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Babysitting His Baby1

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You can do this, Melissa. Just get in the damn

building and get it over with.
I am standing outside Edwards’ Enterprise, and I
have been trying to get myself to just go in there
and get this interview over with. I don’t understand
why I am so nervous. I mean, it is just an interview,

No biggie, but I am so worried that I might even

have a panic attack. Just kidding. It is safe to blame
my nervousness on my adorable puppy, Molly. She
is so damn cute but so damn vicious at the same

My very cute puppy has eaten virtually all my flat

shoes. I think Molly gains pleasure in seeing me
suffer. I swear, she knows just how much I love
wearing my flats and has taken it upon herself to
make my life miserable by eating all my shoes and
leaving me to wear these heels.

To be honest, I love heels. I mean, I really love them.

Like I buy them every time I visit a store. They are so
pretty that I just can’t bring myself to pass them by
whenever I see them, and to think I don’t even wear
them. I only wear them occasionally, like on dates,
and let me tell you: I don’t go on dates.

I just wear my heels, play music, and dance around

my room. Unfortunately, I have been subjected to
wearing heels today, and it is all because of that
cute puppy of mine.

“Enough with the ranting, Melissa. Go get yourself

that job,” I mentally chide myself.

I finally muster the courage to enter that building,

but I am too damn nervous to admire the interior.
Sightseeing can be done later because I have to get
myself that job first. So I walk up to what I assume
should be the receptionist’s desk.
“Good morning. How may I help you?” the
receptionist asks politely.

But she is way too polite, and her smile is fake and
forced, like she isn’t happy to be at work.

Did I mention she is drop-dead gorgeous? She could

be a model. Blonde hair styled to perfection, blue
eyes, clear skin, and so on. What the hell am I going
to do if being gorgeous were required to get a job
here? What…
“How may I help you, Miss?” the receptionist

I guess I zoned out on her.

“I am here for the 9’o’clock interview.”

She nods robotically before flipping through

something that looks like the size of a dictionary.
“Melissa Brooks,” she says, and I nod in
“The elevator is right in that corner. Use this card to
gain access to the last floor.” She points to the
elevator and hands me a plastic card.

“Thank you.”

She smiles. “Welcome to Edwards’ Enterprise.”

Forget about Barbie and go get yourself that damn
job,I mutter to myself.

The elevator ride is not of any help at all. It is so

fucking silent and terribly slow, I imagine getting
stuck in the elevator while a zombie shoves its hand
through the door and try to…

Finally, the ding of the elevator brings me out of my

Ignore that.I watch too many horror movies these
days. I get out of the elevator and go through a
revolving door, but what I see shocks me.

I expected this place to be sparkling clean and

noise-free, but it is filled with the cries of a baby and
just one baby is making this much noise. Many
people around her are trying to get her to quiet
down, but she isn’t having any of it. Her dress is
covered in stains, probably from the treats she’s
been trying to shove away.

“Why won’t she stop crying?” It is a male talking this

time, his voice laced with distress and worry.
“I don’t know why she won’t stop.”

It’s a woman this time, and guess what? She is

gorgeous and blonde. Come to think of it, all the
ladies here are blonde. Being a blonde can’t possibly
be a requirement, right? The ad didn’t mention
anything about applicants being blonde.

“Did you check her diaper?” It’s the male’s voice

“Yes, I did that already,” someone else says.

Someone else asks, “What if she’s sick or


“She doesn’t have a temperature,” another person

pipes up. The baby’s cries are louder now.
“Can I check on her?” someone asks, and every eye
in the room turns on me.

That is when I realize I am the one who spoke up.

I clear my throat. “Well, can I?”

The male voice demands, “Who are you?”

Just as I’m about to answer, the baby opens her
mouth and wails.

“Does it really matter right now?” I walk up to the

baby without waiting for permission anymore and
took her from another blonde woman. I hold her in
my arms for a bit and rock her until she quiets down
for a few moments, but soon begins wailing again.

She is adorable if you look past the swollen face. I

practically melt when she locks eyes with me.
But why is she crying so much? Oh, she can’t be any
older than nine months.

“Where is her teether?” I demand.

“What is that? And why would she need that?” The

male voice again.

“She needs it because she is a baby, and she is

obviously growing teeth,” I snap as I jostle the poor
dear in my arms in an attempt to quiet her again.

“She doesn’t have one,” he tells me.

“Yeah, I figured,” I mutter. “Can I get water,


Before I can blink, there is a water bottle in my hand

already. With it, I wash my hand in the bowl beside
me, and I put my pinky finger in her mouth.
Her tiny hands grab my finger and she sticks it into
her mouth to gum it. I bet she is using my finger to
scratch them. Poor baby, she must be hurting so
badly, and the people around her don’t know how
to take care of her.

I cradle her to my chest, nestling her head on my

breast. She is so fucking cute, and I just can’t resist
cute. I am a sucker for pretty girls. I smile at her, and
she smiles back. At least I think she smiled back. I
start gently bouncing her on my legs to get her to
Within minutes her eyes flutter close, but she hasn’t
released my finger. I continue to sit there, just
rocking her to sleep. Everything else disappears at
that moment. It’s just me and her and my
heartaches. I know I shouldn’t be carrying her like
this. I should have just ignored her cries and tears
and left. But I didn’t. Like always, I couldn’t resist it.

Now I don’t want to let go of her. At least, not yet.

Chapter 1
Have I mentioned how adorable this baby is? If I
haven’t, I am going to repeat it. She is so friggin
adorable that I never want to let her go. Her mother
must be so proud to have her. She must be thrilled
to have this cutie as her baby. Looking at her now
makes me remember something I never want to
remember again.

I could have had a baby like her, too. She would be

four years old now, but I was deprived of that right.
He took my baby away from me, he…

“Umm… Can I have my baby back now?” It’s that

male voice again, and this time, I turn to face him.

Well, shit, this is one fine man.

He is so beautiful, even with his hair looking like a
car ran through it. He looks good enough to eat. His
eyes are so black, I can drown from staring at them
and his lips, man...Even though they are pressed in a
thin line, they still look so kissable. His nose is a little
crooked. It must be from an accident.

I’m already drooling at this point. I mean, he is so

damn HOT. He fills his suit so perfectly that I could
almost see his abs. He could be a model.
“Stop staring,” he snaps, and that is when I realize
that I still haven’t replied to what he said. Hell, I
can’t even remember what he said. He must have
seen the confusion on my face, because he
repeated himself.

“I asked you to stop staring, and will you please give

me my baby.”

Huh…. Rude much?

“Your baby?” I confirm. He is this baby’s father. That
is a shame. Mr. Hot Stuff is already married.

“Yes, my baby,” he repeats slowly this time.

I resist the urge to laugh at him. He must think that I

am stupid. “Oh, I am sorry, I just….”

He interrupts me. “Don’t bother. Just let me have

my baby. I don’t have time for all this.” He rakes his
hand through his dark hair.
“Rude much?” I scoff.

“What did you say?”

Oh shit, I said that out loud.

“Yes, you did,” he says. He looks like he’s about to

blow up.

Wait, can he read my mind? I am very sure I didn’t

say that out loud.

“You said it out loud, and you are still saying it. See,
I don’t have time for all these mind games. I have an

This time, I’m the one who interrupts him. “Oh my

God, the interview. Where is it being held? I am
pretty sure I’ve missed it by now.” I panic and try to
catch my breath.

Good lord, how did I forget about the interview? I

am such a fool.

“Are you here for the interview?” Mr. Hot Stuff


“Yes. I am sure it is over by now.” I check my watch.

It’s already 9:30. So much for coming early. Get
used to living on the streets, Melissa. Ben will surely
throw you out of his house now.

“Yeah. It should be over by now, but the interview

hasn’t happened,” Mr. Hot Stuff says.

“What do you mean, it hasn’t happened?”

“Did you do your research about this company at

all?”he asks, instead.
“No, I didn’t have the time to do that. I applied at
the very last minute.” I look away.

He lifts his eyebrow. “You are in luck, Miss….”

“Brooks,” I supply.

He nods. “Miss Brooks. The interview has been

rescheduled for tomorrow by 9am.”
“Really?” I ask, and he nods to confirm.

“That is good then,” I mutter to myself, looking back

at the baby sleeping in my arms. Her hold on my
finger has loosened now. I guess it is time to give
her to her father.

I stand up gently and hand the baby back to her

father’s outstretched hand. My arms feel empty
immediately, but I let her go.
What the hell is wrong with you, Melissa? You only
held her for an hour.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and check out

Mr. Hot Stuff. The sight of him holding the baby
makes my heart clench, and I feel my eyes water.

And that’s my cue to get out of here. I can’t

embarrass myself.
I slowly make my way to the revolving door, but Mr.
Hot Stuff’s voice stops me.

“Miss Brooks, thanks for your help. I appreciate it,”

he says.

I smile and say nothing else.

I let out the breath I don’t even realize I’ve been

holding once I exit the building. That was intense. I
already miss the baby; I miss the feeling of having

I knew it was a bad idea to hold her first, but I just

couldn’t resist. So now I have myself attached to a
baby and I don’t even know her name.

Way to go, Melissa.

Chapter 2
Melissa’s POV
After the interview that didn’t happen, I took a nap,
then just sat around, thinking about the baby, while
flipping through a magazine. And that is when Mr.
Hot Stuff’s words come back to haunt me.

Did you do your research about this company at all?

I try to ignore that question, but it just won’t leave
my head.

Well fuck it, I might as well do the research.

I go to my room and turn on my laptop. I pull up a

search engine and type Edwards’ Enterprise. A
result comes out immediately.

“Edwards’ Enterprise headquarters and branches.

The history of Edwards’ Enterprise. The face and
brain of Edwards’ Enterprise. That sounds

I am talking to myself. I click on the face and brains

of Edwards’ Enterprise. I leave to get the bowl of ice
cream left in the fridge while the page loads.

“Let us have a look at what my future boss looks

like, shall we, Molly?” I ask my dog, and she barks in
I make my way back to my room, with Molly
following closely behind me. The face that greets
me on my laptop shocks the shit out of me and I
almost drop my ice cream. But a girl can’t afford to
lose her last bowl of ice cream, can she?

At least I can’t afford to lose my last bowl of ice


It can’t be him. Oh, Jesus. What have you done,

I sit down and slowly scroll down to confirm if he is
actually who I think he is. His bio is written at the
end of the picture.

Name: Javier Edwards

Position: CEO and Owner of Edwards’ Enterprise

Age: 28 years

Marital status: Single

“Good. He is older than me by four years. That is not

How on earth did he accumulate such wealth at

such a young age?

He can’t be single. He has a daughter, right? I

continue scrolling until I get to the part of his bio
that talked about his baby.
Her name is Luciana Edwards, and my guess is spot
on. She is just nine months old. Her mother,
Gabriella, died in a car accident two months after
Lucy’s birth, and that was all about Lucy.

There is just a picture of her mother and no picture

of Lucy at all. Her mother was so beautiful. Lucy will
surely grow up to be a gorgeous girl, judging by her
mother and father’s looks alone. There are no
details about Gabriella and Javier’s relationship with
her. But it is such a pity that the cute little pumpkin
will have to grow up without her mother.

“Since he is very single, you still stand a chance with

him, Melissa.”
Hold your horses, young miss. Where the hell did
you get that thought from?Nobody is standing a
chance with anyone. I quickly close my laptop
before I get tempted to search about the
“Melissa, open the door,” Ben shouts, pounding the
door at the same time.

You are probably wondering who Ben is. Well, Ben is

the owner of this building. Ben is way older than
me, like thirty years older than I am, but the silly
man wants a relationship. He is always giving me
this weird look and staring at my body like a creep.
I’ve told him off already, but he just won’t budge.

Did I mention he is really creepy? He is a fucking

“Melissa,” he shouts louder this time, and his
pounding gets louder, too.

“We better go answer him before he kicks the door

down,” I tell Molly.

You can’t blame me for talking to Molly all the time.

She is the only company I have.

I open the door and slip out, closing the door behind
me. I can’t afford to be alone with Ben. Talking right
outside my door is way safer than letting him in.

Have I mentioned that Ben is obese? Like, I mean,

really huge. Well, let me tell you: Ben is big. Like, so
fat that he could crush me with the palm of his
hands alone.

I know it is not nice to call people fat, but with Ben,

it’s different. He doesn’t seem to care about his
shape at all, and I think he probably believes himself
attractive. Why else would he think I would want
anything to do with him when he looks like… a
motherfucking bulldozer?
Maybe he doesn’t own a mirror.

“You still haven’t paid your rent, Melissa,” he

reminds me.

I cringe. “I know, Ben. I still have time, right? You

gave me a deadline, and it is not here yet.” I try to
remain calm as much as I can. I don’t want to piss
him off by pushing the wrong button.
He can crush me in a heartbeat.

“But it will be here soon,” he coos, giving me that

creepy look.

You know the creepy look I mentioned? Well, he is

giving me that look again, and I try my best not to
shudder in disgust.
“I will pay up before then,” I assure him.

“You know, you can always pay up another way.” He

eyes my body with lustful eyes.

I try really hard not to vomit. “There is no need for

that, Ben. I will pay you.”

He shrugs. “The offer still stands anyway. I know

one day you will take my offer.” He winks and
“Over my dead body, Ben. I would rather be
homeless than sleep with your fat ass,” I mutter to
myself. But I can’t say that to him just yet. I can’t
afford to have him throw me out, can I?

My deadline is on Saturday, and today is just

Monday. I have to get myself that job no matter
what I have to do.

I enter my apartment and close the door after Molly

walks in after me. “Let us go to bed, Molly.
Tomorrow is another day.” I hope it’s better than

And the interview actually happens.

Comments (8)
goodnovel comment avatar
Yeah it is the dog
goodnovel comment avatar
I honestly loved how she described Ben... Hilarious!
goodnovel comment avatar
Rose SB
Wow, not liking her character at all.
Chapter 3
Javier’s POV

I had to go back home early today because of my

daughter. That woman said she was teething. She
calmed Lucy down in no time, but an hour after she
left, my baby started crying again and wouldn’t
stop, no matter how much I tried to persuade her.
Finally, I put her teether in her mouth, and she
stopped crying for five minutes until that got old,
and she began wailing her head off again.

You must be wondering why I took her along to the

office. Well, my lovely daughter’s nanny of one day
quit just this morning. She claimed my daughter was
too much for her to handle. I don’t understand
what’s too much to manage about a nine-month-old

In the last month, she has gone through ten

nannies, all of them saying the same thing about my
daughter. When the nanny quit this morning, I
called the embassy but they refused to send a
replacement caretaker. They said all the other
nannies claimed my daughter was a headache.

After what happened today, I can honestly say Lucy

is a handful. There isn’t anything I can do to get her
to stop crying. The only time she doesn’t cry is when
she is eating.

And when that woman was holding her.

Now Lucy has gone to bed after a long, warm bath. I
didn’t realize she loved to play in her bath. I spent
thirty minutes over the sink with Lucy in her little
tub while she splashed water all over my body. I was
soaked by the time she was done with bathing.

I rocked her for a half hour before she finally fell

asleep, and I set her down in her crib. And now I am
spending my peaceful moment in my study trying to
get some work done.
How the hell am I going to cope tomorrow? I have
to take her along to the office again. I can’t keep
this up for even a week.

What the hell am I going to do?

Then it hit me: Miss Brooks. I pick up my phone and

dial the receptionist’s number. She answers on the
third ring.
“Mr. Edwards,” she greets me.

“Sorry to disturb you, Miss Stone. Can I get

information about the woman that came for the
interview today?” I ask pleasantly.

“What would you like to know, sir?”

“Give me her full name, age, and marital status.”

“Okay, sir, please hold on.”

I hear some kind of noise, like she’s typing in the


“Found it. Melissa Brooks and she is 24 years old,”

she informs me.
“Is she married? Engaged?” I prompt.

“No, sir, it states here that she is single.”

“Thanks for your help, Miss Stone.”

“No problem, sir. Good night, sir,” she answers.

I don’t bother to reply; I just hang up. I can’t afford
to get familiar with my employees. I keep everything
professional with every single one of them.

Melissa Brooks. You might wonder why I asked for

her information. I think congratulations are in order.
I found a nanny for my daughter. Now all I have to
do is convince her to take the position. I have to
make sure she won’t be able to refuse.
You really shouldn’t have left so soon, Gabriella.

My phone saves me from going too deep into the


“Hello there, Josephine,” I greet my little sister.

“When will you call me Sophia like everyone does,

Javi?” She always asks this question, and the answer
has always been the same: never.

“You know the answer to that, Josephine. Now tell

me why you are calling at thistime of the night.”

She scoffs. “Can’t wait to get rid of me, brother? I

wonder why. Am I interrupting something?”

“Josephine,” I warn.
She sighs. “Okay, fine, I called to check up on you
and Lucy.”

“We are fine.” There is no point in telling her about

Lucy’s tantrums.

“I don’t think so. A little birdie told me that your

nanny quit this morning, and you had to take Lucy
along to your workplace,” she says in a sing-song
“Joseph is such a girl.”

“He isn’t. He just can’t keep anything from his twin


“Yeah. Keep defending him. I swear Joseph was

meant to be a girl. The both of you switched
gender,” I tease her.

“Yeah, whatever. Don’t change the topic. Tell me

about your day.”

“It was fine. Apart from the fact that Lucy is teething
and she wouldn’t stop crying,” I finally tell her.
There is no point hiding it now… that twin brother
of hersis a blabbermouth.

“Poor thing. I remember when Anna’s baby was

teething, too. She wouldn’t stop crying.”

I cringe. “I don’t know if you are trying to make

me feel better or not, because let me tell you, you
aren’t helping at all.”

She laughs. “Don’t worry, big brother. It gets better.

Have you tried to get a nanny?”

“I tried, but nobody is willing to be my daughter’s


“That’s horrible,” she says with another laugh.

“Lucy isn’t that stubborn. Such a sweet girl, that

“That’s what you think, but just try to spend a day

with her. You will feel like pulling your hair out,” I

“Oh, my poor brother. Lucy took after her mother.”

Thankfully, I don’t have to respond to that as Lucy

cries resoundthroughout the house.
“Sorry, Josephine, but I have to cut our little chat
short. My lovely daughter needs my attention now.”

She chuckles. “Okay. Good night and good luck with

that little champ.”

“Goodnight, Josephine.”

Why is the baby crying this time? I enter her room. I

swear, it hurts to enter this room sometimes. It
reminds me a lot of Ella.

I pick my baby up, and she quiets for a while before

starting all over again. I check her diapers and
grimace. Gross. I change them and put her teether
in her mouth.

I sit on the rocking chair and cuddle her back to

Just one more day, Javier. You can do this.
Chapter 4
Melissa’s POV

My alarm rings at exactly 7oclock in the morning. I

can’t wake up earlier than that. If I do, then I would
look like a vampire. I swear, I love my sleep.
I freshen up and tie my robe. I make my coffee just
the way I like it: very sugary and creamy. Don’t hate.
I believe coffee is meant to be enjoyed.

I don’t understand why people drink coffee black

and not sugary. I mean, is there any joy in that? Like
I said, don’t hate. I am not going to judge. I feed
Molly her treat and get ready for my interview.

I wear a black sheath dress and a white blazer,

which I pair with red pumps. I put on some lip gloss
and eyeliner, the only makeup I know how to apply
correctly. I grab my bag and coat from the rack. The
weather around here is unpredictable.

It is 8 o’clock by the time I finish. I’m making good

time. The office is just a thirty-minute drive from my

Crossing my fingers.

I snatch my car keys from the counter and waved

bye to Molly. I lock the door behind me.
Well, here goes nothing. I hope today turns out well.

I enter the company’s building.

Just as I’m about to greet Barbie good morning, she
waves me off. So I guess I won’t be greeting her in
the future. Instead, I head straight for the elevator
and use the access card she assigned me yesterday.

Today is different. There are no baby cries. It is

actually silent and sparklingly clean.

There is nothing out of place here. Looking at it

now, I can almost believe yesterday’s episode didn’t
happen. I make my way to the secretary’s desk.
“Good morning. How can I help you?” she asks in a
saccharine-sweet voice.

What is with all the workers here?

“Good morning, I am here for the interview,” I tell

her with a smile.

She eyes me with speculation. “Miss Brooks?”

The one and only. “Yes, that is me.”

“I will inform Mr. Edwards you are here.” She picks

up the phone.

The mention of his name gives me goosebumps. I

can’t help but worry about my behavior yesterday.
Was I rude at all yesterday? Did I say anything I
shouldn’t have said?
It really doesn’t matter, Melissa.

“He is ready to see you, Miss Brooks,” says the

second Barbie, indicating at the closed door on her

“Thank you.” I walk away from her desk and go up

to the door.

Should I knock? I mean, Barbie already informed

him of my presence.
Just knock, Brooks.

I knock on the door and open it without waiting for

a reply.

The space is bigger than my entire apartment. The

walls are made of glass, and have a perfect view of
the city. Yet, everything in here, down to the
furniture, is plain white, like my presence alone
might leave a mark.
I focus my attention back on the real reason I am

“Good morning, sir,” I say as politely as I can. I even

add a little saccharine sweetness.

“Good morning to you too, Miss Brooks. Seeing as

you are not the least bit shocked to see me, I
presume you have done your research,” he drawls.
I duck my head. “Yes, sir, I am sorry for not
recognizing you. I apologize if I said anything
inappropriate yesterday.”

I’m not feeling sorry at all. I just thought I should

clear the air, so I know that whatever I might have
said yesterday won’t hinder my chance of getting
the job.

“It is fine, Miss Brooks. Please take your seat.” He

points to the chair directly in front of him.
I sit down carefully, making sure no part of my body
touches the white seat. I mean, who uses white
furniture in an office?

“You applied for the position of my personal…”

He’s not really asking, but I answer, anyway. “Yes,

“You attended Harvard?” he asks, raising his

I don’t blame him. I would be surprised, too, if I

weren’t me. I never really cared about my education
at Harvard, but it was a massive deal for my dad, so
I had no other choice. “Yes, sir.”

“Why did you choose my company?”

“Because I need a job. Besides, your company has

great growth potential. I think it will be a good
working experience. Being your employee will look
good on my CV,” I answer truthfully. I might have
been too truthful.

He nods, but appears distracted. “I have an offer for

you, Miss Brooks, and I need you to think about it
before saying no to me.”

I worry immediately. He wouldn’t ask me to kill

someone for him, right? Do I look like a goon? Shut
up, Melissa. You really need to stop watching horror
“Okay, sir,” I say after a brief moment of hesitation.

“You met my daughter Lucy already….”

“Yes, and she is adorable,” I gush.

He smiles, again seemingly distracted. “Thanks. I

need a nanny for my daughter, and I need one
I cut in once more. “Why are you telling me this, sir?
Do you want me to search local agencies for you?”

He frowns and shakes his head. “Just let me finish,

Miss Brooks, and please do not interrupt me

My face reddens with embarrassment, but I nod.

“I have tried the agencies, but no one wants to be
my baby’s nanny. Truth be told, she has gone
through a total of ten nannies in just one month.”
He seems to consider his words and pauses.

Ten nannies in one month. Just wow, Lucy.

“Nobody could last longer than three days with her,

and I am in a really tight situation here. Which is
why I am offering you a position as my baby’s
I gotta admit, I didn’t see that one coming. What the
hell does he mean by: be my baby’s nanny? Do I
look like I'm somebody's nanny? I went to Harvard. I
am very sure I applied for the post of assistant. So
why the hell is he asking me to be his daughter’s

“I’m not sure I understand, sir.” I give him a chance

to clarify himself.

“I am asking you to be my daughter’s nanny.” He

says it slowly this time.
I wrinkle my nose and shake my head in bafflement.
“I don’t understand. You don’t even know me. Why

“Because you were fantastic with her yesterday, and

it looked like you know your way around, babies,”
he explains, spreading his hands before him.

I knew yesterday’s episode would come back and

bite me in the ass.
I open my mouth to reply, think better of my
response, close my mouth, and come up with an
alternate one. “Yeah, but… I am not a nanny.”

“I know. Here is the catch: the pay for the nanny

position is double the pay for the personal assistant
position,” he says with a shrug.

I clear my throat. “What happens if I refuse?”

“You have a good CV, so you’re still a viable
candidate for the personal assistant spot, but it’s
not a guaranteed hire. But if you accept this
caretaker position on a trial basis and find you can’t
manage Lucy, there will be a job waiting for you
here in my company,” he says in a perfectly
reasonable manner.

Cunning bastard. He knows exactly how irresistible

his offer is. Well, how hard can it be to take care of
a nine-month-old child?

“You don’t have to give me your answer

immediately. You can go home and think about it.”

I readily agree. “I would like that.”

He hands me a business card. “Call me when you

make your decision. Until tomorrow, Miss Brooks.”

Well, you just got dismissed, Melissa. So get your

ass out of his office.
“Have a nice day, sir.” I get up and walk out without
waiting for his reply.

I sure hope you have a nice day, Mr. Edwards,

because you just ruined my nice day with that offer
of yours.

More chapters downlload here

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