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PE Q1 2023 2024 Week 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Madapdap Resettlement High School
San Fernando Ave., Dapdap, Mabalacat City 2010, Pampanga


School Madapdap Resettlement High School Grade Level 10

Teacher JOSEPHINE D. TALA Learning Area MUSIC
Date & Time September 25-29, 2023/ 6:20 – 11:40 Quarter 1st


Date: September 25, 2023 Date: September 26, 2023 Date: September 27, 2023 Date: September 28, 2023
6:20 – 7:10 – Salamin 6:20 – 7:10 – Salamin 6:20 – 7:10 – Salamin 6:20 – 7:10- Sagisag
7:10 – 8:00 – Salinlahi 8:00 – 8:50 – Salinlahi 9:20 – 10:10 – Salakot 9:20 – 10:10 – Salakot
8:00 – 8:50 – Saludo 9:20 – 10:10 – Salakot 10:10 – 11:00 – Sagisag FRIDAY
9:20 – 10:10 – Salakot 10:10 – 11:00 – Sagisag THURSDAY Date: September 29, 2023
10:10 – 11:00 – Sagisag WEDNESDAY Date: September 28, 2023 6:20 -7:10 – Salamin
Date: September 27, 2023 7:10 – 8:00 – Saludo 7:10 – 8:00 – Saludo
7:10 – 8:00 – Saludo 8:00 – 8:50 – Salinlahi 8:00 – 8:50 - Salinlahi

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of 20th century music styles and characteristic features.
B. Performance Standard The learner creates musical pieces using particular style/s of the 20th Century.
Relates 20th Century music to other Relates 20th Century music to other Performs music sample from the 20th Performs music sample from the 20th
C. Learning Competency art forms and media during the same art forms and media during the same century; MU10TC-Ib-5 century; MU10TC-Ib-5
(Write the Code for each LC)
time period; MU10TC-Ia-g-3 time period; MU10TC-Ia-g-3
D. Specific Objectives 1. compare the work of Debussy, 1. narrates the historical and 1.Name the musical composers 1. Listen perceptively to selected 20th
Ravel and Schoenberg. cultural backgrounds that affect the century music.
music in the 20th century
2. recognize the distinct musical style 2. recognize the distinct musical style 2.Identify each composer’s 2. Describe the musical elements of
of the given composer. of each composer. contributions and works given piece in 20th century styles.

Commitment ∙ Collaboration ∙ Excellence

Address: San Fernando Ave., Dapdap, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
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3. choose one musical composition of 3. depict the socio- historical context 3.Appreciate each composer’s works 3. Explain the performance practice of
Arnold Schoenberg that they like of one of the musical movements the 20th century music
most and ask them to write a short studied.
reaction paper about the music.

II. CONTENT 20TH Century Music

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Page
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials MUSIC Q1 Module 2 MUSIC Q1 Module 2 MUSIC Q1 Module 1 MUSIC Q1 Module 1
from Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Slide presentation Slide presentation Slide presentation Slide presentation
Resources TV TV TV TV
Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker
Review: Concepts on previous music. Call on volunteers to read the Review/ Recap Review/ Recap
The teacher will ask: Who is reaction paper that they wrote. Who’s that composer? Show picture of
A. Reviewing previous considered the leading impressionist composers
lesson or presenting the composer?
new lesson. What characterized the uniqueness
of Ravel’s musical composition?

The teacher will present this to the The teacher will ask each student to Pre-Test: Pre-Test
class: explain why they chose that music. True or False
Given an example of a musical work
of each of the composers below. Write
A. B. Establishing a purpose
the title in the blanks.
for the lesson. Composers
B. C. Presenting examples/ The teacher will play music by Arnold The teacher will ask: what significant Listening Activity Picture Analysis (Composers)
instances of the new lesson. Schoenberg “Verklarte Nacht”. differences and similarities do
Let the students listen to the music Debussy and Ravel’s music with that
and allow them to react about the of Schoenberg?
music. Let them compare the music
by Debussy and Ravel with that of

Commitment ∙ Collaboration ∙ Excellence

Address: San Fernando Ave., Dapdap, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Email Address:
The teacher will ask: what significant
differences and similarities do
Debussy and Ravel’s music with that
of Schoenberg?
Video Clip Presentation The teacher will discuss through Discuss music of 20th century music Discuss 20th century musical styles:
video presentation, a short biography and the Avant Garde Composers electronic and chance music.
The teacher will discuss through of Arnold Schoenberg.
C. D. Practicing new concepts
video presentation, a short biography
and practicing new skills #1 of Arnold Schoenberg.

The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the Discuss 20th century composers and Continue the discussion
D. E. Discussing new concepts
composers’ lives and characteristics composers’ lives and characteristics their distinctive styles.
and practicing new skills #2 of music in the expressionism period of music in the expressionism period
The teacher will ask: What How historical and cultural Activity 1: Listening Activity Activity 1: Identify electronic and
characterized 20th century music? backgrounds affect the music in the chance music through listening
20th century? activity.
How historical and cultural
E. F. Developing mastery backgrounds affect the music in the
20th century?
(leads to Formative
Assessment #3) Let the students choose one musical
composition of Arnold Schoenberg
that they like most and ask them to
write a short reaction paper about
the music.
The teacher will ask: what significant Why do you think they have different Activity 2: What it feels Valuing:
F. G. Finding practical differences and similarities do styles in terms of expressions and If you are a composer, what musical
application of concepts and Debussy and Ravel’s music with that moods in composing music? Valuing: style would you choose? Can you make
skills in daily living. of Schoenberg? Share your feelings! a short composition for the time of
G. H. Making generalizations Who is Arnold Schoenberg? Role Playing: Wrap -up Wrap-up
and abstractions about the Show picture and let students give the
lesson. •What influenced him to compose Group the class into four. Give example of a musical work of summary of the lesson.
such kind of music? Ask each group to depict the socio- Sergie, Francis, George, Leonard and
•Observe how the composer express historical context of one of the Philip.
his emotion through his composition. musical movements studied. For
•What is the famous composition example, life of modern nationalism
done by Schoenberg? which incorporated folk songs and
Follow-up questions: indigenous music.
•What marked the music in the 20th
•What inspired the composers in the
20th century to compose such kind
of music?

Commitment ∙ Collaboration ∙ Excellence

Address: San Fernando Ave., Dapdap, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Email Address:
•What particular musical elements
do music in the20th century differs
from the previous periods.
Short quiz Practice for their performance Post- Test Post Test
H. I. Evaluating learning
(5 items test)
Ask the students to watch any video Ask the students to watch any video Listen to the music work of Sergie, Listen or watch electronic music and
J. Additional activities for
clip of West Side Story clip of West Side Story Francis, George, Leonard and Philip at chance music in YOUTUBE
application or remediation home.
A. No. of learners who earned
____ of learners earned 80% above ____ of learners earned 80% above ____ of learners earned 80% above ____ of learners earned 80% above
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for ____ of learners require additional ____ of learners require additional ____ of learners require additional activities ____ of learners require additional activities
remediation who scored activities for remediation activities for remediation for remediation for remediation
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who ____ Yes ____ No ____ Yes ____ No ____ Yes ____ No ____ Yes ____ No
have caught up with the ____ of learners caught up with the lesson ____ of learners caught up with the lesson ____ of learners caught up with the lesson ____ of learners caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners continue to ____ of learners continue to require ____ of learners continue to require ____ of learners continue to require ____ of learners continue to require
require remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
strategies worked well? ____ Group collaboration ____ Group collaboration ____ Group collaboration ____ Group collaboration
Why did this work? ____ Games ____ Games ____ Games ____ Games
____ PowerPoint Presentation ____ PowerPoint Presentation ____ PowerPoint Presentation ____ PowerPoint Presentation
____ Answering preliminary activities/ ____ Answering preliminary activities/ ____ Answering preliminary activities/ ____ Answering preliminary activities/
exercises. exercises. exercises. exercises.
____ Discussion ____ Discussion ____ Discussion ____ Discussion
____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
____ Use of Graphic Organizers ____ Use of Graphic Organizers ____ Use of Graphic Organizers ____ Use of Graphic Organizers
____ Rereading of paragraphs/ poems/ ____ Rereading of paragraphs/ poems/ ____ Rereading of paragraphs/ poems/ ____ Rereading of paragraphs/ poems/ stories
stories stories stories ____ Differentiated Instruction
____ Differentiated Instruction ____ Differentiated Instruction ____ Differentiated Instruction ____ Role playing/ Drama.
____ Role playing/ Drama. ____ Role playing/ Drama. ____ Role playing/ Drama. ____ Discovery method
____ Discovery method ____ Discovery method ____ Discovery method ____ Video Presentation
____ Video Presentation ____ Video Presentation ____ Video Presentation ____ Hands-on activity
____ Hands-on activity ____ Hands-on activity ____ Hands-on activity ____ Class demonstration
____ Class demonstration ____ Class demonstration ____ Class demonstration ____ Lecture method
____ Lecture method ____ Lecture method ____ Lecture method
Why? Why? Why? ____ Complete IMs
____ Complete IMs ____ Complete IMs ____ Complete IMs ____ Availability of materials
____ Availability of materials ____ Availability of materials ____ Availability of materials ____ Learners’ eagerness to learn.
____ Learners’ eagerness to learn. ____ Learners’ eagerness to learn. ____ Learners’ eagerness to learn. ____ Group members’ cooperation in doing
____ Group members’ cooperation in doing ____ Group members’ cooperation in doing ____ Group members’ cooperation in doing their tasks.

Commitment ∙ Collaboration ∙ Excellence

Address: San Fernando Ave., Dapdap, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Email Address:
their tasks. their tasks. their tasks. ____ Individual activity (Learning by doing)
____ Individual activity (Learning by doing) ____ Individual activity (Learning by doing) ____ Individual activity (Learning by doing)
____ Bullying among learners. ____ Bullying among learners. ____ Bullying among learners. ____ Bullying among learners.
____ Learners’ behavior/ attitude ____ Learners’ behavior/ attitude ____ Learners’ behavior/ attitude ____ Learners’ behavior/ attitude
F. What difficulties did I ____ Unavailable Technology Equipment ____ Unavailable Technology Equipment ____ Unavailable Technology Equipment ____ Unavailable Technology Equipment
encounter which my (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD)
principal or supervisor can ____ Science/ Computer/ Internet Lab ____ Science/ Computer/ Internet Lab ____ Science/ Computer/ Internet Lab ____ Science/ Computer/ Internet Lab
help me solve? ____ Reading Readiness ____ Reading Readiness ____ Reading Readiness ____ Reading Readiness
____ Lack of Interest among learners ____ Lack of Interest among learners ____ Lack of Interest among learners ____ Lack of Interest among learners
____ Take home activities. ____ Take home activities ____ Take home activities ____ Take home activities
Planned Innovations Planned Innovations Planned Innovations Planned Innovations
____ Localized videos ____ Localized videos ____ Localized videos ____ Localized videos
G. What innovation or ____ Interactive Videos ____ Interactive Videos ____ Interactive Videos ____ Interactive Videos
localized materials did I ____ Use of recycled/ real objects ____ Use of recycled/ real objects ____ Use of recycled/ real objects ____ Use of recycled/ real objects
____ Use of PowerPoint Presentations ____ Use of PowerPoint Presentations ____ Use of PowerPoint Presentations ____ Use of PowerPoint Presentations
use/discover which I wish ____ Use of manipulative materials ____ Use of manipulative materials ____ Use of manipulative materials ____ Use of manipulative materials
to share with other ____ Flashcards ____ Flashcards ____ Flashcards ____ Flashcards
teachers? ____ Pictures ____ Pictures ____ Pictures ____ Pictures
____ Apps (Games/Activity) for ____ Apps (Games/Activity) for ____ Apps (Games/Activity) for Android/IOS ____ Apps (Games/Activity) for Android/IOS
Android/IOS gadgets Android/IOS gadgets gadgets gadgets

Prepared: Checked and reviewed: Noted:


Master Teacher I Head Teacher I Principal II

Commitment ∙ Collaboration ∙ Excellence

Address: San Fernando Ave., Dapdap, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
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