(e.g., the top half of George Bush’s face with the bottom half Livingstone (2006) demonstrated direct correspondence
of Tony Blair’s face) if the inconsistent other half-face is between face-selective fMRI patches and face selectivity of
aligned with the target half rather than misaligned (the com- single cells within those patches. Note that the role of “face
posite effect; Young, Hellawell, & Hay, 1987). Subjects are cells” in supporting the behavioral phenomena described in
also better able to distinguish which of two face parts (e.g., the previous section is mostly unexplored, with the exceptions
two noses) appeared in a previously shown face when these that a preponderance of face-selective cells are tuned to
are presented in the context of the whole face than when upright (Perrett et al., 1988) and that their tuning to facial
they are presented in isolation (the part-whole effect; Tanaka distortions from the “average face” is consistent with a face
& Farah, 1993). Part choice is also better in the original space coding of facial identity (Leopold, Bondar, & Giese,
whole than in a version of the whole face with an alteration 2006). In development, only basic face selectivity has been
in spacing between nontarget features (the part-in-spacing- studied.
altered-whole effect; Tanaka & Sengco, 1997), a finding that is
consistent with other evidence of strong sensitivity to spacing Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Cortical
changes (e.g., distance between eyes) in upright faces (e.g., Loci of Face Identity Processing in Adult Humans
Rhodes, Brake, & Atkinson, 1993; McKone, Aitkin, & Brain imaging in humans reveals three face-selective cortical
Edwards, 2005). When an upright and an inverted version regions (figure 32.1), of which the fusiform face area (FFA)
of a face are superimposed in transparency, the upright face (Kanwisher, McDermott, & Chun, 1997), is the main one
is perceived more strongly (perceptual bias to upright; Martini, that is investigated in children. This region, which can be

468 sensation and perception

response for repeated compared to unrepeated faces) when
the faces are upright but not inverted (Jacques & Rossion,
2006; Jacques, D’arripe, & Rossion, 2007). An important
point that is relevant to the interpretation of developmental
studies is that the neural source of the N170 is unknown even
in adults, and the sources of suggested equivalent components
in children and infants could possibly be different still.

Data from adult subjects relevant to the roles of

experience and genetics
Before considering what developmental studies tell us about
the roles of experience and genetics in face recognition, we
describe several findings from adults that also bear directly
upon these issues.
Figure 32.1 Face-selective activation (faces > objects, p < 0.0001) Clearly, experience in isolation can influence face perception.
on an inflated brain of one adult subject, shown from lateral and Adults continue to learn new faces throughout life, and this
ventral views of the right and left hemispheres. Three face-selective improves perceptual discrimination of these faces: Matching
regions are shown: the FFA in the fusiform gyrus along the ventral the correct face photograph to a degraded security camera
part of the brain, the OFA in the lateral occipital area, and the video image is more accurate if the face is familiar than if it
fSTS in the posterior region of the superior temporal sulcus. For
studies of face identification (rather than expression, etc.), the FFA is unfamiliar (Burton, Wilson, Cowan, & Bruce, 1999; also
and OFA are of greatest interest. (See color plate 46.) see Bruce, Henderson, Newson & Burton, 2001). Tempo-
rary aftereffects from adaptation to distorted faces (e.g.,
found in essentially every normal adult in a short “localizer” Webster & MacLin, 1999) also indicate purely experience-
scan (Saxe, Brett, & Kanwisher, 2006), responds more based changes in the tuning of perceptual representations of
strongly to faces than to letter strings and textures (Puce, faces. Training effects on the ability to discriminate trained
Allison, Asgari, Gore, & McCarthy, 1996), flowers (McCarthy, and novel faces have also been demonstrated in an adult
Luby, Gore, & Goldman-Rakic, 1997), and indeed all other prosopagnosic (DeGutis, Bentin, Robertson, & D’Esposito,
nonface stimuli that have been tested to date, including 2007). Interestingly, however, there is no evidence that expe-
mixed everyday objects, houses, hands (Kanwisher et al., rience alone produces any fundamental qualitative change in
1997), and objects of expertise (Kanwisher & Yovel, in face processing either neurally or cognitively; for example,
press). holistic processing, “face space” effects, and FFA activation
fMRI adaptation studies show that neural populations in all occur strongly for both familiar faces and unfamiliar faces
the FFA can discriminate face identity (Rotshtein, Henson, (Young et al., 1987; Kanwisher et al., 1997; Webster &
Treves, Driver, & Dolan, 2005) but not facial expression MacLin, 1999; Le Grand, Mondloch, Maurer, & Brent,
(Winston, Vuilleumier, & Dolan, 2003). The FFA is involved 2004; Carbon et al., 2007).
in individual discrimination of upright but not inverted faces Studies of human adults provide two sources of evidence
(Yovel & Kanwisher, 2005; Mazard, Schiltz, & Rossion, for genetic contributions. Inability to recognize faces in the
2006), and its inversion effect (i.e., higher response to upright absence of any known brain injury (developmental prosop-
than inverted faces) correlates with the behavioral inversion agnosia) often runs in families (Duchaine, Germine, &
effect (Yovel & Kanwisher, 2005). The FFA also demon- Nakayama, 2007; Grueter et al., 2007; Kennerknecht,
strates holistic processing, specifically a composite effect Pluempe, & Welling, 2008). Also, in normal adults, fMRI
(Schiltz & Rossion, 2006). shows greater similarity in the pattern of activation across
the ventral visual stream for monozygotic compared to dizy-
Electrophysiological Signatures in Human Adults A gotic twins, but only for stimulus classes for which an evolu-
negative-going event-related potential (ERP) response tionary origin of the observed selective cortical regions could
peaking about 170 ms after stimulus onset over posterior reasonably be proposed: faces and places but not written
temporal sites (N170) has been widely replicated to be face- words or chairs (Polk, Park, Smith, & Park, 2007).
selective (Halgren, Raij, Marinkovic, Jousmaki, & Hari, In summary, results from adults tell us that experience can
2000; Liu, Harris, & Kanwisher, 2002). This peak is delayed fine-tune face recognition without changing its qualitative
by 10 ms, and is larger in amplitude for inverted faces than properties and that genes explain some of the variation
for upright faces (Bentin, Allison, Puce, Perez, & McCarthy, behaviorally and neurally. Importantly, adult studies do
1996). The N170 also shows identity discrimination (a lower not tell us at what developmental stage genes have their

mckone, crookes, and kanwisher: development of face recognition in humans 469

influence. In particular, they do not necessarily demonstrate
that a face system is present at birth. Some genetically pre-
determined processes are present at birth (e.g., the sucking
reflex), but others affect maturational processes later in
childhood or adolescence (e.g., puberty).

Development: Infancy
In exploring genetic and experience-based contributions to
face recognition via infancy studies, several interrelated
questions are relevant. First, which abilities, if any, are
present at birth? Visual abilities that are present in neonates
(or in monkeys that have been deprived of all face input)
cannot be derived from experience and therefore provide
the only method of revealing genetic influences in isolation
from any visual learning. Second, if babies are born with a
face representation, is its purpose merely to draw attention
to faces (cf. CONSPEC in Morton & Johnson, 1991) or to
support individuation? Third, how broadly tuned is any such
representation: broad enough to cover any primate face,
specific to own-species faces, or perhaps even to own-race
faces? Finally, which, if any, of the types of effects of experi-
ence in early infancy that are found in other perceptual and
cognitive domains occur for faces: Improvements with
increasing experience? Perceptual narrowing (i.e., destruc-
tion of earlier ability)? Critical periods? Studies of these
topics published within the last few years have dramatically
altered our understanding of infant face recognition.
In a classic result, newborns (median age: 9 minutes) track
an upright “paddle face” (figure 32.2A) further than versions
in which the position of the internal blobs is scrambled or
inverted (Goren, Sarty, & Wu, 1975; Johnson, Dziurawiec,
Ellis, & Morton, 1991). Although it has been suggested that
this preference could arise from general visual biases (e.g.,
for stimuli with more elements in the upper visual field;
Simion, Macchi Cassia, Turati, & Valenza, 2003), prefer-
ence only for the normal contrast polarity of a (Caucasian)
face (Farroni et al., 2005) argues for a level of specificity to
facelike structure. Thus humans are born with some type of
innate preference that, at the very least, attracts infants’
attention to faces. Note that the innate representation sup-
porting face preference could be different from that support- Figure 32.2 Face perception without experience. (A) Newborn
humans (<1 hour old) track the “paddle face” on the left further
ing face individuation in adults ( Johnson, 2005); indeed, a than the scrambled version (Morton & Johnson, 1991). (B) Newborn
finding that neonates track faces in the temporal but not humans (<3 days) look longer at the novel than habituated face,
nasal visual field (Simion, Valenza, Umlita, & Dalla Barba, indicating recognition of face identity even across view change
1998) suggests a subcortical rather than cortical origin. (Turati et al., 2008). (C ) Japanese macaques raised with no expo-
Our concern in this chapter is primarily with the develop- sure to faces can, on first testing, discriminate very subtle differ-
ences between individual monkey faces (including differences both
ment of face individuation ability. This can be measured in
in shape and in spacing of internal features) and can also do this
infants by looking time measures that assess preference and for human faces (Sugita, 2008).
dishabituation-to-perceived-novelty. A classic finding is that
neonates less than 4 days old can discriminate their mother
from similar-looking women (Pascalis, de Schonen, Morton,
Deruelle, & Fabre-Grenet, 1995; Bushnell, 2001), although

470 sensation and perception

mother recognition in the first 24 hours may be partially individual, upright but not inverted (Cohen & Cashon,
dependent on prenatal familiarity with her voice (Sai, 2005). 2001). At 3 months (although not at 1 month), human infants
More recent data demonstrate even more striking abilities. falsely recognize the average of four studied faces as “old,”
Three-month-olds can recognize the identity of novel indi- a phenomenon that is also shown by adults (de Haan,
viduals, with similar-looking faces (same sex, age, race), without Johnson, Maurer, & Perrett, 2001). Importantly, there are
hair, and across view changes (Pascalis, De Haan, Nelson, & de no major behavioral properties of face recognition present
Schonen, 1998; Kelly et al., 2007). Indeed, it has very in adults that are known not to be present in infants; where
recently been discovered that newborns (<3 days) can we have not mentioned properties (e.g., adaptation afteref-
perform this task (Turati, Bulf, & Simion, 2008; see figure fects), this is because no relevant data exist, not because
32.2B). Moreover, the newborns discriminated only front to infants have been tested and failed to show effects.
three-quarter view changes and not three-quarter to profile, Findings of perceptual narrowing indicate that (1) a represen-
in a pattern somewhat (although not precisely) similar to the tational capacity for faces that is present at birth can initially
three-quarter view advantage that is seen in adults. Finally, be applied to a wide range of faces but that (2) this range
newborns demonstrate an inversion effect on discrimination, gets restricted during the first several months of life to include
with babies 1–3 days old discriminating same-view faces only the kinds of faces (i.e., species or race) that have been
without hair upright but not inverted (Turati, Macchi Cassia, seen in this period. Perceptual narrowing is best known from
Simion, & Leo, 2006). the domain of language (e.g., Kuhl, Tsao, & Liu, 2003).
The newborn discrimination findings strongly suggest that Infants are born with the ability to discriminate phoneme
a face representation, tuned to upright and able to support boundaries from all possible languages in the world (e.g.,
individual-level representation, is present at birth. It seems English and Japanese), but over the first 6–12 months of
unlikely that 3 “days” of experience with faces—in fact, a life, they lose the ability to discriminate phonemes from
maximum of perhaps 12 hours of visual experience of any nonexperienced languages (e.g., Japanese for a child from a
kind (newborns sleep 16 hours per day and have their eyes monolingual English-speaking family), and even extensive
shut during breastfeeding and crying)—would be sufficient exposure as an adult is usually insufficient to regain native-
for a purely learning-based system to support the level of fine speaker levels of discrimination and reproduction. For faces,
discrimination ability that is observed. five studies have reported and explored properties of percep-
Even more compelling, however, is a recent behavioral tual narrowing. In humans, Pascalis, de Haan, and Nelson
study in monkeys (Sugita, 2008). Japanese macaques were (2002) showed that 6-month-old infants could discriminate
raised by human caregivers wearing masks, giving the both human and monkey faces, while 9-month-olds and
monkeys no exposure to faces but otherwise normal visual adults could discriminate only human faces. Kelly and col-
experience in a complex environment. On their very first leagues (2007) reported that Caucasian babies from the
experience with faces (aged 6–24 months), the monkeys north of England, with high exposure to Caucasians but
showed a preference to look at static photographs of faces essentially no exposure to African or Asian faces, could rec-
over photographs of objects that were equally novel in their ognize individuals (across view change) from all three races
visual environment (e.g., cars, houses) and discriminated at 3 months of age. At 6 months, Caucasian babies could no
very subtle differences between individual faces (figure 32.2C) longer individuate African faces; at 9 months, they had addi-
in a habituation paradigm. tionally lost the ability to individuate Asians. The Sugita
A variety of other infant findings also either directly (2008) study described earlier reported that on first exposure
argue that a representational capacity for differentiating to faces, the monkeys not only could discriminate individual
individual face structures is present at birth or at least do monkey faces (other macaques), but also could make
not reject this conclusion. Newborns (<1 week) prefer faces extremely fine discriminations among human faces (figure
rated by adults as attractive over unattractive faces when the 32.2C ). Following 1 month of exposure to a single face type
faces are upright but not inverted (Slater, Quinn, Hayes, & (either human or monkey, involving live interaction for least
Brown, 2000). Regarding holistic processing, Sugita’s (2008) 2 hours per day), Sugita’s monkeys lost the ability to dis-
monkeys discriminated spacing changes (figure 32.2C ) with criminate individuals of the nonexperienced species. Relearn-
almost no prior experience of faces (they had been exposed ing was also difficult; monkeys that were initially exposed
to faces only during the short face preference task), and five- only to humans failed to discriminate monkey faces even
month-old humans discriminate spacing changes small after subsequently sharing a cage with 10 other monkeys for
enough to fall within the normal physical range, upright but 11 months. (Note, however, that there is some evidence of
not inverted (Hayden, Bhatt, Reed, Corbly, & Joseph, 2007); flexibility in humans into middle childhood: Korean chil-
also babies 6–8 months old show a composite-like effect in dren adopted to Caucasian Francophone countries at age
which the combination of the inner features of one old face 3–9 years showed, as adults, better recognition memory for
with the outer features of another old face is treated as a new Caucasian faces than for Korean faces; Sangrigoli, Pallier,

mckone, crookes, and kanwisher: development of face recognition in humans 471

Argenti, Ventureyra, & de Schonen, 2005). During human eye-only cataracts did not (Le Grand, Mondloch, Maurer,
infancy, perceptual narrowing can be avoided by deliberate & Brent, 2003), a pattern that is consistent with the normal
exposure to face types that the infant would not naturally role of the right hemisphere in holistic processing (Rossion
see; regular exposure to monkey faces beginning at 6 months et al., 2000). Interestingly, there does not appear to be a
leads to retained ability to discriminate monkey faces at 9 critical period for the ability to discriminate faces per se.
months (Pascalis et al., 2005). Perceptual narrowing for Anecdotally, the Canadian cataract patients are not func-
faces also has an interesting possible link with narrowing for tionally prosopagnosic (Daphne Maurer, personal commu-
language. Lewkowicz and Ghazanfar (2006) reported that nication); for example, they report even being able to
human infants could make cross-modality matches of a recognize other-race students when teaching English in
monkey vocalization to a picture of a monkey face making Korea (Rachel Robbins, personal communication). Formal
that particular sound at 4 and 6 months but that this ability testing shows good ability to match novel faces (without view
was lost at 8 and 10 months. change) both in these patients (Geldart, Mondloch, Maurer,
Importantly, the perceptual narrowing effects for faces de Schonen, & Brent, 2002) and in an Indian woman whose
described above indicate only a destructive effect of experi- congenital cataracts were not removed until 12 years of age
ence across infancy (i.e., loss of initial ability with other (Ostrovsky, Andalman, & Sinha, 2006). Also, lack of visual
species and other races). In the domain of language, loss of experience with faces for the first 6–24 months in Sugita’s
phonetic discrimination ability within nonexperienced lan- (2008) monkeys did not destroy discrimination ability. The
guages has been shown to co-occur with an improvement of reason why a requirement for early visual input exists for
phonetic discriminability within the experienced language holistic processing but not face discrimination remains to be
(Kuhl et al., 2006). Thus perceptual narrowing for faces resolved. One possibly relevant observation is that holistic
might similarly include enhanced ability to discriminate processing could perhaps have a particular role in cross-view
experienced face subtypes; that is, discrimination for recognition (McKone, 2008), and the Canadian cataract
own-species own-race faces might start crude and improve patients have a specific problem with recognition of once-
with practice. Potentially consistent with this prediction, seen faces across view changes (Geldart et al., 2002). (Note
Humphreys and Johnson (2007) showed that the physical that the Indian patient and Sugita’s monkeys were tested on
difference between faces that was required to produce same-view faces only.)
novelty preference was smaller in 7-month-olds than in 4- The behavioral findings reviewed above, demonstrating
month-olds, indicating that the older babies could either abilities present at birth, perceptual narrowing and critical
make finer perceptual discriminations or keep these in periods, are all consistent with a genetically determined
memory longer across the 1–5 item test delay. Neural systems “innate” contribution to infant face recognition. In par-
that are present at birth are often associated with a critical ticular, they argue for an innate contribution to face
(or sensitive) period (Sengpiel, 2007), requiring environmental individuation.
input of the appropriate stimulus type within a specified Neurally, face individuation in adults is associated with
period after birth to avoid being taken over for other pur- cortical rather than subcortical function. What is the evi-
poses. In a classic example, cats are born with cells tuned to dence regarding cortical face-processing function in infants?
all line orientations, but if raised in an environment contain- There are few available studies and none in neonates. Results
ing only vertical lines, they lose horizontal-responsive cells do, however, demonstrate face selectivity and inversion
and demonstrate a corresponding lack of behavioral sensitiv- effects. In infant macaques, Rodman, Scalaidhe, and Gross
ity to horizontal lines. For faces, Le Grand and colleagues (1993) found that the response magnitude of single units in
report evidence consistent with a critical period for one inferotemporal cortex was lower overall than in adults, but
important aspect of face perception: holistic processing. selectivity for form, including face selectivity, was present at
Congenital cataract patients, specifically people born with the youngest ages that were tested, within 2 months of birth.
dense cataracts disrupting all pattern vision who had the In humans, a PET study of 2.5-month-olds is somewhat
cataracts removed at 2–28 months of age, were tested at ages suggestive of face-selective activation in the fusiform gyrus
ranging between 9 years and adulthood. Despite their many (and other cortical regions), although the infants were not
years of postcataract exposure to faces, patients who had had neurologically normal, the statistical threshold was extremely
early bilateral cataracts showed no composite effect for faces lenient ( p < 0.05 uncorrected), and the contrast (faces versus
(Le Grand et al., 2004). Also, patients who had had right- blinking diodes) confounds selectivity for faces with responses
eye-only or bilateral cataracts, which produce a deficit of to visual shape information (Tzourio-Mazoyer et al., 2002).
input to the right hemisphere due to the wiring of the infant With the use of ERPs, human 3-month-olds exhibit an
visual system, showed a later deficit in processing spacing “N290” component that has larger amplitude for human
information in faces, while patients who had had left- faces than for monkey faces in the right hemisphere only

472 sensation and perception

(Halit, de Haan, & Johnson, 2003), although adult N170 biological maturation (Carey et al., 1980) or an interaction
shows the opposite pattern. At 12 months of age, this N290 of genetic and experiential factors.
was higher in amplitude for inverted faces than for upright
faces only for human faces, not monkey faces (like the adult Behavioral Measures of Face Identity Perception For
N170). Although the same study reported that this sensitivity children 4–5 years and older, it is possible, with care, to
to inversion was not found in 3-month-olds, another analysis adapt adult behavioral paradigms directly and thus to
of the same data using a different method (Johnson et al., compare child performance with adult performance on
2005) did claim to find such inversion sensitivity. Further, exactly the same tasks. For each phenomenon that is estab-
other ERP components (the P400 and the P1) do show inver- lished in adults, two empirical questions are of interest. First,
sion effects at 3 months, the youngest age tested (Halit et al., is there some age below which children simply do not show
2003). Similarly, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRs) responses that phenomenon at all (i.e., is there qualitative change with
in 5- to 8-month-old infants are stronger for upright faces age)? Second, regarding any phenomena that are observed,
than for inverted faces over the right hemisphere only when are full maturity levels reached (i.e., is there quantitative
(Otsuka et al., 2007; note the cortical source of this effect change with age)?
was most likely the STS). Overall, the available neural evi- We consider qualitative change first. Early behavioral
dence from infants is consistent with the existence of cortical research appeared to suggest that core perceptual pro-
machinery for processing faces within a few months after cesses involved in face identification did not emerge at all
birth, and there is no evidence to suggest that this is not until quite late in development (e.g., 10 years for holistic
present earlier. processing; Carey & Diamond, 1977; Carey et al., 1980).
Taking all findings together, we conclude that infants are Unfortunately, researchers in the face neuroscience liter-
born with a rich capacity to represent the structure of upright ature (e.g., Gathers, Bhatt, Corbly, Farley, & Joseph,
faces that supports face discrimination rather than merely 2004; Aylward et al., 2005; Golarai et al., 2007; Scherf,
drawing attention to faces. Results further show that this Behrmann, Humphrey, & Luna, 2007) commonly empha-
representation interacts with experience during infancy in size only these few early findings, which give an inaccurate
particular ways. A probable critical period suggests that representation of the current state of knowledge. In fact,
holistic processing is “experience-expectant” (i.e., early envi- research in the last 15 years has clearly established that all
ronmental input is required for its maintenance). Perceptual standard adult face recognition effects are present in young
narrowing shows that early experience restricts the range of children. (Indeed, we showed earlier in the chapter that all
faces that can be accommodated; that is, an initial represen- phenomena that were tested, including inversion effects,
tation of faces is sufficiently broadly tuned to support indi- were present in infancy.)
viduation of all face types including those of other primates, In child-age studies using adult tasks, every key adult
and experience with one subtype of face (own-species, own- property of face recognition that has been investigated has
race) removes this initial ability with other face types (other- been obtained at the youngest age tested. With respect to
species, other-races) at the same time that it possibly improves holistic processing, these results include the inversion effect
perceptual tuning for faces of the experienced subtype. on short- and long-term recognition memory (3 years old:
Regarding neural origin of face discrimination in infants, Sangrigoli & de Schonen, 2004; 4 years old: Carey, 1981;
there is evidence of relevant cortical representation by 5–6 years old: Brace et al., 2001; 7 years old: Flin, 1985),
midinfancy, but no data are available regarding whether the the composite effect (4 years old: De Heering, Houthuys, &
discrimination ability that is present at birth is supported by Rossion, 2007; 6 years old: Carey & Diamond, 1994; 6 years
cortical as opposed to subcortical representations. old: Mondloch, Pathman, Maurer, Le Grand, & de Schonen,
2007), the part-whole effect for upright but not inverted
Development: Four-year-olds to adults faces (4 years old: Pellicano & Rhodes, 2003; 6 years old:
Tanaka, Kay, Grinnell, Stansfield, & Szechter, 1998), the
In understanding the interaction of genetic inheritance and part-in-spacing-changed-whole effect for upright but not
learning, investigation of the developmental trajectory of inverted faces (4 years old: Pellicano, Rhodes, & Peters,
face processing in childhood through adulthood can be 2006) sensitivity to exact spacing between facial features
informative. When no change is found in a given behavioral (4 years old: McKone & Boyer, 2006; Pellicano et al., 2006),
or neural measure of face perception in this period, that the perceptual bias to upright in superimposed faces (8
argues against extended maturation or learning as being years old: Donnelly, Hadwin, Cave, & Stevenage, 2003),
necessary for the construction of the adult system. If instead and the internal-over-external features advantage for famil-
protracted development is observed, this could reflect learn- iar face identification (5–6 years old: Wilson, Blades, &
ing (as often assumed), though crucially it could also reflect Pascalis, 2007). Regarding face-space coding, results include

mckone, crookes, and kanwisher: development of face recognition in humans 473

distinctiveness effects on perception at 4 years (McKone & restricted (i.e., no ceiling effect) in adults, results seem to
Boyer, 2006) and on memory at 6–7 years (Gilchrist & suggest quantitative increases in the effect of interest with age
McKone, 2003), an other-race disadvantage on recognition (figure 32.3A), but (2) when room to show effects is restricted
memory at 3 years (Sangrigoli & de Schonen, 2004) and a by approaching ceiling in adults but is not restricted in young
recent conference report of adaptation aftereffects in 4–5- children (i.e., no floor effects on accuracy or, alternatively,
year-olds ( Jeffrey & Rhodes, 2008). Where early studies did use of a reaction time measure), results seem to show quan-
not show effects, this has generally been established to have titative decreases with age (figure 32.3B). Taking seriously the
arisen from methodological problems, the most common results of the first type of study as showing quantitative devel-
one being floor effects on the task in young children (e.g., opment in face perception (as is commonly done) requires
see Carey et al., 1980, versus Carey, 1981; or Johnston & also taking seriously the results of the second type of study—
Ellis, 1995, versus Gilchrist & McKone, 2003). Another case apparently leading to the conclusion that face perception gets
of note is the early suggestion that children could not perform consistently worse between early childhood and adulthood! A
face identification at all in the presence of distracting para- further requirement for valid comparison of rates of develop-
phernalia (Carey & Diamond, 1977); this finding was over- ment for two stimulus types is that performance be equated
turned (Lundy, Jackson, & Haaf, 2001) by simply making for the two types in one or other endpoint age group. This
the faces larger. (Also note that even adults are sometimes is commonly not done. As one example, Mondloch, Le
strongly distracted by paraphernalia; Simons & Levin, 1998.) Grand, & Maurer’s (2002) finding that sensitivity to feature
In summary, it is clear that there is no qualitative change in changes reaches adult levels earlier than spacing changes can
face perception beyond 4–5 years of age; quite possibly, be attributed (McKone & Boyer, 2006) simply to the fact that
there is none beyond infancy. the features changes were easier in adults (that is, perfor-
The question of whether quantitative change occurs is mance on an easier stimulus set reaches adult levels before
more difficult to answer. Certainly, performance on just performance on a more difficult stimulus set does). Another
about any experimental task involving faces improves very general issue in studies comparing faces versus objects, for
substantially across childhood and well into adolescence (see example, in rate of development (Golarai et al., 2007) or size
figures 32.3A and 32.3B). The crucial issue is how much of of inversion effects (Carey & Diamond, 1977; Teunisse & de
this development reflects development in face perception Gelder, 2003; Aylward et al., 2005), is that in addition to
(e.g., in holistic processing or in the fine tuning of face-space) producing very mixed results, the object classes that have
and how much reflects development in other general cogni- been tested to date (houses, scenes, sculptures, shoes) have
tive factors that are known to improve substantially across not been well matched to faces on basic parameters, such as
this age range and would affect task performance whatever not sharing a first-order configuration (houses, scenes) or not
the stimuli (e.g., explicit memory ability, ability to concen- being natural objects (sculptures, shoes).
trate on the task to instruction). A common bias of face Overall, we conclude that current behavioral evidence
researchers is to assume, given data showing increasing demonstrates qualitatively adultlike processing of faces in
memory for faces with age (e.g., figure 32.3A), that it is face young children but does not resolve whether processing is
perception that is changing, and that the task type—explicit quantitatively mature. We note, however, that at least some
memory—is irrelevant; yet an implicit memory researcher evidence suggests a conclusion that is likely to be surprising
looking at the same set of data would likely conclude that to many readers, namely, that even quantitative maturity
“explicit memory” is developing and presume that the par- might be reached by early childhood. The three studies that
ticular stimulus type—faces—is irrelevant. appear to have the most suitable methodology, in which
Various attempts have been made to overcome the limita- baselines were matched across age groups (Carey, 1981;
tions of simply tracking age-related improvement in raw Gilchrist & McKone, 2003) or restriction of range problems
performance. To our minds, none of these are methodologi- was otherwise avoided (Mondloch et al., 2007), all indicate
cally satisfactory, and none produce a clear conclusion no change in holistic processing (inversion effect: Carey,
regarding whether face perception per se does, or does not, 1981; composite effect: Mondloch et al., 2007; spacing sen-
improve between early childhood and adulthood. One sitivity: Gilchrist & McKone, 2003; or distinctiveness effects:
approach is to compare two conditions across development, Gilchrist & McKone, 2003) between early childhood (4–6
for example, asking whether the size of the difference between years) and adulthood (figure 32.3C ).
upright and inverted (or typical and distinctive, etc.) changes
with age (e.g., Carey et al., 1980; Johnston & Ellis, 1995). Neural Measures of Face Identity Processing (FFA and
The results of almost all such studies, however, are con- N170) As with behavioral studies, we discuss results of
founded with overall “baseline” changes across age groups, neuroimaging and ERP studies in children with respect
such that (1) when room to show effects is potentially com- to two issues: qualitative development and quantitative
pressed by approaching floor in young children but is not development.

474 sensation and perception

A. Restriction of range in young children: face effects increase with age
Inversion Effect Distinctiveness Effect
100 5
Carey et al 1980 Johnston & Ellis 1995

old-new memory

old-new memory
All plots show age in years
% correct in
on x-axis; A = Adult
upright distinctive

d' in
inverted typical
50 0
6 10 5 7 9 11 13 A

B. Restriction of range in adults: face effects decrease with age

Composite Effect Composite Effect Repetition Priming
100 2500 2200

target half-face (ms)

latency to respond
% 'same' responses
to target half-face

latency to name

'familiar' (ms)
unaligned aligned unstudied

unaligned studied

de Heering et al 2007 Carey & Diamond 1994 Ellis et al 1993

40 500 1200
4 5 6 A 6 10 A 5 8 11

C. No range restrictions: face effects are stable with age

Inversion Effect Spacing Distinctiveness Composite Effect
100 100 100
Gilchrist & McKone 2003 % 'same' responses Mondloch et al 2007
to target half-face
old-new memory

2AFC memory

% correct in
% correct in


Carey, 1981
50 50 40
4 5 6 10 6-7 A 6 A
Figure 32.3 Behavioral face recognition effects in the preschooler in younger children. Our major point is that apparent developmen-
to adult age range. A basic finding is of overall improvement with tal trends in the strength of core effects (size of inversion effect, size
age: higher accuracy or lower reaction time. Note that in part C, of composite effect, ability to represent recently seen faces in
the left and middle plots show studies in which the researchers implicit memory, etc.) depend on whether and how room to show
deliberately removed this trend by using smaller learning set sizes effects is potentially restricted.

Three studies have used fMRI to scan children age 5 years children by group analyses (in which all subjects are aligned
to adult on face and object tasks, enabling these studies in a common space; 5- to 8-years old: Scherf et al., 2007; 8–
to track the existence and size of face-selective regions of 10 years old: Aylward et al., 2005), in the two studies report-
cortex (figure 32.4). (A fourth study will not be discussed here ing individual-subject analyses, Scherf and colleagues found
because it used such liberal criteria to define “FFAs” that the an FFA in 80% of the children in 5- to 8-year-olds (albeit at
regions that were so identified were clearly not face-selective a very liberal statistical threshold), and Golarai and col-
even in adults; see figure 1d–f in that study, Gathers et al., leagues (2007) found an FFA in 85% of children in their 7- to
2004.) Considering qualitative effects, evidence of a face- 11-year-old group (using a more standard statistical thresh-
selective FFA has been found in most children at the young- old). One study (Passarotti, Smith, DeLano, & Huang, 2007)
est ages tested. Although no FFA was revealed in young also reported an inversion effect (a higher response to inverted

mckone, crookes, and kanwisher: development of face recognition in humans 475

Figure 32.4 Mean volume across subjects in each age group of right place-selective PPA. Red bars indicated values in subsets of
individually defined (A) left and (B) right FFA, (C ) anatomically subjects matched for BOLD-related confounds. (From Golarai et
defined right mid-fusiform gyrus, (D ) functionally defined right al., 2007.) (See color plate 47.)
LOC, and functionally defined (E ) face-selective right STS and (F)

Figure 32.5 ERPs from right posterior temporal scalp locations in response to face stimuli, separately for each age group. (From Taylor
et al., 2004.) (See color plate 48.)

faces than to upright faces) in the region of the right (but not Quantitatively, the neural machinery that is involved in
the left) FFA in children 8–11 years of age (and an effect in face perception demonstrates substantial changes in face-
the opposite direction in adults). Regarding ERPs, young selective neural responses continuing late into development.
children (like infants) show both face-selective responses and In all three fMRI studies, the FFA increases markedly in
inversion effects upon these (see figures 32.5 and 32.6; Taylor, volume between childhood and adulthood (Aylward et al.,
Batty, & Itier, 2004). These fMRI and ERP findings in 2005; Golarai et al., 2007; Scherf et al., 2007), even though
children add to the infant data to confirm that at least some total brain volume does not change substantially after age 5
form of face-specific neural machinery is established early. years. These studies clearly show that the rFFA is still chang-

476 sensation and perception

Figure 32.6 Mean N170 latency (left) and amplitude (right) for upright and inverted faces as a function of age. (From Taylor et al.,

ing late in life—certainly after age 7 and in some studies (see figure 32.5), including a reversal of the direction of
much later. the inversion effect between children and adults in both
Comparing fMRI data across children and adults is methods (Taylor et al., 2004; Passarotti et al., 2007). Future
fraught with potential pitfalls. Children move more in the research might best approach this question not just by
scanner and are less able to maintain attention on a task. measuring mean responses to upright versus inverted faces,
These or other differences between children and adults but also by using identity-specific adaptation to ask when the
could in principle explain the change in volume of the rFFA. better discrimination of upright than inverted faces seen
However, notably, control areas that are identified in the in adulthood emerges (Yovel & Kanwisher, 2005; Mazard
same scanning sessions do not change with age. For example, et al., 2006).
object-responsive regions and the scene-selective “parahip-
pocampal place area” in the right hemisphere or rPPA Comparing Development for Behavioral and Neural
(Epstein & Kanwisher, 1998) did not change in volume from Measures Taking the findings from the 4-to-adult range
childhood to adulthood (Golarai et al., 2007; Scherf et al., together with the infant literature, we can draw the following
2007), although somewhat surprisingly, Golarai and col- conclusions. First, the results regarding qualitatively adultlike
leagues found that the lPPA did increase in volume with face processing appear to agree well across behavioral and
age. These findings reassure us that the changes in the neural measures; that is, just as all behavioral face recognition
rFFA with age are not due to across-the-board changes in effects have been obtained in the youngest age groups tested,
the ability to extract good functional data from young face-selective neural machinery as revealed by fMRI, ERPs,
children. NIRs, and single-cell recording has also been found in the
Golarai and colleagues (2007) asked how changes in youngest children and infants tested. Nonetheless, fMRI
the rFFA relate to changes in behavioral face recognition data are not available for children younger than 5–8 (pooled
over development. Right FFA size was correlated (separately together), and the ERP studies in infants and children often
in children and adolescents but not in adults) with face rec- go in opposite directions from those in adults. For example,
ognition memory but not with place or object memory. the inversion effect on the N170 switches polarity between
Conversely, lPPA size was correlated (in all age groups inde- childhood and adulthood, as shown in figure 32.6, despite
pendently) with place memory but not with object or face maintaining the same polarity in behavior.
memory. This double dissociation of behavioral correlations Second, the evidence for quantitative development is less
clearly associates the rFFA with changes in face recognition clear. It might be that the improvements with age on behav-
measured behaviorally. ioral tasks do reflect ongoing development of face perception
ERP findings are consistent with the evidence from fMRI itself; if so, this could agree neatly with the increasing size
that the cortical regions that are involved in face recognition of the FFA. As we have noted, however, findings such as
continue to change well into the teenage years. Face-related those shown in figures 32.3B and 32.3C suggest that behav-
ERPs show gradual changes in scalp distribution, latency, ioral face perception could be fully mature early and that
and amplitude into the mid-teen years (figures 32.5 and ongoing behavioral improvements with age reflect changes
32.6). Both the early P1 component and the later N170 in other, more general, cognitive factors. This view would
component show gradual decreases in latency from age produce an apparent discrepancy—behavioral maturity
4 to adulthood. Regarding neural inversion effects, late arising well before maturity of relevant cortical regions—
developmental changes are found with both fMRI and ERP that would need to be resolved. If this is the case, two ideas

mckone, crookes, and kanwisher: development of face recognition in humans 477

Newborns / deprived

Later infancy
< = 3 months

10 years

11 years
4 years

5 years

6 years

7 years

8 years

9 years

Behavioral Properties
Ability to discriminate
individual faces
Inversion effect on
discrimination (looking time
or recognition memory)
Composite-like effect,
upright not inverted
Composite effect
Part-whole effect, upright not
effect, upright not inverted
Sensitivity to spacing
Inversion effect on spacing
Perceptual bias to upright in
superimposed faces
Distinctiveness effects
Adaptation aftereffects
Attractiveness preference,
upright not inverted
Neural Properties
Face-selective cells,
Face-selective ERPs
FFA present
Some type of inversion effect
on neural response
Perceptual Narrowing
Looking time discrimination X X
of other race/species faces

Figure 32.7 For each property of face processing, we indicate for be found in text except inversion effect on spacing sensitivity aged
each age group whether that property is qualitatively present ( ), 6 years to adult is from Mondloch et al. (2002) and adaptation
debatable (?), not present (X), or not yet tested (gray). Deprived = aftereffect aged 9 years to adult is from Pellicano, Jeffery, Burr, &
monkeys deprived of face input from birth. Note: All references can Rhodes (2007).

might be worth exploring. It might be that the measured size Lazeyras, & Vuilleumier, 2005; Williams, Berberovic, &
of the FFA in children is affected by top-down strategic Mattingley, 2007) and that the increased size of the FFA
processing that (for some unknown reason) affects faces and could arise simply because people continue to learn faces
not objects. Another possibility is that the FFA might play across life; this idea would have to propose that the number
some role in the long-term storage of individual faces (e.g., of new faces learned is much greater than the number of
it shows repetition priming; Pourtois, Schwartz, Seghier, new objects.

478 sensation and perception

Conclusion of inversion: Using a picture book to investigate face recognition.
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instead improvement in performance after this age reflects 659–678.
improvement in domain-general mechanisms. Second, if de Heering, A., Houthuys, S., & Rossion, B. (2007). Holistic face
processing is mature at 4 years of age: Evidence from the com-
face perception itself does improve quantitatively after age posite face effect. J. Exp. Child Psychol., 96, 57–70.
4, what role does experience play in this improvement? A DeGutis, J. M., Bentin, S., Robertson, L. C., & D’Esposito, M.
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482 sensation and perception

33 Roles of Visual Area MT
in Depth Perception
gregory c. deangelis

abstract One of the most impressive capacities of the visual Geometric depth cues are those that arise when a scene
system is the ability to infer the three-dimensional structure of is viewed from multiple vantage points. For species with
the environment from images formed on the two retinas. Although frontally located eyes, the horizontal separation between the
several areas of visual cortex are involved in computing depth, the
precise roles of different areas in three-dimensional vision remain two eyes generates systematic differences—known as binoc-
unclear. It is important to establish how neural representations ular disparities—between the images projected onto the
of depth in different brain regions are specialized to perform dif- two retinas (figure 33.1A). Thus images from two simul-
ferent tasks. This chapter summarizes studies that establish such taneous vantage points are available. Binocular disparity
links between representation and function in visual area MT. The (hereafter referred to as disparity) is known to be sufficient to
nature of the representation of binocular disparity in MT is
first considered, along with the functional roles of MT in coarse
provide precise depth discrimination in the absence of other
and fine depth discrimination. The recently discovered role of area depth cues, as demonstrated with random-dot stereograms
MT in computing depth from motion parallax is then examined. (Howard & Rogers, 1995; Julesz, 1971; Parker, 2007). Com-
These findings are compared with those from other visual areas bined with an estimate of viewing distance (the distance from
to consider possible functional streams of analysis in three- the eye to the point of fixation), disparity can provide quan-
dimensional vision.
titative estimates of the location of objects in depth. Another
geometric cue, motion parallax, arises because of the transla-
tion of the observer, as illustrated in figure 33.1B. As the
We carry out our daily activities in a three-dimensional (3D) observer’s head moves from left to right, for example, the
environment. Therefore a fundamental task for the visual vantage point of the left eye changes over time. If the observ-
system is to construct a 3D representation of our surround- er’s head moves through one interocular distance, then the
ings. This is difficult because the image formed on the retina image that is projected onto the retina of the left eye will
of each eye is a two-dimensional projection of 3D space— vary over time, the endpoint being the same view that would
hence there is no direct quantitative information about be seen by the right eye at the beginning of the movement
depth in a single retinal image. Rather, the depth structure (figure 33.1B). Thus there is a formal geometric similarity
of the scene must be reconstructed by the brain. between disparity and motion parallax cues, at least when
The visual system makes use of a wide variety of cues to the latter arise because of lateral head movements. This
estimate depth relationships (Howard & Rogers, 1995, means that motion parallax can provide metric depth infor-
2002). Broadly speaking, these cues can be placed into two mation when a subject views the scene with one eye, as long
categories that I shall label pictorial cues and geometric cues. as the eye moves relative to the scene. Not surprisingly, then,
Pictorial cues to depth are those that are present in a single humans can make judgments of depth from motion parallax
snapshot of the scene, including occlusion, perspective, that are similar in precision to judgments based on disparity
shading, relative size, texture gradients, and blur. Together, (Rogers & Graham, 1979, 1982). As we shall see later, the
these cues can be potent, as is evidenced by the fact that we similar geometry of these two cues suggests that they might
can infer depth relationships in photographs. However, they be processed using the same neural mechanisms.
generally provide only ordinal depth information or require Where and how are depth cues processed in the brain?
prior knowledge to provide metric depth information. For For the pictorial depth cues, very little is known about the
example, the size of an object in the retinal image can be neural mechanisms that lead to depth percepts; therefore I
used to estimate the distance to that object if one knows the shall not consider pictorial cues further here. Until recently,
true physical size of the object. very little was also known about the neural basis of depth
from motion parallax, and we shall consider the available
gregory c. deangelis Department of Brain and Cognitive physiological information in the last section of this chapter.
Sciences, Center for Visual Science, University of Rochester, By comparison, a great deal is known about the neural cir-
Rochester, New York cuits that process disparity cues for depth perception, as has

deangelis: roles of visual area mt in depth perception 483

Doi, Umeda, & Fujita, 2005), inferotemporal (IT) cortex
( Janssen, Vogels, Liu, & Orban, 2003; Janssen, Vogels, &
Orban, 1999, 2000b; Uka, Tanaka, Yoshiyama, Kato, &
Fujita, 2000), and lateral area MST (Eifuku & Wurtz, 1999).
Disparity selective-neurons have also been documented in
areas not conventionally considered to be predominantly
visual, such as the frontal eye fields (Ferraina, Pare, & Wurtz,
2000) and the lateral (Genovesio & Ferraina, 2004; Gnadt
& Mays, 1995) and caudal (Taira, Tsutsui, Jiang, Yara, &
Sakata, 2000; Tsutsui, Jiang, Yara, Sakata, & Taira, 2001;
Tsutsui, Sakata, Naganuma, & Tanaka, 2002) portions of
the intraparietal sulcus. Combined with earlier studies
showing the presence of disparity-tuned neurons in areas
V1, V2, V3, V3A, MT, and dorsal MST (reviewed in
Cumming & DeAngelis, 2001), these studies suggest that
disparity signals are much more widely distributed in the
primate brain than was suspected a decade ago.
Figure 33.1 Binocular disparity and motion parallax as depth The proliferation of disparity signals in visual cortex raises
cues. (A) Points falling along the geometric horopter, or Vieth- fundamental questions regarding the roles of different corti-
Muller circle (curved line), have zero binocular disparity. A far
cal areas: How are the representations of disparity special-
object (open symbol) projects to disparate points in the two retinal
images (bottom). (B) If the head translates rightward, the image of ized in these different areas, and what are the specific roles
the far object moves on the retina. If the eye moves through one that particular areas play in 3D vision? These are not simple
interocular distance, the position change on the retina due to questions to answer because they require both a detailed
motion parallax is equivalent to the binocular disparity. Hence understanding of the responses of single neurons to a variety
depth from motion parallax is often expressed in units of equivalent
of stimulus configurations and causal tests in which neural
activity is manipulated and the consequences on behavior
also been reviewed elsewhere (Cumming & DeAngelis, 2001; are observed. Over the past several years, considerable prog-
DeAngelis, 2000; Gonzalez & Perez, 1998; Parker, 2007). I ress has been made on these fronts, and there is cause to be
shall focus mainly on work that has been performed using optimistic that these experimental approaches will lead to a
macaque monkeys as experimental subjects. However, it functional taxonomy that describes how different visual
should be noted that many important contributions have areas contribute to the various perceptual capacities of depth
also been made in other species, particularly cats (for reviews, perception.
see Freeman, 2004; Freeman & Ohzawa, 1990; Ohzawa, My goal in this chapter is to summarize what we know
DeAngelis, & Freeman, 1997). about how disparity and motion parallax cues are processed
The primary visual cortex (V1) was the major focal point in the middle temporal (MT) area of visual cortex and to
of most early physiological studies of disparity processing review experiments that suggest a specialized functional role
(Barlow, Blakemore, & Pettigrews, 1967; Poggio & Fischer, for area MT in depth perception. Along the way, I shall try
1977). Neurons in V1 provide the initial encoding of dispar- to place the findings from area MT into the context of what
ity signals (Cumming & DeAngelis, 2001), and the represen- is known from related studies performed in other parts of
tation of disparities in V1 likely limits the precision of a primate visual cortex.
number of aspects of stereopsis (Nienborg, Bridge, Parker,
& Cumming, 2004, 2005; Prince, Pointon, Cumming, & Binocular disparity processing in area MT
Parker, 2000). However, a series of elegant experiments over
the past decade has demonstrated that the representation of Area MT is a relatively small (∼60 mm2) visual area located
disparity in V1 is not sufficient to account for various aspects along the posterior bank of the superior temporal sulcus in
of our perceptual experience of depth (Cumming & Parker, macaque monkeys. It receives much of its visual input from
1999, 2000, 1997; Nienborg & Cumming, 2006). Therefore areas V1, V2, and V3, and it projects extensively to other
it seems clear that disparity processing beyond V1 is critical occipitoparietal areas, including MST, FST, VIP, and LIP
to account for behavior. During this same period, we have (reviewed in Born & Bradley, 2005). Area MT is well known
learned that disparity signals are represented in a variety for its role in processing visual motion, and an extensive
of visual cortical areas that were not previously known body of literature implicates area MT both in the perception
to contain disparity-selective neurons, including area V4 of motion and in guiding smooth eye movements that are
(Hegde & Van Essen, 2005; Hinkle & Connor, 2005; Tanabe, driven by visual image motion (Born & Bradley, 2005).

484 sensation and perception

Basic Aspects of Disparity Processing in MT Despite in V1 to having an odd-symmetric bias in MT to being
heavy emphasis on the role of MT in motion processing, it strongly odd-symmetric in area MST (see Cumming &
has been known for quite some time that MT is rich in DeAngelis, 2001, for comparison; Roy, Komatsu, & Wurtz,
neurons that are selective for binocular disparities (Maunsell 1992; Takemura, Inoue, Kawano, Quaia, & Miles, 2001).
& Van Essen, 1983b). A more recent quantitative study, Nearly all neurons in area MT show directionally selec-
using random-dot stereograms (figure 33.2A), reported that tive responses to visual motion (DeAngelis & Uka, 2003;
93% of single neurons in MT have statistically significant Maunsell & Van Essen, 1983a; Zeki, 1974), and nearly all
selectivity for disparity (DeAngelis & Uka, 2003). The neurons are selective for speed of motion as well (Maunsell
strength of disparity selectivity in MT is, on average, stronger & Van Essen, 1983a; Nover, Anderson, & DeAngelis, 2005;
than that seen in areas V1 (Prince, Pointon, Cumming, & Rodman & Albright, 1987). Thus most MT neurons respond
Parker, 2002) and V4 (Tanabe et al., 2005). As shown in substantially more strongly to a moving stimulus than a sta-
figure 33.2B, disparity tuning curves in MT take on a variety tionary one. Importantly, however, the majority of MT
of shapes and have continuously varying preferences over a neurons do produce sustained visual responses to stationary
wide range of disparities (note that zero disparity represents flashed stimuli, and the disparity tuning of these responses
a surface containing the point of ocular fixation). Most is nearly identical to those elicited by moving stimuli (Palanca
frequently, however, MT neurons tend to have tuning that & DeAngelis, 2003). Thus MT provides reliable disparity
is roughly odd-symmetric around zero disparity, with a well- signals to the rest of the brain when we look around a sta-
defined peak response that is either near (e.g., cells 2 and 3 tionary scene.
in figure 33.2B) or far (cells 5 and 6). In this regard, MT Disparity-selective neurons in area MT are organized into
differs notably from area V1, where disparity tuning curves a topographic map according to their disparity preferences
are much more frequently even-symmetric and tend to peak (DeAngelis & Newsome, 1999), and this disparity map coex-
at disparities closer to zero (Cumming & DeAngelis, 2001). ists with the well-known map for direction of motion in MT
As one ascends the dorsal visual pathway in the macaque, (Albright, Desimone, & Gross, 1984). In contrast to the clear
disparity tuning curves progress from largely even-symmetric columnar organization for disparity in MT, there is no clear

Figure 33.2 Schematic illustration of random-dot stereogram was required to maintain fixation on the fixation point during each
stimulus and example disparity tuning curves measured with this trial. (B) Disparity tuning curves for seven representative MT
stimulus. (A) A circular patch of moving dots having variable dis- neurons. Solid symbols and error bars show the mean response to
parity was presented over the receptive field (circle, not present in each disparity ± standard error. The smooth curve through each
the actual display) of an MT neuron. Solid and open dots within data set is the best-fitting Gabor function. Neurons are presented
the receptive field denote the images seen by the left and right eyes; (from top to bottom) in order of their preferred disparities, from
the separation between each pair of open and solid dots is the bin- large Near to large Far. The vertical scale bar corresponds to 100
ocular disparity. The remainder of the screen was filled with sta- spikes per second. (Adapted from DeAngelis & Uka, 2003.)
tionary dots presented with zero disparity (gray dots). The monkey

deangelis: roles of visual area mt in depth perception 485

evidence for such a map in area V1 of monkeys (Chen, Lu, variations (i.e., noise) in vergence state will affect absolute
& Roe, 2008; Prince et al., 2002). However, there is clear disparities much more than relative disparities.
evidence for a map of disparity in both areas V2 (Chen For this reason, it has been hypothesized that the visual
et al., 2008; Nienborg & Cumming, 2006) and V3 (Adams system might need to contain a neural representation of
& Zeki, 2001), and it is possible that the map of disparity in relative disparities to allow precise discrimination of small
MT is at least partially inherited from one or both of these differences in disparity (Neri, 2005; Neri, Bridge, & Heeger,
sources. 2004; Parker, 2007; Prince et al., 2000; Thomas, Cumming,
& Parker, 2002). This hypothesis is supported by behavioral
Absolute and Relative Disparity Selectivity Over the evidence. Both humans and monkeys are able to discrimi-
past several years, an important distinction to emerge in nate much smaller differences in the disparity of a target
the cortical processing of binocular disparity involves the when that target is located close to a reference disparity
difference between absolute and relative disparity coding. (Prince et al., 2000; Westheimer, 1979), suggesting that
Absolute disparity refers to the interocular difference in the neurons somewhere in the visual system locally compute
angle subtended by a point in space relative to the projection relative disparities.
of the fixation point, which lands on the fovea in each eye To determine whether cortical neurons represent absolute
(figure 33.3A). Thus absolute disparities are defined relative or relative disparities, Thomas and colleagues (2002) devised
to the point of ocular fixation. In contrast, the relative a test in which two patches of random-dot stereogram are
disparity between two points in space refers to the difference presented in a concentric (center-surround) arrangement
in their absolute disparities (figure 33.3B). This distinction and the disparity of both the center and surround are varied
becomes especially important when one considers changes in a fully crossed design (figure 33.4A). For a neuron that
in the fixation distance of a subject and hence the vergence responds solely to the relative disparity between center and
angle of the eyes. When we converge or diverge our eyes to surround, the disparity tuning curve in response to the center
focus on a near or far object, respectively, all of the absolute disparity should shift with the disparity of the surround
disparities change. On the other hand, the relative disparity (figure 33.4B). In contrast, no such shift would be observed
between two points in space is unaffected by changes in for a neuron tuned to absolute disparity (figure 33.4C ). In
vergence angle. This means that uncontrolled errors and their ground-breaking study, Thomas and colleagues (2002)
found that neurons in area V1 signal absolute disparity,
confirming a previous report (Cumming & Parker, 1999),
whereas a subset of neurons in area V2 signal relative
More recently, we have performed similar tests in area
MT and have found that MT neurons generally signal abso-
lute disparities, similar to neurons in V1 (Uka & DeAngelis,
2006). This is seen as a distribution of shift ratios (figure
33.4D) that cluster around zero, whereas neurons that are
tuned for relative disparity would have a shift ratio near one.
Fujita and colleagues have recently performed the same test
in area V4 and have reported that the majority of V4
neurons have shift ratios greater than zero, with some
neurons representing purely relative disparity while many
others show an intermediate representation (shift ratios near
A B 0.5) (Umeda, Tanabe, & Fujita, 2007). These comparative
results across areas are summarized in figure 33.4E (modi-
Figure 33.3 Geometric definitions of absolute disparity (Φ, left) fied from Umeda et al., 2007).
and relative disparity (Δ, right). Each panel shows a top-down view
The finding of relative disparity tuning in area V4 but not
in which the eyes are converged on a fixation point (open symbol)
directly in front of the subject. (A) The absolute disparity of point MT suggests that the ventral processing stream may empha-
P refers to the angle, Φ, subtended by this point relative to the point size relative disparities, whereas the dorsal stream empha-
of fixation. Thus when the subject converges or diverges their eyes sizes absolute disparities. These results are consistent with
to focus at a different distance, the absolute disparity of point P will the results of a functional magnetic resonance imaging
change. (B) The relative disparity of point P1 with respect to point (fMRI) study in humans that used an adaptation paradigm
P2 is given by the angle, Δ, which is the difference between the
absolute disparities of these two points. If the eyes converge at a to test for sensitivity of different cortical areas to absolute
different distance, the relative disparity between P1 and P2 will be and relative disparities (Neri et al., 2004). This study found
unchanged. that ventral stream areas adapt to both absolute and relative

486 sensation and perception

Figure 33.4 Stimuli, predicted outcomes, and results of tests for a shift ratio of 0. Note that shift ratios from area MT are distributed
absolute versus relative disparity tuning. (A) Top-down view of the around zero, with a slight but significant bias toward positive values
stimulus configuration, consisting of a center patch of dots and a (sign test, p < 0.0001). Solid bars denote shift ratios that were sig-
surrounding annulus. All combinations of nine center disparities nificantly different from zero (sequential F-test, p < 0.05; 52/201
and three to five surround disparities were presented in randomly shifts). (Panels A–D were adapted from Uka & DeAngelis, 2006.)
interleaved trials. (B ) If a neuron signals relative disparity, the dis- (E ) Summary of results of the relative disparity test across studies
parity tuning in response to the center patch should shift horizon- of four different visual areas, adapted from Umeda and colleagues
tally by an amount equal to the change in surround disparity. (C ) (2007). For each area, the open symbol indicates the median shift
If a neuron signals absolute disparity, no shifts should be seen, ratio, and the error bars represent the range from the 25th percen-
although some amplitude variations may occur. (D) Distribution of tile to the 75th percentile. Data were compiled by Umeda and
shift ratios for 201 pairings of surround disparities from 45 MT colleagues (2007) across four studies, as indicated. Note that relative
neurons. The shift ratio is computed as the horizontal shift of the disparity selectivity increases from V1 to V2 to V4 (presumably
tuning curve divided by the difference between the two surround reflecting ascension of the ventral stream), whereas neurons in area
disparities. Thus an idealized relative disparity neuron will have a MT show absolute disparity tuning.
shift ratio of 1, and an idealized absolute disparity neuron will have

deangelis: roles of visual area mt in depth perception 487

disparities, whereas dorsal stream areas adapt only to abso-
lute disparities. Together, these findings from monkeys and
humans are consistent with the hypothesis that the ventral
stream carries out sophisticated disparity computations to
represent the 3D shape of objects, whereas the dorsal stream
carries out somewhat simpler computations that are aimed
at computing the location of objects in 3D space and also
perhaps at representing the coarse layout of surfaces in the
scene (see also Neri, 2005; Parker, 2007). Along these lines,
we might expect area MT to contribute to coarse judgments
of depth based on absolute disparities but not to fine judg-
ments of depth based on relative disparities. We shall return
to this prediction later.

Coding of Three-Dimensional Surface Orienta-

tion Most physiological studies of disparity processing in
visual cortex have examined responses to frontoparallel
planar surfaces that vary in distance from the observer. In
natural scenes, however, binocular disparity varies smoothly
across surfaces that can have many possible 3D orientations
Figure 33.5 Schematic illustration of the 3D orientation of planar
relative to the observer. Spatial gradients of disparity thus
surfaces, parameterized by tilt and slant, as well as data from a
provide powerful cues to 3D object shape and 3D surface tilt-selective MT neuron. (A) Tilt refers to the axis around which
orientation (Howard & Rogers, 1995, 2002). The simplest the plane is rotated away from frontoparallel, and slant defines the
form of spatial variation involves monotonic gradients of amount by which the plane is rotated. Zero slant corresponds to a
disparity across space that specify the 3D orientation of frontoparallel surface for which the tilt is undefined. In this illustra-
tion, tilt and slant are defined by perspective and texture gradient
planar surfaces. As illustrated in figure 33.5A, the 3D
cues. In the MT experiments, surface orientation was defined solely
orientation of planar surfaces can be parameterized in terms by the direction and magnitude of a linear gradient of horizontal
of tilt and slant. disparity in a random-dot stereogram. (B) A conventional dispar-
Whereas human perception of tilt and slant defined by ity-tuning curve for an MT neuron measured using random-dot
gradients of disparity has been studied considerably (Howard stereograms (slant was zero, and different uniform horizontal dis-
& Rogers, 2002; Sedgwick, 1986), only recently have phy- parities were applied). Mean responses ± standard error are shown
for each stimulus disparity, along with a spline fit. Symbols at the
siologists examined how cortical neurons represent 3D top indicate the three mean disparities used for testing tilt selectivity
orientation. In area MT, we have tested neurons with with disparity gradients. (C ) Tilt-tuning curves for the same MT
random-dot stereograms containing linear gradients of neuron are show at three different mean disparities (coded by
disparity, and we have found that more than half of symbol shape). Smooth curves indicate the best fits of the modified
MT neurons show significant tuning for the tilt of planar sinusoid function. Note that the neuron shows clear tuning for the
tilt of a planar random-dot surface and that this tilt tuning is robust
surfaces (Nguyenkim & DeAngelis, 2003). This property to changes in the mean disparity of the stimulus. (Adapted from
is shown for an example neuron in figure 33.5C. The Nguyenkim & DeAngelis, 2003.)
neuron shows broad but robust tuning for the tilt of the
surface, and this tuning is maintained across variations in
the mean disparity of the stimulus. This insensitivity to varia- disparity selectivity, and it might depend greatly on stimulus
tions in mean disparity around the peak of the cell’s dispar- geometry. In MT, tilt tuning is seen only for stimuli that
ity-tuning curve (figure 33.5B) indicates that tilt selectivity are presented at large slants (generally >45 degrees)
cannot be simply explained by miscentering the gradient (Nguyenkim & DeAngelis, 2003), suggesting that 3D orienta-
stimulus on the receptive field or by receptive field inhomo- tion coding in MT involves a rather coarse mechanism that
geneities (Nguyenkim & DeAngelis, 2003). is more likely to be involved in providing the basic layout of
Interestingly, this finding of invariant tilt tuning suggests surfaces in the scene rather than in analyzing the details of
that MT neurons possess some form of relative disparity 3D shape (see also Parker, 2007), though this remains to be
selectivity when tested with disparity gradients, whereas they tested further.
do not show this property when tested with concentric edges Selectivity for 3D surface orientation has also been
(figure 33.4D). Although the mechanisms underlying this observed in other cortical areas. In the caudal intraparietal
difference remain unclear, this comparison highlights the area (CIP), Sakata and colleagues have described neurons
important point that there is no single unique test for relative that signal the tilt of surfaces defined by disparity gradients

488 sensation and perception

(Taira et al., 2000; Tsutsui et al., 2001, 2002). Hinkle and cortical areas in primates. There seem to be two main pos-
Connor (2002) have also described neurons in area V4 that sibilities for why this might occur: (1) Disparity processing is
are selective for the 3D orientation of bar stimuli, although highly distributed such that most aspects of depth perception
this selectivity could be driven more by orientation differ- depend on simultaneous activation of many regions of
ences between the eyes because the same neurons did not cortex, or (2) different cortical areas have specialized repre-
generally show tuning for tilt and slant in disparity-defined sentations of binocular disparity that are well suited to some
random-dot surfaces. In the inferotemporal (IT) cortex, tasks but not others. In the latter scenario, depth perception
Janssen, Orban, and colleagues have conducted an impres- in a specific context could depend on only a small subset of
sive series of studies showing that IT neurons have selectivity visual areas or perhaps only on a subset of neurons within a
for 3D shape defined by gradients of disparity as well as single visual area.
boundary cues (Janssen, Vogels, Liu, & Orban, 2001; Janssen Thus far, we have already discussed evidence that favors
et al., 1999, 2000a, 2000b). Thus it is clear that neurons at the notion of specialized representations, namely, that
the upper levels of both the dorsal and ventral processing ventral stream areas appear to represent the precise relative
streams make use of spatial gradients of disparity to extract disparity information that is thought to be needed for fine
information about both 3D shape and object/surface orien- depth discrimination and 3D shape perception, whereas the
tation. However, much remains to be learned, and the dorsal stream appears to emphasize absolute disparities
respective roles of these areas in perception of 3D structure (Thomas et al., 2002; Uka & DeAngelis, 2006; Umeda et al.,
are still not well understood. 2007). Moreover, it is likely that we know about only a small
In addition to disparity gradients, the 3D orientation of fraction of the differences between areas and between visual
surfaces may be specified by gradients of texture, velocity, streams at this time. If different cortical areas are specialized
or luminance (shading) (Sedgwick, 1986). Neurons that are to perform different tasks, then it should be possible to iden-
closely involved in perception of 3D orientation may thus tify experimentally the areas and/or neurons that contribute
be expected to signal tilt and slant based on multiple cues. to performance of a particular task. In recent years, my labo-
In area CIP, Sakata’s group has shown that neurons signal ratory has attempted to clarify the functional roles of area
tilt by gradients in both disparity and texture (presented MT in stereo vision by performing a series of experiments
separately), and that their tilt preferences for the two cues with monkeys that were trained to perform tasks that were
are often well matched (Tsutsui et al., 2002). However, no chosen to reveal differences in function that may be linked
published study has examined how neurons respond to mul- to absolute versus relative disparity representations.
tiple cues to 3D orientation presented simultaneously. In
area MT, neurons have previously been shown to exhibit Coarse and Fine Depth Discrimination Tasks To probe
selectivity for tilt defined by velocity gradients (Treue & depth perception based on coarse absolute disparity infor-
Andersen, 1996; Xiao, Marcar, Raiguel, & Orban, 1997). mation, we trained monkeys to perform the Coarse task
We have presented preliminary evidence that individual MT illustrated in figure 33.6A. In this task, dots in a stereogram
neurons are tuned for tilt defined by both disparity and are divided into two groups with adjustable percentages:
velocity gradients (Nguyenkim & DeAngelis, 2004). Some “signal” dots are all presented at the same disparity in each
neurons have matched tilt tuning for the two cues, whereas trial, which is near or far relative to the plane of fixation;
others do not. Responses to both cues together appear to be “noise” dots are given random disparities in each trial such
well predicted by weighted linear summation of the individ- that they form a 3D cloud. The monkey’s task is to judge
ual cue responses (unpublished). It is currently unclear whether the net depth of the stimulus is near or far and to
whether MT plays a role in perceptual cue integration for make a saccadic eye movement to signal its choice (Uka &
3D orientation perception or whether it may simply be an DeAngelis, 2003). Across trials, the relative proportion of
early stage at which disparity and velocity gradients begin signal and noise dots, indexed by a variable called binocular
to interact. A recent fMRI study, performed by using behav- correlation, is varied to manipulate task difficulty. Figure 33.7A
ing macaques, suggests that there is considerable additional (open symbols) shows a psychometric function for one
processing of 3D surface orientation and shape in regions of monkey in a typical session. Note that in this task, the
the intraparietal sulcus that receive inputs from area MT monkeys always discriminated between two signal disparities
(Durand et al., 2007). (e.g., −0.4° and +0.4°) that were on opposite sides of zero
disparity and were well above stereoacuity thresholds.
Linking neural representation to function: Roles of area To assay the contribution of neurons to depth perception
MT in coarse and fine depth discrimination based on fine relative disparities, we also trained monkeys
to perform the Fine task depicted in figure 33.6B. In this
As was discussed above, binocular disparity information is task, a bipartite center-surround random-dot stereogram is
now known to be represented across a broad range of visual presented, and the monkey is required to report whether

deangelis: roles of visual area mt in depth perception 489

the center and surround could be both far or both near, such
that monkeys are required to judge relative depth to achieve
high performance on this task.
Given that neurons in area MT have fairly broad disparity
tuning and do not represent relative disparities in a center-
surround configuration (figure 33.4D), we hypothesized that
MT would play a significant role in the Coarse task but not
the Fine task. This was assessed by using a variety of
approaches, as described below (see also Parker & Newsome,
Neuronal Versus Behavioral Sensitivity From the
distributions of firing rates measured during performance of
the tasks, we used ROC analysis to compute the ability of
an ideal observer to discriminate depth on the basis of the
responses of each single MT neuron (Uka & DeAngelis,
2003, 2006). Example neurometric functions for representative
MT neurons are shown in figure 33.7A for the Coarse task
and figure 33.7B for the Fine task (solid symbols). These
neurometric functions describe how the performance of the
ideal observer increases as the differences between near and
far stimuli become more salient. From each such data set,
we computed psychophysical and neuronal thresholds as the
stimulus values at which performance reaches 82% correct.
Thus each experiment yielded both a psychophysical and a
Figure 33.6 Schematic illustration of two depth discrimination
tasks used to study functional contributions of area MT. (A) The neuronal threshold that could be compared quantitatively.
Coarse task. A random-dot stereogram was presented over the Figure 33.7C shows the distribution of the ratio of neuro-
receptive field (RF), and dots moved at the neuron’s preferred nal-to-psychophysical thresholds for 104 MT neurons
velocity (arrow). Solid and open dots represent left and right half- studied during the Coarse task (Uka & DeAngelis, 2003).
images, respectively. The background was covered with dynamic While threshold ratios span a wide range, the average ratio
zero-disparity dots (gray). Saccade targets were located 5° above
and below the fixation point, corresponding to far and near choices,
(geometric mean = 0.98) was close to unity, indicating that
respectively. The strength of the depth signal was adjusted by the average MT neuron could discriminate coarse disparities
varying binocular correlation. At 50% binocular correlation (right), in noise with sensitivity comparable to that of the animal.
half of the dots within the receptive field were presented at either This result is very similar to that found by Newsome and
the neuron’s preferred disparity (horizontal line inside gray oval) colleagues for direction discrimination in MT (Britten,
or the disparity that elicited a minimal response (null disparity).
Newsome, Shadlen, Celebrini, & Movshon, 1992). Thus
The remaining dots had random disparities. (B) The Fine task. A
bipartite (center-surround) random-dot stereogram was presented. neuronal sensitivity suggests that area MT could account for
The center patch covered the RF and contained dots moving coarse depth discrimination.
at the preferred velocity (arrow). The surrounding annulus con- Figure 33.7D shows the analogous distribution of thresh-
tained stationary dots presented (in most cases) at a nonzero dispar- old ratios for 98 neurons that were tested during the Fine
ity. A small patch of zero-disparity dots (gray) surrounded the
task. In this case, the average threshold ratio (1.76) is closer
fixation point to help anchor vergence. The monkey reported
whether the center patch was in front of or behind the surround to 2, indicating that MT neurons are not as sensitive as the
patch, and task difficulty was manipulated by finely varying the animal is. However, the best neurons could be sufficiently
center disparity around the surround disparity. (Adapted from Uka sensitive to account for behavior.
& DeAngelis, 2006.)
Choice Probabilities In a psychophysical task performed
around threshold, the same (weak) stimulus gives rise to
different perceptual reports, as well as different neural
the center patch of dots appears near or far relative to the responses, across repeated trials. By testing for a correlation
surround (Uka & DeAngelis, 2006). Both center and sur- between the trial-to-trial fluctuations in perceptual reports
round are presented without noise (100% binocular correla- and neural responses (choice probability, or CP), it may be
tion), and the relative disparity between center and surround possible to identify neurons that are functionally coupled to
is varied in fine steps to measure psychophysical threshold perceptual decisions (Britten et al., 1996; Krug, 2004). An
(e.g., figure 33.7B). Importantly, the absolute disparities of advantage of this approach is that it affords single-cell

490 sensation and perception

Figure 33.7 Summary of single-unit and microstimulation exper- geometric mean was 1.76. (E ) Distribution of choice probabilities
iments performed in area MT using both the Coarse (left column) for the Coarse task (N = 104). CP values significantly different from
and Fine (right column) depth tasks. (A) Example data from a 0.5 are indicated by solid bars. Note that most CP values are
typical experiment using the Coarse task. The psychometric func- greater than 0.5. (F ) Distribution of choice probabilities for the Fine
tion (open symbols) shows the monkey’s percentage of correct task (N = 98). (G ) Distribution of microstimulation effects for the
responses as a function of binocular correlation. The neurometric Coarse task (N = 78). Solid bars denote individually significant
function (solid symbols) shows the predicted performance of an effects. Positive values indicate biases toward the preferred disparity
ideal observer based on the responses of a single MT neuron. In of the stimulated neurons, as measured in units of percent binocular
this example, the neuron has sensitivity nearly identical to that of correlation for the Coarse task. Most experiments produced a sig-
the animal. (B) Example psychometric and neurometric functions nificant preferred bias. (H) Distribution of microstimulation effects
for a typical experiment using the Fine task. In this case, perfor- for the Fine task (N = 46). Shifts are now measured in degrees of
mance is plotted as a function of the (unsigned) relative disparity relative disparity. Most experiments produced no effect, and the
between center and surround stimuli. In this experiment, the median shift was not significantly different from zero. (Panels A and
neuron is about half as sensitive as the monkey. (C ) Distribution C were adapted from Uka & DeAngelis, 2003; panel E was adapted
of the ratio of neuronal/psychophysical threshold ratios across from Uka & DeAngelis, 2004; panel G was adapted from DeAngelis
104 recording sessions involving the Coarse task. The geometric et al., 1998, including additional data; panels D and H were adapted
mean ratio was 0.98 (arrowhead). (D) Distribution of neuronal/ from Uka & DeAngelis, 2006. Data in panel F are previously
psychophysical threshold ratios for the Fine task (N = 98). The unpublished.)

deangelis: roles of visual area mt in depth perception 491

resolution and allows one to relate the tuning properties by chance have CPs significantly different from 0.5 (solid
of neurons to behavior. Although CPs simply reflect a bars). These neurons are significantly correlated with per-
correlation between neurons and perceptual decisions, there ceptual decisions about fine relative disparities, but there is
is evidence to suggest that significant CPs reflect a functional no consistent relationship between firing rates and choices
contribution of neurons. For example, CPs in area MT and across the population. Thus, on average, one cannot reliably
V2 have been shown to vary according to the tuning predict a monkey’s choices by measuring the response of
properties of neurons in a manner that appears to reflect the MT neurons in the Fine task. However, this pattern of results
animal’s (suboptimal) strategy for solving the task (Nienborg remains somewhat puzzling, as it is not clear why MT
& Cumming, 2007; Uka & DeAngelis, 2004). neurons should show significant CPs that are both lower and
We have used CPs as another means to evaluate the role higher than 0.5. If one speculates that CPs arise through a
of area MT in the Coarse and Fine depth tasks. As is shown top-down signal from decision circuitry to MT, then it might
in figure 33.7E, most MT neurons have CPs greater than be that these top-down signals cannot correctly target MT
0.5 in the Coarse task, which indicates that the neurons tend neurons because MT does not contain a topographically
to fire more strongly when the monkey reports that an organized representation of relative disparities.
ambiguous (e.g., 0% binocular correlation) stimulus matches
the preferred depth of the neuron (Uka & DeAngelis, 2004). Causal Manipulations Choice probabilities establish a
The average CP is 0.59, which is significantly greater than correlation between neural responses and perceptual
0.5 (p << 0.001). This means that an ideal observer could decisions (independent of the physical stimulus) but do not
predict the choices of a monkey with 59% correct accuracy establish a causal contribution of those neurons to perception.
by monitoring the activity of an average MT neuron. This To further link a particular visual area with specific functions
finding is consistent with the notion that area MT makes an in 3D vision, we need to directly manipulate neural activity
important contribution to the Coarse depth task. during performance of relevant tasks. One approach involves
Recently, Nienborg and Cumming (2006, 2007) have electrical microstimulation (Cohen & Newsome, 2004;
examined responses of neurons in area V1 and V2 during Salzman, Murasugi, Britten, & Newsome, 1992; Tehovnik,
performance of a task that is nearly identical to our Coarse 1996), in which weak biphasic current is passed through a
task. Interestingly, neurons in V2 show CPs comparable to recording electrode to activate a cluster of neurons near the
those we have seen in MT, whereas neurons in V1 do not. tip of the electrode whose tuning properties are known. By
Thus trial-to-trial variability in the representation of dispari- placing an electrode into the midst of one of the disparity
ties in V1 does not seem to be linked to depth percepts, columns in area MT (DeAngelis & Newsome, 1999), we
whereas similar variability in V2 and MT does correlate have used microstimulation to probe the causal contribution
with percepts. It is currently unclear whether neurons in V2 of area MT to the Coarse and Fine tasks.
with significant CPs in the Coarse task reside in the portions In the Coarse task, microstimulation systematically biases
of V2 (the thick stripes) that project heavily to area MT. monkeys’ judgments of depth, as summarized in figure 33.7G
However, a recent study shows that inactivating areas V2 (see also DeAngelis, Cumming, & Newsome, 1998; Uka &
and V3 by cooling substantially reduces disparity selectivity DeAngelis, 2006). A positive effect of microstimulation
in MT (Ponce, Lomber, & Born, 2008), consistent with the means, for example, that electrical stimulation of a cluster
idea that MT may inherit at least some of its disparity selec- of near-tuned neurons causes the monkey to report stimuli
tivity from V2. as “near” significantly more often than occurs when micro-
It is also interesting to note that CPs for the Coarse task stimulation is withheld. Note that microstimulation fre-
have thus far been seen in areas (V2, MT) that contain a quently produced statistically significant effects in the Coarse
topographic representation of disparity (Chen et al., 2008; task (solid bars in figure 33.7G ) and that the vast majority of
DeAngelis & Newsome, 1999) but not in area V1, which these effects were positive. Only one experiment produced
lacks such a map for disparity (Chen et al., 2008; Prince a microstimulation effect in the “wrong” direction, such that
et al., 2002). It will be fascinating to see whether a correlation stimulation of a cluster of far-preferring neurons produced
between functional architecture and CPs emerges as similar a bias in favor of perceiving near. This finding, coupled with
data are collected from additional tasks in additional areas. the sensitivity and CP analyses described above, establishes
Figure 33.7F shows analogous CP data from area MT that area MT contributes to coarse depth perception based
during performance of the Fine task (unpublished data). In on absolute disparities.
this case, the mean CP is 0.52, which is not significantly Figure 33.7H shows comparable microstimulation results
different from 0.5 (p > 0.05). This may be taken as evidence for the Fine task. In this case, the median effect of micro-
that area MT does not contribute to performance of the Fine stimulation is not significantly different from zero (p = 0.88).
task. Note, however, that many more neurons than expected Moreover, when microstimulation did produce a significant

492 sensation and perception

effect (solid bars) it was frequently in the wrong direction corrugated surface in depth. Despite the lack of disparity or
(Uka & DeAngelis, 2006). Thus we found no clear evidence any pictorial depth cues, this arrangement produces a com-
that area MT contributes to performance of the Fine task, pelling sensation of depth. Studies have shown that depth
consistent with the hypothesis that MT’s role in this task is perception from motion parallax is almost as precise as from
limited because it does not carry a representation of fine disparity (Rogers & Graham, 1982). Moreover, psychophy-
relative disparities. sical studies suggest that disparity and motion parallax
Together, these findings establish a satisfying connection processing may share a common neural substrate. Depth
between the neural representation of disparities in area MT percepts from disparity and motion parallax can cross-adapt
(absolute, not relative) and the functional contributions of each other, and combining the cues together can yield sub-
area MT to depth perception. These findings are consistent stantial improvements in sensitivity over either cue alone
with the idea that different visual areas contain specialized (Bradshaw & Rogers, 1996).
representations of binocular disparity signals, and specifically Whereas perception of depth from motion parallax has
support the notion that the dorsal stream (including MT) been well studied (Nawrot & Joyce, 2006), the neural basis
mainly processes absolute disparity information to localize for this behavior has remained unknown. Surely, a neural
objects in 3D space, whereas the ventral stream emphasizes substrate for depth from motion parallax requires neurons
computations of relative disparity for the purpose of 3D that are selective for the direction and speed of visual motion,
shape perception (Neri, 2005; Parker, 2007). Our findings and such neurons can be found in many visual areas in pri-
spur hope that similar studies, employing a variety of tasks mates beginning with V1. It has also been suggested that
in a variety of areas, will be capable of revealing a functional neurons with relative motion selectivity (Cao & Schiller,
taxonomy of visual cortical areas with respect to their roles 2003; Li, Lei, & Yao, 1999) might provide important inputs
in 3D vision. This remains to be seen, but there is reason to to such a depth mechanism. However, the presence of visual
be optimistic that we can understand the selective contribu- motion selectivity alone, even relative motion selectivity,
tions of individual areas to this overall process. does not establish that neurons can provide depth informa-
A weakness of the comparisons that we have made tion based on motion parallax.
between the Coarse and Fine tasks is that several aspects of How, then, can we identify neurons that participate in
the stimuli differ between the two tasks, including absolute computing depth from motion parallax? Our approach
versus relative disparities, the range of disparities, inclusion has been to exploit the fact that visual image motion itself
of noise, and presence of segmentation boundaries. Going can be depth-sign ambiguous, as illustrated in figures 33.8A
forward, it will be important to design stimuli that allow us and 33.8B. In the absence of pictorial depth cues such as
to test perception of depth versus 3D shape while eliminating occlusion and size, the retinal image motion generated by
or minimizing differences in other stimulus variables. near and far objects (having equivalent disparities) is identi-
cal except for the phase of the motion relative to movement
Selectivity for depth from motion parallax in area MT of the subject’s head (or eyes). Objects that are nearer than
the point of fixation will move in the direction opposite to
As is illustrated in figure 33.1B, self-movement (e.g., moving head motion, whereas far objects will move in the same
one’s head from side to side) generally causes the image of direction as the head. Thus in the absence of pictorial cues,
an object to move on the retina, and both the direction neurons must combine retinal image motion with extrareti-
and speed of image motion depend on the location of the nal signals related to head and/or eye movement to deter-
object in depth. This depth-dependent image motion is mine the sign of depth from motion parallax. We designed
called motion parallax. Motion parallax can also arise because random-dot stimuli that were depth-sign ambiguous by
of the movement of objects that have depth structure, but removing all pictorial cues to depth (stimulus size, dot size
here I shall focus on motion parallax resulting from observer and density, occlusion, etc.) (Nadler, Angelaki, & DeAngelis,
movement. 2008). If neurons simply respond to visual image motion,
In a ground-breaking series of psychophysical studies, then they cannot differentiate between our near and far
Rogers and Graham placed subjects in an apparatus with a stimuli. On the other hand, if neurons receive extraretinal
sliding chin rest and asked them to move their heads back inputs that specify the phase of visual image motion relative
and forth while fixating a point on a video display with one to head or eye motion, then they may become selective for
eye (Graham & Rogers, 1982; Rogers & Graham, 1979, depth sign.
1982; Rogers, 1993; Rogers & Rogers, 1992). As the subjects Figures 33.8C and 33.8D illustrate responses from a
moved their heads (and correspondingly their eyes), the neuron recorded from area MT under monocular viewing
experimenters updated the positions of dots in the display conditions (ipsilateral eye occluded). In the Retinal Motion
such that their motion was consistent with the presence of a condition (figure 33.8C), the visual stimulus simulated a

deangelis: roles of visual area mt in depth perception 493

Figure 33.8 Motion parallax, depth-sign ambiguity, and a poten- preferred direction. The depth-sign ambiguity in the retinal motion
tial solution in area MT. (A, B) Schematic illustration of how head stimulus is reflected in the responses of this MT neuron, which are
translation generates motion parallax. As the head moves to the symmetric in strength about 0° in the RM condition. PSTHs
right (A), the image of a near object (bottom cylinder) moves to the labeled “Null” represent responses obtained when no random dots
left while the image of a far object (top cylinder) moves to the right. were presented in the receptive field. (D) Responses of the same
The opposite occurs during head movement to the left (B). If picto- neuron in the Motion Parallax (MP) condition. Note that responses
rial cues to depth, such as size and occlusion, are not present, the to near stimuli are accentuated, while responses to far stimuli are
only difference between the near and far objects is how the phase suppressed relative to the RM condition. A modest modulation can
of their visual motion relates to that of the observer’s motion. Thus be seen in the “Null” condition, reflecting a response associated
an extraretinal signal related to head movement or eye movement with head/eye movement. (E ) Depth-tuning curves for the same
is needed to determine depth sign from motion parallax. (C, D) neuron are shown for the RM (open symbols) and MP (solid
Responses of an example neuron showing selectivity for depth from symbols) conditions. This neuron prefers near stimuli in the MP
motion parallax. Panel C shows PSTHs in response five simulated condition. DSDI values are −0.73 and 0.15 in the MP and RM
depths during the Retinal Motion (RM) condition, in which the conditions, respectively. Error bars are standard errors. The dashed
monkey remains stationary while visual motion simulates depth. horizontal line represents spontaneous activity. (F ) Distributions of
One column of poststimulus time histograms (PSTHs) is shown for the depth sign discrimination index (DSDI) are shown for 144 MT
each starting phase of simulated observer motion. Traces of the neurons tested during the MP (top) and RM (bottom) conditions.
retinal velocity of the stimulus within the receptive field are super- DSDI values significantly different from zero are indicated by solid
imposed in gray, with peaks representing image motion in the bars. (Adapted from Nadler et al., 2008.)
preferred direction and troughs indicating motion in the anti-

494 sensation and perception

surface placed at different distances from the animal, but the 2. Are the depth-sign signals in area MT actually used by
monkey’s head and eyes remained still such that the stimulus monkeys to judge depth from motion parallax? Alterna-
was depth-sign ambiguous. In this case, the neuron responds tively, these findings could be a by-product of interactions
more strongly as stimuli lie farther away from the plane of between visual and extraretinal signals for some other
fixation (which has an equivalent disparity of 0°), but the purpose. This can be tested by training monkeys to discrimi-
response is very similar for stimuli of opposite depth signs nate depth sign from motion parallax and by applying elec-
(e.g., −1° versus +1°). This can be seen further when the data trical microstimulation to MT.
are plotted as a tuning curve (figure 33.8E, open symbols). 3. What is the extraretinal signal that generates depth-sign
The tuning curve for the Retinal Motion condition is sym- selectivity in MT? By the design of our Motion Parallax
metric around 0°, indicating that the neuron does not dis- condition, it could be either a vestibular (or proprioceptive)
tinguish the sign of depth. In the Motion Parallax condition signal related to head movement or a smooth eye move-
(figure 33.8D), the trained animal is translated side-to-side ment signal. Our preliminary results (Nadler, Angelaki, &
by a motion platform while maintaining ocular fixation on DeAngelis, 2006) indicate that the extraretinal signal is a
a world-fixed target. Thus as the animal is translated right- smooth eye movement command, as has been suggested by
ward, it makes a smooth leftward eye movement to keep human psychophysical studies (Naji & Freeman, 2004;
focused on the fixation target. The retinal image motion in Nawrot, 2003a, 2003b; Nawrot & Joyce, 2006).
this condition is the same as that generated (artificially) in 4. How is the depth tuning of MT neurons for motion
the Retinal Motion condition, but now the monkey’s move- parallax related to their selectivity for binocular disparity?
ment provides extraretinal signals. Under this condition, the Our preliminary results (unpublished) show that some MT
same neuron now responds more strongly to near stimuli neurons have matched depth-sign preferences for disparity
and more weakly to far stimuli (figure 33.8D). Plotted as a and motion parallax (e.g., both near or both far), whereas
tuning curve (figure 33.8E, filled symbols), the responses other neurons curiously have opposite depth-sign prefer-
show a clear preference for near stimuli over far stimuli in ences for the two cues. The former neurons could play a role
the Motion Parallax condition. Since retinal image motion in integrating the two depth cues to achieve greater percep-
was the same in these two stimulus conditions (see Nadler tual sensitivity, as demonstrated psychophysically (Bradshaw
et al., 2008, for details), this difference in tuning must arise & Rogers, 1996). The role of the latter neurons with opposite
from the interaction between extraretinal signals and visual preferences is unclear, but they might play a role in distin-
motion information. guishing retinal image motion that arises because of the
Figure 33.8F summarizes results from a population of 144 depth structure of the scene from image motion that arises
MT neurons, as quantified by a depth sign discrimination due to the motion of objects in the scene. Area MT should
index (DSDI), which takes on values near −1 for strong near provide an excellent model system for studying how depth
tuning, values near 0 for no depth-sign tuning, and values cues are integrated both perceptually and neurally.
near +1 for strong far tuning. In the Motion Parallax condi-
tion, DSDI values take on a broad range of values (figure Conclusion
33.8F, top), and ∼70% of MT neurons show significant
selectivity for depth sign based on motion parallax (filled The past decade has seen a dramatic increase in our knowl-
bars). In the Retinal Motion condition, the distribution of edge of the neural basis of depth perception. New cortical
DSDI is more tightly centered around zero with few cells areas have been found to represent binocular disparities,
passing the test for significance (figure 33.8F, bottom). Thus new representations of both disparity and motion parallax
a majority of neurons in area MT are able to combine visual information have been uncovered, the first topographic
image motion with extraretinal signals to compute the sign maps of binocular disparity have been measured, and the
of depth based on motion parallax. first causal links between neural activity and depth percep-
These findings provide the first clear evidence for a popu- tion have been established. During this period, the collective
lation of neurons that represent depth from motion parallax efforts of several laboratories have established 3D vision as
and establish a second major neural mechanism of depth a highly productive model system for understanding the
perception in the brain. These results also raise many ques- neural basis of perception. Here I have summarized some
tions for additional research: of the work from area MT that has contributed to our
current knowledge and that helps to provide a roadmap for
1. Is selectivity for depth-sign created de novo in area MT, future studies. One of the great remaining challenges, which
or does it occur at earlier stages in the visual pathways? This is applicable to almost any sensory or motor system, is to
can be tested by performing similar experiments in areas understand how neural representations are specialized in
that provide substantial inputs to MT, namely, V1, V2, and different areas and how these specialized representations
V3. guide behavior.

deangelis: roles of visual area mt in depth perception 495

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498 sensation and perception

34 Multisensory Integration for
Heading Perception in
Macaque Visual Cortex
dora e. angelaki, yong gu, and gregory c. deangelis

abstract The brain combines different sources of sensory infor- 2004). The basic concept is that there exists inherent uncer-
mation to optimize perception. Information from different sensory tainty in the information that is available to our senses, as
modalities is often seamlessly integrated into a unified percept with well as in the encoding of that information by our sensory
improved behavioral performance. Here we summarize the first
attempt to understand the neural basis of multisensory cue integra-
apparatus. Consequently, perceptual judgments should rely
tion in the context of a behavioral task in which cues are combined on computations involving conditional probability density
according to statistically optimal predictions. We describe multi- functions, sensory likelihoods, and prior probability func-
sensory cue integration in the macaque extrastriate visual cortex tions that are consistent with the Bayesian framework (Clark
using a simple heading discrimination task in which monkeys were & Yuille, 1990; Knill & Pouget, 2004). Assuming Gaussian
asked to judge their direction of self-motion using visual (optic flow)
distributions of the underlying sensory information, inde-
and extraretinal (vestibular) cues. Results suggest that rhesus
macaques and humans use similar computational principles for pendent noise sources, and broad prior distributions relative
combining multiple sensory cues and that these principles can be to the individual cue likelihoods, it is predicted that an
accounted for by the properties of individual neurons in multisen- optimal estimator (in terms of minimizing the variance of
sory cortical areas. the final estimate) will combine sensory information using a
rule that weights the cues according to their reliability (Ernst
& Banks, 2002; Knill & Saunders, 2003). As a result, weaker
A fundamental aspect of our sensory experience is that infor- cues would have a lower weighting in the bimodal estimate.
mation from different modalities is often seamlessly inte- In addition, the variance of the bimodal estimate (s2bi, as
grated into a unified percept. Examples of multisensory cue assessed by psychophysical performance) should be lower
integration include a number of well-known sensory illu- than that of the unimodal estimates, s21,2, as given by (see
sions, such as the McGurk effect (McGurk & MacDonald, figure 34.1)
1976), ventriloquism (Bertelson & Radeau, 1981), and the σ2bi = σ21 * σ22/(σ21 + σ22) (1)
illusion of self-motion triggered by visual motion, known as
These predictions have been tested in human psycho-
vection (Previc, 1992). Combining sensory inputs can improve
physical experiments using a number of different para-
behavioral performance on a number of tasks, including
digms (van Beers, Sittig, & Gon, 1999; Ernst & Banks, 2002;
object recognition (Molholm, Ritter, Javitt, & Foxe, 2004),
Knill & Saunders, 2003; Alais & Burr, 2004; Hillis, Watt,
stimulus detection (Frassinetti, Bolognini, & Ladavas, 2002),
Landy, & Banks, 2004). The basic result is remarkably
and localization (Hairston et al., 2003).
consistent across studies: When combining multiple sensory
Recently, understanding of multisensory integration has
cues, humans perform as nearly optimal Bayesian observers.
gained momentum, as several psychophysical studies have
Yet no direct neural correlates of these phenomena have
shown that human observers combine sensory cues accord-
been available, in part owing to the lack of a suitable
ing to a statistically optimal weighting scheme derived from
animal model for combined behavioral and electro-
Bayesian probability theory (Mamassian, Landy, & Moloney,
physiological experiments in the context of cue integration.
2002; Kersten, Mamassian, & Yuille, 2004; Knill & Pouget,
Rather, studies of multisensory integration at the neuronal
level have often been performed in either anesthetized or
dora e. angelaki and yong gu Department of Anatomy and passively fixating animals, and the pioneering studies
Neurobiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St.
of Stein and colleagues emphasized nonlinearity (superaddi-
Louis, Missouri
gregory c. deangelis Department of Brain and Cognitive tivity) as the hallmark of multisensory integration (Meredith
Sciences, Center for Visual Science, University of Rochester, New & Stein, 1983, 1986, 1996; Wallace, Wilkinson, & Stein,
York 1996).

angelaki, gu, and deangelis: multisensory integration in macaque visual cortex 499
ception is an intriguing problem in sensory integration,
requiring the neural combination of visual signals (e.g., optic
flow), vestibular signals regarding head motion, and perhaps
somatosensory and proprioceptive cues (Dichgans & Brandt,
1974; Hlavacka, Mergner, & Schweigart, 1992; Hlavacka,
Mergner, & Bolha, 1996). In particular, patterns of image
motion across the retina (optic flow) can provide strong cues
to self-motion, as is evidenced by the fact that optic flow alone
can elicit the illusion of self-motion. As early as 1875, Ernst
Mach described self-motion sensations (i.e., circular and
linear vection) induced by visual stimuli. Since then, several
other studies have characterized the behavioral observation
that large-field optic flow stimulation induces self-motion
perception (Brandt, Dichgans, & Koenig, 1973; Berthoz,
Pavard, & Young, 1975; Dichgans & Brandt, 1978). Although
self-motion perception generally involves the analysis of
observer translation and rotation, we shall limit our scope
here to translational movements. Thus the central issue we
explore is how we compute our direction of heading.
Many visual psychophysical and theoretical studies have
shown that optic flow provides powerful cues to heading
(Gibson, 1950) and have examined how heading can be
computed from optic flow (Warren, 2003). In parallel, inde-
pendent information about the motion of our head or body
in space can arise from the vestibular system. Specifically,
Figure 34.1 Schematic illustration of one of the predictions of vestibular signals provide information about the angular and
optimal cue integration. (A) Probability density functions (sensory linear accelerations of the head in space (Angelaki, 2004;
likelihoods) corresponding to two cues: cue 1 (solid curve, e.g., Angelaki & Cullen, 2008) and thus provide important cues
vestibular) and cue 2 (dashed curve, e.g., visual). It is predicted that to self-motion estimation. A role of the vestibular system in
the bimodal probability distribution (gray curve) will be narrower
than those for the individual cues (equation 1). This improvement the perception of self-motion has long been acknowledged
will be largest when the two single cues have the same standard (Guedry, 1974, 1978; Benson, Spencer, & Stott, 1986;
deviation (s). (B) Expected performance for an ideal observer Telford, Howard, & Ohmi, 1995).
judging heading on the basis of the probability distributions in In one such heading discrimination task, the subject expe-
panel A. In this case, the threshold in the combined (bimodal) riences forward motion with a small leftward or rightward
condition is predicted to be lower than both single-cue thresholds.
(Modified with permission from Ernst & Banks, 2002.)
component. At the end of each trial, the task requires an eye
movement to report whether the subject experienced left-
ward or rightward motion (figure 34.2A). Both humans
Here we summarize the first attempt to understand the (Smith, Bush, & Stone, 2002) and monkeys (Gu, DeAngelis,
neural basis of multisensory cue integration in the context & Angelaki, 2007) can be quite accurate in discriminating
of a behavioral task in which cues are combined according their heading direction in the absence of optic flow, with
to the statistically optimal predictions. We describe multisen- thresholds that can be as small as 1–3 degrees during motion
sory cue integration in the macaque extrastriate visual cortex in darkness. These threshold values during motion in dark-
using a simple heading discrimination task in which monkeys ness are comparable to (although larger than) those described
are asked to judge their direction of self-motion using visual in visual heading discrimination tasks (Warren & Hannon,
(optic flow) and extraretinal (vestibular) cues (figure 34.2A). 1990; Royden, Banks, & Crowell, 1992; van den Berg &
Brenner, 1994; Stone & Perrone, 1997). Vestibular heading
Perception of heading from optic flow and thresholds increase more than ten-fold after bilateral laby-
vestibular signals rinthectomy (figure 34.2B, solid symbols), suggesting that
vestibular information is critical for heading discrimination.
How do we perceive our direction of self-motion through Although some recovery was seen over the first few days
space? To navigate effectively through a complex three- postlesion, thresholds remained elevated when measured
dimensional environment, we must accurately estimate our 3–6 months following the lesion (Gu et al., 2007). In con-
own motion relative to objects around us. Self-motion per- trast, labyrinthectomy had a very modest effect on visual

500 sensation and perception

Figure 34.2 Heading discrimination task and behavioral perfor- symbols) are compared with those obtained when the heading was
mance. (A) Task layout. Monkeys were seated on a motion platform defined exclusively by optic flow (open symbols). Data from two
and were translated within the horizontal plane to provide vestibu- animals are shown with different symbols (Gu et al., 2007). (C )
lar stimulation. A projector mounted on the platform displayed Comparison of behavioral performance in one animal under uni-
images of a three-dimensional star field and thus provided optic modal (vestibular: dashed curve, visual: solid curve) and bimodal
flow information. After fixating a visual target, the monkey expe- (gray curve) conditions. Notice the steeper slope of the psychomet-
rienced forward motion with a small leftward or rightward compo- ric function in the combined condition as compared to the single-
nent and subsequently reported his perceived heading (“left” versus cue (visual and vestibular) conditions. (D) Comparison of the
“right”) by making a saccadic eye movement to one of two targets. average psychophysical threshold obtained in the combined condi-
(B) Daily psychophysical thresholds before and after bilateral laby- tion with that predicted based on statistically optimal cue integra-
rinthectomy (0 marks the day of surgery). Data obtained during the tion. Data are shown for three animals. (Parts A and B replotted
heading discrimination task in the absence of optic flow (solid from Gu et al., 2007.)

heading thresholds where the animals remained stationary ent visual and vestibular cues were presented together. Three
and heading was specified solely by optic flow (figure 34.2B, stimulus conditions were randomly interleaved within a
open symbols). single block of trials: (1) a vestibular condition, in which
To test whether macaques, like humans, combine sensory heading was defined solely by inertial motion cues by trans-
cues according to a statistically optimal, Bayesian-style lating the animal on a motion platform; (2) a visual condi-
weighting scheme, an experiment was performed in which tion, in which heading was defined solely by optic flow
heading was specified not only by optic flow alone or inertial provided by a projector that was mounted on the platform;
motion alone, but also by bimodal stimulation when congru- and (3) a combined condition consisting of congruent inertial

angelaki, gu, and deangelis: multisensory integration in macaque visual cortex 501
motion and optic flow cues. Each movement trajectory, Bremmer, Duhamel, Ben Hamed, & Graf, 2002; Bremmer,
either real (vestibular condition) or visually simulated (visual Klam, Duhamel, Ben Hamed, & Graf, 2002), posterior pari-
condition), had a duration of 2 s and consisted of a Gaussian etal cortex (7a) (Siegel & Read, 1997), and superior temporal
velocity profile (for details, see Gu, Watkins, Angelaki, & polysensory area (STP) (Anderson & Siegel, 1999). In par-
DeAngelis, 2006). ticular, neurons in MSTd/VIP have large visual receptive
Average behavior, in the form of psychometric functions, fields and are selective for optic flow patterns similar to
from one of the animals is illustrated in figure 34.2C. Note those seen during self-motion (MSTd: Tanaka et al., 1986;
that the reliability of the individual cues was roughly equated Tanaka, Fukada, & Saito, 1989; Duffy & Wurtz, 1991,
during training by reducing the coherence of the visual 1995; Bradley, Maxwell, Anderson, Banks, & Shenoy, 1996;
motion stimulus such that visual and vestibular thresholds Lappe, Bremmer, Pekel, Thiele, & Hoffmann, 1996); (VIP:
were approximately equal (figure 34.2C, open/solid circles Schaafsma & Duysens, 1996; Bremmer, Duhamel, et al.,
and solid/dashed curves). This balancing of the two cues is 2002). Importantly, electrical stimulation of MSTd or
crucial, as it affords the maximal opportunity to observe VIP has been reported to bias heading judgments that
improvement in performance under cue combination (Ernst are based solely on optic flow (Britten & van Wezel, 1998,
& Banks, 2002). In the combined condition (figure 34.2C, 2002; Zhang & Britten, 2003). MSTd/VIP neurons are
gray circles and curve), the monkey’s heading threshold was also selective for motion in darkness, suggesting that they
substantially smaller, as evidenced by the steeper slope of the receive vestibular inputs (Duffy, 1998; Bremmer, Kubischek,
gray curve. If the monkey combined the two cues optimally, Pekel, Lappe, & Hoffmann, 1999; Bremmer, Duhamel,
as predicted by Bayesian cue integration principles, thresh- et al., 2002; Schlack, Hoffmann, & Bremmer, 2002; Gu
olds should be reduced by approximately 30% under cue et al., 2006; Chen, Henry, DeAngelis, & Angelaki, 2007;
combination (equation 1). That bimodal behavioral thresh- Takahashi et al., 2007).
olds are similar to the optimal cue integration predictions is Using a custom-built virtual reality system, the heading
illustrated in figure 34.2D for data from three animals. Thus, selectivity of MSTd (Gu et al., 2006; Takahashi et al., 2007)
like humans, macaques can combine multiple sensory cues and VIP (Chen et al., 2007) neurons has recently been quan-
nearly optimally to improve perceptual performance. tified in three dimensions. Inertial motion (vestibular) signals
This demonstration of near-optimal cue integration in the were provided by translating a motion platform, and optic
monkey’s behavior provides a unique opportunity to search flow (visual) signals were provided by a projector that was
for the neural basis of Bayesian inference at the level of mounted on the platform and rear-projected images onto a
individual neurons and populations of neurons. In identify- screen in front of the monkey. Approximately 60% of MSTd
ing candidate populations of neurons that integrate visual neurons were significantly tuned for heading under both the
and vestibular signals for self-motion perception, we seek visual and vestibular stimulus conditions. These convergent
neurons that are tuned for direction of motion in optic flow MSTd cells fell into one of two groups: (1) “congruent”
fields and that carry vestibular signals related to the direction neurons, which had similar visual/vestibular preferred direc-
of head motion through space. As will be summarized next, tions, thus signaled the same motion direction in three-
such visual/vestibular convergence occurs in multiple corti- dimensional space under both unimodal stimulus conditions,
cal areas. In contrast, responsiveness to optic flow is gen- and (2) “opposite” neurons, which preferred nearly opposite
erally absent in subcortical areas with vestibular-related directions of heading under visual and vestibular stimulus
activities, including the brain stem vestibular and deep cer- conditions (Gu et al., 2006). The response modulation of
ebellar nuclei (Bryan, Meng, DeAngelis, & Angelaki, 2007) MSTd neurons during inertial motion (vestibular condition)
and primate thalamus (Meng, May, Dickman, & Angelaki, was indeed shown to be of labyrinthine origin, as MSTd cells
2007). In the following, we first briefly summarize what has were no longer tuned during inertial motion following bilat-
been previously known regarding visual/vestibular conver- eral labyrithectomy (figure 34.3) (Gu et al., 2007; Takahashi
gence in the macaque cortex; we then describe in more et al., 2007).
detail how MSTd neurons respond in the context of the Notably, responsiveness to both visual (optic flow)
multimodal heading discrimination task. and vestibular stimulation is generally not present within
more traditionally considered areas of “vestibular cortex”
Responses of primate cortical neurons to optic (Fredrickson & Rubin, 1986; Fukushima, 1997; Guldin &
flow and vestibular stimuli Grusser, 1998). Three main cortical areas have been char-
acterized as either exhibiting responses to vestibular sti-
Optic flow-sensitive neurons have been found in the dorsal mulation and/or receiving short-latency vestibular signals
portion of the medial superior temporal area (MSTd) (trisynaptic through the vestibular nuclei and the thalamus).
(Tanaka et al., 1986; Duffy & Wurtz, 1991, 1995), ventral They are (1) area 2v, located in the transition zone of areas
intraparietal area (VIP) (Schaafsma & Duysens, 1996; 2, 5, and 7 within the intraparietal sulcus (Fredrickson,

502 sensation and perception

Thus, in summary, a handful of studies have examined
how cortical neurons integrate visual and vestibular signals
to code heading direction. Although these studies clearly
establish the presence of both visual and vestibular signals
in areas MSTd and VIP, they are limited by the fact that
neuronal responses during unimodal or bimodal visual/
vestibular stimulation were obtained while monkeys either
were passively fixating a target or were freely allowed to
make eye movements in darkness. Yet to probe the neural
basis of multisensory cue integration and the neural corre-
lates of Bayesian inference, neural activity needs to be mea-
sured in the context of a behavioral task that requires the
subject to report his/her perception of self-motion. To make
concrete links between neural activity and self-motion per-
ception, we must record and/or manipulate neural activity
during such tasks. Next we describe such an experiment.

Responses of MSTd neurons during unimodal and

bimodal variants of the heading discrimination task
Having established robust cue integration behavior in
macaques (figures 34.2C and 34.2D), we recorded from
single neurons in area MSTd while monkeys performed the
heading discrimination task. To identify multimodal neurons,
we measured heading-tuning curves in the horizontal plane
under both single-cue conditions while animals maintained
visual fixation. Figures 34.4A and 34.4B show data from two
example multimodal neurons with clear tuning under both
single-cue conditions. The neuron in figure 34.4A preferred
Figure 34.3 Comparison of visual and vestibular population
leftward (negative) headings for both stimuli and was classi-
tuning curves (A) before and (B) after labyrinthectomy. Visual fied as a “congruent” cell. In contrast, the neuron in figure
responses (open circles and solid lines) of each neuron were shifted 34.4B preferred leftward headings under the visual condition
to align the peaks of all tuning curves at 0° prior to averaging across (solid line) and rightward headings under the vestibular con-
the population. Vestibular responses (solid circles and dashed line) dition (dashed line) and was classified as an “opposite” cell.
were also averaged across neurons after being aligned to the ves-
(Note that heading directions are referenced to either the
tibular maximum response direction. Gray bands in both panels
indicate the average spontaneous firing rate ± standard error. real or simulated self-motion; thus similar tuning in the
(Modified from Gu et al., 2007.) visual and vestibular conditions defines a congruent cell.)
Over the much narrower range of headings sampled
Scheid, Figge, & Kornhuber, 1966; Schwarz & Fredrickson, during discrimination, the unimodal tuning of these example
1971a, 1971b; Buttner & Buettner, 1978); (2) the parietoin- neurons was monotonic in all three stimulus conditions
sular vestibular cortex, located between the auditory and (figures 34.4C and 34.4D). For the congruent cell (figure
secondary somatosensory cortices (Grusser, Pause, & 34.4C ), heading tuning became steeper in the combined
Schreiter, 1990a, 1990b); and (3) area 3a, located within the condition. In contrast, the tuning curve became flatter in
central sulcus extending into the anterior bank of the precen- the combined condition for the opposite cell (figure 34.4D).
tral gyrus (Odkvist, Schwarz, Frederickson, & Hassler, 1974; To compare neuronal and behavioral sensitivity more
Guldin, Akbarian, & Grusser, 1992). Preliminary results directly, we used signal detection theory (Green & Swets,
suggest that these areas are unlikely to play important roles 1966; Britten, Shadlen, Newsome, & Movshon, 1992) to
in visual/vestibular cue integration for heading perception quantify the ability of an ideal observer to discriminate
because of the absence of responses to optic flow (Chen heading on the basis of the activity of a single neuron (figures
et al., 2006; Chen, Henry, DeAngelis, & Angelaki, 2007). 34.4E and 34.4F, symbols). We fitted these neurometric data
Instead, the extrastriate visual cortical areas MSTd and VIP with cumulative Gaussian functions (figures 34.4E and
appear to be more likely candidates for visual/vestibular cue 34.4F, smooth curves) and defined the neuronal threshold
integration for heading perception. as the standard deviation of the Gaussian. The smaller the

angelaki, gu, and deangelis: multisensory integration in macaque visual cortex 503
Figure 34.4 Heading sensitivity in area MSTd. (A, B) Heading- range of heading stimuli presented while the monkey performed
tuning curves of two example neurons with (A) congruent and the discrimination task. (E, F ) Neurometric functions computed
(B) opposite visual/vestibular heading preferences. Negative angles by ROC analysis for the same two neurons. Smooth curves show
correspond to leftward headings; positive numbers illustrate right- best-fitting cumulative Gaussian functions. (Modified from Gu
ward directions. (C, D) Responses of the same neurons to a narrow et al., 2008.)

threshold, the steeper is the neurometric function and the population of neurons. To summarize this dependency, a
more sensitive the neuron is to subtle variations in heading. quantitative index of visual/vestibular congruency (CI) was
For the congruent neuron in figure 34.4E, the neuronal established that ranged from +1, when visual and vestibular
threshold was smallest in the combined condition (gray tuning functions have a consistent slope (figure 34.4A), to −1,
symbols and lines), indicating that the neuron could dis- when they have opposite slopes (figure 34.4B). We then
criminate smaller variations in heading when both cues computed, for each neuron, the ratio of the neuronal
were provided. In contrast, for the opposite neuron in threshold in the combined condition to the threshold
figure 34.4F, the reverse was true: the neuron became expected if neurons combine cues optimally according to
less sensitive in the presence of both cues (gray symbols equation 1. A significant correlation was seen between the
and lines). ratio of combined to predicted thresholds and CI (figure
The effect of visual/vestibular congruency on neuronal 34.5A), such that neurons with large positive CIs (congruent
sensitivity during bimodal stimulation held across the whole cells, black circles) had thresholds close to the optimal

504 sensation and perception

less sensitive than the animal’s behavior, and this was true
under both unimodal and bimodal stimulation (figure 34.5B).
To perform the task based on MSTd activity, the monkey
must therefore either pool responses across many neurons
or rely more heavily on the most sensitive neurons (Parker
& Newsome, 1998). Note that the stimulus range in our task
was not tailored to the tuning of individual neurons, such
that many neurons have large thresholds mainly because the
tuning curve was flat over the range of headings tested
during discrimination.

Correlations with behavioral choice

If monkeys rely on area MSTd for heading discrimination,
the results of figure 34.5A suggest that they selectively
monitor the activity of congruent cells and not opposite cells.
To test this hypothesis, we computed choice probabilities
(CPs) (Britten, Newsome, Shadlen, Celebrini, & Movshon,
1996) to quantify whether trial-to-trial fluctuations in neural
firing rates were correlated with fluctuations in the monkeys’
perceptual decisions (for a constant physical stimulus). A
significant CP greater than 0.5 indicates that the monkey
tends to choose the neuron’s preferred sign of heading (left-
ward versus rightward) when the neuron fires more strongly.
Such a result is thought to reflect a functional link between
the neuron and perception (Britten et al., 1996; Parker &
Figure 34.5 Neuronal sensitivity of MSTd neurons. (A) Neuronal Newsome, 1998; Krug, 2004). Notably, although MSTd is
sensitivity under cue combination depends on congruency of visual classically considered visual cortex, vestibular CPs were sig-
and vestibular tuning. The ordinate in this scatterplot represents nificantly larger than chance (Gu et al., 2007). Moreover,
the ratio of the threshold measured in the combined condition to
vestibular signals were consistently correlated with heading
the prediction from optimal cue integration. The abscissa repre-
sents the congruency index of heading tuning for visual and ves- percepts irrespective of congruency (figure 34.6A).
tibular responses (CI). Asterisks denote neurons for which the CI In contrast, perhaps surprisingly, CPs were overall smaller
is not significantly different from zero. At the two extremes, neurons under the visual and combined conditions (0.52 in both
with CIs significantly larger than 0 were defined as congruent cells cases, compared to 0.55 for the vestibular condition). These
(solid symbols), whereas neurons with CIs significantly lower than
CPs, when averaged across the whole MSTd population, are
0 were defined as opposite cells (open symbols). Dashed horizontal
line: threshold in the combined condition is equal to the prediction. small because, like neuronal thresholds, CPs in the visual
(B) Comparison of neuronal and psychophysical thresholds. Each and combined conditions depend on congruency (figures
datum represents one recording session, with solid, open, and gray 34.6B and 34.6C ). Specifically, congruent cells tended to
symbols denoting the vestibular, visual, and combined conditions, have positive CPs (>0.5), and opposite cells tended to have
respectively (squares and triangles represent data from two animals). negative CPs (<0.5) or CPs near zero. Paradoxically, neurons
Most data points lie well above the diagonal, indicating that most
neurons are less sensitive than the monkeys. Only the most sensitive with a significant CP less than 0.5 increase their firing rates
neurons have thresholds comparable to that of the animal. (Modi- when the monkey chooses their nonpreferred direction.
fied from Gu et al., 2008.) Note that because the description of visual CPs as larger or
smaller than 0.5 is based on visual response tuning, opposite
prediction (ratios near unity). Thus the average neuronal MSTd neurons would consistently have positive (>0.5) CPs
thresholds for congruent MSTd cells followed a pattern when expressed relative to the cell’s vestibular preference.
similar to the monkeys’ behavior. In contrast, combined This finding suggests that visual responses may be decoded
thresholds for opposite cells were generally much higher relative to the vestibular preference of the neurons. Perhaps
than predicted from optimal cue integration (figure 34.5A, most important, congruent cells were much more strongly
open circles), indicating that these neurons became less correlated with monkeys’ heading judgments in the com-
sensitive during cue combination. bined condition than were opposite cells, consistent with
Notably, only the most sensitive neurons rivaled behav- the idea that the animals might have selectively monitored
ioral performance, whereas most neurons were substantially congruent cells to achieve near-optimal cue integration.

angelaki, gu, and deangelis: multisensory integration in macaque visual cortex 505
physical performance under cue combination. These find-
ings implicate area MSTd in sensory integration for heading
perception and establish an excellent model system for
studying the detailed mechanisms by which neurons combine
different sensory signals and dynamically reweight these
signals to optimize performance as the reliability of cues
varies (Knill & Pouget, 2004). However, because the reli-
ability of the visual and vestibular cues was not varied in
these experiments, it is currently unclear whether monkeys
and MSTd neurons dynamically reweight these cues, as
predicted by statistically optimal cue integration schemes.
While experiments are currently underway to test this very
important prediction of Bayesian cue integration in trained
animals (Fetsch, Angelaki, & DeAngelis, 2007), we next
summarize results from a simpler experiment in which the
reliability of the visual cue was varied during neural record-
ings in a passively fixating animal (Morgan, DeAngelis, &
Angelaki, 2008). This experiment sought to characterize the
mathematical rule by which MSTd neurons combine their
visual and vestibular inputs. Specifically, we asked whether
bimodal responses in MSTd are well fit by weighted linear
sums of unimodal responses or whether a nonlinear combi-
nation rule is required. Moreover, we asked whether the
weights that neurons apply to these cues change with the
relative reliabilities of the two cues.

Dependence on cue reliability

As a first step to investigate how cue reliability modulates
visual/vestibular cue integration, we compared unimodal
responses to eight evenly spaced directions (45 degrees apart)
in the horizontal plane with bimodal responses to the 64
possible combinations of these eight vestibular and visual
headings, including eight congruent and 56 incongruent
(cue-conflict) presentations. In all conditions, monkeys were
simply required to maintain fixation during stimulus presen-
tation. For each unimodal stimulus (visual and vestibular),
tuning curves were constructed by plotting the mean response
versus heading direction, as illustrated for an example con-
Figure 34.6 Correlations between MSTd responses and percep- gruent cell in figure 34.7 (tuning curves along the left ordinate
tual decisions depend on congruency of tuning. Choice probability
and abscissa). For the bimodal stimuli, in which each response
(CP) data are plotted as a function of congruency index (CI)
for each MSTd neuron tested in the (A) vestibular, (B) visual, is associated with both a vestibular heading and a visual
and (C ) combined conditions. Congruent, opposite, and interme- heading, responses have been illustrated as two-dimensional
diate neurons are classified as in figure 34.5. (Modified from Gu contour maps with vestibular heading along the abscissa and
et al., 2008.) visual heading along the ordinate (figure 34.7). At 100%
visual coherence, bimodal responses often more strongly
In summary, by simultaneously monitoring neural activity reflected the visual unimodal tuning preference, as indicated
and behavior, it has been possible to study neural mecha- by the horizontal band of high firing rates (figure 34.7A).
nisms of multisensory processing under conditions in Lowering visual coherence, by reducing the proportion of
which cue integration is known to take place perceptually. dots carrying the motion signal (Takahashi et al., 2007;
In addition to demonstrating near-optimal cue integration Morgan et al., 2008), altered both the unimodal visual
by monkeys, a population of neurons has been identified in responses and the pattern of bimodal responses (figures
area MSTd that could account for improvement in psycho- 34.7B and 34.7C ). In both cases, the visual heading tuning

506 sensation and perception

100% coherence (horizontal band in figure 34.7A), bimodal
responses became progressively more influenced by the ves-
tibular cue as coherence was reduced. At 50% coherence,
the presence of a clear symmetric peak suggests well-matched
visual and vestibular contributions to the bimodal response
(figure 34.7B). As visual coherence was further reduced to
25%, vestibular dominance is observed, the bimodal response
taking the form of a vertical band aligned with the vestibular
heading preference (figure 34.7C ).
Bimodal responses were adequately fit by a weighted
linear sum of responses from the vestibular and visual condi-
tions, with weights wvisual and wvestibular describing the strength
of the contributions of each unimodal input to the bimodal
response (Morgan et al., 2008). Given that the relative influ-
ences of the two cues on the bimodal response changes with
motion coherence, as shown in figure 34.7, an important
question then arises: Do the weights with which each neuron
combines its vestibular and visual inputs remain fixed as
coherence changes, the decreased visual influence in the
bimodal tuning being simply due to the weaker visual
responses at lower coherences? Alternatively, do the weights
given to the vestibular and visual inputs change with the
relative reliabilities of the two cues? In the former scenario,
the multisensory combination rule used by MSTd neurons
is independent of cue reliability, whereas in the latter
scenario, neurons modify their combination rules when the
quality of the sensory cues changes. Quantitative analyses
support the latter possibility. In particular, as compared
to 100% coherence, vestibular weights at 50% coherence
shifted toward larger values (figure 34.8A), and visual weights
shifted toward smaller values (figure 34.8B). This result is
further illustrated for neurons recorded at multiple coher-
ences: Visual weights increased, whereas vestibular weights
declined with increasing motion coherence (figures 34.8C
Figure 34.7 Comparison of unimodal and bimodal tuning for a and 34.8D).
congruent MSTd cell, tested at three motion coherences. Grayscale These results, showing that MSTd neurons give less weight
maps show mean firing rates as a function of vestibular and visual to their visual inputs when optic flow is degraded by reducing
headings in the bimodal condition (including all 64 possible com- motion coherence, might contribute to the observation in
binations of eight visual headings and eight vestibular headings).
Tuning curves along the left and bottom margins show mean
human psychophysical studies that the influence of a cue
(± standard error of the mean) firing rates versus heading for the depends on the relative reliability of that cue compared to
unimodal visual and vestibular conditions, respectively. (A) Bimodal others (Ernst & Banks, 2002; Battaglia, Jacobs, & Aslin, 2003;
responses at 100% coherence are visually dominated. (B) Bimodal Alais & Burr, 2004). However, we cannot yet speak to the
responses at 50% coherence show a balanced contribution of visual temporal dynamics of this reweighting because we presented
and vestibular cues. (C) At 25% coherence, bimodal responses
different motion coherences in separate blocks of trials.
appear to be dominated by the vestibular input. (Replotted with
permission from Morgan et al., 2008.) Further experiments are necessary to investigate whether
neurons reweight their inputs on a trial-by-trial basis.

(tuning curve along ordinate) remained similar in shape and Conclusion

heading preference, but the peak-to-trough response modu-
lation was reduced at 50% and 25% coherence. Simultane- The past decade has seen a dramatic increase in our under-
ously, the transition from visual dominance to vestibular standing of the computational principles that characterize
dominance is clearly evident in the bimodal responses as human multisensory perception. Yet little is currently known
a function of coherence. Although visually dominated at about the neural mechanisms that underlie probabilistic

angelaki, gu, and deangelis: multisensory integration in macaque visual cortex 507
Figure 34.8 Dependence of vestibular and visual weights on ence. Triangles are plotted at the medians. (C, D) Vestibular and
visual motion coherence. Vestibular and visual weights for each visual weights are plotted as a function of motion coherence. Data
MSTd neuron were derived from linear fits to bimodal responses points are coded by the significance of unimodal visual tuning
like those in figure 34.7. (A, B) Histograms of vestibular and visual (open versus solid circles). (Replotted with permission from Morgan
weights computed from data at 100% (black) and 50% (gray) coher- et al., 2008.)

multisensory integration and Bayesian inference in general. G.C.D.). We thank Michael Morgan, whose Ph.D. thesis provided
Here, we have summarized recent findings of neurons in the MSTd data at different visual coherences.
extrastriate visual cortex that might mediate visual/vestibu-
lar cue integration for heading perception. Although some
critical experiments have not yet been conducted, results to REFERENCES
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510 sensation and perception

35 Visual Stability during
Saccadic Eye Movements
concetta morrone and david burr

abstract We frequently reposition our gaze by making rapid objects while they are being contemplated, the form of every
ballistic eye movements called saccades to position the fovea on one of the objects facing the eye . . . will move on the eyes
objects of interest. While the strategy is highly efficient for the visual as the latter moves. But sight has become accustomed to the
system, allowing it to analyze the whole visual field with the high
resolution of the fovea, it poses several problems for perception.
motion of the objects’ forms on its surface when the objects
Saccades cause rapid, large-field motion on the retina, potentially are stationary, and therefore does not judge the objects to
confusable with large-field motion in the external world. They also be in motion” (Alhazen, 1083). But only recently have the
change the relationship between external space and retina position, tools become available to monitor eye movements accurately
confounding information about visual direction. Much effort has and to measure their effects qualitatively.
been made in recent years to attempt to understand the effects of
The problem of visual stability can be broadly divided into
saccades on visual function. Electrophysiological, imaging, and psy-
chophysical evidence suggests that saccades trigger two distinct three separate issues: Why we do not perceive the motion of
neural processes: a suppression of visual sensitivity, specific to the retinal image produced as the eye sweeps over the visual
motion analysis, probably mediated by the magnocellular pathway, field? How do we cope dynamically “on-line” with the con-
and a gross perceptual distortion of visual space just before the tinual changes in the retinal image produced by each
repositioning of gaze. While our knowledge of how the visual
saccade? How (and where) do we construct a stable spatiotopic
system copes with the potentially damaging effects of continual
saccadic eye movements has increased considerably over the past representation of the world centered in real-world external
few decades, many interesting avenues of research remain open. coordinates from the successive “snapshots” of each fixa-
tion? Although the problem of visual stability is far from
solved, tantalizing progress has been made over the last few
years, some of which will be highlighted in this chapter.
Vision is always clear and stable, despite continual saccadic
eye movements, that is, ballistic movements of the eyes that
reposition our gaze two to three times a second. Saccades Saccadic suppression
may be made deliberately, but normally they are automatic
Part of the general problem of visual stability is why the fast
and pass unnoticed. An observer at a sporting event, someone
motion of the retinal image generated the movement of
conversing with a companion, or a person reading a book
the eyes completely escapes notice. Comparable wide-field
usually makes many saccades without knowing that they
motion generated externally is highly visible and somewhat
have occurred. Not only does the actual movement of the
disturbing (Burr, Holt, Johnstone, & Ross, 1982). It has long
eyes escape notice; so too does the motion of images as they
been suspected that vision is somehow suppressed during
sweep across the retina and the fact that gaze itself has been
saccades (Holt, 1903), but the nature of the suppression
repositioned. The world seems to stay put. Comparable
has remained elusive. Now it is clear that the suppression is
image motion that is produced externally, rather than by
neither a “central anaesthesia” of the visual system (Holt,
movements of the observer’s own eyes, has an alarming effect
1903), nor a “gray-out of the world” due to fast motion
on the observer’s sense of stability. The problem of visual
(Campbell & Wurtz, 1978; Dodge, 1900; Woodworth, 1906),
stability is an old one that has fascinated many scientists,
as this motion is actually visible—extremely so at low spatial
including Descartes, von Helmholtz, Mach, and Sherrington,
frequencies (Burr & Ross, 1982). What happens is that
and indeed goes back at least to the 11th-century Persian
some stimuli are actively suppressed by saccades while others
scholar Alhazen: “For if the eye moves in front of visible
are not. Stimuli of low spatial frequencies are very difficult
to detect if flashed just prior to a saccade, while stimuli of
concetta morrone Department of Physiological Sciences,
high spatial frequencies remain equally visible (Burr et al.,
University of Pisa, and Scientific Institute Stella Maris, Pisa, Italy
david burr Department of Psychology, University of Florence, 1982; Volkmann, Riggs, White, & Moore, 1978). Equilumi-
Italy; School of Psychology, University of Western Australia, Perth, nant stimuli (varying in color but not luminance) are not
Australia suppressed during saccades and can even be enhanced (Burr,

morrone and burr: visual stability during saccadic eye movements 511
Morrone, & Ross, 1994), implying that the parvocellular sensitivity is greater than that expected with comparable
pathway, essential for chromatic discrimination, is left unim- motion without the saccade, possibly implying a post-
paired, while the magnocellular pathway is specifically saccadic facilitation (consistent with the physiology).
suppressed. That real saccades cause a different pattern of results from
Saccadic suppression follows a specific and very tight time simulated saccades shows that suppression results at least in
course, illustrated in figure 35.1A (replotted from Diamond, part from an active, extraretinal signal. Interestingly, the
Ross, & Morrone, 2000). Sensitivity for seeing low-spatial- amount of suppression varies with age, being much stronger
frequency, luminance-modulated stimuli declines 25 ms in adolescent children than in adults (Bruno, Brambati,
before saccadic onset, reaching a minimum at the onset of Perani, & Morrone, 2006), even though in adolescence,
the saccade, then rapidly recovering to normal levels 50 ms motion perception and masking are largely adultlike (Maurer,
afterward. Does the suppression result from a central non- Lewis, & Mondloch, 2005; Parrish, Giaschi, Boden, &
visual “corollary discharge” signal (discussed in the next Dougherty, 2005). This indicates that the mechanisms that
section), or could it result simply from the visual “masking” mediate suppression are still developing at this age. Because
effects? This would seem unlikely, as great care was taken to the saccadic motor system is also not completely mature
ensure a uniform surround. However, the question is impor- during adolescence (Fischer, Biscaldi, & Gezeck, 1997), this
tant, so to be certain that the saccade itself was essential for is further evidence that the extraretinal signal that is respon-
the suppression, we simulated saccadic eye movements by sible for mediating the saccadic suppression may be linked
viewing the stimulus setup through a mirror that could be to the motor system.
rotated at saccadic speeds. When the background was Psychophysical studies indicate that saccadic suppression
uniform, with minimal visual referents, the simulated sac- occurs early in the visual system (Burr et al., 1994), at or
cades had little or no effect on sensitivity (open symbols of before the site of contrast masking and before low-level
figure 35.1A).
But that is not to say that masking does not occur under
more natural conditions. When the test stimulus is embed-
ded within a textured screen, simulated saccades do decrease
contrast sensitivity (figure 35.1B). Indeed, the maximum sup-
pression is nearly as great as that caused by real saccades
and lasts much longer. This suggests that after the saccade,

Figure 35.1 The effect of saccades on human contrast sensitivity

and firing rate in monkey MT. (A) Solid squares show contrast
sensitivity for discriminating (in two-alternative forced choice) the
brightness of a brief, low-frequency, luminance-modulated grating
patch as a function of time relative to saccadic onset. The back-
ground was of mean luminance, with very few visual referents
present. Sensitivity is severely reduced (by more than a log-unit) at
saccadic onset. The open circles show measurements made in iden-
tical conditions, but instead of making a saccade, a mirror moved
at the same speed and amplitude as the saccade; this had very little
effect on sensitivity. (B ) As for panel A, except that the background
was a high-contrast random check pattern. With a structured back-
ground, the simulated saccade did reduce visibility, presumably by
masking, with the effect lasting longer than it did for a real saccade.
The gray-shaded area indicates the region where sensitivity was
greater during the saccade than in fixation. (C ) Firing rate of a
typical MT neuron in an awake monkey in response to stimulation
to a brief stimulus, as a function of time relative to saccadic onset.
The pattern of the response is similar to the psychophysical results
of panel A; the timing does not match exactly, but this is only one
cell, not an average, and does not take neural latencies into account.
The enhancement after the saccade may allow for the more rapid
recovery from masking during real rather than simulated saccades
(the difference between the solid and open symbols in panel B).
(Reproduced with permission from Diamond et al., 2000; Ibbotson
et al., 2008.)

512 sensation and perception

motion processing (Burr, Morgan, & Morrone, 1999). Thilo, cell is replotted in figure 35.1C. This cell showed a very
Santoro, Walsh, and Blakemore (2003) addressed this ques- strong and robust suppression before the start of the saccade,
tion more directly with a clever electrophysiological tech- followed by a clear enhancement lasting some 200 ms after
nique. Replicating an old study by Riggs, Merton, and the termination of the saccade. While it is difficult to make
Morton (1974), they showed that visual phosphenes pro- a quantitative comparison between psychophysical thresh-
duced by electrical stimulation of the eye are suppressed old measurements (figure 35.1A) and the firing rate of one
during saccades. But phosphenes of cortical origin—V1 or representative MT cell (figure 35.1C ), it is interesting that
V2—generated with the technique of transcranial magnetic modulation of MT/MST response follows a time course
stimulation were not suppressed. This strongly suggests similar to that of sensitivity for a brief low-spatial frequency
that saccadic suppression occurs early, before the site of stimulus, presumably detected by magnocellular/MT-MST
generation of cortical phosphenes, probably within the pathways. The very strong postsaccadic enhancement of
lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) or perhaps within V1 itself. MT cells could explain the relatively higher sensitivity after
A recent functional resonance magnetic imaging (fMRI) real saccades compared with after simulated saccades (the
(Sylvester, Haynes, & Rees, 2005) study that measured difference between open and solid symbols of figure 35.1B).
blood oxygen level–dependent (BOLD) activity of LGN Another interesting result reported for MT neurons is that
while subjects made saccades over a field of constant illumi- in addition to being suppressed, many neurons seem to
nation (to avoid the generation of spurious retinal motion) reverse their preferred direction selectivity (Thiele, Henning,
showed a clear suppression in both LGN and V1, reinforc- Kubischik, & Hoffmann, 2002). This odd behavior could be
ing early suggestion of saccadic suppression in the dark in important in “canceling” motion information, helping to
V1 (Bodis-Wollner, Bucher, & Seelos, 1999). There is also keep the world still.
fMRI evidence for postthalamic modulation by saccades. To conclude, it is not surprising that saccadic suppression
BOLD activity to luminance stimuli is relatively suppressed should occur at different levels. Many basic sensory phenom-
compared with that of chromatic stimuli during saccades, ena, such as gain control, occur not at a single site but at
but the attenuation varies between areas (Kleiser, Seitz, & virtually every possible location: photoreceptors, retinal gan-
Krekelberg, 2004), being strong in MT—as expected—but glion cells, LGN cells, and cortex (Shapley & Enroth-Cugell,
also strong in V4, a cortical area that receives more parvo- 1984). Indeed, the parallels between saccadic suppression
cellular than magnocellular input. There is also evidence of and contrast gain control are strong, suggesting that they
suppression in higher neural levels, in areas that are nor- might share similar mechanisms. During saccades, the tem-
mally associated with attention (Bristow, Haynes, Sylvester, poral impulse response to luminance, but not to equilumi-
Frith, & Rees, 2005, Kleiser et al., 2004). This is interesting, nant, stimuli becomes faster and more transient (Burr &
as it could be the suppression of the high-order “attention- Morrone, 1996). LGN (Reppas et al., 2002) and MT/MST
related” areas that prevents the sense of motion entering into (Ibbotson et al., 2008) cells show a similar response pattern,
awareness, causing startle. with faster and more transient impulse response functions
The electrophysiology of saccadic suppression is more during saccades. These results suggest that saccadic suppres-
complex. Electrophysiological studies show that the majority sion might act by attenuating the contrast gain of the neu-
of cells in V1 respond vigorously to the movement created ronal response, causing a faster impulse response (Shapley
by saccades; however, some cells do not respond to saccade- & Victor, 1981). Changing contrast gain makes neurons less
created motion but only to real motion in the external world. responsive to low-contrast stimuli, decreasing the effective-
These cells are the minority, about 10% in V1, 15% in V2, ness of the spurious noise caused by the saccade, hence
and 40% in V3A (Galletti & Fattori, 2003; Wurtz, 2008). facilitating their recovery to normal sensitivity. The fact that
Recently, Reppas, Usrey, and Reid (2002) have shown that saccadic suppression operates via gain control mechanisms
voluntary saccades induce profound changes in the response is consistent with the fact that the M-pathway is selectively
of LGN cells, particularly magno-cells. Activity is depressed suppressed, as M cells have much stronger gain control
around the time of the saccade, and there is also a larger mechanisms than P cells (Sclar, Maunsell, & Lennie, 1990).
and long-lasting enhancement after the saccade. There is This would certainly be an elegant and economical solution
also clear evidence for a strong suppression in the colliculus to the problem of saccadic suppression, taking advantage of
and pulvinar that could be important for the suppression of mechanisms that are already in place for other functions.
fast motion (Wurtz, 2008). The idea that gain control explains both the suppression and
Perhaps the data that can be most readily compared with rapid recovery during saccades has been implemented in a
the psychophysical sensitivities are those of Ibbotson, model that simulates quantitatively the time course of con-
Crowder, Cloherty, Price, and Mustari (2008), who meas- trast sensitivity in normal and simulated saccade (Diamond
ured responsiveness of MT/MST cells to a brief stimulus, et al., 2000). In this view, saccadic suppression subserves two
like that used in the psychophysics experiments. An example important roles: the suppression of image motion, which

morrone and burr: visual stability during saccadic eye movements 513
Apparent position (degs)
would otherwise be disturbing, and the rapid return to
40 A
normal sensitivity after the saccade.

Dynamic updating of internal spatial maps 20

Besides the (relatively) simple problem of suppressing the Target
motion caused by the fast-moving image on the retina, the 0
brain must also take into account the saccadic movement Fix
when determining the instantaneous position of objects in
space. Like Alhazen, von Helmholtz (1866) recognized that -20
“the effort of will involved in trying to alter the adjustment
of the eyes” could be used to help stabilize perception.
Models based on similar ideas of compensation of eye move- -40
ments were proposed in the 1950s by Sperry (1950) with -200 -100 0 100 200
the concept of corollary discharge and by Von Holst and

Number of bars
Mittelstädt (1954) with the concept efference copy: The 4 B
effort of will of making the eye movements (corollary dis-
charge) is subtracted from the retinal signal to cancel the eye 3
movement and stabilize perception. Now we know that
retinal motion signal cannot be easily compensated, given 2
the sophisticated analysis performed by motion detectors.
However, there is evidence for the existence of a corollary 1
discharge signal that must be instrumental in maintaining
visual stability.
-200 -100 0 100 200
Considerable psychophysical evidence exists for a corol- Time (ms)
lary discharge in humans, going back to the 1960s, when
Leonard Matin and others reported large transient changes Figure 35.2 Effect of saccades on apparent bar position and
in spatial localization at the time of saccades. When asked number. (A) Perceived position of narrow green bars, briefly flashed
on a red background at various times relative to the onset of a
to report the position of a target that was flashed during a saccade from −10 to +10 degrees. The physical position of the bars
saccade, subjects mislocalized it, primarily in the direction (shown by the dashed lines) could be −20 degrees (for the triangle
of the saccade (Honda, 1989; Mateeff, 1978; Matin & Pearce, symbols), 0 degrees (square symbols), and 20 degrees (round
1965). The localization error is typically on the order of half symbols). The effect of the saccades (maximal at saccadic onset) is
the saccadic size. Later, Mateeff and Honda measured the to shift the apparent position of the bar toward the saccadic target,
where the eyes land. For stimuli at 0 or −20 degrees the shift is in
time course and showed that the error starts about 50 ms
the direction of the saccade, but for stimuli at +20 degrees the shift
before the saccadic onset and continues well after fixation is is in the other direction. In all cases, the shift is toward the saccadic
regained. The error before the saccadic onset has been taken landing point. (B ) Reported number of bars seen, as a function of
as an indication of the existence of a slow and sluggish corol- presentation time (relative to saccadic onset). A variable number of
lary discharge signal that compensates partly for the eye bars (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4) were presented simultaneously in positions
straddling 10 degrees either side of the saccadic target site. The
movement; the internal representation of the position and
results reported here are for trials in which four bars were pre-
the actual position of the gaze do not match and errors in sented; but when presented near saccadic onset, the four collapse
the localization of a brief target are generated. onto each other, so only one was seen. The other bars were not
We have examined saccadic mislocalization in photopic suppressed, because one bar was always reported as one, and zero
conditions using equiluminant stimuli (that remain visible bars were reported as zero (no false positives). (Reproduced with
during saccades). This approach revealed a bizarre result: permission from Ross et al., 1997.)
At the time of saccades, visual space is not so much shifted
in the direction of the saccade but compressed toward the sac- (Kaiser & Lappe, 2004). These results are intriguing because
cadic target (Morrone, Ross, & Burr, 1997; Ross, Morrone, they indicate that the process described mathematically by
& Burr, 1997) (see figure 35.2A). Objects that are flashed at a simple translation of the internal coordinate system is not
saccadic onset to a range of positions, from close to fixation plausible; perhaps the system cannot perform the transfor-
to positions well beyond the saccadic target, are all perceived mation of space without additional perceptual costs.
at or near the saccadic target. The effect is primarily parallel Figure 35.2B shows that saccadic compression is so strong
to the saccade direction (Ross et al., 1997), although a small that four bars spread over 20 degrees are perceived as being
compression is also observed in the orthogonal direction fused into a single bar. Discrimination of shape (Matsumiya

514 sensation and perception

& Uchikawa, 2001) or colors (Lappe, Kuhlmann, Oerke, & also be consistent with statistically optimal, or “Bayesian,”
Kaiser, 2006) of the bars is still possible, but counting them integration of information. A recent study has shown how
and perceiving them in separate positions are not. Some- this could be the case, by studying audiovisual integration
times the shape or orientation of the flashed object can also during saccades. Auditory stimuli are usually far more diffi-
change, appearing smaller and more vertical (for horizontal cult to localize in space than are visual stimuli. When vision
saccades), although these effects have been harder to quan- and sound are in conflict, vision dominates (the “ventrilo-
tify. The fact that the feature itself is not lost or compressed quist effect”) as predicted by optimal integration. However,
suggests that the mislocalization occurs at a relatively high when visual stimuli are artificially degraded by blurring,
level of analysis after feature extraction. audition can dominate (Alais & Burr, 2004), again consistent
It has been suggested that saccadic compression occurs with optimal integration. Because saccades have little effect
only when visual references are present and is absent in the on auditory space perception (Harris & Lieberman, 1996),
dark (Lappe, Awater, & Krekelberg, 2000). However, sub- they are a useful tool to study saccadic mislocalization.
sequent studies (Awater & Lappe, 2006) have shown that this Indeed, audiovisual stimuli (bars and beeps presented
is not necessarily true. In the dark or in a transient dark together in the same spatial position) are mislocalized much
condition achieved by a brief blackout on saccadic onset, less than are visual stimuli that are presented alone, suggest-
compression does occur but can be obscured because in ing that visual information is given a low weight during sac-
these conditions, there is also a mislocalization of the sac- cades, and this can lead to mislocalization of transient stimuli
cadic target (Morrone, Ma-Wyatt, & Ross, 2005). When this (Binda, Bruno, Burr, & Morrone, 2007). Not only does the
is taken into account, compression occurs in both light and idea explain qualitatively the mislocalization, it explains
dark, with and without visual references. Several studies quantitatively the mislocalization of bimodal audiovisual
have shown that visual references per se (such as scattered stimuli over the whole time course relative to saccade onset
points on the monitor) do not affect compression. However, (figure 35.3).
presenting the same brief stimulus twice perisaccadically, Binda, Bruno, and colleagues (2007) go on to develop a
even to different retinal locations, greatly reduces mislocali- Bayesian model of saccadic mislocalization, simply assum-
zation (Cai, Pouget, Schlag-Rey, & Schlag, 1997; Morrone ing, like Niemeier and colleagues (2003), an increase in noisi-
et al., 1997; Pola, 2007; Sogo & Osaka, 2002), suggesting ness of the eye position signal at the time of saccades. At this
that the visual system has a mechanism for maintaining stage, the model accounts only for the shift in the direction
positional constancy of objects across saccades. of the saccade, not the accompanying compression. This
A related phenomenon is that if the saccadic target is would require a further assumption, such as a “prior” or
displaced after the saccade has been initiated, the displace- “default rule,” for objects to be seen at the fovea. While this
ment (of up to 30% saccade size) is not noted (Bridgeman, seems reasonable and has been suggested in other contexts
Hendry, & Stark, 1975). However, if there is a brief gap in (Deubel, Schneider, & Bridgeman, 2002; MacKay, 1973), it
the reappearance of the target in the displaced position, the remains speculation at this stage.
displacement is immediately apparent (Deubel, Schneider, So the functional role of spatial compression remains
& Bridgeman, 1996). This observation led to the idea that unclear. However, it is interesting that saccadic compression
the system assumes object stability in the absence of contrary is positively correlated with peak saccadic velocity: Individu-
information, probably by comparing presaccadic and post- als with high saccadic velocity show large compression, while
saccadic positions with some form of short-term memory subjects with slow saccadic velocity show mainly a shift in
buffer. These results suggest that the visual system does take the saccadic direction (but the effect is not related to the
advantage of static visual references to help maintain stabil- spurious visual motion). This suggests a strong link between
ity across saccades, but the details of how these are selected perception at the time of saccades and the motor system,
are stored in some form of memory buffer of limited capacity probably mediated by the corollary discharge signal. It is
have yet to be determined. also interesting to note that the temporal dynamics of sac-
It has recently been argued that the insensitivity to sac- cadic mislocalization are very similar to those of saccadic
cadic target displacement (Bridgeman et al., 1975) can be suppression (compare figures 35.1 and 35.2), indicating a
explained by optimal sensorimotor integration between the common mechanism, probably the corollary discharge
retinal signal and extraretinal corollary discharge signals signal. It would be interesting to test whether there is a
(Niemeier, Crawford, & Tweed, 2003). At the time of sac- correlation between saccadic velocity and the magnitude of
cades, spatial information about eye position, which is neces- suppression.
sary to localize objects in external space, is unreliable. Saccades cause dramatic perceptual localization illusions,
Therefore spatial information during this period is given less but when subjects are required to indicate their response by
weight than is information before and after the saccade. The a motor action—secondary saccades or blind hammering—
transient distortions of the kind shown in figure 35.2A may their responses are near-veridical (Hallett & Lightstone,

morrone and burr: visual stability during saccadic eye movements 515
Vision Bimodal Audition

position (deg)
-10 -10

0 0

threshold (deg) D E F

10 10

0 0
-100 -50 0 50 -100 -50 0 50 -100 -50 0 50

Time (ms)

Figure 35.3 Illustration of how saccadic mislocalization can the sound was played contemporaneously with the bar display, the
result from optimal “Bayesian” fusion. In a two-alternative forced mislocalization of the bar was reduced (B). The lower curves
choice, subjects were asked to report whether a perisaccadic test show the localization thresholds. Again, sound was unaffected
bar that was displayed midway between fixation and saccadic by saccades, but the precision of visual localization was reduced
target seemed to be located to the right or left of a presaccadic drastically near saccadic onset. During the bimodal audiovisual
probe bar. (For full details, see Binda, Bruno, et al., 2007.) Psycho- presentation, precision improved to the extent of being better than
metric functions were fitted to these data to give an estimate of either the visual or auditory unimodal localization precision.
perceived position and also of precision of localization. The upper Indeed, this performance, both for perceived position and for preci-
curves show how perceived position varied with time (relative to sion thresholds, was very close to the Bayesian prediction, indicated
saccadic onset). Visual stimuli presented on their own (A) showed by the thick gray line. The dotted horizontal lines indicate perform-
the characteristic mislocalization, like that of figure 35.1A. Auditory ance during fixation. (Reproduced with permission from Binda,
stimuli were not at all affected by the saccade (C ). However, when Bruno, et al., 2007.)

1976a, 1976b; Hansen & Skavenski, 1977, 1985). Other point to the apparent sound source (by head turn), the com-
studies (e.g., Bridgeman, Lewis, Heit, & Nagle, 1979) also pression disappears, as it does for vision (Burr et al., 2001).
reported that subjects can point accurately to targets that However, for visual judgments, introducing clearly visible
were displaced perisaccadically, even though the subject postsaccadic references under normal lighting conditions
did not perceive the change in target position. However, a causes both verbal report and pointing to show compression.
few experiments have failed to replicate the original dissocia- This suggests that vision has access to two maps, one subject
tion between motor accuracy and perceptual error during to distortion and the other not. The motor map shows no
saccades, reporting localization errors for both tasks compression except when visual references remain in view
(Bockisch & Miller, 1999; Dassonville, Schlag, & Schlag- for a substantial time after saccade, indicating that these
Rey, 1992, 1995; Honda, 1991; Miller, 1996; Schlag & maps are updated postsaccadically, while for perceptual
Schlag-Rey, 1995). Recently, Burr, Morrone, and Ross judgments, the updating occurs before and during the actual
(2001) and Morrone, Ma-Wyatt, and Ross (2005) reported saccade. Both maps contribute to determining the weight
a clear dissociation between verbal reports and blind point- given to each map. Perhaps the popular distinction between
ing for saccadic compression. The plot of figure 35.4 shows conscious perception and action (Goodale & Milner, 1992;
that briefly flashed stimuli were perceived clearly in false Trevarthen, 1968) is at best an oversimplification.
positions, causing the characteristic compression (solid But where in the brain do these maps reside? Is there any
symbols); but when asked to point blindly at the stimuli, with evidence that a dynamically updated spatiotopic map actu-
the screen temporally obscured by liquid crystal shutter, ally exists? Electrophysiological studies have reported several
observers did so veridically (open symbols). transient perisaccadic phenomenon. In the lateral intrapari-
Interestingly, analogous effects have been reported in etal cortex (LIP), receptive fields change positional selectivity
audition. Although saccadic eye movements do not affect the (Duhamel, Colby, & Goldberg, 1992) just before a monkey
localization of tones, saccadic head movements do (Leung, makes a saccadic eye movement, anticipating the change in
Alais, & Carlile, 2008). Sounds are compressed toward the gaze. This is illustrated in figure 35.5A, showing the response
endpoint of the head turn. However, if subjects are ask to of an LIP cell to stimuli flashed to the receptive field position

516 sensation and perception

Figure 35.4 No spatial compression for motor responses. (A) hidden from view. (B ) The open squares show the results for the
Subjects viewed a cathode-ray tube monitor through a liquid jabbing response for stimuli presented just prior to saccadic onset
crystal shutter. On command, they made a 15-degree saccade from (−30 < t < 0 ms). The responses are near veridical. The solid circles
−7.5 to +7.5 degrees (dashed lines in panel B), and a bar was briefly show results for verbal reports, under identical conditions. As
displayed just prior to saccadic onset. Shortly after the saccade was shown in figure 35.2, there is a very strong compression, with all
completed, the shutter closed, and subjects responded by jabbing stimuli within 10 degrees of the saccadic target seen at saccadic
at the touch screen with a brisk ballistic movement, the hand being target. (Reproduced with permission from Burr et al., 2001.)

and what will become the receptive field after the saccade intermingled with those that do not remap, or is there some
has been made (“future receptive field”). Note that the specific organization?
response in the current receptive field starts to reduce and Clever psychophysical studies have also demonstrated
that in the future receptive field starts to increase, long before remapping in humans (Burr & Morrone, 2005; Melcher,
the eye has actually moved to reposition the retinal image. 2005, 2007), by studying the spatial selectivity of visual after-
This is termed predictive remapping. effects. Most aftereffects are spatially selective. But is the
This phenomenon occurs not only in LIP, but also in selectivity in retinotopic or spatiotopic coordinates? By
many other visual areas, including the superior colliculus imposing a saccade between the adaptor and the test, Melcher
(Walker, Fitzgibbon, & Goldberg, 1995) and area V3 was able to show that the selectivity was both retinotopic and
(Nakamura & Colby, 2002), with area V4 showing a some- spatiotopic. The degree to which adaptation was spatiotopic
what different behavior (Tolias et al., 2001). It has even been varied with the complexity of the aftereffect. Simple adapta-
suggested that 10% of neurons in primary visual cortex (V1) tion aftereffects, like contrast (thought to be mediated by
show dynamic updating of receptive fields (Nakamura & primary visual cortex) were primarily retinotopic, while more
Colby, 2002). The origin of the phenomenon has been complex aftereffects (such as faces) were primarily spati-
studied in the frontal eye field (FEF), and firm evidence otopic; aftereffects of intermediate complexity, like the tilt
demonstrates that it is mediated by a corollary discharge aftereffect, were both retinotopic and spatiotopic.
signal, probably originating in the colliculus and mediodor- Adaptation techniques (Melcher, 2007) can also be used
sal thalamus (Sommer & Wurtz, 2002, 2006). Deactivation to reveal the dynamics of the updating, by briefly presenting
of the nucleus abolishes the predictive updating of the recep- the test just prior to a saccade (figure 35.5B). Long before
tive field. The corollary discharge signal arrives nearly the saccade, adaptation is maximal when test and adaptor
100 ms before the updating starts in the FEF, indicating the are presented to the same position, at fixation, with very little
complexity of the reorganization. adaptation at the position of saccadic target. However, when
Despite these recent efforts, there are several aspects of the test is presented perisaccadically but before the eyes have
the remapping phenomenon that remain unclear. For moved, the maximum adaptation occurs for tests near sac-
example, between the time that the neuron starts to respond cadic target, the position that will correspond to the adapted
to stimuli in the updated position and when it regains post- retina after the eyes have moved. The similarity of the time
saccadicaly retinotopic specificity, are receptive fields courses of the adaptation and the response of the LIP neuron
anchored in a transiently craniotopic map? Do the receptive strongly imply that Melcher’s experiment reveals the psy-
fields undergo changes in size during the remapping? Are chophysical counterpart of the “predictive remapping.”
the neurons that are susceptible to remapping randomly At present, it is still uncertain exactly how this transient

morrone and burr: visual stability during saccadic eye movements 517
The dynamics of the remapping receptive field is also very
similar to that of perisaccadic mislocalization (figure 35.2),
suggesting that a common mechanism could be driving all
these phenomena. However, there are several problems in
relating the two sets of data quantitatively. Within a frame-
work of labeled-line theory, a neuron that is placed in a
specific anatomical position in a cortical map will, when
stimulated, signal the presence of a stimulus at that position.
However, if it responds presaccadically to a stimulus falling
in the future receptive field (one displaced in the direction of
the saccade), it should still signal this stimulus location as
being in the normal location, that is shifted in the direction
opposite to the saccade: but the results (figures 35.2 and 35.3)
show that the primary result is the perception of a shift in
the same direction of the saccade. There are two possible
schemas to resolve this apparent contradiction. The first is
to consider that the remapped activity of the future receptive
field is the neuronal response of the corollary discharge
signal, mapped in retinal coordinates (Binda, Bruno, et al.,
2007). This activity is present only if a visual stimulus is
present; it is active only when important information needs
to be updated, reducing also the complexity of the phenom-
enon. Within this framework, the addition (fusion) of this
activity with the retinotopic activity of visual cortex could
generate the shift of apparent positions in the appropriate
direction, as we have recently demonstrated for the audio-
Figure 35.5 Predictive remapping in an LIP cell and human visual targets (figure 35.3). The other possibility is to consider
observers. (A) The response of a “remapping” cell of area LIP of that the remapped neuronal activity is not referred to the
the macaque around the time of the saccade to brief stimuli dis- exact time of the stimulus presentation but is read after the
played in the “current” (presaccadic) receptive field (open circles) saccade is complete, in a form of postdiction (Eagleman &
and to stimuli flashed in what will become its receptive field after
Sejnowski, 2000). This would also imply that perceptual time
the saccade is made. The response to stimuli in the current recep-
tive field begins to decrease before the eyes actually move. Around should be altered by saccades, as indeed it is (see below).
the same time, the response in the “future” position begins to At the time of the saccade, the timing of the neuronal
increase, long before the eyes have actually displaced the receptive response changes dramatically. In all cells of areas V3A and
field. (B ) An experiment showing analogous behavior in human FEF that remap during saccades, their remapped response
psychophysics. Subjects adapted to a tilted grating, then measured
is faster than that during fixation (Nakamura & Colby, 2002).
the aftereffect to a grating presented in the same (retinal) position
(“current,” open circles) or to the position that will correspond to Similarly, the latencies of neurons in areas MT and MST
the retinal position of the adaptor after a saccade has been made are shorter in response to real saccade than to simulated
(“future,” solid squares). Long before the saccade, there is no adap- saccades (Price, Ibbotson, Ono, & Mustari, 2005). These
tation in the future field, and there is full adaptation in the current effects have psychophysical implications: Saccades cause a
field (normalized to unity). Like the cell firing rate, adaptation compression, and even an inversion, of perceived time
effects in the current field begin to reduce, and those in the future
field begin to increase, before the eyes have actually moved. Well (Morrone, Ross, & Burr, 2005). When asked to compare the
after the saccade is terminated, the effects do not drop completely perceived duration of a temporal interval presented around
to zero, because this position corresponds to the spatiotopic posi- the time of a saccade with one presented 2 s afterward, sub-
tion of the adaptor, and orientation adaptation has a spatiotopic jects judged it much shorter, about half the duration (figure
component (Melcher, 2005). (Reproduced with permission from 35.6). Again the time course of this distortion is quite tight
Kusunoki & Goldberg, 2003, Melcher, 2007.)
and, after taking into account the duration of the stimuli,
similar to that of the spatial compression.
updating of receptive fields leads to visual stability, but it is Preliminary data (Binda, Burr, & Morrone, 2007) also
clearly important to test the future activity before the direct indicate that the perceived time at saccadic onset, measured
input will excite the neuron after the saccade. It could bridge using an auditory tone, is delayed about 100 ms, while
the perception between the two fixations, but can this phe- about 50 ms before saccade, the latency is reduced by about
nomenon explain perisaccadic mislocalizations? 20 ms, consistent with the inversion of time data and with

518 sensation and perception


Apparent duration (ms)


Test Probe

-500 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000

-400 -200 0 200 400
Time (ms) Time (ms)
Figure 35.6 Time is also compressed during saccades. (A) The of saccadic onset, apparent duration was about half the physical
subject was asked to compare the duration of the interval of two duration. The dashed line shows the duration match during fixa-
test flashes (separated by 100 ms) with a postsaccadic probe of vari- tion. (Reproduced with permission from Morrone, Ross, & Burr,
able duration that appeared 2 s later. (B ) The apparent duration 2005.)
was then calculated from psychometric functions. Around the time

the fact that during the remapping neuronal latency became tion, we could provide a description of the origin of all
shorter about 40 ms, explaining the inversion. In addition, perisaccadic phenomena. The rotation in space and time of
they also indicate that stimuli that are presented at saccadic the neuronal selectivity is a concept that has strong and
onset are coincident with stimuli presented soon after sac- important analogies to the physical rotation on space and
cades, facilitating the interpretation of their position in the time that occurs in motion at relativistic speeds, discussed in
postsaccadic coordinate system. detail elsewhere (Morrone, Ross, & Burr, 2008). Unfortu-
Space and time are generally studied separately and nately, the dynamics of the changes in receptive fields during
thought of as separate and independent dimensions. However, saccades are not yet well enough described to pursue this
as we have observed, both space and time undergo severe idea much further at present.
transient distortions at the time of saccades, as objects become
compressed toward the saccadic target (Ross et al., 1997), Transsaccadic integration and craniotopic maps
and perceived temporal durations are severely shrunk
(Morrone, Ross, and Burr, 2005). As was discussed above, Our normal experience comes from the information derived
the relationship between perceptual shifts and receptive field from one fixation being transferred to the next, even when a
updating is far from clear, and compression of time and of particular object or part of the scene becomes hidden. Theo-
space is even more difficult to understand. Nevertheless, we ries about transsaccadic integration have abounded over the
can advance a few firm properties that might help to explain past decades. Early ideas (e.g., Jonides, Irwin, & Yantis, 1982)
compression. As the transient changes both in space and in assumed a “transsaccadic memory buffer” that accumulated
time follow very similar dynamics, they might well be mani- high-precision information from each saccade to construct a
festations of a common neural cause, a distortion in the detailed representation of the world (like pinning tails on
space-time metric (Morrone, Ross, & Burr, 2005). Comp- a donkey). These ideas fell out of favor, largely because of
ression of relative distances in space and time are consistent the implicit implication that the visual system must construct
with a reduction of spatial and temporal sampling. This some form of stable Cartesian theater to be viewed by
is also one of the few concepts that would explain the peri- a homunculus. More recent theories have swung to the
saccadic increase in sensitivity for size (Santoro, Burr, & opposite extreme, assuming that perceptual stability depends,
Morrone, 2002) and duration (Morrone, Ross, & Burr, 2005) paradoxically, on the lack of internal representation of the
judgments. world (O’Regan & Noe, 2001). Observers are largely insensi-
If together with the undersampling, the receptive field tive to transsaccadic changes in the visual scene, questioning
becomes transiently oriented in space-time such that stimuli how much detailed visual information can be gleaned by
presented before the saccade and near the fixation are inte- making an eye movement on demand; many have assumed
grated with stimuli presented later for position far from fixa- that no visual memory is necessary at all (Findlay & Gilchrist,

morrone and burr: visual stability during saccadic eye movements 519
2003; McConkie & Zola, 1979; Tatler, 2001). In practice, their input). Unfortunately, the exact transformation from
however, it is still necessary for the brain to know where to retinal to spatiotopic coordinates is not yet fully understood,
look for the information that it needs, since eye movements although the suggestion has been made that Bayesian fusion
are not random and are rarely wasted in natural tasks (Land, of the retinal signal with eye position signals is sufficient in
Mennie, & Rusted, 1999; Najemnik & Geisler, 2003). Thus principle to generate spatiotopic maps, probably acting via
some information about the layout of the scene and the posi- eye position–dependent modulation of the neural response,
tion of important objects must somehow be represented and also referred to as gain fields (Pouget, Deneve, & Duhamel,
accumulated across saccades. There is clear evidence showing 2002; Snyder, Grieve, Brotchie, & Andersen, 1998; Zipser
that at least three or four objects are transferred successfully & Andersen, 1988).
across saccades even in the absence of allocentric cues (Prime, Functional magnetic resonance imaging has also indi-
Niemeier, & Crawford, 2006). cated the existence of spatiotopic coding in human cortex,
Recently, Melcher and Morrone (2003) showed that both in LO (McKyton & Zohary, 2006), an area deputed to
transsaccadic integration occurs for motion signals that are the analysis of objects and in MT+ (d’Avossa et al., 2007;
individually below threshold (and hence are not perceived Goossens, Dukelow, Menon, Vilis, & van den Berg, 2006).
when presented alone). Two periods of coherent horizontal Using stimuli similar to those used by Melcher and Morrone,
motion (150 ms each) were shown successively, separated by our group has reported that the response of a portion of
sufficient time to allow for a saccadic eye movement between human MT complex varies with gaze position in a way that
them. On some blocks of trials, subjects saccaded across the is consistent with spatiotopic coding. The results are illus-
stimulus between the two motion intervals; on others, they trated in figure 35.7. With gaze fixed in the centre of the
maintained fixation above or below the stimulus. Thresholds screen, both areas V1 and MT show spatial selectivity,
were similar in the two conditions, showing that the motion responding only when the stimuli are presented to the con-
signals were temporally integrated across the saccade—but tralateral field (figures 35.7A and 35.7B). However, if the
only when the two motion signals were in the same position stimulus is fixed (in the center) and its retinal projection
in space, indicating that the brain must use a mechanism varied by varying gaze, the results are different. V1 still
that is anchored to external rather than retinal coordinates. responds only to the contralateral stimulus, but MT responds
Importantly, the methodology excluded cognitive strategies to both ipsilateral and contralateral stimuli, equally strongly.
or verbal recoding, since the motion signals presented before Further experiments suggested that MT actually shifts its
and after the saccade were each well below the conscious receptive fields to cause spatiotopic coding.
detection threshold; only by summating the two signals However, it must be pointed out that this result is cur-
could motion be correctly discriminated. rently controversial, and contrary results have been reported.
Another example of craniotopic mechanisms is the dem- Gardner, Merriman, Movshon, and Heeger (2008) report
onstration of spatially specific adaptation of event-time that under the conditions of their experiment, the response
(Burr, Tozzi, & Morrone, 2007), showing that adaptation to of MT is retinotopic rather than spatiotopic. One interesting
a fast-moving (20 Hz) spatially localized grating decreases difference between the two studies is that in Gardner and
the apparent duration of gratings that are presented to that colleagues’ experiment (but not in d’Avossa and colleagues’
part of the visual field (in external space) but not to other experiment) attention was directed toward the fovea. We
spatial locations. have recently replicated the conditions of their experiment
Because of the spatial selectivity of individual neurons, the and shown that when attention is withdrawn from the
response of primary and secondary visual cortex forms a map stimulus, the spatiotopic mapping changes to a retinotopic
(Morgan, 2003), similar in principle to that imaged on the mapping (Crespi et al., 2009). Why attention should be nec-
retinae (except for distortions due to magnification of central essary for the remapping is far from clear, but this suggests
vision). This retinotopic representation, which changes com- the operation of normalizing gain control. Fully understand-
pletely each time the eyes move, forms the input for all ing this mechanism will be an interesting future challenge.
further representations in the brain. So a major question is The fact that spatiotopic (or at least craniotopic) coding
how this retinotopic representation becomes transformed is more common in the dorsal area might suggest that it
into the spatiotopic representation that we perceive, anchored could be used for the action system. As was discussed above,
in stable real-world coordinates. the action system seems to update spatial maps much later
Electrophysiological studies have shown that neurons than the perceptual system does. Perhaps the updating of
in specific areas of associative visual cortex, including V6 craniotopic maps takes time but leads to more robust coding
(Galletti, Battaglini, & Fattori, 1993) and VIP (Duhamel, of information, explaining the resistance of this system to
Bremmer, BenHamed, & Graf, 1997), do show the spati- saccadic mislocalization. The perceptual system, on the
otopic selectivity that we would expect to exist; their tuning other hand, might operate not with a complete map anchored
is invariant of gaze, unlike areas V1 and V2 (that provide in external coordinates but with ensembles of neurons with

520 sensation and perception

V1 MT provide a basis for visual continuity with ever-changing
Ipsi retinal input. It might well be that the two processes—
Contra dynamic receptive field updating and craniotopic coding—
1 A B 1 collaborate in the selection of the important information to
be integrated. The remapping neurons are primed before
the eye movement actually occurs, so they can determine
BOLD Change (%)

0 0 whether the information of successive fixations should be

integrated. Perhaps if activation during remapping were
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 constant, then craniotopic receptive fields could receive a
switch signal allowing information to be integrated transsac-
C D cadicaly. If the remapping neurons do not respond, the
1 1
switch could open, vetoing the integration of craniotopic
receptive fields, so they accumulate new information starting
afresh. Within this schema, both the integration across
0 0
saccades and perisaccadic mislocalization might involve
the same mechanisms to obtain a stable vision across
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 separate glances without fusion of local, pixel-like visual
Time (s) details.

Figure 35.7 The dependence of MT response on gaze. (A, B)

BOLD responses for areas V1 (A) and MT (B) to ipsilateral (solid Conclusion
squares) and contralateral (open circles) stimulation, keeping gaze
fixed at screen center (see icons). In all conditions, subjects were Seeing is usually believing. For about two-thirds of our
required to discriminate the direction of motion to keep sustained waking lives, we perceive objects where vision tells us they
attention on the stimulus. As expected, both areas respond strongly are, which, more often than not, coincides with their actual
only to contralateral stimulation. (C, D) Response of V1 (C ) and
position. In the remaining time, the visual system sends us
MT (D) to ipsilateral and contralateral stimulation varying gaze;
the stimulus was in screen center, and the subject fixated to the left erroneous spatial information, presumably because it is
or right of it (see icon). The response pattern of V1 was unchanged, engaged in correcting the troublesome consequences of eye
suggesting that V1 is selective only to retinal position, irrespective movements on retinal afferences. When this happens, we
of gaze. However, the response pattern of MT was quite different, disbelieve visual information. If available, spatial cues from
now being strong for both ipsilateral and contralateral stimulation,
other senses become dominant; if we have to act, we use the
suggesting that it is selective to the position of the stimulus on the
screen, not on the retina. (Reproduced with permission from robust representation of the craniotopic system without
d’Avossa et al., 2007.) attempting to update it dynamically. If vision is the only
signal that is present, we deform our concept of space and
receptive fields anchored in retinotopic coordinates but tran- of time to make sense of it and to not miss visual information
siently shifted just before each saccade (like the neuron of for more than one-third of our waking time.
figure 35.5). This transient updating on each saccade might
be sufficient to maintain a useful perceptual representation acknowledgments This work was supported by European Union
that is not actually in spatiotopic coordinates that take PF6 NEXT (MEMORY) and PF7 IDEAS: STANIB.
longer to develop.
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524 sensation and perception

36 Optimal Estimation in
Sensory Systems
eero p. simoncelli

abstract A variety of experimental studies suggest that sensory estimator. In the second half, I will ask how biological
systems are capable of performing estimation or decision tasks at systems might go about computing optimal estimates. This
near-optimal levels. In this chapter, I explore the use of optimal is not intended as a complete review of this rich multidisci-
estimation in describing sensory computations in the brain. I define
what is meant by optimality and provide three quite different
plinary topic, and I apologize in advance to the many authors
methods of obtaining an optimal estimator, each based on different whose important contributions I have neglected to mention.
assumptions about the nature of the information that is available Instead, my purpose is to clarify and resolve a number of
to constrain the problem. I then discuss how biological systems myths and misunderstandings about optimal estimation and
might go about computing (and learning to compute) optimal to offer a personal perspective on the relationship between
these concepts and the design and function of biological
sensory systems.

The brain is awash in sensory signals. How does it interpret Definition and formulations of optimal estimation
these signals so as to extract meaningful and consistent infor-
mation about the environment? Many tasks require estima- A common problem for systems that must interact with the
tion of environmental parameters, and there is substantial world (including both biological organisms and human-
evidence that the system is capable of representing and made devices) is that of obtaining estimates of environmental
extracting very precise estimates of these parameters. This properties, x, from sensory measurements, m. An estimator is
is particularly impressive when one considers that the simply a deterministic function, f(m), that maps measure-
brain is built from a large number of low-energy, unreliable ments to values of the variable of interest. If x is a binary
components, whose responses are affected by many extrane- variable, then the estimator reduces to a decision function.
ous factors (e.g., temperature, hydration, blood glucose and Generally, the measurements are assumed to be corrupted
oxygen levels). by noise, which could arise from a number of sources,
The problem of optimal estimation has been well studied including the signal itself (e.g., the quantization of light into
in the statistics and engineering communities, in which a photons, when one is interested in knowing the light inten-
plethora of tools have been developed for designing, imple- sity), the transduction mechanism, or variability within the
menting, calibrating, and testing such systems. In recent neurons that are transmitting and computing with this infor-
years, many of these tools have been used to provide bench- mation (see Faisal, Selen, & Wolpert, 2008), for a recent
marks or models for biological perception. Specifically, the review of noise in the nervous system).
development of signal detection theory led to widespread use Our primary question is: How does an organism select
of statistical decision theory as a framework for assessing and implement a good estimator or (more optimistically) the
performance in perceptual experiments. More recently, best estimator? To address this, we will have to state explic-
optimal estimation theory (in particular, Bayesian estima- itly what we mean by best. The traditional statistical formula-
tion) has been used as a framework for describing human tion of the best estimator is the one that minimizes the
performance in perceptual tasks. average value of a predefined loss (cost) function, L(x, f(m)).
In this chapter, I will explore the use of optimal estimation The loss function specifies the cost of generating an esti-
in describing sensory computations in the brain. In the first mated value of f(m) when the true value is x. It is generally
half, I will define what I mean by optimality and will develop assumed to be positive and equal to zero only when the
three quite different formulations for obtaining an optimal estimate is equal to the true value.

eero p. simoncelli Center for Neural Science and Courant Regression Formulation Suppose we wanted to build a
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, New machine that could perform optimal estimation of x, given a
York, New York noisy measurement m.1 We can imagine “training” this

simoncelli: optimal estimation in sensory systems 525


0 2

−2 0
0 2 4 −2 0 2
x m

0 2 4

Figure 36.1 Regression formulation of the optimal estimation ments back to estimated signal values. The optimal estimator (solid
problem, illustrated for a one-dimensional signal and measure- line) does this so as to minimize a specified loss function. Note that
ment. (A) The measurement process (also known as the encoding this need not be (and is generally not) the inverse of the average
process). We assume a set of data pairs (plotted points), {xn, mn}, measurement function (dashed line). Note also that the optimal
indexed by n ∈ [1, 2, . . . , N ], representing true signal values and estimator will depend on the signal values that are included in the
associated noisy measurements. The dashed line indicates the data set, which are summarized by the histogram shown in panel
average measurement as a function of the true signal value. (B) The C. (See color plate 49.)
estimation (or decoding) process. The estimator f(m) maps measure-

machine by showing it many signal-measurement pairs, Of course, the precision with which we can constrain the
{xn, mn}. Typically, we imagine that each measurement arises function f depends on how much data we have. Loosely
from its associated true value through some sort of noisy trans- speaking, the usual approach is to restrict f to be sufficiently
formation. Figure 36.1A illustrates such a set of training data. simple (e.g., smooth, or defined by a small number of param-
An estimator, f, attempts to invert the measurement eters) that the available data will constrain it properly. For
process, mapping measurements m back to signal values x example, the estimator shown in figure 36.1B was computed
(figure 36.1B). This mapping is deterministic: Each measure- by binning the data (as a function of m) and computing the
ment leads to a unique estimate. But if we hold the signal best estimate value for each bin. More formally, we might
value fixed and make a set of estimates (each arising from a specify a restricted set of possible functions (denoted F ) from
different measurement), these estimates will fluctuate because which the solution will be selected.2 Finally, note that the
of the variability in the underlying measurements. The solution we obtain will depend on the distribution of data. If
optimal estimator is the one that minimizes the average loss the set of training examples includes many x values clustered
over these examples: in a particular region of the space, then the average loss will
f opt = arg min ∑ L ( xn , f ( mn ) ) contain many terms from that region, and the optimization
f Ν process will thus attempt to reduce the estimation errors
We will refer to this as a “regression” estimator; a special there, typically at the expense of larger errors elsewhere.
case is the linear regression solution, which arises when L is This suggests that the training examples should be selected
the squared error. An example optimal estimator is indi- to represent the distribution of values that might be encoun-
cated by the solid line in figure 36.1B. Note that this trans- tered in the environment.
formation is not the same as the inverse of the transformation The regression formulation is appealing because it is
to average measurements (i.e., the inverse of the dashed line simple and intuitive. Its primary limitation is that it requires
shown in figure 36.1A). supervised training. That is, obtaining an optimal estimator

526 sensation and perception

relies on a training set of noisy measurements, mn, each f opt = arg min ∫∫ P (x , m ) L (x , f (m )) dxdm
accompanied by its corresponding correct signal value, xn. f

Supervised learning for estimation and classification prob- Unlike the regression formulation, which is written directly
lems has been well studied. A standard example is the in terms of data, the probabilistic formulation is written
problem of learning an input-output relationship with a sim- in terms of a continuous probability density. Since this for-
plified network of artificial neurons, for which the optimal mulation effectively results from assuming infinite amounts
solution may be obtained by backpropagation (essentially, a of data, the smoothness constraint that was necessary
form of stochastic gradient descent on the objective func- for selecting an estimator in the regression case is now
tion). But this requires large amounts of data, especially optional.
when learning multidimensional functions. The probabilistic objective function may be simplified by
From the biological/behavioral perspective, a fully super- using the definition of conditional probability to rewrite the
vised training paradigm also seems implausible. Although joint density as a product of the marginal density of m and
most organisms absorb enormous amount of sensory data the conditional density of x given m (known as the posterior
during their lifetimes, the information that they receive distribution):
regarding “correct” answers would seem to be relatively f opt = arg min ∫ P (m )∫ P (x m ) L (x , f (m )) dxdm
sparse. For example, consider the problem of estimating the
If the estimator is unrestricted, then we may ignore the outer
distance to a nearby object on the basis of visual input. We
integral and optimize the estimator separately for each mea-
can compare our estimate to the one that is obtained by
surement value:
reaching out and touching the object. But the amount of this
kind of feedback we receive seems vastly insufficient to train f opt (m ) = arg min ∫ P (x m ) L (x , f (m )) dx
the enormous cascade of neurons that are involved in esti-
That is, for each measurement, the best estimate is the one
mating distances from visual input. Similarly, optimization
that minimizes the expected value of the loss function over
through natural selection (with surviving organisms passing
the posterior distribution for that measurement.
preferred solutions to their offspring genetically) seems
Finally, the posterior distribution may be rewritten in
implausible, both because of the time required and because
terms of densities that are more naturally associated with the
genetic material seems unlikely to contain sufficient informa-
process from which the data arise. Specifically, we can the
tion to encode even a fraction of the detailed connectivity of
describe measurement noise using a conditional probability
those neurons.
P(m⎪x). This measurement density expresses the probability of m
Instead, it seems that evolution has endowed the brain
for each value x of the signal. If we think of it the other way
with powerful capabilities for unsupervised learning (based on
around, holding the measurement fixed and reading off a
noisy measurements alone) and that this is used to supple-
function of the signal, this is known as a likelihood function.
ment and bolster the supervised learning that may be
Now Bayes’ rule can be used to express the posterior in terms
used in the relatively infrequent cases for which the correct
of the measurement density and the prior distribution P(x),
answers are known. Unsupervised learning is a heavily
which expresses the probability of occurrence of value x in
studied topic in machine learning (e.g., Hinton & Sejnowski,
the world:
1999), and methods have been developed for learning
P (m x ) P (x )
patterns in data, mostly for purposes of optimal coding or f opt ( m ) = arg min ∫ L ( x , f ( m ) ) dx (1)
clustering/categorization. Perhaps less well known is the fact f P (m )
that optimal estimators may also be written in unsupervised An example of the Bayesian solution, based on the same
form. To explain this, I will turn first to a probabilistic for- distributions that were used to generate the data in figure
mulation of the problem. 36.1, is illustrated in figure 36.2. To provide some intuition,
it is worth mentioning several well-known special cases.
Probabilistic (Bayesian) Formulation When we describe
optimality in terms of minimizing an objective function over Quadratic error (least squares) solution The most common case
a training data set, we usually have in mind that this set is used in the engineering community is the least squares loss
representative of future data we will encounter. This notion function, L(x, f(m)) = (x − f(m))2. In this case, the optimal esti-
may be formalized by describing both the training and mate (which can be derived by differentiating the objective
future data as samples randomly drawn from a common function and setting equal to zero) is simply the mean of the
probability distribution. The law of large numbers tells us posterior:
that as the number of data pairs grows, the original regression
objective function will converge to the expected value (mean) f LS (m ) = ∫ xP (x m ) dx
of the loss function, integrated over all possible combinations It is worth mentioning that in the special case of a jointly
of x and m: Gaussian probability density over signal and measurement,

simoncelli: optimal estimation in sensory systems 527




1 2 3 4 −2 0 2
x m


1 2 3 4

Figure 36.2 Bayesian formulation of the optimal estimation posterior density, P(x⎪m). The solid line indicates the mean of the
problem. (A) The measurement density, P(m ⎪x), shown as a gray- density, and the dashed line indicates the (inverted) mean of the
scale image, where intensity indicates log probability. The dashed measurement density in panel A. (C) the prior density, P(x). (See
line indicates the mean of the density as a function of x. (B) The color plate 50.)

this solution turns out to be a linear function of the measure- • The measurement density, P(m⎪x), which represents
ment (the solution is the same as that of our next example). the (probabilistic) relationship between the signal and
Linear estimator, quadratic error Now consider what happens • The loss function, L(x, f(m)), which represents the cost of
when the estimator is restricted to be a linear function of the making errors
measurement. The linear least squares solution is • The family of functions F from which the estimator is
σ xm to be chosen. (This ingredient might not be required for the
f LLS (m ) = m
σ mm Bayesian solution, which effectively operates under condi-
tions of infinite data.)
The linear solution relies only on the cross-correlation
between signal and measurement and between the measure- Note that although the regression solution of the previous
ment and itself, and not on full knowledge of the posterior seciton was developed directly from pairs of input-output
density. This result extends naturally to multidimensional data, it is also implicitly relying on these same ingredients.
inputs or outputs. Specifically, it is effectively based on the joint probability
density of signal and measurement, which is equivalent to
Maximum probability solution Suppose that the loss function the product of the prior likelihood. And as was stated in the
penalizes all errors equally except for the correct answer previous section, it also requires the specification of a loss
(which incurs no penalty). Then the solution is the maximum function and a family of functions from which the solution
of the posterior density, known as the maximum a posteriori is to be drawn.
(MAP) estimator: It is worth emphasizing the most obvious implication of
f MAP( m ) = arg max P ( x m ) this ingredient list, since it is often misunderstood. Optimal-
ity is not a fixed universal property of an estimator but
In summary, the probabilistic formulation expresses the one that depends on each of these defining ingredients;
estimation problem in terms of four natural ingredients: statements about optimality that do not fully specify the
• The prior, P(x), which represents the probability of ingredients are therefore relying on hidden assumptions. For
encountering different signal values in the world example, many authors assume that optimality implies that

528 sensation and perception

an estimator must be unbiased (that is, on average, computes (noisy) measurements, and then uses this optimized prior to
the correct value). But many well-known optimal estimators obtain the estimator (by minimizing equation 1). The prior
exhibit bias (in fact, all of the estimator examples mentioned parameters are typically chosen to make the observed data
above can exhibit bias, depending on the specific choices of as consistent as possible with the model, and this is usually
prior and measurement densities).3 achieved in practice by maximizing the probability of the
Despite the appealing decomposition of the problem into observed data:
intuitively sensible ingredients, the probabilistic formulation
has drawbacks. In particular, the reliance of the regression θ opt = arg max ∏ ∫ Pθ (x ) P (mn x ) dx
solution on supervised training data has been replaced with
reliance on knowledge of two abstract probability densities. Beyond the potential difficulties associated with comput-
Since the measurement density is a property of the sensory ing this optimization, the introduction of this probabilistic
system, we might imagine learning it from a set of calibration cost function is a bit inconsistent, since the prior that best
measurements or assuming that it is a fixed property of the explains the data is not necessarily the one that will lead to
device. On the other hand, the Bayesian formulation is often the best estimator. Nevertheless, empirical Bayes solutions
criticized for reliance on the unknown (and perhaps unknow- are often quite successful in situations in which the data are
able) prior distribution,4 and this criticism is further inflamed sufficient to strongly constrain the prior parameters.
by the many examples in the literature that introduce a The third solution mentioned above can, in some cases, be
prior as an ad hoc function that may be freely chosen to obtained from unsupervised training (Raphan & Simoncelli,
make the solution tractable. In the view set out here, the 2007). As such, we will refer to it as unsupervised regression. The
prior is meant to capture the statistical structure of some derivation of the general form is somewhat complex, but the
aspect of the world, an assumption that is only slightly stron- simplest case (due to Stein, 1981) arises in the context of an
ger than the assumption that the training data in the regres- additive Gaussian noise model and a squared-error loss func-
sion estimator are representative of future data that the tion and can be written quite simply. Stein showed that the
system will need to process. mean squared error in this case can be rewritten in a form
that depends only on the measurements and not the signal:
Unsupervised Learning of Optimal Estimators The
∫∫ P (x , m )[x − f (m )] dx dm
Bayesian view assumes that all ingredients of the problem,
including the prior, are known. If the prior is meant to = ∫ P ( m ) ⎡⎣ g ( m )
+ 2σ 2 g ′ ( m ) + σ 2 ⎤⎦ dm ,
correctly represent the distribution of signal values in the
world, it must presumably be learned from measurements. where g(m) = f(m) − m, and s is the standard deviation of the
Engineers who need to design real systems generally follow additive Gaussian noise (assumed to be known). This remark-
one of several practical solutions: (1) Directly measure the able result implies that the squared error may be approxi-
distribution of signal values that might be encountered by mated by averaging over measured (noisy) data without
the device, and use a model of this empirical distribution for knowledge of the correct answers (i.e., unsupervised) and
the prior; (2) assume a prior distribution of some parametric with no assumption about the prior, P(x). This implies that
form, and then adjust the parameters so as to best explain we can select an optimal estimator f (or, equivalently, g) by
the observed distribution of noisy measurements; or (3) minimizing the integrand above, averaged over a set of noisy
assume an estimator of some parametric form and adjust measurement data. As with the original regression solution,
this directly to improve performance on observed data. The the estimator must be restricted sufficiently (e.g., drawn from
first solution requires a separate set of uncorrupted signal some parametric family) that it can be constrained by the
measurements and therefore does not seem relevant to available data. Analogous expressions can be derived for a
biological systems, which are presumably able to make number of other measurement probabilities, (Raphan &
measurements only through the same noisy sensors from Simoncelli, 2007).
which they will be making their estimates. The second In both the empirical Bayesian and unsupervised regres-
solution is generally known as empirical Bayesian estimation, sion formulations, we have exchanged the supervised data
since the prior is obtained from noisy training data. The pairs required by the standard regression solution for unsu-
third solution, as described, is simply the regression solution, pervised data and a known (or previously calibrated) descrip-
which relies on supervised training data in order to measure tion of the measurement density, P(m⎪x). We can thus view
and optimize the estimator performance. Remarkably, it can these solutions as a compromise between the data-oriented
sometimes be rewritten in an unsupervised form. Below, I regression form and the more abstract Bayesian form. A
will consider the second and third solutions in more detail. summary of the ingredients that are required by each of
The empirical Bayes formulation assumes a prior of a the optimal estimators introduced thus far is provided in
known parametric form,5 optimizes the parameters to fit the table 36.1.

simoncelli: optimal estimation in sensory systems 529

Table 36.1
Ingredients required for specifying/learning various formulations of optimal estimator
Measurement Signal Measurement Signal Loss Estimator
Values Values Probability Probability Function Family
{mn} {xn} P(m⎪x) P(x) L F
Regression ✓ ✓ ✓ Parametric
Bayesian ✓ ✓ ✓
Empirical Bayesian ✓ ✓ Parametric ✓
Unsupervised (e.g., Stein) regression ✓ Restricted Quadratic Parametric
Ingredients required for specifying/learning various formulations of optimal estimator (see text for definitions). Checkmarks indicate
that the ingredient is required but unrestricted. Unlabeled spaces indicate that the ingredient is not needed. Note that the unsupervised
regression estimator has been derived only for certain specific measurement densities.
Based on Raphan & Simoncelli (2007).

Optimal estimation in the brain an “ideal observer” model (e.g., Barlow, 1980; Geisler, 1989;
Kersten, 1990; Knill, Field, & Kersten, 1990). A number of
In this section, we ask how the optimal estimation formula- reviews document the activity to date (Knill & Richards,
tions developed in the previous section can be used in model- 1996; Maloney, 2002; Mamassian, Landy, & Maloney,
ing biological sensory systems and how these models can be 2002; Kersten, Mamassian, & Yuille, 2004; Körding, 2007),
tested experimentally. These questions can be addressed at and this endeavor has been expanded by recent activity in
many levels, and in this short chapter, I will not attempt to “neuroeconomics,” a cross-disciplinary enterprise that aims
provide a complete overview. Rather, I will describe few pub- to characterize decision-making and more general behavioral
lished results and try to explain what I see as some of the more processes with respect to prior probabilities and reward
important challenges that we currently face in this endeavor. contingencies (Glimcher, Camerer, Poldrack, and Fehr,
The concept that sensory perception arises through the 2008).
fusion of incoming sensor measurements with one’s prior What does it mean to say that a human subject is perform-
experience is often attributed to Hermann von Helmholtz ing optimally? As I have emphasized in the first part of this
(1925). Although his descriptions are qualitative and do not chapter, the definition of the word optimal requires specifica-
mention noise or loss functions, they do capture the essence tion of a set of ingredients: the measurement probability, the
of the Bayesian formulation described in the previous section. prior, the loss function, and (in some cases) a family of esti-
This interpretation of perception seems to have lain dormant mators. Specifying these ingredients for a human observer
from von Helmholtz’s day until the 1950s, when E. T. performing a particular task is often difficult or impossible.
Jaynes, a statistically minded physicist, submitted an article For example, specifying the measurement probability
to IRE Transactions on Information Theory, in which he proposed requires knowledge of how the signal of interest is repre-
that Bayesian estimation might be used as a framework for sented within the brain (including a specification of the
modeling sensory transformations ( Jaynes, 1957). The noise). In some experiments, investigators have incorporated
journal rejected the article (on the grounds that it was too noise into the stimulus, which can provide insights into the
speculative), and the concept appears to have lain dormant properties of internal noise (and thus the measurement prob-
for another 30 years! In the interim, perceptual psychologists ability) (e.g., Pelli & Farell, 1999; Körding & Wolpert, 2004).
began using signal detection theory as a framework for ana- The specification of an appropriate family of estimators
lyzing psychophysical data (Green & Swets, 1966) and for should be determined by the set of computations that can
providing an upper bound on performance. This methodol- potentially be performed by neurons, but we currently lack
ogy often does not include explicit loss functions and rarely a detailed description of this set.
includes a prior, but the formalization nevertheless repre- The loss function can pose more substantial difficulties.
sents an important step toward the optimal estimation Subjects may differ inherently in the way they behave in an
framework. experimental situation (e.g., consider personality traits such
as risk aversion versus thrill-seeking). Even in cases in which
Perceptual Bayesianism In the 1980s and 1990s, there the investigator attempts to control for this by building a loss
was a dramatic revival of the Bayesian methodology across function directly into the design of the experiment (for
many fields, and perceptual science was one of these. A example, by paying/penalizing subjects for correct/incor-
variety of experiments have aimed to test optimality of rect answers), one does not know a priori whether or how
human estimation judgments by comparing performance to the subject will learn and internalize these costs, what type

530 sensation and perception

of training (e.g., supervised versus unsupervised) this would Ultimately, it seems important to move beyond the initial
require, and how long it would take. question of whether an observer is optimal to examine the
Last, consider the prior, for which one can ask the same prior and cost conditions under which the observer may be
questions as were asked for the loss function (whether/how considered optimal, and the flexibility of that optimality.
a subject internalizes it, what type of training is required, Given that the estimators must operate under changing con-
over what time scales). We might imagine that the observer ditions, we’d like to know: (1) which ingredients of the
operates according to a prior that was obtained over a rela- problem may be learned or adjusted, and what type of
tively slow timescale (much longer than the duration of a adjustments can be made (e.g., Körding & Wolpert, 2004),
typical experiment, say, on a developmental or evolutionary (2) what type of learning is possible (e.g., supervised, unsu-
timescale). In this case, the investigator might attempt to pervised, direct verbal communication), (3) over what time
measure it from the environment (or derive it from a model scales this learning occurs, and (4) whether the observer is
of the environment). At the other extreme, we might imagine able to switch between estimators (or ingredients of estima-
that the subject’s internal prior is quite flexible and that over tors, such as the prior) that have been previously learned
the duration of the experiment, the subject internalizes the (e.g., Körding & Wolpert, 2004; Maloney & Mamassian,
distribution of stimuli that have been presented. In fact, 2009).
many experiments are designed so that the subject can learn
the distribution of signal values over a set of training trials. Physiological Implementation In addition to interpreting
In the context of learning a prior, one apparent paradox perception in the context of optimal estimation, we can
seems worth mentioning. Adaptation to stimuli that persist consider how such optimal computations might be im-
for timescales of seconds or minutes has been found, for plemented in the brain. The responses of sensory neurons
every sensory modality and for a wide range of stimulus are commonly described in terms of their selectivity to
configurations, to produce substantial changes in subsequent particular parameters of the stimulus. In most cases, no single
perception. For example, adaptation to a visual stimulus, neuron is responsible for encoding a stimulus parameter.
say, of a given orientation, induces biases in the perceived Instead, the parameter is jointly represented by a population
orientation of subsequently viewed stimuli. These biases are of neurons with different tuning properties; therefore any
generally repulsive: The perceived orientation of a postadap- estimate of the parameter requires a combination of
tation stimulus is pushed away from that of the adaptor. If information across many cells, if not the whole population.
we were to interpret the adaptation as a means by which the Over the past 20 years, the theoretical neuroscience com-
system updates its prior probability distribution for orienta- munity has been exploring the means by which neural
tion, we might expect that heavy exposure to the adapting responses might be optimally “read out” to explain behavior
stimulus would cause an increase in the internally repre- (e.g., Georgopoulos, Schwartz, & Kettner, 1986; Bialek,
sented prior probability of that stimulus, which should then Rieke, de Ruyter van Steveninck, & Warland, 1991;
lead to an attractive bias in subsequent perception! Thus Anderson & van Essen, 1994; Seung & Sompolinsky, 1993;
adaptation over these timescales appears to be inconsistent Potters & Bialek, 1994; Salinas & Abbott, 1994; Sanger,
with learning of prior probabilities. An alternative interpre- 1996; Snippe, 1996; Shadlen, Britten, Newsome, & Movshon,
tation, still within the Bayesian framework, is that adaptation 1996; Rieke, Warland, de Ruyter van Steveninck, & Bialek,
effects correspond to a change in the likelihood function 1997; Rieke & Baylor, 1998; Zhang, Ginzburg, McNaughton,
(Stocker & Simoncelli, 2006b). & Sejnowski, 1998; Zemel, Dayan, & Pouget, 1998; Platt &
Given the difficulty of specifying the ingredients of an Glimcher, 1999; Gold & Shadlen, 2000; Simoncelli, 2003;
optimal estimator, one can consider an alternative experi- Pouget, Dayan, & Zemel, 2003; Bialek & van Steveninck,
mental approach for exploring optimal estimation theories 2005; Jazayeri & Movshon, 2006).
of perception. Specifically, one can ask: For what choices It is worth noting that despite my emphasis on the proba-
of ingredients would the subject’s behavior be considered bilistic formulation of the problem, computation of optimal
optimal? The trial-averaged estimates of a human subject do estimates does not necessarily require that the brain explic-
not place a sufficient constraint on the problem to answer itly represent or compute probabilities. As was described in
this question. In particular, the average response of an esti- the previous section, given the four ingredients of the optimal
mator does not uniquely determine the prior, likelihood, and estimation problem, an estimator is just a fixed deterministic
loss function that could have been used to define it. But if function that maps noisy measurements to estimated values.
one assumes, say, a quadratic loss function and measures not If these ingredients are fixed and unchanging, the brain
just the average response but the full distribution of esti- could learn to compute the optimal estimator using either
mates, then it is possible to extract a prior (Paninski, 2006) regression or one of the two unsupervised methods described
or both the likelihood and prior (Stocker & Simoncelli, previously and would not need to explicitly calculate or
2006a) from the psychophysical data. represent probabilities!

simoncelli: optimal estimation in sensory systems 531

In general, we imagine that the ingredients of the optimal lus contrast results in larger variance in the estimation of
estimation problem do change; the loss function is typically orientation, which implies a broadening of the posterior.
task-dependent, the prior may change gradually (or even A widely followed alternative formulation represents prob-
suddenly, for example, when the observer moves into a dif- abilities implicitly, using the noisy responses of a population
ferent environment), and the measurement probability may of neurons (e.g., Seung & Sompolinsky, 1993; Salinas &
also change (owing to physiological changes in the neural Abbott, 1994; Zhang et al., 1998; Zemel et al., 1998; Pouget
substrate). But even under these conditions, the solution et al., 2003; Jazayeri & Movshon, 2006; Ma, Beck, Latham,
need not explicitly require the calculation or representation & Pouget, 2006).6 Consider a population of N neurons whose
of probabilities. If the prior and/or measurement probabili- responses represent the measurement in an optimal estima-
ties are parametric, then the optimal estimator is just a tion problem. Suppose the mean firing rate of each neuron
function that depends on those parameters. In this case, the is determined by a tuning function fn(x), where x is the stimu-
parameters may be computed from previous measurements, lus variable of interest. Suppose also that the number of
either through supervised regression or by using the empiri- spikes emitted by each of these neurons in a unit time interval
cal Bayesian formulation. Again, this does not require to any given stimulus is statistically independent and follows
explicit representation of probabilities. a Poisson distribution. Then the joint likelihood function is
Although explicit probability representation is not the product of the individual Poisson probabilities:
required for optimal estimation, much published work f n (x )rn − f n (x )

assumes it. A simple means of encoding probabilities, sug- P (r x ) = ∏ e
n rn !
gested by a number of authors (e.g., Hinton, 1992; Foldiak, 
1993; Simoncelli, 1993; Anderson & van Essen, 1994; where r is a vector containing the population spike counts.
Sanger, 1996; Gold & Shadlen, 2000; Weiss & Fleet, At this point, one might use unsupervised (or supervised)
2002; Eliasmith & Anderson, 2002; Sahani & Dayan, 2003; regression to learn the optimal estimator from data without
Simoncelli, 2003; Barber, Clark, & Anderson, 2003), assumes specifying or learning a prior probability. Alternatively,
that the firing rates of each neuron directly represents the we can follow the Bayesian formulation, multiplying the

probability (or the log probability) of a particular stimulus likelihood by a prior P(x), dividing by P ( r ), and taking the
parameter value. In this view, the population encodes (either (negative) log to write the log-posterior density:
directly or through a set of linear basis functions) a probabil-  
ity distribution over the parameter. Downstream neurons − log ( P (x r )) = ∑ log (rn !) − log P (r ) − ∑ rn log ( f n (x ))
n n
could then explicitly compute an estimate from this popula-
+ ∑ f n (x ) − log P (x )
tion, for example, by computing the population mean (a n
weighted sum) or peak (winner-takes-all). For example, Now consider the MAP estimator. The first two terms do
suppose that the firing rates in a given neural population not contain the stimulus variable, x, so we can drop them,
represent the posterior probability evaluated at a set of dif- arriving at an objective function that can be maximized over
ferent signal values. The mean of the density can be com- x to obtain the estimate:
puted as a weighted sum over the responses (the weights will
be determined by both the signal values at which the poste- E (x ) = − ∑ rn log ( f n (x )) + ∑ f n (x ) − log P (x )
rior is sampled and the portion of the signal space covered n n

by each neuron). Or subsequent stages could operate on the The first term is a sum of the observed spike counts, weighted
posterior information, postponing the explicit determination by the log tuning curve value of each neuron (Zhang et al.,
of an estimate until it is needed. In either case, the prior in 1998; Jazayeri & Movshon, 2006). The second term is the
this model can be adjusted by changing the gain on each of sum of the tuning curves, and the third is the (negative) log
the neurons. of the prior. Much of the previous work on population
The explicit representation of uncertainty, through the coding has focused on the special case of orientation repre-
breadth and shape of population responses, and the pos- sentation in V1 neurons or selectivity for motion direction
sibility of linear readout rules are conceptually appealing in MT neurons, and in these cases the prior over orientation
features of this framework. But a detailed model of this form is typically assumed to be constant, as is the sum of the
needs to address the inconsistency of directly representing tuning curves (e.g., Zemel et al., 1998; Jazayeri & Movshon,
probability values with neural responses that are noisy (e.g., 2006). These assumptions allow one to ignore the last two
Sahani & Dayan, 2003). In addition, the responses of many terms, and the resulting log-posterior objective function
visual neurons do not seem consistent with direct representa- reduces to a simple weighted sum of spike counts, consistent
tion of posterior probability. For example, the shape of ori- with earlier proposals for linear readout (Bialek et al., 1991;
entation tuning curves in area V1 neurons is preserved Anderson & van Essen, 1994; Rieke et al., 1997). Note that
under changes in stimulus contrast. But lowering the stimu- later stages of processing (i.e., the estimator) presumably

532 sensation and perception

would not have access to the tuning curves, and thus could reaches the motor system and the animal must execute an
not compute the linear weights directly by taking the log. action (e.g., reaching out to grasp an object). At that point,
Instead, the proper weights could again be learned using the estimate is “computed” by a bone, which responds by
unsupervised (or supervised) regression. The linear represen- moving according to the collective activity of all the muscle
tation of log probability is especially convenient for fusing fibers that are pulling on it! One case that may be an excep-
independent sources of information, e.g., accumulating evi- tion to this is that of a binary estimate (i.e., a decision), for
dence over time (Jazayeri & Movshon, 2006; Beck et al., which the log-posterior need only be computed at two dif-
2008) or combining evidence from multiple modalities (Ma ferent values (rather than a continuum). Experimental evi-
et al., 2006). In these cases, one wishes to multiply the associ- dence suggests that the firing rates of neurons in parietal
ated probability densities, which can be done by simply cortex may represent such values directly (e.g., Platt &
adding spike counts. Glimcher, 1999; Gold & Shadlen, 2000).
Rather than assuming a constant prior and sum of tuning
curves, a more general solution could embed the prior into
the measurements by arranging that the sum of the tuning
curves is equal to the log of the prior: Optimal estimation provides a formal framework for inves-
∑ n
f n (x ) = log P (x ) tigating and interpreting perceptual capabilities. The defini-
tion of the optimal estimator does not specify a fixed universal
(Note: A precise form of this proposal would need to limit function but depends on four fundamental ingredients: the
the smallest probability that could be represented.) Under ensemble of input signals over which it is to be optimal, the
these conditions, the last two terms cancel each other, and (probabilistic) relationship between the signal and the mea-
the full log-posterior may again be computed as a linear surement, the cost of misestimation, and the family of esti-
function (i.e., a weighted sum) of the spike counts. This is mation functions from which the solution is to be chosen. In
effectively a strategy for embedding the prior into the meas- a biological system, these ingredients may change over time
urements, and is more efficient than encoding priors with (especially the prior and loss function) and therefore presum-
spiking responses of another set of neurons (Ma et al., 2006). ably need to be learned and continually updated on the basis
This solution would require that the brain adjust the tuning of recent input. I have reviewed three different formulations
curves so as to sum to the log prior, which is essentially a for developing an optimal estimator, each making different
resource allocation problem: Neurons should be adjusted so assumptions about the means by which these ingredients are
as to properly “cover” the distribution of inputs, assigning obtained.
more resources (i.e., a higher total spiking response, which The basic formalism that I have presented here is highly
corresponds to an expenditure of more metabolic energy) to oversimplified. In particular, I have sidestepped several
inputs that occur more frequently. This adjustment could be important features of sensory systems that need to be incor-
achieved by changing either their response gains, the overlap porated in a full solution:
between their tuning curves, the widths of their tuning
curves, or some combination of these. • Sensory computations occur in cascades of neural popu-
In the probabilistic representation described above, a lations, and each of these presumably performs some trans-
single optimal estimate can be computed by appropriately formations on the signals that are received from its afferents
combining information over the entire population. Imple- and introduces additional noise. The designation of a par-
menting this in the brain would presumably require creation ticular population as the “measurement” is therefore some-
of a redundant population of neurons to linearly recode the what artificial.
implicit representation into an explicit one (that is, a popula- • Sensory computations occur over time. Many optimal
tion whose responses equal the posterior or log posterior), estimation problems can be rewritten in a form that can be
from which a maximum (or mean) could be selected. computed incrementally (the classical solution in statistical
Although this sort of explicit estimation has been assumed signal processing is known as the Kalman filter), and such solu-
by many of the previously mentioned publications, it seems tions have been used to model temporal aspects of neural
to me wasteful of neural resources, and not robust to the processing (e.g., Rao & Ballard, 1997; Denève, Duhamel, &
additional noise that would be introduced by neurons com- Pouget, 2007).
puting and representing the estimate. It seems more likely • Many sensory inference computations depend on infor-
that the brain leaves the representation probabilistic and mation beyond the measurements and the prior, such as
implicit, performing further calculations in a way that is inputs from multiple sensory modalities or feedback in the
consistent with this (e.g., Ma et al., 2006). Taking this principle form of attentional signals, or from emotional or cognitive
of delayed estimation to its extreme, we could hypothesize that centers. It might be possible to formalize these effects as a
estimates need only be made explicit when the information contextual form of prior (Jaynes, 2003).

simoncelli: optimal estimation in sensory systems 533

In summary, the challenge for future research is to develop Barber, M. J., Clark, J., & Anderson, C. H. (2003). Neural rep-
optimal estimation solutions that can be plausibly mapped resentation of probabilistic information. Neural Comput., 15(8),
onto brain architecture, that are flexible and adaptive, that
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may be cascaded (with additional noise introduced at each sions. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci., 290, 71–82.
stage of the cascade), and that can be learned in a primarily Beck, J., Ma, W. J., Kiani, R., Hanks, T., Churchland, A.,
unsupervised setting. The time seems ripe for this. A long Roitman, J., Shadlen, M., Latham, P., & Pouget, A. (2008).
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acknowledgments Thanks to Alan Stocker, Mehrdad Jazayeri, Computation, representation, and dynamics in neurobiological systems.
Martin Raphan, and the section editors, Tony Movshon and Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Brian Wandell, for helpful comments and suggestions. This work Faisal, A. A., Selen, L. P. J., & Wolpert, D. M. (2008). Noise in
was financially supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Insti- the nervous system. Nat. Rev. Neurosci., 9, 292–303.
tute, the National Institutes of Health (EY018003), and the Sloan- Foldiak, P. (1993). The “ideal homunculus”: Statistical inference
Swartz Center for Theoretical Visual Neuroscience at New York from neural population responses. In F. H. Eeckmann & J. M.
University, but the views expressed herein are my own. Bower (Eds.), Computation and neural systems (pp. 55–60). Norwell,
MA: Kluwer Academic.
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NOTES physiology. Phys. Scripta, 39, 153–160.
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simoncelli: optimal estimation in sensory systems 535

Chapter 37 bizzi and mussa-ivaldi 541

38 dum and strick 553

39 graybiel and mink 565

40 shadmehr and krakauer 587

41 mulliken and andersen 599

42 todorov 613

43 rizzolatti, fogassi,
and gallese 625

44 grafton, aziz-zadeh,
and ivry 641
scott t. grafton and emilio bizzi

Humans move with a purpose. Thus the study of motor

systems requires more than just the description of movement
control. It demands a broad perspective based on anatomi-
cal, functional, and computational principles to describe
how the nervous system can enable goal-directed behavior.
The challenge in solving this problem remains daunting
because the intrinsic neural codes that are used to generate
motor actions are not fully known, the principles that lead
to optimal performance are only just beginning to be
modeled, and the system is nonstationary in that adaptation
and skill learning appear continuously and on many time
scales. The section on motor systems addresses this challenge
by the inclusion of complementary approaches, spanning
many levels of analysis.
The section begins with a review of motor primitives by
Bizzi and Mussa-Ivaldi. This is a critical solution to the
degrees-of-freedom problem in limb movement. There are
an infinite number of possible muscle activation patterns
that could lead to similar movements. How does the nervous
system constrain this redundancy? Motor primitives simplify
the problem by reducing muscle activations to a set of muscle
groups that can be combined, analogous to the mixing of
basis functions, to generate characteristic limb movements.
Anatomical studies in the chapter by Dum and Strick
extend their previous work demonstrating distinct output
channels from different parts of the basal ganglia to distinct
cortical areas. New work reveals distinct output channels
from the cerebellar nuclei to cortex as well. The existence
of distinct cortical projects from basal ganglia and the cere-
bellum has many important functional implications and
could explain the diverse semiology of deficits in patients
with lesions to either the basal ganglia or the cerebellum.
Alternative models of basal ganglia function, based on both
clinical and physiological evidence, are reviewed in greater

grafton and bizzi: introduction 539

detail in the chapter by Graybiel and Mink. They present information are traditionally considered to represent solu-
recent evidence for dopamine mediated learning mecha- tions to very different computational problems. Perception
nisms, action selection processes and on-line control within has to do with inferring the state of the world given sensory
the basal ganglia. Particular emphasis is placed on the selec- data and action with generating motor commands that lead
tion of action based on prior experience combined with to a task goal. In his chapter, Todorov summarizes how
contextual information that might influence choice. these two problems are in many ways related. Sensory infer-
Shadmehr and Krakauer consider the problem of action ence and motor prediction can be united in a single com-
dynamics more broadly. They consider patients with lesions putational framework. With this, it is possible to explore
of the cerebellum, parietal cortex, and basal ganglia and computational similarities and differences between the two
interpret their deficits in terms of computational processes systems.
such as state estimation, optimization, prediction, cost, and The overlap between perception and action at the neural
reward. From this evidence, they argue for relative special- level is considered in the chapter by Rizzolatti, Fogassi,
ization by which the cerebellum builds internal models that and Gallese. Using the mirror neuron as a core mechanism
predict sensory outcome of motor commands and correct for representing an action that is either executed or per-
motor commands, the parietal cortex is used for state estima- ceived, they present evidence that extends this general
tion, and the basal ganglia are needed for learning costs and mechanism to humans, where it could be used to understand
rewards associated with sensory states. intentions in others. Impairment of this process might explain
Evidence for a unique role of the parietal cortex in state some of the clinical deficits that are seen in autism spectrum
estimation, that is, the integration of vision and somatosen- disorders.
sory information with motor command is considered in the In the final chapter in this section, Grafton, Aziz-Zadeh,
chapter by Mulliken and Andersen. They emphasize the role and Ivry consider the importance of hierarchical representa-
of the parietal cortex for generating a forward model that tion as an organizing principle for understanding how people
predicts the sensory consequences of a movement. This pre- are capable of creating as well as recognizing the meaning
diction is likely to be used in a number of action-relevant of complex, goal-oriented action. They review functional
processes, including on-line control, evaluating performance and behavioral evidence in human experiments of hand-
with a desired outcome, canceling reafferent input, and object interactions, bimanual control, and the integration of
mental simulation and determining agency. semantics into action planning. The results support the exis-
The computational methods used in state estimation tence of a highly flexible control hierarchy rather than a
merge sensory feedback and ongoing motor commands into strict anatomical hierarchy for organizing complex motor
a common theoretical framework. These different sources of behavior.

540 motor systems

37 Neurobiology of Coordinate
emilio bizzi and ferdinando a. mussa-ivaldi

abstract A broad variety of motor plans and concomitant complexity, given the many different ways in which one may
control actions can be expressed by the superposition of force fields have to activate the muscles to reach the same point in
representing the mechanical effects of motor synergies. This prin- space.
ciple of superposition may lead to the execution of motor plans by
controlling the nonlinear dynamics of the body in the presence of A basic concept in many fields of science, including
redundant muscles and degrees of freedom. systems-level neuroscience, is the concept of a coordinate
system (Bishop & Goldberg, 1980). A coordinate system is a
system of numbers that, taken together, identify the location
From movement planning to execution of a point in space. The space could be the ordinary three-
dimensional space in which we move, or it could be an
A critical issue in the generation of motor behavior concerns abstract space with a larger or even infinite number of
the hierarchical organization of movement planning and dimensions that may be placed in correspondence with a
movement execution. This concept is derived from engi- physical system. For example, the posture of a marionette
neering notions of modular control by which the problem of may be represented by specifying each of its joint angles on
movement is decomposed into subproblems that can be a separate axis. Thus, the joint angles provide a coordinate
addressed separately. One of the great complications of system for the marionette. The state of a biological system,
the movement control problem is that any given goal can be such as the human arm, is described within the nervous
reached by a multiplicity of means. If the goal is to move system by the collection of neural activities that constitute
the hand from point A to point B, a variety of paths can be incoming sensory signals and outgoing motor commands.
chosen; a variety of trajectories in joint space can be utilized Although there are several possible coordinate systems—
to realize the path. As an example, consider the simple task actually an infinite number—to describe different sensory
of reaching for a glass of water on a table. To reach for it, and motor signals, these coordinate systems fall quite natu-
the brain must generate a temporal sequence of activations rally into three classes: neuromuscular coordinates, joint
of the arm muscles. The pattern of neural impulses that coordinates, and endpoint coordinates.
controls the contraction of each muscle can be thought of as
“coordinates” in an abstract geometrical space (Holdefer & Endpoint Coordinates Endpoint coordinates are ap-
Miller, 2002). In this space, the goal of reaching the glass propriate for describing the goal of an action and the
can be represented as a point whose coordinates are the interaction with the environment. These coordinates may
muscle activations needed to perform the appropriate reach. capture the highly regular properties of reaching behavior
What happens to these motor coordinates—and to the goal when the location of the hand is rendered in Cartesian space
of reaching the glass in the space of muscle activities—if our (Morasso, 1981; Soechting & Lacquaniti, 1981). Morasso
body moves to another position, such as from standing to (1981) instructed human subjects to point with one hand to
sitting? To reach the glass, the arm must now move in a different visual targets that were randomly activated (figure
different way, and the muscles must be driven by different 37.1). His analysis of the movements showed two kinematic
commands. As a consequence, the coordinates of the goal invariances: (1) The hand trajectories were approximately
of reaching the glass in the space of muscle activities are straight segments, and (2) the speed profile or tangential
changed. This is what mathematicians call a coordinate trans- velocity of the hand for different movements always appeared
formation, a computation that can be of quite considerable to have a bell-shaped configuration, as the time needed to
accelerate the hand was approximately equal to the time
needed to bring it back to rest. Because these simple and
emilio bizzi McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts invariant features were detected at a different shoulder and
ferdinando a. mussa-ivaldi Department of Physiology, elbow angles, these results suggest that planning by the
Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Illinois central nervous system (CNS) takes place in terms of hand

bizzi and mussa-ivaldi: neurobiology of coordinate transformations 541

described by Morasso (1981) and Abend and colleagues
(1982) could be derived from a single organizing principle
based on optimizing endpoint smoothness. A different view
was offered by Kawato and coworkers (Uno, Kawato, &
Suzuki, 1989), who proposed that the shape of movement
trajectories is not explicitly planned but is rather a side effect
of the CNS optimizing a dynamical variable: the rate of
change of joint torque. However, the observation that
movement trajectories are recovered when the movement is
perturbed by a force field (Shadmehr & Mussa-Ivaldi, 1994)
reinforced the idea that the CNS recovers the trajectory of
the hand by producing the torques that are needed to
compensate for the external forces. This supports the notion
of planning in endpoint coordinates.

Muscle Coordinates Muscle coordinates (Holdefer &

Miller, 2002) afford the most direct representation for the
motor output of the central nervous system. A position in
this coordinate system may be expressed, for example, as a
collection of muscle lengths. Accordingly, a force vector in
the same coordinate system is a collection of muscle tensions.
The number of actuator coordinates depends upon how
detailed is the model of control under consideration. Unlike
generalized coordinates, actuator coordinates do not
Figure 37.1 (A) Plan view of a seated subject grasping the handle constitute a system of mechanically independent variables;
of the two-joint hand-position transducer (designed by N. Hogan). one cannot set arbitrary values to muscle lengths without
The right arm was elevated to shoulder level and moved in a
horizontal work space. Movement of the handle was measured eventually violating a kinematic constraint.
with potentiometers located at the two mechanical joints of the At the most detailed level, individual motor units may be
apparatus ( J1, J2). The subject was positioned so that J1 lay on considered as actuator elements. In this case, the order of
the Y-axis. A horizontal semicircular plate located just above the magnitude of the actuator space can be of the order of 10
handle carried the visual targets. Six visual target locations (T1–T6) or 100,000 dimensions.
are illustrated as crosses. The digitized paths between targets and
the curved path were obtained by moving the handle along a Joint Coordinates and the Generation of Forces A
straight edge from one target to the next and then along a circular
different way of describing body motions is to provide the
path; movement paths were reliably reproduced. (B) A series of
digitized handle paths (sampling rate: 100 Hz) performed by one set of joint angles that define the orientation of each skeletal
subject in different parts of the movement space. The subject segment either with respect to fixed axes in space or with
moved his hand to the illuminated target and then waited for respect to the neighboring segments. This is a well-known
the appearance of a new target. Targets were presented in random representation in robotics and analytical mechanics called
order. Arrows show direction of some of the hand movements.
configuration space (Spong, Hutchinson, & Vidyasagar, 2005).
(C, D, E ) Kinematic data for three of the movements the paths
of which are shown in B. Letters show correspondence (e.g., Joint angles are a particular instance of generalized
data under C are for path c in B). Abbreviations: e, elbow joint; s, coordinates. Generalized coordinates are independent
shoulder (angles measured as indicated in A). (From Bizzi E., and variables that are suitable for describing the dynamics of a
Abend, W. K., 1983, Motor Control Mechanisms in Health and Disease, system (Goldstein, 1980; Jose & Saletan, 1998). In particular,
J. E. Desmedt, ed. New York: Raven Press.) the dynamics of limbs such as the human arm are described
by systems of coupled differential equations relating the
motion in space. Here, the hand is regarded almost as a generalized coordinates to their first and second time
disembodied object whose movements are planned by the derivatives and to the generalized forces.
CNS independently of the geometrical and mechanical In vector notation, the dynamics equations for a multi-
properties of the arm and its muscles. Morasso’s observations jointed limb are succinctly written as
were extended to more complex curved movements
performed by human subjects in an obstacle avoidance task I(q)q̈ + G(q, q̇) + E(q, q̇, t ) = C (q, q̇, u (t )) (1)
(Abend, Bizzi, & Morasso, 1982). Again, kinematic invariances where q = (q1, q2, …, qN) is the limb configuration in joint-
were present in the hand and not in the joint motion. Later, angle coordinates, q̇ and q̈ are respectively the first (velocity)
Flash and Hogan (1985) showed that the kinematic behavior and second (acceleration) time derivatives of q, I is a N × N

542 motor systems

matrix of inertia (that is configuration-dependent), G(q, q̇) is Armed with a computer and a great deal of skill, one can obtain a
a vector of centripetal and Coriolis torques (Spong et al., numerical solution to a nonlinear partial differential equation. The
real question is; once a solution is found, what is to be done with
2005), and E(q, q̇, t) is a vector of external torques, which,
it? . . . Dynamics drives a given spatially extended system through
in general, depends upon the state of motion of the limb and a repertoire of unstable patterns; as we watch a “turbulent” system
upon time. The whole left-hand side of equation 1 represents evolve, every so often we catch a glimpse of a familiar pattern. For
the torque due to the inertial properties of the arm and to any finite spatial resolution, the system follows approximately for
the action of the environment (part of which may be con- a finite time a pattern belonging to a finite alphabet of admissible
sidered “noise”). The term C (⋅) on the right-hand side stands patterns, and the long-term dynamics can be thought of as a walk
through the space of such patterns, just as chaotic dynamics with
for the net torque generated nonlinearly by the muscles, by a low-dimensional attractor can be thought of as a succession of
the environment (e.g., the gravitational torque), and by other nearly periodic (but unstable) motions.
dissipative elements, such as friction. The time-function u(t)
The key concept here is that complex behavior may be
is a control vector—for example, a set of neural signals
analyzed by a combination of patterns.
directed to the motoneurons or a representation of a desired
limb position at time t. The left-hand side of equation 1
represents the passive dynamics associated with limb inertia. Building blocks for computation of dynamics:
The right-hand side is the applied force, which is the output Compositionality
of a control process. An additional term, not represented in
equation (1), is the noise associated with the control signal. In the natural world some complex systems are discrete
The way in which the CNS implements the dynamic combinatorial systems—they utilize a finite number of dis-
equation (1) has been the focus of a number of investigations crete elements to create larger structures. The genetic code
in the last 20 years. Through work in humans and monkeys, and language phenomena are examples of systems in which
a number of investigators have put forward the hypothesis discrete elements and a set of rules can generate a large
that the CNS generates movements and forces by using number of meaningful entities that are quite distinct from
internal models of the limbs and of the environment with those of their elements. A question of considerable impor-
which they come into contact (Thoroughman & Taylor, tance is whether this fundamental characteristic of language
2005; Sabes, 2000; Davidson & Wolpert, 2004, Flanagan & and genetics is also a feature of other biological systems.
Wing, 1997; Kawato & Wolpert, 1998; Krakauer, Ghilardi, In particular, the question is whether the activity of the
& Ghez, 1999; Shadmehr & Mussa-Ivaldi, 1994; Wolpert, vertebrate motor system, with its impressive capacity to find
Miall, & Kawato, 1998). original motor solutions to an infinite set of ever-changing
Alternative proposals have been made that do not depend circumstances, results from the combinations of discrete
on the solution of complicated inverse dynamics problems elements.
(Feldman & Latash, 2005). Specifically, it has been proposed The ease with which we move hides the complexity inher-
that the CNS may transform the desired hand motion into a ent in the execution of even the simplest tasks. Even move-
series of equilibrium positions (Bizzi, Accornero, Chapple, & ments we make effortlessly, such as reaching for an object,
Hogan, 1984). The forces that are needed to track the equi- involve the activation of many thousands of motor units in
librium trajectory result from the intrinsic elastic properties numerous muscles. Given this large number of degrees of
of the muscles and from local feedback loops (Feldman, 1966; freedom of the motor system, a number of investigators have
Bizzi, Polit, & Morasso, 1976; Hogan, 1984). However, if put forward the hypothesis that the CNS handles this large
movements are to be executed with any substantial amount space with a hierarchical architecture based upon the utiliza-
of acceleration, then the inertial forces of the arm have to be tion of discrete building blocks whose combinations result in
taken implicitly into account, as they tend to displace the the construction of a variety of different movements (Arbib,
limb away from the equilibrium trajectory. In this case, some 1981; Tsetlin, 1973). In particular, investigators influenced
computational mechanism is required to derive the equilib- by the AI perspective on the control of complex systems have
rium trajectory that is adequate to move the hand along the argued for a hierarchical decomposition with modules, or
desired trajectory. It is then merely a semantic issue to distin- building blocks, as the most effective way to select a control
guish this operation from an explicit dynamics computation. signal from a large search space (Russell & Norvig, 1995).
Another view on solving the dynamic equations and to
execute a motor plan is the hypothesis that motor behavior The construction of natural motor behavior with
of vertebrates is based on simple units (motor primitives) that muscle synergies
can be flexibly combined to accomplish a variety of motor
tasks. Here is an apt and succinct quote from Cvitanovic For a long time, investigators have recognized that one of
(2000), concerning the general problems posed by complex the basic questions in motor performance is whether the
nonlinear dynamics: cortical motor areas control individual muscles or make use

bizzi and mussa-ivaldi: neurobiology of coordinate transformations 543

of synergistically linked groups of muscles (Macpherson, and one time delay coefficient per synergy are sufficient for
1991). Given that no natural movement involves just one generating a muscle pattern. In contrast, the entire time
muscle, any motor act, a fortiori, involves a “muscle synergy,” course of the weighting coefficients is required with synchro-
the question, then, has been whether the synergistic activa- nous synergies.
tion of muscles derives from a fixed common neural drive To directly assess this hypothesis, d’Avella, Saltiel, and
or is merely a phenomenological event of a given motor Bizzi (2003) examined several motor behaviors in intact,
coordination. The recent introduction of novel computa- freely moving frogs by recording simultaneously from a large
tional procedures to extract synergies from large sets of number of hindlimb muscles during locomotion, swimming,
EMG signals in intact behaving animals and humans has jumping, and defensive reflexes (d’Avella et al., 2003;
opened a different way to approach the issue of synergies d’Avella & Bizzi, 2005). An iterative algorithm was used to
(Soechting & Lacquaniti, 1989; Tresch, Saltiel, d’Avella, decompose the muscle patterns as combinations of time-
& Bizzi, 2002; Saltiel, Wyler-Duda, d’Avella, Tresch, & varying muscle synergies independently scaled in amplitude
Bizzi, 2001; d’Avella & Tresch, 2002; d’Avella, Portone, and shifted in time. This iterative algorithm finds a set of
Fernandez, & Lacquaniti, 2006). muscle synergies and, for each muscle pattern, the amplitude
In 1999, Tresch, Saltiel, and Bizzi developed a computa- and delay of each synergy that minimize the reconstruction
tional method to extract synergies from the recorded muscle error for the entire data set. Figure 37.2 shows the five time-
activations. This method is based on decomposing the varying synergies that were extracted from all the rectified,
observed muscle patterns as simultaneous combinations of a low-pass filtered, and integrated (10 ms) EMGs recorded
number of synergies. This decomposition is obtained by using during a total of 2174 jumps, walking cycles, and swimming
an iterative algorithm that is initialized with a set of arbitrary cycles in three frogs. The five extracted synergies include all
synergies. The nonnegative weighting coefficients of these 13 muscles. The first three synergies (W1, W2, and W3) recruit
arbitrary synergies that best predict each response are then mainly extensors, while W4 and W5 recruit mainly flexors.
found. The synergies are then updated by minimizing the The most active muscles of synergy W1 are the hip extensors
error between the observed response and the predicted rectus internus (RI), adductor magnus (AD), and semimem-
response. This process is iterated until the algorithm con- branosus (SM); the knee extensor vastus internus (VI); and
verges on a particular set of synergies. The algorithm extracts the ankle extensors peroneus (PE) and gastrocnemius (GA).
both a set of synergies and the weighting coefficients of each The most active muscles of the synergy W2 are SM, vastus
synergy used to reconstruct the electromyelogram responses. externus (VE), and GA. In W3, RI, SM, and VI are the most
Note that there are a number of factorization algorithms active. The flexors dominate synergy W4 with rectus anterior
to assess the hypothesis that motor behavior might be pro- (RA), biceps (BI), and iliopsoas (IP). Synergy W5 includes
duced through a combination of a small number of syner- mainly semitendinosus (ST) and IP. Note that some of the
gies. Tresch, Cheung, and d’Avella (2006) have compared muscles are present in more than one synergy. The R2 for
different algorithms and found that in general, most of the the five synergies extracted from the entire data set was 0.78.
algorithms that are used to identify muscle synergies, such Thus a large fraction of the total variation of the data was
as nonnegative matrix factorization, independent compo- described by a model that has just 10 parameters (five ampli-
nent analysis, and factor analysis, perform comparably. tude and five timing coefficients) once the synergies have
When they applied these methods to experimentally obtained been determined.
data sets, the best-performing algorithms identified synergies Figure 37.3 shows the reconstruction of muscle patterns
that were very similar to one another. These results suggest (rectified, filtered, and integrated EMGs, thin line and shaded
that the muscle synergies found by a particular algorithm area) for a jump, a cycle of walking, and a cycle of swimming
are not an artifact of that algorithm but reflect basic aspects as combinations of the five synergies shown in figure 37.2
of muscle activation. (thick line). The synergy’s amplitude is shown as the height of
The coordination among muscle recruitments expressed the rectangles below the EMGs, and the delay coefficients
by a synergy might also be extended to the temporal domain. are shown by their horizontal position. The essential features
This idea has led to the introduction of a novel factorization of the three muscle patterns are well captured by scaling in
algorithm (d’Avella & Tresch, 2002) to extract time-varying amplitude and shifting in time the five time-varying syner-
synergies, that is, the coordinated activations of groups of gies. In jumping (first column), two of the three extension
muscles with specific time-varying profiles. Time-varying synergies are active (W1 and W3) together with the two
synergies can naturally capture specific asynchronous activa- flexion synergies (W4 and W5). In walking (second column),
tions of groups of muscles and provide a parsimonious model synergies 1, 3, and 4 appear again, but their amplitude
for the generation of muscle patterns. In fact, once the syner- balance and recruitment order are radically different from
gies have been specified, one amplitude scaling coefficient jumping: W4 dominates in amplitude, while W1 and W3 are

544 motor systems

Figure 37.2 Time-varying muscle synergies extracted from vastus externus; RA, rectus anterior; PE, the ankle extensors pero-
jumping, swimming, and walking muscle patterns in three frogs. neus; GA, gastrocnemius; ST, mainly semitendinosus; SA, semiten-
Each synergy (columns W1 to W5) represents the activation time dinosus; BI, biceps; IP, iliopsoas; TA, tibialis anterior. (From Bizzi,
course (in color code) of 13 muscles over 30 samples (total duration: E., Cheung, V. C., d’Avella, A., Saltiel, P., Tresch, M. C., 2008,
300 ms) normalized to the maximum sample of each muscle. Combining modules for movement, Brain Res. Rev., 57, 125–133.)
Abbreviations: RI, rectus internus; AD, adductor magnus; SM, (See color plate 51.)
semimembranosus; VI, the knee extensor vastus internus; VE,

relatively small, and the timing between W3 and W4 is in response to unexpected perturbations. They placed an
reversed. Swimming (third column), in contrast, is domi- obstacle in the path of the leg and showed that when the leg
nated by W2 and to a lesser extent by W5. hit the obstacle, the added synergy was one of the sets of six
The examples illustrated by figure 37.3 demonstrate two previously identified synergies.
important points: (1) that the same synergies are found in Other investigators have generated corroborative evidence
different behaviors and (2) that different behaviors may be for modular organization in cats (Lemay, Galagan, Hogan, &
constructed by combining the same synergies with different Bizzi, 2001; Ting & Macpherson, 2005; Krouchev, Kalaska,
timing and amplitude. & Drew, 2006; Torres-Oviedo et al., 2006) and the turtle
The examples illustrated in figures 37.2 and 37.3 address (Stein, Oguztoreli, & Capaday, 1986; Stein, McCullough, &
the important question of whether the synergies extracted Currie, 1998). In addition, results from the study of the
by a computational procedure have biological standing. A muscle patterns during reaching in humans (d’Avella et al.,
compelling criterion is the presence of the same synergy, 2006) suggest that this is a general strategy used by all verte-
with its own internal temporal structure, in different behav- brates for simplifying the control of limb movements.
iors, as illustrated in figure 37.3. Additional evidence sup- A clear-cut example of a recombination of synergies is
porting the idea that synergies are indeed functional units from locomotion with the different limb central pattern gen-
was shown by Giszter and Kargo (2000). They showed erators (CPGs). Each CPG can operate independently, but
examples of deletions as well as of additions during leg the four limb CPGs can also be combined in different pat-
motions in the frog. Kargo and Giszter (2000) showed that terns as in a walk, a trot, or a gallop. On the basis of exten-
the spinalized frog is able to produce corrective movements sive indirect evidence, Grillner (1981, 1985) suggested that

bizzi and mussa-ivaldi: neurobiology of coordinate transformations 545

Figure 37.3 Examples of reconstruction of EMG patterns as ci) of a rectangle whose width corresponds to the synergy duration.
combinations of time-varying muscle synergies. The three columns The shaded profile in each rectangle illustrates the averaged time
are examples of a jump, a walking cycle, and a swimming cycle. course of the muscle activation waveforms of the corresponding
Upper section: The thick line shows the reconstruction of muscle synergy. Note the different amplitude scaling used in the three
patterns and the shaded area represents the rectified, filtered and columns. (From Bizzi, E., Cheung, V. C., d’Avella, A., Saltiel, P.,
integrated EMGs. Lower section: The coefficients of the five synergies Tresch, M. C., 2008, Combining modules for movement, Brain Res.
as the horizontal position (onset delay, ti) and the height (amplitude, Rev., 57, 125–133.)

each limb CPG can be further subdivided into unit CPGs only a few distinct types of motor outputs could be evoked
that control synergist muscles acting at each joint. It has also by either electrical (Bizzi et al., 1991) or NMDA stimulation
been proposed that these different unit CPGs or synergies (Saltiel et al., 2001). Importantly, when stimulation was
can be the independent target for the supraspinal commands applied simultaneously to two different sites in the spinal
used to design different volitional movements involving a cord, each of which when stimulated produced a different
limited set of joints (Grillner, 1985, 2006; Grillner & Zangger, motor output, the resulting motor output was a simple linear
1979). combination of the separate motor outputs (Mussa-Ivaldi,
In conclusion, the evidence provided by studies from dif- Giszter, & Bizzi, 1994; Lemay et al., 2001). In subsequent
ferent laboratories and in different species indicates that experiments, Tresch and colleagues (1999) showed that the
combining muscle synergies is a strategy that the CNS uti- motor response evoked from cutaneous stimulation of a
lizes for the construction of movements in vertebrates. particular site on the hindlimb resulted from the weighted
combination of a few muscle synergies. When Tresch and
Physiological basis of muscle synergies: Modularity in the colleagues (1999) compared the distinct muscle synergies
frog spinal motor system derived from cutaneous stimulation with the patterns of
muscle activation evoked by microstimulation of the frog
With microstimulation of the spinal interneuronal regions, spinal cord, he found that the two sets of EMG responses
Bizzi, Mussa-Ivaldi, and Giszter (1991), Giszter, Mussa- were very similar to one another. In addition, the synergies
Ivaldi, and Bizzi (1993), and Tresch and colleagues (1999) evoked by NMDA were found by Saltiel and colleagues
have provided evidence for a modular organization of the (2001) to be qualitatively similar to those described by Tresch
frog’s and rat’s spinal cord. These experiments found that and colleagues (1999). Taken together, these experiments

546 motor systems

have provided evidence in support of a spinal modular orga- the position of the hand, r. However the same position of
nization underlying natural behaviors produced by the frog the hand can be reached with different joint angles. Simi-
spinal cord. larly, given the forces exerted by all the muscles on a joint,
one derives the net torque while any value of torque can be
Translating plans into actions: The mechanical basis obtained with an infinite number of muscle force combina-
for compositionality tions. How is it possible for the CNS to map a desired move-
ment plan, in terms of endpoint behavior, into a corresponding
The microstimulation studies described above have revealed command for the muscles? As shown in figure 37.4B, force
that the mechanical effect of a muscle synergy is captured fields provide additional pathways that map motions into
by a field of forces that vary both with space and in time. forces. This shows how mechanics simplifies computations
The combination of force fields generated by multiple syner- that would be otherwise unmanageable and ill posed. Thus,
gies offers the CNS a way for solving the problem of dynam- for example, a muscle synergy determines the force gener-
ics (equation 1) in the presence of motor redundancy. Motor ated by the muscles in response to a stretch applied at any
redundancy is a common property of multijoint limbs, such operating length. When multiple synergies are induced by a
as the human arm, in which there are more joint angles than pattern of motor commands (u in figure 37.4B), their net
endpoint variables and more muscles than joint angles. effect is a field of torque vectors: For each configuration and
Many of the computational problems associated with redun- state of motion of the joints, there is one and only one cor-
dancy are removed by expressing a motor plan as a force responding torque vector.
field in endpoint coordinates and by approximating this field The planning of a desired behavior can in turn be
with a superposition of force fields corresponding to muscle expressed as a force field that maps the discrepancy between
synergies. This is illustrated in more detail by the following actual and desired state of the endpoint into a corrective
argument. force. In this way, a field of forces that converge on the target
The graph in figure 37.4A highlights the main challenge and that vanish there provides a detailed specification for
associated with redundancy of the musculoskeletal appara- the task of reaching a target with the hand. If an obstacle is
tus: The transformations between actuator, generalized, and interposed along the hand path, the concurrent goal of
endpoint variables are not invertible and are well defined avoiding a collision can be represented as a field of forces
only in the direction of the arrows. For example, given the that diverge from the obstacle. This mathematical represen-
angular configuration of the arm, q, it is possible to derive tation has been proven successful in dealing with problems

Figure 37.4 Coordinate transformations for planning and control Jacobian matrices. (B) The vertical arrows map motion variables
of movement in a redundant limb. (A) Kinematic and force trans- (position and velocity) onto force variables. They represent force
formations for the human arm between muscle coordinates, joint fields. On the left is the force field generated by the muscles. On
coordinates, and endpoint coordinates. Arrows indicate the direc- the right is the force field in endpoint coordinates that represents
tions in which the transformations are well posed. Abbreviations: a desired behavior. Both the endpoint field and the muscle field
l, muscle lengths; q, joint angles; r, hand position; F, hand force; have a well-defined image in joint coordinates, and the implemen-
Q, joint torque; f, muscle force. M represents the transformation tation of a desired behavior can be represented as a problem of
from joint angles to muscle lengths and L the transformation approximation.
from joint angles to hand position aM and aL are the respective

bizzi and mussa-ivaldi: neurobiology of coordinate transformations 547

of robot motion planning (Khatib, 1986; Rimon & and for a broader concept of motor planning that includes
Koditschek, 1989). Although a literal implementation of this not only the generation of movements, but also the exertion
approach within the CNS may seem unlikely, one should of contact forces. As for the first point, the uncertainty, one
observe that when we plan an action, such as reaching for should observe that a force field does not specify the accurate
a target, we are specifying not only a point of space but also requirement of a position or of a trajectory but rather speci-
additional requirements, such as those of remaining at rest fies the tradeoff between a desired position (or trajectory)
at the target and avoiding collisions. Force fields provide a and the force that is exerted in response to a deviation from
rigorous framework for expressing these concurrent demands this desired trajectory.
by exploiting a mechanism of superposition. It is critical to
observe that once a force field is given in endpoint coordi- Optimal control and uncertainty: A computational
nates, it is always possible to translate this field in joint basis for motor synergies
coordinates despite the kinematic redundancy of the arm.
The arrows on the right-hand side of figure 37.4B provide Once one accepts the general notions that muscles are
a path for this transformation: (1) The joint angles and organized into synergies and that synergies are combined by
angular displacements are mapped via the direct kinematics the CNS to form a repertoire of movements from a simple
into a corresponding position and displacement of the hand; combinatorial “syntax” (Flash & Hochner, 2005), the next
(2) the planned force field assigns a hand force to this posi- question to address is how these synergies are constructed
tion and displacement of the hand; and (3) the hand force is from a large palette of possible muscle combinations. How
mapped into the corresponding joint torque by the (direct) does the motor system choose the particular patterns of
Jacobian matrix of the arm. stereotypical neuromusculat activations that constitute the
It is apparent from the above considerations that the fields natural vocabulary of motor primitives? To address this
associated with muscle synergies and the fields associated question, Todorov and coworkers (Todorov & Jordan,
with the description of a task find a common representation 2002; Todorov, Li, & Xiuchuan, 2005) have proposed that
in joint coordinates (more generally, in generalized coordi- patterns of motor control arise from the goal of making
nates). In this common geometrical space, plans can be movements as efficient as possible, given their goal and the
mapped into action by finding the combination of synergies constraints in which movements take place. An important
that generates the best approximation of the planned field constraint arises from motor noise.
(dashed arrows in figure 37.4B). This is a process that does not The analysis of motor unit activities (Matthews, 1996)
require ill-posed inversions of redundant maps. Most impor- suggests a major role of synaptic noise in the excitation of
tant, force fields provide a way to compose building blocks motor neurons. Harris and Wolpert (1998) have proposed
of planning and building blocks of control through a single that the observed smoothness of natural motions that is
straightforward rule of linear summation. observed in different motor behaviors (arm and eye move-
Slotine and Lohmiller (2001) have developed a theoretical ments, for example) may be accounted for by assuming that
analysis of biological and robotic motor control based on the biological controller minimizes the final error while
the general concept of contraction dynamics (Lohmiller & being subject to signal dependent noise. This proposal is
Slotine, 1998). They pointed out that the mechanisms of based on the idea that violations of smoothness, such as
biological evolution tend to favor behaviors that are not a large swing in a trajectory, are associated with large-
only successful but also, and most important, stable. The amplitude control signals. Given that the signal variance
requirement of stability imposes a strong constraint on accumulates additively along a movement, the net expected
motor primitives, such as muscle synergies: Successful motor outcome of a jerky motion is a larger variance at the final
primitives should produce stable behaviors when they are point. Similar considerations are at the basis of a more
acting individually and also when they operate in com- general framework that was proposed recently by Todorov
bination with other primitives. Convergent force fields and Jordan (2002). They observed that in the presence of
such as those generated by spinal circuits satisfy this funda- redundancy, one may identify within the space of control
mental requirement. The modularity of control established signals a lower-dimensional “task-relevant” manifold. This
by these fields has the critical property of ensuring stability contains the combinations of motor commands that have
to motor behaviors, when individual muscle synergies a direct impact on the achievement of the established goal.
operate in isolation as well as when they operate in combina- Because of redundancy, at each point of this manifold,
tion with other synergies, resulting in the summation of the there is a “null space” of control signals that do not affect
respective force fields. the execution of the task. For example, when we place
This view goes beyond the execution of a preplanned the index finger on a letter key, we may do so with an
trajectory, as it allows for uncertainty in the knowledge of infinite number of arm configurations. A common observa-
the environment and of the limb’s mechanical properties tion across a variety of behaviors is that variability tends

548 motor systems

to be higher in the task-irrelevant dimensions. Todorov may be fine-tuned to “explain” any observed pattern of
and Jordan (2002) consider this to be a direct consequence behavior. The use of the optimality principle has a long and
of optimal feedback control. According to this scheme, distinguished history in motor control (Hogan, 1984; Stein
the control system aims to minimize the expected error et al., 1986; van Beers, Baradua, & Wolpert, 2002). However,
on the final target in the presence of signal-dependent more recently, optimal control theory has been considered
noise. While the outcomes of the optimization may depend a promising framework for identifying patterns of meaning-
upon the specific distribution of variability among the system ful muscle synergies. Chhabra and Jacobs (2006) have used
of actuators, the simulations presented by these authors Todorov’s optimal feedback control to derive optimal pat-
indicate a general tendency of the control system to place terns of joint torques for generating a large repertoire of
the highest variance in the task-irrelevant dimensions so as reaching movements by a simulated arm. Then, as the joint
to achieve a higher degree of precision in the task-relevant torques are assumed to be produced by antagonist pairs of
dimensions. This view of the biological control system brings muscles acting across the shoulder and elbow joint, Chhabra
about two important (although yet to be proven valid) and Jacobs used the nonnegative matrix factorization of
concepts: d’Avella and colleagues (2003) to identify a set of muscle
synergies that are competent to generate the optimal control
1. that the control system is not necessarily concerned
torques. While this approach provides some general insight
with the explicit planning of movement trajectories but
on the features of the motor synergies that may arise from
rather is concerned with the attainment of final goals with
optimal control, it is limited by the lack of available knowl-
the least amount of variance and
edge about the relationship between neuromuscular acti-
2. that the space spanned by the task-irrelevant dimen-
vities and their mechanical outcomes in terms of force.
sions plays the role of a “variance buffer,” where the noise
Therefore motor synergies expressed in terms of muscle
generated by the control signals has the largest effect so
forces are not easily translated into motor synergies in terms
as to attain a higher performance in the space defined by
of neural or EMG activities, as in the work of d’Avella and
the task.
colleagues (2003).
Although this is a promising approach, with potentially Todorov’s approach to motor synergies (Todorov et al.,
important implications for the design of biomimetic control- 2005) is based on stochastic optimal control theory and
lers, the evidence for the explicit planning of trajectories may not yield an immediate interpretation of neural pat-
remains rather strong (Dingwell, Mah, & Mussa-Ivaldi, terns. However, it has the potential to derive motor synergies
2002; Mosier, Scheidt, Acosta, & Mussa-Ivaldi, 2005; Flash, based on the combined goals of satisfying optimal perfor-
1987; Shadmehr & Mussa-Ivaldi, 1994). It is difficult mance criteria and of enforcing compositionality. This
to reconcile the observation of regularities observed in is possible because the most general solution of optimiza-
endpoint coordinates, such as the execution of smooth rec- tion problems is obtained—in the continuous domain—by
tilinear motions of the hand, with properties such as signal- solving a partial differential equation, the Hamilton-
dependent noise that concern the behavior of muscles and Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation (Kirk, 1970), which is
joints. To see this, consider a movement of the hand between analogous to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation of classical
two targets and suppose that the noise introduced by the mechanics and to the Schrödinger equation of quantum
shoulder muscles is greater than the noise introduced by the mechanics (Goldstein, 1980). The latter allowed deriving
elbow muscles. If the only goal of the controller were to atomic structures as superposition of waves, a very primal
reduce the error on the final target, then the trajectory would form of compositionality. Todorov (2006) has recently
be chosen to minimize the activity of the shoulder muscles. obtained a similar result for optimal control. He derived a
Obviously, a different trajectory would be chosen if the linear formulation of the HJB equation that allows obtaining
elbow muscles were the main source of noise. This predic- primitives of control from a system of basis eigenfunctions
tion appears difficult to reconcile with the observation of of a linear operator. In this case, as for the wave functions
smooth and quasi-rectilinear hand paths. Nevertheless, the of Schrödinger, any combination of optimal control policies
framework of optimal control is important, as it establishes still satisfies the same optimality condition as the individual
a direct one-to-one relationship between the goals of an policies.
action and the pattern of activations that are best suited to Although a large collection of open issues remains, the
attain this goal. This approach provides “normative models” combination of computational models based on nonlinear
of motor control (Kording, 2007), which predict behavior control and optimization theories with more advanced tech-
based on the optimization of a cost function. This approach niques for extracting information from neuromuscular pat-
can also be used “in reverse” by searching for optimization terns yields the promise of understanding how biological
functions, given a desired behavior. However, this is often motor behavior is shaped by the interaction of evolutionary
seen as a weakness of optimization-based theories, as they process and day-to-day learning mechanisms.

bizzi and mussa-ivaldi: neurobiology of coordinate transformations 549

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bizzi and mussa-ivaldi: neurobiology of coordinate transformations 551

38 Basal Ganglia and Cerebellar
Circuits with the Cerebral Cortex
richard p. dum and peter l. strick

abstract What are the functions of the basal ganglia and cerebel- nates from widespread regions of the cerebral cortex, includ-
lum? It is now clear that output of the basal ganglia and cerebellum ing motor, sensory, posterior parietal, prefrontal, cingulate,
targets motor, premotor, prefrontal, posterior parietal, and infero- orbitofrontal, and temporal cortical areas. The “output
temporal areas of cortex. These connections provide the basal
ganglia and cerebellum with the anatomical substrate to influence
layer” of basal ganglia processing is represented by the inter-
not only the control of movement, but also many aspects of cogni- nal segment of the globus pallidus (GPi), the pars reticulata
tive behavior like planning, working memory, sequential behavior, of the substantia nigra (SNpr), and the ventral pallidum. The
visuospatial perception, and attention. Similarly, abnormal activity comparable structures for cerebellar processing are the three
in specific basal ganglia and cerebellar loops with the cerebral deep cerebellar nuclei: dentate, interpositus, and fastigial.
cortex may contribute to a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders,
Neurons in the output layers of both circuits send their axons
such as schizophrenia, autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity dis-
order, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Thus, defining the corti- to the thalamus and, by this route, project back upon the
cal targets of the basal ganglia and cerebellum provides important cortex. Thus, a major structural feature of basal ganglia and
insights into their diverse motor and nonmotor function. cerebellar circuits is that they form loops with the cerebral
cortex (e.g., Kemp & Powell, 1971; Allen & Tsukahara,
1974; Brooks & Thach, 1981). These loops were believed to
What are the functions of the basal ganglia and the cerebel- function largely in the domain of motor control. Indeed,
lum? Numerous reports describe the motor deficits asso- basal ganglia and cerebellar efferents were thought to termi-
ciated with damage to these subcortical structures. As a nate in a common region of the ventrolateral thalamus that
consequence, concepts about basal ganglia and cerebellar projected largely to the primary motor cortex (M1). Thus
function have focused primarily on their contributions to these circuits were viewed as a neural substrate for enabling
the generation and control of movement. We have used an information from a diverse set of cortical areas to influence
anatomical approach to examine the macro-organization of motor output at the level of M1. This view has been
basal ganglia and cerebellar connections with the cerebral supported by the obvious motor symptoms that can result
cortex. In this chapter, we focus on one critical question: from basal ganglia and cerebellar dysfunction (for refer-
Which cortical areas are the target of the outputs from the ences and reviews, see Brooks & Thach, 1981; DeLong &
basal ganglia and the cerebellum? The answers to this ques- Georgopoulos, 1981; Bhatia & Marsden, 1994).
tion lead to some novel and important insights about basal Over the past 20 years, an accumulation of information
ganglia and cerebellar function. about basal ganglia and cerebellar anatomy has led a number
Classically, the macro-organization of basal ganglia and of investigators to challenge this view (e.g., Schell & Strick,
cerebellar circuitry is described using a relatively simple hier- 1984; Alexander, DeLong, & Strick, 1986; Goldman-Rakic
archical model. The “input layer” of basal ganglia process- & Selemon, 1990). It is now clear that basal ganglia and
ing is represented by the striatum (caudate, putamen, and cerebellar efferents terminate in different subdivisions of the
ventral striatum). The functionally analogous level in cere- ventrolateral thalamus (for a review, see Percheron, François,
bellar circuits is represented by specific pontine nuclei that Talbi, Yelnik, & Fénelon, 1996), which, in turn, project to
send “mossy fiber” inputs to cerebellar cortex. A major a myriad of cortical areas. Thus the outputs from the basal
source of afferents to the input layers of both circuits origi- ganglia and cerebellum influence more widespread regions
of the cerebral cortex than was previously recognized.
richard p. dum Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Systems On the basis of these and other anatomical results,
Neuroscience Institute and the Department of Neurobiology, Alexander and colleagues (1986) proposed that the basal
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
ganglia participate in at least five separate loops with the
peter l. strick Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Center for the
Neural Basis of Cognition, Systems Neuroscience Institute and the cerebral cortex. These loops were based in part on their
Department of Neurobiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, cortical target from the output layer of processing and
Pennsylvania were designated the skeletomotor, oculomotor, dorsolateral

dum and strick: basal ganglia and cerebellar circuits with the cerebral cortex 553
prefrontal, lateral orbitofrontal, and anterior cingulate cir- Primary motor cortex
cuits. According to this scheme, the output of the basal
ganglia has the potential to influence not only the control of Our first experiments used retrograde transneuronal trans-
movement, but also higher-order cognitive and limbic func- port of HSV1 to examine the organization of basal ganglia
tions that are subserved by prefrontal, orbitofrontal, and and cerebellar outputs to M1 (figure 38.1) (Hoover & Strick,
anterior cingulate cortex. 1993, 1999). We injected virus into physiologically identified
Similarly, Leiner, Leiner, and Dow (1986, 1991, 1993) portions of M1 (i.e., regions where face, arm, or leg move-
suggested that cerebellar output is directed to prefrontal as ments were evoked by intracortical stimulation with currents
well as motor areas of the cerebral cortex. They noted that < 25 μA). Then we set the survival time to allow transneu-
in the course of hominid evolution, the lateral output nucleus
of the cerebellum—the dentate—undergoes a marked expan-
sion that parallels the expansion of cerebral cortex in the Pre- SMA
9m CgS
frontal lobe. They argued that the increase in the size of the
dentate is accompanied by an increase in the extent of the
cortical areas in the frontal lobe that are influenced by dentate leg
output. As a consequence, Leiner and colleagues proposed


that cerebellar function in humans has expanded to include 46
PS 7b
involvement in certain language and cognitive tasks. 8 M1

Attempts to test these proposals and map cerebellar and 12
basal ganglia projections to the cerebral cortex have been AS
arm face

hindered by a number of technical limitations. Chief among

these are the multisynaptic nature of these pathways and the
general inability of conventional tracers to label more than
the direct inputs and outputs of an area. To overcome these
and other problems, we developed the use of neurotropic
10 mm
viruses (herpes simplex virus type 1 [HSV1] and rabies virus)
as transneuronal tracers in the central nervous system of
Figure 38.1 Virus injection sites in the cerebral cortex. The loca-
primates (for references and review, see Strick & Card, 1992;
tions of virus injection sites (shaded areas) are shown on a view of the
Kelly & Strick, 2000, 2003). This tracing method can effec- lateral surface and a mirror image of the medial wall of a cebus
tively label a chain of up to three synaptically linked neurons monkey brain. The numbers 7b, 8, 9m, 9l, 12, and 46 refer to
in a single experiment (Kelly & Strick, 2003, 2004). In this cytoarchitectonic areas. Abbreviations: AS, arcuate sulcus; CS,
chapter, we will review some of the new observations that central sulcus, FEF, frontal eye field; IPS, intraparietal sulcus, LS,
lateral sulcus, LuS, lunate sulcus; M1, face, arm, and leg areas of
have come from using viruses to trace basal ganglia and
the primary motor cortex; PMvarm, arm area of the ventral premo-
cerebellar loops with the cerebral cortex. These observations tor area; PreSMA, presupplementary motor area; PS, principal
have led to important insights about the cortical targets of sulcus; SMAarm, arm area of the supplementary motor area; STS,
these circuits and the functional domains they influence. superior temporal sulcus; TE, area of inferotemporal cortex.

Area 9m Area 46 SMA arm M1 arm PMv arm



o i
A 15.0 A 14.2 A 13.7 A 14.0 1 mm A 14.2

Figure 38.2 Origin of pallidal projections to M1, PMv, SMA, approximate anterior-posterior location is indicated at the bottom
area 46, area 9. Representative coronal sections through the GPi of each section outline. Abbreviations: GPe, external segment of
of animals that received virus injections into different cortical areas globus pallidus; GPi, internal segment of the globus pallidus; o,
(see figure 38.1). The dots indicate the positions of neurons labeled outer portion of the interal segment of globus pallidus; i, inner
by retrograde transneuronal transport of virus. The maps display portion of the internal segment of globus pallidus. (Adapted from
labeled neurons found on two or three adjacent sections whose Middleton & Strick, 1996b.)

554 motor systems

ronal transport of virus to label “second-order” neurons that and interpositus. Second, we found that both the GPi and
are the origin of basal ganglia and cerebellothalamocortical the dentate are somatotopically organized with separate
inputs to M1. The brain of each animal was processed by face, arm, and leg areas that project via the thalamus to
using immunohistochemical procedures to demonstrate the the face, arm, and leg areas of M1. Third, and perhaps
location of virus-specific antigen in infected neurons (Strick most surprising, we discovered that projections to M1 origi-
& Card, 1992; Kelly & Strick, 2000). nate from only 15% of the volume of the GPi and about
Three major results came from these experiments. 30% of the volume of the dentate. Thus, the output to M1
First, we found that M1 is richly innervated by the output originates from restricted portions of each subcortical
nuclei of the basal ganglia and cerebellum. The densest nucleus. This result implies that the majority of the output
projections originate from GPi (figures 38.2 and 38.3, from the basal ganglia and cerebellum is directed to other
M1 arm) and the dentate (figures 38.4 and 38.5, M1 arm). cortical areas.
Less dense projections originate from portions of the SNpr
Premotor areas
Globus Pallidus Our next experiments used virus tracing to examine basal
ganglia and cerebellar projections to the arm representations
D GPi (o) of premotor areas in the frontal lobe (figure 38.1) (Hoover
5 & Strick, 1993; Akkal, Dum, & Strick, 2007). Injections of
virus into either the ventral premotor area (PMv) or the
9L supplementary motor area (SMA) consistently labeled
Distance (mm)

neurons in the middle of the GPi rostrocaudally. Within this
46d “Motor” region, neurons labeled after injections into the SMA, M1,
3 Pre- or PMv formed separate clusters in a dorsal-to-ventral
SMA SMA arm arrangement (figures 38.2 and 38.3). These observations
2 indicate that pallidal output is not confined to M1 but pro-
jects via the thalamus to multiple premotor areas in the
1 “Non- M1 arm frontal lobe (see also Jinnai, Nambu, Tanibuch, & Yoshida,
Motor” PMv arm 1993; Inase & Tanji, 1995; Sakai, Inase, & Tanji, 1999).
C Furthermore, the arm representation of each motor area
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 receives input from a topographically distinct set of GPi
neurons. We have proposed that this arrangement creates
D distinct “output channels” in the sensorimotor portion of
4 GPi (i) GPi (Hoover & Strick, 1993; Akkal et al., 2007).
We found a similar topographic organization of output
Distance (mm)

3 SMA neurons in the dentate. Injections of virus into the arm
46d “Motor” representations of M1, PMv, and SMA labeled clusters of
2 neurons in the middle of the dentate rostrocaudally (figures
SMA arm 38.4 and 38.5) (Middleton & Strick, 1997; Akkal et al., 2007).
1 M1 arm However, the “hotspot” of each cluster appeared to be cen-
PMv arm tered in a slightly different region of the dentate. The hot-
C spots for the different motor areas are shown on a single
0 1 2 3 4 5 unfolded map of the dentate (figure 38.5). This diagram
Distance (mm) emphasizes two important observations. First, the arm
representations of the PMv and SMA are the target of
Figure 38.3 Summary map of the basal ganglia output channels.
output from the dentate. Second, the output channels to the
The outer and inner segments of the GPi are shown as separate
unfolded maps (for details of unfolding, see Akkal et al., 2007). This different arm representations are clustered together in a
map provides a planar view of the rostrocaudal and dorsoventral common region of the dorsal dentate. This observation
location of output channels in each segment of the GPi. The corti- raises the possibility that the dorsal dentate contains a single
cal target of each output channel is placed at the site of the peak integrated map of the body in which the maps for output
labeling following retrograde transneuronal transport of virus from channels to different cortical areas are in register within the
that cortical area. Note that the GPi can be divided into “motor”
and “nonmotor” domains based on the grouping of the cortical nucleus. In any event, the dentate, like the GPi, contains
targets of its output channels. Abbreviations: D, dorsal; C, caudal; distinct output channels that innervate different cortical
see also figures 38.1 and 38.2. (Adapted from Akkal et al., 2007.) motor areas.

dum and strick: basal ganglia and cerebellar circuits with the cerebral cortex 555
M1arm PMvarm Area 46 Area 9

1 mm

P 7.5 P 8.0 P 8.5 P 8.5

Figure 38.4 Origin of cerebellar projections to M1, PMv, area to figure 38.2. Abbreviations: D, dorsal; DN, dentate nucleus; IP,
46, and area 9. Representative coronal sections through the dentate interpositus nucleus; M, medial. (Adapted from Middleton & Strick,
and interpositus nuclei of animals that received virus injections into 1996b.)
different cortical areas (see figure 38.1). Conventions are according

Results from single-neuron recording experiments in

Dentate awake trained monkeys provide physiological support for the
existence of distinct output channels in the GPi and dentate
(Mushiake & Strick, 1993, 1995; Strick, Dum, & Picard,
1995). These studies suggest that individual output channels
are involved in different aspects of motor behavior. Specifi-

cally, some output channels appear to be especially con-

cerned with movements that are internally generated,
M1 whereas others appear to be devoted to movements guided
by exteroceptive cues. Taken together, these observations
indicate that the basal ganglia and cerebellum have the
M1 capacity to influence a broad range of motor behavior using
arm output channels that project to the premotor areas in the
frontal lobe as well as to M1. Thus, the skeletomotor circuit
“Motor” PMv
arm of Alexander and colleagues (1986) is more accurately viewed
as multiple discrete channels to each of the cortical motor
M1 areas (figure 38.6). A similar arrangement of output channels
leg SMA 7b

arm characterizes skeletomotor output from the dentate.

46d Pre- Frontal eye field
“Non- SMA
We have also used transneuronal transport of virus to
examine subcortical inputs to the frontal eye field (FEF)
(figure 38.1) (Lynch, Hoover, & Strick, 1994). The results of
prior studies with conventional tracers led to the proposal
that the FEF receives input via the thalamus from three

major subcortical nuclei: SNpr, the superior colliculus (SC),
and the deep cerebellar nuclei. To test this proposal, we
injected virus into physiologically identified portions of the
C FEF (i.e., regions where eye movements were evoked by
1 mm intracortical stimulation with currents < 50 μA). Neurons
Figure 38.5 Summary map of dentate output channels. The labeled by retrograde transneuronal transport were found in
dentate is displayed as an unfolded map (for details of unfolding, lateral portions of SNpr, the optic and intermediate gray
see Dum & Strick, 2003). The cortical target of each output channel layers of the SC, and ventrally in the caudal third of the
is placed at the site of the peak labeling following retrograde trans- dentate nucleus. Within the dentate, labeled neurons were
neuronal transport of virus from that cortical area. Note that the confined to its posterior pole, where some neurons exhibit
dentate can be divided into “motor” and “nonmotor” domains
based on the grouping of the cortical targets of its output channels. activity correlated with saccadic eye movements (van Kan,
Abbreviations as in figure 38.1. (Adapted from Dum & Strick, Houk, & Gibson, 1993). Within the basal ganglia, FEF injec-
2003; Akkal et al., 2007.) tions labeled neurons in a posterior and lateral region of

556 motor systems






vl-GPi mid-GPi GPi GPi GPi GPi
S. NIGRA cl-SNr cl-SNr

VLo, VLo, VLo, VLo, VLo, VApc, VLo, VLcr,


Figure 38.6 The original skeletomotor circuit proposed by GPi, internal segment of globus pallidus; PUT, putamen; SNr
Alexander, DeLong, and Strick (1986) and our revised scheme. substantia nigra pars reticulata; cl, caudolateral; mid, middle; vl,
Asterisks indicate loops whose existence is suspected but not specifi- ventrolatedal. Thalamic abbreviations: VApc, nucleus ventralis
cally tested using virus transport. Cortical abbreviations: CMAd, anterior, parvocellular portion; VLcc, nucleus ventralis lateralis
dorsal cingulate motor area; CMAr, rostral cingulate motor pars caudalis, caudal division; VLcr, nucleus ventralis lateralis pars
area; CMAv, ventral cingulate motor area; M1, primary motor caudalis, rostral division; VLm, nucleus ventralis lateralis pars
cortex; PMd, dorsal premotor area; PMv, ventral premotor area; medialis; VLo, nucleus ventralis lateralis pars oralis. (Adapted from
SMA, supplementary motor area. Basal ganglia abbreviations: Middleton & Strick, 2000.)

SNprCaudal SNprRostral
FEF Area TE Area 12 Area 9m Area 9l
pc pc
pc pr pr
pr pr D

pc M
CC CC CC 1 mm

Figure 38.7 Origin of nigral projections to the FEF, area TE, SNpr following virus injections into the different cortical areas (see
area 12, area 9m, and area 9l. Coronal sections indicating the figure 38.1). Abbreviations: CC, crus cerebri; pc, pars compacta;
location of labeled neurons in the caudal and rostral regions of the pr, pars reticulata. (Adapted from Middleton & Strick, 1996b.)

SNpr (figure 38.7, FEF) where neurons also display changes tion are distinct from those concerned with skeletomotor
in activity related to saccadic eye movements (Hikosaka & function.
Wurtz, 1983a, 1983b). Overall, the regions of the basal
ganglia and cerebellum that were labeled after FEF injec- Prefrontal cortex
tions of virus were strikingly different from those labeled
after injections into any of the skeletomotor areas of the It is clear from the studies reviewed above that the output
frontal lobe. Thus the output channels in the basal ganglia nuclei of the basal ganglia and cerebellum have well-
and cerebellum that are concerned with oculomotor func- organized projections to skeletomotor and oculomotor areas

dum and strick: basal ganglia and cerebellar circuits with the cerebral cortex 557
of cortex. Nevertheless, substantial portions of these output spinal cord. Instead, the PreSMA is densely interconnected
nuclei do not project to cortical motor areas. This observa- with regions of prefrontal cortex. We used virus tracing to
tion raises the possibility that the remaining portions of test whether basal ganglia and cerebellar projections to the
these output nuclei target nonmotor areas of cortex. Because PreSMA originate from the motor or nonmotor domains of
of prior suggestions that the basal ganglia and cerebellum the GPi and the dentate (Akkal et al., 2007). We found that
influence some of the cognitive operations that are normally the output channel in the GPi that projects to the PreSMA
thought to be subserved by the frontal lobe (Alexander is located dorsally in a rostral portion of the nucleus (figure
et al., 1986; Leiner et al., 1986, 1991, 1993), we used virus 38.3). The output channel in the dentate that projects to the
tracing to test whether basal ganglia and cerebellar projec- PreSMA is located in a ventral part of the nucleus (figure
tions to prefrontal cortex provide an anatomical substrate 38.5). Thus the output channels to the PreSMA in both the
for this influence. GPi and the dentate are adjacent to output channels that
Our experiments focused on subfields within areas 9, 12, project to regions of prefrontal cortex rather than near
and 46 of the prefrontal cortex (Middleton & Strick, 1994, output channels to the cortical motor areas (figures 38.3 and
2001, 2002). Each of these areas appears to be involved 38.5). These observations provide further support for the
in aspects of “working memory” and is thought to guide proposal that the PreSMA is more similar to regions of pre-
behavior based on transiently stored information rather frontal cortex than it is to a cortical motor area (Picard &
than immediate external cues (for reviews, see Passingham, Strick, 2001; Akkal et al., 2007).
1993; Goldman-Rakic, 1996; Fuster, 1997). Virus injections
into area 9, 12, or 46 labeled many neurons in the output Posterior parietal cortex
nuclei of the basal ganglia (figures 38.2, 38.3, and 38.7).
Injections into area 12 labeled neurons in a localized portion Areas 5 and 7 in the posterior parietal cortex are known to
of SNpr. In contrast, injections into area 46 labeled neurons project to the input stage of basal ganglia and cerebellar
largely in GPi. Area 9 injections labeled neurons in both the processing (e.g., Kemp & Powell, 1971; Glickstein, May, &
SNpr and GPi. The topographic nature of basal ganglia Mercier, 1985; Cavada & Goldman-Rakic, 1991; Yeterian
projections to prefrontal cortex is further emphasized by the & Pandya, 1993; Schmahmann & Pandya, 1997). These
finding that different regions within the rostral SNpr project connections led us to ask whether the posterior parietal
to medial and lateral portions of area 9 (figure 38.7, areas cortex is a target of basal ganglia and cerebellar output
9m and 9l). In all cases, the locations of the neurons labeled (Clower, West, Lynch, & Strick, 2001; Clower, Dum, &
in the GPi and SNpr after injections into prefrontal areas of Strick, 2005). Our results demonstrate that a portion of area
cortex are different from the locations of neurons labeled 7b in the intraparietal sulcus is the target of output from the
after injections into motor areas of cortex. dentate nucleus, whereas a portion of area 7b on the cortical
Virus injections into areas 9 and 46 (but not area 12) surface is the target of output from the SNpr as well as from
labeled neurons in ventral regions of the dentate nucleus the dentate nucleus. These results clearly indicate that the
(figures 38.4 and 38.5). The neurons that were labeled after sphere of influence of basal ganglia and cerebellar output
injections into area 9 were found largely medial and caudal extends to include portions of the posterior parietal cortex.
to those labeled by injections into area 46. The ventral Space limitations do not allow us to describe the full implica-
regions of the dentate that project to these nonmotor areas tions of basal ganglia and cerebellar projections to posterior
in the frontal lobe clearly differ from the more dorsal regions parietal cortex. Instead, we will highlight two specific pro-
of this nucleus that innervate motor areas of the cortex posals about these circuits. We have suggested that the
(figures 38.4 and 38.5). Thus, both the basal ganglia and the cerebellar projection to the posterior parietal cortex may
cerebellum project via the thalamus to multiple areas of provide signals that contribute to the sensory recalibration
prefrontal cortex. Moreover, the output channels in the that occurs during some adaptation paradigms (Clower
basal ganglia and cerebellum that influence prefrontal areas et al., 2001). On the other hand, we have suggested (Clower
of cortex are separate from those that influence motor areas et al., 2005) that abnormal signals in the basal ganglia
of cortex. This observation suggests that GPi and the dentate projection to the posterior parietal cortex may contribute
can be divided into motor and nonmotor domains (figures to the visuospatial deficits that are observed in some patients
38.3 and 38.5) (Dum & Strick, 2003; Akkal et al., 2007). with basal ganglia lesions (Karnath, Himmelbach, & Rorden,
Although the presupplementary motor area (PreSMA) has 2002).
traditionally been included with the motor areas of the
frontal lobe, a number of recent observations emphasize the Inferotemporal cortex
nonmotor nature of this cortical area (for a review, see Picard
& Strick, 2001). For example, unlike the cortical motor In general, each of the cortical areas found to receive input
areas, the PreSMA does not project directly to M1 or to the from the basal ganglia or cerebellum is known to send pro-

558 motor systems

jections back to these subcortical nuclei. This anatomical cortex (figure 38.8, left). In contrast, area 46 receives input
arrangement suggests that many cortical areas in the frontal from Purkinje cells located mainly in crus II of the ansiform
lobe participate in “closed loop” circuits with the basal lobule (figure 38.8, right). Thus M1 and area 46 are the
ganglia and cerebellum. To test whether this arrangement target of output from separate regions of the cerebellar
extends to areas outside the frontal lobe, we examined sub- cortex.
cortical inputs to a region of inferotemporal cortex, area TE Anterograde transneuronal transport of the H129 strain
(Middleton & Strick, 1996a) (figure 38.1, area TE). Area TE HSV1 revealed that granule cells in lobules IV–VI of cere-
is known to project to the input stage of basal ganglia pro- bellar cortex receive input from the arm area of M1. This is
cessing (i.e., the tail of the caudate and ventral portions of the same region of the cerebellar cortex that projects to M1
the putamen) (Saint-Cyr, Ungerleider, & Desimone, 1990) (figure 38.8, left). Similarly, granule cells in crus II of the
but not to the input stage of cerebellar processing (Glickstein cerebellar cortex receive input from area 46. This is the same
et al., 1985; Schmahmann & Pandya, 1997). region of the cerebellar cortex that projects to area 46 (figure
Virus injections into area TE did not result in any labeled 38.8, right). These observations provide strong support for
neurons in the deep cerebellar nuclei. This suggests that TE our proposal that multiple closed loop circuits represent a
neither projects to nor receives from the cerebellum. On the fundamental architectural feature of cerebrocerebellar inter-
other hand, the same virus injections into TE did result in actions. Similar closed loop circuits are also likely to be a
a distinct cluster of labeled neurons in SNpr (figure 38.7, fundamental feature of cerebrobasal ganglia interactions
area TE). Most of these neurons were located dorsally in a (Kelly & Strick, 2004).
caudal region of the SNpr that appears to be separate from
the regions that influence the FEF or subdivisions of prefron-
tal cortex. Thus TE is both a source of input to and a target
of output from a distinct portion of the basal ganglia. M1 Area 46
TE is known to play a critical role in the visual recognition
and discrimination of objects (e.g., Gross, 1972; Tanaka, I
Saito, Fukuda, & Moriya, 1991; Miyashita, 1993). Physio- II
logical studies have shown that the region of the SNpr that II
influences TE contains some neurons that are responsive to
the presentation of visual stimuli (e.g., Hikosaka & Wurtz,
1983a). These observations, together with our anatomical IV
results, provide evidence that basal ganglia output is involved
in higher-order aspects of visual processing, as well as in V
V Crus I
motor and cognitive function. a F.
VI p
Macroarchitecture of subcortical loops with VI Crus II
the cerebral cortex VII a
Our observation that cortical areas that receive output from VIII F.ppd. S.
the basal ganglia and cerebellum also project to the input HVIIB p
stage of these subcortical structures suggests that closed loop VIIB
VIII F.apm.
circuits represent a fundamental architectural feature of
basal ganglia and cerebellar connections with the cerebral IX
cortex. We used retrograde transneuronal transport of rabies HVIII
virus to define the region of cerebellar cortex that projects
to a specific region of the cerebral cortex. Then we used X
anterograde transneuronal transport of the H129 strain of X
HSV1 to define the region of the cerebellar cortex that
receives input from a specific region of the cerebral cortex Figure 38.8 Origin of cerebellar cortical projections to M1 and
(Kelly & Strick, 2003). Our first experiments using this area 46. The black dots on the flattened surface maps of the cerebel-
approach examined the topographic organization of circuits lar cortex represent Purkinje cells that were labeled by retrograde
transneuronal transport of rabies virus from the arm area of M1
linking the cerebellar cortex with the arm area of M1 and
(left panel) or from area 46 (right panel). Note that the Purkinje cells
with area 46 in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. In short, that project to M1 are located in separate lobules from those that
we found that the arm area of M1 receives input from Pur- project to area 46. Nomenclature and abbreviations are according
kinje cells located mainly in lobules IV–VI of cerebellar to Larsell (1970). (Adapted from Kelly & Strick, 2003.)

dum and strick: basal ganglia and cerebellar circuits with the cerebral cortex 559
Functional implications the output channels that influence dorsomedial regions of
prefrontal cortex are located largely in the GPi, whereas the
Clearly, the outputs from the basal ganglia and cerebellum output channels that influence ventrolateral regions of pre-
gain access to more widespread and diverse areas of cortex frontal cortex are located largely in the SNpr (Middleton &
than was previously imagined. To date, our studies have Strick, 2002; Akkal et al., 2007). Both sets of output channels
shown that the output nuclei of the basal ganglia and cere- are separate from those that influence skeletomotor and
bellum project (via the thalamus) to skeletomotor, oculomo- oculomotor areas of cortex. Output channels within the
tor, prefrontal, and posterior parietal areas of cortex. In dentate are as topographically organized as those in the
addition, a portion of SNpr projects to inferotemporal basal ganglia, if not more so (Dum & Strick, 2003; Akkal
cortex. Thus, the anatomical substrate exists for the basal et al., 2007).
ganglia and cerebellum to influence higher-order aspects of Evidence for a segregation of function in the human GPi
cognition such as planning, working memory, sequential comes from the observation that the cognitive and motor
behavior, visuospatial perception, and attention as well as effects of pallidotomies, performed to ameliorate the symp-
skeletomotor and oculomotor function. As a consequence, a toms of Parkinson’s disease, depend significantly on the loca-
sizable component of basal ganglia and cerebellar output tion of the lesion (Lombardi et al., 2000). Lesions located in
operates outside of the domain of motor control. the most anteromedial region of the GPi, the likely origin of
Some support for this conclusion comes from recent analy- output channels to prefrontal cortex, produced the greatest
ses of the consequences of cerebellar pathology in human degree of cognitive impairment. In contrast, lesions in the
subjects. In addition to the classical motor deficits, there is intermediate region of the GPi, the likely origin of output
considerable evidence that cerebellar damage can lead to channels to motor areas of cortex, led to maximal effects on
deficits in the performance of cognitive tasks that require motor performance but produced little effect on cognition.
rule-based learning, judgment of temporal intervals, visuo- Thus the human GPi appears to have spatially separate
spatial analysis, shifting attention between sensory modali- motor and cognitive output channels.
ties, and working memory and planning (see reviews by To date, we have identified the output channels in the
Leiner et al., 1986, 1991, 1993; Botez, Botez, Elie, & Attig, basal ganglia and cerebellum to skeletomotor, oculomotor,
1989; Ivry & Keele, 1989; Fiez, Petersen, Cheney, & Raichle, prefrontal, and some posterior parietal areas of cortex. All
1992; Akshoomoff & Courchesne, 1992; Grafman et al., together, these output channels occupy approximately 70%
1992; Schmahmann, 1991, 1997; Schmahmann & Sherman, of the volume of these subcortical nuclei. This means that
1998). Many of these deficits reflect functions that are nor- the cortical targets for approximately 30% of the output
mally thought to be subserved by areas of prefrontal cortex. from the basal ganglia and cerebellum remain to be identi-
On the basis of our results, one interpretation of the origin fied. The architecture of basal ganglia and cerebellar loops
of these deficits is that they result from an interruption of with the cerebral cortex allows us to make some predictions
input to prefrontal cortex from the cerebellum. A study by about the identity of these targets. Cingulate, orbital frontal,
Fiez and colleagues (1992) provides some support for this and medial posterior parietal cortex are known to be major
interpretation. They described a patient, designated RC1, sources of input to the basal ganglia and cerebellum. Our
who had circumscribed damage to the lateral portion of his results suggest that cortical areas that project to the input
right cerebellar cortex. This patient exhibited few classical stage of the basal ganglia and cerebellum processing are the
signs of cerebellar damage but was impaired on the perfor- targets of the output stage of processing in these circuits. If
mance of specific types of rule-based language and memory this proposal is correct, then the remaining 30% of the basal
tasks. The deficits appeared on tasks that in normal subjects ganglia and cerebellar output is directed at cingulate, orbital
activate lateral portions of the cerebellar hemispheres and frontal, and medial posterior parietal areas of cortex. This
areas 9 and 46 (Petersen, Fox, Posner, Mintun, & Raichle, prediction will be tested in future experiments.
1988; Raichle et al., 1994; Fiez et al., 1996). Our anatomical The new insights gained from virus tracing have impor-
studies suggest that the portions of the cerebellum that are tant implications for hypotheses about basal ganglia and
damaged in RC1 are part of the cerebellar loop with the cerebellar contributions to normal and abnormal behavior.
prefrontal cortex (Kelly & Strick, 2003). Thus the cognitive Detailed discussions of this issue have been presented in our
deficits in RC1 may have been a consequence of interrupt- recent papers (Middleton & Strick, 1996a, 2001, 2002;
ing this circuit. Clower et al., 2001, 2005; Akkal et al., 2007); therefore only
In general, we found that basal ganglia and cerebellar some examples will be presented here. It is known that
projections to a cortical area originate from a localized abnormal activity in basal ganglia and cerebellar loops
cluster of neurons that we have termed an output channel. with motor areas of cortex results in striking disorders of
The output channels to different cortical areas display a movement. Likewise, abnormal activity in basal ganglia
surprising degree of topographic organization. For example, and cerebellar loops with nonmotor areas of the cerebral

560 motor systems

cortex could lead to a broad range of psychiatric and Allen, G. I., & Tsukahara, N. (1974). Cerebrocerebellar com-
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2000). For example, Courchesne and colleagues (1988, Botez, M. I., Botez, T., Elie, R., & Attig, E. (1989). Role of the
1994, 1997) have suggested that alterations in the cerebel- cerebellum in complex human behavior. Ital. J. Neurol. Sci., 10,
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frontal cortex may explain some of the features of obsessive- Society.
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signals in the basal ganglia loop with area TE in inferotem- gation of corticostriatal projections from posterior parietal
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are seen in l-dopa toxicity (Middleton & Strick, 1996a). It and cerebellar inputs to “AIP.” Cereb. Cortex, 15, 913–920.
is clear that additional studies aimed at unraveling these Clower, D. M., West, R. A., Lynch, J. C., & Strick, P. L. (2001).
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the basal ganglia and cerebellum targets motor, premotor, anatomical abnormalities in autism. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol., 7,
prefrontal, posterior parietal, and inferotemporal areas of 269–278.
cortex. These connections provide the basal ganglia and Courchesne, E., Townsend, J., Akshoomoff, N., Saitoh, O.,
cerebellum with the anatomical substrate to influence not Yeung-Courchesne, R., Lincoln, A., James, H., Haas, R.,
Schreibman, L., & Lau, L. (1994). Impairment in shifting
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attention in autistic and cerebellar patients. Behav. Neurosci., 108,
cognitive behavior such as planning, working memory, 848–865.
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Similarly, there is growing evidence that disorders such as J. R., & Jernigan, T. L. (1988). Hypoplasia of cerebellar
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nonmotor behavior. ated with cerebellar damage. Brain, 115, 155–178.
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dum and strick: basal ganglia and cerebellar circuits with the cerebral cortex 563
39 The Basal Ganglia and Cognition
ann m. graybiel and jonathan w. mink

abstract Clinical evidence, experimental studies in animals, neuronal circuitry, but they do not function in isolation. The
and anatomical findings suggest that the basal ganglia act to influ- basal ganglia are intimately connected with the cerebral
ence not only motor behavior but also cognitive functions. We cortex and are perhaps best viewed as parts of cortico-basal
discuss the functions of the basal ganglia in relation to four catego-
ries: (1) movement release and inhibition, (2) response selection, (3)
ganglia circuits.
attention and assignment of salience, and (4) learning and adaptive How could this system have such broad functions? A clue
control of behavior. In establishing these functions, striatal output that the basal ganglia might contribute to cognitive process-
neurons lead into different output pathways: the direct, indirect, ing is that the basal ganglia attain a very large size in the
hyperdirect, and striosomal pathways. Divergence of cortical inputs human brain. But an even more telling clue is that a large
to the striatum and reconvergence of these motor and cognitive
part of the outflow of the basal ganglia in primates is directed
signals in cortico-basal ganglia pathways is seen as essential in
remapping forebrain representations of action and intrastriatal net- via the thalamus toward executive areas of the frontal
works in the binding process. We propose that a crucial feature of cortex—areas that are themselves associated with attention,
this remapping is a learning-related recoding of sequential motor planning, volitional decision, and selection among potential
and cognitive action representations so that they can be expressed responses to external or internal cues (Fuster, 1997; Paus,
as units. This chunking function of the striatum and associated
2001). Yet more evidence comes from brain imaging studies
cortico-basal ganglia loops may be a key mechanism operative
across each of the functional categories of behavioral control attrib- of subjects engaged in cognitive tasks (Klein, Zatorre, Milner,
uted to the basal ganglia. Meyer, & Evans, 1994; Grafton, Hazeltine, & Ivry, 1995;
Braver et al., 1997; Rao et al., 1997; Desmond, Gabrieli, &
Glover, 1998; Poldrack, Prabhakaran, Seger, & Gabrieli,
1999; Peigneux et al., 2000; Poldrack & Gabrieli, 2001;
The basal ganglia make up a group of interconnected sub- Small, Zatorre, Daghler, Evans, & Jones-Gotman, 2001; van
cortical nuclei that are organized into circuits involved in den Heuvel et al., 2003; Cools, Ivry, & Esposito, 2006;
the control of behavior. The basal ganglia have long been Chang, Crottaz-Herbette, & Menon, 2007; Cools, Gibbs,
recognized as important for motor control, because promi- Miyakawa, Jagust, & D’Esposito, 2008; Dahlin, Neely,
nent movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease result Larson, Backman, & Nyberg, 2008; McNab & Klingberg,
from basal ganglia dysfunction. However, it is now widely 2008) and from findings in patients with brain dysfunction
recognized that the basal ganglia are parts of cortico- due to disease or injury (Mendez, Adams, & Lewandowski,
thalamo-basal ganglia loops, and that they function not only 1989; Bhatia & Marsden, 1994; Sawamoto et al., 2007).
in sensorimotor control, but also in a wide range of cognitive Experiments on animals have also generated working
processes ranging from attention to emotion, from response hypotheses about the neurobiology underlying basal ganglia
release and inhibition to response selection, and from on-line function (Oberg & Divac, 1979; Graybiel, 1995, 1998,
control to a primary function in learning and memory. 2005, 2008; Miyashita, Hikosa, & Kato, 1995; Bergman
Accordingly, the basal ganglia have now been implicated in et al., 1998; Hikosaka et al., 1999; Jog, Kubota, Connolly,
an equally broad range of clinical disorders, ranging from Hillegart, & Graybiel, 1999; Brainard & Doupe, 2000; Mink,
the classical extrapyramidal disorders (Parkinson’s disease, 2001; Packard & Knowlton, 2002; Barnes, Kubota, Hu, Jin,
Huntington’s disease, and dystonia) to neuropsychiatric dis- & Graybiel, 2005; Apicella, 2007). Together, these findings
orders including obsessive-compulsive disorder, Tourette have brought the basal ganglia to the forefront of work on
syndrome, attention-deficit disorder, and even schizophre- how the brain engages in interactions with the sensory and
nia. The basal ganglia themselves contain highly organized internal environment to form structured predictions about
the world and, on this basis, to make and execute action
ann m. graybiel Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences plans (figures 39.1 and 39.2).
and the McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
jonathan w. mink Departments of Neurology, Neurobiology and Perspectives from anatomy
Anatomy, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and Pediatrics, University
of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New The basal ganglia receive a massive input from the neo-
York cortex. Most of these cortical inputs are directed toward

graybiel and mink: the basal ganglia and cognition 565

A Reward - B
Punishment Intentions
Craving Ventral
Striatum Basal
Planner Planner Ganglia
Hunger - Thirst Pallidum Sensory-Motor
Mating Stimuli
Motor 5 HT Motor 5 HT
Pattern Generators Pattern Generators
Dopamine Dopamine

Approach - Avoidance Motor Actions

Fixed Action Patterns
Homeostatic Responses

Figure 39.1 Diagrams illustrating the postulated functions of the basal ganglia in relation to central pattern generators for eliciting goal-
directed behavior (A) and movement (B). Planner circuits of the forebrain are influenced by motivation-related inputs (A) and sensory-motor
stimuli (B). Abbreviations: 5-HT, serotonin; NE, norepinephrine. (Adapted from Graybiel, 1997.)

Cognitive Actions 2001). Further inputs come to other nuclei in basal ganglia
circuits, as we will see below. If one includes, as should be
done, the ventral striatum/ventral pallidum in the basal
Cognitive ganglia, cortical inputs to the system also come from the
Pattern Generators hippocampal formation and amygdala (Groenewegen,
Wright, & Uylings, 1997; Fudge, Kunishio, Walsh, Richard,
Evaluation -
Intent & Haber, 2002). When we add inputs from neuromo-
dulatory systems, including the dopamine-containing nigro-
Memory Basal
Planner Ganglia striatal tract and serotonergic inputs, and inputs from the
Sensory-Motor neocortex and elsewhere to other nuclei of the basal ganglia,
Stimuli the inputs to the basal ganglia system as a whole are rich
5 HT and diverse and by no means restricted to one functional
Motor domain.
Pattern Generators Dopamine
It is also important to keep in mind that different regions
within each nucleus of the basal ganglia are probably as
different from one another functionally as different parts of
Motor Actions the neocortex are from one another. When we think of
Figure 39.2 Schematic diagram illustrating potential influences behavior-related functions of the neocortex, we naturally
of the basal ganglia not only on motor pattern generators but also think of the functions of individual cortical areas, for example,
on cognitive pattern generators. (Adapted from Graybiel, 1997.) the middle temporal area for visual motion, parietal areas
for reach and grasp, or prefrontal areas for working memory.
the striatum (caudate nucleus and putamen). The range We do not know as much about the regionally specialized
of these corticostriatal inputs is impressive. They come subdivisions of the basal ganglia, but it is clear that there are
not only from primary and higher-order sensory areas different “families” of cortico-basal ganglia circuits related
and from motor and premotor areas, but also from the to motor, associative, and limbic functions (Graybiel, 1984;
large areas of association cortex in the parietal, temporal, Alexander, DeLong, & Strick, 1986). The behavioral evi-
medial, and frontal association cortex (Webster, Bachevalier, dence leading to this idea is important: Lesion studies have
& Ungerleider, 1993; Eblen & Graybiel, 1995; Yeterian shown that localized lesions of the striatum produce symp-
& Pandya, 1998; Ferry, Ongur, An, & Price, 2000; toms similar to those induced by lesions in the cortical areas
Leichnetz, 2001; Haber, Kim, Mailly, & Calzavara, 2006; projecting strongly to the particular parts of the damaged
Calzavara, Mailly, & Haber, 2007). There are other very striatum (Divac, Rosvold, & Szwarcbart, 1967; Goldman &
large inputs to the striatum from thalamic nuclei, especially Rosvold, 1972). Somehow, the functional domain of specific
the intralaminar nuclei (Parent, Mackey, & De Bellefeuille, basal ganglia circuits seems to relate to the function of their
1983; Ragsdale & Graybiel, 1991; Haber & McFarland, cortical input sources.

566 motor systems

What the basal ganglia do, of course, depends not only This emphasis on the cortically directed pathways leading
on their inputs but also on their outputs. Here, the story is out from the basal ganglia is natural enough when thinking
interesting. Most current anatomical tract-tracing studies about the possible cognitive functions of the basal ganglia,
indicate that the largest ascending outflow of the basal but it is equally important to keep in mind that there
ganglia is directed toward the frontal cortex via synaptic links are other robust outputs of the basal ganglia (Graybiel &
in the thalamus. This puts the basal ganglia squarely in the Ragsdale, 1979; Parent & Hazrati, 1995a, 1995b). These
“executive” realm of function. This view is consistent with may also, directly or indirectly, influence potential cognitive
the undoubted participation of these structures in motor functions of the basal ganglia. Such connections include
control. But the frontal areas that receive basal ganglia projections to the reticular nucleus of the thalamus, a
outflow extend from the classical motor and premotor areas major controller of thalamocortical and corticothalamic
into the prefrontal cortex (Middleton & Strick, 2002). In fact, state-dependent activity (McAlonan & Brown, 2002), and
a large part of the neocortex in front of the central sulcus— descending projections from the basal ganglia, among which
including medial and lateral prefrontal, cingulate, and lateral are connections leading to the superior colliculus and brain
and orbitofrontal cortex—is now thought to receive inputs stem reticular formation, and to the nuclei that are recur-
(via thalamically processed routes) from the basal ganglia rently connected with the basal ganglia (Parent & Hazrati,
proper. Thus the outflow from the basal ganglia reaches 1995a, 1995b). The largest of these are the descending
regions that function in cognitive and emotional control. projections to the superior colliculus (Rinvik, Grofova, &
Anatomical work by Strick and colleagues with viral trans- Ottersen, 1976; Graybiel, 1978) and to the pedunculopon-
port methods demonstrates that also part of the inferotem- tine area of the brain stem reticular formation (Parent &
poral cortex and part of the parietal cortex also receive inputs Hazrati, 1995a, 1995b).
via basal ganglia–thalamocortical pathways (see chapter 39). The most intensively studied of the recurrent-pathway
These temporal and parietal areas are themselves linked to nuclei is the substantia nigra, and this is for a good reason.
the executive and cognitive networks of the frontal lobes. The dopamine-containing subdivision of the substantia nigra
Conceptually, then, the anatomy overwhelmingly favors the degenerates in Parkinson’s disease and in related parkinso-
basal ganglia as poised to influence high-level functions asso- nian disorders. It is now known that dopamine-containing
ciated with activity in the frontal neocortex (figure 39.3). neurons respond phasically to predictors of reward or to
primary rewards themselves and have tonic activity that
appears to reflect probability of reward (Schultz, 2002;
Learning of Behavioral Routines Expression of Behavioral Routines
Fiorillo, Tobler, & Schultz, 2003). A second key nucleus is
Prefrontal Cortex / Premotor Cortex / Motor Cortex/ Parieto-Temporal Cortex the subthalamic nucleus. The subthalamic nucleus, like the
Intention, Action
striatum, receives input from cerebral cortex, and as we will
Action Plan
Memory-Contingent Plan see, this nucleus is a pivotal control nucleus of the basal
Limbic Segments
System ganglia circuitry. It functions both as a direct cortical input
Evaluation, M
node and as part of recurrent loops within basal ganglia
Motivation S
1 2
Thalamus circuits. Cortical inputs arise largely from the frontal lobes
Reward Chunking & (Monakow, Akert, & Kunzle, 1978; Nambu, Yoshida, &
Selection of
Action Components
Jinnai, 1990; Nambu, Takada, Inase, & Tokuno, 1996;
Selection &
Kolomiets et al., 2001). Lesions of this nucleus result in the
GPe / GPi / SNr Activation hyperkinetic syndrome called ballism. Remarkably, it is now
of Programs
recognized that lesions or deep-brain stimulation in the sub-
STN thalamic nucleus can relieve symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
Brainstem / Spinal (Bergman, Wichman, & DeLong, 1990; Lang, 2000; Obeso
Pattern Generators et al., 2000; Benabid et al., 2003). The input from the motor
Action cortex (and related cortical areas) to the subthalamic nucleus
is now recognized as the hyperdirect pathway (Nambu,
Figure 39.3 Schematic diagram of major basal ganglia circuits Tokuno, & Takada, 2002), and this pathway is now consid-
with highly schematized indications of component functions. The ered to be key to the control of the motor functions—and
striatum with its matrix (M) and striosomal (S) compartments is also probably the cognitive and emotion-related functions—
centered in the diagram. Four major pathways are emphasized: the of the basal ganglia (Feger, Bevan, & Crossman, 1994;
direct (1) and indirect (2) pathways, the hyperdirect pathway (3),
Deschenes, Bourassa, Doan, & Parent, 1996; Nambu et al.,
and the striosomal pathway (4). Abbreviations: GPe, GPi, globus
pallidus external and internal subdivisions; STN, subthalamic 2002; Schupbach & Agid, 2008) pathway. The third nucleus
nucleus; SNc, dopamine-containing substantia nigra pars com- that we consider is the pedunculopontine nucleus, embed-
pacta. (Adapted from Graybiel, 1997.) ded in the reticular formation. The pedunculopontine

graybiel and mink: the basal ganglia and cognition 567

nucleus sends outputs to motor control centers of the lower spectrum disorders such as Tourette syndrome and obses-
brain stem and also is modulator of basal ganglia function sive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and attention-deficit/
by way of its recurrent upstream connections (Lavoie & hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Graybiel & Rauch, 2000;
Parent, 1994; Pahapill & Lozano, 2000). This nucleus is now Teicher et al., 2000; Rauch et al., 2001; Leckman, 2002;
also considered to be a key controller of basal ganglia output Albin & Mink, 2006). We will refer to these disorders again
functions. Put together, then, we can see that the basal in what follows.
ganglia can influence a wide range of behavior through both
their ascending projections toward the neocortex and by Hypotheses of basal ganglia function
way of key descending connections to an influential set of
brain stem nuclei. We have grouped hypotheses about the functions of the
basal ganglia into categories related to (1) movement release
Perspectives from the clinic and inhibition, (2) response selection, (3) attention and
assignment of salience, and (4) learning and adaptive control
In Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease, classical of behavior.
basal ganglia disorders that are accompanied by motor
abnormalities, patients frequently experience cognitive dys- Movement Release and Inhibition We will in this chapter
function, including memory deficiency, depression, and, use the “motor circuits” of the basal ganglia as templates
most important, disordered executive functions (R. G. Brown to understand the organization of basal ganglia circuits.
& Marsden, 1990; Dubois, Pillon, & Agid, 1992; Bédard Increasing evidence suggests that this same organization
et al., 1998, 2003; Joel, 2001; Saint-Cyr, 2003). Moreover, underlies the cognitive functions of the basal ganglia.
dementia is frequent in these diseases and mostly exhibits The main pathways that lead out from the basal ganglia
the features of frontal dementia syndromes (Pillon et al., are known as the direct and indirect pathways, the hyperdi-
1994; Saint-Cyr, 2003). These “additional” (i.e., non-motor) rect pathway, and the striosomal pathway (figures 39.3
symptoms are often taken to suggest that the basal ganglia and 39.4). These pathways are thought to influence motor
proper have cognitive functions, but this view is now being control by release (direct pathway) or inhibition (indirect
modified by the realization that both Parkinson’s disease and pathway and hyperdirect pathway) of motor behaviors
Huntington’s disease are neurodegenerative diseases with (Albin, Young, & Penney, 1989; DeLong, 1990) and by
neuronal damage extending—and even starting—outside control of the repetitiveness of behaviors for the striosomal
the basal ganglia (Sieradzan & Mann, 2001; Braak et al., pathway (Graybiel, Canales, & Capper-Loup, 2000; Saka
2003). It is therefore not possible to attribute cognitive signs & Graybiel, 2004). The release-inhibit model suggests,
and symptoms of these disorders to dysfunction of the basal in simplest form, that the neocortex excites the striatum,
ganglia alone. However, there are other reasons to place the which inhibits the internal pallidum, which in turn inhibits
basal ganglia firmly within the cognitive domain. the motor thalamus. The double inhibition suggests that
First, there are other neurological disorders involving cortical activation phasically “releases” the thalamus, which
cognitive dysfunction that at least appear to affect more then can excite the neocortex. This movement-releasing
selectively specific basal ganglia nuclei (e.g., certain cerebro- pathway is, according to the release-inhibit model, in direct
vascular disorders). Dysfunction in multiple cognitive competition with the indirect pathway, which, due to its
domains is reported with infarctions or hemorrhages that connecting link in the subthalamic nucleus, is thought to
are apparently limited to the caudate nucleus (e.g., abulia, depress movement. The subthalamic nucleus is released by
restlessness, disinhibition and impulsivity, executive dysfunc- striatal excitation of its inhibitory input nucleus (the external
tion) or to the putamen (e.g., contralateral neglect, language pallidum), and the subthalamic nucleus then excites the
abnormalities) (Mendez et al., 1989; Caplan et al., 1990; internal pallidum, leading to less movement. Many current
Bhatia & Marsden, 1994). The single most prominent models of the basal ganglia focus on this winner-take-all
symptom associated with lesions of the caudate nucleus is model (Dominey, Arbib, & Joseph, 1995; Beiser & Houk,
abulia, a lack of drive. Lesions in the ventromedial caudate 1998; J. E. Brown, Bullock, & Grossberg, 1999; Gillies &
nucleus are associated with disinhibition and impulsivity. Arbuthnott, 2000; Frank, Loughry, & O’Reilly, 2001a;
Work in the behaving primates supports such clinical find- Kitano, Aoyagi, & Fukai, 2001). Current evidence suggests
ings and suggests some topographic differences of behavioral that this release-inhibit model may need revision (see
mechanisms within the basal ganglia (Francois et al., 2002; Graybiel, 2005), but it has spurred major clinical advances
Tremblay et al., 2003). and has been applied to the cognitive side of basal ganglia
Finally, imaging studies have demonstrated alterations function as well.
of basal ganglia activity in disorders in which cognitive The hyperdirect pathway (figure 39.3) consists of a fast, direct
deficits are evident, including obsessive-compulsive (OC) excitatory pathway from the motor cortex (and some other

568 motor systems

cortical areas) to the subthalamic nucleus, which can there- The striosomal pathway (figure 39.3) is thought to lead from
fore rapidly excite the pallidum (Nambu et al., 2002). This the anterior cingulate cortex and caudal orbitofrontal cortex
pathway bypasses the striatum and could help to account for to neurochemically defined compartments in the striatum
the efficacy of deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic that are called striosomes (striatal bodies). These in turn are
nucleus to relieve symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (Lang, interconnected with the dopamine-containing substantia
2000; Obeso et al., 2000; Benabid et al., 2003). nigra (Eblen & Graybiel, 1995; Prensa & Parent, 2001).
We emphasize that if we extend the release-inhibit idea These connections may serve to regulate the functions of
to the cognitive level, we can think of other actions—even the substantia nigra, and this striosomal system has been
thoughts or emotions—as being released through this mech- implicated regulating the frequency and repetitiveness of
anism (Swerdlow & Koob, 1987; Graybiel, 1997). This behavior of actions (Graybiel et al., 2000; Graybiel &
possibility is receiving potential support from the results of Canales, 2001).
deep brain stimulation used as a therapeutic intervention
for Parkinson’s disease (Bejjani et al., 1999; Krack et al., Selection and Inhibition of Competing Behaviors If we
2001). now think of these control pathways again, we can note that
there are two primary disynaptic pathways of information
flow from the cerebral cortex to the basal ganglia output
nuclei, the internal pallidum (GPi), and the substantia nigra,
Neocortex pars reticulata (SNpr): (1) the disynaptic direct pathway from
+ the neocortex to striatum to the output nuclei and (2) the
GLU GLU hyperdirect pathway from the neocortex to the subthalamic
+ nucleus (STN) and then to the basal ganglia output nuclei
− GPi
− Thalamus (figures 39.5 and 39.6). The contrasts between these two are

Release! important. First, the cortical input to the STN comes only
DA from the frontal cortex, whereas the input to the striatum
arises from all or nearly all areas of the cerebral cortex.
Pathway” Neocortex

+ Cerebral
Striatum D2 GPi
− Thalamus
+ Inhibit! Striatum
DA −

C Direct-Indirect Pathways
+ Excitatory

Inhibitory STN
Striatum D1 − GPi
− Thalamus
Thalamocortical and
D2 + Balance Brainstem Targets
DA −
Motor Desired
Figure 39.4 Highly schematic diagrams of the direct and indirect Patterns Motor Pattern
pathways identified in basal ganglia circuitry. A and B separate out
these two pathways to emphasize their proposed “release” and Figure 39.5 Schematic diagram of functional organization of the
“inhibit” functions. The diagrams in C puts them together to show basal ganglia output. Excitatory projections are indicated with
the balance between them that is thought to underlie normal open arrows; inhibitory projections are indicated with filled arrows.
behavioral control. The hyperdirect and striosomal pathways are Relative magnitude of activity is represented by line thickness.
not shown here (see figures 39.3, 39.5, and 39.6). (Modified from Mink, 2001.)

graybiel and mink: the basal ganglia and cognition 569


Figure 39.6 (A) Schematic diagram of the hyperdirect cortico- subthalamic nucleus; Str, striatum; Th, thalamus. (B) Schematic
subthalamo-pallidal, the direct cortico-striato-pallidal, and the diagram depicting the hypothesized activity change over time (t) in
indirect corticostriato-GPe-subthalamo-GPi pathways. White and the thalamocortical projection (Th/Cx) following the sequential
black arrows represent excitatory glutamatergic (glu) and inhibitory inputs through the hyperdirect cortico-subthalamo-pallidal (middle)
GABAergic (GABA) projections, respectively. Abbreviations: GPe, and direct cortico-striato-pallidal (bottom) pathways. (Modified from
external segment of the globus pallidus; GPi, internal segment of Nambu et al., 2002.)
the globus pallidus; SNr, substantia nigra, pars reticulata; STN,

Second, the output from the STN is excitatory, whereas the The anatomical arrangement of STN and striatal inputs
output from the striatum is inhibitory. Third, the excitatory to the GPi and SNpr form the basis for a functional center-
route through the STN is faster than the inhibitory route surround organization as shown in figure 39.5. When a
through the striatum (Nambu et al., 2000). Finally, the STN voluntary movement is initiated by cortical mechanisms, a
projection to the GPi is divergent, and the striatal projection separate signal is sent to the STN, exciting it. The STN
is more focused (Parent & Hazrati, 1993). Thus, the two projects in a widespread pattern and excites the GPi. The
disynaptic pathways from cerebral cortex to the basal ganglia increased GPi activity produces inhibition of thalamocorti-
output nuclei, the GPi and SNpr, provide fast, widespread, cal motor mechanisms. In parallel to these pathways through
divergent excitation through the STN, and slower, focused, the STN, signals are sent from all areas of the cerebral cortex
inhibition through the striatum. Because the outputs of the to the striatum. The cortical inputs are transformed by
GPi and the SNpr are thought to be inhibitory (but see integrative circuitry in the striatum to a focused, context-
potential evidence for the contrary reviewed in Graybiel, dependent output that inhibits specific neurons in the GPi.
2005), this arrangement would result in focused facilitation The inhibitory striatal input to the GPi is slower than the
and surround inhibition of basal ganglia thalamocortical excitatory STN input, but it is more powerful. The resulting
targets. focally decreased activity in the GPi selectively disinhibits
In this scheme, the tonically active inhibitory output of the desired thalamocortical motor circuits. Indirect path-
the basal ganglia acts as a “brake” on motor control circuits ways from the striatum to the GPi (striatum → external
of the cerebral cortex and brain stem. When a movement is pallidum (GPe) → GPi and striatum → GPe → STN →
initiated by a particular motor pattern generator, basal GPi) result in further focusing of the output. The net result
ganglia output neurons projecting to competing generators of basal ganglia activity during a voluntary movement is the
increase their firing rate, thereby increasing inhibition and inhibition (“braking”) of competing motor patterns and
applying a “brake” on these generators. Other basal ganglia focused facilitation (releasing the “brake”) from the selected
output neurons projecting to the generators that are involved voluntary movement pattern generators.
in the desired movement decrease their discharge, thereby This scheme provides a framework for understanding
removing tonic inhibition and releasing the “brake” from both the pathophysiology of parkinsonism and involuntary
the desired motor patterns. Thus, the intended movement is movements (Young, Albin, & Penney, 1989; Mink, 1996,
enabled, and competing movements are prevented from 2003; Goldberg et al., 2002). Different involuntary move-
interfering with the desired one. ment disorders such as parkinsonism, chorea, dystonia, and

570 motor systems

tic disorders result from different abnormalities in these regions, but the basal ganglia may strongly influence such
basal ganglia circuits. Loss of the dopamine-containing selections on the basis of recognition of context, assignment
nigrostriatal input to the striatum results in a loss of normal of salience, and expectancy of outcome, which are discussed
pauses of GPi discharge during voluntary movement. Hence, below. Specifically, which behaviors are selected for facilita-
there is excessive inhibition of motor pattern generators and tion and which are inhibited may be based on a winner-
ultimately bradykinesia (Goldberg et al., 2002). Further- take-all model that is established in the striatum (Dominey
more, loss of dopamine results in abnormal synchrony of et al., 1995; Beiser & Houk, 1998; J. E. Brown et al., 1999;
GPi neuronal discharge and loss of the normal spatial and Redgrave, Prescott, & Gurney, 1999; Gillies & Arbuthnott,
temporal focus of GPi activity (Filion, Tremblay, & Bedard, 2000; Frank, Loughry, & O’Reilly, 2001b; Kitano et al.,
1989; Raz, Vaadia, & Bergman, 2000; Goldberg et al., 2001; Doya, 2002).
2002). Large lesions of the GPi or the SNpr disinhibit both Selection is likely to take place via the compartmentally
desired and unwanted motor patterns, leading to inappro- organized input-output organization of the striatum and the
priate activation of competing motor patterns, but normal interaction of these compartmentalized circuits with neuro-
generation of the wanted movement. Thus, lesions of GPi modulatory circuits (Graybiel & Ragsdale, 1978; Malach &
lead to cocontraction of multiple muscle groups and diffi- Graybiel, 1986; Flaherty & Graybiel, 1994). If there is suffi-
culty turning off unwanted motor patterns, similar to what cient simultaneous activity of convergent inputs to a sub-
is seen in dystonia, but they do not affect movement initia- group of striatal medium spinal neurons (Schneider & Lidsky,
tion (Mink & Thach, 1991). 1981; Flaherty & Graybiel, 1991; Kincaid, Zheng, & Wilson,
Lesions of SNpr produce unwanted saccadic eye move- 1998), they will “win,” and if they are striatal neurons leading
ments that interfere with the ability to maintain visual fixa- into indirect pathway, they can inhibit output neurons in the
tion but do not impair the initiation of voluntary saccades GPi and the SNpr, leading to facilitation of thalamocortical
(Hikosaka & Wurtz, 1985). Lesions of putamen may result neurons. Simultaneous suppression of competing responses
in dystonia due to the loss of focused inhibition in GPi in this scenario would be mediated by the hyperdirect and
(Mink, 2003). Lesions of the STN produce continuous invol- indirect pathways. Thus, competition occurs at both the
untary movements of the contralateral limbs (hemiballism input (striatal) and output (GPi/SNpr) levels of basal ganglia
or hemichorea) (Mink, 2003). Despite the involuntary circuits (Filion, Tremblay, & Bédard, 1988; Flaherty &
movements, voluntary movements can still be performed. Graybiel, 1994; Mink, 2001). This view has been adapted to
Although structural lesions of putamen, GPi, SNpr, or STN account for imaging data in OCD patients (Rauch et al.,
produce certain types of unwanted movements or behaviors, 2001) and some basal ganglia models (Beiser & Houk, 1998;
they do not produce tics. Tics are more likely to arise from J. E. Brown et al., 1999; Gillies & Arbuthnott, 2000), but
abnormal activity patterns, most likely in focal zones in the remains controversial.
striatum (Flaherty & Graybiel, 1994; Canales & Graybiel, There is substantial evidence that selection at the striatal
2000; Mink, 2003). level depends on learning mechanisms (Graybiel, 1995,
The notion that the basal ganglia affect motor pattern 2005, 2008). Thus behavioral selections can be influenced by
generators helps to account for these motor disorders. But experience, and the striatum—and therefore the rest of the
as we noted, the basal ganglia, via the thalamus, also pro- basal ganglia—participate strongly in the adaptive control of
ject to a large part of the prefrontal cortex and to limbic motor and cognitive behaviors. This idea originated with the
structures. It has been proposed that these circuits act as recognition that corticostriatal inputs (and other inputs to
“cognitive pattern generators” (Graybiel, 1997). Through the striatum) are modular, as was noted above, and that
these circuits, with similar functional structures as those the cortical inputs show modular divergence but then can
considered to be motor circuits, the basal ganglia can affect show reconvergence at the next stage of the basal ganglia
cognition, planning, executive function, and our emo- circuit, within the pallidum (figure 39.7a) (Flaherty &
tional lives. Some neuropsychiatric disorders, such as OCD, Graybiel, 1994; Graybiel, Aosaki, Flaherty, & Kimura, 1994;
Tourette syndrome, and even schizophrenia, may have their Parthasarathy & Graybiel, 1997). This pattern resembles a
origin in such cortico-basal ganglia circuits (Swerdlow & mixture of experts learning architectures (e.g., Jacobs,
Koob, 1987; Graybiel, 1997, 2008). Possibly related to these Jordan, Nowlan, & Hinton, 1991), whereby information can
findings is evidence that emotional distress and anguish, or be distributed divergently to an intermediate layer of the
irrepressible laughter and hilarity, can be evoked by deep- network, and then be gated and recombined at an output
brain stimulation in or near the substantia nigra and the layer (figure 39.7b) (Graybiel, 1998). The dopaminergic
subthalamic nucleus (Bejjani et al., 1999; Krack et al., 2001; input to the striatum could be one strong gating mechanism.
Schupbach & Agid, 2008). Dopamine-containing inputs carry signals related to pre-
The selection of which response to make is a huge job, dicted reward and saliency to striatal neurons, and they
probably engaging much of the neocortex and other brain are arranged anatomically to maximize their ability to gate

graybiel and mink: the basal ganglia and cognition 571

A Neocortex B Input

Striatum Expert Expert Expert

Network Network Network
1 2 3
A B C μ1 μ2 μ3
SN g1
g2 Weighting
g3 Function

Σ Stochastic

Figure 39.7 (A) Divergent-reconvergent processing of signals modulated by dopamine-containing inputs from the substantia
through cortico-basal ganglia pathways. Divergence of cortical nigra (SN). (Modified from Graybiel et al., 1994.) (B) Mixture-
input to modules (matrisomes A, B, C) occurs at the level of the of-experts learning network model. (Modified from Jacobs et al.
striatum. In the globus pallidus (GP), information is reconverged, 1991.) Note the similarity of the models in A and B.
resulting in the remapping of the cortical output. The network is

corticostriatal information flow (A. D. Smith & Bolam, 1990; anterior cingulate/orbitofrontal cortical regions are impor-
Bolam, Hanley, Booth, & Bevan, 2000). In addition, dopa- tant in response selection and attentional shifting.
mine is critically involved in long-term potentiation and Selecting which action to perform is critical for normal
depression in the striatum (Reynolds, Hyland, & Wickens, behavior. But when particular actions (or thoughts) are
2001; Wise, 2004; Calabresi, Piconi, Tozzi, & Di Filippo, selected over and over again, the repetitiveness can signal the
2007; Tang, Pawlak, Prokopenko, & West, 2007). occurrence of syndromes such as OC-spectrum disorders or
Many movement disorders resulting from diseases that other disorders in which behavioral stereotypies occur. There
affect the basal ganglia can be understood as disorders of is some evidence that the repetitiveness of action selection
response selection and inhibition. These include disorders can be controlled independently of which action is selected.
characterized by paucity of movement, such as Parkinson’s That is, different actions can be selected but, when selected,
disease (Mink, 1996; Goldberg et al., 2002), and disorders each is repetitively selected. In both rodents and primates, a
characterized by excessive involuntary movements, such as specific modular pattern of neuronal activation in the stria-
chorea, dystonia, or tics (Mink, 1996, 2003; Sato et al., tum is highly predictive of the stereotypies induced by psy-
2008). Notably, the treatment of Parkinson’s disease by STN chomotor stimulants: Activity in striosomes is greater than
deep brain stimulation can improve both response selection activity in the surrounding matrix regardless of which partic-
and inhibition (Nieuwenhuis, Yeung, van den Wildenberg, ular actions are being repeated—that is, regardless of which
& Ridderinkhof, 2003). have been selected (figure 39.8) (see Canales & Graybiel,
In parallel with these movement disorders, neuropsychi- 2000; Saka, Goodrich, Harlan, Madras, & Graybiel, 2004).
atric disorders can also result from impaired response selec- This is interesting, because anatomical work in the primate
tion or inhibition. Inappropriate facilitation or impaired suggests that striosomes receive differentially strong input
inhibition may lead to the cognitive and motor intrusions, from parts of the anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex.
inflexibility, repetitiveness, and overt cognitive and motor In the human, as was noted above, these are cortical regions
stereotypic responses that occur in OC-spectrum disorders that are abnormal in OCD patients and in addictive states
(Graybiel & Rauch, 2000; Leckman, 2002; Graybiel, 2008). (for a review, see Graybiel, 2008). Modular patterns of stria-
Functional imaging studies of individuals with OC-spectrum tal activation have also been invoked to account for focal tics
disorders indicate increased activity in the caudate nucleus and repetitive actions in Tourette syndrome (Mink, 2001). In
combined with increased activity in the cingulate and this case, overactivity in particular modules (matrisomes) is
orbitofrontal cortices (see Rauch et al., 2001). Moreover, thought to be involved in the “selection” of the repeated
symptom provocation in OCD patients further increases behavior (figure 39.7a). Thus both striosomes and matri-
the activity of these regions (Breiter et al., 1996), and the somes could contribute to disorders of action selection and
increased activation can be lessened by treatment of the behavioral switching and could be important for the normal
symptoms (Baxter et al., 1992; Schwartz, Stoessel, Baxter, discharge of these complex functions.
Martin, & Phelps, 1996; Lazaro et al., 2008). This dynamic Impulse-control disorders may relate to impaired res-
modulation supports the idea that the basal ganglia and ponse inhibition. This has become an area of substantial

572 motor systems

A disease may relate to impairment of STN-mediated response
inhibition. Indeed, STN deep brain stimulation may cause
impaired impulse control despite improvement of other
aspects of movement (Frank, 2006; Winstanley, Eagle, &
Robbins, 2006).

Attention and Assignment of Salience The attention-

salience assignment model of the basal ganglia suggests that
the outputs of the basal ganglia are influential in modulating
movement because they can influence attention to stimuli
δS = δM Stimulant
δS > δM and because they have the capacity to assign salience to
Exposure stimuli. This idea is strongly supported by work on the
dopamine-containing inputs to the basal ganglia, which
carry signals related to reinforcement probability, salience,
Posterior Orbitofrontal - Posterior Medial Prefrontal - and expectation of reinforcement (Schultz, Dayan, &
Anterior Insular Cortex Anterior Cingulate Cortex Montague, 1997; Berridge & Robinson, 1998; Doya, 2002;
Glimcher, 2003; Daw, Niv, & Dayan, 2005; Niv, Duff, &
Amygdala Amygdala Dayan, 2005; Niv, Joel, & Dayan, 2006; Schultz, 2007;
Hippocampus Graybiel, 2008). We note, however, that several other
MD Thalamus MD Thalamus
systems that could have this function also project to the basal
ganglia. These include the locus coeruleus/norepinephrine
system (projecting especially strongly to the ventral striatum),
L. Habenula DA the serotonergic raphe system, the intralaminar thalamic
via Pallidum nuclei, and other structures such as the amygdala.
SNpc Clinical studies also have repeatedly implicated the basal
ganglia in attentional control (Mesulam, 2000), and, in
Figure 39.8 (A) Schematization of neuronal activity mapped in modern formulations of this idea, the basal ganglia are par-
the caudate nucleus and putamen of the squirrel monkey in ticularly singled out as being important for “attention to
response to either single (left) or repeated (right) exposure of the
action” ( Jueptner, Stephan, et al., 1997). Imaging studies
monkey to psychomotor stimulants. The activity measure is the
average density of striatal neurons expressing early-genes in indicate that cortico-basal ganglia circuit dysfunction in
response to the drug treatment, calculated separately for the strio- Parkinson’s disease may account for the marked attentional
some (δS) and matrix (δM) compartments. The single dose of problems suffered by Parkinson’s disease patients (see Saint-
the psychomotor stimulant induces only low levels of behavioral Cyr, 2003). There is, in addition, evidence for dysfunction
stereotypy and little predominance of striosomal activation. By of corticocortical connections linking the supplementary
contrast, repeated exposure to the psychomotor stimulant induces
high levels of behavioral stereotypy and sharply increased striosome motor area and premotor areas (Rowe et al., 2002). This
predominance. (B) Schematization of the major connections of the dysfunction at the cortical level could itself be related to
striosomes. The central rectangle represents the striatum with its abnormal basal ganglia influences on these cortical areas
matrix (M) and striosomal (S) compartments. Abbreviations: MD, (Brooks, 1997; Samuel et al., 1997). It should be clear,
mediodorsal nucleus; SNpc, substantia nigra, pars compacta; DA, however, that “attention” is a broad concept and, in the
dopamine. (Modified from Graybiel, 1997.)
context of cortico-basal ganglia loops, includes functions
ranging from saliency signals modulating signal-to-noise
interest recently in relation to Parkinson’s disease. Patients ratios to motor readiness (Denny-Brown & Yanagisawa,
with Parkinson’s disease are commonly treated with dopa- 1976; Robbins & Everitt, 1992; Aosaki, Graybiel, & Kimura,
mine replacement therapy (levodopa) or with direct 1994; L. L. Brown, Schneider, & Lidsky, 1997; Jog et al.,
dopamine receptor agonists. A variety of impulse control 1999; Barnes et al., 2005). Considered in this way, atten-
disorders, including compulsive gambling and excessive risk tional deficits in Parkinson’s disease could lead to bradyki-
taking (“punding”), have been described in patients with nesia (slowness of movement), bradyphrenia (slowness of
Parkinson’s disease who are treated with these dopaminergic thought), and abulia (a cardinal sign of anterior striatal dys-
medications (Dodd et al., 2005; Pontone, Williams, Bassett, function in which a profound inertia of psychomotor response
& Marsh, 2006; Weintraub et al., 2006). As was discussed initiation occurs).
above, the STN is thought to play a central role in response Patients with Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease
inhibition (Aron & Poldrack, 2006; Eagle et al., 2008), and exhibit deficits in shifting of attention, termed set-shifting
it is thought that impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s (Owen et al., 1993; Georgiou, Bradshaw, Phillips, & Chiu,

graybiel and mink: the basal ganglia and cognition 573

1996; Bédard et al., 1998). Again, these are disorders with evidence in animals for striatal representations that empha-
widespread neurodegeneration not confined to the basal size salient events and deemphasize others ( Jog et al., 1999;
ganglia proper, but in normal individuals, there are signifi- Barnes et al., 2005). Electrophysiological studies in primates
cant and selective increases in blood flow in the striatum for also support the idea that the basal ganglia are part of
tasks that measure attention shifts in response to visual cues forebrain attentional systems. Explicit tests of attentional
(Koski, Paus, Hofle, & Petrides, 1999). shifting suggest that many striatal projection neurons fire
A dramatic deficiency in attentional control is present in for shifts in attention that are unaccompanied by overt
ADHD, in which individuals exhibit hyperactive behavior, movements (Kermadi & Boussaoud, 1995; Boussaoud &
a lack of focusing ability, and impulsivity. Functional imaging Kermadi, 1997). An instructive example comes from studies
studies addressing the possible involvement of the basal of striatal interneurons called tonically active neurons
ganglia in this disorder suggest that the capacity to inhibit (TANs), which are broadly distributed through the caudate
motor activity and the capacity to sustain attention may be nucleus and putamen (figure 39.9). These neurons modify
linked in ADHD individuals, and that these clinical mea- their responses to sensory stimuli depending on the saliency
sures of abnormal function are correlated with altered activ- of the sensory stimuli. The salience can be unconditional
ity in the putamen (Teicher et al., 2000). (e.g., a loud, unexpected sound makes them respond) or
There now is direct evidence that activity in the striatum can be built up through conditioning by pairing the sensory
is important as an attentional filter in humans (McNab & cues with positive or negative reinforcements (Aosaki,
Klingberg, 2008), and there is direct electrophysiological Tsubokawa, et al., 1994; Apicella, 2002; Blazquez et al.,

Spikes/s Spikes/s
CS 30 CS 30
15 15
0 0


Spikes/s A15 Spikes/s

CS 30 P CS 30
15 A17 15
0 0

P A19

P A21

CS Spikes/s Spikes/s
30 CS 30
15 15
0 0

1 ms

Figure 39.9 The responses of tonically active neurons (TANs) of sites (black dots or squares) are shown in raster plots and spike histo-
the macaque monkey striatum in response to conditioned stimuli grams, and the anteroposterior (AP) sites at which they were
(CS: clicks or light-emitting diodes) in a simple behavioral condi- recorded are shown in diagrams. Note the widespread, coherent
tioning paradigm in which the monkey receives liquid rewards fol- appearance of the response, suggesting that these interneurons
lowing delivery of the CS. The neurons acquire responses to the might serve as a temporal binding mechanism across cortico-basal
cues associated with the rewards (see pauses in activity). The ganglia loops. (Adapted from Graybiel et al., 1994.)
responses of six representative TANs recorded at the illustrated

574 motor systems

2002). The reward/saliency signals are partly dependent ganglia networks and cortico-basal ganglia circuits during
on inputs from the dopamine-containing neurons of the behavioral learning. As noted below, new techniques are
substantia nigra (Aosaki et al., 1994). But they depend now beginning to let investigators approach this issue
also on inputs from the intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus directly.
(Matsumoto, Minamimoto, Graybiel, & Kimura, 2001) and Studies in rat, monkey, and human suggest that the basal
probably the neocortex as well. Because the TANs are ganglia mediate a particular type of learning and memory:
widely distributed local network neurons, and tend to stimulus-response (S-R) learning, in which learning proceeds
have synchronous responses (Graybiel, Aosaki, Flaherty, by trial and error and performance improves according to
& Kimura, 1994; Raz, Feingold, Zelanskaya, Vaadia, & the sensory feedback obtained as a result of the response
Bergman, 1996; Blazquez, Fuji, Kojima, & Graybiel, 2002), (Packard & McGaugh, 1992; McDonald & White, 1994).
they could coordinate together activity in functionally dis- Evidence for this has led to the notion that the basal ganglia
tinct cortico-basal ganglia loops to achieve sensorimotor and are important for habit or skill learning (Graybiel, 1995,
cognitive binding (figure 39.10) (see Graybiel et al., 1994; 2005, 2008; Packard & Knowlton, 2002). The function of the
see Graybiel, 1997). basal ganglia in feedback (S-R) learning appears to be highly
This example gives an idea of how signals from many conserved. In birds, the anterior forebrain pathway (AFP) is
different brain regions could ultimately lead to salience sig- thought to be analogous to certain cortico-basal ganglia cir-
naling in basal ganglia networks and contribute to motor cuits in mammals, and it has been shown that this AFP
and cognitive attention. Remarkably, it has been estimated pathway is critical to bird song learning (Brainard & Doupe,
that the population activity of even a small number of these 2000; Amin, Doupe, & Theunissen, 2007; Calaminus &
interneurons can accurately predict ongoing behavioral Hauber, 2007; Aronov, Andalman, & Fee, 2008).
events (Blazquez et al., 2002). This means that the intrinsic Experimental psychologists working with rats have
circuitry of the striatum has within it a signal that is propor- amassed strong evidence that the caudoputamen (dorsal
tional to behavioral outcome—exactly what is needed to striatum) is necessary for both the acquisition and the expres-
develop a forward model for behavioral control (Blazquez sion of S-R associations and memory and for “win-stay”
et al., 2002). learning in which the animal repeats the behavior that
led to reward (Packard, Hirsh, & White, 1989; Packard &
Learning and Adaptive Control of Behavior The McGaugh, 1992, 1996; McDonald & White, 1994). This
idea that the basal ganglia are sites for learning has strong behavior is contrasted with “win-shift” behavior involving
support from experimental work in animals and increasing explicit memory of the context of the behavior. However,
support from imaging and other work in humans. Commonly, the situation may be more than one of different basal ganglia
attempts to formulate how the basal ganglia could contribute loops participating in different aspects of learning. For
to learning involve comparing the basal ganglia to the example, performance on S-R learning tasks suffers in rats
hippocampus, or comparing them to the cerebellum (Packard with lateral (sensorimotor) striatal lesions; but in rats with
& Knowlton, 2002; Doyon, Penhune, & Ungerleider, 2003). medial striatal lesions, performance suffers on tasks similar
Helpful as such comparisons may be, they are not enough to those requiring hippocampal function, for example, spatial
to define the type of neural processing that occurs in basal navigation (Devan, McDonald, & White, 1999; Devan &
White, 1999; Packard & Knowlton, 2002; Yin & Knowlton,
2006). Moreover, there is good reason to think that in most
Latch-On Reset
of the tasks that are used in such rodent experiments, explicit
TANs Cognitive &
Sensory-Motor awareness of the associations (e.g., place learning) could
Programs occur, engaging the hippocampus. Some studies suggest that
in such contexts, the hippocampus may operate during an
early, explicit stage of learning and that the striatum may
Drive/Reward then take over (or at least be more critical) when the task is
Motivational Related
Signals Programs repeated to the point at which the animal can perform the
task without explicit knowledge (McDonald & White, 1994;
Packard & McGaugh, 1996). Thus even with damage to the
DA Reward striatum, habit learning could be partly intact because learn-
ing strategies based on hippocampal function can partly
Figure 39.10 Diagram illustrating the hypothesis that the stria- compensate for the deficient recruitment of the basal ganglia
tum acts as a dynamic modulator of cognitive and motor programs
and that striatal interneurons, including TANs, function as part of (Packard & Knowlton, 2002). Interestingly, evidence in these
the plastic neural mechanism underlying this dynamic modulation. rodent studies suggests that the striatum and hippocampus
(Adapted from Graybiel et al., 1994.) can compete with each other, so that a lesion of one system

graybiel and mink: the basal ganglia and cognition 575

may actually facilitate learning mediated by the other system. Hazeltine, Grafton, & Ivry, 1997; Willingham et al., 2002),
For example, a deficit in spatial learning strategy following and in some explicit conditions as well (Willingham et al.,
hippocampal damage can improve performance of S-R 2002; Doyon et al., 2003; Doyon & Benali, 2005).
learning (Packard et al., 1989; McDonald & White, 1993; Learning and performing a sequence of finger movements
Schroeder, Wingard, & Packard, 2002). by trial and error with auditory feedback evokes activation
The electrophysiological recordings that are made as of the striatum also, both in learning of a new sequence and
animals learn association tasks demonstrate remarkable in the execution of a pre-learned sequence ( Jenkins, Brooks,
plasticity in the responses of striatal neurons as the animals Nixon, Frackowiak, & Passingham, 1994). The acquisition
learn ( Jog et al., 1999; Barnes et al., 2005; for reviews, see phase favors more anterior activation (caudate nucleus,
Graybiel, 2005, 2008; Pasupathy & Miller, 2005). If monkeys anterior putamen) by comparison with performance of a
learn a task and then the task requirements are reversed, pre-learned sequence ( Jueptner, Frith, Brooks, Frackowiak,
striatal neurons are quick to acquire the new (reversed) & Passingham, 1997, Jueptner, Stephan, et al., 1997). Similar
association (Pasupathy & Miller, 2005). In association anterior-to-posterior shifts also occur in the frontal cortex
maze-learning tasks, there are dramatic changes in the pat- during learning ( Jueptner, Frith, et al., 1997). Attention to
terns of task-related activity of striatal neurons in the senso- action may in part underlie the shift. When subjects attend
rimotor striatum ( Jog et al., 1999; Barnes et al., 2005). to their next action in a pre-learned (automized) sequence,
These changes at the neuronal level have been likened to the caudate nucleus, but not the (more posterior) putamen,
the explore-exploit behaviors that are delineated in rein- exhibits differentiated activation ( Jueptner, Frith, et al.,
forcement learning models (Sutton & Barto, 1998; Barnes et 1997). Quite similar anterior-posterior gradients have been
al., 2005). Remarkably, just such models have been invoked found in primates (Miyachi, Hikosaka, Miyashita, Karadi,
to account for the acquisition of song in avian species that & Rand, 1997; Nakamura, Sakai, & Hikosaka, 1998, 1999;
learn their songs (Doya & Sejnowski, 1995). Interestingly, as Hikosaka et al., 1999).
the task-related neurons change their firing patterns, other If we think back to the anatomy of cortico-basal ganglia
neurons that do not exhibit phasic spike activity in relation loops, we can see that these and other studies (Shadmehr
to the task gradually become nearly silent. & Brashers-Krug, 1997; Honda et al., 1998; Jueptner &
In imaging studies of human performance, activation of Weiller, 1998; Karni et al., 1998; Peterson et al., 1998)
the basal ganglia has been repeatedly found to accompany suggest that the acquisition of motor skills probably engages
motor skill learning. Skill learning can be broken down the activity of a number of corticostriatal loop systems, and
into a number of phases but, as in learning a sport, re- that which loops are engaged changes during different stages
quires practice, S-R (feedback) learning, and consolidation of learning, from the first learning of the basic structure of
(Brashers-Krug, Shadmehr, & Bizzi, 1996; Karni et al., the task (its “rules” or constraints) to an eventual engage-
1998; Hikosaka et al., 1999; Ungerleider, Doyon, & Karni, ment of particular muscle groups in sequence without
2002; Saint-Cyr, 2003). Once learned, the sequence of conscious calling up of the single parts of the behavior. The
movements can be carried out seemingly effortlessly with early stages activate cortico-basal ganglia loops in which the
the same or similar effector groups used during practice. caudate nucleus and anterior putamen participate, and later
Many studies have employed the serial reaction time (SRT) stages activate putamen-based loops. Interestingly, contrary
task to study simple human motor skill learning (Grafton et to the activation of the putamen in motor skill learning,
al., 1995; Willingham, Salidis, & Gabrieli, 2002). For perceptual skill learning (e.g., a mirror reading task) is linked
example, subjects can be asked to press a series of buttons to activation of the caudate nucleus (Poldrack & Gabrieli,
in an order instructed by target lights that appear either in 2001). The cerebellum is also activated in such tasks. One
a random sequence or in a predetermined, repeated interesting idea is that early phases of S-R sequential learn-
sequence. With practice, the subjects become faster, espe- ing engage spatial coordinate frames and later phases motor
cially with the repeated sequences. If the subject is told about coordinate frames (Hikosaka et al., 1999).
the sequence beforehand, the reaction time advantage for More cognitive versions of S-R learning tasks, requiring
the repeating sequence is thought to occur by virtue of implicit learning by feedback of probabilistic classifications,
declarative learning, but to involve nondeclarative, implicit also differentially activate the caudate nucleus (Saint-
learning if the subject does not know about the repeating Cyr, Taylor, & Lang, 1988; Knowlton, Squire, & Gluck,
sequence (or is distracted by a second task). Positron emis- 1994; Poldrack et al., 1999). The medial temporal lobe,
sion tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance by contrast, is activated when such tasks are acquired
imaging (fMRI) studies have demonstrated heightened through observation (paired-association tasks) rather than
activation in the putamen, along with a network of through guessing and learning by trial and error (Poldrack
cortical areas, in the implicit condition (Grafton et al., 1995; & Gabrieli, 2001). Supporting the idea of antagonistic

576 motor systems

activity of striatal and hippocampal systems raised by Chunking of action repertoires as a common theme for
studies in experimental animals, imaging studies in human basal ganglia function
subjects demonstrate deactivation of the medial temporal
lobe during acquisition of the feedback-based task. The We have considered here three categories of hypotheses
activities of the caudate nucleus and of the medial temporal about the functions of the basal ganglia, ranging from the
are negatively correlated (Poldrack & Gabrieli, 2001). selective facilitation and inhibition of movements (or
Patients with Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease thoughts), to the assignment of saliences and attention to
perform more poorly in the feedback-based probabilistic stimuli, to behavioral learning, especially feedback-based
classification task than do patients with localized frontal lobe learning. There are other behavioral categories that should
lesions, suggesting that it is not only a dysfunction of the also be considered, including sequencing of movements or
frontal part of the frontobasal ganglia loop, but, more likely, cognitive acts, scaling or timing of these acts, and preparing
deficits in neuronal processing in the striatum itself that for the next movement or thought. But regardless of the
lead to learning deficits in Parkinson’s disease patients behavioral categorization, we still must remember that the
(Knowlton, Mangels, & Squire, 1996). basal ganglia are embedded in circuits that engage the thala-
Impairments in motor and perceptual skill learning have mus and cerebral cortex and other sites as well. How can we
been demonstrated in patients with Huntington’s disease learn what part of any function to attribute to the basal
and Parkinson’s disease (Martone, Butters, Payne, Becker, ganglia, and what part to other structures in these basal
& Sax, 1984; Heindel, Butters, & Salmon, 1988; M. A. ganglia-based circuits?
Smith, Brandt, & Shadmehr, 2000). Patients with OCD One important recent finding from primate physiology is
have deficits in performing the implicit form of SRT tasks that identified corticostriatal neurons in the motor cortex
when a second task is introduced (Deckersbach et al., 2002), have quite different response properties than even very
and they fail to exhibit activation of the striatum during the nearby motor cortex neurons projecting to the spinal cord
acquisition of SRT tasks (Rauch et al., 2001). (Turner & DeLong, 2000). In trained monkeys, at least, the
We have concentrated on the dorsal striatum (the caudate responses of the neurons seem tuned to very discrete con-
nucleus and putamen), but evidence suggests that the ventral texts, and they are nearly all direction-selective. This finding
striatum is also critical to reinforcement-based learning, suggests that the information reaching the striatum is not an
together with its dopaminergic input from the ventral teg- exact copy (efference copy or corollary discharge) of the
mental area. For example, neurons of the ventral striatum motor command sent to the spinal cord. But it could be, for
can apparently keep track of how close a monkey is to receiv- example, that cortical inputs to the subthalamic nucleus
ing reward (Bowman, Aigner, & Richmond, 1996; Shidara, (hyperdirect pathway) are; this is not yet known. There is
Aigner, & Richmond, 1998; Rolls, 1999). Cues related to also suggestive evidence that inputs from the motor cortex
reward, and reward itself, can actuate these neurons (Ito, tend to activate striatal neurons of the indirect pathway
Dalley, Robbins, & Everitt, 2002; Phillips, Stuber, Heien, more than those of the direct pathway (Berretta, Parthasara-
Wightman, & Carelli, 2003; Tanaka et al., 2004; Zald et al., thy, & Graybiel, 1997; Parthasarathy & Graybiel, 1997; Lei,
2004; Taha, Nicola, & Fields, 2007; Lansink et al., 2008). Jiao, Del Mar, & Reiner, 2004), and that the reverse is true
Lesions of the ventral striatum can block acquisition of for thalamostriatal inputs (Y. Smith, Bevan, Shink, & Bolam,
approach maze task problems (Atallah, Lopez-Paniague, 1998). Even these two examples indicate that our under-
Rudy, & O’Reilly, 2007). standing of cortico-basal ganglia networks is still primitive.
The striosomes of the dorsal striatum, by virtue of their Another approach to the circuit issue has been to record
connections with many of the same brain structures as the in the striatum as animals undergo training in behaviors that
ventral striatum, are likely also to be important in the learn- are thought to require striatal function—as was discussed
ing and execution of rewarded tasks (Aosaki, Kimura, & above, procedural, S-R, habit or “win-stay” learning. For
Graybiel, 1995; White & Hiroi, 1998). As the dorsal striatum example, in the experiment illustrated in figure 39.11, rats
and ventral striatum are believed to participate in different were trained to run down a simple T-maze to obtain reward
forms of learning (nondeclarative and declarative, respec- at one or the other of the end arms, and conditional auditory
tively), it is possible that the reward evaluation function of cues were given during the maze run to tell the animal which
the ventral striatum is taken over by striosomes in nonde- arm was baited ( Jog et al., 1999). Each day during training,
clarative learning. As we noted above, activity in striosomes physiological recordings of the firing of ensembles of striatal
is correlated with maladaptive, perseverative responses fol- neurons were made with tetrodes chronically implanted in
lowing psychomotor stimulant exposure, raising the possibil- the sensorimotor sector of the striatum. As shown in figure
ity that they could be involved also in stereotypic behaviors 39.11, there was a dramatic change in response patterns of
in OC-spectrum disorders. striatal neurons during learning. Responses during the turn

graybiel and mink: the basal ganglia and cognition 577

Tone Turn
50 25

Hz Hz

0 0
-1 0 +1 -1 0 +1
Seconds Seconds

Start Goal
80 40

Hz Hz

0 0
-1 0 +1 -1 0 +1
Seconds Seconds

Start Tone Turn Goal

100 100 100 100
80 80 80 80



60 60 60 60
40 40 40 40
20 20 20 20
0 0 0 0
1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9
Stage Stage Stage Stage


Early Late
Learning Stage

Figure 39.11 Event-related ensemble activity of neurons in the tion of task-related activity patterns of the striatal neurons that
dorsolateral striatum of rats recorded during the acquisition and occurs during the acquisition of the task. The behavioral criterion
performance of an auditory conditional turning task in a T-maze. for acquisition was at stage 3. Color plots at bottom illustrate sche-
Perievent histograms displayed around the T-maze show examples matically the gradual changes in the response profiles of the striatal
of the activities of single striatal neurons in relation to start, tone, neurons during the course of behavioral learning. (Modified from
turn, and goal events. Plots below the maze illustrate the reorganiza- Jog et al., 1999; Graybiel and Kubota, 2003.) (See color plate 52.)

578 motor systems

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graybiel and mink: the basal ganglia and cognition 585

40 Computational Neuroanatomy of
Voluntary Motor Control
reza shadmehr and john w. krakauer

abstract We review some of the impairments in motor control, The computational problem of motor control
motor learning, and higher-order motor control in patients with
lesions of the cerebellum, parietal cortex, and basal ganglia. We In 1954, Fitts published a short paper in which he reported
attempt to explain some of these impairments in terms of compu-
tational ideas such as state estimation, optimization, prediction,
that there were regularities in people’s movements (Fitts,
cost, and reward. We suggest that a function of the cerebellum is 1954). He asked volunteers to move a pen from one “goal
system identification: to built internal models that predict sensory region” to another as fast and accurately as they could. He
outcome of motor commands and correct motor commands found that the movement durations grew logarithmically as
through internal feedback. A function of the parietal cortex is state a function of the distance between the goals (figure 40.1).
estimation: to integrate the predicted proprioceptive and visual
This relationship was modulated by two factors. One factor
outcomes with sensory feedback to form a belief about how the
commands affected the states of the body and the environment. was the size of the goal region. As the goal region became
A function of basal ganglia is related to optimal control: learning smaller, movements slowed down. A second factor was the
costs and rewards associated with sensory states and estimating the mass of the pen. People slowed their movements when they
“cost-to-go” during execution of a motor task. moved a heavier pen. To explain these results, consider that
the target box was surrounded by two penalty regions, so it
seems rational to aim for the center of the target box. What
if the penalty region was only on one side? Now one should
aim for a point farther away from the penalty region and not
at the center of the target box (Trommershauser, Gepshtein,
Over the last 25 years, a large body of experimental and Maloney, Landy, & Banks, 2005). This is because move-
theoretical work has been directed toward understanding ments have variability, and one will maximize reward (in
the computational basis of motor control, particularly visu- terms of sum of hits and misses) if one takes into account this
ally guided reaching. Roboticists and engineers largely initi- variability. This variability explains the speed of movements
ated this work, with the aim of deriving from first principles in Fitt’s experiment and the sensitivity to pen weight: Rapid
some of the strikingly stereotypical features of movements movements are more variable than slow movements, so one
observed in people and other primates. That is, they aimed should slow down if there is a need to be accurate. Moving
to understand why we move the way that we do. The theo- heavier objects tends to increase movement variability, again
ries began to explain why in reaching to pick up a cup or in requiring a reduced speed to maintain accuracy. Therefore
moving the eyes to look at an object, there was such consis- in planning our movements, our brain takes into account
tency in the detailed trajectory of the hand and the eyes. In movement variability because variability affects accuracy,
many ways, the approach was reminiscent of physics and its which in turn affects our ability to acquire reward.
earliest attempts to explain regularity in motion of celestial Harris and Wolpert (1998) began formalizing these ideas
objects except that the regularity was in our movements, and by linking variability and movement planning. They noted
the search was for theories that explained our behavior. that larger motor commands required larger neural activity,
Here, we will summarize these theories and then link them which in turn produced larger variability owing to a noise
to experimental findings in healthy subjects and in patients process that grew with the mean of the signal. Therefore,
with neurological disease. motor commands carried an accuracy cost because the
larger the command, the larger the standard deviation of the
reza shadmehr Laboratory for Computational Motor Control, noise that rides on top of the force produced by the muscles
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins School of (Jones, Hamilton, & Wolpert, 2002). Noise makes move-
Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
john w. krakauer The Motor Performance Laboratory, ments inaccurate.
Department of Neurology, Columbia University College of In a sense, the theory restated the purpose of move-
Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York ments using language of mathematics: Be as fast as possible,

shadmehr and krakauer: computational motor control 587

Todorov and Jordan (2002) recognized that a key com-
ponent of the problem was presence of feedback. One
type of feedback is from sensory receptors that monitor the
state of the body and the world. Another type of feedback is
from internal models that monitor the motor output and
predict their sensory consequences, effectively providing a
form of internal feedback. Internal predictions can be made
long before sensory feedback, making some very rapid
movements such as saccades depend entirely on internal
feedback (Chen-Harris, Joiner, Ethier, Zee, & Shadmehr,
2008). However, for longer movements, the two kinds of
information would need to be combined to form a belief
about the state of the body. Todorov and Jordan (2002)
suggested that a more appropriate mathematical approach
was to first describe the constraints of the task in terms of
a function that included explicit terms for gains and
losses and then maximize that function in the framework of
feedback control. This new formulation was a breakthrough
because it formally linked motor costs, expected rewards,
noise, sensory feedback, and internal models into a single,
Figure 40.1 Accuracy constraints affect control of reaching. coherent mathematical framework (see chapter 42 for a
Volunteers were instructed to tap the two goal regions with a pen thorough introduction).
as many times as possible during a 15-s period. Movement time We summarize this framework in figure 40.2A. At the
increased as the accuracy requirements increased (width of target
heart of the approach is the idea that we make movements
region decreased) and as the weight of the hand-held pen increased.
(Figure constructed from data in Fitts, 1954.) to achieve a rewarding state. The rewards we expect to
get and the costs we expect to pay determine the trajectory
while trying to be as accurate as the requirements imposed we choose to execute and how we will respond to sensory
by the task. However, by doing so, it forced the theorists feedback. To make the “best” movement, our brain needs
to think how one would actually achieve this optimality. to solve three kinds of problems: We need to be able to
Certainly, the solution to the problem could not be “hard accurately predict the sensory consequences of our motor
wired.” commands (this is called system identification), we need to
First, costs and rewards of tasks are not constant. Take combine these predictions with actual sensory feedback
the simple saccade task in which an animal is given more to form a belief about the state of our body and the world
reward for certain visual targets and less for others. Hikosaka (called state estimation), and then given this belief about the
and colleagues (Takikawa, Kawagoe, Itoh, Nakahara, & state of our body and the world, we have to adjust the
Hikosaka, 2002) examined eye trajectories when a monkey gains of the sensorimotor feedback loops so that our move-
was asked to make saccades to various target locations. They ments maximize some measure of performance (called
noted that peak speeds tended to be higher and less variable optimal control).
when saccades were to rewarded target locations. Therefore, Here, we will suggest a specific computational neuro-
when the expected rewards of the task change, movement anatomy of the motor system (figure 40.2B). In this frame-
planning responds to these changes. work, the basal ganglia help to form the expected costs of
Second, the brain alters movement planning as the the motor commands and the expected rewards of the
dynamics of the body or a tool change (e.g., the light versus sensory states. The cerebellum plays the role of predicting
heavy pens in figure 40.1). That is, the nervous system the sensory consequences of motor commands, that is, the
cannot rely on a motor plant that is time-invariant. Rather, expected changes in proprioceptive and visual feedback.
it seems more reasonable that the nervous system should The parietal cortex combines the expected sensory feedback
monitor these changes and form an internal model of the with the actual sensory feedback, computing a belief about
plant and/or the tool (Shadmehr & Mussa-Ivaldi, 1994). the current proprioceptive and visual states. Given the motor
Indeed, maintaining performance in something as simple costs and expected rewards of the sensory states, the premo-
as a saccade or a reach probably requires constant tor and the primary motor cortex assign “feedback gains” to
adjustment of this internal model (Smith, Ghazizadeh, the visual and proprioceptive states, respectively, resulting in
& Shadmehr, 2006; Kording, Tenenbaum, & Shadmehr, sensorimotor maps that transform the internal belief about
2007). states into motor commands.

588 motor systems

Figure 40.2 A schematic model for generating goal-directed movements. See the text for explanation of variables and box labels.

The computational problem in reaching the objective is to minimize the quantity (yv(t) − r)T (yv(t) − r)
at time t = N after the reach starts (e.g., this is the time that
Let us use the well-studied reach adaptation paradigm to the movement is rewarded if the cursor is in the target).
formulate the problem in the framework outlined in figure Superscript T is the transpose operator. To denote the fact
40.2. What are the costs and rewards of a reaching task? that this cost is zero except for time N, we write it as
Suppose that we are instructed to hold a tool and move it
so that a cursor displayed on a monitor arrives at a target. N

∑ ( y( ) − r ) Q (t ) ( yv(t ) − r )
t T
If we accomplish this in a specific time period, we are pro- v
t =1
vided a monetary reward, or juice, or perhaps a “target
explosion.” We can sense the position of the cursor yv and where the matrix Q is a measure of our cost at each time
the target r via vision and position of our arm yp via pro- step (which may be zero except at time N). That is, matrix
prioception. Through experience in the task, we learn that Q specifies how important it may be for us to put the cursor

shadmehr and krakauer: computational motor control 589

in the target. If we value the reward, then we set this variable Equation 3, we can now give a rationale for this cost: the
to be large. larger the motor commands, the larger the variance in the
There is also a cost associated with motor commands u. state of the system that we are trying to control. Therefore,
This cost may reflect a desire to be as frugal as possible with motor costs implicitly attempt to reduce the variance of the
our energy expenditure, or it may reflect the fact that the movement.
larger the motor commands, the larger the noise in the forces As motor commands are generated, we receive a continu-
that are produced by the muscles, resulting in variability. ous stream of sensory feedback y. We combine the predicted
This variability increases the difficulty in controlling the sensory feedback with the observed quantities to form a belief
movement. As a result, we want to produce the smallest about states:
amount of motor commands possible. Now the total cost
xˆ (t +1 t +1) = xˆ (t +1 t ) + K (t +1) ( y (t +1) − yˆ (t +1) ) (4)
In this equation, the term x̂ (t+1⎪t+1) is the belief state at time
J = ∑ ( yv(t ) − r ) Q (t ) ( yv(t ) − r ) + u (t )T Lu (t )
(1) t + 1, given that we have acquired sensory information at
t =1 that time. K is a mixing gain (or a Kalman gain) that deter-
mines how much we should change our belief on the basis
where matrix L is a measure of the costs associated with the
of the difference between what we predicted and what we
motor commands. The relative weight of Q and L is an
observed. Therefore, equation 2 describes how we make
internal measure of expected value of achieving the goal
predictions about sensory feedback, and equation 4 describes
versus expected motor costs.
how we combine the actual sensory observations with pre-
To be successful in this task (consistently arrive at the
dictions to update beliefs about states.
target in time), we need to find the motor commands that,
Our task is to perform the movement in a way that maxi-
on the one hand, are as small as possible and, on the other
mizes our chances for reward. If equation 2 is an accurate
hand, are large enough to get the cursor to the target in time.
model of how motor commands produce changes in the
To do so, we need some way to relate motor commands to
states, then we can use it as a set of constraints with which
their outcomes. This is called an internal model. For example,
to minimize equation 1. Because there is noise in our system,
through observation, we learn that moving the tool moves
the cost J in equation 1 is a stochastic variable. At each time
the cursor on the screen. In particular, motor commands u(t)
point during a movement, the best that we can do is minimize
are expected to produce proprioceptive and visual feedback
the expected value of this cost, given the state that we believe
ŷ (t) = [ŷ v(t), ŷ p(t)]. These are the expected sensory consequences
to be in and the motor commands that we have produced:
of our action. Here, we write this “internal model” as a
E{J (t)⎪x̂ (t−1), u(t−1)}. The term E{J(t)} reflects the expected
linear function of motor commands:
value of the cost-to-go, that is, the total cost remaining in
xˆ (t +1 t ) = Aˆ xˆ (t t ) + Bˆ u (t ) the current trial. The result is a feedback control “gain”:
yˆ (t ) = Hˆ xˆ (t ) (2)
u (t ) = −G (t ) xˆ (t t −1)
where x̂ (t⎪t) represents the predicted state (of our body and = −G p(t ) xˆ (pt t −1) − Gv(t ) xˆ v(t t −1) (5)
the world) at time t given the sensory feedback up until that
time, H is a transformation of those states to expected sensory The new variable G is a matrix that changes with time
feedback ŷ (t) (i.e., proprioception and vision), and x̂ (t+1⎪t) is during a movement. It tells us how at time t, we can trans-
predicted state at time t + 1 given the state and motor form beliefs in sensory states (in terms of proprioception
command at time t. Equation 2 describes an internal and vision) into motor commands so that we maximize per-
model of the dynamical system that we are trying to control. formance in the remaining task time. Therefore, in this
The actual dynamics of that system may be more compli- framework, motor planning refers to the time-sequence of
cated. For example, the motor commands may carry signal- sensorimotor gains G (t).
dependent noise åu(t), that is, a noise in which the standard
deviation grows with the size of the motor command. In Some examples
general, there may be similar signal-dependent noises on our
sensory system, åy(t). In sum, a reasonable representation of As an example, consider a simple task first described by Uno,
the stochastic system that we are trying to control might be Kawato, and Suzuki (1989) and shown in figure 40.3A. The
written as objective is to reach from point T1 to T2. In one condition,
the subject is holding a lightweight tool that moves freely in
x(t +1) = Ax(t ) + B ( u (t ) + å u(t ) )
air. In a second condition, the tool is attached to a spring that
y (t ) = H ( x(t ) + å (yt ) ) (3) pulls the hand to the right. Without the spring, people reach
(t)T (t)
In Equation 1, we introduced a motor cost u Lu , i.e., in a straight line. This is the path that minimizes the cost.
the larger the motor commands, the larger the cost. Using However, once the spring is attached, the straight path incurs

590 motor systems

Figure 40.3 Task dynamics affect reach trajectories. (A) The task
is to reach from point T1 to T2. In one condition, the reach takes
place in free space (straight line). In another condition, a spring is
attached to the hand. In this case, the subject chooses to move the
hand along an arc. (B) A velocity-dependent force field pushes the
hand perpendicular to its direction of motion. For example, for an
upward movement, the forces push the hand to the left. The motion
that minimizes cost of equation 1 is not a straight line but one that
has a curvature to the right. The data show hand paths for a typical
subject at start of training on day 1 and then at the end of training
each day. Except for the first and third trials, all other trajectories
are an average of 50 trials. (C ) A rationale for why a curved move-
ment is of lower cost. The curves show simulation results on forces
that the controller produces and speed of movement in the optimal
control scenario of equation 1 and in a scenario where the objective
is to minimize jerk. (A is redrawn from Uno et al., 1989. Data in
parts B and C are from Izawa et al., 2008.)

longer a straight line (Izawa, Rane, Donchin, & Shadmehr,

2008). For example, if the field pushes the hand to the
left, the policy that produces the least cost in terms of equa-
tion 1 is one that moves the hand slightly to the right of a
straight line, resulting in a curved movement that appears
to overcompensate for the forces (figure 40.3B). As subjects
train, their hand paths converge to this curved trajectory.
To see the rationale for this behavior, figure 40.3C plots the
forces produced by the optimal controller and compares it
to forces that must be produced if a mass is moving along a
“minimum-jerk” trajectory. By moving the hand along a
curved path, the optimal controller produces less total force:
It overcompensates early into the movement when the field
is weak but undercompensates at peak speed when the field
is strongest. Therefore, the curved path actually produces
less total force than a straight trajectory does. People produce
similarly curved trajectories when they move in such fields
(Thoroughman & Shadmehr, 2000).

The cerebellum: Predicting sensory consequences of motor

According to the theory, we generate motor commands on
the basis of beliefs about the state of our body and the envi-
ronment (equation 5). This state estimate depends on two
quantities: a prediction and an observation. The prediction
substantially more motor costs than a curved path. The comes from an internal model that uses a copy of the motor
curved path is the one that subjects choose (Uno et al., 1989). commands to estimate the state change that is expected to
In our second example, the task is to move one’s hand occur. The observation comes from the sensory system that
from one point to another in a given amount of time (450 ms), provides a measure of those state changes. That is, our
but now instead of a spring, there is a velocity-dependent beliefs are not based on our observations alone. Rather, our
field that pushes the hand perpendicular to its direction of beliefs are a combination of what we predicted and what we
motion. Before the field is imposed, the motion that mini- observed (Kording & Wolpert, 2004a; Vaziri, Diedrichsen,
mizes the cost (and maximizes probability of reward) is & Shadmehr, 2006).
simply a straight line with a bell-shaped velocity profile. Some movements are so fast that there is no time for
However, when the field is imposed, the solution is no the sensory system to play a role. A prominent example is

shadmehr and krakauer: computational motor control 591

control of saccades (rapid eye movements that move the The cerebellum and construction of internal models
eyes to a new location typically within 50–80 ms). Such
movements are too brief for visual feedback to influence It is not easy to make accurate predictions about the sensory
saccade trajectory. In fact, the brain actively suppresses consequences of motor commands; our muscles respond dif-
visual processing during saccades to reduce the perception ferently depending on their fatigue state, and our limbs move
of motion (Thiele, Henning, Kubischik, & Hoffmann, 2002). differently depending on whether we are holding a light or
Furthermore, proprioceptive signals from the eyes do not heavy object. To maintain accuracy of the predictions, our
play any significant role in controlling saccade trajectories brain needs to learn from the sensory feedback and adapt
(Keller & Robinson, 1971; Guthrie, Porter & Sparks, 1983). its internal model. This adaptation can be simple, such as
Thus the brain must guide saccade trajectories in the changing parameter values of a known structure (changing
absence of sensory feedback. How is this accomplished? A, B, or H in equation 2), or complex, such as identifying
A plausible solution is for the brain to use an internal estimate the structure de novo (replacing the linear form of equation
of the state of the eye, derived from a copy of ongoing 2 with some nonlinear function). Adjusting the parameters
motor commands (Robinson, 1975). This internal feedback of an existing model produces rapid adaptation, whereas
probably accounts for the fact that variability at saccade learning a new structure is likely to require much practice.
initiation is partially corrected as the saccade progresses The cerebellum appears to be one of the crucial sites for
(Quaia, Pare, Wurtz, & Optican, 2000). That is, saccades both processes.
are steered midflight via an internal feedback system Cerebellar damage often prevents individuals from learn-
(Chen-Harris et al., 2008). ing how to use novel tools. For example, when subjects are
What are the neural substrates of this internal feedback? asked to move the handle of a robotic tool to manipulate
The available evidence points to the cerebellum (Optican cursor positions, they may not be able to learn to compen-
& Quaia, 2002; Optican, 2005). That is, the cerebellum sate for forces generated by the robot (Maschke, Gomez,
appears to act as a forward model of the plant to produce Ebner, & Konczak, 2004; Smith & Shadmehr, 2005) or to
midflight corrections. A simple experiment can test whether compensate for the novel visual feedback through a mirror
the cerebellum plays a role in predicting consequences of (Sanes, Dimitrov, & Hallett, 1990). If the cerebellum is the
self-generated motor commands. Nowak, Timmann, and crucial site for learning internal models, then it probably
Hermsdorfer (2007) asked subjects to hold a force transducer makes its contribution to control of reaching via its outputs
that measures grip force, and then they attached a basket to to the thalamus, which in turn projects to the cerebral cortex.
the transducer. The experimenter dropped a ball into the In humans, it is possible to reversibly disrupt this pathway.
basket. When the ball dropped, it exerted a downward force Essential tremor patients are occasionally treated with deep-
on the hand. The subject responded by squeezing the trans- brain stimulators that artificially disrupt the ventrolateral
ducer so that it would not slip out of his or her hand. Because thalamus, improving their tremor. However, these patients
there are delays in sensing the impact of the ball, the grip learn the reach task better when the stimulator is turned off
response came about 100 ms after the ball’s impact. Nowak (Chen, Hua, Smith, Lenz, & Shadmehr, 2006). In contrast,
and colleagues (2007) described patient HK, who did not patients with damage to the basal ganglia showed little
have a cerebellum, owing to a very rare developmental con- or no deficit in adaptation with either the robot task (Smith
dition. When the experimenter dropped the ball into the & Shadmehr, 2005) or the mirror task (Agostino, Sanes, &
basket, both the healthy individuals and HK showed the Hallett, 1996; Gabrieli, Stebbins, Singh, Willingham, &
delayed response. Therefore, the sensory feedback pathways Goetz, 1997). Therefore it seems quite likely that the cere-
appeared to be intact. In a subsequent trial, the subject bellum is a key structure that allows us to learn tool use.
(rather than the experimenter) dropped the ball. In a healthy Experiments show that the cerebellar damage causes
individual, the brain can predict that the release of the ball abnormalities in adaptation to both kinematic (Tseng,
will soon result in an impact that will increase the downward Diedrichsen, Krakauer, Shadmehr, & Bastian, 2007) and
load. In anticipation of this event, the healthy individual force (Smith & Shadmehr, 2005) perturbations. One unifying
squeezed the basket’s handle harder around the time when concept is that the cerebellum may be the site of the internal
the ball was released. HK, however, could not make this model that predicts the sensory consequences of motor com-
anticipatory adjustment. Rather, she responded to the per- mands (equation 2). The output of the internal model could
turbation in the same way that she responded when the ball be used to generate a prediction error that drives adaptation
was dropped by the experimenter. Therefore, the cerebel- and also be used to update a previous estimate of limb state.
lum appears to be required for the ability to predict the Support for this idea comes from a recent experiment in
sensory consequences of motor commands (Wolpert, Miall, which transcranial magnetic stimulation was used to disrupt
& Kawato, 1998). the lateral cerebellum in human subjects while they slowly

592 motor systems

moved their arm in preparation for making a rapid reaching in the pool with the likelihood of the platform (and therefore
movement (Miall, Christensen, Owen, & Stanley, 2007). the likelihood of not having to be wet).
Reaching errors in initial direction and final finger position Once the map has been learned, the animal can find the
suggested that the reaching movements had been made from platform regardless of where the rat is released into the water
an estimated hand position that was approximately 140 ms because the map is with respect to the cues on the walls. If
out of date, consistent with a role for the cerebellum in itera- the platform is removed, the normal animal will spend most
tively updating limb state. of the time searching in the region where the platform should
be. Sometimes, certain cues are rewarding no matter where
Learning the rewarding nature of sensory states they are located. Consider a pool where there are two hidden
platforms: one that is large enough for the rat to mount and
You might expect that a severely amnesic individual who one that is too small. Both have a distinct visual cue associ-
was performing a novel task would have to be regularly ated with them: a little flag attached to each platform, each
reminded of the task’s instructions. For example, if it is a of a different color, sticking out of the water. Suppose that
reaching task, we might have to repeat “try to move the the flag attached to the large platform is red and the flag
cursor to the target fast enough so it explodes.” However, attached to the small platform is green. The platforms may
when we examined the severely amnesic patient HM on the be positioned in any part of the pool and will change from
standard reach adaptation task with the robot (Shadmehr, trial to trial. Therefore, in this experiment, the animal needs
Brandt, & Corkin, 1998), after he had exploded a few targets, to learn that the red flag indicates the location of the suitable
he no longer needed verbal reminders. The visual appear- platform and is a rewarding object. In another version of the
ance of the target was enough for him to initiate a reaching experiment, the large platform will always be located in a
movement. Strikingly, when he returned a few hours later particular spatial location, but the flag on top of it will be a
(or the next day), he voluntarily reached for the robot handle random color. In this version of the experiment, the animal
and began preparing for onset of targets by moving the needs to learn that it is not the color of the flag that is impor-
cursor to the center location (naïve individuals avoid touch- tant, but the spatial location.
ing the machine). It was clear that despite having no con- We see that there is a natural competition between the
scious recollection of having done the task before, some part learning systems that might be involved in these two condi-
of HM’s brain recognized that the contraption was a tool tions: Is the platform in the same “place” as before (where
that had a particular purpose: to manipulate cursors on a place refers to a location in the spatial map), or is the plat-
screen. This behavior suggested that during the first session, form always where the red flag is located? Packard and
he implicitly learned the reward basis of the task (equation McGaugh (1992) performed both experiments by having
1). (For HM, the target explosion triggered a childhood their animals swim eight times per day for a number of days.
memory of going bird hunting. As he was performing the They recorded the number of times the animals mounted
task and was able to get a target explosion, he would spend the small platform and labeled these as errors. In the first
the next few minutes describing the memory in detail: the experiment, in which reward was associated with the red
type of gun that he used, the porch in the rear of his child- flag, healthy animals gradually learned to swim to the red
hood home, the terrain of the woods in his backyard, and flag. Interestingly, animals with damage to the medial tem-
the kinds of birds that he hunted.) What brain regions were poral lobe learned the task just as well as the healthy controls
involved in learning the rewarding nature of bringing the did. However, animals with damage to the caudate nucleus
cursor to the target? were much slower in learning the association. After days of
Experiments on action selection in rodents provide impor- training, they continued to attempt to mount the platform
tant insights into this question. For example, suppose that a under the green flag. Therefore it appears that the ability to
rat is released into a pool of water from some random start- associate reward to stimuli regardless of its spatial location
ing point. A platform is positioned in a specific location just depends on the basal ganglia.
below the water line and cannot be seen. The platform is In the second experiment, in which reward was associated
always at the same location in the pool. Rats dislike being with a spatial location, healthy animals gradually learned
wet and will try to find a way to elevate themselves. The to swim to that location and ignore the color of the flag.
normal rat can learn to locate the platform position by Animals with damage to the caudate nucleus performed
paying attention to the visual cues that surround the pool. similarly to the healthy controls. However, animals with
This requires learning a spatial map of where the platform damage to the medial temporal lobe were much slower in
is located with respect to the surrounding visual cues. With learning the association. Therefore the ability to associate
repeated swims, the animal learns a spatial map. This spatial reward to a spatial location depends on the medial temporal
map is analogous to a reward function that associates places lobe.

shadmehr and krakauer: computational motor control 593

Returning to our observations in HM, we would speculate speed increased, subjects took longer (required more trials)
that it was his basal ganglia that learned that if he were to to accumulate a set number of movements at the required
place the cursor in the box on the screen and do so rapidly, speed. This reluctance to move faster could be explained by
a rewarding state would be experienced (explosions, which the increase in required energy as well as by the degradation
triggered a pleasant childhood memory). During the later of spatial accuracy and thus did not disambiguate the con-
sessions, the visual appearance of the machine and the act tribution of these two costs. We then compared the perfor-
of holding its handle likely triggered a recall of this reward mance of patients with Parkinson’s disease to that of control
structure. subjects in this task. Parkinson’s disease patients demon-
strated normal spatial accuracy in each condition but
Effects of striatal damage on the assessment of required more trials than controls to accumulate the required
movement costs and rewards number of movements in each speed range. The patients’
increased reluctance to execute movements requiring greater
One of the striking features of damage to the human stria- effort, in spite of preserved spatial accuracy, provided exper-
tum is micrographia, an impairment of writing in which imental demonstration of the contribution of energy cost to
letters become very small and writing speed becomes slow. speed selection, independent of spatial accuracy. The impli-
This condition is most common in degenerative diseases of cation is that bradykinesia results when striatal dysfunction
the basal ganglia such as Parkinson’s disease (Van Gemmert, changes the value of effort minimization (increased sensitiv-
Teulings, & Stelmach, 2001). However, it can also occur ity to effort cost; L in equation 1) relative to that of accuracy
with focal lesions. Consider patient FF, an individual who optimization (error cost; Q in equation 1). Thus it appears
suffered an ischemic stroke in the left basal ganglia, in that the basal ganglia either provides the motor motivation
the head of the caudate nucleus and the anterior part of signal, which is then used to compute the cost-to-go else-
the putamen (Barbarulo, Grossi, Merola, Conson, & where, or is where the cost-to-go is computed.
Trojano, 2007). When FF was asked to copy a four- or eight-
letter string of characters, writing with the right hand Parietal cortex damage and state estimation
was much smaller than with the left hand. Micrographia
reflects an abnormal choice of speed and amplitude and is Sometimes goal states change as the task is being performed.
one manifestation of generalized slowing of movement For example, when one reaches to pick up a pen, the pen
(bradykinesia). may start rolling away. Healthy individuals have no prob-
In the optimal control framework, there are no desired lems adjusting their movements to compensate for this
trajectories for our movements. Rather, the path is a result change. However, parietal patients show particular difficul-
of a control policy (equation 5), which itself is a result of ties with this task. For example, if parietal damage impairs
minimization of a cost (equation 1). The cost depends on representation of visual states contralateral to the fixation,
two quantities: spatial accuracy (error cost) and required then motion of the goal state to this region during a move-
effort (energy cost). Accuracy requirements influence speed ment impairs the ability to adjust the reach mid-flight. Grea
selection, due to the signal-dependent noise property of and colleagues (2002) observed this phenomenon in a patient
motor commands. The desired accuracy of a movement with bilateral posterior parietal cortex damage. The patient
sets an upper limit on the maximum speed of a movement. had no problems reaching to targets in central fixation.
The accuracy term of the cost function offers an explanation However, when the target shifted to the right at reach onset,
for the wealth of experimental data demonstrating speed- the subject continued to reach to the original location of the
accuracy tradeoff in reaching movements. Normal move- target as if the target had not moved.
ments, however, do not appear to be made at the limits Disruption of the parietal cortex in healthy individuals
imposed by the speed-accuracy tradeoff: We can reach for can produce a similar phenomenon. Desmurget and col-
an object faster than usual without appreciable loss of accu- leagues (1999) provided a single pulse via a transcranial
racy. Although very little experimental data exist on spon- magnetic stimulator as the reach to the target began. On
taneous speed selection, the effort term of the cost function trials in which the target jumped, most of the participants
offers a potential explanation for this phenomenon; that is, had hand movements that disregarded the shift in the target
perhaps micrographia is an indication of an abnormally high location.
motor cost. Let us examine these results in the framework of figure
One of us recently tested this idea that in Parkinson’s 40.2. The relevant state variables in this task include position
disease, there may be an abnormally high cost associated of the limb (in proprioceptive and visual coordinates) and
with motor commands (Mazzoni, Hristova, & Krakauer, the position of the target (in visual coordinates). As motor
2007). We required healthy control subjects to make accu- commands are generated, the forward model should update
rate reaching movements of specified speeds. As the required its predicted state of the limb. Generally, we expect targets

594 motor systems

to remain stationary, and therefore the output of the forward Finally, consider an experiment by Jax and Rosenbaum
model should continue to predict the target position. (2007) in which they asked subjects to make arm movements
Together, these predictions represent the prior belief about to an array of 12 targets positioned in a 16-cm radius circle
the state of the body and the world. The sensory feedback on a vertical screen. Targets were presented randomly, and
from proprioception and vision is integrated with this pre- in some trials, an obstacle was presented halfway between
diction to make a posterior belief. When the target jumps, the start and the target. The same target was never shown
the novel sensory information needs to be integrated with twice in a row. Interestingly, whenever a no-obstacle trial
the output of the forward model. If it is not, the reach will followed an obstacle trial, subjects made curved rather than
continue to the prior expectation of its location. The results straight trajectories. However, the movements straightened
noted above suggest that either this integration step is out when a no-obstacle trial followed another no-obstacle
affected by damage or stimulation of the parietal cortex or trial. Why make a suboptimal curved trajectory when you
that the sensory information outside the central fixation see that there is no obstacle?
region cannot reach the integration step. These results highlight a number of important problems
with our framework. First, without knowing precisely the
Limitations in applying the theory to biological costs and rewards of a movement, it will not be possible to
motor control make quantitatively reliable predictions of behavior. Without
a priori predictions, how can the theory be falsified?
This review of motor control has been written within the Second, what are the timescales of optimization? Is opti-
framework of optimal feedback control. At the heart of mization computed in the reaction time of each trial de
the theory is the conjecture that animals make voluntary novo? The timescale appears to be longer than a single trial,
movements in order to acquire the most reward while as exemplified by the example from Jax and Rosenbaum
expending the least effort. However, the theory cannot (2007). Certainly, new costs can be conjured up. For example,
make a behavioral prediction unless we can specify three in this case, we can assume that finding feedback control
kinds of information: (1) what the costs and rewards are; gains that minimize a cost requires neural processing that
(2) what the constraints are, that is, dynamics of the task; itself has a cost, so it might be more efficient to allow the
and (3) what the mechanisms of state estimation are. In solution in one trial to linger on to influence the solution in
this review, we have chosen a specific set of equations the next trial. Or perhaps there is a cost in switching control
to represent each kind of information. However, it is not policies.
difficult to find examples of behavior that are inconsistent Third, what is the timescale of system identification? Our
with our formulation. body changes over multiple timescales. Muscles fatigue and
The cost that we wrote in equation 1 is perhaps the sim- recover quickly, objects are lifted and replaced rapidly, yet
plest possible cost function for goal-directed movements. aging can produce gradual loss of motor neurons and trans-
How seriously can we take this specific representation? As formation of muscle fibers. In other words, the parameters
demonstrated by attempts to reverse-engineer the cost of the constraint equation and perhaps its structure are
(Kording & Wolpert, 2004b), the quadratic cost function changing over multiple timescales. Unfortunately, we cannot
should not be taken too seriously. make optimized movements unless we have an accurate set
Consider a set of experiments that highlighted the impor- of constraint equations, that is, an accurate internal model.
tance of costs associated with postural stability, a quantity When we see a suboptimum movement, can we dissociate
that we did not include in equation 1. Scheidt and Ghez the effects of an inaccurate internal model from effects of an
(2007) explored a task in which continuous random noise inaccurate cost function?
perturbed the hand at rest. This constraint encouraged Finally, what is the alternative hypothesis to this theory?
increasing the cocontraction levels of muscles. However, the At this time, the alternative is another cost or constraint, not
noise was present only during the postural phase of the task a fundamentally distinct theory. However, formalization of
and disappeared when subjects made a reaching movement. a theory is the key step that accelerates its evolution toward
They found that if a kinematic perturbation required adap- acceptance or rejection.
tation of the movement, the learning did not generalize to
the postural phase at the end of the movement. They sug- Conclusions
gested that the control processes that moved the limb
appeared distinct from control processes that set muscle The relationship between theories and the neural machinery
activity levels during posture. If so, do these processes have that implements them is still in the courtship stage, but
separate costs? A recent study suggests that the answer is yes, despite the separation, it has begun to bear modest fruit;
the weighting of postural cost is flexible and can be deter- theories have informed the neural basis of motor control in
mined by task context (Liu & Todorov, 2007). patients, while lesion studies have informed the algorithms

shadmehr and krakauer: computational motor control 595

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shadmehr and krakauer: computational motor control 597

41 Forward Models and State
Estimation in Posterior
Parietal Cortex
grant h. mulliken and richard a. andersen

abstract During on-line control of movement, the posterior dures (e.g., motor commands) that will cause a particular
parietal cortex (PPC) serves as a functional bridge between sensory state of the motor system to occur. While inverse models
and motor areas in the brain. One of the sensorimotor functions likely play an important role in sensorimotor control, they
of this area appears to be prediction of the state of the arm during
movement. Because sensory information is substantially delayed, it
will not be discussed further in this chapter; instead, we will
has been proposed that the brain makes use of an internal forward place emphasis on the forward model and, in particular, the
model that integrates both sensory and motor feedback signals to role of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in forward state
estimate current and upcoming positions and motions of the limb estimation for motor planning and control.
during reaching. These predicted states are more useful for rapid
on-line control than are delayed sensory signals. The first part of
this chapter focuses on investigations of on-line control mechanisms Movement intention and anticipation in PPC
in PPC. The results of these studies indicate that one of the func-
tions of PPC is to serve as a forward model. The second section PPC is a critical node for bridging sensory and motor rep-
highlights research that aims to read-out forward state estimates resentations in the brain. PPC associates multiple sensory
from PPC neurons and harness them for direct control of neural modalities (e.g., visual—the dominant sensory input to PPC,
somatosensory, and auditory) and transforms these inputs
into a representation that is useful for guiding actions to
objects in the external world (Andersen & Buneo, 2002).
A growing body of clinical and psychophysical evidence
Evidence from lesions studies indicates that damage to PPC
supports the theory that the brain makes use of an internal
results in an inability to link the sensory requirements of a
model during control of movement; a sensorimotor repre-
task with the appropriate motor behavior necessary to com-
sentation of the interaction of one’s self with the physical
plete it. For example, parietal lesion patients can have diffi-
world ( Jordan, 1995; Kawato, Furukawa, & Suzuki, 1987).
cultly planning skilled movements, a condition known as
Two primary types of internal models for sensorimotor
apraxia (Geshwind & Damasio, 1985). Impairments from
control have been proposed: the forward model and the
apraxia can range from an inability to properly perform an
inverse model. A forward model (i.e., forward output model)
instructed or desired arm movement to how to coordinate a
predicts the sensory consequences of a movement ( Jordan
specific sequence of movements to accomplish an end goal.
& Rumelhart, 1992; Miall & Wolpert, 1996; Wolpert,
Numerous neurophysiological studies in monkeys have
Ghahramani, & Jordan, 1995). That is, it mimics the behav-
shed light on the neural correlates of reach planning in PPC.
ior of a motor system by predicting the expected, upcoming
Monkeys have served as a successful model for studying
state of an end effector (e.g., sensory feedback of one’s own
sensorimotor representations in humans since the two
limb) using knowledge of the characteristic dynamics of the
species engage in a variety of similar sensorimotor behaviors.
system as well as stored copies of recently issued motor com-
Moreover, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
mands. Conversely, an inverse model encodes the motor
studies have provided evidence that PPC’s functional role is
commands necessary to produce a desired outcome (Atkeson,
similar in both monkeys and humans (Connolly, Andersen,
1989). That is, an inverse model estimates the set of proce-
& Goodale, 2003; DeSouza et al., 2000; Pellijeff, Bonilha,
Morgan, McKenzie, & Jackson, 2006; Rushworth, Paus,
grant h. mulliken Computational and Neural Systems, & Sipila, 2001). When trained monkeys plan a reach to
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California
richard a. andersen Computation and Neural Systems, Division an illuminated target, the firing rates of neurons in the
of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, medial bank of the intraparietal sulcus (MIP) generally reflect
California a combination of both sensory and motor parameters

mulliken and andersen: forward models in posterior parietal cortex 599

(Andersen & Buneo, 2002; Mountcastle, Lynch, Georgop- appearing in the future location of the RF), and adjusted
oulos, Sakata, & Acuna, 1975; Robinson, Goldberg, & their responses approximately 80 ms before the saccade was
Stanton, 1978). Importantly, during a memory period in launched. It is conceivable that this predictive updating
which the monkey must maintain a reach plan to the remem- relies upon a forward model of eye position within PPC,
bered location of an extinguished target, elevated neural which estimates the upcoming eye position from oculomotor
activity persists in PPC before the reach is executed, suggest- commands, though direct evidence of the anticipatory eye
ing that these neurons likely encode the intention to reach position signal itself in PPC has not been reported. An eye
rather than the visual stimulus location (Snyder, Batista, & position signal in PPC could potentially be derived from
Andersen, 1997). Furthermore, neural responses in MIP are passive sensory feedback from the eye muscles (Wang,
generally correlated more strongly with the motor goal, and Zhang, Cohen, & Goldberg, 2007) and/or the integration
not the visual cue, during antireach paradigms in which the of saccade command signals. It would be interesting to see
target cue direction is dissociated from the reach direction whether a component of the eye position signal in PPC
(Eskandar & Assad, 1999; Gail & Andersen, 2006; Kalaska might also encode anticipatory information (ahead of passive
& Crammond, 1995). sensory feedback) about the current state of the eye position
PPC is a reasonable location for a forward model of the during fixations between saccades. Evidence of updating
arm to reside (which would predict the sensory consequences RFs has also been reported in other brain areas; therefore it
of an upcoming arm movement command) given its substan- is quite possible that multiple regions are involved in encoding
tial reciprocal connections with downstream motor areas a forward model of the state of the eye. For instance, Sommer
( Johnson, Ferraina, Bianchi, & Caminiti, 1996; Jones & and Wurtz (2006) discovered a feedback circuit in which
Powell, 1970). Along these lines, many researchers have sug- the superior colliculus conveys a copy of the oculomotor
gested that the “early” discharge of neurons in area 5 prior command (i.e., corollary discharge) to the frontal eye field
to initiation of an arm movement might reflect the integra- (FEF), which they showed to be necessary for accurate
tion of an efference copy signal fed back to PPC from frontal updating of RFs in the FEF. Last, response field updating
motor areas (Kalaska, Caminiti, & Georgopoulos, 1983; neurons in PRR, which predominantly encode an intended
Seal, Gross, & Bioulac, 1982). Interestingly, Seal and col- reach direction in eye-centered coordinates, update their
leagues also showed that area 5 responses that occurred response fields when an intervening saccade occurs and
prior to movement onset were generally not sensory in thereby maintaining an eye-centered motor plan even when
origin and further demonstrated that these early responses gaze is shifted (Batista, Buneo, Snyder, & Anderson, 1999;
persisted even after deafferentation. However, some caution Buneo, Jarvis, Batista, & Andersen, 2002). It would be
should be advised in attempting to infer the causal flow of interesting to test whether the reach response fields of these
information in parietofrontal circuits during reach prepara- PRR neurons also exhibit anticipatory updating just before
tion using single-area correlation analyses. For instance, it is the eye moves, similar to the cells found in LIP by Duhamel
possible that planning and forward model prediction (which and colleagues (1992).
relies on efference copy) may be carried out by distinct
neural processes within PPC. Future simultaneous multiarea Reafference Cancellation in PPC A forward model’s
recordings, combined with microstimulation approaches, ability to predict the sensory consequences of an action is
may help to shed light on the directional flow of information useful to an organism because a given sensory outcome can
in these recurrent interarea circuits during movement be produced by a variety of potential causes (Claxton, 1975;
preparation. Cullen, 2004; Poulet & Hedwig, 2003; Roy & Cullen, 2004;
Sperry, 1950; Weiskrantz, Elliott, & Darlington, 1971). In
A Forward Model for Eye Position PPC is also a particular, the output of a forward model can be used as
possible candidate for a forward model of eye position, since an internal reference signal to cancel the sensory effects of
a variety of eye behavior–related signals, such as saccade and self-motion. For example, motion on our retina can occur
fixation responses, have been described in this region because of movement in the physical world (afference) or
(Mountcastle et al., 1975). Area 7a saccade responses begin because of motion induced by an eye movement itself
largely after a saccade occurs, while lateral intraparietal (reafference). Therefore to correctly perceive the motion of
(LIP) saccade responses can occur before, during, or after an external stimulus, the brain must distinguish afferent
saccades (Andersen, Essick, & Siegel, 1987). Interestingly, motion from reafferent motion. A subtractive comparison
Duhamel, Colby, and Goldberg (1992) showed that the between a forward model’s estimate of the expected sensory
receptive fields (RFs) of neurons in LIP can update their outcome of an eye movement and the actual sensory signals
receptive fields before an eye movement occurs. Forty-four could remove this retinal shift from our perception. For
percent (16 out of 36) of their LIP sample anticipated the example, such an internal reference signal is used for
sensory outcome of an impending saccade (i.e., a stimulus perceptual stability during smooth-pursuit eye movements

600 motor systems

(Bradley, Maxwell, Andersen, Banks, & Shenoy, 1996; display of the visual feedback of the subject’s hand on the
Haarmeier, Bunjes, Lindner, Berret, & Thier, 2001). computer screen and asked subjects to detect trials in which
Interestingly, clinical evidence presented by Haarmeier, they perceived a delay between the onset of their own hand
Thier, Repnow, and Peterson (1997) suggested that parieto- movement and the onset of the virtual movement on the
occipital regions may be involved in performing the screen. Interestingly, the researchers found that during self-
comparison between self-induced and external sensory generated movement, TMS impaired subjects’ ability to
motion during smooth-pursuit eye movements. detect asynchrony between the onset of actual and virtual
Reafference generation and comparison mechanisms are hand movements. In contrast, when subjects’ hands were
also likely employed for the perception of arm movements, passively moved without prior notice to the subject, their
for example, to distinguish self-generated arm movement judgments were not significantly impaired from pre-TMS
from movement in the environment (e.g., the movement of control conditions. These results suggest that PPC maintains
others) and/or the movement of one’s arm by an external a time-dependent representation of action that relies upon
force. Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging studies anticipatory mechanisms (and not only sensory feedback),
have provided evidence supporting PPC’s role in reconciling such as a forward model, to update the state of the arm. This
intentions with sensory consequences. For instance, Fink and internal state representation is important for making deci-
colleagues (1999) displayed nonveridical visual feedback of sions about both the temporal state and the attribution of
a subject’s left hand by displaying a mirror image of a sub- agency of a movement.
ject’s right hand while they performed a bimanual coordina-
tion task. Such incongruent visual feedback resulted in an Forward state estimation for on-line control
increase in bilateral PPC activation (area 40 and area 7) as
well as bilateral dorsal prefrontal cortex activation. Later, During execution of a goal-directed arm movement to
Farrer and colleagues (2003) performed an experiment in continuously guide the arm to a target, the brain must main-
which they systematically manipulated the degree of control tain an estimate of the time-varying state of the arm (e.g.,
with which subjects were able to perform a joystick task by position and velocity of the arm, coded in a variety of poten-
perturbing visual feedback of their hand movements, rotat- tial coordinate frames) and compare that state measurement
ing the direction of the virtual hand movement by a variable with the desired state of the movement. Unfortunately, the
amount (i.e., 25°, 50°, and a condition with no correspon- human brain, in particular PPC, does not have direct
dence). They found a graded activation in the inferior pari- access to the true state of the arm owing to delayed and
etal lobule, such that regional cerebral brain flow increased noise-corrupted measurements of the state from the visual
with decreasing levels of control felt by the subject. and proprioceptive domains; for example, visual signals typi-
Lesion studies have shown that damage to PPC can cally reach sensorimotor association areas of cortex after
lead to deficits in the attribution of agency. For example, a delay of approximately 90 ms (Raiguel, Xiao, Marcar, &
Sirigu, Daprati, Pradat-Diehl, Franck, and Jeannerod (1999) Orban, 1999), or 30 ms in the case of proprioception
showed that apraxia patients with left parietal lesions have (Petersen, Christensen, Morita, Sinkjaer, & Nielsen, 1998).
a greater tendency to confuse their own movements with the Subsequent processing delays are incurred during control,
movements of an experimenter. When patients’ visual feed- owing to sensorimotor integration, motor command genera-
back was substituted with the hand movements of an experi- tion, and execution, resulting in an average loop delay
menter (who attempted to perform the same movement), of more than 100 ms for proprioceptive control (Flanders
patients were more likely to confuse their right hand with & Cordo, 1989) and over 200 ms for visuomotor control
the “alien” hand (19% correct ownership judgment), relative (Georgopoulos, Kalaska, & Massey, 1981; Miall, Weir,
to normal control subjects (79% correct). Since the patient’s Wolpert, & Stein, 1993). These long delay times severely
intention and the outcome of the experimenter’s movement limit a feedback control system’s ability to make rapid adjust-
were largely congruent, patients needed to detect subtle spa- ments to an ongoing movement and thus increase the likeli-
tiotemporal discrepancies between the time-varying state of hood that a reach trajectory might become erroneous and/or
the expected state of their hand and the virtual hand on the unstable.
computer screen. The authors suggested that these deficits
were caused by damage to an internal model, which main- The Observer Framework Fortunately, the brain can
tains a time-varying representation of a movement in space. also monitor recently issued motor commands (i.e., efference
In a related study, MacDonald and colleagues tested whether copy), which can be transmitted centrally (e.g., from frontal
transient disruption of PPC using transcranial magnetic motor areas) with little delay time (e.g., one synapse +
stimulation (TMS) could affect subjects’ ability to determine transmission time < 10 ms) and used by a forward model to
the agency of an observed movement (MacDonald & Paus, form an estimate of the current or upcoming state of the arm
2003). Specifically, they introduced a lag time into the well in advance of late-arriving sensory information.

mulliken and andersen: forward models in posterior parietal cortex 601

Sensorimotor Planning Continuous Sensorimotor Control

Desired Inverse Motor Biomechanical

Trajectory Model Controller
uk Plant


+ Processing
- Observer

Initial Target Sensory ^-

Forward yk
State Location Correction Model

proprio. = -30 ms, visual = -90 ms

Figure 41.1 Flow diagram illustrating sensorimotor integration Following movement onset, the state of the arm is continuously
for reach planning and on-line control. Items in rounded boxes monitored and corrected, if necessary, to ensure successful comple-
denote pertinent sensorimotor variables; computational processes tion of the reach. Critical to rapid on-line correction of movement
are contained in rectangular boxes. Prior to a reach, an intended is the forward model, which generates an anticipatory, a priori
trajectory is formulated as a function of both the initial state of the estimate of the next state of the arm, x̂ k̄ , as a function of the previ-
arm and the desired endpoint, the target location. An inverse ous state and efference copy. Intermittent sensory feedback is used
model is used to determine a set of motor plans that will result in to refine the a priori estimate of the forward dynamics model
the desired trajectory. Motor plans are then issued (e.g., by primary (observer). The a posteriori current state estimate, x̂ k, can then be
motor cortex, M1) and subsequently executed by muscles acting evaluated to make corrections to subsequent motor commands.
upon the physical environment (i.e., biomechanical plant hexagon). (After Desmurget & Grafton, 2000.)

Since the output of the forward model reflects a best guess yk = H k x k + vk (state observation model) (2)
of the next state of the arm, errors due to various sources of
noise will inevitably accumulate over time for this estimate. where xk is the time-varying state of the arm at time step k
Therefore it is likely that sensory observations, which arrive and is modeled as a linear function of the previous state, xk−1,
at later times, are also continually integrated by the brain to and the control term, uk−1. The control term is considered to
update and refine the estimate of the forward model (Miall be a known motor command, which is likely specified by
& Wolpert, 1996) (figure 41.1). A system that estimates the frontal motor areas (e.g., primary motor or premotor cortex)
state of a movement by combining the output of a forward and then fed back to sensorimotor circuits performing state
model with sensory feedback about the state is generally estimation. For instance, the motor command at each time
referred to as an observer (Goodwin & Sin, 1984). For linear step might be determined by using an optimization proce-
systems in which the noise is additive and Gaussian, the dure that minimizes a cost function associated with carrying
optimal (i.e., in the mean squared error sense) observer is out a particular trajectory (Todorov, 2006). Here, yk is a
known as a Kalman filter (Kalman, 1960). Wolpert and col- sensory measurement (visual and proprioceptive) made at
leagues first applied the Kalman filter to model how subjects time step k. (Note that sensory feedback is in fact a delayed
estimate the sensorimotor state of the hand during goal- representation of the state of the arm.)
directed reaches. They showed that a Kalman filter could To estimate the state of the arm at each time step k, the
accurately account for subjects’ estimates of the perceived output of the forward model, x̂ −k (i.e., the a priori estimate),
end location of their hand while making arm movements in is linearly combined with the difference between the output
the dark (Wolpert et al., 1995). Therefore the Kalman filter of the observation model (i.e., the predicted sensory mea-
can serve as a useful theoretical model for studying senso- surement) and the actual sensory measurement. This dis-
rimotor state estimation in the brain. crepancy, the “sensory innovation,” is then optimally scaled
Two linear stochastic equations govern the basic opera- by the Kalman gain, Kk, to produce an a posteriori estimate
tion of the Kalman filter: of the state of the arm:

x k = Ak x k −1 + Buk −1 + wk −1 (forward model) (1) xˆk = xˆk + K k ( yk − Hxˆk− ) (3)

602 motor systems

In brief, discrete state estimation consists of a two-step recur- ary arm, she perceived it to drift slowly in space over 10–20
sive procedure such that the forward model generates an a seconds until eventually reporting it to disappear. When she
priori estimate of the state, which is next refined by poten- was asked to make slow-pointing movements to peripheral
tially innovative information gleaned from the sensory input targets while maintaining central fixation, large errors accu-
to form the final, a posteriori estimate. PPC, specifically the mulated in her trajectories (although self-paced movements
parietal reach region (PRR) and area 5, seems to be a rea- were not impaired).
sonable site for an observer for on-line control to reside,
since it has access to two key inputs to the observer model: Mental Simulation of Movement Evidence that PPC is
a large number of internal feedback connections from frontal involved in sensorimotor state estimation also comes from
areas (i.e., efference copy) and substantial sensory input from the study of the mental simulation of movement, which
both visual and somatosensory domains ( Johnson et al., presumably activates circuits that overlap with those engaged
1996; Jones & Powell, 1970). during motor control but inhibits execution of a movement
itself (Decety, 1996; Gerardin et al., 2000; Stephan et al.,
Continuous sensorimotor control and state estimation 1995). When normal healthy subjects imagine making a
in PPC goal-directed movement, mental simulation time typically
matches the time needed to execute that same movement
Clinical and psychophysical studies in humans have estab- (Decety & Michel, 1989; Donders, 1969). This suggests that
lished that PPC is involved not only in specifying movement the brain is able to maintain a realistic estimate of the state
plans, but also in the execution and control of ongoing of the hand over time while imagining a movement, despite
movement. For example, it is well known that lesions in sensory feedback being unavailable. Shadmehr and Krakauer
parietal cortex often lead to optic ataxia, that is, impairment (2008) interpreted this finding in the context of observer
in locating and reaching to stimuli in three-dimensional theory, suggesting that this capability indicates that the
space (Balint, 1909; Perenin & Vighetto, 1988; Rondot, brain/observer is able to rely entirely upon the output of a
Recondo, & Ribadeaudumas, 1977). For instance, optic forward model (in the absence of sensory feedback) to
ataxia patients have difficulty making rapid and “automatic” estimate the state of the arm during mental simulation (e.g.,
corrective movements when guiding the hand to targets Kalman gain in equation 3 is set to zero). Interestingly,
that have been jumped (Pisella et al., 2000). Similarly, patients with unilateral motor cortex lesions (Sirigu et al.,
Grea and colleagues (2002) reported a patient with bilateral 1995) who show prolonged movement times compared to
parietal lesions who was unable to amend her movement to normal control subjects are still able to accurately imagine
pick up a cylinder after it had been jumped to a new location the duration of their movements (i.e., the simulation time
at movement onset. Interestingly, instead of making correc- and execution time remain well matched for these patients).
tive movements during an initial trajectory, the subject Therefore, aberrant motor commands (u in equation 1) that
needed to perform two distinct movements: one that repre- are produced by the motor cortex could theoretically still be
sented the initial plan and a second movement to reach to used by an intact observer to predict the correct temporal
the new location of the cylinder. Using TMS applied to the sequence of hand states (and therefore the trajectory
posterior parietal cortex, Desmurget and colleagues (1999) duration), even for an impaired movement. Similarly,
were able to transiently disrupt the ability of most of their patients with lesions of the cerebellum (Kagerer, Bracha,
subjects to correct reaching trajectories made to targets that Wunderlich, Stelmach, & Bloedel, 1998) and of the basal
were displaced around the time of movement onset. Later, ganglia (Dominey, Decety, Broussolle, Chazot, & Jeannerod,
Della-Maggiore, Malfait, Ostry, and Pans (2004) showed 1995) also do not show a difference between simulation and
that TMS applied to PPC interfered with the ability of sub- execution times.
jects to adapt to novel force-field environments. An intrigu- While M1, the cerebellum, and the basal ganglia do not
ing, potentially unifying explanation for all of these deficits, appear to be critically involved in state estimation during
which was originally suggested by Wolpert, Goodbody, and simulated movements, PPC, by contrast, does appear to be
Husain (1998), is that PPC may serve as an observer, which essential for maintaining an internal representation of the
forms an internal estimate of the state of the arm during state of the hand, which is necessary for producing a consis-
movement. A failure to accurately maintain this estimate tent relationship between simulation and execution time.
on-line could result in an inability to monitor and therefore Sirigu and colleagues (1996) later reported an impairment
correct an ongoing movement. For example, Wolpert, in the ability to simulate a movement in patients with right
Goodbody, and Husain reported a parietal lesion patient PPC lesions: the time needed to mentally simulate a move-
who was unable to maintain an internal estimate of the state ment was significantly different (generally less) than the time
of her hand. She could not maintain a constant precision needed to execute the same movement. (Note that, similar
grip force in absence of vision; with no vision of her station- to motor cortex lesion patients, actual execution time was

mulliken and andersen: forward models in posterior parietal cortex 603

prolonged in comparison to control subjects.) This incon- during reaching movements made with a manipulandum
sistency suggests that the brain was unable to reliably (Ashe & Georgopoulos, 1994; Averbeck, Chafee, Crowe, &
estimate the state of the hand after damage to PPC. This Georgopoulous, 2005). These studies concluded that area
impairment could be explained by multiple possible failures 5 largely encodes a sensory (i.e., proprioceptive) representa-
of the observer model: (1) an error in the forward model tion that slightly lags the state of the movement (i.e., lag
(i.e., faulty A or B matrices in equation 1), (2) an error when time = −30 ms). More recently, we further investigated the
incorporating sensory feedback into the a priori estimate of neural representation of on-line directional control signals
the forward model (i.e., faulty H or K matrices in equation in both area 5 and MIP while monkeys performed center-
3) or (3) a combination of these. On the basis of known out and obstacle avoidance joystick trajectories under
strong sensory input to PPC, it is probable that PPC is central eye fixation (Mulliken, Musallam, & Andersen,
involved in integrating sensory feedback into the state esti- 2008a) (figures 41.2A and 41.2B). We analyzed the
mate. However, because visual and proprioceptive inputs correlations of single neurons recorded in both area 5
were effectively removed during the above mental simula- and PRR with the static goal angle (fixed angle from the
tion tasks (e.g., eyes were closed, muscle activity was absent), starting cursor position to the target) and the dynamic
it is less likely that erroneous state estimation was due exclu- movement angle of the cursor (angle of heading) during a
sively to faulty integration of sensory feedback. Also, most joystick task.
parietal lesion patients significantly underestimated the time To characterize a neuron’s dynamic tuning for movement
it would take to complete a movement when simulating it. angle, we constructed a space-time tuning function (STTF).
Such a systematic decrease in imagined movement duration Each horizontal slice in the STTF plots a neuron’s instan-
may have arisen due to an erroneous a priori estimate taneous firing rate as a function of the angle measured at
made by a forward model, whose transition matrices A and a particular lag time (Paninski, Fellows, Hatsopoulos, &
B govern the rate at which the arm propagates through Donoghue, 2004). For each lag time in the STTF, we also
space. Therefore these mental simulation results suggest that calculated the mutual information between firing rate
PPC is also involved in propagating the state of the arm and movement angle. The resultant temporal encoding
forward in time using a forward model (equation 1). If we function (TEF) indicated how strongly a neuron’s instanta-
assume that PPC incorporates sensory information into the neous firing rate encoded the movement angle at different
forward model state estimate as well, then PPC would be lag times (i.e., from past (lag time < 0) to future (lag time
best described as an observer, as Wolpert and colleagues > 0) angles). The lag time corresponding to the peak of the
suggested. TEF was considered to be the optimal lag time (OLT).
Figure 41.2C shows a representative movement angle STTF
Neural correlates of sensorimotor state estimation for a single neuron. This neuron encoded the most informa-
in PPC tion about the movement angle at an OLT of 0 ms and
therefore best encoded the current state of the movement
Psychophysical and clinical reports have pointed to both the angle (figure 41.2D).
parietal lobe and the cerebellum as candidate neural sub- For our PPC population, during the center-out task, 56%
strates for a forward model (Blakemore & Sirigu, 2003; Miall of task-related neurons encoded significant information
et al., 1993; Wolpert, Goodbody, & Husain, 1998; Wolpert, about the movement angle, and 75% of these significantly
Miall, & Kawato, 1998). For example, Desmurget and col- encoded the goal angle (note that PPC neurons appeared to
leagues suggested that PPC encodes a forward model of the be more engaged during the obstacle task: 79% encoded
arm’s dynamics, from which it may also compute an esti- movement angle, and 93% encoded goal angle). Interest-
mate of the motor error (i.e., the difference between the ingly, we found an anatomical correlate for the representa-
target vector and the movement vector), which could then tion of goal angle and movement angle in PPC: Mutual
be transformed into a corrective motor command by the information for goal angle increased gradually with record-
cerebellum (Desmurget & Grafton, 2000). While numerous ing depth in the sulcus, while movement angle information
studies have shown that PPC and the cerebellum are likely (peak information measured at OLT) decreased with depth.
to be involved in forward model control, finding direct A stronger encoding of target-related signals deeper in the
neural correlates of forward model state estimation in the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) and, conversely, a favored repre-
brain has proven difficult. sentation of hand movement–related activity in surface
regions of the IPS are consistent with findings from previous
On-line Directional Control Signals in PPC Previous PPC studies of reach planning, in which eye-centered target
encoding studies have shown that area 5 neurons are signals were commonly found in deeper structures such as
correlated with a variety of movement- and task-related PRR and more hand-related activity was reported for surface
parameters (most notably velocity and target position) area 5 neurons (Buneo et al., 2002).

604 motor systems



Firing rate (Hz)
C 18 20 22 24 26 28 D

Normalized mutual information

90 0.04
Lag time (ms)


30 0.03

0.02 Movement Angle
Goal Angle
-120 0
π/4 π/2 3π/4 π 5π/4 3π/2 7π/4 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120
Movement angle (radians) Lag time (ms)

Figure 41.2 Experimental design and representative neuron. (A) angles measured over a range of lag times (−120 ms ≤ τ ≤ 120 ms)
Example center-out trajectory showing the goal angle and move- relative to the firing rate. (D) Movement angle temporal encoding
ment angle, and their respective origins of reference. Large and function (TEF) and corresponding goal angle TEF, where mutual
medium-sized circles represent the target and fixation point, respec- information between firing rate and movement angle is plotted as
tively. Dots denote cursor position sampled at 15-ms intervals along a function of lag time. The firing rate contained the most informa-
the trajectory. (B) Example trajectories for obstacle task. The tion about the movement angle at an optimal lag time of 0 ms. The
dashed circle depicts the starting location of the target and is not dashed lines denote surrogate TEFs, for both movement (black-
visible once the target has been jumped to the periphery. The large dashed) and goal (gray-dashed) angles, that were derived from
gray circles represent the visual obstacle. (C ) Movement angle surrogate spike trains and actual angles. (Reprinted with permission
space-time tuning function (STTF). The contour plot shows the from Mulliken, Musallam, & Andersen, 2008a.)
average firing rate of a cell that occurred for different movement

Neurons that are significantly tuned for goal angle persis- past (negative-lag time), and many peaked around the
tently encode the static direction to the target, independent current state (zero-lag time).
of the changing state of the cursor. These cells were consis- It is helpful to interpret the OLT results in the context
tent with previous reports of target-sensitive tuning in area of the observer framework. Passive sensory feedback
5 (Ashe & Georgopoulos, 1994). Therefore, the intended (e.g., y in equation 2) would require at least 30–90 ms
goal of the trajectory is maintained in PPC during on-line (proprioceptive-visual) to reach PPC; consistent with some
control of movement. PPC neurons that are tuned for move- of the negative OLTs (≤−30 ms) observed here (Decety
ment angle encode dynamic information about the time- et al., 1994; Flanders & Cordo, 1989; Miall & Wolpert,
varying state of the cursor. Figure 41.3A shows TEFs for the 1996; Petersen et al., 1998; Raiguel et al., 1999). Conversely,
movement angle population. The histogram in figure 41.3B if PPC neurons were responsible for generating outgoing
summarizes the distribution of OLTs for the movement motor commands (u in equation 1), subsequent stages of
angle population, which was centered at 0 ± 90 ms and 30 processing and execution of the movement would require
± 90 ms, for the center-out and obstacle tasks, respectively at least 90–100 ms to produce the corresponding cursor
(median ± interquartile range (IQR)). These plots show that motion (Miall & Wolpert, 1996). For instance, similar analy-
movement angle neurons contained a temporal distribution ses for velocity have been performed in the primary motor
of information about the state of the ongoing movement; cortex and report average OLTs of approximately 90–
some neurons best represented states in the near future 100 ms (Ashe & Georgopoulos, 1994; Paninski et al., 2004).
(positive-lag time), some best represented states in the recent Therefore, it is unlikely that PPC is primarily driving motor

mulliken and andersen: forward models in posterior parietal cortex 605

which allows PPC to monitor the current and upcoming
states of the movement angle prior to the arrival of delayed
sensory feedback. It does not appear that this current-
state estimate is merely a blend of incoming sensory and
outgoing motor representations (i.e., a simple summation
of two modal distributions centered at negative and positive
lag times should result in a bimodal or potentially “flat”
distribution), since our OLT distributions appear to show
a pronounced unimodal peak around 0 ms. Furthermore,
the peak information (mutual information at the OLT)
encoded by neurons that were most clearly forward-
estimating (0 ≤ OLT ≤ 60 ms) was significantly larger than
the peak information encoded by the remaining population
of movement angle neurons (OLT ≤ −30 ms, or OLT ≥
90 ms). Therefore not only does PPC have a central ten-
dency to encode the current state of the movement angle,
but forward-estimating neurons also contained significantly
more information about the movement state than did
neurons with other OLTs, suggesting that these state esti-
mates are generated by some active computational process
(i.e., a forward model).
While it is likely that PPC relies upon a forward model
to estimate the current state of the cursor (i.e., a priori
estimate), it is also possible that sensory information is
integrated by PPC to update this estimate. As mentioned
above, it has been suggested that the a priori state estimate
is generated by the cerebellum and then sent to PPC
(Shadmehr & Krakauer, 2008). In this situation, these
authors suggested that PPC is responsible only for processing
afferent signals (i.e., matrix H in equation 2), specifying
the Kalman gain to optimally incorporate sensory infor-
mation into a refined, a posteriori state estimate. Given
known afferent projections to PPC (both visual and pro-
prioceptive) as well as evidence from our data demonstrating
that some movement angle neurons appear to encode
a passive sensory representation of the state (i.e., OLT <=
Figure 41.3 Population temporal encoding results. (A) Popula- −30 ms), it seems likely that PPC does integrate delayed
tion TEFs plotted for all movement angle neurons showing sensory information. However, on the basis of our data and
cell-normalized mutual information as a function of lag time. (B)
evidence from the mental simulation literature (discussed
Histogram summarizing the OLTs for movement angle neurons
for both center-out and obstacle tasks (summary statistic in upper- above), we suggest that PPC is also involved directly in
left corner: median ± interquartile range). Many of these neuron’s performing forward model computations, perhaps within a
OLTs were consistent with a forward estimate of the state of the reciprocal, functional loop that includes the cerebellum
movement angle, which did not directly reflect delayed sensory (Blakemore & Sirigu, 2003). That is, the forward state
feedback to PPC, nor were they compatible with outgoing motor estimates found in PPC most likely reflect the output of
commands from PPC. (Reprinted with permission from Mulliken,
Musallam, & Andersen, 2008a.) (See color plate 53.) an observer, which is involved in both performing the com-
putations of the forward model and integrating sensory
cortex with feedforward commands, since it would be feedback into the state estimate.
expected that PPC should lead the movement state by
more than motor cortex does, on average (i.e., OLT Dynamic Tuning and Separability of Movement Angle
> 90 ms). Neither passive sensory feedback nor efferent STTF Further support for state estimation in PPC was
motor explanations best account for the responses of obtained from analyzing the spatiotemporal encoding
neurons whose OLTs fall between −30 and 60 ms. Instead, properties of movement angle STTFs. We measured changes
these cells appear to encode a forward-state estimate, in the preferred direction of a neuron, qpd, over a range of

606 motor systems

lag times. qpd is the movement angle at which a neuron fired the center-out and obstacle tasks, respectively (figure 41.4C ).
maximally for a particular lag time. We reasoned that if qpd The distribution of fractional energies contained in the first
did not vary significantly as a function of lag time compared singular value is shown in figure 41.4D.
to changes that occurred in the movement angle itself, then These results suggest that dynamic sensorimotor control
that neuron encoded a mostly straight trajectory. Across the mechanisms in PPC encode mostly straight and instanta-
population of movement angle neurons, most neurons’ neous trajectories, with a less substantial component of the
STTFs exhibited small changes in qpd as a function of lag neurons’ firing rates arising because of nonlinear encoding
time, which were significantly less than changes observed in mechanisms that may reflect the slight curvature we observed
the actual movement angle in the trajectories themselves in the STTFs. This interpretation is consistent with PPC
(figure 41.4AB). neurons encoding a state estimate of the movement direc-
We performed an additional separability analysis to tion, such that the majority of information is encoded at a
further characterize the relationship between angle and lag cell’s OLT, with decreasing information encoded away from
time encoded by a neuron’s STTF. A perfectly separable the OLT. (Note that a perfectly instantaneous state estimate,
STTF indicates that the lag time and angle were encoded that is, a delta function, should not be expected due to auto-
independently of one another. We determined that the pop- correlation present in continuous motor variables such as
ulation of movement angle neurons was largely separable in movement angle.)
the angle-time plane by using singular value decomposition
(SVD) (Mazer, Vinje, McDermott, Schiller, & Gallant, 2002; Reading out the dynamic state of a cursor from PPC
Pena & Konishi, 2001). We calculated the fractional energy
contained in the singular values for each cell’s movement It would be interesting to test whether a dynamic state esti-
angle STTF; 92.0 ± 14.7% and 78.9 ± 25.8% of energy mate in PPC, presumably reflecting the operation of an
(median + IQR) was contained in the first singular value, for observer, could be used to causally control an external device

Firing rate (Hz)

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
A B 2π/3
120 6

Center-out neural
s.d. of Δ PD (radians)

90 Center-out behavior
Lag time (ms)

60 π/2 Obstacle neural

Obstacle behavior




0 π/3 2π/3 π 4π/3 5π/3 2π -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120
Movement angle (radians) Time relative to OLT (ms)
C100 D
90 Center-out 80 Center-out
# Movement angle cells
Fractional energy (%)

80 Obstacle 70 Obstacle
70 60
60 50
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Singular value FE in 1st singular value (%)

Figure 41.4 Curvature and separability of STTFs. (A) Example of fractional energy (FE) accounted for by each singular vector in
STTF containing slight curvature. The qpd of this cell (dashed line) the singular vector decomposition (SVD) analysis. The majority of
changed smoothly but slightly as a function of lag time. (B) Stan- energy in movement angles STTFs was captured by the first sin-
dard deviation of the population’s distribution of qpd changes (sdq), gular vectors for the center-out and obstacle tasks, respectively. (D)
plotted as a function of time relative to the OLT. For both center- Population histogram showing distribution of FE of the first singu-
out and obstacle tasks, the population sdq (neural, solid lines) was lar value for all movement angle cells. (Reprinted with permission
significantly less than the sdq for the actual movement angle (behav- from Mulliken, Musallam, & Andersen, 2008a.)
ior, dashed lines) over the same time range. (C ) Population summary

mulliken and andersen: forward models in posterior parietal cortex 607

besides our own limbs. During recent years, several groups (Musallam, Corneil, Greger, Scherberger, & Andersen,
have leveraged the findings from decades of primate neuro- 2004; Santhanam et al., 2006). Sensorimotor areas of cortex,
physiology toward the development of an important medical particularly those that are strongly innervated by visual feed-
application: a neural prosthesis to assist paralyzed individu- back projections (e.g., PPC) represent candidate regions that
als. A neural prosthesis would directly read out the desired are potentially useful for driving a neural prosthesis since a
movement intentions of a patient from regions of the brain primary source of input, visual information, is typically
that are not affected by injury or disease. uncompromised after paralysis (figure 41.5).
Several groups have successfully extracted continuous
movement information (i.e., trajectories) from motor corti- Offline Decoding of Trajectories We recently built
ces, such as M1 and dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) (Carmena upon the work of Musallam and colleagues and demonstrated
et al., 2003; Kennedy, Bakay, Moore, Adams, & Goldwaithe, that a PPC prosthesis can also be used to perform continuous
2000; Musallam et al., 2004; Patil, Carmena, Nicolelis, control of a computer cursor (Mulliken, Musallam, &
& Turner, 2004; Santhanam, Ryu, Yu, Afshar, & Shenoy, Anderson, 2008b). First, we showed that we could reliably
2006; Serruya, Hatsopoulos, Paninski, Fellows, & reconstruct monkeys’ trajectories off-line using a small
Donoghue, 2002; Shenoy et al., 2003; Taylor, Tillery, & ensemble of PPC cells. For example, decoding from just five
Schwartz, 2002; Wessberg et al., 2000; Wolpaw & McFar- single neurons using a Kalman filter, we demonstrated that
land, 2004). In contrast to signals extracted from M1, which we could account for more than 70% of the variance in the
are more likely to encode movement execution signals that cursor position. Interestingly, by extracting information
are represented in a musculoskeletal reference frame, high- about the goal of a trajectory (i.e., target information that is
level visuomotor signals can be found in earlier stages of also known to be encoded in PPC) and incorporating it into
the dorsal visual pathway, such as in PPC or PMd. For the Kalman filter framework, we were able to significantly
example, the goal of a reach in visual coordinates has been improve the accuracy of the decoded estimate (on average
decoded successfully from both PPC and PMd neurons by 17% over a standard Kalman filter).

Decoding Trajectories Using a PPC Prosthesis

Dynamic State
Trajectory of
External Effector
PPC (Observer)

Figure 41.5 A neural prosthesis using PPC for trajectory control. pathway may still be largely intact, which includes PPC. Decoding
A spinal cord injury can render communication (afferent and effer- algorithms are designed to optimally estimate the state of the
ent) between somatosensory and motor areas of cortex and the effector from the measurement of neural activity from PPC
limbs useless. However, the integrity of the “vision for action” ensembles.

608 motor systems

In these decoding experiments, we presumably were The ability to extract both trajectory and goal information
decoding from the output of an observer, thereby harness- from neural activity makes this brain area an attractive
ing a forward estimate of the expected (e.g., current) target for a neural prosthesis. For example, a continuous
sensorimotor state of the cursor. To verify this, we also decoder that estimates the dynamic state of the cursor could
decoded the state (in this situation, the position and be improved by using target information to constrain the
velocity) of the cursor shifted in time relative to the instan- decoded trajectory on the basis of its inferred endpoint
taneous firing rate measurement, with lag times ranging (Srinivasan & Brown, 2007). The observation that these
from −300 ms to 300 ms, in 30-ms steps (where negative neurons appear to encode mostly straight lines in visual
lag times correspond to past movement states and positive space may prove to be more straightforward to decode. For
lag times correspond to future movement states). The optimal instance, PPC neurons may be more flexible for controlling
lag time (OLT) for decoding velocity using the G-Kalman a variety of end effectors, including but not limited to the
filter was 10 ms in the future, consistent with previous human arm. Finally, when training a prosthetic in a clinical
claims that PPC best represents the current state of the setting, the operator must rely on a patient’s ability to
velocity (Mulliken, Musallam, & Andersen, 2008a). The imagine moving an effector in space. Motor imagery studies
position of the cursor was best decoded slightly further suggest that PPC is a critical node for maintaining an accu-
into the future, at an OLT of approximately 40 ms. These rate estimate of the state of the hand during mental simula-
temporal decoding results suggest that the current or tion of movement. Therefore, we expect that PPC will be a
upcoming state of the cursor could be best extracted from useful site for extracting time-varying trajectory information
the PPC population by using the Kalman filter. These that accurately matches the desired, real-time sensory
results are by and large similar to the encoding analyses outcome of an intended movement trajectory. These find-
reported above, and they suggest that PPC is involved ings mark an important step forward in the development of
in maintaining an estimate of the current and upcoming a neural prosthesis using signals from PPC.
state of the cursor, consistent with the output of a forward
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mulliken and andersen: forward models in posterior parietal cortex 611

42 Parallels between Sensory and
Motor Information Processing
emanuel todorov

abstract The computational problems solved by the sensory and single point in time (1 s ago); if this can be done, then the
motor systems appear very different: One has to do with inferring clock will advance (to say 0.99 s ago), and the computation
the state of the world given sensory data, the other with generating will be repeated.
motor commands appropriate for given task goals. However recent
mathematical developments summarized in this chapter show that The above inference problem does not have a unique
these two problems are in many ways related. Therefore informa- solution, because there are many sequences of muscle activa-
tion processing in the sensory and motor systems may be more tions that could have caused the state transition we are trying
similar than was previously thought—not only in terms of compu- to explain. Even at the final time, the arm could be in many
tations, but also in terms of algorithms and neural representations. postures that all correspond to a successful grasp; thus the
Here, we explore these similarities and clarify some differences
between the two systems.
fictive measurement is incomplete. The same ill-posedness
is present in the control problem and is known as motor
redundancy (Bernstein, 1967). Inference problems do not
normally involve this kind of redundancy. Indeed, the infer-
Similarity between inference and control: An intuitive ence here is rather unusual: There is a period of time (1 s in
introduction our example) when there are no sensory measurements, and
the only available measurement at the end of the movement
Consider a control problem in which we want to achieve a is incomplete. We could consider a different control problem
certain goal at some point in time in the future—say, grasp that corresponds to a more usual inference problem involv-
a coffee cup within 1 s. To achieve this goal, the motor ing complete sensory measurements. That control problem
system has to generate a sequence of muscle activations that is one in which we are given a detailed goal state at each
result in joint torques that act on the musculoskeletal plant point in time, that is, a reference trajectory for all musculo-
in such a way that the fingers end up curled around the cup. skeletal degrees of freedom, and have to generate muscle
Actually, the motor system does not have to compute the activations so as to force the plant to track this trajectory.
entire sequence of muscle activations in advance. All it has When the latter control problem is mapped into an inference
to compute are the muscle activations right now, given the problem, the sequence of detailed goal states turns into a
current state of the world (including the body) and some sequence of complete sensory measurements, thus eliminat-
description of what the goal is. If the system is capable of ing redundancy. It is important to realize, however, that
performing this computation, then it will generate the result- trajectory tracking represents only a small fraction of eco-
ing muscle activations, the clock will advance to the next logically relevant behaviors (Todorov & Jordan, 2002). Thus
point in time, and the computation will be repeated. the natural control problem (which involves a large amount
How can this control problem be interpreted as an infer- of redundancy) corresponds to an unnatural inference
ence problem? Instead of aiming for a goal in the future, problem (in which sensory data are very sparse) and vice
imagine that the future is now and the goal has been achieved. versa. Inference is easier if complete sensory measurements
More precisely, shift the time axis by 1 s and create a fictive are available at all times; similarly, control is easier if detailed
sensory measurement corresponding to the hand grasping goal states are specified at all times.
the cup. The inference problem is now as follows: Given that This reasoning suggests that control is a harder problem
the fingers are around the cup and that the world was at a than inference, at least in the temporal domain. Indeed,
certain state 1 s ago, infer the muscle activations that caused inference in the absence of measurements is called predic-
the observed state transition. As in the control problem, all tion (except that here it is performed backward in time), and
that needs to be inferred are the muscle activations at a prediction tends to be hard. On the other hand, redundancy
makes it possible to be sloppy most of the time and still
emanuel todorov Department of Cognitive Science, University achieve the goal. This is because, even if the initial part of
of California San Diego, San Diego, California the movement somehow goes wrong, there is time later in

todorov: sensory and motor information processing 613

the movement to observe what happened and take correc- mountains and focusing on the arm and cup. In the latter
tive action. The analog of this property in the inference view, inference and control have similar spatial complexity
domain is that long-term predictions tend to be inaccurate, in terms of what needs to be computed (state estimate versus
while short-term predictions (which correspond to motor control signal). However, the input to this computation
commands close to the goal) are more accurate. (sensory data versus task goal) is always higher-dimensional
The above transformation from control to inference has for the sensory system.
been instantiated in formal models (Attias, 2003). This is The above transformation from estimation to control cor-
done by setting up a dynamic belief network (see below) responds to the idea of minimum-energy filtering (Mortensen,
that represents the states and actions at different points 1968), in which estimation is formulated as a minimum-
in time, treating the goal state as being observed, and per- energy tracking problem and is solved by using optimal
forming Bayesian inference to find the actions. The short- control methods. The shortcoming of this approach is that
coming of this approach is that inference is performed it yields only point estimates, while a lot of evidence (see
over the product space of states and actions, which for a below) indicates that the brain computes probability distri-
typical motor control problem is prohibitively large. In the butions rather than point estimates. In the rest of the chapter,
rest of the chapter, we will pursue a different approach, we will pursue a different approach in which the estimator
in which the control problem will turn out to be equivalent computes the full Bayesian posterior.
to an inference problem involving only states. Actions To summarize the main points in this section, the similari-
will be defined implicitly as transitions between inferred ties between control and estimation arise when task goals are
consecutive states. associated with sensory measurements and control signals
Now let us ask the opposite question: Can we start are associated with corrections to the state estimate. Our
with an inference problem and transform it into a control discussion was framed in the context of optimal control and
problem? Consider the problem of estimating the current optimal/Bayesian inference, which was not a coincidence.
state of the world, given our previous estimate and the Indeed, we will see below that optimality is the source of
current sensory measurement. One way to do this is to use these similarities.
a predictor-corrector method: Combine the previous esti-
mate with a model of one-step dynamics to obtain a predic-
Duality of Bayesian inference and optimal control
tion of the current state, and then correct the prediction so
as to make it more compatible with the current measure-
in isometric tasks
ment. The corrected estimate will achieve some tradeoff Here, we provide a concrete example illustrating the duality
between being close to the prediction and agreeing with the between Bayesian inference and optimal control. Let u be a
measurement. The corresponding control formulation is as vector of muscle activations, t the resulting vector of joint
follows. The entity being controlled (internally) is the state torques, and M the matrix of moment arms that maps muscle
estimate. The control signal corresponds to the correction forces (proportional to muscle activations under isometric
needed to achieve better agreement with the measurement. conditions) to joint torques: t = Mu. Isometric means that
Suppose the control is chosen so as to minimize a sum of there is no movement. Since there are more muscles than
two costs: an energy cost and an accuracy cost. The energy joints, a desired torque t* can be achieved by infinitely many
cost is minimal when there is no correction. The accuracy muscle activations u. This is a manifestation of motor redun-
cost is minimal when the correction is complete. The control dancy. To select one out of all possible u, the motor system
that minimizes the sum of these costs will lie somewhere in needs some selection criterion. Suppose that this criterion is
between the two extremes, thus achieving a similar tradeoff to keep the sum of squared muscle activations as small as
as the predictor-corrector method. possible. Then u can be found by minimizing the cost
We now see that in the spatial domain, inference can be function:
harder than control. This is because the estimator “controls” 2
½ t * − Mu + ½r u 2
(i.e., corrects) all aspects of the estimated state. In the coffee- (1)
drinking example, the estimator may deal not only with the The first term is an accuracy cost that is minimal when the
arm and the cup, but also with the picture on the wall, the desired torque is exactly achieved. The second term is an
mountains we can see through the window, and many other energy cost that is minimal when all muscle activations are
things that have no relevance to motor actions. Note, zero. The parameter r determines the relative importance of
however, that this implies a somewhat outdated view of the two. Quadratic cost functions are usually scaled by a
perception in which all aspects of the sensory input are pro- factor of ½ for convenience. We have shown (Todorov,
cessed in parallel on equal footing. In reality, perception may 2002) that the above cost function as well as more realistic
be geared toward serving the needs of the ongoing behavior, versions of it predict the empirical phenomenon of cosine
which in our example means ignoring the picture and the tuning, that is, the fact that muscle activation varies with the

614 motor systems

cosine of the angle between the mechanical pulling direction information-processing system that is subject to the same
of the muscle and the direction of end-effector force (Hoffman constraints could perform—in other words, near optimally.
& Strick, 1999). Indeed, optimality is becoming the theoretical framework of
We now turn to the corresponding inference problem, choice in studying both sensory and motor systems (Todorov,
which involves a Gaussian prior over the elements of u with 2004; Kording & Wolpert, 2006; Doya, Ishii, Pouget, &
mean 0 and variance 1/r and a fictitious measurement cor- Rao, 2007).
responding to goal achievement, namely, y = t*. Bayesian In the sensory domain, optimality corresponds to Bayes-
inference requires a generative model, that is, a model of ian inference. In the simplest setting, it involves three prob-
how the (noisy) sensory measurement was generated given ability distributions over the (relevant) state of world: the
the state. In this case, the generative model is y = Mu + e, prior, the likelihood, and the posterior. They are related
where the elements of e are Gaussian with mean 0 and vari- according to Bayes’ rule:
ance 1. Applying Bayes rule (see below) and using the posterior ( x ) ∝ likelihood ( y x ) prior ( x ) (3)
formula for a Gaussian, we obtain the posterior probability
of u given y: The prior summarizes everything that we know about

( )
2 the state of the world before observing the measurement.
p ( u y ) ∝ p ( y u ) p ( u ) ∝ exp −½ t * − Mu −½r u 2
(2) The likelihood (which formalizes the generative model) is the
Thus the posterior probability in the inference problem probability of measurement y being generated when the
(equation 2) coincides with the exponent of the negative cost world is in state x. The posterior summarizes everything that
in the control problem (equation 1); in particular, the most we know after the measurement is taken into account. If
probable muscle activations coincide with the optimal muscle there are multiple independent measurements, the right-
activations. hand side of equation 3 contains the product of the corre-
This completes our example of duality in isometric tasks. sponding likelihoods. The latter setting is used in models of
Although it is a simple example that does not involve cue integration, in which subjects are presented with two
state variables changing over time, it nevertheless illustrates (often incompatible) sensory cues and asked to estimate some
a key idea that is used extensively later. The idea is that property of the world. Such experiments have provided the
costs and probabilities are related by an exponential trans- simplest and perhaps most compelling evidence that percep-
formation. This is to be expected; costs add while probabili- tion relies on Bayesian inference (e.g., Ernst & Banks, 2002).
ties multiply, and it is the exponential transformation that The probability distributions that are used in these studies
turns sums into products. The same transformation shows are typically Gaussian.
up in other fields as well. In statistical mechanics, for example, Unlike the static nature of many cue integration experi-
the energy of a given state and the probability of finding the ments, sensory processing in the real world takes place in
system in that state at thermal equilibrium are related by time and requires integration of measurements obtained at
the Gibbs distribution, which is the exponent of the negative different points in time. This is called recursive estimation
energy. or filtering. The basic update scheme that is applied at each
We are now ready to develop a general form of duality point in time has the predictor-corrector form:
between optimal control and optimal/Bayesian inference p ( x ) ∝ l ( y x ) ∑ d ( x x prev ) p ( x prev ) (4)
over time. To this end, we will first review the concepts of x prev
optimality in sensory and motor processing and note the
Here, p(x) is the posterior at the current state, p(xprev) is the
similarities and differences between the two formalisms. This posterior at the previous state (which we have already com-
analysis will then indicate how the control problem should puted at the previous time step), l(y⎪x) is the likelihood func-
be phrased so as to become mathematically equivalent to tion, and d(x⎪xprev) is the stochastic one-step dynamics of the
Bayesian inference. world. In estimating the state of the body, the dynamics d
will also depend on the control signal that is available to the
Optimality in sensory and motor processing sensory system in the form of an efference copy. The product
of d and p, which is being summed over, is the joint probabil-
While all aspects of neural function have evolved to produce ity of x and xprev. The sum marginalizes out xprev and yields a
behavior that is beneficial to the organism, the evolutionary prediction (or prior) over x. In this way, the posterior at one
pressures on real-time sensory and motor processing may point in time is used to compute the prior at the next point
have been particularly strong and direct because of the in time. The multiplication by the likelihood l is the sensory-
crucial role that such processing plays in getting food to based correction discussed earlier.
the mouth, escaping predators, and generally keeping the A number of experimental findings support the notion of
organism alive. It is, then, not surprising that the under- Bayesian inference over time (Wolpert, Gharahmani, &
lying neural mechanisms perform about as well as any Jordan, 1995; Kording & Wolpert, 2004; Saunders & Knill,

todorov: sensory and motor information processing 615

Figure 42.1 Belief networks for Bayesian inference and optimal matically equivalent to Bayesian inference problems; thus they can
control. (A) Shaded nodes correspond to observed quantities; open be represented with belief networks. The forward kinematics play
nodes correspond to random variables whose (marginal) probabili- the role of a generative model and indicate whether the goal is
ties are to be computed. The dynamics model is the probability achieved by the current state of the plant. The actual generative
distribution of the next state given the current state. The generative model specifies a probability distribution proportional to exp(−q(x)),
model is the probability distribution of the sensory input given the where q(x) is the state cost.
state. (B) The optimal control problems in this chapter are mathe-

2004). These studies typically use arm movements, not so sensory measurements are generated as a function of world
much for the purpose of studying the motor system but as a states. This generative model may incorporate a model of
continuous readout of perception. Such studies demonstrate optics in vision or a model of acoustics in audition plus a
that subjects take into account multiple sources of informa- model of sensory transduction in the corresponding modal-
tion over time (visual and proprioceptive, along with internal ity. One can think of perception as a computational process
predictions) and rely on that information to guide move- that inverts the generative model in a probabilistic sense (this
ments. As in cue integration, the probability distributions idea goes back to Helmholtz).
that are assumed here are typically Gaussian. When the Optimality has also been applied in motor control, perhaps
dynamics are linear and all noise is Gaussian, the posterior even more extensively than in perception. This may be
is also Gaussian and can be computed by using the Kalman because, apart from its general appeal as an organizing prin-
filter. ciple, optimality appears to be the right way to resolve
There is a graphical representation of Bayesian inference redundancy. There is a wealth of experimental data (for
problems (figure 42.1A) that is known as a graphical model reviews, see Todorov, 2004; Kording & Wolpert, 2006) sug-
or a belief network (dynamic belief network when time is gesting that the motor system generates actions that maxi-
involved). This representation is very popular in statistics mize task performance or utility. Optimal control models
and machine learning (Pearl, 1988). Belief networks help us have accounted in parsimonious ways for numerous features
to understand the mathematical models intuitively and will of motor behavior on the levels of kinematics, dynamics, and
also be useful later in clarifying the relationship between muscle activity. There are two general approaches: open
estimation and control. To avoid confusion, keep in mind loop control and closed loop control. Open loop control
that unlike neural networks, the nodes in belief networks do precomputes the entire sequence of motor commands from
not correspond to neurons, and the arrows do not corre- now until the goal is achieved, while closed loop control (or
spond to synaptic connections. Instead, the nodes corre- feedback control) computes only the current motor command
spond to collections of random variables, whose probabilities given the current state estimate and then uses information
are presumably represented by populations of neurons. about the next state to compute the next command. Since
Strictly speaking, the arrows encode conditional probabili- movements are under continuous sensory guidance, the
ties, but in reality they often correspond to the causal rela- latter type of model corresponds more closely to what the
tions in the world, as illustrated in figure 42.1A. We show brain does. Although optimal feedback controllers are harder
only part of the network containing the states of the world to construct, we now have efficient algorithms and fast com-
at two consecutive points in time as well as the correspond- puters that enable us to explore such models.
ing sensory measurements/inputs. Solid gray circles denote Here is how optimal feedback control works in a nutshell:
variables whose values are observed and that therefore con- Define an instantaneous cost that accumulates over time and
tribute a likelihood function. Open circles denote variables yields a cumulative cost. The instantaneous cost is usually a
whose values are to be inferred. The forward arrows encode sum of a control cost r(u), which encourages energetic effi-
the stochastic dynamics of the world, that is, the one-step ciency, and a state cost q(x), which encourages accuracy or,
transition probability d. The downward arrows encode how more generally, getting to desirable states and avoiding

616 motor systems

undesirable states. Also define the one-step stochastic dynam- be more general. The continuous-time version can be
ics du(xnext⎪x), which is similar to the one-step transition prob- obtained as a special case by assuming Gaussian noise and
ability in Bayesian inference except that it now depends on taking a certain limit.
the control u explicitly. The objective is to find an optimal
control law, that is, a mapping from states to controls that General duality of Bayesian inference and
minimizes the expected cumulative cost. This computation optimal control
is facilitated by the optimal cost-to-go function v(x), defined
as the cost that is expected to accumulate if the plant is ini- Comparing equations 4 and 5, we can already see a similar-
tialized at state x and is controlled optimally thereafter. The ity between optimal control and Bayesian inference. The
optimal cost-to-go function plays a key role because it sum- state cost q and the likelihood l are related in the sense that
marizes all relevant information about the future and allows they both inject new information about x in each step of the
us to compute the optimal control at the present time using recursive process. The optimal cost-to-go v and the posterior
greedy optimization without look-ahead. This function is the p are related in the sense that they both accumulate informa-
unique solution to the Bellman equation: tion about x over time. The one-step dynamics d are present
⎡ ⎤ in both control and estimation. One equation involves sums,
v ( x ) = min ⎢q ( x ) + r ( u ) + ∑ du ( xnext x ) v ( xnext ) ⎥ (5) while the other involves products, but sums can be turned
⎣ xnext ⎦ into products by the exponential transformation. Yet we
The control u that achieves the minimum is the optimal also see a difference: While equation 4 specifies the posterior
control at the current state x. This equation is quite intuitive; p directly via an explicit formula, equation 5 specifies the
it says that the optimal cost-to-go can be broken down into optimal cost-to-go v indirectly as the solution to an unsolved
the instantaneous cost incurred at the current state when optimization problem. Neither the control cost r(u) nor the
applying the optimal control plus the optimal cost-to-go for dependence of du on u has an analog in 4, suggesting that
the movement originating at the next state. The expectation whether or not the optimal control problem is dual to a
(sum over xnext) is needed because the dynamics are stochastic Bayesian inference problem will depend on how we define
and the next state is known only in a probabilistic sense. r(u) and du.
Equation 5 can always be solved numerically by using To establish a general duality, we will define the control
dynamic programming, which involves computing the signal as a probability distribution over possible next states.
minimum over u and assigning it to v(x) for each x and each This is unusual but in retrospect natural. What controls do
time step. For large problems, however, this computation is is affect the plant dynamics. So we can characterize them
often intractable. directly in terms of how they affect the plant dynamics. For
One special case in which equation 5 can be solved effi- a stochastic plant, this characterization takes the form of a
ciently is the case of linear dynamics, Gaussian noise, and probability distribution u(xnext). Thus the one-step dynamics
quadratic costs. In such problems (known is LQG), the are simply
optimal cost-to-go is quadratic and can be computed with a
du ( xnext x ) = u ( xnext ) (6)
method very similar to the Kalman filter. Note that a Gauss-
ian is the exponent of a quadratic function, the product of According to this definition, the controller has the power to
two Gaussians is the exponent of the sum of the correspond- impose on the plant whatever dynamics it wishes. We will
ing quadratics, and a sum of quadratics is again a quadratic restrict this power somewhat, by defining the passive dynam-
(as illustrated in the isometric task example). So both the ics d(xnext⎪x) in the same way as in the inference problem and
Kalman filter and the LQG optimal controller are based on allowing u to be nonzero only if d is nonzero. The passive
manipulating quadratics; indeed, the underlying equations dynamics capture the effects of gravity, interaction forces,
are identical. This duality was discovered by Kalman (1960) and motor noise. The above restriction means that the
and was the first indication that optimal estimation and control signals can cause only those state transitions that
optimal control are closely related. We recently showed could have occurred by accident, that is, the noise and the
(Todorov, 2008) that Kalman’s duality is special to the LQG controls are restricted to act in the same subspace. For mus-
setting and does not generalize. However, there exists culoskeletal plants in which the controls correspond to
another form of duality that does generalize. It was devel- muscle activations, the noise model should be restricted to
oped by Mitter and Newton (2003) in continuous time and muscle space and should not be allowed to act directly on,
by Todorov (2006, 2008) in discrete time. The two develop- say, arm position (which would be physically unrealistic
ments are technically quite different yet yield related results. anyway). The above restriction also means that we cannot
Our presentation in the next section will use the discrete- model external perturbations acting on objects of interest.
time version, which is more intuitive and also turns out to Such perturbations are often used experimentally to probe

todorov: sensory and motor information processing 617

the visual feedback control laws; however, they are uncom- optimal control (i.e., the optimal next-state probability dis-
mon in the real world. tribution) at state x is
Having a model of passive or uncontrolled dynamics
u * ( xnext ) ∝ d ( xnext x ) z ( xnext ) (9)
allows us to define the control cost in a natural way. Intui-
tively, such a cost should measure how large the control This form of control is illustrated in figure 42.2. Given the
signals are. Larger control signals have larger effects on the current state x, we multiply the one-step passive dynamics
plant dynamics; that is, they push the plant farther away d(xnext⎪x) by the desirability z(xnext), normalize to obtain a
from its passive dynamics. This suggests a control cost that proper probability distribution u*(xnext), and sample the next
measures the difference between the probability distribu- state from it. Note that multiplication by the desirability z
tions u(xnext) and d(xnext⎪x). Differences between probability has the effect of shifting the passive dynamics d toward more
distributions are most commonly measured by using desirable states.
Kullback-Liebler (KL) divergence; thus the control cost will We still need to compute z. This is done by substituting
be defined as the optimal control (equation 9) into the Bellman equation
u ( xnext ) (equation 5), dropping the min operator, and exponentiating
r ( u ) = KL ( u, d ) = ∑ u ( xnext ) log (7) so as to obtain an update for z rather than v. The resulting
xnext d ( xnext x )
update is
Definitions 6 and 7 yield a family of control problems z ( x ) = exp ( −q ( x ) ) ∑ d ( xnext x ) z ( xnext ) (10)
that still satisfy the Bellman equation 5 but have additional xnext
structure that can be exploited. A control problem in our The similarity with Bayesian inference (equation 4) is now
family is defined by specifying the state cost q(x) and passive obvious: The desirability z corresponds to the posterior
dynamics d(xnext⎪x). Once q and d are given, we can substitute probability p, the exponentiated state cost exp(−q) corre-
equations 6 and 7 into equation 5 and observe that the sponds to the likelihood l, and the one-step transition prob-
minimization with respect to u can be performed analyti- ability d plays the same role in both cases. The only difference
cally, owing to properties of the KL divergence. We omit is that z is updated backward in time, while p is updated
the derivation and summarize the results. The results are forward in time. This is because control is about the future,
expressed most conveniently in terms of a desirability func- while inference is normally about the past. However, if we
tion defined as construct the inference problem as outlined earlier, that is,
z ( x ) = exp ( −v ( x ) ) (8) provide fictive sensory measurements in the future, then
Bayesian inference and optimal control become mathemati-
When the optimal cost-to-go v(x) is small, the function z(x)
cally equivalent.
is large, hence the term desirability. It also rhymes with prob-
Optimal control can then be represented with the belief
ability, which is appropriate because z will turn out to behave
network shown in figure 42.1B. This network is drawn
like a probability distribution. It can now be shown that the
upside-down so as to highlight an important difference
between inference and control. In inference, the known
quantities (sensory measurements) are near the periphery,
while in control, the known quantities (task goals) are deep
inside the CNS. Conversely, the outputs of the sensory
system are deep inside the CNS, while the outputs of the
motor system are close to the periphery. Both diagrams are
oriented so that the CNS is up and the periphery is down.
One network involves “world states,” and the other involves
“plant states”; however, these two notions of state may actu-
ally be similar. This is because the motor system has to rep-
resent not only the state of the body (plant), but also all
relevant aspects of the state of the environment, while the
Figure 42.2 Optimal control with probability distributions. The
passive dynamics d(xnext⎪x) is the probability distribution of the next sensory system may not represent all aspects of the world
state when the system is not controlled. The control u(xnext) is the but instead may focus on those relevant to the ongoing
probability distribution of the next state when the system is con- behavior.
trolled. The optimal control u*(xnext) is proportional to the product Thus far, estimation and control have been discussed
of the passive dynamics d(xnext⎪x) and the desirability function z(xnext).
separately, while in the brain they are performed simultane-
Multiplying a narrow probability distribution by a smooth function
has the effect of shifting the distribution along the gradient of that ously. Can we think of both sensory and motor processing
function. Thus the optimal control is similar in shape to the passive as being part of the same computation? This can be done
dynamics but is shifted towards more desirable states. by combining the two belief networks in figure 42.1 and

618 motor systems

performing Bayesian inference on the composite network. algorithm for solving it, and the implementation of the algo-
The sensory measurements in the past would be real, while rithm in software, hardware, or wetware. While this approach
those in the future would be fictive. The probability over has many merits, a significant drawback is that computa-
past states would encode what we believe has already hap- tional-level analyses tell us little about the underlying neural
pened, while the probability over future states would encode representations and the interactions among them. In this
what we believe will happen if we act optimally. The control section, we outline a somewhat different approach that
problem was set up in such a way that having a prediction enables us to relate intermediate representations to the
about the future is equivalent to specifying a control signal overall computation more directly. We will first develop
that turns this prediction into reality. Note that such a unified the idea for sensory systems and then see how it applies to
computational scheme would be only approximately optimal, motor systems.
because the controller here was designed with the assump- Intermediate sensory representations are often called
tion that the current state is known with certainty. This form “features” and are thought to be features of the “stimulus.”
of approximation tends to be quite accurate and is often used But what is a stimulus? Is it the sensory input, or is it the
in control engineering (it is known as certainty equivalence relevant aspect of the world reflected in the input? If features
control). The approximation fails when the uncertainty are defined as functions of the sensory input, then they do
about the state affects the optimal actions, as in tasks that not belong on the computational level, and we are back to
involve tradeoffs between exploration and goal achievement. Marr’s strict separation. Suppose instead that features are
In that case, the state in the control problem can be aug- statements about the state of the world. For example, suppose
mented with the uncertainty about the state in the inference that the activity of an “edge detector” in primary visual
problem (Simpkins, de Callafon, & Todorov, 2008). cortex is not a statement about the presence of an edge in
To summarize this section, we described a family of the retinal image, but a statement about the state of the
optimal control problems that are mathematically equiva- world that caused the retinal image to contain an edge. In
lent (i.e., dual) to Bayesian inference. The state costs and the this view, features are part of the generative model (figure
passive dynamics in our formulation are completely general 42.3A). The sensory input is modeled as a (probabilistic)
and can be defined in whatever way is necessary. The only function of the features instead of the other way around.
constraints are that the control signals must act in the same Bayesian inference can be applied to such a hierarchical
subspace as the passive dynamics and the control cost must generative model without modification. One prediction is
equal the KL divergence between the controlled and passive that at every intermediate level of sensory processing, there
dynamics. In the continuous-time limit, this control cost will be both bottom-up and top-down effects. This is because
reduces to the familiar quadratic energy cost. Control prob- the probability of any variable in a belief network generally
lems that do not satisfy the above constraints do not seem depends on all other variables. The beauty of this approach
to have exact duals, yet they can often be approximated with is that different levels of the generative model can be instan-
problems that satisfy the constraints (Todorov, 2006). tiated in different brain areas, and as long as the communi-
cation within and between areas corresponds to Bayesian
Intermediate representations: Sensory features and inference, the entire distributed system will perform a single
motor synergies computation, using perhaps a single algorithm (see below)
that operates in parallel on multiple representations.
On the system level, sensory processing performs a transfor- Let us now apply the same idea to the motor system. The
mation from sensory inputs to inferred states, while motor closest analog of a sensory feature in motor control is the
processing performs a transformation from task goals to notion of a motor synergy. It corresponds to some intermedi-
motor commands. However, neither transformation is per- ate representation that is more abstract than the full muscu-
formed monolithically by a single brain area. Instead, mul- loskeletal state but more detailed than the task goal. By
tiple brain areas are involved, and most of them use neural analogy to the sensory system, we propose that synergies are
representations that correspond to neither the input nor part of a hierarchical generative model, which in the case of
the output of the overall computation but to something the motor system is a (probabilistic) mapping from plant
in between. Similarly, if we analyze a typical computer states to task goals. Synergies are often thought to be related
program, we will notice that most of the variables that are to motor commands rather than plant states; however, recall
declared in it are internal variables that represent intermedi- that in our formulation, motor commands are implicit and
ate results. How do such intermediate representations relate can be recovered from the probability of the future states
to the overall computation? One way to address (or rather under the optimal controls. As illustrated in figure 42.3B,
avoid) this question is the computer science way, adapted to synergies can be used for both spatial and temporal abstrac-
neuroscience by Marr (1982). In this approach, one makes tion. For example, a synergy might be a statement about the
a strict distinction between the problem being solved, the shape of the fingertip trajectory over a short period of time.

todorov: sensory and motor information processing 619

Figure 42.3 Belief networks for hierarchical Bayesian inference spatial and temporal abstraction. This is done by using cost func-
and optimal control. (A) By defining intermediate sensory repre- tions of the form q(h(xt . . . xt + d)), where h are the synergy states and
sentations (features), we can construct hierarchical generative d is the temporal abstraction horizon. The synergies become part
models. The features become part of the model of how sensory of the model of how goal achievement depends on the plant state.
inputs depend on states of the world. They are not needed to build Control is about achieving goals that are removed in time, which
generative models but presumably facilitate the inversion of such requires unfolding the time axis and representing multiple time
models using Bayesian inference. (B) By defining intermediate steps. Limiting this unfolding to a fixed number of steps into the
motor representations (synergies) that depend on only some aspects future is called receding horizon control. At the horizon t + h, we
of the state but over extended periods of time, we can achieve both need some approximation of the desirability function z(xt + h).

The fact that the synergy corresponds to a period of time One might also ask where intermediate representations
and not a single point in time yields temporal abstraction. come from. In sensory systems, it has been shown that unsu-
The fact that the synergy corresponds to only some aspects pervised learning applied to collections of natural sensory
of the state of the plant and not the entire state (e.g., it does inputs can recover the features that are observed experimen-
not specify all the joint angles but only the fingertip position) tally. The most notable examples come from the visual
yields spatial abstraction. Different forms of spatial and tem- system (Olshausen & Field, 1996), although the approach
poral abstraction have played an important role in designing has also been applied successfully to the auditory system
automatic controllers for complex tasks, suggesting that the (Lewicki, 2002). Unsupervised learning looks for statistical
brain may also rely on such tools. regularities in high-dimensional data. Traditional unsuper-
Thus intermediate representations in both sensory and vised learning methods such as principal components analy-
motor systems can be thought of as being part of hierar- sis reduce the dimensionality of the data. In contrast, the
chical generative models. One might ask, however, what is forms of unsupervised learning that are thought to be used
the point of having such representations when generative by sensory systems tend to increase dimensionality, that is,
models can be built without them. For example, given the they form overcomplete (and sparse) representations. This
full state of the arm, we can directly compute where the fin- might seem counterproductive; however, it resonates well
gertips are, without the help of motor synergies. Similarly, with recent computational approaches in which increasing
we can directly compute the retinal image resulting from a dimensionality simplifies computation. Support vector
given configuration of three-dimensional objects and light machines and kernel methods in general are based on this
sources, without relying on sensory features (this is what idea (Scholkopf & Smola, 2001). Liquid state machines in
computer graphics does). Indeed, intermediate representa- neuroscience have the same flavor (Maass, Natschlager, &
tions not only are unnecessary to build generative models, Markram, 2002).
but may even complicate the construction of such models. Unsupervised learning has also been applied in motor
However, the goal of both the sensory and motor systems is control to extract candidate synergies (D’Avella, Salticl, &
not so much to build generative models but rather to invert Bizzi, 2003; Santello, Flanders, & Soechting, 1998). However,
them. The inversion is the harder problem and is also the the situation here is qualitatively different. While in sensory
problem that has to be solved in real time. Intermediate systems, unsupervised learning is applied to sensory data that
representations are likely to facilitate this inversion, by pro- are available to the brain during learning/development, in
viding various forms of abstraction and enabling the infer- motor systems, it is applied to movement data that are avail-
ence algorithm to construct the final answer in manageable able to the brain only after it has mastered the motor task.
pieces. Thus intermediate representations may exist not for If we agree that appropriate synergies must exist before suc-
the sake of representation but because they facilitate the cessful movements can be generated in a given task, then the
computation. brain cannot learn those synergies from successful move-

620 motor systems

ments. In other words, the unsupervised learning methods algorithms have been developed. While none of them can
that are used by motor control researchers are not a feasible yet compete with biological sensory and motor systems on
model of learning by the motor system. A feasible model complex real-world problems, this repository of algorithmic
should learn on the basis of information that is available at knowledge is an important source of insights into what the
the time of learning. The one thing that is always available brain might be doing. We refer the reader to the work of
is the input, which in the case of the motor system corre- Doya and colleagues (2007) for an extended discussion.
sponds to the task goals. Thus the analog of learning features Here, we make only a few points that are relevant to this
from sensory inputs would be learning synergies from task chapter.
goals. Unfortunately, the task goals are not directly accessi- One class of Bayesian inference algorithms, known as
ble to an external observer, so the application of unsuper- belief propagation (Pearl, 1988), are reminiscent of compu-
vised learning as outlined here is not easy; yet we suspect tation in recurrent neural networks except that the messages
that it is worth pursuing. that are being exchanged are probability distributions (pre-
Another insight into motor synergies that comes from the sumably encoded by populations of neurons). The analog in
analogy with sensory systems is the number of synergies. It optimal control is dynamic programming, which for the
is widely believed that motor synergies serve the purpose of family of control problems described above is reduced to
dimensionality reduction; indeed, they are usually defined as belief propagation. An important corollary of the estimation
the outputs of dimensionality reduction algorithms. However, control duality is that sensory population codes that are
as was discussed earlier, dimensionality expansion rather thought to represent probability distributions (Doya et al.,
than reduction may be more beneficial in terms of simplify- 2007) can be equally useful in motor control. Both belief
ing computation. Furthermore, the number of different propagation and dynamic programming are global methods
neural activation patterns in, say, primary motor cortex in the sense that they aim to compute functions over the
greatly exceeds the number of musculoskeletal degrees of entire state space. For large problems, this is unlikely to be
freedom. If we agree to think of neural activity in motor doable in real time. In the control domain, this point is well
areas as representing synergies, in the same way that we appreciated; indeed, dynamic programming is normally
think of neural activity in sensory areas as representing fea- applied off-line so as to precompute/learn the optimal
tures, the dimensionality expansion point of view becomes control law. The latter is then used online to generate motor
unavoidable. commands as a function of plant states and goal parameters
This view represents a significant departure from the (e.g., target positions). The equivalent in Bayesian inference
established thinking about motor synergies and might at first would be to learn a direct mapping from sensory inputs to
seem incompatible with the evidence that large amounts of state estimates, which is not how people usually think about
variance (in movement kinematics, electromyelograms, or inference. There may be several reasons for this: (1) The
isometric forces) can be explained by small numbers of com- input to the sensory system is so high-dimensional that learn-
ponents. How can behavioral evidence for dimensionality ing such a mapping is infeasible; (2) inference is an easier
reduction be reconciled with intermediate representations problem than control (recall our discussion of redundancy),
performing dimensionality expansion? One answer comes so the computation is easier to perform online; and (3) the
from our work on optimal control (Todorov & Jordan, 2002; brain actually learns direct mappings from sensory inputs to
Todorov, 2004), in which we showed that an optimally con- estimated states, but this is not yet reflected in most Bayesian
trolled redundant system will exhibit signs of dimensionality inference algorithms. One exception here is the Helmholtz
reduction regardless of how the controller is implemented. machine (Dayan, Hinton, Neal, & Zemel, 1995), which is a
If that is the case and the motor system is good at approxi- belief network augmented with a mechanism for learning
mating optimal controllers, then a lot of the dimensionality the direct mapping discussed above (i.e., the inverse of the
reduction results that are currently taken as evidence for generative model).
synergies might instead be indirect evidence for optimality. Regardless of whether and how much of the transforma-
The overcomplete intermediate representations that we tion is learned, it is clear that a lot of processing takes place
propose to call synergies may be the mechanism that enables in real time in both the sensory and motor systems. There
the motor system to perform near optimally. is a simple way to combine the advantages of learning and
on-line computation: Learn a global but approximate trans-
Algorithms for learning and online computation formation, use it on-line for initialization, and then apply an
on-line algorithm to refine the solution locally around the
Bayesian inference and optimal control are of interest in current state. Locally, probabilities and costs can be approxi-
many fields (e.g., statistics, computer science, signal process- mated by simplified models (e.g., Gaussians and quadratics),
ing, control engineering, economics). Consequently, many which afford faster computation. Such local approximation

todorov: sensory and motor information processing 621

methods are available in both estimation (the extended have generally received limited attention in neuroscience,
Kalman filter) and control (iterative LQG or differential perhaps because they are hard to address experimentally.
dynamic programming). In the case of control, local improve- This is in contrast to system-level computations, which can
ment requires unfolding the time axis up to a certain horizon. be addressed by using behavioral data, and neural repre-
This is known as receding horizon control. For our family sentations, which can be addressed by using single neuron
of control problems, it is illustrated with the belief network data. Indeed, a lot is already known about both system-level
in figure 42.3B. If the motor system relies on such methods, computations and neural representations, in both the sen-
we should expect to find neurons coding the state of the sory and motor systems. This knowledge imposes strong
plant at multiple points in time in the future. Indeed, it has constraints, which, in conjunction with algorithmic insights
often been noted (e.g., Kalaska, Sergio, & Cisek, 1998) that from multiple fields, may soon enable us to go after the
the latency between neural firing and motor behavior has a brain’s algorithms in a systematic way.
broad distribution and, on average, is substantially longer
than what one would expect from conduction latencies acknowledgments This work was supported by the U.S. National
alone. Such data can tell us how much unfolding is taking Science Foundation.
place in the motor system. The answer is on the order of
200 ms for reaching movements, although more complex
tasks (for which we do not have data) may require unfolding
over longer time horizons. Attias, H. (2003). Planning by probabilistic inference. In Proceedings
of the 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics,
Bayesian inference problems can also be solved by using
held in Key West, FL.
sampling methods. An example is Gibbs sampling, which Bernstein, N. (1967). The coordination and regulation of movements.
works by choosing a node to be updated, resampling its Oxford, UK: Pergamon.
value from the conditional probability given the current D’Avella, A., Saltiel, P., & Bizzi, E. (2003). Combinations of
values of its neighbors, choosing another node, and so on. muscle synergies in the construction of a natural motor behavior.
After a “burn-in” period, the samples that are generated in Nat. Neurosci., 6, 300–308.
Dayan, P., Hinton, G., Neal, R., & Zemel, R. (1995). The Helm-
this way match the correct Bayesian posterior. The estima- holtz machine. Neural Comput., 7, 1022–1037.
tion-control duality makes it possible to apply sampling Doya, K., Ishii, S., Pouget, A., & Rao, R. (2007). Bayesian brain:
algorithms to optimal control problems as well. Sampling Probabilistic approaches to neural coding. Cambridge, MA: MIT
algorithms have not been seriously considered as models of Press.
brain function, but perhaps they should be, for several Ernst, M., & Banks, M. (2002). Humans integrate visual and
haptic information in a statistically optimal fashion. Nature, 415,
reasons. First, these are the only algorithms that are actually 429–433.
guaranteed to solve the problem (even though it may take a Hoffman, D., & Strick, P. (1999). Step-tracking movements of the
long time). All other algorithms when applied to continuous wrist: IV. Muscle activity associated with movements in different
state variables require function approximation and, as a directions. J. Neurophysiol., 81, 319–333.
result, may never converge or may converge to the wrong Kalaska, J., Sergio, L., & Cisek, P. (1998). Cortical control of
whole-arm motor tasks. In M. Glickstein (Ed.), Sensory guidance of
answer. Second, sampling is inherently parallel. Other
movement (176–201). Chichester, UK: Wiley.
algorithms can be parallelized but not to the same extent. Kalman, R. (1960). A new approach to linear filtering and predic-
This is an important consideration, given the staggering tion problems. ASME Trans. J. Basic Eng., 82, 35–45.
number of neurons in the brain. Third, sampling is inher- Kording, K., & Wolpert, D. (2004). Bayesian integration in sen-
ently stochastic. Implementing it in a deterministic computer sorimotor learning. Nature, 427, 244–247.
Kording, K., & Wolpert, D. (2006). Bayesian decision theory in
requires a pseudo-random number generator. The brain has
sensorimotor control. Trends Cogn. Sci., 10, 320–326.
internal sources of noise (e.g., failures of synaptic transmis- Lewicki, M. (2002). Efficient coding of natural sounds. Nat. Neuro-
sion) that could be used as random number generators, sci., 5, 356–363.
implying that neural noise may be a feature rather than a Maass, W., Natschlager, T., & Markram, H. (2002). Real-
nuisance. time computing without stable states: A new framework for
In summary, a range of algorithms for Bayesian inference neural computation based on perturbations. Neural Comput., 14,
and optimal control have been developed in multiple fields. Marr, D. (1982). Vision. San Francisco: Freeman.
Furthermore, the estimation control duality makes it possi- Mitter, S., & Newton, N. (2003). A variational approach to
ble to take estimation algorithms and apply them to control nonlinear estimation. SIAM J. Control Optimization, 42, 1813–
problems and vice versa. Such algorithms are very relevant 1833.
to neuroscience because they solve the same problems that Mortensen, R. (1968). Maximum-likelihood recursive nonlinear
filtering. J. Optimization Theory Appli., 2, 386–394.
the sensory and motor systems appear to be solving. Which Olshausen, B., & Field, D. (1996). Emergence of simple-cell recep-
of these algorithms resemble the ones used by the brain is tive field properties by learning a sparse code for natural images.
not yet clear (but see Doya et al., 2007). Algorithmic issues Nature, 381, 607–609.

622 motor systems

Pearl, J. (1988). Probabilistic reasoning in intelligent systems: Networks of Todorov, E. (2004). Optimality principles in sensorimotor control.
plausible inference. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann. Nat. Neurosci., 7, 907–915.
Santello, M., Flanders, M., & Soechting, J. (1998). Postural Todorov, E. (2006). Linearly-solvable Markov decision problems.
hand synergies for tool use. J. Neurosci., 18, 10105–10115. In Adv. Neural Information Proc. Syst., 19, 1369–1376.
Saunders, J., & Knill, D. (2004). Visual feedback control of hand Todorov, E. (2008). General duality between optimal control and
movements. J. Neurosci., 24, 3223–3234. estimation. In Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and
Scholkopf, B., & Smola, A. (2001). Learning with kernels: Support vector Control (pp. 4286–4292), held in Cancun, Mexico.
machines, regularization, optimization, and beyond. Cambridge, MA: Todorov, E., & Jordan, M. (2002). Optimal feedback control as
MIT Press. a theory of motor coordination. Nat. Neurosci., 5, 1226–1235.
Simpkins, A., de Callafon, R., & Todorov, E. (2008). Optimal Wolpert, D., Gharahmani, Z., & Jordan, M. (1995). An internal
trade-off between exploration and exploitation. In Proceedings of model for sensorimotor integration. Science, 269, 1880–1882.
the American Control Conference (pp. 33–38), held in Seattle, WA.
Todorov, E. (2002). Cosine tuning minimizes motor errors. Neural
Comput., 14, 1233–1260.

todorov: sensory and motor information processing 623

43 The Mirror Neuron System:
A Motor-Based Mechanism for
Action and Intention
giacomo rizzolatti, leonardo fogassi, and vittorio gallese

abstract In this chapter we provide evidence that the cortical after being processed in the observer’s visual system, are
motor system is involved in action and intention understanding. In directly mapped on his or her motor representations without
the first part of the chapter, we show that at the core of the cortical any need of cognitive mediation.
motor system, formed by ventral premotor and inferior parietal
cortex, there are vocabularies of motor acts, such as grasping,
Strong evidence in favor of the existence of a direct mech-
holding, and breaking. Neurons that form these vocabularies code anism of understanding others’ actions by matching them
the goal of motor acts independent of how the goal is achieved. on the observer’s own motor system came from the discov-
Many of these motor neurons also respond to the observation of ery of mirror neurons (MNs), a class of visuomotor neurons
the same motor acts they motorically code (mirror neurons). In the that discharge both when a monkey performs goal-related
second part, we show that mirror neurons are involved in both the
motor acts (e.g., grasping) and when it observes or hears
understanding of motor acts done by others and the understanding
of the intention behind the acts. In the last part of the chapter we another individual (monkey or human) doing similar acts.
show that the mirror system in humans also plays a role in action Neurons with these properties are found in the rostral sector
and intention understanding. We conclude by presenting data sug- of the ventral premotor cortex (area F5) and in a sector of
gesting that some of the deficits present in the autistic syndrome the posterior parietal cortex (essentially corresponding
could be caused by an impairment of the mirror system.
to area PFG) that is anatomically connected with area F5.
Thus, premotor and parietal MNs form a cortical mirror
neuron system that translates sensory information about
Traditionally, it has been assumed that understanding actions biological actions into a motor format.
done by others, and even more so their intentions, occurs by There is evidence that in addition to the parietofrontal
applying a kind of reasoning not much different from that mirror neuron system, there are other mirror systems, at
used to solve a logical problem. According to this view, when least in humans. One, most likely present also in monkeys,
witnessing the actions of others, we process the actions with is involved in translating observed emotions into a viscero-
our sensory system; this information is then elaborated by motor pattern that expresses the same emotions (see Gallese,
some sophisticated cognitive apparatus and compared with Keysers, & Rizzolatti, 2004). In addition, humans are
other similar, previously stored data. At the end of this endowed with a mirror system for phonemes (Fadiga,
process, we know what others are doing and why. Craighero, Buccino, & Rizzolatti, 2002) and one for coding
Such complex cognitive operation likely occurs in many non-goal-directed movements (Fadiga, Fogassi, Pavesi, &
situations, for example, when the behavior of the observed Rizzolatti, 1995).
person is difficult to interpret (Brass, Schmitt, Spengler, & In the present chapter, we will focus on the parietofrontal
Gergely, 2007). Yet the simplicity and lack of effort with mirror system for actions. We will first review the anatomical
which we usually understand what the others are doing and functional properties of the mirror system in monkeys
suggest an alternative solution. The actions done by others, and humans and address the issue of how action is repre-
sented within primates cortical motor system. We will then
discuss a neurophysiological model of how actions and the
giacomo rizzolatti, and vittorio gallese Dipartimento di
Neuroscienze, Università di Parma, Parma, Italy intentions that promote them are understood. Finally, we
leonardo fogassi Dipartimento di Psicologia and Dipartimento will discuss some implications of this model for our under-
di Neuroscienze, Università di Parma, Parma, Italy standing of autism.

rizzolatti, fogassi, and gallese: the mirror neuron system 625

Mirror neuron system in monkeys part of the mirror system in a strict sense, because they do
not appear to have motor properties.
Anatomy of the Mirror Neuron System MNs were first
discovered in area F5, which occupies the rostralmost sector Goal-Relatedness and Goal-Chaining in the Ventral
of ventral premotor cortex. This region has recently been Premotor Cortex and in the Inferior Parietal
parcellated (Nelissen, Luppino, Vanduffel, Rizzolatti, & Lobule The functional properties of MNs can be better
Orban, 2005; Belmalih et al., 2009) into three sectors understood by framing them within the conception that the
occupying the cortical convexity (F5c), the posterior bank of basic organization of the cortical motor system is in terms of
the inferior limb of the arcuate sulcus (F5p), and the fundus goal-directed movements (Rizzolatti, Luppino, & Matelli,
of the inferior limb of the arcuate sulcus (F5a) (figure 43.1). 1998; Rizzolatti, Fogassi, & Gallese, 2000; Crutcher &
MNs are generally found in area F5c. Alexander, 1990; Alexander & Crutcher, 1990; Kakei,
Parietal MNs have been found in the rostral part of the Hoffman, & Strick, 1999, 2001; Hoshi & Tanji, 2000) and
inferior parietal lobule (IPL) convexity (see Rizzolatti & not in terms of elementary body part displacements, as was
Craighero, 2004), particularly in area PFG (Pandya & classically thought. Goal-directed movements (i.e., motor
Seltzer, 1982; Gregoriou, Borra, Matelli, & Luppino, 2006), acts) are the nuclear building blocks around which action is
and in the anterior intraparietal area (AIP). organized and understood (Rizzolatti et al., 1988; Murata
Both these areas are connected with the cortex located et al., 1997; Raos, Umiltà, Fogassi, & Gallese, 2006; Umiltà
inside the superior temporal sulcus (STS), including two et al., 2008).
areas that are selectively active during hand action observa- Particularly important for establishing this concept have
tion: STPm and LB2 (Nelissen et al., 2005; Perrett et al., been the studies in which single neurons were recorded in
1989). The first one is specifically connected with PFG, while a naturalistic context. These studies showed that, typically,
the other, which is also shape sensitive, conveys information the discharge of F5 neurons correlates much better with a
to AIP. motor act than with the movements forming it. Thus many
Hodological studies (Matelli, Camarda, Glickstein, & neurons discharge when a motor act (e.g., grasping) is per-
Rizzolatti, 1986; Rozzi et al., 2006) showed a reciprocal formed with effectors as different as the right hand, the left
pattern of connectivity between areas PFG, AIP, and F5. hand, or the mouth. Furthermore, for the vast majority of
Given the similarity between the functional properties of neurons, the same type of movement (e.g., an index finger
premotor and parietal MNs, these anatomical data corro- flexion) that is effective in triggering a neuron during a
borate the idea that areas F5, PFG, and AIP constitute motor act (e.g., grasping) is not effective during another one
the mirror system for action. As far as the STS areas are (e.g., scratching).
concerned, although fundamental for providing visual infor- By using motor act as classification criterion, F5 neurons
mation on biological motion, they cannot be considered as were subdivided into various categories such as “grasping-

Figure 43.1 Lateral view of the monkey brain showing the par- Gregoriou et al. (2006). Abbreviations: AI, inferior arcuate sulcus;
cellation of the motor and the posterior parietal cortex. The areas AS, superior arcuate sulcus; C, central sulcus; FEF, frontal eye-
located within the arcuate and the intraparietal sulcus are shown fields; IP, intraparietal sulcus; IO, inferior occipital sulcus; L, lateral
in an unfolded view of these sulci in the left and right parts of fissure; Lu, lunate sulcus; P, principal sulcus; STS, superior tem-
the figure, respectively. For the nomenclature and definition, see poral sulcus. (See color plate 54.)
Rizzolatti, Luppino, and Matelli (1998), Nelissen et al. (2005), and

626 motor systems

with-the-hand-and-the-mouth” neurons, “grasping-with- Fogassi et al., 2005; Rozzi, Ferrari, Bonini, Rizzolatti, &
the-hand” neurons, “holding” neurons, “tearing” neurons, Fogassi, 2008). In both these areas, there are neurons that
and “manipulating” neurons. code specific motor acts and specific types of grips. At
In each class, many neurons (about 80%) code specific present, there are no systematic studies in which the func-
types of hand shaping, such as precision grip (the grip type tional properties of these areas have been compared with F5.
most represented), whole hand prehension, and finger pre- As far as one can deduce from the available studies, there
hension. Whether they are specific or not for a certain type are strong similarities between neurons with motor proper-
of prehension, these neurons show a variety of temporal ties in these areas (Raos et al., 2006). Taken together, these
relations with the prehension phases. Some neurons dis- data indicate that the rostral part of the inferior parietal
charge during the whole motor act, sometimes starting to lobule is functionally part of the motor system in the same
fire at stimulus presentation. Some other neurons are way as the premotor areas that belong to it.
mostly active during the opening of the fingers, and some Recent data by Fogassi and colleagues (2005) showed that
are mostly active during finger closure (see Jeannerod, Arbib, the discharge of IPL neurons coding grasping is influenced
Rizzolatti, & Sakata, 1995). by the action in which grasping is embedded. In this study,
On the basis of these properties, it has been suggested that PFG grasping neurons were tested in two main conditions.
F5 contains a “vocabulary” (a storage) of motor act representa- In one, the monkey reached for and grasped a piece of food
tions. The vocabulary is constituted by “words,” each of located in front of it and brought the food to its mouth. In
which is represented by a set of F5 neurons. Some words the other, the monkey reached for and grasped an object and
indicate the general goal of a motor act (grasping, holding, placed it into a container (figure 43.3A). The results showed
tearing, etc.). Other words indicate the way in which a spe- that the majority of the recorded neurons discharged with a
cific motor act must be executed (e.g., precision grip or different intensity depending on the final goal of the action
finger prehension). Finally, other words are concerned with (eating or placing) in which grasping was embedded (“action-
the temporal segmentation of the motor act into smaller constrained” neurons) (figure 43.3B). A series of controls
chunks, each coding a specific phase of the grip (e.g., hand for grasping force, kinematics of reaching movements, and
opening, hand closure). type of stimuli showed that neuron selectivity was not due to
A crucial demonstration of this notion was recently these factors. Thus, the differential discharge of these grasp-
achieved by Umiltà and colleagues (2008). In this study, ing neurons appeared to reflect the goal of the action of
hand-related neurons were recorded from premotor area F5 which the motor act was part. A similar organization has
and the primary motor cortex (area F1) in monkeys that had recently been reported for area F5 (Fogassi et al., 2007).
been trained to grasp objects using two different tools: These neural properties suggest that most neurons of the
“normal pliers” and “reverse pliers” (figure 43.2A). These PFG-F5 circuit code individual motor acts (e.g., grasping) in
tools require opposite movements to grasp an object: With prewired chains, each of them coding a specific action (e.g.,
normal pliers, the hand has to be first opened and then eating). This organization is very appropriate for providing
closed, as when grasping is executed with the bare hand; fluidity to action execution, because each neuron not only
with reverse pliers, the hand has to be first closed and then codes a specific motor act, but, being embedded into a spe-
opened. The use of the two tools enabled the researchers to cific action, is also linked with neurons that code the next
dissociate the neural activity related to hand movement from motor acts and possibly facilitates them. In favor of a model
that related to the goal of the motor act. that assumes a facilitatory interaction between neurons
All tested neurons in area F5 and half of neurons recorded forming a given chain is the organization of the receptive
from the primary motor cortex discharged in relation to fields of IPL. For example, there are IPL neurons that
the accomplishment of the goal of grasping—when the tool respond to passive stimulation of the hand, flexion of the
closed on the object—regardless of whether in this phase the forearm, and discharge during mouth grasping (Yokochi,
hand opened or closed, that is, regardless of the movements Tanaka, Kumashiro, & Iriki, 2003; Rozzi et al., 2008). These
that were employed to accomplish the goal (figure 43.2B). data support the existence of chains of neurons that code
These data indicate that goal coding is at the basis of the specific actions such as that of bringing food to the mouth.
organization of grasping in area F5 and also in the primary
motor cortex, although to a minor extent. Goal coding is Functional Properties of MNs As has already been
therefore not an abstract, merely mentalist and experience- stated, mirror neurons are a distinct class of visuomotor
independent property, but a distinctive functional feature neurons that discharge both when individuals perform a
upon which the cortical motor system is organized. specific motor act and when they observe the same motor act
An organization based on goal-directed hand motor acts done by another individual (figure 43.4). Among the motor
is also present in AIP and in PFG (Murata et al., 2000; acts that they code both visually and motorically, the most

rizzolatti, fogassi, and gallese: the mirror neuron system 627

Figure 43.2 Examples of F5 neurons active during execution (asterisk). The traces below each histogram indicate the hand posi-
of grasping with normal and reverse pliers. (A) Illustration of the tion, recorded with a potentiometer, expressed as a function of the
experimental paradigm. To grasp the object with the normal pliers distance between the pliers handles. When the trace goes down,
(upper part), the monkey has to close its hand, while to grasp the the hand closes; when the trace goes up, it opens. The values on
object with the reverse pliers (lower part), the monkey has to open the vertical axes indicate the voltage change measured with the
its hand. (B) Two neurons recorded in area F5. Rasters and histo- potentiometer. (Modified from Umiltà et al., 2008.)
grams are aligned with the end of the grasping closure phase

represented are grasping, holding, manipulating, and tearing. Mirror neurons show a close relationship between their
Unlike another category of visuomotor neurons that are visual and motor responses. Using as classification criterion
present in area F5 (“canonical neurons”) (Murata et al., the congruence between the executed and observed motor
1997; Raos et al., 2006), they do not fire in response acts that are effective in triggering them, mirror neurons
to simple presentation of objects, including food. The have been subdivided into two broad classes: strictly congru-
observation of intransitive motor acts, including mimed ent and broadly congruent neurons (Gallese, Fadiga, Fogassi,
motor acts, is also ineffective. & Rizzolatti, 1996). They are defined as strictly congruent when

628 motor systems

Figure 43.3 Examples of the activity of parietal motor neurons mental conditions. Unit 67 discharges were stronger during grasp-
during execution of two different actions. (A) Apparatus and para- ing to eat than during grasping to place, Unit 161 discharges were
digm used for the motor task. In one condition (grasping for eating), stronger during grasping to place. Unit 158 did not show any dif-
the monkey reached for and grasped a piece of food located on a ference in discharge between the two conditions. Rasters and his-
plane in front of it (1) and brought the food to its mouth (2a). In tograms are aligned with the moment when the monkey touched
another condition (grasping for placing), the monkey reached for the object or food to be grasped. Red bars: Monkey releases the
and grasped an object located in front of it (1) and placed the object hand from the starting position. Green bars: Monkey touches the
into a container (2b). In the first condition, the monkey ate the food container. Abscissa: Time, bin = 20 ms; Ordinate: Discharge fre-
that it had brought to the mouth; in the second condition, the quency in spikes per second. (Modified from Fogassi et al., 2005.)
monkey was rewarded after correct accomplishment of the task. (B) (See color plate 55.)
Activity of three IPL neurons during grasping in the two experi-

the observed and executed effective motor acts are identical tively long period during which monkeys observed the
in terms of goal (e.g., grasping) and in terms of the way in experimenters performing actions using tools, some mirror
which that goal is achieved (e.g., precision grip). In contrast, neurons respond, although weakly, also to this type of action
mirror neurons are defined as broadly congruent when there is (Rizzolatti & Arbib, 1998). More recently, Ferrari, Rozzi,
a similarity, but not identity, between the observed and and Fogassi (2005) reported that in a specific ventral sector
executed effective motor acts. Among the different types of of F5, there are neurons that discharge very vigorously to
broadly congruent neurons, the most common is constituted the observation of tool use (e.g., a stick or a pair of pliers).
of neurons that become active during the execution of a It is not clear whether these neurons, like those previously
specific motor act made by the monkey (e.g., grasping, observed, derived this property because of prolonged action
holding, or manipulating) but visually respond to more than observation.
one motor act (e.g., manipulation and grasping). The most widely accepted hypothesis on the functional
In the first studies on mirror neurons, it was reported role of mirror neurons is that they play a role in understand-
that these neurons do not discharge during the observa- ing the goal of the observed motor acts (Rizzolatti et al.,
tion of goal-directed actions done by using tools (Gallese 2000). The proposed mechanism is the following: individuals
et al., 1996; Rizzolatti, Fadiga, Gallese, & Fogassi, 1996). know the outcome of their motor acts. Thus, when the
Subsequently, however, it was shown that following a rela- mirror neurons of an observing individual, which code a

rizzolatti, fogassi, and gallese: the mirror neuron system 629

Figure 43.4 Example of the activity of an F5 mirror neuron during the observation of a grasping movement performed by another
monkey (A) or an experimenter (B) and during execution of grasping by the recorded monkey (C ). (Modified from Rizzolatti et al.,

given motor act (e.g., grasping), discharge in response to the neurons that had responded to visual observation of acts
observation of that motor act (grasping) done by another accompanied by sounds also responded to the sound alone.
individual, the observer understands its goal, because that These neurons were named “audiovisual” mirror neurons.
discharge corresponds to the one that occurs when the In the second series of experiments, the researchers
observer wants to achieve the same goal. hypothesized that if mirror neurons are involved in under-
To provide evidence in favor of the view that mirror standing a motor act, they should also discharge when
neurons play a role in understanding motor acts done by the monkey does not actually see the motor act but has suf-
others, neurons’ responses were investigated when the ficient clues to create a mental representation of it. There-
monkeys could comprehend the goal of a motor act without fore, F5 mirror neurons were tested in two conditions. In
actually seeing it. If mirror neurons truly mediate under- one, the monkey was shown a fully visible motor act directed
standing, their activity should reflect the meaning of the toward an object (“full vision” condition). In the other, the
motor act rather than its visual features. Two series of exper- monkey saw the same act but with its final critical part
iments were carried out for this purpose. hidden (“hidden” condition) (Umiltà et al., 2001). The results
The first series tested whether mirror neurons could rec- showed that more than half of F5 mirror neurons also dis-
ognize motor acts merely from their sounds (Kohler et al., charged in the hidden condition. An example is shown in
2002). The activity of mirror neurons was recorded while a figure 43.5.
monkey was observing a motor act, such as ripping a piece These experiments strongly support the notion that the
of paper or breaking a peanut shell, that is normally accom- activity of mirror neurons underpins the understanding of
panied by a distinctive sound. Then the monkey was pre- motor acts. Even when the motor act comprehension is pos-
sented with the sound alone. It was found that many mirror sible on a nonvisual basis, such as via sound or nonlinguistic

630 motor systems

Figure 43.5 Example of a mirror neuron responding during The asterisk indicates the location of a stationary marker that
observation of grasping in both full vision and “hidden” condition. was attached at the level of the crossing point where the experi-
(A and C ): Observation of goal-directed or mimed grasping, respec- menter’s hand disappeared behind the screen in the hidden condi-
tively, in full vision. (B and D): Observation of goal-directed or tions. The colored line above each raster represents the kinematics
mimed grasping, respectively, in the hidden condition. In every of the experimenter’s hand movement; the downward deflection of
panel, from top to bottom, rasters and histogram and the schematic the line means that the hand is approaching the stationary marker
drawing of the experimenter motor act are shown. The gray frame (the minimum corresponding to the moment in which the hand is
in conditions B and D represents a screen interleaved between the closest to the marker). Histograms bin width = 20 ms. (Modified
monkey and the experimenter hand in the two hidden conditions. from Umiltà et al., 2001.) (See color plate 56.)

rizzolatti, fogassi, and gallese: the mirror neuron system 631

mental representation, mirror neurons equally discharge, properties. Instead of grasping objects, monkeys observed
signaling the goal of the motor act. the experimenter performing the two actions (grasping for
Early studies on mirror neurons examined the dorsal- eating and grasping for placing).
most sector of F5, where hand motor acts are mostly The results showed that the majority of mirror neurons in
represented. Recently, a study was carried out on the pro- the two areas were differently activated when the observed
perties of neurons located in the most ventral part of F5, motor act belonged to one action or another. Examples are
where neuron activity is mostly related to mouth actions shown in figure 43.6.
(Ferrari, Gallese, Rizzolatti, & Fogassi, 2003). The results What could be the explanation of this neuron behavior?
showed that two classes of mouth mirror neurons could It is very likely that when an action-constrained grasping
be distinguished: ingestive and communicative mirror neuron is activated by the observation of a grasping motor
neurons. Ingestive mirror neurons, which represent the act inserted into its motor action, its discharge triggers the
majority of mouth mirror neurons, respond to the observa- whole motor chain of the observer underpinning the same
tion of motor acts related to ingestive functions (e.g., grasp- action. In this way, the observer activates an internal motor
ing food with the mouth). Virtually all of them show a good representation of the action that the observed agent intends
correspondence between the effective observed and the to do. Thanks to this mechanism, the observer understands
effective executed motor act. More intriguing are the pro- the observed agent’s intention.
perties of the communicative mirror neurons. For them, One may ask how action observation can activate the
the most effective observed motor act is a communicative appropriate motor chain when the monkey actually sees only
gesture, such as lip smacking. However, most of them the first motor act of it. A systematic study of this problem
strongly discharge also when the monkey actively performs has not been done. It is clear, however, from the grasping
an ingestive motor act. The presence of a motor response neuron behavior that an important factor in determining the
during both communicative and ingestive motor acts is neuron discharge is the type of stimulus with which the agent
rather intriguing. However, it could be explained by etho- interacts. Food, for example, tends to activate eating chains
logical observations suggesting that in evolution, monkeys’ as soon as the monkey sees the experimenter grasping the
communicative gestures derived, at least in part, from food. Another factor is the statistical probability of a given
ingestive motor acts (Van Hoof, 1962, 1967; Maestripieri, action. Thus, for example, in a block of trials in which grasp-
1996). ing is always followed by placing, grasping neurons that are
tuned for placing become active. It is interesting to note that
Intention understanding in such a block of trials, if food, rather than an object, is
grasped and placed into a container, grasping-to-eat neurons
Before we discuss the role of mirror neurons in intention fire initially, then they stop firing while grasping-to-place
understanding, it is important to define the terms motor act neurons become active.
and motor action. Motor act describes a movement or, most
commonly, a series of movements performed to achieve a Mirror-like Activity Recent data suggest that neurons
goal (e.g., grasping an object). Motor action describes a series in dorsal premotor and primary motor cortex discharge
of motor acts (e.g., reaching, grasping, bringing to the mouth) during execution and observation of trained arm movements
that allow individuals to fulfill their intention (e.g., eating). directed toward a target.
When an individual observes a motor act, he or she under- In one study (Cisek & Kalaska, 2005), monkeys were
stands the what of the motor act (e.g., grasping an object) trained to move a cursor from a central position to a
but typically is also able to make inferences about why the peripheral position on a screen defined by a color cue.
motor act is being performed (e.g., grasping for eating), that The recorded neurons discharged both when the monkey
is, the intention behind the action of which that motor act performed the learned task and when the monkey, being
is part. still, observed another party moving the cursor in the
As was described above, grasping neurons in both parietal correct direction. The discharge typically occurred at the
and premotor cortex discharge with a different intensity presentation of the target and increased with the cursor
according to the final goal of the action in which the grasp- movement. Unlike mirror neurons, these neurons did not
ing act is embedded (action-constrained neurons). Further require the observation of an effector-object interaction.
experiments investigated whether action-constrained neu- One may postulate, however, that the cursor was an abstract
rons also had mirror properties and whether their visual substitute for a moving hand and that the occurrence of the
response during grasping observation was influenced by the stimulus evoked the mental representation of the hand
action goal in which grasping was embedded (Fogassi et al., movement.
2005, 2007). To this purpose, neurons were tested in the In another study (Tkach, Reimer, & Hatsopoulos, 2007)
same two conditions that were used for studying their motor monkeys were trained to move repetitively a cursor to targets

632 motor systems

Figure 43.6 Examples of visual responses of IPL mirror neurons during observation of grasping to eat than during observation of
during the observation of grasping-to-eat and grasping-to-place grasping to place, Unit 39 discharges are stronger during observa-
conditions performed by an experimenter. (A) The paradigm is tion of grasping to place. Unit 80 did not show any difference in
similar to that used for the motor task shown in figure 43.3, but discharge between the two conditions. Rasters and histograms are
in this case, the two conditions are performed by the experimenter aligned with the moment when the experimenter touched the
in front of the monkey, which is simply observing the scene. (B) object or food to be grasped. (Modified from Fogassi et al., 2005.)
Activity of three mirror neurons during observation of grasping in (See color plate 57.)
the two experimental conditions. Unit 87 discharges are stronger

that appeared at random locations. The experiment con- Mirror system in humans
sisted of two phases: active movement and observation. In
the active movement phase, the monkey controlled the Anatomy of the Mirror System A large number of brain
cursor, while in the observation phase, the monkey observed imaging studies showed that parietal and frontal areas that
the replayed movements generated in the active phase. The activate during motor acts execution are also active when
observation phase had three conditions. In the first, both the an individual observes similar motor acts done by others
cursor and the targets were visible; in the second, the monkey (see Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004). Most of these studies
saw only the replayed targets; in the third, the monkey saw concerned observation of object-directed grasping movements.
only the moving cursor but not the targets. The results The regions that are activated in these studies form the
showed that passive observation of the task determined a grasping human mirror system. The two main nodes of this
neural discharge similar to that found during task execution. system are the inferior parietal lobule (IPL) and the ventral
The observation of the cursor without targets or of the premotor cortex (PMv) plus the caudal part of the inferior
targets without cursor gave either no responses or responses frontal gyrus (IFG), roughly corresponding to its pars
that were weaker than those found during the observation opercularis. The localization of human grasping mirror system
of both cursor and targets. The authors concluded that the corresponds to that of the homologous mirror system in the
most likely explanation of their findings is that the observa- monkey (figure 43.7).
tion of the movements determined a covert generation of a Several experiments addressed the issue of how observed
motor command. motor acts performed by different effectors are organized in

rizzolatti, fogassi, and gallese: the mirror neuron system 633

Figure 43.7 Lateral view of the human cortex showing the frontal (yellow and blue) and parietal (red) regions constituting the core of
the grasping mirror neuron system in humans. Numbers and symbols indicate the different cytoarchitectonic areas according to the parcel-
lation of Brodmann (1909). (See color plate 58.)

the human mirror system by presenting videos of motor acts mouth motor acts, activation of the caudal part of the same
performed with leg, hand, and mouth (Buccino et al., 2001; cortex but extending into the superior parietal lobule for the
Sakreida, Schubotz, Wolfensteller, & von Cramon, 2005; leg motor acts, and activation of an intermediate sector for
Shmuelof & Zohary, 2006; Wheaton, Carpenter, Mizelle, & the hand motor acts (Buccino et al., 2001). In the experiment
Forrester, 2008) or using point-light displays of biological (Filimon et al., 2007) in which the focus was on observation
motion of different body parts (Saygin, Wilson, Hagler, of the transport phase (reaching movement), the activation
Bates, & Sereno, 2004; Ulloa & Pineda, 2007). was located more dorsally, in the superior parietal lobule
As far as the premotor cortex is concerned, the results extending toward the dorsal bank of the IPS.
showed that the observed leg motor acts are represented In a recent study ( Jastorff, Rizzolatti, & Orban, 2007),
more dorsally in the ventral premotor cortex (PMv) extend- video clips showing four distal motor acts (grasping, drag-
ing across the superior frontal sulcus into the dorsal premo- ging, dropping, and pushing), each performed by using three
tor cortex (PMd), and the hand motor acts are represented different effectors (foot, hand, and mouth), were presented
in an intermediate position in PMv, while the mouth motor to volunteers. The results showed that while in PMv, the
acts are represented ventrally, extending into the IFG. There activations determined by the observed motor acts were
was considerable overlap between adjacent representations. clustered according to the effector used, independently of
While the goal of the observed motor acts in these studies their positive (grasping and dragging) or negative (dropping
was achieved mostly by distal movements, a recent study and pushing) behavioral valence, in the parietal cortex,
investigated the organization of reaching movements, that the organization followed another principle: The observed
is, the transport phase of the hand to a particular location motor acts were found to be clustered according to their
in space, eliminating the contribution of grasping move- valence, regardless of whether they were done with the
ments (Filimon, Nelson, Hagler, & Sereno, 2007). It was mouth, hand, or foot. The most activated region corre-
found that in both observation and execution, the sector of sponded to putative human AIP, extending ventrally to the
premotor cortex that was activated was located in the cortex inferior parietal lobule and dorsally to the superior parietal
of the superior frontal gyrus (SFG), that is, in PMd. Thus, it lobule. Motor acts with negative valence were represented
appears that observation of motor acts focused on the distal dorsally, while those with positive valence ventrally. It can
part of the effector activates PMv, while when the focus is be hypothesized that this parietal organization, by general-
on the proximal part, activation mostly concerns PMd. izing the motor act valence across effectors, allows a unified
The activation pattern in the parietal lobe is rather understanding of the observed behavior.
complex. The observation of goal-directed motor acts in In addition to an organization based on the valence of the
which the focus was on distal movements showed activation motor act, the parietal lobe activation also showed a coarse
of the rostral part of the cortex inside and around the intra- effector-based organization. The strongest activations for
parietal sulcus, extending into the convexity of IPL for foot motor acts were located dorsally, and those for mouth

634 motor systems

motor acts were located ventrally, well below AIP. Activa- system compared to those of the Capoeira dancers and the
tions for hand motor acts were the strongest in the center of beginners.
the responsive region, which also responds to foot acts. It In a further experiment, the same researchers (Calvo-
has been suggested ( Jastorff et al., 2007) that the valence- Merino, Grezes, Glaser, Passingham, & Haggard, 2006)
related organization is based on a motor scaffold and that tried to understand whether the differences in the activation
the representation of the observed motor acts that are typi- found in the previous experiment were due to motor or
cally performed with the hand becomes active also when visual familiarity with the observed movements. The results
they are performed with other effectors. showed that the mirror system was activated more strongly
Another issue that has been recently addressed (Gazzola, by the sight of the dance steps executed by the dancers of
Rizzolatti, Wicker, & Keysers, 2007; Orban et al., 2006) the same sex of the observer, indicating, therefore, that the
is whether the observation of tool use or robotic arms activation was regulated by motor practice and not by visual
activates the same circuit that becomes active during experience, given the fact that the latter was the same for
the observation of motor acts done with natural effectors. both sexes.
The results of these studies showed that the basic parieto- The data by Calvo-Merino and colleagues (2005, 2006)
premotor circuit that becomes active during the observation were extended by Cross, Hamilton, and Grafton (2006) in a
of hand grasping is also active during the observation of study in which expert dancers learned and rehearsed novel,
tool actions. In addition, however, it was shown (Orban complex whole-body dance sequences for five weeks. Brain
et al., 2006) that the observation of actions performed with activity was recorded weekly by fMRI as dancers observed
tools activates a specific region in the inferior parietal lobule, and imagined performing different movement sequences.
corresponding to the rostral inferior part of the supramar- Half of these sequences were rehearsed, and half were
ginal gyrus. The two parietal regions that are activated by unpracticed control movements. Critically, activation of the
the observation of tools and robotic arms could underlie mirror system was modulated as a function of dancers’ motor
two different ways in which tool use is understood. The experience.
sector around the intraparietal sulcus could mediate an asso- These data show that the mirror system codes the observed
ciation between a tool and the tool use outcome without an actions by mapping them onto “corresponding” motor rep-
understanding of tool functioning. In contrast, the rostral resentations of the observer. But how would the mirror
supramarginal gyrus could be involved in the uniquely system respond to the observation of hand actions if the
human capacity of understanding the tool use in terms of observer never had hands or arms? Two aplasic individuals,
its functioning. It is interesting to note that the rostral born without arms or hands, were scanned while they
supra-marginal gyrus is the part of the inferior parietal observed hand motor acts (Gazzola, van der Worp, et al.,
lobule that is most frequently damaged in patients with ideo- 2007). The results showed activations in the parietofrontal
motor apraxia (see Leiguarda & Marsden, 2000; Wheaton circuit of aplasic individuals while they watched hand motor
& Hallett, 2007). acts. This finding demonstrates the brain’s capacity to mirror
acts that deviate from the typical motor organization by
Plasticity of the Mirror System Is the mirror system recruiting brain cortical representations involved in the
modulated by motor experience? There is clear evidence execution of motor acts that achieve corresponding goals
that the observation of motor acts that are richly represented by using different effectors.
in the observer’s motor repertoire determines a stronger
activation of the mirror system than does the observation of The Mirror System and Intention Understanding in
novel motor behaviors (Casile & Giese, 2006). In particular, Humans Recent experiments showed that besides under-
in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, standing of motor acts, the mirror system is also involved
Calvo-Merino, Glaser, Grezes, Passingham, and Haggard in understanding the intention behind the observed motor
(2005) demonstrated that the observation of actions acts.
performed by others results in different cortical activations Evidence in this sense has been provided by an fMRI
depending upon the specific motor competence of the tested study (Iacoboni et al., 2005). In this study, there were three
individuals. Participants, who included classical dancers, conditions. In the first one (called “context”), participants
dancers of Capoeira, and people who had never taken a saw a scene with objects (a teapot, a mug, a plate with some
dancing class, were shown a video of Capoeira dance steps. food on it) arranged as if a person was ready to have break-
The sight of the dance steps of Capoeira caused a greater fast or arranged as if a person had just finished having
activation of the mirror system in the Capoeira dancers breakfast; in the second condition (called “action”), partici-
than in either the classical dancers or the beginners. pants were shown a hand that grasped a mug without any
Conversely, a video showing classical dance steps resulted in context; in the third (called “intention”), participants saw the
a much stronger activation of the classical dancers’ mirror same hand motor act within the two different contexts. The

rizzolatti, fogassi, and gallese: the mirror neuron system 635

context suggested the intention of the agent, that is, grasping when an individual observes an unexpected motor act, such
the cup for drinking or grasping it for cleaning. as a motor slip, his cortical machinery, besides signaling the
The results showed that in both action and intention observed motor act, also signals the strangeness of the motor
conditions, there was an activation of the mirror system. The act outcome.
comparison between intention and action conditions showed
that the understanding of the intention of the agent deter- The Mirror System, Motor Cognition, and Autism
mined a marked increase in activity of the right IFG. Autistic children display a striking inability to relate
Interestingly, the observation of grasping of the cup to themselves to people in ordinary ways. According to Kanner
drink produced a stronger activation than did the observa- (1943), this represents the fundamental feature of autism.
tion of grasping done to clean. This result is similar to find- However, in the same seminal paper, Kanner reported that
ings in monkeys (see above) showing that the number of “almost all mothers [. . .] recalled their astonishment at the
neurons that code grasping for bringing to the mouth largely children’s failure to assume at any time an anticipatory posture
exceeds the number of neurons that code grasping for putting (Kanner’s italics) preparatory to being picked up.” Unlike
an object into a container. typically developing children, autistic children use motor
In another fMRI study, based on repetition suppression strategies that basically rely on feedback information rather
paradigm, participants were instructed to observe repeated than on feedforward modes of control. Such motor
movies showing the same action outcome (such as opening disturbance prevents autistic children from adopting
or closing a box) achieved by using the same or different anticipatory postural adjustments (Schmitz, Martineau,
kinematics. The results showed that the right inferior pari- Barthélemy, & Assaiante, 2003).
etal and right inferior frontal cortex responses were sup- The theoretical relevance of these findings has been clari-
pressed by the observation of the same action outcome, fied by a recent electromyelographic (EMG) study (Cattaneo
independent of the means used to achieve it. This finding et al., 2008) showing that high-functioning autistic children
has been interpreted as evidence of the involvement of the are unable to organize their own motor acts in intentional
mirror system in intention understanding (de Hamilton & motor chains as typically developing children do. Partici-
Grafton, 2008). pants in this study were typically developed (TD) and high-
In conclusion, these data show that the intentions behind functioning autistic children who were required both to
the actions—at least of basic actions—of others can be execute and to observe two different actions: grasping with
recognized through the mirror mechanism. This does not the right hand a food item placed on a plate, bringing it into
imply, of course, that other, more cognitive ways of “reading the mouth, and eating it or grasping a piece of paper placed
minds” do not exist (see Frith & Frith, 2008). However, there on the same plate and putting it into a box (figure 43.8A).
is little doubt that the mirror mechanism is one of the most During the execution and observation conditions of both
basic and possibly the most basic mechanism for intention actions, the activity of the mouth-opening mylohyoid muscle
understanding. (MH) of the participants was recorded by using EMG surface
More recently, an fMRI study investigated the neural electrodes.
basis of human capacity to differentiate between actions that The results showed that during the execution and obser-
reflected the intention of the agent (intended actions) and vation of the eating action, a sharp increase of MH activity
actions that did not reflect it (nonintended actions). Partici- was recorded in TD children, starting well before the food
pants were shown video clips of a variety of actions done was grasped. No increase of MH activity was present during
with different effectors, each in a double version: one in the observation of the placing action. This means that one
which the actor achieved the purpose of his or her action of the muscles that are instrumental to accomplish the
(e.g., pouring the wine) and one in which the actor per- action final goal (opening the mouth to eat a piece of food)
formed a similar action but failed to reach the goal because is already activated during the initial phases of the action.
of a motor slip or a clumsy movement (e.g., spilling the wine) The motor system anticipates the consequences of the action
(Buccino et al., 2007). The results showed that both types of final goal (to eat), thus directly representing the action inten-
actions activated the mirror system. The direct contrast non- tion, both when the action is executed and when the action
intended versus intended actions showed activation in the is observed being done by others. In contrast with TD
right temporoparietal junction, left supramarginal gyrus, children, high-functioning autistic children showed a much
and mesial prefrontal cortex. The converse contrast did not later activation of the MH muscle during eating action exe-
show any activation. It was concluded that the capacity to cution and no activation at all during eating action observation
understand when an action is nonintended is based on the (figures 43.8B and 43.8C ).
activation of attention areas signaling unexpected events in These results reveal that children with autism are
spatial and temporal domains (Corbetta & Shulman, 2002; impaired in chaining sequential motor acts within a
Coull, 2004; Mitchell, 2008). These results indicate that reaching-to-grasp-to-eat intentional action, a mechanism

636 motor systems


B1 B2

typically-developing children

0.08 0.08

0.07 0.07 eat

rectified mylohyoid EMG

rectified mylohyoid EMG

eat 0.06
0.06 0.06

rectified mylohyoid EMG

0.06 place

rectified mylohyoid EMG

0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 place
0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

–2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 reach grasp bring –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 reach grasp bring
time (s) time (s)

autistic children

0.08 0.08

0.07 0.07 eat

rectified mylohyoid EMG
rectified mylohyoid EMG

0.06 eat 0.06 0.06 0.06

rectified mylohyoid EMG

rectified mylohyoid EMG

0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
eat place
0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

–2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 reach grasp bring –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 reach grasp bring
time (s) time (s)

Figure 43.8 Differential activation of a mouth-opening muscle curves are aligned (dashed vertical line) with the moment in which
during execution and observation of two actions in typically devel- the object is lifted from the touch-sensitive plate. Right: Mean EMG
oping and autistic children. (A) Schematic representation of the two activity of the same muscle in three epochs of the two actions.
actions executed and observed by the two groups of subjects. Upper Vertical bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. (B2) Left: Time
part: The individual reaches for and grasps a piece of food located course of the EMG activity of the mylohyoid muscle during obser-
on a touch-sensitive plate, brings it to the mouth, and eats it. Lower vation of grasping for eating (red) and grasping for placing (blue).
part: The individual reaches for and grasps a piece of paper located Other conventions as in B1. Right: Mean EMG activity of the same
on the same plate and puts it into a container placed on the shoul- muscle in three epochs of the two observed actions. Other conven-
der. (B1) Left: Time course of the EMG activity of the mylohyoid tions as in B1. (Modified from Cattaneo et al., 2008.) (See color
muscle during execution of grasping for eating (red) and grasping plate 59.)
for placing (blue). Vertical bars indicate the standard error. The

rizzolatti, fogassi, and gallese: the mirror neuron system 637

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al., 2005). This impairment is mirrored in the action obser-
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and stimulus-driven attention in the brain. Nat. Rev. Neurosci., 3,
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640 motor systems

44 Relative Hierarchies and the
Representation of Action
scott t. grafton, l. aziz-zadeh, and r. b. ivry

abstract Hierarchy is a central concept for understanding how problems, including those associated with task planning?
complex goal-oriented behaviors are organized. In this chapter we Do all plans require goals? How does a task get organized?
present recent functional and behavioral evidence that supports the One possible mechanism for planning goal-directed
existence of a control hierarchy in the human brain for organizing
complex motor. It is proposed that the functional hierarchy is not sequences of actions is based on hierarchical control. The
based on strict anatomical connectivity within the motor system. argument for hierarchical control was elaborated within a
Instead, there are multiple motor planning circuits, each of which cognitive science framework by Keele and colleagues (1990)
can serve a supraordinate role, and this role can be readily inter- during the 1980s. Using a set of model tasks such as hand-
changed to achieve a much wider range of task outcomes. This can writing and the serial reaction time task, researchers sought
be observed at the level of hand-object interactions, bimanual
control, and the integration of semantics into action planning.
to describe the structure of control hierarchies by identifying
consistent patterns of variation in the time required to initi-
ate successive components of an action, as well as through
studies of motor transfer. These studies showed that many
Historical perspective: The hierarchy of serial behavior aspects of control reflected constraints that were related
to the abstract nature of action representations, separable
Within the field of motor control, the problem of how from the musculoskeletal system. A fundamental distinction
people accomplish complicated tasks has historically been derived from this perspective can be made between abstract
intertwined with the concept of what constitutes a motor plans and their implementation, the basic components of
program. This in turn depends on solving the problem of a hierarchy.
serial order, first articulated by Lashley (1951). He sought to Another form of hierarchical control within the imple-
understand how the nervous system organized sequential mentation process itself became evident through studies
motor elements to achieve a desired motor goal. Bernstein of naturalistic grasping. Kinematic analysis showed that
(1996) elaborated on the serial order problem by emphasiz- the transport phase of an arm movement has an exquisite
ing that the control system was flexible, designed to produce interdependency with processes involved in shaping the
actions that were constrained by task demands rather than hand to grasp an object ( Jeannerod, 1984, 1986). The
fixed action patterns. This shift in emphasis brought to the velocity of the transport phase is subordinate to the grasp
forefront the concept of a goal. We move to accomplish requirements, with timing that is tightly coupled to maximal
goals. hand aperture. At a more abstract level, prior experience
These early theories were critical in minimizing the role and task goals can also influence grasping (Rosenbaum,
of the simple chaining of reflexes, proposing instead the Meulenbroek, & Vaughan, 2001; Rosenbaum, Vaughan,
existence of a motor plan as an alternative. But they also Barnes, & Jorgensen, 1992). For example, the way in which
introduced fundamental questions that continue to chal- an object is grasped is constrained by task demands. Given
lenge the field: What is a motor plan? Is it composed of dis- a fixed starting position, the adopted grasping posture will
crete representational elements? Can associative mechanisms depend on how the tool is to be moved (defined by the center
that underlie reflex chains be used to solve more complex of mass) and used (defined by the tool’s functional proper-
ties), as well as the comfort of the end-state posture. In this
scott. t. grafton UCSB Brain Imaging Center, Department of case the selected grip is subordinate to the desired goal for
Psychology, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, using the tool as well as biomechanical constraints.
California Computational models of motor planning have also
l. aziz-zadeh Brain and Creativity Institute and The Department exploited hierarchical features in action representation. In
of Occupational Therapy, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, California a model of hierarchical behavior proposed by Cooper and
r. b. ivry Department of Psychology, University of California Shallice (2006), a logical tree structure of discrete behaviors
Berkeley, Berkeley, California is developed to organize an action sequence. To make a cup

grafton, aziz-zadeh, and ivry: hierarchies and the representation of action 641
Figure 44.1 Task hierarchy for making a cup of tea. (A) An explicit whole-part schema for performing a task with three levels of
complexity. (B) A schema of the same task after the different components have been compiled into sequential units.

of coffee, the act of adding sugar is distinct from the act of Anatomic versus representational hierarchy
adding milk, and each must be scheduled after the coffee has
been brewed. This scheduling occurs within a large multi- The concept of an action hierarchy has not been limited to
layered, interactive network, with the top level of the hier- the psychological and computational realms; neuroscientists
archy providing constraint in terms of its specification of task have also been highly influenced by hierarchical notions in
goal (see figure 44.1A). theorizing about the organization of the nervous system.
In such models, the notion of a hierarchy is explicit, with Efforts to map different levels of motor planning into distinct
the layered representation defined as a task schema. In neural substrates were motivated in large part by the belief
an alternative approach, action planning could be goal- that there existed a strict anatomical hierarchy, at least
independent, with the hierarchy arising as an emergent within lower levels of the nervous system. As one ascends
property of processes that arises from sequential transitions from muscle activity to peripheral nerves and then into
between different components. For example, Botvinick spinal cord and ultimately to motor cortex, there is increas-
(2008) has shown that a simple recursive network based on ing abstraction in the type of information represented
an action layer, a perception layer, and an intermediate (d’Avella & Bizzi, 2005; Giszter, Mussa-Ivaldi, & Bizzi,
layer can learn fairly complex motor actions without the 1993). It is only natural to assume that there is a continua-
need for top-down task structuring with respect to a goal. tion of this control hierarchy into premotor and ultimately
Furthermore, sequencing and the formation of motor pro- prefrontal and parietal areas. An example is the sensor-
grams can lead to compilation of complex acts into a smaller imotor hierarchy first proposed by Fuster (Fuster, 1995)
set of tasks, as shown in figure 44.1B. The evaluation of these and recently implemented by Botvinick (2007) (figure 44.2A).
computational models has primarily relied on behavioral In this model, only the primary motor cortex influences
studies that involve dependent variables such as variation in the environment. As a task becomes more complex,
planning time and errors of substitution. increasing reliance is placed on premotor heteromodal
Methods of cognitive neuroscience can provide additional sensory circuits and ultimately prefrontal-polymodal sensory
means for addressing these issues. The present chapter seeks circuits. In an extreme version of this model, there is a linear
to incorporate these other forms of evidence to reconsider gradient between task complexity and posterior to anterior
how the notion of hierarchy and action goals may be concep- prefrontal cortex (Badre & D’Esposito, 2007; Botvinick,
tualized to aid our understanding of how movement is 2007, 2008).
achieved. To assess these questions, we review a wide range Early brain imaging studies of action planning were often
of actions, spanning tool use, bimanual coordination, and, interpreted as being consistent with an anatomical hierarchi-
finally, how language influences motor planning and control. cal framework (Roland, Larsen, Lassen, & Skinhoj, 1980;

642 motor systems


Figure 44.2 Examples of anatomic networks. (A) In this model, A dorsal-dorsal stream (upper arrow) is used for learning arbitrary
based on Fuster (1995), sensorimotor loops represent information sensorimotor transformations and reaching. A ventral-dorsal
of increasing abstraction or complexity. Only the motor cortex stream (middle arrow) is used for object centered actions. A third
controls interactions with the environment, and there is strict stream, positioned between inferior parietal lobule and inferior
segregation between unimodal and polymodal sensory areas. frontal gyrus (lower arrow), has been hypothesized for representing
(B) In this multiple stream model, there are at least two parietal- complex actions and tool use. In this model, these circuits operate
prefrontal-premotor streams engaged for goal-oriented behavior. in tandem, with no fixed hierarchical arrangement.

Roland, Skinhøj, Lassen, & Larsen, 1980). One of these The third argument is based on recent evidence that even
studies used positron emission tomography to measure blood the lowest levels of this presumed cortical hierarchy are
flow and compared activation patterns during real versus capable of organizing extremely complex serial behavior (Lu
imagined movement. Whereas the supplementary motor & Ashe, 2005; Matsuzaka, Picard, & Strick, 2007). Recent
area (SMA) was active during both real and imagined move- recordings from the primary motor cortex in nonhuman
ment, motor cortex was only weakly activated during imag- primates demonstrate sequence-specific responses that are
ined movements. This dissociation was interpreted as showing tied to the action rather than particular muscles. Similar
that the SMA provided a more abstract representation of evidence for learning-dependent changes within motor
the action plan, one that provided the plan of the action, and cortex for complex serial actions has been observed in
motor cortex activation was primarily limited to the actual humans (Grafton, Hazeltine, & Ivry, 1998; Grafton, Salidis,
implementation of that plan. From this view, the SMA has & Willingham, 2001; Karni et al., 1998).
sometimes been referred to as a “supramotor” area. Finally, models that emphasize a strict anatomical hierar-
However, four arguments suggest that caution is required chy for motor planning run the risk of requiring a command
in attempting to identify a direct correspondence between a and control structure with a “decider” at the top; the problem
well-defined anatomical hierarchy and a functional hierar- of the homunculus resurfaces in such models. This type of
chy. First, many of the descending pathways to the spinal architecture seems difficult to reconcile with the effortless
cord originate outside the primary motor cortex, including nature with which we perform many of our everyday actions.
rich projects from premotor and parietal cortex, as well as These are planned unconsciously and adjusted on-line at an
the extrapyramidal brain stem pathways (Dum & Strick, extremely rapid rate (Desmurget & Grafton, 2000).
1991, 1996). The diversity of these cortical and subcortical An alternative conceptualization of functional anatomy is
projections underscores the ability of these areas to directly motivated by the existence of multiple interactive loops across
influence movement. In addition to their direct influences prefrontal-parietal cortex. For example, the concept of two
on motor commands, these areas likely play a role in estab- visual streams for object identification versus action pragmat-
lishing the context of an action and the coordination of ics has been extended, as is shown graphically in figure
movement commands with current information about the 44.2B (Goodale, Milner, Jakobson, & Carey, 1991). There is
state of the actor. now extensive anatomical and functional evidence to support
A second argument against the presence of a strict ana- at least two and possibly three processing streams within the
tomical hierarchy within motor regions of the cortex is that classic “dorsal” stream related to object-centered action, tool
most premotor areas have direct inputs onto motor cortex, use, and reaching (Johnson & Grafton, 2003; Rizzolatti &
and no premotor area appears to have a dominant role over Luppino, 2001; Rizzolatti & Matelli, 2003). In addition,
another (Dum & Strick, 2005). It has become clear that there there is little anatomical evidence to segregate polymodal
are multiple body representations within premotor cortex, sensory from unimodal association cortex as originally pro-
and the anatomy fails to indicate some sort of hierarchical posed by Fuster. Within each parietal-premotor-prefrontal
structure across these subregions. pathway, all forms of sensory information are integrated.

grafton, aziz-zadeh, and ivry: hierarchies and the representation of action 643
The preceding arguments suggest that insight into the gration (Wolpert, Ghahramani, & Jordan, 1995; Wolpert,
hierarchical nature of action planning and goal representa- Goodbody, & Husain, 1998).
tion will not be defined by the existence of an anatomical There are at least two solutions to this problem. One is
hierarchy. Instead, an anatomical organization with multi- that areas such as aIPS are akin to low-level visual areas and
ple parallel parietal-prefrontal and premotor pathways sup- pass information off to higher cortical areas. This is a classic
ports a multitude of relative hierarchies that can be flexibly functional-anatomical hierarchy of ascending representa-
recruited as a function of task demands, experience, and tional complexity. For example, the goal level of the action
context. In this framework, there are dissociable functional might be represented in ventral premotor cortex, an area
anatomic substrates, but these are not constrained by a fixed that is richly connected to aIPS. In this framework, premotor
hierarchy. This shifts the focus of inquiry to understanding areas would make the ultimate control decisions. An alterna-
representational hierarchies that are highly flexible and goal tive view is that of an inverted or flexible hierarchy. This
based. emphasizes that information about the task goal can have a
direct influence on processing within areas such as aIPS. In
Goal representation and the on-line control of grasp this scheme, computations within aIPS use this goal informa-
tion to constrain sensorimotor integration needed to related
Grasping studies traditionally focus on the interplay between motor commands with object information and an internal
grip formation and limb transport to understand the repre- representation of the body in relationship to the object.
sentational organization of these two task components A series of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
(Haggard & Wing, 1997; Jeannerod, 1997; Jeannerod, studies targeting aIPS during grasping suggest that the latter
Arbib, Rizzolatti, & Sakata, 1995). For grasping, the object perspective is more appropriate. In this work, subjects were
itself defines the task goal. The problem then becomes one required to reach and grasp a small 1 × 1 × 5 cm rectangular
of sensorimotor transformation, in which object features are wooden block located on a computer-controlled torque
decoded to generate hand configurations that are optimally motor (Tunik, Frey, & Grafton, 2005). The orientation of
shaped to match the object geometry. Object knowledge the block could be changed in less than 30 ms. The subject
involves both physical properties (texture, mass, center of was required to start with the right hand on a button and,
gravity) and utility (how the parts of an object such as a when ready, use the index finger and thumb to grasp the
handle and action surfaces are used to accomplish particular object, aligning these fingers on the vertical axis. To assess
goals). Through experience and cumulative knowledge, a on-line updating, the initiation of the grasping movement
library of possible hand-object affordances and utility are would trigger the motor to spin the object 90 or 180 degrees.
constructed. In this manner, the object’s orientation always changed on
Neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies have pro- every trial. However, the planned grasping action would
vided evidence of two primary pathways in posterior cortex: have to be updated when the object rotated 90 degrees,
the classic “how” and “what” visual streams (Culham et al., requiring a larger aperture to grasp the 5-cm width. In con-
2003; Goodale et al., 1994). Processing distinctions within trast, when the object rotated 180 degrees, no adjustment
these pathways can be viewed as supporting pragmatic and was required, since the object’s vertical axis remained at
conceptual representations for action. Within the dorsal 1 cm diameter.
“how” pathway, there is clear evidence that the anterior Single pulses of TMS were delivered to aIPS, timed to the
intraparietal sulcus (aIPS) in humans (area AIP in nonhu- start of the hand movement. The TMS pulses disrupted the
man primates) is critical for sensorimotor transformations subjects’ ability to modify their grip aperture on trials in
that relate the visual and/or haptic features of an object to which the grasp had to be updated but had no effect on trials
a desired hand shape, with limb transport, body stabiliza- in which the original grip could be used (figure 44.3). In
tion, and eye movements playing subordinate roles. control conditions in which the TMS pulses were applied to
This framing in terms of a sensorimotor transformation other brain regions (e.g., caudal or mid intraparietal cortex),
provides a starting point to understand a functional hierar- or 400 ms after movement onset, no behavioral effects were
chy, but it is missing a critical piece: how the goal is related observed.
to the sensorimotor transformations. We grasp objects to If reaching and grasping are anatomically dissociable,
achieve goals (e.g., pick up a nut) or to solve problems (e.g., TMS of aIPS should affect only the control of grip aperture.
use a tool to open the nut). How does an area such as aIPS To test this hypothesis, the same subjects were tested in a
integrate the low-level details required to control grip aper- critical second experiment. Instead of always grasping the
ture with information about an object that includes high- block along the vertical axis, they were now told to always
level features that may be defined functionally and in a way grip the narrow (1-cm) axis. With these instructions, the task
that varies with context? This shifts the problem from one goal required that they update the orientation of the forearm
of sensorimotor transformation to one of sensorimotor inte- and wrist, but the grip aperture remained fixed. In this con-

644 motor systems

this were the case, disruption should also have been observed
when the pulses were applied before movement onset.
Instead, aIPS appears to be essential for the on-line integra-
tion of visual and proprioceptive information with efference
copy signals in order to meet the task goal.
The TMS findings are consistent with the hypothesis that
the task goal is embedded in the controllers, even for rela-
tively simple actions such as grasping. Moreover, the con-
straints associated with the task goal are closely intertwined
with processes involved in the sensorimotor integration
needed for rapid adjustments of an ongoing movement. At
least with respect to the role of aIPS in grasping, there is no
evidence for an anatomical dissociation between the repre-
sentation of a goal and the implementation of movements
required to achieve that goal.

Figure 44.3 Effect of a single pulse of TMS during object grasp- Goal representation in bimanual coordination
ing. The figure plots finger aperture measured when subjects grasp
an object that has increased in size, as shown in the insert of the Studies of bimanual movements have provided another
hand. When TMS is applied to the anterior intraparietal sulcus framework for examining how the selection and control of
(arrow on brain, insert) at movement onset, there is a delay in the
formation of the required grip aperture (lower curve in plot) com- movement are constrained by action goals. Much of this
pared to the no-TMS, control condition (upper curve in plot). work has involved rhythmic movements, evaluating changes
(Adapted from Tunik et al., 2005.) in pattern stability when performers are asked to adopt a
range of phase relationships between the two hands (see
dition, when TMS pulses were applied to aIPS at movement Schöner & Kelso, 1988). A large body of evidence demon-
onset, the participants were unable to rotate the arm appro- strates that certain patterns are more stable than others;
priately to match the new orientation of the object. people are much more adept in adopting antiphase and in-
Taken together, the results argue against the hypothesis phase patterns of motion than in adopting patterns in which
that the TMS is interfering with the adjustment of a particu- the two hands must adopt more complex phasing patterns.
lar set of muscles or an elemental process such as grip aper- These constraints have been formally described by models
ture. A more parsimonious explanation is that this region of in which the limbs are conceptualized as coupled oscillators.
the parietal cortex is involved in using information concern- An alternative, process-oriented perspective focuses on the
ing the task constraints to generate a desired hand-object manner in which the task goals are represented. In the event-
interaction. As such, the TMS appears to disrupt the repre- timing model of Spencer, Semjen, Yang, and Ivry (2007),
sentation of the goal itself rather than some “downstream” the task is represented as a series of salient temporal events
operation that controls some component of that goal. such as the point of contact during finger tapping or
Note that in the two studies reviewed above, the disruptive maximum flexion or extension during movements performed
effects of TMS were observed on trials in which an action without such haptic cues. In this model, stability is con-
plan had to be updated rapidly. Perhaps aIPS is important strained by the complexity of the temporal representation.
for this updating process and not needed when the action Thus, antiphase and in-phase patterns are more stable
has already been planned. To address this, shutter goggles because the representation of the temporal goals for these
were used to control when visual information about the patterns is simpler than for more complex phase relation-
object was available to the subjects (Rice, Tunik, & Grafton, ships (Semjen & Ivry, 2001). Moreover, the phase transitions
2006). The goggles provided a brief 200-ms view of the observed from antiphase to in-phase movement when move-
object but were closed just before reach onset. Thus the ment frequency increases arise because the latter entails a
subjects were required to reach and grasp the object without simpler temporal representation (Spencer et al., 2007).
vision of the hand or of the object. Critically, TMS to aIPS A similar perspective has been offered to account for
interfered with grasp kinematics when the pulses were deliv- bimanual interactions observed in the spatial domain (Ivry,
ered at movement onset but not when it was delivered during Diedrichsen, Spencer, Hazeltine, & Semjen, 2004). Consider
the viewing period. a task in which a person must simultaneously draw two
This result argues strongly against the hypothesis that three-sided squares (figure 44.4A). Performance is fluid when
aIPS is essential for planning the requisite sensorimotor the patterns are symmetric (e.g., U and U). In contrast, when
transformation solely on the basis of visual information. If the patterns are orthogonal (e.g., U and C), severe limitations

grafton, aziz-zadeh, and ivry: hierarchies and the representation of action 645

Figure 44.4 (A) In this task, the participant must simultaneously Symbolically cued actions produce stronger activation across the
draw the shape on the left with the left hand and the shape on the left intraparietal sulcus/superior parietal lobule and left premotor
right with the right hand. Representative trajectories produced by cortex than do directly cued actions. (Adapted from Diedrichsen
a control participant and a callosotomy patient are shown. (B) et al., 2006.)

are observed; the time to initiate each segment increases Waki, Yamada, & Ishii, 1997). Diedrichsen and colleagues
dramatically, and spatial distortions are observed such that (2006) looked at simpler movements, comparing conditions
the trajectories for the two hands become assimilated (Albert in which reaching movements were either directly cued
& Ivry, 2009; Franz, Eliasson, Ivry, & Gazzaniga, 1996). (e.g., targets specified by the locations of the stimuli) or
These effects can also be observed with simpler patterns; for symbolically cued (e.g., locations specified by letters indicat-
example, reaction times are much slower when two linear ing target locations). The SMA showed no difference between
movements are symmetric than when they follow orthogonal conditions requiring unimanual or bimanual movements.
trajectories or are of different amplitudes (Heuer, Kleinsorge, However, a large parietal region extending along the intra-
Spijkers, & Steglich, 2001). However, these costs are essen- parietal sulcus as well as premotor cortex showed greater
tially abolished when stimuli appear at the endpoint location, activation in the symbolic condition than in the direct condi-
serving as direct cues for the required movements (Diedrich- tion (figure 44.4B). Interestingly, this activation was much
sen, Hazeltine, Kennerley, & Ivry, 2001). stronger in the left hemisphere than in the right hemisphere,
The fact that the constraints are highly dependent on the and the magnitude of the activation was greater for biman-
manner in which the actions are cued indicates that the ual movements that were incongruent (e.g., orthogonal
limitations here are not related to processes that are typically directions) than when they were congruent (e.g., parallel
associated with motor programming and execution. Rather, conditions).
they arise at a more abstract level, one associated with the In terms of the focus of this chapter, these findings
goal of the action. This may be related to the sensory con- speak to three issues. First, contrary to predictions derived
sequences of the movements (Franz, Zelaznik, Swinnen, & from a traditional anatomical-inspired framework, there
Walter, 2001; Mechsner, Kerzel, Knoblich, & Prinz, 2001) was no region, including SMA, that appeared to be specifi-
or to the manner in which the movements themselves are cally sensitive to the contrast of unimanual and bimanual
conceptualized (e.g., as movements to produce trajectories movements. Thus, at least for reaching, the evidence fails
or movements to locations; see Ivry et al., 2004). to support the hypothesis that there exists a neural region
The neural locus of bimanual coordination has been the that is specialized for bimanual coordination. Second,
subject of considerable study. Within a traditional hierarchi- manipulation of the task goals did not engage new neural
cal perspective, the debate has centered on whether certain regions but rather led to modulation of the magnitude of
neural regions are specialized for coordinating the gestures neural activity. That is, a similar network was recruited for
of the two hands. Much of this work has focused on the reaching movements in response to direct and symbolic
supplementary motor area, motivated by anatomical, lesion, cues, the activation in these areas being greater in the latter
and neuroimaging evidence involving sequential or rhyth- conditions. Thus, similar to our review of reaching and
mic movements (e.g., Brinkman, 1984; Sadato, Yonekura, grasping, the representation of the task goal and control

646 motor systems

operations required to achieve that goal appear to be inti- in terms of the trajectory or the object that was grasped. A
mately intertwined. strong RS effect was observed in the left anterior intraparietal
Third, the symbolic condition did reveal a strong hemi- sulcus (aIPS) when the same object was grasped. Impor-
spheric asymmetry. Activation was strongly lateralized to the tantly, the aIPS was not sensitive to trajectory repetition.
left hemisphere for action goals that required a translation Instead, RS effects based on trajectory were limited to the
between stimuli and their associated responses. At a func- left lateral occipital sulcus and right superior precentral
tional level, this latter finding suggests some form of hierar- sulcus. This double dissociation provides strong evidence in
chical organization between the two hemispheres, with the favor of some type of hierarchy during action observation,
left hemisphere playing a dominant role when there is some with one level sensitive to kinematic-like features of the action
degree of abstract representation of the action goals. (i.e., trajectory) and another sensitive to the goal of the action,
defined here in terms of which object is grasped.
Action understanding In a follow-up experiment, subjects observed movies of an
actor reaching out to grasp a wine bottle or a dumbbell; the
The hierarchical representation of action has also been latter object was placed on end such that its primary axis
addressed in studies of action comprehension. As with matched that of the wine bottle (Hamilton & Grafton, 2007).
studies of perceptual organization, we can ask how people As in the first experiment, the object to be grasped either
attend to actions and organize their percepts. Do we focus remained the same or changed from one trial to the next.
on the goals of an action, perhaps at a cost of becoming Independent of this, the form of the grasp was manipulated
aware of the component parts (e.g., the specifics of the ges- by having the actors use either a power grip, in which the
tures)? Or must we process the components in detail to object was grasped along its thick part, or with a pincer grip,
arrive at an understanding of the actor’s intentions? in which the object was grasped along its thin part. The RS
Conventional subtractive methodologies are problematic effect related to which object was grasped was again local-
in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of ized to the left aIPS (extending into the adjacent IPL) and
hierarchical organization. It is difficult to manipulate how to a lesser degree within the right aIPS. In contrast, an RS
people perform action comprehension tasks, and doing so is effect based on how the object was grasped was observed in
likely to affect a host of factors, such as task complexity and the SMA, middle IPS, inferior and middle occipital regions,
the demands on working memory. An alternative approach and clusters within middle and inferior frontal gyri. These
is to exploit the repetition suppression (RS) phenomenon, a results again suggest a hierarchical organization with some
tool that has proven useful across a range of task domains regions sensitive to the form of the grasp and others sensitive
in perception (Grill-Spector & Malach, 2001; Kourtzi & to the goal of the action.
Kanwisher, 2000). RS is also referred to as fMRI adaptation. In the preceding studies, the goal of the action was defined
When two successive stimuli are “similar,” the BOLD as the object to be grasped, with the form of the action con-
response to the second stimulus is reduced (i.e., a form of sidered subordinate. However, in most actions, grasping is
adaptation or habituation) compared to conditions in which really the means to an end: We grasp objects such as tools
the second stimulus is novel (i.e., release from adaptation). to accomplish some behavioral goal that requires manipula-
The key here is that RS provides a signature of what tion of that object (Frey, 2008). Thus, the RS experiments
“similar” means across the brain. For example, in face per- described above are not adequate for assessing intentionality
ception, some brain regions may show an RS effect only in terms of why the actor has selected one object over the
when the gender of the face remains the same on successive other. This issue was addressed in an RS experiment that
trials; the same or other regions may show RS only when manipulated the outcome of the actions (Hamilton &
the same face is presented. As such, RS provides a probe to Grafton, 2008). For example, a series of video clips were
identify hemodynamic changes within a class of stimuli or a generated in which the actor pushed or pulled a sliding cover
level of a hierarchy rather than between classes. In this way, that was attached to the top of a wooden box. Depending
different levels of representation for the same stimulus can on the starting position of the lid, the result of this movement
be analyzed independently. either opened or closed the box. A similar manipulation of
To identify topologies in the human brain corresponding kinematics and outcome was used with a range of familiar
to a motor hierarchy, Hamilton and Grafton (2006) had tasks such as turning a stove on or off, tying or untying a
participants view short video clips of a right arm reaching string, and drawing or erasing with a pencil.
and grasping either of two objects and then had them trans- An RS effect for outcomes was found in the bilateral IPL
port the selected object to a midline position. Two variables and the IFG. These effects were not driven by a single action
were manipulated. First, one or the other object was grasped. or outcome but were generalized across a wide variety of
Second, the position of the two objects with respect to the actions. As in the other RS experiments, these areas were
midline was varied. In this way, repetition could be defined not sensitive to the means through which the actions were

grafton, aziz-zadeh, and ivry: hierarchies and the representation of action 647
achieved. Rather, repetition of the kinematics (e.g., push or
pull) led to a reduced BOLD response in the left middle
intraparietal sulcus, left lateral occipital cortex, and left supe-
rior temporal sulcus.
Taken together, these three experiments support a model
of representational hierarchy that distinguishes action means,
kinematics, object-centered behavior, and ultimately, action
consequences. The decoding of object-centered action
appears to be strongly left lateralized, whereas the decoding
of more complex action intentions arising as a consequence
of the action engaged bilateral frontal-parietal circuits. The
bilateral recruitment that is observed in this latter condition Figure 44.5 Two routes, one mediated by semantics, for building
up a motor representation. (Adapted from Tessari & Rumiati, 2004.)
is quite different from the relative hierarchies described in
the other sections of this chapter. One explanation focuses used. For example, consider a task in which a person is asked
on perceptual factors. Complex intentions might require to imitate gestures. If the gestures are meaningless, then it is
more global perceptual analysis (Ivry & Robertson, 1998). thought that imitation must occur via a direct visuomotor
An alternative explanation is that the right hemisphere plays route. If the gestures are meaningful, however, then imita-
a central role in representing more complex action goals. tion could be achieved either by this direct visuomotor route
Most studies of action understanding or production focus on or by accessing long-term semantic memory (Rumiati &
simple object-centered actions rather than complex goals Tessari, 2002; Rumiati et al., 2005). Behavioral studies of
and do not address this hypothesis. This explanation is imitation of meaningful and meaningless gestures (Tessari
supported by patient studies. As Hartmann, Goldenberg, & Rumiati, 2004) support the theory that actions can be
Daumüller, and Hermsdörfer (2005, p. 625) recently empha- organized by these two systems.
sized, “It takes the whole brain to make a cup of coffee.” Is processing in these pathways independent, or do the
systems share some common neural substrates? A visuomo-
Action semantics tor route would seem to involve motor-related areas. To
what degree does a semantic route use (some of) the same
How might language semantics fit into the representational motor-related brain regions? Does hearing the word hammer-
hierarchy of motor control? It seems plausible that a word ing directly activate motor-related brain areas? One way to
such as hammering could summon the actions associated with explore this question is to return to the study of action com-
this concept. Thus, when one hears the word, an entire prehension. If an action-related semantic area is indepen-
action plan would be activated, one composed of various dent of motor-related areas, then comprehension should
subcomponents: retrieving the required tools, grasping the remain possible if the motor regions are damaged, at least
hammer with one hand and the nail with the other, striking for meaningful actions. In this view, words related to actions
the nail by pounding the hammer. The hypothesis of an are processed by nonmotor, language-related areas; their
interaction between semantic processing and action plan- effect on motor performance is indirect, perhaps occurring
ning is supported by evidence from various methodologies. via spreading activation to motor regions. Alternatively, if
For example, adjectives related to object properties have action semantics is intimately linked with motor-based rep-
been found to influence movement execution (Gentilucci, resentations, then lesions of the motor regions should disrupt
Benuzzi, Bertolani, Daprati, & Gangitano, 2000; Gentilucci comprehension. That is, in this view, semantic knowledge
& Gangitano, 1998; Glover & Dixon, 2002). A subject’s cannot be separated from the systems that are involved
initial grasp kinematics is influenced by seeing the word large in producing the actions themselves, a form of embodied
or small printed over the target object. Similarly, initial reach cognition (e.g., Gallese & Lakoff, 2005). As such, lesions to
kinematics to an object are altered if the word far or near is these areas will affect both action production and action
printed adjacent to the object. These findings indicate that comprehension.
semantic processing, even when not explicitly related to the This question has been asked in a number of neuropsy-
motor task, influences motor planning. As such, they reveal chological studies. Some of this work has focused on patients
how language provides another representational system with apraxia, a disorder defined by impairments in the pro-
through which motor plans are organized and influenced. duction of gestures that cannot be attributed to problems in
The form of these interactions has been the focus of the actual control of the effectors. With regard to their motor
numerous recent investigations. One hypothesis is that lan- output, many of these patients appear to have lost their
guage and motor systems constitute two parallel systems knowledge of action semantics; for example, they are unable
(figure 44.5). Task requirements determine which system is to pantomime familiar gestures or use tools. Ideomotor

648 motor systems

apraxia is characterized as a deficit in the sequencing of Tettamanti and his colleagues (2005) found a similar somato-
skilled actions, resulting in temporal and spatial errors. The topy in premotor cortex in a sentence comprehension task.
individual elements of the action, by themselves, might be Aziz-Zadeh, Wilson, Rizzolatti, and Iacoboni (2006) used an
correctly performed, but the overriding idea of the action as action observation task to localize regions of interest in foot,
a whole appears to be lost (Heilman, Maher, Greenwald, & hand, and mouth regions within premotor cortex. When
Rothi, 1997). There is some evidence however, that this is these participants listened to sentences describing similar
not simply a disorder of temporal sequencing but might have actions, these areas were activated in an effector-specific
to do with loss of action semantics. In a seminal paper, manner. Interestingly, these effects were restricted to the left
Ochipa, Rothi, and Heilman (1989) reported a case study of hemisphere (figure 44.6). This lateralization argues against
a left-handed man who exhibited ideational apraxia follow- an account in which the premotor regions are indirectly
ing damage to the right hemisphere. Paralleling his difficulty recruited via imagery given that the video activation patterns
in using tools, the patient showed a severe impairment in had been bilateral. Rather, the left lateralization suggests
action knowledge. For example, he was unable to select the that premotor cortex is engaged by more abstract linguistic
object that was best matched with a particular tool (e.g., a representations.
nail with a hammer). Thus his problem was not limited to These data indicate that action semantics and visuomotor
production. Similarly, his deficit could not be attributed to representations share common neural substrates. This could
a language comprehension deficit because he could name explain why, at the behavioral level, interactions between
the tools and readily pointed to the correct object upon semantics and motor planning are observed. However, we
command. Instead, it appeared that the patient had an cannot infer causality from patterns of activation in imaging
impairment in action semantics (Ochipa et al., 1989), sug- studies; it is unclear whether these premotor activations are
gesting that, in part, action semantics and motor representa- essential for action comprehension or reflect some indirect,
tions share forms of representation. noncausal recruitment, perhaps via priming from other
Similarly, conceptual apraxia is defined by a loss of con- areas. In the preceding discussion of neurological patients,
ceptual knowledge about tools and objects associated with the locus of the lesions was only crudely specified, generally
gestures. However, unlike ideomotor apraxia, the temporal described in terms of whether the damage was to the left or
sequencing of an action is preserved. Conceptual apraxia is right hemisphere.
characterized by two types of problems: impairments of A more direct assessment of the role of motor areas in
associative knowledge (tool-action associations such as action comprehension comes from studies in which a more
hammer-pound and tool-object associations such as hammer- precise specification of the pathology has been described.
nail) and impairments of mechanical knowledge such as Action verb comprehension and naming appear to be sig-
the properties and advantages of a given tool. Patients with nificantly compromised in patients with motor neuron
conceptual apraxia exhibit errors when asked to demon- disease (MND), a neurodegenerative disease with prominent
strate the semantic content of an action (e.g., using a scissor- pathology of corticospinal neurons (Bak & Hodges, 1999,
cutting motion for sawing) even though they are not impaired 2004; Bak, O’Donovan, Xuereb, Boniface, & Hodges, 2001).
in object recognition (e.g., they can name the saw). Further- Interestingly, these patients do not appear to be impaired in
more, the ability to name the tool associated with a given their comprehension and naming of nouns. Postmortem
object is often compromised. These patients tend to have studies indicate that the degeneration in MND patients
difficulty in associating a tool with the linguistic description extends beyond motor and premotor cortex into inferior
of its function (e.g., they are unable to pick out the hammer frontal gyrus (Brodmann areas 44 and 45). Thus, the linguis-
after hearing the word pounding) (Goldenberg & Hagmann, tic problems here might not be directly related to damage
1998; Heilman et al., 1997). Heilman and colleagues (1997) to primary and secondary motor regions. Nonetheless, they
have argued that this form of apraxia is typically limited to again demonstrate the neural overlap of regions involved in
patients with left hemisphere damage, consistent with the motor control and action semantics, even when the seman-
hypothesis that there is a linguistic component to the deficit. tics are accessed linguistically (Bak et al., 2001). Patients with
Moreover, these results further support the hypothesis that progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) (Daniele, Giustolisi,
there is some degree of overlap between action semantics Silveri, Colosimo, & Gainotti, 1994) and frontotemporal
and nonlanguage motor representations. dementia (Cappa et al., 1998) also show deficits in verb
Imaging studies provide converging evidence that action processing, indicating that frontal and frontostriatal brain
semantics is tightly coupled to motor regions. Reading words areas have a role in action semantics.
associated with foot, hand, or mouth actions (e.g., kick, pick, Perhaps the most comprehensive patient study of action
lick) activates premotor areas adjacent to or overlapping with semantics comes from the work of Tranel, Kemmerer,
areas that are activated when producing actions with the Damasio, Adolphs, and Damasio (2003). Ninety patients
same effectors (Hauk, Johnsrude, & Pulvermuller, 2004). with lesions to various brain regions were assessed in their

grafton, aziz-zadeh, and ivry: hierarchies and the representation of action 649
Figure 44.6 (A) Observation of movements performed by the ROI associated with mouth action observation was most active
hand, mouth, or foot was used to localize regions of interests (ROIs) for mouth-related phrases; similarly, the region defined by foot
in the premotor cortex. (B) The same participants read phrases action observation was most active in reading of foot-based actions.
related to hand, mouth, or foot actions. (C ) The left hemisphere (D) No significant effects were observed in the right hemisphere
ROI associated with hand action observation was most active when ROIs. (Adapted from Aziz-Zadeh et al., 2006.)
the participants read phrases described as hand-based actions. The

ability to retrieve action knowledge, using a task in which access the former. Rather, the evidence is more consistent
the participants matched pictures that depicted related with an embodied cognition framework, one in which our
actions. Based on a lesion overlap approach, the highest conceptual knowledge of actions is dependent on the systems
incidence of impairment was associated with damage to the that are required to produce actions. In the more extreme
left premotor/prefrontal cortex, the left parietal region, and form, this embodiment would extend to our linguistic knowl-
the white matter underneath the left posterior middle tem- edge of actions (Feldman, 2006).
poral region. A similar dual pattern of deficit was reported
in a study in which aphasic patients were tested for their Summary
comprehension of visually or verbally presented actions.
Patients with lesions of premotor or parietal area were Hierarchy as a word was first used around 1380 to describe
impaired on these tasks, although lesions in premotor areas the strict relationship between the three layers of angels
were more predictive of the observed deficits (Saygin, Wilson, (seraphim, cherubim, and thrones) ascending toward heaven.
Dronkers, & Bates, 2004). Each was subordinate yet dependent on the lower level. In
Taken together, these studies indicate that action compre- this chapter, we have argued for the existence of a hierarchy
hension deficits can be observed in patients who have in the human brain for organizing complex motor behavior
damage to areas associated with planning actions, in particu- that, like the angels, carries with it distinct functional depen-
lar premotor and parietal regions. Consistent with the argu- dencies. However, unlike the angels, the anatomy of the
ments raised in our earlier discussion of hierarchies, these motor system and the multitude of solutions for achieving
results further challenge a traditional view in which motor complex behaviors suggest that the supraordinate or subor-
control and language are segregated into separate modules, dinate roles played by different layers of functional hierarchy
with the latter occupying a supraordinate position that can can be readily interchanged.

650 motor systems

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652 motor systems

Chapter 45 suzuki 659

46 shrager and squire 675

47 nader 691

48 race, kuhl, badre,

and wagner 705

49 kensinger 725

50 miller 739

51 schacter, addis,
and buckner 751
daniel l. schacter

Memory is so fundamental to the operation of the brain and

mind that students of the topic could be forgiven for feeling
that their object of study is perhaps the most central in all
of cognitive neuroscience. But what is memory? As I wrote
in the introductory section to the memory chapters in the
2005 edition of this book, we cannot yet provide a satisfac-
tory answer to this question, but we do know something
worth knowing about what memory is not: it is not a single
entity or concept. Indeed, as Endel Tulving stated in his
introduction to the memory chapters in this volume’s first
edition, “Memory is many things, even if not everything that
has been labeled memory corresponds to what cognitive
neuroscientists think of as memory. Memory is a gift of
nature, the ability of living organisms to retain and to utilize
acquired information. The term is closely related to learning,
in that memory in biological systems always entails learning
(the acquisition of information) and in that learning implies
retention (memory) of such information.” Tulving also char-
acterized memory as a trick of evolution, a biological abstrac-
tion, and a convenient chapter heading for certain kinds of
problems that scientists study.
Tulving’s observations still make a great deal of sense. For
example, the starting point for virtually any scientific analy-
sis of memory involves a decomposition into processes of
encoding, storage and consolidation, and retrieval. Further-
more, a prominent theme in cognitive neuroscience for the
past two decades has been that memory can be divided into
multiple forms or systems—collections of processes that
operate on different kinds of information and according to
different rules. Forms of memory such as working, episodic,
semantic, priming, and procedural memory are all familiar
to contemporary researchers.
The idea that memory is not a single thing also extends
to memory’s imperfections. Memory is not a simple matter

schacter: introduction 655

of success or failure. Memory can go awry because of either memory can, under a number of conditions, return it tran-
forgetting or distortion, and each of these types of error can siently to a labile state in which it is again subject to disrup-
be subdivided into several distinguishable forms. Further- tion. Nader reviews recent experimental evidence, considers
more, memory interacts in important ways with a number various alternative interpretations of the phenomenon, and
of related processes, including emotion, cognitive control, attempts to link reconsolidation with approaches to memory
and planning. A full understanding of memory requires that emphasize its constructive nature.
us to address its varied manifestations and complexities. In chapter 48, Race, Kuhl, Badre, and Wagner examine
Happily, memory researchers have risen to the challenge by the interface between memory and cognitive control pro-
exploring and perhaps beginning to unravel the many com- cesses, which guide thought and action in accordance with
plexities of memory. current goals. They review fMRI studies concerned with the
The seven chapters in this section highlight many contributions of specific regions within the frontal lobe to
facets of memory at different levels of analysis. The starting cognitive control over memory, focusing especially on situ-
point for cognitive neuroscience analyses of memory typi- ations in which competition between memories creates inter-
cally begins in the medial temporal lobe. Ever since the ference, and where ineffective retrieval cues yield uncertainty.
groundbreaking observations of Scoville and Milner during Their discussion of the theoretical implications of dissocia-
the 1950s concerning the severe amnesia observed in patient tions between specific frontal subregions in several task
HM after bilateral resection of the medial temporal lobe for domains illustrates the impressive specificity of neuroana-
relief of intractable epilepsy, attempting to understand this tomical and functional conclusions that can be drawn on the
region’s role in memory and learning has constituted a kind basis of imaging studies.
of holy grail for memory researchers. It is therefore appro- Just as the interface between memory and cognitive
priate that the section begins with Suzuki’s chapter concern- control has brought a major topic of experimental and theo-
ing the neuroanatomy of the medial temporal lobe (chapter retical concerns to the surface, so has the interface between
45). She provides a detailed analysis that focuses in particu- memory and emotion. Kensinger in chapter 49 reviews this
lar on similarities and differences across species in a number increasingly impressive body of research, which shows that
of key medial temporal lobe structures, including perirhinal, interactions with emotion can arise at every phase of the
parahippocampal, and entorhinal cortices. Among the inter- memory process, including encoding, consolidation, and
esting differences observed, Suzuki notes that in monkey retrieval. She considers neuroimaging data that clarify the
perirhinal cortex, unimodal input is dominated by the visual role of the amygdala in emotional memory and that reveal
modality, whereas the rat perirhinal cortex receives a conditions under which amygdala activity corresponds with
wider range of inputs from all sensory modalities. Suzuki increased accuracy of emotional memories. Kensinger also
delineates possibly important functional consequences of considers how individual differences can influence emotion-
such differences. memory interactions.
In chapter 46, Shrager and Squire focus on work with The latter topic constitutes the central focus of Miller’s
human amnesic patients to examine spared and impaired chapter 50, especially in relation to neuroimaging studies
functions after medial temporal lobe damage. They report of memory functions. Though individual differences in
a series of refined experimental studies concerning amnesic memory have often been overlooked in memory research,
patients who have well-characterized lesions in order to Miller argues that for neuroimaging studies especially, group
address a number of topics that have been central to recent analyses can be incomplete and even misleading. Miller
discussions of medial temporal lobe function, including illustrates this point with recent work from his own labora-
working memory, habit learning, recollection versus famil- tory, and he also integrates observations concerning indi-
iarity, path integration, remote memory, and conscious vidual differences with some key theoretical issues in memory
awareness. Their observations help to delineate the role of research.
the medial temporal lobe in each of the foregoing aspects of Though the preceding six chapters cover many different
memory and learning. facts of memory, they all approach memory as a process that
Nader in chapter 47 focuses on the recently rediscovered is concerned with recovering information from the past. In
phenomenon of reconsolidation, one of the most intensively the concluding chapter of this part (chapter 51), Schacter,
investigated and hotly debated topics in neuroscience-based Addis, and Buckner consider a recent and rapidly evolving
memory research during the past decade. It has long been literature that implicates memory as a key player in allowing
accepted that memory is a time-dependent process, involv- individuals to think about and simulate possible happenings
ing a consolidation phase where new memories are initially in the future. They discuss striking observations from neu-
unstable or labile, and then over time become more stable roimaging and neuropsychological studies showing cognitive
and resistant to disruption. Reconsolidation refers to the and neural overlap between the processes involved in
observation that reactivating a seemingly consolidated remembering the past and imagining the future, and relate

656 memory
these observations to the idea that memory is a fundamen- The chapters in this section reveal expansions in both the
tally constructive process, sometimes prone to errors and depth and breadth of memory research, which bodes well
illusions. They consider the possibility that the flexible use for the future of the enterprise. We cannot know with any
of information from memory to simulate alternative future certainty what path memory research will follow in the
scenarios constitutes a key function of a constructive memory upcoming years, but we can be confident that it will be excit-
system. ing to find out.

schacter: introduction 657

45 Comparative Analysis of the
Cortical Afferents, Intrinsic
Projections, and Interconnections
of the Parahippocampal Region in
Monkeys and Rats
wendy a. suzuki

abstract Detailed neuroanatomical studies that focused on the identifying which of the structures in the medial temporal
connections of the medial temporal lobe in monkeys provided criti- lobe, when damaged, were responsible for the severe declar-
cal clues toward identifying the structures important for normal ative memory impairment seen in patient HM.
declarative memory. These structures include the hippocampus
together with the surrounding and strongly interconnected ento-
Whereas early experimental lesion (Mishkin, 1978) and
rhinal, perirhinal, and parahippocampal cortices. Detailed ana- neurophysiology studies (O’Keefe & Nadel, 1978) tended to
tomical descriptions of the connections of the analogous cortical focus on the role of the hippocampus in declarative-like
regions in rats suggest both similarities and differences in the con- memory, because later studies showed that selective hippo-
nections of these cortical medial temporal lobe areas across species. campal lesions in humans (Zola-Morgan, Squire, & Amaral,
In this chapter we will review the quantitative anatomical studies
1986) resulted in mild memory impairment relative to the
describing the cortical inputs, intrinsic projections, and intercon-
nections of the entorhinal, perirhinal, and parahippocampal impairment seen in patient HM, this finding suggested that
cortices in monkeys and rats. A detailed understanding of the cross- brain areas beyond the hippocampus may also be involved.
species similarities and differences in the anatomical organization The anatomical studies of Amaral and colleagues (Amaral,
of these regions can provide valuable insight into understanding Insausti, & Cowan, 1987; Insausti, Amaral, & Cowan,
the core mnemonic functions of these areas.
1987a, 1987b) provided critical insight into which other
medial temporal lobe areas might be participating in declar-
ative memory. Specifically, their quantitative neuroana-
The landmark description by Scoville and Milner (1957) of tomical studies showed that the monkey entorhinal cortex,
a group of brain-damaged patients including the well-known the major source of cortical inputs to the hippocampus,
amnesic patient HM demonstrated for the first time that received the vast majority of its cortical projections from
bilateral damage limited to the region of the medial tempo- the surrounding perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices.
ral lobe in humans resulted in a permanent and devastating Further anatomical studies revealed that the perirhinal and
memory impairment. Later studies showed that patients parahippocampal cortices (Suzuki & Amaral, 1994a, 1994b)
with medial temporal lobe damage exhibited a memory loss received a powerful convergence of unimodal and polymo-
that was selective for fact and event memory (i.e., declarative dal cortical inputs and in this way served as a critical relay
memory; Eichenbaum & Cohen, 2001; Gabrieli, 1998; for multimodal information into the hippocampal formation
Squire, Knowlton, & Musen, 1993; Squire, 1992). While the (i.e., hippocampus and entorhinal cortex). Taken together,
original report of Scoville and Milner (1957) first identified these anatomical insights were critical in focusing attention
the region of the medial temporal lobe as key for memory on the possible mnemonic role of the entorhinal, perirhinal,
function, a convergence of systematic anatomical and neu- and parahippocampal cortices. A convergence of subsequent
robehavioral studies in animal model systems was critical for lesion studies (Leonard, Amaral, Squire, & Zola-Morgan,
1995; Suzuki, Zola-Morgan, Squire, & Amaral, 1993;
wendy a. suzuki Center for Neural Science, New York University, Meunier, Bachevalier, Mishkin, & Murray, 1993; Zola-
New York, New York Morgan, Squire, Amaral, & Suzuki, 1989; Murray &

suzuki: parahippocampal region in monkeys and rats 659

Mishkin, 1986) and neurophysiological studies (Miller, Li, & functions of these areas that are similar across species and
Desimone, 1993, 1991; Riches, Wilson, & Brown, 1991; the species-specific differences. In particular, the recent dis-
Baylis & Rolls, 1987; Brown, Wilson, & Riches, 1987) in covery of grid cells in the rat medial entorhinal cortex
monkeys together with findings from brain-damaged (Hafting, Fyhn, Bonnevie, Moser, & Moser, 2008; Fyhn,
patients with detailed MRI localization (Stefanacci, Buffalo, Hafting, Treves, Moser, & Moser, 2007; Hafting, Fyhn,
Schmolck, & Squire, 2000; Corkin, Amaral, Gilberto Molden, Moser, & Moser, 2005; Fyhn et al., 2004) raises
Gonzalez, Johnson, & Hyman, 1997) confirmed the critical fascinating new questions about the homology of physiologi-
contribution of these cortical medial temporal lobe areas cal findings across these cortical medial temporal lobe areas
to declarative memory. in monkeys and rats. Grid cells in the rodent medial ento-
Parallel neuroanatomical, lesion, and neurophysiological rhinal cortex exhibit a striking pattern of spatially selective
studies in rodents have also made important progress in firing in that they represent large extents of the physical
defining the functional organization of these cortical medial environment in a gridlike pattern of tessellating equilateral
temporal lobe regions. Anatomically, the perirhinal and triangles. Could there be gridlike cells in the monkey ento-
parahippocampal cortices in monkeys are thought to be rhinal cortex as well? One way to address the general ques-
homologous to the perirhinal and postrhinal cortices in rats, tion of the homology of the cortical medial temporal lobe
respectively (Burwell & Witter, 2002; Burwell & Amaral, areas across monkeys and rats is to take advantage of the
1998a; Burwell, Witter, & Amaral, 1995). Neuroanatomical growth over the last 10 years of detailed and quantitative
studies revealed that similar to monkeys, these cortical areas neuroanatomical studies of these cortical areas in both
in rats also receive a strong convergence of multimodal species. There is now a critical mass of such anatomical data
sensory information (Burwell & Amaral, 1998a; Deacon, that allows more detailed cross-species comparisons of the
Eichenbaum, Rosenberg, & Eckmann, 1983). Lesion and connections of the cortical areas surrounding the hippocam-
neurophysiology studies, however, have revealed both simi- pus. In this chapter we will characterize the flow of cortical
larities and differences in the functional organization of these information into the perirhinal, parahippocampal, postrhi-
cortical areas across species. Behavioral neurophysiology nal, and entorhinal cortices together with the prominent
studies support the idea that like the monkey perirhinal intrinsic projections and interconnections of these areas in
cortex (Miller et al., 1993, 1991; Riches et al., 1991; Baylis & both monkeys and rats.
Rolls, 1987; Brown et al., 1987), the rat perirhinal cortex
signals visual recognition by responding significantly less Boundaries and nomenclature of the perirhinal,
upon stimulus repetition (Xiang & Brown, 1998; Brown & parahippocampal, postrhinal, and entorhinal cortices:
Xiang, 1998). However, recent lesion studies focused on the Many controversies and some agreement
rat perirhinal cortex implicate this region in context memory
(Bucci, Saddoris, & Burwell, 2002; Bucci, Phillips, & Burwell, The Parahippocampal Region in Monkeys The
2000), a function that has not been examined in the monkey perirhinal, parahippocampal, and entorhinal cortices are
perirhinal cortex. Lesion (Malkova & Mishkin, 2003) often referred to as the parahippocampal region (Burwell &
and physiology studies (Rolls & Xiang, 2005; Cahusac, Witter, 2002). In monkeys, these areas are situated on
Miyashita, & Rolls, 1989) focused on the monkey para- the anterior-ventral portion of the medial temporal lobe
hippocampal cortex have implicated this region in spatial (figure 45.1A) and surround the amygdala anteriorly and
memory. Lesion studies in rats have implicated the postrhinal the hippocampus posteriorly. While the boundaries and
cortex in context memory (Bucci et al., 2002, 2000), but find- nomenclature of the monkey entorhinal cortex are generally
ings on tasks of spatial memory have been mixed (Burwell, accepted, substantial controversy currently exists over the
Bucci, Sanborn, & Jutras, 2004; Liu & Bilkey, 2002). Physiol- nomenclature and precise boundaries of both the perirhinal
ogy studies reported positional firing characteristics in rat and parahippocampal cortices. Although a detailed discussion
postrhinal cells that differed from those previously seen in the of the source of these controversies is beyond the scope of
rodent hippocampus or medial entorhinal cortex (Fyhn, this chapter, we briefly mention the boundaries that are most
Molden, Witter, Moser, & Moser, 2004; Burwell & Hafeman, disputed in both the monkey and the rat literature.
2003; Shapiro, Tanila, & Eichenbaum, 1997). The monkey perirhinal cortex is situated lateral to the
It is clear from this brief review that while there are simi- fundus of the rhinal sulcus and extends from the posterior
larities in the functional organization of these cortical areas border of the rhinal sulcus on the ventral surface of the tem-
across monkeys and rats, differences are emerging as well. poral lobe to the anterior and dorsal portion of the rhinal
Given the reliance on these animal model systems for under- sulcus on the temporal pole (figure 45.1A). It is bordered
standing human memory function, it is important to accu- medially by the entorhinal cortex, laterally by visual area TE,
rately identify both the core mnemonic and processing and posteriorly by the parahippocampal cortex. The perirhi-

660 memory
rs PR TFm








Figure 45.1 (A) Left: Photograph illustrating the ventral view of The stippled region within areas 36r and 36c shows the approxi-
the macaque monkey brain showing the locations of the entorhinal mate extent and location of the disputed anterior and lateral
(EC), perirhinal (PR), and parahippocampal (PH) cortices sur- borders of the perirhinal cortex. We will use the more anterior and
rounding the rhinal sulcus (rs). The shaded region at the level of lateral boundaries of the perirhinal cortex as described by Suzuki
the dorsal temporal pole corresponds to area 36d. Right: An and Amaral (1994b, 2003a). (B) Left: Photograph illustrating the
unfolded representation of the same cortical medial temporal lobe lateral view of a rat brain showing the locations of the entorhinal
areas shown on the left is illustrated along with major subdivisions. (EC), perirhinal (PR), and postrhinal (POR) cortices. Right: An
The perirhinal cortex is subdivided into areas 35, 36r, and 36c. illustration of an unfolded representation of the same cortical
The parahippocampal cortex includes areas TFl, TFm, and areas along with all major subdivisions. As in the monkey, the rat
TH. The monkey entorhinal cortex is subdivided into the olfactory perirhinal cortex is subdivided in areas 35 and 36 while the ento-
(EO), rostral (ER), lateral (EL), intermediate (EI), caudal (EC), and rhinal cortex is subdivided into the lateral entorhinal area (LEA)
caudal limited (ECL) subdivisions. The location of area 36d is indi- and the medial entorhinal area (MEA). The rat postrhinal cortex
cated on the unfolded map but not included within the boundaries has not been subdivided further. Additional abbreviations: PaS,
of the perirhinal cortex for this chapter (see text for explanation). parasubiculum; A, anterior; P, posterior; M, medial; L, lateral.

nal cortex has been further subdivided into area 35, which the borders of the monkey perirhinal cortex. One concerns
forms a long and narrow strip of cortex situated in the fundus whether the cortex of the temporal pole adjacent to the rhinal
and lateral bank of the rhinal sulcus, and a larger, more later- sulcus should also be considered part of the perirhinal cortex
ally situated area 36. Area 36 has further been subdivided (Saleem, Price, & Haskikawa, 2007; Kondo, Saleem, & Price,
into two major subdivisions (areas 36r and 36c) based on 2005, 2003; Suzuki & Amaral, 1994a; Insausti et al., 1987a).
cytoarchitectonic criteria. Two main controversies exist over The disputed regions, illustrated in the unfolded map in

suzuki: parahippocampal region in monkeys and rats 661

figure 45.1A, include both area 36d and the anterior stippled adjacent cortex. Area 35 is situated medially and occupies
region in area 36r that represents the ventral portion of the the ventral bank and fundus of the rhinal sulcus. Similar to
temporal pole. The second controversy concerns the precise the monkey, both the anterior border of the rat perirhinal
location of the lateral border of area 36 with area TE (Saleem cortex with the insula and the lateral border with area TEv
et al., 2007; Kondo et al., 2005, 2003; Suzuki & Amaral, have both varied widely in the literature (Burwell et al.,
1994a; Insausti et al., 1987a). This disputed area is shown as 1995). Here we will use the borders described by Burwell
the lateral stippled region in areas 36r and 36c in the unfolded and colleagues (Burwell, 2001).
map of figure 45.1A. In this chapter, we will focus on the In contrast to the perirhinal cortex, which shares substan-
connections of the portion of the perirhinal cortex situated tial cytoarchitectonic features between the rat and monkey
on the ventral surface of the brain, which includes part of the brain, the postrhinal cortex in rats and the parahippocampal
ventral temporal pole that has connections and cytoarchitec- cortex in monkeys do not share clear cytoarchitectonic fea-
tonic features similar to the ventral perirhinal areas (Kondo tures. For this reason, Burwell and colleagues (1995) called
et al., 2005; Suzuki & Amaral, 2003a, 2003b, 1994a), as well the region the postrhinal cortex following the earlier rodent
as the more laterally situated border of area 36 with area TE literature (Burwell et al., 1995; Deacon et al., 1983) rather
as described by Suzuki and Amaral (2003a, 1994a). This than using the nomenclature used in monkeys (Van Hoesen,
includes both areas 36r and 36c illustrated in figure 45.1A. Pandya, & Butters, 1975; Van Hoesen & Pandya, 1975a,
However, we exclude area 36d of Suzuki and Amaral (1994a), 1975b). While cytoarchitectonic features are not shared
since several studies have shown that this region has different across the rat postrhinal and monkey parahippocampal
connections from the rest of the ventrally situated perirhinal cortex, as will be described in detail later, they exhibit simi-
cortex (Saleem, Kondo, & Price, 2008; Kondo et al., 2003; larities in their connections that have led to the hypothesis
Suzuki & Amaral, 1994a). that these two areas are homologous (Burwell, 2000; Burwell
The monkey parahippocampal cortex is situated just & Amaral, 1998a).
caudal to both the perirhinal and entorhinal cortices In rats, the entorhinal cortex is situated on the ventral and
(figure 45.1A). This cortical area is made up of areas TH and caudal surface of the brain medial to the posterior portion
TF, and area TF contains two subdivisions defined by cyto- of the rhinal sulcus (figure 45.1B). At anterior levels its lateral
architectonic features (areas TFm and TFl). Both Blatt, border is situated medial to the rhinal sulcus, and at more
Pandya, & Rosene (2003) and Suzuki and Amaral (2003a, caudal levels the entorhinal cortex extends laterally past the
1994a) place the lateral border of area TF at the level of fundus of the rhinal sulcus. The rat entorhinal cortex has
occipitotemporal sulcus. However, Price and colleagues historically been subdivided into a lateral entorhinal area
(Saleem et al., 2007; Kondo et al., 2005) have placed this (LEA) and a medial entorhinal area (MEA) based on mor-
lateral border approximately 3 mm more medial at approxi- phological criteria (Blackstad, 1956; Krieg, 1946a, 1946b).
mately the level of Suzuki and Amaral’s area TFm. In this
review we will use the nomenclature and boundaries for the Connections of the perirhinal, parahippocampal/
parahippocampal cortex described by Suzuki and Amaral postrhinal, and entorhinal cortex: Afferent, intrinsic,
(2003a, 1994a). and interconnections
The third component of the parahippocampal region is
the entorhinal cortex located in the ventromedial part of the The Monkey Perirhinal Cortex
rostral third of the temporal lobe (figure 45.1A). The ento-
rhinal cortex has further been subdivided into six subdivi- Cortical afferents Early anatomical studies first identified the
sions based mainly on cytoarchitectonic criteria (Amaral monkey perirhinal cortex as receiving convergent input from
et al., 1987). In general, the monkey entorhinal cortex enjoys areas involved in processing multiple sensory modalities
the least controversy over the location of its borders, com- (Martin-Elkins & Horel, 1992; Seltzer & Pandya, 1976;
pared to the perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices. Van Hoesen et al., 1975; Van Hoesen & Pandya, 1975a,
1975b; Jones & Powell, 1970). More recent retrograde and
The Parahippocampal Region in Rats In rats the anterograde tract-tracing studies have provided more
parahippocampal region occupies a location relative to detailed and quantitative description of these convergent
the rhinal sulcus that is similar to that of monkeys with inputs (Saleem et al., 2008; Kondo et al., 2005; Saleem &
some subtle differences. Similar to monkeys, the perirhinal Tanaka, 1996; Rockland, Saleem, & Tanaka, 1994; Suzuki
cortex in rats comprises areas 35 and 36. These two & Amaral, 1994a). The single most prominent input to peri-
subdivisions form two strips of cortex associated with the rhinal area 36 arises from the anterior and medial portions
mid- to posterior portions of the rhinal sulcus (figure 45.1B). of unimodal visual area TE, a major component of the
Area 36 is a wider strip of the cortex that occupies most of “ventral visual pathway” important for processing object
the dorsal bank of the rhinal sulcus and part of the laterally information (Ungerleider & Mishkin, 1982). The same

662 memory
regions of medial area TE converge on all parts of the area area 36. In general area 35 receives a pattern of cortical
36. The second strongest input to area 36 arises from area inputs similar to that of area 36, though it receives a rela-
TF of the adjacent parahippocampal cortex with the stron- tively stronger input from the dorsal bank of the superior
gest inputs originating from the anterior two-thirds of area temporal sulcus (see box 45.1).
TF and terminating throughout area 36. Only weak projec-
tions are seen from area TH. Moderate projections arise Intrinsic projections The perirhinal cortex also exhibits prom-
from the visual areas of the ventral bank of the superior inent intrinsic projections such that each major perirhinal
temporal sulcus (STSv) that terminate anteriorly in the peri- subdivision (36r, 36c, and 35) has prominent interconnec-
rhinal cortex. Weak projections from the polymodal areas tions within that subdivision and moderate projections to the
of the dorsal bank of the STS (STSd) and area 36d also ter- other subdivisions (shading in figure 45.2A; Lavenex, Suzuki,
minate anteriorly in area 36. Weak projections from orbital & Amaral, 2004). Given the strong convergence of projec-
frontal areas 11, 12, and 13 (Kondo et al., 2005), insular tions from areas TE and the parahippocampal cortex to all
cortex, and anterior cingulate cortex terminate throughout levels of the perirhinal cortex, this observation suggests that

Box 45.1 Calculations of the Relative Strength of Cortical Inputs

To accurately and systematically quantify the relative strength of the cortical inputs shown in figures 45.2–45.4, we used data derived
from retrograde labeling studies in both monkeys and rats. For the cortical inputs to the monkey perirhinal and parahippocampal cor-
tices, we used the quantitative retrograde tracer data from table 1 of Suzuki and Amaral (1994a). For the cortical inputs to the monkey
entorhinal cortex, we used the retrograde data from table 1 of Insausti, Amaral, and Cowan (1987a). For the relative proportions of
cortical inputs to the rat perirhinal and postrhinal cortex, we used retrograde data from Furtak, Wei, Agster, and Burwell (2007), and
for the cortical inputs to the rat entorhinal cortex, we used the retrograde data from Kerr, Agster, Furtak, & Burwell (2007). Based on
the number or proportion of retrogradely labeled cells reported in these studies, we next defined the strongest afferent projections
(shown with the largest lettering in figures 45.2–45.4) as those projections that represented 20% or more of the total retrogradely
labeled cells in cortical areas. Medium-sized afferent projections shown with medium-sized lettering represent between 11% and 19%
of total cortical labeling, and weak afferent projections shown with the smallest lettering represent 10% or less of the cortical inputs.
To complete these calculations, we also recalibrated the retrograde data presented in both Furtak and colleagues (2007) and Kerr and
colleagues (2007) in the following way. First, we recalculated the relative proportion of cortical inputs to the rat perirhinal and postrhi-
nal cortices to include inputs from either the perirhinal or postrhinal cortices themselves that were originally included in hippocampal
formation inputs, but not in cortical inputs by Furtak and colleagues (2007). Similarly we recalculated the relative strength of cortical
inputs to the entorhinal cortex to include inputs from both the perirhinal and postrhinal inputs from the data shown in Kerr and col-
leagues (2007). For figure 45.5, we performed a similar recalculation to show the relative proportion of all cortical (including perirhinal
and postrhinal) and subcortical inputs to the rat LEA and MEA from the data shown in Kerr and colleagues (2007).

35 Area 35 of the perirhinal cortex PaS Parasubiculum
36d Dorsal division of area 36 of the perirhinal cortex PH Parahippocampal cortex
36r Rostral division of area 36 of the perirhinal cortex PIR Piriform cortex
36c Caudal division of area 36 of the perirhinal cortex POR Postrhinal cortex
PR Perirhinal cortex
EC Caudal division of the entorhinal cortex
rs Rhinal sulcus
ECL Caudal limiting division of the entorhinal cortex
RSP Retrosplenial cortex
EI Intermediate division of the entorhinal cortex
EL Lateral division of the entorhinal cortex
SS Somatosensory cortical areas
EO Olfactory division of the entorhinal cortex
STG Superior temporal gyrus
A Anterior STSd Dorsal bank of the superior temporal sulcus
ER Entorhinal cortex STSv Ventral bank of the superior temporal sulcus
IB Intermediate band TE/TEO Visual areas in the ventral temporal lobe of the
L Lateral monkey
LB Lateral band TEv Auditory, somatosensory and visual processing
LEA Lateral entorhinal area area in the rat temporal lobe
M Medial TH Subdivision of the parahippocampal cortex
MB Medial band TFl Lateral subdivision of area TF of the parahippo-
MEA Medial entorhinal area campal cortex
Motor Motor regions of the frontal cortex TFm Medial subdivision of area TF of the parahippo-
OBF Orbitofrontal cortex campal cortex
ORB Orbitofrontal cortex Vis Visual processing areas in the occipital lobe in rats
P Posterior

suzuki: parahippocampal region in monkeys and rats 663

A. Monkey Perirhinal Cortex

Insula A P

STSv Cingulate


36r 36c
rs 35

B. Rat Perirhinal Cortex


Motor Vis

PIR TEv Parietal

Insula POR

Figure 45.2 (A) Schematic representation of the topography and TEv (mainly from areas processing auditory and somatosensory
strength of cortical inputs to the monkey perirhinal areas 35, 36r, information) with moderate inputs from insula and somatosensory
and 36c. The relative strength of the cortical projections is indi- areas (SS). Area 35 receives its strongest inputs from the piriform
cated by the size of the lettering, and the locations of the arrows cortex (PIR) and insular cortex with moderate inputs from area
indicate the relative topography of projections throughout the peri- TEv and the orbitofrontal areas of the frontal lobe (ORB). While
rhinal cortex. The pattern of intrinsic projections is illustrated by dorsal/lateral regions of area 36, project mainly to more medial/
the shading pattern within areas 35, 36r, and 36c. The strongest ventral regions of area 36, the medial regions of area 36 project
inputs arise from visual area TE and the adjacent area TF of the strongly to area 35 (shading). These intrinsic projections, however,
parahippocampal cortex that project to all levels of the perirhinal are not strongly reciprocal. Additional abbreviations: Motor, motor
cortex. As indicated by the shading pattern, area 36r projects most areas of the frontal lobe; POR, postrhinal cortex; rs, rhinal sulcus;
strongly to itself and moderately to 36c and 35 and visa versa. (B) SS, somatosensory areas; STG, superior temporal gyrus; STSd,
Schematic representation of the topography and strength of corti- dorsal bank of the superior temporal sulcus; STSv, ventral bank of
cal inputs to the rat perirhinal cortex. All conventions are the same the superior temporal sulcus.
as in Panel A. Area 36 in rats receives its strongest input from area

664 memory
this convergent cortical input is further processed through- ized in processing visual object information in memory as
out large extents of the perirhinal cortex. well as polymodal input from the parahippocampal cortex,
the rat perirhinal cortex appears to be poised to integrate
The Rat Perirhinal Cortex information from all sensory modalities in memory.

Cortical afferents In contrast to the preponderance of visual The Monkey Parahippocampal Cortex
object input to the monkey perirhinal cortex, the rat perirhi-
nal cortex is characterized by a strong convergence of inputs Cortical afferents Like the perirhinal cortex, area TF of the
from all sensory modalities (Furtak, Wei, Agster, & Burwell, parahippocampal cortex also receives its strongest single
2007; Burwell & Amaral, 1998a; Deacon et al., 1983). The input from visual areas (Blatt et al., 2003; Suzuki & Amaral,
strongest inputs to area 36 of the perirhinal cortex arise from 1994a), but the visual areas that project to the parahippo-
anterior and ventral temporal association areas known to campal cortex (mainly areas V4 and TEO; figure 45.3A) are
receive strong projections from somatosensory (anterior TEv) posterior to the visual areas that project to the perirhinal
and auditory areas (mid-rostrocaudal levels of TEv), respec- cortex (i.e., area TE; figure 45.2A). Moreover, these projec-
tively (Burwell & Amaral, 1998a). The projections from area tions exhibit a clear medial lateral topography projecting
TEv along with weak projections from cingulate and parietal more strongly to lateral portions of area TF than to medial
cortex terminate throughout area 36. Weak projections from portions. The next most prominent input to area TF comes
the postrhinal cortex as well as weak projections from poste- from brain areas involved in the so-called ventral visual
rior visual areas both terminate most strongly in caudal por- processing pathway important for analyzing spatial informa-
tions of area 36. Moderate projections are seen from insular tion (the “where” pathway of Ungerleider & Mishkin, 1982).
cortex and somatosensory cortical areas (Burwell, 2001; The most prominent of these dorsal stream inputs arise from
Remple, Henry, & Catania, 2003; Shi & Cassell, 1998) that the retrosplenial cortex, which projects to all levels of area
terminate more strongly in rostral portions of area 36. Frontal TF. Similarly, moderate projections from area STSd, also
areas, including both orbitofrontal areas and frontal motor considered a dorsal stream area, provide a moderate projec-
regions together with the piriform cortex, provide weak pro- tion to all levels of area TF. Weak projections are also seen
jections mainly to anterior levels of area 36. In contrast to from the posterior parietal cortex, which terminate laterally
area 36, area 35 receives its strongest cortical inputs from in area TFl. Moderate projections also originate from area
piriform cortex and insular cortex, with moderate inputs 36c of the perirhinal cortex and weak projections from area
from TEv and orbitofrontal cortex and weak projections 36r that terminate most strongly in anterior portions of area
from parietal cortex, cingulate cortex, posterior visual areas, TF while weak projections from area 36d tend to terminate
and postrhinal cortex. Thus, taken together, the afferent more medially in area TF. Weak projections are also seen
inputs to rat perirhinal areas 35 and 36 are dominated by from frontal areas including area 46, orbital and medial
sensory inputs from the olfactory, somatosensory, and audi- prefrontal areas (Kondo et al., 2005), and the insular cortex.
tory, as well as the visual, modalities (see box 45.1). Area TH exhibits some differences in its cortical inputs rela-
tive to the cortical inputs of area TF. The most striking
Intrinsic projections While the cortical inputs to area 36 of the difference is that area TH receives only sparse input from
rat perirhinal cortex tend to exhibit a more prominent rostro- visual area V4, but similar to area TF, it receives prominent
caudal topography, the intrinsic projections of the perirhinal projections from the retrosplenial cortex. Another striking
cortex have a clear dorsal-to-ventral gradient (shaded pattern difference is the moderate input from auditory association
in figure 45.2B; Burwell & Amaral, 1998b). Thus the most areas of the STG, which appears to constitute the strongest
dorsal regions of area 36 project mainly to more ventral areas direct auditory projections to any parahippocampal region.
of 36 while the ventral areas of area 36 project strongly to area Moderate inputs are seen from STSd, and weak inputs arise
35. In contrast, area 35 returns a weaker projection to area from insular cortex, the perirhinal cortex (including area
36. Thus area 35 may be the ultimate site of convergence for 36d), and similar portions of the frontal lobe that project to
all sensory modalities within the rat perirhinal cortex. area TF (see box 45.1).

Summary and comparisons The monkey perirhinal cortex is Intrinsic projection The intrinsic projections of the parahip-
dominated by high-level visual inputs from area TE as well pocampal cortex (illustrated by the shading in figure 45.3A)
as prominent polymodal inputs from the parahippocampal parallel the medial lateral topography of the inputs to this
cortex. The rat perirhinal cortex, by contrast, receives a region. Thus area TFl (lateral portions of area TF) has the
much more diverse range of sensory inputs from olfactory, strongest connections with itself, moderate interconnections
somatosensory, and auditory, as well as visual, modalities. with area TFm, and only weak projections with area TH.
Thus, while monkey perirhinal cortex appears to be special- Similarly, area TFm projects most strongly with itself, but

suzuki: parahippocampal region in monkeys and rats 665

A. Monkey Parahippocampal Cortex

PR Insula


36d TH
RSP Insula
M V4

B. Rat Postrhinal Cortex


Figure 45.3 (A) Cortical inputs of the monkey parahippocampal dorsal bank of the STS (STSd). Intrinsic projections are strongest
cortical areas TFl, TFm, and TH. All conventions are the same as within each subdivision and progressively weaker to more distantly
in figure 45.2. The strongest inputs to area TF arise from visual located subdivisions (shading). (B) The cortical inputs to the rat
areas V4 and the retrosplenial cortex (RSP) with moderate inputs postrhinal cortex are strongest from primary posterior visual areas
from visual areas TE/TEO and polymodal inputs from the dorsal (Vis) and area TEv, with moderate inputs from the retrosplenial
bank of the superior temporal sulcus (STSd). Area TH receives its cortex. No topography of inputs or intrinsic projections is seen.
strongest single input from the retrosplenial cortex (RSP), with Additional abbreviations: PIR, piriform cortex; SS, somatosensory
moderate input from the superior temporal gyrus (STG) and the areas.

moderately with both area TH and area TFl. Finally, like visual inputs from both occipital cortex and temporal lobe
area TFl, area TH projects most strongly with itself, mod- visual areas (TEv) as well as from dorsal stream areas includ-
erately with area TFm, and only weakly with area TFl. ing the retrosplenial cortex and parietal cortex. Weak pro-
Thus, while information arriving only in lateral area TF does jections are seen from frontal and insular cortices. The
not have strong direct interactions with area TH (and vice perirhinal cortex provides a weak projection to anterior
versa), this information can reach area TH by way of inter- regions of the postrhinal cortex, with the strongest projec-
mediate connections with area TFm. tions arising from area 36. No strong topography of projec-
tions to the POR cortex was seen, with all afferent regions
The Rat Postrhinal Cortex projecting to most or all of the postrhinal cortex with the
exception of the perirhinal cortex, which tended to project
Cortical afferents Similar to the monkey parahippocampal to more anterior regions of the postrhinal cortex. Thus, like
cortex, the rat postrhinal cortex is dominated by secondary the parahippocampal cortex in monkeys, the postrhinal

666 memory
cortex in rats appears to be a strong site of convergence for jecting anteriorly and laterally in the entorhinal cortex
both visual and visuospatial input (see box 45.1). (Mohedano-Moriano et al., 2008, 2007). Insausti and col-
leagues (Mohedano-Moriano et al., 2007) have highlighted
Intrinsic projections The postrhinal cortex does not exhibit the lateral band of the monkey entorhinal cortex as receiving
any strong topography or polarity in its intrinsic projections. the strongest convergence of afferent input from widespread
Thus all regions of the postrhinal cortex appear to project cortical areas (see box 45.1).
to all other regions.
Intrinsic projections and connections with the hippocampus Given
Summary and comparison Striking similarities are seen in the that the lateral half of the entorhinal cortex receives the
patterns of connections of the monkey parahippocampal strongest convergent input, another important question con-
cortex and the rat postrhinal cortex. Both areas are domi- cerns how that convergent information is processed intrinsi-
nated by visual input from posterior visual areas together cally within the entorhinal cortex. Chroback and Amaral
with visuospatial input from so-called dorsal stream areas. (2007) showed that the intrinsic entorhinal connections in
More specifically, area TF of the parahippocampal cortex the monkey are organized into rostrocaudally oriented
has the strongest resemblance to the postrhinal cortex in bands where each band extends for about half the anterior-
rats. In contrast, the two regions differ in that the monkey posterior extent of the entorhinal cortex (shaded regions in
parahippocampal cortex exhibits a striking topography of figure 45.4A). There is also a clear medial lateral topography
inputs and intrinsic connections that is not seen in the rat such that two adjacent bands situated end to end cover the
postrhinal cortex. lateral portion of the entorhinal cortex, two more bands situ-
ated end to end cover the mid-mediolateral portion of the
The Monkey Entorhinal Cortex entorhinal cortex, and a single band covers the most rostral
and medial entorhinal cortex at the level of area EO. Interest-
Afferents The cortical inputs of the monkey entorhinal ingly, the projections from the perirhinal and parahippo-
cortex were first studied using anterograde degeneration campal cortices terminate in multiple bands spanning the
techniques (Van Hoesen et al., 1975; Van Hoesen & Pandya, mediolateral extent of the entorhinal cortex. Additional
1975a, 1975b) and later using WGA-HRP and fluorescent studies in the monkeys showed that the three mediolaterally
retrograde tracers (Insausti et al., 1987a). These comprehen- oriented bands in the entorhinal cortex project in a topo-
sive studies showed that the entorhinal cortex is the recipient graphic fashion to different anterior-posterior levels of the
of prominent input from higher-level polymodal association. hippocampus as illustrated in figure 45.4A (Witter, Van
If one does not include the temporal pole as part of the Hoesen, & Amaral, 1989). Thus information originating
perirhinal cortex, then the perirhinal and parahippocampal from the perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices is ulti-
cortices together make up about half of all the cortical input mately processed in the posterior half of the hippocampus.
to the monkey entorhinal cortex, with somewhat more than
half of that proportion arising from the parahippocampal The Rat Entorhinal Cortex
cortex and the remainder arising from the perirhinal cortex
(Table 1 of Insausti et al., 1987a). The cortex of the temporal Afferents The rat entorhinal cortex is subdivided into the
pole contributes only weak projections to the entorhinal medial entorhinal area (MEA) and the lateral entorhinal
cortex. Moreover, the perirhinal and parahippocampal area (LEA), and these two areas have been further separated
cortices exhibit a clear topography of projection, with the into lateral, intermediate, and medial bands that project to
parahippocampal cortex projecting most prominently to different septotemporal regions of the dentate gyrus (Dolorfo
the posterior entorhinal cortex with weaker projections to & Amaral, 1998b). Given this striking and well-described
anterior and lateral regions and the perirhinal cortex pro- topography, we will summarize the projections to the ento-
jecting most prominently to anterior and lateral portions of rhinal cortex with respect to the different entorhinal subdivi-
the entorhinal cortex with weaker projections more laterally sions (MEA and LEA) as well as the different hippocampal
and caudally. Another prominent input comes from the ret- projection bands. By far the strongest cortical input to the
rosplenial cortex, which, like the parahippocampal cortex, LEA originates from the piriform cortex, with moderate
projects most prominently posteriorly in the entorhinal inputs also arising from the perirhinal cortex, insula, and
cortex. Weaker projections are seen from the superior tem- frontal cortices. Both the piriform and perirhinal cortices
poral gyrus (STG) and STSd, which project posteriorly, and project most strongly to the lateral and intermediate bands
the insular cortex, which projects anteriorly and laterally. and more weakly to the medial band. Parietal cortex and
Weak projections are also seen from the piriform cortex to the postrhinal cortex provide a weak input to the LEA with
the olfactory subdivision of the entorhinal cortex (EO). Weak the same overall termination pattern as the piriform and
inputs from visual area TE have also been described pro- perirhinal cortices. The insular input projects most strongly

suzuki: parahippocampal region in monkeys and rats 667

A. Monkey Entorhinal Cortex B. Rat Entorhinal Cortex

Cortical Connections of the LEA

PH Cingulate Frontal
STSd Vis TEv
PIR rs L


A P Parietal M

EI LB Dentate Gyrus
ER Insula IB
MB Dorsal

Ant. Cortical Connections of the MEA


PIR Insula

Figure 45.4 (A) The cortical inputs of the monkey entorhinal locations of the lateral (LB), intermediate (IB), and medial band
cortex arise predominantly from the parahippocampal (PH) (MB) that represent both the pattern of intrinsic projections that
and retrosplenial (RSP) cortices that project posteriorly and later- are maintained mainly within a single band as well as the topo-
ally as well as from the perirhinal cortex (PR) that projects anteri- graphic projection to different dorsoventral levels of the dentate
orly and laterally. The shading illustrates three mediolaterally gyrus (shown schematically at the right). The LEA region receives
differentiated bands of intrinsic entorhinal projections. The most its strongest cortical input from piriform cortex, with moderate
lateral and middle mediolateral bands (dark and medial dark projections from the perirhinal cortex, insula, and frontal cortices.
shades) also exhibit intrinsic connections that are arranged rostro- The arrows in this figure illustrate the relative strength of projec-
caudally. The most medial band (lightest shading) has only a single tions to different bands with relatively stronger projections illus-
module. These mediolaterally oriented bands also provide a clear trated as solid lines and relatively weaker projections illustrated
topographic projection to different rostro-caudal levels of the with dashed lines. Bottom: Illustration of the cortical inputs to the
hippocampus such that posterior hippocampus receives inputs medial entorhinal area (MEA). All conventions are the same as in
from the most lateral bands of the entorhinal cortex, mid anter- the top panel. The strongest cortical input to the MEA originates
ior-posterior hippocampal areas receive projections from the in the piriform cortex (PIR), with moderate projections seen from
mid-mediolateral bands, and the most anterior portions of the hip- the cingulate cortex and posterior visual areas (Vis). Note the weak
pocampus receive inputs from the most medially situated entorhi- projections from both the perirhinal (PR) and postrhinal (POR)
nal band. (B) Top: Illustration of the cortical connections of the cortices to the MEA. All additional abbreviations are the same as
lateral entorhinal area (LEA) of the rat. Also illustrated are the in figures 45.2 and 45.3.

668 memory
to the medial band, while the frontal and temporal projec- subcortical inputs to the rat entorhinal cortex is illustrated
tions terminate similarly in all three bands. Weak projections in figure 45.5. Similarly, only about half of all afferent inputs
from cingulate cortex and visual cortex (Vis) project mainly to the rat MEA arise from cortical areas. Although a parallel
to the intermediate band. quantification of all cortical and subcortical inputs to the
Similar to the LEA, the most prominent cortical projection monkey entorhinal cortex has not been done (Insausti et al.,
of the MEA originates in the piriform cortex, terminating 1987a, 1987b), estimations based on the illustrations of
mainly in the medial and intermediate bands. Moderate Insausti and colleagues (1987b) suggest that subcortical pro-
inputs that arise from the cingulate cortex and visual cortex jections make up a much smaller proportion of inputs to the
(Vis) mainly target either the lateral and medial or the lateral monkey entorhinal cortex compared to the rat entorhinal
band, respectively. Weak inputs are seen from ventral tempo- cortex (figure 45.5). Thus the rat entorhinal cortex not only
ral area TEv, and parietal, frontal, and insula cortices. Post- receives different patterns of cortical inputs but also appears
rhinal and perirhinal cortices provide only a weak input to to be influenced much more by its subcortical projections
the MEA, mainly to the intermediate band (see box 45.1). compared to the monkey entorhinal cortex.

Intrinsic connections and connections with the hippocampus Intrinsic Discussion

projections of the entorhinal cortex tend to remain within
one of the roughly rostrocaudally oriented bands of cortex This comparison of the patterns of cortical inputs, intrinsic
that include both the medial and lateral EC (i.e., lateral, projections, and interconnections of the entorhinal, perirhi-
intermediate, or medial bands—LM, IM, or MB, illustrated nal/parahippocampal, and postrhinal cortices across both
in figure 45.4B). This finding suggests the possibility that monkeys and rats has revealed both similarities and some
there may be preferential processing of information destined striking differences across species (figure 45.5). For example,
for particular dorsoventral levels of the hippocampus (Kerr, the perirhinal cortex in both monkeys and rats is character-
Agster, Furtak, & Burwell, 2007; Dolorfo & Amaral, 1998a). ized by receiving prominent unimodal sensory input. In
However, like the monkey, the inputs to the perirhinal cortex monkeys this unimodal input is dominated by the visual
often cross bands, suggesting that different combinations of modality, likely reflecting the predominant role of vision in
information may be processed in different bands and pro- the primate brain. In contrast, the rat perirhinal cortex
jected to the hippocampus. receives a much wider range of inputs from all sensory
modalities, likely reflecting a species-specific difference in
Summary and comparison Perhaps the most striking differ- sensory processing. Despite the differences in the range of
ences in connectivity between the monkey and rat parahip- sensory modalities projecting to the perirhinal cortex in
pocampal regions are observed at the level of the entorhinal monkeys and rats, damage including the perirhinal cortex
cortex. While the cortical inputs to the monkey entorhinal in both species is associated with significant deficits in both
cortex are dominated by the strong projections from the recognition memory (Mumby, Piterkin, Lecluse, & Lehmann,
parahippocampal and perirhinal cortices, the rat LEA 2007; Barker, Bird, Alexander, & Warburton, 2007; Mumby
receives only moderate inputs from the perirhinal cortex and & Pinel, 1994; Zola-Morgan, Squire, Clower, & Rempel,
weak projections from the postrhinal cortex, whereas the 1993; Wood, Mumby, Pinel, & Phillips, 1993; Meunier
MEA receives weak projections from both the perirhinal and et al., 1993; Zola-Morgan et al., 1989) and associative
postrhinal cortices. Instead, the rat entorhinal cortex is dom- memory (Barker & Warburton, 2008; Murray, Gaffan, &
inated by inputs from olfactory-related areas as well as inputs Mishkin, 1993; Bunsey & Eichenbaum, 1993). Moreover,
from the insula, frontal, and cingulate cortices. perirhinal neurons in both species signal recognition of visual
information with a significantly decreased response (Wan,
Comment on subcortical inputs Another striking difference to Aggleton, & Brown, 1999; Xiang & Brown, 1998; Brown &
consider when evaluating the functional organization of the Xiang, 1998; Zhu, Brown, & Aggleton, 1995; Miller et al.,
entorhinal cortex across species is the relative proportion of 1993, 1991; Riches et al., 1991; Baylis & Rolls, 1987; Brown
cortical inputs relative to subcortical inputs. For example, et al., 1987). In addition, it has been well established that
quantitative data from Kerr and colleagues (2007) showed monkey perirhinal neurons signal long-term memory for
that a defining feature of the rat LEA is that only about well-learned visual-visual paired associates (Naya, Yoshida,
one-half of its total afferent inputs (defined as inputs from & Miyashita, 2003; Naya, Sakai, & Miyashita, 1996; Sakai
cortical and nonhippocampal subcortical structures) origi- & Miyashita, 1991). The patterns of mnemonic activity in
nate in the cortical areas shown in figure 45.4B while the the monkey perirhinal cortex suggest the possibility that rat
remaining half of its afferent projections arise from subcorti- perirhinal neurons may also signal sensory paired associate
cal regions including olfactory areas, the claustrum, amyg- information as well as recognition memory signals in modali-
dala, and dorsal thalamus. The relative proportion of ties other than vision (i.e., olfactory, somatosensory, and

suzuki: parahippocampal region in monkeys and rats 669

Monkey Rat
Visual Post. Visual Auditory Post. Visual
& & Somatosensory &
Polymodal Dorsal Stream Visual Dorsal Stream
Inputs Inputs & Insular input Inputs

Subcortical Subcortical
Subcortical Olfactory Olfactory
Claustrum Claustrum
HPC Amygdala HPC Amygdala
D. Thalamus

Figure 45.5 Schematic illustration of the patterns and relative tive strength of projections (see box 45.1 for a description of the
strength of inputs to the parahippocampal region in monkeys and calculation of the relative strength of cortical inputs). All quantita-
rats. Similarities are seen in the general patterns of inputs to the tive data from the rat entorhinal inputs taken from Kerr et al.
perirhinal and parahippocampal/postrhinal cortices in monkeys (2007). However, the weak projections from subcortical regions to
and rats. However, more striking differences are noted in the pat- the monkey entorhinal cortex are only estimations since similar
terns of inputs to the entorhinal cortex. To better illustrate one of quantitative comparisons have not been published. Note that the
the key differences, we show the relative strength of the cortical subcortical inputs to the perirhinal (PR) and parahippocampal (PH)
and subcortical projections of the monkey and rat entorhinal or postrhinal (POR) cortices are not illustrated. Additional abbre-
cortex, with the relative thickness of the arrows illustrating the rela- viations: D. thalamus, dorsal thalamus; RSP, retrosplenial.

auditory). It will be of interest to compare and contrast the tions has recently been highlighted in a series of fMRI
full range of mnemonic signals seen in the monkey and rat studies. Bar and colleagues (Bar, Aminoff, & Ishai, 2008;
perirhinal cortex. Aminoff, Gronau, & Bar, 2007; Bar & Aminoff, 2003) report
Perhaps the most striking cross-species similarities in corti- that the parahippocampal cortex is activated in response
cal afferent inputs are seen in the parahippocampal and to objects highly associated with particular contexts (i.e., a
postrhinal cortices (figure 45.5). These areas in both monkeys traffic light) irrespective of whether the context is spatial
and rats receive prominent visual inputs as well as visuospa- (i.e., swings associated with a playground) or nonspatial (i.e.,
tial inputs from dorsal stream structures including the birthday cake associated with a birthday party). Based on
retrosplenial and parietal cortices. Consistent with these these findings, this group has proposed a contextual asso-
anatomical inputs, the parahippocampal cortex in both ciative theory of parahippocampal function whereby the
monkeys and humans has most commonly been associated parahippocampal cortex is thought to mediate contextual
with spatial memory functions (Malkova & Mishkin, 2003; associative processing, an important component of both
Burgess, Maguire, Spears, & O’Keefe, 2001; Bohbot, Allen, spatial memory and episodic memory. It will be fascinating
& Nadel, 2000; Johnsrude, Owen, Crane, Milner, & Evans, to test this contextual associative theory of parahippocampal
1999; Maguire, Frackowiak, & Firth, 1997; Aguirre, Detre, functions in both monkeys and rats. Neuroanatomical data
Alsop, & D’Esposito, 1996), and in humans it has also been supports the idea that contextual signals could be seen across
associated with episodic memory (Squire, Stark, & Clark, both the monkey parahippocampal cortex and the rat post-
2004; Ranganath et al., 2004; Schacter & Wagner, 1999). A rhinal cortex.
growing body of lesion studies in rats suggests a role of the While the parahippocampal/postrhinal cortices in
postrhinal cortex in memory for context (Eacott & Easton, monkeys and rats exhibit clear similarities in their cortical
2007; Burwell et al., 2004; Bucci et al., 2002, 2000). However, inputs, more striking differences are seen in both the pattern
reports on the contribution of the postrhinal cortex to spatial and relative strength of cortical inputs to the entorhinal
memory as measured by water maze tasks have been mixed cortex (figure 45.5). For example, monkey entorhinal inputs
(Burwell et al., 2004; Liu & Bilkey, 2002). Consistent with are dominated by the prominent projections from the peri-
these lesion studies in rats, the important role of the human rhinal and parahippocampal cortices together with strong
parahippocampal cortex in processing contextual associa- inputs from the retrosplenial cortex. In contrast, the ento-

670 memory
rhinal cortex in rats receives its strongest cortical inputs from grid cells in the rat MEA, it will be important to continue to
piriform cortex with moderate inputs from the perirhinal explore the functions of the monkey entorhinal cortex. It will
cortex (specifically to LEA), insula, frontal cortex, cingulate also be critical to define any mnemonic role the grid cells
cortex, and visual cortical areas. Postrhinal cortex only proj- may play in the processing of spatial information. Could
ects weakly to the entorhinal cortex (figure 45.4B). The dif- there be grid cells in the monkey entorhinal cortex, or will
ferences in the patterns of inputs are even more striking if they look more like spatial context cells? How will these
one takes into account that while the monkey entorhinal entorhinal cells in both monkeys and rats participate in
cortex appears to receive the majority of its inputs from memory? Only further studies will tell.
other unimodal and multimodal cortical areas, the rat LEA
and MEA receive only about half of all their inputs from
cortical structures, with the remaining half arising from sub-
cortical structures (figure 45.5). Aguirre, G. K., Detre, J. A., Alsop, D. C., & D’Esposito,
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674 memory
46 Medial Temporal Lobe Function
and Human Memory
yael shrager and larry r. squire

abstract The hippocampus and anatomically related structures lection. The different forms of nondeclarative memory are
in the medial temporal lobe support the capacity for conscious supported by specific brain systems outside of the medial
recollection (declarative memory). This chapter considers a number temporal lobe memory system (Eichenbaum & Cohen, 2001)
of topics that have been prominent in recent discussions of medial
temporal lobe function: visual perception, working memory, habit
(figure 46.1B).
learning, recollection and familiarity, path integration, remote
memory, and conscious awareness. Intact visual perception
Memory-impaired patients with medial temporal lobe
The importance of the medial temporal lobe for memory damage have consistently exhibited intact intellectual and
was established in 1957 when Brenda Milner described the perceptual functions. Thus the ability to acquire new memo-
profound effects of medial temporal lobe resection on ries appears to be a distinct cerebral function, independent
memory in a patient who became known as HM (Scoville of other perceptual and cognitive functions. This fundamen-
& Milner, 1957; Squire, 2009). Subsequently, animal models tal principle of brain organization has been revisited recently,
of human memory impairment identified the anatomical as there has been interest in the possibility that medial tem-
structures within the medial temporal lobe that are impor- poral lobe structures might be involved in visual perception
tant for understanding HM’s memory impairment: the hip- in addition to memory. Initially the focus was on perirhinal
pocampal region (hippocampus proper, dentate gyrus, and cortex. Whereas some experimental studies with monkeys
subicular complex) and the perirhinal, entorhinal, and para- underscored the role of perirhinal cortex in memory and not
hippocampal cortices. These structures comprise the medial visual perception (Buffalo et al., 1999; Hampton & Murray,
temporal lobe memory system (Lavenex & Amaral, 2000; 2002), others have implicated a role for the perirhinal cortex
Squire & Zola-Morgan, 1991) (figure 46.1A). in visual perception (Buckley, Booth, Rolls, & Gaffan, 2001;
Medial temporal lobe damage impairs only declarative Buckley & Gaffan, 1998; Bussey & Saksida, 2002; Bussey,
memory (Schacter & Tulving, 1994; Squire, 1992). Declara- Saksida, & Murray, 2003; Murray & Bussey, 1999). Yet it is
tive memory refers to the capacity to recollect facts and difficult to test experimental animals for the ability to identify
events. Its contents are thought to be accessible to conscious visual stimuli independent of the ability to learn about them,
recollection. The stored representations are flexible and can and it has been pointed out that impairments in monkeys
guide successful performance in a wide range of conditions. that have been attributed to a perceptual deficit could have
Declarative memory can be contrasted with nondeclarative resulted from impaired learning (Hampton, 2005).
memory, a collection of memory abilities including skills A distinction between perception and learning can be
and habits, simple forms of conditioning, priming, and drawn easily in studies of humans because humans can be
other instances where experience changes how we interact instructed about the requirements of the task. A number of
with the world. Nondeclarative memory occurs as modifica- studies of patients with medial temporal lobe lesions have
tions within specialized performance systems, and what is found intact perceptual abilities (Holdstock, Gutnikov,
learned is expressed through performance rather than recol- Gaffan, & Mayes, 2000; Levy, Shrager, & Squire, 2005;
Stark & Squire, 2000). Yet some work in humans found that
yael shrager Department of Neurosciences, University of a group of memory-impaired patients with damage report-
California San Diego, La Jolla, California. Now at Department of edly involving either the hippocampus, or the hippocampus
Psychology, Harvard University and Howard Hughes Medical plus additional medial temporal lobe structures, were
impaired on tests of perceptual abilities that involved diffi-
larry r. squire Veterans Affairs Healthcare System, San
Diego, California; Department of Psychiatry, Department of cult-to-discriminate faces, objects, and scenes (Lee, Buckley,
Neurosciences, Department of Psychology, University of et al., 2005; Lee, Bussey, et al., 2005). This newer work,
California, San Diego, La Jolla, California which involved rather complex visual stimuli, raised the

shrager and squire: medial temporal lobe function and human memory 675

Figure 46.1 (A) A schematic view of the medial temporal lobe term memory systems. The taxonomy lists the brain structures
memory system for declarative memory, which is composed of the thought to be especially important for each form of declarative
hippocampal region together with the perirhinal, entorhinal, and and nondeclarative memory. In addition to its central role in
parahippocampal cortices. (From Manns & Squire, 2002.) The emotional learning, the amygdala is able to modulate the strength
hippocampal region is composed of the dentate gyrus (DG), the CA of both declarative and nondeclarative memory. (From Squire &
fields, and the subiculum (S). (B) A taxonomy of mammalian long- Knowlton, 2000.)

possibility that appropriate tests can reveal perceptual deficits distinct source images, so that the stimuli presented on con-
that had not been detected by conventional tests of visual secutive trials were derived from the same pair of source
perception (Lee, Barense, & Graham, 2005). These new find- images and were therefore quite similar to one another.
ings therefore challenge the long-standing idea that memory Accordingly, the question arises whether memory for pre-
impairment can occur as a circumscribed disorder. vious trials could benefit test performance. To test visual
Some issues arise in interpreting these studies. First, one perception without testing memory ability, it would be
wonders if additional damage outside of the medial temporal advantageous to use unique stimuli on each trial.
lobe could underlie the visual perceptual deficits (discussed These issues were explored in a recent study of six
in the following paragraphs). Second, in these particular memory-impaired patients with well-characterized lesions
studies, the stimuli were created by morphing together two (Shrager, Gold, Hopkins, & Squire, 2006). Two of these

676 memory
patients (EP and GP) are severely amnesic and have large
bilateral lesions of the medial temporal lobe resulting
from herpes simplex encephalitis. Both patients have exten-
sive, virtually complete bilateral damage to the hippocam-
pus, amygdala, entorhinal cortex, and perirhinal cortex, as
well as the majority of the parahippocampal cortex. Four
of the patients have damage thought to be limited to the
The six patients and eight matched controls were tested
with morphed grayscale images from three categories
(faces, objects, and scenes), similar to those used in the earlier
work that reported impairment (Lee, Bussey, et al., 2005).
The morphed images were created by gradually morphing
one distinct grayscale image into another (e.g., one hat
into a different hat or a lemon into a tennis ball) across a
100-step series.
In one experiment, three images were presented on each
trial (figure 46.2A). Two morphed images were presented
below one of the distinct images from which the morphed
images were derived, and participants were asked to indicate
which of the two morphed images was more similar to the
distinct image. Critically, on each trial, each pair of morphed
images was derived from a unique pair of distinct images. Figure 46.2 (A) Trial-unique visual discrimination. On each of
120 unique trials, two morphed images were presented below a
Thus participants could not benefit from their memory of single distinct image. Participants were asked to choose the lower
images they had seen in previous trials. All patients per- image (here identified by a +) that appeared more similar to the
formed as well as controls in all three stimulus categories upper image. (B) Visual matching. On each of 45 unique trials, a
(faces, objects, and scenes). target image was presented above a single image. Both images were
On each trial in another experiment, a target image, derived from a unique pair of distinct images (01 and 100). In the
case illustrated, the target image is image number 63 in the 100-
chosen from the 100-step morphed-image series, was pre-
image series, and the bottom image is image number 51 from the
sented at the top of the screen (figure 46.2B). In addition, a same series. Participants were asked to scroll through the ordered
single image from the same series was presented below the series of 100 images to find the image that matched the target
target image. Participants were asked to match the lower image. (From Shrager, Gold, Hopkins, & Squire, 2006.)
image to the target by scrolling though the ordered series of
100 morphed images, viewing only one image at a time, and amount of tissue unexamined. Furthermore, even by these
to select the image that was identical to the target. Perfor- assessments, the damage in some patients extended beyond
mance was scored as the number of image steps between the the brain structures that defined the groups. Without thor-
image that was selected and the target image (thus lower ough, quantitative assessment of the lesions, the possibility
scores indicate better performance). All patients performed remains that there is additional damage in the patients and
as well as controls in all three stimulus categories. that such damage might underlie the visual perceptual defi-
Aside from the possible importance of trial-unique stimuli, cits that were observed.
it is possible that difference in the patient groups might In contrast, the lesions of the patients in Shrager and
explain the discrepancy between the findings of Shrager and colleagues (2006) were rigorously measured using quantita-
colleagues (2006) and the findings of Lee and colleagues tive volumetric analysis of magnetic resonance images
(Lee, Buckley, et al., 2005; Lee, Bussey, et al., 2005), as well (Bayley, Gold, Hopkins, & Squire, 2005; Gold & Squire,
as related findings (Graham et al., 2006). The lesions in the 2005). For each patient, approximately 60 sections were
patients studied by Lee and colleagues (Lee, Buckley, et al., measured in 1-mm intervals rostrocaudally through the
2005; Lee, Bussey, et al., 2005) were characterized by visual medial and lateral temporal lobes. The measurements were
ratings of magnetic resonance images (the ratings were made taken in every section in which a structure of interest was
on a 4- or 5-point scale). These ratings, based on visual present. In addition, volumes were calculated for the insular
inspection, are not the same as quantitative brain measure- cortex, the fusiform gyrus, and the frontal, parietal, and
ments. Also, the ratings given for each patient were based occipital lobes.
on a single coronal section for each structure of interest in Over the past 40 years, numerous studies of memory-
the medial and lateral temporal lobe, leaving a considerable impaired patients with lesions of the medial temporal lobe

shrager and squire: medial temporal lobe function and human memory 677
have found visual perceptual function to be intact (Corkin, to the hippocampus) and controls were tested across short
1984; Levy et al., 2005; Milner, Corkin, & Teuber, 1968; delays in four different tasks. Next, the effect of distraction
Stark & Squire, 2000). It was this early work that led to the on control performance was tested in the same tasks. The
principle that memory can be severely impaired without reasoning was as follows: If amnesic patients perform well
impairing other intellectual or perceptual functions. More on tasks when they can operate within working-memory
recently, visual perception has been challenged with newer, capacity (i.e., by active maintenance), then controls given
more difficult tasks than had been used previously. This the same tasks should be impaired when distraction is inter-
new work provides additional support for the principle that posed between study and test because distraction should
memory impairment can occur in the absence of impaired disrupt the active maintenance process. Conversely, if
visual perception. amnesic patients perform poorly when their working-
memory capacity is exceeded, then controls given the same
Working memory and brain systems tasks should be minimally affected by distraction between
study and test (because performance is now supported more
Working memory refers to the capacity to maintain tempo- by long-term memory than by active maintenance).
rarily a limited amount of information in mind. This infor- Memory was first tested for names and faces in the patients
mation can then be used to support various cognitive abilities, and their controls. Participants studied either three names
including learning and reasoning (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974). presented one at a time or a single face. After a 14-second
Amnesic patients with damage to the medial temporal lobe delay, memory was tested with a single probe stimulus, and
have consistently exhibited intact working memory despite participants indicated whether the probe stimulus (a name
grave impairment in long-term memory (Drachman & Arbit, in the names test and a face in the faces test) had just been
1966; Milner, 1972). Thus working memory has been presented in the study phase. The patients performed as well
thought to be independent of the medial temporal lobe and as controls in the names test (patients scored 94.4%, and
has come to be defined as a kind of memory that is spared controls scored 94.5% correct), and they were impaired in
in patients with medial temporal lobe damage (Atkinson & the faces test (patients scored 93.2%, and controls scored
Shiffrin, 1968; Milner, 1972; Pashler & Carrier, 1996). 98.0% correct) (figure 46.3A).
These ideas have been challenged recently by the proposal The question of interest was whether the impairment in
that working memory might sometimes depend on medial the faces test resulted from a working-memory deficit or a
temporal lobe structures. Specifically, patients with medial long-term-memory deficit. Accordingly, the effect of distrac-
temporal lobe damage were found to be impaired at remem- tion on control performance was tested in both the names
bering information across brief time intervals (Hannula, and faces tests. Controls were again asked to study either
Tranel, & Cohen, 2006; Hartley et al., 2007; Nichols, three names or a single face. During the delay, on half the
Kao, Verfaellie, & Gabrieli, 2006; Olson, Moore, Stark, trials, controls were distracted. Control performance was
& Chatterjee, 2006; Olson, Page, Moore, Chatterjee, & impaired by distraction in the names condition (96.4%
Verfaellie, 2006). The interpretation that these impairments versus 87.5% correct) but not in the faces condition (96.4%
result from impaired working memory would require a revi- correct for the no-distraction condition versus 95.3% correct
sion of the long-standing principle that working memory is for the distraction condition) (figure 46.3B). Performance on
separable from long-term memory and is independent of the the distracter (counting) tasks was comparable in the names
medial temporal lobe. Yet it is possible that the impairments and faces tests.
might have occurred because the capacity for working These results revealed a correspondence between the per-
memory was exceeded and performance in these cases formance of amnesic patients and the effect of distraction on
depended on long-term memory. This possibility draws controls. Distraction impaired controls on the names test,
attention to the fact that there is a circularity in the way that presumably because the distraction interfered with an active
working memory is often defined. Working memory has been maintenance process that is based on rehearsal. Distraction
characterized as a kind of memory that is spared in amnesia, did not affect performance on the faces test, presumably
but amnesia is traditionally characterized as a condition in because the information is difficult to maintain actively
which working memory is intact. It would be useful to have a (rehearse) and must depend on long-term memory shortly
method for identifying and measuring working memory that after the information is presented (Warrington & Taylor,
is independent of the performance of amnesic patients. 1973). We suggest that amnesic patients were intact when
A recent study used distraction between study and test to task performance was supported by rehearsal (working
measure working memory in controls and also tested the memory for names) but were impaired when rehearsal was
performance of amnesic patients (Shrager, Levy, Hopkins, less effective and performance had to depend on long-term
& Squire, 2008). Amnesic patients with medial temporal memory (in the case of faces). The same finding was obtained
lobe damage (EP, GP, and six patients with damage limited in a related set of experiments that tested memory for objects

678 memory
One example of a task that is approached differently by
humans and nonhuman primates is concurrent discrimina-
tion learning, a standard task for studying mammalian
memory for more than 50 years. In a common version of
this task, eight pairs of objects are presented five times each
day, one pair at a time in a mixed order, totaling 40 trials
each day. One object in each pair is always correct, and a
choice of the correct object results in a reward. Humans
readily learn this task after one or two days of training,
scoring about 90% correct. The task ordinarily depends on
declarative memory, as indicated by the fact that task per-
formance is correlated with the ability to describe the objects
and by the fact that amnesic patients perform quite poorly
(Hood, Postle, & Corkin, 1999; Squire, Zola-Morgan, &
Chen, 1988).
In contrast to the findings in humans, monkeys learned
the same concurrent discrimination task gradually, across
several hundred trials. Furthermore, monkeys with medial
temporal lobe lesions learned this task and a similar version
of the same task at normal rates (Buffalo, Stefanacci, Squire,
& Zola, 1998; Malamut, Sanders, & Mishkin, 1984; Teng,
Figure 46.3 (A) Percent correct scores for controls (CON) and Stefanacci, Squire, & Zola, 2000). For monkeys, learning
patients with medial temporal lobe lesions (MTL) when asked to proceeded by trial and error (sometimes termed habit learn-
remember either three surnames or a single face for 14 seconds. ing), and learning was impaired by basal ganglia lesions
(B) Percent correct scores for controls on trials with and without
(Fernandez-Ruiz, Wang, Aigner, & Mishkin, 2001; Teng
distraction when asked to remember three surnames or a single
face for 14 seconds. Error bars indicate standard error. Asterisks et al., 2000). Habit memory is proposed to involve slowly
indicate p < 0.05. (From Shrager, Levy, Hopkins, & Squire, acquired associations between stimuli and responses that
2008.) develop outside of awareness and that are rigidly organized,
with the result that what is learned is not readily expressed
and object locations (a form of relational memory) (Shrager, unless the task is presented just as it was during training.
Levy, et al., 2008). Together, the findings support a brain- A recent study asked whether severely amnesic patients
based distinction between working memory and long-term can learn this task and, if so, whether the learning has the
memory, as well as the idea that working memory is inde- characteristics of nondeclarative (unconscious) memory.
pendent of medial temporal lobe structures. Two patients with large medial temporal lobe lesions, EP
and GP, and four controls successfully learned the concur-
Habit learning rent discrimination task (eight pairs, five presentations of
each pair per session) (Bayley, Frascino, & Squire, 2005).
Some tasks are acquired by humans as declarative knowl- Two sessions were scheduled each week. The controls learned
edge through memorization but nevertheless can be acquired the task quickly during three testing sessions (figure 46.4A).
nondeclaratively by experimental animals. On such tasks, In contrast, EP and GP learned gradually during 36 and 28
amnesic patients with medial temporal lobe lesions perform sessions, respectively, and reached a performance level of
poorly, whereas monkeys with medial temporal lobe lesions 85.0% and 92.5% correct (figure 46.4B,C).
acquire the task at the rate of unoperated monkeys. These The learning exhibited by the patients across weeks was
findings raise the question whether patients with profound not accompanied by declarative knowledge of the task. Thus
amnesia, with no capacity for declarative memory, could neither patient recognized that he had been tested in previ-
acquire such a task nondeclaratively in the way that the ous sessions, and neither patient could describe the testing
monkey learns it. If so, is the learning done consciously or procedure. An additional condition tested whether the
unconsciously? Or is it the case that, in humans, one memory knowledge that had been acquired was rigidly organized, as
system cannot readily substitute for another? Perhaps in is thought to occur for habit learning, or whether it could
humans, some forms of nondeclarative memory are not well be used flexibly. Three to six days after the conclusion of
developed, or perhaps a capacity for nondeclarative learning formal training, participants were given a sorting task. They
is easily overridden by the tendency to engage a conscious were presented with all 16 objects mixed together (the eight
declarative memory strategy. pairs they had learned) and were asked to sort them into two

shrager and squire: medial temporal lobe function and human memory 679
groups: one containing the correct objects and another con-
taining the incorrect objects. Controls succeeded, scoring
95.3% correct, while the patients failed altogether (EP scored
56.3%, and GP scored 50.0% correct; chance = 50%) (figure
46.4B,C). Thus the learned information could not be used
flexibly. Both patients were able to perform well when asked
to verbalize their responses instead of reaching for the
objects, but the objects needed to be presented as pairs in
order for performance to succeed (figure 46.4B,C). Seven-
teen days later, EP and GP failed the sorting task again and
then succeeded once more when the task was presented in
its original format (figure 46.4B,C).
These findings demonstrated a robust capacity for habit
learning that can operate outside awareness and indepen-
dently of declarative memory and the medial temporal lobe.
The knowledge acquired by both patients was rigidly orga-
nized and most accessible when the task was structured just
as it was during training. These results provide a particularly
compelling example of the distinction between declarative
(and conscious) and nondeclarative (and unconscious) learn-
ing systems.

Recollection and familiarity

One of the most widely studied examples of declarative
memory is recognition memory, the capacity to judge an
item as having been encountered previously. Recognition
memory is thought to consist of two component processes,
recollection and familiarity (Mandler, 1980). Recollection
involves remembering specific details about the episode in
which an item was encountered, whereas familiarity involves
simply knowing that an item was presented without any
recollection of the original episode.
There has been considerable interest in finding an ana-
tomical basis of the distinction between recollection and
familiarity. One suggestion is that the hippocampus is
especially important for recollection, whereas the adjacent
medial temporal lobe cortex supports familiarity (Brown &
Figure 46.4 Performance on the concurrent discrimination task.
(A) Controls learned the task easily within three sessions and per-
Aggleton, 2001; Eichenbaum, Yonelinas, & Ranganath,
formed well on the sorting task 3–6 days later (gray bar). The black 2007; Fortin, Wright, & Eichenbaum, 2004; Yonelinas et al.,
bar shows performance immediately afterward when participants 2002). In contrast, it has also been suggested that the hip-
were asked to verbalize their choices rather than reach for objects. pocampus is important for both recollection and familiarity
Results are means plus and minus standard error. (B,C) EP (B) and (Manns, Hopkins, Reed, Kitchener, & Squire, 2003; Squire,
GP (C) gradually learned the object pairs across 14–18 weeks. Five
Wixted, & Clark, 2007; Wixted & Squire, 2004).
days later, each patient failed the sorting task (gray bars) but then,
immediately afterward, performed well in the standard task format A recent series of experiments applied signal detection
while verbalizing his responses (black bars). Seventeen days later, techniques to address these anatomical questions about rec-
both patients again failed the sorting task (gray bars) but performed ollection and familiarity. The receiver operating character-
above 90% when the test was given exactly as in original training istic (ROC) is a plot of the hit rate versus the false alarm rate
(white bars). (From Bayley, Frascino, & Squire, 2005.)
across different decision criteria. In order to obtain pairs of
hit and false alarm rates at different decision criteria, one
can ask participants to provide confidence ratings for their
yes/no recognition decisions. A pair of hit and false alarm
rates is computed for each level of confidence, and the paired

680 memory
values are plotted across the confidence levels to construct
an ROC.
The ROC of normal individuals has been compared to the
ROC of memory-impaired patients (Yonelinas, Kroll,
Dobbins, Lazzara, & Knight, 1998; Yonelinas et al., 2002)
and rats with hippocampal lesions (for rats, decision criteria
are manipulated by other methods) (Fortin et al., 2004).
These ROCs were curvilinear, as is typical, but they differed
in their degree of symmetry. As is usually the case, the ROC
of controls was asymmetrical, but the ROC of patients and
rats with hippocampal lesions was symmetrical (figure 46.5).
These data have sometimes been interpreted according to a
high-threshold/signal detection model (Yonelinas et al.,
1998), which takes the degree of asymmetry in an ROC to
reflect the degree to which the recollection process contrib-
utes to recognition memory performance. Specifically, a sym-
metrical ROC indicates that recollection was absent and that
recognition memory was based only on familiarity, whereas
an asymmetrical ROC indicates that recollection also
occurred to some extent. Thus, by the high-threshold/signal
detection model, the finding that memory-impaired patients,
as well as rats with hippocampal lesions, produce a symmetri-
cal ROC suggests that the recollection process is impaired.
Although the ROC curves of patients and their controls
(and lesioned rats and their controls) did differ qualitatively
with respect to symmetry, they also differed quantitatively.
The patients and the lesioned rats had weaker memories
than their respective controls. Indeed, the standard signal
detection model of recognition memory (Macmillan & Creel-
man, 2005) explains the difference between asymmetrical
Figure 46.5 Hypothetical ROC data illustrating symmetrical
and symmetrical ROCs as a difference in memory strength. and asymmetrical ROC curves. The degree of asymmetry evident
An asymmetrical ROC reflects high memory strength, and in an ROC is typically quantified by a “slope” parameter obtained
a symmetrical ROC reflects lower memory strength (Glanzer, by fitting the standard signal detection model (Macmillan &
Kim, Hilford, & Adams, 1999). If the symmetry of the ROC Creelman, 2005) to the data. A slope of 1.0 denotes a symmetrical
is related to memory strength, then the difference in sym- ROC, whereas a slope less than 1.0 denotes an asymmetrical ROC.
The high-threshold/signal detection model (Yonelinas, Kroll,
metry between controls and memory-impaired patients (or Dobbins, Lazzara, & Knight, 1998) would yield a recollection
lesioned rats) might simply reflect the difference between parameter estimate of 0 for the symmetrical ROC (top panel) and
strong and weak memories, rather than a qualitative differ- an estimate greater than 0 for the asymmetrical ROC (bottom panel).
ence between the underlying component processes of recog- (From Wais, Wixted, Hopkins, & Squire, 2006.)
nition memory.
This idea was tested in a study of controls and memory- Six patients with damage thought to be limited to
impaired patients with circumscribed hippocampal lesions the hippocampus participated. Participants first studied
(Wais, Wixted, Hopkins, & Squire, 2006). The question of 50 words. After a three-minute interval, 50 target words
interest was how the shape of the ROC changes as a function were intermixed with 50 foil words, and participants assigned
of memory strength for patients with hippocampal lesions a confidence rating to each word from 1 (“definitely new”)
and how the performance of patients compares with the to 6 (“definitely old”). As expected, the patients performed
performance of controls. If recollection is selectively impaired more poorly than controls (H-50 versus C-50, figure 46.6).
in the patients, then the ROC should be symmetrical regard- Patients were then given a second, easier recognition-
less of memory strength. Alternatively, if the hippocampus memory test involving only 10 words (plus four untested
does not selectively support recollection, then the patients filler words, two at the beginning and two at the end of
with hippocampal lesions should produce asymmetrical the list). On this test, patient performance improved to
ROCs like the controls once differences in memory strength a level similar to that of controls (H-10 versus C-50,
are accounted for. figure 46.6).

shrager and squire: medial temporal lobe function and human memory 681
Figure 46.6 Recognition memory performance of hippocampal
patients and controls. Patients were tested with 50-item lists (H-50
condition) or 10-item lists (H-10 condition). Controls were tested
with 50-item lists (C-50 condition). The retention interval was 3
minutes. The mean score of the controls (C-50) was greater than
that of the patients in the H-50 condition, but similar to the score
obtained by the patients in the H-10 condition. The score in the
H-10 condition was also greater than the score in the H-50 con-
dition. Error bars represent standard errors. (From Wais, Wixted,
Hopkins, & Squire, 2006.)

The ROCs for the patients and controls were all curvilin-
ear (figure 46.7). The ROC from the H-50 condition was
symmetrical, but the ROCs from the H-10 and the C-50
conditions were asymmetrical to a similar extent. Thus the
ROC of the hippocampal patients was symmetric when
memory was weak but asymmetric when memory was strong
(H-50 versus H-10, respectively). Moreover, when memory
performance was similar for patients and controls (the H-10
and C-50 conditions), the degree of asymmetry in the ROC
was similar as well.
To derive theoretical estimates of recollection and famil-
iarity, the ROC data were first fitted by the high-threshold/
signal detection model. In the H-50 condition, the recollec-
tion parameter estimate was equal to zero, and in the C-50
condition it was greater than zero (0.23). Similarly, the famil-
iarity parameter estimate was lower in the H-50 condition
than in the C-50 condition (0.83 versus 1.64). Importantly,
in the H-10 condition, the parameter estimates for both
recollection and familiarity were similar to the estimates for
the C-50 condition (recollection estimate of 0.22 and 0.23
for H-10 and C-50, respectively, and familiarity estimate of
1.21 and 1.64 for H-10 and C-50, respectively, p = 0.11). Figure 46.7 ROC data produced by the hippocampal patients
Thus, according to the high-threshold/signal detection and controls. The top panel shows the data for hippocampal
patients in the 50-item condition, the middle panel shows the data
model, the recollection process is present in both patients for hippocampal patients in the 10-item condition, and the bottom
and controls. Furthermore, when memory performance was panel shows the data for controls in the 50-item condition. The
matched between patients and controls (H-10 and C-50), the H-50 ROC was symmetric (slope = 1.14). The H-10 ROC and the
nearly identical recollection estimates (0.22 and 0.23) offered C-50 ROC were both asymmetric (slope = 0.83 for both groups)
no evidence of a selective deficit in recollection after hippo- and also more asymmetric than the ROC of the H-50 group. (From
Wais, Wixted, Hopkins, & Squire, 2006.)
campal lesions.
In contrast to the high-threshold/signal detection
model, the traditional signal detection model (Macmillan &

682 memory
Creelman, 2005) does not dictate how recollection and (Shrager, Kirwan, & Squire, 2008). Two patients with large
familiarity combine to produce an ROC curve. The fact that medial temporal lobe lesions (EP and GP), three patients
patients and controls exhibited similar ROCs as a function with hippocampal lesions, and seven controls were tested for
of memory strength nevertheless suggests that the compo- their path integration ability. In the first condition (stan-
nent processes of recognition are both operative in the dard), participants wore a blindfold and earphones to reduce
patients. If the asymmetry of the ROC curve is taken as an external cues, and they were led in a laboratory space along
indicator of recollection, then these results challenge the idea 16 different paths that averaged 4.3 meters in length and
that the hippocampus subserves a recollection process and involved either 1 or 2 turns. At the end of each path, par-
that hippocampal patients do not have this process. The ticipants stepped onto a platform (5 cm above the floor and
findings are not an argument against the utility of the con- equipped with handlebars for stability) and were asked to
structs of recollection and familiarity. Rather, they challenge point to their start location. An error measure was then
the idea that recollection and familiarity can be dichoto- computed as the difference between the participant’s point-
mized and assigned to separate brain structures in the medial ing direction and the correct direction. Participants were
temporal lobe (Squire et al., 2007). encouraged to actively maintain the path in mind as they
walked, so that performance might be supported by working
Path integration memory (mean trial duration was 33.4 seconds).
The patients performed as accurately as controls
During the past several decades, there have been two influ- (mean pointing direction for patients, −4°; controls, +4°)
ential traditions about the function of the hippocam- (figure 46.8A). Furthermore, the variability in performance
pus, entorhinal cortex, and related medial temporal lobe across the 16 trials was similar for both groups (patients,
structures. One tradition emphasizes the importance of 31.3; controls, 30.5) (figure 46.8D). Debriefings of the two
these structures for memory (Scoville & Milner, 1957; most severely memory-impaired patients (EP and GP) and
Squire, Stark, & Clark, 2004). The other emphasizes their four controls indicated that subjects tried to keep track of
importance for spatial cognition (Etienne & Jeffery, 2004; their position in space as they moved, continually updating
McNaughton, Battaglia, Jensen, Moser, & Moser, 2006; their position relative to the start point.
O’Keefe & Nadel, 1978; Whitlock, Sutherland, Witter, Path integration was further challenged in two additional
Moser, & Moser, 2008). An important part of spatial cogni- conditions. In one condition, participants were blindfolded
tion is path integration, the ability to use internal cues during and led in the laboratory along 16 paths involving 3 turns
movement (i.e., self-motion cues) to keep track of a reference (compared to 1 or 2 turns in the standard condition; mean
location. Because many tasks of spatial cognition, including trial duration, 26.0 seconds). In another condition, partici-
path integration, require memory, these two traditions are pants were blindfolded and led in an outdoor space along 8
compatible with each other to a large extent. paths that were nearly four times as long (15 meters) as the
The view that medial temporal lobe structures are impor- paths in the standard condition. Mean trial duration in this
tant for memory makes a key distinction between short-term case was 29.7 seconds. In both conditions, the patients
(or working) memory and long-term memory (see the section pointed to their start location as accurately as controls, and
on working memory in this chapter). Patients with damage they also exhibited variability similar to that of controls (for
to the medial temporal lobe, including damage to the hip- 3 turns, controls, +6°, variability, 32.2; patients, −7°, vari-
pocampus or entorhinal cortex, are thought to have intact ability, 31.7; for the longer paths, controls, +9°, variability,
working memory, and they perform poorly only when 35.0; patients, −15°, variability, 27.2). In a fourth condition,
demands are made on long-term memory. This idea is participants were led along 8 paths in the laboratory envi-
meant to apply even to tasks that require spatial cognition, ronment (4 involving 1 turn, 4 involving 2 turns, for a path
such as path integration. length averaging 4.2 m). At the end of each path, partici-
In contrast, the view that the hippocampus and entorhinal pants estimated their distance from the start location (instead
cortex are important for path integration often includes the of pointing). Some paths ended far from the start point, and
suggestion that the path integrator is located in these struc- some ended near the start point. Again, the patients were as
tures (Etienne & Jeffery, 2004; McNaughton et al., 2006). accurate as controls (both groups averaged 0.7 m error for
By this view, patients with damage to the hippocampus and distances that averaged 2.8 m).
entorhinal cortex should be impaired at path integration, A separate condition served as a key control to ensure that
and this impairment should occur regardless of whether participants were in fact path integrating, that is, relying on
demands are made on long-term memory. internal cues rather than on external cues that were beyond
These ideas were tested by asking whether the hippocam- experimental control. Blindfolded participants were led in
pus and entorhinal cortex are essential for path integration the laboratory environment along 16 paths and, at the end
even when the task can be managed within working memory of each path, stepped onto the platform and held onto the

shrager and squire: medial temporal lobe function and human memory 683
controls was substantially compromised. Neither group
exhibited a significant pointing direction (i.e., pointing
across participants was random), and variability increased
(patients, 54.9; controls, 61.5) (figure 46.8B,E).
In a final condition, path integration was tested when
demands on long-term memory were increased by increas-
ing the duration of each trial and by introducing distraction
during the delay (mean trial duration, 1 minute 10 seconds).
The controls performed as well in the distraction condition
as in the standard condition. Their mean pointing direction
was +1° (compared to +4° in the standard condition), and
variability was 30.1 (compared to 30.5 in the standard condi-
tion) (figure 46.8C,F ). In contrast, the patients had difficulty
in the distraction condition. Their mean pointing direction
was −14° (numerically worse than their pointing direction
in the standard condition, −4°), and variability was 57.1
(significantly worse than in the standard condition, 31.3, and
significantly worse than controls in the distraction condition,
30.1) (figure 46.8C,F ).
These results indicate that patients with lesions of the
medial temporal lobe can path integrate as well as controls
when the task can be managed within working memory.
When demands on long-term memory were increased, the
patients were impaired. These findings suggest that medial
temporal lobe structures are not unique, essential sites where
computations needed for path integration are carried out.
These computations likely occur upstream of the medial
temporal lobe, perhaps in parietal cortex. The medial tem-
poral lobe then operates on this information, much as it
operates on information from other sensory modalities, in
Figure 46.8 Circular means of each participant’s 16 pointing
order to transform on-line perceptual information into long-
directions in the standard, rotation, and distraction conditions for term memory.
patients with damage to the medial temporal lobe (MTL, filled
circles) and controls (CON, unfilled circles). 0° indicates the correct Remote memory
direction. Group pointing directions are also indicated (solid arrow,
CON; broken arrow, MTL). Shorter arrows denote greater vari-
Damage to the hippocampus and related medial temporal
ability (dispersion) in the group’s pointing direction (following
Moore’s test for nonuniformity, Batschelet, 1981). In B, X indicates lobe structures not only impairs new learning capacity but
individuals who did not exhibit a significant pointing direction. The also impairs memory for information acquired before the
standard deviation of pointing directions around each participant’s damage occurred (retrograde amnesia). Early clinical descrip-
circular mean was calculated, and the individual standard devia- tions of retrograde amnesia led to the proposal that recently
tions were then averaged for each group (D,E,F ). Asterisk (*) indi-
acquired memories are typically more impaired than remotely
cates p < 0.05, CON versus MTL groups. Brackets indicate standard
error. (From Shrager, Kirwan, & Squire, 2008.) acquired memories (Ribot, 1881), and a large experimental
literature has supported this idea (Frankland & Bontempi,
handlebars. The platform was then slowly rotated by remote 2005; Squire & Bayley, 2007). Yet questions remain about
control through 190°, after which participants tried to point whether medial temporal lobe damage can sometimes cause
to their start location. Pilot experiments indicated that, after extensive and ungraded retrograde memory loss and about
the rotation, participants had difficulty knowing how far they the status of remote autobiographical memory.
had been turned. Accordingly, one would expect that, if Some have concluded that retrograde amnesia is tem-
participants were in fact relying on path integration (internal porally ungraded and that recent and remote memories
cues) to point to their start location, they should have diffi- are similarly impaired across the life span (Sanders &
culty in the rotation condition. Mean trial duration was the Warrington, 1971; Warrington, 1996). Others have con-
same as in the original, standard condition (32.4 seconds). cluded that retrograde amnesia is temporally limited and
The result was that performance of both patients and related to the extent and locus of the damage (Eichenbaum,

684 memory
Dudchenko, Wood, Shapiro, & Tanila, 1999; Squire et al.,
2004). There are two reasons why this issue has been difficult
to settle. First, memory has not always been assessed at early
enough time periods to permit a firm conclusion that memory
loss is ungraded. Second, the relationship between the extent
of retrograde memory loss and the extent of medial temporal
lobe damage has not always been clearly identified.
A recent study tested memory for past news events in two
patients with large medial temporal lobe lesions (EP and
GP), six patients with limited hippocampal lesions, and
matched controls (Bayley, Hopkins, & Squire, 2006). The
test involved up to 300 questions about news events that
had occurred from early life to the current year. The patients
with hippocampal lesions performed poorly during the
period of anterograde amnesia (after the onset of amnesia)
and exhibited temporally limited retrograde amnesia cover-
ing a period of about 5 years before the onset of amnesia
(figure 46.9). For more remote time periods, the patients
performed as well as controls.
EP and GP also performed poorly during their period of
anterograde amnesia and in addition exhibited extensive
retrograde amnesia covering many years before the onset
of amnesia (figure 46.10). Nevertheless, both patients per-
formed better when the questions covered the most remote
time periods. GP performed within 1.1 standard deviations
of controls in the time period 21 to 25 years before amnesia
(when he would have been 17 to 21 years old), and he per-
formed as well as controls in the time period 26 to 30 years
before amnesia. EP reached normal levels of performance
when the questions covered the period 46 to 50 years before Figure 46.9 Recall performance on a test of 279 news events that
occurred from 1951 to 2005. The scores for controls (CON) and
amnesia (when he would have been 20 to 24 years old).
six patients with damage limited to the hippocampus (H) have been
With respect to autobiographical memory, it has been aligned relative to the onset of amnesia so that performance can
proposed (usually in single-case studies) that medial tempo- be shown for the time period after the onset of amnesia and in 5-
ral lobe damage, and even limited hippocampal damage, year intervals for the time preceding the onset of amnesia. The data
leads to impaired memory for personal events that extends point at −5 represents 1–5 years before amnesia, the point at −10
represents 6–10 years before amnesia, and so on. Error bars indi-
into early life (Cipolotti et al., 2001; Hirano & Noguchi,
cate standard error. (From Bayley, Hopkins, & Squire, 2006.)
1998; Moscovitch, Nadel, Winocur, Gilboa, & Rosenbaum,
2006; Steinvorth, Levine, & Corkin, 2005). Findings from
group studies, however, suggest that both patients with and were able to produce 3-point memories in response to
limited hippocampal lesions and patients with large medial most of the key words. The narratives were then submitted
temporal lobe lesions have intact autobiographical memory to a detailed analysis of content. The narratives of patients
of early life (Bayley, Gold, et al., 2005; Bayley, Hopkins, & and controls contained the same number of details and were
Squire, 2003; Bright et al., 2006; Eslinger, 1998; Rempel- similar on several other measures as well.
Clower, Zola, Squire, & Amaral, 1996). For example, a In an effort to maximize the sensitivity with which the
study of six patients with limited hippocampal lesions, two assessment of remote memory is carried out, it is also possible
patients with large medial temporal lobe lesions, and 25 to use techniques that ask for a single memory from a given
controls were given 24 cue words, and for each word were time period (instead of 24 memories, as before) and then
asked to recollect a specific event from the first third of their probe extensively to obtain as many as 50 details for each
lives that involved the word (Bayley et al., 2003). Narratives memory (the Autobiographical Interview; Levine, Svoboda,
were first scored on a 4-point scale (scores of 0 to 3 points) Hay, Winocur, & Moscovitch, 2002). This test was given to
according to how well participants described an event that three patients with damage limited to the hippocampus, two
was specific to time and place. Patients and controls pro- patients with large lesions of the medial temporal lobe,
duced a similar number of well-formed (3-point) memories and five controls (Kirwan, Bayley, Galván, & Squire, 2008).

shrager and squire: medial temporal lobe function and human memory 685
Participants were asked to provide one memory from each Impaired remote autobiographical memory does occur
of five time periods: childhood (up to age 11 years), teenage when the brain damage extends beyond the medial temporal
years (age 12–17), early adulthood (age 18–35), middle age lobe. Another study assessed remote autobiographical
(age 36–55), and the year before testing. The patients with memory in three patients with medial temporal lobe damage
hippocampal lesions were impaired only at the most recent plus significant damage to the neocortex (Bayley, Gold,
time period, and the patients with larger medial temporal et al., 2005). As in an earlier study (Bayley et al., 2003), the
lobe lesions were impaired at the two most recent time patients were asked to recall a childhood memory in response
periods (figure 46.11). Both groups of patients performed as to a cue word for each of 24 words. As described previously,
well as controls in the three earliest time periods. patients with damage limited to the medial temporal lobe
and their controls produced well-formed memories in
response to most of the 24 word cues (21.6 for the patients,
22.9 for the controls). In contrast, the patients with signifi-
cant neocortical damage outside of the medial temporal lobe
were severely impaired and provided a mean of only 4.0
unique, well-formed memories. These patients were able to
recall some general information in response to the cue words
but had marked difficulty providing memories that were
specific to a particular time and place.
Similar findings were obtained with the Autobiographical
Memory Interview (AMI; Kopelman, Wilson, & Baddeley,
1989), a standardized test that facilitates comparison of
performance across laboratories. In the childhood portion
of this test, patients are asked to recall three unique events
from their childhood. Patients with medial temporal lobe
damage plus significant neocortical damage performed
poorly, whereas patients with limited medial temporal lobe
damage performed well (Bayley, Gold, et al., 2005; figure
46.12). These findings suggest that patients who fail the AMI
(Childhood Portion), or who otherwise have difficulty recol-
lecting events from their early life, have damage outside the
Figure 46.10 Recall performance on a test of news events that medial temporal lobe.
occurred from 1938 to 2005 (for EP, 300 events) and from 1951 to
2005 (for GP, 279 events). The scores for the two patients with
large medial temporal lobe lesions and controls (CON) have been Awareness and memory
aligned relative to the onset of amnesia (see caption for figure 46.9).
Error bars indicate standard error. (From Bayley, Hopkins, & Declarative memory has ordinarily been viewed as memory
Squire, 2006.) that is accompanied by knowledge or awareness of what


Figure 46.11 Total number of (A) episodic and (B) semantic one autobiographical memory from each of five time periods. Error
details across time periods. Patients with damage thought to be bars indicate standard error. (From Kirwan, Bayley, Galván, &
limited to the hippocampus (H), patients with larger medial tem- Squire, 2008.)
poral lobe lesions (MTL), and controls (Con) were asked to retrieve

686 memory
sponding, unmanipulated regions in the repeated scenes.
Again, these effects occurred only when individuals were
aware of the manipulation. Participants who were unaware
that a scene had been changed looked at it in the same way
that they looked at repeated scenes (figure 46.13). The fourth
finding was that these effects occurred even when the scenes
were presented without any indication that memory was
being tested or that individuals should try to detect which
scenes were new, old, or manipulated.
Thus there was no indication that eye movements reveal
an unaware (unconscious) form of memory. Instead, eye
movements reflected declarative (conscious) memory.
These findings support the principle that hippocampus-
Figure 46.12 Performance on the Childhood Portion of the dependent memory is accessible to awareness. Recent
Autobiographical Memory Interview (maximum score, 9). Each studies of transitive inference (Smith & Squire, 2005)
participant’s score is represented by a circle, and patients are identi- and eyeblink conditioning (Smith, Clark, Manns, & Squire,
fied by initials. MTL, patients with medial temporal lobe lesions; 2005) are consistent with this idea. See Smith, Hopkins,
MTL+, patients with medial temporal lobe lesions and additional
lesions in neocortex; CON, controls. (From Bayley, Gold, Hopkins, and Squire (2006) for discussion of two studies that
& Squire, 2005.) reached different conclusions (Greene, Spellman, Dusek,
Eichenbaum, & Levy, 2001; Ryan, Althoff, Whitlow, &
has been learned, and the availability of learned material Cohen, 2000).
to awareness has been considered one of its key features
(Eichenbaum, 1997; Gabrieli, 1998; Squire, 1992; Tulving
& Schacter, 1990). In some cases, when behavior is changed
by experience, it is unclear what kind of memory is being This chapter reviewed a number of recent findings pertinent
expressed. Consider the case of eye movements. When indi- to the organization of memory and the function of the medial
viduals view novel scenes, familiar scenes, or familiar scenes temporal lobe. These findings indicated that (1) visual per-
in which a change has been introduced, eye movements ception is independent of the medial temporal lobe; (2)
differ depending on the viewing history of each scene. What working memory can be identified independently of the
kind of memory is indexed by eye movements, and is this performance of amnesic patients, and when this identifica-
kind of memory accessible to awareness? tion is accomplished, working memory is found to be inde-
Two studies addressed this issue by asking what kind of pendent of the medial temporal lobe; (3) humans have a
memory is operating when eye movements change as the robust capacity for habit learning that operates outside of
result of experience (Smith, Hopkins, & Squire, 2006; Smith awareness and is independent of the medial temporal lobe;
& Squire, 2008). Amnesic patients and controls viewed (4) path integration, a form of spatial cognition, is indepen-
scenes that were either novel, repeated, or manipulated. For dent of the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex when infor-
manipulated scenes, an element was either added to or mation can be maintained within working memory, but path
removed from a previously presented scene. The first finding integration depends on these structures when demands are
was that the patients were impaired at remembering whether made on long-term memory; (5) the hippocampus is required
a scene was new or old and also whether a scene had been for recognition memory, regardless of whether decisions are
manipulated or not. The second finding was that control based on recollection or familiarity; (6) the medial temporal
subjects, but not amnesic patients, examined scenes differ- lobe plays a time-limited role in declarative memory such
ently depending on whether the scenes were new or old. that very remote memory, including remote autobiographi-
Specifically, during a 5-second viewing period, controls cal memory, is intact after medial temporal lobe damage;
made fewer fixations and sampled fewer regions when scenes and (7) the kind of declarative memory that is dependent on
were repeated than when they were novel. Importantly, the hippocampus is accessible as conscious, aware knowl-
these effects occurred only when individuals were aware that edge of what has been learned.
a scene was novel or repeated. The third finding was that,
when scenes were manipulated, healthy participants made
acknowledgments This work was supported by the
more fixations in the manipulated region, spent more time Medical Research Service of the Department of Veterans Affairs,
looking at the manipulated region, and made more transi- NIMH, the Metropolitan Life Foundation, and an NSF predoc-
tions into and out of the manipulated region than in corre- toral fellowship (Y.S.).

shrager and squire: medial temporal lobe function and human memory 687
Figure 46.13 Eye movement traces (black lines) and fixations altered and who was unaware of the change. Aware individuals
(diamonds) for four different individuals who viewed this image for spent more time looking at the altered region of the image than
5 seconds. (A) An individual for whom this image was novel. (B ) unaware individuals or individuals who had never seen the version
An individual for whom this image was familiar. (C ) An individual with the man in the truck. In each panel, the critical region is
for whom the image was familiar but altered (a man with a dolly identified by a black square, but the square did not appear during
is no longer in the back of the truck) and who was aware of the testing. (From Smith, Hopkins, & Squire, 2006.)
change. (D) An individual for whom the image was familiar but

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690 memory
47 Reconsolidation: A Possible
Bridge between Cognitive and
Neuroscientific Views of Memory
karim nader

abstract The field of reconsolidation is one of the fastest noticing the modifications. These and similar demonstra-
growing fields in memory research. Students of memory find them- tions established that remembering is not akin to a passive
selves in an extremely exciting period because memory research is
readout of a stored file; rather it is a reconstructive process
beginning to be revealed at the neurobiological level as a funda-
mentally dynamic process. A neurobiological model of memory is in which new information is combined with current and
emerging that can accommodate the dynamic nature of memory previous experiences.
revealed in a long tradition of cognitive-oriented studies of human The physiological tradition, along with what is now
memory (Bartlett, 1932). This chapter will briefly address the referred to as systems neuroscience, somewhat limits the
history of consolidation and reconsolidation. It will describe the scope of the effects of malleability documented in cognitive
basis for which a reconsolidation phenomenon is thought to exist
and address some central issues and unresolved problems of psychology. Memory models developed in physiological psy-
memory reconsolidation. chology suggest that memories may only be substantially
manipulated during a transient period of instability that
follows their initial acquisition. It is assumed that memories
When students are asked to give analogies of how the brain initially exist in an unstable (labile) state and then become
processes memories, they often suggest that memories are stable (consolidated) over time. This assumption explains
like pictures stored in a filing cabinet. Remembering is sug- why, if you are trying to remember a phone number and
gested to consist of pulling the correct files from the brain you are distracted within a few minutes of learning the
for examination and then filing them again, unchanged, phone number, you will likely forget the number in part or
back into the storage banks of the brain. Memory—that is, totally because the memory for the number was still in an
the recall of previously stored memory contents—is thus unstable state when the interference occurred. If the same
simply faithful readout, just like opening a data file on a distraction were to happen 24 hours after the initial learning,
computer. Depending on the tradition in which the student chances are that the memory for the phone number would
was trained, this analogy is half wrong, but different parts of not be affected by the same distracter. Again, distracters are
the analogy might be wrong in different traditions. only effective shortly after new learning as only then is
The cognitive tradition views memory as a reconstructive memory in an unstable state, whereas, after a few hours
process, in which memories and their content are subject to have passed, memory would have been stored, or “wired,”
change. This view was first developed by Bartlett in his into the brain, resistant to distracters. In other words, once
seminal book Remembering (1932). He suggested that each memory is stabilized, it becomes fixed and cannot be changed
(episodic) memory recall represents essentially a re-creation, as easily as it can shortly after learning (McGaugh, 2000).
based on one’s current assumptions and beliefs about the The processes involved in memory “fixation” have been the
world (schemata). A large body of work now supports this main focus in a highly successful research program in the
initial claim, indicating that under several conditions, mem- physiological tradition. How do memories become fixed
ories can be easily corrupted (Loftus, 1997; Schacter, 1999). over time in the brain? What are the cellular and molecular
False memory paradigms can instill false memories within mechanisms mediating this transformation from a labile to
minutes, and subjects who are sensitive to these effects are a consolidated state?
often amazed and sometimes alarmed by how easily their It is obvious that there are only small areas of overlap
memories can be manipulated without their consciously between these two traditions. On the one hand, cognitive
psychology reminds us that our memories are not snapshots
karim nader Psychology Department, McGill University, of the past but elaborate reconstructions. On the other hand,
Montreal, Quebec many physiologists and neuroscientists study the mechanisms

nader: reconsolidation: cognitive and neuroscientific views of memory 691

of memory as a unidirectional process of fixation. Both tant to challenge, it was referred to as being consolidated, or
views are based on a broad basis of empirical evidence—so “fixed,” and thus became long-term memory (LTM). It is
how can they be reconciled? The recent rediscovery of important to note that “labile” is conceptually differentiated
reconsolidation—the phenomenon that seemingly consoli- from the strength of the memory; that is, it is not implied
dated, that is, stable, memories can return for a short time that a labile memory is somehow weaker than a stable one.
to a labile state after they have been reactivated—may begin For example, behavioral responding when the memory is
to create points of overlap between the two traditions. labile (STM) is often comparable to when the memory is in
a consolidated state (LTM) (see figure 47.1). One implication
Consolidation theory of consolidation theory is that consolidation is unidirectional.
Once a memory is “fixed” in the brain, it will remain as such
One of the defining features of memory is that it is a time- (Glickman, 1961; McGaugh, 1966).
dependent process. New memories initially exist in an unsta- In typical experiments studying consolidation, animals are
ble state (called a labile state) and then over time become initially trained on a new task, and then a treatment is admin-
more stable, entering a state in which they are resistant to istered that affects a molecule or molecular pathway deemed
disruptions (Ebbinghaus, 1885; Müller & Pilzecker, 1900; critical for consolidation. Powerful predictions can be made
Ribot, 1881). The transformation of memory from an unsta- about when a behavioral effect should be seen by exploiting
ble to a stable state is what theories of consolidation try to the time-dependent nature of memory-consolidation pro-
explain. As in any field in which scientists strive to create cesses. If the treatment specifically impairs consolidation,
reductive models of a phenomenon, terminology is often then it is expected that that the behavioral impairment should
applied in various levels of analysis, leading to some confu- reflect the time-dependent nature of consolidation: an impair-
sion when used in a different context. “Consolidation” is no ment (or improvement, depending on the kind of treatment
exception. The term is used in a variety of ways that differ administered) should only be seen when the intervention
depending on levels of analysis (e.g., McGaugh, 2000; Spear occurred within the few hours memory was in the labile
& Mueller, 1984; Squire, 1992). Thus it would be helpful to state, that is, STM, but not after it had entered LTM. Thus
explicitly differentiate between two ways in which the term the operational definition of consolidation impairment is
is commonly used today. Systems consolidation posits that spared STM but impaired LTM (Dudai, 2004; McGaugh,
hippocampus-dependent memory becomes, over years in 2000). It is difficult to imagine an alternative model that
humans or weeks in rodents, hippocampus-independent would predict a time-dependent impairment with these tem-
(Scoville & Milner, 1957; Squire & Alvarez, 1995). Cellular poral characteristics. Alternative explanations of the time-
(or synaptic) consolidation refers to a universal property of dependent vulnerability of memory to interference, such as
neurons, namely, the time-dependent stabilization of changes changes in memory strength, in retrievability, or in the
in synaptic efficacy, which represent the neural substrate of content of the memory, predict that treatment effects should
memory, within hours following acquisition (Dudai, 2004; have immediate repercussions; that is, STM should be
Kandel, 2001). affected already, which is not the case. For these reasons, the
Empirical evidence for a cellular consolidation process is consolidation model almost reached the status of a fact.
derived from three lines of evidence. First, performance can Studies using modern neurobiological tools at the genetic,
be impaired if brain or neuronal function is compromised molecular, cellular, and systems levels have led to the same
with manipulations such as electroconvulsive shock or basic result pattern—intact STM and impaired LTM. These
protein synthesis inhibitors (Duncan, 1949; Flexner, Flexner, approaches demonstrated across species and learning systems
& Stellar, 1965). Second, performance can be impaired by that, in order for a memory trace to become consolidated,
new competing learning (Müller & Pilzecker, 1900). Third, new proteins and RNA must be produced (Kandel, 2001).
performance can be enhanced by a variety of drugs that in Departing from the axiom that the unit of memory is a
general terms “stimulate” brain function (McGaugh & change in the strength of a synapse (Hebb, 1949), the under-
Krivanek, 1970). In order for any of these manipulations to lying assumption of these investigations is that new proteins
be effective they must be administered shortly after new contribute to synapse strengthening by either increases in
learning but not after a delay of minutes to hours after learn- postsynaptic excitatory receptors (Malinow & Malenka,
ing. Data from these lines of evidence forms the foundation 2002), new synapse formation (Bailey & Kandel, 1993), or
of contemporary consolidation theory (Glickman, 1961; the increase in release of presynaptic neurotransmitters (T.
McGaugh, 1966). It became increasingly clear that memory V. Bliss & Collingridge, 1993) that stabilize the memory
is not stored immediately in the brain but that this process trace over longer time periods. Two of the main mechanisms
takes time and changes some aspects of the participating of these changes are long-term potentiation and long-
neurons. The initial labile state became synonymous with term depression (T. V. P. Bliss & Lomo, 1973; Martin,
short-term memory (STM), and when the memory was resis- Grimwood, & Morris, 2000). These cellular changes, like

692 memory
A electroconvulsive shock (ECS), which impaired memory
when applied shortly after training, suggesting that the
memory was consolidated about one day after learning.
However, if they presented the animals 24 hours after train-
ing with a reminder just prior to ECS, amnesia would follow
(Misanin et al., 1968). According to consolidation theory, as
the memory had already become insensitive to ECS, and
STM LTM thus consolidated, it should also remain so following memory
1.Lasts sec. to hr 1.Develops over hrs
retrieval. The authors suggested that transformation of a
2.Labile 2.Stable/fixed
3.Does not require New 3.Does Require New
memory from an unstable to a stable state occurred not only
RNA or Protein synthesis RNA or Protein synthesis for new memories but also for consolidated memories after
they had been recalled. This effect, which was originally
called “cue-induced amnesia,” led to a large number of
studies. As with many (new) phenomena, the effect was not
B replicated in some paradigms (Dawson & McGaugh, 1969;
100 Gold & King, 1972; Squire, Slater, & Chace, 1976). Never-
theless, it was found across a range of species and amnesic
treatments (Lewis, 1979; Spear & Mueller, 1984), suggesting
Percent Freezing

that the negative findings may point to certain conditions

under which the phenomenon does not occur.
60 The initial studies suggested that reactivation of a
memory induced a state of lability such that memory again
40 had to be stabilized over time. Using the standards of con-
solidation theory and applying them to cue-induced amnesia,
Control reactivation induces a time window during which perfor-
mance can be affected by one of three different manipula-
Anisomycin tions. First, performance can be impaired if brain or neuronal
0 function is compromised (Misanin et al., 1968). Second,
STM LTM performance can be impaired by new competing learning
(Gordon, 1977a). Third, performance can be enhanced by
Figure 47.1 (A) A schematic of synaptic consolidation theory. stimulants (Gordon, 1977b). When administered shortly
Short-term memories (STM) are considered to be unstable or
after the reminder but not after a delay of minutes or hours,
labile. They are thought to last on the order of minutes to hours.
The currently dominant view is that STM expression does not these manipulations affect performance. In addition, the
require any new RNA or protein synthesis. Long-term memories manipulations are not effective when the memory is not
are thought to develop over a few hours. They require new protein reactivated (Misanin et al., 1968). Thus reactivation of a
and RNA synthesis in order to become stable. (B) Data from Schafe, consolidated memory induces another state of transient
Nader, Blair, and LeDoux (2001) demonstrating that posttraining
lability that affords a process of time-dependent memory
infusions of the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin into the
basolateral amygdala blocks consolidation of auditory fear condi- stabilization.
tioning. Note that the data meet the operational definition of a For a variety of reasons, however, cue-induced amnesia
consolidation blockade, intact STM and impaired LTM. never became part of the dominant physiological tradition
of memory. Some of the original scientists who demon-
memory, have different phases: an early phase that is sensi- strated the effect (Land, Bunsey, & Riccio, 2000; Przybys-
tive to inhibition of protein synthesis and a later phase that lawski & Sara, 1997) and others (Rodriguez, Rodriguez,
is not (Goelet, Castellucci, Schacher, & Kandel, 1986). Phillips, & Martinez, 1993) continued to periodically publish
reconsolidation results, but these results were met with indif-
Reconsolidation ference by the field, which had settled on consolidation
theory as the defining paradigm of memory research.
In 1968, Misanin, Miller, and Lewis conducted a clever
experiment to test the assumption of unidirectionality, one Reviving Reconsolidation
of the main tenets of consolidation theory, which suggests
that once memory is consolidated, it remains fixed in Initially unaware of the early literature on “cue-induced
the brain. The authors first demonstrated that 24 hours amnesia,” we completed a series of experiments that
after training the memory had become insensitive to were aimed at testing whether reactivation of consolidated

nader: reconsolidation: cognitive and neuroscientific views of memory 693

memories would cause them to return to a labile state from A
which they had to be restabilized. We found that the role of
protein synthesis in consolidation is recapitulated during recon-
solidation (Nader, Schafe, & LeDoux, 2000a). These experi-
ments used a fear-conditioning paradigm, for which the
circuitry mediating learning is relatively well established Active State Inactive State
(LeDoux, 2000). The most commonly used protein synthesis 1.Lasts sec. to hr 1.Develops over hrs
inhibitor, anisomycin, was infused directly into the lateral and 2.Labile 2.Stable
basal nucleus of the amygdala (LBA), which is a site believed 3.Does not require New 3.May require New
RNA or Protein synthesis RNA or Protein synthesis
to mediate the learning and consolidation of fear-conditioned
memories (LeDoux, 2000; Maren, 2001; Schafe & LeDoux,
2000). Specifically, infusions of anisomycin immediately after
training had no effect on an STM retention test 4 hours after
training but impaired performance on an LTM test at 24
hours after training (Schafe & LeDoux, 2000) (figure 47.1B).
This finding suggests that the auditory fear memory is con-
solidated in the LBA. B
Using this same logic to test for reconsolidation, rats were
infused with anisomycin into the LBA immediately after reac- 100
tivation and tested 4 hours later (postreactivation STM, PR- 80

Percent Freezing
STM) and again at 24 hours after reactivation (postreactivation
LTM, PR-LTM). These were analogues to STM and LTM 60
tests, respectively. We predicted that if reactivation of a
consolidated memory initiated a second time-dependent 40
memory process, then anisomycin infusions into the LBA Control
should have no effect on PR-STM but should impair PR- Anisomycin
LTM performance. This was the pattern of results that we 0
found (figure 47.2B; Nader et al., 2000a). Furthermore, in the PR-STM PR-LTM
absence of memory reactivation, the same anisomycin injec-
Figure 47.2 (A) A schematic of Donald Lewis’s theory of memory
tions did not induce amnesia, indicating that the memory was processing. Active memories (AM) are considered to be unstable or
consolidated at that time. Based on these and other findings, labile. They are thought to last on the order of minutes to hours.
we concluded that reactivation of a consolidated memory Currently the evidence suggests that its expression does not require
initiates a second time-dependent memory process that any new RNA or protein synthesis. Inactive memories (IM) are
requires protein synthesis in the amygdala in order to be thought to develop over a few hours. Currently the data suggest
that they require new protein and RNA synthesis in order to
restabilized. The restabilization process is now called
become stable. (B) Data from Nader, Schafe, and LeDoux (2000a)
reconsolidation. The term was used at least as early as 1973 demonstrating that postreactivation infusions of the protein synthe-
(Spear, 1973) and has been used in more recent times by sis inhibitor anisomycin into the basolateral amygdala blocks
Przybyslawski and Sara (1997) and Rodriguez and colleagues reconsolidation of auditory fear conditioning. Note that the data
(1993). Again it is important to point out that making a meet the operational definition of a consolidation blockade, intact
PR-STM and impaired PR-LTM.
memory “labile” is not consistent with it being weakened in
any way, as suggested, for example, by Rudy, Biedenkapp,
Moineau, and Bolding (2006), who argue that lability requires motor sequence learning (Walker, Brakefield, Hobson, &
that memories be eliminated and then put back into the brain. Stickgold, 2003), appetitive conditioning (Wang, Ostlund,
This position is clearly at odds with the data and the proposed Nader, & Balleine, 2005), episodic memories (Forcato et al.,
explanations of the phenomenon (Nader et al.). 2007; Hupbach, Gomez, Hardt, & Nadel, 2007), and memo-
Our findings have again led to a large number of studies, ries of drug reward (Lee, Di Ciano, Thomas, & Everitt, 2005;
and again the evidence is much the same as after the original C. Miller & Marshall, 2005). A variety of different amnesic
description of the phenomenon by Misanin and colleagues treatments have been shown to be effective in blocking recon-
(1968). A time-dependent behavioral impairment has now solidation, such as targeted protein (Nader et al., 2000a) or
been demonstrated across a variety of tasks (figure 47.3), such RNA synthesis inhibition (Duvarci, Nader, & LeDoux, 2008;
as object recognition (Kelly, Laroche, & Davis, 2003), incen- Sangha et al., 2003), pharmacological inhibition of kinase
tive learning (Sangha, Scheibenstock, & Lukowiak, 2003), activity (Kelly et al.), protein knockout mice (Bozon, Davis, &
inhibitory avoidance (Anokhin, Tiunova, & Rose, 2002), Laroche, 2003), inducible knockout mice (Kida et al., 2002),

694 memory
Context fear conditioning- Rats
Auditory fear conditioning- Rats Intra-hippocampus infusions
Intra-amygdala infusions 100
100 90

Percent Freezing
Percent Freezing
60 60
40 40
Control 30 Vehicle
20 20
Anisomycin Anisomycin
0 10
(Nader et al., 2000) (Debiec, LeDoux, & Nader, 2002)

Object recognition-Mice Contextual fear conditioning-Mice

Transgenic Knockout Inducible dominant negative
Percent Exploration

Percent Freezing
Control 40
20 Control
Zif286KO 20
(Bozon, Davis, & Larouche, 2003)
(Kida et al., 2001)
Conditioned malaise- Sea Slugs
Motor sequence learning- Human
Changes in Body Length

5 60
From Reactivation

Percent Change

2 20
-1 -20 PR-STM PR-LTM
-2 -40
-3 aniso Control
-4 -60
(Child, Epstein, Kuzerian, & Alkon, 2003) (Walker, Brakefield, Hobson, & Stickgold, 2003)

Figure 47.3 Representative data from some of the studies postreactivation LTM (PR-LTM). Labels above each graph refer
reporting a reconsolidation impairment. Notice that they all to the paradigm and the nature of the amnesia treatment. Below
show intact postreactivation STM (PR-STM) and impaired each are the citations for the data.

beta-adrenergic antagonists (Przybyslawski & Sara, 1997), and Constraints on Reconsolidation The data set shows that
simply an interference by new learning (Forcato et al.; Hupbach reconsolidation can be found across a large number of
et al.; Walker et al., 2003). In addition, reconsolidation has paradigms and species, suggesting that reconsolidation is a
been reported across a broad spectrum of species, such as fundamental phenomenon. However, it is apparently not
snails (Sangha et al., 2003), sea slugs (Child, Epstein, Kuzirian, ubiquitous, as some have failed to demonstrate it in the late
& Alkon, 2003), crabs (Pedreira, Perez-Cuesta, & Maldonado, phase of instrumental conditioning or memory of context
2002), chicks (Anokhin et al.), mice (Kida et al.), rats (Nader (Biedenkapp & Rudy, 2004; Hernandez, Sadeghian, & Kelley,
et al., 2000a), and most importantly humans (Brunet et al., 2002). This fact would indicate that perhaps not all memories
2008; Forcato et al.; Hupbach et al.; Walker et al.). While most undergo reconsolidation. Furthermore, there is a large amount
of the aforementioned studies have focused on blockade of of exciting work demonstrating that the ability of a memory
reconsolidation, there is also evidence that reconsolidation to undergo reconsolidation can be influenced by certain
can be enhanced by postreactivation increases in kinase activ- experimental parameters. For example, some older memories
ity (Tronson, Wiseman, Olausson, & Taylor, 2006). may be more resistant to reconsolidation (Eisenberg & Dudai,

nader: reconsolidation: cognitive and neuroscientific views of memory 695

2004; Milekic & Alberini, 2002; Suzuki et al., 2004). In these Alternative Interpretations Given the richness of the
studies, the authors report that the ability of postreactivation data on reconsolidation mentioned previously, including the
treatments to induce amnesia decreases with time between original findings, alternative interpretations do not readily
training and reactivation. This finding would suggest that old explain the data set. In addition, because reconsolidation has
memories may not undergo reconsolidation. been defined using the standards of consolidation, nonspecific
Another suggested constraint on reconsolidation is that if interpretations are also applicable to the field of consolidation,
the reminder is sufficiently robust to induce extinction of the challenging the latter in the same way as they purportedly
memory, extinction prevents the memory from undergoing challenge the former. The two main alternative interpretations,
reconsolidation in many paradigms (Eisenberg, Kobilo, suggesting that the reconsolidation impairment represents
Berman, & Dudai, 2003; Pedreira & Maldonado, 2003; nonspecific effects (including lesion) or that it represents a
Sangha, Scheibenstock, Morrow, et al., 2003; Suzuki et al., retrieval impairment, will be discussed in this section. For an
2004). extensive review of the issues surrounding reconsolidation,
In collaboration with Joseph LeDoux’s group, we wanted including state-dependent learning and facilitated extinction,
to test whether it mattered if a memory was directly or indi- see Nader (2003), Nader and Hardt (2009), and Nader and
rectly reactivated in order to undergo reconsolidation. Reduc- Wang (2006).
tionists often talk about memories as if they exist in isolation; Recently it has been suggested that reconsolidation impair-
scientists test consolidation of “this” or “that” memory, train- ments represent nonspecific effects or lesions due to apoptosis
ing animals in a variety of tasks and treating the learning as (Rudy et al., 2006). In general, this interpretation has
if this were the only thing animals ever experience. Therefore, difficulty explaining the entire set of reconsolidation results.
from a mnemonic perspective, the experimental animal’s One has to assume that in all studies that show evidence for
arrival in the lab is ground zero. From then onward, the reconsolidation, lesions or nonspecific effects are responsible,
animals are welcome to have memories. In the real world, of despite the use of different amnesic treatments, tasks, and
course, memories are richly associated with other memories species, including new learning and inducible dominant nega-
(Tulving, 2002). We wanted to test whether the manner in tive CREB mutant mice.
which a memory was reactivated, directly or indirectly, influ- In particular, there are three lines of evidence that make
enced a memory’s ability to undergo reconsolidation. We this interpretation of our data unlikely. First, anisomycin-
found that memories that were directly reactivated under- treated animals show intact PR-STM, suggesting that no
went reconsolidation; however, memories that were indirectly functional lesion is present 4 hours after reactivation and
reactivated did not (figure 47.4) (Debiec, Doyere, Nader, & amnesic agent treatment. However, it is still possible that the
LeDoux, 2006). This constraint has yet to be tested in other behavioral impairments were due to a lesion that developed
paradigms, so it remains unclear whether it will generalize to between the 4-hour PR-STM and 24-hour PR-LTM test.
other tasks and memory systems. Speaking against this possibility is that anisomycin infusions
For all of the suggested constraints on reconsolidation there 6 hours after reactivation had no effect on PR-LTM (Nader
are published exceptions to the rule. For example, extinction et al., 2000a). If anisomycin had produced a functional
of an auditory fear memory does not prevent the memory lesion, then the delayed infusion should also have caused an
from undergoing reconsolidation in the amygdala (Duvarci, impairment during the PR-LTM test; however, that was not
Mamou, & Nader, 2006). In honeybees, extinction of an seen (Nader, Schafe, & LeDoux, 2000b). Second, a similar
appetitive response was necessary to induce the memory to behavioral impairment is found when amnesic agents are
undergo reconsolidation (Stollhoff, Menzel, & Eisenhardt, used that target different points in the molecular cascade
2005). For age of memories, a large number of studies have thought to be important for memory stabilization, such as
shown that even very old memories can undergo reconsolida- an inhibitor of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase-
tion (Brunet et al., 2008; Debiec, LeDoux, & Nader, 2002; mitogen-activated protein kinase (ERK-MAPK) U0126
Lee et al., 2005). Indeed, in one important study, patients with (Duvarci, Nader, & LeDoux, 2005) and RNA synthesis inhibi-
posttraumatic stress disorder had reconsolidation of their tors (alpha-amanatin and DRB) (Duvarci et al., 2008).
traumatic memories reactivated and targeted with a beta The question of whether experimental amnesia, induced
antagonist. We reported that the strength of the traumatic by blocking novel or reactivated memories, represents an
memory decreased even though the average time between impairment of the consolidation (storage) process or an
trauma and treatment was approximately 11 years (Brunet impairment in retrieval of an otherwise sufficiently consoli-
et al.). It is still too early to know why age and extinction dated memory has never been resolved (Gold & King, 1974;
prevent only some memories from undergoing reconsolida- R. Miller & Springer, 1974). There were a number of reasons
tion. However, the conditions that constrain when a memory for this stalemate. One was that both views of amnesia
undergoes reconsolidation are a very exciting and dynamic could explain any results produced within the dominant
area of current research. paradigm used to study the nature of amnesia, the recovery-

696 memory

Reactivation Test for Freezing to C
when B is presented.

B Impaired

A B C No Effect

Figure 47.4 (A) Cartoon of the chain of associations created to ment in responding if B was presented on test. Indirect reactivation
test whether being reactivated in an indirect manner changed a of the same association by presenting A during reactivation causes
memory’s propensity to undergo reconsolidation (Doyere, Debiec, the directly reactivated A → B memory to undergo reconsolidation
Monfils, Schafe, & LeDoux, 2007). (B) Presenting B during the but not the indirectly reactivated association, B → C. Therefore,
reactivation directly elicits the B → C association that undergoes amnesic agents had no effect on responding to B.
reconsolidation. Amnesic treatments would then induce an impair-

from-amnesia paradigm. Furthermore, within this paradigm consolidation of long-term facilitation is accompanied by
the consolidation-impairment view of amnesia only makes an increase in synapse number (Bailey & Kandel, 1993).
negative predictions, which do not prove that a memory is However, in amnesic preparations, in which a memory deficit
not present (Nader & Wang, 2006; Squire, 2006). For this was induced by inhibiting CREB phosphorylation, increase
reason, even at the present time, there are completely opposed in synapse number is not observed (Bailey & Kandel, 1993).
views on the nature of experimental amnesia (for examples of Such data are considered exclusively as evidence supporting
the discordance on the issue see the special section in Learning the view that amnesia represents impairment of memory
and Memory, 13[5], 2006). storage (Squire, 2006). While this is certainly a very positive
Consequently, we cannot address whether amnesia induced step to advancing the issue, there are still theories of memory
by postreactivation treatments is due to impairing reconsoli- processing at the behavioral level (Lewis, 1979; R. Miller &
dation or retrieval processes. However, what we can do is Marlin, 1984; Spear, 1973) that may provide alternative
compare this amnesia to amnesia for new memories and interpretations of this kind of data that remain consistent with
apply the accepted standards in the field of consolidation to the behavioral impairment being a retrieval failure (Nader &
conclude that the former deficit is due to impaired memory Wang, 2006).
storage. At the behavioral level, amnesia for new memories A few scientists have begun to examine what happens to
(Anokhin et al., 2002; Lattal & Abel, 2004; Quartermain & established molecular and cellular correlates of LTM when
McEwen, 1970; Squire & Barondes, 1972) and reactivated reconsolidation is blocked. Importantly, long-term potentia-
memories (Anokhin et al.; Lattal & Abel; Quartermain & tion in its late phase (L-LTP) can undergo a reconsolidation-
McEwen, 1970; Squire & Barondes, 1972) are similar, as they like process (Fonseca, Nagerl, & Bonhoeffer, 2006). In
can both show recovery. Recovery from amnesia, however, addition, learning-induced increases in field potentials in the
can be consistent with both storage and retrieval-impairment amygdala are decreased when reconsolidation is blocked for
views of amnesia (Nader & Wang, 2006; Squire, 2006). that memory (Doyere, Debiec, Monfils, Schafe, & LeDoux,
Because the recovery-from-amnesia paradigm did not 2007). Molecular correlates of LTM have also been shown
resolve the issue, the field has also examined whether the to return toward baseline levels when reconsolidation is
molecular and cellular changes that occur during the post- blocked (C. Miller & Marshall, 2005; Rose & Rankin, 2006;
training stabilization, or consolidation, period are lost in Valjent et al., 2006), as if the brain area targeted by the
amnesic animals (Squire, 2006). For example, in aplysia the amnesic agent reduced the plasticity in those circuits. Within

nader: reconsolidation: cognitive and neuroscientific views of memory 697

the physiological tradition, reversal of cellular and molecular and Milner (1957), the hypothesis states that the hippocampus
signatures of LTM is the accepted standard for concluding plays a transient role in memory processing, such that recent
that amnesia is a storage impairment (Squire, 2006). There- memories are hippocampus-dependent while remote
fore these studies must imply that reconsolidation deficits are memories are not (Anagnostaras, Gale, & Fanselow, 2001;
due to impairments in memory restorage. Eichenbaum, Otto, & Cohen, 1994; McClelland, McNaughton,
As briefly mentioned previously, a number of alternative & O’Reilly, 1995; Squire & Alvarez, 1995). Whether the
interpretations have been proposed for the reconsolidation hippocampus stays involved or stops being involved in remote
effect, including nonspecific effects such as lesions (Rudy memories has become the subject of a lively debate in recent
et al., 2006), transient retrieval impairment (Cahill, McGaugh, years, and, as an alternative to the standard view articulated
& Weinberger, 2001; McGaugh, 2004; Squire, 2006), facili- in systems consolidation, multiple-trace theory was proposed
tated extinction (Fischer, Sananbenesi, Schrick, Spiess, & (Nadel, Samsonovich, Ryan, & Moscovitch, 2000). However,
Radulovic, 2004; Myers & Davis, 2002), internal reinforce- given the fact that systems consolidation still remains the
ment (Eisenhardt & Menzel, 2007), and state-dependent dominant view, especially in the physiological tradition of
learning (Millin, Moody, & Riccio, 2001). As reconsolidation memory research, the results concerning reconsolidation will
has been found across such a wide range of species and be discussed only within this framework.
amnesic effects, and both behavioral impairments and enhance- The first suggestion that something akin to systems reconsol-
ments have been reported, these nonspecific interpretations idation (a remote memory that returns to being hippocampus-
have difficulty explaining all findings (Alberini, 2005; Nader, dependent with memory reactivation) could occur was a study
2003). Indeed, none of these alternative interpretations predict by Riccio’s group (Land, Bunsey, & Riccio, 2000). Using an
time-dependent behavioral effects. They predict impairments avoidance task, they demonstrated that lesions of the hippo-
in both PR-STM and PR-LTM, and none would predict campus affected behavior 1 but not 30 days after training.
enhancements in performance. Furthermore, we know that However, lesions administered after 30 days became effective if
there are constraining conditions that can sometimes deter- the memory was reactivated before. This finding demonstrated
mine whether amnesia would be induced. For example, post- that memory reactivation could cause the memory to become
reactivation infusions of anisomycin impair the performance hippocampus-dependent again. However, because their task
of recent but not remote memories (Suzuki et al., 2004), but required the hippocampus for retrieval and not acquisition, it
nonspecific interpretations predict that under all conditions did not directly speak to the issue of systems reconsolidation.
amnesia would be observed. Last, it is important to restate We have demonstrated that hippocampus-dependent
that the reconsolidation interpretation is derived from the memories undergo both cellular and systems reconsolidation
standard definitions developed in the consolidation field. (Debiec et al., 2002) (figure 47.5). Our study used a contextual
Therefore any alternative interpretation of the reconsolida- fear-conditioning paradigm in conjunction with either tar-
tion impairment will generalize to the evidence on which the geted infusions of the protein-synthesis inhibitor anisomycin
conclusion for the existence of a consolidation process rests. into the dorsal hippocampus or lesions of this structure.
Demonstrations of the reconsolidation effect, as Lewis Consistent with previous findings, lesions of the hippocampus
initially pointed out, cannot be explained by consolidation 45 days after conditioning had no effect on the subsequent
theories. According to consolidation theories, the lability of a expression of contextual fear conditioning (Anagnostaras,
memory ceases once it enters LTM. Reconsolidation studies Maren, & Fanselow, 1999; Kim & Fanselow, 1992). However,
clearly show that reactivation of a consolidated memory can if the memory was reactivated for as little as 90 seconds
induce another time-dependent stabilization process. Lewis prior to the same lesion, amnesia was observed and did not
proposed a new model of memory processing that can incor- recover either with multiple testing protocols or spontane-
porate findings of both consolidation and reconsolidation. He ously with time. Therefore memory reactivation of a
suggested that a memory can exist in two states—an active remote memory can return it to a hippocampus-dependent
or an inactive state (Lewis, 1979). Active memories comprise state. Interestingly, this reactivated remote trace remained
either new memories or previously consolidated and now hippocampus-dependent for only two days. Thus, while the
reactivated memories. Over time, memories in the active state duration of systems consolidation (first retrograde amnesic
stabilize to an inactive state. A future reminder may then gradient) is on the order of weeks (Anagnostaras et al., 1999;
return the memory again to an active state. Kim & Fanselow, 1992) (up to 45 days in the present study),
systems reconsolidation (second retrograde amnesic gradient)
Systems Reconsolidation When speaking about is on the order of days (here, two days). Further, a third gradi-
consolidation and the hippocampus, a time-dependent ent of comparable duration to the second was reported
memory-transformation process—systems consolidation—is (Debiec et al., 2002).
implied that is assumed to last weeks (rodents) and years The idea of systems reconsolidation has recently been
(humans) (Dudai & Morris, 2000). First described by Scoville supported by physiological findings demonstrating that

698 memory
Figure 47.5 Systems reconsolidation in the hippocampus. Data
from a contextual fear-conditioning paradigm demonstrating
systems reconsolidation. Training (CS-US) consisted of 8 shock
presentations in a conditioning chamber. (A) 45 days after condi-
tioning, electrolytic lesions of the dorsal hippocampus (lesion)
immediately after memory reactivation (CS) produced a significant
impairment. Conversely, the same lesions had no effect when the
reactivation session (no CS) was omitted, demonstrating that 45
days after conditioning the memory is independent of the hippo-
campus. Thus reactivation of a hippocampus-independent memory
returns it to being hippocampus-dependent, an example of systems
reconsolidation. (B) Reactivation of the remote memory returned it
to being dependent on the hippocampus for less than 2 days. (C )
Memory model of the hippocampus demonstrating both-systems
reconsolidation. Over time the neocortex (possibly the anterior cin-
gulate) becomes competent to mediate a simple response and might
no longer need the hippocampus, at which point it is a remote
memory (top arrow). Reactivation of the remote memory causes the
cortical trace, which remains in the cortex, to require hippocampus
feedback (bottom arrow) over the next 2 days. (From Debiec,
LeDoux, & Nader, 2002.)

were able to discriminate between a context associated with a

foot-shock and a second distinct nonshock context by freezing
more in the shock context. However, for remote memories,
animals froze equally between the shocked and nonshocked
contexts. The authors suggest that this result is more consistent
with a transformation view of memory processing by the
hippocampus, as opposed to a consolidation view. One
C implication of this finding is that when contextual memories
are hippocampus-dependent, they permit discrimination of
shocked and nonshocked contexts. Over time, when these
memories putatively become independent of the hippocam-
pus, animals lose the ability to discriminate between the two
contexts. One study has shown that when remote memories
are reactivated for 1 minute, then differential context-specific
Hippocampus Anterior Cingulate freezing is reinstated (Wiltgen & Silva, 2007). The authors
suggest that this differential freezing may be due to systems
reconsolidation that occurred when the memory returned to
a hippocampus-dependent state. Converging evidence is
being accumulated for systems consolidation.

Cognitive Implications of Reconsolidation The tradi-

theta-phase synchronization between the lateral amygdala tional physiological view of memory processing viewed
and the CA1 area of the hippocampus, which is lost for remote memory as becoming wired into the brain over time and
memories, returns the day after the reactivation of a remote then remaining fixed (McGaugh, 1966). This “wiring” is
memory (Narayanan, Seidenbecher, Sangha, Stork, & Pape, typically discussed as being mediated by increases in
2007). The authors suggest that this finding is evidence that postsynaptic receptors (Malinow & Malenka, 2002), growth
reactivation of a remote memory returns it to a hippocampus- of new synapses (Bailey & Chen, 1983), or the increase in
dependent state in which it again critically interacts with the release of neurotransmitters (T. V. Bliss & Collingridge,
lateral amygdala. In addition, some behavioral findings con- 1993). This physiological view is at odds with the cognitive
sistent with systems reconsolidation have been reported. It tradition of memory, which views memory as being a
has been shown that contextual fear memories increase in reconstructive dynamic process. How then can memory
their generalization to other contexts with age (Winocur, be dynamic when it is wired into the brain? Part of the
Moscovitch, & Sekeres, 2007). For young memories, animals appeal of reconsolidation is that it provides a plausible

nader: reconsolidation: cognitive and neuroscientific views of memory 699

neurobiological mechanism for explaining some of the in which they may be either strengthened, weakened, or
dynamic properties of memory. Indeed, based on the early changed—exactly the kind of properties one would want in
studies on reconsolidation, Elizabeth Loftus suggested that a system to allow memories to change with future use.
cue-induced amnesia might be a mechanism underlying
some false memories (Loftus & Yuille, 1984).
Perhaps the most straightforward predictions one can
make for cognitive neuroscience is that if a specific impair- Alberini, C. M. (2005). Mechanisms of memory stabilization: Are
ment of reconsolidation is observed in humans, then intact consolidation and reconsolidation similar or distinct processes?
Trends Neurosci., 28(1), 51–56.
PR-STM and impaired PR-LTM retention should be Anagnostaras, S. G., Gale, G. D., & Fanselow, M. S. (2001).
observed. In addition, any brain area activation that is asso- Hippocampus and contextual fear conditioning: Recent contro-
ciated with the presence of the memory should show return versies and advances. Hippocampus, 11(1), 8–17.
toward baseline only for the PR-LTM test. In contrast, the Anagnostaras, S. G., Maren, S., & Fanselow, M. S. (1999).
normal PR-STM test should be associated with activation. Temporally graded retrograde amnesia of contextual fear after
hippocampal damage in rats: Within-subjects examination.
The amnesic agents could be either a pharmacological agent
J. Neurosci., 19(3), 1106–1114.
(Brunet et al., 2008), interference by new learning (Forcato Anderson, M. C., & Green, C. (2001). Suppressing unwanted
et al., 2007; Hupbach et al., 2007; Walker et al., 2003), sup- memories by executive control. Nature, 410(6826), 366–369.
pression (Anderson & Green, 2001), or transcranial mag- Anokhin, K. V., Tiunova, A. A., & Rose, S. P. (2002). Reminder
netic stimulation (Duque et al., 2008). Because memory is effects—reconsolidation or retrieval deficit? Pharmacological
dissection with protein synthesis inhibitors following reminder
one of few psychological time-dependent processes on this
for a passive-avoidance task in young chicks. Eur. J. Neurosci.,
time scale, the intact PR-STM and impaired PR-LTM are 15(11), 1759–1765.
very powerful tools to characterize both deficits of retention Bailey, C. H., & Chen, M. (1983). Morphological basis of long-
and their underlying substrates. term habituation and sensitization in Aplysia. Science, 220(4592),
As mentioned earlier, some memories that undergo recon- 91–93.
solidation will do so only under some conditions. For Bailey, C. H., & Kandel, E. R. (1993). Structural changes
accompanying memory storage. Annu. Rev. Physiol., 55,
example, age and extinction of some memories can make 397–426.
them more resistant to undergoing reconsolidation. Another Bartlett, F. C. (1932). Remembering. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
interesting venue of research with regard to reconsolidation University Press.
as a possible mediator of false memory would be to apply Biedenkapp, J. C., & Rudy, J. W. (2004). Context memories and
the parameters that control the occurrence of reconsolida- reactivation: Constraints on the reconsolidation hypothesis.
Behav. Neurosci., 118(5), 956–964.
tion to false-memory studies. If reconsolidation must be Bliss, T. V., & Collingridge, G. L. (1993). A synaptic model of
present in order for false memory to occur, then false memory memory: Long-term potentiation in the hippocampus. Nature,
should only occur under the experimental conditions favor- 361(6407), 31–39.
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the memory is young or directly reactivated). synaptic transmission in the dentate area of the anaesthetized
rabbit following stimulation of the perforant path. J. Physiol., 232,
Summary Bozon, B., Davis, S., & Laroche, S. (2003). A requirement for the
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Reconsolidation is beginning to provide areas of overlap memory after retrieval. Neuron, 40(4), 695–701.
between cognitive and physiological traditions of memory. Brunet, A., Orr, S. P., Tremblay, J., Robertson, K., Nader, K.,
& Pitman, R. K. (2008). Effect of post-retrieval propranolol
There can be no question at this point that memories are
on psychophysiologic responding during subsequent script-
fundamentally dynamic, as first explicitly demonstrated by driven traumatic imagery in post-traumatic stress disorder.
Bartlett (1932). They are not snapshots of events that are J. Psychiatr. Res., 42(6), 503–506.
passively read out; they are constructive in nature and always Cahill, L., McGaugh, J. L., & Weinberger, N. M. (2001). The
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Child, F. M., Epstein, H. T., Kuzirian, A. M., & Alkon,
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& Pilzecker, 1900). Models now exist across levels of analysis 205(2), 218–219.
to describe the processes engaged during memory storage Dawson, R. G., & McGaugh, J. L. (1969). Electroconvulsive shock
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nader: reconsolidation: cognitive and neuroscientific views of memory 703

48 The Dynamic Interplay between
Cognitive Control and Memory
elizabeth a. race, brice a. kuhl, david badre, and anthony d. wagner

abstract Cognitive control refers to the set of processes that theories that characterize the mechanisms, functional orga-
guide thought and action in accordance with current goals. In this nization, and regulation of cognitive control. Finally, we
chapter we consider the manner in which cognitive control mecha- review functional neuroimaging and lesion evidence for the
nisms guide mnemonic processing. First, we consider the architec-
ture of prefrontal cortex (PFC) and review leading theories of how
interaction between cognitive control and memory, with an
PFC operations support distinct forms of control. Next, we consider emphasis on the interplay between mnemonic uncertainty,
two illustrative and well-characterized situations in which PFC interference, and PFC-mediated control functions.
control guides mnemonic processing: (1) when competition between
memories creates interference, and (2) when ineffective retrieval
cues yield uncertainty. Finally, we consider the ways in which prior
PFC anatomy and connectivity
mnemonic experiences may reduce future interference and uncer-
tainty, thereby easing the demands placed on PFC control mecha- This chapter will focus on the function of four main subre-
nisms. Together, these considerations highlight the dynamic gions within PFC that have been implicated in cognitive
interplay between cognitive control and memory. control: ventrolateral, dorsolateral, frontopolar, and medial
PFC (figure 48.1). Ventrolateral PFC (VLPFC) corresponds
to the inferior frontal gyrus, encompassing pars orbitalis
Cognitive control refers to the set of processes that guide (area 47/12 in Petrides & Pandya, 2002), pars triangularis
thought and action in accordance with current goals. Central (∼Brodmann’s area [BA] 45), and pars opercularis (∼BA 44).
to higher cognitive function, cognitive control allows organ- Following Badre and Wagner (2007), we refer to pars orbit-
isms to represent task demands, flexibly work with memory, alis as anterior VLPFC and pars triangularis as mid-VLPFC
and promote context- and goal-relevant information pro- (note that these two regions have been collectively termed
cessing in the face of distraction. Control mechanisms are mid-VLPFC by Petrides & Pandya, 2002) and to pars oper-
particularly important in unfamiliar situations or changing cularis as posterior VLPFC. Dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC)
environments when acquired knowledge provides either refers to regions within the middle frontal gyrus (areas 8,
insufficient or inappropriate information to satisfy current 9/46, and 46; Petrides & Pandya, 1999). In humans, the
demands. The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is a fundamental ventral bound of this region is defined by the inferior frontal
component of the neural circuitry supporting cognitive sulcus and the dorsal bound by the superior frontal sulcus.
control. By orchestrating the influence of past experience on Frontopolar cortex (∼BA 10) corresponds to the most rostral
present behavior, PFC mechanisms configure neural pro- portion of PFC, including portions of middle frontal gyrus.
cessing to optimize behavior. The medial wall of PFC includes portions of BAs 8, 9, and
In this chapter we explore the dynamic interaction 10 and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC; BAs 24 and 32).
between control mechanisms and memory, with a specific Though anatomically distinct, lateral and medial PFC sub-
focus on prefrontal contributions to cognitive control. We regions have been shown to be interconnected both with
begin with a brief description of the neural circuitry support- each other and with more posterior regions of cortex, includ-
ing cognitive control, focusing on the anatomy and connec- ing medial and lateral temporal cortex and posterior parietal
tivity of subregions within PFC. Next, we discuss current cortex (Petrides & Pandya, 1999, 2002, 2007).

elizabeth a. race Neurosciences Program, Stanford University, Theories of cognitive control

Stanford, California
brice a. kuhl Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Biased Competition A prominent theory of cognitive
Stanford, California
control proposes that top-down signals derived from PFC
david badre Departments of Psychology and Cognitive and
Linguistic Sciences, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island bias processing in posterior brain regions in accordance with
anthony d. wagner Department of Psychology and Neuro- current task demands (e.g., Cohen & Servan-Schreiber,
sciences Program, Stanford University, Stanford, California 1992; Desimone & Duncan, 1995; Miller & Cohen, 2001).

race, kuhl, badre, and wagner: cognitive control and memory 705
Figure 48.2 Model of PFC and anterior cingulate involvement
during performance of the Stroop task. Circles represent processing
units, which correspond to a population of neurons assumed to
code a given piece of information. Lines represent connections
between units, with heavier lines indicating stronger connections.
Looped connections with black circles indicate mutual inhibition
among units within that layer. In the Stroop task, subjects must
name the ink color in which a word is presented, rather than read
the word. The presentation of a conflict stimulus (the word “blue”
displayed in red ink) activates (indicated by gray fill) input layer
units representing “red ink” and the word “blue.” The “colors”
task demand unit is activated in PFC (gray fill), representing the
current goal to name the color of the ink, and passes activation to
the intermediate units in the color-naming pathway (indicated by
arrows), increasing the activation of those units and biasing process-
Figure 48.1 Anatomical subdivisions of the PFC. (A) Lateral view
ing in favor of activity flowing along the color-naming pathway.
of left PFC depicting cytoarchitectonic areas (numbered). Anterior
This bias favors activation of the response unit (“red”) correspond-
VLPFC corresponds to areas 47/12, mid-VLPFC corresponds to
ing to the color input (red ink), even though the connection weights
area 45, and posterior VLFPC corresponds to area 44. DLPFC
in this pathway are weaker than in the word-reading pathway that
corresponds to middle frontal gyrus including areas 8, 9/46, and
would favor a response based on reading the word (“blue”). By
46. FPC corresponds to area 10. (B) Medial view of right PFC.
computing the level of conflict (or the presence of simultaneously
ACC corresponds to areas 24 and 32. FPC corresponds to area 10.
active representations in the response layer), ACC initially detects
VLFPC, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. DLPFC, dorsolateral pre-
the need for this top-down bias from PFC. ACC, anterior cingulate
frontal cortex. FPC, frontopolar cortex. ACC, anterior cingulate
cortex. (Adapted with permission from M. M. Botvinick, T. S.
cortex. (Reprinted from M. Petrides & D. N. Pandya, 1999. Dor-
Braver, D. M. Barch, C. S. Carter, & J. D. Cohen, 2001. Conflict
solateral prefrontal cortex: Comparative cytoarchitectonic analysis
monitoring and cognitive control. Psychol. Rev., 108, 624–652.
in the human and the macaque brain and corticocortical connec-
Copyright 2001, American Psychological Association.)
tion patterns. Eur. J. Neurosci., 11, 1011–1036. Copyright 1999, with
permission from Blackwell Synergy.)

706 memory
Specifically, the maintenance of task-relevant contextual Neuroimaging and lesion data support the proposal that
representations in PFC has been proposed to bias DLPFC and VLPFC functionally differ. For example, lesions
establishment of appropriate mappings between sensory of mid-DLPFC (areas 9/46 and 46) produce impairments in
inputs, internal states, and motor outputs. In the absence the ability to order information in working memory (Petrides,
of cognitive control, behavior is driven in an automatic, 2000), and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
bottom-up fashion by representations that are most strongly studies indicate that DLPFC activity increases during
activated by input cues. However, when weakly established complex working memory tasks, such as when working
(but task-relevant) representations must be selected in the memory loads are high (Rypma, Prabhakaran, Desmond,
face of competition from stronger (but task-irrelevant) Glover, & Gabrieli, 1999), as well as when representations
representations, PFC control signals are thought to bias the held in working memory must be reordered (D’Esposito,
flow of information processing to enhance the strength of Postle, Ballard, & Lease, 1999; Postle, Berger, & D’Esposito,
the relevant representations and overcome the task-irrelevant 1999; Wagner, Maril, Bjork, & Schacter, 2001) or updated
competitors (Cohen, Dunbar, & McLelland, 1990). (Salmon et al., 1996; Garavan, Ross, Li, & Stein, 2000).
Illustrative of this putative bias mechanism, consider the Similarly, within episodic retrieval tasks, DLPFC activation
Stroop paradigm, wherein subjects are presented color has often been associated with monitoring retrieved mne-
words in different ink colors and are asked to name the ink monic information (e.g., Henson, Rugg, Shallice, & Dolan,
color (figure 48.2). Presentation of a word strongly elicits the 2000; Fletcher & Henson, 2001; Dobbins, Foley, Schacter,
prepotent response to read the word, because subjects have & Wagner, 2002; Rugg, Henson, & Robb, 2003; Achim &
more experience reading words than naming the color of Lepage, 2005; Dobbins, Simons, & Schacter, 2004). In con-
word print. Thus, if the ink color is incongruent with the trast, neuroimaging studies indicate that activity within
color word (e.g., “BLUE” in red ink), a prepotent response VLPFC increases during the controlled retrieval and selec-
(“blue”) must be overcome in favor of a weaker response tion of information from long-term memory, as well as in
(“red”). Biased competition theory proposes that lateral PFC the presence of mnemonic interference (Thompson-Schill,
represents the current task goal (e.g., name the ink color) D’Esposito, Aguirre, & Farah, 1997; Jonides, Smith,
and biases processing in color-naming pathways to favor the Marschuetz, Koeppe, & Reuter-Lorenz, 1998; Bunge,
weaker but goal-relevant response (Cohen, Dunbar, & Ochsner, Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli, 2001; Badre &
McClelland, 1990). Wagner, 2002). We will further discuss VLPFC contribu-
Importantly, top-down bias mechanisms have been argued tions to mnemonic control in the section on the interaction
to support a variety of functions, including working memory, between control and memory.
selective attention, controlled retrieval from long-term
memory, task switching, response inhibition, and response Rostrocaudal Hierarchies In addition to apparent
selection. While the biased competition theory proposes a dorsal/ventral dissociations, accumulating evidence suggests
central mechanism for cognitive control, there may be mul- that hierarchically organized cognitive control processes
tiple types of control that differ in their form or domain. In map to a functional gradient along the rostrocaudal axis of
the next sections, we describe several theories that focus lateral frontal cortex (Christoff & Gabrieli, 2000; Fuster,
on the functional architecture of control and its relationship 2001; Koechlin, Ody, & Kouneiher, 2003; Wood &
to the organization of PFC. Grafman, 2003; Bunge & Zelazo, 2006; Koechlin & Jubault,
2006; Petrides, 2006; Badre & D’Esposito, 2007; Botvinick,
The Dorsal-Ventral Hypothesis A complementary 2007; Koechlin & Summerfield, 2007; Badre, 2008). More
perspective on cognitive control suggests that dorsal and caudal regions of frontal cortex, inclusive of premotor cortex,
ventral regions of lateral PFC mediate dissociable, but are thought to control processing at “lower” levels of
interactive, forms of control (Petrides, 1994; Owen, Evans, representation in the stimulus-action processing hierarchy,
& Petrides, 1996). In this view, control mechanisms supported such as response selection (figure 48.3). Progressively more
by VLPFC and DLPFC operate over different loci or types anterior regions of frontal cortex are proposed to support
of representations (Petrides, 1996). VLPFC mechanisms control mechanisms that operate upon increasingly
have been proposed to support controlled retrieval and “higher” levels of representation (Christoff & Gabrieli, 2000;
selection of long-term knowledge stored in posterior cortices Badre, 2008), including more abstract higher-order plans
and the maintenance of these representations within work- or complex schemas. Functional organization along the
ing memory, while DLPFC mechanisms have been pro- horizontal axis of lateral PFC has also been characterized as
posed to support the monitoring and manipulation of the mediating cross-temporal contingencies between past,
representations retrieved and maintained by VLPFC (e.g., present, and future events, with caudal PFC mechanisms
D’Esposito et al., 1998; Petrides, 2002). guiding behavior based upon the immediate context in

race, kuhl, badre, and wagner: cognitive control and memory 707
708 memory
Figure 48.3 Hierarchical organization of cognitive representa- cortex. Spheres from Badre and D’Esposito (2007) (red) reflect foci
tions in lateral cortex. (A) Schema of two hierarchies of cortical of activation with experimental manipulations at different levels of
memory, executive memory, and perceptual memory, and the dis- representation: A, the response level; C, the feature level; E, the
tribution of these hierarchies in frontal and posterior cortical dimension level; G, the context level. Spheres from Koechlin, Ody,
regions, respectively. In frontal cortex, representations that are and Kouneiher (2003) (blue) reflect foci of activation with manipu-
“higher” in the processing hierarchy are mapped to more rostral lations of different levels of control: B, sensory control; D, contex-
regions, and “lower”-level representations are mapped to more tual control; F, episodic control. (Adapted with permission from D.
caudal regions. (Reprinted from J. M. Fuster, 2001, The prefrontal Badre & M. D’Esposito, 2007, Functional magnetic resonance
cortex—An update: Time is of the essence, Neuron, 30, 319–333. imaging evidence for a hierarchical organization of the prefrontal
Copyright 2001, with permission from Elsevier.) (B) Neuroimaging cortex, J. Cogn. Neurosci., 19, 2082–2099. Copyright 2007, with
data providing evidence for representational hierarchies in frontal permission from the MIT Press.) (See color plate 60.)

which a stimulus occurs and more rostral PFC regions Stroop paradigm) and provide feedback signals to lateral
processing information that is successively more remote in PFC that up-regulate control (figure 48.2). Consistent with
time (Fuster, 2001; Braver, Reynolds, & Donaldson, 2003; this proposal, imaging studies have documented functional
Koechlin et al., 2003; Koechlin & Summerfield, 2007). coactivation of ACC and lateral PFC under situations of
With its location at the most rostral extent of PFC, response and mnemonic conflict (e.g., Bunge, Burrows, &
frontopolar cortex (FPC; ∼BA 10; figure 48.1) may be Wagner, 2004; Badre & Wagner, 2004; Kerns et al., 2004;
positioned at the apex of the putative control hierarchy Kuhl, Dudukovic, Kahn, & Wagner, 2007).
(Koechlin & Summerfield, 2007). While the precise func- The basal ganglia (BG) have also been implicated in regu-
tions of FPC remain to be determined, neuroimaging studies lating PFC-mediated control processes. For example, in situ-
have consistently observed FPC activation during higher- ations of response inhibition it has been argued that the
level cognitive tasks, complex working memory tasks, and subthalamic nucleus (a component of the BG) interacts with
episodic retrieval (Fletcher & Henson, 2001; Ramnani & right VLPFC and preSMA such that initiated motor
Owen, 2004). For example, FPC is recruited when previ- responses can be terminated (Aron & Poldrack, 2006; Aron
ously selected goals or task-relevant information must be et al., 2007). It has been argued, through computational
maintained in a pending state until ongoing subtasks are models, that PFC-BG interactions also support cognitive
executed (Koechlin, Basso, Pietrini, Panzer, & Grafman, operations, such as working memory performance (O’Reilly
1999; Braver & Bongiolatti, 2002; Badre & Wagner, 2004; & Frank, 2006; Hazy, Frank, & O’Reilly, 2007). Specifically,
Koechlin & Hyafil, 2007). Similarly, FPC has been associ- this work has suggested that the BG gate PFC processing
ated with higher-order functions such as integrating across depending on task demands, with BG “learning” which PFC
multiple sources of information (Christoff et al., 2001; Bunge, mechanisms to gate through dopamine-mediated reinforce-
Wendelken, Badre, & Wagner, 2004; Ramnani & Owen, ment learning. This hypothesis has received support from
2004; Green, Fugelsang, Kraemer, Shamosh, & Dunbar, recent evidence that PFC-BG interactions support working
2006; De Pisapia, Slomski, & Braver, 2007) or evaluating memory performance and that BG activation prior to the
the products of internally generated information (Christoff, onset of working memory trials is predictive of the extent to
Ream, Geddes, & Gabrieli, 2003). which task-irrelevant information is successfully gated, or
denied processing (McNab & Klingberg, 2008).
Regulation of Control While control mechanisms
supported by lateral PFC are thought to drive goal-relevant Interactions between control and memory
behavior, equally important are the mechanisms through
which control is regulated. Substantial evidence indicates Having surveyed leading theories of how PFC implements
that regions within medial PFC, including the anterior cognitive control, we now consider the manner in which
cingulate cortex, serve this modulatory role (but see Fellows prefrontal control interacts with mnemonic operations.
& Farah, 2005). Specifically, ACC computations have been However, because there are numerous examples of such
alternately proposed to detect the presence of conflict interactions across multiple forms and stages of memory
(Botvinick, Cohen, & Carter, 2004; Kerns et al., 2004; and involving multiple PFC subregions (for reviews see
MacDonald, Cohen, Stenger, & Carter, 2000), error Fletcher & Henson, 2001; Wagner, 2002; Buckner, 2003;
likelihood (Brown & Braver, 2005), or uncertainty (Walton, Simons & Spiers, 2003), we restrict our focus to two exam-
Devlin, & Rushworth, 2004), and to signal lateral PFC ples of PFC involvement in mnemonic processing. Specifi-
mechanisms to increase top-down biasing of task-appropriate cally, we consider how VLPFC mechanisms contribute to
representations. For example, ACC may detect the presence performance (1) when memory representations interfere
of simultaneously active, competing representations (such as with each other and (2) when ineffective retrieval cues yield
conflicting responses elicited by incongruent trials in the uncertainty.

race, kuhl, badre, and wagner: cognitive control and memory 709
Figure 48.4 Damage to mid- and posterior VLPFC in humans
impairs the ability to select relevant semantic information under
high-selection demands. (A) Location of PFC lesions in patients
with selection deficits on a verb-generation task. Scale represents
amount of lesion overlap across patient group. (B) Mean number
of errors in a task requiring subjects to generate semantically appro-
priate verbs for concrete nouns under high-selection demands
(filled bars) versus low-selection demands (unfilled bars). Nouns in
the high-selection group had a lower response-strength ratio (ratio
of the relative response frequency of the most common completion
to the relative response frequency of the second most common
completion) than did nouns in the low-selection condition. Subject
groups were composed of patients with lesions restricted to left
inferior frontal gyrus (left IFG group), patients with frontal lesions
outside of left IFG (frontal controls), and healthy older adults
(elderly controls). (Adapted with permission from S. L. Thompson-
Schill, D. Swick, M. J. Farah, M. D’Esposito, I. P. Kan, & R. T.
Knight, 1998, Verb generation in patients with focal frontal lesions:
A neuropsychological test of neuroimaging findings, Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA, 95, 15855–15860. Copyright 1999, with permission from
National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A.)

may find that remembering the items of interest becomes

remarkably difficult while actually walking down the grocery
store aisles, owing to the salience of countless products that
are not the items of interest. Overcoming interference requires
a mechanism that selects relevant representations from the
set of all active representations. Evidence accumulated across
semantic memory, working memory, and episodic memory
paradigms has led to the hypothesis that left mid-VLPFC,
in particular, supports a selection mechanism that plays a
fundamental role in resolving mnemonic interference (for
review see Badre & Wagner, 2007).
Interference Interference refers to the processing costs The selection hypothesis of VLPFC function was origi-
that arise when irrelevant representations compete with nally formulated within the context of semantic retrieval. In
goal-relevant representations. For example, when making a a seminal paper, Thompson-Schill and colleagues demon-
trip to the grocery store to purchase a handful of items, one strated that left mid- and posterior VLPFC are engaged to

Figure 48.5 Evidence for left mid-VLPFC involvement in resolv- 15, 2003–2012. Copyright 2005, with permission from Oxford
ing interference during the Sternberg working memory University Press.) (C) Damage to left middle and inferior frontal
task. (A) The interference variant of the Sternberg working memory gyri in patient R.C. impairs the ability to successfully reject nega-
paradigm in which subjects maintain a set of four letters in tive recent probes. Patient R.C., a 51-year-old male with a signifi-
working memory until a probe letter appears, at which point they cant lesion in left middle and inferior frontal gyri, showed a
indicate whether the probe is a member of the currently main- pronounced interference effect in both response times (left panel)
tained set (positive probe) or is not a member of the currently rele- and accuracy (right panel) compared to four control groups: control
vant set (negative probe). Interference occurs when a negative subjects that were matched in age and education to R.C. (Controls:
probe is a member of the immediately preceding set (negative CN ); frontal patients with damage outside of left mid-VLPFC
recent) relative to a negative probe that is not a member of the (Frontal Patients: FR); older adults matched in age and education
immediately preceding set (negative nonrecent). (B) Greater activa- to the frontal patient group (Elderly: EA); and a group of young
tion in left mid-VLPFC (circled), as measured by fMRI, occurs adults (Young: YA). (Adapted with permission from S. L. Thomp-
during negative recent (hatched bar) compared to negative son-Schill, J. Jonides, C. Marshuetz, E. E. Smith, M. D’Esposito,
nonrecent trials (unfilled bar), reflecting greater recruitment of left I. P. Kan, R. T. Knight, & D. Swick, 2002, Effects of frontal lobe
mid-VLPFC in the presence of interference in working memory. damage on interference effects in working memory, Cogn. Affective
(A and B adapted from D. Badre & A. D. Wagner, 2005, Frontal Behav. Neurosci., 2, 109–120. Copyright 2002, with permission from
lobe mechanisms that resolve proactive interference, Cereb. Cortex, Psychonomic Society, Inc.)

710 memory
race, kuhl, badre, and wagner: cognitive control and memory 711
the extent that semantic decisions require selecting goal- Specifically, subjects first studied a list of word pairs (e.g.,
relevant information in the face of competition (Thompson- “dog-boxer”); next, a second list of word pairs was studied,
Schill et al., 1997). For example, in one task subjects were containing either repeated pairs, completely novel pairs, or
shown nouns and required to generate semantically related pairs that partially overlapped with previously studied pairs
verbs; critically, some of the nouns were associated with a (e.g., “sportsman-boxer”—the proactive interference
dominant verb (e.g., “scissors” strongly elicits “cut”; a low- condition). Dolan and Fletcher observed that left lateral
selection situation), whereas other nouns were associated PFC, inclusive of left mid-VLPFC, was highly sensitive to
with multiple verbs (e.g., “wheel” may elicit “turn,” “steer,” the presence of interference, as this region was differentially
and “drive”; a high-selection situation). Functional MRI engaged when subjects were encoding word pairs that over-
revealed greater left mid- and posterior VLPFC activation lapped with previously studied pairs. Additional findings
during generation under high- relative to low-selection relating left mid-VLPFC to the resolution of proactive inter-
demands (for related findings, see Thompson-Schill, ference have been reported in more recent fMRI studies
D’Esposito, & Kan, 1999; Badre, Poldrack, Paré-Blagoev, of episodic encoding (Fletcher, Shallice, & Dolan, 2000;
Insler, & Wagner, 2005). Subsequent work demonstrated Henson, Shallice, Josephs, & Dolan, 2002), complementing
that damage to left mid- and posterior VLPFC in humans neuropsychological observations that damage to lateral PFC
impairs the ability to select relevant semantic representa- results in an increased susceptibility to proactive interference
tions—specifically when competition is present—establish- (e.g., Shimamura, Jurica, Mangels, Gershberg, & Knight,
ing the necessity of this region for resolving semantic 1995; Smith, Leonard, Crane, & Milner, 1995). It has been
interference (figure 48.4; Thompson-Schill et al., 1998). argued that, during episodic encoding, left mid-VLPFC-
Additional evidence for the role of left mid-VLPFC in mediated selection may allow for relevant semantic associa-
resolving interference comes from studies using the interfer- tions between word pairs to be favored in the face of
ence variant of the Sternberg working memory paradigm interference from previously learned, irrelevant associations
(figure 48.5). In this paradigm, each trial requires the encod- (Henson et al., 2002).
ing and maintenance of a set of stimuli in working memory Left mid-VLPFC engagement has also been observed
and determination of whether a subsequently presented test during episodic retrieval situations that are well character-
probe is or is not a member of the currently maintained set ized as requiring selection. For example, with an increase
(trial N). Interference occurs when the test probe is not a in the number of competing associates that interfere with
member of the currently maintained set but was a member retrieval of a target associate, left lateral PFC, inclusive of
of the previously maintained set (trial N − 1)—“negative left mid-VLPFC, displays a corresponding increase in
recent” probes. The now classic finding is that “negative retrieval-related activation (Sohn, Goode, Stenger, Carter,
recent” probes elicit greater activation in left mid-VLPFC & Anderson, 2003; Sohn et al., 2005; Danker, Gunn, &
than do “negative nonrecent” probes—trials requiring the Anderson, 2008). Likewise, when a retrieval task involves
same decision but without interference (figure 48.5; e.g., recollecting a specific detail of an encoding event over
Jonides et al., 1998; D’Esposito, Postle, Jonides, & Smith, other possible event details (e.g., as in source memory tasks),
1999; Bunge et al., 2001; Badre & Wagner, 2005; Nee, left mid-VLPFC, among other regions, is engaged (e.g.,
Jonides, & Berman, 2007). Moreover, the ability to success- Nolde, Johnson, & D’Esposito, 1998; Dobbins et al., 2002;
fully reject negative recent probes is compromised by Cabeza, Locantore, & Anderson, 2003; Dobbins &
left mid-VLPFC damage (Thompson-Schill et al., 2002; Wagner, 2005; Lundstrom, Ingvar, & Petersson, 2005).
figure 48.5) or disruption by means of transcranial magnetic Importantly, left mid-VLPFC is distinguished from other
stimulation (Feredoes, Tononi, & Postle, 2006). Mechanisti- lateral PFC regions engaged during source retrieval in
cally, it has been argued that rejecting negative recent that it supports source recollection in a domain-general
probes engages left mid-VLPFC because accurate task per- manner (Dobbins & Wagner, 2005). These data comple-
formance requires identifying (selecting) the relevant context ment neuropsychological observations that patients with
for the familiar negative probe (i.e., that it appeared in the lateral PFC damage are particularly impaired at attributing
last trial) so that it can be appropriately rejected (Badre & retrieved information to its relevant source (Janowsky,
Wagner, 2005; for alternative interpretations, see Jonides & Shimamura, & Squire, 1989).
Nee, 2006). In summary, extant data provide strong support for the
Within the domain of episodic memory, selection to over- hypothesis that left mid-VLPFC mediates the resolution of
come interference likely plays a role during both encoding interference by selecting goal-relevant representations in the
and retrieval. In a classic PET study, Dolan and Fletcher face of competition from irrelevant representations. While
(1997) measured neural responses during the encoding of we have focused on the role of selection in working-memory,
word pairs, manipulating the extent to which prior learning semantic-retrieval, and episodic-memory paradigms, it is
interfered with current encoding (i.e., proactive interference). worth noting that mid-VLPFC selection has also been asso-

712 memory
ciated with overcoming proactive interference during task Wagner, Paré-Blagoev, et al., 2001). The coactivation of
switching (Badre & Wagner, 2006). As such, this selection left anterior VLPFC and middle temporal cortex suggests a
mechanism does not appear to support retrieval, per se frontal-temporal interaction in which left anterior VLPFC
(Thompson-Schill et al., 1997); rather, selection likely oper- provides a top-down bias that activates semantic representa-
ates postretrieval such that goal-relevant representations can tions stored in temporal cortex.
be favored over goal-irrelevant representations (Badre & Functional dissociations between left mid-VLPFC and left
Wagner, 2007). anterior VLPFC have also been observed in the context of
short-term semantic priming (Gold et al., 2006) and episodic
Uncertainty While left mid-VLPFC (∼BA 45) is thought retrieval (Danker et al., 2008). For example, Gold and col-
to support selection between activated representations, a leagues (2006) used a lexical decision priming task to identify
central question is whether there are additional PFC regions in which neural processing demands were (1)
mechanisms that support the top-down activation of decreased with the presentation of semantically related
representations under other situations of uncertainty. Here primes and (2) increased with the presentation of semanti-
we define uncertainty as the situation in which goal-relevant cally unrelated (interfering) primes. These two situations
representations are not automatically activated because of provide a compelling parallel between the controlled retrieval
ineffective triggering cues. Under such situations, strategic and selection distinction explored by Badre and colleagues
activation, or controlled retrieval, of goal-relevant representations (2005). For example, when a “related” semantic prime is
is required to recover relevant knowledge (Wagner, Paré- presented (e.g., “spoon” as a prime for the target “fork”),
Blagoev, Clark, & Poldrack, 2001; Badre & Wagner, 2002; the prime should elicit bottom-up semantic activation that
Badre et al., 2005; Badre & Wagner, 2007). Extant data reduces the demand for controlled retrieval once the target
indicate that anterior VLPFC (area 47/12) mediates appears (i.e., the prime has already activated the relevant
controlled retrieval, with the left homologue differentially semantic information). On the other hand, “unrelated”
supporting such retrieval from semantic memory and the semantic primes (e.g., “spoon” as a prime for “coat”) elicit
right homologue from visual associative memory. activation of irrelevant semantic information that may inter-
Evidence for the distinction between selection and con- fere with access to target-related information, thus requiring
trolled retrieval comes from an fMRI study that varied subsequent selection of relevant target-related information in
demands on each of these putative control processes (Badre the face of irrelevant information. Strikingly, the presenta-
et al., 2005). In that study, controlled retrieval demands were tion of “related” primes resulted in reduced engagement of
manipulated by varying the strength of the semantic associa- left anterior VLPFC and middle temporal cortex, presum-
tion between a cue and target in a task in which subjects ably because of reduced controlled retrieval demands, rela-
were required to identify semantic associates (targets) of par- tive to a neutral prime control condition. In contrast, the
ticular cues. For example, identifying the semantic relation- increased selection demands associated with “unrelated”
ship between strongly associated nouns such as “candle” and primes resulted in increased engagement of left mid-VLPFC,
“flame” places low demands on controlled retrieval, relative relative to the neutral prime condition. Paralleling these
to weakly associated nouns such as “candle” and “halo.” findings, Danker, Gunn, and Anderson (2008) observed that
The difference in controlled retrieval demands is due to the left mid-VLPFC and anterior VLPFC functionally dissociate
fact that “candle” is more likely to generate bottom-up acti- during episodic retrieval, with the former being sensitive to
vation of the associated concept “flame,” thereby facilitating mnemonic competition (fan size) and associative memory
identification of a semantic relationship; “candle,” however, strength and the latter being selectively sensitive to associa-
is less likely to elicit bottom-up activation of weakly associ- tive memory strength.
ated concepts such as “halo,” meaning that identification of Together, these studies of semantic retrieval (Badre et al.,
a semantic relationship between these stimuli requires top- 2005; Gold et al., 2006) and episodic retrieval (Danker,
down semantic search. Within this same decision task, selec- Gunn, & Anderson, 2008; see also Dobbins & Wagner,
tion demands were independently manipulated by varying 2005) provide compelling evidence for a dissociation between
the extent to which irrelevant semantic information was a selection mechanism supported by left mid-VLPFC and
likely to interfere (e.g., by including distracters that were a controlled retrieval mechanism supported by left
either strongly or weakly interfering). Consistent with the anterior VLPFC that interacts with middle temporal cortex.
selection literature, Badre and colleagues (2005) reported The argument that left anterior VLPFC, in particular,
increases in left mid-VLPFC activity as selection demands supports controlled semantic retrieval is also supported by
increased (figure 48.6). In contrast, increases in controlled evidence that neural disruption (by means of transcranial
retrieval demands were associated with increased engage- magnetic stimulation) of left anterior VLPFC, but not
ment of left anterior VLPFC and middle temporal cortex— left posterior VLPFC, interferes with semantic—but not
regions that were not modulated by selection (see also phonological—processing (Gough, Nobre, & Devlin, 2005).

race, kuhl, badre, and wagner: cognitive control and memory 713
Figure 48.6 Left ventrolateral PFC is differentially engaged between a cue and the correct target. Greater controlled retrieval
during controlled retrieval and selection from semantic memory. is necessary under conditions of weak cue-target associative strength
During a semantic decision task, participants were presented with because of diminished bottom-up activation of relevant knowledge.
target words beneath a cue word. On each trial, participants deter- The top panel shows the location of anterior VLPFC and mid-
mined which of the target words was semantically related to the VLPFC regions of interest. The fMRI data from these regions of
cue. Selection demands were manipulated by varying the task interest (bottom panel) reveal a crossover interaction wherein ante-
requirements for each trial (either a global relatedness judgment or rior VLPFC displays greater activity with high control demands
a more specific feature similarity judgment that entailed higher than with high selection demands, and mid-VLPFC displays greater
selection demands) and by varying the extent to which irrelevant activity with high selection demands than with high control
semantic information was likely to interfere with the decision (i. e., demands. (Adapted from D. Badre & A. D. Wagner, 2007, Left
the distracter could be a preexperimental associate of the cue, but ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and the cognitive control of memory,
not along the relevant dimension). Controlled retrieval demands Neuropsychologia, 45, 2883–2901. Copyright 2007, with permission
were manipulated by varying the strength of the association from Elsevier.)

It should be noted, however, that controlled retrieval does Decreased PFC demands through mnemonic
not render selection unnecessary. That is, the combination suppression and prediction
of automatic and controlled semantic retrieval may result in
the activation of multiple representations, from which a Thus far, we have described how the recruitment of PFC
subset must be selected. Indeed, Badre and colleagues (2005) control processes facilitates achievement of current mne-
describe conditions in which both selection and controlled monic goals. In this final section, we consider how past
retrieval demands were high, and these situations engaged experience can favor goal-appropriate representations and
both left anterior VLPFC and left mid-VLPFC (see also reduce future demands on cognitive control. We describe
Danker et al.). Thus, while distinct VLPFC subregions evidence for modulation of control by (1) prior acts of selec-
appear to support dissociable forms of cognitive control, tion that strengthen relevant memories and weaken interfer-
these functionally separable regions may act in concert when ing memories, and (2) experience-dependent plasticity that
automatic retrieval is insufficient to arrive at mnemonic strengthens memory-based predictions to reduce uncertainty
goals (Kostopoulos & Petrides, 2003, 2008). Moreover, given at multiple levels of processing between stimulus input and
the dorsal-ventral hypothesis of prefrontal contributions to response output.
cognitive control, it is worth noting that PFC correlates of
controlled retrieval and selection have been concentrated in Reduced Interference Although the presence of
VLPFC, rather than DLPFC, subregions. competition during retrieval may require PFC mechanisms

714 memory
that implement interference resolution (e.g., Thompson- and right anterior VLPFC processes during their subsequent
Schill et al., 1997; Sohn et al., 2003; Dobbins & Wagner, retrieval (Kuhl, Kahn, Dudukovic, & Wagner, 2008). This
2005; Sohn et al., 2005), demands on PFC control dynamic interplay between cognitive control and memory
mechanisms often change with experience. For example, highlights how experience-dependent changes in memory
memories that are repeatedly selected during retrieval accrue strength and mnemonic competition yield cognitive control
a competitive advantage over other memories that are benefits and costs, as evidenced by decreasing and increasing
selected against. This advantage stems from both the demands on PFC control mechanisms during future acts of
strengthening of selected memories (e.g., Roediger & remembering.
Karpicke, 2006) and the weakening of interfering, selected-
against memories (M. Anderson, 2003). These adaptive Reduced Uncertainty Experience-dependent learning
changes in memory strength are thought to “benefit” future also reduces demands on PFC-mediated control by
processing by favoring memories that are likely to be relevant decreasing uncertainty associated with previously encountered
in the future ( J. Anderson, 2007) and reducing interference stimuli. Illustrative of this point is the phenomenon of repetition
from memories that are likely to remain irrelevant. Indeed, priming, a form of nondeclarative (or implicit) memory that
general support for the processing benefits associated with is expressed behaviorally as faster reaction times, increased
prior acts of selection comes from fMRI observations of response accuracy, or otherwise biased responding when
reduced lateral PFC engagement across repeated acts of stimuli are repeatedly processed (Tulving & Schacter, 1990;
episodic retrieval relative to initial acts (e.g., Henson et al., Roediger & McDermott, 1993). For example, stimulus
2002; Law et al., 2005). Moreover, electrophysiological classification decisions—for example, “Is a horse animate?”—
evidence indicates that the engagement of PFC during initial are speeded with repetition, reflecting the behavioral benefits
selective retrieval is predictive of later forgetting (weakening) of previous stimulus processing. At the neural level, cortical
of interfering memories, suggesting that reductions in regions that are active during initial stimulus processing
interference occur as a result of prior PFC-mediated frequently show reduced responses during subsequent
mnemonic selection ( Johansson, Aslan, Bäuml, Gabel, & stimulus processing (e.g., Raichle et al., 1994; Gabrieli et al.,
Mecklinger, 2007). 1996; Schacter & Buckner, 1998; Wiggs & Martin, 1998;
Building on these observations, a recent fMRI study Henson, 2003)—a phenomenon that has been referred to
examined whether the PFC control mechanisms that support as repetition suppression, neural priming, or fMRI adaptation. For
initial mnemonic selection also “benefit”—in terms of example, stimulus repetition in the visual domain is associated
reduced subsequent processing demands—from the weaken- with reduced activation in visual cortical areas, as expressed
ing of interfering memories (Kuhl et al., 2007). At a behav- in reduced neural firing rates (Desimone, 1996) and reduced
ioral level, Kuhl and colleagues (2007) observed that repeated PET/fMRI activation (Wiggs & Martin, 1998; Wagner &
selective retrieval of target memories elicits forgetting of Koutstaal, 2002). These neural activation reductions are
interfering memories, replicating prior observations of generally thought to reflect computational savings or more
retrieval-induced forgetting (M. Anderson, Bjork, & Bjork, efficient processing in neural networks supporting stimulus
1994; Levy & Anderson, 2002). Critically, when this behav- perception.
ioral effect was related to functional activation during the While perceptual priming facilitates processing in sensory
repeated acts of selective retrieval, the data revealed that cortical regions, other forms of priming are associated
the extent to which interfering memories were forgotten with repetition suppression in lateral PFC. In particular,
was tightly correlated with PFC processing benefits that conceptual priming—implicit memory at the level of semantic
occurred across the repeated acts of selective retrieval. Spe- or conceptual information—is typically associated with
cifically, ACC and right anterior VLPFC displayed robust activation reductions in left-lateralized frontotemporal
decreases in engagement during future target memory regions (figure 48.8A), including left VLPFC and regions
remembering to the extent that interfering memories were within inferior and lateral temporal cortex (Demb et al.,
forgotten (figure 48.7). 1995; Wagner, Desmond, Demb, Glover, & Gabrieli, 1997;
While Kuhl and colleagues’ (2007) data reveal the neural Buckner et al., 1998; Gabrieli et al., 1996). Conceptual
processing benefits of mnemonic filtering (for related find- priming is dissociable from perceptual priming in that con-
ings, see M. Anderson et al., 2004; Depue, Curran, & Banich, ceptual priming is invariant to changes in perceptual input
2007), it is important to emphasize that these benefits are across repetitions (e.g., priming will occur across stimulus
obtained only when one’s memory goals remain constant. modality changes such as auditory to visual), whereas
By contrast, when previously interfering and selected-against perceptual priming occurs to the extent that there is per-
memories later become goal-relevant, the weakening that ceptual overlap across repetitions (e.g., words appearing in
these memories suffered results in increased demands on ACC the same font or same modality) (Roediger & McDermott,

race, kuhl, badre, and wagner: cognitive control and memory 715
Figure 48.7 Demands on PFC control mechanisms that support cessing demands on these regions were reduced to the extent that
initial mnemonic selection are reduced with the weakening of irrelevant memories were forgotten. (Adapted from B. A. Kuhl, N.
interfering memories. During repeated, selective retrieval of goal- M. Dudukovic, I. Kahn, & A. D. Wagner, 2007, Decreased
relevant memories, fMRI activation reductions in (A) ACC and (B) demands on cognitive control reveal the neural processing benefits
right anterior VLPFC were correlated with the behavioral evidence of forgetting. Nat. Neurosci., 10, 908–914. Copyright 2007, reprinted
that interfering memories were later forgotten, suggesting that pro- by permission from Macmillan Publishers, Ltd.)

1993; Badgaiyan, Schacter, & Alpert, 2001; Carlesimo et al., tions in conceptual priming tasks may reflect reduced control
2003). demands owing to increased availability of item-related
Although the repetition suppression in left VLPFC knowledge.
and lateral temporal cortex that accompanies conceptual By contrast, an alternative—though not mutually exclu-
priming is consistent with the hypothesis that these regions sive—account of repetition suppression in VLPFC is that
interact during controlled retrieval of semantic information prior processing of a stimulus results in “stimulus-response”
(Badre et al., 2005; Gold et al., 2006), at present there learning that facilitates subsequent mappings between
is debate regarding the processes underlying repetition the stimulus and a decision or response (Dobbins, Schnyer,
suppression in these cortical areas. The dominant, or Verfaellie, & Schacter, 2004; Schacter, Dobbins, & Schnyer,
traditional, view is that representations in cortical regions 2004). For example, when repeatedly asked, “Is a horse
that store conceptual information are “tuned” with experi- animate?” subsequent performance can be facilitated by
ence, such that previously accessed information is more direct retrieval of a learned association between the “stimu-
effectively activated during future processing (Wiggs & lus” with the relevant “response” (“yes”). Thus, while the
Martin, 1998; Grill-Spector, Henson, & Martin, 2006; retrieval of response information previously associated with
figure 48.8). Several mechanisms have been proposed to a stimulus does not reflect facilitated conceptual processing
support such cortical “tuning” within a population of (rather, it may enable the bypassing of controlled semantic
neurons, including reductions in overall activation (fatigue retrieval), “stimulus-response” learning may nonetheless
model), a reduction in the number of responsive neurons reduce demands on PFC control mechanisms that support
(sharpening model), and faster processing or settling time decision or response selection (Schacter et al., 2004; Schacter,
(facilitation model). Viewed in this light, left VLPFC reduc- Wig, & Stevens, 2007).

716 memory
Figure 48.8 Repetition priming paradigm, neural priming logia, 39, 184–199. Copyright 2001, with permission from Elsevier.)
effects, and hypothesized mechanisms of “cortical tuning.” (A) In (C) Proposed experience-dependent changes in a neural network
semantic priming tasks, subjects initially study a set of stimuli (e.g., representing visual object features. First presentation of a stimulus
pictures or words), making a semantic decision (e.g., size judgment) activates a network of neurons (circles) coding for relevant and
about those stimuli. Subsequently, during the critical test phase, irrelevant features of the stimulus. Repeated presentation “tunes”
semantic decisions are made about previously studied (primed) and the stimulus representation, reducing the overall firing rate across
novel (unprimed) stimuli. Typically, improved behavioral perfor- this network as well as the associated fMRI signal. Possible mecha-
mance measures (e.g., reaction times and accuracy) are observed nisms supporting cortical “tuning” in a population of neurons with
for primed compared to unprimed stimuli. (B) Functional MRI repeated stimulus presentation include less overall activation
scanning during the test phase of a semantic classification priming (fatigue model), a reduction in the number of responsive neurons
task revealed activation reductions in fusiform (circled) and left (sharpening model), and faster processing or settling time (facilita-
ventrolateral PFC (arrow) for primed compared to unprimed tion model). (Adapted with permission from K. Grill-Spector,
stimuli. (Data from W. Koutstaal, A. D. Wagner, M. Rotte, A. R. Henson, & A. Martin, 2006, Repetition and the brain: Neural
Maril, R. L. Buckner, & D. L. Schacter, 2001, Perceptual specific- models of stimulus-specific effects, Trends Cogn. Sci., 10, 14–23.
ity in visual object priming: Functional magnetic resonance imaging Copyright 2006, with permission from Elsevier.)
evidence for a laterality difference in fusiform cortex, Neuropsycho-

race, kuhl, badre, and wagner: cognitive control and memory 717
Figure 48.9 Contributions of “response learning” to neural posterior VLPFC and fusiform cortex showed significant neural
priming during a semantic classification task. Subjects semantically priming during the priming phase when the classification rule
classified visually presented objects (“Bigger than a shoe box?”) that was held constant. Inversion of the classification rule in the cue
were presented once (unprimed) or three times (primed) and inversion phase reduced neural priming in posterior VLPFC and
responded with a yes/no response. During a subsequent cue rever- eliminated priming in fusiform cortex. The disruption of neural
sal phase the task cue was inverted (“Smaller than a shoe box?”), priming in the cue reversal phase suggests that subjects could no
and half of the items from the previous priming phase were re- longer use learned “responses” as a route to action and that neural
presented along with a new set of unprimed items. (A) Functional priming in these regions during the priming phase reflects stimulus-
MRI scanning revealed regions displaying reductions in the neural response learning rather than priming of conceptual information.
priming signal (difference in activation between primed and (Adapted with permission from I. G. Dobbins, D. M. Schnyer,
unprimed trials) in the cue reversal relative to the priming phase M. Verfaellie, & D. L. Schacter, 2004, Cortical activity reductions
(left panel arrow points to left posterior VLPFC [BA 9/44]; right during repetition priming can result from rapid response learning,
panel arrow points to left fusiform [BA 37]). (B) Hemodynamic Nature, 428, 316–319. Copyright 2004, reprinted by permission
time courses from the two regions of interest indicated in A. Both from Macmillan Publishers, Ltd.)

718 memory
The role of response learning in conceptual priming tasks can reduce future uncertainty, and thus demands on PFC-
has received support from a study by Dobbins, Schnyer, and mediated control.
colleagues (2004). In this study (figure 48.9), stimuli (e.g.,
“Bulldozer”) were repeatedly semantically classified (e.g., Conclusion
“Larger than a shoebox?”), with the specific classification
decision and the corresponding response either being held In this chapter we reviewed influential theories of cognitive
constant across repetitions or changed across repetitions control and considered the specific manner in which VLPFC
(e.g., “Smaller than a shoebox?”). While repetition of a stim- control mechanisms serve to resolve interference and reduce
ulus with the identical decision cue was associated with uncertainty during mnemonic processing. While our focus
robust repetition suppression in left VLPFC, repetition of a on VLPFC operations reflects the considerable progress that
stimulus with the inverted decision cue was associated with has been made in understanding VLPFC function (for
diminished repetition suppression in this region. Because the reviews, see Petrides, 2005; Badre & Wagner, 2007), it
same conceptual information is accessed across the decision should be emphasized that other PFC mechanisms work in
cues, the disruption of priming with cue inversion suggests conjunction with VLPFC to achieve mnemonic goals (for
that the left VLPFC repetition suppression effects typically reviews, see Fletcher & Henson, 2001; Wagner, 2002;
observed in conceptual priming tasks are at least partially Buckner, 2003; Simons & Spiers, 2003). For example, it has
attributable to stimulus-response learning rather than been argued that while VLPFC supports “active retrieval”
priming of conceptual information. While these data provide of mnemonic representations, DLPFC subserves the com-
an important challenge to accounts of left VLPFC priming plementary role of monitoring mnemonic representations
that focus only on the reduction in cognitive control demands once activated (Petrides, 1996, 2005). To the extent that
following cortical tuning of semantic representations, one DLPFC supports the monitoring of mnemonic information
caveat is that the design used by Dobbins and colleagues (Henson et al., 2000; Fletcher & Henson, 2001; Dobbins
covaried repetition at the “decision” and “response” levels. et al., 2002; Rugg et al., 2003; Achim & Lepage, 2005;
That is, switching the decision from “Larger than a shoebox?” Dobbins, Simons, et al., 2004), this argument would suggest
to “Smaller than a shoebox?” requires both a decision switch a hierarchical, but interactive, relationship between VLPFC
and a response switch (Schacter et al., 2004; Schnyer, and DLPFC retrieval operations. Along similar lines, it has
Dobbins, Nicholls, Schacter, & Verfaellie, 2006). Indeed, been suggested that VLPFC and DLPFC are hierarchically
behavioral evidence suggests that priming at the decision organized during episodic encoding, with VLPFC serving a
level can be dissociated from response repetition (Schnyer general role in encoding (e.g., Wagner et al., 1998; Brewer,
et al., 2007). Zhao, Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli, 1998), but DLPFC
Together, extant evidence suggests that prior conceptual selectively recruited when encoding involves processing
processing can reduce demands on PFC control mechanisms the relationship between multiple stimuli (Blumenfeld &
during future conceptual processing. However, additional Ranganath, 2006; Murray & Ranganath, 2007). Further
work is needed to establish the extent to which these PFC delineation of the contributions of DLPFC to mnemonic
activation reductions reflect priming at different levels of processing, as well as the nature of DLPFC-VLPFC interac-
processing (i.e., conceptual, decision, or response). An tions, remains an important avenue for future research.
intriguing hypothesis is that these distinct levels of learning Finally, frontopolar cortex has frequently been implicated
might give rise to dissociable forms of neural priming. For in higher-order forms of mnemonic processing (for reviews,
example, priming at the conceptual level may reduce see Rugg & Wilding, 2000; Fletcher & Henson, 2001;
demands on processing in left anterior VLPFC—a region Buckner, 2003; Ramnani & Owen, 2004), though ambiguity
that has repeatedly been implicated in controlled semantic remains concerning the specific nature of frontopolar inter-
retrieval—whereas learning at the response level may reduce actions with “lower” forms of mnemonic control. Further
demands on processing in regions more directly related to advances in our understanding of the interplay between
response selection (e.g., premotor areas) (Race, Shanker, & PFC control and mnemonic processing will require con-
Wagner, 2008). Of additional interest is whether these dis- sideration of both the computations supported by specific
tinct forms of priming—from higher-level conceptual PFC subregions and the manner in which coordinated pro-
priming to lower-level response learning—correspond to a cessing across these subregions allows for the achievement
representational hierarchy within PFC (Fuster, 2001; Badre of mnemonic goals.
& D’Esposito, 2007; Koechlin & Summerfield, 2007),
acknowledgments This work was supported by grants from
perhaps organized along an anterior (higher-level) to poste-
the National Institute of Mental Health (5R01-MH076932-02;
rior (lower-level) gradient (Race et al., 2008). Insight into 5R01-MH080309-02), the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and
these questions will provide a more complete understanding the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and
of the multiple ways in which learning from past experiences Depression.

race, kuhl, badre, and wagner: cognitive control and memory 719
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race, kuhl, badre, and wagner: cognitive control and memory 723
49 Phases of Influence: How Emotion
Modulates the Formation and
Retrieval of Declarative Memories
elizabeth a. kensinger

abstract We tend to remember emotional experiences long by Buchanan & Adolphs, 2004). This mnemonic benefit
after we have forgotten more mundane ones. The beneficial effects conveyed by emotion has long been acknowledged (see
of emotion on memory appear to arise through influences between Colgrove, 1899, for a study examining memory for the assas-
emotion-specific processes and domain-general sensory and mne-
monic processes. These interactions arise at every phase of memory,
sination of President Abraham Lincoln), but it is only within
including encoding, consolidation, and retrieval. As this chapter recent decades that research has begun to elucidate the
describes, emotion heightens perception and attention during processes that give rise to it. Though animal research has
encoding and enhances the likelihood that information is elabo- clarified many of the mechanisms that support emotion’s
rated and organized. Emotion also modulates postencoding con- influence on memory (reviewed by McGaugh, 2004; Phelps
solidation processes, increasing the likelihood that an emotional
& LeDoux, 2005), this chapter focuses exclusively on the
event is maintained in a durable memory trace. Emotion continues
to wield its influence at retrieval, increasing the likelihood that effects of emotion on declarative memory in humans,
information is retrieved and also augmenting the subjective vivid- describing how behavioral, neuropsychological, neurophar-
ness associated with the retrieved memory. This chapter discusses macological, and neuroimaging studies have elucidated how
the neural processes that underlie these effects of emotion on emotion influences each phase of memory (see figure 49.1).
memory. Particular emphasis is placed on understanding the role
Because the study of emotional memory in humans is still a
of the amygdala in emotional memory and how the amygdala
exerts its effects by means of interactions with other sensory and relatively young topic of investigation, this chapter concludes
mnemonic regions. with a discussion of directions for future research, including
the need to consider individual differences when assessing
the effects of emotion on memory.
Events often elicit short-lived cognitive, physiological, and
somatic reactions, otherwise known as emotions (see Barrett, The influence of emotion during encoding
2006; Izard, 2007; Frijda & Sundararajan, 2007; Panksepp,
2007; Scherer, 2000, for discussion of the best way to think It is well known that the way in which information is
about the term). Emotional reactions accompany many of processed initially has downstream consequences on the
life’s experiences, particularly those we care most about likelihood that the information is remembered later (Craik
remembering. It is, therefore, critical to understand how & Lockhart, 1972), with information that is detected,
emotion influences memory processes, as without this knowl- attended, and elaborated upon being the most likely to
edge, it would be nearly impossible to discern how memory be remembered (Craik, Govoni, Naveh-Benjamin, &
operates in everyday life. This realization has sparked inter- Anderson, 1996). Many of emotion’s effects on memory
est in the study of “emotional memory,” or the examination appear to arise through broader influences on the way in
of how memories for experiences that triggered an emo- which emotional information is detected and attended at the
tional response are formed and retrieved. outset. Emotional stimuli are noticed more quickly and more
Extensive research on emotional memory demonstrates often than nonemotional ones (Anderson, 2005; Fox, Russo,
that emotional experiences tend to be remembered better Bowles, & Dutton, 2001; Leclerc & Kensinger, 2008;
than experiences that lack emotional importance, an effect Ohman, Flykt, & Esteves, 2001; Phelps, Ling, & Carrasco,
referred to as “emotional memory enhancement” (reviewed 2006; Williams, Mathews, & MacLeod, 1996), and the pro-
cessing of emotional information is prioritized so that it can
elizabeth a. kensinger Department of Psychology, Boston occur even when attentional resources are taxed (reviewed
College, Chestnut Hill; Athinoula A. Martinos Center for by Dolan & Vuilleumier, 2003; Pessoa, 2005; Vuilleumier &
Biomedical Imaging, Charlestown, Massachusetts Driver, 2007). Once an emotional item is detected, attention

kensinger: emotion and memory 725

Figure 49.1 Overview of the effects of emotion on memory.

also is more likely to be focused and sustained on it (e.g., the fusiform gyrus (e.g., Noesselt, Driver, Heinze, & Dolan,
Armony & Dolan, 2002; Mogg, Bradley, de Bono, & Painter, 2005; Vuilleumier, Richardson, Armony, Driver, &
1997), and individuals are more likely to elaborate on the Dolan, 2004) and occipital lobe (Tabert et al., 2001; figure
emotional information, connecting it with existing semantic 49.2A) during the processing of emotional information.
or autobiographical information (e.g., Buchanan, Etzel, Although these correlations cannot establish the directionality
Adolphs, & Tranel, 2006; Talmi & Moscovitch, 2004; Talmi, of the modulation, they are consistent with the proposal
Schimmack, Paterson, & Moscovitch, 2007). Each of these that the amygdala can modulate sensory functioning.
factors can increase the likelihood that emotional informa- Stronger evidence for an amygdala-mediated influence
tion is encoded into a stable memory trace. In fact, Talmi, on sensory activity came from a study in which Vuilleumier
Luk, McGarry, & Moscovitch (2007) have proposed that and colleagues (2004) asked individuals with varying amounts
direct modulation of memory may not be required for short- of amygdala damage to view fearful and neutral faces
term enhancements in the retention of emotional informa- while in an fMRI scanner. Only patients with a functioning
tion. Rather, emotion’s modulation of domain-general amygdala showed fusiform modulation in response to the
processes—enhanced attention, distinctive encoding, and facial expression, with greater fusiform activity to fearful
information elaboration and organization—may be suffi- than to neutral faces. In fact, there was a strong correlation
cient to mediate emotion’s benefit on retention of informa- between the amount of intact amygdala and the amount
tion over relatively short delays. As will be described of fusiform modulation in response to the fearful faces,
subsequently, neuroimaging may provide one means to consistent with the proposal that the amygdala has a
clarify the extent to which emotion’s influence on memory modulatory effect on visual processing regions, increasing
is mediated through influences on information processing the likelihood that emotional information is detected and
rather than dependent on direct modulation of memory processed.
binding and consolidation processes (see also Talmi, Interactions between the amygdala and sensory regions
Anderson, Riggs, Caplan, & Moscovitch, 2008). also seem to enhance memory for the visual details of
emotional stimuli (Mickley & Kensinger, 2008; Kensinger,
The Effect of Emotion on Information Detection Garoff-Eaton, & Schacter, 2007b). Participants are more
and Attention Allocation Many of emotion’s influ- likely to remember the precise visual attributes of a negative
ences on detection and attention appear to arise through item as compared to a neutral one; for example, they recog-
interactions between the amygdala and other sensory nize exactly which grenade they have seen more often than
regions. It is proposed that once the amygdala is activated they recognize which blender they have seen (Kensinger,
by emotional stimuli, it can modulate the functioning of Garoff-Eaton, & Schacter, 2006). This effect appears to arise
sensory cortices to assure that emotional information is from interactions between the amygdala and the fusiform
attended (LeDoux, 1995). This hypothesis is anatomically gyrus during encoding. As compared to the processing of
plausible, because the amygdala has strong reciprocal neutral items, during the processing of negative items that
connections with most sensory regions (Amaral, Price, will later be remembered with precise visual detail, there is
Pitkanen, & Carmichael, 1992; Amaral, 2003). The increased activity in the amygdala and the right fusiform
hypothesis also is supported by neuroimaging studies that gyrus. There also is a strong correlation between the amount
reveal strong correlations between the amount of activity of activity in these two regions during the processing of nega-
in the amygdala and in visual processing regions including tive items, whereas no such correlation exists during the

726 memory
Relative Pixel Intensity in


Signal Change in
Occipital Cortex


R Fusiform
1000 1.3
0 0.5
400 1200 2000 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Relative Pixel Intensity in R Amygdala Signal Change in R Amygdala


Figure 49.2 During the processing of negatively emotional paper). These correlations are particularly strong during the encod-
information, there often are robust correlations between amygdala ing of negative items that will later be remembered with specific
activity and activity in sensory processing regions (panel A, adapted visual details (panel B, data from Kensinger, Garoff-Eaton, &
from Tabert et al., 2001; images depict coordinates reported in that Schacter, 2007b).

processing of neutral items (Kensinger et al., 2007b; figure items may be remembered in a detailed fashion because
49.2B). The right fusiform gyrus is a region that is associated attention is focused on the intrinsic details of those items;
with the processing of visually specific details (e.g., Koutstaal however, by focusing on those emotional elements, other
et al., 2001) and with subsequent memory for the visual event details may be missed or easily forgotten.
details of neutral items (Garoff, Slotnick, & Schacter, 2005). It is interesting to note that this attentional focusing
Therefore, it makes sense that enhanced activity within this on emotional items does not arise through engagement of
region could increase the likelihood that the visual details of the same frontoparietal attention circuits that guide atten-
a negatively emotional item are remembered. tion toward nonemotional, task-relevant information
Modulation of sensory processes does not appear to be the (reviewed by Corbetta & Shulman, 2002). Rather, when
only avenue by which emotion enhances memory for visual attention is focused on emotional information, it appears to
detail. The ability to remember the visual details of emo- be through engagement of emotion-specific processes that
tional items also may be tied to the way in which attention are brought online when a task requires engagement of
is allocated during encoding. Emotion does not seem to motivational processes and of attention to affective stimuli
uniformly enhance memory for all aspects of an experience. (e.g., Robbins & Everitt, 1996; Schultz, 2000). This dissocia-
Rather, some event details are remembered well and others tion suggests that emotional information may be attended
are readily forgotten (reviewed by Buchanan & Adolphs, as a result of the engagement of emotion-specific processes
2002; Kensinger, 2007; Mather, 2007; Reisberg & Heuer, rather than the domain-general ones that guide attention
2004). For example, when presented with complex visual toward any task-relevant piece of information (and see
scenes, it often is that case that the visual details of the Vuilleumier & Driver, 2007, for further discussion). Thus,
emotional aspects are remembered well but the visual when an individual is affectively focused on an item, atten-
details of the nonemotional aspects are remembered poorly tion appears to be drawn to the intrinsic attributes of
(e.g., Kensinger, Garoff-Eaton, & Schacter, 2007a; Payne, that emotional item. This selective attention seems to have
Stickgold, Swanberg, & Kensinger, 2008; figure 49.3). An downstream mnemonic consequences, leading those intrin-
fMRI study revealed that activity in an affective-attentional sic item details to be remembered better than elements only
network, including the right orbitofrontal cortex, the ante- extrinsically linked to the emotional item (see Kensinger,
rior cingulate gyrus, and the caudate nucleus, corresponds 2007; Mather, 2007, for further discussion). These findings
with the ability to remember the visual details of an emo- highlight that even when emotion’s effects on memory seem
tional item but also with the inability to remember other to be mediated by influences on domain-general processes
aspects associated with the item’s presentation, such as what (such as attention allocation), this mediation may actually
decision a person made about an item (Kensinger et al., reflect emotion-specific modulation of sensory and atten-
2007b; figure 49.4). This finding suggests that emotional tional processes.

kensinger: emotion and memory 727


Figure 49.3 After experiencing an emotional event—such as a details, such as what the street looked like (B). Modulation of atten-
car accident (A)—participants may retain good memory for the tional focusing at encoding, as well as of consolidation processes,
details of the accident itself, but poor memory for the contextual appears to contribute to this effect.

Effects on Elaboration and Organization of Input attention is divided), the mnemonic enhancement for
In addition to these effects of emotion on information nonarousing emotional items disappears (Bush & Geer, 2001;
detection and attention allocation, emotion also appears to Kensinger & Corkin, 2004; Kern, Libkuman, Otoni, &
influence the likelihood that information is elaborated and Holmes, 2005).
organized. It is well known that events that elicit negative
emotions are elaborated and rehearsed more often than Conclusions About Encoding Nearly all studies
events that elicit no emotion (reviewed by Ochsner & examining memory for emotional information have revealed
Schacter, 2003). Emotional items also benefit from a strong correlation between how active the amygdala is
organizational clustering to a greater degree than do during the encoding of emotional information and how
nonemotional items (Buchanan, Etzel, et al., 2006; Talmi & well that emotional information is remembered (reviewed
Moscovitch, 2004; Talmi, Schimmack, et al., 2007). Because by Hamann, 2001; LaBar & Cabeza, 2006). These correlations
information that is elaborated and well organized is more exist both across participants (e.g., Cahill et al., 1996) and
likely to be remembered (Craik & Lockhart, 1972), it within a single participant (e.g., Canli, Zhao, Brewer,
makes sense that if emotion provides an organizing structure Gabrieli, & Cahill, 2000). They arise in tasks using verbal
or a basis for elaboration, these features would convey stimuli (e.g., Erk et al., 2003; Kensinger & Corkin, 2004),
benefits to memory. Indeed, a number of behavioral studies slide shows (e.g., Cahill et al., 1996), facial expressions (e.g.,
have demonstrated an important role for elaborative and Sergerie, Lepage, & Armony, 2006), and colored photographs
organizational processes in enhancing emotional memory (e.g., Dolcos et al., 2004; Sharot, Delgado, & Phelps, 2004),
(Phelps et al., 1998; Talmi & Moscovitch, 2004), and and they hold across a range of encoding tasks. Though
neuroimaging studies have confirmed that regions implicated many of these studies have focused on the amygdala’s
in elaborative processing—including the lateral prefrontal modulation of hippocampal binding and consolidation
cortex—often are disproportionately recruited during the processes (an issue we will return to in the next section),
successful encoding of emotional information (e.g., Dolcos, the studies reviewed have revealed that emotion can exert
LaBar, & Cabeza, 2004; Kensinger & Corkin, 2004; Maratos, many of its influences on memory by means of alterations in
Allan, & Rugg, 2000). These elaborative processes appear earlier stages of information processing. In particular,
to be particularly essential for boosting the encoding of engagement of emotion-specific processes, implemented by
emotional information that is not highly arousing (e.g., the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex, can influence memory
Buchanan, Etzel, et al., 2006; Bush & Geer, 2001; Kensinger by modulating sensory and conceptual processes. These
& Corkin, 2003; Talmi, Schimmack, et al., 2007), perhaps interactions can ensure that emotional information is
because these items do not benefit from the same amyg- detected, attended, and elaborated (see also Duncan &
dala-mediated enhancements in detection and attention Barrett, 2007; Talmi et al., 2008). Thus, regardless of
(reviewed by Kensinger, 2004). Thus, when elaborative the particular stimuli, encoding instructions, or task design,
processes cannot be engaged easily (for example, when the engagement of emotion-specific processes during

728 memory
information is more likely to be detected, attended, and
elaborated, then it would make sense that the information
would be remembered well after both short and long
delays. Interestingly, however, the effects of emotion often
become exaggerated after a long delay (e.g., Kleinsmith
& Kaplan, 1963; Walker & Tarte,1963; Sharot, Verfaellie,
& Yonelinas, 2007; Sharot & Yonelinas, 2008), and damage
to the amygdala tends to disproportionately influence the
retention of emotional information over long delays
while having a lesser influence on the ability to retain
emotional information for only a short duration of time
(Phelps, LaBar, & Spencer, 1997; Phelps et al., 1998; LaBar
& Phelps, 1998). These findings cannot easily be explained
by effects of emotion on encoding processes. Rather, these
results point to the ability of emotion to influence the
likelihood that memories are solidified into stable long-
term traces. If emotion—through the actions of the amyg-
dala—serves to increase the probability that a memory
is consolidated, then it should follow that the benefit for
emotional compared to nonemotional memories increases
as the retention interval lengthens and that amygdala damage
disrupts this effect. Indeed, as will be described later, there
is abundant evidence to suggest that the amygdala modu-
lates consolidation processes, enhancing the likelihood
that an emotional memory can be remembered after a long

Amygdala Modulation of Hippocampal

Consolidation Extensive evidence for emotion’s effects on
hippocampal consolidation comes from animal studies of
emotional learning. These studies reveal that stress hormones
released as part of an affective response can trigger a cascade
Figure 49.4 When participants view items and are asked to of neurotransmission and hormone release, ultimately leading
make a decision about them (e.g., to decide either whether it is alive to amygdalar modulation of hippocampal consolidation
or whether it is commonly encountered), participants often have (reviewed by McGaugh, 2004; Phelps, 2004; Phelps &
good memory for the visual details of the item but poor memory
LeDoux, 2005). Paralleling these animal findings, research
for which decision they made about the item. Encoding-related
activity can predict which items will later be remembered with in humans suggests that emotion conveys benefits on the
visual detail but without memory for the decision. The activity that hippocampal consolidation of declarative memories. In
predicts this pattern of memory performance differs based on particular, neuroimaging studies provide strong evidence for
whether the items are negative (white regions) or neutral (black interactions between the amygdala and the hippocampus.
regions). This dissociation suggests that the narrowing of attention
The amygdala and hippocampus often are coactivated during
on intrinsic item attributes (such as an item’s visual details) is medi-
ated by different processes when the items are emotional versus the successful encoding of emotional information (e.g., Dolcos
nonemotional. (Adapted from Kensinger, Garoff-Eaton, & et al., 2004; Kensinger & Corkin, 2004), and there is a strong
Schacter, 2007b.) correlation between the activity in these regions (Kensinger
& Corkin, 2004; Kensinger & Schacter, 2005a; Richardson,
encoding is critically tied to the emotional memory Strange, & Dolan, 2004), as well as an increase in functional
enhancement effect. connectivity between the regions (Kilpatrick & Cahill, 2003),
as individuals learn emotional information. Although these
Emotion influences consolidation processes studies cannot determine whether such interactions signify
influences on memory consolidation per se, or on other
The effects of emotion on encoding processes can explain mnemonic processes implemented by the hippocampal
why emotional information is better remembered than formation, the results are consistent with a modulatory role
neutral information across a range of delays. If emotional on consolidation processes.

kensinger: emotion and memory 729

The importance of consolidation processes in emotional awake. Four years later, the benefits of sleep on emotional
memory also is suggested by the fact that many of the memory were apparent: sleep had no influence on the likeli-
interactions between the amygdala and the hippocampus hood of remembering the topics of the neutral narratives,
seem to be mediated by the influence of stress hormones. but the participants who slept after reading the narratives
Administration of cortisol enhances the long-term recall were more likely to remember the topics of the emotional
of emotional information (Buchanan & Lovallo, 2001), narratives than were those who remained awake. Thus sleep
whereas administration of beta blockers eliminates the conferred a particular mnemonic benefit for the emotional
enhancement (Cahill, Babinsky, Markowitsch, & McGaugh, information.
1995). Moreover, amygdala activation without an accompa- We need not wait multiple years to see the benefits that
nying arousal response does not appear sufficient for a sleep conveys to emotional memory. A few studies have
hippocampal-mediated boost in memory (e.g., Anderson, revealed that emotional memory is better either after a
Yamaguchi, Grabski, & Lacka, 2006; Kensinger & Corkin, brief (3-hour) period of REM-intensive sleep or after a full
2004), suggesting that both amygdala activation and a con- night of sleep rather than after a similar period of wakeful-
current stress response are required. Although these studies ness (e.g., Hu, Stylos-Allan, & Walker, 2006; Wagner, Gais,
cannot conclusively demonstrate an influence upon consoli- & Born, 2001; Wagner et al., 2006; Wagner, Kashyap,
dation processes, because the amygdala’s influence on hip- Diekelmann, & Born, 2007). For example, Hu and col-
pocampal consolidation processes is thought to be modulated leagues presented participants with colored photographs
by release of stress hormones (McGaugh, 2004), these neu- from the International Affective Picture System (Lang,
ropharmacological and neuroimaging findings are consis- Bradley, & Cuthbert, 1999). Some photographs were emo-
tent with a role for arousal-dependent amygdalar modulation tionally arousing, and others were neutral. Participants’
of consolidation. memory for the photos was tested 12 hours later, and the
critical finding was that while sleep had no impact on
Emotion, Sleep, and Memory Consolidation Some of memory for the neutral pictures, memory for the arousing
the mnemonic effects of emotion seem to be exerted through pictures was better after a night of sleep than after an equiva-
sleep-dependent consolidation processes. Although the lent period of time spent awake.
details of how sleep influences memory consolidation are still Although sleep conveys benefits to memory for emo-
debated (see Born, Rasch, & Gais, 2006; Ellenbogen, tional items, it does not appear to enhance memory for
Hulbert, Stickgold, Dinges, & Thompson-Schill, 2006; all aspects of those items equally well. Rather, sleep’s
Frank & Benington, 2006), extensive evidence suggests memory-enhancing effects appear to be specific to the most
that sleep can benefit performance on both implicit and emotional aspects of a stimulus. When Payne, Stickgold,
explicit memory tasks (reviewed by Payne, Ellenbogen, and colleagues (2008) presented participants with scenes
Walker, & Stickgold, in press; Stickgold, 2005; Walker & including an emotional object placed on a neutral back-
Stickgold, 2006). Sleep after learning can increase the rate ground (e.g., a snake in a forest), they found that sleep
of information acquisition (Born et al.; Gais, Lucas, & Born, selectively preserved memory for the emotional object while
2006) and can make information less prone to interference conveying no memory benefit for the accompanying back-
and decay over time (Ellenbogen, Payne, & Stickgold, 2006). ground (figure 49.5). This finding is intriguing, suggesting
By contrast, sleep deprivation can impair declarative that not all aspects of an emotional event are consolidated
learning, suggesting that sleep is necessary for optimal as a single, bound entity. Rather, sleep appears to preferen-
hippocampal-dependent memory consolidation (C. Smith & tially preserve memory for those elements of an experience
Rose,1996). Slow-wave sleep may be particularly essential that are strongly tied to the emotional nature of the event.
to the consolidation of episodic memories, with the This result suggests that there is an important interaction
reactivation and redistribution of hippocampal neural between emotion and sleep-mediated consolidation pro-
ensembles occurring during this sleep phase (reviewed by cesses, with sleep having the greatest preservative benefit on
Marshall & Born, 2007; Rasch & Born, 2008). memory for emotional information.
Although only a few studies have compared the effects of
sleep on memory for emotional versus nonemotional infor- Concluding Remarks Regarding Consolidation
mation, all of these studies supply evidence that sleep pro- There is no question that emotion modulates the consolidation
vides particular benefits for emotional memory. In one such of memories, with emotional experiences being more likely
study, Wagner, Hallschmid, Rasch, and Born (2006) asked to be retained over time than nonemotional ones. What is
participants to study narratives that were either emotional less clear, however, is what attributes of an emotional
or neutral in content. Some participants slept for three hours experience benefit from enhanced consolidation. Within
after reading the narratives while other participants remained the emotional memory literature, there is an increasing

730 memory
has been reviewed thoroughly (by Buchanan, 2007), and so
here I will focus on the specific question of the amygdala’s
role during retrieval.
It is well established that the amygdala is active during the
retrieval of emotional memories. Neuroimaging studies have
revealed that amygdala engagement occurs both when the
retrieval cue itself is emotional (e.g., Dolan, Lane, Chua, &
Fletcher, 2000; Kensinger & Schacter, 2005b) and when the
cue is neutral but the associated study context is emotional
(e.g., Maratos, Dolan, Morris, Henson, & Rugg, 2001;
Smith, Henson, Dolan, & Rugg, 2004; A. Smith, Henson,
Rugg, & Dolan, 2005; Somerville, Wig, Whalen, & Kelley,
2006; Sterpenich et al., 2006). In one study, participants
were asked to view objects that were presented against either
neutral or emotional backgrounds. During recognition, they
were shown the objects in isolation, and they had to indicate
whether each object had been studied previously. The criti-
cal finding was that amygdala activity was greater during
retrieval of items that had been studied with an emotional
context than during retrieval of items that had been studied
Figure 49.5 When participants study visual scenes and are tested with a nonemotional context (A. Smith et al., 2004). The
on their memory for those scenes after either a 12-hour delay fact that amygdala activity was influenced by the study
including a night of sleep or a 12-hour period of time spent awake,
memory for the negative objects within scenes is selectively context, even when the retrieval cue itself was neutral, sug-
enhanced across a sleeping as compared to a waking delay. Memory gests that amygdala engagement during retrieval may not
for the backgrounds of those same scenes is unaffected by whether merely represent an emotional response to a retrieval cue.
the delay included time spent awake or time spent asleep. (Data Rather, amygdala activity may be directly tied to the recov-
from Payne, Stickgold, Swanberg, & Kensinger, 2008.) ery of emotionally relevant information present during the
encoding episode.
appreciation for the fact that not all aspects of an emotional Though neuroimaging studies indicate that the amygdala
experience are equally likely to be remembered (e.g., is involved in the retrieval of emotional memories, they
Reisberg & Heuer, 2004; Kensinger, 2007; Mather, 2007). cannot speak to the necessity of the region. Indeed, there
Although many of these selective effects likely arise from have been extensive discussions about whether the amygdala
attentional focusing at encoding (as discussed in the previous is essential for the retrieval of emotional memories (see
section), some of the effects may also arise through focal Nader, 2003; LeDoux, 2000, for discussion). At least with
influences on consolidation. As noted earlier, sleep does not regard to the retrieval of emotional autobiographical
appear to benefit consolidation of all event attributes to an memories, recent patient studies have provided evidence
equal degree; rather, the benefits seem to be particularly that this region does play an essential role. Patients with
pronounced for those details that are intrinsic to the damage to the amygdala have difficulty retrieving emo-
emotional items. Further research is needed to reveal the tional memories, even of events that were experienced
extent to which encoding processes versus postencoding prior to the onset of their amygdala damage (Buchanan,
consolidation mechanisms lead to the focal enhancements Tranel, & Adolphs, 2005, 2006). Even when they do
in emotional memory, leading only some attributes of an recall emotional experiences, patients with amygdala
emotional event to be remembered well. lesions rate them as being less emotional, as well as less
vivid, than do control participants, suggesting that without
The influence of emotion during retrieval the amygdala, emotional memories cannot be remembered
as often or with the same qualitative richness as with an
In comparison to the extensive number of studies that have intact amygdala.
examined the effects of emotion on encoding and consolida- These studies cannot clarify the specific role played by the
tion processes, relatively few studies have investigated the amygdala during the retrieval of emotional memories. In
influence of emotion during memory retrieval. However, the particular, it is unclear whether the amygdala’s retrieval-
extant data indicate that emotion can modulate retrieval related activity leads to or is caused by successful retrieval.
processes. The role of emotion in memory retrieval recently It is widely accepted that memory retrieval consists of at

kensinger: emotion and memory 731

least a few distinct processes. After we receive a cue—passing engaged during encoding, so might amygdala engagement
someone familiar in the hallway, for example—we imple- during retrieval reflect the reinstantiation of emotional pro-
ment search processes to help us efficiently narrow down cesses engaged during encoding. Support for this hypothesis
and sift through the information we have stored in mind in comes from studies demonstrating that amygdala activity
order to generate the sought-after information—such as during retrieval can be higher when participants are
where we last saw the person. If the search process is suc- asked to determine whether an item was encoded in an
cessful, the desired information will be recovered. After emotional context than when they are asked to focus
information is recovered, we assess whether it is what we on nonemotional aspects of the item’s presentation
were searching for, by engaging in retrieval monitoring pro- (A. Smith et al., 2004, 2005; A. Smith, Stephan, Rugg, &
cesses. We may evaluate the plausibility of the retrieved Dolan, 2006). This finding may suggest that the amygdala
information (“Could we really have seen this colleague on activity reflects the reinstantiation of the emotional context
our flight back from Australia?”) or consider our confidence in which an event was learned. The fact that similar limbic
in our memory (“Are we certain enough to mention the regions often are associated both with successful encoding
turbulent flight?”). Superimposed on all these processes, our and with accurate retrieval of information (e.g., Fenker,
brains seem to configure themselves into a “retrieval mode,” Schott, Richardson-Klavehn, Heinze, & Duzel, 2005; Kens-
allowing us to optimally query and evaluate the contents of inger & Schacter, 2005a, 2005b) also may suggest that these
our memory in order to reexperience past events (discussed regions’ retrieval-related activity reflects the bringing online
by Rugg & Wilding, 2000; Sakai, 2003). Emotion could of the emotional information present during encoding or
influence any of these stages of retrieval, and a great deal of results from the reexperiencing of the emotion elicited during
ongoing research is investigating at which of these many encoding.
phases emotion intervenes. Though these studies suggest a role for the amygdala in
The amygdala may guide the search processes that lead search and recovery processes, it also is possible that amyg-
to successful recovery of information. As noted earlier, dala engagement is tied to memory monitoring processes
patients with amygdala damage seem to select emotional and to metamemory assessments. In ERP studies, emotion
memories less often than control participants (Buchanan, can modulate late-onset positive potentials, believed to cor-
Tranel, & Adolphs, 2005, 2006). This finding is consistent respond with postretrieval monitoring processes (A. Smith
with the hypothesis that amygdala damage results in altered et al., 2004). Though these studies do not implicate the
mnemonic search process. In particular, if the amygdala amygdala specifically, they certainly suggest that emotion
typically boosts the efficiency or efficacy of the search process, is likely to influence monitoring processes. However, the
making it more likely that relevant emotional information specific influence of emotion on mnemonic monitoring
is recovered, then without this amygdala-facilitated search has been debated. Some hypothesize that amygdala engage-
process, it would make sense that these patients would not ment may bias monitoring processes in such a way as to
receive any benefit when searching for information tied to lead people to believe that they have retrieved a particularly
an emotional experience. Neuroimaging evidence also indi- vivid and detailed memory. By this account, amygdala
cates that amygdala activity can occur early in the retrieval activity at retrieval may inflate a person’s confidence in a
process, before a memory has been fully elaborated, suggest- memory, leading to a disconnect between the subjective
ing a role in the search process (Daselaar et al., 2008). Thus vividness of a memory and the objective amount of detail
these findings lend credence to the proposal that amygdala included in that memory (see Sharot et al., 2004). Although
activity modulates the search processes that lead to the suc- there is evidence that amygdala engagement at retrieval
cessful recovery of emotional memories. is associated with the subjective vividness of a memory
In addition to a role in the retrieval search process, amyg- (Dolcos, LaBar, & Cabeza, 2005; Sharot et al.), its activity
dala engagement during retrieval also may be a reflection of also can be elicited specifically during accurate retrieval
the successful recovery of information. Retrieval-related (Kensinger & Schacter, 2005b, 2007). For this reason, it
activity can be tied to recapitulation, or the reinstantiation does not appear that amygdala engagement at retrieval
of processes engaged during encoding. For example, when serves only to inflate a person’s confidence in a memory.
retrieving a word that was paired with a sound at encoding, Nevertheless, it is possible that amygdala engagement modu-
activity in auditory cortex often is high, whereas when lates processes tied to retrieval monitoring as well as those
retrieving information associated with pictorial information tied to retrieval success. More generally, it seems likely that
at encoding, visual activity can be enhanced (Kahn, Davachi, amygdala activity is both a cause and consequence of emo-
& Wagner, 2004; Wheeler, Petersen, & Buckner, 2000; tional memory retrieval; however, further research is needed
Nyberg, Habib, McIntosh, & Tulving, 2000; Vaidya, Zhao, to examine whether there are situations in which amygdala
Desmond, & Gabrieli, 2002). In the same way as this activity activity is more strongly tied to one aspect of retrieval than
is presumed to reflect the recapitulation of sensory processes to another.

732 memory
Conclusions About Retrieval Though it is clear that when it comes to emotion-memory interactions, there appear
amygdala engagement enhances encoding processes and to be important individual differences. The sex of an indi-
facilitates consolidation, it is more widely debated whether vidual can influence the neural processes that correspond
the amygdala confers a benefit upon emotional memory with emotional memory enhancement, with men often
retrieval. There is some evidence to suggest that limbic showing more right-lateralized amygdala activity and women
engagement primarily inflates a person’s confidence in a showing more left-lateralized amygdala activity (reviewed
memory (e.g., Sharot et al., 2004); but there is other evidence by Cahill, 2003; Hamann, 2005). Sex also can influence the
that limbic engagement at retrieval may be tied to magnitude of memory enhancement or memory trade-off
remembering event details (e.g., Kensinger & Schacter, elicited by emotion (discussed in Hamann, 2005). Personal-
2005b, 2008; A. Smith et al., 2006). It seems likely that, just ity characteristics, such as how neurotic someone is,
as with its modulation of encoding and consolidation also seem to influence the amount of amygdala activity
processes, the amygdala’s influence during retrieval may elicited by stimuli (Hamann & Canli, 2004) and the likeli-
critically depend on the types of details that a person is trying hood that emotional information is detected (discussed by
to recover. Perhaps amygdala engagement during retrieval Duncan & Barrett, 2007), perhaps having downstream
facilitates the recovery of details intrinsically linked to an effects on the magnitude of emotional memory enhance-
experience (e.g., the details of the emotional aspect of the ment demonstrated. A person’s level of anxiety or cognitive
event) but does not help with the recovery of details more abilities also can influence emotional memory enhancement
peripheral to the elicited emotion (e.g., the nonemotional and the extent of mnemonic trade-off elicited when an
context in which the event occurred). Indeed, a study by emotional item is embedded in a nonemotional context
Sharot, Martorella, Delgado, and Phelps (2007) revealed (Waring, Payne, Schacter, & Kensinger, in press). A person’s
that enhanced amygdala activity during retrieval was age also has fundamental influences on how emotional infor-
associated with a reduction of activity in regions associated mation is processed and remembered (reviewed by Kens-
with retrieval of broader spatiotemporal context. It may be inger & Leclerc, in press; Mather, 2006). These studies
that when the amygdala is engaged, details intrinsic to the emphasize that research must examine not only how emotion
emotional aspects of the event are remembered, whereas impacts memory across all individuals, but also how indi-
retrieval of more peripheral, contextual details is impeded. vidual differences influence the nature of emotion-memory
Future research will do well to examine the validity of this interactions.
hypothesis. Third, as the resolution of MRI scans increases, it will be
important for future research to move beyond thinking
Concluding remarks and future directions about the amygdala and the hippocampal memory system
as single entities and to more thoroughly investigate how
Emotion appears to influence the processes engaged during reciprocal influences are likely to depend on the particular
every phase of memory, but there are still many unanswered subdivisions of each of these regions. Animal research has
questions regarding how emotion exerts its influence. First, suggested that not all regions of the amygdala play the same
as alluded to in the preceding sections, we do not yet have modulatory role and that amygdalar interactions may not
a firm understanding of when emotion enhances, hinders, be equivalently strong with all medial temporal lobe struc-
or exerts no influence on the likelihood of remembering tures (Davachi, 2006; McDonald, 2003). A finer apprecia-
information. It is well known that emotion does not lead tion of these anatomical distinctions within the human brain
to a picture-perfect memory (reviewed by Mather, 2007; may go a long way toward revealing how emotion exerts its
Reisberg & Heuer, 2004). Nevertheless, emotional infor- complex influences on memory formation, consolidation,
mation—and particularly negative information—can be and retrieval.
remembered with greater accuracy than nonemotional
information (reviewed by Kensinger, 2007). Additional acknowledgments I thank Keely Muscatell, Jessica Payne, and
research is needed to understand which types of details Daniel Schacter for helpful discussion and for assistance in the
are remembered well for emotional experiences and at preparation of this chapter. I gratefully acknowledge funding from
the National Science Foundation (grant BCS-0542694) and the
which memory phases emotion conveys its mnemonic
National Institute of Mental Health (grant MH080833).
advantage. Future research will do well to investigate these
issues not only through presentation of controlled stimuli
within a laboratory setting, but also through assessment REFERENCES
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50 Individual Differences in the
Engagement of the Cortex during
an Episodic Memory Task
michael b. miller

abstract There is a wealth of information at the individual level while variability is often treated as a nuisance, controlled by
regarding the neural basis of episodic memory that may be lost by averaging across individuals, relying on a group map can
relying on group averages. The topography of brain activity under- also be a lost opportunity to realize the full extent of the
lying an episodic memory task is enormously variable from indi-
vidual to individual. Despite this variability, individual patterns of
brain’s involvement in particular tasks, particularly a task as
brain activity are relatively stable over time. This stability suggests dynamic, complex, and strategic as episodic memory.
that there are systematic factors, either cognitive or physiological, Group maps of whole-brain activity during an episodic
between individuals that can account for the variability. We have retrieval task, no matter how sophisticated and rigorous the
found that individual differences in memory strategy, as well as statistical analyses, have been shown to be poor representa-
other factors, can account for a significant portion of the variance
tions of the pattern of activations and deactivations that
between individuals in their patterns of brain activity. These find-
ings demonstrate that, while performance of a typical episodic occur at the individual level (Miller et al., 2002; Miller et al.,
memory task engages widespread specialized brain regions through- in press). The individual differences in the patterns of
out most of the cortex, different strategies may differentially engage activity were observed to be so extensive that one subject,
these various brain regions. for example, had significant activity in the dorsolateral
regions of the prefrontal and parietal cortex while another
subject had significant activity in the ventrolateral regions
It can be just as important to study the things that make us only. Yet, when we brought the subjects back for another
different from each other as it is to study the things that we session months later, the individual patterns of activity were
have in common. This fact has been appreciated since relatively stable, indicating that a significant portion of the
at least 1911, when the eminent learning theorist E. L. variance between individuals was not due to random fluc-
Thorndike wrote, “If we could thus adequately describe tuations of noise. We replicated this finding in a recent fMRI
each of a million human beings, . . . the million men would study that compared individual patterns of brain activity
be found to differ widely. . . . We may study the features of across repeated sessions (Miller et al., in press). As shown in
intellect and character which are common to all men; or we figure 50.1, the patterns of activations and deactivations
may study the differences in intellect and character which were quite unique from individual to individual. Yet the
distinguish individual men.” One of the important things individual patterns of activity persisted over an extended
that make us different is the unique ways in which we period of time (in this case, between 2 and 4 months). This
remember past events. Further, these uniquely individual stability indicated that the variations observed between indi-
approaches to memory likely result in extensive variability viduals were not due to random fluctuations, but repre-
in the engagement of specialized, universal brain regions. sented some systematic differences between individuals that
This is particularly evident in the variable pattern of brain were greatly affecting the pattern of brain activity across the
activity observed in fMRI studies across individuals perform- whole brain. It has been our observation across several
ing an episodic memory task. Patterns of individual brain studies of episodic memory that the group maps are not
activity are as unique and persistent as fingerprints. Yet, representative of the patterns of activations occurring at
unlike fingerprints, these unique and persistent patterns of the individual level.
brain activity may also be quite informative about individu-
als and how they go about remembering past events. And, The dangers of averaging across subjects

michael b. miller Department of Psychology, University of Within the field of psychology, there have been numerous
California, Santa Barbara, California examples over the years of erroneous conclusions based

miller: individual differences in the engagement of the cortex 739

Figure 50.1 The left hemisphere patterns of activations and was done for visualization purposes only. Displayed for each indi-
deactivations during an episodic retrieval task for the group and vidual is the t-map for the first and second sessions. The images are
for 4 of the 14 individuals that made up the group. The random- representative of the high degree of variability between individuals,
effects group map and the individual t-maps are a contrast between yet the relative stability in the individual patterns of activity over
the retrieval condition and baseline, statistically thresholded at time. (From Miller et al., in press.) (See color plate 61.)
p < .001 uncorrected for multiple comparisons. The thresholding

on averaged data. In one compelling example, Gallistel, within individual birds was actually abrupt and steplike. An
Fairhurst, and Balsam (2004) demonstrated in a basic animal abrupt and steplike learning process is a fundamentally dif-
learning paradigm that the negatively accelerated, gradually ferent psychological process from a gradual learning process
increasing learning curve (a basic assumption of most learn- over time. William Estes recently noted that, whereas a
ing theorists) is an artifact of averaging across individuals. model built on group data can illustrate real trends, it can
Using conditioned responses in pigeons (pecking a key), be a poor fit to individual data, and it can be a major source
Gallistel and colleagues effectively showed that learning of distortion. In discussing the efforts of a number of inves-

740 memory
tigators in the 1950s to raise awareness about the dangers of vidual level but lost in a group average (Caramazza, 1986;
group data, Estes wrote, “It is not easy, however, to change Sokol et al., 1991).
the habits of people who are comfortable with traditional
ways of doing things, and developers of cognitive models Individual differences and neuroimaging
have continued to rely for support mainly on the fitting of
functions such as curves of learning, retention, and general- Neuroimaging faced a similar issue in its early years. Marc
ization to averaged data” (Estes, 2002, p. 6). Raichle has commented that many of the early researchers
The issue of relying on commonalities across individuals worried that the creation of group maps by averaging neu-
has also been debated repeatedly in the fields of neurology roimaging data across subjects would greatly diminish the
and neuropsychology for over a century (Caramazza, 1986; signal due to inherently high individual variability (Raichle,
Sokol, McCloskey, Cohen, & Aliminosa, 1991; Robertson, 1997). Yet those early studies reliably demonstrated retino-
Knight, Rafal, & Shimamura, 1993). In the mid-1800s, Paul topic mapping of the primary visual cortex (Fox et al., 1986),
Broca argued that speech production could be localized to as well as mapping of higher-order association areas
the third convolution of the left inferior frontal gyrus by (Petersen, Fox, Posner, Mintun, & Raichle, 1988), using
examining the common area of damage across a group of group maps. Since that time, group maps have become
patients exhibiting similar speech production deficits. At the much more sophisticated and population-based, and more
same time, however, another neurologist, John Hughlings emphasis has been placed on them given the struggle to
Jackson, argued against a centralized region for speech overcome the inherently low overall signal-to-noise ratio of
based on his observations of wide variations in the extent neuroimaging data. It is interesting to note, however, that
and location of damage in patients exhibiting similar aphasic many vision researchers have reverted back to relying on
symptoms and wide variations in symptoms in patients with individual data by retinotopically mapping individuals and
similar damage. Contrary to Broca, Jackson proposed that testing hypotheses on an individual basis with many trials
speech was a widely distributed function within the brain (Warnking et al., 2002). In addition, many researchers are
(Critchley & Critchley, 1998). Of course, Broca’s view held relying on functional localizers in several tasks because of
sway for the next century and eventually led to models of individual differences in the specific location of specialized
language, such as the Wernicke-Geschwind model, that regions within the brain (Saxe, Brett, & Kanwisher, 2006).
relied on these distinct and localized modules of language We argue that a general reliance on group maps to represent
function. However, more recent studies have suggested that, the pattern of activity across the whole brain for a particular
although this classic brain-language model is useful as a task needs to be reevaluated.
heuristic, it is empirically wrong because it cannot account Few studies have attempted to systematically examine the
for the range of aphasic symptoms, it is underspecified lin- individual variability of brain activity associated with a cog-
guistically and anatomically, and it does not take into account nitive task. In general, most neuroimaging studies involving
the extensive individual variability in symptoms of brain- individual differences can be divided into four categories:
damaged patients and in the location and extent of their (1) studies that correlate a particular behavioral performance
damage (Benson, 1985; Poeppel & Hickok, 2004). For with modulated activity in a specific brain region; (2) studies
example, Nina Dronkers (1996) reported on 22 patients with that divide subjects into smaller groups based on a behav-
lesions in Broca’s area with only 10 having Broca’s aphasia. ioral measure and then look for differences in activations
Ojemann, Ojemann, Lettich, and Berger (2008) reported on between the groups; (3) studies that look at the overlap of
cortical stimulation during neurosurgery of 117 patients and individual brain activations and variations of activity around
found that language disruption occurred in individualized a circumscribed region; and (4) studies that look at the degree
mosaics of cortex with substantial variability in the location to which group activations are reproducible. Each of these
of these mosaics, some of which correlated with sex and techniques has been reviewed previously (Miller & Van
intelligence. It is clear that, on one hand, localizing brain Horn, 2007), and each can be a useful analytical tool. For
functions by isolating common areas of brain damage across example, a convincing way to demonstrate the function of a
patients with similar deficits has been useful and, to a certain given brain region is to show that the activity in that region
extent, necessary given that brain damage is rarely confined is modulated by individual differences in behavior, as has
to one specific functional region, and that reliance on case been demonstrated in numerous neuroimaging studies from
studies can “sacrifice generalizability, predictability, and correlations of individual differences in procedural learning
the possibility of refutation” due to subject variability and the modulation of activity in the motor cortex (Grafton,
(Robertson et al., 1993, p. 716). On the other hand, case- Woods, & Tyszka, 1994) to individual differences in memory
study-by-case-study approaches can accomplish a similar performance and modulation of the medial temporal lobe
winnowing and modeling of function/brain relationships (Nyberg, McIntosh, Houle, Nilsson, & Tulving, 1996;
while preserving much of the information that is at the indi- Tulving, Habib, Nyberg, Lepage, & McIntosh, 1999). Some

miller: individual differences in the engagement of the cortex 741

of these studies have even considered the correlation between group maps to profile patterns of activity may be more
individual differences in memory-encoding strategies and appropriate for some cognitive tasks and not others. For
particular brain regions or differences in the patterns of example, some cognitive tasks may engage a more restricted
activity by grouping individuals by particular encoding strat- set of brain regions that vary little from subject to subject
egies (Savage et al., 2001; Casasanto et al., 2002; Kirchhoff than does an episodic retrieval task. In general, though, we
& Buckner, 2006). Yet most of these studies still rely on a think caution should be used when employing a group map
common area of activation across a group of subjects, and to characterize patterns of activity across the whole brain
only a few studies to our knowledge consider the individual for a given task. Does a group map represent the patterns
variability and reliability of activity across the whole brain of activations for the individuals that make up the group?
volume (Heun et al., 2000; Machielsen, Rombouts, Barkhof, For episodic retrieval tasks, the answer is no.
Scheltens, & Witter, 2000; Miller et al., 2002).
One notable exception was a study conducted by Quantifying the degree of similarity between two
McGonigle and colleagues (2000). Although the study con- patterns of brain activity
sisted of only a single subject, that subject participated in 33
scanning sessions and performed a simple motor, visual, and It is clear from viewing the thresholded activation maps
cognitive task in each session. The authors found that many shown in figure 50.1 that there is enormous variability from
voxels displaying significant session-by-condition interac- individual to individual, but we needed a method to quantify
tions were not activated on average across all the sessions, those differences. Furthermore, we needed a method that
and many of those that were activated using a fixed-effects did not rely on the arbitrary setting of a statistical threshold.
analysis did not survive a random-effects analysis across ses- So we devised a method to simply cross-correlate the unthresh-
sions. The authors cautioned that single-session data from olded image volumes across subjects and sessions (Miller
individuals may lead to erroneous conclusions. But a subse- et al., 2002). If one takes a three-dimensional volume of
quent follow-up study by the same authors revealed that the continuous values in each voxel and correlates that volume
intersession variability was no greater than the intrasession with another three-dimensional volume of continuous
variability (Smith et al., 2005). values in the same voxel matrix and atlas space, then the
The effectiveness or ineffectiveness of group maps may result will be a single correlation value that represents how
depend on the intended use. For instance, group maps can similar the two volumes are. A similar correlational approach
be very effective when used as a tool to increase the signal- has been used with smaller patches of cortex in pattern
to-noise ratio in a study that is systematically examining classification studies of object recognition (Haxby, 2004;
some a priori brain region. Wagner and colleagues (1998), Norman, Polyn, Detre, & Haxby, 2006). In our original
for example, utilized a group map to examine the BOLD study (Miller et al., 2002) we correlated volumes of raw
response in the medial temporal lobe. They demonstrated signal intensity values, but those correlations may have been
that activity in the medial temporal lobe during an encoding sensitive to individual differences in basic physiology, such
task varied according to whether an item was subsequently as individual differences in vasculature and individual differ-
recognized. This was a critically important study given that ences in the timing of the BOLD response. In order to
activation in the medial temporal lobe was conspicuously attenuate those particular differences in physiology in recent
absent in most previous neuroimaging studies of episodic studies, we correlated volumes containing unthresholded
memory. Group maps used in this way can only aid our t-values (t-maps) derived from the contrast between
understanding of mind/brain relationships. task trials and baseline within each individual (Miller et al.,
However, group maps can be a problem if they are meant in press) and masked (with masks derived from the group
to characterize or profile the pattern of activity across the analysis) to exclude extra-brain voxels. This method pro-
whole brain for a given task. For example, we conducted a vides a convenient measure of the degree of similarity
study with the purpose of characterizing the pattern of activ- between any two volumes of brain activity.
ity associated with shifts of criterion on a recognition test Using this method, we are able to quantify the observation
(Miller, Handy, Cutler, Inati, & Wolford, 2001). We pub- that individual brain activity during the episodic retrieval
lished several group maps, including one meant to charac- task is quite variable from individual to individual, yet it is
terize activity during blocks of recognition trials compared also relatively stable over time. In one of our recent studies,
to blocks of fixation trials. The results of a group analysis we found that the average correlation between two volumes
revealed activations associated with recognition in discreet from the same subject performing the same episodic retrieval
regions of the dorsolateral prefrontal and parietal cortex. task but in different sessions separated by 2 to 4 months was
However, a subsequent analysis revealed that the group map r = .435. This was significantly higher than the average
was not representative of a pattern of activations in many of correlation between two volumes from different subjects
the individual subjects (Miller et al., 2002). In the end, using performing the same task, which was r = .218 (Miller et al.,

742 memory
in press). The relative stability of the individual patterns of (Squire, Stark, & Clark, 2004; Eichenbaum, Yonelinas, &
activity over long periods of time suggested that unique Ranganath, 2007). Many memory researchers have sug-
individual activations were not necessarily noise but instead gested that prefrontal and parietal areas support episodic
were likely to reflect cognitive processing that was unique to memory with cognitive processes peripheral to the actual
the individual and was related to how the individual per- retrieval process, with evidence derived from brain-damaged
formed the task and/or other unique physiological proper- patient studies (Incisa della Rocchetta & Milner, 1993;
ties related to that individual. The persistence of these Janowsky, Shimamura, Kritchevsky, & Squire, 1989;
uniquely individual patterns of activity should be viewed as Petrides, 1996; Ranganath, Johnson, & D’Esposito, 2003;
an opportunity and not as a nuisance. The opportunity it Knight, 1991) and neuroimaging studies (Nyberg et al.,
affords us is the ability to explore the fundamentally different 1995; Buckner, Koustaal, Schacter, Wagner, & Rosen, 1998;
ways we remember past events and the unique brain regions Rugg et al., 1998; Fletcher, Shallice, Frith, Frackowiak, &
we recruit to accomplish that task. Dolan, 1998; Cabeza et al., 2003; Nolde, Johnson, &
D’Esposito, 1998; Henson, Shallice, & Dolan, 1999; Dobbins,
The inherently variable nature of episodic memory Rice, Wagner, & Schacter, 2003). One potential implication
and the brain regions underlying it of this architecture is that one and the same behavioral
outcome—such as an “old” response on a recognition test—
Episodic memory “stores and makes possible subsequent could be based on a distinct set of information and a distinct
recovery of information about personal experiences from combination of neural circuits in two different individuals.
the past. It enables people to travel back in time, as it were, Therefore the emerging picture of the neural basis of
into their personal past, and to become consciously aware episodic retrieval is that it comprises several distinct brain
of having witnessed or participated in events and happenings regions and that these distinct brain regions may be engaged
at earlier times.” (Tulving, 1989, p. 362). However, the differentially depending on unique individual strategies and
methods used to probe episodic memory experimentally, demands. There is substantial evidence that people will
such as a standard recognition test, utilize not only bits of employ a multitude of strategies during the encoding and
information from episodic memory but bits of information retrieval phases of a standard memory task (Stoff & Eagle,
from other systems as well, such as semantic memory. As 1971; Battig, 1975; Weinstein, Underwood, Wicker, &
Endel Tulving once wrote, “It is probably as difficult to find Cubberly, 1979; Paivio, 1983; Reder, 1987; Graf & Birt,
‘pure’ episodic-memory tasks and ‘pure’ semantic tasks as it 1996). There is also substantial evidence from neuroimaging
is to find sodium and chlorine as free elements in nature, studies that individual differences in memory strategy can
although their compound, NaCl, is found in abundance” alter which brain regions become activated (Savage et al.,
(Tulving, 1983, p. 55). A “remembered” response on a rec- 2001; Casasanto et al., 2002; Speer, Jacoby, & Braver, 2003;
ognition test can be influenced by a variety of nonepisodic Kondo et al., 2005; Tsukiura, Mochizuki-Kawai, & Fujii,
processes like semantic associations (Underwood, 1965), 2005). One notable study (Kirchoff & Buckner, 2006) identi-
schematic reconstructions (Brewer & Treyens, 1981; Miller fied the various strategies people adopt during an uncon-
& Gazzaniga, 1998), perceptual fluency (Jacoby & Dallas, strained encoding of unrelated pairs of pictures. They found
1981), shifting criterion (Miller & Wolford, 1999), and so on that two strategies in particular, verbal elaboration and
(for reviews see Roediger, 1996; Schacter, 1999). visual inspection, correlated with memory performance and
Further, episodic memory is widely distributed through- with brain activity in distinct regions: verbal elaboration
out the cortex, with different regions storing different aspects correlated with activity in prefrontal regions associated with
of the complete memory trace (Squire, 1987). It relies on an controlled verbal processing, whereas visual inspection cor-
extensive hippocampal-cortical network for the consolida- related with activity in the extrastriate cortex.
tion, storage, and utilization of information, and the hippo- The variable, unconstrained, and widely distributed
campus is not involved in the permanent storage of nature of brain activity during an episodic retrieval task is
information per se, but rather serves to facilitate consolida- particularly evident in the reported sites of activations across
tion of a distributed cortical memory trace (Squire et al., studies when compared to the reported sites of activations
1992; Wittenberg & Tsien, 2002; but see also Nadel & from other tasks, such as semantic retrieval. Cabeza and
Moscovitch, 1997). A principal characteristic of this distrib- Nyberg (2000) categorized hundreds of neuroimaging studies
uted network is that it affords the rapid and flexible forma- by cognitive domain and then plotted the reported sites of
tion of multimodal memories. In addition to widely activations for each study within each cognitive domain as
distributed information, there is also a broad network of a point on a glass brain. A cursory review of their findings
specialized brain regions that are influential in, but not reveals a general consistency in the localization of activity
necessary for, the completion of the task. After all, only across studies for most of the cognitive domains, but not
damage to the medial temporal lobe causes severe amnesia for episodic retrieval. Even in more constrained versions of

miller: individual differences in the engagement of the cortex 743

the task, the reported sites of activation were widely distrib- subjects simply made an “old/new” recognition judgment
uted throughout the cortex. However, the reported sites of to words, some of which were previously studied. Fourteen
activations for other tasks appear to be more concentrated subjects were scanned in two sessions separated by 2 to 4
in discrete regions of the cortex. This pattern may result months. After cross-correlating the t-maps from a recogni-
from cognitive processing that is more constrained in general tion versus baseline contrast across subjects and sessions, the
during a controlled semantic retrieval task, for example, correlation values were then submitted to a hierarchical
than during an episodic retrieval task. Controlled semantic regression analysis in order to determine whether certain
retrieval is known to unambiguously engage the left ventro- factors could account for the degree of similarity between
lateral prefrontal cortex (Wagner, Pare-Blagoev, Clark, & subjects. In this study, we had a limited number of factors,
Poldrack, 2001). For this task, the divergence of brain regions but they included anatomical similarity, memory perfor-
that any particular individual is likely to engage in order to mance (d ′), reaction time, and retrieval strategy (as measured
accomplish the task may be relatively small. by a decision criterion). The placement of a decision
We recently found that the topographical pattern of brain criterion during a recognition test is often the result of a
activity during an episodic retrieval task (subjects responded general strategy or bias (Murdock, 1974; Ratcliff, Sheu, &
“old” or “new” to previously studied words) was significantly Gronlund, 1992; Miller & Wolford, 1999). For example,
more variable between individuals than a semantic retrieval some subjects may have responded “old” to a test item only
task (subjects responded “abstract” or “concrete” to words if they were absolutely certain they encountered the item
similar to the episodic task) or a working memory task (sub- during the study session (maybe based on some clear visual
jects responded “match to three trials back” or “no match” recollection). The criterion measures from those subjects
to a sequence of letters) (Miller et al., 2002). Further, by would have tended to be conservative. For example, in a
examining the variance across individuals on a voxel-by- debriefing after the scanning session, one subject stated, “I
voxel basis, we found that the variance in activity during an only said ‘recognize’ when I was pretty certain,” and her
episodic memory task occurred throughout the whole cortex, criterion measure reflected a conservative strategy (C = +.46).
whereas the variance in activity during a semantic memory Other subjects may have simply responded “old” to any item
task and a working memory task occurred in much more that seemed familiar to them regardless of whether or not
discrete regions of the cortex (see figure 50.2). However, they had a clear recollection of the item in the study session.
some of the differences between tasks could be attributed to For example, another subject stated, “The recognition test
different demand characteristics. Also, there is no reason to was kind of hard, but I would just press ‘yes’ if the words
assume that a task like working memory could not have seemed familiar.” Her criterion measure (C = −.23) reflected
some of the same properties (the variable and strategic a much more liberal strategy, one based more on familiarity.
engagement of widely distributed brain regions) as an epi- One of the key findings of this study was that only the dif-
sodic memory task. Future research will need to determine ference in criterion values between two subjects was predic-
the extent to which brain activity during an episodic memory tive of the similarity in their patterns of brain activity. No
task may be more variable than other cognitive tasks. other factor was predictive. Therefore, the more similar two
individuals’ retrieval strategy was, the more similar was their
What makes us unique? pattern of brain activity during an episodic memory task.
A number of encoding and retrieval strategies have been
The opportunity afforded by an inherently strategic task like identified, decision criterion placement being just one
episodic retrieval and the brain activity underlying it is that example. The most extensively studied strategy, however,
it provides a lot of useful information at the individual level has been elaboration, including both imaginal elaboration
that may enhance our understanding of episodic memory in (mental imagery) and verbal elaboration (Paivio, 1971).
general. Our previous results indicate that a large portion of For example, some people (who could be called verbalizers)
the variance in brain activity from individual to individual are better at processing words and may rely on semantic
is not necessarily random and that some factor or factors associations and verbal content when remembering a past
must be accounting for the variance systematically (Miller event, while other people (who could be called visualizers)
et al., 2002, in press). In order to understand the sources are better at processing pictures and may rely on visual
of this variability, we have recently focused on three general imagery and visual recollections when remembering a past
categories of factors: (1) situational differences; (2) anatomi- event. To test whether the tendency or preference of a
cal/physiological differences, and (3) cognitive/psychologi- person to think visually or verbally is related to the observed
cal differences. variability in an episodic memory task, we conducted a
In a recent study (Miller et al., in press), we investigated study in which 20 subjects studied lists of highly imageable
some of these possible sources of individual variability during words, which allow for both verbal and visual elaboration
an episodic retrieval task. During the episodic retrieval task, (Donovan & Miller, 2008). Participants were simply

744 memory
Figure 50.2 A comparison of random-effects group maps and display the standard deviations across the 14 individuals at each
variance maps across three memory tasks. The random-effects voxel above a threshold of 2 standard deviations. As the variance
maps are a statistically thresholded ( p < .001 uncorrected for mul- maps indicate, individuals variably engaged much wider regions of
tiple comparisons) representation of the common areas of brain the cortex during episodic retrieval than during semantic retrieval
activity across 14 individuals. The variance maps to the right or working memory. (See color plate 62.)

instructed to learn the words for a later recognition memory ity: anatomical similarity, connectivity similarity (measured
test and hence were free to choose whatever strategy by computing fractional anisotropy maps from DTI images),
came most naturally. During the episodic retrieval task, default mode network similarity, encoding strategy, visual-
subjects simply made an “old/new” recognition judgment izer/verbalizer trait factor scores, and performance mea-
of the words, half of which were previously studied. In a sures. As predicted, we found that the more similar two
hierarchical regression analysis, we included several factors individuals’ tendency to visualize, the more similar their
to assess their relative contribution to the observed variabil- patterns of brain activity.

miller: individual differences in the engagement of the cortex 745

In this same study, we also assessed whether differences terms of situational factors, circumstances of the experimen-
in the default mode network between individuals might also tal setup can play a major role in the degree of similarity in
be related to the similarity of their activity patterns during brain activity between individuals. Two of the strongest
an episodic memory task. We computed functional connec- factors are the experimental design and the stimulus type.
tivity for three seed regions from functional data collected We have found that the difference between a blocked design
while the subjects were at rest. Coherence maps were con- and event-related design can account for 40% of the vari-
structed by computing the coherence of the time series of ance in correlation values, with brain activity from a blocked
each voxel with that of seed regions in the posterior cingu- design being much less variable between individuals than an
late/precuneus (PCC), the ventral anterior cingulate cortex event-related design. We have also found that stimulus type
(vACC) (Greicius, Krasnow, Reiss, & Menon, 2003), and the can account for 28% of the variance, with brain activity
hippocampal formation (Vincent et al., 2006). Interestingly, associated with remembering faces being much less variable
we found that similarity in coherence maps predicted simi- between individuals than brain activity associated with
larity in functional activity during retrieval but not during remembering words. These are remarkably strong factors
encoding. Schacter, Addis, and Buckner (2008) have made given that the difference between memory tasks discussed
the suggestion that the default mode network may serve as earlier accounted for only 8% of the variance. Another key
a simulator of past and future events, which would explain situational factor is constraining the task. We recently found
why the relationship between coherence maps and func- that making the recollection of a studied item easy to recall
tional activity occurs during the retrieval task but not during resulted in much less variability between individuals than
the encoding task. when the recollection of a studied item is more difficult. All
Table 50.1 lists some of the factors that have been found of these situational factors must be carefully controlled or
across several studies to be related to the degree of similarity accounted for when considering the influence of individual
between any two individuals’ brain activity patterns. In difference factors.

Table 50.1
Factors that are related to the degree of similarity between any two brain volumes of activity
during an episodic memory task
Factors Related to Variability in Brain Activity DR2
Situational Factors
Experimental design: blocked or event-related 40%
Stimulus type (faces or words) 28%
Different sessions n.s.
Different tasks 8%
Task difficulty 5%
Individual Differences in Physiology and Anatomy
Structural anatomy n.s.
Default mode network (coherence maps) 4%
White matter connectivity (fractional anisotropy) 7%
Individual Differences in Cognition and Information Processing
Retrieval strategy (criteria) 8%
Memory performance (d prime) n.s.
Reaction time n.s.
Tendency to visualize 5%
Tendency to verbalize n.s.
Individual Deviations Unaccounted For 16–44%

Data from Miller et al., in press; Donovan & Miller, 2008; Guerin & Miller, 2009. ΔR2 values are from
hierarchical regression analyses conducted in each study with the variables entered in the order noted
on the table. Not all variables were represented in each study. The values varied considerably from study
to study, with representative values listed here. Factors with “n.s.” were not significant in any of the

746 memory
In terms of individual differences in physiology and acknowledgments The author would like to acknowledge that
anatomy, we have found that similarity in white matter con- the research discussed in this chapter was supportorted by the
Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies through contract no.
nectivity and in the default mode network are both factors,
W911NF-07-1-0072 from the U.S. Army Research Office.
but not individual differences in structural anatomy.
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being analyzed, there still exists a considerable difference
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51 Constructive Memory and the
Simulation of Future Events
daniel l. schacter, donna rose addis, and randy l. buckner

abstract Memory is widely conceived as a fundamentally con- the publication of Neisser’s (1967) seminal analysis of con-
structive rather than purely reproductive process. One well-known structive processes in perception and memory, began to
source of evidence for constructive remembering is provided by receive support from cognitive studies during the 1970s (for
various kinds of memory errors and illusions. A second line of evi-
dence, which has recently emerged into the forefront of cognitive
historical reviews, see Roediger, 1996; Schacter, 1995). Since
neuroscience, concerns the processes involved in imagining or that time, overwhelming cognitive evidence has accumulated
simulating future events and novel scenes. In this chapter we discuss in favor of Bartlett’s claim that memory is “an affair of
recent studies using various patient populations and neuroimaging construction rather than reproduction” (for overviews, see
techniques to examine future-event simulation and its relation to Brainerd & Reyna, 2005; Loftus, 2003; Schacter, 1996, 2001).
episodic memory, and we also link this research with earlier studies
When we turn to the cognitive neuroscience of memory,
of constructive memory. Converging evidence supports the idea
that imagining possible future events depends on much of the same the situation looks a bit different. While cognitive neurosci-
neural machinery as does remembering past events, which we refer entists have not opposed the idea that memory involves
to as the core network. We consider conceptual and theoretical constructive processes, sustained interest in constructive
issues raised by this work, and also discuss adaptive functions of aspects of memory has developed only recently. Of course,
future-event simulation and related processes in the context of a
neurologists and neuropsychologists have long been inter-
constructive approach to memory.
ested in the phenomenon of confabulation, where patients
with damage to various regions within prefrontal cortex and
The first notion to get rid of is that memory is primarily or liter- related regions produce vivid but highly inaccurate “recol-
ally reduplicative, or reproductive. In a world of constantly chang- lections” of events that never happened. Clinicians have
ing environment, literal recall is extraordinarily unimportant . . . produced striking clinical reports of confabulation (e.g.,
memory appears to be an affair of construction rather than Talland, 1961), and more recently a number of investigators
have approached the phenomenon experimentally (for
—Bartlett, 1932, pp. 204–205
review, see Schnider, 2008). During the past decade, inves-
When Sir Frederic Bartlett drew on experimental observa- tigations of memory distortions in other patient populations,
tions of errors and distortions in recall of complex stories to as well as neuroimaging studies of accurate versus inaccurate
argue that memory is a fundamentally constructive process, remembering in healthy individuals, have greatly increased
his claims had little influence on his contemporaries. Psycho- our understanding of the cognitive neuroscience of construc-
logical research on memory at the time was dominated by tive memory (Schacter, Norman, & Koutstaal, 1998;
studies of rote learning in simple paired-associate paradigms; Schacter & Slotnick, 2004).
Bartlett’s methods and theories made little sense in the context Even more recently—during just the past few years—
of the prevailing behaviorist zeitgeist. Several decades passed there has been a dramatic increase in research on a related
before Bartlett’s ideas about constructive memory, revived by topic that also illuminates the constructive nature of memory:
the role of memory in imagining or simulating possible
future events (cf., Buckner & Carroll, 2007; Buckner,
daniel l. schacter Department of Psychology, Harvard
Andrews, & Schacter, 2008; Schacter, Addis, & Buckner,
University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Athinoula A. Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, 2007, 2008; Suddendorf & Corballis, 2007). Evidence has
Charlestown, Massachusetts rapidly accumulated to support the idea that memory—
donna rose addis Department of Psychology, University of especially episodic memory, the system that allows individu-
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand als to recollect past events—is also critically involved in our
randy l. buckner Department of Psychology, Center for ability to imagine future happenings and carry out related
Brain Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts;
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachu- kinds of mental simulations. Furthermore, brain regions tra-
setts General Hospital, Charlestown, Massachusetts; Howard ditionally identified with memory, including the hippocam-
Hughes Medical Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts pus, are similarly engaged when people carry out various

schacter, addis, and buckner: constructive memory and simulation of future events 751
mental simulations. These investigations have provided new such observations indicate the occurrence of mental time
evidence concerning constructive processes in memory and travel in rats, they do suggest that the hippocampus may
may even provide clues concerning the functions of such provide prospective signals that could be used as a basis for
constructive processes (Hassabis, Kumaran, & Maguire, making decisions.
2007; Schacter & Addis, 2007a, 2007b). Perhaps overlooked in the intensive discussion over
One important impetus for this new wave of research whether animals can engage in mental time travel is that
emerged from claims made by Tulving (1983, 2002) that relatively little is known about how humans use memory to
episodic memory supports “mental time travel” in both the imagine or simulate future events. Although cognitive neu-
past and the future. Tulving, influenced by prior related roscience has made much progress in delineating the nature
ideas from the Swedish neuroscientist David Ingvar (1979, of remembering, it has barely scratched the surface in study-
1985; for further discussion, see Buckner & Carroll, 2007; ing how memory is used to imagine future events and to
Schacter et al., 2008), suggested that mental time travel sup- engage in related forms of mental simulation. The upsurge
ports “autonoetic,” or self-knowing, consciousness, which in relevant research during the past few years has begun to
allows individuals to view themselves as temporally extended rectify the situation. In this chapter, we will focus on recent
entities whose present awareness is influenced by the recol- cognitive neuroscience research that has examined relations
lected past and imagined future. among memory, imagination, and future-event simulation.
During the 1990s, these ideas about mental time travel
became associated with discussions concerning whether this Imagining future events: Findings and ideas
capacity is unique to human beings or whether nonhuman
animals also possess some form of autonoetic consciousness Insights into the nature of future-event simulation have been
that allows them to revisit the past and anticipate the future. gained by cognitive studies of healthy young adults and
Suddendorf and Corballis (1997, 2007) and Tulving (2002, memory-impaired populations, and more recently by neu-
2005) have both argued forcefully that mental time travel is roimaging studies. In the present chapter, we focus on
restricted to human beings. While both Tulving (2002, 2005) memory-impaired populations and neuroimaging studies
and Suddendorf and Corballis (1997, 2007) allow that non- (for more general reviews, see Buckner et al., 2008; Schacter
human animals can use semantic or procedural memory et al., 2008).
systems to gain access to stored information, they assert that
such processes need not involve either recollecting a past Studies of Future-Event Simulation in Memory-Impaired
event or using mental simulation to “preexperience” a future Populations We consider here three memory-impaired
event—the essence of mental time travel. populations in which future-event simulation has been
This strong claim has spurred considerable debate (see examined: amnesic patients, older adults, and psycho-
Clayton, Bussey, & Dickinson, 2003, and commentaries on pathological populations.
Suddendorf & Corballis, 2007) and will likely be difficult to
resolve definitively owing to limitations on our ability to Amnesic patients It is well-established that the amnesic syn-
assess inner experience in nonhumans, which is central drome resulting from damage to the medial temporal lobes
to the concept of mental time travel. Some compelling and related structures is associated with a severe impairment
experimental demonstrations, at the very least, cast doubt in the ability to remember past experiences (see chapter 46
on the strong claim for human uniqueness. For example, by Shrager and Squire, this volume). Early clinical observa-
Clayton and Dickinson (1998) showed that food-caching tions (Talland, 1965) suggested that amnesic patients might
scrub jays are able to retrieve detailed information about also have problems envisioning their personal futures and
what food they cached as well as when and where they planning for upcoming events. Tulving (1985) reported that
cached it, and Raby, Alexis, Dickinson, and Clayton (2007) the densely amnesic patient KC, who cannot remember any
have shown that conditions exist in which jays cache food specific episodes from his past (for a review of KC, see
in a way that appears to indicate some type of planning for Rosenbaum et al., 2005), exhibits similar problems envision-
the future. In a related line of research with rodents, several ing any specific episodes in his future (Rosenbaum, Gilboa,
investigators have provided evidence indicating some of type Levine, Winocur, & Moscovitch, in press; Tulving, 1985;
of prospective coding, including evidence that hippocampal Tulving, Schacter, McLachlan, & Moscovitch, 1988). Note,
neurons encode not only a rat’s current location and recent however, that KC is characterized by fairly extensive brain
memory, but also encode prospective information con- damage, including damage to medial temporal, prefrontal,
cerning where the rat needs to go in the immediate future and other regions (see Rosenbaum et al.), thereby limiting
(Diba & Buzsáki, 2007; Ferbinteanu & Shapiro, 2003; Foster the specificity with which his problems remembering the
& Wilson, 2006; A. Johnson & Redish, 2007; Pastalkova, past or imagining the future can be associated with particu-
Itskov, Anavasingham, & Buzsáki, 2008). Whether or not lar brain regions. A similar issue applies to a later and more

752 memory
systematic study by Klein, Loftus, and Kihlstrom (2002) were segmented into distinct details that were classified as
concerning patient DB, who became amnesic as a result of either internal (episodic) or external (semantic). The key
cardiac arrest and consequent anoxia. DB showed marked finding was that older adults generated fewer internal details
deficits on a 10-item questionnaire probing past and future than younger adults; importantly, this effect was observed to
events that were matched for temporal distance from the the same extent for future events as for past events. By con-
present (e.g., “What did you do yesterday? What are you trast, older adults showed small but significant increases
going to do tomorrow?”). The patient’s deficit in simulating relative to young adults in the production of external details
future events appeared to involve only his personal future, for both past and future events. Furthermore, there were
since DB showed little difficulty imagining possible future strong positive correlations across past and future events for
happenings in the public domain, such as political events. both internal and external detail scores, whereas internal
More recently, Hassabis, Kumaran, Vann, and Maguire and external detail scores were not correlated with one
(2007) examined the ability of five patients with documented another. Finally, the internal (but not external) detail score
bilateral hippocampal amnesia to imagine novel experiences, correlated significantly with a measure of relational memory
such as “Imagine you’re lying on a white sandy beach in a (paired-associate learning), known to be dependent on the
beautiful tropical bay.” The experimenters scored the con- hippocampus, a point to which we will return later when
structions of patients and controls based on the content, discussing theoretical accounts of future-event simulation.
spatial coherence, and subjective qualities of the imagined Overall, the results reveal a strong link between remem-
scenarios. Four of the five hippocampal patients produced bering the past and imagining the future in older adults.
constructions that were significantly reduced in richness and These findings dovetail nicely with observations from Spreng
content compared with those of controls, especially for the and Levine (2006), who reported similar temporal distribu-
measure of spatial coherence. The single patient who per- tions for past and future events in aging: when remembering
formed normally on the imaginary scene task was character- past events or imagining future events that are likely to
ized by some residual hippocampal tissue. Because the lesions happen, both older and younger adults generated the highest
in the other cases appear to specifically include the hippo- number of events near the present, with the frequency
campal formation, this study strengthens the link between declining as a function of time in a manner well described
event simulation and hippocampal function. Note, however, by a power function.
that Hassabis and colleagues did not specifically require
participants to imagine future events, indicating that the Psychopathological populations A growing number of studies
amnesic patients suffer from an impairment in event simula- have examined future-event simulation in patients with
tion that is not restricted to a particular time interval. various forms of psychopathology. We have reviewed this
literature in detail elsewhere (Schacter et al., 2008) and sum-
Older adults It is well known that healthy older adults exhibit marize several key findings here. Williams and colleagues
a variety of episodic memory deficits (e.g., Craik & (1996) reported a seminal study in which they found that
Salthouse, 2000), but little is known about future-event simu- suicidally depressed patients have difficulty recalling specific
lation in aging. Addis, Wong, and Schacter (2008) recently memories of past events and also in generating specific simu-
investigated the issue. They noted earlier work showing that lations of future events. Compared to nondepressed controls,
aging is associated with reduced specificity during the recall the past and future events generated by depressed patients
of past autobiographical episodes. Levine, Svoboda, Hay, in response to cue words lacked specific detail and thus were
Winocur, and Moscovitch (2002) reported such age-related characterized as “overgeneral”; these reductions in specific-
changes in the episodic quality of past events using the Auto- ity of past and future events were significantly correlated.
biographical Interview (AI), a measure that distinguishes Similar findings have been reported in milder forms of
episodic information from other “external” details (e.g., depression (e.g., Dickson & Bates, 2005; MacLeod, Rose,
semantic information, other external events, repetitions) that & Williams, 1993) and also in anxious individuals (Stöber
comprise a participant’s description of a past event. Levine & Borkovec, 2002).
and colleagues observed that older adults recalled signifi- Williams and colleagues (1996) found that past and future
cantly fewer internal/episodic details and tended to produce events generated by suicidally depressed patients were over-
more external/semantic information. general for both positive and negative events. However,
Addis, Wong, and Schacter (2008) used an adapted others have reported effects of valence. For instance,
version of the Autobiographical Interview that required MacLeod and colleagues (1993) found that suicidally
young and older participants to generate memories of past depressed patients were less able to envision positive future
events and simulations of future events in response to indi- episodes (see also Dickson & Bates, 2006). Indeed, reduced
vidual word cues. They allowed participants three minutes access to positive future events correlates with the severity
to describe each episode, and transcriptions of the events of hopelessness (MacLeod & Cropley, 1995), suggesting that

schacter, addis, and buckner: constructive memory and simulation of future events 753
simulation deficits may help to maintain the sense of hope- the future recruit a similar network of brain regions. Such
lessness that typically characterizes depression (for related findings were reported initially in an early positron emission
neuroimaging research concerning neural correlates of tomography (PET) study from Okuda and colleagues (2003;
optimism, see Sharot, Riccardi, Raio, & Phelps, 2007, and see also Partiot, Grafman, Sadato, Wachs, & Hallett, 1995,
commentary by Schacter & Addis, 2007c). Similarly, for related early findings). During scanning, participants
increased access to simulations of negative future events is talked freely about either the near past or future (i.e., the last
characteristic of anxiety disorders (e.g., MacLeod, Tata, or next few days) or the distant past or future (i.e., the last
Kentish, Carroll, & Hunter, 1997; Ruane, MacLeod, & or next few years). Similar levels of activation were observed
Holmes, 2005). during past and future conditions in several prefrontal
Such observations in patients with depression and anxiety regions, as well as in the medial temporal lobe (right
disorders have led to the proposal that the reduced specific- hippocampus and bilateral parahippocampal gyrus). Note,
ity of autobiographical memories and future-event simula- however, that because Okuda and colleagues used a rela-
tions reflects problems with affect regulation: patients tively unconstrained paradigm that did not probe partici-
produce overgeneral events because they truncate search or pants about particular events, it is unclear whether these
construction to protect themselves from experiencing poten- reports consisted of episodic memories and simulations
tially destabilizing memories or simulations (Williams, 1996, (unique events specific in time and place) or general semantic
2006). Recently, D’Argembeau, Raffard, and Van der information about an individual’s past or future. More
Linden (2008) reported that schizophrenics generated sig- recent fMRI studies have used event-related designs to yield
nificantly fewer specific past and future events than did information regarding the neural bases of specific past and
healthy controls. Such findings are less likely to be attribut- future events.
able to the kinds of affect-regulation problems that occur in Szpunar, Watson, and McDermott (2007) instructed par-
depression and anxiety. Moreover, the findings from depres- ticipants to remember specific events that occurred in their
sion, anxiety, and schizophrenia are quite similar to those personal past, imagine specific future events that might
considered earlier from amnesic patients and older adults. occur in their personal future, or imagine specific events
Taken together, these observations encourage further involving a familiar individual (Bill Clinton) in response to
consideration of the possible role of neuropsychological defi- event cues (e.g., past birthday, retirement party). Consistent
cits that may contribute to the reduced specificity of events with previous observations, there was considerable overlap
evident in both psychiatric and nonpsychiatric populations. in activity associated with past and future events in the bilat-
For example, we have suggested (Schacter et al., 2008) that eral frontopolar and medial temporal lobe regions, as well
the aforementioned data from amnesic patients (and data to as in posterior cingulate cortex. Note also that these regions
be considered shortly from neuroimaging studies) implicat- were not activated to the same degree when participants
ing the hippocampus in event simulation raise the possibility imagined events involving Bill Clinton, seeming to demon-
that hippocampal dysfunction might contribute to overgen- strate a neural signature that is unique to the construction
eral simulations of past and future events. Hippocampal of events in one’s personal past or future.
atrophy is evident in a number of psychiatric conditions in One general issue that applies to the foregoing studies,
which simulation deficits have been documented, including and potentially to any neuroimaging study that compares
depression (Bremner et al., 2000; Campbell & Macqueen, the neural correlates of remembering past events and imagin-
2004) and schizophrenia (Velakoulis et al., 2006), and it also ing future events, is that remembering is usually associated
has been documented in older adults (e.g., Driscoll et al., with greater levels of episodic detail than is imagining (e.g.,
2003; Golomb et al., 1993). It is therefore possible that M. Johnson, Foley, Suengas, & Raye, 1988). To the extent
hippocampal dysfunction contributes to simulation deficits that this outcome occurs, comparisons between past and
observed across these varied populations. future events will be partly or entirely confounded by differ-
ences in level of detail. Using event-related fMRI, Addis,
Neuroimaging of Future-Event Simulation During Wong, and Schacter (2007) attempted to equate experimen-
the past couple of years, several studies have used tally the level of detail and related phenomenological fea-
neuroimaging techniques to compare the neural correlates tures of past and future events. Also, taking advantage of the
of imagining future events with those that characterize temporal resolution of fMRI, the past and future tasks were
remembering past events. We first review key experimental divided into two phases: (1) an initial construction phase
findings and related observations before turning to some during which participants generated a past or future event
emerging conceptual issues. in response to an event cue (e.g., “dress”) and pressed a
button when they had an event in mind, and (2) an elabora-
Basic findings: The core network A consistent finding across tion phase during which participants generated as much
studies has been that remembering the past and imagining detail as they could about the event.

754 memory
Figure 51.1 Sagittal slice (x = −4) illustrating the striking com- pattern of common activity was not present during the construction
monalities in the medial left prefrontal and parietal regions engaged of past and future events; it only emerged during the elaboration
when remembering the past (left panel) and imagining the future of these events (shown here, relative to the elaboration phase of a
(right panel). These marked similarities of activation were also semantic and an imagery control task; significant at p < .001,
evident in areas of the medial temporal lobe (left hippocampus, uncorrected; shown at p < .005, uncorrected.) (Originally published
bilateral parahippocampal gyrus) and lateral cortex (left temporal in Addis, Wong, & Schacter, 2007.) (See color plate 63.)
pole and left bilateral inferior parietal cortex). This extensive

The construction phase was associated with some common networks important to memory retrieval (Cabeza & St
past-future activity in posterior visual regions and left hip- Jacques, 2007; Gilboa, 2004; Maguire, 2001; Spreng, Mar,
pocampus. During the elaboration phase, when participants & Kim, in press; Svoboda, McKinnon, & Levine, 2006;
focused on generating details about the remembered or Wagner, Shannon, Kahn, & Buckner, 2005). Analyses of
imagined event, there was even more extensive overlap the interactions among the brain regions within this core
between the past and future tasks (see figure 51.1). Both network demonstrate that all of the component regions
event types were associated with activity in a network of are selectively correlated with one another within a large-
regions including medial temporal (hippocampus and para- scale brain system that includes the hippocampal formation
hippocampal gyrus) and prefrontal cortex, as well as medial (Greicius, Srivastava, Reiss, & Menon, 2004; Kahn,
parietal and retrosplenial cortex. Andrews-Hanna, Vincent, Snyder, & Buckner, 2008; Vincent
Botzung, Denkova, and Manning (2008) have recently et al., 2006), and that the network likely consists of distinct
reported data from an fMRI study that are mainly consistent interacting subsystems (Buckner et al., 2008).
with those from the preceding studies. The day before Although it seems clear that remembering the past and
scanning, subjects initially reported on 20 past events imagining the future are both associated to some extent with
from the last week and 20 future events planned for the next a common core network, neuroimaging studies have also
week. The experimenters constructed cue words for these yielded a number of findings that point to possible differ-
events that were presented to subjects the next day during ences between the two. First, direct comparisons have con-
scanning, when they were instructed to think of past or sistently shown greater activity in several brain regions when
future events to each cue. Past and future events produced individuals imagine the future than when they remember the
activation in a network similar to that reported by Addis and past. For example, Okuda and colleagues (2003) reported
colleagues (2007). greater activity in frontopolar and medial temporal regions
Collectively, the results from the preceding imaging studies when people talked about the future than the past; Szpunar
consistently implicate a core network of structures in both and colleagues (2007) reported that bilateral premotor cortex
remembering the past and imagining the future (Buckner & and left precuneus were more active for future relative to
Carroll, 2007; Buckner et al., 2008; Schacter et al., 2007, past events, but not vice versa; and Addis and colleagues
2008). This network consists of prefrontal and medial tem- (2007) found that during the early construction phase of
poral lobe regions, as well as posterior regions including future simulation, several regions showed greater activity for
lateral parietal, posterior cingulate, and retrosplenial cortices future versus past events (but not the reverse), including right
that have previously been observed as components of brain hippocampus and frontopolar cortex.

schacter, addis, and buckner: constructive memory and simulation of future events 755
In a more recent study, Addis, Cheng, and Schacter levels of hippocampal activity. By contrast, because future
(2008) contrasted activity when individuals were cued to events are thought to require more intensive recombining of
remember or imagine specific events, as in previous studies, disparate details into a coherent event, the hippocampal
versus when they were cued to remember general, routine response to increasing amounts of future-event detail should
events (e.g., having brunch after attending church) or to be larger than that for past-event detail. In addition, since
imagine generic events that might occur sometime in their the frontal pole is thought to play a role in prospective think-
personal futures (e.g., reading the newspaper each morning). ing (e.g., Okuda et al., 2003), this region should also exhibit
Addis and colleagues replicated the foregoing findings of a future > past detail response if it is specifically involved in
greater activity for future than past events during the early the generation of future details.
phase of event construction. Furthermore, they found that Consistent with predictions, the analysis showed that the
the left frontal pole showed this future > past effect for both left posterior hippocampus was responsive to the amount of
specific and generic events, suggesting a general role in detail comprising both past and future events. In contrast, a
prospection irrespective of the specificity of the event. separate region in the left anterior hippocampus responded
However, the right hippocampus showed the future > past differentially to the amount of detail comprising future
effect only for specific events; in fact, there was no evidence events, possibly reflecting the recombination of details into
for right hippocampal activity during construction of generic a novel future event. Moreover, the right frontal pole
future events. responded significantly more to the generation of future-
These observations are open to multiple interpretations relative to past-event details, again suggesting that this region
(note also that Botzung et al., 2008, reported evidence for might be involved specifically in prospective thinking.
increased activity for past versus future events; but see The parametric modulation analysis of temporal distance
Schacter et al., 2008, for discussion of methodological issues revealed that the increasing recency of past events was asso-
that complicate intepretation of this finding). For example, ciated with activity in the right parahippocampus gyrus (BA
Szpunar and colleagues (2007) suggested that a more active 35/36), while activity in the bilateral hippocampus was asso-
type of imagery processing might be required by future than ciated with the increasing remoteness of future events. Addis
past events. Addis and colleagues (2007) hypothesized that and Schacter (2008) proposed that the hippocampal response
more intensive constructive processes are required by imag- to the distance of future events reflects the increasing dispa-
ining future events than by retrieving past events. While both rateness of details likely included in remote future events and
past- and future-event tasks require the retrieval of informa- the intensive relational processing required for integrating
tion from memory, thus engaging common memory net- such details into a coherent episodic simulation of the future.
works, only the future task requires that event details gleaned More generally, these results suggest that the core network
from various past events be flexibly recombined into an supporting past- and future-event simulation can be recruited
imaginary event, perhaps resulting in increased activity in different ways depending on whether the generated event
during future-event tasks. A related possibility is that imag- is in the past or future.
ined future events are more novel than remembered past
events; increased activity during future-event tasks might Conceptual issues: Past versus future or remembering versus
reflect some form of novelty encoding. This latter idea is imagining? The preceding observations raise a general point
potentially applicable to findings of increased hippocampal concerning the growing number of studies that have com-
activation during future-event tasks, since it is well known pared remembering the past with imagining the future.
that encoding novel events can be associated with increased When differences between these two conditions are observed,
hippocampal activity (e.g., Ranganath & Rainer, 2003). they are typically attributed to differences in the way that
Note, however, that Addis, Cheng, and Schacter’s (2008) the brain handles past and future events. However, in the
finding that increased right hippocampal activity for future reviewed studies past events are remembered whereas future
events was observed for specific but not generic events would events are imagined; accordingly, the differences could
appear to be inconsistent with a simple novelty-encoding equally well be attributed to differences between remember-
account, because both the specific and generic future events ing and imagining, rather than differences between past and
were novel. future per se. Of course, the future cannot be remembered
Addis and Schacter (2008) report additional findings con- because it has not yet happened. However, both the past
cerning differential neural responses to past and future and the future can be imagined. Furthermore, events can be
events. They conducted parametric modulation analyses, imagined without any specific reference to a particular time
with temporal distance and detail as covariates, focusing on point. Therefore, it would be of interest to determine whether
the hippocampal and the frontopolar regions. They hypoth- any of the foregoing findings are indeed specifically related
esized that reintegrating increasing amounts of detail for either to imagining future events, or whether such findings are
a past or future event would be associated with increasing observed when people imagine events (1) that lack a specific

756 memory
temporal reference or (2) that might have occurred in their the network can be used for event simulation regardless of
personal pasts. Recent studies provide evidence concerning the temporal location of the event.
both points.
Hassabis, Kumaran, and Maguire (2007) adapted the Theoretical implications: Future event simulation and
experimental paradigm that they had used previously with constructive memory
amnesic patients for an fMRI study with healthy volunteers
in which participants were asked to imagine novel, fictitious Neuroimaging and neuropsychological observations have
scenes, without explicit reference to whether those scenes led to a number of new theoretical proposals, involving both
should be placed in the past, present, or future. Subjects attempts to describe the critical cognitive processes associ-
were then scanned in a subsequent session in which they ated with core network activation and attempts to consider
were cued to remember the previously constructed fictitious functional aspects of future-event simulation. We have
scenes, construct additional novel fictitious scenes, or recall reviewed these proposals in detail elsewhere (Buckner &
real episodic memories from their personal pasts. Hassabis Carroll, 2007; Buckner et al., 2008; Schacter et al., 2007,
and colleagues found that all three conditions were associ- 2008). Here, we briefly summarize the main ideas. We first
ated with activations in some of the regions within the core consider two related attempts to delineate key processes
network that were associated with future-event simulation associated with the core network, and then describe a
in previously reviewed studies, including hippocampus, related idea that attempts to link the core network and
parahippocampal gyrus, and retrosplenial cortex. The results future-event simulation with memory errors and related
thus indicate that activity in these regions is not restricted constructive aspects of remembering.
to conditions that explicitly require imagining future
events. However, Hassabis and colleagues also reported that Core Network Activation: Critical Cognitive
remembering “real” episodic memories yielded increased Processes The experimental work that we have reviewed
activity in several core network regions—notably anterior has sparked a number of attempts to characterize the key
medial prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate cortex—in processes subserved by the core network that is consistently
comparison with constructing fictitious events. We will activated in recent studies of imagining and remembering
return shortly to the theoretical implications of these latter (Buckner & Carroll, 2007; Hassabis, Kumaran, & Maguire,
findings. 2007; Hassabis, Kumaran, Vann, et al., 2007; Hassabis &
In a related study, Addis, Pan, Vu, Laiser, and Schacter Maguire, 2007; Schacter & Addis, 2007a, 2007b; Spreng
(in press) attempted to disambiguate whether future- et al., in press). As we have noted in our previous reviews,
event-related activity is specifically associated with pro- these perspectives share much in common and differ mainly
spective thinking or with the more general demands of in points of emphasis and focus.
imagining an episodic event in either temporal direction Buckner and Carroll (2007) and Buckner and colleagues
by instructing subjects to imagine events that might occur (2008) argued that the core network serves a common set of
in their personal future or events that might have occurred processes by which past experiences are used adaptively to
in their personal pasts. Prior to scanning, participants imagine perspectives and events beyond those that emerge
provided episodic memories of actual experiences that from the immediate environment. By this view, the functions
included details about a person, object, and place involved in of the core network are not restricted to tasks requiring
that event. During scanning, the subjects were cued to mental time travel. In addition to the network’s role in
recall some of the events that had actually occurred, and remembering the past and envisioning the future, the core
for the conditions in which they imagined events, the experi- network is hypothesized to contribute to more general func-
menters randomly recombined details concerning person, tions, extending to diverse tasks that require mental simula-
object, and place from separate episodes. Participants were tion of alternative perspectives. They observed that some,
thus presented with cues for a person, object, and place but not all, regions within the core network are engaged
taken from multiple episodes, and were instructed to imagine during theory-of-mind tasks that require thinking about the
them together in a single, novel episode that included the perspectives of others (e.g., Saxe & Kanwisher, 2003), and
specified details. they also noted that such regions may be engaged during
Addis and colleagues (in press) reported that all regions certain kinds of spatial navigation tasks (e.g., Byrne, Becker,
within the core network (including medial prefrontal and & Burgess, 2007). Buckner and Carroll suggested that the
frontopolar cortex, hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, core brain network is commonly engaged when individuals
lateral temporal and temporopolar cortex, medial parietal are simulating alternative perspectives, including alterna-
cortex including posterior cingulate and restrosplenial cortex, tives in the present and possibilities in the future—a process
and lateral parietal cortex) were similarly engaged when they provisionally termed self-projection. This view predicts
participants imagined future and past events, suggesting that that activation of the core network should correspond to the

schacter, addis, and buckner: constructive memory and simulation of future events 757
extent that a task encourages simulation of an alternative remembering and envisioning the future but that are also
perspective not beyond the immediate environment. Spreng used to varying degrees across a diverse set of tasks that
and colleagues (in press) performed a meta-analysis of studies extend well beyond forms of “mental time travel” (for further
that generally supported this broad hypothesis. discussion of the neural correlates of mental time travel, see
In a detailed analysis of the anatomy and functional con- Arzy, Molnar-Szarkacs, & Blanke, 2008).
nections among the regions within the network, Buckner and
colleagues (2008) recently expanded on this perspective and Episodic Simulation, the Core Network, and
showed that the core network comprises at least two interact- Constructive Memory Schacter and Addis (2007a,
ing subsystems: the medial temporal lobe subsystem func- 2007b; for related ideas, see Dudai & Carruthers, 2005;
tions to provide information from memory; the dorsal medial Suddendorf & Corballis, 1997; Suddendorf & Busby, 2005)
prefrontal cortex subsystem participates to derive self- have linked findings concerning event simulation and core
relevant mental simulations. The two subsystems interact network activity to the observation that memory involves a
through hubs, including the posterior cingulate, but can be constructive process of piecing together bits and pieces of
dissociated using the observation that dorsal medial prefron- information. According to the constructive episodic simulation
tal cortex and the medial temporal lobe are not intrinsically hypothesis, imagining future events requires a system that
correlated with one another. One possibility is that mental can flexibly recombine details from past events. From this
simulations such as remembering and envisioning the future perspective, past and future events draw on similar
draw heavily on contributions from both subsystems, whereas information stored in episodic memory and rely on similar
other forms of task rely preferentially on one subsystem. For underlying processes; episodic memory supports the
example, theory-of-mind tasks that do not draw on memory construction of future events by extracting and recombining
rely primarily on the medial prefrontal subsystem, as evi- stored information into a simulation of a novel event. The
denced by strong activation of that system and not the adaptive value of such a system is that it enables past
medial temporal lobe. Consistent with this idea, patients information to be used flexibly in simulating alternative
with medial temporal lesions exhibit intact performance on future scenarios without engaging in actual behavior. A
theory-of-mind tasks that do not draw on past memories potential downside of such a system, however, is that it is
(Rosenbaum, Stuss, Levine, & Tulving, 2007). However, the vulnerable to memory errors, such as misattribution and
neuropsychological data also indicate that patients with false recognition (for examples, see Schacter & Addis, 2007a,
damage to medial prefrontal regions (Bird, Castelli, Malik, 2007b). This observation suggests, intriguingly, that certain
Frith, & Husain, 2004) show intact performance on several kinds of memory errors may be the by-product of a system
theory-of-mind tasks, which is perplexing in light of the whose adaptive function is to make available information
common activation of this region in imaging studies. from the past in a flexible form that supports simulations of
Hassabis and Maguire (2007) have argued that a process future events.
they refer to as scene construction links together various tasks The constructive episodic simulation hypothesis receives
that depend on many regions within the core network, in general support from the previously reviewed findings of
particular those associated with the medial temporal subsys- neural and cognitive overlap between past and future events;
tem. Scene construction focuses on visuospatial aspects of and, because it emphasizes the importance of flexibly relat-
mental simulations and was motivated initially by the previ- ing and recombining information from past episodes, the
ously discussed finding that amnesic patients with medial hypothesis is more specifically supported by the mounting
temporal damage show deficits when asked to imagine novel evidence from amnesia (Hassabis, Kumaran, Vann, et al.,
scenes, with a disproportionate impairment in the spatial 2007), neuroimaging (Addis et al., 2007; Addis & Schacter,
coherence of the imagined scenes (Hassabis, Kumaran, 2008; Botzung et al., 2008; Hassabis, Kumaran, & Maguire,
Vann, et al., 2007). Neuroimaging findings from the same 2007; Okuda et al., 2003), and aging (Addis, Wong, &
task likewise show core network activity (Hassabis, Kumaran, Schacter, 2008), linking hippocampal function and relational
& Maguire, 2007). Because the novel-scenes task does not processing with episodic simulation. The hippocampal
explicitly require mental time travel, Hassabis and Maguire region is thought to support relational memory processes
contended that projecting oneself into the past or the future (e.g., Eichenbaum & Cohen, 2001); and, according to the
is not the critical process for activating the medial temporal constructive episodic simulation hypothesis, these processes
subsystem. are critical for recombining stored information into future-
Taken in the context of the anatomic analysis of Buckner event simulations.
and colleagues (2008), the collective results begin to con- Because the constructive episodic simulation hypothesis
verge on the idea that the core network comprises at least places great emphasis on the process of recombining event
two subsystems that interact to accomplish autobiographical details, it is critical to determine whether such recombination

758 memory
processes are critical for future-event simulation, or whether typically activate as part of the core network when individu-
such simulations are based on retrieval of entire past epi- als imagine themselves in personal future events (Addis
sodes, or fragments of such episodes, which are simply recast et al., 2007; Szpunar et al., 2007). Interestingly, in a recent
as possible future events. Relevant data are provided by the study (Abraham, von Cramon, & Schubotz, 2008) where
aforementioned study by Addis and colleagues (in press) participants were asked to imagine scenarios that involved
using experimental recombination of details from distinct meeting real people (e.g., George Bush) versus fictional char-
episodes: core network activation, including the hippocam- acters (e.g., Cinderella), anterior prefrontal and posterior
pus, was observed under conditions that effectively ruled out cingulate were more active during the former than the latter
recasting of a single past episode as a future event. condition, possibly indicating greater ease of self-projection
Although further research is required to delineate the when imagining oneself meeting an actual person (medial
exact role of the hippocampus in mental simulation, it may temporal regions were similarly active in the two conditions).
be worth noting that research on other aspects of construc- Taken together, the foregoing studies suggest that additional
tive memory has also highlighted the involvement of the areas and processes (beyond anterior medial prefrontal and
hippocampus and related medial temporal lobe regions. For posterior cingulate) must be recruited to allow one to distin-
instance, some neuroimaging studies of false recognition, guish an episodic memory from a realistic future simulation
where individuals claim to have previously encountered a that engages the self.
novel item that is conceptually or perceptually related to a Here, it seems likely that there is a role for the long-
previously studied item, have documented hippocampal/ standing idea from research on reality monitoring that
medial temporal lobe activation during false recognition of remembering events that one has actually experienced is
semantically associated words (e.g., Cabeza, Rao, Wagner, associated with greater numbers of sensory and perceptual
Mayer, & Schacter, 2001) or abstract shapes (Slotnick & details than remembering previously imagined events (e.g.,
Schacter, 2004). Similarly, several studies have shown that Johnson & Raye, 1981). This idea has received support
amnesic patients with medial temporal lobe damage show from behavioral studies (e.g., Johnson et al., 1988) as well
reduced levels of false recognition for various kinds of mate- as neuromaging research (Kensinger & Schacter, 2006;
rials, suggesting that the hippocampal region is involved with see also Slotnick & Schacter, 2004). Most directly related
encoding and/or retrieving the information that drives false to the present concerns, Addis and colleagues (in press)
recognition effects (e.g., Schacter, Verfaellie, & Pradere, report preliminary evidence that remembering actual
1996; Verfaellie, Page, Orlando, & Schacter, 2005). Taken autobiographical events is more strongly associated with
together with the evidence for hippocampal involvement activity in posterior visual cortex (and some medial temporal
during simulation of future or novel events, it seems increas- regions) than is imagining future or past events using the
ingly clear that the hippocampus is related importantly to previously described procedure of cuing imagined events by
constructive aspects of memory. recombining details from different actual events. In this
Studies of future-event simulation also bring into sharp study, remembered events were rated as significantly more
focus fundamental issues concerning processes of reality moni- detailed than imagined events, so it would make sense from
toring, which allow us to distinguish between remembered the perspective of the reality-monitoring framework that
and imagined events (Johnson & Raye, 1981). If remember- regions associated with processing of sensory and contextual
ing past events and imagining future or novel events recruit details would show greater activity for real events than for
largely overlapping brain networks, how can individuals imagined ones.
distinguish fantasy from reality? Although still in its infancy, it seems clear that research
Hassabis, Kumaran, and Maguire (2007) addressed this on future-event simulation and related forms of internally
issue in the context of their neuroimaging study, where they directed cognition has much to offer memory research.
found, as noted earlier, that anterior medial prefrontal cortex At the very least, the striking similarities observed during
and posterior cingulate cortex showed greater activity when remembering the past and imagining the future are con-
individuals recollected real episodic memories as compared sistent with Bartlett’s (1932) claim that “memory appears
to when they imagined novel scenes. Because their novel- to be an affair of construction rather than reproduction.”
scenes task does not require mental time travel or projection We are optimistic that further study of such processes
of the self, Hassabis, Kumaran, and Maguire suggested that as future-event simulation, scene construction, and self-
anterior medial prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate projection will teach us much about the constructive nature
cortex “support episodic memory over and above scene con- of memory.
struction” (2007, p. 14372), perhaps contributing to effective acknowledgments Preparation of this chapter was supported by
reality monitoring. While this conclusion may be accurate grants from the NIA, NIMH, and HHMI. We thank Adrian
in the context of the scene-construction task, these regions Gilmore for help with preparation of the manuscript.

schacter, addis, and buckner: constructive memory and simulation of future events 759
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762 memory
Chapter 52 hickok 767

53 shapiro and caramazza 777

54 cohen and dehaene 789

55 caplan 805

56 hagoort, baggio,
and willems 819

57 kuhl 837

58 ramus and fisher 855

59 fitch 873
alfonso caramazza

Until fairly recently almost everything we knew about

the cognitive neuroscience of language came to us from
investigation of the correlations between patterns of lan-
guage impairment and their associated loci of brain damage.
This approach has contributed importantly to a first-pass
characterization of the distribution of language functions in
the brain. But its contribution has been even greater to the
development of functional theories of language processing.
The patterns of dissociations and associations of deficits have
informed theories of various language processes from the
perception and production of speech, to the organization of
the lexicon, to the syntactic and semantic processes involved
in sentence comprehension and production. Especially
important inroads have been made in characterizing the
processing machinery that makes reading and writing pos-
sible. Another fertile area of research has been the relation
between cognitive and linguistic processes, such as the role
of working memory in sentence processing.
Sometimes the observed dissociations and associations of
deficits have been rather unexpected, forcing reconsidera-
tion of the received view in a given area of language process-
ing. For example, it is now well established that there are
patients who make semantic errors in naming pictures orally
but can write the name without difficulty, and there are
patients with the reverse pattern of dissociation, who make
semantic errors in writing the name of an object but who
can name orally without problem. These results imply,
perhaps unsurprisingly, that the phonological and the ortho-
graphic forms of words are represented by distinct neural
mechanisms. However, they are not so easily accommodated
in theoretical frameworks that hypothesize an abstract
lexical representation between the semantic and lexical form
levels. Furthermore, since these modality-specific naming
deficits have also been found to be restricted to words of one

caramazza: introduction 765

grammatical class or another, they place even stronger con- the interplay between the results obtained from the study of
straints on a biologically defensible theory of the lexicon. language disorders and those obtained from neuroimaging
Thus, for example, it has been shown that patients may have research plays a central role. The result is a comprehensive
difficulty in writing verbs but not nouns or speaking verbs view of our current understanding of the neurobiology of
but not nouns, while showing no difficulty in the other language.
modality of output for both verbs and nouns (Caramazza & Consider as an example chapter 54, on reading, which
Hillis, 1991). The reverse dissociation, modality-specific focuses on the word-recognition component of the reading
selective difficulty with nouns, has also been documented. process. Cohen and Dehaene review the various forms of
One implication of these results is that grammatical opera- reading impairments that affect some or other aspect of
tions are carried out over modality-specific and not abstract word recognition and conclude that the impairments can be
lexical representations. This conclusion is in line with several subdivided into two sets: those that principally involve letter
of the chapters in this section that emphasize the “task- recognition and those that involve operations over letters,
dependent” nature of the representations computed in the such as attention mechanisms and serial decoding. They
course of language processing. note that the lesions associated with these two broad types
Highly selective dissociations such as those mentioned of processes concern, respectively, ventral and dorsal visual
here place strong constraints on theories of the functional pathways. They also review imaging results that converge
organization of language processes. However, they have with this interpretation of the neuropsychological evidence.
been less useful in informing theories of the brain structures The result is a fairly comprehensive if preliminary view of
that are associated with hypothesized cognitive and linguistic the neural machinery involved in visual word recognition.
processes. The reason for this discrepancy may be found in Or consider the case of phonological processing. In
the fact that these highly selective deficits are rare and that chapter 52, Hickok also argues for a two-stream circuit for
they are associated with fairly large lesions, making it phonological processing, one dedicated to speech recogni-
extremely difficult, if not impossible, to identify the brain tion and the other to speech production. Recognition
regions causally related to the observed dissociations. involves primarily a circuit that includes the superior tem-
Fortunately, the neuropsychological approach is now poral sulcus bilaterally, while production involves a left-
complemented by various neuroimaging methods that can dominant frontoparietal/temporal circuit. The evidence for
be used to systematically assess cognitively motivated hypoth- this distinction comes primarily from the patterns of phono-
eses in the intact human brain. This approach is extremely logical processing deficits in aphasic patients, but Hickok
promising but is still in its early stages of development. It has also reviews imaging results that converge with the neuro-
proven difficult to ascribe a causal role to the many brain psychological evidence.
areas that are activated when performing a complex task. Despite the important developments charted in the chap-
For this reason, it is important to combine the methods of ters included in this section, it is clear that we are still very
neuropsychology (or transcranial magnetic stimulation), far from an articulated theory of the biology of language. In
which allow stronger inferences about the causal role of a some respects we are really only now beginning to develop
brain area in the performance of a task, with the increasingly the methodological and theoretical foundations for such a
sophisticated use of MRI, EEG, and MEG methods. The theory. This fact is illustrated in the beautiful work on the
chapters in this section fully exemplify the close link between genetics of language described in chapter 58 by Ramus and
the study of language disorders and neuroimaging research Fisher, where it is clear that we have only begun to scratch
that are being used to converge on a cognitive neuroscience the surface of the many complicated factors that enter in a
theory of language. genetic theory. The same is true for cognitive neuroscience
The chapters in this section cover only a limited set of accounts of language, especially for the more complex func-
questions about language, reflecting the areas of greatest tions such as syntactic processing and semantic integration.
current interest. The topics include phonological (Hickok) At this stage of the game we have many titillating insights
and morphological processing (Shapiro and Caramazza), but not yet articulated theories.
reading (Cohen and Dehaene), syntactic (Caplan) and
semantic processing (Hagoort, Baggio, and Willems), lan-
guage acquisition (Kuhl), and the genetics (Ramus and REFERENCE
Fisher) and evolution of language (Fitch). And, as already Caramazza, A., & Hillis, A. E. (1991). Lexical organization of
noted, in all the chapters that focused on human research, nouns and verbs in the brain. Nature, 349, 788–790.

766 language
52 The Cortical Organization of
Phonological Processing
gregory hickok

abstract Phonological processing refers to mechanisms involved motor-articulatory mechanisms, whereas the later involves
in representing, accessing, or manipulating information related mapping phonological information onto lexical-semantic
to the sound structure of language. The goal of this chapter is to representations. It is an open question whether the phono-
review what is known about the neural basis of phonological
processes in three broad domains: speech recognition, speech pro-
logical representations involved in input-related processes,
duction, and verbal short-term memory. In particular, we will output-related processes, or other processes are shared or
outline evidence showing that phonological processing is task distinct—for example, whether there are distinct phonologi-
dependent, that phonological-level aspects of speech recognition cal lexicons (Hickok, 2001; Shelton & Caramazza, 1999)—
are bilaterally organized (but computationally asymmetric), and but it is clear that there are, minimally, distinct and
that posterior phonological information interacts with frontal
task-dependent interfaces that phonological representations
motor systems by means of a sensory-motor integration network
that supports aspects of speech production and verbal working enter into (figure 52.1).
memory. These findings are organized theoretically into a dual- A relevant observation regarding task differences in pho-
stream model, which is closely related to dual-stream models pro- nological processing comes from a set of studies that were
posed in the visual domain. conducted in the late 1970s and early 1980s that showed a
double dissociation in two tasks involving phonological
processing (Basso, Casati, & Vignolo, 1977; Blumstein,
Phonological processing refers to mechanisms involved in Cooper, Zurif, & Caramazza, 1977; Miceli, Gainotti,
representing, accessing, or manipulating information related Caltagirone, & Masullo, 1980). These studies examined the
to the sound structure of language.1 As such, phonological ability of aphasic patients to perform a syllable discrimi-
processes are involved in a range of language abilities. The nation task (e.g., decide whether pairs of syllables such as
goal of this chapter is to review what is known about the /da/–/ta/ are the same or different). A prominent theory
neural basis of phonological processes in three broad at the time was that auditory comprehension deficits in
domains: speech recognition, speech production, and verbal aphasia resulted from a deficit in the ability to perceive
short-term memory. We will also examine the relation phonological information in speech (Luria, 1970). Such an
between these various domains and explore possible paral- account predicted that deficits in syllable discrimination
lels and connections between phonological processing net- would be strongly associated with auditory comprehension
works and cortical systems outside the domain of speech deficits in aphasia. This prediction turned out to be incor-
and language. rect: a consistent finding was that syllable discrimination and
word-level comprehension doubly dissociate, even when the
Phonological processing is task dependent comprehension task involved phonological foils (Baker,
Blumstein, & Goodglass, 1981; Miceli et al.). Further, the
Given that phonological information is involved in a broad patient group that tended to perform the worst on syllable
range of linguistic abilities, it is perhaps not surprising that discrimination consisted of nonfluent patients with good audi-
we should find evidence for task dependence in the neural tory comprehension (Basso et al.). Thus data from aphasia
systems recruited to perform this range of tasks. For example, show that it is quite possible to use phonological information
the set of neural circuits involved in, say, verbatim repetition to access lexical-semantic information in a comprehension
of a heard phonological word form must be at least partially task, yet fail to discriminate syllables, and that is it also pos-
different from the set of neural circuits involved in compre- sible to be able to use phonological information to discrimi-
hending the meaning of a heard phonological word form, as nate syllables, yet fail to comprehend words. See Hickok and
the former involves mapping phonological information onto Poeppel (2004) for further discussion of these data.
This double dissociation does not imply that there are
gregory hickok Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, Univer- distinct networks (or lexicons) of phonological representations,
sity of California, Irvine, California one involved in syllable discrimination and the other involved

hickok: the cortical organization of phonological processing 767

the same time, neither is entirely correct because each one
alone only paints part of the picture. What is required is the
development of a model that can accommodate all sources
of data and explain how the involvement of various compo-
nents of the overall network varies as a function of task.

Spoken word recognition is bilaterally organized

One of the most common, everyday tasks that involve pho-
nological processing is the comprehension of spoken words.
According to the dominant theoretical accounts, such as the
TRACE (McClelland & Elman, 1986), cohort (Marslen-
Wilson, 1987), and neighborhood activation (Luce & Pisoni,
1998) models, spoken word recognition involves several
stages of processing, with access to phonological information
a critical step in the mapping from sound to meaning. What
brain networks support this ability?
Evidence from a variety of sources indicates that spoken
word recognition is supported by neural systems in the supe-
rior temporal lobe—superior temporal gyrus (STG) and
Figure 52.1 Distinct mappings from phonological representa-
tions to the motor system versus the conceptual-semantic system.
superior temporal sulcus (STS), bilaterally. In neuroimaging
studies, a consistent and uncontroversial finding is that, when
contrasted with a resting baseline, listening to speech acti-
in comprehension. Instead, a more likely explanation is that vates the superior temporal lobe bilaterally (Binder et al.,
when these abilities dissociate, the breakdown on the two 2000, 1994; Mazoyer et al., 1993; Price et al., 1996; Schlosser,
tasks results from disruption of the task-specific interface Aoyagi, Fulbright, Gore, & McCarthy, 1998; Zatorre, Meyer,
mechanisms required to perform the respective tasks. For Gjedde, & Evans, 1996). It is possible that while activation in
example, auditory comprehension deficits in aphasia appear spoken word recognition is bilateral, phonological stages of
to arise primarily from postphonemic deficits such as disrup- processing are nonetheless restricted to the left hemisphere.
tion of lexical-semantic access (Baker et al., 1981; Hickok & This hypothesis predicts that damage to the left posterior
Poeppel, 2000, 2004, 2007). Similarly, deficits in syllable superior temporal lobe should produce profound phonologi-
discrimination (particularly when they occur in nonfluent cal deficits in spoken word recognition. However, this is not
frontal-lobe-damaged patients with good comprehension) the case. Damage to the posterior superior temporal lobe,
may result from disruption of some component of working such as in Wernicke’s aphasia (A. Damasio, 1991, 1992) does
memory for phonological information. produce deficits in spoken word recognition (Goodglass,
The general point is that a deficit on a given phonological 1993; Goodglass, Kaplan, & Barresi, 2001); however, these
task could result from any number of factors that may or deficits involve only mild phonological processing impair-
may not be task specific. The specific point is that data from ment and, in fact, appear to result predominantly from a dis-
syllable discrimination tasks and the like—which are by far ruption to lexical-semantic-level processes (Bachman &
the most common means to examine phonological process- Albert, 1988; Baker et al., 1981; Gainotti, Micelli, Silveri, &
ing—are not necessarily measuring the same set of phono- Villa, 1982; Miceli et al., 1980). This conclusion is based on
logical processes involved in auditory comprehension. This experiments in which patients are presented with a spoken
is an important point because if we relied on tasks such as word and asked to point to a matching picture within an
syllable discrimination to build our neuroanatomical model, array that includes phonological, semantic, and unrelated
we would conclude that phonological processes are strongly foils; phonological error rates are low overall (5–12%) with
left-hemisphere dominant and are primarily located in the semantic errors dominating. This tendency also holds in
frontal lobe. But if we look instead at phonological process- acute aphasia (Breese & Hillis, 2004; Rogalsky, Pitz, Hillis, &
ing in the context of auditory comprehension tasks, we arrive Hickok, 2008) showing that the relative preservation of pho-
at a very different picture, where the system is more bilater- nological abilities in unilateral aphasia is not a result of long-
ally organized and involves primarily temporal lobe regions term plastic reorganization. Data from split-brain (Zaidel,
(see the next section). Which conclusion is right? The answer 1985) and Wada procedures (McGlone, 1984; Hickok et al.,
is both, and neither. Both are correct in mapping some aspect 2008) also indicate that the right hemisphere alone is capable
of phonological processing—but clearly different aspects. At of good auditory comprehension at the word level.

768 language
In sum, disruption of the left superior temporal lobe does involved sentence-level stimuli, raising the possibility that
not lead to severe impairments in phonological processing anterior STS regions may be responding to some other
during spoken word recognition. This observation has led aspect of the stimuli such as its syntactic or prosodic organi-
to the claim that phonological processes are bilaterally zation (Friederici, Meyer, & von Cramon, 2000; Humphries,
organized in the superior temporal lobe (Hickok & Poeppel, Binder, Medler, & Liebenthal, 2006; Humphries, Love,
2000, 2004, 2007). This claim predicts that damage to the Swinney, & Hickok, 2005; Humphries, Willard, Buchsbaum,
STG bilaterally should produce profound impairment in & Hickok, 2001; Vandenberghe, Nobre, & Price, 2002). The
spoken word recognition, which in fact it does in the form weight of the available evidence, therefore, suggests that
of word deafness (Buchman, Garron, Trost-Cardamone, the critical portion of the STS that is involved in phono-
Wichter, & Schwartz, 1986). logical-level processes is bounded anteriorly by the antero-
lateralmost aspect of Heschl’s gyrus and posteriorly by
The superior temporal sulcus is a critical site for the posteriormost extent of the Sylvian fissure (Hickok &
phonological processing Poeppel, 2007).

Beyond the earliest stages of speech recognition there is Phonological processing systems in speech recognition
accumulating evidence that portions of the STS are impor- are bilateral but asymmetric
tant for representing and/or processing phonological infor-
mation (Binder et al., 2000; Hickok & Poeppel, 2004, 2007; The claim that phonological processing is bilaterally orga-
Indefrey & Levelt, 2004; Liebenthal, Binder, Spitzer, Possing, nized for speech recognition tasks does not imply that the
& Medler, 2005; Price et al., 1996). The STS is activated systems in both hemispheres are computationally identical.
by a range of tasks that require access to phonological To the contrary, there is abundant evidence for differences
information, including speech perception and production in the way acoustic/speech information is processed in the
(Indefrey & Levelt, 2004), and the active short-term main- two hemispheres (Abrams, Nicol, Zecker, & Kraus, 2008;
tenance of phonemic information (Buchsbaum, Hickok, Boemio, Fromm, Braun, & Poeppel, 2005; Giraud et al.,
& Humphries, 2001; Hickok, Buchsbaum, Humphries, & 2007; Hickok & Poeppel, 2007; Zatorre, Belin, & Penhune,
Muftuler, 2003). Functional imaging studies that attempt 2002). What is less clear is the computational nature of these
to isolate phonological processes in perception by con- differences. One view is that the difference turns on biases
trasting speech stimuli with complex nonspeech signals toward temporal (left-hemisphere) versus spectral (right-
have found activation along the STS (Liebenthal et al., 2005; hemisphere) resolution (Zatorre et al., 2002). Another view
Narain et al., 2003; Obleser, Zimmermann, Van Meter, & holds that the two hemispheres differ in terms of their sam-
Rauschecker, 2006; Scott, Blank, Rosen, & Wise, 2000; pling rate, with the left hemisphere operating at a higher
Spitsyna, Warren, Scott, Turkheimer, & Wise, 2006; rate (25–50 Hz) and the right hemisphere at a lower rate
Vouloumanos, Kiehl, Werker, & Liddle, 2001), as have (3–5 Hz) (Poeppel, 2003).2 Yet another proposal, more spe-
studies that manipulate psycholinguistic variables that tap cific to phonological processing, is that the left hemisphere
phonological networks (Okada & Hickok, 2006), such as processes phonemic information in a categorical fashion,
phonological neighborhood density (the number of words whereas the right hemisphere may treat such information
that sound similar to a target word). Although many authors in a more continuous fashion (Liebenthal et al., 2005). We
consider this system to be strongly left dominant, both lesion will not resolve these questions here. For our purposes, it
evidence and imaging evidence suggest a bilateral organiza- is important to note that computational differences exist
tion (Hickok & Poeppel, 2007). between the two hemispheres in the way that speech signals
One currently unresolved question is the relative contri- are processed during speech recognition, but that both are
bution of anterior versus posterior STS regions in phono- involved in the process, and both are largely capable of
logical processing. Lesion evidence indicates that damage to processing phonological information sufficiently well to
posterior temporal lobe areas is most predictive of auditory access lexical-semantic information (Hickok & Poeppel,
comprehension deficits (Bates et al., 2003); however, as 2004). This analysis indicates that spoken word recognition
noted earlier, comprehension deficits in aphasia result pre- involves parallel pathways (multiple routes) in the mapping
dominantly from postphonemic processing levels. A major- from sound to meaning (Hickok & Poeppel, 2007). Although
ity of functional imaging studies targeting phonological this conclusion differs from standard models of speech rec-
processing in perception have highlighted regions in the ognition (Luce & Pisoni, 1998; Marslen-Wilson, 1987;
posterior half of the STS (Hickok & Poeppel, 2007). Other McClelland & Elman, 1986), it agrees nicely with the fact
studies, however, have reported anterior STS activation in that speech contains redundant cues to phonemic informa-
perceptual speech tasks (Mazoyer et al., 1993; Narain et al., tion, as well as with behavioral evidence suggesting that the
2003; Scott et al., 2000; Spitsyna et al., 2006). These studies speech system can take advantage of these different cues

hickok: the cortical organization of phonological processing 769

(Remez, Rubin, Pisoni, & Carrell, 1981; Shannon, Zeng, The left posterior planum temporale is part of
Kamath, Wygonski, & Ekelid, 1995). an auditory-motor integration circuit
Posterior language cortex in the left hemisphere is If left posterior superior temporal regions are involved in
involved in phonological aspects of speech production phonological aspects of speech production, there must be a
mechanism for interfacing posterior and anterior brain
There is unequivocal evidence that posterior sensory-related regions. The need for such a mechanism has long been
cortex in the left, but not right, hemisphere plays an impor- acknowledged, and in classical models was instantiated as a
tant role in speech production. For example, damage to simple white matter pathway, the arcuate fasciculus
the left posterior temporal lobe often results not only in com- (Geschwind, 1971). More recent proposals have argued,
prehension deficits, but also in speech production deficits instead, for a cortical system that serves to integrate sensory
(A. Damasio, 1992; H. Damasio, 1991; Geschwind, 1971; and motor aspects of speech (Hickok et al., 2000, 2003;
Goodglass, 1993; Goodglass et al., 2001). Disruption to Hickok & Poeppel, 2000, 2004, 2007; Warren, Wise, &
phonological systems appears to account for some of these Warren, 2005), which is consistent with much research on
production deficits. Damage to the left dorsal STG and/or sensorimotor integration systems studied in the context
the supramarginal gyrus/temporal-parietal junction is asso- of the monkey visual system (Andersen, 1997; Colby &
ciated with conduction aphasia, a syndrome that is charac- Goldberg, 1999; Milner & Goodale, 1995).
terized by good comprehension, but with frequent phonemic A series of studies over the last several years have identi-
errors in speech production, naming difficulties that often fied a cortical network for speech and related abilities
involve tip-of-the-tongue states (implicating a breakdown in (e.g., music), which has many of the properties exhibited
phonological encoding), and difficulty with verbatim repeti- by sensorimotor networks studied in other domains. These
tion (H. Damasio & Damasio, 1980; Goodglass, 1992).3 properties include sensorimotor responses, connectivity with
Conduction aphasia has classically been considered to be a frontal motor systems, motor-effector specificity, and multi-
disconnection syndrome involving damage to the arcuate sensory responses (Andersen, 1997; Colby & Goldberg,
fasciculus (Geschwind, 1965). However, there is now good 1999). The speech-related network with these response
evidence that this syndrome results from cortical dysfunction properties includes an area (termed Spt) in the left posterior
(Anderson et al., 1999; Hickok et al., 2000). The production planum temporale region, that has been argued to support
deficit is load sensitive: errors are more likely on longer, sensorimotor integration for speech (Hickok et al., 2003). We
lower-frequency words and verbatim repetition of strings of will review the evidence for this claim in the following
speech with little semantic constraint (Goodglass, 1992, paragraphs.
1993). Functionally, conduction aphasia has been character-
ized as a deficit in the ability to encode phonological informa- Spt Exhibits Sensorimotor Response Properties A
tion for production (Wilshire & McCarthy, 1996). Thus number of studies have demonstrated the existence of an
conduction aphasia provides evidence for the involvement of area in the left posterior planum temporale that responds
left posterior auditory-related brain regions in the phonologi- during both the perception and production of speech, even
cal aspect of speech production. See also Wise et al. (2001). when speech is produced covertly (subvocally) so that there
Functional imaging evidence also implicates left superior is no overt auditory feedback (Buchsbaum et al., 2001;
posterior temporal regions in speech production generally Buchsbaum, Olsen, Koch, & Berman, 2005; Buchsbaum,
(Hickok et al., 2000; Price et al., 1996) and phonological Olsen, Koch, Kohn, et al., 2005; Hickok et al., 2003). Spt
stages of the process in particular (Indefrey & Levelt, 2000, is not speech specific, however. It responds equally well to
2004). With respect to the latter, the posterior portion of the the perception and (covert) production by humming of
left planum temporale region, which is within the distribu- melodic stimuli (Hickok et al.; Pa & Hickok, 2008).
tion of lesions associated with conduction aphasia, activates
during picture naming and exhibits length effects (Okada, Spt Is Functionally Connected to Motor Speech
Smith, Humphries, & Hickok, 2003) and frequency effects Areas Spt activity is tightly correlated with activity in
(Graves, Grabowski, Mahta, & Gordon, 2007), and has a frontal speech-production-related areas, such as the pars
time course of activation, measured electromagnetically, that opercularis (BA 44) (Buchsbaum et al., 2001), suggesting that
is consistent with the phonological encoding stage of naming the two regions are functionally connected. Furthermore,
(Levelt, Praamstra, Meyer, Helenius, & Salmelin, 1998). cortex in the posterior portion of the planum temporale
Taken together, the lesion evidence and physiological evi- (area Tpt) has a cytoarchitectonic structure that is similar to
dence reviewed in this section make a compelling argument BA44. Galaburda writes that area Tpt “exhibits a degree
for the involvement of left posterior superior temporal of specialization like that of Area 44 in Broca’s region.
regions in phonological aspects of speech production. It contains prominent pyramids in layer IIIc and a broad

770 language
lamina IV. . . . the intimate relationship and similar “phonological store,” a dedicated buffer, and active mainte-
evolutionary status of Areas 44 and Tpt allows for a certain nance is achieved by the “articulatory rehearsal” mechanism
functional overlap” (Galaburda, 1982, p. 442). (Baddeley, 1992). The concept of a sensorimotor integration
network, as outlined previously, provides an independently
Spt Activity Is Modulated by Motor Effector motivated neural circuit that may be the basis for verbal
Manipulations In monkey parietal cortex, sensorimotor short-term memory (Buchsbaum, Olsen, Koch, & Berman,
integration areas are organized around motor effector 2005; Hickok et al., 2003; Hickok & Poeppel, 2000; see
systems (e.g., ocular versus manual actions in LIP and AIP; also Aboitiz & García V., 1997; Jacquemot & Scott, 2006).
Andersen, 1997; Colby & Goldberg, 1999). Recent evidence Specifically, on the assumption that the proposed sensorimo-
suggests that Spt may be organized around the vocal tract tor integration circuit is bidirectional (Hickok & Poeppel,
effector system: Spt was less active when skilled pianists 2000, 2004, 2007), one can equate the storage component
listened to and then imagined playing novel melodies than of verbal short-term memory with sensory representations
when they listened to and covertly hummed the same in the superior temporal lobe (the same STS regions that are
melodies (Pa & Hickok, 2008). involved in sensory/recognition processes), and one can
equate the active maintenance component with frontal
Spt Is Sensitive to Speech-Related Visual Stimuli articulatory systems: the sensorimotor integration network
Many neurons in sensorimotor integration areas of the (Spt) allows articulatory mechanisms to maintain verbal
monkey parietal cortex are sensitive to inputs from more information in an active state (Hickok et al., 2003). In this
than one sensory modality (Andersen, 1997). The planum sense, the basic architecture is similar to Baddeley’s, except
temporale, while often thought to be an auditory area, also that there is a proposed computational mechanism (senso-
activates in response to sensory input from other modalities. rimotor transformations in Spt) mediating the relation
For example, silent lipreading has been shown to activate between the storage and active maintenance components.
auditory cortex in the vicinity of the planum temporale This view differs from Baddeley’s, however, in that it assumes
(Calvert et al., 1997; Calvert & Campbell, 2003). Although that the storage component is not a dedicated buffer but an
these studies typically report the location as “auditory cortex” active state of networks that are involved in perceptual
including primary regions, group-based localizations in this recognition (Fuster, 1995; Ruchkin, Grafman, Cameron,
region can be unreliable. Indeed, a recent fMRI study & Berndt, 2003). Because our evidence suggests that the
using individual subject analyses has found that activation proposed sensorimotor integration network is not specific to
to visual speech and activation using the standard Spt- phonological information (Hickok et al.), we also suggest that
defining auditory-motor task (listen then covertly produce) the verbal short-term memory circuit is not specific to pho-
are found in the same regions of the left posterior planum nological information, a position that is in line with recent
temporale (Okada & Hickok, 2009). Thus Spt appears to be behavioral work ( Jones, Hughes, & Macken, 2007; Jones &
sensitive also to visual input that is relevant to vocal tract Macken, 1996; Jones, Macken, & Nicholls, 2004). For a
actions. thorough discussion of these issues, see Buchsbaum and
In summary, Spt exhibits all the features of sensorimotor D’Esposito (2008).
integration areas as identified in the parietal cortex of the
monkey. This finding suggests that Spt is a sensorimotor A theoretical framework: The dual-stream model
integration area for vocal tract actions (Pa & Hickok, 2008),
placing it in the context of a network of sensorimotor inte- The processing of phonological information in speech
gration areas in the posterior parietal and temporal/parietal recognition, speech production, and short-term memory
cortex, which receive multisensory input and are organized involves partially overlapping, but also partially distinct,
around motor-effector systems (Andersen, 1997). Although neural circuits. Speech recognition relies primarily on neural
area Spt is not language specific, it counts sensorimotor circuits in the superior temporal lobes bilaterally, whereas
integration for phonological information as a prominent speech production and verbal short-term memory rely on a
function. frontoparietal/temporal circuit that is left-hemisphere domi-
nant. As noted earlier, this divergence of processing streams
Verbal short-term memory relies on auditory-motor is consistent with the fact that phonological information
integration networks plays a role in (1) accessing lexical-semantic representations
on the one hand and (2) driving motor-speech articulation
Verbal short-term memory is often held to comprise at least on the other. As lexical-semantic and motor-speech systems
two components: a storage component of some form and a involve very different types of representations and processing
mechanism for active maintenance of this information. In mechanisms, it stands to reason that divergent pathways
Baddeley’s model, for example, the storage mechanism is the underlie the interface with phonological networks.

hickok: the cortical organization of phonological processing 771

The dual-interface requirements with respect to phono- stream, which involves structures in the posterior dorsalmost
logical processing are captured neuroanatomically by the aspect of the temporal lobe and parietal operculum, as well
dual-stream model4 (figure 52.2) (Hickok & Poeppel, 2000, as the posterior frontal lobe, is involved in translating speech
2004, 2007). The model is rooted in dual-stream proposals signals into articulatory representations in the frontal lobe.
in vision (Milner & Goodale, 1995) that distinguish between The suggestion that the dorsal stream has an auditory-motor
a ventral stream involved in visual object recognition (“what” integration function differs from earlier arguments for a
stream) and a dorsal stream involved in visual-motor inte- dorsal auditory “where” system (Rauschecker, 1998) but has
gration (sometimes called a “how” stream). Accordingly, the gained support in recent years (Scott & Johnsrude, 2003;
dual-stream model proposes that a ventral stream, which Warren et al., 2005; Wise et al., 2001).
involves structures in the superior and middle portions of The dual-stream model can explain the double dissocia-
the temporal lobe, is involved in processing speech signals tions between syllable discrimination tasks and auditory
for comprehension (speech recognition), whereas a dorsal comprehension tasks noted earlier on the assumption

Figure 52.2 The dual-stream model of speech processing. STG that are hypothesized to be involved in spectrotemporal
(A) Schematic diagram of the dual-stream model. The earliest analysis. Regions shaded yellow in the posterior half of the STS
stage of cortical speech processing involves some form of are implicated in phonological-level processes. Regions shaded red
spectrotemporal analysis, which is carried out in auditory cortices represent the ventral stream, which is bilaterally organized with
bilaterally in the supratemporal plane. These spectrotemporal a weak left-hemisphere bias. The more posterior regions of the
computations appear to differ between the two hemispheres. ventral stream, the posterior middle and inferior portions of the
Phonological-level processing and representation involves the temporal lobes, correspond to the lexical interface, which links pho-
middle to posterior portions of superior temporal sulcus (STS) nological and semantic information, whereas the more anterior
bilaterally, although there may be a weak left-hemisphere bias at locations correspond to the hypothesized combinatorial network.
this level of processing. Subsequently, the system diverges into Regions shaded blue represent the dorsal stream, which is strongly
two broad streams, a dorsal pathway (blue) that maps sensory left-dominant. The posterior region of the dorsal stream corre-
or phonological representations onto articulatory motor represen- sponds to an area in the Sylvian fissure at the parietal-temporal
tations, and a ventral pathway (red) that maps sensory or phono- boundary (area Spt), which is hypothesized to be a sensorimotor
logical representations onto lexical-conceptual representations. interface, whereas the more anterior locations in the frontal lobe,
(B) Approximate anatomical locations of the dual-stream model likely involving Broca’s region and a more dorsal premotor site,
components, specified as precisely as available evidence allows. correspond to portions of the articulatory network. (Figure repro-
Regions shaded green depict areas on the dorsal surface of the duced from Hickok & Poeppel, 2007.) (See color plate 64.)

772 language
that syllable discrimination relies to a greater extent on Despite the current popularity of motor theories of speech
dorsal stream circuitry (Burton, Small, & Blumstein, 2000) perception, there is strong evidence that the theory is incor-
(explaining the association with frontal lesions), whereas rect. Motor theories of speech perception make a clear pre-
speech recognition tasks rely to a greater extent on ventral diction: disruption of the motor systems involved in speech
stream circuitry. The involvement of dorsal stream circuitry production should produce a substantial disruption of speech
in syllable discrimination tasks makes sense given that recognition. This prediction is falsified by the common
discrimination of serially presented speech information occurrence of patients with large left frontal lesions who
requires some degree of verbal short-term memory. In have profound impairments in the ability to produce speech,
addition, in contrast to the typical view that speech process- yet have well-preserved ability to comprehend speech at the
ing is mainly left-hemisphere dependent, the model suggests lexical level (i.e., severe Broca’s aphasics) (Goodglass, 1993;
that the ventral stream is bilaterally organized (although Goodglass et al., 2001). This finding demonstrates clearly
with important computational differences between the that speech recognition can be achieved without the motor-
two hemispheres); thus the ventral stream itself comprises speech system’s involvement. However, damage to sensory-
parallel processing streams. This approach would explain related speech areas regularly produces deficits in speech
the failure to find substantial speech recognition deficits production, such as the paraphasic errors found in the fluent
following unilateral temporal lobe damage. The dorsal speech of Wernicke and conduction aphasics (Goodglass,
stream, however, is strongly left-dominant, explaining 1993; Goodglass et al., 2001). Thus the evidence confirms
why production deficits are prominent sequelae of dorsal Wernicke’s conceptualization of the relation between sensory
temporal and frontal lesions, as well as explaining why and motor speech systems, namely, that sensory systems are
left-hemisphere injury can substantially impair performance necessary for speech production, but motor-speech systems
on syllable discrimination tasks (Hickok & Poeppel, 2000, are not necessary for speech recognition (Hickok & Poeppel,
2004, 2007). 2000, 2004, 2007). Put differently, the relation between
sensory and motor speech systems is better characterized
On mirror neurons and motor theories of perception by a perceptual theory of speech production than a motor theory of
speech perception.
Evidence we have reviewed suggests a tight connection A strong version of a motor/mirror-neuron theory of
between systems involved in speech perception and speech speech perception is clearly untenable. At the same time, it
production, and the dual-stream model captures this associa- is quite clear that motor knowledge can influence perception
tion in the form of the dorsal processing stream that medi- (Galantucci, Fowler, & Turvey, 2006), as the McGurk effect
ates this relation. The idea that perception and production clearly demonstrates (McGurk & MacDonald, 1976). These
systems in speech are functionally interrelated is not new, as effects do not imply, however, that speech perception
it was an integral component of Wernicke’s language model requires the involvement of motor systems, only that motor
of 1874 (Wernicke, 1874/1969). The motor theory of speech knowledge can influence or constrain the acoustic analysis
perception also highlighted important links between percep- of speech, for example, by means of top-down, or predictive,
tion and production, but with quite a different spin. Whereas coding mechanisms (van Wassenhove, Grant, & Poeppel,
Wernicke emphasized the role of perceptual systems in 2005). The proposed sensorimotor integration network pro-
guiding speech production, the motor theory proposed the vides a neural basis for this influence of motor knowledge on
reverse, that motor speech systems were the foundation for speech perception.
speech perception (Liberman & Mattingly, 1985). Although
the motor theory had lost favor among most speech/ Summary
language scientists, the discovery of “mirror neurons”
(di Pellegrino, Fadiga, Fogassi, Gallese, & Rizzolatti, 1992; Phonological processing is a heterogeneous, task-dependent
Gallese, Fadiga, Fogassi, & Rizzolatti, 1996) has triggered a construct, and the neural systems that support phonological
resurgence of interest in motor theories of perception gener- processing are similarly heterogeneous and task dependent.
ally (Iacoboni et al., 2005; Rizzolatti, Fadiga, Gallese, & There is a fundamental distinction between the processes
Fogassi, 1996), and the motor theory of speech perception and neural circuits involved in tasks that involve motor-
in particular (Rizzolatti & Arbib, 1998). Mirror neurons are related systems compared with tasks that primarily involve
cells found in monkey frontal cortex that respond both lexical-semantic systems leading to task-related double dis-
during the execution of motor acts and during the percep- sociations within the context of “phonological processing.”
tion of others performing similar motor acts. It has been There is also a substantial amount of interaction between
suggested that mirror neurons are the basis for action under- sensory- and motor-related aspects of phonological process-
standing, including the perception/understanding of speech ing, as well as evidence for shared resources, such as phono-
(Rizzolatti & Arbib, 1998). logical systems in the STS. The neuroanatomical framework

hickok: the cortical organization of phonological processing 773

provided by the dual-stream model captures the distinctions Binder, J. R., Frost, J. A., Hammeke, T. A., Bellgowan, P. S.,
between phonological tasks, as well as provides a basis for Springer, J. A., Kaufman, J. N., & Possing, E. T. (2000). Human
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sensorimotor interactions.
Cortex, 10, 512–528.
Binder, J. R., Rao, S. M., Hammeke, T. A., Yetkin, F. Z.,
acknowledgments This work was supported by NIH grant Jesmanowicz, A., Bandettini, P. A., Wong, E. C., Estkowski,
DC03681. L. D., Goldstein, M. D., Haughton, V. M., & Hyde, J. S.
(1994). Functional magnetic resonance imaging of human audi-
tory cortex. Ann. Neurol., 35, 662–672.
NOTES Blumstein, S. E., Cooper, W. E., Zurif, E. B., & Caramazza, A.
1. Similar processes appear to operate in visual-manual languages (1977). The perception and production of voice-onset time in
(signed languages) suggesting that the association with sound per aphasia. Neuropsychologia, 15, 371–383.
se may not be a defining feature of phonology (Emmorey, Boemio, A., Fromm, S., Braun, A., & Poeppel, D. (2005).
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2. These two proposals may not be incompatible as there is a auditory cortices. Nat. Neurosci., 8(3), 389–395.
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the face of preserved comprehension (Wernicke, 1874/1969). It Buchsbaum, B. R., & D’Esposito, M. (2008). The search for the
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776 language
53 Morphological Processes in
Language Production
kevin a. shapiro and alfonso caramazza

abstract Morphology refers to the set of linguistic processes that separately from other morphemes (for example, preposi-
govern the composition of words from stored units called mor- tions), or bound, meaning that they cannot be produced in
phemes, which encode information about meaning and grammati- isolation (like the markers of plural number and past tense).
cal properties. Neuropsychological studies suggest that morphological
operations can be spared or impaired in the setting of acquired
Bound functional morphemes are called inflections. In
brain damage. Moreover, specific patterns of breakdown in mor- Mandarin Chinese and other so-called isolating languages,
phology have revealed major principles underlying the neural functional morphemes are, as a rule, unbound; for example,
architecture of language. Here we make the case that the language the perfective aspect marker le in the sentence wŏ măi le
production system has at least three components with discrete sānbĕ n shū (“I bought three books”) indicates that the action
neural substrates: one component that represents lexical concepts
expressed by the verb măi (buying) has been completed.
and is organized according to meaning; a second component that
processes morphological information linked to grammatical func- This difference in phonological expression should not be
tion; and a third component that converts lexical and morphologi- taken to imply that English is morphologically “richer” than
cal representations into specific output forms. Chinese or “poorer” than a language like classical Hebrew,
which marks verbs for both aspect and agreement with the
subject (in qaniti šloša s ∂farim, the verb qaniti is a first-person
singular perfective form). Rather, such variation provides
The basic unit of meaning in language is the morpheme, a rich fodder for the study of morphological processing, insofar
type of cognitive representation that corresponds either to as speakers of different languages make different kinds of
a lexical concept (a root, like think), to an abstract modifier errors with morphology under demanding experimental
that can be used to generate new lexical concepts with conditions (Dick, Bates, & Ferstl, 2003) and present with
distinct meanings (a derivational morpheme, like re- or -able), different morphological impairments in the setting of brain
or to a property relevant to the grammatical rules of a lan- damage (Bates, Friederici, & Wulfeck, 1987; Menn & Obler,
guage (a functional morpheme, like the preposition of or 1990; Wulfeck, Bates, & Capasso, 1991). For example,
the past tense marker -ed). Morphology—the system of rules Mandarin-speaking aphasic patients tend to omit functional
that governs the construction of words from individual morphemes (Packard, 1990), while Hebrew-speaking patients
morphemes—is the engine that drives much of language’s tend to make substitution errors with bound morphemes
combinatorial productivity, bridging the gap between the and omission errors with unbound functional morphemes
conceptual, grammatical, and phonological levels of repre- (Friedmann & Grodzinksy, 1997).
sentation. Generative morphological rules are also extremely Moreover, some theories posit the existence, in all lan-
versatile, allowing speakers to express practically unlimited guages, of morphemes that have no phonological content at
nuances of meaning (unthinkable, redirected, antidisestablishmen- all. In the phrase two sheep, for example, the plural marker is
tarians, etc.) using a fixed set of stored representational thought to be phonologically null. This is an exception for
elements. English, which generally marks plurals with the inflectional
Languages differ widely in the way that morphological suffix-s, but is perhaps the rule for Mandarin, which has no
structure is realized in the phonological message. In English marker for plurals per se (shū can mean either “book” or
and many other languages, morphemes may be either pho- “books,” depending on the context). In any given language,
nologically unbound, in the sense that they can be produced there may be very many grammatical features that are
encoded by such zero morphemes (Pesetsky, 1995). On this
kevin a. shapiro Department of Psychology, Harvard University, view, nearly every word produced by a speaker or compre-
Cambridge; Department of Medicine, Children’s Hospital, Boston, hended by a listener is, in fact, an agglomeration of lexical
alfonso caramazza Department of Psychology, Harvard and functional morphemes, which convey various kinds of
University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Center for Mind/Brain information crucial for encoding and decoding the meaning
Sciences, University of Trento, Rovereto, Italy of that word in the context of an utterance. In other words,

shapiro and caramazza: morphological processes in language production 777

morphology is not an optional stage in the production and (Luzzatti, Mondini, & Semenza, 2001). The tendency to
comprehension of language, but an obligatory one (see also store derived forms in toto, as opposed to storing them in a
Shapiro, Shelton, & Caramazza, 2000). decomposed manner, may vary across languages (Vannest,
Bertram, Järvikivi, & Niemi, 2002).
Morphological composition in the lexicon The data available to distinguish between these cognitive
models are equivocal, and there is very little evidence from
If many words appear to be composed of more than one cognitive neuroscience on the processing of morphologically
morpheme, then must all morphologically complex words derived words. Electrophysiological data suggest that
be built from scratch every time they are produced? Or are morphological relationships between words affect lexical
complex forms stored in the mental lexicon, so that they can access at an earlier stage than phonological relationships
be retrieved as prebuilt units when needed in speech or in (Pylkkänen, Feintuch, Hopkins, & Marantz, 2004), lending
comprehension?1 support to the general idea that morphological structure is
In some morphological domains, and particularly in the represented in the lexicon but not distinguishing between
domain of inflectional morphology, it seems unlikely that the competing proposals about morphological decomposi-
all forms are fully listed in the lexicon (Butterworth, 1983). tion. From this point forward we will generally be concerned
Inflected words have meanings that are transparent and with the cognitive neuroscience of productive morphological
predictable from their component parts, and regular inflec- processes, and especially of morphological inflection.
tions can be productively applied to novel words and non-
words that have no corresponding lexical representations Neural basis of productive morphological processes
(Berko Gleason, 1958; Goodglass & Berko, 1960). Further-
more, in some languages, the number of possible inflectional Although morphological processing plays a central role
forms for any given word is so large as to render the full- in language, morphology has received comparatively little
listing hypothesis computationally infeasible. For example, attention from cognitive neuroscientists. Much of what is
in Finnish a noun may have as many as 2,000 distinct known about morphology from a neuroscientific perspective
inflectional forms. Neuropsychological evidence also pro- comes from the study of brain-damaged patients who have
vides some support for the “online” nature of inflectional difficulties in producing and understanding morphologically
morphology: some patients appear to have selective complex words. Impairment with the use of functional
problems with morphological inflection (Laine, Niemi, morphemes is classically observed in patients with lesions
Koivuselkä-Sallinen, & Hyönä, 1995; Miceli & Caramazza, affecting the left inferior frontal lobe (Goodglass & Berko,
1988), and others display different patterns of errors with 1960; Menn & Obler, 1990) and is considered a defining
lexical and inflectional morphemes (Miceli, Capasso, & characteristic of agrammatic aphasia. By contrast, patients
Caramazza, 2004). with posterior perisylvian lesions often show preservation of
Some derivational processes are also likely to take place functional and derivational morphemes despite impairment
online, like the generation of novel derived forms with in access to lexical roots. Such patients may produce appar-
transparent meanings (undigitizable, misunderestimate) and ently morphologically complex neologisms like persessing
productive lexical compounding, as in the Mandarin wŏ măi and devorodation (Buckingham & Kertesz, 1974; Caplan,
shū le (analogous to the English “I went book-buying”) Kellar, & Locke, 1972; Semenza, Butterworth, Panzeri, &
(Butterworth, 1983; Cutler, 1981; Vannest & Boland, 1999). Ferreri, 1990).
For conventional derived words (like conventional and com- This generalization about anterior and posterior aphasics
position), however, the question is much more controversial is not ironclad, however, as some patients with anterior
(McQueen & Cutler, 1998). According to one set of theories, lesions also appear to have preserved knowledge about
the lexicon has a root- (or stem-) based organization, meaning functional morphology in the face of significant impairments
that the root is the basic unit that is stored in memory; in lexical access. For example, patient HG could produce
derived forms must be produced by composition online achooing and looming but not sneezing or weaving, and she was
(Forster, 1976; Taft, 1979; Taft & Forster, 1975). Other also able to produce inflected nonwords in phrases like he
theories hold that common derived forms are stored as units, wugs (Shapiro & Caramazza, 2003b). Patients with acquired
though they may be linked to other representations within “deep” dyslexia, which can arise as a sequela of heteroge-
the same derivational family (compose, composure, composite, com- neous and diffuse lesions in the left hemisphere, also char-
position, decompose, and so on (Caramazza, Miceli, Silveri, & acteristically make morphological errors in reading aloud
Laudanna, 1985). A third kind of model proposes that only (e.g., initiative for initiate) (Patterson, 1980).
derived words that are highly frequent (as well as inflected On the one hand, the observation that morphological
forms that are highly frequent) are stored as units; low- elements in language can be spared or impaired selectively
frequency forms must be constructed or parsed online in aphasia suggests that morphological rules rely on neural

778 language
circuits distinguishable from those that underly other aspects 2003a; Bird, Lambon-Ralph, Seidenberg, McClelland, &
of language, like phonology and syntax. This suggestion Patterson, 2003; Joanisse & Seidenberg, 1999; Patterson,
coincides both with dominant linguistic theories and with Lambon-Ralph, Hodges, & McClelland, 2001).
psycholinguistic models of sentence processing, which pos- An intermediate possibility is that morphology is neither
tulate the independence of morphology from phonology and an autonomous function nor a wholly owned subsidiary of
syntax on the basis of evidence like the differential involve- phonology, but rather a confederation of processes that
ment of lexical and functional morphemes in slips of the operate at the interstices of language, ensuring that abstract
tongue (e.g., it waits to pay) (Garrett, 1980; Levelt, 1989; syntactic representations with particular grammatical and
Schwartz, 1987). structural features can be matched with specific, contextu-
On the other hand, it is not obvious that all morphological ally appropriate lexical representations, and that these lexical
errors in aphasia are actually attributable to deficits in mor- representations in turn can be converted into phonological
phological knowledge as such. It has been argued that the strings. Morphological deficits in aphasia may arise when
morphological errors made in reading by acquired dyslexic one of these interfaces is compromised by damage at a par-
patients are not morphological in origin at all, but rather ticular level of language processing. For instance, patients
are actually semantic errors or visual errors (Badecker who have difficulty with lexical access may be prone to
& Caramazza, 1987; Castles, Coltheart, Savage, Bates, & making paragrammatic substitution errors in either
Reid, 1996; Funnell, 1987; Plaut & Shallice, 1993). This functional or derivational morphology (Caplan et al., 1972;
proposal has been notoriously difficult to refute, although Kohn & Melvold, 1999; Laine et al., 1995; Miceli &
there is evidence to suggest that such patients do not system- Caramazza, 1988; Semenza et al., 1990). Such patients
atically produce morphological forms that are more frequent may make relatively few phonological errors, especially if
or more imageable (Rastle, Tyler, & Marslen-Wilson, 2006). their errors in other language production tasks are not pri-
Similar doubts exist about the nature of morphological marily phonological—as was true for patient HH described
errors in naming, repetition, and spontaneous speech. In by Laine and colleagues, who produced paralexias involving
a study of repetition errors in 26 aphasic patients, Miceli both functional morphemes and root (or stem) morphemes
and colleagues (2004) demonstrated that aphasic patients (e.g., pesä+lla “on the base” was read as maila+sta “from
who make morphological errors invariably also make pho- the bat”). Interestingly, this patient’s lesion largely spared
nological errors, implying either that the neural circuits the left inferior prefrontal cortex, but may have involved
important for morphology are distinct but grossly insepara- subcortical connections between the left frontal lobe and
ble from regions involved in phonological processing, or that posterior perisylvian areas that were also damaged.
what appear to be morphological errors are in fact errors of Some patients appear simply to ignore morphemes that
phonology. are not lexical roots, even when access to phonological
In this case, there is some evidence to support both posi- information appears to be intact (Tyler, Behrens, Cobb, &
tions. Neuroimaging studies have found that the left inferior Marslen-Wilson, 1990); in these cases, the deficit may also
prefrontal cortex is recruited in a wide variety of linguistic occur at the level of lexical retrieval. However, patients with
and nonlinguistic tasks, including the processing of gram- postlexical processing deficits may have particular difficulty
matical gender (Miceli et al., 2002), phonological processing with functional morphemes, which are often unstressed and
(Heim & Friederici, 2003; Heim, Opitz, Muller, & can require the resyllabification of words and phrases (Kean,
Friederici, 2003; Indefrey & Levelt, 2000), and phonological 1978). Likewise in comprehension, patients of this type may
working memory (Hickok & Poeppel, 2007; Paulesu, Frith, have difficulty parsing functional affixes (Tyler & Cobb,
& Frackowiak, 1993). These diverse results suggest that the 1987). Others still may present with morphological
left anterior perisylvian region may contain populations of impairments that are linked to the ability to use particular
neurons that are heterogeneous in function. It may be that kinds of syntactic information (Goodglass & Berko, 1960),
any brain lesion that is large enough or severe enough to such as information about tense (Friedmann & Grodzinksy,
disrupt morphological processes will also disrupt phonologi- 1997; Miceli, Silveri, Romani, & Caramazza, 1989) or
cal processes—and perhaps other cognitive functions as well. knowledge about a specific grammatical category (Laiacona
Alternatively, perhaps it is the case that functional mor- & Caramazza, 2004; Shapiro & Caramazza, 2003a; Tsap-
phemes are especially vulnerable to impairment because of kini, Jarema, & Kehayia, 2002).
the extra demands they place on the phonemic processor. The question of how morphology interacts with other
Kean observed that agrammatic patients tend to omit func- subcomponents of language, as well as with domain-general
tional morphemes that are phonologically less salient (Kean, mechanisms in cognitive processing, has proven to be a
1978, 1979). Both children and some aphasic patients fare fruitful field of research in this otherwise relatively unculti-
more poorly with inflections that are phonologically more vated domain of cognitive neuroscience. We will discuss
complex (Berko Gleason, 1958; Shapiro & Caramazza, two examples in the sections that follow. First, there is the

shapiro and caramazza: morphological processes in language production 779

controversy over the representation of phonologically regular to what this account would seem to predict (Miozzo, 2003).
and irregular morphological forms (like ducks and geese, The dual-route account, by contrast, is often (albeit not of
respectively), which addresses a question at the interface of necessity) linked with a different hypothesis about the func-
morphology and phonology: namely, how are abstract mor- tional role of the left inferior frontal cortex. Ullman and
phological features converted to phonological information? colleagues have proposed that the processing of regular
Second, there is the debate about whether the brain forms depends on a frontal-striatal circuit that is engaged
distinguishes between categories of words, like nouns and more generally in the representation of procedural memory,
verbs, by virtue of their abstract morphosyntactic properties. not necessarily limited to language (Pinker & Ullman, 2002;
Both topics demonstrate that the neuroscientific investiga- Ullman et al., 1997; Ullman, 2001, 2004; Ullman et al.,
tion of morphological processing can generate findings 2005). However, irregular forms are said to depend on tem-
and novel hypotheses that are relevant not only to the poral lobe structures that are important for the representa-
biology of language, but also to the understanding of cogni- tion of declarative memory.
tion more broadly. The declarative/procedural hypothesis is attractive in that
it situates a linguistic dissociation within the context of a
The regular/irregular debate general model in cognitive neuroscience. However, the
empirical data have so far been mixed. To begin with, the
As we saw with the example two sheep, a morphologically putative link between frontal lobe damage and impairments
marked grammatical feature (like past tense) may be in regular morphological processing is tenuous at best.
expressed phonologically in more than one way within a Although some patients with anterior lesions have selective
language. When this is the case, there is usually only a small deficits for regular morphological transformations, and some
set of regular morphophonological transformations that can patients with temporal lobe damage have more difficulty
be applied productively to novel words (e.g., one google/many with irregular transformations (Tyler, deMornay-Davies,
googles); the other transformations tend to be frozen and et al., 2002; Tyler, Randall, et al., 2002; Ullman et al., 1997),
nonproductive (e.g., goose/geese but not google/*geegle). there are numerous counterexamples of patients with frontal
This discrepancy has led many to propose that regular and lobe damage who have greater difficulty with irregular words
irregular forms are processed by separate cognitive and, by (de Diego Balaguer, Costa, Gallés, Juncadella, & Caramazza,
extension, neurobiological mechanisms (Pinker, 1991). 2004; Penke, Janssen, & Krause, 1999; Shapiro &
At first glance, this proposal appears to be supported Caramazza, 2003a). Neuroimaging studies of regular and
by the existence among aphasic patients of double dissocia- irregular inflection have not clarified the issue: some have
tions in processing regular and irregular morphology failed to elucidate distinctions in the cortical regions activated
(Marslen-Wilson & Tyler, 1997; Tyler, deMornay-Davies, et by regular and irregular stimuli (Sahin, Pinker, & Halgren,
al., 2002; Tyler, Randall, & Marslen-Wilson, 2002; Ullman 2006), others have shown that irregular words elicit greater
et al., 1997); see figure 53.1. The evidence for such dissocia- activity in prefrontal regions (de Diego Balaguer et al., 2006;
tions has been challenged, however, on the grounds that Desai, Conant, Waldron, & Binder, 2006), and still others
they are reducible to phonological factors (Bird et al., seem to indicate that regular words produce greater activa-
2003; Braber, Patterson, Ellis, & Ralph, 2005; Lambon- tion in both frontal and temporal regions (Beretta et al., 2003;
Ralph, Braber, McClelland, & Patterson, 2005) or to a com- Tyler, Stamatakis, Post, Randall, & Marslen-Wilson, 2005).
bination of phonological and semantic deficits ( Joanisse & This confusion may be due in part to the fact that not
Seidenberg, 1999; Patterson et al., 2001): in other words, all regular/irregular dissociations arise at the same level
regular words are more susceptible to errors because they of language processing. As Druks observes, the regular/
involve transformations that are phonologically more irregular distinction is relevant only in the domain of mor-
complex, not because they are processed by a different route phophonology, and so the dissociation predicted by the pro-
than regular morphological transformations. Coincidentally, cedural/declarative hypothesis should be evident only when
it has been reported that patients with impairments in regular rule-based morphophonological processing is emphasized
morphology tend to have lesions in left inferior prefrontal (Druks, 2006). A corollary is that deficits at other levels may
regions (Ullman et al., 1997)—a part of the brain which, we also interact with the processing of regular and irregular
have seen, is also thought to be important for phonological word forms. For at least one of the patients who exhibited a
processing. dissociation not in line with the procedural/declarative
Whether the single-route account can successfully explain model, the locus of impairment appeared to be not morpho-
all cases of regular/irregular dissociations is a matter of some phonological, but morphosyntactic: the patient produced
debate, and there appear to be at least some anterior aphasic regular forms better than irregular forms, but only when the
patients for whom a selective deficit in irregular morphology stimuli were inflected verbs (Shapiro & Caramazza, 2003a).
co-occurs with a deficit in phonological processing, contrary This result reinforces the observation that the left inferior

780 language

Figure 53.1 A neuropsychological dissociation in processing (darker bars), whereas the anomic patient had more trouble inflect-
regular and irregular verb forms. (A) The approximate lesion sites ing irregular verbs—and overapplied the regular suffix to many of
of patient FCL (red area, left anterior perisylvian regions), who had the irregulars (light green bar on top of dark green bar). The per-
symptoms of agrammatism, and patient JLU (green area, left tem- formance of age- and education-matched control subjects is shown
poroparietal region), who had symptoms of anomia. (B) Results of in the gray bars. (Reprinted from Pinker & Ullman, 2002.) (See
verb inflection tests showed that the agrammatic patient had more color plate 65.)
trouble inflecting regular verbs (lighter bars) than irregular verbs

prefrontal cortex is functionally heterogeneous. Not all forms (Teichmann, Dupoux, Kouider, & Bachoud-Lévi,
patients with lesions in this area may be expected to have 2006). They may make more errors than control subjects in
the same pattern of linguistic performance, and activation the production of regularly inflected words (Longworth,
of this region in neuroimaging paradigms may be particu- Keenan, Barker, Marslen-Wilson, & Tyler, 2005), though
larly sensitive to the demands of the task that is employed. the latter finding appears to be subtle and task dependent.
A second anatomical claim of the procedural/declarative Some neuroimaging experiments corroborate the idea that
hypothesis is that the basal ganglia, and specifically the the caudate nuclei are particularly active in the detection of
striate nuclei (the caudate and putamen), are crucial for the syntactic anomalies, including anomalies signaled by mor-
processing of grammatical rules. Studies of patients with phological structure (Forkstam, Hagoort, Fernandez, Ingvar,
early Huntington’s disease, which first affects the caudate, & Petersson, 2006; Lieberman, Chang, Chiao, Bookheimer,
have shown that these patients are indeed impaired in pro- & Knowlton, 2004; Moro et al., 2001). The evidence there-
ducing morphologically complex word forms (Gordon & fore seems, on balance, to support a role for the caudate in
Illes, 1987) and making rule-based judgments about such the application of linguistic rules. By contrast, patients with

shapiro and caramazza: morphological processes in language production 781

nonstriatal basal ganglia lesions, like those with Parkinson’s against a morphological locus for their deficits; to the con-
disease, do not reliably display either regular/irregular trary, it reinforces the idea that morphological processing is
effects (Longworth et al.) or difficulties with syntactic rules an essential step in all lexical output (Shapiro et al., 2000).
(Reber & Squire, 1999; Small, Lyons, & Kemper, 1997; Moreover, a category-specific impairment in morphological
Witt, Nühsman, & Deuschl, 2002). inflection is not the simple consequence of any deficit that
appears to affect noun or verb production: some patients
Grammatical categories and morphological processes have difficulty producing words of one category without
any evident impairment in morphology (Shapiro &
It has long been observed that some patients with aphasia Caramazza, 2003b).
have more difficulty producing nouns than verbs, while What brain regions subserve the morphological process-
others show the opposite dissociation (Goodglass, Klein, ing of nouns and verbs? The data on this score are limited,
Carey, & Jones, 1966; Luria & Tsvetkova, 1967; Miceli, as the patients who have clear grammatical impairments are
Silveri, Villa, & Caramazza, 1984). This dissociation is par- few in number and have lesions that are too extensive and
ticularly relevant to the discussion of morphological knowl- ill-defined to allow for meaningful comparisons. However,
edge, since nouns and verbs can be distinguished formally it has been shown that when neurologically intact subjects
by virtue of the fact that they undergo different kinds of perform morphological transformation tasks following
morphological operations. For example, nouns in English transcranial magnetic stimulation, a processing deficit for
are marked for number and possession, while verbs are verbs emerges only when the stimulation is targeted to a
marked for tense and subject agreement. The differential focal area of the left middle frontal gyrus, situated near
distribution of morphological operations over nouns and the triangular portion of Broca’s area (Cappelletti, Fregni,
verbs may also facilitate the acquisition of grammatical Shapiro, Pascual-Leone, & Caramazza, 2008; Shapiro,
categories in the course of language development (Maratsos Pascual-Leone, Mottaghy, Gangitano, & Caramazza, 2001);
& Chalkley, 1981). see figure 53.2. This area is included within the lesion of
In some cases, “grammatical” category deficits may not patient RC (Shapiro & Caramazza, 2003a).
be grammatical in origin at all; instead, they may be attribut- Curiously, neuroimaging studies have offered little, if any,
able to impairments in access to specific kinds of semantic support for the notion that this part of the brain distinguishes
information associated more with words of one category nouns from verbs on the basis of morphology. In most pre-
than another. For example, many verbs refer to actions; a vious studies, differences in activation between nouns and
selective deficit in verb production could, therefore, result verbs have been observed not in the middle frontal gyrus but
from damage to brain regions involved in representing in the left inferior frontal gyrus, or Broca’s area (Longe,
knowledge about actions. Likewise, an apparent noun deficit Randall, Stamatakis, & Tyler, 2007; Perani et al., 1999;
could result from an underlying impairment in retrieving Sahin et al., 2006; Tyler, Bright, Fletcher, & Stamatakis,
semantic knowledge about concrete objects (Damasio & 2004). Although this area is also included within the lesions
Tranel, 1993; McCarthy & Warrington, 1985). of patients with apparent verb deficits, in most cases the
Still, some patients have deficits that cannot readily be lesions are much more extensive than the area of activation
explained by positing a breakdown in access to semantic (figure 53.3). Moreover, Tyler and colleagues (Longe et al.,
knowledge. A number of patients with deficits in noun or 2007; Tyler et al.) have argued that the increased activation
verb production are particularly impaired in producing they observed for verbs in this region does not reflect cate-
morphologically inflected words when they clearly belong to gorical specificity as such, but rather, the greater complexity
one grammatical category (Laiacona & Caramazza, 2004; of verb morphology as compared to noun morphology. For
Shapiro & Caramazza, 2003a; Shapiro et al., 2000; Tsapkini example, they point out that verb inflection in English may
et al., 2002), even when, in some cases, they are able to be bound up with the computation of long-distance syntactic
produce exactly the same strings when the context indicates dependencies, like agreement with the subject of a sentence.
that they belong to the other category (Shapiro & It is indeed likely that the inferior frontal gyrus is sensitive
Caramazza, 2003a; Shapiro et al.). For example, patient to any variation in processing demands, but this may be
RC, described by Shapiro & Caramazza (2003a), was able more a property of particular stimuli than of the English
to produce the phrase these judges, but not the phrase he judges. language in general: nouns with low-frequency and atypical
This deficit extended even to the production of morphologi- inflectional forms activate this area more than do verbs
cally inflected neologisms (e.g., these wugs versus he wugs). (Sahin et al.). When noun and verb stimuli are carefully
The fact that these patients also have difficulties with the matched for difficulty, targeted suppression of Broca’s area
affected category in production tasks that do not explicitly with transcranial magnetic stimulation results in a category-
involve morphological inflection—like picture naming and general delay in processing, but no category-specific effects
delayed repetition—cannot be taken as prima facie evidence (Cappelletti et al., 2008).

782 language
A Left – Sham Right – Sham B

1. aMFG

2. IFG

3. pMFG

Figure 53.2 Results of the rTMS experiment reported by and posterior middle frontal gyrus (pMFG). (B) The sites of stimula-
Cappelletti et al. (2008), showing a selective disruption in verb tion to the IFG and pMFG. The remaining panels demonstrate the
processing following stimulation to the left anterior frontal gyrus. stereotactic application of TMS to the left pMFG (C) and left IFG
(A) The mean difference in reaction times to nouns and verbs with (D). (Modified from Cappelletti, Fregni, Shapiro, Pascual-Leone, &
repetitive TMS compared to sham stimulation in three areas: the Caramazza, 2008.) (See color plate 66.)
anterior middle frontal gyrus (aMFG), inferior frontal gyrus (IFG),

We propose that the left inferior frontal gyrus represents accounting for certain striking phenomena that have hith-
a common pathway for the production of words bearing erto been somewhat difficult to reconcile with other theories
functional morphemes that specify grammatical information about the organization of language in the brain: namely, the
relevant to one category or another. In other words, this area finding that some aphasic patients exhibit grammatical
(perhaps along with the striate nuclei of the basal ganglia) category deficits that are restricted to either spoken or written
may be important for the conversion of morphological ele- output (Caramazza & Hillis, 1991; Hillis & Caramazza,
ments into phonological segments. The process of selecting 1995; Hillis, Tuffiash, & Caramazza, 2002; Hillis, Wityk,
syntactically appropriate functional morphemes may be Barker, & Caramazza, 2003; Rapp & Caramazza, 2003).
handled by different upstream regions, like the left anterior Perhaps the clearest example of this kind of modality specific
middle frontal gyrus for verbs. These morphosyntactic deficit is the case of patient KSR, who produced verbs better
regions, in turn, must normally receive information from the than nouns in speech, but nouns better than verbs in writing
lexicon, with the constraint that only words meeting certain (Rapp & Caramazza, 2002). That such patients are able to
requirements should be processed as nouns or verbs— produce the same stimuli in one modality but not in another
allowing us to say, for example, that he rose to smell or he smelled strongly implies that the patients’ problems do not arise at
a rose, but not he has been rosing up the place all afternoon. the semantic level of representation. Instead, it has been
The hypothesis of a neuroanatomical dissociation proposed that the cortical regions responsible for storing and
between grammatically based morphological processes and accessing lexical representations are segregated along lines
form-based morphological processes also has the virtue of of both modality and grammatical category, so that brain

shapiro and caramazza: morphological processes in language production 783


Figure 53.3 The area found by Tyler and colleagues (2004) to normalized T1 images of the 12 subjects in the fMRI experiment
be more active for inflected verbs than inflected nouns in an fMRI overlaid with the lesion overlap of the three patients in A–C. Lesion
semantic judgment paradigm, compared to the lesion sites of three overlap is shown in blue, the significant activation found in the
aphasic patients with deficits in processing regularly inflected verb verbs-nouns contrast is in yellow, and the overlap between common
forms in a priming task. (A–C) T1-weighted MR images of three lesion volume of the three patients and the activation is in green.
patients with an outline of the activation found in the verbs-nouns (Reprinted from Tyler, Bright, Fletcher, & Stamatakis, 2004.) (See
contrast superimposed on them. (D) A mean of the spatially color plate 67.)

damage might selectively affect access to orthographic verb disconnections between morphosyntactic processors,
representations, for example. segregated by grammatical category, and morphosegmental
While this proposal is not logically impossible, it is some- processors, which may be segregated by modality.
what difficult to reconcile with the fact that these patients’ Precisely what brain areas are important for category-
lesions tend to be relatively large, and the areas implicated— specific morphosyntactic processes and for the representa-
like the left posterior inferior frontal and precentral gyri tion of phonological and orthographic segments is, of course,
in two patients unable to write verbs (Hillis et al., 2003)— a matter that requires much further investigation. With
are unlikely candidates for modality-specific lexical stores. respect to morphosyntactic processing, the rTMS studies
However, if we suppose that morphosegmental processes reviewed here suggest that the anterior portion of the left
(in phonology and orthography) are dissociable from lexical middle frontal gyrus may be crucial for verbs (Cappelletti
retrieval and morphosyntactic feature selection, an alterna- et al., 2008; Shapiro et al., 2001). The data for nouns are
tive explanation becomes available. It may be that modality- even more severely limited: the lesion data implicate either
specific grammatical-class deficits are manifestations of the left inferior frontal lobe or the inferior parietal lobe

784 language
(Shapiro et al., 2000), although none of the frontal areas Caramazza, A., Miceli, G., Silveri, M. C., & Laudanna,
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54 Ventral and Dorsal
Contributions to Word Reading
laurent cohen and stanislas dehaene

abstract The core component of expert reading is the fast and occipitoparietal “where” stream (Ungerleider & Mishkin,
accurate perception of single words by the visual system, an ability 1982). In this chapter we propose an integrated view of the
that results from years of intensive learning. We propose an inte- contributions of the ventral and dorsal streams to single-
grated view of the contributions of the ventral and dorsal streams
to this process, associating brain imaging in normal subjects and
word reading. We systematically associate information from
studies of brain-damaged patients. Together, these two sources of brain imaging in normal subjects and contributions from
data indicate that fluent reading results from a tight collaboration studies of brain-damaged patients with varieties of acquired
of both pathways. In the left occipitotemporal cortex, the Visual “peripheral” dyslexias—that is, reading deficits resulting
Word Form system allows for the fast, invariant, and parallel from impaired visual processing, as opposed to language-
encoding of well-formed letter strings. The occipitoparietal pathway
related “central” dyslexias. Together, these two sources of
makes an important contribution to reading through attention
orienting, word selection, and within-word serial decoding under data indicate that fluent reading results from a tight collabo-
nonoptimal reading conditions. ration of the ventral and dorsal visual pathways, with the
occipitotemporal route dominating for expert reading of
known words and the occipitoparietal pathway making an
essential contribution to reading under dysfluent, unfamiliar,
The acquisition of reading by children rests on a delicate or degraded conditions.
tuning of the visual system and of the verbal system, and
on the elaboration of novel interactions between these two
preexisting domains. As a result of this long and effortful
Word processing in the ventral visual pathway
process, adult readers are able to scan pages of text in a fast Word Perception as Object Perception Over the last
and orderly manner, identifying a flow of words that are decades, studies in monkeys and, more recently, functional
each fixated only for a fraction of a second, immediately imaging in humans have shown that object recognition is
accessing their sound and meaning, and building up at the achieved through neuronal hierarchies located in the ventral
same time an integrated interpretation of the text. The core occipitotemporal pathway (figure 54.1). Moving from area
component of this remarkable process is the fast and accu- V1 to inferotemporal (IT) cortex, converging neurons show
rate perception of single words by the visual system. A pre- an increasing invariance to position and scale, an increasing
requisite for access to a word’s sound and meaning is the size of the receptive fields, and an increasing complexity
identification of its component letters and of their order, of the neurons’ optimal stimuli (M. Booth & Rolls, 1998;
an abstract representation that has been called the Visual Riesenhuber & Poggio, 1999; Rolls, 2000; Serre, Oliva, &
Word Form (Besner, 1989; Paap, Newsome, & Noel, 1984; Poggio, 2007; Ullman, 2007). Connections include bottom-
Warrington & Shallice, 1980). up and top-down projections within the ventral stream
In past years, research has concentrated on the contribu- (Felleman & Van Essen, 1991), as well as projections to and
tion of the left ventral visual system to word-identification from more remote frontal and parietal regions subserving
processes. However, like any complex visual task, reading attentional control (Kastner & Ungerleider, 2000).
is most likely achieved through a collaboration of the We proposed that the ability to read words stems from
two components of the cerebral visual system—that is, the this general ability of the ventral stream to identify complex
ventral occipitotemporal “what” stream and the dorsal multipart objects. According to the local combination
detector, or LCD, model (Dehaene, Cohen, Sigman, &
laurent cohen AP-HP, Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, Department Vinckier, 2005), words are encoded through a posterior-
of Neurology, Paris; Université Paris VI, Faculté de Médecine to-anterior hierarchy of neurons tuned to increasingly
Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris; INSERM UMRS 975, Centre de Recherche
de l’ICM, Paris, France larger and more complex word fragments, such as visual
stanislas dehaene INSERM, Cognitive Neuro-Imaging Unit, features, single letters, bigrams, quadrigrams, and possibly
Gif sur Yvette; Collège de France, Paris, France whole words.

cohen and dehaene: ventral and dorsal contributions to word reading 789
Lexico-semantic reading route Phonological reading route

IFG triangular IFG opercular

-44 23 17 -50 10 4

MTG post. STG

-49 -54 13 -53 -13 0

basal temporal SMG

-48 -41 -16 -60 -41 25

Visual word form system

Small words and

(y = -48) OTS
recurring substrings
(e.g., morphemes)

Visuo-spatial attention
Local bigrams (y = -56) OTS

Low-level visual processing -33 -60 48

Abstract letter (y = -64)

detectors OTS OTS

Letter shapes (y = -70) V4 V4


Local contours
(letter fragments) V2 V2

Oriented bars V1 V1

Figure 54.1 Synthetic schema of the reading system, merging phonological reading routes (green). The proposed normalized
propositions from Dehaene, Cohen, Sigman, and Vinckier (2005) coordinates for the lexicosemantic and phonological reading routes
and Cohen and colleagues (2003). Low-level processing is achieved are from a meta-analysis of 35 PET and fMRI studies (Jobard,
in each hemisphere for the contralateral half of the visual field Crivello, & Tzourio-Mazoyer, 2003), and the coordinates of the
(yellow). Information converges on the left-hemispheric Visual visuospatial attention system are from Gitelman et al. (1999). IFG:
Word Form system, where an invariant representation of inferior frontal gyrus; MTG: middle temporal gyrus; SMG: supra-
letter strings is computed (red). The dorsal visual stream exerts a marginal gyrus: OTS: occipitotemporal sulcus; IPS: intraparitetal
top-down attentional control on the hierarchy of ventral areas sulcus. (See color plate 68.)
(blue). The ventral visual system then feeds the lexicosemantic and

790 language
This system reaches its optimal level of expertise only after induces a length effect (Lavidor & Ellis, 2002; Lavidor, Ellis,
years of practice. Through perceptual learning mechanisms, Shillcock, & Bland, 2001).
neurons within the ventral pathway become progressively The RVF advantage is a complex phenomenon, for which
attuned to the regularities of the writing system at all hier- several compatible mechanisms have been put forward:
archical levels. This hierarchy must also take into account degradation of information resulting from right-to-left inter-
the need to interact with downstream codes for phonologi- hemispheric transfer of LVF letters; better perceptual
cal, morphological, and lexical knowledge of words (Goswami learning in the most stimulated sector of the visual field
& Ziegler, 2006). Eventually, the adult pattern of perfor- (Nazir, 2000; Nazir, Ben-Boutayab, Decoppet, Deutsch, &
mance—that is, fast and invariant word recognition with Frost, 2004); and rightward attentional bias. As to the ulti-
little influence of the number of letters—is thought to reflect mate causes of such perceptual or attentional asymmetries,
the parallel encoding of letter strings through a fast bottom- they may involve left-hemispheric lateralization of language
up hierarchy of converging detectors. (M. Kinsbourne, 1972), left-to-right reading habits (Deutsch
& Rayner, 1999; Lavidor & Whitney, 2005; Mishkin &
Early Visual Processing of Printed Words Forgays, 1952), and the fact that the beginning of words is
more informative than their end and should therefore be
Retinotopic processing Letters are first processed in the hemi- kept close to fixation, as acuity drops steeply away from the
sphere contralateral to their location in the visual field, pro- fovea (e.g., O’Regan et al., 1984).
bably in increasingly invariant format, through areas V1 to Nazir and colleagues (Nazir, 2000; Nazir et al., 2004)
V4. Those areas, located approximately between Talairach emphasized the role of perceptual learning in the genesis of
coordinates (TC) y = −90 and y = −70, are modulated by the RVF advantage, as a result of the most frequent percep-
physical parameters such as word length (Whiting et al., tion of words in this sector of the visual field. Along those
2003) and visual contrast (Mechelli, Humphreys, Mayall, lines, it is plausible that expert word perception, like other
Olson, & Price, 2000), stimulus degradation (Helenius, instances of overpracticed perceptual abilities, is restricted
Tarkiainen, Cornelissen, Hansen, & Salmelin, 1999; to the trained region of the visual field and results from
Jernigan et al., 1998), and stimulus rate and duration (Price increased activation in retinotopic cortex, with increasing
& Friston, 1997; Price, Moore, & Frackowiak, 1996). Accord- reliance on its more posterior sectors (Sigman et al., 2005).
ingly, the P150 wave evoked by word reading is only sensitive Congruent with this view, Cohen and colleagues (2002)
to the physical repetition of stimuli in a masked priming found a left extrastriate region (TC −24 −78 −12) only
paradigm (Petit, Midgley, Holcomb, & Grainger, 2006). responsive to RVF stimuli, which showed stronger activation
by alphabetic strings than by checkerboards, while no such
Perceptual asymmetry It has long been recognized that words difference was observed in corresponding right extrastriate
are read more easily when they are displayed in the right areas. Moreover, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
visual field (RVF) than in the left visual field (LVF) (for inhibition of the left (but not of the right) occipital cortex
reviews see Ducrot & Grainger, 2007; Ellis, 2004). By con- induces a length effect for words displayed in the RVF
tinuously varying fixation point inside and outside words, (Skarratt & Lavidor, 2006). This effect occurs when TMS is
Brysbaert, Vitu, and Schroyens (1996) showed that the RVF applied 80 ms after word presentation, supporting the local-
advantage is closely related to another behavioral asymme- ization of the interference to the posterior visual cortex.
try, namely, that in the optimal reading position, gaze posi- Moreover, priming tasks with split-field stimuli suggest
tion falls left of word center (Nazir, 2000; O’Regan, that alphabetic strings are encoded in a format less depen-
Levy-Schoen, Pynte, & Brugaillere, 1984), so that most of dent on physical shape and case when they are viewed in
the word falls in the RVF. Thus the visual reading span of the RVF than in the LVF (Burgund & Marsolek, 1997;
about 10 letters (Rayner & Bertera, 1979) is not distributed Marsolek, Kosslyn, & Squire, 1992; Marsolek, Schacter, &
equally across both hemifields, as letter-identification per- Nicholas, 1996), possibly reflecting general processing asym-
formance decreases more slowly with eccentricity in the metries in the visual system (Burgund & Marsolek, 2000;
RVF than in the LVF (Nazir, Jacobs, & O’Regan, 1998). Marsolek, 1995; Sawamura, Georgieva, Vogels, Vanduffel,
In addition to higher accuracy and shorter latencies, the & Orban, 2005). Accordingly, using a masked priming para-
RVF advantage is characterized by parallel letter identifica- digm, Dehaene and colleagues (2001) have evidenced case-
tion, as indexed by constant reading latencies irrespective of specific physical repetition priming in the right extrastriate
word length. The absence of a word-length effect is restricted cortex (though similar regions were also present in left
to words displayed in the optimal viewing position, or fully extrastriate at a lower threshold) (for similar effects with
within the sector of the RVF closest to the fovea. Outside of object perception see Koutstaal et al., 2001).
those conditions, a length effect emerges. Accordingly, when Overall, such data support the idea that the poster-
words extend across central fixation, only their left part ior sector of the left ventral pathway develops superior

cohen and dehaene: ventral and dorsal contributions to word reading 791
perceptual abilities for contralateral strings of letters (as controversies (Price & Devlin, 2003; Wright et al., 2007),
indexed by measures of accuracy, speed, parallelism, and which we tried to clarify by applying to the VWFA the
invariance), explaining at least the perceptual component of distinctive notions of reproducible localization, partial
the RVF advantage. regional selectivity, and functional specialization (for review
and discussion see Cohen & Dehaene, 2004).
Pathology: Reading with hemianopia or with apperceptive agnosia
The asymmetric role of posterior visual cortex in reading is Specialization within the ventral stream
supported by the pattern of reading impairments resulting 1. Reproducible localization. Reading-related activations
from left versus right hemianopia. Reading is highly depen- are reproducibly located within the occipitotemporal sulcus
dent on the integrity of the central visual field. As unilateral lateral to the left fusiform gyrus (VWFA), with only a
lesions affecting the retrochiasmatic visual tract up to primary few millimeters of intersubject variability (Cohen et al.,
visual cortex result in scotomas sparing at least half of 2002; Jobard, Crivello, & Tzourio-Mazoyer, 2003). The
the fovea, the ensuing reading impairments are relatively VWFA is activated by visual words irrespective of their
mild. Only right hemianopia without sparing of foveal position in the visual field (Cohen et al., 2000). An associated
vision induces noticeable reading difficulty (Zihl, 1995). electrical or magnetic signature is detected about 170–200 ms
First, the visual span of such patients is reduced, and they after stimulation (e.g., Cohen et al., 2000; Marinkovic
may require several fixations in order to perceive long et al., 2003; Tarkiainen, Helenius, Hansen, Cornelissen, &
words. Second, patients lose the reading advantage specific Salmelin, 1999).
to the normal RVF. Accordingly, they show an influence The remarkable topographical reproducibility of the
of word length on reading latencies, as normal subjects do VWFA may result from its optimal positioning within
with words displayed in their LVF (Cohen et al., 2003). gradients biasing the a priori organization of the visual
Third, perception in the right parafoveal field, in an area cortex, such as a posterior-to-anterior increase in perceptual
spanning about 15 letters (Rayner & McConkie, 1976), is invariance (Grill-Spector et al., 1998; Lerner, Hendler,
important for preparing the accurate landing of the gaze on Ben-Bashat, Harel, & Malach, 2001) and a mesial-to-lateral
subsequent words (Sereno & Rayner, 2003). Therefore increase in preference for foveal versus peripheral stimuli
hemianopic patients make abnormally short and numerous (Hasson, Levy, Behrmann, Hendler, & Malach, 2002). A
saccades when reading word sequences (Leff et al., 2000; further reason for the localization of the VWFA, particularly
Zihl, 1995). for its usual left lateralization, may be the availability of
Finally, patients with so-called apperceptive agnosia more direct connections to other language-related sites
(Humphreys & Riddoch, 1993; Lissauer, 1890) following involved in phonological or lexical processing (Cai, Lavidor,
(generally bilateral) lesions of intermediate visual areas such Brysbaert, Paulignan, & Nazir, 2008; Cohen, Jobert, Le
as V2 and V4 are impaired at word reading just as they are Bihan, & Dehaene, 2004; Epelbaum et al., 2008; Mahon &
at identifying other types of shapes and objects (Heider, Caramazza, 2009).
2000; Michel, Henaff, & Bruckert, 1991; Rizzo, Nawrot, 2. Partial regional selectivity. The VWFA is activated by
Blake, & Damasio, 1992). alphabetic strings relative to fixation but often also relative
to complex nonalphabetic stimuli such as faces or geometri-
Invariant Representation of Letters and the Visual cal patterns (e.g., Cohen et al., 2002; Puce, Allison, Asgari,
Word Form Area After percolating through retinotopic Gore, & McCarthy, 1996). However, the difference in acti-
cortex, visual word information converges on the sector of vation between words relative to visual objects is variable
ventral cortex anterior to V4, ranging approximately from across studies, and may even be inverted, depending on a
TC y = 60 to y = −40, a region with larger receptive fields number of experimental parameters (e.g., Wright et al.,
and greater capacity of invariance (figure 54.2). This region 2007). This lack of absolute regional selectivity may be taken
receives afferences from both visual hemifields (Tootell, as a sensible argument against the use of the VWFA label,
Mendola, Hadjikhani, Liu, & Dale, 1998) and shows as this region may well be involved in processing nonalpha-
repetition suppression by object images across changes in betic visual objects. However, selectivity may be detectable
size, position, and orientation (Grill-Spector et al., 1999), only at a higher spatial resolution. Thus intracranial record-
and across a change of exemplar within a category (Koutstaal ings occasionally showed P150 or N200 waves elicited
et al., 2001). Accordingly, we proposed that, during reading, exclusively by letter strings, as compared to a variety of
part of this region (which we labeled as the Visual Word control stimuli such as phase-scrambled strings, flowers,
Form Area, or VWFA) is responsible for the computation of faces, or geometrical shapes (Allison, McCarthy, Nobre,
an invariant representation of letter identities (Cohen et al., Puce, & Belger, 1994; Allison, Puce, Spencer, & McCarthy,
2000). Both this proposed labeling and the functional 1999). Moreover, some left inferotemporal lesions (see the
properties of this region have given rise to enduring subsection “Pathology: Pure alexia”) yield massive alexia

792 language

Words > fixation

Functional specialization Pure alexia

in the Visual Word Form system

MOUTON Reading latency
BOLD response
1,6 4000

AVONI L 3000


1 1000
0,8 0
KZWYWK 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Number ofof letters

Figure 54.2 Word processing in the ventral pathway. Top panel: cortex responsible for pure alexia (top). Whereas before surgery
Activations induced by printed words relative to a fixation baseline word reading was fast and constant irrespective of word length,
in the left hemisphere (left) and in the bilateral ventral visual after surgery the patient showed slow letter-by-letter reading
pathway (right). Left panel: The VWF system shows a linear increase (middle). In the same patient, the 3D image shows the relative
of activation (top) by letter strings forming closer statistical approxi- position of the VWFA (blue), of other category-dependent fMRI
mations to orthographically legal strings (middle). This functional activation clusters before surgery, of the brain lesion (green), and
specialization increases progressively in more anterior regions of intracerebral electrodes (magenta). (Right panel adapted from
within the VWF system (bottom). (Left panel adapted from Gaillard et al., 2006.) (See color plate 69.)
Vinckier et al., 2007.) Right panel: Surgical lesion in the left ventral

cohen and dehaene: ventral and dorsal contributions to word reading 793
affecting even single letters, contrasting with the spared rec- Pure alexia is an acquired and selective reading deficit occur-
ognition of complex multipart objects, faces, or digit strings, ring in previously literate patients. Patients typically have
demonstrating that the VWFA, even if activated by a wide entirely preserved production and comprehension of oral
range of stimuli, may evolve to be necessary only to word language, and they can write normally either spontaneously
recognition. or to dictation. However, they show various degrees of
3. Functional specialization. The issue of selectivity is inde- impairment of word reading. The critical cortical lesions
pendent of the hypothesis of a functional specialization of generating pure alexia overlap with the VWFA as defined
the VWFA (figure 54.2). On top of their preexisting object with functional imaging (Cohen et al., 2003; Gaillard et al.,
coding properties, neurons in the VWFA develop elaborate 2006). Pure alexia may also follow deafferentation of an
functional specialization as they get attuned to arbitrary intact VWFA following left-hemispheric white matter lesions
features of the subject’s script. As the clearest instance of (Cohen, Henry, et al., 2004; Epelbaum et al., 2008). Poste-
functional specialization, activation of the VWFA is stronger rior callosal lesions cause a selective deafferentation of the
when the script is familiar than when it is unfamiliar (e.g., VWFA from the right occipital cortex, yielding alexia
Hebrew versus alphabetic strings; Baker et al., 2007) or restricted to the LVF (Cohen et al., 2000, 2003; Molko et
created de novo (Price, Wise, & Frackowiak, 1996). More- al., 2002; Suzuki et al., 1998).
over, using masked repetition priming, it was shown that In the most severe cases, known as global alexia, patients
the VWFA represents words in a format invariant for cannot identify single letters, let alone whole words (Dalmas
the upper- versus lowercase distinction (e.g., radio versus & Dansilio, 2000; Dejerine, 1892). Such patients may or
RADIO), another arbitrary culture-dependent feature of may not have access to abstract letter identities, as tested
writing systems (Dehaene et al., 2004, 2001). Finally, within for instance in a cross-case letter-matching task (Miozzo
the subjects’ familiar script, the VWFA is activated more & Caramazza, 1998; Mycroft, Hanley, & Kay, 2002).
strongly by letter strings forming closer statistical approxi- More often, patients show relatively preserved letter identi-
mations to orthographically legal strings (including real fication abilities and develop letter-by-letter reading strate-
words), showing that the VWFA incorporates constraints on gies, as if only the most finely tuned mechanisms of word
letter combinations, which are specific to the familiar lan- perception were affected, those allowing for rapid and
guage (Binder, Medler, Westbury, Liebenthal, & Buchanan, parallel identification of letter strings. As an indication of
2006; Cohen et al., 2002; Vinckier et al., 2007). this effortful reading strategy, patients show a large increase
4. Internal structure of the Visual Word Form system. According in the number and the duration of fixations per word relative
to the LCD model, the anteroposterior extension of the to normals and even to patients with hemianopic dyslexia
VWFA (about 20 mm) should reflect its heterogeneous and (Behrmann, Shomstein, Black, & Barton, 2001). There is
hierarchically organized structure. Dehaene and colleagues some evidence that in letter-by-letter readers, residual
(2004), using a subliminal priming design, showed that the letter identification can be subtended by right-hemispheric
type of prime-target similarity that causes fMRI priming regions symmetrical to the VWFA or by spared patches of
varies according to the anterior-posterior location in left left-hemispheric ventral cortex (Bartolomeo, Bachoud-Levi,
occipitotemporal cortex, with an increasing invariance for Degos, & Boller, 1998; Cohen, Henry, et al., 2004; Gaillard
position and case change, and probably greater reliance on et al., 2006).
larger-size units such as bigrams or quadrigrams. More Finally, some patients show better-than-chance perfor-
recently, Vinckier and colleagues (2007) tested whether a mance in purely implicit reading tasks such as lexical or
hierarchy of detectors of increasingly larger word fragments semantic decision, contrasting with the apparent inability to
is present in the left occipitotemporal cortex. The frequency identify printed words (Coslett & Saffran, 1989; Coslett,
of letters, bigrams, and quadrigrams was manipulated, yield- Saffran, Greenbaum, & Schwartz, 1993). Implicit reading
ing a range of stimuli with an increasing structural similarity has been most clearly evidenced with Arabic numerals,
to real words. The more anterior an area was within the which can be compared accurately even when explicit
Visual Word Form region, the more sensitive it was to the reading is grossly impaired (Cohen & Dehaene, 1995, 2000),
frequency of complex components, revealing a gradient-like probably revealing effective right-hemispheric identification
spatial organization within the VWFA (see Grainger and processes.
Holcomb, in press, for a review of ERP data relevant to the
fragmentation of orthographic processing). Contribution of the dorsal pathway
Pathology: Pure alexia Impairments affecting the Visual Word The operation of the ventral stream during word reading is
Form system correspond to the syndrome of pure alexia, as modulated by attentional influences, originating from pari-
described in the 19th century (Binder & Mohr, 1992; etal regions, that may impinge on all processing levels from
Damasio & Damasio, 1983; Dejerine, 1892; see figure 54.2). striate cortex (Chawla, Rees, & Friston, 1999; Somers, Dale,

794 language
Seiffert, & Tootell, 1999) to ventral occipitotemporal areas letters cannot be effectively processed in parallel over the
(Kastner, De Weerd, Desimone, & Ungerleider, 1998; see whole string.
figures 54.1 and 54.3). In order to make sense of the variety
of reading impairments that may follow parietal lesions, we Orientation of Attention Spatial attention modulates
will distinguish somewhat artificially three contributions of the efficiency of the visual processing of alphabetic stimuli.
attentional control to single-word reading: orienting to the Thus words are better recognized when they appear in a
region of space where the target word is displayed, filtering region of the visual field to which attention has been directed
out irrelevant words present in the vicinity of the target, and by a previous cue (McCann, Folk, & Johnston, 1992), and
serially attending to letters or word fragments whenever subliminal letters have a priming effect on subsequent


Words > fixation

Parietal activations Reading with parietal lesions

with degraded words

BOLD response Error rate





Figure 54.3 Contribution of the dorsal pathway to word reading. (Left panel adapted from Cohen, Dehaene, Vinckier, Jobert, &
Top panel: Activations induced by printed words relative to a Montavont, 2008.) Right panel: In a patient with bilateral parietal
fixation baseline in the left hemisphere (left) and in the bilateral atrophy and spared ventral cortex (top), there was a severe reading
dorsal visual pathway (right). Left panel: The bilateral intraparietal impairment above a similar threshold of rotation angle, demon-
cortex shows a nonlinear increase of activation with word degrada- strating the role of parietal cortex whenever display degradation
tion, correlated with reaction times (top). For instance, activations exceeds the range of invariance in the ventral cortex. (Right panel
increased steeply for words rotated by more than 45° (bottom). adapted from Vinckier et al., 2006.) (See color plate 70.)

cohen and dehaene: ventral and dorsal contributions to word reading 795
targets only when they are displayed at an attended location right neglect in situations of competition between objects,
(Marzouki, Grainger, & Theeuwes, 2007). As mentioned while his right lesion yielded left neglect in situations of
before, the RVF advantage may partly result from a rightward competitions between the parts of an object.
bias of attention. Ducrot and Grainger (2007) showed that A clarifying framework was proposed by Hillis and
exogenous spatial cuing has no impact on the (asymmetrical) Caramazza (1995), who suggested that the varieties of
reading performance for words displayed only slightly off neglect dyslexia may be attributed to spatial attentional
fixation, suggesting that in the central field, the RVF biases acting on one or more of progressively more abstract
advantage is mostly perceptual. In contrast, cuing was very word representations derived from Marr’s theory of object
effective for more peripheral words and tended to reduce the perception (Marr, 1982): a peripheral retinocentric feature
RVF advantage. In a study of lateralized word reading, representation, a stimulus-centered letter-shape level, and a
Cohen and colleagues (2002) found larger activations for word-centered graphemic representation akin to the Visual
RVF than for LVF words in the left precuneus and thalamus, Word Form (for a review of supportive data see Haywood
with no activations for the opposite contrast, likely reflecting & Coltheart, 2000). Thus, in a deficit at the retinocentric
the attentional component of the RVF advantage. level, error rate for a given letter should depend on its posi-
tion in the visual field relative to central fixation and not on
Pathology: Neglect dyslexia The defining feature of neglect dys- its rank within the target word. In contrast, in a deficit at
lexia is the existence of a left-right spatial gradient in the rate the stimulus-centered level, error rate should depend on the
of reading errors far exceeding the normal RVF advantage distance from the center of the word irrespective of the posi-
(for an overview and references see Riddoch, 1990). Follow- tion of the word in the visual field. Naturally, both parame-
ing the general pattern of hemispatial neglect, it is much ters may be relevant in some if not in the majority of patients.
more common to observe left than right neglect dyslexia, More remote from neglect in its usual sense, neglect at the
although a number of right-sided cases have been reported. graphemic level yields errors affecting one end of words
Neglect dyslexia is generally associated with signs of neglect irrespective of their spatial position or orientation. Thus
outside the domain of reading, although patients with seem- patient NG made errors with the last letters (e.g., hound →
ingly isolated neglect dyslexia have been reported. Neglect house) when reading standard words, but also vertical words
is thought to result from associated impairments of both and mirror-reversed words, as well as when naming orally
nonlateralized and lateralized components of attentional/ spelled words and when performing other lexical tasks such
spatial processing (Husain & Rorden, 2003). The latter may as spelling (Caramazza & Hillis, 1990). Note, however, that
depend on saliency maps of the opposite hemispace sub- there are alternative accounts of word-centered neglect
tended by each posterior parietal lobe (Medendorp, Goltz, dyslexia, in frameworks that refute the existence of object-
Vilis, & Crawford, 2003; M. Sereno, 2001). Assuming that centered neural representations (Deneve & Pouget, 2003;
those lateralized maps contribute to the top-down modula- Mozer, 2002).
tion of the ventral visual stream, one may expect that distinct Finally, letter strings that are neglected in explicit reading
varieties of neglect dyslexia may arise, depending on the side tasks may nevertheless be processed to higher representation
of the lesion, the affected parietal structure, the ventral levels. This possibility is suggested by preserved performance
regions that are deprived of attentional modulation, and so in lexical decision (Arduino, Burani, & Vallar, 2003), by the
on. Indeed, there are numerous clinical observations to illus- fact that erroneous responses often tend to have the same
trate this fractionation of neglect dyslexia (Riddoch, 1990). length as the actual targets (K. Kinsbourne & Warrington,
Neglect errors typically affect the leftmost letters when 1962), or by higher error rates observed with nonwords than
patients read single words, and the leftmost side of the page with real words (Sieroff, Pollatsek, & Posner, 1988). The
when they read connected text. However, those two types interpretation of such findings is still debated (Riddoch,
of errors can be to some extent doubly dissociated, suggest- 1990), but it is plausible that neglected words can be partially
ing that neglect dyslexia is not a homogeneous syndrome processed in the ventral visual pathway in the absence
(Costello & Warrington, 1987; Kartsounis & Warrington, of conscious awareness, as has also been shown in normal
1989). This fractionation is best illustrated by the case of subjects (Dehaene et al., 2001; Devlin et al., 2003) and with
patient JR, who suffered from bilateral occipitoparietal other types of visual stimuli such as faces or houses in neglect
lesions (Humphreys, 1998). When presented with words patients (Rees et al., 2000).
scattered on a page, he omitted the rightmost words, but his
reading errors affected the leftmost letters of the words that Selection of One Single Word For optimal reading, not
he picked out. Likewise, he showed left neglect when he was only should the attention window encompass the target
asked to read single words, while he showed right neglect word, but it should also be narrow enough to exclude
when trying to name the component letters of the same other neighboring words. In normal subjects it is possible to
stimuli. This pattern suggests that JR’s left lesion yielded force a spread of attention over two words, by briefly

796 language
presenting two words side by side, and specifying only (Saffran & Coslett, 1996), suggesting that low-level visual
afterward which of the two should be reported (Davis & features may help to focus the attention on the target word
Bowers, 2004; Treisman & Souther, 1986). This procedure and to discard distracters.
degrades performance and induces reading errors that are In brief, attentional dyslexia may be due to insufficient
analogous to those observed in the pathological condition attentional focusing on one among several concurrent letters
known as attentional dyslexia (for qualifications to this or letter strings represented in the Visual Word Form system.
analogy see Davis & Bowers, 2004). Note that the few cases of attentional dyslexia with sufficient
lesion data consistently point to a left parietal involvement
Pathology: Attentional dyslexia The hallmark of attentional (Friedmann & Gvion, 2001; Mayall & Humphreys, 2002;
dyslexia is the contrast between preserved reading of Shallice & Warrington, 1977; E. K. Warrington et al., 1993).
isolated words and high error rates when the target is Such asymmetry may relate to a left-hemispheric bias for
surrounded by other words (for a review see Davis & object-oriented attention (Egly, Driver, & Rafal, 1994), or
Coltheart, 2002). It is generally attributed to an impaired more generally to the left dominance for language.
attentional selection of one among several concurrent
stimuli (Shallice, 1988). This induces (1) an inaccurate pro- Attending to Parts of Words and Serial Decoding As
cessing of the target (substitutions, additions, or deletions of an outcome of perceptual learning, in expert readers the
letters) as a result of the competition by surrounding words ventral visual pathway gets attuned to the perception of
and (2) intrusion of distracters into later stages of processing normal print: horizontally aligned words presented in the
(letter migrations from the flanking words into the response foveal region in a usual font are identified in a fast and parallel
to the target). manner. There are, however, a number of circumstances in
Such ideas are in good agreement with imaging data in which this optimal encoding is either unavailable or
normals, showing that when multiple objects are presented inappropriate to the task at hand, as revealed by slower
simultaneously, they exert mutual inhibition, resulting in reading speed and by the emergence of a linear increase of
decreased ventral visual activations (Kastner et al., 1998). reading latencies with word length. We suggest that this
Directing attention toward one of the stimuli compensates length effect reflects a failure of parallel letter processing in
this reduction of activity. Moreover, the activation induced the ventral pathway and indicates the deployment of serial
by distracters in areas T4 and TEO is reduced in proportion attention to letters or groups of letters (for an alternative
to the attention that is paid to the target, and it is inversely account see Whitney, 2001; Whitney & Lavidor, 2004). Serial
correlated with frontoparietal activations (Pinsk, Doniger, & reading would involve parietal structures driving spatial-
Kastner, 2004). It is thus plausible that in attentional dyslex- attentional processes (Gitelman et al., 1999; Husain &
ics, impaired selection abilities, which are unmasked in the Rorden, 2003; Kanwisher & Wojciulik, 2000; Mesulam,
presence of flanker words, cause both visual errors due to a 1999) and a modulation by this top-down attention of ventral
weakened representation of the target and letter migrations occipitotemporal structures coding for word fragments
due to an excessive activation of distracters. (Chawla et al., 1999; Kastner et al., 1998; Somers et al., 1999).
The phenomenon of flanker interference also prevails Departure from parallel reading as indexed by the
when patients are asked to read single letters surrounded by emergence of a length effect occurs in many conditions:
other letters. This finding leads to the paradoxical observa- (1) in children whose reading expertise is still incompletely
tion that patients may be good at reading isolated words but developed, with an effect of word length persisting until
not at naming their component letters. More generally, about the age of 10 (Aghababian & Nazir, 2000); (2) in pure
interference seems to occur only between items of the same alexic patients who develop letter-by-letter reading following
category. In their seminal article Shallice and Warrington left ventral lesions, a strategy that is associated with parietal
(1977) showed that flanking letters but not flanking digits activations (Gaillard et al., 2006); (3) in normal subjects
interfered with letter identification. Similarly, there is no attempting to read words degraded by means of contrast
mutual interference between letters and whole words (E. K. reduction (Legge, Ahn, Klitz, & Luebker, 1997), of mIxEd
Warrington, Cipolotti, & McNeil, 1993). One may note that case printing (Lavidor, 2002; Mayall, Humphreys, Mechelli,
in some patients the interference between letters is the same Olson, & Price, 2001), of vertical display (Bub & Lewine,
whether the target and flankers are printed in the same case 1988), and of lateral display in the LVF (Lavidor & Ellis,
or not (Shallice & Warrington, 1977; E. K. Warrington 2002); and (4) in normal subjects reading aloud pseudo-
et al.), suggesting that the impairment impinges on visual words, which probably requires the serial left-to-right
areas that already show high-level invariance, such as the conversion of graphemes into phonemes (Weekes, 1997).
VWFA. Still, the irrelevance of case changes for attentional Interestingly, patients with semantic dementia who suffer
selection is not absolute. Indeed, letter migrations between from a progressive dissolution of lexical knowledge show
words may be reduced by using different typographic cases a length effect even when reading real words (Cumming,

cohen and dehaene: ventral and dorsal contributions to word reading 797
Patterson, Verfaellie, & Graham, 2006). This abnormal dowords, for which grapheme-to-phoneme conversion
length effect is due to reduced top-down lexical support for requires the sequential inspection of graphemes. For instance,
word identification, compelling patients to process real a patient could read accurately 29 out of 30 briefly presented
words as pseudowords. words, while she identified only 4 out of 30 pseudowords
We recently studied the mechanisms involved in reading (Coslett & Saffran, 1991).
degraded words (Cohen, Dehaene, Vinckier, Jobert, & We recently studied a simultanagnosic patient with
Montavont, 2008; see figure 54.3). We presented adult bilateral parietal atrophy (Vinckier et al., 2006; see figure
readers with words that were progressively degraded in three 54.3). She was excellent at reading normally printed foveal
different ways (word rotation, letter spacing, and displace- words, but she was severely impaired at reading words that
ment to the visual periphery). Behaviorally, we identified were mirror reversed, or rotated by angles larger than 50°,
degradation thresholds above which reading difficulty or whose letters were separated by at least two blank spaces,
increased nonlinearly, with the concomitant emergence of a or words displayed in her left hemifield. According to the
length effect. Functional MRI activations were correlated present hypothesis, above those critical thresholds—that is,
with reading difficulty in bilateral occipitotemporal and pari- when stimulus degradation exceeds the perceptual tolerance
etal regions, reflecting the strategies required to identify of the ventral system—reading normally requires the inter-
degraded words. A core region of the intraparietal cortex vention of the parietal lobes to pilot the attention-driven
was engaged in all modes of degradation. Supporting the exploration of stimuli (for a congruent observation see Hall,
current interpretation, the same region is also activated, and Humphreys, & Cooper, 2001). Parietal lesions did not allow
its interactions with other parts of the reading network the patient to resort to such strategy. This study was con-
increase, when subjects are required to pay attention to gruent with an imaging study reviewed before (Cohen et al.,
letters within nondegraded words (Bitan et al., 2005; 2008): overlapping parietal regions were activated in normal
J. Booth et al., 2002). Furthermore, in the ventral pathway, subjects and lesioned in the patient, and the same degree of
word degradation led to an amplification of activation in the word degradation boosted parietal activations in normals
posterior Visual Word Form Area at a level thought to and caused a drop in the patient’s performance.
encode single letters. We also found an effect of word Because of her parietal lesions, this patient also presented
length restricted to highly degraded words in bilateral occipi- with orientation agnosia (e.g., Priftis, Rusconi, Umilta, &
toparietal regions. Zorzi, 2003). She was thus unable to discriminate normally
oriented words or pictures of objects from the same rotated
Pathology: Spatial dyslexia and Balint’s syndrome Balint’s syn- stimuli. However, while she was unable to discriminate pic-
drome, a consequence of bilateral dorsal parietal lesions, tures of objects from their mirror-reversed images, she could
includes simultanagnosia, which prevents the binding of do so easily with reversible pseudowords. For instance,
objects with a stable localization in space and the computa- “boup” and “quod” appeared to her as distinct items,
tion of their relative positions, and ocular apraxia, which although they are mirror images of each other. The ventral
precludes an accurate control of saccades toward peripheral pathway builds up a mirror-invariant representation of
targets (Rizzo & Vecera, 2002). The most salient impact of common objects (Logothetis & Pauls, 1995; Rollenhagen &
this disorder on reading is an inability to read connected text Olson, 2000), which requires the intervention of explicit
as a result of chaotic scanning of the display. The patients’ orientation analysis dependent on parietal cortex in order
gaze wanders randomly from word to word, and the relative to discriminate mirror images. In contrast, the default invari-
position of words cannot be appreciated. However, patients ance for mirror symmetry is “unlearned” by the ventral
can read accurately each of the disconnected words on pathway in the particular case of reading, since reading
which they land. requires the accurate discrimination of mirror-symmetric
While the identification of optimally printed words is not shapes (e.g., “p” versus “q”).
substantially affected, patients may have major difficulties
reading words presented in unusual formats, such as verti- Interfacing with the verbal system
cally arrayed or widely spaced letters. These difficulties
disrupt the automatic binding of letters into single visual As the result of a collaboration between ventral and dorsal
objects, and therefore require a scanning of component routes, detailed visual information about letter strings is
letters, which Balint patients cannot do. Due to impaired ultimately conveyed to downstream language areas. In this
scanning, patients may also be unable to report one letter section, we briefly point out some open issues pertaining to
out of a string, even with optimally displayed real words the relationships of the visual system with the language-
(Baylis, Driver, Baylis, & Rafal, 1994). A similar account related components of word processing, including phonol-
explains why Balint patients are impaired at reading pseu- ogy and the lexicon.

798 language
Multiple Outlets from the Ventral Stream Assuming and a finer-grained code used to access phonology from
that word fragments of various sizes are identified in the orthography (Grainger & Holcomb, in press).
ventral stream, one may expect that rich direct and indirect
projections should exist toward areas involved in lexical, Phonological Impact on Visual Representations One
semantic, motor, or phonological processes. However, the potential shortcoming of the LCD model is that it focuses
pathways leading from the VWFA to all components of the primarily on the acquisition of visual expertise in reading—
reading network are not precisely defined. The macaque that is, how the ventral visual system eventually incorporates
equivalent of the VWFA putatively falls within the IT orthographic regularities (see figure 54.1). However, it is
complex, which projects to the inferior parietal lobule likely that word phonology also influences orthographic
and the anterior temporal lobe, in addition to occipital representations in the visual system. Early letter-to-sound
and interhemispheric connections (Schmahmann & Pandya, mapping is thought to be crucial for reading acquisition,
2006). Moreover, there may be a specifically human devel- which may constrain the eventual structure of the
opment of projections from the inferior temporal cortex to orthographic code in adults (Goswami & Ziegler, 2006;
language-related superior temporal, parietal, and frontal Ziegler & Goswami, 2005).
regions, through the arcuate fasciculus (Catani, Jones, & The impact of phonology on visual processing emerges
ffytche, 2005; Epelbaum et al., 2008) and the inferior fronto- from the comparison between scripts that differ in terms
occipital fasciculus (Catani, Howard, Pajevic, & Jones, 2002), of orthographic transparency—that is, the regularity of
respectively. grapheme-phoneme conversion rules. According to the
Following the observation of alexia with agraphia, Dejer- LCD model, transparency should be reflected in the size of
ine (1892) suggested that the next step following visual word the units encoded by occipitotemporal neurons. In “trans-
processing should be the angular gyrus, which he postulated parent” writing systems such as Italian or the Japanese
to be the “visual center of letters.” Indeed, the angular gyrus kana script, the letter and bigram levels should suffice for
is among the regions that are modulated during reading grapheme-phoneme conversion. In an “opaque” script,
tasks, even if it often remains below the baseline level of acti- however, such as English or kanji, a larger-size visual unit,
vation (Binder et al., 2003; Binder, Medler, Desai, Conant, & more anterior along the visual hiearchy, should be used.
Liebenthal, 2005), and there is functional connectivity Compatible with this idea, stronger and more anterior acti-
between the angular gyrus and the left fusiform gyrus at coor- vation is observed in the left occipitotemporal region in
dinates matching the VWFA (Horwitz, Rumsey, & Donohue, English than in Italian readers (Paulesu et al., 2000), and, at
1998). There is also correlated activity in the VWFA and in a slightly more mesial location, during kanji than during
left inferior frontal areas (Bokde, Tagamets, Friedman, & kana reading in Japanese readers (Ha Duy Thuy et al., 2004;
Horwitz, 2001). A further potential output pathway is to tem- Nakamura, Dehaene, Jobert, Le Bihan, & Kouider, 2005).
poral regions anterior to the VWFA. These regions, which However, evidence of an influence of phonology on visual
have been difficult to image with functional MRI because of processing within a given writing system is less clear. There
magnetic susceptibility artifacts, are probably involved in are numerous behavioral demonstrations of an impact
supramodal semantic processing (for a review see Giraud & of phonology on the processing of printed words, as well as
Price, 2001; Kreiman, Koch, & Fried, 2000; Lambon Ralph, of cross-modal word activations in parietal and superior
McClelland, Patterson, Galton, & Hodges, 2001). or lateral temporal regions (e.g., J. Booth et al., 2002;
Finally, it is possible that different segments of the Visual Cohen, Jobert, Le Bihan, & Dehaene, 2005; van Atteveldt,
Word Form system feed distinct language-related processes Formisano, Goebel, & Blomert, 2004). Still there is little
by projecting to distinct areas. Thus Mechelli and colleagues evidence that some of those effects reflect the operation of
(2005) found that during reading the posterior fusiform the visual system per se, rather than of later speech-related
cortex, which codes for single letters according to the LCD processes. For instance, Grainger, Kiyonaga, & Holcomb
model, was coupled with the superior premotor cortex, pos- (2006) showed that by 225 ms after the presentation of a
sibly in relation to letter-to-articulation transcoding, while target word preceded by a masked prime, ERPs distin-
the anterior fusiform cortex, presumably coding for large guished homophone pseudoword primes, as compared to
word fragments, was coupled with Broca’s pars triangularis, nonhomophone controls (e.g., bakon-BACON versus bafon-
possibly in relation to lexicosemantic access. Accordingly, BACON). Although this time window is roughly compatible
the former coupling increased during pseudoword reading, with processing in the Visual Word Form system, the ante-
whereas the latter increased during exception word reading. rior topography of this effect does not support an occipito-
In a similar vein, Grainger proposed on the basis of behav- temporal source. The contribution of phonological structure
ioral data that two types of orthographic code are computed: to word encoding in the visual system is thus largely open to
a coarse code used to rapidly access semantic information empirical research.

cohen and dehaene: ventral and dorsal contributions to word reading 799
Conclusion correlates of lexical access during visual word recognition.
J. Cogn. Neurosci., 15(3), 372–393.
The present review emphasizes that fluent reading results Binder, J. R., Medler, D. A., Desai, R., Conant, L. L., &
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distributed network. Although the VWFA clearly plays an Binder, J. R., Medler, D. A., Westbury, C. F., Liebenthal, E.,
essential role in expert reading, the recent literature has & Buchanan, L. (2006). Tuning of the human left fusiform gyrus
tended to forget that the dorsal spatial-attentional system to sublexical orthographic structure. NeuroImage, 33(2),
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readers probably rely on serial attentive reading under rela- 1807–1826.
tively rare conditions; but we speculate that young readers, Bitan, T., Booth, J. R., Choy, J., Burman, D. D., Gitelman,
in whom the word length effect is particularly large, rely D. R., & Mesulam, M. M. (2005). Shifts of effective connectivity
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804 language
55 The Neural Basis of
Syntactic Processing
david caplan

abstract Syntactic structures are unique mental representations and other similar information, mostly relating to the rela-
that relate the meanings of words to one another. Understanding tionships between items, actions, and properties referred to
of the neural basis for syntax consists mostly of information about by the words in a sentence. Propositions are the source of
the areas in which these structures are assigned and used to deter-
mine meaning in the process of comprehension, together with
much of the information that is stored in semantic memory.
electrophysiological correlates of these processes. This chapter In addition, because propositions can be true or false, they
briefly reviews deficit-lesion correlations and neurovascular studies can be used to reason, including making inferences, and to
that are relevant to the first of these topics. Both these sources of plan actions. Without propositions, language would consist
data suggest that the brain does not support syntactic processing in of designating items, actions, and properties of items and
an abstract fashion but as part of performing the task that is the
actions—a significant functional capacity, to be sure, but far
purpose of the comprehension process and that these task-related
syntactic operations are supported by multiple brain areas. less rich and useful than that which language affords because
it includes propositions.
For sequences of words to convey propositional relation-
ships in a flexible manner—one that allows unlikely or
Marr (1982) articulated a useful framework for describing impossible relationships to be expressed—it is necessary that
cognitive functions. In this system, a cognitive function is the meanings of words be combinable into propositions in
described at three levels: a level at which the representations some way that does not correspond to likely events. That is,
of the information in the cognitive domain are described combinatory possibilities have to be available to allow the
(the representational level), a level at which the operations sequence of words “man dog bite” to be associated with the
that compute these representations are described (the algo- proposition that a man is biting a dog, and not vice versa.
rithmic level), and a level at which the neural mechanisms Humans use the ability to refer to unlikely and false events
that support the storage of the representations and the when they lie, when they consider hypothetical situations,
activity of the operations that compute them are described and in other circumstances. The principles that allow these
(the neural level). In this chapter, I briefly review syntactic functions are the syntactic structures of language.
processing using this framework to organize the presenta- Syntactic structures need not be complex to permit
tion. Readers may find that more space is devoted to the unlikely propositions to be expressed: a simple active form
representational and algorithmic levels than is the case in (“The man is biting the dog”) would suffice for this basic
other chapters. If so, this emphasis reflects my sense that purpose. But syntactic structures are much more complex
these levels are less well understood by neurologically ori- than this one requirement imposes, and the complexity
ented cognitive neuroscientists in this domain than may be adds to the semantic information they allow language
the case in other cognitive areas. to convey. Features of syntax such as embedding allow
propositions, not merely words, to be related to one another.
Syntactic representations and their processing The sentence “The man who chased the girl fell down”
expresses a relationship between two propositions—the
Sentences convey information beyond that which is con- man chased the girl, and the man fell down. The syntactic
veyed by words alone. This information, collectively known structure known as a relative clause allows these two proposi-
as the propositional content of a sentence, includes who is tions to apply to the same man. Similarly, complement
initiating and receiving an action (thematic roles), which structures allow us to express propositional attitudes: “John
adjectives are assigned to which nouns (attribution of modi- believed/disagreed/expected/feared that it would rain”
fication), which words refer to the same items (co-reference), expresses a variety of states of mind that John is in vis-á-vis
the proposition that it will rain. Syntactic structures are
david caplan Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General needed to allow these sorts of relations between propositions
Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts to be conveyed.

caplan: the neural basis of syntactic processing 805

In addition to propositional information, syntactic struc- the important issue of whether the surface form of a sentence
tures also express discourse-level information. The sentences completely captures its syntactic structure. Chomsky has
“It was the policeman who shot the robber” and “It was the long argued that such models miss important generalizations
robber who the policeman shot” convey the same thematic about how syntactic relations are related to meaning. For
roles, but the first sentence makes the policeman the topic instance, in general, verbs assign a thematic role to their
and the second makes the robber the topic. To convey both objects, but there are many sentences in which this is not the
propositional and discourse information, it must be possible case when we consider the surface syntactic form—for
to express the same proposition in different forms—whence example, sentences with object-extracted relative clauses
another functional role for a complex syntax. (“The boy who the dog chased fell”), questions (“Who did
The most widely accepted theories of syntactic structures the dog chase?”), indirect questions (“The boy knew who the
view them as hierarchically organized sets of syntactic dog chased”), passives (“The boy was chased by the dog”),
categories, over which configurational relations are defined and other structures. In all these cases, Chomsky postulates
that determine these propositional aspects of meaning that the boy (or who) appears in the position of the object of
(figure 55.1). Different syntactic relations determine different the verb chase at some level of syntactic structure and moves
aspects of meaning. In “The boy who chased the dog fell,” to its surface position, leaving a copy of its former self to
the dog has no semantically consequential syntactic relation which the thematic role is assigned. However, Goldberg and
to fell. In the sentence “The boy who chased the dog caught many others have argued that the surface forms of sentences
him,” the very similar (though not identical) relation of the introduce particular semantic properties that are not found
dog to him allows the dog to serve as the antecedent of him. in a plausible “underlying” syntactic form. For instance,
Similarly, the boy is the syntactic subject of both sentences many linguists in the Chomskian tradition have argued that
and plays a thematic role around the verb fell in both, but the “ditransitive” construction (e.g., “John tossed Mary a
cannot be the antecedent of him in “The boy who chased bottle opener”) is derived from a “dative” structure (e.g.,
the dog caught him.” “John tossed a bottle opener to Mary”) in which the the-
Basic questions in linguistics revolve around the details of matic roles of agent, theme, and goal follow the more
these structures. In the model developed by Chomsky (1995), common (“canonical”) English linear order. Goldberg,
for instance, syntactic structures are formed by merging however, points out that the ditransitive has semantic prop-
lexical categories into higher-level phrasal categories, erties not found in the dative—it requires an animate recipi-
copying many categories into grammatical positions that ent, for instance: one cannot say, “John tossed the counter
need to be filled, using the resulting structure to determine a bottle opener”, but “John tossed a bottle opener to the
meaning, and deleting the categories in their positions of counter” is perfectly acceptable)—and thus the correct syn-
origin to determine the phonological form of the sentence. tactic theory recognizes surface constructions that are associ-
Other theories (e.g., Goldberg, 1995, 2006) do not postulate ated with aspects of propositional meaning, not surface
“underlying” syntactic structures: the structure that is structures that are derived from underlying representations.
“visible” on the surface is the only one generated. The reader can appreciate that it is not possible to develop
It is beyond the scope of this essay to discuss the differ- detailed models of how syntactic information is represented
ences between these theories in detail, but it is important to and processed in the brain without knowing what syntactic
provide the reader with some idea of the sorts of issues representations are, and therefore that these disagreements
involved in deciding between alternative conceptions of syn- present challenges to understanding the neural basis for syn-
tactic structures. As an oversimplified introduction, consider tactic processing. Models of the neural basis for representing
and processing syntactic structure have dealt with this uncer-
tainty by either adopting a particular theory or by investigat-
S ing phenomena that are thought to be basic to syntactic
representations and processing regardless of how they are
NP expressed in a theory.
To conclude this section on syntactic representations,
VP we note that a related, but secondary, question is the extent
to which syntactic structures differ from representations
in other cognitive domains such as mathematics and music
(including “languages” naturally used by and taught to
The boy who chased the dog fell animals). Suffice it to say that, although when considered
The boy who chased the dog caught him
at a sufficiently abstract level, representations proposed in
Figure 55.1 Schematic representation of hierarchical syntactic these other areas share features with syntax, virtually all
structure. models of the syntax of natural human languages postulate

806 language
structures that differ in fairly important ways from those egies that apply), the deficit is due to the lesion the patient
postulated in these other domains. Certainly the contribu- has sustained. The corollary of this statement is that the
tion of syntactic relations between words to meaning differs integrity of the lesioned area/neural process is necessary for
from the contribution of the rules relating elements in these the operation to take place. To apply deficit-lesion analyses
other domains to meaning, because of the differences in the to the problem of localization of syntactic operations, it is
meanings conveyed by sentences and these other represen- therefore necessary to characterize the deficits in patients,
tational systems. their lesions, and the relations between the two.
Most models of sentence comprehension maintain that Two basic views of deficits affecting syntactically based
“parsing” and “interpretive” operations assign syntactic comprehension have been articulated. The first is that
structures and use them to determine aspects of meaning in individual parsing or interpretive operations are selectively
the process of understanding a sentence. These models have affected by brain damage. The second is that patients lose
articulated principles whereby parsing rules apply. For the ability to apply what have been called “resources” to the
instance, in the sentence “The boy wanted to go to the game task of assigning and interpreting syntactic structure. The
yesterday,” yesterday preferentially modifies to go not wanted, first of these deficits may be likened to a student not being
suggesting a general principle of attaching new phrases to able to calculate π to eight decimal places in his/her head
the last incomplete phrase in a developing syntactic struc- because s/he does not know the formula for calculating π.
ture. Sentence interpretation relies on more than just syn- The second may be likened to a student knowing the formula
tactic structure and word meanings; information about the but not being able to hold the intermediate products of
frequency with which constructions appear, the plausibility computation in mind. Exactly what prevents the application
of the meaning of a sentence, and other factors affect the of such knowledge is unclear, but most models of cognitive
ease of syntactic analysis and comprehension (MacDonald, processes include limitations of this sort.
Pearlmutter, & Seidenberg, 1994). For instance, “While the The hallmark of a deficit affecting syntactic operations is
man ate the hot dog burned in the fire” is harder to structure the combination of abnormally low (or chance) performance
and interpret than “While the man ate the wood burned in in understanding sentences that require a syntactic analysis
the fire,” because the hot dog, but not the wood, is a plausible to be understood—semantically reversible sentences that
theme of ate, which reinforces an ultimately incorrect struc- cannot be understood by the application of simple heuristics
ture. The principles affecting structure building and these such as the assignment of thematic roles to nouns following
other factors interact online (as sentences are analyzed syn- a simple pattern (e.g., “The boy who the girl pushed is
tactically and assigned meaning). Recent studies provide tall”)—and the retained ability to understand “semantically
evidence that features of the nonlinguistic environment in irreversible” sentences with the same syntactic structures,
which a sentence is uttered (e.g., the nature of items visible that is, sentences in which the meaning can simply be
to a listener) enter into these interactions (Tanenhaus, inferred from the meanings of the words and knowledge
Spivey-Knowlton, Eberhard, & Sedivy, 1995). about likely relations between them (e.g., “The book that the
This chapter will review studies that provide data relevant girl read is long”) (Caramazza & Zurif, 1976). Researchers
to the neural basis of parsing and interpretive operations. who advocate “specific deficit” accounts of aphasic distur-
Only results of deficit-lesion correlations in patients with bances in this area have claimed that this pattern occurs
focal lesions and neurovascular activation studies in normal for representations and processes specified in linguistics and
subjects will be covered. Some other potential sources of psycholinguistic models. Some of these deficits are said to
data (intraoperative stimulation, subdural electrode place- be very specific. For instance, the “trace deletion hypothesis”
ment, transcranial magnetic stimulation, magnetoencepha- (Grodzinsky, 2000) maintains that individual patients cannot
lography, intraoperative and subdural recordings, optical process sentences that Chomsky’s theory maintains contain
imaging) have not been extensively used for these studies; a certain type of moved items (the term “trace deletion
for review of electrophysiological studies, see Hagoort, hypothesis” refers to an earlier version of Chomsky’s theory
Baggio, and Willems (chapter 56 in this volume). Only in which these items were moved and left a “trace,” not
studies of comprehension will be reviewed, as there is more copied). The claim is that some patients have lost the ability
work in this area than in production. to connect certain moved (or, now, copied) noun phrases to
their “traces” in sentences such as those mentioned previ-
Deficit-lesion correlation studies of syntactic processing ously (relative clauses, questions, indirect questions, passive),
with the consequence that these noun phrases are not
The logic underlying the use of deficits to explore the neural assigned thematic roles. At the other end of the spectrum,
basis of syntactic processing is that, if a patient’s perfor- some researchers have suggested that certain aphasics
mance can be analyzed as being due to a deficit in a syntactic have deficits that apply to a large set of related operations,
operation (plus residual abilities and any compensatory strat- such as the operations that map all syntactic structures

caplan: the neural basis of syntactic processing 807

onto propositional meaning (the “mapping hypothesis”— be able to connect the man to the him in this sentence. Accord-
Linebarger, Schwartz, & Saffran, 1983). ingly, the patient should not know who pushed whom, but
Evidence for such deficits would come from the finding should know that the boy bumped the man. None of the
that a patient had an impairment restricted to processing the papers in the literature that have been taken as supporting
sentences that required that structure or operation to be the trace deletion hypothesis have reported patients’ per-
understood. Proponents of these models have argued that formance on both sentences with “traces” and sentences
there are data from aphasia of this sort, but there are three with pronouns (or other referentially dependent items, such
important limitations to such data. as reflexives—see Caplan, 1995; Caplan et al., 2007a, for
First, the data usually consist of one measure of perfor- discussion).
mance—usually accuracy. To my knowledge, there are three Much of the evidence for specific syntactic deficits is based
studies in the literature—Tyler (1985), Caplan and Waters not upon the performance of individual patients but upon
(2003), and Caplan and colleagues (2007a)—in which both the performance of small groups of patients with certain
accuracy and response-time (RT) data have been reported diagnoses drawn from the traditional clinical literature on
on the same sentences in aphasic patients. Without both aphasia, such as Broca’s aphasia or agrammatic aphasia. It
accuracy and RT data, it is impossible to rule out speed- is sometimes claimed that some of the objections that we
accuracy trade-offs as the source of selective impairments, have raised are answered by these group data. For instance,
or to know if a patient’s problem is manifest only in a longer Grodzinsky (2000) has argued that some agrammatic patients
time that s/he requires to process a syntactic structure. The have shown integrity of processing pronouns, answering
same three studies are among the few in which online and questions about the adequacy of linguistic controls. In the
end-of-sentence measures have been gathered on the same view of this writer, these studies do not address the issues
sentences in the same patients. Online data are critical in raised. For instance, although some agrammatic patients
many ways. For instance, a patient may show normal online have shown normal performances on sentences with pro-
performance and an impairment in performing a task; this nouns (Grodzinsky, Wexler, Chien, Marakovitz, & Solomon,
finding would suggest that the patient assigns the normal 1993), these patients have not also been tested on sentences
structure and interpretation of a sentence of a certain type with “traces,” so we do not know if they show the deficit
but fails to use the meaning s/he extracts normally—because specified by the “trace deletion hypothesis.” Empirical
of limitations on how long it can be retained, because alter- data show that not all patients with a clinical diagnosis
native interpretations (some of which may be activated in of Broca’s aphasia or agrammatism have problems with
the course of normal comprehension) are not inhibited, or sentences containing “traces” (Swinney & Zurif, 1995; Zurif,
for other reasons. In situations such as these, it would not be Swinney, Prather, Solomon, & Bushell, 1993; Blumstein
correct to say that the patient has a deficit in assigning or et al., 1998; see Berndt, Mitchum, & Haendiges, 1996; Drai
interpreting the syntactic structure in question. & Grodzinsky, 1999, Caramazza, Capitani, Rey, & Berndt,
Second, patients have usually been tested on only one task 2001; Caplan, 2001a, 2001b, for discussion), so there is
that requires comprehension, most often sentence-picture a need to verify the presence of both deficits on a patient-
matching. However, it is well documented that performance by-patient basis.1
may dissociate over tasks (Cupples & Inglis, 1993; Caplan, Turning to the hypothesis that deficits of aphasic syntactic
Waters, & Hildebrandt, 1997). Caplan, DeDe, and Michaud comprehension should be characterized as reductions of
(2006) and Caplan and colleagues (2007a) studied 42 aphasic processing capacity, four arguments have been made in
patients and found only two in which the same deficit support of this suggestion: (1) the finding that some patients
appeared in sentence-picture matching and object manipu- can understand sentences that contain certain structures or
lation. An inability to perform accurately on a set of operations in isolation but not sentences that contain com-
sentences in one comprehension task cannot be taken as a binations of those structures and operations (Caplan &
reflection of an impairment of a syntactic operation if the Hildebrandt, 1988; Hildebrandt, Caplan, & Evans, 1987);
patient can perform accurately on those sentences in another (2) the finding that, in large groups of patients, as patients’
comprehension task. performances deteriorate, more complex sentence types
Third, important linguistic controls have usually not are affected more than less complex ones (Caplan, Baker,
been run that would show that the deficit is restricted to the & Dehaut, 1985; Caplan et al., 2007a); (3) the fact that, in
structures claimed. For instance, the trace deletion hypoth- factor analyses of performance of such patient groups in
esis (Grodzinsky, 2000) maintains that patients with the syntactic comprehension tasks, first factors on which all sen-
deficit in question are able to co-index items other than tence types load account for the majority of the variance
traces, such as pronouns. Thus a patient who has this deficit (Caplan et al., 1985, 2007a; Caplan, Hildebrandt, & Makris,
would not be able to connect the boy to the “trace (t)” in “The 1996); (4) the claim that simulations of the effect of resource
boy who the man pushed t bumped him,” but s/he should reductions on syntactic comprehension in normal subjects

808 language
through the use of speeded presentation (Miyake, Carpenter, interpretation. For instance, unless the proper control studies
& Just, 1994), concurrent tasks (King & Just, 1991), and are done (discussed previously), performances that are inter-
other methods mimic aphasic performance. preted as failures to “co-index traces” can be seen as due to
These arguments are also not ironclad. The argument reductions in processing resources that lead to failures to
that some patients can understand sentences that contain comprehend sentences that contain “traces.”
certain structures or operations in isolation but not sentences We must begin with a major caveat about lesion-deficit
that contain combinations of those structures and operations studies: the vast majority of these studies do not examine
suffers from the same limitations of the database that we lesions quantitatively. Many are based on the assumption
discussed earlier: it is based on a single performance measure that Broca’s or nonfluent patients have “anterior” lesions
(accuracy) in a single task (enactment). Testing the second and Wernicke’s, fluent, conduction, and anomic patients
result—that as patients’ performances deteriorate, more have “posterior” lesions, whereas the reality is far more
complex sentence types are affected more than less complex complicated (Mohr et al., 1978; Vanier & Caplan, 1989). A
ones—risks circularity unless the effects of resource reduc- number of studies summarize radiological reports and/or
tion are modeled and measured separately from comprehen- display lesions, usually on a single transverse section of the
sion on sentences of the sort that are used to test the effects brain imaged with computer tomography or magnetic reso-
of complexity. Three studies have addressed this issue in nance, and emphasize the area in which lesions in patients
different ways: two (Caplan et al., 1985; Caplan et al., 2007a) with certain types of performances (analyzed as deficits of
have found this pattern; the third, a smaller study, did not particular types) overlap. Such analyses do not investigate
(Dick et al., 2001). The data regarding interference effects many questions. For instance, neither the most direct predic-
in normal subjects are complex. Interactions of load and tion made by distributed models (that lesion size correlates
syntactic complexity, and of these factors with subject groups with performance level) nor the claim that the insertion of
that differ in processing resource capacity, are critical pieces traces into syntactic structures occurs in Broca’s area has
of evidence that would support this model, but these interac- ever been tested on the basis of radiological data by advo-
tions only occur under special circumstances (see Caplan & cates of these models (Mesulam, 1990; Damasio & Damasio,
Waters, 1999; Caplan et al., 2006, for reviews), reducing the 1992; Dick et al., 2001; Grodzinsky, 2000).
strength of this argument. The finding that first factors on To my knowledge, there are only six studies in the litera-
which all sentence types load account for the majority of ture in which radiological images have been analyzed and
the variance is an extremely robust finding, regardless of related to sentence comprehension in aphasics. Three are
the task over which factors are extracted or whether they are based on instruments that do not examine syntactic process-
extracted over several tasks (DeDe Caplan, 2006; Caplan et ing: Karbe and colleagues (1989), who used the Western
al., 2007a). The hypothesis that reductions of processing Aphasia Battery, which does not characterize deficits in a
capacity are sources of aphasic syntactic comprehension linguistically or psycholinguistically specific way; Kempler,
deficits fares better, in my view, than the hypothesis that Curtiss, Metter, Jackson, and Hanson (1991), who used the
individual patients have specific deficits.2 Token Test, which confounds syntactic processing with
Accepting the view that what is to be correlated with short-term memory requirements; and Dronkers, Wilkin,
lesion parameters is either some measure of performance Van Valin, Redfern, and Jaeger (2004), who used the
that captures a deficit a patient has with a particular syntac- CYCLE, which does not separate lexical from syntactic
tic structure or operation, or some measure of performance errors. Two studies used appropriate measures to test syn-
that captures the “amount” of resources available to a tactic processing but had other limitations. Tramo, Baynes,
patient, what do studies of deficit-lesions correlation show and Volpe (1988) presented reversible sentences in a
about the way the brain is organized to support parsing and sentence-picture matching task, but studied only one con-
interpretation? Four models of brain organization for syn- trast (active and passive sentences) and only reported three
tactic processing have been suggested, based on data of this cases. Caplan and colleagues (1996) studied 25 sentence
sort. Localizationist models are represented by Grodzinsky types testing many aspects of syntactic processing, but only
(2000), who claims that Chomskian traces are coindexed in 18 patients were studied, lesions were identified subjectively,
Broca’s area; variable localization models by ourselves and scans were normalized along a single linear dimension
(Caplan, 1994; Caplan et al., 2007b); invariant evenly dis- in the anterior-posterior plane only, likely leading to signifi-
tributed models by Dick and colleagues (2001) and Damasio cant inaccuracies in the estimates of percents of regions of
and Damasio (1992); and invariant unevenly distributed interest (ROIs) that were lesioned. Other problems are found
models by Mesulam (1990, 1998). Most of these models in many of the studies that also used inappropriate test
have been articulated as applying to specific operations, instruments (see Caplan et al., 2007b, for discussion). In all
but the evidence can often be interpreted in terms of these studies, analyses were limited to examining the effect
reductions in the resource system that underlies parsing and of lesions in individual locations; only Caplan and colleagues

caplan: the neural basis of syntactic processing 809

(1996) considered the effect of size of lesion or the relative distributed across large contiguous brain areas, such as the
effects of lesions in multiple regions on performance. left-hemisphere cortex or the perisylvian association cortex.
Caplan and colleagues (2007b) began to address these If this were the case, lesions of equal size in areas such
issues. We studied 42 right-handed native English-speaking as those considered should have led to similar magnitudes
aphasic patients with single left-hemisphere strokes and of a deficit. The data are consistent with the view that
25 age- and education-matched controls. Patients were localization of these operations and resources varies across
tested in object manipulation, sentence-picture matching, individuals. They are also consistent with the idea that
and grammaticality judgment tasks, the latter two with the functions being measured are unevenly distributed
whole-sentence auditory and word-by-word self-paced throughout sets of apparently otherwise unrelated cortical
auditory presentation (“auditory moving windows”; areas, either with the same pattern of unevenness in all
Ferreira, Henderson, Anes, Weeks, & McFarlane, 1996). In individuals (“invariant uneven distribution”) or with differ-
each task, three syntactic operations were tested: passiviza- ent patterns of uneven distribution in different individuals
tion, object relativization, and co-indexation of a reflexive. (“variable uneven distribution”). The evidence that would
First-factor scores of principal components analyses of per- discriminate between these models is not available (see
formance on each task were taken as reflections of resource Caplan et al., 2007b, for discussion).
availability of each patient in each task, and differences in An important finding in this study is that the patterns of
accuracy, response time, and listening times for words in significant effects of lesion sites differed for different tasks.
critical positions (corrected for word length and frequency) This suggests that lesions cause deficits in operations or
in experimental and baseline sentences served as measures resource systems that are deployed in certain tasks, not oper-
of syntactic processing ability for particular structures. ations or resource systems that are used to assign and inter-
Thirty-two patients and 13 controls matched for age pret syntactic structures in an amodal, abstract, fashion.
and education underwent magnetic resonance (MR) and This conclusion is consistent with the finding of Caplan and
positron emission tomography (PET) scanning. The relation colleagues (2006) that deficits affecting the same operation
between lesions and deficits was investigated by regressing on two tasks are very rare. They suggest that the brain is
MR and PET measures of the extent of the lesion in each organized such that regions support syntactic operations in
of seven ROIs against the measures of syntactic processing particular tasks.
mentioned earlier. The results showed that percent lesion
volume on MR and mean PET counts/voxel in several small Functional neuroimaging studies of
regions accounted for a significant amount of variance in syntactic processing
performance measures. For instance, percent MR lesion in
the inferior parietal lobe, the anterior inferior temporal lobe, Functional neuroimaging has supplanted deficit-lesion
and the superior parietal lobe, and PET counts/voxel in correlations as the principal source of information regarding
Broca’s area accounted for a significant amount of variance the neural organization that supports syntactic processing
in first-factor scores for all tasks combined and for object in sentence comprehension. Functional neuroimaging in
manipulation; different patterns of predictor variables were intact individuals provides different information about func-
found for other dependent variables. Since the number of tional neuroanatomy than deficit-lesion correlations, namely,
cases was small, a simpler analytic approach was also used: information about (a subset of) the neural areas and pro-
the range of performance in patients with lesions within 0.25 cesses that are normally sufficient to support a function.
standard deviation of the mean lesion size in four regions As with deficit-lesion correlations, functional neuroimag-
(the entire left hemisphere, the left hemisphere cortex, the ing studies can be divided into those that investigate specific
perisylvian association cortex, and the combination of the operations and those that examine the “processing resource”
perisylvian association cortex, the inferior anterior temporal system that supports these functions. We will review these
lobe, and the superior parietal lobe) was examined. In each areas in turn (for more extensive reviews of this literature see
case, performances covered a wide range of total perfor- Grodzinsky & Freiderici, 2006; Caplan, 2006, 2007).
mance; in some cases almost the entire range, and in one In a line of research that parallels his work in aphasia,
case the entire range, of performance was found. Grodzinsky and his colleagues have suggested that fMRI
These results provide strong evidence against models that studies implicate left posterior inferior frontal gyrus (Broca’s
maintain that the operations or resources involved in assign- area) as the site responsible for co-indexing traces. Ben-
ing and interpreting specific sentence types are invariantly Shachar, Hendler, Kahn, Ben-Bashat, and Grodzinsky
localized in one brain area. If this were the case, measures (2003) contrasted object-relativized sentences (sentence 1), in
of lesion extent in only one area should have predicted which this operation occurs, with complements (sentence 2),
the magnitude of a deficit. Similarly, these results argue in which it does not, in a grammaticality judgment task ([t] =
against models that maintain that these functions are evenly trace; identical subscripts indicate referential co-indexation).

810 language
1. I helped the girli that Mary saw [ti] in the park. BOLD signal in left pars opercularis than sentences with
2. I told Mary that the girl ran in the park. transitive verbs and vice versa for sentences with object-
before-subject word order. This finding is consistent with the
BOLD signal increased in left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) conclusion that this part of Broca’s area is involved in
and bilateral superior temporal sulcus (STS) in sentence 1 mapping the linear order of thematic roles onto the hierar-
compared to sentence 2. Ben Shachar, Palti, and Grodzinsky chy of thematic roles. However, the picture is quite compli-
(2004) found increased BOLD signal in the left IFG, in the cated. Grewe and colleagues (2005) found that an increase
left ventral precentral sulcus, and bilaterally in superior tem- in BOLD signal in left IFG associated with a less common
poral gyrus (STG) (marginally on the right) in the contrast word order (object before subject) was not present when the
of embedded wh-questions (sentences 3 and 4) against yes/no first noun phrase was a pronoun. Since pronouns preferen-
questions (sentence 5) in a verification task: tially occur in first position in the German middle field, the
3. The waiter asked which touristi [ti] ordered the alcoholic authors interpreted this result as evidence that particular
drink in the morning. language-specific syntactic features override the usual effect
of word order. However, the result could also indicate that
4. The waiter asked which alcoholic drinki the tourist ordered
the object-before-subject word order does not always lead
[ti] in the morning.
to activation in left IFG. Grewe and colleagues (2007) also
5. The waiter asked if the tourist ordered the alcoholic drink failed to find that noun animacy had the effects that the
in the morning. theory predicts: an increase in BOLD signal that occured
These studies are the only studies to date that contrast sen- with object-before-subject order was not greater when the
tences with and without the co-indexation of a “trace,” and object was inanimate. This finding contradicts the hypothe-
they yield activation in more than one region. sis in Grewe and colleagues (2006) and Bornkessel and
Bornkessel and Schlesewsky (2006) have published a major Schlesewsky (2006) that left IFG is activated by sentences
position paper on a neurologically based model of parsing that require mapping noun phrases (NPs) that violate the
and sentence interpretation. They argue that the linear animacy principle onto thematic roles. Another issue is that,
order of noun phrases is mapped onto thematic roles in as in the studies of BOLD signal associated with processing
Broca’s area and that deviations from the usual mapping “traces,” brain areas other than left IFG have been activated
lead to increased activity in this area. The mapping is deter- in these studies. In the Bornkessel and colleagues (2005)
mined by both general features of language and cognition study, the left STS and inferior parietal sulcus (IPS) showed
(e.g., animate nouns are more likely to be agents than inani- the same pattern as left IFG, for morphologically unambigu-
mate nouns) and language-specific grammatical features ous sentences. Thus the hypothesis that left IFG supports a
(e.g., case marking is more important in determining the- general function of “decoding the prominence relations
matic roles in a language that has a great deal of visible case between arguments,” and that it is the only brain area to do
marking, such as German, than in a language that does not, so, is not well established.
such as English). The model is groundbreaking in that it is The processing resource system underlying parsing and
the first detailed model of aspects of sentence comprehension interpretation has been studied in functional neuroimaging
that is based primarily upon neurological data, mostly studies that examine the difference between object- and
event-related potential studies. It is worth noting, however, subject-extracted structures (e.g., “The boy who the girl
that the model only deals with a small aspect of sentence chased fell”; “The boy who chased the girl fell”). Object
processing—assigning the two most basic thematic roles (pro- extraction is more demanding than subject extraction and is
totypical agents and themes) in the simplest syntactic struc- thought to require more “resources” than subject extraction,
tures (single sentences). As noted, the model mostly deals for many reasons. These studies use a variety of sentences—
with ERP data, but the anatomical hypotheses are partially cleft sentences, relative clauses, conjoined sentences, wh-
based on fMRI studies; I shall briefly review these here. questions, complement clauses, main clauses, topicalization,
As noted, the model focuses on the role of Broca’s area in and dative shifts in English, German, Dutch, Japanese, and
mapping noun phrases onto thematic roles. The first critical Hebrew. There is great variability in the areas activated
study of this topic was Bornkessel, Zysset, Friederici, von in these studies. In Just, Carpenter, Keller, Eddy, and
Cramon, and Schlesewsky (2005), in which participants veri- Thulborn (1996), this contrast activated frontal and tempo-
fied the meaning of German sentences with verb-final com- ral perisylvian cortex bilaterally. In Stromswold, Caplan,
plement clauses in which word order, morphological case Alpert, and Rauch (1996), left IFG was activated. Cooke and
ambiguity, and verb class (transitive/dative object experi- colleagues (2001) found increased BOLD signal in bilateral
encer) were varied. Bornkessel and colleagues found that, for inferior temporal lobe in this contrast. In other studies of
sentences with subject-before-object word order, sentences ours (Caplan, Alpert, & Waters, 1998, 1999; Waters, Caplan,
with dative-object-experiencer verbs produced greater Stanzcak, & Alpert, 2003), activation was seen variably in

caplan: the neural basis of syntactic processing 811

medial anterior structures (cingulate, middle frontal, and memory. Some of the activity associated with sentence con-
superior frontal gyri) and other areas (right IFG, left thala- trasts in the literature cited previously may thus be a result
mus, left superior parietal lobe). There was no effect of the of retaining these representations, not constructing them.
object/subject-extraction contrast in studies by Fiebach, Strategies of this sort may have led to BOLD signal effects
Vos, and Friederici (2004), Fiebach, Schlesewsky, and associated with sentence contrasts in other studies, leaving
Lohmann (2005), Indefrey, Hagoort, Herzog, Seitz, and open the possibility that the resource system that supports
Brown (2001), or Ben-Shachar and colleagues (2003). parsing and interpretation itself is localized in one area.
Fiebach and colleagues (2004, 2005) considered several Second, performing a task affects parsing and interpreting
reasons for this variability: differences in sensitivity of imaging specific sentences, and the interaction of performing a task
technology, tasks, the particular structures in which extrac- and parsing and interpretation may result in the BOLD
tion occurred (indirect questions; relative clauses), languages, signal associated with a sentence contrast. Let us take plau-
and subjects (high and low span). To these we can add dif- sibility judgment as an example. There is strong evidence
ferences in presentation modality, design (blocked versus that subjects assess the plausibility of thematic assignments
event related), normalization methods, modeling of the incrementally as syntactic constituents are constructed and
hemodynamic response, and how the significance of activa- interpreted (e.g., Trueswell, Tanenhaus, & Garnsey, 1994;
tion was determined (fixed versus random-effects models; Pearlmutter & MacDonald, 1995). These assessments of
omnibus analyses versus preselected ROIs). There is an plausibility can be used incrementally to weight responses
important point about these factors, however: none of them in a plausibility judgment task (Garnsey, Tanenhaus, &
other than the use of inadequately powerful statistical Chapman, 1989; Boland, Tanenhaus, Garnsey, & Carlson,
methods could reveal BOLD signal effects that are not 1995). There is a complete isomorphism between the assign-
present in a contrast, and therefore, unless many of these ment of thematic roles and this function. For example, more
studies have used inadequate statistical methods and are thematic roles are assigned at the embedded verb of object-
reporting false positive effects, there are a large number of extracted sentences than at any point in subject-extracted
areas that are activated by these contrasts, suggesting some sentences, and therefore more plausibility judgment weight-
type of nonlocalizationist model for the neural structures ing can occur there as well. BOLD signal differences between
that provide the resources utilized in parsing and interpret- sentences might thus reflect different processing loads associ-
ing these sentences. However, two factors that we have not ated with incremental plausibility judgment in different sen-
mentioned thus far could account for much of this variation tences, not different demands of task-independent parsing
and potentially salvage a localization model. The first is the and interpretation of different sentence types.
possibility that ancillary cognitive operations (“strategies”) To see if this might be the case, we compared BOLD
co-occur with parsing and interpretation (Page, 2006) and signal responses to the same sentences in two tasks: plausibil-
are the source of some of the BOLD signal effect found in ity judgment and nonword detection (Caplan et al., 2008).
these studies. The second are task-stimulus interactions. We The plausibility-judgment task led to widespread activation
will consider these factors briefly. in the contrast of syntactically complex and simple sen-
First, strategies may have affected neurovascular effects. tences. In nonword detection, participants viewed the same
We investigated this possibility in a verification task (Caplan, plausible sentences containing only real words as they saw
Chen, & Waters, 2008). We presented sentences for 4 seconds, in the plausibility-judgment task, and an equal number of
followed by a fixation point for 2 seconds, followed by a sentences in which a word had been replaced by an ortho-
probe in an active form. We separated BOLD signal into an graphically and phonologically legal nonword. Nonword
“early” set of timed repetition (TR) intervals associated with detection showed a very different pattern of BOLD signal
processing the target and a “late” set associated with process- effects. For sentences containing only real words—the same
ing of the probe. In the early TR intervals, there were a few sentences as the plausible sentences that were analyzed in
areas of paradoxically greater BOLD signal for syntactically the plausibility-judgment task—there was an increase in
simple compared to complex sentences. This result may have BOLD signal located only in left BA 44. The behavioral data
occurred because participants responded to the easier sen- showed that subjects not only searched each stimulus for
tences more quickly. In later TR intervals, BOLD signal nonwords but also processed the sentences as sentences. The
increased in four left perisylvian locations—the inferior results thus suggest that, in plausibility judgment, the BOLD
frontal gyrus, the middle frontal gyrus, the inferior parietal signal effects largely resulted from the incremental weighting
sulcus, and the middle temporal gyrus—and in a variety of of the response selection mechanism by plausibility informa-
other areas in response to the complex sentences. This finding tion that was activated online. In contrast, left BA 44 may
strongly suggests that many areas of activation in this task are be the area in which task-independent operations that are
due to retaining syntactic representations or a representation used in the more complex but not the simpler sentences are
from which syntactic representations were constructed in localized.

812 language
These considerations suggest that, once the effects of strat- In the past decade or so, evidence has accrued that this
egies and task-sentence type interactions are eliminated, view is inaccurate in important respects. It may be that there
specific parsing and interpretation operations may yet be are task-independent parsing and interpretive operations,
supported by a limited number of brain areas, perhaps only but there is very strong evidence that the assignment of
one. Other data show that the picture is more complicated, syntactic structure interacts at the earliest possible moment
however (Caplan & Waters, 2007). We used the same correct with other types of information in the process of assigning
sentences used in the plausibility and nonword-detection sentence structure and meaning, such as the assessment of
tasks, containing only real words, in a third task—font- how plausible certain meanings are, the activation of mean-
change detection. Participants saw these sentences and foils ings based upon nongrammatical heuristics, the assignment
consisting of grammatically correct, meaningful sentences of structure and meaning based upon the frequency of occur-
containing only real words, one of which appeared in a rence of particular constructions or sequences of words, and
slightly different font from the others, and were required to so on (MacDonald et al., 1994). Though all these operations
indicate whether a sentence had a font change. Analyses of could be regarded as part of a larger, integrated process
the behavioral data again showed that subjects processed that assigns sentence meaning, the problem still remains of
sentences as sentences. For sentences containing only words isolating the operations that assign the grammatically licensed
without font changes—the same grammatical, plausible sen- syntactic structure of a sentence and use it to determine the
tences that were analyzed in the plausibility-judgment task meaning of the sentence (recall that it is this structure that
and in the nonword-detection task—there was an increase allows sentences to convey unlikely information, to express
in BOLD signal, but it was located in the left supramarginal complex relations between items and propositions, and to
gyrus (left BA 39), not left IFG. There were no areas acti- convey both propositional and discourse-level information).
vated in both nonword detection and font-change detection, Even more unexpectedly from a “modular” point of view,
and no functional connectivity between the areas activated task demands appear to influence parsing and interpretation
in the two tasks. These results indicate that different parsing online; for instance, how one attaches the prepositional
and interpretive operations were applied in the two tasks—a phrase in a sentence such as “Put the toy on the rug . . .”
result that was confirmed by the finding that the effects of depends upon how many toys are in an array that is being
the position of a nonword or a word with a font change inspected and where these toys are located (Tanenhaus,
on detection response times differed. Thus, although indi- Spivey-Knowlton, Eberhard, & Sedivy, 1995). The applica-
viduals do assign and interpret syntactic structures even tion of parsing and interpretive operations thus may differ
when these structures are completely irrelevant to task per- in different tasks, and, more seriously from the point of view
formance, the task they are performing still affects which of identifying the neural basis of these operations, differences
operations they deploy. To identify the neural basis of par- in how a task is performed as a function of the sentences that
ticular parsing operations thus requires knowing what are being presented may be responsible for differences in
parsing and interpretive operations are applied in a task, as neural activity associated with sentence contrasts and for
well as knowing that neurovascular effects are not due to deficits that affect performance on one sentence type in a
strategies or task-sentence type interactions. given task. Finally, many tasks involve strategic use of cogni-
tive operations, such as subvocal rehearsal, that are applied
Concluding comments to a greater extent when an individual is presented with more
complex sentences. These ancillary cognitive operations
The past 15 years have seen great changes in models of must also be eliminated from consideration if the neural basis
parsing and sentence interpretation. For close to three of parsing and interpretation is to be identified. The results
decades (roughly 1965–1995), heavily influenced by Chom- of recent studies of patients and neurovascular responses to
sky’s views regarding the domain specificity of syntactic rep- syntactic contrasts have led to some findings that suggest that
resentations and Fodor’s (1972) concept of modular cognitive these questions are important to consider.
processes, researchers studying syntactic processing made With respect to task dependency of deficits and activation,
the assumption that parsing and interpretive operations were recent lesion studies have shown that deficits affecting par-
task independent, and that the use of the products of the ticular parsing operations or the resource system that sup-
interpretive process to perform tasks occurred independently ports them are affected by task, and the same is true of
of the assignment of syntactic structure and propositional activation associated with sentence contrasts. These results
meaning. Correspondingly, deficit-lesion correlations were indicate that most of the data obtained thus far regarding
interpreted as providing evidence for the location of neural parsing and interpretation may identify brain regions that
tissue that supports task-independent syntactic operations. support a combination of parsing and interpretation and
Most functional neuroimaging studies of syntactic processing performance of particular tasks. Areas of the brain that are
have been interpreted within the same framework. always activated by a syntactic contrast regardless of task are

caplan: the neural basis of syntactic processing 813

candidates for the neural substrate of parsing and interpre- thing. Syntactic operations are among the most abstract
tive operations that are applied regardless of task. Though naturally occurring species-specific operations that develop
there are hints in the literature that such areas exist, evidence in all normal humans, and we would be wise to consider a
of this sort is sparse. Two examples that we have reviewed broad range of possibilities regarding their neural basis. An
are evidence that the operations that relate the prominence encouraging feature of current work is that the tools to
of a noun phrase to its thematic role and those that relate a gather relevant data and to develop models are greatly
“moved” constituent to its underlying position invariably expanded compared to only a few years ago. We shall see
involve left IFG. I have argued that the evidence for such where their use leads.
invariant activation is at best suggestive.
A feature of recent lesion studies is that they have shown
that deficits are associated with lesions in multiple unrelated NOTES
brain areas and are not predicted by the size of lesions in
1. In addition to this issue, the reliance on clinical syndromes to
larger brain areas that are reasonably thought to be possible identify patients with particular processing deficits runs into
substrates for parsing and interpretation. Similarly, the acti- other problems. One is that most syndromes are very poorly
vation studies that provide the best evidence for invariant defined, often referring to patients with “relatively intact” per-
activation of an area across tasks have activated several brain formance on one very general type of task (e.g., “comprehen-
areas. These findings suggest an unorthodox view of the way sion”) and “relatively poor” or “impaired” performance on
another (e.g., “speech production”); this problem leads to incon-
syntactic operations or the resource system that supports clusive debates about which patients have the deficit and fall
them are related to the brain. The standard view is that a within the syndrome. Another is that, in many instances, a clini-
given elementary cognitive operation is invariantly distrib- cal syndrome is defined by performances that have no obvious
uted over an area of the brain, either large or small. The connection to the deficit being proposed. This is the case for the
results cited earlier are not consistent with this model—they “trace deletion hypothesis,” which postulates a very specific
comprehension disturbance in patients who have particular
are consistent with the view that the functions identified in
problems in sentence production (roughly, nonfluent speech,
these studies are localized in different brain regions in dif- with omission of grammatical elements). In such cases, the rela-
ferent individuals or distributed across diverse brain areas. I tion between the production and comprehension problems
shall end this chapter with a comment on the implications needs to be specified. One possibility is that the connection is
of this possibility. functional: that the deficit in one task leads to the deficit in the
other. In many cases, such as the “trace deletion hypothesis,”
Properties of neurons such as cytoarchitectonics, recepto-
this connection has not been suggested; it has not been estab-
tonics, connectivity, and other genetically determined fea- lished in any case in which the classic syndromes are the basis
tures determine the computational capacities of an area of for identification of patients in which a deficit in syntactic com-
the brain. Invariant localization of a cognitive operation prehension is hypothesized to occur. The alternative is that a
would result from these computational capacities being lesion that produces one deficit also produces the other. A great
determined by the specific neurological features of particular deal of confusion has been generated by not distinguishing these
two ways that syndromes can be related to hypotheses about
brain areas. In contrast, variable localization or distribution specific deficits.
of a function across diverse brain areas would result from 2. An important question is, What, exactly, are “resources”? Seen
these computational capacities being determined by the neu- in the most general terms possible, resources are features of (a
rological features that are common to several brain areas, model of ) a cognitive system that allow certain operations to
coupled with some factor that determines which of the brain occur and set limits on their occurrence, but do not themselves
enter into computations and are not representations. An example
areas that have these features supports a function. Suppose, would be the presence and number of hidden units in a
for instance, that any part of the six-layer association isocor- Boltzmann machine, whose existence extends the computa-
tex that is connected to primary auditory koniocortex at a tional power of one-level “perceptrons” and whose number
synaptic distance of three or less is capable of supporting affects the types of generalizations that the system achieves.
parsing operations, and that which area actually supports a Cognitive functions that might provide resources for parsing
and interpretation include working memory (Miyake et al.,
particular operation depends upon the history of exposure
1994), phonological short-term memory (Baddeley, 1986;
to particular operations. This capability would surely lead to Caramazza, Basili, Koller, & Berndt, 1980; but see Caplan
variable localization of such operations or to a state of affairs & Waters, 1990), factors that determine speed of processing
in which such operations were supported by multiple, (rates of activation and decay: Haarmann & Kolk, 1991, 1994;
possibly otherwise unrelated, areas of cortex. Haarmann, Just, & Carpenter, 1997), factors that affect weights
in connectionist systems (Dell, Schwartz, Martin, Saffran, &
These possibilities significantly complicate the picture
Gagnon, 1997), and factors that affect the efficiency of lexical
that needs to be considered regarding the neural organiza- processing, which can affect syntactic processing (see Caplan &
tion for syntactic processing (and possibly other aspects of Waters, 1990, for discussion). All these factors have been con-
language), but such complication is not necessarily a bad sidered as a resource in which reduction affects parsing and

814 language
interpretation, but none have been definitely shown to play this Caplan, D., Chen, E., & Waters, G. (2008). Task-dependent and
role. Deficits in a short-term semantic memory system are task-independent neurovascular responses to syntactic process-
thought to lead to quite specific, different disturbances in ing. Cortex, 44(3), 257–275.
comprehension (Martin & He, 2004). Caplan, D., DeDe, G., & Michaud, J. (2006). Task-independent
and task-specific syntactic deficits in aphasic comprehension.
Aphasiology, 20, 893–920.
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caplan: the neural basis of syntactic processing 817

56 Semantic Unification
peter hagoort, giosuè baggio, and roel m. willems

abstract Language and communication are about the exchange other reasons, simple composition seems not to hold across
of meaning. A key feature of understanding and producing lan- all possible expressions in the language (for a discussion of
guage is the construction of complex meaning from more elemen- this and other issues related to compositionality, see Baggio,
tary semantic building blocks. The functional characteristics of this
semantic unification process are revealed by studies using event-
van Lambalgen, & Hagoort, in press). One of the challenges
related brain potentials. These studies have found that word for a cognitive neuroscience of language is to account for the
meaning is assembled into compound meaning in not more than functional and neuroanatomical underpinnings of online
500 ms. World knowledge, information about the speaker, co- meaning composition.
occurring visual input, and discourse all have an immediate impact In linking the requirements of the language system
on semantic unification and trigger electrophysiological responses
as instantiated in the finite and real-time machinery of
that are similar to those triggered by sentence-internal semantic
information. Neuroimaging studies show that a network of brain the human brain to the broader domain of cognitive
areas, including the left inferior frontal gyrus, the left superior/ neuroscience, three functional components are considered
middle temporal cortex, the left inferior parietal cortex, and, to a to be the core of language processing (Hagoort, 2005).
lesser extent, their right-hemisphere homologues are recruited to The first is the memory component, which refers to the
perform semantic unification.
different types of language information stored in long-
term memory (the mental lexicon) and to how this infor-
mation is retrieved (lexical access). The unification component
Ultimately, language is the vehicle for the exchange of
refers to the integration of lexically retrieved information
meaning between speaker and listener, between writer and
into a representation of multiword utterances, as well as the
reader. The unique feature of this vehicle is that it enables
integration of meaning extracted from nonlinguistic modali-
the assembly of complex expressions from simpler ones. The
ties; this component is at the heart of the combinatorial
cognitive architecture necessary to realize this expressive
nature of language. Finally, the control component relates
power is tripartite in nature, with levels of form (sound,
language to action, and is invoked, for instance, when the
graphemes, manual gestures in sign language), syntax, and
correct target language has to be selected (in the case of
meaning as the core components of our language faculty
bilingualism) or for handling turn taking during conversa-
(Jackendoff, 1999, 2002; Levelt, 1999). The principle of
tion. In principle, this MUC (memory, unification, control)
compositionality is often invoked to characterize the expres-
framework applies to both language production and lan-
sive power of language at the level of meaning. The most
guage comprehension, although details of their functional
strict account of compositionality states that the meaning of
anatomy within each component will be different. The focus
an expression is a function of the meanings of its parts and
of this chapter is on the unification component.
the way they are syntactically combined (Fodor & Lepore,
Classically, psycholinguistic studies of unification have
2002; Heim & Kratzer, 1998; Partee, 1984). In this account,
focused on syntactic analysis. However, as we saw, unifica-
complex meanings are assembled bottom-up from the mean-
tion operations take place not only at the syntactic process-
ings of the lexical building blocks by means of the combina-
ing level. Combinatoriality is a hallmark of language across
torial machinery of syntax. This process is sometimes referred
representational domains (cf. Jackendoff, 2002). Thus, also
to as simple composition (Jackendoff, 1997). That this is not
at the semantic and phonological levels, lexical elements are
without problems can be seen in adjective-noun construc-
combined and integrated into larger structures (cf. Hagoort,
tions such as “flat tire,” “flat beer,” “flat note,” and so on
2005). In the remainder of this chapter, we will discuss
(Keenan, 1979). In all these cases, the meaning of “flat” is
semantic unification. Semantic unification refers to the inte-
quite different and strongly context dependent. For this and
gration of word meaning into an unfolding representation
of the preceding context. This is more than the concatena-
peter hagoort Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and tion of individual word meanings, as is clear from the
Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen; Max Planck Institute
adjective-noun examples given earlier. In the interaction
for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
giosuè baggio and roel m. willems Donders Institute for Brain, with the preceding sentence or discourse context, the appro-
Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen, priate meaning is selected or constructed, so that a coherent
Nijmegen, The Netherlands interpretation results.

hagoort, baggio, and willems: semantic unification 819

Hereafter we will first discuss the functional characteristics retrieval cues for accessing or selecting the stored representa-
of semantic unification as revealed by ERP and MEG tion for a particular word meaning. Recent evidence in favor
studies. Next, results from fMRI studies will be discussed to of this position was obtained in a study by DeLong, Urbach,
identify the neural networks of semantic unification. In the and Kutas (2005). These authors found an N400 effect to an
remainder we will use the terms unification and integration indefinite article (an versus a) that excluded the semantically
interchangeably. However, in the last paragraph we propose expected continuation, such as in “the day was breezy so the
to use the terms integration and unification for two different boy went out to fly an . . . ,” where kite would be the contex-
ways of combining information. tually expected noun. This result suggests a contextual pre-
activation of the target word. However, other recent evidence
Functional characteristics of semantic unification is more compatible with a unification account. Li, Hagoort,
and Yang (2008) investigated the neurophysiological response
Insights into the functional characteristics of semantic unifi- to manipulations of information structure. An important
cation have been especially gained through a series of event- distinction at the level of semantic/conceptual structure is
related potential (ERP) studies. Most studies on semantic that between conceptual content and information structure.
unification exploit the characteristics of the so-called N400 The latter refers to the division of the content of a sentence
component in the ERP waveform. Kutas and Hillyard (1980) into information that is in the foreground or in the back-
were the first to observe this negative-going potential with ground (topic/focus; given/new). In many languages new
an onset at about 250 ms and a peak around 400 ms (hence information is accented, whereas old information is deac-
the N400), whose amplitude was increased when the seman- cented. Li and colleagues found that in Chinese the N400
tics of the eliciting word (i.e., socks) mismatched with the to new, accented information was larger than the N400 to
semantics of the sentence context, as in “He spread his warm new, deaccented information, despite the fact that the accen-
bread with socks.” tuation was contextually appropriate, whereas the absence
Since its original discovery in 1980, much has been of an accent was not. The authors argue that this result is
learned about the processing nature of the N400 (for exten- best explained by the recruitment of additional unification
sive overviews, see Kutas & Federmeier, 2000; Kutas, Van resources for information that is marked as more salient by
Petten, & Kluender, 2006; Osterhout, Kim, & Kuperberg, accentuation.
2007). In particular, as Kutas and Hillyard (1984) and many One way to reconcile these different accounts of the N400
others have observed, the N400 effect does not depend on is by reference to different roles for the left and right hemi-
a semantic violation. For example, subtle differences in spheres (Kutas & Federmeier, 2000; Federmeier, 2007).
semantic expectancy, as between mouth and pocket in the Federmeier and Kutas (1999) did a visual-half-field study in
sentence context “Jenny put the sweet in her mouth/pocket which participants read sentences such as “Every morning
after the lesson,” can also modulate the N400 amplitude John makes himself a glass of freshly squeezed juice. He
(Hagoort & Brown, 1994). Specifically, as the degree of keeps his refrigerator stocked with (oranges/apples/carrots).”
semantic fit between a word and its context increases, the In this context, “oranges” is the expected continuation,
amplitude of the N400 decreases. This general relation “apples” is a violation but within the correct semantic cate-
between individual word meanings and the semantics of the gory, and “carrots” is a violation that crosses the category
context is independent of type of context. That is, it is found boundary. The left-visual-field/right-hemisphere (LVF/RH)
for a single-word context (Holcomb, 1993), for a sentence results showed a smaller N400 to oranges than to both
context (Kutas & Hillyared, 1980, 1984), and for larger dis- within- and across-category violations, but no N400 differ-
courses (van Berkum, Hagoort, & Brown, 1999). Because of ence for the two types of violation. In contrast, for the RVF/
such subtle modulations, the N400 is generally taken to LH a reduced N400 was obtained not only for the predicted
reflect processes involved in the integration of the meaning word (“orange”), but also in part for the within-category
of a word into the overall semantic representation con- violation (“apple”) (see figure 56.1). This latter result can be
structed for the preceding language input (Brown & Hagoort, explained as a consequence of a contextual prediction for
1993; Osterhout & Holcomb, 1992). However, different the target concept. Owing to the organization of semantic
views exist as to what brings about the N400 integration memory, the within-category nontarget (“apple”) gets acti-
effect. Federmeier and Kutas (1999; Kutas & Federmeier, vated to some degree as well, resulting in a partially reduced
2000) proposed that in addition to its sensitivity to context, N400. Predictive semantic processing might thus be a
the N400 is also sensitive to the ease of accessing information left-hemisphere processing mechanism, while the right-
from semantic memory. As such, the N400 can be seen to hemisphere contribution is presumably strictly postlexical in
reflect the organization of (lexical) meaning in semantic nature, only contributing to the integration of the word
memory. According to this view, the N400 amplitude is meaning from a lexical item that received bottom-up support
modulated by the degree to which the context contains on the basis of visual or acoustic input.

820 language
Figure 56.1 Participants read the sentences as in the example in category violations (dotted line). This pattern is indicative of a
a visual-half-field presentation design. Context words were pre- “predictive” strategy, in which semantic information associated
sented at central fixation, whereas sentence-final target words (e.g., with the expected item is preactivated in the course of processing
“oranges”) were presented to the left or right of fixation. As illus- the context information. The response to targets presented to the
trated, words presented to the left visual field (LVF) travel initially LVF/RH (shown on left), however, was qualitatively different:
to the right hemisphere (RH) and vice versa. ERPs are shown here expected exemplars again elicited smaller N400s than violations,
from a representative (right medial central) site as indicated. The but the response to the two types of violations did not differ. This
response to target words presented to the RVF (left hemisphere) pattern is more consistent with a plausibility-based integrative
(shown on right), yielded the same pattern as that observed with strategy. Taken together, the results indicate that the hemispheres
central fixation: expected exemplars (solid line) elicited smaller differ in how they use context to process semantic information in
N400s than did violations of either type, but within-category online language processing. (Reprinted with permission from Kutas
violations (dashed line) also elicited smaller N400s than between- & Federmeier, 2000.)

hagoort, baggio, and willems: semantic unification 821

In recent years, the N400 and other language-relevant meaning verified in relation to our knowledge of the world.
ERP effects have been exploited to test more specific ideas Semantic interpretation is not separate from its integration
about the functional characteristics of semantic unification. with nonlinguistic conceptual knowledge.
These include the contribution of world knowledge, the Further evidence in favor of an enriched composition
processing of silent meaning, the integration of pragmatic account comes from a study on the integration of informa-
information, and the syntax-semantics interface. We will tion about the speaker. In interpreting a speaker’s utterance,
discuss briefly each of these theory-driven issues. we take not only the preceding utterances into consideration,
but also our knowledge of the speaker. For instance, we
World Knowledge At least since Frege (1892; see Seuren, might find it odd for a man, but not for a woman of a
1998), theories of meaning make a distinction between the certain age, to say, “I think I am pregnant.” At some point
semantics of an expression and its truth-value in relation to during language comprehension, the listener combines the
our mental representation of the state of affairs in the world information that is represented in the content of a sentence
( Jackendoff, 2002). For instance, the sentence “Bill Clinton with the information she has about the speaker. The ques-
is the 43rd president of the USA” has a coherent semantic tion is: When exactly does the pragmatic information about
interpretation, but contains a proposition that is false in the the speaker have its impact on the unfolding interpretation
light of our knowledge that George W. Bush is the 43rd of the utterance? This question was answered in a recent
president. The situation is different for the sentence “The ERP study by van Berkum, van den Brink, Tesink, Kos,
presidential helicopter is divorced.” Under default and Hagoort (2008). Participants listened to sentences,
interpretation conditions, this sentence has no coherent some of which contained a specific word at which the
semantic interpretation, since the predicate “is divorced” message content became at odds with inferences about
requires an animate argument. The difference between these the speaker’s sex, age, and social status, as inferred from the
two sentences points to the distinction that can be made speaker’s voice.
between facts of the world (“world knowledge”) and facts If voice-based inferences about the speaker are recruited
of the words of our language, including their meaning by the same early unification process that combines word
(“linguistic knowledge”). Hagoort, Hald, Bastiaansen, and meanings, then speaker inconsistencies and semantic anom-
Petersson (2004) performed a combined EEG/fMRI study alies should elicit the same N400 effect. This was indeed
that compared the unification of linguistic knowledge with observed. Reliable effects of speaker inconsistency were
the unification of world knowledge. While participants’ already found in the 200–300-ms latency range after word
brain activity was recorded, they read one of three versions onset. The same latency effect was obtained for the straight-
of a sentence such as “The Dutch trains are yellow/white/sour forward semantic anomalies. These findings therefore dem-
and very crowded” (critical words are in italics). It is a well- onstrate that sense making depends on the pragmatics of the
known fact among Dutch people that Dutch trains are communicative situation right from the start.
yellow, and therefore the first version of this sentence is As for compositionality, the results of the studies just
correctly understood as true. However, the linguistic meaning reviewed may mean two things, depending on one’s views
of the alternative color term white applies equally well to on the lexicon. One possibility is that the lexicon includes
trains as the predicate yellow. It is world knowledge about declarative memory in its entirety, and then simple composi-
trains in Holland that makes the second version of this tion seems enough to account for the similarity between
sentence false. This is different for the third version, where the N400 effects. Alternatively, the lexicon includes invari-
(under standard interpretation conditions) the core semantic ant (i.e., linguistic) meanings only, and then enriched
features of the predicate sour do not fit the semantic features composition—the thesis that the lexicon is not the only
of its argument trains. source of semantic content—seems necessary to explain the
Figure 56.2 presents an overview of the results. As expected, observed N400 effects (Baggio et al., in press).
the classic N400 effect was obtained for the semantic viola-
tions. For the world-knowledge violations, a clear N400 effect Event Knowledge and Discourse Models Unification of
was observed as well. Crucially, this effect was identical in lexical representations ultimately results in a discourse
onset and peak latency, and very similar in amplitude and model—that is, a representation making what is given as
topographic distribution to the semantic N400 effect. This input true whenever possible (recall the Dutch trains
finding is strong empirical evidence that lexical-semantic examples). Events offer a vantage point for investigating the
knowledge and general world knowledge are both integrated properties of discourse models, because natural languages
in the same time frame during sentence interpretation. The have very sophisticated devices for characterizing time and
results of this world-knowledge experiment provide further causation. One of these devices is aspect. This is the linguistic
evidence against an account of unification in which first the marking of the internal profile of events. Ferretti, Kutas, and
meaning of a sentence is determined, and only then is its McRae (2007) found that readers have least difficulty

822 language

Figure 56.2 (A) Grand average ERPs for a representative elec- for semantic and world-knowledge violations compared to the
trode site (Cz) for correct condition (black line), world-knowledge correct condition, based on the results of a minimum-T-field
violation (blue dotted line), and semantic violation (red dashed line). conjunction analysis. Both violations resulted in a single common
ERPs are time locked to the presentation of the critical words activation (P = 0.043, corrected) in the left inferior frontal gyrus.
(underlined). Spline-interpolated isovoltage maps display the topo- The crosshairs indicate the voxel of maximal activation. (Reprinted
graphic distributions of the mean differences from 300 to 550 ms with permission from Hagoort, Hald, Bastiaansen, & Petersson,
between semantic violation and control (left), and between world 2004.) (See color plate 71.)
knowledge violation and control (right). (B) The common activation

integrating locative nouns when the aspect of the main verb to construct a situation model in which locations and other
is imperfective and the denoted location is a prototypical one dimensions of the action become relevant, while such
given the verb’s semantics. In sentences with an imperfective, dimensions are ignored if the action is viewed perfectively.
such as “The diver was snorkeling in the ocean/pond,” a The imperfective leads also to expectations concerning
larger N400 was evoked by pond than by ocean. This N400 the outcome of the event described. Baggio, van Lambalgen,
effect was reduced if the aspect was perfective, as in “The and Hagoort (2008) investigated whether, in sentences like
diver had snorkeled in the ocean/pond.” Describing an “The girl was writing a letter when her friend spilled coffee
event as ongoing using the imperfective aspect leads readers on the tablecloth/paper,” the goal state (a complete letter)

hagoort, baggio, and willems: semantic unification 823

was represented online during the unification process. If the ing. What all these widely used expression types have in
goal is predicted to occur whenever the imperfective is used, common is a silent semantic element, which has to be recov-
a difference should be observed at the word paper compared ered (sometimes obligatorily) to make full sense of the
to tablecloth. Spilling coffee on the paper implies that the goal sentence. Semantic processing might be taxed during such
state was not attained, and forces the system to revise the recovery process, and that is indeed what was found
earlier commitment to the event’s completion (Baggio & van experimentally. Complement-coercing sentences like “The
Lambalgen, 2007). Spilling coffee on the tablecloth, however, journalist began the article,” which presumably means that
does not have this implication. Paper did indeed result in a she began writing or typing the article, are more difficult
larger sustained anterior negativity (SAN) compared to table- to process than sentences in which the activity is part of
cloth, and the effect was correlated with the frequency with the asserted content like “The journalist wrote the article.”
which participants concluded that the event was not com- The processing costs of complement coercion have
pleted (see figure 56.3). These results again suggest that been established using reading times (McElree, Traxler,
semantic processing is not bound to asserted content, but Pickering, Seely, & Jackendoff, 2001), eye tracking
can include inferences anticipating the outcome of actions (Traxler, Pickering, & McElree, 2002; Traxler, McElree,
and events, as well as other inferences invalidating previ- Williams, & Pickering, 2005), and MEG (Pylkkänen &
ously drawn conclusions. In this sense, unification can be McElree, 2007). Pylkkänen and McElree found a magneto-
described as a defeasible process: discourse models built up encephalography (MEG) response that was located in ven-
incrementally at any one stage may have to be revised when tromedial prefrontal cortex to coerced sentences, which was
additional information becomes available, as when the word different from the M350, the magnetic correlate of the N400.
paper is encountered in this example (cf. Carreiras, Garnham, Semantic processing beyond the single-word level is there-
Oakhill, & Cain, 1996; Sturt, 2007). fore not restricted to processing asserted content as delivered
by the input, but is crucially engaged in recovering silent
Fictional Discourse and Silent Meaning Simple meaning in presuppositions, implicatures, coercions, and so
composition implies that unification preserves the semantic on. Crucially, recovered meanings are triggered by expres-
identity of the constituent expressions. However, experimental sions that are given as input but are themselves phonologi-
research suggests that discourse may override even such core cally and syntactically silent, an effect that shows that
features of word semantics as animacy. Nieuwland and van semantics is relatively independent from the two other
Berkum (2006) showed that sentences that make sense on components of the language system. This “autonomy of
their own, like “The peanut was salted,” appear anomalous semantics” is at odds with the syntax-semantics homomor-
if they are embedded in a context in which the inanimate phism postulated by formal semanticists (Montague, 1970;
subject (the peanut) is attributed animate features. In a Partee, Ter Meulen, & Wall, 1990), as well as with the
narrative in which the peanut danced and sang, because it “interface uniformity” upon which generative grammar is
fell in love with an almond it had met, the final word in “The built (Culicover & Jackendoff, 2005).
peanut was salted” resulted in a larger N400 compared to
“The peanut was in love” (see figure 56.4). This result is Unification and the Syntax-Semantics Interface A
taken to show that discourse can override seemingly context- language-relevant ERP effect that has been related to
invariant semantic features of words. syntactic processing is a positivity, nowadays referred to as
Another interesting phenomenon is that of silent P600 or as P600/SPS (Coulson, King, & Kutas, 1998;
meaning—that is, meaning not expressed in the syntax and Hagoort, Brown, & Osterhout, 1999; Osterhout, McLaughlin,
phonology of an expression. A number of linguistic devices & Bersick, 1997). The P600 is the syntactic equivalent of the
are available to speakers and hearers that allow efficient N400 effect. One of the antecedent conditions of P600
communication of meaning beyond what is explicitly effects is a violation of a syntactic constraint. The relation
asserted. Among these are coercing expressions, functioning between N400 and the P600 effects might provide insights
as a shorthand for lengthier definite descriptions, as in the into the interplay between semantic and syntactic unification.
classic examples “The ham sandwich in the corner wants Modulations of the P600 have been observed not only to
some more coffee,” where ham sandwich in fact refers to the syntactic violations, syntactic ambiguities, and syntactic
person who ordered one, and “Plato is on the top shelf next complexity, but also to breakdowns of normal operations at
to Russell,” where Plato and Russell refer to copies of the the syntax-semantics interface (for a review, see Kuperberg,
works of the two philosophers. More extreme forms of coer- 2007). For example, Kim and Osterhout (2005) reported
cion are possible, as in “Fishing the edges dry,” where dry is larger P600s evoked by devouring in “The hearty meal was
a condensed expression for the phrase using a dry fly, or in devouring . . . ,” compared to either “The hearty meal was
resultative constructions like “Hammering the metal flat,” devoured . . .” or “The hungry boys were devouring . . .”;
where flat denotes the final state of the metal after hammer- this despite the fact that the sentence is syntactically well

824 language


Figure 56.3 (A) Grand-average topographies displaying the quency of negative responses in a button-press, probe-selection task
mean amplitude difference between the ERPs evoked by the (r = −0.415, T(22) = −2.140, P = 0.043). The mean difference of
sentence-final verb when it terminated versus when it did not ter- negative responses between terminated and nonterminated accom-
minate the accomplishments in the progressive. Circles represent plishments is plotted on the abscissa. The mean amplitude differ-
electrodes in a significant (P < 0.05) cluster. (B) Grand-average ERP ence at frontopolar and frontal electrodes between terminated
waveforms from a representative site (F3) time-locked to the onset and nonterminated accomplishments in the 500–700-ms interval
(0 ms) of the verb in terminated versus nonterminated accomplish- following the onset of the sentence-final verb is plotted on the
ments. Negative values are plotted upward. (C ) Scatter plot display- ordinate. (After Baggio, van Lambalgen, & Hagoort, 2008.) (See
ing the correlation between the amplitude of the sustained anterior color plate 72.)
negativity elicited by terminated accomplishments and the fre-

hagoort, baggio, and willems: semantic unification 825

Figure 56.4 N400 effects triggered by a correct predicate (salted) electrode sites, time-locked to the onset of the critical inanimate/
that is, however, contextually disfavored in comparison to an incor- animate predicate in the fifth sentence. (After Nieuwland & van
rect predicate (in love). Waveforms are presented for representative Berkum, 2006.)

formed (see figure 56.5). The semantics of meal and devour Conclusion In general, ERP research on semantic
suggest a plausible thematic role assignment to meal: a theme processing has found that word meaning is very rapidly
instead of an agent as the syntax implies. In this case, semantic assembled into compound meaning. This statement holds for
plausibility overrides syntactic constraints, and the verb individual word meanings in the context of single words,
devouring is presumably perceived as a morphosyntactic sentences, or discourse. But it also holds for meaning that is
violation indexed by the P600. Conflicts between syntactic extracted from pictures, co-speech gestures, or stereotypes
and semantic constraints might result in N400 or P600 inferred from speaker characteristics (Willems, Özyürek, &
effects depending on whether, respectively, the semantic or Hagoort, 2007, 2008; van Berkum et al., 2008). The effects
the syntactic constraints are the weakest. In cases where the of semantic processing are most often observed as modulations
input is anomalous because of a conflict between semantic of the N400 amplitude. The topographic distribution of the
and syntactic cues, the modus operandi of the system seems N400 differs slightly for different stimulus types. It is more
to obey a “loser takes all” principle. That is, if the semantic evenly distributed for auditory than for the visual N400.
cues are stronger than the syntactic cues, the effect will Pictures and co-speech gestures elicit a more frontal N400
appear at the level of syntactic unification (P600). Kuperberg than sentences without concomitant nonlinguistic infor-
(2007) argues that there are at least two neural routes mation. This finding suggests that the set of neural generators
subserving language comprehension: (1) a semantic, memory- contributing to the scalp-recorded N400 is not fully
based stream that provides elementary meanings as well as overlapping for the different types of meaningful stimuli.
conceptual, categorical, and thematic relations between This result is consistent with the results from fMRI studies,
them; (2) a combinatorial stream that provides analyses showing both overlapping and distinct activations in
based on morphosyntactic constraints and thematic roles as connection to the various types of meaningful input (see
given in the input. The P600 reported by Kim and Osterhout the next section). Intracranial recordings and MEG studies
(2005), for example, might be taken to suggest that semantic indicate that the scalp-recorded N400 is caused by coor-
associations between words are the strongest constraints— dinated activity in a number of different brain areas, including
for instance, because in this case they are taken into account the anterior inferotemporal cortex (McCarthy, Nobre,
earlier than the syntactic cues. Bentin, & Spencer, 1995), the superior temporal cortex

826 language
Figure 56.5 At the interface between syntax and semantics. tion verbs (dashed line). In both cases the inconsistency between
Grand-average ERPs recorded at three midline sites and six medial- grammatical roles and thematic role biases resulted in robust P600
lateral sites. All sentences are syntactically correct. (A) ERPs to effects. Onset of the critical verbs is indicated by the vertical bar.
passive control verbs (solid line) and thematic violation verbs (dashed Each hash mark represents 100 ms. Positive voltage is plotted down.
line). (B) ERPs to active control verbs (solid line) and thematic viola- (Kim & Osterhout, 2005; reprinted with permission.)

(Dale et al., 2000; Helenius, Salmelin, Service, & Connolly, consistent finding across all these studies is the activation of
1998; Halgren et al., 2002), and the left inferior frontal the left inferior frontal cortex (LIFC), more particularly BA
cortex (Halgren et al., 1994, 2002; Guillem, Rougier, & 47 and BA 45. In addition, the left superior and middle
Claverie, 1999). Other ERP effects (e.g., anterior negativities) temporal cortex is often found to be activated (see figure 56.6
have also been observed to aspects of postlexical semantic for an overview), as well as left inferior parietal cortex. For
processing. How they differ from the N400 effects in their instance, Rodd and colleagues had subjects listen to English
functional characterization is an issue for further research. sentences such as “There were dates and pears in the fruit
bowl” and compared to the BOLD response of these sen-
The semantic unification network tences to the BOLD response of sentences such as “There
was beer and cider on the kitchen shelf.” The crucial differ-
In recent years a series of fMRI studies were aimed at iden- ence between these sentences is that the former contains two
tifying the semantic unification network. These studies either homophones—“dates” and “pears”—which, when pre-
compared sentences containing semantic/pragmatic anom- sented auditorily, have more than one meaning. This is not
alies with their correct counterparts (Hagoort et al., 2004; the case for the words in the second sentence. The sentences
Newman, Pancheva, Ozawa, Neville, & Ullman, 2001; with the lexical ambiguities led to increased activations in
Kuperberg et al., 2000, 2003; Kuperberg, Sitnikova, & LIFC and in the left posterior middle/inferior temporal
Lakshmanan, 2008; Ni et al., 2000; Baumgaertner, Weiller, gyrus. In this experiment all materials were well-formed
& Buchel, 2002; Kiehl, Laurens, & Liddle, 2002; Friederici, English sentences in which the ambiguity usually goes unno-
Ruschemeyer, Hahne, & Fiebach, 2003; Ruschemeyer, ticed. Nevertheless, the results were very similar to those
Zysset, & Friederici, 2006) or compared sentences with and obtained in experiments that used semantic anomalies.
without semantic ambiguities (Hoenig & Scheef, 2005; Areas involved in semantic unification were found to be
Rodd, Davis, & Johnsrude, 2005; Zempleni, Renken, Hoeks, sensitive to the increase in semantic unification load that
Hoogduin, & Stowe, 2007; Davis et al., 2007). The most resulted from the ambiguous words.

hagoort, baggio, and willems: semantic unification 827

Figure 56.6 Overview of local maxima in inferior frontal cortex made using MRIcroN. Please note that the local maxima of the Ni
and in temporal cortex in neuroimaging studies employing sen- and colleagues (2000) and the Kuperberg and colleagues (2003)
tences with semantic anomalies or semantic ambiguities. The local studies are displayed, but that these are not based on coordinates,
maxima (in MNI space) of each study were overlaid on a rendering since no coordinates were provided. The local maxima are drawn
of a brain in MNI space. For local maxima see tables 56.1 and by hand based upon the figures in the respective papers. (See color
56.2; for a summary of the results see table 56.3. Rendering was plate 73.)

In short, the semantic unification network seems to include (Willems et al., 2007). This finding suggests that activation
at least LIFC, left superior/middle temporal cortex, and increases in left posterior temporal cortex are triggered most
the (left) inferior parietal cortex. To some degree, the right strongly by processes involving the retrieval of lexical-
hemisphere homologues of these areas are also found to be semantic information. LIFC, however, is a key node in the
activated (see figure 56.6). In the following subsections we semantic unification network, unifying semantic information
will discuss the possible contributions of these regions to from different modalities.
semantic unification. From these findings it seems that semantic unification is
realized in a dynamic interplay between LIFC as a multi-
The Multimodal Nature of Semantic Unification modal unification site on the one hand, and modality-
An indication for the respective functional roles of the left specific areas on the other hand.
frontal and temporal cortices in semantic unification comes
from a few studies investigating semantic unification of Semantic Unification Beyond the Sentence Level
multimodal information with language. Using fMRI, Recently a few studies have set out to investigate the neural
Willems and colleagues assessed the neural integration of networks involved in semantic processing at the level of
semantic information from spoken words and from co- multisentence utterances, such as short stories. Besides
speech gestures into a preceding sentence context (Willems the network that is also activated to semantic unification at
et al., 2007). Spoken sentences were presented in which a the sentence level, story comprehension involves activation
critical word was accompanied by a co-speech gesture. of dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and, presumably, right
Either the word or the gesture could be semantically inferior frontal cortex. In a recent meta-analysis, Ferstl
incongruous with respect to the previous sentence context. and colleagues report the consistent involvement of
Both an incongruous word and an incongruous gesture led medial prefrontal cortex, left STS/MTG, and LIFC when
to increased activation in LIFC as compared to congruous participants process coherent text as compared to sentences
words and gestures (see Willems et al., 2008, for a similar that do not form a coherent story or as compared to word
finding with pictures of objects). Interestingly, the activation lists (Ferstl, Neumann, Bogler, & von Cramon, 2008). In a
of the left posterior STS was increased by an incongruous variant of this line of research, Kuperberg, Lakshmanan,
spoken word but not by an incongruous hand gesture. The Caplan, and Holcomb (2006) presented participants
latter resulted in a specific increase in dorsal premotor cortex with sentence quartets in which the relation of the last

828 language
Table 56.1
Involvement of the inferior frontal cortex in fMRI studies of sentence comprehension employing semantic anomalies or semantic ambiguities.
The table shows the studies that were used for the overview in figure 56.6, a brief description of the contrast that was employed in
each of the studies, the reported coordinates of the local maxima in inferior frontal cortex in MNI space, and a verbal description of the
location of the local maxima. When necessary, Talairach coordinates were converted to MNI space using the transformation suggested
by Brett ( Note that in computing the mean coordinates the findings from
Kuperberg and colleagues (2003) and Ni and colleagues (2000) were not taken into consideration, since no coordinates were reported in
these studies.

Study Comparison x y z (MNI) Region
Baumgaertner et al., 2002 Sem. incongruent > congruent −51 36 −6 Left IFG
Davis et al., 2007 High ambiguity > low ambiguity −40 24 18 Left IFG
−48 6 34
−40 18 24
46 36 18 Right IFG
Friederici et al., 2003 Sem. incongruent > congruent No activation —
Hagoort et al., 2004 Sem. incongruent > congruent ŀ World −44 30 8 Left IFG
knowledge incongruent > congruent
Hoenig & Scheef, 2005 Sem. incongruent > congruent −50 18 −14 Left IFG
−50 43 11
Kiehl et al., 2002 Sem. incongruent > congruent −48 32 4 Left IFG/ant. temporal
36 32 −16 Right IFG/ant. temporal
Kuperberg et al., 2000 Sem. incongruent > congruent No activation —
Pragm. incongruent > congruent No activation —
Kuperberg et al., 2003 Pragm. incongruent > congruent (No coordinates) Left IFG
Kuperberg et al., 2008 Pragmatic incongruent > congruent −43 25 −10 Left IFG
Sem. incongruent > congruent −49 4 10 Left IFG
29 19 5 Right IFG
Newman et al., 2001 Sem. incongruent > congruent −50 34 5 Left IFG
Ni et al., 2000 Sem. incongruence detection > tone pitch (No coordinates) Left IFG
Right IFG
Oddball paradigm with semantically (No coordinates) Left IFG
incongruent sentences
(No coordinates) Right IFG
Rodd et al., 2005 High ambiguity > low ambiguity −50 30 20 Left IFG
−56 16 22 Left IFG
−42 14 32 Left IFS
36 26 4 Right IFG
50 36 16 Right IFG
Rueschemeyer et al., 2006 Sem. incongruent > synt. incongruent −50 30 15 Left ant. IFG
Willems et al., 2007 Sem. incongruent > congruent −43 11 27 Left IFS
Willems et al., 2008 Sem. incongruent > congruent −45 14 27 Left IFS
Zempleni et al., 2007 Subordinate meaning > dominant meaning −48 26 20 Left IFG
−52 16 26 Left IFG
34 20 −10 Right IFG

hagoort, baggio, and willems: semantic unification 829

Table 56.2
Involvement of the temporal cortex in fMRI studies of sentence comprehension employing semantic anomalies or semantic ambiguities.
The table shows the studies that were used for the overview in figure 56.6, a brief description of the contrast that was employed in
each of the studies, the reported coordinates of the local maxima in temporal cortex in MNI space, and a verbal description of the location
of the local maxima. When necessary, Talairach coordinates were converted to MNI space using the transformation suggested by
Brett ( Note that in computing the mean coordinates the findings from
Kuperberg and colleagues (2003) and Ni and colleagues (2000) were not taken into consideration, since no coordinates were reported in
these studies.

Study Comparison x y z (MNI) Region
Baumgaertner et al., 2002 Sem. incongruent > congruent No activation —
Davis et al., 2007 High ambiguity > low ambiguity −50 −44 −12 Left ITG
−54 −60 −2
Friederici et al., 2003 Sem. incongruent > congruent −60 −42 20 Left STG
63 −40 20 Right STG
58 −24 13 Right STG
Hagoort et al., 2004 Sem. incongruent > congruent No activation —
Hoenig & Scheef, 2005 Sem. incongruent > congruent No activation —
Kiehl et al., 2002 Sem. incongruent > congruent No activation —
Kuperberg et al., 2000 Sem. incongruent > congruent 43 −11 −7 Right MTG
49 −17 4 Right STG
Pragm. incongruent > congruent −49 −31 9 Left STG
Kuperberg et al., 2003 Pragm. incongruent > congruent (No coordinates) Left STS
Kuperberg et al., 2008 Pragm. violations > correct sentences −27 −28 −19 Left ant. med.
temporal cortex
Sem. incongruent > congruent −53 −20 −1 Left STG
58 −19 3 Right STG
Newman et al., 2001 Sem. incongruent > congruent 70 −36 −15 Right MTG
Ni et al., 2000 Sem. incongruence detection > tone pitch (No coordinates) Left STG/MTG
(No coordinates) Right STG/MTG
Oddball paradigm with semantically (No coordinates) Left pSTG
incongruent sentences
Rodd et al., 2005 High ambiguity > low ambiguity −52 −50 −10 Left pITG
−58 −8 −6 Left STG
Rueschemeyer et al., 2006 Sem. incongruent > synt. incongruent — —
Willems et al., 2007 Sem. incongruent > congruent −53 −52 2 Left STS
Willems et al., 2008 Sem. incongruent > congruent −53 −35 −3 Left STS
Zempleni et al., 2007 Subordinate meaning > dominant meaning −50 −48 −12 Left ITG/MTG
56 −34 −16 Right ITG/MTG

830 language
Table 56.3
Summary of the activations in the studies used for the overview in figure 56.6.
The coordinates from tables 56.1 and 56.2 were used. Table 56.3 specifies the mean coordinates for left
and right inferior frontal and temporal cortices, the standard deviation in the x, y, and z directions in milli-
meters, the mean Euclidian distance of the local maxima to the mean coordinates, the number of maxima
that were reported, and the number of studies that report maxima in that region. Note that the number of
maxima is higher than the number of studies, since several studies report more than one maximum. Note
that the findings from Kuperberg and colleagues (2003) and Ni and colleagues (2000) were not used in
computing the mean coordinates, since no coordinates were reported in these studies.

Mean (x y z) SD (x y z) Mean Distance Number of Studies

(MNI) (mm) to Mean (mm) (out of total)
Inferior frontal cortex
Left −47 22 14 4.3 10.6 13.9 16.3 14/16
Right 39 28 3 7.9 7.7 13.6 15.0 6/16
Temporal cortex
Left −51 −38 −3 8.6 15.4 10.9 18.0 10/16
Right 57 −26 0 8.8 10.9 13.7 17.2 6/16

sentence to the previous story context was manipulated. Controlled Processing and Selection Accounts for
The less related sentences required an extra causal inference LIFC Although LIFC (including Broca’s area) has
in order to make sense of the story. It was found that less traditionally been construed as a language area, there is a
related sentences (which evoked more inferencing) led wealth of recent neuroimaging data suggesting that its
to stronger activations in left and right IFC, left MTG, role extends beyond the language domain. Several authors
left middle fontal gyrus, and bilateral medial prefrontal have therefore argued that LIFC function is best character-
cortex (Kuperberg et al.; see Hasson, Nusbaum, & Small, ized as “controlled retrieval” or “(semantic) selection”
2007, for a related result). These and other studies (e.g., (Thompson-Schill, D’Esposito, Aguirre, & Farah, 1997;
St George, Kutas, Martinez, & Sereno, 1999; Xu, Kemeny, Wagner, Pare-Blagoev, Clark, & Poldrack, 2001; Badre,
Park, Frattali, & Braun, 2005; Sieborger, Ferstl, & von Poldrack, Pare-Blagoev, Insler, & Wagner, 2005; Gold,
Cramon, 2007) suggest that LIFC and left superior/middle Balota, Kirchoff, & Buckner, 2005; Moss et al., 2005;
temporal cortex are also important for unification of Thompson-Schill, Bedny, & Goldberg, 2005). For instance,
information beyond the sentence level. It is interesting Thompson-Schill and colleagues showed that LIFC was
to note that the medial prefrontal cortex, which is found more strongly activated in a verb-generation task when the
activated for discourse but not for sentence-level process- noun that served as the cue allowed for many different verb
ing, has been implicated in so-called mentalizing tasks, responses, as opposed to nouns that are reliably related to
requiring the observer to take the perspective of someone only one or a few verbs (Thompson-Schill et al., 1997). In
else (Buckner, Andrews-Hanna, & Schacter, 2008; Frith & response to the noun cue “scissors,” for example, most
Frith, 2006). According to Mason and Just, this domain- participants generate the verb “to cut,” whereas the noun
general area is recruited in discourse processing for the “wheel” triggers a more diverse set of responses. On the basis
sake of interpreting a protagonist’s or agent’s perspective of these and other findings, it was argued that LIFC guides
(Mason & Just, 2006). In addition, right-hemisphere regions semantic selection among competing alternatives, with
are sometimes but not consistently reported in the context higher activation when there are more competitors.
of discourse processing (Maguire, Frith, & Morris, 1999; How does the selection account of LIFC function relate
St George et al., 1999; Ferstl et al., 2008) (see Ferstl et al., to the unification account? As is discussed in more detail
2008; Mason & Just, 2006, for extensive reviews). Some elsewhere, unification often implies selection (Hagoort,
studies find that the temporal poles may be related to 2005). For instance, in the study by Rodd and colleagues
successful integration during story comprehension (Fletcher described earlier, increased activation in LIFC is most likely
et al., 1995; Maguire et al.). The studies that report these due to increased selection demands in reaction to sentences
activations are mostly done using PET. It is hard to assess with ambiguous words. Selection is often, but not always, a
the consistency of temporal pole activation during story/text prerequiste for unification. Unification with or without selec-
comprehension because of the susceptibility to artifacts that tion is a core feature of language processing. During natural
these regions often suffer from in fMRI studies (but see Xu language comprehension, information has to be kept in
et al.; Ferstl et al.). working memory for a certain period of time, and incoming

hagoort, baggio, and willems: semantic unification 831

information has to be integrated and combined with previ- with phoneme [ p]) (see also Calvert, Campbell, & Brammer,
ous information. The combinatorial nature of language 2000, for the integration of lip movements and speech
necessitates that a representation be constructed online, sounds). The same is true in the study by Beauchamp, Lee,
without the availability of an existing representation of the Argall, and Martin (2004), who found higher activation in
utterance in long-term memory. In addition, some informa- left posterior temporal cortex to the matching combination
tion sources that are integrated with language do not have of a picture of an object and its sound versus an incongruent
a stable representation in long-term memory such that they combination. In a recent paper Hein and colleagues (2007)
can be selected. For instance, there is no stable representa- reported an interesting difference between inferior frontal
tion of the meaning of co-speech gestures, which are highly cortex (IFC) and posterior temporal cortex. The IFC showed
ambiguous outside of a language context. Still, in all these a stronger response to incongruent familiar animal sounds
cases increased activation is observed in LIFC, such as when and images (e.g., a meowing dog) than to the familiar
the integration load of information from co-speech gestures combination (a barking dog). This was, however, not
is high (Willems et al., 2007). Similarly, it is unlikely that observed in STG and pSTS. This region was found to be
integration of information about characteristics of the more strongly activated to highly familiar combinations of
speaker as indicated by the acoustics of the voice (e.g., objects and sounds as compared to combinations of artificial
whether the speaker is male or female, child or adult) relies objects and sounds. This result suggests a possible division
on selection. Nevertheless, increased activation levels are of labor between inferior frontal and superior temporal
observed in LIFC when integrating speaker characteristics areas, with a stronger contribution to integration for temporal
with the content of the message gets more difficult (Tesink cortex and a stronger role for the IFC in unification—that
et al., in press). Therefore, unification is a more general is, in constructing a common representation that is not
account of LIFC function. It implies selection, but it covers already available in long-term memory.
additional integration processes as well. However, as we have seen, many studies on sentence
processing have found increased activation, especially in
Integration Versus Unification We have so far used the left superior/middle temporal cortex when the (semantic)
term “unification” to refer to the assembly of complex unification load of a word increases given the preceding
meaning. Although the term “integration” is often used as a sentence context (e.g., Bookheimer, 2002; Friederici et al.,
synonym for unification, including by ourselves, we suggest 2003; Kuperberg et al., 2003; Hagoort et al., 2004; Rodd et
that it is useful to make a functional distinction between the al., 2005; Ruschemeyer, Fiebach, Kempe, & Friederici,
two. Semantic integration is at stake if different sources of 2005; Davis et al., 2007; Willems et al., 2007, 2008). We
information converge on a common memory representation. propose that this results from signals from LIFC, indicating
An example is the sound and the sight of an animal (e.g., a that in the service of unification, lexical-semantic informa-
barking dog). The sight of a dog, the barking sound, and tion needs to be maintained active longer or needs to be
their combined occurrence most likely all activate a memory reaccessed when unification load increases (cf. Humphries,
representation of “dog” that has multimodal characteristics. Binder, Medler, & Liebenthal, 2007). In this way, it is the
Semantic unification, however, is always a constructive dynamic interplay between LIFC and left superior/middle
process in which a semantic representation is constructed temporal cortex that is necessary for successful semantic
that is not already available in memory. This distinction unification.
makes opposite predictions for the BOLD response. Semantic
unification is always harder for semantic incongruities. These Conclusion
should result in a stronger BOLD response than semantically
congruent items. In contrast, congruent input results in Over and above the retrieval of individual word meanings,
converging support for a prestored representation, which sentence and discourse processing requires combinatorial
might thus be more strongly activated compared to a operations that result in a coherent interpretation of multi-
situation with incongruent input. Hence, in the case of word utterances. These operations do not adhere to a simple
integration, the congruent condition will elicit a stronger principle of compositionality. World knowledge, informa-
BOLD response than the incongruent condition. A few tion about the speaker, co-occurring visual input, and dis-
studies on multimodal integration have indeed reported course information all trigger electrophysiological responses
activation increases to matching stimulus combinations. For similar to those triggered by sentence-internal semantic
instance, Van Atteveldt, Formisano, Goebel, and Blomert information. A network of brain areas, including the left
(2004) observed a higher activation level in left superior inferior frontal gyrus, the left superior/middle temporal
temporal cortex in response to a matching phoneme and cortex, the left inferior parietal cortex, and, to a lesser extent,
letter combination (e.g., letter “p” with phoneme [ p]) as their right-hemisphere homologues are recruited to perform
compared to a mismatching combination (e.g., letter “k” semantic unification. In line with the MUC framework,

832 language
semantic unification operations are under top-down control Dale, A. M., Liu, A. K., Fischl, B. R., Buckner, R. L., Belliveau,
of left, and in the case of discourse, also right inferior frontal J. W., Lewine, J. D., & Halgren, E. (2000). Dynamic
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cortex. This contribution modulates activations of lexical
for high-resolution imaging of cortical activity. Neuron, 26,
information in memory as represented by the left superior 55–67.
and middle temporal cortex, presumably with additional Davis, M. H., Coleman, M. R., Absalom, A. R., Rodd, J. M.,
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tion network awaits further research. DeLong, K. A., Urbach, T. P., & Kutas, M. (2005). Probabilistic
word pre-activation during language comprehension inferred
acknowledgments We thank Jos van Berkum, Karl-Magnus
from electrical brain activity. Nat. Neurosci., 8, 1117–1121.
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hagoort, baggio, and willems: semantic unification 835

57 Early Language Acquisition:
Neural Substrates and
Theoretical Models
patricia k. kuhl

abstract Infants learn language(s) with apparent ease, and the day help resolve the classic debate about the interaction
tools of modern neuroscience are providing valuable information between biology and culture that produces the human
about the mechanisms that underlie this capacity. Noninvasive, safe capacity for language. Neuroscientific studies will also
brain technologies have now been proven feasible for use with
children starting at birth, and studies in the past decade at the
provide valuable information that may allow us to diagnose
phonetic, word, and sentence levels have produced an explosion developmental disabilities at a stage in development when
in neuroscience research examining young children’s language interventions are more likely to improve children’s lives.
processing. At all levels of language, the neural signatures of Remarkable progress has been made in the last decade in
learning can be documented at remarkably early points in develop- scientists’ abilities to examine the young infant brain while
ment. Importantly both for theory and for the eventual application
its owner processes language, reacts to social stimuli such
of this work to the diagnosis and treatment of developmental dis-
abilities, early brain measures of infants’ responses to phonetic dif- as faces, listens to music, or hears the voice of the child’s
ferences are reflected in infants’ language abilities in the second mother. This review focuses on the new techniques and what
and third year of life. Developmental neuroscience studies using they are teaching us about the earliest phases of language
language are beginning to answer questions about the origins and acquisition.
development of human’s language faculty.
Neuroscientific studies on infants and young children now
extend from phonemes to words to sentences. These studies
fuel the hope that an understanding of development in typi-
Infants begin life with the capacity to detect phonetic distinc- cally developing children and in children with developmen-
tions across all languages, and they develop a language- tal disabilities will be achieved. Studies show that exposure
specific phonetic capacity and acquire early words before to language in the first year of life begins to set the neural
the end of the first year ( Jusczyk, 1997; Kuhl, Conboy, architecture in a way that vaults the infant forward in the
Padden, Rivera-Gaxiola, & Nelson, 2008; Werker & Curtin, acquisition of language. The goal in this chapter is to explore
2005). A major question remains, however: Do infants’ what we have learned about the neural mechanisms that
initial capacities and their ability to learn effortlessly from underlie language in typically developing children, and how
exposure to language reflect domain-specific mechanisms they differ in children with developmental disabilities that
that operate exclusively on linguistic data or mechanisms involve language such as autism.
that operate on more general learning mechanisms? In a
classic debate, a nativist and a learning theorist took very Neuroscience techniques measure language processing
different positions regarding the innate state and the nature in the young brain
of learning regarding language. Noam Chomsky (1959)
argued that infants’ innate capacities and the manner in Rapid advances have been made in the development of
which language was acquired were unique to language and noninvasive techniques to examine language processing
to humans, while B. F. Skinner (1957) asserted that neither in infants and young children (figure 57.1). These methods
the initial state nor the manner in which language was include electroencephalography (EEG)/event-related poten-
learned was unique. tials (ERPs), magnetoencephalography (MEG), functional
The tools of modern developmental neuroscience are magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and near-infrared
bringing us closer to addressing these issues and may one spectroscopy (NIRS). ERPs have been widely used to study
speech and language processing in infants and young
patricia k. kuhl Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences, children (for reviews see Conboy, Rivera-Gaxiola, Silva-
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Pereyra, & Kuhl, 2008; Friederici, 2005; Kuhl, 2004; Kuhl

kuhl: early language acquisition 837

Figure 57.1 Four neuroscience techniques now used with infants and young children to examine the brain’s responses to linguistic signals.
(From Kuhl & Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008.)

& Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008). Event-related potentials (ERPs), a ERPs provide precise time resolution (milliseconds), making
part of the EEG, reflect electrical activity that is time-locked them well suited for studying the high-speed and temporally
to the presentation of a specific sensory stimulus (e.g., sylla- ordered structure of human speech. ERP experiments
bles, words) or a cognitive process (recognition of a semantic can also be carried out in populations who, because of age
violation within a sentence or phrase). By placing sensors on or cognitive impairment, cannot provide overt responses.
a child’s scalp, the activity of neural networks firing in a Spatial resolution of the source of brain activation is,
coordinated and synchronous fashion in open field con- however, limited.
figurations can be measured, and voltage changes occurring Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is another brain-
as a function of cortical neural activity can be detected. imaging technique that tracks activity in the brain with

838 language
exquisite temporal resolution. MEG (as well as EEG) Functional MRI techniques would be very valuable with
techniques are safe and and noiseless, allowing data collec- infants, but few studies have attempted fMRI with infants
tion while infants listen to language in a quiet environment. (Dehaene-Lambertz, Dehaene, & Hertz-Pannier, 2002;
The SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) Dehaene-Lambertz, Hertz-Pannier, Dubois, Meriaux, &
sensors located within the MEG helmet measure the minute Roche, 2006). The technique requires subjects to be per-
magnetic fields associated with electrical currents that are fectly still, and the MRI device produces loud sounds making
produced by the brain when it is performing sensory, motor, it necessary to shield infants’ ears while delivering language
or cognitive tasks. MEG allows precise localization of stimuli.
the neural currents responsible for the sources of the mag- Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) also measures cere-
netic fields, and it has been used to test phonetic discri- bral hemodynamic responses in relation to neural activity,
mination in adults (Kujala, Alho, Service, Ilmoniemi, & but employs the absorption of light, which is sensitive to the
Connolly, 2004). concentration of hemoglobin, to measure activation (Aslin
Recently a genuine advance was documented by the first & Mehler, 2005). NIRS utilizes near-infrared light to measure
MEG studies testing awake infants in the first year of life changes in blood oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin concentrations
(Bosseler et al., 2008; Cheour et al., 2004; Imada et al., 2006, in the brain as well as total blood volume changes in various
2008). In these studies, the use of sophisticated head-tracking regions of the cerebral cortex. The NIRS system can deter-
software and hardware allows correction for infants’ head mine where and how active the specific regions of the brain
movements, so infants are free to move comfortably during are by continuously monitoring blood hemoglobin levels,
the tests. MEG studies allow whole-brain imaging during and reports have begun to appear on infants in the first
speech discrimination, which is now providing data on the two years of life (Bortfeld, Wruck, & Boas, 2007; Homae,
location and timing of brain activation in critical regions Watanabe, Nakano, Asakawa, & Taga, 2006; Pena et al.,
(Broca’s and Wernicke’s) involved in language acquisition 2003; Taga & Asakawa, 2007). Homae and colleagues, for
(see Bosseler et al.; Imada et al., 2006, 2008). example, provided data using NIRS that suggest that sleep-
MEG and/or EEG can be combined with magnetic reso- ing 3-month-old infants process the prosodic information in
nance imaging (MRI), a technique that provides static struc- sentences in the right temporoparietal region. As with other
tural/anatomical pictures of the brain. Using mathematical techniques relying on hemodynamic changes such as fMRI,
modeling methods, the specific brain regions that produce NIRS does not provide good temporal resolution. One of
the magnetic or electrical signals can be identified in the the most important uses of this technique is that coregistra-
human brain with high spatial resolution (millimeter). Struc- tion with other testing techniques such as EEG and MEG
tural MRIs allow measurement of anatomical changes in may be possible.
white and gray matter in specific brain regions across the life The use of these techniques with infants and young
span. MRIs can be superimposed on the physiological activ- children has produced an explosion of neuroscience studies
ity detected by MEG or EEG to refine the spatial localiza- using stimuli that tap all levels of language—phoneme, word,
tion of brain activities for individual participants. and sentence. In the next sections, examples of recent find-
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is now ings will be described to give a sense of the promise of neu-
considered a standard method of neuroimaging in adults roscience for the study of language acquisition in children.
because it provides high-spatial-resolution maps of neural
activity across the entire brain (e.g., Gernsbacher & Kachak, Neural signatures of phonetic learning in typically
2003). However, unlike EEG and MEG, fMRI does not developing children
directly detect neural activity, but rather the changes in
blood oxygenation that occur in response to neural activa- Perception of the basic units of speech—the vowels and
tion/firing. Neural events happen in milliseconds, while the consonants that make up words—is one of the most widely
blood-oxygenation changes that they induce are spread out studied behaviors in infancy and adulthood, and studies
over several seconds, thereby severely limiting fMRI’s tem- using ERPs have advanced our knowledge of development
poral resolution. Adult studies are employing new fMRI and learning.
data-analysis methods for speech stimuli and correlating the Behavioral studies demonstrated that at birth young
fMRI data to behavioral data. For example, Raizada, Tsao, infants exhibit a universal capacity to detect differences
Liu, and Kuhl (2009), using a multivariate pattern classifier, between phonetic contrasts used in the world’s languages
showed that English—but not Japanese—speakers exhibited (Eimas, Siqueland, Jusczyk, & Vigorito, 1971). We have
distinct neural activity patterns for /ra/ and /la/ in primary referred to this as Phase 1 in development (Kuhl et al., 2008).
auditory cortex. Subjects who behaviorally distinguished This universal capacity is dramatically altered by language
the sounds most accurately also had the most distinct neural experience starting as early as 6 months for vowels and
activity patterns. by 10 months for consonants: over time, native language

kuhl: early language acquisition 839

phonetic abilities significantly increase (Cheour et al., 1998; The results supported the idea that the differences among
Kuhl et al., 2006; Kuhl, Williams, Lacerda, Stevens, & Lind- infants were meaningful. MMN measurements taken at 7.5
blom, 1992; Rivera-Gaxiola, Silva-Pereyra, & Kuhl, 2005; months—for both the native and the nonnative phonetic
Sundara, Polka, & Genesee, 2006) while the ability to dis- contrasts—predicted later language. However, and in accord
criminate phonetic contrasts that are not relevant to the with the NLNC hypothesis, the native and nonnative
language of the culture declines (Best & McRoberts, contrasts predicted language growth in opposing directions
2003; Cheour et al., 1998; Kuhl et al., 2006; Rivera-Gaxiola, (Kuhl et al., 2008).
Silva-Pereyra, et al., 2005; Werker & Tees, 1984). The MMN component was elicited in individual infants
By the end of the first year, the infant brain is no longer (figure 57.2A). Native and nonnative contrasts were mea-
universally prepared for all languages, but primed to acquire sured in counterbalanced order, and the MMN was observed
the specific one(s) to which they have been exposed. We refer between 250 and 400 ms (figure 57.2B). For the infant
to this as Phase 2 in infant phonetic development (Kuhl shown in figure 57.2A, greater negativity of the MMN, indi-
et al., 2008). The explanation of this transition from Phase cating better neural discrimination, was shown for the native
1 to Phase 2 has become the focus of intense study because when compared to the nonnative phonetic contrast; other
it illustrates the interaction between biology and culture— infants showed equal discrimination for the two contrasts or
between infants’ initial state and infants’ abilities to learn. better discrimination of the nonnative contrast. Infants’ lan-
Speech offers the opportunity to study the brain’s ability to guage abilities were measured at four later points in time:
be shaped implicitly by experience. 14, 18, 24, and 30 months of age using the MacArthur-Bates
Kuhl and colleagues (2008) examined whether the transi- Communicative Development Inventories (CDI), a reliable
tion in phonetic perception from a language-general ability and valid measure assessing language and communication
to a language-specific one—from Phase 1 to Phase 2—can development from 8 to 30 months of age (Fenson et al.,
be linked to the growth of language. The work provided a 1993).
critical test stemming from the native language neural com- The MMN measures taken at 7.5 months of age were
mitment (NLNC) hypothesis (Kuhl, 2004). According to related to the language measures taken between 14 and 30
NLNC, initial native language learning involves neural com- months of age. For the native contrast, the strength of the
mitment to the patterned regularities contained in ambient MMN (better discrimination) predicted accelerated word
speech, with bidirectional effects: neural coding facilitates production at 24 months, greater sentence complexity at 24
the detection of more complex language units (words) that months, and longer mean length of utterance at 30 months
build on initial learning, while simultaneously reducing of age. In contrast, for the nonnative stimulus pair, the
attention to alternate patterns, such as those of a foreign strength of the MMN at the same age in the same infants
language. predicted slower language development at the same future
This formulation suggests that infants with excellent pho- points in time. Behavioral (Kuhl, Conboy, Padden, Nelson,
netic learning skills should advance more quickly toward & Pruitt, 2005) and brain measures (Kuhl et al., 2008), col-
language. In contrast, foreign-language phonetic perception lected on the same infants, were significantly correlated.
reflects the degree to which the infant brain remains un- This pattern, showing differential effects of good discrimi-
committed to native-language patterns—still in Phase 1 as nation for the native and nonnative contrasts, can be readily
it were—at a more universal and immature phase of devel- seen in the growth of vocabulary from 14 to 30 months
opment. Infants in Phase 1 remain “open” to nonnative- (figure 57.2C ). Hierarchical Linear Growth Curve modeling
speech patterns. As an open system reflects uncommitted (Raudenbush, Bryk, Cheong, & Congdon, 2005) shows that
circuitry, infants who remain highly skilled at discriminating both native and nonnative discrimination at 7.5 months
foreign-language phonetic units would be expected to show significantly predicts vocabulary growth, but the effects of
a slower progression toward language. good phonetic discrimination are reversed for the native and
New ERP studies of infants support the NLNC assertion. nonnative predictors. Better native phonetic discrimination
Kuhl and colleagues (2008) measured infants’ ERPs at 7.5 predicts accelerated vocabulary growth, whereas better non-
months of age in response to changes in native (/p-t/) and native phonetic discrimination predicts slower vocabulary
nonnative (Mandarin /-th/ and Spanish /t-d/) phonemes. growth (Kuhl et al., 2008). These results support the NLNC
The mismatch negativity (MMN), which has been shown in hypothesis.
adults to be a neural correlate of phonetic discrimination Rivera-Gaxiola and colleagues (Rivera-Gaxiola, Klarman,
(Naatanen et al., 1997), was calculated for both the native Garcia-Sierra, & Kuhl, 2005; Rivera-Gaxiola, Silva-Pereyra,
and nonnative phonemes for each infant. Individual varia- et al., 2005) demonstrated a similar pattern of prediction
tion was observed for both native and nonnative discrimina- using a different nonnative contrast. They recorded auditory
tion, representing either “noise” or meaningful differences ERP complexes in 7- and 11-month-old American infants
among infants. in response to both Spanish and English voicing contrasts.

840 language

Figure 57.2 (A) A 7.5-month-old infant wearing an ERP electro- children, those whose MMN values at 7.5 months indicated better
cap. (B) Infant ERP waveforms at one sensor location (CZ) for one discrimination (−1 SD) and those MMN values indicated poorer
infant are shown in response to native (English) and nonnative discrimination (+1 SD). Vocabulary growth was significantly faster
(Mandarin) phonetic contrast at 7.5 months. The mismatch nega- for infants with better MMN phonetic discrimination for the native
tivity (MMN) is obtained by subtracting the standard waveform contrast at 7.5 months of age (C, left). In contrast, infants with better
(black) from the deviant waveform (gray). This infant’s response discrimination for the nonnative contrasts (−1 SD) as indicated by
suggests that native-language learning has begun because the MMN at 7.5 months showed slower vocabulary growth (C, right).
MMN negativity in response to the native English contrast is con- Both contrasts predict vocabulary growth, but the effects of better
siderably stronger (more negative) than that to the nonnative discrimination are reversed for the native and nonnative contrasts.
constrast. (C ) Hierarchical linear growth modeling of vocabulary (From Kuhl & Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008.)
growth between 14 and 30 months is shown for two groups of

Two patterns of ERP response were observed—an early (Newman, Ratner, Jusczyk, Jusczyk, & Dow, 2006), as well
positive-going wave (P150–250) and a later negative-going as in studies that use infants’ early processing efficiency for
wave (N250–550) (Rivera-Gaxiola, Silva-Pereyra, et al., words to predict later language (Fernald, Perfors, & March-
2005). Further work examined the patterns of the same audi- man, 2006). Taken as a whole, these studies form bridges
tory ERP positive-negative complexes in a larger sample of between the early precursors to language in infancy and
11-month-old monolingual American infants using the same measures of language competencies in early childhood,
contrasts used in the developmental study, and found that bridges that are important to theory building as well as to
infants’ response to the nonnative contrast predicted the clinical populations with developmental disabilities that
number of words produced at 18, 22, 25, 27, and 30 months involve language.
of age (Rivera-Gaxiola, Klarman, et al., 2005). Infants ERP studies at the phonetic level suggest that the young
showing an N250–550 to the foreign contrast at 11 months brain’s response to the elementary building blocks of
of age (indexing better neural discrimination) produced sig- language matters and that initial native language phonetic
nificantly fewer words at all ages when compared to infants learning is a pathway to language (Kuhl, 2008). The data
showing a less negative response. Scalp distribution analyses also suggest that discriminating nonnative phonetic contrasts
on 7-, 11-, 15-, and 20-month-old infants revealed that for a longer period of time in early development—reflecting
the P150–250 and the N250–550 components differ in dis- infants’ initial, more immature state—can be linked to
tribution (Rivera-Gaxiola et al., 2007). Thus in both Kuhl slower language development. In infants exposed to a single
and colleagues (2008) and Rivera-Gaxiola, Klarman, and language, the ability to attend to changes in the phonetic
colleagues (2005), an enhanced negativity in response to contrasts that are relevant to the culture’s language, while
the nonnative contrast is associated with slower language at the same time reducing attention to phonetic contrasts
development. from other languages that are discriminable but irrelevant
The continuity in language development documented in to the language of their culture, appears to be an important
these studies using infants’ early phonetic skills to predict first step toward the acquisition of language. What neuro-
later language (Kuhl, Conboy, et al., 2005; Kuhl et al., science tools may allow us to do in the future is to understand
2008; Rivera-Gaxiola, Klarman, et al., 2005; Tsao, Liu, & this process and its relation to the “critical period” for lan-
Kuhl, 2004) is also seen in studies that use infants’ early guage development (see Kuhl, Conboy, et al., 2005, for
pattern detection skills for speech to predict later language discussion).

kuhl: early language acquisition 841

Brain measures of learning from exposure to degree to which infants alternated their visual attention
a second language between a newly presented toy and the tutor’s eyes, as
opposed to simply focusing on the toy or on the tutor—pre-
Recent studies have shown that young infants are capable dicted the degree of learning both for phonemes and for
of phonetic learning at 9 months of age from exposure to a words (Conboy, Brooks, et al., 2008). In other words, the
new language but only when exposure occurs during live degree to which an individual infant interacted socially
human presentation; television or audio-only exposure did during the 12 language sessions predicted the degree of
not produce learning (Kuhl, Tsao, & Liu, 2003). Social learning measured well after the four-week exposure was
interaction appears to be a critical component for language complete (Conboy, Brooks, et al., 2008). Gaze following has
learning, a finding that ties early communicative learning in previously been shown to predict word learning in infants
speech to examples of communicative learning in neurobiol- (Brooks & Meltzoff, 2008). These results show that the rela-
ogy more generally, as shown by the importance of social tionship between social interaction and language learning
factors in song learning in birds (e.g., Brainard & Knudsen, can be demonstrated experimentally for new learning of
1998). I have used these second-language exposure studies language material at 9 months of age. Finally, the results of
to argue that the social brain may “gate” the computational the study suggest the possibility that exposure to a new
mechanisms underlying language learning during the earli- language provides a cognitive enhancement. Pre- and post-
est stages of human language acquisition (Kuhl, 2007). exposure measures of “cognitive control”—the ability to
The social “gating” hypothesis was tested in studies using attend selectively and inhibit prepotent responses, which has
ERP measures of second-langauge learning (Conboy, Brooks, previously been shown to be enhanced in bilingual adults
Taylor, Meltzoff, & Kuhl, 2008; Conboy & Kuhl, 2007). In (Bialystok, 1999) and children (Carlson & Meltzoff, 2008)—
the study, American monolingual infants were exposed to were also obtained from the children involved in the lan-
Spanish at 9 months of age by native Spanish speakers, and guage exposure experiments. These measures indicated that
their ability to learn both phonemes and words from this cognitive control skills are enhanced after, but not prior to,
foreign-language exposure was tested. The study tested the Spanish exposure, linking bilingual learning to the enhance-
social hypothesis by examining whether the infants’ ten- ment of particular cognitive skills (Conboy, Sommerville, &
dency to interact in socially sophisticated ways during the Kuhl, 2008).
exposure sessions would predict the degree to which indi- In sum, ERPs provide a highly sensitive measure of learn-
vidual infants learned both phonemes and words from the ing for both phonemes and words. ERP responses to speech
new language. not only predict the growth of language over the first 30
Infants’ ERPs in response to English and Spanish pho- months (Kuhl et al., 2008; Rivera-Gaxiola, Klarman, et al.,
nemes, as well as their ERP responses to Spanish words, 2005), but are also sufficiently sensitive to reflect the subtle
were measured before and after exposure to Spanish. As in abilities that contribute to infant learning, such as infants’
the Mandarin study, exposure consisted of live interaction social eye-gaze following (Conboy, Brooks, et al., 2008).
with foreign-language “tutors” during 12 sessions, each of Complex natural language learning may demand social
which lasted 25 minutes. All sessions were videotaped using interaction, because language evolved in a social setting. The
a four-camera system, and detailed measures of shared visual neurobiological mechanisms underlying language likely
attention between the infants and their tutors were taken by utilized interactional cues made available only in a social
an independent observer. setting. In the future, whole-brain measures, such as those
The ERP results demonstrated that the MMN response provided by MEG, will allow us to observe brain activation
to the Spanish contrast was not present before exposure, but during live presentations of language versus those that are
that following exposure to Spanish, the MMN was robust merely televised to explore hypotheses about why human
(Conboy & Kuhl, 2007), replicating the behavioral findings interaction is essential to language learning (Kuhl et al.,
in the Mandarin study (Kuhl et al., 2003). This result con- 2003). Moreover, using “social” robots, we are now con-
firms infants’ ability to learn phonetically from exposure to ducting studies that will define what constitutes a social agent
a foreign language at 9 months of age. Extending these pre- for a young child (Virnes, Cardillo, Kuhl, & Movellan,
vious findings beyond phoneme learning, Conboy and Kuhl 2008).
also showed that infants learned Spanish words that were
presented during the exposure sessions. When compared to Neural signatures of word learning
Spanish words that had not been presented, infants’ ERPs
to the Spanish words revealed the classic components related A sudden increase in vocabulary typically occurs between
to known words (Conboy & Kuhl, 2007). 18 and 24 months of age—a “vocabulary explosion” (Fernald
The social gating hypothesis was also strongly supported. et al., 2006; Ganger & Brent, 2004)—but word learning
Infants’ degree of social engagement—for example, the starts much earlier. Infants show recognition of their own

842 language
name at 4.5 months (Mandel, Jusczyk, & Pisoni, 1995). At 2005), but also over the life span. Individual differences in
6 months, infants use their own names or the word Mommy the response latency to a familiar word at the age of 2 are
in an utterance to identify word boundaries (Bortfeld, related to both lexical and grammatical measures collected
Morgan, Golinkoff, & Rathbun, 2005) and look appropri- between 15 and 25 months, providing more evidence that
ately to pictures of their mother or father when hearing processing speed is associated with greater language facility
Mommy or Daddy (Tincoff & Jusczyk, 1999). By 7 months, (Fernald et al., 2006).
infants listen longer to passages containing words they previ- Mills and colleagues (2005) used ERPs in 20-month-old
ously heard rather than passages containing words they have toddlers to examine new word learning. The children lis-
not heard ( Jusczyk & Hohne, 1997), and by 11 months tened to known and unknown words, and to nonwords that
infants prefer to listen to words that are highly frequent in were phonotactically legal in English. ERPs were recorded
language input over infrequent words (Halle & de Boysson- as the children were presented with novel objects paired with
Bardies, 1994). the nonwords. After the learning period, ERPs to the non-
Behavioral studies indicate that infants learn words using words that had been paired with novel objects were shown
both “statistical learning” strategies in which the transitional to be similar to those of previously known words, suggesting
probabilities between syllables are exploited to identify that that new words may be encoded in the same neural
likely words (Newport & Aslin, 2004; Saffran, 2003; Saffran, regions as previously learned words.
Aslin, & Newport, 1996) and pattern detection strategies in ERP studies on German infants reveal the development
which infants use the typical pattern of metric stress that of word-segmentation strategies based on the typical stress
characterizes ambient language to segment running speech patterns of German words. When presented with bisyllabic
into likely words (Cutler & Norris, 1988; Höhle, Bijeljac- strings with either a trochaic (typical in German) or iambic
Babic, Herold, Weissenborn, & Nazzi, 2009; Johnson & pattern, infants who heard a trochaic pattern embedded in
Jusczyk, 2001; Nazzi, Iakimova, Bertoncini, Frédonie, & an iambic string showed the N200 ERP component, similar
Alcantara, 2006). to that elicited in response to a known word, whereas infants
How is word recognition evidenced in the brain? ERPs presented with the iambic bisyllable embedded in the
in response to words index word familiarity as early as 9 trochaic pattern showed no response (Weber, Hahne,
months of age and word meaning by 13–17 months of Friedrich, & Friederici, 2004). The data suggest that German
age. ERP studies have shown differences in amplitude infants at this age are applying a metric segmentation
and scalp distributions for components that are related to strategy, consistent with the behavioral data of Höhle and
words that are known versus unknown to the child (Mills, colleagues (2009).
Coffey-Corina, & Neville, 1993, 1997; Mills, Plunkett, Prat,
& Schafer, 2005; Molfese, 1990; Molfese, Morse, & Peters, Infants’ early lexicons
1990; Molfese, Wetzel, & Gill, 1993; Thierry, Vihman, &
Roberts, 2003). There is evidence suggesting that young children’s word
As early as 9 months of age, ERPs indicate word familiar- representations are phonetically underspecified. Children’s
ity, and by 13–17 months of age, studies show ERP compo- growing lexicons must code words in a way that distinguishes
nents that reliably signal the brain’s coding of words that words from one another, and, given that by the end of
are known versus unknown by the child (Mills et al., 1993, the first year infants’ phonetic skills are language specific
1997, 2005; Molfese et al., 1990, 1993; Thierry et al., 2003). (Best & McRoberts, 2003; Kuhl et al., 2006; Werker & Tees,
Toddlers with larger vocabularies tend to have a more 1984), it was assumed that children’s early word representa-
focalized and larger N200 for known words—they show tions were phonetically detailed. However, studies suggest
an enhanced negativity to known versus unknown words that learning new words taxes young children’s capacities,
only at left temporal and parietal electrode sites—whereas and that as a result, new word representations are not
children with smaller vocabularies show more broadly dis- phonetically complete.
tributed effects (Mills et al., 1993), features that also distin- Reactions to mispronunciations—the age at which chil-
guish typically developing preschool children from preschool dren no longer accept tup for cup or bog for dog—provides
children with autism (Coffey-Corina, Padden, Kuhl, & information about phonological specificity. Studies across
Dawson, 2007). languages suggest that by one year of age mispronunciations
Processing efficiency for phonemes and words can be seen of common words (Fennel & Werker, 2003; Jusczyk & Aslin,
as well in the relative focalization and duration of brain 1995), words in stressed syllables (Vihman, Nakai, DePaolis,
activation in adult MEG studies (Zhang, Kuhl, Imada, & Halle, 2004), or monosyllabic words (Swingley, 2005) are
Kotani, & Tohkura, 2005), indicating that these features not accepted as target words, indicating well-specified rep-
index language experience and proficiency not only in resentations. Other studies using visual fixation of two targets
children (Conboy, Rivera-Gaxiola, et al., 2008; Friederici, (e.g., apple and ball) while one is named (Where’s the ball?)

kuhl: early language acquisition 843

show that between 14 and 25 months children’s tendencies learn, the more crowded lexical space becomes, putting pres-
to fixate the target item when it is mispronounced diminish sure on children to attend to the phonetic units that distin-
over time (Bailey & Plunkett, 2002; Ballem & Plunkett 2005; guish them (see Swingley & Aslin, 2007, for discussion).
Swingley & Aslin, 2000, 2002). Further studies examining both phoneme and word learning
However, behavioral and neural evidence suggests that in the same children, as in the studies using exposure to a
learning new words can tax children’s phonological skills. foreign language and ERP measures as assessments of learn-
Stager and Werker (1997) demonstrated that 14-month-old ing, will help address this issue (Conboy & Kuhl, 2007).
infants fail to learn new words when similar-sounding pho- ERP research shows that the young brain has difficulty
netic units are used to distinguish those words (“bih” and representing phonetic detail when focused on the task of
“dih”), but do learn if the two new words are distinct pho- assigning a new auditory label to a novel object. ERP results
nologically (“leef ” and “neem”). By 17 months of age, infants also show that brain signatures distinguish words that
can learn to associate similar-sounding nonsense words to are known from ones that are unfamiliar to toddlers. ERPs
novel objects (Bailey & Plunkett, 2002; Werker, Fennell, recorded to words in the first two years suggest that experi-
Corcoran, & Stager, 2002). Infants with larger vocabularies ence with words results in the formation of neural represen-
succeeded on this task even at the younger age, suggesting tations of those words that are increasingly well specified
the possibility that infants with greater phonetic learning toward the end of the second year of life.
skills acquire new words more rapidly, consistent with studies
showing that better native phonetic learning skills are associ- Neural signatures of early sentence processing
ated with advanced word-learning skills (Kuhl, Conboy,
et al., 2005; Kuhl et al., 2008; Rivera-Gaxiola, Klarman To understand sentences, the child must have exquisite
et al., 2005; Tsao et al., 2004). phonological abilities that allow segmentation of the speech
Mills and colleagues (2004) used ERPs to corroborate signal into words, and the ability to extract word meaning.
these results. They compared ERP responses to familiar In addition, the relationship among words composing the
words that were either correctly pronounced or mispro- sentence—between a subject, its verb, and its accompanying
nounced, as well as nonwords. At the earliest age tested, object—must be deciphered to arrive at a full understanding
14 months, a negative ERP component (N200–400) distin- of the sentence. Human language is based on the ability
guished known versus dissimilar nonsense words (bear versus to process hierarchically structured sequences (Friederici,
kobe) but not known versus phonetically similar nonsense Fiebach, Schlesewsky, Bornkessel, & von Cramon, 2006).
words (bear versus gare). By 20 months, this same ERP com- Electrophysiological components have been recorded
ponent distinguished correct pronunciations, mispronuncia- in children and contribute to our knowledge of when and
tions, and nonwords, supporting the idea that between 14 how the young brain decodes syntactic and semantic infor-
and 20 months children’s phonological representations of mation in sentences. In adults, specific neural systems process
early words become increasingly detailed. Other evidence of semantic versus syntactic information within sentences, and
early processing limitations stems from infants’ failure to the ERP components elicited in response to syntactic and
learn a novel word when its auditory label closely resembles semantic anomalies are well established (figure 57.3). For
a word they already know (gall which closely resembles ball), example, a negative ERP wave occurring between 250 and
suggesting lexical competition effects (Swingley & Aslin, 500 ms that peaks around 400 ms, referred to as the N400,
2007). is elicited to semantically anomalous words in sentences
How phonetic and word learning interact—and whether (Kutas, 1997). A late positive wave peaking at about 600 ms
the progression is from phonemes to words, words to pho- and largest at parietal sites, known as the P600, is elicited
nemes, or bidirectional—is a topic of strong interest that will in response to syntactically anomalous words in sentences
be aided by the use of neuroscientific methods. Recent theo- (Friederici, 2002). And a negative wave over frontal sites
retical models of early language acquisition such as NLM-e between 300 and 500 ms, known as the “late anterior nega-
(Kuhl et al., 2008) and PRIMER (Werker & Curtin, 2005) tivity” (LAN), is elicited in response to syntactic and mor-
suggest that phonological and word learning may bidirec- phological violations (Friederici, 2002).
tionally influence one another. On the one hand, infants Beginning in the second year of life, ERP data on sentence
with better phonetic learning skills advance more quickly processing in children suggest that adultlike components
toward language because phonetic skills assist the detection in response to semantic and syntactic violations can be
of phonotactic patterns, the detection of transitional prob- elicited, but also that there are differences in the latencies
abilities in adjacent syllables, and the ability to phonologi- and scalp distributions of these components in children
cally distinguish minimally contrastive words (Kuhl, Conboy, and adults (Harris, 2001; Friederich & Friederici, 2005,
et al., 2005). On the other hand, the more words children 2006; Oberecker & Friederici, 2006; Oberecker, Friedrich,

844 language
Figure 57.3 ERP responses to normal sentences and sentences with either semantic or syntactic anomalies show distinct distribution and
polarity differences in adults. (From Kuhl & Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008.)

& Friederici, 2005; Silva-Pereyra, Conboy, Klarman, & and attributed to the immaturities and inefficiencies of the
Kuhl, 2007; Silva-Pereyra, Klarman, Lin, & Kuhl, 2005; developing processing mechanisms.
Silva-Pereyra, Rivera-Gaxiola, & Kuhl, 2005). Holcomb, Syntactic processing of sentences with semantic content
Coffey, and Neville (1992) reported the N400 in response information removed—“jabberwocky sentences”—has also
to semantic anomaly in children from 5 years of age been tested using ERP measures with children. Silva-Pereyra
to adolescence; the latency of the effect was shown to and colleagues (2007) recorded ERPs to phrase structure
decline systematically with age (see also Hahne, Eckstein, & violations in 36-month-old children using sentences in which
Friederici, 2004; Neville, Coffey, Holcomb, & Tallal, 1993). the content words were replaced with pseudowords while
Studies also show that syntactically anomalous sentences leaving grammatical function words intact. The ERP com-
elicit the P600 in children between 7 and 13 years of age ponents elicited to the jabberwocky phrase-structure viola-
(Hahne et al.). tions differed from the same violations in real sentences.
Recent studies have examined these ERP components Two negative components, one from 750 to 900 ms and the
in preschool children. Harris (2001) reported an N400-like other from 950 to 1050 ms, rather than the positivities seen
effect in 36–38-month-old children, which was largest over in response to phrase structure violations in real sentences
posterior regions of both hemispheres, unlike the adult in the same children, were observed. Jabberwocky studies
scalp distribution. Friederich and Friederici (2005) observed with adults (Canseco-Gonzalez, 2000; Hahne & Jeschenick,
an N400-like wave to semantic anomalies in 19- and 24- 2001; Munte, Matzke, & Johanes, 1997) have also reported
month-old German-speaking children. negative-going waves for jabberwocky sentences, though at
Silva-Pereyra, Rivera-Gaxiola, and Kuhl (2005) recorded much shorter latencies.
ERPs in children between 36 and 48 months of age in
response to semantic and syntactic anomalies. In both cases ERP measures of early language processing in children
the ERP effects in children were more broadly distributed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
and elicited at later latencies than in adults. In work
with even younger infants (30 month olds), Silva-Pereyra, Scientific discoveries on the progression toward language by
Klarman, and colleagues (2005) used the same stimuli and typically developing children are now providing new insights
observed late positivities distributed broadly posteriorally in into the language deficit shown by children with autism
response to syntactic anomalies and anterior negativities spectrum disorder (ASD). Neural measures of language pro-
in response to semantically anomalous sentences, though in cessing in children with autism, involving both phonemes
each case with longer latencies than seen in the older chil- and words, when coupled with measures of ASD children’s
dren and in adults (figure 57.4), a pattern seen repeatedly social interest in speech, are revealing a tight coupling

kuhl: early language acquisition 845

that exactly followed the frequencies and amplitudes of
the 5-s speech samples over time. Slight head turns in one
direction or the other allowed the toddlers to choose their
preferred signal on each trial. The goal was to compare
performance at the group level between typically developing
children and children with ASD, as well as to examine
the relationship between brain measures of speech per-
ception and measures of social processing of speech in
children with ASD.
Considering first the ERP measures of phonetic per-
ception, the results showed that, as a group, children
with ASD exhibited no MMN to the simple change in
syllables. However, when children with ASD were sub-
grouped on the basis of their preference for infant-directed
(ID) speech (often called motherese), very different results
were obtained.
The results showed that while typically developing
children listen to both signals, children with autism strongly
preferred the nonspeech-analogue signals. Moreover, the
degree to which they did so was significantly correlated with
both the severity of autism symptoms, and individual chil-
dren’s MMN responses to speech syllables. Toddlers with
ASD who preferred motherese produced MMN responses
that resembled those of typically developing children,
Figure 57.4 ERP waveforms elicited from 30-month-old chil- whereas those who preferred the nonspeech analogue did
dren in response to sentences with (A) syntactic or (B) semantic not show an MMN response to the change in a speech
violations. (C ) Children’s ERP responses resemble those of adults syllable.
(see figure 57.3) but have longer latencies and are more broadly These results underscore the importance of a social inter-
distributed. (From Silva-Pereyra, Klarman, Lin, & Kuhl, 2005.) est in speech early in development, especially an interest in
motherese. Research has shown that the phonetic units in
between social interaction skills and language acquisition. motherese are acoustically exaggerated, making them more
These measures hold promise as potential diagnostic markers distinct from one another (Burnham, Kitamura, & Vollmer-
of risk for autism in very young children, and therefore there Conna, 2002; Englund, 2005; Kuhl et al., 1997; Liu, Kuhl,
is a great deal of excitement surrounding the application & Tsao, 2003; Liu, Tsao, & Kuhl, 2007). Infants whose
of these basic measures of speech processing in very young mothers use the exaggerated phonetic patterns to a greater
children with autism. extent when talking to them show significantly better perfor-
In typically developing children, ERP responses to simple mance in phonetic discrimination tasks (Liu et al., 2003). In
speech syllables such as “pa” and “ta” predict the growth the absence of a listening preference for motherese, children
of language to the age of 30 months (Kuhl et al., 2008). It with autism would miss the benefit these exaggerated pho-
is therefore interesting to test whether ERP measures of netic cues provide.
autism at the phonetic level are sensitive to the degree of Infant-directed speech also produces unique brain
severity of autism, and also the degree to which the brain’s responses in typically developing infants. Brain measures of
responses to syllables can be predicted by other factors, such typical infants’ response to infant-directed speech, used by
as a social interest in speech. Pena and colleagues (2003) in the first study using NIRS,
The first study of preschool-aged children with ASD showed more activation in left temporal areas when infants
using ERP methods examined phonetic perception (Kuhl, were presented with infant-directed speech as opposed to
Coffey-Corina, Padden, & Dawson, 2005). ERPs to a simple backward speech or silence. Bortfeld and colleagues (2007)
change in two speech syllables, as well as a measure of obtained analogous results using NIRS in a sample of 6–9-
social interest in speech, were taken. In these experiments, month-old infants presented with infant-directed speech
a listening choice test allowed young toddlers with autism to and visual stimulation. It will be of interest to examine brain
select between listening to motherese or nonspeech signals activation while children with autism listen to motherese
in which the formant frequencies of speech were matched as opposed to acoustically matched nonspeech signals. In
by pure tones—the resulting signal was a computer warble children with ASD, brain activation to carefully controlled

846 language
speech versus nonspeech signals may provide clues to their In new studies with the siblings of children with autism
aversion to the highly intonated speech signals typical of spectrum disorder, we are now exploring whether these
motherese. early brain and behavioral responses to syllables, and
Recent studies extend the findings on children with autism listening preferences for speech, are diagnostic markers for
to word processing using ERP measures (Coffey-Corina, autism. The interest in these measures is that they can be
Padden, Kuhl, & Dawson, 2008). In this study, 24 toddlers used reliably in infants as early as 6 months of age, an age
with autism spectrum disorders between 18 and 31 months at which intervention measures might be more effective in
of age were separated into high-functioning and low- changing the course of development for children at risk for
functioning subgroups defined by the severity of their social autism.
symptoms. ERP measures were recorded in response to
known words, unknown words, and words played backward. Mirror neurons and shared brain systems
They were compared to ERPs elicited from a group of 20
typically developing toddlers between the ages of 20 and 31 Neuroscience studies that focus on shared neural systems
months of age. for perception and action have a long tradition in speech
The results for typically developing toddlers showed a research (Fowler, 2006; Liberman & Mattingly, 1985). The
highly localized response to the difference between known discovery of mirror neurons for social cognition (Gallese 2003;
and unknown words at a left temporal electrode site (T3) Meltzoff & Decety, 2003; Pulvermuller, 2005; Rizzolatti,
in the 200–500-ms and 500–700-ms windows (figure 2005; Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004) has reinvigorated
57.5A). These data replicate previous data on typically this tradition. Neuroscience studies using speech and whole-
developing children published by Mills and colleagues brain imaging techniques have the capacity to examine the
(1993) and indicate that highly focalized responses are a origins of shared brain systems in infants from birth (Bosseler
marker of increasing developmental sophistication in the et al., 2008; Imada et al., 2006).
processing of words in typically developing children. It was In speech, the theoretical linkage between perception
therefore of interest to observe that toddlers with ASD and action came in the form of the original motor theory
showed a very diffuse response to known and unknown (Liberman, Cooper, Shankweiler, & Studdert-Kennedy,
words. Known words showed a greater negativity than 1967) and in a different formulation of the direct perception
unknown words across all electrode sites, and at a later of gestures, named direct realism (Fowler, 1986). Both posited
latency than age-matched typically developing children close interaction between speech perception and speech pro-
(figure 57.5B). Both the more diffuse pattern of brain activa- duction. The perception-action link for speech was viewed
tion and responses with longer latencies are patterns as innate by the original motor theorists (Liberman &
observed in younger typically developing children (Mills Mattingly, 1985). Alternatively, it was viewed as forged early
et al., 1997). in development through experience with speech motor
Replicating the pattern seen in the studies of phonetic movements and their auditory consequences (Kuhl &
perception in children with autism, the word-processing Meltzoff, 1982, 1996). Two new infant studies have shed
results for children with ASD differed markedly depending some light on the developmental issue.
on the children’s social skills. High-functioning toddlers Imada and colleagues (2006) used magnetoenceph-
with ASD produced ERP responses that were similar to alography (MEG), studying newborns, 6-month-old infants,
those of typically developing children—they exhibited a and 12-month-old infants while they listened to nonspeech
localized left-hemisphere response to known and unknown signals, harmonics, and syllables (figure 57.7). Dehaene-
words. Significant word-type effects were observed only at Lambertz and colleagues (2006) used fMRI to scan 3-month-
the left parietal electrode site (P3) in the 200–500-ms time old infants while they listened to sentences. Both studies
window (figure 57.5C ). In contrast, ERP waveforms of low- show activation in brain areas responsible for speech pro-
functioning toddlers with ASD exhibited a diffuse response duction (the inferior frontal, Broca’s area) in response to
to words. Known words were significantly more negative auditorally presented speech. Imada and colleagues reported
than unknown words at multiple electrode sites and in all synchronized activation in response to speech in auditory
measurement windows (figure 57.5D). and motor areas at 6 and 12 months, and Dehaene-
The idea that ERP measures in response to syllables and Lambertz and colleagues reported activation in motor
words may allow us to predict future language outcomes in speech areas in response to sentences in 3-month-olds.
young children with ASD is exciting. Toward that end, we Is activation of Broca’s area to the pure perception of
note that children with ASD exhibited highly significant speech present at birth? Newborns tested by Imada and col-
correlations between their ERP components at the initial test leagues showed no activation in motor speech areas for any
time and their verbal IQ scores measured one year after signals, whereas auditory areas responded robustly to
ERP data collection (figure 57.6). all signals, suggesting the possibility that perception-action

kuhl: early language acquisition 847

Figure 57.5 Group data showing ERP waveforms for (A) typi- with significant differences between known and unknown words
cally developing toddlers and (B) toddlers with autism spectrum at a parietal electrode site in the left hemisphere (P3), similar to
disorder. TD toddlers exhibit a localized response with significant typically developing children. (D) Low-functioning toddlers with
differences between known and unknown words at the left tem- ASD exhibit a diffuse response to known and unknown words
poral electrode site (T3). Toddlers with ASD exhibit a diffuse with significant differences in multiple time windows and electrode
response to known and unknown words, but the differences are sites, and a significant effect when collapsed across all electrode sites
significant across all electrode sites in the 500–700-ms measure- in the 500–700-ms measurement window. (From Coffey-Corina,
ment window. (C ) Subgroup analysis shows that ERP waveforms Padden, Kuhl, & Dawson, 2008.)
for high-functioning toddlers with ASD exhibit a localized response

linkages for speech develop by 3 months of age as infants connections are forged in early infancy as perception and
produce vowellike sounds. But further work must be done action are jointly experienced.
to answer the question. How the binding of perception and
action takes place, and whether it requires experience, is one Bilingual infants: two languages, one brain
of the exciting questions that can now be addressed with
infants from birth using the tools of modern neuroscience. One of the most interesting questions is how infants map two
We now know a great deal about the linkages and the distinct languages in the brain. From phonemes to words,
circuitry underlying language processing in adults (Kuhl & and then to sentences, how do infants simultaneously bathed
Damasio, in press). What is unknown, but waiting to be dis- in two languages develop the neural networks necessary to
covered, is the state of this circuitry at birth and how refined respond in a nativelike manner to two different codes?

848 language
bilingual French-English infants, examined discrimination
of dental (French) and alveolar (English) consonants. They
demonstrated that at 6–8 months, infants in all three lan-
guage groups succeeded; at 10–12 months, monolingual
English infants and French-English bilingual infants, but not
monolingual French infants, distinguished the English con-
trast. Thus bilingual infants performed on par with their
English monolingual peers and better than their French
monolingual peers. Moreover, data from an ERP study of
Spanish-English bilingual infants show that, at both 6–9
and 9–12 months of age, bilingual infants show MMN
responses to both Spanish and English phonetic contrasts
(Rivera-Gaxiola & Romo, 2006), distinguishing them from
English-learning monolingual infants who fail to respond
to the Spanish contrast at the later age (Rivera-Gaxiola,
Silva-Pereyra, et al., 2005).
ERP studies on word development in bilingual children
have just begun to appear. Conboy and Mills (2006) recorded
Figure 57.6 Predictive correlations for children with ASD ERPs to known and unknown English and Spanish words
between the mean amplitude of ERPs to known words at the in bilingual children at 19–22 months. Expressive vocabu-
left parietal electrode site (P3) and verbal IQ measured one year lary sizes were obtained in both English and Spanish, and
later. A more negative response predicted significantly higher
were used to determine language dominance for each child.
verbal IQ (r = −.521, p = .013). (From Coffey-Corina, Padden,
Kuhl, & Dawson, 2008.) A conceptual vocabulary score was calculated by summing
the total number of words in both languages and then
subtracting the number of times a pair of conceptually
Bilingual language experience could potentially have equivalent words (e.g., “water” and “agua”) occurred in the
an impact on development—because the learning process two languages.
requires the development of two codes and because it could ERP differences to known and unknown words in the
take a longer period of time for sufficient data from both dominant language occurred as early as 200–400 and 400–
languages to be experienced than in the monolingual case. 600 ms in these 19–22-month-old infants, and were broadly
Infants learning two first languages simultaneously might distributed over the left and right hemispheres, resembling
reach the developmental change in perception at a later patterns observed in younger (13–17-month-old) mono-
point in development than infants learning either language lingual children (Mills et al., 1997). In the nondominant
monolingually. This difference could depend on such factors language of the same children, these differences were not
as the number of people in the infants’ environment produc- apparent until late in the waveform, from 600 to 900 ms.
ing the two languages in speech directed toward the child Moreover, children with high versus low conceptual vocabu-
and the amount of input they provide. These factors could lary scores produced greater responses to known words in
change the rate of development in bilingual infants. the left hemisphere, particularly for the dominant language
There are very few studies that address this question thus (Conboy & Mills, 2006).
far, and the data that do exist provide somewhat mixed Research has just begun to explore the nature of the
results. Some studies suggest that infants exposed to two bilingual brain, and it is one of the areas in which neurosci-
languages show later acquisition of phonetic skills in the two ence techniques will be of strong interest. Using whole-brain
languages when compared to monolingual infants (Bosch & imaging, we may be able to understand whether learning a
Sebastian-Galles, 2003a, 2003b). This is especially the case second language at different ages—in infancy as opposed to
when infants are tested on contrasts that are phonemic in adulthood—recruits different brain structures. These kinds
only one of the two languages; this has been shown both for of data may play a role in our eventual understanding of the
vowels (Bosch & Sebastian-Galles, 2003b) and consonants “critical period” for language learning.
(Bosch & Sebastian-Galles, 2003a). However, other studies
report no change in the timing of the developmental transi- Conclusions
tion in phonetic skills in the two languages of bilingual infants
(Burns, Yoshida, Hill, & Werker, 2007; Sundara, Polka, & Knowledge of infant language acquisition is now beginning
Molnar, 2008). For example, Sundara and colleagues, testing to reap benefits from information obtained by experi-
monolingual English and monolingual French as well as ments that directly examine the human brain’s response to

kuhl: early language acquisition 849

Figure 57.7 Neuromagnetic signals were recorded using MEG newborn in response to auditory syllables. However, activation
in newborns, 6-month-old infants, and 12-month-old infants while increased in the motor areas in response to speech (but not non-
listening to speech (shown) and nonspeech auditory signals. Brain speech) in 6- and 12-month-old infants that was temporally syn-
activation recorded in auditory (top row) and motor (bottom row) brain chronized between the auditory and motor brain regions. (From
regions revealed no activation in the motor speech areas in the Imada et al., 2006.) (See color plate 74.)

linguistic material as a function of experience. EEG, MEG, precursors to diagnose children with developmental disabili-
fMRI, and NIRS technologies—all safe, noninvasive, and ties that involve language. In fact, new studies suggest the
proven feasible—are now being used in studies with very possibility that early measures of the brain’s responses to
young infants, including newborns, as they listen to the pho- speech may provide a diagnostic marker for autism spectrum
netic units, words, and sentences of a specific language. disorder. The fact that language experience affects brain
Brain measures now document the neural signatures of processing of both the signals being learned (native patterns)
learning as early as 7 months for native-language phonemes, and the signals to which the infant is not exposed (nonnative
9 months for familiar words, and 30 months for semantic patterns) may play a role in our understanding of the brain
and syntactic anomalies in sentences. Studies show continu- mechanisms underlying the critical period. At the phonetic
ity from the earliest phases of language learning in infancy level, the data suggest that learning itself, not merely time,
to the complex processing evidenced at the age of three may contribute to the critical-period phenomenon. Whole-
when all typically developing children show the ability to brain imaging now allows us to examine multiple brain areas
carry on a sophisticated conversation. Individual variation during speech processing, including both auditory and motor
in language-specific processing at the phonetic level—at the brain regions, revealing the possible existence of a shared
cusp of the transition from Phase 1, in which all phonetic brain system (a “mirror” system) for speech. Research has
contrasts are discriminated, to Phase 2, in which infants also begun to use these measures to understand how the
focus on the distinctions relevant to their native language—is bilingual brain maps two distinct languages. Answers to the
strongly linked to infants’ abilities to process words and sen- classic questions about the unique human capacity to acquire
tences two years later. This finding is important theoretically language will be enriched by studies that utilize the tools of
but is also vital to the eventual use of these early speech modern neuroscience to peer into the infant brain.

850 language
acknowledgments The author is supported by the National Cheour, M., Ceponiene, R., Lehtokoski, A., Luuk, A., Allik, J.,
Science Foundation’s Science of Learning Center grant to the Alho, K., et al. (1998). Development of language-specific
University of Washington LIFE Center (SBE 0354453), by grants phoneme representations in the infant brain. Nat. Neurosci., 1,
from the National Institutes of Health (HD 37954; MH066399; 351–353.
HD34565; HD55782), by core grants (P30 HD02274; P30 Cheour, M., Imada, T., Taulu, S., Ahonen, A., Salonen, J., &
DC04661), and by a grant from the Cure Autism Now Foundation. Kuhl, P. (2004). Magnetoencephalography is feasible for infant
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854 language
58 Genetics of Language
franck ramus and simon e. fisher

abstract It has long been hypothesized that the human faculty are only beginning to be systematically searched, and the
to acquire a language is in some way encoded in our genetic many differences that are found are not straightforwardly
program. However, only recently has genetic evidence been avail- identifiable as associated with language (Fisher & Marcus,
able to begin to substantiate the presumed genetic basis of lan-
guage. Here we review the first data from molecular genetic studies
2006). However, part of the answer will likely come from
showing association between gene variants and language disorders addressing a related but different question: What human
(specific language impairment, speech sound disorder, develop- genetic variations are associated with variations in the ability
mental dyslexia), we discuss the biological function of these genes, to learn a language? Indeed, most genetic methods rely on
and we further speculate on the more general question of how the detecting correlations between variations in the genotype
human genome builds a brain that can learn a language.
and variations in the phenotype. The capacity to acquire
spoken language is usually treated as a universal character-
istic of our species. Nevertheless, like many other traits, the
Since the beginning of the cognitive revolution, it has been language abilities that are observed in the human population
hypothesized that the human faculty to acquire a language vary along a normal distribution. Cases in the lower end of
is “innate,” that is, part of our species’ biological makeup the distribution (“disorders”) are typically the most informa-
and, therefore, encoded in some way in our genetic program tive, as they may highlight causal relationships between
(Chomsky, 1959). Over the years, a wide variety of argu- genes, brain, and cognition that are often not readily appar-
ments have been advanced in support of this view: the uni- ent in normal development. Indeed, disorders of language
versality of some properties of human languages (Chomsky, acquisition have so far provided almost all the available data
1957), the “poverty of the stimulus” available for language on language genetics. Furthermore, developmental language
acquisition (Chomsky, 1965), the spontaneous emergence of disorders are diverse, affecting different aspects of language,
languages (Bickerton, 1984; Goldin-Meadow & Mylander, therefore promising to illuminate putative genetic influences
1998), biological adaptations such as that of the vocal tract on particular components of language (phonology, morphol-
(Lenneberg, 1967), the existence of inherited disorders that ogy, syntax, articulation . . .). Accordingly, this chapter
may specifically affect language (Gopnik & Crago, 1991), the reviews the genetic data gathered on the various types of
heritability of language abilities and disorders (Stromswold, language-related disorders (specific language impairment,
2001), the adaptiveness of language as a communication speech sound disorder, developmental dyslexia . . .) and
system (Pinker & Bloom, 1990), and the plausibility of a reflects on what they teach us about the genetic basis of
gradual evolution of the language faculty (Jackendoff, 1999) language.
(on the special topic of language evolution, see chapter 59
in this volume by W. Tecumseh Fitch). Evidence for genetic influences on language
Although the evidence gathered in the last decades in favor
of a biological basis of language looks convincing to many Historically, the first hint at a genetic influence on language
scientists, until recently genetic evidence has remained rela- abilities came from the observation that language-related
tively indirect, in the sense that it has not addressed the fun- disorders tend to run in families (Hallgren, 1950; Morley,
damental questions: If there is a genetic basis for language, 1967; Stephenson, 1907; Tallal et al., 2001): when one
then what exactly is there in the human genome that is dif- person has language problems, the risk in first-degree rela-
ferent from other species and that gives us language? How tives is around 50%, far above the normal population preva-
does it build a brain that can learn a human language? lence. Although the inheritance pattern in many families
There is no easy way to obtain a direct answer to these may appear consistent with autosomal dominant transmis-
fascinating questions. Genetic differences between species sion (e.g., the transmission of a dominant gene variant
carried by a nonsexual chromosome), this observation is not
sufficient to prove genetic involvement, as members of a
franck ramus Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et
Psycholinguistique, EHESS, CNRS, DEC-ENS, Paris, France family share not only genes but also a linguistic environment.
simon e. fisher Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, It is conceivable that parents with a language disorder would
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom constitute a less favorable environment for the acquisition of

ramus and fisher: genetics of language 855

language by their children, so studies of familial clustering and share genetic variance (Oliver & Plomin, 2007). Never-
inevitably confound genetic and nongenetic (shared environ- theless, it is not the case that all cognitive variables share a
mental) factors. single genetic source of variance. For instance, in the study
Twin and adoption studies are the usual method to try by Bishop and colleagues, morphological and syntactic abili-
and disentangle genetic and environmental factors. In the ties shared a substantial amount of genetic variance (around
most classic twin studies, one compares the concordance of 40%), but these abilities in turn did not seem to share much
a given disorder (i.e., the probability that the disorder, when genetic variance with phonological abilities. This finding
present in one twin, is present in the other one) between raises the possibility that certain genetic factors might influ-
monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins.1 For instance, ence differentially the components of language.
in a meta-analysis of twin studies by Stromswold (2001), the There have been huge debates around twin studies and
concordance of spoken language disorders was found to be their implications (Gould & Lewontin, 1979; Joseph, 2002).
around 84% for MZ twins and 48% for DZ twins. Both Their assumptions have been questioned, and their herita-
figures are far above the typical prevalence of spoken lan- bility estimates have been argued to be inflated. The fact is
guage disorders (1–3%), and the substantial difference that there is no “true” value for heritability; this depends on
between MZ and DZ twins can largely be attributed to dif- the particular population considered and on the range of
ferences in their genetic similarity. Such concordance mea- genetic and environmental variance that it presents. Never-
sures thus allow estimation of heritability, that is, the theless, absolute heritability estimates do not matter much.
proportion of phenotypic variance than can be attributed to Twin and adoption studies have established beyond reason-
genetic variance. Although diagnostic criteria and precise able doubt that there are significant genetic influences on
definition of disorder have varied from one twin study to the cognitive performance and on language disorders in particu-
next, Stromswold’s review of the published research esti- lar. The more important matter now is to identify those
mated heritabilities of 70% for spoken language disorders genetic factors and understand how they exert their effects.
and 64% for written language disorders (dyslexia). These The fact that this approach is now bearing fruit provides a
estimates have not been significantly challenged, either by post hoc confirmation of heritability.
more recent studies or by adoption studies that rely on A series of progressive advances in molecular biology,
slightly different assumptions (Felsenfeld & Plomin, 1997). culminating with the sequencing of the human genome, now
Beyond the categorical classification of individuals as make it possible to carry out the appropriate empirical inves-
having a disorder or not, the same approach can be general- tigations. Several types of approaches can provide relevant
ized to any quantitative measure of language abilities (e.g., data on language genetics, such as the following:
vocabulary, syntactic or morphological abilities . . .). Then
the correlation of quantitative scores (rather than the con- • Linkage studies, carried out on families, typically analyze
cordance of disorders) between twins can be compared which chromosomal regions have genetic markers that are
between MZ and DZ twins, revealing again higher correla- inherited more frequently in family members with a lan-
tions for the former than for the latter, hence a significant guage disorder than in those without. The “linked” chromo-
heritability of these scores. One advantage of this approach somal regions may still contain hundreds of genes, many
is that, since it does not require twins to have a disorder, it with unknown function, but they help restrict the search
opens the possibility of assessing genetic influences on varia- space for association studies.
tions in normal language abilities as well as on more patho- • Association studies look for gene variants that occur
logical variations. It turns out that the heritability of normal more often in affected than in control individuals, usually at
language abilities is typically lower than that of disorders, the population level. They can lead to identification of an
yet it remains significantly above zero (Colledge et al., 2002; allele of a gene that increases significantly the risk of develop-
Stromswold, 2001). ing the disorder. In the case of disorders that are common
Furthermore, quantitative genetic analyses also lend them- in the population (like specific language impairment, or SLI,
selves to investigations of specific components of language. and dyslexia), such alleles may be relatively frequent, also
As an example, in a recent study including twin pairs with appearing in unaffected individuals. These common alleles
or without language disorders, the heritability of deficits in may have only subtle effects on gene function, such as reduc-
various language tests varied depending on whether they ing the amount of a particular protein that is made.
tapped primarily phonological short-term memory (61%), • Occasionally, sequencing of candidate genes in some
morphology (74%), syntax (82%), or vocabulary (1%) (Bishop, families can identify rare mutations that co-occur with the
Adams, & Norbury, 2006). It is also possible to analyze to disorder and that severely interfere with the function of the
what extent the covariance between two phenotypic vari- gene in question.
ables is itself due to genetic and to nongenetic variance. It is • Comparative studies look for a homologous form of
generally found that most cognitive abilities are correlated a candidate gene in other species. They typically find one

856 language
(at least in mammals). They can then analyze the similarity 1980). The latter view has been much challenged in recent
between the sequences in the various species and attempt to years (Ramus, 2003; S. Rosen, 2003; S. White, Frith, et al.,
reconstitute the evolutionary history of the specific gene 2006; S. White, Milne, et al., 2006). As will become apparent
variants that have appeared in the human lineage. More- later, the neurobiological and genetic data are consistent
over, prior knowledge of the gene’s function in other species with the view that an auditory disorder is not necessary to
can give the first clues to its role in humans. engender a phonological deficit in people with dyslexia
• Expression studies investigate the expression pattern of (Ramus, 2004). An alternative view is that phonological rep-
the candidate gene (where and when the protein is synthe- resentations in dyslexia are intrinsically normal and that the
sized) as another important clue to its function. observed difficulties in certain (but not all) phonological tasks
• Many other approaches may be used to further investi- arise from a deficit in the access to these representations that
gate the function of a candidate gene: detection of familiar is particularly recruited for short-term memory and con-
parts in the sequence and comparison with other, similar scious manipulations (Marshall, Harcourt-Brown, Ramus,
genes, algorithmic predictions of the shape of the protein, in & van der Lely, submitted; Ramus & Szenkovits, 2008;
vitro experiments to study the mechanisms of action of the Szenkovits, Darma, Darcy, & Ramus, submitted). The
target protein and its interactions with other molecules, in elucidation of the precise nature of the phonological deficit
vivo experiments to study the effects of disrupting its expres- will therefore determine whether dyslexia can inform us on
sion, particularly on brain development and function, and the links between genes and phonology per se, or rather
so on. between genes and some cognitive processes operating on
We now turn to the specific results obtained on the differ- phonological representations.
ent forms of language disorders. In the 1970s, Galaburda and colleagues began to dissect
human brains whose medical records indicated a diagnosis
of developmental dyslexia (Galaburda & Kemper, 1979).
Developmental dyslexia After dissecting four consecutive brains and finding evidence
for abnormalities of neuronal migration in all four, they
Developmental dyslexia is by definition a disorder of reading hypothesized that this was unlikely to occur by chance and
and spelling acquisition, despite adequate intelligence and that such brain development aberrations might provide an
opportunity, and in the absence of obvious sensory, neuro- explanation of dyslexia (Galaburda, Sherman, Rosen,
logical, or psychiatric disorder. Nevertheless, it has been well Aboitiz, & Geschwind, 1985). Most interestingly, neuronal
established over the last three decades that most cases of migration disruptions were found predominantly in left peri-
dyslexia can be attributed to a subtle disorder of oral lan- sylvian areas traditionally associated with language. More
guage (the “phonological deficit”),2 whose symptoms happen specifically, these areas are the left inferior frontal, posterior
to surface most prominently in reading acquisition (Lyon, superior temporal, and supramarginal and angular gyri.
Shaywitz, & Shaywitz, 2003; Ramus, 2003; Snowling, 2000). Galaburda and colleagues subsequently confirmed these
Therefore dyslexia is expected to ultimately reveal some- findings in three more brains (Humphreys, Kaufmann, &
thing about genetic factors implicated in language, in par- Galaburda, 1990), as well as the rarity of such abnormalities
ticular in phonology. However, both the exact nature of the in control brains (Kaufmann & Galaburda, 1989). Unfortu-
phonological deficit and its underlying cognitive/neural nately, no attempt at an independent replication was ever
causes remain unclear. published, so the dyslexia research community came to con-
Indeed, the main symptoms of the “phonological deficit sider these findings as intriguing but inconclusive. Neverthe-
in dyslexia” are poor phonological awareness (the ability to less, brain-imaging studies have largely confirmed structural
pay attention to and explicitly manipulate speech sounds), and functional abnormalities in dyslexics’ left perisylvian
poor verbal short-term memory, and slow lexical retrieval areas, although at a different level of description. Findings
(evidenced in rapid naming tasks where subjects must name from MRI studies typically consist of reduced gray matter
series of objects, colors, or digits in quick succession). This density, reduced anisotropy of the underlying white matter,
diversity of impairments has led many researchers to hypoth- and hypo- or hyperactivations (Démonet, Taylor, & Chaix,
esize that dyslexics’ phonological representations are some- 2004; Eckert, 2004; Temple, 2002). At the moment it is
what degraded, fuzzy, or noisy, lacking either in temporal impossible to establish their relationship with putative per-
or spectral resolution, or insufficiently attuned to the catego- turbations of neuronal migration, which are not visible in
ries of the native language. This degradation is assumed MRI scans. Quite strikingly, new results emerging from
either to be specific to the speech-processing system (Adlard genetic studies suggest a reappraisal of the old neuronal
& Hazan, 1998; Serniclaes, Van Heghe, Mousty, Carré, & migration hypothesis.
Sprenger-Charolles, 2004; Snowling, 2000) or to follow from Until recently, linkage studies had provided at least
a lower-level auditory deficit (Goswami et al., 2002; Tallal, six reliable chromosomal loci suspected to harbor genes

ramus and fisher: genetics of language 857

associated with dyslexia, on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 6, 15, and “functional knockout” rats using in vivo RNA interference.
18 (Fisher & DeFries, 2002; Grigorenko, 2003). Now six This technique allowed them to specifically block the trans-
genes showing association with dyslexia have been identified lation of the gene of interest, in vivo, locally, and at a chosen
in some of these loci: DYX1C1 on 15q21 (Taipale et al., stage of development (indeed, in utero during neuronal
2003), KIAA0319 on 6p22 (Cope et al., 2005; Paracchini et migration). Using this technique, they showed that DYX1C1
al., 2006), DCDC2 a nearby gene also on 6p22 (Meng et al., is involved in radial neuronal migration and that the part of
2005), ROBO1 on 3p12 (Hannula-Jouppi et al., 2005), and the protein that is truncated in a Finnish dyslexic family
MRPL19 and C2ORF3 on 2p12 (Anthoni et al., 2007). The (Taipale et al., 2003) is necessary and sufficient for normal
association of variants in KIAA0319 and DCDC2 with dys- neuronal migration (Wang et al., 2006). They have further
lexia has been replicated in at least some independent studies shown that cortical ectopias (like the ones observed in dys-
(Harold et al., 2006; Schumacher et al., 2005). lexic brains) sometimes occur as a result of the DYX1C1-
For two of these genes (DYX1C1 and ROBO1), muta- induced disruption of neuronal migration, and that more
tions, chromosomal rearrangements, or at least rare patterns generally the laminar organization is locally disrupted, with
of alleles (haplotypes) have been found in the dyslexic a distribution of neurons skewed in favor of layers I and II
members of some isolated families, but these changes are too as well as toward the white matter (G. Rosen et al., 2007).
rare to play a significant role in explaining dyslexia in The same team has been able to conduct similar studies on
general. As yet, there is little evidence that more common both DCDC2 (Burbridge et al., 2008; Meng et al., 2005) and
variants of these genes modulate the susceptibility to dyslexia KIAA0319 (Paracchini et al., 2006), again concluding that
in the general population (Bellini et al., 2005; Brkanac et al., these genes are likely to be crucial for neuronal migration
2007; Marino et al., 2005; Meng et al., 2005; Scerri et al., and the laminar organization of the cortex. Finally, ROBO1
2004; Wigg et al., 2004). As far as the other genes are con- is a homologue of a well-known drosophila gene that is
cerned, the associated variants are alleles that are relatively involved in interhemispheric axon guidance and in the
frequent in the population. Thus the mere possession of such migration of cortical interneurons (Andrews et al., 2008;
a susceptibility allele is not a necessary and sufficient condi- Lopez-Bendito et al., 2007).
tion to cause dyslexia. Rather, it increases the probability of A gene will often play multiple roles depending on cellu-
developing the disorder. Therefore, as predicted by earlier lar/developmental context and can be involved in many
research (Fisher & DeFries, 2002), it seems that the most different processes, but it is striking that functional links to
common cases of dyslexia belong to the family of “complex neuronal migration have been uncovered for each of the
genetic diseases” (like diabetes, heart disease, and certain candidate genes we have described. It would seem a priori
cancers), where multiple genetic factors intervene, interact highly unlikely that the first four genes associated with devel-
with each other, and interact with environmental factors, opmental dyslexia should all be implicated in this particular
thereby modulating the susceptibility to the disorder. Rather aspect of neurodevelopment. The fact that they are suggests
than altering the amino-acid sequence of the protein, such that there is indeed a real link between disturbances of neu-
susceptibility alleles typically produce more subtle effects, ronal migration and dyslexia, at least in a significant propor-
altering quantitatively the expression of the protein (Hannula- tion of cases. Thus, 20 years after the first postmortem
Jouppi et al., 2005; Meng et al., 2005) or the way that studies, the emerging genetic findings are remarkably con-
this is regulated. Follow-up investigations are necessary to sistent with the original hypothesis of Galaburda and col-
pin down the precise functional role of putative risk alleles leagues (Ramus, 2006a), suggesting a relatively coherent
by studying more directly the structure of the encoded account of the etiology of dyslexia, which can be summa-
protein and its subdomains (Tapia-Paez, Tammimies, rized as follows. Certain variants (alleles or mutations) of
Massinen, Roy, & Kere, 2008; Velayos-Baeza, Toma, da particular genes increase the susceptibility to disruptions of
Roza, Paracchini, & Monaco, 2007; Velayos-Baeza, Toma, neuronal migration, sometimes engendering ectopias or
Paracchini, & Monaco, 2008), as well as its expression pat- microgyri but, most importantly, locally disrupting the
terns across the cortex and at different stages of brain devel- laminar organization of the cortex. Through mechanisms
opment. It turns out that genes associated with dyslexia are that are not yet understood, these disruptions may, in certain
highly (although not exclusively) expressed in the brain, in individuals, accumulate in left perisylvian areas that are
the cerebral cortex, and particularly so during fetal develop- involved in speech processing and phonology, and that are
ment (Fisher & Francks, 2006; Meng et al., 2005; Paracchini, later recruited for reading acquisition. The disruption of
Scerri, & Monaco, 2007). these areas also surfaces more macroscopically in the MRI
On top of these relatively classic functional studies, in the form of reduced gray matter density and reduced
LoTurco and colleagues have used a particularly innovative anisotropy of the underlying white matter. It engenders
technique to study the role of three of these genes in subtle deficits of phonological abilities that may have little
brain development (Bai et al., 2003). They have produced consequence on the acquisition of oral language, but mani-

858 language
fest most remarkably during the acquisition of written lan- be larger on the left than on the right, show a reduced or
guage, which recruits those abilities particularly intensively reversed asymmetry in people with SLI (De Fossé et al.,
(Galaburda, LoTurco, Ramus, Fitch, & Rosen, 2006; 2004; Gauger, Lombardino, & Leonard, 1997; Plante,
Ramus, 2004). There may be alternative neurogenetic path- Swisher, Vance, & Rapcsak, 1991). An extra sulcus in the
ways that lead to dyslexia and that remain to be uncovered. left IFG has also been reported in some individuals with SLI
However, the convergence of data from multiple lines of (Clark & Plante, 1998). In addition, it has been suggested
investigation makes this neuronal migration model particu- that children with SLI present a broader pattern of deviant
larly compelling as at least one highly testable account of asymmetries, again in favor of the right hemisphere on
dyslexia etiology. average (Herbert et al., 2005). Affected children have also
been shown to have a larger total brain volume, as a result
Specific language impairment of a substantial increase in white matter volume, while the
cerebral cortex and the caudate nucleus are relatively smaller
Specific language impairment (SLI) is a disorder of language (Herbert et al., 2003). Finally, it should be noted that in
acquisition that can be attributed neither to mental retarda- Galaburda’s dissection studies, three to four of the seven
tion, nor to other known pathologies (autism, brain lesion, patients showed, on top of dyslexia, some form of language
epilepsy, deafness . . .), nor to environmental deprivation or delay or disorder (Galaburda et al., 1985; Humphreys et al.,
disadvantage. Children with SLI show heterogeneous pro- 1990). Therefore it is not impossible that the same set of
files, but typically have their language development delayed, neuronal migration disruptions, perhaps located slightly dif-
with reduced vocabulary, reduced expression and/or com- ferently, might lie at the heart of SLI as well as of dyslexia
prehension abilities, reduced verbal short-term memory, (Ramus, 2004, 2006b). However, there is no direct evidence
and persistent production of ungrammatical patterns affect- for that in the case of SLI.
ing both syntax (sentence structure) and morphology (e.g., At the genetic level, thus far the search for genes associ-
verb inflections, gender, plural or case marking) (Leonard, ated with SLI has been less successful than for dyslexia.
1998). Nevertheless, there are quite a few interesting results to
At a cognitive level, the most straightforward hypothesis mention. Familial transmission of language disorders is
is that children with SLI have deficits in one or several com- widely reported, and one study has also reported that atypi-
ponents of language, including syntax, morphology, phonol- cal perisylvian asymmetry patterns can be found in the rela-
ogy, the lexicon, and their interfaces (van der Lely, 2005). tives of children with SLI (Plante, 1991), suggesting that the
The precise combination of deficits in a given child, plus the transmission of neuroanatomical phenotypes underlies that
interaction between different language abilities throughout of behavioral phenotypes. Twin studies also have applica-
development, would produce the particular cognitive profile tions beyond simple heritability estimations. Analyzing cor-
presented by the child. An alternative view is that linguistic relations between the performance of one twin in a given
deficits arise either from a perceptual (auditory) deficit (Tallal test and the other twin in a different test allows one to esti-
& Gaab, 2006; Tallal & Piercy, 1973) or from a more general mate whether the same sources of genetic variance underlie
cognitive deficit (Leonard, 1998; Tomblin & Pandich, 1999). both capacities. One study thus found that syntactic and
Again, this debate is quite controversial and goes well beyond morphological abilities (typically measured, in English, by
the present chapter, so we refer the reader to the appropriate the ability to form the past tense of verbs) share some of their
literature (Bishop, Adams, Nation, & Rosen, 2005; Ramus, genetic variance, but phonological short-term memory and
2004; S. Rosen, 2003; Tallal, 2004; Tallal & Gaab, 2006; morphological abilities do not (Bishop et al., 2006). This
van der Lely, 2005; van der Lely, Rosen, & Adlard, 2004; finding suggests that some genetic factors may have differ-
van der Lely, Rosen, & McClelland, 1998). For the purpose ential effects on distinct aspects of language. In a similar
of the present discussion, while leaving the precise nature of vein, another study of children with SLI found that deficits
impairments open, we assume that deficits can have differ- in phonological tests (nonword repetition) are highly herita-
ential impacts on aspects of language. As we will see, this ble, while impairments on a popular auditory processing test
view is at least consistent with the available neurobiological do not show significant evidence of genetic influence (Bishop
and genetic data. et al., 1999). This finding casts further doubt on the idea that
The overall picture provided by neurobiological data, language and phonological deficits necessarily originate
although far from being clear and consistent, is that loosely from low-level perception.
defined language-related brain areas are disrupted or differ- Finally, genomewide linkage studies of SLI have con-
ently organized in children with SLI. The most frequent verged on three main linkage sites: one named SLI1 on
MRI findings have concerned asymmetries between left and chromosome 16, another named SLI2 on chromosome 19
right perisylvian areas. The inferior frontal gyrus (IFG: (SLI Consortium, 2002, 2004), and a third one on chromo-
Broca’s area) and the planum temporale, generally found to some 13 (Bartlett et al., 2003, 2002). So far no candidate gene

ramus and fisher: genetics of language 859

has been localized in any of these regions, and further dyslexic. Thus cohorts of children with SSD participating in
mapping studies are under way. However, one recent inves- genetic studies may well be largely composed of dyslexic
tigation employed an alternative strategy to traditional children. Another more interesting potential explanation is
mapping, using functional genetic analyses of a monogenic that, beyond actual comorbidity, common biological factors
speech and language disorder (described further later on) to may participate in the etiology of different cognitive deficits.
identify novel candidates for involvement in SLI. This Confirmation of the latter awaits identification of particular
approach enabled successful identification of the first gene to allelic variants that play functional roles in both SSD and
be significantly associated with language deficits in children dyslexia. Curiously, at this point there is less evidence of
with SLI (Vernes et al., 2008). The gene, called CNTNAP2 genetic risk factors that are shared between SSD and SLI,
(located on chromosome 7q35), is strongly down-regulated although there may well be functional pathways that are
by the FOXP2 transcription factor in neurons (see the section common to both (see the next section).
on developmental verbal dyspraxia) and is a member of In conclusion, speech sound disorder has the potential to
the neurexin family, a set of proteins implicated in synaptic reveal important information about the genetic bases of pho-
adhesion (Dean & Dresbach, 2006). Its association with SLI nology and speech articulation. Unfortunately, the findings
remains to be replicated. It is worth noting that none of the on SSD in general are rather scarce, so this disorder war-
known SLI linkage sites overlap with those reported for dys- rants more investigation. However, one particular form of
lexia, despite frequent comorbidity and similar neurological SSD, namely developmental verbal dyspraxia, is currently
findings. However, there is notable overlap with autism at the center of a very fruitful line of research, which is
linkage sites. Furthermore, CNTNAP2 has been associated detailed in the next section.
with autism in several studies (Alarcon et al., 2008; Arking et
al., 2008; Bakkaloglu et al., 2008). This issue will be further Developmental verbal dyspraxia
discussed in the comorbidity subsection.
Developmental verbal dyspraxia (DVD)—also referred to as
Speech sound disorder childhood apraxia of speech (American Speech-Language-
Hearing Association, 2007)—is a speech-sound disorder that
Although most children make speech errors when they begin leans clearly on the articulation side, involving problems
to speak, children with speech sound disorder (SSD) present with coordinating and sequencing movements of the tongue,
with persistent difficulties in the accurate and intelligible lips, jaw, and palate that cannot be explained by muscle
production of speech sounds within words. Their prevalence weakness, paralysis, or other overt neurological or physical
is estimated to be around 15% of 3-year-old children and factors. A diagnosis of DVD can encompass a range of
3.8% of 6-year-olds (Shriberg, Tomblin, & McSweeny, severities and impairments, and there may also be some
1999). Typically some speech sounds are omitted or mapped degree of impairment in performing nonspeech orofacial
to other sounds (this disorder is different from stuttering). movements on command, such as puffing out cheeks or
The definition of SSD does not commit to a particular locus licking lips (oral dyspraxia). In recent years substantial
for the underlying deficit (phonological or articulatory), and advances have been made in understanding one particular
it is likely that the population is heterogeneous in this respect. genetically mediated subtype of DVD, a rare form of the
Unfortunately, cognitive studies of SSD are currently insuf- disorder showing monogenic inheritance (Fisher, Vargha-
ficient to provide a clear typology and shed more light on Khadem, Watkins, Monaco, & Pembrey, 1998; Lai, Fisher,
the precise nature of the deficits. It should be noted that the Hurst, Vargha-Khadem, & Monaco, 2001). In this section
field of (normal) child language is itself plagued by the issue we focus on the behavioral, cognitive, and neural features of
of whether deviant speech productions should be attributed this well-studied subtype, given that its genetic basis has now
to constraints in articulatory skills or to stages of phonologi- been firmly established.
cal acquisition (Ramus et al., in press). Much of our understanding of links between genes and
The brain basis of SSD has to our knowledge not been DVD stems from intensive studies of one multigenerational
investigated independently from that of SLI or dyslexia. pedigree, known as the KE family, first reported in the early
There have been, however, genetic linkage studies. Investi- 1990s (Hurst, Baraitser, Auger, Graham, & Norell, 1990).
gations have tended to focus on the chromosomal regions Around half of the members of this family—15 individuals
implicated in dyslexia and, intriguingly, have thereby uncov- across three successive generations—display a severe speech
ered SSD linkages on the dyslexia-related sites of chromo- and language disorder, inherited as a Mendelian trait with
somes 3, 6, and 15 (Stein et al., 2006, 2004). One possible an autosomal dominant mode of transmission. While some
reason for this result is that there is comorbidity between linguists initially characterized the KE family’s disorder as
dyslexia and SSD, so that a fair proportion of preschool one primarily affecting certain features of grammatical
children who are diagnosed with SSD grow up to become processing (Gopnik, 1990; Gopnik & Crago, 1991), other

860 language
researchers noted that the most profound problems were & Gadian, 2003; Vargha-Khadem et al.; Watkins, Vargha-
impaired speech articulation reminiscent of DVD (Hurst Khadem, et al., 2002). These include putative abnormalities
et al., 1990). Indeed, subsequent reports showed that word in cortical language-related regions, with decreased gray
and nonword repetition tasks provided the most robust diag- matter density in the inferior frontal gyrus (containing
nostic marker of the disorder (Vargha-Khadem et al., 1998). Broca’s area) and increased density in the posterior portion
Consistent with a diagnosis of DVD, the deficits of affected of the superior temporal gyrus (Wernicke’s area). Notably,
members are already evident when repeating shorter utter- the sites of pathology suggested by such analyses were
ances, but become more dramatic with increases in syllable not limited to the cerebral cortex, but extended to the
number and complexity (Watkins, Dronkers, & Vargha- cerebellum and the striatum, where there were significant
Khadem, 2002). Tests of nonspeech praxis in the KE family reductions in gray matter density in the caudate nucleus
indicate reduced performance when making simultaneous accompanied by increases in the putamen. Functional neu-
and sequential oral movements on command (Alcock, roimaging of the KE family during language tasks identified
Passingham, Watkins, & Vargha-Khadem, 2000; Vargha- abnormal patterns of neural activation in the affected
Khadem et al.). This is again reminiscent of other cases of members, even under covert (silent) conditions when there
DVD, which (as noted earlier) often show evidence of oral was no requirement for spoken output (Liegeois et al., 2003).
dyspraxia affecting nonspeech movements. Notably, affected Broca’s area, other cortical language-related regions, and
members of the KE family are not significantly impaired in the putamen were significantly underactivated in affected
making single simple oral movements or in limb praxis, and individuals, who showed a more posterior and bilateral
they do not show gross oromotor dysfunction, for example, pattern of activation than unaffected members of the family.
in feeding or swallowing (Alcock et al.). Sites of abnormalities include both areas associated with
The speech difficulties of the KE family are accompanied motor control and areas associated with language, mirroring
by linguistic impairments that are not confined to spoken the co-occurrence of motor and linguistic symptoms at
language or to the expressive domain. For example, affected the cognitive level. It has been suggested that abnormalities
members perform worse than unaffected members on written in development and function of distributed frontostriatal
tests of verbal fluency and nonword spelling, as well as in and/or frontocerebellar circuits are responsible for the DVD
lexical decision tasks assessing receptive vocabulary, and and accompanying linguistic impairments of the family
they display significant deficits in reception and production (Vargha-Khadem, Gadian, Copp, & Mishkin, 2005).
of grammar (Watkins, Dronkers, et al., 2002), albeit not as Genomewide scanning of the KE family identified a
selectively as proposed in initial linguistic studies (Gopnik, region of chromosome 7q31 showing highly significant
1990). They show difficulties in generating word inflections linkage to the disorder (Fisher et al., 1998), which was found
and derivations, but tests of past-tense production indicate to contain at least 70 genes (Lai et al., 2000). The search was
similar levels of deficits for both regular and irregular words, cut short by the serendipitous discovery of another child
and their receptive impairments extend to syntax at the affected with DVD (unrelated to the KE family) who had a
word-order level (Gopnik & Crago, 1991; Watkins et al.). gross chromosomal abnormality mapping within the region
The relationship between the motoric and linguistic aspects of interest (Lai et al., 2000, 2001). The child, known as CS,
of the disorder in the KE family is the subject of continuing carried a balanced translocation involving exchange of
debate. One hypothesis is that a primary deficit in articula- material between chromosomes 5 and 7, with a breakage in
tion could lead to more general impoverishment in language the 7q31 band. It was shown that the chromosome 7 break-
representation at many other levels (Watkins et al.). However, point of this child directly interrupted a novel gene, known
it is not clear why accurate speech articulation would be as FOXP2 (Lai et al., 2001). Analysis of the gene in the KE
necessary to acquire all the other dimensions of language, family uncovered a heterozygous single-base change in all
and indeed it has been shown that it is not (Fourcin, 1975a, 15 affected members, which was not found in any unaffected
1975b; Lenneberg, 1962; Ramus, Pidgeon, & Frith, 2003). members or in several hundred independent controls (Lai
A plausible alternative is that multiple components of lan- et al., 2001). This mutation was predicted to disrupt the
guage (articulation, phonology, the lexicon, morphology, function of the protein encoded by FOXP2, a hypothesis
and syntax) are concurrently affected, without one deficit that has since been robustly confirmed (Groszer et al., 2008;
being responsible for all the others. Vernes et al., 2006).
The brains of affected people from the KE family appear FOXP2 encodes a protein belonging to the “Forkhead
overtly normal in structure on standard evaluation of bOX” (or FOX) family of transcription factors, which act
MRI scans (Vargha-Khadem et al., 1998). However, statisti- to regulate the expression of suites of genes during embryo-
cal comparisons to unaffected members using voxel-based genesis and development and in adulthood (Carlsson &
morphometry revealed subtle anomalies affecting multiple Mahlapuu, 2002). The single-base missense mutation in the
brain regions (Belton, Salmond, Watkins, Vargha-Khadem, FOXP2 gene of affected KE family members alters one

ramus and fisher: genetics of language 861

amino-acid residue at a crucial part of the DNA-binding FOXP2 is expressed in the brain during embryogenesis
domain of the encoded protein (Lai et al., 2001). Functional and early development, both in humans and in mice (Lai,
experiments show that the substitution impedes the DNA- Gerrelli, Monaco, Fisher, & Copp, 2003). It is not expressed
binding ability of the mutated FOXP2 protein, dramatically ubiquitously throughout the brain, but localized to a number
disturbing its capacity to regulate transcription of down- of structures, including the deep layers of the cerebral cortex,
stream targets (Vernes et al., 2006). the striatum, the thalamus, the Purkinje cells of the cerebel-
Targeted screening of FOXP2 in different disorders has lum, and the inferior olives. Most notably, FOXP2 expres-
indicated that disruption of this gene is not unique to the sion in the caudate nucleus and in the cerebellum coincides
KE family and CS case, but still represents only a rare cause with known sites of neuroanatomical anomalies in the KE
of speech and language deficits in the wider population. family. Beyond sensorimotor processing and motor-skill
Initially, comprehensive mutation searches were carried out learning, the contribution of these brain regions to language
across all known FOXP2 exons in groups of children with function is becoming more and more appreciated (Booth,
SLI and autism (Newbury et al., 2002; Wassink et al., 2002), Wood, Lu, Houk, & Bitan, 2007; Friederici & Kotz, 2003;
syndromes that typically occur in the absence of DVD. Justus, 2004; Marien, Engelborghs, Fabbro, & De Deyn,
These studies concluded that FOXP2 is not a major genetic 2001; Teichmann, Dupoux, Kouider, & Bachoud-Levi,
risk factor for SLI or autism, a finding that has been gener- 2006; Ullman, 2001).
ally borne out by subsequent work. MacDermot and More insights into human FOXP2 function have come
colleagues (2005) reported the first specific assessment of from animal models. Heterozygous mice carrying the same
FOXP2 contribution in a cohort of children diagnosed with missense mutation as that found in the human KE family
DVD. The study screened 49 unrelated probands with a display abnormal synaptic plasticity in neural circuits where
primary diagnosis of DVD and identified three distinct FOXP2 is expressed, including loss of long-term depression
coding changes. One was a heterozygous nonsense mutation in parts of the striatum (Groszer et al., 2008). In addition,
predicted to severely truncate the encoded FOXP2 protein, they show subtle but significant motor-skill learning deficits
such that it would lack crucial functional domains, including during species-typical behaviors. Homozygous mouse pups
the DNA-binding motif. The nonsense mutation was also that have no functional FOXP2 have severe motor dysfunc-
found in the proband’s affected sister and mother, and was tion, general developmental delays, and delayed maturation
absent from normal controls (MacDermot et al.). Functional of the cerebellum, and they do not emit innately specified
analyses suggest that the truncated product is unstable, is ultrasonic calls on isolation from their mother (Groszer
mislocalized within the cell, and lacks transcription factor et al.; Shu et al., 2005). They do not survive beyond a
function (Groszer et al., 2008; Vernes et al., 2006). In recent month of life. Whether the homozygous mouse phenotype
years, cases of gross chromosome abnormalities in which is relevant for understanding the syndrome observed in
FOXP2 is disrupted or deleted have also been reported, with heterozygous humans remains a controversial question.
speech articulation difficulties emerging as a common More convincing evidence of a role for FOXP2 in vocaliza-
symptom (Feuk et al., 2006; Shriberg et al., 2006; Zeesman tion skills of nonlinguistic species comes from studies of vocal
et al., 2006). learning in songbirds (S. A. White, Fisher, Geschwind,
Since FOXP2 encodes a transcription factor, functional Scharff, & Holy, 2006). In particular, zebra finches show
genomic methods are now being used to successfully identify changes in FOXP2 expression levels in a key striatal nucleus
the downstream target genes that it regulates in neurons (called Area X) that appear to correlate with vocal plasticity
(Spiteri et al., 2007; Vernes et al., 2007). Exciting new data (Haesler et al., 2004; Teramitsu & White, 2006). Haesler and
from these screening efforts indicate that pathways down- colleagues (2007) used RNA interference to selectively knock
stream of this regulatory factor may have broader relevance down expression of FOXP2 in Area X of juvenile zebra
for language-related disorders, even in the absence of finches during song learning. This treatment yielded inac-
mutations of FOXP2 itself. Vernes and colleagues (2008) curate and incomplete copying of the tutor’s song, which
identified a novel direct target that is strongly down- was suggested to show parallels to DVD in humans (Haesler
regulated by FOXP2 in neurons (the CNTNAP2 gene, et al., 2007).
described earlier) and went on to show that the allelic Finally, analyses of the evolution of FOXP2 in primates
variants of this target were significantly associated with lan- indicated that two amino-acid substitutions occurred on the
guage impairments in a large cohort of children with typical human lineage after splitting from the chimpanzee, and
SLI. Not only do these findings establish a functional genetic found evidence of recent Darwinian selection (Enard et al.,
link between rare monogenic forms of DVD and common 2002; Zhang, Webb, & Podlaha, 2002). Although initial
forms of SLI, but similar allelic variants in the target gene studies suggested this accelerated evolution may have
are also associated with language deficits in autistic disorder occurred within the last 200,000 years of human history
(Alarcon et al., 2008). (Enard et al.; Zhang et al.), investigations of the gene in bone

862 language
samples from Neanderthals indicate that they also carried genes, including two affecting different disorders. And indeed
the human amino-acid substitutions, which would suggest a none of the genes associated with dyslexia has been associ-
more ancient origin (at least 300,000–400,000 years) for the ated with SLI or SSD so far. Second, there is no hint as yet
changes (Krause et al., 2007). At the moment, nothing is of any overlap between dyslexia and SLI linkage sites, a fact
known about the functional consequences of these two that may seem puzzling. However, it is not all that surpris-
amino-acid changes, but this finding raises the possibility ing, given the statistical power of most linkage analyses
that FOXP2 might have acquired new functional roles in (Marlow et al., 2003), and this gap may well be bridged
humans. sooner or later.
In summary, FOXP2 may simultaneously contribute to • Genetic linkage sites also overlap between SLI and
human language pathways by at least two routes. The first autism. Furthermore, the CNTNAP2 gene, identified as a
route is through an evolutionarily conserved role related to downstream target of FOXP2, also appears to be associated
motor sequencing and vocal learning, as observed in non- with common cases of SLI (Vernes et al., 2008), as well
linguistic species (studies of birds and mice). Deficits in these as with autistic spectrum disorder (Arking et al., 2008;
processes are likely to mediate parts of the DVD phenotype Bakkaloglu et al., 2008). One study further suggested the
associated with FOXP2 disruption. Second, the human association between CNTNAP2 and language abilities in
version may have putative novel functions that remain to be autism, as measured by age at first word (Alarcon et al.,
understood but that might conceivably contribute to more 2008). This finding suggests etiological overlaps between SLI
human-specific aspects of language. and autism.

The possibility that some gene variants might increase the

Perspectives for language genetics susceptibility to several disorders makes sense in functional
terms. For instance, there is no reason to expect that dyslexia
Comorbidity and Pleiotropy Until now we have largely is the only disorder arising from slight disturbances in neu-
described the different forms of language disorders as if they ronal migration (indeed, others are known, such as nodular
were distinct entities; however, this approach is an periventricular heterotopia). Therefore genes involved in
oversimplification. Many children with SLI, although not all neuronal migration and associated with dyslexia could
of them, grow up to become dyslexic (Bishop & Snowling, plausibly be expected to be associated with other disorders
2004; Flax et al., 2003; Marshall, Harcourt-Brown, Ramus, such as SLI. Furthermore, genes typically have more than
& van der Lely, in press; McArthur, Hogben, Edwards, one function, and therefore can have effects on multiple
Heath, & Mengler, 2000). Some children with dyslexia or phenotypes: this condition is known as pleiotropy. For
SLI also present some form of speech sound disorder, if only instance, all the genes discussed in this chapter are expressed
in early development (Bishop & Adams, 1990; Shriberg not only in the developing brain, but also in other organs
et al., 1999). This pattern of multiple comorbidities is hardly at various stages of life, showing that they have multiple
surprising if one considers that the different components of functions, some as remote from cognition as digestion or
language, albeit functionally independent, may partly reproduction.
depend on each other in the course of development. But These considerations have led Kovas and Plomin (2006)
beyond this observation, it is likely that comorbidity can be to hypothesize that genes affecting cognition are “generalist
largely ascribed to common underlying biological factors, as genes” affecting most cognitive functions and disorders, and
is indeed suggested by several lines of converging evidence: indeed that they produce their effects relatively uniformly on
• As we have noted, the neural bases of dyslexia and SLI a “generalist brain.” It is certainly true that many genes
partly overlap. affect many brain areas and many cognitive functions, yet
• Familial aggregation studies have found that in families the “generalist genes” hypothesis is likely to be an overgen-
having one member with SLI or SSD, the likelihood that eralization. Some twin studies find that certain cognitive
other members will show another form of language impair- functions share little genetic variance—for instance, phono-
ment (whether dyslexia, SLI, or SSD) was increased (Flax et logical and morphosyntactic abilities (Bishop et al., 2006).
al., 2003; Lewis, 1992). And although many genes seem to be expressed more or less
• Twin studies have provided evidence for shared genetic uniformly across the cortex, few studies have actually com-
influences between SSD and dyslexia, suggesting that the pared the expression of the genes of interest across different
cofamiliality has at least partly a genetic basis. cortical areas. FOXP2 is a good case in point. It may well
• Genetic linkage sites seem to overlap between dyslexia have multiple effects on development, but it certainly does
and SSD. Two caveats, however. First, the fact that linkage not have uniform effects throughout the brain. As we have
sites overlap does not guarantee that a single gene is associ- seen, it is expressed in particular brain areas that turn
ated with both disorders: linkage sites may contain many out to bear a clear relationship with the neurological and

ramus and fisher: genetics of language 863

cognitive phenotypes associated with a FOXP2 mutation. found whose expression is asymmetric between left and right
This kind of neuroanatomical specificity is not uncommon hemispheres in early embryonic development and could
among transcription factors. Performing a systematic search thus explain the predominance of certain anomalies on one
over more than 1000 known transcription factors, Gray and side or the other. Furthermore, one of these genes (LMO4)
colleagues (2004) have found 349 whose expression pattern is expressed more specifically in perisylvian regions, and
is restricted to specific areas of the mouse brain and which more so in the right than in the left hemisphere (Sun et al.,
are together sufficient to explain its architecture. Far from 2005). Other genes have been found with expression enriched
being generalist genes, their expression is rather specific and (or specifically impoverished) in language-relevant areas in
has equally specific functional consequences. Similar consid- midgestation (Abrahams et al., 2007). Alleles of these or
erations hold for CNTNAP2, the only gene so far suggested similar genes, interacting with alleles of genes associated with
to be associated with SLI (Vernes et al., 2008), which turns neuronal migration, could potentially explain the occur-
out to demonstrate particularly enriched fetal expression in rence of neuronal migration anomalies specifically in left
human frontal cortex (including inferior and middle frontal perisylvian regions such as in dyslexia.
gyri), as well as in subcortical areas (including the caudate In light of the preceding discussion on comorbidity and
nucleus) (Abrahams et al., 2007). pleiotropy, one does expect to find genes associated with
In the case of genes associated with dyslexia, while expres- dyslexia as well as SSD and/or SLI, and perhaps even with
sion patterns in human fetal brains are available (Paracchini other developmental disorders. However, this does not imply
et al., 2006), comparisons between neocortical areas have that all disorders are the same or that genes are “genes for
been carried out in adult brains only, and with a relatively everything.” Not all dyslexic children have SSD or SLI, not
rough cortical parcellation (lobe by lobe, without distin- all brain areas are involved in all language functions, not all
guishing left from right hemisphere). Yet they do not turn genes have an impact on all brain areas and functions, and
out to be particularly uniform (Meng et al., 2005; Paracchini therefore it is also to be expected that some genes will be
et al., 2007). Most importantly, the sites of brain disturbance uniquely associated with one disorder, alongside other genes
themselves are clearly not uniform, whether one looks at that will be more general susceptibility factors for a certain
histological studies, brain morphometry, or diffusion tensor class of neurodevelopmental disorders.
imaging. The relationship between genes and neuropatho-
logical sites remains to be fully understood. More detailed A “Gene for Language”? When the KE family was first
studies might reveal that genes associated with dyslexia are investigated in the early 1990s, speculations about the
expressed more in left perisylvian areas, but this possibility existence of a “gene for grammar” flourished in the press.
can be considered unlikely for genes generally involved in The story turned out to be much more complex, and when
neuronal migration. Then why do the disruptions occur FOXP2 was discovered more than ten years later, it became
precisely there? One reason could be just chance: in many clear that it was neither a gene for grammar, nor a gene for
individuals with the same gene variants, they may by chance language, nor a gene for the brain, nor even a specifically
occur elsewhere and produce other effects (SLI, SSD, or any human gene. It is a highly conserved transcription factor,
other cognitive deficit for that matter). We would see them found in similar form in many distantly related vertebrate
in left perisylvian areas because we look only at dyslexic species, where it is expressed in a range of tissues during
individuals. Yet if chance were the only factor at play, one embryonic development, postnatally, and in the mature
would predict complete cross-transmission between disor- organism, including the lung, heart, and intestines as well
ders: dyslexic parents would be as likely to beget SLI as as the brain (Bonkowsky & Chien, 2005; Haesler et al.,
dyslexic children. However, this is not the case (Flax et al., 2004; Lai et al., 2001, 2003). Genes associated with dyslexia
2003; Lewis, 1992). Another possibility would be that left and other language disorders are turning out to show
perisylvian areas are, for unrelated (say, vascular) reasons, similar characteristics. Thus, the very notion of a “gene for
more vulnerable to all forms of insult, including disturbances something,” in particular a gene coding directly, specifically,
of neuronal migration (Geschwind & Galaburda, 1985; and uniquely for a given cognitive function, is flawed (Fisher,
McBride & Kemper, 1982). One way or another, neuroana- 2006). But this fact does not mean that the notion of genetic
tomical location matters more than anything else for deter- bases of language is itself flawed. Rather it should be
mining the precise nature of a cognitive phenotype. understood in less naive ways than it sometimes has been.
Another alternative would be that genes implicated in The data reviewed in this chapter show that variations in
neuronal migration interact with other genes, which do have many genes may cause variations in language abilities, and
more specific expression patterns (Ramus, 2004). The com- in particular language disorders. Rather than being “genes
bination of certain alleles in these different genes could result for language,” these genes perform several different func-
in disruptions of neuronal migration confined to certain tions, in various organs at various stages of development. But
cortical areas. For instance, a number of genes have been they have in common that they have an influence on brain

864 language
development and that certain of their variations may alter to creating new connections between two existing brain
the development and/or function of particular brain areas, areas. Even an altogether new brain area could evolve rela-
which in turn are useful for some aspects of language acquisi- tively simply by having a modified transcription factor pre-
tion. Thus these genes are necessary for normal language natally define new boundaries on the cortex, push around
acquisition, but they are of course not sufficient, and further- previously existing areas, and create the molecular condi-
more they have not necessarily evolved for the purpose of tions for a novel form of cortex in Brodmann’s sense: still
language acquisition. Some of them (like FOXP2) have the basic six layers, but with different relative importance,
indeed undergone some human-specific modifications, different patterns of internal and external connectivity, and
apparently under selection pressure, and within a time frame different distributions of types of neurons across the layers.
that is compatible with the evolution of language in the This would essentially be a new quantitative variation within
human lineage. In such a case it is possible that these changes a very general construction plan, requiring little new in
were one of the steps that made it possible for humans to terms of genetic material, but this area could nevertheless
develop language. Other known genes associated with lan- present novel input/output properties that, together with the
guage disorders also differ slightly between humans and adequate input and output connections, might perform an
other mammals, but so far there is no evidence that these entirely novel information-processing function of great
differences are functionally significant and may have played importance to language. Even if the ultimate form of that
a role in language evolution (Fisher & Francks, 2006). Nev- brain area turns out to require many genetic changes, there
ertheless, this lack of evidence does not make those genes is no necessity that all the changes coevolved simultaneously.
uninteresting. Once the area is delineated, further genetic changes could
The language faculty is very unlikely to be an entirely new progressively shift its boundaries and refine its cellular
organ that has appeared from scratch in the human brain makeup and thus its information-processing capabilities.
(Fisher & Marcus, 2006). Rather, it should be seen as a Thus even the creation of a new neuroanatomical and cogni-
product of “descent with modification,” that is, a new com- tive module is not as unlikely as one might imagine and does
bination of old and possibly new cognitive ingredients not require improbable assumptions about dramatic genetic
(Marcus, 2006). Old ingredients may include auditory per- changes. Dramatic effects can be obtained by small changes
ception, primate vocalization, long-term, short-term, and in the way the construction plan is laid out.
working memory, sequence processing, a conceptual system, In a nutshell, there is no need of a “gene for language” to
and many more. Of course each of these components must explain the genetic basis of language. Having said that, it is
have to some extent evolved in human-specific ways in order now known that some human genes (perhaps 150 to 300)
to be harnessed for linguistic purposes, a fact that implies really are human specific, in the sense that they are entirely
that some of the genes that were already implicated in the new concatenations of bits of other genes that have no equiv-
construction of the corresponding brain areas either have alent in other species (Bailey et al., 2002; Nahon, 2003).
undergone some functional changes or have been triggered Very little is known about those genes, but it is of course
in new ways by upstream transcription factors and other possible that one or more of them could have been impor-
regulatory elements. Thus even a human gene identical to tant in the evolution of the neural bases for language. The
an ancestral primate version could nowadays be important point is that even if this is not the case, more standard genetic
for language, if for instance it is involved in the construction changes in ancestral genes would still be adequate to explain
of a relevant brain area in virtue of being expressed in new the emergence of a new cognitive ability such as language.
ways by a transcription factor such as FOXP2. As for new
cognitive ingredients, it is not yet entirely settled what (if Perspectives The picture laid out in this chapter is of
anything) should fall into that category. An influential and course very incomplete. Many more genes associated with
controversial proposal is that a capacity for recursion is the language disorders remain to be found, and genes associated
unique new cognitive ingredient required for language, with normal variations in language abilities remain even to
together with an adaptation of “interfaces” between this new be searched for. Nevertheless, the data that we have discussed
component and the old ones (Fitch, Hauser, & Chomsky, are probably a reasonable illustration of what can be expected
2005; Hauser, Chomsky, & Fitch, 2002; but see Jackendoff in the future. We can expect more genes involved in aspects
& Pinker, 2005; Pinker & Jackendoff, 2005). of brain development (neuronal migration being just one
Taking this as a working hypothesis, it is unlikely that such possibility), as well as more transcription factors and other
a new cognitive capacity could have evolved overnight genes with a restricted cortical expression that may affect the
thanks to a single mutation. Even if it is truly new in a cogni- development of more specific brain areas. Genes involved in
tive sense, it is likely to be much less novel in biological neurotransmission, however, are currently out of the picture
terms. For instance, a change in a single gene producing a (although implicated in other disorders such as ADHD), but
signaling molecule (or a receptor, channel, etc.), could lead there is of course no guarantee that they will remain so.

ramus and fisher: genetics of language 865

One point that may change is that until now the genetic language genetics. Regarding theories of the phonological deficit
variations considered have been mostly deletions, insertions, as part of a pansensory disorder, we refer the reader to Ramus
or substitutions of single nucleotides. This approach has led
to a pattern where mutations (such as those in FOXP2 or
DYX1C1) appear to be scarce, while most of the variation
in language abilities seems to be explained by susceptibility
alleles that simply modulate the probability of developing Abrahams, B. S., Tentler, D., Perederiy, J. V., Oldham,
the disorder. However, mutation-screening efforts are very M. C., Coppola, G., & Geschwind, D. H. (2007). Genome-wide
analyses of human perisylvian cerebral cortical patterning. Proc.
preliminary; for instance, the genes already known to be Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 104(45), 17849–17854.
associated with dyslexia have typically not been systemati- Adlard, A., & Hazan, V. (1998). Speech perception in children
cally screened for mutations in most available dyslexia with specific reading difficulties (dyslexia). Q. J. Exp. Psychol. [A],
cohorts. Furthermore, a wider range of mutations is now 51(1), 153–177.
going to be analyzed, such as copy number variants, whereby Alarcon, M., Abrahams, B. S., Stone, J. L., Duvall, J. A.,
Perederiy, J. V., Bomar, J. M., et al. (2008). Linkage, associa-
entire stretches of DNA are sometimes deleted or duplicated, tion, and gene-expression analyses identify CNTNAP2 as an
to an extent that previously has been vastly underestimated autism-susceptibility gene. Am. J. Hum. Genet., 82(1), 150–159.
(Redon et al., 2006; Stranger et al., 2007). Thus there may Alcock, K. J., Passingham, R. E., Watkins, K. E., & Vargha-
be etiological mutations in a much higher proportion of Khadem, F. (2000). Oral dyspraxia in inherited speech and lan-
individuals with language disorders than has been appreci- guage impairment and acquired dysphasia. Brain Lang., 75(1),
ated before.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2007). Child-
One final area where entirely novel results should be hood apraxia of speech: Position statement [electronic version]
expected in the coming years is that of gene-environment from
interactions. All genetic studies of language disorders have Andrews, W., Barber, M., Hernadez-Miranda, L. R., Xian, J.,
until now focused on detecting main effects of gene variants. Rakic, S., Sundaresan, V., et al. (2008). The role of Slit-Robo
signaling in the generation, migration and morphological differ-
This is of course the first step necessary to the identification
entiation of cortical interneurons. Dev. Biol., 313(2), 648–658.
of candidate genes. However, the effects of genes sometimes Anthoni, H., Zucchelli, M., Matsson, H., Muller-Myhsok, B.,
differ as a function of other factors, some genetic, some Fransson, I., Schumacher, J., et al. (2007). A locus on 2p12
environmental. Evidence for nonadditive effects between containing the co-regulated MRPL19 and C2ORF3 genes is
genetic and environmental factors has begun to be uncovered associated to dyslexia. Hum. Mol. Genet., 16(6), 667–677.
in the case of other disorders, such as conduct disorder Arking, D. E., Cutler, D. J., Brune, C. W., Teslovich,
T. M., West, K., Ikeda, M., et al. (2008). A common genetic
(Caspi et al., 2002) or depression (Caspi et al., 2003). Does variant in the neurexin superfamily member CNTNAP2
a susceptibility allele for a language disorder produce a dif- increases familial risk of autism. Am. J. Hum. Genet., 82(1),
ferent effect depending on the presence of other risk factors 160–164.
(such as mild hearing impairment)? Or on the familial lin- Bai, J. L., Ramos, R. L., Ackman, J. B., Thomas, A. M., Lee,
guistic environment? Or on the language itself? Or on R. V., & LoTurco, J. J. (2003). RNAi reveals doublecortin is
required for radial migration in rat neocortex. Nat. Neurosci.,
schooling practices? Or symmetrically, does a given environ- 6(12), 1277–1283.
mental factor produce a different effect depending on the Bailey, J. A., Yavor, A. M., Viggiano, L., Misceo, D., Horvath,
genotype of the child? Answers to these fascinating questions J. E., Archidiacono, N., et al. (2002). Human-specific duplica-
are now within arm’s reach. tion and mosaic transcripts: The recent paralogous structure of
chromosome 22. Am. J. Hum. Genet., 70(1), 83–100.
acknowledgments FR is supported by Agence Nationale Bakkaloglu, B., O’Roak, B. J., Louvi, A., Gupta, A. R., Abelson,
de la Recherche (Genedys) and the European Commission J. F., Morgan, T. M., et al. (2008). Molecular cytogenetic analy-
(Neurodys). SEF is a Royal Society Research Fellow, and is also sis and resequencing of contactin associated protein-like 2 in
supported by the Wellcome Trust and Autism Speaks. autism spectrum disorders. Am. J. Hum. Genet., 82(1), 165–173.
Bartlett, C. W., Flax, J. F., Li, W., Reaple-Bonilla, T., Hayter,
J., Hirsch, L. S., et al. (2003). A genome scan of specific lan-
guage impairment loci in families from the United States. Am.
J. Hum. Genet., 73(5), 491.
1. Monozygotic MZ twins share 100% of their genome, while Bartlett, C. W., Flax, J. F., Logue, M. W., Vieland, V. J.,
dizygotic DZ twins share only 50% of their gene variants (like Bassett, A. S., Tallal, P., et al. (2002). A major susceptibility
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59 The Biology and Evolution of
Language: “Deep Homology” and
the Evolution of Innovation
w. tecumseh fitch

abstract The last decade has seen rapid and impressive progress living relatives, the chimpanzees, are unable to acquire lan-
in understanding the biology and evolution of complex “innova- guage past the level of a young child. Sometime in our recent
tive” traits (e.g., insect wings or vertebrate eyes), and the fruits of evolution, in the last 5–7 million years since we diverged
this understanding are beginning to have an impact on our under-
standing of that most innovative of human traits: language.
from our last common ancestor with chimpanzees, a suite of
Although language, as a whole, is unique to Homo sapiens, many of important innovations have occurred, which together com-
the neural and cognitive mechanisms supporting language are prise the human capacity to acquire language. The nature
shared with other species. An empirically based, mechanistic of, and biological basis for, this capacity is a core focus of
understanding of the evolution of language therefore requires contemporary research on the biology of language.
research on both unique aspects of language (such as complex
Languages themselves, like English or Chinese, are obvi-
syntax) and broadly shared features. Evolutionary developmental
biology (“evo-devo”) has added a new twist to this distinction, with ously not inborn. We each acquire the language of our local
the discovery that traits shared due to convergent evolution (such as community through an experience-dependent process of
vocal learning in humans and birds) may nonetheless be based on language acquisition. In Darwin’s words “language is an
homologous genes and developmental pathways. Such “deep homolo- art . . . not a true instinct, for every language has to be learnt.
gies” may involve convergence at the phenotypic level and homol-
It differs, however, widely from all ordinary arts, for man
ogy at the genotypic level, and illustrate the need to rethink
traditional ideas about homology. Studies of eyes, limbs, and body has an instinctive tendency to speak, as we see in the babble
plans have revealed deep homologies in all these systems. Here, I of our young children; whilst no child has an instinctive
suggest that language is also likely to have its share of deep homolo- tendency to brew, bake, or write” (Darwin, 1871, p. 55).
gies, and that this possibility provides a powerful rationale for Today there is wide agreement that the language acquisi-
investigations of convergently evolved traits in widely separated tion process has a strong biological basis and represents an
species. I illustrate the potential of this new approach with an
exploration of the neural and genetic basis of vocal learning in “instinct to learn” that is part of every normal child’s genetic
humans and birds. I conclude that neuroethological investigations heritage. Although this human capacity is unique when con-
of diverse vertebrate species, from fish to birds to mice, will power- sidered as a whole (sometimes termed the “faculty of lan-
fully augment more traditional work on primates in the search for guage in a broad sense,” or FLB), most of the component
the neural mechanisms underlying language. mechanisms underlying language are not unique to our
species. Factors shared with chimpanzees and other pri-
mates (e.g., mechanisms underlying lexical acquisition) are
Humans (like most species) are unique in many ways, but traditionally believed to be homologies, traits that were
language is the jewel in our cognitive crown. Language present in our shared common ancestor. Other traits are
makes possible the greatest human cultural achievements, shared with more distant biological relatives but not with
ranging from quantum physics to the novel to the Internet, other primates (e.g., mechanisms underlying imitative vocal
because knowledge can be conveyed from mind to mind, learning). Such traits are traditionally considered to repre-
across generations, with progressive refinements and elabo- sent convergent evolution, analogy, or “homoplasy.”
ration. Without language and the community of minds that This latter category is of particular interest to neuroscien-
it creates, our species would be little more than an unusually tists, because animal species sharing linguistically relevant
clever bipedal ape. It is clear that human language rests on traits like vocal learning (e.g., songbirds) are more amenable
a unique, recently evolved, biological basis: our nearest to experimental analysis than are chimpanzees or other
nonhuman primates. It is becoming increasingly clear that
w. tecumseh fitch School of Life Sciences, University of traits that have evolved independently (“mere” analogies)
Vienna, Vienna, Austria may nonetheless be based on shared genetic developmental

fitch: biology and evolution of language 873

pathways: a situation sometimes termed deep homology. Recent DNA regions to which these genes bind, rather than protein-
discoveries suggest that deep homology is common in coding genes (Carroll, 2003). Protein-coding genes account
evolution (Shubin, Tabin, & Carroll, 1997; Wilkins, 2002). for a modest 1.5% of the human genome, and many base-
In deep homologues the genetic pathways leading to a trait pair changes are synonymous, so only some 200,000 base-
are shared, even though the structures that they build are pair changes (about 1% of the total) will lead to protein
not necessarily themselves homologous, because they were differences. Current techniques for finding such coding dif-
absent in phylogenetically intermediate taxa. Examples ferences are well developed and allow us to discover genes
include limbs in vertebrates and crustaceans, wings in birds that have been subjected to selection (e.g., Fay, Wyckoff, &
and insects, and the eye in vertebrates and cephalopods Wu, 2001). Unfortunately, the noncoding portion of the
(squids or octopuses). genome remains far more difficult to analyze. Differences in
The discovery of deep homology provides an exciting new gene expression between humans and other nonhuman pri-
range of empirical possibilities for scientists interested in the mates reveal substantial differences in the levels at which the
evolution of complex innovations, including human lan- same genes are expressed in the brain and suggest that
guage. The very concept of deep homology would have been humans are unusually divergent in this respect (Enard,
considered fanciful 20 years ago, and its reality has profound Khaitovich, Klose, & Paäbo, 2002). Thus we have good
consequences for both the concept of homology and our reasons to believe that changes in gene regulation and in
understanding of the evolution of complex innovations. The noncoding regions of DNA will be central to understanding
purpose of this article is to explore some of the consequences the evolution of human cognitive capabilities including lan-
of this new understanding for human language. guage. Given that many of the genetic differences between
us and chimpanzees have to do with immunity, olfaction,
Understanding human cognitive evolution and reproduction (Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis
Consortium, 2005), finding and understanding the genes
The Genetic Challenge of Language Humans are underlying human cognitive capacities resembles the prover-
unusual animals in many respects. Our most prominent bial search for a needle in a haystack. This is the central
morphological differences from our nearest extant relatives, challenge that needs to be faced if progress is to be made
the chimpanzees, are upright posture and bipedal locomotion, understanding the genetic basis of language. Researchers
relatively large brains, small teeth, and relative hairlessness, hoping to meet this challenge will need all the help they can
as well as a host of cognitive differences including sophisticated get, from all the disciplines potentially involved.
tool use and language. What are the genetic determinants of
these differences? Now that both human and chimpanzee The Neural Challenge of Language The evolution of
genomes have been sequenced, and given that there is only language has been argued to be one of the “hardest problems
roughly 1.2% genetic divergence at the sequence level (Chen in science” (Christiansen & Kirby, 2003), because its solution
& Li, 2001), one might expect this question to be an easy one requires progress on so many different disciplinary fronts
to answer. Unfortunately, this is far from being the case: the (including neuroscience, linguistics, psychology, and
human genome contains roughly 3 × 109 base pairs, predicting evolutionary biology). Real solutions will require successful
a whopping 18 million changes during our recent evolution interdisciplinary interactions across these traditionally
(assuming that chimpanzees and humans each account for separate scientific domains. For the cognitive neuroscientist,
half of the difference from a common ancestor, and thus that the fact that language enables us to express virtually any
0.6% of the changes occurred in the human genome). Many aspect of our thoughts and feelings suggests that any aspect
of these changes will be “silent” in the sense of having no of conscious brain function, across many cortical areas, may
effect on the phenotype, constituting “noise” in our search potentially be tapped for expression during linguistic
for the underlying cause of human-specific traits (Carroll, encoding. Exclusive focus on Broca’s area or other traditional
2003). Thus only a small proportion of these 18 million “language” areas will not by itself be sufficient. Language
changes will be biologically meaningful, and an even smaller takes all of cognition as its potential domain, and a well-
proportion may be expected to correlate specifically with developed neural theory of cognition will be required for a
human cognitive differences. Finding out which genes these full understanding of the neural basis of language. Such a
are and what specific changes led to which phenotypic effects theory is still far off. Furthermore, it is now clear that much
is a great challenge facing our attempts to understand the of the neural machinery for language is epigenetically
genetic mechanisms underlying human evolution. specified (there is no “hard-coded” language processor in a
The challenge is made greater by the fact that, based on fixed brain region). Adequate language skills develop even
what is known from “model organisms” such as mice or after complete removal of the left hemisphere (Liégeois
Drosophila, many of the critical changes are expected to et al., 2004), and bilinguals can recruit different brain regions
involve the expression of regulatory genes and noncoding when processing different languages (Hull & Vaid, 2007).

874 language
Thus an adequate neural model will also need to incorporate ontogeny and phylogeny for all traits. Because language
a rich theory of neural epigenesis: the interactions between changes, the linguistic target of the learner has been filtered
gene expression in independent cells as influenced by their through the minds of previous humans, and this process
local neural processing environment within the brain and leads to an “evolutionary” dynamic of its own (Darwin,
the external sensory world. This understanding also appears 1871; Fitch, 2007b; Kirby, Smith, & Brighton, 2004; Pagel,
far off, though recent progress driven by molecular techniques Atkinson, & Meade, 2007). The importance of this
is cause for hope. It will require the abandonment of scala interposition of an additional form of glossogenetic change,
natura models of brain evolution (cf. Striedter, 2004), and with a time scale between that of ontogeny and phylogeny,
accepting the broad and deep similarities among all is increasingly recognized (Deacon, 1997; Hurford, 1990;
vertebrate brains, from fish to humans, while simultaneously Kirby et al.; Nettle, 1999), but scientists are only beginning
allowing for the equally important differences among the to resolve some of the problems in gene/culture coevolution
brains of even closely related species. that this raises (Richerson & Boyd, 2005). Fortunately, we
have other biological examples of cultural change for
The Linguistic Challenge For the (psycho)linguist, the comparison (e.g., bird or whale “song”).
cognitive revolution in psychology and the associated The same is not true for the central feature of semantics:
generative revolution in linguistics have led to both the ability to express arbitrary thoughts. Current under-
considerable progress and a confusing profusion of theoretical standing of animal communication strongly suggests that
frameworks and perspectives. While there is widespread humans are unique in this ability: if there are nonhuman
agreement that the capacity for language has a strong species with open-ended semantics, they are remarkably
biological basis, unique when considered as a whole to our clever at hiding these abilities from generations of dedicated
species, there is little consensus about the detailed nature of ethologists (Bradbury & Vehrencamp, 1998; Hauser, 1996).
this capacity. Plausible hypotheses include a continuum Efforts at training nonhuman species with languagelike
from a broad and general “capacity for culture” (Tomasello, systems reveal both commonalities and significant differ-
1999; Tomasello, Carpenter, Call, Behne, & Moll, 2005) to ences (Kako, 1999; Tomasello & Call, 1997). One of the
a detailed computational system specific to language and to sharp differences is the apparent drive in our species to
humans (Pinker & Jackendoff, 2005). Intermediate positions express our thoughts and feelings to others. This drive poses
include the possibility that language is built on a broadly significant evolutionary problems, for the evolution of such
shared cognitive foundation, with a few powerful but novel apparently “altruistic” behavior is not predicted by standard
computational operations knitting shared mechanisms models of the evolution of communication and cooperation
together (Hauser, Chomsky, & Fitch, 2002; Fitch, Hauser, (Axelrod & Hamilton, 1981; Dawkins & Krebs, 1978;
& Chomsky, 2005). We can refer to all of the cognitive/ Trivers, 1971; Zahavi, 1993), while the kin-selection route
neural mechanisms involved in language production, to cooperative communication (Hamilton, 1964; Maynard
perception, or processing as the “faculty of language in a Smith & Harper, 2003) appears confounded by the fact that
broad sense,” or FLB; the subset of processing mechanisms humans do not communicate exclusively with kin (cf. Fitch,
specific to language and to our species can then be referred 2004). Thus language evolution still poses deep evolutionary
to as the “faculty of language in a narrow sense,” or FLN puzzles, if not the “embarrassment to evolutionary theory”
(Hauser et al.). Because the nature of this latter, more specific, once proclaimed by Premack (1986).
subset remains highly controversial (Fitch et al.; Pinker
& Jackendoff, 2005), I conservatively take the FLB as a This brief survey should convince any skeptics that the
whole as the explanandum here, emphasizing that this is a biology and evolution of language involve a profusion of
multicomponent system. The FLB includes the mechanisms challenging scientific problems. For many years the topic of
underlying phonetics, phonology, syntax, semantics, and language evolution was neglected as a result. However, a
pragmatics, without regard to whether each component is series of methodological advances have combined with theo-
specific to humans or not. Many components of the FLB will retical progress in a number of disciplines to reawaken hope
be shared with nonhuman animals and thus can be studied that “biolinguistics,” as this field is sometimes called, can
comparatively, and such studies are required to determine become an productive, empirical scientific discipline. This
the contents of FLN. hope is exciting, because language is such a central aspect
of human nature that a failure to understand it entails a
The Evolutionary Challenge For the evolutionary fundamentally incomplete understanding of ourselves. I
biologist, language evolution raises a number of challenges optimistically believe that the challenges I have sketched,
as well. One is that the cultural transmission of language and though daunting, are within the realm of scientific inquiry
the resultant process of language change (“glossogeny”) raise and will eventually yield to concerted empirical research.
important issues beyond those raised by the interaction of Indeed, I think that with collaborative interdisciplinary effort

fitch: biology and evolution of language 875

many of them can be solved in this century. One reason to the organism-internal “environment” that influences
for optimism is the success of the new synthesis of evolution- cellular differentiation. The importance of this plasticity,
ary and developmental biology, which has revolutionized though greatest in early development, never ceases in the
contemporary understanding of the interactions of genes, vertebrate brain (Nottebohm, 1989; Nottebohm, Kasparian,
development, and evolution in the last decades. & Pandazis, 1981; Schlaug, Jäncke, Huang, & Steinmetz,
1995). Thus the epigenetic perspective of evo-devo is just as
“Evo-devo”: The recent marriage of evolutionary and pertinent to understanding the brain as for the development
developmental biology of the hand or the eye (Carroll, 2003; Fernald, 2000; Shubin
et al., 1997). Under this broad epigenetic umbrella, one of
At an interdisciplinary conference on adaptation and evolu- the most crucial recent advances has been the discovery of
tion in 1979, the great evolutionary biologist John Maynard deep conservation of genetic mechanisms and pathways
Smith remarked that evolutionary theory will remain incom- involved in development.
plete until integrated with a similarly advanced theory of
developmental biology. Because it is genes, not individuals, “Deep homology” and the conservation of
that are passed down across the generations, mathematical developmental pathways
approaches to evolutionary biology take changes in genotypes
as the core phenomenon of interest (specifically, population- The great evolutionist Ernst Mayr once wrote that “the
level changes in allele frequency), and yet Darwin’s theory search for homologous genes is quite futile except in very
focuses on variant phenotypes (the material form of individual close relatives” (Mayr, 1963, p. 609). A recent revolutionary
organisms). Clearly, a bridging theory between genotype finding of modern molecular biology is that Mayr was quite
and phenotype is required: molecular developmental biology wrong about this. We now know that genes, particularly
and a successful theory of ontogenesis. Today, by means of those involved in development, can be conserved over
a happy series of consilient advances, the foundations of such extremely long periods of evolutionary time (e.g., the 1200
a theory are now available in a discipline called evolutionary million years separating contemporary arthropods and ver-
developmental biology, or “evo-devo” (Carroll, 2005; Carroll, tebrates). This discovery occurred initially in the context of
Grenier, & Weatherbee, 2005; Wilkins, 2002). Central to HOX genes (“homeobox” genes, which play a crucial role
this discipline is the recognition that genes do not direct in patterning the anterior-posterior body axis; cf. Duboule,
development in a vacuum, but that gene expression within 1994; Lewis, 1978). However, it is now apparent that many
a cell always occurs in an environment made up of other other developmental genes are equally strongly conserved
cells and structured by the past behavior of previous cells. (Wilkins, 2002), especially those that code for transcription
Genes do not provide a blueprint of adult form, but rather factors (proteins that bind to DNA and influence subsequent
a development “recipe” that relies heavily on the local extra- gene expression) and their binding sites. Further examples
cellular environment to determine the differentiation and include the Pax6 gene involved in the specification of eyes
growth of individual, semi-independent cells. This continual in diverse species from flies to squid to mice to humans
process of interaction between DNA within the cell and the (Gehring & Ikeo, 1999; Tomarev et al., 1997; van Heynin-
extracellular environment is termed epigenesis, a term connot- gen & Williamson, 2002).
ing the inadequacy of genetic determinism and traditional What makes the existence of such shared genes and
“gene as blueprint” models of ontogeny. genetic pathways (Duboule, 2007) deeply surprising is that
they control the development of structures that evolved con-
Neural Epigenesis Although our understanding of vergently. For example, the wings of birds and flies evolved
the epigenetic cycles of interaction between cells and their independently: the common ancestor of insects and birds did
local environment is currently most advanced for not posess wings (it was a wormlike terrestrial organism
morphological features such as animal limbs (Carroll et al., sometimes known as the Ur-bilaterian; De Robertis & Sasai,
2005), an epigenetic perspective is equally crucial for 1996). Fly and bird wings are thus “analogues” rather than
understanding brain development (Nottebohm, 1989; Rakic, homologues. It is thus surprising that the same underlying
1985). This is particularly true of the vertebrate neocortex, genetic mechanisms build these structures. This example is
characterized by extreme plasticity during fetal development. not particularly troubling, because in both cases we can
For example, temporal cortex, normally slated to function consider the wings to be evolved from simple generalized
as “auditory cortex” in the adult, can be “rewired” to appendages that were present in the Ur-bilaterian. The case
serve as visual cortex early in ontogeny (von Melchner, of Pax6 in eye development is more significant, because vir-
Pallas, & Sur, 2000). Such data extend the long-appreciated tually all pre-evo-devo scholars interested in eye evolution
dependence of the developing brain on organism-external agreed that complex eyes have evolved convergently in
stimulation (Held & Hein, 1963; Hubel & Wiesel, 1965) insects, molluscs, and vertebrates. Indeed the camera eye,

876 language
with lens and retina, of vertebrates and cephalopods (squid “modularist specialization” versus “generalist universality.”
and octopus) is a textbook case of convergent evolution. But Both viewpoints have been applied to human language.
we now know that Pax6 controls eye development in both. As cogently observed by Heyes (2003), these different
We must thus hypothesize that some simple eyespots in the viewpoints about cognitive evolution need not be in opposi-
Ur-bilaterian were, in some sense, ancestral to modern tion. A multicomponent perspective on language suggests
complex eyes, but this hypothesis greatly stretches the tradi- that some components (e.g., long-term memory for lexical
tional morphological definition of homology. items) might be broadly shared between species and cogni-
The solution to this problem has been to recognize a new tive domains, while others (e.g., mechanisms underlying
possibility, that developmental programs, down to the detailed recursive syntax) might be unique to our species (Hauser,
level of gene sequences and expression patterns during Chomsky, et al., 2002). Such a mixed bag is expected from
development, may be shared by virtue of common descent Darwinian evolution, and a theoretical framework for under-
(and thus homologous in one sense) while the structures that standing language evolution must fully encompass both pos-
they build are not. From a structural viewpoint, squid and sibilities if we are to empirically resolve the issue. Arguments
human eyes are convergently evolved analogues, but from a that “language” is monolithically modular or domain-general
developmental viewpoint the genetic tools utilized to build both oversimplify the situation to the detriment of empirical
them are homologues. This superficially paradoxical situa- progress. Instead, humans have multiple mechanisms (bio-
tion results from deep homology, and it demands wholesale logically based predilections, biases, and constraints) crucial
rethinking of traditional notions of homology (Rutishauser to language. Once we have accurately specified the part-
& Moline, 2005; Shubin et al., 1997). Given increasing evi- icular mechanism of interest (e.g., vocal learning, syntax
dence that developmental pathways are highly conserved, comprehension, lexical acquisition, “theory of mind,” etc.),
across all metazoan phyla, deep homology may be common it becomes an empirical question whether the components
and indeed may be the rule rather than the exception in underlying such traits constitute widely shared mechanisms
development. This evidence raises the possibility that shared making up a general vertebrate or mammalian “cognitive
homologous developmental pathways underlying the evolu- tool kit” or highly specific components uniquely tuned to
tion of such innovative traits as eyes, wings, limblessness in human language. Probably, some will be shared, and some
reptiles, or echolocation in bats might have implications for will be unique to our species. We expect even “unique”
debates in the biology and evolution of language. mechanisms to function in a context of a suite of shared
cognitive mechanisms that both predated them in evolution-
Deep homology and evolutionary innovation in ary time and are shared with nonhuman species. A broad
cognition and language comparative approach is a logical prerequisite for addressing
such questions, because no valid claim of “human unique-
A persistent debate in cognitive science, inherited by cogni- ness” can be made without a search for similar mechanisms
tive neuroscience, may be characterized as the “specialist/ in other animals.
generalist” debate. At the “specialist” end of the continuum, The discovery of deep homology raises the fascinating
often typified by neuroethologists, organisms are seen as possibility that even “unique” innovations, evolved during
supremely adapted to their particular way of life: echolocat- recent human evolution and isolated to our small branch of
ing bats have evolved specializations of hearing and vocal the primate lineage, might derive from more widely shared
production, electroreceptive fish have evolved innovative developmental processes. If so, the developmental pathways
electrical field production and perception mechanisms, and involved may be expected to impose certain constraints (or
food-caching birds have evolved prodigious memories biases) on the system thus evolved, constraints that can be
(Camhi, 1984; Schnitzler, Menne, Kober, & Heblich, 1983). understood by examining the nature of the developmental
However, this perspective has not gone unchallenged by process in nonhuman species. This approach provides an
researchers who point out that underlying mechanisms exciting empirical possibility: that the nature of the neural
may be shared across superficially different cognitive domains developmental processes that give humans our unique
(cf. Bolhuis & Macphail, 2001). Similarly, a dominant con- capacity for language can be probed, at a detailed molecular
temporary paradigm in human evolutionary psychology genetic level, by examining analogous processes in other
favors a view of the human mind/brain as a “Swiss army vertebrates. Indeed, such inquiry could actually aid in gene
knife”: a series of domain-specific adaptive modules (Barkow, discovery and thus help solve the “needle in a haystack”
Cosmides, & Tooby, 1992). Opponents of this nativist/mod- problem discussed earlier. To the extent that nature repeat-
ularist view emphasize the deep similarities in cognitive per- edly uses the same developmental tool kit to solve similar
formance both across cognitive domains and between species evolutionary problems, generating deep homology, we can
(for a balanced review see Laland & Brown, 2002). We might expect investigations of widely separated organisms, from
characterize these different viewpoints as emphasizing honeybees to birds, to offer valuable cues to the genes and

fitch: biology and evolution of language 877

genetic pathways involved in human language. This endeavor A key component of vocal motor control, present in
requires that we specify the nature of the computations that humans but lacking in other primates, is the direct con-
a particular linguistic mechanism performs, and then search nections between motor neurons in the inferior frontal
for analogues of these computations in other species, regard- neocortex to the motor neurons in the brain stem that
less of how closely related to us they might be. Although we control the larynx and respiration (Deacon, 1997; Jürgens,
don’t expect this strategy to work in every case (no one 2002; Kuypers, 1958a, 1958b). Mammalian vocalization,
expects that every convergently evolved trait will involve deep including innate vocalizations like screams and laughter in
homology), the recent evo-devo literature suggests that deep humans, generally relies upon an ancient medial “limbic”
homology is common enough to constitute a winning bet in system, incorporating command neurons in the periacque-
many cases (Carroll, 2006; Carroll et al., 2005; Shubin, ductal gray (PAG) that project to the medullary nuclei that
2008; Wilkins, 2002). Thus the concept of deep homology are home to vocal motor neurons, particularly the nucleus
opens exciting routes for empirical enquiry. ambiguus. While this ancient “chassis” controlling vocaliza-
In the remainder of this chapter I review a specific set of tion includes a medial cortical component (the anterior cin-
neural and genetic mechanisms, relevant to speech, from a gulate), neurons in the lateral cortex play little role in
comparative evolutionary viewpoint. These data illustrate controlling vocalization and lack any direct connections
the reality of a deep homology underlying vocal learning, onto vocal motor neurons in most vertebrates (Jürgens,
demonstrating the potential for this approach to the biology 2002, 1994). Humans have evolved an additional set of vocal
and evolution of human language more generally. connections, constituting a novel system for vocal control,
parallel to this ancient mammalian system. Kuypers and
An illustrative example: Mechanisms underlying Jürgens hypothesized that this system, with its direct connec-
speech and vocal learning tions from motor cortex to vocal motor neurons, is a crucial
component in the human ability to voluntarily control the
Among primates, humans appear unique in our capacity for acoustic details of vocalization: an ability not present in
complex vocal learning, but we share this capacity with monkeys or apes (Larson, Ortega, & DeRosier, 1988; Larson,
dolphins, seals, and birds (Fitch, 2000; Janik & Slater, 1997) Sutton, Taylor, & Lindeman, 1973). Consistent with this
and probably elephants (Poole, Tyack, Stoeger-Horwath, & hypothesis, no such direct connections have been revealed
Watwood, 2005). It has recently become clear that vocal in detailed studies of many different nonhuman primates
learning in birds and humans nonetheless involves identical (reviewed in Jürgens, 2002).
genes, and in particular that the FOXP2 gene involved in This Kuypers/Jürgens hypothesis—that direct corticomotor
human oromotor control (see chapter 58 in this volume by connections are necessary for complex vocal control—is test-
Franck Ramus and Simon E. Fisher) also plays a crucial role able by examinations of nonprimate species in which vocal
in vocal learning in zebra finches (Haesler et al., 2007; learning is or is not present. For example, vocal learning has
Scharff & Haesler, 2005). Thus FOXP2, the first gene known independently evolved in three clades of birds, all of which
to be specifically involved in human spoken language, also show surprisingly similar patterns of connectivity that differ-
appears to be a case of deep homology, in the same vein as entiate them from nonvocal learners (Jarvis, 2007). The best-
the well-studied examples of HOX genes in body plan devel- studied of these three groups, by far, are the oscine passerine
opment or PAX6 in eye development. birds (“songbirds”) all of whom appear to learn their songs.
A core prerequisite of a flexible communication system Consistent with the Kuypers/Jürgens hypothesis, direct tel-
is that it include a mechanism for innovation (of new encephalic/vocal-motor neuron connections exist in song-
words, phrases, or syntactic rules) and a way of sharing these birds and parrots (Jarvis, 2004; Wild, 1993) comparable to
among those using the language. These requirements entail those documented in our own species. This finding illustrates
a capacity for imitation: children learning this system must the power of the comparative method to use convergently
be able to copy lexical items or rules that are not part of evolved traits to test adaptive, mechanistic hypotheses.
their innate behavioral repertoire. Because language can The connections discussed in the previous paragraph are
be expressed either vocally-auditorily (speech) or visually- probably necessary for vocal control but not alone sufficient
manually (sign), this prerequisite is a general one. However, for vocal learning, which further requires a capacity to utilize
it is clear that great apes, and thus our common ancestor auditory input to control vocal output. This process, too, is
with chimpanzees, have a poor or nonexistent capacity for well understood in songbirds (Marler & Slabbekoorn, 2004),
vocal imitation, while their visual/gestural imitation is more often relying on a developmental process in which the young
like our own (Call & Tomasello, 2007; Hayes, 1951; Janik bird is exposed to song during a sensitive period, and then
& Slater, 1997). Thus a “key innovation” (Liem, 1973) in fine-tunes its song and its control over the vocal apparatus
the evolution of spoken language was our novel capacity for during a practice period termed subsong. Songbirds deprived
vocal imitation. of either “template” songs or the opportunity for subsong

878 language
do not typically develop species-typical song. The subsong Although there are presumably many genes involved in
phenomenon in birds provides a striking parallel with vocal motor control, and many more involved in language
human babbling, which appears to play a similar functional more broadly, the example of FOXP2 shows that deep
role in human vocal learning (Doupe & Kuhl, 1999; homology is not a phenomenon restricted to peripheral mor-
Locke & Pearson, 1990). This, then, is a shared behavioral phology. Furthermore, it illustrates the power of a model
mechanism, similar to the neural mechanisms just discussed, system like birdsong to illuminate our understanding of
that underpins the convergence of vocal learning in humans human vocal control. Experiments like those just discussed
and birds. in birds are impossible in humans for ethical reasons and in
Finally, recent genetic studies of birdsong learning dem- primates for practical reasons: primates are incapable of
onstrate further similarities. Recent experimental work in complex vocal learning. While FOXP2 knockout mice have
the laboratory of Constance Scharff has now clearly docu- been created that show various motor deficits (Shu et al.,
mented a role in avian vocal learning of a gene that was 2005) and knockin mice with human versions of FOXP2
originally discovered in the context of human vocal motor have been engineered (Groszer et al., 2008), there is no evi-
control and learning: forkhead-box P2, or FOXP2 (cf. dence of vocal learning in mice, and thus interpretation of
Ramus and Fisher, chapter 58 in this volume). Like the these results will remain problematic. Indeed, the develop-
HOX and PAX genes discussed earlier, FOX genes code for mental processes in which FOXP2 is involved almost cer-
a transcription factor: a protein that binds to DNA and tainly require a suite of other coevolved mechanisms that
enhances or inhibits the expression of other genes. Also like are not present in most mammals. In contrast, in species like
HOX and PAX, FOX genes are members of a large and songbirds with a fully developed vocal learning ability, the
highly conserved family of transcription factors. Perhaps discovery of one of the genes involved opens the door to
surprisingly, given this conservatism, a human-specific muta- targeted search for other genes in the system. The use of
tion in this gene leads to a specific deficit in oral and vocal large-scale gene-expression assays, targeted on genes known
motor control, first discovered in a family living in England to be up-regulated during vocal learning in birds (Wada
(Vargha-Khadem, Gadian, Copp, & Mishkin, 2005; Vargha- et al., 2006), will play an important role in the discovery of
Khadem & Passingham, 1990; Vargha-Khadem et al., such genes. Thus the undisputed fact that birdsong and
1998). The discovery of this gene (Fisher, Vargha-Khadem, human speech evolved independently may turn out to be
Watkins, Monaco, & Pembrey, 1998) was groundbreaking quite irrelevant to the question of the genetic mechanisms
in that it uncovered the first, presumably of many, genes involved, which may well be largely homologous.
involved in human cognition and language. A decade later
FOXP2 remains the clearest example of a gene involved in Conclusions and prospects
spoken language, shared by all nonclinical human popula-
tions, and different from chimpanzees and other primates. In this chapter I have argued that the discovery of deep
In a striking new demonstration of deep homology, Scharff homology is relevant to cognitive neuroscience, and in the
and her colleagues have shown that FOXP2 (and other case of FOXP2 to spoken language. However, I fully appre-
closely related FOX genes, including FOXP1) is expressed ciate that speech is not language (Fitch, 2000) and constitutes
in similar brain regions in birds and humans and plays a role just one component of a set of diverse mechanisms necessary
in vocal learning (Haesler et al., 2004; Scharff & Haesler, for human language. What of these other mechanisms? In
2005). In the most direct evidence of this role, Haesler and particular, what of semantics and syntax, which most schol-
colleagues (2007) showed that a novel lentivirus-mediated ars agree are more central to human language than is speech
knockdown of FOXP2 expression, via RNA interference, (though see Lieberman, 1998, 2000)? At present we know
decreased the quality and quantity of vocal learning in zebra far less about the neural and genetic mechanisms underlying
finches. The effect occurred only with injections in brain semantics or syntax than those underlying speech, but a
regions specifically evolved in vocal learning (Area X, combination of brain imaging, gene expression profiling,
homologous to basal ganglia in humans) and not injections and exploitation of the comparative method gives reasons
in nonsong areas, providing strong evidence for a key role for optimism concerning these components of language. I
of FOXP2 in vocal learning in birds. Although the ability will thus end by listing some open questions concerning
for vocal learning evolved separately in birds and humans, these additional factors.
the behavioral and neural mechanisms involved show that
there are fundamental similarities at the computational and Semantics A central challenge language poses for
circuit levels, and that the genetic mechanisms involved are evolutionary theory is the readiness humans exhibit to share
identical. Thus FOXP2 constitutes a deep homology: a con- information with other, unrelated, individuals. This drive is
served homologous developmental pathway underlying a striking in its absence in most animals, even in language-
convergently evolved trait. trained chimpanzees who have the machinery for transmitting

fitch: biology and evolution of language 879

considerable information about the world (Tomasello, 2001, had both complex perceptual and motor control, and
2007). Although our loquacious tendency has no specific complex cognition, syntax is often supposed to be the
name in English, the German term Mitteilungsbedürfnis most recent evolutionary advance, and thus to constitute
(denoting a drive to share one’s thoughts) captures it nicely. a “key innovation” during the phylogenesis of human
This drive is puzzling to evolutionary biologists because the language. Nonetheless, there is every reason to expect that
standard explanation of apparently altruistic behaviors in syntax built upon a preexisting ability of organisms to find
animals is that they are genetically “selfish” in the sense patterns in perceptual input, and that these pattern-discovery
that they are doled out preferentially to related individuals, mechanisms can be studied comparatively.
and can thus be explained by means of kin selection One promising development in this regard is the use of
(Foster, Wenseleers, & Ratnieks, 2006; Maynard Smith, “artificial grammar learning” to probe spontaneous capaci-
1964). But humans share information not only with unrelated ties for pattern induction. Such work involves exposing
individuals, but also with perfect strangers, a practice for subjects to a set of experimentally generated stimuli (the
which there can be little evolutionary advantage. One way “exposure” phase) and then testing to see what patterns
out of the conundrum is the suggestion that language evolved participants have extracted, by examining their reactions to
initially in a kin communication context and only later was novel stimuli that either fit into or violate the “rules” implicit
“exapted” out of this context to serve unrelated individuals in the exposure set. This work was originally developed with
exchanging information reciprocally (Fitch, 2004, 2007a). adult humans (Reber, 1967), but methodological advances
By this model, the friendly sharing of information with total now allow similar techniques to be used with human infants
strangers might remain a nonadaptive characteristic of (Gómez & Gerken, 1999; Marcus, Vijayan, Bandi Rao, &
human language. Alternatively, this may have supported the Vishton, 1999; Saffran, Aslin, & Newport, 1996) and nonhu-
evolution of novel mechanisms for more Machiavellian man animals (Hauser, Newport, & Aslin, 2001; Hauser,
reciprocity among unrelated adults. These issues remain Weiss, & Marcus, 2002; Toro & Trobalón, 2005). Using the
largely unstudied empirically. well-developed formalism of formal language theory to
Another deep problem in the evolution of semantics is generate stimuli, Fitch and Hauser (2004) tested the abilities
the evolution of “Theory of Mind” (ToM) in our species. of humans and cotton-top tamarin monkeys to learn either
Many aspects of the pragmatics of normal conversation a simple finite-state grammar or a more complex phrase-
require not just a desire to be informative, but also a complex structure grammar. The results suggest that these monkeys
mental model of what one’s interlocutor knows and does not are limited to the former class. These results have been
know (Grice, 1975). Being informative in the simple sense of extended with other species, and these recent data suggest
relaying new information is not enough: to be relevant also that the ability to parse hierarchical phrase structure relies
requires a further notion of what the other person is trying on a particular computational component that is clearly
to accomplish in a particular conversation (Sperber & present in humans, lacking in at least some nonhuman pri-
Wilson, 1986). My mother’s birthday or grandfather’s shoe mates, and perhaps present in starlings (a songbird species)
size are likely to be novel to most interlocutors but will rarely (Fitch & Hauser, 2004; Gentner, Fenn, Margoliash, &
be relevant to their interests. Although there has been con- Nusbaum, 2006). Furthermore, brain-imaging data suggest
siderable progress in recent years in comparative research that humans process such grammar classes using different
addressing the capacities of nonhuman primates and birds cytoarchitectonic regions in the inferior frontal cortex
to model the minds of others (Bugnyar, Stöwe, & Heinrich, (Friederici, Bahlmann, Heim, Schubotz, & Anwander,
2004; Hare, Call, Agnetta, & Tomasello, 2000; Hare & 2006). Although the genetic mechanisms involved remain
Tomasello, 2004), the high-level ToM involved in human unstudied at present, this may be another example where
language appears to be another “key innovation” our species birds provide a better model species for human language
acquired before language could reach its full, modern form. than nonhuman primates. If so, this will be excellent news
Because the possession of language itself almost certainly for neurobiologists interested in understanding such mecha-
aids our capacity to model the minds of others, this may be nisms, since empirical techniques applicable to the develop-
a chicken-and-egg question: without ToM you can not ing avian brain are, and seem likely to remain, more
have language, and without language you do not have full sophisticated and advanced than those available for nonhu-
ToM. Resolution of this issue remains a central issue in the man primates (and of course for humans).
evolution of language.
Syntax Syntax is a core component of language because
of its mediating role between the perceptual world of speech While the genetic bases underlying syntactic or semantic
and sign and the conceptual world of thoughts, imagery, and abilities in our species remain unknown, there is good reason
memory. Because it is clear that our prelinguistic ancestors to expect rapid progress in uncovering them. This will usher

880 language
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fitch: biology and evolution of language 883

Chapter 60 sullivan, moriceau,
raineki, and roth 889

61 ledoux, schiller,
and cain 905

62 vuilleumier and brosch 925

63 whalen and davis 935

64 hariri 945

65 mitchell and
heatherton 953

66 beer 961

67 singer and leiberg 973

68 greene 987
todd f. heatherton and
joseph e. ledoux

In the previous edition of this book we noted that the neu-

roscientific study of emotion was flourishing, and this led
scientists to recognize that other hot aspects of cognition—
namely, the social aspects of cognition—were equally due
for attention. In the past five years the field of social neuro-
science has exploded, as evidenced by the launching of new
journals and major initiatives from many federal funding
agencies. At the core of this emphasis on social cognition is
the importance of emotional processing. The social and
emotional aspects of the brain are inexorably linked, the
adaptive significance of emotions being closely linked to
their social value, and nearly all social interaction produces
affective responses. It is clear from the chapters in this section
that the study of emotion and social cognition remains at the
forefront of cognitive neuroscience.
The interdisciplinary field of cognitive neuroscience has
provided ample evidence of the benefits of examining psy-
chological constructs across multiple levels of analysis, from
the molecular to the cultural. The chapters in this section
cross many levels, from the role of systems, cellular and
molecular mechanisms in learning and memory in adult
animals (LeDoux, Schiller, and Cain) and during early
development (Sullivan and colleagues), to human studies of
emotion (Vuilleumier and Brosch, Whalen and Davis) and
emotion regulation (Beer) using functional imaging, includ-
ing imaging genomics (Hariri), and studies of brain regions
that support social cognition (Mitchell and Heatherton), sen-
sitivity to others (Singer and Leiberg), and moral transgres-
sions (Greene), many of the chapters emphasizing how these
systems interact. It is clear that research that uses multiple
approaches is moving the field toward the ultimate goal of
developing coherent models of how the brain makes emotion
and performs its social function.

heatherton and ledoux: introduction 887

In the last edition there was remarkable convergence of social psychologists and cognitive neuroscientists in using
evidence highlighting the important role of the amygdala brain imaging to study social aspects of cognition, such as
across animal species and paradigms. The importance of the recognition of faces and emotional expressions, theory of
amygdala continues to hold center stage in the neuroscience mind, social emotions such as empathy, judging trustwor-
of emotion, as is evident in many of the chapters. LeDoux, thiness and attractiveness, and cooperation. Mitchell and
Schiller, and Cain provide a timely review of the importance Heatherton outline the basic components necessary for a
of the amygdala in normal and pathological fear, especially social brain, including a sense of self, mentalizing ability,
the cellular molecular mechanisms that underlie learning capacity for self-regulation, and threat detectors for ingroup
and memory. For instance, they update research demon- and outgroup threats, and they discuss the discrete neural
strating the important role of gene expression in long-term signatures of these basic components. Beer describes research
potentiation, which is perhaps the most likely candidate for on how people are able to regulate their emotions so that
the physiological basis of fear conditioning and other forms they can function in their social groups. She outlines evi-
of memory. The chapter by Sullivan and colleagues demon- dence that damage to areas of frontal cortex interferes with
strates that the role of the amygdala in fear learning depends emotion regulation. Singer and Leiberg describe fascinating
on its developmental maturity. During the sensitive period new research on the neural basis of empathy and how it is
associated with a rat pup’s attachment to its mother (about influenced by both dispositional and contextual factors.
10 days postnatal), fear learning is attenuated due to a Finally, Greene describes research on how human brains
lack of amygdala functioning. This process allows the pup make moral judgments. The ethical brain reflects perhaps
to attach to its mother irrespective of whether the mother is the greatest achievement of human evolution, and research-
treating it harshly or gently. Vuilleumier and Brosch present ers are just beginning to identify how people make these
exciting new evidence that attention and emotion can influ- types of important decisions.
ence basic visual processing. That is, the emotional signifi- Considering the section as a whole, it is clear that the
cance of stimuli, not just the strictly visual properties of the study of emotion continues to be a strong growth area in
retinal image, influences basic perceptual processing. They cognitive neuroscience. Moreover, it has expanded to include
provide compelling evidence that the amygdala plays an the closely connected social brain. As an organ that has
important role in the modulation of sensory information. evolved to solve adaptive problems, the brain relies on
Whalen and Davis address how context influences amygdala emotional processes to solve challenges to successful adapta-
activity and subsequent interpretations of emotional stimuli; tion. For humans, many of the most pernicious adaptive
that is, they describe how amygdala activity is strongly problems involve other humans, such as selecting mates,
affected by the context in which biologically relevant cues cooperating in hunting and gathering, forming alliances,
are encountered. Hariri provides examples of how imaging competing over scarce resources, and even warring with
genetics can lead to insights about the biological mechanisms neighboring groups. Interacting with other humans pro-
underlying individual differences in complex behavioral duces emotion, and these emotions serve as guidelines for
traits, such as how abnormal gene expression in the sero- successful group living. For example, behaviors such as lying,
tonin system can affect how the amygdala responds to facial cheating, and stealing are discouraged by social norms in all
expressions. Taken together, these chapters not only rein- societies because they decrease survival and reproduction for
force the important role of the amygdala in emotional pro- other group members. They also elicit vigorous emotional
cessing but also demonstrate how new techniques and responses. Hence any true understanding of human nature
approaches are continuing to provide important insights. will require a full consideration of both the emotional brain
The last four chapters in this section focus more on the and the social brain. We expect that research on this topic
social basis of emotional processing. These chapters demon- will continue to be on the cutting edge of cognitive neurosci-
strate that there continues to be growing interest among ence in the next decade.

888 the emotional and social brain

60 Ontogeny of Infant Fear
Learning and the Amygdala
regina m. sullivan, stephanie moriceau,
charlis raineki, and tania l. roth

abstract To support attachment to the caregiver, altricial The social environment of the developing altricial animal
infants, including humans and rats, must identify, learn, and is very different at birth and weaning. For example, social
remember their caregiver. The early attachment process in the rat behavior in the infant rat following birth is limited to prox-
is distinguished by its behavior and underlying neural circuitry,
which are both exquisitely suited to promoting the infant-caregiver imity-seeking of the caregiver. And though the complex
relationship. Foremost, infants have the enhanced ability to acquire social behavior of the developing and preweanling rat pup
learned preferences, and this behavior is supported by the hyper- still involves proximity-seeking of the caretaker, it now must
functioning locus coeruleus and experience-induced changes in the also facilitate interactions with peers as well as the unfamiliar
olfactory bulb and anterior piriform cortex. But of equal impor- social world outside the nest. Thus the rapid maturation of
tance, infants have a decreased ability to acquire learned aversions
and fear, and this behavior is facilitated through attenuated amyg-
most altricial mammals and the ultimate transition to adult
dala activity. Presumably, this attachment circuitry constrains the social behavior require dynamic neural circuitry that is
infant to form only preferences for the caretaker regardless of capable of responding to these contrasting environments.
the quality of the care received. With maturation and the end of In this chapter, we will review the literature on infant
the infant-caregiver attachment learning period, the developing attachment learning and the underlying neural circuitry
rat’s social behavior and underlying circuitry transition to accom-
that mediate early infant-caregiver social interactions, the
modate life outside the nest. However, early-life environmental and
physiological stressors can alter the dynamic nature of this circuitry, transitioning role of this behavior and circuitry during devel-
particularly in respect to the amygdala. Such changes likely provide opment, and the enduring effects of stress on both the attach-
a framework for the lasting effects of early stress on emotional and ment circuitry and adult behavior.
cognitive outcome.
Early-life social behavior: Attachment learning
Altricial infants of many species, including the human and
The altricial infant’s social world revolves around the care- rat, must learn to identify, orient and approach, and prefer
giver, and as evolution would have it, the infant’s emotional their own mother (Bowlby, 1969; Polan & Hofer, 1998;
and social behaviors have been well crafted to form and Shair, Masmela, Brunelli, & Hofer, 1997). This attachment
maintain the infant-caregiver relationship. Infants of many learning begins during fetal life and continues after birth.
altricial species must learn to recognize their caregiver as the For example, human infants recognize, orient toward,
target of their social behavior and continue to express prox- and prefer their own mother’s voice when tested within
imity-seeking behaviors toward their caregiver to receive the hours of birth (DeCasper & Fifer, 1980). Furthermore, two-
food, protection, and warmth necessary for survival. This day-old newborns will increase suckling at the sound of
learning about the caregiver and the emergence of social their own mother’s voice versus any other human voice,
behavior directed toward the caregiver are referred to as indicative of a learned preference for maternal voice (Fifer
attachment, and this process has wide phylogenetic repre- & Moon, 1995). This recognition is also true regarding
sentation, including chicks, rodents, nonhuman primates, maternal odor. At birth, a human infant who is placed on
and humans. the mother’s ventrum will slowly approach a breast scented
with amniotic fluid in preference to an untreated breast
regina m. sullivan, stephanie moriceau, and charlis (Varendi, Porter, & Winberg, 1996), and a change in mater-
raineki Emotional Brain Institute, Nathan Kline Institute and nal diet, which will alter the odor of the amniotic fluid,
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York University Langone directly influences this preferential response (Lecanuet &
Medical Center, Orangeburg, New York
tania l. roth Department of Neurobiology and the Evelyn F. Schaal, 1996; Mennella, Johnson, & Beauchamp, 1995;
McKnight Brain Institute, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Schaal, Marlier, & Soussignan, 1995). This early odor pref-
Birmingham, Alabama erence appears to be learned and modulates interaction with

sullivan, moriceau, raineki, and roth: infant fear and amygdala 889
the mother (Schaal, Marlier, & Soussignan, 1995; Sullivan as illustrated in figure 60.1, a broad range of stimuli have
et al., 1991). been shown to function as a reward capable of producing
Odor learning about the mother for infant attachment learned odor preferences in infant rats outside the nest
appears phylogenetically widespread. Similar learning con- (Alberts & May, 1984; Brake, 1981; Galef & Sherry, 1973;
trols early social behavior in rats (Alberts & May, 1984; Blass Johanson & Hall, 1979; Johanson & Teicher, 1980; Leon,
& Teicher, 1980; Polan & Hofer, 1998; Risser & Slotnick, 1975; McLean, Darby-King, Sullivan, & King, 1993;
1987; Teicher, Flaum, Williams, Eckhert, & Lumia, 1978), Pedersen et al., 1982; Sullivan, Brake, et al., 1986; Sullivan,
rabbits (Distel & Hudson, 1985; Hudson, 1985; Hudson & Hofer, & Brake, 1986; Weldon, Travis, & Kennedy, 1991;
Distel, 1983), and mice (Armstrong, DeVito, & Cleland, Wilson & Sullivan, 1994).
2006; Coppola, Coltrane, & Arsov, 1994; M. B. Hennessy, Though it is well established that the infant rat shows
Li, & Levine, 1980; Moles, Kieffer, & D’Amato, 2004). In excellent learning and memory ability, particularly for
these species, an infant’s social world after birth is the nest; learned odor preferences, we still understand very little of
therefore social behavior is mostly directed toward the the neural framework that is responsible for this early behav-
mother. Indeed, during this time of dependency upon the ior. Indeed, the neural structures that are well documented
mother, behavior is centered on maintaining contact with to support learned behavior in adult rats (e.g., hippocampus,
the mother, and this behavior is guided and controlled by frontal cortex, and amygdala) are not yet fully functional in
the presence of maternal odor (Galef & Kaner, 1980; Leon, infants. This suggests that the neural circuitry that mediates
1992). Specifically, maternal odor drives an infant to attachment learning and memory in the developing rat
approach the mother and induces nipple attachment, while might differ from that in the adult. Our work as well as that
chemical removal of the natural maternal odor disrupts of others has shown that indeed this is the case. Together,
these behaviors (Hofer, Shair, & Singh, 1976; Teicher & data implicate a unique neural framework in the infant that
Blass, 1977). is responsible for the olfactory-based attachment learning.
Infant rats learn their mother’s odor naturally within the
nest (Brunjes & Alberts, 1979; Campbell, 1984; Galef & Attachment learning circuitry
Kaner, 1980; Leon, 1975; Miller, Jagielo, & Spear, 1989;
Pedersen, Williams, & Blass, 1982; Rudy & Cheatle, 1977; Both anatomical and physiological changes within the olfac-
Sullivan, Brake, Hofer, & Williams, 1986; Sullivan, Hofer, tory bulb have been documented to support odor preference
& Brake, 1986; Sullivan, Wilson, Wong, Correa, & Leon, learning and memory in infant rats (Fillion & Blass, 1986;
1990; Terry & Johanson, 1996). However, this learning Fleming, O’Day, & Kraemer, 1999; Johnson, Woo, Duong,
can be mimicked in classical conditioning experiments Nguyen, & Leon, 1995; Moore, Jordan, & Wong, 1996;
outside the nest (Camp & Rudy, 1988; Haroutunian & Sullivan & Wilson, 1991; Wilson, Sullivan, & Leon, 1987;
Campbell, 1979; Moriceau & Sullivan, 2006; Roth & Woo, Coopersmith, & Leon, 1987; Yuan, Harley, Darby-
Sullivan, 2005; Spear, 1978; Sullivan, Hofer, & Brake, 1986; King, Neve, & McLean, 2003; Zhang, Okutani, Inoure, &
Sullivan, Landers, Yeaman, & Wilson, 2000). Specifically, Kaba, 2003). These changes occur not only in response to
paired presentations of odor and reward are sufficient to odors experienced in the nest (Sullivan et al., 1990), but also
produce both learned odor preferences (demonstrated by an in controlled learning experiments outside the nest (Sullivan
approach to the odor) and nipple attachment. Furthermore, & Leon, 1986; Johnson et al., 1995; Moriceau & Sullivan,

Figure 60.1 This graph illustrates pup preference learning from or foot-shock (0.5 mA). With the close of the sensitive period,
stroking (mimicking mother licking) and shock (mimicking pain twelve-day-old pups no longer show learned-odor associations with
received from mother) and developmental changes. During a sensi- stroking and, in contrast to younger pups, show learned aversions
tive period, eight-day-old rat pups readily form a learned odor to odor-shock presentations.
preference to contiguous presentations of odor and stroking or tail-

890 the emotional and social brain

2004; Roth & Sullivan, 2005; Yuan, Harley, McLean, & ment learning period, “adultlike” characteristics of the LC
Knopfel, 2002; Sullivan & Wilson, 1991; Wilson, Sullivan, & emerge, including a shorter stimulus-evoked response time
Leon, 1987). These learning-induced olfactory bulb changes and stimulus habituation. These adult characteristics paral-
are attributable to the large influx of norepinephrine (NE) lel the functional emergence of the α2 inhibitory autorecep-
released from the locus coeruleus (LC) (McLean & Shipley tors, and this functional change in physiology of the LC
1991; Shipley, Halloran, & de la Torre, 1985), which dovetails when NE begins to play a more modulatory role
prevents the mitral cells of the olfactory bulb from habituat- (verses the necessary and sufficient role) in learned behavior
ing to continual olfactory stimulation (Okutani, Kaba, (Ferry & McGaugh, 2000; McGaugh, 2006).
Takahashi, & Seto, 1998; Sullivan, Stackenwalt, Nasr, Thus far, we have discussed the experience-induced
Lemon, & Wilson, 2000; Sullivan, Wilson, & Leon, 1989; changes in the olfactory bulb and LC that are responsible
Sullivan, Zyzak, Skierkowski, & Wilson, 1992; Wilson, for early-life learned-odor associations. One additional
Sullivan, & Leon, 1987). At the molecular level, NE also structure that we recently added to the infant attachment
increases CREB phosphorylation (pCREB) via cAMP stimu- circuit is the piriform “olfactory” cortex. Axons of the mitral
lation (McLean, Harley, Darby-King, & Yuan, 1999; Yuan cells of the olfactory bulb project directly to the piriform
et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2003). This ultimately activates the cortex (Haberly, 2001; Schwob & Price, 1984a), and the
transcription of immediate-early and late-response genes piriform cortex can be divided, both anatomically and
whose readouts support synapse formation, neurogenesis, physiologically, into two distinct structures: (1) the anterior
and learning (Bekinschtein, Cammarota, Izquierdo, & piriform cortex, which is more influenced by direct olfactory
Medina, 2008; Tao, Finkbeiner, Arnold, Shaywitz, & bulb input, and (2) the posterior piriform cortex, which is
Greenberg, 1998). This is a common cellular cascade that more influenced by input from other limbic structures
mediates learned behavior in many species across develop- and intracortical connectivity (Swanson & Petrovich, 1998;
ment (Carew, 1996; Carew & Sutton, 2001; Rankin, 2002). Wilson & Stevenson, 2003). While cellular and physiological
In the infant, the abundant amount of NE released to the changes in the olfactory bulb play a prominent role in
olfactory bulb is inducible by a wide range of sensory stimuli the early learning process, the piriform cortex appears
(Nakamura & Sakaguchi, 1990; Rangel & Leon, 1995). Fur- to have an important role in assigning the hedonic value
thermore, NE is both necessary and sufficient for the learn- to a learned odor. In particular, early-life learned odor
ing-induced behavioral and neural changes that are displayed preferences engage the anterior piriform cortex (with no
in the infant. Specifically, either lesioning the LC or blocking detectable activity in the posterior piriform), while learned
NE receptors in the olfactory bulb prevents associative learn- odor aversions in older pups and adults engage posterior
ing. An odor preference is also readily learned with paired piriform cortical activity (Moriceau & Sullivan 2006;
presentations of NE (LC stimulation or intrabulbar NE infu- Moriceau et al., 2006; Raineki, Shionoya, Sander, &
sions) and an odor (Sullivan et al., 1992; Sullivan, Wilson, Sullivan, 2009; Roth & Sullivan 2005).
Lemon, & Gerhardt, 1994; Sullivan, Stackenwalt, 2000; In summary, the data that we have reviewed thus far
Yuan et al., 2003; Langdon, Harley, & McLean, 1997). suggest that the contingent events of stimulus-induced NE
The infant LC releases substantially more NE into the release from the LC and NE-induced physiological and
olfactory bulb than the adult LC (Rangel & Leon, 1995). In molecular changes in the olfactory bulb and anterior piri-
fact, there is a sharp contrast between the functioning of the form cortex support the neural plasticity that is responsible
infant and adult LC. Unlike the adult LC, the infant LC for the acquisition of olfactory-based attachment behavior
responds to a broader range of sensory stimuli and fails to in the infant rat.
habituate after repeated sensory stimulation (Kimura &
Nakamura, 1985; Nakamura & Sakaguchi, 1990; Foote, Fear and amygdala are attenuated in early life
Aston-Jones, & Bloom, 1980; Harley & Sara, 1992; Sara,
Dyon-Laurent, & Herve, 1995; Vankov, Herve-Minvielle, & In addition to enhanced preference learning supported by
Sara, 1995). Differences in the functioning of the autorecep- the neural circuitry discussed above, infant social behavior
tors that are located on the somadendritic membranes of the is also characterized by limitations on aversive learning.
LC neurons appear to be responsible for the development- For example, shocking a chick during imprinting actually
related differences in stimulus-response times (Marshall, enhances following of the surrogate caregiver, although
Christie, Finlayson, & Williams, 1991; Nakamura & shock supports avoidance just hours after the imprinting
Sakaguchi, 1990; Winzer-Serhan, Raymon, Broide, Chen, critical period closes (Hess, 1962; Rajecki, Lamb, &
& Leslie, 1997). Specifically, an infant LC’s α2 inhibitory Obmascher, 1978; Salzen, 1970). Similarly, shocking an
autoreceptors, while present, do not appear functional; infant dog or rat results in a strong attachment to the
therefore the excitatory α1 autoreceptors ensure a prolonged caregiver (Camp & Rudy, 1988; Roth & Sullivan, 2005;
response upon sensory stimulation. At the end of the attach- Spear, 1978; Stanley, 1962; Sullivan, Brake, et al., 1986;

sullivan, moriceau, raineki, and roth: infant fear and amygdala 891
Sullivan, Landers, et al., 2000). Finally, nonhuman primate Smits, & Van Ree, 2002; Cunningham, Bhattacharyya,
and human infants exhibit strong proximity-seeking behav- & Benes, 2002; Morys, Berdel, Jagalska-Majewska, &
ior toward an abusive mother (Harlow & Harlow, 1965; Luczynska, 1999; Nair & Gonzalez-Lima, 1999). Synaptic
Maestripieri, Tomaszycki, & Carroll, 1999; Sanchez, Ladd, development begins to appear around PN5, with a dramatic
& Plotsky, 2001; Suomi, 2003). increase between PN10 and PN20, but adult levels are
Certain types of inhibitory learning, including fear of not reached until early adolescence (Mizukawa, Tseng, &
predators, cued- and contextual-fear conditioning, inhibitory Otsuka, 1989). Furthermore, the typical long-term synaptic
conditioning, and passive avoidance, do not emerge until plasticity (LTP) that is inducible in the adult basolateral
after postnatal days 10–11 (Blozovski & Cudennec, 1980; amygdala does not emerge until the end of the attachment
Camp & Rudy, 1988; Collier, Mast, Meyer, & Jacobs, 1979; learning period (Thompson, Sullivan, & Wilson, 2008).
Goldman & Tobach, 1967; Haroutunian & Campbell, 1979; Thus far in this review, we have discussed the literature
Myslivecek, 1997; Stehouwer & Campbell, 1978; Sullivan, that presents the case that it is difficult for infants to learn
Landers, et al., 2000). Indeed, aversive stimuli such as mod- aversions. Sadly, attachment occurs regardless of inadequate
erate shock (as shown in figure 60.1) and tailpinch elicit caregiving. Specifically, children tolerate considerable abuse
learned odor preferences in infant rats (Camp & Rudy, 1988; while remaining strongly attached to an abusive caretaker
Haroutunian & Campbell, 1979; Moriceau & Sullivan, 2006; (Helfer, Kempe, & Krugman, 1997; Pollak, 2003). More-
Moriceau et al., 2006; Roth & Sullivan, 2005; Spear, 1978; over, attachment despite abuse is spread throughout the
Sullivan, Hofer, and Brake, 1986; Sullivan, Landers, et al., animal kingdom (Camp & Rudy, 1988; Maestripieri et al.,
2000), despite an apparent pain response (Barr, 1995; Collier 1999; Rajecki et al., 1978; Salzen, 1970; Sullivan, Landers,
& Bolles, 1980; Emerich, Scalzo, Enters, Spear, & Spear, et al., 2000). An evolutionary explanation that we have
1985; Fitzgerald, 2005; Shair, Masmela, Brunelli, & Hofer, provided for this paradoxical attachment is that it is better
1997; Stehouwer & Campbell, 1978). for an altricial infant to have a bad caretaker than no
What could explain this paradoxical preference learning caretaker, as an altricial infant is dependent upon access
to aversive stimuli? Evidence suggests that the lack of amyg- to the mother’s milk, warmth, and protection (Hofer &
dala plasticity may play a leading role. Indeed, the limita- Sullivan, 2001).
tions on fear learning, passive avoidance, active avoidance, However, it is important to discuss the data that demon-
and inhibitory conditioning during the sensitive period cor- strate that infants can learn aversions under some cir-
respond to the period during development when the amyg- cumstances. Infant rats are able to learn to avoid odors
dala does not participate in the learning process (Blozovski if these are paired with malaise, such as that produced by
& Cudennec, 1980; Collier et al., 1979; Myslivecek, 1997). a LiCl injection or 1.0-mA shock (Abate, Spear, & Molina,
Specifically, the amygdala is not evoked during infant learn- 2001; Alleva & Calamandrei, 1986; Campbell, 1984;
ing in classical fear-conditioning or natural fear paradigms Coopersmith, Lee, & Leon, 1986; Gruest, Richer, & Hars,
(Moriceau, Roth, Okotoghaide, & Sullivan, 2004; Moriceau 2004; Haroutunian & Campbell, 1979; J. W. Hennessy,
& Sullivan, 2006; Moriceau et al., 2006; Roth & Sullivan, Smotherman, & Levine, 1976; Hoffmann, Hunt, & Spear,
2005; Wiedenmayer & Barr, 2001). On the contrary, in 1990; Hoffmann, Molina, Kucharski, & Spear, 1987; Hunt,
other animals ranging from Caenorhabditis-elegans to rodents Molina, Rajachandran, Spear, & Spear, 1993; Hunt, Spear,
and humans, the amygdala is a brain area that is readily & Spear, 1991; Miller, Molina, & Spear, 1990; Molina,
evoked by aversive stimuli in classical conditioning and Hoffmann, & Spear, 1986; Richardson & McNally,
natural fear paradigms (Blair, Schafe, Bauer, Rodrigues, & 2003; Rudy & Cheatle, 1983; Shionoya et al., 2006;
LeDoux, 2001; Davis, 1997; Fanselow & Gale, 2003; Smotherman, 1982; Smotherman, Hennessy, & Levine,
Fanselow & LeDoux, 1999; Herzog & Otto, 1997; Maren, 1976; Smotherman & Robinson, 1985, 1990; Spear, 1978;
2003; McGaugh, Roozendaal, & Cahill, 1999; Pape & Stork, Spear & Rudy, 1991; Stickrod, Kimble, & Smotherman,
2003; Pare, Quirk, & Ledoux, 2004; Rosenkranz & Grace, 1982). Interestingly, while in adult and preweaning rats,
2002; Sananes & Campbell, 1989; Schettino & Otto, 2001; the amygdala responds to odor-malaise conditioning
Sevelinges, Gervais, Messaoudi, Granjon, & Mouly, 2004; (Bermudez-Rattoni, Grijalva, Kiefer, & Garcia, 1986; Gale
Sigurdsson, Doyere, Cain, & LeDoux, 2007). et al., 2004; LeDoux, 2000; Touzani & Sclafani, 2005), in
One contributing factor for the apparent lack of amygdala infants, odor-malaise uses a nonamygdala neural circuit for
plasticity in early-life learning may be functional amygdala odor aversion learning that includes the olfactory bulb
immaturity. The development of the amygdala is considered (Raineki et al., 2009; Shionoya et al., 2006). Another remark-
protracted and extends into adolescence, though peak able constraint exists on aversion learning during infancy: If
neurogenesis and nuclei subdivision occur as early as the neonatal rats are nursing during odor-LiCl conditioning,
first week of life (Bayer, 1980; Berdel & Morys, 2000a, this prevents a learned odor aversion and instead produces
2000b; Berdel, Morys, & Maciejewska, 1997; Bouwmeester, a learned odor preference (Gubernick & Alberts, 1984;

892 the emotional and social brain

Figure 60.2 This graph illustrates the neural basis of attachment form cortex, and LC constitute the attachment neural circuit, while
learning with odor–0.5-mA shock conditioning during the early life the fear-conditioning neural circuit activates the posterior piriform
sensitive period for attachment and its maturational changes to the cortex and the amygdala during fear conditioning in older postsen-
fear neural circuit in older pups. The olfactory bulb, anterior piri- sitive period pups.

Martin & Alberts, 1979; Melcer, Alberts, & Gubernick, (SHRP). Sensory stimulation provided by the mother during
1985; Shionoya et al., 2006). nursing and grooming seems to control the pups’ low CORT
Together, data indicate that aversions are not readily levels (Levine, 1962; Van Oers, Kloet, Whelan, & Levine,
learned by infants, and we attribute this to unique neural 1998). In fact, prolonged maternal separation (∼24 hours),
circuitry optimized to facilitate attachment to the caregiver, which deprives pups of maternal sensory stimulation,
regardless of the quality of care provided. In figure 60.2, we increases pups’ CORT levels (Levine, 2001), while the
provide a model of our current understanding of this early replacement of maternal sensory stimulation or maternal
social attachment circuit and how this circuitry changes to presence is able to reinstate the low level of CORT (Stanton
transition the developing animal from attachment learning & Levine, 1990; Stanton, Wallstrom, & Levine, 1987;
to learning that can accommodate both learned preferences Suchecki, Rosenfeld, & Levine, 1993). This reduced stress
and avoidances. reactivity experienced by neonates is hypothesized to protect
the developing organism from the negative influences of
Role of corticosterone in early life stress hormones (Sapolsky & Meaney, 1986). Indeed, high
doses of CORT administrated to the neonatal rat causes
As was discussed in the previous section, the developmental decreased mitosis, myelination, and altered granule cell
emergence of fear learning parallels amygdala plasticity and genesis (Bohn, 1980). Furthermore, animals treated during
maturation (Berdel & Morys, 2000b; Berdel et al., 1997; infancy with CORT show reduced DNA content and brain
Bouwmeester et al., 2002; Cunningham et al., 2002; Morys size as well as impaired adult behavior (Bohn, 1984) and neu-
et al., 1999; Nair & Gonzalez-Lima, 1999; Schwob, Haberly, roendocrine function (Erkine, Geller, & Yuwiler, 1979). But
& Price, 1984; Schwob & Price, 1984b; Thompson et al., it is important to note that moderate exposure to CORT
2008; Wilson, Best, & Sullivan, 2004). Pharmacological during the developmental stage may be beneficial. For
manipulations of corticosterone (CORT) levels in the infant example, juvenile rats who were exposed to CORT via the
have allowed us to further define the early social circuit, and dam’s milk show superior performance on the Morris water
furthermore have provided us a platform to assess how maze task, a test of spatial memory (McCornick et al., 2001).
changes in the early environment can affect the developing In adolescents and adults, while stress is generally consid-
brain and subsequent transition to adultlike behavior. ered to be detrimental to social behavior, in moderation it
In infant rats, CORT levels are relatively low (Henning, has an adaptive role and facilitates social interactions, learn-
1978; Walker, Sapolsky, Meaney, Vale, & Rivier, 1986), and ing, and the expression of learned social behavior (DeVries,
the ability of most stressful stimuli, that is, restraint or shock 2002; McEwen, 2002). Indeed, social stimuli directly influ-
(Grino, Paulmyer-Lacroix, Faudon, Renard, & Anglade, ence the CORT response. Specifically, maternal presence in
1994; Levine, 1962, 2001; Rosenfeld, Suchecki, & Levine, adolescent guinea pigs, peers in nonhuman primates, and
1992), to evoke CORT secretion is greatly reduced in com- mate presence in voles reduce CORT (Carter & Keverne,
parison to that in older animals (Butte, Kakihana, Farnham, 2002; DeVries, Glasper, & Detillion, 2003; M. B. Hennessy,
& Noble, 1973; Cate & Yasumura, 1975; Guillet & Maken, & Graves, 2002; M. B. Hennessy, Nigh, Sims, &
Michaelson, 1978; Guillet, Saffran, & Michaelson, 1980; Long, 1995), while social affiliation in humans blocks stress-
Levine, 1967). This period of reduced hypothalamic- induced CORT release (Kirschbaum, Klauer, Filipp, &
pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis responsiveness during neonatal Hellhammer, 1995). Higher stress levels can produce a
development has been termed the stress hyporesponsive period defensive/offensive system under perceived danger that is

sullivan, moriceau, raineki, and roth: infant fear and amygdala 893
controlled, at least in part, by the amygdala (Korte, 2001). induced alterations of CORT levels and amygdala activity
Thus an adult’s ability to balance the stress response deter- have the potential to disrupt the learning transition and
mines whether social interactions occur or are inhibited by underlying neural circuitry.
a fear/anxiety response.
Like the role of NE, the role of CORT in mediating Consequences of early-life alterations in CORT and
learned behavior changes with maturation. While CORT is amygdala activity
considered to play a modulatory role in adult fear condition-
ing (Corodimas, LeDoux, Gold, & Schulkin, 1994; Hui The importance of the early environment in the regulation
et al., 2004; Pugh, Tremblay, Fleshner, & Rudy, 1997; of behavior throughout the life span has been long recog-
Roozendaal, Carmi, & McGaugh, 1996; Roozendaal, nized in both clinical and experimental studies. Indeed, it
Quirarte, & McGaugh, 2002; Thompson, Erickson, suffices to say that adult behavior is dependent on the care-
Schulkin, & Rosen, 2004), CORT is able to switch whether giver and the quality of the caregiving environment. In par-
infants learn an aversion or a preference. Specifically, ticular, early-life experiences in the context of early social
increasing CORT by systemic injections or by intra-amyg- attachment have the most profound impact on adolescent
dala infusions during 0.5-mA odor-shock conditioning or and adult emotion and cognition in rodents, nonhu-
presentation of naturally aversive stimuli is sufficient to elicit man primates, and humans (Bell & Denenberg, 1962;
both a fear response (learned or unlearned fear) and amyg- Denenberg, 1963; Harlow & Harlow, 1965; Levine, 1962;
dala participation in the infant (Moriceau et al., 2004; Rosenzweig et al., 1969; Schore, 2001). For example, the
Moriceau & Sullivan, 2004, 2006; Takahashi, 1994). Mater- learned attachment odor in rodents is retained and preferred
nal presence in older animals will lower CORT levels fol- well into adulthood (Coopersmith & Leon, 1986; Fillion &
lowing stressful stimuli such as shock (Stanton et al., 1987; Blass, 1986; Moore et al., 1996; Sevelinges et al., 2007;
Suchecki et al., 1993), block fear learning, reinstate the Shah, Oxley, Lovic, & Fleming, 2002; Woo & Leon, 1988),
attachment learning (preference), and prevent the participa- although the role of the odor in modifying behavior changes
tion of the amygdala in learning (Moriceau & Sullivan, from that used during infancy (attachment to the mother) to
2006). After PN15, only fear will be learned during an odor- that used in adulthood (reproduction). Specifically, following
shock conditioning (Upton et al., in prep). Furthermore, we odor-stroke attachment learning in infancy, adult male rats
have verified the causal relationship between maternal pres- exhibit enhanced sexual performance when exposed to the
ence and suppression of a shock-induced CORT release same odors that they experienced in infancy (Fillion & Blass,
in pups’ odor aversion learning by systemic and intra- 1986; Moore et al., 1996).
amygdala CORT infusions, which then permit pups to learn These results are consistent with observations in other
odor aversions even in the presence of the mother. species on the influence of early experiences on adult mate
To summarize, data indicate that during the attachment preferences (Slagsvold, Hansen, Johannessen, & Lifjeld,
period, the mother maintains low infant CORT levels and 2002). Infant-learned attachment odors also continue to
attenuates amygdala activation, preventing infants from elicit both enhanced neural responses of the olfactory bulb
responding to fear/aversive stimuli. Furthermore, through and attenuated amygdala activation in the adult (Sevelinges
manipulation of CORT levels, we have highlighted a transi- et al., 2007). In particular, an odor that is paired with pain
tion period of co-occurrence between the infant attachment to produce the learned attachment odor attenuates adult
learning system and the amygdala-dependent fear learning fear conditioning as well as attenuating amygdala neural
system (figure 60.3). This suggests that environmentally activity supporting the learning (Sevelinges et al., 2007).

Figure 60.3 This schematic represents pups’ developmental of amygdala-dependent fear conditioning, although this can be
learning transitions with odor–0.5-mA shock conditioning. Our advanced or retarded by increasing or decreasing CORT either
previous work suggests that PN10 is a transitional age for the onset pharmacologically or naturally (maternal presence lowers CORT).

894 the emotional and social brain

Though it is becoming increasingly clear that disruptions Rearing Environment Alteration Nest building begins
to infant attachment have profound maladaptive effects on in pregnancy and continues throughout lactation, although
adult behavior, the question of how this occurs remains nest quality can vary considerably between mothers.
largely unclear. Different models studying the involvement Disruption of a mother’s nest-building ability thus provides
of early-life environment and its enduring effect have been another avenue to study the effects of early stress on the
developed over the years (maternal separation/deprivation, brain and behavior. In this model, insufficient bedding
rearing environment alteration and CORT manipulation, material is used to provide a continuous stressor for the
neonatal handling), and data from these models in addition mother and pups, which ultimately alters mother-pup social
to data from our rat model of attachment are providing a interactions. The mother spends a longer time away from
clearer understanding of the common loci between infant the pups, transports the pups more frequently, and engages
attachment learning and the damaging effects of early stress in more self-directed behaviors that are nonmaternal
on adult behavior. (grooming) but still nurses normally (Avishai-Eliner, Gilles,
Eghbal-Ahmadi, Bar-El, & Baram, 2001; Gilles, Schultz, &
Maternal Separation/Deprivation The maternal dep- Baram, 1996).
rivation or maternal separation paradigm is a model of The chronic nest alteration paradigm not only raises
infant neglect. This paradigm, in rats, consists of removing CORT levels in the infant, but also changes gene expression
pups from the nest for an extended period of time (3–24 at multiple levels of the HPA axis and within the frontal
hours) either once or multiple times during the first and cortex (Avishai-Eliner et al., 2001; Gilles et al., 1996;
second postnatal weeks. Such separation removes multiple Hatalski, Guirquis, & Baram, 1998; Lightman & Harbuz,
sensory stimuli, including odor, warmth, and physical 1993; van Oers, de Kloet, Li, & Levine, 1998). In the behav-
contact, that regulate various aspects of pups’ physiology, ioral realm, this early-stress model produces significant
including CORT, temperature, and heart rate (Hofer, 1973). deficits in adult hippocampal learning and memory (Brunson
The difference in removing more or less of these sensory et al., 2005; Fenoglio, Brunson, & Baram, 2006). Finally, we
stimuli that are normally provided by the mother, siblings, have data showing that attachment learning is modified.
and the nest has led to variable results between labs. Specifically, fear conditioning in infants (which normally
Rat pups’ initial behavioral responses to maternal separa- produces a learned preference) that are raised in an altered
tion consist of increased behavioral activity and vocaliza- nest environment produces odor aversion learning, and this
tions, including ultrasonic vocalization (Hofer, Shair, atypical infant behavior is correlated with the early emer-
Masmela, & Brunelli, 2001). But within approximately gence of amygdala participation and increased CORT levels
an hour, this response changes to hypoactivity (Hofer & (Moriceau et al., in prep).
Shair, 1991). Such behavioral responses can be greatly
attenuated if pups are provided with adequate warmth Neonatal Handling Early handling is defined as the
and a source of maternal odor (Hofer & Shair, 1978; experimenter picking up the pup, removing it from the
Sokoloff & Blumberg, 1997). The long-term effects of home cage, and isolating it in a different environment for
prolonged periods of maternal separation appear to produce 3–15 minutes daily between birth and weaning. Infant-
an animal that is more behaviorally responsive to stressful handled rats show reduced fear as expressed by the increased
situations (Andersen, Lyss, Dumount, & Teicher, 1999; exploratory activity, a decrease CORT response following
Kosten, Miserendino, Bombace, Lee, & Kim, 2005). Fur- stressors, and a more rapid return of CORT to the baseline
thermore, in rats and nonhuman primates, maternal sep- in adulthood (Hess, Denenberg, Zarrow, & Pfeifer, 1969;
aration during infancy increases the magnitude of the Levine, 1962, 1967; Meaney et al., 1993; Meerlo, Horvath,
neuroendocrine responses to stress and thus the susceptibil- Nagy, Bohus, & Koolhaas, 1999). This rapid return is
ity to stress-related diseases (Caldji, Diorio, & Meaney, 2003; attributable to a more sensitive HPA axis feedback. Indeed,
Hall, Wilkinson, Humby, & Robbins, 1999; Higley, Hasert, infant-handled rats have an increase in the number of GRs
Suomi, & Linnoila, 1991; Ladd et al., 2000; Liu, Caldji, in the hippocampus and frontal cortex as early as PN23
Sharma, Plotsky, & Meaney, 2000; Meaney, 2001; Plotsky (Avishai-Eliner et al., 2001; Levine, 1994; Meaney et al.,
& Meaney, 1993; Suomi, 1997). For example, rats that are 1993; Sapolsky, 1994). Also, there is a decrease in GRs in
separated from their mother show greater ACTH and the central nucleus of the amygdala around PN9 (Fenoglio,
CORT peak responses and a more prolonged response to Brunson, Avishai-Eliner, Chen, & Baram, 2004). Both the
stress (Ladd et al., 2000; Liu et al., 2000). A reduction in reduction of GR expression in the amygdala and the increase
hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors (GR) and thus the in the hippocampus may function to reduce the sensitivity
reduced glucocorticoid negative feedback appears to be of the HPA axis to stressors. However, a maladaptive
responsible for this increased stress response (Meaney et al., consequence of neonatal handling is its impact on adult
1996). social behavior, which includes a decrease in adult sexual

sullivan, moriceau, raineki, and roth: infant fear and amygdala 895
behavior, ovulation, and sperm production (Gomes, Frantz, Our rodent animal model of attachment enables us to
Sanvitto, Anselmo-Franci, & Lucion, 1999; Gomes et al., assess some factors potentially associated with the clinical
2005; Mazaro & Lamano-Carvalho, 2006; Padoin, Cadore, outcome. This model of attachment accommodates both
Gomes, Barros, & Lucion, 2001; Raineki et al., 2008). abusive and pleasant attachment, yields an experimental
paradigm in which the effects of both endogenous and exog-
Summary and implications enous pharmacological insults to the developing brain and
behavior can be assessed, and allows us to identify the basic
The clinical literature has clearly shown that early-life neural circuitry for early social behavior (attachment
adverse experiences (physical and/or emotional) can com- learning).
promise adult mental health and social behavior (Gunnar & In this review, we have outlined the neural circuitry that
Quevedo, 2007; Teicher et al., 2003). The infant’s primary underlies the infant rat’s attachment to the mother, high-
environment is the caregiver, and while the environment lighting its predisposition to support proximity-seeking
expands as the child becomes more mobile and indepen- behaviors. We suggest that the infant rat’s attachment circuit
dent, the child’s primary environmental force remains the is due not simply to the absence or immaturity of brain
caregiver. Clinical literature suggests that the infant’s rela- structures but rather to the brain having unique character-
tionship with the caregiver is of the utmost importance in istics (LC hyperfunctioning and amygdala hypofunctioning)
shaping the child’s behavior (Gunnar & Quevedo, 2007; that enable the infant to survive in the environment unique
Schore, 2001; Teicher et al., 2003). For example, a child to infancy. More important, we have discussed how tempo-
with a healthy and secure attachment is likely to mature into ral characteristics of attachment can be manipulated by both
a mentally healthy adult, while a child in an abusive situation environmental and physiological factors and how these
has a greater probability of experiencing adult mental dys- factors may render the animal vulnerable to maladaptive
function and physical health problems. Indeed, the clinical brain development.
effects of an abusive relationship inside and outside of the While human children show behavior within the attach-
attachment dyad have different clinical outcomes, with ment system (proximity seeking, tolerance of pain) remark-
greater vulnerability to later mental health problems when ably similar to that of other species (rat, dog, and nonhuman
the abuse occurs within the attachment system (Zeanah, primate), it is unclear whether this attachment circuitry
Keyes, & Settles, 2003). The neurobiological effects of abuse exists in human infants. However, it does suggest that the
within versus outside the attachment system remain elusive, human infant’s brain is likely organized to ensure rapid,
especially with respect to the specific physical mechanism robust attachment to their caregiver. This further suggests
that causes such differential effects. Most of the clinical work that environmental and physiological factors may likewise
suggests that both mental and physical health is compro- alter attachment and adult emotional and cognitive well-
mised and expressed during childhood and that this contin- being through disruption of the brain areas involved in the
ues through adolescence into adulthood (Bremner, 2003; early attachment process.
Nemeroff, 2004).
The importance of these clinical studies has recently been acknowledgment This work was supported by grants NICHD-
highlighted with brain imaging research showing that these HD33402, NIMH H80603, and NSF-IBN0117234.
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61 Emotional Reaction and Action:
From Threat Processing to
Goal-Directed Behavior
joseph e. ledoux, daniela schiller, and christopher cain

abstract Fear was traditionally studied by using instrumental controls reactions related to fear-arousing stimuli. Less is
aversive responses, such as avoidance. This work on instrumental known about how emotional actions are acquired and
actions failed to lead to a clear understanding of the underlying controlled.
fear circuitry. Over the past several decades, research on Pavlovian
fear reactions has elucidated the circuits that mediate fear. Armed
Because pathological states involving fear often include
with this information, we return to a consideration of fear-based the performance of instrumental responses that are mal-
instrumental actions. While both reactions and actions depend on adaptive, this is an important topic to understand. For
the amygdala, somewhat different circuits are involved. Fear reac- example, a characteristic feature of pathological anxiety is
tions require connections from the lateral to the central nucleus the escape and avoidance of fear-arousing situations. These
and from there to the brain stem, while fear-based actions (or at
can be effective strategies in the short run, since they reduce
least some such actions) involve connections from the lateral to the
basal amygdala and from there to forebrain targets (possibly the exposure to situations in which fear arousing stimuli occur
striatum). Elucidating the neural mechanisms underlying interac- and prevent threat escalation. Avoidance can also be effec-
tions between Pavlovian and instrumental aversive learning will tive in the long run, as long as it does not interfere with
enhance our understanding of how the brain shifts from passive normal daily life. However, avoidance becomes maladaptive
reactions to actions in the face of danger. This knowledge might
when routine activities are disrupted by excessive or inap-
aid in understanding how to break the vicious cycle of pathological
avoidance in anxiety disorders and could also lead to better coping propriate avoidance.
strategies and other therapeutic interventions. In this chapter, we give an overview of the relation
between reaction and action in the context of fear. However,
we will also consider positive or appetitive emotional states,
In 1996, a bomb exploded in Olympic Village in Atlanta. as research in this area has provided both insights into, and
As soon as the explosion occurred, everyone in the crowd challenges to, work on fear.
was frozen in fear. A few seconds later, they began to run
away. This scene, captured on video, illustrates two funda- Behavioral distinctions between reaction and action
mental ways in which people respond in emotional situa-
tions. First we react, then we act (LeDoux, 1996a; LeDoux To clarify the distinction between emotional reaction and
& Gorman, 2001). Reactions are inflexible responses that action requires that we consider these in more detail. To do
are automatically elicited by the stimulus, while actions this, we will put these into the context of a more general
are instrumental responses that are emitted. Reactions are taxonomy of behavior.
inevitable consequences that have been programmed by
evolution or individual experience, while actions are cogni- Taxonomy of Behavior Many behaviors that people
tively controlled responses that are flexibly selected at the and other animals perform fall into one of four categories:
moment to achieve a goal. reflex, reaction, action, and habit. (For other discussions
Research on the neural basis of emotion in animal models of this topic, see Balleine & Dickinson, 1998; Cardinal,
has traditionally focused on how emotional stimuli come to Parkinson, Hall, & Everitt, 2002; Lang & Davis, 2006;
elicit fear reactions. Much has been learned over the past H. H. Yin & Knowlton, 2006.)
several decades, especially about how the brain acquires and A reflex is a stimulus-evoked response that usually involves
a single muscle or a limited group of muscles. A puff of
joseph e. ledoux, daniela schiller, and christopher cain New air to the eye, for example, elicits a closure of that eye,
York University, Center for Neural Science, New York, New while painful stimulation of the foot elicits withdrawal of
York that foot.

ledoux, schiller, and cain: emotional reaction and action 905

A reaction is similar to a reflex in that it is elicited by a viduals in a species. An action, on the other hand, is an
specific stimulus, but in contrast to a reflex, it usually involves arbitrary response that is performed because of its relation-
the whole organism (or at least multiple muscle groups) ship to the goal. You may run, crawl, or swim to escape from
rather than an isolated muscle group. Freezing behavior, a bomb, depending on the situation, but you will likely react
the fearful cessation of movement, is an example of such an first with startle and freezing.
organismic response involving muscles throughout the When an instrumental response is performed repeatedly
body. Reactions are similar to what ethologists call species- in the presence of certain stimuli, it can become strongly
typical behaviors or fixed action patterns (Bolles, 1970; Lorenz & connected to those stimuli and occur inflexibly in the pres-
Tinbergen, 1938; Tinbergen, 1951). ence of such stimuli. When this situation exists, a stimulus-
Reflexes and reactions are hard-wired responses that are response (S-R) habit is said to have developed. S-R habits,
naturally elicited by certain innate stimuli. In other words, or just habits, are like reflexes and reactions in that they are
with reflexes and reactions, there is a genetically programmed elicited by stimuli. However, in contrast to habits and reac-
relationship between certain stimuli and the response. Nev- tions, they are not hard-wired innate responses. Instead, they
ertheless, both reflexes and reactions can come under the are based on the transformation of flexible, learned instru-
control of novel events through associative learning. Rodents, mental responses into inflexible responses that have lost their
for example, are naturally afraid of cats and foxes. A rat that relationship to goal attainment. Habits are often discussed in
has been born in a laboratory as part of a family that has the context of bad habits, such as nail biting, smoking, over-
been removed from these predators for many generations eating, and the like. But not all habits are bad habits. Habits
will still express defensive reactions such as freezing behavior are adaptive and useful when they simplify your life and allow
in their presence or when exposed to odors from their hair, you to perform routine activities faster without having to
urine, or feces (C. D. Blanchard & Blanchard, 1972; R. J. devote brain resources to them. Habits become pathological
Blanchard & Blanchard, 1969b; Rosen, 2004). However, when they control behavior in maladaptive ways; for example,
stimuli associated with predators or pain can, through a patient who habitually stays home for fear of having a panic
associative learning, come to elicit freezing reactions (C. D. attack if she goes outside is stuck in a maladaptive pattern of
Blanchard & Blanchard, 1972; R. J. Blanchard & Blanchard, avoidance behavior. Habits are closely related to skills. Bike
1969b; Bolles, 1972; Fanselow, 1980). As we will discuss riding involves deliberate instrumental learning reinforced
below, novel stimuli come to elicit reactions through Pavlov- by successful movements until the actions become habitual
ian conditioning. Such reactions are thus called learned fear and the skill is acquired. Habits and skills can refer to cogni-
responses. However, it is important to point out that it is not tive as well as behavioral responses.
the response that is learned through Pavlovian conditioning.
The response is innate, and learning mainly changes the Historical Note About Research Methodology
stimuli that have the capacity to elicit the innate response. in the Study of Fear Having placed reactions and actions
Actions, like reactions, occur at the level of the organism in a broader behavioral context, we will now focus on
but are not automatically elicited by stimuli. Instead, they reactions and actions in the context of fear-arousing
are emitted in the presence of certain stimuli that direct or threatening situations. However, before we turn to con-
behavior toward goals. For this reason, actions are said to temporary research on the reactions and actions and the
be purposive or goal-directed and involve motivation neural systems that are involved, it will be useful to review
(Balleine & Dickinson, 1998; Niv, Joel, & Dayan, 2006). the history of this field briefly.
They are instrumental responses—responses that are instru- A learned fear reaction is a Pavlovian conditioned
mental in attaining goals. Running away from the source of fear response. Pavlovian fear conditioning is a procedure in
a bomb is an example of a behavior that is performed to which an emotionally neutral conditioned stimulus (CS),
attain a goal, as is approach toward stimuli related to food such as a tone, is paired with an aversive unconditioned
or sex. These responses are usually based on past learning stimulus (US), typically electric shock. Following pairing, the
and/or information stored in memory that is used to make CS acquires the capacity to elicit freezing behavior (R. J.
a decision about what to do. Further distinguishing an action Blanchard & Blanchard, 1969a; Bolles & Fanselow, 1980).
and a reaction is the fact that actions are flexible rather than Freezing is often said to be a conditioned response (CR).
fixed responses (Ikemoto & Panksepp, 1999). One’s natural However, freezing is itself not learned. As was noted above,
inclination after freezing momentarily to an explosion might what is learned is an association between the CS and US
be to run away from the location where the explosion that allows the CS to elicit a response that it did not elicit
occurred, but if a loved one were closer to the explosion, previously. This is why Pavlovian conditioning is typically
then the response would probably be to run toward the described as a form of stimulus-stimulus (S-S) learning in
explosion. Thus a reaction, being hard-wired, is always which the CS acquires emotional potency by its relation to
expressed in the same way in an individual and across indi- the US. In addition to behavioral responses such as freezing,

906 the emotional and social brain

physiological changes inside the body also come under the Pavlovian conditioning, first in invertebrate studies (Alkon,
control of the CS, such as changes in autonomic and endo- 1983; Carew, Hawkins, & Kandel, 1983; Dudai, Jan, Byers,
crine activity (Kapp, Frysinger, Gallagher, & Haselton, Quinn, & Benzer, 1976; Kandel & Spencer, 1968; Walters,
1979; LeDoux, Sakaguchi, & Reis, 1983; Schneiderman, Carew, & Kandel, 1979) and then in vertebrates (Cohen,
Francis, Sampson, & Schwaber, 1974). These are important 1974; Thompson, 1976). Research on fear followed suit, and
in providing physiological support for the behavioral by the early 1980s, the neural mechanisms of fear learning
responses and in general are part of the integrated organis- in mammals were much more likely to be studied by
mic response to danger. using Pavlovian fear conditioning than instrumental avoid-
Fear conditioning was studied by Pavlov (1927), who ance (Davis, 1986; Kapp et al., 1979; Kapp, Pascoe, &
called it defense conditioning. It was then used by Watson Bixler, 1984; LeDoux, Sakaguchi, & Rice, 1984; LeDoux,
(1929) in his famous study of Little Albert. However, studies Thompson, Iadecola, Tucker, & Reis, 1983). Pavlovian con-
of learning in psychology emphasized Thorndike’s (1898) ditioning allows the measure of fear directly as CS-elicited
instrumental conditioning procedure over Pavlov’s approach reactions rather than indirectly through fear-based instru-
through the middle of the 20th century and beyond. The mental avoidance responses. Because simpler behaviors
behaviorists dominated psychology during this time and involve simpler circuits, much progress was made rapidly in
believed that instrumental learning was the key to under- understanding the brain mechanisms of fear learning, as is
standing complex human behaviors (Hull, 1943; Skinner, discussed below.
1938). As a result, a form of instrumental learning called
avoidance conditioning emerged as the primary behavioral Diverse Functions of an Emotional Stimulus It is natural
approach to study learned fear (Miller, 1948, 1951; Mowrer, to think of a Pavlovian CS as eliciting Pavlovian CRs.
1947; Mowrer & Lamoreaux, 1946). However, this in only a part of what goes on. That is, a
In avoidance conditioning studies, animals learn to Pavlovian CS can have effects other than the automatic
perform a response (active avoidance) or withhold a response elicitation of hard-wired, inflexible CRs. Two of these
(passive avoidance) in order to avoid harm (typically electric consequences are conditioned reinforcement and condi-
shock). We will be focusing on active avoidance, which we tioned motivation. These are important to consider, as they
will refer to as avoidance conditioning throughout. Some exam- will help us to revisit the topic of avoidance and instru-
ples of responses that are measured in avoidance studies are mental fear.
shuttling in a runway maze or pressing a lever. Avoidance
conditioning is traditionally viewed as a two-stage process. Conditioned Reinforcement in Avoidance: The Escape
First, stimuli associated with the shock via Pavlovian condi- from Fear Hypothesis As has been noted, the avoidance-
tioning are learned about, and then instrumental responses conditioning literature suggested that a Pavlovian CS
are performed that reduce exposure to those fear-arousing contributes to the learning of avoidance responses. How
stimuli (Brown & Jacobs, 1949; Kalish, 1954; Levis, 1989; exactly does it do this? A leading view is the escape from
McAllister & McAllister, 1971; Miller, 1948, 1951; Mowrer, fear (EFF) hypothesis (Levis, 1989; McAllister & McAllister,
1947; Mowrer & Lamoreaux, 1946; Overmier & Lawry, 1971; Miller, 1948; Mowrer, 1947; Rescorla & Solomon,
1979; Solomon & Wynne, 1954). Therefore the avoidance 1967). According to this idea, classical conditioning first
response could be used to study fear. Pavlovian conditioning establishes the CS as a fear-arousing stimulus, one that
was thought to be involved but was not itself measured or elicits fear reactions. As avoidance conditioning proceeds,
studied. behaviors that terminate exposure to the fear-arousing CS
Much research attempted to understand the neural basis are reinforced by the reduction in fear that results. Formally,
of fear through studies of avoidance (Gabriel et al., 1983; this is called conditioned negative reinforcement of a stimulus-response
Goddard, 1964; Isaacson, 1982; Sarter & Markowitsch, association. Negative in this case refers not to the aversive nature
1985; Weiskrantz, 1956). This research generated complex of the conditioning but to the fact that the reinforcement
results that were not easily integrated into a coherent view comes from termination of the stimulus. A more precise term
of the brain mechanisms of avoidance, much less fear. is aversive negative conditioned reinforcement.
Several factors probably contributed to this, including a Because the Pavlovian and instrumental aspects of avoid-
failure to separate the Pavlovian and instrumental compo- ance task are intermixed, such tasks cannot be used to directly
nents of the tasks and the use of a variety of different kinds test the EFF hypothesis. Tasks were therefore developed in
of avoidance tasks that made different demands on behavior which Pavlovian conditioning occurs first and then the CS is
and the brain (Cain & LeDoux, 2007; LeDoux, 1996a). presented in a separate chamber. Results showing that
In the meantime, research on the neural basis of learning behaviors associated with CS termination are learned
and memory, which had also been focused on instru- and repeated support the EFF hypothesis (McAllister
mental behaviors during the behaviorist heyday, turned to & McAllister, 1971). However, the EFF hypothesis of

ledoux, schiller, and cain: emotional reaction and action 907

avoidance has been controversial, due largely to method- forced behaviors). Interestingly, successful EFF learning also
ological problems with past EFF tasks but also to competing resulted in a transition from passive freezing reactions to
theories of psychological mechanisms underlying avoidance escape actions; rats that learned the EFF response showed
learning (Bolles, 1972; Herrnstein, 1969; Levis, 1989; McAl- no spontaneous recovery of freezing following the extin-
lister & McAllister, 1971; Seligman & Johnston, 1973). guishing CS presentations that were used for EFF training.
In an effort to address the EFF controversy, we developed Importantly, expression of EFF learning was also controlled
a new procedure that controls for many of the factors raised by the CS, since animals that went through EFF training did
in past critiques (Cain & LeDoux, 2007) (figure 61.1). In our not respond differently than yoked controls until the CS was
new task, rats learned to rear on their hind legs to termi- presented. Thus our data lead us to conclude that instru-
nate a fear-arousing CS. This learning is long-lasting (24 mental responses can be reinforced by the fear-reducing
hours) and response-specific (no increase in other nonrein- effects of CS termination.

Figure 61.1 Escape from fear learning represents instrumental test, right). Rearing and freezing were assessed during both phases.
learning that is motivated by fear and reinforced by fear reduction. Paired-EFF rats showed a twofold increase in the EFF escape
We designed a new EFF task that controls for factors that made response (rearing) during the training and testing session compared
past results inconclusive about the role of fear reduction in EFF to Paired-Yoked rats (A and B). Unpaired-EFF and Novel-EFF rats
learning (Cain & LeDoux, 2007). One day after Pavlovian tone- had no fear of the CS and did not acquire the EFF response
shock pairings (Paired), tone-shock unpairings (Unpaired), or no (enhanced rearing). Successful acquisition of this active escape
training (Novel), rats were presented with 25 tone-alone presenta- response was also associated with less passive freezing to the tone
tions in a new context (EFF training, left). For EFF rats, rearing (D; inset = minute-by-minute freezing during the EFF test). Further
during a tone presentation led to its immediate termination analysis demonstrated that EFF learning was response-specific and
(response-reinforcement pairing). Yoked rats received identical performance was motivated by fear (no difference in rearing in the
tone presentations independent of their behavior. One day after absence of the CS; data not shown). Figure adapted with permis-
EFF training, rats were presented with a single, continuous 10- sion from Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes
minute tone presentation to assess long-term EFF memory (EFF (Cain & LeDoux, 2007).

908 the emotional and social brain

Note that fear-arousing CSs can also serve as positive been used (Brackbill & Overmier, 1979; Grossen & Bolles,
reinforcers, or punishers. Thus behaviors performed when 1968; LoLordo, 1967), although virtually no information
an aversive CS is presented are less likely to be performed regarding the neural mechanisms that mediate such aversive
in the future. In this case, the reinforcement is “positive” PIT exists to date.
because learning depends on the delivery of the aversive
CS. This contrasts with the role of CS termination in reinforc- Reaction Versus Action: A Summary Behavioral studies
ing escape/avoidance responses. Conditioned punishment, have shown that a Pavlovian CS elicits Pavlovian CRs
which involves the suppression of response performance by (reactions) but can also influence instrumental actions in at
a stimulus, may also be a contributing factor in avoidance least two ways. One of these is by serving as a conditioned
and EFF learning (Bolles, 1972). Conditioned punishment is reinforcer that mediates the learning of a new instrumental
especially relevant to passive avoidance and will not be a action, and the other is by serving as a conditioned incentive
focus of this chapter. that affects the motivation to perform a previously learned
instrumental action. These are not completely independent
Conditioned Motivation In EFF learning (and pre- functions, since once conditioned reinforcement is used to
sumably in avoidance conditioning), the CS functions as a acquire an instrumental response, the same CS functions as
conditioned reinforcer that establishes the acquisition of a an incentive that motivates the performance of the response.
new instrumental action. However, once learned, the CS Next we consider what is known about the neural basis of
can also function as an incentive that contributes to the these three functions of a CS, focusing first on reactions.
performance of the instrumental response.
A conditioned incentive is a stimulus that enhances or Neural basis of fear reactions
suppresses the performance of an existing (previously learned)
instrumental action. This incentive-based function of a CS Research over the past two decades has clearly pointed to
is referred to as conditioned motivation. While conditioned moti- the amygdala as a key site where CS-US associations are
vation probably occurs during the performance of previously formed during Pavlovian fear conditioning as well as a nec-
conditioned EFF or avoidance responses, as was noted, essary site for the later expression of fear reactions elicited
the preferred test for studying conditioned motivation is by the CS. Below, we will review the role of the amygdala
something called Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer (PIT). In in the fear-conditioning circuitry.
such tasks, a separately conditioned CS is presented while
an animal performs an instrumental behavior. Organization of the Amygdala The amygdala was first
Most research on PIT and its neural basis has involved recognized as a distinct brain region in the early 19th century
appetitive tasks. In these tasks, a previously conditioned (Burdach, 1819–1822). The name, derived from the Greek,
CS (say, a tone paired with food) is presented while the was meant to denote an almond-like shape structure in the
subjects perform appetitive instrumental responses (such as medial temporal lobe. Like most brain regions, the amygdala
food-motivated lever pressing) (Balleine & Killcross, 2006; is not a single mass but is composed of distinct subareas or
Blundell, Hall, & Killcross, 2001; Corbit & Balleine, 2005; nuclei (figure 61.2).
Everitt, Cardinal, Parkinson, & Robbins, 2003; Holland & One long-standing idea is that the amygdala consists of
Gallagher, 2003; Talmi, Seymour, Dayan, & Dolan, 2008). an evolutionarily primitive division associated with the olfac-
The typical result is that the CS enhances the performance tory system (cortical, medial, and central nuclei) and an
of the instrumental response, indicating an increase in the evolutionarily newer division associated with the neocortex
motivation to perform the response. The PIT assay is (lateral, basal, and accessory basal nuclei) (Johnston, 1923).
the preferred measure of conditioned motivation because The areas of the older division are sometimes grouped as
the critical test does not rely on new learning. Independent the corticomedial region (cortical and medial nuclei) and
Pavlovian and instrumental associations are established sometimes as the centromedial region (the central and medial
prior to the test in separate sessions, allowing an uncontami- nuclei), while the newer structures related to the neocortex
nated assessment of CS-elicited motivation. are often referred to as the basolateral region (figure 61.3).
The main aversive PIT task in common use is conditioned The almond-shaped structure that originally defined the
suppression of appetitive instrumental behavior (Bouton & amygdala involved the basolateral region rather than the
Bolles, 1980; Estes & Skinner, 1941; Hunt & Brady, 1955). whole structure that is now considered to be the amygdala
However, this task differs significantly from appetitive PIT (Swanson & Petrovich, 1998).
tasks. An aversive PIT test that is comparable to appetitive In recent years, there have been a number of attempts to
PIT would involve an enhancement of aversive instrumental reclassify the amygdala and its relationship to other areas.
responding by an aversive CS rather than suppression of For example, Heimer (2003) has argued for the concept of
appetitive instrumental responding. Such tasks have in fact an extended amygdala. In this view, the central and medial

ledoux, schiller, and cain: emotional reaction and action 909

Figure 61.2 The rat amygdala. The amygdala of mammals, basal; B, basal nucleus; Ce, central nucleus; CO, cortical nucleus;
including humans, consists of at least 12 distinct nuclei. Different ic, intercalated cells; La: lateral nucleus; M, medial nucleus. Non-
staining methods show some of the major nuclei from different amygdala areas: AST, amygdalo-striatal transition area: CPu,
perspectives. (A) Nissl cell body stain. (B) Acetylcholinesterase stain. caudate putamen; CTX, cortex. (See color plate 75.)
(C ) Silver fiber stain. Abbreviations: Amygdala areas: AB, accessory

Figure 61.3 Groupings of amygdala nuclei. The various nuclei not represent meaningful function divisions, since functions are
of the amygdala are often partitioned into an evolutionarily old mediated by cells within much more localized regions, especially
division (the centromedial or corticomedial region) and an evolu- subnuclei and even subdivisions of subnuclei. Abbreviations: AB,
tionarily newer division (the basolateral region or basolateral accessory basal; AST, amygdalo-striatal transition area; B: basal
complex). While these divisions have some value in understanding nucleus; Ce, central nucleus; CPu, caudate putamen; CTX, cortex;
the phylogenetic and ontogenetic origins of the amygdala, they do La, lateral nucleus; M, medial nucleus. (See color plate 76.)
amygdala are continuous (anatomically and neurochem-
cially) with the lateral and medial divisions of the bed
nucleus of the stria terminalis and should be considered a
structural unit with functional significance, especially for
psychopathology. Swanson and Petrovich (1998) proposed a
more radical idea, arguing that “the amygdala,” whether
extended or not, does not exist as a structural unit. Instead,
they argue that the amygdala consists of regions that belong
to other regions or systems of the brain and that the designa-
tion “the amygdala” is not necessary. For example, in this
scheme, the lateral amygdala and basal amygdala are viewed
as nuclear extensions of the neocortex (rather than simply as
amygdala regions related to the neocortex), the central and
medial amygdala are ventral extensions of the striatum,
and the cortical nucleus is part of the olfactory system. While
this scheme has some merit, the present review focuses on
the organization and function of nuclei and subnuclei that
are traditionally said to be part of the amygdala, as these
perform their functions regardless of whether the amygdala
itself exists.
It is easy to be confused by the terminology that is used Figure 61.4 Subdivisions of the lateral nucleus of the amygdala.
to describe the amygdala nuclei, as different sets of terms are The lateral nucleus of the amygdala has three major subdivision:
used. This problem is especially acute with regards to the dorsal (LAd), ventrolateral (LAvl), and medial (LAm). Each of these
basolateral region of the amygdala. As was noted, the baso- has additional partitions. The dorsal subnucleus, for example, con-
tains a superior (sup) and inferior (inf ) region. Cells in the superior
lateral region consists of the lateral, basal, and accessory region have been implicated in the acquisition of fear conditioning,
basal nuclei. However, in another terminological scheme, and cells have been implicated in the inferior region in long-term
the basal and accessory basal nuclei are called the basolateral memory storage (see text). Abbreviations: B, basal nucleus; CE,
and basomedial nuclei, respectively. The use of the term baso- central nucleus. (See color plate 77.)
lateral to refer both to a specific nucleus (the basal or baso-
lateral nucleus) and to the larger region that includes the the control of fear reactions. The central amygdala (CE), on
lateral, basal, and accessory basal nuclei (the basolateral the other hand, is especially involved in the expression of
region) is the source of some difficulty, since authors do not fear reactions. The basal nucleus (B) and the intercalated cell
always clearly identify whether they are referring to the masses (ICT) also contribute.
nucleus or the region. Further, some studies use the term The standard model evolved from a series of studies
basolateral complex (BLA) to refer to the lateral and basal nuclei that first implicated the central amygdala (CE) starting in
(and usually not the accessory basal). the late 1970s (Hitchcock & Davis, 1986; Kapp et al., 1979,
Each of the nuclei of the amygdala can be further 1984; LeDoux, Iwata, Cicchetti, & Reis, 1988). Given its
partitioned into subnuclei (Pitkänen, 2000; Pitkänen, connections to hypothalamic and brain stem areas that
Pikkarainen, Nurminen, & Ylinen, 1997). For example, the control species-typical behaviors and autonomic and endo-
lateral nucleus has three major divisions: dorsal, ventrolat- crine responses related to fear, CE was viewed as important
eral, and medial (figure 61.4). Further division is also pos- for the expression of fear-related CRs. Studies showing that
sible. The dorsal subdivsion has a superior and an inferior the firing rate of cells in CE increased following CS-US
region. The central nucleus, on the other hand, has lateral, pairing (Pascoe & Kapp, 1985) suggested that CE may also
capsular, and medial divisions. These subnuclear partitions be a key site of plasticity in the formation of the CS-US
of the lateral and central nuclei have turned out to have association.
important functional significance. In the 1990s, emphasis began to shift to the lateral amyg-
dala (LA) when it was shown that sensory inputs from the
Standard Model of Conditioned Fear Reactions: Serial CS and US pathways mainly terminate in LA rather than
Processing Within the Amygdala Two areas of the in CE (Bordi & LeDoux, 1992; Clugnet & LeDoux, 1990;
amygdala are generally considered to be especially important LeDoux, Sakaguchi, Iwata, & Reis, 1986; LeDoux et al.,
for the acquisition and expression of Pavlovian fear 1984), that damage to LA disrupts fear conditioning
conditioning (figure 61.5). The lateral nucleus (LA) receives (LeDoux, Cicchetti, Xagoraris, & Romanski, 1990), and
and integrates the CS and US and later processes the CS in that CS and US inputs converge on single cells in LA

ledoux, schiller, and cain: emotional reaction and action 911

(Romanski, LeDoux, Clugnet, & Bordi, 1993). These studies & Power, 2003; Walker & Davis, 2002). Studies of genetically
suggested that CS-US convergence does not take place in altered mice also revealed parallels between fear condition-
the entire LA but only in its dorsal subnucleus (Romanski ing and LTP (Matynia, Kushner, & Silva, 2002; Mayford,
et al., 1993). Subsequent studies found that CS-US pairing Abel, & Kandel, 1995; Wang, Hu, & Tsien, 2006), and some
during fear conditioning leads to the enhancement of short- of the mechanisms overlap with findings from invertebrates
latency neural responses elicited by a CS in the dorsal LA (Bailey, Giustetto, Huang, Hawkins, & Kandel, 2000;
(Quirk, Armony, & LeDoux, 1995). Subsequent studies con- Dubnau, Chiang, & Tully, 2003; Lechner & Byrne, 1998;
firmed the importance of the dorsal LA (Collins & Pare, Roberts & Glanzman, 2003; J. C. Yin & Tully, 1996).
2000; Hobin, Goosens, & Maren, 2003; Maren, 2000; Given that LA is the main sensory input region of the
Maren & Quirk, 2004; Repa et al., 2001) and further sug- amygdala and CE is the output link to the brain stem, the
gested that there may be different cell groups within the standard model requires that connections exist between LA
dorsal LA involved in the initial learning and long-term and CE. The LA connects with the CE via several direct
storage of plasticity (Repa et al., 2001). and indirect routes within the amygdala (Pare, Quirk, &
Thus, CS-US convergence in LA came to be viewed as LeDoux, 2004; Pitkänen, Savander, & LeDoux, 1997;
inducing synaptic plasticity. When the CS later occurs, it is Royer, Martina, & Pare, 1999). Because it is generally
transmitted to LA, where the potentiated synapses drive CE assumed that the medial nucleus of CE (CEm) connects with
to express fear reactions via output connection to the brain- brain stem areas that control CRs, a key issue is the extent
stem (Davis, Walker, & Lee, 1997; Fanselow & LeDoux, to which LA connects with CEm (Pare et al., 2004). While
1999; LeDoux, 1996b, 2000; Maren, 2001; Maren & direct connections to CEm seem weak at best, the LA con-
Fanselow, 1996). This standard model of fear conditioning nects with the lateral CE, which has connections to CEm
is sometimes called the serial model because it assumes that (Petrovich & Swanson, 1997), though these latter connec-
inputs come into LA, that LA connects with CE, and that tions are somewhat sparse. The LA also connects with the
CE connects with regions that control CRs. intercalate cell group (ITC), which form a chain of connec-
The idea that LA is a key site of plasticity was given addi- tions that lead to CEm (Royer et al., 1999). The LA also
tional weight by findings showing that long-term synaptic connects to the CEm via the B and accessory basal nuclei
potentiation (LTP) could be induced in LA (Clugnet & (Pitkänen et al., 1997). The multiplicity of connections
LeDoux, 1990) or BLA (Chapman, Kairiss, Keenan, & between LA and CE suggest why lesions of a structure such
Brown, 1990) by patterns of electrical stimulation. Particu- as B may have effects on fear conditioning in some studies
larly important was the fact that LTP could be induced in CS (Anglada-Figueroa & Quirk, 2005; Goosens & Maren, 2001)
pathways to LA in vivo (Clugnet & LeDoux, 1990; Rogan but not others (Amorapanth, LeDoux, & Nader, 2000),
& LeDoux, 1995) and in vitro (Weisskopf, Bauer, & depending possibly on details of the training paradigm or
LeDoux, 1999). Further, fear conditioning itself was shown possibly on the extent of damage in B. Regardless, paths of
to produce LTP-like changes in CS processing in LA in vivo connectivity within the amygdala clearly link LA to CE,
(Rosenkranz & Grace, 2002; Rogan, Staubli, & LeDoux, including CEm.
1997) and in vitro (McKernan & Shinnick-Gallagher, 1997). Recently, there has been a revival of interest in the possi-
Additional studies showed that fear conditioning and LTP bility that the CE may be a site of plasticity as well as an
in LA depend on similar molecular mechanisms. Initial output link between LA and areas that control CRs (Pare
studies focused on NMDA receptors, since these were known et al., 2004; Samson, Duvarci, & Pare, 2005; Wilensky,
to be involved in synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus Schafe, Kristensen, & LeDoux, 2006). Several studies have
(Collingridge & Bliss, 1995; Cotman, Monaghan, & Ganong, thus shown that plasticity occurs in CE in vitro (Fu & Shin-
1988). Thus blockade of NMDA receptors in the LA dis- nick-Gallagher, 2005; Samson & Pare, 2005). Most germane
rupted fear conditioning (Fanselow & Kim, 1994; Maren, is the fact that CE undergoes plasticity in vivo during aver-
Aharonov, Stote, & Fanselow, 1996; Miserendino, Sananes, sive conditioning, as determined by single-unit recordings
Melia, & Davis, 1990; Rodrigues, Schafe, & LeDoux, 2001), (Pascoe & Kapp, 1985; Rorick-Kehn & Steinmetz, 2005).
and similar manipulations also disrupted LTP in LA (Bauer, Our recent findings showing that functional inactivation or
Schafe, & LeDoux, 2002). Alteration of gene expression protein synthesis inhibition in CE prevents memory forma-
related to AMPA receptors in LA also alters LTP and fear tion during Pavlovian conditioning suggests that plasticity in
conditioning (Rumpel, LeDoux, Zador, & Malinow, 2005). CE plays a key and essential role (Wilensky et al., 2006).
Moreover, fear conditioning and LTP depend on similar However, the earliest latency of unit CRs and the number
second messenger and macromolecular events in LA of trials required to acquire unit CRs in CE (Pascoe & Kapp,
(Dityatev & Bolshakov, 2005; Fanselow & Poulos, 2005; 1985) are both greater than those in LA (Goosens, Hobin,
LeDoux, 2000; Maren, 2001; Pape & Stork, 2003; Rodrigues, & Maren, 2003; Maren, 2000; Maren & Quirk, 2004; Quirk,
Schafe, & LeDoux, 2004; Sah, Faber, Lopez De Armentia, Armony, & LeDoux, 1997; Quirk et al., 1995; Repa et al.,

912 the emotional and social brain

Figure 61.5 Auditory fear conditioning pathways. The auditory central amygdala (CE) via intra-amygdala connections. CE in turn
conditioned stimulus (CS) and somatosensory (pain) unconditioned controls the expression of behavioral (e.g., freezing), autonomic
stimulus (US) converge in the lateral amygdala (LA). The LA (ANS), and endocrine responses that are components of the fear
receives inputs from each system via both thalamic and cortical reaction. Abbreviations: B, basal amygdala; CG, central gray; LH,
inputs. CS-US convergence induces synaptic plasticity in LA such lateral hypothalamlus; ITC, intercalated cells of the amygdala;
that after conditioning the CS flows through the LA to activate the PVN, paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus.

2001). These data are consistent with the notion that LA and independently, this is called the parallel model (Balleine &
CE are both sites of plasticity but that CE plasticity depends Killcross, 2006; Cardinal et al., 2002; Killcross et al., 1997;
on LA plasticity. Killcross & Blundell, 2002).
The fact that LA is normally required for fear condition- First of all, proponents of the parallel view argue that fear
ing does not rule out the possibility that under some circum- conditioning can occur when BLA is damaged (Balleine &
stances, fear conditioning can occur in animals with lesions Killcross, 2006). While this is true, essentially all of the
of LA and B. Indeed, fear conditioning can occur in animals evidence for this has come from studies in which overtrain-
with lesions of LA and B when extensive training is given, ing is used (Hall, Parkinson, Connor, Dickinson, & Everitt,
especially in contextual conditioning but also in cued 2000; Killcross et al., 1997; Lee et al., 2005; Maren, 1998,
conditioning in some cases (Hall, Thomas, & Everitt, 2000; 1999). Most studies that have contributed to the serial model
Killcross, Robbins, & Everitt, 1997; Lee, Dickinson, & have involved training with a small number of trials (fewer
Everitt, 2005; Maren, 1998, 1999). than 10). With overtraining, weak intra-amygdala pathways,
weak direct sensory inputs to CE, or more complex circu-
A Challenge to the Standard Model: Parallel itous pathways involving other brain regions may undergo
Processing Within the Amygdala In spite of the extensive synaptic plasticity, potentiation of which may allow the
evidence in support of the standard model, this view has pathways to be utilized in ways that are not possible with
been challenged. In these challenges, LA and B are usually few training trials. Indeed, recent studies show that CE is
considered together as an undifferentiated structure that is necessary for learning in overtrained animals (Zimmerman,
referred to as the BLA. It is argued that some aspects of fear Rabinak, McLachlan, & Maren, 2007). Thus, while findings
conditioning can be mediated by the BLA independent of from overtraining are important and interesting, they likely
CE and that other aspects can be mediated by CE involve different circuits than those involved in the rapid
independent of BLA. Because BLA and CE are proposed form of fear conditioning that occurs in natural situations
to receive CS and US inputs separately and function in which organisms do not always have the opportunity to

ledoux, schiller, and cain: emotional reaction and action 913

“practice” learning what to fear over many trials. BLA, and mance of a previously trained instrumental response. These
especially LA, is essential when standard, naturalistic train- studies are extremely important, as they have provided
ing is involved. important clues about how to pursue the role of the amyg-
Appetitive conditioning research is strongly influenced by dala in fear-related instrumental actions as an assessment of
the notion that CSs can enter into associations with different conditioned motivation. But their value in understanding
aspects of the US (sensory versus affective properties) and how associations are acquired and stored during fear condi-
that these separate associations generate different response tioning is less clear. Below, when we discuss the neural basis
types (consummatory versus preparatory), an idea that was of PIT, we will discuss these findings and their applicability
first formalized by Konorski (1967). These ideas were par- (or lack thereof) to fear conditioning.
ticularly important for the development of the parallel model In sum, the evidence that is being used to defend the
of amygdala function, which is largely based on appeti- parallel model does not justify the rejection of decades of
tive findings. Consummatory responses are those that are research on fear conditioning. This will become more appar-
engaged when the subject is in direct contact with the US, ent later, after we discuss the neural basis of fear actions,
such as chewing and licking in the case of food. Preparatory especially the contribution of conditioned motivation, as
responses for food include approach and autonomic nervous studied by PIT tasks.
system changes, responses that are appropriate when food is
in the vicinity. Note that both consummatory and prepara- Neural basis of fear actions
tory responses can include reactions and actions. Appetitive
research on brain mechanisms of conditioning has therefore Earlier, we mentioned two ways in which a Pavlovian fear-
focused on identifying structures that mediate these separate arousing CS influences instrumental responses: by serving as
associations and separate response classes. In the process, a conditioned reinforcer and by serving as a conditioned
this research has evaluated both reactions and actions. This motivator (incentive). These are studied by using EFF and
is in contrast to aversive research, which has primarily PIT tasks. In this section, we will therefore review research
focused on fear reactions, at least in the last few decades. on the neural basis of EFF and PIT.
Aversive studies, less influenced by the Konorskian distinc-
tion between consummatory and preparatory responses, Amygdala Contributions to Conditioned Reinforce-
have generally assumed that there is one basic association ment: Studies of EFF A leading hypothesis about
between the CS and all aspects of the US. And this basic avoidance is that the instrumental response is reinforced by
association can be used in different ways to generate different termination of stimuli (CSs) associated with the aversive US.
basic behaviors, including both reactions and actions. Thus, That is, the avoidance response is learned and initially
embedded within the serial versus parallel amygdala process- performed to remove the CS. Hence, CS termination serves
ing debate are fundamental questions regarding the nature as a conditioned negative reinforcer, a stimulus that increases
of the CS-US association(s) and basic response classes. the likelihood of responses that eliminates this same stimulus.
In an abstract sense, it would be logical for the brain This is usually studied by using EFF tasks. In spite of its
to process appetitive and aversive stimuli in similar ways. potential to explain avoidance, little research has studied the
However, this might not be the case. Despite the superficial role of the brain in EFF tasks.
similarity of the behavioral designs that are used for appeti- The only study that explored the brain mechanisms of EFF
tive and aversive conditioning, distinct kinds of stimuli serve was performed by our laboratory (Amorapanth et al., 2000)
as the US (food or water versus shock), the associations (figure 61.6). We found that pretraining lesions of LA dis-
involved are fundamentally different (tone + food or water rupted both Pavlovian conditioning and EFF learning. CE
versus tone + shock), the conditioning procedures require lesions disrupted Pavlovian freezing responses but not instru-
many more training trials for appetitive conditioning relative mental EFF responses. And B lesions disrupted EFF learning
to aversive conditioning, and the responses (approach versus but not freezing. Specifically, our results suggested that CS
freezing) likely involve different output circuits of the amyg- information flow through the amygdala begins in LA, where
dala and possibly different intra-amygdala circuits. the Pavlovian CS-US association is stored, and then this asso-
The serial model of fear conditioning has been based on ciation is used to generate a conditioned reinforcing signal
studies that measure conditioned reactions elicited by the (negative or positive) either in B or in its output targets. The
CS. In contrast, the evidence for the parallel model has double dissociation that was observed for CE and B led to the
mostly been based on studies in which instrumental responses proposal that LA is critical for both aversive reaction and
are used as an indirect measure of conditioned fear. In par- action learning because the Pavlovian CS-US association
ticular, much of the evidence for the parallel model has was learned and stored in LA, and this association is critical
relied on the use of Pavlovian to instrumental transfer (PIT) for both types of responses. Serial processing from LA to CE
tests in which a previously conditioned CS alters the perfor- mediated aversive reaction learning, and serial processing

914 the emotional and social brain

Figure 61.6 Escape from fear (EFF) learning depends on the active EFF response (B, chamber crossing). These data suggest that
lateral and basal, but not central, amygdala. Prior to behavioral LA is necessary for establishing the CS as a conditioned incentive.
training, rats received bilateral electrolytic lesions of LA, CE, or B. This information is then relayed to CE to initiate passive Pavlovian
Rats were first subjected to Pavlovian fear conditioning and then to reactions and to B for active escape responding. Note that this study
EFF training, using chamber crossing as the escape response. LA was done with an older EFF task prior to the development of the
and CE lesions disrupted performance of a passive fear reaction to task illustrated in figure 61.1. (Reproduced from Amorapanth,
the CS (A, freezing). LA and B lesions disrupted performance of an LeDoux, & Nader (2000) with permission of Nature Neuroscience.)

from LA to B mediated aversive action learning (figure 61.7). negative reinforcement. Further, they did not distinguish
Because the tasks that we and others before employed had between LA and B. Nevertheless, the general conclusion
several shortcomings, we developed a new task (Cain & regarding fear-based action is the same as that from our
LeDoux, 2007). This task will be especially useful in drawing study: LA and B are essential for this influence of Pavlovian
firm conclusions about the role of amygdala areas in EFF CS on instrumental learning.
learning and hence conditioned reinforcement. These conclusions from aversive conditioning are also
Another study that is relevant was performed by Killcross consistent with appetitive conditioning results that indicate
and colleagues (1997). They trained rats on a concurrent that the BLA but not the CE contributes to conditioned
Pavlovian conditioning and conditioned punishment task reinforcement (Burns, Everitt, & Robbins, 1999). The
and assessed the effects of CE versus BLA lesions. In this appetitive work suggests further that connections from the
task, a previously conditioned CS punishes and thereby BLA to the ventral striatum allow the conditioned rein-
weakens a previously established, appetitively motivated forcer, formed in the BLA, to mediate the acquisition of
instrumental response. In the same sessions, Pavlovian con- the instrumental action. Extra-amygdala circuits will be
ditioning was assessed by conditioned suppression of appeti- discussed below.
tive bar pressing, using a separate bar from that used for the
punishment assessment. Their results suggested that BLA Amygdala Contributions to Conditioned Motiva-
lesions, but not CE lesions, interfered with conditioned pun- tion: Studies of PIT Excluding conditioned suppression
ishment, which matches well with the results of Amorapanth studies, research on brain mechanisms of PIT mainly
and colleagues. But they also found that conditioned sup- involves appetitive conditioning tasks in which a previously
pression, the Pavlovian measure, was impaired by CE lesions conditioned CS is used as a conditioned incentive and its
but not by BLA lesions. This second finding is at odds with effects on instrumental behavior are assessed (Balleine
many studies on conditioned reactions supporting the serial & Killcross, 2006; Corbit & Balleine, 2005; Everitt et al.,
model. However, this was a complex task involving signifi- 2003; Hall et al., 2001; Holland & Gallagher, 2003;
cant overtraining, and the relevance of the results to simpler Talmi et al., 2008). This work indicates that the amygdala
tasks that do not involve overtraining should be viewed is critical for appetitive PIT. Further, as will be described
cautiously (Lee et al., 2005). Specifically, typical fear- below, different amygdala nuclei appear to make distinct
conditioning studies use fewer than 10 training trials (as few contributions to different forms of appetitive PIT.
as one in many studies), whereas Killcross and colleagues Prior to PIT studies, early appetitive conditioning research
used approximately 120 trials. Also, the instrumental task identified separate contributions of CE and BLA to general
involved conditioned punishment rather than conditioned affective responses and US-specific responses. Damage to

ledoux, schiller, and cain: emotional reaction and action 915

Figure 61.7 Schematic representation of circuits proposed to cally, the NAcc processing of incentive information is proposed to
mediate fear-elicited emotional reactions and fear-motivated emo- invigorate and guide active behavior via projections to the ventral
tional actions. During fear conditioning the CS-US association is pallidum (VP) and downstream motor systems, with the aid of
formed and stored in the lateral amygdala (LA) (see figure 61.5). neuromodulators (especially dopamine arriving from ventral teg-
After fear conditioning, the CS, processed in the sensory thalamus mental area). Note that the amygdala aspects of the model are
and cortex, drives activity in the LA and then CE. Activity in CE, derived from work on amygdala-dependent fear conditioning and
in turn, leads to the expression of passive fear reactions (such as EFF learning (Amorapanth et al., 2000), while downstream por-
freezing behavior), activation of brain stem neuromodulatory tions of the model are borrowed from work in appetitive condition-
systems that release amine neurotransmitters throughout the brain, ing (e.g., Ikemoto & Panksepp, 1999; Kalivas & Nakamura, 1999;
and activation of autonomic nervous system (ANS) and neuroen- Cardinal et al., 2002). Once EFF is well-learned, there is a hypo-
docrine responses. The CS also functions as an incentive and a thetical inhibition of passive fear actions. Additional abbreviations:
conditioned reinforcer by way of information flow from LA to B. PAG, periaqueductal gray; LH, lateral hypothalamus; PVN, para-
Projections from B to nucleus accumbens (NAcc) may allow the use ventricular nucleus; LA, lateral amygdala; B, basal amygdala; CE,
of CS information in the control of instrumental actions. Specifi- central amygdala.

CE, but not to BLA, impaired the “preparatory” condi- tive but distinct (general PIT). BLA lesions disrupted US-
tioned approach (Parkinson, Robbins, & Everitt, 2000) specific PIT but had no effect on US-general PIT, while CE
and orienting (Gallagher, Graham, & Holland, 1990). An lesions disrupted general but not specific PIT. Contradictory
opposite result was found with US-specific “consummatory” results in earlier studies (Everitt et al., 2003; Hall et al., 2001;
responses: Lesions of BLA, but not of CE, interfered with Holland & Gallagher, 2003) have been attributed to the
US devaluation effects (Hatfield, Han, Conley, Gallegher, & failure to distinguish between specific and general PIT
Holland, 1996) and potentiation of feeding by an appetitive (Balleine & Killcross, 2006).
CS (Gallagher & Holland, 1992; Holland & Petrovich, Balleine and Killcross (2006) and others (Cardinal et al.,
2005; Holland, Petrovich, & Gallagher, 2002). Later studies 2002; Killcross & Blundell, 2002) argue that the model
pursued this dissociation, using appetitive PIT tasks (Balleine inspired by appetitive conditioning results should also apply
& Killcross, 2006; Corbit & Balleine, 2005; Everitt et al., to aversive motivation, based in large part on the effects of
2003; Hall et al., 2001; Holland & Gallagher, 2003), in amygdala lesions on conditioned suppression. In conditioned
which Pavlovian CSs enhanced instrumental responding for suppression, an aversive CS decreases food-motivated lever
food. Positive PIT (enhancement of responding) was observed pressing. This is viewed as a form of general PIT. The
when the USs in Pavlovian and instrumental conditioning finding that suppression depends on CE and not on BLA
matched (US-specific PIT) and when they were both appeti- (Killcross et al., 1997) is thus used to argue that aversive

916 the emotional and social brain

general PIT depends on CE and not on BLA. Such data As has been noted already, we should not expect the brain
were the basis of the parallel model of amygdala processing to process appetitive and aversive stimuli in similar ways,
in fear conditioning discussed above. given how different the USs and the responses involved are.
There are several reasons not to accept this conclusion Thus rather than overturning decades of research, the appe-
without further study. First, conditioned suppression is not titive results provide hypotheses to be tested and methods
methodologically comparable to appetitive PIT. A compa- for testing them in fear conditioning. Only after such work
rable task would be one in which an aversive CS enhances has been done should we draw the conclusion that amygdala
an aversive instrumental response rather one in which an circuits mediating fear conditioning are the ones that have
aversive CS suppresses an appetitive instrumental response. been identified for appetitive conditioning rather than the
Second, the conclusion that conditioned suppression depends ones that have been supported by decades of research.
on CE but not on BLA is mainly supported by a study that
used overtraining (Killcross et al., 1997), which, as already Extra-Amygdala Areas Involved in Conditioned
noted, is problematic. Further, a number of other studies Reinforcement and Conditioned Motivation The
have found that BLA lesions affect conditioned suppression, evidence reviewed above suggests that the basal amygdala
especially in the absence of overtraining (Cousens & Otto, (B) is likely to play a key role in at least some aspects
1998; Lee et al., 2005; Schiller & Weiner, 2004; Selden, of aversive conditioned reinforcement and motivation.
Everitt, Jarrard, & Robbins, 1991). To account for this Anatomical output connections of B are thus probable target
involvement of BLA in suppression when only a few training areas that might function as postamygdala processing links
trials are used, it has been argued that suppression in such (Amaral & Insausti, 1992; Gabbott, Warner, & Busby, 2006;
situations is due to freezing, which is deemed a US-specific Johnson, Aylward, Hussain, & Totterdell, 1994; Kelley,
response and not “true suppression,” which is considered a Domesick, & Nauta, 1982; McDonald, 1998; Pitkanen et al.,
general affective response (Balleine & Killcross, 2006). This 2000). It is also possible that some aspects of conditioned
view is challenged by our finding that PAG-lesioned animals motivation or reinforcement might involve connections from
exhibit suppression but not freezing, even when only a few B to CE. This will not be considered further here. Instead,
training trails are used (Amorapanth, Nader, & LeDoux, we will focus on four extra-amygdala targets of B: nucleus
1999). Since freezing is eliminated by the PAG lesion, the accumbens (NAcc), ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC),
suppression that occurs must count as “true suppression” in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and orbitofrontal cortex
spite of the fact that only a few training trials were used. (OFC).
Thus, freezing is not necessarily the explanation for why
BLA lesions disrupt suppression. If suppression does reflect Nucleus accumbens NAcc is important for instrumental learn-
a form of general motivation based on emotional arousal, ing in response to environmental stimuli in appetitive tasks
then it might be the case that CE is involved in general PIT (Kelley, 2004) and may be required for expression of this
but as an output of LA and B rather than a parallel and memory, once it has been learned (Ikemoto & Panksepp,
independent pathway. 1999; Nicola, 2007). Specifically, NAcc contributes to moti-
To directly test the role of different amygdala areas in vated action learning (Cardinal & Everitt, 2004; Ikemoto &
specific and general motivational functions, US-specific and Panksepp, 1999; Kelley, 2004; Koob, 1996; Salamone,
US-general PIT tasks are needed. These have not been Correa, Mingote, & Weber, 2003), including action learn-
developed and used in aversive studies of brain function to ing about conditioned reinforcers (de Borchgrave, Rawlins,
date. However, it is likely that such tasks could be developed, Dickinson, & Balleine, 2002; Kelley & Delfs, 1991;
since studies of avoidance conditioning have found that an Robbins, Giardini, Jones, Reading, & Sahakian, 1990) (see
aversive CS can enhance avoidance responding (Brackbill & figure 61.7).
Overmier, 1979; Ehrman & Overmier, 1976; Grossen & Anatomically, NAcc is situated at the neural crossroads
Bolles, 1968; LoLordo, 1967). of emotion and movement (Graybiel, 1976; Mogenson,
The PIT studies thus return us to the question of serial Jones, & Yim, 1980). Importantly, NAcc neuronal processing
versus parallel processing in the amygdala. The appetitive appears to contribute to the expression of aversively
studies point to BLA and CE as separately and indepen- motivated instrumental learning as intra-NAcc dopamine
dently mediating different forms of associative learning, receptor antagonists disrupt performance of signaled
leading to different responses. However, in aversive con- avoidance learning (Wadenberg, Ericson, Magnusson, &
ditioning, the results suggest that LA and B are likely to be Ahlenius, 1990). In addition, performance of conditioned
involved in both US-specific and general PIT. The CE may avoidance behavior is reduced by systemic catecholamine
also be involved in aversive general PIT, but if so, this will synthesis inhibition and rescued by intra-NAcc injections of
occur via LA (and possibly B) rather than via the formation dopamine ( Jackson, Ahlenius, Anden, & Engel, 1977).
of a CS-US association that is independent of LA and B. Recent studies have also shown that NAcc dopamine is

ledoux, schiller, and cain: emotional reaction and action 917

elevated in response to aversive CS presentations (Salamone, in appetitive conditioning, since ACC lesions do not affect
Correa, Farrar, & Mingote, 2007). Thus we predict that the enhancement of appetitive instrumental responding by
pre-EFF lesions of the NAcc will impair EFF learning and a CS previously paired with food (Cardinal et al., 2003).
performance. The above studies also suggest that NAcc
may play a role in aversive conditioned motivation, and Orbitofrontal cortex OFC has been implicated in various
therefore we predict that posttraining lesions, or disconnec- behaviors involving the integration of incentive value with
tions from B, may also impair aversive PIT. NAcc core and instrumental actions (Cardinal et al., 2002; Rolls, 2004;
shell may make unique contributions, since NAcc core lesions Schoenbaum, Gottfried, Murray, & Ramus, 2007). For
seem to have a greater effect on appetitive conditioned moti- instance, rats, monkeys, and humans with OFC damage
vation and conditioned reinforcement than shell lesions do show risk assessment impairments in instrumental choice
(Hall et al., 2001; Parkinson, Olmstead, Burns, Robbins, & tasks and an inability to flexibly alter behavior as contingen-
Everitt, 1999). cies change (Bechara, Damasio, & Damasio, 2000; Dias,
Robbins, & Robbins, 1996; Gallagher & Schoenbaum,
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex vmPFC consists of the infralim- 1999). These deficits seem to be dependent on interactions
bic and prelimbic areas. Studies of interest have not always between OFC and B, since disconnection lesions of these
distinguished between the two regions. Although the litera- two structures create similar impairments in incentive pro-
ture on vmPFC contributions to conditioned reinforcement cessing. On the basis of these findings, we predict that OFC
or conditioned motivation is sparse, some recent studies damage and OFC disconnection from B will impair both
have implicated this region in expression of goal-directed EFF learning and PIT performance.
actions (Balleine & Dickinson, 1998; Coutureau & Killcross,
2003). In addition, it has been suggested that the connection Summary and conclusions
between B and vmPFC represents a functional link between
incentive value and instrumental contingencies (Cardinal Animals, including humans, can respond in many ways to
et al., 2002). Of particular relevance, however, is the well- aversive stimulation. These responses can be broadly sepa-
documented role of the vmPFC in behavioral inhibition, rated into four categories: reflexes, reactions, instrumental
especially inhibition of passive fear reactions such as freez- actions, and habits. Although fear research initially focused
ing. The vmPFC, especially the infralimbic cortex, plays a on instrumental avoidance behavior, this strategy was largely
prominent role in extinction (suppression) of Pavlovian fear abandoned in favor of simple Pavlovian conditioned reac-
reactions (Quirk, Garcia, & Gonzalez-Lima, 2006; Sotres- tions. This switch in focus to a simpler procedure probably
Bayon, Cain, & LeDoux, 2006). We hypothesize that vmPFC occurred because it facilitated investigations of brain mecha-
plays some role in enabling action learning like avoidance nisms and because instrumental avoidance was believed to
or EFF and predict that pretraining lesions, or disconnec- depend, at least partly, on prior Pavlovian conditioning.
tions from B, of infralimbic cortex will impair the acquisition This new tack proved to be successful, and several decades’
of avoidance and EFF. worth of intense research has led to a fairly comprehen-
sive understanding of how the brain mediates the learning,
Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) The ACC, which lies dorsal to storage, and performance of conditioned fear reactions.
vmPFC, has been the subject of a good deal of research in Briefly, the amygdala is critical for all three, LA being impor-
emotional learning tasks, both appetitive and aversive. The tant for learning and storage and CE being important espe-
literature is a bit confusing, but several findings suggest that cially for expression of fear reactions. A recent modification
the ACC may be an interesting target, especially in EFF. For of the standard serial model suggests that B is important for
instance, ACC lesions impair signaled active avoidance the reinforcement and motivation of instrumental actions,
learning in rabbits (Gabriel, Vogt, Kubota, Poremba, & using the CS-US association stored in LA. Thus the stan-
Kang, 1991), and CS-evoked neural responses in ACC dard serial model of fear conditioning assumes that LA is
develop early in avoidance training (Gabriel, 1990). It has critical for generating the CS-US association, and CE and
been suggested that BLA and ACC coordinate to add speci- B mediate different consequences of this learning: reactions
ficity to instrumental actions that depend on Pavlovian CSs versus actions. However, much new research is needed to
(Everitt et al., 2003). Available data suggest that ACC may examine this hypothesis in more depth.
be particularly important for instrumental actions that The switch in focus to basic fear reactions also had its
depend on Pavlovian CSs (conditioned reinforcement; costs, as our understanding of aversive action learning such
reviewed in Cardinal et al., 2002). Thus we predict that as avoidance and EFF has lagged far behind. Such responses
lesions of ACC or ACC disconnection from B will impair represent a large class of both normal and pathological fear
EFF learning. ACC might not be necessary for PIT, at least behavior and should be studied in more detail to complete

918 the emotional and social brain

our understanding of fear-related behavior. It should also normal coping and pathological states, it is imperative that
be noted that fear actions likely depend on, or at least inter- we begin to unravel these complex processes. Pathological
act with, prior Pavlovian conditioning. Thus, the foundation fear states often involve instrumental responses that were
provided by decades of intense Pavlovian conditioning adaptive but under certain conditions became maladaptive
research is likely to speed our understanding of aversive and inappropriate. Elucidating the neural mechanisms that
instrumental actions. underlie interactions between Pavlovian and instrumental
Research on appetitive conditioning has progressed aversive learning might enhance our understanding of what
along a slightly different trajectory. Most notably, appetitive makes the shift from passive reactions to actions possible in
research has benefitted from the Konorskian separation of the face of fear. This knowledge may aid our ability to break
responses into US-specific “consummatory” and general the vicious cycle of avoidance and lead to better coping
affective “preparatory” responses. Psychological assays have strategies and therapeutic interventions.
been honed to tap into these processes, and studies of neural
mechanisms have focused on this distinction. The results of
this research led to the development of the parallel model of REFERENCES
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