Concrete Manual
Concrete Manual
Concrete Manual
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
Aim: To determine crushing strength of a given aggregate as per IS: 2386 part – IV
9 A steel cylinder of internal diameter 15.2 cm (Steel cylinder with open ends)
9 A square base plate, plunger having a piston diameter of 15 cm.
9 A cylindrical measure of internal diameter of 11.5 and height 18 cms.
9 Steel tamping rod having diameter of 1.6 cms length 45 to 60 cms.
9 Balance of capacity 3 kg with accuracy up to 1 gm.
9 Compression testing machine capable of applying load of 40 tonnes at a
loading rate of 4 tonnes per minute
¾ The aggregate in surface-dry condition before testing and passing 12.5 mm
sieve and retained on 10 mm sieve is selected.
¾ The cylindrical measure is filled by the test sample of the aggregate in three
layers of approximately equal depth, each layer being tamped 25 times by
the rounded end of the tamping rod.
¾ After the third layer is tamped, the aggregates at the top of the cylindrical
measure are leveled off by using the tamping rod as a straight edge. Then
the test sample is weighed. Let that be w1 gm.
¾ Then the cylinder of test apparatus is kept on the base plate and one third of
the sample from cylindrical measure is transferred into cylinder and tamped
25 times by rounded end of the tamping rod.
¾ Similarly aggregate in three layers of approximately equal depth, each layer
being tamped 25 times by rounded end of the tamping rod.
¾ Then the cylinder with test sample and plunger in position is placed on
compression testing machine.
¾ Load is then applied through the plunger at a uniform rate of 4 tonnes per
minute until the total load is 40 tonnes and the load is released.
¾ Aggregates including the crushed position are removed from the cylinder
and sieved on a 2.36mm IS. sieve and material which passes this sieve is
collected and weighed. Let this be w2 gm.
¾ The above step is repeated with second sample of the same aggregate. The
two tests are made for the same specimen for taking an average value.
¾ Total weight of dry sample taken is w1 gm weight of the portion of crushed
material passing 2.36mm IS sieve be w2 gm.
Then the aggregate crushing value is defined as the ratio of weight of
fines passing the specified IS sieve to the total weight of the sample (w1).
Aggregate crushing value = 100*w2/w1%
The mean (average) of the crushing value aggregate is __________________%
Viva voce:
1. What do you understand by the term “Ten percent Fines value”?
2. Define aggregate crushing value and how crushing strength test is carried out on
cylindrical stone specimen explain.
3. What is the use or application of the aggregate crushing test?
1. Indian Standard Methods of Test for Aggregate for concrete IS: 2386 Part-IV,
Indian Standards Institution.
2. Indian Standard Specifications for Coarse and Fine Aggregate from Natural
Sources for Concrete, IS: 383 Indian Standards Institution.
3. S.K. Khanna, C.E.G. Justo, Highway Material Testing Laboratory Manual, Nem
Chand & Bros., Roorkee.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
Los Angeles Abrasion Test: - The principle of Los Angeles abrasion test is to find the
percentage wear due to the relative rubbing action between the aggregates and steel
balls used as abrasive charge pounding action of these balls also exist while conducting
the test. Maximum Allowable Los Angeles Abrasion Values of Aggregates in Different
types of pavement layers as per Indian Road Congress (IRC) are:-
For sub-base course a value of 60%. For base course such as WBM, Bituminous
Macadam (B.M.), Built – Up spray grout base course and etc. value of 50%.
For surface course such as WBM, BM, Bituminous Penetration Macadam,
Built-Up spray grout binder course and etc. a value of 40%.
If aggregates are used in surface course as Bituminous carpet, Bituminous
surface dressing, single or two coats, cement concrete surface coarse and etc. a value of
9 Los Angeles machine with inside diameter 70cm and inside length of
50%.Abrasive charges.
9 I.S Sieve with 1.7mm opening.
9 Weighting Balance of 0.1gm accuracy.
¾ Clean and dry aggregate sample confirming to one of the grading A to G is
used for the test. (Refer table no. 1)
¾ Aggregates weighing 5Kg for grading A, B, C or D and 10Kg for gradings
E, F or G may be taken as test specimen and placed in the cylinder.
¾ The abrasive charge is also chosen in accordance with table no.1 and placed
in the cylinder of the machine, and cover is fixed to make dust tight.
¾ The machine is rotated at a speed of 30 to 33 revolutions per minute.
¾ The machine is rotated for 500 revolutions for gradings A, B, C and D, for
gradings E, F and G, it shall be rotated for 1000 revolutions.
¾ After the desired number of revolutions, the machine is stopped and the
material is discharged from the machine taking care to take out entire stone
¾ Using a sieve of size larger than 1.70mm I.S sieve, the material is first
separated into two parts and the finer position is taken out and sieved further
on a 1.7mm I.S sieve.
¾ Let the original weight of aggregate be w1gm, weight of aggregate retained
on 1.70mm I.S sieve after the test be w2gm.
w1 − w2
Los Angeles abrasion value %= x100 .
Details of Sample Trail 1 Trail 2 Average
1 Weight of Specimen = W1 g
Weight of Specimen after abrasion test, coarser
than1.70 mm IS sieve = W2 g
3 Percentage wear = ((W1- W2) / W1) * 100
Weight in grams of each test sample in the size range, mm (Passing and retained on Square
Abrasive Charge.
No. of Weight of
80-63 63-50 50-40 40-25 25-20 20-12.5 12.5-10 10-6.3 6.3-4.75 4.75-2.36
Spheres charge, g
A - - - 1250 1250 1250 1250 - - - 12 5000+ 25
B - - - - - 2500 2500 - - - 11 4584+ 25
C - - - - - - - 2500 2500 - 8 3330+ 20
D - - - - - - - - - 5000 6 2500+ 15
E 2500 2500 5000 - - - - - - - 12 5000+ 25
F - - 5000 5000 - - - - - - 12 5000+ 25
G - - - 5000 5000 - - - - - 12 5000+ 25
The average value of two Los Angeles abrasion test is __________________%
Viva voce:
1. The abrasion value found from Los Angeles test for two aggregates A and B are 50%
and 38% respectively. Which aggregate is harder? Why? For what types of
constructions are these suitable?
2. Why Los Angeles abrasion test is considered superior to the other form of tests which
are used to determine the hardness of aggregates?
3. Two materials have abrasion values 3 and 10 respectively. Which one is harder and
1. Indian Standard Methods of Test for Aggregate for concrete IS: 2386 Part-IV, Indian
Standards Institution.
2. Indian Standard Specifications for Coarse and Fine Aggregate from Natural Sources
for Concrete, IS: 383 Indian Standards Institution.
3. S.K. Khanna, C.E.G. Justo, Highway Material Testing Laboratory Manual, Nem
Chand & Bros., Roorkee.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
Theory and Scope:
Toughness is the property of a material to easiest impact. Due to moving loads the
aggregates are subjected to pounding action or impact and there is possibility of stones breaking
into smaller pieces. Therefore a test designed to evaluate the toughness of stones i.e., the
resistance of the stones to fracture under repeated impacts may be called Impact test on
aggregates. The test can also be carried on cylindrical stone specimen known as Page Impact
test. The aggregate Impact test has been standardized by Indian Standard Institution. The
aggregate impact test is conducted as per IS-2386 Part IV.
The aggregate Impact value indicates a relative measure of the resistance of aggregate to
a sudden shock or an Impact, which in some aggregates differs from its resistance to a slope
compressive load in crushing test. A modified Impact test is also often carried out in the case of
soft aggregates to find the wet Impact value after soaking the test sample.
Various agencies have specified the maximum permissible aggregate Impact values for
the different types of pavements. IRC has specified the following values.
The maximum allowable aggregate Impact value for water bound Macadam; Sub-Base
coarse 50% where as cement concrete used in base course is 45%. WBM base course with
Bitumen surface in should be 40%. Bituminous Macadam base course should have A.I.V of
35%. All the surface courses should possess an A.I.V below 30%.
Aim: To determine the aggregate impact value of given aggregate as per I.S-2386 Part IV.
9 A cylindrical metal measure having 7.5cm and depth of 5cm for measuring
9 A tamping rod of circular cross section, 1cm in diameter and 23cm long, rounded
at one end.
9 I.S. sieve of sizes 12.5mm, 10mm and 2.36mm.
9 Balance of capacity not less than 500gm to weigh accurate up to 0.01gm.
¾ The test sample consists of aggregates passing 12.5mm sieve and retained on 10mm
sieve and dried in an oven for 4 hours at a temperature of 100 C to 110 C.
¾ The aggregates are filled upto about 1/3 full in the cylindrical measure and tamped 25
times with rounded end of the tamping rod.
¾ The rest of the cylindrical measure is filled by two layers and each layer being
tamped 25 times.
¾ The overflow of aggregates in cylindrically measure is cut off by tamping rod using it
has a straight edge.
¾ Then the entire aggregate sample in a measuring cylinder is weighted nearing to
¾ The aggregates from the cylindrical measure are carefully transferred into the cup
which is firmly fixed in position on the base plate of machine. Then it is tamped 25
¾ The hammer is raised until its lower face is 38cm above the upper surface of
aggregates in the cup and allowed to fall freely on the aggregates. The test sample is
subjected to a total of 15 such blows each being delivered at an interval of not less
than one second. The crushed aggregate is than removed from the cup and the whole
of it is sieved on 2.366mm sieve until no significant amount passes. The fraction
passing the sieve is weighed accurate to 0.1gm. Repeat the above steps with other
fresh sample.
¾ Let the original weight of the oven dry sample be w1gm and the weight of fraction
passing 2.36mm I.S sieve be w2gm. Then aggregate Impact value is expressed as the
% of fines formed in terms of the total weight of the sample.
100 * w2
Aggregate Impact Value = %.
Details of Sample Trail 1 Trail 2 Average
Total Weight of aggregate sample filling the cylinder
measure = W1 g
Weight of aggregate passing 2.36 mm sieve after the test
= W2 g
Weight of aggregate retained 2.36 mm sieve after the
test = W2 g
4 (W1- W2 + W3)
5 Aggregate Impact Value = (W2 / W1) * 100 Percent
The mean A.I.V is ______________________%.
Viva voce:
1. How is aggregate Impact expressed?
2. What do you understand by dry and wet Impact value?
3. Aggregate Impact value of material A is 15 and that of B is 35. Which one is better for
surface course?
1. Indian Standard Methods of Test for Aggregate for concrete IS: 2386 Part-IV, Indian
Standards Institution.
2. Indian Standard Specifications for Coarse and Fine Aggregate from Natural Sources for
Concrete, IS: 383 Indian Standards Institution.
3. S.K. Khanna, C.E.G. Justo, Highway Material Testing Laboratory Manual, Nem Chand
& Bros., Roorkee.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
FLAKINESS INDEX: The flakiness index of aggregates is the percentage by particles whose
least dimension (thickness) is less than 3/5th (0.6) of their mean dimension. The test is not
applicable to sizes smaller than 6.3mm.
ANGULARITY NUMBER: The angularity number of an aggregate is the amount by which the
percentage voids exceeds 33 after being compacted in a prescribed manner. The minimum
allowable combined index of aggregates used in surface course in different types of pavement is
Apparatus: - The apparatus consists of a standard thickness gauge, I.S. sieves of sizes 63, 50,
40, 31.5, 25, 20, 16, 12.5, 10 and 6.3mm and a balance to weigh the samples.
¾ The sample is sieved with the sieves mentioned in the table.
¾ A minimum of 200 pieces of each fraction to be tested are taken and weighed
¾ In order to separate flaky materials, each fraction is then gauged for thickness on
thickness gauge, or in bulk on sieve having elongated slots as specified in the table.
¾ Then the amount of flaky material passing the gauge is weighed to an accuracy of
atleast 0.1% of test sample.
¾ Let the weight of the flaky materials passing the gauge be w1gm. Similarly the
weights of the fractions passing and retained on the specified sieves be w1, w2, w3,
etc. are weighed and the total weight w1+w2+w3+………. = wg is found. Also the
weights of the materials passing each of the specified thickness gauge are found =
W1, W2, W3… and the total weight of the material passing the different thickness
gauges = W1+W2+W3+………. =Wg is found.
¾ Then the flakiness index is the total weight of the flaky material passing the various
thickness gauges expressed as a percentage of the total weight of the sample gauged
Flakiness Index =
(w1 + w2 + w3 + .......) x100
(W1 + W2 + W3 + .......)
= x100 %
Thickness Gauge
Apparatus: Length gauge, I.S-sieves as given in the table and a balance of accuracy
0.01 Gm.
¾ The sample is sieved through I.S-sieves specified in the table. A minimum of 200
aggregate pieces of each fraction is taken and weighed.
¾ Each fraction is thus gauged individually for length in a length gauge. The gauge
length is used should be those specified in the table for the appropriate material.
¾ The pieces of aggregates from each fraction tested which could not pass through the
specified gauge length with its long side are elongated particles and they are collected
separately to find the total weight of aggregate retained on the length gauge from each
¾ The total amount of elongated material retained by the length gauge is weighed to an
accuracy of atleast 0.1% of the weight of the test sample.
¾ The weight of each fraction of aggregate passing and retained on specified sieves
sizes are found – W1, W2, W3, …………. And the total weight of sample determined
= W1+W2+W3+……………. = Wg. Also the weights of material from each fraction
retained on the specified gauge length are found = x1, x2, x3… and the total weight
retained determined = x1+x2+x3+…… = x gm.
¾ The elongation index is the total weight of the material retained on the various length
gauges, expressed as a percentage of the total weight of the sample gauged.
Elongation Index =
(x1 + x2 + x3 + ........) x100 .
(W1 + W2 + W3 + .....)
Length Gauge
1. The apparatus consists of a metal cylinder closed at one end and of about 3 liter capacity.
The diameter and height of this being approximately equal i.e., about 15.64cms diameter
and 15.64cms height.
2. A metal tamping rod of circular cross section 1.6cms in diameter and 60cms in length
rounded at one end.
3. I.S. sieves of sizes 20, 16, 5, 10, 6.3 and 4.75mm and balance of capacity 10kg to weigh
upto 0.1gm.
¾ Metal cylinder is calibrated by determining the weight of water at 27ºC required to fill it,
so that no meniscers is present above the rim of the container.
¾ The sample of single size aggregate retained between the specified pair of sieves is dried
in an oven at a temperature 100ºC to 110ºC for 24 hours and cooled prior to testing.
¾ The aggregates are placed in the cylinder and subjected to 100 blows of the tamping rod
at a rate of about 2 blows per second. Each blow is applied by holding the rod vertically
with its rounded end 5cms above the surface of the aggregates and releasing it so that it
falls vertically and no force is applied to the rod.
¾ The process of filling and tamping is repeated exactly as described above with a second
and third layer of aggregate.
¾ After the third layer is tamped, the cylinder is filled to over flowing and the aggregates
are struck off level with the top using a tamping rod as a straight edge.
¾ The aggregate with cylinder is then weighed accurately.
¾ All the above steps are repeated on another sample and averages of two are represented.
Viva Voce:
1. Explain what is meant by flaky and elongated particles?
2. Explain Angularity Number. How is it found?
3. What do you understand by the term Combined Index?
1. Indian Standard Methods of Test for Aggregate for concrete IS: 2386 Part-I, Indian
Standards Institution.
2. Indian Standard Specifications for Coarse and Fine Aggregate from Natural Sources for
Concrete, IS: 383 Indian Standards Institution.
3. S.K. Khanna, C.E.G. Justo, Highway Material Testing Laboratory Manual, Nem Chand
& Bros., Roorkee.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
Aim: To determine the normal consistency and initial setting of a given sample of cement.
Apparatus: Vicat’s apparatus consisting of a frame, scale, mould, attachment and weight; a non
porous plate; tray; needle; plunger; stop watch, etc.
¾ Initially a cement sample of about 300gm is taken in a tray and is mixed with a known
percentage of water by weight of cement, say starting from 26% and then it is increased
by every 2% until the normal consistency is achieved.
¾ Thus a known % of water is added to cement to make a paste and is put into the mould
upto the top. The mould is kept on a non porous plate and is placed in the Vicat’s
¾ The plunger attachment is adjusted in such a way that it just touches the top surface of the
mould - initial reading is noted down and the plunger is allowed to fall into mould
slowly. After the plunger moves down into the mould completely, the final reading is
taken. The difference of initial and final reading gives penetration value.
¾ Then the cement paste in the mould is poured into the tray and calculated quantity of
water is added and mixed. The paste is filled into the mould completely and placed in the
apparatus and the procedure is repeated until the penetration is between 30 – 35mm and
the value obtained is taken as Normal Consistency.
¾ Then a fresh sample of cement weighing 300gm is taken in a clean tray and mixed with
water (85% of Normal Consistency) and filled into the mould. The stop watch is started
immediately after adding water to cement.
¾ The mould is placed on a non porous plate and kept below the instrument. The apparatus
is set ready by fixing a needle of 50mm length and 0.5mm diameter. The needle is made
to touch the top surface of the mould and initial reading is taken. The needle is allowed to
penetrate and after penetration stops, final reading is taken.
¾ The difference of initial and final reading is taken as penetration value. The above
procedure is repeated at an interval of 5 minutes.
¾ The time when the needle penetrates for about 30 -35mm is reached and this is taken as
the initial setting time of cement sample tested.
Vicat Apparatus
300 gm 76.5 cc
Result: The normal consistency obtained for 34mm penetration is 30% of the weight of
cement = _________________cc. initial setting time of the given cement sample is
_____________ minutes.
Viva Voce:
1. What is normal or standard consistency of a cement paste?
2. What are the factors affecting the result of the test?
3. What do you understand by the term flash setting?
1. Indian Standard Methods of Physical Tests for cements IS: 4031, Indian Standards
2. Indian Standard Specifications for ordinary and low heat Portland cement IS: 269,
Indian Standards Institution.
3. Neville. A. M, Properties of concrete, 3rd edition, Pitman publishing company, 1981.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
Aim: To determine soundness of given cement and lime samples by Autoclave test.
Apparatus: Weighing balance, weights, graduated glass cylinder, trowel, length compactor,
moulds of size 25x25x250 mm.
¾ Oil the mould lightly with a layer of mineral oil, set the reference points which are clean
and free from oil.
¾ Take 500 gm of cement and gauge it with a weighed quantity of water just sufficient to
give a paste of standard consistency (approx 30%).
¾ Fill the mould in one or two layers by pressing the paste into corners by thumb. Smooth
the top surface with the flat side of trowel.
¾ Immediately upon completion of moulding, place the mould in a moist room (Humidity
chamber). After 24 hours remove the specimen from the moulds.
¾ At 24+1/2 hours after moulding remove the specimen from the moist atmosphere and
measure the length l1.
¾ Place the specimen in an autoclave at room temperature in a rack so that the four sides of
each specimen shall be exposed to the air. Turn on the heat and allow the air to escape
from the autoclave during early heating period. The air vent valve shall be kept open until
steam begins to escape. Close the valve and rise the temperature of autoclave at such a
rate as will being the gauge pressure of the steam to 2.1 N/sq mm in 1 to 1½ hours from
the time heat is turned on. Maintain a pressure of 2.0+0.1 N/sq mm.
¾ Switch off the autoclave after 3 hours and cool it at such a rate so as to lower the pressure
to 0.1 N/sq mm in an hour and open the air vent well to bring it to atmospheric pressure.
¾ Remove the specimen immediately from the autoclave and place it in the water of
temperature above 90o C. Then cool the water to 27+2 o C in 15 min.
¾ Calculate the unsoundness as the percentage of the effective gauge length.
Viva voce:
1. What do you understand by the term unsoundness? What is likely the cause of unsound
2. What precautions should be taken while performing the test?
3. Why it is necessary to keep the cement paste moist in the test while it is setting?
1. Indian Standard Specifications for ordinary and low heat Portland cement IS: 269, Indian
Standards Institution.
2. Indian Standard, Methods of Physical tests for cement IS: 4031, Indian Standards
3. Neville. A. M, Properties of concrete, 3rd edition, Pitman publishing company, 1981.
4. Gambhir. M. L, Concrete manual, 4th edition, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
Aim: To determine the compressive strength of 1:3 Cement sand mortar cubes after 3 days and 7
days curing.
¾ Calculate the material required. The material for each cube shall be mixed separately and
the quantities of cement and standard sand shall be as follows:
Cement = 200 gm.
Standard Sand = 600 gm.
Water = (P/4+3.0) percent = 84 gm.
The time of mixing (gauging) in any event shall not be less than 3 minutes and if the time
taken to obtain a uniform colour exceeds 4 minutes the mixture shall be rejected and the
operation is repeated with a fresh quantity of cement, sand and water.
¾ Place the assembled mould on the table of the vibrating machine and firmly hold it in the
vibrating machine and firmly hold it in position by means of suitable clamps. Securely
attach the hopper at the top of the mould to facilitate filling and this hopper shall not be
removed until completion of the vibration period.
¾ Immediately after mixing the mortar as explained above, fill the entire quantity of mortar
in the hopper of the cube mould and compact by vibration. The period of vibration shall
be 2 minutes at the specified speed of 12000+400 cycles per minute.
¾ Remove the mould from the machine and keep it at a temperature of 27+ 20C in an
atmosphere of at least 90 percent relative humidity for 24 hours after completion of
¾ The cubes are removed from the mould and immediately submerge it in clean and fresh
water and keep there until taken out just prior to breaking. The water is which the cubes
are submerged shall be renewed after every 7 days and be maintained at a temperature of
27+ 20C, keep the cubes wet till they are placed in machine for testing.
¾ Test the specimens at the required periods, test three cubes at the periods mentioned
below, the periods being reckoned from the completion of vibration. The compressive
strength shall be the average of the strengths of the three cubes for each period.
a) Ordinary Portland Cement: 3 and 7days.
b) Rapid Hardening Portland Cement: 1 and 3 days.
c) Low Heat Portland Cement: 3, 7 and 28 days.
The cubes shall be tested on their sides, the load being applied at the rate of 35 N/mm2/
Observation and Calculations:
Ordinary Portland Cement
3-day strength 7-day strength
Sl. No. Strength in Strength in
Load in KN Load in KN
N/mm2 N/mm2
Viva Voce:
1. What you understand by term ultimate strength of cement?
2. What precautions do you take during determination of compressive strength?
3. What is the significance of this test?
1. Neville A.M, properties of concrete, 3rd Edn. Pitman Publishing Company, 1981.
2. Gambhir .M.L, Concrete Manual, 4th Edn., Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
Calibration of the Blaine apparatus.
¾ Calculate the volume of the compacted bed of cement V by the following formula
V= (WA- WB)/ρ
Where WA= mass of the mercury required to fill the permeability cell
WB=mass of the mercury to fill the portion of the cell not
occupied by the bed of cement formed by 2.8 gm of standard cement
ρ = Density of mercury at the temperature of test.
The masses WA and WB are obtained by weighing the mercury in the crucible.
¾ Determine the mass of sample W required to produce a bed having porosity of 0.500 (=
e) as follows
W= 3.15V*(1 - e)
¾ Evacuate the air until the fluid moves above the upper line without pulling if over the top
of the side outlet close the valve and note the time Ts taken by manometer liquid to fall
from 2nd mark (from top) to the 3rd mark on the manometer when the air allowed to
permeate though the compacted bed of standard cement sample. Note the air temperature.
Viva voce:
1. What does the fineness of the cement indicate?
2. The specific surface by air permeability methods for different cements are:-
a) Ordinary cements
b) Rapid hardening cement
c) Low heat cement
3. Does it give any idea of the particle sizes present in the sample?
1. Neville. A. M, Properties of concrete, 3rd edition, Pitman publishing company, 1981.
2. Gambhir. M. L, Concrete manual, 4th edition, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
(W3 − W1 )
(W2 − W1 ) − (W4 − W3 )
Viva Voce:
1. Define specific gravity.
2. What is the use of finding specific gravity?
3. What are the factors affecting specific gravity test?
1. Indian Standard Method for Tar and Bitumen, Determination of Specific Gravity of
Bitumen, IS: 1202, Indian Standards Institution.
2. Indian Standard Specification for Paving Bitumen, IS: 73.
3. S.K. Khanna and C.E.G Justo, Highway Materials Testing Laboratory Manual, Nem
Chand Bros. Roorkee.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
Theory and Scope:
The consistencies of bituminous materials vary depending upon several factors such as
constituents, temperature, etc. As temperature ranges between 25º and 50ºC most of the paving
bitumen grades remain in semi solid or in plastic states and their viscosity is so high that they do
not flow as liquid.
Determination of absolute viscosity of bituminous material is not so simple. Therefore
the consistency of these materials is determined by indirect methods. The consistency of bitumen
is determined by penetration test which is a very simple test. Various types and grades of
bituminous materials are available depending on their origin and refining process. The
penetration test determines the consistency of these materials foe the purpose of grading them,
by measuring the depth (in units of one tenth of a millimeter or one hundredth of a centimeter) to
which a standard needle will penetrate vertically under specified conditions of standard load,
duration and temperature. Thus the basic principle of the penetration test is the measurement of
the penetration (in units of one tenth of a mm) of a standard needle in a bitumen sample
maintained at 25C during five seconds, the total weight of the needle assembly being 100gm.
The softer the bitumen, the greater will be the penetration. The test is conducted as per IS-1203
for paving bitumen.
Apparatus: It consists of items like container, needle, water bath, penetrometer, stop watch etc.
Container is 55mm in diameter and 35mm to 57mm height. The needle is provided
with a shank approximately 3.0mm in diameter into which it is immovably fixed.
¾ The bitumen is softened to a paving consistency between 75º and 100ºC above the
approximate temperature at which bitumen softens.
¾ The sample material is thoroughly stirred to make it homogeneous and free from air
bubbles and water.
¾ The sample containers are cooled in atmosphere of temperature not lower than 13ºC for
one hour. Then they are placed in temperature controlled water bath at a temperature of
25ºC for a period of one hour.
¾ The weight of needle, shaft and additional weight are checked. The total weight of this
assembly should be 100gm.
¾ Using the adjusting screw, the needle assembly is lowered and the tip of the needle is
made to just touch the top surface of the sample.
¾ The needle assembly is clamped in this position. The contact of the tip of the needle is
checked using the mirror placed on the rear of the needle.
¾ The initial reading of the penetrometer dial is either adjusted to zero or the initial reading
is noted.
¾ Then the needle is released by pressing a button and a stop watch is started. The needle is
released exactly for a period of 5.0secs.
¾ At least 3 measurements are made on this sample by testing at distance of not less than
100mm apart.
¾ The difference between the initial and final penetration readings are taken as the
penetration value.
Readings Mean Value
1 2 3
Penetrometer Dial Initial
Penetrometer Dial Final
Penetration Value
The average penetration value of a given bitumen sample is ________________ and the grade of
bitumen is ___________________.
Viva Voce:
1. What are the applications of penetration test?
2. What do you understand by the term 30/40 bitumen?
3. What are the precautions to be taken while conducting a penetration test?
1. Indian Standard Method for Tar and Bitumen, Determination of Penetration of Bitumen,
IS: 1203, Indian Standards Institution.
2. Indian Standard Specification for Paving Bitumen, IS: 73.
3. S.K. Khanna and C.E.G Justo, Highway Materials Testing Laboratory Manual, Nem
Chand Bros. Roorkee.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
Theory and Scope:
A certain minimum ductility is necessary for a bitumen binder. This is because of the
temperature changes in bituminous mixes and the repeated deformations that occur in flexible
pavements due to the traffic loads. It is of significant importance that the binders form ductile
thin films around the aggregates. The binder material which does not possess sufficient ductility
would crack and thus provide previous pavement surface. This is in turn results in damaging
effect to the pavement structure. The ductility is expressed as the distance in centimeters to
which a standard briquette of bitumen can be stretched before the thread breaks. The test is
standardized by the IS: 1208. The test is conducted at 27º±0.5ºC and a rate of pull of 50±2.5 mm
per minute.
Apparatus: Briquette mould, (length – 75mm, distance between clips – 30mm, width at mouth
of clips – 20mm, cross section at minimum width – 10mm x 10mm), Ductility
machine with water bath and a pulling device at a precaliberated rate, a putty knife,
¾ The bitumen sample is method to a pouring temperature (75ºC to 100ºC) and poured into
the mould assembly and placed on a brass plate, where a solution of glycerin or soap
solution is applied at all surfaces of briquette mould exposed to bitumen.
¾ After the sample is poured to the mould, thirty to forty minutes the entire assembly is
placed in a water bath at 27ºC.
¾ Then the sample is removed from the water bath maintained at 27ºC and excess bitumen
material is cutoff by leveling the surface using hot knife.
¾ After trimming the specimen, the mould assembly containing sample is replaced in water
bath maintained at 27ºC for 85 to 95 minutes. Then the sides of mould are removed and
the clips are carefully booked on the machine without causing any initial strain. Two or
more specimens may be prepared in the moulds and clipped to the machine so as to
conduct these test simultaneously.
¾ The pointer is set to read zero. The machine is started and the two clips are thus pulled
apart horizontally.
¾ While the test is in operation, it is checked whether the sample is immersed in water at
depth of atleast 10mm. The distance at which the bitumen thread of each specimen breaks
is recorded (in cm) to report as ductility value.
Test Property Mean Value
1 2 3
Ductility Value
Result: The ductility value of the given bitumen sample is _________________ cm.
Viva Voce:
1. List the factors that affect the result of a ductility test.
2. What do you understand by the term repeatability and reproducibility?
3. Explain the significance of ductility test.
1. Indian Standard Method for Tar and Bitumen, Determination of Ductility of Bitumen, IS:
1208, Indian Standards Institution.
2. Indian Standard Specification for Paving Bitumen, IS: 73.
3. S.K. Khanna and C.E.G Justo, Highway Materials Testing Laboratory Manual, Nem
Chand Bros. Roorkee.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
Apparatus: Ring and Ball apparatus, Water bath with stirrer, Thermometer, Glycerin, etc. Steel
balls each of 9.5mm and weight of 2.5±0.08gm.
¾ Sample material is heated to a temperature between 75º and 100ºC above the approximate
softening point until it is completely fluid and is poured in heated rings placed on the
metal plate.
¾ To avoid sticking of the bitumen to metal plate, coating is done to this with a solution of
glycerin and dextrin.
¾ After cooling the rings in air for 30 minutes, the excess bitumen is trimmed and rings are
placed in the support.
¾ At this time the temperature of distilled water is kept at 5ºC. This temperature is
maintained for 15 minutes after which the balls are placed in position.
¾ Then the temperature of water is raised at uniform rate of 5ºC per minute with a
controlled heating unit, until the bitumen softens and touches the bottom plate by sinking
of balls. At least two observations are made. For material whose softening point is above
80ºC, glycerin is used for heating medium and the starting temperature is 35ºC instead of
¾ The temperature at the instant when each of the ball and sample touches the bottom plate
of support is recorded as softening point value.
Test Property Mean Value
1 2 3
Temperature (0C) at which I
ball touches the bottom plate
Temperature (0C) at which II
ball touches the bottom plate
Final Softening Point Temperature
Result: The softening point value of given bitumen sample is ___________________ºC and
grade of bitumen is _________________.
Viva Voce:
1. What are the factors which affect the ring and ball test results?
2. What is softening point?
If material A has softening point of 56 and B has 42 which binder is good and why?
1. Indian Standard Method for Tar and Bitumen, Determination of Softening Point of
Bitumen, IS: 1205, Indian Standards Institution.
2. Indian Standard Specification for Paving Bitumen, IS: 73.
3. S.K. Khanna and C.E.G Justo, Highway Materials Testing Laboratory Manual, Nem
Chand Bros. Roorkee.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
Aim: To determine the flash and fire point of a given bituminous material.
Apparatus: Pensky-Martens closed cup tester, thermometer, heating source, flame exposure.
¾ All parts of the cup are cleaned and dried thoroughly before the test is started.
¾ The material is filled in the cup upto a mark. The lid is placed to close the cup in a closed
system. All accessories including thermometer of the specified range are suitably fixed.
¾ The bitumen sample is then heated. The test flame is lit and adjusted in such a way that
the size of a bed is of 4mm diameter. The heating of sample is done at a rate of 5º to 6ºC
per minute. During heating the sample the stirring is done at a rate of approximately 60
revolutions per minute.
¾ The test flame is applied at intervals depending upon the expected flash and fire points
and corresponding temperatures at which the material shows the sign of flash and fire are
Result: The temperature at which the flame application that causes a bright flash
______________ºC and temperature at which the sample catches fire ______________ºC.
Viva Voce:
1. Define flash and fire points.
2. What is the significance of flash and fire point test?
3. What are the parameter that affects the result of flash and fire point tests?
1. Indian Standard Method for Tar and Bitumen, Determination of Flash and Fire Point of
Bitumen, IS: 1209, Indian Standards Institution.
2. Indian Standard Specification for Paving Bitumen, IS: 73.
3. S.K. Khanna and C.E.G Justo, Highway Materials Testing Laboratory Manual, Nem
Chand Bros. Roorkee.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
Theory and Scope:
Viscosity is defined as the increase of fluidity. The degree of fluidity at the application
temperature greatly influences the ability of bituminous material to spread, penetrate in to void
and also coat the aggregates and hence affects the strength characteristics of the resulting paving
mixes. There is an optimum value of fluidity or viscosity for mixing and compacting for each
aggregate gradation of the mix and bitumen grade. At high fluidity or low viscosity, the bitumen
binder simply “lubricates” the aggregate particles instead of providing a uniform film thickness
for binding action. Similarly, low fluidity or high viscosity does not enable the bitumen to coat
the entire surface of aggregates. It will increase the compactive force or effort. The test is
conducted as per IS: 1206.
Aim: To determine the property of a given bituminous material as per IS: 1206.
Apparatus: A orifice viscometer (one of 4.0mm diameter used to test cut back grades 0 and 1
and 10mm orifice to test all other grades), water bath, stirrer and thermometer.
¾ The tar cup is properly leveled and water in the bath is heated to the temperature
specified for the test and is maintained throughout the test.
¾ The sample material is heated at the temperature 20 above the specified test temperature
and the material is allowed to cool. During cooling the material continuously, stirred.
¾ When material reaches slightly above test temperature, the same is poured in the tar cup,
until the leveling peg on the value rod is just immersed.
¾ A graduate receiver (cylinder) and a 20ml of mineral oil or one percent by weight
solution of soft soap is poured.
¾ When the sample material reaches the specified test temperature within ±0.1ºC and then
valve is opened.
¾ The stop watch is started with the valve opening and time is noted for collecting a 50ml
of test sample to flow through the orifice and collected in the receiver kept below the
orifice viscometer.
Test Mean Value
1 2 3
Viscosity in Sec.
Result: The time in seconds for 50ml of the test sample to flow through the orifice
Viva Voce:
1. Explain the term viscosity.
2. What are the uses of viscosity test?
3. What are the precautions to be taken during viscosity test using orifice viscometer?
1. Indian Standard Method for Tar and Bitumen, Determination of Viscosity of Bitumen, IS:
1206, Indian Standards Institution.
2. Indian Standard Specification for Paving Bitumen, IS: 73.
3. S.K. Khanna and C.E.G Justo, Highway Materials Testing Laboratory Manual, Nem
Chand Bros. Roorkee.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
Apparatus: Ingredients for the cement concrete, slump mould, IS standard tamping rod, non-
porous base plate, etc.
¾ Initially, a known volume of cement concrete is prepared with a required proportion of
ingredients and water – cement ratio.
¾ The slump mould is cleaned for any remaining cement particles or impurities and is
properly oiled at the inner surface.
¾ Then the prepared concrete sample is put into the mould which is placed on a non-porous
plate, in 3 layers with a tapping of 25 times for each layer by a standard tamping rod.
¾ The extra heap of concrete present on the top of the mould is cut off or leveled off.
¾ Then the mould is lifted up vertically by taking care not to disturb the cast cement in the
¾ The nature of slump is analyzed to get the workability of the given cement concrete
¾ Initially a known volume of cement concrete is prepared by required proportion of
ingredients and water-cement ratio.
¾ The compaction factor apparatus is cleaned and the cylinder is properly oiled.
¾ The sample freshly prepared is put into the top hopper with the shutter closed.
¾ Then the clamp is released and the shutter is opened and thus the sample falls into the
second hopper whose shutter is closed.
¾ Then the shutter of the second hopper is also opened to allow the concrete sample into the
¾ Then the cylinder is weighed and the weight of the partially compacted concrete is found
by deducting the weight of the cylinder.
¾ The density of the partially compacted concrete mix is calculated by knowing the volume
of the cylinder.
¾ Then the same sample is filled into the cylinder in 3 layers and each layer is compacted
for 25 blows by using a standard tamping rod.
¾ Then the weight of the fully density of the fully compacted sample is found out as in the
above case.
¾ Then the compaction factor for the given sample of cement concrete is found out by
using the formula,
Density of partially compacted cement concrete
Compaction Factor = x100 .
Density of fully compacted cement concrete
Aim: To determine the workability of freshly mixed concrete by the use of Vee-Bee
Apparatus: Vee-Bee apparatus, a cylindrical container and a sheet metal slump cone, standard
iron rod, weighing balance and trowels.
¾ Place the sheet metal slump cone in the cylindrical container of the consistometer. Fill the
cone in four layers, each approximately one quarter of the height of the cone.
¾ Tamp each layer with twenty five strokes of the rounded end of the tamping rod. The
strokes are distributed in a uniform manner over the cross-section uniform manner over
the cross-section of the cone and for the second and subsequent layers the tamping bar
should penetrate into the under laying layer. After the top layer has been tamped, struck
off level the concrete with trowel so thst the cone is exactly filled.
¾ Move the glass disc attached to the swivel arm and place it just on the top of the slump
cone in the cylinder container. Adjust the glass disc so as to touch the top of the concrete
cone, and note the initial reading on the graduated rod.
¾ Remove the cone from the concrete immediately by raising it slowly and carefully in the
vertical direction. Lower the transparent disc on the top of concrete. Note down the
reading on the graduated rod.
¾ Determine the slump by taking the difference between the readings on the graduated rod
recorded in the steps (2) and (3) above.
¾ Switch on the electrical vibrations and start the stop watch. Allow the concrete to
remould by spreading out in the cylindrical container. The vibrations are continued until
the concrete is completely remoulded, i.e., the surface becomes horizontal and the whole
concrete surface adheres uniformly to the transparent disc.
¾ Record the time required for complete remoulding seconds which measures the
workability expressed as number of Vee-Bee seconds.
Viva Voce:
1. Describe the factors affecting the choice of the method of test.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Vee-Bee method of test over the other
1. Neville. A. M, Properties of concrete, 3rd edition, Pitman publishing company, 1981.
2. Gambhir. M. L, Concrete manual, 4th edition, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
Apparatus: Moulds for the Test Cubes, Tamping rods of 16 mm diameter and 650 mm in length
and bullet pointed at the lower end.
¾ Calculate the materials required for preparing the concrete of given proportions.
¾ Mix them thoroughly in mechanical mixer until uniform colour of concrete is obtained.
¾ Pour concrete in the oiled with a medium viscosity oil. Fill concrete in cube moulds in
two layers each of approximately 75 mm and ramming each layer with 35 blows evenly
distributed over the surface of layer.
¾ Fill the moulds in 2 layers each of approximately 50 mm deep and ramming each layer
¾ Struck off concrete flush with the top of the moulds.
¾ Immediately after being made, they should be covered with wet mats.
¾ Specimens are removed from the moulds after 24 hrs and cured in water 28 days.]
¾ After 24 hrs of casting, cylinder specimens are capped by neat cement paste 35 percent
water content on capping apparatus. After anther 24 hours the specimens are immersed
into water for final curing.
¾ Compression tests of cube and cylinder specimens are made as soon as practicable after
removal from curing pit. Test-specimens during the period of their removal from the
curing pit and till testing, are kept moist by a wet blanket covering and tested in a moist
¾ Place the specimen centrally on the location marks of the compression testing machine
and load is applied continuously, uniformly and without shock.
¾ Also note the type of failure and appearance of cracks.
Viva Voce:
1. How does strength correlate with other properties of hardened concrete?
2. What are the requirements for curing the specimens?
3. What is the rate of loading in flexure test?
1. Indian Standard, Recommended Guidelines for Concrete Mix Design, IS: 10262
2. Neville. A. M, Properties of concrete, 3rd edition, Pitman publishing company, 1981.
3. Gambhir. M. L, Concrete manual, 4th edition, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
Apparatus: A compression Testing Machine of adequate capacity and with an arrangement for
applying the load at the specified rate. Cylinder moulds of 150 mm diameter and
300 mm height, weighting machine, mixer and tamping rod.
¾ Take the mix proportions as per requirement and mix them thoroughly until uniform
colour of concrete is obtained.
¾ In mixing by hand the cement and fine aggregate shall be first mixed dry to uniform
colour and then coarse aggregate is added and mixed until coarse aggregate is uniformly
distributed throughout the batch.
¾ Pour concrete in moulds oiled with medium viscosity oil. Fill the cylinder mould in four
layers each of approximately 75 mm and ram each layer more than 35 times with evenly
distributed strokes.
¾ Remove the surplus concrete from the top of the moulds with the help of a trowel.
¾ Cover the moulds with wet mats and put the identifications marks after about 3 to 4
¾ Remove the specimens from the moulds after 24 hrs and immerse them in water for final
¾ Tests at least three specimens for each age of test are tested.
¾ Apply the load without shock and increase it continuously at a rate to produce a split
tensile stress of approximately 1.4 to 2.1 N/MM2/ Min, until no greater load can be
sustained. Record the maximum load applied to the specimen.
¾ Note the appearance of concrete and any unusual feature in the type of failure.
¾ Compute the split tensile strength of the specimen to nearest 0.05 N/ MM2.
Viva Voce:
1. Why do you perform the split cylinder test?
2. What is the basic difference between the direct and indirect methods used in the tensile
strength determinations?
3. Which one is superior and why?
1. Indian Standard, for Methods of Test for Splitting Tensile Strength IS: 5816.
2. Neville. A. M, Properties of concrete, 3rd edition, Pitman publishing company, 1981.
3. Gambhir. M. L, Concrete manual, 4th edition, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
Aim: To determine optimum binder content of given bituminous mix by Marshall method of
Mix Design.
Apparatus: Mould Assembly, Sample Extractor, Compaction Pedestal and Hammer, Breaking
Head, Loading Machine, flow meter, thermometers, water bath and oven.
¾ The coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and mineral filler material should be
proportioned and mixed in such a way that final mix after blending has the gradation
within the specified range.
¾ Approximately 1200 grms of aggregates and filler are taken and heated to a temperature
of 1750 to 1900 C.
¾ The compaction mould assembly and rammer are cleaned and kept pre-heated to a
temperature of 1000C to 1450C. The bitumen is heated to temperature of 1210 to 1380 C
and the required quantity of first trail percentage of bitumen is added to the heated
aggregate and thoroughly mixed using a mechanical mixer or by hand mixing with
¾ Then the mix is heated and a temperature of 1500 to 1600C is maintained and then the
mix is transferred into the pre-heated mould and compacted by giving seventy five
blows on each side.
¾ The specific gravity values of different aggregates, filler and bitumen used are
determined first. The theoretical specific gravity of the mix is determined.
¾ Soon after the compacted bituminous mix specimens have cooled to room temperature,
the weight, average thickness and diameter of the specimen are noted. The specimens
are weighed in air and then in water.
¾ The bulk density value of the specimen if calculated from weight and volume.
¾ Then the specimen to be tested are kept immersed under water in a thermostatically
controlled water bath maintained at 600 + 10 C for 30 to 40 minutes.
¾ The specimens are taken out one by one, placed in the Marshall test head and the
Marshall stability value and flow value are noted.
¾ The corrected Marshall Stability value of each specimen is determined by applying the
appropriate correction factor, if the average height of the specimen is not exactly 63.5
¾ Five graphs are plotted with values of bitumen content against the values of density,
Marshall Stability, Voids in total mix, Flow value, Voids filled by Bitumen.
¾ Let the bitumen contents corresponding to maximum density be B1, corresponding to
maximum stability be B2 and that corresponding to the specified voids content (at
4.0%) be B3. Then the optimum bitumen content for mix design is given by: Bo= (B1+
B2+ B3) / 3
8.00 16.00
6.00 15.50
A ir void s in %
V M A in %
4.00 15.00
2.00 14.50
3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Binder content in % Binder content in %
V FB in %
3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Binder content in %
Viva Voce:
1. What is the significance of flow value in Marshall Test?
2. What is filler?
3. What are the essential properties of bituminous mixes?
1. S.K. Khanna and C.E.G Justo, Highway Materials Testing Laboratory Manual, Nem
Chand Bros. Roorkee.
2. Ministry of Road Highway Transport, fourth revisions, by Indian Road Congress.
Register number:
Evaluation parameter Grade Remarks
1 Performance of
2 Innovativeness
3 Equipment details
4 Analytical Skill
5 Presentation of results
6 Group Discussion
7 Viva voce
1. 2.
As per IRC recommendation the minimum value of C.B.R. required for a subgrade should be
8%. The procedure is standardized by Indian Standards Institution in two different categories.
The first being Test of Soils in laboratory, determination of CBR, IS: 2720 part XVI. The
second being Methods of Test for soils, field determination of CBR, IS: 2720 XXXI.
Aim: To determine California Baring Ratio (C.B.R.) value of a given soil sample.
Apparatus: Loading machine which can be operated at a constant rate of 1.25mm per minute,
cylindrical moulds of 150mm diameter i.e., 175mm height provided with a collar of
about 50mm length and detachable perforated base are used for this purpose,
Compaction Rammer.
¾ Each batch of soil is (of atleast 5.5kg for granular soils and 4.5 to 5kg weight for fine
grained soils) mixed with water upto the optimum moisture content or the field moisture
content if specified so.
¾ The spacer disc is placed at the bottom of the mould over the base plate and a coarse filter
paper is placed over the spacer disc.
¾ The moist soil sample is to be compacted over this in the mould by adopting either the
I.S. light compaction or the I.S. heavy compaction.
¾ After compacting the last layer, the collar is removed and the excess soil above the top of
the mould is evenly trimmed off by means of straight edges.
¾ The clamps are removed and the mould with the compacted soil is lifted leaving below
the base plate and the spacer disc is removed.
¾ A filter paper is placed on the base plate, the mould with compacted soil is inverted and
placed in position over the base plate and clamps of the base plate are tightened.
¾ Weights of 2.5 to 5kg are placed over the soil sample in the mould. Then the whole
mould is placed in water tank for soaking.
¾ A swelling measuring device consisting of tripod and the dial gauge are placed on top
edge of the mould and the spindle of the dial gauge is placed touching the top of the
sample. The initial dial gauge reading is recorded and the test set up is kept undisturbed
in the water tank to allow soaking of the soil specimen for four full days or 96 hours.
¾ After 96 hours of soaking, the mould with specimen is clamped over the base plate and
the same surcharge weights are placed on the specimen centrally such that the penetration
test can be conducted. The mould with base plate is placed under penetration plunger of
the loading machine.
¾ The penetration plunger is seated at the centre of the specimen and is brought in contact
with the top surface of the soil sample by applying a seating load of 4.0kg.
¾ The dial gauge for the measuring the penetration values of the plunger is fitted in
position. The dial gauge of the proving ring and the penetration dial gauge are set to zero.
The load is applied through the penetration plunger at a uniform rate of 1.25mm/minute.
The load readings are recorded at penetration readings of 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0,
4.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5 mm penetration. The maximum load value and the corresponding
penetration value are recorded.
¾ After the final reading, the load is released and the mould is removed from the loading
machine. The proving ring calibration factor is noted so that the load dial values can be
converted into load in kg.
¾ The load values noted for each penetration level are divided by the area of the loading
plunger (19.635cm2) to obtain the pressure.
¾ A graph is plotted by penetration in mm on x-axis and the pressure in kg/cm2 on y-axis.
Then the unit pressure values corresponding to 2.5 and 5.0mm penetration values are
found from the graph. Then the CBR value is calculated from the formula:
CBR in % =
⎡ Unit pressure carried by soil sample at defined penetration level ⎤
⎢ ⎥ x100
⎣Unit pressure carried by s tan dard crushed stones at above penetration level ⎦
¾ The CBR values at 2.5mm and 5.0mm penetrations are calculated for each specimen
from the corresponding graphs. Generally the CBR value at 2.5mm penetration if higher
and the value are adopted. However if higher CBR value is obtained at 5.0mm
penetration, the test is to be repeated to verify the results. If the value at 5.0mm
penetration is again higher, this is adopted as the CBR value of the soil sample.
Viva Voce:
1. What is the significance of surcharge load while s0aking and testing the soil in CBR test?
2. CBR value of soil A is 15 and of soil B is 4. Which one is a better soil? Why?
3. Discuss the limitations of CBR test.
1. Indian Standard Method of determining CBR as per IS: 2720-Part-XVI
2. S.K. Khanna and C.E.G Justo, Highway Materials Testing Laboratory Manual, Nem
Chand Bros. Roorkee.
Specific gravity at
1 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 IS:1202-1978
27ºC min
Penetration at 25ºC,
2 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 80-100 175-225 IS:1203-1978
100g, 5sec, 1/10 mm