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P r a c t i c u m R e p o r t C a r r i e d O u t i n Go v e r n m e n t P r i m a r y S c h o o l O b u f a - E s u k , 2 0 5
Go ld ie St re et , Ca la ba r, Cr os s Ri ve r Sta te

Article in SSRN Electronic Journal · January 2018

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3221786


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1 author:

alentine Joseph OwanV

University of Calabar


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MATRIC. NO. 15/063143057




MARCH, 2018.

The purpose of this report is to discuss and explain my experiences during my
practicum exercise. The exercise was designed by the department to expose
undergraduates to a minimum of six weeks’ practical applications of learned
theories, principles and ethics of administration. The exercise was carried out
in Government Primary School Obufa-Esuk Calabar. This report was
organized in three sections, each having sub-units. Section one presents an
overview of the organization, its description, functions as well as the
organogram. Section two meanwhile,focused on the experiences gained by me.
Information related to my work schedule, duties, working relationship with
staff and the knowledge acquired were thoroughly discussed in this section.
Section three on the other hand, focused on analysis and comments of the
organization. Analyses and discussions in the areas of formal and informal
relationship, strengths and weaknesses of the organization, suggestions for
improvement and conclusions were all made. It was recommended that the
duration for this practicum exercise be extended more than just the six weeks’
minimum period, to help undergraduates have along duration to demonstrate
practically how to plan, organize, direct and carryout other administrative



Title page - - - - - - - - - - i
Abstract - - - - - - - - - - ii
Table of contents - - - - - - - - iii


1.1. Brief Description of the organization - - - - 1

1.2. Functions of organization - - - - - - 3

1.3. Organogram of the organization - - - - - 5


2.1. Schedule of operations and duties
2.1.1. Schedule of operations - - - - - 6
2.1.2. Duties - - - - - - - - 7
2.2. Knowledge acquired - - - - - - - 8
2.3. Working Relationship with the staff - - - - 10


3.1. Formal and informal relationship
3.1.1. Formal relationship - - - - - - 12

3.1.2. Informal relationship - - - - - - 14

3.2. Strengths of the organization - - - - - - 16
3.3. Weaknesses of the organization - - - - - 18
3.4. Suggestions for improvement- - - - - - 20

3.5. Conclusion - - - - - - - - - 21



Practicum is a practical experience offered to individuals as a means to

enable them put into practice, theoretical knowledge learned during the process

of education. The objectives for doing this is to expose students to a minimum of

six weeks’ field experience including observation, adaptation to office

conditions, planning and preparation for school administration. Those to engage

in this exercise are expected to serve in any formal organization. It is as a

consequence of this, and the completion of my six weeks, that this report


Thus, this section has been organized under the following sub-headings:

1.1. Description of the organization

1.2. Functions of the organization

1.3. Organogram of the organization

1.1. Description of the organization

This practicum exercise was carried out in Government Primary School

Obufa-Esuk, located at No. 205 Goldie Street, Calabar. This organization was

established in 1957 by the then Government of southern protectorate. As a

matter of fact, is one of the colonial schools in Calabar and is currently 61 (sixty-

one) years old. However, in recent times, the founding agency has been changed

to Cross River State Universal Basic Education Board.


The school is geographically located inside the university of Calabar

community adjacent to the Abraham Ordia Stadium. The school have a near

conducive environment for learning due to its location. Though during sporting

activities in the stadium, the school becomesunconducive for learning as a result

of noise and sometimes musical sounds from the stadium.

The school social environment is very exciting and effective for self and

group development. The teachers are friendly, hospitable and fun to be with. The

learners here are not too stubborn or disrespectful, they often play amongst

themselves during break periods. The staff-pupil relationships is also high giving

room to love and mutual cooperation by both parties (Staff and pupils). Also,

parents are also interested in the school and her activities as evidenced in their

response and attendance to the school events and ceremonies.

The school is made up of six primary classes (primary one – six), and two

nursery classes (ECCDE I and ECCDE II). The school has a total of 19 streams, a

total of 36 academics and 5 non-academic staff. The academic staff include 19

permanent teachers (1 male and 18 females), and 17 N-power teachers (11 males

and 6 females). The non-academic staff includes 1 male and 4 females. In total,

the school have 16 male staff and 25 female staff across all the categories. The

pupils’ population include 253 boys and 251 girls distributed across ECCDE to

primary 6, resulting in a total of 504 pupils.

The obvious resources available to teachers and pupils in this school

include 5 blocks (buildings), 17 classrooms, 1 (one) library, 2 offices, 24

blackboards, 4 whiteboards, 138 wooden desks for learners in primary one (1) to

Primary six (6), 64 plastic tables and 90 plastic chairs for ECCDE learners, 24

tables and 29 chairs for teachers’ usage, school field, farm garden and toilets

(rest rooms) for staff and pupils’ utilization. These resources by my judgment

are fair for the running of the school, though efforts still need to be made for


The head teacher of the school is Mrs. Nya, Nkoyo Ania B.Ed holder from

the University of Calabar. She is a woman well vested with administrative

prowess and as such, she runs the school with effective administrative skills

which include: good decision making skills, technical skills, human relation

skills, and good communication skills. She also makes use of different leadership

styles to ensureshe gets the cooperation of her teachers.

1.2. Functions of the organization

Government primary school Obufa-Esuk is an institution designed for the

teaching of pupils under the direction of teachers. This means ensuring that all

pupils are able to develop their cognitive, social, emotional, cultural and physical

skills to the best of their abilities, preparing them for their further school career.

Carrying out this task places demands on a school’s structure, teachers, school

leaders and parents. Other functions performed by this organization include:

i. The school is also responsible for development and inculcation of the ability

of reading, writing and arithmetic in the learners. This is considered as the

foundation for all of the intellectual developments in future.


ii. Provide teachers, parents and the community at large with clear statement of

what pupils are expected to achieve at their end of primary schooling and how

they can best support learners to achieve this goal

iii. Conservation and promotion of culture, and development of social

responsibility in the learners and helping them to shun any socially

unacceptable lifestyle.

iv. Offering learners good civic/citizenship training and development of higher

values and good career choices.

v. The organization also serve as a basis for preparing pupils for secondary


vi. The school train the learners to be capable of adjusting to life in the society.

vii. This organization also modifies learners’ behavior by trying to change

undesirable traits and offering them desired direction to follow.

viii. Handwork or/and craftwork usually find a place in this organization

curriculum with a view to help develop manual deftness and effectual use of

one’s hands. Artful or cultural activities like music and dance, drawing and

painting are introduced to children in this school with a view to give creative

shape to their imagination.

ix. Elementary knowledge of health and hygiene is treated as an essential pre-

requisite in this organization for keeping the child’s physical health in the

utmost condition.

x. Group play and group activities makeup a large percentage of play-time and

are encouraged with a view to develop social adjustment skills and social

participation skills of the child. This school offers opportunity to learners to

play and interact with their colleagues.

xi. The school offer Moral education to pupils which is a vital part of the

curriculum in order to help mold and develop moral sentiment and positive

outlook in the early personality of the primary school-going child.

xii. All round development of young learners.

1.3. Organogram of the school

Below is the organizational chart of Government Primary School Obufa-



This section focused on the personal experiences acquired during the

practicum exercise. Thus, this section is divided into three sub-sections; 2.1.

Schedule of operations and duties; 2.2. Knowledge Acquired; and 2.3. Working

relationship with the staff.

2.1. Schedule of operations and duties

2.1.1. Schedule of operations

The schedule of operation in the organization were formal as it followed the

order of atypical school. The class timetables and the staff duty roster were the

schedules that guided teachers’ operation. Therefore, what guided my operation

in the school was the class timetable for primary 6A and the duty roster. Below

is the timetable for primary 6A while the staff duty roster was not included in

this report due to logical reasons.


2.1.2. Duties

I resumed my practicum and teaching practice duties formally on Monday

29th January, 2018. Though I reported to the school earlier on Friday 26th

January 2018. The head teacher of the institution assigned me to handle

teaching duties with primary 6A while I worked directly under her for some

administrative tasks. I was introduced to my class teacher who gave me the

opportunity to indicate the subjects I will like to be handling throughout my time

there, while she will handle the remainder. The following subjects were chosen

by me and I taught all of them throughout. They include: Mathematics,

Computer studies, Basic Science, Physical & Health Education and Agricultural


Apart from the teaching and learning duties, I performed other

administrative and auxiliary duties that were assigned tome by the head teacher,

my class teacher and other staff in the school. Since I was the leader of the entire

student-teachers posted to the school, I performed some other duties to help

them and ensure that their stay in the school was a success. I assigned the

student-teachers certain duties and also passed relevant information from the

head teacher or the University of Calabar to them. Most of these non – teaching

duties I performed, can be clearly seen in the practicum logbook.

Other duties I handled while I was there included the followings: I was

tasked to institute the Junior Engineers and Technicians (JET) club and ensure

its smooth running; this I did and up till now, it is still functioning. I worked as

part of the team that admitted new learners into various classes. I took active

part in the registration of learners for the common entrance examination. I was

assigned to select and drill some learners for a local government science quiz

competition and several other duties. Some which can be seen from the logbook.

As the teaching practice leader, I ensured that I provided enough

information to my colleagues. I ensured that I taught all the student-teachers

who had issues writing their notes of lessons, how to write tabular notes of

lesson. Since I also understood how to plan using university of Calabar Faculty

of Education format, I communicated the right approaches to all my colleagues

and even those from other schools ensuring that they were all properly guided. I

coordinated and related all my colleagues to the instructional materials designer

and producer ensuring that the best graphics that suits each person topic was

designed and developed at a relatively cheaper rate.

I performed many other duties that were assigned tome from time to time

by the head teacher and other staff.

2.2. Knowledge Acquired

The practicum and teaching practice exercises exposed me to so many

knowledge. As a matter of fact, I learned a lot of things during this period. Some

of the things that I learned, will help me professionally as an administrator or as


Through my practicum exposure, I now know what it takes to register

someone for common entrance examination, the procedures to follow for the

submission of registered pupils, and the offices to submit files of registered

pupils in ministry of education.


I also learnt that I have the qualities of becoming a good master of

ceremony (MC). In my life, I had never done that before but when the head

teacher communicated tome that I will be the MC during the inter house sport

ceremony, I felt like paralyzing especially when I learned the V.C of University

of Calabar, the commissioner of education and other top dignitaries where going

to attend. I summoned courage because eventhough I was afraid, I must accept

the responsibility. I must not let myself down, I also saw it as an avenue to

advertise myself and learn a new thing. I anchored the event and it was

successful at the end of it all. Many teachers and friends said I did well. Some

even commented on my performance while others thought I was a professional

MC but no, I was not. It was just God that has helped me.

I learned also how to lead a group and apply different leadership styles to

peculiar situations. As the teaching practice leader, I had nine others to lead and

ensure that the related well with each other.

My problem solving and decision making skills were improved. I was

assigned settle some disputes and as a consequence, I made decisions that were

crucial to resolving such conflicts and ensured peace in the organization. I

handled many disputes between some pupils and other pupils, some student-

teachers and other and student-teachers, and also between some permanent

staff and other of their colleagues.

I improved my classroom and chalkboard management skills during my

time there. As each day passed by, I saw improvement in my relationship with

the pupils and they also saw reasons why they should not disturb when am

teaching them. I came to understand that while teaching young learners, I must

learn how to sing, be funny, friendly and do all the things that will make them

happy, keep them smiling and interested in the lesson. These made them focused

and eliminated noise and other deviant behavior from the learners. When I

started teaching, the way I wrote on the board was different from the way I wrote

on the fifth week. In the former, my writing was bending while in the latter, it

was straight. My host teacher offered me guidance and improved my chalkboard

skills until I mastered the art.

2.3. Working Relationship with the staff

During my time in this organization, I had a very good working

relationship with the staff which was very obvious to everyone in the school. My

relationship with the staff was so good such that many people thought I was a

permanent staff.

I assisted my class teacher seriously by ensuring that my selected subjects

did not have any lapses. I wrote my notes and as when due, and taught the

learners effectively. My funny nature as a person was also a strength which

enabled me to cope and relate with every staff seamlessly. In my class teacher’s

absence, I made sure I cover also her areas and ensured that her absence was not


The head teacher was another staff I had very close working relationship

with. She took me like her assistant. She sent me on errands, assigned me duties,

gave me instructions and guidelines for operations, she involved me in some

decision making and other such activities that were necessary for any formal

organization to run smoothly. Perhaps my speed, and accuracy in delivering or


carrying out any assigned task was the more reason why she perceives total

reliability on me.

I had good working relationship with every other teacher especially those

we were assigned to carryout a particular task as a group. Like for instance, when

we were asked to drill learners and take them out for a quiz competition, I was

assigned to carry out this task alongside with the class teacher of Primary 5A.

She was not disposed at the time and as a result, she communicated her

shortcomings tome, I was happy to cover for her. I ensured that I taught all the

subjects including the ones she was due to take. During the actual day of the quiz

competition, she told me to relax even though we were supposed to take them

out together. She took the selected learners to the local government council for

the quiz competition. This relief from her enabled me to do other things.

If I did not have a good working relationship with the staff, the event

planning teacher wouldn’t have included me among the five teachers who

competed for the staff race during the inter-house sport festival which I

eventually emerged as the winner. This performance also earned me an award

from the school management.

From the gifts and other items, I received, the comments teachers made,

their excitement whenever I am around and their general love and positive

attitude towards me, were enough reasons to believe that I related well with

every staff in the school.



This section deals with a thorough qualitative analysis of the organization

in which I conducted my practicum exercise. For the purpose of clarity,

simplicity, and ease in the understanding of this section, analyses and comments

were organized under the following sub-headings: 3.1. Formal and informal

relationship; 3.2. Strengths of the organization; 3.3. Weaknesses of the

organization; 3.4. Suggestions for improvement and 3.5. Conclusion.

3.1. Formal and informal relationship.

3.1.1. Formal relationship

Formal relationship exists in every formal organization where rules and

regulations must be maintained. It is also in formal organization that the

established hierarchy of authority or bureaucracy must be given their due

respect, honour and loyalty. Given this brief background, I can say that the staff

of this organization had anddisplayed formal relationship with the head teacher,

assistant head teacher and other fellow teachers in the school. Most of them

came to school very early and performed all the duties assigned to them by the

head teacher. They worked cooperatively with each other in achieving set goals,

and delivered messages across to each other as sent by either the head teacher

or other external supervisors. The head teacher also organized meetings where

important matters which affected the school are discussed.

As a person, I maintained formal relationship with the staff, student-

teachers and the pupils of this organization during my brief time with them.

I related formally with the head teacher and the assistant head teacher by

ensuring that I acted and performed duties according to their instructions. I

made sure that all assigned tasks were performed and on time. I brought to their

notice, any information or suggestions that I considered necessary and likely to

promote the attainment of set goals. As the managers of this organization, the

head teacher and her assistant also helped me a lot because through their

counsel, the task they assigned to me, their suggestions, guidance, comments,

encouragement and the overall exposure, I was able to perform duties which led

to a significant increase and improvement in my abilities and overall


My host teacher i.e. the teacher in primary 6A, was one person I respected

a lot and worked closely with. I related with her formally as well because I acted

on her instructions especially those that led to the performance of teaching and

learning duties. I assisted her in teaching the pupils certain subjects mentioned

earlier in section two of this report. She on the other hand, made sure she guided

me where necessary. We worked together and instructed the learners in our

class, and made sure that we exhausted all the curriculum contents for second

term. She often called or text me when she cannot make it to school and I also

made sure her complains reached the head teacher who will as well relate same

to supervisors in case they were around.

I maintained good formal relationship with other staff in the organization.

I made sure that tasks assigned to us as a group, were jointly performed as a


With the student-teachers, since I was their leader, I transferred all

relevant information from the head teachers or from the University of Calabar

to them. I listened to their complaints and challenges and made sure that a

solution was made available to them. I also offered them instructions and

guidance that I felt were necessary to ensure their overall success during their

time here.

For the pupils, I ensured that I played my role as their teacher by teaching

them and attending to their questions. I loved them and I made sure that I

offered them all the information they needed to excel academically, and the ones

they needed to develop into meaningful individuals in the society. I gave learners

who did well gifts and other items such aspen, books, rulers, erasers, sharpener,

mathematical sets etc. as a means of encouraging their hard work. We

communicated as a family and during free periods, we told stories and recite

poems together.

3.1.2. Informal Relationship

By informal relationship, I mean those relationships we engaged in with other

people that were not too necessary for the attainment of organizational goals but

that were very important in making other workers feel a sense of love, belonging,

and excitement. This included grapevine communication and other activities

geared towards staff welfare and mutual understanding.

From the above, the teachers in this organization were observed to belong to one

clique or the other. Some of them engaged in thrift or other forms of

contribution. I observed that many teachers were very close to some teachers

than others and usually communicated issues that are personal to their very

close friends. They engage in other activities that ensured the welfare of others.

Generally, during marriages, child dedications, burials and other events directly

involving any staff, they entire staff including the head teachers contributed

monies and visited the affected teacher. The affected teacher on the other hand,

also host the staff during such visits by preparing a place for them, arranging

food or drinks or both as the case maybe.

As an individual, I maintained informal relationship with the head teacher,

my class teacher, and some staff of the organization. Due to my close relationship

with the head teacher, and also given the fact that her office was next to primary

6A, I visited her from time to time. She believed and had so much confidence in

me as an upcoming administrator and as a consequence, she discussed many

problems affecting the school with me. I treated all informal discussions

especially those involving other staff with total confidentiality because it was a

privilege to hear them and I was aware the head teacher did not tell everyone

such things. She also shared her personal administrative experiences with me

putting me in a better position to learn from her experiences. Sometimes she

sought for my suggestions and counsel so as to see my own point of view. Where

I can, I suggested and where I am not experienced enough, I made her know.

I maintained informal relationship with my class teacher, some staff and

some student teachers. My class teacher and I were so closed that I got to know

her birthday, her family background, and academic history. I visited her at home

and she also visited me too. She bought gifts and made sure that whenever she

bought snacks for herself, she also bought for me. I caught an inspiration from

this and also made it habitual that whenever I bought snacks for myself, I also

bought for her. This continued to a point where if I don’t have enough money to

buy for two, I would rather not buy at all. We also exchanged information

relating to societal issues, marital issues, religious issues, health issues and even

some issues affecting the school. We exchanged videos, music and other files in

our phones and also took photographs together from time to time.

3.2. Strengths of the organization

The followings are some of the identified the strengths of this organization.

i. Best Early Child Care and Development Education (ECCDE) public primary

school: through one of its teachers, the school was ranked number one in the

state in early child care and development. This teacher has attracted many

foreigners to the school to observe her and make video recordings of her

techniques. It is because of this jolly phonic expert that made the Cross River

State Universal Basic Education Board chairman (Dr. Barr. Stephen Odey),

to send one of his children for ECCDE in the school.

ii. Good professional and quality teachers: The school have good quality

teachers with a very good knowledge of instruction and classroom

management. As a matter of fact, all the permanent staff of this primary

school are all degree holders and some master's degree holders. The teachers

here, are very friendly and willing to discharge their duties as well as help

young teachers like us to develop.

iii.A knowledgeable head teacher: The head teacher of the school is also a very

knowledgeable woman. She is well vested with good leadership and enviable

administrative qualities. She has good working relationship with her staff.

She often made decisions that encouraged her teachers to be willing to work

and ready to accept responsibilities everytime.

iv. Good geographical location: The mere location of the school inside the

University of Calabar community, was considered a strength by me because,

it provided good environment for teaching and learning to thrive. The

atmosphere is also conducive for extra-curricular activities.

v. Large population of pupils: The school have also a significant number of

pupils (504 pupils). Many primary schools in Calabar metropolis, cannot

boast up to this number. It is as a result of this population that led to each

classes having two or more streams for effective teaching and learning.

vi. Good restrooms: The school also have good restrooms for both the staff and

pupils. These rest rooms are often neatly kept by the pupils under the

supervision, control and guidance of the teachers on duty.

vii. Adequate number of available Chalk/white board: The school also have

adequate and sufficient number of white/chalk board. In terms of this, the

school can boast a total of 28 boards (24 chalk and 4 whiteboards), with each

class having a minimum of atleast two boards. Some classes even have up to

three or four boards.

viii. A large land mass: The school is also blessed with a large land mass for

expansion and other purposes. It is rare to see a school in an urban region

with this kind of land mass. The land is so large that almost all the teachers

have their own unique farm gardens, including the school general garden, and

there is still enough space for learners to play and runabout.


3.3. Weaknesses of the organization

The organization also have some weaknesses which from my observations,

are capable of hindering it from achieving her set goals. Some of the perceived

weaknesses include:

i. Insufficient buildings: the school from inception till now, possess only a

meagre amount of 5 blocks. This few blocks house the entire classrooms and

offices. The five buildings are not enough because streams that were supposed

to operate independently under an ideal condition, are merged in one

classroom. Such is the case with primary 5, 4, 3 and primary 2.

ii. Dilapidated buildings: Even when the school had few buildings available,

many of them are faded and worn out. Only two blocks can be reported to be

in a good state while the other three buildings are either having one fault, or

the other. Some poor qualities associated with these three blocks include

leaking roofs, fallen or suspended ceiling, bad doors or windows, etc. All these

contributed to hinder the teaching and learning process. For instance, during

rainy season, am sure many classes including my own class primary 6A will

not receive any lesson due to leaking roofs.

iii. No source of electrical power: In the 21st century, one expects every school to

be digital. Sadly, this is not the case with Government primary school Obufa-

Esuk. The school does not have a source of electrical power. There are no

electrical poles linked to the school. This is a bad situation because a school

close to the prestigious University of Calabar, should be electrified. The school

does not also own any generating set of any kind. The implication is that

learners learn under a high temperature which can limit the function of their

cognitive domain. Many teachers as a result cannot sit in their classroom to

relax, instead they move their seats to treeshades as a means of getting fresh

air or oxygen.

iv. Inadequate teaching and learning materials: Teaching and learning materials

such as textbooks,charts, tables, desk etc. are not provided, the school library

is poorly equipped as it does not contain good and quality textbooks that suit

the needs of teachers and pupils. The number of desk available to learners are

not in the same proportion with the number of learners available in the

school. Hence, in some classes, learners sit up to six in one desk while in other

classes, some learners sit on the ground. These shortages in the supply of

resources cannot make for a good learning atmosphere.

v. Insufficient number of teachers: it is one thing to have professional and

qualified teachers, and it is yet another thing to have them adequately. The

teachers in this organization by own judgment are not enough. A school with

about 504 pupils should also have close to 30 teachers for a good teacher-

pupil ratio. Yet, given the large population of pupils in the school, she can only

boast only a total of 19 permanent teachers. If not for the additional 12

teachers who are Npower, it means that many streams will be without

teachers or many teacher s will be overloaded with many pupils which will

further lead to ineffectiveness on the part of the teacher.

vi. No computer laboratory: With the development and advancement in

technology, one expects every school to own and manage a computer

laboratory that will be used to train learners in the practical aspect of

computing. This school does not own even a keyboard nor mouse let alone a

complete system. Perhaps it is because of the problem of electricity that

hindered them from owning systems.

3.4. Suggestions for improvement

The follow suggestions below have been put forth with the hope that if

properly adhered to or followed, will lead to an improvement in the organization.

i. The Government, other NGOs and the school Alumni should make

provisions of buildings and other necessary infrastructure. This will

eliminate the problem of shortages in buildings and ensure that the

organization have enough physical structures to run smoothly.

ii. The school administrators, teachers, pupils, as well as the public must

maintain a good attitude towards all the facilities in the school. It was

revealed that some facilities went bad due to poor usage from individuals

within and outside the organization.

iii. The government should ensure the school plant as much as they inspect

teachers so as to detect bad buildings and take note of their replacement or


iv. The government and the university of Calabar community should assist this

organization with electricity which will in turn enhance and promote a good

teaching and learning environment. The government should provide

electricity by providing direct power from PHED to the school. The

University of Calabar can help by providing a generating set or a small power

plant for the school.

v. More provisions of teaching and learning materials such as computers,

textbooks, charts, should be provided, desks for pupils etc. should be


provided to enable the teachers in the school discharge their duties


vi. More teachers should be supplied to the school by the government. This will

increase the teacher to pupil ratio making it possible for one teacher to have

a classroom of manageable size. This will also help the teachers meet the

needs of the learners and promote understanding in the learners.

3.5. Conclusion

Summarily, I will conclude by saying that this exercise is very interesting

and educative. It is something every student should take seriously rather than

contemptuously. The experience derived during this short period of time has

expanded further, my administrative knowledge and competence. It offered me

the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired while in school. I

was able to see for myself easily, those things lecturers were struggling to explain

for my understanding. I have made new connections and some lifetime

relationship while here.

Therefore, I will not hesitate to recommend that this course be continued

in this department and that the duration for this practicum exercise be extended

more than the current six weeks’ minimum period. This will enable

undergraduates to have along duration to demonstrate practically how to plan,

organize, direct and carryout other administrative duties.

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