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Lesson Plan Template Final Draft

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Lesson Plan Template

Date: 2/7/2024 Teacher’s Name: Gianna Fucile and Kylie Flaherty

Subject: Social Studies Grade level: 5

Learning Segment Title: European Exploration and Its Effects
Length of each lesson: 3 days, 30 minutes each day

Central Focus: In this 3 day lesson, the purpose of this learning segment is to comprehend where
different European explorers originated from, who they were and what destination they traveled
to in the New World. The students will learn about 4 different explorers and each of the
European countries they are from. Students will also learn basic facts about each explorer and
explain where they went in the New World. Students will display this knowledge, by labeling
maps, writing paragraphs with small groups and filling in a graphic organizer about everything
they learned. This learning segment will also allow students to get involved in more group work
furthering their social skills with peers. Explorers and migration is very important today because
it is something still relevant and these explorers found the places we live in today. Students
should know about this topic, because these explorers paved the way for their ancestors to
immigrate later on.

Essential Question(s):
1. What were the reasons explorers came to America?
2. How do these explorers impact our everyday lives today?

Learning Standards:
5.3 European Exploration and its effects: various European powers explored and eventually colonized the
Western Hemisphere. this had a profound effect on Native Americans and led to the transatlantic slave
trade. (Standard: 1,2,3,4; Themes; MOV, TCC, GEO, ECO, EXCH)
5.3a European traveled to the americas in search of new trade routes, including a northwest passage and
resources. They hoped to gain wealth, power and glory.
- Students will investigate explorer countries and map the areas of the Western hemisphere where
they explored, including Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Jacques Cartier, Pedro Cabral and
Vasco Nunez de Balboa.

Concepts/knowledge Skills & strategies

- What are the European countries these 5 - Research

explorers came from? - Argue proof (evidence)
- Why did these explorers come to the - Investigate
Americas? - List
- What mode of transportation did the - Find
Europeans take to get here? - Map
- What were some challenges these explorers - map (countries)
may have chased?
- How did these explorers impact our everyday

Academic Language
Language Function

Special Needs of Students
Pre-assessment & Student Readiness
Content Differentiation
Process Differentiation
Product Differentiation

Day 1 Lesson Topic: European Countries

Outcomes Assessments
Students will: List the different European Day 1: Worksheet about European Countries.
Countries each explorer is from and why they - Students must fill in a worksheet with the
came to America countries listed in the word box.
Learning Target: I can match the explorer to the - European Countries Worksheet
country they sailed for and find reasons for why Evaluative Criteria:
each came to America. Evaluative Criteria: Day 1
Day 1:
- We will go over if anyone know what a push
or pull factor is, then go over different
reasons one would want to come to America
- We will discuss the different countries that
are in Europe.
- We will watch a video that shows each of the
different countries and shows where they are
- We will discuss if anyone has ever been to
Europe, or if they have family from there.
- We will place emphasis on Spain, Bristol
England, France, Portugal.
Day 1
Introduction: Sponge Activity, Anticipatory Set, Activating Prior Knowledge
Tim Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
5 Split the board in half, Students must talk with their Once everyone is sitting, the
mins One side says push elbow buddy about everything activity will be over. This will
factors while the other they know about push and pull show that everyone writes
side says pull factors. Ask factors. Together as a pair, they something on the board.
students if they know will write one thing per term on
anything about these two the board. Once they do this,
words. Direct them to they can sit down.
work with their elbow
buddy and come up with
one thing for each term,
push and pull.

Initial Phase Direct Instruction (number the steps of your instruction)

Tim Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
5 1. Pose the question 1. Wonder and think about 1. NO ASSESSMENT
min of “Why did why explorers would 2. One partner shares to
utes these explorers come at that exact time the group what they
come to the new 2. Talk with your neighbor thought of adding onto
world when they about the different what they did before.
did”? reasons on the board 3. 1 partner shares a
2. Talk about the and think of new ones country they have heard
different reasons as well or been too
some people 3. turn and talk to see if 4. describe one fact about
would want to anyone has been to each explorer land of
come to the new europe or knows any origin(location wise)
world, what the countries 5. one partner will correctly
benefits are, 4. discuss the different pick out where they are
what they can countries each explorer placing their country
gain from being is from they got
here. 5. match pictures to land 6. Write the country down
3. Introduction to of origin and put it on the board
European 6. turn and talk and pick 7. Group will submit the
Countries one country that you paper with all 5 locations
4. Show a map of remember from the on it
Europe, while video
highlighting the 7. Small group has to pick
specific ones we all 5 countries from a
will be talking word bank
5. Share pictures
from the 4 home
6. Show video
The Countr…
7. Restate the 4
countries we will
be looking at.

Middle Phase
Guided Practice
Tim Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
15 1. count of by 1. form 4 country groups generate the list of 5 countries.
mins groups 4 2. Answer the questions
2. Review the posed by the teacher highlight the countries and write
European Map- 3. work with team and them out.
What is a map? highlight the different
what is it showing countries you just found
3. direct students to 4. work with team- write Map for guided day 1
highlight the 5 the 5 countries you
different remember
countries that we
just went over
4. direct students to
write out the 5
countries they
just showed

Independent Practice
Tim Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
5 1. recap the 4 1. review the 5 countries European Countries Works…
mins countries from 2. complete the exit ticket
the class list.
2. Distribute
worksheet, and
have them write
down the
3. go over criteria
for success

Concluding Phase
Tim Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
5 Quickly going back in One representative for the make sure everyone is sitting by
mins their groups, each group group will share to the class the end of the 5 minutes
has to share one country what they talked about in their
they have learned about group.
and one push or pull
factor from that exact

Follow up: What comes next to reinforce the lesson (HW or supplemental instruction)- continuing
reviewing the countries, if they did not finish the independent learning, they can do that by themselves
at home and bring it back the next day

Materials: (items, technology, etc.)- papers, pens


Day 2 Lesson Topic: Where each explorer is from and reasons for exploration

Outcomes Assessments
Students will: Categorize where each explorer is Day 2:
from. Students will work in small groups, where each gets a
Learning Target: I can combine what country each different explorer. They will have to recall the 5 facts
explorer sailed for and why they did it. presented earlier and write a quick summary about
Day 2: We will discuss each explorer in more detail and each of them. They will share to the class at the end.
place them in each country they are from. They will also have to listen to their classmates, and
- We will discuss the most important facts of write down 2 sentences about each explorer
each explorer. presented. Day 2 Assessment

Evaluative Criteria:
Evaluative Criteria: Day 2

Day 2
Introduction: Sponge Activity, Anticipatory Set, Activating Prior Knowledge
Tim Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
5 Start by discussing the Talk with your elbow buddy Students share their partners
mins concept of an explorer. about the most interesting fact response
Ask students what they you learned. Students will share
think an explorer is and their partner's response.
why people might choose
to explore new places.
Discuss briefly the
countries explorers
typically came from and
their motivations for
Initial Phase Direct Instruction (number the steps of your instruction)
Tim Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
12 1. What is an 1. student proposed share responses with class before
explorer? What ideas… writing or highlighting on your
countries did 2. .. paper
they come from? 3. quickly glance at what is
Why did they given, write name on share with the class your
sail? top summary in your small group,
2. Today we will be 4. Raising their hand for using facts you found from the
looking at the most important fact source you were given.
secondary in their opinion on each
sources and page This explorer is important
seeing how to 5. this fact tells me… because ….
write a summary about the explorer this explorer is from …..
3. Distribute 6. share one thing to your
sources partner about what you
Resources think is most important
4. What are the through everything we
most important have gone over.
facts on each
5. Can we put these
facts into a
6. Summary- what
would you want
to tell your
partner, the most
important things
from each page

Middle Phase
Guided Practice
Tim Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
15 1. distribute 1. ___ use sentence stems”
Day 2- gui… 2. talk with your neighbor 1. i notice
of christopher about what you think 2. This image shows..
columbus boat this boat is 3. I wonder
2. observe- what is 3. think about where this
this picture, what boat is going Primary_Source_Analysis_…
does it show? 4. write a response with
your partner for I
notice, write a response
3. reflect- what is by yourself for this
happening in this image shows
picture 5. write a response as a
4. question- what class for I wonder
are you thinking

Independent Practice
Tim Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
15 1. looking at the 1. use both sources give indepdent practice day 2
secondary source evidence about each
and the primary explorer and how they finish worksheet
source, finish the got here
worksheet a. 6-7 sentences
2. review the and 5 facts
evaluative criteria
for the question
Concluding Phase
Tim Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
5 Hand out a small slip of Students will fill in the answer Answering a question related to
mins paper with a question as an “exit ticket”. the lesson
relating to the lesson.

Follow up: What comes next to reinforce the lesson (HW or supplemental instruction)

Materials: (items, technology, etc.)


Day 3 Lesson Topic: New World exploration and Connecting it with where the students are from.

Outcomes Assessments
Students will: discuss where explorers went
in the new world and connect it to how these Day 3: Students will fill out a worksheet that gives
explorers impacted their families room for them to fill out which explorer is from the
Learning Target: I can identify where each country that their families are from. they will include
explorer landed and relate it back to my which explorer it is, where the explorer is from, and
where they landed in the Americas.
personal life.
Day 3 Assessment
Day 3:
- We will discuss the new world and
Evaluative Criteria: Evaluative Criteria: Day 3
americas, showing different places the
explorers went to.
- We will discuss and show where on
the map each explorer went to.
- we will show our classmates where we
are from

Day 3
Introduction: Sponge Activity, Anticipatory Set, Activating Prior Knowledge
Tim Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
5 Show a map on the put a post-it where your family everyone has done this activity in
mins screen. Instruct students is originally from. 5 minutes
to put a post-it from
where your family is

Initial Phase Direct Instruction (number the steps of your instruction)

Tim Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
10 1. review what we 1. turn and talk about 1. share to the class about
mins did day 1- Go what they think the the new world
through where term “New world” is
each explorer is 2. …
from 3. make inferences about
2. What is the New where they think each
World? explorer went to
3. explain the New 4. Small group work- see if
world (so you know where in the
americas) new world they arrived
4. show map of
routes explorers
took, from
europe to the
5. sort places from
the new world
and seeing if this
is of any
importance ( if
any arrived in
where we live,
etc. )
Middle Phase
Guided Practice
Tim Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
1. sort students into 1. form groups Guided practice-day 3
groups of 4 2. ___ - make a class list of all the
2. review the 3. work with your group- places they went to
different places generate questions
the explorers about what the map is
landed showing.
3. direct students to a. share the to the
look at the class
document 4. work with the team to
closely- what do highlight the places the
they notice? explorers we are looking
4. circle the places at went.
we just learned

Independent Practice
Tim Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
1. distribute use what you learned today and Day 3 Assessment
worksheet to the last 3 days to fill in the finish the “exit ticket”
students and worksheet
review the map
of the americas
2. review the
evaluative criteria
for the worksheet

Concluding Phase
Tim Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
hand out index card write 17 word summary, about Exit ticket
where they have to write an explorer you learned and
a 17 word summary how it relates back to your life EVAL CRITERIA
about what they learned

Follow up: What comes next to reinforce the lesson (HW or supplemental instruction)

Materials: (items, technology, etc.)

Resources: (reference any “borrowed” materials for any part of the Learning Segment)

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