Chapter - 1: Theoretical Background of The Study: 1.7 Introduction
Chapter - 1: Theoretical Background of The Study: 1.7 Introduction
Chapter - 1: Theoretical Background of The Study: 1.7 Introduction
1.7 Introduction:-
The purpose of this survey is to uncover how the relationship of parental
involvement influences their adolescent's self concept. Parents need to
be actively involved in their adolescent's life, support and provide
assistance with school and help instill motivation and confidence.
During adolescence teenagers go through puberty, when they develop
their sexual, gender and ethnic identities.
During adolescence peer relationships and social acceptance
become increasingly important and they are in the process of breaking
away from their parents and finding their own identify. The teen years
have unique stresses and pressures and therefore adults and parents play
a vital role in providing support and helping teens achieve their best.
4. Unorganized Relationship:-
In this relationship, parents the children needs and the kids learn
not to expect anything’s from their parents these children behave
His own family as a school child as a friend and at the same time has
aspirations for the future perhaps. Visualizing for himself glory fame
and riches or perhaps seeing himself as following the same life pattern
as someone, he admired and identifies with a present teacher older
sibling or other friend.
In contrast to Ericson’s stage approach self-theory sees the gradual
acquisition of relatively unified self-concept as continuing throughout
life and in such a way that although self-concept and identity are always
roiled in the past, they are continually sensitive both to what is
happening in the present and to the appraisal of what is likely to happen
in future. If there any evidence that self-concept, become more
harmoniously developed personality it is therefore necessary that the
children are made to learn from the very beginning a constant positive
self-concept which is socially acceptable. The individual's perception of
himself is known as his self-concept. The part of the environment in
which he is involved is known as his phenomenal self and the rest of the
environment of which he is aware or to which he responds his
phenomenal environment or perceived environment. The self-concept
becomes the means by which we create our image and identity. The self-
concept in the child is initiated by physical awareness. Self-concept
influences our personality development in two ways .One is that if other
people hold high positive attitude towards us, this enhances our self-
image and self-acceptances. The other is that is other hold negative
attitude towards us, it creates feeling of worthlessness and consequently
may lead to self-defense or withdrawal from social situation.
Definition of self-concept
According to Raimy (1943) self-concept is the map which each
person consults in order to understand himself during the moments of
crisis or choice. The self includes all that a person embraces in the words
I, Me, Mine 'and Myself. It is within each person the core and the
substances of his experience as human being. According to cattell (1957)
"Self-concept as the key stone personality"
According to Epstein (1972)
"Self-concept is based on self theory .it is a theory an individual
has unwillingly constructed about himself as an experiencing;
functioning individual and it is a part of broader theory which he holds
with respect to his entire range of significant experiences".
Qualities of self-concept
I. Stability — self-concept becomes stable after preparing once.
II. Amendment- Increasing of experiences is going on.
III. Seriousness-seriousness is found in self-concept.
IV. Primary self-concept- PHy sreal and psychological both types
of images are found in this types of self concept
Types of Self Concept
Two types of self-concept
1) Actual Self-concept- This is the concept in which person make his
relation and asks what he is? Who he is ?
2) Ideal Self-concept- it is the concept of self relation from this it is
explained that what the child wanted to become personality models.
Composition in which quantity and how much it is depend upon.
After the studies it is found that when the self-concept is positive
in the child their following characteristic develops self-confidence, self-
glory, the ability to access the relation with others, adjustment,
happiness etc in the same way when the self-concept is negative there
following character develops emotion of uncertainty, inferiority,
complex, lackness of self-confidence adjustments, sorrow etc.
The factor which affects self-concept
1) Senses:- By senses a person can take excitements from external
environment when this excitement concern messages went to directly by
brain then person shows excitements sensation. When these senses are
error full then his excitement is error full. For instances if a child has
problem of hearing then concept of hearing will less developed that is
error full development
2) Intellectual Capability:- concept effected with the important pattern
of persons intellectual capability, in Intellectual Capability intelligence
of child and also logical thinking and imagination etc.
3) Maturity:- From the childhood correct and general development of
self-concept is very necessary in his mental maturity is not according to
his age; Then he is not able to understand the meaning of different
stimulates according to his age.
4) Chance of Learning:- Binake_1955 studies_it is found in his studies
that concept developments quantity and concept quality both are affected
with chance of learning 5) Types of Experience:- At first in primary
stage development of concept in child that is leased on imaginary
experience. After that concept formation is based on every type of
experience whether it is in form of object of imaginary
6) Adjustment:- The person who is putting good adjustment in various
regions his self-concept will be more pure and original than any other
whose adjustment are error full his self-concept is less pure and original.
7) Social Environment:- A person's self-concept development is
depend on his surroundings environment.
8) Anxiety:- Anxiety also effects the formation of self-concept of child
9) Environment of Schools: - After four year child can understand the
differences of cast and community it is because of their friend's
behaviour to each other according to cast and religion.
10) Sports:- During the game the child has knowledge of his ability.
Meantime he does assessment and importance of himself ability with
Wenkart (1950) adds that a knower the self can take panoramic view of
the total personality
The Self
Like all other objects of experience the self growth out of the
matrix of indefiniteness which exists all the first perceptual level. It
comes gradually in to being as the process of differentiation goes on
within the perceptual field.
This is an empirical object more homogenous and more stable than
some others. The transition is aided by three factors, First rediscovery of
and emphasis on the most satisfying components in the system of selves
which have long been experimented with second; the development of
specific new forms of self enhancement and self-defence appropriate to
the more nature self. Sometimes as modifications of adolescent
measures something as new departures. Third the supporting influence
of friends and person admired.
According to Murphy (1947)
"the individual known to the individual".
Types of Self:-
1) Physical Self :- by The physical development various types of self
develops for instance.
2) Self-identification :- By this infant knew himself
3) Self-Respect:- In front identifies environment. The pleasant this
works. By this he develops his self.
4) Self-Image: - By this child identifies expectations and roles. He does
that work which is appreciated by others.
5) Intellectual Self :- From the age of six years the child starts to
develop his thinking power
The Concept
Self-concept in Adolescent
Adolescent is a period of life which is full of physical vigour.
Adolescent take interest in extra ordinary activities .For achieving, their
goal and do extra ordinary activities, the most important thing is to make
the self-concept in concrete level and identity level at least.
The child upto 12 years of age does no bother about his future
career but as he reaches 16years of age he starts thinking about his future
career. The choice of future career by adolescent significantly affects his
future. Social relationship in the society and indirect progress of the
country. For this the self-concept is perfect of adolescence. They can
achieve their destination in future without any difficulty. Self-concept
becomes the mean by which they create their image and identity. The
self-concept in the child is initiated by physical awareness. The second
importance means in the development of self-concept is their social
status, the way they dress and their language etc. It develops personality
of adolescence also so it is an organizing agency of the personality of
c) Adolescence: -
Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and psychological
development that generally occurs during the period from puberty to
legal adulthood.
Adolescence means 'to emerge' to achieve 'identify'. Adolescence
is the stage between childhood and adulthood, it is not an age, but a
B) Margaret Mead: (1882- 1963) - Margeret mead finds that the storm
ad stress of this phase development is caused by socio-economic factors
rather than biological factors. Mead also states that the major task facing
adolescents today is the search for a meaningful identity.
C) Erik Erikson- The core concept of Erickson's theory is the
acquisition of an ego identity and the identity crisis is the most essential
characteristics of adolescence the search of an identity involves
production of a meaningful self-concept in which past,
Present and future are linked together.
To Grow to Maturity
- Jean Piaget
“Adolescence is the period through which a growing person makes transition from
child hood to maturity”
- jenshiald
“The one word which best characterizes adolescence is change, The Change is
psychological, sociological and physiological,”
-Stanley Hatt
Emotional instability
1. Puberty:- Puberty:- Growth Growth ability for Struggle with their own
Growth of of body hair oil abstract thoughts identity
body hair oil glands gets active
glands gets
2. Growth in Breast and hip Interested in present Worried about their physical
testicles and development status but still changes
penis thoughtful for future
3. Deepening of On set of Conflict with parents
Voice menstruation -
4. Gain Weight Gain weight and Moral Thinking gets Desire to be independent
and Height Height deeper Mood Swings
2. Middle Stage of Adolescence:- 14-18 Years
1. Young mean Young woman Capable of thinking Now they get to know their
continue to are physically ideas from beginning identity including rowel
gain weight fully developed to end identity
to height
body and
body hair
are as follows:-
Important period.
Period of Transition.
Period of change.