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1st Internal

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Essays :

Brachial plexus

Mammary gland

Radial nerve

Shoulder joint

Cubital fossa

Axilla- boundaries and contents

Wrist joint

Brachial artery

Ulnar nerve

Median nerve

Shorts & very shorts:

Carpal tunnel syndrome, flexor retinaculum

Horner syndrome

Axillary lymph nodes, lymphatic drainage of mammary gland


Palmar spaces



1st carpometacarpal joint

Anatomical snuff box

Median cubital vein

Intermuscular spaces

Clavipectoral fascia

Pronation & Supination / supinators of forearm


Cutaneous innervation of the palm

Wrist drop

Axillary nerve

Radial nerve in Spiral groove


Cephalic vein

Superficial palmar arch

Cubital anastomosis

Winging of scapula

Dorsal digital expansion

Extensor retinaculum



1. Knee Joint

2. Hip joint

3. Venous drainage and lymphatic drainage of the lower limb

4. Sciatic nerve
5. Arches of foot

Short & very short questions

1. Popliteal fossa

2. Subtalar joints/ inversion & eversion

3. Femoral triangle

4. Dorsalis pedis artery

5. Retinacula around Ankle joint

6. Deltoid ligament

7. Hamstring muscles

8. Great saphenous vein

9. Tendocalcaneus

10. Sole 1st layer/ 2nd layer

11. Adductor canal/ subsartorial plexus

12. Obturator nerve/ Medial compartment of thigh

13. Ischial tuberosity

14. Locking and unlocking of knee joint

15. Piriformis

16. Guy ropes

17. Peroneal compartment



1. Lung
2. Heart- external features
3. Heart- right atrium
4. Heart – right ventricle
5. Heart- coronary circulation
6. Thoracic duct

Shorts / very shorts

1. Intercostal space
2. Pleural reflections, recesses
3. Mediastinum
4. Pericardium- sinuses
5. Azygos vein
6. Arch of aorta
7. Diaphragm
8. Thoracic sympathetic chain
9. Intercostal nerve
10.Intercostal artery
11.Inlet of thorax/ sibson’s fascia
12.Sternal angle
13.Cervical rib


1. Spermatogenesis/ oogenesis
2. Effects of fertilisation/ changes in first week
3. Gastrulation/ prochordal plate/ primitive streak
4. Implantation
5. Notochord
6. Somite
7. Fetal membranes
8. Derivatives of germ layers
9. Describe the embryological basis of twinning in monozygotic and
dizygotic/ Siamese twins
10. Placenta- including anomalies


1. Classify epithelium with examples

2. Cells of connective tissue
3. Histology of bone
4. Histology of hyaline/ elastic/ fibrous cartilage
5. Histology of skeletal / cardiac muscle
6. Histology of large/ medium sized artery or vein
7. Histology of lymph node/tonsil/ thymus/ spleen


1. Sesamoid bone

2. Pneumatic bones

3. Blood supply of long bone

4. Parts of long bone

5. Classify joints

6. Classify bones according to shapes with examples

7. Shunt and spurt muscles

8. Types of epiphysis

9. Types of neurons

10. Ganglion
Essays 2 x 10 = 20

Shorts 8x5 = 40

Very shorts 3 x 10 = 30

MCQs 1 x 10 = 10

Total 100

ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS including MCQs. There is no negative marking for MCQs.

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