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Valentine Games: Tu corazón esta la

apuesta (3-Valentine Brothers) 1ª

Edition Kelsey Quinn
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This section includes the Spider-crabs and related genera, in which
the carapace is triangular, with the apex in front formed by a
sharply-pointed rostrum. There are two chief series, the one
comprising the Spider-crabs, with much elongated walking legs, e.g.
the huge Maia squinado of European seas, the yet more enormous
Macrocheira kämpferi from Japan, supposed to be the largest
Crustacean in existence, and sometimes spanning from outstretched
chela to chela as much as eleven feet, and the smaller forms, such as
Inachus, Hyas, and Stenorhynchus, which are so common in
moderate depths off the English coasts. The other series is
represented by genera like Lambrus (Fig. 133), in which the legs are
not much elongated, but the chelipedes are enormous.
The Spider-crabs do not burrow, and their respiratory mechanism
is simple; but since they are forms that clamber about among weeds,
etc., upon the sea-bottom, they often show remarkable protective
resemblances to their surroundings, which are not found in the
burrowing Cyclometopa. Alcock[156] gives a good account and figure
of Parthenope investigatoris, one of the short-legged Oxyrhyncha,
the whole of whose dorsal surface is wonderfully sculptured to
resemble a piece of the old corroded coral among which it lives.
But besides this, the long-legged forms, such as Inachus, Hyas,
etc., have the habit of planting out Zoophytes, Sponges, and Algae
upon their spiny carapaces, so that they literally become part and
parcel of the organic surroundings among which they live. It may,
perhaps, be wondered what are the enemies which these armoured
Crustacea fear. Predaceous fish, such as the Cod, devour large
quantities of Crabs, which are often found in their stomachs; and
Octopuses of all sorts live specially upon Crabs, which they first of all
paralyse by injecting them with the secretion of poison-glands
situated in their mouth. The poison has been recently found by Dr.
Martin Henze at Naples to be an alkaloid, minute quantities of
which, when injected into a Crab, completely paralyse it. When the
Crab is rendered helpless the Octopus cuts out a hole in the carapace
with its beak, and sucks all the internal organs, and then leaves the
empty shell.
Many of the Oxyrhyncha are found in the abysses; among them are
Encephaloides armstrongi (Fig. 132), dredged by Alcock from below
the 100–fathom line in the Indian Ocean, which has the gill-
chambers (G) greatly swollen and enlarged to make up for the
scarcity of oxygen in these deep regions.
Fam. 1. Maiidae.—The
chelipedes are not much larger
than the other legs, but are very
mobile. Orbits incomplete. A very
large family, including all the true
Spider-crabs, very common in the
Atlantic and Mediterranean
littoral. Inachus, Pisa, Hyas,
Stenorhynchus, Maia,
Encephaloides (Fig. 132).
Fam. 2. Parthenopidae.—
The chelipedes are much larger
than the other legs. Orbits
complete. Lambrus (Fig. 133),
Fig. 132.—Encephaloides armstrongi, Fam. 3.
× 1. The long walking legs are omitted. Hymenosomatidae. The
C, Great chela; G, one of the greatly carapace is thin and flat; the
swollen gill-chambers. (After Alcock.) chelipedes are neither very long

nor especially mobile. There are

no orbits, and the male openings
are on the sternum. Characteristic
of the Antarctic seas.
Hymenosoma, Trigonoplax.

Fig. 133.—Lambrus miersi, × 1. (After

Milne Edwards and Bouvier.)

Tribe 5. Catometopa.
These Crabs resemble the Cyclometopa in general appearance, but
the carapace is very square in outline, and its margins are never so
well provided with spines as in the Cyclometopa. The position of the
male genital openings is peculiar, since they lie upon the sternum,
and are connected with the copulatory appendages upon the
abdomen by means of furrows excavated in the sternum. The
Catometopa are either littoral or shallow water forms, or else they
live entirely on land. The Grapsidae are marine Crabs, Pachygrapsus
marmoratus (Fig. 134) at Naples being exceedingly common on
rocks at high-water mark, over which it scuttles at a great rate; in the
Mediterranean it takes the place of our common Garcinus maenas,
which is not found there.
Among the land genera are
Ocypoda, Gelasimus, and
Gecarcinus of tropical lagoons
and coastal swamps. Ocypoda
often occurs in vast crowds in
these regions, and digs burrows
in the sand.
Gelasimus (Fig. 135) is
remarkable for the enormous size
of one of the chelipedes, generally
Fig. 134.—Dorsal view of Pachygrapsus
the right, in the male, which may
marmoratus, × ⅓. (From an original actually exceed in size the rest of
drawing prepared for Professor the body. It is not known what
Weldon.) purpose this organ serves in the
various species. In Gelasimus it is
supposed that the male stops up
the mouth of the burrow with it when he and the female are safely
inside. It is also used as a weapon in sexual combats with other
males; but Alcock, from observations made in the Indian Ocean,
believes that the males use it for exciting the admiration of the
females in courtship, as the huge chela is bright red in colour, and
the males brandish it about before the females as if displaying its
florid beauty.
The species of Ocypoda are exclusively terrestrial, and cannot live
for a day in water. The gills have entirely disappeared, and the
branchial chambers are converted into air-breathing lungs with
highly vascular walls, the
entrances into which are situated
as round holes between the bases
of the third and fourth pairs of
walking legs. As their name
implies, they can run with
astonishing rapidity, and they
seem to be always on the alert,
directing their eyes, which are
placed on exceedingly long stalks,
in all directions.
Some of the Grapsidae, e.g.
Aratus pisonii, are partially
adapted for life on land. Fritz
Müller, in his Facts for Darwin,
alludes to this creature as “a
charming lively crab which
ascends mangrove bushes and
gnaws their leaves.” The carapace
can be elevated and depressed
posteriorly, apparently by means
of a membranous sac, which can
be inflated by the body-fluids.
This Crab retains its gills and can
breathe under water in the
ordinary way.
A great many other
Catometopa are land-crabs; but
we may specially mention the
genus Gecarcinus, related to the Fig. 135.—Gelasimus annulipes, × 1. A,
marine Grapsidae, which has Female; B, male. (After Alcock.)
representatives in the West Indies
and West Africa. The Crabs of this genus may live in sheltered
situations several miles from the sea, but in spring the whole adult
population rushes down in immense troops to the shore, where
breeding and spawning take place; and when this is completed they
migrate back again to the land. The young pass through the normal
larval stages in the sea and then migrate inland.[157]
Fam. 1. Carcinoplacidae.—The carapace is rounded and
broader than long, usually with toothed front margin. The orbits and
eyes are normal, and not much enlarged. Geryon, in the deep littoral
of the northern hemisphere. Euryplax, Panoplax, etc., in the
American coastal waters. Typhlocarcinus, etc., in the Indo-Pacific.
Fam. 2. Gonoplacidae.—The carapace is square, with the
antero-lateral corners produced into spines. The orbits are
transversely widened, and the eye-stalks long. Gonoplax, widely
distributed in the littoral zone. G. rhomboides in British and
European seas.
Fam. 3. Pinnotheridae.—Carapace round, with indistinct
frontal margin. Orbits and eyes very small, often rudimentary. The
members of this family live symbiotically or parasitically in the shells
of living Bivalve Molluscs, corals, and wormtubes in all seas except
the Arctic. Pinnotheres pisum is fairly commonly met with off the
English coasts in the mantle-cavity of Cardium norwegicum.
Fam. 4. Grapsidae.[158]—Carapace square, the lateral margins
either strictly parallel or slightly arched. The orbits and eyes are
moderately large, but the eye-stalks are not much lengthened.
Littoral, fresh-water, and land. Pachygrapsus marmoratus (Fig.
134), the common shore-crab of the Mediterranean. Sesarma, with
fresh-water and land representatives in the tropics of both
hemispheres. Cyclograpsus, marine in the tropical littoral.
Fam. 5. Gecarcinidae.—Carapace square, but much swollen in
the branchial region. Orbits and eyes moderately large. Typically
land forms, which only occasionally visit the sea or fresh water.
Cardisoma is a completely circumtropical genus, with species in
tropical America, West and East Africa, and throughout the Indo-
Pacific. Gecarcinus in West Indies and West Africa.
Fam. 6. Ocypodidae.—Carapace square or rounded, generally
without teeth on the lateral margins. The orbits transversely
lengthened, eye-stalks usually very long. The members of this family
generally inhabit the mud-flats and sands of tropical coasts; in the
southern hemisphere they extend far into the temperate regions.
Macrophthalmus, with numerous species, in Indo-Pacific.
Gelasimus (Fig. 135), in the tropics of both hemispheres. Ocypoda,
with similar distribution.

A. Marine.

The great majority of the Crustacea are inhabitants of the sea.

From a Zoogeographical point of view we divide the sea into three
chief regions, each of which is characterised by a special kind of
fauna—the littoral, the pelagic, and the abyssal regions.
The littoral region, which comprises all the shallow coastal waters
down to about 100 fathoms, varies very greatly in its physical
character according to the nature of the coast, its geological
constitution, latitude, etc., but, on the whole, it is characterised by
variability of temperature and salinity, by the presence of sunlight,
and by the continuous motion of its waves. On the shores of the large
oceans this region is also greatly affected by the tides. It is inhabited
by a vast assemblage of Crustacea, all of which are dependent upon a
solid substratum, either of rock or sand, or of vegetable or animal
growth, upon which they may wander in search of food, or in which
they may hide themselves. In consequence, the character of the
Crustacea on any shore is largely determined by its geological nature.
Although a certain number of Entomostraca such as Copepoda
(Harpacticidae and Cyclopidae), Ostracoda (Cypridae and
Cytheridae), and a few Operculata are littoral in habit, it is the
Malacostraca, from their larger size and variety of form, which give
the character to coastal waters.
On rocky coasts, especially those affected by tides, a great many
kinds of Shore-crab are found, which hide at low tide in the rock-
pools and under stones. Carcinus maenas is characteristic of the
rocky coasts of the North Sea, while it is replaced in warmer seas and
all round the tropics by Crabs of the family Grapsidae, which are
typical rock-livers, and exceedingly agile in clambering over tide-
washed rocks. Porcellanidae are also very common under stones at
low tide on rocky beaches. Such typical Shore-crabs as these are
remarkably resistant to desiccation, and can live out of water for an
astonishing time; nor do they require a change of water provided
they have access to the air. The edible crab (Cancer pagurus) and the
lobsters (Homarus and Palinurus) are dependent on rocks, but they
rarely come close in-shore, preferring depths of a few fathoms.
Sandy coasts are preferred by Shrimps and Prawns, which haunt
the shallow coastal waters in shoals; and in the sand are found all the
Crabs whose respiratory mechanism is specially adapted for life in
these regions, e.g. Hippidea or Mole-crabs, Corystes, Matuta,
Calappa, etc.
Characteristic of sandy bottoms are also the Thalassinidea, such as
Callianassa, which excavate galleries in the sand. On tropical sandy
shores various species of Ocypoda and Gelasimus are conspicuous,
which have deserted the sea, and live in burrows which they excavate
on the shore. Gelasimus is especially abundant in the muddy sand of
tropical mangrove swamps.
Besides the rocky and sandy coasts we must distinguish the muddy
shores and bottoms which support a large amount of vegetable and
animal growth. These, besides harbouring the greater number of
Amphipods and Isopods, are also the natural home of the Dromiacea
and Oxyrhyncha, or Spider-crabs, among which the habit is common
of decking themselves out with pieces of weed or animal growth in
order to harmonise better with their surroundings. Pagurids are also
especially abundant in the deeper waters of these coasts.
Coral-reefs support a characteristic Crustacean fauna. In the
growing coral at the reef-edge a number of small Cyclometopa are
found, e.g. Chlorodius, Actaea, Xantho, which are finely sculptured
and often coloured so as to harmonise with the coral. Alpheidae also,
Shrimp-like Macrura with highly asymmetrical claws, which can emit
a sharp cracking sound with the larger claw, are commonly found in
pools on the reef. In the coralshingle formed by abrasion from the
reef-edge at a few fathoms depth, Leucosiidae are found, in which,
again, respiratory mechanisms for filtering sand from the gills are
Besides the geological nature of the coast, latitude has a very
important bearing upon the distribution of littoral Crustacea.
Indeed, the present distribution of littoral Crustacea appears to be
far more determined by the temperature of the coastal waters than
by the presence of any land-barriers, however formidable. We may
distinguish an Arctic, Antarctic, and Circumtropical zone.
The Arctic zone includes the true Arctic seas, and stretches right
down through boreal regions towards the sub-tropical seas. Almost
all the truly Arctic forms penetrate fairly far south, the Arctic seas
being characterised more by the absence of temperate forms than by
the presence of forms peculiar to itself. At the same time it must be
noted that the individuals from the coldest regions often grow to an
enormous size, a characteristic which is physiologically unexplained.
A great many of the Crustacea characteristic of this region are
circumpolar, i.e. they are not restricted in range to either the Atlantic
or Pacific. This is especially true of the extremely northern types, e.g.
Crangonidae and Hippolytidae, but it is also true of a number of
Crustacea which do not now occur as far north as Greenland or
Bering Strait, so that there is no longer any free communication for
them between Pacific and Atlantic. This gives rise to a discontinuous
distribution in the two oceans, exemplified in the common Shrimp,
Crangon vulgaris, which is found on the temperate European coasts
and on the Pacific coasts of Japan and Eastern America. The same is
true of Eupagurus pubescens and E. bernhardus.
At the same time the boreal Atlantic and Pacific have their peculiar
forms. Thus the European and American Lobsters are confined to the
Atlantic, while the North Pacific possesses a very rich array of
Lithodinae, which cannot be paralleled in the Atlantic.
We may explain the community of many littoral forms to both the
North Atlantic and Pacific coasts by the continuous coast-line uniting
them, which in former times possibly did not lie so far north, or else
was not subjected to so rigorous a climate as now.
In the Antarctic zone we are presented with very different
relations, since the great continents are drawn out to points towards
the south, and are isolated by vast tracts of intervening deep sea.
Nevertheless, certain littoral forms are circumpolar, e.g. the
Palinurid Iasus and the Crabs Cyclograpsus and Hymenosoma. The
genus Dromidia is common to Australia and South Africa, though it
is apparently absent from South America.
The Isopod genus Serolis is confined to Antarctic seas. The
majority are littoral species, and they are distributed round the
coasts of Patagonia, Australia, and Kerguelen in a manner that
certainly suggests a closer connection between these shores in the
past. These facts are, on the whole, evidence in favour of the former
existence of an Antarctic continent stretching farther north and
connecting Australia, Africa, and S. America—a supposition that has
been put forward to account for the distribution of the Penguins,
Struthious birds, Oligochaets, Crayfishes, etc., in these regions (see
pp. 215–217).
In considering the Arctic and Antarctic faunas the supposed
phenomenon of bipolarity must be mentioned, i.e. the occurrence of
particular species in Arctic and Antarctic seas, but not in the
intermediate regions. This discontinuous type of distribution was
upheld for a variety of marine animals by Pfeffer, Murray, and
others, but it has been very adversely criticised by Ortmann.[159] As
far as the Arctic and Antarctic Decapod fauna in general are
concerned, the north polar forms are quite distinct from the south
polar. Typical of the former are Hippolyte, Sclerocrangon, Hyas,
Homarus, etc.; of the latter, Hymenosoma, Dromidia, Iasus. It
appears, however, that in certain special cases, bipolarity of
distribution may be produced owing to the operation of peculiar
causes. Two such cases seem to be fairly well established. Crangon
antarcticus occurs at the two poles, and apparently not in the
intermediate regions; but, as Ortmann points out, it is represented
right down the West American coast by a very closely related form, C.
franciscorum. The waters on the tropical western coasts both of
Africa and America are exceedingly cool, and it appears that in this
way the Crangon may have migrated across the tropical belt, leaving
a slightly modified race to represent it in this intermediate region.
The other case of bipolarity is afforded by the “Schizopod,”
Boreomysis scyphops, which occurs at both poles, but is not known
from the tropics. This is a pelagic species, and we know that the
Mysidae often descend to considerable depths. We also know that
the Mysidae are dependent on cold water, only occurring in boreal or
temperate waters. We may safely suppose, therefore, that the
migration of this species has taken place by their forsaking the
surface-waters as the tropics were approached, and passing down
into the depths where the temperature is constantly low even in the
The dependence of Crustacea upon the temperature of the water is
also illustrated by the distribution of the Lithodinae. The
headquarters of this family are in the boreal Pacific, with a few
scattered representatives in the boreal Atlantic. The cool currents on
the western coasts of America, however, have permitted certain
forms to migrate as far south as Patagonia, where they still have a
littoral habit. In the tropical Indo-Pacific, where a few species occur,
they are only found in deep waters. Thus at these various latitudes,
by following cool currents or migrating into deep water, they are
always subjected to similar conditions of temperature. The same
kind of thing is observed in Arctic seas, where deep-sea forms are apt
to take on secondarily a littoral habit owing to the temperature of the
depths and of the shore being the same.
Despite the impassable barriers of land which now sever the
tropical oceans, we can yet speak of a circumtropical zone
possessing many species common to its most widely separated parts.
Such circumtropical species, occurring on both the Atlantic and
Pacific coasts of tropical America, on the West African coast, and in
the Indo-Pacific, are various Grapsidae, Calappa granulata and its
allies, and certain Albunea. The most striking instance of all is that of
the Land-crabs. Of Ocypoda, the greater number of species occur in
the Indo-Pacific, but representatives are also found on the tropical
Eastern and Western American coasts and on the West African coast,
and the same is true of Gelasimus. The genus Cardisoma, belonging
to a different group of Land-crabs, is also typically circumtropical.
For this community of the circumtropical species we may certainly
advance in explanation the comparatively recent formation of the
Isthmus of Panama. Besides the resemblance of the Crustacea on the
east and west coasts of the isthmus, we have an actual identity of
species in several cases, e.g. Pachycheles panamensis and Hippa
emerita, and the same thing has been observed for the marine fish.
Another connexion, at any rate during early tertiary times, which
probably existed between now isolated tropical coasts, was across the
Atlantic from the West Indies to the Mediterranean and West African
coasts. Numerous facts speak for this connexion. Species of
Palinurus and Dromia occur in the West Indies and the
Mediterranean, which only differ from one another in detail, and a
connexion between these two regions has been urged from the
minute resemblances of the late Cretaceous Corals of the West Indies
with those of the Gosau beds of S. Europe, and also of the Miocene
land-molluscs of S. Europe with those at the present time found in
the West Indies.
To account, then, for the present distribution of littoral Crustacea
we must imagine that great changes have taken place during
comparatively recent times in the coast-lines of the ocean, but the
guiding principle in both the past and present has been temperature,
and this factor enables us, despite the immense changes in the
configuration of the globe that must have taken place, to divide the
coasts latitudinally into Arctic, Antarctic, and Circumtropical zones.
Pelagic Crustacea belong chiefly to the Copepoda (Calanidae,
Centropagidae, Candacidae, Pontellidae, Corycaeidae), a few
Ostracoda (Halocypridae and Cypridinae), and among Malacostraca
a few Amphipoda (Hyperina), some “Schizopoda,” and among
Decapoda only the Sergestidae, if we except the few special forms
which live on the floating weeds of the Sargasso Sea, e.g. the Prawns
Virbius acuminatus and Latreutes ensiferus, and the Brachyura
Neptunus sayi and Planes minutus. Besides these Crustacea which
are pelagic as adults, there is an enormous host of larval forms, both
among Entomostraca and Malacostraca, which are taken in the
In dealing with the Copepoda we have already mentioned the vast
pelagic shoals of these organisms which occur at particular times of
the year, and have an important influence on fishing industries.
Anomalocera pattersoni (Fig. 27, p. 60) is a good instance of this. It
is a large Heterarthrandrian, about 3 mm. long, with the body of a
fine bluish green colour; it has a remarkable power of springing out
of the water, so that a shoal has the appearance of fine rain upon the
surface of the sea. It occurs in the open Atlantic and Mediterranean,
but comes into the coasts during violent storms; the Norwegian
fishermen hail its presence in the fjords as the sign of the approach
of the summer herring.
It was Haeckel[160] who first clearly distinguished between “neritic”
plankton, the species of which have their centres of distribution in
shallow coastal waters and die out gradually as the open ocean is
approached, and “oceanic” plankton which is habitually found in the
open sea, and though it may invade the coasts is not dependent on
the sea-bottom in any way. It appears that although these two kinds
of plankton may get mixed up by currents and storms, they are
always recruited by new generations from the neritic or oceanic
stations proper to each kind.
Common oceanic species, found chiefly in the open Atlantic and in
the North Sea, are Anomalocera pattersoni, Calanus finmarchicus,
Centropages typicus, Metridia lucens, Oithona plumifera, etc.
Common neritic species in the Channel and other coastal waters are
Centropages hamatus, Euterpe acutifrons, Oithona nana, Temora
longicornis, etc. It was found by Gough[161] that although the true
oceanic species invade the Channel from the open Atlantic to the
west, they become rarer and rarer as they advance up the Channel.
Thus the plankton midway between the Lizard and Ushant at all
times of year is about 70 per cent. oceanic, while at the line drawn
from Portland to the Cap de la Hague it is about 35 per cent.
Seasonal changes in the salinity of the Channel water, chiefly due to
the influx of oceanic water from the Atlantic, as observed by
Matthews,[162] do not clearly influence the distribution of oceanic and
neritic forms. The influx of highly saline water from the Atlantic was
most marked during the winter months up to February. From
February to May the highly saline water receded, and during the
summer months at the line drawn between Portland and the Cap de
la Hague the salinity was rather low. This was increased in
November by a patch of oceanic water being cut off from the main
mass and passing up Channel, and it is noteworthy that during this
month the highest percentage of oceanic forms was taken in the
plankton of this region.
Calanus finmarchicus affords a clear instance of the way in which
the plankton may be carried about for great distances by means of
currents. This species has its home in the subarctic seas, but is
carried down in the spring by the East Icelandic Polar stream to its
spawning-place south of Iceland; the enormous shoals produced
here are carried back, continually multiplying, along the coasts of
Norway during the summer and autumn.
Besides these great migrations, the plankton organisms perform
daily movements, the majority of the Crustacea avoiding the surface
during the day, and often going down to as much as seventy fathoms
or more, and only coming up to the surface at night. Others,
however, e.g. Calanus finmarchicus, behave in the converse manner,
preferring the sunlit surface to swim in.
Owing to their dispersal by means of oceanic currents the pelagic
Crustacea do not offer any very striking features in regard to their
distribution, and the possibility of always finding congenial
temperatures by passing into the upper or under strata of water
enables them to live in almost all seas. The tropical species of
Sergestidae are mostly circumtropical, i.e. unhindered by the present
barriers of land.
The Abyssal regions of the sea contain many of the most
interesting Crustacea. Families entirely confined to the abyss are the
Eryonidae, Pylochelidae, and certain Caridean Prawns
(Psalidopodidae, etc.), but there are a great number of normally
littoral genera which have representatives in deep water. If we draw
the limit between the littoral and abyssal regions at about 200
metres, we can characterise the latter as absolutely dark except for
the presence of phosphorescent organisms, with the temperature at a
little above zero, and with a comparative lack of dissolved oxygen in
the water. These conditions bring about remarkable modifications in
the structure and life-histories of the inhabitants of the deep sea; we
have already touched on the modifications of the visual organs and
on the presence of phosphorescence in many of the animals; other
points to be noticed are the usually uniform yellowish or bright red
coloration, the frequent delicacy of the tissues without much
calcification, variations in the structure of the breathing organs, e.g.
in Bathynomus giganteus and Encephaloides armstrongi, and the
loss of the larval development. Owing to the similarity of conditions
in the deep sea all over the globe most of its inhabitants are
universally distributed. It is also a striking fact that species are found
in the deep sea of the tropics whose nearest allies occur, not in the
littoral seas of the tropics, but in those of the temperate region. This
fact has already been alluded to in dealing with the distribution of
the Lithodinae. Alcock[163] remarks that between 50–500 fathoms in
the Indian Ocean are found Crabs such as Maia, Latreillia, and
Homola, regarded as characteristic of the north temperate seas; the
lobster Nephrops andamanica, taken at 150–400 fathoms, is closely
allied to the Norwegian N. norwegica; and nine species of
“Schizopoda,” which are certainly temperate forms, occur in the
Indian Ocean at depths of 500–1750 fathoms.

B. Fresh-Water.[164]

If we except the Crayfishes and River-crabs, the Crustacean fauna

of running water is exceedingly poor, but in all standing fresh-water,
from the smallest pond to the large lakes and inland seas, Crustacea,
especially Entomostraca, are abundant and characteristic, and form
an important item in the food of fresh-water fishes. In small ponds a
vast assemblage of Cladocera is met with; these animals multiply
with great rapidity by parthenogenesis, especially during spring and
summer, but on the advent of untoward conditions sexual
individuals are produced, which lay fertilised winter-eggs which lie
dormant until favourable conditions again arise. As Weismann first
pointed out, the frequency with which sexual individuals are
produced in the various species is closely correlated with the liability
of the water in which they live to dry up; so that the Cladocera which
inhabit small ponds usually have at least two “epidemics” of sexual
individuals, one during early summer and the other before the onset
of winter.
Besides Cladocera, the Phyllopoda (e.g. Apus, Artemia, etc.)
inhabit small pools; and also a great number of Cyclopidae. Of the
other fresh-water families of Copepoda, viz. Centropagidae and
Harpacticidae, inhabitants of small pieces of water are Diaptomus
castor, as opposed to the other species of Diaptomus which are
pelagic, and a number of Harpacticidae (Canthocamptus), the
members of this family living in the weed or mud of either small
ponds or else on the shores of the larger lakes. The greater number of
Ostracoda are found in similar situations.
A district like the Broads of Norfolk, which consists partly of
slowly-moving streams and partly of extensive stretches of shallow
water, supports a Crustacean fauna intermediate in character
between that found in small ponds and the truly pelagic fauna
characteristic of deep lakes. A very complete list of the Crustacea of
the Norfolk Broads, with an interesting commentary on their
distribution, is given by Mr. Robert Gurney.[165] We miss here the
pelagic Cladocera, such as Leptodora, Bythotrephes, Holopedium,
etc., which form so characteristic a feature of large lakes; at the same
time, besides a rich development of the Cladocera, Cyclopidae, and
Harpacticidae, which haunt the weeds and mud of shallow waters,
we find such species as Polyphemus pediculus and Bosmina
longirostris among Cladocera, which are otherwise confined to large
bodies of water, and a few pelagic Diaptomus, e.g. D. gracilis. The
fauna is also complicated in this district by the proximity to the sea
and the frequently high salinity of the water, which allows a number
of typically marine Copepods to pass up the estuaries and
intermingle with typically fresh-water species; such are Eurytemora
affinis among the Centropagidae, and several species of
Harpacticidae (see p. 62).
The large lakes of the world, such as the continental lakes of
Europe and America, or of our own Lake District, reproduce on a
small scale the varied conditions which appertain to the ocean—as in
the ocean, we can recognise in these lakes a littoral, a pelagic, and an
abyssal region. Our knowledge of the physiography of lakes is largely
due to the classical work of Forel,[166] and the following account of the
physical conditions in the various regions is condensed from his
The littoral region is sharply marked off from the others by the
relative instability of its physical conditions, owing to the agitation of
its waters, the affluence of streams and drainage, and the constant
changes of temperature. The water in this region generally contains a
good deal of solid matter in suspension, while the shelving banks of
the lake support a wealth of vegetable growth, both of Algae and of
Phanerogams, down to about 20–25 metres. At this depth the
daylight does not penetrate sufficiently to admit of the growth of
green plants, so that this region marks the limit, both physical and
biological, between the littoral and the abyssal zones. In this littoral
region there flourish a great quantity of Entomostraca, most of which
are also found in small ponds where similar conditions of life prevail
—the pelagic species only penetrating rarely, and by accident, into its
waters. At the beginning of July Mr. H. O. S. Gibson and myself
found that the weedy littoral region of Grasmere contained almost
entirely large quantities of the Cladoceran Eurycercus lamellatus,
and a number of Cyclops fuscus and C. strenuus. In the littoral zone
of large lakes, Amphipods, Isopods, and fresh-water shrimps may
also be met with, but this applies more to the lakes of the Tropics and
of the Southern Hemisphere.
The pelagic[167] region is distinguished from the littoral by the
greater purity and transparency of its waters, and by the relative
stability of the temperature, the annual range, even at the surface, in
Geneva being from 4°–20° C., while at 100 metres the water has a
uniform temperature of 4° or 5° C. The upper strata are, of course,
brightly illuminated, but at 20 metres there is hardly sufficient light
for green plants to grow, and at 100 metres it is completely dark. The
inhabitants of this region, known collectively as plankton, spend
their whole life swimming freely in the water, sometimes at the
surface and sometimes in the deeper strata. They consist chiefly of
Diatoms, Protozoa, Rotifera, and Crustacea. The pelagic Crustacea,
especially the Cladocera, are often the most curiously and delicately
built creatures. Leptodora hyalina, which is quite transparent, is the
largest of them, attaining to three-quarters of an inch in length,
though Bythotrephes longimanus is nearly as large if we include the
immense spine which terminates the body. Holopedium gibberum,
which is the commonest of all in Grasmere lake, but not so frequently
met with in the other English lakes, is peculiar in that its body is
enveloped in a spherical mass of transparent jelly, sometimes a
quarter of an inch in diameter, so that the contents of a tow-net jar
full of Holopedium have something of the consistency of boiled sago.
The enormous quantities in which these animals often occur during
summer is very astonishing; but to be truly appreciated tow-nettings
should be taken at the surface of the lake either during night-time
when there is not much moonlight, or else on a dark still day when
there is a quiet drizzle falling on the surface of the water. In bright
sunshine the plankton passes below the surface into the lower strata,
and can be usually taken by sinking the tow-net some 10–20 feet, or
to even greater depths in the water. The exact reason of these
periodic migrations out of the light, and their dependence on other
physical conditions, such as temperature and the agitation of the
water, is not clearly understood. It appears, however, that when the
water is rough, plankton always passes into the deeper regions.
Besides the species mentioned, the minute Bosminidae, whose
trunked heads are suggestive under the microscope of elephants, and
Polyphemus pediculus are among the commonest pelagic Cladocera,
though neither Polyphemus nor Bythotrephes ever form shoals. The
above-mentioned genera are characteristic of the larger lakes in the
Northern Hemisphere. Our knowledge of the Crustacean plankton of
tropical lakes and of those of the Southern Hemisphere is limited
(but see p. 216).
A very important constituent of lake-plankton is furnished by the
Copepoda, especially of the genus Diaptomus. With the exception of
Holopedium, by far the commonest Crustacean in Grasmere during
July was found by Mr. Gibson and myself to be D. caeruleus.
At the same time a number of Cyclopidae, e.g. Cyclops strenuus,
may occur in the pelagic region in considerable quantities, though
they were never found by us in such numbers as Diaptomus.
The life-cycle of the pelagic Entomostraca has been studied in both
the Cladocera and the Copepoda. In some of the Cladocera
Weismann at first supposed that males had altogether disappeared,
and that reproduction was entirely parthenogenetic. It appears,
however, that all the pelagic species have at least one sexual period,
namely, in the autumn, when resting eggs are produced which lie
dormant during the winter. The pelagic Copepods may either
produce resting eggs for the winter (Diaptomus), or else the winter is
passed through in the Nauplius stage, the larvae hibernating in the
mud until the spring (Cyclopidae).
We have so far only dealt with fresh-water Entomostraca. There
are, in addition, a number of Malacostraca which inhabit fresh water,
and some of these are found in the abyssal region of the great lakes,
which must now be considered.
The physical conditions of the abyssal region are still more stable
than those of the pelagic region, since the water is never disturbed,
the bottom is always composed of a fine mud, the temperature is
constant at 4°–5° C., and there is a total absence of light. It was
hardly expected that animals would inhabit this region, until Forel
discovered Asellus aquaticus in a depth of forty metres in the Lake of
Geneva, and subsequently showed that quite a number of animals,
including a Hydra, several worms, Molluscs, Crustacea, and larval
Insects, may be found in these or even much greater depths.
The Crustacea of the abyssal region are two in number, and these
have been found in a number of European lakes; Niphargus
puteanus, a blind Amphipod closely allied to Gammarus; and
Asellus forelii, allied to A. aquaticus and A. cavaticus, which may be
either quite blind or else retain the rudiments of eyes.
These two Crustacea, under a practically identical form, are also
found in the subterranean waters of Europe, and Forel considers that
they have arrived in the abysses of the lakes from the subterranean
channels, and are not derivatives of the littoral fauna.[168]
Having completed our short review of lacustrine Crustacea, we
may deal with the subterranean and cave Crustacea,[169] which,
as far as light and temperature are concerned, are subjected to very
similar conditions to those dwelling at the bottom of deep lakes. The
inhabitants of the subterranean waters have been chiefly brought to
light in Artesian wells, etc., while the cavedwellers have been
investigated especially at Carniola and in the American caves.
A number of species of Cyclopidae and Cypridae, many of which
are blind and colourless, have been brought up in well-water. The
Amphipod Niphargus puteanus has long been known from a similar
source in England[170] and all over Europe, and several other blind
Gammarids inhabit the subterranean waters and caves in various
parts of the world. Among Isopods, Asellus cavaticus is recorded
from wells and caves in various parts of Europe, Caecidotea stygia
and C. nickajackensis from the Mammoth and Nickajack Caves in
America, and two very remarkable blind Isopods are described by
Chilton from the subterranean waters of New Zealand, viz.
Cruregens fontanus, whose nearest allies are the marine Anthuridae,
and the Isopods Phreatoicus typicus and P. assimilis, which bear an
extraordinary resemblance superficially to Amphipods. Besides
these, a small number of subterranean Decapoda are known which
retain the eye-stalks but are without functional ommatidia. These are
Troglocaris schmidtii, in Hungary, related to the fresh-water Atyid
Xiphocaris of East Indian and East Asiatic fresh waters rather than
to the South European Atyephyra; Palaemonetes antrorum, from
artesian wells in Texas; and several species of Cambarus from the
Eastern United States. A blind species of Cambarus, C. stygius, has
been described from the caves of Carniola, and if this determination
is correct, is the sole Cambarus occurring outside America.
It will be seen from the above account that the subterranean
Crustacea are an exceedingly interesting and, in many respects,
archaic group, many of which have survived in these isolated and
probably uncompetitive districts, while many secular changes were
going on in the quick world overhead.
The remaining fresh water Malacostraca may be mentioned
under the headings of the groups to which they belong.
Only one “Schizopod,” apart from Paranaspides, is known from
fresh-water lakes, viz. Mysis relicta, which was discovered in 1861 by
Lovén in the Scandinavian lakes, and has since been found in the
Finnish lakes, the Caspian Sea, Lake Michigan, and other localities in
N. America, and Lough Erne in Ireland. This species is closely related
to Mysis oculata of Greenlandic seas.
In the Southern Hemisphere we have a species of Anaspides, A.
tasmaniae, occurring in mountain streams and tarns in Tasmania, a
related form which haunts the littoral zone of the Great Lake in
Tasmania, and a small species, Koonunga cursor, occurs in a little
stream near Melbourne.
Of the Isopoda certain genera, viz. Asellus and Monolistra, are
confined to fresh water, others, such as Sphaeroma, Idothea,
Alitropus, and Cymothoa, have occasional fresh-water
representatives. Packard describes a remarkable blind Isopod,
Caecidotea, from the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, which occupies a
very isolated position, and in the same work gives a very complete
exposition of the cave-fauna of North America and Europe.
The Phreatoicidae are a curious family of Isopods confined to the
fresh waters of Australia and New Zealand, which bear a remarkable
resemblance to Amphipods, being laterally compressed and
possessing a subchelate hand on the anterior thoracic leg. These
Isopods are exceedingly common in small mountain pools and in
streams in Tasmania, and in the Great Lake in that country I have
recently found a number of species which, together with some
species of Amphipods, make up the dominant feature in the
Crustacean fauna. One of these species may grow to fully an inch in
length. The family is confined to the temperate regions, and is
usually found on mountains. A number of species are known from
the mainland of Australia, one coming from a high elevation on
Mount Kosciusko, and another (Phreatoicopsis) from the forests of
Gippsland attaining a great size, and living among damp leaves, etc.
The fresh-water Amphipoda all belong to the families Talitridae,
Gammaridae, and Haustoriidae (see p. 137).
Among the Talitridae, or Sand-hoppers, Orchestia and Talitrus
have marine as well as fresh-water and land representatives, while
the American Hyalella is entirely from fresh water, most of the
species being peculiar to Lake Titicaca. Many of these animals are
partly emancipated from an aquatic life. Thus Orchestia
gammarellus, which is common on the sea-shore of the
Mediterranean, frequently penetrates far inland, and was found in
large numbers by Kotschy near a spring 4000 feet up on Mount
Talitrus sylvaticus is very common among fallen leaves and
decaying timber in Tasmania and Southern Australia, many miles
from the sea, and often at an elevation of several thousand feet.
Among the Gammaridae, certain genera, e.g. Macrohectopus
(Constantia), from Lake Baikal, are purely fresh-water. An enormous
development of Gammaridae was discovered by Dybowsky in Lake
Baikal, comprising 116 species, and lately a number more have been
found by Korotneff.[172] The majority of these were originally placed
in the genus Gammarus, but Stebbing has rightly created a number
of peculiar genera for them. Certain species are, however, placed in
more widely distributed genera, e.g. Gammarus and
Carinogammarus, which is also represented in the Caspian Sea.
Korotneff found some remarkable transparent pelagic forms
(Constantia) swimming in the abyssal regions at about 600 metres
depth, the majority of them being blind, but some possessing
rudimentary eyes, often on one side only.
Besides various species of Gammarus, a number of other
Gammaridae are frequently found in brackish water. Among
Haustoriidae Pontoporeia has representatives in both the oceans and
inland lakes of the northern hemispheres (see p. 137).
Of the Decapoda, seven families are typically fresh-water in habitat
—the Aegleidae, containing the single species Aeglea laevis, related
to the Galatheidae, which inhabits streams in temperate S. America;
the Atyidae, a family of Prawns from the tropical rivers and lakes of
the New and Old World, and in the Mediterranean region. A number
of Palaemonidae are found in fresh water, e.g. Palaemonetes varians

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