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COURSE FILE Fundamental Management

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Year :1st yr
(General Information)

Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Subject: - Corporate Sem :2nd

Technology, Jaipur Strategy
(Approved by AICTE and
Affiliated to RTU, Kota)

Faculty Details

1. Name of the Faculty: Mrs. Sunita Kumar

2. Designation: Assistant Professor

3. Department: Management Studies

Course Details

Name of the Program: MBA

Batch: 2023-2025

Branch: All

Semester: 2nd

Subject: - Corporate Strategy

Subject Code: - M-202

CORE Subject: -NO

No. of Students: - 16
Note to the Faculty Member on how to use this course file format?

1. Time Table and syllabus copy must be enclosed.

2. Please attach the Marks List of the Students in respect of MTE I (Mid Term Exam),
and MTE II for this subject in your Course File.
3. TFTT (Time Frame Time Table/ Course Plan).
4. Lecture Plan.
5. Tutorial Sheet (If required, as per the syllabus).
6. List of Assignments / Seminar Topics given to students should also be included in the
Course File.
7. Unit Test.
8. Lab manual if required.
9. Model Question Paper of the subject which would be distributed to the students, should
be included in the Course File Papers (Question Bank of important Questions).
10. Question of previous years (University) .
11. Mid – Term Question Paper ( I & II).
12. Performance of the unit test should the enclosed.
13. Grading of Assignment.
14. Photocopy of the best and the average answer sheets of MTE I & II, should be included
in the Course File.
15. Photocopy of the best and the average assignment copies should be enclosed in the
course file.
16. Any additional resources like OHP transparencies, handouts used may also be
Year :-1st yr

Rajasthan Institute of Strategy Sem :2nd
Engineering & Technology,
(Approved by AICTE and
Affiliated to RTU, Kota)
Year :-1st yr


Rajasthan Institute of
Engineering & Technology,
(Approved by AICTE and
Affiliated to RTU, Kota)

Department of Management Studies

MBA II SEM TIME TABLE (w.e.f.-6/03/2024) ROOM NO. LT 10


Time 08:30-09:15 09:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 10:45-11:30 11:30-12:15 12:15-1:00 1:00-1:45 1:45-2:30

MON Quantitative Financial Corporate Business Ethics NIEM Lunch HRM Marketing Research

techniques Management strategy Lab.

TUE Quantitative Financial Corporate Legal & BusinessNIEM Lunch HRM Mini Project

techniques Management strategy environment

WED Quantitative Financial Corporate Marketing Marketing Lunch Managérial NIEM

techniques Management strategy Research Research Computing Lab.

THURS Quantitative Business Ethics Operational Legal & BusinessNIEM Lunch HRM Marketing Reseach

techniques Lab. management environment

FRI Quantitative Financial Operational Legal & BusinessNIEM Lunch HRM Managérial

techniques Management management environment Computing Lab.

Marketing research- Ms. Sofia Khan Operational management- Dr. Sagar Kumar

HRM- Dr. Neha Mehra Business environment & legal- Ms. Surbhi Gupta

NIEM- Dr. Divya Nagar Financial Management- Ms. Surbhi Gupta

corporate strategy- Ms. Sunita Kumar Quantitative techniques- Ms. Reena Sharma

Business Ethics Lab.- Ms. Sunita Kumar Managérial Computing Lab.- Dr. Divya Nagar

Mini-Project- Dr. Monika Shekhawat

3. Beyond the Syllabus Detail:

a. Management

Note to the Faculty Member on how to include beyond the syllabus content?

1. Beyond the syllabus should include the current progress in the concerned discipline.
2. Beyond the syllabus should include the benchmark techniques and research papers
on the said topics.
3. Beyond the syllabus preferably include case studies.
Year :2023-2024

(Course Plan)
Rajasthan Institute of Sem :2nd sem
Engineering & Technology,
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to
RTU, Kota)

Percentage a) Passing the Examination : ……………………………………………………

b) Scoring above 60% :


(Please write how you intend to cover the syllabus: i.e. coverage of Units by lecturers, guest lecturers,
design exercises, solving numerical problems, demonstration of models, model preparation, or by
assignment, etc.)


3.1 Mid Term Examinations (MTE I & II)

3.2 Assignment / Semesters

3.3 Term End Examination

3.4 Others (Unit – Test Papers)

List out any new topic (s) or any innovation you would like to introduce in teaching the subject in
this semester –

Signature of Head of the Department Signature of Faculty

Year :2023-2024


Rajasthan Institute of Engineering Sem :2nd Sem

& Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU,

Guidelines to Study the Subject

1. First Step

Setting the high-level direction of the organization – namely the vision, mission and potentially
corporate values – is the overriding purpose of the visioning component. Visioning for your
company’s future has become an increasingly important element of corporate leadership. Companies
should plan 3 to 5 years into the future and involve as many key personnel in the visioning process
to foster a higher level of commitment and teamwork. In creating a corporate vision statement, the
primary goal should be to respond to how leadership sees the company evolving in the future.

2. Second Step

Developing the visioning aspects created and turning them into a series of high-level objectives for
the company, typically spanning 3-5 years in length, is the basis for objective setting. Strategic
objectives are the big-picture goals for the company: they describe what the company will do to try
to fulfill its mission. Having strategic objectives in place allows a company to measure its progress.
Clearly communicating these objectives to personnel ensures that everyone is focused on the
highest-priority tasks and is operating under the same assumptions about the company's future.

3. Third Step
This corporate strategy component refers to the decisions which concern the most efficient allocation of
human and capital resources in the context of stated goals and objectives. Resource allocation involves
planning, managing and assigning resources in a form that helps to reach a company’s strategic goals. In
an effort to maximize the value of the entire firm, leaders must determine how to allocate these resources
to the various businesses or business units to make the whole greater than the sum of the parts.
Year : 2023-2024

Rajasthan Institute of Engineering Sem : 2nd Sem
& Technology, Jaipur Subject: Corporate Strategy
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU,

The Schedule for the Course / Subject is :

S.No. Description/Units Expected Revision Total
Date of Date No. of
Completio Periods
1. Unit 1 27/2/24 4
Strategic Management: introduction, nature
& scope

2. Strategic decision making. Strategic Intent 28/2/24

through Vision and Mission Statements
3. Core Competencies of Business. Need for 4/3/24
explicit mission, Components of mission
4. Formulation of mission & objectives and 5/3/24
their specificity. Goals and Objectives of
5. Unit 2 6/3/24 3
Component of environmental scanning-
SWOT analysis, Scanning of Socio economic
6 Technological, Political environment, 11/3/24
Techniques for environmental analysis
7. Industry analysis: Porter’s approach, 18/3/24
Environmental threat & opportunity profile.
8. Unit 3 19/3/24 4
Factors of internal analysis; Marketing &

9. R&D & engineering, Production & 20/3/24

operations, Finance & accounting
10. Corporate resources & personal factors 26/3/24

11. Analyzing strengths & weaknesses of 27/3/24

enterprise (SWOT). Value chain analysis
12. Unit 4 1/4/24 5
Generic Business Strategies, Tactics for
Business Strategies
13. Business strategies for different Industry 2/4/24
Condition, Tools and Techniques for Strategic
14. Porter’s Five forces Model of competition. 10/4/24
SWOT analysis, McKinsey’s 7’s framework
15. GE-9 Cell Model, Bostan’s Consultancy 15/4/24
16. Components of Competitor Analysis, 16/4/24
Strategic Plan.
17. Unit 5 22/4/24 4
Grand Strategies –Stability, growth
18. Retrenchment & combination strategies- 23/4/24
19. Diversification, Integration, Merger, Take- 24/4/24
over and Joint Venture strategies
20. Turnaround – divestment and Liquidation 29/4/24
21. Unit 6 30/4/24 6
Nature of Strategic Implementation; Barriers
to strategy implementation
22. Interrelationship of formulation and 1/5/24
implementation Resource Allocation
23. Factors affecting resource allocation, Values, 6/5/24
Ethics and strategy
24. Social Responsibilities and Strategic 7/5/24
25. Corporate Governance – Introduction & 8/5/24
meaning, different stakeholders, ownership &
26. Governing board, governance issues, 13/5/24
governance & strategic implementation
27. Unit 7 14/5/24 3
An Overview and Nature of strategic
evaluation and Control
28. Importance of Strategic Evaluation, Barriers 15/5/24
in Evaluation
29. Strategic Control, Operational Control, 20/5/24
Techniques of strategic evaluation and control.
30. Unit 8 21/5/24 2
Opportunities and Challenges of operating
31. Strategy in a global context, Multinational 22/5/24
Total No. of Instruction period available for the course: Hours / Periods
Year: 2023-2024


Rajasthan Institute of Engineering Wise) Sem: 2nd Sem

& Technology, Jaipur UNIT – I to VIII
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU,

SR. Date No. of Topics / Sub – Objectives & Outcome Nos. Reference
NO. Periods Topics (Text Book,
1 4/3/24 4 Introduction of Strategic management covers the J. D.
strategic setting objectives for the company, Hungerand
keeping an eye on competitors' actions, T.L.
management reassessing the organization's internal Wheelen
structure, evaluating present-day
strategies, and affirming the
implementation of those strategies
throughout the company.
2 6/3/24 3 Environmental The primary aim of environmental
Scanning scanning is to find out the future
prospects of business organization. As a
significant resource to the management,
the Environmental Scanning Committee
enables the management to make
decisions from fundamental analysis of
historical events to estimate future
3 19/3/24 4 Internal Planning reduces uncertainty and
Environment indicates what everyone is expected to
accomplish. People are more likely to
Scanning work toward a goal they know and
understand. Plans set performance
standards. Planning defines desired
outcomes as well as mileposts to define
4 1/4/24 5 Strategy Strategy formulation involves selecting
Formulation- objectives and goals for each functional
area (marketing, production, finance,
Business research, and so on) and determining
Strategy the nature and sequence of actions to
be taken by each area to achieve its
objectives and goals. Programs are the
building blocks of the strategic functional
5 22/4/24 4 Strategy Strategy formulation is a critical phase in
Formulation- the strategic management process
where organizations define clear
Corporate objectives and develop a blueprint to
Strategy achieve them. It involves analyzing the
internal and external environment to
identify strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats (SWOT).
6 30/4/24 6 Strategy Strategy implementation is the process
Implementation used to ensure a strategic plan is
executed. It involves translating the
high-level goals and objectives outlined
in a company's strategic plan into
specific actions and initiatives that can
be carried out by employees at all levels
of the organization.
7 14/5/24 3 Evaluation and Strategic evaluation and control is the
Control process of determining the effectiveness
of a given strategy in achieving the
organizational objectives and taking
corrective actions whenever required.
Control can be exercised through
formulation of contingency strategies
and a crisis management team.
8 21/5/24 2 International International strategy is a business plan
Strategy or strategy created by a company to do
its business in international markets. An
International strategy requires analyzing
the International market, studying
resources, defining goals, understanding
market dynamics & develop offerings.

Signature of Faculty


Year : 2023-2024

Rajasthan Institute of Sem :2nd
Engineering & Technology,
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU,

On completion of this Subject / Course the students shall be able to:

S. No. Objectives Outcomes

Growth- A growth strategy is a plan or goal for the company to create Outcomes
considerable growth in different areas. It could refer to overall growth, are the measures
but it could also encompass only specific areas, such as sales, revenue, of success in an
following or company size. Companies can accomplish growth organization and
strategies through concentration or diversification. Concentration refers are the
to a company developing the core of its business, such as a bookstore cornerstone of
investing in selling more books. Diversification is when a company strategy
enters new markets to expand its business. planning.
Stability - Strategies refer to a company staying within its current A valid strategy
industry or market because it's already succeeding in its current will yield
situation. This strategy maintains the company's success by continuing growth, profit,
practices that work for the company. To do this, the company might or whatever
invest in areas in which they're doing well, such as customer other objectives
satisfaction. For example, the marketing team might create the managers
advertisements with coupons on them to send to customers to further have
improve customer appraisal. established..

3. Retrenchment- The retrenchment strategy encourages the company to A well-crafted

change paths to improve the business. This might mean switching and effectively
business models or changing markets. The goal of this is to reduce or executed
manage parts of the business that don't work for the company. A strategy can
company might achieve this by either switching the business's pathway lead
or by removing parts of the business. For example, if a product line is to increased
decreasing company sales, the product management team might market share,
remove the line to save profit. sustainable
growth, and
4. Reinvention- Reinvention strategies are when a company reinvents, or Identify
redesigns, an aspect of the business that may be old or irrelevant. The strategic
company might update it with new designs, technologies or products. practices for
To accomplish this strategy, a project manager could reinvent a managing
function by significantly changing a good or service. An example of employees and
this could be converting a physical store into an online store. their work.

Signature of Faculty


Note : For each of the OBJECTIVE indicate the appropriate OUTCOMES to be

Year :2023-2024

Rajasthan Institute of Engineering Sem : 2nd sem
& Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU,

Objectives – Outcome Relationship Matrix (Indicate the relationship by x mark).


Objectiv A B C D E F G H I J

Year :2023-2024


Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Sem :2nd

Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU, Kota)

Date of Assignment: 19/3/24

Date of Submission: 26/3/24.
This Assignment corresponds to Unit No. 1
Q.1 Define Strategic Management?
Q.2 What are ETOP and SWOT?
Q.3 What do you mean by Environment Scanning?
Q.4 Define an integration strategy?
Q.5 What is MCKINSEY’S 7S framework?

Signature of Head of the Department Signature of Faculty

Date Date
Year :2023-2024

Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Sem :2nd

Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU, Kota)

Date of Assignment: 15/4/2024

Date of Submission: 22/4/2024

This Assignment corresponds to Unit No. 2

Q1. Define different levels of strategy formulation?

Q2. Identify difference between CSR and Corporate Governance?

Q3. What do you mean by strategic control?

Q4. What is Strategic Audit?

Q5. What are the four types of international strategy?

Signature of Head of the Department Signature of Faculty

Date Date
Year :2023-2024

Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Sem :2nd

Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU, Kota)

Date of Assignment: 30/4/2024


Date of Submission: 5/5/2024

This Assignment corresponds to Unit No. 3

Q1. Differentiate between vision and mission?

Q2. Explain the term value chain analysis?
Q3. Discuss the various techniques of industry analysis?
Q4. Explain Porter’s business level strategies with examples?
Q5.Discuss the advantages and limitations of growth strategies with examples?

Signature of Head of the Department Signature of


Date Date
Year : 2023-2024

Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Sem : 2nd

Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU, Kota)

Date of Assignment:

Date of Submission:
This Assignment corresponds to Unit No. 4

Q1. Give a detailed account’s on various human resource activities that

contribute to an effective strategy implementation?

Q2. Discuss the process of strategic evaluation and control?

Q3. Discuss strategic organizing designs with suitable examples.

Q4. Explain the global strategy with examples?

Q5. How goals are different from objectives of business?

Signature of Head of the Department Signature of


Date Date
Year : 2023-2024

Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Sem : 2nd

Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU, Kota)

Date of Assignment: 21/5/2024

Date of Submission: 27/5/2024

This Assignment corresponds to Unit No. 5

Q1. Define Human resource management and explain its scope?

Q2. Discuss the leadership styles with examples which Indian managers follow?

Q3. What do you understand by controlling?

Q4. What are the various techniques of controlling the operations.

Q5. Discuss budgetary control in detail?

Signature of Head of the Department Signature of Faculty

Date Date

Year : 2023

Performance of Assignment
Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Sem : 1st
Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU, Kota)
S. Roll No. Student Name Grades Total
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5

1 23MRIXX601 Abhishek Choudhary P P P A P 4

2 23MRIXX603 Anjali Yadav P P P P P 5

3 23MRIXX604 Astha Sakarwal P A P P A 3

4 23MRIXX605 Gaurav Jaiswal P A A P A 2

5 23MRIXX606 Lokesh Sharma P P P P P 5

6 23MRIXX607 Mahendra Kumar P P P P P 5

7 23MRIXX608 Megha Sharma P P P P P 5

8 23MRIXX609 Gouri Kumawat P A P A P 3

9 23MRIXX610 Mukesh Kunwar P P P P P 5

10 23MRIXX612 Payal Singh P P P P P 5

11 23MRIXX613 Priyanka Kumari P P A A P 3

12 23MRIXX614 Sameer Falot A P A P A 2

13 23MRIXX615 Shraddha Naruka P P P P P 5

14 23MRIXX616 Sujeet Singh P A P P P 4

Signature Faculty Signature HOD

Year : 2023

Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Sem : 1st

Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU, Kota)

Date of Test:

This Unit Test corresponds to Unit No. 1

Q1. Distinguish between classical and Neo-classical theories of management?

Q2. Explain Managerial skills in details?

Q.3 Describe Managerial roles in detail?
Q4. Discuss the principles of scientific management and systems Theory of

Q5. How are these principles different from the contemporary thought of

Signature of Head of the Department Signature of Faculty

Date Date

Year : 2023

Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Sem : 1st

Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU, Kota)

Date of Test:
This Unit Test corresponds to Unit No. 2

Q1. What are the functions of management?

Q.2 Explain classical school of management in detail?
Q.3 Write a short note on: Contingency theory
Q4. Describe the contribution of Peter Drucker in the field of management?

Q5. In what respect have Fayol’s principles of management resulted in

contributions to management methods that are different from the techniques of
Taylor’s scientific management?
Signature of Head of the Department Signature of Faculty

Date Date

Year : 2023

Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Sem : 1st

Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU, Kota)

Date of Test:

This Unit Test corresponds to Unit No. 3

Q1. Discuss the steps involved in the planning process?

Q2. Discuss the different types of departmentation in organizations, giving
advantages and disadvantages of each departmentation?
Q3. Discuss the importance of communication in group decision making?
Q4. Discuss strategic organizing designs with suitable examples.
Q5. Write a short note on Selection.

Signature of Head of the Department Signature of Faculty

Date Date
Year : 2023

Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Sem : 1st

Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU, Kota)

Date of Test:

This Unit Test corresponds to Unit No. 4

Q1. What are the different types of plans?

Q2. Discuss the importance of interviews in the selection of suitable examples?
Q3.Discuss the various types of interviews used in selection?
Q4. Write a detailed note on Total quality Management?

Q5. Write a note on Entrepreneuring and Reengineering.

Signature of Head of the Department Signature of Faculty

Date Date

Year : 2023
Sem : 1st

Rajasthan Institute of Engineering &

Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU, Kota)

Date of Test:

This Unit Test corresponds to Unit No. 5

Q1. What are the various techniques of controlling the operations?

Q2. Discuss budgetary control in detail?

Q3. Define Human resource management and explain its scope?

Q4. Discuss ‘Decentralization’ with its advantages and disadvantages.

Q5. Why is it essential to create organizational structure and staff positions in


Signature of Head of the Department Signature of Faculty

Date Date

Year :2023

Unit – Test
Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Sem :1st
Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU, Kota)
S. Roll No. Student Name Grades Total
No. 100
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
(20) (20) (20) (20) (20)
1 23MRIXX601 Abhishek Choudhary 12 11 14 12 13 62

2 23MRIXX603 Anjali Yadav 13 A 14 16 A 43

3 23MRIXX604 Astha Sakarwal 10 12 A A 14 36

4 23MRIXX605 Gaurav Jaiswal 9 13 A 15 A 37

5 23MRIXX606 Lokesh Sharma 13 15 12 11 14 65

6 23MRIXX607 Mahendra Kumar 12 13 11 14 12 62

7 23MRIXX608 Megha Sharma 12 13 11 14 12 62

8 23MRIXX609 Gouri Kumawat 11 A 13 14 A 38

9 23MRIXX610 Mukesh Kunwar 12 14 16 13 14 69

Payal Sing
10 23MRIXX612 11 13 16 17 16 73

11 23MRIXX613 Priyanka Kumari 14 15 16 A 12 57

12 23MRIXX614 Sameer Falot A 13 9 10 A 32

13 23MRIXX615 Shraddha Naruka 14 16 13 15 16 74

14 23MRIXX616 Sujeet Singh A 14 15 A 17 46

Signature Faculty Signature HOD

I Mid Term examination

Session: 2023-24
MBA 1st Year (I Semester)
Subject with code: Fundamental Management (M-101)

Time: 1.5 hrs. M.M.:30

Instruction for students:
Question paper contains three sections. Sec A includes 5 Short answers type questions (up to
25 words) Sec B- contains 06 Questions out of which any 04 questions to be attempt by the
student (Analytical/Problem solving questions.). Sec C- contains 03 Questions out of which
any 02 questions to be attempt by the student (Descriptive /Design questions.)
Sec-A (5*1=5 Marks)
Q.1 What is Managerial role.
Q.2 What is an administrative management?
Q.3 What do you understand by the term planning?
Q.4 What is the meaning of management?
Q.5 Explain strategies.

Sec-B (4*2.5=10 Marks)

Q.1 Write a short note on Bureaucratic Management.
Q.2 What do you mean by concept of management?
Q.3 Write a short note on schools of management thought.
Q.4 What is the contribution of management thinkers of Peter Drucker?
Q.5 Explain policies and decision making of planning?
Q.6 What is Managerial skills? Explain.

Sec-C (2*7.5=15 Marks)

Q.1 What is the Contribution of Management Thinkers of Kautilya and Herbert Simon?
Q.2 What do you understand by management? Explain scope and significance of
Q.3 What are the Contingency Approach for understanding organizations? Explain.

II Mid Term examination

Session: 2023-24
MBA 1st Year (I Semester)
Subject with code: Fundamental Management (M-101)

Time: 1.5 hrs. M.M.:30

Instruction for students:
Question paper contains three sections. Sec A includes 5 Short answers type questions (up to
25 words) Sec B- contains 06 Questions out of which any 04 questions to be attempt by the
student (Analytical/Problem solving questions.). Sec C- contains 03 Questions out of which
any 02 questions to be attempt by the student (Descriptive /Design questions.)
Sec-A (5*1=5
Q.1 what is organizing?
Q.2 what is a span of management?
Q.3 what do you understand by Human Resource Management?
Q.4 what is the meaning of management?
Q.5 Explain decision making.
Sec-B (4*2.5=10 Marks)
Q.1 Write a short note on departmentation.
Q.2 what do you mean by organizing – Nature and Purpose?
Q.3 Write a short note on line and staff authority.
Q.4 what are the process of selection?
Q.5 Differentiate between Centralization and Decentralization.
Q.6 what is meant by Span of Management?
Sec-C (2*7.5=15 Marks)
Q.1 What are the objectives and strategies of planning. Explain?
Q.2 what do you understand by techniques of selection? Explain tests and interviews of
Q.3 what are the administrative management and bureaucratic management? Explain.

Year :2023

Mid Term Marks – I & II

Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Sem :1st
Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU, Kota)

S. Roll No. Student Name Marks

No. Average
Mid I Mid II

1 23MRIXX601 Abhishek Choudhary 24 24 24

2 23MRIXX603 Anjali Yadav 24 27 25

3 23MRIXX604 Astha sakarwal 26 A 13

4 23MRIXX605 Gaurav Jaiswal A A A

5 23MRIXX606 Lokesh Sharma 21 18 20

6 23MRIXX607 Mahendra Kumar 20 25 23

7 23MRIXX608 Megha Sharma 20 25 23

8 23MRIXX609 Gouri Kumawat 27 29 28

9 23MRIXX610 Mukesh Kunwar 24 23 24

10 23MRIXX612 Payal Singh Pramod 24 28 26

11 23MRIXX613 Priyanka Kumari 23 A 12

12 23MRIXX614 Sameer Falot 15 A 8

13 23MRIXX615 Shradha Naruka 24 18 23

14 23MRIXX616 Sujeet Singh 24 24 24

Year : 2023


Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Sem : 1st sem

Technology, Jaipur
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to RTU, Kota)

1. Subject: Fundamental Management Subject Code: M-101

2. Duration of Lesson: 45 Mins

S.NO. Topic: - ……Technical writing. Time Allotted

1. Introduction 45 min
Management is the life-giving and dynamic element in every
business because without it the resources of production (men,
machines and materials) cannot be converted into production.
Its role is to co-ordinate, integrate and bring together the
various elements of business (7m’s of business – viz, money,
men, material, machinery, management method and market)
for achieving business objectives.
2. Division Of the Topic 45 min
1. Basic Concepts of Management
2. Contribution of Management Thinkers
3. Fundamentals of Planning
4. Fundamentals of Organizing
5. Staffing
6. Directing and Leading
7. Controlling and Coordinating
8. Management Practices
3. Conclusion 15 min
Effective management is essential for the success of an
organization. Organizations can navigate the complexities of the
modern business landscape by adopting appropriate strategies and
leadership styles if they understand key management concepts,
theories, and functions.
4. Question/Answer/ Review
Q.1 Write a short note on Bureaucratic Management.
Q.2 What do you mean by concept of management?
Q.3 Write a short note on schools of management thought.
Q.4 What is the contribution of management thinkers of Peter
Q.5 Explain policies and decision making of planning?

Level of Difficulty (for faculty): Tough Moderate Easy

Teaching Aids: - Blackboard, Online modes
Teaching Points: - General rule or specific and results

Reference Readings: - APA (American Psychological Association) style

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