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Enumerate and Elaborate The Important Values in The Curriculum of Post Modernism

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Name: Jonathan F. Gabais Instructor: Dr. Juvy P. Patan

Program: MAED Subject: Philo-Socio Foundations of Education

1. Enumerate and elaborate the important values in the curriculum of Post Modernism.

Striving for Diversity

Education should be accessible for all despite of the learner’s economic status, gender,
culture and background. Teaching learners should always be fair and engaging. That will suit to
their capabilities and skills. During my teaching, I always make sure that my strategies will cater
to the needs of my students. That will help them to enhance their talents and skills. I believe that
our rule as a teacher is to make learning fun and at the same time meaningful to them. Talents
and skill is necessary to build up and hone by the teachers and it could be done through
implementing varied strategies without comprising their capacity.
I believe that the administration must include physical and mental resilience and
administrative support of the school. The first step to achieve flexibility is through proper
orientation to its teachers and learners. Furthermore, the school guidance office must be
functioning effectively in monitoring students’ mental health. The school also makes sure that
learners are improving and learning.


All classrooms should have an effective teacher to teach the students. An effective
classroom management plan will also help the teacher keep the classroom under control and it
helps the students focus better. I realized that a teacher with strong classroom management
skills creates consistency for his students. The students know what to expect every day when it
comes to the routine activities. Your students may fare better when you're gone if you have set
expectations for everyday tasks. If you have to focuses on respect and responsibility, incorporate
them into your classroom management techniques. The students will hear those words
throughout the school and know that the expectations are the same anywhere in the building. As
future educator effective classroom management gives the students little time to misbehave.
Because the expectations are clearly explained, the students know what they need to do.
Transitions in particular are easier to control when a teacher has strong classroom management
skills. The expectations for behaviours that are part of a classroom management plan give
students boundaries, as well as consequences.

Teaching strategies vary from one age group to another. None of the method is the
best. It depends on the learning style of students. In my class there are students take more
interest in the activities performed in the class. In-class exercises work the best for this age
group. Visual and auditory aids improve learning and performance. Whereas, for secondary and
tertiary levels, lectures, projects, field work, group exercises and peer teaching are the most
suitable strategies to help them. Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences are also being
considered and integrated in the lesson plans for improved learning of each and every student. I
realized that in choosing the strategies in the class is should cater their learnings needs.
Considering their ages, interest and experiences.

At times, in order to have a fun learning students could relate to it so that they could
present the topic effectively and retain the information. During my class I have tried to integrate
teaching strategies which would help students in the best possible way. My teaching strategies
were lectures, some kinesthetic activities like role play, assignments, short reflections, pictorial
PowerPoint slides, verbal discussions etc. On the other hand, the students enjoyed the most
when they were viewing a movie which is related to their topic.

The main priority of any teacher is to ensure that their students succeed. A student’s
success can be measured in many ways; by receiving good grades, how much they are involved
in class, or even how well they have improved. No matter how you measure success, a teacher’s
goal is to strive and help each and every student reach their full potential. They can do this by
applying a few of the following teaching strategies to their everyday classroom routine.
As the days goes by I realized that to be a teacher is not easy. I learned that teachers
should be resourceful enough in planning and making her devices so that students will listen and
have their attention. I realized that teacher must be careful in making her teaching aids and make
sure that the devices are suited to her subject matter. What I found was that student teaching
was the perfect time to think outside of the box and try different things. If they didn’t work, they
didn’t work. At least, I got to try them in a safe environment. And in the process, I got to work on
vital skills for teaching, such as classroom management.

Managing students’ behaviour is a must. In order to have a responsible and
nationalistic citizen in our country. We are dominated by lots of intelligent individuals I our society
today but only few are having a good manner and right conduct. I think, as early as possible we
must train students to be more obedient and respectful to others.
And what I’ve to help my students to be a good citizen in the classroom I always
encouraged them to pick up trash, put supplies away, be a good listener, care for the classroom
supplies and of course, help the teacher. And always emphasize them to be a good citizen in the
community is to pick up litter, and don’t trash the community. To be responsible at home, they
should always help their parents, be good with your brothers and sisters, they must do their
chores without complaining, and try not to get in trouble.
2. Discuss the seven (7) characteristics of Eclectic Tendency in Education.

It synthesizes the important and useful ideologies of major philosophies.

Educators need to synthesize and rationalizes the most vital aspects of each
philosophies to apply in the classroom scenario. It serves as the blueprint and guidance to them
in dealing the students. Since, these philosophies are lengthy they have to get the main gist of it.
What is useful or not. By synthesizing, they could easily identify of what aspects they have to
focus with. As of this moment, that information is everywhere they have to make sure the
information gathered must be useful and it foster learning.

It changes the educational principles and practices according to the changing


Many things point to the need for meaningful change in education. Change around the
world is driven by exciting new research on how the brain works and how people learn. Learners
must not only develop what they know, but also skills, attitudes, and values that will help them be
capable people. For this to happen, they need to actively take part in their learning and be
motivated by it. We are in the Information Age. New technology that supports learning is also
driving change. New tools allow students to connect with others all over the world. A mountain of
information is easily accessible with just the click of a button. The teacher no longer holds all

It develops a broad outlook and large heartedness.

It considers a learner's wellbeing will improve academic achievement. Wellbeing of the

whole person includes the physical, emotional, social, intellectual and even spiritual. To best
support success, students' environments and experiences must consider all parts of their being.
Education is essential in human’s life. As time goes by, system of education changes dynamically
following the needs of human beings. There are still many things that need to be improved in
order to get a good system of education. Therefore, all of the people need to be involved in
improving it, so that the education system gets better and better every year. The main factor is
how good the facilitation given by the local government to get education is.

It fosters the attitudes of appreciation and acceptance of various conflicting views.

The Eclectic Tendency prepares learners has been and always will be to empower
and impart skill and knowledge in leaners, thus it is important that the education one gets has to
be of certain quality. Quality in education is important given the fact that what a person learns
affects their philosophy “mind-set”. Thus saying that the education one gets affects their day to
day lives depicting their lifestyle and the decisions they make on a daily basis. Education has a
vital role to play in developing the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that enable people to
contribute to and benefit from an inclusive and sustainable future. Learning to form clear and
purposeful goals, work with others with different perspectives, find untapped opportunities and
identify multiple solutions to big problems will be essential in the coming years. Education needs
to aim to do more than prepare young people for the world of work; it needs to equip students
with the skills they need to become active, responsible and engaged citizens.

It prepares the individual and society to lead a life of adjustment and understanding

The Eclectic Tendency is inevitable in producing new generation that enable in solving
the real problems in our society. It play a role in supporting youths’ development toward a
positive sense of ethnic identity. For instance, they can organize several programs that can build
up their sense of interaction among the ethnicity. At the same time, they can improve their
understanding on other ethnics. It can contribute to the effort in instilling the value of solidarity
among races especially the teenagers. It includes the activity that stressed about tolerance and
harmony value regardless religion and race aspect. For example, nationality module can help
them to learn and know in depth about their country and others custom and culture. At the same
time, they know the uniqueness of others culture.

It creates an environment in which one learns to disagree without disagreeables.

In wider perspective it emphasize that there would be an exchange of an ideas from

each learners that they are free to express it to others but they should inculcate that this ideas
are rational and beneficial to all. Hence, an educated would believe in human equality. He would
hate human exploitation and inequality. He would stand for the equal right, equal opportunity and
equal responsibilities for all. It creates a better mindset of socially informed citizens who are the
true assets of a country.

It makes education a complete process.

Generally, Eclectic tendency is always associated with the process of delivering skill,
disseminating knowledge and internalizing value. Practically, individual who equipped with
knowledge can be able to internalize and apply the knowledge in everyday’s life. In children’s
context, education can be seen as continuing process of their development, so that they can
practice and apply their knowledge as preparation in the future. Thus, education is major aspect
of development of any modern society since if there is a deficit of educated people then society
will stops its further progress.

3. Enumerate the forerunners of Social Philosophy and discuss their contributions.

William James - his laboratory research on sensation and

perception was conducted in the first half of his career. His belief in
the connection between mind and body led him to develop what has
become known as the James-Lange Theory of emotion, which posits
that human experience of emotion arises from physiological changes
in response to external events.  Inspired by evolutionary theory,
James’s theoretical perspective on psychology came to be known as
functionalism, which sought causal relationships between internal
states and external behaviors.
John Dewey has been perhaps the most influential
philosopher to impact education to date. The finding evidence
of John Dewey’s theories and beliefs in action in 21st century
classrooms is certainly becoming more and more infrequent,
however, it is possible, as shown by the various teaching
models presented here. In some schools and classrooms
throughout the United States and in other countries around the
world, John Dewey’s theories are still quite present. These
schools and classrooms are still placing an emphasis on the
importance and relevance of building community, building
strong relationships, developing higher level thinking skills for
real-life application, and following student interests when planning for instruction. Students who
are participating in academic programs such as the ones presented here, will likely be critical
thinkers and significant, positive contributors to their local communities and to society as they
mature into adult citizens.

Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi – he was most out to change. In

his time Pestalozzi noticed that learning in the classroom
consisted primarily of reading out of texts and using rote
memorization for songs, scripture, and psalms. This is not the
type of learning that Pestalozzi was in favor of; rather, he
wanted children to be able to learn in a less restrictive setting.
Pestalozzi wished to have the students learn by a hands-on
approach, this means that given tools and a simple overview of
what they will accomplish, students should be able to go out and
gather information to come up with answers of their own.

Johann Friedrich Herbart - Herbart's influence on

educational theory is very important, even at the present time.
He not only developed a philosophical-psychological rationale for
teaching but a teaching method as well. Herbart believed that the
mind was the sum total of all ideas which entered into one's
conscious life. He emphasized the importance of both the
physical and the human environment in the development of the
mind. To Herbart, ideas were central to the process. He felt they
grouped themselves into what he called "apperceptive masses."
By assimilation (or apperception) new ideas could enter the mind
through association with similar ideas already present. This was
the learning process.
Friedrich Frobel- He believed that humans are essentially
productive and creative, and that fulfillment comes through
developing these in harmony with God and the world. His vision
was to stimulate an appreciation and love for children, to
provide a new but small world for children to play with their
age group and experience their first gentle taste of
independence. His kindergarten system consisted of games and
songs, construction, and gifts and occupations. The play
materials were what he called gifts and the activities were
occupations. His system allowed children to compare, test, and
explore. His philosophy also consisted of four basic components
which were free self-activity, creativity, social participation, and
motor expression.

Michel de Montaigne - He discusses philosophical,

theological, and anthropological problems, but he rarely does
so in a straightforward way, and he chose the essay, a model
of discourse that allowed him the freedom to explore a wide
range of topics in an unsystematic way.  Montaigne also
identifies the cultivation of his judgment and the presentation
of a new ethical and philosophical figure to the reading public
as fundamental goals of his project. There are two
components to Montaigne’s pursuit of self-knowledge.  The
first is the attempt to understand the human condition in
general.  This involves reflecting on the beliefs, values, and
behavior of human beings as represented both in literary, historical, and philosophical texts, and
in his own experience.  The second is to understand himself as a particular human being.  This
involves recording and reflecting upon his own idiosyncratic tastes, habits, and dispositions.

4. Discuss the different forms of Realism in Education.

Humanistic Realism
It means that education should be a means to empower children and adults
alike to become active participants in the transformation of their societies. Learning should also
focus on the values, attitudes and behaviors which enable individuals to learn to live together in
a world characterized by diversity and pluralism. Education therefore has a crucial long-term role
in developing a knowledge and understanding of human rights, the values base they represent
and the skills required to strengthen a democratic culture. On the other hand, education in
humanistic realism emphasize that learning could gained through reading and learning from
books. That the source of knowledge are books and learners should be able to apply it on their
daily basis.
Social realism
In social realism it says that practical knowledge are better compare to bookish knowledge
wherein we could learn from our experiences. Learning through experience can also be more
effective than learning through books because one does not envision everything on his own, but
is given a chance to experience the reality. A person can learn a lot and retain what he learns
through experience. In my opinion life’s valuable lessons are learnt from experience and so the
knowledge gained from experience is more important. Books are a great source of information. A
person in his lifetime cannot experience everything, but by reading a book on a particular subject
he can gain knowledge over that subject in less time. There are books available on any subject
that one needs. However experience seems more important to me.

Sense Realism
In sense realism it states that learning experiences should allow students to consider everyday
difficulties that may be experienced by people whose sensory input is disrupted or unreliable.
Encourage students to identify items or systems that have been developed to enhance sensory
input. Your senses connect you to your environment. With information gathered by your senses,
you can learn and make more informed decisions. Without the information we receive through
our senses we could not function as the beings we are. Each sense is important in its own right,
but each also has limitations. While each sense is important, one sense can be used to
compensate for another. The most effective way to receive information, of course, is to use all
our senses in harmony.

5. Enumerate and discuss the process of socialization.

Initiating action -A behaviour is based on the stimuli as well as the individual. Mental readiness
depends on the general physical state, the genetic traits, the psyche, the nervous system, the
muscles, the glands, the motivation, the need, the anticipation, the intent, the altitude, the
importance and values of life. A individual may be stimulated to be involved in a specific way due to
certain incentive and need. Motivations and needs build a person's tension. A person begins any
activity in order to please them. Thus, an individual becomes involved because of this stress and
develops some social characteristics. If a person does not bear any burden and all his needs are
fulfilled, he is not motivated to learn more.

The perception of the situation - Socialization relies on the manner in which a human perceives a
situation. In other words, according to his mode of understanding of things, an entity knows different
things. We know that objects are viewed by different people in different ways. Some people may
enjoy a certain drama and others may hate it. Similarly, people have different kinds of interactions,
often in identical circumstances.
Showing the correct response- In the beginning, all the reactions of a person to a stimuli are not
right. He needs to learn how to give the best answers. In the course of studying, he makes mistakes.
He learns to demonstrate right answers steadily. Then he gets the same happiness. A sign of his
socialization is this happiness.

To learn to respond or to form a habit - An individual learns a response if it is praised by others.

Then he gets into a habit of showing that response. To become habituated for showing a particular
type of response is a very important aspect of socialization.

6. What are the different levels of education in India

1. Pre Primary Pre primary education in India is provided to children between 3–

Stage 6 years

2. The Primary Primary education in India offered by both private and

Stage government schools usually consist of students aged between 5 to
12 years. The duration of study in this stage is 4-5 years.
3. The Middle Middle stage of education covering 3-4 years of academic study is
Stage formed by 5th-8thclass consisting of students aged between 12
to 14 years.
4. The Secondary Secondary Stage of education covering 2-3 years of academic
Stage study starts with classes 8th-10th. consisting of students aged
between 14-16 years
5. Senior Senior Secondary Education in India is of only 2 years. There is
Secondary Stage uniformity on this level of education in terms of duration and
classes i.e. all the States/UTs follow this 10+2 pattern. Senior
Secondary Schools in India include classes 11th to 12th.
consisting students aged between 16-18 years.
6.Undergraduate Undergraduate education in India is of 3-4 years. Undergraduate
Stage stage of education is also known as higher education in India.
Students studying in this level, generally begin their education
from 18 onwards
7.Postgraduate Postgraduate education in India is of 2-3 years. Postgraduate
Stage stages of courses are known as Masters courses or Doctorate
courses. Masters course are usually of 2 years duration and
doctorate (research) courses are of 3 years duration.
8. Adult Adult Education in India comes under the purview of the
Education in Department of School Education and Literacy. The Bureau of
India Adult Education and National Literacy Mission under the
Department functions as the Secretariat of the National Literacy
Mission Authority (NLMA).
9.Distance Education Distance education provided by institutes is controlled by the
in India Distance Education Council of India. Distance education is helpful
to those who cannot join regular schools or colleges.

10. Homeschool Homeschooling isn’t widespread in India and neither it is widely

ing in India accepted. This type of alternative education It is considered for
handicapped or those who are unable to attend regular school
due to various factors.

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