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Prayer Diary - May 2024

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Bring hope to the hopeless. May the gospel pierce the darkness.
God, as millions of people visit new Hindu temples for
We think of Liatu and remember the
idol worship, please send your church into the community
children kidnapped by extremist groups.
to evangelize the lost.
God, comfort these children and liberate
them from their captors. “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great
light … on them has light shown.” – Isaiah 9:2
“Therefore we do not lose heart.” – 2 Corinthians 4:16
WEEK 3: JUNE 15-21

Each year, more persecuted believers are killed for INDIA Father, stop Hindu mob violence in its tracks.
their faith in Nigeria than in the rest of the world
combined. Join us now in praying for the courageous We declare that all attacks of the enemy
Christ-followers living in the nation gravely known on innocent Christian men, women and
children will cease in the mighty name of
as the Christian murder capital of the world.
WEEK 1: MAY 1-7 “Deliver me from evildoers and save me from those who
God, protect Your precious children. are after my blood.” – Psalm 59:2
Father, last year 4,000 Christians were killed in
Nigeria alone. Be a stronghold to Your people and may WEEK 4: JUNE 22-30
they find refuge in You.
As Hindu extremists have amassed significant political Empower the church to thrive in hardship.
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help power over the last decade, India’s 70 million Christians We pray for the Word of God to strengthen
in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1 have experienced substantial increases in hatred and and sustain our Indian brothers & sisters
violence. Please intercede for our persecuted family during times of extreme persecution.
WEEK 2: MAY 8-14 as tensions mount.
Be their perfect peace. “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their
WEEK 1: JUNE 1-7
We remember believers like Suzanne, strength …” – Isaiah 40:31
who were brutally attacked by extremist Lord, heal this once-secular nation.
groups. Lord, heal their trauma, that
they might find wholeness in You.
We pray for an end to Hindu nationalism and
extremism. May the political leaders come to know
Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are
steadfast, because they trust in You.” – Isaiah 26:3 “… I will heal them and reveal to them abundance
of prosperity and security.” – Jeremiah 33:6
WEEK 3: MAY 15-21

Lord, guide those in power to defend.

“Oh God, forgive them.
Work in the hearts of government officials in Nigeria
and beyond, so they will step up and put policies in place to
They are all ignorant of their
protect the vulnerable. actions. This is my prayer ...”
“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the SUZANNE, A PERSECUTED BELIEVER IN NIGERIA
cause of the poor and the oppressed.” – Psalm 82:3
continued on back
Christians represent only 1% of Pakistan’s entire population.
Believers are targeted with kidnappings, forced marriages,

May - July 2024
bonded slavery and more, while laws are designed to silence

WE’RE DELIGHTED TO their voices. Partner with us in praying for these believers
in peril.


Father, shield Christians from radical mobs.

NEW PRAYER FORCE One believer says, “Nowhere else in the world are
Christians in more danger of violence from mobs.” Lord,

as the Great Shepherd, protect Your sheep.
“… Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

– Psalm 23:4
How to use this quarterly prayer guide:
WEEK 2: JULY 8—-4
Be with Your sons & daughters who labor as
Pray one prayer per week on behalf of the
1 persecuted church. Reflect on the prayer
and Bible verse throughout your week.
bonded slaves.
God, we lift up impoverished Christians
like Azeeb, who have no choice but to take
out predatory loans. Some will pass on
2 Scan the QR code to view exclusive stories,
photos and videos on the GCR website.
their debts to their children. Free them.

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Weekly prayers for
– John 8:36 persecuted believers
Share the Prayer Force Alert! Invite a family
3 member, friend or fellow church member
to pray along with you.
WEEK 3: JULY 15-21

Bring healing to those in the brick kilns.

Most workers cannot afford basic
healthcare for their families. God, provide
ways for these desperate believers to
God’s family needs you. receive spiritual and physical aid.
Join our Prayer App
Community today. “Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will
be saved …” Jeremiah 17:14
Get up-to-date requests from
persecuted Christians around the WEEK 4: JULY 22-31
world through our FREE Prayer App.
Abba, protect Your children from unfair laws.
DOWNLOAD OUR APP Pakistan’s blasphemy rules make it extremely
dangerous for Christians to declare their faith. Father,
keep Your followers safe, that they may not be silent.
Global Christian Relief “But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you
P.O. Box 27001
Santa Ana, CA 92799 USA and protect you from the evil one.” – 2 Thess. 3:3

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