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Catren & Devoto - Extended Connection in Yang-Mills Theory

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Commun. Math. Phys.

284, 93–116 (2008)

Communications in
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1007/s00220-008-0608-0

Extended Connection in Yang-Mills Theory

Gabriel Catren1 , Jorge Devoto2
1 Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio, Casilla de Correo 67, Sucursal 28,
1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail:
2 Math. Dept. FCEN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellon 1, 1428 Buenos Aires,
Argentina. E-mail:

Received: 1 August 2007 / Accepted: 29 May 2008

Published online: 19 August 2008 – © Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract: The three fundamental geometric components of Yang-Mills theory –gauge

field, gauge fixing and ghost field– are unified in a new object: an extended connection
in a properly chosen principal fiber bundle. To do this, it is necessary to generalize the
notion of gauge fixing by using a gauge fixing connection instead of a section. From
the equations for the extended connection’s curvature, we derive the relevant BRST
transformations without imposing the usual horizontality conditions. We show that the
gauge field’s standard BRST transformation is only valid in a local trivialization and we
obtain the corresponding global generalization. By using the Faddeev-Popov method,
we apply the generalized gauge fixing to the path integral quantization of Yang-Mills
theory. We show that the proposed gauge fixing can be used even in the presence of a
Gribov’s obstruction.

I. Introduction
It is our objective in the present work to show how the main geometric structures of
Yang-Mills theory can be unified in a single geometric object, namely a connection
in an infinite dimensional principal fiber bundle. We will show how this geometric
formalism can be useful to the path integral quantization of Yang-Mills theory. Some
of the historical motivations for the study of an extended connection in Yang-Mills
theory are the following. In the beginning of the 80’s Yang Mills theory was at the
center of important mathematical developments, especially Donaldson’s theory of four
manifolds’ invariants [9] and Witten’s interpretation of this theory in terms of a topo-
logical quantum field theory [23] (for a general review on topological field theories see
Refs. [5,8]). A central aspect of these theories is the study of the topological properties of
the space A /G , where A is the configuration space of connections in a G-principal bun-
dle P → M and G the gauge group of vertical automorphisms of P. It is possible to show
that under certain hypotheses one obtains a G -principal bundle structure A → A /G [9].
94 G. Catren, J. Devoto

The non-triviality of many invariants is then intimately linked with the topological
non-triviality of this bundle. In Ref. [3] Baulieu and Singer showed that Witten’s theory
can be interpreted in terms of the gauge fixed version of a topological action through a
standard BRST procedure. To do so, the authors unify the gauge field A and the ghost field
c for Yang-Mills symmetry in an extended connection ω = A + c defined in a properly
chosen principal bundle. The curvature F of ω splits naturally as F = F + ψ + φ, where
ψ and φ are the ghost for the topological symmetry and the ghost for ghost respectively
(the necessity of a ghost for ghost is due to the dependence of the topological symme-
try on the Yang-Mills symmetry). By expanding the expressions for the curvature F
and the corresponding Bianchi identity, the BRST transformations for this topological
gauge theory are elegantly recovered. It is commonly stated that the passage from this
topological Yang-Mills theory to the ordinary (i.e. non-topological) case is mediated by
the horizontality (or flatness) conditions, i.e. by the conditions ψ = φ = 0 (see Refs.
[2], [4,22]). In this case, an extended connection ω = A + c can also be defined for an
ordinary Yang-Mills theory with a horizontal curvature of the form F = F.

In this work, an extended connection A for an ordinary Yang-Mills theory will be

defined as the sum of two factors. The first factor is a universal family AU parameterized
by A of connections in the G-principal bundle P → M. The second factor is an
arbitrarily chosen connection η in the G -principal fiber bundle A → A /G . We will
show that the connection η encodes the ghost field that generates the BRST complex.
In a local trivialization the ghost field can be identified with the canonical vertical part
of the connection η, which corresponds to the Maurer-Cartan form of the gauge group
G [6]. Alternatively, the ghost field can be considered a universal connection in the
gauge group’s Weil algebra. The connection η can then be defined as the image of this
universal connection under a particular Chern-Weil homomorphism. We will then argue
that the connection η also defines what might be called generalized gauge fixing. In fact,
the connection η defines a horizontal subspace at each point of the fiber bundle A →
A /G . These subspaces can be considered first order infinitesimal germs of sections. The
significant difference is that the connection η induces a global section ση in a fiber bundle
  in A /G . In fact, the section ση assigns the horizontal lift
associated to the space of paths
defined by η to each path γ ⊂ A /G . Since the path integral is not an integral in the
space of fields A , but rather an integral in the space of paths in A , the section ση allows
us to eliminate the gauge group’s infinite volume in the corresponding path integral.
We will then show that the gauge fixed action corresponding to the generalized gauge
fixing defined by η can be obtained by means of the usual Faddeev-Popov method. One
of the main advantages over the usual formulation is that the connection η is globally
well-defined even when the topology of the fiber bundle A → A /G is not trivial
(Gribov’s obstruction). In this way, the existence of a generalized notion of gauge fixing
demonstrates that the Faddeev-Popov method is still valid even in the presence of a
Gribov’s obstruction. It is worth stressing that the extended connection A encodes not
only the gauge and ghost fields (as the connection ω = A + c in Ref.[3]), but also the
definition of a global gauge fixing of the theory. We will then show that the proposed
formalism allows us to recover the BRST transformations of the relevant fields without
imposing the usual horizontality conditions ([2], [4,22]). This implies that the extended
connection’s curvature F does not necessarily have the horizontal form F = F. Moreover,
we will show that the gauge field’s standard BRST transformation is valid only in a local
trivialization of the fiber bundle A → A /G . We will then find the corresponding global
Extended Connection in Yang-Mills Theory 95

The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. II we define the extended connection.

In Sect. III we study the curvature of this connection and show how the curvature
forms induce the BRST transformations of the different fields. In Sect. IV we study the
relation between the gauge fixing connection and the ghost field. In Sect. V we define the
generalized gauge fixing at the level of path integrals. In Sect. VI we calculate the gauge
fixed action by means of the Faddeev-Popov method. In the final section we summarize
the proposed formalism.

II. Extended Connection

Let M denote space-time. We will suppose that it is possible to define a foliation of
M by spacelike hypersurfaces. This foliation is defined by means of a diffeomorphism
ι : M → R × M, where M is a smooth 3-dimensional Riemannian manifold. We will
also assume for the sake of simplicity that M is compact. Let G be a compact Lie group
with a fixed invariant inner product in its Lie algebra g and let P → M be a fixed
G-principal bundle. Using the diffeomorphism ι and the fact that R is contractible, we
can assume that the fiber bundle P → M over the space-time M is the pullback of a
fixed G-principal bundle P → M over the space M
P∼ ∗ (P)
= pst /P

M / M,

where pst : M  R × M → M is the projection onto the second factor. We will denote
by Ad(P) the fiber bundle P ×G G → M associated to the adjoint action of G on itself
and by ad(P) the vector bundle P ×G g → M associated to the adjoint representation
of G on g. The gauge group G is the group of vertical automorphisms of P. It can
be naturally identified with the space of sections of Ad(P). Its Lie algebra Lie(G ) is
the space of sections of ad(P). Its elements can be identified with G-equivariant maps
g : P → g.
In the case of a principal fiber bundle over a finite dimensional manifold with a
compact structure group, there are three equivalent definitions of connections [9, Chap.
2]. In what follows, we will also consider connections on infinite dimensional spaces
(see Refs.[17,18]). For the general case, we will use the following as the basic definition
Definition 1. Let K be a Lie group with Lie algebra k and let E − → X be a K -principal
bundle over a manifold X (both K and X can have infinite dimension). A connection on
E is an equivariant distribution H , i.e. a smooth field of vector spaces H p ⊂ T E p (with
p ∈ E) such that
1. For all p ∈ E there is a direct sum decomposition
T E p = H p ⊕ ker dπ p . (1)
2. The field is preserved by the induced action of K on T E, i.e.
H pg = Rg∗ H p ,
where Rg∗ denotes the differential of the right translation by g ∈ K .
96 G. Catren, J. Devoto

As in the finite dimensional case, we can assign to each connection a K -equivariant

k-valued 1-form ω on E such that H p = ker ω. The action of K on k is the adjoint action.
A connection can also be considered a K -invariant splitting of the exact sequence

0 / ker dπ / TE / π ∗T X / 0, (2)
ι dπ

where π ∗ T X → E is the pullback induced by the projection π : E → X of the bundle

T X → X . In this sequence H p = σ (π ∗ Tπ( p) X ). Given a connection ω on E the splitting
considered in Eq. (2) induces an isomorphism T E  π ∗ T X ⊕ ker dπ .
The bundle TV E = ker dπ is called the bundle of vertical tangent vectors. This bundle
is intrinsically associated to the definition of principal bundles. Given a connection, the
isomorphism T E  π ∗ T X ⊕ ker dπ induces a projection ωV : T E → TV E. By
definition, the vertical cotangent bundle TV∗ E is the annihilator of σ (π ∗ T X ). In other
words, a k-form α is vertical if and only if it vanishes whenever one of its arguments is a
vector in σ (π ∗ T X ). It is worth noticing that the definition of the bundle TV∗ E requires a
connection. The sections of kV (E) = ∧k TV∗ E are called vertical k-forms. By definition,
the connection form ω is a vertical form.
Given a connection there is a decomposition of the de Rham differential on E,

d E = d H + dV (3)

into a horizontal and a vertical part. The horizontal part corresponds to the covariant
derivative. The vertical part is defined by the expression

ω ω
dV α(X 1 , . . . , X n ) = dα( V X 1, . . . , V X n ), (4)

where α is a (n − 1)-form. The vertical forms ∗V (E) equipped with the vertical differ-
ential dV define the vertical complex.
Let’s now suppose that it is possible to define a global section σ : X → E. This
section defines a global trivialization ϕσ : X × K → E, where ϕσ (x, g) = σ (x) · g.
This trivialization induces a distinguished connection ωσ on E such that the pullback
connection ω̃σ = ϕσ∗ ωσ coincides with the canonical flat connection on X × K [16].
Roughly speaking, the horizontal distribution defined by ωσ at p = σ (x) is tangent to the
section σ . The vertical complex defined by the connection ω̃σ can be naturally identified
with the de Rham complex of K . This implies that dV = d K . Since the connection form
ω̃σ is a k-valued K -invariant vertical form, it can be identified with the Maurer-Cartan
form θ MC of the group K . On the contrary, a general connection ω defines a splitting
of T E which does not coincide with the splitting induced by the section σ . In other
words, the horizontal distribution defined by ω is not tangent to σ . In fact, the pullback
connection ϕσ∗ ω at (x, g) can be written as a sum

ϕσ∗ ω = adg−1  + θ MC , (5)

where  = σ ∗ ω ∈ 1 (X ) ⊗ k and θ MC ∈ k∗ ⊗ k is the Maurer-Cartan form of K [7].

We will denote connections on the G-principal fiber bundle P → M by the letter A.
In a local trivialization P|U  U ×G we have an induced local k-valued 1-form AU . The
Extended Connection in Yang-Mills Theory 97

forms AU are the so-called gauge fields [11].1 The configuration space of all connections
is an affine space modelled on the vector space 1 (M, g) consisting of 1-forms with
values on the adjoint bundle ad(P). The gauge group G acts on this configuration space
by affine transformations. We will fix a metric g on M and an invariant scalar product
tr on g. These data together with the corresponding Hodge operator ∗ induce a metric
on 1 (M, g). Hence, a metric can be defined in the spaces k (M, g), k ≥ 1, by means
of the expression

1 , 2 = tr ( 1 ∗ 2 ). (6)

Since the action of G on the configuration space of connections is not free, the quotient
generally is not a manifold. This problem can be solved by using framed connections
[9]. The letter A will denote the space of framed connnections of Sobolev class L l−1 2
for the metric defined in (6), where l is a fixed number bigger than 2. The group G is the
group of gauge transformations of Sobolev class L l2 . The action of G on A is free (see
Ref.[9, Sect. 5.1.1]). We will denote by B the quotient A /G . Uhlenbeck’s Coulomb
gauge fixing theorem (see Ref.[9, Sect. 2.3.3]) implies, for a generic metric g, local
triviality. Hence A → B is a G -principal bundle.
The initial geometric arena for our construction is the pullback G-principal bundle
p ∗ (P) → A × M, which is obtained by taking the pullback of the bundle P → M by
the projection A × M − → M. The bundle p ∗ (P) can be identified with A × P:

p ∗ (P) = A × P /P

A ×M / M.

The gauge group G has an action on A × M induced by its action on A . This action
is covered by the action of G on p ∗ (P) induced by its action on both A and P.
Proposition 2. The bundle p ∗ (P) → A × M induces a G-principal bundle [1]
Q = (A × P)/G −
→ B × M.

We therefore have the following tower of principal bundles:

G / p ∗ (P) = A × P


G / Q = (A × P)/G


B × M.
1 In a covariant framework, the connection A can be regarded as the spatial part of a connection A on
P → M. In fact, since we can identify P with R × P, each connection A has a canonical decomposition
A = A(t) + A0 (t)dt, where A(t) is a time-evolving connection on P and A0 (t) is a time-evolving section
of ad(P) = P ×G g. The action of the gauge group G on A0 is induced by the natural action on associated
bundles. This action is the restriction of the action of the automorphism group of P to {t} × M.
98 G. Catren, J. Devoto

The fiber bundle p ∗ (P) = A × P → A × M can be considered a universal family

(parameterized by the space A ) of fiber bundles P − → M with tautological connections
A. The universal family A of tautological connections is defined in the following
way. Let (A, x) be a point of A × M. Then the elements of the fiber of A × P over
(A, x) have the form (A, p), with p ∈ π −1 (x). Let us fix one of these elements. Let
v ∈ T (A × P)(A, p) be a tangent vector such that π∗ (v) ∈ T M ⊂ T (A × M) (i.e., v
is tangent to a copy of P in A × P). Then AU (v) = A(v). We will write H U for the
distribution associated to the family AU . For each element A ∈ A , the distribution H U
induces the distribution H A on T P defined by the connection A. The universal family
of connections AU allows us to define parallel transports along paths contained in any
copy of M inside A × M.
Let’s now pick a connection in the G -principal bundle A → B. This connection
will be defined by means of a 1-form η ∈ 1 (A ) ⊗ Lie(G ). We will denote by Hη the
corresponding equivariant distribution. This connection will define a generalized notion
of gauge fixing.2 In fact, let’s suppose that it is possible to define a global gauge fixing
section σ : B → A . This section defines a global trivialization ϕσ : B × G → A . One
can then define an induced flat connection ησ on A → B such that the corresponding
distribution Hησ is always tangent to σ . In other words, the pullback ϕσ∗ ησ coincides
with the canonical flat connection on B × G (see Ref.[16]). This shows that a global
gauge fixing section σ can always be expressed in terms of a flat connection ησ . On the
contrary, a connection η can not in general be integrated to a section. A local obstruction
is the curvature and a global one the monodromy. Besides, it is always possible to define
a global connection η, even when the topology of the fiber bundle A → B is not trivial
(Gribov’s obstruction). In Sect. V and VI we will use the connection η as a generalized
gauge fixing for the path integral quantization of Yang-Mills theory. In particular, we
will show that the connection η does not have to be flat in order to induce a well defined
gauge fixing.
Let’s consider now a particular example of a gauge fixing connection. Due to the
affine structure of A there is a canonical diffeomorphism T A  A × 1 (M, g). We
will consider 1 (M, g) with the inner product defined by (6). Since ad(P) is a vector
bundle associated to the principal bundle P, any connection A on P induces a covariant
dA : k
(M, g) → k+1
(M, g).
d ∗A : k+1
(M, g) → k
(M, g)
be the adjoint operator. This is a differential operator of first order. Define
H A : Ker{d ∗A : 1
(M, g) → 0
(M, g)}. (7)
Then H A defines a connection on A called the Coulomb connection (see for example
Ref. [9, p. 56]).
on T p ∗ (P).
The distribution Hη together with H U define a smooth distribution H
If (A, p) ∈ p ∗ (P), then

H (A, p) = Hη (A) ⊕ H (A)( p).

2 In Ref.[19] the authors analyze the particular case of the Coulomb connection for a SU (2) Yang-Mills
theory on S 3 × R. The authors point out that in the absence of a global section, the gauge can be consistently
fixed by means of such a connection.
Extended Connection in Yang-Mills Theory 99

Proposition 3. The distribution H  is transversal to the orbits of the action of G on

A × P and to the fibers of p ∗ (P) → A × P.
Proof. Let (A, p) ∈ p ∗ (P). Then we have two homomorphisms of vector spaces ι :
g → T p P and κ : Lie(G ) → T A A . These homomorphisms are induced by the principal
bundle structures of P and A . For each point p there is also a homomorphism of Lie
algebras τ p : Lie(G ) → g given by τ p (g) = g( p), where we use the identification of
the elements of Lie(G ) with equivariant maps g : P → g. With these definitions the
tangent space to the orbit FG of the action of G at the point (A, p) is equal to
T FG (A, p) = v − v ∈ T A A ⊕ T p P | v = κ(g) and v = ι(τ p (g)) . (8)
The tangent spaces to the orbits are contained in the sum of the tangent spaces to
the orbits in A and P. The proposition follows from the fact that the connections are
transversal to these spaces.
Remark 4. The distribution H does not define a connection on p ∗ (P) → A × M due
to the fact that the tangent space at (A, p) has a decomposition
T p ∗ (P)(A, p) = T FG (A, p) ⊕ Hη (A) ⊕ H U (A)( p) ⊕ι(g),

H(A, p)

ι(g) being the vertical subspace. Hence, the distribution H  does not define vector
spaces complementary to the vertical subspace ι(g). However there is a reason for the
introduction of this distribution which is explained by the following lemma.
 is G -invariant and induces a connection H on
Lemma 5. The distribution H
Q = (A × P)/G → B × M.
This lemma follows from the invariance of the distributions Hη and HU .
Let E be the connection on the bundle p ∗ (P) → A × M obtained as the pullback of
the connection H by the projection A × M → B × M. This pullback can be understood
either in the language of distributions or in the language of forms. Let’s consider the
p ∗ (P) = A × P
nn OOO
q nnnn OOO
nn n OOO
wnnn OOO
A ×P
Q= G A ×M
PPP ooooo
PPP ooo
( wooo
B × M.
The map q : p ∗ (P) → Q induces a map q∗ : T p ∗ (P) → T Q. At each point (A, p)
the subspace of T(A, p) p ∗ (P) which defines E is q∗−1 (Hq(A, p) ). The g-valued 1-form
A ∈ 1 (A × P) ⊗ g associated to E is the pullback by q of the 1-form associated to
H . We will now identify this distribution and this 1-form.
The distribution which defines the new connection at each point (A, p) is the direct
E(A, p) = T FG (A, p) ⊕ Hη (A) ⊕ H U (A)( p) . (9)

H(A, p)
100 G. Catren, J. Devoto

If (A, p) ∈ A × P and v = v1 + v2 ∈ T A A ⊕ T p P, then we define a g-valued

1-form A on A × P given by

(A, p) (v2 ) + η(v1 )( p).

A(v) = AU (10)

We will now show that the horizontal distribution defined by A is effectively given
by (9).

Lemma 6. If v ∈ T F(A, p) ⊕ H (A, p) , then A(v) = 0.

(i) If v ∈ H U (A)( p) ⊂ H (A, p) , then

A(v) = AU
(A, p) (v) = A(v) = 0

by definition of the connection A.

(ii) If v ∈ Hη (A) ⊂ H (A, p) , then

A(v) = η(v)( p) = 0

by definition of the connection η.

(iii) If v = κ(g) − ι(τ p (g)) ∈ T F(A, p) , then

A (v) = −AU
(A, p) (ι(τ p (g))) + η (κ(g)) ( p)
= −A(ι(τ p (g))) + η (κ(g)) ( p)
= −τ p (g) + g( p)
= 0,

where we have used that by definition of connection A ◦ ι = idg and η ◦ κ =

idLie(G ) .

Remark 7. It is the gauge fixing connection Hη that allows us to make the decompositions
(9) and (10) of the horizontal distribution E and the corresponding 1-form A. The reason
is that these kinds of decompositions require the choice of a complement to a subspace
of a vector space.

Remark 8. An important difference with the work of Baulieu and Singer for topological
Yang-Mills theory is that in Ref. [3] the connection ω is a natural connection, which
is defined by using the orthogonal complements to the orbits of G. In order to define
these orthogonal complements one uses the fact that the space A × P has a Riemannian
metric invariant under G × G (see Ref. [1] for details). In our case the connection A,
being tautological in the factor P, is not natural in the factor A , in the sense that the
gauge fixing connection η can be freely chosen. This freedom is in fact the freedom to
choose the gauge.
Extended Connection in Yang-Mills Theory 101

III. Extended Curvature and the BRST Complex

In this section we will begin to consider the rich geometric structure induced by the
connection H . We will do this through the pullback form A and its curvature F. Since
we have a diffeomorphism p ∗ (P)  A × P, the de Rham complex of g-valued forms
on p ∗ (P) is the graded tensor product of the de Rham complexes of A and P, i.e.

( p ∗ (P)) ⊗ g  ∗
(A ) ⊗ ∗
(P) ⊗ g. (11)
This fact has two consequences. Firstly, the forms we are considering are naturally
bigraded. Secondly, the exterior derivative  in p ∗ (P) can be decomposed as  = δ +d,
where δ and d are the exterior derivatives in A and P respectively. Since the forms that
we are considering are equivariant forms, the right complex to study these forms is
∗ ∗
(A ) ⊗ (P) ⊗G g . (12)

∗ ∗
(A ) ⊗ 0
(P) ⊗G g  (A ) ⊗ Lie(G ), (13)

the Lie(G )-valued equivariant k-forms on A can be considered as elements of bidegree

(k, 0) of the complex (12). In particular the connection form η defines an element of
bidegree (1, 0) of this complex.
Using the splitting of the exterior derivative and the decomposition of forms we obtain
the following decomposition of the curvature F:
F = A + [A, A] = +F(1,1) + F(0,2) ,
F(2,0) = δη + [η, η] ≡ φ, (14)
F(1,1) = δAU + dη + AU , η ≡ ψ, (15)
1 U 
F(0,2) = dAU + A , AU ≡ FU . (16)
The (0, 2)-form FU is the universal family of curvature forms corresponding to the
universal family of connections AU . In this sense, Eq. (16) is the extension to families of
the usual Cartan structure equation. The (2, 0)-form φ is the curvature of the connection
η. The (1, 1)-form ψ is a mixed term which involves both the gauge fields and the gauge
fixing connection. This last term shows that this construction mixes in a non-trivial way
the geometric structures coming from the fiber bundles P → M and A → B.
We will now decompose Eqs. (14) and (15) in order to recover the usual BRST
transformations of the gauge and ghost fields. Let kV (A ) for k > 0 be the vertical
differential forms induced by η. We define 0V (A ) = C ∞ (A ). The differential of the
de Rham complex of A induces a differential δV on the vertical forms. The complex
∗ (A ) ⊗ ∗ (P) ⊗ g will be termed the vertical complex.
This decomposition shows that we can identify the vertical complex with a subcom-
plex of ∗ (A ) ⊗ ∗ (P) ⊗G g. Via this identification, the (1, 0)-form η can be identified
with a vertical form. In particular, we see that the (1, 1)-forms have a decomposition in
two terms, one of which is the part of degree (1, 1) of the vertical complex.
102 G. Catren, J. Devoto

We will now write the explicit decomposition of both sides of Eq. (15). Let δ = δV +δ H
be the decomposition of the de Rham differential on A induced by η. On degree (0, ∗)
the decomposition is given by the following definition. Let pV and p H be the projectors
onto the factors associated with the decomposition into vertical and horizontal forms. If
we think of elements of 0 (A ) ⊗ 1 (P) ⊗G g as 1 (P) ⊗G g-valued functions on A ,
then δ has a natural decomposition δ = δV + δ H , where δV = pV ◦ δ and δ H = p H ◦ δ.
The universal family of connections AU can be interpreted as a function AU : A →
1 (P) ⊗ g. We have a splitting

δAU = δV AU + δ H AU ∈ 1
(A ) ⊗ 1
(P) ⊗G g,

where δV AU is an element of the vertical complex. The universal family of connections

AU induces a family of connections on each of the vector bundles associated to P and
in particular on ad(P). This family of connections can be seen as a homomorphism

dAU : p ∗ (Lie(G )) → p ∗ 1
(P) ⊗ g , (17)

given on each copy {A} × Lie(G ) by the covariant derivative d A : Lie(G ) → 1 (P) ⊗
Lie(G ) associated to the connection A. Recall that sections of ad(P) can be seen as
equivariant functions P → g and that the covariant derivative is d A = d ◦ π A , where d
is the exterior derivative in P and π A : T P → T P is the horizontal projection. These
constructions are equivariant, which explains the codomain in Eq. (17). The term dAU η
is by definition the extension

1 ⊗ dAU : 1
(A ) ⊗ Lie(G ) = 1
(A ) ⊗ ( 0
(P) ⊗G g) → 1
(A ) ⊗ 1
(P) ⊗G g

applied to η. Since the homomorphism 1 ⊗ dAU acts on the second factor, it preserves
vertical forms. It follows that dA U η = dη + [AU , η] is a vertical form. From these
remarks we see that the vertical summand of the left hand side of Eq. (15) is

δV AU + dη + [AU , η]. (18)

We will consider now the right hand side of Eq. (15). We will demonstrate the
following proposition.

Proposition 9. The element ψ is horizontal for the connection η.

Proof. Since the connection A is the pullback of a connection on the G-fiber bundle
Q = (A × P)/G → A /G × M, the same is true for the curvature F. If we denote ωH
and FH for the connection and curvature forms of the distribution H on Q, then one

A = q ∗ ωH ,
F = q ∗ FH ,
where q is the projection A × P − → Q = (A × P)/G .
If X is a vector tangent to the fibers T FG of the action of G on A × P, then the
contraction ı X F is equal to ı X q ∗ FH = ı q∗ X FH . Since X has the form X = (v, −v) ∈
T FG with T FG given by (8), then q∗ X = 0. This results from the fact that the vectors
tangent to G are projected to zero when we take the quotient by the action of G . Hence,
Extended Connection in Yang-Mills Theory 103

the contraction ı X F of the curvature F with a vector X = (v, −v) tangent to the fibers
given by (8) is zero:

ı (v,−v) F = ı q∗ (v,−v) FH = 0. (19)

An analysis of the different components of F shows that

• ı (v,−v) F(2,0) = ı (v) F(2,0) = 0, since F(2,0) is induced by the connection η and v is
vertical for this connection.
• ı (v,−v) F(0,2) = ı −v F(0,2) = 0, since F(0,2) is induced by the connection A and −v is
tangent to the fibers of p ∗ (P) → A × P.
• ı −v F(1,1) = 0, since −v is tangent to the fibers of p ∗ (P) → A × P.

From these remarks and Eq. (19) it follows that

0 = ı (v,−v) F = ı (v,−v) F(1,1) = ı v F(1,1) = ı v ψ.

The equation (15) then splits in the equations

δV AU = −dAU η, (20)
δ H A = ψ.

The equation for the (2, 0)-form φ can also be canonically decomposed in components
belonging to the vertical and horizontal complexes. The differential δ acting on elements
of 1 (A ) ⊗ Lie(G ) = 1 (A ) ⊗ 0 (P) ⊗G g also has a decomposition δ = δV + δ H ,
where δV = δ ◦ pV and δ H = δ ◦ p H . The horizontal part δ H corresponds to the covariant
derivative with respect to the connection η. Therefore we have a splitting

δη = δV η + δ H η ∈ 2
(A ) ⊗ ( 0
(P) ⊗G g) = 2
(A ) ⊗ Lie(G ).

By definition of the curvature φ associated to the connection η we have

δ H η = φ. (22)

The vertical component of the equation is such that δV η + δ H η = δη = φ − 21 [η, η].

We have then

δV η = − [η, η] . (23)

In the next section we will show how the BRST transformations of the gauge and
ghost fields can be obtained from Eqs. (20) and (23) respectively.
104 G. Catren, J. Devoto

IV. The Relationship Between the Gauge Fixing Connection and the Ghost Field
The proposed formalism allows us to further clarify the relationship between the gauge
fixing and the ghost field. To do so, we shall first work in a local trivialization ϕσi :
Ui × G → π −1 (Ui ) defined by a local gauge fixing section σi : Ui → A over an open
subset Ui ⊂ A /G . Let η̃ be the pull-back by ϕσi of the connection form η restricted to
π −1 (Ui ). As we have seen in Sect. II, the connection form η̃ at ([A], g) ∈ Ui × G takes
the form
η̃ = adg−1 ηi + θ MC , (24)

where ηi = σi∗ η ∈ 1 (Ui ) ⊗ Lie (G ) is the local form of the connection η and
θ MC ∈ Lie (G )∗ ⊗ Lie (G ) is the Maurer-Cartan form of the gauge group G [7]. The
Maurer-Cartan form satisfies the equation
δG θ MC = − [θ MC , θ MC ] . (25)
The formal resemblance between this equation and the BRST transformation of the
ghost field c led in Ref.[6] to the identification of δ B R ST and c with the differential δG
and the Maurer-Cartan form θ MC of G respectively. Hence, Eq. (24) shows that the ghost
field can be identified with the canonical vertical part of the gauge fixing connection η
expressed in a local trivialization.
We will now show that it is possible to recover the standard BRST transformation
of the gauge field δ B R ST A = −d A c from Eq. (20). To do so, we will first suppose that
it is possible to define a global gauge fixing section σ : B → A . As we have seen in
Sect. II, the associated trivialization ϕσ induces a distinguished connection ησ such that
ϕσ∗ ησ = θ MC . Therefore, Eq. (20) yields in this trivialization

δG AU = −dAU θ MC . (26)
This equation is an extension to families of the usual BRST transformation of the
gauge field A. If a global gauge fixing section cannot be defined, then it is possible to
show that the usual BRST transformation of A is valid locally. In fact, since δV AU is
a vertical form, the substitution of the local decomposition (24) in Eq. (20) yields the
BRST transformation (26). We can thus conclude that the usual BRST transformation of
A given by (26) is only valid in a local trivialization of A → A /G . Therefore, Eq. (20)
can be considered the globally valid BRST transformation of the gauge field A. In fact,
we will now show that Eq. (20) plays the same role as the usual BRST transformation
of the gauge field. To do so, we have to take into account that the BRST transformation
δ B R ST A = −d A c defines a general infinitesimal gauge transformation of A [6]. In order
to obtain a particular gauge transformation from this general expression, it is necessary
to choose an element ξ ∈ Lie (G ). In doing so, the usual gauge transformation of A is
δ A = (δ B R ST A)(ξ ) = −d A (c(ξ )) = −d A ξ. (27)
Let’s now consider Eq. (20). According to the definition of connections, η(ξ  ) = ξ ,
where ξ  is the fundamental vector field in T A corresponding to ξ ∈ Lie (G ). Therefore,
Eq. (20) yields

δAU = (δV AU )(ξ  ) = −dAU (η(ξ  )) = −dAU ξ.

Extended Connection in Yang-Mills Theory 105

This equation is the universal family of infinitesimal gauge transformations defined

in (27). Therefore, Eq. (20) can be consistently considered the globally valid extension
to families of the usual BRST transformation of A.
The identification of the ghost field with the canonical vertical part of the gauge fixing
connection η depends on a particular trivialization of the fiber bundle. Nevertheless, we
will now show that it is also possible to understand the relationship between c and η
without using such a trivialization. To do so it is necessary to introduce the Weil algebra
of the gauge group G (see Refs. [10,13,21]).
 The Weil algebra of a Lie algebra k is the
∗ ∗ W (k)
tensor product = S ∗ k∗ ⊗ ∗ k∗ of the symmetric algebra S ∗ k∗ and the exterior
algebra k of k∗ (where k and k∗ are dual spaces). Let Ta and ϑ a be a base of k and

k respectively. The Weil algebra is then generated by the elements θ a = 1 ⊗ ϑ a and
ζ a = ϑ a ⊗ 1. The graduation is defined by assigning degree 1 to θ a and degree 2 to
ζ a . Let’s define the elements θ and ζ in W (k) ⊗ k as θ = θ a ⊗ Ta and ζ = ζ a ⊗ Ta
respectively. In fact, the element θ is the Maurer-Cartan form θ MC of the group. Weil’s
differential δW acts on these elements by means of the expressions
δW θ = ζ − [θ, θ ] ,
δW ζ = − [θ, ζ ] .
These equations reproduce in the Weil algebra Cartan structure equation and the
Bianchi identity respectively. What is important to note here is that the connection η
in the G -principal bundle A → A /G can be defined as the image of θ MC under a
particular Chern-Weil homomorphism
ω : (W (Lie(G )) ⊗ Lie(G ), δW ) −→ ∗ (A ) ⊗ Lie(G ), δ
θ MC → η.
Therefore, the Weil algebra is a universal model for the algebra of a connection
and its curvature. In this way, a gauge fixing of the theory by means of a connection
η can be defined by choosing a particular Chern-Weil’s immersion ω of the “universal
connection” θ MC into ∗ (A ) ⊗ Lie(G ). Hence, the ghost field can be considered a
universal connection whose different immersions ω define different gauge fixings of the
We will now show that the usual BRST transformation of the ghost field can be
recovered from Eq. (23). To do so, it is necessary to restrict the attention to the vertical
complexes. Indeed, the connection η ∈ 1 (A ) ⊗ Lie(G ) defines a homomorphism of
differential algebras
ωV : (Lie(G )∗ ⊗ Lie(G ), δG ) → ( ∗
V (A ) ⊗ Lie(G ), δV ),
with ωV (θ MC ) = η. This means that ωV (δG α) = δV (ωV (α)) for α ∈ Lie(G )∗ ⊗
Lie(G ). Therefore, equation (23) yields
δV (ωV (θ MC )) = − [ωV (θ MC ), ωV (θ MC )] ,
ωV (δG θ MC ) = ωV (− [θ MC , θ MC ]).
δG θ MC = − [θ MC , θ MC ] ,
which coincides with the ghost field’s BRST transformation.
106 G. Catren, J. Devoto

Remark 10. Contrary to what is commonly done in order to reobtain the BRST
transformations for the ordinary (non-topological) Yang-Mills case, it has not been nec-
essary to impose the horizontality conditions φ = ψ = 0 on the extended curvature F
(see for example Refs.[2,4,22]).

V. Path Integral Gauge Fixing

V.1. Usual gauge fixing. The central problem in the quantization of Yang-Mills theory
is computing the transition amplitudes

[A0 ] | [A1 ] = exp{i S} DA Dπ, (28)
T ∗ P ([A0 ],[A1 ])

where S is the canonical action, D A is the Feynman measure on the space of paths
P([A0 ], [A1 ]) = {γ : [0, 1] → A /G | γ (i) = [Ai ], i = 0, 1},
in A /G and Dπ is a Feynmann measure in the space of moments. The canonical
Yang-Mills’s action is given by the expression
S = dt d 3 x Ȧak πak − H0 πak , Bak − Aa0 φa , (29)

with πak = Fak0 and Bka = 21 εkmn F amn (where Fmna are the field strengths). The Yang-

Mills Hamiltonian H0 πa , Ba is
k k

H0 πak , Bak = πak πka + Bak Bka , (30)
and the functions φa are
φa = −∂k πak + f ab πc Ak .
c k b

The pairs (Aak , πak ) are the canonical variables of the theory. The temporal component
Aa0 is not a dynamical variable, but the Lagrange multiplier for the generalized Gauss
constraint φa ≈ 0.
The geometry of the quotient space A /G is generally quite complicated. The usual
approach is to replace the integral (28) with an integral over the space of paths in the
affine space A . To do so, one must pick two elements Ai ∈ π −1 [Ai ] in the fibres
[Ai ] ∈ A /G (i = 0, 1). Then one replaces the integral (28) by

A0 | A1 = exp{i S}DA Dπ, (32)
T ∗ P (A0 , A1 )

where the integral is now defined on the cotangent bundle of the following space of paths
in A
P(A0 , A1 ) = {γ : [0, 1] → A | γ (0) = A0 , γ (1) = A1 }.
The problem with this approach is that it introduces an infinite volume in the path
integral, which corresponds to the integration over unphysical degrees of freedom. The
projection π : A → A /G induces a projection

π : P(A0 , A1 ) → P([A0 ], [A1 ]).
Extended Connection in Yang-Mills Theory 107

The path group

PG = {g(t) : [0, 1] → G | g(0) = g(1) = idG }
acts on P(A0 , A1 ) by pointwise multiplication and the fibers of 
π consist of the orbits of
the action of PG . Since the action S is invariant under the action of 
 PG , one needs to
extract the volume of this group from the integral (32). In order to get rid of this infinite
volume the usual approach is to fix the gauge by defining a section σ : A /G → A
such that σ ([Ai ]) = Ai , i = 0, 1. The gauge fixing section σ induces a map σ̃
w π

P(A0 , A1 ) / P([A0 ], [A1 ]),

defined by σ̃ (γ ) = σ ◦ γ , which is a section of 

π . This section σ̃ induces a trivialization

P(A0 , A1 )  P([A0 ], [A1 ]) × 

and a similar decomposition at the level of cotangent bundles. The ghost field appears
when one computes the Jacobian which relates the corresponding measures. One can
then use Fubini’s theorem in order to extract the irrelevant and problematic factor.
It is worth noting that the definition of a gauge fixing section σ in the G -principal
fiber bundle of fields A → A /G is only an auxiliary step for defining a section σ̃ of

the PG -projection P(A0 , A1 ) − → P([A0 ], [A1 ]) in the space of paths where the path
integral is actually defined.

V.2. Generalized gauge fixing. We will now consider in which sense the connection η
can be used to fix the gauge. This gauge fixing will be globally well-defined, even if there
is a Gribov’s obstruction. We shall begin by considering paths in A such that the initial
condition A0 is fixed and the final condition is defined only up to a gauge transformation
(see Ref.[19, p. 123]). This means that the final condition can be any element of the final
fiber π −1 [A1 ]. The corresponding space of paths is
P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]) = {γ : [0, 1] → A | γ (0) = A0 , π(γ (1)) = [A1 ]}.
The relevant path group is now
PG = {g(t) : [0, 1] → G | g(0) = idG }.
This group acts on P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]). This actions defines the projection
π : P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]) → P([A0 ], [A1 ]).
It is easy to show that the action of the path group PG on P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]) is free.
We will not need to assume that it is a principal bundle.
The gauge fixing by means of the connection η is defined by taking parallel transports
along paths in A /G of the initial condition A0 ∈ π −1 [A0 ] (as has already been suggested
in Ref.[19]). This procedure defines a section σ η of the projection π ,
π / P([A0 ], [A1 ]).
P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]) (33)
108 G. Catren, J. Devoto

The section σ η sends each path γ ∈ P([A0 ], [A1 ]) to its η-horizontal lift
γ = σ η γ ∈ P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]) starting at A0 .3 A path γ ∈ P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]) is
in the image of σ η if and only if the tangent vectors to γ at each A ∈ A belong to the
horizontal subspaces Hη (A) defined by η. Recalling that Hη (A) = Ker η(A), this local
condition leads to the gauge fixing equation

η(γ̇ (t)) = 0, ∀t. (34)

In local bundle coordinates this condition defines a non-linear ordinary equation. The
explicit form of this equation is given in (57) (see Ref.[18] for details). In the case of
the Coulomb connection defined in (7), Eq. (34) becomes

dγ∗ (t) γ̇ (t) = 0, ∀t. (35)

This equation can be expressed in local terms on M and P for each t.

If π : X → X/G is a quotient space by a principal action, then any section σ :

X/G → X induces a global trivialization  : X/G × G − → X , where ([x], g) =
σ ([x]) · g. It can be shown that  is a diffeomorphism. It follows that the space of paths
P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]) can be factorized as P([A0 ], [A1 ]) × PG . A similar decomposition
is induced at the level of cotangent bundles.
Strictly speaking the path integral is not an integral on the space of fields A , but
rather an integral on the space of paths. Hence, the section σ η induced by the connection
η suffices to get rid of the infinite volume of the path group PG .

Remark 11. The generalized gauge fixing can be also be defined as the null space of
a certain functional as follows. The Lie algebra Lie(G ) of the gauge group G can
be identified with the sections of the adjoint bundle ad(P). The invariant metric on g
induces a metric < , >ad(P) on ad(P). Using this metric we define a G -invariant metric
on Lie(G ) = (ad(P)) by

σ1 , σ2 Lie(G ) = < σ1 ( p), σ2 ( p) >ad(P) d x. (36)

Then we define the functional F : P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]) → R by

F(γ ) = η(γ̇ (t))2Lie(G ) dt. (37)

This is a positive functional and the image of the section ση is the null space of F.

VI. Faddeev-Popov Method Revisited

We will now proceed to implement the proposed generalized gauge fixing at the level of
the path integral. To do so, we will show that the usual Faddeev-Popov method can also
3 The theorem of existence of parallel transport has been extended to infinite dimensions in Ref. [17,
Theorem 39.1]. It can be shown that under suitable assumptions the parallel transport depends smoothly on
the path. We will therefore assume that the section σ η is smooth and that its image is a smooth submanifold
of P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]). By definition, this submanifold is transversal to the action of PG .
Extended Connection in Yang-Mills Theory 109

be used with this generalized gauge fixing. We will then start by introducing our gauge
fixing condition at the level of the transition amplitude

A0 | π −1 [A1 ] = exp{i S}DA Dπ. (38)
T ∗ P (A0 , π −1 [A1 ])

The first possible form of the gauge fixing condition is δ(F(γ )), where δ is the Dirac
delta function on R and F(γ ) the functional (37). This form is mathematically consistent
and does not require any product of distributions. This gauge fixing condition has the
direct exponential representation

δ(F(γ )) = dλeiλF (γ )
iλ η(γ̇ (t))2Lie(G ) dt
= dλe γ

iλ η(γ̇ (t))2g d xdt
= dλe γ M .

The second form is based on the elementary observation that the integral of a con-
tinuous positive function is zero if and only if the function is zero at all points. One can
then define the gauge fixing condition

δ(η(γ̇ )) = lim δLie(G ) (η(γ̇ (tk ))) (39)

= lim δg(η(γ̇ (tk ))(x j )),
N ,M
k=1 j=1

where δLie(G ) is the delta function on Lie(G ) defined as an infinite product of the Dirac
delta δg on g. If Ta is a fixed basis of g, we can write δg(η(γ̇ (tk ))(x j )) in terms of
δ(η(γ̇ (tk ))(x j )a ), where now the delta function is the usual delta function on R3 .
As usual we define the element −1 [γ ] as

−1 [γ ] = D g  δ(η(γ ˙g  )), (40)

where γ g  denotes the right action of PG on P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]).

Proposition 12. The element −1 [γ ] is PG invariant.

−1 [γ g] = ˙  )) =
D g  δ(η(γ gg ˙  ))
D(gg  )δ(η(γ gg

= D(g )δ(η(γ g˙  )) = −1 [γ ].

110 G. Catren, J. Devoto

We can then express the number one in the following way:

1 = [γ ] D g  δ(η(γ ˙g  )). (41)

Roughly speaking, the element [γ ] corresponds to the determinant of the oper-
ator which measures the gauge fixing condition’s variation under infinitesimal gauge
It can be shown that the element [γ ] is never zero. The local gauge fixing con-
dition η(γ̇ (t)) = 0 induces a well-defined section σ η of the PG -projection π :
P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]) → P([A0 ], [A1 ]) in the space of paths. Since the sub-manifold defined
by the image of σ η is by definition transversal to the action of PG , an infinitesi-
mal gauge transformation of the gauge fixing condition η(γ̇ (t)) = 0 will be always
non-trivial. In this way we can argue that the element [γ ] is never zero. This fact
ensures that the connection η induces a well-defined global gauge fixing, even when the
topology of the fiber bundle A → A /G is not trivial.
By inserting (41) in (38) we obtain
A0 | π −1 [A1 ] = DA Dπ [γ ] D g  δ(η(γ ˙g  ))) exp{i S} .
T ∗ P (A0 , π −1 [A1 ]) PG

If we now perform in the usual manner a gauge transformation taking γ g  to γ we

A0 | π −1 [A1 ] = D g DA Dπ [γ ] δ(η(γ̇ ))) exp{i S} ,
PG T ∗ P (A0 , π −1 [A1 ])

where we have used that DA Dπ , −1 [γ ] and S are gauge invariant. In this way we
have isolated the infinite volume of the path group PG .
We will now follow the common procedure for finding the new terms in the action
coming from the Dirac delta δ(η(γ̇ )) and the element [γ ].
In order to find an integral representation of the gauge condition’s Dirac delta δ(η(γ̇ ))
we will start by finding the integral representation of the Dirac delta function δLie(G ) on
Lie(G ) used in (39). If ξ ∈ Lie(G ), the Dirac delta δLie(G ) (ξ ) defined as

δLie(G ) (ξ ) = lim δg(ξ(x j )),

can be expressed in terms of the integral representations of the Dirac delta δg(ξ(x j )) on
g as

λ(x j ),ξ(x j )
δLie(G ) (ξ ) = lim dλ(x j )ei j=1 g
=  i
Dλe d x λ(x),ξ(x) g ,

=  i
Dλe λ,ξ Lie(G ) ,
Extended Connection in Yang-Mills Theory 111

where λ is a section of ad(P) = P ×G g and Dλ  = lim M M dλ(x j ). The Dirac delta
δ(η(γ̇ )) of the gauge fixing condition can then be expressed as

δ(η(γ̇ )) = lim δLie(G ) (η(γ̇ (tk )))
= lim  k ei
Dλ k=1 λk ,η(γ̇ (tk )) Lie(G )
i λ,η(γ̇ (t)) Lie(G ) dt
= Dλe γ

i λ,η(γ̇ (t)) g d xdt
= Dλe γ M ,

where λ is a time-evolving section of ad(P) = P ×G g. The final measure Dλ is then

Dλ = lim  k = lim
Dλ dλk (x j ).
N N ,M
k=1 k=1 j=1

Let’s now compute explicitly the element [γ ]. Let X be an element of the Lie
algebra Lie(PG ) identified with the tangent space of PG at the identity element.
Given a path γ (t) ∈ P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]), one must calculate the variation of η (γ̇ ) under
an infinitesimal gauge transformation defined by X ∈ Lie(PG ). Let u → ku be the
uniparametric subgroup of PG generated by X by means of the exponential map exp :
Lie(PG ) → PG . We have then X = du d
ku |u=0 ∈ Lie(PG ).
Remark 13. The gauge fixing condition has a natural interpretation in terms of the geom-
etry of P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]). The tangent space Tγ P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]) to P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]) at
a path γ can be identified with the sections of the pullback γ ∗ (T A). The connection η
induces a map from Tγ P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]) to the Lie algebra of PG . The tangent field γ̇
represents a marked point in Tγ P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]). The gauge fixing condition means that
we will only consider paths such that the connection η vanishes on the marked point γ̇ .
Using the description of the tangent spaces to path spaces given in the previous remark
we can identify X with a map t → X t with 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 and X t ∈ Lie(G ). In order to find
an expression for the vectors X t one must take into account that ku describes a family
of paths in the gauge group G parameterized by t. This means that ku = gu (t) ⊂ G for
u fixed. To emphasize this, let us write ku (t). For a given t, the vector X t ∈ Lie(G ) is
then given by X t = du d
ku (t)u=0 . If γ ∈ P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]) we must compute
d d
ηγ (t)ku (t) Rk (t) γ (t) |u=0 . (42)
du dt u
At a fixed time t0 the time derivative in (42) is equal to
d d
Rk (t) γ (t)|t=t0 = Rku (t0 )ku (t0 )−1 ku (t) γ (t)|t=t0
dt u dt
= Rk (t ) γ (t)|t=t0
dt u 0
+ Rku (t0 )−1 ku (t) Rku (t0 ) γ (t0 ) |t=t0
= d Rku (t0 ) (γ̇ (t0 )) + ι(γ (t0 )ku (t0 )) (X u ), (43)
112 G. Catren, J. Devoto

where X u = ku (t0 )−1 dt d

ku (t)|t=t0 . The first term in the last equation is the differential
of the action of ku (t). We have used that the differential of a function f is defined as
d f (X ) = d f (γ
|t=t0 with X = dγdt(t) |t=t0 . The second term is the homomorphism
from the Lie algebra of G to the vertical vector fields (see Appendix A for detailed
Let’s apply the connection form η to each term in Eq. (43). Firstly, we have

ηγ (t0 )ku (t0 ) (d Rku (t0 ) (γ̇ (t0 ))) = Ad(ku−1 (t0 ))ηγ (t0 ) (γ̇ (t0 )). (44)

The equality (44) follows from one of the connection’s defining properties (see (54)
in Appendix A). The second term is

ηγ (t0 )ku (t0 ) ι(γ (t0 )ku (t0 )) (X u ) = X u , (45)

where we have used Eq. (54). The infinitesimal variation defined by X ∈ Lie(PG ) is
given by the sum of

Ad(ku (t0 )−1 )ηγ (t0 ) (γ̇ (t0 )) |u=0 = Ad(−X t0 )ηγ (t0 ) (γ̇ (t0 ))
= −X t0 , ηγ (t0 ) (γ̇ (t0 ))

and d
du X u |u=0 . Let’s now calculate this last term:
d d −1 d
X u |u=0 = ku (t0 ) ku (t) |u=0,t=t0
du du dt
−2 dku (t0 ) dku (t) −1 d dku (t)
= −ku (t0 ) + ku (t0 ) |u=0,t=t0
du dt dt du
dku (t0 ) dk0 (t)
= −k0 (t0 )−2 |u=0 |t=t0
du dt 
d dku (t)
+k0 (t0 )−1 |u=0
dt du t=t0
= Ẋ t (t0 ),

where in the last step we used that k0 (t) = idG ∀t.

The infinitesimal variation of the gauge fixing condition is then
d d  
ηγ (t)ku (t) Rk (t) γ (t) |u=0 = −X t , ηγ (t) (γ̇ (t)) + Ẋ t .
du dt u

This expression defines a linear endomorphism Mγ in Lie(PG ) for each path γ (t).
Equivalently, it defines a linear endomorphism Mγ (t) in Lie(G ) for each t.
4 If we use the usual form for the gauge transformation of connections (49) the time derivative in (42) can
be expressed as
ad(ku−1 (t0 ))γ̇ (t0 ) + ad ku−1 (t) γ (t0 ) + ku−1 (t)dku (t) t=t0 .
The first term is equal to the differential of the action d Rku (t0 ) (γ̇ (t0 )) (see (53)). The second term is equal to
the infinitesimal symmetry ι(γ (t0 )ku (t0 )) (X u ) (see (52)).
Extended Connection in Yang-Mills Theory 113

In order to find the exponential representation of the element  γ , we will introduce
a Grassmann algebra generated by the anticommuting variables c and c̄. By following
the common procedure, we can express the element  γ as
[γ ] = D c̄Dce c̄t ,Mγ (t)ct g d xdt ,


Dc = lim  t = lim
Dc dctk (x j ),
N N ,M
k=1 k=1 j=1

and the same for D c̄ (see Ref.[24] for a precise definition of c and c̄).
By gathering all the pieces together, the path integral takes the form
A0 |π [A1 ] = D g DA Dπ DλDcD c̄ exp{i Sg f }, (46)
where Sg f is the gauge fixed action
Sg f = d 4 x Ȧk π k − H0 − A0 φ + λ, η(γ̇ ) g − i c̄, Mγ c g .

By explicitly introducing the indices of the Lie algebra g, the endomorphisms Mγ (t)(x)
can be expressed as

Mγ (t)(x)ac = −ηγ (t) (γ̇ (t))b f ab

+ δac ∂0 ,
c are the structure constants of g. The gauge fixed action takes then the form
where f ab
Sg f = d 4 x Ȧak πak − H0 − Aa0 φa + λa η(γ̇ )a + i c̄a η(γ̇ )b f ab
cc − i c̄a ċa . (47)

The last term can be recast as +i ċa c̄a . Therefore, this term can be interpreted as the
kinetic term corresponding to the new pair of canonical variables (c, i c̄).

VII. Conclusions
The principal aim of this work was to study the quantization of
Yang-Mills theory by using an extended connection A defined in a properly chosen
principal bundle. This connection unifies the three fundamental geometric objects of
Yang-Mills theory, namely the gauge field, the gauge fixing and the ghost field. This
unification is an extension of the known fact that the gauge and ghost fields can be
assembled together as ω = A + c [3].
The first step in the unification process was to generalize the gauge fixing procedure
by replacing the usual gauge fixing section σ with a gauge fixing connection η in the
G -principal bundle A → A /G . We have then shown that the connection η also encodes
the ghost field of the BRST complex. In fact, the ghost field can either be considered
the canonical vertical part of η in a local trivialization or the universal connection in the
gauge group’s Weil algebra. The unification process continues by demonstrating that the
universal family of gauge fields AU and the gauge fixing connection η can be unified in
the single extended connection A = AU +η on the G-principal bundle A × P → A × M.
114 G. Catren, J. Devoto

In this way, we have shown that the extended connection A encodes the gauge field, the
gauge fixing and the ghost field. A significant result is that it is possible to derive the
BRST transformations of the relevant fields without imposing the usual horizontality or
flatness conditions on the extended curvature F = φ + ψ + FU ([2,4,22]). In other words,
it is not necessary to assume that φ = ψ = 0. Moreover, the proposed formalism allows
us to show that the standard BRST transformation of the gauge field A is only valid in a
local trivialization of the fiber bundle A → A /G . In fact, Eq. (20) can be considered
the corresponding global generalization.
We then applied this geometric formalism to the path integral quantization of
Yang-Mills theory. Rather than selecting a fixed representant for each [A] ∈ A /G
by means of a section σ , the gauge fixing connection η allows us to parallel trans-
port any initial condition A0 ∈ A belonging to the orbit [A0 ]. A significant advan-
tage of this procedure is that one can always define a section σ η of the projection
P(A0 , π −1 [A1 ]) → P([A0 ], [A1 ]) in the space of paths, even when it is not possible to
define a global section σ : A /G → A in the space of fields. Since the path integral is
not an integral in the space of fields A , but rather an integral in the space of paths in A ,
such a section σ η suffices for eliminating the infinite volume of the group of paths PG .
Hence, this generalized gauge fixing procedure is globally well-defined even when the
topology of the fiber bundle A → A /G is not trivial (Gribov’s obstruction).
We then used the standard Faddeev-Popov method in order to introduce the gener-
alized gauge fixing defined by η at the level of the path integral. The corresponding
gauge fixed extended action Sg f was thereby obtained. We have thus shown that the
Faddeev-Popov method can be used even when there is a Gribov’s obstruction.

Acknowledgement. We wish to thank Marc Henneaux for his helpful comments and the University of Buenos
Aires for its financial support (Projects No. X103 and X193).

A. The Geometry of η

In this appendix we will review some geometric properties of the connection η. The
gauge group G consists of diffeomeorphisms ϕ : P → P such that π ϕ = π and
ϕ( pg) = ϕ( p)g (with g ∈ G). Each element ϕ ∈ G can be associated to a map
g : P → G by ϕ( p) = pg( p). This map g satisfies g( ph) = h −1 g( p)h = ad(h −1 )g( p).
This description of the elements of G also allows one to describe the elements of the
Lie algebra Lie(G ). These elements consist of maps g : P → g such that g( ph) =
Ad(h −1 )g( p).
The gauge group G acts on the right on A via the pullback of connections. If ϕ :
P → P is an element of G and A ∈ A , then the action is given by:

Rϕ A = ϕ ∗ A. (48)

This action is commonly described in terms of the function g by the transformation


Rϕ A = g−1 Ag + g−1 dg. (49)

The first term in the right hand side of Eq. (49) denotes the composition

Ap adg−1 ( p)
T p P −→ g −−−−−→ g. (50)
Extended Connection in Yang-Mills Theory 115

The second part g−1 dg is the pullback of the Maurer-Cartan form ω defined by the
map g : P → G.
The action (48) induces two constructions of interest. The first one is the infinitesimal
action. This is a morphism of Lie algebras ι : Lie(G ) → (T P), where (T P) is the
Lie algebra of the vector fields on P. We will identify elements of a Lie algebra with
tangent vectors at the identity. If ζ ∈ Lie(G ) and ϕs is a curve such that
ϕs s=0 = ζ,
and A ∈ A , then we define
ιAζ = Rϕ As=0 . (51)
ds s
In terms of the explicit description of Eq. (49) we obtain
ι A ζ = Ad(ζ )A + g−1 dgs=0 . (52)
The second action is the differential of the action of G . Since A is an affine space,
there is a natural identification T A = A ⊕ A . An element V ∈ T A A can then be
identified with a connection. Let As be a curve in A such that ds d
As |s=0 = V . Then we
d Rϕ V = ad(g)As s=0 . (53)

Remark 14. The infinitesimal action and the differential of the action are geometric
intrinsic constructions. They only depend on the vectors ζ and V and not on the particular
curves used to compute them.
The connection η has the following properties
η(ι(ζ )) = ζ, (54)
η(d Rϕ V ) = ad(g−1 )η(V ). (55)

B. The Local Form of η

The local form of a connection in a principal bundle is commonly described in terms
of Christoffel symbols. This description has been extended to infinite dimensions in
Ref.[17, Chap. VIII]. We will give a brief description of the constructions involved. Let
Uα be a trivializing covering of A /G with trivializing functions ψα : Uα ×G → A Uα .
Then the pullback of η defines a Lie(G )-valued 1-form on Uα × G . Let v ∈ Tx Uα and
w ∈ Tg G be two tangent vectors. Then
ψα∗ η(v, w) =: − α (v, g) + w (56)
for a certain 1-form αwith values on the vector fields on G . The 1-form α is called
the local Christoffel form of η in the trivialization (Uα , ψα ). If γ is a path in Uα , then
any lift γ̃ of γ to Uα × G has the form γ̃ (t) = (γ (t), τ (t)) for a path τ in G . Then the
gauge fixing condition is given in local coordinates by the equation
d d
τ (t) −  α ( τ (t), γ (t)) = 0. (57)
dt dt
116 G. Catren, J. Devoto

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Communicated by N.A. Nekrasov

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