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Cnemidophorus Lacertoides Geographic Distribution.: Herpetological Review January 2004

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Cnemidophorus lacertoides Geographic Distribution.

Article in Herpetological Review · January 2004


4 32

4 authors, including:

Carlos Frederico Duarte Rocha Vanderlaine Amaral Menezes

Rio de Janeiro State University Centro Universitário Estadual da Zona Oeste


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CORONEL PRINGLES: campground on the shore of Embalse La d
AMPHISBAENA MUNOAI (NCN). BRAZIL: RIO GRANDE Florida. 25 December 2003. E. C. G. Lopez. Herpetological Col­ o
DO SUL: Municipality of Tres Passos (53°55'55"S, 27°27'20"W). lection Museo de La Plata, La Plata, Buenos Aires, (MLPS 2574). ~
October 1981. J. R. Collares. Herpetological collection of the Verified by J. C. Acosta. First province record (Avila and Carrizo b
Museu de Ciencias e Tecnologia of the Pontificia Universidade 2003. Acta Zool. Lilloana 47[1-2]:93-115), and westernmost te
Catolica do Rio Grande do Sui, Porto Alegre, Brazil. (MCP 1457). record for the species, extending known range 139 km W from El S
Municipality of Santo Cristo (54°39'46"S, 27°49'26"W), collected Chacay, Rio Cuarto Department, Cordoba Province (Martori and S
by students of a local school (no additional data available) (MCP Aun 1995. Acta Zool. Lilloana 43[1]:87-97). Previously known B
11636). Verified by R. Baptista de Oliveira. Amphisbaena munoai only from the eastern slope of Sierras Grandes de Cordoba Moun­ [~
was known to occur from Passo Fundo, northern Rio Grande do tains and related formations in Cordoba Province. B
Sui, Brazil, to southern and central Uruguay (Gans 1966. Bull. Submitted by: CRISTIAN HERNAN FULVIO PEREZ (e­ Ie
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 134[3]: 187-260). Northwesternmostrecord mail: Julian Alvarez 1182 "A," 8000 ill
for the species, the record in Tres Passos extends the known range Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina; EBER CRISTIAN
ca. 227 km NW from Passo Fundo (Gans, op. cit.). GASTON LOPEZ (e-mail: Barrio Los rt
Submitted by JORGE S. BERNARDO-SILVA (e-mail: Paraisos, Manzana 262, Casa 4, 5700, San Luis, Argentina; and R and MARCOS DI-BERNARDO, LUCIANO JAVIER AVILA (e-mail: avila], U
Laboratorio de Herpetologia, Faculdade de Biociencias and Museu CENPAT-CONICET, Boulevard Almirante Brown sin, . dt
de Ciencias e Tecnologia of the Pontiffcia Universidade Catolica U9120ACV, Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina. A
do Rio Grande do Sui (PUCRS), Av. Ipiranga, 6681, 90619-900
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sui, Brazil (e-mail: [MDB] EUMECES FASCIATUS (Five-lined Skink). USA: ARKANSAS: H LONOKE CO: 2.2 km E. Ward (T5N, R9W, S25). 22 August 2004. H
Kelly E. McKenzie. Verified by Stanley E. Trauth. Arkansas State N.
ASPIDOSCELIS (= CNEMIDOPHORUS) NEOMEXICANA: University Museum of Zoology Herpetological Collection 11
(New Mexico Whiptail). USA: NEW MEXICO: LINCOLN Co., prai­ (ASUMZ 28735). New county record (Trauth et al. 2004. The Pt
rie dog town in Taylor Draw, ca. 12 air mi SW Carrizozo (T8S Amphibians and Reptiles of Arkansas. Univ. of Arkansas Press, A;
R8E SEl/4 Sec 27). 23 June 2004. D. W. Burkett, M. Hartsough, Fayetteville. 421 pp.). 4(
and M. Swink. University of New Mexico Museum of Southwest­ Submitted by MICHAEL V. PLUMMER, Department of Bi­ 101
ern Biology (MSB 71138). Verified by C. W. Painter. County record ology, Box 12251, Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas 72149, Ta
(Degenhardt et al. 1996. The Amphibians and Reptiles of New USA (e-mail: and DONALD F. WI
Mexico. Univ. New Mexico Press, Albuquerque). McKENZIE, Wildlife Management Institute, 2396 Cocklebur thl
Submitted by DOUGLAS W. BURKETT, MATT Road, Ward, Arkansas 72176, USA (e-mail: fn
HARTSOUGH, MIKE SWINK, P.O. Box 399, White Sands of
Missile Range, New Mexico 88002, USA. EUMECES FASCIATUS (Five-lined Skink). USA: WISCON­ co
SIN: CRAWFORD CO.: Hwy F, 4 km SE of Lynxville. 5 September it)
CNEMIDOPHORUS LACERTOIDES. BRAZIL: SANTA 2002. Brenda and Richard Rozelle. Photograph HDW-NIU Z(
CATARINA: FLORIANOPOLIS MUNICIPALITY: Ilha de Santa Catarina: 2002.10. Sect. 36 R6WT9N. Verified by Julie Ray. New county
Restinga da Joaquina (27°35'36"S; 48°35'56"W). 8-10 December record. Extends the state distribution SW 60 km from the eastern bt
2003. C. F. D. Rocha, D. Vrcibradic, V. A. Menezes, and C. V. Iowa and Sauk county records, and 105 km from Juneau Co. to W
Ariani. Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ 11289-303). Veri­ the northeast. All three of these counties are within the unglaciated 06
fied by G. Skuk and G. Scrocchi. This species has been reported drift less area of Wisconsin of Casper (1996. Geographic Distri­
to occur in Uruguay, Argentina, and southern Brazil, where it was butions of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Wisconsin, Milwaukee M
previously known only from the state of Rio Grande do Sui (Maslin Public Mus. Interim Report of the Wisconsin Herpetological At­ FL
and Secoy 1986. Contr. Zool., Univ. Colorado Mus. 1:1-60; Lema las Project, 87 pp.) Found basking on a woodpile. In conversing Jo
1994. Comunic. Mus. Cienc. Tecnol. PUCRS, Ser, Zool. 7:41­ with local naturalist Bill Peterson and other individuals from the VI
150). This note provides the first record for the state of Santa area, HDW was informed that occasional specimens have been N[
Catarina and the northernmost record for the species. It extends observed on the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River at TIl
the distribution ca. 300 km NE from the previous northernmost Lynxville and nearby areas. gu
locality (Torres, on the northern coast of Rio Grande do Sui state; Submitted by HARLAN D. WALLEY, Department of Biol­ 10,
Lema, op. cit.). ogy, Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois 60115, USA (e­ AI
Submitted by DAVOR VRCIBRADIC, CARLOS mail:, and BRENDA L. ROZELLE, N835 Hwy M
Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade GONATODES PETERSI. VENEZUELA: ZULIA: Municipio 19
do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rua Sao Francisco Xavier 524, 20550­ Mara, Sierra de Perij a, Fundo "La Orchila" (10048'N, 72°21'W), are
011, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. 230 m. 29 May 2004. C. Hernandez Gonzalez. Museo de Biologia inc
de La Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo (MBLUZ-R-0799). Veri­ sta
fied by T. Barros Blanco. This poorly known gekkonid is an en­ Gr;

408 Herpetological Review 35(4),2004

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