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Talk For Grade 9 Term 2

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1. Talk about the job you want to do in the future.

Becoming a doctor is a big dream for me. It's not just about wearing a white coat
or having a stethoscope around my neck. Being a doctor means helping people
when they're sick or hurt. It's about being caring, patient, and wanting to make a
difference in someone's life. Doctors need to be smart and learn a lot about the
human body. They have to study hard for many years to understand how to treat
illnesses and keep people healthy. I want to be a doctor because I love the idea of
being able to help others and make them feel better. It's a big responsibility, but I
believe it's worth it to be able to give back to my community and make a positive
impact on people's lives.
2. Talk about changes in roles of teenagers in the future.
In the future, teenagers might do things differently. They might have more freedom
in how they learn, using computers and the internet to study what they like. They
could also become more involved in helping their communities and speaking out
about important issues, like climate change and fairness. Technology might change
how they learn and have fun, with virtual reality and other cool stuff becoming a
big part of their lives. Overall, teenagers in the future might have more chances to
make a difference and explore new things, as long as they're ready to adapt to the
changes happening around them.
3. Talk about changes in your community.
In Bac Kan, there are many changes happening. People are getting more access to
technology, like smartphones and the internet. This means they can connect with
each other and learn new things more easily. Also, the city are growing , with more
buildings and roads being built. This can make life busier but also bring more
opportunities for jobs and businesses. Education is also changing. There's a focus
on making schools better and giving students more chances to learn different skills.
Technology is being used more in classrooms to help students understand subjects
better. All children have the chance to go to school and learn. This means more
schools are being built, especially in rural areas, so kids don't have to travel far to
4. Talk about a holiday in space as you imagine
Imagine going on a trip where you float around in a big metal rocket high above
the Earth. Instead of beaches or mountains, you're in space! First, you'd ride a
rocket to get there. But once you arrive, it's like being in a new world.
In space, you'd float around like an astronaut. Sleeping would be different too.
you'd sleep in special pods that keep you safe.
During the day, you'd look out the windows and see Earth as a big blue ball
covered in clouds. At night, you'd see stars twinkling in the dark sky.
Food would be different too. No burgers or fries. You'd eat snacks like dried fruits
and veggies.
There would be fun things to do, like floating in a zero-gravity room or going
outside the space station r to keep you safe.
But eventually, the trip would end. You'd ride a rocket back to Earth, feeling the
heat as you re-enter the atmosphere. It would be a vacation you'll never forget!
5. Talk about some ways to learn English in simple language
Learning English can be fun and easy! Here are some simple ways to get started:
Listen to English: Watch movies, listen to songs, or watch videos in English. This
helps you get used to the sounds of the language.
Read Books: Start with simple books or stories in English. Look up new words in
a dictionary if you don't understand them.
Practice Speaking: Talk to friends who speak English or find a language partner
online. Practice speaking English with them.
Use Language Apps: There are many apps available that make learning English
fun. They have games, quizzes, and exercises to help you learn.
Take English Classes: Join a class at a language school or take online courses. A
teacher can help guide you and answer your questions.
Use Flashcards: Make flashcards with English words and their meanings. Practice
them regularly to remember new vocabulary.
Watch English Videos with Subtitles: Start with subtitles in your own language,
then switch to English subtitles as you get better.
Remember, learning a new language takes time and practice, so be patient with
yourself and keep practicing regularly.
6. Why is learning English important?
Learning English is important for several reasons:
First, English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It's used as
a common language for communication between people from different countries
and cultures. Knowing English can help you connect with people from all over the
Second, Many academic books, research papers, and educational resources are
written in English. Knowing English can open up opportunities for higher
education and access to a wealth of knowledge in various fields.
Third, English is often a requirement for many jobs, especially in multinational
companies or industries like tourism, hospitality, and technology. Having strong
English skills can enhance your career prospects and open doors to better job
Finally, Learning a new language like English can boost your confidence,
cognitive abilities, and problem-solving skills. It challenges your brain and helps
you think in different ways, fostering personal growth and development.
Overall, learning English is valuable not only for practical reasons like career
advancement and travel but also for personal enrichment and global
communication in an increasingly interconnected world.
7. Talk about the roles of tourism
People travel to different places for fun, relaxation, or to learn new things. Here are
some simple roles of tourism:
Tourism makes people happy! It gives them a break from their daily routine and
lets them explore new places, try new foods, and meet new people. It's like going
on an adventure.
When tourists visit a place, they need places to stay, eat, and have fun. This creates
jobs for locals, like hotel staff, restaurant workers, tour guides, and souvenir
sellers. More tourists mean more jobs for people in the area.
Tourism brings money into a place. When tourists spend money on hotels,
restaurants, and attractions, it helps the local economy grow. This money can be
used to improve roads, build better facilities, and support local businesses.
When people visit a place, they often want to learn about its history and culture.
This encourages locals to preserve their traditions, heritage sites, and cultural
practices. It's like sharing a piece of their home with visitors.
Meeting people from different backgrounds helps build understanding and
friendship between cultures. Tourism allows people to experience new cultures
firsthand, breaking down stereotypes and promoting peace and cooperation.
In short tourism is like a big circle of happiness – it brings joy to travelers, creates
jobs and money for locals, preserves culture and nature, and promotes friendship
between people from different parts of the world.
8. talk about disadvantages of tourism
Tourism has some downsides besides benefits
When too many tourists visit a place, it can get really crowded. This can make it
hard for locals to enjoy their own towns or cities. Plus, crowded places can lead to
more litter and pollution.
Sometimes, tourists can harm the environment without meaning to. They might
trample on delicate ecosystems, leave trash behind, or damage natural habitats.
This can hurt wildlife and spoil the beauty of a place.
Sometimes, tourism can change the culture of a place. Locals might start catering
to tourists instead of preserving their own traditions and way of life. This can lead
to the loss of cultural identity.
When lots of tourists visit a place, it can put a strain on resources like water, food,
and energy. This can lead to shortages for both locals and visitors.
As more tourists flock to a place, prices for things like hotels, food, and souvenirs
can go up. This can make it harder for locals, especially those with lower incomes,
to afford basic necessities.
While tourism can bring lots of good things, it's important to be aware of these
disadvantages and try to find ways to minimize them. That way, everyone can
enjoy the benefits of tourism without causing harm to the places they visit.
9. Talk about eating habit of the teenagers nowadays
Nowadays, teenagers have some different eating habits compared to before. . Many
teens love to eat fast food like burgers, fries, and pizza. It's quick, easy, and tasty,
but it's not always the healthiest choice. Teens often snack throughout the day,
sometimes instead of having proper meals. Snacks like chips, cookies, and candy
are popular choices, but they're not always nutritious. Some teens skip meals,
especially breakfast. They might be in a rush to get to school or just not feel
hungry in the morning. Teens often eat with their friends, whether it's grabbing
lunch together at school or going out for dinner on the weekends. Eating with
friends can be fun, but it can also lead to overeating or making less healthy
choices. Overall, teens today have different eating habits, .It's important for teens
to be aware of what they're eating and make choices that help them stay healthy
and energized.

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