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Republic of the Philippines


Zamora, Bilar, Bohol
VISION: A premier Science and Technology university for the formation of a world class and virtuous human resource for
sustainable development in Bohol and the country.
MISSION: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional
and technological fields; undertake research and development, and extension services for sustainable development of
Bohol and the country.


Bachelor of Elementary Education
1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023

TLE 1 – Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (1)

Compiled by:


BEED 3 – MHE 2022 – 2023
No. of Students:
Chapter 1

Home Economics

Parents and Adolescence

Parenting can be the most rewarding work of adult life. Nothing brings more joy and pride
than a happy, productive, and loving child. Each age and stage of a child's development has
specific goals and tasks. For infants, it is to eat, sleep, and explore their world. For adolescents, it is
to become their own person with their own group of friends. Adolescents need many skills in order
to successfully achieve their goal of increased independence. Some adolescents do not make this
transition smoothly. Their movement toward independence can cause stress and grief for parents
and families.
What is the role of parents during adolescent stage?
Parents are powerful role models for teenagers. What you do and say guides your child's
behaviour, attitudes and beliefs, now and in the long term. You can be a role model by including
your child in family discussions, living a healthy lifestyle, being positive, taking responsibility for your
actions and more.

Why do parents play an important role?

Parents play important role in encouraging and motivating their kids to learn. Good
parental support helps child to be positive, healthy and good life long learner. Children acquire skills
at the very early stage of their life if the parents are responsive and understanding.

What is the most important role in the family?

The primary function of the family is to ensure the continuation of society, both
biologically through procreation, and socially through socialization. From the point of view of
the parents, the family's primary purpose is procreation: The family functions to produce and
socialize children.

The ability to talk openly about problems is one of the most important aspects of the parent and
child relationship. Developing this relationship and open communication takes time, persistence,
and understanding. The relationship develops gradually by spending time with the teen. One
challenge is finding quality, not rushed time for parents to spend with their adolescents; as
schedules with afterschool activities, sports and jobs become busy during adolescent. Family meal
times, sharing stories of parents' adolescence, playing board games, outings, vacations, and
celebrations are important opportunities for parents to spend time with their adolescent. Parents
should also try to spend some individual time with each child, praising positive behaviors and
talking about difficult or upsetting things. This relationship creates the foundation for talking with the
child when struggles and conflicts emerge during adolescence.

A parent-child relationship which is very stressful or troubled during the preadolescent years can
be a strong signal that professional help may be needed. Parents' investment of time and energy in
the child's early years can prevent small problems of childhood from becoming larger problems of

Starting early is the best way for parents to prepare for their child's adolescence. The
following are ways that parents can prepare themselves and their child for a smoother transition
and greater success in achieving the tasks of adolescent development:
 Providing a stable, safe and loving home environment
 Creating an atmosphere of honesty, mutual trust, and respect
 Creating a culture of open communication at family meal times
 Allowing age appropriate independence and assertiveness
 Teaching responsibility for their belongings and yours
 Teaching basic responsibility for household chores
 Teaching the importance of accepting limits
 Teaching the importance of thinking before acting
 The ability to talk openly about problems is one of the most important aspects of the parent
and child relationship. Developing this relationship and open communication takes time,
persistence, and understanding.
 A parent-child relationship which is very stressful or troubled during the preadolescent years
can be a strong signal that professional help may be needed.

Adolescence is a period of rapid biological and psychosocial changes, which have a salient
impact on parent–child relationships. Parents and adolescents have to reorganize responsibilities
and move toward a more egalitarian relationship. Although conflicts between parents and children
become more frequent and more intense during adolescence, these conflicts are also thought to be
a means to negotiate relational changes. The short-term dyadic processes that occur during conflict
interactions are important in the development of parent–adolescent relationships. Parent–
adolescent dyads with more emotional variability during conflict interactions tend to adapt effectively
and reorganize their relationships in response to the developmental needs of adolescents.

Understanding Your Adolescent’s Behavior Understanding Your Teen’s Behavior

Adolescence is the time in life when young people make the journey out of childhood toward
adulthood. It can be a wild ride for both teens and parents! It’s all about change. These are changes
that your child must try to understand and changes in your child that you must adjust to.
Adolescents are fun and stimulating, but they can also be confusing and frustrating. Understanding
normal teen behavior can reduce the confusion, if not the frustration. Here are two key
developmental issues for teens:

Changes in Thinking and Reasoning Children tend to be concrete thinkers. As teenagers, they
begin to be able to think abstractly. They have new mental tools that allow them to:

• Analyze situations logically in terms of cause and effect.

• Consider “what might happen if…?”
• Think about their futures, evaluate alternatives, and set personal goals.
• Become increasingly independent.
• Take on increased responsibilities, such as babysitting or summer jobs.
• Begin to consider future careers and occupations.
• Argue for the sake of arguing.
• Jump to conclusions.
• Be self-centered.
• Constantly find fault with the adult's point of view.

In the Philippines, the family is one of the important factors and the first priority of
all Filipinos. They believe that being married to the person you love is the step of being more
responsible and giving yourself fully to the person you choose to marry and be within your entire

six factors parental involvement and its effects are parenting, communicating, volunteering,
learning at home, decision-making and collaborating with the community.
Parenting – includes all of the activities that parents engage in to raise happy, healthy
children who become capable students. Unlike teachers, whose influence on a child’s is relatively
limited, parents maintain a life-long commitment to their children. Activities that support this type of
involvement provide information to parents about their child’s development, health, safety, or home
conditions that can support student learning.

Communicating – Families and schools communicate with each other in multiple ways.
Schools send home notes and flyers about important events and activities. Parents give teachers
information about their child’s health and educational history.

Volunteering – applies to recruiting and organizing help and support from parents for
school programmed and students’ activities. There are three basic ways that individuals volunteer in
education. First, they may volunteer in the school or classroom by helping teachers and
administrators as tutors or assistants. Second, they may volunteer for the school; for instance,
fundraising for an event or promoting a school in the community. Finally, they may volunteer as a
member of an audience, attending school programmed or performances. Includes:
school/classroom volunteer programmed to help teachers, administrators, students, and other
parents, parent room or family center for volunteer work, meetings, and resources for families,
annual postcard survey to identify all available talents, times, and locations of volunteers.

Learning at home – pertains to providing ideas and information to parents about how they
can best assist their children with homework and curricular-related decisions and activities. Parents
helping their children with homework or taking them to a museum, are examples of this type of
involvement. These activities produce a school-oriented family and encourage parents to interact
with the school curriculum. Activities to encourage learning at home provide parents with
information on what children are doing in the classroom and how to help them with homework.

Decision making – refers to including parents in school decisions and to developing parent
leaders and representatives. Parents participate in school decision making when they become part
of school governance committees or join organizations, such as the parent/teachers association.
Other decisionmaking activities include taking on leadership roles that involve disseminating
information to other parents.

Collaborating with the community – pertains to identifying and integrating communities’’

services and resources to support and strengthen schools, students, and their families. Includes:
information for students and families on community health, cultural, recreational, social support, and
other programmes/services, information on community activities that link to learning skills and
talents, including summer programmes for students. Each of these factors can lead to various
results for students, parents, teaching practices, and the school climate. In addition, each factor
includes many different practices of partnership. Lastly, each factor poses challenges to involve all
families and those challenges must be met.

Assignment/Activity: Essay (5 points each)

1. What is the role of parents in adolescent life?
2. Why is adolescence difficult?

What is Marriage?
MARRIAGE is the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife
in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law.

A typical Filipino family is composed of father, mother, with children and may also include an
extended family of aunt, uncle, cousin or grandparent. ... The father is head of the family and
acts as the breadwinner. He makes major decisions in consultation with his wife.

The significance of marriage in the Filipino family

In the Philippines, the family is one of the important factors and the first priority of all
Filipinos. They believe that being married to the person you love is the step of being more
responsible and giving yourself fully to the person you choose to marry and be within your entire

Marriage is understood as a milestone and it is expected that individuals will one day marry
a suitable partner. Having children out of wedlock is generally frowned upon in Filipino society.
Thus, many couples will marry prior to giving birth to their child to avoid social repercussions.

Marriage between couples of the same sex is currently not possible under the laws of
the Philippines because, according to the Filipino Family Code, both family and marriage are
considered as heterosexual units.

Marriage is a lifelong commitment that no one can dissolve. “So they are no longer two, but
one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must separate.” (Mt.19:6).

As couples are united in marriage, they should also be ready for the responsibility in raising
children and contribute to the development of the society. “According to the plan of God,

Marriage in the Philippines is an event well-prepared by couples and of the whole family
from the entourage to the reception and is a celebration that even last for a couple of days. It is a
day when couples pledge their love with each other in the presence of God and His church.
“Marriage is a unique sacrament in that it is built into the very nature of our human reality as created
male and female through God’s love in the image of God who is love and called to a covenant of
loving one another in sharing God’s own divine love.“

The covenant in Marriage in the Sacrament of Matrimony in relation to the living faith as
Parent in relation to the Code of Canon Law 774 no. 2 states that “Parents above all others are
obliged to form their children in the faith and practice of the Christian life by word and example.
Filipino Family

Filipino courtship and marriage

It involves "phases" or "stages" inherent to Philippine society and culture. Evident in
courtship in the Philippines is the practice of singing romantic love songs, reciting poems,
writing letters, and gift-giving. This respect extends to the Filipina's family members.

5 Reasons Why Marriage is So Important

1. Beginning

“Marriage is the beginning—the beginning of the family—and is a life-long commitment. ”

Marriage is the beginning—the beginning of the family—and is a life-long commitment. It

also provides an opportunity to grow in selflessness as you serve your wife and children. Marriage
is more than a physical union; it is also a spiritual and emotional union. This union mirrors the one
between God and His Church.

2. Oneness

When a man and woman get married, the “two become one.” Marriage is a bond like no
other. It gives us a life partner, a teammate, as we move through the challenges of life together.

3. Purity

Marriage is designed for purity. We face temptation nearly every minute and from all
directions. The bond of marriage gives us the support to defeat temptation by engaging in deep,
satisfying love—a love that gives to, and receives from, our mate physically, emotionally, and

4. Parenting

When a marriage produces a child or receives a child through adoption, it is one of life’s
greatest blessings. Roughly 40% of children being raised today are in a home without a father. The
effects of that fact are staggering. Father absence causes increases in mental and behavioral
disorders as well as criminal activity and substance abuse. But when children are raised in a
healthy marriage, they get a front row seat to see and experience the lasting benefits of a strong

5. Love

Marriage is designed to mirror our Creator’s unconditional love for us. It’s a love that will
always be there and will never leave us or forsake us. When a man and woman love one another
unconditionally, contentment and joy follow.

What makes a marriage invalid?

An invalid marriage is, quite simply, a marriage arrangement that is not recognized as
valid and legal by the law. Marriages that are found to be invalid may require an annulment
instead of a divorce when the couple no longer wishes to be married, or when the marriage must be
dissolved due to its invalidity.

Open this website. So that you can see and read the content of Filipino Family


1. Why we need to get prepared before taking the responsibility of marriage life?

Single Parent Family

Single-parent families are families with children under age 18 headed by a parent who is
widowed or divorced and not remarried, or by a parent who has never married.

Today single parent families have become even more common than the so-called "nuclear
family" consisting of a mother, father and children. Today we see all sorts of single parent families:
headed by mothers, fathers, and even by a grandparent raising their grandchildren.

Life in a single parent household—though common—can be quite stressful for the adult and
the children. The single parent may feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities of juggling caring for
the children, maintaining a job, and keeping up with the bills and household chores. And typically,
the family's finances and resources are drastically reduced following the parents' breakup. Single
parent families deal with many other pressures and potential problem areas that other families may
not face.
Building positive relationships with children when you’re a single parent

Positive family relationships help children feel secure and loved. They help you feel good too.

Here are some ways you can nurture your relationship with your child:
 Make the most of everyday moments. Quality time with your child can happen anytime
and anywhere. You can talk at dinner instead of watching TV. You can play word games on
the bus, have a singalong in the car or tell funny stories at bedtime.
 Be interested. Talk about your child’s favorite things, from sport to music to books to how
things work. Get your child to show you how to play her favorite board game or app.
 Pay positive attention. Smile, laugh and hug your child as often as you can. Show him that
you’re happy to see him first thing in the morning and when she comes home from child
care, kindergarten or school.
 Make one-on-one time. If you have more than one child, try to make some regular time
alone with each child. It could be a book before bed with younger children or a quiet game
with an older child when the younger ones are asleep.
 Praise your child. For example, you might say ‘I’m really proud of how you talked to me
about how you’re feeling’.
Encouraging good behaviour when you’re a single parent

Clear rules and boundaries give children a sense of safety and security. But it can be
harder to be consistent with rules and boundaries when you’re a single parent, especially if you’re
tired and stressed, or if your child’s behaviour is challenging.

If you’re single parenting because of a recent separation, you might see some challenging
behaviour from your child. This is pretty typical. For example, some children might go back to doing
things they’ve grown out of, like bedwetting, baby talking, not sleeping, not eating or
throwing tantrums. Your child might also be in a bad mood and argue more often.

How can you help as a teacher?

A big part of being a teacher is being aware of your students successes as well as their
struggles. Knowing if a child is living in a single-part home or not could give you insight into why
they are performing the way they are. If you know that a child from a single-parent household is
struggling with their academics there are a lot of ways that you can help. Providing before-or -after
school tutoring for the child could help them complete their homework or understand concepts they
might need more time on.

Sample situation:

1. How can you, as a teacher, help a child who comes to you whose academics are
struggling in a single-parent household due to them not completing their homework on
Provide tutoring for the student before or after school

Acknowledge feelings
Encourage your child to put angry or frustrated feelings into words, and show her that you’re
listening. You can acknowledge these feelings without accepting inappropriate behaviour.

Create clear rules

Let your child know the family rules that apply when he’s in your care. If you’re separated, it’s OK if
your rules are different from your former partner’s.

Try to be consistent

Children behave better when they have consistent rules. Stick to your rules as much as possible
and remind yourself to be calm, even if your child pushes back. If you’re not always consistent –
that’s OK.

Choose your battles

Dealing with discipline issues can be exhausting when you’re single parenting. It can help to choose
your battles. For example, you might feel cranky if your preschooler draws on her sister’s face with
markers. But if the marker washes off, does it really matter?

Getting the parenting balance right

Like all parents, you might sometimes struggle to get the parenting balance right. If you find yourself
being too hard – for example, shouting at your child or putting him in his room for too long – try not
to get too upset with yourself. Instead, reconnect with your child and reassure him, then think about
how you could handle the situation better next time.

Handling your feelings and grown-up issues

`Your child is bound to see you feeling sad, angry or upset in times of stress. That’s normal
for all parents in all families. It’s important to let your child know that you love him and that your
negative feelings are not about him.

`If you feel your child is old enough to understand, try being honest about what’s bothering
you without going into detail. For example, ‘I had a bad day at work today. I’m in a grumpy mood’.
Expressing your feelings also helps children learn to express their own.

As a general rule, try to keep grown-up issues out of discussions with your child.
Some adult problems – like financial concerns, infidelity or conflict with a former partner – can make
children feel very anxious.

The major findings were as follows. First, good communication, family bond, children's
adjustment and coping ability were characteristics of single-parent family strengths. Secondly,
strengths of single-parent family were related to income and period of becoming a single-parent
family. Thirdly, single parents who had a higher level of personal resources such as high self-
esteem and economic stability perceived a higher level of family strengths. Fourth, single parents
who had a higher level of social support perceived a higher level of family strength. Fifth, there was
no interaction effect between personal resource and social resource on single-parent family
strengths. Last, both personal and social resources had effects on the strength of single- parent

The characteristics of a single parent family

Single Parent Characteristics
 Tend to be more independent and less reliant on others for problem solving.
 Can be looked on by their peers as being a capable role model, someone whose characteristics
they wish they had especially during their own stressful parenting events.

The difference between single mom and single parent

Solo moms say that they have no co-parent at all. They are single moms by choice, or
their kids' other parent is otherwise not at all in the picture. Single moms are all other unmarried

The negative effects of single parenting

 Here are some of the well-known risks for children growing up with a single mother
compared to their peers in married-couple families: lower school achievement, more
discipline problems and school suspension, less high school graduation, lower
college attendance and graduation, more crime and incarceration

How does single parent affect a child emotionally?

 All these issues and explosive factors of single parenting also impacts child's psychological
well-being and leads to feeling of violence, anxiety, depression, anger, isolation, lack of
social interaction, negative perception for self and sometimes leads to suicidal ideation.

Does single parenting affect a child?

 Children of single parents are more prone to various psychiatric illnesses, alcohol
abuse, and suicide attempts than children from homes with two parents. ... Major changes
can affect the children. Kids do well in a controlled environment. Any emotional turmoil and
uncertainty may lead to increased psychological problems.

 Parents and children undergo some difficult changes when they go from being a traditional
family to a single-parent family. However, the disadvantages can be managed and
countered with the advantages. Single-parent families can be just as successful as dual-
parent families
Preparing for Motherhood: Everything You Need to Know


You can do this! Another thing that was talked about in parenting class is that we are the
only species that doubts ourselves through this whole process.

So, as easy as it can be to do that, have faith in yourself! You know what’s best for you, you
know what’s best for baby, and you know you’ll do your best.

You’ll make mistakes like everyone, but I promise your baby will forgive you and will still love
you like crazy. You learn on the job!

 When preparing for motherhood it can be so easy to get caught up in all the things baby
 From little onesies and hats, to diapers and bottles, to the bigger stuff like a crib and a car
 And that’s barely getting started.
 But it’s important to remember that baby doesn’t just need stuff. Honestly, half the stuff you
get you probably won’t even use.
 Baby also needs a healthy and happy mom.
 You need to prepare yourself as much as you need to prepare baby’s room.

How do I prepare myself for motherhood?

Tips for easing the transition include:
1. Get someone (partner, parent, friend, post-partum doula) to take care of you and your other
children for at least 2 weeks after the birth. ...
2. Consider cooking meals ahead of time and freezing them for later use.
3. Familiarize yourself with breastfeeding resources in advance.

The importance of preparation for motherhood

Research shows that a mother who is well prepared for birth, is more likely to have a
smoother labour: “Childbirth education can simplify pregnancy and birth and help women… to
have a safe, healthy birth. Pregnancy is complex and fraught with potential for worry and confusion.

How can Parenthood affect you emotionally?

 You may love holding, touching, watching, smelling and playing with your baby. Some
mums may not feel that overwhelming sense of love they were anticipating straight away.
Sometimes the happy emotions of motherhood are mixed up with feelings of loss, fear,
worry, guilt and frustration.

The factors to consider in preparing for parenthood

Take your time
 Slow down and enjoy the parenting role.
 Have realistic expectations.
 Set small goals each day.
 Think about the way you were parented and your expectations of yourself as a parent.
 Acknowledge that being a new parent can be stressful.
 Make time for relationships.
 Make time to nurture your body, mind and heart.

Preparing for Birth and Motherhood

It’s never too early to start preparing for birth and motherhood. Learning as much as you can
now will help you feel more confident in making decisions like selecting a health care provider,
choosing where to give birth, and finding a childbirth education class.

Why it is important to be prepared for a baby?

In addition, maintaining health before pregnancy preparation may aim at preventing the
possible abnormalities in pregnancy and birth process which ultimately have an adverse influence
on the mother and baby.

These steps will help you prepare yourself and your body for pregnancy and give you a
better chance of having a healthy baby.
1. See Your Doctor. Expand Section. ...
2. Stop Smoking, Alcohol, and Drugs. ...
3. Eat a Balanced Diet. ...
4. Take Vitamins and Folic Acid.

Caring for Yourself

Pregnancy is an excellent time to prioritize taking care of yourself. It is important to establish

positive habits to ensure the best health for you and your developing baby. Pregnancy is a time to
practice healthy eating, drink plenty of fluids, exercise regularly, and get plenty of rest—you’re
sustaining a new life and preparing for the marathon of birth. You should also prepare yourself
mentally for labor, birth, and new motherhood. Read or watch things that make you feel positive
about your upcoming labor and birth,

Pregnancy and impending motherhood often re-awaken a vast array of memories surrounding
our own mothers and childhoods. We learn to mother largely from the way we were mothered, and
this intergenerational teaching spans across generations.
When childhood leaves us wounded in any way, we may revisit these once hazy memories
with new reactions and surprises as we attempt to create our own maternal map.

For many women on the precipice of motherhood, it may feel vulnerable to think about the
fractures in their own maternal relationships. Yet, even a relatively smooth mother/daughter dyad is
not without its hiccups. Without deeper examination and exploration, the past reverberates into the
present, and, for better or worse, we may find ourselves mothering similarly to how we were

Becoming a mother can open up unresolved or buried grief of any sort. Birthing, loving and
raising another human being means that we have to relinquish some freedom of our own, and loss
in the process is inevitable.
How do you feel when others depend on you?

Motherhood thrusts you, front and center with the emotion of dependence. In the newest
days of life, your baby is completely dependent upon you for care. There are few other life
experiences that evoke such vulnerability.
Waiting for Baby’s Arrival

One of the hardest realities to accept during pregnancy is that your baby is very unlikely to
be born on your “due date. While being finished with pregnancy may seem tempting during those
last few weeks, artificially starting labor for nonmedical reasons is linked to increased risks including
prematurity, cesarean surgery, hemorrhage, and infection. Labor should only be induced for
medical reasons—not for convenience or scheduling concerns.

Activity: Encircle the correct words inside the box. Write your words also below the box.
1. 7. 13. 19.
2. 8. 14. 20.
3. 9. 15.
4. 10. 16.
5. 11. 17.
6. 12. 18.

Communicating with your growing child

What is communication development of a child?

From birth, babies begin to develop two sets of communication skills: receptive skills and
expressive skills. Receptive communication is the ability to receive and understand a message
from another person.

Use your body language to show you're listening. For example, face your child and make
eye contact. If your child likes to talk while doing activities, you can show you're listening by turning
to look at your child and getting close to them. Watch your child's facial expressions and body

It is very important for parents to be able to communicate openly and effectively with their
children. Open, effective communication benefits not only the children, but every member of the
family. Relationships between parents and their children are greatly improved when there is
effective communication taking place

Parents who communicate effectively with their children are more likely to have children who
are willing to do what they are told. Such children know what to expect from their parents, and once
children know what is expected of them, they are more likely to live up to these expectations.

The ability to communicate effectively is a key skill, and the better we are at it, the better our
quality of life will be.

We begin communicating from the moment we are born; letting our mothers know we have
arrived with our first cry. As a child develops, it is important we nurture their communication skills so
they are capable of expressing themselves, clearly and confidently, in all aspects and areas of their

If we consider the stages of a child's development: they communicate first with their parents,
then with siblings and friends, and then with other adults such as their school teachers.

A child will learn to communicate by watching and listening to their parents, and then
mimicking their words and actions; the more you communicate with your child, the earlier and
quicker they will develop these skills.

Ways to Communicate Positively With Children

*Start communicating effectively while children are young. Before parents and their children
can communicate, both must feel comfortable enough to do so. While their children are very young,
parents should begin setting the stage for open, effective communication.

*Communicate at your children's level.

When parents communicate with their children, it is important for them to come down to their
children's level both verbally and physically. Verbally, parents should try to use age-appropriate
language that their children can easily understand.

*Learn how to really listen. Listening is a skill that must be learned and practiced. Listening
is an important part of effective communication. When parents listen to their children they are
showing them that they are interested and they care about what their children have to say

*Express your own feelings and ideas when communicating with children. For
communication to be effective, it must be a two way street. Not only must parents be available to
and listen to their children for effective communication to take place; they must also be willing to
share their own thoughts and feelings with their children.

*Regularly schedule family meetings or times to talk. One very useful communication tool for
families with older children is the regularly scheduled time to talk. This can be done in a number of
ways. First of all, there is the family meeting.

*Admit it when you don't know something. When children ask questions that their parents
can't answer, they should admit that they don't know. Parents can use such instances as learning

*Try to make explanations complete. When answering their children's questions, parents
should try to give them as much information as they need, even if the topic is something parents
don't feel comfortable discussing. This doesn't mean that parents must go into great detail.

Communicating During Conflicts All families will have conflicts at one time or another. While
such conflicts can be upsetting, they need not be too disruptive.

How To Avoid Negative Communication Unfortunately, many parents aren't aware of just
how often they use negative forms of communication with their children. This is why it is so
important for parents to become aware of and to correct any negative forms of communication they
may be using with their children.

*Telling your children how to solve their problems. This happens when parents jump in and
tell their children how they should do things instead of letting them have some input into solutions
for problems.

Communicating Effectively With Children

Children base their views of themselves and the world on their daily experiences. One of the
most important experiences adults can provide for children is to talk and listen to them. Through
these daily interactions, children and adults can develop relationships that help children learn about
themselves and the world.

Communicating with children of different ages

Effective communication with children requires styles and behavior appropriate to the child's age.
 Positive communication with children means paying attention, respecting the child's feelings and
watching your tone of voice.
 If you have a busy schedule, make sure to allocate some time every day to simply sit and listen to
your child.
 Children thrive with words of encouragement and praise.

Encourage family stories

Children love to hear and to tell stories. Adults can encourage children and parents to share
their family stories. Storytelling is a universal way for families to pass down important history from
generation to generation.

What are some communication techniques?

You may need some effective communication techniques at work and in your personal
life. Your words come out easily enough, but the consequences of those words are sometimes far
from what you intended.
 Smile. - Ask Questions.
 Listen. - Observe.
 Give (and Receive) Feedback. - DeStress.
 Empathize. - Read.
Finally, we need to remember that “nature” and “nurture” are intertwined: these factors
influence the environment in which children are growing up, the extent of early nurturing, their
independence, opportunity for exploration and various other ways of learning about Communicating
with Children:

Effective, open communication takes a lot of hard work and practice. Parents should
remember that they will not be perfect. Parents make mistakes. What is important is that parents
make the effort to effectively communicate with their children starting when their children are very

The key elements of effective communication

The elements required to be effective are trust, respect, understanding, empathy, and


Be an emotion coach
Parents should help children understand their feelings. In doing so, adults can develop an
emotional bond important for establishing and maintaining mutual respect. Effective emotion
coaching helps children understand the emotional ups and downs of life. Research finds that
children who grow up in families that spend time talking about emotions are more academically
successful, have better friendships, fewer infectious diseases and can handle difficult social
situations more effectively than children whose families do not talk about feelings. Here are some
ideas for how adults can help children better understand their emotions:

 Observe and take note of children's emotions.

 Recognize that children's emotional expressions provide an opportunity for bonding. Make
the most of these teachable moments.
 Listen and respond to children's emotions with empathy; tell them that you understand their
 Help children label their different emotions.
 Set limits while helping children problem-solve the emotional experience.

Activity: kindly put a check (√) inside the box which suits to your mother or father’s
Home Arts

What makes a bakery successful?

The success of any bakery, whether a home-based or commercial operation,
hinges largely on the quality of the products. ... Creating a niche for your bakery, such
as stunning cakes or unusual pastries, can help set you apart and build a loyal customer

Characteristics of a successful entrepreneur in the baking industry

Successful entrepreneurs are ambitious, independent, self-confident, creative,
energetic, passionate, and committed. They have a high need for achievement and a
willingness to take moderate risks.

A bakery can be established as a retail business from a storefront location selling ...
to hire a qualified baker, or take the time necessary to become one.

How to Become a Home Baker and Start A Home Baking Business?

1. Let's Get Started! ...

Bakery is a good business in the Philippines

In fact, it's a staple food in the country second only to rice. For this reason, the bakery
business in the Philippines is one of the most profitable ventures you can invest in. ... Ideal for:
Full-time entrepreneurs with experience in baking either through a previous job in a bakery or paid
hands-on training.

Baking Business Ideas

 Bakery. If you want to start your own baking business, the most obvious choice would be to
open a bakery where you can sell a variety of different creations.
 Home Baking Business. ...
 Online Treat Sales. ...
 Wholesale Cookie Sales. ...
 Pastry Chef Service. ...
 Healthy Bake Shop. ...
 Wedding Cake Creation. ...
 Cake Decoration.

The first oven that is used in the Philippines

The use of ovens in the Philippines all started with the humble pot oven or
palayok. This is still in use today day. Filipinos baked their creations in the palayok over
charcoal. It was set on top of a hibachi, a Japanese grill.

Since not all of us has a gas range. You can make or steam some cake or cookies
for starting or making some native delicacy.


Steamed Banana Cake

 1 ½ cup All Purpose Flour
 1 teaspoon baking soda
 ½ cup plus 2 tablespoon sugar
 ¼ teaspoon baking powder
 ½ cup milk (evaporated)
 ½ teaspoon vanilla
 2 eggs
 ½ cup melted butter
 Pinch of salt
 5-6 pcs overripe bananas, mashed

In a mixing bowl, just combine all the wet ingredients such as egg, melted butter, milk and
vanilla then whisk. In another bowl, combine all dry ingredients such as all purpose flour,
baking powder, baking soda, sugar and salt.

Add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients gradually and continue whisking until there
are no more lumps. Add the mashed bananas into the bowl and whisk. Next, greased the
baking pan with butter and put your prepared banana cake batter into the pan. Steamed for
25 minutes or until the cake is done.

To test the cake doneness, do the toothpick test. Insert the toothpick and if it comes out
clean then the cake is done. Let it cool for 5 minutes then remove from the pan and transfer
to a rack. Leave it until completely cool.

Ingredients: Milo Steam Cake

 2 cups of Milo powder

 4 eggs

 2 large tablespoons of condensed milk

Step 1: Combine Milo powder, eggs, and condensed milk into a blender and blend until
smooth. Or, combine ingredients into a small mixing bowl and mix until smooth.
Step 2: Pour cake batter into a large glass bowl and steam for 1 hour.
Step 3: Pour chocolate sauce (optional) and chocolate sprinkles (optional) onto cake to
serve, enjoy! Steam For 1 Hour For The Most Fluffy Milo Cake

Puto (Filipino Steamed Cake)

Prep Time25 mins Cook Time20 mins Total Time45 mins
Servings: 48 mini puto Calories: 32kcal

 1 ¾ cups cake flour
 1 cup sugar
 2 tablespoons baking powder
 ¼ teaspoon salt
 1 ½ cups water
 2 egg whites
 ¼ cup fresh milk

1. Fill a 12-inch pan halfway with water and set over high heat.
2. In a bowl, sift together cake flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
3. In another bowl, combine water, egg whites and fresh milk. Using a hand
mixer, beat the mixture at low speed for 5 minutes.
4. Add the sifted dry ingredients and blend until smooth.
5. Strain the batter into another bowl to ensure that there are no lumps.
6. Lightly brush a mini muffin tin with vegetable oil.
7. Fill muffin tin ¾ full with the batter.
8. Once the water in the pan is boiling, place the muffin tin in the pan and cover
the pan with a lid.
9. Steam the puto for 5 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the
puto comes out clean.
10. Once the puto is cooked, remove from the pan and allow to cool at least 30
seconds before removing from the muffin tins.
11. Repeat steps 6 to 10 three more times, making sure there is enough water in
the pan each time.

No Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies

This Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe does not require using an oven, instead I just use a
pan. It is easy to make and very delicious.
PREP TIME10 mins COOK TIME15 mins TOTAL TIME25 mins

 1 ¼ cup all purpose flour
 ½ tsp baking soda
 ⅛ tsp salt
 50 g butter softened
 ¼ cup white sugar
 ⅓ cup brown sugar
 1 egg
 ¾ cup chocolate chip

1. Using a bowl, combine the flour, salt and baking soda.

2. In a separate bowl, mix the butter, white sugar and brown sugar together.
3. Add the eggs and continue to whisk until well combined.
4. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the sugar-egg mixture. Fold until ingredients are well
5. Add the chocolate chip and continue mixing.
6. Scoop a spoonful of the dough and roll into balls. Place in a prepared tray.
7. Using pan over medium heat, place the dough with 3cm apart from each other.
8. Using a spoon or spatula, press down slightly and add more chocolate chip if you want to.
9. Put the lid and cook for 10-15 mins until lightly brown on the sides.
10. Let it cool on a rack for 5 mins before serving.
Activity 1: Skills: Just make one recipe. Take a video on it. Step by step and send it to
Any recipe as long as it is not heavy on your pocket and it is more available in your place.

Preparing Meat and poultry for Cooking

Cooking methods for meat and poultry are generally divided into moist heat and dry
heat methods. Moist heat includes stewing, braising, poaching, boiling, ...
"Meat" is a general term for animal flesh. Poultry is a type of meat taken from birds
such as chickens and turkeys. Poultry also refers to the birds themselves, especially in a
farming context.
The key difference between poultry and meat is that poultry is birds' flesh, whereas
meat is animal flesh used for human consumption. ... It can be eaten raw. But usually, it is
eaten after cooked.
The four types of meat
Red Meat – Beef, Goat, Lamb.
Poultry – Chicken and Turkey.
Pork – Pig's meat.
Seafood –Fish, Crab, Lobster.
5 poultry products
Chickens, ducks, guinea fowl, geese and turkeys can be found in all types of poultry
systems, both large and small. But pheasants, quail and ostriches are almost exclusively
found in large-scale systems.
The preparations of poultry for cooking
put raw poultry or game at the bottom of the fridge to avoid it dripping on to other
food. always wash your hands, using warm water and soap, after handling raw meat,
poultry or game, and before touching other food. clean the preparation area thoroughly
before and after you start gutting the bird.
Can you cook meat and poultry together?
Meat and poultry can be placed together on the grill for cooking. It's important to use
a food thermometer to be sure all of the food has reached a high enough temperature to
destroy foodborne bacteria. All poultry should reach a safe minimum internal temperature
of 165 °F as measured with a food thermometer
The best way to cook and prepare meat
Dry Heat- Dry heat methods of cooking are suitable for tender cuts of meat or less
tender cuts which have been marinated. Dry heat methods include roasting, oven broiling,
grilling, pan-broiling, panfrying and stir—frying. Roasting—this method of cooking is
recommended for larger cuts of beef, veal, pork and lamb.
What is the best cooking method for poultry?
Young poultry is best for roasting, broiling, and frying. Older poultry requires braising
or stewing methods. Either way, slow, even heat should be used for tender, juicy, evenly
done poultry. They are usually cooked with a dry heat method, including: roasting, broiling,
pan-broiling, pan-frying, and. grilling.

You can also watch this video for more information about meat products.

Activity 2: Make one menu or dish at home. Either lunch or dinner time. Cook it for your
Any menu as long as it is not heavy on your pocket. Available in your community.
Send your video to me. Follow the steps in your recipe. Use meat products or
poultry products.

Preparing Shellfish Dishes

Marine animals in the shellfish category include crustaceans and mollusks, such as
shrimp, crab, lobster, squid, oysters, scallops and others. Some people with shellfish
allergy react to all shellfish; others react to only certain kinds.
Shellfish is a colloquial and fisheries term for exoskeleton-bearing aquatic
invertebrates used as food, including various species of molluscs, crustaceans, ...
How do you clean shellfish?
Scrub the clams well, or, if you're preparing mussels, scrape away their beards with
a knife and scrub them. Discard any shellfish with broken shells. Soak your shellfish in the
salted water or clean seawater for several hours or overnight in the refrigerator.
How do you clean shellfish at home?
Cleaning Them
`When you're ready to start cooking, place your shellfish in a bowl of cold water and let
them soak for at least twenty minutes. This will allow them to "breathe" -- and force them to
give up any sand that may be hiding between their shells
How do you prepare clams before cooking?

Soak your clams for 20 minutes in fresh water just before cooking. As the clams
breathe they filter water. When the fresh water is filtered, the clam pushes salt water and
sand out of their shells. After 20 minutes, the clams will have cleaned themselves of much
of the salt and sand they have collected.

Why is it important to clean shellfish?

Cleaning is important for two main reasons, the prevention of food poisoning and the
reduction of spoilage. Bacteria that cause food poisoning are for the most part transferred
to the fish, mainly from human beings, during processing, but occasionally some may be
present on the fish when caught.

Preparing Vegetables and Fruits

7 Basic Methods of Cooking Vegetables
1. Chopping. Chopping is about as basic as you can get, and it's something that
seasoned home cooks might take for granted. ...
2. Steaming. Steaming is an age-old technique for preparing veggies. ...
3. Boiling. ...
4. Sautéing. ...
5. Marinating. ...
6. Roasting. ...
7. Quick Pickling.
How do you prepare vegetables before cooking?
Vegetables should also be blanched before they are frozen, as this destroys the
enzymes that cause deterioration. Just add vegetables to a pan of boiling water, return to
the boil and cook for one minute. Then plunge the vegetables into iced water to stop the
cooking process.
What are the principles of preparing vegetables?
1.Cook vegetables in the smallest amount of liquid possible.
2.Cook vegetables the shortest amount of time for the desired tenderness.
3.For vegetables that have a skin, scrub well and cook with the skin on whenever possible.

The three important steps in preparing fresh vegetables

1.Separate: Arrange fresh fruits and vegetables separately from raw meat, poultry,
and seafood when bagging them at the market. 2. Clean: Wash hands, fruits, vegetables
and areas where produce is stored. 3. Wash all vegetables and fruits under clean, running
water. Dry with a clean towel (cloth or paper) after washing
Why are vegetables need to be prepared first before cooking?
Fruits and vegetables require proper handling, preparation and storage in order to
take full advantage of their many nutrients. Rinsing all produce in potable water is the first
important step. ... Cutting produce into large pieces (or cooking them whole) can also
reduce the loss of nutrients by limiting the surface area.

Vegetables are important

Vegetables are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary
fiber, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C. ... Dietary fiber from vegetables, as part of
an overall healthy diet, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart
Choosing good quality vegetables for your vegetable dish recipe. Tips for buying
fruit and vegetables
1. Don't buy produce that is bruised or damaged. ...
2. Before selecting, give produce a light squeeze. ...
3. Smell your fruit. ...
4. Choose smaller pieces of fruit. ...
5. Choose vibrant, colourful produce. ...
6. Buy produce seasonally. ...
7. Choose chilled food. ...
8. Compare the price.
Note: Preparing Vegetables. Slice vegetables differently depending on their end use. Use
larger pieces for stews and braises and smaller pieces/cuts for stir

Activity 3. Cook one menu using vegetable products. Any menu or recipe. Just make
some twist on your ordinary vegetable dish.
Send the video.
Sample recipe:

Ginataang Kalabasa at Sitaw

Course Main Course Prep Time 5 minutes Cook Time 35 minutes
Servings 6 people Calories 512kcal

 1 1/2 lbs. squash cubed
 18 pieces string beans cut in 2-inch pieces
 1 piece Knorr Pork cube
 3 ounces pork sliced into small pieces, preferably boiled
 4 cups coconut milk
 1 piece onion chopped
 2 thumbs ginger sliced into strips
 5 cloves garlic crushed
 ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
 1 tablespoon cooking oil
 Fish sauce to taste

Preparing Fruits
How do you prepare fruit for cooking?
Use just enough liquid to cover the fruit. Keep fruit pieces uniform in size for even
cooking. Let fruit rest in poaching liquid for 20 minutes after cooking to allow the flavor to be
absorbed. Some fruits, such as berries, will not hold their shape after poaching or stewing,
but they make a good hot fruit sauce
Which are the fruits that we eat as vegetables?
Other fruits that are often considered vegetables include:
= Cucumber.
= Squash.
= Pea pods.
= Peppers.
= Eggplant.
= Okra.

Some tips to prepare fruits safely

1. Use clean, running water when washing your fruits.
2. Wash fruits that have a rind, before peeling or preparing them. ...
3. Wash and scrub fruits that have firm.

How do you prepare fresh fruit?

Clean fruits before eating, cutting, or cooking, unless the package says the contents
have been washed. Wash or scrub fruits under running water—even if you do not plan to
eat the peel. Germs on the peel or skin can get inside fruits when you cut them.

Watch this slideshare for more information.

Are fruit smoothies good for weight loss?

The most nutritious smoothies are made with whole foods like fruits, vegetables,
yogurt, and healthy fats, while those with lots of added sugars aren't as nutrient-dense and
may contribute to negative health effects over time. Smoothies high in protein and fiber
may even aid weight loss by keeping you full.
Cucumber Smoothie
 4 cucumbers, peeled and cut into pieces
 1/2 cup freshly-squeezed lime juice
 4 tablespoons sugar
 2 cups ice

1. In a blender, combine cucumbers, lime juice, sugar, and ice. Blend to desired
2. Pour into serving glasses and garnish with mint leaves, if desired.

Fruit Popsicle Ingredients:

 ¼ cup colored Sago, cooked
 1 big can (370ml) Fresh or Evaporated Milk
 1 sm. can (170ml) Condensed Milk
 1 1/2 cups Del Monte Fiesta Fruit Cocktail, drained and reserve syrup
 Drain fruit cocktail in a strainer over a bowl and set aside. Cook sago in fruit
cocktail syrup for 3 minutes, pour into a strainer and rinse in running water then
let it drain. In a big bowl combine sweetened condensed milk and fresh or
evaporated milk.

Activity 4: Make one recipe using fruits. Either shake/smoothie. Fruit jam. As long
as it is available in your place or kitchen. Send the video.

Food Preparations
Safe food preparation
1. Wash hands and surfaces often using hot, soapy water. ...
2. Wash all fruits and vegetables before eating.
3. Separate raw, cooked, and ready-to-eat foods. ...
4. Cook foods to a safe temperature using a food thermometer.
Why is food preparation important?
It's very important to prepare food safely to help stop harmful bacteria from
spreading and growing. You can take some steps to help protect yourself and your family
from the spread of harmful bacteria.
Do and don'ts of food preparation?
--Wash hands and utensils thoroughly before preparing food. --Don't leave food out for
more than two hours. --Keep food hot (over 140 degrees) or cold (under 40 degrees). --
Avoid cross-contamination by keeping raw food away from cooked foo
The three main principles of food preparation
1. Clean—Wash hands and cook/preparation surfaces often.
2. Separate—To prevent cross-contamination between food and cooking items,
separate them.
3. Cook—Cook foods to the proper recommended temperature to kill bacteria.

The 4 easy tips for food safety

Four Steps to Food Safety: Clean, Separate, Cook, Chill.

The principle of food

Some of the fundamental principles for food safety and food hygiene are: Cleaning,
Cross-contamination, Chilling and Cooking. These four principles can help to guide those
handling, producing, serving and selling food to consumers in the UK, to do so safely and
The 5 C's of good food hygiene and Food Safety
1. Cleaning.
2. Cooking.
3. Cross contamination.
4. Chilling.
5. Contact.
The most important food safety rule
Separate raw and cooked foods to prevent contaminating the cooked foods. Cook
foods for the appropriate length of time and at the appropriate temperature to kill
pathogens. Store food at the proper temperature. Use safe water and safe raw materials.

Preparing Hot and Cold Sandwiches and Rolls

3 types of hot sandwiches
1. basic sandwiches
2. grilled sandwiches
3. fried sandwiches.

What must you do before preparing sandwiches?

Preparation – Clean
Before beginning making a sandwich, make sure to wash your hands with soap and
warm water for 20 seconds. Always clean vegetables because they can contain danger
bacteria. Lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers are the most common foods that can carry E.
How do you keep hot sandwiches from getting soggy?
Simple tips for keeping your sandwich from getting soggy! Pack hot or grilled
sandwiches inside aluminum foil to keep them warm, or if you have access to an oven
come lunch/snack time, you can toss it directly in the oven to warm it back u

How do you prepare sandwiches?

Spread mayo, butter or cream cheese all the way to the edges of each slice of bread
to create a seal against wet sandwich fillings. Also, try packing high moisture ingredients,
like tomatoes, pickles, and cucumbers, separately. Just add them to the sandwich when
you're ready to eat. Toasting the bread can help, too.

Five of the most popular sandwich fillings for everyday occasions:

1. Cheese.
2. Ham and cheese.
3. Ham salad.
4. Sausage.
5. Cheese and onion.
6. Egg mayonnaise.
What makes a sandwich looks appetizing?

It may come as a surprise to most homemakers but all it takes for a sandwich to
taste better are simple ingredients which can usually be found in the kitchen, like extra
eggs and vegetables. ... Homemakers can add slices of tomatoes or lettuce to bring the
sandwich to the next level.

Cold Sandwiches
Can cold sandwiches be prepared in advance?
Cold salad sandwiches can be prepared in advanced because you can arrange all
the ingredients together and store the product in a freezer.

Steps in making cold sandwich

Procedure for Making Simple Cold Sandwiches in Quantity
Assemble necessary equipment, including wrapping materials. Arrange bread slices
in rows on the tabletop. Spread each slice with butter or whatever spread is required. Place
fillings evenly and neatly on alternate slices, leaving the other slices plain.
How do you keep sandwiches fresh for a party?

Keep sandwiches fresh by keeping them uncut until the party is due, then pop them
out of the fridge and cut in quarters before presenting them nicely on a plate. Probably
unavoidable but worth a try, leave out vegetables that have wet centers that make bread

To maintain the good quality of sandwich do any of the following:

1. Wrap separately in plastic, waxed paper or sandwich bags.
2. Place in storage pans, cover tightly with plastic wrap and cover with clean damp
towels. ...
3. Refrigerate immediately and hold until served.

COLD SANDWICHES- are of three types.

1. Simple- have only one filling and the freshest ingredients should be used. ...
2. Combination- Are those which have more than one primary filling. ...
3. Multi-Decker – these have more than two slices of bread or a roll split more than

Note: Similarities and differences between hot sandwiches and cold sandwiches
- cold sandwich is a plain sandwich made up of bread preferably a day-
old, bread, toasted if desired and on which butter can be readily
spread. hot sandwich consists of hot fillings, usually meats but
sometimes fish, grilled vegetables or other hot items, between two
slices of bread
What is the most important part of a sandwich?
Bread - The bread,
The MEAT, obviously. The condiments are key
What are the best rolls for sandwiches?

Top 8 Best Sandwich Breads for the Best Sandwiches

1. Potato Bread. ...
2. Multigrain. ...
3. French Baguette. ...
4. Focaccia. ...
5. Ciabatta. ...
6. Boule Bread. The French also get a second entry on the list. ...
7. Rye Bread. Rye Bread is one of the oldest known forms of bread making from
8. Sourdough. Our king of sandwich breads is the sourdough loaf.
How do you keep baked rolls soft?
To maximize the shelf life of homemade dinner rolls, place the homemade dinner
rolls in a plastic storage bag, or wrap in foil and store at room temperature. How long do
homemade dinner rolls last at room temperature? Properly stored, homemade dinner rolls
will last for about 5 days at normal room temperature.
Wrap The Bread To Keep It Fresh
Wrap each roll or bun individually and check the sides to make sure the foil covers
each one in its entirety. If you use a plastic storage bag, push all excess air from inside
before you seal the lip area. Any air left in the bag will aid in drying the bread quicker
Do yeast rolls need to be refrigerated?
Do not store bread in the refrigerator. Refrigeration pulls moisture from bread, which
speeds up the staling process and causes the bread to dry out. For longer storage, freeze
the bread. ... Whole bread loaves or yeast rolls and bread slices can be thawed completely
at room temperature.
Activity 5: make 1 menu for hot sandwich.
Activity 6: Make 1 menu for cold sandwich. Send the video.
Any menu as long as it is available in your place or kitchen not too expensive.
Hot Sandwich sample recipe:
 1 12 oz. can tuna, drained
 1 small yellow onion chopped
 2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish - optional
 1 cup cup mayonnaise
 1 teaspoon granulated white sugar
 1/4 teaspoon salt
 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper

1. Arrange the onion in a bowl. Microwave for 30 seconds.

2. Add the remaining ingredients in the same bowl.

3. Fold the ingredients until well blended.

4. Use as a sandwich spread for Pandesal or slice bread. Enjoy!

Cold Sandwich: sample recipe

Country Ham & Apple Sandwiches

10 Min(s) Prep 4 Servings
What You Need
8 slices whole wheat bread

1/4 cup KRAFT Mayo with Olive Oil Reduced Fat Mayonnaise/ or just ordinary mayonnaise
4 lettuce leaves
1 large apple, cut into 12 thin slices
8 slices OSCAR MAYER Deli Fresh Smoked Ham/just any ham available
4 KRAFT Singles/eden cheese
Industrial Arts


A handicraft, sometimes more precisely expressed as artisanal handicraft or handmade, is

any of a wide variety of types of work where useful and decorative

What is handicraft and examples?

Handicraft Examples handicraft sometimes more precisely expressed as
artisanal handicraft or handmade is any of a wide variety of types of work where useful and
decorative objects are made completely by hand or by using only simple tools It is a traditional main
sector of craft and applies to a wide range of creative

What is handicraft and its importance?

Handicrafts are a substantial medium to preserve of rich traditional art, heritage and
culture, traditional skills and talents which are associated with people's lifestyle and history. The
Economic Importance: Handicrafts are hugely important in terms of economic development.

What are handcraft skills?

Handicraft is defined as skills done with the hands or an occupation or craft done using the
hands. An example of a handicraft is embroidery.

What are the benefits of handicraft?

Advantages, Benefits – Handicrafts or Hand Made Crafts and Products

 Reusability of waste materials: ...
 Improves the creativity and skills: ...
 Availability of raw materials: ...
 Make money with self employment: ...
 Strengthens the economic growth: ...
 Minimum investment: ...
 Environment friendly: ...
 Good quality and uniqueness:

What is the difference between handicraft and handcraft?

As nouns the difference between handcraft and handicraft is that handcraft is variant
of handicraft while handicraft is a trade requiring skill of hand; manual occupation; handcraft

Handicrafts Introduction

Handicrafts are unique expressions and represent a culture, tradition and heritage of a
country. The Handicraft Industry is one of the important productive sector. Various attempts have
been made to define this broad and diversified industry.

Defining Handicrafts:

Handicrafts can be defined as products which are produced either completely by hand or
with the help of tools. Mechanical tools may be used as long as the direct manual contribution of the
artisan remains the most substantial component of the finished product. Handicrafts are made from
raw materials and can be produced in unlimited numbers. Such products can be utilitarian,
aesthetic, artistic, creative, culturally attached, decorative, functional, traditional, religiously and
socially symbolic and significant.

The Importance of Handicrafts:

The Cultural Importance:

Handicrafts play very important role in representing the culture and traditions of any country
or region. Handicrafts are a substantial medium to preserve of rich traditional art, heritage and
culture, traditional skills and talents which are associated with people’s lifestyle and history.

The Economic Importance:

Handicrafts are hugely important in terms of economic development. They provide ample
opportunities for employment even with low capital investments and become a prominent medium
for foreign earnings.

Shell craft

A seashell or sea shell, also known simply as a shell, is a hard, protective outer layer
created by an animal that lives in the sea. ... HISTORY OF SHELL TRADE IN THE
PHILIPPINES.They suggest that the ancient people utilized mollusks and as for making tools

Sample of egg shell making.

What to do:
Make a sheel craft using egg shell.. (mosaic/collage).. using bondpaper short. Keep it I will
collect that.

Bamboo Craft

Traditional crafts using bamboo as raw material. Rural people in general are both
producers and consumers of this product.

Bamboo making history

Though bamboo is a one of the oldest building materials known to humanity, it is a relative
newcomer to the natural moulding market, offering a new look of distinction for your decor. Strong,
long-lasting, ecologically-friendly, and absolutely beautiful, bamboo is quite possible the perfect
product. Increasingly popular, the future of bamboo is bright.

What is bamboo in the Philippines?

Bamboos belong to the family of grasses, Gramineae or Poaceae. Of the

62 bamboo species growing in the Philippines today, only 21 are native Philippine bamboos,
according to PCAARD.

How many species of bamboo are there in the Philippines?

There are 60 known bamboo species in the Philippines and their number is increasing
because of the newly-introduced species by plant collectors and bamboo enthusiasts.

It is commonly used as building material for houses and bridges, liquid containers as well as
shoots. Other bamboos such as the Yellow Bamboo is more likely used as ornamental bamboo or
for fine handicrafts. ... The bamboo's flexibility, strength, light weight, and long internodes makes
it therefore ideal for fishing.

What is the importance of bamboo?

Bamboos are of notable economic and cultural significance in South Asia, Southeast Asia
and East Asia, being used for building materials, as a food source, and as a versatile raw product.
Sample of bamboo lampshade

Bamboo Coin banks sample


Is an ancient craft (8,000-6,000 BCE) – pre-dating pottery or stone carving. Few actual
examples exist because baskets are made of biodegradable materials. The earliest evidence we
have found of basketry is pottery shards

Who invented basketry?

Chimpanzees don't weave baskets. But people probably learned how to make baskets very
early on, soon after they became people. It was probably before the first people left Africa. The
earliest known baskets were made about 27,000 BC in eastern Europe

Open the video

message me if you have jute rope or abaca rope any available.

The Paper Converting Process

 Paper made from trees or wood fibers use raw wood that melts into "pulp." This pulp is bleached,
strained, flattened, and dried in a process that yields a continuous roll of paper.
 The master roll of paper is transformed and cut to the desired size.

Papermaking, formation of a matted or felted sheet, usually of cellulose fibres, from water
suspension on a wire screen. Paper is the basic material used for written communication and the
dissemination of information. In addition, paper and paperboard provide materials for hundreds of
other uses, such as wrapping, packaging, toweling, insulating, and photography.
The word paper is derived from the name of the reedy plant papyrus, which grows
abundantly along the Nile River in Egypt.

The Papermaking Process Historical development

Papermaking can be traced to about AD 105, when Ts’ai Lun, an official attached to the
Imperial court of China, created a sheet of paper using mulberry and other bast fibres along with
fishnets, old rags, and hemp waste.

A sheet of paper composed only of cellulosic fibres (“waterleaf”) is water absorbent.

Introduction of machinery

Prior to the invention of the paper machine, paper was made one sheet at a time by dipping
a frame or mold with a screened bottom into a vat of stock. Lifting the mold allowed the water to
drain, leaving the sheet on the screen. The sheet was then pressed and dried.


Pulped forest tree trunks (boles) are by far the predominant source of papermaking fibre.
The bole of a tree consists essentially of fibres with a minimum of nonfibrous elements, such as pith
and parenchyma cells.

Wastepaper and paperboard

By using greater quantities of wastepaper stock, the need for virgin fibre is reduced, and the
problem of solid waste disposal is minimized.
Finishing and converting

The rolls of paper produced by the paper machine must still undergo a number of operations
before the paper becomes useful to the consumer. These various operations are referred to as
converting or finishing and often make use of intricate and fast-moving machinery.

There are two distinct types of paper conversion. One is referred to as wet converting, in
which paper in roll form is coated, impregnated, and laminated with various applied materials to
improve properties for special purposes. The second is referred to as dry converting, in which paper
in roll form is converted into such items as bags, envelopes, boxes, small rolls, and packs of sheets.

The world paper industry

The paper industry tends to be concentrated in those countries that are industrially
advanced and have abundant supplies of fibrous raw material, especially wood.
Kindly watch this video for further discussion on how to make paper.
what to do:

make any sample of paper convertion using recycled papers available in your home. Make
one product or output.

Examples: basket using newspaper, gift box using shoe box, old cartolina making it into
ribbons, paper tissue roll and etc.

(show your creativity)

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