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When Perfect Isn't Good Enough

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“An excellent description of

perfectionism and its self-

sabotaging disadvantages.
Presents many efficient and
effective cognitive-behavior-
al methods for dealing with
and minimizing this afflic-
tion. Quite practical and
thorough—but nicely flexible
and unperfectionistic!”
—Albert Ellis,
Ph.D., president
of the Albert Ellis
Institute in New
York City and au-
thor of A Guide
to Rational

“All of us know someone

who is a perfectionist and

most of us have joked about

it at one time or another. For
some it can be a useful trait
that ensures some organiza-
tion in a disorganized world.
But for those individuals
coping with too much per-
fectionism, it can be a curse
that takes the pleasure out of
life and in some cases can
lead to severe anxiety dis-
orders. Now two leading
mental health practitioners
and clinical scientists
provide up-to-date, scien-
tifically validated skills for
overcoming perfectionism
and regaining control of
one’s life. This long overdue
book should relieve much
suffering and enhance func-
tioning for the millions of

individuals dealing with ex-

cessive perfectionism.”
—David H. Barlow,
Ph.D., professor
of psychology
and director of
the Center for
Anxiety and
Disorders at Bo-
ston University

“When Perfect Isn’t Good

Enough surpasses any of the
other books on perfection-
ism in quality and scope.
Antony and Swinson have
synthesized what we know
about perfectionism and
used it to create the first
well-integrated approach to

reduce the suffering caused

by it. The chapters clearly
define perfectionism and
provide concrete steps to
master this demon. Final
chapters focus on how per-
fectionism can manifest it-
self in other disorders,
demonstrating how perni-
cious this phenomenon can
be—and why such a book is
so essential. This book will
be invaluable to people suf-
fering from perfectionism
and to the therapists trying
to help them.”
—Randy O. Frost,
Ph.D., professor
of psychology at
Smith College in

“When Perfect Isn’t Good

Enough is an excellent
source for people looking to
adjust their standards and
expectations and, by so do-
ing, increase the joy in their
lives. It is easy to read, filled
with solid advice, and based
on the best scientific re-
search. Unlike most other
self-help books, the many
exercises suggested by the
authors provide the reader
with the tools to put these
words into action. Antony
and Swinson have produced
a thorough and systemic
manual to lead the perfec-
tionist out of the misery of
depression, anger, worry,
and social anxiety, and into
the promised land of

realistic self-evaluation, self-

esteem, and positive inter-
personal relations. Bravo!”
—Richard Heim-
berg, Ph.D.,
Adult Anxiety
Clinic in the de-
partment of psy-
chology at
University in
Philadelphia, PA
Publisher’s Note
This publication is designed to provide accurate
and authoritative information in regard to the
subject matter covered. It is sold with the under-
standing that the publisher is not engaged in ren-
dering psychological, financial, legal, or other
professional services. If expert assistance or
counseling is needed, the services of a competent
professional should be sought.
Distributed in Canada by Raincoast Books
Copyright © 2009 by Martin M. Antony and
Richard P. Swinson
New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
5674 Shattuck Avenue
Oakland, CA 94609
All Rights Reserved
Printed in the United States of America
Acquired by Tesilya Hanauer; Cover design by
Amy Shoup;
Edited by Carole Honeychurch
epub ISBN: 9781608823642
Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition
Antony, Martin M.

When perfect isn’t good enough : strategies for

coping with perfectionism / Martin M. Antony and
Richard P. Swinson. -- 2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. ).
ISBN-13: 978-1-57224-559-4 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 1-57224-559-X (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Perfectionism (Personality trait) I. Swinson,
Richard P. II. Title.
BF698.35.P47A58 2009
For Cynthia


For Carolyn















Further Readings
We are grateful to our editors at New
Harbinger Publications for their in-
vitation to revise the first edition of
this book and for their support and
help throughout the process of bring-
ing the project to completion. Also,
thanks to Valerie Vorstenbosch and
Heather Hood for their assistance in
researching some of the material that
went into this revised addition. Fin-
ally, thank you to Lizabeth Roemer
and Josh Bartok for their helpful
comments on an early draft of
chapter 9.
The Purpose of This
When we began our work on the first
edition of this book, we struggled to
decide on exactly what the scope
should be. It was difficult to choose
which aspects of perfectionism to fo-
cus on, because the term “perfection-
ist” can be applied to many different
types of people. Consider the follow-
ing examples:
In an interview with Oprah Win-
frey, Martha Stewart described her-
self as a “maniacal perfectionist”
(Winfrey 2000). In fact, according to
a 2004 article in Forbes, Ms. Stewart
allegedly once threatened to fire her

stockbroker because she didn’t like

his company’s telephone “hold” music
(Ackman 2004).
People who worked with director
James Cameron on the blockbuster
film Titanic often described him in
interviews as being a perfectionist.
They told stories of how he often lost
his temper when things didn’t go his
way. In fact, Cameron’s apparent
temper, stemming from his insistence
that his film crew meet his high
standards, was the subject of many
stories in the media around the time
of the film’s release.
In 2003, French chef Bernard
Loiseau committed suicide shortly
after his restaurant’s rating in the
Michelin Red Guide was reduced
from 19/20 to 17/20. The story is
chronicled in Rudolph Chelminski’s

2005 book, “The Perfectionist: Life

and Death in Haute Cuisine.”
In her 1995 biography, Movement
Never Lies: An Autobiography, Ca-
nadian ballet dancer Karen Kain de-
scribed herself as a perfectionist. Al-
though she had established herself as
one of the most respected dancers in
the world, she occasionally had bouts
of depression, stemming from self-
imposed standards that she felt she
rarely met.
The character of Niles Crane from
TV’s Frasier can be described as a
perfectionist. He sees everyone other
than himself as inferior in some way,
and he goes to great lengths to make
sure that things are correct—even the
graffiti in the Café Nervosa toilets
(which he corrected with a red pen).
Other TV perfectionists include

Monica Gellar (Friends), Bree Van De

Kamp (Desperate Housewives), and
Felix Unger (The Odd Couple).
Although all of these individuals
can be described as perfectionists,
they are very different in the ways
they express their perfectionism. In
some of these examples, perfection-
ism is associated with anger; in oth-
ers, perfectionism is associated with
depression; and in some, perfection-
ism is associated with anxiety, inflex-
ibility, or a lack of spontaneity. Des-
pite these differences, the people in
each of these examples share an im-
portant quality. In each case, there
appears to be strict standards or ex-
pectations for oneself or others that
either cannot be met or can only be
met at a great cost.

Perfectionism is often associated

with certain psychological problems,
including excessive anger, depres-
sion, anxiety, body image problems,
and obsessive-compulsive behaviors.
In fact, it’s hard to imagine a compre-
hensive book on perfectionism that
doesn’t touch on these areas. There-
fore, in writing this book, we chose to
focus on methods of dealing with per-
fectionistic thoughts and behaviors in
general, as well as perfectionistic
thoughts and behaviors that are asso-
ciated with specific psychological
In part 1 of this book, we discuss
general aspects of perfectionism, in-
cluding the nature and impact of per-
fectionism and the role of thoughts
and behaviors in maintaining perfec-
tionism. Part 2 provides specific in-
structions on how to conduct a self-

assessment of your perfectionism and

how to use specific strategies to over-
come perfectionistic thinking and re-
lated behaviors. In part 2, we have
added a new chapter on acceptance-
based strategies. In part 3 we discuss
the association between perfection-
ism and specific psychological prob-
lems (such as depression, anxiety,
and so on). These chapters will be
helpful if you experience some of
these issues. Part 4 includes a new
chapter on preventing your perfec-
tionism from returning. The com-
pletely updated “Further Readings”
list provides suggestions for those
who want more in-depth information
about the various topics covered in
this book.

Do the Strategies in this

Book Work?
When we wrote the first edition of
this book (published in 1998), there
was almost no research available on
the treatment of perfectionism. There
were well-established treatments
available for the types of problems
that are typically associated with per-
fectionism (like anxiety, depression,
body-image issues, obsessive-com-
pulsive problems, and so on), but not
specifically for perfectionism. That
has all changed in recent years. In
2007, we published a study showing
that treating social anxiety using the
types of strategies described in this
book led to changes not only in anxi-
ety about social situations, but also
reductions in perfectionism

(Ashbaugh et al. 2007). Following

treatment for social anxiety, parti-
cipants in our study reported being
less concerned about making mis-
takes and were less likely to doubt
whether their actions were correct.
However, this study didn’t include a
treatment focused specifically on per-
fectionism—rather the treatment was
focused on anxiety.
In another study, Riley et al.
(2007) used strategies that were sim-
ilar to those in this book to provide
ten sessions of treatment designed to
help people who suffer with high
levels of perfectionism. In this study,
the symptoms of 75 percent of the
participants were significantly im-
proved following treatment. In fact,
scores on the main measure of perfec-
tionism used in this study decreased
by 46 percent for those who received

the treatment, compared to only 7.6

percent for individuals who were on a
wait-list but didn’t actually receive
any treatment.
In a third study, Australian re-
searchers (Pleva and Wade 2007)
compared a pure self-help treatment
for perfectionism (the first edition of
this book, actually) to a self-help
treatment that included this book as
well as brief contact with a therapist
(eight fifty-minute sessions). Parti-
cipants in both treatments experi-
enced a reduction in perfectionism,
though people did best when the book
was combined with guidance from a
therapist. For example, 40 percent of
individuals in the pure self-help treat-
ment and 46 percent of individuals in
the guided self-help treatment repor-
ted a significant reduction in concern
over making mistakes.

In summary, there is now emer-

ging evidence that the strategies de-
scribed in this book are helpful—both
on their own and when combined
with treatment by a professional ther-
apist who has experience in using
these methods.

How to Use This Book

We recommend that you read all of
the chapters in parts 1, 2, and 4. In
part 3, you may wish to select
chapters that are most relevant to you
and read them thoroughly. It can also
be helpful to read the other chapters,
as you may recognize issues that you
were not aware you had.
Many of the chapters include ex-
ercises designed to change perfection-
istic beliefs and behaviors. On its
own, just reading this book is unlikely

to lead to a dramatic reduction in

your perfectionistic thoughts and be-
haviors. To see real changes, it will be
important to actually use the
strategies described. This book isn’t a
replacement for obtaining help from a
qualified mental health professional,
and you may wish to seek profession-
al help for your perfectionism and as-
sociated problems. The chapters in
part 3 describe treatments that have
been effective for the particular clin-
ical problems that are sometimes re-
lated to perfectionism. In addition,
chapter 6 includes ideas regarding
how to find additional help, if

Obtaining a Journal
The exercises in this book require
you to answer specific questions and

record relevant information. There-

fore, it will be important to pick up a
notebook or journal to use as you
work through this book. Be sure to
have your journal ready before begin-
ning chapter 1. Alternatively, you can
complete the exercises on a

How Not to Use This

A warning: don’t try to do everything
in this book perfectly. We describe
many more techniques, strategies,
and ideas than you could possibly use
effectively. It is best to choose a relat-
ively small number of techniques and
practice them until you can use them
well. If you try to do everything that
this book suggests, you probably

won’t benefit much from any of the

strategies. Instead, pick and choose
techniques that seem most relevant to
your problem.
However, many of the strategies
described in this book require re-
peated practice to be beneficial. If you
find that a particular method is not
working for you, you will need to de-
cide whether to continue practicing
that technique or to move on to an-
other strategy. If a particular sugges-
tion is not working for you, try not to
react like a perfectionist. It will take
time to notice changes. Giving your-
self permission to fall short of meet-
ing your high expectations while try-
ing to overcome your perfectionism is
a good first step toward learning to
have more flexible and realistic
Part 1

Chapter 1

What Is
Most of us are bombarded with de-
mands to improve our performance.
From the time we are born, we must
endure being evaluated and corrected
by different people in our lives. When
we first learn to talk, our parents cor-
rect our pronunciation. When we are
young, we are taught by others how to
walk, dress ourselves, hold our forks
properly, refrain from putting our el-
bows on the table, wash behind our
ears, and make our beds.
As we grow up, our behavior con-
tinues to be evaluated, criticized, cor-
rected, and rewarded. In school and

at home, we learn that to attain the

approval of others we must achieve
specific standards. When we make
mistakes, there are often practical
negative consequences. For example,
as children, if our grades fall below a
particular level, we may be criticized
by our teachers, parents, and friends.
Sometimes, privileges (for example,
permission to talk on the telephone,
go out with friends, or receive an al-
lowance) are taken away until the
level of performance is back where it
is expected to be.
The frequent demands to meet
and surpass established standards
continue into adulthood. Many work-
places expect employees to improve
their performance by accomplishing
more in less time. Sales people are ex-
pected to break the previous years’
sales records. Companies strive to be

more successful than their

In addition to pressures from the
outside, many people feel pressure
from within to succeed or perform at
a certain level. When cooking a meal
for friends, it feels good to have your
guests enjoy their meal. When trying
to maintain a level of physical fitness,
you may feel a sense of personal satis-
faction when you have reached some
new goal, such as being able to run a
mile in less time.
The desire to improve your per-
formance or to meet high standards is
not the same as being perfectionistic.
It is this very desire to meet certain
goals that often helps you perform ef-
fectively in your environment. For ex-
ample, students who don’t care about
their performance in school probably

don’t study as hard and are likely to

perform more poorly than students
who have high personal standards. If
this pattern of performance becomes
a habit, there are often negative con-
sequences. Their grades are lower,
and they may not be accepted into
their preferred college or university.
People at the top of their field, such
as elite athletes, must also set high
standards to achieve what they do.
Without standards, people generally
achieve less.

Definitions of
So, what is perfectionism, and how is
it different from a healthy desire to
achieve high standards? As a starting
point, let’s consider a dictionary

definition. The online version of the

Merriam Webster Dictionary defines
perfectionism as “a disposition to re-
gard anything short of perfection as
unacceptable.” In contrast, profes-
sionals who study perfectionism tend
to define the term in more detail. For
example, in his frequently cited art-
icle in Psychology Today, psychiatrist
David Burns (1980) defined perfec-
tionists as people “whose standards
are high beyond reach or reason” and
“who strain compulsively and unre-
mittingly toward impossible goals
and who measure their own worth en-
tirely in terms of productivity and ac-
complishment.” Burns pointed out
that for these individuals, the drive to
do well can actually impair

Multidimensional Definitions of
Recently, psychologists have be-
gun to define perfectionism as a mul-
tidimensional concept (Flett and He-
witt 2002). In other words, research-
ers increasingly view perfectionism as
consisting of several different com-
ponents or aspects. For example, Ca-
nadian psychologists Gordon Flett
and Paul Hewitt have identified three
main types of perfectionism: self-ori-
ented perfectionism, other-oriented
perfectionism, and socially prescribed
Self-oriented perfectionism is a
tendency to have standards for your-
self that are unrealistically high and
impossible to attain. These standards
are self-imposed and tend to be asso-
ciated with self-criticism and an

inability to accept your own mistakes

and faults. When self-oriented perfec-
tionism is combined with negative life
events or perceived failure, it can lead
to difficulties with depression.
Other-oriented perfectionism is a
tendency to demand that others meet
your unrealistically high standards.
People who are other-oriented perfec-
tionists are often unable to delegate
tasks to others for fear of being disap-
pointed by a less-than-perfect per-
formance of the job. Other-oriented
perfectionists may also have prob-
lems with excessive anger, relation-
ship stress, and other difficulties re-
lated to their high expectations of
Socially prescribed perfectionism
is a tendency to assume that others
have expectations of you that are

impossible to meet. Socially pre-

scribed perfectionists also believe
that to gain approval from others,
these high standards must be met.
Unlike self-oriented perfectionism, in
which expectations are self-imposed,
in socially prescribed perfectionism,
the high standards are believed to be
imposed by others. Socially pre-
scribed perfectionism can lead to feel-
ings of anger (at people who are per-
ceived to have unrealistically high
standards), depression (if high stand-
ards are not met), or social anxiety
(fear of being judged by other
In addition to the three dimen-
sions of perfectionism proposed by
Hewitt and Flett, psychologist Randy
Frost and his colleagues have also
been influential with respect to in-
creasing the understanding of the

multidimensional aspects of perfec-

tionism (Frost et al. 1990). However,
unlike Hewitt and Flett, Frost and
colleagues proposed six different di-
mensions of perfectionism, including
tendencies to be overly concerned
about making mistakes, to have
overly high personal standards, to
doubt whether one has done things
correctly, to have an extreme need for
organization, to have parents with
unreasonably high expectations, and
to have parents who are overly
In summary, there are several dif-
ferent ways in which perfectionism
can be defined. Some researchers
define perfectionism as a single
concept or dimension. Others view
perfectionism as consisting of several
related dimensions. Regardless of
which view is taken, most definitions

appear to share several features that

can be summarized as follows:
• People who are perfection-
istic tend to have standards
and expectations that are
very difficult or impossible
to meet.

• Although having high

standards is often helpful,
perfectionism is associated
with having standards that
are so high that they actu-
ally interfere with

• Perfectionism is often asso-

ciated with other problems,
such as anxiety and

Appropriately High
Standards versus
Perfectionistic Beliefs
Most people have strong opinions
about how they should perform and
about how certain things should be
done. Although some standards are
helpful, other standards may not be.
For example, a person who has to
speak in front of groups may have the
belief: “It is important to do an excel-
lent job.” Is this a perfectionistic be-
lief or just an appropriate belief that
leads to improved performance in
public speaking situations? Unfortu-
nately, people are often not very good
at assessing the accuracy of their own
beliefs about their standards, because
most of us assume that our beliefs are

The appropriateness of a belief

about standards for performance de-
pends on several factors: the excess-
iveness of the standard (for example,
can this goal be met?), the accuracy of
the belief (for instance, is it true that
this standard must be met?), the costs
and benefits of imposing the standard
(for example, does it help me to have
the belief or standard?), and the flex-
ibility of the standard or belief (for in-
stance, am I able to adjust my stand-
ards and change my beliefs when
Consider an example. Most people
believe that it’s important to wash
regularly and to keep clean. Is this a
perfectionistic belief or realistic high
standard? Well, for most people, the
standards for cleanliness are defined
in a way that can be met with little ef-
fort, and, for most people, keeping

clean has more benefits than costs.

For example, with minimal effort,
keeping clean makes it more likely
that others will want to spend time
with you. Finally, most people are
also able to be flexible regarding their
standards for cleanliness. Surgeons
may raise the standard and wash
their hands more carefully before do-
ing surgery, whereas people who are
camping in the wilderness may lower
their standards and tolerate being
less clean.
In contrast, a person who has per-
fectionistic thoughts about cleanli-
ness may have excessive beliefs that
are inaccurate, inflexible, and cause
more harm than good. For example,
in our clinic we see some individuals
with obsessive-compulsive disorder
who wash their hands hundreds of
times each day, to the point where

their hands are red and sore from

scrubbing. This repetitive washing
may be triggered by perfectionistic
beliefs about avoiding contamination
from germs, toxins, and other sub-
stances. However, this level of wash-
ing doesn’t reduce the risk of becom-
ing ill (compared to a more moderate
amount of washing), and the person
may actually be more at risk for infec-
tions (from cracking skin on their
hands, and so on). For these individu-
als, the excessive frequency of wash-
ing often takes up hours each day and
can interfere with all aspects of func-
tioning, including work and social
This may seem like an extreme ex-
ample of perfectionistic behavior. For
more subtle perfectionistic beliefs
and behaviors, it may be difficult to
decide whether the reactions are

excessive, but the same principles ap-

ply. You must first determine whether
the beliefs and standards are excess-
ive, accurate, helpful, and flexible. We
will return to the issue of how to de-
termine whether beliefs are excess-
ively perfectionistic in later chapters.
The main point to consider here is
that the more inflexible your beliefs
are and the more situations in which
you have inflexible opinions, the
more likely you are to run into prob-
lems. This is particularly true in situ-
ations where your beliefs are arbit-
rary and subjective rather than based
on facts or hard evidence. For ex-
ample, the belief that one should not
drink and drive is consistent with
statistics showing that more than half
of automobile accidents involve alco-
hol. On the other hand, an inflexible
belief that people should only listen

to classical music and that all other

types of music are inferior might
cause problems if you are surrounded
by other people who are not classical
music lovers.

Perfectionism as a
Personality Trait
Personality traits are stable charac-
teristics that make people who they
are. The term “stable” implies that
personality traits affect your behavior
across situations and over time. For
years, psychologists have debated
about the exact number of basic per-
sonality traits. Earlier, researchers
tended to view personality as being
comprised of many different person-
ality traits. The exact number of traits
differed from theory to theory,

although in some cases, the number

of traits specified was in the hun-
dreds. These traits included such di-
mensions as perfectionism, happi-
ness, honesty, aggressiveness, anxi-
ety, creativity, ambition, and just
about any other dimension
More recently, many psychologists
have come to believe that there are
relatively few basic personality di-
mensions on which personality
should be measured. One view of per-
sonality dimensions that has been
supported by extensive research is
that proposed by Robert McCrae and
Paul Costa (2003), called the “Big
Five Theory.” According to this view,
there are five main dimensions on
which personality can be measured:
neuroticism (the extent to which
people are insecure and anxious

versus the extent to which they are

calm and secure), extraversion (the
extent to which people are sociable
and talkative versus the extent to
which they are quiet and reserved),
openness (the extent to which people
are curious and imaginative versus
the extent to which they are conven-
tional and unimaginative), agreeable-
ness (the extent to which people are
good natured and trusting versus the
extent to which they are rude, suspi-
cious, and irritable), and conscien-
tiousness (the extent to which people
are organized, reliable, and scrupu-
lous versus the extent to which they
are unreliable and careless).
According to researchers who
study personality theories such as the
Big Five model, the specific ways in
which people’s behaviors can be de-
scribed along the five basic

personality dimensions determine the

precise personality composition that
makes each person unique. This is
similar to the way in which three
primary colors (red, blue, and yellow)
can be combined in different ways to
produce all the different colors that
we see.
A number of the big five dimen-
sions may contribute to perfectionism
and related behaviors. For example,
high levels of conscientiousness have
been found to be associated with
higher levels of self-oriented perfec-
tionism (Hill, McIntire, and Bachar-
ach 1997). However, there is a clear
need for more research on the rela-
tionship between perfectionism and
the big five dimensions. It’s possible
that high conscientiousness may lead
a person to be overly concerned with
organization, order, cleanliness, and

following rules. Neuroticism may

contribute to the anxiety and poor
self-esteem that is sometimes seen in
perfectionists. Not being open may
make it difficult for perfectionistic in-
dividuals to view situations in new
and flexible ways. Finally, perfection-
istic individuals who aren’t very
agreeable may also be harder on oth-
ers who do not meet their high
Of course, personality traits alone
don’t determine our behavior. Beha-
vior is the result of a complex interac-
tion between personality traits and
the situations in which we find
ourselves. You may be a perfectionist
in some situations and contexts but
not others.

Areas Prone to
Below are some of the common areas
in life in which unreasonably high
standards can lead to problems:

Performance at Work or School

Some people tend to be particu-
larly perfectionistic in their work, set-
ting overly strict standards for their
own performance or for the perform-
ance of their coworkers. For example,
a construction worker who is very
concerned about having every meas-
urement perfect may spend too much
time measuring and re-measuring,
only to find that jobs are never com-
pleted on time. Similarly, supervisors
who have very strict standards

regarding the time their staff should

arrive at work may frequently become
angry and frustrated when employees
arrive for work a few minutes late.
Finally, a student who believes that
any grade that is less than an A is un-
acceptable may feel depressed for a
week or more after receiving a B on a
test or a paper.

Neatness and Aesthetics

People who are perfectionistic
with respect to neatness and cleaning
often spend so much time cleaning
that little time is left for other activit-
ies. Sometimes people can have very
rigid beliefs about what looks good
and may have difficulty allowing
someone else to see things differently.
Perfectionism can interfere with a
person’s ability to get along with

roommates or partners who don’t

meet these standards for cleanliness
or aesthetics. For example, individu-
als who believe that the house should
be vacuumed twice daily may have
difficulty convincing their house-
mates to share equally in the labor,
especially if the housemates believe
that vacuuming once every week or so
is enough.

Organization and Ordering

Perfectionism can be associated
with a need to have things organized
or ordered in a particular way. For ex-
ample, some people might need to
have all their clothes folded and
stored in a particular order (for in-
stance, according to color), or they
might spend hours each day making

and revising lists of things that need

to be done.

Writing can be difficult for some
people who are perfectionistic. Indi-
viduals who fear making mistakes
when writing may take a long time to
fill out forms, write letters, finish
term papers and exams, or complete
other written work. They may pro-
crastinate because the process of
writing feels like torture.

People who are perfectionistic
with respect to speaking are often
very self-conscious about how they
speak and often worry about mispro-
nouncing words or saying things

incorrectly. Or, they may have overly

rigid standards for others and feel
compelled to correct people when
they perceive that a mistake has been
made, no matter how trivial.

Physical Appearance
For some people, perfectionism is
focused on physical appearance. For
example, people may hold perfection-
istic standards about weight and body
image, hair loss, and even their cloth-
ing. For example, one person who
was seen in our clinic spent hours
getting dressed in the morning. She
would try on many different outfits,
searching for the one that looked
“just right.” As a result, she was usu-
ally late for work.
People can also hold perfectionist-
ic beliefs about the appearance of

other individuals. On the TV show

Seinfeld, the character of Jerry Sein-
feld was never able to find a perfect
partner with whom to settle down.
Many of the women he dated had
something “wrong” with them from
his perspective, including hands that
were too big, a voice that was too low,
and a laugh that he perceived as unat-
tractive. If his standards had been
more flexible, Jerry might have found
the “right” partner before the show fi-
nally ended in the spring of 1998.

Health and Personal Cleanliness

Sometimes health can be the focus
of perfectionistic behavior. Some
people become very rigid about what
they do for fear of compromising
their health. This may include being
very particular about foods eaten (for

example, never eating anything con-

taining fat), compulsively exercising,
or avoiding computer screens and
other devices that give off radiation.
Health-obsessed perfectionists may
visit doctors frequently to check out
unusual symptoms or to have unne-
cessary medical tests administered.
Perfectionism can also cause some
people to wash themselves excessively
or to avoid touching anything that
might be viewed as contaminated (for
example, toilet seats, money, people’s
hands, and so on).

The Origins of
Where does perfectionism come
from? Is it learned through your ex-
periences? Is it genetically inherited,

like eye or hair color? Very little re-

search has been done in this area, so
a definitive answer will have to await
further study. Nevertheless, we can
speculate about the causes of perfec-
tionism based on what we know
about the origins of other personality
traits. It appears that both psycholo-
gical factors (for instance, learning)
and biological factors (such as genet-
ics) probably contribute to our per-
sonalities. This view has been suppor-
ted by various studies examining the
role of genetics and learning in the
development of personality traits in
general, and in the development of
specific psychological problems like
depression and anxiety. In this sec-
tion, we discuss factors that may in-
fluence the development and main-
tenance of perfectionism, including
biological influences, like genetics,

and psychological influences, like re-

ward and reinforcement, punish-
ment, modeling, and information and

Genetic Influences
Numerous research studies have
found that genetics plays a role in the
development of various personality
traits (Serretti et al. 2007), and recent
evidence suggests that perfectionism
is no exception (Tozzi et al. 2004). If
perfectionism is partly inherited, does
that mean that perfectionism cannot
be changed? Not at all. Genetics af-
fects just about every aspect of who
you are, including physical fitness,
academic ability, depression, anxiety,
and even your interests and hobbies.
Yet exercise can have an enormous ef-
fect on fitness level. Likewise, specific

types of psychological therapies can

help people to overcome problems
with anxiety and depression. So,
while there may be a biological com-
ponent to your perfectionism, you can
still change the way you think or

Reward and Reinforcement

As we discussed earlier, having
high standards is often rewarded by
society. For example, society rein-
forces your working hard at school.
Doing well in high school generally
leads to higher grades, praise from
teachers and parents, and admission
to better colleges and universities. So-
ciety also rewards physical attractive-
ness. Looking your best by dressing
nicely and staying clean can result in
others finding you more attractive,

which can, in turn, improve your

chances of attracting a romantic part-
ner and finding certain types of work.
You may frequently hear stories of
successful artists (actors, painters,
film directors, and so on) who are dif-
ficult to work with because they are
perfectionists. Perhaps their perfec-
tionism has been rewarded or rein-
forced by their success. Being rewar-
ded for perfectionistic behavior may
lead to the belief that if one isn’t per-
fectionistic, one’s work will be com-
promised and the final product will
be inferior.

Exercise 1.1 How Re-

ward and Reinforcement

Have Contributed to
Your Perfectionism

Are there ways in which you have

been rewarded for being a perfection-
ist? Try to recall situations from your
past as well as from your current life.
Think back to when you were in
school—were you rewarded for being
a perfectionist (for example, did you
do better in school when you set high-
er standards for yourself)? Think
about your work—did you ever have a
supervisor who was especially appre-
ciative of the care and high standards
that went into your job? What about
when you were growing up at
home—did your parents ever reward
you with praise, gifts, or special priv-
ileges when you engaged in

perfectionistic behavior? What about

in your current life—do friends or
family reinforce your perfectionistic
behavior in subtle ways? As you recall
ways in which you might have been
rewarded or reinforced for perfec-
tionistic behavior, record them in
your journal.

A second type of learning experi-
ence that can affect an individual’s
behavior is punishment. Punishment
involves receiving some sort of negat-
ive consequence following a behavior.
The overall effect of punishment is of-
ten to decrease the frequency of the
punished behavior. Criticism from
others is one form of punishment. For
example, a child who is often criti-
cized for doing things improperly

(such as making a mess at the bath-

room sink, not making the bed prop-
erly, mispronouncing words) may
learn that it is always important to do
things correctly. Individuals who are
in a relationship with a person who is
never pleased with their partner’s be-
havior (clothing, hairstyle, cooking,
and so on), can develop a belief that it
is very important to meet certain
standards in order to please others.
Other forms of punishment may in-
clude receiving low grades on a test,
being laughed at by one’s peers, los-
ing money, getting reprimanded at
work, or failing to be hired for a new
job. In fact, any type of negative con-
sequence that follows a behavior can
be considered punishment. If indi-
viduals are punished excessively for
making even small mistakes, they
may be more likely to develop a rigid

belief that it’s very important not to

make mistakes.

Exercise 1.2 How

Punishment Has Contrib-
uted to Your

Can you recall times when you be-

haved in a particular way and were
punished for your behavior? Did this
tend to happen a lot when you were
growing up? What about in your cur-
rent life? Consider past and present
situations at home, at school, and
with friends. If you have frequently
been punished for making mistakes,
do some of these experiences appear
to be responsible for triggering

perfectionistic attitudes? Record your

responses in your journal.

Modeling involves learning to be-
have in certain ways by observing
others. People can develop fears by
watching other people who are afraid.
People may start smoking, drinking
alcohol, or using drugs after watching
their peers use these substances.
There also appears to be a relation-
ship between watching violence on
television and engaging in violent be-
havior, and that observing violent be-
havior can lead to more violence
(Huesmann and Taylor 2006). All of
these are examples of modeling. If
people can learn these behaviors by
observing others, it is possible that
perfectionistic behaviors can develop

in the same way. Many people who

describe themselves as overly perfec-
tionistic report that they grew up
around others who had the same
standards. As a result, there were op-
portunities to develop perfectionistic
beliefs and behaviors by observing
other family members, especially par-
ents and older siblings.

Exercise 1.3 How

Modeling Has Contrib-
uted to Your

Did you grow up with other people

who are overly perfectionistic? If so,
is it possible that modeling or obser-
vational learning contributed to your
own perfectionistic attitudes? Can

you think of ways in which your fam-

ily members or other important
people in your life are overly perfec-
tionistic? Record your responses in
your journal.

Information and Instruction

Another way in which people
learn how to behave is through expos-
ure to information in the media, talk-
ing to other people, or any other
source of information. For example,
people may learn to fear flying after
hearing about various plane crashes
in the news, even though flying is
statistically one of the safest ways to
How can information contribute
to perfectionism? Consider the fol-
lowing case example. One individual
who was seen in our clinic reported

intense anxiety over completing her

college term papers perfectly. She
wanted to be accepted into graduate
school, so it was very important that
her grades be high. She worked end-
lessly on each paper and had pre-
pared many rough drafts for each
one. However, she was not quite able
to complete her work and hand in the
papers for fear that they would not be
good enough. While exploring the ori-
gins of her perfectionistic behavior, it
became clear that the client’s parents
may have had something to do with
it. She was an only child, and her par-
ents had very high expectations for
her. From a very young age, the cli-
ent’s parents had told her that they
expected her to attend medical school
at a top university and to eventually
win the Nobel prize in medicine. No
other career paths were possible for

her. The client was not even sure

whether she wanted to attend medical
school, but she didn’t see herself as
having any choice. Her parents were
supporting her financially and had
made their expectations clear since
she was a child. In addition, the client
truly believed that anything less than
near-perfect performance in school
was unacceptable. Of course, the
price she was paying for this belief
was not being able to complete her
papers and not doing well in her
Another patient from our clinic re-
ported that her perfectionistic beliefs
about physical attractiveness were re-
lated to constantly being bombarded
by extremely attractive people in ad-
vertising, movies, magazines, and
catalogs. This particular individual
had very perfectionistic beliefs about

the importance of being thin, having

perfect hair, and dressing immacu-
lately. Not only were her beliefs un-
realistic, but they were also un-
healthy, leading her to maintain a
weight level lower than that recom-
mended for her height and frame. Ap-
parently, for this individual, con-
stantly being confronted with models
and actors that she perceived as look-
ing “perfect” provided her with an un-
reachable and unrealistic standard.
Not surprisingly, eating disorders
such as anorexia nervosa are particu-
larly common among models, dan-
cers, and other professions where
there is intense pressure to be thin.

Exercise 1.4 How Ex-

posure to Information

Has Contributed to Your


Being told repeatedly by parents,

teachers, or partners, or even by soci-
ety in general, that it is important
that things are done in a particular
way, or that it is essential that mis-
takes are not made, can contribute to
perfectionism. Can you think of ways
in which you were exposed to certain
types of information or instruction
that contributed to your perfectionist-
ic beliefs and behaviors? Record your
responses in your journal.

Who Is to Blame for

Your Perfectionism?
Throughout this section, we have de-
scribed negative experiences that may
have contributed to your perfection-
ism. In many cases, the examples and
illustrations may seem to imply that
criticism from others (parents, teach-
ers, and so on) plays a role. However,
we are not suggesting that these other
people are to blame for your problem.
Nor are we suggesting that you are to
blame for your perfectionism. Al-
though your patterns of thinking and
behaving, as well as the way others
have behaved around you, may have
contributed to the development of ex-
cessively high standards, there are
many factors that interact to form a
person’s personality. In fact, it is

preferable to completely sidestep the

issue of who is to blame (because you
will never know for sure exactly how
the problem came to be) and focus in-
stead on what can be done to change
the problem.

If You Can’t Figure Out

Where Your
Perfectionism Comes
It’s not a problem if you can’t think of
any particular experiences that may
have contributed to your perfection-
istic beliefs or behaviors. Although
some people find it helpful to have an
understanding of where their perfec-
tionism may have come from, this un-
derstanding is not necessary for

changing perfectionistic ways of

thinking and doing things. In reality,
the factors that may have initially
caused you to become perfectionistic
in certain situations may not be the
same factors that maintain your per-
fectionism today.
Chapter 2

The Impact of
How Perfectionism
Affects Your Life
Perfectionism is a problem when it
leads to unhappiness or interferes
with functioning. Having excessively
high standards can affect almost any
area of life, including health, diet,
work, relationships, and interests. In
this section, we focus on some of the
main areas that are often impaired by
perfectionism: work, home and
school, relationships, and recreation.

Work, Home, and School

Many people define themselves, at
least in part, by the work they do.
Therefore, it is generally important to
them to do a good job. A salesperson
experiences a sense of satisfaction
after making a large sale. A student
feels good after receiving an out-
standing grade on an exam or assign-
ment. However, perfectionism may
get in the way of your performance at
work, home, or school. Even if your
performance is not affected directly,
perfectionism may still reduce your
ability to enjoy your work or may in-
fluence the ways in which you treat
others at work. Consider these
Ronak is a high school history
teacher who was overly concerned
about doing a perfect job when the

principal observed his class. He was

so focused on how he was coming
across that he was unable to focus on
the content of his lecture. As a result,
he actually made more mistakes than
he might have if he was willing to
settle for doing an “average” job on
that particular day.
Heather was so concerned about
doing well at her job as a government
clerk that she felt very uncomfortable
doing just about anything else. Al-
though her workload was not espe-
cially heavy, she tended to avoid
coworkers who wanted to talk during
work hours, and she avoided taking
breaks (including lunch). She was
also the first person to arrive at work
and the last person to leave. Although
it was her intention to make a good
impression at work, her behavior had
the effect of alienating her coworkers,

including her supervisor. In her case,

excessively high standards for herself
affected the impression that she made
on others at work.
Frank was overly concerned about
keeping the house clean, though you
would never know it by looking at his
house, which was extremely dirty and
filled with clutter. He had grown up
with parents who were extremely neat
and tidy and expected the same of
their children. His mother did not
work outside of the home, and as far
back as he could remember, she spent
all of her day cleaning and re-clean-
ing the house. When he had moved
into his own apartment after starting
college, he had also cleaned excess-
ively. Every room had to be spotless,
and everything had to be put away at
all times. After a few months, he
began falling behind in his school

work because of the time he spent

cleaning. One day, after realizing that
he could never keep the house clean
enough to meet his standards, he
stopped cleaning almost entirely.
When he first came to our clinic,
Frank hadn’t done any cleaning for
over six months. He feared that if he
started, he would be unable to stop.
Valerie is a hospital administrator
who had very high standards for her
staff. She was completely intolerant of
anyone arriving late for work, making
small mistakes, or completing their
work after a deadline—with no excep-
tions. She tended to respond to these
behaviors with anger, and she had a
reputation for being overly critical
when completing performance evalu-
ations of her staff. As a result, her
staff stayed away from her as much as
possible. They neither trusted her nor

especially liked her. Staff turnover

was significantly higher in her depart-
ment, compared to similar depart-
ments in other hospitals. Her staff
was unmotivated in their work be-
cause they knew that Valerie could
never be satisfied, no matter how well
they performed.
Ben, a student, was terrified of
getting anything less than an A on his
midterm history exam. He started
studying two weeks before the exam.
He put everything else aside, includ-
ing friends, family, sleep, and even
food. He ate irregularly and stayed up
all night studying for three days be-
fore the exam. Although he knew the
material well, he was very tired the
day of the exam. He drank several
cups of coffee to stay alert, but the
caffeine only made him more
anxious. Although he passed the

exam, he did more poorly than he

would have if he had studied a bit less
and had enough sleep.

Exercise 2.1 The Ef-

fects of Perfectionism on
Your Career, Studies,
and Home Life

Are there ways in which perfection-

ism affects your work? Does it take
you forever to get your home looking
just right? Are you sometimes so fo-
cused on doing a good job that you
actually perform more poorly? Does
your perfectionism affect your enjoy-
ment of work or school? Does perfec-
tionism affect the people who work
with you? Do small tasks take too
long because you spend too much

time trying to do them perfectly? Re-

cord your responses in your journal.

Relationships, Friendships, and

Family Life
For many people, relationships
have an all-important role in main-
taining their sense of well-being. Im-
portant relationships may include
those with romantic partners, friends,
family members, coworkers, and even
acquaintances and strangers. Perfec-
tionism can have an enormous impact
on relationships, sometimes even
contributing to the end of a
Sometimes perfectionists are in-
tolerant of people who do things dif-
ferently than they do. This may be es-
pecially problematic in close relation-
ships with family members or

partners, and it can lead to any num-

ber of consequences. For example, if
you are perfectionistic toward the
people in your family, they may learn
that the best way to please you is to
not tell you things. They may assume
(perhaps correctly) that what you
don’t know won’t hurt them. An inab-
ility to communicate honestly in a re-
lationship can compromise the qual-
ity of that relationship.
Perfectionistic standards for oth-
ers may also lead to arguments and
disagreements with those around
you, who may believe that you are be-
ing unreasonable or have expecta-
tions that are impossible to meet. If
you continually criticize others who
wash dishes differently than you do,
choose to drive in a different lane
than you would, or enjoy different
types of movies than you do, these

people are likely to become angry or

hurt in response to your criticism.
Perfectionistic standards toward
others can affect the self-esteem and
sense of worth of those around you. If
your children are constantly led to be-
lieve that they are not living up to
your expectations, they may feel
worse about themselves and may
even stop trying in school or other
activities in which they are involved.
Perfectionistic standards can also
contribute to anxiety problems
among those who are close to you.
Being overly perfectionistic to-
ward oneself can also lead to prob-
lems in relationships and friendships.
For example, complaining excessively
whenever you get less than an A on an
exam may be insulting to friends who
have to struggle to get a B or C. They

might wonder what you think of

them, given that their grades are so
much lower than what you expect.
People who have excessively high
standards for themselves may also
have problems with social anxiety
that impairs their ability to make
friends easily and develop close rela-
tionships. They may be overly con-
cerned that others also have high
standards and are likely to be critical.
By avoiding contact with others, they
never get to learn that others may be
less critical than expected. Therefore,
for people who are anxious in social
situations, avoidance helps to main-
tain perfectionistic beliefs about the
self. The relationship between perfec-
tionism and social anxiety is dis-
cussed in more detail later in this
chapter, as well as in chapter 12.

Exercise 2.2 The Ef-

fects of Perfectionism on
Your Relationships

Does perfectionism affect your rela-

tionships? Do friends or family mem-
bers complain about your need to do
things perfectly? Does your perfec-
tionism cause you to keep other
people waiting? Do people feel as
though others can’t live up to your
strict standards? In your journal, re-
cord the ways in which perfectionism
affects your relationships.

Leisure and Recreation

Does perfectionism sometimes
make it difficult for you to enjoy your-
self? Stephen was a business

executive who complained that it was

difficult for him to have fun. Upon
further questioning, he reported that
when he tried to have fun, his perfec-
tionism got in the way. Leisure activ-
ities usually ended up feeling like
work. One year, Stephen decided to
learn to play the guitar, thinking that
it would help him to relax. He en-
rolled in private lessons with one of
the best-known (and most expensive)
teachers in the city and made a com-
mitment to practice playing for two
hours each evening. He set an alarm
to ring after two hours and would not
take a break until the whole time had
elapsed. He never missed a practice,
even on days when he didn’t arrive
home from work until late in the
evening. After three weeks, he felt
very discouraged because he was not
enjoying practicing guitar and didn’t

like the way his playing sounded (he

expected to sound more like a pro
than he did—even though he had only
been playing for a few weeks). He quit
playing a few days later and never
picked up the guitar again. This ex-
perience was typical for him. In fact,
he had tried to learn a number of mu-
sical instruments over the years and
always gave up after not meeting his
own high standards.
Jean-Paul reported that his high
standards made it very difficult to en-
joy playing sports. Although he
thought he should be involved in a
sport, his perfectionism typically led
him to take the game too seriously.
For example, when playing baseball
with friends, he tended to become
very angry when a teammate dropped
the ball or made some other mistake
that cost the team a run. Usually, at

the end of a game that didn’t go well,

he would leave feeling frustrated
about losing and guilty for becoming
angry with his friends. Although he
got involved with baseball to get his
mind off other stresses, the game it-
self ended up being another source of
As seen in all of these examples,
perfectionism can affect a person’s
ability to enjoy leisure activities and
recreation. However, it can also make
it almost impossible for some people
to even get involved in these activit-
ies. For people who have very high
standards in other areas (such as
work), it may be very difficult to make
the time to do something enjoyable
that is not work related. If this is a
problem for you, you may find that
you spend almost no time getting

involved in hobbies, sports, pleasure

reading, or other forms of recreation.

Exercise 2.3 The Ef-

fects of Perfectionism on
Your Leisure Time

Does perfectionism affect your ability

to enjoy leisure time? Is it hard for
you to take a break from work or oth-
er obligations? When you’re engaged
in some hobby or sport, does it feel
like work? Do you feel compelled to
do things perfectly, even when you
are trying to relax and enjoy yourself?
In your journal, record examples of
the ways in which perfectionism im-
pacts upon your leisure time.

Perfectionism and
Perfectionism is associated with a
range of psychological problems, in-
cluding depression, generalized anxi-
ety and worry, social anxiety and
shyness, obsessive-compulsive prob-
lems, anger difficulties, and issues re-
lated to body image and eating. This
section discusses each of these poten-
tial problems that can arise from be-
ing overly perfectionistic.

Perfectionism is often a feature of
depression. Depressed mood can vary
in intensity from the normal periods
of sadness that everyone experiences

on occasion to a much more severe

level of depression (such as clinical
depression) that interferes with func-
tioning. The course of depression also
varies from individual to individual.
For some people, depressed mood
may last a few hours or a day at a
time. Other people may experience
depression for longer periods of time.
In addition to depressed mood, symp-
toms of major depression may in-
clude lack of interest in one’s normal
activities, overeating or loss of appet-
ite, changes in sleep, feeling restless
and agitated (or very slowed down),
feeling worthless or guilty, poor con-
centration or difficulty making de-
cisions, feeling tired, or thoughts
about death or suicide. People who
suffer from clinical depression may
find it difficult to socialize with

others, to be productive at work, or to

keep on top of housework.
Clinical forms of depression ap-
pear to be related to a variety of
factors. Biological factors that may
play a role include genetic inherit-
ance, changes in levels of chemicals in
the brain called neurotransmitters
(for example, serotonin and nore-
pinephrine), and changes in hormon-
al levels (for example, variation in the
phase of the menstrual cycle, hor-
monal changes associated with preg-
nancy and childbirth). Other biologic-
al factors such as sleep, the amount of
available sunlight, and diet can also
play a role in depression for some in-
dividuals. Psychological factors in de-
pression include a person’s learning
history (for example, growing up in a
home where you are frequently told
you are inadequate or worthless),

history of uncontrollable, stressful life

events (for instance, the death of a
close friend or family member, the
loss of a job), and negative thinking
patterns (thoughts like “things never
seem to work out right”).
Perfectionistic thoughts and beha-
viors are often important in the main-
tenance of depression. People who
are perfectionistic often set very high
standards for themselves in their
work, interpersonal relationships, or
other areas. If these standards are
continually not met, such an indi-
vidual may start to feel inadequate,
disappointed, or even hopeless or
worthless. If depression is a problem
for you, it might feel like there is
something wrong with you that inter-
feres with your ability to reach your
goals and meet your expectations.
However, the truth may be that the

goals are unrealistic or that you place

too much importance on reaching
them. Finding ways to increase flexib-
ility and become more willing to
make mistakes and risk being average
can help to decrease feelings of

Generalized Anxiety and Worry

Are you a worrywart? Excessive
anxiety and worry can be both un-
pleasant and unproductive. Anxiety is
an emotion that we experience when
we believe we are vulnerable to some
sort of threat in the future, such as
failing an exam, missing a flight, los-
ing our luggage, having harm come to
a loved one, or upsetting the boss.
Though it would be natural to experi-
ence intense anxiety over learning
about a parent who was just

diagnosed with cancer, most people

would agree that worrying to the
same degree about a relative who has
a common cold is excessive. Often,
anxiety is very helpful in that it helps
you plan for the future. If people
didn’t worry at all, no one would
bother studying for exams or getting
to work on time when they wanted to
sleep in. Some anxiety is essential for
getting things done. However, when
anxiety occurs too often or too in-
tensely, it can begin to interfere with
a person’s sleep, concentration, and
enjoyment of life.
Perfectionism is often associated
with generalized anxiety and worry.
When you set very high standards for
yourself or others, there is always a
risk of those standards not being met,
which can lead to anxiety. For ex-
ample, if you believe that your

children should be performing at the

highest level in all of their activities,
including school, sports, piano prac-
tice, and anything else they do, you
may always be worried that their per-
formance may slip in one of these
areas. You may also worry excessively
about your abilities as a parent if your
child does poorly.

Social Anxiety and Shyness

One particular type of anxiety that
has a particularly strong association
with perfectionism is social anxiety.
By social anxiety, we mean anxiety,
fear, or discomfort around other
people, usually associated with a fear
of being embarrassed or humiliated
(extreme shyness and stage fright are
examples). Typical social situations
that are often feared by people who

are socially anxious include those in-

volving interaction with others (for
instance, talking to strangers, having
friends over for dinner, going to
parties, being assertive) as well as
performance situations in which oth-
ers might be focused on your behavi-
or (things like public speaking, talk-
ing in a meeting, exercising in front of
others, and so on).
When confronted with a feared
situation, people who are socially
anxious may experience a whole
range of symptoms that may include
elevated heart rate, breathlessness,
dizziness, and other symptoms of
arousal. The most frightening of these
symptoms are often those that might
be noticed by other people, including
blushing, sweating, shaking, and los-
ing one’s train of thought. People who
are anxious in social situations often

are particularly nervous that others

will find them to be strange, incom-
petent, stupid, or unattractive. They
may be fearful of saying the wrong
thing or of seeming overly anxious.
People with high levels of social anxi-
ety tend to believe that others are
likely to judge them negatively. Social
anxiety is associated with a tendency
to be overly concerned about making
mistakes, as well as a tendency to
have very high standards for oneself.
Socially anxious individuals may hold
beliefs like, “I should be liked by
everyone,” “I should never make mis-
takes,” or “I should never allow my
anxiety to show.”

Like anxiety, anger is a normal
emotion that sometimes occurs when

we are prevented from achieving

some goal or are faced with some
threat. For example, a person who
undeservingly receives a poor per-
formance appraisal at work might be-
come angry at his or her supervisor.
Anger can be helpful when it motiv-
ates us to correct a situation (for ex-
ample, by confronting the supervisor
and requesting that the performance
appraisal be changed) or to meet a
threat head on. However, like other
emotions, anger can lead to problems
when it occurs too frequently, too in-
tensely, or in situations where it is not
Although everyone gets angry
from time to time, excessive anger
and irritability are commonly associ-
ated with other negative feelings such
as anxiety and depression. The tend-
ency to experience excessive anger is

believed to stem from a complex in-

teraction among biological processes
(for example, genetics, hormones,
and so on) and psychological pro-
cesses (for instance, our learning and
our beliefs). Inflexible beliefs about
the way things “should be” can easily
lead to disappointment and anger
when expectations are not met.
Therefore, people who are perfection-
istic are often more prone to experi-
ence difficulties with anger, frustra-
tion, and irritability when compared
to individuals who are less perfection-
istic. Because perfectionistic stand-
ards are often unattainable, rigid, and
inflexible, they often are not met. As a
result, you may be very frustrated
when your hair is not cut exactly the
way you expected or when your chil-
dren leave a book or toy in the wrong
place. Perfectionism can also lead

other people to become angry if you

tend to correct them over and over
again. Trying too hard to make others
see or do things your way can lead to
bickering and arguments. One
strategy for decreasing anger and ir-
ritability is learning to change un-
reasonable expectations of yourself
and others.

Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior
Up to 80 percent of people in the
general population experience obses-
sions and compulsions from time to
time (Antony, Downie, and Swinson
1998). Obsessions are unwanted
thoughts, images, or urges that occur
repeatedly, despite efforts to resist
them. Examples may include
thoughts about being contaminated
by germs; images of hurting other

people, even though you have no de-

sire to hurt anyone; and recurrent
doubts about whether tasks have
been completed correctly. Compul-
sions are repetitive behaviors that oc-
cur in response to obsessions or ac-
cording to rigidly applied rules. Com-
pulsions typically decrease the dis-
comfort and anxiety created by the
obsessions, or they are used to pre-
vent some dreaded event. For ex-
ample, people who have obsessions
about cleanliness and germs may en-
gage in compulsive rituals involving
cleaning and washing. People with
doubts about their actions may check
their work excessively, to the point of
not getting anything done.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
(OCD) is a problem in which people
experience obsessions and compul-
sions frequently and there is

impairment in functioning as a result.

For example, whereas many people
may feel compelled to check their ap-
pliances once or twice before leaving
the house, an individual with OCD
may check many times over the
course of an hour or more. In the
1997 film As Good as it Gets, Jack
Nicholson portrayed a man who suf-
fers from OCD. In the film, his char-
acter has a fear of contamination (he
only eats with wrapped plastic
utensils) and engages in compulsive
washing rituals. He also tends to be
quite rigid about a range of activities.
He insists on eating at the same table
each time he visits his favorite res-
taurant and will only be served by a
particular server. Also, he cannot step
on sidewalk cracks and has to com-
plete the same tasks each day, in the
same order. Although Jack

Nicholson’s character has other prob-

lems that are not related to OCD (a
tendency to offend everyone who in-
teracted with him), the film does a
nice job demonstrating some of the
features of the disorder.
Todd had obsessions about mak-
ing mistakes when talking to other
people, and he engaged in compul-
sions involving repeating sentences
and asking for reassurance that he
was understood correctly. For ex-
ample, he feared that he might give
someone incorrect directions or that
some detail might be misunderstood
when he told his coworkers about
what he did on the weekend. As a res-
ult, he often avoided talking to people
in case he said something wrong, and
he usually repeated everything he
said to other people to be sure that he
was not misunderstood. Occasionally,

he recorded conversations he had

over the telephone and even in person
so he could check them later for pos-
sible misunderstandings.
Like the other problems discussed
in this chapter, there is evidence that
both biological and psychological
factors contribute to OCD. Genetics
appears to play a role. In addition,
there is evidence that the neurotrans-
mitter serotonin may be important in
the development of the problem.
From a psychological perspective,
learning may play a role for some in-
dividuals. In addition, the types of be-
liefs and behaviors engaged in by in-
dividuals with OCD probably help to
maintain the problem. For example,
whereas most people have unpleasant
intrusive thoughts from time to time,
people with OCD are much more
afraid of these thoughts compared to

the average person. They may feel

overly responsible for preventing neg-
ative things from happening. People
with OCD are also more likely than
others to suppress or to resist having
their unpleasant intrusive thoughts.
Unfortunately, one consequence of
trying to resist unpleasant thoughts is
that they tend to come back more
strongly later.
Perfectionism plays a role in OCD,
in that compulsive behaviors often
need to be repeated over and over un-
til they “feel right.” Also, the order in
which activities are completed is
sometimes inflexible. For example,
for some people who wash compuls-
ively, the order in which various parts
of the body are washed is very im-
portant. People with OCD may also
doubt whether they have completed
tasks or said things to others

correctly, even though their definition

of “correct” may be very different
from that of another person.
In addition to OCD, there is a re-
lated problem called obsessive-
compulsive-personality disorder
(OCPD). OCPD is a personality style
in which an individual is extremely
perfectionistic and inflexible and is
preoccupied with being orderly and
organized. People with this problem
tend to be so preoccupied with rules,
lists, details, order, and organization
that they actually get very little done.
They tend to be overly devoted to
work and productivity, leaving little
time for recreation. Because of rigid
views regarding how things should be
done, people with OCPD typically
have difficulty letting others do things
for them. In many ways, the criteria
for OCPD correspond directly with

the defining features of

Although OCD and OCPD have
similar names, they differ in a num-
ber of important ways. In OCD, com-
pulsive behaviors are designed to de-
crease anxiety created by very specific
obsessions (such as washing in re-
sponse to thoughts about contamina-
tion or checking in response to
thoughts about losing things). In con-
trast, OCPD reflects a general person-
ality style that cuts across many dif-
ferent activities and situations. Fur-
thermore, OCPD is generally not con-
sidered to be anxiety based, and the
people with this problem may be un-
aware that their perfectionistic
thoughts and behaviors are excessive.
In chapter 14, we discuss the relation-
ship between perfectionism and

obsessive-compulsive behavior in
more detail.

Body-Image Problems and Eat-

ing Disorders
Another domain in which some
people are perfectionistic is their
physical appearance. Especially in
North American and Western
European cultures, there has been an
increasing emphasis on being thin,
particularly among women. Consider
some of the trends over the past few
decades. Women who work as mod-
els, actors, and dancers continue to
get thinner, as the average woman
living in North America has become
heavier. In fact, 77.5 percent of recent
Playboy centerfolds weighed at least
15 percent below that expected for
their age and height—thin enough to

meet the weight criterion for anorexia

nervosa (Katzmarzky and Davis
The standards for thinness reflec-
ted by the media are becoming in-
creasingly impossible to meet. One
study found that body dissatisfaction
is increasing and occurring at young-
er ages (Cramer and Steinwert 1998).
By school age, girls report more fear
of looking fat than they do of losing
their parents, getting cancer, or ex-
periencing a nuclear war. There has
also been a steady increase in the
number of individuals suffering from
eating disorders. Perfectionism tends
to be a feature of disordered eating,
particularly for people suffering from
anorexia nervosa and bulimia

Anorexia nervosa is an eating dis-

order in which an individual engages
in self-starvation in order to maintain
a very low body weight (at least 15
percent below a minimally normal
weight for a person’s age and height).
In addition, there is an intense fear of
becoming fat and often a denial that
one is underweight. In addition to
having unhealthy standards for what
one’s weight should be, people with
anorexia nervosa may be perfection-
istic in other areas as well. Bulimia
nervosa is an eating disorder in
which the individual engages in fre-
quent episodes of binge eating (that
is, eating large amounts of food in a
very short time and feeling a lack of
control over eating). In addition, the
individual uses various strategies to
“undo” the effects of having over-
eaten, including self-induced

vomiting, laxative abuse, the use of

diuretics, and/or excessive exercise.
Like anorexia nervosa, bulimia
nervosa is associated with a tendency
to put too much of an emphasis on
body shape and weight when evaluat-
ing oneself.
People with eating disorders often
have very rigid and inflexible rules
about eating and food. We once saw
two individuals with eating disorders
who ended up having an argument
about which part of their bread had
more calories. One person insisted
that the crust had more calories and
would only eat the inside of the
bread. The other person believed the
inside of the bread was more fatten-
ing and would only eat the crust. Of
course, both the inside and outside of
a loaf of bread have similar amounts
of fat, yet both women were very

resistant to changing their views.

Both had very strict views about what
foods could be eaten and which were
to be avoided. This rigidity is a char-
acteristic of perfectionism.
Sometimes, individuals can have
perfectionistic beliefs focused on
some aspect of physical appearance
other than weight. Such people may
become very focused on a particular
body part that they view as imperfect.
For example, a person may become
overly concerned with his or her hair,
spending hours per day styling it and
even trimming it themselves so that it
is perfect. Some men may become
overly focused on losing their hair,
imagining their hair loss to be ex-
tremely unattractive. Others may be
unhappy with their nose, or the shape
of their legs or other body part. Al-
though many people are occasionally

unhappy with some aspect of the way

they look (the cosmetic surgery in-
dustry depends on this!), some people
may be so preoccupied with some as-
pect of their appearance that they
have trouble thinking about anything
else. Typically, they imagine them-
selves to be extremely ugly, even
though most people would disagree.
When this imagined ugliness begins
to interfere with functioning, it may
meet criteria for a condition known as
body dysmorphic disorder. Like the
eating disorders, body dysmorphic
disorder is associated with extremely
rigid and perfectionistic thinking re-
garding physical appearance. Chapter
15 discusses further the relationship
between perfectionism and problems
related to body image.
Chapter 3

Perfectionism and
Research from around the world has
consistently found a relationship
between people’s emotions and their
beliefs, thoughts, expectations, and
interpretations. Negative thinking
seems to be related to experiences of
anxiety, anger, and sadness. Perfec-
tionism, which is often part of these
emotional states, is also associated
with these negative styles of thinking.
In this chapter, we will explain the
styles of thinking that contribute to
perfectionism; in later chapters, we
will discuss how changing these styles
of thinking can have a dramatic effect

on the tendency to engage in perfec-

tionistic behaviors.

How Beliefs Affect

Here is an exercise to illustrate how
beliefs can affect emotions:

Exercise 3.1 The Link

Between Your Beliefs
and Emotions

Imagine that you have arranged to

have a close friend pick you up at
home and drive you to dinner at a
restaurant where you have made a re-
servation for 7:00 p.m. Because you
live about fifteen minutes from the

restaurant, your friend was scheduled

to pick you up at 6:45 p.m. Imagine
that your clock says 6:45, and your
friend has not yet arrived. How might
you feel at this point? What emotion
do you think you might be experien-
cing, if any? What thoughts would be
running through your head? In your
journal, record (1) any emotions that
you think you might be experiencing
at 6:45 p.m., and (2) any specific
thoughts that might be going through
your head at that time.
Now, imagine that you continue to
wait for your friend for another
twenty minutes. It’s 7:05, you are late
for your reservation, and your friend
has still not arrived. You try calling
your friend’s cell phone, but there is
no response. What emotion would
you be feeling at this point? What
thoughts might be going through your

head? In your journal, record (1) any

emotions that you think you might be
experiencing at 7:05 p.m., and (2) any
specific thoughts that might be going
through your head at that time.
Imagine that another forty
minutes go by. It’s now 7:45, and you
are very hungry. Still no friend at
your door. You phone your friend’s
home and there is no answer. What
would you be feeling and thinking
now? Would your feelings or thoughts
have changed from earlier? In your
journal, record (1) any emotions that
you think you might be experiencing
at 7:45 p.m., and (2) any specific
thoughts that might be going through
your head at that time.
Finally, at 7:55 p.m., your friend
shows up covered in grease from hav-
ing to change a flat tire on the

highway, which, as it turns out, is the

reason your friend was late. He had
forgotten to pick up his cell phone
when he left in a hurry to meet you
and couldn’t get in touch with you.
Your friend apologizes for the delay
and clearly seems quite frazzled about
the whole situation. You agree to stay
home and order in food. How would
you be feeling now that your friend
has arrived? Would your feelings or
thoughts be different than they were
ten minutes earlier? In your journal,
record (1) any emotions that you
think you might be experiencing at
8:00 p.m., shortly after your friend
arrives and explains why he or she is
late, and (2) any specific thoughts
that might be going through your
head at that time.

Interpretation and Emotions

When working with people who
experience problems with anxiety, de-
pression, and related difficulties, we
ask them to imagine scenarios such as
this one to help illustrate the relation-
ship between thoughts and emotions.
Although the scenario we describe is
often the same, the responses we get
from people to these questions differ
dramatically from person to person.
Some individuals tell us that they
would be unlikely to react negatively
to their friend’s lateness. Rather, they
might simply have a small snack to
tide them over and keep busy with
various chores around the house until
the friend shows up. Other individu-
als tell us that they would become in-
creasingly angry with the friend as
they waited. These feelings might be
associated with thoughts that the

friend was being inconsiderate. This

behavior might be seen as contradict-
ing a particular value or attitude, such
as the belief that “people should not
be late.” When the friend arrives and
it becomes clear that the delay was
beyond his or her control, these feel-
ings of anger might be replaced by
feelings of guilt for assuming the
worst about the friend.
Other people tell us that they
would probably feel very worried if
their friend hadn’t arrived on time. As
the evening progressed, they would
be having increasingly frequent
thoughts that something terrible had
happened to their friend. When the
friend finally arrives, these feelings of
anxiety and worry might be replaced
by feelings of relief.

Still other people tell us that they

would feel sad if their friend did not
show up on time. They might believe
that the friend doesn’t care enough
about them to show up on time, and
as a result, they might question their
own self-worth as they waited for
their friend. As with people who re-
spond to this scenario with anxiety
and worry, individuals who predict
that they would feel sad often report
that they would likely feel relieved
when the person finally showed up
and the reason for the friend’s late-
ness became clear.
This scenario illustrates how the
same situation can lead to a full range
of emotions depending on an indi-
vidual’s interpretation of the events.
Despite all the possible interpreta-
tions of this scenario, the actual situ-
ation is the same in all cases: a friend

is late for dinner because of a flat tire.

Yet, the reaction of the person waiting
for the friend may be anger, anxiety,
sadness, or any of a range of emo-
tions, depending on how the situation
is interpreted.
The key idea here is that, in gener-
al, people do not respond to events in
their lives, but rather to their inter-
pretations of events. The same event
can lead to very different reactions
from different people, depending on
the meaning the event holds for them.
It is your beliefs, thoughts, interpret-
ations, predictions, assumptions, and
other cognitive patterns that determ-
ine how you react to situations and
People who are perfectionistic
tend to have specific patterns of be-
liefs that help to maintain their

perfectionism. For example, someone

who tends to be perfectionistic might
believe that there is only one correct
way to wash the dishes. Most people
believe that they know how to wash
the dishes properly. But if you actu-
ally take the time to watch how differ-
ent people wash dishes, it quickly be-
comes apparent that there are many
different ways to get the job done—all
of which work pretty well. For ex-
ample, some people fill the sink with
water and let the dishes soak. Other
people let the water run continuously
and wash each dish separately under
the tap. People may use various kinds
of scrubbers and sponges, or they
may use only their hands. Some
people insist on a particular brand of
soap, whereas other people will use
any kind of dish soap, and still others
may not use any soap at all. Some

people will only use very hot water to

ensure that all germs are killed; oth-
ers prefer to use warm or cold water.
Some people don’t even bother with
water and just wipe off the dishes.
Some people wash their dishes right
after they are used, and others let
them sit for a few hours, days, or
weeks before washing them.
You get the idea—there are many
different ways to wash dishes. If a
person adheres too rigidly to beliefs
about how tasks should be completed,
he or she is likely to run into prob-
lems with other people who also have
strong opinions about how things
should be done. Perfectionism can af-
fect your interpretations (“That’s the
wrong way to wash dishes”) which, in
turn, affects your emotions (“Now I’m

Automatic and
Perfectionistic Thoughts
People are often unaware of the
thoughts and interpretations that
lead to their intense reactions to situ-
ations. Often, these thoughts occur so
quickly and automatically that they
are outside of your conscious aware-
ness. In fact, there are many situ-
ations in which you process informa-
tion outside of your awareness. When
you walk, you don’t have to think,
“Right foot … left foot … right foot …
left foot.” Rather, you walk without
thinking about it. If there is a pole in
the way, you automatically walk
around it. In fact, a minute later, you
might forget that there was a pole to
be walked around.

In situations that are very famili-

ar, such as walking, you are able to
process information with limited cog-
nitive resources or attention. You
even process information while you
sleep. For example, people are more
likely to wake up to the sound of their
own name than to other sounds.
Many parents with a new baby report
that they are more likely to wake up
to the sound of their own baby’s cry-
ing than to other sounds.
Given that you often process in-
formation outside of your awareness,
many of the beliefs that are associated
with perfectionistic thinking may be
hard to identify. With practice, identi-
fying perfectionistic beliefs will be-
come easier. One way of doing this is
to notice situations in which you ex-
perience a negative emotion such as
anxiety, sadness, anger, frustration,

or a feeling that something is not

“right.” Once the emotion has been
identified and labeled, it is sometimes
easier to identify the thoughts and in-
terpretations that might be contribut-
ing to the negative feeling. There may
even be contradictory beliefs leading
to a mixture of emotions. For ex-
ample, if a supervisor feels frustrated
because an employee is not doing a
job “properly,” the supervisor might
notice frustration-producing thoughts
such as, “It’s very important that my
employees do the job my way.” At the
same time, the supervisor may still
recognize on some level that there are
different ways of doing the job and
that it might be okay to have employ-
ees do the job their own way.

Exercise 3.2 Identify-

ing Perfectionistic

Before you can learn to change per-

fectionistic patterns of thinking, it is
important to identify these thoughts,
interpretations, and beliefs. Using a
thought monitoring form, such as the
example provided here, can help you
monitor such thoughts. The next time
you find yourself feeling inadequate
because you think you haven’t per-
formed well enough on a task or are
frustrated by the behavior of someone
around you, try completing this form.
You will probably want to create your
own form on a full-sized sheet of pa-
per because there isn’t much space on
the sample provided in this book.

After reading the completed example,

use the first column of your blank
form to record the situation that trig-
gers your perfectionistic thoughts or
brings these thoughts to your aware-
ness. In the second column, record
the emotion that you are experiencing
(for example, fear, anxiety, anger,
sadness, frustration, and so on). Also,
record the intensity of the emotion
using a scale ranging from 0 to 100,
where 0 means nonexistent and 100
equals emotion as intense as you can
imagine. Finally, in the third column,
record your perfectionistic beliefs and
thoughts. By stepping back and ob-
serving your reactions in situations,
perfectionistic thoughts are likely to
become more evident. Becoming
more aware of your perfectionistic
thoughts is the first step toward

changing them—a topic that will be

discussed in more detail in chapter 7.

Thought Monitoring Form –

Blank Sample

Trying to Confirm
Perfectionistic Beliefs
Everyone likes to be correct. There-
fore, people tend to seek out experi-
ences that confirm their beliefs. In
other words, people seek information
in a biased way, in an effort to sup-
port their assumptions, interpreta-
tions, and thoughts. They prefer to
spend time with people who think the
way they do. If they are politically act-
ive, they may go to rallies for their
own side—to hear what they already
believe. If they are active in their reli-
gion, they may seek out experiences
that bolster their religious beliefs (for
instance, attending services at a
church or some other place of wor-
ship) rather than seeking out experi-
ences that challenge their beliefs.

Unfortunately, this tendency to

seek out information that confirms
one’s beliefs can sometimes get
people into trouble. For example, a
person who has a fear of flying is
likely to pay extra attention to stories
in the media about airline crashes,
compared to the attention paid to all
the airplanes that take off and land
safely. People who are feeling de-
pressed are more likely to remember
all the mistakes that they have made
in the past, rather than their suc-
cesses. People who are socially
anxious and believe that others are
judging them negatively are more
likely to interpret ambiguous social
information (something like being
given an ambiguous look from anoth-
er person) as confirming their feel-
ings of inadequacy.

People who are particularly per-

fectionistic are in danger of paying
more attention to events that confirm
their perfectionistic beliefs than to in-
formation that contradicts these be-
liefs. For example, students who are
afraid to hand in term papers without
checking them over repeatedly might
remember stories they have heard
about students who handed in exams
without checking them over and
happened to forget to answer an en-
tire page of questions. They might ig-
nore the fact that there are also many
people who hand things in after
rechecking their work once, twice, or
not at all—without any negative

Perfectionistic Thinking
People do not think like computers.
Computers use complex mathematic-
al formulas to process information
and solve problems. In contrast,
people often interpret their environ-
ments using what psychologists call
heuristics. A heuristic is a rule that
people use to make a decision or in-
terpret an event. For example, if an
individual sees an unleashed dog
while walking on the sidewalk, he or
she might rely on various stereotypes
about various dog breeds to help
guide the decision of whether to cross
the road and get away from the dog. If
the dog is from a large breed known
for biting, the individual might be
more likely to avoid the dog than if

it’s a smaller breed that is unlikely to

do any serious damage. This rule of
thumb (that is, “Avoid big, unleashed
dogs that have a reputation for biting,
but not dogs that are not known for
biting”) is an example of a heuristic.
Following this rule may improve
one’s chances of not being bitten.
However, it’s not always going to lead
to a correct decision. Many large dogs
with reputations for biting are per-
fectly safe, and some small dogs bite.
Heuristics are quick ways of inter-
preting the environment and making
decisions, and they often lead to cor-
rect decisions, which is why the hu-
man mind continues to rely on these
strategies for processing information.
However, sometimes people pro-
cess information incorrectly or in
ways that are biased. Psychologists
sometimes refer to styles of thinking

as cognitive distortions, particularly

when they are biased in a negative
direction. Proponents of cognitive
therapy have identified a number of
cognitive distortions that make
people more likely to experience feel-
ings of anxiety, depression, anger,
and other negative emotional states.
In this section, we will highlight
some of these cognitive distortions
and other styles of thinking that are
especially relevant to perfectionistic
thinking. We are indebted to people
such as Aaron T. Beck, Albert Ellis,
and David Burns for identifying these
distortions. Note that these categories
of negative thinking styles are not ne-
cessarily as distinct as they might
seem on the surface. They overlap
considerably, and a particular perfec-
tionistic thought may fit into several
of these categories.

All-or-Nothing Thinking and Ex-

cessively High Standards
All-or-nothing thinking (also
known as “black-and-white thinking,”
“categorical thinking,” or “polarized
thinking”) is a tendency to see things
as either right or wrong, without re-
cognizing that situations are often
complex and that there are often
many points on the continuum
between the extremes of “right” and
“wrong.” This is one of the most com-
mon cognitive distortions among
people who are perfectionistic. All-or-
nothing thoughts focused on the be-
havior of others (for example, “People
can do things my way or the wrong
way”) may be associated with anger,
whereas all-or-nothing thoughts fo-
cused on one’s own behavior (for in-
stance, “If I lose my temper with my
children, I am a bad parent”) are

more often associated with feelings of

anxiety, depression, or inadequacy.
Here are some examples of state-
ments reflecting all-or-nothing
• Anything less than sticking
to my diet perfectly is a fail-
ure. If I eat one cookie, I
may as well have eaten ten

• I always need to look per-

fect in front of other people.

• If I don’t get an A+ in this

course, I don’t deserve to be
in this program.

• My reports are never good


• I seem to be the only person

in this house who knows
how to clean things

• There is a right way and a

wrong way to do everything.

All-or-nothing thinking may also

be thought of as being related to hav-
ing excessively high standards. People
who are perfectionistic often have
standards, either for themselves or
for others, that are unrealistic or ex-
cessively high. Although it is some-
times helpful to have standards that
are slightly higher than your current
level of performance (this gives you a
goal that you have a good chance of
reaching), perfectionism is often as-
sociated with having standards that
are extremely difficult, if not

impossible, to attain. Consider the

following examples.
Deborah feels inadequate if she is
not able to manage all the demands in
her life, which include working full
time, taking a night course two even-
ings a week, being attentive to her
partner, cooking for her family,
spending several hours a day with her
children, visiting her parents weekly,
spending time with several of her
close friends, and finding time to nur-
ture herself.
All of his life, Mark has wanted to
be an attorney. In fact, there is noth-
ing else that he can imagine doing.
Unfortunately, he is a senior in col-
lege, his average is a C, and he is very
unlikely to be accepted into law

Louis is constantly correcting his

seven-year-old son’s use of language,
to the point that his son is sometimes
afraid to speak in front of him. The
son cannot understand why he is al-
ways being corrected by his father,
since his grades are among the
highest in his class and he is often
told by his teachers, friends, and oth-
er family members that he speaks
very well.
Alexis weighs 130 pounds and is
five feet, four inches in height. Al-
though her doctor insists that she is
not overweight, and her friends tell
her she looks great, Alexis feels guilty
because she cannot seem to reach her
goal weight of 110 pounds.

Exercise 3.3 All-or-

Nothing Thinking

In your journal, record examples of

all-or-nothing thinking that you en-
gage in from time to time, as well as
standards you hold that others might
consider excessively high.

Filtering is a tendency to select-
ively focus on and magnify negative
details at the expense of positive in-
formation, which is dismissed as less
important. Here are some examples
of filtering:
Ella receives a two-page perform-
ance evaluation at work that is very
positive overall, emphasizing that she

is among the most valued employees

in the company. However, she feels
angry and hurt over one criticism
suggesting that she try to participate
more in meetings.
When people tell Rico that he
looks good, he assumes that they are
being insincere and that they actually
feel sorry for him or are trying to ma-
nipulate him in some way. In con-
trast, when someone tells Rico that he
looks tired, he assumes that they find
him unattractive, and he feels
extremely self-conscious.
Carrie is a tenth-grade student
who has gained five pounds. She is
sure that everyone at school finds her
unattractive now, despite the fact that
she is often asked out on dates and
her friends tell her that she looks

Mia’s daughter has become much

better at putting away her toys in re-
cent months. However, on one occa-
sion when she left a toy on the steps,
Mia became very angry.

Exercise 3.4 Filtering

Do you engage in filtering from time

to time? In your journal, record ex-
amples of filtering from your own life.

Mind Reading
Mind reading involves assuming
that you know what other people are
thinking and that their thoughts
about you are negative. This style of
thinking is common in people who
are perfectionistic and may

contribute to feelings of depression

and anxiety. Examples of mind read-
ing include the following:
When Evelyn’s supervisor does
not give Evelyn feedback on her re-
port for over a week, Evelyn assumes
this is because her supervisor thought
that the report was not good enough.
After cooking dinner for several
friends, Jack is convinced that his
guests are not enjoying their food
when one of them excuses himself
from the table to visit the bathroom.
Ricardo is hurt and angry when a
woman he is attracted to fails to re-
turn his phone call. He is certain that
she is either irresponsible or uninter-
ested in him, and he wonders if he’ll
ever find a partner who meets his
high standards.

Exercise 3.5 Mind


Do you engage in mind reading from

time to time? In your journal, record
examples of mind reading from your
own life.

Probability Overestimations
Perfectionism is often associated
with a tendency to predict that negat-
ive events are more likely to occur
than they really are. We call these
predictions probability overestima-
tions. Here are some examples:
Alex is a straight-A student, yet
before every exam, he believes that he
is definitely not going to pass.

Francesca is sure that she is going

to come across as unprepared and
dull during her presentation, even
though she is well-prepared and her
coworkers usually enjoy her talks.
Mary rarely misses work and is
highly regarded by her supervisors.
Yet, when she must take off a few
days due to illness, she believes that
her boss will not believe she is sick
and that she will receive a negative
performance appraisal.

Exercise 3.6 Probabil-

ity Overestimation

Do you engage in probability overes-

timation from time to time? In your
journal, record examples of probabil-
ity overestimation from your own life.

Tunnel Vision
Tunnel vision is a cognitive style
in which people pay too much atten-
tion to detail and therefore miss the
big picture. This can also be thought
of as “missing the forest for the
trees.” Tunnel vision can slow people
down and get in the way of task com-
pletion. Following are a few examples
of tunnel vision:
Peter spent many hours reading
and taking hundreds of pages of notes
in preparation to complete his ten-
page paper on World War II.
Before making any new purchase,
no matter how small, David spends
many hours reading past issues of
Consumer Reports, talking to sales
people, and discussing his options
with friends.

When taking multiple-choice ex-

ams at school, Amy obsesses about
the meaning of each question and of-
ten does not finish the exam before
she runs out of time.
Susan spends so much time or-
ganizing (making lists, filing, putting
things in order) that she is often not
able to finish her work.

Exercise 3.7 Tunnel


Do you have tunnel vision from time

to time? In your journal, record ex-
amples of tunnel vision from your
own life.

Interpersonal Sensitivity

People who are perfectionistic are

often overly concerned about the
opinions of others. Most people
prefer to be liked by others. However,
perfectionism may be associated with
an extreme need for approval from
others. Examples of beliefs reflecting
exaggerated interpersonal sensitivity
• It is very important that
everyone likes me.

• If others think I am incom-

petent, then I am

• If someone doesn’t love me,

then I am unlovable.

• It is very important not to

make mistakes so that oth-
ers will approve of me.

Exercise 3.8 Interper-

sonal Sensitivity

Is interpersonal sensitivity a problem

for you? In your journal, record ex-
amples of interpersonal sensitivity in
your own life.

Catastrophic Thinking
Catastrophic thinking (also
known as catastrophizing) involves
incorrectly assuming that one could
not cope with a negative outcome if it
were to occur. This style of thinking
also includes predictions that particu-
lar events would be unmanageable if
they were to occur. Catastrophic
thinking is common in people who
are prone to experiencing problems

with anxiety, depression, and anger.

Examples of catastrophic thinking
• I couldn’t handle making a
mistake in front of the class.

• It would be absolutely ter-

rible if I missed a deadline.

• If this deal doesn’t go

through, I don’t know how I
will manage.

• If I do not stay thin, nobody

will ever be attracted to me.

• If I back down or change

my mind, I will be per-
ceived as weak.

• It would be unmanageable
to develop an illness that

caused me to miss even a

day of work.

Exercise 3.9 Cata-

strophic Thinking

Do you engage in catastrophic think-

ing from time to time? In your journ-
al, record examples of catastrophic
thinking from your own life.

Excessively Rigid Standards and

Everyone has standards that not
only influence their own behavior,
but also help them to decide whether
to attempt to influence the behavior
of others (for example, providing con-
structive feedback to coworkers to

improve their performance on a pro-

ject). When people cannot achieve a
particular goal or are unable to influ-
ence someone else, they may either
keep trying or lower their standards
or expectations. Perfectionistic people
sometimes view a decision to lower
their standards as giving up or set-
tling for less than they should. This
view may make it difficult to be flex-
ible with respect to one’s standards
for oneself or for others. It may be
very hard for people who have de-
veloped an inflexible style or are crit-
ical of themselves or others to know
when it is okay to break rules. Follow-
ing are some examples of excessively
rigid standards:
Laura always arrives home before
her midnight curfew. On the weekend
of her high school prom, Laura asked
her parents for permission to come

home at 1:00 a.m., since the prom

ended at midnight. Her parents re-
fused to allow her to come home
later, explaining that her curfew was
midnight and that there could be no
Graham was used to winning
when he played squash. When he lost
to a friend from work, he was quite
angry and found it difficult to accept
that he had lost the game.
Jonathan had just made a very
nice dinner for his girlfriend.
However, she refused to eat the din-
ner because she noticed that he had
forgotten to wash his hands before
cooking it.
Paul is accustomed to running five
miles each day to keep fit. One week,
he comes down with a bad case of the
flu and ends up feeling like a failure

because he was unable to run for

three days.
Angela gets very upset whenever
plans are changed. For example, if
she and her husband decide to see a
movie and the movie ends up being
sold out, Angela becomes very angry
and disappointed at the prospect of
having to find something else to do.

Exercise 3.10 Rigid

Standards and

Are rigid and inflexible standards

sometimes a problem for you? In
your journal, record examples of
times when you were unwilling or un-
able to settle for less.

Over-Responsibility and an Ex-

cessive Need for Control
Often, people who are perfection-
istic believe that they have more con-
trol over events in their life than they
actually do. This may lead people to
feel overly responsible for events that,
in reality, they cannot control. Feel-
ings of over-responsibility can lead
people to spend too much time on
tasks, to engage in excessive checking
and rechecking, or to go to great
lengths to protect themselves from
making a mistake or from being
harmed. Perfectionistic individuals
may also believe that it is important
to control the behavior or thoughts of
other people in their lives in order to
prevent them from making mistakes
or encountering harm. These beliefs
can lead to relationship problems if
individuals are frequently critical of

the behavior of their loved ones.

Some example statements reflecting a
sense of over-responsibility or an ex-
aggerated need for control include:
• If I spend a long time
double checking the content
of my letter before I send it,
I can make sure that there
is nothing in there that
might be offensive.

• If I practice this talk enough

times, I can ensure that
everyone in the audience
will like it.

• I can prevent my daughter

from getting sick if I con-
stantly remind her to dress
warmly, eat her vegetables,
wash her hands, get enough
sleep, and so on.

• I can control whether oth-

ers like me by being very
careful about how I phrase
things when I speak.

• It’s important for me to be

able to convince people to
do things my way at work.

• I need to correct other

people when they make
mistakes, no matter how

Exercise 3.11 Over-

Responsibility and Need
for Control

Do you have an inflated sense of re-

sponsibility or a high need for

control? If so, record some examples

in your journal.

Should Statements
Should statements are arbitrary
rules for how things ought to be. If
others break these rules, a person
may feel angry or resentful. If indi-
viduals break their own rules, feelings
of guilt, sadness, inadequacy, or anxi-
ety often occur. Statements contain-
ing the words “should” or “must” are
often a sign that one is engaging in
this style of thinking. Following are a
few examples of “should” statements:
• My children should always
do what I tell them to do.

• My coworkers should never

be late for work.

• I should never make mis-

takes at work.

• I should never come across

as nervous or anxious.

• I should be able to anticip-

ate problems before they

• I should be assertive and, at

the same time, never upset
other people.

• I must never get a grade

lower than an A.

Exercise 3.12 Should


Do you have a lot of shoulds in your

life? In your journal, record examples
of your shoulds.

Difficulty Trusting Others

Perfectionism is often associated
with a difficulty in trusting others to
complete tasks. People who are per-
fectionistic might have difficulty del-
egating tasks to others or may feel the
need to watch people closely when
they are completing tasks at work or
in other situations. Examples of state-
ments reflecting difficulty trusting
others include:
• If I let my partner cook din-
ner for me, I will not enjoy
my food.

• I have to do everything my-

self because other people

just don’t know how to get

the job done properly.

• If I send my husband to
pick up a new telephone, he
will probably get the wrong

• I don’t like other people to

buy me gifts because they
couldn’t possibly know
what I want.

Exercise 3.13 Diffi-

culty Trusting Others

Do you find it difficult to trust others?

In your journal, record some

Inappropriate Social
One strategy that we all use to
evaluate our performance is to com-
pare ourselves to other people. Every-
one engages in social comparisons
from time to time in order to see how
they measure up compared to others
whom they perceive as similar to
them. For example, if you receive a
raise at work, you might be interested
in knowing whether other individuals
doing similar jobs received compar-
able raises. Following a test in school,
students often try to find out how
other people in the class performed
on the exam. Usually, people compare
themselves to others whom they per-
ceive to be similar or slightly better
than them in the dimension being
compared. So, following a term test,
average students are likely to

compare themselves to other average

students. This would tell them more
about their own performance than
making comparisons to the top stu-
dent or the weakest student in the
People who are particularly per-
fectionistic might find themselves
making social comparisons more fre-
quently than other people and may be
more likely to experience negative
emotions following these comparis-
ons. Perfectionistic individuals may
also compare themselves to others in
a manner that serves to maintain
their perfectionistic attitudes. Thus,
they may compare themselves to oth-
ers who are much stronger in a par-
ticular dimension, thereby strength-
ening their beliefs that they have to
meet an almost impossibly high
standard. In fact, in any particular

dimension you choose to measure

(for instance, intelligence, sense of
humor, creativity, athletic ability,
physical appearance, and so on),
there will likely always be someone
else who you perceive as being
“better.” Comparing yourself to oth-
ers whom you perceive as much bet-
ter in a specific dimension may help
to maintain perfectionistic beliefs and
foster a negative self-image or feel-
ings of inadequacy. Following are ex-
amples of inappropriate social
Neil compares his athletic ability
to that of a professional athlete and
feels pressure to meet that standard.
Sheila feels inadequate after read-
ing a new fashion magazine and
thinking that she will never be as thin

or attractive as the models in the

Danielle feels like a failure after
finding out that her friend received a
higher exam grade than she, even
though her friend usually receives the
highest grades in all her classes.

Exercise 3.14 Inap-

propriate Social

Do you tend to compare yourself to

others in a way that makes you feel
worse? In your journal, record some

Looking Ahead
In summary, identifying your perfec-
tionistic thoughts and understanding
the relationship between thinking
and perfectionism are important
steps in overcoming excessively high
standards. Later in the book, we will
discuss strategies for changing your
perfectionistic thoughts. First,
however, we will provide an overview
of the ways in which certain types of
behaviors can help to maintain your
perfectionism. As we explain in the
next chapter, perfectionistic thoughts
and behaviors are closely related in
that perfectionistic beliefs can lead to
perfectionistic behaviors and perfec-
tionistic behaviors can help to main-
tain perfectionistic beliefs. It is diffi-
cult to overcome perfectionism
without addressing both the thoughts

and behaviors that contribute to the

Chapter 4

Perfectionism and
The Paradox of
Joanne has great difficulty making
choices when shopping for clothes or
other items. She fears that if she only
buys one item, she’ll get home and
feel that she’s purchased the wrong
one. As a result, when faced with sev-
eral options, she tends to buy one of
each. For example, if she can’t decide
between six colors of a blouse, she
buys one in each color. Only by

purchasing one of each can she guar-

antee that she has the correct item.
Unfortunately, she does this with
everything she buys. Her home is
cluttered with things she doesn’t need
or use, including several hundred
pairs of shoes, closets full of clothing,
shelves filled with unread books and
magazines, and cupboards over-
stocked with food. Joanne’s difficulty
making decisions when shopping is
one manifestation of her belief that
it’s important not to make mistakes
and that mistakes should always be
prevented. Ironically, Joanne’s
struggle to avoid making mistakes
leads to many different problems, in-
cluding considerable credit card debt,
no time to do things other than shop,
and very little empty space in her
home. Joanne recognizes that her

compulsive shopping is controlling

her life.
Reid cannot resist the temptation
to correct other people when he be-
lieves they have made an error. For
example, whenever someone mispro-
nounces a word, he’s quick to let the
person know how the word should be
pronounced. If his girlfriend is telling
a story to a group of friends and
leaves out details that Reid believes
are important, Reid feels compelled
to fill in those details so their friends
do not misinterpret any of the in-
formation they are hearing. Most of
the people in Reid’s life (including his
girlfriend, friends, family members,
and coworkers) find him difficult to
be around. They interpret his behavi-
or to mean that he always needs to
show people how smart he is and that
he enjoys putting others down.

People feel as though they need to be

careful about what they say in front of
Reid. In reality, his tendency to cor-
rect others has more to do with the
intense discomfort that he feels when
a mistake has been made, leading to a
feeling of intense internal pressure to
set things right. Reid understands
that his need to correct others has
caused problems in his relationships,
but he has trouble stopping himself.
These case examples illustrate the
paradox of perfectionism. People who
are perfectionistic often believe that,
in order to maintain order and con-
trol in their lives, they must engage in
various perfectionistic behaviors. Per-
fectionistic behaviors can be divided
into two main types: behaviors de-
signed to help an individual meet his
or her unreasonably high standards
and behaviors that involve avoidance

of situations that trigger the need to

be perfect. Behaviors aimed at meet-
ing perfectionistic standards include
checking and reassurance seeking
(for example, to make sure that a goal
is being met), correcting others, re-
peating actions, and dwelling too long
before making decisions. Both Reid
and Joanne engage in these types of
behaviors. Examples of avoidance be-
haviors include procrastination (put-
ting off starting a task because one’s
desire for perfection is likely to make
the task difficult and unpleasant) and
giving up on tasks prematurely (be-
cause perfectionistic standards are
unlikely to be met).
Unfortunately, when performed
excessively, perfectionistic behaviors
can have an effect that is the exact op-
posite of what is desired. Instead of
adding order and control to a

person’s life, they actually lead to dis-

order and a lack of control. Perfec-
tionistic behaviors can increase the
time needed to get things done and
can make others feel uncomfortable.
For example, individuals who con-
stantly correct the work of their
coworkers are likely to find that oth-
ers either get angry or eventually
learn to stay away. People who check
and recheck their reports in order to
avoid making mistakes are likely to
get less done than people who are
able to submit a report with minimal

How Behavior Maintains

Perfectionistic Beliefs
The relationship between behavior
and thoughts is complex. Your beliefs,

expectations, and interpretations all

influence your behavior. For example,
if you believe that being late for an
appointment is unforgivable and that
you should be able to plan ahead for
all possible delays, you would likely
leave the house earlier than necessary
in order to guarantee a prompt ar-
rival. People who believe that there is
only one way to get a particular job
done may be inclined to do the work
themselves rather than allow others
to help with the task. Students who
believe that a term paper must be
perfect may be inclined to procrastin-
ate and put off starting their papers
because they know that they cannot
possibly meet the impossible stand-
ards that they have set for
The relationship between
thoughts and behavior can also work

in the opposite direction—there are

ways in which behaviors can affect
thoughts. Behaviors often have the
function of maintaining beliefs. For
example, certain behaviors can main-
tain perfectionistic beliefs by prevent-
ing the individual from learning that
the belief is not true. People who be-
lieve that the only way to avoid mak-
ing mistakes is to check and recheck
their work may never learn that they
could probably get by with being
somewhat less careful.
Here’s another example of how
perfectionistic behavior can maintain
perfectionistic beliefs: some people
who go into too much unnecessary
detail when giving other people in-
structions (about how to bake a cake,
how to get to the mall, and so on)
may believe that such detailed in-
formation is necessary to ensure that

the task is carried out correctly. By

continuing to go overboard when giv-
ing other people instructions, the per-
fectionist never learns that these be-
liefs are untrue. To test out the valid-
ity of the perfectionistic beliefs, it
would be necessary to leave out some
of the detail and see whether the in-
structions are still carried out

Appropriate Standards
vs. Perfectionistic
In order to perform effectively in the
world, it is important that people set
standards and work toward meeting
them. For example, most of us would
take the time to straighten a picture
that was hanging crooked on the

living room wall. For many people,

straightening the picture would make
spending time in the living room
more pleasant than would leaving it
crooked. Similarly, most students
check over their exams and proofread
their papers before handing them in.
Checking over one’s schoolwork is
likely to reduce the number of errors,
ultimately leading to higher grades.
It’s not unusual for people to ask oth-
ers for feedback or reassurance when
unsure about whether they have per-
formed well during a presentation.
Asking for feedback allows people to
find out how they perform and
provides them with suggestions for
These are examples of methods
that people use to ensure that their
behavior meets certain standards. If
people didn’t adhere to their

standards, the quality of their work

would decrease, their relationships
would suffer, their work would suffer,
and there would likely be other negat-
ive consequences. In moderation, be-
haviors such as checking your work
and fixing things that aren’t quite
right can be useful.
Perfectionistic behaviors are sim-
ilar in content to the types of behavi-
ors that most people engage in to
maintain their standards. However,
they differ in frequency and intensity.
As an example, consider behavior
aimed at being organized. You may
know people whom you perceive as
disorganized. These people are chron-
ically late, are always losing things,
and have trouble getting things done.
This lack of organization affects all
aspects of their functioning. Friends
may be reluctant to lend money (or

other items) to people who appear to

be disorganized, for fear of never see-
ing their money again. They may also
avoid making plans with people
whom they perceive as disorganized,
for fear that the person will not follow
through with his or her part of the
plan (for example, showing up on
time for a dinner reservation).
Most people appreciate the im-
portance of being organized.
However, if a person’s level of organ-
ization is perfectionistic, it no longer
has a useful function because the per-
son may be overly concerned about
organization—to the point of not be-
ing able to get things done. This type
of organization can be associated with
procrastination or with a tendency to
spend so much time organizing and
generating lists of things to do that
the actual work never gets done.

Consider the following examples

of behaviors that might be considered
either helpful or overly perfectionist-
ic, depending on the context, fre-
quency, and intensity of the behavior.

Perfectionistic Styles of
As we discussed before, the term
“perfectionism” means different
things to different people. No one

person is a perfectionist in every situ-

ation or engages in every perfection-
istic behavior listed in this section.
On the other hand, many people do
behave like a perfectionist from time
to time, and it can be helpful to
identify the types of perfectionistic
behaviors that may be a problem for
you. As you read through the follow-
ing pages, identify examples from
your own experience of any perfec-
tionistic behaviors that are problem-
atic in your life. Keep in mind that
these categories of behavior overlap
considerably. A particular perfection-
istic behavior may fit equally well in
two or more of these categories.

Because perfectionism is often as-
sociated with anxiety or discomfort

about the possibility of not meeting

their high standards, people who are
perfectionistic often overcompensate
in their behavior. Overcompensation
involves overdoing some behavior to
make absolutely sure that everything
is “just right.” Examples of overcom-
pensation include the following:
Natasha lives about twenty
minutes from work. However, she
leaves ninety minutes before having
to arrive at work—just in case there
are unanticipated delays.
To ensure that his tax return was
completed correctly, Danny hired the
most expensive accountant in town,
even though his return was very
To make sure that his client re-
ceived his communication, Thomas
left the message by telephone, e-mail,

fax, and regular mail. He then tele-

phoned the client a week later to
make sure that the messages were
Oliver tends to tell stories in ex-
cruciating detail to make sure that
nothing is left out.
Miles believes that by keeping per-
fectly clean, he can avoid becoming
ill. He is especially concerned about
avoiding possible contamination from
germs and other agents that may
cause him to get sick. To be sure that
he stays germ-free, he washes his
hands more than thirty times a day
and frequently asks his family mem-
bers to wash their hands.
Barry worries excessively about
losing documents on his computer.
Therefore, he tends to back up each

document that he writes—on five sep-

arate CDs.

Exercise 4.1

Do you sometimes overcompensate to

make sure everything is perfect? If so,
record some examples of your own
overcompensating in your journal.

Excessive Checking and Reas-

surance Seeking
People who tend to be perfection-
istic often engage in frequent or ex-
cessive checking to make sure that
they have done things correctly, that
no one else has made a mistake, or
that some standard has been met by

themselves or another person. A spe-

cific form of checking involves re-
peatedly seeking reassurance from
others that a particular task was done
well enough or that some other stand-
ard has been met. Examples of ex-
cessive checking and reassurance
seeking include the following
Before submitting a completed
form (for instance, a credit card or
job application), Dana spends hours
looking it over for errors. If he is un-
able to check an important form to
his satisfaction, he sometimes is up
all night worrying about it.
Patrick cannot leave the house
without checking over and over again
to make sure that all the appliances
have been turned off and unplugged.
Because of his excessive checking, he

is usually late for work and some-

times doesn’t make it in to work at all.
Although she is often told she
looks attractive, Louise is convinced
that her nose is too large for her face.
She spends several hours each day
looking in the mirror to evaluate
whether her nose looks too big.
Ken makes a point of watching his
fellow coworkers each day to see who
arrives on time and who is late.
Karyn, a pharmacist, feels com-
pelled to check the amounts and
names of all medications that she dis-
penses ten to twelve times each be-
fore giving them to a customer.
Although she rarely makes mis-
takes, Jennifer asks her supervisor
and coworkers many times daily to
check over her work. She does this so

that she can be reassured that she has

done it correctly.
Even though Gus is an excellent
cook, he constantly doubts his ability
to cook well and, as a result, rarely
cooks for other people. When he does,
he requires excessive reassurance
from everyone in his family that they
enjoyed the meal.

Exercise 4.2 Excess-

ive Checking and Reas-
surance Seeking

Do you check excessively to make

sure that everything is perfect? In
your journal, list some examples of
excessive checking and reassurance
seeking from your own life.

Repeating and Correcting

If a behavior is perceived as incor-
rect or a situation doesn’t “feel” right,
it may seem overly important to cor-
rect the behavior or situation. At
times, perfectionism can be associ-
ated with a tendency to go overboard
with respect to correcting one’s own
behavior or that of another person,
even if the consequences of not cor-
recting the behavior are, in reality,
minimal. In fact, the consequences of
repeating and correcting one’s actions
are often greater than the con-
sequences of not engaging in these
For example, an individual who
constantly points out every time any-
one makes a mistake—even if the
“mistake” is minor (for example, how
the other person chooses to complete

a task)—can lead others to become

angry or hurt. Furthermore, no mat-
ter how consistently people are cor-
rected, they are going to continue
making mistakes. Here are some ex-
amples of repeating actions and cor-
recting situations:
If Candace notices that a book on
her shelf has a creased cover, she
feels compelled to replace the book
with a new copy. She spends several
hundred dollars per year replacing
things because of defects that most
people would not even notice.
If Nathan’s laundry is not folded
perfectly, he tends to refold it many
times until he is satisfied.
When talking to people, Phyllis
tends to repeat herself to make abso-
lutely sure that she is being under-
stood. Unfortunately, people often

become bored with the conversation

and listen less and less as time goes

Exercise 4.3 Repeat-

ing and Correcting

Do you tend to repeat actions and

correct information to make sure that
everything is perfect? In your journal,
list some examples of repeating and
correcting from your own life.

Excessive Organizing and List

People who are perfectionistic
may spend too much time on organiz-
ational details, such as making lists of
things to do, making lists of

possessions, or putting belongings in

a particular order. Although some
level of organization is helpful (for ex-
ample, it makes it easier to find
things that you’re looking for), ex-
cessive organization can get in the
way of completing tasks. Following
are some examples of excessive or-
ganization and list making:
Bruce spends several hours each
week organizing his family’s music,
books, movies, and computer soft-
ware. In addition, he keeps a detailed
inventory on his computer of all his
music, books, and software. Each
week, he checks to make sure that all
of his CDs, DVDs, books, and soft-
ware are stored in alphabetical order.
If items have been misplaced or filed
out of order, he becomes frustrated
with his family for not being able to
put things back where they belong.

Each morning, Maya spends more

than an hour making a list of all the
chores and tasks that she needs to ac-
complish for the day. She spends ad-
ditional time making sure that the
items are listed in the most efficient
order, so that no unnecessary time is
lost between tasks. If she misses a
task or has to complete the list out of
order, she feels compelled to rewrite
her list so that it accurately reflects
what she is doing. She keeps her lists
of things to do for years, just in case
she needs them.
Jeffrey cannot get any work done
until his office is completely tidy and
organized. As a result, he often
spends more time making his office
tidy and organized than he actually
spends working.

Dar is a student who spends many

hours each week planning her
strategy for studying (for example,
calculating exactly how much time
she should spend studying for each
subject). As a result, she is left with
little time to actually study.

Exercise 4.4 Excess-

ive Organizing and List

Do you tend to spend too much time

organizing and making lists? If so, list
some examples of excessive organiz-
ing and list making in your journal.

Difficulty Making Decisions


People who are perfectionistic

sometimes have a hard time making
decisions. Faced with many different
alternatives, perfectionistic individu-
als may be anxious about making a
mistake that might be irreversible
and potentially catastrophic. Diffi-
culty making decisions can affect al-
most any area of an individual’s func-
tioning by making it hard to do one’s
work, complete tasks, and even re-
spond to questions. Below are some
examples of difficulty in making
Ray finds it very difficult to make
decisions about everyday activities
(for example, deciding what movie to
watch or deciding what to wear in the
morning) because he fears making a
wrong choice. As a result, it takes him
longer to get things done compared to
other people. His friends and family

often become frustrated while waiting

for him to make decisions.
Because of his difficulty making
decisions, Miguel changes his mind
frequently. For example, after order-
ing a meal in a restaurant, it is not
unusual for him to change his order
several times before actually receiving
his food.
Linda prefers to have others make
decisions for her so that she cannot
be blamed for making a wrong choice.

Exercise 4.5 Difficulty

Making Decisions

Do you find it hard to make de-

cisions? Does it take you a long time
to choose among several options? If
so, record in your journal some

examples of the types of decisions you

find it difficult to make.

Because perfection can almost
never be achieved, people who are
constantly aiming for perfection may
put off doing things for fear that they
will never meet their targets or goals.
By not starting things, perfectionists
don’t need to deal with the possibility
of doing a less-than-perfect job. In
some cases, perfectionism may lead
to complete avoidance of situations in
which an individual may not measure
up. Following are examples of
Because Michelle feels such in-
tense pressure to do well in all her
classes, she tends to take her school-
work very seriously. With each paper

that she hands in, it is very important

to her that she impresses her profess-
or. She tends to put off starting her
work because she fears that the task
of writing the perfect paper will be
too overwhelming.
In order to lose weight, Michael
has come up with a very complex list
of rules for what he can and cannot
eat, as well as a detailed exercise plan.
However, he has serious doubts about
whether he is going to be able to stick
to his plan. To minimize the chances
of failing, he has delayed starting his
new weight loss plan until the time
feels “right.” So far, it’s been two
years and the time has not yet felt
Jason has been interested in get-
ting to know a new coworker for sev-
eral weeks. However, rather than just

saying hello, he has been dwelling on

trying to come up with the best way to
introduce himself.

Exercise 4.6

Are you a procrastinator? In your

journal, list some examples of pro-
crastination from your own life.

Not Knowing When to Quit

In order to reach a particular goal
or target, people who are perfection-
istic will sometimes continue to work
on a task for too long. This can inter-
fere with their ability to complete
projects and can also frustrate other

people. Here are some examples of

not knowing when to quit:
Despite being very bright, Anne
rarely finishes her exams on time.
When she encounters a question for
which she doesn’t know the answer,
she becomes determined to get it
right. As a result of her determina-
tion, she often spends too much time
on these difficult items and doesn’t
have time to complete later questions
on the test.
Alice finds it very difficult to ac-
cept others who don’t see things the
way she does. When she disagrees
with another person about a matter,
she usually continues trying to con-
vince the other person of her point of
view, often to the point of getting into
arguments and compromising her re-
lationships with others.

In preparation for his wedding,

Rashad had a very difficult time de-
ciding whom to invite. In preparing
his list (which was to be no more than
one hundred people), he began with
his immediate family, close friends,
and coworkers. However, as he con-
tinued to add names, he had great
difficulty stopping. He worried that
people might be offended if they were
not invited. He ended up with a list of
over three hundred people that in-
cluded distant relatives, people at
work that he hardly knew, and many
friends with whom he had lost touch.

Exercise 4.7 Not

Knowing When to Quit

Do you sometimes spend so much

time on tasks that you don’t get your
other work done? In your journal, list
some examples of not knowing when
to quit from your own life.

Giving Up Too Soon

This particular behavioral style is
the opposite of not knowing when to
quit. People who tend to be perfec-
tionistic sometimes give up trying be-
cause of their anxiety over not being
able to reach a particular goal or
standard. Examples of giving up too
soon include the following:
Despite being told by his guitar
teacher that his playing was coming
along very well, Hans quit taking gui-
tar lessons because he felt that it was
taking too long to achieve the level of
competence that he desired.

Phyllis believed that she wasn’t

living up to her supervisor’s expecta-
tions, even though her supervisor was
very happy with her job performance.
Phyllis decided to quit her job, rather
than wait to be fired for making a
Danny quit his job as an interior
designer because he believed that he
would never be among the top de-
signers in the country.
Because she thought that she
could never find a partner that met all
her needs, Keisha gave up trying and
decided to stay single.

Exercise 4.8 Giving

Up Too Soon

In your journal, list some examples of

giving up too soon from your own life.

Excessive Slowness
Perfectionism can sometimes lead
people to do things more slowly than
they would otherwise. Slowness is of-
ten related to some of the other beha-
viors discussed earlier. For example,
procrastination can cause people to
take longer before starting a particu-
lar project or activity. Also, people
who have difficulty making decisions
often take a long time to choose
among several options (things like
choosing what color to paint the liv-
ing room). Finally, people who check
excessively sometimes take longer to
complete tasks, particularly if they
continually check their performance
as they go along. Perfectionism can

even lead to slower performance bey-

ond these other behaviors. Some indi-
viduals who are perfectionistic have a
slower style of getting things done. By
doing things more slowly and care-
fully, they may feel less likely to make
an error. Examples of excessive slow-
ness follow:
Jed tends to read very slowly so
that he doesn’t miss any important
Tia speaks more slowly than other
people do so that she can think very
carefully about what she says and
avoid saying the wrong thing.
Danielle spends much more time
than most people do when she
showers, washes her hands, or
brushes her teeth. While cleaning
herself, she wants to be absolutely
sure that she has done it properly.

Luke is very handy with tools. He

finished his basement on his own and
loves building and fixing things. He
would like to have his own renovation
company; however, his perfectionism
slows him down. He does an excellent
job, but he works much more slowly
than other contractors and therefore
would have a hard time earning
enough money working as a

Exercise 4.9 Excess-

ive Slowness

Does it take you a long time to get

things done? If so, list some examples
of your own excessive slowness in
your journal.

Failure to Delegate
Perfectionism is sometimes asso-
ciated with a tendency to mistrust
that others can do things properly.
Individuals who have trouble trusting
others may avoid delegating tasks to
people unless they are sure that the
other person will complete them per-
fectly. Here are a few examples illus-
trating a failure to delegate.
Louis insists on doing all of the
cooking and cleaning at home, des-
pite the fact that his wife and children
often offer to help. Although Louis
doesn’t enjoy these chores, he has
very strict beliefs about how things
should be done. He is therefore re-
luctant to let others help him, for fear
that the tasks won’t be done correctly
and his standards will not be met.

Phil has just been promoted to a

new managerial position, which in-
cludes a new, full-time secretary. Al-
though his new secretary is very ex-
perienced and competent, Phil has
trouble asking him to do any of Phil’s
clerical work (typing, filing, and so
on), for fear that he will not do things
the way Phil likes them done.
Hilary refused to leave her chil-
dren with a babysitter because she
was convinced that the babysitter
would not enforce the household
rules (things like bedtime and so on)
and that her children would learn bad

Exercise 4.10 Failure

to Delegate

Do you need to do everything yourself

to make sure that it’s all done cor-
rectly? If so, list in your journal some
examples of your own failures to

For some people, perfectionism
can be associated with difficulty
throwing things away. For example,
people may hold on to old newspa-
pers, magazines, or pamphlets. Other
people may keep empty jars, pack-
ages, letters, broken appliances, or
other trivial items. In fact, people can
hoard almost anything. Hoarding is
not the same as having a collection of
some kind. Nor is it the same as keep-
ing things for sentimental value.
People who have problems with
hoarding often have their homes

filled with various things that they

don’t need or enjoy. Hoarding can
lead to problems in relationships (for
instance, if an individual’s partner
wants to throw something away) and
can make it difficult to keep one’s
home clean. The most common reas-
ons why people keep things they don’t
need include the belief that the item
may be needed one day, as well as a
more general discomfort with the
thought of throwing the item away.
Examples of hoarding include these
Donald has kept every bill, bank
statement, and receipt that he has re-
ceived in the past fifteen years. All of
his papers are neatly filed in filing
cabinets that fill nearly an entire
room. Although he has only had to
refer to an old bill or receipt a few
times over the years, he keeps

everything, just in case he needs

Karla hates the thought of running
out of things she needs. Therefore,
she always has extra stores of food,
tissues, toothpaste, cleaning
products, office supplies, and other
items that she uses regularly.
However, whereas most people might
have an extra tube of toothpaste in
the house, Karla feels very uncom-
fortable unless she has many extras of
each item she might require. For ex-
ample, at any one time, she tends to
have twenty tubes of toothpaste, fifty
rolls of toilet paper, fifteen bottles of
dish soap, and many extras of most
other household items.

Exercise 4.11

Are you a pack rat? If so, describe

briefly your own hoarding tendencies
in your journal.

Because perfectionistic standards
are often so difficult to meet, people
who strive to be perfect will some-
times avoid situations in which they
might feel compelled to meet these
impossible standards. We described
some specific examples of avoidance
earlier. These include failing to deleg-
ate tasks to others, procrastinating,
and giving up on tasks too quickly.

Following are some additional ex-

amples of avoidance:
Julie avoids weighing herself be-
cause she knows that if she has
gained even one pound, it will ruin
her day.
Although he is very bright and
competent, Darcy decided not to at-
tend college because he believes that
he could never be satisfied with his
Pierre, a chef, is rarely able to en-
joy other people’s cooking. To avoid
being disappointed, he tends not to
have his partner or friends cook for
him, and he rarely eats in restaurants.
Lois never asks for help or advice
from anyone. She worries that if she
asks for help other people would no-
tice that she is not perfect, and it is

very important to Lois that others

think she is flawless.
Naomi tends to avoid spending
time around other people at work or
socially because she believes that oth-
ers perceive her as not being particu-
larly entertaining, interesting, witty,
or bright. Even when other people in-
vite her to a party or gathering, she
assumes that they would not enjoy
her company if she did show up.

Exercise 4.12

Do you avoid any situations because

of your perfectionism? In your journ-
al, list some examples of avoidance
from your own life.

Attempts to Change the Behavi-

or of Others
When people are too concerned
about how things are done, they may
be overly critical of the behavior of
others and may frequently try to
change that behavior. Examples of at-
tempts to change the behavior of oth-
ers include the following:
On a daily basis, Amelia feels
compelled to correct the way her boy-
friend washes dishes. Despite her fre-
quent reminders for him to use
warmer water, use more detergent,
and let the dishes soak, he continues
to wash the dishes the way he has al-
ways washed them.
Gary is uncomfortable with the
fact that not everyone at work shares
his religious beliefs. In hopes of con-
verting his coworkers to his way of

seeing things, he frequently brings in

religious literature and invites people
to attend religious services with him,
even after they have declined his offer
several times and haven’t expressed
any interest.
Lately, Jane finds that almost
every little thing her fourteen-year-
old daughter does gets on her nerves.
She constantly reminds her daughter
to hold her fork properly, sit up
straight, take off her shoes in the
house, and behave more or less the
way Jane does whenever possible.

Exercise 4.13 At-

tempts to Change the
Behavior of Others

Do you find yourself always trying to

change the behavior of those around
you? If so, list some examples in your
Part 2

Strategies for
Chapter 5

Measuring Your
The Purpose of
Conducting an
Before a psychologist, psychiatrist, or
other professional begins to help an
individual to deal with a particular
problem, there is typically a period of
assessment. Assessment involves col-
lecting information to better under-
stand the nature and severity of a
problem and to help develop the best
possible treatment plan. For example,
if a client visits a therapist seeking

help for problems with anxiety, the

therapist is likely to begin the first
session (or even the first few ses-
sions) by simply asking questions
about the main problem, other diffi-
culties the client may be experien-
cing, and the client’s background. The
client may be asked to complete a
series of questionnaires that measure
anxiety and related problems. In ad-
dition, diaries may be completed to
measure anxiety and other reactions
throughout the week, when the per-
son actually encounters particular
anxiety-provoking situations. The as-
sessment process helps the clinician
to get to know the client and is essen-
tial for identifying and understanding
the problem. In addition, the findings
from the assessment are often im-
portant for choosing and recom-
mending a course of treatment.

In the same way, a detailed self-

assessment will help you to under-
stand and change your difficulties
with perfectionism. Before you begin
to work on changing your own perfec-
tionism, this chapter will guide you
through a detailed self-assessment
with three main components: identi-
fying key problem areas, measuring
the severity of the problem, and
measuring changes that may result
from using the strategies described in
this book.

Identifying Problem
An important function of the initial
assessment phase is to describe the
features of your perfectionism and to
identify the main problem areas.

These include identification of perfec-

tionistic thoughts and behaviors as
well as situations that trigger perfec-
tionistic responses.

Isolating Your Perfectionistic

Thoughts and Behaviors
In chapters 3 and 4, you identified
your perfectionistic thoughts and be-
haviors. Because perfectionistic be-
liefs and behaviors vary across
people, it is important to identify the
unique ways in which your perfec-
tionism is manifested. Reviewing the
beliefs and behaviors that you identi-
fied in chapters 3 and 4 will be

Exercise 5.1 Perfec-

tionism Diary

Here is an example of a diary to re-

cord episodes during which perfec-
tionism comes up in your everyday
life. You may want to photocopy this
sample or develop your own. Each
time you find yourself having a per-
fectionistic thought (such as those
you listed in your journal while read-
ing chapter 3) or engaging in a perfec-
tionistic behavior (such as those you
listed while reading chapter 4), re-
cord the information requested on
your perfectionism diary. The first
step to changing perfectionistic think-
ing is to catch yourself in the act.
Completing the perfectionism diary
will help you to identify times when

you are thinking or behaving in a per-

fectionistic manner.
Perfectionism Diary
Date ___________ Time
Situation ___________
Perfectionistic Thoughts
Perfectionistic Behaviors
Mood (anxiety, sadness, anger,
and so on)

Isolating Situations and Trig-

gers for Your Perfectionism
For many perfectionists, their
overly high standards are more prob-
lematic in some situations than in
others. For example, they may be very
perfectionistic in their work, but
fairly laid-back at home. Therefore, as
part of your self-assessment, it’s im-
portant to identify the specific situ-
ations that trigger your perfection-
ism. For example, do your perfection-
istic thoughts and behaviors occur
more often with certain people, dur-
ing particular activities, or in certain

Exercise 5.2 Identify-

ing Your Perfectionism

Below is a list of people (part 1) and

activities (part 2) that sometimes trig-
ger perfectionistic beliefs and behavi-
ors. For each item that reflects an
area in which you tend to be perfec-
tionistic, list some examples of the
ways in which your perfectionism is
manifested. Next, for each item in the
list, estimate the degree to which per-
fectionism is a problem for you. You
may need to think carefully about this
task and to take some time to com-
plete it. Use a scale ranging from 0
(perfectionism is not at all a problem)
to 100 (perfectionism is very much a
problem). For example, a score of 50

would reflect a moderate level of per-

fectionism. Later, these numbers will
help you to choose specific areas to
work on. Areas in which perfection-
ism is more of a problem may be
those that you will choose to focus on

Measuring the Severity

of the Problem
Your self-assessment should include
an analysis of how severe or

impairing your perfectionism is. In

examining the severity of the prob-
lem, you will need to take several dif-
ferent steps, including: deciding
whether your high standards are
helpful or unhelpful, identifying the
areas of functioning that are impaired
as a result of the perfectionism (work,
relationships, emotional well-being,
and so on), estimating the impact of
your perfectionism on others, identi-
fying the effects of perfectionism on
your emotional functioning, and
identifying the extent to which your
perfectionistic beliefs are flexible
versus rigid.

Helpful vs. Unhelpful Standards

Perfectionistic standards, as op-
posed to beneficial high standards,
are so high that they either can’t be

met or they can only be met at an

enormous cost to yourself or others.
Making the distinction between help-
ful and unhelpful standards can often
be difficult for people who are perfec-
tionists. One reason for this is that a
standard that is helpful for one per-
son may be overly perfectionistic for
another person. For example, a pro-
fessional squash player must meet
very high standards in order to make
a living at the game, while an indi-
vidual who plays squash in their leis-
ure time can afford to have lower
standards. In fact, having overly high
standards can lead to unnecessary an-
ger and disappointment when a mis-
take is made or a game is lost. For
such a person, overly high standards
might be considered perfectionistic
and, therefore, not especially helpful.

Exercise 5.3 Reevalu-

ating Your Standards

The best way to identify whether your

own standards are overly perfection-
istic is to look at the impact of having
these standards. For each of the fol-
lowing questions, record your re-
sponses in your journal:
• Are your standards higher
than those of other people?

• Are you able to meet your


• Are other people able to

meet your standards?

• Do your standards help you

to achieve your goals or do

they get in the way (for ex-

ample, by making you
overly disappointed or
angry when your standards
are not met or causing you
to get less work done)?

• What would the costs be of

relaxing a particular stand-
ard or ignoring a rule?

• What would the benefits be

of relaxing a particular
standard or ignoring a rule?

Sometimes, when you are too

close to an issue, it’s hard to have a
realistic perspective. For example, if
you have been behaving in a perfec-
tionistic way for a long time, it may be
hard to imagine thinking differently
about a certain issue. If you’re unsure

about how to answer any or all of the

above questions, try to get some dis-
tance from the issue by imagining
how someone else might look at the
particular problem. You may even
want to consider asking people whom
you trust about their beliefs regarding
the standard or rule in question. For
example, if you are overly concerned
about making a mistake when giving
a presentation, you could try to ima-
gine how another person might feel
about the consequences of making
mistakes during presentations. You
might even ask a coworker what he or
she thinks when a presenter makes a
mistake while talking. This will help
you to determine whether your con-
cern about doing a perfect presenta-
tion is exaggerated.
If you determine that a particular
standard cannot be met or that the

costs of having a particular standard

or rule outweigh the benefits, you
may want to consider loosening your
standards for that particular issue.
For example, during times when you
are very busy at work, maybe it’s okay
if your home is a bit messier than
If you still feel unsure about
whether your standards are exagger-
ated or perfectionistic, or if others
continue to complain about behaviors
that you feel reflect appropriately
high standards and your relationships
are suffering as a result, it may be
helpful to visit a therapist and get a
professional opinion from an un-
biased third party.

Exercise 5.4 Evaluat-

ing the Helpfulness of
Your Standards

In your journal, make a list of (1)

standards held by you that are helpful
and worth holding on to, and (2)
standards held by you that are un-
helpful (that is, standards that some-
times get in the way, slow you down,
or disturb people who are close to

Perfectionism and Areas

of Functioning
One measure of the severity of a
problem is the extent to which it in-
terferes with a person’s functioning.

In chapter 2, you identified ways in

which particular areas of your life are
affected by perfectionistic beliefs and
behaviors. On the next page is a list of
areas that are often affected by per-
fectionism. For each relevant area,
list some examples of ways in which
your perfectionism interferes. Next,
for each item in the list, estimate the
degree to which perfectionism inter-
feres with that specific area. Use a
scale ranging from 0 (perfectionism
causes no interference) to 100 (per-
fectionism is completely impairing).
For example, a score of 50 would re-
flect a moderate level of interference
in that domain. You may wish to refer
back to the notes you made in your
journal while reading chapter 2 for
examples of how perfectionism af-
fects these areas of your life.

Exercise 5.5

The Effect of
Perfectionism on Others
It is important to assess the impact of
your perfectionism on those around
you. By doing this, you can improve
your interpersonal relationships by
reducing the strain that can be caused
by perfectionistic criticizing and dir-
ecting, as well as reducing your own
irritation and anger about the actions
of others that you would perform

Exercise 5.6 How

Your Perfectionism Af-
fects Those Around You

In your journal, answer the fol-

lowing questions to the best of your
• How do people react to you
when you impose your
standards on them?

• How do others respond

when they observe you im-
posing inappropriately high
standards on yourself?

• Are there times when others

become frustrated with
your perfectionistic

• Are some people anxious

around you for fear of mak-
ing a mistake in your

• How do you respond to oth-

er people who tend to be
perfectionistic with them-
selves or with other people?

If you are not sure how your per-

fectionism affects other people, it
might be worth asking one or two
people how they are affected by your
perfectionistic behaviors. Choose
people who are close to you and who
you can trust. Here are some ques-
tions that you might ask the other
• Have you noticed ways (for
instance, situations, behavi-
ors, and so on) in which I
am overly perfectionistic or

• How are you affected when

I do ___________ ?

• In what areas would you

like to see me become less

• What impact would it have

on our relationship if I were
to become less

After you have obtained more in-

formation about the effect of your
perfectionism on other people, try to
process the information in a way that
is helpful. Here are some questions to
ask yourself (record your responses in
your journal):
• How do you feel after hear-
ing about the effects of your
perfectionism on others?

• Does your perfectionism af-

fect your relationships?

• Do you want to become less

perfectionistic in your

• Which specific behaviors or

standards do you want to
decrease or end completely?

• Which specific behaviors or

standards do you want to
keep the same?

Perfectionism and
Emotional Functioning
Your self-assessment should include
an examination of the ways in which
perfectionism affects you emotion-
ally. Sometimes perfectionism can
lead to feelings of depression if a per-
son finds that his or her high stand-
ards are never met (for example, a

student who feels depressed because

his grades are not high enough to be
accepted into graduate school).
For other individuals, perfection-
ism can be associated with intense
anxiety, nervousness, or fear. For ex-
ample, some people with unreason-
ably high standards for themselves
report intense anxiety about being
judged negatively by others if they
make a mistake or do not meet their
own unrealistically high standards.
Finally, for some people, perfection-
ism is associated with feelings of fre-
quent anger, irritability, and frustra-
tion. This is often the case for indi-
viduals who hold unreasonably high
standards for those around them.

Exercise 5.7 How

Your Perfectionism Af-
fects Your Emotional

Take a few moments to consider the

ways in which perfectionism contrib-
utes to your emotional states. Can
you think of times when your perfec-
tionistic beliefs or standards led to
feelings of depression, anxiety, or
Part 1: Think about times when
your perfectionism has caused you to
feel sad or depressed. In your diary,
record all relevant details, including
(1) the situation or trigger, (2) your
reaction in the situation (your perfec-
tionistic thoughts and behaviors), and

(3) the intensity of the sadness or de-

pression (using a scale from 0 to
Part 2: Think about times when
your perfectionism has caused you to
feel anxious. In your diary, record all
relevant details, including (1) the situ-
ation or trigger, (2) your reaction in
the situation (your perfectionistic
thoughts and behaviors), and (3) the
intensity of your anxiety (using a
scale from 0 to 100).
Part 3: Think about times when
your perfectionism has caused you to
feel angry, irritable, or frustrated. In
your diary, record all relevant details,
including (1) the situation or trigger,
(2) your reaction in the situation
(your perfectionistic thoughts and be-
haviors), and (3) the intensity of your

angry feelings (using a scale from 0 to


Flexible vs. Rigid

Perfectionistic Beliefs
Another important aspect of your
perfectionism to consider is the ex-
tent to which your perfectionistic atti-
tudes are flexible and therefore easily
changed. Your self-assessment should
include an evaluation of how rigid
your perfectionistic beliefs are. The
less rigid you are with yourself and
your beliefs, the easier it will be to
change. Just recognizing your rigidity
in particular areas may motivate you
to become more flexible.

Exercise 5.8 Assess-

ing the Flexibility of Your
Perfectionistic Beliefs

The extent to which you answer yes to

the following questions may be an in-
dication that your perfectionistic be-
liefs are relatively inflexible. If this is
the case, you will need to work espe-
cially hard at changing these beliefs
and behaviors. You may also need to
remind yourself from time to time
about the costs and benefits of chan-
ging your standards (chapter 6 dis-
cusses this issue in more detail). If
you answer no to most of these ques-
tions, you will likely find it easier to
change your beliefs and behaviors us-
ing the exercises described in upcom-
ing chapters. Record your responses

to each of the following questions in

your journal:
• Is it difficult for you to re-
cognize when you are being
overly perfectionistic? If so,
list examples.

• Do you find it difficult to re-

lax your standards? If so,
list examples.

• Typically, are you unwilling

to consider the possibility
that you are being overly
perfectionistic (even when
your relationships are suf-
fering and others blame
your perfectionism)? If so,
list examples.

• Do you often find yourself

disagreeing with other

people when they tell you

that your standards are too
high or too rigid? If so, list

• Do you become very upset

when you are unable to
meet your own standards?
If so, list examples.

• Do you become very upset

when others are unable to
meet your standards? If so,
list examples.

Exercise 5.9 Putting

It All Together

Throughout this chapter (as well as

chapters 3 and 4), you have recorded
a large amount of information about

your perfectionism. Now it’s time to

compile the information into one
handy summary. You may wish to
refer to your responses throughout
chapters 3, 4, and 5 when completing
this summary. Record your responses
to the following items in your journal:

List (from chapter 3) the styles of
perfectionistic thinking (all-or-noth-
ing thinking, filtering, and so on) that
are most problematic for you. Give an
example of each from your own life.

List (from chapter 4) the styles of
perfectionistic behavior (overcom-
pensating, excessive checking, and so
on) that are most problematic for

you. Give an example of each from

your own life.


List (from this chapter) the people
with whom you tend to be overly per-
fectionistic (partner, coworkers, and
so on).


List (from this chapter) the activ-
ities that are most likely to trigger
your perfectionistic thoughts and be-
haviors (work, relationships, and so
on) and are the most problematic for



List the most important helpful

standards, rules, or preferences that
you recorded earlier in this chapter,
which you may wish to maintain.
Then list the most unhelpful (perfec-
tionistic) standards that are problem-
atic for you and that you may wish to


List (from this chapter) the areas
of functioning that are most impaired
because of your perfectionism (rela-
tionships, hobbies, and so on). Note
that these areas are likely to overlap
somewhat with the activities that trig-
ger your perfectionism.



List examples of how your perfec-

tionism affects other people.


List examples (see earlier section
in this chapter) of how your perfec-
tionism causes you to feel depressed,
anxious, or angry from time to time.

Measuring Improvement
and Change
In addition to helping you understand
the origins and nature of your perfec-
tionistic beliefs and behaviors, anoth-
er function of assessment is to meas-
ure changes in perfectionism over
time. Therapists sometimes ask their
clients to repeat the initial measures
(for example, questionnaires, diaries,

and so on) periodically during their

treatment. This is a helpful way to as-
sess whether a person’s problem is
By continuing to use the assess-
ment strategies discussed in this
chapter throughout the process of
changing your thoughts and behavi-
ors, you will be able to determine
whether you are in fact making pro-
gress. Here are some specific recom-
mendations for how to continue to as-
sess your perfectionism as you work
through this book. Note that these are
only suggestions. You can pick and
choose among these recommenda-
tions based on your own needs:
• Examine the responses in
your perfectionism sum-
mary (exercise 5.9) from
time to time to assess

whether there have been

changes in the types of per-
fectionistic thoughts and
behaviors you experience,
the intensity of your perfec-
tionism, and the ways it im-
pacts your day-to-day func-
tioning. When you examine
the summary, you may add
items if you notice new trig-
gers for your perfectionism,
or perfectionistic thoughts
or behaviors, that were not
recorded initially.

• Note any items on the sum-

mary that no longer belong
on the list (in fact, you can
complete a new summary
periodically, to assess how
things have changed).

• Initially, you should reex-

amine the summary weekly.
After six to eight weeks,
when things have begun to
improve, you may decrease
the frequency of looking at
the form to once every two
weeks. When your perfec-
tionism has decreased even
further, you may reduce the
frequency further (for ex-
ample, monthly). When you
are no longer working on
your perfectionism, you can
stop the formal assess-
ments. You may still want
to conduct an informal as-
sessment from time to time,
by just asking yourself how
things are going with re-
spect to your perfectionistic
thoughts and behaviors.

• Continue using the perfec-

tionism diary, described in
this chapter, as long as you
are working on changing
your perfectionistic beliefs
and behaviors.
Chapter 6

Developing a Plan
for Change
Before beginning to use the strategies
for overcoming perfectionism, there
are several steps that should be taken
to prepare for change. In this chapter,
we will help you examine the costs
and benefits of becoming less perfect
so you can assess whether you really
are motivated to work on your perfec-
tionism at this time. We will also help
you identify specific goals for change,
so you can choose exercises that will
help you to reach those goals, and so
you can judge whether you are mak-
ing the improvements that you had
hoped to make.

In preparation for the process of

change, we also discuss ways of
choosing among the various treat-
ment strategies in this book, as well
as strategies for finding additional
help if the techniques described in the
book are difficult to implement on
your own. The chapter concludes with
a discussion of some possible
obstacles to overcoming perfection-
ism and how to deal with them.

Costs and Benefits of

Lowering Your
If perfectionism is a problem for you,
chances are that the high standards
you hold for yourself or others are
long-standing and deeply ingrained.
The thought of giving up these

standards may be very frightening for

a number of reasons. First, although
you may be aware of your tendency to
be perfectionistic, it may be difficult
for you to determine which beliefs are
overly perfectionistic and which
standards are appropriate. If over-
coming perfectionism involves lower-
ing certain standards, you may be
fearful of lowering the “wrong”
Second, you may be reluctant to
relax your standards if you believe
that your performance will suffer. For
example, if you believe that it is very
important to be on time for appoint-
ments and therefore you always allow
an extra hour to get anywhere, you
may be fearful of giving up this prac-
tice in case you end up being late for
appointments in the future. If you
tend to be very detailed in everything

you do (for example, when giving

people directions, writing memos,
cleaning), you may be fearful that
performing tasks in a less detailed
way will lead to problems. People of-
ten believe that their perfectionistic
standards keep everything in their life
from falling apart. They fear that giv-
ing up perfectionistic standards will
lead to chaos.
A third reason why people are re-
luctant to become less perfectionistic
is because they don’t want to seem in-
consistent or wishy-washy to others.
If you have spent a lot of time and en-
ergy trying to have others do things
your way or trying to create a certain
image of yourself, the thought of
changing your expectations or image
may feel threatening to you. It may be
very difficult to admit that you may
have been too strict, or even worse,

that you may have been wrong. It’s

ironic that most people admire others
who can admit when they have made
a mistake, yet it is often very difficult
for us to admit our own mistakes.
Before making the decision to be-
come less perfectionistic, you should
consider the possible costs and bene-
fits of changing. For some standards
and rules that you hold, the costs of
changing may outweigh the benefits.
For other standards, the benefits will
outweigh the costs. Examining the
costs and benefits of becoming less
perfectionistic can help you to decide
which standards to relax.

Exercise 6.1
Determining Benefits

and Negative Con-

sequences of Loosening
Perfectionistic Standards

In your journal, list all the possible

costs of becoming less perfectionistic.
Examples may include: I will make
more mistakes at work; I will be more
anxious while I get used to the idea of
being less rigid and perfectionistic;
my level of performance at school
may decrease; the level of perform-
ance of others around me may de-
crease; others may think I am incom-
petent; my home won’t be as clean
and organized; I won’t be able to find
anything; I will gain weight; and so
Many of the possible costs that
you list will be fairly unlikely to occur.

So, in addition to listing these costs,

you should estimate just how likely
that outcome is. To estimate the like-
lihood of a particular negative con-
sequence happening, use a scale ran-
ging from 0 (definitely will not occur)
to 100 (definitely will occur). An es-
timate of 50 means that a con-
sequence is equally likely to occur as
it is to not occur. Go back over your
list and add a number estimating the
likelihood that each consequence
might come true.
Now, list all the possible benefits
of becoming less perfectionistic.
Examples may include: I will be less
hurtful and critical of the people in
my family; people will enjoy spending
time with me; I will have time to do
more things; I will be less anxious
about making mistakes; work will be
more enjoyable; I will be less

concerned about what other people

think of me; my depression will de-
crease; and so on. As in the earlier
section on costs of becoming less per-
fectionistic, you should also estimate
the likelihood that each positive out-
come or benefit will occur if you are
able to decrease your perfectionistic
thinking and behavior. Use a scale
ranging from 0 (definitely will not oc-
cur) to 100 (definitely will occur). An
estimate of 50 means that a benefit is
equally likely to occur as it is to not

Identifying Goals
Before starting to overcome any prob-
lem, it’s important to define the prob-
lem and to identify goals. It’s not
enough to say that you want to “be-
come less perfectionistic.” The only

way to evaluate whether your perfec-

tionism has improved is to set specific
goals. Remember—your goals should
not be too perfectionistic! They
should be realistic and achievable.
Also, you should think about both
long-term and short-term goals.
Long-term goals may include changes
that you want to make over the next
year or even longer. Short-term goals
may involve changes that you want to
make over the next few days, weeks,
or months.
Although it is helpful to think of a
few general goals, you should also try
to come up with goals that are as spe-
cific as possible. For example, the
goal, “I will be less critical of my chil-
dren” is not as specific as the goal, “I
will not criticize the clothes that my
children wear to school.” The more
specific the goal, the easier it will be

to come up with strategies for reach-

ing the goal. Below are some ex-
amples of general and specific goals.

Exercise 6.2 Making

Your Own General and
Specific Goals

Now, think about what types of

changes you would like to make. Spe-
cifically, think about perfectionistic
ways of thinking or behaving that you
would like to decrease or stop all to-
gether. In your journal, make a list of
short-term goals and long-term goals.
For example, you can include goals
for the next month, as well as goals
for the next year. Of course, you may
choose other time periods if you
prefer. The main point to remember
is that you may have different goals
for the short term and the long term.
Although some goals may be realistic
targets for a year or two from now,

they may not be realistic goals for one

week or one month from now. In your
lists, include general goals, as well as
examples of specific goals that fall un-
der each general goal.

What to Change First:

Setting Priorities
Now that you have identified
thoughts and behaviors that you
would like to change, the next step is
figuring out where to start. There are
two general principles to keep in
mind when deciding which aspects of
your perfectionism to work on first:
which thoughts and behaviors cause
the most interference in your life, and
which thoughts and behaviors are
likely to be the easiest to change.

In most cases, it’s best to start

with the problem that interferes the
most in your life or causes the most
problems with other people. By
choosing to work on the most import-
ant goals first, your efforts will have
the largest possible impact on your
life in the shortest amount of time.
This will likely have the effect of mo-
tivating you to continue to work on
other aspects of your perfectionism.
In addition, you should also consider
which goals are easiest to meet. By
choosing to work on goals that are
very difficult to meet, you may end up
becoming discouraged and give up
before making any significant
Review the short-term and long-
term goals that you listed earlier. Put
them in order with respect to how im-
portant each goal is, as well as how

attainable. We recommend beginning

with the most impairing problem, but
try to choose goals that you feel are
manageable and realistic. If a prob-
lem seems too big and overwhelming,
it will be necessary to break it up into
smaller steps.

Exercise 6.3 Choosing

Your Priorities for

In your journal, list the most import-

ant goals on which you plan to work.
Ten or so goals is probably a good
number to start with. List the goals in
the order that you want to work on
them. Note that the list may change
as you begin working on these issues.
You may decide that a particular goal

is too difficult to work on right away.

Or, a goal from the bottom of your list
may become more important, de-
pending on what else is happening in
your life.

How to Choose Among

Specific Strategies
Chapters 7 and 8 describe many dif-
ferent techniques and exercises for
overcoming perfectionistic styles of
thinking and behaving. It is unlikely
that you will want to use each of the
methods listed. Because perfection-
ism affects different people in differ-
ent ways, this book includes a broad
range of strategies that are designed
to be helpful for different people.
When reading the next two chapters,
it’s better to choose a relatively small

number of techniques and to practice

them frequently. Overcoming perfec-
tionism requires learning new skills.
If you attempt to use all of the tech-
niques described in this book, you
will probably not learn any of them
well enough to use them effectively.
On the other hand, if you choose a
small number of strategies and prac-
tice them regularly, you are more
likely to notice change.
We recommend that you read
through chapters 7 and 8 once, taking
note of the techniques that seem most
relevant to you and then rereading
those sections. Also, you should
choose strategies that are practical,
given your lifestyle and your available
resources. After trying several of the
strategies described in these chapters,
you will quickly discover which ones
are likely to help you overcome your

perfectionistic thoughts and behavi-

ors. The main point to keep in mind
as you begin to implement the
strategies is that it’s better to do a few
things thoroughly than to attempt to
do everything suggested in this book.

The Importance of
Regular Practice
The strategies and exercises de-
scribed in the remainder of this book
will require regular practice. Ideally,
you should expect to conduct some
sort of practice almost every day. Al-
though some of these practices may
be quite brief, others may last up to
several hours. Exercises will include
such activities as completing diaries
each time you experience perfection-
istic thoughts, purposely making

small mistakes until the thought of

doing things imperfectly is less anxi-
ety provoking, and eliminating per-
fectionistic behaviors such as excess-
ive checking.
In many cases, these practices will
be exercises that you can integrate in-
to your normal activities (for ex-
ample, when talking to people, work-
ing, and so on), so they need not take
up much time. For other exercises,
you will need to set aside blocks of
time to practice. To be most effective,
practices should be regular, struc-
tured, and planned in advance. You
should plan to practice regardless of
whether you are in the mood when
the scheduled time actually comes.
Also, you should have a backup plan,
in case a particular practice falls

Involving Others in Your

Because perfectionism involves other
people, it may be important to in-
clude other people in your efforts to
overcome perfectionistic thoughts
and behaviors. There are several ways
in which involving others can be help-
ful. First, by reading relevant sections
of this book, people who are close to
you will develop a better understand-
ing of the causes of perfectionism and
the methods for changing perfection-
istic habits. This should help the
people in your life to be more patient
and understanding with you while
you work on becoming less
Second, some of the exercises de-
scribed in the remaining chapters of

the book may be difficult to do alone

and may depend on the cooperation
of those around you. For example, if
you want to become more comfort-
able with people in your family doing
things differently than you do, you
may want to make sure that your
family members understand the pur-
pose of the exercises and ask them if
they are willing to assist the process
by purposely doing things that you
view as imperfect.
Finally, it is likely that family,
friends, and coworkers have found
ways of working around your perfec-
tionism or compensating for diffi-
culties that you may have. For ex-
ample, people who fear that you will
be overly critical may avoid telling
you about things that they have done.
If you tend to be overly critical of
your own behavior, people may avoid

giving you feedback for fear of offend-

ing you. If you tend to avoid certain
activities (such as cooking, paying
bills, certain projects at work, and so
on), for fear of making mistakes, oth-
er people in your life may be doing
more than their share of these activit-
ies. If the people around you have
changed their behavior because of
your perfectionism, you may want to
have them stop behaviors that make
it easy for you to continue your per-
fectionistic habits, such as doing
things for you or purposely trying to
avoid saying anything that might trig-
ger a perfectionistic response from

When and How to Seek

Professional Help
You may find that it is too difficult to
overcome your perfectionism alone or
with the help of your family or
friends. It may be that your perfec-
tionistic beliefs are too rigid and diffi-
cult to change on your own, or it may
be that your anxiety is too intense to
conduct the practices described in
this book by yourself. Perhaps you
have other difficulties such as depres-
sion or significant anxiety that inter-
fere with your ability or motivation to
work on your perfectionism. Or, per-
haps you would benefit from working
with another person, such as a ther-
apist, to discuss problems that arise
during treatment or to check on your
progress. For many people, a trained

professional can help in ways that go

beyond what a book such as this can
There are several advantages of
seeking help from a psychologist, psy-
chiatrist, social worker, or other men-
tal health professional. A trained pro-
fessional can help to explain various
concepts, explore the causes of a
problem, be involved in practices,
generate appropriate exercises and
practices, help solve problems that
arise, and help to improve motiva-
tion. In addition, a therapist may be
qualified to treat the problems that
often go together with perfectionism,
including anxiety disorders, eating
disorders, anger, and depression. A
psychiatrist, family doctor, and some
psychologists can also prescribe med-
ications that may be helpful for prob-
lems with anxiety and depression, as

well as the perfectionism that can ac-

company these problems.
If you are interested in seeking
professional help, there are several
places to look for a therapist or doc-
tor. A good place to start is with your
family physician. He or she may know
of other professionals who can help.
Most therapists who are experienced
with problems such as anxiety and
depression are likely to be able to
help with your perfectionism. If you
suffer from a particular anxiety dis-
order, depression, or another specific
problem, there may also be clinics in
your area that specialize in your prob-
lem. Some specialty clinics (particu-
larly research and training clinics as-
sociated with universities) offer ser-
vices at reduced costs. In the third
section of this book, the chapters de-
scribe the types of treatments that

have been shown to be effective for

particular problems. Because there
are so many different types of ther-
apies available, it will be helpful for
you to have an idea of the type of
treatment that you are seeking.
Another place to get information
on treatment options is through na-
tional organizations that offer refer-
rals to consumers. An example is the
Anxiety Disorders Association of
America in Silver Spring, Maryland,
which has a comprehensive Web site,
including referrals to professionals
who can help. Additional information
on where to obtain treatment is avail-
able on the Web site for the National
Alliance on Mental Illness

Obstacles to Becoming
Less Perfectionistic
In order to maximize your chances of
making positive changes as you start
the process of overcoming your per-
fectionism, it will be helpful to anti-
cipate any obstacles that might get in
the way of your success. By preparing
for possible roadblocks in advance,
you will be less likely to be affected by
these potential difficulties.

If You’re Unable or Unwilling to

Consider Alternative Ways of
As we discussed previously, there
are three reasons why it’s often diffi-
cult to change ways of thinking, even
when your beliefs get in the way of

life. First, the natural tendency is to

assume that your thoughts are true.
In other words, if you are like most
people, your beliefs may be ingrained
and difficult to change. Second, if you
come across information that dis-
proves your beliefs, you probably
tend to view it as an exception, or
even worse, you ignore the informa-
tion. Instead, people tend to pay more
attention to information that con-
firms their beliefs. Finally, even when
you do begin to doubt whether a be-
lief is true, you may still do
everything you can to avoid admitting
that you have made a mistake. Perfec-
tionistic thinking is especially prone
to being rigid and difficult to change.
In order to become less perfectionist-
ic, you will need to be able to make a
commitment to consider the possibil-
ity that particular beliefs are not true

and that particular standards are not

helpful. The fact that you are reading
this book suggests that you’re aware
that perfectionism is a problem for
you, and this awareness is the first
step toward being willing to consider
the possibility of changing your per-
fectionistic thoughts.

If You Feel That Perfectionism

Isn’t Causing Significant Prob-
lems for You
You may feel that perfectionism is
not a big enough problem to warrant
spending all the time and energy
needed to change your perfectionistic
thoughts and behaviors. In fact, the
benefits of having high standards may
outweigh the costs. If this is the case,
you may not want to invest too much
in the strategies described in this

book. Even if you feel this way, it is

also possible that your high standards
do cause problems of which you are
unaware. For example, perhaps your
perfectionism has negative effects on
those who are close to you. Before as-
suming that your perfectionism is not
a problem, you may want to get a
second opinion from someone who
knows you well.
Even if perfectionism is currently
a problem, you may find that as you
practice the exercises in this book,
your perfectionism gradually inter-
feres less and less. As the problem
starts to be less impairing, your mo-
tivation to work on it may decrease.
You may start to think, “Why bother
spending all that time and effort on
the problem if it isn’t bothering me
anymore?” It is important to continue
to work on your perfectionism even

when it starts to improve. This per-

severance will help to build on the
gains that you have made. Also, con-
tinuing to use the strategies in this
book will help to prevent the problem
from getting worse again in the future
(for example, during a stressful time
in your life).

If You Don’t Believe That You

Can Change
Because perfectionism is part of
your personality, you may feel as
though becoming less perfectionistic
is beyond the realm of possibility. You
may believe that it is impossible to
change a person’s personality. If you
hold this belief, it may be helpful to
remember that your personality is
really just the sum of your beliefs, at-
titudes, and behaviors. Breaking

perfectionism down into its parts will

make it easier to make changes. On a
cautionary note, remember that just
having the belief that you cannot
change may have a negative impact
on your likelihood of making changes.
Researchers have shown consistently
that people’s expectations have an ef-
fect on whether they respond posit-
ively to therapy, medication, and oth-
er medical interventions. Therefore, it
will be helpful if you can be open-
minded and optimistic until you have
had a chance to see whether the
strategies described in this book are
likely to be effective for you.

If You Feel There Are Too Many

Other Things Going On in Your

You may find that there are other

stresses or demands on your time
that interfere with your ability to put
forth the necessary effort for over-
coming your perfectionism. Perhaps
you are dealing with extreme stress at
work or a serious problem in your re-
lationship. Or perhaps you are suffer-
ing from another difficulty (for in-
stance, excessive alcohol use, severe
depression, or a serious medical
problem). Or maybe you are just too
busy with work, school, or taking care
of your family. If this is the case, now
may not be the best time to begin
working on your perfectionism. If
your effort is only halfhearted, you
may only see a modest improvement.
You may need to decide whether it’s
worth beginning to overcome your
perfectionism now or if it would be
best to wait until you can devote more

time and energy to the problem. On

the other hand, if your life is always
stressful and busy, now may be as
good a time as any.

If You Are Too Anxious to

Many of the exercises described in
this book are anxiety provoking. They
involve purposely relaxing rules and
standards for how things “should” be.
For example, if you are overly con-
cerned with being neat and clean, you
may need to purposely leave things
messy and purposely come into con-
tact with things that are “dirty.” The
thought of allowing your standards to
be lowered may be terrifying. You
may fear making mistakes or having
things fall apart. This fear is common
among people who are using

cognitive and behavioral strategies to

overcome a problem. To deal with the
anxiety, you need to remember that it
will pass. With repeated practices, the
strategies described in this book will
be less scary. In fact, you will become
more and more comfortable letting go
of your perfectionistic thoughts and
behaviors as you work.
Chapter 7

In chapter 3, we discussed the ways in
which beliefs, interpretations, and
predictions contribute to negative
emotions such as anxiety, depression,
and anger. We also discussed how
negative thoughts contribute to per-
fectionism. You may recall from earli-
er chapters that people don’t respond
to what is actually occurring around
them. Rather, they respond to their
interpretations of what is happening
around them. For example, if you fear
making mistakes at work, it’s not the

possibility of making mistakes that

makes you anxious. Instead, it’s your
beliefs about the meaning of making
mistakes that cause you to feel upset
or nervous. Perhaps you assume that
making mistakes will lead to some
terrible consequence that can’t be
corrected or undone (such as being
fired or ridiculed by others). Or you
may believe that making mistakes is a
sign of weakness or incompetence.
Sometimes your thoughts are cor-
rect, and at other times they are in-
correct. Sometimes standards are ap-
propriate, and sometimes they are too
strict. Most people’s standards are
not universal, and therefore, other
people may not share them. In other
words, everyone creates their own
standards for performance based on
their upbringing, past experiences,
and beliefs about what kinds of

behavior are appropriate. Beliefs and

standards vary among individuals
and across groups, including people
from different cultures, ages, sexes,
occupations, education levels, geo-
graphical locations, and so on.
Although standards and beliefs
are subjective, people usually take for
granted that their interpretations, be-
liefs, predictions, and standards are
true. In other words, people assume
that their beliefs are facts. They may
also believe that other people share
their beliefs and high standards. Even
if they recognize that others have
lower standards, they may believe
that it is important to keep their own
standards from slipping. Becoming
less perfectionistic will involve relax-
ing your standards and changing your
perfectionistic beliefs. It will involve
treating your standards and beliefs as

possibilities or guesses about the way

the world should be—rather than as
hard facts.
Of course, you don’t need to
change all beliefs and standards.
Some expectations are appropriately
high, and there can be costs to letting
go of all standards that you have for
yourself or others. The task will be
trying to identify which beliefs are
unrealistic or excessive and to work
on changing those beliefs.

Using Thought Records

to Change Perfectionistic
Learning to change your perfection-
istic thoughts and standards is usu-
ally easier if you work through the
process on paper, at least at the

beginning. You can use your journal

for this purpose, or you can develop a
form to record and change your
thoughts (we provide an example of
such a form later in this chapter).
With practice, the process of chan-
ging your thoughts will become more
automatic, and you will no longer
need to use diaries or forms.

Steps for Changing

Perfectionistic Thoughts
Changing thoughts involves four ba-
sic steps: identifying perfectionistic
thoughts, listing possible alternative
thoughts, considering the advantages
and disadvantages of the original per-
fectionistic thoughts and the alternat-
ive thoughts, and choosing a more
realistic or helpful way to view the

situation. Although the process may

seem easy as we describe it here, it is
often more difficult in practice. Mas-
tering these strategies will require
perseverance and repetition.

Identifying Perfectionistic
Before your perfectionistic
thoughts can be changed, you must
first identify them. This can be diffi-
cult for two reasons. First, you may
incorrectly view your perfectionistic
thoughts as appropriate and accurate.
Second, you may be completely un-
aware of your perfectionistic assump-
tions—these thoughts may be so fa-
miliar and automatic that you don’t
even notice them.
It may be easier to identify times
when you are engaging in

perfectionistic thinking if you pay at-

tention to three particular situations.
First, notice when you feel that you
are not living up to your own expecta-
tions (for instance, you’re not per-
forming well at work or school; other
people are judging you to be unat-
tractive, incompetent, or overly
anxious; you are unhappy about some
aspect of your body, such as your
weight; you are anxious about saying
the wrong thing, and so on). Second,
notice when you feel that other
people are not living up to your ex-
pectations (for example, people at
work make too many careless mis-
takes, your children’s grades never
seem to live up to your expectations,
people don’t know how to drive prop-
erly, and so on). Finally, take note
when you find yourself engaging in
perfectionistic behaviors (such as

checking and rechecking your work,

apologizing too much for minor mis-
takes, exercising excessively to stay
thin, spending too much time clean-
ing, and so on). If you find yourself
engaging in perfectionistic behaviors
or holding on to standards that are
not being met, you may need to ask
yourself, “Am I thinking like a perfec-
tionist?” If you aren’t sure, ask
someone you trust for their opinion.
If you have difficulty identifying
your perfectionistic thoughts, we re-
commend that you read chapter 3
again. That chapter lists types of per-
fectionistic thinking styles and
provides several examples of each.

Listing Possible Alternative


Once you have identified a partic-

ular perfectionistic belief, the next
step is to consider possible alternative
beliefs or thoughts. This can be diffi-
cult because perfectionistic thoughts
and standards are often ingrained
and automatic, and it can feel almost
impossible to even consider other
ways of viewing a situation. One way
of helping with this process is to ask
yourself the question, “How might
someone else view this situation?”
You can even think about particular
people in your life (for instance, your
spouse, best friend, boss, daughter,
father, and so on) and ask yourself
how they might view the situation.
This strategy, which involves taking
another person’s perspective, is dis-
cussed in more detail later in this

Considering the Advantages and

Disadvantages of the Original
and Alternative Thoughts
The next step involves identifying
the advantages and disadvantages of
holding on to your original perfec-
tionistic thoughts and standards
versus adopting the alternative
thoughts and standards. Strategies to
use here include evaluating the evid-
ence for and against particular beliefs
or standards and testing out the ac-
curacy of your beliefs using mini-ex-
periments (also known as hypothesis
testing). These and other techniques
are described later in this chapter.

Choosing More Realistic or

Helpful Ways to View the

After you have evaluated the ad-

vantages and disadvantages of chan-
ging your beliefs and standards, you
will be in a position to choose a more
realistic and helpful way of thinking
about the situation. Changing your
thoughts will lead to a reduction in
anxiety, depression, anger, or other
negative feelings associated with

Exercise 7.1 A Diary

for Changing Your Per-
fectionistic Thoughts

Here is a diary that you can use to

help you work through the four steps
for changing perfectionistic thoughts.
We include two examples of com-
pleted diaries as well as a blank diary

that you can complete whenever you

find yourself thinking or behaving in
a perfectionistic way. You can either
develop a similar form to complete
whenever you experience perfection-
istic thinking, or you can record your
responses in your journal. If you are
unable to complete the diary at the
time that you notice your perfection-
ism getting the best of you, you may
complete it later.
Perfectionism Diary (Example 1)
Date: July 17 Time: 2:00
Situation: My husband is fifteen
minutes late picking me up
from work.
Emotions: Anger, impatience,


• My husband should never

be late to pick me up.

• I should not be kept wait-

ing, even for a few minutes.

• My husband cannot be
counted on for anything.

• My husband is always late

with everything I ask him to
do for me.

• It’s okay for my husband to
be late sometimes.

• It’s okay to be kept waiting


• My husband can be counted

on most of the time.

• Sometimes he does do
things when I would like
him to.

• My expectation that my
husband always pick me up
on time only causes me to
get angry and frustrated. It
doesn’t seem to change the
situation at all.

• If I were more willing to be

picked up a bit late from
time to time, I would prob-
ably be less upset when it
happens. The time I waste
arguing and being angry is
much more than the time I

spend waiting for my hus-

band when he is late.

• If I plan ahead, I can deal

with his being late by using
the time to relax, read a
book, or make a telephone

• Even though my husband is

sometimes ten or fifteen
minutes late when he picks
me up from work, he tends
to be very responsible and
considerate in most areas of
our relationship.

• Just because I am early for

everything I do, that doesn’t
mean that everyone else
should always be early.

• The worst thing that will

happen if I am kept waiting
is that I will arrive home a
few minutes later.


• Perhaps being picked up
late from work is more
manageable than I origin-
ally thought.

Perfectionism Diary (Example 2)

Date: December 29 Time: 8:00
P.M. ___________
Situation: I told a joke at a party
and nobody found it funny. In
fact, my friends seemed to ignore
me and they changed
the focus of the conversation to a
different topic.

Emotions: Embarrassment, sad-

ness, anxiety

• I should always be enter-
taining and funny.

• If I am not entertaining,
people won’t like me.

• People find me to be awk-

ward, anxious, and boring.

• It’s okay not to be enter-
taining all the time.

• People won’t judge me on

the basis of one uncomfort-
able interaction.

• People find me interesting

to be with.

• Nobody is entertaining all
the time. Everyone has
awkward moments from
time to time.

• My friends know me well

and are unlikely to judge
me based on one conversa-
tion. In fact, some of my
friends are not terribly good
at telling jokes, and I still
enjoy being with them.

• For the rest of the evening,

people seemed to talk to me
normally, suggesting that

they found me interesting

and enjoyed my company.

• People probably find me in-

teresting because they con-
tinue to invite me to spend
time with them.


• Perhaps I need to give my-
self permission to make
mistakes when I am talking
to other people. I don’t
judge other people when
they say something unusual
or awkward. Perhaps they
are not judging me when I
make mistakes.

Your Perfectionism Diary (blank


Date: ___________ Time:

Emotions: ___________

• ___________

• ___________

• ___________

• ___________

• ___________

• ___________

• ___________

• ___________

• ___________


• ___________

• ___________

• ___________

Strategies for Changing

There are many different ways to
change thoughts. In this section, we

describe methods that are often help-

ful. As you will see, these methods
overlap with one another to some ex-
tent and aren’t completely separate or
distinct. Ideally, you should practice
using strategies such as these each
time you find yourself engaging in
perfectionistic thinking. You may
even use these strategies before the
thought occurs. For example, if you
are about to enter a situation or get
involved in some activity (for ex-
ample, a hobby, sport, or task at
work) that usually leads to perfection-
istic thinking, you can anticipate the
thoughts and challenge them before
they even occur. If you forget to use
these strategies, or if it’s not practical
to use these techniques before or dur-
ing the episode of perfectionistic
thinking, they may be used later.

Examining the Evidence

One of the most useful methods of
challenging perfectionistic beliefs is
to examine the evidence that con-
firms and contradicts your beliefs.
This process may involve examining
your previous experiences in a given
situation. For example, if you are a
student who believes that it would be
terrible to receive less than an A on a
paper, you could try to recall what
happened in the past when you re-
ceived a lower grade on a paper or ex-
am. Did you survive the experience?
What happens when other people re-
ceive grades that are lower than an A?
Do terrible things necessarily occur as
a result? The following conversation
between a therapist and Maureen il-
lustrates how examining evidence for
and against perfectionistic beliefs can
be a helpful way of changing them.

Maureen: It really bothers me when

my children lie. Yesterday at
dinner, my four-year-old son
fed his broccoli to the dog.
When I asked him what
happened to his broccoli, he
said that he ate it. I was up
all night worrying that my
son was going to grow up to
be a pathological liar.
Therapist: Rather than automatically
assuming that your predic-
tion is true, let’s look at the
evidence. Can you think of
any evidence to support your
prediction that your son is
going to become a patholo-
gical liar?
Maureen: Well, I imagine that most
people who lie a lot begin
their lying in childhood.

Therapist: Are there reasons to think

that your prediction may not
come true?
Maureen: I guess my son doesn’t lie
that often. In fact, some-
times when he does lie, he
feels so guilty that he admits
his lie a day or two later.
Therapist: Can you think of times
when you lied to your
Maureen: I remember when I got into
a minor accident in my fath-
er’s car. I told him that the
car was hit in a shopping-
mall parking lot, while I was
Therapist: Did you grow up to be-
come a pathological liar?

Maureen: No, I guess I didn’t.

Therapist: No one likes to be lied to,
but most people do hide the
truth from time to time. Per-
haps we can find ways of
helping you to be more ac-
cepting of others when they
tell small lies.
Maureen: But isn’t it wrong to lie?
Therapist: Being lied to can lead oth-
ers to feel hurt and lose trust
in the person who lies.
Nevertheless, the severity of
the lying can be looked at on
a continuum. For example,
there is a big difference
between telling a small lie to
avoid hurting a person’s
feelings (like when you tell
someone you like their new

haircut even when you

don’t) versus cheating on
your partner and then lying
about the affair.
Maureen: I guess I have been treating
all lying as the same. I was
thinking that if someone
told a small lie, they were
likely to lie about anything
and everything. I can see
how that isn’t very realistic.
Examining the evidence for your
beliefs can combat many of the per-
fectionistic thinking styles that are
described in chapter 3. For example,
examining the evidence for and
against a particular thought can be
used to combat filtering (paying at-
tention only to information that con-
firms or supports a perfectionistic
thought). Similarly, catastrophic

thinking (the tendency to assume that

things would be terrible if a particular
event were to occur) can be combated
by asking questions such as, “What if
that event did occur?” and “How
could I cope with that if it were to

One reason why people sometimes
maintain perfectionistic beliefs is a
lack of accurate information. Seeking
accurate information on a given topic
can help change perfectionistic or ri-
gid beliefs. Becoming educated is one
way of examining the evidence that
supports and refutes perfectionistic
For example, education can be a
helpful method of changing unrealist-
ic standards with respect to weight

and physical appearance. Many

people are overly concerned about
maintaining a weight that is actually
below what is normally considered to
be healthy. In Western cultures, this
tends to be a more frequent issue for
women than men. These unrealistic
standards are probably related in part
to constant exposure to models and
celebrities who themselves are under-
weight. To help people change their
overly stringent beliefs about how
much body fat is acceptable, health
professionals often educate their pa-
tients and clients about their ideal
weight range—that is, the weight
range that has been shown to be pre-
dictive of living longer and having
fewer health problems.

Taking Another Perspective


Taking the perspective of someone

else is a powerful way of changing
perfectionistic beliefs. This can be
achieved by asking the question,
“How do other people view this situ-
ation?” Allowing yourself to view the
situation as other people might can
help to change unrealistic beliefs.
Consider the following conversation
between a therapist and Enrico.
Enrico: If people notice how anxious I
am during my presentation,
they will surely think I’m a
complete idiot.
Therapist: How would they know
you’re anxious?
Enrico: I tend to blush when I’m
nervous. Also, they would
notice me losing my train of

thought and forgetting

Therapist: Put yourself in the shoes of
the audience members for a
moment. Can you think of a
time when you have seen
other people blush or lose
their train of thought?
Enrico: I have a good friend who of-
ten blushes.
Therapist: What do you think of this
person when you notice
them blushing?
Enrico: Actually, I rarely notice. If I
do notice, I don’t really give
it much thought. I suppose
that I might think he’s

Therapist: Do you think he is an

Enrico: No, but that may be because
he’s my friend.
Therapist: When you see another
presenter blushing, forget-
ting words, or looking
anxious, do you think he or
she is an idiot?
Enrico: No.
Therapist: Do you think others would
view the presenter as an
Enrico: I suppose it is possible, but
probably not.
Therapist: Then how likely is it that
you will be viewed as an idi-
ot if you blush or forget a

few words during your

Enrico: I guess it’s pretty unlikely.
But, it’s still a possibility.
That’s what bothers me.
Therapist: What if one or more
people in the audience actu-
ally did think you were an
idiot? Would there be any
real consequences?
Enrico: I always assumed that it
would be terrible, but as I
think about it now, I can’t
think of any real con-
sequences. I guess nothing
would happen.
Therapist: Is it okay for some people
not to like you?

Enrico: I would prefer to always make

a good impression, but I
imagine that it wouldn’t be
the end of the world if I
made a less-than-perfect im-
pression sometimes.
One way of making it easier to
take the perspective of other people is
to actually ask other people how they
think about a particular situation. For
example, Katie believed that it was
essential that her house be completely
dusted, cleaned, and vacuumed daily.
Her parents kept a very clean home,
and she intended to do the same. This
belief led Katie to spend several hours
a day cleaning, at the expense of be-
ing able to look for work or enjoy oth-
er hobbies or activities. It also led to
frequent arguments with her family
because they refused to help. From

their perspective, it was enough to va-

cuum and dust once a week. As a
homework assignment, Katie was in-
structed to ask several friends and
neighbors how often they dusted and
vacuumed. She was surprised to dis-
cover that nobody—not even people
whose homes she considered to be
spotless—cleaned as often as she did.
After surveying her friends’ cleaning
habits, she was willing to try cleaning
less often and her family began to
help more frequently.

Compromising with Yourself

and Others
Rather than being unwilling to ac-
cept anything less than perfection, try
asking the question, “What level of
imperfection is acceptable?” You may
believe that if you lower your

standards regarding a particular di-

mension or issue, chaos will ensue. If
the thought of lowering your stand-
ardstoo much is frightening, perhaps
you can consider lowering them
somewhat. This is a good technique
for dealing with all-or-nothing think-
ing. If you tend to view situations in
terms of black and white or right and
wrong, it can be helpful to comprom-
ise by viewing situations in shades of
gray and realizing that there are dif-
ferent ways of doing things. Viewing
situations as either right or wrong can
lead you to miss out on important
complexities that are inherent in
most situations.
You can also compromise with
others when your standards are dif-
ferent than those of people around
you. For example, if you have diffi-
culty discarding or giving away old

objects (things like clothing,

magazines, household items, and so
on) and your family asks you to re-
duce the clutter, perhaps you could
agree to throw out items that you
haven’t looked at or used for a certain
length of time (one year, five years,
and so on). This might be a good
compromise between keeping
everything (which is what your per-
fectionism may be telling you to do)
and throwing out everything (which is
what your family may be telling you
to do).

Hypothesis Testing
An excellent way to test the accur-
acy of your perfectionistic thoughts
and predictions is to carry out small
experiments, a process also known as
hypothesis testing. Carefully designed

experiments will provide an oppor-

tunity to disprove your perfectionistic
beliefs. For example, if you tend to
write papers that are too detailed, try
leaving out some of the detail and
seeing what happens. Regardless of
the outcome, you will obtain valuable
information. If there is no con-
sequence, you will learn that your be-
liefs about the importance of includ-
ing all of the details are not true. On
the other hand, if your boss tells you
that your most recent report was not
detailed enough, you will learn that
the amount of detail you had in your
earlier reports was appropriate and
you can behave accordingly in the
Hypothesis testing can be used to
test the validity of most perfectionist-
ic predictions. By behaving in ways
that do not meet your own high

standards (for instance, purposely

making small mistakes in your work,
saying things incorrectly, leaving the
house dirty, and so on), you will learn
whether the standards are in fact ne-
cessary. Of course, you want to
choose exercises that are relevant to
your perfectionistic thoughts. If you
are not overly concerned about the
cleanliness of your house, there is no
reason for you to purposely leave the
house messy. Also, you should use
good judgment when designing
hypothesis-testing experiments.
Don’t plan experiments that have a
very good chance of backfiring and
leading to serious negative con-
sequences. For example, if you are a
nurse who checks medications dozens
of times because you worry about giv-
ing a patient an incorrect drug, don’t
purposely give a patient the wrong

medication just to see what happens!

Instead, a good exercise might be to
find out how often most nurses check
medications before dispensing them
to a patient and do what they do. In
other words, check once or twice, but
not dozens of times.

Exercise 7.2 Hypo-

thesis Testing to Change
Your Perfectionistic

Evaluate the accuracy of your perfec-

tionistic beliefs by designing and car-
rying out experiments to test out your
hypotheses. In your journal, record
the day and time, as well as a descrip-
tion of the experiment you’ve decided
to conduct. Before conducting the

experiment, record any specific pre-

dictions about what you think will
happen. Then, conduct the experi-
ment and record what actually hap-
pens. You may be surprised at how
often your predictions don’t come
true. Here is an example of what you
might write in your journal for a par-
ticular experiment.

Changing Your Social-Compar-

ison Habits

As mentioned in chapter 3, every-

one compares themselves to other
people as a way of evaluating their
standing or performance in a particu-
lar area. Most people compare them-
selves to their peers. For example, if
they want to evaluate whether they
are doing a good job at work, they
might compare themselves to their
People who are perfectionists may
be more likely to compare themselves
to people who are much more experi-
enced and skilled in that particular
area. For example, perfectionistic am-
ateur musicians might compare
themselves to professional musicians
who have already achieved great suc-
cess (as measured by their ability to
play music, their income, or their
popularity). The tendency to compare
oneself to people who are perceived

as significantly more skilled, attract-

ive, intelligent, physically fit, or “bet-
ter” in some other way can make an
individual feel more depressed or
anxious about not meeting his or her
own high standards. Therefore, it
may be helpful to try to limit your so-
cial comparisons to people who are
more similar to you in a particular

Looking at the Big Picture

Perfectionism is sometimes asso-
ciated with a tendency to focus on un-
important details rather than looking
at the big picture. Looking at the big
picture involves assessing the overall
impact of a particular event, situ-
ation, or outcome on your life. Situ-
ations that seem so important in the
moment rarely end up being

particularly important, even a short

time later. Below are some examples
of perfectionistic statements followed
by alternative statements that illus-
trate how to look at the big picture.

Using Coping Statements

The process of changing perfec-
tionistic thoughts and beliefs is com-
plex. It involves using any of a num-
ber of techniques to identify your
negative thoughts and replace them
with more realistic alternative
thoughts. Sometimes, you may not
have the time to challenge your per-
fectionistic thoughts using some of
the strategies already described in
this chapter. Other times, you may
feel so anxious, depressed, or angry
that it is difficult to think clearly
about the situation. Coping state-
ments may be helpful in cases where
it is difficult to use some of the other
strategies discussed in this chapter.
Coping statements are simple phrases
that you can memorize and say to
yourself when you find yourself
thinking like a perfectionist. For

example, saying to yourself, “It’s okay

to make mistakes,” can make it easier
to get through a stressful or difficult
task. Similarly, the phrase, “It’s okay
if some people don’t like me,” can
make it easier to deal with social situ-
ations that are anxiety provoking. Re-
minding yourself that there are many
different right ways to fold laundry
can help decrease the frustration that
occurs when your family members
fold the laundry differently than you
like it.
Coping statements involve more
than just “positive thinking.” In fact,
coping statements should reflect
thoughts that you actually can be-
lieve, and they should be realist-
ic—not just positive. For example, if
you typically find yourself becoming
anxious when giving a presentation, it
wouldn’t be helpful to prepare for a

talk by saying to yourself, “I will not

be anxious during this presentation.”
On the other hand, it might help to
remind yourself that even if you do
become anxious, there will be no real
consequences, other than the tempor-
ary discomfort that you feel. If you
decide to use coping statements, we
recommend that you record them on
an index card and carry them with
you. This will help prompt your
memory until these statements be-
come second nature.

Tolerating Uncertainty and

Perfectionists go to great pains to
control many different aspects of
their lives, including their own beha-
vior, the behavior of other people,
and the environment in which they

live. Although most people feel more

comfortable when they can predict
and control events that occur (partic-
ularly negative events), the need to
know about and control events is of-
ten much stronger for people who
have rigid, perfectionistic beliefs. For
example, a person who is applying for
a job may find it very difficult to wait
until she finds out whether the job
materializes. Similarly, arriving home
to find a note from your partner say-
ing that he or she will be home “later”
may be frustrating if there is no spe-
cific time mentioned in the note. Be-
cause you often cannot control or pre-
dict things that occur, it can be help-
ful to find ways to tolerate some de-
gree of uncertainty and ambiguity in
your life.
One way of dealing with uncer-
tainty involves mentally preparing for

several possible outcomes. To return

to the examples described earlier, the
person who is waiting to find out
about the job can make some de-
cisions about what she might do if she
gets the job and what she might do if
she doesn’t. Similarly, if you are im-
patiently waiting for your partner to
come home but have no idea when to
expect him or her, you can prepare
for the possibility that he or she will
return in the next few minutes, in an
hour, or in several hours. By prepar-
ing for different possible outcomes,
the uncertainty is likely to be less
frustrating or anxiety provoking.
Another way of combating the
need for certainty and control is to
ask yourself questions such as, “Why
do I need to know what will hap-
pen?”, “Can I cope with not know-
ing?”, “Is it really as important as it

feels for me to control this situation

or to be able to predict exactly how it
will turn out?”

Difficulty Believing Your

Alternative Thoughts
One of the most common complaints
of individuals who try to use the
strategies described in this chapter is
what is sometimes called the “head/
heart problem.” The head/heart prob-
lem occurs when an individual knows
rationally that a particular style of
thinking is incorrect or inappropriate,
but nevertheless feels that the negat-
ive way of thinking is correct. In other
words, the head is able to think about
the situation in a realistic way, but
the “heart” continues to react to the
situation in a perfectionistic way. For

example, you may realize rationally

that there is generally very little to
lose by making small mistakes.
Nevertheless, you may continue to
feel awful every time you do certain
things incorrectly.
As you think about the head/heart
problem, remember two things. First,
realize that your perfectionistic be-
liefs have probably been around for a
long time. The techniques described
in this chapter are skills that need to
be built through practice. It will take
a while for your perfectionistic beliefs
to change. With practice, it should be-
come easier to believe the new, more
flexible ways of thinking. Second, it is
possible that trying to think rationally
about situations that trigger your per-
fectionism may not be enough. You
may actually need to do something
differently rather than just trying to

think differently. The techniques de-

scribed in the next chapter involve
changing perfectionistic behaviors.
Behavioral strategies are among the
most powerful ways to change
thoughts, because they create new
learning experiences that directly dis-
prove your perfectionistic thoughts.
Chapter 8

Why Change
Perhaps the most effective method of
overcoming perfectionism is to
change the behaviors that help to
keep your perfectionistic beliefs, atti-
tudes, and predictions alive. If you
have a tendency to set very high
standards for yourself or others, you
probably use some of the behaviors

discussed in chapter 4, either to en-

sure that your standards are met or to
avoid situations that force you to con-
front your high standards. Examples
of perfectionistic behaviors include
overcompensating by doing much
more than is necessary to deal with a
situation, unnecessary checking and
reassurance seeking, repeating beha-
viors, excessive organizing and list
making, procrastination, failure to
delegate tasks to others, and avoid-
ance of anxiety-provoking situations.
Behaviors associated with perfec-
tionism help to maintain the prob-
lem. By engaging in these behaviors,
you prevent yourself from testing out
and disproving your perfectionistic
thoughts. In other words, continuing
to behave like a perfectionist makes it
difficult to stop thinking like a perfec-
tionist. For example, if you believe

that only by checking and rechecking

your work can you maintain your
high standards, the act of repeatedly
checking your work will prevent you
from ever finding out whether that
belief is true.
Similarly, procrastinating on a
project because you are worried about
not being able to do an adequate job
prevents you from ever finding out
whether that prediction is true. In
fact, procrastination often makes it
more difficult to perform well be-
cause, in the end, you have less time
and are under more pressure. There-
fore, procrastination can end up con-
firming your anxiety-provoking be-
liefs about not being able to do a job
In small amounts, the behaviors
we are describing as perfectionistic

can be helpful. For example,

proofreading an important report
once or twice is likely to improve the
quality of your work. Putting off an
unpleasant task for a short time may
give you the necessary break you need
to tackle the job later. On the other
hand, overdoing these behaviors is
likely to cause problems. For ex-
ample, excessive checking gives you
less time to do other things and may
even increase your anxiety. Correct-
ing other people too often may lead
them to feel inadequate or angry with
you for not trusting them. Including
too much detail in your conversations
with other people can lead the other
person to become bored and to start
daydreaming—therefore missing
much of what you are trying to say.
Changing the behavior patterns
that are associated with your

perfectionism is a key step toward

overcoming the problem. The
strategies described in this chapter
are especially important for people
who have difficulty identifying or
changing specific thoughts using the
cognitive strategies discussed in
chapter 7. The techniques in chapter 7
involve trying to change thoughts by
examining the evidence for and
against them and by trying to replace
negative thinking patterns with more
realistic beliefs. In contrast, the beha-
vioral strategies discussed in this
chapter change beliefs directly by
providing new learning experiences
that disprove the thoughts. Therefore,
changing perfectionistic behaviors
leads to automatic changes in perfec-
tionistic thoughts.

Strategies for Changing

Perfectionistic Behaviors
In this section, we discuss a range of
strategies that are effective for chan-
ging your perfectionistic behaviors.
We’ll begin with exposure, which in-
volves directly confronting the situ-
ations that make you uncomfortable.

Exposure-Based Strategies
For the past few decades, ther-
apies based on exposure have been
used to treat anxiety problems such
as social anxiety and obsessive-com-
pulsive disorder and, to some extent,
other problems such as depression
and eating disorders. Basically, ex-
posure involves confronting a feared
object or situation over and over

again until the fear decreases. For

people who fear driving, we encour-
age them to practice driving initially
in safe settings until the discomfort
subsides. For people who fear
heights, we have them encounter in-
creasingly high places until they no
longer experience significant fear. Ex-
posure is the best strategy to use for
dealing with situations that trigger in-
tense negative reactions, such as fear
or anger. Similarly, exposure can be
especially helpful for people who
avoid situations because of their
Exposure is a very powerful
strategy for dealing with unrealistic
fears. In the case of certain phobias,
such as animal phobias, most indi-
viduals are able to overcome their
fear in a matter of hours (Antony et
al. 2001; Rowa, McCabe and Antony

2006). For other fears, changes often

take longer, but still a considerable
percentage of people benefit from
exposure-based treatments (Moscov-
itch, Antony, and Swinson, 2009). In
our experience, exposure is also very
useful for dealing with perfectionism,
which is often associated with a fear
of being imperfect or failing to meet
some goal or standard. In dealing
with perfectionism, exposure involves
purposely allowing oneself to re-
peatedly encounter “imperfect” situ-
ations that cause anxiety, frustration,
or discomfort, until they are no
longer a problem.
The effects of exposure on fear
and anxiety are universal. Even anim-
als appear to become less anxious
after repeated exposure to a frighten-
ing situation. For example, a new
puppy may be fearful of strangers or

of walking near busy streets. With re-

peated exposure, however, these situ-
ations become easier. In our experi-
ence, even spiders respond to expos-
ure. When we work with people who
are phobic of spiders, we encourage
them to confront spiders by being
near them and eventually touching
them. Not only do our clients become
less fearful of the spiders, but the
spiders seem to become less fearful of
our clients. By the end of the treat-
ment session, the spider is much less
likely to run away, compared to the
beginning of the session.
In order to use exposure as a
treatment for perfectionism, you
must first identify situations that
make you uncomfortable and then
create exposure practices to target
those particular situations. Later in
this chapter, we describe exactly how

to conduct exposure practices for par-

ticular situations that may occur.

Why Exposure Works

Exposure is based on the premise
that people can get used to almost
anything if they are given enough
time. For example, people who go
camping in the wilderness (as well as
contestants on the TV show, Surviv-
or) get used to being dirty if they
don’t have access to running water for
a shower or bath. During war, people
may even get used to the sound of
bombs going off in nearby
There are several different explan-
ations for why exposure works. One
of the most compelling theories is
based on a cognitive model. From a
cognitive view, exposure works by

changing a person’s beliefs about the

feared situation. In other words, after
repeated experiences in the feared
situation, the person gradually learns
that nothing bad is going to happen
and eventually comes to see the situ-
ation as nonthreatening and safe. In
the case of perfectionism, exposure
works in part by teaching a person
that even if mistakes are made, the
consequences are usually not terrible.
Even if your performance is not to
someone else’s liking, the situation is
likely to be manageable. The same
rule applies when someone else’s be-
havior doesn’t meet your high stand-
ards. It’s bound to happen, and when
it does, it’s unlikely to be the end of
the world. Exposure to situations
where your standards are unlikely to
be met is an excellent way to learn
that these situations need not be

threatening or that you may benefit

from adjusting your standards.

Types of Exposure
There are different ways in which
exposure can be implemented. For
example, exposure can be conducted
live (also called in vivo exposure) or
in the imagination. Although we re-
commend live exposure whenever
possible, exposure in imagination
may be appropriate in cases where
live exposure is impractical, im-
possible, or too frightening. For ex-
ample, if you tend to be very
frightened of making mistakes during
presentations, we recommend first
that you try live exposure by giving
presentations and even making minor
mistakes that are unlikely to cause
any real harm (for example,

purposely pausing for a few moments,

as if you’ve lost your train of
thought). However, if the thought of
giving a real presentation is too over-
whelming, you could start by imagin-
ing that you are giving a presentation
and work up to the real thing.
A second way in which exposure
practices can vary is in terms of how
gradually steps are taken. We don’t
recommend that you start by practi-
cing in the most upsetting situation
that you can imagine. Rather, we re-
commend that you start with easier
situations and gradually work up to
more difficult situations. The rate at
which you take steps toward more
and more difficult situations is up to
you. The faster you take steps, the
quicker you will learn to tolerate
more difficult situations. However,
taking steps more quickly may also

lead to more intense discomfort dur-

ing the practices.

How to Conduct Exposure

You may be thinking to yourself,
“I’m already exposed to the situation
that I fear from time to time, but it
doesn’t seem to help.” In fact, you
may even have had experiences when
your fear became worse after expos-
ure to a situation you fear. For expos-
ure to be effective, it has to be done in
a particular way. In everyday life, ex-
posure to feared situations tends to
be unpredictable, brief, and infre-
quent. For example, when individuals
with a spider phobia encounter a
spider, it is usually a surprise (unpre-
dictable exposure). In addition, they
usually leave the situation quickly
(brief exposure) and make sure it

doesn’t happen again (infrequent ex-

posure). Also, people who are anxious
or uncomfortable in a particular situ-
ation tend to use subtle ways of
avoiding the full impact of the situ-
ation (such as distraction, excessive
checking, or other overprotective be-
haviors), so they don’t really benefit
from the exposure.
To maximize the benefits of ex-
posure practices, there are several
steps you can take. First, in preparing
to conduct exposure practices, devel-
op an exposure hierarchy. An expos-
ure hierarchy is a list of anxiety-pro-
voking situations that are ranked in
terms of difficulty. This list can be
used to help guide your practices. The
items in the hierarchy should be as
specific as possible and should in-
clude items that are practical and
easy to set up when you are ready. In

other words, you should not choose

items that would be impossible to try
even if you wanted to. Following are
some examples of exposure practices
that can be conducted to change par-
ticular types of perfectionistic

Once you have identified specific

exercises that may help to challenge
your high standards, the next step is

to develop your exposure hierarchy.

First, generate a list of ten to twenty
exposure exercises. They should in-
clude items that range in difficulty
from mildly difficult to extremely dif-
ficult. Next, estimate (using a scale
from 0 to 100) how uncomfortable
you will be conducting each practice.
The final step is to rank the items in
the hierarchy from hardest to easiest.
After developing your exposure
hierarchy, you will be ready to start
your exposure practices. Start with
easier items, and work your way up to
those that are more difficult. As you
go along, you will find that some
items become easy, and you may
want to delete those from the hier-
archy. Some steps may be too diffi-
cult, in which case you can add some
in-between steps to make the process
more gradual. It is okay to skip steps

as you go along. The quicker you take

steps, the quicker the situations will
become easier. On the other hand,
quicker steps will likely lead to more
discomfort during your practices.
Choose a pace that provides a balance
between exercises that are manage-
able but also challenging.
If you have several different areas
of perfectionism, you can develop
separate exposure hierarchies for
each area. For example, if you have
very high standards with respect to
cleanliness and school work, you can
develop a hierarchy of situations for
each of these areas. Or, if you prefer,
you may combine them into one hier-
archy and work on them together. De-
ciding between these two approaches
is a matter of preference. However,
you should keep in mind that trying
to do too many things at once may

compromise your success. Here is a

sample hierarchy for someone with
social anxiety who is afraid of making
mistakes in front of other people.

Exercise 8.1 Develop-

ing Your Own Exposure

In your journal, make a list of items

that you might include in your expos-
ure hierarchy. Next, rate your fear
level for each item, using a scale ran-
ging from 0 (no fear or anxiety) to
100 (maximum fear or anxiety). Fin-
ally, rewrite your list in order of diffi-
culty, with the most difficult items at
the top, and the easier items at the
bottom. Use the sample hierarchy as
a guide to help you develop your own


Exposure works best when it is
predictable and under your control.
Whenever possible, plan your prac-
tices carefully and ensure that they
have predictable outcomes. For ex-
ample, if you are working on

becoming less perfectionistic about

your physical appearance, decide in
advance how you will practice break-
ing your standards for appearance
(for example, spending less time on
your hair, wearing clothes that don’t
match, and so on). Ensuring the prac-
tices are predictable is most import-
ant when you first begin to practice.
Later, you can purposely build more
unpredictable practices into your
For many practices, you can’t pos-
sibly know the outcome. For example,
if you decide to practice arriving a few
minutes late for appointments (to
compensate for your belief that you
always need to be early for
everything), you may not be able to
predict what will happen. Some
people may not care, whereas others
may be annoyed at having to wait for

you. To deal with this situation, you

can imagine several possible out-
comes and think about how you can
deal with them if they occur. Of
course, you don’t want to choose
practices that are likely to get you into
big trouble, like not showing up for
work at all or completely missing a fi-
nal exam. If you’re not sure whether a
practice is appropriate and safe, ask a
few people whom you trust for their


The goal of exposure is to learn
that you can be in a situation and
eventually feel comfortable. Exposure
works best when the practice is pro-
longed. So, if you are nervous about
being around people you don’t know

because you may say something “stu-

pid,” try spending an extended period
with someone who makes you
anxious (perhaps having a long
lunch) until your anxiety decreases or
until you learn that you can manage
the situation. If you are uncomfort-
able leaving a mess in your house, try
leaving things messy until you get
used to it. Although prolonged expos-
ure works best, some exposures are
necessarily brief (things like asking a
question in a meeting). In other situ-
ations, you may feel too overwhelmed
to stay in the situation until the fear
decreases. That’s okay. However, the
best way to compensate for brief ex-
posures is to repeat them often. If you
absolutely must stop an exposure
practice early, the best thing you can
do is to repeat the practice as soon as


Exposure works best if the prac-
tices are spaced closely together. For
example, if you are afraid of speaking
in front of groups because you may
make a mistake, giving presentations
once a year will probably never lead
to a reduction in your fear. On the
other hand, if you practice giving
presentations for five or ten days in a
row, you will notice a substantial re-
duction in fear over the course of the
practices. Weekly practice works bet-
ter than practicing once a month.
Daily practice works better than once
a week. We recommend that you try
to practice at least four or five days a
week for an extended period each
time. Or, if the situation is one that
comes up even more frequently, try to

practice whenever you have the



Don’t measure the success of an
exposure practice by whether you feel
uncomfortable. Rather, a successful
exposure practice is one that you
complete, regardless of how you feel.
If you chose an appropriately difficult
situation, you should feel anxious.
That’s why you are doing the expos-
ure practices in the first place. If you
feel anxious during an exposure prac-
tice, it’s a sign that you need to con-
tinue practicing rather than an indic-
ation that things are not going well. If
you don’t feel uncomfortable during a
practice, we recommend that you
choose a more difficult practice next

With repeated practices, your dis-

comfort will decrease. However, that
doesn’t mean that there will be a de-
crease in discomfort each time you
practice. In fact, some practices may
be more difficult than previous ones.
This may be because it is a more diffi-
cult situation or because you are feel-
ing less prepared (more tired, less
confident, more stressed out, and so
on). For every few steps forward,
there may be a step back. Also, it’s
possible that on days when you prac-
tice exposure, your overall level of
stress will be higher. You may even be
more irritable with people who are
close to you. As your anxiety de-
creases, other stress-related feelings
such as irritability will decrease as


Subtle avoidance strategies are
techniques that you may use to make
encountering an anxiety-provoking
situation more bearable. These may
include distraction, reassurance seek-
ing, checking, and other “tricks” for
managing the discomfort. These tech-
niques may help you to manage your
discomfort in the short term.
However, like more obvious forms of
avoidance, they prevent you from
learning that your perfectionistic
thoughts are exaggerated or untrue.
In addition, subtle avoidance tech-
niques can undo the effects of your
exposure practices. Therefore, try not
to use these techniques if at all


What you tell yourself, or how you
interpret the situation, can have a big
impact on your experience during an
exposure practice. Therefore, it will
be helpful to use some of the cognit-
ive strategies discussed in chapter 7
to deal with negative thoughts that
occur during exposure practices. For
example, you may decide to use the
process of hypothesis testing as a way
of dealing with negative predictions.
Using this method, you can treat your
exposure practices like small experi-
ments designed to test the validity of
your perfectionistic thoughts. Before
an exposure practice, identify any
negative predictions that you are
making. Then, after your exposure
practice, take note of whether your

feared outcome actually occurred. By

treating each exposure practice as an
experiment to test out your hypo-
theses about what might happen, you
will learn that many of your feared
outcomes don’t come true. There are
a few other specific strategies that can
be helpful for dealing with anxiety or
discomfort experienced during your
exposure practices. If you are pur-
posely entering situations where you
fear that you may behave imperfectly
or incorrectly, make a decision to al-
low yourself to be imperfect. Ask
yourself the question, “Can I handle
imperfection in this situation?” Also,
remember that the anxiety is tempor-
ary and will gradually decrease. In
most cases, the worst thing that will
happen during an exposure practice
is that you will feel uncomfortable.

Exercise 8.2 Keeping

Track of Your Exposure

In your journal, keep track of your ex-

posure practices. For each practice,
record (1) the date and time of the
practice, (2) a description of the prac-
tice, including the specific exercise,
the duration of the exercise, and oth-
er relevant details, (3) your average
discomfort level during the practice
(using a scale from 0 to 100), and (4)
how you challenged any negative
thinking that arose during the prac-
tice. You should notice a decrease in
your discomfort levels as you contin-
ue to practice exposure.

Response Prevention
A second strategy for changing
perfectionistic behaviors is response
prevention. Response prevention in-
volves stopping yourself from enga-
ging in problematic perfectionistic
behaviors. This strategy is related to
exposure, in that it provides an op-
portunity to test out the accuracy of
your negative predictions (in fact, it
should be used along with exposure).
The main difference is that exposure
involves doing something anxiety
provoking (such as giving a presenta-
tion), and response prevention in-
volves preventing the behaviors that
you use to protect yourself from feel-
ing uncomfortable or to prevent bad
things from happening (for instance,
memorizing your presentation be-
forehand to ensure you don’t make
any mistakes). By preventing these

safety behaviors, you will learn that

many of these actions serve no real
function other than to decrease your
anxiety or discomfort for a short time.
For example, if you tend to check
your work over and over, preventing
the rechecking will teach you that if
you stop checking excessively, the
quality of your work doesn’t suffer as
much as you expect it to. Other per-
fectionistic behaviors for which re-
sponse prevention can be helpful in-
clude correcting or checking the be-
havior of other people, looking at
your watch or clock often (to make
sure that you are on time), checking
your weight or physical appearance,
arguing with teachers or professors to
have a point or two added to your
course grade, excessively washing or
cleaning, or participating in any other
repetitive behavior that you use to

make sure that your standards are

met or to reduce your anxiety about
not meeting your standards.
It is important to do what you can
to prevent these behaviors. At first,
you may find that your anxiety or dis-
comfort increases significantly when
you prevent the behaviors. You may
worry about the consequences of not
checking, cleaning, or correcting.
However, after a while, the discom-
fort will probably decrease as you
learn that nothing terrible happens
when you start to eliminate these
The behaviors associated with
your perfectionism may be so in-
grained and habitual that you are not
even aware of them. There are a num-
ber of ways to increase your aware-
ness of these behaviors. First, you can

record in your journal times when

you engage in behaviors such as
checking, repeating, correcting,
cleaning, counting, or asking for reas-
surance. Pay special attention to the
specific situations, moods, and places
that trigger these behaviors, as well as
the way you feel after you engage in
the behaviors. This exercise should
make you more aware of the perfec-
tionistic behaviors that need to be
stopped. If you still have trouble
identifying these behaviors, ask
someone who is close to you to help
point them out. With practice, you
should eventually become more
aware of your perfectionistic rituals.

Communication Training
A third strategy for changing per-
fectionistic behaviors is

communication training. Communic-

ation training is useful when perfec-
tionism affects the way you commu-
nicate with other people. For ex-
ample, perfectionism causes some
people to communicate in a disap-
proving or judgmental way with oth-
ers who do not meet certain perfec-
tionistic standards. If this is a prob-
lem for you, it may be important to
examine how you communicate your
high expectations to other people in
your life. Often, perfectionism is asso-
ciated with an intense drive to change
the behavior of other people so it con-
forms to your high standards. This
drive may cause you to constantly
nag, correct, or even offend other
people with the message that their be-
havior is not good enough. This mes-
sage can cause them to feel angry or

For individuals who are more self-

focused in their perfectionism, com-
munication may be affected by a
tendency to communicate passively
and to have difficulty listening to
what other people are saying. A full
discussion of how to change commu-
nication patterns is beyond the scope
of this book. For a more detailed dis-
cussion of this topic, there are several
books on communication training lis-
ted in Further Readings at the end of
this book. There are, however, a few
general guidelines that we can
provide for you, based in part on re-
commendations from McKay, Davis,
and Fanning’s book Messages: The
Communication Skills Book (2009).

Everyone encounters situations in
which the behavior of other people is

inconsistent with their own expecta-

tions. However, perfectionism can
lead people to communicate their dis-
approval in a way that is not terribly
helpful. By understanding how you
communicate and by working on your
communication skills, you can lessen
the risk of alienating others.
There are three general styles of
communication. The first style,
known as passive communication, in-
volves communicating indirectly and
putting the needs and rights of others
ahead of your own needs. For ex-
ample, rather than expressing dis-
agreement about a particular topic, a
person who communicates passively
may be more likely than others to
pretend to agree, in order to avoid be-
ing criticized. Similarly, a passive
communicator may find indirect ways
to express his or her needs and

desires. Some perfectionists (particu-

larly people who tend to feel de-
pressed or socially anxious) may con-
stantly feel that they are not living up
to their own standards. They may be
at risk for using passive communica-
tion if they believe that other people
will find what they have to say to be
uninteresting or unimportant. Passive
communication is usually not an ef-
fective form of communicating. Other
people are unlikely to hear your mes-
sage if it is communicated passively.
A second style of communication
is known as aggressive communica-
tion. Aggressive communication puts
your own needs ahead of the needs of
other people and may involve putting
pressure on other people to do things
your way. It may be associated with
being hurtful or insulting to those
around you and usually leads to the

other person shutting down and not

listening to you or becoming very
angry with you. People who have per-
fectionistic beliefs about how other
people should behave may become
quite pushy and aggressive in their
attempts to have other people con-
form to their excessively high
The third and most effective style
of communication is called assertive
communication. Being assertive in-
volves taking into account both your
own rights and needs as well as the
rights and needs of the other indi-
vidual. Assertive communication in-
volves three main components: de-
scribing the situation in the most ob-
jective, nonbiased, and nonjudgment-
al way possible; describing how the
situation affects the way you feel (the
emotion that you are experiencing);

and describing how you would like

the situation to change. Although as-
sertive communication is not guaran-
teed to work, it tends to be more ef-
fective than passive and aggressive
communication styles. Following are
illustrations of how each of the three
communication styles might be used
to tell a child that his or her bedroom
needs to be cleaned:
Passive: Look into the room, let out a
sigh and roll your eyes.
Aggressive: Say to the child, “You are
a complete slob. You are
never going to amount to
anything unless you can
learn to be more organized.”
Assertive: Say to the child, “Your toys
are all over your floor. I feel
frustrated when I have to

clean your room. I would

like you to clean your room
before you go out today,
Unlike passive communication,
assertive communication is likely to
be heard and understood by the other
individual. Unlike aggressive commu-
nication, assertive communication is
less likely to lead the other person to
automatically disagree or feel hurt.

An important part of any commu-
nication is listening to the other per-
son. Listening involves hearing what
the other person has to say and mak-
ing a genuine attempt to understand
his or her point of view. Perfection-
ism can get in the way of listening. If
you are overly critical of the other

person, you may tend to focus your

attention on mistakes the other per-
son makes rather than on the entire
communication. If you are overly crit-
ical of yourself, you may miss import-
ant aspects of the other person’s com-
munication if you are paying too
much attention to how you are com-
ing across or are thinking about what
you are going to say next while the
other person is talking.
A helpful way of making sure that
you have heard and understood what
the other person has said is to repeat
back to the person what you have
heard and to ask for clarification if
there is a misunderstanding.
However, moderation is the key. If
you happen to be a person who com-
pulsively asks for reassurance and
checks excessively to make sure you
understand other people, we

recommend that you cut back rather

than increase this behavior.


The words people say are only a
small part of their communication.
Nonverbal communication plays an
enormous role in how others inter-
pret what you say. Nonverbal com-
munication includes such things as
voice quality (things like tone,
volume, inflection, rate of speech), fa-
cial expressions, and body posture.
Even if your words are not critical of
the people around you, your perfec-
tionism may lead you to communic-
ate your disapproval in nonverbal
ways (frowning, crossing your arms,
leaning back, and so on). If you can
be aware of your nonverbal commu-
nication patterns, you can also take

steps to ensure that you are not in-

flicting your perfectionistic standards
on others in nonverbal ways.

Do you have difficulty getting
things done on time? Or, do you
spend so much time trying to get
everything done that you sacrifice
other important areas in your life? A
fourth strategy for changing perfec-
tionistic behaviors involves prioritiz-
ing. Prioritizing is important for indi-
viduals who always feel like they have
to get everything done right away. It
may also be helpful for people who
have problems deciding what to do
first (in case they make a “wrong” de-
cision). The process of prioritizing in-
volves three steps.

The first step involves generating

lists of tasks that need to be com-
pleted. Ideally, this should be done on
paper (for example, in your journal).
You may include separate lists for
things that need to be done today
(take out the garbage, finish a report,
get a haircut, and so on) and things
that need to be done sometime, but
not right away (invite neighbors over
for dinner, buy a new lamp, get a new
passport, take up tennis, and so on).
The second step involves examin-
ing the list (or lists) and ranking the
items in terms of importance. Just
because it feels important that you
finish a task doesn’t mean that it is
important. To assess the importance
of the tasks, you need to assess the
possible consequences of not com-
pleting an item. When you ask the
question, “What will happen if I don’t

finish the task?” you will come to

realize that many of the items are not
as important as they seemed.
The third step is to begin complet-
ing the tasks in order of importance
and urgency. You should try to be
realistic about what can be done and
about the possible consequences of
not completing certain tasks. If you
have problems deciding which task to
do first, it may be because it doesn’t
matter which one you do first. If that
is the case, pick one task (flip a coin)
and start with it.

Overcoming Procrastination
The final strategy for changing
perfectionistic behaviors is geared to-
ward overcoming procrastination.
People procrastinate for a variety of
reasons, including not enjoying the

particular task or job, not having time

to work on the task, being fearful of
not being able to complete the task
well, and not knowing where to start.
In the case of perfectionism, the last
two reasons are particularly relevant.
If you tend to procrastinate, some of
the strategies that we have discussed
already (for example, prioritizing, ex-
posure) may be helpful. We recom-
mend that you break up the task into
smaller, more manageable pieces.
Rather than thinking about how over-
whelming the entire job is, try divid-
ing it into smaller tasks that are easily
completed. This strategy was essen-
tial in helping us write the first edi-
tion of this book. Below is a descrip-
tion of how we managed to divide the
task of writing a book on perfection-
ism into smaller, manageable tasks.


1. Develop a table of contents

2. Develop a list of main head-

ings for chapter 1

3. For each main heading,

generate a list of subhead-
ings for each topic

4. Write a first draft of the in-

formation that belongs un-
der the first subheading

5. Repeat step 4 for each sub-

heading in chapter 1

6. Proofread and make revi-

sions to chapter 1

7. Repeat steps 2 through 6

for each of the other

You can use this same strategy for

any task. For example, if you are pro-
crastinating about writing a letter,
you can break the task into small
jobs, such as getting out the paper,
addressing the envelope, developing a
brief outline, writing the first para-
graph, and so on. Each step in isola-
tion is unlikely to be overwhelming. If
you come across a particular step that
is overwhelming, break it down into
even smaller steps.
Chapter 9

The Costs of Control
Napoleon Hill, the American author
of the bestselling book, Think and
Grow Rich, was quoted as saying,
“Self-discipline begins with the mas-
tery of your thoughts. If you don’t
control what you think, you can’t con-
trol what you do” (1937). In The Pic-
ture of Dorian Gray, Irish playwright
and author Oscar Wilde had a similar
view, “I don’t want to be at the mercy
of my emotions. I want to use them,
to enjoy them, and to dominate them
(Wilde 2005).” Is it, in fact, true that

we need to be in control of our

thoughts and emotions? Well, it’s cer-
tainly true that extreme thoughts and
emotions can make life difficult. But
is fighting to control your thoughts
and feelings the answer?
In some ways, perfectionism re-
flects an extreme need for control.
Perfectionists often strive to control
the emotions, thoughts, behaviors,
performances, and appearance of
themselves and others. However, it’s
impossible to have control over all as-
pects of your life. Furthermore, your
attempts to have complete control
either haven’t worked or have come
with an unreasonably high cost (for
example, impaired relationships),
which is why you’re reading this
book. Sometimes, it is not until we
give up our attempts to control our

experiences that we actually start to

feel more in control.
That is not to say that all attempts
to control your behavior or experi-
ences are a problem. Control-oriented
strategies are useful when used in
moderation. For example, saying no
to that fourth piece of cake, going to
bed at a reasonable hour when you
have to be up early the next day, or
taking time to study the week before a
big exam are all examples of control-
oriented strategies that are poten-
tially helpful. However, there comes a
point at which attempts to control
your thoughts and feelings begins to
make things worse. Efforts to control
experiences are a problem when they
are extreme, intense, overly rigid, or
ineffective. If you are constantly try-
ing to control your own thoughts and
feelings, as well as the behavior of

others, and your attempts are not

working, don’t take it as a sign to
simply try harder. Rather, it may be a
sign that it’s time to give up some of
your efforts at having complete con-
trol over your experiences.
Many of the problematic perfec-
tionistic behaviors discussed in
chapter 4 are really just attempts to
increase control over your emotions.
Examples of these control-oriented
behaviors (and a couple of others)
• Avoiding feared people,
situations, places, activities,
thoughts, and emotions

• Escaping from feared


• Overcompensating

• Checking and reassurance


• Repeating and correcting

• Excessive organizing and

list making

• Putting off decisions

• Distracting yourself from

uncomfortable feelings

Take a look through chapter 4

again if you need a reminder of what
these behaviors refer to. Though
these strategies help to reduce dis-
comfort in the short term, they also
maintain your discomfort in the long
term. As long as you continue to use
the same strategies that you always
use, you will continue to have the
same results—anxiety, discomfort,

depression, anger, and any other feel-

ings that go along with your
We reviewed many of the
strategies for reducing these control-
oriented behaviors in earlier chapters.
In chapter 7, you learned to observe
your thoughts from a distance and to
view them as just thoughts (rather
than facts). You also learned to chal-
lenge your thoughts and to consider
alternative ways of viewing things.
While, on the surface, this process
may seem like attempts to control
your thoughts, the cognitive
strategies in chapter 7 are actually de-
signed to help you think more flexibly
and to consider a wide range of pos-
sible interpretations. Many of these
strategies are designed to help you ac-
cept negative outcomes, rather than
assuming they would be

unmanageable. Similarly, in chapter

8 you learned strategies for reducing
control-oriented behaviors. Rather
than avoiding situations that make
you feel uncomfortable, we encour-
aged you to confront situations that
make you feel uncomfortable, includ-
ing purposely doing things
In the remainder of this chapter,
we discuss some additional strategies
that are helpful for fostering an atti-
tude of acceptance, as opposed to
control. These approaches are not
really alternatives to the strategies
discussed earlier in the book. Rather,
they should be thought of as comple-
mentary techniques to use alongside
the others. In addition, space does
not allow for a full consideration of
these strategies. Indeed, entire books
have been written on these

approaches. Rather, we provide you

with an overview and suggest that you
do further reading if you want to
learn more about these approaches.

New Acceptance-Based
In recent years, a number of new
treatments have been developed that
teach people to accept their negative
feelings and experiences, rather than
trying to change them. For example,
psychologist Jon Kabat-Zinn has pro-
moted the use of a meditation-based
treatment called mindfulness-based
stress reduction for dealing with
chronic pain, stress, anxiety, and oth-
er negative experiences (Kabat-Zinn
1990, 1994). This treatment involves
learning to be aware of your thoughts

and feelings, rather than constantly

trying to change them or distract
yourself from them. Instead of dwell-
ing on the past or worrying about the
future, people are encouraged to fo-
cus on their present experience, or
the “here and now.” A related treat-
ment approach is acceptance and
commitment therapy (ACT), a treat-
ment developed by psychologist
Steven Hayes and his colleagues Kirk
Strosahl and Kelly Wilson (Hayes,
Strosahl, and Wilson 1999). In this
treatment, people are taught to accept
their thoughts, feelings, and other ex-
periences and to make a commitment
to changing behaviors so that they are
acting in ways that are consistent
with what matters most to them.
In this chapter, we provide an
overview of mindfulness and
acceptance-based approaches,

including mindfulness-based stress

reduction and ACT. Mindfulness-
based treatments and ACT have been
adapted for use with a wide range of
problems associated with perfection-
ism, including eating disorders
(Heffner and Eifert 2004), anxiety
problems (Forsyth and Eifert 2007),
depression (Williams et al. 2007),
and anger (Eifert, McKay, and For-
syth 2005). In addition, although the
research on these treatments is relat-
ively new, preliminary studies suggest
that these approaches are useful for
preventing relapse in depression
(Teasdale et al. 2000), for reducing
anxiety (Dalrymple and Herbert
2007; Roemer and Orsillo 2007), and
for improving various other problems
(Hayes, Follette, and Linehan 2004).

You may assume that meditation
and other mindfulness-based
strategies are necessarily weird, “new
age,” spiritual, or religious in nature.
In fact, mindfulness is not necessarily
about spirituality or about getting in
touch with a higher power, and there
is nothing weird or strange about it.
Rather, mindfulness is simply a spe-
cific kind of attending. Kabat-Zinn
(1994, 4) defines mindfulness as
“paying attention, in a particular way:
on purpose, in the present moment,
nonjudgmentally.” Bishop et al. re-
cently proposed a similar definition
in which two components were high-
lighted: (1) awareness of one’s imme-
diate experience in the present mo-
ment, and (2) allowing one’s atten-
tion to be accepting, non-judging, and
compassionate (2004). Although

mindfulness meditation can be traced

back 2,500 years, to the earliest
forms of Buddhist philosophy, it has
recently been adapted for use in
mainstream modern life. There is
nothing about mindfulness that re-
quires people to give up or change
their spiritual beliefs, values, or any-
thing else. However, mindfulness
may help people to reduce stress and
manage negative feelings of anxiety
and depression that are often associ-
ated with perfectionism.
Mindfulness is difficult to describe
in a single chapter, let alone a brief
section of a chapter like this. If you
are interested in additional general
information about this approach, the
books cited earlier by Kabat-Zinn are
a good place to start. Kabat-Zinn has
also produced several excellent audio
CD programs to guide you through

mindfulness practices (see Finally,
you may be able to access mindful-
ness classes near where you live.
Some of these classes may have a
more spiritual focus than others, so
you may want to shop around until
you find a class that is comfortable
for you.


As we go through our day, most of
us spend much of our time on “auto-
matic pilot,” doing things in an al-
most mechanical way and not really
taking the time to experience fully
what we are doing. For example,
when you eat dinner, you may worry
about all the work that you need to do
after dinner or daydream about a fu-
ture vacation, rather than allowing
yourself to experience your food. At

the same time, many of our experi-

ences are associated with evaluation
and judgment. Pay attention to your
normal stream of consciousness and
you will find that you are continually
evaluating and judging yourself, other
people, and your experiences. For ex-
ample, you may think you are too fat
or too thin, or that the room is too hot
or too cold, or that the movie you are
watching is exciting or boring. Many
of the perfectionistic beliefs that you
identified in chapter 3 are also ex-
amples of evaluative or judgmental
thoughts. On the one hand, it is com-
pletely normal to judge and evaluate
your experiences. On the other hand,
excessive judging and evaluating can
feed your perfectionism and lead to
high levels of anxiety, depression, and

Normally, we go through life

without paying much attention to our
most basic experiences and activities,
including eating, breathing, and mov-
ing. Mindfulness practices are de-
signed to help people to be more
aware of their experiences. There are
many different exercises that can help
to facilitate mindfulness. All of these
exercises are designed to help us to
slow down, focus our attention, and
experience life in a nonjudging, ac-
cepting and nonstriving way. The
term nonjudging refers to experien-
cing without evaluating. For example,
if you start to feel anxious during
practice and notice yourself thinking,
“I shouldn’t be feeling nervous right
now—I need to fight this feeling,” try
to shift toward a less judgmental
stance (for example, “I am feeling
nervous right now. I will simply let

myself feel whatever I am feeling”).

Acceptance refers to letting whatever
happens happen. Nothing specific
needs to happen during a mindful-
ness session. You’re not supposed to
think any specific thoughts, and you
aren’t supposed to feel any specific
feelings. As with the cognitive
strategies described in chapter 7, the
process of mindfulness encourages
you to view your thoughts as just
thoughts (rather than facts). If you
notice a negative thought, accept it as
just a thought and let it go. The same
thing applies with uncomfortable
feelings. Notice them and accept
them for what they are. Nonstriving
during mindfulness practices means
that you should not be trying to
achieve anything in particular—not
even a state of mindfulness! If you say
to yourself, “I must reach a state of

mindfulness during this practice,” it

will undermine the whole process. If
you notice your attention wandering,
simply be aware of your experiences
and gently bring your focus back to
the exercise. However, the more pre-
occupied you are with the need to be
mindful, the less mindful you will ac-
tually become.
Here are brief descriptions for
three different mindfulness exercises.
All three of these examples are de-
scribed in more detail in the book,
Ending the Depression Cycle (Bieling
and Antony 2003), as well as in other
Raisin exercise. In this exercise,
you are to eat a raisin slowly and
mindfully, without judging the exper-
ience. This is often the first practice
that people try when learning

mindfulness. This exercise is de-

scribed in more detail below, and we
encourage you to try it out for your-
self (see exercise 9.1).
Mindful breathing. There are a
number of mindfulness exercises that
focus on breathing. An example of a
simple mindful-breathing exercise is
to sit in a comfortable, quiet location
and focus on a particular area of the
body that is involved in breathing,
such as the nostrils or the diaphragm
(this is, the muscle located beneath
the ribs that is used to fill your lungs
with air). In this exercise, you simply
focus on your breathing for a period
of time. You can start with a brief
period, like five minutes. With prac-
tice, you can gradually increase the
period, if you choose. People often
eventually work up to practicing for

twenty to thirty minutes at a time, or

Body-scan exercise. The purpose
of the body scan is to become more
aware of feelings and sensations in
your body. Many people have ambi-
valent relationships with their bodies.
You may like aspects of your body
and hate other aspects. You may be
frustrated with being overweight,
think your nose is too big, hate sweat-
ing, or suffer with various aches and
pains. The body-scan exercise
provides an opportunity to be aware
of your body without judging. Essen-
tially, this exercise involves focusing
on more than twenty parts of your
body (toes on the right foot, left thigh,
chest, top of head, and so on) one
part at a time, while also paying at-
tention to your breathing and

maintaining an accepting, nonjudging


Exercise 9.1 The

Raisin Exercise

This popular exercise (described

briefly above) is often used to intro-
duce people to the process of mind-
fulness. The exercise requires a few
raisins, about a half hour of your
time, and a quiet place to sit where
you are unlikely to be interrupted. If
you can’t bear to eat raisins, you can
use another food (for example, al-
monds). The goal of this exercise is to
eat a raisin mindfully. First, imagine
that you have just arrived on Earth
from another planet and have never
eaten a raisin before. In fact, imagine

you don’t even know that the object is

called a raisin.
Next, with an object sitting on a
table in front of you, focus your atten-
tion on it. What does it look like?
Notice the color, size, and texture.
Does it have a particular fragrance?
What does it smell like? Next, spend a
couple of minutes with the object in
your hand. What does it feel like? Is it
hard or soft? What does the texture
feel like on your hand? In all likeli-
hood, you will notice things about the
object that you have never noticed be-
fore. That is the point of the exercise.
Next, press the object against your
lips, but don’t put it in your mouth
just yet. How does the object feel
against your lips? Is the scent differ-
ent than it was when you smelled it
earlier, from a distance? Do you

notice any changes in how you are

feeling? Is your mouth watering? Are
you anticipating eating the object?
Now, place the object in your mouth,
but don’t chew it just yet. What does
the texture feel like in your mouth?
Can you still smell the object? What
does it taste like? Do you notice more
saliva in your mouth than before?
Next, slowly begin to chew the object.
How does the flavor change? Is it
more intense? Is it sweet, sour, or
both? As you chew, be aware of your
experiences. You will soon feel the
urge to swallow the object, but put off
swallowing until after you have been
chewing for a few minutes. Just be
aware of the experience of chewing
the object. After you finally swallow
the object, pay attention to any sensa-
tions in your mouth and throat, as
well as any aftertaste.

Continue this practice with a few

additional raisins. When you are
done, take a moment to think about
the way you normally eat raisins and
how the experience of eating raisins
mindfully was different than your
usual experience. Record your re-
sponses to the following questions in
your journal. Do you love raisins and
normally eat them by the handful? Do
you hate raisins and prefer to avoid
them? Do you normally snack on
them while watching television or
working at your computer? Was the
experience of eating raisins mindfully
different than your previous experi-
ence with raisins? What did you learn
about raisins or about yourself
through this exercise? Were you able
to eat the raisins without judging
them or without judging the experi-
ence? Was the experience the same

with each raisin, or did it change over

What does eating raisins mind-
fully have to do with overcoming per-
fectionism? On the surface, not much.
However, exercises like this one can
help you to live more in the present
moment and encourage you to keep
your experiences in perspective,
rather than getting caught up in the
past or focused on future events over
which you have little control. Mind-
fulness can help you feel more groun-
ded, which in turn can help you deal
with day-to-day stresses that arise. If
this approach is something you would
like to learn more about, check out
some of the resources recommended
in this chapter, and in Further Read-
ings in the back of this book.

Acceptance and Commitment

Therapy (ACT)
As we reviewed earlier, there are
two main components to ACT. The
first involves learning to accept your
thoughts, feelings, and other experi-
ences rather than fighting them or at-
tempting to control them. The second
component involves becoming aware
of your own values and starting to
make life decisions based on these
core values, rather than based on
your perfectionism and desire to
avoid the negative emotions that res-
ult from always trying to be perfect.


Mindfulness is one approach to
achieving a level of acceptance of the
thoughts, feelings, and other experi-
ences that currently contribute to

your discomfort and distress.

However, there are other approaches
as well. ACT teaches people to stop
struggling against their negative
thoughts and feelings; rather, the goal
is to accept them. In addition to using
mindfulness exercises, this approach
also uses stories and metaphors to
make key points. Consider the follow-
ing story as an example:

What Avoiding
Pain Cost the Emper-
or Moth

A man found a cocoon of an em-

peror moth. He took it home so
that he could watch the moth
come out of the cocoon.

On the day, a small opening

appeared. He sat and watched
the moth for several hours, just
watching as the moth struggled
to force its body through that
little hole. Then it seemed to stop
making any progress. It ap-
peared to have gotten as far as it
could. It just seemed stuck.
Then the man, in his kind-
ness, decided to help the moth.
So he took a pair of scissors and
snipped off the remaining bit of
the cocoon. The moth then
emerged easily, but it had a
swollen body and small shriv-
elled wings. The man continued
to watch. He expected that, at
any moment, the wings would
enlarge and open out to be able
to support the body. Neither
happened! The little moth spent

the rest of its life crawling

around with a swollen body and
shrivelled wings. It never was
able to fly.
What the man, in his kind-
ness and haste, didn’t under-
stand was this: in order for the
moth to fly, it needed to experi-
ence the restricting cocoon and
the painful struggle as it
emerged through the tiny open-
ing. This was a necessary part of
a process to force fluid from the
body and into the wings so that
the moth would be ready for
flight once it achieved freedom
from the cocoon. Freedom and
flight would only come after al-
lowing painful struggle. By de-
priving the moth of struggle, the
man deprived the moth of

Reprinted with permission from For-

syth, J. P. and G. H. Eifert, 2007.
This story makes the point that
avoiding discomfort and pain in the
short term can lead to problems later
on. It teaches us that sometimes a
struggle is necessary to move for-
ward. Though you may be inclined to
do everything you can to avoid the
discomfort you experience when your
standards are not met, it’s possible
that allowing yourself to feel discom-
fort may be more helpful to you over
the long term. However, that is not to
say that suffering and discomfort
should be your goal. From an accept-
ance perspective, it can be useful to
avoid judging your feelings (such as
discomfort) in either a positive direc-
tion or negative direction. Acceptance
doesn’t mean seeing suffering as
something noble. Discomfort, in and

of itself, is neither a terrible thing to

be avoided nor something necessarily
to be sought out. Rather, discomfort
and suffering are just experiences
that arise as a result of being human,
and sometimes avoiding discomfort
makes sense (for example, taking an
alternate route when traffic is backed
up on the highway).
The Emperor Moth story is just
one example of many different stories
and metaphors that are used in ACT
to help individuals learn that avoiding
discomfort and trying to control one’s
emotions and thoughts are not always
the best option over the long term.

The second component of ACT in-
volves thinking about what really
matters to you and making a

commitment to change your behavi-

ors so they are more consistent with
your most deeply held personal val-
ues. One strategy for identifying your
core values is to think about how you
want to be remembered after you’re
gone. Although it can be uncomfort-
able to think about, death is
something that we will all face even-
tually. Thinking about how you are
likely to be remembered after you die
versus how you would like to be re-
membered can be a useful exercise.
There is a good chance that you will
discover that at least some of your be-
haviors are inconsistent with how you
want to be remembered or with the
values you see as most important in

Exercise 9.2 Writing

Your Epitaph

This exercise is based on a practice

described by Forsyth and Eifert
(2007). Your task is to write your own
epitaph (the inscription on your
gravestone). However, we would like
you to write two versions of your epi-
taph. The first is your perfectionist
epitaph—perhaps one that would be
written about you if you were to die
today. Here is an example of such an
epitaph for Tom, a man who always
strove to be perfect:


Here Lies Tom—A Man who
Sought Perfection at All Costs

Tom’s goal in life was to do

everything as perfectly as possible
and to make sure that others also
lived up to his high standards. He
spent much of his life correcting the
behavior of his friends, family, and
coworkers. Although his two mar-
riages both ended in painful divorce
and his children found him difficult
to be around, Tom could take comfort
in the fact that he did everything he
could to help others think about
things in the same way he did. Tom
was also very devoted to his job in re-
tail management. He put in many
long hours and never settled for any-
thing less than perfection in his work
or the work of his staff. He always
checked and double checked
everything to make sure there were
no errors. For Tom, work always
came before vacations, spending time

with friends and family, exercising,

and eating well. His goal was to make
the world a more perfect place,
though he left this earth feeling alone
and unfulfilled.
The second epitaph should be
your valued-life epitaph—a version
that might be written if your perfec-
tionism was no longer a problem and
you were living your life according to
the core values that are most import-
ant to you. Your valued-life epitaph
should be the one that you would
most like to see on your headstone. In
your journal, write your perfection-
ism epitaph, followed by your valued-
life epitaph. How are they different?
Are you currently living your life in a
way that is consistent with how you
want to be remembered? If not, what
must you change in order to live more
consistently with your core values?

The epitaph practice is just one

example of an exercise that can help
you to identify your personal values.
As you work on changing your perfec-
tionism, notice the ways in which
your behaviors are inconsistent with
your core values and begin to make
changes. If you are working at a job
that you hate, why not start looking
for a new job this week? If you have
been meaning to call an old friend,
why not do it today? If it is important
to you to become more physically fit,
start eating healthier and exercising
It is helpful to think about values
as a process rather than a goal. For
example, if you are single and want to
be in an intimate relationship, behav-
ing according to your values doesn’t
mean focusing all of your energy on
meeting a new life partner. Rather, it

means acting in accordance with your

values on a day-to-day basis, across
situations. For example, you might
think about what it is about being in
this kind of relationship this is im-
portant to you (for example, it may be
the opportunity to open up to
someone, to allow yourself to be vul-
nerable, to express love and care, and
so on) and make an effort to live ac-
cording to these values with the
people who are in your life now. Even
saying hello and smiling at someone
else on an elevator might be a step to-
ward beginning to act in accordance
with these values.

Acceptance and
In summary, acceptance-based
strategies for perfectionism have two
goals. The first is to become more ac-
cepting of your own thoughts, feel-
ings, and experiences, as well as be-
coming more accepting of others. The
second is to begin to recognize that
although your perfectionism may tell
you that things need to be a certain
way, there are many situations in
which you have a choice about how to
behave. You can choose to behave in a
way that is consistent with your most
deeply held core values, or you can
continue to behave like a perfection-
ist. Now is as good a time as any to
start living the life you want to be
Part 3

Working with
Specific Problems
and Perfectionism
Chapter 10

Perfectionism and
The Nature of
You have probably experienced a
period of sadness or depression fol-
lowing a significant loss in your life.
Perhaps it was following the breakup
of a relationship, death of someone
close to you, loss of a job, or inability
to achieve some goal. For most
people, losses such as these tend to
trigger periods of sadness, depres-
sion, or grieving. Most people also ex-
perience sadness from time to time,

even in the absence of a significant

loss. They may feel overwhelmed with
work, hurt by the behavior of a signi-
ficant person in their lives, or lonely
for no particular reason. Sadness and
depression are universal emotions.
Although sadness is a normal ex-
perience for all people, sometimes
feelings of depression can be so in-
tense or chronic that they begin to in-
terfere with a person’s ability to enjoy
life or function in his or her environ-
ment. The severity of depression (for
example, the intensity, frequency,
and impact of feeling sad) is on a con-
tinuum from very mild to very severe.
Although this chapter is written for
people who experience a level of de-
pression that interferes with their
lives, people who experience depres-
sion at mild levels may still find the
information helpful, particularly if

their depressed feelings are related in

part to not meeting their own expect-
ations for themselves or for other

Normal Feelings of Sadness

Psychologist Sidney Blatt and his
colleagues have identified three com-
ponents of normal depressed mood:
dependency, self-criticism, and inef-
ficacy (Blatt, D’Afflitti, and Quinlan
1976). Although these components
are present in normal depressed
mood, they also tend to be present in
clinical depression, often at a much
greater intensity.

Dependency is the perception of
needing help and support from other
people. When people are feeling sad,

they tend to want to be around other

people. So, after doing poorly on an
exam or receiving a poor evaluation
at work, you may feel inclined to go
out with friends or to spend a quiet
evening at home with your family or
your partner. Or, when feeling sad,
you may be inclined to phone a close
friend just to talk. Of course, not
everyone responds this way when
feeling down. Some people may isol-
ate themselves when feeling sad, par-
ticularly if the depression is more
severe. Even so, there still may be a
perception of helplessness and a de-
sire for support from other people.

Self-criticism is a tendency to ex-
aggerate one’s faults. A number of re-
searchers have demonstrated a phe-
nomenon known as state-dependent

memory. In general, when people are

in a particular emotional state (for ex-
ample, feeling sad), they are more
likely to recall previous periods when
they felt the same way, as well as past
events that are consistent with their
low mood. For example, if you are
feeling sad following the breakup of a
relationship, you may tend to remem-
ber all of the problems with your pre-
vious relationships. You may also ex-
aggerate all of your own shortcomings
that you believe contributed to the
breakup. Similarly, if you’re feeling
sad about doing poorly on a task at
work, you may dwell on all the ways
that you don’t measure up to your
coworkers’ performances or to your
own standards.


Inefficacy is a sense that import-

ant events are independent of your
actions. In other words, you may be-
lieve at times that no matter what you
do, you cannot influence the outcome
of events (for example, being rejected
by other people, losing close people in
your life, doing poorly in school, hav-
ing financial problems, or experien-
cing other significant life stresses).
This feeling of helplessness or a lack
of control often goes along with feel-
ing sad or depressed.
Although sadness is a normal part
of life for everyone, some people ex-
perience levels of depression that in-
terfere with their ability to function
properly at work, at home, or in their
relationships. When depression is
severe enough to cause significant
impairment, it is often referred to as
clinical depression.

Clinical Depression
Researchers and clinicians in the
mental health field have identified a
number of specific problems (collect-
ively known as mood disorders) that
are defined in part by the presence of
depression. In this chapter, we limit
our discussion to two of these dis-
orders that are most often associated
with perfectionism. These are major
depressive disorder and dysthymic


Major depressive disorder is a
mood disorder in which an individual
has experienced one or more major
depressive episodes. A major de-
pressive episode is a period lasting at
least two weeks in which a person
consistently experiences depressed

mood or a loss of interest in almost

all of his or her normal activities. In
addition, the person experiences sev-
eral additional symptoms, which may
include changes in weight or appetite,
changes in sleep, feeling very restless
or very slowed down, loss of energy,
feelings of worthlessness or excessive
guilt, poor concentration or difficulty
making decisions, and thoughts about
death or suicide (American Psychiat-
ric Association 2000).
Although major depressive epis-
odes are defined as lasting at least
two weeks, they more typically last up
to several months. The average age at
which major depressive disorder be-
gins is in the mid-twenties, although
the problem can begin at any age, in-
cluding during childhood. Some
people experience only a single epis-
ode of major depression, perhaps

triggered by a stressful life event. For

others, depression may be long last-
ing or may be associated with a series
of briefer episodes. For people who
experience more than one major de-
pressive episode, mood may return
back to normal between episodes, or
there may still be some minor symp-
toms of depression left over after the
full-blown episode has improved.

People with dysthymic disorder
experience sadness and depression
over a longer period, and usually at a
milder level relative to people with
major depressive disorder. Technic-
ally, to receive a diagnosis of dys-
thymic disorder, a person must ex-
perience a period of two years or
longer in which he or she feels sad or
depressed most of the day, on most

days. Although the minimum dura-

tion is two years, people with dys-
thymic disorder often report having
felt down and blue for many years. In
addition to the low mood, people with
dysthymic disorder must experience
at least two additional symptoms,
which may include changes in appet-
ite, changes in sleep, low energy, poor
self-esteem, poor concentration or
difficulty making decisions, and feel-
ings of hopelessness.
As you can see, major depressive
disorder and dysthymic disorder
share many features. Nevertheless,
there are important differences. Ma-
jor depressive disorder is typically as-
sociated with discrete episodes,
whereas dysthymic disorder is gener-
ally more long lasting. Second, a ma-
jor depressive episode must be asso-
ciated with depressed mood or loss of

interest (in addition to the other asso-

ciated symptoms) day after day for
the required period of two weeks or
longer. In contrast, people with dys-
thymic disorder do not necessarily
feel down every day—just most days.
Finally, the intensity of the depres-
sion tends to be much worse in major
depressive disorder than in dysthym-
ic disorder.

Causes of Depression
If you have had significant problems
with depression, you may have had
one professional or another tell you
that your depression is caused by a
chemical imbalance in your brain,
problems in the way your parents
brought you up, genetics, or any
number of other factors. Despite the
many different theories that have

been proposed to explain depression,

we don’t really know the cause of de-
pression. In fact, it now seems that
depression is caused by many differ-
ent factors and that different people
may experience depression for differ-
ent reasons. Although researchers are
beginning to get a clearer under-
standing about the variables that con-
tribute to depression, they still cannot
determine the cause of depression for
any one person. However, the prob-
lem does seem to be due to a complex
interaction of both biological and psy-
chological processes.

Biological Factors
Depression is very much influ-
enced by our biology, including our
genetic makeup, brain chemistry, and

other factors. We’ll discuss the role of

biology in depression in this section.

A number of studies have demon-
strated that depression runs in famil-
ies (Sullivan, Neale, and Kendler
2000). For example, averaging across
studies, a person is up to three times
more likely to suffer from major de-
pressive disorder if he or she has a
parent who suffers from the problem
than if there is no depression in the
immediate family. Of course, the fact
that depression runs in families does
not, in and of itself, mean that de-
pression is inherited genetically. It
could be that depression is learned
from growing up in a home with other
people who are depressed. To demon-
strate a genetic basis for a problem
such as depression, scientists must

turn to twin studies, adoption studies,

and studies that directly measure the
presence and absence of genes that
are believed to be related to depres-
sion. In general, there is some evid-
ence, particularly from twin studies,
that depression is in part genetically
based (Sullivan, Neale, and Kendler
2000). However, the evidence from
other genetic research methods has
been mixed. Although genetics may
be important in the development of
depression for some individuals, it
should be pointed out that depression
is not inherited in the same way as
traits (for instance, eye color). Genet-
ics may predispose people to develop
depression, but it is no guarantee.
Even in pairs of identical twins (who
are genetically identical), it is not un-
usual for one twin to experience

depression and the other one to be

free of it.

Many studies have examined the
relationship between neurotransmit-
ter levels and depression (Stahl
2008). Neurotransmitters are chem-
icals in the brain that are responsible
for sending messages from one nerve
cell to another. In general, the neuro-
transmitter model of depression that
has obtained the most support sug-
gests that depression is associated
with low levels of serotonin and/or
norepinephrine. Neurotransmitter
models of depression are based in
part on the fact that medications that
raise levels of these substances seem
to improve depression. In addition,
there is other evidence supporting a
role for these transmitters in

depression. However, the relationship

between neurotransmitters and de-
pression is complex, and doctors can-
not simply measure how much sero-
tonin or norepinephrine there is in
the brain to see if there is an


Numerous other biological pro-
cesses are thought to be involved with
depression in some people (Thase,
forthcoming). Hormonal levels prob-
ably play a role in some types of de-
pression. In addition, abuse of alco-
hol and other drugs can increase a
person’s likelihood of developing de-
pression. Finally, factors such as the
amount of exposure to sunlight and
even sleep patterns may have an ef-
fect on depressed mood.

Psychological Factors
Many studies have shown that
psychological factors are important in
the development and maintenance of
depression. For example, various life
stresses (for example, physical or
sexual abuse, divorce, unemploy-
ment) may put certain people at risk
for depression. Also, a person’s style
of thinking can increase his or her
chances of feeling depressed. One of
the most influential psychological
theories of depression describes how
thinking contributes to feeling de-
pressed. This model, proposed by Dr.
Aaron Beck and colleagues (1979), is
known as the cognitive theory of de-
pression. Beck proposed that depres-
sion is associated with a tendency to
think negatively about the self (for in-
stance, “I never seem to achieve any-
thing I set out to do”), the world (for

example, “Nobody cares about me”),

and the future (thoughts such as, “Th-
ings will never improve”). In addition
to these three types of thinking, Beck
also emphasized the role of other neg-
ative beliefs (for example, “I have to
be perfect”) and tendencies to inter-
pret situations in a negatively biased
There are other psychological the-
ories of depression as well, several of
which overlap considerably with
Beck’s approach, in that they propose
that thoughts and interpretations
play an important role in maintaining
depression. You may wish to review
chapter 3 regarding the role of
thoughts in perfectionism. Many of
the thoughts and beliefs that contrib-
ute to perfectionism are relevant to
depression as well.

Perfectionism and
Recall from chapter 1 the three types
of perfectionism: self-oriented perfec-
tionism (a tendency to set unreason-
ably high standards for one’s own
behavior), other-oriented perfection-
ism (a tendency to demand that oth-
ers meet your unrealistically high
standards), and socially prescribed
perfectionism (the belief that others
have impossible standards, and that
you must meet these standards in or-
der to win their approval).
Researchers have examined the
relationship between these types of
perfectionism and the symptoms of
depression and have reported a num-
ber of interesting findings:

• People with high levels of

perfectionism (particularly
self-oriented perfectionism
and socially prescribed per-
fectionism) are at a greater
risk of experiencing depres-
sion than nonperfectionists,
especially during periods of
stress (for example, at
school, work, and in their
relationships) and after ex-
periencing failure (Hewitt
and Flett 1990; 1993). For
example, people who oper-
ate with a high level of per-
fectionism may be suscept-
ible to depression at a time
when they have a lot of tests
at school, especially if they
don’t do as well on some of
these tests as they would
have liked.

• Self-oriented perfectionism
increases the risk that a de-
pressed individual will con-
tinue to feel depressed a
year later if the person is
under high levels of stress
related to his or her work or
school, but not if stress is
more focused on his or her
relationships (Enns and
Cox 2005).

• Socially prescribed perfec-

tionism is associated with
feelings of helplessness and
hopelessness, both of which
have been shown to be com-
ponents of depression (He-
witt and Flett 1993).

• Perfectionism appears to be
related to other specific

aspects of depression, such

as tendencies to think neg-
atively about oneself (Flett
et al. 2003; Rudolph, Flett,
and Hewitt 2007) and to
believe that important
events are independent of
one’s actions (Hewitt and
Flett 1993).

• Although it is normal for

depression to improve over
time (even without treat-
ment), perfectionism tends
to remain stable over time
(Cox and Enns 2003).

In these ways, perfectionism can

put people at risk for developing de-
pression, particularly if the person
has experienced certain life stresses
or failures. The relationship between

perfectionism and depression is not

surprising. Perfectionism is the tend-
ency to set unrealistically high stand-
ards. Because these standards are un-
likely to be met, a person who holds
such high standards is bound to fall
short of meeting them. Frequent ex-
periences of failure can make a per-
son feel helpless and inadequate and
may eventually make a person feel
hopeless about things ever improving.
Therefore, if perfectionism and de-
pression are both problems for you,
you may find that learning to accept
lower standards helps you to feel less

Treatments for
Depression that Are
Supported by Research
Depression can be effectively treated
using a number of approaches. In this
section, we discuss three of these, in-
cluding cognitive behavioral therapy,
interpersonal psychotherapy, and

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Chapters 7 and 8 discuss many of
the components of cognitive behavi-
oral therapy (CBT) in detail, so we
will only provide a brief recap here.
Basically, the “cognitive” part of CBT
refers to techniques used to help
people change their negative and un-
realistic beliefs, attitudes, and

expectations. These techniques in-

clude teaching people to identify their
negative beliefs, examine the evid-
ence supporting and refuting their be-
liefs, and engage in small experi-
ments to test out the validity of their
beliefs. Behavioral strategies are de-
signed to change behaviors that
maintain negative feelings and
thoughts. These may include expos-
ure to situations that are anxiety pro-
voking, role playing or practicing dif-
ficult interactions that are likely to
come up in the future, and learning to
communicate more effectively.

Interpersonal Psychotherapy
for Depression (IPT)
Interpersonal psychotherapy for
depression (IPT) is one of the few
psychological treatments other than

CBT that has consistently been shown

to be effective for depression (Weiss-
man, Markowitz, and Klerman 2000).
This approach to treatment is based
on the premise that depression stems
from problems in interpersonal rela-
tionships. Treatment usually lasts fif-
teen to twenty sessions and tends to
be focused on one or more of the fol-
lowing areas of interpersonal func-
tioning: interpersonal role disputes
(for example, problems adjusting to
the demands of a particular social
role, such as being a father, employee,
daughter, and so on), interpersonal
losses (such as the loss of a close
friend or relative), interpersonal defi-
cits (for example, difficulty commu-
nicating effectively with your spouse),
and interpersonal role transitions
(things like difficulty coping with life
changes such as graduation, divorce,

retirement, and so on). In studies

comparing IPT to medication and
CBT, IPT appears to be as effective as
these other approaches (Craighead et
al. 2007).

Antidepressant Medications
Below is a partial list of medica-
tions that have been shown to be use-
ful for treating clinical depression. As
you can see, the list is quite long.
These drugs are organized with re-
spect to their effects on particular
neurotransmitter (brain chemical)
systems that are believed to be in-
volved in depression, such as the ones
that involve serotonin, norepineph-
rine, and dopamine. We have in-
cluded both the generic name as well
as the brand name (in parentheses)
for each medication.

All of the medications listed in the

table are associated with side effects,
which may include such symptoms as
dry mouth, headache, dizziness, upset
stomach, sexual difficulties, weight
gain, insomnia, or other symptoms,
depending on the medication. Some

antidepressant medications may in-

teract with other prescription
medications, over-the-counter medic-
ations, alcohol, illegal and recreation-
al drugs, or even certain foods (in the
case of MAOI antidepressants). We
recommend that you discuss possible
side effects and drug interactions
with your doctor if you are interested
in trying an antidepressant (or any
medication, for that matter). Al-
though side effects are relatively com-
mon, many people are able to tolerate
antidepressant treatment with no side
effects. Furthermore, when side ef-
fects do occur, they are often mild
and tend to improve with time or ad-
justment of the dosage. Nevertheless,
in rare cases, some medications may
be associated with more severe side
effects. Ask your doctor about the

side effects of any specific medication

that he or she recommends.
With such a long list of available
antidepressants, how does one choose
one antidepressant over another?
There are several factors that come
into play. The first is effectiveness.
Your doctor should recommend a
medication that has been shown to be
effective for your pattern of symp-
toms. Second, your doctor should
take into account the side-effect pro-
file of the medication as well as pos-
sible effects on medical conditions
that you may have. Third, your doctor
should consider possible interactions
with other medications that you may
be taking, as well as interactions with
alcohol and other drugs that you may
use occasionally. Fourth, the cost of
the pills varies from medication to
medication. If cost is an issue (for

example, if you don’t have a drug

plan), you should mention it to your
doctor. Finally, the decision of which
medication to use should be influ-
enced by your past responses to par-
ticular medications. If one medication
was effective and well-tolerated in the
past, it might make sense to try it
again. If you have a history of not re-
sponding to an adequate dosage of a
medication in the past, perhaps this
time you should try a different
If a particular medication does not
work for you, don’t give up. First, you
should make sure you are on an ad-
equate dosage. Doctors are often con-
cerned that patients will be unable to
tolerate the specific medication, so
the initial recommend dosages are of-
ten too low to be effective. If you are
able to tolerate the medication, the

dose will usually be increased over

the first few weeks of use to a dose
likely to be effective. If you’re not sure
whether you are on an adequate
dosage, obtain a second opinion from
another family doctor or psychiatrist.
Second, antidepressants take a few
weeks to work. It’s not uncommon for
people to take these medications for
up to six or even eight weeks before
noticing any benefit. Third, if a par-
ticular medication does not work for
you, there are other options. There
may be another medication that is ef-
fective for you, or you may benefit
from a psychological treatment such
as CBT or IPT. Finally, it is possible to
boost the effects of some antidepress-
ants using other medications such as
lithium carbonate. Lithium is nor-
mally used to treat bipolar disorder or
manic depression (a problem in

which people experience both ex-

treme highs and lows in mood).
However, when used in conjunction
with an antidepressant, lithium has
been shown for some people to im-
prove upon the benefits achieved by
an antidepressant alone (Thase et al.

Electroconvulsive Therapy
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
is often administered after all other
treatments for depression have been
attempted and failed, unless the per-
son is very seriously ill, in which case
it may be recommended as an initial
treatment. ECT is still very controver-
sial and is often discussed in a negat-
ive light by the media. Today, ECT is
very different than the way it has
been portrayed in movies such as One

Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The

procedure is done under anesthetic
and involves inducing stimulation of
the brain by delivering a shock to the
brain lasting less than a second. The
seizures that used to be triggered dur-
ing ECT are now suppressed by the
use of muscle relaxants. The main
side effect of ECT is confusion and
loss of short-term memory that lasts
for about a week or two. Despite these
side effects, many individuals who do
not respond to medications may find
ECT to be effective for depression
(Mathew, Amiel, and Sackeim 2005).
A more recent development is
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation,
which uses magnetic waves to stimu-
late the brain while the person re-
mains fully conscious. This treatment
is done as an outpatient procedure, as

is ECT, and people go home or on to

their workplace after the session.

How to Change
Perfectionistic Thinking
and Behavior in
For a detailed review of all the
strategies for overcoming perfection-
ism, see chapters 7 through 9. In this
section, we will highlight some of the
techniques that may be helpful for
you if you suffer from depressed
mood or if you tend to feel down
when your expectations are not met.

Changing Perfectionistic
Thoughts that Contribute to

You may recall from chapter 7 that

we recommend following five steps
for changing perfectionistic thoughts:
identifying perfectionistic thoughts,
listing more reasonable alternative
thoughts, reassessing the advantages
and disadvantages of the original
thoughts and the alternative
thoughts, and choosing a more real-
istic or helpful way of viewing situ-
ations. In addition, we suggest a vari-
ety of specific techniques that can be
helpful for changing perfectionistic
thoughts. Several of these will be par-
ticularly helpful for individuals who
tend to feel sad or depressed. These
include: examining the evidence, tak-
ing another perspective, comprom-
ising with yourself, hypothesis test-
ing, changing your social comparison
habits, and looking at the big picture.
Others may be helpful as well, so it is

worth looking over the material in

chapter 7 for further possibilities.
In the case of depression, you
should pay particular attention to de-
pressive beliefs about yourself, such
as beliefs that you are worthless, in-
competent, or generally deficient in
some way. If you hold these beliefs,
you may find it helpful to think care-
fully about what these labels mean.
Sometimes, attempting to define la-
bels such as “worthless” and “incom-
petent” will lead you to realize that
these words do not really capture who
you are (or who anyone is, for that
matter). Consider the following ther-
apy vignette. In this vignette, the
therapist uses the strategy of taking
another perspective to help Jonathon
to evaluate his own worth using the
same criteria that he uses to judge
other people.

Jonathon: Most days, I feel com-

pletely worthless. I just sit
around the house and noth-
ing seems to get done.
Therapist: Let’s look at the word
“worthless.” Exactly what
does that word mean to you?
Jonathon: Well, I suppose that a
worthless person is someone
who doesn’t contribute to
society and doesn’t do any-
thing—someone like me.
Therapist: Can you think of anyone
else who you would describe
as worthless?
Jonathon: Actually, no. I can’t.
Therapist: If you were to meet
someone else who is

worthless, how would you

know it?
Jonathon: I don’t really think of other
people as being worthless.
Therapist: What if you met a person
who, like yourself, was un-
employed and not spending
time with friends? Would
you consider that person to
be worthless?
Jonathon: Not at all. If anything, I
would feel for that person.
Therapist: It seems that you have dif-
ferent standards for yourself
than you do for other people.
Is it possible to change your
view of yourself to match the
view that you might have of
another person who is simil-
ar to you?

Jonathon: I guess it’s possible that

I’m not worthless, although I
still believe that there are
lots of things in my life that
need to change.
Here is another therapy vignette
that illustrates how a therapist helps
Andrea to change social-comparison
strategies that may contribute to her
depressed feelings:
Andrea: My daughter’s report card
just arrived, and it was just
average. To make things
worse, my nephew is doing
very well in school. I know
my brother is going to tell
me about my nephew’s re-
port card, and I’m going to
feel terrible.
Therapist: Why will you feel terrible?

Andrea: My daughter should be doing

at least as well as my neph-
ew. I feel that her report
card reflects badly on me.
Therapist: How do your nephew’s
grades compare to everyone
else’s in the class?
Andrea: He is always at the top of the
class. That just makes it
Therapist: What effect does it have to
compare your daughter’s re-
port card to that of the top
student in the class?
Andrea: It makes me feel miserable.
Therapist: People can be measured in
many different dimensions,
including physical appear-
ance, intelligence, artistic

talent, physical fitness,

aptitude for sports, know-
ledge of particular topics,
physical health, income,
school performance—and
the list goes on and on. In
fact, each of these dimen-
sions can be subdivided into
other dimensions. For ex-
ample, physical appearance
includes such things as
height, weight, hair color,
complexion, and so on. Each
of us performs well in some
of these dimensions. In oth-
er dimensions, we may per-
form poorly, compared to
most people. However, in
most dimensions, we tend to
be somewhere in
between—in other words,

Andrea: Now that you mention it,

there are lots of ways in
which my daughter really
outshines my nephew. He
just studies all the time, but
my daughter has lots of out-
side interests and is quite
good at sports.
In addition to changing negative
thoughts about yourself, you should
also examine your negative thoughts
and absolutes about the world (for in-
stance, “People should always be in-
terested in what I have to say”) and
about the future (for example, “I will
never find a relationship that makes
me happy”). Not only are thoughts
such as these usually untrue, but they
also contribute to feelings of

Changing Perfectionistic
Behaviors that
Contribute to Depression
A number of strategies may be helpful
for dealing with perfectionistic beha-
viors that are associated with depres-
sion. Exposure exercises designed to
disprove perfectionistic beliefs can re-
duce the intensity of these beliefs. Ex-
posure can help reduce depression in
other ways as well. Often, when
people are feeling depressed, they
tend to become socially withdrawn
and uninterested in their usual hob-
bies and activities. Therefore, they be-
gin to avoid doing things because they
believe that they are unlikely to enjoy
themselves. The net result of the
avoidance, however, is to decrease the
person’s enjoyment of life, thereby

contributing to the depression and

the lack of motivation to do things.
Exposure can have the effect of
breaking that cycle. By forcing your-
self to do things that normally are in-
teresting to you, chances are that you
may enjoy them more than you might
expect. Going places and doing
things, despite not having the energy
or interest in being active, may help
to increase your interest in doing
things over time. For more details on
how to conduct exposure practices,
see chapter 8.
In addition to exposure, several of
the other behavioral strategies dis-
cussed in chapter 8 may be helpful.
For example, if you tend to have diffi-
culty communicating directly and as-
sertively when you’re feeling down,
you may find some of the suggestions
regarding assertive communication

helpful. In addition, procrastination

can often be a problem for people
who are feeling depressed. Check out
chapter 8 for methods of overcoming
Chapter 11

Perfectionism and
Like sadness and fear, anger is a uni-
versal emotion that is experienced by
everyone. Despite the fact that all
people feel anger from time to time,
most people don’t enjoy feeling angry,
and they may even feel embarrassed
about expressing anger in front of
others. The experience of anger is of-
ten associated with other feelings,
such as irritation, disappointment,
rage, or a feeling of hatred and dislike
toward another person, a situation, or
even yourself.
When feeling angry, you may also
experience a desire to be aggressive

or destructive, or you may feel the

urge to seek revenge toward another
person who has let you down. Usu-
ally, anger is associated with a sense
of blame. That is, when you feel
angry, you are probably assigning
blame to another individual or your-
self for behaving in an unacceptable
way. Also, anger is typically associ-
ated with strong beliefs about the way
a situation should be.
Although anger can increase the
likelihood of aggression, there is little
evidence to support a strong relation-
ship between anger and aggression in
general. Anger prepares you to be ag-
gressive if the need arises, but it does
not cause aggression directly. Most
people, across situations, are able to
control their anger and prevent it
from leading to verbal or physical at-
tacks on others. Furthermore, even

when a person is aggressive, it is of-

ten not related to anger but rather to
a need for dominance or control. For
example, people who injure their vic-
tims during a robbery have probably
not been provoked in any way and
probably aren’t angry at the victim.
Similarly, when children tease or hurt
other children in the school yard, it
probably has little to do with anger
and more to do with a desire to dom-
inate the other person or look strong
in front of peers.
People differ with respect to their
threshold for feeling anger. An exper-
ience that might cause anger for one
person may not have the same effect
on another individual. Although some
drivers become very angry when oth-
er drivers make mistakes—such as
cutting off another car, tailgating,
driving too slowly, or going through a

red light (this anger toward other

drivers is often referred to as “road
rage” in the media)—other drivers tol-
erate these situations without much
As we discussed in previous
chapters, perfectionism puts people
at risk for becoming angry more eas-
ily. If you tend to have high standards
that are rigid and inflexible, you are
at risk for not having your standards
and expectations met. Not being able
to achieve a goal is one of several
common triggers for anger.

Common Triggers for

Psychologist Carroll Izard identified
three common triggers for anger: re-
straint, interruption of goal-oriented

behavior, and aversive stimulation

(1991). We will consider each of these
in turn.

Restraint involves some force
blocking your desired actions in a
particular situation. Restraint can be
physical or psychological in nature.
Physical restraint involves actually
holding a person down in order to
prevent him or her from doing
something or going somewhere. Stud-
ies show that even infants as young as
four months old respond with anger
when their arms are restrained
(Sternberg and Campos 1990). Psy-
chological restraint involves being
prevented from doing something by
some social or psychological force
(for example, having to follow

particular rules or regulations to

avoid getting in trouble). You prob-
ably recognize the experience of be-
coming angry when you are re-
strained or prevented from doing
something that you want to do. As a
teenager, you may have become angry
when your parents prevented you
from going out with friends. As an
adult, you may become angry when
you get into your car, only to realize
that the tire is flat and you are going
to be late for an appointment.

Interruption of Goal-Oriented
Interruption of goal-oriented be-
havior is very similar to restraint, in
that a person is prevented from
reaching a particular goal. An ex-
ample is feeling angry when you are

interrupted while concentrating on a

task, such as reading a book, watch-
ing a good movie, or filling out your
income-tax forms. Although most
people enjoy breaks from time to
time, uninvited interruptions may be
less welcome for some people, espe-
cially when there is a perceived pres-
sure to finish a task by a certain time.
Because perfectionism can often be
associated with high standards for
performance or a drive to finish jobs
quickly, being interrupted is more
likely to be a trigger for anger among
perfectionistic people.

Aversive Stimulation
Aversive stimulation involves be-
ing exposed to an unpleasant stimu-
lus, such as extreme cold or heat, in-
tense pain, a loud noise, a nasty odor,

or a morally offensive comment. For

example, if you are shopping in a
crowded shopping mall, you may be-
come irritable following several hours
of exposure to noise, crowds, and un-
comfortable stuffiness (especially if
you’re wearing warm clothing).

Other Triggers for Anger

There are many other possible
triggers for anger. For example, most
people feel angry when they have
been deceived, treated poorly, or hurt
by another person. In addition, you
probably have had times when disap-
proval from others has led you to feel
angry. You may also feel anger toward
others even when their behavior is
not directed at you (for instance, feel-
ing angry at your best friend’s boss
when you find out that your best

friend was unjustly fired; feeling

angry at a politician for making a de-
cision that you don’t agree with).
Anger can be directed at yourself
as well. If you make a mistake on an
important job at work, you may feel
angry for not doing the perfect job
that you had anticipated. You may
even feel angry about feeling angry. It
is not unusual for people to experi-
ence anger toward themselves if they
lose control when feeling angry to-
ward another person.

When Is Anger a
Chronic problems with anger can
contribute to high blood pressure,
heart disease, excess stomach acid,
and other physical problems.

Interpersonally, anger can lead to less

intimate relationships, as friends,
coworkers, and family members learn
to avoid talking about certain issues
in order to prevent themselves from
being the victims of your anger. In ex-
treme cases, people may avoid you
completely, leading to complete social
isolation. Finally, continual displays
of anger can affect your self-esteem
by making you feel guilty, embar-
rassed, out of control, or inadequate.
Although anger is a normal emo-
tion that everyone experiences, it can
be problematic when it happens too
frequently, when it happens too in-
tensely, when it leads to physical or
psychological aggression, when it
leads to relationship difficulties, and
when it leads to any other types of
significant impairment in a person’s
life (for example, individuals who are

so angry that they cannot work on

their term paper that is due the next
day; people who get fired for telling
their boss what they really think of
him or her).

The Development of
The experience and expression of an-
ger is mediated by a complex interac-
tion among various biological and
psychological factors. As we men-
tioned earlier, there is evidence that
the capacity to express anger is
present from infancy. In addition,
many animals are capable of express-
ing anger, often in ways that are very
similar to the expression of anger in
humans. From a biological perspect-
ive, the limbic system (including the

hypothalamus and amygdala) has

been implicated in the expression of
In addition, your learning experi-
ences during childhood probably have
a large impact on how you express
anger. There is evidence that parents
are more tolerant of anger in boys
than in girls. Researchers have found
that parents of boys tend to respond
to anger with attention, which may
strengthen the angry behavior. In
contrast, parents are more likely to
tell their daughters that their anger is
inappropriate and instruct them to
stop being angry (Radke-Yarrow and
Kochanska 1990). This pattern seems
to continue in adults. Men who ex-
press anger in the workplace are gen-
erally viewed more positively than
men who express sadness, and their
anger is often assumed to be related

to external circumstances (for ex-

ample, “He is angry because of
something that happened to him”). In
contrast, women who express anger
in the workplace are viewed (by both
men and women) more negatively,
and their anger is more likely to be at-
tributed to internal factors (for in-
stance, “She is an angry person”).
Other research has lent further
support to the view that behavior by
parents contributes to the expression
of anger in children. For example, one
study found that toddlers are more
likely to express anger frequently if
their parents respond to their prob-
lem behaviors with anger (Crocken-
berg 1985). In contrast, parents who
respond to toddlers with other emo-
tions, such as fear or sadness, are
more likely to have children with few-
er behavioral problems and a well-

developed capacity to empathize with

other people. It should be noted that
behavior by parents is not the only
social influence on the way a person
expresses anger. There is also evid-
ence that a child’s peer group has an
impact on the development and
maintenance of anger and anger-re-
lated behavior (Lemerise and Dodge
2008; Snyder et al. 2007).
Because anger is a universal emo-
tion influenced by such factors as
brain functioning and childhood
learning experiences, you may be
tempted to assume that there is noth-
ing you can do to change your angry
behavior. Nothing could be further
from the truth. More than fifty stud-
ies have investigated the effectiveness
of cognitive and behavioral treat-
ments for anger, and overall this ap-
proach to treating anger has been

shown to be quite effective (DiGi-

useppe and Tafrate 2007; Feindler
2006; Gorenstein et al. 2007). Learn-
ing to change the thoughts and beha-
viors that help to maintain your diffi-
culties with anger is the best way to
overcome the problem.

The Role of Thoughts in Anger

When you respond with anger, it
is not the situation or event that leads
you to react, but rather your inter-
pretation of the situation or event.
For example, imagine that your child
arrives home from school and hands
you a midterm report card. Upon ex-
amining the report card, you notice
failing grades in math and science.
How would you respond to this situ-
ation? What emotions would you be
feeling? What thoughts might you be

having? Now, imagine how other

people you know might respond to
this situation. Think about specific
people, such as your partner, family
members, coworkers, and so on.
Would any of them respond differ-
ently to this situation than you? Can
you imagine another parent feeling
differently when confronted with this
situation? There are many different
ways that a parent might respond.
Furthermore, the specific reaction is
likely to be influenced by the person’s
beliefs about the situation. The table
below provides examples of thoughts
that might be associated with particu-
lar emotional reactions in response to
a child’s disappointing report card.

In this example, you can see how

the specific beliefs that you hold af-
fect your emotional response to the
situation. By examining the accuracy
of your angry beliefs and trying to
change them to be more realistic and
moderate, you will find it easier to
control your anger.

Perfectionism and Anger

Perfectionism can lead to anger when
you apply your unreasonably high ex-
pectations and standards to other
people. You may also become angry at
yourself when you do not meet your
own specific goals or expectations.
Any belief that you have about how
you or other people should be puts
you at risk for feeling angry if these
expectations are not met. Beware of
statements or thoughts that include
words such as “should” and “must,”
especially when they are accompan-
ied by words such as “always” and
“never.” Examples of perfectionistic
expectations that may lead to anger
when they are not met include the
• I should never be late for

• My doctor should be able to

diagnose and treat any
symptom I have.

• My children should always

dress the way I want them

• People should never tell

lies—even white lies.

• Nice people never talk

about others behind their

• I should lose five pounds.

• My children must never


• People should never eat

with their hands.

• People should always do ex-

actly what they say they will

Changing Perfectionistic
Thoughts and Behaviors
that Contribute to Anger
Chapters 7, 8, and 9 contain many
different strategies that are useful for
combating the thoughts and behavi-
ors that are associated with perfec-
tionism, including those that contrib-
ute to anger. You may wish to review
these chapters. The remaining sec-
tions of this chapter highlight a num-
ber of strategies that are especially
helpful for dealing with anger.

Become Aware of Your Anger

Before It Becomes Intense
People are often unaware of their
anger, especially when it is at low
levels. Therefore, the first step to re-
ducing your anger is to increase your
ability to detect anger before it gets
out of hand. Be aware of subtle signs
that you may be feeling angry. These
may include a tendency to use sar-
castic comments or put-downs, a feel-
ing of tension in your body, being
grouchy or irritable, or being overly
sensitive to comments from other
people. If you are in a situation where
things are not going your way, be
aware of whether you are becoming
angry and take steps to keep the an-
ger from getting the best of you (some
possible strategies are described
throughout the rest of this chapter).
When anger is very intense, it may be

hard to think clearly, so catching it

early can be helpful.
In fact, you can even deal with the
anger before it happens. If you anti-
cipate being angry in a situation, try
to challenge your angry thoughts be-
fore they occur. For example, if you
are expecting a negative performance
appraisal in an upcoming meeting
with your boss, plan how to deal with
the situation before it happens. Be-
fore the meeting, brainstorm possible
ways of dealing with the situation that
are unlikely to be damaging to you or
your situation at work.

Challenge Your Perfectionistic

Rather than accepting your angry
thoughts as facts, test out their valid-
ity by using the strategies discussed

in chapter 7. Examine the evidence

supporting your angry beliefs. Search
for other ways of interpreting the
situation. The following therapy vign-
ette illustrates how to make your
standards more flexible in order to
become more tolerant and decrease
your angry feelings.
Beth: My daughter just came home
from college with a lip ring,
and I’m absolutely furious.
Therapist: What bothers you about
the piercing?
Beth: It looks repulsive. Also, I’m
worried that when other
people see it, it will cause
problems for her. Nobody
will ever find her attractive
with that thing.

Therapist: The thought that you just

mentioned is a “worry”
thought. What “anger”
thoughts are you having?
For example, do you believe
that you’ve somehow been
hurt by your daughter get-
ting her lip pierced?
Beth: Well, she knows that I don’t ap-
prove of it, and she did it
anyway. We’ve talked about
it in the past, and I let her
know how I feel. She has
completely disregarded my
feelings, and I believe that
she has no respect for my
Therapist: So, you interpret the lip
piercing as evidence that
your daughter doesn’t re-
spect your opinions. Are

there other possible

Beth: Not that I can think of.
Therapist: Would you say that any
time a person decides to
purchase a piece of clothing
or adopt a new hairstyle that
another person does not find
attractive, it is a sign of
Beth: Of course not, but this is differ-
ent. This is such a radical
Therapist: Can you think of anything
that you may have done in
the past that your own par-
ents thought was radical or

Beth: Actually, when I got my ears

pierced, my parents didn’t
talk to me for a week.
Therapist: Today, the role of body
piercing is not very different
from that of ear piercing
forty years ago. If you look
around the city, there are
many people your daughter’s
age who have a piercing in
one place or another.
Beth: What if she can’t find a job after
graduation because of her
lip ring? It’s possible that
employers out there will see
it the way I do!
Therapist: Let me throw the question
back at you. What if she
can’t get a job because of the
lip ring?

Beth: I guess she will take out the lip

ring or find a place to work
where it doesn’t matter. I
can see what you’re getting
at. Even though I don’t like
it, it’s not as bad as I thought
at first.
In general, asking yourself some
of the following questions may help
you to challenge the perfectionistic
thoughts that contribute to your
• Is this situation really as
important as it feels?

• What if this situation

doesn’t go my way? Does it
really matter?

• Do I need to control this


• Is my way the only way to

view this situation?

• Would another person ne-

cessarily see this situation
the same way as I do?

• What if things don’t work

out the way I want them to?

• Do I know for sure that

things will turn out badly if
I don’t get my way?

• Will getting angry result in

the outcome that I want?

Allow People to Be Different

than You
People like to be around other
people who share important beliefs,
attitudes, and values. People who are

overly perfectionistic, however, may

insist that other people conform to
their way of thinking and doing
things, even for matters that aren’t
terribly important. To be less of a per-
fectionist, you will need to allow other
people to be themselves, even if it
means that you don’t agree with their
choices in clothing, hairstyle, career,
relationships, and so on.
This doesn’t mean that anything
goes. In all relationships, there are
limitations to what people find ac-
ceptable. Most people don’t tolerate
being lied to or stolen from by friends
or coworkers. Similarly, parents gen-
erally don’t allow their children to do
things that are very dangerous. The
goal should not be to have no stand-
ards, but rather to have more flexible
standards. If you can distinguish
between standards that are

appropriate and others that are un-

realistic or excessively high, you will
run less of a risk of experiencing un-
warranted anger toward other people.

Avoid Using Angry Language

Angry language can help fuel
angry feelings. For example, labeling
other people as jerks, idiots, incom-
petent, irresponsible, and so on can
make it difficult to change the way
you think about them. If you are
tempted to label another person, try
labeling his or her behavior instead.
For example, if your housemate has
not taken out the garbage in a few
weeks, rather than saying, “My
housemate is lazy and inconsiderate,”
try saying, “My housemate has not
taken out the garbage in a few weeks.”

In addition to avoiding labeling, it

can be helpful to make it a habit to
think before you speak, particularly
when you’re angry. Before saying
what’s on your mind, imagine hearing
the words that you are about to say.
Would you find the words helpful if
someone said them to you? If not,
keep your thoughts to yourself. You
don’t have to say everything you’re

Assume Responsibility for Your

As we discussed earlier, anger is
often caused by blaming another per-
son for a problem or holding on to ri-
gid beliefs about how something
should be. To overcome a problem
with excessive anger, it’s important to
understand all the different factors

that contribute to a situation, includ-

ing your own role. Situations are of-
ten complex, and rarely is a particular
person entirely responsible for a
problem or situation.
Imagine that you confided in your
friend Tom that you didn’t like his
friend Alison. If Tom told Alison how
you felt about her, you might feel
angry and betrayed because Tom has
talked about you behind your back.
Although it’s true that Tom may have
made a mistake in this situation, it
would be important for you to assume
some responsibility for what
happened as well. By telling Tom
about your feelings toward Alison,
you would also be guilty of gossiping.
Also, you would be in part respons-
ible for the information getting back
to Alison.

Similarly, arguments and dis-

agreements are rarely the fault of any
one person. Rather, they are usually
determined by a complex interaction
of many different factors, including
the specific situation that two people
are arguing about, the manner in
which each person is discussing the
topic (tone and volume of voice, body
language, use of sarcastic comments
and insults, and so on), the personal
state of each person (fatigue, hunger,
anxious or depressed mood, previous
stresses during the day, and so on),
and possible miscommunication.
During a disagreement, it is easy to
notice all the ways in which the other
person has contributed to the argu-
ment. It’s much more difficult to take
responsibility for your own behaviors
that may have helped fuel the

Admit When You Are Wrong

People often believe that it is im-
portant, above all else, to be consist-
ent. You may fear that if you back
down on a particular issue or if you
change your mind, you will appear
uncertain, others will not take you as
seriously, and your opinion will be
less respected in the future. There are
situations in which this may be true.
For example, a politician who makes
a commitment (for example, “No new
taxes”) during an election campaign
and then breaks the promise after be-
ing elected may be perceived as dis-
honest, manipulative, or indecisive.
However, in most cases, people re-
spect other people who are able to
change in the face of new information
or after realizing that they have made
a mistake. If you realize that your ex-
pectations have been unreasonable,

people will appreciate you admitting

that you were wrong. People generally
appreciate an apology when it is

Practice Exposure Exercises

If you tend to overreact to other
people doing things differently than
you, structured exposure to the situ-
ation may help you to be more toler-
ant. For example, if it upsets you to
have your partner clean up after din-
ner (because it is never done to your
high standards), arrange for your
partner to clean up every day for a
couple of weeks (of course, this will
depend on your partner’s agreeing to
participate). During the practices,
your job will be to refrain from mak-
ing any comments or criticisms. Over
the course of the practices, you will

probably become more tolerant of

your partner’s cleaning standards.
Before beginning any exposure
practices, we recommend that you re-
view the relevant parts of chapter 8 to
make sure that the exercises are
structured in a way that maximizes
their effectiveness.

Take Some Time Out

Time out involves physically or
mentally taking a break from a situ-
ation. For example, you might lie
down, take a walk, phone a friend,
watch TV, or get involved in some
other activity that gets you out of the
situation. Sometimes, you won’t have
the opportunity to physically get away
from a situation. In these cases, just
taking the time to count to ten may be
enough of a break to prevent you

from saying something that you

might regret later. Your anger is likely
to decrease if you get away from the
triggers that remind you of why you
are angry. After a break, you are likely
to see the situation in a more realistic
light. Often, by the time you return to
the situation, the anger will have sub-
sided. Time out is especially helpful
when your anger is too intense to
make use of some of the other anger-
management strategies, such as chal-
lenging your angry thoughts.
There are helpful and unhelpful
ways of taking time out. It’s best to
never storm out of a room or hang up
the telephone on another person.
Even though this may make you feel
better, the other person is likely to be-
come more angry or hurt, and the
problem will escalate. If you need to
take a break, explain to the other

individual that you are feeling angry

and that you want some time to think
about things. Be specific about how
much time you need (“I’ll be back in
an hour” or “I’ll phone you tomor-
row”). If the other person wants to
continue the conversation, make an
appointment to talk at a later time
when your anger is likely to have de-
creased—and make sure you keep the

Try Physical Exercise

Physical exercise (for example,
running, walking, cycling, swimming,
aerobics, sports, and so on) is a good
way to blow off steam. With regular
exercise, you may also feel more ener-
getic and healthy, which in turn will
make it easier for you to tolerate situ-
ations that otherwise might be

annoying or frustrating (Hassmén,

Koivula, and Uutela 2000).

Practice Relaxation and

Research has shown that relaxa-
tion training and mindfulness medit-
ation can be effective ways to manage
anger (Deffenbacher, Oetting, and
DiGiuseppe 2002; Polizzi 2008).
There are many different methods
that can be used to induce a state of
relaxation or mindfulness. Progress-
ive muscle relaxation involves learn-
ing to relax the muscles of the body to
decrease feelings of tension, stress,
and anxiety. Imagery, another meth-
od that is sometimes helpful, involves
learning to imagine particular scenes
that are relaxing. Meditation and
mindfulness training can help you

deal with anger and other negative

emotions. Finally, learning to breathe
slowly and smoothly can help you re-
lax. A full description of each of these
methods is beyond the scope of this
book. However, there are a number of
places where you can learn more
about relaxation and meditation if
you are interested. Check out the Fur-
ther Readings at the end of this book,
as well as some of the ideas suggested
in chapter 9. Also, you may have ac-
cess near your home to classes for re-
laxation training, meditation, yoga, or
some other activity that includes a re-
laxation or mindfulness component.

Use Problem-Solving Strategies

When you are faced with a conflict
or problem, use the following steps to

solve the problem, rather than losing

your temper or stewing in anger:
1. Define the problem. Until
you understand exactly
what the problem is, you
will not be able to solve it.

2. If the problem is complex,

break it down into smaller
problems. Then choose one
problem to work on at a

3. Brainstorm all possible

solutions to the prob-
lem—even solutions that
aren’t likely to work.

4. Evaluate each solution by

listing the potential costs
and benefits.

5. Choose the best solution(s)

to the problem.

6. Develop a plan for imple-

menting the solutions (for
instance, decide what steps
need to be taken to make
the plan work).

7. Solve the problem by carry-

ing out the solution you
have chosen.

8. Evaluate the effectiveness

of the solution. If the solu-
tion was not effective, re-
peat the problem-solving
steps until you find a solu-
tion that works.

Consider the following example.

Imagine you are a manager in an of-
fice where you supervise several

members of the clerical staff. One of

your staff members has a tendency to
arrive ten or fifteen minutes late for
work almost every day. As the super-
visor, you believe that lateness is un-
acceptable and are determined to ad-
dress this problem. Start by defining
the problem. In this case, the problem
is that one of your staff is late every
day and that lateness makes you
angry. Note that the problem has two
parts to it—the fact that the employee
is late (and the effects of the lateness
on his or her work) and your reaction
to the person being late. In this ex-
ample, the lateness is only a problem
because it bothers you.
Step 2 involves breaking down the
problem into smaller problems, if ne-
cessary. However, in this case, the
problem is relatively simple and
doesn’t need to be broken down any

further. Step 3 involves brainstorm-

ing possible solutions. For example,
possible solutions include: fire the
employee, only pay the employee for
the time spent at work, ask the em-
ployee to make up the time later,
completely relax your rules regarding
lateness (in other words, decide that
all lateness is okay), relax your rules
somewhat regarding lateness (for ex-
ample, decide that being up to ten
minutes late for work is acceptable),
or simply ignore the problem.
Next, evaluate the costs and bene-
fits of each solution. For example, one
benefit of firing the employee is that
you would no longer have to be
angered by the situation. On the other
hand, firing the employee might lead
to a wrongful dismissal lawsuit, as
well as making you feel very guilty
and making your other staff members

unhappy. Conversely, choosing the

solution of somewhat relaxing the
rules may work well. This solution
will accommodate the employee’s
morning schedule without really af-
fecting productivity in any way. If the
employee believes that you are flex-
ible, he or she may be more inclined
to work harder. A potential cost of
this solution is that other staff may
start to arrive late as well. Or perhaps
if you give staff members permission
to arrive ten minutes late, they will
start arriving thirty minutes late.
Once you evaluate the costs and
benefits of each solution, you may
find that none of the solutions is per-
fect. In the end, however, you will
need to choose the best solution. If no
solution seems potentially useful,
take a break from the problem and
come back to it later. Perhaps

involving another individual in the

problem-solving process will help.
Another person may be able to gener-
ate solutions that were not obvious to
Once you are able to choose one or
more solutions that are likely to be ef-
fective, begin to develop a plan for
implementing them. For example, if
you decide to relax the rules regard-
ing lateness so that being ten minutes
late is acceptable, how will you imple-
ment the rule? Will you make an an-
nouncement to all staff about the new
rule? Or will you wait until someone
is more than ten minutes late to tell
him or her about the new rule for ac-
ceptable and unacceptable lateness?
When you have chosen a plan for ac-
tion, carry it out as soon as possible.
The longer you wait to solve the

problem, the harder it may be to

make the changes.
Chapter 12

Perfectionism and
Social Anxiety
The Nature of Social
If you’ve ever felt uncomfortable in
the presence of another person or
nervous about making a negative im-
pression on other people, you’ve ex-
perienced social anxiety. Most people
experience anxiety or fear in certain
social situations, at least some of the
time. Perhaps you have felt uneasy in
a situation where you were the center
of attention (for example, getting
married, acting in a play, or giving a

formal presentation at work). Or per-

haps you have felt uneasy at a big job
interview or meeting your partner’s
parents for the first time. Like any
situation that triggers anxiety and
fear, social situations can be uncom-
fortable when they are perceived as
threatening or dangerous in some
way. In other words, you’re more
likely to be anxious when you believe
that you have something to lose if you
say the wrong thing, behave inappro-
priately, or seem uncomfortable.
Social anxiety exists on a con-
tinuum. Some people may appear to
never experience anxiety in any social
situations, whereas other people
avoid all social contact, including go-
ing to work and spending time with
their family. Most people are in
between these two extremes. You may
be tempted to avoid social situations

that make you uncomfortable. If you

don’t avoid these situations, you may
rely on certain coping strategies to
help get you through the situation.
For example, a client seen in our clin-
ic was a university professor who had
an extreme fear of public speak-
ing—including teaching her classes.
Although she was unable to avoid
teaching, she found subtle ways to get
through her classes. For example, she
always taught her students in the
dark, using overhead transparencies,
so they wouldn’t notice her anxiety
symptoms. Also, she always wore tur-
tleneck sweaters so that the blushing
on her neck wouldn’t be visible.
Most social situations that trigger
anxiety can be categorized into two
main types: performance situations
and social-interaction situations. Per-
formance situations are situations in

which you are likely to be observed

while performing some task. Social-
interaction situations involve speak-
ing or interacting with another per-
son. Below are some examples of


• Public speaking (for in-
stance, formal

• Participating in meetings at
work, answering questions
in class, and so on

• Singing, acting, dancing, or

reading aloud

• Using a public restroom

with someone else in the

• Doing aerobics or playing


• Writing with other people


• Eating or drinking with oth-

er people watching

• Going out in public without

dressing “nicely”

• Being sexually intimate


• Going to parties (especially

when the other guests are

• Being introduced to new


• Talking with people in posi-

tions of authority (for ex-
ample, a boss or teacher)

• Being assertive

• Initiating casual

• Maintaining casual

• Going out on a date

• Going to job interviews


• Sharing private details

about your life with another

• Talking on the telephone

• Confronting another person

about a problem

In anxiety-provoking social situ-

ations, people are typically appre-
hensive about two different aspects of
the situation. First, they have anxiety-
provoking thoughts about the situ-
ation itself. For example, they may
worry that others will find them to be
incompetent, unattractive, unintelli-
gent, or boring, despite the fact that
they are actually unlikely to be judged
negatively in the situation. Second,
they have anxiety-provoking thoughts
about looking nervous in front of

other people. For example, they may

worry that other people will notice
specific anxiety symptoms (for in-
stance, shaky hands or a sweaty fore-
head). People who are socially
anxious often see their anxiety as a
sign of weakness and take great pains
to make sure that other people don’t
notice the symptoms.
Because people who are socially
anxious often avoid social situations,
they may lack certain skills to per-
form well in these situations. For ex-
ample, a person who is uncomfort-
able talking to other people may lack
certain conversational skills that oth-
ers take for granted (for example,
how to make appropriate eye contact,
how to ask questions of the other per-
son, and so on). Similarly, people who
completely avoid sports or dancing
are unlikely to be extremely

accomplished at either of these activ-

ities until they have opportunities to
practice and develop their skills.
Like other emotional states, social
anxiety may be thought of as having
three main components: the physical,
the cognitive, and the behavioral. The
physical component includes all the
physical symptoms that people exper-
ience when anxious, including racing
heart, irregular breathing, dizziness,
shaking, sweating, blushing, or an un-
steady voice.
The cognitive component includes
the beliefs, interpretations, and pre-
dictions that contribute to the anxiety
(for instance, “This person will think
I’m an idiot”). This component also
includes a tendency to pay too much
attention to information that con-
firms the anxiety-provoking beliefs.

For example, if you are nervous while

giving a presentation, you are more
likely to notice the people in the audi-
ence who seem bored or unhappy
than the people who seem interested
in your talk. Also, when confronted
with an ambiguous situation
(something like a person who seems
uninterested in what you’re saying),
you are more likely to interpret the
situation in a way that is consistent
with your anxiety (for example, “This
person finds me boring”) than with a
more neutral interpretation (such as,
“This person seems very distracted”).
The behavioral component of so-
cial anxiety usually involves avoid-
ance of the feared situation. This may
include complete avoidance (such as
not going to a party), or more subtle
forms of avoidance (for example, go-
ing to a party but only talking to

certain “safe” people). In addition, so-

cial anxiety may be associated with
other behaviors, such as checking
your appearance in the mirror and
constantly trying to figure out wheth-
er people are reacting negatively to
your behavior.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder (also called
social phobia) is a term used to de-
scribe social anxiety that is extreme
enough to greatly bother a person or
cause significant interference in the
person’s life. The criteria that profes-
sionals use to define social anxiety
disorder include the following (Amer-
ican Psychiatric Association 2000):
• The person experiences an
intense fear of one or more
social or performance

situations in which the per-

son fears that he or she will
do something embarrassing
or show signs of anxiety.

• The person becomes very

anxious or panicky when
exposed to a feared social

• The person recognizes that

the fear is out of proportion
to the real danger.

• The person avoids the situ-

ation or endures it with in-
tense discomfort.

• The social anxiety bothers

the person or leads to signi-
ficant interference in

• If the person is under eight-

een years old, the problem
has lasted at least six

• The social anxiety is not due

to another problem (for ex-
ample, the person is not
avoiding social situations
simply because he or she is
feeling depressed and is un-
interested in socializing).

Note that social anxiety disorder

may involve many different situations
or as few as one situation (for ex-
ample, public speaking). The main
difference between social anxiety dis-
order and normal levels of social
anxiety and shyness are that in social
anxiety disorder, the anxiety usually
occurs more frequently and more

intensely, and the anxiety causes

problems for the person by interfer-
ing with work, relationships, or other
activities. In many cases, a fear of
public speaking would not meet cri-
teria for social anxiety disorder be-
cause such fears often don’t impact
on people’s lives in any meaningful
way, because many people only rarely
have to speak in public. However, for
a person who has to make frequent
presentations for work, a fear of pub-
lic speaking may well meet criteria for
social anxiety disorder.
Recent epidemiological studies
have estimated that up to 13 percent
of the general population meets the
clinical criteria for social anxiety dis-
order at some time in their life
(Kessler et al. 2005). In addition, so-
cial anxiety disorder is often associ-
ated with other problems, including

depression, eating disorders, and

substance abuse. Fortunately, social
anxiety disorder often responds quite
well to treatment. We will review the
treatment options for this problem
later in this chapter.

Causes of Social Anxiety

and Social Anxiety
Social anxiety disorder seems to run
in families. People who have an im-
mediate family member with social
anxiety disorder are two to three
times more likely to develop social
anxiety disorder compared to people
without social anxiety disorder in the
family. The fact that social anxiety
disorder runs in families is probably
related to both the genetic heritability

of social anxiety, as well as the pro-

cess of learning anxious behaviors
from parents or other family mem-
bers. In fact, evidence is now pointing
to the fact that social anxiety disorder
probably stems from an interaction of
both biological and psychological

Biological Factors
Twin studies that have attempted
to separate out the effects of learning
and genetics have yielded inconsist-
ent results, with some studies show-
ing that genetics plays a moderate
role in the development of social
anxiety disorder and other studies
finding a relatively small genetic con-
tribution. Nevertheless, two personal-
ity traits that are associated with so-
cial anxiety have been shown to be

highly heritable. These include neur-

oticism—a tendency to feel anxious,
tense, and worried, as well as to react
emotionally to a variety of
stresses—and introversion—a tend-
ency to be relatively quiet and socially
withdrawn compared to other people
(Birley et al. 2006; Jang, Livesley,
and Vernon 1996). Although research
on the biological basis of social anxi-
ety is still in its infancy, we are begin-
ning to learn about the role of the
brain in social anxiety. For example, a
part of the brain known as the amyg-
dala may be involved in social anxiety
(as well as other anxiety-based prob-
lems). Studies examining patterns of
blood flow in the brain have found
that people with elevated levels of so-
cial anxiety show more activity in
their amygdala and that treatment
with either medication or cognitive

behavioral therapy tends to decrease

this activity. In addition, there is
evidence that certain brain neuro-
transmitters (in particular, serotonin)
are involved in social anxiety (Stein
and Stein 2008).

Psychological Factors
Although a person’s biology plays
a role in the development and main-
tenance of social anxiety, psycholo-
gical factors are also very important.
A psychologist by the name of S.
Rachman (1976) identified three dif-
ferent pathways to developing fear:
traumatic conditioning, which in-
volves experiencing some negative
event that triggers the fear (for ex-
ample, being teased after a class
presentation may induce a fear of
public speaking); observational

learning, which involves developing a

fear by watching someone else behave
fearfully in the situation (for instance,
developing social anxiety by growing
up in a family of shy parents and sib-
lings); and informational learning,
which involves developing a fear by
being told that a particular situation
is dangerous (such as being told to
“watch your back” when around other
A number of research studies sup-
port the view that these methods of
learning can influence the develop-
ment of social anxiety (for a review,
see Bruch 1989). Compared to people
who are comfortable in social situ-
ations, people with social anxiety dis-
order are more likely to grow up in
homes where other family members
are socially anxious (an example of
observational learning), parents use

shame as a means of discipline (trau-

matic conditioning), family members
place great importance on the opin-
ions of other people (informational
learning), and children are discour-
aged from socializing (informational
In addition, many researchers be-
lieve that people’s beliefs play an
enormous role in whether they feel
anxious in social situations (Clark
and McManus 2002). Common be-
liefs held by people who are socially
anxious include (notice that many of
these beliefs reflect perfectionistic
standards and beliefs):
• I should not appear anxious
in front of other people.

• I should always appear to

be brilliant.

• I should always be enter-

taining when I’m talking to
other people.

• It is awful to blush, shake,

or sweat in front of others.

• People can tell when I am


• I will not be able to speak if

I am too anxious.

• People find me

• I will look incompetent if I

speak to my boss.

• People will become angry

with me if I make a mistake.

Perfectionism and Social

Compared to all other types of anxiety
and fear, social anxiety may be the
most closely linked to perfectionism.
Research from our clinic and else-
where has found that people who are
socially anxious are more likely than
other people to be overly concerned
about making mistakes, particularly
in social situations (Antony et al.
1998). For example, they may hold
the belief that if they make a mistake
or fall short of their standards, they
are complete failures. In addition, so-
cial anxiety is associated with a tend-
ency to doubt one’s abilities in social
situations, including one’s ability to
make a good impression on other

If you have a tendency to set

overly high standards for yourself, it
is likely that you will be unable to
meet your strict expectations. If you
can’t accept the possibility of another
person finding you boring, unattract-
ive, or incompetent, you put yourself
at risk for feeling anxious when inter-
acting with other people who you per-
ceive as threatening. In addition, if
your perfectionism causes you to
avoid certain social situations, you
prevent yourself from ever finding
out whether your anxious predictions
are correct.

Effective Treatments for

Social Anxiety
Although professionals may use many
different treatments to help people

overcome social anxiety, only two

main types of strategies have been
tested out in controlled research stud-
ies. These include medication treat-
ments and a variety of different cog-
nitive and behavioral techniques (An-
tony and Rowa 2008; Rodebaugh,
Holaway, and Heimberg 2004). In
the few studies that have compared
these two general approaches, both
seem to work equally well in the short
term. However, there is evidence that
cognitive and behavioral treatments
have longer-lasting effects compared
to medications, once treatment has
ended. Studies on combining medica-
tions and psychological treatments
have generally found little benefit of
combined treatments over medica-
tion or psychological treatment alone.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Many studies have now estab-
lished that cognitive behavioral ther-
apy (CBT) is effective for helping
people overcome social anxiety dis-
order (Antony and Rowa 2008).
These treatments include three main
approaches: using cognitive tech-
niques to identify and change anxious
thoughts and predictions regarding
social situations, using behavioral
techniques (primarily exposure) to
help a person confront feared situ-
ations until they are no longer fright-
ening, and using social-skills training
to teach individuals the skills needed
to perform effectively in social situ-
ations. Some of the skills that may be
taught during social-skills training in-
clude how to be more assertive, ef-
fectively using eye contact and non-
verbal communication, and learning

to get close to new people. Cognitive

and behavioral methods for dealing
with perfectionism are described in
chapters 7 and 8 in detail.

Treatments Using Medication

Following is a list of medications
that have been shown in controlled
studies to be effective for treating so-
cial anxiety disorder. Medications for
which results have been mixed are
not included. We have included both
the generic name as well as the brand
name (in parentheses) for each med-
ication. Generally, the SSRIs and ven-
lafaxine XR are recommended as the
first medications to try for social
anxiety disorder (based on effective-
ness, side effects, and other factors).

You may notice that many of the

medications that have been shown to
be effective for social anxiety disorder
are actually antidepressants. Antide-
pressant drugs appear to be helpful
for most types of clinical anxiety,
even in people who do not feel de-
pressed. Chapter 10 discusses various
issues related to taking antidepress-
ant medications (how to choose from

the various options, side effects, and

so on).
Many of the medication-related is-
sues discussed in chapter 10 are also
relevant to the anti-anxiety medica-
tions (for example, clonazepam, al-
prazolam), although there are a few
important differences between anti-
depressants and anti-anxiety medica-
tions. First, anti-anxiety medications
typically start working within a half
hour or so after taking the pill, where-
as antidepressants usually take up to
four weeks before they start having an
effect. In addition, the side effects of
anti-anxiety medications are typically
different than those for antidepress-
ants. For anti-anxiety medications,
the most common side effect is fa-
tigue, which usually improves during
the course of treatment. Finally, com-
pared to most antidepressants, anti-

anxiety medications are often more

difficult to stop taking because they
tend to be associated with withdrawal
symptoms, particularly when stopped
too quickly. Withdrawal symptoms
typically include symptoms of in-
creased anxiety and arousal (for in-
stance, racing heart and dizziness).
These symptoms can be minimized by
decreasing the dosage gradually.

Changing Perfectionistic
Thoughts and Behaviors
in Social Anxiety
In this section, we discuss strategies
for challenging anxiety-provoking
thoughts and changing anxiety beha-
viors associated with social anxiety.
For a more detailed discussion of
strategies for overcoming social

anxiety, check out our Shyness and

Social Anxiety Workbook (Antony
and Swinson 2008).

Challenging Perfectionistic
Rather than assuming that your
perfectionistic thoughts are true, it is
important to treat your beliefs as pos-
sibilities or guesses. Unless you are
able to accept the possibility that your
standards for performance are too
high, it will be difficult to shift your
expectations to be more realistic.
Chapter 7 describes methods of chan-
ging your perfectionistic thoughts.
Several of these strategies are likely to
be helpful for dealing with your anxi-
ety in social situations, including ex-
amining the evidence supporting your
thoughts, changing perspectives,

hypothesis testing, changing social-

comparison habits, and using coping
statements. We suggest that you re-
view the techniques described in
chapter 7 to help replace your anxious
thoughts with more realistic
thoughts. The following examples il-
lustrate how to replace anxious
thoughts with more neutral, realistic

Changing Perfectionistic

Chapter 8 includes a number of

strategies for changing perfectionistic
behaviors. In the case of social anxi-
ety, communication training may be a
useful method for improving import-
ant interpersonal skills. However, the
most important strategy for decreas-
ing social anxiety is exposure to
feared situations. Repeated exposure
to anxiety-provoking social situations
will eventually lead to a decrease in
anxiety. Exposure practices should be
frequent (at least several times per
week) and should last long enough to
experience a decrease in anxiety or to
learn that your feared predictions
don’t come true.
You may need to be creative to
come up with appropriate situations
in which you can practice. For ex-
ample, if you are fearful of giving
presentations, there are a number of

different places where you can con-

duct exposure exercises. You can join
an organization called Toastmasters,
which gives members opportunities
to improve their public-speaking
skills (check out Or, you can
take a public-speaking course or an
acting class. Another possibility is vo-
lunteering to speak about your career
in front of a group of students in a
high school or college. You can even
ask a group of friends or family mem-
bers to be your audience.
If a situation is too frightening,
you can begin by conducting role-
play simulations. A role-play simula-
tion is essentially a “rehearsal” expos-
ure in which you practice a social in-
teraction in a safer context, rather
than in the real situation. For ex-
ample, if you are frightened of going

to a job interview, you can practice

simulated interviews with a friend or
family member. You can even ask
your “interviewer” to purposely be
difficult so that the real interview will
seem like a piece of cake in comparis-
on. After practicing in simulated in-
terview situations, you can work your
way up to interviewing for jobs that
don’t interest you especially. These
practices will help you be more com-
fortable in interview situations, so
that when the interview for the job
you really want comes up, you’ll be
If you are afraid of drawing atten-
tion to yourself, practice doing just
that during your exposure practices.
For example, if you are anxious about
having your hands shake while you
are holding a drink or writing, let
your hands shake on purpose. Let

your glass shake until you spill your

water. Or, when you are filling out a
comment card in a restaurant, let
your hand shake enough that the card
is unreadable and has to be rewritten.
If you are afraid that other people will
see you sweat when you’re feeling
anxious, purposely wear warm
clothes so that you are more likely to
perspire. The goal of exposure is to
learn that the situations that you fear
are not dangerous. Even if someone
sees you shake or sweat, there are no
long-term consequences.

Taking Frequent Risks in Social

People who are fearful of social
situations often fear rejection from
other people. If you are fearful of re-
jection, one of the best things you can

do is take social risks more fre-

quently. You may end up being rejec-
ted from time to time, but you will
learn not to care about the rejection
as much.
For example, if you tend to fear
rejection when applying for a job or
asking someone out on a date, you
may find that it takes you months or
years to get up the courage to do
these things. You may fear that the
person you ask out or the employer
who reads your application will find
you unappealing or unacceptable.
When you finally do find the courage
to take the risk, you may end up feel-
ing very discouraged if you are rejec-
ted. You may take this as evidence
that your anxious beliefs were true.
The experience may “prove” that you
are not good enough, just as you

There is a problem with this logic.

The truth is that most dates do not
lead to long-term relationships and
most job applications do not lead to
jobs. Most people occasionally have
the experience of being rejected in so-
cial situations such as these. To have
the experience of not being rejected, a
person has to take risks frequently.
For example, if the probability of get-
ting a job is one in twenty (for every
twenty jobs that you apply for, you
get one job offer), it will take you
years to get an offer if you only apply
for a job every few months. On the
other hand, if you apply for several
jobs per week, it probably won’t be
long before you have an offer.
More frequent social risks will
lead to more frequent rejection.
However, frequent risks will also lead
to things working out from time to

time. Remember, if you are looking

for a job, you only need one offer. The
number of rejections is not important
in the long run. The same is true of
dating. Therefore, we recommend
that you expose yourself to anxiety-
provoking social situations as often as
possible. It won’t always go smoothly.
However, over time the situations will
become easier, you will become more
skilled at dealing with people in these
situations, and your chances of suc-
cess will increase.
Chapter 13

Perfectionism and
Everyone worries from time to time,
particularly about events over which
they have little control. We all endure
daily stresses that affect our jobs,
school performance, relationships,
and other areas of our lives. In these
circumstances, it’s common to worry
about possible negative outcomes.
Just like sadness, anger, and other
emotional states, worry is a normal
part of life. However, worry can be-
come a problem when it interferes
with functioning (for example, mak-
ing it difficult to concentrate or
sleep), causes a lot of distress, or

continues even in situations where

there is no realistic reason to be
This chapter is written primarily
for people who find that they worry
often, for long periods of time, and
with such intensity that they experi-
ence problems such as appetite loss,
headaches, or sleeplessness as a res-
ult. The information here may also be
of value to people who find them-
selves getting overly tense, irritable,
and restless when they are faced with
real problems to solve.

What Is Worry?
Worry involves running over some
possible future event in your mind
over and over again. Worry is a natur-
al response to feeling anxiety, appre-
hension, foreboding, or uneasiness.

Normally, people worry when there is

a reason to be concerned about the
outcome of some situation or prob-
lem. Most people deal with this sort
of worry by assessing the problem
they face, getting advice if they need
it, and solving the problem if they
can. If the problem can’t be solved
right away, they can usually put the
problem out of their minds, at least
temporarily, while they go about their
business. They may say to them-
selves, “I will worry about that later;
there’s nothing I can do about it right
now.” This type of self-talk can be
helpful and is one strategy that many
people use to deal with normal, day-
to-day worries.

Generalized Anxiety
Although most people are able to put
their worries aside when necessary,
some people have difficulty turning
their worries off. In a condition called
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD),
worry is experienced as difficult to
control, and it occurs at an intensity
and frequency that leads to signific-
ant interference in people’s lives.
Among people with GAD, worry is ex-
cessive, unrealistic, or out of propor-
tion to the actual threat. In addition,
the worry is present most days and
lasts for an extended period of time.
In fact, many people with GAD report
that their worry has been a problem
for as long as they can remember.
Along with the worry, people with

GAD experience a range of other

symptoms, including feeling restless,
keyed up, or on edge; being easily fa-
tigued; having difficulty concentrat-
ing or having their mind go blank; ex-
periencing irritability; having muscle
tension; and experiencing sleep prob-
lems (including trouble falling asleep,
problems staying asleep, or not feel-
ing rested in the morning). Often, it’s
the physical complaints, such as in-
somnia, muscle pain, and headaches
that bring people with GAD to seek
help from their doctor or another
GAD affects about 5 to 6 percent
of the general population and is
slightly more common among women
than men (Kessler et al., 2005;
Wittchen and Hoyer 2001). It often
has a gradual onset, beginning quite
early in life. However, for some

people, the problem begins after

some significant life stress, such as a
death in the family or the loss of a
job. The intensity of the worry may
fluctuate over time. As you might ex-
pect, the worry is often worse during
times of stress or when there is some
realistic threat. Paradoxically,
however, some people with GAD de-
scribe themselves as very calm and
capable during actual emergencies or
when there is a real threat to be

What Do People Worry

Most worriers tend to be anxious
across different areas of their life,
rather than worrying about just one
or two topics. In fact, when asked

what they worry about, people with

GAD often report that they worry
about “everything.” Common worry
topics for people who are prone to
worry include:
• Work or school perform-
ance (for example, worries
about getting fired, failing
exams, and so on)

• Household chores (for in-

stance, excessive worry
about not being able to get
everything done)

• Money and finances (for ex-

ample, anxiety about going
bankrupt or not being able
to pay the bills)

• Health and safety of self

(for instance, fear of con-
tracting an illness)

• Health and safety of family

and friends (for example,
worry about the children’s

• Relationships (for instance,

unnecessary anxiety about
spouse being unfaithful)

• Other minor matters (for

example, worry about find-
ing a parking spot when
driving to work)

The Nature of Worry

We now know that worry is
something that people do in order to

reduce their anxiety. There is evid-

ence that people worry to distract
themselves from physical feelings as-
sociated with anxiety, as well as from
mental imagery that they find fright-
ening (for instance, the image of one’s
family dying in a car accident). In
fact, a significant number of people
who worry excessively believe that
worry is a good thing. They may be-
lieve that being a worrier prepares
them for possible danger, helps them
to prevent bad things from happen-
ing, and makes them a caring person.
Of course, there is no evidence that
worry prevents negative events or
that worriers are more caring people
than those who don’t worry
In addition, research has consist-
ently shown that people who worry
excessively pay more attention to

threat-related information than

people who are less prone to worry
(Mogg and Bradley 2005). In other
words, if you are a worrier, chances
are that you frequently look out for
possible cues that something is about
to go wrong. This tendency to be on
guard for threat contributes to other
problems that are associated with
worry, including difficulty concen-
trating or thinking clearly and diffi-
culty falling asleep at night. For a per-
fectionist, there may be the added de-
mand of having to scan the environ-
ment well enough to catch each and
every indicator of possible threat or
Where does this tendency to al-
ways be on guard come from? There
is evidence that a history of unpre-
dictable negative events may play a
role. Several studies demonstrated

that the ability to predict the onset of

stressful events affects whether an or-
ganism will experience chronic arous-
al later on (Kandel 1983). In this
series of classic experiments, two dif-
ferent groups of sea slugs were ex-
posed to mild electric shocks. In one
group, the sea slugs were exposed to
shock only when a light was turned
on, but not when the light was off (the
presence of the light made the shock
predictable). In the second group of
sea slugs, shocks were administered
randomly, regardless of whether the
light was on or off (the shock was un-
predictable). The purpose of the study
was to evaluate the effects of predict-
able versus unpredictable shock on
After experiencing the predictable
shocks, the first group of sea slugs de-
veloped a pattern of arousal that was

linked to whether the light was on or

off. When the light was on, they
showed signs of arousal; when the
light was off, they were in their nor-
mal resting state. In contrast, after
only a few shocks, the sea slugs that
received unpredictable shocks be-
came aroused constantly, regardless
of whether the light was turned on or
off. This group also showed
measurable nervous-system changes
(sea slugs have neurotransmitters
too!) that were not present in the sea
slugs that received predictable
shocks. The chronic arousal seen in
the “unpredictable shock” group is
analogous to the chronic arousal re-
ported in people suffering from GAD.
Muscle tension is an indirect indicat-
or of arousal and is perhaps the most
characteristic physical symptom
among chronic worriers. Instead of

having peaks and valleys of muscle

tension, people with GAD have
heightened tension that tends to
change relatively little over time.
The implication of Kandel’s re-
search for humans is that a history of
predictable stressful events may make
it easier to turn off worry when the
danger or threat has passed. In con-
trast, for people who experience a
series of unpredictable stressful
events, there may be increased risk
for developing problems with chronic
anxiety and worry. Although it may
seem like a bit of a leap to generalize
from sea slugs to humans, there is
also evidence from research on
people showing that unpredictable
and uncontrollable negative events
are a risk factor for developing prob-
lems with anxiety (Barlow 2002).

Perfectionism and Worry

Frequently, the basis for excessive
worry is a need to completely predict
and control negative events combined
with a belief that failing to control
events will lead to some disaster that
might otherwise have been avoided.
People who worry excessively also
have difficulty tolerating uncertainty.
If they don’t know exactly what is go-
ing to happen in an uncertain situ-
ation, they often assume the worst.
Because perfectionism is associated
with standards and expectations that
are impossible to meet, people who
are perfectionistic are at risk for hav-
ing events not turn out as desired. For
example, if you believe that everyone
should always be fifteen minutes
early for every appointment, it may
be difficult for you to deal with a

partner or child who is always run-

ning five minutes late. The more in-
tolerant you are of lateness, the more
likely you are to be disappointed by
other people, and the more likely you
are to have a perceived reason to

Procrastination and Worry

Worriers have difficulty sorting
out real problems from a background
of possible problems that might come
along. As a consequence, they may
procrastinate and avoid solving prob-
lems that arise. It is hard to settle
down to sort out one difficulty if you
are predicting that there will be other
problems that will demand your at-
tention. In fact, you may believe that
your attempt to solve one problem
will lead to several new problems that

will just make things worse. For ex-

ample, a perfectionistic student may
be frightened to ask for help with an
assignment, fearing that this request
will result in the teacher thinking he
or she is lazy or incompetent. The
student may therefore avoid working
on the assignment completely, and in
the end create even more problems as
a result. In this example, perfection-
istic worry is associated with the be-
lief that “It is better to do nothing
than to take a risk and fail.”
Avoidance and procrastination are
often reinforced or rewarded, espe-
cially in the short term. By avoiding
an anxiety-provoking situation, you
may temporarily feel relief from not
having had to deal with the problem.
You may be rewarded further if the
person who had asked you to do the
job forgets to check that the work was

completed or changes his or her mind

about needing it done. Nevertheless,
despite the short-term benefits, pro-
crastination may well lead to negative
consequences down the line. For ex-
ample, you may be left with having to
complete your work in a much short-
er time than was originally available
and under a lot more pressure. In
these circumstances, it is unlikely
that you will do your best work, and
you will probably feel dissatisfied in
the end. The need to feel perfectly in
control over the outcome and the
tendency to avoid taking certain risks
may actually make it harder to do a
good job.

Overcompensation and Worry

Overcompensating involves taking
steps above and beyond those that

most people might take to prevent

some dreaded event from occurring
(see chapter 4 for a more detailed de-
scription). For example, parents who
are constantly worried about the
health of their children may insist on
checking their child’s temperature at
the first sign of any physical symp-
toms and may even take the child out
of school whenever another child in
the class is ill. Consider the following
case examples.
Joan had two female friends who
were both diagnosed with breast can-
cer several years ago. Although both
friends were successfully treated for
the illness, Joan subsequently de-
veloped intense worry about the pos-
sibility of developing cancer herself or
of a family member becoming seri-
ously ill. She began to ask for con-
stant reassurance from her husband

and children. She was married to a

physician, who initially agreed to ex-
amine her and their children as often
as Joan requested in an effort to reas-
sure her that they did not have can-
cer. Eventually, Joan’s husband lost
patience with her daily requests for
reassurance. Her children also re-
fused to answer her continual ques-
tions about their health. Joan began
to worry that her husband’s refusal to
examine her was because he had
found something wrong with her
health and was hiding it from her.
Joan avoided seeing her family physi-
cian for fear that the doctor might
confirm her fear that she was seri-
ously ill. As a result of Joan’s constant
requests for reassurance, there was
considerable strain in the family and
she worried that her husband was los-
ing interest in their marriage.

Randall was the father of two

daughters in their late teens, both of
whom were very successful students.
Randall had always worried about
how well they did in school and kept
very close tabs on their homework.
He was also concerned about their
safety when they were walking home
after school (a total of two blocks).
When they were accepted into col-
lege, they both decided to move to a
city on the other side of the country.
Randall tried to get a transfer in his
company to be near his children, but
his wife didn’t want to interrupt her
career. She also felt that their daugh-
ters should have the freedom to
spend some time away. When they
left home, Randall found he could not
stop worrying about their safety and
became very distracted at work. He
tried to cope with his anxiety by

calling his children as many as three

times a day, though his frequent
phone calls irritated his daughters
and didn’t really help to reduce his
anxiety for more than a few minutes.

Treatments for Worry,

GAD, and Perfectionism
A number of treatment approaches
have been successfully used to treat
GAD and excessive worry, including
medications, relaxation training,
challenging anxiety-provoking
thoughts, exposure to feared imagery,
preventing safety behaviors, accept-
ance and mindfulness-based
strategies, and problem-solving train-
ing. If your perfectionism appears to
be related to GAD and excessive

worry, you may find these strategies


Treatments Using Medication

The earliest medications shown to
be effective for treating GAD were the
benzodiazepines (also known as tran-
quilizers), which are also used some-
times as muscle relaxants or sleep
medications (Roy-Byrne and Cowley
2007).The benzodiazepines include
such drugs as diazepam, lorazepam,
alprazolam, clonazepam, and others.
These drugs work very quickly and
tend to be quite effective in the short
term. Although some people find that
these drugs are useful for long-term
treatment, their effectiveness may de-
crease as time goes on unless the
dosage is increased. Increasing the
dosage of these medications puts

people at risk for marked side effects,

including drowsiness. In addition, be-
cause the withdrawal symptoms for
these drugs can include intense anxi-
ety, many people have difficulty dis-
continuing benzodiazepines. Today,
physicians often avoid prescribing
these drugs for more than a few
weeks at a time.
Another type of anti-anxiety med-
ication is a drug called buspirone.
This medication is derived from a
completely different family than the
older tranquilizers and does not pro-
duce drowsiness or dependence. It
takes a few weeks to have an effect
and therefore is not used for acute
anxiety. It is as effective as the benzo-
diazepines and may work better for
people who have not previously used
traditional anti-anxiety medications.

Finally, as is the case for other

anxiety problems, antidepressants are
an effective treatment for GAD and
chronic worry. In fact, they are often
the treatment of choice for this prob-
lem. People who are anxious are often
very sensitive to the side effects of an-
tidepressants and can become very
agitated with the first few doses.
Therefore, these medications should
be started at very small doses which
then are slowly increased. Treatment
should continue for at least several
months, and there is a strong risk of
relapse after stopping the medication.
See chapter 10 for additional inform-
ation on antidepressant medications.
The table below provides a summary
of medications that have been shown
to be effective for treating GAD.
Brand names are in parentheses.

Relaxation Training
Chronic worry can be lessened by
learning to relax. Several relaxation
methods are available. Progressive
muscle relaxation involves learning
to relax the muscles of the body to de-
crease feelings of tension, stress, and
anxiety. A second method, known as
imagery, involves learning to imagine
particular scenes that are soothing.

Finally, learning to breathe slowly

and smoothly can help a person to re-
lax. For more information on relaxa-
tion training, check out Further
Readings at the end of this book.
The main difficulty with relaxa-
tion training is that people often for-
get to practice. Scheduling regular
periods to practice at the same time
each day will increase the chances of
benefiting from this approach. For
example, you could try scheduling the
practices just before or after other
activities that commonly happen
throughout your day (for instance,
having a drink of water, going to the
bathroom, traveling to and from
work, and so on). Even taking a few
minutes two or three times a day to
breathe slowly from the abdomen is a
very useful way of breaking up the

seemingly never-ending stream of

tension and anxiety.

Challenging Anxiety-Provoking
One way of combating anxiety is
to challenge the thoughts, beliefs, and
predictions that contribute to your
anxiety. Chapter 7 provides a detailed
description of these strategies, and in
this section we describe how to apply
these strategies to GAD and excessive


Worry is usually associated with
two main types of thoughts. The first
type of thought is a tendency to over-
estimate the probability of some un-
likely event. In the case examples we
presented earlier in this chapter, Joan

overestimated the likelihood of devel-

oping a serious illness. Randall over-
estimated the likelihood of something
bad happening to his children.
The second common style of
thinking involves overestimating just
how bad it would be if a negative
event were to occur. An example of
such a thought is, “It would be an ab-
solute disaster if I arrive at the movie
theater and there is nowhere to park.”
In reality, this situation would prob-
ably be manageable if it actually
In order to combat negative think-
ing that contributes to worry, it can
be helpful to examine the accuracy of
your beliefs. This process involves
asking yourself a series of questions
that help you to assess the situation
in a more realistic way. Following are

some anxious thoughts and some

questions that you might ask yourself
to challenge anxious thoughts:

• I am going to fail the exam.

• I haven’t studied enough for

this exam.

• I don’t know the material

for this test.

• If I fail the test, I will never

get into graduate school,
and I will never amount to
anything in life.


• Do I know for sure that I
will fail the exam?

• Have I done well on past

exams, even when I thought
I would fail?

• Did I study less than I usu-

ally do for similar exams?

• What is really likely to hap-

pen if I fail the exam?

• Are the results of a single

exam likely to have a huge
impact on my overall

• Is it possible for a person to

fail a single exam and still
do well in life?

Attempting to answer questions

such as these is a powerful method
for challenging the perfectionistic be-
liefs that contribute to your worry.

Following is an illustration of how

Zack’s therapist helped him to use
this method for challenging anxious
thoughts about money and finances:
Zack: I am constantly worried about
not having enough money to
pay the bills. It drives my
wife crazy, because I’m al-
ways trying to control the
way she spends her money.
Therapist: Specifically, what are you
predicting will happen?
Zack: I’m afraid that I won’t have
enough money to pay the
rent or to make my car pay-
ment. I also worry about my
credit-card bills getting out
of hand. Sometimes I even
think that I will go bankrupt.
I worry that the whole family

will end up living on the

Therapist: Do you have any evidence
to support these
Zack: No, not really. In fact, I pay off
my credit-card balance each
month. I’m even two pay-
ments ahead on my car loan.
Therapist: Can you think of any evid-
ence that contradicts your
worries about money?
Zack: To start, I have never been in
debt before. Also, I’ve never
missed a bill payment in the
past, even though I worry
about it all the time.

Therapist: What if you were short for

several of your bills on a par-
ticular month?
Zack: That would be terrible.
Therapist: What would actually
Zack: I imagine that my debts would
start to double and triple. I
might never get out of debt.
Therapist: Do you know anyone who
once missed a bill payment?
Zack: My brother misses payments
from time to time.
Therapist: What happens when he
misses a payment?
Zack: Nothing seems to happen. He
usually just makes it up the
next month.

Therapist: Do you know anyone who

has declared bankruptcy?
Zack: Someone I work with declared
bankruptcy about a year ago.
Therapist: Did this coworker end up
living on the street?
Zack: No. In fact, she was under
much less stress after the
bankruptcy than before.
(pause) I guess even if I had
a temporary financial set-
back, I could manage it.

It is often easier to solve another
person’s worries than your own.
Therefore, a helpful strategy for deal-
ing with your own worries is to ima-
gine that you are giving suggestions
to a close friend or relative who has

similar worries. Consider the follow-

ing dialogue as an example:
Emily: I am terrified to go to sleep at
the end of the day. I lie in
bed worrying that a stranger
is going to come into my
home in the middle of the
night. It’s even worse when
my partner and children are
Therapist: When you get into bed,
how likely do you think it is
that someone will break into
your home?
Emily: Realistically, I know the
chances are low. It’s never
happened before. But, when
I’m lying there, trying to fall
asleep, it feels much more

likely. Maybe 50 percent

Therapist: Do you worry that people
might break into your
friends’ and neighbors’
Emily: No, not really. It feels like it’s
more likely to happen in my
home, although I know that
doesn’t make any sense.
Therapist: What would you say to
neighbors who were fearful
of having someone break in-
to their house?
Emily: I would probably say that it is
unlikely. I would remind
them that they have lived
there for several years, and
there has never been a
break-in before.

Therapist: Can you apply that same

logic for your own situation?


Learning to tolerate uncertainty
can combat your tendency to worry
about unpredictable and uncontrol-
lable situations. There are many situ-
ations that you can’t predict or con-
trol. Fortunately, however, it’s not
terribly important that you be able to
control most situations. A helpful way
of tolerating unpredictable events is
to generate a list of possible outcomes
and to consider ways of dealing with
each outcome. For example, if you are
stuck in traffic and are late for a job
interview, you have two options. You
can worry about how terrible it is that
you are late, or you can accept the fact
that you are late, even though you

don’t know what the outcome will be.

Perhaps the interviewer will be un-
derstanding and squeeze you in at a
later time. Perhaps the interviewer
will reschedule the appointment for
another day. Perhaps the interviewer
will confront you about being late and
send you home without the opportun-
ity to interview again. Regardless of
what happens, chances are that the
outcome will be manageable.

If you tend to make unrealistic
predictions about negative things that
might happen, testing the validity of
your predictions using mini-experi-
ments can be a helpful way of challen-
ging your anxious thoughts. Before
conducting the experiment, make one
or more explicit predictions regarding
the outcome. Then, conduct the

experiment and evaluate the out-

come. Did your predictions come
true? If so, was it as bad as you expec-
ted? For example, if you are worried
about an airline losing your luggage
on your next trip, check your luggage
at the gate and see what happens. If
your luggage doesn’t get lost, you will
have gained valuable information
about the likelihood of losing your
luggage. If your luggage does get lost,
you may learn that the situation is not
as bad as you feared it would be (lost
luggage is often found a few hours

Exposure to Feared Imagery

As we mentioned earlier, worry is
often used as a strategy to avoid ex-
periencing frightening mental im-
agery. You learned in chapter 8 that

one of the most effective ways of

overcoming fear is to expose oneself
to feared objects and situations. For
examples, if you fear heights, your
fear will gradually decrease as you be-
gin to spend more time in high places.
People who worry excessively often
fear experiencing certain images and
feelings. Therefore, treatments for
GAD have begun to include exposure
to these images and feelings as a com-
ponent of therapy.
Imagery exposure involves a few
steps. First, it is important to come
up with an image that is disturbing to
you. For example, if you are anxious
about an upcoming exam, you might
imagine being in the exam and not
knowing the answers to any of the
questions. It’s helpful to write out an
imagery script describing all the de-
tails. As you develop your script, be

sure to describe the situation in as

much detail as possible. Continuing
with the example of an upcoming ex-
am, your script might include a de-
scription of the room, the color of the
exam paper, who else is in the room,
where the teacher or professor is
standing, and so on. You should in-
clude details related to all senses. In
addition to describing what you see in
the room, your script should include a
description of what you hear, smell,
and feel. For example, is the room
warm or cold? Can you hear the buzz
of the lights? Also, be sure to include
a description of your own responses
in the script, including any thoughts
running through your head and any
physical feelings you are experiencing
in the imagined situation.
Often, people read their script into
a recorder and then listen to it

repeatedly for about thirty minutes

per day, until it no longer arouses
anxiety. A detailed description of how
you can use imagery exposure to
combat anxiety is described else-
where (Antony and Norton 2009).

Preventing Safety Behaviors

Try to ride out your worry without
engaging in perfectionistic behaviors
such as checking or seeking reassur-
ance. As discussed in chapter 4, these
behaviors block you from learning
that your anxious thoughts are un-
realistic. By preventing these behavi-
ors, you will learn to tolerate uncer-
tainty and imperfection. For more de-
tails on prevention of safety behavi-
ors, see chapter 8. Antony and Nor-
ton also discuss this strategy in more
detail (2009).

Acceptance and Mindfulness-

Based Strategies
As we reviewed in chapter 9, the
more you try to control your anxiety,
the worse it’s likely to get. Learning to
be aware of your experiences without
judging them and learning to accept
your thoughts and feelings will likely
make it easier to manage your anxi-
ety. Strategies such as mindfulness
meditation and those used in accept-
ance and commitment therapy have
been found to be helpful for GAD.
Chapter 9 describes these strategies.
For an even more detailed descrip-
tion, check out the Mindfulness and
Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety
(Forsyth and Eifert 2007).

Problem-Solving Training

In chapter 11, we discussed how

learning to solve problems effectively
can help to combat feelings of anger.
Problem-solving training is also
sometimes useful for dealing with ex-
cessive worry and GAD. We recom-
mend that you check out the section
on problem solving in chapter 11.
Chapter 14

Perfectionism and
There are two psychological problems
that include obsessive-compulsive be-
havior as a core feature. The first is
obsessive-compulsive disorder
(OCD), which is an anxiety disorder
associated with persistent disturbing
thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive
behaviors aimed at decreasing the
discomfort caused by these thoughts
(compulsions). Many people dia-
gnosed with OCD have perfectionistic
standards for certain activities. The
second problem, called obsessive-

compulsive personality disorder

(OCPD), is characterized by a tend-
ency to be overly perfectionistic, or-
derly, and inflexible. Although these
are two different conditions, they
overlap to some extent, and it is not
unusual for a person to experience
features from both disorders. Even if
you don’t have all of the symptoms of
either disorder, you may still experi-
ence some symptoms from one or
both of these problems.

Obsessions and compulsions, the core
features of OCD, may not be what you
think they are. In this section, we
start by defining each of these terms.

What Is an Obsession?
To most people, the word “obses-
sion” refers to any persistent thought,
desire, or drive that controls a per-
son’s behavior. Die-hard fans of a
music group or celebrity are often
said to be obsessed with their idols. A
doctor who works around the clock to
discover a cure for a serious disease
may be considered obsessed with his
or her work. Even people who love a
particular food so much that they eat
little else are often said to be obsessed
with that food. In contrast to this
common use of the word “obsession,”
mental health professionals have a
very specific meaning for this term
that is somewhat different.
An obsession is defined as a recur-
rent and persistent thought, image, or
impulse that is experienced as

intrusive and inappropriate and

causes significant anxiety or distress.
In other words, people who have ob-
sessions (according to this psycholo-
gical definition of the word) are very
distressed by these thoughts and do
not want to have them. In this way,
obsessions are different than other
types of repetitive thoughts that a
person may have (for examples,
fantasies). To be considered a true
obsession, the thought cannot simply
be an exaggerated worry about every-
day problems in such realms as job
performance, money, or relation-
ships. The person must also try to
make the disturbing thoughts go
away by ignoring them, pushing them
out of consciousness, or undoing their
effects by some other thought or

Obsessive thoughts are very com-

mon in the general population. In
fact, up to 90 percent of people exper-
ience intrusive obsessive thoughts
from time to time. Common themes
for these thoughts include concerns
about having things organized in a
particular way (for example, urges to
organize books, CDs, and DVDs in al-
phabetical order), worries about be-
coming contaminated by some object
or substance (for instance, germs,
cleaning products, bodily fluids),
urges to do something aggressive or
hurt another person (for example,
stabbing a close relative, shouting ob-
scenities at someone in public),
thoughts about accidentally harming
another person, disturbing religious
thoughts, disturbing sexual ideas, and
repetitive doubts about whether a
task has been completed correctly

(for instance, whether the stove has

been turned off, whether a mistake
was made in a report or term paper).
Typically, people who experience ob-
sessions usually realize that the
thoughts are not realistic. Also, even
though the person may fear acting on
the obsession, obsessive urges are al-
most never actually acted upon. For
example, it would be highly unusual
for a person with aggressive obses-
sions to actually carry out the
thought, unlike a person who actually
has problems with aggressive

What Is a Compulsion?
Compulsions are behaviors that
are repeated over and over again in
response to an obsession or according
to rigidly applied rules. Compulsions

are aimed at preventing harm from

occurring or at decreasing anxiety or
distress. They may include physical
behaviors, such as washing, or mental
behaviors, such as silently repeating
words in your head. Like obsessions,
compulsions are very common in the
general population. Most people en-
gage in compulsive behaviors from
time to time.
The types of compulsions that
people have are often closely related
to the content of their obsessive
thoughts. For example, people who
have obsessions about contamination
or cleanliness typically engage in
compulsions to prevent themselves
from becoming contaminated or
dirty. These may include frequent
hand washing and cleaning, as well as
avoiding situations or locations where
contamination may occur, such as

public restrooms. Other common

compulsions include checking (for ex-
ample, appliances, locks, accuracy of
work), counting, repeating actions,
putting things in order, asking for re-
assurance, praying when you don’t
really want to, repeating certain
words, explaining or confessing, and

What Is OCD?
For most people in the general
population, intrusive thoughts and
compulsive behaviors don’t cause sig-
nificant problems. For example, you
may avoid certain situations because
of concerns about contamination (for
example, eating a candy that has
fallen on the floor, sitting on a public
toilet seat) or you may check your
locks and appliances a couple of

times. Or perhaps you have distress-

ing thoughts that come and go occa-
sionally. Most people experience
these symptoms from time to time
with little distress or interference in
their life.
In contrast, people with OCD ex-
perience obsessions and compulsions
more frequently and more intensely
than the average person. They are
also bothered more by their obses-
sions and take greater pains to resist
or suppress their upsetting thoughts.
To be diagnosed with OCD, the obses-
sions or compulsions must be bother-
some, time consuming (for instance,
they take up more than an hour per
day), or interfere with a person’s life.
For example, it’s not unusual for a
person with OCD to experience ob-
sessions throughout the day. For
some people, compulsive behaviors

such as washing or checking can take

up so much time that the person is
unable to work, socialize, or be in-
volved in other important activities.
OCD affects between 1 and 3 percent
of the general population and appears
to be about equally prevalent in men
and women. Although the problem
tends to begin in early adulthood, it is
not unusual for people with OCD to
have the problem begin in childhood.

OCD and Perfectionism

Perfectionism is often a feature of
OCD. For example, Amanda had con-
tamination fears related to eating
foods that may have gone bad. She
was afraid that if she ate something
that was contaminated, she might be-
come ill. As a result, she had strict
standards for what she was willing to

eat. There were many different foods

that she avoided eating completely
(including all foods containing meat,
certain fruits and vegetables, and cer-
tain dairy products). In addition, if an
item looked anything less than per-
fect (for example, if there was a small
spot on a piece of fruit), she refused
to eat it. Her fear was worse when
eating in restaurants than at home,
because she could not be sure about
the quality of the food or of the chef’s
standards for cleanliness. She real-
ized that her fears were excessive and
unreasonable, and yet she had diffi-
culty putting them aside. Her ap-
proach to food was perfectionistic, in
that she had inflexible rules about
which foods she could and could not
eat and she refused to eat anything
that didn’t meet her strict standards.

Juan was worried that other

people might misunderstand what he
told them and that something terrible
might happen as a result. For ex-
ample, when making plans with
friends, he was fearful that either he
or his friends would show up at the
wrong location or time. As a result of
his fear, he needed to repeat things
several times when he spoke to other
people. Also, he tended to check that
the other person understood
everything properly. After speaking to
someone, he often phoned them back
several times to ensure that all the de-
tails from their conversations were
clear. Whereas most people are able
to tolerate the possibility that a mis-
take may have occurred during a con-
versation, for Juan, mistakes were
unacceptable. His perfectionistic be-
liefs were manifested in his

unwillingness to risk making an error

or being misunderstood.

Causes of OCD
As is the case for all psychological
problems, the causes of OCD are
complex and involve both biological
and psychological processes.

Three different lines of research
support a role for biological factors in
the cause and maintenance of OCD.
First, there is indirect evidence of
altered functioning in the brain neur-
otransmitter called serotonin. For ex-
ample, medications that increase
levels of serotonin in the brain appear
to be effective for many people who
suffer from OCD, whereas most med-
ications that affect other brain

neurotransmitters don’t have much of

an impact on OCD symptoms (Stew-
art, Jenike, and Jenike 2009). Se-
cond, there is evidence that genes in-
herited from parents play a role in
OCD (van Grootheest et al. 2005).
Finally, there appear to be differences
in brain functioning in people with
OCD compared to people without
OCD (Britton and Rauch 2009).
Studies using positron-emission
tomography (PET) and functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
(methods of measuring brain activity)
show that OCD is associated with in-
creased blood flow in the brain areas
known as the prefrontal cortex and
basal ganglia. Medications that in-
crease levels of serotonin appear to
reverse this abnormality. Interest-
ingly, psychological treatments (in-
cluding cognitive behavioral therapy)

also seem to cause the blood flow in

brains of people with OCD to return
to normal. Thus, it may be the case
that the abnormal brain activity that
shows up in PET and fMRI studies is
a result of the disorder rather than a

A person’s learning experiences
and beliefs also influence the onset
and course of OCD. From a cognitive
perspective, OCD is not so much a
problem with obsessions as it is with
people’s interpretation of their obses-
sions. Remember that most people
experience thoughts that are obses-
sional in nature from time to time.
The difference between people who
experience the occasional obsessional
thought without being bothered by it
and those who become very

distressed by their obsessional

thoughts has to do with what people
think the obsessional thought means.
People who are bothered by obses-
sional thoughts often have lots of neg-
ative beliefs about what the thought
means. For example, they may believe
that their obsessional thought will
come true unless they do something
to counter it, or they may believe that
their thoughts are morally wrong and
that thinking about doing something
terrible is as bad as actually doing it.
People with OCD also often believe
that they should have absolute con-
trol over their thoughts (Purdon and
Clark 2002).
Beliefs such as these cause people
to feel that they must do something
about the thought, such as washing,
checking, or other such rituals. At the
very least, they cause the individual to

want to suppress the thought. Behavi-

ors such as compulsions and suppres-
sion of frightening thoughts are
sometimes helpful in the short term,
but over time, they actually serve to
increase the frequency of obsessions
and subsequent compulsions. When
the thought is suppressed, exposure
to the thought is terminated. This
means that the person doesn’t get the
chance to get used to the thought, and
the thought remains upsetting. In
fact, suppressing upsetting thoughts
seems to either increase the fre-
quency of the thoughts later, or at
least to make the thoughts more up-
setting next time they occur (Marcks
and Woods 2007; Purdon 2004; Pur-
don, Rowa, and Antony 2005).
Because behaviors that reduce
anxiety are more likely to be re-
peated, the more a person engages in

the compulsion, the more he or she is

likely to continue engaging in the
compulsion. The sense of relief asso-
ciated with anxiety reduction can lend
credibility to the idea that the ritual is
the only thing that keeps the thought
from becoming harmful in some way.
Finally, by engaging in the ritual, the
individual never has the opportunity
to learn that the obsessional thought
is not, in fact, dangerous. Thus, the
thought continues to be upsetting,
and the ritual continues to be used as
a means of coping with that distress.

Treatment of OCD
Two general treatment ap-
proaches have been shown in con-
trolled studies to be effective for help-
ing people who suffer from OCD:
medications and cognitive behavioral

therapy. Medications that increase

serotonin levels in the brain have
been shown to decrease OCD symp-
toms. These include the tricyclic anti-
depressant clomipramine (Anafranil),
the serotonin and norepinephrine re-
uptake inhibitor (SNRI) venlafaxine
XR (Effexor XR), and selective sero-
tonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
such as citalopram (Celexa), fluoxet-
ine (Prozac), fluvoxamine (Luvox),
paroxetine (Paxil), and sertraline
In studies comparing these medic-
ations to one another, they appear to
be equally effective for treating OCD
(Dougherty, Rauch, and Jenike
2007). The decision to choose one
medication over another should be
based on factors such as side effects,
cost, and a history of response or
nonresponse to one or more of these

medications in the past. Although

these medications are all antidepress-
ants, they appear to be effective for
people with OCD, even if depression
is not a significant problem. For more
information on these and other anti-
depressant medications, see chapter
In addition to medications, cog-
nitive behavioral strategies have been
shown to be effective for helping
people overcome OCD. Specifically,
exposure to feared situations and pre-
vention of compulsive rituals (togeth-
er known as “exposure and response
prevention”) seems to be the treat-
ment of choice for this problem.
Some researchers have also found
that teaching people to challenge
their unrealistic thoughts using cog-
nitive techniques (such as those

described in chapter 7) is sometimes

Studies that have compared med-
ication treatments to exposure and
response prevention have generally
found that both approaches are
equally effective in the short term.
However, after treatment ends, the
effects of exposure and response pre-
vention tend to be longer lasting than
those for medication. For more de-
tails on how to conduct exposure and
response prevention, see chapter 8.
In addition, the end of this chapter
includes a section on how to apply
these strategies to obsessive-com-
pulsive symptoms in particular.

Personality Disorder
The second type of problem discussed
in this chapter is obsessive-compuls-
ive personality disorder, or OCPD.
This problem shares a number of fea-
tures with OCD and can occur in
people with OCD. However, OCPD
and OCD are viewed as different

What is OCPD?
The hallmark of OCPD is an ex-
cessive concern with order, organiza-
tion, rules, lists, and trivial details.
People with OCPD are often perfec-
tionistic to the point of not getting
anything done. For example, they
may spend so much time making lists

of things that need to get done (and

refining their lists), that the tasks on
the list don’t get completed. Or they
may devote so much energy to includ-
ing every small detail when they tell a
story that the main message of the
story is lost.
In addition, people with OCPD
typically spend excessive amounts of
time and energy on their work, often
at the expense of other important as-
pects of their life such as having fun
and enjoying time with friends and
family. People with OCPD tend to be
overly conscientious, rigid about their
views, and inflexible about issues re-
lated to ethics and morals. They have
difficulty delegating jobs to other
people for fear that tasks will not be
completed correctly. They may also
have difficulty throwing things away,
just in case they are needed in the

future. In many ways, OCPD is the

psychological disorder that is most
closely related to perfectionism.

Research on OCPD
Compared to OCD, very little re-
search has been conducted with
people suffering from OCPD. There-
fore, we know very little about the
causes of this problem and almost no
controlled studies have tested the ef-
fects of specific treatments for OCPD.
In fact, we do not even have reliable
data on the prevalence of this dis-
order. Despite the lack of adequate
research, it is likely that both biolo-
gical and psychological factors con-
tribute to OCPD. The limited literat-
ure available on treatment suggests
that the cognitive and behavioral
strategies discussed in chapters 7 and

8 are likely to be effective (Bailey

1998; Ng 2005).

Perfectionism Associated
with Obsessive-
Compulsive Behavior
Strategies for dealing with obsessive-
compulsive behavior include re-
sponse prevention and exposure, each
of which is discussed in this section.

Response Prevention
As we mentioned earlier, exposure
to feared situations combined with
prevention of compulsive rituals is
the key to overcoming obsessions and
compulsions. This approach is likely

to be helpful for OCPD behaviors as

well, such as excessive organizing and
list making. Recall that rituals have a
number of negative effects that serve
to maintain the fearfulness of the ob-
session and are self-perpetuating.
Thus, the first step toward decreasing
your obsessive-compulsive behavior
is to stop all rituals. This is because
any rituals that are performed during
or following an exposure practice can
“undo” the benefits of the exposure.
For example, if you are learning to
overcome obsessive fears of contam-
ination from germs, touching “con-
taminated” objects will do you no
good if you wash your hands after
every exposure practice. To benefit
from exposure, you must first cut out
all rituals.
Ben had an intense fear that he
might lose something or accidentally

throw something important away.

Over time, his doubts broadened to
include thoughts that he might pur-
posely throw something away and
then forget that he had done it. As a
result of these fears, he engaged in a
broad range of checking behaviors,
particularly when going from one
place to another. Before getting out of
his car, he checked throughout the
car for items that he may have left in
the trunk, under the seats, between
the seats, or anywhere else that he
could think of. He even checked un-
der the hood, even though he knew
rationally that he had not opened the
hood. Before entering his home, he
checked outside his house and behind
the bushes in his front yard. Before
leaving his home, he checked in all
drawers, cupboards, closets, and
garbage cans in each room. In

addition to spending many hours per

day checking, he also asked people for
reassurance. For example, he typic-
ally asked his partner whether she
had emptied the garbage cans in the
house, fearing that some important
papers may have been thrown out.
As illustrated in this example, the
rituals may be quite complex. Before
you can begin to prevent your rituals,
you will need to become aware of the
specific rituals that you use and the
situations and feelings that trigger
your rituals. What types of repetitive
behaviors do you engage in? These
may include checking, cleaning,
washing, counting, list making, reas-
surance seeking, repeating certain be-
haviors, purposely thinking a particu-
lar thought (for example, a prayer, a
safe word), or engaging in any other

behavior that you feel compelled to

Are there particular situations
where you are most likely to engage
in these rituals? Are they more likely
to happen when you are in a particu-
lar mood (perhaps feeling anxious,
sad, angry, bored)? When you are
tired or hungry? When you are in a
certain place (like home, work, out-
side)? When you are with certain
people (for instance, strangers, relat-
ives, children, coworkers, alone)? In
your journal, keep track of your
rituals, as well as the situations that
trigger your rituals.
Once you have identified the
rituals that you want to stop, the next
step is to find ways to prevent the
rituals. At first, this task may be very
difficult. The urges to do the ritual

may be very intense. Over time,

however, the urges will gradually de-
crease. Anything you can do to pre-
vent the rituals in the beginning will
pay off in the long run. Remember,
the worst thing that is likely to hap-
pen if you don’t complete a ritual is
that you will feel uncomfortable.
Below are some strategies that you
can use to prevent yourself from en-
gaging in your compulsive rituals. Re-
member, if you can get through the
first few days, resisting the urges
should become easier.


• You will experience anxiety
when you begin resisting
your rituals. Remind your-
self that the anxiety is un-
pleasant but not dangerous.

• Do something that makes it

impossible for you to per-
form the ritual. For ex-
ample, turn off the water
from the main source in
your basement so you won’t
be able to wash your hands.
Or, mail a letter immedi-
ately after writing it so you
cannot check what you

• Remind yourself that your

anxiety will decrease even-
tually, and that the more
frequently you resist the
ritual, the easier it will be to
resist it.

• Remind yourself when you

are doing fine and are not
experiencing the

obsession—or performing
the rituals—that this proves
that the ritual really doesn’t
help. By focusing on your
successes when you’re not
performing the rituals, you
will be better able to see
that your desire to perform
the ritual is driven by anxi-
ety rather than by genuine

• Ask friends and family

members to point out when
you are performing a ritual
or compulsive behavior.

• Ask friends and family

members not to participate
in your rituals. For ex-
ample, ask them not to give
you reassurance, even when

you ask for it, but rather to

remind you that performing
the ritual is not a good idea.

• If you “slip” and actually

perform a ritual, try to undo
the effects of the ritual as
soon as possible. For ex-
ample, if you are practicing
learning to tolerate having a
less organized desk and you
give in to your urges and
spend four hours organizing
your desk, mess it up again
as soon as possible and con-
tinue your practice.

• If the urge is completely

overwhelming and you feel
as though you are about to
give in and perform the
ritual, take yourself out of

the situation. Go for a walk,

watch TV, or do something
else until the urge subsides.

Exposure Exercises
After you have successfully res-
isted performing your compulsive
rituals for a few days, the next step is
to begin exposure to situations that
you find anxiety provoking or uncom-
fortable. Exposure may be conducted
gradually. That is, you can begin with
easier situations and work your way
up to more challenging situations.
Chapter 8 is worth reviewing be-
cause it discusses in detail exactly
how to conduct your exposure prac-
tices. However, the main principles to
keep in mind include: continue your
exposure practice session until your
anxiety or discomfort has decreased

significantly or you have learned that

your feared predictions don’t come
true (this can take a few minutes to
several hours); if your anxiety de-
creases quickly, move on to a more
difficult practice; repeat exposure
practices frequently (conduct longer
practices at least four to five days per
week, as well as mini-practices
throughout the day); expect to feel
uncomfortable—over time, your dis-
comfort will decrease; and continue
to try more and more challenging
practices until you can comfortably
handle the situations near the top of
your hierarchy.
Following is an example of how to
use exposure and response preven-
tion for a perfectionistic behavior:

Setting Time Limits

Most people have been told at one
time or another that they didn’t take
their time to do a job properly. In
general, the more time that is spent
on a project, the better the quality of
the work. However, there is a point at

which the benefits of spending more

time on a job become fewer and few-
er. For example, spending two
minutes brushing your teeth will
clean your teeth much more effect-
ively than spending only ten seconds.
However, for every additional minute
that you spend brushing beyond the
first two minutes, the benefits be-
come smaller and smaller. In fact, if
you spend too long brushing, you can
destroy the enamel that protects your
teeth and actually put yourself at
greater risk for developing dental
Another cost of spending too
much time on a particular task is that
it leaves you too little time to do other
things. Taking the time to do very
good work is not worth much if you
never complete the job or if it inter-
feres with your ability to get other

important things done. On the other

hand, rushing through a task so that
the quality of your work is very poor
can also lead to negative con-
sequences. Ideally, you should try to
balance the quality of your work with
the amount of work that you get
done. There may be times when it is
better to do a fair job on several dif-
ferent tasks than an outstanding job
on only one task. You will need to
evaluate your priorities to decide
whether it’s worth spending less time
on certain activities.
Do you tend to spend too much
time completing certain tasks, such as
washing, cleaning, writing a letter,
filling out a form, or even telling a
story? If so, setting time limits for
specific activities will be very helpful.
This can be done in two ways. You
can gradually decrease the time that

you allow for the activity. For ex-

ample, if you normally spend an hour
in the shower each day, you can re-
duce the allowed time by ten minutes
per day until you reach the point of
spending no more than ten minutes
in the shower. Alternatively, you can
make the change more abruptly by
immediately reducing the allowed
time to a more typical level (for ex-
ample, ten minutes for a shower, fif-
teen minutes to write a short letter,
and so on). To help you end tasks at
the proper time, set a timer or have a
friend let you know when the time
has ended. When time is up, stop
what you are doing—even if the task
feels incomplete. Next time, you will
have the opportunity to pace yourself
differently if you need to work more
quickly. If you are not sure what an
appropriate time is for a particular

task, ask several people how long they

would take.

Using Cognitive
Strategies to Change
Obsessional Beliefs
In chapter 7, we described a number
of techniques that are useful for chan-
ging perfectionistic thoughts. The
techniques that are most likely to be
effective for changing thoughts that
are associated with OCD and OCPD
include: evaluating the evidence for
your beliefs, learning to compromise,
taking another person’s perspective,
hypothesis testing, looking at the big
picture, using coping statements, and
learning to tolerate uncertainty (see
chapter 7 for detailed descriptions).

Following is an example of how

learning to change thoughts can
reduce obsessive-compulsive
Meg: It seems like all of my spare
time is spent doing
Therapist: Why do you spend so
much time cleaning?
Meg: I grew up in a home where
cleanliness was very import-
ant. I guess I worry that if
the house is not clean,
guests will think I’m a slob.
Therapist: How much cleaning do you
actually do?
Meg: On weekdays, I clean for about
an hour before work and for
about three hours after

dinner. On weekends, I
spend up to six hours a day
cleaning. Each day, I try to
wash the floors, vacuum my
carpets, dust the entire
apartment, and clean inside
and under the stove and
fridge. On weekends, I do
bigger jobs like cleaning the
windows and cleaning out
the fireplace.
Therapist: Do your friends spend as
much time cleaning as you
Meg: No. In fact, when I visit friends
there are often dishes in the
sink and sometimes the
floors are quite dirty.
Therapist: What do you think of
friends who have homes that

are not as clean as your

Meg: It doesn’t really bother me, as
long as it’s someone else’s
Therapist: Do you think that other
people are offended when
they visit your friends and
see dishes in the sink?
Meg: Probably not.
Therapist: Then how likely is it that
people will be offended or
judge you negatively if your
floors are not washed daily
or if there is a dish or two in
your sink?
Meg: I guess it’s unlikely. It just
doesn’t feel right to have
people over without

spending the day cleaning

Therapist: Is it possible that your
tendency to be overly clean
might make people
Meg: Actually, several people have
commented on how clean
my apartment is and how
they were fearful of spilling a
drink or making a mess. I
have several friends who
seem less relaxed at my
apartment than when we get
together at another home.
Therapist: Perhaps you could test out
the accuracy of your predic-
tions by inviting several
friends over after a few days
of not vacuuming, dusting,

or cleaning the floors. Leave

some dishes in the sink, and
leave the couch cushions
messy. Seeing how people
react to this change will help
you to determine whether all
your cleaning really makes a
difference in what people
think of you.
Chapter 15

Dieting, and Body
Dieting and Body Image
Concerns in Western
Anyone influenced by Western cul-
ture is likely aware that they live in a
society that is preoccupied with ap-
pearance. Thin is in, and people go to
great lengths to attain the thin beauty
ideal. This culture equates thinness
with beauty, and furthermore, associ-
ates thinness with all sorts of positive

character traits. The most common

way to gain control over one’s physic-
al appearance is through dieting. Di-
eting is a multibillion dollar industry
in the United States. According to
some estimates, the American public
spends more on diet-related products
(books, videos, pills, and so on) than
the government spends on education,
employment, and social services com-
bined (Brownell and Rodin 1994). Di-
eting can also put people at risk for
developing certain problems, includ-
ing eating disorders.
The drive to be thin appears to be
a socio-cultural phenomenon. Vari-
ables such as a person’s culture and
the period in which he or she grew up
have an enormous impact on the way
they view body shape and dieting. It
has been estimated that 39 percent of
women and 21 percent of men in the

United States are dieting at any one

time (Hill 2002). These numbers are
considerably higher than the 7 per-
cent of men and 14 percent of women
who described themselves as dieters
in the year 1950 (Brownell and Rodin
The prevalence of eating disorders
has also increased dramatically over
the past few decades. In addition, cul-
tural differences appear to affect the
incidence of eating disorders as well.
One study assessed the prevalence of
eating disorders among Egyptian wo-
men studying in Cairo universities
and Egyptian women studying in
British universities (Nasser 1986).
Whereas 12 percent of the women
studying in England met criteria for
an eating disorder, there were no in-
stances of eating disorders among
women in the Egyptian universities.

Not surprisingly, there is evidence

that the prevalence of eating dis-
orders is increasing in non-Western
countries, as their economies become
more industrialized and their people
become more influenced by Western
cultures. In fact, a recent study of wo-
men living in Tanzania found that the
incidence of eating disorders was dir-
ectly related to the degree of exposure
to Western culture and media (Eddy,
Hennessey, and Thompson-Brenner
2007). In addition, a study of people
from the Old Order Amish com-
munity, who live in the United States
but are separated from Western in-
dustrial society, found that young
Amish did not have the same body
image problems as young people in
Western industrial society (Platte,
Zelten, and Stunkard 2000).

Perfectionism and the

Drive to Be Thin
People who diet restrict their food in-
take not only in the hopes of losing
weight, but also in order to avoid be-
coming fat. As much as thinness is
viewed as a positive trait in our cul-
ture, fatness is viewed as negative and
is associated with all sorts of negative
character traits. From a young age,
children tend to discriminate against
overweight children, and this carries
into adulthood, where overweight
people suffer from prejudices in many
areas of life.
These societal standards encour-
age perfectionism. This perfectionism
is often carried out in the way that
people eat. Many people engage in
black-and-white thinking when they

think about food. They consider some

foods forbidden (like cookies and ice
cream) and others permissible (like
salads and fruits). We often hear
people remark that they have “been
good today” if they have adhered to
their diets and consider themselves
“failures” if they have eaten some of
those forbidden foods. In effect, this
perfectionistic style of thinking sets
people up for difficulties with eating,
and perfectionism is often associated
with body image problems and eating
disorders (Bardone-Cone et al. 2007)
Psychologists Peter Herman and
Janet Polivy devised a boundary
model of eating that explains how di-
eters (people who restrict their food
intake in order to prevent weight
gain) and nondieters (people who do
not engage in such behaviors) eat
(1984). Nondieters, on a simple level,

eat when they feel hungry and stop

when they are full. In other words,
satiety (fullness) acts as a boundary,
or a “stop-eating” mechanism. Di-
eters, on the other hand, have set up
for themselves a diet boundary. Di-
eters decide that if they eat a certain
amount, they have maintained their
diets, but if they eat more than that
amount, they have broken their diets.
Usually, the diet boundary acts as a
stop-eating mechanism, but if the diet
is broken, dieters will eat lots of food,
often until they are overly full. Her-
man and Polivy have called this the
“what the hell” effect—once the diet is
broken, dieters think that they may as
well eat with abandon, usually indul-
ging in foods that are considered
Biological factors also play a role
in causing dieters to break their diets.

An important factor in why dieters

fail to stay on their diets is the body’s
powerful drive to meet its basic en-
ergy needs. By definition, dieters
chronically take in less energy (food)
than the body requires to meet its en-
ergy needs—with the goal of lowering
the overall body weight. The body’s
natural defense against starvation is
to overeat, having endured severe cal-
oric restriction.
A great deal of self-control is re-
quired to fight the body’s natural
drive to feed itself. There are many
factors that can undermine this self-
control, including experiencing social
pressure to eat fattening food, drink-
ing alcohol, and feeling depressed.
Dieters also tend to engage in over-
eating when they feel anxious, partic-
ularly when they are made to feel bad
about themselves. Researchers have

suggested that overeating serves as a

way of escaping self-awareness
(Polivy and Herman 1993). It is less
distressing to focus on food (how it
tastes, smells, and so on) than to fo-
cus on feeling bad about oneself.
However, this strategy is helpful only
in the short term. After overeating,
dieters tend to feel guilty and even
worse about themselves than before
they started eating. The failure to
maintain the self-control required in
dieting and the bad feelings that res-
ult from this failure can precipitate
episodes of overeating and further
bad feelings. Therefore, dieters get
caught in a vicious cycle.
In general, dieters are more per-
fectionistic than nondieters. As we
already mentioned, dieters set up a
beauty ideal for themselves that they
would like to attain. Often, this ideal

is unrealistic and based on what they

see in the media. Dieters also set up
unrealistic standards for eating, often
restricting their intake to dangerously
low levels. As mentioned earlier, the
body’s natural defense against starva-
tion is to overeat. For example, in one
study conducted by a researcher
named Keys, a group of healthy men
(with no previous issues around eat-
ing or body weight) were put on a
severely restricted diet (Keys et al.
1950). Interestingly, these men ended
up having episodes of overeating after
having endured severe caloric restric-
tion. In addition, the men in this
study became preoccupied with food.
Their conversations and daydreams
often revolved around eating, food,
and related topics.
Although a tendency to be overly
concerned with body shape can affect

anyone, women are especially prone

to having unrealistic standards re-
garding weight (Cohn and Adler
1992). In one study, Killen and col-
leagues found that one-third of tenth
grade girls believed they were over-
weight, even when they were not

Perfectionistic Thoughts
Related to Eating and
Researchers have consistently shown
that a person’s beliefs about dieting
and weight have an enormous impact
on eating-related problems, including
tendencies to be underweight; engage
in binge eating; or engage in various
purging behaviors such as self-in-
duced vomiting, laxative abuse, and

excessive exercise. Following is a list

of perfectionistic thoughts that con-
tribute to concerns about eating and
weight. As you read the list, pay at-
tention to particular beliefs that you
• Some foods are forbidden;
some are permissible.

• If I eat a forbidden food, I

have messed up my diet.

• If I eat a bit of a forbidden

food, I may as well eat tons
of it, since I already broke
my diet.

• If I eat a forbidden food, I’ll

get fat.

• If I start to eat, I’ll lose


• I can never be too thin.

• I feel fat, therefore I am fat.

• If my clothes are too small,

it’s because I am fat.

• I have to exercise (purge,

take laxatives, and so on)
after eating, or I’ll get fat.

• You can’t get anywhere in

this world if you’re fat.

• I’ll never find a boyfriend/

girlfriend (or a job, friends,
and so on) unless I’m thin.

• I’ll only be special and

unique if I’m thin.

• If I gain a few pounds, I’ll

keep going until I’m obese.

• I have to look like

___________ (model,
actress, and so on).

Perfectionism and Other

Concerns About Your
Physical Appearance
Although weight and body shape are
among the most common sources of
body dissatisfaction, people are often
unhappy with other aspects of their
physical appearance. You may believe
that the curve of your nose is unat-
tractive or that your balding head is a
turnoff to other people. In fact,
people’s tendency to be displeased
with the way they look helps to fund
an entire industry of plastic surgeons,
as well as manufacturers of cosmetics
and other products designed to help

people look their “best.” Being un-

happy with your physical appearance
is often caused by setting unnecessar-
ily high standards regarding how you
should look, despite the fact that oth-
er people are typically much less crit-
ical of your appearance than you
might think. Following are some
physical features that tend to be a
source of dissatisfaction for some
• Receding hairline or

• Too much hair (on face,

chest, back, arms, and so

• Unhappy with hair type (for

example, curly versus
straight hair)

• Wrinkles, graying hair, sag-

ging facial features, and
other signs of aging

• Being too short or too tall

• Body parts that are too big

or too small (for example,
nose, ears, breasts)

• Poor complexion

• Unhappy with face (for ex-

ample, double chin, small
cheekbones, asymmetrical

• Unhappy with other body

parts (for example, feet,
hands, legs)

• Unhappy with other physic-

al features (for example,
voice, body odors, posture)

Perfectionistic Behaviors
that Contribute to
Body-Image Problems
Almost everyone likes to look their
best. Because it feels good to be com-
plimented on one’s physical appear-
ance, most people try to look good.
However, people who are overly con-
cerned about their physical appear-
ance tend to rely too often on
strategies for improving or masking
perceived physical flaws. In addition,
they tend to engage in behaviors that
maintain their unrealistic standards
by preventing them from disproving
their perfectionistic beliefs. Chapter 4

describes various behaviors that con-

tribute to perfectionism.
Following is a list of behaviors
that are particularly relevant to body-
image problems. Most people engage
in these behaviors from time to time.
However, if you have particularly
strong beliefs about the importance of
your physical appearance, you may be
using these behaviors excessively, to
the point that they are costing you in
terms of their financial impact (cos-
metics, salon services, and cosmetic
surgery are expensive), the time they
take up (spending several hours a day
trying to look perfect doesn’t leave
much time for other things), their po-
tential threat to your health (being
underweight can be dangerous), or
their impact on your emotional well-
being (for example, withdrawing so-
cially leads to a reduction in the

number of pleasurable activities you

experience). Some examples of per-
fectionistic behaviors linked to body
image include:
• Frequent checking and
measuring (for example,
looking in the mirror,
weighing self)

• Excessive grooming (con-

stantly fixing hair, fussing
with blemishes)

• Wearing clothes that are too

small (this can maintain the
belief that you are over-
weight, even if you’re not)

• Hiding body parts that you

believe are unappealing (for
example, wearing large
clothes to hide your figure,

long pants to hide your legs,

a hat to hide a balding head,
and so on)

• Avoiding contact with other

people (for fear of rejection
because of your

• Excessive weight-loss beha-

viors (such as dieting, exer-
cise, purging, diet pills, and
so on)

• Cosmetic surgery

• Excessive use of cosmetic

products and services (like
makeup, hair dye, frequent
expensive haircuts, electro-
lysis, tanning salons)

• Reading and information

seeking (for example, read-
ing fashion and beauty

• Comparing your appear-

ance to that of other people

Psychological Problems
Associated with a
Distorted Body Image
A number of psychological disorders
are associated with distorted attitudes
and perceptions regarding body
shape and physical appearance. These
include the eating disorders anorexia
nervosa and bulimia nervosa, as well
as body dysmorphic disorder, which
is a condition associated with body-

image problems unrelated to eating

and weight.

Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is diagnosed
when a person refuses to maintain a
weight that is at least 85 percent of
that expected for the individual’s
height and age (American Psychiatric
Association 2000). In addition,
people with this condition have an in-
tense fear of becoming fat, even
though they are actually underweight.
Individuals with anorexia nervosa
also have distorted beliefs regarding
their body shape, including denial
that they are underweight or a tend-
ency for their self-esteem to be almost
entirely tied to their weight. To be
diagnosed with this disorder, women
must have stopped menstruating for

at least three months, which is an in-

dicator of starvation. At very low
weights, the female body is unable to
produce the hormones necessary for
menstruation. Of course, this cri-
terion does not apply to males, who
make up about 10 percent of the
people who suffer from anorexia
nervosa (Weltzin et al. 2005).
The most serious problems associ-
ated with anorexia nervosa involve
complications associated with being
severely underweight. These include
low blood pressure, lowered levels of
potassium and sodium, heart prob-
lems, low iron, decreased bone mass,
hormonal changes, hair loss, brittle
fingernails, dry skin, and in some
cases, death. In fact, complications of
anorexia nervosa were responsible for
the deaths of musician Karen Car-
penter and gymnast Christy Henrich,

among others. In addition, anorexia

nervosa is often associated with other
psychological problems, such as
depression, obsessive-compulsive dis-
order, and substance abuse.

Although findings from treatment
studies have been mixed, most ex-
perts believe that medications are rel-
atively ineffective for treating anorex-
ia nervosa. Instead, nonmedical treat-
ments are typically used (Wilson and
Fairburn 2007). The first stage of
treatment involves helping the person
to gain weight. If the person is
severely underweight, this stage may
occur on an inpatient basis so that
possible medical complications can
be managed.

Weight gain is achieved by struc-

turing all food intake and ensuring
that the person eats regular meals
and snacks. Helping the patient gain
weight is often relatively easy, espe-
cially if the person’s meals are super-
vised. Ensuring that the person does
not relapse is more difficult. Unless
the individual learns to change his or
her beliefs about eating and body
shape, it is unlikely that the weight
will be maintained. Typically, the
second stage of treatment involves
cognitive behavioral therapy (to
change attitudes and problem behavi-
ors) and sometimes family therapy
(to improve patterns of family com-
munication that may contribute to
the problem).

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is associated with

frequent binge eating combined with
behaviors designed to keep weight
under control (for example, self-in-
duced vomiting, laxative use, exer-
cise, fasting, diet pills). Binge eating
involves eating a very large amount of
food in a relatively short period of
time, along with a perceived lack of
control over eating during the binge.
In some cases, a binge can include
more food than the average person
eats in an entire day. In bulimia
nervosa, the binge eating and associ-
ated purging behaviors must occur at
least twice per week for a period of
three months or more. In addition,
the person’s self-evaluation is tied to
body shape and weight (American
Psychiatric Association 2000).
People with bulimia nervosa tend
to be embarrassed about their

episodes of bingeing and purging and

go to great trouble to prevent others
from finding out about their problem.
In addition, bulimia is often associ-
ated with other problems including
depression, anxiety disorders, sub-
stance abuse, and various medical
complications (such as electrolyte im-
balances, dental problems,
gastrointestinal problems, and so on)
related to binge eating and purging.


Treatment with selective seroton-
in reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as
fluoxetine (Prozac) appears to be
helpful for decreasing binge eating,
purging, and depression among
people suffering from bulimia
nervosa. Other types of antidepress-
ants, including tricyclic antidepress-
ants and monoamine oxidase

inhibitors, also have been shown to

be effective for treating the symptoms
of bulimia (Wilson and Fairburn
However, there are several reas-
ons to consider a psychological ap-
proach before trying medication for
this problem. First, studies compar-
ing treatments involving medication
to psychological approaches such as
cognitive behavioral therapy have
generally shown better outcomes with
the psychological treatments or a
combination of medication and ther-
apy (Whittal, Agras, and Gould 1999).
Second, patients tend to drop out of
medication treatments more often
than cognitive behavioral therapy.
Finally, the relapse rates tend to be
higher when bulimic patients stop
taking their medications, compared
to when they stop cognitive

behavioral therapy. For more inform-

ation on antidepressant medications,
see chapter 10.


A number of studies have demon-
strated that cognitive behavioral ther-
apy is an effective treatment for
bulimia (Wilson and Fairburn 2007).
This approach includes educating
people about the consequences of re-
stricting their food intake, binge eat-
ing, and purging. In addition, pa-
tients are taught to set goals to gradu-
ally develop healthy eating habits and
to challenge their perfectionistic and
inaccurate attitudes regarding body
image, weight, dieting, and eating.
Finally, people are helped to recog-
nize the situations, emotions, and
thoughts that trigger their urges to

restrict, binge, or purge, and they are

encouraged to develop healthier cop-
ing skills.
Another psychological treatment
that may be effective for treating
bulimia is called interpersonal psy-
chotherapy (IPT). This approach (de-
scribed in chapter 10) focuses on
helping people find new ways to man-
age the ways in which they deal with
their relationships with other people
(Wilson and Fairburn 2007).

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Body dysmorphic disorder is a
preoccupation with a perceived defect
in one’s appearance. Sometimes the
defect is completely imagined, and
other times the perception may be
based on a small anomaly (for ex-
ample, a larger than average nose, a

barely noticeable scar, and so on), but

the person’s preoccupation is very
much out of proportion to the nature
of the actual defect or body feature.
The concern about the perceived de-
fect is bothersome or interferes signi-
ficantly with the person’s ability to
function at work, in social situations,
or in other important life domains
(American Psychiatric Association
The areas that are most commonly
a focus of concern among people with
body dysmorphic disorder include
various parts of the face and head (for
example, hair, nose, eyes, lips), as
well as other body parts (such as the
waist, legs, breasts, buttocks, or
penis). Most people with this problem
feel as if more than one area of their
body is defective, and some individu-
als are dissatisfied with their entire

body. Although many people with this

disorder seek cosmetic surgery to cor-
rect the imagined defect, they are of-
ten unhappy with the results of the
surgery or with the surgeon’s advice
not to have an operation.


Researchers have only recently be-
gun to examine medication treat-
ments for body dysmorphic disorder.
Preliminary findings from several
studies suggest that the SSRI antide-
pressants are effective for treating
this condition (Phillips and Hollander
2008). The SSRIs include fluoxetine
(Prozac), fluvoxamine (Luvox), ser-
traline (Zoloft), paroxetine (Paxil),
citalopram (Celexa), and es-
citalopram (Lexapro, Cipralex). These
medications are discussed in more

detail in earlier chapters on depres-

sion (chapter 10) and obsessive-com-
pulsive behavior (chapter 14).Several
studies suggest that cognitive behavi-
oral therapy may also be helpful for
people suffering from body dys-
morphic disorder (Williams,
Hadjistavropoulos, and Sharpe
2006). Cognitive strategies are used
to teach the individual to identify un-
realistic and distorted beliefs about
the perceived defect and learn to re-
place distorted beliefs with a more
realistic view. Behavioral strategies
such as exposure and response pre-
vention encourage the person to
confront anxiety-provoking situations
(for example, socializing with other
people) without engaging in various
behaviors to hide the perceived phys-
ical defect. The patient is also encour-
aged to stop other compulsive rituals

such as checking mirrors, asking for

reassurance, and making comparis-
ons to other people.

Perfectionistic Thinking
and Behavior in
Body-Image Problems
Chapters 7 through 9 describe a num-
ber of strategies that are helpful for
changing perfectionistic beliefs and
behaviors. In this section, we high-
light several of these techniques, as
well as a few other ideas for dealing
with perfectionism in the context of
problems related to being overly con-
cerned with your physical

Education is an important tool for
combating distorted beliefs about di-
eting, body image, and related topics.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of bad in-
formation out there. The media con-
stantly presents a distorted view of
the ideal body shape. Magazines, tele-
vision, and movies often suggest new
diet and exercise plans, show off un-
derweight models and celebrities, and
generally send out the message that it
is extremely important to be thin and
attractive. To combat this potentially
harmful message, it’s important that
you check out the facts regarding diet,
exercise, weight, and health.
For example, there is growing
evidence that, to a large extent, body
weight is determined by genetics.
With healthy eating and moderate

physical activity, your body will nat-

urally find its genetically preferred
weight. Research increasingly sug-
gests that a healthy lifestyle (espe-
cially fitness), rather than body
weight, is one of the best predictors of
health. Furthermore, the belief that
one should control one’s weight is as-
sociated with more disturbed eating,
body dissatisfaction, and poor self-es-
teem compared to having the belief
that one should live a healthy lifestyle
(Laliberte et al. 2007).

Challenging Perfectionistic
Rather than assuming that your
perfectionistic beliefs are true, it is
important to test the validity of your
beliefs by examining the evidence.
The following therapy vignette

illustrates some of the questions that

you might ask yourself in order to be-
come more accepting of your physical
appearance. In this example, Adam is
taught to challenge his perfectionistic
beliefs about what it means to be
Therapist: How much time do you
spend thinking about that
fact that you are balding?
Adam: It’s on my mind all the time. I
haven’t dated in about three
years, mostly because I’m
afraid of having someone
discover my bald head. I
wear a toupee, but I still
worry that it might fall off
sometime. If I could afford a
hair transplant, I would do it
in a second.

Therapist: Do you recall how you

came to be so unhappy
about being bald?
Adam: I’ve always hated it. I’m only
thirty-five! I should have
more hair than I do. I think
baldness is unattractive. I
think other people find it
unattractive as well.
Therapist: Do you have any evidence
that other people find bald-
ness unattractive?
Adam: Before I started wearing the
toupee, a few people made
comments about my thin-
ning hair. Also, I constantly
hear jokes about bald
people. For example, on
Seinfeld, people are always
making fun of the fact that

the George Costanza charac-

ter is bald.
Therapist: Have you ever teased
someone about some physic-
al characteristic?
Adam: I used to make fun of my
brother because he’s shorter
than me. But now that I’ve
lost my hair, I don’t make
fun of anyone about
Therapist: Did the fact that you
teased your brother mean
that shorter people are
Adam: I know that some women
prefer men who are taller,
but I think there are lots of
people who couldn’t care

Therapist: Turning our attention back

to Seinfeld, is George’s bald-
ing head the only thing that
was ever made fun of on the
Adam: No. In fact, that show makes
fun of everything and
Therapist: So, it’s possible to be
teased about almost any
physical feature. What does
that say about your earlier
statement that you knew
that your baldness was unat-
tractive because you were
Adam: I guess that just because I was
teased doesn’t mean that it’s

Therapist: Can you think of any evid-

ence that baldness is
Adam: Well, there are a number of
bald celebrities that I know
many people find attractive.
People like Bruce Willis,
Sean Connery, and Patrick
Stewart. Also, lots of people
shave their heads. I guess
that means that they find
baldness attractive.
Therapist: What if someone did find
you unattractive because you
were bald? Would that mean
that everyone would find
you unattractive?
Adam: I suppose not. Different
people like different things.

Changing Social-Comparison
Perfectionism often leads to the
habit of comparing oneself to other
people who are seen as better in par-
ticular dimensions. For example, if
you are overly concerned about being
overweight (even though you are at a
healthy weight), you may tend to
compare yourself to people who are
underweight. Or, you may compare
your current weight to your weight in
the past, at a time when you were
strictly dieting and therefore likely
below your natural, healthy weight.
These types of comparisons serve to
maintain your perfectionistic
thoughts. If you are overly concerned
about your weight, you need only
consider the body type you may have
inherited from your family (collect in-
formation about your parents and

extended family—what did they weigh

at your age, and what were their eat-
ing and exercise habits at the time?).
You might also try to determine what
your own adult weight has been at
times in your life when you were eat-
ing a healthy diet and exercising
Finally, instead of focusing on
people whose body type is different
than yours (although perhaps what
you consider to be more ideal), try to
see what is attractive in people whose
body type is closer to your own. Com-
parisons with extremely thin people
(such as models) are what lead many
women to try dieting. For most wo-
men, this means fighting your natural
body type. Not surprisingly, 95 to 98
percent of dieters regain the weight
they lose within five years. In the
meantime, many struggle with binge

eating and feelings of failure. Learn-

ing to evaluate your lifestyle rather
than your weight and learning to
compare yourself to those of your
body type are extremely important
steps in changing unrealistic, perfec-
tionistic thoughts and attitudes about
your body.
Similarly, if you are dissatisfied
with the size of your nose, it is not
helpful to compare yourself to people
with smaller noses. If your nose is lar-
ger than average, you will find that
most people have smaller noses, but
that will tell you very little about your
physical attractiveness. Remember,
half of the people you encounter each
day also have noses that are bigger
than average. It doesn’t necessarily
mean that you are unattractive. In
fact, most people are different than
the average person in one feature or

another. If you must compare your-

self to other people, don’t just make
comparisons based on your physical
features that bother you.

Hypothesis Testing and

One of the most powerful ways of
testing perfectionistic thoughts about
your physical appearance is to create
small experiments that are likely to
disprove your beliefs. For example, if
you are fearful that other people
won’t be attracted to you if you are
wearing shorts, try wearing shorts
when you are out with other people
and see what happens. Chances are
that people will treat you no differ-
ently than when you’re wearing long

If the thought of having other

people see some aspect of your phys-
ical appearance is terrifying, exposure
practices may be helpful. Exposure
(described fully in chapter 8) involves
entering a feared situation repeatedly
for an extended period, until the situ-
ation no longer produces anxiety. To
deal with distorted perceptions re-
garding some aspect of your body,
practices may include allowing people
to see the “defective” feature. For ex-
ample, practices may involve taking
off your hat to expose your bald head
or not wearing makeup in order to ex-
pose a mole or scar. You may want to
start by making a list of avoided
situations, rank-ordering them, and
trying them out gradually.

Preventing Safety Behaviors


Preventing safety behaviors in-

volves stopping the behaviors that
you rely on to reduce your anxiety
about your physical appearance. Fol-
lowing are examples of how this
strategy can be used for various prob-
lems related to distorted body image:
• Avoid weighing yourself
more than once per month.

• Do not look in the mirror

except when getting ready
for work in the morning.

• Comb your hair no more

than twice per day.

• Do not wear sunglasses to

cover your eyes.

• Stop all dieting and


• Stop going to tanning

Part 4

What Next?
Chapter 16

from Returning
Evaluating Your
At the end of chapter 5, we mentioned
that the process of assessing your per-
fectionism should be an ongoing one.
Now that you have worked through
this book, the next step is to evaluate
the current status of your perfection-
ism. One way of doing this is to re-
turn to the issues raised in the
chapter on assessment (chapter 5)

and other early chapters and to re-

evaluate where you’re at currently. In
your journal, answer each of the fol-
lowing questions:

Exercise 16.1 Re-

Evaluating Your

Of the perfectionistic thinking styles

described in chapter 3, which are cur-
rently a problem? Does your perfec-
tionistic thinking occur less often?
Are your thoughts less intense and
less upsetting than they were at the
beginning of treatment?
Of the perfectionistic behaviors
described in chapter 4, which are cur-
rently a problem? Do you engage in
perfectionistic behaviors less often

than before? Which behaviors do you

still need to work on?
In chapter 5, you began to com-
plete perfectionism diaries whenever
you found yourself behaving in a per-
fectionistic matter. Have these epis-
odes decreased in terms of how fre-
quent, extreme, or upsetting they are?
Are you more flexible in your
thinking now that you have learned
new strategies for combating perfec-
tionism? For example, if you discover
that a particular standard is im-
possible to meet, are you able to
lower your standards to a more real-
istic level?
Have you noticed a change in the
sorts of situations that trigger your
perfectionistic responses? Are there
fewer triggers now?

In chapter 5, you identified situ-

ations that are impacted by your per-
fectionism (for example, work,
school, relationships, and so on). Are
the same situations currently affected
by your perfectionism? Are they im-
pacted to the same degree as before?
Has your awareness of your per-
fectionism changed? Are you more
aware of the ways in which perfec-
tionism affects (or used to affect)
your life? Are you able to notice your
perfectionistic thoughts and behavi-
ors more easily than before?
Have others commented on the
ways in which your perfectionism has
changed? Does your perfectionism af-
fect others less than it did before?
Have you noticed a change in your
moods as a result of working through
this book? Are your feelings of

depression, anxiety, and irritability

less frequent or less intense than
How much better is your perfec-
tionism? Is it 20 percent better? 50
percent better? 80 percent better?
Choose any number from 0 to 100.

The Next Steps

The strategies in this book are not a
cure for perfectionism. Chances are
that perfectionism is still an issue for
you, even if you have been practicing
the techniques you have learned.
Though a small number of people
may overcome all issues with perfec-
tionism as a result of using the
strategies in this book, for most
people the gains are likely to be more
modest. We hope that you have no-
ticed significant changes, that you

have become less of a perfectionist

than before, and that your tendency
to feel anxious, depressed, or irritable
has decreased. However, despite how
much better things may be, it is pos-
sible that you will continue to
struggle with perfectionism from time
to time. So what’s next? Here are
some options for possible next steps.

Continue to Use the Strategies

in This Book
If the strategies in this book have
been useful, but you still have some
remaining perfectionism that you
want to work on, you can continue to
use the strategies in this book to work
on your remaining issues. For ex-
ample, you can continue to complete
perfectionism diaries, to monitor and
challenge your perfectionistic

thoughts, to confront situations that

make you feel uncomfortable, and to
practice accepting your uncomfort-
able feelings rather than fighting
them or trying to make them go away.

Seek More Detailed Information

For some readers, a general book
on perfectionism like this one may
not provide enough detail for the spe-
cific problems they are dealing with.
For example, if your perfectionism is
mostly related to depression, then a
treatment focused on depression may
be important for you. Similarly, a
more specialized program for anger
management, social anxiety, worry,
body-image issues, or obsessive-com-
pulsive problems may be warranted if
any of these are issues for you. Fur-
ther Readings, at the back of this

book, provides recommended read-

ings that focus on these issues in
more detail.

Find Professional Help

In some cases, working through
these strategies on your own may be
difficult. The support of a profession-
al who can either prescribe medica-
tions or help you to apply the psycho-
logical strategies described in this
book may be helpful. If you have tried
to use these strategies on your own
and have experienced only limited
success, this may be a good time to
seek professional help. Chapter 6
provides suggestions for how to find a
qualified professional. A therapist can
help you work on your perfectionism
more generally or work on some of
the more specific problems that are

often associated with perfectionism,

such as depression, anxiety disorders,
or difficulties in managing anger and

Maintaining Your Gains

Although there is evidence that the
strategies in this book often lead to a
reduction in perfectionism and asso-
ciated problems, there is currently no
research on the long-term benefits of
these strategies. In other words, little
is known about whether the effects of
treatment for perfectionism are long
lasting. However, based on what we
know about cognitive-behavioral
therapy (CBT) for other problems,
there is a good chance that your im-
provements will continue over time.
For many readers, the gains made as
a result of the strategies in this book

will be permanent. For others, there

is a risk that some of your perfection-
istic behaviors will start to slip back
into your day-to-day life. This section
discusses factors that may contribute
to a return of perfectionism and
strategies that you can use to keep
your perfectionism away.

What Causes Perfectionism to

Unfortunately, there are no stud-
ies that address the question of what
causes perfectionism to return once it
has been treated. However, there a
number of factors that may play a
role in whether your perfectionism
will worsen in the future:



People who have overcome an

episode of depression have a high
likelihood of experiencing additional
periods of depression in the future,
particularly if they have experienced
multiple periods of depression in the
past. If you have recently overcome
an episode of depression, there are a
number of strategies that can help to
prevent additional episodes of de-
pression, including mindfulness med-
itation, maintenance CBT, and main-
tenance medications. The book End-
ing the Depression Cycle (Bieling and
Antony 2003) provides detailed ad-
vice on how to prevent future epis-
odes of depression. In contrast to de-
pression, problems with anxiety (for
example, worry, social anxiety,
obsessive-compulsive problems) are
less likely to return once they have
been successfully treated, particularly

with CBT. Nevertheless, a return of

symptoms is possible with anxiety-
based problems as well.


For many psychological problems,
CBT is more likely to lead to long-
term gains than medications. Once
treatment ends, a return of symptoms
is more likely if treatment was with
medication rather than CBT.

Stress puts people at risk for
whatever problems they are prone to
experience. For example, people who
tend to get headaches are more likely
to get them during or following peri-
ods of stress. People who tend to ex-
perience depression, panic attacks, or
drinking too much alcohol often

report more of these problems when

under stress. If you are prone to be a
perfectionist, these tendencies are
likely to be worse when you are under
stress at work, at home, or in other
aspects of your life. Fortunately, your
level of perfectionism should improve
when your level of stress decreases.


If your perfectionism is beneficial
to other people, you may find that
others prefer for you to continue your
perfectionist ways. For example, your
partner might miss the old days when
you did all the housework so you
could make sure it was done to your
standards. Similarly, your boss might
prefer the time when you worked 80
hours per week to make sure all of
your work got done. If you get

rewarded for being a perfectionist by

those around you, it may be more dif-
ficult for you to stick to your new,
non-perfectionist standards. Discuss-
ing these issues with those who ex-
pect you to maintain your perfection-
ist ways may be useful.


If you exercise regularly for a few
months and then you suddenly stop,
you would expect your muscles to re-
turn to their old, weakened state,
right? The same is true for perfection-
ism. If you start to go back to your old
ways of thinking about situations and
your old ways of behaving, your diffi-
culties will return. It’s important to
continue challenging your negative
thinking, to confront situations that
make you anxious, and to emphasize

acceptance of your emotional states

rather than constantly trying to min-
imize discomfort.

Keeping Your Perfectionism

Away for Good
Based on the above discussion on
the factors that affect whether your
perfectionism is likely to return, you
can probably guess what you need to
do to keep it away for good. First, it is
important to continue to use the
strategies that have been most help-
ful. Although it may not be necessary
to continue to complete perfectionism
diaries and the other exercises de-
scribed throughout this book, it is im-
portant to continue to question your
perfectionistic thoughts when they
occur, to test out the validity of your
thoughts by conducting small

experiments, and to confront situ-

ations directly when you find yourself
wanting to avoid them. You need to
use the strategies described in
chapters 7, 8, and 9 on a regular basis
to maintain your gains.
In addition, it’s important during
times of stress to keep your perfec-
tionism in check. Find ways to man-
age your stress effectively. For ex-
ample, make time for yourself. Take a
break from whatever is causing you
stress to see a movie or go for a walk.
Pay attention to your lifestyle habits.
Be sure to get enough sleep, to eat
properly, and to exercise. Some of the
strategies described in this book (for
example, relaxation, mindfulness
meditation, challenging negative
thinking) are useful for managing
general stress levels as well.

Coping with a Return of Your

If you notice that your perfection-
ism gets worse at some point in the
future, pull out this book again and
start to review the strategies that you
found to be most useful the first time.
If they worked for you once, chances
are that they will work for you again,
either on your own or with the sup-
port of a professional.

We hope this book introduced you to
new skills that will help you to deal
more effectively with your perfection-
ism and with the situations where it
tends to get triggered. The more you
practice these skills, the more im-
provement you will see. Best of luck
as you continue to let go of the rules

and standards that have been holding

you back until now!
Further Readings

Self-Help Readings
Burns, D. D. 1980. The perfection-
ist’s script for self-defeat. Psychology
Today November, 34–57.
Basco, M. R. 1999. Never Good
Enough: How to Use Perfectionism
to Your Advantage without Letting It
Ruin Your Life. New York:

Readings for Professionals

Flett, G. L., and P. L. Hewitt, eds.
2002. Perfectionism: Theory, Re-
search, and Treatment. Washington,

DC: American Psychological


Video Resources
Antony, M. M. 2008. Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy for Perfection-
ism Over Time. DVD. Washington,
DC: American Psychological

Cognitive Behavioral

Self-Help Readings
Burns, D. D. 1999. The Feeling
Good Handbook, Rev. ed. New York:
Butler, G. and T. Hope. 2007.
Managing Your Mind: The Mental

Fitness Guide. 2nd ed. New York: Ox-

ford University Press.
Greenberger, D. and C. A.
Padesky. 1995. Mind Over Mood:
Change How You Feel by Changing
the Way You Think. New York: Guil-
ford Press.
McKay, M., M. Davis and P. Fan-
ning. 2007. Thoughts and Feelings:
Taking Control of Your Moods and
Your Life. 3rd ed. Oakland, CA: New
Harbinger Publications.

Readings for Professionals

Antony, M. M., D. R. Ledley and
R. G. Heimberg, eds. 2005. Improv-
ing Outcomes and Preventing
Relapse in Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy. New York: Guilford Press.

Barlow, D. H., ed. 2008. Clinical

Handbook of Psychological
Disorders. 4th ed. New York: Guil-
ford Press.
Beck, J. S. 1995. Cognitive Ther-
apy: Basics and Beyond. New York:
Guilford Press.
Beck, J. S. 2005. Cognitive Ther-
apy for Challenging Problems: What
to Do When the Basics Don’t Work.
New York: Guilford Press.
Bieling, P. J., R. E. McCabe and
M. M. Antony. 2006. Cognitive Beha-
vioral Therapy in Groups. New York:
Guilford Press.
O’Donohue, W., J. E. Fisher and S.
C. Hayes, eds. 2003. Cognitive Beha-
vior Therapy: Applying Empirically
Supported Techniques in Your
Practice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Richard, D. C. S. and D. Lauter-

bach. 2007. Handbook of Exposure
Therapies. New York: Academic
Wright, J. H., M. R. Basco and M.
E. Thase. 2006. Learning Cognitive-
Behavior Therapy: An Illustrated
Guide. Washington, DC: American
Psychiatric Press.

Communication Training

Self-Help Readings
Christensen, A. & N. S. Jacobson.
2000. Reconcilable Differences. New
York: Guilford Press.
Davis, M., K. Paleg and P. Fan-
ning. 2004. The Messages Work-
book: Powerful Strategies for

Effective Communication at Work

and Home. Oakland, CA: New
Honeychurch, C. and A. Watrous.
2003. Talk to Me: Conversation Tips
for the Small-Talk Challenged. Oak-
land, CA: New Harbinger
MacInnis, J. L. 2006. The Ele-
ments of Great Public Speaking:
How to Be Calm, Confident, and
Compelling. Berkeley, CA: 10 Speed
McKay, M., M. Davis and P. Fan-
ning. 2009. Messages: The Commu-
nications Skills Book. 3rd ed. Oak-
land, CA: New Harbinger.
McKay, M., P. Fanning and K.
Paleg. 2006. Couple Skills: Making
Your Relationship Work. 2nd ed.
Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.

Monarth, H. and L. Kase. 2007.

The Confident Speaker: Beat Your
Nerves and Communicate at Your
Best in Any Situation. New York:
Patterson, R. J. 2000. The Assert-
iveness Workbook: How to Express
Your Ideas and Stand Up for Your-
self at Work and in Relationships.
Oakland, CA: New Harbinger


Self-Help Readings
Burka, J. B. and L. M. Yuen. 1983.
Procrastination: Why You Do It and
What to Do About It. Reading, MA:

Knauss, W. 2002. The Procrastin-

ation Workbook: Your Personalized
Program for Breaking Free of the
Patters That Hold You Back. Oak-
land, CA: New Harbinger


Self-Help Readings
Addis, M. E. and C. R. Martell.
2004. Overcoming Depression One
Step at a Time: The New Behavioral
Activation Approach to Getting Your
Life Back. Oakland, CA: New
Harbinger Publications.
Bieling, P. J. and M. M. Antony.
2003. Ending the Depression Cycle:
A Step-by-Step Guide for Preventing

Relapse. Oakland, CA: New

Harbinger Publications.
Knauss, W. J. 2006. The Cognit-
ive Behavioral Workbook for Depres-
sion: A Step-by-Step Program. Oak-
land, CA: New Harbinger
Williams, M., J. Teasdale, Z.
Segal, and J. Kabat-Zinn. 2007. The
Mindful Way Through Depression:
Freeing Yourself from Chronic Un-
happiness. New York: Guilford Press.

Readings for Professionals

Beck, A. T., A. J. Rush, B. F. Shaw,
and G. Emery. 1979. Cognitive Ther-
apy of Depression. New York: Guil-
ford Press.

Gotlib, I. H. and C. L. Hammen.

2009. Handbook of Depression, 2nd
ed. New York: Guilford Press.
Persons, J. B., J. Davidson, and
M. A. Tompkins. 2001. Essential
Components of Cognitive-Behavioral
Therapy for Depression. Washing-
ton, DC: American Psychological
Segal, Z. V., J. M. G. Williams, and
J. D. Teasdale. 2002. Mindfulness-
Based Cognitive Therapy for Depres-
sion: A New Approach to Preventing
Relapse. New York, NY: Guilford
Weissman, M. M., J. C. Markow-
itz, and G. L. Klerman. 2000. Com-
prehensive Guide to Interpersonal
Psychotherapy. New York: Basic

Whisman, M. A. 2008. Adapting

Cognitive Therapy for Depression:
Managing Complexity and Comor-
bidity. New York: Guilford Press.


Self-Help Readings
Eifert, G. H., M. McKay, and J. P.
Forsyth. 2005. ACT on Life, Not on
Anger: The New Acceptance and
Commitment Therapy Guide for
Problem Anger. Oakland, CA: New
Harbinger Publications.
McKay, M., P. D. Rogers, and J.
McKay. 2003. When Anger Hurts:
Quieting the Storm Within, 2nd ed.
Oakland, CA: New Harbinger

Nay, W. R. 2004. Taking Charge

of Anger: How to Resolve Conflict,
Sustain Relationships, and Express
Yourself without Losing Control.
New York: Guilford Press.

Readings for Professionals

DiGiuseppe, R. and R. C. Tafrate.
2007. Understanding Anger
Disorders. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Feindler, E. L. 2006. Anger-
Related Disorders: A Practitioner’s
Guide to Comparative Treatments.
New York: Springer.

Anxiety and Worry

Self-Help Readings

Antony, M. M. and P. J. Norton.

2009. The Anti-Anxiety Workbook:
Proven Strategies to Overcome
Worry, Panic, Phobias, and Obses-
sions. New York: Guilford Press.
Davis, M., E. R. Eshelman, and M.
McKay. 2008. The Relaxation and
Stress Reduction Workbook. 6th ed.
Oakland, CA: New Harbinger
Forsyth, J. P. and G. H. Eifert.
2007. The Mindfulness and Accept-
ance Workbook for Anxiety: A Guide
to Breaking Free from Anxiety, Pho-
bias, and Worry Using Acceptance
and Commitment Therapy. Oakland,
CA: New Harbinger Publications.
Gyoerkoe, K. L. and P. S. Wie-
gartz. 2006. 10 Simple Solutions to
Worry: How to Calm Your Mind,
Relax Your Body, & Reclaim Your

Life. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger

Hazlett-Stevens, H. 2005. Women
Who Worry Too Much: How to Stop
Worry and Anxiety from Ruining
Relationships, Work, & Fun. Oak-
land, CA: New Harbinger

Readings for Professionals

Antony, M. M. and M. B. Stein.
2009. Oxford Handbook of Anxiety
and Related Disorders. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Antony, M. M. and R. P. Swinson.
2000. Phobic Disorders and Panic in
Adults: A Guide to Assessment and
Treatment. Washington, DC: Americ-
an Psychological Association.

Barlow, D. H. 2002. Anxiety and

Its Disorders: The Nature and Treat-
ment of Anxiety and Panic. 2nd ed.
New York: Guilford Press.
Bernstein, D. A., T. D. Borkovec,
and H. Hazlett-Stevens. 2000. New
Directions in Progressive Relaxation
Training: A Guidebook for Helping
Professionals. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Davey, G. C. L. and A. Wells, eds.
2006. Worry and Its Psychological
Disorders: Theory, Assessment, and
Treatment. Chichester, UK: Wiley.
Dugas, M. J. and M. Robichaud.
2007. Cognitive-Behavioral Treat-
ment for Generalized Anxiety
Disorder. New York: Routledge.
Eifert, G. H. and J. P. Forsyth.
2005. Acceptance and Commitment
Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: A
Practitioner’s Treatment Guide to

Using Mindfulness, Acceptance, and

Values-Based Behavior Change
Strategies. Oakland, CA: New
Harbinger Publications.
Hazlett-Stevens, H. 2008. Psycho-
logical Approaches to Generalized
Anxiety Disorder: A Clinician’s Guide
to Assessment and Treatment. New
York: Springer.
Heimberg, R. G., C. L. Turk, and
D. S. Mennin, eds. 2004. Generalized
Anxiety Disorder: Advances in Re-
search and Practice. New York: Guil-
ford Press.
Rygh, J. L. and W. C. Sanderson.
2004. Treating Generalized Anxiety
Disorder: Evidence-Based Strategies,
Tool, and Techniques. New York:
Guilford Press.

Social and Performance


Self-Help Readings
Antony, M. M. 2004. 10 Simple
Solutions to Shyness: How to Over-
come Shyness, Social Anxiety, and
Fear of Public Speaking. Oakland,
CA: New Harbinger Publications.
Antony, M. M. and R. P. Swinson.
2008. The Shyness and Social Anxi-
ety Workbook: Proven, Step-by-Step
Techniques for Overcoming Your
Fear. 2nd ed. Oakland, CA: New
Harbinger Publications.
Hope, D. A., R. G. Heimberg, H.
R. Juster, and C. L. Turk. 2000.
Managing Social Anxiety. New York:
Oxford University Press.

Stein, M. B. and J. R. Walker.

2002. Triumph over Shyness: Con-
quering Shyness and Social Anxiety.
New York: McGraw-Hill.

Readings for Professionals

Antony, M. M. and K. Rowa.
2008. Social Anxiety Disorder: Psy-
chological Approaches to Assessment
and Treatment. Göttingen, Germany:
Beidel, D. C. and S. M. Turner.
2007. Shy Children, Phobic Adults:
Nature and Treatment of Social
Anxiety Disorder, 2nd ed. Washing-
ton, DC: American Psychological
Crozier, W. R. and L. E. Alden,
eds. 2005. The Essential Handbook

of Social Anxiety for Clinicians.

Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Heimberg, R. G. and R. E. Becker.
2002. Cognitive-Behavioral Group
Therapy for Social Phobia: Basic
Mechanisms and Clinical Strategies.
New York: Guilford Press.
Hofmann, S. and M. W. Otto.
2008. Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
of Social Phobia: Evidence-Based
and Disorder Specific Treatment
Techniques. New York: Routledge.
Hope, D. A., R. G. Heimberg, and
C. L. Turk. 2006. Managing Social
Anxiety: A Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy Approach Therapist Guide.
New York: Oxford University Press.

Video Resources

Albano, A. M. 2006. Shyness and

Social Phobia. DVD. Washington,
DC: American Psychological
Rapee, R. M. 1999. I Think They
Think: Overcoming Social Phobia.
DVD. New York: Guilford Press.


Self-Help Readings
Foa, E. B. and R. Wilson. 2001.
Stop Obsessing! How to Overcome
Your Obsessions and Compulsions,
rev ed. New York: Bantam Books.
Grayson, J. 2004. Freedom from
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A
Personalized Recovery Program for

Living with Uncertainty. New York:

Berkley Publishing Group.
Hyman, B. M. and C. Pedrick.
2005. The OCD Workbook: Your
Guide to Breaking Free from
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. 2nd
ed. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger
Purdon, C. and D. A. Clark. 2005.
Overcoming Obsessive Thoughts:
How to Gain Control of Your OCD.
Oakland, CA: New Harbinger
Steketee, G. and R. O. Frost. 2007.
Compulsive Hoarding and Acquiring
Workbook. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Tolin, D., R. O. Frost, and G.
Steketee. 2007. Buried in Treasures:
Help for Compulsive Acquiring,

Saving, and Hoarding. New York:

Oxford University Press.

Readings for Professionals

Abramowitz, J. S. 2006:
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe & Huber.
Abramowitz, J. S. 2006: Under-
standing and Treating Obsessive-
Compulsive Disorder: A Cognitive
Behavioral Approach. Mahwah, NJ:
Abramowitz, J. S. and A. C. Houts,
eds. 2005. Obsessive-Compulsive
Disorder: Concepts and Controver-
sies. New York: Springer.
Abramowitz, J. S., D. McKay, and
S. Taylor. 2008. Clinical Handbook
of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

and Related Problems. Baltimore,

MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Abramowitz, J. S., D. McKay, and
S. Taylor. 2008. Obsessive-Compuls-
ive Disorder: Subtypes and Spectrum
Conditions. New York: Elsevier.
Antony, M. M., C. Purdon, and L.
J. Summerfeldt. 2007. Psychological
Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive
Disorder: Fundamentals and Bey-
ond. Washington, DC: American Psy-
chological Association.
Clark, D. A. 2004. Cognitive-Be-
havioral Therapy for OCD. New
York: Guilford Press.
Rachman, S. 2003. The Treat-
ment of Obsessions. New York: Ox-
ford University Press.
Rachman, S. 2006. Fear of
Contamination: Assessment and

Treatment. New York: Oxford

University Press.
Steketee, G., and R. O. Frost.
2007. Compulsive Hoarding and Ac-
quiring Therapist Guide. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Wilhelm, S. and G. S. Steketee.
2006. Cognitive Therapy for
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A
Guide for Professionals. Oakland,
CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Video Resources
Antony, M. M. 2007. Obsessive-
Compulsive Behavior. DVD. Wash-
ington, DC: American Psychological
Wilson, R. R. 2005. Obsessive-
Compulsive Disorder. DVD.

Washington, DC: American Psycholo-

gical Association.

Body Image and Eating


Self-Help Readings
Cash. T. F. 2008. The Body Image
Workbook: An 8-Step Program for
Learning to Like Your Looks. 2nd ed.
Oakland, CA: New Harbinger
Claiborn, J. and C. Pedrick. 2002.
The BDD Workbook: Overcome Body
Dysmorphic Disorder and End Body
Image Obsessions. Oakland, CA: New
Harbinger Publications.
Heffner, M. and G. H. Eifert.
2004. The Anorexia Workbook: How

to Accept Yourself, Heal Your Suffer-

ing, and Reclaim Your Life. Oakland,
CA: New Harbinger Publications.
McCabe, R. E., T. L. McFarlane,
and M. P. Olmsted. 2004. The Over-
coming Bulimia Workbook: Your
Comprehensive, Step-by-Step Guide
to Recovery. Oakland, CA: New
Harbinger Publications.
Wilhelm, S. 2006. Feeling Good
About the Way You Look: A Program
for Overcoming Body Image Prob-
lems. New York: Guilford Press.

Readings for Professionals

Cash, T. F. and T. Pruzinsky.
2004. Body Image: A Handbook of
Theory, Research, and Clinical
Practice. New York: Guilford Press.

Fairburn, C. G. 2008. Cognitive

Behavior Therapy and Eating
Disorders. New York: Guilford Press.
Fairburn, C. G. and K.D. Brownell.
2002. Eating Disorders and Obesity:
A Comprehensive Handbook. 2nd ed.
New York: Guilford Publications.
Ackman, D. 2004. Martha Trial:
‘Change the Hold Music—Or Else’.
Forbes, February 5. http://www.for-
American Psychiatric Association.
2000. Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders 4th. ed.,
text revision. Washington, DC:
Antony, M. M., F. Downie, and R.
P. Swinson. 1998. Diagnostic issues
and epidemiology in obsessive com-
pulsive disorder. In R. P. Swinson, M.
M. Antony, S. Rachman, and M. A.
Richter (Eds.). Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder: Theory, Research, and

Treatment, 3–32. New York: Guilford

Antony, M. M., R. E. McCabe, I.
Leeuw, N. Sano, and R. P. Swinson.
2001. Effect of distraction and coping
style on in vivo exposure for specific
phobia of spiders. Behaviour Re-
search and Therapy 39:1137-1150.
Antony, M. M. and P. J. Norton.
2009. The Anti-Anxiety Workbook:
Proven Strategies to Overcome
Worry, Panic, Phobias, and Obses-
sions. New York: Guilford Press.
Antony, M. M., C. L. Purdon, V.
Huta, and R. P. Swinson. 1998. Di-
mensions of perfectionism across the
anxiety disorders. Behaviour Re-
search and Therapy 36:1143-1154.
Antony, M. M. and K. Rowa.
2008. Social Anxiety Disorder: Psy-
chological Approaches to Assessment

and Treatment. Göttingen, Germany:

Antony, M. M. and R. P. Swinson.
2008. Shyness and Social Anxiety
Workbook: Proven, Step-by-Step
Techniques for Overcoming Your
Fear. 2nd ed. Oakland, CA: New
Harbinger Publications.
Ashbaugh, A., M. M. Antony, A.
Liss, L. J. Summerfeldt, R. E.
McCabe, and R. P. Swinson. 2007.
Changes in perfectionism following
cognitive-behavioral treatment for so-
cial phobia. Depression and Anxiety
Bailey, Jr., G. R. 1998. Cognitive-
behavioral treatment of obsessive-
compulsive personality disorder.
Journal of Psychological Practice

Bardone-Cone, A. M., S. A. Won-

derlich, R. O. Frost, C. M. Bulik, J. E.
Mitchell, S. Uppala, and H. Simonich.
2007. Perfectionism and eating dis-
orders: Current status and future dir-
ections. Clinical Psychology Review
Barlow, D. H. 2002, Anxiety and
Its Disorders: The Nature and Treat-
ment of Anxiety and Panic 2nd ed.
New York: Guilford Press.
Beck, A. T., A. J. Rush, B. F. Shaw,
and G. Emery. 1979. Cognitive Ther-
apy of Depression. New York: Guil-
ford Press.
Bieling, P. J. and M. M. Antony.
2003. Ending the Depression Cycle:
A Step-by-Step Guide for Preventing
Relapse. Oakland, CA: New
Harbinger Publications.

Birley, A. J., N. A. Gillespie, A. C.

Heath, P. F. Sullivan, D. I. Boomsma,
and N. G. Martin. 2006. Heritability
and nineteen-year stability of long
and short EPQ-R Neuroticism scales.
Personality and Individual Differ-
ences 40:737-747.
Bishop, S. R., M. Lau, S. Shapiro,
L. Carlson, N. D. Anderson, J. Car-
mody, Z. V. Segal, S. Abbey, M. Speca,
D. Velting, and G. Devins. 2004.
Mindfulness: A proposed operational
definition. Clinical Psychology:
Science and Practice 11:230–241.
Blatt, S. J., J. P. D’Afflitti, and D.
M. Quinlan. 1976. Experiences of de-
pression in normal young adults.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Britton, J. C. and S. L. Rauch.
2009. Neuroanatomy and

neuroimaging of anxiety disorders. In

Oxford Handbook of Anxiety and
Related Disorders, 97–110. eds. M.
M. Antony and M. B. Stein. New
York: Oxford University Press.
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Martin M. Antony, Ph.D., is pro-
fessor of psychology at Ryerson
University in Toronto, ON, Canada.
He is also director of research at the
Anxiety Treatment and Research
Centre at St. Joseph’s Healthcare in
Hamilton, ON, Canada, and
president-elect of the Canadian Psy-
chological Association. He has
published twenty-five books and
more than one hundred scientific pa-
pers and book chapters in the areas of
cognitive behavior therapy and anxi-
ety disorders. He has received early
career awards from the Society of
Clinical Psychology (American Psy-
chological Association), the Canadian
Psychological Association, and the
Anxiety Disorders Association of
America, and is a fellow of the Amer-
ican and Canadian Psychological As-
sociations. He is past president of the

Anxiety Disorders Special Interest

Group of the Association for Behavi-
oral and Cognitive Therapies, and has
been program chair for the Associ-
ation for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies annual conference guide
annual convention. He is actively in-
volved in clinical research in the area
of anxiety disorders, teaching, and
education, and he maintains a private
clinical practice. Antony lives in
Toronto, ON, Canada. His website is
Richard P. Swinson, MD, is pro-
fessor emeritus and past chair of the
Department of Psychiatry and Beha-
vioural Neurosciences in the Faculty
of Health Sciences at McMaster
University in Hamilton, ON, Canada.
He is also medical director of the
Anxiety Treatment and Research
Centre and past psychiatrist-in-chief

at Joseph’s Healthcare, also in

Hamilton. He is a fellow of the Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Canada, the American Psychiatric As-
sociation, and the Royal College of
Psychiatrists UK. He was awarded an
inaugural fellowship of the Canadian
Psychiatric Association in 2006. His
research interests lie in the theory,
assessment, and treatment of anxiety
disorders, particularly obsessive-
compulsive disorder and social anxi-
ety disorder. He has published more
than 180 peer-reviewed papers, thirty
book chapters, and eight books. Dr.
Swinson has held numerous research
grants since 1966 and has been an in-
vited speaker at many conferences
around the world on anxiety dis-
orders and substance abuse dis-
orders. He also chaired the steering
committee for the Canadian Anxiety

Treatment Guidelines Initiative, lead-

ing to the publication of Canadian
Clinical Practice Guidelines for the
Management of Anxiety Disorders in
2006. He lives in Toronto, ON,
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