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Group standard VW 13750

Issue 2016-12
Class. No.: 50204

Descriptors: corrosion, rust protection, surface protection, metal, metal part, surface protection type, code, corrosion

Surface Protection for Metal Parts

Surface Protection Types, Codes

Previous issues
VW 13750: 1953-06, 1954-07, 1956-10, 1958-04, 1959-03, 1959-06, 1963-03, 1963-05, 1966-06,
1966-06, 1966-10, 1967-05, 1967-11, 1969-10, 1970-11, 1971-12, 1972-02, 1974-08, 1975-06,
1976-07, 1980-09, 1983-10, 1986-10, 1989-12, 1991-11, 1994-10, 1999-04, 2005-02, 2008-01,
2008-06, 2014-05

The following changes have been made to VW 13750: 2014-05:
Section 3.1 "Basic requirements" revised
Section 3.5 "Friction behavior" expanded
Section 3.6 "Zinc and zinc alloy coatings" updated
Section 3.9 "Parts without surface protection" revised
Table 2: updated, Ofl-a103, Ofl-t670, Ofl-t680, and Ofl-z305 added, paint finishes "x": descrip
tions adapted to the most recent Technical Supply Specification (TL) version; additionally, Ofl-
x638 and Ofl-x639 added; codes Ofl-r647 and Ofl-r648 deleted
Appendix A.2 "Omitted surface protection types containing Cr(VI)" deleted
Additional technical and editorial changes

Always use the latest version of this standard.

This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature. Page 1 of 16
The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.

Technical responsibility The Standards department

GQL-M/1 Gnther Laudien Tel.: +49 5361 9 25846
GQL-M/1 Matthias Ackermann Tel.: +49 5361 9 38225
GQL-M Dr. Frank Rper EBP/5 Ute Hager-S EKDD
EXDV/3 Matthias Jesser Tel.: +49 5361 9 48810 Tel.: +49 5361 9 49035 Thomas Behrens

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of one of the Volkswagen Groups Standards departments.
Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2015-07d
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VW 13750: 2016-12

1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 2
2 Designation ................................................................................................................ 2
2.1 Structure of codes ...................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Designation example .................................................................................................. 3
3 Requirements ............................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Basic requirements .................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Specifications in drawings .......................................................................................... 4
3.3 Weldability .................................................................................................................. 4
3.4 Agents impairing wetting ability .................................................................................. 4
3.5 Friction behavior ......................................................................................................... 4
3.6 Zinc and zinc alloy coatings ....................................................................................... 5
3.7 Screws, bolts, nuts, threaded parts, and molded parts .............................................. 5
3.8 Commercial surface protection types ......................................................................... 5
3.9 Parts without surface protection ................................................................................. 6
3.9.1 Metal parts except for the parts in section 3.9.2 ........................................................ 6
3.9.2 Fasteners with a metric ISO thread ............................................................................ 6
3.10 Assignment of surface protection types and codes .................................................... 6
4 Applicable documents .............................................................................................. 13
Appendix A Surface protection types as per VDA 235-104 ......................................................... 16
A.1 Surface protection types as per VDA 235-104 and VW 13750 ................................ 16

1 Scope
This standard applies to the identification of general surface protection types for vehicle parts and
units in drawings and technical documentation.
Volkswagen standard VW 13750, supplement 1 lists all invalid surface protection types that were
contained in earlier issues of VW 13750.

2 Designation

2.1 Structure of codes

See figure 1: The abbreviation for surface protection ('Ofl-', from the German word for 'surface'), is
followed by a 4-character code from table 2.

Figure 1 Structure of the code for surface protection types

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VW 13750: 2016-12

2.2 Designation example

For surface protection: zinc alloy electroplated, heavy protection, silver to slightly iridescent blue
color, passivated, with transparent sealing, and treated with lubricant, as per TL 244.
VW 13750 Ofl-r645

3 Requirements

3.1 Basic requirements

Together with Volkswagen Materials Engineering for Metals (GQL-M/1) and/or the Audi AG Labo
ratory (I/GQ-L), the appropriate Development department will classify the vehicle parts and units
according to their corrosion load and assign them to a protection class with a code number (as per
table 1).
If the parts and units are handled according to their intended applications, no damage must occur
that leads to a functional impairment and/or a decrease in the prescribed corrosion protection.
The restrictions as per VW 60361 must be observed for mechanical fasteners.
The following standards apply to thread dimensions before a surface treatment: VW 11610,
VW 11614, VW 11624, VW 11625, and VW 11627.
The following standards apply to thread dimensions after surface treatment: VW 11611,
VW 11615, and VW 11628.
Avoidance of hazardous substances as per VW 91101.

Table 1 Classification of vehicle parts

Part groups Corrosion Protection class
Low load Light protection
Parts that are not visible in their installed condition and that
Code number 1
have corrosion protection that is intended exclusively as a
transit coating and is not required for the parts' proper func

Medium load Medium protection

Components in the vehicle interior and in the exterior in a
Code number 3
protected installation position; not for fasteners (for excep
tions, see VW 01110-1)

Heavy load Heavy protection

Parts exposed to direct open-air weathering (e.g., chassis,
Code number 6
engine, motor, transmission)
Parts that can be seen in their installed condition (including
from the bottom of the vehicle)
Parts for which the corrosion protection is required in order
to safeguard proper function
Parts, e.g., fasteners, that can be used in the vehicle interi
or or in the exterior due for reasons of minimizing part pro
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VW 13750: 2016-12

3.2 Specifications in drawings

If a specific surface protection is required for the entire part or for several parts in the assembly
(ASSY), the code must be entered in the title block under "Surface protection"; e.g., Ofl-t650 (see
also VW 01058). If several surface protection types are approved for use at the user's discretion,
the codes of all approved treatments are indicated.
e.g., Ofl-r673/x630.
If only partial protection is applied to a workpiece, "See drawing" is entered in the title block under
"Surface protection", the affected area on the part is marked with a wide dash-dot line (figure 2),
and the code is indicated with a datum line.
If only a small area on the part has no surface protection, then the unprotected area must be
marked (figure 3). In this case, "See drawing" is indicated under "Surface protection".

Figure 2 Figure 3

If different surface treatments are specified for a single part, "See drawing" must be entered under
"Surface protection". The affected areas on the part must be clearly delineated.
If parts from one ASSY are coated individually (one or several different surface treatments), then
"See drawing" is entered under "Surface protection" in the assembly drawing. The surface treat
ments are then listed individually on a part-specific basis in the respective drawing itself.

3.3 Weldability
If parts with surface protection are to be welded together with one another or with other metal
parts, then the parts must be tested for weldability.
Ofl-c340 must be reserved as the standard surface protection type for welding parts in car body
manufacture (e.g., for weld nuts).

3.4 Agents impairing wetting ability

Lubricants and slushing oils must be free of silicone oils and other agents that significantly impair
wetting ability.

3.5 Friction behavior

Threaded parts with a metric ISO thread must stay within the coefficient-of-friction range in
VW 01129 with integrated or additional lubricant treatment.
The lubricant must be neither hazardous to the user's health nor emit an unpleasant odor during
the screw-on process. It must also be suitable for automated bolting.
All-metal prevailing torque type nuts must always be treated with an additional or integrated lubri
cant. Nuts with non-metallic clamping may be lubricated in order to achieve the specified functional
characteristics. The functional characteristics of nuts treated with a protective coating and/or with a
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VW 13750: 2016-12

lubricant must not deteriorate within a storage period of 6 months in weather-sheltered rooms. The
storage temperature must be between -5 C and 40 C.
Fasteners made of stainless or heat-resistant materials may require an additional lubricant treat
ment in order to meet the requirements in VW 01129.
The influence of the surface protection on the friction behavior, particularly for parts with a metric
ISO thread, must be determined by means of tests and matched to the performance characteristics
(see VW 01131-1 and VW 01131-2).
For coatings without lubrication, there is no guarantee that the coefficient-of-friction range as per
VW 01129 is adhered to.
NOTE 1:Fasteners without lubrication usually meet the criteria of friction class D or E in Associa
tion of German Engineers (VDI) technical rule VDI 2230, sheet 1, table "Assignment of coefficient-
of-friction classes with reference values for various materials/surfaces and lubrication conditions in
threaded connections." For parts without lubricant treatment and a locking or adhesive coating with
a set thread coefficient of friction, a coefficient-of-friction range of tot = 0.18 to 0.25 must be ad
hered to.

3.6 Zinc and zinc alloy coatings

Electroplated/galvanized coatings are not permissible for high-strength steel and/or standard parts
with a tensile strength of Rm >1 000 MPa and threaded parts with a property class 10.9. The use
of zinc flake coatings as per code letter t is preferred.
Exceptions are possible for Zn/Ni coatings as per TL 244 and TL 196 for steel parts with a tensile
strength of 1 000 to 1 200 MPa (max. Vickers hardness of 370 HV), as well as for components that
are only subjected to compression loads, e.g., nuts with a property class 12. The same applies to
PT screws as per VW 60358 and self-tapping screws as per DIN EN ISO 1478. In all the afore
mentioned use cases, a heat treatment as per DIN EN ISO 4042 is required.
Electro-galvanized and zinc alloy electroplated parts may be post-treated in passivation solutions
in order to improve their corrosion resistance. Yellow passivation treatments with the appearance
of yellow chromate conversion coatings containing Cr(VI) are not permissible.
Galvanized zinc systems without additional coatings (e.g., paint finishes or sealants) are only per
missible for the vehicle interior area.
Zinc/nickel alloy coatings for electrically conductive connections are permissible only with transpar
ent passivation.

3.7 Screws, bolts, nuts, threaded parts, and molded parts

For screws, bolts, nuts, and similar threaded parts and molded parts, more stringent test require
ments apply to the thread-free areas than to the thread profile and shank. Details concerning the
test requirements are described in the relevant standards.
The application of the protective coatings must not result in the h tolerance zone position being ex
ceeded in the case of external threads or the H tolerance zone position not being reached in the
case of internal threads.

3.8 Commercial surface protection types

Commercial surface protection types may be used for less important applications (e.g., steel wire).
However, they are not subject to corrosion resistance testing. If such protection is sufficient for a
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given part, only the code letter for the respective procedure and the numbers 010 must be
provided. The designation will then read, e.g., for commercial paint: Ofl-x010.
The commercial surface protection types, e.g., Ofl-c010, "commercial zinc coating," and Ofl-r010,
"commercial electroplated zinc alloy coating," must not contain any Cr(VI) compounds.
The avoidance of hazardous substances as per VW 91101 also applies to commercial surface pro
tection types.

3.9 Parts without surface protection

3.9.1 Metal parts except for the parts in section 3.9.2

The components must be delivered in a clean and corrosion-free condition all the way to their in
stallation. It must be possible to further process the components (e.g., welding) without any trouble,
and they must be able to be stored temporarily for 12 weeks at the hall. Appropriate packaging
measures must be additionally incorporated.
For drawing note Ofl-a103, oiling as per Quality Specification QP A001, appendix "Product lists" is
required. If alternative products must be used, this must be discussed and agreed upon with the
Process Engineering departments at the plants using the parts. Alternative products must also
meet the requirements in QP A001.
If, in exceptional cases, parts without their own temporary surface protection are to be delivered,
this must be explicitly indicated in the drawing with drawing note Ofl-a100. These parts will require
packaging that is adequate for the relevant transport route.
Drawing notes such as "plain", "none", "no designation", and "-" are no longer permissible. These
notes must usually be replaced with Ofl-a103.

3.9.2 Fasteners with a metric ISO thread

The following codes must be used for surface protection types:
Ofl-a100: Corresponds to "not oiled"
Ofl-a101: Corresponds to "lightly oiled" as per DIN ISO 8992.
Ofl-a102: Oil film dependent on manufacturing and/or material conditions permissible

3.10 Assignment of surface protection types and codes

The specifications in table 2 apply.
The use of surface protection types with codes in italics and bold is preferred.
Surface protection types with codes highlighted in gray are standard surface protection types for
components without threads.
Table A.1 lists the surface protection types as per VW 13750 that correspond to the surface protec
tion types as per German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) standard VDA 235-104.
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Table 2 Codes for surface protection types

Surface protection type Code
Code Coating method Finish Code number for protection class
letter or system; 1 3 6
and appearance
requirements Light Medium Heavy
None Not oiled a100 - -

See footnotea) Lightly oiled a101 - -

a Untreated Oil film dependent on manufacturing
a102 - -
and/or material conditions permissible
Oiling as per QP A001 a103 - -

Phosphated using any Not oiled, gray b100c) - -

method Passivated, gray b101 - -
See footnoteb) Oiled, greased, gray b110d) - -
Layer containing zinc, sil
b111 - -
ver gray (for interior area)
b Phosphated
Thin-layer Zinc flake coating with top
zinc phosphated; coat containing lubricant, b113b) - -
TL 240b) dark gray
Oiled, gray b140 - -
Not oiled, gray b149c) - -
Without post-treatment,
Hot-dip galvanized TL 217 - c330 c630
silver color

Without post-treatmentf),
- c310 c610
silver color

Passivatedg), silver color - c340c) c640c)

Passivated and
sealedg), silver to slightly - c341 c641
Any method; for high- iridescent blue color
strength parts, but re Thick-layer passivatedg),
stricted as per silver color, - c342 c642
c section 3.6; TL 217 iridescent color
Electro-galvanizede) Thick-layer passivated and
sealedg), silver color, iri - c343 c643
descent color
Thick-layer passivated,
- c347h) c647h)
treated with lubricantg)
Passivated and
For contact with Mg; - - c696
sealedg),i), silver color
for high-strength parts,
Passivated and sealed,
but restricted as per
section 3.6; TL 194 treated with lubricantg),i), - - c697h)
silver color
Nickel Semi-bright nickel-plat Without post-treatment,
e - e310j) e610j)
electroplatede) ed silver color
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Surface protection type Code

Code Coating method Finish Code number for protection class
letter or system; 1 3 6
and appearance
requirements Light Medium Heavy
Nickel Without post-treatment,
e Bright nickel-plated - e320j) e620j)
electroplatede) silver color
High-gloss, with micro-
Bright chrome-plated; - - f620
f Chrome electroplated cracks, silver color
TL 203
High-gloss, silver color - f350 f650

Without post-treatmentl),
g100 g300 g600
silver color
Tin electroplatedk) Bright tin-plated Without post-treatmentl),
g treated with lubricant, - - g605h)
silver color
Without post-treatment,
Hot-dip tin-platedk) g120 g320 g620
silver color
k Copper electroplated Without post-treatment k110m) - -

Transparent passivationg),
Alloyed with Fe; - r301 -
silver color
TL 153
Passivated, sealed, black - r302 -
Transparent passivation
(silver to slightly iridescent - - r642c)
blue color)g)
Alloyed with Ni, alka Sealing and transparent
- - r643n)
line; TL 244 passivationg) (silver color)
Electroplated zinc alloy Sealing and transparent
coatinge) passivation, treated with - - r645 h)
lubricantg) (silver color)
Transparent passivation,
Alloyed with Ni, weakly
silver color, only for - - r649
acidic; TL 244
Passivated, black - - r672c)
Alloyed with Ni, alka Passivated, sealed, black - - r673n)
line; TL 244
Passivated, sealed, trea
- - r677 h)
ted with lubricant, black
Zinc coating as per
TL 217, phosphated plus
- - s611
cathodic electrocoating, jet
Duplex coating (zinc or
Zn/Ni alloy coating as per
s zinc/nickel plus cathodic TL 196
TL 244, phosphated plus
electrocoating) - - s621
cathodic electrocoating, jet
Zn/Ni alloy coating as per
- - s627h)
TL 244, phosphated plus
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Surface protection type Code

Code Coating method Finish Code number for protection class
letter or system; 1 3 6
and appearance
requirements Light Medium Heavy
Duplex coating (zinc or cathodic electrocoating,
s zinc/nickel plus cathodic TL 196 treated with lubricant, jet - - s627h)
electrocoating) black
Without post-treatment, sil
- - t601
ver gray
With top coat, silver gray - - t602
Without post-treatment, sil
TL 245 - - t610c)
ver gray
With top coat, silver gray - - t611
Treated with lubricant as
- - t615o)
per TL 52165, silver gray
With top coat containing
lubricantp); preferably - t330 -
TL 233
With top coat containing
t Zinc flake coating
lubricantp); preferably - - t630
With top coat containing
TL 245 - - t647
lubricant, silver gray
With top coat, preferably
TL 233 - t350 t650
With top coat, black - - t660
TL 180 With top coat containing
- - t667
lubricant, black
With top coat, anthracite
- - t670
TL 134 gray
With top coat, bright gray - - t680
Self-oxidation DIN 50938 Oiled u110 - -
Passivated, silver gray - - u610
Passivated, treated with lu
- - u615h)
bricant, silver gray
Zn-ThD coating TL 184
Passivated, organic coat
ing (cathodic electrocoat - - u620
ing), jet black
Passivated, gray v111q) - -
v Passivation
Passivated plus post-dip solution, gray v112r) - -
Anodized, matte, silver col
- - w610
w Anodizing TL 212, decorative use
Anodized, glossy, silver
- - w620
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Surface protection type Code

Code Coating method Finish Code number for protection class
letter or system; 1 3 6
and appearance
requirements Light Medium Heavy
TL 182, decorative use Anodized, glossy; inorgan
- - w625
ic coating, silver color
TL 212, decorative use Anodized, dyed, mattes) - - w630
Anodized, dyed, glossy - - w640

Anodized, mattes), silver

- - w660

w Anodizing Anodized, dyed, glossy w670

Anodized; color dependent
w180 - w680
on material
Hard-anodized; color de
TL 212, technically - - w690
pendent on material
functional use
Hard-anodized and im
pregnated; color depend - - w695
ent on material
Pretreatment and cathodic electrocoating, TL 178 - - x590
Pretreatment not required, single-layer liquid paint
x100 x300 x600
or cathodic electrocoatingt); TL 260
Passivated, with top coat containing lubricant as per
- - x607
VW 60469

Tri-cationic phosphate Multi-coat system - - x610

coating; TL 218 Piano lacquer system - - x611
Galvanized, tri-cationic Multi-coat system - - x612
phosphate coating;
Piano lacquer system - - x613
TL 218
Zirconium-dioxide- Single-layer liquid paint or
based pretreatment; cathodic electrocoatingt)
- x330 -
Fe, Zn, or Mn phosph
x Paintwork ated; TL 260
Zinc or tri-cationic Cathodic electrocoatingt)
phosphate coating; - - x630u)
TL 260
Zinc or tri-cationic Double-layer paint (dip
phosphate coating; painting + spray painting)t) - - x631
TL 260
Zinc or tri-cationic Cathodic electrocoatingt)
phosphate coating;
electro-galvanized - - x632
(batch galvanized);
TL 227
Zinc or tri-cationic Cathodic electrocoatingt)
phosphate coating - - x633
(passivation in
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Surface protection type Code

Code Coating method Finish Code number for protection class
letter or system; 1 3 6
and appearance
requirements Light Medium Heavy
exceptional cases); Cathodic electrocoatingt)
galvanized semi-finish - - x633
ed product; TL 227
Zinc or tri-cationic Thick-layer cathodic elec
phosphate coating; trocoatingt) - - x634
TL 260
Tri-cationic phosphate Thick-layer cathodic elec
- - x635
coating; TL 262 trocoatingt)
Zinc or tri-cationic Thick-layer cathodic elec
phosphate coating, trocoatingt)
Paintwork electro-galvanized - - x638
(batch galvanized);
TL 227
x Zinc or tri-cationic Thick-layer cathodic elec
phosphate coating trocoatingt)
(passivation in excep
- - x639
tional cases), galvan
ized semi-finished
product; TL 227
Tri-cationic phosphate Cathodic electrocoating
- - x640
coating; TL 227
Any pretreatment; For vehicle interior parts in
- x340 -
TL 256 non-visible areas
Film-forming pretreat For use in the exterior, in
Powder coatingt) - - x650
ment; TL 256 non-visible areas
Film-forming pretreat For use in the exterior, in
- - x651
ment, primed; TL 256 visible areas as well
Zinc dust paint, e.g., for
- - y600
Paintwork with zinc dust leaf springs
y TL 214
paint Heat-resistant zinc dust
- - y650
Transparent passivation, silver color - z300v) -
Electroplated tin/zinc
z Transparent passivation, treated with lubricant, sil
coating - z305h) -
ver color

a) No base metal corrosion after four hours in the condensation test atmosphere with constant humidity as per DIN EN ISO 6270-2.
b) If necessary, after being phosphated, steel parts with tensile strength values greater than 1 200 MPa must be subjected to an ap
propriate heat treatment with a temperature of up 200 C in order to prevent brittle fractures induced by hydrogen (DIN EN 9717).
In addition to the specifications in table 2, the following periods of time must be observed for the individual protection classes when
performing the neutral salt spray test as per DIN EN ISO 9227:
Ofl-b100, Ofl-b101 2 hours, without base metal corrosion
Ofl-b110 6 hours, without base metal corrosion
Ofl-b111, Ofl-b113 48 hours, without base metal corrosion
NOTE 2:Ofl-b111 = Ofl-b100 + (2-m to 4-m) zinc flake coating; light abrasion, high susceptibility to soiling of other parts in the
event of contact.
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NOTE 3:Ofl-b113 = Ofl-b149 + (2-m to 4-m) zinc flake coating + (2-m to 3-m) top coat (lubricant additive); less abrasion than
for Ofl-b111.
c) Suitable for fasteners used in the body-in-white and for fasteners with adhesive coatings as per DIN 267-27, locking coatings as per
DIN 267-28, and sealing coatings as per TL 195.
d) For threaded parts, only oil or oil emulsions are permissible.
e) Immediately after surface treatment, steel parts that are subject to tensile loads and have tensile strength values greater than
1 000 MPa must be subjected to an appropriate heat treatment in order to prevent brittle fractures induced by hydrogen. This must
be verified by means of the static tensile test in DIN 50969-1 and DIN 50969-2.
f) For parts to be painted in-house.
g) Electro-galvanized components with Cr(VI)-free passivation must not appear yellowish. This in order to be able to distinguish these
components from the yellow chromate conversion coatings containing Cr(VI) that were often used in the past.
h) Metric ISO threaded parts must be treated with lubricant as per TL 52132.
i) Preferably for steel parts in ASSYs with magnesium in order to prevent bimetallic corrosion.
j) Ofl-e310, Ofl-e320 = Coating thickness > 10 m
Ofl-e610, Ofl-e620 = Coating thickness > 20 m.
k) Requirements for:
Protection class 1: Steel substrate coating thickness > 4 m; copper substrate coating thickness > 4 m
Protection class 3: Steel substrate coating thickness > 12 m; copper substrate coating thickness > 8 m
Protection class 6: Steel substrate coating thickness > 20 m; copper substrate coating thickness > 15 m
l) For steel parts in ASSYs with magnesium in order to prevent bimetallic corrosion, but only when electrical conductivity is required.
m) Ofl-k110 = Coating thickness of (3 +3) m.
n) Preferred surface protection type for self-tapping screws and PT screws.
o) Metric ISO threaded parts must be treated with lubricant as per TL 52165.
p) Contains PTFE, not suitable for adhesive bonds.
q) No change to the surface after 120 h of the neutral salt spray test as per DIN EN ISO 9227 (e.g., no zinc corrosion on zinc die-
r) No change to the surface after 240 h of the neutral salt spray test as per DIN EN ISO 9227 (e.g., no zinc corrosion on zinc die-
castings; this surface protection consists of a passivation coating plus a post-dip solution containing phosphate)
s) In order to create a specific surface structure, a special pickling stage, e.g., E0/E6, is required.
t) Color as per drawing; otherwise, black.
u) Requirements also apply to dip-primed body components.
v) Sn: (70 12)%, balance: Zn. Coating thickness 5 m. No base metal corrosion after 360 h of the neutral salt spray test as per
DIN EN ISO 9227.
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4 Applicable documents
The following documents cited in this standard are necessary to its application.
Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of Ger
man terms in such documents may differ from those used in this standard, resulting in terminologi
cal inconsistency.
Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other
languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.

QP A001 Prelube, Hot Melt, Blank Washing Oil, Drawing Compound, Slushing Oil
(General); Quality Requirements
TL 134 Non-Electrolytically Applied Zinc Flake Coatings with Organic Coating
for Increased Corrosion Protection Requirements; Requirements and
TL 153 Zinc/Iron Coatings; Surface Protection Requirements
TL 178 Cathodic Electrocoating of Body Skin Parts Made from Aluminum Semi-
Finished Products; Surface Protection Requirements
TL 180 Non-Electrolytically Applied Zinc Flake Coatings with Black Top Coat;
Surface Protection Requirements
TL 182 Duplex Coating on Aluminum Parts; Surface Protection Requirements
TL 184 Zinc Thermal Diffusion Layers(Zn-ThD Layers); Surface Protection Re
TL 194 Coating for Fasteners in Contact with Magnesium; Surface Protection
TL 195 Mechanical Fasteners; Steel Metric Bolts with Sealing All-Around Coat
ing; Materials Requirements
TL 196 Duplex Coating Systems for Small Parts and Bulk Parts; Surface Protec
tion Requirements
TL 203 Decorative Chrome Plating (Ni-Cr Coatings) on Metal Components; Sur
face Protection Requirements
TL 212 Oxide Coatings on Aluminum Parts; Surface Protection Requirements
TL 214 Zinc Dust Paint Coating; Surface Protection Requirements
TL 217 Zinc Coatings; Surface Protection Requirements
TL 218 Body Color Multicoat Paint on Metallic Exterior Body Components; Re
TL 227 Single-Layer Paint Coating of Zinc-Coated Metal Surfaces; Surface Pro
tection Requirements
TL 233 Non-Electrolytically Applied Zinc Flake Coatings with an Organic Top
Coat; Surface Protection Requirements
TL 235 Manganese Phosphated Surfaces; Requirements
TL 240 Thin-Layer Zinc Phosphating; Surface Protection Requirements
TL 244 Zinc/Nickel Alloy Coatings; Surface Protection Requirements
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VW 13750: 2016-12

TL 245 Non-Electrolytically Applied Zinc Flake Coatings; Surface Protection Re

TL 256 Powder Coating on Metal Surfaces; Surface Protection Requirements
TL 260 Paintwork of Metal Surfaces; Surface Protection Requirements
TL 262 Paint Finish of Chassis Parts; Corrosion Protection
TL 52132 Lubricant for Threaded Fasteners with Electrolytically Applied Coatings
or Made of Stainless Steel; Requirements
TL 52165 Lubricant (greenish) for Threaded Fasteners; Material Requirements
VW 01058 Drawings; Lettering
VW 01110-1 Threaded Joints; Design and Assembly Specifications
VW 01129 Limit Values for Coefficients of Friction; Mechanical Fasteners with Met
ric ISO Threads
VW 01131-1 Determination of Coefficients of Friction; Practice- and Mounting-Orien
ted Testing
VW 01131-2 Determination of Coefficients of Friction; Release of New Surface Coat
ing Systems
VW 11610 Metric ISO Thread; Limit Dimensions for Medium Tolerance Class; Ex
ternal Threads 6g / Internal Threads 6H
VW 11611 Metric ISO Thread; Limit Dimensions with Protective Coating for Medium
Tolerance Class; External Threads 6gh / Internal Threads 6H
VW 11614 Metric ISO Thread; Limit Dimensions for Coarse Tolerance Class, Exter
nal 8g, Internal 7H
VW 11615 Metric ISO Thread; Limit Dimensions with Protective Coating for Coarse
Tolerance Class (8g/7H)
VW 11624 Metric ISO Thread; Limit Dimensions for Tolerance Class 6f/6G
VW 11625 Metric ISO Threads; Limit Dimensions for Tolerance Class 8f/7G; Exter
nal Thread 8f, Internal Thread 7G
VW 11627 Metric ISO Thread; Limit Dimensions for Medium Tolerance Class; Ex
ternal thread 6e
VW 11628 Metric ISO Thread; Limit Dimensions for External Threads, Tolerance
Class 6g with Galvanic Protective Coating
VW 13750, Surface Protection for Metal Parts; Invalid Ofl Designations
supplement 1
VW 60358 Self-Tapping Screws for Thermoplastics; Dimensions, Requirements,
VW 60361 Mechanical Fasteners; Parts Reduction; General Guidelines
VW 60469 Aluminum Alloy AL9 for Screws and Bolts; Mechanical Properties
VW 91101 Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Materials, Operat
ing Fluids; Avoidance of Hazardous Substances
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VW 13750: 2016-12

DIN 267-27 Fasteners - Part 27: Steel screws, bolts and studs with adhesive coating,
Technical specifications
DIN 267-28 Fasteners - Part 28: Steel screws, bolts and studs with locking coating,
Technical specifications
DIN 50938 Black oxide coatings on ferrous metal components - Requirements and
test methods
DIN 50969-1 Prevention of hydrogen-induced brittle fracture of high-strength steel
building elements - Part 1: Advice on the prevention
DIN 50969-2 Prevention of hydrogen-induced brittle fracture of high-strength steel
building elements - Part 2: Test methods
DIN EN 9717 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Phosphate conversion coating of
DIN EN ISO 1478 Tapping screw thread
DIN EN ISO 4042 Fasteners - Electroplated coatings
DIN EN ISO 6270-2 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humidity - Part 2:
Procedure for exposing test specimens in condensation-water atmos
DIN EN ISO 9227 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests
DIN ISO 8992 Fasteners - General requirements for bolts, screws, studs and nuts
VDA 235-104 Cr(VI)-free surface protection for mechanical fasteners with metric
VDI 2230, sheet 1 Systematic calculation of highly stressed bolted joints - Joints with one
cylindrical bolt
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VW 13750: 2016-12

Appendix A (informative) Surface protection types as per VDA 235-104

A.1 Surface protection types as per VDA 235-104 and VW 13750

Table A.1 lists the Cr(VI)-free surface protection types for fasteners with a metric ISO thread de
scribed in VDA 235-104 together with comparable surface protection types from VW 13750.

Table A.1
Type of surface protection coating As per VDA 235-104 As per VW 13750
Thin-layer phosphating VDA 235-104.10 Ofl-b140
Galvanized zinc coating,
VDA 235-104.20 Ofl-c347
transparent passivation
zinc alloy coating, VDA 235-104.25 Ofl-r645
transparent passivation
Ofl-r302 or Ofl-r677, no direct
zinc alloy coating, VDA 235-104.30
equivalence possible
black passivation
Zinc flake coating,
VDA 235-104.40 Ofl-t610
silver gray
Zinc flake coating
with top coat containing lubricant, VDA 235-104.42 Ofl-t647
silver color
Zinc flake coating
with top coat containing lubricant, VDA 235-104.50 Ofl-t667, Ofl-t630

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