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Block – I IA


1. Brachial Plexus (formation, relations, cords, branches, applied anatomy)

2. Mammary Gland ( classification of gland, structure, blood supply, lymphatics, applied anat)
3. Median Nerve (formation, course and distribution, branches, effect of injuries to nerve, ape
thumb deformity, median claw hand, global claw hand.
4. Ulnar Nerve in Hand (formation, brief course, muscles of hand supplied by ulnar nerve, ulnar
claw hand, ulnar paradox)
5. Radial Nerve (formation, course, distribution, branches, effect of injuries)
6. Cubital fossa (boundaries and contents, applied anatomy)
7. Shoulder joint
8. Elbow Joint
9. Classify joints. Describe in detail about Synovial joint

Short Notes

1. Axillary artery
2. Pectoralis Major
3. Clavipectoral Fascia
4. Serratus anterior
5. Axilla
6. Erb’s paralysis
7. Trapezius , Latissimus dorsi
8. Deltoid
9. Rotator cuff
10. Intermuscular spaces
11. Extensor retinaculum
12. Palmar aponeurosis
13. Superficial Plamar arch
14. Supination and Pronation
15. Posterior interosseous nerve
16. Anastomoses around scapula, elbow
17. Mid Palmar Space
18. Flexor retinaculum
19. Anatomical Snuff box
20. Musculocutaneous nerve
21. Biceps brachii
22. Cutaneous Innervation of dorsum of hand
23. First carpometacarpal joint
24. Carpal tunnel syndrome
25. Claw hand
26. Dupuytren’s Contracture
27. Volkmann’s ischaemic contracture

General Embryology

1. Primitive streak
2. Gastrulation
3. Neurulation
4. Notochord
5. Neural crest cells
6. Spermatogenesis
7. Oogenesis
8. Sperm Maturation
9. Spermatogenesis, oogenesis
10. Fertilization
11. Amnion
12. Trophoblast
13. Chorionic Villi
14. Implantation
15. Intra embryonic mesoderm

General Histology

1. Hyaline Cartilage
2. Elastic Cartilage
3. Bone
4. Transitional Epithelium
5. Skeletal , Cardiac Muscle
6. Lymph node
7. Thymus
8. Tonsil
9. Spleen
10. Nerve TS
11. Spinal & sympathetic ganglion
Department of Anatomy

Important questions - Lower Limb


1. Describe the type, ligaments, relations, movements and muscles

producing the movements and applied anatomy of Hip Joint.
2. Describe knee joint under the following headings: Type, articulating
bones, capsule, ligaments, relations, blood supply and nerve supply. Add
a note on its applied aspects.
3. Describe in detail the venous drainage of lower limb with applied
4. Describe the anatomy of Sciatic Nerve under the following headings:
a. Origin b. Root value and components c. Course & relations d.
Termination d. Arterial supply e. Branches f. Clinical importance.
5. Describe the Arches of foot under the following headings:
(a) Type of arch (b) Constituents and support of each arch (c) Functions
(d) Applied Anatomy.
6. Describe the boundaries, contents and applied anatomy of Femoral

Short Notes
1. Femoral triangle
2. Femoral sheath
3. Femoral Hernia
4. Adductor canal
5. Popliteal fossa
6. Ankle joint
7. Inversion and eversion of foot
8. Structures under cover of gluteus maximus
9. Gluteus maximus muscle
10.Great saphenous vein
11. Short saphenous vein
12. Tibial nerve
13. Common peroneal nerve,Deep peroneal nerve
14. Femoral artery
15. Profunda femoris artery
16. Cruciate anastomosis
17. Trochanteric anastomosis.
18.Short lateral rotators of thigh
19.Adductor magnus
20.Arterial Anastomosis around knee joint
21.Anastomosis around the back of thigh
22.Popliteal artery
23.Hamstring muscles
24.Locking & unlocking of knee Joint
25.Dorsalis pedis artery
26.Flexor retinaculum of foot
27.Extensor retinaculum of leg
28. Subtalar Joint
29.Popliteus muscle
30.Menisci of Knee Joint
31.Obturator nerve
32.Ligaments of Hip Joint
33.Ligaments & bursae around Knee Joint

34.Trendelenburgs sign.

1. Microscopic anatomy of Thyroid gland
2. Microscopic anatomy of Parathyroid gland
3. Microscopic anatomy of Pituitary gland
4. Microscopic anatomy of Suprarenal gland


1. Development of Limbs
2. Chorionic Villi
3. Foetal membranes
4. Structure & functions of placenta
5. Development of Placenta
Portions for Neuroanatomy

1. Spinal cord
2. Brainstem
3. Cerebellum
4. Ventricles: lateral, third & fourth
5. Diencephalon
6. Cerebrum
7. Basal nuclei
8. Whitematter of the cerebrum
9. Blood supply of brain
10. Cerebrospinal circulation

List of Important Questions - Brain.

Long essays:

a. Classify white fibres of cerebrum with examples. Describe internal capsule in detail.
b. Describe the superolateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere under the following
headings: Sulci and Gyri, functional areas and arterial supply.
c. Describe the cerebellum as: classification, connections, nuclei, blood supply and clinical
d. Describe in detail about blood supply of brain.
e. Describe the Spinal cord under the following headings: a. Extent with coverings b. External
features and Enlargements c. Cross section at mid thoracic level d. Blood supply e. Applied
f. Describe the Thalamus as: connections, nuclei, blood supply and clinical anatomy.
g. Sulci and gyri on supero-lateral surface of brain. Classification of various types of sulci.
Functional areas on supero-lateral surface and effects of lesions. Blood supply of supero-
lateral surface of brain.
h. Describe Basal ganglia under the following headings: Components and connections
(correlate with physiology connections), signs and symptoms of lesions.

Short answers:
1. Interpeduncular fossa
2. T.S. at the level of superior colliculus of mid brain.
3. T.S. at the level of Inferior colliculus of mid brain
4. Blood supply of spinal cord.
5. Internal capsule.
6. Connections of basal ganglia
7. Corpus callosum
8. Horns of lateral ventricle
9. Lateral medullary syndrome.
10. Circle of Willis.
11. Part & Constituent fibres of internal capsule
12. Supero lateral surface of cerebrum
13. Posterior horn of lateral ventricle
14. Third ventricle.
15. T.S of Medulla oblongata at mid olivary level
16. T.S of Medulla oblongata at motor decussation level
17. T.S Medulla oblongata at sensory decussation level
18. Lumbar puncture
19. Histology of cerebellum
20. Histology of cerebrum
21. Basilar artery.
22. Floor of 4th Ventricle
23. Derivatives of Neural Tube
24. Cerebellar peduncles
25. Draw T.S of Spinal Cord at Thoracic level
26. Sections of pons – upper and lower
27. lateral ventricle
28. CSF circulation
29. Classification of sulci and gyri
30. Corpus callosum
31. Classification of white matter of brain
32. Medial medullary syndrome
33. Lateral medullary syndrome
34. Circle of willis
35. Inferior cerebellar peduncle – afferents and efferents
36. Choroid plexus of ventricles
37. Geniculate bodies – lateral or medial

Professor & Head, Anatomy

Department of Anatomy

Head & Neck - Important Questions

Long Essays:
1. Describe the facial nerve under the following headings: a) Nuclei of origin and
functional components. b) Course and emergence. c) Branches and its distribution.
d) Clinical anatomy
2. Describe the cavernous sinus under the following headings: situation, extent,
boundaries, relations, contents, connections and applied anatomy.
3. Describe the tongue under the following headings: Situation and parts, Blood
supply, Lymphatic drainage, Histology and development.
4. Explain thyroid gland under the following headings: a) Location and parts b) Coverings c)
Relations d) Blood supply e) Histology f) Development g) Applied Anatomy.
5. Describe in boundaries, contents and clinical anatomy of Carotid triangle
6. Describe submandibular salivary gland under following heading: parts, relations, blood
supply, nerve supply, lymphatic drainage and clinical anatomy.
7. Describe Parotid salivary gland under following heading: parts, relations, blood supply,
nerve supply, lymphatic drainage and clinical anatomy.
8. Describe the Temporomandibular joint under the following headings: (a) Type of joint (b)
Articular surfaces (c) Articular disc (d) Ligaments (e) Movements and the muscles
producing them (f) Applied Anatomy.
9. Describe the extra ocular muscles in detail. Add a note on its applied anatomy.
10. Classify Dural Venous Sinuses. Describe the Cavernous sinus in detail. Add a note on its
applied anatomy.
11. Describe the Nucleus, course, distribution and applied anatomy of Vagus nerve.
12. Describe the Nucleus, Course, Relations, Branches and Clinical Anatomy of Abducent
13. Describe the Nucleus, Course, Relations, Branches and Clinical Anatomy of Oculomotor
14. Describe the Origin, Course, Relations, Branches and Clinical Anatomy of Trochlear Nerve.
15. Describe the Origin, Course, Relations, Branches and Clinical Anatomy of Abducent Nerve
16. Describe in detail about Lateral wall of nose under the following headings - Formation,
nasal conchae and meatuses, blood supply, nerve supply. Add a note on Paranasal air
17. Describe in detail the Pituitary Gland. Add a note on its development.
18. Describe Pharynx under following headings: Extent, divisions, internal features,
musculature, structures related and applied anatomy.
19. Describe in detail about Lateral wall of nose under the following headings - Formation,
nasal conchae and meatuses, blood supply, nerve supply. Add a note on Paranasal air
20. Describe the Hypoglossal nerve under the following headings: a) Nuclei of origin
and functional components. b) Course and emergence. c) Branches and its
distribution. d) Clinical anatomy
21. Describe the Trigeminal nerve under the following headings: a) Nuclei of origin
and functional components. b) Course and emergence. c) Branches and its
distribution. d) Clinical anatomy
22. Describe in detail the parts, muscles, innervations, histology and development of tongue.
23. Describe in detail about Nasal Septum under the following headings - Formation, blood
supply, nerve supply. Add a note on applied anatomy
24. Describe in boundaries, contents and clinical anatomy of Posterior triangle
25. Describe in detail the middle ear. Add a note on its applied anatomy.
26. Describe in detail the deep cervical Fascia. Add a note on its Clinical anatomy.
27. Describe larynx under the following headings: Situation, extent, Cartilages,
ligaments, muscles, nerve supply & applied anatomy.
28. Describe the Nucleus, Course, Relations, Branches and Clinical Anatomy of
Glossopharyngeal Nerve.
29. Describe the Nucleus, Course, Relations, Branches and Clinical Anatomy of Accesory
30. Describe in detail the Palatine Tonsil. Add a note on its histology & development.
31. Describe Infratemporal Fossa in detail.

Short Answer Questions ( ** parts of any long essay can be asked as short answer questions)

1. Applied anatomy of scalp.

2. Structures passing through superior orbital fissure
3. Sternocleidomastoid muscle
4. Lateral pterygoid muscle
5. Orbicularis oculi muscle
6. Orbicularis Oris
7. Buccinator
8. Structures lying on hyoglossus muscle
9. Structures lying on Lateral Pterygoid muscle
10. Inferior constrictor of pharynx
11. Lymphatic drainage of Head and Neck
12. UMN/LMN lesions of facial nerve
13. Nasal septum
14. Ciliary/Pterygopalatine/Submandibular/Otic ganglion (roots + parasympathetic &
sympathetic pathway)
15. Carotid sheath
16. Ansa cervicalis
17. Lymphatic drainage of tongue
18. Mandibular nerve
19. External carotid artery
20. Venous drainage of Head and neck
21. Applied anatomy of thyroid gland
22. Classification of Dural folds
23. Tympanic Membrane – Innervation & development
24. Auditory tube
25. Palatine tonsil
26. Suboccipital triangle
27. Anterior triangle with subdivisions
28. Maxillary artery
29. Muscles of Mastication
30. Formation and contents of carotid sheath.
31. Bell’s palsy
32. Infrahyoid muscles of neck
33. Secretomotor pathway of parotid gland
34. Relations of thyroid gland.
35. Nasal septum
36. Tympanic Membrane
37. Palatine muscles
38. Development of palatine tonsil
39. Maxillary sinus
40. Vocal folds
41. Cavity of Larynx
42. Levator Palpebrae Superioris
43. Facial artery
44. Facial Vein
45. Extra cranial course of Facial nerve
46. Subclavian artery
47. IJV
48. Dural Folds
49. Ansa Cervicalis
50. Inferior Constrictor muscle
51. Styloid apparatus
52. Tympanic cavity
53. Blood & nerve supply of Scalp
54. Sensory supply of Face
55. Sternocleido mastoid
56. External Jugular Vein
57. Falx cerebri
58. Tentorium Cerebelli
59. Lacrimal apparatus
60. Middle meningeal artery
61. Superior sagittal sinus
62. Peripheral distribution of Glossopharyngeal nerve
63. Trigeminal ganglion
64. Development & lymphatic drainage of Tongue
65. Sigmoid sinus
66. Cricothyroid muscle
67. Innervation of larynx

1. Development of Face & its anomalies

2. Development of palate & its anomalies

3. Development of Tongue & its anomalies

4. Development of Pituitary gland

5. Derivatives of Pharyngeal arches/pouches/clefts & its anomalies.

6. Development of thyroid gland & its anomalies

7. Derivatives of Optic cup

8. Development of eyeball

9.Thyroglossal duct

10.Derivatives of 1st Pharyngeal arch

11. Derivatives of 2nd Pharyngeal arch

12. Development of Thymus

1. Microscopic anatomy of Thyroid gland
2. Microscopic anatomy of Pituitary gland
3. Microscopic anatomy of Tongue
4. Microscopic anatomy of retina, cornea, Eyelid
5. Microscopic anatomy of Cochlea
6. Histology of Salivary glands

Professor& Head, Anatomy



1. Describe in detail the Blood supply of heart. Add a note on its applied anatomy
2. Describe in detail about the lung under the following headings: a) Coverings. b)
Surfaces and borders. c) Difference between right and left lung. d) Blood supply,
nerve supply and lymphatic drainage. Add a note on its applied anatomy.
3. Write in detail about the External and Internal Features of the Right Atrium.
4. Describe the interior of right atrium and correlate it with its development. Add a
note on its applied anatomy.
5. Describe the arch of aorta under the following headings: Extent, Relations, Branches
and microscopic anatomy.
6. Describe the Right lung under following headings: (1 x 5 = 5) a. Pleura b. Relations
of medial surface c. Bronchopulmonary segments d. Applied anatomy.
7. Define Mediastinum. Name its subdivisions. Name the contents of posterior
mediastinum and describe oesophagus under the following headings: a. Level of
origin b. Parts and Relations c. Level of constrictions

Short Notes

1. Typical intercostal nerve.

2. Pericardium
3. Bronchopulmonary segments.
4. Pericardial sinuses
5. Pleural recesses.
6. Draw and label the transverse section of thorax at T4 level
7. Oesophagus: a) Commencement & termination b) Blood supply c) Lymphatics d)
Congenital anomalies
8. Hilum of lungs with labeled diagram.
9. Intercostal space.
a) Intercostal muscle
b) Intercostal artery
c) Intercostal vein
10. Origin, Termination and applied anatomy of internal mammary artery.
11. Posterior mediastinum.
12. Venous drainage of heart.
13. Thoracic Duct.
14. Mediastinal surface of left lung.
15. Cardiac plexuses.
16. Right coronary artery.
17. Azygos vein
18. Left coronary artery.
19. Relations of arch of aorta
20. Brachiocephalic vein
21. Interior of right atrium.
22. Superior mediastinum
23. Sternocostalis
24. Superior Vena Cava
25. Descending aorta
26. Thoracic sympathetic trunk
27. Inlet Of thorax


1. Histology of Lung
2. Histology of Trachea
3. Histology of Large artery
4. Histology of Medium sized artery
5. Histology of large Vein

1. Development of interatrial septum
2. Development of Inter ventricular septum
3. Development of atrium
4. Development of Ventricles
5. Development of lung
6. Foetal circulation
7. Aortic arch arteries & their fate
8. Congenital anomalies of heart

Dr.Kalpana Ramachandran
Professor & Head
Dept. of Anatomy


1. Describe in detail the Inguinal Canal. Add a note on its applied anatomy
2. Give formation, termination, tributaries and relations of Portal vein. Add a
note on porto-systemic anastomosis
3. Describe the gross anatomy of the kidneys in detail. Add a note on its
development with congenital defects.
4. Give an account of the blood supply, lymphatic drainage relations,
microscopic anatomy and development of the stomach.
5. Describe the parts, relations, blood supply, development, microscopic
anatomy and clinical importance of pancreas.
6. Describe the inguinal canal. Add a note on its applied aspects.
7. Describe the right kidney under the following headings:
1. Coverings
2. Relations
3. Blood supply
4. Surface marking on the back
5. Functional unit and its microscopic structure
6. Development and developmental anomalies
7. Applied anatomy
8. Describe the origin, insertion, action, openings, features, development,
blood supply and nerve supply of the diaphragm.
9. Describe the Pancreas under the following headings
1. Type of gland, ducts
2. Gross features
3. Relations
4. Blood supply
5. Applied aspect
10.Describe the relations, Blood supply and microscopic structure of
11.Describe extrahepatic biliary apparatus in detail.
12.Describe Anal canal in detail. Add a note on its applied anatomy
13.Describe Anal canal in detail. Add a note on its applied anatomy

Short notes:
1. Lumbar plexus
2. Vitello – intestinal duct
3. Supra renal glands
4. Inguinal Ligament
5. Douglas pouch
6. Inguinal canal
7. Splenic artery
8. Blood supply of pancreas
9. Spermatic cord
10.Coeliac plexus
11.Hepatorenal pouch
12.Stomach Bed
13.Histology of suprarenal gland
14.Left suprarenal gland
15.Portal vein
17.Second part of duodenum
18.Internal oblique muscle
19.Portocaval anastomosis
20.Omental bursa
21.Blood supply of stomach
22.Lesser sac
23.Thoracolumbar fascia
24.Coeliac trunk
25.Draw a neat diagram of coronal section of kidney with its coverings
26.Rectus sheath
27.Hasselbach triangle
28.Lesser omentum
29.Lesser Sac
30.Epiploic foramen
31.Sub phrenic spaces
32.Calots triangle
34.Vermiform appendix
35.Tranverse colon
37.Lumbar plexus
38.Superior mesenteric artery


1. Oesophagus
2. Pancreas
3. Liver
4. Gall bladder
5. Fundus of stomach
6. Pylorus of stomach
7. Duodenum
8. Jejunum
9. Ileum
10. Large intestine
11. Vermiform appendix
12. Kidney
13. Ureter


1. Development of pancreas
2. Development of liver
3. Development of diaphragm
4. Meckels diverticulum
5. Development of rectum and anal canal
6. Rotation of midgut loop
7. Development of kidneys
8. Cloaca and its further development/fate
9. Development of Portal Vein
10. Development of Portal Vein
Endocrine system- Probable questions

ESSAY – 15 marks
1.Describe in detail the synthesis, functions and regulation of Thyroid Hormone. Add a note
on Grave’s Disease.
2. List the hormones of Anterior Pituitary. Describe in detail the actions of Growth Hormone.
Add a note on Acromegaly.
3. List the hormones of the Adrenal gland. Describe in detail the actions of
cortisol/Glucocorticoids. Add a note on Cushing’s syndrome.
4. Name the hormones involved in the calcium metabolism. Describe the functions of
Parathormone (PTH). Add a note on hypo calcaemic tetany.
5. Describe the mechanisms of blood glucose homeostasis.

SHORT NOTES – 5 marks

1. Second messengers

2. Feedback Mechanism (Positive & Negative)

3. Hypothalamo-hypophyseal system
4. ADH/Vasopressin
5. Gigantism
6. Cretinism
7. Myxoedema
8. Functions of Glucagon
9. Physiological basis of symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus (Polyuria, Polydipsia and Polyphagia)
10. Endocrine functions of kidney
11. Functions of Aldosterone
12. Cushing’s syndrome
13. Actions of oxytocin.
14. Neuro-endocrine reflex
15. Dwarfism
16. Functions of Insulin
17. Functions of catecholamines
18. Phaeochromocytoma
19. Diabetes Insipidus
20. Functions of Calcitonin
21. Functions of Vitamin D
22. Non metabolic functions of Cortisol
23. Grave’s disease
24. Addison’s disease
25. Conn’s syndrome
Endocrine system- Probable questions

ESSAY – 15 marks
1.Describe in detail the synthesis, functions and regulation of Thyroid Hormone. Add a note
on Grave’s Disease.
2. List the hormones of Anterior Pituitary. Describe in detail the actions of Growth Hormone.
Add a note on Acromegaly.
3. List the hormones of the Adrenal gland. Describe in detail the actions of
cortisol/Glucocorticoids. Add a note on Cushing’s syndrome.
4. Name the hormones involved in the calcium metabolism. Describe the functions of
Parathormone (PTH). Add a note on hypo calcaemic tetany.
5. Describe the mechanisms of blood glucose homeostasis.

SHORT NOTES – 5 marks

1. Second messengers

2. Feedback Mechanism (Positive & Negative)

3. Hypothalamo-hypophyseal system
4. ADH/Vasopressin
5. Gigantism
6. Cretinism
7. Myxoedema
8. Functions of Glucagon
9. Physiological basis of symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus (Polyuria, Polydipsia and Polyphagia)
10. Endocrine functions of kidney
11. Functions of Aldosterone
12. Cushing’s syndrome
13. Actions of oxytocin.
14. Neuro-endocrine reflex
15. Dwarfism
16. Functions of Insulin
17. Functions of catecholamines
18. Phaeochromocytoma
19. Diabetes Insipidus
20. Functions of Calcitonin
21. Functions of Vitamin D
22. Non metabolic functions of Cortisol
23. Grave’s disease
24. Addison’s disease
25. Conn’s syndrome

CNS – Important Questions

ESSAY – 15 marks

1) List the Ascending Tracts. Describe Dorsal column in detail with a diagram.

2) Describe the Spinothalamic tract in detail with a diagram. Add a note on

Referred pain.

3) Describe the origin, course and termination of Cortico-spinal tract in detail with
a diagram. Add a note on Hemiplegia.

4) Mention the functional divisions of Cerebellum. Describe the connections and

functions of Cerebellum. Add a note on Cerebellar function tests.

5) Describe the nuclei, connections and functions of Thalamus. Add a note on

Thalamic syndrome.

6) List the nuclei and describe the functions of Hypothalamus.

7) Describe the structure, connections and functions of Basal ganglia.

8) Define Synapse. Describe the synaptic transmission and properties of synapse.

9) Describe the features of hemisection of spinal cord.

SHORT NOTES – 5 marks

1. Wallerian degeneration
2. Classification and Properties of Receptors
3. Properties of Reflexes
4. Brown-sequard syndrome
5. Aphasia
6. Blood Brain Barrier
7. Parkinsonism

8. EEG
9. REM sleep
10. Papez circuit
11. Broadman Areas of Cerebral cortex
12. Muscle spindle
13. Reflex Arc
14. Stretch Reflex
15. Inverse stretch reflex
16. Difference between UMN and LMN lesion
17. Ascending Reticular Activating System
18. Functions of Prefrontal lobe
19. Pain Analgesic system
20. Functions of Limbic system
21. Conditioned Reflex
22. Postural Reflexes
23. Signs and symptoms of cerebellar lesion
24. Classification of nerve fibers
25. Neurotransmitters
26. Functions of CSF
27.Blood Brain Barrier
28. REM vs NREM sleep
29.Circumventricular organs
30.Lumbar Puncture
31. Decerebrate rigidity
32.Mechanism of long term memory
33.Referred pain
34.Dorsal column vs spinothalamic tract

35. Pyramidal vs Extrapyramidal tract

36.Fast vs slow pain
37. Kluver Bucy syndrome
38.Pre frontal lobe syndrome
39. Neuroglia
40. Brain Death
Cardio vascular System - Probable questions

ESSAY – 15 marks

1. Define Blood pressure. Mention the normal value. Explain in detail the short term and long term
of regulation of blood pressure.
2. Describe in detail all the events of cardiac cycle with suitable diagram.
3. Define cardiac output. Give the normal value. Describe the regulation of cardiac output.

SHORT NOTES – 5 marks

1. Conducting system of heart

2. Properties of cardiac muscle
3. Ventricular action potential vs Pacemaker potential
4. ECG
5. Hypovolemic shock
6. Special features of coronary circulation
7. Jugular Venous Pulse
8. First vs Second heart sound
9. Factors maintaining blood pressure
10. Regulation of heart rate
11. Triple response
12. Determination of cardiac output (Fick’s principle)
13. Frank-Starling law of heart
14. Baroreceptor reflex
15. End diastolic volume
16. Effect of exercise on CVS

Respiratory system- Probable questions

ESSAY – 15 marks
1. Explain in detail the transport of oxygen from lungs to tissues.
2. Explain in detail the transport of carbon -di- oxide from tissues to lungs
3. Describe in detail the neural regulation of respiration.
4. Explain the chemical regulation of respiration, add a note on Chemoreceptors.
SHORT NOTES – 5 marks
1. Hypoxia
2. Inspiration vs Expiration
3. Surfactant
4. Lung volumes and capacities
5. Ventilation – perfusion ratio

Page 1
6. Factors affecting diffusion capacity of lung
7. Asphyxia
8. Periodic breathing
9. Decompression sickness/Nitrogen narcosis/Deep sea sickness/ Caison’s disease/ Dysbarism
10. Acclimatisation
11. Mountain sickness / High Altitude Sickness
12. FEV1
13. FRC
14. Anatomical and Physiological Dead space
15. Intrapleural pressure
16. Artificial respiration
17. Oxygen - Hemoglobin dissociation curve.
18. Respiratory distress syndrome
19. Bohr Effect
20. Haldane Effect
21. Double Bohr Effect
22. Non respiratory functions of lungs
23. Draw a Spirogram and name its Parts
24. Spl features of Pulmonary Circulation
25. Surfactant
26. Timed Vital capacity
27. Vital Capacity
28. Chloride Shift

Page 2
Physiology - Respiratory system

S.No Date Questions

1. 22.08.21 Special Senses – Revise for test

1.Visual pathway
2. Refractive errors
3. Pupillary reflexes
4. Dark adaptation
5. Organ of Corti
2. 23.08.21 6. Photochemistry of vision
7. Mechanism of hearing
8. Functions of middle ear
9. Theories of hearing
10. Auditory pathway
3. 24.08.21 11. Tests for hearing
12. Taste pathway
13. Olfactory pathway
14. Colour blindness
15. Effects of lesion in visual pathway
4. 25.08.21 Respiratory System
Explain in detail the transport of oxygen from lungs to tissues- E
Bohr Effect
Oxygen - Hemoglobin dissociation curve.
Haldane Effect
Double Bohr Effect
5. 26.08.21 Explain in detail the transport of carbon -di- oxide from tissues to lungs - E
Chloride Shift

6. 27.08.21 Describe in detail the neural regulation of respiration - E

Explain the chemical regulation of respiration, add a note on
Chemoreceptors - E
Periodic breathing
7. 28.08.21 Lung volumes and capacities/ Spirogram
Timed Vital capacity
Vital capacity
8. 29.08.21 Surfactant
9. 30.08.21 Decompression sickness/Nitrogen narcosis/Deep sea sickness/ Caison’s
disease/ Dysbarism (all are synonyms for the same topic)
Mountain sickness / High Altitude Sickness
10. 31.08.21 Artificial respiration
Effect of exercise and meditation on RS
11. 01.09.21 Mechanism of respiration - E
Anatomical and Physiological Dead space
Intrapleural pressure
Special features of Pulmonary Circulation
Non respiratory functions of lungs
12. 02.09.21 Compliance of Lungs
Ventilation – perfusion ratio
Respiratory membrane
Factors affecting diffusion capacity of lung
Gastro Intestinal System - Probable questions

ESSAY – 15 marks

1. Define deglutition. Describe the three phases of deglutition.

Add a note on Achalasia cardia [2+8+5]

2. Describe the composition, functions and regulation of gastric juice [3+5+7]

3. Write the composition of gastric juice. Describe in detail the phases of regulation of gastric juice

secretion. Add a note on experimental evidences for Gastric phase of regulation. [3+8+4]

4. Describe the composition, functions and regulation of pancreatic juice. [3+7+5]

SHORT NOTES – 5 marks

1. Enteric nervous system

2. Second stage of Deglutition

3. Functions of saliva

4. Acid peptic disease

5. Mechanism of Hcl secretion.

6. Intestinal phase of pancreatic juice secretion.

7. Functions of bile

8. Entero hepatic circulation

9. Functions of large intestine

10. Steatorrhoea

11. Gastrointestinal hormones

12. Succus –entericus

13. Defecation reflex

Renal System- Probable questions

ESSAY – 15 marks

1. Define GFR. Give the normal value. Describe the factors influencing glomerular filtration rate. Add

a note on measurement of GFR. [2+2+8+3]

2. Define counter current mechanism. Describe in detail the mechanism of concentration of urine.
Add a note on Diabetes Insipidus. [2+8+5]

SHORT NOTES – 5 marks

1.Non excretory functions of kidney

2. Special features of renal circulation

3. Tubuloglomerular feedback

4. Functions of skin

5. Factors regulating GFR.

6. Juxta glomerular apparatus

7.Countercurrent multiplier / exchanger


9. Micturition reflex

10. Acidification of urine

11. Innervation of bladder

Department of Biochemistry
I M.B.B.S (2020 – 2021)
Block 1


1. Classify carbohydrates giving suitable examples. Add a note on Heteropolysasccharides.

2. Classify proteins giving suitable examples. Add a note on secondary structure.

3. Classify lipids giving suitable examples. Add note on phospholipids.

4. Classify enzymes with suitable examples. Write in detail about factors affecting enzyme activity.

5. Discuss about the sources, RDA, coenzyme forms, functions and deficiency manifestations of
Vitamin B12.
6. Discuss about the sources, RDA, coenzyme forms, functions and deficiency manifestations of Folic
acid. Also add a note on Folate Trap.
7. Discuss about the sources, RDA, absorption, distribution, functions, regulation and disorders of
8. Describe in detail about the structure of hemoglobin and its role in allosteric and co-operative
binding of oxygen.

9. Describe the Structure of Collagen And List Out Any Three Disorders Associate With Collagen.

10. Describe the composition and functions of Extracellular matrix components

11. Describe the functional properties of collagen and elastin.

12. Give a brief account on general features and the synthesis and functions of collagen


1. Lysosomes and Peroxisomes

2. Mitochondria

3. Endoplasmic Reticulum & Golgi apparatus

4. Reducing properties of carbohydrates.

5. Denaturation of protein

6. Essential amino acids

7. Isoelectric pH

8. Define and classify lipids with examples

9. Phospholipids (classification & function)

10. Essential fatty acids

11. Cholesterol - structure & function

12. Lipoproteins – Structure, types & functions.

13. Coenzymes and cofactors

14. Enzyme inhibition

15. Role of enzyme inhibitors in therapeutics.

16. Myoglobin-structure and function.

17. Oxygen dissociation curve

18. Bohr Effect

19. Hemoglobin derivatives – Methemoglobiin, Carboxyhemoglobin, Sulfhemoglobin

20. Hemoglobinopathies (Abnormal hemoglobin) – Sickle cell disease, Thalassemia

21. Isoenzymes.

22. Clinically important enzymes & Therapeutic role of enzymes.

23. Immunoglobulin – structure, types and functions

24. Electrophoresis – principle and applications.

25. Sources, RDA, Different forms, Biochemical functions and deficiency manifestations of Vitamin K.

26. Sources, RDA, Biochemical functions and deficiency manifestations of Thiamine.

27. Coenzyme forms, Biochemical functions and deficiency manifestations of Riboflavin.

28. Coenzyme forms, Biochemical functions and deficiency manifestations of Niacin.

29. Glycosaminoglycan: Types & Functions .

30. Major features of fibrillin, fibronectin, and laminin, of the ECM.

31. Various transport mechanisms across the cell membrane.

32. Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane with illustration.

33. Chromatography – principle and applications.

34. Methods of protein sequencing.

35. Disorders associated with protein targeting defects.

36. One carbon metabolism.

37. Sources of atoms of purine and pyrimidines.

Department of Biochemistry

I MBBS 2020 – 2021


1. Vitamin D

2. Calcium and Phosphorus

3. Thyroid function Tests

4. Electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.

5. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and disorders.

6. Glycolysis

7. Gluconeogenesis

8. Citric acid cycle

9. Glycogen metabolism and its disorders.

10. Fructose and galactose metabolism with disorders.

11. HMP and Uronic acid pathway with clinical significance.

12. Adrenal function tests

13. Regulation of blood glucose and diabetes mellitus

1. Demonstration of calcium & phosphorus

2. Estimation of glucose, glucometer

3. Interpretations of Charts – 16, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 39, 40, 41, 42 & 43.
Important questions for II Internal Assessment Test

1. Write in detail about the Glycolysis pathway, importance, inhibitors, regulation, and energetics.

2. Explain the Gluconeogenesis pathway. Mention the key enzymes, importance and regulation.

3. Describe in detail the glycogenesis and glycogenolysis with regulation and importance of the


4. How is blood glucose regulated in fasting and fed state. Mention the role of hormones in blood

glucose regulation.

5. Write in detail about the citric acid cycle. Add a note on its significance, inhibitors, regulation, and


6. Explain the source, RDA, synthesis, absorption, biochemical functions and deficiency

manifestations of vitamin D.

7. Explain the source, RDA, normal blood level, biochemical functions and clinical significance of

calcium. Add a note on regulation of calcium.

8. Explain the components of electron transport chain with suitable illustration. Add a note on its


Short notes

1. Describe about chemiosmotic theory with suitable illustration (oxidative phosphorylation).

2. Explain about uncouplers and brown adipose tissue.

3. Write about high energy compounds.

4. Explain about the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.

5. Enumerate the biochemical aspects of lactose intolerance.

6. List the glucose transporters. Explain GLUT 2.

7. Write about the diagnostic criteria for diabetes mellitus.

8. Explain the procedure, indication and contraindications of Oral Glucose tolerance test

9. Enumerate the interpretation of Oral Glucose tolerance test (OGTT).

10. List the biochemical investigations in diagnosing disorders associated with Thyroid gland
(Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism).

11. List the biochemical investigations in diagnosing disorders associated with adrenal gland
(Addison’s disease and Cushing’s disease).

13. Explain about Hereditary fructose intolerance.

14. Explain the metabolism & disorders associated with Galactose.

15. Explain the metabolism & disorders associated with Fructose.

15. Write the significance of HMP pathway & disorders associated with it.

16. List out the significance of Uronic acid pathway.

17. Explain about G6PD deficiency.

18. Mention the various glycogen storage diseases.

19. Explain the prevalence, biochemical pathogenesis, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis
and principles of management of Von Gierke’s disease..

20. Write about the Amphibolic and anaplerotic role of TCA cycle.

23. Explain about Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.

24. Explain the significance of 2.3 BPG.

25. Enumerate the various shuttle pathways and its significance in Electron Transport Chain.
Department of Biochemistry
I M.B.B.S 2020-21 batch
Block III - Important Questions

▪ Vitamins- A, C, E, Biotin, pantothenic acid
▪ Digestion & absorption of lipids
▪ Fatty acid synthesis, acyl glycerol, lipid storage disorders
▪ Fatty acid oxidation – all types
▪ Cerebrospinal Fluid
▪ Metabolism of ketone bodies
▪ Metabolism of cholesterol, bile acids, enterohepatic
▪ Phospholipids & eicosanoids
▪ Metabolism of Lipoprotein and disorders
▪ Cardiac Biomarkers
▪ Minerals – Selenium, Zinc, Copper, Fluoride, Iodine,
Cobalt, Chromium, Molybdenum, Magnesium - functions,
deficiency manifestations and toxicity.


1. Mention the different types of oxidations of fatty acids. Write in detail about
the beta oxidation of fatty acids. Add a note on its energetic and regulation.
2. Write in detail about the metabolism of VLDL. Add a note on fatty liver.
3. Describe in detail the endogenous transport of lipids (both VLDL and LDL,
HDL metabolism).
4. Describe in detail the exogenous transport of lipids (Chylomicron
5. Write in detail about the metabolism of ketone bodies. Add a note on
diabetic ketoacidosis.
6. Write in detail about cholesterol biosynthesis and add a note on its
7. Write in detail about fatty acid synthesis. Add a note on its regulation.
8. Write in detail about Vitamin A- coenzyme forms, functions, RDA, sources,
deficiency states
9. Write in detail about daily requirement, sources, functions, deficiency
manifestations of vitamin C(ascorbic acid)
Department of Biochemistry
I M.B.B.S 2020-21 batch
Block III - Important Questions

Short notes

1. Digestion and absorption of lipids

2. What is malabsorption syndrome? Explain the causes of malabsorption.
3. What is steatorrhea? What are the clinical features, lab findings and
4. Lipid storage disorders
5. Cholesterol structure and function
6. Explain the transport of endogenous triglycerides from liver to peripheral
7. Write about role of LDL receptors in the uptake of cholesterol and its
clinical significance.
8. Dyslipoproteinemias
9. Functions of Bile acids
10.Enterohepatic circulation
11.Classes of lipoproteins and their function.
12.Reverse cholesterol transport (HDL Metabolism)/HDL cycle
13.Lipotropic factors
14.Explain the aetiology of Fatty liver
15.Explain the causes for Secondary hyperlipidaemia
17.Carnitine shuttle - functions and deficiency state
18.Refsum’ s disease
19.Zellweger’s syndrome
20.Fatty Acid synthase complex
21.Sources & functions of Vitamin E
22.Biotin – functions.
23.Pantothenic acid - Coenzyme forms, functions, RDA, sources, deficiency
24.Selenium, Zinc, Copper, Fluoride, Iodine, Cobalt, Chromium, Molybdenum,
Magnesium - functions, deficiency manifestations and toxicity.
25.Describe the patterns of rise and fall of biomarkers during myocardial
infarction with suitable illustrations.
26.Describe the role of biomarkers in cardiac failure.
Department of Biochemistry
I M.B.B.S 2020-21 batch
Block III - Important Questions

27.Cerebrospinal Fluid – Composition, significance and clinical

29.Classify Phospholipids and list out the functions.
30.Write the steps of Prostaglandin synthesis and list out the biological
functions and its therapeutic uses
31.Describe Wald’s visual cycle.
32.Explain the deficiency manifestation of Vitamin E. Explain the sparing
effect of Selenium
33.Describe the Antioxidant role of Vitamin E.
9:13 Iii a 9
Block IV - Important questions

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Block - IV - List of important questions


1. Water and electrolyte balance

2. Acid base balance and disturbances
3. Nutrition


1. Describe the regulation of acid base balance in the body.

2. Define basal metabolic rate. Describe the factors affecting
BMR. How is it determined?
3. Define balance diet. Describe the principles of balanced diet
and prescribe balanced diet for a sedentary person

Short answers

1. Explain intracellular, extracellular and urinary buffers in acid

base regulation.
2. Mention normal range of bicarbonate. How does the
bicarbonate buffer with a WS~ of 6.1 act as an important
blood buffer?
3. Mention the normal blood and urinary llt!~Describe the role
of kidneys in pH homeostasis
4. Define anion gap. How do you calculate it? Describe the
significance of anion gap.
5. Define metabolic acidosis. Mention the causes and
biochemical findings
6. Define respiratory acidosis. Mention the causes and
biochemical findings
7. Define metabolic alkalosis. Mention the causes and
biochemical findings
8. Define respiratory alkalosis. Mention the causes and

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this page.

11. Describe the mechanisms for the regulation of potassium

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7. Define metabolic alkalosis. Mention the causes and
biochemical findings
8. Define respiratory alkalosis. Mention the causes and
biochemical findings
9. Describe the regulation and disorders of water balance
10. Mention the normal range and the functions of sodium.
Describe the disorders of sodium balance
11. Describe the mechanisms for the regulation of potassium
12. Mention the normal range and the functions of potassium.
Describe the disorders of potassium balance
13. Mention the normal range, functions and disorders of
Chloride balance.
14. Define serum osmolality. Mention the normal range and
15. Mention the function of carbohydrates. Describe the
biomedical importance of dietary fJRcr
16. Mention the function of Lipids and name the essential
fatty acids and their biomedical importance
17. Mention the function of proteins and write about
importance of essential amino acids in diet
18. What are the dietary sources and benefits of PUFA?
Mention the effect of trans fatty acids on health?
19. Define biological value of protein. Describe its significance
with suitable examples
20. Define first class and second class proteins. Explain limiting
amino acids with suitable examples
21. What is nitrogen balance? Mention the factors maintaining
nitrogen balance.
22. Define calorie. Describe the principles in calculating the
calorie requirements of a person
23. Describe the causes, features and management of protein
calorie malnutrition
24. What is obesity? How is it caused? Mention the
complications of and treatment for obesity
25. Discuss the dietary management of diabetes and
26. Define f i l y ~ index. Explain the significance of glycemicl
index on blood glucose homeostasis



 Heme synthesis & Porphyrias

 Heme catabolism & jaundice
 Liver Function Test
 Digestion and absorption of protein
 Transamination, ammonia formation
 Urea cycle
 Detoxification
 Metabolism of phenylalanine & tyrosine
 Metabolism of sulphur containing amino acids, transmethylation
 Metabolism of tryptophan, BCAA, lysine, Aspartate, asparagine
 Metabolism of glycine, serine, alanine, 1C metabolism
 Metabolism of glutamate, glutamine, histidine, arginine, proline
 Metabolic processes- fed and fasting state
 Renal Function Tests


1. Write in detail about Urea Cycle. Add a note on disorders of Urea cycle.
2. Write in detail about metabolism of Phenylalanine. Add a note
disorders associated with phenylalanine metabolism.
3. Write in detail about metabolism of sulfur containing amino acids. Add
a note on the associated disorders.
4. Write in detail about synthesis of Heme and its regulation. Add a note
on disorders of Heme synthesis.
5. Write in detail about Heme catabolism and its excretion. Classify
Hyperbilirubinemias and explain the causes.


1. Transamination.
2. Transmethylation.
3. Formation of ammonia.
4. Ammonia generating reactions
5. Regulation of urea cycle
6. Toxicity of ammonia &its treatment
7. Special products derived from Tyrosine, Tryptophan
8. Special products obtained from Arg, Glutamate, His, Gly, Glutamine,
Aspartic acid
9. Metabolism of sulfur containing amino acids.
10. Metabolism of glycine, serine & alanine.


11. Oxidative deamination.

12. Disorders of Urea cycle & its general treatment.
13. Hyperammonemia.
14. Digestion and absorption of Proteins.
15. Creatinine formation.
16. One Carbon Metabolism
18. Homocystinurias.
19. Maple syrup urine disease.
20. Phenylketonuria.
21. Alkaptonuria.
22. Albinism.
23. Tyrosinemias.
24. Hartnup’s disease.
25. Cystinosis
26. Cystinuria
27. Cystathioninuria
28. Maple syrup urine disease
29. Formation and functions of GABA
30. Biochemical function and therapeutic use of Nitric oxide
31. Explain functions of polyamines with example
32. LFT.
33. Porphyrias – causes, classification, rational behind treatment.
34. Detoxification – phase I & phase II.
35. Define detoxification and explain phase 2 reactions with examples.
36. Acute Intermittent Porphyria.
37. Creatinine clearance.
38. Jaundice – classification, examples, laboratory findings in each type
39. Van den Bergh’s test
40. Enterohepatic circulation
41. RFT.
42. Glomerular function tests.
43. Biochemical alterations in CKD
44. Inter organ transport of aminoacids
45. Glucose alanine cycle
46. Protein Metabolic pathways in fed state
47. Protein Metabolic pathways in starvation

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