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Ethics in Education

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 Teaching is very complicated task
to perform. Teachers who teach
students need to know a lot about
pros and cons of this profession.
This is a noble profession and a
profession of all of the
messengers of Allah who came to
guide the humanity towards the
right path. Hazrat Muhammad
 This profession is meant to prepare new
generation for future. Teachers need to adopt
high level of morality in order to set example for
their students to copy.
 Educational policies and plans are developed
after very careful analysis of where we are and
where we need to go.
 Teachers are prepared to implement what was
thought of our new generation in terms of
knowledge, skills and dispositions.
 Teachers are the only sources who can make this
dream a reality.
 The preparation of teaching force also
needs very careful planning.
 Teachers need to be prepared in such a
way that they perform their duties
without any problem e.g. social,
financial, emotional, psychological etc.
Teachers enjoy very good social status if
they perform their duties honestly.
 .
 Ethics,also called moral philosophy,
the discipline concerned with what is
morally good and bad and morally
right and wrong. The term is also
applied to any system or theory of
moral values or principles.
 Professional ethics is like a guide, which
facilitates the teacher to provide quality
education and inculcate good values among
the learners. The professional ethics will
enlighten the teachers that they have a major
role in bringing desirable changes in the
behaviour of the students.
A professional code f ethics outlines teachers'
main responsibilities to their students and
defines their role in students' lives.
 Above all, teachers must demonstrate
integrity, impartiality and ethical behavior in
the classroom and in their conduct with
parents and coworker.
 Human rights are the basic rights and
freedoms that belong to every person in
the world, from birth until death. ...
 These basic rights are based on shared
values like dignity, fairness, equality,
respect and independence. These values
are defined and protected by law.
 After the adaptation of the Universal Education of
Human Rights in 1948, education has been
considered as international treaties also affirmed
this right e.g. United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Convention
against Discrimination in Education (1960), the
International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights (ICESCR) (1966) and the Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women (1981).
 The UNESCO (1989) also emphasized on the
implementation of its core principles as
nondiscrimination in the best interest of the
child, right of a living as enabling child to
survive and develop himself/herself to the
maximum extent possible, expression of views
regarding each and every matter which affect
them and to give due weight/space in
 Similarly Article 28 (1) of the Convention on
Rights of Children (CRC) stipulates; States
Parties recognize the right of the child to
education, and with a view to achieving this
right progressively and on the basis of equal
opportunity, they shall in particular:
 “Make Primary education compulsory and
available free to all;
 Professional wrongs mean all actions or behaviors of
teachers which are not at par with existing demand
and need of time to prepare students for 21st
century. We can high light professional wrongs
through following indicators.
 If teachers enter into the class without smiling face; if
they do not show enthusiasm with profession; if they
are not committed to their duties; if they do not
know about national curriculum and use it as guide
for teaching learning process; if they teach students
without preparation; if they do not develop links
between previous learning of students with new
learning; if they do not broaden and deepen
knowledge base of students;
 Schools are established to inculcate acceptable
habits and behaviors in new generation. It is also
thought that individuals possess knowledge, skills
for and dispositions in schools where they interact
with highly qualified, experienced and
knowledgeable personalities. Societies establish
schools to preserve and transfer their culture,
traditions and customs to new generation.
Curriculum which is taught in schools actually
reflects the overall national thinking.
 According to Good (1999) “academic mastery in
subject-matter achievements is an important goal
of modern schools”, social development of students
is very crucial for successful and productive life.
 Generally academic and social aims exist within
educational system in the world because one
element informs the other.
 Broadening and deepening of knowledge of
students across different subjects/fields is generally
given as primary reason to attend schools.
 Inclusion of different subjects in school education
is the base of this aim .
 Teaching is defined differently by different people in general
and teachers in particular.
 Some say, teaching is an art while there are some others who
will say teaching is a science.
 Some may define teaching is an act of telling or explaining
answers to those who don’t know.
 Psychologists may define teaching in terms of stimuli-
response conditions. Teaching means different things to
different people according to their nature of experiences.
Simply it is way of transmitting information to others through
careful planning in order to achieve set objectives
 It is also process of interaction through which learners learn.
It is a process in which learners gain knowledge, develop their
skills and dispositions. Teaching is a very complicated and
complex activity in which teachers have to play different roles
according to the nature of situation. In short, it is an activity
in which a mature, qualified and experience person share
his/her knowledge with immature and inexperience learners
to prepare them for healthy, productive, sustainable and self-
reliant future life.
A number of researches pointed out that
teaching becomes effective when teachers
possess certain qualities.
 When lesson are well prepared, teachers use
maximum of instructional time in teaching,
the entire time of the class pass away quickly
due to students involvement in learning, and
generally classes start and end in the
prescribed time.
 When teachers have positive attitude toward
learning of students and they see students as
capable to learn, remain available for students to
facilitate and guide, communicate progress of the
students effectively, and give praise and
 When teachers hold very high expectations,
challenges students consistently to do their best,
develop the confidence of the students and realize
them to believe on themselves.
 When teachers are resourceful and innovative in
their teaching, participate in literary and sports
activities, and use latest technology and enable
students to learn the best.
 When teachers provide equally treat students,
provide opportunities for all students, and strongly
believe that students are different in terms of their
capacity and pace of learning.
 When teachers have personal relations with
students, share personal experiences, take personal
interest in well being of students and visit students’
world in out of classroom activities like in cafeteria,
play ground or any other event.
 When teachers make students feel welcome and
when students feel comfortable in classroom, when
students feel their teacher loves his/her profession
than any other
 When teachers are concerned with personal
problems of students as sensitive,
 When teachers are concerned with
personal problems of students as
sensitive, compassion and caring.
 When teachers do not take everything
serious and use humor in difficult
situations to keep students engaged.
 When teachers do not deliberately
embarrass student, respect privacy,
speak privately and showing sensitivity.
 When teachers do not hold
personal grudges with students,
forgive them, promote attitude to
forgiveness at all stages
 When teachers are ready to
accept critique if they commit any
mistake or if they make error in
 A role model is a person who inspires and
encourages us to strive for greatness, live to our
fullest potential and see the best in ourselves.
 A role model is someone we admire and someone
we aspire to be like. We learn through them,
through their commitment to excellence and
through their ability to make us realize our own
personal growth. We look at them for advice and

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