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25WTUI March 2015

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Long Beach

March 2015

LM2500 • LM5000 • LM6000 • LMS100

2 Presidents past and present 37 History of LM engines
3 Welcome message 43 User remembrances
4 Remembering Jim Hinrichs 50 Team-building activities
6 Officers, directors, break-out chairs 61 OEM profile
9 Honor roll 67 The depots
11 Timeline 78 Vendor remembrances
25 Before incorporation 90 Sponsors, 2010-2014
27 A turbine salesman remembers 92 Exhibitors, 2010-2014
29 WTUI history 94 User attendees, 2009-2014
35 Legislative drivers of GT technology 97 Owner/operators, 2009-2014

Published by the COMBINED CYCLE Journal

John Tunks
Jim Hinrichs

Chuck Casey

Jon Kimble

2 Western Turbine Users Inc

25th Annual Conference
and Exhibition
On behalf of the Board of Directors, Officers
Published by and support staff, welcome to the 25th anniver-
PSI Media Inc sary of the Western Turbine Users conference.

Editorial Staff In the late 1980s, a handful of brave inves-

Robert G Schwieger Sr tors purchased some early model LM2500 and
Editor and Publisher LM5000 gas turbines for service in California.
Their operations and maintenance personnel
Kiyo Komoda
Creative Director quickly realized the common issues and advan-
Elena Makansi tages of the LM engine, gathering in small groups
Senior Editor to compare experiences and provide solutions to
Scott G Schwieger present to the OEM.
Senior Editor
Clark G Schwieger Western Turbine Users was born.
Special Projects Manager Incorporating in 1990, the small group of plant
Special Industry Consultants representatives grew to 50, doubled to 100, then
Wayne Kawamoto 500, and now is over 1000 members strong. Be
WTUI History proud to associate with our organization’s legacy,
Mike Raaker rich history, and worldwide influence as you col-
WTUI History
laborate with other industry professionals. Little
Jason Makansi
Industry/Regulatory History did our predecessors imagine their forethought
Blank Slate Communications
would result in something as meaningful, relevant,
and influential as WTUI.
Copyright, PSI Media Inc, 2015
PSI Media Inc, Las Vegas, Nev, publishes specialty Join me in celebrating 25 years of the evolv-
print and electronic media serving energy producers
and distributors in targeted national and regional ing General Electric aeroderivative gas turbine
markets, including: industry. Users like you have challenged equip-
COMBINED CYCLE Journal ment suppliers to improve their products, as we
CCJ ONline, Your one-
stop-shop for industry information. Here you can demand new uses and extend the lives of our gas
find the latest CCJ, archives, industry best practices,
user-group information, and vendor services. Let our
turbines and all support equipment. As a WTUI
search engine direct you to the material you need. member your conference contribution is the root
CCJ ONsite, Our
up-to-the minute information portal. Live reports
to our success. You are a vital element of the vol-
from the field and the industry’s most important unteer organization as we move forward to the
user group meetings. Email updates keep users
informed of the latest technical developments next 25 years.
and solutions.
CCJ ONscreen,
Our interactive web-based learning resource with a
classroom feel. Meet screen-to-screen with industry Chuck Casey
experts, listen and view presentations, and connect
with fellow users from the comfort of your office. President, WTUI
Utility Generation Manager
Editorial, Marketing, Circulation:
PSI Media Inc Riverside Public Utilities
7628 Belmondo Lane
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Tel: 702-869-4739
Fax: 702-869-6867
Advertising :
Susie Carahalios
Carahalios Media
5921 Crestbrook Drive
Morrison, Colo 80465
Tel: 303-697-5009
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25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 3


Jim Hinrichs

very engineer worth his salt wants the founders made the decision to incorpo- PowerPoint slides is a phenomenal sight
to know how things work—and rate with regular by-laws and membership and a testament to the WTUI camaraderie,”
how to make them work bet- procedures, and that decision set the tone Hinrichs added.
ter. For those whose job it is to for the future of the group. It started as an Still, the heart and soul of WTUI is the
keep a powerplant running and electricity all-volunteer organization and still is. dedicated users who understand that
flowing, it is critical that they know how Another turning point resulted from GE’s helping a fellow user is an investment in
to keep the turbine shaft turning. That’s temporary withdrawal of technical support their own company and expertise because
what Western Turbine Users Inc is all for the conference, Hinrichs recalled. “That “what’s Joe’s problem today, could be mine
about, Jim Hinrichs told the editors tomorrow.” Through the years, WTUI has
in a recent interview. Jim knew. He grown beyond Hinrich’s expectations,
was a founding member of WTUI and but it remains true to its focus: solve
served as its president for 17 years. users’ problems, period.
“When the first LM2500 packages Some of the people who knew
were installed,” Hinrichs recalled, “the Hinrichs best share their thoughts
guys at the plants were facing similar here. Two, Wayne Kawamoto and Mike
problems, but there was no mechanism Raaker, also were founding members.
for sharing solutions or even determin- Jon Kimble followed Hinrichs as WTUI
ing if your problem was one-of-a-kind.” president, Chuck Casey is the current
At the time, the OEM wasn’t providing all president. Mark Axford and Sal Del-
the guidance needed, so the LM2500 laVilla, non-users, have been an integral
pioneers decided to do it themselves. part of the organization’s activities since
Hinrichs continued, “At first we’d its first official meeting in 1991.
meet at the plants and sit around a confer- hole in our program was promptly filled by
ence table with one goal—to brainstorm,
troubleshoot, share issues, and solve prob-
lems. Although GE had a service organiza-
the licensed depots. The depots tackled
the job of preparing detailed technical
presentations to the users, a task central
N o one has done more to ensure
my professional success than Jim
Hinrichs. I was a plant I&E tech for only
tion, these machines were brand new in to the annual conference,” he said. “Wit- one year following learning experiences
land-based service and the OEM was on nessing competing depot engineers sitting in the US Navy and GE, when Jim tapped
a learning curve just as we were.” In 1991, side-by-side editing each other’s notes and me to manage PurEnergy LLC’s Colton

4 Western Turbine Users Inc

Power project—eight groups have been set special guy and the
GE10B1 peaking up to replicate WTUI right person to lead
units at two four- but none have come the organization. Our
unit sites in Califor- close to reaching the discussions over the
nia. That experience platinum standard years evolved from
was a springboard set by Jim Hinrichs. engines, schedules,
to what has been an Mark Axford, contracts, regula-
extremely rewarding Axford Turbine Con- tions, etc, to wives,
career. I look forward sultants LLC families, dreams,
to passing on to my and plans for the
grandchildren what Jim taught me.
Chuck Casey, Utility Generation Manag-
er, Riverside Public Utilities; WTUI President
T here are a lot of titles that come to mind
when I think of Jim Hinrichs: manager,
leader, professional, teammate, mentor,
future. I am very proud to say I was Jim’s
friend and sidekick for the last 30 years.
Charlene, Ida, and I will miss Jim and
friend. I imagine anyone who worked with the times we spent with him and Susan,

I ’ve known Jim since his appointment

to fill WTUI’s first president’s vacancy
back in 1992. Throughout his position as
Jim would agree. I particularly admired his
ability to communicate, his sense of organi-
zation, his energy and real love for what he
especially our “not so quiet” lunches and
dinners. In case you didn’t know, Jim had
a very infectious laugh. We were always
president until his retirement in 2008, I was doing. Jim once described work in the the loudest table.
got to know Jim as a great fellow associ- power industry as “fun” and you could feel Mike Raaker, Raaker Services LLC; WTUI
ate, husband, and personal friend. We all that when you were around him. I was hon- VP Emeritus
looked up to Jim because of his friendly ored when Jim recruited me to work with
nature, ability to com-
municate well, and
his cheerful personal-
him as a member
of the WTUI Board
of Directors. I recall
I was devastated by
the news of Jim
Hinrich’s passing; he
ity to enjoy life. Both being surprised—over- was a good friend.
he and Susan have whelmed—later, when The mark of any
been the cornerstone Jim asked me to con- man is how he has
in the growth of the sider succeeding him touched the lives of
WTUI. We will all miss as the organization’s others. Jim touched
him at our confer- president. Those of so many others, and
ences. you who knew Jim in so many ways, he
Wayne T Kawamoto, Plant Manager, know he was persuasive, his zeal was infec- will never be forgotten. He left his indel-
Corona Energy Partners Ltd; WTUI Trea- tious; I accepted. I’ll always be grateful for ible imprint all over Western Turbine.
surer his nomination. Those of us who knew and worked with
Jon Kimble, WTUI President Emeritus Jim know the measure of his contribution.

J im Hinrichs was the soul of WTUI.

All of the great things that WTUI has
accomplished are due in large part to Jim’s E veryone who knew Jim, knew him as
a friend, and “oh by the way,” he was
Those who never had the opportunity to
meet him, and today participate in WTUI,
reap the benefit of his hard work. Rest in
passion and vision: To create and grow president of WTUI. His sense of humor a well-deserved peace, Jim.
an independent forum for aeroderivative and inability to say anything negative Salvatore A DellaVilla Jr, CEO, Strategic
gas turbine professionals. Other GT user about anyone, even me, made him a Power Systems Inc

25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 5

OFFICERS cut, Pennsylvania, and Illinois. Lewis served BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Chuck Casey six years in the US Navy as a Gas Turbine Don Stahl
President Specialist, rising to the rank of Petty Officer Board Member
Chuck is Utility Gen- First Class before taking a shore-side job. Donald is Plant Man-
eration Manager for ager for the Pueblo
Riverside Public Util- David Merritt Generation Facilities
ities (Calif), which Vice President in Colorado. He man-
serves over 105,000 David joined Kings ages two powerplants
electric residents and River Conservation totaling 380 MW of
business customers District in 2010 as utility and non-reg-
with an LM2500 the Deputy General ulated generation
combined cycle, four LM6000 peakers, Manager of Power owned by Black Hills Energy—Colorado
and four GE10B1 peakers. He has 28 Operations. KRCD Electric and Black Hills Colorado IPP,
years of generation experience—spe- owns and operates respectively. Stahl came to the company
cializing in plant construction and com- two LM6000PCs at in 2010 to manage installation and com-
missioning, and regulatory compliance. the Malaga Peaking Plant as well as the 3 × missioning of the two LMS100s and four
Before joining Riverside in 2006, Chuck 55-MW Pine Flat Hydroelectric Plant. Previ- LM6000s at Pueblo.
was a plant operator, I&E technician, and ously, he spent 19 years in the O&M groups
plant manager for Stewart & Stevenson, of GWF Power Systems/GWF Energy LLC. Ed Jackson
GE, and PurEnergy. He began his career There David managed three facilities, four Board Member
as a nuclear electrician on US Navy fast LM6000 peakers, and a 23-MW solid-fuel- Ed is Plant Manag-
attack submarines. Chuck was elected fired combustor with steam turbine. Prior er of Missouri River
President of WTUI in 2013; during his 13 to GWF, he served in the US Navy. Energy Services’ Exira
years with Western Turbine he has been Generating Station
LM6000 session chair, secretary, exhibit Wayne Kawamoto in Brayton, Iowa. His
hall manager, and a member of the Board Treasurer gas-turbine experi-
of Directors. He also serves as Chairman Wayne is one of the ence includes Allison
of the Southern California Public Power founders of the West- 501s, Solar Centaurs,
Authority Generation Group and partici- ern Turbine Users and LM2500s, and LM6000s. Previously he
pates in other industry user groups. has served on the was a combined-cycle plant supervisor at
Board and as Treasur- Maui Electric Co and a field service and
Jim Bloomquist er since incorporation. commissioning engineer for Stewart &
Vice President He has a BS degree Stevenson. Jackson spent eight years in
Jim served as a in Civil Engineering the US Navy as a GT systems technician
WTUI board member from the University of Hawaii and has held (electrical).
before being elected numerous positions in project management
one of the organiza- throughout his 39 years of professional Andrew Gundershaug
tion’s vice presidents. employment. Wayne is the Plant Manager Board Member
He has more than 38 of Corona Energy Partners Ltd. Andrew is the Plant
years of experience Manager for Calpine’s
with Chevron and is a Alvin Boyd Solano Peakers (five
subject-matter expert specializing in major Secretary LM6000s), located
electrical power systems and process and Alvin is Manager of in Northern Califor-
gas-turbine cogeneration facilities. Jim cur- Power Plant O&M at nia’s Solano County.
rently leads the Electrical Engineering Team Kings River Conserva- Previously he held
for Chevron’s California San Joaquin Valley tion District’s Malaga various other posi-
Business Unit, an upstream oil producing Peaking Plant where tions at the compa-
company. he is responsible ny’s aero generating assets in Northern
for two LM6000PC California—including Operations Manager,
Bill Lewis simple-cycle units. Maintenance Manager, DCS Technician, and
Vice President Before joining KRCD in 2011, he spent IC&E Technician. He has been with Calpine
Bill is Plant Manager 24 years working for the City of Pasadena since entering the industry in 1998 as IC&E
of a 700-MW com- (Calif) Water & Power Dept as Power Technician at the Watsonville Cogeneration
bined-cycle facility in Production Superintendent managing the Plant following graduation from UC Santa
Lebanon, Pa. Previ- city’s Broadway and Glenarm powerplants. Cruz. Andrew currently is serving his second
ously, he was Plant He has over 30 years of power-industry year as the LM6000 Breakout Session chair;
Manager of PPL Gen- experience. Alvin also spent nine years in he served the previous three years as the
eration LLC’s Lower the US Navy, mustering out as Machinist LM5000 Breakout Session chair.
Mount Bethel Ener- Mate First Class. He served on the WTUI
gy LLC. Before that assignment, he was Board of Directors from 2008 to 2013 Bryan Atkisson
responsible for the company’s simple-cycle and currently serves as co-manager of Board Member
peaking gas turbines located in Connecti- the exhibit hall. Bryan is a Plant Manager for Riverside
6 Western Turbine Users Inc
Public Utilities (Calif) LM2500, LM5000, and LM6000 engines.
with responsibility for Bob Boozer Earlier, he served in the US Navy for six
four LM6000PCs and New Users years as a GT systems technician—elec-
four GE10B1 peaking Now semi-retired, trical (GSE).
gas turbines. He has Bob remains active
14 years of experi- in the LM community Andrew Gundershaug
ence operating and by providing operator LM6000
maintaining LM6000s training for Reed Ser- Andrew is the Plant Manager for Calpine’s
and was involved in vices LLC. His training Solano Peakers (five LM6000s), located
the construction and began in the military in Northern California’s Solano County.
commissioning of the four Riverside units where he instructed Previously he held various other positions
that he now manages. Bryan served eight navy recruits, future commanding officers, at the company’s aero generating assets
years in the US Marine Corps, most of that engineering officers, and senior enlisted in Northern California—including Opera-
time spent performing GT overhauls as a personnel in shipboard operations, emer- tions Manager, Maintenance Manager,
jet engine mechanic. He served WTUI as gency response, and plant management DCS Technician, and IC&E Technician. He
the LM6000 session chair for six years prior programs for diesel engine and gas-turbine has been with Calpine since entering the
to joining the Board of Directors in 2013. platforms. After the military, Bob provided industry in 1998 as IC&E Technician at the
LM-series training in O&M for powerplants Watsonville Cogeneration Plant following
Jermaine Woodall worldwide in the Stewart & Stevenson train- graduation from UC Santa Cruz. Andrew
Board Member ing group. Since then, he has held positions currently is serving his second year as the
Jermaine is a Fleet as Plant Manager at LS Power University LM6000 Breakout Session chair; he served
O&M Manager for Park, a 12-unit, 540-MW LM6000 peak- the previous three years as the LM5000
Exelon Generation. ing facility, as well as O&M Supervisor for Breakout Session chair.
He has worked in TransAlta’s Big Hanaford Project, a 4 × 1
various powerplant LM6000PC-powered combined cycle with Jason King
settings comprised of once-through steam generators. LMS100
peaking units, frames, Jason currently works
and renewables. Jer- John Baker for DGC Operations
maine brings 14 years of industry experi- LM2500 LLC as the O&M Man-
ence to WTUI, gained in positions such as John is a Plant Man- ager for CPV Sentinel
Instrumentation Controls & Electrical Tech- ager for Riverside Energy LLC in North
nician. He also served in the US Navy for Public Utilities (Calif). Palm Springs, Calif.
10 years as an Aviation Electricians Mate. Previously he was He is responsible for
An alumnus of the University of Phoenix, O&M Manager for the safe operation and
his academic credentials include Master Calpine Corp’s Beth- maintenance of eight LMS100 peaking gas
of Business Administration and Bachelors page Energy Center in turbines. Prior to joining the Sentinel Project
of Science in Management with a minor Hicksville, NY, where in 2012, Jason served as the Plant Manager
in Electronics. he was responsible for two LM2500s and for Wildflower Energy LP where he was
two LM6000s. He started his gas-turbine responsible for the safe operation of five
Devin Chapin career with Calpine at Watsonville, later LM6000s. Jason has worked in the power
Board Member working at the company’s Agnews and generation business for over 14 years and
Devin has over 20 Los Esteros facilities before moving to the has experience ranging from construction,
years of experience East Coast. Prior to Calpine, John was in commissioning, and operations of both
in power generation. boiler operations at Foster Wheeler Energy LMS100 and LM6000 gas turbines. Prior to
For the past 13, he Corp. This is John’s eighth year as session working in power generation, Jason served
has worked at Tur- chairman for the LM2500 group. five years in the US Marines Corps as a
lock Irrigation District helicopter gas-turbine mechanic.
(Calif), a municipal Perry Leslie
utility. Devin is Power LM5000 SUPPORTING STAFF
Plant Supervisor, responsible for O&M Perry has been a Mike Raaker
management at TID’s Almond Power Plant, Plant Technician for Historian/
which has four LM6000s. The oldest of Wellhead Electric Ambassador
these is a steam-injected LM6000PC Sprint, Co at the Yuba City What do diapers, toilet
converted from an LM5000 STIG in 2003. Cogeneration Plant paper, jet engines, and
The remaining three gas turbines represent since 2004. Respon- WTUI have in com-
GE’s first production LM6000PGs, which sibilities include I&C mon? Mike Raaker.
are operated in simple-cycle mode and are and mechanical He started his career
valued for their rapid start capability. Devin maintenance, and operations. He also at Procter & Gamble,
has been involved with the LM6000PG is the GT management team leader for assigned to install
project from the design phase through Wellhead. Previously, Perry spent six years a cogeneration plant at the company’s
construction, commissioning, and com- as a field service technician for GE in the towel and tissue plant in Oxnard, Calif. The
mercial operation. Bakersfield area, working on LM1600, LM2500-powered facility would keep Mike
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 7

Air New Zealand Gas Turbines is a world leading OEM approved gas turbine service provider, with an
international reputation for quality overhaul and repair services on General Electric LM2500 and LM5000 gas
turbines. As part of Air New Zealand’s Engineering and Maintenance team, Air New Zealand Gas Turbines
shares the operators’ focus on cost-effective quality, reliability and engine availability. They provide up to
Level 4 depot maintenance, and their dedicated field service team provide level 1 to 2 field service onsite.


busy for the next 30 years and would lead to

his, and wife Charlene’s, participation in WTUI.

Charlene Raaker
As WTUI’s Registra-
tion Coordinator (and
Mike Raaker’s better
half), Charlene has
been supporting
the organization for
almost as long as it
has been in existence. Charlene’s is the Western Turbine Users Inc
“voice on the other end of the line” when- Officers and members of the Board of Directors
ever anyone calls the group. 1990-2014
Wayne Feragen
Wayne is Senior West Jim Amarel ED JACKSON
Coast Plant Manager
for Noresco, currently Dan Arellano Steve Johnson
responsible for pow-
erplants in Colton,
Bryan Atkisson Wayne Kawamoto
Calif, and San Diego. JOHN BAKER Jon Kimble
Wayne has over 22
years of powerplant Leon Ballard Marc Kodis
experience, starting as a Gas Turbine Jim Bloomquist
Electronics Technician First Class in the US Thomas Koehler
Navy. After leaving the service, he went Alvin Boyd
Joel Lepoutre
to Newark Pacific Paperboard and ran an Mark Breen
LM2500. After that, he worked at two Bill Lewis
Sunlaw plants running LM2500s. Wayne Charles Byrom
has served as WTUI’s Webmaster for the
James McArthur
Bill Caldwell
last seven years. Bob McCaffrey
Chuck Casey
Joella Hopkins Ronnie McCray
Jennifer Minzey Jack Dow
David Merritt
Conference Coordinators Don Driskill
Bob Nelson
Norm Duperon
Brent Newton
Todd Emery
Bob Fields Frank Oldread

Ken Gestel Mike Raaker

Andrew Gundershaug Rich Recor
Don Haines Harry Scarborough
Mumtaz Marketing & Events has been BRAD HANS Tony Skonhovd
assisting the WTUI Board in producing
the conference for the past several years. Dave Hermanson Richard Smith
Mumtaz has produced the past several Jim Hinrichs Ernie Soczka
Monday Night events, assisted with the reg-
istration process, coordinated the spouse Charlie Hoock DON STAHL
tours, and has made the WTUI conference Mike Horn John Tunks
“Mumtaz!” As logistical mavens they thrive
on the details. Their motto: Details make Brian Hulse Jimmie Wooten
the big picture happen. Visit www. Mum- for more information on
the Mumtaz team, which looks forward to
meeting attendees at the registration desk.
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 9
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Editor’s note: Twenty-five years may This mosaic blends snippets of informa- Stewart & Stevenson receives its first
not seem long, but a lot certainly can tion on the users who have given freely of LM2500 genset order from India, for an
happen in that period of time, as this sec- their time to create and grow the WTUI offshore platform.
tion attests. The timeline compiled from into the world-class organization it is today,
many contributors is not complete by any the laws affecting gas-turbine design 1982 A handful of users responsible
means, but it offers a perspective on how and operation, LM engine engineering, for O&M at several West Coast LM2500
much the electric generation sector of the noteworthy plants in the fleet, highlights generating facilities and the first LM5000
electric power industry has changed since of involvement by the OEM, depots, and cogen plant at Simpson Paper Co (Shasta
owner/operators of GE aero gas turbines exhibitors. We think you’ll find a quick read mill) in Anderson, Calif, begin meeting
first started meeting informally in 1982. illuminating. every couple of months in break rooms to

discuss problems/solutions, best practices,
939 The first utility gas turbine their facilities meet certain size, fuel, and
lessons learned. This is the beginning of
to generate electricity, rated 4 efficiency criteria.
what would become WTUI. The host plant
MW and developed by Brown was responsible for coffee and lunch.
Boveri & Cie of Switzerland, is 1979 Fuel Use Act prohibits utilities from
commissioned in the town of Neucha- using natural gas, a response to the oil GE engineering support for LM engines
tel. The ASME Landmark is on display crises of 1973 and 1978 and the need to is headed by men such as Bill Baker, Hor-
at the Alstom factory in Birr. Key to this have natural gas for home and commercial/ ace Magley, and John Campbell.
engineering achievement was the suc- institutional heating and as an industrial
IHI’s first LM5000 begins operating
cessful demonstration of an efficient axial raw material.
in the US.
compressor. Its high power density made
LM2500 is first used in power genera-
possible jet engines for aviation service— Stewart & Stevenson receives its first
tion service.
the forerunners of the GE LM engines US LM2500 genset order for the Hawai-
supported by WTUI. The Three Mile Island nuclear accident ian Independent Refinery Inc (Fig 1). It
occurs. begins operating the following year under
1945 IHI, one of the four depots sup- the watchful eye of HIRI’s 20-something
porting WTUI technical sessions, develops 1981 Batch Air Inc begins life as an engine lead engineer, Wayne Kawamoto. He later
Japan’s first jet engine. Fast forward to repair facility. It is located at the Miami (Fla) is elected WTUI’s first treasurer, a job Kawa-
today, the company has shipped more airport and owned by George Batchelor. moto still has today.
than 560 gas turbines—including LM

1967 IHI begins working in the areas of

gas-turbine power generation equipment
and cogeneration operations.

1969 GE launches the LM2500 engine;

marine propulsion is the first application.

1971 First industrial use of an LM2500

is in the oil and gas industry.

1972 Clean Water Act becomes law.

1. Wayne Kawamoto needs shades to protect his eyes from the reflection off
1973 First oil embargo. the first LM2500 engine installed by Stewart & Stevenson in the US. The year is
1983, the place was Hawaiian Independent Refinery. Mark Axford remembers
1977 Important amendments to the
Clean Air Act (1970) affecting powerplants 2. GE’s Jim McGlothlin pres-
are signed into law. ents plaque to Andy Anderson
and Brian Brown of Procter
& Gamble recognizing the
1978 Natural Gas Policy Act initiates deregu- LM2500 at the company’s
lation of the wellhead price of natural gas, Oxnard (Calif) facility for being
allowing it to adjust with “market forces.” the first Model PC to achieve
Second oil embargo. 100,000 operating hours. Year
was 2002. The engine eventu-
Passage of the Public Utility Regulatory ally would break the 250,000-
Policies Act (Purpa) opens the generation hr barrier before being
market to non-utility entities, providing replaced with a PE model

25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 11

• SCR Catalyst Cleaning
& Repacking
• CO Catalyst Cleaning
& Repacking
• Ammonia Injection
Grid Cleaning
• Ammonia Vaporizer Cleaning
• SCR & CO Catalyst
• HRSG Tube Cleaning
• Inlet Filter House
& Duct Refurbishment

Corporate Headquarters
155 Franklin Turnpike
Waldwick, NJ 07463
contract for pipeline delivery service.

1987 Batch Air is sold to Greenwich Air

Inc, owned by Eugene Conese.

1988 GE buys Stewart & Stevenson.

Power Systems Engineering Inc builds
the LM5000-powered Corona (Calif)
Cogen Plant (Fig 5), today managed by
WTUI Treasurer Wayne Kawamoto, and
three LM2500-equipped generating facili-
ties in Bakersfield, Calif. These projects are
currently managed by CAMS Juniper CA
LLC. The Corona plant supplied 35 MW to
3. Mike Raaker (at right in left photo) and Wayne Kawamoto (right photo) SCE and about 7 MW to Golden Cheese
prove their long-term involvement with LM aero engines with these 1980s Pola- Co of California, the thermal host, until its
roids taken at the Batch Air repair facility in the shadows of the Miami airport closure in 2008.
The first significant Congressional hear-
The first West Coast LM2500PC installed up the first LM2500 packaged by Stewart
ing on global warming takes place.
by GE’s Turbine Business Operations Div & Stevenson for US service (Fig 4).
(TBO) is commissioned at Procter & Gam- TransCanada Turbines Ltd, perhaps
Simpson Paper Co’s (Shasta mill) com-
ble’s Oxnard (Calif) manufacturing plant best known as TCT, is established as a
missions the first LM5000 installed in the
as a Purpa-qualified cogeneration pack- joint venture between Wood Group and
US. Steve Johnson, one of WTUI’s early
age (Fig 2). Mike Raaker, former WTUI VP TransCanada Corp.
proactive users, has responsibility for the
and board member and current historian/
engine and quickly becomes expert in Stewart & Stevenson provides Wheela-
ambassador, was the technical engineer
operating and maintaining the problematic brator Technologies, Norwalk, Calif, its first
assigned to that project by P&G manage-
GT model. He remains at the mill for more LM2500 designed for high STIG injection.
ment in Cincinnati. He was involved from
than 12 years. At the time of installation, the This technology is accepted and adopted
the beginning of work.
Shasta unit was the third LM5000 operating by the South Coast Air Quality Management
worldwide—if you count the two engines District in its NOx reduction retrofit rule.
1983 Batch Air begins to overhaul LM in Bangladesh which reportedly were not
engines for GE, to reduce the OEM’s ser-
running well, if at all.
vice backlog. Fig 3 is an “ancient” Polaroid 1989 FERC passes the Natural Gas Well-
of Mike Raaker (right) and Kevin Cam- head Control Act, essentially finishing what
1985 The LM5000 at Simpson Paper Co
field in front of the Batch Air sign at the the Natural Gas Policy Act (1978) started.
(Shasta mill), which went commercial in
shop. Raaker was representing Procter &
May 1983, serves as the beta test site for Frank Oldread’s focus on LM engines
Gamble’s Oxnard facility, Camfield P&G’s
the development of steam injection. Tests begins with his hiring by Power Systems
Sacramento plant. As Raaker remembers,
were successful and brisk sales of LM5000 Engineering Inc during construction of the
everyone visiting the plant was asked to
STIG80 and STIG120 gas turbines followed. LM5000-powered San Joaquin Cogen-
sign in with a photo; that picture was cir-
culated throughout the facility so everyone eration Facility in Lathrop, Calif. All of the
1986 Fuel Use Act is repealed. FERC LM5000 plants installed by PSE initially pro-
working on your engine could address you
Order 436 forces “open access,” thereby vided steam to an adjacent process plant
by name. How times change.
allowing consumers (such as powerplants) (in this case, a glass factory). Some of the
Hawaiian Independent Refinery starts to purchase gas at wellhead prices and steam produced by the HRSGs installed in

4. Stewart & Stevenson’s first LM2500 package was 5. Wayne Kawamoto’s plant in Corona, Calif, provided
installed at the Hawaiian Independent Refinery in 1983. steam and electricity to an adjacent cheese manufacturing
Photo was taken years later plant

25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 13

hours per year service for our customers operating
GE LM2500™, LM2500+™, LM5000™ and LM6000™ gas turbines

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg is committed to the highest quality and reliability

standards. As MTU’s center of excellence for industrial gas turbines located near Berlin in
Germany we take pride in our customized maintenance concepts, advanced repair tech-
niques, outstanding reliability, quality work and smoothly organized logistics. Our highly
mobile service team is available wherever and whenever you need it.

14 Western Turbine Users Inc

all PSE LM5000 plants was injected into 1992 Brent Newton and Steve Johnson The first LM6000PB, equipped with
the gas turbine to reduce NOx emissions. are elected WTUI directors and VPs; they a dry low emissions combustion system
San Joaquin’s thermal host has since gone hold those positions until 1995. (DLE), begins operation. It produces less
out of business, but steam still is injected than 25 ppm NOx.
Congress passes the National Energy
into the GT.
Power Systems Engineer-
1995 Simpson Paper Co’s
LM5000/STIG80 in Anderson,
ing Inc is purchased by Dow
Calif, reaches 100,000 operating
Chemical Co and the business
hours under the maintenance
is renamed Destec Energy
contract offered by Energy Ser-
Inc, which builds five more
vices Inc. Simpson owned three
LM5000-powered generating
LM5000s; the other machines
facilities in Bakersfield, Calif.
were in Pomona and Ripon,
A prototype exhaust-flow Calif. The Shasta mill went into
wedge for Stewart & Steven- bankruptcy and closed its doors
son gas-turbine packages is in August 2001; however, the
installed at the Wheelabrator cogeneration plant continued to
plant in Norwalk, Calif. The operate until May 2013.
wedge eliminated turbulence
Steve Johnson and Todd
problems and streamlined
Emery are elected to three-year
exhaust-gas flow, reducing 6. Jack Dow (center) and Mike Raaker terms as WTUI directors.
backpressure. (right) are recognized in this 1997
photo for their service as WTUI direc-
1990 Amendments to the Clean Air Act tors. Jim Hinrichs, president of the 1996 California begins its first experiment
organization at that time, presents the in retail electricity competition.
place new emphasis on SO2 and NOx emis-
sions, air toxics, and interstate transport of awards John Fintland, owner and founder,
air pollutants. Advanced Filtration Concepts Inc partici-
pates in his first WTUI meeting and hasn’t
WTUI incorporates in the fall. Bylaws Policy Act, allowing access to utility trans-
missed exhibiting since.
are developed. The directors elected after mission lines by independent power pro-
incorporation and their officer positions: ducers. This complemented Purpa (1978), Ken Gestel and Marc Kodis are elected
John Tunks, president, until 1992; Wayne which opened up the generation segment WTUI directors. Gestel serves his three-year
Kawamoto, assistant secretary, until 1994, of the electricity value chain to non-utilities. term; Kodis resigns in 1997. Joel Lepoutre
and treasurer (he continues in this posi- is appointed to complete Kodis’ term.
John Tunks resigns as president of WTUI
tion); Bob Fields, secretary, until 1993;
and Jim Hinrichs is elected to succeed him. Larry Flood is appointed WTUI’s first
Ernie Soczka, chairman of the board, until
Hinrichs serves in that position until 2008. webmaster. He remains in that position
1993; Bill Caldwell, VP, until 1992; Leon
until Wayne Feragen relieves him in 2006.
Ballard, VP, until 1992. First annual WTUI golf tournament is
held in Monterey, Calif. Ronnie McCray is Orders 888 and 889 establish open
1991 Strategic Power Systems Inc (SPS) the tournament organizer. He continued as access to electric transmission lines.
begins collecting O&M data for GE, sharing tournament chairperson until completing
The first LM2500+ rolls off the produc-
this information with WTUI. The company his term on the board of directors in 2003.
tion line.
also releases its first ORAP® report to par-
ticipating aero users and GE summarizing 1993 Air New Zealand Gas Turbines’ John TVS Filter’s Industry Manager Fran Redisi
operating data from 24 plants equipped Callesen attends his first WTUI meeting, first participates in a WTUI meeting as an
with 19 LM2500s and 14 LM5000s. SPS returning every year since. exhibitor.
has worked collaboratively with the WTUI
An Eastern Turbine Group is formed
leadership since incorporation.
and holds its first meeting to reduce cost
1997 Bob McCaffrey and Dave Herman-
son are elected WTUI directors for three-
The first LM6000PA, designed for NOx and time of travel for owner/operators in
year terms. McCaffrey also serves as the
control by use of water or steam injection, the East. But the allure of California is too
organization’s secretary for one year.
goes into service. great and the group cannot be sustained.
The first Model PC and PD engines
Treasurer Wayne Kawamoto files his Brian Hulse and Don Driskill are elected
leave the GE factory.
financial report for the first Western Tur- to the WTUI board for three years; Driskill
bine conference following incorporation. also is elected secretary. Frank Oldread becomes Destec Energy’s
Kawamoto could not have imagined at turbine maintenance manager; he remains
Frank Oldread leaves San Joaquin
the time that he would still be doing this in Bakersfield.
Cogen for greener pastures as a plant
25 years later. Expenses for the Sacra-
manager for Destec Energy in Bakersfield. Greenwich Air Inc is sold to GE, which
mento meeting, which hosted 130 total
closes the facility’s doors in the early 2000s.
attendees, were less than $20,000, a Gae Dow is hired as WTUI conference
small fraction of what this year’s event director, serving in that capacity until 2008. Jack Dow and Mike Raaker retire from
will cost. The organization’s reserve, as the WTUI Board of Directors (Fig 6). Dow
stated in the 1991 financial statement, 1994 Jack Dow and Mike Raaker are elect- was elected secretary in 1998, a position
was less than $1000. ed to three-year terms as WTUI directors. he held until 2008. Raaker was elected
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 15

7. Frank Oldread’s collection of 8. El Paso Merchant Energy’s venture

badges don’t reflect his first 10 years 2000 More than 200 LM6000s have into power generation was short-lived
or so of LM involvement but are suf- entered commercial operation since the
ficient to explain by glance how dra- model was introduced in 1991. The
matically the aero generation sector high-time engine had logged more the 2001 Base-load cogeneration contracts
has changed in WTUI’s 25 years. Note 50,000 operating hours by this time; begin transitioning to cycling/peaking
the different employers—not because fleet operating hours were in excess of agreements.
Oldread switched, but because his
3 million, reliability was 98.8%, and the Ronnie McCray and Thomas Koehler are
employer was purchased by his next
employer. Also reflected are Oldread’s 12-month rolling average engine avail- elected to three-year WTUI director terms.
changing roles over the years—from ability was 96.8%.
plant operations to engine service; and TCT begins supporting technical ses-
More than 23,000 MW of GT capacity sions for the annual WTUI meetings. This
his different functions within WTUI
begins operating in this first year of what effort continues today.
came to be known as the “gas-turbine bub-
VP in 2002 and remained in that position
ble.” From 2000 through 2004, a nominal 2002 Don Driskill and Mike Horn are
until retiring in 2010. He currently serves as
200,000 MW of GT capability is installed elected WTUI directors for three-year terms.
the gas-turbine organization’s ambassador
in the US. During the same period, WTUI
and historian. Edward Tomeo forms Enpower Corp via
attendance grows by nearly 30%.
Kyoto Protocol is adopted, committing a management buyout of United American
Richard Smith and James McArthur are Energy Corp’s western business unit, UAE
participants to reducing greenhouse gas
elected WTUI directors. Smith resigns in Energy Operations Corp. Tomeo was presi-
2002 and his term is completed by Bob dent of the subsidiary company.
NGC Corp acquires Destec Energy and Nelson. McArthur resigns shortly after his
its plants in Bakersfield, San Joaquin, and election, with Jim Bloomquist completing GE offers to buy WTUI.
Corona, Calif. his three-year term. TCT’s Dale Goehring leads the com-
The first LM6000PC (SAC) and PD The Dynegy generating plants are sold pany’s participation in WTUI technical ses-
(DLE) models, more powerful than the to El Paso Merchant Energy (Fig 8). Four sions and continues in that capacity until
earlier PAs and PBs, achieve commercial years later El Paso sells its powerplants to passing the torch to Steve Willard in 2008.
operation. Northern Star Generation LLC, illustrating Bob Nelson, Jim Bloomquist, and Rich
the volatile nature of the business. Recor are elected WTUI directors for three-
1998 Jim Amarel and Norm Duperon are year terms.
elected WTUI directors for three-year terms.
GE pulls its support for WTUI.
LM6000 highlights include a variable-
speed mechanical-drive option, commercial
2004 Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Support
operation of the first dual-fuel DLE com-
Inc exhibits only months after the company
bustor, and first commercial operation of
is founded by Alan Mibab, who had been
the Model PC Sprint™ (Spray Intercooled
attending the show for years in another
Turbine) system.
vendor’s booth. AGTSI has not missed a
Stewart & Stevenson sells its gas-turbine meeting since.
business to GE.
GE-authorized depots begin to provide
WTUI technical support.
1999 Joel Lepoutre and Frank Oldread
are elected WTUI directors for three-year Jon Kimble and Jimmy Wooten are
terms. Oldread offers a montage of WTUI elected to three-year WTUI director terms.
name badges in Fig 7 that reflects the
Jim Bloomquist becomes WTUI’s con-
ongoing and dramatic changes in the aero
9. CCJ has published a special issue ference golf tournament chairperson.
sector of the power-generation business
for WTUI’s annual meeting since the
over the years. organization’s 20th anniversary in 2005 Chuck Casey and Charlie Hoock
NGC Corp is rebranded Dynegy Inc. 2010 (center of photo) are elected WTUI directors.
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 17

10. Groton Generating Station in 11. Riverside Energy Resource

South Dakota, owned by Basin Electric 2007 A new management team at GE Center, equipped with four LM6000s
Power Co-op, is home to the world’s reinstates the company’s support of WTUI. like the one shown, earned industry
first LMS100 gas turbine, rated a nom- recognition for its zero-liquid-dis-
inal 100 MW Bill Lewis and David Merritt are elected charge system, which has demon-
directors for three years. Lewis resigns in strated the plant’s ability to satisfy
2008 upon his election to VP; Alvin Boyd the often conflicting goals of regula-
Editors of the Combined Cycle Journal tory compliance and affordable capi-
attend their first Western Turbine meeting. It completes Lewis’ director term.
tal and operating costs
was the beginning of a close collaboration CSE Engineering Inc exhibits at its first
with the WTUI Leadership Team (see p 6), WTUI with Craig Corzine, the company’s Steve Johnson, a former WTUI director,
benefiting CCJ’s coverage of LM engines as founder and CEO, in the booth. He was makes a major career change and launches
well as users and vendors in this industry urged to attend by Steven Morton who SJ Turbine Inc, a thriving business today.
sector (Fig 9). had participated since 2000 as a user. CSE
will run its consecutive exhibitions streak 2008 Advanced Turbine Support LLC’s
2006 Barry Mazer, AP&M’s owner and to eight in 2015.
a big supporter of WTUI, dies in an auto President Rod Shidler and Field Service
accident. Gas Turbine Controls participates in its Manager Mike Hoogsteden display the
first WTUI exhibition, touts the experience, firm’s capabilities at WTUI for the first time.
Bremco Inc presents its HRSG repair They haven’t missed a meeting since.
and goes for eight straight at the 25th
capabilities in the exhibition hall for the
anniversary meeting. Chuck Casey is elected secretary of
first time. GM Bill Kitterman and Sales
Engineer Bob Morse will participate for the Riverside Energy Resource Center, today WTUI, a position he retains until his elec-
10th consecutive year in 2015. a four-unit LM6000-powered peaking facil- tion as president in 2013.

First LMS100 engine, rated a nominal ity managed by WTUI Director Bryan Atkis- Gae Dow retires as WTUI conference
100 MW and having an efficiency of 46% son, earns CCJ’s Pacesetter Plant Award director after 15 years of service (Fig 12)
(LHV) in open-cycle operation, enters for the design of a zero-liquid-discharge
Jim Hinrichs and Jack Dow become the
commercial service for owner/operator system that has demonstrated its ability to
first WTUI officer/director retirees to earn
Basin Electric Power Co-op at the utility’s satisfy the often conflicting goals of regula-
lifetime membership in the organization.
Groton (SD) Generating Station (Fig 10). tory compliance and affordable capital and
operating costs (Fig 11). Jon Kimble succeeds Jim Hinrichs as
IHI participates in its first WTUI exhibi-
tion. The company had been providing
support for technical sessions since the
Jim Amarel and Mark Breen are elected
to three-year WTUI director terms. Breen
resigns shortly after his election and Frank
Oldread completes his term.
Jim Bloomquist is elected to the WTUI
position of VP, a position he continues
to hold.
Turbine Technics first participates in the
WTUI exhibition hall. Shawn Burdge was in
the company booth then as he will be in
2015, Turbine Technics’ 10th straight year.
Wayne Feragen is appointed WTUI’s
second webmaster and continues in that
position. 12. Gae Dow retires as WTUI conference director after 15 years of service

25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 19

Service Center

Fulfilling your LM6000

Maintenance Needs
Are you satisfied with the services available to you for your LM6000 engines?
At IHI, we are all ears, listening to respond to your specific requirements flexibly and
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through many years in the jet engine maintenance business.
Authorized by GE since 1995 as a Level 4 Depot for LM6000,
we are ready to serve your engines with the professionalism
and sincerity expected of a ‘takumi’ and ‘omotenashi.’
Takumi: a person who has vast experience and IHI
knowledge in a specific field. doubled
Omotenashi: customer-specific hospitality catering to maintenance
each customer’s unique needs. shop area

Cheyenne Service Center

3909 West 5th Street, Cheyenne WY 82007 TEL 307-638-8983 Email:
Simply Mumtaz is retained as confer-
ence consultant; it continues in that role
Plants owned by Delta Power are sold
to Juniper Generation LLC (operated by
CAMS—Consolidated Asset Management
Terry Bundy Generating Station, pow-
ered by LM6000s and managed by WTUI
Director Brad Hans, receives CCJ’s Best of
the Best Award for its water conservation
program (Fig 14). It includes recovery of
nearly 1000 gal/hr of condensate from
inlet-air cooling systems during a hot,
humid summer day.

2010 Alvin Boyd, John Baker, and

Brad Hans are elected WTUI directors
13. Bob Nelson’s determination to do the “right thing” and his for three years.
commitment to making decisions based on sound engineering
C C Jensen Inc’s Axel Wegner gets
principles is remembered at SMUD’s Cosumnes Power Plant
hooked on the WTUI value proposi-
tion with the company’s first experience
president of WTUI and serves in that capac- industry colleague said, “You always felt
exhibiting. He has returned every year since.
ity until his retirement in 2012. good being around him.” Nelson’s recipe
for professional success: “No serial num- Gary Werth (G R Werth & Associates)
Mark Breen and Harry Scarborough are
ber ones.” attends WTUI for the first time, looking
elected to three-year WTUI director terms.
for users who might benefit from using
Scarborough resigns in 2010 and David Charlene Raaker is appointed confer- his stack balloons to minimize air flow
Merritt is appointed to complete his term. ence coordinator; she continues in that though their gas turbines during periods
Sulzer’s first year at WTUI and the position. of prolonged shutdown to protect critical
company hasn’t missed a meeting since. engine parts against moisture, salt, dirt,
Don Haines and Tony Skonhovd are
Warren Holmes and Mike Curran repre- low temperature, etc. He installs duct bal-
elected WTUI directors for three years. The
sented Sulzer that first year to demon- loons on several LM6000s within the next
latter resigns in 2011 and is replaced by
strate its LM5000 power turbine repair year and now attends the world’s largest
Rudy Barrett, who also resigns. Don Stahl meeting for land- and marine-based aero
capabilities. is appointed to complete the board seat users each spring.
WoodGroup Pratt & Whitney opens a vacated by Skonhovd and Barrett.
IHI partners with Reed Services Inc in
shop in Florida to overhaul LM2500s and Groome Industrial Service Group pres- the Cheyenne Service Center equipped
FT4s. The business is not sustainable.
ents its capabilities in SCR and CO cata- especially for supporting LM6000 owner/
lyst cleaning at WTUI for the first time. operators.
2009 Bob Nelson’s battle with cancer Jeff Bause, VP, of the company’s HRSG
ends at age 46. The former WTUI director WTUI’s 20th anniversary celebration is
Maintenance Div, has been a regular par-
was SMUD’s superintendent of thermal held aboard the USS Midway.
ticipant since.
projects. He was highly regarded by industry
peers for his technical and management HPI LLC attends its first WTUI exhibition; 2011 CAMS and Air New Zealand col-
prowess, and well liked (Fig 13). One the company’s participation continues. laborate to launch Air New Zealand Field
Services LLC in Bakersfield, Calif. Frank
Oldread is named general manager.
Charlene Raaker’s tennis bracelet gets
stuck in the registration desk and she is
forced to work one-handed until mechanics
show up to free her. Anyone with a picture
of Charlene playing tennis wins a prize.
Ed Jackson and David Merritt are elected
WTUI directors through the 2014 meeting,
but Merritt is elected a VP of the organiza-
tion in 2013 and John Baker is appointed
to complete his term on the board.
Lincoln Electric System’s LM6000-
14. Terry Bundy Generating Station, equipped with LM6000s, stands out for equipped Terry Bundy Generating Station,
its recognized safety practices managed by WTUI Director Brad Hans,
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 21
receives a CCJ Best Practices Award for its and Ed Jackson is appointed to complete president. Alvin Boyd is elected secretary
state-of-the-art ammonia-tank leak-suppres- his term. Arellano resigns from the board and David Merritt is elected VP. They con-
sion system. Successful demonstration of in 2014. His director’s chair remains vacant tinue in those positions.
the spray system significantly reduced both until the 2015 meeting, when it will be filled
risk to plant personnel and the potential for by appointment. 2014 Alliance Pipeline shares with LM
offsite exposure. users its experience in using HEPA filters
IHI celebrates its 160th anniversary.
on gas-turbine air inlet systems. Details are
TCT opens its state-of-the-art 220,000-
Jon Kimble is granted lifetime WTUI provided in CCJ’s special publication for
ft² repair and overhaul facility in Airdrie
membership upon his retirement as the WTUI’s 24th annual meeting. The company
(near Calgary).
group’s president. Chuck Casey is elected gave HEPA two thumbs up based on four
to replace Kimble. years of normal pipeline use and rigorous
2012 Andrew Gundershaug and Don
analysis of results (Fig 16).
Stahl are elected WTUI directors for three- Riverside Public Utilities’ Clearwater
year terms. Cogeneration Plant, managed by LM2500 David Brumbaugh, president, DRB Indus-
Breakout Session Chair John Baker, contrib- tries Inc, is elected Majority Caucus Chairman
Chuck Casey replaces Jon Kimble as
utes to an advancement in the state of the for the Oklahoma House of Representatives.
president of WTUI; he continues in that
art developed by Fossil Energy Research The company has exhibited at WTUI every
Corp, a WTUI exhibitor, for determining year since its founding by Brumbaugh and
Don Stahl, a WTUI director and plant the remaining life of SCR catalyst in-situ. wife Shelley nearly 10 years ago.
manager of Black Hills Corp’s Pueblo Airport
TCT expands its testing facility to better Jermaine Woodall and Devin Chapin are
Generation Station, brings into commercial
support the LM6000 PA, PB, PC, PD, and elected WTUI directors for three-year terms.
operation that 380-MW world-class facility’s
PF engines.
two LMS100 peakers and two LM6000PF- Jim Hinrichs, past president and the
powered 2 × 1 combined cycles (Fig 15). Wood Group and Siemens’ TurboCare face of WTUI for two decades, passes
form the joint-venture company Ethos unexpectedly during a back operation (see
WoodGroup Pratt & Whitney withdraws
Energy Group, specializing in the main- tribute, p 4).
from its LM2500 overhaul offering.
tenance, repair, and overhaul of gas and
steam turbines. 2015 MTU closes in on 20 years of par-
2013 Daniel Arellano, Charles Byrom, and
ticipation at WTUI.
Bryan Atkisson are elected WTUI directors WTUI officer corps is shuffled with
for three-year terms. Byrom retires in 2014 Chuck Casey’s election as the organization’s WTUI celebrates its 25th anniversary.

15. Pueblo Airport Generation Station produces up to 380 MW with its two LMS100 peakers (left) and two
LM6000PF-powered 2 × 1 combined cycles (right)

16. LM2500 compressor looks new after having operated for more than 22,000 hours at base load with no water

25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 23

Editor’s note: “It is an interesting and chal- circumstances are related to people whose of failures, making it obvious that owner/
lenging proposition to look back over time. contributions have made, and continue to operators needed to share best practices
Remembering and reconstructing events, make, a difference. And that describes WTUI and lessons learned among themselves
like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder. to a tee. Since its inception, it has been a and with the OEM.
However, there are circumstances that group of people with a mission and that GE’s business leaders—like Bill Baker,
demand a look back, and, typically, these mission has been all about adding value.” Mike Hynd, Dan Harmon, and Horace

Magely—were traveling cross country regu-
hese words from Sal DellaVilla, It forced the utilities to shut down marginal larly to support their customers. To differ-
CEO, Strategic Power Systems Inc, equipment and it ushered in the era of entiate between the two distinct groups
provided motivation for this sec- high-efficiency cogeneration facilities. of owner/operators, the OEM began to
tion covering the many facets of The 15-yr power-purchase contracts refer to them as Western Turbine Users
WTUI history: the pre-incorporation years, typical of that time were particularly advan- (WTU) and Eastern Turbine Users (ETU).
the years since incorporation, the legisla- tageous to companies with processes The acronym WTUI came to being after the
tion that both stimulated and impeded having fuel-to-product efficiencies of 80% group formalized and incorporated in 1990.
industry growth and technology develop- or more. The Northeast and West Coast, To share information, users gathered at
ment, and the LM engines themselves. saddled with the highest energy prices in each other’s sites for tours of the equip-
WTUI has a history primarily because of the nation, were the prime locations for ment and to share individual experiences.
people like Wayne Kawamoto, Mike Raaker, cogeneration plants. GE, one of the first GE was always part of these meetings. The
DellaVilla, Mark Axford, Steve Johnson, and companies to recognize this opportunity, host site would supply meeting space and
a few others who have been around since began marketing its Turbine Business Oper- usually lunch or dinner. The group began
before the beginning of the organization, ation’s LM2500 package, initially capable of with four attendees, growing to eight, 20,
have good memories, took good notes, 17.8 MW. In the early 1980s, GE introduced 40—about the point it was no longer fea-
and are loathe to deposit in the circular the LM5000 package, capable of 50 MW. sible for a single operator site to manage
file anything that someday might be of Utilities were not going to take all this and fund the quarterly get-togethers.
value. All were of the opinion that the 25th laying down. Concerned with the abil- As far back as I can remember, GE
anniversary offered the perfect reason for ity of small energy producers to provide hosted a sales and customer apprecia-
compiling a historical perspective on the electricity reliably, and consistently, they tion meeting in Cincinnati—years later, in
world’s largest independent user organiza- developed a set of strict rules that cre- Houston—which usually culminated with a
tion dedicated to gas turbines. ated a lot of pain for someone entering relaxing team-building event. Many produc-
As you read the next few pages, keep into a contract and failing to meet the tive relationships among GE personnel and
in mind that the company and plant affili- requirements. Example: Failure to meet users were nurtured during these three-day
ations sited are consistent with the tim- the 80+% availability requirement at the meetings.
ing of the reference. In some cases, the contracted capacity could result in the loss Many of the temporary fixes and
individuals mentioned are still employed of a month’s revenue; in the extreme it improvements made by operators to
by those organizations, in others the com- might require repayment of annual profits. keep their sites running in the early years
panies may no longer exist, or plants have During the first few years of Purpa, the were reviewed by GE and many became
been renamed. number of cogeneration sites on the West permanent fixes for all sites. A major con-
Coast grew dramatically—each usually hav- tributor to fleet availability and reliability
Before incorporation ing a unique process to earn Qualifying
Facility status. However, the turbines, pack-
improvement was the sharing of parts.
Each participating site would generate a
The history of WTUI dates back about 10 ages, and processes did not start and run list of its inventory and share that with the
years prior to incorporation. During the late as expected. GE engines were very good other participating sites.
1970s, the US was challenged with oil and at operating for short periods, with a rest We could get parts to each other much
gas shortages and record-high fuel prices— to perform maintenance. quicker than GE. This worked very well
much of this caused by wasteful energy But most sites were required to run when the group was small, but it got a
practices. Remember when automobiles for weeks—sometimes months—without bit cumbersome as the group grew and
were averaging 9 mpg and some power a shutdown, depending on the process some folks “forgot” to return parts. Parts-
boilers were operating at efficiencies as supported. Starter failures, igniter libera- sharing continues today, but on a more
low as 60%? tion, fuel-nozzle failures, etc, caused many personnel basis.
In 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed sleepless nights for the operators as well as Package improvements were another
into law the Public Utility Regulatory Poli- the OEM. Both parties stood to lose consid- benefit of user meetings. Example: Owner/
cies Act (Purpa), aimed at correcting some erable sums if the turbines and packages operators realized turbines could fire hotter
of the problems. For the first time, utilities could not be made reliable. and produce additional power just by “turn-
were required to purchase electricity from GE found itself running from site to ing up the wick.” Output of the LM2500
qualified cogenerators at a price equivalent site trying to put out fires and keep the increased from 17.8 to 21 MW over the
to what it would have cost the utilities to owners from defaulting on their contracts. first few years with very little hot-section
produce the same power with their least- Generating units on both the East and West life reduction. The increased revenues
efficient equipment. This had two effects: Coasts were experiencing the same types more than paid for the additional wear
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 25
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and tear on parts. borrowed from aircraft procedures and by a significant amount.
Plus, many cost-effective repair and became standard, authorized repairs for The option to use repaired parts versus
overhaul procedures were developed combustors, blades, nozzles, bearings, and new parts and expecting GE to warrant the
working with small authorized repair facili- frame parts on land-based machines. They engines was became an issue with the
ties—like Batch Air Inc. Some of those were reduced the cost of operating LM engines OEM in the early years. That was under-

A turbine salesman remembers

In 1980, Mark Axford of Houston-based plexity of switching fuels at high loads valves. It also redesigned the engine
Axford Turbine Consultants LLC, argu- was a design never done before and as compartment with more ventilation air.
ably the most recognizable non-user at such that one gray hair was like a weed Subsequent S&S LM2500 packages
Western Turbine meetings, was selling in manure. It grew out of control! for Sunlaw (Los Angeles) and United
Allison gas turbine/generator sets and There were many trips during com- Airlines (SFO) had noticeably better reli-
compressor sets for Stewart & Steven- missioning. “I remember visiting the ability.
son (S&S). refinery in 1983, escorting a prospective The California cogen plants were
He told the editors: “We had limited customer to show him the great S&S very lucrative for owners because
success; Solar gas turbines were signifi- design,” Axford said. “We were in the Standard Offer contracts offered by
cantly less expensive and manufactured control room when Wayne Kawamoto the utilities provided firm and bonus
with shorter lead times.” popped in and announced: ‘Cogen is capacity payments on top of electrical
In 1981, S&S received an order for down again, not sure how long it will sales revenues priced at the utilities
three LM2500 gensets for a platform take to get back on line.’” avoided cost. Summer capacity pay-
offshore India. Suddenly, S&S was in the Kawamoto and Axford became good ments were substantial and supported
big leagues—a GE-authorized “packager” friends, despite the reliability shortfalls the financial structure of these projects.
offering nominal 20-MW gensets with a during that first year. “Like many cus- The two Sunlaw LM2500-powered
unique single-lift design. tomers, Wayne was resourceful: He combined cycles were operated and
While there was no competition from found his own solutions to technical maintained under contract by S&S, and
Solar at 20 MW, S&S did have competi- problems when Stewart & Stevenson Sunlaw shared the summer availability
tors. Its biggest rival was GE’s heavy- and GE could not provide answers fast and capacity earnings with S&S. This
frame Turbine Business Operations Div. enough,” Axford recalled. Kawamoto strengthened the linkage among the
TBO had senior management’s approval found out about two other LM2500 owner, operator, package builder, and
to offer packaged LM2500 gensets. sets packaged by TBO and installed in engine manufacturer.
However, its sales team went to great California during 1982: One at Proctor The success of LM2500- and
lengths to convince customers that a & Gamble’s Oxnard plant; the other at LM5000-powered cogeneration plants
Frame 6 or Frame 7 gas turbine was a Federal Paperboard’s Los Angeles mill. in California during the 1980s caused
better fit for their needs. the technology to spread to other
The LM2500 was too small for areas of the US, and Canada, in the
most US utilities, so S&S focused 1990s. In 1991, GE introduced the
on its Houston connections in oil LM6000, offering users another
and gas and other industrial seg- engine option. About that time, TBO
ments. “We worked hard to sell threw in the towel and S&S became
the single-lift design and full-load the premier package builder of LM-
factory test to EPC customers such series gensets. A few years later, in
as Fluor, Bechtel, Parsons, and February 1998, GE bought the S&S
Ebasco,”Axford said. “S&S had a turbine business.
streamlined organization and could As the aero-engine market
sell an LM2500 genset at a lower expanded, users worldwide came to
price than TBO,” he remembers. know WTUI as a forum run by tur-
Plus, EPCs liked doing busi- bine users for their mutual benefit.
ness with a smaller outfit—one It was clear that WTUI discovered
with more flexible business terms more problems, and identified bet-
and conditions. S&S won its first ter solutions, than OEM-dominated
LM2500 order in the US in forums.
November 1982. The engine was Leaning back in his chair, Axford
installed the following year at the offered his thoughts on why West-
Hawaiian Independent Refinery Inc by These gensets had simpler fuel systems, ern Turbine continues to be so suc-
Ebasco Constructors. but some of the same problems dis- cessful. “Today,” he said, “you can find
Wayne Kawamoto was assigned covered in Hawaii. Example: Instrument a user’s group for just about any make
general responsibility for the cogen unit connector plugs that failed, in part, and model of gas turbine. But WTUI
at HIRI. “Even though Wayne was in his because of excessive heat in the turbine differs from most in that its bylaws and
20s,” Axford remembers, “he was about compartment. Kawamoto shared some agenda are 100% controlled by turbine
to get his first gray hair.” The of his homemade solutions and started users. The annual conference has a
LM2500 fuel system designed for HIRI participating in the informal users group podium shared by GE and competing
was complex. It handled a variety of rich that would later become known as service shops. Users compare notes
and lean liquid fuels along with a water WTUI. on problems and solutions and share
injection system for NOx reduction. Both GE and S&S maintained a close their findings with the OEM and service
Kawamoto said the gas turbine collaboration with LM users to improve community. This superior recipe created
would have to light off on diesel fuel the designs of the engine, controls, and by Western Turbine has stood the test
then switch over to naphtha fuels which package auxiliary systems. S&S began of time. Customers like it . . . it’s that
had higher vapor pressures. The com- using Woodward controls and fuel simple.”

25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 27

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standable: Users were installing remanu- Reliability Analysis Program) was the sys- At that meeting, Hinrichs became the
factured parts, and if they failed during the tem they needed. WTUI president, a position he was to hold
shop warranty period, GE was responsible The first link in the chain of events for 17 years. Other founding members
for the damage. was a call I received from Lou Pasquarelli, of the organization who were present
Users were in hands-on creative mode, an old GE friend. Lou explained that both included: Mike Raaker (Proctor & Gamble),
continually developing new repair proce- the Western Turbine Users and the GE Jack Dow (Sithe Energies), Jim Bloomquist
dures and bringing on innovative vendors Marine & Industrial business unit (today (Chevron), and Brian Hulse (Destec Bakers-
that developed such improvements as a part of GE Power & Water’s Distributed field). Tom Christiansen of SPS was given
the Orange Box (individual T-54 thermo- Power business) were interested in track- the opportunity to present to the users and
couples), longer-lived repairs for bearings ing the reliability and availability of the LM to solicit their participation on the ORAP
and combustors, etc; some were adopted product family to support the expanding system. The goal was to add more users
by GE as time passed. user base. on ORAP and to produce a formal data
As the number of LM sites grew, WTUI He suggested I contact John Campbell analysis and report as soon as possible.
came to be recognized as the place to (now deceased) who was GM of the Cus- The first ORAP report went out to
learn and benefit from both GE and other tomer Service business unit to discuss the both participating users and GE in June
owner/operators. As the organization opportunity. John understood the market 1991. It included data from 24 operating
expanded, the cost of managing confer- for the LM product line was growing and plants representing 19 LM2500s and 14
ences was more than any one company recognized that for continued success, LM5000s, and provided an overview of the
could support. This forced WTUI in 1990 product performance had to meet cus- reliability metrics that the users desired—
to begin the second phase of its history tomer expectations. He recognized the including component causes of downtime
as an incorporated business. It permitted benefits ORAP offered and invited me to and engine removal rates.
dues collection, golf outings, tennis tourna- Cincinnati to present the system. After- Interestingly, these LM units oper-
ments, evening entertainment, and other wards, he decided that GE would fund and ated with very high service factors (great-
managing tools that have made WTUI the use ORAP to cooperate with and support er than 85%), and had hours-per-start
world-class organization it is today. the Western Turbine Users—cooperation ratios ranging from 135 to 250 hours
Mike Raaker, WTUI historian/ambassador and support that continues today. per start)—exactly what you would expect
In due course, John, Larry Lewis (then from cogeneration units. At the time, SPS
the GE point of contact, now retired), and had a commitment from an additional 20
After incorporation I made several plant visits in California to
introduce the LM users to ORAP. From the
operating plants to join and participate on
the ORAP system.
I will always remember the chain of events Shasta mountain range to Santa Clara, from Newsletters. From January 1993
that led to the introduction of Strategic Los Angeles to Bakersfield, the goal was through February 1994, WTUI and SPS
Power Systems Inc (SPS) to three of the to grow user participation on the ORAP issued monthly newsletters to all par-
founders of the Western Turbine Users: system, and to begin the reporting and ticipating members that discussed vari-
John Tunks, the organization’s first presi- feedback process. ous technical topics or other items of
dent (California Cogeneration Operators The objective was to obtain and pro- interest. In the February 1994 newsletter,
Inc), Ernie Soczka (Destec’s San Joaquin cess plant data as quickly as possible and for example, Johnson wrote “LM5000
Cogen), and Bob Fields (Container Corp of to show meaningful results. We were on Compressors: Cold-End Problems.” He
America). The meeting took place at Ricky’s our way. We had the strong endorsement had already provided an article of interest
Hyatt in Palo Alto, Calif, in fall 1990, just of GE and the Western Turbine Users, and on “LM5000 Lube Oil Chip Detection,”
prior to WTUI’s incorporation. The number our job was to demonstrate and add value where he informed that “a chip detection
of GE LM units operating in cogeneration for the users. system is a very vital tool.” Another article by
service, especially in California, was rapidly WTUI veterans know that the success Kawamoto on “Enhanced Steam Injection”
increasing because of the Public Utility of this conference did not just happen by addressed an approach that Wheelabrator
Regulatory Policies Act (Purpa). accident. The word “serendipity” does not Norwalk implemented for improved NOx
Existing users, who already were meet- apply to WTUI. Its success has been built abatement.
ing at various plants, wanted a more formal on the efforts of dedicated people with In the early 1990s, “fall mini confer-
structure to support the expanding base vision and a long-term commitment to their ences” were held to address specific
of operators. They understood new users industry—and to each other. Now, after 25 technical issues. For example, Hulse, a
would require operating knowledge and years of hard work, a meeting that started board member at the time, arranged a
experience, and would share their desire out in a few plant conference rooms has conference at the Pacific Suites Hotel in
for continuous product improvement. been transformed into a world-class confer- San Luis Obispo, where issues such as
They also understood the need to estab- ence that attracts a global audience. gas-path coatings were discussed. The idea
lish and follow a uniform process that the The first meeting attended by SPS staff was to add value for the user community
Western Turbine Users, as an organization, was Sacramento, March 1991. There were by regularly publishing newsletters and
could use to track and report the availability 130 registered attendees—including users, conducting mini-conferences.
and reliability performance of the LM5000 vendors, spouses, and guests. The board ORAP. By the time the first newsletter
and LM2500 fleets. The objective was to of directors included Tunks (he had moved was issued, ORAP participation had grown
have unbiased and accurate data to docu- on to Stewart & Stevenson Services, S&S, to 40 plants and new people were getting
ment the performance of their gas turbines by this time), Soczka, Fields, Jim Hinrichs involved. The January 1993 edition notes
and plant equipment. The users wanted (Sithe Energies), Wayne Kawamoto (Whee- that Brent Newton had joined the board,
data and metrics they could share among labrator Norwalk and WTUI treasurer, an while the terms of both Soczka and Fields
themselves, and with GE. SPS hoped WTUI office he continues to hold), and Steve were ending. The visionary founders of
would agree that ORAP® (for Operational Johnson (Simpson Paper, Shasta Mill). WTUI had laid the groundwork for the
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 29
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130 0

120 0

110 0

100 0

90 0
No. of registered attendees

80 0

70 0

60 0

50 0

40 0

30 0

20 0

10 0

1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
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1. Attendance at the Western Turbine annual meeting is still growing after 25 years

inevitable changing of the guard. WTUI (Destec), Johnson (K&M Services), Grant leadership, and to the increasing value and
was preparing for change. McDaniel (Carson Cogen), Joel Lepoutre need for face-to-face information exchange.
Looking through these newsletters (S&S), Roy Burchfield (Sithe Energies), Such success, however, brings change and
offers a memorable trip back in time. To Norm Duperron (Bonneville Pacific Ser- occasionally presents very real challenges
illustrate: In February 1994, items of inter- vices), Mel Murphy (Kingsburg Cogen), to the relatively small group of volunteers
est included the following: Bob Anderson (Florida Power Corp), Char- who make WTUI happen.
n Announcement that Hulse had submit- lie Hoock (Calpine), Kevin Koszalka (TGB President Jim Hinrichs and the officers
ted the winning design for the WTUI Cogen), James Hardin (El Paso Cogen), and directors in place during the first few
logo, which still is in use today. and Bob Mason (Goal Line LP). years of the new millennium faced sig-
n Jack and Gae Dow were identified as Also, Rich Frank (GECS Camarillo), nificant challenges as the need for WTUI’s
the “go-to” team regarding the 1994 Chuck Casey (Goal Line LP), Bob Nelson services increased markedly while the
conference in Las Vegas. (SMUD), Chris Kimmich (Nevada Cogen), duty cycle for the LM sector of the indus-
n SPS would begin taking and issuing Bill Lewis (PPL), John Baker (Calpine), try was migrating from base- to part-load
notes for each of the LM product line Bryan Atkisson (City of Riverside), James generation and there was a question as
breakout sessions, a practice that con- Charles (Ripon Cogen), Mark Breen (Wood to whether GE could continue to support
tinues today. Group), Chuck Toulou (Ripon Cogen), Don WTUI with the same commitment as they
Breakouts. From the beginning, the Haines (Panoche Energy Center), David had in the past.
two and a half days of breakout sessions Merritt (Kings River), Andrew Gundershaug The good news was growing confer-
covering each LM product line have pro- (Calpine), Perry Leslie (Yuba City Cogen), ence attendance, which went from an
vided the foundation for sharing knowledge and Jason King (DGC Operations). average of 470 in the 1996-2000 period
and solving problems. These invaluable The hard work and dedication of the to 667 from 2001 to 2005. In the last
sessions provide the opportunity for users discussion leaders is what makes the break- four years, the average attendance was
to openly discuss installation and commis- out sessions so successful and meaning- 1054 (Fig 1). With this success came the
sioning issues, O&M concerns, lessons ful. Plus, the technical sessions have been difficulties associated with venue selection;
learned, and the opportunities for plant strongly supported by GE and the depots, relatively few locations can accommodate
improvements. adding to their value. groups of this size. Plus there were the
Technical discussion covers the engine, Winds of change. WTUI conferenc- additional work loads associated with regis-
package, controls and all ancillary systems. es continue to grow annually, providing tration, meeting attendee expectations, etc.
The intent is to share and document, there- opportunities to renew old friendships and More hands were needed; the volunteers
by creating a history through the notes of establish new ones. Equally important, the could no longer do everything.
relevant and meaningful “real life” experi- conference attracts a significant percentage Both the organization and its owner/
ences to help the operating community of new users and attendees each year who operator members were forced to adjust
improve as a group. bring fresh ideas and perspective vital to to market influences. The once dominant
Over the years, discussion leaders for long-term health. cogeneration market was contracting; units
the breakout sessions have included Jim- Continuing growth testifies to the hard were operating fewer hours per start and
mie Wooten (DPS Juniper), Frank Oldread work and dedication of the organization’s they were beginning to cycle. SPS verified
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 31
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and others put in extra hours to ensure
that WTUI’s mission would be sustained.
Always all about people. When
SPS was located in upstate New York, a
major benefit of the conference’s timing
was the opportunity to fly to the West
Coast for a week and leave the bitter cold
behind. Often, we would leave in a snow
storm and return to a snow storm. The
opportunity to participate in the Sunday
golf or tennis event coordinated by the
users (Hinrichs, Kawamoto, Bloomquist,
and Ronnie McCray) always was a highlight.
My golf was bad (and still is), but the
chance to catch up with old friends and
the opportunity to make new acquain-
tances made it easy to laugh off the com-
2. Tripp and Sal DellaVilla, Strategic Power Systems Inc; Don Haines, plant ments on my game. Golf with guys like
manager, Panoche Energy Center (now with HPI LLC); and Steve Wenger, Camfil
Mark Dobler (Fulton Cogen), Jim Murray
Power Systems (l to r) are all smiles despite their non-competitive scores
(Fulton Cogen), Tony Thorton (Turbine
the market shift using ORAP data that the tions as the product lines for growth, and Technology Services), Ron Brooks (United
company provided for the Combined Cycle component life, coatings, and emissions Cogen), Don Haines (City of Santa Clara),
Journal’s report on the 17th annual confer- were the issues that had to be addressed. Roy Davis (GE), Wayne Feragen (City of
ence in Phoenix. Growth of depot support. It was Colton), Mike Kolkebeck (City of Colton),
SPS stated in that report, “Two operat- during the market evolution that GE com- Don Driscoll (SSOI), and others always
ing profiles are distinctly visible: A base- municated to the board that it would not be provided the welcome opportunity to mix
load duty between 1995 and 1999, and able to sustain WTUI support at the same business with pleasure (Fig 2).
a cycling duty between 2002 and 2006. levels as in the past. The board took that The formal event begins Sunday
The years 2000 and 2001 appear to be in stride, solidifying its relationships with afternoon with the New User Orienta-
a transition period where the shift in duty the depots and redoubling its efforts to tion, which is followed by the opening
cycle began.” ORAP data also indicated that assure that the annual meeting’s technical of the exhibit hall. Jack Gunsett (Kinder
annual service hours had decreased by content, and the currency and relevancy of Morgan) conducted the orientation for
more than 40% comparing the new para- issues covered, would continue to meet years, eventually passing the baton to
digm against the old. Further, that service expectations. Oldread, who later put it in Bob Boozer’s
hours per start had decreased by about Larry Flood (EPCO), Rich Recor (Sithe (Reed Services) hands. The goal of the
60% and the number of annual starts had Energies’ Greeley), Mike Horn (Calpine), session is to introduce first-timers to LM
increased—all as gas prices were spiking. Mike Pankratz (FPB Cogen), Joe Campan- engines, terminology, nomenclature, and
As the duty cycle was changing, the elli (Air Products), John Cates (Globeleq), other hands-on knowledge and experience
LM6000 and LM2500 solidified their posi- Robert Kofsky (Modesto Irrigation District), to prepare them for the discussions that

3. A room used for the general session about the time of the millennium would barely accommodate the LM6000
breakout session today

25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 33

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would take place during the breakout ses- in the deregulation of natural gas, circa Purpa mandated that utilities offer long-term
sions beginning Monday morning. SPS also 1970s, to today’s euphoria around domes- contacts to “qualifying” facilities for most, if
participates in the New User Orientation to tic shale-gas supply, regulatory actions and not all, of the plant’s electrical output.
introduce ORAP. turbine technology advances have enjoyed
Monday morning the conference a symbiotic relationship. Here’s a blow by 1980-1989. Meanwhile, California,
begins (Fig 3). Members look forward to blow, decade by decade. often a land unto itself when it comes to
the first session and to the ritual handing- energy, had already created the conditions
out of much-desired WTUI jackets awarded 1970-1979. In broad terms, the end which made it difficult to build coal-fired
to those users at the session whose names of this decade proved to be the inflection plants in the state (so the state’s utilities
are pulled from the fish bowl. point for changes to the domestic energy built them outside the state and shipped
The months of preparation by the landscape. Landmark federal environmental the power in, or contracted with others for
board, the breakout-session chairs, and regulations, most importantly the Clean Air the power).
the depots (Air New Zealand Gas Turbines, Act (original act, 1970; important amend- California embraced the Purpa con-
MTU Maintenance, TransCanada Turbines, ments, 1977) and the Clean Water Act cept, and even began applying it to tiny
and IHI) kick the conference into high gear. (1972), were passed. power systems called at the time “pack-
Western Turbine is about organizations and The nation suffered through two oil aged cogen,” a retread of the total energy
people who see value in what the user embargos (1973, 1978), which also, along systems popular in the late 1960s/early
group offers and provides, and they want with legacy industry regulations from the 1970s, pre-OPEC oil embargo. Applications
to be a part of it. As the exhibit hall fills 1930s, created shortages of natural gas. for turbines and engines as small as hotels
with friends, family, and colleagues, the In 1979, the accident at Three Mile Island with swimming-pool heaters came into
mood is good-spirited, and all are ready (TMI) occurred, which led to a progressive being under the California version of Purpa.
for business and a fun time. regulatory gauntlet that would eventually The FUA was repealed in 1986. As impor-
In our industry, there are many confer- put the nuclear industry in a coma for two tantly, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
ences and user groups, all founded with and a half decades. (FERC) Order 436 changed the interstate gas
a desire to add value. And they do. But No new nuclear units—most of the pipeline business, essentially forcing “open
WTUI is special. It is celebrating its 25th planned ones cancelled and protracted access” and allowing consumers (especially
year not just because of the desire and completion cycles for those under construc- large consumers like powerplants) to pur-
need to share information and knowledge, tion—and the beginning of the environmen- chase gas at low wellhead prices and contract
but rather because it is genuinely focused tal gauntlet around coal set the stage for for shipping to their facilities. In 1989, FERC
on the user. the emergence of natural gas as a force passed the Natural Gas Wellhead Decontrol
There is a strong sense that the full in electricity generation. But not without Act, which essentially finished what the 1978
WTUI membership is interested in fleet per- some fits and starts. act started.
formance. By helping to drive improvement From a turbine technology perspec- In sum, the electricity and gas produc-
fleet-wide, members improve their own tive, though, the most important pieces tion and delivery value chains were being
plants. Competition among users exists, to of legislation all came within the decade’s deregulated. One way to look at this is
be sure; however, there is a very real sense last three years: that the chain was being pulled apart, so
that the WTUI membership wants the term n The Natural Gas Policy Act (NGPA) of that new entities could, or so the theory
“best in class” to apply to the whole fleet. 1978 initiated (but still with restrictions) goes, focus on applying and leveraging
And they want unbiased third-party data— the deregulation of the wellhead price efficiencies by focusing on one aspect.
data available through ORAP. of natural gas, allowing it to adjust with Meanwhile, coal plants were wrestling with
The hard work and effort that has carried “market forces.” massive new subsystems on the back end—
WTUI to its 25th year is a significant feat, n The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act scrubbers and selective catalytic reduction
and SPS has had the pleasure of supporting (Purpa) of 1978 opened up the gen- units—and trying to absorb the associated
the group for most of those years. It is clear eration market to non-utility entities as costs. Nuclear was still in a coma.
that WTUI has a strong commitment to long as their facilities met certain size,
excellence, and a clear vision for continually fuel, and efficiency criteria. 1990-1999. This decade would be
adding value for its membership. In sum, n The Fuel Use Act (FUA) of 1979 pro- marked by more landmark deregulatory
WTUI is special—not only for its service to hibited utilities from using natural gas, initiatives, but also more specific moves in
the users, but for the users’ service to it. a response to the oil crises and need to California, a massive demand crunch, and
husband natural gas for heating homes even more onerous rules on coal plants.
Salvatore A DellaVilla Jr, CEO, Strategic
and businesses, and as an industrial raw In 1992, Congress passed the National
Power Systems Inc
material. Energy Policy Act (NEPA). If Purpa cracked
Together, these three legislative acts open the generation part of the value chain,
Legislative drivers drove the rise of gas-fired cogeneration NEPA cracked open electricity transmission.
of gas turbine and independent power facilities. Purpa’s
efficiency threshold was low (a “joke”
In 1996, FERC passed orders 888 and 889,
both establishing open access to electric
technology: An many would say)—a minimum of 5% of transmission lines.
anecdotal history the fuel input had to be directed towards
beneficial thermal use. This led to a flood
Practically, this meant if you wanted to
buy electricity from one supplier, one or
Today’s gas turbine technology is a prod- of gas-turbine-based cogeneration plants more utilities were obligated to sell you
uct of many things. As applied in electric at industrial facilities, as well as a flood of transmission service to move those elec-
power generation, one of those things is combined cycles which could meet the trons to where they would be consumed.
regulation, the deregulatory variety and thermal output but still primarily make their In 1996, California began the first grand
re-regulatory variety. From the first salvo money selling electricity to the local utility. experiment in retail electricity competition.
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 35
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Amendments to the Clean Air Act when an economic boom (and concur- until the end of the decade, when the
(CAAA), passed in 1990, not only forced rent wildly ambitious electric demand shale-gas revolution brought the forward
more coal plants to add scrubbers and projections), the rise of digital computer price projections down, in the words of one
SCR but placed a new emphasis on NOx, and telecommunication technology, darn utility executive, “as far as the eye can see.”
air toxics, and interstate transport of air pol- close to unfettered competition in electricity The CEO of one of the largest gas-
lutants. Adding to the aggravation of coal supply, and end-of-millennia psychology, fired project developers (today the largest
advocates, EPA and its judicial, legal, and conspired to bring the party to an abrupt owner/operator of said plants) had been
environmental advocates began to wield end (by the standards of an infrastructure saying at the beginning of the decade
a new threat from a legislative tool in the industry anyway). that gas would displace coal even in coal
1977 CAAAs, called New Source Review. country. It would take a decade, but that
NSR made it extremely difficult—in many 2000-2009. Moves by FERC in the pre- vision eventually came to fruition.
cases, impossible—for coal-plant owners vious decade, and subsequent ones, laid
to expand output at pre-1977 facilities, the groundwork for regional and/or state 2010 and later. The gauntlet around
or even make major repairs; otherwise, “independent system operators” (ISOs) coal, which began in 1977, is worse today
they could be judged a “new source” and and regional transmission organizations than ever, with the Obama Administration’s
subject to addition of emissions controls (RTOs). Movement of electricity between enactment of carbon-emissions reduc-
similar to new units. a buyer and a seller was now, from a tions. Existing coal units are being retired
As if that wasn’t enough, the specter of transactional perspective, in the hands of or mothballed in droves.
carbon regulation reared a head that got a single entity for large states (ERCOT in Nuclear found a way to “get up on one
uglier and uglier, from the first significant Texas, CAISO in California, NY-ISO in New knee” when four new units found their way
Congressional hearing on Global Warming York) and for large regions (PJM and MISO). to construction (also taking advantage of
in 1988 (height of the summer and the Traditional utilities were still responsible for generous federal subsidies, in this case
AC in the building was not functioning) to the physical transmission infrastructure. loan guarantees), but the old bugaboos
the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. The penultimate consequence of 20+ of construction cost and schedule over-
However, the new NOx rules, combined years of gas and electricity market deregu- runs and catastrophic events overseas
with more stringent ones in California and lation, private financing of powerplants, (Fukushima) have returned and promise
other states, set up a ratcheting effect. choking environmental restrictions on coal, to haunt the industry.
Seemingly, each new gas-turbine project, and a somnambulant new nuclear business Costs for wind and solar have declined
showing it could meet a lower NOx level, was the addition of approximately 200,000 substantially. In the meantime, existing
caused the next project to meet a still MW of gas-fired capacity between 1999 nukes have difficulty competing against
lower NOx level. and 2004. With few exceptions, gas-fired GT plants with low-priced gas supply and
The industry found itself in a “how units became the only option that could renewable plants with generous subsidies
low can you go?” environment, or a circle optimize among all the constraints imposed and must-take contracts. Strangely, we have
dance among the gas-turbine suppliers, the on a new project. As the decade moved on, a case in this country, most prevalently in
architect/engineers for these now privately wind and solar facilities, taking advantage California, of “supply destruction,” envi-
financed IPP and merchant projects, and of generous federal tax credits, renewable ronmental and market-based economic
the various state and federal permitting portfolio mandates, and state-level incen- burdens that can no longer be tolerated
agencies. These facilities were being per- tives, began to challenge gas. for many otherwise perfectly sound coal
mitted at lower and lower levels before the Most of that 200,000 MW was in units and a significant number of nukes.
preceding group of turbines demonstrated service, under construction, or far along At this point, one could rightfully spec-
performance. the development pipeline by the end of ulate that, unless carbon capture and
Concurrently, new IPP/merchant gen- 2001, after California’s grand experiment sequestration (CCS) technology enters the
eration companies and their financiers fell in electricity markets imploded and a once- picture soon (though not likely on a com-
in love with gas-turbine efficiency gains, small pipeline company, later called Enron, mercial basis for at least another decade),
which would make the project pro forma became a household word. In six short generation in the future will be character-
more attractive (and the debt service paid months, Enron’s CEO went from being so ized by two types of plants: Those that
off that much quicker). Soon, the turbine familiar in the halls of power he was called can run 24/7 (and in some cases 365, or
suppliers were carving each other up for “Kenny Boy” by President George W Bush, close to it, if need be) and those that run
the next order. to declaring bankruptcy. at the pleasure of the wind and the clouds.
But machine design was being stretched Enron’s demise took a significant chunk Gas-fired units likely will predominate in
to the ragged edge of combustion stability of the merchant and IPP business with it. the former category.
and metallurgy. The initial consequence Many issues were at play in the calamitous
Jason Makansi, president, Pearl Street Inc
was F-class machines being hauled back California market experiment but one of the
to depots and repair shops regularly from most egregious was that the market experts
points around the world and insurers
refusing to play ball for new projects. A
deregulated the wholesale market while
protecting the retail ratepayers, essentially
LM engines
complete crisis of confidence was averted bankrupting the traditional utilities, caught The early history of GE land and marine
mid-decade when the vendor-driven long- in the middle. (LM) gas turbines began in the late 1950s
term service agreement (LTSA) entered to It took the industry some years to swal- and continued through 1970. It started with
make the cost of overhauls and premature low all that added gas-fired capacity. Units the introduction of a few small LM prod-
repairs, at the very least during the years built and designed for base-load operation, ucts and the larger LM1500 gas turbine.
of debt service, “predictable.” taking advantage of ever lower heat rates The latter was derived from the OEM’s
All of this might have been digestible, and output gains from advancing turbine popular J79 fighter engine, widely known
except towards the end of the decade, technology, operated more like peakers for its thousands of applications in the US
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 37
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Air Force (USAF) and the US Navy’s (USN) About 100 of these units are still in service. engines still are manufactured by GE Avia-
F4 Phantom fighter. The initial LM1500 Building on the LM5000 experience, tion in Evendale, Ohio, the aero product
application was aboard a hydrofoil ship. GE recognized the success and potential line is within the company’s Distributed
In 1969, GE launched the LM2500, of aero engines. In the early 1990s, it saw Power business and part of the GE Power
a nominal 20,000-shp gas turbine based a market for a larger power-generation & Water portfolio along with the Waukesha
on the TF39 engine, which powered the machine. and Jenbacher gas-engine product lines.
USAF’s largest transport aircraft—the C5 In 1991, the innovative LM6000PA Despite all of these organizational
Galaxy. The first ship to use the LM2500 was introduced: It could drive an electric changes, GE’s commitment to WTUI has
turbine for main propulsion was the GTS generator either from the cold end or the remained steadfast over the last 25 years.
Admiral W M Callaghan (AKR-1001). Two hot end. This GT was based on GE’s highly In the early days of the LM business
LM2500s replaced the twin-screw vessel’s successful CF6-80C2 engine, which pow- under GE Aviation, the company’s primary
non-GE first-generation turbines, which ers many wide-body aircraft—such as the focus was on manufacturing engines and
had been installed only two years earlier. Airbus A310 and Boeing 747/767 models. parts. GE worked with some of its autho-
After several successful USN appli- The LM6000 family quickly grew to the PC rized airline engine repair shops and con-
cations—such as on the Spruance and model, which is a higher-output engine, vinced them to take on the responsibility
Ticonderoga classes of ships—the first rated a nominal 43 MW. of repairing the new LM engines in-shop.
LM2500 industrial application was on a Today, the family includes a PG single Over time, GE also worked with its pack-
pipeline, in 1971, followed by the first annular combustor (SAC) model rated a agers—they built the powerplant around
power-generation application in 1979. nominal 54 MW and a PG Dry Low Emis- the gas- turbine core—to develop service
The LM2500, with its versatile free power sions (DLE) combustor model rated a and repair capability. These firms included
turbine, high efficiency, light weight and nominal 48 MW. There are now more than Stewart & Stevenson Services, Kverner,
high reliability, quickly became the oil- 850 LM6000 units worldwide, serving in Thomassen Stewart & Stevenson, Avio,
and-gas (O&G) industry’s engine of choice a wide variety of applications—including IHI, and MTU.
for pipeline compression and oil platform base-load and peaking power genera- The early-1990s meetings, where a
power applications. tion, combined cycle, cogeneration, and group of WTUI users banded together
The need for higher output led to the mechanical-drive LNG. to see if they could help each other out,
introduction in 1996 of the LM2500+ In the early 2000s, US interest in were pivotal in making the LM product
engine, which eventually was rated a an efficient 100-MW-class gas turbine successful and gaining it wider industry
nominal 42,000 shp. Essentially a turbo- capable of fast starts and load-following acceptance. They were key to exchang-
charged base LM2500, the “plus” engine ability gained traction. GE developed the ing operational experience, creating the
has found widespread acceptance in the LMS100 engine to meet these needs. It back and forth dialogue around areas of
O&G industry. It has an additional HP com- used some parts and technology from improvement, new and evolving matters,
pressor stage in front of the original Stage GE’s heavy-duty frame gas turbines and and the solutions developed. There were
One. Also, the plus has more-capable hot- the company’s latest aircraft engines. numerous frank discussions between the
section materials and other refinements. Examples: 6FA compressor technology is users and GE at that time. Some of the key
Further technological improvements led used in the LMS100’s LPC, while the HP GE players: Rudy Garza out of the Ontario
to the introduction of the fourth generation compressor and turbines are derived from shop, Jim McDonel from Cincinnati engines
LM2500+G4 engine, with a nominal rating the CF6-80E1 aircraft engine. customer support, and Shaun Riley as one
of 46,000 shp. Today, there are well over The LMS100 has an all-new lightweight of the engine product-line leaders.
2400 engines from the versatile LM2500 two-stage intermediate-pressure turbine The WTUI conference had product-line
family operating worldwide. Applications and a five-stage free power turbine for breakout sessions in which the GE team
include propulsion of naval, ferry, and cruise operational flexibility. The engine also is prepared and presented all of the material
ships; power generation; O&G platforms intercooled—that is the LP compressor for the engine experience and matters, and
and pipeline and LNG compression—a discharge air is cooled before it enters the package sessions, where the material and
testament to the LM2500’s longevity and HP compressor. This is largely responsible areas of improvement were presented by
success. for the engine’s high efficiency and makes the packagers.
In 1978, GE introduced the LM5000, it one of the most efficient simple-cycle gas In the mid-1990s there were some fruit-
a larger machine based on the company’s turbines in the world. The first LMS100PA ful discussions around the LM5000 engine.
CF6-50 aircraft engine, with a nominal (SAC) unit was commissioned in the US in Over a period of years, Paul Maciulewicz,
output of 38 MW. More than 100 of these July 2006. Today there are more than 50 Jim Gardner, and Kumar Khemchandani
workhorses were produced. The LM5000 of these units in service; the expectation from GE, and Mike Pipes from S&S, were
has a twin-spool gas generator driving a is that many more will be installed in the right in the middle of these discussions.
free power turbine. Many LM5000 units next five years. Some of the product improvements were
are still in service and are specially favored The business side. In the years tested at customer facilities—like the Destec
in cogeneration applications. They laid the since the first LM engine was introduced, sites around Bakersfield, where GE worked
foundation for an even bigger and vastly the actual management of the business very closely with Brian Hulse; Fulton Cogen,
more successful engine to come. itself has undergone several changes. Up where GE worked with Mark Dobler and
In 1988, GE introduced the LM1600 until the late 1990s, the LM business was Jim Murray; Sithe Energy with Rich Recor;
for small-pipeline applications. The high- commonly referred to as GE Aeroderiva- and many others. They were supported
performance engine has a two-spool gas tive Engines, and was an integral part of from the S&S side by some expert engi-
generator and a free power turbine. Like GE Aviation. neers like Randy Kleen, Michael Williams,
the LM1500, it was derived from a fighter At that time, the LM business became Harley Ross, Robert Baten, and Jack Patton,
aircraft engine—GE’s F404 engine powering part of GE Power Systems, then GE Energy, and later on by a young and energetic field
the F/A-18 flown by the USN and Marines. and today GE Power & Water. While the LM controls engineer, Nick Voorhis.
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 39

Find a vendor,
In the late 1990s, GE began acquiring
some of its authorized packagers and ser-
vices providers, moving to a more direct
end-user service model, which improved

fix a plant
direct communications with customers. In
the opinion of many people, the removal
of an intermediary on significant matters
helped improve communications, and
ultimately increased GE’s direct account-

ability to its customers, which benefited
many users.
With the reintroduction of the GE-
sponsored users conferences in the early
Gas turbine/generators 2000s, each organization was focused on
Steam turbine/generators providing the best support to the LM users,
Heat-recovery steam generators and they needed time to work through how
they could each accomplish this shared
Controls, instrumentation, diagnostics goal through different meetings.
Auxiliaries It was during this period that the
responsibilities for assembling the mate-
rial and presenting during the WTUI
engine product breakout sessions shifted
from GE to several of the company’s
authorized service shops. GE instead
focused most of its support efforts on
creating content and leading the engine
and package breakout sessions for its
own users conference. Even during this
f period, GE continued to send a key but
limited group of members of the services
and sales teams to attend the WTUI
conferences and meet with the users. After a few years, and right after the
conclusion of another successful Western
Turbine conference, some of the WTUI
board members (including Jon Kimble and

CUSTOM PLATFORM Jim Hinrichs) approached GE to talk about

improving GE’s visibility and support of the
WTUI conference. This was an opportunity
Allows users to obtain the product and services infor- for both groups to speak fruitfully about
mation they need to make buying decisions, including their future together.
the following: Since then the two organizations have
continued working closely with each other
■ Search by category, company, to find ways that GE and WTUI can best
keyword. support end-users. This close cooperation
now includes GE booths at WTUI staffed
■ Details of products and services by numerous GE technical and prod-
available. uct experts, and GE product-line-specific
■ Photos, references, custom links, materials and presentations given to end-
white papers. users and authorized service providers
during WTUI.
■ Single point of contact. Most recently, at the conclusion of GE’s
■ One-click emails and phone calls. own 2014 Americas User Conference in
Orlando, GE announced the date and loca-
tion for the 25th annual Western Turbine
REGISTER YOUR COMPANY TODAY Users conference, and further suggested
At and benefit that the customers attend that valuable
immediately from participating in CCJ's session—clearly a sign of good cooperation.
Buyers Guide. Scan the QR code at the right
with your smartphone or tablet to go directly Madhu Madhavan and Mike Pipes, GE
to the sign-up page. Questions? Contact Power & Water/Distributed Power, with
Susie Carahalios at 303-697-5009 or Gil Badeer, Tayo Montgomery, Rick Hook, Preetham Balasubramanyam, and Kumar
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Camaraderie, perhaps, best

defines Western Turbine
Bill Caldwell how to resolve the problems.” “Sometimes my phone would ring at
VP and director, 1990-1992 Getting to know new vendors was an 3:00 in the morning with a call from an
added bonus to WTUI participation, Bill attendee from Japan or Australia and we’d
said. “With assistance from the other users need to deal with it,” Gae said. But it was
and the new vendors, our group was able always worth it, she added, because the
to apply lessons learned, improve reliability “board and the officers were so wonderful
and increase our capacity and availability and dedicated. They were the ones who
figures.” And that is what WTUI is all about. really did all the work. All of them working
10-, 12-, 14-hr days and then putting in
Jack Dow countless hours as WTUI volunteers.”
VP and director, 1994-1997; secretary It was in Palm Springs at one of the early
1998-2008 meetings that Gae saw firsthand the type
Gae Dow of hard-working volunteers she was work-
Although the official history of WTUI begins Conference director, 1993-2008 ing with. “Attendance at the luncheon was
in 1991, the group actually started meet- much higher than we had expected and
ing in the late 1980s and Bill Caldwell people kept pouring in to eat even though
was there from the beginning. “This whole there were no seats left. So the board,
thing started in Northern California as a sitting up front with reserved seats, gave
result of deregulation. Cogeneration plants up their table so others could use it. They
were going in and guys from a number of spread out around the room, waving their
industries—airline, pulp and paper, oil and arms to flag down attendees and making
gas—had these new engines and were try- sure everyone got seated as chairs became
ing to figure out how to keep them running. empty. For those guys, the meeting was
We were basically stumbling around try- always all about the members.” Gae retired
ing to get our technical questions answered Together, Jack and Gae Dow have put more as conference director in 2008, saluted by
and to get and service parts. After a while, hours into WTUI than they can count. It all the membership with a standing ovation.
the guys down in Southern California heard started back in 1993 when Jim Hinrichs
about us and wanted to get involved. By couldn’t attend a meeting and asked Jack Don Driskill
around 1989-1990, we had reached a to go in his place. The board was looking Secretary and director, 1993-1996;
critical mass and we realized the industry for a president and since Jim wasn’t there, director, 2002-2005
was growing. It was time to get organized.” Jack volunteered him. While Jim readily
The group may have had technical accepted the post, he decided to put Jack
expertise, but running a volunteer orga- to work as well.
nization wasn’t part of their skill set. “We In the many years since that fateful
didn’t know what we were doing. One guy meeting, Jack has served as a board mem-
had to figure out the bylaws, one guy took ber, an officer, a conference speaker, and,
care of finances, and somebody else had most importantly, exhibit organizer, lining
to learn how to actually host a meeting. We up vendors and planning the exhibit hall.
relied a lot on our secretaries and support But one of the most important tasks he
staff because they often knew more about performed was getting Gae involved as Don Driskill’s history with WTUI goes back
that stuff than we did.” Bill was on the first conference planner. to the early days when the meetings con-
Board of Directors and his company, Inde- “Jack took care of the exhibit hall, the sisted of just a few tables of users who
pendent Power Associates Inc, has been floor plan, and the vendors while I took talked over technical issues and toured
involved since. care of the hotel and attendees. Although LM2500 facilities. “The meetings were
“As the maintenance team at the United Jack was working long days, he’d put in quite small,” Don recalled, “and unlike the
Airlines cogeneration plant, we faced prob- the extra hours on nights and weekends to packed exhibit hall we have today, there
lems we could not have solved without the get the exhibition planned and to help me were very few vendors. Some of the ven-
other WTUI members. At one point, we with computer glitches or data entry. Every dors didn’t even bother with tables; they
were having trouble with the fans used in February, during pre-conference crunch just walked around meeting and talking
the Stewart & Stevenson package and we time, we lived the conference 24/7. We with users. We were a pretty unsophisti-
had to turn to the other users to figure out talked about it morning, noon, and night. cated bunch back then.” Unsophisticated
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 43
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or not, the group was full of smart, talented to a multi-layered site that supports user the founding fathers of WTUI, way back then.”
industry professionals many of whom have forums, buy-and-sell, a jobs board, and Steve wrote numerous and very detailed
stayed active and connected to WTUI. more—all in an easily accessible format articles for the user organization, calling
“It’s amazing to me that so many of the that emphasizes usability. attention to issues with LM5000. He was
same people have remained in the industry “Being a board member in the early an expert on the engine and served a 13-yr
over the years. They may have changed 1990s was excellent experience for me, term as breakout session chair for LM5000.
companies and they may have different and I hope I was able to contribute to In 2007, Steve launched SJ Turbine Inc,
business cards, but there’s a core group the success of WTUI in some small way. which now has a huge inventory of LM
that is still around. In fact,” Don said, “we When designing what was to become the BOP parts and a worldwide client base. “We
need the WTUI meetings just to maintain original WTUI logo, I was very conscious proudly have our booth at WTUI every year
and update our industry contacts.” of the iconography (LM engine, lightning with my son Ray, a third-generation gas-
For Don, it is the industry contacts that bolt signifying power, year of incorporation) turbine man.” With experience all across the
make WTUI such a valuable organization. and tried to portray a sense of gravitas. I Americas, Steve has been in the thick of it
“Being involved has impacted my business think, over time, WTUI has wholly fulfilled from the very beginning, working tirelessly to
in so many ways. The sharing and open- its goals and more.” Hulse’s great contribu- improve equipment operations and reliability.
ness as to what works and what doesn’t tions to both the development of WTUI’s
work have been absolutely invaluable to my image as well as its growth is undeniable. Wayne Kawamoto
business. The face-to-face contacts make Treasurer, 1990-present; director and
that critical phone call so much easier—the Steve Johnson assistant secretary, 1990-1994
phone call you have to make when you VP, 1992-1995; director, 1992-1998
need to solve a problem or borrow a part.
It’s the network of people who have the
same issues and concerns you have that
gets you through the challenging times.
People are always willing to help because
they know tomorrow they could be in the
same situation.”

Brian D Hulse Wayne Kawamoto and LM2500s go way

Director, 1993-1996 back—to the beginning, in fact. He was a
Looking back at the 25-yr his- Steve started working with aeroderivative young engineer when the first US Stewart &
tory of WTUI and think- gas turbines in early 1975 when employed Stevenson package was installed in Hawaii,
ing about the organiza- by Gas Turbine Corp—living in Venezuela and he’s been working on LM2500s—and
tion’s amazing and working extensively in Latin America with WTUI—since. He became active in the
growth for four years. In late 1979, he met Jim organization in 1986, has served on the
makes Brian Hinrichs, then a young engineer, and they board of directors, and has been treasurer
Hulse smile. “From became forever friends. “since Day One” of incorporation in 1990.
a small group, hav- In 1980, work began on the world’s first As treasurer, Wayne has tracked the
ing an afternoon coffee LM5000 cogen plant at Simpson Paper’s growth of the organization since its incep-
klatch to becoming a Shasta mill in Anderson, Calif. For the next tion. “It’s amazing,” he said. “In the begin-
globally recognized pro- 13 years, Steve was always there, “living ning, the highlight of our meeting was
fessional organization, it’s not often that an and breathing every moment of that plant’s ordering lunch. Sometimes it was pizza
equipment users’ group can simultaneously operating hours. Every day was a different and other times a sandwich. I’d take out my
grow and maintain focus on a single prod- day. There were many challenges. calculator and divide the bill among the 10
uct line within one OEM’s array of offerings.” “In the 13 years I was there we changed or 12 people present. That would be our
Over the years, there have been a num- the engine about three-dozen times; we membership costs for the day’s meeting.
ber of board and membership votes on got so good at this, we could have the gas “Now, our annual revenues are
bringing other gas turbines—both aeroderiva- generator out in the turbine hall within four $700K-$800K. Our ‘luncheon bill’ is more
tives and non-aeros—into the conference. hours and get a lease engine reinstalled than $380K. That’s a huge tab. At our
Each time, the idea has been rejected and and ready to run 10 to 12 hours later. first conference, we put out one 6-ft table
the spotlight has remained on the GE LM “We had every lease engine that GE and charged vendors around $40 to put
family of engines. “Keeping that intense ever had in its inventory installed at least their business cards on it. Now we’ve got
focus, I believe, has kept the organization once, a few several times. One month we 70,000 to 80,000 ft² dedicated to over
relevant and perpetuated the bond between actually had to install three lease engines; 250 vendor booths. Our growth has just
it and the users. There is no mystery or ambi- they didn’t last more than a week or so. been tremendous.”
guity in what the organization is all about.” One new LM5000 ran for only two hours. What accounts for the organization’s
By staying the course over the long haul, We were learning how to deal with the growth? “We started out trying to manage
WTUI has become an industry constant. It is new problems and how to overcome our issues outside of GE, and as the orga-
not just an annual conference, says Hulse, them while maintaining 98.5% reliability nization grew, our approach to problems
but it has become a user resource known and 96.5% availability all those years. Back became even more independent. We know
worldwide for its openness and sharing then, GE’s support was superb.” the engine and we’ve got the experience
of technical information. The WTUI web In fall 1983, donuts, coffee, and lunch in the field, so we began to develop and
portal has been nurtured from a single brought together a group of users to discuss design our own solutions to the challenges
landing page that talked about the group different issues and experiences. “We were we faced. If we need something more rug-
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 45
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ged and we can’t find it, we’ll design the sor the activities, continually express their When an LM2500 in Artesia, Calif, had
components ourselves. appreciation for the opportunity to meet a C-sump high-oil-temperature indication,
“People may join thinking they’re going directly with their customers. The member it was Ronnie who answered the call for
to find out how GE wants them to use the feedback is, far and away, always positive. help. High oil pressure and temperature
turbine, but that’s not what we’re about. WTUI membership continues to grow— indicated a restricted oil-supply orifice.
We’re about solving problems the best way a clear testament to the quality of both Plant Manager Doug Dowd had analyzed
possible based on GE’s technical expertise GE’s power products and the conference the information and asked if there was any-
and operating experiences from the field. program. During my term as president, thing that could be done short of removing
In the end, it’s our members’ design solu- sometimes we felt our conferences were the engine for repairs. Ronnie went to the
tions that work best.” Wayne said that while successful, other times we weren’t so sure, site with a vacuum pump, disconnected
WTUI may have started out like a stubborn but we always tried hard. Of course, you the C-sump oil-pressure line, connected
weed, it’s been nurtured into an incredibly can’t do something like this alone, and the the vacuum and 20 minutes later the unit
robust, fruitful plant that has given back to WTUI officers and directors, session chairs, was returned to normal operation.
everyone who has participated. and support personnel are first-rate and As Ronnie puts it, “Participation in WTUI
get along really well. is invaluable. The camaraderie of the entire
Jon Kimble I always got a shot-in-the-arm just group, the ease with which the whole
Director, 2004-2007; president, being around them. It is quite some- group welcomes new members, and how
2008-2013 thing to be a part of steering this everyone is willing to share operational
In the early 1990s, I was assigned group. Like most service organizations, knowledge enhances one’s own knowl-
a project to gather what informa- you really do get more out of it than edge and experience in this industry and it
tion I could about operating you put in. It’s truly by and for makes you more qualified to do your job.”
and maintaining LM2500 the users. I wholeheartedly
packages. Wellhead was recommend it to anyone who Frank Oldread
considering repowering an wants to learn more about Director, 1999-2002
existing plant with a new prime mover and LM engines.
we were just starting the background work. “Hello!” to all my old friends and “Wel-
The manager I worked for recommended come!” to all the first-timers. Congratula-
I attend the Western Turbine Users con- tions to WTUI for 25 years of great service.
ference. Good luck and continued success.
I knew very little about GE machines.
But I only had to attend one WTUI meeting Ronnie McCray
to realize, if you wanted to learn something Director, 2001-2002
practical about these engines, this is one
of the places you came. Not only did you
get no-nonsense, real-world info about
what you’d face if you acquired one of The first WTUI meeting Frank Oldread was
these plants, the people you met were so scheduled to attend, he had to miss—ironi-
nice, enthusiastic, helpful, and friendly. I cally—because of an engine failure at his
was very impressed. plant. Since then, he’s only missed one
As the repowering project advanced, our other time and that was because he was
group continued to attend WTUI confer- Ronnie McCray got his start in WTUI in stuck in Shanghai during the SARS epi-
ences because we needed the information, 1992 while working for Stewart & Steven- demic. Since his first meeting, Frank has
appreciated the value of the discussions son at Sunlaw Energy in California. At the worked with the same group of plants,
and technical presentations, and required time, information about LM2500s was which have had five different owners and
access to industry vendors. WTUI became scarce and problem-solving consisted of six different names.
a trip we looked forward to every year kicking around possible solutions with “I’ve attended a lot of meetings,” Frank
because there is camaraderie in this group other operators. said, “but one of my fondest memories
that is quite special. And it’s fun. “One of Sunlaw Energy’s LM2500s was at a meeting in Las Vegas when Gae
Upon reflection, I’ll say that the mission tripped during summer peak because of [Gae Dow, the conference organizer] hired
WTUI undertakes to offer a low-cost confer- a malfunctioning fuel valve; the plant had a couple of show girls to act as greeters.
ence to the members in a pleasant venue, no spare. Contractual obligations dictated Needless to say, there was a lot of greeting
while ensuring the information presented to that the unit be returned to service quickly. going on.” According to Frank, the key to
the users is relevant and timely, is challeng- Plant Manager Gene Kelley called a Shell WTUI’s success is the contacts. “You can
ing. Thankfully, the depots and the chairs facility in Bakersfield which allowed Sunlaw always find somebody who has already
of the breakout sessions mount a highly to borrow a valve because their LM2500 had seen the problem you’re dealing with.
coordinated effort each year to assemble been removed for repair. Gene chartered a With WTUI, it comes down to people and
and organize the technical content. Their helicopter and flew to Bakersfield to pick up communications.”
efforts are outstanding. Shell’s fuel valve. The helicopter landed in Sometimes, though, sharing informa-
Of late, GE has elected to send an the parking lot of our plant, the valve was tion isn’t enough and you actually have to
advance staff of product managers installed, and the unit returned to service. share parts. “We’ve got 12 operating units
and engineers that really enhance the We were able to refurbish our unit and send in California and two spare engines, so we
exchange. The product and services provid- Shell’s valve back before their LM2500 left end up sharing parts at least three or four
ers that attend the conference, participate the depot. We couldn’t have done it without times a year and we’ve done it with prob-
in the exhibit hall, and generously spon- being connected.” ably a dozen different companies—includ-
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 47
ing competitors.” eat free. The friendships made during the problems and make a difference.” With
The camaraderie even among stiff com- past 30 years are too many to count and the strong foundation Ernie helped build,
petitors is yet another thing that sets WTUI our space here is limited, so we won’t try.” WTUI is sure to keep making a difference
apart. “I saw a customer approach a depot Even when Mike and Charlene retire—don’t well into the future.
rep with a problem. They talked for a few worry, they are not going away anytime
minutes and then the rep walked the cus- soon—if you need to call WTUI one of them John Tunks
tomer over to another depot’s booth to find will answer the phone: They are both very President and director, 1990-1992
out if they’d had encountered the problem.” proud to be Wah Tue eees.
When asked about the group’s growth,
he said, “At a conference in the mid-1990s, Ernie Soczka
there were six vendors and eight or nine Chairman of the board, 1990-1993
guys in the LM6000 room. Last conference,
I stopped in to the LM6000 breakout ses-
sion—it was in an auditorium with well over
100 people.” Frank predicts that as long as
there are engineers trying to keep engines
running, WTUI is going to keep on going John identified early on with the small,
and growing. informal association of folks that would later
incorporate as WTUI. “In the late 1980s,
Mike Raaker “Ya’ll come.” That was as formal an invi- I found myself in the cogen trade and
Director, 1994-1997; VP, 2002-2010; tation as the original group of LM2500 began to participate in the group’s periodic
historian/ambassador, 2011-present users got, according to Ernie Soczka, the information-sharing get-togethers.” As man-
Charlene Raaker first chairman of the board. “John Tunks ager of Stewart & Stevenson Services’ West
Conference director, 2009-present was president,” Ernie recalled, “and Steve Coast O&M group, he certainly had a lot to
Johnson was there at the beginning, too. contribute. The early meetings started with
“At the time, we were trying to solve a handful of operators and some of GE’s
problems by exchanging information about product support people, but it quickly grew.
the LM2500’s technical issues and about “In the few years I worked on the West
working with GE and Stewart & Stevenson. Coast, the gatherings seemed to have
We wanted to make sure we knew who legs that kept growing and growing.” The
was having what problems and figured that organizing participants of the group real-
we could more effectively solve them and ized that with the incredible growth they
work with the OEM and packager if we were seeing, there needed to be a more
“What the heck is ‘Wah Tue eee’?” That’s a worked together instead of one on one.” formal means of managing their activities.
question Mike and Charlene Raaker have During the early days, Steve Johnson And thus began the incorporation of the
been answering for the past 20 years. The would charter a plane, pick up Ernie on the Western Turbine Users.
term Western Turbine Users (WTU) actu- way and they’d fly down to meet with John John worked with one of the lawyers at
ally was coined by GE when referring to Tunks and Wayne Kawamoto and a few of the firm Thelen Marrin, who volunteered
a group of folks on the West Coast who the other early participants. They elected his services to develop the WTUI Articles
owned and operated LM2500 cogenera- officers and set up their first official meet- of Incorporation. “The officers were elected
tion packages. The “I” was added to the ing. The first meeting sponsored by WTUI and I found myself in the newly created
mix in 1990 when the group incorporated as an organization was in Sacramento. We position of president. While this new, more
and became Western Turbine Users Inc. were nervous because we had to pay to formal organization came to be, we still had
And the rest is history—a good history with guarantee the rooms and we wondered a great time putting together our primary
constant growth and good friends. if enough people would show up. We mission which was the annual conference.”
“As part a small volunteer organization planned for 100 and ended up with 120.” “The last of these conferences I attend-
in the 1980s,” Mike said, “Charlene and I One of Ernie’s favorite memories of ed was held in Monterey, Calif. We were
used up many of our frequent flyer miles, WTUI was when he played his first-ever sweating about having enough participants
traveling back and forth from Cincinnati to game of “business tennis” with Jim Hin- to meet the quota required by the hotel.”
attend the gatherings—first in plant con- richs. Asked what he missed about being As it turned out, there was a great turnout
ference rooms, then in hotel conference involved with the group, he said, “I miss and the attendees enjoyed remarkably
rooms, and finally, where we are today, the technical problem-solving. Because the pleasant weather for the golf tournament
filling huge hotels and conference centers, LM2500s were designed for aircraft, they’re planned for the conference.
in all the warm cities on the West Coast.” very light and so we’d encounter problems The Monterey conference is memorable
The growth of the organization wasn’t you couldn’t anticipate. For instance, brack- to John for more reasons than just the
envisioned or planned; it just happened. As ets would break on the casing and so we’d weather, though. “It was held at the time
Mike and Charlene put it, “The organization replace those with brackets we’d make out the Rodney King verdict was announced.
was, and is, about the owner/operator and of heaver material only to see them place My memory of driving back to LA and com-
keeping our plants viable, and we have increased stress on the casing itself. ing over the mountain to see the pillars of
never wavered from that goal.” “It was a great technical challenge fig- smoke from the fires the rioters had set
“We’re sure the growth was helped uring those things out. And, of course, I was eerie and disturbing. Not long after
along by the fact that meetings are held miss the people. There was always such that I left Stewart & Stevenson to begin my
in March in a warm climate and they an excitement, an eagerness, and cama- quest to build a boat and sail around the
open with a round of golf. Plus, spouses raderie to put our heads together to solve world, but that’s a story for another day.”
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 49



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25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 55


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Gas Turbine Systems


25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 59


Aero engine portfolio highlights

three options for electric generation

he LM2500 engine started out 34.3
in the 1960s as a TF39 aircraft 31.3 41
derivative—a nominal 17.9-MW 29-30 41 LM2500+G4
39-40 Power
“twin-shank” machine. The next Power, LM2500+ continues
MW 22.6 23.2 LM2500+ Power to grow
major upgrade came in 1983 with the 37.6 first engine increase
17.9 22 37
infusion of CF6 commercial engine technol- 20.5 shipment
LM2500 DF
Efficiency, 36.9 37 >18,000,000
10,000,000 operating 1996
DLE offering
ogy into the LM2500; it became a higher- % operating hours •
35.8 First foreign First cogen hours LM2000
power “single-shank” machine. Note that Navy ship application LM2500+ offering
First gas 1000th develop-
single shank and twin shank refer to the pipeline First offshore 5,000,000 engine ment
platform operating delivered
high-pressure (HP) turbine configurations. application
application hours CF6-6/TF39
DDG-51 28,000,000
GE gained considerable field experi- First U.S.
First power First STIG AEGIS flight hours
Navy system
ence with the 1983 uprate of the LM2500 Combatant generation destroyer Dry Low
(DD963) application application commis- Emissions
and was able to gradually increase the 1,000,000
sioned combustor
engine’s power over time (Fig 1). By the operating First fast
hours ferry
early 1990s, output had been bumped application develop-
ment test
up to 22.8 MW ISO (gas/dry) without any
sacrifice in component life or reliability. 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Today, this standard single-shank LM2500 1. LM2500 product-
engine is more commonly referred to as line timeline (above)
the LM2500 “base” engine. shows a 90+% increase
For many years, the LM2500 base- in output and 5.2%
engine combustion system was a single efficiency improvement
annular combustor (SAC). It required water over the engine’s 40+
or steam injection to operate with low NOx year history
emissions. So the next evolutionary step
was to introduce the Dry Low Emissions 2. The first LM2500+
shipped from the
(DLE) combustor to the LM2500 base
factory in 1996. This
engine, which made it possible to achieve model offered higher
25 ppm NOx on gas fuel, but without the output and efficien-
need for water or steam injection. cy—29-30 MW, 39% to
Later, a 15-ppm-NOx DLE combustion 40%—than the base
system was introduced for the LM2500 engine
base engine to meet more stringent emis-
sions requirements for certain customers. bustion system was introduced in 2000. sion, material and cooling-scheme changes
The mid-1990s saw the next significant The LM2500+ G4 engine was intro- in the HP turbine section, and some minor
jump in output with the introduction of duced in the mid-2000s. It has the same changes to the power turbine section.
the LM2500+. The “plus” engine retains footprint as an LM2500+ (Fig 2), but pro- Today, there are well over 2400 engines
a great deal of commonality with the base duces about 3 MW (10%) more power at from the versatile LM2500 family operat-
engine, but it has an additional stage of HP ISO conditions, and about 20% more on ing worldwide. Service applications include
compression. It also has a more modern hot days, compared to its predecessor. It propulsion of naval, ferry, and cruise ships;
compressor, variable stator vane system also has about 17% more exhaust energy power generation; oil and gas platforms;
(VSV), single-crystal metallurgy in the HP than the plus engine, which makes it well and pipeline and LNG compression units—
turbine section, and changes in the six- suited for cogeneration and combined- all with high reliability, availability and
stage power turbine to accommodate the cycle service. performance.
higher mass flow. The main changes that enable the LM6000. In the late 1980s, GE began
All these changes enabled the plus G4 engine to achieve all this are a rede- to look at using the newly certified CF6-
engine to operate at a higher firing tem- signed stage-zero blisk (bladed disk) with 80C2 aircraft engine as the basis for a
perature and produce a significantly higher increased air flow, more rugged inlet guide small simple-cycle product that would
output of 42,000 shp nominal. The plus vanes, changes in VSV schedules, improve- set new standards of thermal efficiency
engine also is offered with a SAC or DLE ments in the SAC combustor, technology at more than 40%. The original concept
combustion system. A dual-fuel DLE com- improvements in the DLE combustor ver- was dubbed the “40 × 40” (40% simple-
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 61

4. Refinements enable the LM6000PG to produce a

3. LM6000PC was a popular engine for peaking service nominal 54 MW

cycle efficiency and 40 MW ISO). The new essentially had the same footprint as the PA has newer DLE technology, enabling it
product was to be called the LM6000 and PB, but the LP turbine was improved, to meet a more stringent 15-ppm NOx
engine, denoting a product approaching allowing these machines to generate more standard. The LM6000PF was the first gas
6000 hp, and was a near-perfect match power, more efficiently, in simple-cycle ser- turbine capable of 15 ppm or lower NOx
for 60-Hz power generation, because the vice. The PA is upgradable to a PA-uprate, emissions with a simple-cycle efficiency
low-pressure (LP) spool was well suited to which basically behaves like a PC engine. above 40%.
operation at 3600 rpm. Many PCs were pressed into service in the The need for higher power output and
That was the basis for the launch of North American “peaker” segment in the combined-cycle operation encouraged fur-
the LM6000PA, which went into service in early 2000s (Fig 3). ther development of the LM6000 engine,
1991. NOx abatement was still with water It was not long before the need for beginning in the mid-2000s. It resulted
or steam, and a combination of water increased hot-day power became evident. in the LM6000PG (SAC) and PH (DLE)
scarcity and tighter regulations led to the GE responded with the Sprint™ (Spray models (Fig 4), both of which have the
development of the DLE version of the PA Intercooled Turbine) upgrade which uses same turbine footprint as their respective
model, called the PB, in 1994. water injection at the engine inlet to predecessors; all changes are internal to
It soon became apparent that the improve hot-day power output. Much of the turbomachinery.
market would demand more powerful the North American LM6000 fleet is now Increased air flow is achieved by operat-
machines, and the PC (SAC) and PD (DLE) Sprint-equipped. The mid 2000s also saw ing the basic LM6000 LP compressor at a
models followed in 1997. The PC and PD the introduction of the LM6000PF, which higher speed (~3930 rpm). The hot sec-

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62 Western Turbine Users Inc

55 PG

50 Single annular Sprint
HPC Sprint
Output, MW

PF Sprint at
PC Sprint 15 ppm

40 PD PD
PB DLE combustor
CF6-80C2 CF6-80E1

1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

5. LM6000’s success is the result of using proven, 6. First LMS100, a 100-MW intercooled engine, entered
advanced technologies to deliver greater value commercial service in 2006.

tion is derived from the CF6-80E1 aircraft compressor and turbines are derived from sia in 2013. Initially, the 50- and 60-Hz
engine, and there are changes to the com- GE’s CF6-80E1 aircraft engine. power turbines were slightly different, but
bustor and LP turbine as well. Combined, The LMS100 also has an all-new light- today there is one single power turbine
these changes enable the PG engine to weight two-stage intermediate-pressure specific to each model that is optimized
produce a nominal 54 MW (ISO/25-ppm turbine and a five-stage free power turbine for all applications.
NOx, water injection) and the PH engine for flexibility. Additionally, LPC discharge air LM engines have enjoyed continued
about 48 MW nominal (ISO). Today there is cooled before it enters the HPC. This worldwide success and acceptance, in part
are more than 850 LM6000 units in world- integrated arrangement allows fast starts, because of the millions of hours of opera-
wide service, operating in a wide variety of has very good load-following characteristics, tional experience with the basic design
applications (Fig 5). and high part-load efficiencies. features that were accumulated on their
The LMS100 engine was developed The first LMS100 PA (SAC) engine, parent flight engines from GE Aviation.
in the early 2000s. GE took a bold new rated 103 MW nominal at ISO condi- In addition, GE has continually strived to
approach to the 100-MW-class “hybrid” tions, entered commercial service in the improve its LM engines to meet customer
intercooled aeroderivative. It used some US in mid-2006. It can be water-injected expectations.
parts and technology from its bigger cous- to achieve 25-ppm NOx. The PA was fol-
ins—GE’s heavy-duty frame gas turbines. lowed by a DLE version, the PB engine, Madhu Madhavan, GE Power & Water/
For example, GE’s 6FA compressor tech- rated at 100 MW nominal/25 ppm NOx. Distributed Power, with Gil Badeer, Tayo
nology is used in the LMS100’s LPC; HP The first pair of PBs was installed in Rus- Montgomery, and Rick Hook

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Electric LM1500 and LM2500. TransCanada Turbines performs all
tests with natural gas.

In 2013 TCT completed commissioning on a state of the art

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existing test cell. It is fully capable of testing the LM6000 PA,
PB, PC, PD and PF gas turbines’. Among other features and
enhancements, the new test cell features a quick change design
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TransCanada Turbines Ltd., Tel: 1.403.420.4200

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Airdrie, Alberta, Canada, Email:
T4A 0K8

TransCanada Turbines Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2008 and OHSAS 18001:2007 Certified Company.
THE DEPOTS issues on the LM2500 and LM5000 gas
turbines that both the OEM and the users
were grappling with at the time.
Since its inception, WTUI has provided
a forum for the Air New Zealand team
to exchange technical information and
experience, to meet users and owners
face-to-face and build on relationships
that, in many cases, have lasted over 25
years (Figs 1-3).
Another very satisfying facet of WTUI
for the Air New Zealand team has been
the opportunity to meet and develop rela-

t’s been an interesting assignment the Marine & Industrial section was a very tionships with the many GE people and
for Air New Zealand Gas Turbines to small operation compared to the aircraft other independent vendors that support
reflect on its affiliation with WTUI and engines division. Prior to being drawn into the industry. A unique outcome of the
provide a brief historical account of that the M&I business, I couldn’t understand conference for ANZGT participants has
relationship. My first reaction was to del- why Garry and a small team of about six been the way the relationships among
egate this assignment until reminded that shop-floor mechanics were so passionate the GE independent authorized depots
I had been representing our company at and dedicated to it. have developed.
the conference since 1993. Garry Oliver, My first WTUI conference in San Diego It would be fair to say that through the
my boss back then, attended the first two (1993) changed all that. I was more than 1990s the independent depots took a
conferences in 1991 and 1992. happy to leave the so-called glamor of the side-line role at the conference, had little
Garry and I were heavily involved in aviation world and start a career working technical input in the breakout sessions,
managing and supporting Air New Zea- in an industry that was developing rapidly. and were there to primarily promote ser-
land’s aircraft maintenance—specifically, Most impressive to me was the efforts vice offerings to the customer base. We
overhaul and repair of the GE CF6-80 of the dedicated people involved—their were “booth dwellers” as once described
and RB211-524 engines. At that time, can-do attitude to resolving the technical to me by one of WTUI’s iconic personali-
ties, Brian Hulse.
One of the most significant develop-
ments for Air New Zealand Gas Turbines
and its ability to contribute to the WTUI
conference in a much wider sense came
in 2003. The board of directors invited
the depots to coordinate and facilitate the
technical breakout sessions at the confer-
ence. Success hinged on a collaborative
effort among MTU, TCT, IHI, and ANZGT.
Inviting four fiercely competitive com-
panies to come together in this way could
have been a recipe for disaster; however,
the opposite occurred. The desire of each
of the depots’ leaders and teams to do
what was right for WTUI by sharing collab-
oratively with conference attendees their
technical knowledge and experience was
1. Team Air New Zealand Gas Turbines agreed to unanimously.

2. ANZ stand at WTUI, 2001 3. ANZ’s growing presence at Western Turbine

25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 67

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68 Western Turbine Users Inc

volunteered to take positions on the board
and other roles to ensure the WTUI con-
ference continues to operate and prosper
are held in very high regard by us. Air New
Zealand Gas Turbines can attribute much
of its success, growth, and development
over the past 25 years to its association
with the WTUI and the users who support it.
On behalf of all the Air New Zealand-
ers who have attended, supported, and
contributed to WTUI conferences over the
past 25 years, I thank all the board mem-
bers, organizers, volunteers, owners, and
operators who have given their time, and
in many cases their business, to us and
the other depots.
4. How to make a “Kiwi” smile To close it is important for me person-
ally, and on behalf of Air New Zealand, to
From Air New Zealand Gas Turbines’ come to the conference proud of the cul- thank GE for its support over the years.
point of view, this collaboration has been a ture and personality of the New Zealand Air New Zealand Gas Turbines has never
major feature of the conference, defined by people, “the Kiwis” from down under. We underestimated the value of this support;
the unique relationships among the depots, have always respected the diverse spec- it has underpinned the strength of our
GE, WTUI, and the owner/operators of LM trum of people and cultures that attend technical expertise and knowledge.
engines. It has never compromised the abil- the conference (Fig 4). This has always From all of us at Air New Zealand Gas
ity of the depots to promote their services, made WTUI “special.” Air New Zealand- Turbines: Long live WTUI!
ensure fair competition, and maintain their ers have always felt welcome and valued
very high standards of technical expertise. participants. John Callesen, Manager, Air New Zealand
The Air New Zealand team has always The people from the industry who have Gas Turbines

vide aviation gas turbines to the Japanese

Air Self-Defense Force. It put into action
cooperative design, production, and quality
control. This was the beginning of a good
relationship between the two companies.
IHI developed the IM100, IM300, IM1500
gas turbines and related packages based on
the LM100, LM300, and LM1500.
In the 1970s, IHI developed the IM5000
gas turbine, comprised of an IHI power

HI was established in 1853, during IHI produced Japan’s first jet engine turbine and the LM5000 gas genera-
the dawn of the modern age in Japan. in 1945. Since then, the company has tor. The first IM5000 was delivered to a
Today, it has many diverse businesses amassed a vast spectrum of technolo- Japanese customer in 1978; IHI followed
serving a broad range of industries—includ- gies—some through international joint up with deliveries to US customers in the
ing gas turbines for electric power gen- development. Aircraft engines, including 1980s (table).
eration. In 2013, IHI celebrated its 160th design, fabrication, and maintenance, is IHI designed LM2500 packages for
anniversary. To make dreams come true one of these. To date, IHI has shipped over electric generating plants in the 1980s
for people worldwide for years to come, 560 GT packages—including the LM series. and also for the Japanese Maritime Self-
IHI Group draws on its technologies to In 1960, the company signed an agree- Defense Force. This helped to expand the
contribute to the development of society. ment of licensed production with GE to pro- aeroderivative gas-turbine market prior to

5, 6. IHI has been growing its pres-

ence at WTUI since expanding its US
operations in 2008

25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 69

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introduction of the LM6000.
In the 1990s, IHI-designed packag-
IHI IM5000/LM5000 installations
es were supplied to powerplants using Customer Location Year (no. of units)
LM1600 and LM6000. Meidensha Corp Numazu, Japan 1978(1), 1991(1)
Meanwhile, on the service side, IHI Power Development Board Kuhluna, Bangladesh 1980(2)
Simpson Paper Co Anderson, Calif 1982(1)
began organizing overhaul facilities to sup-
Dow Chemical Co Stade, Germany 1983(1), 1985(2)
port LM2500 maintenance in the 1970s. Simpson Paper Co San Gabriel, Calif 1985(1)
This effort continued over the years, and Power Development Board Chittagong, Bangladesh 1986(3)
since the 1990s the company has been Simpson Paper Co Ripon, Calif 1987(1)
certified as a Level 4 GE-authorized depot Procter & Gamble Oxnard, Calif 1989(1)
for maintenance of LM6000 gas turbines. Carson Energy Carson, Calif 1989(1)
In 2008, IHI expanded its operations Tenaga National Bhd Kapar, Malaysia 1994(2)*
in the US (Figs 5, 6), offering the com- * LM5000s; all other units installed were IM5000s
pany’s high-quality gas-turbine mainte-
nance services to more customers and
prospects. Two years later, it formed a
partnership with Reed Services Inc and a
branch office and shop were opened in
Cheyenne, Wyo. The Cheyenne Service
Center (CSC) is equipped with a compre-
hensive customer support system—includ-
ing maintenance tooling for all LM6000
models, a LM6000PC lease engine, and
an experienced field-service engineering
team (Fig 7).
Service capabilities. IHI provides a
wide array of services covering the lifecycle 7. Cheyenne Service
of LM engines—from design to package Center has tool-
delivery and maintenance. The company ing for all LM6000
has a package contract with GE and pro- models, plus a lease
vides customers in Japan and elsewhere engine
with an IHI-designed GT package. IHI has
8. LM-series Level
considerable experience with simple-
4 maintenance facili-
cycle, cogeneration, and combined-cycle ties are located at
GT applications and as an EPC contractor. IHI’s Kure Works
Important to note is that only IHI and GE (photo), as well as at
have the capability to supply LM6000 its Mizuho Works
power-generation packages worldwide.
Moreover, IHI also has developed GE- areas. The company has the only LM main- ensuring smooth implementation of high-
approved proprietary control systems. The tenance facilities in Asia authorized by GE. quality overhauls.
CSI series, especially the latest offering, Engines removed for scheduled or After completion of the overhaul, it con-
CSI-III+, makes it possible to control entire unscheduled maintenance at the Mizuho ducts engine running tests to confirm per-
plants as one integrated system. Customer Works are disassembled down to the parts, formance and function levels. A dedicated
plant operational data can be monitored and after inspection and repairs, they are test cell at Kure No. 2 Works is used for
by the proprietary IHI “imonitor” service reassembled. GE stipulates a major over- this purpose. The facility has special equip-
in real time at company headquarters. A haul of LM-series gas turbine after every ment and technology to accept many gas
comprehensive support system is part of 50,000 hours of service. IHI can repair turbines and undertake a range of highly
the imonitor service. almost all component parts in-house, effective post-maintenance tests on them.
IHI has accumulated a wealth of LM-series GT maintenance requires hot-
advanced technology and know-how. This section repair; IHI responds effectively to
has been refined through the company’s WTUI milestones this need. The Mizuho Works can deliver
aviation GT maintenance operations, result- n 2000. IHI accepts the offer by highly reliable hot-section modules for
ing in highly reliable maintenance services IM5000 users to participate in replacement at the customer’s facilities.
for the GT engine sector. The same high- WTUI. A package session was These modules have been disassembled,
level processes used in aviation-engine held from 2000 to 2005. inspected, repaired, and reassembled at
field and shop inspection and maintenance n 2006. IHI extends its support of Mizuho.
also is applied to aeroderivative gas tur- WTUI by exhibiting with a 10 × The CSC offers all field services and
bines, giving customers confidence in the 10-ft booth. Since 2009, IHI has module replacement at the repair facil-
company’s industrial services. participated with a 20 × 40-ft ity or the customer’s site. Finally, IHI has
IHI has two LM-series Level 4 mainte- booth and has supported the lease engines in stock for LM6000PA,
depot party.
nance facilities in Japan, at its Mizuho and LM6000PC, and LM6000PD models.
Kure Works (Fig 8). These shops estab- n 2008. IHI participates in its first They allow continuity of generation service
lished LM-series maintenance areas with LM6000 breakout session, shar- when a customer’s engine is undergoing
ing its technical knowledge.
aviation GT production and maintenance maintenance.
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 71
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72 Western Turbine Users Inc



MTU’s industrial gas-turbine experts
have been sharing their knowledge
with Western Turbine users for almost
two decades. This collaboration
includes presentations on technical
issues and solutions, as well as rec-
ommendations for operators.
The MTU team values its relation-
ship with the WTUI leadership and
conference attendees and looks for-
ward to participating in the meeting

TU Aero Engines, with head- and repair, to reassembly and subsequent each year. It is a productive venue for
quarters in Munich, Germany, testing (Figs 9-11). sharing information on the company’s
is a global leader in the devel- The Ludwigsfelde shops south of product line and service offerings.
opment, manufacture, and support of Berlin, the company’s center of excellence
commercial and military aircraft engines for IGT repairs, have been serving industrial n Engineering support for every type of
and industrial gas turbines. Maintenance, customers for more than 30 years. Shop gas turbine.
repair, and overhaul (MRO) of industrial capabilities include the following: n Quality system based on FAA-approved
gas turbines (IGTs) is a cornerstone of n Dedicated module shops. flight engine system—minimal toler-
the company’s activities, ranking high n Electronic piece parts tracking system. ances and highest quality standards.
among MTU Maintenance’s core com- n Proprietary stringent rotor stacking pro- Regarding the last point, it’s important
petencies. cedure. to note that MTU safeguards its high quality
The company is an authorized service n Latest balancing technology. standards via an integrated management
provider for all types of GE LM2500, n Hot-section replacement. system that monitors environmental pro-
LM5000, and LM6000 gas turbines. Its cus-
tomers are engaged in power-generation,
marine-propulsion, and compressor-station
applications—onshore and offshore. MTU
Maintenance benefits from a global repair
and service network and from a broad
knowledge base in the development,
manufacturing, and repair areas.
It closely cooperates with MTU shops
in Hannover, Munich, and Kuala Lumpur
(Malaysia). Plus the company has Level
II shops in the US, Thailand, Brazil, and
Australia, allowing MTU to serve custom-
ers in their domestic markets with minor
repairs, module exchanges, training, and
parts supply.
At MTU Maintenance Berlin-Branden-
burg, IGTs are maintained and repaired in
accordance with quality standards equiva-
lent to those applied in aviation, which are
among the most stringent in the world. Effi-
cient shop workflows and highly developed 9-11. Efficient shop workflows and highly developed processes at MTU
assure short turnaround times. Technician completes overhaul of an LM6000 in
processes ensure short turnaround times—
Fig 9 (above), build-up stand for an LM engine is in Fig 10 (left), and the tear-
from teardown through parts inspection down/re-assembly line at Ludwigsfelde is captured in Fig 11 (below)

25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 73

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74 Western Turbine Users Inc

tection efforts as well as the quality of its n Engine control services. beats replacement.” Simply put, it costs
products and services and the effective- n Training. less to repair most parts than to replace
ness of the company’s health and safety Package services include modifica- them, and the quality and reliability of a
program. The quality management pro- tions, retrofits, and upgrades of ageing repaired part matches that of a virgin part.
cesses and systems involved are audited powerplants to ensure their reliability, per- Extensive exchange of experience and
and certified regularly by internal and know-how among the MTU shops
external experts. help the company’s specialists to
Onsite services also are avail- continuously develop and improve
able. Ludwigsfelde’s specialists are repair techniques to optimize engine
on call around the clock, 365 days reliability and availability.
a year to serve customers. A hotline Testing. MTU Maintenance
service is provided for the immedi- prides itself on having one of the
ate organization of onsite work. world’s largest and most advanced
The company has long-term agree- IGT test cells (Fig 12). It can accom-
ments with some customers and, if modate LM2500 and LM6000 gas
requested, can handle maintenance turbines in their true service envi-
management as well as craft labor. ronments; LM5000 tests are con-
Services range from removal and ducted on an aero-engine test bed.
commissioning, onsite repair, peri- Thorough testing after an overhaul
odic inspections, remote monitoring, is important to assure optimum
and vibration analysis—plus engineering 12. MTU prides itself on the com- maintenance quality. Test capabilities
consulting and customer training. MTU pany’s advanced IGT test cells available to owner/operators include the
Maintenance makes sure customers are following:
optimally supplied with services, spare formance, and environmental compliance. n Natural gas supply.
parts, and leased gas turbines. Specific The portfolio of flexible operating options n Emissions measurements on DLE
onsite services include these: lists environmental and control solutions, as engines.
n Periodic inspections and Levels 1 and well as measures for power augmentation. n Combustor mapping.
2 onsite maintenance. Plus, the company is equipped to relocate n Slave power turbine for testing LM2500
n Individually scheduled preventive main- used plants when and where required. gas generators.
tenance. Repair beats replacement. The facil- n LP compressor booster trim balancing.
n Rotable units, tooling management, ity near Berlin uses innovative high-tech n Spectrum analysis of vibration measure-
spare parts supply/management. repair techniques that help customers save ments.
n Remote monitoring and trend analysis. money without sacrificing quality. MTU n Digital data recording of all relevant GT
n Vibration surveys, trim balancing, laser experts perform 80% of all component parameters.
alignment, DLE mapping. repairs in-house—true to their motto, “repair n Witnessing of test data.

the LM market. Despite competing globally

against each other on a daily basis, TCT
worked alongside its competitors to share,
document, and prepare technical material
for the LM users.
After months of collaboration, in 2002
Dale Goehring led the way for TCT at West-
ern Turbine, presenting on what the ASPs
were seeing in the fleet and what opera-

ransCanada Turbines Ltd’s (TCT) TCT was approached by the WTUI tors could do to address/prevent those
association with Western Turbine leadership team in 2001 to help support issues. Prior to that time, attendees were
Users Inc dates back almost to the the technical sessions at is annual con- accustomed to seeing the OEM on-stage
time of its formation in 1998 as a joint ven- ference. This created an unprecedented presenting the technical material.
ture between Wood Group Gas Turbines joint-venture atmosphere among the larg- In 2002, attendees were exposed to
and TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. est Authorized Service Providers (ASPs) in a radical change in conference format:

13. TCT opened its 220,000-ft² Airdrie custom depot in 2011. It is equipped with state-of-the-art engine test facilities.
Note the GT inlet and exhaust structures on the building roof and the load banks to the left

25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 75

14. Airdrie relies on a
cellular-based process
flow system for quicker
inductions and more effi-
cient turn times

Competing ASPs were stand-

ing shoulder to shoulder to
share their collective knowl-
edge with the users. This both
embraced the spirit of WTUI,
to share know-how and expe-
riences, and helped to solidify
the meeting as a truly techni-
cal environment focused on
the long-term benefits of the
equipment and its users.
At the 2007 meeting in Phoenix, Goehring began transitioning
TCT’s technical presentations to Steve Willard. The following year,
Willard took on the role as the company’s presenter full-time; he
has been a significant part of the WTUI conference since. During
(and even after) the meetings, he is always willing to sit down
with users and expand on any past, current, or new LM issues,
and work with owner/operators to resolve their concerns.
In 2011, the ASPs joined together once again to introduce a
joint hospitality event. It was so well received by the member-
ship, the “depot evening” has continued as an annual tradition.
Through its 13 years of participation at WTUI conferences,
TCT has established itself as a respected services provider in
the LM market, as evidenced by the support it provides cus-
tomers and by the growing support it gets from the LM users.
TCT knows a job will be successful when no one is hurt and
it is done correctly.
Capabilities. TCT is the only independent aeroderivative
repair and overhaul service provider in the world licensed by both

LOOK TO General Electric and Rolls Royce. With 17 years of industry experi-
ence, TCT provides reliable support for the LM2500, LM2500+,
and LM6000, as well as RR’s Avon and RB211 product lines.
In 2011, TCT opened a state-of-the-art 220,000 ft² custom
depot in Airdrie, Alta (just north of Calgary) to continue providing
FOR RELIABILITY – DEPENDABILITY – 24/7 SERVICE first-class service that consistently exceeds customer expecta-
tions (Fig 13).

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We supply gas turbine spare parts, accessories, components, ancillary
and control room items. Our extensive inventory provides a
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76 Western Turbine Users Inc

The new facility introduced a cellular-based process flow
system that allows for quicker inductions and more efficient
turn times through the use of 18 overhead cranes, nine bal-
ance machines, an automated cleaning line, and expansion of
in-house component repair technologies (Fig 14). To better
serve customers, TCT also has invested significantly in a large
pool of assets for rotable exchange (including engines and a
variety of modules).
Over the years, TCT has established several Level 2 facili-
ties—including Bakersfield, Houston, Syracuse, and Cumbernauld,
UK. All four Level 2 facilities are equipped with Level 1 and 2
field tooling. The Level 2 facilities are also the bases for our
50 TCT-employed and OEM-trained field service technicians.
TCT operates its Package Power Parts business from each
branch facility. This division is able to provide parts sales, ser-
vice, and technical guidance to almost any location worldwide.
It stocks a large inventory of LM2500 and LM6000 spare parts
for both turbines and power packages.
Prior to returning engines to customers after a shop visit,
TCT conducts performance tests at its Calgary test center. In
2013, TCT expanded its engine testing facility to better support
the LM6000PA, PB, PC, PD, and PF engine lines locally. The
new facility offers emissions mapping and monitoring services
and serves as the base of operations for Canadian Field Service
teams. Should customers not be at the test facility during their
engine’s overhaul, TCT offers online remote test witnessing, as
well as recording and playback options.
The company’s top priority in every function of its business
is health and safety. Its health and safety management system
meets the requirements of OHSAS 18001:2007; the company
received OHSAS 18001:2007 certification in 2010.
Throughout each process, procedure, and engine workscope,
quality is a major part of TCT’s business. All facilities are ISO
9001:2008 certified, allowing the company to provide quality
assurances to its clients regarding the inspection, repair, overhaul,
testing and field service of their equipment.
As a process-driven organization, TCT has documented and
implemented quality processes and working procedures that cover
all business-critical processes to ensure a consistent approach to
the way TCT works. Combining its quality system with the com-
prehensive OEM technical support services, operators are assured
their engines are assembled to the highest standards of quality.
Ultimately, however, the

key differentiator in TCT’s
service offering is based on
the people in the business,
and the customer-service
focus that is empowered in
everyone in the organiza-
tion (Fig 15).
Finally, TCT is proud
to be a part of the 25-yr
history of the Western
Turbine Users conference
and it looks forward to
supporting the group in
the years ahead.

15. The key differen-

tiator in TCT’s service
offering is said to be its
empowered employees

25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 77


Rick Wade
EthosEnergy Group
From his company’s small tabletop display
to a 40-ft booth space, Rick Wade, busi-
ness development manager, EthosEnergy
Accessories & Components LLC, has wit-
nessed the phenomenal growth of both
the WTUI conference and his company
over the last eight years. “It is the by far the
best, and definitely biggest, user confer-
ence in North America,” he says. “Maybe
even the world.”
“Through years of successful new
product and process development, often
spawned from WTUI member feedback,
today we are an OEM-authorized option
for LM fuel nozzle repairs as well as for
the servicing of many engine accessories.”
Clearly, WTUI has been invaluable to the
maturation of his company, and Wade’s
dedicated participation and collaboration
with other attendees certainly has contrib-
uted greatly to this growth.
In addition to the conference being a He especially enjoys the chance to play asks, recalling the several occasions they’ve
fantastic opportunity for vendors to nurture with other golfers and hackers alike in a played in rain and in windy as well as
relationships with all their customers in fun, competitive format. Generally their freezing-cold weather.
one place, Wade believes it fosters a truly outings during the annual golf tourna- With the annual golf tournament and
supportive atmosphere in which users and ment have been spectacular, on first-rate the Monday night dinner, WTUI offers an
vendors both are able to discuss relevant courses, but there are always some things invaluable venue for business development
issues and learn from each other in mutu- you cannot predict. “Remember Pasadena and a place to create special memories and
ally beneficial ways. at the Angeles National Golf Club?” Wade lasting relationships.
78 Western Turbine Users Inc
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John Fintland and is just as committed to the organization “Plant operators and engineers are not just
Advanced Filtration Concepts Inc today as he was 18 years ago. “The fact passing acquaintances; many have become
Approaching close to 20 years of par- that WTUI attracts users from around the friends,” he said.
ticipation with WTUI, John Fintland, AFC’s world has given AFC global recognition. I “Working with engineers such as Mark
president, recognizes the conference as remember when it was solely a West Coast Battaglia of Berry Petroleum has driven
an important aspect to the growth of his event; that’s certainly not the case today. us to be more application-specific and to
business. “The first show I went to in Palm I’ve met users all the way from Africa, focus on solving problems for generators
Springs (1996),” he said, “had perhaps New Zealand, and Kazakhstan, to Mexico, rather than simply selling a product. Serving
20 vendors filling two rows. It took a user Canada, and our own backyard.” customers such as Berry, NRG, Calpine, and
20 minutes to visit every supplier in the According to Fintland, the fact that the Southern California Edison has reassured
room; now the show takes up an entire vendors have two and a half days to meet AFC that we’re on the right track with our
convention center!” and mingle with the users puts WTUI on commitment to being service- and detail
Fintland has returned every year since a different level from the other GT shows. oriented. Those lessons have allowed us
to grow in other industries as well.”
Finally, WTUI plays a vital role in the
development and growth of AFC and the
GT filter brands it chooses to represent.

Mike Pipes
GE Power & Water
After leaving the US
Navy, Mike Pipes,
today the LM2500
services product
manager for GE
Power & Water/
Distributed Power,
quickly found his way
into a new industry.
Since 1993, this for-
mer officer has been involved with LM
engines, after joining the field engineer-
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 79

ing group of Houston-based Stewart & Gregory J Labas

Stevenson Services. Conntect Inc
Pipes is passionate about improv- “The first WTUI show Conntect did
ing engine and package offerings and was in Las Vegas,” company president
addressing the issues customers face Greg Labas recalls. “It was the second
on the ground. “My first five years in the or third year the group invited vendors
industry were pivotal. I gained an under- and it was so small that we just had
standing of the challenges customers simple tables with banners hung over
face when equipment or services don’t them. Now, of course, everyone shows
perform as expected.” up with large, intricate booths and it’s
During this time, Pipes spent many a whole different show.” But one thing
hours inside LM2500 and LM5000 hasn’t changed and that is the opportu-
exhaust collectors working on improve- nity to make personal connections with
ments to the alignment process. He other participants. “We’re there with our
developed the first alignment procedure customers, the guys who buy our stuff.”
that could be done without removing the Attending WTUI, he said, is not like
exhaust collector from the package, brought matured over the years. “I first attended in going to other conventions where there are
the laser alignment tool into common use 1996, so I missed WTUI’s simple begin- all kinds of people, students, and others
by S&S, and collaborated with colleagues nings. Then, it seemed more focused on who aren’t your customers. “At the WTUI
and GE engineers to develop the Sprint™ the time spent outside of the conference show, you know you’re talking directly to
performance enhancement product for rooms; now, however, I believe that the the people who run the plants. And on
the LM6000. group and its sponsors are more focused top of that, there’s a lot of camaraderie.”
Pipes managed the field engineering on the original intent of the gathering—find- Being involved with the WTUI has been
department for two years after S&S was ing ways to improve plant operations and a key part of Conntect’s success. “In the
acquired by GE. He then accepted a project reduce maintenance costs.” beginning, we didn’t know exactly who the
leadership role for conversions, modifica- For Mike, WTUI is about bringing people customers were,” Labas continued, “we
tions, and upgrades, later advancing to together to share knowledge and best had to go out and work to identify them.
manager. “It was during this time that I was practices. Collaborating with other users But with WTUI, we didn’t have to spend
able to strengthen the OEM’s relationship and with the OEM is what makes this user time identifying customers; instead, we
with WTUI,” he said. organization successful, and it is what will could spend time getting to know them.
In Pipe’s view, the conference has really ensure its success into the future. After a while, each convention seems like
80 Western Turbine Users Inc
Score Energy Advert_no bleed.pdf 1 21/01/2015 12:58:30





‘old home week’ and you get to see old Attending the conference definitely has According to him, WTUI as an organi-
friends—and do business.” paid off for Regional Director Bob Auguston zation works because of the dedication of
Conntect is proud of its high-quality and Rochem Technical Services. “WTUI has everyone involved, including the officers,
products and services, but the fact is they helped our company better understand the the leaders of the breakout sessions, the
are services that the users need, but aren’t needs and operational challenges of the depots, the users, and the vendors. “Our
essential to keeping the engines running. aeroderivative segment of the gas turbine company looks forward to participating in
So by getting to know the users through market,” he said. “From this, we’ve been the conference for many years to come.”
WTUI, Conntect builds trusted relationships. able to develop and provide products and
“We can then go to the plants, sit down services to meet these challenges.” From Keith Flitner
and talk to them, communicate the value Auguston’s perspective, attending the WTUI Parker Hannifin
of our services and learn about the chal- conference each year is smart business. The path to WTUI for Keith Flitner, global
lenges they’re facing. Then we talk about
what works and what doesn’t and why.
There’s just no better feedback than that.”
And no better relationships than with the
users from WTUI.

Bob Auguston
Rochem Technical Services USA Ltd
“The people who orga-
nize and attend WTUI are
amazing! Our company
has been at WTUI since
the Rio Bravo conference
in Bakersfield. We think
this is one of the best
user conferences, and it
provides the best value
and opportunity to con-
nect with the users and
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 81

account manager for Parker Hannifin’s fun and interesting. Without a doubt, the ful, our customers had to be successful.”
energy marketing team, started with a WTUI proves every year to be a valuable Because GE is large, it has a natural
degree in aerospace engineering from San forum for the industry. tendency to be slow relative to the needs
Diego State Univ. The company had been of the customers. Harmon’s job was to
an active supporter of WTUI for many years. Dan Harmon listen to the customer, assess the impact
Flitner said Parker’s growth in the power General Electric Co, retired of product issues on them, and then create
generation market has paralleled WTUI’s. As a GE representative for the LM6000 in the sense of urgency within GE for change.
“At first we focused on our role as the lead the early nineties, Harmon got involved The WTUI conference, he said, was
supplier for LM fuel nozzles and repairs. For with the WTUI conference just as that hands down the best forum we had to get
years our booth in the exhibition hall was engine model was being introduced. “I was the data direct from a large group of opera-
staffed by some now retired Parker people, there as the breakout session went from tors. “They were not shy about telling us
such as Frank Hanzlik and Mike Roth. More sparsely attended to the largest session as both the good and the bad about the prod-
recently, the company expanded its pres- the technology was adopted and the WTUI uct and processes so we could improve. It
ence to include information on over 60 conference went global.” often took collaboration between the OEM
Parker divisions that manufacture thou- The conference has been successful, and the customer to solve issues,” he said.
sands of products used around the world Harmon said, because of its focus on the Harmon supported the conference for
in electric generating plants.” operator. “But as an OEM representative, many years. “I met some outstanding indi-
What really has impressed Flitner is the I always felt welcomed, especially by Jim viduals and always looked forward getting
social nature of the WTUI. After the 20th Hinrichs, but also by every session chair- to know people in their jobs as human
anniversary in 2010, the company decided man and most operators.” beings.” Although now retired from GE,
to expand its presence at the meeting and Harmon supported WTUI first as the Harmon believes its participation in the con-
add a hospitality night. This has become LM6000 customer service engineer, then ference is important for everyone involved.
annual event to recognize friends and LM6000 product line manager, and finally
associates for their achievements during as the LM6000 product champion. “In Rick Parker
the past year. developing the LM6000, we tried to design Zokman Products Inc
Another comment offered by Flitner for reliability using lessons learned from “All of my experiences with WTUI—and I’ve
about WTUI involves participants who are LM5000. My philosophy from the begin- had a lot of them—have been good,” said
attending for the first time. He said it’s ning to the end was foremost to listen to Rick Parker, president, Zokman Products
always great when a user comes by our the customers and be honest with them Inc. “I’ve been involved with the organiza-
booth and is able to finally connect a face on the product issues. Nobody feels reli- tion for 21 years. My first conference was
with the Parker name. The stories that are ability more than the equipment operators. I in 1994, in Palm Springs, and I haven’t
shared and history exchanged is always believed strongly that for GE to be success- missed one since.”
82 Western Turbine Users Inc
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and Ingen do Brasil. Together they cover

sales for the entire Western Hemisphere.
“Because the event’s the focus on the
technical issues for the LM fleet,” he said,
“WTUI brings users from Canada all the way
down to Argentina.” Truth be told, it is the
rare user on the show floor who doesn’t
know the ZOK Man.

Dave Martin
“Oddly enough, I found
out about WTUI from
a competitor who had
exhibited, so I figured it
would be a good idea
to check it out. That was
1997 and I have been to
every WTUI since then,”
said Dave Martin, busi-
ness development man-
Asked about how the organization has ritory that covered the Midwest. “It was a ager for HPI LLC. He has
changed over the years, he said, “Most real grind,” he recalled, “but the customer worn three hats in the 18
notably, there were fewer users back in relationships I established over the years years he has attended
the early 1990s, which makes sense. made it all worthwhile.” Today, the reach of WTUI, starting with SKF’s
When I first started attending, there were Zokman Products has expanded, to say the Condition Monitoring Div,
fewer than 50 LM6000s out there, and least, as his company now is the master moving to Meggitt’s Vibro-Meter Div, and
now, there are nearly 1200. The group distributor of Zok compressor cleaners for recently joining HPI, which specializes in
and this sector of the industry have grown the Americas. controls, O&M services, NERC cybersecurity
exponentially, which has been great for Now Parker brings to WTUI representa- solutions, and turbine MRO.
our business. The more units, the better!” tives from Falcon Crest Aviation, Reed Ser- He is one of the few attendees to
Rick started out with a small sales ter- vices, PETSA International, GPI International, participate in the WTUI biathlon: golf and
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 83

Reg Morse
Bremco Inc
“Bremco attended its first WTUI meeting
about 10 years ago with Bill Kitterman and
Bob Morse manning our booth, “ President
Reg Morse said. “This gave us the oppor-
tunity to display our services to new and
existing clients. We found many customers
attended this show and they often brought
colleagues to our booth to introduce us to
them directly.”
The conference has proven extremely
beneficial to our company; it allows us
to plan meetings with key vendors, plus
customers and prospects attending the
exhibition. WTUI has become one of our
most important meetings because of the
number of key people participating from
across the country. We certainly appreciate
the effort the leadership team has put into
tennis. A native of Sonora, Calif, Martin is to a full-blown exhibition with like 100 providing a first-class venue which contin-
very familiar with the back roads of the state vendors.” He continued, “I was with Vibro- ues to satisfy the needs of all who attend.
where many LM units can be found. “In Meter for 13 years and our sales increased
the days before GPS, a lot of plants were 28-fold during my time there and more Mike Kassner
not easy to find but we did, especially in than a quarter of that business came from GasTOPS
the Oil Patch!” the LM fleets.” GasTOPS has been active in WTUI for more
The growth of the WTUI annual confer- Martin credits his long-time relationships than 15 years. “The annual conference and
ence and exhibition has seemingly paral- with the likes of Steve Lancaster, Audun exhibition is a mainstay in our corporate
leled his own business success. “I think Aaberg, John Vermillion, Wayne Feragen, marketing activity to the North American
it was 2002 in Tucson when I noticed an Chuck Casey, and Wayne Kawamoto as a LM engine owners and operators,” said
inflection point for WTUI. It went from big reason he keeps coming back, not to Mike Kassner, director of business devel-
about 20 or 30 booths in a small room mention, all the new faces over the years. opment, “and the company is grateful for
84 Western Turbine Users Inc
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the business opportunities it has provided.” retrofitted in the field. Lester Stanley, PE
GasTOPS provides innovative, advanced Kassner closed saying, “The engaged HRST Inc
control and condition assessment systems and dedicated WTUI organizers have In the mid-1990s, years before our com-
and services that ensure reliable and cost- consistently created a high-quality, pro- pany was formed, engineers now part of
effective operations of critical equipment. fessional event that is an ideal venue for HRST attended WTUI as employees of a
The power-generation and oil-and-gas exhibiting and sharing experiences. My boiler manufacturer. I’ll never forget Jack
industries benefit from GasTOPS tech- fondest memory was the evening aboard Dow’s scolding when I attempted to take
nologies through the implementation of its the USS Midway in San Diego a few years down the booth an hour before the official
advanced condition monitoring solutions. ago. It comprised a tour of the aircraft car- end of the conference. Jack and wife Gae
Condition assessment solutions from rier, an elaborate dinner, a 10-piece band, ran a tight ship.
GasTOPS provide information about the and spectacular fireworks. It was one of WTUI “after hours” events were leg-
mechanical health of critical, high-value, the best-staged corporate events I have endary: Drinks in the hotel bar, drinks in
rotating machinery. GasTOPS’ flagship ever seen.” the Monterey aquarium, live heavy-duty
product, MetalSCAN, provides rock-n-roll to the remnants of Bad
aeroderivative GT users with Company, plus the Doug Flutie
the earliest possible warning Band, etc. Thankfully, cell phones
of bearing failure, potentially with cameras were not around
saving millions of dollars from yet, so no photos exist to damage
secondary damage and lost the careers of the participants!
production revenue. Remember the impromptu guitar
The online monitoring sys- solo by a gifted user at one of
tem senses metal particles these “concerts” just before the
in engine lube oil, monitors millennium?
the progression of damage, Another personal favorite mem-
and provides early indica- ory is renting a six-person sailboat
tion to operators via warning in San Diego with engineers from
and alarm limits. MetalSCAN a major SCR supplier, and requiring
was first used on GTs 20 an emergency docking after about
years ago; today it is installed two hours for a restroom break.
on more than 300 engines. Root cause: Beer and light winds.
The system can be installed Once HRST formed, our small
by the OEM at the factory or team, with virtually no marketing
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 85

budget, knew it needed to attend WTUI if we Boothman was born (photo)! It was a Around 2006, an LM6000 user from
wanted HRSG service business. But profits big success. Plus, it was inexpensive, folded Canada spoke to us about the repeti-
were slim and purchasing a professionally to fit in my suitcase, and was an eye-catcher tive economizer tube leaks his unit was
designed booth display was out of the ques- for users on the show floor. Hotel towels experiencing. Our investigation revealed
tion; so as good engineers, we improvised. were temporarily removed from the room overnight shutdowns caused 5C water to
In 2003, I built a custom plywood and stuffed in the coveralls to provide form. enter the back end of the heat exchanger,
support frame in my garage, with care- Even today, we refer to our PowerPoint slide which was full of 100C water from residual
fully positioned hinges, to support a pair set showcasing our products and services shutdown heat.
of my coveralls and hard hat, and a very as the Boothman file. Pow! The startup each morning gave
expensive ($400) flat display panel that Users attending WTUI have been the economizer a huge thermal shock.
would mount to the frame and poke out instrumental to technology development By the end of the following year, we had
the chest of the coveralls. and business success at HRST. Example: developed and installed HRST’s first Shock-
Master economizer. The leaks stopped. A
few years later, this same technology was
retrofit into an LM6000 HRSG operated
by another WTUI member with the same
positive result.

Turbine Technics Inc
Shawn Burdge represented the company
at its first WTUI exhibition in 2006; the user
group’s 25 anniversary is Turbine Technics’
10th year of participation, and Burdge is
still in the booth.
Significant relationships, both in busi-
ness and in friendship, have been devel-
oped through WTUI participation. Many
users have become regular customers
86 Western Turbine Users Inc
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and collaboration with other vendors on pressure drop, and use of heavy-duty was founded by Bill da Silva in 2003. A
the show floor has enabled the company frames for prefilters. no-nonsense man with a steely resolve at
to expand its product line. work in the field, da Silva was a fun guy
National to be around in a casual environment.
TVS Filters Mechanical He had a big heart and warm smile and
Fran Redisi has participated in WTUI Services Inc was always good for a joke or entertaining
exhibitions since 1996; booth partner NMS, a field-service “war” story. Following his untimely passing
Dal Scivley since 2007. They said many company special- about four years ago, da Silva’s wife and
users have contributed to TVS’s success izing in generators, daughters took over his office and con-
by suggesting product-line improvements heavy rotating equip- tinued building the business as he would
such as high-efficiency media, longer- ment, and outside have—including annual participation in the
length filters to extend life and reduce machinery repairs, WTUI exhibition.

25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 87


Groome Industrial Service at his former plant. Today the company company is licensed by GE as a repair
Group works in 30 states and has developed facility for LM5000 PTs.
additional services with the encourage-
VP Jeff Bause showcased his company’s ment of Western Turbine users. W L Gore & Associates Inc
services for cleaning SCR and CO cata- WTUI has been a reliable resource for col-
lyst for the first time at WTUI in 2009; it Sulzer laboration during the development of the
was Groome’s first user group meeting. Warren Holmes and Mike Curran were in company’s line of hydrophobic HEPA inlet
Bause remembered John Baker urging the Sulzer booth at the company’s first filters for gas turbines. Alliance Pipeline was
Groom’s participation in Western Tur- WTUI meeting in 2008. LM5000 power the first user member to share case studies
bine while they worked collaboratively turbine and industrial frame unit repair on its early experience with our product
to resolve some of Baker’s O&M issues capabilities were showcased. Today the at the group’s 2012 show. Since then, we
have learned more as Alliance expanded
its use of HEPA filters. The sharing of this
information through WTUI has had a sig-
nificant impact in broader adoption of Gore
filters for GTs.

Gas Turbine Controls Corp

WTUI has given us the opportunity to
expand our operations to the West Coast,
with particular emphasis on the LM mar-
ket, Sam Leyton said. GTC has been
showcasing its Speedtronic spares in the
exhibit hall every year since 2007. The
show has helped the company develop
and strengthen relationships with key LM-
focused vendors that it may not have met
had GTC not been exhibiting.

CSE Engineering Inc

CSE has exhibited at WTUI every year
since 2007 and its general manager,
88 Western Turbine Users Inc
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Steve Morton, has attended every meet- understood the value of the conference significantly to the company’s success.
ing since 2000—the first seven years as a and exhibition well, having participated Example: It helped to cement the relation-
user. Several of the company’s largest and under a different company name for six ship between Advanced Turbine Support
most loyal customers also participate in years before AGTSI opened its doors. LM and TransCanada Turbines that led to the
this event, providing another opportunity users have contributed significantly to the former becoming a TCT-approved inspec-
for collaboration. company’s success. tion vendor. Collaboration with users
led Advanced Turbine Support buying
AGTSI Advanced Turbine Support a Sweeny Turning Tool to facilitate LM
Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Support Inc was Advanced Turbine Support is participating borescope inspections.
founded by Alan Mibab in 2004 and has in its seventh consecutive WTUI meet-
participated in WTUI since that year. Mibab ing this year. The event has contributed C C Jensen Inc
Sales Manager Axel Wegner is the face of
C C Jensen at powerplants nationwide; he
participates in WTUI every year. Wegner
said users have been instrumental in the
development of the company’s four-in-one
filtration unit to address different contami-
nants by simply changing to special filter
inserts to remove particles down to 0.5
micron, water, acidity, and soluble and
insoluble varnish. The company’s compact
HDU fine filter prevents turbine hydraulic
related trips while prolonging bearing and
lube-oil life.

Duct Balloon
Gary Werth has been demonstrating stack
balloons for use during unit layups for the
five years he has been attending WTUI.
They prevent the free flow of air through a
unit when it is shut down guarding against
the ingress of dirt and moisture.
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 89
SPONSORS, 2010-2014
Each sponsor is listed by its official name at the time of the company’s most recent sponsorship. One or more of these entities may
be operating under a different name today, or may no longer be in business

Aeroderivative Gas Turbine

A & I Accessory Ltd Advanced Filtration Concepts Support Inc

Airgas Specialty Products ANZGT ap+m

Avio Brush Aftermarket Inc Castrol Power/BP Energy

CEMTEK Environmental Inc Chromalloy Clean Air Engineering Inc

Conntect Inc Cormetech Inc CSE Engineering Inc

Express Integrated
Delta Air Quality Services Inc Donaldson Company Inc Technologies LLC

Global Air Filtration Solutions

GasTOPS Ltd Inc Haldor Topsoe Inc

HPI LLC IHI Corp Interlink Power Systems Ltd

90 Western Turbine Users Inc

JAD Chemical Co Jet Aviation Specialists Inc Kellstrom Power Group

Maximum Turbine Support Meggitt MT R & O

MTU Maintenance Berlin-

Brandenberg National Electric Coil OEM Parts Network LLC

Pacific Industrial Systems

Technology Parker Hannifin Corp Puretec Industrial Water

Rochem Technical Services USA

Quality Industrial & Marine Ltd SJ Turbine Inc

Thermo Fisher Scientific TransCanada Turbines Turbine Technics Inc

Universal Acoustic & Emission

Technologies Inc Wood Group Pratt & Whitney Woodward Inc

Young & Franklin Inc Zokman Products Inc

25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 91

EXHIBITORS, 2010-2014
Each exhibitor is listed by its official California Analytical Instruments Everest Sciences Corp
name at the time of the company’s most
recent participation. One or more of Callidus Technologies by Honeywell Evoqua Water Technologies
these entities may be operating under a Camfil Power Systems Exponent Inc
different name today, or may no longer Cashman Equipment Express Integrated Technologies LLC
be in business
CEMTEK Environmental Inc Fiorentini USA
A & I Accessory Ltd ChemTreat Inc Fossil Energy Research Corp (Ferco)
A & I Component Support Ltd Chromalloy GARD Specialists Co
AAF International CLARCOR Industrial Air Gas Turbine Controls Corp
Advanced Chemical Technology Clean Air Engineering Inc Gas Turbine Efficiency
Advanced Filtration Concepts Cogeneration & Onsite Power GasTOPS Ltd
Advanced Turbine Support LLC GE Energy
Combined Cycle Journal
Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Support Inc GE Measurement and Control
Component Repair Technologies Inc
Aero-Link Marine & Power GE Power & Water
Conntect Inc
AGTServices Inc GE Tech Development
Continental Controls Corp
AHM Associates GE Water and Process Technologies
Controlled Motion Solutions Inc
Airgas Specialty Products Global Air Filtration
Cormetech Inc
Airgas West Global Industrial Solutions
Coverflex Manufacturing Inc
Alpha Industrial Power Global Trade Media
Alstom Power Goodrich Corp
CR Energy Group
Ametek Power Instruments Goyen Pentair
CSE Engineering Inc
Ammonia Process Safety Gradient Lens Corp
Management CTI Industries Inc
Groome Industrial Service Group
Analysts Inc Cust-O-Fab Specialty Services LLC
GT Ice
ANZGT Custom Instrumentation Service Corp
Hach Co
ap+m Haldor Topsoe
Danfoss High Pressure Pumps
Hamon Deltak
ARB Inc Danfoss Nessie
Harco Laboratories Inc
Arrow Products Support DeepSouth Hardware Solutions LLC
HDR Technical Services
ATCO Environmental Systems Dees Fluid Power
Heat Transfer Solutions
Atlas Inspection Technologies Inc Delta Air Quality Services Inc
HEICO Aerospace
Avio Deltak
Hill Brothers Chemical Co
Avista Technologies Inc Detector Electronics Corp
The Hilliard Corp
Avogadro Group Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide
Horiba Instruments Inc
Babcock & Wilcox Co Doble Engineering Co
Barnhart Crane & Rigging Donaldson Company Inc
Baseload Power and Generation Parts Drake Controls LLC
& Services LLC Hydranautics, a Nitto Denko company
DRB Industries LLC
BASF Corp Hydratight Sweeney
Duct Balloon
Bently Pressurized Bearing Co Hydraulic & Servo Dynamics
Eagle Burgmann Expansion Joint
BP/Castrol Solutions HydroAir Hughes/Dees Fluid Power
Braden Manufacturing LLC ECT Inc Hy-Pro Filtration
Bremco Inc Edison ESI IHI Corp
Brush Aftermarket Inc Electrical Maintenance Consultants IMR Test Labs
Brush Turbogenerators EmeraChem LLC Industrial Cooling Solutions Inc
BSI Turbines Emerson Process Management Industrial Solution Services Inc
Buffalo Pumps Energy Parts Solutions Industrial Tests Inc
C C Jensen Oil Maintenance Engineered Turbine Components Innovative Control Systems Inc
CCJ ONline Inc Environex Inc Innovative Steam Technologies
Caldwell Energy Esterline Sensors Services/Weston Integral Cables Inc
92 Western Turbine Users Inc
Integrated Turbomachinery Inc Pall Corp Sulzer
Interlink Power Systems Ltd Parker Hannifin Corp Swan Analytical USA
Intertek APTECH PAS MRO Sweeney
Intertek Asset Integrity Management PAS Technologies Inc Switch Filtration
Iris Power, Qualitrol Petrochem Insulation Synapp North
JAD Chemical Co Petrotech Inc Synergy Catalyst
Jet Aviation Specialists Inc PIC Group Inc T2E3 Inc
Johnson Matthey PME Babbitt Bearings Tarco Systems Inc
Kellstrom Power Group Pneumafil Corp TAS Energy Inc
Kiewit Power and Process Equipment Inc Taw Miami Service Center Inc
Kobelco Compressors America Power Engineers TDC Filter
Koch Filter Power Plant Services TDI-Tech Development Inc
Koenig Engineering Inc Power Process Equipment Inc Tech Development Inc
Liburdi Turbine Services Inc Powergenics Teledyne Monitor Labs Inc
Lindsay Engineering Precision Engine Controls Corp Tezzco Inc
Lone Star Controls Precision Iceblast Corp Thermo Fisher
Ludeca Inc ProEnergy Services Thomas Construction Resources
Lufkin Industrial Inc Puretec Industrial Water TIC/Kiewit
Macemore Inc QinetiQ Ltd TransCanada Turbines
Mainsaver Software Quality Generator Services Turbine Air Systems Ltd
Maxim Group Quality Industrial & Marine Turbine Blading & Parts LLC
Maximum Turbine Support Redline PdM Turbine Controls & Excitation Group
McGuffy Energy Services ReGENco LLC Turbine Generator Maintenance
MDS Coating Revak Turbomachinery Services Turbine Technics Inc
Mechanical Solutions Inc Turbine Technology Services Corp
RF Systems Lab
Mee Industries Inc Turbo Machined Products LLC
Rhinestahl Corp
Meggitt TurboCare
Richard Wolf Industrial
Metrix Vibration Turner EnviroLogic
Risk Management Professionals Inc
Metso Automation TVS Filters
Rochem Technical Services USA Ltd
Midwesco-TDC Filter United Controls Group
Rockwell Automation
MISTRAS Group Inc Universal Acoustic & Emission
Royal Systems Group Technologies
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Score Energy Ltd
Americas Inc US Petrolon Industrial Inc
Sentry Equipment Corp US Water Services
Mobile Excitation Services LLC
SICK Mahihak Inc UTC Aerospace Systems
Modern Power Systems
Siemens Industry Inc Vaisala
Moran Iron Works Inc
Sigma Energy Solutions Pty Ltd Valin Corp
MTU Maintenance Berlin-
Brandenberg SJ Turbine Inc Veotec (Americas)
Munters Corp SKF Condition Monitoring Inc VIM Technologies Inc
NAES Corp SKF USA Inc W L Gore & Associates
Nalco Co Solberg Oil Mist Solutions Weir Specialty Pumps (Roto-Jet)
National Electric Coil Sound Technologies Weston Aerospace
National Mechanical Services Southwest Networks Inc Willbros Group Inc
Nationwide Boiler Inc SSS Clutch Co Wood Group GTS
Nationwide Environmental Solutions Standard Aero Wood Group Pratt & Whitney
Natole Turbine Enterprises Inc Stork H&E Turbo Blading Inc Woodward Inc
OEM Parts Network Strategic Contract Resources Wunderlich-Malec
Olympus NDT Inc Strategic Power Systems Inc Young and Franklin
Pacific Industrial Systems Technology Structural Integrity Associates Inc Zokman Products Inc
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 93
A Ralph Beckman Shannon Camero Bob Cross Greg Faith
Audun Aaberg Mickey Bellard Thomas Campone Thomas Crowley Stephen Farrell
Robert Abston Rohn Benfield Tom Campone Linn Crowser Rob Farthing
Scott Adair Chris Benkman John Cannon Reggie Crumly Bud Fentress
David R Adams Nils Berge Richard Cano Nick Cruz Wayne Feragen
Baltazar Aguilera Paul Bernard Dick Carbajal Paul Cummins Karla Ferbey
William Aguilera Bruce Berry Miguel Carballo Allen Cupples David Fisher
Tom Akers Dan Bertrem Victor Carnaggio Bryan Currie Larry Flood
Jose Alba Bill Bess Mike Carpentar David Curtis Rafael Flores
Meredith Albertelli Jim Beveridge Rodney Carstenson Josh Curtis Sam Floriani
Manuel Alberto Kishore Billapati Dale Cart Tom Cutler Annie Flynn
Eustacio Alderette Steven Billing Eric Carter D Kevin Foley
Dave Alexander Roger Bishop Gail Carter David Damon Richard Folstad
Russel Alexander Randy Blake Chuck Casey Bill Daniels Bruce Forbes
Jeff Allen Warren Blake Mike Cashon Rick Darnell Howard Forepaugh
Brian Alligood Jerame Blevins Clyde Casiano Dorothy Daugherty Mardc Forget
Freddy Alvarez Mark Blezard Brian Cassidy, PE Kenneth David Wayne Forsyth
Ariel Alviz Charles Blizzard Chase Cassity Robert Davis Charissa Frankel
Jim Amarel Jim Bloomquist Matthew Cassle Steven Davis Eric Friehauf
Bob Amon Chris Bluse Steve Caterino Tim Davis Warfield W Frisbie
Raul Anaya Jessica Bogart John Cates Mario de la Torre Adam Frizzell
Dan Angeles Steve Bolton Jill Cejka Donald DeAndrade Eric Fung
Roger Applehans Mike Bomgardner Klever Cevallos Tiffany Delph Socrates Furtado
John Archibald Richard Bonds Tyson Chambers Ward Dennis G
Suresh K Arcot Mike Bonomo Jose Chanes Gennaro Desantis Mike Gabriel
Art Arechiga Bob Bosse Herbert Chang Greg Devens Kevin Gaddis
Dan Arellano Jerry Bosse Devin Chapin Bryon Dey Richard Gaines
Napoleon Arellano Justin Bosserman Bob Chappelear Rick Dillavou Cathy Galbraith
Joe Armendariz Ty Bowling James Charles Steve Dingsdale John Galm
Michael Armstrong John Bowtell Robert Chernsky Yuri Garabekyan
Donald Dionne
Hernan Arrigone Jonathan Boyce David Cherrick Antonio Garcia
Rita DiStefano
Enrique Arroyo Alvin Boyd Rostamik Chetin Jeffrey Garcia
Hal Dittmer
Mark Ashford Jeff Bozigian Ken Chisholm Rachel Garza
Aaron Dodgson
Nick Ashworth Pete Bradbury Dave Christensen Philip Gehring
Chris Dodson
Bryan Atkisson Bobby Bradford MarKay Christiansen Andrew Gerlings
Tina Dolin
Travis Atkisson Joe Bradley Richard Christmas Ken Gestel
Charli Dong
Frank Aufdermaur Eric Brady Nathan Chubet Alex Ghimpu
Dawson Dong
Carlos Avalos Robert Brassard Young Chung Auny Giang
Pat Donovan
Olawale Ayadi Mark Breen Monty Clapham Simar Gill
Jack Dow
David Ayers Phil Brewer Cristy Clark Kevin Gilliam
Chris Bromell Dan Dowler
Shebnem Azizova Don Clark Brett Gish
Matt Driscoll
B Robert Brooks Ken Clark
Don Driskill
Nick Gladkoff
Jerry Babic Ron Brooks Richard Clark Rick Gohlich
Brandon Brown Patrick Drysdale
John Baker Chuck Clavir Mark Gollini
Buddy Brown John Clifford Simon Ducker
Mike Baker Francisco Gonzalez
Cliff Brown Brendan Clinch Steve Duff
Jan Willem Bakker Robert Gonzalez
Kenneth Brown Brett Coffin David Dufour
Mardel Baldwin Chris Gordon
Robert Brown Michael Cognata Julio Dumar
Thomas Ball Kristof Gorissen
Taylor Brown Mike Cognata Matt Dummer Ross Gould
David Balseca
Mike Balzer Tim Brown Roger Cole Norm Duperron Daniel Grabski
Jason Bandy Luc Brunelle Marty Collins Alex Durbala Paul Grady
Rick Barbye Allison Bryan Steve Collins James Dutton Alfonso Granillo
Erasmo Barcelos Karl Bryan Myla Colson Terry Duynhoven Carrie Grant
Michael Barge Kevin Brydon Kerry Coman Chester Dvorak Bill Grassi
David Barraza Michael Buchanan Glenn Combs Bill Dwyer Dennis Greaser
Rudy Barrett Derek Bunt Greg Conlin Sue Dyer John Green
Charles Barter Greg Burdick Darren Conway E Bill Greer
Tom Bartley Michael Burger Das Cook James Eargle Fern Grenier
Hector Basulto Don Burkard Marcia Cooper Jerry Ebert James Griggs
Jim Bateman Jim Burke Michael Cooper Dennis Edmonson Garry Grimwade
Mark Battaglia Mike Burton James Cooper Thomas Edwards Jim Groff
Mariano Bautista Charles Byrom Corrie Corbridge Kathy Ehasz Rick Grubb
Dan Bavery C Jason Cornelison David Emerson Andrew Grzybek
Aaron Beadle Ann Caballero John Corner Rick Empey Peter Grzybowski
Steve Bean Jon Caccamise Diego Correa Keith Enox Joe Guerra
Leroy Earl Beatty Bill Caldwell Bill Cotton Peter Erickson Nicolas Guerra
Mark Beaulieu Mike Calic Rodney Crockford Antonio Estrada Luis Guerreo
Damon Beck Nathan Callis Jordan Crone F Harold Guidotti
94 Western Turbine Users Inc
Andrew Gundershaug Lori Houtz Ryan Keefe Eduardo Lucena Jason Miller
Ed Gunerson Pete Howard Jack Kelly Julian Lucero Jim Miller
Ted Guth Steve Howard John Kelly Jeffery Lund Paul Miller
Darren Guthrie Don Howe John Keltner Mogens Lyhne Richard Miller
Ian Guthrie Bryan Hoyum Frank Kemsley M Shawn Miller
Jose Gutierrez Greg Huber Jane Kendall Emory Mack Levon Mkrtchyan
Victor Gutierrez Genny Huffman Mark Kettner Kenneth MacKenzie Michael Mngodo
H Kevin Hughes Apichart Khaimuk Tiemen Maebe George Mollison
Douglas Haglund Steve Hughes Max Kile Marty Magby John Molloy
Don Haines Brian Hulse Jon Kimble Glen Magone Albert Montano
Mostafa Haji Jason Humphrey Chris Kimmich Terry Mahoney Scott Montgomery
Cheryl Hale Tom Hundley Scott Kimpton Jeff Maier John Moore
Randall Kevin Hall Hector Hurtado Jason King Karl Maier Roger Moreno
Ronald Hall Patrick Huth Robert Klein Abdul Waheed Malik Anthony Moretto
Jim Hammer John Hutson Gary Knapp Brian Mallory Dan Morgan
Nicholas Hammett I Wes Knapp Sloan Mambrini Tim Morrison
Steve Hance John Iachetta Don Knox Tim Mann Danford Mpalanzi
Gordon Hanley Bob Ibrahim Dave Koch Michael Manoucheri Keith Muchnick
Piyapan Hannarkin Shahid Zafar Imrani Arthur Kocian Paul Mansfield Rob Munn
Brad Hans Vincent In Den Kleef Robert Kofsky Allen Manso George Munoz
Jim Hansen Ed Irvin Zane Koos Sam Manson Cory Munro
Vernon Hansen Spencer Ishikawa Stephen Kosler Ted Margeson Christopher Murphy
Johnny Hanshew J Gorissen Kristof Sen Marrero Mel Murphy
Brent Harder Mike Kromer Jaymes Martens Ron Muse
Ed Jackson
Willard Harlow Brian Krupp Jeff Martin Robert Myres
Joe Jackson
Karl Haroldsonn Scott Kuder Ward Martin James Mysliwiec
Scott Jacobucci
Daniel Harris Lauren Kyker Jose L Martinez
John James N
Joshua Harris Kevin James L Tony Martinez Tim Najour
Justin Harris Ted Jankowski Jim La Spina Francis Martyn Rob Nave
Jason Hartman Ralph Jannelli Cliff Lacey Bob Mason Robert Neff
Derek Harvey Michael Janny Roman Ladaw Tony Matlavage Patricio Neffa
Tim Harwick Greg Jans Kathryn Lamal John Mauri Larry Neighbors
Frank Hauk Kurt Lammrish Alicia May
Robert Janssen Aaron Neill
Roy Hay Steve Lancaster Welden Mayo
David Jansson David Nelson
Chris Heiberger Ken Lance Roman Mazur
Tim Jarecke Jeff Nelson
Christopher Hekel Shawn Landry Rick McAlice
Roger Jasper Marc Nerinckx
Brad Helm Barry Langberg Tim McCandless
Christopher Jewell Marc Nering
Darren Helt Prayut Laoteng Mike McCollough
Ed Jimison Allen Netardus
Timothy Heltsley Kenneth Larsen Grant McDaniel
David Jiron Andrew Nethercott
Brian Henderson Allen Laven Mark McDaniels
Azim Jivan Ray Newman
Robert Henderson Tony J Lawlor Joe McFadden
Kyle Joesel Mark Newsted
Sidney Henry John Lax Eric McFetridge
Ira Joffee Theodore Nguyen
Dave Hermanson Khuong Le Robert McGinnis
Andrew Johnson Joe Nichols
Paulette Heuer Tai Le Rachel McGrath
Dennis Johnson Scott Leasia Randy Nielsen
Heiner Heyen Darryl McInroy
Dustin Johnson Fred LeBlanc Timothy Nishikubo
Doyle Hibler David McIntyre
Lewis Johnson Jeremy Leckelt Gary Normoyle
Freddie Hicks Chris McKenzie
Rodney Johnson Benjamin Lee Bosco Noronha
Rob Hiestand Scott McLellan
Dustin Highers Steve Johnson Jeffrey Lee Robinson McMahon Andre Norwood
James Higueria Brad Jones Matthew Leedom Ryan McMillan Doug Nuttman
Denis Hill Eddie Jones Joel Lepoutre Robert McNeill O
Gregory Hill Ernest Jones Manakan Rick McPherson Henry Oberholster
Justin Hill Jim Jones Lertsamattiyakul Aaron Mdemu Mike O’Brien
Matt Hill Mark Jones Perry Leslie Dottie Mears David Odorizzi
Shaun Hindmarsh Mike Jones Ricky Leung Ray Meche Jason Offutt
Luke Hinkle K John Levy Ricardo Medina Rafael Oganesyan
Jim Hinrichs Larry Kafchinski Bill Lewis Thomas Mee Matthew O’Hara
Bill Hiss Akram Kandouz Randy Lewis John Melley Frank Oldread
Andrew Ho Makoto Kaneko Jerry Likewise Erick Mendez Glade Olds
Roberto Hodge Eric Kang Francis Lim Roberto Mercado Ricardo Oliveira
Justin Hoffman Uni Kano Manuel Lombardero David Merritt Buck Oliver
Howard Hoffmann Ken Karasch Steve Longney Frank Messineo Patrick Ombrellaro
Joshua Holdaas Jim Karney Albert Longno Michael Metz Eugene Ori
Keith Hollis Chris Karwick Kristine Lopes-Amos Jim Metzger Charles Orphanos
Thomas Holmes Eugene Kasman Antonio Lopez Jason Meyer Jose Ortiz
Aaron Honor Wayne Kawamoto Rudolfo Lopez Charlie Michalak Warren O’Shields
Charlie Hoock Colin Kearney Aaron Love Jeff Mikalacki Laura Oshust
Al Hooper Paul Keech Silvia Lozano Dean Miller Richard Owen
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 95
P, Q John Rigby Norman Simmang George Tatar Christopher Votava
Anthony Pacaldo Chris Riley Richard Simonelli Ken Tate Andres Voth
Bill Pacini Shane Riley Bobby Singh Gavin Taylor Long Vu
John Packard Dave Rippetoe Gurjit Singh Michael Taylor W, X, Y, Z
Mark Padilla Frank Rivera Tony Skonhovd Tony Taylor Charles Walker
Theresa Paessun Larry Roark Paul Skopnik William Taylor Jim Walker
Robert Painter Justin Robbins Jan Slagter Randy Teaff Joe Walker
Kenneth Palifka Andy Robertson David Sledge David Teske Ted Walker
Ioannis Panagiotidis Manny Robledo Greg Slingerland Rick Tetzloff Tom Walker
Jeff Pangle Craig Rock Denton Slovacek Craig Thibodeaux Wesley Walker
Kurt Pantera Jake Rodriguez Bobby Lee Smith Bill Thompson Paul Warntz
Devin Pantiliano Javier Rodriguez Jeff Smith Gord Thompson Royd Warren
Srinivasa Para Craig Rogers Jim Smith John Thompson Brian Wasilciw
Joseph Paresi Jerry Rogers Richard Smith Larry Thompson Ted Weaver
Paul Park Stephen Rogers Sandy Smith Lynn Thompson Dean Webb
Ed Parker Tim Rogers Scott Smith Wayne Thomson Tad Webb
Robert Parker Mel Rohatyn Bill Smoak Nigel Thorley
Brett Weber
Fernando Parra Scott Ronaldson Adam Snarr Stephen Thurstans
Layne Weber
Will Patton Cloid Roos Michael Snoda Allen Tichi
Jeff Webster
Paul Paxson Piet Roovers Brian Snyder Louis Ting
John Welch
David Payne Lewis Rosman Stephen Snyder Tom Tinucci
Mike Wenschlag
Eric Pearson Steve Rossodivito Marcin Sobczyk Bernard Tippie
Scott Werner
Alex Peelen Joshua Rossow Fernando H S Pinheiro Rick Tomlinson
Jim Westensee
Chris Perales Daniel Roth Ernest Soczka Ted Torreblanca
Matthew Weston
Sergio Peralta Jr Andrew Rothenberger Roger Sonstegard John Torres
Gary Whitbeck
Raul Pereda Harry Rountree Ulises Soroeta Pete Torres
Michael Rudchenko Jr John Souther Michael Towner David White
James Perez
Peter Rudd Tony Speechley Eric Trahan Jeff White
Gordon Perry
Camilo Ruiz Frank Spencer Bill Trefethen Rick White
Jerry Perry
Daran Rumbaugh James Spicer Don Treinen Vincent White
Kevin Perry
Rick Rumbo Dennis Stadnyk Greg Trewitt Tom Whitecotton
Jason Perz
Michael Rumptz Michael Stagliola Scott Troy Rusty Whiteley
Paul Peterson
Johnny Runyan Don Stahl Erick Tucker Aaron Whitney
Michael Petrellese
Frank Wick
Kevin Petritz S Alan Standeford Dave Tunney
Charles Wickstrom
Paul Phelabaum Damon Sabella Mark Staszkow Bruce Turner
Doug Phelps Joe Staub Dave Turner Francis Wiegand
Umesh Sadalge
Paul Piazza Joe Steele Randy Turner Garrett Wilkie
Ferd Sagun
Robert Picou Walter Steimel Rob Tuss Alan Williams
Masaru Sakai
Erik Poorta Salehe Salum Kikunga Justin Stephens Rao Tvsk Charles Williams
Fernando Porras Leonard Samala Michael Stevens Tom Twogood Donnie Williams
Russell Presswood Carlos Sanchez Tony Stevens U, V Mark Williams
Jesus Pulanco Luis Sanchez Russell Stevenson Grant Underwood Greg Willis
Kuvar Puri Rodrigo Sanchez Mike Stewart Dale Unger Martin Willis
Pete Quattrini Richard Sandau Amanda Stichter Daniel Unten Charles Wilson
Gil Quesnelle William Sandell Glen Stockhausen Mike Urio Jeff Wilson
R R Wayne Sawyer Greg Stone Daniel Vaandrager John Wilson
Mike Raaker Harry Scarborough F Paul Story Howard Vachon Larry Wilson
Daniel Raimondo Allen Scarf Don Stowe Monica Vaid Lisa Wilson
Scott Raithby Dennis Schendel George Strating Gary Valdez Sheila Wilson
Arun Raju Mark Schmaltz Hinnerikus Strating Thomas Van Dyke Bill Wimer
Gadepalli Rama Krishna David Schmidt Alex Straver Nick Van Haeften Bill Wimperis
Ralph Ratliff IV Lucie Schneider Mark Study Robert VanDenburgh Mark Winchester
Rich Recor Michael Schnitzius Dale Sturges A L VanHart Matt Wolske
Bernard Reed Turner Scholl Alex Sugaoka Tony Vanni Jermaine Woodall
Ken Reese Rick Scholz Chaiyut Suksrisomboon Tim Varn Jerry Woodruff
Abdul Rehman Krystyn Schultz Chris Sumwalt Gabreal Velasquez Alan Woodward
Peter Reinke Roger Searles Buck Surratt Dave Vendel Byron Wooldridge
Tom Reis Larry Sessions Kevin Sutcliffe Ram Verma Jimmie Wooten
Jose Rendon Jack Shelnutt Diana Sutter John Vermillion Chris Wylder
Dave Reno Paul Shepard Gregory Swanson Helen Vesser Boris Yakubovich
Josh Reynolds Mark Sherrill Mike Sweeney Mike Viater Jaime Ybarra
Richard Rhoads Richard Shever Dave Sweigart Vincent Villar Victor Ybarra
Matt Richards Jim Shields Ed Syvertson Jirapongs Vinichbutr Scott Yokimcus
Susan Richards Ron Shruhan T Jaime Viramontes Darren Young
Dan Richardson Manuel Sias Alvin Tackett Cuong “Charlie” Vo Timothy Zandes
Jaime Riddle Arturo Silva Yu Tajima Frenk Vollebregt Jonathan Zechmeister
Ron Rifredi Kurt Silversides Ron Tanner Dirk Voss Mark Zeibak
96 Western Turbine Users Inc
A Fountain Valley Power LLC Orange Grove Energy
Acuren Group Inc Freeport Electric Inc Otter Tail Power Co
Ada Cogeneration Frenzelit North America Inc P, R
Aera Energy LLC Fresno Cogeneration Partners PacifiCorp Energy
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp GDF Suez North America Inc Pampa Energia SA
Alliance Pipeline Genneia SA Pasadena Water & Power Dept
Ameren Missouri Glendale Public Service Dept Pasco Cogen
American Municipal Power Inc Globeleq Inc PE Berkeley
Anaheim Public Utilities Dept Golden Valley Electric Assn Inc Peabody Municipal Light Plant
Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Greater Toronto Airports Authority Petrobras
APR Energy GRTgaz PIC Group Inc
Arizona Public Service Co Guggenheim Partners Portland General Electric Co
Arkansas Electric Co-op Corp GWF Energy LLC
Power Plant Management Services LLC
Atlantic Power Corp H, I PPL Generation LLC
B Hamakua Energy Partners Procter & Gamble
Baconton Power LLC Hawaii Electric Light Co Proelectrica & Cia
Basin Electric Power Co-op Hazleton Generation ProEnergy Services
Bay of Plenty Energy Ltd Hill Brothers Chemical Co
Hudson Ranch Energy Services PSEG Fossil LLC
Berakas Power Management Co PurEnergy LLC
Berry Petroleum Hutchinson Utility Commission
Imperial Irrigation District Reedy Creek Improvement District
Black Hills Power Rio Tinto Alcan Inc
Bluefish Energy International Paper Co
Ripon Cogeneration LLC
BP Europe J, K Riverside Public Utilities
Bryan Texas Utilities Jackson Power Co
Burbank Water & Power Jamestown Board of Public Utilities Rocky Road Power
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines
C J-Power USA
Calpine Corp Kauai Island Utility Co-op
CAMS-Consolidated Asset Management KES Kingsburg LP Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Services Kinder Morgan St George City Energy Services Dept
Canadian Forces Fleet School Kings River Conservation District San Diego Gas & Electric Co
Capital Power Corp Kirkland Lake Power San Gabriel Cogeneration
Carson Cogen L Shell Energy North America
CELEC EP Lafayette Utilities System Silicon Valley Power
Cenovus Energy Lake Superior Power Silkeborg
Cheniere Energy Lakeside Energy LLC SNC Lavalin O&M Inc
Chevron Global Power Lansing Board of Water & Light South Texas Electric Co-op Inc
Chevron USA Las Vegas Cogen Southern California Edison Co
Chugach Electric Assn Inc Lincoln Electric System Southwest Generation Operating Co
CI Power Los Angeles County ISD Sowega Energy Resources LLC
Colorado Energy Management LLC Los Angeles Dept of Water & Power Spectra Energy
Commonwealth Chesapeake Lower Colorado River Authority Spyglass Energy Group LLC
Competitive Power Ventures LLC LSP University Park LLC Standard Binghamton LLC
Compression Source Inc Lubbock Power & Light Dept Star West Generation LLC
Contact Energy M T
Coolidge Power LLC Marathon Oil Tesoro Hawaii
Corona Dept of Water & Power Mariposa Energy LLC Thermal Energy Corp
Corona Energy Partners Maritime Electric Co Thermo Cogeneration Partnership
CPS Energy Maui Electric Co Thermo Power & Electric LLC
D Medicine Hat Electric Utility Thums Long Beach Co
DAI Oildale Inc MFS bv Tilton Energy
DCO Energy LLC Mighty River Power Topaz Power Group
DCP Midstream Missouri River Energy Services TransAlta Corp
Delta Power Services MMC Energy TransCanada Corp
Diamond Generating Corp Modetso Irrigation District Tri-State Generation & Transmission
Duke Energy Corp Montana-Dakota Utilities Co Assn Inc
Dynegy Inc Morris Energy Group
Tucson Electric Power Co
E N Turlock Irrigation District
E.ON UK NAEA Energy Massachusetts
EI Colton LLC NAES Corp U, V, W, X
El Cajon Energy Center Nevada Cogeneration Associates UCLA
El Paso Electric Co New York Power Authority US Navy
Electrabel-GDF Suez New-Indy Oxnard LLC UGI Development Co
Electroquil SA New York Power Authority UGI Energy Services Inc
Empower Management Corp Nexen Inc UniSource Energy Services Inc
Encana Corp Noresco United Cogen Inc
Energy Services Inc Northern Star Generation Services Co Valero Energy Corp
Enmax Corp Northland Power Inc Veresen Inc
Enpower Corp Nova Scotia Power Inc Verve Energy
EP Energy Massachusetts LLC NRG Energy Wallingford Electric Div
EPCOR Utilities Inc Nuon de Kleef bv Walters Power International
Essential Power LLC O Waterbury Generation
EthosEnergy Group O&M Occidental Power Services Inc Wellhead Electric Co
Exelon Generation Co Ocean Ships Inc Westar Energy Inc
F, G Oildale Energy LLC Western Farmers Electric Co-op
Farmington Electric Utility System Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority Wildflower Energy
Flint Hills Resources LLC OLS Energy Woodside Energy Ltd
Fort Chicago Orange Cogeneration LP Xcel Energy
25th Anniversary, Long Beach 2015 97
C Western Turbine Users
on 25 years of dedicated service to the global community of LM
engine owners and operators. It’s just the beginning: Cent’anni!

Team CCJ thanks the many WTUI supporters who shared their memories and
experiences to make this publication possible—most especially, Wayne Kawamoto, Mike
Raaker, Sal DellaVilla, and Mark Axford. Deep appreciation, too, to Wayne Feragen, Chuck
Casey, and Charlene Raaker for taking and archiving most of the photos that chronicle the
history of the world’s largest organization supporting aero users.

Index to advertisers
AAF International.................................... 10 DRB Industries Inc.................................. 62 NAES Corp................................................ 46
Advanced Turbine Support LLC.......... 18 Duct Balloon............................................ 72 National Electric Coil............................. 53
Aeroderivative Gas Turbine ECT Inc....................................................... 72 Nationwide Environmental
Support Inc......................................... 24 Emerson Process Management......... 38 Solutions.............................................. 70
AFC-Advanced Filtration Concepts.... 51 EthosEnergy Group...................... 42, 100 Natole Turbine Enterprises Inc........... 59
ALS Consulting........................................ 89 GasTOPS.................................................... 76 Olympus Corp.......................................... 87
ANZGT...........................................................8 Groome Industrial Service Group...... 12
Precision Iceblast Corp......................... 41
ap+m.......................................................... 44 Haldor Topsoe......................................... 34
R F System Lab........................................ 74
Babcock Power........................................ 28 Harco Laboratories Inc.......................... 66
Roblicorp................................................... 76
Braden Manufacturing LLC.................. 55 Hilliard Corp, Hilco Div.......................... 60
HPI LLC...................................................... 56 Score Energy............................................ 89
Bremco Inc............................................... 52
Caldwell Energy...................................... 58 HRST Inc.................................................... 81 SSS Clutch Company Inc...................... 74
Camfil Power Systems........................... 54 Hy-Pro Filtration...................................... 77 Strategic Power Systems Inc............... 74
C C Jensen Inc................................. 64, 72 IHI Corp, Power Systems Div.............. 20 Sulzer Turbo Services............................. 99
Conval Inc................................................. 30 IST, an Aecon company......................... 36 TransCanada Turbines Ltd.................... 65
Clarcor........................................................ 26 Kobelco/Kobe Steel Ltd........................ 32 Turbine Technics Inc............................... 16
Cormetech Inc......................................... 83 Maximum Turbine Support.................. 22 Universal Acoustic & Emission
Mistras Group Inc................................... 63 Technologies...................................... 89
Coverflex Manufacturing Inc............... 57
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems G R Werth & Associates Inc.................. 72
CSE Engineering Inc............................... 50 Americas Inc....................................... 68
Cust-O-Fab Specialty Services LLC.... 85 MTU Maintenance Berlin- Young & Franklin..................................... 48
Donaldson Gas Turbine Systems....... 59 Brandenburg...................................... 14 Zokman Products Inc............................. 58
98 Western Turbine Users Inc
Tailored to
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ing equipment with Sulzer service coating services we extend the life cycle 11518 Old La Porte Road
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