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Project Report

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Sorting Algorithm Visualization


Submitted by
Laxman Mankad(21ICS1017)
Akshat Bhandari(21BCS10100)
Aditya Verma(21BCS10134)

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of


Computer Science and Engineering

Chandigarh University
APR 2024

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Certified that this project report “Sorting Algorithm Visualization ” is the bonafide
work of “ Laxman Mankad , Akshat Bhandari , Aditya Verma ” who carried out the
project work under my/our supervision.




Submitted for the project viva-voce examination held on_______________________


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Table of Figures

1. Image representing a snapshot of the application sorting data using “Bubble sort” …… 20

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CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 07

1.1. Identification of Client/ Need/ Relevant Contemporary issue ........................................ 07

1.2. Identification of Problem ................................................................................................ 07

1.3. Identification of Tasks .................................................................................................... 08

1.4. Timeline .......................................................................................................................... 09

1.5. Organization of the Report ............................................................................................. 10

CHAPTER 2. DESIGN FLOW/PROCESS ...................................................... 12

2.1 Evaluation & Selection of Specifications/Features ........................................................ 12

2.2 Design Constraints .......................................................................................................... 12

2.3 Analysis of Features and finalization subject to constraints........................................... 13

2.4 Design Flow .................................................................................................................... 15

2.5 Design selection .............................................................................................................. 16

2.6 Implementation plan/methodology ................................................................................. 17

CHAPTER 3. RESULTS ANALYSIS AND VALIDATION ............................ 19

3.1. Implementation of solution ............................................................................................. 19

CHAPTER 4. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK .................................. 20

4.1 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 20

4.2 Future work..................................................................................................................... 21

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 23

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This project entails the development of a Java Swing-based platform for visualizing
sorting algorithms, encompassing bubble sort, merge sort, selection sort, quick sort, and
insertion sort. The platform is designed to provide an interactive and educational
experience, enabling users to observe and comprehend the intricate workings of these
algorithms in real-time.

The project commences with a research and planning phase, where sorting algorithms
are thoroughly studied, and project objectives and deliverables are outlined.
Subsequently, a user-friendly Java Swing interface is created, and the sorting algorithms
are meticulously implemented. User interaction features, such as a "shuffle" button for
data point generation and a customizable delay control for visualization speed, enhance
the platform's functionality.

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1.1 Identification of Client:

1.1.1 Client Identification
The primary target audience for this project includes students, educators, and technology enthusiasts
interested in understanding the intricacies of sorting algorithms. Additionally, software developers and
data analysts seeking to enhance their understanding of algorithmic efficiency will benefit from the
interactive visualization tool. The platform caters to individuals with varying levels of programming
expertise, accommodating both novice learners and experienced professionals.

1.1.2 Client Needs

The identified client base often encounters challenges in comprehending the complexities of sorting
algorithms due to their abstract nature. Text-based explanations and static illustrations are insufficient
in conveying the dynamic nature of sorting processes. The need for a visually interactive platform
arises from the following considerations:

1.2 Relevant Contemporary issue:

1.2.1 Evolution of Educational Tools
In the context of computer science education, the evolution of interactive and engaging educational
tools has become imperative. As technology continues to advance, traditional teaching methods often
struggle to keep pace with the dynamic learning preferences of modern students. The integration of
visually interactive platforms for algorithm visualization has emerged as a crucial contemporary issue,
aiming to bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and practical implementation.

1.3 Identification of Problem:

Traditional learning methods often present a barrier to comprehending the intricacies of sorting
algorithms, primarily due to their abstract and complex nature. Text-based explanations and static
illustrations fail to effectively convey the dynamic processes involved in sorting large datasets.
Consequently, students and learners often struggle to grasp the underlying concepts, leading to a lack
of confidence in implementing these algorithms in practical scenarios.

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1.3.1 Limited Interactive Learning Resources
The absence of readily accessible and user-friendly interactive platforms for visualizing sorting
algorithms hinders the learning process. Existing resources often lack interactivity and fail to provide
a comprehensive, real-time demonstration of the step-by-step execution of sorting algorithms. This
limitation restricts the ability of students and professionals to experiment with different algorithms and
impedes their capacity to develop a deep understanding of the nuances of sorting techniques.

1.4 Identification of Tasks:

1.4.1 Development of Java Swing Interface:

 Create a user-friendly Java Swing-based interface for sorting algorithm visualization.
 Design GUI components and integrate user interaction features.
 Ensure an intuitive and interactive user experience.

1.4.2 Implementation of Sorting Algorithms:

 Implement sorting algorithms, including Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, Selection Sort, Quick Sort,
and Insertion Sort.
 Translate algorithmic logic into code.
 Ensure accurate and efficient sorting of data points.

1.4.3 Integration of User-Interaction Features:

 Add "shuffle" button for generating random data points.
 Include a "sort" button to initiate sorting.
 Incorporate a drop-down menu for selecting sorting algorithms.
 Provide a customizable delay line to control visualization speed.

1.4.4 Creation of Comprehensive Documentation:

 Develop user guides explaining platform features.
 Explain working principles of sorting algorithms.
 Provide guidelines for effective visualization interpretation.
1.4.5 Testing and Debugging:
 Conduct thorough testing to verify algorithm implementations.
 Assess the responsiveness of the user interface.

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1.5 Timeline:
1.5.1 Research and Planning Phase (2 weeks):

 Conduct research on sorting algorithms and their implementations.

 Plan the project's scope, objectives, and deliverables.

1.5.2 Development Phase (6 weeks):

 Create the Java Swing-based interface.

 Implement sorting algorithms.
 Integrate user-interaction features.
 Incorporate customizable delay options for visualization.
 Regular milestone reviews to ensure project alignment.

1.5.3 Documentation and User Guide Creation (2 weeks):

 Develop comprehensive documentation and a user guide.

 Explain platform features and sorting algorithm functionality.

1.5.4 Testing and Debugging Phase (2 weeks):

 Thoroughly test platform functionality, performance, and UI responsiveness.

 Ensure accurate sorting and smooth user interaction.
 Promptly address and resolve issues or bugs.

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1.6 Organization of the report:

1.6.1 Executive Summary:

Offers a brief yet comprehensive overview of the project, highlighting its core objectives,
significant findings, and potential implications. Serves as a concise introduction to the subsequent
report sections.

1.6.2 Introduction:

Provides an in-depth exploration of the project, including client identification, contemporary issues
addressed, the problem statement, tasks undertaken, and the proposed project timeline. This section
establishes the context, objectives, and project scope.

1.6.3 Methodology:

Delves into the specific approach adopted for project development. It includes a thorough
description of the research methodology, software development methodologies used, and the tools
and technologies employed throughout the project's lifecycle. This section ensures a clear
understanding of the systematic approach that guarantees project success.

1.6.4 Implementation Details:

Offers a detailed look at the technical aspects of the project. It highlights key components of the
Java Swing-based interface, explains the intricacies of each sorting algorithm's implementation, and
elucidates the integration of user-interaction features.

1.6.5 Results and Analysis:

Presents a comprehensive evaluation of the platform's performance, user experience, and the
effectiveness of sorting algorithm visualizations. This includes a detailed analysis of testing
outcomes, user feedback, and the overall impact of the project in addressing client needs and
contemporary issues. This section offers a critical assessment of the project's success in achieving
its objectives and delivering a valuable learning resource.

1.6.6 Conclusion and Future Scope:

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Summarizes the project and highlights key insights and outcomes derived from the development and
implementation of the sorting algorithm visualization platform. It also outlines potential avenues for
future enhancements, advancements, and applications, emphasizing the platform's scalability and
adaptability in addressing evolving educational and technological needs.

1.6.7 References:

Provides a comprehensive list of all sources, literature, and research materials referenced throughout
the report. This section follows the appropriate citation format, ensuring the credibility and
authenticity of the information presented in the report.

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2.1 Evaluation & Selection of Specifications/Features

2.1.1 Evaluation & Selection of Specifications/Features:
In the development of our sorting algorithm visualization project, we carefully evaluated and selected
the key specifications and features to ensure an effective and user-friendly application. This section
discusses the criteria used to make these selections.

2.1.2 Feature Selection:

Based on the above criteria, we selected the following key features and specifications for the project:

 Random Point Generation: The ability to generate 100 random points with (x, y) coordinates
was chosen as a fundamental feature to create diverse input data for sorting.

 Algorithm Selection: We implemented a dropdown menu allowing users to choose from the
five sorting algorithms (bubble, merge, selection, quick, insertion sort). This feature ensures
users can visualize different algorithms.

 Shuffle: The 'shuffle' button allows users to randomize the initial order of points, which is a
vital function for comparative analysis and learning.

 Sort: The 'sort' button initiates the chosen sorting algorithm, enabling users to observe the step-
by-step process of sorting points to form a diagonal line.

 Delay Control: We included a slider to control the speed of visualization, which aids in the
understanding of how different sorting algorithms work at various speeds.

2.2 Design Constraints

While developing the sorting algorithm visualization project, several design constraints were
considered. These constraints played a crucial role in shaping the project and influenced decisions
throughout the development process.

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2.2.1 Hardware Constraints:

 Processing Power: As the application involves real-time visualizations and dynamic updates,
it may require a moderate level of processing power. Users with older or less powerful
hardware may experience reduced performance.

 Display Resolution: The application's user interface was designed to be responsive to various
screen resolutions. However, exceptionally low-resolution screens may affect the quality of

2.2.2 Software Constraints:

 Java Platform: The choice of using Java Swing imposed constraints on the cross-platform
compatibility of the application. It is primarily targeted at Java-supported platforms, limiting
potential users on other platforms.

 Library Dependencies: The use of Java Swing and any additional libraries required careful
consideration. These dependencies must be available and compatible with the Java

2.2.3 User Experience Constraints:

Learning Curve: The project aims to educate users about sorting algorithms, but it must balance the
depth of information with the ease of use. Striking the right balance to provide both educational value
and usability is a challenge.

2.3 Analysis of Features and finalization subject to constraints

2.3.1 Analysis of Features and Finalization Subject to Constraints:

In the process of developing the sorting algorithm visualization project, we conducted a comprehensive
analysis of its features and made informed decisions regarding their finalization while considering
various constraints. This section details the evaluation and selection of features in alignment with
project goals and constraints.

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2.3.2 Feature Analysis:
Each feature chosen for the project was carefully evaluated based on its contribution to the educational
aspect of sorting algorithms and the user experience:

 Random Point Generation: This feature was selected to create diverse input data, which is
essential for observing how different sorting algorithms handle various initial conditions.

 Algorithm Selection: The dropdown menu for selecting sorting algorithms was a pivotal
choice. It empowers users to compare and contrast the behavior of different algorithms,
enhancing their understanding.

 Shuffle: The 'shuffle' button promotes user interactivity by enabling them to randomize the
initial positions of points, facilitating experimentation and observation.

 Sort: The 'sort' button is the core feature, initiating the visualization of sorting algorithms,
providing users with a step-by-step understanding of the sorting process.

 Delay Control: The inclusion of a slider for speed control allows users to adapt the pace of
visualization to their learning preferences.

2.3.3 Finalization Subject to Constraints:

In accordance with various constraints, we carefully finalized the features and design of the project:

 Hardware Constraints: The project was optimized to ensure that it runs smoothly on
machines with varying levels of processing power, making it accessible to a wide range of

 Software Constraints: The decision to use Java Swing and other libraries was made while
ensuring compatibility and availability on the chosen Java platform.

 User Experience Constraints: We maintained a balance between educational value and user-
friendliness to deliver an effective learning tool that remains accessible to users with different
levels of technical knowledge.

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 Performance Constraints: The project was optimized for real-time processing, and algorithm
efficiency was a priority, ensuring a seamless user experience.

 Maintenance and Scalability: The project's design accounts for future updates, bug fixes, and
scalability, allowing for additional features and datasets.

 Accessibility and Compatibility: The project adheres to accessibility standards and is

designed to work on various system configurations, making it inclusive and widely compatible.

2.4 Design Flow

2.4.1 User Interface Overview:
Begin by providing an overview of the user interface. Describe its main components, layout, and any
visual elements that are important for users to understand.

Starting the Application:

 Explain how a user begins using your project. This might include launching the program
from an executable or a web page.

Generating Random Points:

 Describe how users can generate the initial set of 100 random points with (x, y) coordinates.
 Explain if any user input is needed to initiate this process, such as clicking a "Generate"

Choosing a Sorting Algorithm:

 Detail how users can select the sorting algorithm they want to visualize. This may involve
using a dropdown menu or some other selection method.

Shuffling the Points:

 Explain how users can shuffle the points if they wish to change the initial order. Describe the
button or action they need to take.

Starting the Sorting Process:

 Describe how users can initiate the sorting visualization. This is typically done by clicking a
"Sort" button.
 Explain what happens once the sorting process begins.

Controlling Visualization Speed:

 Explain how users can adjust the speed of the visualization. This could involve using a slider
or another control element.
 Discuss how slower or faster speeds affect the user's experience.

Monitoring the Visualization:

 Detail what users will see during the visualization process. Explain how the points move and
change positions.
 Mention any visual cues or feedback that help users understand the progress of the sorting

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End of Visualization:
 Describe how the visualization ends. This might happen when all points are sorted into a
diagonal line or when the user stops the process.
 Explain how users can review the sorted data or start a new visualization.

Conclusion of the Design Flow:

 Summarize the user journey through your project, from starting the application to the end of
the visualization.
 Emphasize the ease of use and how the design flow aligns with the project's educational and
user experience goals.

2.5 Design selection

In your project, the design selection plays a crucial role in creating a user-friendly and educational
environment for visualizing data sorting algorithms. Here's a breakdown of the key design elements
and considerations:

2.5.1 User Interface Design:

 The user interface was thoughtfully designed to facilitate a smooth and engaging user
 The design is clean and uncluttered, ensuring that users can focus on the core elements of the
sorting process.
 It follows the principles of simplicity and intuitiveness, making it accessible to users with
varying levels of technical knowledge.

2.5.2 Color Scheme:

 A carefully chosen color scheme was implemented to enhance the visual appeal and clarity of
the project.
 The color scheme balances aesthetics with functionality, ensuring that the visualization is
visually appealing and easy to follow.
 The colors are selected to be distinguishable, aiding users in tracking the movement of data
points during sorting.

2.5.3 Layout and Structure:

 The layout and structure of the user interface are designed to provide a logical flow for users
as they interact with the project.
 Components, buttons, and controls are strategically placed to guide users through the sorting
 The layout minimizes confusion and promotes a step-by-step understanding of sorting

2.6 Implementation plan/methodology

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2.6.1 Project Setup:
 Begin by setting up your Java development environment, including the necessary libraries and
 Create a new Java Swing project for the sorting algorithm visualization.

2.6.2 GUI Design:

 Design the graphical user interface (GUI) that includes the following components:
 A JFrame to serve as the main window.
 A JPanel for drawing points and animations.
 Buttons for "Shuffle" and "Sort."
 A drop-down menu for selecting the sorting algorithm.
 A slider for adjusting the visualization speed (delay line).
 Random Point Generation (Shuffle):
 Write a method to generate 100 random points with x and y coordinates within a
specified range.
 Implement the logic to draw these points on the JPanel when the "Shuffle" button is

 Sorting Algorithm Implementation:

 Create separate classes or methods for each of the sorting algorithms (bubble, merge,
selection, quick, insertion sort).
 Each sorting algorithm should: Accept an array of points (or a suitable data structure) as

 Add action listeners to the "Shuffle" and "Sort" buttons.

 When "Sort" is clicked, invoke the selected sorting algorithm with the chosen speed.
 Update the GUI in real-time to display the sorting progress.

 Drop-down Menu for Algorithm Selection:

 Populate the drop-down menu with options for each sorting algorithm.

 Implement the logic to execute the selected algorithm when the "Sort" button is pressed.

 Delay Control (Slider):

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 Use the slider to control the delay between sorting steps, allowing users to adjust the
animation speed.
 Link the slider's value to the delay in the visualization.
 Testing and Debugging:
 Thoroughly test the application using various sorting algorithms and input data.
 Debug any issues or unexpected behavior in the code.
 Pay attention to edge cases and performance.

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3.1 Implementation of solution

3.1.1 Setting up the Java Swing GUI:

 Create a Java Swing application with a JFrame as the main window.
 Add a JPanel to the frame where you'll draw the points and animations.
 Create buttons for "Shuffle," "Sort," and a drop-down menu for selecting the sorting algorithm.
 Include a slider for adjusting the visualization speed (delay line).
 Random Point Generation (Shuffle): When the "Shuffle" button is clicked, generate 100
random points with x and y coordinates within a specified range.
 Draw these points on the JPanel.

3.1.2 Sorting Algorithms:

 Implement the sorting algorithms (bubble, merge, selection, quick, insertion sort) in separate
methods or classes.
 These methods should take an array of points (or a data structure representing points) as input
and perform the sorting while updating the GUI at each step for visualization.
 The sorting should be done with a delay controlled by the speed slider.

3.1.3 Visualization:
 Create a method for drawing the points on the JPanel.
 Implement a way to draw lines or arrows to show how the elements are moving during sorting.
 Update the JPanel in real-time as the sorting progresses.

3.1.3 Button Actions:

 Add action listeners to the buttons.
 When the "Sort" button is clicked, use the selected sorting algorithm to sort the points with the
specified speed.
 Update the GUI to reflect the progress of sorting.
Drop-down Menu:
 Populate the drop-down menu with options for each sorting algorithm.

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 When an algorithm is selected, use it for sorting when the "Sort" button is clicked.

Delay Control:
 Use the slider to control the delay between each step of the sorting algorithm.
 Adjust the animation speed based on the slider's value.

Image representing a snapshot of the application sorting data using “Bubble sort”

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4.1 Conclusion
 Project Success: You successfully designed and implemented a Java Swing application that
allows users to visualize various sorting algorithms, including bubble, merge, selection, quick,
and insertion sort.

 Interactive Interface: The GUI provides an interactive and user-friendly environment where
users can shuffle points, select sorting algorithms, control the speed of visualization, and
witness the step-by-step sorting process.

 Educational Value: Your project serves as an excellent educational tool for understanding the
inner workings of sorting algorithms. It helps users grasp the concepts through visual

 Problem-Solving Skills: By creating this project, you have honed your problem-solving skills,
software development expertise, and ability to implement complex algorithms.

 Presentation and Documentation: Your project is well-documented, making it accessible for

others to understand and use. This is crucial for sharing your work with the community or
potential employers.

4.2 Future work

 Additional Sorting Algorithms: You can expand the project by adding more sorting
algorithms, such as radix sort, heap sort, or shell sort. This will provide a broader range of
educational content.

 Customization: Allow users to customize the number of points, the range of coordinates, and
the visual elements used during sorting, providing a more versatile tool for learning.

 Algorithm Analysis: Incorporate features that provide insights into the efficiency and time
complexity of each sorting algorithm. This can include visualizing and comparing their

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performance on different data sets.

 Error Handling: Enhance the error-handling mechanisms to provide informative messages

and gracefully handle unexpected user inputs or application issues.

 User Profiles: Implement user profiles to save progress, settings, and favorite algorithms for
returning users.

 Multi-threading: Consider using multi-threading to separate the GUI thread from the sorting
algorithm's thread to improve responsiveness.

 Data Export: Enable the export of the sorted data and visualization as images or videos,
allowing users to save their work.

 Integration with Data Structures: Extend the project to work with different data structures,
such as linked lists or trees, for sorting visualizations.

 Community Engagement: Share your project with the developer and education communities,
gather feedback, and collaborate with others to further enhance the application.

 Accessibility: Ensure that your application is accessible to a wide range of users, including
those with disabilities, by implementing accessibility features.

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[1] Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, C. E., Rivest, R. L., & Stein, C. (2009). "Introduction to
Algorithms." The MIT Press.

[2] Sedgewick, R., & Wayne, K. (2011). "Algorithms." Addison-Wesley Professional.

[3] Goodrich, M. T., Tamassia, R., & Mount, D. M. (2015). "Data Structures and
Algorithms in Java." John Wiley & Sons.

[4] Deitel, P., Deitel, H. M., & Deitel, T. R. (2017). "Java: How to Program." Pearson.

[5] Oracle. "Java™ Platform, Standard Edition 8 API Specification." [Online].

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[7] Knuth, D. E. (1998). "The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and
Searching." Addison-Wesley Professional.

[8] Lott, J. (2015). "Java Swing." O'Reilly Media.

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