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The Effect of Sleep Quality On Students ' Academic Achievement

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The Effect of Sleep Quality on Students’ Academic

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Advances in Medical Education and Practice

Rostam Jalali 1 Background: Sleep is an inseparable part of human health and life, which is crucial in
Habibollah Khazaei 2 learning, practice, as well as physical and mental health. It affects the capacity of individual
Behnam Khaledi Paveh 1 learning, academic performance, and neural-behavioral functions. This study aimed to
Zinab Hayrani 1 determine the relationship between sleep quality and students’ academic achievement
among students at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences.
Lida Menati 1
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 102 medical students from different fields, with
Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery,
For personal use only.

maximum variation sampling, completed Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). For data
Kermanshah University of Medical
Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran; 2Sleep analysis, SPSS 19 was used through which Pearson correlation test, Spearman test, and t-test
Disorders Research Center, Kermanshah were employed.
University of Medical Sciences,
Results: Based on the quality of sleep questionnaire scores, the results indicated no
Kermanshah, Iran
significant difference between students with high grades and those with low grades.
However, there were moderate and sometimes severe sleep disturbances in both groups.
Conclusion: The results showed no significant difference between sleep quality and aca-
demic achievement. Nevertheless, longitudinal study should be performed to control for
confounding factors.
Keywords: quality of sleep, the academic achievement, students

Sleep is an inseparable part of human health and life, and is pivotal to learning and
practice as well as physical and mental health.1 Studies have suggested that
insufficient sleep, increased frequency of short-term sleep, and going to sleep late
and getting up early affect the learning capacity, academic performance, and
neurobehavioral functions.2,3 Previous studies have indicated that the quantity of
sleep reported by individuals as delayed or inappropriate sleep, waking up too late,
especially at weekends and daytime sleepiness is associated with compromised
academic performance in children and adults.2 Some studies have emphasized the
relationship between delayed starting time of classes and academic success.4
Reduced overnight sleep or altered sleep patterns has been associated with severe
drowsiness and failure in academic success.5 In a study, people who had enough
sleep compared to their sleep-deprived individuals used innovative solutions twice
as often when confronted with complex mathematical problems.6 The chance of
academic failure was as long as one or more than 1 year in students with inadequate
sleep compared to those with proper sleep.7 People who sleep less and sleep during
Correspondence: Rostam Jalali
Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, the day are more prone to vehicle and work accidents.8 In some studies, sleep
Kermanshah University of Medical efficiency has been considered as essential for recovery, cognitive processing, and
Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
Email memory integration.9 On the other hand, lack of sleep has been associated with

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emotional instability and impaired concentration.10 In this Index (PSQI). PSQI is a self-report questionnaire which
regard, students are particularly at risk of developing sleep examines the quality of sleep. It has 18 questions which
disorders and development of the disorder among them has are classified into seven components: the first component
a negative effect on their academic performance across is the subjective sleep quality which is determined with
different grades,11–13 However, there is no consensus in Question 9. The second component is related to delays in
this case and not all studies state that sleep disorders yield falling asleep, where the score is calculated by two ques-
a negative effect on academic performance. Eliasson tions, the mean score of Question 2 and part of Question 5.
(2010) believes that the time it takes to fall asleep and The third component deals with sleep duration and is
waking up affect academic performance more than dura- determined by Question 4. The fourth component is
tion of sleep does.14 Sweileh and colleagues (2011) also related to the efficiency and effectiveness of sleeping in
believe that there is no relationship between sleep quality patients. Its score is calculated via dividing the total hours
and academic success.15 Similarly, it is claimed there is no of sleep by total hours in the bed multiplied by 100. Then,
relationship between the night sleep before the exam and the fifth component deals with sleep disorders and is
test scores either.16 achieved by calculating the mean value of Question 5.
In another study, the author believes stress from lack of The sixth component is related to hypnotic drugs and is
sleep causes poor school performance.17 On the other determined based on Question 6. Finally, the seventh
hand, in a systematic review, the authors could not estab- component captures inadequate performance throughout
lish a cause and effect relationship between sleep quality the day and is determined by two questions (mean scores
and academic performance.2 In their meta-analysis study, of Questions 7 and 8). Each question is rated between 0
Dewald and colleagues (2010) emphasized that because of and 3 points where maximum score for each component is
the diversity of the methodology of studies, it is impossi- 3. The total scores range of the seven components making
ble to definitely derive a relationship between sleep quality up the total score range from 0 to 21. Higher scores
and academic performance, and thus more longitudinal represent a lower sleep quality, where a score above 6
intervention studies are warranted.1 According to different indicates poor sleep quality. The reliability and validity
conclusions in this respect, the researchers decided to of this inventory have also been approved in Iran, where
determine the relationship between sleep quality and aca-
the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the questionnaire was
demic performance among students at Kermanshah
0.78 to 0.82.18 In another study, Cronbach’s alpha for the
University of Medical Sciences.
Persian version was 0.77. In cut-off point 5, the sensitivity
and specificity were 94% and 72%, and in cut-off point 6,
Methods they were 85% and 84%, respectively.19
In this cross-sectional study, through maximum variation
After collecting the questionnaires and introducing stu-
sampling, the first three students with highest scores and
dents’ demographic data to a computer using SPSS version
three last students with lowest scores were selected, and
16, the relationship between sleep quality scores and grade
the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was completed
point average (GPA high and low) was calculated.
for them.
The study population consisted of students of
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. The samples Results
were also students at each school with the highest GPA The results indicated that 34 cases (33.3%) of the subjects
(first three high scores) and the lowest GPA (last three were male. The mean age of the sample 23.10 ± 3.25,
lowest scores). The sampling was purposeful sampling where the mean age for females was 22.46± 2.44 and for
with maximum variation. The sample covered a number males was 24.38± 4.19. The participants in the study came
of disciplines in the third semester and above (Figures 1 & from various disciplines including laboratory science,
2). After determining the target students, the questionnaire medicine, pharmacology, emergency medicine, obstetrics,
was given to them and then returned to the researcher after radiology, operating room, health technology, and nursing.
completion. Most students lived in dormitories (50%) and 46.1% at
The data collection instruments were demographic home, with 3.9% living in rental houses. The students'
form (including age, gender, place of residence, grade, educational level ranged between the third semester and
rank in the class, discipline) and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality twelfth semester.

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20 18.6

10 7.8
5.9 5.9
5 2.9

Figure 1 Abundant distribution of students by field of study.



15 13.7 13.7

10 8.8

5 3.9

semester second The third fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth sem
semester semester semester semester semester semester semester semester

Figure 2 Frequency distribution of students by semester.

Among those participating in the study, 67 patients Discussion

(65.7%) consumed coffee, 90 cases (88.2%) used tea, The results indicated that impaired sleep quality between
and 1 (1%) took a drug. the two groups was not statistically significant. Although
For comparing the mean scores of students and the com- the relationship between sleeping and academic success
ponent of sleep, Spearman test (non-normal data) was has been introduced in medical literature since a long time,
employed, where a significant correlation was observed there still no definitive answer in this case. In a meta-
between GPA and hours taking to fall asleep (Table 1). analysis study conducted to examine the impact of sleep
Similarly, there was a relationship between sleep com- quality, sleep duration, and sleepiness on adolescents’
ponents and tea, coffee, hypnotic drugs, and drug academic performance, although all three variables were
(Table 2). related to academic achievement (positive relationship
On the other hand, independent t-test between between sleep quality and duration of sleep and negative
Pittsburgh scores in the two groups did not show any association with sleepiness), this relationship was very
significant differences. Nevertheless, impaired sleep trivial.1
quality was moderate to severe in both groups On the other hand, another systematic review study of
(Table 3). descriptive studies concluded that sleep disturbance adversely

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Table 1 The Relationship Between Sleep Components and GPA Table 2 The Relationship Between Sleep Components and Type
in KUMS Students of Drink or Drug in KUMS Students Kermanshah
Sleep Components p value Correlation Coefficient Sleep Type of p value Correlation
Components Use Coefficient
Fall asleep 0.001 0.35
Minutes to fall asleep 0.008 −0.27 Sleep components Tea 0.81 –
Real sleep 0.045 0.21 Coffee 0.88
Hypnotic 0.008 −0.26 Drugs 0.64
Place of life 0.015 0.24
Fall asleep Tea 0.14 –
Wake up time 0.696 −0.04
Coffee 0.99
Efficient sleep 0.4 –
Drugs 1
Sleep disorder 0.44 –
Subjective sleep quality 0.37 – Minutes to fall Tea 0.1 –
Inappropriate performance 0.16 – asleep Coffee 0.001
Coffee 0.74 – Drugs 0.69
Tea 0.43 –
Wake up time Tea 0.38 0.32
Drugs 0.38 –
Coffee 0.14
Drugs 0.33

affects different areas such as general health, social status, and Real sleep Tea 0.61 –
Coffee 0.31
academic performance. However, longitudinal studies are
Drugs 0.72
required for a more accurate examination.20,21 In an another
systematic review of other authors, the authors concluded that Subjective sleep Tea 0.13 –
Coffee 0.001
under-sleeping would have an impact on learning of some
Drugs 0.16
students, and could have a detrimental effect on academic
achievement.22 Further, another review study also suggests a Hypnotic Tea 0.46 −0.36
Coffee 0.9
conclusive recommendation which has to be done to modify
Drugs 0.66
sleep so that it can be used for academic success.23
Efficient sleep Tea 0.47 –
The present study was conducted to explore whether sleep
Coffee 0.96
disorder can influence academic achievement or not. Drugs 0.71
Accordingly, a specific sample of accomplished or unachieved
Sleep disorder Tea 0.27 –
students were selected to compare the quality and quantity of
Coffee 0.75
sleep. However, no significant difference was between the two Drugs 0.14
groups. Other studies have reached similar conclusions.
Appropriate Tea 0.81 –
Sweileh and his colleagues in a study on 400 Palestinian
performance Coffee 0.88
students concluded that academic achievement was not corre- Drugs 0.64
lated with sleep quality.15 In another study on 189 medical
students in Pakistan, there was no significant association
between lack of sleep and test scores.16 In this regard, there is other studies that have observed an inverse relationship
a possibility of sleep disorder in students, and this possibility between sleep disturbance and academic achievement. In a
has been expressed for the lack of academic achievement, but it study on 491 first-, second-, and third-year medical students,
has not been clearly explained.11 In another study, sleepiness there was a correlation between academic performance and the
during the day (not the quality and quantity of sleep) was amount of nighttime sleep as well as daytime sleepiness.25 In a
identified as an independent predictor of academic success.5 similar study on medical students, lack of sleep at night, late
In a similar study again the time it takes to fall sleep and the going to bed, and daytime sleepiness had a negative effect on
wake-up time (not the total amount of sleep) were associated the academic performance of the students.26 Notably, sleep
with academic success,14 where the total amount of sleep in disturbances are likely to yield a negative impact on academic
adolescents with a dynamic mind was not related to their performance, thereby causing a vicious cycle.25,27 Taken
academic achievement.24 In contrast to such studies that together, the studies suggest that most studies have mentioned
emphasize lack of association or low association, there are poor quality sleep among the majority of students.3,26,27

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Table 3 The Difference Between the Mean Pittsburg Scores in Two Groups (Students with High and Low GPA)
No Total Pittsburg Scores Total Mean Standard Deviation p value

Normal Weak Moderate Severe

Group Low 4 9 10 21 44 13.5 6.808 0.875

High 0 9 22 27 58 13.28 4.319

Total 4 18 32 48 102

Accordingly, concluding the relationship between common research and technology – Kermanshah University of
sleep disturbance and academic performance should be done Medical Sciences, number 93026 on 6 April 2013.
with caution. The reason is that academic success can be
affected by different factors including the level of family
income, the evolutionary process, intake of supplements and
The authors of this article appreciate the collaborations of
vitamins, family size, social media dependency, addiction to
the Sleep Disorders Research Center.
social networks, and social issues. In studies these extraneous
factors are not under control, thus emphasizing the fact that the
presence or absence of correlation between sleep quality and Funding
academic performance should be done with caution and using Funding for this research was provided by the Kermanshah
longitudinal studies. University of Medical Sciences, Sleep Disorders Research
Center (93026).

The main limitation of this study was the small sample Disclosure
size, but a specific sampling method was chosen to over- The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
come this shortcoming. Another limitation of the study
was not controlling for confounding factors in the study.
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