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STD 100-0005

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Standard STD 100-0005

Volvo Group

Issue date: March 2024 Issue 13 Page 1 (12)

The English language version is the original and the reference in case of dispute.

Chemical substances which shall be declared and

substances that must not be present in Volvo Group
products placed on the market
Volvo’s red list

This standard specifies restrictions and requirements with respect to the presence of certain chemical
substances and materials in the Volvo Group’s products.
The content of this standard is revised annually. In case of a revision, the new English version is published
on 15 March. Any translated versions will be published when each translation has been finalized.
This issue differs from issue 12 in that:
− Section 2.3, EU REACH, has been updated and the scope has been expanded
− Manganese, Niobium, and Phosphorous have been added to Section 2.10 Volvo Top Critical
Materials List. The section has also been reworked to reflect Volvo’s current position.
− Section 2.13 Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) has been added
− Appendix B has been updated to clarify additional substance restrictions
− Substance UV-328 has been added to Appendix B, Table B1
− The classification for substance Alkenes, polymd., chlorinated, CAS no 68410-99-1, has been
changed from prohibited to declarable in Appendix B, Table B1
− Some general clarifications have been made.

References to “Volvo Group” within this document shall be understood to include all companies where AB
Volvo directly or indirectly holds the majority ownership or is in managerial control. Parts/products shall
always comply with the latest version of this document. This means that whenever:
− a change of material in a part/product that affects the material declaration in MDS is introduced,
− a change in applicable legislation that affects the requirements in this document and the material
declaration of a part/product in MDS, e.g. addition of declarable substances contained in a

an updated MDS shall be submitted to the Volvo Group for review.

The latest version of this document can always be found at Volvo Corporate Standards’ supplier portal:

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2024-03-15
Standard STD 100-0005
Volvo Group

Issue date: March 2024 Issue 13 Page 2 (12)

1 Scope and field of application ................................................................................................................. 2
2 Requirements for substances in parts/products ................................................................................... 2
2.1 GADSL ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 EU ELV – End-of-Life Vehicles ............................................................................................................... 3
2.3 EU REACH – Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals ........................ 4
2.4 CSCL – Chemical Substance Control Law ............................................................................................ 4
2.5 EU RoHS II – Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electric and Electronic Equipment ............. 5
2.6 IMO – International Maritime Organization........................................................................................... 5
2.7 California Proposition 65 – Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 ..................... 5
2.8 Substances forbidden in parts if there is a risk of occupational exposure .......................................... 5
2.9 Conflict minerals and cobalt .................................................................................................................... 6
2.10 Volvo Top Critical Materials list ............................................................................................................... 6
2.11 Radioactive substances (including scrap metal contaminants) ........................................................... 7
2.12 USA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)............................................................................................ 7
3 Reporting for chemical substances in parts........................................................................................... 7
4 Deviations and phase-out plans .............................................................................................................. 8
5 Support...................................................................................................................................................... 8
6 Reference to this standard ...................................................................................................................... 8
Appendix A – Definitions, abbreviations .............................................................................................................9
Appendix B – Volvo Group substance restrictions not included in GADSL ...................................................11

1 Scope and field of application

The purpose of this standard is to inform the Volvo Group’s suppliers and the Volvo Group’s employees and
consultants about restrictions/prohibitions on substances of concern (SOC) in parts/products that are
placed on the market by the Volvo Group. This includes commercial packaging intended for delivery to
Volvo Group customers.
In the context of this standard, the definition of SOC includes all categories in section 2. These restrictions/
prohibitions may be due to legal restrictions or the Volvo Group’s requirements and reporting procedures.
This standard supplements but does not supersede each supplier’s responsibility to comply with applicable
laws and regulations. Suppliers' reported data will be used to prove legal compliance.
All parts/products supplied to the Volvo Group around the world shall comply with the latest version of this
standard, regardless of when they were originally approved.
Note that this standard does not apply to chemical products for the aftermarket. Such products are subject
to the requirements in Volvo’s black list, STD 100-0002, and Volvo’s grey list, STD 100-0003.

2 Requirements for substances in parts/products

All of the substances specified below shall be reported to the Volvo Group and shall not be hidden as
unspecified using a “joker” or “wildcard” when the information is submitted in an MDS. It is the supplier's
responsibility to ensure that all affected substances are identified, even if the specific CAS numbers are not
listed in the restrictions.
This standard identifies substances and applications that are currently prohibited, as well as some that will
become regulated and/or prohibited at a specified future date. To avoid unnecessary re-design/testing,
new production parts shall comply with these future requirements.

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2024-03-15
Standard STD 100-0005
Volvo Group

Issue date: March 2024 Issue 13 Page 3 (12)

If it is not possible to use a substitute, the supplier shall apply for a deviation by contacting the responsible
buyer. Deviations shall be handled according to the Volvo Group instructions. A deviation may only be
granted if the substance is not prohibited by law in the country where it will be used. The deviation and its
review date shall be approved and subsequently followed up by the applicable Volvo Group steering group.
The restriction requirements for chemical substances in parts/products/materials are described in sections
2.1–2.12. These requirements are a condition in the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP).

Global Requirement
The GADSL is a globally harmonized declarable substance list compiled by a global team from the
automotive, automotive-parts-supplier and chemical/plastics industries.
The Volvo Group started to use the GADSL in 2009 and applies it for all products and applications.
Substances on the GADSL list are legally regulated in a country/region, are projected to become legally
regulated, or shall be tracked for information-gathering purposes. They are classified as prohibited (P) or
declarable (D). Certain substances are classified as D/P.
P – The substance is prohibited for all uses in at least one region/market.
D/P – The substance has both allowed uses and prohibited uses in at least one region/market.
D – The substance must be declared if it exceeds the defined threshold limits.
Volvo Group clarification:
P – The substance is prohibited in all parts delivered to the Volvo Group globally.
D/P – The substance is prohibited in all parts delivered to the Volvo Group globally, except for specific
granted exemption applications which are only declarable.
D – The substance must be declared if it exceeds the defined threshold limits.
The prohibition/declaration refers to concentrations ≥ 0,1 percent by mass, unless otherwise specified in
GADSL or in this standard, and applies to non-separable, homogeneous materials, not to the total content
in the component or assembly. Examples of non-separable materials are surface treatment on fasteners,
paint coats on parts, additives in/on jointed parts (adhesives, weld deposit, solders, fluxing agents, etc.).
Thus, concentrations of chemical substances shall not be calculated on the part’s or assembly’s total
material content.
Deviations from and phase-out plans for the above listed requirements shall be handled according to
section 4 in this standard.
Link to GADSL

2.2 EU ELV – End-of-Life Vehicles

Global Requirement
The EU’s ELV directive, 2000/53/EC, prohibits hazardous substances, except those for which exemptions
have been granted, in passenger cars M1 and light commercial vehicles N1.
The Volvo Group has, together with the enforcement of the GADSL list, applied the same ban for new
designs for all Volvo Group products as the ELV directive (Volvo requirement) since 2009-01-01. The Volvo
Group allows the same exempted application cases as the ELV directive, but has a later deadline for
hexavalent chromium and lead, see link to table of valid exemptions below.
Deviations from and phase-out plans for the above listed requirements shall be handled in accordance with
section 4 in this standard.
Link to Directive 2000/53/EC - ELV
Link to Volvo Group table of valid exemptions for substances of concern

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2024-03-15
Standard STD 100-0005
Volvo Group

Issue date: March 2024 Issue 13 Page 4 (12)

2.3 EU REACH – Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of

Global Requirement
EU REACH – Regulation 1907/2006/EC that restricts and prohibits certain use of hazardous substances.
The Volvo Group aims to phase out all Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) on the EU REACH
candidate list for authorisation. Therefore, these substances shall be considered prohibited in all designs
where more sustainable and technically feasible alternatives exist. If alternatives are not available, the
following applies:
− Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) on the EU REACH candidate list for authorisation shall
be reported (if needed with a safe use information sheet, SUI). A phase-out plan shall be
developed together with the Volvo Group.
− Substances listed in REACH Annex XIV – authorisation list shall be phased out from all
parts/products before the relevant sunset date. If not technically possible to phase out, the
supplier shall inform the Volvo Group and apply for REACH authorisation for the specific
application for the European market.

Substances listed in REACH Annex XVII are forbidden in the listed applications.

Substances proposed to be listed in REACH Annex XVII for applications relevant to the Volvo Group shall
be declared if used but shall be considered prohibited in all designs where more sustainable and technically
feasible alternatives exist. A phase-out plan shall be developed together with the Volvo Group.
The Volvo Group wants to reduce its dependency on PFAS-substances. When sustainable alternatives are
available these must be chosen. Any other substances that meet one of the hazard classes or hazard
categories mentioned in Article 57 of EU REACH (for Substances of Very High Concern), but which are not
yet included in the EU REACH candidate list for authorisation, shall be avoided where more sustainable and
technically feasible alternatives exist. If used, they shall be declared and a phase-out plan shall be
developed together with the Volvo Group.

Additional substances that are not already prohibited in GADSL are listed in Appendix 2, Table 1.
Deviations from and phase-out plans for the above listed requirements shall be handled in accordance with
section 4 in this standard.
Link to REACH Regulation
Link to Candidate list table
Link to Annex XIV – Authorisation list
Link to Annex XVII – Restricted substance list

2.4 CSCL – Chemical Substance Control Law

Global Requirement
The Japanese CSCL prohibits substances on the “Designated Products list in/for the listed applications”.
Additional CSCL-prohibited substances that are not already prohibited in GADSL are listed in Appendix 2,
Table 1.
Link to CSCL (Japan) (the page includes a link in the left section of the Designated Products list)
Link to Class I Specified chemical substance list

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2024-03-15
Standard STD 100-0005
Volvo Group

Issue date: March 2024 Issue 13 Page 5 (12)

2.5 EU RoHS II – Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electric and Electronic

Global Requirement
The EU’s RoHS Directive, 2011/65/EU, prohibits hazardous substances in any electrical and electronic
equipment as defined in Article 3 and Annex I of the above-mentioned Directive. Note, all parts for Volvo
Penta’s industrial segment are required to meet the RoHS 2 substance requirements. Compliance with this
Directive shall be proven through an MDS submission for and/or a chemical analysis of any part used in
these applications.
Link to EU RoHS
Link to Volvo Group table of valid exemptions for substances of concern

2.6 IMO – International Maritime Organization

Global Requirement (applies to Volvo Penta marine commercial products)
Restriction of substances in products and materials in ships. Substances declarable according to
MEPC 379(80) and the EU Regulation 1257/2013. The substances are listed as D/P in GADSL. Some of
the substances are prohibited in special applications.
Additional substances that are not already prohibited in GADSL are listed in Appendix 2, Table 1.
Deviations from and phase-out plans for the above listed requirements shall be handled in accordance with
section 4 in this standard.
Link to Directive 1257/2013 Ship recycling
Link to MEPC 379(80)

2.7 California Proposition 65 – Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of
Global Requirement
California Proposition 65 regulations require that a warning be provided to consumers in connection with
the sale of certain products in California. Substances on the Proposition 65 list shall be declared.
Aftermarket parts delivered to Volvo Penta, Volvo CE or Volvo Buses shall be labelled in accordance with
the rules set out in these regulations.
Additional substances that are not already prohibited in GADSL are listed in Appendix 2, Table 1.
Link to Proposition 65 info
Link to Proposition 65 list

2.8 Substances forbidden in parts if there is a risk of occupational exposure

Global Requirement
Parts/materials containing one or more of the substances listed on Volvo’s black list, STD 100-0002, are
prohibited if there is a risk of occupational exposure due to emission from the delivered part, e.g. nickel
surface treatment.
Substances on Volvo’s grey list, STD 100-0003, should not be put into use if there is a risk of occupational
The prohibition also applies to substances in chemical products that are fully enclosed in parts handled in
manufacturing processes, e.g. oils, sealants and brake fluids.
All substances shall be reported.

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2024-03-15
Standard STD 100-0005
Volvo Group

Issue date: March 2024 Issue 13 Page 6 (12)

Deviations from and phase-out plans for the above listed requirements shall be handled in accordance with
section 4 in this standard.
The latest versions of the black and grey lists can always be found on the Volvo Corporate Standards
supplier portal:

2.9 Conflict minerals and cobalt

Global Requirement
Tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold (3TG), cobalt, and their ores shall be declared to the Volvo Group. Suppliers
must be willing to conduct due diligence in accordance with the OECD Due Diligence Guidelines and shall
declare the source of these minerals if they are present in parts.
OECD Due Diligence Guidelines
The definition of conflict mineral can be found in the following OECD document:

2.10 Volvo Top Critical Materials list

Global Requirement
The Volvo Top Critical Materials list is based on the EU´s List of Critical Raw Materials, the ESG
(Environment, Social, Governance) risk assessment of the automotive industry supply chain as well as
assessments of the use of the materials in Volvo Group applications. These materials are critical, e.g. in the
reference of
− being at risk of supply disruptions or limitations
− having a business value resilience effect on the company or region
− their impact on climate, resources, and people at various stages of the supply chain.
The substances/materials in the Volvo Top Critical Materials list and their compounds shall be declared to
the Volvo Group.
These materials shall be avoided if sustainable alternatives exist and design-for-circularity shall be
considered. If the material(s) cannot be avoided, suppliers shall use material sources that are not
connected to violations of ESG factors in the supply chain. The use of virgin materials shall be avoided and
circularity shall always be considered. Upon request, suppliers shall be able to declare the source of these
materials, as well as the percentage coming from recycled sources.
Graphite (natural)
Indium and Gallium
Natural rubber

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2024-03-15
Standard STD 100-0005
Volvo Group

Issue date: March 2024 Issue 13 Page 7 (12)

Platinum group metals: A. Platinum B. Palladium C. Rhodium
Rare earth elements: A. Dysprosium B. Neodymium C. Praseodymium
Silica sand/glass (Glass shall be declared and the use of natural silica sand in glass should be avoided)

*) These materials have been added due to their carbon footprint (CO2 equivalents), which can be reduced
by the content of recycled material and/or by using fossil-free technologies for manufacturing.

2.11 Radioactive substances (including scrap metal contaminants)

Global Requirement
The Volvo Group does not accept radioactive materials in its products. Materials shall not contain any
radiation or radiation sources, irrespective of whether they are encapsulated or not, and shall not otherwise
be contaminated by radioactive material.

2.12 USA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)

Global Requirement
The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) of 1976.
− Substances undergoing Risk Evaluation shall be declared
− Substances designated High-Priority for Risk Evaluation shall be declared (if needed with a safe
use information, SUI). A phase-out plan shall be developed together with the Volvo Group
− Substances with Unreasonable Risk shall be phased out of all parts/products before the relevant
date in the final rule.
USA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)

2.13 Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP)

Persistent Organic Pollutants shall be avoided and substances listed in the Stockholm Convention on
Persistent Organic Pollutants or in Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 are forbidden in the listed applications.
Link to Stockholm Convention - Home page (
Link to EU POPs regulation

3 Reporting for chemical substances in parts

Global Requirement
The supplier shall submit a Material Data Sheet (MDS) consisting of a declaration of all included materials
and substances, and their respective weights. The requirement applies for all parts and materials delivered
to the Volvo Group, regardless of design date or application of the part or material.
Suppliers of parts exclusively used for Volvo Buses outside Europe are generally exempted from this
requirement, but shall submit an MDS upon request.
The MDS shall be submitted to the Volvo Group via IMDS, except for Volvo CE where CDX is preferred.
The Volvo Group reserves the right to perform a chemical analysis of the part, at the supplier’s expense, if
the MDS is not delivered on time.

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2024-03-15
Standard STD 100-0005
Volvo Group

Issue date: March 2024 Issue 13 Page 8 (12)

For information about the IMDS and CDX reporting procedures, see STD 100-0006. The latest versions of
Volvo Group standards can always be found on the Volvo Corporate Standards supplier portal:

4 Deviations and phase-out plans

Exemptions for a listed substance can be granted for certain applications where it is not technically feasible
to substitute and the substance is not prohibited by law on the relevant market. In such cases, this shall be
specified in the design-engineering documentation. When an exemption is granted, special protective
measures shall be taken to prevent harm to human health and the environment. Exemption decisions shall
be made by the respective Volvo Group entity.
Deviations and phase-out plans from the above listed requirements shall be handled in accordance with
Volvo Group instructions.

5 Support
All questions related to substances and material reporting to any Volvo Group company shall be addressed
IMDS can be accessed through the web page:
The contact information for the IMDS service centre in each respective country is available through the
“contact” link. Questions regarding access to IMDS and technical IMDS questions should be addressed to
the IMDS service centre.
CDX can be accessed through the web page:
Contact information for the CDX service centre is available through the “contact” link on that page.
For other questions related to this standard:

6 Reference to this standard

Reference to this standard shall be made in design-engineering documentation, control documents for the
Volvo Group’s facilities and in the documentation sent to the supplier.
Example of reference to this standard:
STD 100-0005

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2024-03-15
Standard STD 100-0005
Volvo Group

Issue date: March 2024 Issue 13 Page 9 (12)

Appendix A – Definitions, abbreviations

The following terms are used by the Volvo Group in this standard in relation to examples of legal definitions,
not excluding other legally binding definitions. They are sorted alphabetically.
According to REACH legislation, an article means an object that during production is given a special shape,
surface or design which determines its function to a greater degree than its chemical composition does. In
this standard, the definition part/product is used instead
Compliance Data Exchange, CDX
An international, web-based system for managing suppliers’ provision of material data sheets (MDS) to
Volvo Construction Equipment and other manufacturing companies from different industry sectors
Declarable means that a substance must be reported to the Volvo Group if it exceeds the defined threshold
limits. Additional declarable substances that are not already included in GADSL are listed in Appendix 2,
together with their defined threshold limits
Unless otherwise indicated in this standard, a fibre is defined as a respirable object with a length >5 µm, a
width <3 µm and a length:width ratio (aspect ratio) >3:1
Homogeneous materials
“Homogeneous” means that the material composition is consistent and cannot be mechanically separated
into two or more different materials. In this case, “mechanical separation” means separating the materials
by means of cutting, trimming or abrasion. Homogeneous materials are, for example, plastics, metals,
alloys and coatings. More examples are surface treatment on fasteners, paint coats on parts, additives
in/on joined parts (adhesives, weld deposit, solders, fluxing agents, etc.)
Intentionally added
A substance/mixture/material that is deliberately utilized in the formulation of a material or component
where its continued presence is desired in the final product to provide a specific characteristic, appearance,
or quality.
Recycled materials used as feedstock in the production of new products, where some portion of the
recycled materials may contain Volvo Group SOC-listed substances, are not considered to be intentionally
added, unless specified by regulation.
For the purpose of this standard, monomers remaining in cured polymeric parts (including paints) are
considered residual content, and not “intentionally added”
International Material Data System (IMDS)
The IMDS ( is the automobile industry’s material data system. The IMDS
collects, maintains, analyses and archives all materials and substances used for automobile manufacturing
Material Data Sheet (MDS) is a breakdown of a part in a tree-like structure that lists components, materials
and basic substances with specified names, part numbers, norms and standards, weights, etc.
New design
Newly created part(s) with newly allocated part number(s). The applicable date is the date when the part
number was registered. For the supplier, the applicable date is the date of the “request for quotation”
An assembly, part/component, subcomponent, blank or bulk material that is supplied to the Volvo Group
and ends up on/in a Volvo Group product or as a spare part
Percent by weight, definition for homogeneous material
The percentage of the substance, as a percentage by mass (mass fraction in percent) in a homogeneous
material (see 2.7) is calculated using the formula:

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2024-03-15
Standard STD 100-0005
Volvo Group

Issue date: March 2024 Issue 13 Page 10 (12)

Mass of Substance
X 100 = Percent by Weight
Mass of Homogeneous Material

A substance designated “P” is prohibited for all uses in at least one region/market, or may not exceed a
regulated threshold limit for all uses in at least one region/market. A prohibited substance over listed
thresholds is not allowed in homogeneous materials
A substance means a chemical element and its compounds in the natural state or obtained through a
manufacturing process, including any additive necessary to preserve its stability and any impurity derived
from the process used, but excluding any solvent which may be separated without affecting the stability of
the substance or changing its composition (REACH)
Substrack application
Volvo Group application for managing the composition of parts reported in IMDS by suppliers

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2024-03-15
Standard STD 100-0005
Volvo Group

Issue date: March 2024 Issue 13 Page 11 (12)

Appendix B – Volvo Group substance restrictions not covered by GADSL, still regulated or critical for Volvo
Group products
The Volvo Group's product portfolio is wide and includes different types of non-automotive products. Furthermore, the Volvo Group strives to work
proactively to phase-out hazardous substances in all of its products, which means that some substance restrictions imposed by the Volvo Group are not (or
not yet) covered by GADSL (for example, applications that are outside the scope of GADSL or substances that have not yet been listed by GADSL) at the
time of annual publication of this standard. In such cases, the Volvo Group’s restrictions shall apply. Table B1 lists these additional substance restrictions
and clarifies what shall be taken into account and communicated through the supply chain for parts delivered to the Volvo Group.

Table B1 – Volvo Group substance restrictions not covered by GADSL at the time of publication of this standard

Classification Substance category or notation CAS number Applications Threshold Effective Reference
(restriction level) affected date to section
Prohibited Bis(2-methoxyethyl) ether 111-96-6 All products 0,1 % Immediately 2.3

Prohibited N,N'-Ditolyl-1,4-phenylenediamine 27417-40-9 Rubber antioxidant in 0,1 % Immediately 2.4


Prohibited Dechlorane Plus 13560-89-9 All products, spare 0,0001% Immediately 2.13
135821-74-8 parts for products
placed on the market
within 18 months
after entry into force
are exempted
Prohibited PFHxS - All products 0.025 mg/kg (the sum Immediately 2.13
of all PFHXs must not
exceed 1 mg/kg)
Prohibited 2-(2H-Benzotriazol-2-yl)-4,6- 25973-55-1 All products Immediately 2.13
ditertpentylphenol (UV-328)

Declarable Alkenes, polymd., chlorinated 68410-99-1 All products 0,1 % Immediately 2.3

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2024-03-15
Standard STD 100-0005
Volvo Group

Issue date: March 2024 Issue 13 Page 12 (12)

Classification Substance category or notation CAS number Applications Threshold Effective Reference
(restriction level) affected date to section
Declarable 4,4’-Isobutylethylidenediphenol 6807-17-6 All products 0,1 % Immediately 2.3

Declarable Conflict minerals, including tin, tantalum, _ All products Intentionally added Immediately 2.9
tungsten, gold, and their derivates
Declarable Volvo Group top critical materials _ All products Intentionally added Immediately 2.10

Declarable Any other substances that meet one of the - All products Intentionally added Immediately 2.3
hazard classes or hazard categories
mentioned in Article 57 of EU REACH (for
Substances of Very High Concern), but which
are not yet included in the EU REACH
candidate list for authorisation are expected
to be declared

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2024-03-15

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