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Trends in Food Science & Technology: Agnieszka Ciurzy Nska, Hanna Kowalska, Kinga Czajkowska, Andrzej Lenart

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Trends in Food Science & Technology 50 (2016) 186e192

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Osmotic dehydration in production of sustainable and healthy food

 ska*, Hanna Kowalska, Kinga Czajkowska, Andrzej Lenart
Agnieszka Ciurzyn
Faculty of Food Sciences, Department of Food Engineering and Process Management, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, SGGW, 159c Nowoursynowska St.,
02-776 Warsaw, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Fruits and vegetables are important components of the daily diet, but they are generally
Received 6 May 2015 very perishable especially when they are peeled and cut, prepared for consumption, therefore it is
Received in revised form necessary to apply preservation technologies to prolong their shelf-life. One of the solutions is osmotic
16 January 2016
dehydration involving removal of water from the material as a result of mass exchange, and enrichment
Accepted 26 January 2016
Available online 4 February 2016
of the raw material with osmotic solution components which penetrate the tissue material.
Scope and approach: In this review the combinations with other food preservation techniques and
changing the conditions which allow for higher efficiency are described. The use of pulsed vacuum, high
Osmotic dehydration conditions
hydrostatic pressure as well as ohmic heating were analyzed. The obtained product may be enriched
Mass exchange with valuable components not always naturally present in the raw material, which makes it attractive for
Fruit the consumer and can positively affect our body healthwise.
Health Key findings and conclusions: The application of osmotic dehydration allows to create attractive product.
Choosing the optimal parameters is very important for product quality and mass exchange efficiency,
e.g. temperature, concentration of the solution and the type of the osmotic substance. The use of osmotic
dehydration modification, e.g. pulsed vacuum, high pressure techniques or ohmic heating intensify the
mass exchange. The product quality can be increase in such way as well as nutritional, pro-health and
sensory values. Diluted osmotic solution is big problem and some solutions were presented in this
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction possible to control this process and introducing desired nutritional

substances into the plant material.
Nutritionists point out that there is a need to increase the con-
sumption of fresh or processed fruit (McInerney, Saccafien, Stewart,
& Bird, 2007; Vega-Ga lvez et al., 2011; Ciurzyn
 ska, Lenart, & Gre˛ da, 2. General characteristic and process realization
2014). Food technologists are still looking for methods of process-
ing raw fruits and vegetables which will allow to obtain attractive Water is the main factor affecting the chemical and microbio-
foods fortified with components that are often lost during thermal logical stability of food. It is also responsible for receiving sensory
and mechanical processing, or may be intentionally introduced, but stimuli by the consumers, (Blanda et al., 2009). By lowering the
are not naturally present in the material (Kowalska, 2005). The use water activity the shelf-life of food products increase and stability
of osmotic dehydration as pretreatment before various processes, can be extend (Moreno et al., 2013). Osmotic dehydration is a
e.g. drying and freezing, can cause an increase the nutritional, process which consist on the partial removal of the water by sub-
sensory and functional value of food products (Falade, Igbeka, & merging the plant tissue in a hypertonic solution (Rahman, 2008).
Ayanwuyi, 2007; Lombard, Oliveira, Fito, & Andre s, 2008). As the An osmotic substance is introduced in place of the water which
osmotic dehydration process involves two-way mass transfer, it is drawn from the cell material and the hypertonic solution fills the
space between the cell wall and cell membrane (Lewicki & Lenart,
2006; Dermensonlouoglou, Piurgouri, & Taoukis, 2008). The
driving force of the process is the difference in concentration be-
* Corresponding author. 159c Nowoursynowska St., 02-776 Warsaw, Poland.
E-mail addresses: (A. Ciurzyn ska), hanna_ tween the osmotic solution and the interstitial fluid (Rahman, (H. Kowalska), (K. Czajkowska), 2008). (A. Lenart). The efficiency of the osmotic dehydration process is influenced
0924-2244/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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A. Ciurzyn 187

by a number of factors, including the molecular weight and type of osmotic dehydration of apples used the ratio of osmotic solution to
osmotic substance, as well as its concentration and temperature, fruit at least 30:1 to avoid significant dilution of the medium and
dynamics of the process, the ratio of product to the solution, food subsequent decrease of the driving force during the process,
structure, shape and size of the raw material, and the pressure at despite that the other investigators used much lower solution/
which the process is conducted (Osorio et al., 2007; Segui, Fito, & product ratios (i.e. 4:1) to follow changes in concentration of the
Fito, 2010). Temperature is an important factor, because the in- sugar solution. Also Tortoe (2010) believe that the high ratio of the
crease of this parameter reduces the viscosity of the solution and solution to the raw material (30:1) is beneficial and provides the
the mass exchange process is intensified (Segui, Fito, & Fito, 2010). most intense mass transfer process, while the use of lower ratios
This was confirmed by studies conducted by e.g. Beristain, Azuara, (4:1 or 3:1) is used to monitor the effect of the osmotic substance
Cortes, and Garcia (1990) for pineapple rings, Rastogi and concentration. This is important also from the economical point of
Raghavarao (1994) for coconuts, Lazarides, Katsanidis, and view, because a low ratio osmotic solution to fruit is more suitable,
Nickolaidis (1995) and Barat, Chiralt, and Fito (2001) for apple, but a dilution of osmotic solution is observed. That's why Garcia-
Rastogi and Raghavarao (1997) and Uddin, Ainsworth, and Ibanoglu Martinez, Martinez Monzo, Comacho, and Martinez Navarrete
(2004) for carrots, Mercali, Marczek, Tessaro, and Noren ~ a (2011) for (2002) claimed that there is a need to ensure reconcentration of
bananas. With the increase of temperature an increase in osmotic osmotic solution if the osmotic pre-treatment will be conducted in
pressure gradient was observed resulting in an increased transport e.g. 10 cycles. Moraga et al. (2011) used the ratio of osmotic medium
of water. Also Falade et al. (2007) confirmed that water loss and to fruit 1:10 in five following cycles without re-concentration of
solid gain increase with the increase of solution concentration and solution, but with and without a mild thermal treatment (the so-
temperature during osmotic dehydration of watermelon. It can be lution was heated from 30 to 72  C in 7 min maintaining the last
effected with the increase in rate of diffusion in higher tempera- temperature for 15 s). Such conditions allowed to obtained
ture. Also porous structure of material influence on release trapped renewed fruit for each osmotic treatment cycle. Lazarides et al.
air from the tissue resulting in more effective removal of water by (1995) explained that high sugar concentration influences on
osmotic pressure. Probably higher temperature promote faster development of a concentrated subsurface solids layer what affects
water loss through swelling and plasticizing of cell membranes. In the osmotic gradient across the sample-solution interface. The
lower viscosity of osmotic medium the better water transfer on the driving force and water flow decrease with the increase of sucrose
product surface was observed (Contreras & Smyral, 1981). concentrations, because the solution concentration is directly
Segui, Fito and Fito (2010) demonstrated the negative effects of related to the rate of sugar penetration and inversely related to the
temperature increase, as loss of nutrients and selectivity of cell size of the sugar molecule (Lenart & Lewicki, 1987). Also Lenart and
membranes, as well as changes in the structure. Also Barat et al., Grodecka (1989) confirmed that with absorption of sugar on the
2001 pointed out that high temperature can have a negative surface of the fruit the mass exchange is decreased. Dalla Rosa and
impact on color, texture and taste of food samples. Optimal tem- Giroux (2001) claimed that in order to assure a constant of water/
perature should be selected according to raw material type and the solute exchanges low food/solution ratios (1:5 or lower) should be
final product quality as well as proces rate. Pre-treatment in mild use, what thus a great amount of solution.
temperature conducted what ensures beneficial color and flavor Osmotic dehydration of papaya in a sucrose solution with a
retention as well as organoleptic characteristics (Ponting, 1973). concentration of 60% at 37  C for 4.25 h removes 28% water and
Obtained products characterize by unchanged characteristics of the cause a 4% increase in the dry substance, resulting in a high quality
raw material in terms of composition and sensory characteristics product that is well rated by consumers (Jain, Verma, Murdia, Jain,
(Rodrigues, Cunha, & Hubinger, 2003). Chiralt, Fito et al. (2001) & Sharma, 2011). Kowalska and Jadczak's research (2007) carried
claim that osmotic dehydration especially in vacuum protects out on apples showed that the increase in solid gain during the
oxidative and enzymic strain, and addition of SO2 is no need. osmotic dehydration at 50  C significantly depends on the con-
Matuska, Lenart and Lazarides (2006) shown that a process time centration of sucrose solution, and the presence of ascorbic acid in
depends on its temperature. They conducted investigations for the solution. The higher sucrose concentration resulted in a greater
osmotically dehydrated strawberries and showed that osmotic increase in solid gain of apples. The addition of ascorbic acid to the
dehydration at 20  C allows for the most intense mass transfer solution of sugar increased mass transfer efficiency, significantly
within the first 2e4 h, while in a temperature range of 70e90  C the increasing the solid gain of dehydrated fruit, as confirmed by the
dehydration time should not be longer than 15 min. Temperatures determination of the total sugar and directly reducing sugars.
in the range of 20e50  C significantly reduces the dehydration Azoubel and Murr (2004) while dehydrating osmotically cherry
time, and further increase of this parameter causes the loss of tomatoes showed that the osmotic concentration of sodium chlo-
semipermeability of the cell membrane, what increased resistance ride significantly influenced the mass exchange, while the combi-
to dehydration with the decrease of the resistance to the osmotic nation of sodium chloride with sucrose reduced the rate of mass
substance penetration. Moraga, Moraga, and Martinez-Navarrete transfer.
(2011) argue that the mild temperature during osmotic pre- Ciurzyn ska and Lenart (2010) investigated the influence of the
treatment is required to ensure the microbiological stability of type of osmotic substance on the selected physical properties of
the osmo-dehydrated fruit. It is beneficial not only in economic freeze-dried strawberries and showed that fruits dehydrated in a
point of view, but also in terms of a better preservation of osmotic glucose solution were impregnated in higher degree, what was
medium and prolong product shelf-life from 5 days to 7e12 days, correlated with the low molecular weight of glucose, while dehy-
depending on the osmo-dehydration cycles. dration in sucrose increased thickening of cell walls, and the cells
The type of osmotic substance also affects the quality of the final near the surface were significantly damaged by the penetration of
product. Substances used for osmotic dehydration are solutions of sugar to the fruit tissue. Lazarides et al. (1995) explained that the
sugars, sodium chloride, sorbitol, or other substances acceptable for overall mass transfer coefficient is inversely proportional to the
consumer, which can produce high osmotic pressure allowing for molecular size of the osmotic solute particles. They investigated the
the reduction of water activity of the dehydrated material. As a effect of osmotic solution concentration and ‘molecular size’ of
result of osmotic dehydration 10e70% of water can be removed, but osmotic solute on water loss (WL) and solid gain (SG) during os-
this value is affected by the process conditions and properties of the motic dehydration in corn syrup with different degrees of poly-
material (Matuska et al., 2006). Lazarides et al. (1995) during merization. They showed that increase of concentrations also
188  ska et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 50 (2016) 186e192
A. Ciurzyn

resulted in higher WL and SG rates. Among all sucrose treatments, to create new products with average moisture content, which can
pre-concentration in 55% sucrose solution at 50  C gave the highest be further processed and to increase the efficiency of mass transfer
WL/SG ratio. Overall mass transfer coefficient decreased with the (McInerney et al., 2007; Vega-Ga lvez et al., 2011; Dalla Rosa, Bressa,
size of osmotic solute particles. Corn syrup solids of larger ‘mo- & Mastrocola, 1997; Nun ~ ez-Mancilla et al., 2011). Heinz and
lecular size’ (<38 DE) gave negative net solid gain values, while the Buchow (2009) claim that HHP can be used in the development
42 DE corn solids gave the highest WL/SG ratio. of a whole new generation of value added foods. Dalla Rosa et al.
Also Bolin, Huxsoll, Jackson, and NG (1983) showed that during (1997) used this solution to osmotic impregnation of kiwi fruit,
the osmotic pre-treatment of apples, peaches and apricots a faster which were closed in containers and followed different time-
penetration rate was observed for fructose corn syrup than sucrose, epressure combination to 500 MPa (100, 300 and 500 MPa). They
but sucrose was better assessed by consumers. used corn syrup glucose (30 and 60  Bx) and showed that pressure
It is recommended to conduct osmotic dehydration under dy- pasteurization was effective to dehydration in low sugar concen-
namic conditions in order to reduce the external resistance and tration of corn syrup (30  Bx). Water loss was higher through the
increase the rate of mass transfer (Moreira & Sereno, 2003). This high pressure processing than in atmospheric condition. They also
was confirmed by Amami, Khezami, Jemai, and Vorobiev (2014), obtained interesting result that high pressure treatment at zero
who showed that the increase of shaking speed of samples during time and immediately returning to atmospheric pressure led to the
osmotic processing resulted in reducing the resistance of tissue major water and solid transfer. Chiralt, Fito et al. (2001) shown that
during the water removal. the combination of high hydrostatic pressure and osmotic dehy-
dration leads to the removal of water from the cells and enriching
3. Process evaluation with soluble components until an equilibrium is reached. High
hydrostatic pressure method is a non-thermal food processing
It has been observed that during the osmotic dehydration there technique using pressure of the order of 100e600 MPa at the room
was a loss of low molecular weight substances, migrating from the temperature (Lo pez, Valente-Mesquita, Chiaradia, Fernandez, &
tissue into the osmotic solution. A significant reduction in the Fernandez, 2010). Rastogi and Niranjan (1998) recommended to
number of all volatile compounds after one month of frozen storage use of hydrostatic pressure in the range of 100e700 MPa for 5 min
of osmotic treated fruit was demonstrated for kiwi fruit (Talens, to increase the rate of mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of
Escriche, Martinez-Navarrete, & Chiralt, 2003). The cell mem- pineapples in a solution at 40 and 50%. Nun ~ ez-Mancilla, Perez-Won,
branes are not perfectly semi-permeable, so the solutes present in Uribe, Vega-Ga lvez, and Di Scala (2013) investigated the impreg-
cells as minerals, vitamins, colors may leached to the osmotic so- nation process conducted in HHP in the range of 100e500 MPa for
lution. It is a natural phenomenon which occurs during osmotic strawberries and demonstrated that the combination of these
dehydration, and combined with the loss of water, causes changes techniques was of particular interest because of the high content of
in the organization of the cells and the microstructure of the cell biologically active ingredients. Changes in the color coefficients
wall, cell membrane and tonoplast (Marigheto, Vial, Wright, & Hills, resulting from application of higher pressure is favorable for color
2004), what affect the nutritional value of the final product and its changes of fruit surface. Quality profiles of strawberries osmotically
sensory properties, and can be improved by the use of hydrophilic dehydrated under high hydrostatic pressure in the range of
coating before dehydration (Khin, Zhou, & Perera, 2007). 300e500 MPa have shown minimal differences compared to the
Microscopic analysis of kiwi fruit tissue performed by Panarese samples not subjected to the process. Therefore the application of
et al. (2012) showed that following osmotic dehydration the cell pressure of 400 MPa for 10 min is recommended to obtain pro-
walls of the fruit were characterized by a substantial change in the cessed strawberries with a high level of nutrients and an antioxi-
size, structure and color. A marked thickening of the cell walls was dant capacity.
observed, and the intensity of the phenomenon varied between Application of high hydrostatic pressure to food processing al-
cells, and even within the same cell. The raw kiwi fruit tissue lows to improve the quality, as well as organoleptic properties of
showed clearly cells with a well-defined structure of the cell wall. processed food (Donsi, Ferrari, & Maresca, 2010). Numerous studies
The cells were more or less regular in shape, with a balanced indicated that applying high pressure to the raw material caused
diameter, and combined along the elongated contact surface, while only minimal changes to the color, flavor, aroma and vitamin C
the osmotic dehydration caused displacement of water in the content (Fraeye et al., 2010; Nun~ ez-Mancilla et al., 2013). The color
intercellular spaces, which contributed to a significant contraction of many fruits and vegetables in products such as jams, fruit juices
of the tissue. Changes in cell walls, which were induced by osmotic and purees was protected after such pre-treatment, what inform
dehydration, i.e. thickening, dissolution of middle lamella and about its limited influence on pigments (Landl, Abadias, Sa rraga,
overall color changes, were similar to those observed during the Vin~ as, & Picouet, 2010). This is extremely advantageous because
ripening of kiwi fruit. osmotic dehydration of the fruit causes changes in the product by
The determination of appropriate parameters and conditions physical and chemical changes occurring during the process
under which the process should be conducted, is very important (Chiralt, Martinez-Navarrete et al., 2001).
from the point of view of obtaining a product with the least altered Another interesting option is the use of pulsed vacuum before
characteristics. Osmotic dehydration is deal as a mild process used osmotic dehydration, which has a positive effect on the kinetics of
to improve the quality and stability of fresh fruit in combination the process and the quality of the fruit (Correa et al., 2010).
with other preservation techniques (Vieira, Pereira, & Hubinger, Lombard et al. (2008) dehydrated pineapple in a 45e65% sucrose
2012), such as freezing or drying (Rahman, 2008). solution at a temperature of 30e50  C for 20e240 min, at atmo-
spheric pressure and pulsation vacuum of 200 mbar for the first
4. Process modification 10 min. The use of a vacuum facilitates the removal of water at the
higher temperature and concentration of the solution. Panade s,
Osmotic dehydration reduces water activity of the product, Fito, Aguiar, Villavicencio, and Costa (2006) used osmotic dehy-
prolonging its life, but the growth of microorganisms is not dration under vacuum for guava fruit, Deng and Zhao (2008) used
completely inhibit that's why this process is often combined with pulsed vacuum and ultrasonication during dehydration of apples,
the other techniques, e.g. high hydrostatic pressure, (HHP) (Lewicki while Moreno, Buguen ~ o, Velasco, Petzold, and Tabilo-Munizaga
& Lenart, 2006; Heinz & Buckow, 2009). These combination is used (2004), vacuum dehydrated papaya fruit, and Vieira et al. (2012)
 ska et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 50 (2016) 186e192
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dehydrated guava fruit (100 mbar/4e20 min). All of these studies less deformed as compared to samples in which osmotic dehy-
have confirmed the beneficial effect of combining the reduced dration was carried out at the atmospheric pressure (Moreno et al.,
pressure with osmotic treatment, what caused the increase in the 2004).
rate of water loss and the dry weight gain by introducing a specific Also Allai, Marchal, and Vorobiev (2010) used a combination of
quantity of the osmotic substance to the porous food products osmotic dehydration and ohmic heating to pretreat apples. They
tissue. Osmotic dehydration at atmospheric pressure and ultra- conducted studies with and without the addition of citric acid and
sounds used for a diversified time on melon tissue caused changes demonstrated that these conditions have a favorable impact on the
in its structure. Ultrasounds initiated the formation of microscopic efficiency of water loss and dry weight gain during osmotic dehy-
channels in the structure, which increased the diffusion coefficient dration. On the other hand, Jako  b et al. (2010) demonstrated, that
of water (Fernandes, Galla ~o, & Rodrigues, 2008). Vacuum dehy- the application of an electric field during ohmic heating affected
drating also prevents discoloration caused by oxidative and enzy- the inactivation of the polyphenol oxidase enzyme more favorably
matic browning of fruits without loss of antioxidants during the compared to conventional heating methods, but according to ob-
removal of oxygen from the pores of the raw material (Zhao & Xie, tained results they also showed that the rate of the other investi-
2004). This combination allows to introduce controlled quantities gated enzymes inactivation was not very different, while the same
of a solution in the porous structure of food products (Fito, Chiralt, intervals of temperature were applied as for conventional heating
Betoret et al., 2001). Chiralt, Fito et al. (2001) showed that salting experiment ~(25e70  C). A cause of decreased stability of enzymes
process of porous food by osmotic dehydration can be intensified does not lie in the modification of enzyme tertiary structure by the
and process performance was also increased under the vacuum. electric field, because the mechanism of any from investigated
Several factors such as food microstructure, and flow properties of enzymes was not changed compared to conventional heating,
the fluid can influence vacuum impregnation. Also liquid can be while for ohmic heating the activation entropy was different, not
introduced into the porous structure of food products during vac- the activation enthalpy.
uum impregnation (Fito, Chiralt, Barat, & Martinez-Monz o, 2000). Jemai and Vorobiev (2003) and Khezami, Jemai, Capart, and
Fito, Chiralt, Barat, et al. (2001) investigated how vacuum impreg- Vorobiev (2010) argue that the use of pulsed electric field (PEF)
nation may modify composition of porous material and proposed to as a pre-treatment can be effective in removing water and mass
conduct saturation by liquid in two steps. In first step vacuum transferring, particularly in osmotic dehydration of the fruit. Also
pressure (50e100 mbar) was used in short time in closed tank. In Wiktor et al. (2015) showed that application of PEF for carrots at
the second step the atmospheric pressure was restored in the tank 1.85 kV/cm increased the total carrotenoid content up to 11.34%,
and compressed lead to a great volume reduction of the remaining while for apples increase of total polyphenolic content and anti-
gas in the pores and liquid flow in the porous material. oxidant activity was obtained. Authors suggest that pulsed electric
Ohmic heating shortens the dehydrating time and results in field can be used to enhance the extrability of bioactive compounds
lower losses of valuable components (Machado, Pereira, Martins, from raw material tissue and change its color properties. Amami
Teixeira, & Vincente, 2010). Moreno et al. (2013) explained this et al. (2014) conducted a study to apply PEF to osmotic dehydra-
phenomenon by combining the mass transfer with electroporation, tion of fruits, such as apples and bananas, and vegetables, for
which initiated changes in the structure and composition of the example carrots. In carrying out the process of osmotic dehydration
raw material. Osmotic dehydration under both atmospheric con- in a sucrose solution in static and dynamic conditions, they showed
ditions and vacuum, in combination with ohmic heating has a that the application of a pulsed electric field resulted in a higher
positive effect on the quality of the final product and high value of degree of water removal and solid gain. Dynamic conditions
water loss. This has been confirmed by numerous studies. Osmotic ensured movement of fluid that was caused by an increase in the
treatment at atmospheric pressure combined with ohmic heating mass transfer kinetics. The influence of the dynamic conditions of
accelerates mass exchange with the increase of process tempera- osmotic treatment using the PEF technique on the color of fruits
ture, while the use of the same osmotic treatment under vacuum or and vegetables showed that apples treated by such processes were
in combination with ohmic heating at 50  C shows a more efficient characterized by a significant browning, as was confirmed by a
method of dehydrating apples in a sucrose solution with a con- reduction of the brightness parameter and an increase in the red
centration of 61.5%. and yellow color parameters, while osmotically dehydrated carrots
Application of osmotic dehydration in vacuum and ohmic did not darken as much as the sample which had not been pre-
heating beneficially prolongs the shelf life of the fruit. This was treated. Ade-Omawaye et al. (2001) suggested that PEF pre-
confirmed by Moreno et al. (2012) while extending the durability of treatment might be a good solution to processing at high temper-
strawberries for 25 days by subjecting the fruits to osmotic treat- atures which effect the tissue softening, enzymatic browning or to
ment (5 ºC) under vacuum and ohmic heating at 13 V/cm at 30  C. using high sugar concentration, which has negative nutritional ef-
Moreno et al. (2011) demonstrated that a combination of osmotic fect, but prolonged pulse application induced reactions leading to
dehydration under pulsed vacuum and ohmic heating accelerates decrease of lightness coefficient (Taiwo, Angersbach, & Knorr,
the mass exchange in cubed apples. They achieved the largest loss 2003). Amami et al. (2014) concluded that PEF treatment for ap-
of water and the greatest increase in dry weight using a combina- ples caused extensive browning, what was due to the oxidative
tion of osmotic dehydration at the atmospheric pressure and reaction. For carrot such effect was not obtained, and the brightness
reduced ohmic heating at 50  C. This combination of pre-treatment of carrot disks slightly increased. Also for banana disks the
methods completely inactivates the polyphenol oxydase activity brightness was higher than un-treated samples, which might be
and is the most effective way to extend the shelf life period of ap- the result of grater pigment leaching. On the basic of conducted
ples over 4 weeks (Moreno et al., 2013). The authors suggest that investigations they claim that the color characteristics were
the vacuum osmotic dehydration and ohmic heating at 50  C is the improved by the PEF treatment. Amami et al. (2014) relying on
optimum process for dehydrating apples in a sucrose solution with Taiwo, Angersbach, Adeomowaye, and Knorr (2001) investigations
a concentration of 65 Brix (Moreno et al., 2011). The application of explained, that degradation of brown pigments to the colorless
these parameters also changes the mechanical properties of the compounds is connected with the increase of activation energy as
product. Papaya subjected to the process increased in hardness as a glucose concentration and temperature increased. Jaeger, Janositz,
result removing air from the pores of tissues and filling them with and Knorr (2012) claims that PEF pre-treatment it's an innovative
osmotic substance. Fruit tissue became more compact and much method to eliminate Maillard reaction substrates such as sugars
190  ska et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 50 (2016) 186e192
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from potatoes, so PEF pre-treatment can be used e.g. before frying, minutes of evaporative concentration (Lazarides, Iakovidis, &
thus avoiding amino acidesugar interactions. Schwartzberg, 1990). To obtain the higher quality product evapo-
ration under vacuum can be used, but this process is expensive
5. The solution management (Petrotos & Lazarides, 2001).
An alternative can be electrodialysis. This process is successfully
Dalla Rosa and Giroux (2001) drew attention to the manage- used in Japan, in chemical industry as the best method to concen-
ment of osmotic solution after osmotic dehydration. Also the in- trate brines. Extremely low energy consumption is the main
dustrial development of the osmotic pre-treatment is limited due advantage of using electrodialysis especially combining with high
to the problems with management of concentrated solution. This is durability of the membranes (Lacey & Loeb, 1979). Also Bailly,
a huge problem specially when the low ratio of fruit to osmotic Roux-de Balmann, Aimar, Lutin, and Cheryan (2001) used this
medium is used, due to the dilution phenomenon during many technique to obtain fermented organic acids, but this application
osmotic cycles. Diluted solution can be used in producing of needs to be carefully evaluated in terms of efficiency and economics
impregnated fruit by spraying solution on the food. The food/so- (Petrotos & Lazarides, 2001).
lution ratio can be increase up to 1:2. Economically justified is the Membrane technology can be used to remove any kind of solid
re-use of the osmotic medium several times before it is removed in suspension or compounds in solution and its used in brine re-
from the process. Valdez-Fragose et al. (1998) investigated the covery has been widely tested. The type of membrane and condi-
different physicechemical properties of solution during the os- tions should be selected specially to product type (Barranco et al.,
motic dehydration of apple cubes in 20 treatment cycles. They 2001). “Membrane distillation” or “osmotic distillation” is a solu-
showed that syrup characterized high levels of yeast and molds tion which use a membrane to concentrate osmotic solutions and
only after the 15th use. During the process proceeds gradual, in- has been under investigation for a long time (Petrotos & Lazarides,
crease in turbidity, browning, and insoluble solids in the syrup. 2001). A preliminary evaluation of the direct osmosis and osmotic
Dalla Rosa and Giroux (2001) suggest to use a control system dehydration or membrane distillation, reveals certain disadvantage
such as HACCP to avoid sanitary problem in managing the osmotic of membrane distillation. The main problem is the cost of hydro-
medium and for maintaining at low level the microbial load of food phobic membranes used for osmotic dehydration or membrane
products. Some pulp fragments can get into osmotic solution, that's distillation.
why filtration of osmotic medium is necessary during the osmotic
Osmotic solutions are treated as effluent with high degree of
6. Conclusions
pollution by solids components and dissolved matter. This is a huge
problem due to the high cost of treatment that is why different,
Food consumers are becoming more and more aware of their
effective solutions are looking for. Often osmotic solutions are
choices. Not only do they look for products with high nutritional
discharged into the main sewer system and they are problem in
value, but also for those which are attractive to their senses. The
conventional municipal sewage treatment plants. Osmotic medium
application of osmotic dehydration allows to create just such a
after pre-treatment has still precious ingredients and recovery of
product, the stability of which is extended by a partial removal of
materials for reuse or as marketable by-products should be intro-
water, while the uptake of substances from the osmotic solution to
duced (Valdez-Fragoso, Welti-Chanes, & Giroux, 1998; Barranco,
the tissue allows to achieve favorable health promoting and sen-
Balbuena, Garcia, & Fern andez, 2001). Many investigations were
sory changes.
conducted to obtaining products by microbial processes, where
Choosing the optimal parameters of the process prevents
solutions compounds were used as a substrates, e.g. production of
adverse changes that may occur in the case of certain raw materials,
ethanol from spent cherry brine (Park & Bakalinsky, 1997).
especially those with a delicate structure. Temperature, concen-
Sometimes recycling of osmotic solution can be a problem. This
tration of the solution and the type of the osmotic substance are of
phenomenon especially concerns syrup after cherry dehydration,
essence here. Mild process conditions allow for a limited degra-
which is darkening after using several times due to a part of
dation of nutrients and a possible increase in the nutritional and
anthocyanin pigments went to the syrup solution. Authors showed
health-promoting values. Product which has been preserved in this
that after first and second usage, the increase was most evident,
way can be subjected to further processing.
followed by degradation of anthocyanins. Negative changes of
The use of osmotic dehydration modification through the use of,
syrup color may result from oxidative enzymatic action, connected
for example, pulsed vacuum, high pressure techniques or ohmic
with non-enzymatic browning reaction (Dalla Rosa & Giroux,
heating, can raise the nutritional, pro-health and sensory values of
the finished product, at the same time intensifying the process of
Barranco et al. (2001) proposed some guidelines that can be
mass transfer. Lowering the temperature, changing pressure and
useful in the management of spent brine from table olive produc-
applying new forms of process energy greatly reduce the loss of
tion and can be of interest in case of osmotic solutions. Restoring of
heat-labile compounds, improving the quality of the final product
solute concentration is the first main problem in managing the
and protecting the sensory properties of processed food.
osmotic solution and can be obtained by:

- evaporation in atmospheric pressure at high temperature or

under the vacuum at moderate temperature conditions Acknowledgments
- solute addition or membrane concentration without phase
changes “This work was financially supported PF7 ERA-Net ERA-Net
- cryoconcentration (Dalla Rosa & Giroux, 2001). SUSFOOD (Sustainable Food Consumption and Production/7th
Framework Programme) e NCBiR (National Centre for Research and
The use of evaporative concentration of fluid foods has many Development) in cooperation with research centres in Sweden
defects. Thermal treatment has unbeneficial influence on organo- € teborg) and Germany (Berlin and Bohum); coordinator INRA,
leptic properties and nutritional value of the product and concen- project no 5/SH/SUSFOOD1/2014. Implementation period:
trate. Most of the aroma compounds are lost during the first few 2014e2016, Poland.”
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