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Algal Research 25 (2017) 452–463

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Microalgal biomass as a (multi)functional ingredient in food products: MARK

Rheological properties of microalgal suspensions as affected by mechanical
and thermal processing
Tom M.M. Bernaertsa, Agnese Panozzoa, Veerle Doumena, Imogen Foubertb, Lore Gheysenb,
Koen Goirisc, Paula Moldenaersd, Marc E. Hendrickxa, Ann M. Van Loeya,⁎
Laboratory of Food Technology, Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems (M2S), KU Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 22, box 2457, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
Laboratory Food and Lipids, KU Leuven Kulak, E. Sabbelaan 53, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
Laboratory of Enzyme Fermentation and Brewing Technology, Cluster for Bioengineering Technology (CBeT), KU Leuven, Gebroeders De Smetstraat 1, 9000 Gent,
Soft Matter, Rheology and Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200F, box 2424, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium


Keywords: Microalgae show great potential for use as novel ingredients in food products, as they are rich in several nu-
Microalgae tritional and health-beneficial components. However, addition of total microalgal biomass might alter the
Aqueous suspensions structural properties of the food system. Therefore, information is required about their rheological character-
Rheology istics towards selection of microalgae species for specific food products. This study comprises the rheological
characterization of seven commercially available microalgae species in aqueous suspensions, before and after
High pressure homogenization
Thermal processing
mechanical and thermal processing. Substantial differences in rheological properties were observed between the
investigated microalgal suspensions. Among the untreated suspensions, Porphyridium cruentum, Chlorella vulgaris
and Odontella aurita showed the largest structural properties and could be described as weak gels. All suspensions
showed shear-thinning flow behavior at the examined concentration of 8% w/w, except for Nannochloropsis
species. Shear-thinning behavior was also observed for the separated serum phase of P. cruentum, which might be
attributed to the presence of sulfated exopolysaccharides. During processing, rheological properties were sig-
nificantly altered. High pressure homogenization was used as a mechanical treatment, followed by a pasteur-
ization or sterilization process. Whereas suspensions of Arthrospira platensis and C. vulgaris showed an increased
storage modulus and viscosity after processing, the opposite was observed for P. cruentum and O. aurita. No clear
effect of processing was observed for suspensions of Nannochloropsis sp., Schizochytrium sp. and Phaeodactylum
tricornutum. Investigation of the microstructure revealed differences in degree of cell disruption by high pressure
homogenization, with Nannochloropsis sp. being the most resistant. Subsequent thermal processing resulted in
aggregation of released cell material and/or intact cells. In conclusion, the obtained results provide the scientific
knowledge base for the selection of microalgae species towards food applications. Whereas some microalgae
species hardly affect the structural properties of the food product, other microalgae species show large potential
for use as a structuring agent in food applications.

1. Introduction acids (ω3-PUFA), proteins and antioxidants [1]. In addition, microalgae

offer many advantages over conventional crops, such as high photo-
Microalgae are considered an interesting biomass source towards synthetic efficiency and no competition for arable lands [2]. In recent
various applications, including biofuels, nutraceuticals and pharma- decades, research has mainly focused on the extraction of specific
ceuticals. Moreover, they show great potential for use as functional components from microalgae, such as antioxidants, pigments and ω3-
ingredients in food products, as they are rich in several nutritional and PUFA enriched oil [3]. However, a more interesting approach would be
health-beneficial components such as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty the incorporation of the total dried biomass into food products. In this

Abbreviations: ω3-PUFA, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids; HPH, high pressure homogenization

Corresponding author at: Laboratory of Food Technology, Leuven Food Science and Nutrition Research Centre (LFoRCe), Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems (M2S),
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 22, Box 2457, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium.
E-mail address: (A.M. Van Loey).
Received 21 December 2016; Received in revised form 31 March 2017; Accepted 13 May 2017
Available online 21 June 2017
2211-9264/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T.M.M. Bernaerts et al. Algal Research 25 (2017) 452–463

way, multiple nutritional and health-beneficial components are in- rheological properties of microalgal suspensions, since pH-dependent
troduced in the food product and waste streams are avoided. However, interactions between several biopolymers could be present.
this approach can affect the rheological properties of the enriched food To date, rheological properties of microalgal suspensions are very
product, an important quality aspect of the food product. limitedly described in literature. In addition, comparison between dif-
Processed food products present a large diversity in rheological ferent studies is difficult due to variation in biomass concentrations
properties, depending on the type of product. As a consequence, the (ranging from 0.05 to 25% w/w), composition of the medium and ap-
appropriate rheological characteristics should be considered when se- plied rheological analyses (e.g. the range of shear rates during steady-
lecting microalgae species for application in a specific food product. shear measurements). Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge no
Low viscosities are typically desired for fluid food products, such as studies were performed about the effect of mechanical and thermal
milk and fruit juices. In contrast, semi-solid products such as soups and processing on the rheological properties of microalgal suspensions.
sauces present characteristics of a more structured system, including a The objective of this study is to characterize the rheological beha-
higher viscosity which is often achieved by addition of thickening vior of several commercially interesting microalgae species in aqueous
agents. In this context, several studies investigated the rheological be- suspensions. The microalgae species used in this study were selected
havior of sulfated exopolysaccharides of Porphyridium sp., showing based on their potential as a (multi)functional food ingredient, as most
viscous solutions at low concentrations and gelling properties to some of them are rich in ω3-PUFA, proteins and/or antioxidants [1,3]. On the
extent [4,5]. As a consequence, addition of biomass of certain micro- one hand, acid food systems such as fruit juices and acidified food
algae species to food products might create the opportunity to increase products were simulated by adjusting the pH of the suspensions to 4. On
structural properties of the enriched product, allowing their use as a the other hand, suspensions at pH 6 were included to mimic low-acid to
multifunctional ingredient (i.e. combining health-related and structural neutral food systems, such as vegetable based foods and dairy products.
properties). In fact, addition of Isochrysis galbana biomass (up to 3% w/ Both viscoelastic behavior (under small deformations) and flow beha-
w) in sweet biscuits resulted not only in ω3-PUFA enrichment, but also vior (under larger deformations) were studied. In addition, the effect of
improved textural properties of the biscuits [6]. However, information HPH and thermal processing on the rheological properties and particle
about the structuring potential of microalgal biomass in food products characteristics of the microalgal suspensions was investigated. The in-
is limited to a few case studies, in which only a small number of mi- tensity of the thermal treatments was based on industrial thermal
croalgae species were studied in particular food systems [7–9]. processes used in the food industry. The understanding of the rheolo-
A more fundamental approach, characterizing the rheological gical behavior before and after processing provides the scientific
properties of several microalgae species in model systems such as knowledge base for the selection of appropriate microalgae species for
aqueous suspensions, will provide the necessary scientific knowledge food (and non-food) applications.
base towards these applications. In this context, microalgal suspensions
can be described as complex systems consisting of algal cells and cell 2. Materials and methods
debris that are dispersed in a continuous phase containing water, dis-
solved salts and polymeric substances (e.g. extracellular poly- 2.1. Microalgal biomass
saccharides). The rheological properties of microalgal suspensions can
be attributed to both the particle characteristics, such as biomass con- Commercially available microalgal biomass was purchased from
centration and physical properties of the algal cells, as well as the different companies. Lyophilized biomass of Nannochloropsis sp. was
rheological properties of the continuous phase [10]. Moreover, pre- obtained from Proviron (Hemiksem, Belgium), Odontella aurita from
vious studies have shown that most microalgal suspensions display Innovalg (Bouin, France) and the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis
Newtonian flow behavior at low biomass concentrations, while above a from Earthrise (Irvine, CA, USA). Lyophilized biomass of Schizochytrium
critical concentration, depending on the microalga species, microalgal sp. was kindly donated by Mara Renewables Corporation (Dartmouth,
suspensions exhibit non-Newtonian behavior [11–13]. Canada). Spray-dried biomass of Chlorella vulgaris was obtained from
With the aim of using microalgal biomass as a (multi)functional Allma (Lisbon, Portugal). Biomass of Phaeodactylum tricornutum and
ingredient in food applications, fundamental knowledge is also required Porphyridium cruentum was obtained as a wet paste from Necton (Olhão,
about their rheological behavior after processing. Mechanical proces- Portugal) and lyophilized before use. All biomasses were stored in
sing is often applied for functionalization of food products, e.g. creating closed containers at −80 °C until use.
desired structural properties of vegetable based products [14]. On the
other hand, thermal processing is a conventional preservation tech- 2.2. Preparation and processing of microalgal aqueous suspensions
nique in food processing to create shelf-stable food products. Safety as
well as quality of the product should be guaranteed, targeting both A schematic overview of the preparation and processing of the mi-
pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms, respectively. The presence croalgal aqueous suspensions is presented in Fig. 1.
and/or growth of these microorganisms is determined by the intrinsic
properties of the product, such as pH. Generally, low-acid foods 2.2.1. Preparation of microalgal aqueous suspensions
(pH > 4.5) require a sterilization process, targeting a 12 log reduction Dry microalgal biomasses were suspended overnight in deminer-
of the spore forming microorganism Clostridium botulinum. High-acid alized water by gentle stirring and pH of the suspension was adjusted to
foods (pH < 4.5) on the contrary are preserved by a less intense pas- pH 4 or 6 using HCl. Demineralized water was subsequently added to
teurization process, usually targeting the spoilage organism Alicyclo- obtain a final concentration of 8 g biomass per 100 g suspension (8%
bacillus acidoterrestris [15]. As a consequence, these differences in in- w/w). The systems were then mixed for 10 min at 3500 rpm (except for
tensity of thermal processing might result in altered rheological P. cruentum 10 min at 5500 rpm) with a lab mixer (Silverson L5M-A,
characteristics. East Longmeadow, MA, USA) to obtain a homogeneous suspension. The
As a mechanical process, high pressure homogenization (HPH) has obtained suspensions at respective pH were considered as control sus-
proven an effective technique for disruption of microalgal cells [16,17]. pensions. All suspensions were prepared in duplicate.
Furthermore, thermal processing of microalgal suspensions might da-
mage cell walls and result in solubilization of components and ag- 2.2.2. Mechanical treatment
glomeration of cell debris [18]. These changes in particle size and Microalgal aqueous suspensions were mechanically treated by HPH
morphology as well as the release of intracellular components into the (Panda 2K, Gea Niro Soavi, Parma, Italy) at 100 MPa for a single pass.
continuous phase might affect the rheological properties of the sus- The inlet of the homogenizer was thermostated at 4 °C using a cryostat
pension. Moreover, the pH of the suspensions might also influence the (Haake, Karlsruhe, Germany) and homogenized samples were collected

T.M.M. Bernaerts et al. Algal Research 25 (2017) 452–463

pH adjustment Pasteurization
pH 4 PU90°C = 3 min
High pressure
Microalgal suspension homogenization
8% w/w
pH adjustment 100 MPa Sterilization
pH 6 F121.1°C = 5 min

Control HPH HPH+TT

Fig. 1. Schematic overview of the preparation and processing of microalgal aqueous suspensions. Boxes with ‘Control’, ‘HPH’ and ‘HPH+TT’ indicate the moment of collecting respective

in an ice bath. The flow behavior of the suspensions was studied by steady-shear
measurements, with logarithmically increasing shear rate from 0.1 to
2.2.3. Thermal treatment 100 s− 1. During this test, 50 measuring points were recorded and each
Homogenized suspensions were thermally treated by either a pas- shear rate was applied for 10 s.
teurization (suspensions at pH 4) or a sterilization process (suspensions All measurements were performed in duplicate. A fresh sample was
at pH 6). Thermal treatments were performed in a pilot-scale water- loaded into the cup for each measurement.
cascading retort (Barriquand Steriflow, Paris, France). Glass jars
(95 mm height, 45 mm diameter) were filled with 80 mL of suspension 2.3.2. Viscosity measurements of the serum phase
and closed with metal lids. Temperature profiles were recorded both in Microalgal suspensions were centrifuged for 30 min at 10000 g and
the retort and in the coldest point of the jar using type T thermocouples 25 °C (J2-HS centrifuge, Beckman, CA, USA) in order to separate par-
and registered by the Ellab Valsuite Plus software (Ellab, Hillerǿd, ticles from the continuous phase. The supernatant was collected and
Denmark). denoted as serum phase.
Intensity of the thermal treatments was chosen based on industrially Viscosity of the serum phase was measured with a stress-controlled
relevant thermal processing for shelf-stable food products. Suspensions rheometer (MCR 302, Anton Paar, Graz, Austria) using the double wall
at pH 4, simulating acid food matrices, were pasteurized at 90 °C to Couette geometry (DG26.7, internal diameter 12.3 mm, external dia-
obtain a process value of 10°CPU90°C = 3 min. For suspensions at pH 6, meter 13.3 mm and measuring height 40 mm) to maximize the acces-
representing low-acid food products, a sterilization process at 121 °C sible range of torques. A standardized volume of 6.5 mL serum was
was selected with a process value of 10°CF121.1°C = 5 min. Due to dif- loaded into the cup (internal diameter 11.9 mm, external diameter
ferences in heat transfer characteristics of the investigated microalgae 13.8 mm) for each measurement. Shear rate was increased logarith-
species, the length of the thermal processes varied from 44 to 84 min mically from 0.1 to 100 s− 1 and each shear rate was applied for 10 s.
for the pasteurization process, and between 70 and 94 min for the Preshear conditions as described in Section 2.3.1 were used.
sterilization process.
2.4. Characterization of the microstructure
2.3. Rheological measurements
2.4.1. Particle size distribution
2.3.1. Rheological characterization of microalgal suspensions Particle size distribution was analyzed by laser diffraction (Beckman
Prior to rheological analyses, stability of the suspensions against Coulter LS 13 320, Miami, FL, USA). Sample was added to a stirring
creaming or sedimentation was checked for 30 min, i.e. the longest time tank filled with deionized water and was pumped through the mea-
of a rheological measurement, by use of a Turbiscan MA 2000 suring cell at 30% pump speed, where particles were scattered by the
(Formulaction, L'Union, France). None of the suspensions showed sig- laser light (wavelength of main illumination source: 750 nm; wave-
nificant creaming or sedimentation within this time frame. lengths of halogen light for polarization intensity differential scattering:
The rheological properties of the microalgal suspensions were then 450 nm, 600 nm, 900 nm). Volumetric particle size distributions were
analyzed with a stress-controlled rheometer (MCR 302, Anton Paar, calculated with the Fraunhofer optical model by use of instrument
Graz, Austria) at 25 °C. The concentric cylinder Couette (CC27, dia- software. All measurements were carried out in duplicate.
meter 26.6 mm and measuring height 40.0 mm) was used as measuring
system. A standardized volume of 22 mL suspension was loaded into the 2.4.2. Differential interference contrast microscopy
cup (diameter 28.9 mm) for each measurement. To avoid effects of The microstructure of the samples was visualized by microscopic
loading on the structure, samples were presheared for 30 s at a shear images, using an Olympus BX-51 light microscope equipped with a XC-
rate of 20 s− 1 followed by 120 s of rest, i.e. shear rate of 0 s− 1, before 50 digital camera (Olympus, Optical Co.Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) and vi-
each measurement. A minimum torque limit was fixed at 0.1 μN·m to sualized using CellF software. Objectives of 10×, 40× or 100× were
ensure reliability of the obtained data. used and at least ten images were obtained for each sample.
The viscoelastic behavior of the suspensions was studied by oscil-
latory shear measurements. First, the linear viscoelastic region was 2.5. Statistical analysis
determined by performing a strain sweep test at a constant angular
frequency of 10 rad/s and a logarithmically increasing shear strain from All treatments of the microalgal suspensions were performed in
0.01 to 1000%. A constant shear strain of 1% within the linear vis- duplicate and for each individual sample, analyses were done in du-
coelastic region was then selected for the frequency sweep, with the plicate. As a result, the obtained data are presented as the mean of four
exception of control suspensions of O. aurita for which a constant shear measurements ± standard error.
strain of 0.139% was used. The frequency sweep test was performed to The flow curves of the control suspensions were fitted to rheological
determine the frequency dependence of storage modulus (G′) and loss models using linear and non-linear regression procedures with SAS
modulus (G″), by decreasing the angular frequency logarithmically statistical software (SAS 9.4, Cary, NC, USA). The estimated model
from 10 to 0.1 rad/s. parameters of different samples were statistically compared by using

T.M.M. Bernaerts et al. Algal Research 25 (2017) 452–463

95% confidence intervals. Secondly, frequency sweep measurements were performed to char-
Differences in mean values for viscosity of mechanically and/or acterize the network structure of the microalgal suspensions. Frequency
thermally treated suspensions were statistically analyzed using one-way sweeps of C. vulgaris, P. cruentum and O. aurita suspensions at both pH
ANOVA combined with Tukey's test for multiple comparison values are presented in Fig. 3. These suspensions showed an elastic-like
(P < 0.05) with JMP statistical software (JMP Pro 12, Cary, NC, USA). behavior with G′ > G″ over the complete range of angular frequencies.
Since the other microalgae species did not display reliable torque values
3. Results and discussion over the whole range of angular frequencies, they will not be further
discussed in this paragraph.
3.1. Rheological characterization of control suspensions To determine the frequency dependence of G′ and G″, data of the
frequency sweep were fitted by a power law model:
The rheological behavior of microalgal suspensions was character- G′ = a⋅ωc (1)
ized on two levels. On the one hand, small amplitude oscillatory mea-
surements were performed to study the linear viscoelastic behavior of G″ = b⋅ωd (2)
the suspensions. In this case, small deformations were applied to gain with ω the angular frequency (rad/s) and a, b, c and d model
insight into the network structure, without disturbing the structural parameters. Estimates for these parameters are presented in Table 1.
properties of the system. By applying deformations within the linear The discussion will mainly focus on the frequency dependence of G′,
viscoelastic region, the original structure of the suspensions could be since G″ values are more sensitive to inertia phenomena of the mea-
characterized. On the other hand, the flow behavior was studied under suring system when analyzing samples with limited structural proper-
larger deformations. This non-linear flow behavior can be related to ties.
food operations, including unit operations like mixing and pumping, as All suspensions showed similar values of parameter c and thus a
well as chewing and swallowing during consumption of a food product similar frequency dependence of G′. With these values ranging between
[19]. The combination of both linear viscoelastic and flow behavior 0.11 and 0.17 and with G′ > G″ over the whole range of angular fre-
provided a better understanding of the rheological properties of the quencies, the rheological behavior of these suspensions coincides with
microalgal suspensions. that of weak gels. Indeed, whereas viscoelastic fluids exhibit high fre-
quency dependence with G′ ∝ ω2 and G″ ∝ ω1 at low angular frequencies,
3.1.1. Linear viscoelastic behavior parameter c < 0.5 indicates the transition towards solid-like behavior
Small amplitude oscillatory measurements were performed to gain [20,21]. According to Kavanagh and Ross-Murphy, a weak gel consists
insight into the network structure of the microalgal suspensions. First, a of chains which are physically crosslinked into networks, but the
strain sweep test was executed to determine the linear viscoelastic re- crosslinks are of small finite energy and/or of finite lifetime [20]. Next
gion. Strain sweep curves of A. platensis, C. vulgaris, O. aurita and P. to possible covalent crosslinks, also non-covalent crosslinks might be
cruentum are presented in Fig. 2, as reliable torque values (> 0.1 μN·m) present in these microalgal suspensions. It is clear that none of these
were only observed for these microalgae species. In these graphs, a zone microalgal suspensions can be described as a ‘true gel’ of covalently
of linear viscoelasticity could be observed as a plateau at low shear crosslinked networks, which would show a clear independence of the
strains, with storage modulus (G′) and loss modulus (G″) independent of angular frequency with G′ ∝ G″ ∝ ω0. The ratio of G″/G′ at low angular
the shear strain. In this linear viscoelastic region, suspensions of C. frequency (ω = 0.1 rad/s) was between 0.19 and 0.49, comparable to
vulgaris, O. aurita and P. cruentum at both pH values showed G′ > G″, that of weak gels (order of 10− 1) [22].
indicating predominantly elastic behavior. In contrast, control suspen- Higher values of parameters a and b were obtained for P. cruentum
sions of A. platensis at pH 6 displayed predominantly viscous behavior, suspensions compared to those of O. aurita and C. vulgaris. This in-
since G′ < G″ in the linear viscoelastic region. Further increase of the dicates that a stronger network structure is formed in P. cruentum sus-
shear strain led to a decrease of both G′ and G″ for A. platensis, C. vulgaris pensions. The presence of sulfated exopolysaccharides in P. cruentum,
and O. aurita, showing that at these deformations the network structure which have been shown to form a weak gel structure [23], might be one
was destroyed, typical for polymeric systems. In contrast, P. cruentum of the reasons for the stiffer network structure compared to the other
showed an increase in G″ together with a decrease of G′ at the end of the microalgae species. Values of parameters a and b for O. aurita suspen-
linear viscoelastic region. The latter is typical suspension behavior. The sions were of the same order of magnitude as C. vulgaris. While sus-
main goal of the strain sweep was to select a constant shear strain for pensions of P. cruentum and O. aurita at pH 6 showed higher values of
the frequency sweep test. A shear strain of 1% was found to be in the parameter a compared to pH 4 (and thus a stiffer network structure),
linear viscoelastic region for suspensions of A. platensis, C. vulgaris and the opposite was found for C. vulgaris. This might indicate the im-
P. cruentum. On the other hand, a shear strain of 0.139% was selected portance of ionic crosslinks between particles in network formation in
for control suspensions of O. aurita. these microalgal suspensions.

Fig. 2. Strain sweeps at a constant angular frequency of

10 rad/s of control suspensions at pH 4 (A) and pH 6
(B), showing storage modulus (G′, filled symbols) and
loss modulus (G″, empty symbols) as a function of shear
strain (γ), for A. platensis ( , ), C. vulgaris ( , ), P.
cruentum ( , ) and O. aurita ( , ).

T.M.M. Bernaerts et al. Algal Research 25 (2017) 452–463

Fig. 3. Frequency sweeps of control suspensions at pH 4 (A)

and pH 6 (B), showing storage modulus (G′, filled symbols)
and loss modulus (G″, empty symbols) as a function of the
angular frequency (ω), for C. vulgaris ( , ), P. cruentum
( , ) and O. aurita ( , ).

Table 1 σ = μ⋅γ̇ (3)

Parameters a, b, c and d ( ± standard error) of the power law models (G′ = a · ωc and
G″ = b · ωd) fitted to the storage modulus (G′) and loss modulus (G″) as a function of the σ= K ⋅γ̇n (4)
angular frequency (ω) of the control suspensions of P. cruentum, O. aurita and C. vulgaris.
σ = σ0 + K ⋅γ̇n (5)
a b c d −1
with σ representing the shear stress (Pa), γ̇ the shear rate (s ), μ
P. cruentum pH 4 41.64 ± 1.31 11.53 ± 0.26 0.15 ± 0.02 0.13 ± 0.02 the dynamic viscosity (Pa·s), K the consistency coefficient (Pa·sn), n the
pH 6 48.62 ± 0.20 13.73 ± 0.05 0.17 ± 0.01 0.08 ± 0.01 flow behavior index (−) and σ0 the dynamic yield stress (Pa). The
O. aurita pH 4 4.28 ± 0.15 1.25 ± 0.03 0.13 ± 0.02 0.29 ± 0.01 former two models can be considered as special cases of the Herschel-
pH 6 5.61 ± 0.31 1.35 ± 0.05 0.13 ± 0.04 0.31 ± 0.02
Bulkley model, with yield stress σ0 = 0 and flow behavior index n = 1 or
C. vulgaris pH 4 6.77 ± 0.18 2.68 ± 0.06 0.11 ± 0.02 0.09 ± 0.02
pH 6 6.00 ± 0.04 1.82 ± 0.02 0.13 ± 0.01 0.29 ± 0.01
n < 1 for Newtonian and Power Law model respectively [19]. To select
the appropriate model for each suspension, shear stress was plotted
logarithmically as a function of logarithmically increasing shear rate.
Since no constant values of log(σ) were reached at low shear rates and
3.1.2. Flow behavior thus no clear yield stress was observed, all shear-thinning suspensions
The flow behavior of all microalgal suspensions is visualized in were fitted to the Power Law model. The used model and the parameter
Fig. 4, presented as the viscosity (η) as a function of the shear rate (γ̇). estimates are presented in Table 2.
With both axes in logarithmic scale, deviations from the Newtonian As also observed visually from Fig. 4, Nannochloropsis sp. was the
behavior can be easily observed. Among all microalgal suspensions, only microalga species presenting Newtonian flow behavior at the ex-
only Nannochloropsis sp. at both pH values exhibited Newtonian flow amined concentration. Its dynamic viscosity (i.e. consistency coefficient
behavior (i.e. viscosity independent of the applied shear rate). In case of parameter in the Newtonian model) was low at both pH 4 and 6, ap-
all other suspensions, viscosity decreased with increasing shear rate, proaching the viscosity of pure water (1 mPa·s). Thus, it can be inferred
indicating shear-thinning flow behavior. Since microalgal suspensions that no interactions between particles and only limited solubilization of
are dispersions of microalgal cells and cell debris in a liquid phase cell components occurred in Nannochloropsis sp. suspensions. All other
containing water, polymeric substances (e.g. exopolysaccharides) and microalgal suspensions showed shear-thinning behavior with a flow
dissolved salts, non-Newtonian flow behavior could be expected [11]. behavior index n < 1. The smaller the value of n, the larger the de-
From Fig. 4 it can be observed that P. cruentum suspensions were the viation from Newtonian behavior. In this regard, the investigated mi-
most viscous over the whole range of shear rates, followed by suspen- croalgae showed a large variation in rheological properties with n
sions of C. vulgaris and O. aurita. ranging from 0.86 to 0.20. The smallest estimates of n were found for
To describe the rheological characteristics of the control suspen- suspensions of C. vulgaris, O. aurita and especially P. cruentum, the
sions quantitatively, flow curves were fitted to rheological models. viscosity thus showing the highest dependency on the applied shear
Newtonian, Power Law and Herschel-Bulkley models are frequently rate. No consistent effect of pH on the flow behavior index n was ob-
used to describe Newtonian or shear-thinning flow behavior, which are served among the different microalgal suspensions. Whereas C. vulgaris
presented in Eqs. (3), (4) and (5) respectively: showed smaller values of n for suspensions at pH 6 compared to pH 4,
the opposite was observed for A. platensis and P. cruentum suspensions.

Fig. 4. Flow curves of control suspensions at pH 4 (A) and

pH 6 (B) showing viscosity (η) as a function of shear rate
(γ̇ ) for seven microalgae species: P. cruentum ( ), C. vul-
garis ( ), O. aurita ( ), A. platensis ( ), Schizochytrium sp.
( ), P. tricornutum ( ) and Nannochloropsis sp. ( ). Only
data points with reliable torque values (> 0.1 μN·m) are
shown. For interpretation of color mentioned in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this

T.M.M. Bernaerts et al. Algal Research 25 (2017) 452–463

Table 2
Consistency coefficient (K) and flow behavior index (n) ( ± standard error) of the control suspensions estimated by Newtonian (N) or Power Law (PL) model. Goodness of fit of linear or
non-linear regression is presented as Radj2. The estimated values of each parameter were compared statistically by use of 95% confidence intervals. Significant differences are indicated
with different letters.

Model Consistency coefficient (mPa·sn) Flow behavior index (−) R2adj

Nannochloropsis sp. pH 4 N 2.30 ± 0.01 (*) 1 (**) 0.99

pH 6 N 2.40 ± 0.01 (*) 1 (**) 0.99
P. tricornutum pH 4 PL 10.86 ± 0.80 j 0.86 ± 0.02 a 0.98
pH 6 PL 16.40 ± 1.61 i 0.83 ± 0.02 a 0.96
A. platensis pH 4 PL 50.83 ± 3.23 gh 0.55 ± 0.02 c 0.96
pH 6 PL 58.17 ± 0.36 f 0.72 ± 0.01 b 0.99
Schizochytrium sp. pH 4 PL 63.30 ± 5.39 fg 0.43 ± 0.02 d 0.89
pH 6 PL 45.21 ± 1.89 h 0.43 ± 0.01 d 0.97
C. vulgaris pH 4 PL 675.96 ± 21.66 e 0.41 ± 0.01 d 0.98
pH 6 PL 1666.04 ± 22.36 c 0.35 ± 0.01 e 0.99
O. aurita pH 4 PL 1393.29 ± 47.95 d 0.32 ± 0.01 e 0.97
pH 6 PL 1687.11 ± 53.22 c 0.34 ± 0.01 e 0.98
P. cruentum pH 4 PL 7735.59 ± 76.79 b 0.20 ± 0.01 g 0.99
pH 6 PL 8227.23 ± 55.84 a 0.23 ± 0.01 f 0.99

(*) Represented as the dynamic viscosity (mPa·s) in the Newtonian model.

(**) Flow behavior index fixed at 1 by Newtonian model.

In contrast, no effect of pH on n was observed for the other microalgae being less sensitive to elastic deformations under shear [11,25]. How-
species. ever, at higher concentrations up to 25% w/w, shear-thinning flow
Considering the values of the consistency coefficient (K), the mi- behavior has been reported for Nannochloropsis sp. suspensions [12,13].
croalgae species can be divided into two groups. Control suspensions of Shear-thinning flow characteristics have also been reported for
Nannochloropsis sp., P. tricornutum, Schizochytrium sp. and A. platensis cultures of A. platensis [26], in agreement with the obtained results. In
presented only limited consistency at both pH values. On the other contrast, Wileman, Ozkan and Berberoglu reported no deviation from
hand, estimated values for K were about 10 to 100 times higher for the Newtonian behavior (n = 1) for suspensions of P. tricornutum at a
suspensions of C. vulgaris, O. aurita and P. cruentum. Though, care concentration (80 kg/m3) similar to the one used in this study [11].
should be taken when comparing the estimated values for K. In fact, Slurries of C. vulgaris were described as pseudoplastic materials by the
these values are expressed in mPa·sn. Due to large variations in (non-) same authors (n = 0.62), however they reported lower values for K
Newtonian behavior among the examined microalgae species, large compared to our findings. Variations in flow behavior might be ex-
differences were found in n which resulted in slightly different units of plained by differences in suspending media. Differences in pH can alter
the consistency coefficient between different microalgae species. the flow behavior of microalgal suspensions, as proven in this study.
Nevertheless, the obtained shear stress at any shear rate can be de- Moreover, the presence of dissolved salts in culture media might en-
scribed as a combination of an elastic and a hydrodynamic component hance possible interactions between microalgal polymers, resulting in
[24]. When considering K as the hydrodynamic contribution to the altered rheological characteristics. Lastly, it might be possible that
shear stress at γ̇ = 1 s− 1, parameter K is expressed in mPa, irrespective rheological properties were influenced during harvesting or drying
of the used (non-)linear regression model. The larger K, the larger the steps of the microalgal biomass, resulting in differences when com-
required shear stress to obtain a certain shear rate and thus the more paring the obtained results with rheological characteristics of growing
consistent the fluid, leading to the same conclusions. Next to differences cultures as mostly reported in literature.
in flow behavior between the investigated microalgae species, sig-
nificant differences were observed between suspensions at pH 4 and 3.2. Effect of mechanical and thermal processing on the rheological
pH 6 for each microalga species. Higher values of K were obtained for properties of microalgal suspensions
suspensions at pH 6 (with the exception of Schizochytrium sp.), sug-
gesting the presence of ionic interactions between particles or polymers Next to the rheological characterization of the untreated microalgal
in the microalgal suspensions. suspensions, the effect of processing on the rheological properties was
Although the Herschel-Bulkley model was not selected to fit the investigated. Processes were selected based on their industrial re-
data, for some microalgae species a plateau of constant log(σ) values levance in food processing. On the one hand, the impact of a mechan-
might be present at lower shear rates than the experimentally tested ical treatment was examined, which is often applied for tailoring
0.1 s− 1. Extrapolation of the curve in the log(σ) - log(γ ̇) plot would structural properties of food products [14]. In addition, HPH has been
result in estimated yield stresses around 4 Pa for P. cruentum at both pH described in literature as a successful technique for disruption of mi-
values and well below 1 Pa for C. vulgaris and O. aurita suspensions. croalgal cells [16,17]. On the other hand, the combined effect of me-
Nevertheless, since these are low yield stress values, their contribution chanical and thermal treatments on the rheological properties of mi-
will be very limited in food products. croalgal suspensions was investigated. Hereto, high pressure
Only few studies were found in literature about the rheological homogenized suspensions underwent either a pasteurization process
characteristics of microalgal aqueous suspensions. Moreover, results (suspensions at pH 4) or a sterilization process (suspensions at pH 6), to
were difficult to compare due to differences in biomass concentration, simulate the creation of shelf stable food products. As a consequence,
suspending medium and analytical methods (e.g. range of shear stress the intensity of the thermal treatment in this study was always linked to
used for fitting rheological models). As mentioned before, microalgal the pH of the suspensions, an important fact to keep in mind during the
suspensions behave as Newtonian fluids below a critical concentration interpretation of the obtained results.
of suspended solids [11,13]. From the obtained results it can be con-
cluded that the applied concentration of 8% w/w was above this critical 3.2.1. Effect of processing on the linear viscoelastic behavior
concentration, resulting in shear-thinning flow behavior for all micro- To study the viscoelastic behavior of the processed suspensions,
algae species except for Nannochloropsis sp. The latter has been reported strain sweep and frequency sweep measurements were performed. A
to have smaller and more rigid cells compared to other species, hence shear strain of 1% was found to be in the linear viscoelastic region for

T.M.M. Bernaerts et al. Algal Research 25 (2017) 452–463

90 Fig. 5. Effect of processing on the storage modulus (G′) at

a ω= 10 rad/s ( ± standard error) of untreated microalgal aqueous
Storage modulus at ω = 10 rad/s (Pa)

80 suspensions (Control) and suspensions treated by high pressure

homogenization (HPH) and a combination of high pressure homo-
genization and thermal treatment (HPH+TT). Suspensions at pH 4
60 a are represented by hatched bars, suspensions at pH 6 by filled bars.
The obtained data were compared statistically (one-way ANOVA).
50 Significant differences (Tukey test, P < 0.05) within one micro-
b bc alga species are indicated with different letters. Data below the
reliable torque limit (0.1 μN·m) are indicated as not detected (n.d.).
30 bb
b cd bc
20 a
dd a
c a ab
10 bb
cc n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.












A. platensis C. vulgaris P. cruentum O. aurita Nannochloropsis sp.

all treated suspensions. In order to provide a clear presentation of all However, although a significant increase in G′ was observed after
data, the G′ value at a certain angular frequency (namely ω = 10 rad/s) sterilization at pH 6 compared to the HPH-treated suspension, no sig-
was chosen for each sample to represent the rheological behavior. The nificant differences were found in G′ between the pasteurized and
results are shown in Fig. 5. Since frequency sweep measurements were sterilized suspensions. It is clear that the slight regeneration of the
performed at a constant shear strain within the linear viscoelastic re- network structure after thermal treatment did not restore to the initial
gion and with G′ showing a limited dependence of ω, this approach was value of G′ for P. cruentum suspensions.
assumed to give an adequate representation of the results. It was vali-
dated that no major differences were observed when comparing values
of G′ at a lower angular frequency (ω = 1 rad/s) (data not shown). 3.2.2. Effect of processing on the flow behavior
Oscillatory measurements on P. tricornutum and Schizochytrium sp. The flow behavior of the processed suspensions was studied under
suspensions indicated that no network structure was created in sus- larger deformations. Results are presented in Fig. 6 as the viscosity at a
pensions of these two microalgae species, neither before nor after certain shear rate (γ̇ = 10.5 s− 1) for each suspension. Comparing the
processing. Furthermore, no detectable G′ was observed for control and values of η at a lower shear rate (γ̇ = 1.1 s− 1) led to the same con-
HPH-treated suspensions of Nannochloropsis sp., while the combination clusions (data not shown).
of HPH and sterilization at pH 6 resulted in a measurable G′. Suspensions of Nannochloropsis sp., P. tricornutum and
Nevertheless, compared to (un)processed suspensions of other micro- Schizochytrium sp. presented low viscosities in comparison with the
algae species, this increase in G′ was rather limited. For the other mi- other microalgae species. In case of Nannochloropsis sp., only the ster-
croalgae species, different effects of processing were observed. Whereas ilization treatment at pH 6 caused a significant increase in η. Since the
HPH and/or thermal processing of A. platensis and C. vulgaris suspen- same was observed for G′ (Section 3.2.1), it can be concluded that the
sions resulted in an increase of G′, the opposite was observed for sus- sterilization process mainly influenced the particle characteristics re-
pensions of P. cruentum and O. aurita. sulting in an increase of both G′ and η. Although no significant differ-
Control suspensions of A. platensis showed a negligible network ences were found between control suspensions and suspensions after
structure at both pH values. While no reliable value of G′ was observed HPH and/or pasteurization, it must be noted that both mechanical and
upon HPH at pH 6, HPH at pH 4 significantly increased G′. No further thermal treatments changed the flow behavior of Nannochloropsis sp.
increase was observed due to the pasteurization process. In contrast, suspensions from Newtonian to shear-thinning behavior (data not
sterilization of the suspension at pH 6 resulted in a large increase of G′, shown). No clear effects of processing were noticed for suspensions of
implying that a stiff network structure is created by an intense thermal Schizochytrium sp. and P. tricornutum.
treatment of A. platensis suspensions at pH 6. The same behavior was For the other microalgae species, conclusions were consistent with
noticed for suspensions of C. vulgaris. An increase in G′ upon HPH was those discussed in paragraph 3.2.1. Whereas mechanical and/or
only observed at pH 4 and a subsequent pasteurization treatment did thermal processing (mainly sterilization) resulted in an increased visc-
not result in a significant increase of G′, whereas the sterilization pro- osity of suspensions of A. platensis and C. vulgaris, a decrease in viscosity
cess at pH 6 led to the largest value of G′. was observed after HPH in case of P. cruentum and O. aurita. Hence, the
On the other hand, HPH resulted in a significant decrease of G′ for network structure formed by particle interactions throughout proces-
suspensions of P. cruentum and O. aurita at both pH values. Thus, the sing has a major contribution to the viscosity and flow characteristics of
network structure that was present in the control suspensions of these the microalgal suspensions. However, comparison of viscoelastic
microalgae species was destroyed by the mechanical treatment under properties and flow properties indicate the importance of the con-
the investigated conditions. Ramus and Kenney reported a loss in bulk tinuous phase for some suspensions. Whereas control suspensions of C.
rheological properties of microalgal exopolysaccharides due to shear vulgaris at pH 4 and pH 6 showed a similar value of G′, a significantly
stress. Shear forces are suggested to disrupt the interactions between higher viscosity was observed for the suspension at pH 6. In other
copolymers, thereby destroying the network structure of these exopo- words, as the contribution of the network structure to the rheological
lysaccharides [27]. Furthermore, Yap, Martin and Scales showed HPH properties was similar for both suspensions, the viscosity values suggest
causing breakage of cell aggregate networks in microalgal slurries, re- that additional structure build-up is brought by the liquid serum phase.
sulting in a reduction of the rheological properties [12]. From our re- The same reasoning stands for HPH-treated suspensions of C. vulgaris,
sults pH did not seem to play a significant role during the mechanical since a larger viscosity was obtained at pH 6 while a lower G′ was ob-
treatment of P. cruentum and O. aurita. During subsequent thermal served compared to pH 4. Similarly, for P. cruentum suspensions it was
processing, the network structure was somewhat recovered depending also suggested that pH was an important factor determining the visc-
on the intensity of the thermal treatment (in combination with pH). osity throughout the processing.
The contribution of the serum phase to the overall viscosity of the

T.M.M. Bernaerts et al. Algal Research 25 (2017) 452–463

120 a

100 a
1600 80
1400 60 a ab ab
= 10.5 s-1 (mPa·s)

40 b ab
1200 a bc b b
b b d cd cd b
1000 a bb







800 c

Viscosity at

b b Nannochloropsis P. tricornutum Schizochytrium sp.
400 bc aa sp.
b ab
b d bc
200 cc
cc c



















A. platensis C. vulgaris P. cruentum O. aurita Nannochloropsis P. tricornutum Schizochytrium sp.

Fig. 6. Effect of processing on the viscosity (η) at γ̇ = 10.5 s− 1 ( ± standard error) of untreated microalgal aqueous suspensions (Control) and suspensions treated by high pressure
homogenization (HPH) and a combination of high pressure homogenization and thermal treatment (HPH+TT). Suspensions at pH 4 are represented by hatched bars, suspensions at pH 6
by filled bars. The obtained data were compared statistically (one-way ANOVA). Significant differences (Tukey test, P < 0.05) within one microalga species are indicated with different

suspensions was further investigated by determining the viscosity of the The properties of particles and serum phase might be altered after
separated serum phase. Indeed, for diluted suspensions comprising rigid processing, possibly leading to changes in serum viscosity. It was ob-
particles, Einstein's relation (Eq. (6)) shows that the viscosity is de- served that the serum phases of all microalgae species (except for P.
termined both by the properties of the dispersed particles and by the cruentum) also exhibited Newtonian behavior after mechanical and
characteristics of the continuous serum phase: thermal processing. Therefore, the serum viscosity of each (un)pro-
cessed suspension was estimated by fitting the Newtonian model (Eq.
η = ηs ·(1 + [η]·φ) (6) (3)) for these five microalgae species. These data are compared with the
with η the viscosity of the suspension (Pa·s), ηs the viscosity of the value of ηs at γ̇ = 10.5 s− 1 for the (non-Newtonian) serum phase of P.
suspending medium i.e. the serum phase (Pa·s), [η] the intrinsic visc- cruentum in Fig. 8. At this selected shear rate, the serum viscosity of P.
osity (dL/g) and φ the phase volume of the suspended particles (g/dL) cruentum is more than ten times higher compared to the other micro-
[21]. To study the contribution of the suspending medium to the overall algae species, before and after processing. Furthermore, the serum
viscosity of the suspension, steady-shear experiments were performed phase of P. cruentum is largely affected by processing. After HPH, a
on the separated serum phase. Due to the high lipid content of Schi- decrease in ηs was observed. Hence, these results support the hypothesis
zochytrium sp., no perfect separation of serum and particle phase could that HPH destroyed the exopolysaccharide network in P. cruentum
be achieved by the applied centrifugation conditions for this microalga suspensions. The subsequent thermal treatment seemed to induce in-
species. teractions between polymers in the serum phase. It is known that
The flow curves of the serum phase of the control suspensions are thermal processing leads to solubilization of water soluble poly-
visualized in Fig. 7. Both graphs clearly show the non-Newtonian be- saccharides or particulate biomass [29,30], possibly resulting in an
havior of the serum phase of P. cruentum suspensions, while all other altered viscosity of the serum phase.
serum phases behaved as Newtonian fluids. The flow curves of the Different effects of processing on the serum viscosity were observed
serum phase of P. cruentum suspensions were fitted by the power law for the other microalgae species. Serum phases of Nannochloropsis sp.
model (Eq. (4)). Low estimated values of the flow behavior index n and P. tricornutum showed a constant viscosity around 1 mPa·s before
(0.38 ± 0.01 and 0.32 ± 0.01 for pH 4 and pH 6, respectively) in- and after processing, indicating that no viscosity-increasing compo-
dicate the strong shear-thinning behavior. This shear-thinning behavior nents were present in the serum phase of these microalgae species. In
might be attributed to the presence of exopolysaccharides in the serum contrast, control suspensions of A. platensis, C. vulgaris and O. aurita
phase. In literature, dispersions of exopolysaccharides of P. cruentum showed a higher serum viscosity, with significantly higher values at
have been reported to exhibit shear-thinning flow properties in a large pH 6 compared to pH 4. This leads to the conclusion that pH-dependent
range of shear rates, due to orientation and disentanglement of the interactions were present in the continuous phase of these suspensions.
polymer chains under shear [23,28]. The cells are assumed to be intact After processing, serum viscosity decreased for the three above-men-
in the control suspensions, implying that the shear-thinning behavior tioned microalgae species. Lower serum viscosities upon processing
and viscosity of the serum phase could be mainly attributed to the might indicate the transfer of viscosity-increasing components out of
exopolysaccharides that easily dissolve in the continuous serum phase. the serum phase, possibly related to changes and interactions with
In contrast, the serum phases of the other microalgae species were particles during mechanical and thermal processing.
characterized by Newtonian flow behavior, but with different viscosity
values. This might be due to the type and amount of salts and/or 3.3. Relation between the rheological properties and microstructural
polymeric substances dissolved in the serum phase of the different characteristics of particles and serum phase during processing
microalgal biomasses. The occurrence of exopolysaccharides in these
serum phases cannot be excluded, however it can be inferred that their The effect of mechanical and/or thermal processing on the micro-
contribution to the flow behavior was negligible. structure was evaluated by studying the particle size distribution and

T.M.M. Bernaerts et al. Algal Research 25 (2017) 452–463

1000 1600 Fig. 7. (A) Serum viscosity (ηs) and (B) shear stress (σs) as a
A B function of shear rate (γ̇ ) for control suspensions of six
microalgae species. The serum phase of P. cruentum ( , )
1200 shows shear-thinning behavior, in contrast to the

Shear stress (mPa)

Newtonian behavior of the other microalgae species, C.
Viscosity (mPa·s)

vulgaris ( , ), O. aurita ( , ), A. platensis ( , ), P. tri-
cornutum ( , ) and Nannochloropsis sp. ( , ). Suspensions
800 at pH 6 are presented as solid circles, suspensions at pH 4 as
empty triangles. For interpretation of color mentioned in
10 this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version
400 of this article.

0 20 40 60 80 100
1 10 100
Shear rate (s-1) Shear rate (s-1)

was visualized by microscopic images. As different effects of processing suspensions could be attributed to these changes in particle size. For
on the rheological characteristics were observed in paragraph 3.2, the this microalga species, no effect of pH was observed, neither on rheo-
effect on the microstructure was likewise depending on the microalgal logical characteristics nor on particle size distribution.
species and on the pH. Volumetric particle size distributions are pre- HPH under the applied conditions proved a successful technique for
sented for a selection of microalgae species in Fig. 9 and representative cell disruption of A. platensis and O. aurita. However, Nannochloropsis
micrographs (100× magnification) are shown in Fig. 10. sp. cells showed to be more resistant to these pressure conditions, as no
The particle size of A. platensis was mainly affected by processing in differences in particle size distribution were observed before and after
suspensions at pH 6, while minimal changes were observed for sus- HPH at both pH values (Fig. 9C) and intact cells were visualized in the
pensions at pH 4 (Fig. 9A). At pH 6, HPH resulted in a complete dis- micrographs after HPH (Fig. 10). Nannochloropsis sp. is known to be
ruption of the microalgal cells, resulting in a narrow particle size dis- very resistant to several cell disruption techniques [17], which might be
tribution below 1 μm. The complete disruption might be ascribed to the ascribed to the composition of the cell wall, a bilayer structure of cel-
cell wall characteristics of A. platensis. This species, belonging to the lulosic and algaenan polymers [25]. Spiden et al. reported that still 80%
prokaryotic cyanobacteria, contains a thin cell wall mainly composed of of Nannochloropsis sp. cells were intact after HPH for 1 pass at
peptidoglycan layers, which is easily disrupted by mechanical forces 90–102 MPa based on cell count analyses [16]. This low degree of cell
[31].The subsequent sterilization process led to aggregation into larger disruption is in agreement with the results obtained in the present
particles up to 100 μm. This phenomenon is assumed to be aggregation study. However, an increase in particle size was observed after thermal
of denatured proteins, since the protein content can account up to 63% processing, especially for sterilized suspensions at pH 6. The micro-
of the total biomass of A. platensis [32–34]. Since the contribution of the graph shows aggregates of intact cells which seem to be embedded in
serum viscosity was very limited, the large increase in rheological solubilized cell material. Agglomeration of cell debris after a thermal
parameters G′ and η after sterilization of A. platensis suspensions can be treatment of microalgal biomass has been previously reported in lit-
attributed to the formation of these aggregates. Similar observations erature without a preceding HPH treatment [18]. Since no changes in
were made for suspensions of O. aurita (Fig. 9B). HPH resulted in a serum viscosity were observed for Nannochloropsis sp. suspensions, it
decreased particle size by the complete disruption of the microalgal can be concluded that the increase in rheological parameters G′ and η
cells, since particle sizes below 50 μm (the average length of an intact after sterilization was caused by the formation of these larger ag-
cell of O. aurita [35]) were observed. This was also visually confirmed gregates.
by the micrographs presented in Fig. 10. Thermal treatment resulted in While HPH and thermal processing largely affected the rheological
an increased particle size due to the formation of aggregates. The properties of P. cruentum suspensions (Fig. 5 and Fig. 6), only small
changes in rheological properties G′ and η upon processing of O. aurita changes in particle size of this microalga species were observed


80 a 6
a a
b a
Serum viscosity (mPa·s)

70 c
60 d
=10.5 s-1

4 b
50 b
40 f c c
Serum viscosity at

d d
30 d dd
20 b b b ba
c c bb bb aa aa aa
0 0















P. cruentum A. platensis C. vulgaris O. aurita P. tricornutum Nannochloropsis sp.

Fig. 8. (A) Serum viscosity (ηs) at γ̇ = 10.5 s− 1 ( ± standard error) and (B) serum viscosity (μs) estimated by the Newtonian model ( ± standard error) of untreated microalgal aqueous
suspensions (Control) and suspensions treated by high pressure homogenization (HPH) and a combination of high pressure homogenization and thermal treatment (HPH+TT).
Suspensions at pH 4 are represented by hatched bars, suspensions at pH 6 by filled bars. The viscosity values at γ̇ = 10.5 s− 1 were analyzed statistically by one-way ANOVA followed by
Tukey test (P < 0.05). The estimated values of each parameter by the Newtonian model were compared statistically by use of 95% confidence intervals. Significant differences are
indicated with different letters within each microalga species.

T.M.M. Bernaerts et al. Algal Research 25 (2017) 452–463

Fig. 9. Volumetric particle size distribution of suspensions of A. platensis (A), O. aurita (B), Nannochloropsis sp. (C), P. cruentum (D), and C. vulgaris (E). Untreated control suspensions
( , ) and suspensions treated by high pressure homogenization ( , ) and a combination of high pressure homogenization and thermal treatment ( , ) are
presented. Suspensions at pH 4 are shown in gray, suspensions at pH 6 in black.

(Fig. 9D). Bimodal particle size distributions were observed in the observed for control suspensions of C. vulgaris (Fig. 9E). Larger ag-
control suspensions at both pH values, in which one peak (1–10 μm) gregates of intact cells suggest the presence of a gel of extracellular
accounts for single cells and the other peak (10–100 μm) for clusters of polysaccharides in this microalga species. However, from literature it is
intact cells, as observed visually in the micrographs (Fig. 10). Exopo- not clear whether exopolysaccharides are formed by Chlorella species.
lysaccharides in P. cruentum might act as a glue between intact cells, in Whereas some authors have described the presence of sulfated extra-
that way enhancing cell clustering. Subsequent HPH resulted in a de- cellular polysaccharides of Chlorella sp. [37,38], other studies did not
creased particle size for suspensions at pH 6, while larger particles were report any cell envelope in this microalga [39]. When suspensions of C.
formed in homogenized suspensions at pH 4. It was observed from vulgaris were treated by HPH, larger aggregates were formed, especially
microscopic images (not shown) that the degree of cell disruption at pH 6. From the micrographs it can be observed that the aggregates
seemed to be pH-dependent, since more intact cells were found in HPH- were made of released cell material, indicating that cell disruption has
treated suspensions at pH 4 compared to pH 6. The larger aggregates at taken place. This observation corresponds with a study of Spiden et al.,
pH 4 consisted of intact cells embedded in a matrix of cell material, where HPH under similar conditions (1 pass at 86–96 MPa) was found
while at pH 6 smaller aggregates of mostly released material were ob- to disrupt around 50% of Chlorella sp. cells [16]. This might be even an
served. The effect of pH on the particle size is consistent with a larger G′ underestimation of the degree of cell disruption, as breakdown of the
for pH 4 compared to pH 6 (however, not significant). These aggregates cell wall might result in intact protoplasts. These protoplasts showed
might be composed of several components, such as denatured proteins similar size and shape to undamaged cells, complicating it to distin-
and cell wall related (exo)polysaccharides, since equal amounts of guish them from intact cells during cell counting [18]. Indeed, Yap
proteins and carbohydrates are found in P. cruentum biomass [36]. et al. observed only 25% intact cells after a single pass of HPH at
Moreover, differences in aggregate formation between pH 4 and pH 6 100 MPa [40]. Subsequent thermal processing resulted in an increased
suggest the presence of pH-dependent interactions between above- particle size, especially for sterilized suspensions at pH 6. As C. vulgaris
mentioned components. Whereas the pasteurization at pH 4 did not biomass contains around 49–57% proteins [34,41], it is very likely that
lead to significant changes in particle size, the sterilization process at the increased particle size can be ascribed to aggregation of denatured
pH 6 resulted in an increased size of the particles. However, these ag- proteins. Based on the observed changes in microstructure, the rheo-
gregates were still smaller compared to the particles in the pasteurized logical behavior of C. vulgaris suspensions during processing can be
suspension. The larger suspension viscosity of the sterilized sample of P. explained. A combination of intact cells and cell clusters resulted in a
cruentum can thus not only be ascribed to the size of the particles, but large G′ of the control suspensions, with a higher value of η at pH 6
also to the contribution of other particle properties and the somewhat compared to pH 4 due to a higher serum viscosity. After mechanical
higher viscosity of the serum phase. and/or thermal processing, the suspension viscosity increased due to
Similarly to P. cruentum, bimodal particle size distributions were formation of larger particles. In contrast, the viscosity of the serum

T.M.M. Bernaerts et al. Algal Research 25 (2017) 452–463

O. aurita Nannochloropsis sp. P. cruentum C. vulgaris


50 µm 50 µm 50 µm 50 µm

50 µm 50 µm 50 µm 50 µm

50 µm 50 µm 50 µm 50 µm

Fig. 10. Microscopic images of untreated microalgal suspensions (Control) and suspensions treated by high pressure homogenization (HPH) and a combination of high pressure
homogenization and thermal treatment (HPH+TT). All micrographs represent suspensions at pH 6, implying that samples of HPH+TT were sterilized.

phase decreased. As observed from the micrographs (Fig. 10), released interactions between released cell material. On the other hand, it was
cell material was found in the aggregates in HPH- and HPH+TT-treated observed that a sterilization process might also lead to solubilization of
samples. It is hypothesized that suspended metabolites are also in- components of intact cells, as was the case for Nannochloropsis sp.
volved in the formation of aggregates, leading to less viscosity-in- suspensions. Therefore, applying different sequences of mechanical and
creasing components in the serum phase and thus resulting in a lower thermal processing might provide interesting additional information in
serum viscosity. tailoring the structural properties of microalgal suspensions.
The present study allows the selection of microalgae species towards
4. Conclusions desired applications. For instance, biomass of Nannochloropsis sp., P.
tricornutum and Schizochytrium sp. could be of interest for enriching
This study compared the rheological properties of seven commer- food products in ω3-PUFA, without disturbing the structural properties
cially available microalgae species in aqueous suspensions. Rheological of the product. This can be desired in fluid food systems, such as fruit
characteristics were largely dependent on the microalga species. juices and smoothies. On the other hand, biomass of P. cruentum
Suspensions of P. cruentum, C. vulgaris and O. aurita presented the lar- showed large structuring potential and could thus be used as a multi-
gest structural properties, whereas other suspensions could not be functional ingredient in food products, providing improved nutritional
analyzed under small deformations. This suggests differences in bio- value as well as thickening effects to the food product. Similarly, bio-
polymer composition among the investigated microalgae species. As the masses of C. vulgaris and A. platensis find applications as a multi-
composition of microalgal biomass is depending on cultivation and functional ingredient in food products which are processed mechani-
harvesting conditions, characterization of the biopolymer composition cally and/or thermally, such as vegetable based soups or several dairy
of the investigated microalgal biomasses would provide useful addi- products. Although large potential is shown for the application of mi-
tional insights into their rheological behavior. Furthermore, it was croalgal biomass in food products based on structuring properties, ad-
observed that rheological properties of the control suspensions were ditional research is required on the nutritional stability of microalgal
pH-dependent, since larger consistency coefficient values were ob- components during processing as well as the effect on other food quality
served for suspensions at pH 6 compared to pH 4. The interactions of aspects, such as color and flavor of the enriched food product.
several biopolymers, like cell wall polysaccharides and proteins, are
influenced by environmental conditions such as pH. Therefore, detailed Acknowledgements
investigation of the structure of the cell wall polysaccharides would
provide a better understanding of the structuring potential of micro- T. Bernaerts and L. Gheysen are PhD fellows of the Research
algae, information that is at the moment very scarce in literature. Foundation Flanders (FWO). In addition, financial support was ob-
The obtained results also proved that rheological properties of mi- tained from the Research Fund KU Leuven (KP/14/004).
croalgal suspensions can be altered during mechanical and/or thermal
processing. Differences in cell rupture by HPH were found between the References
investigated microalgae species, which can be related to size and ri-
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