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Unit 5 - Test 1

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I. The following noun groups and compound nouns have 2 parts. Find the word with a
stress pattern DIFFERENT from the others.

1 A. email B. tallboy C. website D. online game

2 A. soft ware B. national anthem C. city life D. video game

3. A. traffic jam B. alarm dock C. white house D. White House

4. A. laptop B. pencil case C. software D. gold brick

5. A. traditional dress B. Commonwealth C. underworld D. e-book


I. Choose the word / phrase CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part.

1. I want to buy a printer but I'm afraid it's bulky.

A. small B. inconvenient C. expensive D. big and heavy

2. It's more economical to buy this car than that jet ski.

A. cost-effective B. expensive C. insensitive D. wasteful

3. You should store your data on Dropbox in case your computer collapses.

A. breaks down B. destroys C. runs out of power D. contains


4. This technology has some drawbacks that need improving.

A. benefits B. disadvantages C. strong points D. qualities

5. The Ig Nobel prize is awarded to good-for-nothing inventions.

A. useless B. helpful C. practical D. applicable

6. This device imitates the movements of the mockingbirds.

A. inspires B. steals C. mimics D. contrasts

II. Complete the sentences using the given words.

correction pen e-book reader handheld

digital camera economical earbuds

1. If you have an ___ ____, you don't have to bring all those heavy books in your bag.

2. Can I use a _____ ______ to cover errors in my writing?

3. A normal printer is more ______ _____ than a 3-D printer.

4. You should use this pair of _______ ________, others won't be able to hear it.

5. A ______ _________ allows us to view and edit photos easily.

6. Don't worry. This is a _____ _____, so it's quite small and light.

III. Complete the sentences using the given words.

inventions patent inspired portable

social networking site vacuum cleaner solar charger versatile

1. A _____ _______ takes its energy from the sun.

2. A ______ _________ helps save a lot of energy doing housework.

3. Egg is a ________ _______ food. You can boil, fry or make egg soup.

4. Japanese high-speed trains' design was _______ _______ by the nose of the kingfisher.

5. This food processor is easily _____ _____. You can hold it with just one hand.

6 Vaccination has been considered among the most important _______ ______ in medicine.

7. The young inventor obtained a ________ _______ on his latest invention last week.

8. Twitter is a popular ______ _______ in Western countries.

V. Choose the options that best fit the blanks.

1. I ____ this washing machine for five years now. It looks old, but it still works well.

A. have B. had C. is having D. have had

2. Have you ever read the Wuthering Heights? - Oh. That's my favourite. I ____ it many
times, at least four.

A. read B. have read C. was reading D. used to read

3. People's lives ____ a lot thanks to the inventions of these devices.

A. was changed B. has been changed C. have changed D. is changed

4. She ____ volleyball at high school but she didn’t like it.

A. has played B. played C. was playing D. has been playing

5. The first actual robot ____ invented in 1961.

A. was B. has been C. used to D. were

6. Where do you live? – I ____ in Boston. I ____ there for ten years now.

A. live – have lived B. live – am living C. have lived – live D. live – live

7. Until now, the disease ____ over thirty thousand people worldwide.

A. has killed B. killed C. kills D. is killing

8. Liverpool football club ____ 18 Premier League titles so far.

A. won B. used to win C. win D. has won

9. I'm sorry. Mark isn't here now. He ____ to the post office.

A. went B. goes C. has been D. has gone

10. ____ you ____ the shoplifter to the police yet?

A. Do – report B. Have – reported C. Are – reporting D. When – reported

VI. Determine whether the following sentences are Correct or Incorrect.

1. Scientists have made significant achievements in medicine.

2. The storm uproots the trees, so we cannot travel this road now.

3. Our family has lived in this house when I was five years old.

4. People use vaccination for a long time to prevent certain diseases.

5. I have seen Julia three times this week. What a coincidence!

6. I feel so relieved now. My father has found the key I lost this morning.

7. I have had this laptop when I was a first year student.

8. I'm still working on my assignments. I haven't finished them yet.

VII. Choose the correct verbs to fill the blanks.

Brian called in sick yesterday morning. "You (1. call) ____ ___ in sick five times this
month", said his frustrated boss. Brian replied, "I'm sorry. My son (2.start) _____ _____ day
care last month and he (3. be) ____ ___ sick since then. I am a reliable employee; and last
year, I (4. not take) _______ _______ any sick day."

Brian's boss, in a soft voice, said, "It's true. You (5. always finish) ___________ your
work on time and you (6. bring) ____ ___ our company a lot of business since you (7. start)
_____ ____ working for us."
Brian said, "Last week, I showed Marlene the recent project I (8. work) _____ ____
on. I (9. believe) _____ _____ she can help me, for she (10. work) ____ ___ on similar
projects since she was hired." "OK. Get lots of rest and we'll see you soon.", replied his
relieved boss.

VIII. Give the correct forms of the verbs given.

1. Why are you always putting your clothes in the wrong place? I ______ _____ (tell) you so
many times.

2. My favorite team ___________ (lose) four matches since the beginning of the season.

3. Since the birth of smartphones, they _____ ______ (replace) basic phones in almost every
part of the world.

4. We're having special chicken soup for dinner. I _____ ____ (buy) some fresh chicken on
my way home yesterday.

5. The living room looks tidy now, my sister _______ _____ (just, clean) it.

6. Alberto _____ ______ (break) his leg, so he can't play football in two months.

7. I haven't seen Alex for a long time. The last time we _____ ______ (meet) was at high

IX. Fill the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs: inspire, not have, encourage,
prefer, be

1. Teenagers now _____ _____ chatting on the computers with their friends to meeting face
to face.

2. I ______ ______ enough sleep last night, so I'm very tired now.

3. Since we first met at the conference, Jessica ______ ______ me a lot in my career choice.

4. I ______ ______ to Spain twice, but I haven't visited Barcelona yet.

5. For centuries, nature _____ ______ many scientists and inventors in their great inventions

XI. Choose the best options to fill the banks.

1. This hammer is used ____ the glass in case of emergency.

A. to break B. for break C. breaking

2. A stethoscope is applied ____ the blood pressure of patients.

A. for measure B. to measure C. in measure

3. Insulin was introduced by scientists from the University of Toronto ____ diabetes.
A. to manage B. for management C. for manage

4. You can use a jet ski ____ on both land and water.

A. travel B. for travelling C. to travelling

5. The cat is used ____ in the yard in the afternoon.

A. for lying B. to lie C. to lying

6. Don't wear high heels ____ a long distance, they can hurt your feet.

A. for travelling B. to travelling C. travel

7. Remember to use sun cream ____ getting sunburn.

A. to avoid B. for avoid C. avoiding

8. Doctors make use of anesthetic ____ pain for patients during surgery.

A. relief B. to relieve C. for relieve

XII. Give the correct forms (V-ing or to-V) of the verbs given.

1. A smartwatch can be used for ______ _______ (measure) your exercise efforts.

2. People use this electronic device _________ (connect) with other people all over the

3. This mobile application is used for recording and ____ _____ (send) distress signals.

4. An e-book reader is convenient; it is used _____ _____ (read) electronic books,

newspapers or magazines.

5. Despite the convenience of motorbikes, many people ride their bicycle or walk _________
(keep) fit.

6. This machine is used for _______ ________ (massage) at home.

7. We can use a memory card __________ (store) a lot of music or photos.

8. This robot is designed for _____ ______ (help) old people with certain household chores.

XIII. Determine whether the following sentences are corrector incorrect.

1. This button is used to opening the suitcase.

2. You can use Facebook to connect with old friends or making new friends.

3. You should take some aspirins to get rid of your headache.

4. Study this data to gain some insights into the problem before writing.
5. Making better voice quality, use this microphone instead of that one.

6. People collect those samples for study the elements of the surface of the Moon.

XIV. Define ONE wrong word in each sentence.

1. This electric cooker is used to boil rice, not make rice porridge.

2. In Holland, people make use of windmills for production wind energy.

3. Chopping uncooked food, please use this separate knife.

4. This air conditioner is installed to keep it cool in summer and making it warm in cold

5. You can use this to find the meaning of a word or learning some examples of it.

6. This massage chair is used mainly by the elderly to relief pain.

XV. Select the correct verbs to fill the blanks. There are two redundant verbs.

to reduce for studying to satisfy for losing

to prevent for encouraging to increase to cover

1. You mustn't use a correction pen ________ ________ errors in this assignment.

2. Many young people use computers for playing games rather than ______ ______?

3. Children are vaccinated ______ _____ certain common children diseases.

4. Doing karaoke is a good way __________ ______ people's entertainment needs.

5. Don't abuse the use of that medicine ________ _______ weight.

6. Birth control pill is used by many young women ________ _______ unwanted


I. Read the passage and do the tasks below

Nowadays, amid the storming development of high-tech devices such as smartphones

or e-book readers, people seem to neglect the existence of certain inventions that date back
thousands of years. One of those is the mirror.

People grew a desire to see themselves as they saw their reflections in the surface of
water. Around the 600s BC, the first mirrors were made from natural materials such as
polished stones. After a while, people started to use bronze, gold and silver to make mirrors.
These metals were heavy, so mirrors had very modest sizes. Ruling-class people, especially
ladies, used them as a fashionable accessory. Hardly did they go out without a mirror. In the
1st century, the first glass mirrors were invented by the Romans and were made bigger to
allow people to look at the whole body. However, not everyone cherished the mirror. Some
people were irritated to find themselves ugly looking at the mirror, and there were rumors
that what they saw in the mirror were reflections of sins and demons.

Nowadays, despite technological advancement, mirrors still play important roles in

various modern-day fields, such as surgery, transport, architecture and so on. In fact, mirrors
are utilised in technology and have inspired the inventions of several devices such as cameras
or satellites.

Part 1. Determine whether the following statements are True, False or Not Given.

1. People appreciate inventions that date back a very long time.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

2. The images produced by the first mirrors were not as clear as by the surface of water.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

3. Only rich people could buy mirrors made from metals.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

4. Mirrors from glass were first made by the Romans.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

5. Everyone was happy to see themselves in mirrors.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

6. Some people believed that mirror reflected negative things.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

7. Due to modern technology, mirrors are not applied in many fields these days.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

Part 2. Choose the best answers to the following questions.

1. When were the first mirrors made?

A. In the first century B. In the 600s B.C. C. Four thousand years


2. What were the first materials for making mirrors?

A. Stones B. Glass C. Metal such as bronze,

gold and silver
3. What was TRUE about metal mirrors?

A. They were very heavy. B. They were small. C. They were extremely

4. What was TRUE about glass mirrors?

A. They were cheaper than metal mirrors.

B. They were not favored because they broke easily.

C. They were bigger than metal mirrors.

5. Who used mirrors as a fashion item?

A. Girls and women from powerful families

B. Girl and women from all families

C. Young and unmarried girls

II. Choose the best answer to fill in the blank.

Several famous people are left-handed, (1) ____ Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and Albert
Einstein. Queen Victoria of England was also left-handed, (2) ____ Prince Charles. Paul Mc
Cartney of the Beatles plays (3) ____ guitar the opposite way from other guitarists because he
is left-handed. Marilyn Monroe, the famous American star was also a leftie. Are you a leftie
(4) ____ you write with your right hand? To understand (5) ____ it is necessary to look at the
brain. The brain is (6) ____ into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere of the brain (7) ____
the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side. Both of the sides of
the body receive the same information (8) ____ the brain because the two hemispheres are
connected. (9) ____, in the right handed people, the left hemisphere is stronger. In the left-
handed people, it is the right hemisphere (10) ____ is stronger.

1. A. such as B. so as C. so that D. such that

2. A. is so and B. and C. and so is D. and is so

3. A. a B. an C. the D. no article

4. A. as B. because C. even D. even though

5. A. leftie B. lefthandedness C. left-handed D. lefthander

6. A divided B. cut C. subtracted D. separated

7. A. conquers B. controls C. contrasts D. consists

8. A. on B. to C. from D. for

9. A. In order that B. Therefore C. Never D. However

10. A. who B. whom C. that D. where

III. Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning with the given one.

1. Second prize was awarded to an unknown author from Pastra.

A. An award of second prize was given an unknown author from Pastra.

B. An unknown author from Pastra was awarded second prize.

C. An unknown author from Pastra was awarded with the second prize.

D. Unknown author was awarded second.

2. I used to live alone.

A. I lived by myself but I no longer do it now. B. I lived by myself and I

was used to it.

C. I am used to living alone. D. I was used to living by


3. I was late for work because the bus broke down.

A. As the bus was broken, I was late for work.

B. Due to a bus break-down, I was late for work.

C. Since the bus broke into pieces, I was late for work.

D. Due to the fact that the bus was broken, I was late for work.

4. "If I were you, I would get in touch with the boss.", he said.

A. He suggested that I would get in touch with the boss.

B. He suggested keeping in touch with the boss.

C. He recommended that I should get in touch with the boss.

D. He wished he were me so that he could get in touch with the boss.

5. I'm not very good at gardening, I'm afraid.

A. I'm not much of a gardener, I'm afraid. B. I regret that I bad at


C. I'm scared to work in the garden. D. I am afraid of working

in the garden.

6. We started cooking for the party four hours ago.

A. We began to cook for the party for four hours.

B. We have been cooking for the party for four hours.

C. We cooked for the party for four hours.

D. We cooked for the party four hours ago.

7. The boatmen were able to escape just before the boat sank.

A. The boatmen could escape just before the boat sank.

B. The boatmen attempted to escape just before the boat sank

C. The boatmen succeeded to escape just before the boat sank.

D. The boatmen managed to escape just before the boat sank.

8. It may be possible for you to go there without a visa.

A. It may not be impossible for you to go there without a visa.

B. You may be possible to go there without a visa.

C. It may be unnecessary for you to get a visa to go there.

D. You may find it possible to get a visa to go there.

9. Please don't use the shower after midnight.

A. Would you mind not to use the shower after midnight?

B. Would you like to use the shower after midnight?

C. I don't want you to use the shower.

D. Would you mind not using the shower after midnight?

10. It would be better if you did not bring your dog in here.

A. I'd rather you hadn't brought you dog in here.

B. I wish you hadn't brought your dog in here.

C. I'd rather you didn't bring your dog in here.

D. You have brought your dog in here, which is against the rules.

11. The car is more expensive than it ought to be.

A. The car ought to be expensive.

B. The car shouldn't be so cheap.

C. The car looks like an inexpensive automobile.

D. The car costs more than it should.

12. Jane hardly ever enjoys eating vegetables.

A. She enjoys eating vegetables. B. She has fun growing


C. She almost never eats vegetables. D. She sells vegetables for living.

13. We had several guests at our house over the holidays.

A. We were guests at our friend's house.

B. Several people visited us during the holidays.

C. The holidays were over by the time our guests arrived.

D. We guessed that several people would come.

14. I can't believe that he did it without telling me first.

A. I can't believe what he told me. B. He told me that he did it first.

C. He didn't believe that I told him first. D. He didn't inform me before he

did it.

15. It is too late to change it, so leave it the way it is.

A. It can't be altered at this point. B. We should change it before he

finds it out.

C. We can't leave it the way it is. D. He should approve the

changes before he leaves.


II. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning, using the given

1. The government will introduce new measures against crime next year.


2. "Bring me a cup of tea, please," she said to him.


3. As soon as he arrived in London, he phoned his parents.


4. I don't think he cares about his employees.


5. There is no point in persuading him to change his mind.


6. This is the first time I have spoken in front of so many people.


7. It's Lan's duty to type the report and send it to the manager.


8. My father let the children splash around in the pool for a while yesterday.


9. People believe that the climate is changing.


10. If he hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have finished my report on time.


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