IS Code List
IS Code List
IS Code List
( C ) Bricks
1 Method of sampling of clay building bricks IS 5454 - 1978
2 Method of test for burnt-clay building bricks. IS 3495 (Parts I TO iv) 1976
3 Common burnt clay building bricks. IS 1077 - 1992
(G) soil
1 Preparation of dry sample (soil) IS:2720 (Part .I) 1983
2 Determination of water content (moisture content) IS:2720 (Part .III) 1980 Sect/1
3 Determination of specific gravity of fine-grained soil IS: 2720 (Part. III) 1980 Sect/2
4 Determination of specific gravity of fine, medium & coarse-grained soil. IS: 2720 (Part. III) 1980
5 Grain size analysis IS:2720 (Part.4) 1985
6 Determination of Liquid and plastic limit IS:2720 (Part.5) 1985
7 Determination of shrinkage factors IS: 2720 (Part. VI) 1987
8 Determination of water content - dry density relation using light compaction. IS: 2720 (Part. VII)
9 Determination of water content - dry density relation using heavy compaction.IS:2720 (Part.8)
10 Determination of water content - dry density relation using constant wt. soil method. IS:2720
(Part IX) 1971
11 Determination of Unconfined compressive strength IS: 2720 (Part. X) 1991
12 Determination of shear strength parameters(tri-axial) with out measurement of pore pressure
parameters(Tri-axial compaction) IS:2720(Part. XI) 1971
13 Determination of shear strength parameters (Tri-axial compaction)IS: 2720 (Part. XII) 1981
14 Direct shear test IS: 2720 (Part. XIII) 1986
15 Determination of Density Index (R.D) of cohesion less soil.IS:2720 (Part.14) 1983
16 Determination of consolidation properties IS:2720 (Part.15) 1986
17 Determination of permeability IS:2720 (Part.17) 1986
18 Determination of dry density of soils, in place by the sand replacement method. IS:2720
(Part.28) 1974
19 Determination of dry density of soils, in place by the core-cutter method.IS:2720 (Part.29)
20 Laboratory vane shear test. IS:2720 (Part.30) 1980
21 Determination of the density in place by the ring and water replacement method.IS:2720
(Part.33) 1971
22 Determination of free swell index of soils IS: 2720 (Part. XI) 1977
23 Measurement of swelling pressure of soils. IS: 2720 (Part. XII) 1978
24 Classification and identification of soils for General Engineering purposes.IS:1498 1970