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Revolutionizing Heart Monitoring With Oximetry

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Revolutionizing Heart Monitoring with Oximetry

M. Sai Prasad Reddy K. Likhitha
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology
Hyderabad, India Hyderabad, India

G. Mithali Karan D. Harsha Vardhan

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology
Hyderabad, India Hyderabad, India

M. Madhu Priya
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology
Hyderabad, India

Abstract:- Innovative medical gadgets are now critically on a screen. IOT based on ECG monitoring has been the
needed to monitor and analyze the situation, especially in subject of various works.
light of the COVID-19 pandemic. In light of this, a
portable, affordable, IOT-based heart rate and Keywords:- Patient Monitoring, IOT Based, SpO2, OLED.
SpO2/level sensor device with effective performance has
been developed. In order to publish data to a software I. INTRODUCTION
web page and display data on the OLED, the suggested
system has an integrated LED with basic internet access. A special-purpose system with one or more devoted
Its mobility, user-friendliness, and distinctive method of functions, sometimes with real-time computing limitations, is
sending collected data are its key qualities. data online, called an embedded system. Usually, it is integrated into a
enabling it to perform better than the solutions that are full gadget that also includes mechanical components and
currently on offer in a number of ways. The project is hardware. On the other hand, a personal computer or other
designed in such a way that the analogue quantities which general-purpose computer can do a wide range of functions
are to be recorded continuously are taken and converted based on its programming. Due to their widespread usage in
into corresponding digital values using a six-channel many everyday products, embedded systems have grown in
ADC. Here we consider temperature and monitor the importance. Because of the embedded system's
heart rate. The processed data from ADC is sent to the specialization, design engineering can optimize it to lower
microcontroller. With the help of a six-channel ADC, the the product's size and cost or boost its performance and
project's architecture transforms the analogue numbers dependability. Due to economies of scale, some embedded
that must be continuously recorded into equivalent digital systems are manufactured in large quantities. In terms of
values. Here, we keep an eye on the heart rate and take physical form, embedded systems can be found in everything
the temperature into account. The microcontroller from small, portable gadgets like MP3 players and digital
receives the data from the ADC that has been processed. watches to massive, fixed installations like traffic lights,
The microcontroller is designed to continuously monitor industrial controllers, or the systems that operate nuclear
the status of the sensors. To transfer sensor data to the power plants. A single microcontroller chip can have a
server web page in the form of a database, the modest level of complexity, while numerous units,
microcontroller and the Wifi Module will be interfaced peripherals, and networks arranged inside a sizable chassis or
using serial connection. Monitoring physiological data, enclosure can have a very high level of complexity. The term
such as electrocardiogram (ECG) signals, offers a new "embedded system" is generally ill-defined because many
avenue for ease of control and prevention in modern systems possess some degree of programmability. For
healthcare. Consequently, a new era of proactive, instance, handheld computers and embedded systems are
intelligent healthcare would emerge—especially similar in that they both have microprocessors and operating
considering the major barrier of scarce medical systems, but they are not fully embedded systems as they
resources. It was shown how to use a mobile ECG permit the loading of different applications and the
monitoring service hosted in the cloud. With the use of a connection of peripherals. A computer hardware and
pulse oximeter and a wireless transmission method like software combination that is either programmable or fixed in
WI-FI, these may identify ECG signals and display them capabilities and created especially for a specific type of
application device is called an embedded system. Numerous

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

devices, including toys, cars, medical equipment, industrial health data. In order to guarantee a uniform and interoperable
machines, cameras, home appliances, and PDAs (in addition ecosystem of personal connected health devices, the CDG
to the more apparent cell phones and PDAs) are potential offers a set of precisely defined interfaces that permit the
hosts for embedded systems. Programmable embedded secure flow of medical data among sensors, gateways, and
systems have a programming interface and may be end services. This eliminates ambiguity in the underlying
programmed. Programming embedded systems is a standards.
specialized field. Some language platforms or operating
systems are designed specifically for embedded market, III. TABLE OF CONTENT
including Windows XP Embedded and embedded Java. On
the other hand, some low-end consumer items have a single Table 1 The Average Heart Rate of Human Beings
operating system and application, and relatively cheap Age Average Heart Rate
microprocessors with little storage. Here, the software is not Newborn 140
loaded into RAM (random access memory) like applications 7 Year 85-90
on a personal computer, but rather is written permanently 14 Year 80-85
into the system's memory. Adult 70-80
Athletes 60-100
The typical heart rate of humans is shown in the table
The "IOT" study was extensive and included several under five stages. The stages that are taken into consideration
limitations and montages. The primary objective of "IOT" is in the table include the new born stage, sometimes referred to
to guarantee that Internet-based communications and as the early stage or the post-birth period, is the first stage.
information sending and receiving are normally available The heart rate would be approximately 140 beats per minute
when used in conjunction with "electronic sensors" in the second stage, 85–90 beats per minute on average in the
equipment. A research stated that there were 28.4 billion IOT adolescent stage, and 80–85 beats per minute on average in
users in 2017 and the number is expected to increase to 50.1 the teenager stage, which is the third stage The average heart
billion by 2020. However, the primary goal of IOT is to rate in the fourth stage, which is regarded as the adulting
integrate software development; often, recycling sensors with stage, is between 70 and 80 beats per minute. The average
accelerometers and compression-embedding camps serve as heart rate in the fifth stage, which is the athletic stage, is
the program's initial components. Sensitivity and mobility between 60 and 100 beats per minute.
have both improved with the sensors. Additionally, parking,
grids, and smart dwellings. “Consequently, integrating The following stages are included in the tabular form of
enterprises is the primary objective of IoT. Heart-related the average heart rate of people in five states. The heart rate
health issues are increasingly common in today's world, and is shown in three different scenarios.
machines are always sending out messages. As with software
development in general, the first view for the "IoT phase is Low Rate of Pulse When the heart rate per BPM (beats
divided into criteria, specifications, and implementation." per minute) is greater than 40 and less than 60, the low pulse
The final section, which includes the corporate procedure, is rate is indicated. The patient needs to see a doctor because of
a crucial technique". Eskelinen provided two questions and the low pulse rate, which could result in medical issues (e.g.,
incorporated them into the design phase in order to low blood pressure).
comprehend the requirements of any Internet of Things
project.  Normal Pulse Rate: The patient's pulse rate falls within
the normal range, often between 60 and 100, meaning that
They have become known for their upscale and various there are no issues.
wireless control systems above other common devices. The
WSN is a major component of IOT and is also crucial to its  High Pulse Rate: A patient with a high pulse range,
healthcare applications. The importance of using the WSN potentially leading to heart-related conditions, such as
for oxygen saturation and pulse rates was highlighted by high blood pressure, is said to have a high pulse rate,
Rotaries and Manta in 2012. In contrast, ECG and blood range of 100 to 150.
pressure sensors were installed on mobile phones in 2016 by
Xuedong et al. The wireless network gets better with the IOT IV. OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY
approach in the health analogue, he claimed all employed
Wifi technology in the control area for its 2012 work to A. Objectives
transmit messages on several bodily functions, including The main goal is to raise awareness of heart disorders,
oxygen saturation, body temperature, pulse rate, and blood which have become more prevalent in recent decades and are
pressure. Wannenburg and J. J. R. When Bluetooth was a major cause of death for many individuals. Heart illness
added. should therefore not be taken lightly. Therefore, there ought
to be equipment that can periodically check on the patient's
To protect the transmission of medical data between cardiac behaviour. Several heart conditions can be avoided
gateways, sensors, and health information services. In the by examining or keeping an eye on the ECG signal in the
context of personal linked health, the CDG is an open early stages. This project involves connecting the AD8232
platform for the safe and understandable interchange of ECG Sensor to the ESP8266 Node MCU Board and using a

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

serial plotter screen to view the ECG waveform. Similarly, V. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION
users may use a PC or even just a smart phone to send the
ECG waveform over the IOT Cloud platform and view the A. Arduino Uno:
signal online from anywhere in the globe. Staying in the As previously stated, Arduino is the brains of the
hospital is not necessary to monitor heart health. simply project; you can connect to the same PINs described in the
because it is possible to monitor the item remotely via he schematic using any Arduino board that you have on hand.
internet. As a result, the Patient Health Monitoring system is The data must be gathered, displayed, and sent to the
deemed to have advanced. ESP8266 via the Arduino. A USB or "Vin" pin (9v–12v) can
be used to power the entire circuit. It can be powered by a
In the current environment, health issues are highly rectangular 9-volt battery or a barrel connector that takes
prevalent. One of the leading causes of death for both men voltages ranging from 7 to 20 volts. The term "Uno" was
and women is heart disease. Approximately one million chosen to signify a significant revamp of the Arduino
people die from it each year. A vital component of the heart's hardware and software. "Uno" means "one" in Italian.
operation is heart rate. In order to preserve heart health and
research heart function, heart rate monitoring of the heart B. Temperature Sensor:
rating is essential. In addition to cutting down on visits and To monitor the ambient temperature and to determine
hospital triage wait times, this will also—and perhaps most the pulse rate, the Arduino is interfaced with an LM-35
importantly—lower the cost of staffing and administrative temperature sensor and a pulse sensor. By sending data to a
support. Wi-Fi access point, the recorded temperature and pulse rate
are sent to the cloud platform and shown on a character LCD
Patients benefit from this convenience because it frees interfaced with the Arduino. A temperature sensor monitors
them up to engage in other activities rather than commute to temperature and responds to it by producing varying voltage
the hospital or clinic and wait in lengthy triage lines. signals. There are three pins on it: one that goes to ground,
one that goes to five volts, and one that outputs.
B. Methodology
C. Pulse Oximeter:
The suggested model's block diagram is displayed in Heart rate and blood oxygen levels are measured with a
Figure. It shows how every piece of hardware is connected. pulse oximeter. If you have any of the following medical
which is linked to the computer in turn. It is possible to problems, you may experience low oxygen saturation. Your
divide the elements of the system into two categories: reading may also be impacted by your skin tone. A non-
software and hardware. invasive test that determines your blood's oxygen saturation
level is pulse oximetry. It can quickly identify even minute
variations in oxygen concentrations. The efficiency with
which blood carries oxygen to the parts of your body that are
farthest from your heart—your arms and legs—is shown by
these levels. The pulse oximeter is a little gadget that
resembles a clip. It fastens to a body component, usually a

D. ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module:

The ESP8266 Wi-Fi module allows internet and Wi-Fi
access for your projects. It is a very affordable device that
adds a lot of power to your projects. It is the most popular
device on the Internet of Things platform and can interface
with any microcontroller. Find out more about ESP8266 and
Arduino usage here. Next, attach the Arduino to the pulse

E. LCD Display:
The real-time data from the sensors is shown on an
LCD, which is configured to display the heartbeat and body
temperature in beats per minute. You may optimize the
LCD's legibility by adjusting its contrast with the 10k
potentiometer that is included.

F. Power Adaptor:
An electrical device called a power adaptor is used to
Fig 1 Block Diagram change the voltage and current's shape. The high-voltage,
high-current power supply from an outlet is usually
converted into a lower-voltage, lower-current power supply
so that the board can receive the current energize electrical

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

equipment. Typically, the adaptor is made up of a voltage Arduino board, searching the internet for the source. Thus,
regulator, rectifier, and transformer. While the rectifier the hotspot and cell phone are used to produce the internet
transforms the AC voltage into DC voltage, the transformer source. The Arduino board has two serial ports connected to
steps down the voltage. The output voltages are kept steady it; one is used for direct communication via a Wi-Fi module,
and within the acceptable range for the electrical device by and the other is for the receiver. The IR sensor will detect
the voltage regulator. Depending on the purpose and kind of blood circulation if the finger is put on the pulse oximeter
device, power adapters are available in a variety of sizes and sensor. The LCD will also display the heart rate, body
designs. As an illustration, an adapter for laptop power could temperature, and oxygen saturation rate.
be rectangular or cylindrical in design, yet a phone charger
might be tiny and portable. In addition, the plug types and VII. RESULTS AND OBSERVATIONS
voltage ratings may vary based on the country and region in
which they are utilized. The display in the figure depicts a person's body
temperature, heart rate, and oxygen saturation level.
G. Heart Beat Sensor: Following are the recorded values for an individual's heart
Heart sensors offer an easy approach for studying heart rate, oxygen saturation, and body temperature:
function, which may be quantified using the psycho- ECG reading: 95 bpm
physiological signals theory applied as a stimulus to the Level of oxygen: 98
virtual reality system. The finger's blood volume varies with Temperature of the body: 30 degrees
time. Because light is scattered or absorbed as it passes
through the blood when the heartbeat varies, the optical
power variation can be used to quantify the heartbeat. The
photo plethysmography principle serves as the foundation for
the heartbeat sensor. Any change in blood volume passing
through a biological organ that results in a change in the
intensity of light passing through that organ (a vascular area)
is measured.


Fig 3 Graphical Representation of Temperature,
Heat Rate, and Oxygen Level.

The temperature at a specific time interval is shown

graphically in the figure. The spo2 concentrations at various

Fig 2 Design Implementation

The design and execution of the pulse oximeter-based

Internet of Things-based cardiac monitoring system. The
Arduino base board, which is located under the controller
board in green, provides power to all of the devices
connected to it. Other components include the ESP8266 Wi-
Fi module, which is used to send data from the controller to
the server, the temperature sensor LM35, which measures Fig 4 The Temperature
body temperature, and the pulse oximeter sensor, which
provides the pulse rating for the oxygen value. First, the 12- The oxygen level at a specific moment in a human's
volt DC supply should be provided via the adaptor. Since the beginning is graphically represented in the figure.
Arduino board only needs a 5V DC voltage source, the Haemoglobin in blood has the capacity to carry up to four
adapter uses a voltage regulator to convert the 12V DC to oxygen molecules. The body receives its blood and oxygen
5V. The board has two capacitors, which serve as the filters. from the cardiovascular system, a complex network of
The purpose of the LED is to show whether or not the vessels. The quantity of oxygen needed by the heart to
controller board is receiving a 5-volt DC supply. The function is known as myocardial oxygen demand.
controller begins running the code that was sent to the

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


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