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Information & Management 50 (2013) 144–153

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Trust and knowledge sharing in diverse global virtual teams

Praveen Pinjani a,*, Prashant Palvia b,1
Department of Business Administration, College of Business, Delaware State University, 1200 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, DE 19901, USA
Joe Rosenthal Excellence Professor of Information Systems and Operations Management and Director, McDowell Research Center for Global IT Management, Information Systems and
Operations Management, Bryan School of Business and Economics, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27402-6165, USA


Article history: Global virtual teams (GVTs) allow organizations to improve productivity, procure global knowledge, and
Received 29 November 2010 transfer best practice information instantaneously among team members. GVTs rely heavily on IT and
Received in revised form 3 October 2012 have little face-to-face interaction, thereby increasing problems resulting from geographic barriers, time
Accepted 29 October 2012
language, and cultural differences, and inter-personal relationships. The purpose of our study was to
Available online 28 February 2013
design a normative framework that would assist organizations in understanding the relationship
between diversity, mutual trust, and knowledge sharing among GVTs, with additional focus on
understanding the moderating impact of collaborative technology and task characteristics. Empirical
Global virtual teams
data was collected from 58 GVTs and analyzed using a Hierarchical Multiple Regression technique.
Knowledge sharing
Mutual trust Results showed that in GVTs, deep level diversity has a more significant relationship with team processes
Collaborative technology of mutual trust and knowledge sharing than visible functional level diversity. This relationship is
moderated by the collaborative capabilities of available technology and levels of interdependence of the
task. Furthermore, knowledge sharing and mutual trust mediate the relationship between diversity
levels and team effectiveness.
ß 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction instantaneously. GVTs thus have little face-to-face (F2F) interac-

tion and are seen as a new form of organizational structure [26]:
Global virtual teams (GVTs) are groups that (a) are identified by they cut across organizational and national cultures and functional
their organizations and group members as being a team; (b) are areas, increasing team diversity which may result in less effective
responsible for making and implementing decisions important to performance.
the organization’s strategy [8]; (c) use technology-supported While GVTs offer an expanded range of benefits, their
communication more than face-to-face communication; and (d) implementation is at risk if organizations fail to address the many
work and live in different countries. Compared to virtual and co- challenges they present [23]. Challenges are caused by distance
located traditional teams, GVTs connect people across organiza- and time zone changes, by language and cultural differences, by
tional units whose policies, systems, and structures may not mesh adoption and implementation of technology, by member interac-
together easily. They involve people from multiple disciplines, tion, and by a lack of trust and shared understanding among the
functions, location, and culture; organizations work together on team members. Project failures have been reported and calls for
specific opportunities. Also, their major use of electronic medium better understanding of GVT problems have been made.
is to aid the GVTs; team members must operate quickly and Three areas must be considered when designing a collaborative
effectively and this requires high levels of technological support. GVT environment: people, process, and technology. Members of the
Technology has therefore become absolutely critical for GVTs in GVT have no history of working together and may lack the skills
carrying out their basic team functions: communicating, decision- needed to work effectively with people of different cultures,
making, learning, collaborating, and managing knowledge. working in different time zones, and using incompatible systems.
GVTs allow organizations to improve efficiency and productivi- Members who are not competent in using new technologies
ty, procure global expert knowledge from internal and external present further challenges to team performance and member
sources, and provide best practice information nearly satisfaction [3]. Recent literature in GVT highlights the importance
of relationship building, cohesion, and trust as processes that foster
team effectiveness. GVTs also face significant difficulty in
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 302 857 6929; fax: +1 302 857 6927.
achieving such processes. To date, the majority of virtual team
E-mail addresses: (P. Pinjani), (P. Palvia). research has focused on conflict, interpersonal trust, group and
Tel.: +1 336 334 4818; fax: +1 336 334 5580. individual identity, and group cohesiveness [16]. Little empirical

0378-7206/$ – see front matter ß 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Pinjani, P. Palvia / Information & Management 50 (2013) 144–153 145

research has explored the socio-emotional processes inherent in distinctively different, they may be linked over time. However, we
the virtual work environment. Models that could be used to know of no empirical research that exists to validate such
understand better team development and effectiveness have been relationships.
limited to those based on the traditional co-located teams.
GVTs can potentially bring together people with knowledge and 2.2. Mutual trust
perspectives from different parts of the world to meet their
objectives. But problems are complicated, because team members Trust, the positive and confident expectation of the behavior of
may be unwilling to share knowledge, and lack trust that their another party, is a vital quality for effective virtual teams and
knowledge will be ‘‘stolen’’ and used by potential competitors. For online exchanges [19]. Trust in a team context has been defined as
teams unable to establish a shared knowledge base, problems the degree of confidence of team members in one another. For GVT,
include a failure to communicate, difficulty in understanding the the risk of potential misunderstanding and mistrust is heightened
importance of information, and difficulty in interpreting the [30]. GVTs develop a ‘‘swift’’ form of trust but it is very fragile and
meaning of silence by others [6]. Compared to FTF interaction, GVT temporal; however, trust amongst group members may be
members find it hard to establish trust in a new working improved through social communication that complements rather
relationship: it is also difficult to assess teammates’ trustworthi- than substitutes task communication. Trust and team performance
ness without ever having met. are apparently positively correlated with effective communication
Although various technologies offer many benefits, technologi- among members.
cal differences can result in delayed communication, frustration,
and with decreased productivity and effectiveness. Thus the 2.3. Shared knowledge
purpose of our study was to design a normative framework to
assist organizations in understanding trust and knowledge sharing The intellectual power of a virtual team is in its diffused
among diverse GVTs, with a focus on understanding the impact of expertise and ability to blend different experiences to create
task interdependence. shared knowledge. When individuals work within a GVT, they can
utilize others’ knowledge as well as develop their own [9]. The
2. Literature review more effective their knowledge sharing, the better it they can
perform their tasks [13]. Shared knowledge in team settings occurs
2.1. GVT diversity through joint training and by experience gained through problem-
solving among members. When shared knowledge is incomplete,
Considerable research has been conducted to understand the individuals’ interrelate less. When team members are unable to
differences in the performance of diverse teams compared to their interrelate, knowledge integration is less likely to occur. Efficiently
homogenous counterparts [5]. Perhaps the greatest problem facing managed team knowledge has a positive influence on the success
GVT is in understanding the relationships between team members; of the team’s project [2].
developing cohesion among them is a challenge. Thus a growing
body of research addresses the issues of improving collaboration 2.4. Collaborative technology
between members of a GVT [20].
Diversity poses both opportunities and threats and empirical The technology used by GVT is important, as media richness has
findings about team outcomes and performance are mixed [11]. been found to impact team effectiveness, efficiency, level of
Organizational scholars considering the link between diversity and communication, relationships among team members, and team
performance have generally concluded that the relationship is commitment [29]. Effective ICT increases the positive impact of
neither simple nor direct. In some studies, diverse teams diversity and mitigates the negative effects of cultural diversity.
outperformed homogeneous teams by bringing a broader array Prior research has found that technology can improve inter
of knowledge and experience to the group, while in other personal processes like socialization [1] and reduce conflict.
situations homogeneous teams performed better by avoiding Recently Sarker et al. [25] developed a model of technology
conflicts and communication problems. If managed properly, team adoption by groups based on a valence perspective. Based on this,
heterogeneity can create significant operational synergy, but they proposed that group supportability may be assessed by
mismanaged team diversity can be an impediment by causing determining how technology can increase parallelism, transpar-
intra-group conflict, miscommunication, and lack of trust. ency, and sociality within the group.
Diversity due to demographic differences such as age, sex, or
race, is termed surface level diversity, whereas diversity due to 2.5. Task interdependence
personal characteristics, such as idiosyncratic attitudes, values,
and preferences are termed deep-level diversity [27]. A third form of This can be defined as the degree to which completing a
diversity termed functional diversity is the extent to which team task requires the interaction of team members. Several
members differ in their functional background. In this, the researchers have argued that the degree of task interdependence
underlying assumption is that different functional backgrounds has a substantial effect on team processes and outcomes; it
result in non-overlapping knowledge and expertise, resulting in moderates the relationship between team diversity and team
team members having a larger knowledge base on which they can performance by influencing team member interaction and
draw in making decisions and taking actions. coordination. The role of task design and its impact on team
Prior research has found that in contexts that reduce the effects performance has been investigated resulting in a belief that task
of surface level diversity, deep level diversity has a strong effect differences moderate the relationships between team inputs,
[15]. The literature points out that GVTs offer the opportunity to processes, and outputs.
overcome surface level and demographic diversity as most Recently, the focus has been on treating diversity as a single
communication and interaction takes place through electronic construct without understanding the various facets of diversity,
media. However, because of GVTs dispersed nature and inherent and without looking at the effects of functional level and deep-
membership diversity, overall diversity has a significant impact on level diversity. Much of the research has also ignored the effect of
GVT performance and outcome. Harrison and Klein [10] noted that, building relationships on trust and knowledge sharing among
although the different types of diversity are qualitatively and team members. Overall, research on GVT is fragmented and much
146 P. Pinjani, P. Palvia / Information & Management 50 (2013) 144–153

of the focus has been on comparisons of traditional teams with H1d. Deep level diversity is negatively associated with knowledge
GVTs. sharing in GVTs.

3. Research model and hypotheses Prior research suggests that task interdependence moderates
the relationships between team inputs and processes. When task
Given the inherently complex nature of GVT environment, we interdependence is high, team members depend on each other for
argue that GVT effectiveness, as a dependent variable, will increase expertise, information, and resources to complete a task. High
with the development of mutual trust and knowledge sharing levels of task interdependence force team members to work
among the team members, which will be affected by diversity and together closely, exchange information and resources, and further
moderated by task and collaborative features of the technology develop shared norms for effective team functioning. In a low task
used. interdependence situation, however, team members tend to
We examined two levels of diversity at the input level: operate as individuals with less intense interaction and coordina-
functional diversity and deep-level diversity. At the process level, tion, thereby reducing affective outcomes and increasing a
the relationship between mutual trust and knowledge sharing was potential for lack of trust and shared knowledge arising from
considered. At the outcome level, the focus was on GVT effective- member heterogeneity. Therefore,
ness consistent with operationalization, and included are team H2a. Task interdependence will moderate the relationship be-
performance and members’ satisfaction with the activities of the
tween GVT functional diversity and mutual trust in global virtual
team. teams in that the relationship is weaker for teams with high levels
A careful review of the model led us to identify two prime
of task interdependence, than teams with low level of task inter-
moderators: task and frequency and duration of interactions. Task dependence.
holds conventional teams together, while communication and
collaborative technologies serve as additional bonds linking the H2b. Task interdependence will moderate the relationship be-
members of a GVT [24]. Technology allows GVT members to tween GVT functional diversity and knowledge sharing in global
communicate and share information despite disparities in location virtual teams in that the relationship is weaker for teams with high
and time-zone. levels of task interdependence, than teams with low level of task
From the input–process–output perspective, our research interdependence.
model may be represented as shown in Fig. 1.
The essence of teamwork is to coordinate diverse contributions H2c. Task interdependence will moderate the relationship be-
and accomplish a goal that could not have been achieved by any of tween GVT deep-level diversity and mutual trust in global virtual
the contributors working alone. Past research has suggested that teams in that the relationship is weaker for teams with high levels
members with different educational backgrounds lead to increased of task interdependence, than teams with low level of task inter-
task related debates. Specifically, diversity increases relationship dependence.
and process conflicts. Differences between individuals generally
H2d. Task interdependence will moderate the relationship be-
increase negative outcomes, such as less attraction and trust of
tween GVT deep-level diversity and knowledge sharing in global
peers, less frequent communication, lower team commitment, and
virtual teams in that the relationship is weaker for teams with high
increased relationship conflict among team members. Thus we
levels of task interdependence, than teams with low level of task
H1a. Functional level diversity is negatively associated with mu- An increase in electronic interaction between team members
tual trust in GVTs. gradually affects the team’s feelings and attitudes, leading to an
increased sense of trust and belonging. Also, collaborative
H1b. Functional level diversity is negatively associated with
knowledge sharing in GVTs. technologies encourage greater participation in two ways: first,
they allow free exchange of communication without having to wait
H1c. Deep level diversity is negatively associated with mutual (parallel processing) and second, visual anonymity reduces
trust in GVTs. inhibitions of minorities. Thus,


Mutual Trust

GVT Effectiveness
Diversity Type
GVT Performance
Functional Diversity
GVT Member Satisfaction
Deep – Level Diversity

Knowledge Sharing


Fig. 1. Conceptual research model.

P. Pinjani, P. Palvia / Information & Management 50 (2013) 144–153 147

H3a. Collaborative technology will moderate the relationship be- about the activities of interest [28]. In this part of the survey, the
tween GVT functional diversity and mutual trust in global virtual inter-rater reliability can be assessed and, if convergence is
teams in that the relationship is weaker for teams with high levels demonstrated, a balanced perspective can be obtained by averaging
of collaborative technology, than teams with low level of collabo- informants’ perceptions. Thus, all items in our instrument/
rative technology. questionnaire were framed as applicable to informants rather than
respondents and team-members evaluated their team rather than
H3b. Collaborative technology will moderate the relationship be- their own behavior or attitudes.
tween GVT functional diversity and knowledge sharing in global Normal good practice was used in developing an instrument
virtual teams in that the relationship is weaker for teams with high with desirable properties; IS research was surveyed to help in
levels of collaborative technology, than teams with low level of developing the questionnaire. The conceptual definitions of the
collaborative technology. constructs were examined and identified dimensions were
verified. Items that captured the domain and had high reliability
H3c. Collaborative technology will moderate the relationship be- were selected.
tween GVT deep-level diversity and mutual trust in global virtual
teams in that the relationship is weaker for teams with high levels 4.2. Pre-test
of collaborative technology, than teams with low level of collabo-
rative technology. The instrument was pre-tested in order to refine the items in
terms of wording and conveying the overall meaning. Four
H3d. Collaborative technology will moderate the relationship be-
graduate students, four faculty members, and two industry
tween GVT deep-level diversity and knowledge sharing in global
executives tested the instrument and, based on their recommen-
virtual teams in that the relationship is weaker for teams with high
dations, the instrument was refined. An important modification
levels of collaborative technology, than teams with low level of
was the use of 7-point rather than a 5-point Likert scale to assess
collaborative technology.
the responses. All the recommendations were considered and
Trust plays a key role in effective information sharing, leading necessary changes were made.
to mutual understanding in the team. Trust is an effective way to
manage people who cannot meet face-to-face, and interact: 4.3. Pilot study
members are then willing to open themselves to each other and
cooperate to solve a problem. Trust is thus pivotal in GVTs in order A pilot study was conducted using an online version of the
to bridge the psychological distance between people who are instrument with software development teams in South Asia. A
culturally and geographically apart. Thus, total of 11 teams representing 22 team members completed the
online instrument. The average team size was 7 members and
H4. Mutual trust is positively associated with knowledge sharing average team tenure was 5.3 months.
in GVTs. Qualitative open-ended questions were collected from team
members. Their wording, meaning, and understandability were
When team members have high levels of mutual trust, common
discussed; some managers rewrote questions while others
goals, unified rewards, and knowledge sharing, they tend to agree contacted the researchers for clarification. Thus a number of
on norms regarding work, and this promotes harmony and
items were reworded.
decreases interpersonal tensions [7]. In the group working
environment, trust is an important premise of successful group
4.4. Instrument
decision-making in terms of decision quality, satisfaction and
utility. Trust has a positive impact on knowledge sharing, when
The final instrument (see Appendix A) consisted of 38 items
members care about each other, an individual team member will with responses measured on 7-point Likert scale; it was
be more willing to spend effort in providing knowledge [12].
administered to various GVTs in several multi-national organiza-
Like trust, knowledge sharing has a positively affect team tions. Table 1 presents the items, their definitions, some literature
performance. Group decision-making requires team members to
references, and the number of items. All of the items together
play different roles in a group, while sharing knowledge in order to represent the underlying constructs of the instrument [21].
obtain high quality decisions. Also, effective knowledge sharing is
Senior executives were contacted in many organizations
positively associated with decision outcomes. Thus: soliciting their approval of employees to participate in our study.
H5. High levels of mutual trust will lead to an increase in GVT Positive respondents were asked to provide the names of a
performance in diverse GVTs (mediating effects). responsible external manager and the team members. If the
participating organization asked for it, they were to be provided
H6. High levels of knowledge sharing will lead to an increase in with an executive report giving our results and how their teams
GVT member satisfaction in diverse GVTs (mediating effects). compared to the sample. Generally, the survey was administered
electronically: this constituted a convenient, effective, sample of
4. Research methodology global virtual teams and their members.
A total of 213 usable responses from 58 teams were collected
4.1. Data collection and analyzed. The average number of informants per team was
4. The sample consisted of 70% males and 30% females. A little
Hypotheses were tested using a field survey [18] because we more than half of the sample was from 25 to 35 years old, with
found that it was necessary to obtain real world knowledge 31% between the 35 and 45 years, and 11% older than 45. Forty-
about GVTs. five percent reported being Asian, 37% White or Caucasian, 8%
In order to balance the data requirements of our study and African Americans, and 8% Hispanics. Data was reported on
requests of management that we minimized time demands on functional area background; a majority, about 44%, belonged to
employees, an informant sampling approach was adopted. This IS departments. Others were in Engineering: 13%, with R&D
recognized that a sample of the most knowledgeable people in the and management being 10%. GVTs cut across many functional
group could be used to represent responses to all questions areas. 58% had some form of graduate degree, 32% reported
148 P. Pinjani, P. Palvia / Information & Management 50 (2013) 144–153

Table 1
Instrument constructs and items.

Construct Definition Reference Item #

Functional diversity Degree to which team members differ in their backgrounds [11] 3
Deep level diversity Degree to which team members differ in individual characteristics; e.g., idiosyncratic [15] 9
attitudes, values, and preferences
Mutual trust Degree of confidence and willingness between partners 4
Shared knowledge Degree of understanding or appreciation among team members for the issues 3
that affect performance
Task interdependence Degree to which team members interact and depend on one another to 3
complete the task
Collaborative technology Degree to which a technology is perceived to support team processes [25] 6
GVT effectiveness Team-produced output (performance) and consequences to team members 10

undergraduate studies, and 5% had doctorate degrees. Overall, was represented by three items with a single factor structure and
29 organizations participated in our sample. factor loading ranging from 0.83 to 0.89. The six items measuring
The IS industry was heavily represented in our study (41%). collaborative technology loaded on a single factor with loadings
Manufacturing was involved in 17%, Telecommunications in 21%, ranging from 0.66 to 0.85. GVT effectiveness was represented by
and Banking and Finance in 14%. The average team size was 11.2 two constructs: GVT performance and GVT member satisfaction,
members and average team tenure was 9.2 months. Our sample but ultimately represented a single factor structure with loadings
had members from 15 countries and some teams spanned 4 ranging from 0.56 to 0.86. All the items from the two constructs
countries. loaded on a single component, with the exception of one item.
Therefore, we decided to merge these two constructs under a
5. Results single construct: global virtual team effectiveness.
Then we examined the convergent and discriminant validity
The survey scales were assessed for reliability, construct, using a multitrait–multimethod matrix approach. For every
convergent, and discriminant validity to ensure that they could be construct, the correlations on the validity diagonal were higher
used to test our hypotheses. The ability to aggregate the individual than zero (p < 0.001), establishing convergent validity. Based on
level responses to provide a group level response was assessed this, minor modifications were made, such as merging GVT
using James Rwg(J) index, with ICC(1) and ICC(2). Once these were performance and GVT member satisfaction into GVT effectiveness.
confirmed, hypotheses testing for moderator and mediator effects Finally, reliabilities of all the scales was reassessed and
were conducted using Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis analyzed to determine a more reliable scale for measurement of
(HMRA). the variables and constructs (see Table 2).

5.1. Scale validity 5.2. Data aggregation

To assess the validity of the scales, a four-step approach was The most common indicator of the validity of aggregated group-
undertaken. level constructs is within-group agreement; i.e., the degree to
Cronbach’s a was used to establish internal consistency. Our which raters provide essentially the same rating. A measure of
reliability coefficients for the different variables ranged between within-group agreement is the Rwg(J) index, obtained by compar-
0.64 and 0.93 and thus we considered them good. ing the observed variance on a set of items in a group to the
Next, item-to-corrected total correlations were examined to variance that would be expected if the group members responded
assess its construct validity. We subtracted the item value from its randomly. The higher the Rwg(J) value, the more group members
total score in order to avoid spurious part-whole correlation and agree about the value of the target variable: values of 0.70 or higher
calculated the corrected item total score; this was then correlated are considered to show satisfactory agreement.
with the item score. All our item-to-corrected total variable To further assess the degree of variability in responses at the
correlations were under the acceptable limit of 0.4. individual level that must be attributed to team membership,
The analysis of the GVT effectiveness construct was performed interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) values were computed.
at two levels, the higher one represented by GVT effectiveness and These depend on both within- and between-group variance. ICC
at the construct level represented by GVT member satisfaction and yields a single value for the entire sample. ICC(1) may be seen as a
GVT performance. For the construct level, a higher level of cutoff of measure of inter-rater reliability and may be considered as a
0.5 was preferred, since items should directly measure the criterion for aggregating. Alternatively ICC(1) has been considered
construct. Low correlations among the items belonging to these
two constructs were not observed; it was therefore possible to
combine them into a single construct. Results from exploratory Table 2
Instrument reliabilities (N = 213).
factor analysis were analyzed to make a decision.
Principal components factor analysis with Kaiser criterion and Construct # of items Reliabilities
VARIMAX rotation was conducted. The three items representing Functional level diversity 3 0.81
functional level diversity produced a single factor structure with Deep level diversity 9 0.94
factor loading ranging from 0.74 to 0.84, and nine items measuring Mutual trust 4 0.89
Deep level diversity loading on a single factor, with loading ranging Shared knowledge 3 0.88
Task interdependence 3 0.89
from 0.61 to 0.89. The four items measuring variable mutual trust
Collaborative technology 6 0.86
loaded on a single factor with factor loadings ranging from 0.74 to GVT effectiveness 10 0.86
0.86. Shared knowledge was measured by three items and had
Total 38 0.87
factor loadings ranging from 0.82 to 0.86. Task interdependence
P. Pinjani, P. Palvia / Information & Management 50 (2013) 144–153 149

Table 3 Table 5
Data aggregation Rwg(J), ICC(1) and ICC(2) (N = 213). Moderator analysis for task interdependence.

Construct Rwg(J) ICC(1) ICC(2) Independent Regressing mutual Regressing shared

variables trust on diversity, knowledge on
Functional diversity 0.80 0.16 0.40
task interdependence diversity, task
Deep diversity 0.69 0.06 0.19
Mutual trust 0.90 0.13 0.74
Shared knowledge 0.91 0.15 0.95 b b
Task interdependence 0.90 0.14 0.86 Step 1: Control variables
Task complexity 0.93 0.1 0.61 Team size 0.00 0.00
1 Team tenure 0.01 0.00
Collaborative technology 0.94 0.12 0.63 Functional level diversity 0.02 0.04
GVT effectiveness 0.83 0.07 0.64 F(Model) 0.24 0.86

Overall 0.86 Step 2: Main effects

Deep level diversity 0.07 0.03
Task interdependence 0.78 0.88
F(Model) 16.9*** 28.8***
the proportion of total variance that can be explained by group Step 3: Interactions
membership. A range of 0.0–0.5 being considered appropriate. Also DL diversity  task 0.20 0.26
reliability of the group means, as measured by ICC(2) was interdependence
F(Model) 16.4*** 39.0***
computed. This pertains to the reliability of the means and not
to the agreement among individuals, and teams can be differenti- Only unstandardized coefficients reported.
ated in terms of their responses. As may be seen in Table 3, the Significant at p < 0.001.

inter-rater agreement coefficient, Rwg(J), for all the variables and

constructs was above the acceptable standard of 0.70, suggesting
that informant ratings within a given team were highly consistent Hypotheses H2a, H2b, H3a and H3b, were not tested. Functional
with each other and also that the ICC(1) values were within the level diversity was used as a control variable in testing the
prescribed range. ICC(2) values above 0.50 are generally consid- remaining hypotheses.
ered to be valid. H2 and H3 primarily involved analyzing the moderating effects
Mean, standard deviations, and correlations for the aggregate of task interdependence and collaborative technology on the
variables are provided in Table 4. relationship between diversity, mutual trust, and shared knowl-
edge. Moderator variables should be independent and not
5.3. Hypotheses testing correlated with predictor or criterion variables. Unfortunately, in
our analysis, these criteria were not completely met; therefore we
Team size and tenure were used as control variables. It is centered the moderator variables to reduce their effects of co-
important to control for team size because large teams may find it linearity. Two interaction terms were created: ‘‘deep level diversity
hard to develop a trusting relationship among team members. x collaborative technology’’ and ‘‘deep level diversity  task
Also, team tenure is important, because the longer the team has interdependence’’.
been in existence, the longer its members have interacted and had For Hypotheses H2c and H2d, tests were conducted as follows:
time to develop harmonious relationships.
To test Hypotheses H1a and H1c, mutual trust was regressed on 1. Control variables: team size, team tenure, and functional level
functional and deep-level diversity. Analysis showed that the higher diversity were entered into the regression equation.
the deep level diversity, the lower the mutual trust among its 2. Main effects for deep level diversity and task interdependence
members (b: 0.25, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.22), supporting Hypotheses were entered.
H1c. However we found no support for H1a. 3. The interaction effect for deep level diversity and task
To test Hypotheses H1b and H1d, knowledge sharing was interdependence was entered.
regressed on functional- and deep-level diversity. Analysis showed 4. To test for the moderator effect, the single degree freedom F test
that the higher the deep level diversity in the group, the lower the was examined for significance.
level of shared knowledge among its members (b: 0.15, p < 0.01,
R2 = 0.11), thus supporting H1d. However, there was no significant Analyses were conducted separately for H2c using mutual trust
support for H1b. as a dependent variable and for H2d using shared knowledge as a
Because of the lack of support for relationships between dependent variable.
functional level diversity and mutual trust and shared knowledge, Table 5 presents the moderator analysis for task interdepen-
analyses for effects of functional diversity were not performed; i.e., dence. Task interdependence showed significant evidence for

Table 4
Descriptive statistics (N = 58 teams).

Mean Std Functional Deep Mutual Shared Task Collaborative

dev diversity diversity trust knowledge inter-dependence technology

Functional diversity 5.05 0.67 1

Deep diversity 3.21 0.69 0.15 1
Mutual trust 5.48 0.36 0.09 0.0.46** 1
Shared knowledge 5.48 0.32 0.16 0.32* 0.83* 1
Task inter-dependence 5.44 0.36 0.05 0.51** 0.77** 0.84** 1
Collaborative technology 5.5 0.37 0.60** 0.046 0.47** 0.56** 0.28* 1
GVTE effectiveness 5.09 0.46 0.03 0.040 0.37** 0.47** 0.41** 0.27*
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
150 P. Pinjani, P. Palvia / Information & Management 50 (2013) 144–153

Table 6 effects of the predictor on the outcome (path b). The final step was
Moderator analysis for collaborative technology.
to show that the strength of the relationship between the predictor
Independent variables Regressing mutual Regressing shared and outcome was significantly reduced when the mediator was
trust on diversity, knowledge on added to the model (path c0 ). If the variable was a complete
collaborative diversity, collaborative
mediator, then the relation between the predictor and the outcome
technology technology
would not differ from zero after the mediator was added to the
b b
model (comparing path c with path c0 ).
Step 1: Control variables Table 7 presents the results from the mediated regression
Team size 0.02 0.01
analysis for mutual trust (H5). First, model 2 tested the significance
Team tenure 0.00 0.01
Functional level diversity 0.14 0.04 of path c. It was significant with an F value of 0.61 (p < 0.1). Thus step
F(Model) 0.24 0.86 1 was established. Second, the significance of predictor–mediator
relationship was to be established (path a). Model 1 had an overall F
Step 2: Main effects
Deep level diversity 0.17 0.16 of 4.70 significant at p < .001 level. Thus step 2 was successful.
Collaborative technology 0.62 0.60 Model 3 tests for both paths b and path c in the same equation. In
F(Model) 10.35*** 9.51*** model 3, the F value of step 1 model was 2.63 significant at p < .05
Step 3: Interactions level which established the significance of path b. Also the coefficient
DL diversity  collaborative 0.300 0.06 of the mediator variable, mutual trust, was positive 0.56 and
technology significant at p < .001. Further, the significance of path c0 was
F(Model) 9.39*** 7.81***
established by looking at the overall F of the model, which was 2.36
Only unstandardized coefficients reported. and significant (p < .05). Thus, mediation was supported.
Significant at p < 0.001. A careful analysis of various coefficients clearly depicted the
changes in the explanatory power of the model by including the
mediating term. The coefficient of deep level diversity increased
moderation for both dependent variables (F = 16.4, p < 0.001 for from 0.27 to 0.12, indicating the positive effect of developing
mutual trust and F = 39.0, p < 0.001 for shared knowledge). mutual trust on GVT effectiveness.
Similarly, for Hypotheses H3c and H3d, the moderating effects The mediator analysis for knowledge sharing is shown in
of collaborative technology on dependent variables mutual trust Table 8. In model 2, the F value of 0.61 was significant (p < 0.1).
and shared knowledge were tested. Table 6 depicts the moderator Thus step 1 was established. Model 1 had an F value of 3.11
analysis for collaborative technology. Collaborative technology significant at p < .05. Thus step 2 was supported. In model 3, the F
showed significant moderation effect for both mutual trust value of the step 1 model was 5.32 significant at p < .001,
(F = 9.39, p < 0.001) and shared knowledge (F = 7.81, p < 0.001). establishing the significance of path b. The coefficient of the
For Hypotheses H4 about the positive relationship between mediator variable, knowledge sharing, was positive at 0.81 and
mutual trust and knowledge sharing, step-wise regression analysis significant at p < .001. Further, the significance of path c0 was
was conducted. The analysis provided significant support for the established by looking at the overall F of the model, which was 4.63
relationships (F = 27.24, p < 0.001) thus supporting H4. and significant at p < .001. Thus, mediation was once again
Hypotheses H5 and H6 involved detecting mediator effects. supported. The coefficient of deep level diversity increased from
They were tested using GVT effectiveness as a single composite 0.18 to 0.11, indicating the positive effect of knowledge sharing.
variable and using the four-step mediated regression approach.
The first step is to show that there was a significant relation 6. Discussion
between the predictor and the outcome (path c). The second step
was to show that the predictor was related to the mediator (path Our study extended our understanding of team member
a). The third step was to show that the mediator was related to the diversity to the new organizational form of global virtual teams.
outcome variable, and it was estimated by controlling for the Due to geographical dispersion and high use of IT, the transfer of

Table 7
Mediator analysis for mutual trust.

Independent variables Path a Path c Path b and c0

Model 1: Regressing mutual Model 2: Regressing GVTE Model 3: Regressing GVTE
trust on diversity on diversity on diversity controlling
for mutual trust
b b b
Step 1: Control variables
Team size 0.01 0.01 0.01
Team tenure 0.00 0.01 0.01
Functional level diversity 0.12 0.03 0.04
Mutual trust 0.56***
F(Model) 0.24 0.77 2.63**
R2 0.01 0.04 0.17
Adjusted R2 0.04 0.01 0.10

Step 2: Main effects

Deep level diversity 0.27 0.04 0.12
F(Model) 4.70*** 0.61* 2.36**
R2 0.26 0.04 0.18
Adjusted R2 0.21 0.03 0.11
DR2 0.25 0.00 0.02

* Significant at p < 0.1, ** Significant at p < .05, *** Significant at p < .01.
P. Pinjani, P. Palvia / Information & Management 50 (2013) 144–153 151

Table 8
Mediator analysis for knowledge sharing.

Independent variables Model 1: Regressing shared Model 2: Regressing GVTE Model 3: Regressing GVTE
knowledge on diversity on diversity on diversity controlling for
shared knowledge
Path a Path c Path b and c0
b b b
Step 1: Control variables
Team size 0.01 0.01 0.01
Team tenure 0.01 0.01 0.02
Functional level diversity 0.15 0.03 0.09
Shared knowledge 0.811***
F(Model) 0.86 0.77 5.32***
R2 0.05 0.04 0.29
Adjusted R2 0.01 0.01 0.23

Step 2: Main effects

Deep level diversity 0.18 0.04 0.11
F(Model) 3.11** 0.61* 4.63***
R2 0.19 0.044 0.31
Adjusted R2 0.13 0.03 0.24
DR2 0.14 0.00 0.02

* Significant at p < 0.1, ** Significant at p < .05, *** Significant at p < .01.

knowledge and establishing mutual trust are difficult. We 6.1. Implications for practice
separately assessed the impact of two levels of diversity and
tested the moderating role of collaborative technology and task Teamwork in the global workplace is challenging. Many
interdependence on the relationship between member diversity managers have an ongoing struggle to build commitment to
and mutual trust and knowledge sharing. We showed that a common goals, align and enforce performance expectations, build
relationship exists between mutual trust and knowledge sharing in mutual trust, motivate members to share knowledge and navigate
these teams, and examined the mediating role of mutual trust and personality issues. Team members must be able to adapt to
knowledge sharing on GVT effectiveness. different work styles and cultures, leverage harmonious team
There was no effect of functional level diversity on mutual trust processes, and utilize appropriate technologies to create efficien-
and knowledge sharing. The sample team members had an average cies in the global workplace. The findings from this study are an
tenure of 9.2 months and it is possible that the members may have important step in this direction. Managers and stakeholders who
overcome functional differences by then and were not letting these are involved in the functioning of global teams need to understand
differences influence the level of trust and knowledge sharing. On diversity and its various forms. Managers should understand the
the other hand, deep level diversity was found to be negatively potential presence of deep level attributes in team members and as
associated with both mutual trust and knowledge sharing. If teams such, training should be provided to help in the process of
had been in existence for some time, members should be more relationship building among team members. Furthermore, man-
aware of such differences and may be biased in their relationship agers themselves should be trained and advised on the develop-
with members of the team [17]. ment and improvement of team processes in order to reap greater
As expected, task interdependence and collaborative technol- effectiveness and returns from their teams. Managers also need to
ogy had a moderating effect on the relationship between deep understand the interaction between team diversity and task
level diversity and mutual trust and knowledge sharing. Task requirements; our results suggest that more diverse teams can be
interdependence was found to have moderating effects on both entrusted with interdependent tasks that require higher levels of
mutual trust and knowledge sharing. With high task interdepen- motivation from the members.
dence, team members overcome their individual diversity Global virtual teams usually rely on technologies, such as email
differences and collaborate effectively. At low levels, members and group decision support systems. Our findings suggest that
tend to operate as individuals, thereby strengthening the decision makers should focus on the collaborative aspects of the
negative relationship between deep level diversity and mutual technology. For example, managers should select a technology that
trust and knowledge sharing. We found that high levels of promotes parallelism, transparency, and sociality. Designers of
collaborative technology weaken the negative relationships communication technology should incorporate such features
between deep level diversity and mutual trust and knowledge when developing new technology. Once the technologies have
sharing. been selected, managers need to provide training to promote the
The level of mutual trust was found to be positively related to use of these new features.
knowledge sharing in global virtual teams. Thus our findings
empirically support the theoretical claims that trust is essential for 6.2. Contribution to research
relationship building and team effectiveness.
It was evident from the analysis and comparison of Research findings on diversity within teams have been divided
regression coefficients that team effectiveness can be increased into optimistic (focusing on diverse teams’ access to resources
by increasing mutual trust among the members and enhancing providing increased creativity, innovation, and performance) and
shared knowledge among its members. Shared knowledge and pessimistic (focusing on affective problems, as predicted by the
mutual trust are components in collaborative value creation and similarity attraction paradigm and social categorization theories)
managers should foster an environment that facilitates knowl- [14]. The findings from our study support the optimistic camp and
edge sharing and trust in teamwork [4]. In essence, collaborative the claims that greater diversity entails relationship building
creation is dependent on the degree to which people in the among team members and leads to increased team effectiveness.
organization combine their emotional efforts to achieve By broadening our view to include types of diversity, and
common goals. by focusing more carefully on mediating and moderating
152 P. Pinjani, P. Palvia / Information & Management 50 (2013) 144–153

mechanisms, we provided results that examine the effect of Appendix A. Instrument items and factor loadings
diversity at functional and deep levels. Moderator effects of task
Functional diversity
interdependence and collaborative technology were analyzed and Members of the team are similar in terms of their 0.85
the mediating role of mutual trust and knowledge sharing was functional expertise
established. Our results extend the diversity research to organiza- Members of the team are similar in terms of their 0.86
tional forms which face an increased challenge in diversity educational background
Members of the team are similar in terms of their 0.74
management. length of organizational experience

Deep level diversity

6.3. Limitations
Members of the team are similar in terms of their 0.88
personal values
One limitation of the study is its sample size and sample Members of the team are similar in terms of their 0.89
characteristics. Even though the findings are based on 213 personalities
individuals, the team level analysis was reduced to 58 teams. Members of the team are similar in terms of their 0.90
attitudes towards the project
Although this sample size is similar to previous studies, the
Members of the team are similar in terms of their attitudes 0.89
statistical power of the analysis is limited. A non-probability towards project goals
sampling approach was used; therefore statistical inferences from The well being of fellow team members is important to 0.83
the study should be cautiously approached. Random sampling was members of the team
It is important for members to maintain harmony 0.77
not an option, since our study involved a sampling frame of world-
within the team
wide virtual teams. While we attempted to gather a sample from Members of the team like sharing information with my 0.73
various industries, it was a secondary consideration. fellow team members
Another limitation is common method variance. It may be a It is important for members to consult other team 0.73
result of the reliance on self-reported measures. This is generally members before making a decision
Members help fellow team members in their time 0.62
attributable to survey based research. Since all items are seeking
of difficulty
responses from team members on team level constructs,
respondents might be biased in their reporting. Podsakoff et al. Mutual trust
Team members in this team are considerate of other’s feelings 0.85
[22] state that common method variance is a potential problem in
Team members are friendly towards other 0.79
behavioral research. They identify four sources of it as: arising from Team members can rely on fellow team members 0.86
having a common rater, measurement context, item context, and Members in the team are trustworthy 0.74
arising from the characteristics of the items themselves. One Shared knowledge
solution is to have team supervisors’ respond on the dependent Members in this team share work reports, methodologies, 0.86
variables and team members’ respond on the independent and official documents within the team
variables. However, due to supervisors’ lack of availability, such Members of this team share their functional experience 0.82
and know-how with others on the team
separate responses were not feasibility. In order to assess the
Members of this team share their knowledge from 0.85
common method variance and similarity of responses from team education or training with other members of the team
stakeholders and team members, a t-test was conducted between
Task interdependence
two data sets: 7 responses from stakeholders and responses from
Members of the team have to rely on information or 0.89
members of the 7 teams, to test for differences. The t-test statistic material from other others within the team
was not significant, confirming our assumption that the means Tasks performed by team members are related to 0.89
between stakeholder response and member response were not one another
different. Members have to obtain information and advice from 0.84
other team members in order to complete the assigned task
A final limitation relates to the treatment of non-response bias.
Non-response for teams not responding was not of concern as Collaborative technology
Team members are equipped with adequate tools and 0.67
there were no teams that did not respond. Non-response by
technologies to perform their tasks
members within a team can be problematic. Thus prior to Technology enables team members to work on 0.81
aggregating individual responses to the group, within-group different subtasks simultaneously
agreement was analyzed to assure that perceptions of the team Technology enables team members to view other’s work 0.85
construct were sufficiently similar. James index Rwg(J) and ICC(1) whenever mutually desirable
Technology enables team members to modify other members’ 0.74
and ICC(2) values were calculated and reported. The values
work whenever desirable
supported within-group agreement. Technology enables the development of social relationships 0.77
among team members
7. Conclusion Technology enables the sharing of knowledge among 0.80
team members

The purpose of our research was to understand the different GVT effectiveness
facets of diversity present in global virtual teams and to show how In the past, the team has been effective in reaching its goals 0.78
The team, at present, is meeting its business objectives 0.84
differences among individual members can be harnessed by
Completion of work is generally on time 0.86
developing a trusting and sharing environment, leading to greater Completion of work is generally within the assigned budget 0.85
GVT effectiveness. Furthermore, in understanding the relationship In the past, the team has been efficient in performing the task 0.83
between mutual trust, knowledge sharing, and diversity, our The team, at present, is producing work of the highest quality 0.86
research demonstrated the moderating effects of collaborative Each member’s input is valued by the team 0.84
The team members’ morale is high in this team 0.81
technology and task interdependence. We explored the mediating
Members enjoy being a part of this team 0.78
effects of trust and knowledge sharing in mitigating the negative Members would be interested in participating in 0.56
effects of diversity in the team and found that it is essential in such another virtual team in future
an environment to motivate mutual trust and knowledge sharing.
We also established that task interdependence and collaborative
capabilities of technology have significant impact on the function-
ing of team processes.
P. Pinjani, P. Palvia / Information & Management 50 (2013) 144–153 153

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[14] E. Mannix, M.A. Neale, What differences make a difference? The promise and
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[19] P. Palvia, The role of trust in e-commerce relational exchange: a unified model, ests include global information technology manage-
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collaborative conflict management style on the performance of synchronous as the MIS Quarterly, Decision Sciences, Communications of the ACM, Communications
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[21] S. Peter, D. Straub, A. Rai, Specifying formative constructs in information systems Transactions on Database Systems, and 183 conference articles. He has also co-
research, MIS Quarterly 31 (4), 2007, pp. 623–656. edited four books on Global Information Technology Management.

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