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I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. immaterial B. immunity C. illustrate D. illusion E. illegible
2. A. idolize B. idiot C. idiom D. ignition E. recipe
3. A. meant B. feasible C. impetuous D. bury E. says
4. A. food B. look C. good D. took E. book
5. A. cheerio B. spear C. weary D. weird E. pear
6. A. herewith B. wreath C. withstand D. mouthed E. writhe
7. A. likewise B. loose C. raise D. devise E. advise
8. A. chore B. choir C. question D. choke E. chisel
9. A. university B. unilateral C. uninhabitable D. uniformity E. Eurocheque
10. A. learned B. wicked C. panicked D. beloved E. naked
II. Underline the stressed syllable of the following words.
managerial, eventuality, immigrant, obligatory, insanitary, insulate, facsimile, interrelate, sympathetic, stereotype


I. Put the verbs in brackets in the passage below into the correct tenses and forms. There is an
example at the beginning (0).
My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake
up) to find to their dismay that their car (1) _____________ (steal) from outside their house. They immediately
(2) _____________ (phone) the police to report the theft, before (3) _____________(leave) for work by bus.
When they (4) _____________ (return) home later the same day, they (5) _____________ (find) to their surprise
that their car (6) _____________ (bring) back and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of
the windscreen wipers (7) _____________(be) a small envelope.
They quickly (8) _____________ (open) it and (9) _____________ (find) a note (10) _____________
(apologize) profusely for “borrowing” their car. The man who (11) _____________ (write) it explained that he
(12) _____________ (not have) a car himself, and his wife (13) _____________ (go) into labour in the middle of
the night with their first baby. So he (14) _____________ (hope) they (15) _____________ (not mind) too much
that he (16) _____________ (take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was
something of an emergency.
II. Fill in the missing pairs of nouns in the sentences below. Choose from the following.
back to front; fingers and thumbs, fun and games, hand in glove, head and shoulders, life and soul, pros and
cons, skin and bone, tooth and nail, ups and downs, wear and tear.
1. Don’t let Ross do the washing-up. He’s bound to drop something. He’s all fingers and thumbs.
2. Paul was so funny on Saturday. He was the _________________________ of the party!
3. This carpet is made from a brand-new type of fibre and should stand up to a lot of
4. You’re not eating enough! Just look at you! You’re all _________________________!
5. The police are working _________________________ with the Football Association in an effort to stamp out
soccer violence.
6. He couldn’t understand why the students were laughing until he noticed that he’d got his jumper on
7. The managing director carefully outlined the _________________________ of the proposed merger.
8. As soon as the teacher went out of the classroom, the children got up to all sorts of
9. Louis and Anne Marie are always fighting _________________________. I’m surprised they haven’t got
divorced yet.
10. Kimberley was an outstanding student who was _________________________ above the others in the class.
11. Life is full of _________________________, isn’t it? You just hope you get more happy moments than sad

III. Fill in the missing prepositions or particles in the following sentences.

1. Everything seems to be above board, but there’s something that doesn’t feel quite right, I just wish I knew
what it was.
2. I always thought he was strange. After seeing him at the party I’m convinced that he’s _____________ the
3. If you have any complaints, then tell me_____________ my face. I can’t stand people who do things
_____________ my back.
4. My mother is a vegetarian and won’t eat meat _____________ principle.
5. _____________ you, me and the gatepost, I don’t think the new boss will last more than a few months.
6. This work is taking much longer than I thought _____________ this rate it’ll be Christmas before it’s finished.
7. He didn’t have time to prepare a speech so he had to give one _____________ the cuff.
8. Throughout the flight he was very much _____________ edge, and didn’t start to relax until the plane had
9. I wouldn’t like to be _____________ her shoes when Miss Hoffman finds out that she’s lost the exam papers.
10. I’d love to come to the concert with you but I can’t, I’m afraid. I’m _______ ______ my ears in work this
11. Playing tennis once a week is one way of letting _____________ steam.
12. He learnt Portuguese _____________ scratch in less than six months.
13. The competitors waited _____________ baited breath for the results to be read out.
14. Mrs. Samuel’s daughter is terrible, isn’t she? Out _____________ all hours and never a kind word to anyone.
15. I bought a computer last year, but I’ve had nothing but trouble with it. As far as I’m concerned it was money
_____________ the drain!
16. The football match had to be postponed _____________ account _____________ the bad weather.

IV. Combine these verbs and particles to make phrasal verbs which can replace the definitions underlined
in the sentences.
Verbs break carry clear draw fill give
make put step turn
Particlesaway down forward in off out up
1. I hate people who reveal the end of a film that I haven’t seen yet. give away
2. With the introduction of computers, we have been able to increase production by 25 per cent.
3. A soldier is expected to obey a superior officer’s orders without question. _____________
4. Harry says he intends to terminate his engagement to Naomi because she always opens her boiled eggs at the
wrong end. _____________
5. It’s important in a relationship to resolve little misunderstandings before they turn into big problems.
6. Before we do anything else, we ought to prepare a plan of action. _____________
7. Was that a true story about you hacking into the Pentagon computer? No, I invented it! _____________
8. Our society has become so bureaucratic that you even have to complete a form before you are allowed to die.
9. As nobody seems to know what to do next, may I propose a solution? _____________
10. Alan is very upset. The Team Manager intends to reject his application to play in goal on the grounds that his
legs are too thin. _____________
11. The tent has been erected. _____________

V. Sentence transformation: rewrite these sentences without changing the meaning.

1. Words are not as important as actions.
 Actions speak ___________________________________________________
2. Are the children keen on sport activities?
 Do ____________________________________________________________
3. Is this your first visit to Paris?
 Have __________________________________________________________
4. I really do think you ought to go home now.
 It _____________________________________________________________
5. It was impossible to get back home because of the snow.
 There _________________________________________________________
6. I’m sure that someone has been following me.
 Someone ______________________________________________________
7. It was wrong of you to come home so late without telling us.
 You should ____________________________________________________
8. I want to take this chance of seeing them, or I may never see them.
 I don’t ________________________________________________________
9. The teacher was saying something but Emma couldn’t hear it.
 Emma could ___________________________________________________
10. Sam speaks Chinese fluently and his Japanese is good too.
 Not __________________________________________________________
VI. Rewrite these sentences. Use the word in bold. Do not change this word.
1. I hope you enjoy yourself at the party. time
 _____________________________________________________________
2. Do you feel that your English is getting better? progress
 ____________________________________________________________?
3. I don’t want to argue with you about this. argument
 _____________________________________________________________
4. I’d like to suggest something to you. suggestion
 ____________________________________________________________?
5. I’d like to talk to you very briefly about this. word
 ____________________________________________________________?
6. The thief confessed to everything he had done. full
 _____________________________________________________________
7. He did the job very badly. mess
 _____________________________________________________________
8. In the exam, you’ll probably talk about this. conversation
 _____________________________________________________________
9. We have to decide quickly about this matter. decision
 _____________________________________________________________
10. Would you look at this carefully, please? careful
 _____________________________________________________________


I. Complete the following article. Use only one word in each space. The exercise begins with an example
In April 1896, an Irishman (0) by the name of John Pius Boland was in Athens visiting the famous German
archeologist, Schliemann, (1)_________ it came to his ears that there was a sporting event (2)_________ place
in the city. Being a keen tennis player, he decided to investigate further and discovered (3)_________ his
surprise that the event in question was none other (4)_________ the first ever Modern Olympic Games and that
(5)_________ a variety of events it included a tennis tournament. (6)_________ only of modest standard, he
borrowed a pair of white flannel trousers and a racquet, entered and won the gold medal. Encouraged by his
success, he teamed up in the Men's Doubles (7)_________ a German, Fritz Krauern, and won that too - thereby
earning himself a place in the record books (8)_________ the first man to share an Olympic gold medal with
(9)_________ of another nationality.
"The important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning (10) _________ taking part", declared the founder of
the Modern Olympics, the Baron de Coubertin. Doubtless (11)_________ who fought well and won in those first
Games felt every bit (12)_________ satisfied with their achievements as any of today's medal-hungry
competitors when the time came to line (13)_________ in front of a table and step forward to receive their
rewards. (The victory podium incidentally, along (14) _________ flags and national anthems, was not introduced
(15)_________ the Los Angeles Games of 1932).

II. Reading comprehension: Read this extract from The Day an Alien Scored for Leyton Orient by Gavin
XJ 7 (this friends call him XJ) comes from the most advanced civilization the universe has ever seen. But even
they get problems. On this particular day his one-man spaceship developed the only problem he couldn’t repair
with his mind. He was three universes away from home, too far away to call for help. He was near the planet
Earth and he had to land. Now: XJ7 was five metres tall, bright green, had six arms, ten legs and a fully
computerized brain. So he knew people would notice him. Therefore, he had to take the identity of someone from
the planet Earth, then land and then get the computer parts. Even on Earth they had the part he needed.
His computerized mind checked the identity of every person on the planet in less than one nano-second. He took
the identity of Jimmy Pearce, a striker with the Third Division Football Team, Leyton Orient. With one wave of
one of his six arms, XJ7 put the real Pearce to sleep in his flat. When Pearce woke up, he would remember
nothing. XJ7 looked down at himself. He looked like a human being in a red football shirt and white shorts. He
had a number nine on his back.
His computerized mind was giving him more and more information. This was an important game for Keyton
Orient. If they won, promotion from Division Three to Division Two was certain. He, Jimmy Pearce, wasn’t a
very good striker. Only two goals in twelve games so far this season. The last thing XJ7 did before landing his
spaceship was to press a button to make himself a better footballer. A much better footballer…
“You’re late! Where on earth have you been?”
The data through into XJ7 computer-mind. The man speaking to him was Dan Grimes, the Chief Coach of
Leyton Orient. He must reply.
“I am an alien from the planet Gorb”, said Jimmy Pearce. “I need computer parts to return to my home planet.”
Dan Grime’s eyes opened wide. “Pearce! Have you gone mad?”
XJ7 thought hard. He searched his computer-mind. He was telling the truth.
There was a fault somewhere. Ah, now the data was coming through properly. He nodded and started again.
“Just my little joke, Dan”, he said. “Don’t you worry about a thing. Promotion to Division Two is as good as
XJ7 ran out on to the pitch with his teammates. The crowd (10.764) roared.
Much later, back on the planet Gorb. XJ7 worked out what happened next. But he noticed nothing at the time.
When the spaceship landed he had made himself a better footballer. But he had pressed the button a bit too
Jimmy Pearce got the ball and nobody from the opposing team the unfortunate Sidcup United could get it back
from him. They tackled him, they threw themselves at him, they joined arms and lined up in front of him…
nothing worked. Pearce scored ten times in the first fifteen minutes. The half-time score of Leyton Orient 35
Sidcup United 2 is still a happy memory for Orient fans. But of course it couldn’t last.
At half time Pearce failed a drugs test. He found a computer shop, bought the parts he needed and went home.
The Football League ordered the match replayed. When Leyton Orient won 2 – 0 there was a huge cheer from
the most advanced civilization the universe has ever seen.
First reading. True or False?
1. XJ7 phoned the planet Gorb and asked for help. ___________
2. XJ7 took another identify because he looked very different to people on earth. __________
3. XJ7 landed his spaceship because he needed a new part for it. ___________
4. XJ7 found information about Jimmy Pearce after he landed his spaceship. ___________
5. Leyton Orient play in red and white. ___________
6. XJ7 killed the real Jimmy Pearce. ___________
7. XJ7 made himself a better footballer than Jimmy Pearce. ___________
8. Dan Grimes did not notice anything different about Jimmy Pearce. ___________
9. XJ7 played as well as the real Jimmy Pearce would have done. ___________
10. XJ7 as Jimmy Pearce played the same as the real Jimmy Pearce the whole games against Sidcup United.
11. The match against Sidcup United was played twice. ___________
12. XJ7 got home to Gord OK. ___________

Second reading. Put the events in the order they happened.

a. XJ7 told Dan Grimes the truth about himself. ___________
b. XJ7 went home. ___________
c. XJ7 played very well against Sidcup United. ___________
d. XJ7 failed a drugs test. ___________
e. XJ7 got the parts he needed for his spaceship. ___________
f. XJ7’s spaceship developed a problem. ______1_____
g. XJ7 took the identity of Jimmy Pearce. ___________
h. The match Leyton Orient vs. Sidcup United was played again and Leyton Orient won. ___________
i. XJ7 made himself a better footballer than Jimmy Pearce. ___________
III. For question 1-5 you must choose which of the paragraphs A-G matches the numbered gap in the
newspaper article. There is one extra paragraph which does not belong in any of the gaps.

A remote area of north-west China is the home for a Colds were only experienced among those who
unique group of people who are known as the cave regularly went in and of the caves. There was a
dwellers of Shanxi. They have been the subject of an lower incidence of rheumatism. Skin problems were
extensive study which shows that their underground rare.
lifestyle is apparently healthier than those of urban The scientists maintain that stress and irrational
and rural communications more exposed to the effects caused by noise were infrequent. An
elements. additional explanation for longevity and excellent
0. D health was lower exposure to radioactive substances
Respiratory complaints such as asthma and in the atmosphere.
bronchitis have been cured rheumatism and skin Another observation was that hens were more
conditions vastly improved as a result of prolonged productive, laying a greater number of, and bigger
periods of habitation underground. eggs all year round.
Research on the cave dwellers started 50 years ago, 3.
and at a resent symposium in Beijing statistical Patients suffering from asthma, bronchitis, insomnia
evidence assembled over that period was quoted to or nervous disorders are in special reception areas
support several startling observations. located at 1,000 ft below surface for up to two
The people of Shanxi seem to have chosen an weeks. The quiet stable environment is conductive
underground home that possesses the optimum to the curing of these disorders.
environment in terms of stability of temperature and 4.
relative humidity. The two million or so asthmatics in the UK would
certainly enjoy the benefits that controlled therapy in
1. an underground environment would bring their lives.
The best conditions exist when the temperature is in 5.
o o
the range of 10 to 22 and the relative humidity is The ultimate cure for many asthmatics is the
between 30 and 75 per cent. The atmosphere of the building up of resistance to attacks in an
Shanxi cave dwelling is within those ranges. environment where harmful atmospheric effects are
2. reduced. Maybe the “cave therapy” could open up a
new life for caves in Britain.

A. In particular, the dust-free clean air of the G. Research attributes many benefits to those
underground dwellings has produced a cure rate on conditions reduced incidence of diseases and
adult and child bronchitis and asthma sufferers of 84 reduced infection to the ear, nose and throat.
per cent and 96 per cent respectively.
B. The temperature of the ground is nearly constant
between 30 and 100 ft below surface. Above or
below this margin the temperature is affected either
by seasonal changes or will increase as one
approaches the Earth’s centre.
C. Drugs that ease and control the respiratory
function of asthmatics only alleviate the discomfort
D. They suffer less disease and their longevity has
recently been cited as a benefit of living
E. The finding lend support to recent studies in the
Soviet Union into a form of “cave therapy” that has
been practiced since the late sixties.
F. Scientists are unable to offer any explanation for
these surprising results as yet, but further studies are
planned in the future.
I. Word formation: Read the text below and use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form
a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

0. Suspicious
GESTURES 1. ___________
An ancient Chinese proverb says: "Be (0) SUSPECT of a man 2. ___________
whose stomach does not move when he laughed". The (1) 3. ___________
MOVE we make with our bodies, often quite (2) CONSCIOUS, 4. ___________
give us away. For example, fidgeting is a sure sign of (3) BORE 5. ___________
in young children. Drumming your fingers on the table tends to 6. ___________
indicate (4) PATIENT. A man keeps adjusting his tie betraying 7. ___________
his (5) NERVOUS. These are obvious gestures (6) WIDE 8. ___________
recognized and understood. But the (7) SIGNIFY of a gesture 9. ___________
can vary in different cultures. The "thumbs up" sign indicates 10. ___________
(8) APPROVE in some countries, but in others, it is obscene 11. ___________
and (9) OFFEND. Eye contact is another important way in
which we signal our (10) INTEND: but at what point does a
look become a stare? And when does staring rudely become
gazing on (11) ADMIRE? The answer is, as usual, “It all

II. Read the definitions and fill in the table opposite. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0. An adjective referring to towns and cities.
1. An adjective referring to the country.
2. A public place where people go for pleasure or entertainment.
3. A person who regularly travels to a town or city for work.
4. Periods during the day when people are traveling to and from work in a city (2 words).
5. A stretch of land around a city where building is not allowed (2 words).
6. An outer area of a city where people live.
7. Dirty air caused by traffic fumes, industry, noise, etc.
8. Evening entertainment such as bars and clubs in towns and cities.
9. The blocking of streets with traffic.
10. Plants, animals, earth, the weather, etc.
11. An adjective describing the pressures caused by the difficulties of life, which make you feel worried or tense.
12. Full of people.
13. Quiet and untroubled.
14. Not dangerous.
15. Consisting of people from many different parts of the world.
16. An area of land on a farm used for animals of crops.
17. The practice of farming.
18. A piece of land on which many different buildings of the same type have been built.
19. A very tall, modern city building.
20. A large building divided into separate parts, e.g., an office ___________ or a _________ of flats.
21. Manufacturing companies or other types of commercial activity.

0 U R B A N

1 R

2 A E Y
3 C M

4 U U

5 E B

6 R B

7 O L

8 H I E

9 E N

10 N E

11 T E

12 O D

13 E U

14 A

15 S M L N

16 D

17 A U L R

18 T E

19 K C A

20 O C

21 I


There are 14 mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them. Follow the example.
In 1889, an Englishwoman and her daughter, on a visit to the Great Exhibition in Paris, checked up into one of the
most expensive hotels there. Each they had her own room. The daughter wanted to have take in the sights and sounds
of the city immediately but her mother, tired after the trip, wanted to sleep. The girl accordingly she went out alone,
strolled the Champs Elysees and saw the Eiffel Tower. When has she returned to her mother’s room for six hours later,
she found it empty. There was no sign of her mother ever having been there. When she asked the manager, he insisted
on that no one at the hotel had seen her or her mother to check in. The mother had disappeared away! The desperate
girl searched for weeks before that finally returning to England. She died ten years later in a mental hospital. So that
what was the explanation? After the daughter had been gone sightseeing, her mother had complained to the hotel
doctor that she felt ill. It turned out so that she had contracted the plague! Hotel staff were instructed but not to say a
word to anyone about it, in case visitors panicked and left the city. No one know what happened to the mother.
Example: 0. checked up into  checked into

1. D 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. E
6. B 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. C

managerial, eventuality, immigrant, obligatory, insanitary, insulate, facsimile, interrelate, sympathetic,

1. had been stolen 9. found
2. phoned 10. apologizing
3. leaving 11. wrote / had written
4. returned 12. didn’t have
5. found 13. had gone
6. had been brought 14. hoped
7. was 15. didn’t / wouldn’t mind
8. opened 16. had taken
1. fingers and thumbs 7. pros and cons
2. life and soul 8. fun and games
3. wear and tear 9. tooth and nail
4. skin and bone 10. head and shoulder
5. hand in glove 11. ups and downs
6. back to front

1. above 5. Between 9. in 13. with
2. round 6. at 10. up to 14. at
3. to – behind 7. off 11. off 15. down
4. on 8. on 12. from 16. on – of

1. give away 4. break off 7. made up 10. turn down
2. step up 5. clear up 8. fill in 11. put up
3. carry out 6. draw up 9. put forward

1. Actions speak louder than words.
2. Do children enjoy taking part in sport activities?
3. Have you even been to Paris before?
4. It is time you went home.
5. There was no way of getting home because of the snow.
6. Someone must have been following me.
7. You should not have come home so late without telling us.
8. I don’t want to miss out this chance of seeing them, or I may never see them.
9. Emma could not hear what the teacher was saying.
10. Not only does Sam speak Chinese fluently, but his Japanese is also good.

1. I hope you have a good time at the party.
2. Do you think (feel) you are making progress in English?
3. I don’t want to have argument with you about this.
4. Do you mind if I make a suggestion to you?
5. Could I have a word with you?
6. The thief made a full confession.
7. He made a mess of job.
8. In the exam, you will probably have a conversation about this.
9. We have to make a decision about this matter.
10. Please have a careful look.

1. when 6. In spite of 11. those (someone, anyone)
2. taking 7. with 12. as
3. to 8. as 13. up
4. than 9. someone 14. with
5. among(st) 10. but 15. until

First reading
1. False 3. True 5. True 7. True 9. False 11. True
2. True 4. False 6. False 8. False 10. False 12. True
Second reading
a. 4 b. 8 c. 5 d.6 e. 7 f. 1 g. 2 h. 9 i.3

0. D 1. G 2. A 3. B 4. F 5. C

1. movements 5. nervousness 9. offensive
2. unconsciously 6. widely 10. intention
3. boredom 7. significance 11. admiration
4. impatience 8. approval
0 U R B A N

1 R U R A L

2 A M E N I T Y

3 C O M M U T E R

4 R U S H H O U R

5 G R E E N B E L T

6 S U B U R B

7 P O L L U T I O N

8 N I G H T L I F E

9 C O N G E S T I O N

10 N A T U R E

11 S T R E S S F U L
12 C R O W D E D

13 P E A C E F U L

14 S A F E

15 C O S M O P O L I T A N

16 F I E L D

17 A G R I C U L T U R E

18 E S T A T E

19 S K Y S C R A P E R

20 B L O C K

21 I N D U S T R Y

00. up 03. she 06. on 10. that
01. they 04. has 07. to 11. been
02. have 05. for 08. away 12. so
09. that 13. but

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