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CRM Inviting Application 2023

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v Agriculture & Farmers Welfare

Department, Krishi Bhawan,
Sector-2 1, Panchkula

I . All the Deputy Commissioners-cum-Chairman District Level
Committec of CRM Schcme
2. All thc Dcputv Dircctors Of Agriculrurc
3. All thc Assistant Agriculturc [inginccrs
ln t hc Statc (cxccpt Mahcndcrgarh)
MemoNo:DS(-Xf? Dated:,Utt4-")o!3
Subject: Inviting online applications for providing CRM machines on
subsidy under Crop Residue Management Scheme (CRIVI)
during the year 2023-24.
On the subject cited above it is to inform you that applications
are hereby invited till 23.07.2023 for providing crop residue management
machinery on subsidy under subject cit.ed scheme lor the year 2023-24. The
instructions for providing benefit under individual and cHC component are
attached here with other instructions givcn in guideline of the scheme
circulated by Ministry of Agriculturc & Farmers welfare , Gol should also be
followed strictly. It should be ensured that hotspot villages are exhaustcd
first, after proper a,alysis w.r.t availability and requircment of machines.
For supplying machines under the scheme the desirous manufacturer can
register thcmselves for empanclmont on dcpartment portal as per guidelines attached herewith. on pattern of
previous year only rectangular baler is eligible for availing beneht under the
You are hereby directcd to create awareness through field
functionaries, print media, social media in your district.
Encl. As above
Joint Direc r (AE)
For: Director,
Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
Haryana, Panchkula

E-mail- Phonc No. 0172 2570 662

Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
Department, Krishi Bhawan,
sector-21, panchkula
Endst. No. zSte-11
A copv o[ ab ove is lorwarded f Datea: \-6?,-2cl2-3
PMU to makc neccssarv to JD(Stat. and S h. Mukesh Saini,
arrangcmcnts on portal lor i )
upioading this lettcr oi nvlllng
portal for in lormalion forapplications and
a.l l lhc ncerned.

t4 4'
Joint Di ct or tAE)
For: Director,
Agri culture & Farmers Welfa
Endst. No. >82-o-X2)_ Haryana, panchkula
Da ted: f\-6J _2O!3
A copy of above is forwarded
aware all the manufacturers:
to following with the request to
l.Shri Sarabjit Singh panesar,
Secretary, All India Agriculturc
Machi ncry Manufacturcs
Associa l ron Unit No. 404,
G<>od will Squarc, S. Fourth Floor
No. l7 / 1A/1 part, Dhanori, punc
2. Shri Amar Singh, prcsidcnl - 4l 101.5
All India S traw Managemcnt
Manufacturers Association Hcad Machinc ll'
Works, Mansa Road, Chce
o ffice, M/s Saron Mechanic al
ma Mandi D rstrict- Sangrur (punjab)
3. Shri pawan, Garg, Prcsidt:nt,
Agricul ture Machincry Manufactures
Association-[{R I lcad Officc-
26 I S cctor -3 Karnal (

Joint Di o
For: Director,
Agri culture & Farmers We lfare
Endst. No.2f23 Haryana, panchkula
Da ted:,q-0?-a-o13
A copy of above
D), IOCL for inlormation w.r.t. ed to Sh. parveen Don gre
is [oru,ard
IOCL 2G E thanol Plant th eir demancl bailing units for
at Bohali, Panipat.

1 ./3
Joint Dire tor (AE)
For: Direc tor,
Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
cc. Haryana, Panchkula
1. PS to ACS, A&FW
2. PA ro D, A&FW

E-mail- agri haryana20 09(Dgm Phone N o. 01 72-2s7 o662

L Onlirrc applir:ations u,,ill bc invitcd on dcpartmcnt portal

u'u'u'.agrihar n anu. r]or,. in lirr pror,,iding crop rcsidur: managcmcnt (CRM)
machincs on sut:sidv ttll 23.O7.'2O2:\.
ll I)l)A/AAlt u'ill crcalc rvidc pub)icin r<:gardir-rg rhc schcmc bv pr-rblishing
prcss notc in lcading rlc\\'spapcr, social mcdia, clcctronic mcdia and
I irrouglr llcld funct ionarics.

lll Ttrc farmcrs carr makc onlinc applicaliorrs hy using Ml.'MIl rcgistration
numbcr/rcgislercd mobilc numltcr and upload thc rcquisitc documcnts
on portal as pcr dctails givcn bclolv:
I)arivar l)chc hi-i n I)a ta r
I)AN Card
llcscrvation ccrtificatc lor taking bcncfiL undcr SC catcgory/ small and
marginal larm<:rs catcgory or thc c.lsc may bc,
Valid RC o[ tractor nrgislcr<:d in llanana Statc (only for tractor
opcratcd machincs)
IJank Account no u'ith IFS(l codc (catnccllcd chcquc/ bank stalcmcnt/
copy ol passb(x)k)
Sclf-dcclaration/ undcrtaking staling bcnr:fi1 of subsidy havc not bccn
availccl during thc last 2 ycars undcr an.y of thc schcmt_-s of dcpartmcnl
lor thc machincn and cquipmcnr idcntilicd for crop rcsiduc
managcmcnl and plcdgt: lor not burning crop rcsiduc.
lV Individr-ral larmcr can apply lor availing bcnclit ol subsidy on maximum
3 diffcrcnt tvpc of machincs. C)nlv onc pcrson from a familv (I)l)P) is
c ligiblc to lakc bcncfit.
The farmcr u'ill submit rcquisit.c documcnts in hard copy as uploadcd on in conccrncd AAl.l/ I)l)A officc and u'ill cnsurc to submit thc samc
r.r,ithin 3 working davs aftcr t hc cutolf datc.
VI Application/ dooumcnts uploadcd/ submittcd bv larmcrs rvill bc
cxamincd by Assistant Agriculturc I,)nginccr ol conccrncd district (u,ithin
5 days from dalc of submission of application) and short comings, if any
shall bc intimatcd to thc larmcr through systcm gcncratcd automatic
SMS on portal.
Vll Ttrc larmcr \ ,ill complctc thc short comirrgs r.l,ithin 7 days of intimat ion
ottrr:rwisc t hc application li,ill bc rcjcctcd (dccmcd to bc not applicd) by
tttc Assistant Agriculturc I,)nginccr altcr approval of Chairman I)1,[,]C.

vlll AAE n,ill scnd thc onlinc applications on portal to I)l)A ra'ith thc
rccommcndations fcrr approval/ rejcction.
IX. 'l'hcrcaltcr l)l)A will scnd thc rccommcndations forr,r'ardt:d by AAli to
Chairman l)t,llC for approval. l)l)A t:an changc thc rccommendation of
thc AAli on portal b.v giving rcmarks rcgarcling approvaI/rcjcction of
farmcrs application.
x lJascd on thc rcr:cipt ol f uncls from (lot and applications rcccivcd lrom
farmcrs district wisc targcts of machincs rvill bt: circulatcd by thc
x1 ln cast: applications rcccivcd aro morc th:in thc allottcd targots scle<;tion
of bcncficiarics r.l'ill bt: madc by Dl,ltC throLrgh online drar'n' of lots
following rcservation norms and seniority of all tht: succcssful application
will be maintaint:d. Accordingll', applications oi sclcctcd farmcrs ''r'ill bc
approv<:d on portal b-v l)t,tjC and systcm gcncratcd online pcrmission/
subsidly cligibilit,v cortificatc n'ill bc issucd to ttrc cligiblc bcnt:ficiari<:s lbr
comp[<:ting thc purchasc u'ithin l5 da-vs.
'l'hcrcaftcr, opportunit-v u'ill bc

givcn to thc ncxt cligiblc b<:ncfi<:iarf in thc scnlority list'

xll llowr:v<:r, demand of bailing units (rcctangular) from thc cluster of IoCl-
2 C cthanol l)lant is to bc fulfillccl on priority kccping in vicu' thc
rcquircmcn t ol bailing unrts.
xll l 'l'hc purchasc ol- thc machincs wilt bc madc b1' farrner from thc
manul'acturers of thcir choicc alier ncgotiatiorl from t:mpaneled list of the
manufacturcs or his dcalcr availablc on portal.'l'ht: bcneficiary is frcc to
procuro an-y brancl as pcr his choicc from thc cmpant:Il<:d list'
xl\, Aftcr purchasc, bill t>f the machine s with li n a1' bill and photograph
(bcncficiary u'ith machine ancl (l l)S locations) will bt: uploadcd on thc
portal on the samt: dav bt. tht: manufacturer or his arrthorizcd dealcr. Ilill
can only bc uploadcd aftcr authentication through o'l't' rcccivcd on
farmcrs mobilc no.
x\" As per guid<:lincs o[ (iol Iascr cutting of scrial nt>, ernd mounting of
tracking systcm on machincr-v bt: cnsurcd strictly ln case of non
finalization of lascr cutting code moclalitics bv col, s-vstcm adoptcd b}'
Statc of llaryana during prcvious year 2O'22 23 u'ill bt: followcd and
manuf'acturer codc allottcd during previous y<:ar r'r'ill rcmain same'

xvl. Conccrncd manufircturcr u.ill vcrify thc dctails uploadcd by dcalcr
through thcir login .

\\'l l Altcr uploading bills anci vcrification by conccrncd manufacturcr on

portal physical vcrification <>f thc machincs will bc carricd out by
Committce (having onc of t hc mcmbcr f rom (}ST) constitulcd by DI_I.)C
ia ithin l0 dar.s and samc u'ill bc uploadcd on portal. At lcast l0%,

machint:s should bc vr:rificd pcrsonallv bv- I)cputy I)ircctor of Agriculturc

on random basis to cr)surc transparcncv.
x\/ I Aftcr succcssful vcrification and approvar ol I)r,Flc on portal s,bsidy u,iI
bc disburscd in larmcr's bank account bv thc conccrncd officcr.

fr-qn 6Rr qq frqql qa

q V/ Tfi/Tfr

kf,r ............ drffi +rerZ +rfi E F+

1. q{ Fiqlrt q Tfr {q rf{ 3tffi iq 3Trnfi tsqr t' c{

3ilqR 4r€ qo t
z. &i qft trrrrFrq ffierir 41 q'.2 s rrrs Rqr t l

3. i Bqrfqq ftflfi{{ir ffiq q qrq €.{ cH E q qjaq n ff qifi r{rq qFt 3tt<l-{
+r qn rfr frs.l t

qi 6 Fra qr;6 rin t

s. fl qkq t Bqrfuq ffitsii 51

q-61q t

qt s qsl
(,. fi{ Frgrfl z qfr ri frqFr { qqfr{ q{ 3q<rq 6r orti'r€i frq t s 3lrt
qrr Tfr urq qir ftsn +
n+ t c-q 6ft q_e Ei {E {fl r qq rfi Tfr 3ilEmrftii
Frq q-o qq",n c ro uqa fl lTr I

7. q{ qlq' fafi f,-r 4T fitr |an ts r B{sr ffid{ur

qo ..................... i,B I

g. fi qo crcq +f,r E t+ qrq qo ti qs-€ 3rqffi t +tfi :n..i c-fr H-rt$-fi I 3rdIET
Brnq qnr ka'rq ar5oa airqrfrq 6Fqrq
q qkq n $ AHFiq dq ffi t
f,Tq 6I qrz rfi 615{r I

9. fiq 3rrfi s-{q +r ffi+ror Cft

qqq +{r 6dRT tr&d q1+-c* kqr t Frc-fi 'lq'|.fi'I

€@i ....................... t I

Fr.t :



I Ot4cr:tivc is to providc hiring scrvicc's li)r In situ/ l,)x silrr c--rop rcsiduc
mzrnagcmcnl mzrr:hincrl / implcmorts appliccl lirr dillcrcnt opcr:t1ions.
ll. Thc (lr,rstom I lirins Cr:n tcrs ((l l lCsl u jll bc cst:r blishcd ir-r thc yillqges o4
clqster bq$is approach:rnd u'i1h prclc'rcnc(' to thc villagr:s havrng highcr
numbcr olActivc lrirc Lor':rlions i.c. in Rcrl & Yr:llou Zonc Villagcs kccping
irt vic'u lhc rcrquircm('nls als to thc' alrcac1\' il!'.tilablc m:lchin('n \\'ith
inclivirltraI lrr rrncrs rrncl (ll{Cs.
llr Oniinc :rpplir':rtions ri ill br: irrvitt'ri lirr t ster[rlishm(]nl ol ('Ltst()rn trrrrng
( cnlcr lrom t'rloptr-alir,'t' socictir:s ol' lirrmt rs, lll)O iirtrl panr'[ als as pcr

(iol gr.ridr--lincs.
lv I)l)A/AAI,l \\ill crcalc sirlc pr-rirlicrn rcgirrding tI.rc s<'hcmc b1' prrblishing
prcss notc in lc-;rriing nc\\'spllpcr, sr>c:i;rl mcclit,i. r'lcctronic mcdia alnd
t lr rough llclci llnctrcinarics.
TIrt: (lllCs c:rn nrakt: onlinc applicattions 2lnd up)oacl thc rcquisitc
documt nls on portirl irs l)cr d( tilils givcn l;clori':
o Ccrlilic;rtr-' ol rcgistration lirr cc>opr:ralivc sor:ictics ol leirmcrs, l,-l)O
i't n cl rcsolution in ciisc ol (]rant I)ant'lrlrr al.
o l)AN (la rcl
. l)rool ol'SO Clrrtt'gorr in rrvuiling bcnL l-it urrrlt:r SC cat( !lon,.
o llirnk Ar:courrt nunrbcr u ith lliSC t odr (r'anccllcd cl.rcrluc/ l;rrnk
sliltcm('r.r1/ c0p\ ol' passbook)
o Scll'dc<'laration/ rrndcrtaking stirting \\'ill r.'rot tr;lnslirr/ scl)/
m()rlgail(' thc machinr:n /cquiprncnt's 1o iu.r\ oll( bc;lirrc u pcriod of
5 \'cars irnd plcclgc Iirr not burnirig ('rop rt'sidur'.
Tlrc finirnci:rl assistanCt' lirr cstablishmcnl ol Cuslom irir.rg Cr:ntrc rviJI

bc as pt r CRM schcmc guidclir.rcs circulalcci br'(iol. 'lhc- ccluipmcnt shaJl

lrc purtlrast'rl lor in sirr-r/1.)r situ nrirnagcmcnt of crop rt:sicir-rt: lirr u,hich
l'inancriirl assistanCe u ill bt' trvtriirrltlC il:i pcr 1l)C p:rttcrrr Of assisltrncc
rrt'ntionccl itl ol'CIIM Schcnrc (lLriclcIint's. Minimr.trn IJ irnd
mitximLtm 5 cliJTcrt'nt t\ I)('s ol'implcnrcnts/ nrachincn zrrc rcquircd lo bcr

ir c- lucl ccl in projcct r--ost.



l)rocurcmont Project based 8O'7o of the projcct cost

subsidy lor U pto I ri lakhs (crop rcsidtrc (as pcr thc
cstablishmCrlt of managt:mcrtt machincn'/ conditions as
C u stom liring ccluiPmcnt comPoncnt)
I cn umcrated in Para
Ccntre of crop (upto 5 l,akh in (lllM and 10.1.6 ol thc guidclincs)
rcsiduc managcmcnl add itiona I lO lakhs in
machint:ry' SMAM Schcmc)

\ l1 Old CllCs, u lto havc availed bcnclit <;f subsidl' during last 4 1'cars on
purchasc of in-situ rnanagcmcnt machinc carr apply for purchasing cx-
situ managemcnt machincs and vicc vcrsa, as per condition citcd abovc.
.l.hc custom t Iiring ccntrcs established undcr thc schcmc r,r,ill follou

hiring ratt:s approvcd b,v Lhc <:onccrncd l)l,liC.

lx. It is mandatory fcrr thc sclcctcd bcn<:ficiar) (group of farmcrs) to cstablish
thc Custom lliring Ct:ntrt: (CIIC) at thc dt:signatcd sitc with propcr shcd
facilities, public display of information (Noticc tioard) rcgarding hiring
ratc (finalized by t)Ll.)c) and availabiliry of machine s at thc sit(r of custom
I Iiring Centrc (CI lC) to fat:ilitatc tht: farm<:rs.
x 'l'hc rcquisitc docttm<:nts n'ill bc submittt:d in hard copJ- as uploaded on
portal along n'ith r<:gistcrcd lcasc agrccme rlt in conccrncd AAII/ l)DA
offit;c and it should bc cnsLrrcd to submit thc same n,ithin ll n'orking da-"-s
aftcr thc cutoff datc.
xl. Application/ documt:nts tlploadcd/ stlbrnittt:d by cooperativc socictics of
farmers, I"PO, rcgistcrcd farmer socictics and panchayats r'r'ill bc
cxamincd by Assistant Agrfuulturc llnginccr of'conct:rncd district (r'r'ithin
5 days from datc of submission of application) and short comings, if any
shall be intimated to thc conccrncd through systcm g<:nerated automatic
SMS on portal.
xl1 'l'hc short cornings n ill bc fulfillt:d u ithin 7 dal s of intimation othcru'isc
thc application u'ill bc rcjc<:tcd (dt:emcd to bc not applicd) b-v tht: Assistant
Agriculturc llnginccr aftcr approval ol' Chairman l)l-l!C.
xlll It should bc cnsurcd that r(rgistcrcd coop<:rativc socict-y of farm<:rs is
active and fullilling all thc rcquisite conditions as pcr coopcrativc act'

X IV, AAI,I n ill scrrd thc onlrnr: applicalions on portal to l)l)A u'ith thc
rcc:ommcn dtrtion s lirr a pproval / rcjcr:tion.
XV, Thcn'altcr l)l)A u'ill scnd Ihc rccom mt'nda l ion s tirni ardcd bv AAIi 1o

Chairman I)l,l,lC ft;r zrpprovirl. I)l)A can clrangc thc rc:cr>m mcnd:r I ion ol'
tht' AAI,I on portal bv givin!l rcmarks n--garcling.rpproval/r(jc<:lir>n of
la rmcrs i.rppl ication.
xVl lJnscd on thc rcccipt of ll.rrds I'rom (lcr'ri(
r /Statc (i()\,1. ernd app]ir:ittions
rcccivcrl, district \\'is(' lirrgcts of (,lllCs ti ill irc cir<'ulirtcd ttv thc
dirt:t'l ora t c.
xvlr. Ilolrcvcr, clr:mirnci ol [>:riling units (rc-ctangr,rlirr) l'rom thc c]us1cr ol'IO(ll,
2(l t'tharol Itlant is to bc full'illcd on priorit,r' kc'cping in r.,icr.r,' lhc
rc(luir( m( l)l ,rl b.rilrnq unils.
x\'r tl All Lhc Irl)Os in thc t'lrrstcrs idcrrtif icrl ftrr.2 (i cthanol plirnt ol lOCL shoulrl
lrc crrc:ouragcd to prrrt'hirsc rccturrgrrlar baiIing r.rnits.
\1X l)istrict Lcvcl I'lxt'cutir,'c (br-nmittec (l)l-l.lC) Lrnrlrrr lltc Chain'nanshil-l oi'
thc I)cputv Commissiont'r ol thc district u'ill sck'ct thc bcncl'iciarics allcr
propt:r scrutinr of tht' cinlirrc n'cr:ivt d ;
\X Ttrc [)istrict l,(v(.1 I,]x('cLltivt' Comrniltcc' (l)l, lln(l(.r lhe Chairmarrship
o1' l)cputr (liinrrnissiont:r u ill [>c tlrc I'rn:rl irulhorilv rcg:rrcling thc
sclcction of thr' bcncficiirn.
xxr As pcr ai)ocalion ol' t:rrgcts an<1 rcscrr,,:,r1ion norlrts ol' conr:crncd schcmc,
I)l,li(l u'ill ilpprovc tl-ic :rpplicatir)ns olt portal ilnd svstcm gt'nr:r:rtcd
onlilrc pcrmission/ sultsidr cligitrilitr ccrlific.ltc ri'ill bc issucd to thc
cligibkr br--ncllt:i:trics lirr complt,ting thc prtrchasc r,r,ithin l5 clar.s.
Thcn al'tcr, opportunitr s ill bc git cn to tllc ncxr t:lrgiblc bcncl'ician in tht:
scnioritr lis1.
xxlr. Alicr thc :rpprovirJ ol'tht l)istricr Lc:r,r:l l.lxcct,rrir,,c (lommittcc (l)1,1,)C) thc
bcrrclicjar-r' list u ill bt' pr-rltlisht rl bv tltc [)r.pirrlm(.nt ol' Agriculturc :rncl
lr:trmcrs Wclfarc or.r tlrc J)ortill irnrl u ill ltc ar,,ailaitlt ;.t I thc rcsp(.clivr: I)l)A
/ AAIi ( ) fl'ict'.
xxt ll Thc purclrasc of thc rnitchincs uill l;t: m:rdc l'rom tltr-- mainulacturcrs ol'
tht'ir chorcc aftcr ncgotiiltion liom cmpnnclcd list of'the manulhclurcs or
his dcalc:r a',,:lilablc rir porl;rl. TI.rc bcr-rclician' is l'rco lo procurc an.1. bnrnd
;rs por lris choicc from tlto cmpirnt.llr'd )ist.
xxtv. After purchasc, bill ol thc machinr:s u'ith t'l rr''ay bill and Colour l)hoto
($'ith (ll'S locations) ol'implcmcnt (rvith bcncficiary') u'ill bc uploaded on
thc portal on thc szrmc da.y by tht: nranulactur<:r or his authorizcd dealcr.
xxV Conccrned manufacturcr '"vill vcrifv thc dctails uploadcd by d<:aler
through thcir login.
xx\'1. After uploading bills and vcrification b_v conccrnt:d martLrfacturcr on
portal, a Cornmittcc o1'officcrs (having onc c>f mcmber from CS'l') to bc
nominatcd by thc rcspcctivc l)cput-y Commissioner ra.'ill bc dcputcd lor
physical vcrilication of thc implcmt:nts purchascd by thc bcncficiary
group ol farmcrs immcdiatcly aftcr submission of bill and upload thc
photo (with C l)S location) on thc portal.
xxVlI 'l'hc t)cpartmcnt ol'Agriculturc and l"armcrs Wclfarc, Govcrnmcnt of
I lar,r,,ana u,ill cxccutc agrccmcnt n'ith thc (lustom I liring Ccntrcs (Ot ICs)

to bc <:stablishcd undcr thc Schcm<: to cnsurc availability of thc farm

implemcnts to thc farmcrs of the clustcr and providing inlorntation on
managed crop rcsiduc arca as pcr Anncxurc-Vl of thc (luidclincs ol thc
XX \'1] I 'l'hc machinr:s provided on subsidy to thc CllCs/ I"t)Os should bc utiliz<:d
adcquately by providing on hiring to the larmcrs for paddy straw
managcmcnt. lf not donc so thcn subsidy u'ill bc withdrawn from any
othcr schcmc of thc dcpartm<:nt.
xxl x As pcr guid<:lincs ol- (lol lascr cutting ol scrial no., and mountirlg of
tracking systcm on machincry b<: cnsurccl strictly. [n casc of rton
finalization of lascr cutting codc moclalitics b-r' Oo[, system adopted b-v
State of llar.yana during prcvious ycar 2O22 23 will be followcd and
manufacturcr codc allotted during prcvious -\'car n'il1 rcmain samc.
xxx 'l'hc subsidy amount will bc rr:leased into thc account of thc s<:lcct<:d
br:ncficiary (group of farmcrs) aftcr approval ol t)t,lJC on portal within 15
da.ys of thc physical vcrification subject to availability of lunds.
xxxl 'l'hc custom hiring ccntre cstablished undcr th<: schcmc art: requirc
rcgist<:ring thoir ccntrc."r,ith ma<:hincs on (lovt o[ lndia developed android
mobilc app (1.'Alf MS) for ct-tstom hiring of machine r-r,. ln addition to this
thcy arc rt:quircd to rcgister and upload n'ork progrcss on

htrps: / /aerihary ana-gov. in.

xxx tl Tlrr' (lustonr I Iiring Ccntrcs cslablrshcd Ltn(lcr th(' sr:hcmc arrc rccluircd

m.r( h in( s orr ltiring b.rsis.

XXXII] Tht: (lustom lliring Cortrr:s cstaltlisht d undcr thc schcmc n,i1l bc
supcrviscd Ix ttrr' [)cprrtt' I)irci:tor Agrrt.ulturt' / Assistant Agrit'ulturc
I,)nginccr lirr its o1;cruttiol-l so thrtt (lustrtrn Iirring Ccntrcs (OIIOs) <lo not
ovc'rchargt: lht' la rrn c rs.

i. 't.he Manulacturer having their machines tcsted from (lovt of lndia approvt:d
pctrtal agnharyqlla,Soll i4 bv tlploading undcrtaking and tcst rcport of
machinc.,l.hc rcgistration on portal can bc madc Ihroughout the ycar.'l'ht:l
arc also rcquired to makr: rr:gistration on Gcll portal agrimachincry. nit:. in.
ii. 'lhc manulacttrrcr approvcd during previous 5car 2022 23 arc cligiblc Ibr
supply during the currcn t .vcar 2023'24 also, subject t<> validitl ol' test
rt:port. ln this rcgard thc]' arc rcquircd to submit thc tcst rt:port through l'J
mail. tlowevcr, thc.Y arc rcquircd to makc fr<:sh rcgistraticln on thc portal for
mapping ol dcalcrs and allocating stock. Manufacturers blacklistcd b-y
dcpartmcnt and having any disputc u'ill not bc cligiblc'
iii. llased on tht: submission of do<;umcnts thc manuf acturcr r.r'ill bc cmpanclt:d
by th<: dcpartrncnt and sam<: n'ill bc approved orr portal'
iv. Altcr approval manufacturr:r can rcgistt:r dcalcr nctwork through thcir login
dctails rcccivt:d on their rcgistt:rt:d mobilc numbt:r'
v. .l.hc manufacturcr will allocatc thc scrial numbcr of ttr<: machincs billed ttr

thcir cl<:alcr nctwork along r,t'ith uploading of Ii r'r'ay bill on thc portal'
nr.rmbcr allocatcd by thc manufactur<:r, upload thc bill' I! way bill and
farmcr's mobilc numb<:r.
vii, Manufacturer, arc rcquirc<J to follort, guidcline s <lf Gol rcgarding las<:r Cutting
of scrial no' and mclunting tlf.tracking SyStCm rln machin<:ry. [n casc of n<>n-
llnalization of lascr Cutting coclc modalitics b1 Gol, slr'stcm adoptcd bv statc
of t larlana during prcvir>us \car '202'2 2Il n'iil bC follou'cd and manufacturcr
codc allotted during prcvious 1't:ar u'ill rcmain santc'
viii. Concerncd manufacturcr will vcrif-y thc salc madc by thcir dcalcrs by
approving bills arnd othcr dctails through thcir login t>n dcpartmcnt
Manuf acturcr will providc salc rcport cvcr-v flcrrtnightly '
ix. ln case of any dcviaticln and not rollo\^,ing dcperrtmcnt tcrms and conditions
manufacturcr r.t'ill bc blacklistcd for supply trndcr departmcnt subsidy
schcmcs. Manufacturcr u'ill bc solt: responsibl<: for erny lapsc on the part ol
thc ir dt:alcr netr'"'ork.

स्वयं घोषणा पत्र

मैं ....................... पुत्र/ पुत्री/पत्न................................. गााँ व…….................

जिला ...................................CEO/Director/ ljiap@iz/kku-----------------------------------------------------FPO/
iapk;r@lgdkjh lfefr---------------------------------------------- ftldk iathdj.k u0-----------------------------------------घोषणा करता/ करती हाँ कक
1. esjh laLFkk@lfefr@iapk;r us कवभाग में e”khujh cSad LFkkfir djus ds fy, कृ कष यन्त्र पर अनुदान हेतू आवेदन ककया
है, मेरा आधार कार्ड न० ...................................... है |
2. मैनें esjh laLFkk@lfefr@iapk;r ds vf/kd`r izfrfuf/k ds ukrs सभी कवभाकगय कदशाकनदेशों को पढ़ व समझ जलया है
3. esjh laLFkk@lfefr@iapk;r कवभाकगय fn”kk funsZ”kkuqlkj स्कीम में लाभ हेतु पात्र gS व भकवष्य में कोई कमी पाए िाने
पर अनुदान dh पात्र नहीं gksxh।
4. esjh laLFkk@lfefr@iapk;r मशीन के भौकतक सत्यापन के दौरान कमेटी को सभी दस्तावेि कदखाने व स्वयं सत्याकपत
प्रकतया देने के जलये पाबं द gksxh।
5. esjh laLFkk@lfefr@iapk;r भकवष्य में कवभाकगय कदशाकनदेशों का पालन djsxh rFkk fdlkuksa dks ljdkj }kjk fu/kkZfjr
njksa ij d`f’k ;a= miyC/k djokus ds fy, ck/k~; gksxhA
6. esjh laLFkk@lfefr@iapk;r us कपछले 4 वषों में कवभाग से mDr e”khuksa पर अनुदान का लाभ नहीं जलया है व आगे
भी 5 वषों तक मैं कृ कष ;a=ksa को नहीं बेचूaगा। िब भी कृ कष अजधकाररयों द्वारा कृ कष यन्त्र को कदखाने के जलये कहा
िायेगा में उसे प्रस्तुत कर दूंगा |
7. esjh laLFkk@lfefr@iapk;r mDr e”khuksa ds mi;ksx dk C;kSjk izfrfnu ¼e”kkhu mi;ksx ds season ds nkSjku ½ vius
ftyk ds lgk;d d`f’k vfHk;Urk dks miyC/k djok,xhA vr% bldk C;kSjk foHkkfx; iksVZy ij Hkh ntZ djus ds fy,
ck/k~; gksA
8. esjh laLFkk@lfefr@iapk;r यह शपथ ysrh gS fd [ksrkssa में फसल अवशेषों में कभी आग नहीं yxk,axh। अन्यथा
कवभाग द्वारा कदये गये अनुदान को वाकपस djsxh o भकवष्य में ककसी भी कवभाकगय स्कीम में लाभ dh पात्र नहीं gksxh

9. esjh laLFkk@lfefr@iapk;r e”khujh ds j[k&j[kko gsrq foHkkfx; fn”kkfunsZ”kkuqlkj mfpr “kSM dk fuekZ.k djsxh ,ao
ljdkj }kjk vf/kd`r njksa dks iznf”kZr djsxhA

CEO/Director/ ljiap@iz/kku के हस्ताक्षर

FPO/ iapk;r@lgdkjh lfefr--------------------------------------------
गााँ व:
जिला :
मों० न०

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