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A Model To Develop Effective Virtual Teams

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Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 1031–1045

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Decision Support Systems

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / d s s

A model to develop effective virtual teams

Chad Lin a, Craig Standing b,⁎, Ying-Chieh Liu c
CBRCC, Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
School of Management, Edith Cowan University, Australia
Department of Information Management, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A review of the literature shows the factors that impact on the effectiveness of virtual teams are
Received 7 June 2007 still ambiguous. To address this problem we developed a research design that included a meta-
Received in revised form 31 March 2008 analysis of the literature, a field experiment and survey. The meta-analysis identified factors
Accepted 6 April 2008
which impact on the effectiveness of virtual teams which were then validated by a field
Available online 11 April 2008
experiment and survey. The results of the study indicate that social dimensional factors need to
be considered early on in the virtual team creation process and are critical to the effectiveness
of the team. Communication is a tool that directly influences the social dimensions of the team
Virtual teams
and in addition the performance of the team has a positive impact on satisfaction with the
Satisfaction virtual team. A major contribution of the paper is an integrated model of factors that contribute
Communication to virtual team effectiveness.
Cohesion © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction that impact on team effectiveness include net-centricity [7],

team member expertise [68], extraversion of team members
Despite the level of research interest in virtual teams there and group interaction styles [12]. In addition, some studies
is still uncertainty in relation to an integrated set of factors have focused on task dimensional factors [18,70] whilst other
that contribute to virtual team effectiveness. Research has research has concentrated solely on social dimensional
identified the importance of social factors [28,111], task factors [32,84]. Given that research studies to date have
related factors [16,77] and the role of communication examined a wide range of factors in isolation, there is now
[47,53,108]. However, testing these factors in an integrated a need to take an integrated approach to virtual team effec-
model has proved difficult because of the large number of tiveness that focuses on both task and social dimensional
factors that have been identified in the literature and the factors [82,99,102].
difficulties associated with accessing virtual teams. The To consolidate and extend the research conducted on
purpose of this study is to address these issues by identifying virtual team effectiveness our purpose is to identify and
the key factors from the literature that impact on virtual team examine the key factors which impact on the effectiveness of
effectiveness and empirically validating an integrated model virtual teams. Effectiveness in this paper relates to the
that will be of use to both researchers and practitioners. performance and satisfaction of virtual teams. We approach
A wide range of factors have been identified in the our objective by integrating the results from previous studies
literature as impacting on the effectiveness of virtual teams. on virtual teams using a meta-analysis and from this develop
Features of relationships including the diversity of the team a model for evaluating the effectiveness of virtual teams. The
[5], team cohesiveness, team status, and communication model is then validated through a survey of virtual team
within the team [37] are all seen as important. Other factors participants.

2. Literature review
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (C. Lin), The Media Richness theory, proposed by Daft and Lengel (C. Standing), (Y.-C. Liu). [35], stated that organizational success is based on the

0167-9236/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1032 C. Lin et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 1031–1045

organization's ability to process information of appropriate structures as well as the technology acquired by virtual team
richness in order to reduce uncertainty and clarify equivo- members to develop a new structure over time [70,102].
cality. Uncertainty signifies the absence of information while Generally speaking, FTF meetings fit more ambiguous tasks
equivocality implies ambiguity. It is thought that a greater whereas in a virtual team environment, for example, more
quantity of information can reduce uncertainty whereas structured tasks such as routine analysis or monitoring project
better quality of information can decrease equivocality. status are more appropriate [102].
Limitations of media in a virtual environment (e.g. virtual
teams) may limit the quantity and quality of information. The 2.2. Communication
Media Richness theory underpins the theoretical base of this
study due to the lack of face-to-face communication in virtual It has been argued that efficiency in CMC is lower than FTF
teams. Therefore, identification of key factors from the communication due to the lack of speech acknowledgements
literature that impacts on virtual team effectiveness may and the fact that CMC consumes more time in explaining the
provide more cues to assist virtual teams in increasing the conversation context [17,3,108]. It has been recognized that
quantity and quality of information exchanged which, in turn, some tasks may not be suited to CMC. For example, problem
can lead to reduction in uncertainty and equivocality. solving tasks are considered unsuitable for CMC because they
We define the concept of virtual team as an interdepen- require substantial interaction and this can even apply to
dent group working on a project across time and space relying some problems of low complexity [115].
on information and communication technologies (ICT) [77]. When CMC relies heavily on text significant information is
The literature on virtual teams falls into two main categories: often not communicated within a message. Successful
firstly, the benefits and problems of virtual working compared communication demands the foundation of mutual knowl-
with working face-to-face (e.g. [16,70]), and secondly, the edge and parties typically use physical and linguistic expres-
factors that impact on virtual team effectiveness (e.g. sion to make inferences about others' knowledge [53] that is
[36,79,86]. The focus of our research is the factors that impact difficult to communicate with text alone. In addition, text
on virtual team effectiveness. This research area is character- messages may take more time to comprehend for the
ized by issues related to identifying the most significant recipient because of the absence of visual cues and linguistic
factors impacting on effectiveness, the relationship between expression.
social and task related factors, the role and significance of Despite the disadvantages of CMC, the evaluation of others is
communication in virtual team effectiveness and the relation- less stereotyped and more valid when visual observation is
ship between performance and satisfaction when working in removed from communication [117]. Also, asynchronous com-
virtual teams. munication in virtual teams may be more effective in some
aspects since communication can take place over an extended
2.1. Task dimensional factors period of time. The delay between response and feedback can
provide members with the opportunity to think about the
The literature on virtual teams has emphasized the task problems and reflect more efficiently before responding [38].
dimensional factors. For example, Bordia [16] and Lipnack and
Stamps [77] have found that group members within virtual 2.3. Social dimensional factors
teams tend to be more task-oriented because of the
constraints imposed by computer mediated communication The effect of social factors on the performance and
(CMC). A brief description of the task dimensional factors satisfaction of virtual teams have been recognized. Social
impacting on virtual team effectiveness follows. factors such as relationship building, cohesion, and trust are
In general, periodic face-to-face (FTF) meetings may crucial for the effectiveness of virtual teams [28,47,111]. CMC
improve project progress [86]. However, if FTF meetings are has been found to promote the exchange of social cues to
not feasible, communicating and exchanging information build interpersonal relationships between team members in
through CMC typically improves the coordination of virtual the early development of virtual teams [29,8,86,104] as well
teams [83]. Coordination implies the sharing of goals and as to foster cohesion among team members [26]. Relationship
creation of something new [71] and it has also been linked to building and cohesion have been associated with better
the performance of teams [63,79]. Kraut et al. [73] studied the performance and satisfaction in virtual teams [81,86,102].
use of electronic networks and personal relationships in the Relationship building can strengthen feelings of inclusive-
coordination of relationships between buyers and suppliers. ness or a sense of belonging to teams and further foster
The results show that coordination in an electronic network is cohesion [102]. The Time-Interaction-Performance theory
most suited to routine work. Coordination can also play a developed by McGrath [88] proposed that a supportive group
positive moderation role in conflict management and team ethos and group well-being are directly related to developing
performance [90]. In addition, there was no significant relationships in virtual teams. Sawyer and Guinan [111] studied
difference between the qualities of the decisions for teams 40 software development teams and found that social process
utilizing text-only versus audio-only communication but skills (such as the ability to resolve conflict) is more important
adding video to audio-only communication resulted in a than task skills (such as use of automated development tools)
significant improvement in the quality of teams' strategic in project quality and team performance. Social process skills
decisions [11]. account for more than 25% of variation in software product
Task-technology-structure fit, another task dimensional quality. Janz et al. [58] surveyed 231 IS professionals from 27
factor, evaluates the fit between task, technology, and structure. systems development teams across 13 organizations and
It determines the tasks suitable for various technologies and found that mission clarity, team collaboration and team unity
C. Lin et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 1031–1045 1033

is predictive of improved work outcomes, increased job often been referred to as “input factors” (e.g. culture, design, and
satisfaction, satisfaction with personal growth and worker technical expertise) [102]. Culture is an important issue in a
motivation. Ward and Tracey [126] reported that individuals virtual team environment when team members are in different
involved in an online relationship have higher computer countries or have different cultural backgrounds [130]. Design
confidence. Pauleen [96] studied seven virtual team leaders and technical expertise relate to the subjects, environments, and
from several New Zealand organizations and developed a technologies [98,127]. Several studies have suggested that the
framework to strengthen the relationship of virtual team results of design and technical expertise should be examined in
members. One key component of the framework is the terms of other setting such as different population and different
preparation of relationship building prior to the commence- problems [124] and that future research should focus more on
ment of a project. From these studies, it can be seen that the expertise, authority, and power [23].
relationship building is of great importance in a virtual
environment. 2.5. Performance and satisfaction
Cohesion has been considered to be the most important
small group variable [78]. Team cohesion is the degree to which Performance and satisfaction represent the two major
team members identify with each other and with the group as a measures of effectiveness of virtual teams. Piccoli et al. [[98],
whole [27,30], and the level of group integration [27] and has p362] defined effectiveness in terms of “group-produced
been found to have a positive relationship with group outputs and the consequences a group has for its members”.
performance [28] and satisfaction [81,86]. Perception of Effective teams should be able to produce higher quality output
cohesion by group members is recognized as influencing and reward team members in terms of gratification and
members' behaviour and has two dimensions: sense of satisfaction with the working experience [59]. Performance
belonging and feelings of morale [15]. Two major models can be defined as the extent to which the group's outputs meets
have been developed to measure cohesion: unidimensional the required standards or measures [81] while satisfaction can
model and multidimensional model. The unidimensional be seen as the extent of the members' perception of decision
model measures cohesion in single dimension [20]. The and agreements with the eventual outcomes [30].
multidimensional model measures cohesion in multi-dimen- The measurements of performance and satisfaction in
sion and several researchers have indicated that multidimen- virtual teams are diverse (e.g. [121,124]. From the existing
sional models have more potential than unidimensional models literature, performance can be categorized into three types:
in evaluating what is known about cohesion (e.g. [27]). grader/ranking, discussion board/videotape, and question-
naires. Graders are engaged in scoring the outcome (e.g.,
2.4. Trust group report). For example, lecturers or experts scored the
students' group assignment [45]. Ranking has two sources:
The concept of “trust” in virtual teams has been widely individual/group ranking [127]. Discussion board/videotape is
researched [42,91,104,68]. Many dimensions of trust have used by [13] and the data from discussion board is analyzed
been identified including cognitive trust, calculative trust and for group process of virtual teams. Questionnaires can be
institutional trust [41,75]. Studies have been carried out to evaluated by focusing on perceived quality, such as meeting
examine trust in relation to the abilities, benevolence and quality and perceived project quality [45], perception of
integrity of team members [85]. A correlation has also been discussion quality [13], perception of learning effects, decision
established between personal bonding and shared experi- quality and perceived level of teamwork [93].
ences and levels of trust [34]. Initial trust among virtual team The methods of evaluating satisfaction are more in
members is critical [61,104]. Empirical studies have given agreement. The two main aspects of satisfaction are “satisfac-
support to the concept of swift trust in temporary work tion with the process” [93] and “satisfaction with the
arrangements [89] and in successful temporary virtual teams outcomes” [93,127]. Further measurements of satisfaction
[61]. However, recent findings suggested that building trust in have been identified, such as fairness and solution confidence.
a virtual environment is problematic due to the fact that team
members usually have no common past and no future to 3. Research methodology and design
reference as a base to build trust, and have never even met
face-to-face in the past [49,92]. In addition, many of the items This research adopted a pluralist (3-stage) approach
used to analyze trust in virtual teams overlap with the items (Fig. 1). The use of multiple methods (triangulation) such as
used in other constructs such as relationship building and surveys and field experiment increases the reliability of the
cohesion. study. The first stage of this study engaged meta-analysis to
There are factors that have not been studied as extensively as develop a preliminary framework for evaluating the effective-
the above-mentioned factors [102]. Some of these factors have ness of virtual teams. The second stage of this study employed

Fig. 1. The research process.

1034 C. Lin et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 1031–1045

the field experiment to study the preliminary framework. The satisfaction of teams through the use of computer technology
third stage involved the use of survey to validate and further to communicate in order to finish certain tasks. This study
refine the preliminary framework developed earlier. used keywords such as “virtual teams”, “computer mediated
communication” and “decision support” to identify related
3.1. Stage 1: meta-analysis studies published in the ABI/Inform Proquest, EBSCO, and
ScienceDirect databases during 1980–2007. A total of 251
A meta-analysis is a set of procedures that combine many studies were found to satisfy the above three criteria. Then,
results of individual studies and applies statistical analysis to two further criteria were applied to locate the most relevant
retrieve the general conclusions without requiring access to studies:
original study data [4]. It is suitable for examining causal
• The study must have provided correlation coefficient; and
relationships and theories, and can be used to build
• The independent and/or dependent variables (in relation to
theoretical frameworks [56] in the IS discipline [57]. Meta-
the performance and satisfaction of teams) used in these
analyses have several potential strengths. Firstly, a meta-
studies must be closely related to the terms identified in the
analysis is able to represent the “big picture” of a certain topic
by increasing the sample size to strengthen statistical power.
Thus, the result of analysis could yield more generalizable The list was reduced to 50 after applying the above two
conclusions than individual studies [56]. Secondly, a meta- criteria. The variables of these 50 studies (out of 251 studies
analysis enables the researcher to be familiar with a specific examined earlier) were further analyzed and were categorized
topic quickly and efficiently. Finally, a meta-analysis can in accordance with key constructs from the literature. These
identify the inconsistencies between different studies and studies were independently read and coded by the researchers
test hypotheses about factors that may be moderators or on the basis of the variables identified. To ensure uniformity,
mediators. consistency and completeness, data were recorded on pre-
There are several meta-analysis methods but Hunter and designed coding sheets and where there were discrepancies in
Schmidt's (HandS) method [56] has proved the most popular the interpretation of responses to the questions these were
approach. We use this method to identify the factors which resolved by consultation between the researchers. The
affect the effectiveness of virtual team from the existing Cohen's Kappa statistic was used to analyze the level of
literature. The HandS method (Fig. 2) focuses on correlative correspondence between the researchers and there was a high
studies and it proposes that all kinds of statistics should be degree of reliability between the researchers in relation to the
transferred to correlation I. Due to its consideration of interpretation (0.89). This is well above the 61% level
sampling error, measurement error, range variation, and suggested for a substantial strength of agreement [43]. Next,
confidence interval, it can ensure the statistical independence the correlation coefficients were extracted from the study.
among the effect sizes and reduce the errors occurred by Appendix 1 shows the correlation coefficients collected from
different measurements and studies [56]. these 50 studies.
According to the HandS's method, increasing sample size Some studies included more than one experiment. In this
can boost the statistical power and choosing wider sources of case, these experiments are considered as separate experi-
literature can avoid bias caused by different publications. Thus, ments. For example, Chang [28] engaged in two experiments
this study has collected literature data in three dimensions: that have different amount of participants and held in
different time, but have the same procedures. Thus, the two
(1) Studies that discuss the factors that affect the effec-
experiments are regarded as two individual experiments.
tiveness of virtual teams;
The aim of meta-analysis is to develop a preliminary
(2) Studies that relate to the comparison of Face-to-Face
framework to evaluate the effectiveness of virtual teams. For
(FTF) communication and Computer-Mediated-Com-
this purpose, the best way is to find a broad, existing framework
munication (CMC) in virtual teams (but only the CMC
and then assess the relationships between variables. Correla-
data are used); and
tion coefficients have been used extensively as an index of the
(3) Studies that discuss Decision Support System (DSS) in
relationship between two normally distributed variables. The
virtual teams or online discussion.
correlation coefficient is therefore a natural candidate as an
The studies chosen within these three dimensions identi- index of effect magnitude suitable for accumulation across
fied factors that were related to the performance and studies and is used in this study [52].

Fig. 2. The Hunter and Schmidt's method of meta-analysis (Source: [56]).

C. Lin et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 1031–1045 1035

After the selection of the variables and studies as described affect the effectiveness of virtual teams as well as to discover
earlier, the meta-analysis followed the guidelines set out by ways of improving the effectiveness of virtual teams. Lecturers
Hedges and Olkin [52] and Hunter and Schmidt [56]: in business faculties of all four Western Australian universities
were contacted to nominate their business undergraduate or
(1) Arrange correlation coefficient — this step includes postgraduate students to take part in the field experiment. In
categorization of variables' relationships, and develop- total, 200 students were recruited. They were all familiar with
ment of frequency distribution tables for the relation- basic computer technology such as the Internet, word
ship of these variables (Appendices 1 and 2); processing, and MSN Messenger. Students from different
(2) Conduct heterogeneity test — the main purpose of a universities were chosen randomly to form a virtual team.
heterogeneity test is to check the heterogeneity Twenty-five virtual teams with eight members each were
between each effect size and calculate the Q-value formed and efforts made to ensure that none of the team
[52]. The higher the Q-value, the higher is the member knew other team members before their team was
heterogeneity. Meta-analysis software (Comprehen- formed. The teams worked on several team building exercises
sive Meta Analysis) was used to conduct this test and to get to know one another via MSN Messenger before
other tests (see Appendix 3); working on the group tasks. MSN Messenger was chosen as
(3) Calculate fixed and random effects — choosing a fixed the tool to communicate between participants due to its
effect model implies that the samples are from the same popularity, powerful functions, prevalence and convenience.
population [40]. Thus, if the sample of each study is The formal stage of the field experiment involved a
unlimited, the effect size of each study will be the same. judgment task that had to be reported. A judgment task is a
However, this leads to results with a large Q-value and highly interdependent task and it can be used to promote the
biases the test. On the other hand, random effect models participants' conversation and interaction [87]. A fictitious
assume that the populations of the samples are different. and controversial case was given to the team members as the
If the sample of each study is unlimited, the effect size of judgment task. The case is about a famous BBQ restaurant
each study will not be the same. It shows the data as a facing some serious problems and challenges such as the lack
distribution instead of an estimation of single value. The of the ability to manage customer orders, the use of
random effect distribution is commonly supposed to be a inappropriate stock ordering system, and the difficulties in
normal distribution; managing human resource issues. Each group was asked to
(4) Choose the appropriate effect model — The choice of find the solutions for the restaurant with a limited time and
model relates to the significance of the Q-value. budget. In addition, team members could only communicate
Differences in results between the fixed effect and with other group members via the MSN Messenger, and any
random effect models may be caused by differences in other methods of communication were prohibited. The use of
quality of the studies and it may be necessary to voice and web camera conversation modes was prohibited as
exclude certain publications. If the Q-value is too big, well. Participants were only allowed to communicate through
the random effect model should be chosen instead of text mode to complete the assigned tasks. They were
the fixed effect; explicitly warned that their MSN Messenger log files would
(5) Test the significance of variables' relationships — In the be analyzed to determine whether or not their tasks were
final stage of meta-analysis, the significance of variables' completed without communicating face-to-face. At the end of
relationship is tested by estimating the confidence the field experiment, each group had to hand in a report and
interval. If the confidence interval is not 0, then the an MSN Messenger log.
variables' relationship is significant at the 95% con-
fidence level. 3.3. Stage 3: survey

3.2. Stage 2: field experiment Following the completion of the field experiment, all
participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire. A survey
A field experiment is a method that involves experimental was chosen because it allows for systematic gathering of
design but without experimental controls and manipulation of information from participants for the purpose of under-
independent variables and is carried out in the natural settings standing and predicting some aspects of the behavior of the
of the phenomenon of interest. Field experiments, through the population of interest. Participants were asked to use a 7-point
involvement of real team members, are particularly useful for Likert scale in answering the questions related to the
studying novel, variable and less understood situations, such preliminary framework developed and space was left to
as in the factors which impact on virtual team success [106]. In allow for further comments to be made.
a field experiment, few variables are controlled and the Following the completion of the field experiment, all
participants interacted in a natural setting. Although the lack participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire. Ques-
of controlling variables may cause some difficulties in tionnaires were sent to all participants by e-mail and hardcopy
duplicating and affecting the results of the project in the mail. Two follow-up mailings and/or telephone calls were
future, field experiments can lead to high generalizability carried out to increase the response rate. In total, 198
(external validity) of results and construct validity [65]. questionnaires were returned. The questionnaire was com-
This research designed a project that gave a task for the posed of eight main parts and the measurement items were all
participants to finish in a natural setting and the participants related to the six variables (constructs) identified earlier
needed to hand in reports at the end of the task. The field (Fig. 4): communication, relationship building, cohesion,
experiment was used to explore the problems and factors that coordination, performance, and satisfaction. All of the
1036 C. Lin et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 1031–1045

Table 1
Measurement items and scale reliabilities of variables

Constructs Measurement items Sources Reliability (alpha)

Relationship building • My group members relied on each other and consulted each other when they needed support [81] 0.92
• My group members experienced a sense of shared goals and objectives
• Knowledge and information sharing was understood to be a group norm within my group
• My group was a very cohesive unit
Cohesion • My group members went their own way rather than get together as a group during the period [26] 0.78
of the case study
• I feel my group members rarely worked together
• My group members spent time together outside the case study work
Communication • I am as interested in building a good relationship as in completing the case study [21] 0.75
• I wanted to stick to the main purpose of the discussion
• I think our group members had effective communication
Coordination • I tried to bring all our concerns out in the open so that the issues could be resolved in the best [90] 0.85
possible way
• I tried to work with my group members to find solutions that satisfied our expectations
• I exchanged useful information with my group members to solve the problem together
• I tried to investigate an issue with my group members to find a solution acceptable to us
Performance • My group worked efficiently [81] 0.89
• My group met our objectives
• My group generally worked on schedule
Satisfaction • Team members were satisfied with the group's ability [30], 0.86
• Team members were satisfied with the commitment of the group [48]
• Team members were confident in the group

measurement items in the questionnaire were taken from and coordination, and communication and coordination were
previous studies (Table 1). found to be insignificant.
The analysis of literature revealed that one of the variables,
4. Results trust, is a factor relying on several constructs (relationship
building, cohesion, communication, coordination) which
4.1. Meta-analysis already exist in the model [60,75]. Hence, trust was excluded
from the model as a discrete variable.
As mentioned earlier, 50 studies from 251 which satisfied
the criteria specified were selected and their correlation 4.2. Hypotheses
coefficients were extracted (see Appendix 1). A frequency
distribution table (Appendix 2) was developed and revealed 35 Both social (e.g. relationship building and cohesion) and task
relationships between variables. In addition, it can be seen that (e.g. coordination) factors are crucial for improving the
the proportion of variables with frequency equal to “1” is 19/35. performance and satisfaction of virtual teams [63]. Several
This suggests that there are potentially a large number of factors studies have found that some relationships existed between
which impact on virtual team performance but many of which these factors and the performance and satisfaction of virtual
may not be critical. Only a limited number of studies have teams [16,102]. At the center of virtual team development
explored the interaction between social and task factors and the process is communication. Communication in CMC has been
factors' interactive effect on the performance and satisfaction of found to promote interpersonal relationships between team
virtual teams [22,23]. Undoubtedly, this is one area that requires members in the early development of virtual teams [86,104]. By
further research. We examine these relationships by developing building closer interpersonal relationships among team mem-
an integrated model of virtual team effectiveness which bers early, it is possible for virtual teams to achieve more
includes both social and task factors as well as shows the success later [67,113].Therefore, the first hypothesis is as follow:
influence of these factors' on the effectiveness of virtual teams.
H1. Communication is positively related to relationship building.
Only relationships with two or more occurrences were
incorporated into the final meta-analysis giving a total of 16 Group cohesion is an important factor to be considered for
relationships to be analyzed. virtual teams [107]. Virtual teams need to put in more efforts
The outcome of the meta-analysis on these 16 relation- in communication than FTF teams to develop the same degree
ships from the literature is shown in Appendix 3. The analysis
found 8 significant relationships (Table 2).
The model resulting from the meta-analysis is shown in Table 2
Fig. 3. It was found that only 5 factors (relationships building, Eight significant relationships
cohesion, trust, communication and coordination) had
Relationship Point estimate Relationship Point estimate
affected the performance and satisfaction of virtual teams.
CR–PF 0.53 CH–ST 0.57
Other factors such as task-technology-structure fit, culture, CR–ST 0.39 RB–PF 0.21
design, and technical expertise were found to have no CM–PF 0.32 RB–ST 0.36
significant impact on performance and satisfaction of virtual CH–PF 0.36 TR–PF 0.29
teams. Furthermore, there was no relationship between these RB — Relationship Building; CH — Cohesion; TR — Trust; CM —
5 factors and the correlations between relationship building Communication; CR — Coordination; PF — Performance; ST — Satisfaction.
C. Lin et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 1031–1045 1037

Fig. 3. The preliminary model for evaluating the effectiveness of virtual teams.

of group cohesiveness [99]. While there has been other contra- [76]) and relatively little work has been carried out to examine
dictory findings, it has been generally accepted that virtual team what (e.g. performance) makes team members satisfied with the
members tend to communicate enough social information to virtual team experience [102]. Therefore, we seek to examine
develop strong cohesion over time [22,30]. This has suggested whether the performance of the virtual teams is strongly
that there is a positive linkage between communication and associated with increased satisfaction of team members:
cohesion within virtual teams [99,125,127]. Thus, the second
H6. Performance is positively related to satisfaction.
hypothesis is derived:
Hypotheses 3 and 5 test the relationships between the two
H2. Communication is positively related to cohesion. causal variables (relationship building and coordination) and
Several studies have found that virtual teams tend to place one effect variable (performance). Driskell and Radtke [37]
more emphasis on the task dimensional factors than FTF teams found that prior research on virtual teams paid too much
[16,77]. In addition, virtual team members generally have attention to the development of advanced technological
weaker interpersonal relationships than FTF teams [23,127]. environments instead of considering the social and psycho-
Therefore, closer interpersonal relationship among members logical dimensions. Social factors such as relationship build-
early in virtual team projects might foster the ability to ing, cohesion and task factors such as communication and
coordinate the tasks better: coordination might mutually impact on the effectiveness of
virtual teams.
H3. Relationship building is positively related to coordination. Hypotheses 1, 2, and 4 examine the relationships between
the four causal variables (communication, relationship build-
Similarly, group cohesion can lead to virtual teams being
ing, cohesion, and coordination). Hypotheses 1 and 2 are
better at coordinating project tasks [36]. Virtual teams are
proposed to see if communication affects social factors
often self-managed without a designated leader and therefore
(relationship building and cohesion). Hypothesis 4 examines
may be less efficient in coordination [123] and require certain
the relationship between the social and task factor (cohesion
intervention [90]. Thus, group cohesion might play a big role
and coordination). An integrated model of virtual team
in remedying this situation as successful coordination in
effectiveness is shown in Fig. 4.
virtual teams requires concerted efforts in tracking progress
and tasks, and accounting for outcomes as well as melding the
4.3. Field experiment
team together [77,110]:

H4. Cohesion is positively related to coordination. A field experiment was conducted to examine the revised
framework developed by meta-analysis and to prepare for the
Exchanging information through CMC fosters the coordi- subsequent survey. Participants' MSN Messenger log files
nation of virtual teams [86]. Coordination constitutes the were analyzed to ensure that they did not communicate face
degree of effort between the team members to manage to face and that their tasks were completed using MSN
collective resources and the extent to which the work Messenger in text mode.
activities of team members are logically consistent and From the analysis of the MSN Messenger log files, some
coherent [99,102]. Coordination has been associated with interesting findings were observed. First, the average post of
positive virtual team performance [63,86]: all teams was 420 sentences and there were 5.1 words per
sentence. Therefore, sentences transmitted via MSN Messen-
H5. Coordination is positively related to performance.
ger were generally short. One reason for this was the frequent
Performance of virtual teams has become an important use of abbreviations and acronyms, such as BTW (by the way),
factor for determining satisfaction of team members [70,99,119]. BRB (be right back), and CU (see you). Another possible reason
However, much of the work so far has been done on who (e.g. was that many redundant words were discarded before
women vs men) is most satisfied within the virtual teams (e.g. entering into the MSN Messenger through slight deliberation.
1038 C. Lin et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 1031–1045

Fig. 4. An integrated model of virtual team effectiveness.

Second, there was no positive relationship between the approximation (RMSEA)= 0.06, Comparative fit index (CFI)=
amount of the conversation sentences posted and the team 0.98, Normed fit index (NFI)=0.96, Goodness-of-fit index (GFI) =
performance. In other words, simply exchanging more 0.89, and Adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI)=0.84). Although
information and data within each participating group would χ2 is a bit large (χ2 = 216.78), the value of (Chi-square/degree of
not necessarily lead to higher performance if they did not freedom) is less than 2 [31] and the GFI and AGFI are close to 0.90
facilitate the progress of the project. [50]. In addition, the RMSEA value is only slightly greater than
0.05 (RMSEA = 0.06) but still under the acceptable value of 0.08.
4.4. Survey The above figures imply good model fit [19]. Moreover, the
ranges of all factor loadings and the measurement errors were
The average age of the respondents was 24.50, with a range acceptable and significant at alpha = 0.001, which provided
of 20 to 31. The sample was 47.69% male (n = 93) while 52.31% evidence of convergent validity.
female (n = 102). Respondents were asked to indicate their Three types of validity were assessed to validate our
agreement on a seven-point Likert scale (1 for strongly disagree measurement model: content validity, convergent validity,
and 7 for strongly agree) with statements concerning six main and discriminant validity. Content validity was established by
constructs: (1) relationship building; (2) cohesion; (3) commu- ensuring consistency between the measurement items and the
nication; (4) coordination; (5) performance; and (6) satisfaction. extant literature. This was done by interviewing communica-
Prior to analysis, data were screened for possible response tion and virtual team experts and pilot-testing the instrument.
sets, outliers, and missing or out-of-range values. Three ques- Churchill [33] has suggested that convergent and discriminant
tionnaire containing missing or incomplete values were dis- validities should be examined for construct validity. Therefore,
carded, leaving a usable sample of 195 for analysis. The reliability we assessed convergent validity by examining composite
analysis (alpha) was conducted on these six main constructs. reliability and average variance extracted (AVE) from the
Cronbach's alphas and measurement for all constructs are measures [50]. CR is calculated by squaring the sum of loadings,
provided in Table 3 with all above 0.70 indicating an acceptable then dividing it by the sum of squared loadings, plus the sum of
reliability of the measures. Table 3 presents the descriptive the measurement error whereas the AVE measures the variance
statistics and covariance for the variables used in this study. captured by the indictors relative to measurement error. Our CR
All measures were analyzed for reliability and validity in values of the six antecedent constructs were between 0.74 and
accordance with the guidelines set out by Jöreskog and Sörbom
[64]. The reliability of these constructs was evaluated using
Cronbach's coefficient alpha (α) and their α values were all Table 3
above 0.70 (see Table 1). An α value of 0.70 or above indicates a Covariance matrix for constructs

reliable measurement instrument. SEM (Structural Equation Mean S.D. C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Alpha a CR b

Modeling) was applied to estimate direct and indirect effects
C1 Relationship 4.60 1.50 .76 c .92 .93
using LISREL 8.72. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to building
construct a measurement model composed of these constructs C2 Cohesion 4.38 1.63 .72 .63 .78 .78
using maximum likelihood in LISREL. All variables within the C3 Coordination 5.26 1.02 .38 .36 .56 .85 .84
C4 Performance 4.94 1.57 .80 .76 .31 .76 .89 .90
model were regarded as separate reflective measures. The
C5 Satisfaction 5.36 1.18 .52 .41 .19 .58 .73 .86 .87
resulting fit indexes indicated that the measurement model C6 Communication 4.06 1.09 .94 .76 .37 .79 .42 .51 .75 .74
fitted the data well. Fig. 5 showed the results of the Structural a
Internal Consistency Reliability (Cronbach's coefficient alpha).
Equation Modeling (SEM) for the constructs. The overall fit b
Composite Reliability [44].
of the proposed structural model was quite satisfactory (e.g. c
The diagonal (in italics) shows the average variance extracted [44] for
χ2 = 230.07, df = 133, p b 0.001, Root mean square error of each construct.
C. Lin et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 1031–1045 1039

Fig. 5. Structural Equation Model Results (H1 through H6) χ2 = 230.07, p b 0.001, df = 133, RMSEA = 0.06, CFI = 0.98, NFI = 0.96, GFI = 0.89, AGFI = 0.84. All solid line path
coefficients are significant at p b 0.001⁎⁎⁎.

0.93 and all are above the suggested minimum of 0.70 [50]. were: (1) communication ➔ relationship building ➔ coordi-
Their AVE values were all above 0.50 and these values provided nation ➔ performance ➔ satisfaction; and (2) communication
further evidence of convergent validity [44] (see Table 4). These ➔ cohesion ➔ coordination ➔ performance ➔ satisfaction.
AVE values could also be used to assess discriminant validity The total/direct/indirect effects are shown in Table 5.
[44] which was evident in the results of this study as AVE values
for six antecedent constructs were higher than the variance due 6. Discussion
to measurement error (0.50) [42].
This study makes four key contributions to research on
5. Research findings virtual teams. Firstly, the study has presented and validated
an integrated model of virtual team effectiveness. This model
5.1. Hypotheses examination can be used as a strategic tool in the development, manage-
ment and evaluation stages in projects that include virtual
Using LISREL, six significant relationships were found: teams. Secondly, the study has found that social aspects of
communication and relationship building, communication virtual team development are critical to their performance
and cohesion, relationship building and coordination, cohe- and satisfaction and must be considered at the outset of the
sion and coordination, coordination and performance, and virtual team development process. Thirdly, communication is
performance and satisfaction (Fig. 5). All hypotheses (H1, H2, a tool that directly influences the social dimensions of the
H3, H4, H5, and H6) were supported (see Table 4). team. Fourthly, the performance of the team has a positive
impact on satisfaction with the virtual team.
5.2. Total/direct/indirect effects This research study fills the gap in the literature as it for the
first time defines the significant factors and their relationships
According to the results, performance was directly affected in an integrated model. The virtual team model presented
by coordination and the paths that affected performance validates the significance of factors related to both social and
were: (1) communication ➔ relationship building ➔ coordi-
nation ➔ performance; and (2) communication ➔ cohesion ➔
coordination ➔ performance. Satisfaction was affected by
performance directly and the paths that affected satisfaction Table 5
Total/direct/indirect effects

Performance Satisfaction
Table 4 Communication Direct effect – –
The six proposed research hypotheses Indirect effect 0.79 0.40
Total effect 0.79 0.40
Items Hypotheses Supported? Relationship building Direct effect – –
H1 Communication is positively related to relationship Yes Indirect effect 0.58 0.31
building. Total 0.58 0.31
H2 Communication is positively related to cohesion. Yes Cohesion Direct effect – –
H3 Relationship building is positively related to Yes Indirect effect 0.38 0.19
coordination. Total 0.38 0.19
H4 Cohesion is positively related to coordination. Yes Coordination Direct effect 2.13 –
H5 Coordination is positively related to performance. Yes Indirect effect – 1.24
H6 Performance is positively related to satisfaction. Yes Total 2.13 1.24
1040 C. Lin et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 1031–1045

task dimensional factors identified in the meta-analysis. Past ple, creating an exercise that focuses on improving the social
studies on the relationship between the task dimensional dynamics of the group would have a beneficial impact on the
factor, communication, and the performance and satisfaction effectiveness of the team. This could take the form of team
of virtual teams have produced mixed results (e.g. [6,72,74]. members disclosing information about themselves, their
The results of this study show that communication has expectation for the team and developing social protocols for
significant and direct impact on relationship building and resolving conflict. Periodic conference calls or face-to-face
cohesion. This finding is plausible given that communication is meetings would also be beneficial to nurture such relation-
instrumental in both task and social dimensions. ships and increase cohesion within the virtual teams.
The second major contribution is in relation to the
importance of social factors in the process of achieving 8. Limitation and future research directions
effectiveness in virtual teams. The social dimensional factors of
relationship building and cohesion have significant impact on The evaluation framework of virtual teams developed
the task factor of coordination which in turn has a direct earlier had made an initial attempt to identify the relationships
influence on the performance and satisfaction of virtual team. It between those factors that were seen as the most critical in the
can be said that developing successful social relationships can literature. The meta-analysis had focused only on published
improve the coordination of tasks and so social factors need to be refereed journal papers and had omitted conference and
considered as a pre-requisite to effective task coordination. The working papers. In addition, due to the requirements of
literature has emphasized the importance of task factors such as conducting a meta-analysis, (the chosen study must provide
coordination and under-emphasized the role and significance of correlation coefficients or t-value), some important studies may
social determinants [37,63,90]. Our results show that relation- have been excluded from this research. Therefore, it is possible
ship building and cohesion of the group are very important for that some factors (e.g. trust, design, and culture) which were
virtual teams to be effective in accomplishing tasks. excluded from the framework could be important for evaluation
Studies have suggested that cohesion and relationship of virtual teams. In particular, trust warrants further research as
building are harder to develop in virtual teams because computer it is such an important and complicated factor.
mediated communication is generally deficient in the social cues Moreover, the influence of time on the performance and
required to build relationships, even when using video conferen- satisfaction of virtual teams should be also considered in a
cing [93]. In addition, teams working in a computer mediated future study. For example, future research can be conducted
context tend to have higher levels of conflict [124]. to examine whether or not coordination can mediate the
In our model, communication directly impacts on relation- effects of communication on the effectiveness (i.e. perfor-
ship building and cohesion but does not directly influence mance and satisfaction) of virtual teams.
coordination. This is because communication is a process of
developing the social dynamics of a group and by default 9. Conclusion
impacts on the task coordination [120]. In other words, the
social processes within teams cannot be separated from the This study had first identified several social and task
tasks to be accomplished. All tasks require some social dimensional factors (i.e. relationship building, cohesion, and
context and communication is a means to create a social coordination) which had affected the effectiveness (perfor-
environment in which tasks can be performed. mance and satisfaction) of virtual teams via the meta-analysis.
The performance of virtual teams had a positive impact on A field experiment was then set up to examine these factors
the satisfaction with the virtual team in terms of the ability of and their relationships. A survey was conducted to validate
the group, commitment to the group and confidence in the these relationships in the context of the evaluation model of
group. When the outcomes of a virtual team are strong then virtual teams developed earlier, using SEM (Structural Equa-
satisfaction with the team is also high [59]. This is likely to tion Modeling). The results indicated that (1) communication
produce a further positive impact on performance, although had no significant direct impact on the effectiveness of virtual
this is not included and tested within our model. teams; (2) virtual teams focused more on social dimensional
factors than the task-oriented factor; (3) social dimensional
7. Managerial implications factors could only affect the satisfaction of virtual teams
indirectly through their performance; and (4) there was no
The SEM results indicated that social dimensional factors significant relationship between the task dimensional factor
(i.e. relationship building and cohesion) had stronger rela- and the effectiveness of virtual teams. The final evaluation
tionships (Table 5) with the performance of virtual teams model shows the “Big picture” of virtual teams and illuminates
than the task dimensional factor (i.e. coordination). This the research directions for the future and in addition provides
implies that social dimensional factors such as effective a guide for the management of virtual teams.
relationship building and cohesion exercises were more
important for improving the performance of virtual teams. Acknowledgements
We suggest that emphasis should be put on building
relationships and social cohesion in the initial stage of the The authors would like to thank all the participants for their
virtual project. It is critical that managers build stronger assistance and cooperation for this study. In addition, the
relationships and cohesion among virtual team members as authors would like to thank the three reviewers for their
they have significant impact on the performance and constructive comments. Finally, we would also like to acknowl-
satisfaction of virtual teams. Various techniques could be edge the financial support provided by a research grant from
employed to improve relationships and cohesion. For exam- the Faculty of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University.
C. Lin et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 1031–1045 1041

Appendix 1
The collection of correlation of studies

First author Year Sample Correlation (r)

[1] 1997 102 CM–ST:0.14 CM–PF:0.17
[2] 1997 73 TC–PF:0.14
[9] 2001 117 TR–PF:0.62 CR–TR:0.70 CR–PF:0.47
[10] 2003 68 TR–PF:0.33 RB–TR:−0.23
[12] 2004 248 CR–PF:0.69 CH–PF:0.45 CR–CH:0.23 CH–ST:0.62
CR–ST:0.19 CH–PF:0.24
[13] 2001 1048 CR–PF:0.30 DS–PF:0.46 RB–PF:0.29 TC–PF:0.54
[14] 2005 287 CR–PF:0.16 CR–PF:0.24
[24] 2005 124 CR–ST:0.49
[25] 2000 120 CR–PF:0.67 CH–ST:0.31 CM–CR:0.62 TC–ST:− 0.07
CR–PF:0.69 CH–PF:0.36 CM–CH:0.49 TR–ST:0.45
CR–ST:0.49 CH–PF:0.15
[28] 2001 25 CH–PF:0.03 CR–PF:0.68
[28] 2001 22 CR–PF:0.77
[39] 2005 201 TC–PF:0.05 TT–PF:0.08 TR–PF:0.17 CU–PF:− 0.14
[46] 2005 268 CH–PF:0.54 CH–ST:0.84 DS–PF:0.26 ST–PF:0.55
[51] 1998 443 CH–ST:0.35
[54] 2004 417 CM–PF:0.03 CR–PF:0.14
[55] 2003 550 DS–PF:0.02
[60] 2004 136 CH–ST:0.71 CH–PF:0.71 ST–PF:0.70
[62] 2002 186 RB–PF:− 0.20
[66] 1999 94 CR–ST:0.29 RB–ST:0.28 CM–CR:−0.37
[69] 1997 613 DS–RB:− 0.03 CR–RB:0.12 DS–CR:0.01
[70] 2004 280 DS–PF:−0.02 DS–CR:− 0.06 RB–TT:−0.17 CR–RB:0.22
DS–ST:−0.02 DS–RB:0.05 TT–PF:−0.20 CR–PF:0.39
DS–TT:−0.28 CR–TT:0.19 TT–SF:−0.10 CR–ST:0.44
[73] 1999 250 RB–PF:0.15 TC–PF:−0.17 TC–ST:0.07 RB–ST:0.20
[79] 2006 787 CM–PF:−0.05 CR–PF:−0.03 RB–PF:0.02 TR–PF:0.04
[80] 2002 255 TR–PF:0.25 CU–PF:− 0.11 CU–TR:−0.19
[81] 2001 67 PF–ST:0.73 RB–PF:0.62 RB–ST:0.64 CM–PF:0.48
CM–ST:0.37 DS–ST:0.36 TC–PF:0.26 TC–ST:0.42
[90] 2001 175 DS–PF:−0.32
[91] 2002 158 DS–ST:−0.02 DS–TR:−0.06 DS–TC:0.29
[93] 2002 83 CH–ST:0.35 CR–ST:0.32
[94] 1996 116 TC–CR:0.49 TC–ST:−0.19 CR–ST:0.05
[95] 2004 63 CR–PF:0.40 CR–ST:0.80
[97] 2002 102 RB–ST:0.58 CR–RB:−0.47
[98] 2004 201 DS–CR:0.07 CR–PF:0.07 CM–PF:0.23 DS–PF:0.04
DS–CM:0.12 CR–ST:0.29 CM–ST:0.23 DS–ST:− 0.14
[100] 2002 272 CH–PF:0.24
[101] 2006 72 TT–TR:0.83
[103] 2000 73 CR–ST:0.31
[105] 2006 440 TA–PF:0.90
[109] 2001 42 CH–PF:0.47
[112] 1986 42 (exp1) CR–PF:0.84 RB–PF:0.11
[112] 1986 24 (exp2) CR–PF:0.35 RB–PF:0.25
[112] 1986 36 (exp3) CR–PF:0.97 CH–PF:0.01 RB–PF:0.08
[114] 1999 631 TC–PF:0.27 TC–ST:0.22 TR–TC:0.20
[68] 2007 146 CR–TR:0.61
[116] 1997 216 CM–PF:0.47 CM–PF:0.58 CM–PF:0.64
[118] 1999 117 CM–ST:0.39
[119] 2001 1406 CR–ST:0.44 DS–ST:0.33 CM–ST:0.76
[122] 1996 73 CR–RB:0.21
[127] 1997 72 CM–PF:0.01 TC–PF:0.46 TC–CH:0.60
[128] 2001 135 CH–RB:0.75 CH–CR:0.32 CR–PF:0.70 RB–PF:0.07
[129] 2001 146 RB–PF:0.36 RB–PF:0.45
[130] 2004 216 CU–TR:0.01

DS: Design; CU: Culture; TC: Technical Expertise; TA: Training; RB: Relationship building; CH: Cohesion; TR: Trust; CM: Communication; CR: Coordination; TT:
Task-Technology structure fit; ST: Satisfaction; PF: Performance.
1042 C. Lin et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 1031–1045

Appendix 2
Frequency distribution of variables' relationships

Frequency 3 18 11 10 5 7 5 4 10 6
Frequency 11 7 2 5 4 5 1 1 1 1
Frequency 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Frequency 1 1 1 1 1

Appendix 3
Meta-analysis of correlation of variables

Fixed/Random N Effect 95% confidence Ntotal P-Value Point Q-Value Df(Q) P-Value(Q)
interval estimate

Low High
DS–CR Transform Fixed 3 0.00 −0.06 0.06 1094 0.96 0.00 2.03 2 0.36
Transform Random 3 0.00 −0.06 0.06 1094 0.96 0.00
CR–PF Transform Fixed 18 0.31 0.29 0.34 4259 0.00 0.31 453.91 17 0.00
Transform Random 18 0.53 0.40 0.64 4259 0.00 0.53⁎⁎
CR–ST Transform Fixed 11 0.40 0.37 0.43 2808 0.00 0.40 69.45 10 0.00
Transform Random 11 0.39 0.28 0.49 2808 0.00 0.39⁎⁎
CM–PF Transform Fixed 10 0.29 0.26 0.32 3342 0.00 0.29 260.59 9 0.00
Transform Random 10 0.32 0.13 0.49 3342 0.00 0.32⁎⁎
CM–ST Transform Fixed 5 0.67 0.65 0.70 1893 0.00 0.67 190.32 4 0.00
Transform Random 5 0.41 −0.03 0.72 1893 0.07 0.41
DS–PF Transform Fixed 7 0.20 0.16 0.24 2723 0.00 0.20 184.94 6 0.00
Transform Random 7 0.07 −0.16 0.30 2327 0.55 0.07
DS–ST Transform Fixed 5 0.22 0.18 0.26 2112 0.00 0.22 74.84 4 0.00
Transform Random 5 0.10 −0.15 0.34 2112 0.77 0.10
CR–RB Transform Fixed 4 0.10 0.04 0.16 1068 0.00 0.10 42.39 3 0.00
Transform Random 4 0.02 −0.26 0.30 1068 0.90 0.02
CH–PF Transform Fixed 10 0.39 0.34 0.43 1515 0.00 0.39 71.44 9 0.00
Transform Random 10 0.36 0.21 0.49 1515 0.00 0.36⁎⁎
CH–ST Transform Fixed 6 0.58 0.54 0.61 1298 0.00 0.58 149.36 5 0.00
Transform Random 6 0.57 0.30 0.76 1298 0.00 0.57⁎⁎
RB–PF Transform Fixed 11 0.18 0.15 0.22 2867 0.00 0.18 101.80 10 0.00
Transform Random 11 0.21 0.07 0.34 2867 0.00 0.21⁎⁎
TC–PF Transform Fixed 7 0.34 0.31 0.38 2342 0.00 0.34 161.36 6 0.00
Transform Random 7 0.23 −0.02 0.45 2342 0.07 0.23
TC–ST Transform Fixed 5 0.14 0.08 0.19 1184 0.00 0.14 29.69 4 0.00
Transform Random 5 0.09 −0.10 0.28 1184 0.35 0.09
RB–ST Transform Fixed 4 0.36 0.28 0.44 513 0.00 0.36⁎⁎ 25.66 3 0.00
Transform Random 4 0.44 0.17 0.65 513 0.00 0.44
TR–PF Transform Fixed 5 0.17 0.11 0.22 1428 0.00 0.17 52.20 4 0.00
Transform Random 5 0.29 0.07 0.49 1428 0.01 0.29⁎⁎
CM–CR Transform Fixed 2 0.06 −0.03 0.15 511 0.16 0.06 22.55 1 0.00
Transform Random 2 −0.11 −0.64 0.49 511 0.74 −0.11

PS: N is the number of correlation statistic value; Ntotal is the total sample size of correlation; P-Value is the P-value of Effect.
Value(Q) the P-value of Q-Value. ** the value is significant.

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Francisco CA, 2003, pp. 193–195. a member of editorial review board for several prestigious international
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systems and collective mind in virtual teams, International Journal of doctorate in virtual team effectiveness at Edith Cowan University in
Organizational Analysis 9 (2) (2001) 187–208. Western Australia and has published extensively on the topic.
[130] R. Zolin, P.J. Hinds, R. Fruchter, R.E. Levitt, Interpersonal trust in cross-
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Information and Organization 14 (2004) 1–26.

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