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IS Code List

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Design of concrete and steel structure

 IS: 456 – code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete.

 IS: 383 – specifications for fine & coarse aggregate from natural sources for concrete.
 IS: 2386 – methods of tests for aggregate for concrete. (9 parts)
 IS: 2430 – methods of sampling.
 IS: 4082 – specifications for storage of materials.
 IS: 2116 – permissible clay, silt & fine dust contents in sand.
 IS: 2250 – compressive strength test for cement mortar cubes.
 IS: 269-2015 – specifications for 33, 43 & 53 grade OPC.
 IS: 455 – specifications for PSC (Portland slag cement).
 IS: 1489 – specifications for PPC (Portland pozzolana cement).
 IS: 6909 – specifications for SSC (super sulphated cement).
 IS: 8041 – specifications for RHPC (Rapid Hardening Portland cement)
 IS: 12330 – specifications for SRPC (sulphate resistant portland cement).
 IS: 6452 – specifications for HAC for structural use (high alumina cement).
 S: 3466 – specifications for masonry cement.
 IS: 4031 – chemical analysis and tests on cement.
 IS: 456; 10262; SP 23 – codes for designing concrete mixes.
 IS: 1199 – methods of sampling and analysis of concrete.
 IS: 516BXB JWJJS– methods of test for strength of concrete.
 IS: 13311 – ultrasonic testing of concrete structures.
 IS: 4925 – specifications for concrete batching plant.
 IS: 3025 – tests on water samples
 IS: 4990 – specifications for plywood formwork for concrete.
 IS: 9103 – specifications for concrete admixtures.
 IS: 12200 – specifications for PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) water bars.
 IS: 1077 – specifications for bricks for masonry work.
 IS: 5454 – methods of sampling of bricks for tests.
 IS: 3495 – methods of testing of bricks.
 IS: 1786 – cold-worked HYSD steel rebars (grade Fe415 & Fe500).
 IS: 432; 226; 2062 – mild steel of grade I.
 IS: 432; 1877 – mild steel of grade II.
 IS: 1566 – specifications for hard drawn steel wire fabric for reinforcing concrete.
 IS: 1785 – specifications for plain hard drawn steel wire fabric for prestressed concrete.
 IS: 2090 – specifications for high tensile strength steel bar for prestressed concrete.
 IS: 2062 – specifications for steel for general purposes.
 IS: 226 – specifications for rolled steel made from structural steel.
 IS: 2074 – specifications for prime coat for structural steel.
 IS: 2932 – specifications for synthetic enamel paint for structural steel.
 IS: 12118 – specifications for Polysulphide sealants


 (A) Cement
1. Specification for 33 Grade ordinary portland cement IS 269 - 2015
2. Specification for Rapid hardening portland cement IS 8041 - 1990
3. Specification for portland Pozzolona cement IS 1489 (part 1&2) 1991
4. Methods of physical test for hydraulic cement IS 14032 - 1988
5. Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement IS 4032 - 1985
6. Method of sampling for hydraulic cement IS 3535 - 1986
7. standard sand testing of cement IS 650 - 1991
8. Specification for 43 Grade OPC… IS 8112 - 2013
9. Specification for 53 Grade OPC… IS 12269-1987

 (B) Coarse / Fine Aggregate

1 Specification for coarse & fine aggregate IS 383-1970
2 Methods of test for aggregate for concrete particle size and shape IS 2386 (Part I) 1963
3 Methods of test for aggregate for concrete estimation of deleterious materials and organic
impurities. IS 2386 (Part II) 1963
4 Methods of test for aggregate for specific gravity, density, voids, absorption & bulking IS 2386
(Part III) 1963
5 Methods of test for aggregate for Mechanical properties. IS 2386 (Part IV) 1963
6 Methods of test for aggregate Soundness IS 2386 (Part V) 1963
7 Methods of test for aggregate measuring mortar making properties of fine aggregates.IS 2386
(Part VI) 1963
8 Methods of test for aggregate for alkali-aggregate reactivity IS 2386 (Part VII) 1963
9 Methods of test for aggregate for petrographic examination IS 2386 (Part VIII) 1963

 ( C ) Bricks
1 Method of sampling of clay building bricks IS 5454 - 1978
2 Method of test for burnt-clay building bricks. IS 3495 (Parts I TO iv) 1976
3 Common burnt clay building bricks. IS 1077 - 1992

 (D) Masonry Mortar

1 Specification for sand for masonry mortars. IS 2116 - 1980
2 Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry mortar IS 2250 - 1981

 (E) Cement Concrete

1 Specification for coarse and fine aggregate. IS 383 - 1970
2 Specification for compressive strength, Flexural strength IS 516 - 1959
3 Code of Practices for Plain & reinforced concrete etc. IS 456 – 2000
4 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete IS 1199 – 1959
5 Recommended Guide Lines for Concrete Mix Design IS 10262 – 1982

 (F) Curing Compound

1 Standard test method for water retention & daylight reflection test on concrete. ASTM-C-
2 The standard method of test for the effect of organic materials in fine aggregate on strength of
mortar. ASTM-C. 87-69
3 Standard specification for liquid membranes forming compounds. ASTM C. 309-89
 (G) PVC Water Stops
1 Code of practice for the provision of water stops. IS 12200 – 1987
2 Procedure for Testing Parts of IS 8543-19
3 Standard Test Methods for Tensile Properties of Plastics. ASTM : D 638-1991
4 Standard Test Methods for Thermoplastic Elastomers-Tension. ASTM : D 412-1992


1 Specifications for HYSD bars. IS 1786 – 1985
2 Specification for Mild Steel and Medium Tensile steel bars. IS 432 (P II) 1966
3 Method for Tensile testing of steel wires. IS 5121 – 1972
4 Hard drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement. IS 1566 – 1982
5 Method for Tensile testing of Steel products IS 1608 – 1972
6 Code of practice for bending & fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement IS 2502 - 1963

 (I) Pre cast R.C.C. Pipes

1 Specifications for pre cast concrete pipes. IS 458 – 1988
2 Methods of Tests for concrete pipes. IS 3597 – 1985

 (G) soil
1 Preparation of dry sample (soil) IS:2720 (Part .I) 1983
2 Determination of water content (moisture content) IS:2720 (Part .III) 1980 Sect/1
3 Determination of specific gravity of fine-grained soil IS: 2720 (Part. III) 1980 Sect/2
4 Determination of specific gravity of fine, medium & coarse-grained soil. IS: 2720 (Part. III) 1980
5 Grain size analysis IS:2720 (Part.4) 1985
6 Determination of Liquid and plastic limit IS:2720 (Part.5) 1985
7 Determination of shrinkage factors IS: 2720 (Part. VI) 1987
8 Determination of water content - dry density relation using light compaction. IS: 2720 (Part. VII)
9 Determination of water content - dry density relation using heavy compaction.IS:2720 (Part.8)
10 Determination of water content - dry density relation using constant wt. soil method. IS:2720
(Part IX) 1971
11 Determination of Unconfined compressive strength IS: 2720 (Part. X) 1991
12 Determination of shear strength parameters(tri-axial) with out measurement of pore pressure
parameters(Tri-axial compaction) IS:2720(Part. XI) 1971
13 Determination of shear strength parameters (Tri-axial compaction)IS: 2720 (Part. XII) 1981
14 Direct shear test IS: 2720 (Part. XIII) 1986
15 Determination of Density Index (R.D) of cohesion less soil.IS:2720 (Part.14) 1983
16 Determination of consolidation properties IS:2720 (Part.15) 1986
17 Determination of permeability IS:2720 (Part.17) 1986
18 Determination of dry density of soils, in place by the sand replacement method. IS:2720
(Part.28) 1974
19 Determination of dry density of soils, in place by the core-cutter method.IS:2720 (Part.29)
20 Laboratory vane shear test. IS:2720 (Part.30) 1980
21 Determination of the density in place by the ring and water replacement method.IS:2720
(Part.33) 1971
22 Determination of free swell index of soils IS: 2720 (Part. XI) 1977
23 Measurement of swelling pressure of soils. IS: 2720 (Part. XII) 1978
24 Classification and identification of soils for General Engineering purposes.IS:1498 1970

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