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MIDTERM EXAM (Part 2) - OR - 2 2nd Sem - 2023-2024

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Republic of the Philippines





Second Sem. AY 2023-2024
Name:________________________________________ Date: _____________ Score: _______
Course Yr &Sec.: __________

General Instructions :
1. Read the instruction and the questions thoroughly.
2. Any ambiguously written answers will not be considered.
3. Do not cheat. Any form of cheating or surrogation is a major offense.
4. Write your answers on a piece of paper ( preferably coupon bond ) and upload via MS teams .

PART II. Time allotment is 90 minutes .

PROBLEM SOLVING . Solve each problem systematically. Box all final answers with proper units.
Round up the final decimal answers to hundreths or two decimals with proper units . Use the
provided blank sheets for your solutions and answers .

1). Paul Magsino is considering a bicycle shop in Tanauan City . Paul enjoys biking, but this is to be a business
endeavor from which to make a living . He can open a small shop, a large shop or no shop at all. Because there
will be a five year lease on the building that Paul is thinking about using , he wants to make sure he makes the
correct decision. Paul is also thinking about hiring his old marketing professor to conduct a marketing research
study to see if there is a market for his service . From the studies conducted ,the results could either be
favorable or unfavorable . Develop /draw a decision tree( decision diagram ) for Paul . ( 5 points)

2). Angara and Soriano law firm produces many legal documents that msut be typed for clients and and the
firm .Requests average four pages of documents per hour according to a poisson distribution .The secretary
can type five pages per hour on average according to an exponential distribution
What is the average number of documents waiting to be typed?.( 3pts)

3). The Genesis Corporation has acquired a shoe company and is contemplating the future of one of its major
plants located in Quezon City . Three alternative decisions are being considered : (1) expand the plant and
produce lightweight , durable shoes for possible sales to the department store , a market with little foreign
competition; (2) maintain the status quo at the plant , continuing production of shoes that are subject to heavy
foreign competition ; or (3) sell the plant now . If one of the first two alternatives is chosen , the plant will still be
sold at the end of the year. The amount of profit that could be earned by selling the plant in a year depends on
the foreign market conditions , including the status of a trade embargo bill in Congress. The following payoff
table describes this decision situation .
States of nature
Decision Good Foreign Competitive Condition Bad Foreign Competitive Condition
Expand P30,000,000 P20,000,000
Maintain Status Quo P50,000,000 -P7,500,000
Sell now P 15,000,000 P15,000,000
a. Develop a decision tree for this decision situation with expected values for this situation with expected values
at the probability nodes .
b. Assume that it is now possible to estimate a probability of 0.75 that good foreign competitive conditions will
exist and a probability of 0.25 that bad conditions will exist. Determine the best decision using expected value
and expected opportunity loss .
c. Determine the best alternative under each of the uncertainty criteria.
d. Compute the expected value of perfect information .

4). One of the features of a machine shop will be a well-stocked crib. The manager of the shop must decide on
the number of attendants needed to staff the crib. Attendants will receive $ 9 per hour in salary and fringe
benefits . Mechanics’ time will be worth $ 30 per hour, which includes salary and fringe benefits plus lost time
caused by waiting for parts. Based on previous experience, the manager estimates requests for parts will
average 18 per hour with a service capacity of 20 requests per hour per attendant.
Compute the operating characteristics of the queuing sytem. For evaluation and comparisons, use
number of servers/attendants ( s = 1, 2 ,and 3. )
How many attendants should be on duty if the manager is willing to assume that arrival and service rates will be
Poisson-distributed in order to minimize total expected cost?. ( Assume the no. of mechanics is very large, so an
infinite –source model is appropriate)

Prepared by:

Engr. Romeo G. Ilagan, PIE, AAE

Faculty in -charge

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