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Mayer Expansions Hamilton Jacobi - Brydges Kennedy

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Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 48, Nos.

1/2, 1987

Mayer Expansions and the Hamilton-Jacobi

D. C. Brydges 1 and T. Kennedy 2'3

Received October 13, 1986," revision received March 3, 1987

We review the derivation of Wilson's differential equation in (infinitely) many

variables, which describes the infinitesimal change in an effective potential of a
statistical mechanical model or quantum field theory when an infinitesimal
"integration out" is performed. We show that this equation can be solved for
short times by a very elementary method when the initial data are bounded and
analytic. The resulting series solutions are generalizations of the Mayer expan-
sion in statistical mechanics. The differential equation approach gives a
remarkable identity for "connected parts" and precise estimates which include
criteria for convergence of iterated Mayer expansions. Applications include the
Yukawa gas in two dimensions past the/3 = 4~ threshold and another derivation
of some earlier results of G6pfert and Mack.

KEY WORDS: Multiscale Mayer expansions; renormalization group; tree

graph identities.

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N

M a n y p r o b l e m s in statistical m e c h a n i c s a n d q u a n t u m field t h e o r y c e n t e r o n
t h e a n a l y s i s of f u n c t i o n a l i n t e g r a l s o f t h e f o r m

Z ( q ; ) = f dlz(q~) e x p [ - V(q~ + q r - [# 9 exp(- V)](qr (1.1)


Department of Mathematics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903.

2 Institute des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, 91440 Bures-Sur-Yvette, France.
3 Permanent address: Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey

0022-4715/87/0700-0019505.00/0 9 1987 Plenum Publishing Corporation
20 Brydges and Kennedy

where ~ = (q~x)~A is a Gaussian process with joint probability distribution

d# with mean zero and covariance Cxy, so that

fdp(~) ~0~ = 0 allx~A

f d#(~)(oxCpy=Cxy allx, yeA (1.2)

and V is an approximately additive functional (local in physics ter-

minology). This means V has the form

V ~ ~ Vx(~Ox) (1.3)

where the precise meaning of -~ will be discussed later.

The object in analyzing Z is to determine information on its depen-
dence on parameters in V in the limit as the index set A increases to an
infinite set. In applications there is always a natural procedure available to
define the covariance matrix and a sequence of V's for the sets through
which A increases to an infinite set.
An easy version of this problem occurs when V is exactly additive and
the covariance matrix vanishes off the diagonal, because in this case Z fac-
tors into a product of one-dimensional integrals. The expansion techniques
of statistical mechanics quantify what happens near this case. In recent
years the renormalization group philosophy has made it clear that the best
results are obtained when one applies these expansions to small "sub-
integrals" of ~ d/~ rather than the whole integral at once. For example, one
can write the covariance C as the sum of two (or more) covariances
C = C(1~+ C (2) with corresponding Gaussian processes *0(1), d# ~1~ and ~(2),
dp (2) so that

Z ~-/A (1) * ]A(2) * exp( - V) = ]A(1) * e x p { l o g [ p ~2) * exp( - V)] }

Since the original covariance can be written as a sum of m a n y covariances

C~1),..., C ~u) the problem becomes a study of the m a p
V ~ - l o g ( # (i) * e v) (1.4)

This or some variant m a p has been used and studied in very m a n y papers;
see, for example, Ref. 1. The present paper is concerned with the limiting
case of this philosophy, where we write

dte(t) (1.51
Mayer Expansions and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation 21

Each increment d~(t) is an independent Gaussian process with an

infinitesimal covariance C(t)dt (i.e., an Ito integral increment). This leads
to a differential equations approach: a flow equation describing how V
must change to compensate for an infinitesimal change in C. Such
equations were first obtained by Wilson, ~2~ but have not yet been much
used in mathematical investigations. Polchinski (3) is an exception, which
started our interest in this approach.
The flow equation obtained in this way is a partial differential
equation of the form

av/at = 89 v , , , , - (1.6)

where the q~ subscript denotes a Laplacian in all the ~'s. Since there are an
infinite number of ~ variables in the limit as A grows to an infinite set, even
if V is local, it is an infinite sum of roughly equal functions and will
typically be infinite. On the other hand, its derivatives with respect to the
variables ~ox can remain finite. In this paper we study these derivatives of
solutions that are obtained by "the method of variation of parameters."
These are power series in a parameter in front of the nonlinear term and
they turn out to be generalizations of the Mayer expansion in statistical
mechanics. The study of their analogues in the discrete case was begun by
Gallavotti et al. and is reviewed in Ref. 4. Related ideas were introduced by
G6pfert and Mack. (12)
The maximum principle, i.e., positivity of the fundamental solution of
the heat equation, along with a Cauchy-Kowaleska type of existence proof
shows that the derivatives of V may be estimated by derivatives of the
solution of a similar equation with the Laplacian omitted and a sign
changed, i.e.,

3 V / 3 t = 89V~ . V,p (1.7)

Furthermore, we can even estimate suitable norms of the original V (which

measure how "nonlocal" V is) in terms of the solution of (1.8) with only
one (p variable. A Burger's equation was analyzed in Ref. 5 in a similar way
to obtain mean-field theory bounds on the Ising model. Equation (1.7) is a
Hamiltonqacobi equation with an unusual sign (or alternatively the initial
data have been flipped in sign.). The Hamilton-Jacobi equation is solved
by the action principle of classical mechanics (see, for example, Ref. 19).
Furthermore, in perturbation theory the same classical action is given by
summing over all tree graphs. Thus the domination of the flow equation by
a Hamilton-Jacobi equation provides a new viewpoint on the tree graph
bounds used in cluster expansions. See the review article in Ref. 7 for
discussion and references on this topic. Unfortunately, the "wrong sign" in
22 Brydges and Kennedy

Eq. (1.7) means that we have lost relative signs between tree graphs and it
is in these signs that the stability of the interaction is encoded. For this
reason we are forced to restrict ourselves to initial data with bounded
derivatives. This is a bad restriction as far as interesting physical systems
are concerned and it would be most desirable to get bounds involving a
Hamilton-Jacobi equation with the standard sign. In particular, it is
important to note that our theorems are too weak to use as a basis for a
good global existence theorem such as is needed for the study of critical
behavior by the renormalization group, in contrast to the methods
discussed by several other authors. ~1) Even for systems with initial data in
our class we do not obtain long-time existence theorems useful in the study
of critical phenomena, because under scaling, which is part of the renor-
malization group, bounded functions become less bounded and start to
resemble polynomials.
Nevertheless, this method is very simple and useful as far as it goes
and provides accurate estimates. We show in Extension 2.5 in Section 2 and
in Section 4 that when the initial data are chosen to be a trigonometric
polynomial the existence theorem can be improved in a simple way so as to
take advantage of the smoothing properties of the Laplacian in the flow
equation and then the method is strong enough to prove convergence of
the Mayer expansion (-= perturbation theory) for the continuum sine-
G o r d o n field theory for fl< 16rc/3 and z small. The sine-Gordon field
theory is the same as the two-dimensional Yukawa gas and 161r/3 is
beyond the first threshold at fi = 4re at which the gas collapses into dipoles.
These are mostly not new results, but we think there is a conceptual
advance in our derivation. We have also found a very useful graphical iden-
tity (Theorem 3.1), which is representative of the principle that graphical
expansions are dominated by their tree graphs. As an application of this
result we apply the identity to the (Villain) Yukawa system in three dimen-
sions, first analyzed by G6pfert and Mack. ~12)
Each of the following sections refers to results in earlier sections, but
nevertheless can be read almost independently.

In this section we study the approximate additivity properties of
V(t, 9) defined by
V : = - l o g [ # r * e x p ( - V~~ (2.1)

where d/~ is the mean zero Gaussian joint probability distribution with
Mayer Expansions and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation 23

covariance C(t)= Cxy(t) where t e R + is a real number that parametrizes a

differentiable deformation of the covariance. Thus, we assume

C(O) = 0 (2.2a)
C is differentiable (2.2b)
C=- dC/dt >>,0 (2.2c)

and interpret dpo to be the measure 8(~). This is consistent with continuity
because the weak limit of d#, as t tends to zero is 8(~). Condition (2.2c)
means positivity in the sense of forms. V(~ is a smooth, bounded function
of ~. We will also use #{,.~] to denote the Gaussian measure with
covariance ~. C(~) d~, so, for example, #, is the same as #u.0j-
k e m m a 2.1. Vis the unique bounded solution to
8V 1 ( 82 E 0V 8V~

lira V(t)= V ~~ (2.3)


Proof. #, has a Gaussian density which is the fundamental solution

for a heat equation, so that Z =- #, 9 Z (~ is the unique bounded solution to
8Z 1 82Z
at - 2 ~' Cur - - ; lim Z(t, ~o) = Z (~ (2.4)
, - 8~oxoq~y ,~o

The proof is now an elementary calculation using V = - l o g ( # , 9 Z (~ with

Z (~ e x p ( - V(~ |
To state our existence theorem we define
V~,.......M - & o x . . .8(pxm (2.5)

VM(t )=- sup ~ ~. 1Vx,:,2.......M(t,~)t (2.6)
real, x x2,...,x M

F(~(t)l -= sup ~ ICxy(t)l

x y
VM is defined for M = 1 by omitting the sum in (2.6).
Theorem 2.2. Suppose that the power series in one variable q)

v(O)(~p)=_ s VM(O) (pM (2.7)

24 Brydges and Kennedy

has a nonzero radius of convergence; then

Ov 1 (Sv)
0-/=2 lr \~o] 2, v(0, ~o) = v(~ (2.8)

defines for t small a function v(t, q)) that is analytic near ~0= 0. For all t for
which v exists the flow equation (2.3) has a unique solution which is
analytic in the initial data and bounded according to
VM(t) ~ VM(t), M = 1, 2,... (2.9)

where VM(t) is the Mth coefficient of the power series for v:

v(t, ~o)= ~ VM(t)q~M (2.10)


In particular these bounds hold if t is sufficiently small that

[f~ ,C(s)l ds] sup [MVM(O)]2/M<I-- (2.11)

M)I 4

Proof. The flow equation is

1 ( 2v av
-2~Cv.(t) ---- , x~A (2.12)

Since we are only considering bounded solutions of these equations, we can

rewrite them as integral equations


We differentiate this with respect to q~,,,..., (PxMand obtain

V~O)_~1s~~ z f~ ds Z Cyz(s) #e,,sl * (VyjV~j\j), (2.13)


where I _= {1,..., M} and we have used the set subscripts /, J, and /~J to
denote derivatives with respect to Cs at x~ for i ~ J, etc. We can insert these
equations into themselves and thereby generate a series for any given
derivative with coefficients involving only derivatives of the initial con-
ditions. This becomes a power series in z if we replace V(~ by zV (~ We
also find by taking absolute values and supremums over ~ that

VM(t) <~VM(O)+~p~=oj ~ ds Ir ( p + 1) Vp. ,(s)

• (M-p+ 1) VM_p+I(S )
Mayer Expansions and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation 25

for M~> 1. The /s disappear on taking supremums because they are

probability measures. The iteration of

VM(t)=vM(O)+-2p ~=o ds IC(s)l ( p + 1)Vp+l(S)

x ( m - p + l) VM_p+I(S) (2.14)

where M>~0, produces a series that majorizes the formal series for VM
(with M~> 1) obtained by iterating (2.13). Furthermore, if we define v(t, ~o)

then (2.14) becomes

v(t,~o)=v(o,~o)+ 5 as Id(s)l \- ~ ] (2.15)

which is the integral equation corresponding to

8v 1
( O v ) z, v(t=0)= ~, VM(O)~oM (2.16)

We will now prove that the iteration of (2.14) converges, by replacing v(0)
by zv(O) in (2.15) and showing that this equation has a solution analytic in
z in a neighborhood of {z: Izl ~< 1} and in ~0 near ~o= 0 for t satisfying
(2.11). It is enough to replace the initial condition on v by the majorizing
v(O, ~ p ) = z ~M ~1K MqoM = - z l o g ( 1 - K ~ 0 )

where K = supM~>I [MVM(O)] 1/M. By changes of variable

~= K2 fs Id(s)l ds, (p= K(p

the equations are transformed to
8v 1{8v~ 2
Or - 2 \8-~ ] ' v(z = 0) = -z log(1 - 4o)

This equation may be solved by the action principle (see, for example,
Ref. 19). Its solution is
v = - z log(1 - r (r _ r
26 Brydges and Kennedy

where Ip0 is such that the right-hand side is critical, i.e.,

z 1
- - + - (~-~o)--0
1 -~o "c

v is analytic near q~ = 0 for 0~< ]zz] < 1/4, which by our change of variable
above is the same as (2.11) since ]zl~<l. We conclude from these
arguments that the series generated by iterating (2.13) and its derivatives is
convergent for small time in the V M norms defined above. This implies that
the series are uniformly convergent series of analytic functions, so that the
series for V solves the flow equations (2.12). |

Some Extensions
E x t e n s i o n 2.3. If the set A has a metric p (example: Euclidean
distance on A_= Zd), then we can discuss exponential localization, i.e.,
exponential decay of correlation functions, by defining

p(xl ..... XN) = inf ~ p(x l, Xm) (2.17)

Tetree g r a p h s o n { 1,..., N } l, r n e T

which is a measure of how spread out the index points x 1,..., XN are. Next
we fix 2 ~>0 and define

VMj.(t)= sup ~ ~ ]Vx,x2.......M(t, q0)] exp[2p(x, x2,..., xM)]
real . . . . . 2 ....... M (2.6')
10(t)l;. - sup ~ Id'x.v(t)l exp[,~p(x, y ) ]
x y

With the same proof as in Theorem 2.2 we obtain the following result.
T h e o r e m 2.2'. The same as Theorem 2.2 with VM and Idol replaced
by VM.~. and Id~l>., respectively.
E x t e n s i o n 2.4. If the index set A is a subset of the lattice
( e Z ) J c R J, then by replacing V/~ by eJV ~~ all we have done carries over
with sums over indices x e A replaced by Riemann sums. This means there
will be a continuum version o f these results in which derivatives with respect
to q~x are replaced by variational derivatives O/~q)(x), q~ becomes a
Gaussian field over R d, etc. In particular, the flow equations can be refor-
mulated as integral equations.
E x t e n s i o n 2.5. Theorem 2.2 does not take advantage of the
smoothing properties of convolution by #. As we will explain below,
Mayer Expansions and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation 27

trigonometric polynomials are a standard choice for the initial data. In this
special case it is easy to do better: fix T>~ 0 and consider, for example, the
initial data

V(~ z ~. :exp(iq)x): r

where : :r (normal ordering with respect to the covariance at t = T) is

defined by

:exp(icPx): 7-= exp [89 ] exp(icpx )

We assume that d'~x is independent of x and set c(s)- Cxx(s).

Proposition 2.6. For T sufficiently small that

"]0 Id~(s)lexp .,. c ( r ) & ds<e I

The equation

5 c(r)&
] Id(l)l ~ j
~(t = 0 ) = z e ~

has a solution at least up to time T and for M ~> 1,

VM(T)<~ VM(T)
If Theorem 2.2 were applied, we would achieve essentially the same
result but without the normal ordering and with c(s) set to zero. This
proposition is a precise version of the Mayer expansion. We will elaborate on
this in the last section.
Proof. The action of convolution by/~ on the initial data is

/~, * Vf~ z ~ exp - -2 o Cxx(s) ds :exp(i~ox): r

so Eq. (2.15) in the proof of Theorem 2.2 can be replaced by

v ( t ) = e x p [ - ~ f o1 C (, S ) ds 1 v(O)

+-~ ds Id'(s)l (s)

28 Brydges and Kennedy

Provided t ~< T, we can replace this with the majorant

v(t)=exp - ~ c(s)ds v(O)+ ds Id(s)l k(s)

xexp 1 ' [~__~v(s) 1


k(s)=exp[~ ff c(z)dr]
This integral equation corresponds to

avat 21c(t) v + k(t) ld(t)lk&p) ' M:I

We make the change of variables

v(t)=exp I~ ff c(s)ds] v(t)

to eliminate the linear term in this equation and proceed as we did with
(2.16) in the proof of Theorem 2.2, to conclude that for M~> 1

VM(t)<~exp I~ ff C(s)dS]VM(t)
where ~(t) solves, for t~< T,

at-zeXp c(s)ds 16'(t)[ (av']

\&o) 2

~5(t= 0) = exp - c(s)ds ~ VM(O)(pM


(~0 M

and by the action principle this equation has a unique solution at least for t
such that
t(~(s)l exp c(~)dr dslzl<e -1
Collecting these equations completes the proof. II
Mayer Expansions and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation 29

Constants9 With initial data like exp(i)~q~) whose Nth derivative is

bounded by const N as opposed to N!, we can replace the 1/4 by 1/e because
the initial data can be majorized by the series for e ~ instead of
1 2 v ( 0 ) = e ~~ have a solution
- z log(1 - ~0) and then the equations v, _- 7v~,
that exists for t < 1/e.


In this section we will obtain explicit formulas for the expansion that
results from iterating the integral equation form of the flow equations of
the last section. In the case of trigonometric initial data this expansion is
the Mayer expansion and we concentrate on this aspect first.
For the special case discussed in extension 2.5, where the initial data
Vt~ are given by

V(~ ~ :exp(iq)~):

there is the following well-known and easily proved identity, the sine-
Gordon transformation (see, e.g., Ref. 10, Section 2), which connects the
Gaussian integrals we have just been discussing to statistical mechanics9
Let # be a Gaussian measure with covariance u; then

# 9 e x p ( - z V (~

= N~. ~ ~ exp --5 2 u(x~,xs) exp i ~0xj

9 x I ,...,XN i , j ; i va j

The right-hand side is the partition function for a grand canonical ensem-
ble of N particles in states x~,..., XN with activities z exp(i~0) and two-body
interactions u(x, y). The right-hand side of this equation can be defined in
a wider context than the left, so we make the following generalizations.
Let (A, dp(x)) be an arbitrary finite measure space (the possible states
of a single particle). Given (jointly) measurable real-valued functions
u(x, y) and ~o(x), we set
u - w(xl,..., xN)- 5 u(x,, xj)

1 f dUp exp(-- U)exp [i ~ q~(xj)] (3.1)

lul = sup I dp(y) lu(x, y)]

30 Brydges and Kennedy

We assume that the interaction u is a family u = u(t) which is stable in the

following sense: there exists fi(r, x, y) and c(r) such that for all N,
X 1 ~...~ X N ~

u(t, x, y) = i' il(r, x, y) &

U(*C, X l ..... XN) =1 ~, it(Z, Xi, Xi) >~ ---~ C(Z) U
2 is~
It is a standard procedure, discussed, for example, in Ref. 7, to define the
Ursell coefficients (exp[ - U] )c by
( e x p [ - U(x, ..... XN)]), =--Z 1~ {exp[ -- u(x,, X,)] -- 1 }
G geG

=1 if N=I
where G is summed over all connected graphs on N labeled vertices
{1 ..... N} with bonds denoted by tj, where i < j , i, j e G . Then one proves
(Ref. 7, Appendix A), that in the sense of formal power series

log Z ( ~ o ) = ~ . '; dNp (exp[-- U(Xl ..... xN)]), exp i ~ ~o(xj)[ ]

This (Fourier) expansion is called the Mayer expansion.

Notation. Let x~ ..... xN be given. Given a subset I c {1 ..... N}, we set

u(I) =_ g((x,),~,)
u,j- u(x,, XJ)
6 - pair (i, j) with i < j

Our first result does not require the stability bound in (3.2), since it is
an identity which holds pointwise in xl,..., XN.
Theorem 3.1. The Ursell coefficients are equal to

(exp[ - U(xl ,..., XN)] ),.

--I-1t 1 y
T b~ T
f' ~7~
-z d s 1~lkl(S )

where T is summed over all connected tree graphs on the labeled vertices
{ 1..... N} and b runs over all bonds in T. The s(k, l) is defined by

s(k, I) =- sup{sb: b ~ unique path in T joining k and l}

Mayer Expansions and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation 31

This identity is a better version of the tree graph identities found by

Battle and Federbush (8) (see also Ref. 7, Theorem 3.1, and review in Ref. 7).
An important feature of this identity is that if U is stable as in (3.2), then
fi~/(s) >~ - ~ c(s) U
k l : s ( k , l ) <~ s

In particular, this means that the exponent in Theorem 3.1 is bounded

below, so that
F(exp[ - U(Xl,..., xN)])cl
<~~r b~r'[I ~ dsb Itib(Sb)l exp J_o~ dr c ( r ) N (3.3)

We postpone the proof of Theorem 3.1.

An A p p l i c a t i o n o f T h e o r e m 3.1
The Villain Yukowo Gas. This model is related by Poisson sum-
mation to the massive Z ferromagnet. The analysis of this model was an
essential step in the papers by G6pfert and Mack (~2) on permanent con-
finement in Abelian U(1 ) lattice gauge theory. The partition function of the
model is
Z~( ~o) = ~ exp[ ifll/2(m, q~)] e x p [ - f l ( m , vm )/2 ]

where m is summed over all assignments x -+ m(x) e Z of integers to sites in

a finite subset /2 of a simple cubic lattice Z v in v dimensions and
v=(--zI+M2) -I. We are using the notation (m,~o)==_Zxm(x)(o(x).
Define A - / 2 • and let dp be counting measure on A. A typical
point in A will be denoted (x, m) or ~. It should be thought of as a charge
m at site x.
P r o p o s i t i o n 3.2 (G6pfert and Mack). For /~ sufficiently large,
depending on dimension v and the mass M,

log Za(q~) = 21 f dNp (exp[--U(~t,..., ~N)])c

x exp [ifii/= E m, q~(x,)]

is convergent uniformly in Q after dividing by the volume of f2 and

fvt dNp I(exp[- - U(r CN)])cl


~< ( l + f l M 2)-IC(fl, M ) X ( N _ 2 ) !
32 Brydges and Kennedy


C(ti, M ) = ( l +tiM -z ) ~ mexp

-~tiem +m
m>~ l
8 ----( m 2 + 4v)- 1

G6pfert and Mack also give results on the exponential decay of the
connected parts, which can easily be extracted from this approach also.
Proof. The essential point is that the self-energy of a charge forces
the activity down. To exploit this it is important to use the hard core
interaction that will shortly be introduced to prevent equal and opposite
charges from sitting on top of each other.
Following G6pfert and Mack, we note that this is also the grand
canonical partition function of a hard core Yukawa gas of particles on s
with infinitely many species labeled by charges m = + 1, _+2, etc., so that
the possible states are labeled by ~ - (x, m)~ A - f2 x ( Z \ { 0 } ) and

1 N
Z~ = NE-~" f d'VP H exp[itil/2m,r e x p ( - u)

with dp a counting measure on A and

u(~, ..... iN)=~Y~u(L,~j)


u( ~i, 3/) = timim/v(x,, XJ) + Vhc(Xi, Xj)

Uhc(Xi, X] ) ~- (30 if xi= X~
=0 otherwise.

Note that, in contrast to (3.1), self-energies are included in U.

Since this is a lattice system, v - l = --d + m z is a bounded operator.
We set e - l = IIv l jl = M Z q - 4V. This implies that as a form v >~e, so that
U~> leti(a, cr), where (r(x) = Zi mi 6 ( x - xi). Furthermore, because of the
hard core, (a, a)~> Z m~, so we have the stability estimate

U >~-~efl ~ mZi

This lower bound by a positive quantity will drive the activity down.
Mayer Expansions and the Hamilton~Jaeobi Equation 33

We define for t 9 [ - 1, 1 ]

il(t,r for l~>t>0

=flmimjv(Xi, Xj) for 0~>t~>--i

where f ( t ) is any m o n o t o n e function with f ( 1 ) = oo and f ( 0 ) = 0, so that

u = ~ it dt. By T h e o r e m 3.1,

I ( e x p [ - U(~1 ,..., ~u)]),.I

~T fl
<<- [I [dsb fib(Sb)] exp
--1 b e T
I -- 21 k~.fsl(
/ kl) "'

where the sum over k, l now includes k = l terms and s(k, l) = - 1 if k = l.

F o r fixed (sh) let n be the set of b o n d s kl (k r l) for which s(k, l) <~0
and let p be the set of b o n d s for which s(k,/)>0. Let T+ = T A p ,
T = T n n. Rewrite the exponent using

y~ f l ds ~k,(s)
k,l (k,I)

= Y~ f s1 ds ;~kl(S)
k,l c p 9(k,l)

+ ~ ds ~,.(s) + Y~ ds C,~,(s)
k,l~ n (k,l) k,l~n

The last term integrates up to a hard core between all pairs k, l with k l 9 n.
The second term equals
;;; ds ~,~,(s) =
;o ds y~ ~k,(s) z(s/> s(k,/))
(kJ) l k,I
where Z is the indicator function. It follows from the definition of s(k, l)
that for each s there exists a partition of {1 ..... N} into disjoint subsets
Z1 ..... Xr such that
(a) k, l belong to the same X i f f s ( k , l)<~s.

(b) Zi~*,(s) z(s>>'s(k, l))= ~ ~ fi,z(s).

k,l /=1 k,l e Xi

P r o p e r t y (a) implies that if i, j 9 the same X, then s(i, j) <~s <~O, so therefore
/j ~ n and the last term forces a hard core between i and j. Therefore, by the
stability estimate, the second term is b o u n d e d below by e/~ Y'. m 2. The first
term is the sum of positive terms, so we can b o u n d it below by d r o p p i n g all
terms except those with k, l 9 T+.

34 Brydges and Kennedy

The last paragraph shows that

I(exp[ - U(~ ..... ~u)])cI

{Ub(Sb) exp I -- fs~h~ib(s) ds]}

-- b~ T b~ T+


We hold T, T+, T_ fixed and do the dsb integrals, noting that if b = 0" and
we set xb = x~- x/, then

dsh ilh(Sh) exp -- = c~(xb)

I(expl-- f(r ,..., ~N)]), I

-<2 T+Z= T h~HT+ 6(xh) [ j e[IT _ mim/fiv(x,/)exp

- ~eZm~

Let d( i, T)= # of lines in T that meet vertex i. Then

1~ miml<<-~I imila(i'r'

and this combines with the last inequality to give us

q(exp [ - U(~I ..... ~N)]), I

<~ ~ [6(xb)+flv(xo)][l]mi[Uli'V)exp(--~em~]
T bet
\ i
z. /

We sum both sides of this inequality over x2 ..... XN, using

E 1-[ Eb(x~)+fiv(x~/)]<~(l+flM 2)N-I
X2,...,X N b @ T

We estimate the sum over trees T using Cayley's theorem, which says that
the number of trees on N vertices with d(i, T)=d(i) is
(N-2)!/I~(d(i)-1)!. The result is
f dNp [(exp[--U(~,..., ~N)])cl
Xl f i x e d

~< ( l + f i M 2)N-l(N--2)! Iml~ exp -- em 2

m,u>~ 1 ( d - - 1 )!
=- ( 1 4 - t i M 2)-Ic(fl, M)N(N--2)! |
Mayer Expansions and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation 35

Theorem 3.1 is proved using the following lemma, which involves the
flow equations of Section 2 written in terms of the Fourier coefficients of V.
k e m m a 3.3. Fix X~,...,XN. The system of ordinary differential
equations for the functions f ( I ) - f ( t , I),
d f(I) = - ~ t~o.f(I ) - ~ ~, ~,, s f(12J)
i,j~l,i<j J~l iEJ, j~[\J

where I c { l ..... N}, together with the initial conditions

lira f ( t , I ) = l if li[=1
t~ oo

=0 otherwise

has a unique solution, which is

f ( t, I)= ( e - ~/("')),

The sum over J ~ I extends over proper subsets of L

Proof. We begin by showing that the Ursell function is a solution.
For II[= 1 the differential equation is df/dt= O, which is satisfied by the
N = 1 Ursell functions. For N > 1 we use the definition to compute that

(e-U{/'),.= - Z E ~b e-~b Fi (e ~o- 1)
G b~G a~G

FI (e . . . .
b G a~G

b [~G:b~G a~G G:b~G a~G A


The first term is -Y2b ~b(e v(~l)c, which is the first term in the right-hand
side of the differential equation. To each graph G in the first sum inside the
square brackets we may associate a graph G' in the second sum by
G ' - G w {b}. The corresponding terms cancel. The remaining terms in the
second sum are labeled by graphs G such that b e G and G becomes discon-
nected when b is removed. Let G1 and G2 be the two connected com-
ponents of G with b removed. Let J be the subset of vertices in I that are
connected by GI. Then we can write all the surviving terms in the square
brackets as
E E E FI (e
kl J:k~J,l~IXJ GlOnJ G2 o n / X J a~GiuG2
36 Brydges and Kennedy

Using the definition of Ursell functions, we find that this equals

kl J: k E J, l ~ I ~ J

which is the second term on the right-hand side in the differential equation.
Thus, we have proved that the Ursell functions satisfy the differential
To see that the differential equation has a unique solution, suppose
that g(I) is another solution with the same initial conditions. If III= 1, then
certainly g ( I ) = f ( I ) = 1 for all t. Since the nonlinear term on the right-hand
side of the equation involves g(J) with IJq <[II, we find

dt I f ( I ) - g(I)] = - ~ f i ~ [ f ( I ) - g(I)]
(]: i,j ~ 1

and so f = g for all t. I

Proof of Theorem 3.1. For I = { 1..... N} let

f ( I ) - ( - 1 )ill-~ ~ I~ dsb i~h(Sh) exp -- ds ilk,(S )

r hET ' r.w (k,l)

-1 if 1II=1

where T is summed over all connected tree graphs whose vertices are the
elements of L By Lemma 3.2 it suffices to prove that fsatisfies the system of
differential equations and the initial condition in the lemma. The initial
conditions are satisfied trivially.
When we differentiate f with respect to t the derivative can either act
on one of the dsb integrals or on the exponential function. The result of the
latter is - ~ fiijf(I), which is the first term in the differential equation. The
contribution from the derivative acting on the dsb integrals is

(-11'1' Z 17[
T b'~T bET -o~

x [I hb(Sb)exp -- dz fi~(z
be T (i,j)

where sb, = t. If we remove b' from T, then the set I splits into two subsets J
a n d / k J, which label the variables connected by the two connected subtrees
into which T~{b'} splits. If i ~ J and j ~ / k J , then the path from i t o j in T
must contain b'. This implies that t(i, j) = t and so ~',(i,Jl ds fi~/= 0. Thus the
Mayer Expansions and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation 37

also integrals factor into integrals associated with J and L,J. At the same
time we can factor the sum over T into a sum over T~ and T2, all tree
graphs on J and /~J, respectively. The sum over T1 is f(J) and the sum
over T 2 is f(l~J), so we obtain

2 ~J ,~s~ it~f(J) f(l~J)
j e l~J

This is the other term in the differential equation, so we have shown that f
satisfies the differential equation and the proof is complete. |
N o w we consider the analogous result in the context of perturbations
of Gaussian measures. In particular we establish a relationship between the
flow equation and the H a m i l t o n - J a c o b i equation (with the "right" sign)
term by term in an infinite series. Given a tree graph T on vertices labelled
1..... n and nonnegative numbers (Sb)b~r, we construct from 9 a new
Gaussian process 9--(9~)--(~,0x,~)~A,~=~ ...... with joint Gaussian dis-
tribution #r,.,. defined by the covariance

Cx.i..v.j - Cx,(s) ds

Let A ~..... A,, be given functions of 9; then we define a new function of 9,

(A~ ..... A,),., which is multilinear in the A's, by

(As ..... A , , ) , = ~r f I dsb IXn,* [Ab(Sb)] Ai

beT i=l

where on the right-hand side A i - A i ( g i ) and ktr, , 9 is convolution by the

measure defined above in the following sense:

(/z n, * F)(9) = f dlZr,s F(9 + 91 ,..., 9 + 9,)

and if the bond b e T is 0", then

x, y

Theorem 3.4. If V = V(t, 9) solves

1 (2v_
3t - 2 Z Cxy(t) \ ~ 0 x ~3~py &Px
38 Brydges and Kennedy

with given initial data, then, as a formal power series,

v(t)= -F~(v(t=o) ..... v(t=o))<
The series is convergent for initial data and t as in Theorem 3.1.
If the convolution by # were omitted in the definition of
(V(0),..., V(0))<., then the series would solve the H a m i l t o n - J a c o b i equation
instead, i.e., the flow equation without the second-order derivatives in 4o.
This will be clear from the proof and it is a way of seeing that the solution
to the H a m i l t o n - J a c o b i equation (which is also the classical action) is the
sum of all tree graphs.
Proof. Let f,, denote the nth coefficient of the series, i.e.,

where A i = - V ( t = 0, qr We substitute the series into the equation and

equate powers of V to find that the differential equation is satisfied if

Lm: ] + m ~ it

~, has two terms, depending on whether the time derivative acts on the t in
the Pr..,. or the t in the limits of the ds integrals. The first term is simplified
d 1 .
dt ktr,, * F = ~ Affr, s * F

and is the first term on the left-hand side of the differential equation. When
the t derivative acts on the limit of a particular dso integral we lose the
integral and set sb = t. If we remove the bond b from the tree graph T, then
the set of vertices { 1,..., n} splits into two sets J and J< each of which is
connected by the (two) subtrees into which T dissociates. If i belongs to J
and j belongs to jc, then the path in T from i to j must contain b, so that
s(i, j ) = t. This remark and the definition of the covariance of #r,~ imply
that the random variables q~u/with i in J are independent of the variables
with i in Jq If the bond b and the subset J are held fixed, then the sum over
trees T factors into two independent sums over trees on J and jc. Since #r,s
also factors, we can write the sum over all terms with b = 0" fixed as
l! ml
n! 2 dx,~ g(i, x, J) g(j, y, jc)
J: i E J , . j E J c x,y
Mayer Expansions and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation 39

where l = IJ[ and m = [J"t and

g(i, x, J) =~. S ds~ 1~r,s 9 ~ [Aa(sa)] 1FI Ak

TonJ k~J

We now sum over the bond U, interchange the sums over y and J, and use

g(i, x, J ) = o - ~ f z

l! m!
J: IJI - t
n! - !

The result is the second term in the differential equation. |

4. THE Y U K A W A G A S
It has been shown/6'1~ 17) that the two-dimensional Yukawa gas
has an infinite series of thresholds in the interval /~e [4zr, 8z~], starting
at /}--4~, at each of which, successive terms in the Mayer expansion,
beginning with the term of order z 2, become infinite. However, the corre-
sponding sine-Gordon quantum field theory remains stable provided an
extra vacuum energy counterterm is included. They have interpreted these
thresholds in terms of a sequence of collapses of the system into dipoles,
quadrupoles, etc., and Benfatto et aL have started a program to study the
convergence properties of the Mayer expansion for the Yukawa gas in the
region 4z </? < 8~. In this section we will show by an extension of our
previous arguments that the Mayer expansion is convergent for /} in the
range 4~z ~</~< 16~/3 provided the O(z 2) term is omitted and we will make
some remarks on how to extend the argument up to /~ < 6~, which is the
first threshold after 4~. Benfatto etal. (16) have obtained similar results
independently. First it is helpful to see how we can obtain their result on
the convergence of the Mayer expansion for/~ < 4m We begin by proving a
general theorem of independent interest, which appeared in Ref. 9 in a
slightly weaker form.
We assume we have a system that is stable in the sense of (3.2) and we
define R== { r ~ R : t>~>>.s and t~ is a purely repulsive interaction} and
then set

~(s) = ~(s) exp ( - f R = fi)

We also note that if z e R=, then c(z)= O.

40 Brydges and Kennedy

T h e o r e m 4.1. Let


sup | d N- lp [ ( e x p [ - U(t, x, x 1,..., xN 1)'] )c[ N N - 2ON- 1

If Q < e 1, then the Mayer expansion converges.

The appearance of fi as opposed to fi in the norm is quite valuable,
since the theorem can be applied to systems with hard cores, unlike the
theorem in Ref. 9. Apart from this, this result was in essence already
obtained in Section 2 (Extension 2.5), except that we did not formulate a
continuum version and we imposed the slightly stronger condition that
~i-_-C be positive definite as opposed to stable. (The imposition of initial
data at t = - o o instead of t = 0 is a trivial change.) Theorem 3.2 is also
easily derived from Theorem 4.1.

Proof of Theorem 4.1. We return to the flow equation of Lemma 3.3

and write it as an integral equation:

f(I, t) = - ~1 I,-oo ds ~ ~ ~(s) f(J, s) f(l~J,s) exp - Uk/

Jcl iCJ

provided Ill > 1; if [I[ = 1, then f(I, t ) = 1; if I = ~ , then f(I, t ) = 0 . To

prove this, it suffices to check that it satisfies the differential flow equation.
We introduce the norms

Fn(s)- sup dx2.., dx, If(I, s)l


(with the integral and sum omitted if n = 1) and make the inductive
assumption: for 2 ~<k < n,

We substitute this into the integrated flow equation and apply the stability
estimates, ~2kt fikt(z) >/ - 89 n if z not in Rs, ~>fi~ for any 0 if r is in Rs, to
Mayer Expansions and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation 41

fn(t)~lft2 --c~ d s ~ ( F l ) l(Kl--k)n-k-1 II~I(S)I

x ds' [~(s')] exp , c(z) d'c


We now combine the exponents after increasing the second one by

changing its coefficient from n/2 to n - 1 and use the following com-
binatoric lemma:

k e m m a 4.2. 89 ~-l=(n-1)nn-2
(We prove this result at the end of this section.) We find

F~(t) <_ (n - 1) n" 2

; ds If~(s)l
{fs ds' If~(s')l
ac oo

= n"-z ds' ]t~(s')l exp c(r) dz

because the ds integral can be performed explicitly! This completes the
inductive step.
Since F , ( t ) is the size of the nth Ursell coefficient by virtue of
Lemma 3.3, the induction proves that

sup f d N- lp I(exp[ - U(t, x, xl ..... XN 1)])cl ~ QN 1NN 2

which is the bound claimed in the theorem. The convergence of the Mayer
expansion for Q < e-~ is an immediate consequence of Sterling's theorem,
and this ends the proof of Theorem 4.1. II

The Y u k a w a G a s f o r ~ < 4 r t (The Cosine Euclidean Quantum

Field Theory). We take the state space (A, dp) to be/2 x { - 1, 1 }, where/2
is an open subset of a 2. A point ~ - ( x , e)e A describes a charge with
position x e g2 and charge e = +1. The measure dp is given by
dp = z Y~ = +1 ~ dx. The interaction is

u(r r =/~alE2(1 - J ) -1 (xl, x2)

42 Brydges and Kennedy


( l - A ) -1 (x, Y ) = ( - ~ ) 2 d2k--
(k e + 1)
eik 9(x - y)


1 _ f~ d 1
k2q_l dt d t k 2 + e - t

to provide the representation u = ~ dt flU), we have stability in the sense of

(3.2) even though this model is not classically stable. It is now routine to
compute Q using the relations

]fi(s)] = 2/?e-S; c(s) = fi(~, ~) = fl/4~

to show that the Mayer expansion converges provided

fl<4n and 2 ]z[ fl(1-/~/4n) l<e-1

Apart from the explicit condition on z, this result was first obtained in
Ref. 6. A direct proof that the Mayer expansion converges for this system
was first obtained in Ref. 11.
By the sine-Gordon transformation, the partition function for this
system is

f ) [z ;o :cos § 1
where the covariance of d p r is

od 1
fr dt k 2 + e - dt

and the normal ordering is with respect to this covariance. Thus, the con-
vergence of the Mayer expansion uniformly as T ~ - oe and as f~ increases
to R 2 together with the fact that each term in the expansion is Euclidean-
invariant in these limits provides an easy proof of the
Osterwalder-Schrader axioms (except for physical positivity) for this field
theory. Physical positivity can also be obtained this way, but it is necessary
to use a different type of short-distance cutoff, such as the lattice
approximation, which has the positivity property, and prove that in the no-
cutoff limit the two expectations are the same. Since each term in the
Mayer expansion is a sum over a finite number of Mayer graphs, for each
Mayer Expansions and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation 43

of which we have an explicit expression, we can show that graph by graph

and therefore term by term in the Mayer expansion the limits are identical
and then the same is true for log Z by our uniform convergence estimates
on the Mayer expansion.
The Y u k a w a Gas for [3<16n/3. In a sense, the argument we
have just given is based on the possibility of calculating the coefficient of
the monopole O(z) term in the expansion exactly (it equals one). Now we
are about to follow the same outline, but the dipoles will be singled out for
special consideration as well. This type of idea is basic to the program of
Benfatto et al. and was also proposed in Ref. 12. It is possibly useful in any
system where forces can cancel because there are both attractive and
repulsive forces, but we will immediately specialize to the Yukawa system
in two dimensions. Define e by

c(s) = fl/4n - ~(1 - e)

where e > 0 since fl<167r/3. We make the inductive assumption: for
Fk(s)<~C k ikk 2esCk-1)

where C - C ( f l ) is a constant depending only on fl, which is determined

below. This bound holds when k = 1 because F1 = 1. When the induction is
complete and the constant C(fl) is substituted in, we will have proved the
following theorem:
Theorem 4.3. For 4~ < fl < 16~/3 and Iz] eC(fl) < 1, where

C(fl)-= max (16~247~fl-3fl' 3 -2flfl/27r( f d x l O x b l ) ( f d x { x l l b [ ) )

b(x) - (1 - 3 ) - 2 (x) - (2~r)-2 ~ d2k (k 2 + l) ~ 2 eik ,x


the Mayer expansion for the two-dimensional Yukawa gas with n - 2 term
~.fd ~-'p(e u')c(~l (.)

is absolutely convergent uniformly in the volume s The dp includes z and

s and is defined above.
Inductive Stop. We consider the right-hand side of the integrated
flow equation and divide the estimates into three cases:
44 Brydges and Kennedy

1. IJq ~ 2 and II\JI v~2.

2. (]JI = 2 and the charges in J have the same sign) and/or ( l I \ J I = 2
and the charges in I \ J have the same sign).
3. ([JI = 2 and the charges in J have opposite sign) and/or ([I\JI = 2
and the charges in I \ J have opposite sign).
Cases 2 and 3 overlap; we assign the overlap to case 2. We write

F,=_ F}') + FI2) + F~3)

corresponding to the decomposition into these three cases.

Case 1. We substitute into the integrated flow equation the induc-
tive assumption and apply the stability estimate just as was done above, to
Fl,1)(t)<~j ds~ k k ' ( n _ k ) ,,-k ~

x2fle"C" 2e'ln 2)e2"I1 e)i,-s)/3

X as ~' - (t - s )( 2 ~ : n + n - 3 I/3

Since n >~ 3, this is less than

flC,,-2~ kk-l(n_k).-k-I el,,-ll, ; O7.

dse-U s)2~.,/3

= 1-cn-lE(nk) l(n--k)"-k-le(n l)t

provided C >/3fl/2e. The k was the cardinality of J and consequently omits

the values 2 and n - 2 in this case.
Case 2. Let J = (k, l), so that the coordinates of the two particles in
J a r e xk, ee, x~, et and in this case e~ = el= e. Since IJI = 2, we can w r i t e f ( J )
explicitly (by setting tli = 2 in the integral flow equation):

f ( J , s) = ;
ds' Okl(S' ) SkC,lexp [g - - ~kz(r) skst dr ]
~kz(S) -- (~(S, Xk -- Xt)
Mayer Expansions and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation 45

$(s, x) -= e - ' ( e - s - J ) - 2 (x) -= 15(e-Sx)

From this we see that

sup j dx~ if(J, s)l ~<fie ~<~ 1 Ms


provided C>~ 2ft. In this case there is no exponential growth in s from a

stability bound because both charges are the same. We find by substituting
the stability bound and the inductive assumption and this bound into the
right-hand side of the integrated flow equation that

F}2,(t)~<~n ~ l(n_k)n -le(.


Case 3. This is the nontrivial case. Let J = (k, l) and the coordinates
of the two particles are x~, ek and xz, et with E~ = - e / = e. The stability
bound together with the explicit formula for f(J, s) given in case 2 imply

/~j tio.(sl f(J, s)

<~ -kE/(;ij(s) e~ f~ ds' I~kl(S')l e 4(1-~:)(s-s')/3

/ oo
We take advantage of J being a dipole by noting that

< fii'dx l(a~)(x- x. s)t

f dxk dxt j~j ~(s) f(J, s)

<<. ds' e 4(I - e ) ( s - s ' ) / 3 dx k dx/ dx

oO k

x I(ajJ)(x-x,, s)t l~k~(s')t

On the right-hand side one can see the following mechanism at work:
either the dipole is "stretched" so that the t~k/factor is small, or x k - x ~ is
small, in which case the range of the dx integral is small and contributes a
small factor. We can evaluate the integrals by
46 Brydges and Kennedy

f dXk dxz f" dx I(Ox~)(x - x,, s)[ I~kz(s')l


= dxkdxl for -- Xk
dxl(ax~)(x~+x-x.s)l It~kt(S')l

By change of variables and translation invariance we can integrate over

Xk--Xi, keeping x and x t - X k fixed, followed by integration over x and
then x t - Xk :

=f dXk, I(ax~)(Xk,, S)I f dx,~ IXz--Xkl I~kz(S')l

=e '/2+3s'/~f dx 1(Ox~)(x, O)t f dx Ixl IO(x, 0)1

where we have used scaling. Therefore we have

f dxkdx, ~ ~o(s)f(J,s)l

f dx Ii< )tx)l f dx Ixl I ix)l

f d s ~ C a/2 + 3 s ' / 2 e 4 ( 1 -- s)(s - - r

<~-~ C(2fle') e"

6 fdx Ixl IO(x)L

Note that the integral over s' would converge ~ s > -1/8, which corresponds
to fl<6~. We substitute this bound into the right-hand side of the
integrated flow equation and combine it with the inductive assumption and
the stability estimate to get

F~31(t)<~,n c , - 1
~ (:) k*-'(n-k)" k - ' e('-')'

We have completed the bounds in each case and by uniting them


n k=l
Mayer Expansions and the Harnilton-Jacobi Equation 47

which by Lemma 4.1 is less than

C n - lt,ln - 2e(n - 1)t

which completes the inductive step, and ends the proof of Theorem 4.3. |
R e m a r k s on B < 617. As noted above, our 16~/3 argument handles
the ]J] = 2 terms. However, if 16rc/3 ~</~ < 6~z, then the bounds we used in
case 1 are divergent for ]J] = 3 terms. These terms are "tripoles" and cannot
be neutral, and in the left-hand side of the stability bound

fi~j(s) ~> -3/~/8~

i< )
i, jcJ

it should be possible to prove that the coefficient can be changed from a 3

to a 2, so that these terms are after all not divergent.
B e y o n d 6rt. For fl > 67r the IJI = 2 terms are again divergent and the
most obvious way to deal with them requires developing graphs with
higher connectivity than trees in order to exhibit further cancellations. Now
we run into difficulties with having too many graphs to estimate. This is the
typical way in which the "large-field problem" of Gawedski and Kupiainen
makes itself manifest and probably indicates that these methods are insuf-
ficient as they stand.

The Yukawa Gas in Three Dimensions. Imbrie (is) applied the

iterated Mayer expansion of G6pfert and Mack to the Yukawa gas in three
dimensions in order to prove screening for Coulomb systems in an exten-
ded region of the parameter space. This type of result on the Yukawa gas
also follows from Theorem 4.1 with a deformation of the potential (like the
one used in our discussion of the Villain Yukawa gas) as follows:

~(s,~i,~/)=j~(s)z(xi--X/) for l~>s>0

= flei~jb(s, xi, xj) for 0>~s>~ - o e

where 1~ is the characteristic function of the set Ixl ~< 1, f ( s ) is any

monotone function with f ( 1 ) = ~ and f ( 0 ) = 0, and

d 1
~(s, x l , x2) - ds - 3 + L - 2e -s (xl, x2)

Note that ~ ~ dr fi is a Yukawa interaction of range L with a hard core of

range/. We obtain stability estimates for this type of interaction by replac-
ing the point charges by equivalent charge distributions on the surface of
48 Brydges and Kennedy

the hard cores using the electrostatic type of property that holds for the
Yukawa interaction. The interaction energy is then bounded below by the
sum of the self-energies of the spheres because the Yukawa interaction is
positive definite. We assume L >I-/3>t 1, bound Q by a modest calculation,
and find convergence of the Mayer expansion in a region of the form

C 1 zl 3 + c2z/3 3 exp(c3/3/l ) + c4z/3L 2 < 1

The standard methods can only obtain convergence in a region of the form

ClZl 3 + c 2 z f l L 2 exp(c3/3/l) < 1

which is much worse if l ,~/3 ,~ L.

Proof of Lemma 4.2. Let J c {1,..., n}; then

/,t-- 1
2 ~ IJlV=-2 IS~l"++-2

We rewrite the left-hand side using Cayley's theorem, which says that the
number of tree graphs T1 on a set of vertices J is IJ] vl-2"

=12E2 2 E 1
jea TlonJ T2onJ c

= (n - 1)(# of tree graphs on { 1,..., n})

because there is a two-to-one map from J, i, j, T1, T 2 onto T, b, where T is

a tree on { 1,..., n } and b is any bond in T. The map is given by b = 0" and
T -= Tl~o T 2 and its inverse is to remove the bond b from T, thereby
splitting it into two subtrees on J and J", respectively. The factor of two
arises because of the ambiguity in how to name the two subsets of vertices
J and jc. II

The authors thank G. Benfatto, F. Nicolo, G. Gallavotti, K.
Osterwalder, E. Seiler, and J. Bricmont for helpful conversations and
correspondence. T.K. also thanks the IHES for their hospitality. D.C.B. is a
Sloan Fellow, and was supported in part by NSF grant DMS 8500516.
T.K. is an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, and was supported in part by N S F
grant PHY 8116101 A04.
Mayer Expansions and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation 49

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