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Week-3 Music

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Candon City (Ilocos Sur)


Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 3 (NOVEMBER 14-18, 2022) Grading SECOND

VARISCITE (8:00 -9:00) AMETHYST (1:30 - 2:30)

TOPAZ (9:00 - 10:00) PEARL (3:30 - 4:30)
BERYL (10:30 - 11:30)

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

A. Content
Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of characteristic features of Afro-Latin American music and Popular music

B. Performance The learner performs vocal and dance forms of Afro Latin American music and selections of Popular music
C. Learning The learner: The learner: The learner: The learner:
1. describe the historical and cultural 1. analyze musical characteristics 1. describe the historical and cultural 1. explores ways of creating
background of popular music and popular music and Philippine background of popular music and sounds on a variety of
Philippine popular music; popular music through listening Philippine popular music; sources suitable to chosen
(MU10AP IIa-g-2) activities; (MU10AP IIa-h-5) (MU10AP IIa-g-2) vocal and instrumental
2. analyze musical characteristics Specific Objectives 2. analyze musical characteristics selections; (MU10AP-IIa-7)
popular music and Philippine a. identify the different artist popular music and Philippine Specific Objectives:
popular music through listening and genre of popular popular music through listening a.
activities; (MU10AP IIa-h-5) music; activities; (MU10AP IIa-h-5)
Specific Objectives: b. appreciate the different Specific Objectives:
a. discuss the historical and genre of popular music a. discuss the historical and
cultural background of Jazz through listening activity; cultural background of
Music and its different c. perform at least one of the Philippine popular music;
characteristics; different genre of the b. appreciate and enjoy the
b. appreciate the different forms popular music through original Pilipino music through
of Jazz music through listening singing, dancing or writing listening activties
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activities; and a poem. c. perform a Philippine pop music
c. perform a simple cup rhythm through singing or dancing
jam using the different form of
Jazz as a music.
A. Jazz B. Popular Music C. Philippine Pop Music
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s CO_Q2_MUSIC10_ CO_Q2_MUSIC10_ CO_Q2_MUSIC10_ CO_Q2_MUSIC10_
Materials pages MODULE2_PAGES_5-9 MODULE1_PAGES_10-15 MODULE1_PAGE_17-20 MODULE1_PAGE_14-16
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation, Video Clips, PowerPoint Presentation, Video Clips PowerPoint Presentation, Video Clips PowerPoint Presentation, Musical
Resources Instruments, Activity Sheet
Review: Concepts on the previous Review: Concepts on the previous The teacher will say:
lesson lesson
We are now done with the Jazz and
The teacher will say: The teacher will say: Popular music and these two music
We are now done with the first Yesterday, we learned that Jazz genre, contributes a lot in the world.
module for this quarter. In your first music is all about syncopation,
module, you were able to learn the improvisation and polyrhythms. Before To give an idea to the students on
music and instrument of Africa and we proceed to our lesson, let’s try to what is the next topic is all about. The
A. Reviewing
Latin America. guess the title of the popular song. teacher will show a recorded video
previous lesson or
concert of the band Sampaguita “Nosi
presenting the new
The teacher will ask a question as a The teacher will flash the karaoke of Balasi”
recapitulation of the previous lesson. the following pop music.
1. What are the musical 1. “Girl, you know I want your love, v=F4WO_Cja6-A
instruments of Africa and Latin your love was made handmade for
America? Can you give at least somebody like me”
3? The teacher will ask the following
2. Which Music did you enjoy the questions:
most from your previous v=i87Vvese1lk 1. Assuming that you are present

Page 2
lesson? Music of Africa or in that concert. How did you
Music of Latin America? 2.” Friday night and the lights are low, feel while dancing or listening
looking out for a place to go” to the concert?
2. What word would describe the concert? why?

3. “I’ll be waiting for you, here in inside

my heart”

The teacher will say: The teacher will say: The teacher will say:

In today’s lesson, we are going to In the broader sense, Pop Music As we go through our lesson, we will
discover one of the most influential means any sort of music intended for discuss how Philippine music was
musical genres in the world. mass consumption and propagated developed and influenced by the
over the radio and similar media. history of the country- from its pre-
The teacher will be presenting a Spanish roots, through the Spanish
picture of saxophone and the student In today’s lesson, we are going to and American periods, up to the
will describe and figure out what is the learn how pop music became a global present. It has since evolved to have
connection of this instruments in their phenomenon based on its different its own rich and distinct identity.
B. Establishing a lesson. genres.
purpose for the The teacher will ask the following
lesson questions:

1. Have you ever try to ask your

parents who their most favorite artist is
during 60’s, 70’s, 80’s or 90’s? What is
their favorite song?

2. Have you ever heard some songs

during 60’s, 70’s, 80’s or 90’s? If yes,
what does it feel?

C. Presenting the teacher will play Jazz music and The teacher will show a picture of the The teacher will play a song from 80s
examples/instances later on the students will answer the most popular artist of the Pop Music to present and let the student listen
of the new lesson following questions: and asked the following questions: and answer the following question:
1. What can you say about the 1. What can you say about the

Page 3
song you’ve heard? What is 1. Do you know him/her? Can you give song you’ve heard? What is
your impression? one of his/her pop music? your impression?
2. When did the last time you’ve 2. What can you say about his/her pop 2. Among the songs that is being
heard this kind of music? songs? played. What song catches
3. How interesting and lively his/her your interest?

D. Discussing new The teacher will say: The teacher will say: The teacher will say:
concepts and
practicing skills #1 The arrival of the Jazz Music was an Popular music literally means Original Pilipino Music is a genre
offshoot of the music of African slaves “music of the populace” which is under Contemporary Philippine Music.
who migrated to America. As music is similar to traditional folk music of the It was originally used to refer to
considered a therapeutic outlet for past. As it developed in the 20th Philippine pop songs, particularly
human feelings, the Africans used century, pop music generally consists ballads, such as those popular after
music to recall their nostalgic past in of music for entertainment of large the collapse of its predecessor, the
their home country as well as to speak number of people, whether on radio or Manila Sound, in the late 1970s until
out their sentiments on their desperate in live performances. the present.
condition at that time. Since then,
these gloomy beginnings have evolved The teacher will discuss the different OPM started in Manila where Tagalog
into several more upbeat jazz forms music genre of Popular music. and English are the dominant
which the world has adopted and languages for its texts.
incorporated into other contemporary BALLADS
styles. - Ballads originated as an expressive Pop music in the Philippines started
folksong in narrative verse dealing as an adaptation or translation, if not
Today, we will be focusing on one of typically, about love. complete imitation, of Western hits.
the hardest genres to play because of a. Blues Ballads
its features. - a fusion of Anglo-American Here are the following artists in
and Afro-American styles. The Philippine Pop Music by decades:
The teacher will discuss the form emphasizes the character
characteristics of Jazz music and its of the performer more than the
different form. narrative content and uses a

Page 4
banjo or a guitar as 1960s-1970s
Characteristics of Jazz Music: accompaniment. - Nora Aunor, Pilita Corrales, Eddie
a. syncopated rhythms (making Peregrina, Victor Wood, Asin, APO
part of music off-beat) b. Pop Standard and Jazz Hiking Society, and others were highly
b. Polyphonic (producing many Ballads popular OPM singers.
sounds simultaneously) - a blues style built from a
c. Improvisation (creative activity single verse of 16 bars ending 1970s - 1980s.
of immediate musical on the dominant or half- - Major commercial Philippine pop
composition) distortion of pitch cadence, followed by a music artists were Claire dela Fuente,
and timbre (often utilize refrain/chorus part of 16 or 32 Didith Reyes, Rico Puno, Ryan
complex sounds) bars in AABA form. The B Cayabyab, Basil Valdez, Celeste
section acts as the bridge, and Legaspi, Hajji Alejandro, Rey Valera,
What is Jazz Music? the piece normally ends with a Freddie Aguilar, Imelda Papin, Eva
Jazz Music is an American music brief coda. Eugenio, Nonoy Zuñiga and many
developed especially from ragtime and more.
blues which originated in the African- c. Pop and Rock Ballads
American Community. - an emotional love song with 1980s to 1990s.
suggestions of folk music. This - This is regarded as the “Golden Era
style is sometimes applied to of Philippine Ballads”. Among the
strophic (verse-repeating) classics that emerged were those
story-songs. created by Ryan Cayabyab, “Kay
Ganda ng Ating Musika”; George
STANDARDS Canseco, “Kastilyong Buhangin”; Willie
- its style is mostly in a slow or Cruz, “Bituing Walang Ningning”; Jose
moderate tempo with a relaxed mood. Mari Chan, “Please Be Careful with My
It features highly singable melodies Heart”; and Gary Valenciano and
within the range and technical capacity Regine “Sana Maulit Muli”.
of listeners.
1990s to Present.
Foremost proponents of this style are - The famous solo artists and bands
the following: included The Eraserheads, Smokey
Mountain, Donna Cruz, Ariel Rivera,
a. Frank Sinatra Southborder, Afterimage, Andrew E.,
- His genre was categorized as Jaya, Rivermaya, and Parokya ni
traditional pop and jazz. He Edgar.
was a successful singer, actor,
producer, director, and
conductor. His hit singles
include “My Way” and
“Strangers in the Night”.

Page 5
b. Nat King Cole
- He owes most of his popular
musical fame to his soothing
baritone voice. His famous hits
include “L-O-V-E” and

c. Matt Monroe
- an English singer who became
one of the most popular
entertainers in the international
music scene during the 1960s.
His hit singles include “Portrait
of My Love” and “Born Free”.


- Rock and Roll is the combination of
Afro-American forms such as the
blues, jump blues, jazz, and gospel
music with the Western swing and
country music.

The greatest proponent of the rock and

roll style was the legendary Elvis

Presley’s style was the precursor of

the British band known as The
Beatles, whose compositions further
boosted rock and roll as the favorite
genre of the times.

E. Discussing new Different Forms of Jazz: DISCO PHILIPPINE JAZZ

concepts and 1. Ragtime - This type of music pertained to rock
- Philippine musicians have also been
practicing skills #2 - Its style was said to be a variation of music that was more danceable, thus
inspired by jazz music. Among them
the “marching mode”, where the effect leading to the establishment of venues
are jazz pianist and recording artist
is generated by an internally for public dancing also called discos.
Boy Katindig, who comes from the
syncopated melodic line pitted against well-known clan of musicians that
a rhythmically straightforward bass includes jazz piano legend, Romy
line. Famous figures of the disco genre Katindig and saxophonist, Eddie

Page 6
include ABBA, Donna Summer (“The Katindig.
2. Big Band Queen of Disco”), The Bee Gees and
- closely associated with the Swing Gloria Gaynor, bringing us such hits as PHILIPPINE ROCK
Era with jazz elements relying heavily “Dancing Queen”, “Stayin’ Alive”, - The year 1973 saw the birth of
on percussion, wind, rhythm section, “Boogie Wonderland”, and “Hot Stuff”. Philippine or “Pinoy” rock music which
and brass instruments with a lyrical successfully merged the rock beat with
string section to accompany a lyrical POP MUSIC Filipino lyrics. This new sound was
melody. - Parallel with the disco era, other pop introduced by the legendary Juan de la
music superstars continued to emerge. Cruz Band, with their song “Ang Himig
3. Bebop Perhaps the most popular solo Natin”.
- The speed of the harmony, melody, performer of all time is Michael Joseph
and rhythm resulted in a heavy Jackson who was born on August 29, PHILIPPINE ALTERNATIVE FOLK
performance where the instrumental 1958 and died on June 25, 2009. He MUSIC
sound became more tense and free. was an American recording artist, - The Philippines also saw the rise of
entertainer, singer-songwriter, record alternative folk music which was
4. Jazz Rock producer, musical arranger, dancer, different from the traditional and
- is a mix of funk and R&B which choreographer, actor, businessman, popular form. This new form combined
stands for “rhythm and blues”, where and philanthropist. ethnic instrumentation with electronic
the music used amplification and accompaniment, while presenting
electronic effects, complex time HIP HOP AND RAP themes or issues of society and the
signatures, and extended instrumental - Hip hop is a stylized, highly rhythmic environment.
compositions with lengthy type of music that usually includes
improvisations in the jazz style. portions of rhythmically chanted words PINOY RAP
called rap. Rap is characterized by the - In the Philippines, rap was also made
artist speaking along with an popular by such composers and
instrumental or synthesized beat. performers as Francis Magalona “Mga
Kababayan Ko”, “Watawat” and
Andrew E “Humanap Ka ng Pangit”.

The teacher will play a video of the The students will listen to the sample The students will listen to the sample
different forms of Jazz Music and the music of popular music played by the music of Philippine pop music played
students will listen attentively to teacher. by the teacher.
recognize their differences especially
on the beat of the different forms.  Story of my Life (One Direction)  The shadow of your smile
F. Developing (Bobby Enriquez)
mastery Ragtime h?v=tEP2BB81Uug h?v=krUMsG8MgaU
v=fPmruHc4S9Q  Dancing Queen (ABBA)  Ligaya (Earaserhead)
Big band h?v=xFrGuyw1V8s h?v=z69SUwuucHQ

Page 7
 My Way (Frank Sinatra) -
Bebop  ANAK (Freddie Aguilar) h?v=qQzdAsjWGPg
v=09BB1pci8_o h?v=ibmh64itn1M
After which, the teacher will ask the
Jazz Rock students to the following questions:  Humanap ka ng Pangit 1. What specific genre in popular (Andrew E)
v=hwaqNS1k-yc music would likely be your life
soundtrack and why? watch?v=l_jHuoKKfLU

After which, the teacher will ask the

students to the following questions:
1. What specific genre in
Philippine popular music would
likely be your life soundtrack
and why?

Jazz music are known to its As it developed in the 20th century, From theater tunes to rock and roll,
syncopated rhythms. It emphasizes pop music (as it has come to be pop, standards, hip hop, rap, and
the notes that they play on the called) generally consisted of music for contemporary ballads- whether in the
“upbeats”. entertainment of large numbers of West, in the Philippines, or anywhere
people, whether on radio or in live else in the world- these all provided a
In this lesson, the students can use performances. rich and diverse musical background
the different form of Jazz as an in the development of Philippine
expression of any emotion. Jazz Today, music has a big contribution to contemporary music.
also enhances, reflects, and enriches the community where it is being use
social diversity because it allows for entertainment. For learners, it Today, where it is used for
G. Finding practical
people from different backgrounds to became their stress reliever,
entertainment, music makes a
applications of
communicate with each other and find inspiration and a motivation in any significant contribution to the
concepts and skills
common ground through music. aspect of their lives. community. It served as a stress
in daily living
reliever, source of motivation, and
The teacher will ask the students: The teacher will ask the students: inspiration for students in many facets
1. Among the four tracks (sample 1. Who among the popular artists of their lives.
tracks), which of them is close discussed in this lesson
to your present situation? Why inspired you most? Support The teacher will ask the students:
did you choose that style? your answer. 1. Among the four tracks (sample
tracks), which of them is close
to your present situation? Why
did you choose that style?

Page 8
As a sum-up of the lesson the As a summary of the lesson, the As a review, the teacher will ask the 1.
teacher will ask the student to teacher will ask the students with the students with the following question.
enumerate the different forms of Jazz following questions: 1. Differentiate the characteristics
and give at least one example of it. 1. What are the different genre of of Philippine pop, rock, and rap
popular music? music.
H. Making The students will answer the following 2. Name some famous pop artist 2. Name six (6) well-known OPM
generalizations and questions: and give one of his/her performers and the title of their
abstractions 1. What have you learned in masterpiece? songs.
today’s lesson?
2. What are the different forms of

I. Evaluating learning Activity: Essay. Choose one question The students will complete the table Activity:
below and elaborate your answer. below by identifying the artist and Write at least 10 titles from the Original
Write your answer on a ½ crosswise. genre of the different song. Pilipino Music that you are familiar with
and choose one as your favorite music
SONGS ARTIST GENRE and elaborate why?
1. What form of Jazz music did Dancing
you enjoy the most? Why? Queen The teacher will use the following
2. As a learner, do you think that Shape of rubrics.
it’s now time to introduce and You
fuse our traditional music to Bad Holistic Rubric for the Essay (5 points)
other countries? Why? Romance
My Way 5 points – The main idea is well-
The teacher will use the following Blue focused and properly developed by
rubrics. Suede relevant, accurate and substantial
Shoes evidence.
Holistic Rubric for the Essay (5 points) 4 points – The main idea is clearly
presented with relevant and accurate
5 points – The main idea is well- supporting evidences.
focused and properly developed by 3 points – The main idea is
relevant, accurate and substantial understandable but with minimal
evidence. supporting evidence.
4 points – The main idea is clearly 2 points – The main idea is present
presented with relevant and accurate but not well expressed with slightly
supporting evidences. inconsistent evidence.
3 points – The main idea is 1 point – There is no clear main idea
understandable but with minimal which the essay revolves on, and the
supporting evidence. supporting ideas are inconsistent.
2 points – The main idea is present

Page 9
but not well expressed with slightly
inconsistent evidence.
1 point – There is no clear main idea
which the essay revolves on, and the
supporting ideas are inconsistent.

As an additional activity, the students As an additional activity, the students As an additional activity, the students
are going to choose one to the are going to choose one to the are going to choose one to the
following tasks. following tasks. following tasks.

1. Cup Rhythm Jam 1. Sing-A-Long. Choose one 1. Reaction Paper. The popularity of
- Perform a simple cup rhythm jam particular song under Popular Music. OPM is slowly declining. The
using the different form of Jazz as a Sing it and film your performance proliferation of Kpop and Western
music. using your cellphone. It can be in an A Music is one of the factors for this.
Capella or with accompaniment (live or This leads to an alarming state of our
canned). You may perform as a soloist very own music. One day, it is possible
or invite your family members to that our very own music will be lost in
perform with you. translation.

2. Let’s Dance. Choose any song Give your reaction on the statement
under the genre of Popular Music and above. Write your answer on a
dance with it. Record your act in your separate sheet of paper.
J. Additional
cellphone. You may perform in solo or
activities for
invite your family members to perform 2. RAP or SING. Choose any song
application or
with you. from Philippine Pop Music. From its
2. Syncopation Activity original lyrics, translate/modify or
Create a 4-8 measures (16-32 counts) create your own lyrics using a different
of syncopated rhythmic pattern. 3. Poem for Me. If you think you are dialect or language. Sing or perform in
Perform the patterns through clapping, not into singing or dancing, this option Rap (highly recommended for non-
stomping, or using any available might be for you. Compose a poem singers) the lyrics you composed.
materials. with 3 to 4 stanzas which will serve as
the lyrics of a song. Make sure that the
format of your poem is singable. Think
of a catchy title for your poem. Write
your output on a sheet of paper.

Page 10

Amethyst: __________ Amethyst: __________ Amethyst: __________ Amethyst: __________
A. No. of learners Beryl: ___________ Beryl: ___________ Beryl: ___________ Beryl: ___________
who earned 80% on Pearl: ____________ Pearl: ____________ Pearl: ____________ Pearl: ____________
the formative
assessment Topaz: ____________ Topaz: ____________ Topaz: ____________ Topaz: ____________
Variscite: __________ Variscite: __________ Variscite: __________ Variscite: __________
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
or remediation
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the

D. No. of learners
who require

E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Recommending Approval: Approved:

Pre-Service Teacher Teacher III HT III, MAPEH Department School Principal III
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